Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women’s clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other.
Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife run’s, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but he enjoyed himself, what he most enjoyed was when the shop was empty and his wife was out the back sorting out the stock he would walk around the shop feeling all the wonderful fabrics, which turned him on.
After about 6 months Dave started to steal clothes from the shop it started out with just small things like thongs, suspender belts and things like that, which when he was not at the shop he would wear while Mary was in the shop. All was going well until he decided that he wanted more so the next time he was in the shop he would steal a dress or outfit when no one was in the shop.
The day arrived when Dave got his chance to steal the dress he had his eye on, when the coast was clear he picked up the bag he had brought with him and walked into the shop and walked over to the dress he wanted, it was a fifties style dress with a full circle skirt and many petticoats, once the day was over Dave couldn’t wait until he got home, once home he waited until his wife was having a shower he went to stash the dress in his hiding place.
As Mary wasn’t working for the next few days he didn’t have a chance to try on the dress. The day that Mary was due to go back to work she had gotten the flu and was laid up for just over a week so Dave was unable to wear the dress which frustrated him, when Mary was well enough Dave had to working the shop.
When he was finally home on his own he went to get his stash of clothes but when he got there, there was nothing all the clothes he had taken from his wife’s shop had all gone, this worried Dave as he knew that the only person in the house that could found them was his wife. Dave’s mind went into overdrive thinking of what his wife would say to him, but she didn’t say anything to him over the past few days while he was at the shop.
Later that day he had a phone call from his wife and she didn’t sound all that happy.
She asked him “why are there some women’s clothes which are not mine”
He couldn’t reply, he knew that she had found his stash and she wanted to find out why he had them hidden in their home.
She asked him again, but as before there was no answer to the question, and the line went dead.
Dave was in big trouble when she got home, the questions kept running through his mind what was she going to do to him, he waited and waited and was getting more and more nervous as the time slowly went by.
When she got home Dave was nowhere to be found, so she rang his mobile phone which was turned off, she grew more and more angry as time went on, when the time reached 11:00 o’clock she went to bed not knowing where he had gone.
Some time after she fell asleep Dave returned and went to bed in one of the spare rooms as he didn’t want to wake his wife.
Mary awoke around 7 the next morning not knowing that her husband had come in and was sleeping soundly in a room down the hallway, she went to work as normal but was worried about him.
Dave slowly woke up after a really bad sleep and he felt like he had been drinking the night before which he hadn’t, and wondered around the house to see if Mary had gone to work and when he found that the house was empty. He went and had a shower a nice long and hot shower, while he was in the shower his wife came home and heard the shower was running and she knew Dave was home. She waited for him in the kitchen.
Dave didn’t hear his wife come in so when he walked into the kitchen just wearing a bath robe, to his surprise he found his wife waiting for him.
“Oh hello darling, I thought you were at work today” he said.
“I was but I needed to know that you are ok as you have turned off your phone”
“I am sorry sweet heart but I needed time”
“You need time how do you think I feel with finding the clothes you had stashed in the garage” which she barked at him
Dave fell silent as his wife screamed at him for what seemed like hours but was only 30 minutes, and then she fell into his arms crying and asking him the question that she asked on the phone only the day before.
Dave broke his silence and started to talk telling her that he likes the feel of the clothes next to his skin and the way skirts and dresses fell about his legs when wearing stockings and heels, she looked at him with a stunned look on her face, then took his face in her hands and said “tell me about it darling I want to help”
Mary got up and put the kettle on to make a cup of tea for them both. Then they sat down at the table next to each other and sat there for what seemed like an eternity, until Dave started to talk slowly at first how he tried on his mother clothes and falling in love with dressed up in them.
But putting this all behind him when he married Mary hoping it would never return but when he won the lottery and after he quit his job, and her having a shop full of women’s clothes his desires returned. He all so told her that he took the clothes she found. Then it was his turn to cry and cry he did just like when he was a small child.
She put a loving arm around him and told him that she loved him no matter what clothes he was wearing.
