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The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs") ![]() Blog #29: The Big Move To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/28818/family-girl-blogs |
Okay, then. Moemoe and I are completely packed. Our wheelies and carry-ons are all set. The house has been cleaned and shut up. We've called a taxi service, and early tomorrow morning, a cab is coming to bring us to the airport.
You see, we are leaving and moving. To another country, in fact.
So, goodbye, everyone!
GOTCHA! Heehee...
Actually, we ARE moving. But not completely... Hmmm. I think I will explain.
It's my fault, actually. For one reason or another, it seems I have been "volunteered" to be the interim manager for our BTO/call center in Manila. After some management and financial snafus, maagement at HQ has decided to send someone to keep things there on the level as they clean house. And that someone turned out to be me. Management said I was on the top of the list of people they think can do this, esp. because of how I handled myself when we were there July 2010.
Actually, I've known about this since November of last year. In fact, that was why I was at their Christmas party last December, to formally make the announcement. That's also the reason why Moe got a job in Manila (Her first day will be Thursday, Feb. 23).
I am going to be there four weeks out of every six, and, after six months, if things have improved, it'll be changed to two out of every six. At that point, I'll start interviewing some local folks and see if we can find someone who HQ will trust to run things full time. They should be completely on their own in less than a year.
I will still be running things at my old office at the same time, though, although somewhat remotely. Sammi is now deputy manager, and we will run things together somehow. Any project meetings, or like that, will be scheduled for when I'm there, and Sammi will run all other matters (although she only has LOA for $1,000 or below).
Thank goodness I was able to convince Sammi to move her planned availment of the company's early retirement program to next year so she could help (which ups her retirement package more...), which I am grateful for, otherwise all of this won't work.
Her equivalent in Manila is Tintin, the girl that I got to be friends with two years ago, who was the admin executive for the sales operations division. The difference is that she can't approve or sign any payroll, OT, or other C&B documents, nor any payment or contract-related or paperwork.
Tech has also set up permanent video-conferencing equipment between the two offices to help, too.
My lawyer got in the act last November, and got some safeguards in place to see that this isn't actually some way for management to ease me out. Since that "incident" more than a year ago ( http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/22332/working-girl-blog-4... ), my lawyer's been on guard for such a thing, so he's put some contractual safeguards in place. Although he said that, as best as he could find out, this is all totally legit and on the up-and-up...
'Kay. Time to go. Next time I post will be from Manila. Wish us luck!
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