By Lora Guy
Sean McMahon taught high school calculus. Every one of his students loved his methods. Every student... except Alexis Gorgon
The class room was quiet, in spite of the fact that it was full of teens. Mr. McMahon had told them that they could work on whatever they wanted to for the last ten minutes of the period, as long as they did it quietly. And what Mr. McMahon wanted, Mr. McMahon usually got.
Sean McMahon was a high school calculus teacher, and he was a damn good one. He knew as well as anyone that calculus was built on some extremely difficult concepts. But he had a knack for making difficult concepts seem simple, and most of his students appreciated it. He was committed to giving each and every student whatever attention they needed to do their very best in his classroom... whether they wanted that attention or not.
So it was that as he sat at his desk marking the day's tests, twenty-five teens sat at their desks, uncharacteristically quiet.
Alexis Gorgon was one of those rare students who did not appreciate Mr. McMahon's approach to education. It wasn't because Alexis wasn't bright; she was no fool. In fact, she was quite a bit smarter than every other student in the classroom. But Alexis abhorred attention. She had always been the girl that sat alone at the back of the class, quietly doing whatever was required of her. She never did anything to get in trouble, but always put out just enough effort to get a passing grade. People knew she was there, but they rarely remembered her. This strategy had gotten her quietly through many years of schooling with a minimum of human interaction. And that's just the way she liked it.
Most teachers would have loved to have had classrooms full of Alexis Gorgons. But Sean McMahon wasn't most teachers. He knew that Alexis was capable of much more, and he intended to get it out of her. During the final few moments of the period, Sean McMahon shattered Alexis Gorgon's anonymity with a bolt out of the blue. He didn't even bother to look up from the test he was marking. "Miss Gorgon, see me after class please."
Alexis wasn't embarrassed that she had been singled out. She was furious. But she kept her anger to herself. These things were bound to happen from time to time. It was probably nothing.
As the bell rang (tolled?), the other students made their getaway, leaving Alexis Gorgon and Sean McMahon to do battle in private.
Alexis gathered her things and approached the front of the class. She primly stood five feet away from his desk, waiting while he marked a paper. The clock slowly ticked away through thirty silent seconds before he put down his pen and looked up at her. He folded his hands and smiled.
"Miss Gorgon. You just transferred here this past summer, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"How are you fitting in with everyone here?"
"I've found my own niche."
"Good, good. Have you joined any clubs, signed up for any teams?"
"No sir."
"Why is that?"
"I'm not very good in groups. I've got a bit of a temper problem, so... I just like to keep to myself."
Sean McMahon continued to smile as he reached up to straighten his bow tie. It was a useless gesture; his tie was already straight. But it was a personal little tic that indicated he was about to get serious.
"Miss Gorgon, why are you here?"
Alexis was mildly confused by the question. "Because you asked to see me after class?"
His grin didn't waver. "No, I mean why are you attending school? What is your goal here?"
No teacher had ever asked her this. She didn't like the attention. She didn't like it at all. "I do what I have to do to pass my classes."
"I can see that." He looked down at the test in his hands. "Your mark on this quiz is sixty percent."
"That's a pass, isn't it? Sixty percent?"
"Yes, sixty percent is the minimum mark for a C average. But this is the..." He sat the paper down and turned to his laptop. "This is the fourth test in a row that you have gotten almost exactly sixty percent." He looked up at her. "In fact, I've done some asking around. It seems that you have a record of getting sixty percent on tests."
She felt that this was none of his business, and she was getting pissed. "Have I done something wrong?"
"No, Miss Gorgon, you haven't done anything wrong." He pursed his lips, slightly nodded his head, then went on. "This pattern tells me two things. One: this can't be accidental or random; you must be getting this specific mark on purpose. And that leads me to number two: it would require a superior intellect to be able to get this exact mark time after time."
"So I haven't done anything wrong?"
"Miss Gorgon... Alexis, why are you holding yourself back like this. It's obvious that you're capable of so much more than this."
"I do what I have to do to get by quietly. I don't want be noticed." She crossed her arms. "Are we done here?"
"What? No, we are not done here. I'm not going to let this go. I think you have the talent to be much better than a C average. And from now on, I expect more... I will demand more. And I'm going to have another chat with the rest of your teachers about this. Your average-student, please-don't-notice-me shyness is not going to cut it any longer. As of this moment, the invisible Alexis Gorgon is no longer welcome in this class room. I suspect that you have the ability to be the best student this school has ever turned out, and I'm going to insist that this be your new goal. Is that understood?"
