At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 73 Family together at last
I sat next to Julie as she poured the tea. Dad said he was very happy and that mum and he had had a nice afternoon together and he hoped we had too.
‘So come on dad what’s the mystery of York?’
We had to be patient whilst he stirred his tea and then he couldn’t resist to dunk his ginger biscuit in it because he knew mum would say something since she always told us not to do it. He was right she did. It was a good sign that they had become friends again. It was a big relief.
‘Well I’ve been for a seminar but I also met with our Managing Director last night because we’ve had some cut backs at work and he told me that I’m vulnerable if I stay in London. So he wants me to move back to Yorkshire and develop some new clients with him North East. It’s really a promotion but without any salary increase. ‘
‘So what’s the problem? It’s a great chance isn’t it?’
‘Well to be honest there is no problem. It fits what I want to do that is to be closer to you three. There is no allowance to move home and I’d only get minimal expenses paid. But that’s not a problem since I’d rather be safe and not argue’
Julie was first to comment ’So you’ll be back home to Yorkshire just like me.’
‘Yep, I will, the prodigal old dad returns home to his roots.’
It was my chance to intervene. ‘Dad that’s fantastic news. It’s a great chance for you and we can see you because you’ll be closer to home.’
‘Yes that’s exactly what your mum said earlier. I’m glad to say it’s made my decision much easier by having this chance for us to get together this weekend. I think we all have a lot of lost time to make up.’
‘Oh dad did you tell them you accept?’
‘Not yet because I wanted to tell you all first so I will call my boss before dinner since he knows we are meeting up. I wanted to see what you all think and to make sure that you are OK Chris. You’re more important than my job right now and I want to ensure that you don’t have any problems. If so I’ll be there with you rest assured.’
I couldn’t swallow my ginger biscuit because of the massive lump in my throat.
‘Thanks dad I will be fine. I never expected to be in this situation a few weeks ago but this is me I’m sure. I’m sorry to bring extra pressure to you.’
‘Chris you look really nice today and maybe we made a mistake all those years ago. I shouldn’t have discouraged you from being who you are but I did want you to at least try to be a man.’
‘Dad I tried my best to be the boy you wanted to be but it didn’t feel right. I’ve been really unhappy with myself for a long time because I didn’t live up to your expectations but recently it feels like life has a meaning. I’ve got to thank Jules and mum for accepting the situation and Sally for being my best friend.’
Dad asked about Sally and was trying to understand our relationship but I couldn’t explain it very well.
‘They are more than friends dad, they are joined at the hip.’
‘Sis that’s not fair because Sally needed me and I guess during that first weekend together I needed her much more than I realized. She made me feel like I natural woman.’
‘Yes but sometimes you are like two little doves cooing.’
‘No we are not. We just have similar tastes and share likes and dislikes.’
‘Yes you both like to look at each other and taste each others lipsticks. HaHa.’
‘Sis that’s not fair, I just like her a lot and I hope she likes me.’
‘I think you are great together and l think it’s much safer to have a friendship at home with Sally than to be trecking back and forth to see James in Birmingham. He might not be as loyal as Sally.’
‘It’s not like I’ve known her for that long.’
‘Yes but I can tell you are made for each other, just believe me. As her confidence grows you will soon be chasing around after her.’
Dad chipped in again ‘So are you two going to stay friends?’
‘I hope so since she needs someone to take care of her right now and she has accepted me totally so I have been open with her.’
‘Chris your mum says that you share your room together so does that mean? …. You know…’
‘What? … Does that mean what?’
‘That you have a more serious relationship going that involves more.’
‘Dad we sleep together but a lot of girls do…... Well what I mean is that it’s like we are two girls.’
Julie chipped in ‘ Two girls in love dad…they are two girls in love.’
Mum was sitting quiet and she reached across and took hold of my hand.
‘Look Chris you haven’t known Sally that long so just take your time. You have to adjust so don’t try to take on too much. You’ve got a lot of changes going on and you still need to focus on your job and you have to concentrate on that.’
‘I know mum and I’ve been lucky to get this chance. Really it’s all because of Kate. She just appeared on the scene and had lost her PA as I walked around the corner.’
‘I thought you met in the lift.’
‘I didn’t mean it literally Sis, you know what I meant.’
‘HaHa yes. But I still think there is more to her than meets the eye. There is just something doesn’t ring true.’
‘Dad you know her dad so is there something we are all missing here?’
