Part 8
Monday morning the news quickly spread through school that the student council members had all sold their allotted twenty tickets and had requests for more. All the student council members wanted more tickets but there were only enough left to give seven to each. At a brief meeting during lunch, they decided to print another five hundred tickets and distribute them to the council members in ten ticket packets. This meant that 28 kids could get their first extra ten packets immediately while the rest would have to wait until the next day as Ken Poore promised to have the additional five hundred tickets ready by then. It was decided in the case of council members who were couples that only one of them would receive the ten immediately. Since there were eight couples, this worked out fine.
Rachel and Evelyn got their tickets that evening.
Jasmine really put everything she had into her workout. Heather joined the therapist in the pool as they worked on Jasmine's balance. By lunch Jaz was able to swim the length of the pool. After lunch she took a nap to re-energize. By three they had her in the gym. They got her to her feet and had her try to walk between parallel bars where she could hold on with both hands. It was a struggle, but the determined lass was soon making the fifteen foot trip without undo difficulty. Her coordination was returning rapidly, but her muscle strength still needed work.
As she and Krista studied together before supper, the two gossiped as much as they studied. They knew they were going to be close friends. Jaz blushed when Krista reported Jimmy had taken some good-natured razzing for being so obviously smitten with Jasmine. Krista promised to tell Jimmy Jasmine appreciated his friendship.
The rest of the week flew by. The student council wound up printing another five hundred tickets Thursday night for a total of two thousand tickets but announced that would be the end.
Jasmine physically improved every day. By Friday she was able to stand on her own and pivot. Walking was still shaky but she could get out of bed and into a wheelchair if the chair was by the bed. She was able to propel the wheelchair on her own. She was able to stand up out of the wheelchair to move to a piece of workout equipment. The stationary bike was her favorite. She was even able to slowly walk about with the aid of a walker. Dr. Olsen was proud of her motivation and drive.
Ground was broken for Bill Dougherty's new cabin. A barge was brought in to the cove formed by the northern end of Balls Creek, then tied in place with ropes to trees on the shore. From this floating platform the workers could drive pressure treated six inch round pylons into the muddy bottom to form the framework for a floating pier. When the pylons could be driven no deeper, they were trimmed off four feet above the high tide level. The pylons were placed in pairs six feet apart with eight feet between the pairs until they reached forty feet out into the cove. Pressure treated four by four inch beams were bolted atop each pylon from the shore to the end of the dock to add stability. Additional four by fours were added between the pylons at one foot above the high tide mark. Steel cross braces were bolted between the pairs of posts, one at the bottom of the cove and another one foot below the low tide mark.
Bill and Larry completed the harvesting the corn and planting all the cover crops
The Spades and Heather settled into their new home with help from Jane and Lisa. A room on the first floor for was set up for Jasmine until she had recovered enough to be able to handle the stairs.
By Friday, the student council had sold all two thousand raffle tickets. They'd raised $10,000.00. $500.00 went to the insurance policy. $100.00 went to the printing costs. $300.00 went for prize money. That left $9,100.00 for Toys for Tots. Virtually the entire school was bubbling with pride over the ease of raising the money.
Saturday October 13 was a memorable day. It began with The Clan Wells Point including Jasmine, plus Jimmy with his mom and Dr. Olsen and family, gathered in a special Saturday morning hearing in the county courthouse. Judge Watkins approved the Spade's adoption of Heather. After the adoption was completed, she released Holly and Ivy from foster care to the custody of their new grandparents.
From the courthouse, everyone headed out to attend the last game of the regular season for the Tidewater Titans to enjoy a Clan Wells Point football outing/picnic. This week Jasmine had improved to the point where she was able to use a standard manual wheelchair. A walker was also available so she could walk if need be. Jimmy spent practically all his time with Jasmine. Together with Krista and Tony they walked about the sporting complex checking out the sites. Krista showed them the thicket where Sandi had been hiding. Jasmine was in high spirits, pleased with her adventure and friends.
