In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
Part 1
by AoifeM
Spring, 2012, Durango, Dinétah, The Free States:
There are many talks about the atrocities of Texas, the xenophobia of the Northern States, and the progressive mentality of Cascadia. Many broken parts of the former United States have been in the spotlight for things good or bad, but away from them lies a region on the map barely noticed in the international community. It’s been that way since they’ve established themselves 10 years ago. They called these lands the Free States- a society made mostly of refugees who fled from the neighboring countries whose mission was to persecute those who go Wyld. To those who lived here, the Free States meant freedom. To the other countries, “free” meant that if strong enough the states could be theirs for the taking.
However, we have another word for our land: Dinétah. It was located in the center of the nation, surrounded by the original states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. It was an old word, rejected from use a long time ago by our Navajo ancestors. They claimed that the name was the past, and the Navajo was the future. How ironic the past repeats itself.
What do I mean by that? Well of course, the Wyld, as they were called. So many legends amongst our people speak of mystical beings who came and blessed us with prosperity. So much of our cultural identity came back to the forefront. The stories of Diné Bahhane’, the creation of life. It tells of the first woman born on this world, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, the Changing Woman, who gave birth to the Hero Twins, and successfully eliminated the monsters of this Earth.
But who are monsters and who are diné? That was a difficult question for any of us to surmise. Some of us with gifts were not condemned as long as we remained human in appearance. Others, who took forms too hideous to describe were banished, forced to live out the days in the hot, unwavering desert. Much like everybody else, our religion was the basis of our law and order, and with that, we made our judgments. That which was once past legacy now is in the forefront of our society, and we embraced it wholeheartedly, even if it was looked down upon our Free State neighbors.
I was approaching 20 years of age. It is during this age that all peoples of the world begin their great journey that would ultimately decide my fate. This would determine whether I’d be diné or monster. However it had not come for me yet. And every day longer I wait as the paranoia gets harder to ignore.
My family could see the strain creeping within me. This too, was as hard on them as it was for me. They sought council with the Shaman of our village. It was our hope that maybe he could force the Wyld out of me.
Some people who believe in scientific reasoning would find the idea preposterous. Then again, I’m sure science can come up with a perfect explanation of the Wyld phenomenon as well. It’s been a major part of Navajo tradition. Rain dances, Powwows, to dance and chant to the spirits, the Diyah Dine'é, to assist us. Perhaps it would work. Who knows?
“So Nate,” my best friend, Shawna, began, “I heard that you were to visit the Shaman in hopes of finally revealing your Inner Self.”
Revealing your Inner Self is what they call turning Wyld. Shawna, although six months younger than me, already turned. As in fact I was there to witness it, as a flash of light enveloped her. Two wings of ocean blue hue outlined with fire red tips appeared upon her back, giving her the ability to fly. Likewise her feet turned into talons, much like an eagles. Many thought of her as a monster, but our Chief said otherwise, claiming her totem was that of the honorable Thunderbird, and all of its descendants should be revered and respected.
She would however prefer to live life as just plain Shawna.
“I don’t get it,” I replied. “Isn’t it everyone’s fate to go Wyld during their 19th to 20th years? You’ve already transformed, and you were barely of age! It’s starting to get to me, Shawna.”
Flying beside me she comforted me the best she could. “I’m sure it’ll happen sooner or later. You should enjoy the time you have right now.”
“And that’s what I worry about,” I admitted. “What if I turn into a monster? What if I grew six arms and razor sharp teeth and hide as hard as rock?”
“I think you’re getting a little carried away,” she claimed. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone being that unlucky.”
“Then how about just a winged demon cat with an insatiable lust for flesh and has to constantly hunt for her pray to keep from going all animalistic?”
She looked at me strangely and asked, “Have you been reading too many comic books again?”
Moving in front of her I grabbed her shoulders as she slowly landed. In all seriousness, I asked her, “If something were to happen. If I were to turn into some freak, would you still be there for me?”
She smiled as she put her arms around me. “Of course, Nate. Hey, maybe I can help you with your hunting. These wings do have their advantages.”
I gave a little chuckle as I added, “Must be fun being able to fly like that.”
“Sometimes,” She stated. “Anyway, I got to get going. I’ll catch you around!”
She flew off, adding to the intense envy I had of her. While she could avoid obstacles and get to her house in a few minutes flat, I had to navigate the streets, the pedestrians and the occasional barking dog.
Speaking of dogs, or at least something similar (I know how them crazy animal lovers get when trying to equate the two), I couldn’t help but realize out of the corner of my eye a coyote staring intently at my direction. Yet, it didn’t feel like it was an act of aggression. For some reason, I could almost sense he was lonely.
Lonely or not I couldn’t let it get around me. We lived two different lives. I didn’t know what diseases it could carry, or what panic it could bring.
I tried to shoo it off, but all it did was stare at me with his head cocked sideways, looking at me in confusion. I tried to get it to divert its attention by throwing a rock over his head, hoping he would run away in fear or at the very least go and fetch it. Instead it just remained.
“Stupid coyote,” I grumbled. I began to turn away from it, hoping he’d just stay there. Of course, as I walked the other direction he began to follow.
“Damn it!” I yelled. “Go away!”
I had to put up with him all the way home. These were times when having wings are handy. Shawna is way too lucky.
Slamming the door in front of him, I was finally able to separate myself from the coyote. I felt at ease for once. It made me real uncomfortable, staring at me like that.
Unfortunately it remained outside my house. My parents complained nonstop, but it just couldn’t leave. It’s considered taboo to harm a coyote, so if it didn’t want to budge, it couldn’t be helped. And in the middle of the night it sat outside my front door, howling as I tried to fall asleep. I had little success.
The day came sooner rather than later- the day I had my visit with the tribe’s Shaman. My father waited for me, as I adorned myself in the tribal gear of my ancestors. Gone were the clothes of everyday life, now I wore the outfit of a Navajo warrior. My mother finished applying the warpaint upon my face. With only a hairpipe breastplate hanging around my neck, and my pants covered in buffalo hide leggings, I was pretty much set to go. With my head held high, and my nervousness held in check, I made my way to the inner circle, where the Shaman waited for me there.
While walking in the Shaman, with his booming voice began.
“In the beginning there was darkness. From darkness spawned light, and from the light spawned the Diyin Dine’é, precursors to our people. From the light came First Man and First Woman, and Coyote and the First Angry. This world is referred to as the First World.
Together they traveled from one world to the next, bringing with them the knowledge from world’s past. Eventually they entered the Fourth World, the world of humankind. Such a world was filled with monsters, creatures which hid in darkness. First Woman and First Man, along with Diyin Dine’é, created the sun, moon, and stars we see today.
From the Third World First Man and First Woman brought forth the earth of the former six mountains. With assistance from Water Sprinkler and Fire Ye’ii the sacred mountains were reborn. And from pinnacle of the mountain Chʼá³olʼįÌʼá came darkness. First Man traveled there, and heard the crash of lighting, the pouring of rain. And yet, vaguely, he heard the cries of an infant child. What he found was the doll of a turquoise girl, the sky parted, and as he reconvened with the Gods 12 days later, near the summit of that very same mountain, a ceremony was performed, and from that doll the first human, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, was born.”
The old man stood up and walked to me. In a lower voice, he explained, “You see, you are like the turquoise doll. The Fourth World is coming to a close, and the Fifth World lies ahead. What lies within you is your own true being, the form you will take as you enter the new world. It is our duty, as keepers of Dinétah lore, to bring out your true form, and to truly see if you are worthy to make such a journey.”
He handed me a jug of water, or at the least I thought it was. “Drink this, so we can begin.”
Kneeling on the floor before him I heard the chanting of my family members as the ritual commenced. The Shaman blew grounded corn dust onto my face, causing me to wince a little. The war drum began to sound, creating a beat to dance to. And they all dance, chanting the name of our Gods, praying for them to release me from the shackles of my human form.
I started to feel myself let go. It was most likely the sounds of my people, whose rhythm put me into a trance. All my worries seemed to disappear. It was if I no longer had control over myself. My body was in my Shaman’s hands now.
Carrying a tanned leather tarp on his person, my father began to unfold it. It was big enough to cover someone as me. Thus was the grand finale.
Handing it over to the Shaman, the chant reached its crescendo. All I could see now was a whirlwind of color. I was starting to think that the drink I had wasn’t just water. But I felt good. Better than I ever had. Without noticing everything went black; the Shaman covered me with the tarp, and it took me a few seconds to realize this.
And it took me a while longer to realize the white flash of light that came afterwards wasn’t just a figment of my imagination.
As the tarp was removed from my body all I could hear the sound of stunned silence. And that only lasted temporarily as my mother pierced it with a deafening shriek.
Did I…become a monster? I thought to myself.
If only it was that simple. It only took the blunt words from my dad to help me realize the severity of my situation. “She is a woman!”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
Part 2
by AoifeM
I sat kneeled before my encircled family, who were just as stunned as I was. My eyes were investigating every last inch of me, from my delicate arms to the two new breasts, teasing my audience as my nipples peeked out from the sides of my hairpipe breastplate. And yet the first words anyone said to me post transformation wasn’t ones of comfort or sympathy, but rather ones of reprimand.
“Cover yourself up!” My mother had the audacity to scream. “You’re showing!”
My jaw fell agape. I immediately countered, “I’ve turned from a boy to a girl for only 10 minutes and you’re complaining about my…my…!” I couldn’t say breasts. It was all too much to deal with.
My father wrapped the ceremonial tarp around me, covering up my new assets and help lead me to the car. I wanted to cover my face, or perhaps even just close my eyes and pray I could disappear. I felt like I was under the spotlight, and deathly afraid that the whole world would notice my new condition. All I thought about as I made my way home was, this can’t be real! This can’t be real! I just hope I was hallucinating, and hopefully when I’m back to normal I could chastise myself for even thinking such unthinkable thoughts.
But that wasn’t the case. I was a woman, for now, and for the foreseeable future.
It didn’t take long for the rumors to begin. Young Nate Redbone turned into girl. Nate was punished by the Shaman. Nate became some sex crazed bimbo. Nate’s looking for potential new suitors.
I just remained in bed. Blinds shut, covered entirely in sheets. I really didn’t want to see myself, as all it did was make for a frightful reality check. And with all these rumors circling about, it just made my situation even more repulsing.
Late one evening I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Opening it was my younger sister, Haylie. She was 17, obviously a few years away from her own transformation. Seeing what I went through made her extremely nervous about her own future, but right now she didn’t want to focus on herself. She knew right now I needed someone to support me. These times weren’t the most pleasant.
“Hey there…bro,” she said halfheartedly. She pretty much knew that classification wouldn’t stick on me any longer.
“Hi Haylie,” I replied with my soprano voice. Even after a few days the sound of my voice still gets to me.
“How are you feeling?” She asked, knowing full well how I was taking all of this.
“Like a girl,” I replied, “I guess…”
“This must really suck,” she said, trying to sympathize with my plight.
“It’s funny,” I started. “Here I was worried about whether I’d become a monster; some sort of freak. And never once did it cross my mind that I could possibly change gender.”
“It’s not something that typically happens, so I’ve heard,” she explained, “but I’ll do what I can to help you get comfortable! I swear!”
“Maybe something to knock me into a coma or something,” I sarcastically joked.
She didn’t want to hear that as she rushed up to me and grabbed my hand. “Don’t talk like that, Nate,” she pleaded, “I may have lost a brother, but I won’t lose you too!”
“Hale,” I softly said. I guess I didn’t know how bad she was having it herself. “I’m sorry. This isn’t easy to just accept.”
“I’m not like mom,” She declared. “I won’t force things on you. When you’re ready to take your first steps I’ll be there.”
I couldn’t be mad at her. I gave her my first sisterly kiss on her neck and told her, “Thanks Hale.”
My sister was my only friend during these times. My father seemed to have withdrawn a little as well. I'm sure my father was disappointed he just lost his only son. And my mother, well, she seems to be annoying me even more than usual, trying to push things onto me that I had no desire of doing. Haylie and I however had gotten quite a bit closer since the change. When I was a boy, we were a sibling rivalry, and picked on each other quite often. Now she was my closest friend, and coach. Perhaps she felt sorry that I had to lose everything I was. This was a punishment that she wouldn’t wish on her worst enemy, let alone her brother.
She would often see me once she got home from class. She wasn’t taking it well either. Most of her classmates would tease about my misfortune about how she wasn’t the prettiest of the family and whatnot. Hey, it’s not like I asked for this!
Of course she also held on to some of her “brat” tendencies as well. I guess that was to be expected. She began to call me “Natalie,” much to my chagrin. So much for forcing things on me. Then again I think that it was part of her devious plan. She would bother me until I just gave up and go with it. So ended the life of Nate Redbone, and began the life of Natalie Redbone.
But of course what she did wasn’t anything close to the embarrassment my mother would do. I was lying in bed for too long one morning, and she was obviously tired of my moping around. I was going to learn to be a girl the hard way.
All it took was the cold splash of water from mother’s wash bucket to force me awake. Startled I got tangled in the covers and fell face first onto the floor below.
My nightshirt a mess my biggest fear was my nipples showing through like a sore thumb. Please don’t stick out, please don’t stick out, I pleaded to myself. It was to no avail though. My body seemed to have made a decision without regard for my feelings.
“No daughter of mine will lay around all day with the lack of decency for her personal hygiene!” She began to pull me by the ear to the bathroom, getting a firsthand experience of shaving my legs, cleaning my hair and other feminine skills. It almost made me wish I would’ve taken Haylie’s offer when she first gave me the chance.
She borrowed some of Haylie’s clothes as she watched me put them on. The embarrassment of the whole thing was only worse with her standing right near me. Luckily in terms of body shape Haylie and I were similar, so other than perhaps a little tightness within the bra area I was good to go. At least I didn’t have to try on more than I had to.
I was then prodded downstairs, with Haylie watching all of the commotion.
“Okay, okay!” I yelled at mom, just wanting a minute of respite.
“Haylie,” she commanded, “Go spend some time with your sister. She needs to get out.”
She nodded as my sadistic mother headed back upstairs. Haylie couldn’t help but wonder as she saw me, “Are those my clothes?”
My cheeks red I couldn’t help but apologize. “Eh, heh…It was mom’s idea.”
She rolled her eyes about that one, but at least was kind enough to not to have me describe every single detail of the horrible experience that had befallen me. “Do they fit okay?” She asked, obviously seeing how I was constantly rearranging my boobs even right in front of her.
“Other than the…bra,” I hesitantly replied, even though I was stating the obvious. I’d rather not be wearing one at all. “How do you girls where these things?”
“Well, you most likely need a slightly bigger one,” she assumed, “You are 2 years older than me, after all.”
“Great,” I quipped, as I rolled my eyes similar to how Haylie did. It was amazing almost how identical we were with some of our gestures now that we shared the same gender. It kind of freaked me out how everything was so instinctual, like I didn’t even realize how I was acting until I did it. And it was hard to micromanage every detail, so sooner or later I would slip, and that little bit of Haylie in me would come out from hiding once again.
Having not much choice, we decided to head outside and wander around for a bit. I didn’t have any clue where I’d want to go at the moment. Honestly if I could I’d stay back inside my nice little cocoon I had at home, but with my mom I didn’t really have a lot of choice. I’d rather avoid contact at all possible…
“Nate?” I heard from overhead.
…Of course, it’s pretty difficult avoiding contact when you’ve become the new girl on the block.
Shawna landed right in front of us, staring at awe at the sight she was witnessing. “Is that you?” She asked me still unable to believe it.
“…Yes,” I replied, wishing I didn’t have to be the bearer of my own bad news. “It’s me.”
“It’s Natalie now,” Haylie chided, not making things any better.
I saw her eyes tear, which in turn made me tear up as well. “Oh Nate!” she cried as she fell into my arms and wrapped me inside the warm embrace of her wings. It was probably the best feeling I’ve had since becoming a girl.
She released me, and stated. “I’ve heard all the rumors. I didn’t want to believe it was true! I’m so sorry!”
“…It’s okay,” I said, more worried about consoling her than myself at this point. "Not all the rumors are true. You can be rest assured I'm not some sex crazed floozy." I dropped my head and sighed. "Not like that's much of a consolation."
“It’s been kind of rough for the both of us,” Haylie added. “And our mom hasn’t been making his…her life any easier.”
“I don’t know how she can just flip a switch like that,” I confessed, “It’s been a week and she’s treating it all like Nate never existed.”
“I can see how that would be difficult,” Shawna agreed. “I guess that the whole Wyld phenomena can desensitize people from things like this.”
“No kidding,” I replied, “It’s not like I wanted to wear anything like this.”
“Well,” Shawna digressed, “If it makes you feel any better I think it looks good on you.”
“Ummm,” I started as my cheeks resumed turning red, “thanks, I think?”
“So you’re being called Natalie now?” She wondered.
“Mostly by my sister here,” I said as she razzed me. “It seems to be gaining popularity within my family lately however.”
“Do you like it?” She further questioned.
“Do I have a choice?” I retorted.
“Well, of course you do!” She answered. “But, if you did like it, I wanted to know if I could call you that now? Just to help you out?”
What’s with people these days? Is everyone trying to get rid of Nate?
Indifferently I replied, “Go nuts.” Although I probably wouldn’t have admitted it, even I felt weird being called Nate.