‘Don’t bring me into it. I take people as I find them and Kate looked very capable and confident. She seems to have a lot of her dad in her.’
‘Well maybe you don’t know that she’s looked after her niece at work who gave Chrissy a hard time. She seemed weird to me until we found out she had a mental problem.’
‘Jules she doesn’t have a mental problem she has a personality disorder and she’s learning to cope with it with Kates help.’
‘So who is this niece then?’
‘She’s called Jessica and she’s the daughter of Kates sister. She was illegitimate and given up for adoption.’
‘You mean she’s Kates daughter don’t you?’
I chipped in ‘No she’s Kates niece. Definitely.’
‘But the Harpers had two sons and a daughter from my recollection. I know that Darren didn’t say too much to anybody and he just disappeared and moved to the North West. We had quite a bit of contact after you were born and Judith died but when they moved we never heard much until he called me at work after mum and I had been having problems.’
‘Did he move because of his job?’
‘I’m not sure since but I heard he was having some problems at home. I didn’t have any direct contact by then so it was just gossip as far as I was concerned. Family business needs to stay inside the family just like with us here.’
‘Dad I told Chrissy that something was wrong when I traced Kates dad on the internet through his university. I’m sure it is to do with Jessica’
‘Well what does it matter? It’s another families business and it’s history anyway. We should respect their privacy’
‘But dad how can Jessica be Kates niece? How can Kate have a sister so she must be the mother. But she’s too young.’
I had to intervene. ‘Julie what if Kate wasn’t born a woman and that she’d been mistaken for a boy because of some confusion?’
‘What you mean. Are you saying that she was a boy and that she changed sex? But she’s all woman.’
‘But some people are intersex or have birth defects that used to make it a bit difficult.’
‘Chrissy you know something don’t you? Is that it that Kate was born a boy? Is that the other family problem that Darren Harper had?’
‘Well I suppose that could be a good enough reason. Can you imagine the gossip? His daughter had a baby whilst at school to a creep and one of his sons was born with a sex defect and was really a girl. Wouldn’t you move too?’
‘Maybe. I would have.’
Mum spoke out. ‘Look girls these things are nothing to be ashamed of. All families have problems at some time or other. We are only human beings.’
I thought how wonderful it was to here mum say ‘Look girls.’ I liked it.
I didn’t say anything else about what Kate had told me and Julie respected the privacy. So I’d honored my promise to Kate.
I was pleased then that mum said we shouldn’t gossip about it and we should respect Kates situation and if we could respect other peoples privacy then they would hopefully respect ours.
Even though it had been a chance for the information to come out naturally in conversation somehow I couldn’t see Julie accepting that advice though and maybe the interrogation lamp would be switched on later.
So Dad brought us back to the discussion we were having.
’Chris I wish I’d let your mum have her way to let you behave as you wished and then maybe our marriage wouldn’t have suffered. Mum had enough to cope with through her mum being so upset with herself and feeling guilty about Judiths death.’
Life is full of twists and turns and we all make mistakes. The question is how we respond and to try to turn negatives into positives as often as we can. So through all of these changes Chris I do hope that you are happier. You look it.’
‘Dad I’m fine, I’ve never been happier than I am just now even though Julie has scared the pants off me with what’s ahead of me.’
‘What has she been saying, is there a problem.’
‘No I mean her threats of waxing.’
We laughed together as I frowned and shook my head.
‘But Chris, it’s a big decision you are making and I must say I’m amazed how you’ve turned out. I now have two very beautiful daughters to spoil now. Be sure that if this is what you want then I’m there for you.’
‘Dad please don’t make me cry again.’
‘OK let’s not get too sloppy and let’s all make a pact together to have some family time like this regularly and be open about our feelings.’ Mum was nodding her head. It was the sort of statement she would have made.
She had been very quiet but then she spoke.’Chris you know that I’ve been supportive of you because to be honest there has always been a bit of a doubt about your sexuality right from being a small child. You were so cute as a baby that a lot of our friends thought you were a girl. Some mums at the clinics were jealous because their daughters were not so beautiful as you.’
Jules cut in ‘What about me mum? Was I beautiful too? ‘
‘Of course you were.’
We chatted on and settled back on the sofas but dad was conscious of the time and knew that the three of us would want to get ready. So he gave a gentle reminder by tapping his watch.
‘Why don’t we carry on chatting over dinner so you girls have some time to prepare. I need to make a couple of telephone calls and I’ll be waiting in the bar over there at 7-30pm. The champagne will be on ice.
To be continued……….