When it came time for the midget team to play, everyone gathered around the field. Holly, Ivy, Lyndi, and Teri rolled Jasmine to the sidelines so she could be as near to Krista and the other cheerleaders as was allowed. The game was fierce and both Tony and Jimmy had outstanding days.
While in previous years Tony had at times been an outstanding player, his efforts had been inconsistent and erratic. This year with Krista by his side, he was now invariably playing to the best of his abilities. Jimmy had been a good player, but Coach Warren was well aware that his sudden dramatic improvement to become an outstanding player was due to having Jasmine on the sidelines. It almost made him wish all his players had girlfriends.
When the final whistle blew, the fans of the Tidewater Titans cheered loudly. The Tidewater Titans finished their eight game season undefeated.
After the game, Jasmine returned to the rehab center with the understanding that if she was well rested by the next morning, she could be picked up and brought to church, then visit Wells Point and see her new home.
Holly and Ivy moved from the Jane's home to the Spade's home. Holly and Ivy decided to continue sharing a bedroom as they had missed the closeness during their enforced separation. Everyone pitched in to make short work of the chore. Of course, at this point, the girls had not accumulated much but that would soon change.
On Sunday morning Jasmine was awake at 6:00am. The staff called the Spades. In a few minutes Frank and Heather headed into the Easton to help her into a dress. Sarah let Holly and Ivy sleep a bit later then woke them up to get ready. They were quite excited to have Jasmine coming out to see their new home even if she had to go back to Rehab.
Once Jaz was dressed, they headed out to their Expedition. They stopped at a McDonalds for breakfast, another treat for Jasmine. They headed through St. Michaels, passing the St. Michaels Middle-High School she'd be attending. Soon they were heading down SR 579, the Bozeman-Neavitt Road. As they turned onto Wells Point Lane, Jasmine was delighted by all the trees. She'd only lived in suburban areas and had always longed to live out in the country. After passing through the trees she smiled at the open fields surrounded by trees. They turned left onto Dougherty Lane, from there she could see water. Then they turned left onto Johns Cove Lane, driving beside the body of water until the road ended at a house, barn, and several out buildings.
"This is our new home," Heather explained as they stopped in front of the house.
"Oh Wow," Jaz exclaimed. "This is all yours?"
"It's our part of The Clan Wells Point," Frank explained. "We'll be living here and running the landing as well as stabling the horses."
Just then, Holly and Ivy came dashing out the front door, across the porch, and up to the SUV to greet Jasmine. Sarah followed at a more lady-like pace. Soon everyone was seated in the van. As they reached Wells Point Lane, the crowded Scott Expedition drove by. Krista, Teri, Lyndi, Sandi, LJ and Pete all waved as Jasmine, Holly and Ivy waved back. The two vehicles proceeded down the lane, to be joined by another as Robert and Sheila Scott with Bill Dougherty in tow joined the caravan. Fifteen minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of St. Luke's UMC Church. Jasmine was helped into her wheelchair and they all went inside where they were greeted by the rest of the Clan Wells Point in the front pews as well as Jimmy and his mom and Dr. Olsen and her family.
It was only at this time that Laura realized Jimmy was her nephew. While Tony's buddy Jimmy had been a frequent matter of discussion since he became involved with Jasmine, Laura had not really seen him up close to recognize him. It turned out Betty Boswell was the widowed wife of Laura's older brother. They had always been on friendly terms but with two small children to take care of and Betty busy supporting herself and Jimmy, visits were infrequent and mostly bumping into each other while shopping.
Rev. Giles came over to greet the family and whispered into Heather's ear. Heather gasped and looked at the Spades who smiled and nodded their heads. Heather smiled and nodded, dabbing at tears.
The girls were too busy gossiping and looking around to catch the interchange. Jasmine was excited and a bit apprehensive to be in church as she had never ventured inside one before.
The service started. The organ music swelled and vibrated the wooden pews during the low notes. The girls joined everyone else signing the first song from the hymnal. The service proceeded through the bible readings. The Gospel consisted of Jesus' parable of the lost sheep. At that point Rev. Giles invited all the children forward for a children's sermon. Krista led the children of the Clan Wells Point forward. Jimmy pushed Jasmine.
