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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We get another peaceful night of sleep again. After eating at Bran-li’s Fish House, we walk out with my fairies hovering around us as we approach Master Pakku’s study room. We see Hahn coming out again. He stops in front of us.
“I just want to apologize for my rude behavior yesterday, Richard. If you hadn’t come along to get my attention, I would have become a bitter man later in life.”
“I accept your apology, Hahn. We all have our own burdens to bear.” Brianna takes my hand and holds it. “But, it helps to have a true soul mate who can share in your life.”
“I’m slowly learning that as well, Richard. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Hahn.” Hahn then continues on his way.
Brianna squeezes my hand. I squeeze her hand back as we smile at each other briefly. We turn our faces back to see Master Pakku standing in front of his door with a smile on his face. We all smile back at him.
“Follow me, please.” He stops before a water reservoir. He turns around to face us. “It is now time to learn the complex moves of offense and defense. Richard, have you learned any animals from the water?”
“None yet, sir. I have one sensei and one teacher right now. My sensei is a Shaolin Dragon Master. He is older than me by thirty years. I have a teacher who is fifteen years older than me. He earned the fifth black sash the fastest. He is a prodigy. He told me, he will now seek the higher sashes in his life time. Sensei Chou and I have talked in length about the animal forms that I will be learning. He agreed the five basic animals are not enough for me. They both know who I am. They agreed to keep my secret as quiet as possible.”
“The first five basic animals are the crane, panther, tiger, snake and the dragon.” I quickly go through the moves of the crane. A faint image of a crane appears around me as I do the moves.
“The second animal is the tiger.” I quickly go through the moves of the tiger. A faint image of a tiger appears around me as I do the moves.
I do the same for the black panther and the snake. “Right now I only know how to walk like a dragon. There are two insects that are very important for hand to hand fighting, the praying mantis and the blue scorpion.” I go through those moves. A faint image appears around me as I do each one. “There are a number of weapons to learn with each animal. There is one specialty style, it is called the drunken man technique. It is where I act like a drunk while I fight. It provides deception while dealing with an opponent.”
Master Pakku smiles, “The drunken man technique? That’s interesting. We have that as well.”
“I also have been given small doses of truth serums so that my body knows how to fight against it. The best solution is to get stung by a wasp.” I wave my hand to show a wasp. Then I wave my hand to make it disappear. “The adrenalin rush from the wasp sting really causes the heart to pump out the truth serum poison quickly from the body via the skin pores.”
Master Pakku smiles again, “Excellent, we have similar methods here as well. We have an insect that can do the same as well.”
“The weapons provide a natural extension of the animal. There are six animals for the second and third black sash. For the second black sash it is the horse, the monkey and the chicken. The third black sash animals are the duck, the turtle and the frog. Those three are from the water.” I wave my hand to show each animal I mentioned and make them disappear with another wave of my hand.
“What is the purpose of those six animals?”
“The chicken has a very compact fighting style. The monkey is very elusive. It is like Momo, the flying lemur here. The horse is a land animal, but it can also swim in the water. I did learn the first move for the horse, the foot stomp.” I stomp the ground with my foot with the correct arms, hands and leg motions.
Quickly, Pakku feels the vibration in the ground. “That is the first movement for an earth bender.” Pakku smiles.
“Yes it is, Master Pakku. The biggest land animal we have is the elephant.” I wave my hand. An image of an elephant appears next to me.
“That is a huge animal. I can imagine the foot stomp from that one will be very powerful.”
“Yes, it is, Master Pakku. That will be learned for the earth element bending. We have several different water animals.” I wave my hand to make them appear and disappear one by one. I show him the shark, the dolphin, the whale, rays, the sea dragons, the ancient sea life of fish and the various types of fish.
“You have a big variety of sea life. I’m impressed. Your whale doesn’t even come close to our largest sea animals. But, your sea dragons, Eingana and Leviathan do represent your largest animals. I am glad you are learning so many different kinds of animals. I’m sure each one represents a unique fighting style or technique.”
“Yes, they do, Master Pakku. The turtle might be slow, but it can hold its breath and is very patient. The frog can be on the ground or in the water. It is very adaptive to its surrounding. We have some frog species that have a very poisonous skin surface. It is used by the local people on their arrow tips for instant death or paralysis. The dolphin is fearless and can defend itself against sharks. Dolphins are a natural protector. Sharks are very dangerous because of their teeth and come in various different sizes and shapes. They are predators.”
“What about the dragons and sea dragons? What will you learn from them?”
“That is the ultimate fighting form. It can walk, fly, breathe fire, strong armor, strength to name a few attributes.”