And so we continued to talk as we continued to walk around town. All these stares, particularly from the guys, were getting to be very nerve wracking. At least Shawna was there, threatening to claw their eyes out if they kept on looking at me like that. I was at least thankful she’s there, helping me.
We didn’t walk too much further until we were greeted by yet another companion.
“What’s that Coyote doing running all the way over to us?” Shawna asked.
It couldn’t be. It was that same Coyote from a few nights back, who followed me to my house and never would shut up. Apparently even with my changed gender he could recognize me.
“Oh man,” I whined as I involuntarily rolled my eyes once again, “It’s that same Coyote that had followed me home after you left that day, Shawna.”
Now right in front of me Shawna kneeled down and gave it a little petting. “I don’t know,” she began, “It seems kind of friendly.”
“You didn’t have to listen to it yap all night,” I sourly remarked.
You must run!
What the? Did I just hear something?
They’re coming for you Princess! They wish to fulfill the prophecy under their own terms!
I was getting a little paranoid. “You guys hear something?”
Both Haylie and Shawna looked at me as if I was crazy. But I could hear it as clear as day, and it was coming directly from the Coyote in front of me.
Please, I could hear as he pleaded his case, you have just awaken and don’t know the full extent of your powers. You’re outnumbered now. Please, escape!
I should have been more proactive in heeding his advice, because in the few minutes I stood here confused at what was happening, the “enemy” who was “chasing” after me finally caught up to me. Women who had woven Navajo blankets wrapped around them as a traditional makeshift dress surrounded us. I was kind of worried about what was going to happen as they began to spin around us in circles. Was this some ancient cult ritual or something?
Then something weird occurred. They began to shower me in flower petals. I didn’t know whether to be worried or insulted. If these were the people the Coyote told me to escape from, then he needed to take a chill pill.
And yet there he was right beside me, eyes alert and his teeth snarling. He knew something I didn’t. But it didn’t take too long for everything to come together.
The shaman who presided over my change just a few days prior stepped forth, covered in body point and dressed in what seemed like bone carved remains of long dead animals. He took one look at me and kneeled, making the following statement:
“Oh great Princess AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, returned to us from the dead. How long we have waited. Finally we can transcend this mortal coil. Please guide us poor, insignificant souls into are new tomorrow. Please guide us Diné to the Fifth World.”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
The legend of the birth of the Changing Woman, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, was quite similar to the ritual that took place with me. Of course times change and the materials used might have been different, but the process was indeed the same. The Shaman was right- I was at the time an awful lot like the turquoise doll that held the Changing Woman’s spirit. And as they threw the tanned leather hide over me much like when First Man threw the buckskin over the doll, my true form was released, and I became Natalie.
It was kind of funny the similarities with our names as well: Ná¡dleehé, Natalie. Seems like the modern day equivalent. But to be her reincarnation seemed a little absurd. The similarities ended at my transformation. For what I know, at least for the few weeks I’ve been Wyld, was I didn’t change age when I traveled, or change seasons abruptly for that matter.
And honestly I believed the whole ritual meant nothing. I’ve seen many rituals in my day by my cousins and other family members. My oldest sister, Salia, also had a late change, and also had it preformed under the same ritual. Her change wasn’t so dramatic; physically she remained quite the same. Her change enabled her control over the ebb and flow of water. Of course because of us living in a desert, that gift was taken advantage of by so many of our people, treating her like a human dowsing rod. As a result she got fed up and left. Now she is a high ranking official at the Nation’s capitol building in Phoenix, and one of the most prominent activists in the fight to modernize the culture of the Dinétah state.
Looking back at her now, I can see why she left. At first I thought I was going to be harassed by mobs of mobs of people. I know kids my age, and even the slightest sign of weakness would be pounced upon and rubbed into your face until you’ve finally broken down and defeated.
No this was the exact opposite. They were bowing to me, groveling even. I could hear the people, particularly the elderly who still held our traditions close to heart, pleading, “Help us!” and “Free us from our humanly bonds!” You may think this was a fantastic twist of fate, but to me, these feelings were just as uncomfortable as the ones of hate and bullying I was initially preparing for.
I went along with it however. I didn’t know what else to do at the moment. Perhaps the Shaman knew more about me; about I’ve become. Or maybe it was the voice I heard, coming from that strange Coyote. Perhaps they are dangerous, and perhaps, even if it was for the safety of my friends, I needed to go with it…at least for now.
I was led by the Shaman into his Beedezah Hogan, the same building in which my ceremony was performed. That was where I was separated from my friends, who were almost restrained forcefully by the escorts behind us.
I watched as I saw Haylie and Shawna both struggle to break free. I wanted to run over and help them, but my own escort had a firm grip on my wrist, and I found it impossible to let go. Obviously my lack of physical strength was another disadvantage I had to get used to.
I yelled at my friends, hoping to give them some reassurance. “Don’t worry!” I cried, “I’ll be okay!” With those last words I was dragged inside, and the door was closed behind me. With my escort standing outside, blocking my way out, I knew I was in deep trouble.
It was just me and the Shaman.
“Oh great Goddess,” he began, “You don’t know how long I’ve searched trying to find you! So many rituals I have performed; some had succeeded, some had failed. And with each success I prayed that the next diné we would uncover would be you. And now…”
I really couldn’t understand it. Yes, I turned into a girl. But was that really all that was needed for him to claim I’m some reincarnation of a long lost Goddess? I mean, what made me different from all the other poor women who went Wyld?
“What makes you think I’m her?” I asked in a blunt manner. “What makes me AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé?”
“Why, it’s the smell,” I heard to the right of me as a rather suave, elegant man stood right at the end of the hallway. He slowly began to look me over, and for some peculiar reason, began to sniff me, really making me feel uneasy.
“Oh yes, Hatalii,” He refered to the old Shaman, “There is no doubt in my mind. This creature is too perfect to be anything short of a Goddess.”
If that was supposed to be a compliment, I didn’t receive any of the good vibrations from it. It only made me feel more uneasy as his repugnant aura only sent chills up my spine.
He continued to walk around me slowly, almost like a serpent coiling around its prey before strikes it for the kill. Without any pauses he began to recite a passage of the Diné Bahane’. “I am male and you are female. I am of the sky and you are of the earth. I am constant in your brightness, but you must change with the seasons. I remember how you willingly let me enter you and how you gave birth to your sons, enduring pain to bring them into the world. Do you remember, child? Those words you spoke many moons ago?”
He was reciting the story of the reunion of the Changing Woman and Sun, Já³honaaʼéá, word for word, the only difference was from the recital’s point of view. Did he think he was Já³honaaʼéá? Did he really believe he was reincarnated as well?
“As different as we are,” he continued, “we are of one spirit. As dissimilar as we are, you and I, we are of equal worth. As different as we are, there must be solidarity between us. There can be no harmony in the universe unless there is harmony between us. If there is to be harmony, my request must matter to you. There is to be no more coming from me to you than there is from you to me.”
He came to a stop and placed his cold, pale white hand upon my shoulder. The unnerving feeling I got from him finally peaked, and instinctively I leaped up and fell forward, looking at him as I saw the nothingness that reflected from his eyes.
All he would do is laugh coldly as he saw the fear build in me. “Don’t be afraid, my dear!” he exclaimed. “This was predestined! It was fate that brought us back together! What is the sun without its seasons? Can you not see it is I, Já³honaaʼéá?”
Okay, I thought to myself, I’m surrounded by a bunch of loonies. I mean, religion is great and all, but let’s be serious! I’m not his woman, and this shit is really messing with his concept of reality.
“It was indeed your fate,” the Shaman interrupted. “We are nothing if we aren’t weak, simple humans, needing to be guided. The Earth is going through another metamorphosis, much like the changes we witness from our own. There is too much confusion; we go on, fighting among ourselves without any concept of ‘good’ or ‘evil’.”
Sure, people have become very messed up over the years, but when haven’t they? My tribe was just as persecuted as the Wyld were today, all because of people’s misconceived notions. Hell, every country, every culture, every people, has been both oppressed and oppressors. Yet people do grow. We even got a state to call our own, even though our neighbors find some of our culture’s workings backward, even to this day. What would they gain by doing this?
“We Diné need your guidance, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé,” the Shaman pleaded. “With you, and Já³honaaʼéá, together once more, we can guide our people into our new lives. We can finally enter the Fifth World.”
“…And,” the man who thinks he’s Já³honaaʼéá added. He kneeled before me and gently put his hand on my stomach. He didn’t need to say anything as his body language was a dead giveaway.
“You’re fuckin’ crazy!” I yelled as I jumped to my feet. There’s one thing about being some cult for the mentally insane. It’s another for wanting to get some helpless maiden- me, pregnant!
“This too, is fate, my dear,” the Shaman continued. “Much like times old the world is also infected with monsters. Such vile creatures. Ones who cannot be defeated alone.”
Já³honaaʼéá spoke softly, “Do not fight it, my love. It is our duty. The twins you shall bear will be as strong as they were when we first settled on this world.”
I ran as far as I could down the hallway. I was hoping somewhere there might be a window or back door I could perhaps escape from. There was nothing.
It didn’t take long for Já³honaaʼéá to catch up with me. I wanted to evade him, but he was unbelievably fast. He swiftly scooped me up and carried me over to the bedroom. I feared I was about to live out a woman’s worst nightmare.
I struggled hoping to break free, but it only made him angry as he smacked my face. The force was stronger than any ordinary strike. The blow was enough to cause a concussion, and I was struggling trying to keep myself awake.
But there wasn’t much I could do. I was defenseless, I didn’t know anything about my Wyld powers, and worst of all no one would save me. I couldn’t even so much as brace for the inevitable.
“Stop!” I heard screaming from beyond the door. Suddenly Já³honaaʼéá released me from his grasp, putting me temporarily at ease.
“What is the meaning of this, Hatalii?” he demanded, obviously not thrilled at the Shaman’s interference.
“The vows must be reaffirmed before one can procreate,” he explained. “The children of this woman must be pure. We must hold a ceremony and reestablish your roles as God and Goddess to our people.”
“This is getting frustrating,” he snorted. “Very well, old man. Have it your way. One more day is but pittance from the length of time I had to wait.”
Then he glanced at me, his eyes enraged like fire, and lowly said, “And you. You won’t deny me my birthright!”
He stormed out of the bedroom, with the Shaman following behind him. Closing the door behind me, I tried, desperately to stand up and run out of the room. My equilibrium imbalanced I stumbled to the door, only to find that they successfully locked me out from the other side.
I was trapped, alone, and worried about what lied ahead for me. My eyes kept getting heavier and heavier as the darkness kept creeping in. I couldn’t fight it any longer as my conscious drifted from me, and I passed out.
I found myself in an open field, surrounded by tall amber strands of wheat and grass. Sitting up I didn’t take me long to realize I was completely naked. Yet the prospect didn’t frighten me. As in fact I felt wonderful, as if I was being cuddled by the warm graze of Mother Nature’s loving arms.
The true worry was the complete silence. There wasn’t any sight of life; no wild animals or humans within my eye’s distance. It was more awkward than being in my birthday suit, with no idea how I got here.
“Hello?” I shouted, as the echoes seemed to carry throughout the area. Was I dreaming?
Something within me told me to look up to the sky. At its highest point was a glimmering, shining star, sparkling like a flawless diamond. At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but upon further observation, I could see that star was getting closer, like an elevator. And if my premonitions were correct, it was bound to come to a stop on my level.
As it got closer I realized that this wasn’t just any shiny star. Within in its bright luminescence was a young Native American girl, around my age and just as naked as me. Looking at her further I couldn’t help but realize this girl looks similar to me!
She remained levitating in front of me. Who was this lady?
“You do look quite a lot like me,” she began. “Perhaps in another life we could pass as sisters.”
“Who are you?” I asked her, feeling like I was in presence of a Goddess.
“I am AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé,” she answered me. “We have much to discuss.”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
I travelled along with my new companion as we reached a beautiful green forest. I didn’t know what to think about her. I was enamored and yet nervous by her presence. I knew I was dreaming, yet, could this be something more?
“Are you really AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé?” I asked. I began to turn to her only to receive a fruit as it impacted my face.
“What do you think?” she responded with a playful grin on her face.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “From what I was taught I never knew you to be quite the prankster.”
“Those stories kinda are boring, aren’t they?” She quipped. “Can’t act all serious all the time, ya know? Makes life dull.”
“I guess I can agree with you there,” I concurred. “But if you’re AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, then what does that make me?”
“Well, duh!” she said if it I was missing the obvious. “It’s not like everyone doesn’t share my bloodline or whatever! You have a piece of me just like everyone else!” She began to stare at my nude body intently, adding, “And I must say that part of me seems to really show in you. You look hawt!”
I instinctively used my hands to cover my naughty bits from her view, even though it was kind of hopeless considering there was no clothes in sight.
“Hehe,” she giggled, “Now you’re getting bashful?”
I lowered my defenses. There were more important things than to get worked up over this.
“Look, Nattie,” she began, “I can call you that, right? Listen, I know you aren’t thrilled about being a girl. And I know you didn’t sign up to be some trophy piece for some perverse rendition of our people’s religion. But there is one thing that they said that is very true. You are very special. You can lead our people, no, not just our people, but people of all races, genders, and creeds, both Wyld and human. That is possible. But not like this.”
“But how?” I asked. “I’m kind of defenseless against these guys, if you hadn’t noticed.”
“Huh, nope,” she teased, “but don’t you worry your sweet little head! You just leave your escape to me! In the meantime, try not to get on their bad side again. That bump on your head doesn’t really help matters. Plus it doesn’t go well with the rest of your succulent little body. Gotta keep that complexion in tip top shape, some girls aren’t so lucky, you know?”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes after that comment. Still, she’s right. I couldn’t afford to lose consciousness like this again. I had to stay alert, and when there was a chance to escape, take it. Meanwhile I’ll just go with flow reluctantly…for now.
“If I make it through all of this, I don’t suppose we’ll meet again, will we?” I asked. I didn’t know why, but it felt good just being around her.
“Hey, like I said,” she began answering, “You are a part of me. I’m sure we’ll meet up again very soon!” We both embraced in a hug as we told our goodbyes.
With her head lying on my shoulders she whispered, “Now, little Nattie, it’s time you…GET UP!”
That shook me awake.
Getting up I didn’t realize I was under was under the covers and dressed in a frilly nightgown, surrounded by what looked like a trio of older looking ladies, all of whom seemed to be if I were to put my finger on it, my servants.
…Yep, should’ve probably not have passed out. Look where it’s got me.
“Oh, great lady!” One of my servants began. “Blessed that you have returned from your long slumber!”
Great, I thought to myself as I habitually followed with the roll of my eyes. Damn it if this wouldn't be a difficult habit to break.
To the left of me was the second of the three ladies, completing the finishing touches of what appeared to be a traditional Navajo Manta. It didn’t take me long to realize whose body that cloth would be wrapped around- mine.
The first servant turned my attention back to her. “We haven’t much time, my dear. Your man awaits your arrival. We mustn’t keep him waiting any longer.”
That man…ugh. I wish I never had to see that bastard’s face again. To believe I was almost… All I could do was shake my head, and be thankful he didn’t go through with it.
It still didn’t change my feelings for the man, however. I don’t know what great “plan” AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé had, but she better think of something quick. I had no plans of being this creep’s wife.
It’s so funny. Why am I putting faith into this? After all, wasn’t it just a dream? A rather convincing dream, to say the least, but it was a dream nonetheless. Being concussed probably could do those things to you. What made me believe that was the “true” AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, and not just a figment of my imagination?
I was literally putting my life in the hands of something I couldn’t truly prove was real. Maybe I’m starting to become as crazy as the ones who were holding me captive. That was a pleasant thought…not!
Sadly that’s all I had left however; just me and my irrational thoughts, praying, hoping that they weren’t some cruel hoax I made up.
The first two ladies were in the process of fitting me into my unofficial “wedding dress”, the traditional Navajo Manta. I didn’t even understand what was so complicated about the damn thing- it was just a blanket! Yet they seemed so determined to tighten it around my torso to accentuate my curves and make it the most unbearable piece of clothing to be worn ever. With the sash tying the Manta in place they finally let me go. It was so suffocating I could almost imagine a corset being more comfortable!
Then entered the third of the old ladies, carrying my wedding naja- a squash blossom necklace made with silver and adorned in gems of turquoise. “Only the best for our princess,” she declared.
They proceeded to adorn my body in precious jewelry: the necklace, along with match sets of silver and turquoise bracelets and earrings were endowed on my person. I had my ears pierced back when I was still Nate, and I never could have thought that those ears would be wearing something so elegant, or girly for that matter.
“You are a stunning vision, my lady,” The first servant commended. “Já³honaaʼéá would no doubtingly agree.”
Please don’t remind me.
“We must make haste!” The final servant implored me. “Your husband awaits!”
Ugh? Why me?
Exiting from the log house made immediately made me realize I wasn’t in Durango anymore. I was somewhere else entirely, yet the surroundings were obvious I soon as I noticed the platform in the distance. This was the old Four Corners National Park. Once it was a very marketable part of the Navajo economy; seeing the White Man pay exorbitant prices just to stand on the corners of four states. However, since our recent statehood the novelty has worn off. It seemed like the Shaman had plans for the place, however. Now it became the altar of my wedding- the very wedding I wanted no part of.