Dave took a deep breath and slowly lifted his head and shyly looked at his wife in disbelief, he thought to himself is this real or is she going to go nuts on him at anytime but when he saw her eyes he knew deep down that she was telling the truth, were his eyes playing tricks on him or was I real?
For the rest of the day they sat and watched television in each others arm cuddling each other just like when they first got married. When they got tired they went to be and made love for what seemed like hours, they both feel into a deep sleep and restful sleep.
When they both woke from their sleep they sat in the kitchen and had a light breakfast and the Mary said “I am not going to have you dressing in secret in this house so when you want to dress up then you will do it when I am home, if you are not working and you decide to get dressed up I except you to be still dressed when I get home ok”
He looked down with a beaten look on his face and nodded in agreement but deep down inside him, he was jumping for joy as it was his wildest dream was coming true.
That day at work Mary was in a world of her own when she was at work, thinking of what he was going to look like in the dress that she found, she then formulated a plan to slowly feminize him.
After the shop was closed for business for the day she gathered up the clothes she had found earlier in the week in the garage that her husband had taken from the shop where she had put them. She took the clothes home that evening and washed them as they started to smell a bit musty from begin in a bag for just over a week.
After she had done that she cooked his favourite meal, during the meal she asked him “what materials he liked to wear?”
His reply was “I like the feel of satin and lace” all Mary could do was rise an eyebrow. Which he noticed and he asked “what was that for?” she said “you will find out soon enough my dear”
With that she got up and left, leaving Dave sat there with a look of puzzlement on his face, he rose from the table collected the dirty dishes and took them over to the dish washer and stacked them carefully and slowly. When he had finished he found his wife in the lounge watching the television, he sat next to her and they cuddled. Finally they went to bed, after about 45minutes Mary asked Dave “would he dress up for her when she got home after work” Dave paused for a moment thinking of an answer, he finally replied “yes I will but what do I wear, as you found the clothes I had taken from your shop”
She turned over and faced him and said “why don’t you take a look in your wardrobe!”
He got out of bed and walked over to his wardrobe and opened it, to his surprise he found the dress that he had taken and the lingerie all neatly placed in there.
“WOW” he exclaimed “how did they get there?”
“I put them there darling, I figured that you like them so I washed them and put them there for you” Mary replied.
“Oh thank you darling I can’t wait to wear them but what about the make up?” he asked
“Don’t worry about that I will sort that out when I get home ok sweetheart, now get back into bed and give your wife a big kiss”
He raced across the large bedroom and dived onto the bed shaking the bed to its foundations. After giving his wife a big kiss they both fell asleep in each other arms.
The following morning Mary got out of bed and went through her daily routine, by the time she was ready to leave Dave had just woken up and was just on his way to the bathroom. Mary came up to say goodbye to him, they kissed good morning and goodbye in the same kiss and then they broke and Mary left for work.
On her way to work Mary was wondering if Dave would be dresses in what she had left him, she was getting turned on with what she was thinking, but knowing she had a busy day ahead of her she tried to put it out of her mind.
Meanwhile back at the house Dave was in the shower waking up letting the hot water run over his body, he was thinking whether to dress in the clothes that his wife had left him. He got out of the shower and dried himself off and put on his bathrobe and went downstairs to fix himself some breakfast. Once all the breakfast things where clean away Dave slowly climbed the stairs back to the master bedroom.
Dave sat on the bed looking at the open wardrobe where his wife hung the dress and put the lingerie that he had in his stash a few weeks ago, he just sat there looking at the clothes for over an hour, he got up and walked out of the bedroom knowing if he put on the clothes he would have to stay like it until his wife got home from work.
The day pasted quickly for Mary at the shop as she had a delivery of new stock which had to be sorted and stored apart from 2 items which she had ordered for Dave. But back at the house Dave couldn’t settle he tried to watch the television but to no avail, he even surfed the internet which usually would keep him occupied for hours but not this time.
