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Never My Love
A Gaby FanFic
by PB (based on the 'Notes of a Journey' trilogy) |
Photo Credit: Permission to use the photo of Lake Louise and the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, has been granted by the Fairmont Hotels and Resorts .
“Maddy! … Gaby! ... Over here!” Both girls heard Jenny’s voice call out as they walked out of the luggage claim into the crowded ‘Lufthansa Arrivals’ gate of the terminal.
“I see your mum, sweetheart ...”
“An’ there’s dad! … C’mon.” Maddy put her hand up on her Stetson to keep from losing it as she jerked her head around to follow Gaby’s gaze. Spotting Gaby’s parents, the two girls suddenly changed direction and together pushed the luggage trolley towards the elder Bond's.
“Welcome back, girls!” Jenny greeted after the two finally made their way through the congested ‘Arrivals’ hall and stood before them.
“Why so busy?” Gaby wondered aloud while obviously forgetting the date.
“Christmas traveller’s I suspect,” Dave flatly replied.
“Oh, yeah...” Gaby sheepishly answered.
“Good flight?” Jenny enthused, eager to change the subject.
“Super!” Maddy enthused as she threw her arm around her mother-in-law’s waist. “But we kinda splurged.”
“Meaning?” Jenny prompted.
“Meaning … when we checked-in for our London flight … we asked about upgrading our tickets to ‘First Class’, not expecting anything to come of it … but … once we found that a pair of seats was available in ‘World Business Class’ ... we decided to go for broke.”
“Gaby! I do hope that’s not going to hurt you girls,” Jenny voiced.
“No, not really. I’ve been putting my sponsorship money into a separate account … an’ that’s what paid for our honeymoon …an’ the upgrade … just!” Gaby explained with a nervous smile as she appeared to shrug off the added expense.
“Was it worth it?” Dave wondered.
“Compared to our flight to Canada … the wider seats an’ extra leg room really did make a difference … didn’t it luv?” Maddy nodded her head in agreement, while Jenny and Dave looked on with some envy.
“Gabs figured you only live once, so why not jump at it when we had the opportunity?”
“That’s something your mother and I’ve never done,” Dave quietly admitted.
“Yet!” Gaby smiled to herself.
“Everyone who flies should get to do it at least once,” Gaby playfully replied. Neither of Gaby’s parents caught the non-verbal exchange between the young couple nor the true meaning of her words.
Unfortunately, our connection at Heathrow only had economy seating,” Maddy quietly lamented.
“S’not my fault,” Gaby quietly pouted.
“Well, that covers your flight … so now … how was the trip?” Jenny impatiently wondered.
“Fan-tastic! Did you know your daughter can be ... very … umm ... ‘romantic’?” Maddy playfully, but quietly disclosed and then seeing Gaby turn several shades of red, gently brushed her wife’s lips with a kiss. “Well ... it’s true, sweetheart…”
“Oh? I never would’ve thought. You’ll have to tell me all about it…” Jenny softly hinted through an impish little grin, as she leaned closer to Maddy.
“Suitably edited for parental consumption…” Maddy playfully whispered to her bride.
“But of course…” Gaby softly replied with her own mischievous grin.
“Good Lord! You girls leave anything in the stores?” Dave jokingly remarked as he looked at their bulging luggage cart.
“Three … four … fi … John said you left with only two pieces.” Dave continued to mentally count while pointing to the smaller bags piled on the cart.
“Have you and Mum ever gone anywhere and returned only with what you left with?” Gaby smugly responded.
“Good point,” Dave smirked as Jenny playfully slapped his arm.
As Maddy snatched a cloth carry-all off the top of the cart, Jenny looked quizzically at the brownish-grey furry contents.
“GeeBee,” Gaby flatly remarked as she glanced lovingly at her wife.
“Gabs bought him for me in Banff … he’s a Grizzly Bear!” Maddy enthused as she took the stuffed animal out of the bag to show Jenny.