And on that altar indeed were the Shaman, and “Já³honaaʼéá,” each looking at me like an object, just some pawn towards a bigger goal. For the Shaman, that was transcendence into some “Fifth World,” or some garbage. The other one I hadn’t a clue, but I knew it wouldn’t be good, the evidence still lies on the edge of my forehead, although the knot had shrunk quite a bit since then.
Slowly I made my way to the altar, my legs shaking not only because of my tightly bound Manta dress inhibiting my movements, but also because of the fear that was quickly rising to the surface. Please, I thought to myself. Please, please be real, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé. Please don’t be just a figment of my imagination. You’re my only hope now.
I browse the crowd who gathered for this auspicious occasion. They seemed lifeless, almost in a trance, and as pale as a Native American could get. I wanted to see my family. Anyone would do; Haylie, my dad. Hell, I wouldn’t mind if it was my mother for that matter, regardless of how annoying she could be. Just wanted someone, anyone, to come and take me away from this place.
I stepped up to the altar above me, and for some odd reason the Shaman came up to me and offered up two ears of corn. “I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, child,” He commented. “Do not eat twin ears of corn or you will have twins. Of course I don’t see the harm in that. In ages past your twin sons did accomplish so many great things. I can’t foresee anything less from the ones you’ll bear in the future.”
Reluctant I took the cobs from him. He saw me, obvious resistant on taking part of some inane ritual. With increasing impatience he directed me once again. “Eat!”
Honestly I didn’t believe in such superstition. It’s just the principle of it all, like I had no right to decide what I wanted to do with my body, even down to the very last detail. Still I suppose it could at least delay this faux-wedding, even if it was for just a little while longer. So I decided to just go with it and took a bite from both ears of corn. Hopefully I was right about the whole superstition thing and it wouldn’t come back to bite me in the ass later.
Ecstatic the Shaman turned to his captive audience and shouted, “The ceremony has begun!” The crowd responded with a coordinated cheer, and slowly I felt my hope begin to drain. I was running out of time.
I stood in front of my worst enemy. I hadn’t been a girl for a whole month yet and he quickly made it the most unpleasant experience. I swear if I ever get out of this he’ll get his. I never made a promise I didn’t keep, and I always get even with those who mess with me.
He could see the burning anger inside me, and he gave me a rather smug look like he was enjoying it. Bastard.
“You find this a little unnecessary don’t you?” He whispered. “Believe me, I truly agree. The whole “Sun God and Changing Woman nonsense, it’s all just some fairy tale. But, whatever. If this appeases your people I suppose I can play the part. Anything for my revenge.”
Finally he was beginning to talk some sense, even though it still didn't change the fact he was crazy. “I don’t know anything about your past, or what you’re planning revenge on,” I conceded, “but I refuse to be treated like a piece of meat. I’m not a pawn in your game!”
“Well, you don’t have to be,” he replied. “For a man turned woman you do have such unbelievable beauty. You could always rule with me willingly.”
“Get bent!” I yelled. After all that he’s done, there would be no turning sides. I’d rather die than just willingly “go with it.”
His grin just got bigger as he turned his attention to the Shaman, who was still basking in the audience’s glow. “We’re wasting time,” he stated grimly. “Let’s get on with it, Hatalii!”
“Ah yes,” The Shaman agreed and he walked over to begin reciting vows. Standing in front us, his voice boomed. “Joyous is the day of our people! The rebirth of our two great Gods, who stand right before us! This day will be remembered amongst the Diné people! This evening, we reunite AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé with her companion, Já³honaaʼéá. With their infinite wisdom and guidance, together they shall lead us to the new world, a utopia unscarred and unblemished!”
I could see the in the imposter’s eyes his growing impatience. The Shaman also realized this, and got to the point.
“My Lord,” he began to speak to him, “I’m sure you already know the rites of marriage belongs to the lady. She is the deciding factor of her life. Her inheritance, her land, her royal title and the titles that she will pass on to her offspring as the generations move on, those are hers and hers alone. Thus is the ways of our people.”
I had one wild card and I didn’t even think about it! The Navajo traditionally were a matrilineal society. It was the women who traditionally owned the land, and all the possessions within it. And it was theirs to do with as they wish. Which meant I and only I could decide to go through with the marriage, not him. I’m surprised that the Shaman was that deep into tradition that he would actually give me the authority to ruin his grand plans.
Of course, that’s if “Já³honaaʼéá” would let me. I know of his power, and it didn’t seem as if he cared whether or not he had to get my permission by force if need be.
I mulled it all over. I said I would rather die than marry him, but did I really? Even though I was a girl, I still loved life. I can grow to accept myself like this, if need be. But to die like this? I just didn’t know if I could do it. I’m not a martyr!
My continued silence caused “Já³honaaʼéá’s” rage to boil over. “Say it,” he demanded. I could see the fire in his eyes. I stood steadfast however. I didn’t know if I was being brave or reckless, but I just couldn’t say yes. It went against everything I believed in.
He immediately grabbed my wrists tightly in a violent matter and raised his voice. “Say it!” he cried. “Say i-“
I saw smoke rise from below. It originated from my wrists where he was grabbing. His hands were beginning to blister! Then I realized, could it be my bracelets?”
“Aaaaarggh!” he growled as he released his grasp, yelping from the pain. There was my chance. I made my escape, as most of the audience was more concerned with the health of “Já³honaaʼéá.”
I ran as hard as my little feet could take me. All of a sudden I could hear a familiar voice from up above.
“Up here!” She cried. It was Shawna. And with her talons she quickly grabbed a hold of my shoulders. With no hesitation she shouted, “Hold on!” and she began to lift me from the ground, flying me to safety.
I was free. Thank the Gods…or rather thank the Goddess.
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
(This takes place without Natalie's involvement, therefore this chapter will be in the third person.)
Aftermath of Natalie’s escape:
“Aargh!” The man who had been called “Já³honaaʼéá” screamed. His hands were badly damaged. The crowd obediently came to his aid.
The Shaman, however wasn’t so willing. “You…are not Já³honaaʼéá,” the Shaman finally realized. “Explain yourself, monster!”
Still groaning in pain, his anger turned to sadistic laughter. Calming down, he stated, “You know how many people called me that? Monster! As if I was less than human. And what does that make you, worshipper of monsters?”
Shocked by such an accusation he responded. “Your deception may have fooled me. Perhaps I was too zealous in my foresight, desperate to deliver my people from the bonds of oppression. I will take full responsibility for my lack of judgment. However let it be known I will be a worshipper of your kind. You are a blight on this world, and must be dealt with.”
“…You’re no different,” he countered. “Christians, Pagans. Always playing the judge and executioner. And these rules, and ceremonies! What purpose does it serve but to waste my time. I could’ve had my marriage; I could’ve had my golden ticket to rule this land and people, but you had to delay it!”
“My devoted followers!” The Shaman shouted so every member present could hear it. “This man is a sham; deceivers of us all! He must be punished!”
This only made the imposter laugh harder as the crowd just stopped and stared at the Shaman without heeding his cries. “Do you really think you control them?” he asked. “Who will be the one punishing me, Hatalii?” He pointed at the stunned three ladies; the maidens of his runaway bride. They immediately stood frozen in terror.
“Them?” He cried. “Nothing more but fresh meat, and not the Grade A type. My friend, you haven’t any hope of stopping me, so enough of your nonsense.”
“You…what did you do to them?” the Shaman demanded.
“I took the initiative and liberated them from thinking,” he replied. Suddenly a giant razor sharp claw formed from his hand as he gutted the poor man.
“And now I will take the initiative and liberate you from your life,” he replied as he watched the Shaman’s dying body fall to the ground.
"Before you go," he told him, "I wanted to thank you for teaching me your colorful history. You religion is so impressive. But I think I have a better name for myself you can take with you to the grave. How about the name of the true deceiver? How about "áÅ‚tsé Hashké," First Angry, the bringer of witchcraft to the world?"
The three servants watched in horror as the remains of their Shaman lie dead on the altar in front of them. The murderer turned to the helpless women, and with a wave of his finger he commanded, “Minions! It’s supper time!”
The former men and women turned to the ladies, salivating at the opportunity. Suddenly they revealed their true forms as their bodies grew to twice their size, their jaws lined with pointy teeth and claws with similar appearance as their master. They pounced on their human prey, feasting like the savage beasts they’ve become.
“Watch out for the silver!” He told them, as he rubbed his hands. He knew he should’ve thought better than to let his anger get the best of him. But that’s the problem with his curse- sometimes it can’t be controlled.
He began to ponder about his next course of action as the carnage continued behind him. He looked at the eviscerated corpse of the Shaman. His wicked grin returned as suddenly he thought up a devious idea.
It looked as if he was going to be Já³honaaʼéá just a little bit longer.
A few days later:
There was a pounding on the Redbone family’s front door. They’ve been spending the last few nights panicking about their recently transformed daughter. Haylie tried to talk to them, and told them that she was taken by the Shaman of the village. However, at first they didn’t think much of it. They assumed that the Shaman was only helping her discover herself, and that it was his “spiritual duty” to set her off on that path.
However she’s been gone for over a week now, and no one has been able to find her. The issue became serious as the fairly apathetic family became worried about Natalie’s safety. Even her father, who had become distant ever since she went Wyld was worried sick. He even formed a search party to search within town and around the outskirts, hoping that she could be found. It seemed to affect him more than anybody else.
Haylie was sleeping on the couch as she heard the knock on the door. She hadn’t slept in the past few days, and seemed to be committed to remain there, by the front door, hoping she would come home. Hearing the knock, she immediately jumped up and rushed to the door, hoping that when she opened it she would see her new big sister.
Her heart racing, her hopes were shattered when she opened the door only to find it was her good friend, Miley, coming to check up on her, as well as offer her some groundbreaking news.
“Miley, what’s going on?” she asked, seeing that the young girl was huffing, trying to catch her breath.
She took a few seconds to regain herself and offered her response. “You have to come quick! They found the Hatalii! He’s been murdered!”
Hatalii? The Shaman, dead? Holy crap, this was a big deal! She didn’t waste any time. Even with her morning hair it could wait. She needed to know what was going on!
She made her way to the downtown circle with her friend in tow. The streets became more and more crowded as they got closer to their destination. Once there they saw the Shaman’s deceased body, lying in an open casket, for the whole world to see. This wasn’t the traditional Navajo’s funeral proceeding. No, rather this was only a means to provide the body with a convenient method of transportation. This wasn’t a funeral viewing; this was a trial, and the dead body was exhibit A.
Standing by the coffin was a man, the very same man who truly murdered him. Like Natalie, Haylie couldn’t help but get an ominous feeling about him. Much like her sister, she could sense that this man reeks of evil.
With his audience at full attention he began to speak. “Woe, woe is my broken heart; broken from the tragedy that the fates have brought us today!”
“What happened?” One person asked.
“It was to be a glorious day for the Navajo People!” he began. “The Shaman had for years tried to search for the ones, the ones who would lift our people up above the pettiness of our ways and lead us to a brand new world! The people would be considered the reincarnations of our long lost deities, who were the first born upon this very Earth, The Changing Woman, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, and the Sun, Já³honaaʼéá. I came to him long ago seeking refuge. And with thorough testing, he realized my gifts, and agreed that it was I who possessed the soul of Já³honaaʼéá, the sun!”
“How can we tell?” Another crowd member wondered.
“If you must be convinced, then so be it!” One of his servants came forth with a flower which looked rather sickly. “This flower has been in the shade for too long. It is malnourished, and wilting.”
Holding out his hand he suddenly conjured up a ball of flame. He held it over the plant, and suddenly it began to perk up almost instantly as the color came back and instantly began to bloom. Impressed by the magic trick, they concluded that this indeed was the reincarnation of their Sun God, and began to bow in his honor.
“Please,” he insisted. “You have no right to kneel in my honor, for this day I have failed you. I have failed you, and the result was not only the death of this wise old man, but the kidnapping of my betrothed, the one who would be my wife once more, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé.
Haylie remembered about that. The Shaman believed that Natalie was AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé. Was the Shaman trying to hook these two up? And who would go out and kidnap her from kidnappers? If anything that would be the same as a rescue.
“She had only been in her true form for a short time,” he continued. “But when I explained her significance, that she was the Changing Woman, and that she had a responsibility to her people, and that her feelings would show her the truth about her situation, she agreed to marry me and restore the union for the sake of a brighter future.”
Marry? Haylie thought. Yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind now. She knew how difficult it was for Natalie even getting up from her bed and look at herself. There was no way she would jump the gun just like that. She considered leaving the charade, but she knew that perhaps he would divulge something about her recent kidnappers, and that was important enough to keep listening, even if it was nonsense.
“We agreed it would be done in private, so we made our trek to the Four Corners to recite our ancient vows of long ago. We thought safety would be the best course of action, as a major crowd may compromise our security. Yet none of us were prepared for her abduction by the talons of a flying monster!
Haylie knew where he was going with this. He was about to blame Shawna. Way to go Shawnie! She thought to herself.
Of course she wasn’t the only to make that assumption. “You don’t mean Shawna, do you?”
Another audience member asked. “She was blessed by Hatalii- claimed that she was a descendant of the noble thunderhawk! Surely you don’t think?”
With his silver tongue he decided to convince the audience otherwise. “Our Shaman was a wonderful man,” he explained. “I’m sure if it was up to him, all beings, Diné or Monster would live together in harmony. I’m sure if there was a way for him to spare a young child her most tragic fate he would find it. But there were reasons why we do not live alongside these beasts. They are impure, descendants of a blasphemous ritual, the result when one gender separates from another!”
The Native Americans looked among one another, trying to make sense of everything. After all, it wasn’t like Shawna was some animal. As in fact, she was treated like so many other Diné Wyld; to be idolized.
Seeing that he was having hard time convincing them with words, he decided to take it a step further. He opened the casket fully to reveal the Shaman in his entirety, killing blow and all.
“See that, my people!” he exclaimed. “See the slash that forever scars our beloved Hatalii! So perfect in its execution; not even a knife could leave behind such a clean mark! What else could make it but such an animal- A monster whose talons are bigger than my own two hands?”
Everyone looked at the evidence in shock. They couldn’t believe it. Even Haylie had a hard time figuring out that one. But she knew in her heart Shawna wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t hurt a fly!
“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” He said as he closed the coffin completely. “This
'Shawna' may have been a kind, caring individual, but even that can’t change the true nature of her being. Perhaps it was jealousy; perhaps she was angered about her friend’s ascension to the realm of Godhood. Perhaps she was jealous of her beauty that she herself lacked. Maybe she was jealous of me. But it matters not! All it takes is a reason and her beastly behavior shows and her true nature arises!”
He had the audience hooked, and now he would reel them in.
“She is not descended from a thunderbird, my people,” he finished. “It is time you accept her as she truly is: a vile, vicious harpy! A Monster as anyone else! So I implore you, not as some future deity, but as a lowly beggar- please save my future wife!”
And it worked. The members of the crowd stood forward, ready to do what It takes to save their Princess, even killing someone who was once one of their own.
Haylie heard enough. She could hear her friend, Miley, shout, “Hey, come back!” but she didn’t want to hear it. That man was framing her friend, and did something to her sister. These people were so gullible is just made her more upset as she marched her way back from the horrible gathering.
Soon enough the crowd became smaller and smaller as she moved further and further away from the ruckus. Yet there was this unsettling feeling that she was being followed. Looking over her shoulder her premonitions were confirmed; they were the similar to the escorts who guided Haylie and her friends to the Shaman’s Hogan, then proceeded to block her from entry soon after. However they looked a little paler than what she last remembered. It didn’t take too much thought to figure it all out- these guys served him, and were surely after her.
Her face walk turned into a sprint and then an all out run as she tried to get away from the men. Knowing that she spotted them, they too picked up the pace, bumping past the civilians as they kept up.
She knew that these men were faster and had more endurance then her. She couldn’t run forever. She dipped into an alleyway, hoping there might be somewhere, someplace she could hide. And she found it: an empty trash bin. She didn’t have time to worry about the disgusting thing she was about to hide in, her life was in danger. Seeing she had a bit of distance between her and her chasers, she opened the lid and carefully climbed in, shutting it behind her.
Her pursuers ran right by her. It seemed like it worked. She opened the lid just slightly so she could get a quick peak of her surroundings. Seems clear, she thought. With the coast clear she got out of the plastic tub and turned the other way towards home.
She failed to scan up. Leaping down from the rooftop was another one of the shady man’s guardians, unfazed by the long jump down. She tried to turn around, but with his quick reflexes he grabbed hold of her and quickly subdued her, causing her to fall unconscious.
Haylie woke to the blurry visions of a decorative indoor room. It was the Shaman’s Hogan, now occupied by the dark and mysterious man. The man who fools her people, murders her Shaman, and frames her friend. And here she was, unbound, with this man standing right before her.
“Ah!” He began. “The young lady is finally awake! Very good!”
“Who the hell are you?” Haylie asked as she tried to regain her vision. “You surely aren’t any God I know of!”
“Oh?” he mocked. “Well, to whomever God or Goddess that you do know, please tell them to call me, hmmm?” He had a good chuckle at her expense. “I guess true sisters think alike don’t they? No, no, I can’t fool the great Redbone sisters, can I?”
“What did you do to Natalie?” She demanded to know as her fists were clinched and her anger rose.
“I thought I made myself quite clear earlier,” he replied. “Your little harpy friend took her from me. Now I fully intend to get her back.”