“Well then, when you come back, you will need to show me the water animals that you learned. Now, let’s get into specifics here. You learned the basic moves to push and pull, create a water stream and a water ball. You also learned how to freeze water and unfreeze it. You also learned how to sense water from a distance. Then you learned how to catch and throw a water ball.”
“Yes, Master Pakku.”
“Now we need to do some complex moves. These moves are designed for the movement of water that we did earlier.” Master Pakku then moves his arms, hands, legs and feet in a very graceful pattern. Streams of water move around him like it is a ballet. He then does a thrust with his arms and hands that sends the water stream back to the water basin or hitting a wall. He then collects the water droplets back into a water ball. He sends the water ball toward my feet. Then he quickly erects an cage of ice spikes around me. “Now, get out of the ice cage. Use only the water bending technique.”
I look within myself. I concentrate on the ice spikes to increase the temperature. Quickly, the ice spikes become water. I quickly gather up the water and do the same to him.
He smiles that I’m catching on fast. Master Pakku melts the ice spikes around him and gathers the result into a water ball. He then sends the water ball to the water basin. “That’s very good. Now let the others try it.”
Brianna goes through the same paces as I did. Even my fairies did really well. They acted as a group and individually in melting the ice cage and sending it back to Master Pakku.
Then Master Pakku starts to do something new. He moves his left leg in a circle. He quickly creates a water ball with it. He tosses it to me like a kick ball. I bring my hands up. I take hold of the water ball and hold it in the air. He sends two more water balls at me. I use the other hand to stop it in the air. Then I use my mind to stop the third water ball. I float the water ball between the first two water balls.
“That’s very good. Now let’s what you’ll do with those three water balls.”
“Yes, Master Pakku.” I try to think of something unusual. Sigh . . . All I can think of right now is something romantic, Brianna.
Then go ahead make it creative, my love.
Okay. “Master Pakku, I’m going to do something very creative for Brianna.”
“Then let me see how creative you are, Richard.”
I focus on the water balls. As I move my hands and arms in multiple arcs, the water balls break apart into six water balls. I concentrate on one of the balls to create the outline of a heart and keep it floating in the air. I take another water ball and create an arrow. I send it toward the heart and let it meld together. I then freeze the heart and the arrow together. I set that aside while keeping it floating in the air.
Brianna, my fairies and Master Pakku are smiling widely now.
With three water balls, I create three different flowers with stems. With the last water ball, I create a vase. Then I lower the three flowers into the vase very carefully. I then move the heart with the arrow and the vase with the three ice flowers and hover them in front of Brianna.
I see a tear coming down from Brianna’s face and smile. Master Pakku and my fairies all clap their hands and cheer me on. I set the heart and the vase down carefully on the ground. Brianna and I hug each other and kiss each other several times. We break apart while we look at each other with smiles on our faces.
“You’re such a romantic, Richard.”
“Yes, I’m madly in love with you and crazy about you, Bri.”
“Double that back at you, silly boy.”
Every one giggles and laughs. We turn to face Master Pakku. We see him smiling at us.
“That is very good control, Richard. You made it twice as hard and kept them in the air to present your love gifts.”
“Thank you, Master Pakku.”
“Okay, let’s continue on.”
Then Brianna and my fairies return the favor. Brianna creates twelve head busts of the twelve unicorns on Twainor. My fairies create hundreds of little hearts. They even created ice letters to spell out their name, Brianna’s and mine. Master Pakku is amazed the fairies have complete control of all of the shapes and letters floating in the air.
Master Pakku brings in some water from the basin. He creates several streams around himself. He then quickly joins them together and sends it at my feet. My feet and lower legs get incased in ice. I also get pushed up in an ice tower about three feet in diameter and twenty feet high. I swing my arms in a circle around me like I was shown before. The ice tower quickly melts and flows downward. I land on the ground and quickly gather up the water in front of me. I quickly create three streams around me. I join them together and send it at his feet. I encase his feet in ice and create a similar ice tower like he did to me. He quickly melts the ice. Once he lands on the ground. He breaks up the large water ball into twenty smaller water balls. He sends them at me. I concentrate on the water balls and get them to float in the air in front of me.
Master Pakku quickly gathers up more water from another basin. He creates forty more water balls. He sends them at me. “Keep them in the air, Richard. Don’t drop them.”
“Yes, Master Pakku.”
Slowly I take control of the forty water balls as they come toward me. Soon, I have sixty water balls floating in the air.
“That’s very good, Richard. You have extended your mind to handle multiple objects. Now create two water balls and return the water to the basins.”
“Yes, Master Pakku.”