Her blood was boiling; it was a struggle to speak calmly. "So you're saying that passing everything isn't good enough?"
"All I ask is that you do your best."
"I like being just another face in the crowd."
"If doing your best leads to being noticed, then so be it."
She could hear her pulse pounding in her ears. "That's not fair. I'm not failing anything."
"This discussion is over, Miss Gorgon." He dismissed her by looking down to scan the next test on the pile.
Alexis took a couple of steps back, closed her eyes and tilted her head upwards. A puff of air swirled about the teacher, lightly ruffling his gray hair. Alexis opened her eyes and smiled at him. If Sean McMahon had chosen that moment to look up, he would have seen the fire burning behind her dark eyes. He would have had good reason to be very, very frightened. But he didn't look up; he just continued marking the test in front of him as if he was the only person in the room. Alexis approached him and looked down, shaking her head. She got down on her knees, put her arms on the edge of his desk and rested her chin on the back of her overlapped hands. "I suppose you think you're just doing your job." She sighed as he continued his work. "Well, we'll just have to let you find out what it's like to be noticed when all you want to do is be invisible." A malevolent grin spread across her face. It would have stopped Sean McMahon's heart if he had seen it.
Alexis stood up and took a step back. She closed her eyes again and began to hum. It was a low, steady hum that had no business coming from the throat of a seventeen year old girl. Her lips began to part. As her mouth opened, the hum grew until it was uncomfortably loud. Her long dark hair rose and began to undulate like a possessed creature caressing her head. With her face tilted up and her jaws spread wide, the noise rose to a deep, damaging rumble. The desks behind her began to vibrate and then skitter away like frightened animals. Just when it seemed that the very walls around them were about to collapse, Alexis opened her eyes. With one final explosive bang, she slammed her jaw shut. And then there was silence.
Mr. McMahon looked up from the test he was marking. "Good night Miss Gorgon." She turned and began to leave. Just as she reached the door, he called out. "Alexis."
She turned to look back at him. "Yes?"
"This is all going to work out fine. You'll see."
She smiled a crooked smile. "Good night, Mr. McMahon." Turning to leave, she almost bumped into a tall, wide figure at the door. She had to turn sideways to squeeze past him.
The man at the door had a serious expression on his face. "Sean?"
Sean looked up from the paper he was marking. "Hey Bob. What's up?"
Bob just stared at him for a moment. "You didn't hear that train come through here a minute ago?" Sean slightly shook his head, raising his eyebrows and shoulders. Bob was stunned. "You're kidding, right? It felt like the building was moving."
"I didn't hear a thing."
"That's unbelievable. Just a minute ago... I could have sworn it was coming from here... scared the shit right out of me."
"Bob, I think you need to leave that bottle of gin in your desk... the hallucinations are getting worse." Sean tried, but he couldn't keep a straight face. "OK, I didn't hear anything... it was probably some students running in the hall." When Bob didn't show any signs of leaving, he added, "I really need to get these tests done, alright?"
"Wow." Bob gaped at Sean for a second, then turned and walked out.
Shawn McMahon wasn't known to be one of the most fashion-conscious people in the world. In fact, she had something of a reputation as a tom-boy. But the date she'd had the night before had stirred something inside her; had put her in a flirtatious mood. She was different this morning, and it showed in her appearance.
When Shawn strode into the regular 8:30 a.m. teacher's meeting, every male eye in the room took note. Impossibly long legs stretched from a tight hem-line down to a pair of four inch pumps. Her barely contained cleavage provided the only distraction from those legs. Abandonning her standard pony-tail, she let her wild red hair cascade over her shoulders. She looked hot, and she knew it. What would have left any other teacher looking trashy, Shawn McMahon pulled off with easy confidence. Being fashionably barely-on-time, she was the last to arrive.
As she took a seat, the vice-principal had to make an effort to maintain his composure. Prying his gaze away from the bombshell, he began running through the routine items. While he rambled, Shawn opened her computer and found the file she needed.
"Ok, that wraps up the usual items. Anyone have anything to add?"
Shawn gestured slightly and instantly had the attention of the room. "Yes... there's a student in my fifth period calculus..." She paused to make sure they were focusing on her. "I have a student in my fifth period calculus who I believe is capable of much more than we have been accepting..."