He turned his back to her, almost provoking her to try and make a move. Haylie didn’t have the strength, and she knew it. She’s only 17, and over a year away from going Wyld herself. He wasn’t one to trifle with. She was completely unrestrained, and yet she was as trapped as if she were chained and shackled.
“I’ll be completely frank with you,” he began. “I really had no desire to bring your sister into my little scheme. Honestly I just wanted to rise to power by taking the path of least resistance. Your Shaman was a very influential person among your city, but like a lot of religious zealots he got a little too caught up in his readings. Prophecies and all this utter nonsense! One thing I’ve learned from my experience is that those types don’t take a good look at reality! There is no eternal paradise, only war and death and bigotry!”
Reaching his tipping point he calmed himself down. “But I digress. I had certain ‘qualities’, so to speak, that I could take advantage of. I assumed that by convincing him I was some long reincarnated God that it would put me one step closer to my goal. And boy did he buy it! Of course, I’m quite the avid reader too- fantastic mythology you have, by the way. Yes, I do believe that in another life I might have made a wonderful actor. Ah, well.”
He turn and began to slowly walk towards the increasingly frightened Haylie. “But it wasn’t that simple was it? No. He claimed I had to be whole. I needed a wife, and to fulfill the obligations of his people, or more correctly, the obligations he made up in his delirious little mind! So against better judgment I agreed. And that led me to your sister. I heard the rumors, the way she was transformed, and pretty much told him that she was the one. I figured, hey get married, finally acquire my right to rule over your lot and that’s that. But he had to make it increasingly difficult! So you know, I couldn’t help myself killing the poor sap.”
“My God,” Haylie gasped, realizing this guy might be even more than she initially thought.
“So you see, when your friend came and flew off with her, everything was ruined. I honestly don’t know how she found me, and I don’t care. However I found it convenient, you see? The Shaman’s death, the way I gutted him with a strike from my serrated claw. Just claim the murder was done by her! That way I can get the locals to hunt her down, and rescue my, poor, precious little wife!”
“But why do you need her back!?” She yelled, “You’ve got the people on your side! She serves no purpose!”
“You’re quite right my love,” he replied. “I don’t need her. But now she’s become a loose end you see. Who knows how far they will run? They could reach Phoenix for all I know. And I don’t want my plans to be compromised. I’d rather keep things hush-hush.”
“Then why are you telling me this!?” She countered.
“Because I’m too arrogant for my own good?” he wisecracked. He kneeled over the frightened Haylie, his mouth salivating in an almost doglike manner. “No…it’s because in a few minutes it won’t matter!”
As his mouth sprouted fangs he bit into the young girl’s shoulder. The shock forced her to spasm uncontrollably. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she no longer could control herself. She was turning…turning into one of them.
His released the young girl as the bite continued to affect her. Seeing she was still conscious, he decided to continue his long diatribe.
“You know, I never wanted to be like this,” he admitted. “See, back when I was your age, when I lived a relatively decent life out west in Calivada, I had the same thing happen to me. Bitten by some parasitic Wyld freak, mostly for his benefit, not mine. What you’re going through, it’s no different. You’ll probably notice the major psychic connection I hold over you. Same as the man over me. I did all his dirty work, using me like chopped liver- killing everyone and anyone he deemed needing to be killed. All the killing, you see, can make a man numb, so forgive my lack of tact.”
He paused to clear his throat and continued. “I wound up being captured by their Religious Police, their "Inquisition". Tortured, beaten. And most often as the human form you’d see me in as now. They didn’t care that I was just a teenage boy- a puppet for some deranged fool.”
Looking at the saliva involuntarily fizzing from Haylie’s mouth, he got to the climax of his drawn out tale. “But one day a great thing happened: I turned 19. The fool didn’t realize it when he bit me, but when I went Wyld his grasp on me faded. I was now in control, now I could turn Were when I decided it was best! And for all my bad luck I got a bonus! My rage, my anger, it gave way to my true form. The Christian Fundamentalist probably described me best when I began to slaughter them one by one- Hellhound.”
Seeing she was nearly through with her spasms he finally concluded. “I escaped Calivada with my life, but they took so much more than that. I will have my revenge. I will kill each and every Religious bastard that even so much breathes! And so, it’s my pleasure to say to you, young Haylie Redbone: welcome to the army. Just don’t expect me to make the same mistake my creator did. But for now you’ll prove to be a very valuable addition to my pack. Good night.”
Two from his “pack” came to him without even a shout, which showed just how powerful his mental connection was. “Take her to the desert and dispose of her. With my power in her, she’ll survive sure enough. Surely she’ll grab the attention of one of those “Monsters,” outside of town. Get her in the system and watch her tear it up inside out. I’m sure she’ll reunite with Natalie eventually, and when they finally do, she’ll be in for a surprise.”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
It must’ve been the altitude that knocked me out. As a Wyld, Shawna could breathe normal in high altitudes. Me, I’m out. It was probably for the best however; I’d probably be freaking out knowing how high in the air I actually was.
I woke up it seemed just before dawn. I was cozy underneath a woven Navajo quilt, yet when I first glance at my surroundings I noticed that this didn’t look anything like a bedroom.
The straw was stacked rather taut as it surrounded me in every direction like a barrier. It didn’t take much thought to put two and two together- I was outdoors, and was inside something surrounded by straw, branches and other dead plant life. This was a nest.
I slowly climbed out from the nest and witnessed a colorful birdlike being stretching out from her perch, as if she too woke up. It took me a little bit to realize that this wasn’t just anyone; this was Shawna, in her natural form, completely unclothed and nude.
She was a peculiar, yet fantastic sight to behold as her wings stretched out to her fullest, with their length going straight down to the ends of her hips. The blue and red feathers continued from the base of her spine to the end of her tailbone, which also had a plume of feathers which were spread out like a fan. It had to be difficult walking around in even sweat pants, seeing what she had to endure.
Noticing I was awake she turned around to greet me, and further witnessed her full figure. From the front she looked amazingly human, even up to the breasts she carelessly allowed to show off right now. At the bottom was her bikini line, which was covered in small down feathers of red, providing a natural form of underwear, so to speak.
While I looked at her in utter befuddlement, she just stared at me and smile. With a quick hop she flew over to greet me.
“So,” she said in a rather seductive voice. “You like what you see?”
I didn’t know what to say about that. This was all too weird for me. “W-what’s with the nest? Why, why are you naked like that?”
Her grin grew a little wider as I asked my question. “That nest? Well I built that myself. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Comfy, no?”
She began to caress my face. “And as for the nudity, well, I suppose it feel more normal. Guess that’s just my animal nature. I normally never let people see my like this, but…with you I think I can make an exception.”
She led me over back to her nest, meanwhile explaining herself. “I couldn’t stand living there, Nat. I may have been accepted by the Shaman, but still I would get odd looks. And then there’s everyone treating me a lot like I saw them treating you; like some sort of deity.
I began to sit back down on the woven cloth I awoke on while she continued. “This place was the only place I could truly ever get away. Out here I was free. I wasn’t some freak, or some Goddess. Out here, I could be me.”
“And that meant building a nest?” I quipped.
“You’ve seen what they’re like, Nat,” she replied. “If given the choice to live in a human world or a natural world, I choose nature. At least it doesn’t criticize me, or ridicule me for all of my faults. I’m a Wyld, Nattie; this was given to me. I had a lot of time spent on analyzing myself, understanding myself, finding myself. I’m not going to deny what I’ve truly became. The bird in me is just as much a part of me as the human I once was, and after experiencing what I’ve experienced, perhaps even a little more.”
I looked at her, and with deep regret, I said, “I’m sorry, Shawna. I didn’t know how difficult it’s been for you. You always seemed cheery, even around complete strangers. I guess, I never thought about it.”
Hearing this she couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not your fault, Nattie. It used to be the only reason I’d ever drop into town was because of you. You’re the only person who treats me like me. You don’t know how much I appreciate that.”
“You’re my best friend, Shawna,” I replied warmly. “I grew up with you; that’s the only Shawna I know. Besides, I’m finally beginning to understand how you feel. How the Shaman and that man treated me, wanting to be something I’m not. I know I’m a woman, and I’m sure I’ll be one for the rest of my life, but whatever choices I have left are mine, and I want to live them the way I want to.”
“So then,” she digressed, resuming her seductive behavior, “tell me, what do you want to do with me?”
I felt kind of startled at her open candor, I couldn’t…could I? I mean, what about our friendship, and what about…well, me? I’ve never even had sex like this before!
“Shawna…I!” she shushed me right there. It may have looked like she was doing like so many others did before her, and try to use me for her own gain, but they’d be wrong. I knew, deep down, even before she was this beautiful creature, and before I was this beautiful maiden, that I really loved her. And somewhere, I knew even before this very moment, she loved me too.
Together, we weren’t going to be afraid anymore. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately. My defenses were broken, and I allowed myself this one simple pleasure. I gave myself to her; my sweet Lightning Angel. And for once I was happy; happy to be not just a girl, but her girl.
With our bodies glimmering from the afterglow and the reflection from the morning sun, I slowly wrapped my Manta around me, this time a little less snug than before. I leaned over and gave my love another sweet kiss on her lips.
“You were wonderful, Nat,” she praised. “I didn’t think I could go through with it. I wanted you so much, back when you were Nate. I thought it would be hard to accept you like this. But, it wasn’t. If anything all the experiences we’ve shared only made my love for you stronger.”
“I thought the same,” I admitted. “I didn’t even know what I’d liked. Sexually, I mean. I’m just happy it didn’t change the feelings I have for you.”
Suddenly I felt a rumbling in my belly. Shawna immediately picked up on it and joked, “All that activity must’ve made you hungry!”
I couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, I do say, the intense feelings I just got from it were way more powerful than I’ve felt as a man!”
“I suppose it’s time for to go fishing hmmm?” She suggested.
“Fishing?” I couldn’t help but wonder.
“Yeah, fishing!” she repeated. “These talons here aren’t just for show you know?” She gave me another kiss on the cheek and told me, “Let me get some clothes on.”
I was almost disappointed to see my love depart. I couldn’t stand not being wrapped around her arms, or wings for that matter. I suppose I just came to the conclusion that I have a rather clingy personality.
We flew down to the base of the cliff. I was surprised to see the mighty rapids crashing down from the north. She was going to catch fish in a river like that?
“Where exactly are we, anyway?” I wondered.
“The Colorado River!” She yelled as she remained flying above the river overhead. “Hold on just a second, Nattie! I’m gonna need to focus!”
Oh and did she. It was like she was locked on to the river below. Everything must have been in slow motion for her as she saw the fish swimming downstream. And as swiftly as a hawk she swooped in with her talons primed. And just as she predicted she successfully grabbed the fish with her imposing feet and flew it over to me.
“Dinner is served!” she cried proudly.
However I was never a big fan of raw fish. “Uh…you don’t happen to know a way how to cook this, do you?”
She looked at me dumbfounded for a second, then answered, “Don’t look at me. I’ve always ate it raw.”
“I was wonder why I tasted fish breath earlier!” I teased. She playfully gave me a light punch to my arm.
“Anyway…I’m kind of not made for eating fish like this,” I declared. “Even if it was washed and clean, and prepared like sushi, I probably couldn’t hold it in.”
Neither of us had any experience starting fires. Yet Shawna had a go get ‘em type of attitude- that’s kind of the reason she was able to do the things she did earlier, like build a nest, or catch fish. So I figured we give it a shot. Finding as much brush as we could we gathered it all together and tried to start a small bonfire.
With two sticks in hand, I tried to grind them together, hoping that the friction would be enough to set off a spark. Rolling them back in forth I was beginning to get a little annoyed at the attempt. Perhaps I was missing something, or was doing it all wrong, but the louder my stomach growled the more impatient I got.
All the energy I expended trying to light this fire got to me, and I came to a complete stop. Seeing my disappointment Shawna came over to console me.
“I knew when I was younger I should’ve joined the Boy Scouts!” I huffed.
I couldn’t take it anymore…I just wanted some food. I knew I was in the middle of nowhere, and I knew Shawna was just trying to impress me. But if I knew it would come down to this I would’ve asked her to fly me out to a Burger King or something!
“Please,” I began to plea to no one in particular as I picked up the sticks for a second attempt, “just light, damnit!”
I didn’t even have the sticks near the kenneling as all of a sudden it just magically lit. I jumped back in shock. Even Shawna eyes were wide, amazed at what happened.
“Did you,” Shawna gasped, “Did you just do that?”
I really didn’t know. This seemed really strange. But I wonder, maybe I could put it out?
I focused hard, commanding myself to extinguish the flame. Suddenly out of thin air a tiny little cloud formed, reaching about waist length high. It started to rain on the fire, quickly putting it out.
“Whoa,” Shawna cried, “This is really cool!”
“This must be my gift,” I said to myself. “I must be able to control the elements…”
“That’s awesome!” she continued to cheer. “My Nattie is an Elementalist! Wonder if you can do anything while I’m flying. You know, like give me a little boost, direct the flow of air?”
“I don’t know,” I answered. “This is all very new to me.” I couldn’t help but tease her a little more. “But I don’t know if that’d be a good idea. I don’t want my lover getting lazy! I love those big, powerful wings!”
“Geez, you’re mean!” she playfully replied as I stuck my tongue out at her. Of course all that playful energy gave way to my rather angry stomach that was in no mood to mess around.
“Oh, shoot!” I remembered. “I forgot entirely about the fish!” I looked at the dead fire, the brush now soaked totally and no longer usable. I sighed and on cue, rolled my eyes. “I’ll go get some more wood.” At the very least it won’t be a pain lighting it again.
Once through with our meal, we decided to walk it off as we strolled along the bottom of the canyon. I leaned over her shoulder as she folded her colorful wing around me, making me comfortable. I think she kind of enjoys being the “man” of the relationship.
Still, I was having some troubles of my own. I’ve been wearing this Manta dress for a long while now, and even though it was a little looser than normal, it felt as if I make one wrong move it would all come falling down. I’m sure Shawna wouldn’t mind, and maybe is looking forward to it, but still, it would be nice to wear some casual clothes for a change.
I couldn’t help but look at my strong woman’s clothing as well. Obviously with her being part bird it was pretty hard to find clothing that could adapt to her. But she had quite a bit of clothing, even when she was hanging with me in town.
“You seem to be staring at something,” Shawna replied, “Do you need a better look?”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little at her silliness. “No, no,” I insisted. “I was taking a look at your clothes. Just where did you get them? I mean, finding clothes like the type you wear is hard.”
“Oh,” she cried. “Want to know my little secret, huh?”
“Well, I was hoping that you might be able to introduce me to this person,” I replied. “That is, if he doesn’t mind making normal clothing for me. No offense, Shawna, but this Manta just isn’t cutting it for me.”
“Well,” She began, “First off she’s a woman. And secondly, I don’t know if I can just take you there.”
“Why not?” I asked, confused.
“The place I go,” She continued. “Isn’t real friendly with human-like people.”
“What do you mean?” I wondered.
“Well, you know how the Tribe works,” She explained. “Those who are Diné can stay; those that are Monsters go. Well, let’s just say that these refugees banded together and formed a secret society of their own, right in their own back yard.”
I was intrigued. I truly wanted to know more about this place. “So I can’t go?”
“It took me awhile before they even accepted me, hun,” She stated. “I really had to disown all my allegiance to the Human Tribe before they trusted me. And even then I still went behind their backs to visit you every so often. I’m sorry, I just don’t think it’s safe.”
I looked up into her starry eyes. “You forget Shawnie,” I reminded her, “I’m not human either. I may look human, but I was just as abused as you and everyone else. I’m not Diné, and you’re not Monster, we’re Wyld. And I’m willing to take that chance to ensure that they too realize this.”
She couldn’t help but appreciate my strength, and rewarded me with another kiss. “I just love hearing those things out of you,” She replied. “Come on. I’ll take you to them.”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
Walking across the canyon floor I could see the cliffs above me get closer and closer, eventually covering much of the sun that hung overhead. It was somewhat of a welcomed relief, seeing as these Colorado summers were always miserable, and rain was something rather foreign during this time of the year.
Shawna was right there with me, guiding my every step. Before going Wyld, I never really wondered just what happened to those who were unfairly labeled “monsters.” To believe they actually have their own little village right underneath my tribe’s noses was unbelievable. And I knew, Shawna was taking a big risk guiding me to it.
“Just keep following the river,” she said, holding me in her arms. “We’re almost there.”
We came up to what seemed to be a dead end. A boulder seemed to block our path forward. However, Shawna didn’t seem concerned. She walked up to the mammoth thing and began to speak with it.
“It is I,” She began, “Shawna of Thunderhawk kin. Please let me enter.”
Suddenly I gasped as I saw the mammoth boulder move, contorting itself into a man like shape. This wasn’t just a giant rock, but a giant Golem, who served as the guardian into the village. I couldn’t help but stare at him in awe. Yet he didn’t seem to think badly of me, regardless of my human appearance. He even bowed! This was the least of my expectations.
Of course the good vibes ended as soon as I finally entered their village. It was like an ancient Pueblo village, how the buildings were carved into the rock face. Water slowly poured down many areas of the cliff, like it had its own aqueduct system. It was absolutely amazing what they’ve accomplished with little outside help and with just the most basic of resources. These weren’t monsters, these were innovators.
