by Misrah
-August 30, 2008-
Good old Washington. Nice place, even mostly nice weather. At least in summer and if you catch the right day. Well, obviously the master this time did when he moved the store here. So the wizard's apprentice enjoyed the warm sun which filled the shopping lane shining through the dusty windows of the Spells 'r Us-shop, working on the final finish of some magic medaillon. He was all concentrated on his work, when suddenly huge noise was appearing from outside and caught his attention.
"We want change! We want change!"
A large crowd of people paraded by, constantly shouting out this slogan.
Misrah raised one brow in amusement. The white haired young wizard got the heavy boots of the counter, stood up and stretched.
"Now this is new..." he grinned, adressing his dog Wolfy, which rested under a rack full of old costumes.
"I'm not really used to work on demand, but what the heck..."
The large dog grunted, obviously not paying to much attention.
Misrah checked his gear. Medaillons... -check-. All of the little leather bags which contained the necessary powders were attached on his belt... -check-.
"O.k., ol' pal. I'll be back soon. You watch the store for me, will ya?""
Wolfy only slightly opened one eye and made a growling sound to signal his master he had understood.
The young sorcerer walked out and soon disappeared in the huge crowd which just passed by outside...