By Stanman63 Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge SynopsisWe find out about a very special member of the Silver Blood Community. |
Greetings, my name is Behemoth, or at least that is what is is, now. You see, before I was Behemoth, I was Florida's answer to Crocodile Dundee, Jackie Lance. As Jackie, I looked like an Irish Terminator with a Van Dyke beard and the Count Dracula widow's peak hair line.
I had been brought into the Silver Blood Community to help with tracking the mutants that were causing harm.
These mutants looked like your classic horror monsters, aliens and mythological creatures with or without the powers of myth.
I was tracking a new creature in the Florida, a sort of Sasquatch made up of plants that was attacking area business that were harming the environment. My main goal was to talk to it to see if it would listen to reason.
It turned out that it was a centered upon an old dump site of chemicals that had interacted with the corpse of an unknown human and local plant life to create a central hub of life that protected the swamp.
As I as leaving, it reached out and touched me, turning me into a walking, talking plant and formed itself into a series of plant-form animals and birds to protect the global environment.
So, here I am now with a new body of green, looking like the Jolly Green Giant and loving it.