“Hold!” I heard a woman voice, echoing throughout the canyon basin. Shawna and I stopped, and I knew, the interrogation was about to begin.
Suddenly I saw her, a centaur, just like the myths and legends of old. She strode over to me, along with two others, a giant, buffalo like man, and a scaly snake like woman; a Naga, if you will.
“What business do you have bringing a human into this village?” the Centaur asked, getting directly to the point.”
“Matron,” she began. “Forgive me. This is Natalie Redbone. I rescued her from captives of the old religion, the very same who had rejected our kind. She was being forced to do something against her will. I could not allow that.”
“And what concern does that serve us?” she continued. Obviously she and I were already on bad terms.
“They claim that she was the reincarnation of AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé,” she explained.
The two other servants looked at each other and gasped. Matron however was less than impressed.
“So you brought someone of great value to our residence?” she snapped. “Knowing full well that they would come after her? Do you know what this means to our existence?”
“You don’t really believe she’s AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, do you?” Shawna wondered.
“It matters not what I think!” she countered. “The Diné believes she is, and they will not stop until they find her, no matter what the cost. You have put many lives in danger just by being here!”
“But I couldn’t just leave her alone!” She insisted.
Matron decided to look at me carefully. I didn’t know if she was sizing me up, seeing if I was a threat, or what, but it was rather unnerving nonetheless.
“This is your responsibility,” she coldly told Shawna, and with that she turned and galloped off, her assistants following behind her.
Looking to my love I had to know. “Does that mean I can stay?” I asked.
“It seems that way,” she answered. I rewarded her courage with a kiss.
“Thanks for sticking up for me,” I told her.
“You’re my love,” she replied, “That’s what lovers do.” That earned her another kiss. It was amazing how much of a woman she made me feel.
Evening came and I was itching to go meet this weaver lady that Shawna was talking about. It wasn’t like I was all of a sudden drawn into fashion or something. It was just that this manta was thick and itchy. You could probably have it on for special occasions without much worry but it’s been three days, and I tell you there nothing more unnerving than having sweaty, itchy boobs!
Shawna however told me she had to get something first. Leaving me by my lonesome, she flew off, and immediately I began to feel the stares from the locals all around me. These weren’t stares of admiration, however. These were stares of contempt. Quickly it made me realize just how vulnerable I felt without my feathery angel around.
And worst of all their disdain for me made it difficult to not hate myself. How I wish I could change the way my tribe treated these individuals. How I wish I could give them the proper respect that they so rightfully deserved. It’s these times I wish I truly was AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, and could provide such miracles. Alas, that wasn’t meant to be. To my people, or at least to the very devout, I was nothing more but a shell whose purpose was to serve my man and breed.
It’s these times I think about my sister, Salia. It made me realize how strong she was to turn her back on her people and fight for what she believed in. Maybe holding a political office isn’t exactly the type of change she was looking for, but at least with it she has a voice in the matter. Am I as strong as her? Can I too, go against my tribe’s customs and beliefs in order to fight for the change it needs?
“Back!” Shawna cried from overhead. Thank goodness as my paranoia was beginning to get to me. As she landed I couldn’t help but smell the fishy odor coming from her. And as my nose already confirmed, she came back, with fish in tow, making me just a tad bit upset.
“You left me here all alone just so you could catch dinner?!” I cried, obviously annoyed.
“It’s not dinner,” she explained. “C’mon now, I’ll go take you to my tailor!”
And so we made our way to the back of the alleyways deep within the village. It was rather dark and dank, and normally wouldn’t be the proper place for a clothing store. The additional cobwebs didn’t make me feel any better.
Instinctively I snapped my fingers and a flame appeared on the tip of my finger. I was glad I didn’t forget my new ability, seeing it was getting dimmer and dimmer as we walked along.
Finally we came to a dead end; not a single building in sight. “Shawna,” I nervously called out to her, “I don’t think this is the right place.”
“It is,” She proclaimed. “Hey Deidre, you there?”
And up from the sky came a hideous spider like creature, dropping from above, giving me such a fright I almost peed myself.
“Ah, Shawna,” the eight-legged woman began, “what brings you to my humble presence today?”
“I was wondering if you could make some clothes from my little friend here,” she replied.
Immediately all eight eyes were pointed at me. If it wasn’t known already, I was deftly afraid of spiders. That fear only amplified with my recent sex-change.
Frozen stiff, she hissed, “A Diné. I’m surprised she is allowed to step foot on our grounds.”
“I take full responsibility,” Shawna replied, “And she’s anything but Diné.”
“Is that so?” she said, examining me further.
“So,” Shawna said, getting back to the topic on hand, “About her clothes.”
“You know the bargain,” she decreed. “Time spent weaving is time wasted hunting.”
Shawna nodded and threw the fish at her feet. Deidre began to salivate joyously.
“This will do,” she said as she began to feast on her gift. The manner of which she ate only made me nauseous inside.
“Come back tonight,” she said as she slurped down the meal before her. “It will be ready then.”
With that we walked away and left her to her work. I didn’t know how she would be able to piece together an outfit without my measurements, but I was just so glad she didn’t have to touch me!
Now at a safe distance I turned to Shawna, and hyperventilating I yelled, “Don’t ever take me to that lady again!”
My message didn’t fall on deaf ears. Night fell and she guided into the safety and security of one of their houses while she agreed to pick up the clothes herself. She explained to me that houses were on a first come, first served basis. No one actually owned the buildings. They just exist during times of extreme weather, or illness. Most the Wyld here were literally one with nature and made their homes outside in the wilderness, much like what Shawna did. It was unique and interesting at the same time.
She came back with the new clothes in hand. Thank the Goddess. Any longer and I may have just contemplated going skyclad. Most of the locals here didn’t seem to care much as it was.
“Here they are!” she exclaimed as she unfolded the new apparel. Of course, one thing stood out: they were all dresses.
“Oh,” I sighed, feeling a little disappointed.
“What’s wrong?” Shawna asked as she watched the exuberance deflate out of me.
“Oh…nothing,” I fibbed, “I just was hoping for something a little more casual.”
“Well,” she explained, “It’s not as if you can easily make jeans with spider silk. Besides, the material is so luxurious, it’s like wearing nothing at all!”
She was slowly getting me to buy in, but still, there are some boundaries that take time to cross, even if I’m accepting womanhood better than most. “I don’t know…” I replied.
“Oh come on!” She urged me. “I bet you’d look real pretty with it on.”
I couldn’t help but blush. “Really?” I asked.
“Really,” she answered honestly. “Go try it on and see for yourself. There’s a room with a mirror over there.
I suppose curiosity piqued my interest, or maybe it was my desire to please my Shawna, but I took the dress she had in her hand and tried it on.
It took a little effort, seeing it was the first time I ever tried on a dress before. However the material was stretchy and flexible, which helped with the overall process of things. Once on I was rewarded with an unbelievable feeling of comfort as the silky smooth fabric caressed my soft skin. It was as if Nature herself was holding me in her loving embrace.
I immediately I stood in front of the mirror to get a better view. The white gown accented perfectly with my almond skin. Using my hands I began to rub down the shiny piece of clothing, moving them from my bosom and around my hips, accentuating every curve. Goddess, I felt beautiful.
And speaking of Goddess, she seemed to share my sentiment. “Hey there, good lookin’!” she cried shocking me out of my trance.
Immediately my eyes focused on my mirror, and I saw AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, staring right at me, wearing the same dress I was.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself!” She cried.
I was flushed red. I felt embarrassed. It seemed as long as I had connections with a long deceased deity my privacy would never be safe.
“No need to be ashamed!” She insisted. “Get down with your womanly self!”
Honestly, my playtime seemed over. I couldn’t enjoy myself with someone watching!
I had a seat on a nearby chair as AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé and I began to chat.
“So,” she began, “I see you’ve finally uncovered your powers. Pretty neat huh?”
“I suppose,” I said, not really knowing what to think, “You seem to know more about it than I do.”
“That I do, lil’ sister!” she cried. “After all, I spent my life having the same powers.”
“You did?” I replied, astonished. “But in the stories, I heard you can control the seasons, and change appearance!”
“Well, yeah,” she continued. “Those are just part of the baggage. Of course, you’re talking about some advanced ‘elementaling’ having to do that. Not something you can just do right away. Heck, you might spend your entire life not ever learning how.”
“…I never knew just how alike we really are,” I commented.
“Yup, yup!” she seconded. “Anyway, there are five major elements we tend to work with here: fire, water, wind, earth, and life itself. You know how you could hear that Coyote talk? That’s a major skill, being able to communicate with any and every lifeform.” She paused and grinned. “You should thank me by the way, without my interaction that lazy pup would never had gotten help to rescue you.”
“You can still use your powers?” I said, wondering how she could if she was dead.
“Not really,” she said. “Coyotes are some pretty sacred creatures you know? Able to see things most humans cannot?”
“Really?” I remarked.
“Sure,” she said. “He and I share a bond, much like you and I share one.” She then began to recite a passage from the Diné Bahane’:
“The Coyote named áÅ‚tsé Hashké arrived and said, ‘I was told that my grandchild laughed for the first time.’ First Woman took charcoal and gave it to the Coyote saying: ‘This is the only thing that lasts.’ He painted his nose with it and said, ‘I shall know all things. I shall live long by it.’”
“So, as you can see,” she concluded, “ever since my birth Coyote has been there to guard me. And so, now you have Coyote to watch over you too.”
“So where is he then?” I asked.
“Oh, I dunno,” she answered, although I felt she knew otherwise. “That dog is a little lazy sometimes!” All of a sudden her jovial tone turned serious. “Listen,” she digressed, “The road you walk on is a difficult one, and there will be plenty of obstacles along the way. Some that’ll test the very essence of your strength. But, please, be strong. You’ve come a long way since our last meeting, and you’re truly becoming a beautiful woman; not just an extension of me, but a true individual. Please, don’t give up, whatever you do, and we can bring about change within our people.”
I was taken aback by her statement. In one hand I was flattered but in another I felt worried. Was something about to happen? Staring back at the mirror the image of AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé had vanished and I was left alone, pondering over her troublesome words.
Morning came rather abruptly as I was forced awake by Shawna knocking on the door.
“What is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“You might wanna come outside,” she shouted from behind the door. “That coyote is sitting outside, whimpering. I think it wants you.”
The coyote. My coyote. Apparently something was bothering him, and I needed to figure out what. I opened the door and went to check on him.
“Coyote,” I whispered as I stroked behind his ears. “What is it, boy?”
It didn’t take much coaxing to get an answer from him.
Sister, injured, in danger, please, follow!
Sister? Did he mean Haylie?
I didn’t have time to waste. With Shawna right behind me I immediately declared, “Follow that dog!”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
(In Haylie's PoV)
Where was I?
I woke up to the sound of silence as I pulled myself up on my two feet. I tried to stay up for a bit, but with the dizziness I was experiencing it was long before I was back down on all fours, shaking my head as the chilling winds blew through my torn and shredded shirt. For some reason, I couldn’t remember how it got that way…
Suddenly I felt my hunger pangs as my stomach began to growl violently. It must’ve been hours since I had a fresh meal in my belly. I couldn’t help but imagine eating a giant sirloin steak. God, that would be good.
There were no restaurants or stores in sight, all there was darkness. To be honest, I was surprised I’ve been out here for this long and hadn’t wondered just how I even got to this place. What did I do last night?
I couldn’t ponder much about it however, as my stomach began to act up even more, making it tough to think. I had to find something to eat, but where?
Suddenly I sensed something, not coming from my eyes, but instead from my nose. It was an interesting smell. It was so vivid, yet so weird how I could smell something and not find it anywhere around my vicinity. My stomach took control, and before I knew it I was following my nose to that exquisite smell.
I stumbled along, trying to balance myself, yet having a tough time doing even that. I found that being on my fours was best, at least until I get my strength back. I was surprisingly adept on all fours, eventually feeling less awkward and more natural as I walked along. I could hear my target from here, was it alive? That couldn’t be, could it? But somehow I couldn’t stop drooling, embarrassingly. It was obvious I really needed some food. I was so hungry I could eat a…
It all came together as I rustled my head through the bushes. The clicking and clattering, the odor I smelled; it came directly from this stray horse that was lost and confused. What was I thinking? It’s not cooked, it’s not even dead! How was I supposed to eat that!?
Yet my mind seemed to comfort me, telling me to relax and do what was natural to me. The aroma was arousing me, totally rendering my thought processes worthless. I licked my lips, just imagining the glorious taste as I sink my teeth into its flesh. I was going to feast on that animal.
I was snarling at the hopeless horse, my teeth shown as I stood on my fours, ready to strike. Unaware, I pounced on my prey and bit into its neck; the blood filled my mouth as my taste buds were sent into ecstasy. One last slash with my claw and my pray was gutted, dead.
With my muzzle into my meal, I immediately paused to tell the world of my new power. With the full moon riding high I raised my head and gave a glorious howl, resonating throughout the canyon.
I woke up to the feeling of scorching hot sun on my face. Opening my eyes I was greeted by the sight of vultures circling overhead. I could smell the odor of rotten meat suffocating my nostrils. It immediately sent me up onto my feet and looking down I saw a dead horse, badly mutilated right next to me. What’s more I could see the blood, coming from me hands and down my chest. I ran my hands on my face and confirmed, my face was covered with it too. With no idea what happened, or what I had done, I broke down and let out a scream.
Water…water. The warmth of the area was overwhelming me. I’ve been out here all day, wandering, hoping to find some semblance of life. All I could see was dirt and cacti, with no roads in sight. How in the world did I get this far out of the way? Nothing made any sense anymore, and that began to scare me. I needed to find help, soon, before I die of thirst.
It was no use however, as I felt flat on my face. This was it…I was gonna die.
From out of nowhere I felt the moist tongue of some animal, licking my face. I thought it was a scavenger, and in sense I was right, as it was a coyote, staring right at me. It didn’t seem to want to hurt me, however.
“Shoo…” I gasped, wanting it to leave me to my fate. But something was pushing that coyote to keep at it, to try and save my life. Upon looking at its face I realize, this wasn’t some ordinary coyote. It was that coyote from earlier, before we got captured by Hatalii and his followers.
“W…what are you doing here?” I stuttered, using all my strength to sit up. Immediately I saw the coyote run ahead, as if he was trying to direct me to something. I didn’t know what it was, but I was baking out here. I used my energy reserves so to speak and followed him, and sure enough he led me to a small stream flowing downward. I raced my ass to the river and with little tact I immediately dunked my face into the water, taking a few sips of water while washing the blood off my face. The cool water was a nice respite from the oven I currently resided in.
A few minutes passed and I found myself naked inside the stream, scrubbing hard to get the blood off of me. The coyote was on shore, chilling out. I couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable being naked around him for some reason. I mean, he is a dog, I don’t think he’d care a whole lot. Then, why did I? I gave him a cold glance from over my shoulder, making sure he wasn’t seeing anything he shouldn’t, and he responded by looking at me cock eyed, wondering what the hell he did. To be honest, I couldn’t really figured out what he did wrong either.
Finally I got out of the stream and quickly got dressed. The most peculiar thing I saw on my clothes, besides the overall condition of it, was the amount of hair that was found inside of it. I thought it might’ve been the coyote’s, snooping around where he wasn’t supposed to, but I quickly dismissed such a thing. I couldn’t smell his scent anywhere on it. How could I tell his scent again?
Now feeling a lot better, I began to contemplate where to next. I still hadn’t any idea where I was, or how to get back home. Did I want to go back? I mean, the townspeople were so enthralled with Hatalii’s preaching they fail to think with their own mind. That’s what caused Natalie to go missing in the first place, and that’s why I needed to find her.
Perhaps the hound would know. I called him over to me. He was surprisingly sharp for a wild animal. I called him and he walked over without hesitation. I stroked his shiny fur coat as he wagged in enjoyment. However, that was as much enjoyment he was going to get. Business was at hand.
“You know where Natalie is?” he barked in confirmation. “Natalie, yeah? I need to find her and see if she’s ok. Can you take me to her?”
He didn’t say anymore as he began to run ahead, guiding me to her location. I had no doubt now he did know where she was at. It became more and more apparent as we came closer and closer to his destination. It was sort of like I can notice vague remnants of her…like in the scent of the air. It almost smelled like me, and yet just a tinge different. Also I could smell something birdlike. Was that Shawna? It was odd how my smell was so in tune to my environment. No, what was odd was the fact I wasn’t thinking much about it.
Eventually we came to a giant rock on the road. You would assume it was a dead end, but my nose was telling me otherwise. The coyote was seeing right through it too, barking at the boulder on the road. What I wasn’t prepared for was the giant boulder to come to life, and have a giant 20 foot golem staring back at me.
“You…” it monotonously grumbled as he looked down on us like ants. “You…don’t belong here…leave…”
I was scared, but I couldn’t leave now, not when I was sure that Natalie was just beyond him.
“Natalie!” I shouted to him. “I’m looking for a girl named Natalie! She’s my sister!”
He warned me once again, “Leave…”
“But I need to know if she’s here!” I pleaded. “Please!”
He was having none of it, however. He stood there, and I knew if I did something stupid he was gonna flatten me into a pancake.
