As soon as they were gone Akira’s mom turns to her and says, “Are you okay honey?”
“Not really mom,” Akira replies. “When I first woke up … like this, there was so much going on that I was able to put it aside and concentrate on other things.” She chuckled softly, “That’s the real reason I helped them. It was either curl into a ball and break down sobbing or beat someone up and there was a supervillain conveniently nearby.” Her voice broke with a sob, “But I don’t think I can keep it up much longer.”
Mihoshi hugged her, “It’s okay to cry honey. You need to let it out and I’m here for you.”
Akira cried on her mom’s shoulder and carefully hugged her. She wanted to hug her fiercely but having ruined a steel fork while eating she was leery of her new strength. “Aw mom, I’m not even Japanese anymore!” She said after several minutes of sobbing, “Am I still me?”
Her mom hugged her as hard as she could then pulled back to look her in the eyes, “Yes! You are still you and still my child whatever you may look like. Who you are is more than your outside. We all change as we mature. If I met myself from twenty years ago I have no doubt she would be surprised at some of the turns her life has taken but I am still me and I will remain me as the years roll past whatever life may bring. You have changed more than most people but you are still you inside. Remember that and stay true to yourself always and this change becomes no more than a challenge. It will be a mighty challenge perhaps but you can defeat it and it will leave you all the stronger for it.” Suddenly she smiled, “I have a lot more ancient wisdom and proverbs if you need them. Momwisdom has no end you know.”
That got a smile from Akira, “Thanks mom! I’ll call as often as I can. Maybe by the time Christmas comes around we can work out a cover story so I can visit?”
“I’m sure we can. He did say they would set you up with a new identity, and I’m sure it’s as easy to make you a cousin as anything else.” She gave her new daughter a searching look, “It might have to be a distant cousin but you will be a well loved one all the same.” She smiled, “And over the summer we can do those things I’ve always wanted to do with a daughter. You’ll love it I promise!” She pulled Kleenex from her purse, “Now dry your eyes and blow your nose. I’m guessing you agree with me that this school and this job seems like the best choice available? If you want the school but the job we’ll find some way to send you.”
“Thanks mom, but I think I’d like the job as well. If it’s as he describes I’ll be doing good work and I think I can trust him. He and his men seem to be on the side of right, you know?”
“My baby, the federal agent! I’m sure you’ll make me proud. You’ll have to get good grades in high school and college but if you put your mind to it I’m sure you can do it. They’ll be lucky to have you.” Hana dried her own tears and waved the others over. “You can come back now and if I could get a cup of coffee that would be great.”
Once Iris had brought her a mug she poured more for herself and Robert Spaulding, Mihoshi told him that they would take him up on his offer.
“Excellent,” he replied. “We’ll get started on the I.D. right away and once we get that done we can all get some sleep.”
“Okay, we decided that I’d be a cousin of mom’s, far enough away to explain the difference in looks but still kin,” Akira said.
“Okay,” Spaulding nodded and brought out a notebook, “What was your maiden name Mrs. Kagurazaka?”
“Hinato,” she replied.
He writes that down and gets her to draw the katakana and kanji versions, “Okay, now what about a first name? It will help the masquerade if that changes too or people may wonder why you have a boy’s name or even wonder if there is a connection between the Akira that died in the hospital and the cousin they are seeing for the first time.”
Akira winced at the thought but nodded at the logic, “Okay, and a perfect choice presents itself. Considering that I look so much like her, I’ll call myself Asuna.” She holds her mother’s hand under the table and feels a reassuring squeeze.
He adds that in the same way and asks, “One last thing, where is Asuna from?”
“Seattle, Washington. We used to live there before moving to here and mom is from there originally,” Akira, now Asuna, replied.
“Perfect! I’ll get them started on this tonight. By tomorrow Asuna Hinato will be a legal citizen of these United States. Do you two want to spend the night at a motel on me, or rather your Uncle Sam, or would you like to stay with Iris? She volunteered while we were catching up and you could talk to her more about Whateley and stuff.” Spaulding didn’t want Akira heading back home for even one night until he’d got all the details squared away but didn’t want to come right out and say it. He’d seen her crying and didn’t want to start her off again so he was trying to think ahead about what would cause the least stress in the long run.
She gave him a sickly smile, “I guess I can’t share a room with my brother like this. So what do you think mom?”
“Well, I would like to talk to Iris some more,” she replied.
“And I would be happy to have you over. I’ll make you a real 4 star breakfast in the morning, I promise!”
“Okay, that sounds fine by me too,” Asuna replied.
“Alright, I still have some work to do but I’ll be there in the morning to pick you up and start outfitting Asuna,” agent Spaulding said as he got up.
They all shook hands and started heading for the door. As they drove off following Iris’ catering van in Mihoshi’s car they saw Agent Spaulding standing by his car and talking animatedly on his phone.
Once at Iris’ house Asuna stripped off her uncomfortable and ill-fitting clothes and quickly fell asleep in a guest room while Mihoshi and Iris talked in the kitchen.