"The parable of the lost sheep was told by Jesus when the Pharisees, who were leaders of the synagogue, criticized Him for socializing with sinners," Rev. Giles began. "Through this story of compassion, Jesus revealed his rescue mission for sinners.'
"Luke 15:3-7 reads “Then Jesus told them this parable: ‘Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.” I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent’”.
"The parable begins with a straying sheep. A sheep apart from its shepherd is defenseless and in grave danger. Jesus views any person apart from Him as lost. How is he lost? The wrong things he does keeps him from God, leaving him groping aimlessly in darkness. It says in Isaiah 59:9 “So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows”.
"The shepherd in the story, however, didn’t despise his straying sheep. With a heart of compassion, Jesus also values each sinner the Father entrusts Him as it reads in John 6:39 'And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that He has given me, but raise them up at the last day'. Jesus is intent upon rescuing the sinner not only because the Father gave them to Him but also because He loves them. His love led Him to sacrifice His life on the cross to take their punishment for their sin."
"The parable of the lost sheep also illustrates Christ’s attitude toward the saved sinner. The parable gives no indication of the shepherd ever rebuking or chiding. Instead, he hoists the sheep upon his shoulders and takes it home. An adult sheep may weigh anywhere from 110 to 125 pounds; it would be no small effort to carry one over the shoulder. For joy over finding that which was lost, the shepherd bears the discomfort. Likewise, Jesus bore the weight of our sins upon the cross. As High Priest and Mediator, He continues to bear our cares and infirmities before the Father. 1 Peter 2: 24-25 reads 'He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. . . . For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls'”.
"Finally, the parable of the lost sheep offers an extraordinary glimpse of heavenly emotions. The shepherd calls his friends and neighbors together, saying, “Rejoice with me.” The rescue of the lost sheep was a cause for proclamation and celebration. Similarly, Heaven rejoices when a sinner repents and is restored to fellowship with God. This joy is cheerfulness; it is calm, considered delight. It is a deliberate emotion -- thoughtful and sustained. This is not a picture of raucous dancing and carousing but of lasting pleasure and heartfelt satisfaction. Why? A sinner has come home! Such news delights the heart of heaven."
"Since the beginning, God has been the Good Shepherd who rescues His lost sheep. When Adam and Eve were hiding in shame because of their sin, He sought them out. Yes, He disciplined them. But He promised a Rescuer. Until Christ’s death for their sins, He forgave them by their faith and covered them with animal skins. God still reaches out for the lost to cover and recover them through the blood of Jesus Christ."
The children sat mesmerized by the sermon. They all realized that Jasmine was like the lost sheep who was found. They were a bit too young to understand Rev. Giles was referring to the entire Reese family.
The sermon was a similar theme but unusually short. After a hymn, the collection was taken. At that point Rev. Giles stepped forward.
"We are blessed this day to have the Reese family with us," Rev. Giles began. "They have been sorely tested by the Lord but have come through their ordeal as a loving family. I'm sure you've heard of their harrowing tests since our personal angel, Krista, set out to help them. Yesterday, Heather Resse was adopted by Frank and Lisa Spade. This makes Jasmine, Holly, and Ivy their granddaughters. It is the desire of the proud grandparents to have their new family baptized in the name of the Lord. At this point, I'd like to call Heather, Jasmine, Holly, and Ivy Reese forward as well as their parents and sponsors."
Heather stood and pushed Jasmine's wheel chair forward as Holly and Ivy tentatively followed. The Spades followed as did Dr. Olsen and her husband Greg who would be the God Parents. The baptism was a solemn yet joyous occasion. When Heather knelt for her turn, she was trembling fearing God would strike her down for blasphemy because of her grievous sin. As the blessed baptismal water touched her head she felt God's love and forgiveness wash over her freeing her from the inner turmoil that had wracked her soul since she had rashly killed the man who had violated Jasmine. Krista had given her hope of salvation, the baptism confirmed it. Heather totally broke down in tears of release and happiness, sagging to the floor.