However, it seemed like the coyote was having other thoughts. Indeed the giant earthen creature looked imposing, apparently it wasn’t coordinated enough to stop an agile canine. He immediately ran through its legs and through the path beyond. The shaking and stomping the golem did trying to stop him only caused additional ruckus, and sent my butt to the ground. Still he stood there, not bothering to chase after him. I only hope he can get to Natalie and have her sort all of this out.
Of course what I didn’t see was the group of monster like Wyld coming to see what was going on. It seemed to be a centaur with a couple of her minions, and for what I could see, she was not thrilled at my presence.
Immediately her men seized me, restraining me.
“You were warned,” the centaur woman replied. “Now you will reap the consequences!”
Suddenly I heard a shout out in the distance. “Wait!” She cried. It was Shawna, alongside Natalie and the Coyote. He found them!
“What is the meaning of this?” the Centaur asked as they made their way to stop my “arrest.”
“Haylie!” I heard Natalie cry. She immediately gave me a big hug. If my hands weren’t restrained I would have reciprocated.
“Please, Matron,” Shawna pleaded to her. “She means no harm!”
“How many more people must you vouch for?” she asked. “How many more need to know of our village?”
“Not all humans or Diné are evil!” she claimed.
“And not all of them are good either!” She countered. “And I’m not going to waste my time determining the difference!”
“Please, Matron,” Shawna begged. “Stop blaming these people for other people’s crimes! They obviously are at odds with the Hatalii, so offer them support! No one else will!”
She shook her head. For being a rather stubborn individual, she seems to at least be giving Shawna’s statements some thought. She glanced at me and turned to Shawna to make her decision. “They are gone by the morrow,” she decreed. “If they give us trouble, I won’t hesitate to banish you, Shawna. Don’t make me regret this.”
Her men finally let me go and I was finally free to truly embrace my sister. I don’t know how she was able to escape, but at the very least I was glad. We were safe, at least for the night. I don’t know what would happen the days to follow, but as long as we’re together again, we should be alright.
For some reason, I began to feel hungry again. I guess it had been awhile since I’ve had a meal. I wonder what’s smelling so good? It kind of smells divine…
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
Reunited at last.
I looked over at my sister, who seemed terribly pale for some reason. I assumed that maybe it was because of the long journey out to here, so I didn’t let it bother me. I figured a quick change of clothes is what the doctor ordered.
I let her borrow one of my dresses which the spider weaver Deidre made for me. I asked her what had happened and how her clothes were torn up and in such awful shape. She gave me blank stare, not really knowing. I didn’t want to press her; she had such a long day.
Meanwhile Shawna plotted on our next course of action. We knew we couldn’t stay here forever, even if we never were evicted. I was a pretty big target after all, and although I really couldn’t stand Matron’s attitude towards me, she did have a point.
“Hey there, babe,” I greeted her as I began to rub her back. Let it be known, if you’re lovers with a winged Wyld nothing makes them more relaxed than a rub up and down their sensitive spine.
“Oh, God,” Shawna moaned as I suddenly surprised her. She obviously proved my point.
“You seemed a little pensive,” I said as I nibbled on her ear. “Figured you could use the company.”
She gave a kiss on my cheek and then replied, “I’m just having a hard time wondering where to go next. This is desert country, and while I know the area like the back of my hand, I think we’re just a little too close to all those cultists.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, “Still we can’t run forever.”
“Why not?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Look at them, Shawna,” I began. These are our people, and here they are taking orders from some false prophet. Segregating us and forcing us to choose sides where there shouldn’t be any sides to choose! I want our tribe to come to their senses, because even though they’re so backward, they’re still our family, and I want to do my best to help them.”
She grinned at me and stated, “You sound almost like a certain older sister of yours.”
“Yeah,” I answered. “I wonder if she’ll help us.”
“I don’t think it’s a matter of if,” she stated. “It’s more about actually getting down there. Phoenix is a long ways away from here, and there’s no vehicles in sight. And I’m sorry, Natalie, although you’re quite the featherweight, I doubt I could carry you 200 miles south to her!”
“Then I’m clueless as to where to go then,” I replied.
“Don’t worry,” she assured me, “we’ll figure it out. I know it.”
I gave her one final kiss. “I oughta go check up on Haylie,” I told her.
Letting go I turned to make my way to her room. I didn’t see Coyote come in, but there he was, standing outside her door, whimpering.
Looking over to him, I asked. “What’s the matter?”
He looked over to me, and replied, Worry…smell…strange.
Sometimes it was real vague trying to understand just exactly what it was he’s saying. Perhaps my communication skills were still weak, being rather new at this “elementalist” thing. Kneeling down at him I patted him on the head and gave him my reassurance.
“There’s no need to worry, Coyote,” I told him. “Haylie will be fine.”
Slowly I stood up and opened the door. “Haylie, are you-?”
She wasn’t there. The window hung open and the curtains moved to the flow of the midnight breeze.
I was worried sick. Where could she have gone?
Suddenly I could hear the sound of a wolf’s howl from a great distance. This was good. If those wolves are on the hunt tonight, that would mean trouble for Haylie. Immediately Coyote shared my concern as he leaped out from the window and motioned me to follow. Together, along with Shawna at my side, we began our search for my missing sister, using Coyote’s nose as our guide.
It was amazing how far she got. I swear she was in our room just five minutes ago. Could she have seriously climbed up this cliff? I was beginning to question whether or not he knew where she was. But talking to him he seem insistent that she indeed headed that way, and that he could tell from the strange odor he smelled from earlier. What truly worried me was the howling was getting closer. If she truly did climb up this cliff then she definitely was in trouble. Signaling Shawna over, she carried me up the cliff face, while I assisted her in controlling the flow of air. It was a high climb, and I didn’t want her to get tired when we’re only half way up.
We made it to the top in record time. However there wasn’t a sign of any wolf, let alone Haylie, just us and the shine of the full moon overhead. I couldn’t help but worry. Did the wolves get her? Don’t think such thoughts, I told myself. She’s fine!
“Nattie!” Shawna cried as she flew overhead. “I think I see her!”
Thank the goddess for her eagle eye perception. I followed her to a secluded area where indeed, Haylie was located. I still had no idea how she gotten this far.
“Haylie!” I cried. “What are you doing out here?”
“Oh,” she said, “Natalie. How did you get up here?”
“I had Shawna help me. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, Nat,” she answered. “I’ve been so hungry…all night. All night my craving for food got stronger and stronger. I tried to placate myself with some of the food you had in the house, but it didn’t help. I still was famished.”
“We can get you something,” I told her. “Please come down from here.”
“Oh Nat,” she continued, “Why did you come here? My hunger was so strong…I didn’t know what to do. I was imagining such impure…thoughts! It’s that smell. That smell you give off! It’s so euphoric!”
“What do you mean?” I asked actually fearing what was happening to her.
“That’s the smell that makes me the…most hungry!” She stressed. “Why do you smell so…delicious? Why do I want to feast on your flesh so?”
“Haylie?” I questioned, slowly backing off. Something truly wasn’t right.
“I wanted to run, keep myself from fulfilling my desires!” she exclaimed. “But you had to find me! God damnit, Natalie! Run away! Before it’s too late!”
I was speechless. All of a sudden I saw Haylie drop to her knees, writhing in pain.
“Run!” She yelled in a deep toned voice. “Or else I will EAT you!”
I was looking in horror as I saw my own sister’s body contorting in ways I never thought imaginable. I was lucky- all I had was a flashed a light and I was a woman. Seeing her muscle bulge out as she tore through the dress I loaned her. She fell onto all four as her fangs protruded from her gum line. She got bigger and bigger, about the size of a bull, and a lot more menacing. I realized now that that wasn’t a wolf howling at the full moon night. It was my sister; no longer the beautiful 17 year old girl, but now a violent werewolf beast.
“Haylie!” I screamed. It was too late, however. Whatever was left of her was trapped deep inside the husk of that giant behemoth. Now it only knew one thing- hunger.
“Natalie!” I heard Shawna scream. “Come on!” Quickly she clutched my shoulders with her talons and we flew away as fast as we could. However, even with my air altering abilities Haylie was easily keeping up with us. With a giant leap she was able to easily catch Shawna and drag us down to the ground below. I could now see how she so easily got up the cliff face like that.
Haylie’s paws were crushing my Shawna’s poor wings. I had to get her off her before she became her first meal. Using my skills I summoned a fireball directly towards my canine sister. It hit with enough force that it pulled her off my lover. Apparently my powers were stronger when in desperation.
“Shawna!” I yelled as I ran to her aid.
“My wings,” she gasped as she writhed in pain.
“Come on!” I told her as I helped her up to her feet.
It wasn’t easy. Having to lug my injured lover with me only hindered my escape, but there was no way I’d leave her out there to die. Hopefully my fireball did enough damage to keep her down for a little bit. We needed to get a little distance if we were going to make the long climb back down.
No such luck however, as I sat Shawna down near the cliff edge there was Haylie, badly burned and very upset. Her fangs were pointed right at me, snarling in an intense rage. I was trapped. Please Haylie, it’s me…don’t do this!
Not even my praying could keep her from charging at me. I was a sitting duck. I close my eyes, hoping it would be over with quick. Suddenly from out of nowhere Coyote came and with all his strength intercepted my dear sister, veering her off her target and down the cliff face below.
“Haylie!” I cried. Oh Goddess, nothing could survive that fall, so I thought. Panicking I somehow was able to carve a slope out of the cliff and immediately made my way down to the cliff base. My lack of insight actually did a lot more damage to the city than I imagined, causing the houses to be buried by the rubble. Luckily no one actually lives in them.
On the ground below lied Haylie and Coyote, both in a world of hurt. I rushed over their aid, not noticing that Haylie was nowhere being finished. Looking over Coyote, she rose from what seemed to be fatal wounds. She couldn’t be stopped. And once again I foolishly ran into her line of fire. What was I going to do now?
Suddenly I saw it: an arrow with a silver tip connected with her shoulder. All of a sudden she let out a painful yowl as she fell to the floor. Matron came to the rescue, yet she didn’t seem like she was done. She readied her next shot; this one going straight for her heart. As she fired I instinctively changed its wind direction, missing her.
“Stop!” I yelled. Slowly I saw the beast metamorphosed back into my little sister, the silver almost burning her arm clear off. I made my way to her and with all my strength ripped the silver arrow out from her damaged appendage, her blood gushing out everywhere.
I couldn’t help but cry as I held my sister in my arms. “Oh, Haylie!” I sobbed. “What have they done to you? Haylie!”
“Natalie!” I could hear my love call from afar. Shawna joined me, and yet, meanwhile, all Matron seemed focused on is telling Shawna just how right she was.
“You see?” She began. “This is what happens when you let Diné into the village! Look at it…ruined! Was it worth it?”
“Matron!” Shawna yelled, obviously upset at her. This seriously was not the time for this.
“No, Shawna,” she interrupted. “I have granted leeway long enough. If you wish to follow these beings to your grave that is your decision, but I won’t allow you to harm us any further. You will leave this place!”
Shawna stood there, mouth agape at what she heard. She thought here she was at home, with like-minded people who understood her form. But now she was being shunned here too. It left a big blow in her heart. I never saw her as sullen as she was now.
“She was a beast,” Shawna added. “You saw her. She couldn’t help it, but that damage done wasn’t from a human. It was just like us.”
She paused for minute, but Matron decided not to respond. Perhaps she was sorry she had to carry out such judgment. So was I.
One of her servants slowly came up to us as we tended to my little sister’s wounds. I didn’t know what he wanted, but it really wasn’t the time.
“Please understand that the Matron is only trying to protect her people,” he explained. “These are not decisions that she makes easily.”
“Please,” I told him with tears still in my eyes, “Just leave us alone.”
“Wait!” he insisted. “I wish to tell you something.”
“What?” Shawna asked, who like me, wasn’t in any mood for idle chatter.
“You know that not all who were branded “monsters” would put up with this kind of life. They still cling onto human tradition and values.”
“What’s your point?” I asked.
“Usually Matron would just cast them aside,” he continued. “But a lot of us did not find that to be a very smart thing to do. Regardless of what they want, to the eyes of Diné, they were monsters much like us. So many of us had a plan.”
“What type of plan?” I asked.
“Some of us reached out to the Prime Minister’s office in Phoenix for assistance,” he told us. “Most of the officials there didn’t want to be involved in our affairs, but there was this one girl who took note of our plight. Her name was Salia.”
“Salia,” I restated. “That’s my sister.”
“Ah,” he realized, “only now do I see the resemblance.”
“So what did she do?” Shawna asked.
“She set up a secret transport that takes those Wyld from Flagstaff to Phoenix,” he explained. “It was based on the Underground Wyldroad. Once there you should be free from any harm.”
“And what about Haylie,” I asked, also concerned about her well being.
“She was infected by the Dark curse,” he stated. “At her age, she is unable to control the beast within.”
“I can’t just leave her!” I cried, holding onto her.
“I may be able to get her aboard,” he explained. “It won’t be the most humane way of doing it, however.”
“What do you mean?” I said.
“As I said,” he wouldn’t comment any further. “I will see to it she is not hurt. But we haven’t much time, and I’m afraid this is only offer. Matron’s word is law and she will not allow you much time to gather yourselves. So what will it be?”
I looked at my sister. I didn’t know what it would imply, but I couldn’t just leave her. I let go of her and decided to let the buffalo man handle her. “Please, take care of her.” I told him.
He nodded as he threw her over his shoulder. “Gather your things, tend to your wounds,” he declared. “We leave shortly.”
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
I was kind of helpless. Shawna still was wincing in pain, and Coyote seemed to vanish after such a hard battle. Furthermore all our provisions were left inside the building- the same building that was buried beneath the landslide I accidentally caused. My panicking caused me to do more damage than I knew, and it obviously cost us our stay. I needed to work on harnessing my power if I’m ever going to live like this.
Looking back into the rubble I was at a loss. The worse thing was figuring out how exactly I was going to tend to Shawna’s wounds. At this point the majority of the denizens here treated us like lepers, I couldn’t get anyone to offer us any help. I feared that if I didn’t treat her soon she might not be able to fly again. I admired her strength, but even I know that would be too much for either of us to bear.
Suddenly, I saw the ground move beneath all the debris. A giant rock-like entity appeared, and bowed before me. “You…need help?”
This was the same golem who guarded the town’s entrance. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “I thought you’re supposed to guard the entrance?”
“What is left to guard now the town has vanished?” It loudly boomed. “Now…we rebuild.”
I looked down in guilt. “I’m so sorry,” I told him regretfully.
He looked like he was smiling. “I cannot blame you,” He told me. “You are young…much to learn…but you meant well.”
“Why are you willing to help when so many others turn their backs on me?” I asked.
“The earth smiles upon you,” he said succinctly. “You have its blessing…therefore, you have my blessing.”
Earth’s blessing…he must mean my power as an elementalist. Apparently he can since my relation with the elements, and as a result, respects me.
“Thank you,” I sincerely said. “I need a way into the building I was staying at. Perhaps you could help me made it through?”
He simply nodded as he used his abilities the clear a path to its entrance.
“The building…won’t last long,” He explained. “Be quick.”
Acknowledging the warning I went inside, trying to find anything that may help us for the travel ahead. Most of our supplies were damaged and destroyed, but there was one thing that still remained: my dress, the last of the three that the Spider Weaver made. Perhaps I could rip the fabric and make some sort of bandage to triage Shawna’s injuries. It was as good as I could find. It will be a shame to ruin such a wonderful dress.
Snatching the dress I immediately headed for the exit. As I made my way out from the dilapidated building it suddenly collapsed. Lady Luck was on my side- if I was in there a few seconds longer, it would have ended me. Sometimes I wonder if Lady Luck and AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé were one and the same.
I made my way over to the injured Shawna, with my dress in hand.
“Your dress?” she yelped as she saw what was in my possession.
“Yeah,” I replied. “I couldn’t find anything else and perhaps I can tear some of the fabric and bandage you up.” As I replied I attempted to do just that, and rip the fabric. However, the cloth was quite tough.
Shawna just looked at me and shook her head. “It’s spider silk, love,” she stated. “Don’t you know that stuff is near impossible to tear?”
I just looked at her a replied, “Well? What else do we got?”
It was hopeless however. I couldn’t get it to rip. Suddenly however I got help.
“Allow…me,” The golem from earlier replied as he made a surprising subtle entrance.
Handing him the dress he effortlessly ripped it to shreds. Guess it pays to be literally as strong as a rock. Handing back the remains of my dress, he also added. “I brought you…a gift from the earth.” He held out his other hand and showed us his offering.
“Purple coneflower,” he replied as he grounded it up into a paste. “Will dull the pain…help heal…make your journey more bearable.”
“Thank you!” I kindly shouted as I scraped off some of the goop. “You are very kind.”
“May you be safe on your travels,” he said as he walked off. Hopefully one day we may cross paths again.
We were right on cue as I finished bandaging my lover’s wounds the buffalo man came to us, signaling the time had come. We had a long journey ahead; it might be days until we finally reach Flagstaff. But what choice did we have? Our only hope now was to escape Dinétah and contact Salia. Only then will we figure out what to do, for our people and to that evil man.
The buffalo man, who went by Marley, guided us to a secret reservoir further beneath the canyon base. At the end of the reservoir was a large catamaran. I didn’t know how it would navigate the rough rivers of the Colorado, but apparently it had been done before. Plus, if needed I could perhaps slow the flow of water down, if I put my mind to it.