I create two large water balls by merging the smaller water balls together. I send the two the larger water balls back to the basins.
“That’s very good, Richard. Now let’s see how Brianna and your fairies handle it. Don’t be ashamed if you drop any. Obviously this is a practice to extend your mind to handle multiple objects.”
Master Pakku does the same lesson with Brianna and the fairies. For Brianna, she did drop a few water balls. With another go at it, she learns how to keep sixty water balls floating in the air.
For my fairies, each one had a turn to handle as many water balls as they can. After about fifteen minutes of trying it, they all learned how to keep sixty water balls floating in the air.
We then created ice weapons. We became very surprised that our ice spears easily penetrated into the steel plating.
“It is the mind that gives the ice weapon its strength. You are making the ice spear very dense.”
We make ice claws for our finger tips. I did create an ice sword that proved to be very effective in a sword fight. I used my own sword against Master Pakku. After a few contacts, Master Pakku is a bit surprised that my sword withstood his ice sword.
“Your sword must be very special. I couldn’t break it.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t, Master Pakku. This sword and armor can absorb lightning attacks and light weapons. There are two metal alloys in the armor and the sword. They are unique to Twainor.”
“If it can absorb lightning and light weapons, then it has been tempered to withstand most metal weapons. There is one metal compound that is the densest. The Earth Benders have it in their arsenal. Only Toph has been known to break free from it. She used her sensory perception to find pieces of raw earth ore scattered in the metal plating. She then knew what to do to break free from the prison cell she was put in. But, you will study that later. Tomorrow, I want to see all of you put it together.”
Master Pakku then dismissed us for the noon repast. We had another lunch at Bran-li’s Fish House. When we get done eating there, we had another session with Regina, the Healer.
Regina then explains the steps to heal a broken bone.
“The biggest problem about broken bones is that the injuries can be more extensive. There could be damage to the organs, muscles, nervous system and blood vessels. The first task is to investigate the severity of the problem. Which part of the body needs healing first. If it is a simple bone fracture and it is still aligned, then a simple touch is needed to begin the healing process. If it is a injury caused by an outside object, that object must be removed.”
“Miss Regina, on my world, we have doctors or healers to do the necessary operation. They are highly trained to heal the body as the best they can.”
“We have healers who are like that. Their healing touch is not as strong as some others are. They help when and where they are at. Now to continue on, by concentrating on the misaligned bone, the healing touch can move the bone back into place. Then it is just a matter of healing the blood vessels, the organs or the muscles.”
“So, how are we to practice that here?”
“By healing a broken tree limb.” Regina steps over to the corner of her room. She takes a wooden staff and breaks it in half into two pieces. She then rejoins the two pieces first. Then she places her hands on the limb and concentrates on it. Her hands begin to glow and the two pieces are rejoined.”
“That’s interesting, Regina. On Twainor, they do something similar. They recite the phrase to use as a spell to do the healing. Here, you are letting the hands do the healing touch.”
“I see, Richard. So, the steps are similar, but the focus is different.”
We break tree limbs of various different sizes. We then practice by rejoining the broken pieces back together. Soon, we become very capable to do that. We also practice by using our minds to see within the body. We see the body in full detail at all levels.
“On Twainor, they use crystals to look inside the body. The crystals can record the image and be played back. It can be stopped at any point to get a closer look at.”
“Hmm . . . that’s a very good idea. It would definitely help me on the complex problems. I’ll have to give it a try. If I can’t, then our type of magic is different from theirs.”
We finally get done for the day by the fourth mark in the afternoon. We leave Regina and walk back to our room and get comfortable in the warm room.
“Richard, if we are alone in the wilderness, I see the need to do this very easily. But, if we are in a city, people could be watching us. We’ll need to be careful in that situation.”
“I agree, Brianna. It would cause a great distraction in our lives. We would have no privacy if the people find out we could do these miracle type healings. We must let the doctors do their best.”
“Couldn’t we use our talent to diagnose the problem and let the doctors do the proper application in medicine and operation practice?”
“We’ll need a talk with Dr. Sarah Mitchell about that. If we start doing the unexplainable, then we could be accused of being doctors without a license. We could get arrested and put in jail.”
“We surely don’t need that problem in our lives.”
We get ourselves ready and walk to Bran-li’s Fish House for another meal. We choose a different fish this time. Again, the meal was very delicious. After we get done eating, we return back to our rooms for another night of sleep.
The next day is our last full day with our hosts. We surmise, that we’ll be leaving in the morning on the fifth day in the Northern Water Tribe. We are all curious how that will be handled by the Emissaries when they arrive here to pick us up.