Shawn glanced down at her computer. The file she had called up was gone. Just two large words were flashing on the screen. YOU KNOW
Sean tried to continue with what he had been saying. "I've noticed a pattern in her grades that..." Sean's voice trailed off as he looked back down at his computer.
Where did that come from? What do I know? Sean's mind was suddenly fixated on the two words. A bead of sweat gathered on his chest and trickled out of sight into his cleavage.
"Shawn? Is everything alright..." The vice-principal didn't quite know what to do as the woman sat staring at her computer. "Shawn?" Sean looked up from his computer and gave the V-P a somewhat blank stare. The silence in the room was thick. Sean looked back down at the computer balanced on his crossed legs. The screen was patiently showing the records for Alexis Gorgon.
"Shawn, are you OK?"
Shawn looked back up at him. "I..." Her eyes fell back to her computer. She reached out and closed it. "Sorry, my battery must have died."
"You wanted to discuss a student...?"
"Oh, umm, it can wait. I don't have a paper copy of her transcript with me." Shawn was nervous, distracted, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why that was.
"Alright then, if no one has anything else..." No one in the room indicated they had anything to add. "OK folks, let's get to it then."
Shawn stood up to leave with everyone else. And like an epileptic after a petit-mal seizure, not only did she not know what had triggered her "episode", she had completely forgotten that it had even occurred.
As the last of her third period students left the class, Shawn picked up her purse, locked her desk and walked through the door. The crowd of students parted for her as she confidently strode down the hallway, fully aware that every boy was trying to not get caught staring at her. It was a new sensation for her, and she was thriving on it. She just couldn't get over how good she felt about her appearance today.
In the faculty rest room, Shawn looked at herself in the mirror. This was the second time today that she had to hurry off to the washroom between classes. She knew that this was unusual, but she just blamed it on the tight skirt she was wearing. It was probably putting pressure on parts of her body that weren't accustomed to being hugged all day. Raising her lipstick, she was startled by the door swinging open.
"I thought I saw you heading this way."
"Hey Jules."
"Hey yourself, girlfriend. Look at you!"
Shawn made a show of looking down at herself. "What, this old thing?" Jules crossed her arms, tapped her foot and gazed at Shawn through her brows. After a few seconds, Shawn broke. She couldn't keep a straight face. "Alright, alright. I had a hot date last night, and I woke up feeling kind of flirty."
"I knew it, I knew it. Girl, when you walked into the meeting this morning, everyone else was looking at your outfit. But not me. No, I couldn't miss that twinkle in your eye." Jules stepped up and gave Shawn a little nudge on the shoulder. "C'mon honey, dish it. You got some nooky last night, didn't you?"
Shawn's uncontrollable grin gave her away. "Well... not exactly..."
Jules' eyes went wide. "Cut the not-exactly bullshit sister, I want details."
"OK, OK. We had a nice dinner, then when he was dropping me off, I asked him if he wanted to come in for a drink. One thing was leading to another, but... well... we weren't expecting it to go that far. Neither of us had any protection."
Shawn lowered her voice. "And so I went down on him."
You could have knocked Jules over with a feather. Shawn just grinned at her and nodded.
"Honey, that's one hell of a first date. He must be a keeper. Anyone I know?"
"Well, we weren't going to tell anyone for a while... just to give ourselves a chance to see where things are going. But I guess word is going to get out sooner or later. Can you keep it under your hat for a while?"
"Alrightalright! Mum's the word. Now spill it!"
Shawn was ready to burst, but she played it casual. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. "OK. I had dinner with Bob Duncan last night."
Jules was stunned again. "Our Bob Duncan? Dunc the hunk? My god... way to go girl. How in the world did you get him to ask you out?"
Shawn excitedly turned back to face her friend. "He didn't. I asked him out." When Jules just gaped at her, Shawn went on. "If I waited for him to work up the nerve to make the first move, we'd both be in a nursing home."
A bell rang, signalling the start of fourth period. Jules let out a small gasp. "Oh shit, I'm late. Those little buggers will probably be tearing the room apart if I don't get there like right now." She stopped as she pulled the door open. "This isn't over girl... we've got some serious chatting to do." With a smile and a thumbs-up, she was gone.