With Marley as our navigator we made our way down the river. He stated that there was a checkpoint up ahead where we would have to stop. It would be dangerous to ride the rapids any further than that, so from there we had to walk. At the very least the trip ensured us a few miles off our trip.
My biggest worry was Haylie. What did Marley do with her? In commenting he already said that he transported her safely to the checkpoint, but nothing else was said after that. He just told me to wait until I got there. His silence only further raised suspicions that indeed, whatever he did do to her, it wouldn’t be pretty.
We made our way to the checkpoint by dawn and immediately I immediately ran off the boat. Looking at the makeshift tepees I was sure that one of those held Haylie inside. Marley insisted to wait on him, but I paid him no mind. When I finally entered one of the tepees I was horrified at what I saw.
It was Haylie, chained up, and held captive inside a cage.
“Haylie!” I cried as I ran over to her. Immediately however Haylie stopped me in my tracks.
“Don’t come any closer!” she warned.
“But,” I countered, “Look what they did to you! They have no right caging you up like an animal!”
“But that’s exactly what I am!” she replied, holding back tears.
Suddenly Marley came in and tried to explain. “We didn’t have a lot of options,” he began. “I understand she is your sister, but she’s also a danger. We can’t afford to have her exposed.”
“But, there has to be some other way!” I insisted.
“Just stop, Natalie!” Haylie cried out. “I nearly killed you last night. Even now your scent intoxicates me. It was my choice to be chained up like this, so don’t make a federal case over it!”
I wanted to go against this. She was my sister! But I had nothing to work with. She was right, even though I didn’t want to believe it.
“The cage is made of pure silver, much like most of our crafts,” Marley explained. “She won’t be able to get out.”
I just shook my head. “This just seems like so much,” I mumbled to no one in particular and slowly made my way out of her tent.
A few minutes later Marley made his way back onto the boat.
“Where are you going?” I asked. “You’re not coming with?”
He shook his head. “My place is by the Matron. I must stay and watch the rebuild.”
I acknowledged and even though I wasn’t thrilled by everything he did, he did get us out safely, and for that I was thankful.
I held out my hand. “Thanks for all you’ve done.” I told him.
I was hoping he’d just shake it. Instead he delicately took my hand and gently kissed the back of it. I couldn’t help but blush at the gesture. I was so not used to being chivalry’s recipient.
“It was my pleasure,” he replied. “I truly hope for your safe being, for both you and your sister. How old is she again?”
Falling back down to earth I replied. “She’s 17 and 10 months,” I replied.
“Ah,” he stated. “She has not gone Wyld yet. Perhaps she might break the bonds of her curse yet.”
It was at least some form of solace. Though to me that time seemed like an eternity.
“Farewell,” he replied as he got on the catamaran and sailed off. Shawna then came up to greet me.
“He wasn’t much of a bad guy,” she commented.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“Apparently the camp is planning on resting here for the day,” she explained. “It gets too hot to travel by daylight so they usually wait until dawn.”
“I see,” I responded. “That’s good then. I think we both could use the rest. I’m pooped.”
“Yeah,” she seconded. “I’m gonna go procure a tent to sleep in. You gonna be okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” I assured her. “I’m more worried about you, doing all that work with such injuries.”
“I’m a tough girl,” she stated. “I can’t play the male figure if I’m gonna be whining about some sprained wing!”
“Sometimes I just want the sensible woman figure who I can cuddle with,” I told her.
“Well, tonight maybe you’ll get your wish,” she teased as she made her way off the dock to get her things.
In the meantime I had my own concerns bothering me. I was hoping Haylie may have calmed herself down a little bit that we could chat a little bit, but I realized that might not be easy with my scent mesmerizing her. I had an idea.
To the left of me was a small patch of Fragrant Mimosa plants. They are plentiful in the plains regions but they rarely make it out this far. It was almost like the earth was planning this. Kind of freaky, if you’d think about it.
Of course, that’s all fine and dandy if the damn thing didn’t have spines on it. I had to find a way to pick the flower without having to cut myself. I began to ponder hard at my situation. With my hands on the ground, I couldn’t think of a safe way of doing this, and was about to give up, only to realize my hands were as solid as stone by the time I raised them.
“Holy crap,” I shouted in the most unladylike manner. My hands must’ve reacted to the earth, and the dirt encased my hands inside a rocky like enamel. I began to move my fingers one by one. It was surprising how flexible my hands still were even after they were covered in stone.
With this new found power I grabbed the plant and ripped it right out of the ground. Almost mimicking my golem friend from earlier, I began to grind it with my fists and apply it over my body. I was hoping that the scent would hide my very own from Haylie’s powerful nose. Now that the odor was all over me, it was time to find out if it did trick.
My hands back to normal, I made my way back to Haylie’s tepee. She obviously wasn’t happy to see me.
“What are you doing back in here?” she asked.
“Trying to test something out,” I answered. “Can you smell me?”
She began to sniff the air. She then realized what I did and with a grin she replied, “You crafty devil you.”
I smiled. Apparently it worked. I made my way over to her cage. My happy demeanor then became serious as I had a lot of questions to ask.
“What happened?” was the first and most obvious question to ask. “Who did this to you?”
“I…don’t know,” she replied. “Everything is so vague to me. I remember the parts where you were kidnapped, and then Hatalii died…and.”
“Hatalii died?” I couldn’t help but hear.
“Yeah,” she repeated, “The whole crowd was there to see him. It was all a littly fuzzy to me though.
I tried to figure this out. Wasn’t the Hatalii the one who orchestrated this? To force my hand in marriage to someone who claimed he was my reincarnated lover? Why would he die, except.
Of course, that man was using him too. He even said as much. He didn’t believe in these traditions or legends, he was just using them as a way to exploit our people! But for what?
Then I look to Haylie. She was the result. She became were. Then it all came together: silver cage, silver arrow…silver bracelets. That day, when I was about to be married, that man grabbed my wrists. His palms were burning! That means…
“That imposter was a Dark Wyld!” I shouted in epiphany.
“Huh?” Haylie replied, confused.
It was just a theory, but it was a pretty darn good one. If that’s the case, my people were in worse danger than I thought! If he could change Haylie, how many more could he change? And if he can so simply manipulate my people, how could they not be susceptible to his bite? He could put together an army!
“Where are you going?” Haylie asked as I got up to head outside.
“I need time to think,” I told her. “With all this information I need time to digest it.”
She still looked confused. She didn’t realize just how much information she had given, but I was thankful for every little piece of it.
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
“Can’t you smell it my minions?” The sinister man only known as Hellhound began. “Her scent runs heavy here.
Traveling along the canyon floor he searched. For the past few days he waited, hoping that his little “surprise,” would have already taken care of her. But it’s been too long, and Natalie’s scent began to wear. The only thing he had to go on was the scent of one from his own pack: Haylie. Perhaps she was able to eliminate the thorn in his side, but he’s grown too impatient. He needed Natalie dead. If she got across the border…
They came across a ruined village. By the looks of it, the damage was relatively recent. Taking a sniff of the air, he could sense the aroma of both Haylie and Natalie in this general vicinity. Hmmm…he delightfully thought, looks like my little surprise may have worked after all.
“Don’t move!” Someone cried from the distance. Standing there alongside a bevy of men, each aiming a bow and arrow right at their chests was the Matron.
“Do not make me shoot you,” she suggested.
He just looked at the tips of her arrows and laughed. “Silver arrows? Going on a were hunt, are we?”
“I warn you, leave!” she reiterated as she pulled her bow taut.
“Seemed to have plenty of trouble out here,” he continued. “'Tis a shame that trouble has only just begun!”
Suddenly like a landmine an explosion was conjured up from under her hooves, sending her flying off the edge in which she stood on. Everyone fired at the man, however he swiftly moved away from the barrage and with his inhuman strength leaped over the rocky edge and right behind one of the archers. Grabbing his face he began to melt his skin right off, until only ashes remained.
“Don’t be afraid of a few toothpicks!” the sinister man cried as he snapped an arrow in half. “Even the strongest prey has their soft spots!”
He slowly walked over to the beaten Matron and grinned. “You know,” he began, “If I turned you, you’d make such an awkward werewolf, with those hooves and all.”
She just spitted at him in response.
“Rest assured,” he said as he gutted the centaur, “I wouldn’t put you through such difficulty.”
Looking at his handiwork, he turned back onto the task at hand. He sniffed the air, and realized the scent didn’t end there.
“Boys!” he yelled. “Follow!”
They made their way down the secret passageway only to uncover before their eyes, more escapees! Marley took the remaining citizens on the catamaran to safety.
“Kill them!” he ordered. But it was too late. His men flailed off the edge and into the rapids below. They were too far away to grab, and for some reason, the sinister man did not seem comfortable anywhere near the water’s edge.
With that he let out a growl which carried throughout the canyon. He was extremely displeased. Now he had more flies to squash!
“You knew!” I yelled. I was once again in AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé’s dream world, and I wasn’t happy. “You knew that Haylie was bitten, and you didn’t stop it?”
“You forget,” she countered back, “I’m dead. I can’t just interfere with things like that!”
“But you could’ve told me sooner!” I cried.
“And what, “She retorted, “have you walk right into the enemy’s hands? Look, Nattie, there was nothing you could do. I could have told you she was a werewolf, but would that have kept you from going to her?”
“I…I!” I wanted to reply otherwise, but I couldn’t. I cared for my sister far too much.
“So what am I supposed to do then?” I asked her.
“You just have to keep going with your plan,” she answered. “There needs to be a force capable enough to oppose the Hellhound and his pack of wolves. Your sister Salia might be your best bet at this point.”
“That just doesn’t seem like much,” I admitted. “He can turn tens of hundreds in days, and I barely can scrape together a handful.”
“You forget,” she stated, “There’s a lot more power in your little hand than you realize, babe. You’re our ace in the hole. You just have to get stronger. And I know you are! You’ll get there, I know it!”
I slowly gave her a hug, feeling a little bit better, albeit still felt weird seeing we were naked.
“Don’t you love it when our boobs come together?” she joked. I immediately pulled away, feeling embarrassed.
“Come on!” I yelled. “We’re related, sicko!”
She just giggled hysterically, “You’re just so easy to pick on!” She gave a quick exhale and said her goodbyes. “I’ll see you on the flipside!”
I woke up to the moist feeling on my face. Opening my eyes I was surprised to see Coyote, healthy as ever.
“Holy Goddess!” I yelled. “You’re alright!” I immediately gave him a hug, wonder just how he could recover so easily from such life threatening injury. I mean, he leaped off a cliff, for goodness sake!
“Guess you’re no ordinary canine!” I told him. But apparently that was obvious since we’ve first met. But, still, familiar or not, I cared for him. At this point he’s as much family as anyone I’ve got.
“What’s going on?” Yawned Shawna as I woke her from her slumber.
“Oops,” I said, realizing what I did. “Sorry. I guess I was a little too excited to see Coyote’s alive and kicking.”
“Coyote?” she replied while she rubbed the dust from her eyes. Opening them to see, she too was overcome by surprise. “That’s amazing. I wish I could heal that fast.” She began to rub her damaged wing.”
“Don’t worry,” I insisted, “your wing will get better.”
“I know,” she replied. “It’s just weird. I’m just not as used to walking as I used to be.”
“Well,” I said as I cuddled up next to her. Putting her arm around my shoulder I replied, “If you need a crutch, you know I’m here.”
She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m so lucky to have a top of the line crutch like you!” she joked.
Top of the line or not, even this crutch wasn’t entirely prepared for the journey ahead. The rocky surfaces and the brutal climbs- my body wasn’t built to endure such things. Honestly, even if I was still Nate I would have trouble. It made me realize just how much of an outcast my race had become. I meant the Wyld in general. No, in reality I was lucky, I could still live and hide myself as human, and in my tribe, my human looks was acceptable enough. But for some of them, the so called “monsters,” this was a struggle every day. And even our discriminatory actions pale in comparison to those of other nations. It just gave me a sense of how hated we really were.
Even though I was having a hard time, Shawna was really struggling. Her talon like feet proved disadvantageous when treading on rocky ground. If she could fly this would be nothing, but with her injury we had to cope. I could see Haylie, still trapped in her cage in front of us, feeling awful at what she did. It wasn’t your fault, Haylie. Don’t blame yourself.
We couldn’t take it any longer. Shawna needed to rest and although the caravan weren’t real thrilled about the subject, they knew how important every life was, and decided to stop. Immediately Shawna began to tend to her feet, which were no doubt painfully sore from all the miles we traveled.
“I’m sorry,” she said to me, “I know I’m just slowing you guys down.”
“It’s okay,” I assured her, “I’m just as beat as you are.”
“I understand your ailments,” said the group leader of this journey, “but we cannot stay long. If a Diné sees us here they won’t hesitate to attack us. For all they know, we were banished from this land. They will not take kindly our trespassing in it.”
“What are we suppose to do then?” I asked. “There’s just no way she can keep up like this.”
Suddenly, Shawna had an idea. “Hey, Nattie,” she began, “you remember how you totally leveled that cliff face?”
“Yeah,” I replied, “How couldn’t I?”
“Well,” she explained, “you were able to change the terrain of the area, so maybe you can to the same thing here?”
“But Shawna,” I reminded her, “I was panicking, and didn’t have a lot of control over what I was doing. I don’t think it’s that simple.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. “I mean, it’s not like you’re carving into a rock face or anything. You’re just leveling the land in front of us. That shouldn’t take that much energy, right?”
“I don’t know…” I hesitantly said.
“C’mon, Nattie,” she implored me, “I don’t know if we have any other options.”
I sighed. “I’ll try,” I stated. I wasn’t sure exactly how to achieve this, but I guess I had to wing it and find out. Laying the palm of my hand onto the ground floor, I tried to picture the land altered from a rocky surface to a more soft and fertile terrain. Suddenly the ground shifted in front of me and indeed the land was leveled. The terrain was now more manageable to walk on.
“It’s working!” Shawna cried in delight.
However this realization meant I had to be in front of the pack at all times, constantly altering the land in front of me. I soon began to realize how much using powers could drain me. I was at the end of the rope, and nowhere near the Arizonan border. Whatever trek we had left, they had to do it on their own; I couldn’t take it anymore.
Shawna smiled as she grabbed my lifeless body. “I think I may have worn you out.” Gee, you think? I wasn’t really in the mood to yell at her now, obviously. I needed sleep.
She decided to pick me up and carry me piggyback style. “My feet are better now,” she stated. “I’ll handle the rest. You get some sleep.”
I woke up to the sound of a car engine as I felt the wind blowing at my face. Was I in a jeep? I was! How long was I out?
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Shawna said. “Finally awake huh?”
“How long was I asleep?” I asked.
“Over 16 hours,” she replied. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t know you could wear yourself out casting magic. I don’t really have that power.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “Where are we now? How did we get in this jeep?”
“Well, we’re in Arizona now, if that wasn’t obvious by now,” she stated. “From here ‘refugees’ are taken from Flagstaff by motorcade to Phoenix. Once there we’ll be meeting your sister. Hopefully she’ll help us out.
“What about Haylie?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“That will have to be explained to her once we get there,” she said solemnly. The uncertainty was worrisome, but my sister wouldn’t abandon her. I just know it.
“Just relax, Nattie,” Shawna insisted. “The hard part is over now.”
We made it to Phoenix by nightfall. Apparently the director of the underground refugee movement knew we were coming, and knew my relation to my sister, Salia. He already made an appointment to see her. I thanked him as he guided me to her government office. I could hear her screaming from down the hallways.
“I don’t understand what is so hard about this!” she exclaimed. “We’re a landlocked country, surrounded by religious nutjobs and militant fundamentalists, not to mention drug lords to the south. It’s a win-win! North Sonora becomes the 6th state in our union, we get access to the Pacific Ocean, and they get protection from all the violence within the region. Because I know that with those warlords down there they won’t be able to combat them alone!”
“Ma’am,” the director interrupted her. “The two you were waiting for are here.”
She looked at her phone and then said, “Let me call you back.” Hanging it up, we made our entrance into her office. The director left, and now we were face to face with my big sister. I wondered if she knew who I was.
“Shawna!” she cried as she gave her a comforting hug. “It’s been so long! My God, you’re injured! Are you okay?”
“I think I’ll manage,” she replied. “Not easy getting out of there in one piece!”
Salia then turned to me. She looked at me intently, trying to figure out just who I was. Then it dawned on her.
“…No way,” she stated. “Nate?”
I was kind of embarrassed having to be greeted like that. “It’s Natalie now,” I told her. “I went Wyld.”
“It done quite the load on you,” she claimed. “Are you doing okay? I mean, changing genders and all must be rough.”
“I’m fine,” I assured her. “It’s been weird, but I’m getting used to it.”
“I wish I could’ve been there to help you out,” she said.
“It’s okay,” I replied. “You had to leave that place, and now at least I can understand why.”
“God how they sicken me,” she scowled, “deciding who is pure and who is not. This is the Free States, for Christ’s sake! And yet we treat Dinétah with kiddy gloves, afraid to assert authority over them because they may take offense to it!”
“They do make up a big chunk of our military,” I stated.
“But what point is a military when the reasons we fight aren’t being lived up to?” she explained. “There is no Diné, there are no Monsters! Just Wyld, and all Wyld deserve to be free, not just certain ones! And if we don’t uphold this certain unalienable right, then what do we fight for?”