“He’s cute…” Jenny remarked as she playfully snuggled the bear to her chest and made like she was going to walk away.
As she turned back feigning reluctance handing to it back to Maddy, Dave suggested that the kids unpack and rest up once they get dropped off at their place and then plan to come over to the house for a family dinner that evening.
“That hat really suits you,” Jenny gushed as she looked at her daughter-in-law.
“We found a store in Banff that specialized in ‘western wear’ … an’ Gabs insisted that I had to get it after I tried it on just to see what I looked like in it.”
“All I said was … you looked very sexy in that Stetson,” Gaby playfully interjected.
“That’s what I said … you ‘insisted’.” When Gaby stuck out her tongue at her wife, she was rewarded with a second quick, but tender kiss on the lips.
“Did you get one as well, Gaby?” Jenny asked.
“Nope ... it didn’t look good with my feather,” Gaby playfully replied.
“C’mon … let’s get out of here. There’ll be plenty of time to talk later,” Dave urged.
“Was Jules able to get back for the holidays?” Gaby hopefully asked later when they started to get into the car.
“Both her and Gerhardt are already at the house,” Jenny replied. “Apparently they have something to tell us ... but won’t say anymore until you two are there.”
Dave quickly joined the ladies and took his place behind the wheel after loading the luggage into the boot.
“Mummm! ... She’s not…” Gaby shrieked, as she settled into the back seat.
“Gaby! That was my ear!”
“Sorry, Dad ... I didn’t mean to...”
“No ... she’s not … yet … at least … I don’t think so,” Jenny slowly replied, her voice fading as the thought progressed.
“Tante Gaby … has a nice ring to it,” Maddy whimsically mentioned.
“Yes, Auntie Mad…” Gaby playfully responded as she gently cuddled Maddy’s arm. Neither girl noticed Dave and Jenny’s smiling reflections in the rear-view mirror.
Oh, before I forget … Kat’s got her ring! Kurt finally popped the question the other night,” Jenny revealed. “I think you girls started something.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, Mum. That’s only Jules an’ Kat.”
“Yes, but that’s both of your Maid’s of Honour since you girls exchanged vows,” Jenny pointed out.
“Em and Ally?” Maddy mischievously whispered.
I dunno … you think?” Gaby quietly giggled. “Cross yer fingers!”
“You want to give them a call when we get home?”
“That still leaves the rest of the afternoon...” Maddy suggestively whispered as their lips gently touched.
“You know you’re going to be the death of me, Maddy Bond…” Gaby breathed as they gently bumped foreheads and gazed into each others eyes.
“I know … and you love it … don’t you?” Maddy softly asked.
“Uh huh .... mmmmm,” Gaby quietly purred as their lips met for a second time.
“Were we ever that bad, darling?” Dave quietly asked his wife as he checked the rear-view mirror.
“Much worse!” Jenny softly admitted. He glanced at her with a mock scowl. “You can ask Mum!”
Dave gently put his free hand on top of his wife’s leg as the car sped along the Autobahn.
“Eyes on the road, dear … or we won’t get home,” Jenny quietly reminded.
Forty-five minutes later, Dave had turned off the Autobahn and was passing Bad Neuenahr. Gaby shook her head to release her thoughts of the last two weeks and decided to gently roust her wife.
“Almost home, darling … have a nice nap?”
(yawn) “I think so … did you?”
“Couldn’t … too wound up I guess.”
“Well … try to lay down this afternoon … okay, sweetheart?”
“I’ll try, but we’ve got things to do.”
“Unpack an’ laundry...”
“S’not gonna take all afternoon. You try to lay down. It seems we’ve been on the go since forever!”
“Okay, I’ll try. Mum … you know if George is around this week? I was thinking I’d give him a ring and thank him for the time off.”
“He’s home all this week, dear. I know he’ll be there for sure later this afternoon.”