Shawn turned to face the mirror. As she moved to touch up her face, her knees went weak. Her lipstick clattered into the sink as she reached to hold herself up on the edge of the counter. YOU KNOW was painted across the stall doors behind him. His mind was a jumble of thoughts as his eyes flitted back and forth between the reflection of the words and the image of the woman in the mirror. Memories flooded in... the conversation he had just had, the things he had done last night... Slowly he turned to face the stall doors. Nothing, no words, just the bland dusty rose doors that were there every day.
Shawn turned back to the mirror, looked down and noticed her lipstick in the sink. In a cutesy little voice, she said "whoopsie", then retrieved the tube and finished touching up her lips.
Her brow furrowed as a nagging idea tried to get to the front of her thoughts. Oh, yes, that's it. She was due in the student cafeteria. Once a month, she had to spend half of her lunch hour doing chaperone duty, and it just had to fall on the day she decided to wear four inch heels. One thing did make her smile about it though. She was sure that more than one of those poor kids was going to choke on a mouthful of food once they got a load of her today. That got a chuckle out of her. Maybe one of them would walk into a door. Seeing that would definitely make half an hour on her feet worthwhile.
Sitting down at her desk, Shawn unlocked her bottom drawer and dropped her purse in.
"Hey there."
Startled, she banged her knee on the open drawer. As she looked up to see Bob Duncan standing in the door way, she couldn't quite stop the 'owshit' that squeaked out of her lips.
"That wasn't quite the reaction I was hoping for."
That brought a pained smile to her face. "No, I'm sorry. I just hit my knee on the damn desk."
"Well, if we were anywhere else, I'd offer to kiss it better."
The shy look on the big man's face brought a real smile to her's. "Thanks Bob. You do know I'm going to demand a rain check on that."
That put a smile on his face. "Actually, I wanted to drop by to thank you."
"What for?"
"Well, for starters, that outfit." He tilted his chin down a bit and raised his eyebrows. "I don't remember ever seeing you dress like that for work."
She looked him straight in the eyes. "To tell you the truth, for some reason I was feeling pretty sexy when I woke up this morning."
"Which brings me to the other reason I wanted to thank you."
She stood, walked over to him and reached up to drape her wrists behind his neck. She looked over his shoulder to make sure they were still alone, then gave him a peck on the tip of his nose. "And what else could you possibly have to thank me for?"
An embarrassed, bashful look came across his face. His difficulty in talking about sex was one of his buttons that Shawn enjoyed pushing.
"Last night..." Bob hesitated, hoping she would let him off the hook. She just stared into his eyes. " your place, after dinner..." Shawn was enjoying seeing him squirm. "...that 'favor' you did for me..."
She put on a look of innocence. "What favor was that, Bob?"
He glanced back at the door to make sure no students were coming in yet. When he turned back to face her, the embarassment was gone. It had been replaced by an unmistakeable grin of total malice. He reached behind her and painfully grabbed a handful of ass in each massive paw.
Tilting his head, he looked into her surprised face and said, "You know."
A zap of electricity shot up Sean's spine. It felt like every hair on his head was alive with the charge. He put his tiny manicured hands on Bob's chest and tried to push away, but he was stuck.
Bob looked like a different person; like someone Sean had never met until that moment. The grin on his face looked demonic.
"Yeah, that's right. You know. And this time, Alexis wants you to remember that you know."
Bob let go of Sean, and he took a couple of wobbly steps backwards. He came to rest sitting on the edge of his desk.
"Alexis wants you to remember who you are... a stubborn old guy stuck inside a sexpot. She wants you to know exactly what it feels like to be noticed when all you want to do is be invisible."
Sean was having trouble catching his breath. All he could do was stare at the huge, grinning beast. A couple of students came through the door behind him, and suddenly the beast was gone from the man. Bob Duncan stood there with his bashful grin. "Alright, then. Thank you, Miss MacMahon. I'm looking forward to that." Sean just gaped at him as he smiled warmly, turned and left the room.
As students continued to file into the room, a buzz began to grow in Sean's ears. His mind was swimming, trying to make sense of the last few minutes. What was it Bob had said? She wants you to remember this. "She?" Who was "she"? He'd said a name...
The ringing of a bell brought him back to the here and now. He looked up to see a room full of young faces eagerly looking back at him perched on his desk.
"Sorry I'm late, Miss MacMahon." Sean looked over to see Alexis coming through the door. "Girl stuff... you know." She went and took her seat at the back of the class.