Now I can see why she took up politics. She definitely has a lot of gravitas, particularly when it comes to things she truly cares about.
“Anyway,” she digressed, “You came here for a reason and I’m sure you have plenty to talk about. So please, let me hear it.”
We went over the story from the very beginning: my turning Wyld, being declared a deity, being assigned to marriage by the Hatalii to some strange guy, to Shawna helping me make my grand escape, and the journey afterward.
“This strange man,” she began, referring to my so preordained “husband,” “you said he was a werewolf. You’re sure about this.”
“I’m fairly sure,” I told her. “I don’t know his name, or where he came from, but I believe I have evidence showing it to be the case. You might not like what you see, however.”
She stood up adamantly and commanded, “Show me.”
We went back to the refugee headquarters, where I knew Haylie would be waiting, most likely still shackled up inside a silver cage. I told her it might be wise to cover herself up with some perfume or something in case the scent Salia had might be similar to my own which caused Haylie to get riled up. Spraying it on ourselves, I braced her as much as I could from the emotional impact that was about to come. But nothing could prepare her for this.
Opening the warehouse door I could see Salia’s jaw drop.
“Haylie?” she cried. “Oh my God, Haylie!”
She immediately ran up to her with tears filling up her eyes. Like me, she couldn’t believe this was happening. Seeing this made it sting even further.
“Salia,” Haylie cried. “Please don’t get close to me!”
She stopped. Logic knew the Haylie was right, but in her heart, it was hard not to have contact with her.
“It’s true then?” she asked.
Haylie just nodded. “I know who did this now,” she claimed. “I can hear his voice deep within me…it won’t stop!”
Seeing her strained didn’t help any. “Haylie, calm down,” I told her. “Can you give me his name?”
“He calls himself…Hellhound,” she replied. “He’s my Alpha…”
“Alpha?” I wondered.
“He has such a strong grip in my head,” she explained. “When he demands something from us it’s hard to say no. This cage is keeping me from just going out and leaving, and even so I feel like I’m losing more and more of my sanity just listening to him!”
I turned to Salia, who was pondering something. “Hellhound,” she mumbled, “Hmmm.”
“What?” I asked her.
“Well,” she said, “Perhaps this isn’t his first appearance. Maybe he has records in other states or countries that we haven’t uncovered.”
“And how will that solve anything?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“You said he seems to want revenge on something,” she continued. “Perhaps in looking at his past we might be able to find out just exactly what he is planning his revenge for. We can cut him off when he makes his move!”
It made sense. If we knew where exactly he would be going, we can track him down and stop him, particularly if he’s out of Dinétah’s borders. I hate to say it, but the police here have no qualms taking out a white man here, and he no exception.
Walking out of the warehouse Salia whispered into my ear.
“You know we’ll have to kill him, don’t you?” she asked.
“What?” I said. Sure I hated the guy, but as long as he saw justice I didn’t have a problem with him living.
“It’s Haylie, Nat,” she explained. “As long as he exists he’ll exhibit his power through her, and all other people he’s infected.”
“But,” I resisted.
“If he dies, Haylie will be free from his grasp,” she explained. “She might not be able to control her changes, but it’s a least a start. And I don’t want to see her, or my people, as puppets to this mad man.”
“So what are we going to do?” I asked.
“You get some rest, Nat,” she replied. “I’ll run through some of the databases to see if I can find some clues. We’ll discuss more of this in the morning.”
With that we parted ways. I don’t know if I could it. I wasn’t a killer, no matter how much I hated him. But Haylie…my people. I had some serious soul searching to do.
In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?
It was too late. The Hellhound could sense his momentum slipping. The last trace of Natalie’s whereabouts was here at the rapid’s basin. From the presence of Haylie’s aroma, one could almost deduce she might have successfully finished her off, but her aroma still lingered beyond this area into the rocky precipice that lied ahead. This wasn’t just some random wandering about; there was a concrete direction to where she was heading. Even if Natalie succumbed to her little sister’s fangs, if wasn’t as if Haylie had “free will.” She instinctively knew her parameters. He has been calling her for days and yet she has not returned to him, her master. There could only be one explanation for this: she was taken prisoner. And by the direction she was taken off to, she must’ve reached the Arizonan border by now.
He had been successful in integrating himself into the Navajo culture. Many of them have easily been turned, becoming his servants for this upcoming battle. But it still wasn’t enough. If it wasn’t for their silly tradition! He needed to blend in and play his role in order to build the Navajo’s trust, but this sham of a marriage had only brought him more grief than anything else. With Natalie and/or Haylie inching closer to Phoenix there was barely any time to make his move.
Together with his pack of 500 in tow he made he followed Haylie’s scent to the end of the mountainous trail. Off in the distance was Flagstaff, confirming his worst fears.
The time for searching for the two sisters was over. It was time to put his plan into motion…but maybe he could reinforce his army just a little bit. The sun was setting once more and the town seemed ripe for the picking. After all…they can’t fight what they can’t see.
“It burns!” Haylie yelped as she clenched her hands tightly against her head.
I was overseeing her, each scream or cry from her little sister only making me more worried. The fact I could do nothing only added salt to my wounds.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, hoping that maybe I could find some way to calm her, even if only slightly.
“It’s…him!” Haylie struggled to cry out. “He calls…it gets louder and louder!” She began to curl herself into a ball; a poor remedy to the pain she was exhibiting.
She turned her face sideways toward me, showing me the redness of her puffy, watery eyes. “I feel like I’m losing my humanity,” she lamented. “It feels like I’m slowly but surely becoming a beast in not just my body, but in my soul too! He wants me to go to him…to return to the pack. The more I resist my master the more the pain exists! But I can’t get free!”
“He’s not your master!” I said unequivocally.
“It’s easy to say when you’re not under his control,” she stated with her teeth grinding together to hold her pain, “but to me, I can’t think of him as anything but!”
I could only shake my head in disgust. I know she didn’t want to believe it, but what else could she do? It only made me even more resolved in trying to end this man’s madness once in for all!
I just didn’t know if I could kill him though. It seems easy to consider when you look at your sister writhing in pain, but to actually do it in the middle of battle… I’ve never killed anyone in my life, and even now having gained my Wyld ability the thought of actually doing that to someone seems too unnerving to me. Yet eventually I will be heading to battle for that exact purpose. If I didn’t, then Haylie may never be free, let alone the rest of my people, many who likewise have been turned Dark like her.
Suddenly in came Shawna as she walked over to my sister’s cage holding a slab of meat in her hand. She threw the steak inside and immediately its aroma caught Haylie’s attention. Picking up the meat with her hand she began to take a bite of it. It seemed to at least put her at ease as her pain seemed to have temporarily subsided.
Walking over to me Shawna explained, “Sometimes you need something to distract you from heavy thought. I figure food is as good as anything. Works for me at least!”
It may have helped Haylie but for me it only made the pain in the pit of my stomach grew stronger. To watch her eat be distracted so easily by the mere sight of steak only further proved to me how much her thought process was slipping. Even the little things have begun to stress me out, so much so that even though I was worn out and physically spent I still wasn’t able to sleep, regardless how much I wanted to. Shawna even offered to watch after my sister for me, but that still couldn’t take away the worry that enveloped me. Even though I’ve been told time and time again it wasn’t my fault, even by Haylie herself, I still couldn’t help but feel I was at least partially responsible.
Wrapped around my lover’s embrace I too seemed to feel Shawna’s concern. Maybe it was by instinct or some spiritual link that has grown between us, but I knew she was just as worried as I was. My head lying on her bosom, she folded her wing over me, perhaps to shield me from the world around me. I was thankful for her. She was my rock, and I don’t know where I would be without her stabilizing presence.
It didn’t take much time at all and sure enough I drifted off to slumber.
“Have you ever killed before?” I asked AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé.
There we were, sitting on the shore overlooking a clear, blue lake, our naked bodies glistened as it reflected over its surface.
“Directly, no,” She admitted, “but to say my role in life didn’t cause hardships towards other people would be a lie. And even then there was my offspring…”
“I don’t know what to do,” I confessed to her, “I don’t know if I have the strength to do such a thing.”
“That’s the problem with having power,” she explained. “Sometimes it isn’t us who purposely look for trouble, sometimes trouble comes to us. That’s just an unavoidable fact.”
“Because of that…Haylie…” I solemnly said. “If I could’ve been anything besides…well, this!”
“Has it truly been that bad?” she asked.
Looking at her I couldn’t honestly say no. “I doubt I could ever live as a man again. Everything this body has given me has been a blessing. I don’t think I could be anything else.” I was holding back my tears at this point. “But to see how much it has negatively impacted everyone around me: my people, my family. People were turned into monsters just to find and kill me!”
“And if it wasn’t you would it make a difference?” she countered. “What if it was some other girl who went Wyld being forced into the same position that you were? Do you truly think that man would have done anything different?”
I didn’t really think of it like that.
“He was going to turn people regardless of what happened,” she continued. “It wouldn’t have ultimately mattered who was chosen as his bride, he was only using our people’s traditions to curry favor, and then turn them all when their guard was down!”
Thinking hard on the words she was saying she offered up one last comment. “In fact, Nattie, you should be thankful out of all the people that were chosen that it was you. Lesser women would have lost the battle before it even began. Call it luck, call it determination, but here you are, about to launch a counterattack on the man who did all of this to you. I truly believe that only you could’ve achieved this.”
“You truly think so?” I asked.
“I know so!” she exclaimed with a smile on her face. “Plus you seem to have learned quite a bit of spells in a rather short period of time. You’re quite the natural!”
“Thanks,” I told her. “But what about the killing part?”
“I admit that it isn’t the most glamourous thing to talk about,” she admitted. “Just head out into battle. Try not to think too much about it, and let the cards drop as they may. Maybe it won’t be you who has to land the killing blow.”
“I hope not,” I reiterated, “but…”
“…if your sister’s life is on the line, and you’re the only thing stopping him…” she began.
“…then I have no choice.”
My conversation was interrupted by the slight jabs being forced upon my ribcage. It wasn’t painful or anything, only effective enough to get me awake.
“…Ugh,” I grimaced as I slowly regained consciousness. The light greeted me unpleasantly as it bombarded my unprepared eyes. “What?”
Looking at Shawna I followed her attention to the person standing in front of us, who seemed to have something important to tell us.
“Miss Redbone-,” he paused, correcting himself on my account, “your sister wishes to speak with you. Said she found some information about this ‘Hellhound’ fellow.”
He didn’t need to say anything more. I looked over at my sister one last time. It seemed she too was worn unconscious by all she’s been through. All I knew was I couldn’t help her by sitting here. I ought to go see what Salia was up to.
I knocked on the door of Salia’s office. Opening it slowly she quickly recognized my presence, and eagerly called me over to check out what she found.
“Come look at this,” she said. Seeing as I was just as anxious to find out more about this person, I eagerly joined her as she pulled up some information on her computer.
“I didn’t have much going for me,” she began. “The only thing I knew was he was a Dark Wyld capable of turning people into werewolves. And while you and Haylie may have gotten a good look at him, I haven’t any clue. I’ll be quite honest I was quite surprised what came up when I simply typed “Hellhound” into the search engine.”
I began to read aloud the information plastered on the computer screen. “24 killed, 10 wounded during the escape of a demonic entity.”
“This took place in Los Angeles, Calivada, a little over 5 years ago,” Salia explained.
I kept reading. “The Calivada Holy Police, charged in the persecution and restraint of dangerous Wyld-like entities, was unable to subdue one of their prisoners as the beast went on a rampage, murdering twenty four members of the clergy, and injuring ten more. The Wyld, one of their members claimed, never showed anything to suggest he was capable of such behavior.”
“Yeah,” I sarcastically replied, “Those guys sure were know-it-alls.”
“Keep reading,” Salia urged.
“Before then he seemed to be a mindless animal, the man continued. He always complained about the pain in his head, driving him to do things like bang it against the jail cell walls…yelling and screaming causing quite the commotion. We often had to take him aside in one of our ‘purification sessions,’ trying to get him to calm down. Nothing seemed to work.”
I could only shutter at what they meant by “purification.”
“We kept him around because we knew that he was a pawn of another Wyld’s game. That’s the thing about Dark Wyld. They’re dangerous because they can infect people. We wanted to use him, hoping that he could lead us to his ‘alpha.’ The more we forced him however, the more pain he felt. If we knew having him would have resulted in this…we should’ve killed him when we had him.”
“If this person is the same person that escaped from that facility,” I wondered, “then why would he bother going after us? I mean, technically if he crossed the border he should be safe from harm. He could just hide and everything would have gone away.”
“Perhaps he’s more vindictive than that,” Salia suggested. “I mean, most of his life was spent either being a slave to some monster or a prisoner to a bunch of religious nutjobs. At least the motive is there.”
“…And unlike some people,” I finally realized, “he actually has the means to bring about revenge.”
“He can turn whoever he comes across into a werewolf, bound entirely by his power,” Salia finished. “He just needed someone gullible enough to help him get inside. Most people living in the major cities have enough education to understand and prevent such attacks from happening. If he would just randomly infect someone here, for example, it wouldn’t take long before people notice it.”
“And so he found the Hatalii,” I stated.
“As one who most likely used religion to make sense of the Wyld phenomena, it probably was easy to manipulate him.”
“He studied enough about our religion, and assumed the role of one of our powerful gods, Já³honaaʼéá,” I continued. “With his ability to manipulate heat, along with his knowledge of our religion, I suppose it was quite possible to have the Hatalii wrapped around his finger.”
“And from there he could infect unknowing victims, while the Hatalii protected him, not knowing what he was doing behind his back.”
“So he became an unwilling accomplice of his crimes,” I concluded.
“Apparently your transformation provided a kink in his plans,” Salia remarked.
“Yeah,” I confirmed, “although it hasn’t made my life any easier. Why did it have to be me?”
Grabbing me by the shoulders, she gave me a little shake. “Stop getting down on yourself, sister!” she commanded. “Who knows what would have happened if you didn’t exist! Haylie could have still been turned for all we know! Maybe even worse!”
This sounded all too familiar. AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé already gave me this lecture. Didn't make me feel better though, even if they both had a point.
“You need to be strong,” she insisted, “for Haylie’s sake.”
“So what now?” I asked, changing the subject. “This doesn’t necessarily help figure out exactly where he is.”
“It does limit the choices, however,” she replied. “Knowing that you’ve escaped his grasp and most likely have contacted us he might panic and began to slip up. He might just go with what he has and make an attempt to cross the border.”
She stood up from her office seat. “We need to find him quickly,” she said sternly. “If my assumptions are correct, and he indeed is leading an army across the Calivadan border, it will be seen as an act of aggression from our own people. Calivada doesn’t need much provoking to launch an all out war on us.”
Suddenly her aide came barging through the door. “Ma’am,” she greeted. “There is a group of Wyld outside asking for you. They say they have come from the canyon basins of Dinétah.”
It didn’t take much time for me to figure out whom he was talking about. It was the people from Shawna’s village. Turning to each other and nodding our heads, we both stopped what we were doing and headed over to greet them.
Seeing the villagers from Shawna’s village, it didn’t look very healthy at all. Many of them were lacerated, beaten or bruised. At first thought you could assume that those were in result of my actions; my lack of control did cause a landslide after all. However, their “Matron” took care of the matter when she banished me. Furthermore I didn’t see he in sight. In fact there seemed to be far less villagers here than I originally remembered.
I was able to at least recognize one of them. The husky, giant buffalo man Marley. I quickly motioned my sister over to greet him.
“Marley!” I cried. He obviously didn’t look a hundred percent.
“Natalie,” he replied. Instinctively I put my arms around him, trying to help prop him up.
“What happened?” I asked.
“A beast of a man, with many others- those who became animals much like your sister,” he explained, “they attacked. Many of my people were killed, our Matron included.”
I looked at him with great sympathy. “I’m truly sorry.”
“What you see left here are the survivors,” he claimed. “I did what I could. The village was destroyed.”
I couldn’t help but feel as if this was again my fault. I've heard it from Salia and AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, telling me otherwise, but it's hard not to think that way. Even if becoming Natalie was all random chance, the subsequent decisions I made afterwards, such as staying in Marley's village was indeed my choice. And my choice cost them more than I could even imagine.
“None of them are infected, are they?” My sister asked.
“For what I can see, no,” Marley assured her. “Besides me and a few other of our warriors these people are but mothers and children, incapable of fighting. It was our task to evacuate them. They should be safe.”
“Do you know where they went?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“No, I do not,” he answered. “Perhaps they may have still wished to chase us. Maybe they did not. I don’t know.”
I shook my head, wishing I had more to go on. Still, he told me as much as he could, and that was helpful.
“We should get you some medical attention,” I told him.
“Give it to the civilians who need it,” he stated. “My men and I don’t have time to waste.”
“You mean you’re going to go after him?” I asked.
“We have lost many brave warriors who gave their lives so that we may live,” he stated. “Justice must be done, if not for them, then for the families who have yet to be victimized, and hopefully never will.”
“We can use a few more men,” Salia told him. “If you would like, we would like to join you in this battle. We have our own motives for it, as you already know.”
“Of course,” he nodded. “This is not just our issue, this is an issue for the Diné as a whole.”
“And for this entire country,” Salia corrected. “This transcends all peoples.”
“Very well,” he said. “We shall get ready now.”
“Good,” Salia replied, “We’ll leave at nightfall.”