“It was no good” Dave said to himself. He got up from the computer and went upstairs to the bedroom, when he got to the room, he stood in front of the wardrobe, he reach out one of his hands and touched the dress, when his hand touched the dress it sent a big shiver down Dave’s spine, he dropped his robe and started to remove the clothes his wife had left him he started with the suspender belt and stockings then came the thong and bra which where all made from satin, he stood there for a few minutes in the lingerie thinking how wonderful it felt and why he ever gave it up all those years ago, then he walked over to the wardrobe and removed the dress from the hanger and then he stepped into the dress and zipped it up the back and found it fitted perfectly and it felt like so good to him, all he did fir the rest of the day was to walk around the house with a big smile on his face.
Just before closing time at the shop Mary told all her staff that she was taking the week of but would be popping in just to collect a few things when she needed them. When Mary arrived home the house was quite and strangely empty, she called out to see if Dave was in. She heard a reply.
“I am in the front room darling”
When she walked into the front room, she saw what she hoped she would. There was her husband dressed in the clothes she walked over to him and gave him a big cuddle and kissed him full and deeply on the lips and she said “thank you babe you look really nice” all Dave could do look away as he felt silly in front of his wife.
Dave broke away from Mary and walked to the window hiding his face.
“What’s the matter darling?” Mary asked
“This is the first time that anyone has seen me dressed up and I look silly” he replied
“This is the first time for me too darling, no you don’t look silly, in fact you look beautiful”
“Thanks for the compliment but I don’t but the dress and lingerie feel wonderful though”
Mary then said some think that surprised Dave.
“You have good taste in women’s clothes” she said with a smile
This statement made him even worse. He walked over to the sofa and sat down and out his head into his hands and started to cry.
Mary had noticed that when he sat down he did it in a feminine way whether it was because he was wearing the dress, maybe he always sat down like and she hadn’t noticed. Mary came over and sat down next to him and put a loving arm around him to comfort him which he responded by putting his head on her shoulder.
When he did this he was realising that she was not going to ridicule him in way or form. Which he was glad of, even though he was dressed as a woman. They sat there for about an hour, Mary asked Dave if he would like her to do his make up which with a large pause he agreed.
Mary stood up and offered Dave her hand which he accepted, and then she helped him out of the sofa and led him upstairs to the bedroom and sat in front of her mirror. Then she went to work on his face with foundation, eye shadow and lipstick. He sat there for about an hour while she worked her magic, she wouldn’t let him see what she had done until she removed 1 of the items she had delivered to the shop, it was a beautiful long blonde wig which then placed on his head and adjusted it slightly until she was satisfied with it.
After she had sprayed him with a little perfume in the right places, then she let him look at himself in the full length mirror, to say that he was stunned would be an understatement. He stood there just looking at the image of a beautiful woman in front of him, when he moved she moved. Then Mary asked him.
“Well what do think then darling?”
“I am speechless sweetheart, is this really me?”
“Yes it is, and you look so good if I wasn’t married to you I would definitely be after you” she said giggling to herself
He spun around on the spot and walked over to her and took her in his arms and kissed her and quietly whispered in her ear.
“This is a dream come true, thank you darling I love you”
Then she said to him “We can’t call you Dave while you are dressed this what do you think of Joanna?”
A big smile crept across his face in acceptance of the new name that his wife had picked. It was one of his fantasies to have a female name and be called by it and now he has got one thanks to his wife.
That evening just before they went bed Mary said to Joanna
“I have a surprise for you sexy!”
“Really babe I can’t wait to see what it is” replied Joanna
Mary reached in to the bag she had brought from the shop that day and removed the last item she had got for Joanna it was a red satin nightie with thin shoulder straps, so when Joanna walked into the bedroom she took one look at what was lying on the bed and screamed with delight.
“Is that from me babes?”
“Yes it is, now put it on please I want to see how it looks like on you.
With that Joanna picked up the nightie and slipped it over his head and let it fall to the ground, when the nightie stopped falling it stopped just above his knee, he slowly turned around so that Mary could see what he looked like in it.
