Somewhere in this chapter:
“What do you have against the color pink?”
“It's too girly.”
“That's it. I am a guy. Guys don't like pink.”
“Well, I don't see that being a problem for much longer.”
"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares?
“Oops.” MJ said and we left our embrace blushing.
“Hi mom, hi dad.” I said.
“Mark? Is that you?” My mom asked me wide eyed. My father just stood there looking like his jaw was about to fall to the floor. MJ's parents looked a bit confused as well, although I thought I saw a small hint of amusement from her mother.
“Yeah, It's me.” I said blushing.
“What happened? Why do you look like that?”
“Mom, I think I am a mutant.”
“What does it have to do with you looking like that?” I heard my father ask.
“Looking like what?” I asked him.
“Like some sort of fairy.” My father said looking a bit angry.
“John, don't talk to our child like that.” My mother admonished him. “He doesn't look like a fairy.”
“He does from where I am standing.”
“STOP THAT!” I yelled.
“DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO LOOK LIKE THIS? I'M NOT TURNING INTO A FAIRY! I'M TURNING INTO A FREAKING GIRL!” I yelled feeling angry and noticing the pink vision thing again. 'Damn, what a time to show my pink field.'
Everyone looked at me with shocked look on her faces and MJ hugged me trying to calm me down.
“Calm down Mark, everything is okay. There is no need for you to get angry.” She said running her fingers through my hair while hugging me and somehow it worked. It didn't take long and my field slowly fade away.
I looked at my father and he stood there red faced looking angry. My mom turned to him and said. “John, I never thought you were so bigoted.”
MJ's father turned to my father at that point and said. “Your wife is right, John. You didn't even wait for your son to tell us what happened and you were already jumping into conclusions, and to me, it seems it was the wrong conclusion. Or did you already forget that your son was kissing my daughter when we got here? Also a mutation that causes changes in shape like we are seeing here, is not within the person's conscious choice.”
“B..but he just said that he is turning into a girl.” Dad said dejectedly.
“If he is it makes him a lesbian and not a fairy.” MJ's mother said.
“Hey! I'm right here you know.” I told them not liking being talked about like I'm not even present.
“Sorry, sweetie.” My mother said.
'Sweetie? Already?'
“Now John, can we count on you to stay calm and let your kid explain us what happened?” MJ's father asked dad.
“Ok, I’ll be quiet.” He said looking around, seeing he was alone in his opinion.
So I told them everything that happened today, from the moment I woke up till the moment they got home. Somewhere in the middle of my story my sister got home and my mom pointed her to a point of the sofa for her to sit and put a finger up to her own lips as telling my sister to be quiet.
“So that was what happened so far.” I told them.
“Wait a second.” My mother said and run to the kitchen.
“MY KITCHEN!” We heard my mother yell and of course everyone else run to the kitchen wanting to see the damage.
“It's not so bad,” dad said. “Just a hole in the ceiling.” He seemed to calm down after I told them the story.
“I know, it was just the shock when I saw the mess.” My mom said, with tears in her eyes.
My mom is a great cook and loves her kitchen, she says cooking is therapeutic for her and also her hobby. We are always eating something new and different at home. We keep telling her she should have been a chef but she said if she had to cook, for work, it wouldn't be as fun anymore, so yeah, she is very protective about HER kitchen.
“Also the upstairs bathroom is unusable right now.” My sister said.
“I'm sorry sis.”
“I know, it's not your fault.”
“Actually it kind of was my fault, after all I flew down through the floor there.”
“Yeah, he does suck at flying” MJ said.
“I wish I was there to see it.” My sister said and the rest nodded their heads. Apparently everyone wanted to see that.
I noticed something strange then, my father outburst was the only freaking out any of them had about what happened and everyone seemed to be taking things well, too well.
“Huh... why aren't you guys freaking out about this?”
“Sweetie, you explained everything to us and what can we do? Also that kind of change isn't the first time it happened in the family.”
“What, the pink thing?”
“No, the boy to girl thing.”
“Really?” I asked wide eyed.
“Really, my mother is a mutant and she was born a boy. She changed when her mutation kicked in.”
“You mean the grandmother I never met? She is a mutant? Why have I never met her?”
“Whoa, calm down with the questions kiddo.” My father said. “I'm sorry for the way I reacted back there, but it was a shock to see your only son changed so much, you know?”
“I know dad. It is pretty shocking for me too.”