A chill like he had never felt in his life ran through Sean's entire body. Panic started to set in. He had to get out of this room; had to get away from the eyes looking at him. He stood and strode to the door, having every intention of walking right through it. But once he got there, someone else took over his entire being. Calmly, he closed the door, turned, and like a stripper strutting out onto a stage, he crossed the front of the room and smoothly took up his perch on the desk.
Sean's mind was whirling, trying to understand what was happening to him. He picked up the stack of tests from the front corner of his desk, looked up and gave the class a kittenish smile.
In a voice that could only be described as sultry, he addressed the students. "OK, people. Who'd like a little surprise?" The room was silent. Behind his smile, Sean was screaming. "I decided to have a little pop-quiz today. But don't worry, I didn't make it hard." Sean coyly looked down at the floor, then back up at the class. The sexual innuendo was impossible to miss.
A hint of a moan escaped from a boy in the front row. Every face in the room stared at Sean as he slithered off the edge of the desk. If he had had the slightest bit of control over his body, his knees would have been buckling. Slowly, he sashayed up and down the aisles, placing a copy of the test on each desk. As he handed the last one to Alexis, there was no hint of the panic behind his smiling, perfectly made-up face.
Alexis was grinning up at him. "Thank you, Miss MacMahon." She scanned Sean from his heels to his head. "You're looking different today. Special ocassion?"
Every fiber of Sean's mind was screaming at him to turn on his heels and run from this monster. But he was a puppet in the play, unable to ignore the strings. "Thank you Alexis. Nothing special today... I just seemed to wake up this morning feeling quite girly for some reason."
Alexis stared into Sean's eyes. "Well I, for one, like your new look." The friendliness behind her smile disappeared. "I think maybe you should dress like this from now on." She winked at him.
"Thank you. That's so sweet."
Sean turned and paraded back to the front of the room. Once there he turned, hiked up his short skirt an inch, then pushed himself up onto the front of his desk. Slowly, sensuously, he crossed his legs, then let his shoe dangle fom his right foot. Sean could feel his toes begin to wiggle the shoe up and down, but he was powerless to stop it.
"Alright people, you have fifty minutes. You should know all of this material, but I'll be right here in case something comes up that you can't handle on your own."
As Sean calmly sat dangling his shoe, his mind desperately tried to explain what was happening to him. He came upon the only logical explanation... he must be dreaming. Right. He must be having one mother of a nightmare.
Sean's eyes scanned the class. Every face was turned down, working on the quiz. His eyes came to rest on Alexis. She was smiling at him, shaking her head. Sean's scalp felt like it was shrinking as goosebumps raced up and down his arms. Slowly, Alexis held up a peice of paper. YOU'RE NOT DREAMING was written on it in block letters. Putting the paper down, she threw her head back in a silent howl of laughter. When she dropped her head to look back at Sean, she was no longer smiling.
Alexis stood up from her desk and casually strolled to the front of the room. She looked at Sean perched on his desk as if he were a specimen on a slide. She looked him in the eye, reached out and cupped his chin, then nodded her head in a "so there" motion.
Taking a step back from her victim, Alexis closed her eyes and tilted her head back. As a puff of air ruffled Sean's long red hair, he blacked out.
The classroom was quiet, in spite of the fact that it was full of teens. Mr. McMahon had told them that they could work on whatever they wanted to for the last ten minutes of the period, as long as they did it quietly. And what Mr. McMahon wanted, Mr. McMahon usually got.
As he was marking one of the day's quizzes, he broke the silence in the room. "Miss Gorgon, see me after class please." Almost immediately, the final bell rang. En masse, the other students rose and filed out of the exits.
Alexis gathered her things and approached the front of the class. She primly stood five feet away from his desk, waiting while he marked a paper. The clock slowly ticked through thirty silent seconds before he put down his pen and looked up at her. He smiled as he reached up and straightened his bow tie.
"Miss Gorgon. You just transferred here this past summer, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"How are you fitting in with everyone here?"
Alexis smiled. "Oh, you know..."
Hi folks... Lora here. This is my entry into the October 2011 TG Terror Contest. Please don't forget to vote for me or any one of the other wonderful entries in the contest.
Just a little side note... this is the second time I wrote this story. A couple of days ago, I had it ready and was in the process of posting it here when I accidentally deleted it. I had to write the whole thing all over again. Now that's a true life TG horror story!
If you enjoyed this, please don't forget to push the GOOD STORY button on your way out.
And if you have the time, maybe leave a comment. (I live for them.)
Thanks for reading... Lora