She said “Wow you look really sexy in that”
Then he jumped into bed and cuddled up to Mary and said to in her ear “thank you darling”
Nothing much happened during the week until Thursday when Mary went to the shop to check on the delivery as she knew that she was a large order for her in the delivery. She now had Dave dressed all the time as Joanna with having him shave his legs, arm pits and all the other hair on his body, and doing his own make up. When she got to the shop all the staff come up to her and asked how her week off was going and she said it was going really well. Then she went to check on her order that had been delivered earlier that day.
She found the boxes ad checked the contents of the three boxes, in the first box the was another box which contained a pair of silicone breasts and the silicone adhesive which was the extra strong type. In the second box was a couple of dresses one of which was a French maids uniform and petticoats to match and when she reached the bottom of the box there was a flat box and when she opened it her eyes opened up like a kid opening up Christmas presents, she pulled out a black satin corset which had lace trim and 6 suspenders attached to it. The third box contents where just as interesting to her as will as she had ordered some sex toys and a chastity device for Joanna.
When Mary got home she called Joanna into the front room where she was sitting with the three boxes place on the floor at her feet. Joanna came in to the front room where Mary was sitting and sat down next to her. That’s when Mary spoke.
“I hope you have enjoyed yourself this morning while I have been away, as you can there are three boxes here would you know who they are for?”
“Yes I would my darling”
“In this first box there is something that you are going to need if you are going to look more like a woman”
Then she opened the box and removed the contents and Joanna’s eye lit up like a Christmas tree. Which made Mary shiver with excitement knowing that in the next 30 minutes Joanna would have these breasts suck to her chest.
Then Mary said to Joanna
“Would you like to see what my dear is in the next box?”
“Yes please Mary I would”
“Okay then lets open it up and see what we can find!”
As Mary opened the box up Joanna could see lots of satin and lace which she loved the feel of, and she was itching to wear for her wife. But unbeknown to her there was the box at the bottom of this box with the corset in. As Mary took out the dresses Joanna’s face was a picture of joy and she was over come with joy when her wife pulled out the French maid’s uniform. Then the last shock for that box came out Mary handed this box to Joanna to open which she did slowly, as she opened the lid she nearly fainted which shock.
“That will look really nice on you” Mary said
The third box was for later as Mary could see that Joanna was having difficulty in keeping remaining upright on the sofa.
Once they both had put the stuff away, they both went into the kitchen and cooked dinner .When they both had eaten Mary asked Joanna to come and sit next to her on the sofa, which she did. Mary had the third and final box next to her on the floor she put her hand to the open lid and pulled out the chastity device and then asked Joanna to pull her dress up and lower her thong she had on, which she did.
Mary unlocked the device and then fitted it to Joanna and then locked it into place saying to her.
“You’re now mine okay darling this doesn’t come off unless I say it does”
Joanna just stood there with an unhappy look on her face. Once Joanna slowly got use to the feeling of being locked way Mary asked to remove her dress and bra she was wearing and kneel in front of her, which she did. Mary then went to the first box and removed the silicone breast and the adhesive, after using the cleanser she applied the adhesive to the forms and to Joanna’s chest she then attached the forms giving Joanna a full 38 D top half which Joanna loved.
When the adhesive had set Joanna was allowed to redress minus the bra which she liked as she could feel the breast move about underneath the dress she was wearing, which turned her on but the chastity device stopped her from getting fully erect and was also painful for her. Joanna complained to Mary about the chastity device but to no avail.
“What else in that box?” Joanna asked
“That is for me to know and you to find out” Mary laughed
After a while Joanna had got used to the breast forms which where now firmly attached to her chest her erection had subsided and was more comfortable so she relaxed. Later that evening they sat there watching television, then it was time for bed they both climbed the stairs and began to undress. When they got into bed Mary cuddled up to Joanna and cupped one of her breasts and said to her.
“mmmmm they feel nice how do they feel?”
“Heavy but really nice I feel more like a woman now. Do they look nice?”
“Yes they do I can wait to have you, you sexy woman”
Joanna looked at her wife with puzzlement. Mary just smiled back at her, they fell asleep in each others arms.