“Answering your question you did meet your grandma. Several times actually.” Mom said.
“But I don't remember her.”
“You do remember her, you just didn't know she is your grandma.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know her as your aunt Judy.”
“What? You mean aunt Judy is actually my grandma?”
“Her power makes her age very slowly, so right now she looks like my younger sister rather than my mother, so we decided to let you and everyone else think she is my sister.”
“What are her powers?”
“She didn't get much in the powers lottery. She has some regeneration, slowing her aging considerably and she is also clairvoyant being capable of seeing up to 5 minutes in the future, so no, she can't give you the lotto numbers, although it did save her a few times.”
“I wish I could speak with her.”
“You will.” My mom said.
“I do have one question.” MJ's mother said.
“What is that?”
“What are your feelings towards my daughter?” She asked and looked intently at me.
That made me think the feelings I had towards MJ and felt the warmth I get when she is close to me, and that led me to feelings I had when we kissed and I blushed. I was about to answer her when she said “That’s good enough for me.”
“I am an empath, remember? I could read your emotions when I asked you the question. Also I know that everything you told us is the truth.”
“One of the things I am worried about though, is how fast your changes are happening.” MJ's father said.
“Why is that, Matt?” My mom asked him.
“Usually those changes take a long time to happen, and in the hour we have been here, his hair grew about an inch and I can also see a few more changes to the face and body. That is highly unusual.”
“And what does it mean?”
“It means we need to get you tested ASAP. I'll call a friend and get the ball rolling.”
“Yeah, that is a good idea. I don't have any idea what I can do and I don't want to hurt anyone.”
“Also there is the issue with what happened today. I don't know if someone called the MCO or not, or if they knew it was you.”
“Steven Marshal knew it was me, the rest I'm not sure.”
“Dad, Steven is the son of Jack Marshal.”
“Is that so?”
“Who is Jack Marshal?” I asked.
“Jack Marshal is a member of H1. I don't think they would call the MCO on you, Mark. I think they will come after you directly.”
“H1? You mean Humanity First? Those guys are practically terrorists.” I said in horror.
“Yes. I don't think you would be safe here right now, nor is your family.” He said.
“Why wouldn't my family be safe?”
“Because if they come after you, they will come in numbers and usually they think that a mutant's family is also guilt for giving birth to a mutant and should be... how can I say this... removed for the sake of humanity.”
“You mean murdered?”
“What are we going to do?” My dad asked him.
“Daddy, can't they go to our home tonight?” MJ asked using her puppy eye number 2 (the please daddy one). One thing I’ll tell you, those things are dangerous.
“I guess it's for the best princess.” He told her. “Now everyone take just what you need for a night out and we will meet you at my home in a few minutes.”
After that we rushed around the house to get our stuff.
“Dammit.” I hear my sister swear.
“What's wrong sis?”
“I can't get to my toothbrush. It is over the sink on the other side of the hole.” She said looking into the bathroom.
At that moment I felt bad about it and wished I could get it for her. I felt a tingling inside my body and suddenly I saw a pink flying hand picking up the toothbrush and dropping it at Lisa's hand. (Lisa is my sister's name btw.)
“That was sooooo cool” She said. “How did you do that?”
“I have no idea.” I told her still shocked about what just happened.
“Hey, didn't you say you hit that Steve guy at school with some pink blast or something?”
“Yeah, but MJ said some people saw a pink fist going at him. I'm not sure as I was basically closing my eyes at the time and things happened pretty fast.”
“So isn't this like the same power you used earlier?”
“Maybe, but I wasn't paying much attention at the time. I thought I was going to get beaten the shit out of me.”
“True, probably you will find out sooner or later anyway. That is a very cool power.”
“Yes it is, if it at least wasn't pink.”
“What do you have against the color pink?”
“It's too girly.”
“That's it. I am a guy. Guys don't like pink.”
“Well, I don't see that being a problem for much longer.” My sister said with an amused look at her face.
“Don't remind me, okay? Things are pretty scary for me without thinking about that too.”
“I'm sorry but it seems you can't just deny it for much longer, SIS. I don't think you will be a guy by this time tomorrow.”
“Why do you think that? And don't call me sis yet.”
“Because you are already looking almost completely like a girl.”
'I won't freak out, I won't freak out, I won't freak out.' I freaked out.
Please comment, give your opinion and suggestions. Your ideas might just end up influencing the path the story takes. If you don’t leave a comment something Pink might find you and hurt you.