At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 9 A Strange Sunday
Coming through the door was James girlfriend. I felt a cold chill down my spine and my stomach was churning. She was with two friends and they looked a little drunk even though it was still fairly early in the day. I couldn’t believe that he would like this person. I knew it was her as soon as Sallys face. She looked at me and her eyes were wide open.
We must have attracted their attention by our reaction because they stopped and turned around. ‘Hey bitch, where do you think you’re going?’ she said and she turned and came back inside. I didn’t know what to do and it was like my legs suddenly stopped working. She grabbed my arm and slapped my face. She was hurting me and I tried to break free but the more I tried the tighter her grip became.
She pushed me backwards and my head hit the wall so I was slightly dazed. Sally tried to stop her and let out a scream. Her friends got hold of her and pushed her back outside whilst this maniac was twisting my arm up my back. My mouth was bleeding a bit and I felt my lip swell. I tried to hit her and the best that I could do was grab hold of her hair to pull back her head. She was like an animal and she spat at me so I was so shocked that I let go of her.
She pushed me to the floor and kicked me between the legs so I winced with pain. It was a good job that she had trainers and that it was just a warning. She said ‘That’s so you remember to keep your distance you bitch. Don’t try flashing your tits again with my man!!’ Then she went outside and Sally hurried back in. My eyes were full of tears and I wanted to burst out crying. I was shaking but Sally calmed me down.
I wasn’t too badly hurt and Sally took me to the ladies room to wipe my mouth with an antiseptic wipe from her bag. I looked at my lip and it wasn’t so bad as it felt so a little cold water on a tissue helped a lot.
We went to meet Jessica and Anne and of course Jessica was very angry and wanted to go outside to find them. It was a good job she hadn’t been with Sally and I and I was glad that we were going home. But it made me think seriously whether I dare return the following weekend and I decided not to say anything about it to Jessica and Anne.
We had lunch and Anne sat next to me and remarked how quiet I was. I told her that I was reflecting on the weekend and how much I’d enjoyed this wonderful experience despite the difficulties we’d had late last night and just now.
Anyway the lunch was nice even if it was just a Marks & Spencer café lunch. At least the quality was good and it was better than junk food.
After lunch we had time for a little shopping. I decided to buy Mum a small gift so we looked at some earings. The assistant asked if they were for me and then tried to persuade me to have my ears pierced. I ended up buying some clip ons for myself for now and some earings for mum with a promise that I would return soon to pierce my ears.
Jessica was busy looking at necklaces so she didn’t hear me promise to return. I thought that I might take up Jessicas offer to dress as Christine for a while at the office and so I wanted to consider proper earings rather than clip- ons. But first how to convince Mum that I was not a freak.
We took a taxi back to the hotel and found the rest of our gang taking a coffee and some sandwiches for a late snack come breakfast/lunch. They looked a bit fragile but they were all quiet happy and clearly Jane was on a high. We all hugged each other and Liz treated us to some tea and scones. The swollen lip did not go unnoticed and I had to go through the full story. Lisa was more interested in how Sally and I had gone on sharing a bed with lots of suggestive remarks that brought titters of laughter.
We freshened up in our rooms and Sally and I couldn't resist to have a last kiss and cuddle. She was getting really passionate when her mobile rang and it was Jessica checking on us and asking us to hurry up. They had checked out so that we could arrive at the railway station in good time and so our last bit of fun came to an end much to our disappointment. But I felt that I shouldn't complain since I neede to arrive home early that night to remove all traces of Christine before Mum got home later. When the train departed on time I was relieved.
Then Jessica produced a bottle of Cava and 8 plastic cups and this was quickly consumed before another one appeared from Lisas bag. Just what we all needed a top up so that any traces of a hangover would disappear. Pretty soon we were laughing and telling stories and I was feeling especially girly and most comfortable. I had a nice feeling all over and closed my eyes. All I could think of was James for some reason and I felt that he’d never have even spoken to me as Chris. But what to do and how to keep my new friendship with Sally and still be friends with James. Moreso to the point how to avoid his crazy ex? I was sure that she’d hurt me more next time.
Sally and I were sitting together again and we linked arms. She told me all about her family and her relationships at school. Her best friend had emigrated to Australia and I got the impression that they had something going together and her friends parents had decided to take her away to stop the relationship developing any further. Sally eventually confirmed this. I didn't have much to say since as I said to Sally I hadn't had much exitement in my life and I felt that I'd missed out. She whispered to me not to worry as she'd help me make up for lost time.
Then after about one and a half hours the train stopped and we were advised that there had been an incident ahead of us. We sat there for more than an hour before we finally inched forward and then the train picked up speed. So we arrived back almost 2 hrs late and then had one last drink in a local pub that became 3 drinks. I had no choice but to join them to finish our celebrations especially since Mary Jo and Helen met us on arrival at the station. I hadn't had a message from Mum so by now I was expecting her to arrive home on Monday that was a relief.
Then I got a call from James and I had to take it in a quiet corner. He said that he'd heard about the fight at the mall but I told him it wasn't a fight at all and that she was mad and a bully. He'd told her that was definately it as far as she was concerned and I must admit I milked the situation as much as I could so he'd show his care for me. He said he really wanted to meet me again and asked if we'd made a decision. I said to wait until tomorrow so he was disappointed when we finished the call.
At 10-30 pm we finally all said our goodbyes since we had work tomorrow. I promised Jessica that I would arrive as Christine and try it for one day at least. Really I was terrified because I still needed to see mum so I said it would be Chris turning up. Everybody sighed. We all hugged again and Jessica kissed to show sally that she cared for me too. Then I took a taxi home.
I was very nervous to travel alone as Christine and it had never bothered me as Chris.The taxi driver was very friendly but I didn't want to chat. It took about 25 minutes because the roads were quiet. I wanted to close my eyes but I daren't. As the taxi pulled up outside my house I searched for some money in my new purse.
Then I looked up and to my horror the lights were on in the lounge.
To be continued ……..