Minutes later, Dave turned the car into the paved close of the girl’s house. As he turned off the ignition and popped the boot, the two got out of the back and started to take some of their bags up to the house.
“I won’t come in, dear … but plan on a late dinner. I’m thinking about eight-ish. Come earlier if you want,” Jenny mentioned as she sat in the car.
“Got your keys Gabs? My hands are full.”
“Already out,” Gaby replied as she pulled one of the larger pieces of luggage behind her.
Once Dave and the girls got the bags inside and up to their room, he and Jenny returned to their house leaving them to unpack and generally sort themselves out after a long trip. It wasn’t long before they were once again standing in a tidy bedroom, after putting everything away
“Sweetheart? I know what you were thinking back at the airport when we told your ‘rents about upgrading our seats,” Maddy whispered as she put her arms around Gaby’s neck and held her close.
“You said it yourself during our little nocturnal walk … they deserve it after all they’ve been through … with Mum’s cancer an’ all,” Gaby quietly replied as they stood holding each other.
“You’re an amazing … loving … and caring person, Gaby Bond. My heart never stood a chance against you … did it?”
“You did put up a bit of a fight, if you remember...” Gaby softly countered.
“Did I?” Maddy breathed as she gently pushed Gaby onto their bed and then joined her.
Later that evening, after supper, Jules and Gerhardt ushered everyone into the lounge and had them take a seat while the young couple remained standing. Jules tightly held onto his hand while anticipating her family's reaction to her news.
“Well?” Jenny impatiently asked.
“Gerhardt and I have set a date! … May 17th,” Jules beamed.
“May 17th?” Gaby echoed.
“Sorry Gabs … we didn’t set out to choose the same date … but we were thinking of you when we chose it.”
“Mum told me to call George the other week and find out about your mid-season break ‘cuz I’ll be needing you for my Matron of Honour,” Jules explained.
“Told ya she’d get back at ya!” Maddy smugly exclaimed. Gaby quickly turned towards her wife and playfully stuck out her tongue.
“Where’re you planning to have it?” Jenny wondered.
“We first thought of having it at the Town Church like these two, but after thinking it over some more ... we decided that since Gerhardt’s entitled to a military wedding ... we’d get married at the base chapel in Lechfeld,” Jules mentioned with a shrug. “I know it’s a bit out of the way, but...”
“Don’t apologize. It’s your wedding,” Jenny quickly put in.
“It’ll probably be a little smaller than yours (looking at Maddy and Gaby). Gerhardt and I thought three on each side would be about right.”
“She hasn’t picked out her dress yet, but we both would like you three to wear the Indian stuff you wore for Gaby und Maddy’s wedding,” Gerhardt added while looking at the three seated Bond women.
“Face it, sis … those feathers have become a part of you,” Jules cheerfully taunted. Maddy leaned into Gaby’s shoulder as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“See? I keep telling you that I’m not the only one who thinks you look sexy…” Maddy seductively whispered as Gaby gently squeezed her wife’s leg.
“… und Jules will wear hers,” Gerhardt continued.
“You started a new tradition for us Bond women, sis…” Jules added while cuddling up to her fiancé. “Actually, I’ve been wearing mine quiet a lot when we go out...”
While Jules paused mid-thought, everyone kept looking at her expecting her to say something further. She didn’t disappoint when she quickly glanced at Gerhardt and then with a wide grin, proudly announced, “… AND … Gerhardt gets to wear his new Oberleutnant’s dress uniform!”
“Congratulations, son! When did your promotion come through?” Dave enthusiastically inquired.
“It’s been ‘official’ for a couple of weeks, but we’d thought we’d wait until now to say anything … while everyone ist here.”
“We’re spending New Year with his parent’s ... so we’ll tell them everything when we see them,” Jules explained and then turning to face Gaby, she asked the all-important question.
“You will do it ... won’t you, sis? … Matron of Honour, I mean.”
“Of course I will…” Gaby softly replied as she stood up and the two sisters hugged each other.
