To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: I’m out!
Ok girl, I know you’re on your way. Week three point five and I am outta here! Doc just gave me the go ahead, and I am already packed. Phi took all my bags to her car, and all that remains is to wait for you. My exercises are going super, and the pain is gone. Even the doctor is impressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I couldn’t tell the difference between mine and a real girl’s.
I am totally hitting the beach when I get there. I am as white as a ghost, and I’m not staying that way for long. I just don’t know whether to go topless or not. Maybe I’ll just go nude! I suppose I’ll figure that out when I get there.
I got a short call from Trent. I said he was finishing up some things and would be back here for a little break in a week. I probably shouldn’t have, but I told him where I’d be, and invited him over. I find myself wanting to see him again. We need to get you hooked up when he gets here, because I’m not leaving you alone, and you aren’t going to be a third wheel. There are a few eligible guys lurking around here. You’ll need to approve of one before we do anything. This is going to be super cool!
I think I’m finally ready for my new life, Marisa. I can deal with most of the crap I know I’m going to face when I get back; at least I think I can. I won’t have to hide who I really am anymore.
Just one thing bothers me. Will I be able to give up the life I had before. I mean, the money was really good, and I don’t really have any marketable skills yet. I wonder if dancing is for me. You know what kind. I’ll bet I could really make some great money. I was thinking about this, and all I know how to do is use my body to get what I want.
Damn, I’ve managed to depress myself again. I should stop thinking and go back to being the dumb blonde. Life was a lot less complicated then. Get up, go to school, screw all night, do it all again.
Fortunately, I don’t have to think about all of that until I get back. I am just going to enjoy my little vacation. Ignoring this problem is going to have to do for now.
I just can’t wait to give you a big hug when you get here! We are gong to have so much fun, just us girls. Phi told me she can show us around the area, and we can go the coolest clubs, so get ready to partayyyy! ïŠ I hear the beach is just the best, and I intend to get very acquainted with it. I could only get a room with a king bed, so I hope you don’t mind if we sleep together. After all, we did spend a few nights in that full size bed of yours, and if we can sleep in that, this should be totally no problem.
Phi told me that a girl like me needs to be very careful going to clubs. I can have a lot of fun, but I need to be careful, as there are a lot of guys who will try to give us a roofie colada. Like I haven’t had that tried on me once or twice. I can spot those creeps from a mile away. I had to learn that the hard way once. You should watch out though, I suppose she could be right. I’d hate to have you drugged or worse on our vacation. I’ll watch out for you though!
It’s only about 38 degrees out (about a 100 degrees). It sounds a lot better in metric. Even wearing the lightest cotton sundress I have, it still feels like the surface of the sun. The humidity is a wonderful 80 percent. Blahhhh!
I’m actually wearing some cute undies for a change, but am still wearing a pad just in case I spot a little. I am kid of glad I won’t have to go through a period, because a pad feels almost like wearing a diaper! I’m not wearing a bra, though, it would just be too hot. I feel totally undressed! Fortunately, the car I rented has working AC, or I would just be dead. It’s even too hot for makeup, just some mascara and lipgloss is all I can stand. I hope the coast is better. My hair is a complete mess. I can’t keep it straight, no matter what I do. I’ll keep it in a ponytail, just to keep it out of my face.
Hurry up and land, girl! I’ll meet you at the airport!
This ends the first part of the tale. Next:
Marisa meets Katrina at the airport. The next installment will chronicle their adventures in Thailand. The fun is just beginning!