When Joanna woke she found herself alone, she heard a slight noise coming from downstairs. There was her wife making breakfast, as Joanna entered the room her wife said “morning sleepy head.”
“Morning dear, what time is it?” Joanna asked
“It is nearly 10 o’clock and it is time for breakfast”
As Joanna sat at the table Mary came behind her and tied her hands behind her so she couldn’t get up.
“Why have you tied me up for?”
“I will tell you all in good time my dear”
Mary said as she finished getting the breakfast ready for herself and Joanna, when she had served the breakfast she told Joanna to open her mouth and when Joanna opened her mouth Mary popped a couple of pills into her mouth and offered Joanna a glass of orange juice, after Joanna finished, she said thank you to Mary for helping her take the drink. As Mary eat her breakfast Joanna started to feel a little drowsy and had difficulty to keep her eyes open. Before Mary finished her breakfast Joanna was fast asleep.
When Joanna awoke she was still in the kitchen and tied to the chair and Mary was nowhere to be found, after what seamed to be hours, the telephone rang which was right in front of Joanna, she found that one of her hands was free of its bindings but she still couldn’t get up from the chair as her legs where securely fastened with ankle cuffs which needed a key to undo.
Joanna answered the ringing telephone and discovered it was her wife checking that she was awake and feeling well after her drug enforced sleep.
Joanna said “I am ok but a little confused why you drugged me?”
“Well the drugs I gave you where not just sleeping pills but female hormones” Mary replied.
“Why are you giving me female hormones? Joanna quizzed
“Because you want to become a woman” Mary said
“But I don’t want to become a woman I just enjoy dressing as one” Joanna said with sadness in her voice.
Mary told her “Don’t you worry your little head about it, I have to go now, and can you have dinner ready for me when I get home please”
“Ok I will darling”
When Mary got home Joanna was just serving up dinner which was going to be the norm from now on.
After they had finished eating, Mary when and had a nice long bath while Joanna cleared up the dirty dishes and tidied up the kitchen. When Joanna had finished the kitchen she then went to change out of her French maid’s uniform, when she entered the master bedroom Mary was sat on the bed in a black leather basque with black fishnet stockings and a pair of 6 inch black patient leather stilettos.
Joanna stopped in her tracks in stunned shock, Mary rose form the bed and ordered Joanna to the bed, which Joanna did unquestioningly. When Joanna reached the bed Mary grabbed one of Joanna’s arm and pulled her down so she was lying face down on it, then she opened up a draw in her bedside cabinet and removed a large syringe which was full of female hormone.
Mary then lifted the hem of Joanna’s dress so she exposed her bottom and then she inserted the syringe and then press down on the plunger expelling all of the fluid in the syringe into Joanna’s backside, Joanna let out a long loud scream of pain.
Mary said in a forceful tone “Don’t be such a cry baby and take your medicine like a good girl”
After the pain had subsided from Joanna’s backside she was ordered to strip to her undies, she was left there in just her bra, thong, suspenders and stockings. That is when Mary walked over to her and cuffed her wrists and legs to the bed so Joanna was face down and spread eagled and unable to do anything.
Then Mary remove a ball gag from the bedside cabinet and tied around Joanna’s head. All Joanna could do was turn her head so she could see what her wife and mistress was doing and what she saw her doing was to step in to a strap-on and then she turn so that Joanna could get a better look at it.
“Now my darling you are going to feel what it is like to be fucked” Mary said with a glint in her eye but not an evil one, as she still loved her husband / wife.
All Joanna could do was to shake her head from side to side and shout in to the gag.
Mary had to laugh as she watched her feminized husband struggle against his bonds. Mary then walked over to the wardrobe and removed a large pot of KY jelly. She remove the lid of the pot and then she took a large handful of the jelly and then she started to work it up and down the strap-on in a teasing manner, then once she had done that she then smeared what was on her hand onto and in Joanna ring which made Joanna squirm even more than ever, as she knew what was coming.
To be continued………….