“But you do know that I probably won’t be around for anything except the wedding ... right?”
“Mad could always stand in for you, couldn’t she?” Jules quickly asked. “As for your dress ... again that’s no problem ... is it? I mean … ever since you two’ve known each other, you and Mad have always been able to share clothes with no problems.”
“Ohhh … how true…” Gaby smiled to herself.
“We still can … and do … right, sweetheart?” Maddy confirmed. Gaby responded by giving her a knowing smile.
“Well … no probs, then!” Jules announced with some finality.
“You do realize that we’ve never met Gerhardt’s family or friends ... apart from his parents,” Gaby mentioned.
“So?” Jules responded.
“As open as Mad an’ I are about 'things' ... will your family and friends be okay with us attending your wedding?”
“We guarantee it!” Jules firmly stated while Gerhardt nodded in agreement.
“I tried, darling,” Gaby joked as both girls rose up from their seats to give both Gerhardt and Jules a hug.
“One other thing,” Jules coyly added and then turned to look straight at Maddy. “I’m short a bridesmaid.”
“An’ why not?” Will you do it?”
“Yes…” Maddy weakly answered, through misting eyes.
“I can hear it now.” Gerhardt began. “Und now, I’d like to introduce our head table. To the immediate right of Gerhardt’s gorgeous bride … ist Jules’ beautiful Matron of Honour, the first of three Frau Bond’s here tonight … her little sister … Gabi. Sitting next to her … ist one of our two very lovely bridesmaids … und our second Frau Bond … Gabis wife … Maddy … und next to her ist…”
“You wouldn’t dare! … Would you?” Maddy squealed.
“Know what’s scary, luv? I think they would…” Gaby answered as she cuddled with her wife on the couch.
“C’mon ... they’ll have to introduce the head table!” Jules implored.
“Like that?” Maddy questioned.
“Possibly...” Jules reasoned after thinking about it.
“Guess who’s coming to dinner?” Gaby sarcastically intoned.
“It’s certainly something we can think about, anyway,” Maddy conceded. “I assume you’re planning to introduce the parents, too … an’ the third Frau Bond?”
“Of course,” Jules confirmed.
“I was only kidding, guys!” Gerhardt half-pleaded.
“You thought you were, Liebling…” Jules sweetly replied as her lips brushed his in a tender kiss.
“My boy … a bit of advice. When the ‘wife’ says you had a good idea … don’t argue!” Dave whispered when he walked up behind his future son-in-law. Gerhardt closed his eyes, let out a sigh and then nodded.
“One other small request, sis. Would it be possible for you two to pop up to Lechfeld before you run off to Australia with the team? I’d be nice if you and Mad could meet my other bridesmaid, Bärbel. She teaches with me at the school.”
There was a short silence as Gaby obviously thought about it.
“If you can’t make it up ... I’m sure we could come down for a day or two,” Jules hurriedly added in the hope that her sister would agree.
“It’d probably depend on Mad’s schedule more than mine, but I think that we might be able to manage a weekend after the New Year … before I get too busy with the team ... can’t we, Mad?” Gaby mentioned as she glanced over at Maddy.
“Just let us know when she’ll be around,” Maddy cheerfully added.
“Thanks, guys!” Jules gushed as she hugged both girls.
“You think this time you’ll finally be able to show me that plane of yours, Garhardt?” Gaby impishly hinted.
“Ja ... I think we can arrange that. It should still be relatively quiet around the base for a few weeks, yet. I’ll haf to set up a time und clear it with the Jagdwaffe Kommandore and then if he agrees … meet you at the main gate … but I don’t think we’ll haf any problems this time. I’ll make the request to include you, Maddy und Jules.”
“Maybe we can get the wedding party together for dinner or something?” Jules sweetly hinted.
“Gut idea! Let everyone meet these two before Gabi runs off on us,” Gerhardt agreed.
