In the name of the Lady, © 2007 by Kimby
The story of Frank and what happened to him when God got irritated.
Publication of this story is allowed on all websites under the following conditions:
- The text cannot be altered or shortened. If things are added to it, the reader should be easily able to identify what was added to the original.
- Access to the story is free. This also means it cannot be put on a website requiring paying membership.
This is the very first story I’ve ever written. That explains why it’s so bad. On the upside, it makes it a lot easier for me to do better next time. ;)
I’m not looking to make any monetary gain from this story. If it moves you so much you want to pays someone (frankly, I doubt that a lot. It’s not good enough) then please donate to a transgender fiction website in need of support.
1. If reading texts with sexual, political or religious contents can upset you, please go look someplace else. I don’t want to make you feel unhappy.
2. If you think someone else would object to you reading this text, don’t get caught. I will not help you if they get you, but if the story of the consequences makes the news I will remember your courage.
3. This story is fiction. I admit some elements of it are based on my personal life, but it’s doubtful you know me. So if you think you recognize someone in this story, think again.
4. I’m European, so the sport called ‘football’ in this story is real football, not that weird American game. If you live in the USA, you probably know the sport by the name ‘soccer’. It’s not very important for the story anyway. I’m only mentioning it to make fun of Americans: it’s a bad habit. :)
5. All errors of any kind made in this story are mine and mine alone except for those introduced by my spellchecker. I have no proofreaders, editors and such more. If anyone feels strongly about educating me by taking the entire thing apart, feel free to do so.
Frank seemed to be standing at the centre of an impressive room. That room was almost empty, but there was one object in it that immediately made you pay attention and that object certainly went a long way in causing his expression of utter disbelief: a throne.
During his life, he had visited a lot of places of historical importance and in some of those he had visited castles and palaces. None of those places could hold a candle to what Frank was currently seeing. A magnificent throne with deep blue covering with silver motives was standing at a higher part against the back wall. The marble floor in the room looked brand new. All around the room you could see marble columns with wonderful decorations in what looked like gold. Lastly, two extremely large crystal chandeliers were hanging from a ceiling that was unbelievably high. It all looked like something that you could perhaps see in movies with a very large budget. But what you saw in those movies was mostly faked and this was the real deal. How could something this stunningly beautiful really exist ?
As if all this wasn’t enough, both sides of the room had only very low walls between the fine marble columns leaving large windows. The view to the outside was as stunning as the room itself. It looked like the room was floating a kilometre above the earth outside, resulting in an impressive view of the surrounding landscape. The sky only had a few clouds and the sunset painted them in colours as magnificent as only nature could produce.
Good heavens, where on earth am I ? Actually, I wonder if I’m on Earth at all right now. This can’t possibly exist there.
After a short while, the impressive views began to lose a bit of their captivating powers. Frank raised his arm with the intention to gently touch one of the marble columns surrounding the room to make sure they were real. But his arm never touched the column as it froze halfway. The shock Frank had received while taking in his surroundings paled to nothing compared to this new surprise.
This can’t be true. It’s impossible! I can’t believe it.
He was no longer dressed in the clothes he was wearing while trying to fix his flat tire. Of course he could have known that before, because those wet clothes would have felt rather uncomfortable, but his surprising surroundings had distracted him. Now he noticed those changes for the first time and his mouth dropped open again. He was wearing a pure white robe with decorations of gold. On one of the fingers of his left hand, he was now wearing a small ring. Since his marriage ended, he had never worn any rings at all. But the most shocking discovery was the way his hand looked. It was without a doubt smaller then he was used to seeing. In fact, Frank was certain he was looking at the hand of a woman!
I have to be dreaming. But this doesn’t feel like a dream at all.
While he had just inspected his surroundings in stunned admiration, now his attention for them dropped to zero as he started to concentrate on his own body. It took only seconds to decide it would be more correct to refer to it as her body now. Looking down it was clear she had breasts now. To her great relieve, they were not the ridiculous large breasts so often making an appearance in all the transgender fiction stories Frank had read before, but rather normal sized ones. Her hips were clearly a bit wider then in her memory. While moving around her increased attention also make her notice another change: something was now missing down below. Something she wouldn't miss at all.
I’m a woman. I can’t believe it; how could this be ? I’m so happy, but I’m also totally confused. What’s going on here ?
She continued to make an inventory of changes. She didn’t seem particularly smaller then before, but then again she wasn’t all that tall as a man. If she was the same height as a woman, she would be a bit taller then average, but nothing exceptional. She did seem to have lost a lot of weight and considering the belly on her old body caused by a lack of exercise, she was very grateful for that! The skin on her hands seemed to indicate she was a lot younger now and her hair was a lot longer and instead of medium brown it was black. When she brought her hands to her face, another change registered. She was no longer wearing glasses, but still could see perfectly. Suddenly an ugly though occurred to her and Frank became almost desperate.
Oh, no. Please whoever did this to me, don’t ever take it back, I beg you.
Nothing changed at all and slowly her fear ebbed away. Her brain started working again and wanted the answer on one important question: what did she look like now ? There were no mirrors along the wall with the throne, so Frank turned around towards the wall at the opposite side of the room.
That wall did have a large mirror and she got a very satisfying answer for her question. Her reflection presented her with a girl of perhaps 18 years old, tall and strong looking. Her black hair came about 10 centimetres below her shoulders. Her face could easily belong to one of the world’s top models, but her body was not as thin. That didn’t mean she was fat looking. The pure white robe gave her a regal look. That look was brought out even more by a small, silver crown she hadn’t noticed she was wearing.
Undisturbed, she could have easily lost an hour looking at her reflection, but the wall opposite the throne did have more then mirrors. There were also two doorways in that wall and in one of those doorways stood a young man, around 25 years old. That man was currently looking at her and his face showed clearly he appreciated the view a lot!