“Anyone for tea? … Gerhardt? … Coffee?” Jenny asked as she rose for her chair to head for the kitchen. After everyone placed their order, Jules followed her mother into the kitchen while Gerhardt engaged Dave in further conversation.
Maddy decided to take full advantage of the brief lull in the evening to nuzzle closer to her bride.
“Never did call Em …did we?” Gaby whispered.
“Oops. Make sure we do it tomorrow…”
Their quiet time was interrupted a short time later, when Jenny and Jules brought out the drinks, along with some cookies and slices of Christmas cake. After being served their tea, Gaby put hers down on one of the end tables that flanked the couch and then leaned over and gave Maddy a tender kiss on the cheek.
“Be right back, luv…” Gaby whispered as she got up off her parent’s couch.
“Where ya going?” Maddy softly asked.
“Mum … Mad said you two found my diary when you were cleaning out my room. Is it still there?” Gaby wondered.
“We put it back in the night table drawer … where you always kept it, dear.”
“Okay ... thanks!”
“Oh! While you two were gone … your dad and I took that box of your old clothes to the church, like you wanted.”
“Thanks … be right down, Mad!” Gaby enthused as she quickly dashed up the stairs to her old room. A few minutes later she came back down brandishing the small book, but not before Maddy had a word with Jules.
“Jules?” Maddy quietly got her sister-in-law’s attention.
“Thank you…”
“Just … thank you…” Maddy softly repeated.
As Gaby walked into the lounge, she went over to the stone fireplace where Dave had been nursing a wood fire all evening, instead of returning to the couch to sit beside her wife.
“Come ‘ere, darling…” Gaby softly beckoned Maddy to join her. As she walked up the hearth and her wife, the two girls joined hands.
“What, sweetheart...?” Maddy quietly murmured as she stood beside her Gaby.
“Shhh … this is for us...” By now, the girl’s actions caught the attention of the rest of the family.
For several minutes, Gaby stood silently looking at the closed diary in her hands, then knelt down and carefully placed it in the crackling flames. After making sure it caught fire, she straightened up, brushed the palm of her hand on a leg of her black leather pants and then stood motionless. Maddy solemnly slipped an arm around her wife’s waist and holding her close, joined her as they stared at the burning pages.
“It can’t hurt us anymore...” Gaby softly declared as she turned and looked at Maddy.
“Hold me?” Maddy softly asked.
Then Gaby tenderly kissed her wife before gathering her up tightly in her arms. As they held their embrace, Maddy looked over Gaby’s shoulder and caught sight of Jules giving her a knowing wink and mouthing, “You’re welcome, sis.”“
“Now that you guys got that settled … tell us about Canada... Neither of you have said a word about it all evening!” Jules cheerfully encouraged in an effort to lift the mood.
“Mmmm ... should we?” Maddy softly replied with a mischievous grin as she stole a glance at her wife.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Fairmont Hotels & Resorts. The photograph is a winter shot of Lake Louise; Banff, Alberta; Canada. The ‘Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise’... the 5-star hotel the girls stayed at while staying at Lake Louise ... is pictured in the foreground.
Title Credit: It’s the title of the 1967 hit by ‘The Association’ … ‘Never My Love’. Take a look at the lyrics below and listen to the MP3. I think you’ll agree it was a natural title for a story about the girl’s honeymoon, given Gaby’s feelings for Maddy. PB 2009
Never My Love
by The Association….
You ask me if there'll come a time
When I grow tired of you
Never my love
Never my love
You wonder if this heart of mine
Will lose its desire for you
Never my love
Never my love
What makes you think love will end
When you know that my whole life depends
On you (on you)
Never my love
Never my love
You say you fear I'll change my mind
And I won't require you
Never my love (never my love)
Never my love (never my love)
How can you think love will end
When I've asked you to spend your whole life
With me (with me, with me)
Never my love (never my love)
Never my love (never my love)
Never my love (never my love)
Never my love (never my love)
Comments are Greatly Appreciated!