Lisa and Dr. Olsen helped her to her feet and hugged her. There wasn't a dry eye in the church. Later some would say they felt the evil that had been weighing Heather down being ejected from her as the holy water touched her, with that evil being utterly destroyed by the love and faith in the church.
The women helped Heather back to her seat. As Greg rolled Jasmine back to her place Frank stewarded Holly and Ivy to their seats. By the end of the service, Heather had recovered her composure but her face shone with faith, love, and hope. Now that she knew the Lord, she would never be afraid.
At the end of the service, the congregation took the time to greet their newest members and welcome them to their community. Laura and Betty caught up with their family situations and renewed their friendship.
The Clan Wells Point was expanding, now numbering thirty six members. Dr. Olsen and her family were now officially a part of the group as was Jimmy and Betty Boswell. Betty unsuccessfully tried demur out of being part of the Clan but Laura refused to even hear of it saying they'd been relatives and good friends for years.
Reservations had been made for a Clan celebration at a nearby restaurant. When Jimmy told Jasmine, Krista and Tony he was Laura's nephew, they all marveled at what a small world it was. But for Krista, a spark was ignited. Even though Jimmy didn't talk much about it, it had become evident that he and his mom were having financial difficulties. Their house needed repairs and the place was already mortgaged. The housing market was starting to deflate and the house was now worth less than they owed on the mortgage so they couldn't get a loan for repairs. On top of that, Betty worked as a housekeeper for The St. Michaels Harbor Inn. With the vacation season over, her hours had been cut even more severely than previous years. Dropping from forty hours a week to thirty two hours had been tough, but this year she had been cut to twenty hours.
During the meal the adults agreed that the Olsens and Boswells would move out to Wells Point as soon as housing became available. Leroy suggested they incorporate the Clan Wells Point as a Limited Liability Corporation, (LLC) and each buy or barter ownership shares. All shares would carry the stipulation they be could only be sold back to the LLC or another shareholder. Once the LLC was legally registered, it would buy all the land that Jane owned as well as the Dougherty property Robert and Sheila had recently purchased.
The members of The Clan Wells Point agreed to have Robert, Sheila, and Jane be a tri-part board of directors to make any needed day to day decisions for the Clan. To avoid complications and take advantage of the benefits of individual ownership, the property would be split up into properties that had previously existed but had been combined. Jane's property and Bill's property were both accumulations of smaller properties. The house and land where Ed and Lisa Nelson lived had been a separate property from Jane's. For Bill's property, there had been several. The B&B had been one property, the house Robert and Sheila inhabited along with the forest between it and SR579 had been a property, the farm at Wells Point Lane and Dougherty Lane was a single property. The main farm had been Bill's original property. The farm at Johns Cove Landing had been an independent farm. The house between the main farm and the landing had been a small lot. Even the land where Bill's new house sat had been a homestead a hundred years before.
After the meal, everyone caravanned out to Wells Point to survey the Clan domain. The Olsens were quite impressed with the size and location as well as the lush landscape. They immediately looked forward to moving there. The caravan offloaded at the end of Johns Cove Lane where the Spades were living. Everyone changed out of their Sunday-Go-To-Meeting clothes into knock-around clothes.
Bill took Larry, Tony, and Jimmy out to the barn as Kylie and Krista off loaded two coolers and a few picnic baskets from the back of Larry’s Ranger. Twenty minutes later Jimmy and Tony each led a team of horses pulling a big old hay wagon covered with loose straw. The deck of the wagon was six feet wide and twenty feet long. The sides and back were two feet above the deck and back sloped up and out at a sixty degree angle which made the wagon eight feet wide. Larry was in one and Tony in the other. Each took a cooler and two picnic baskets. Bill came put-putting out of the barn driving an old tractor with a front end loader and several nylon tie downs dangling from it. Dr. Olsen supervised rolling Jasmine in her wheelchair backwards into the bucket then securing it in place. Leroy and Dave stood in the bucket, one on each side of Jasmine as Bill slowly raised the bucket and slowly trundled to the back of the front hay wagon. Lifting the bucket high over the rear side he lowered it as close as he could to the deck. Leroy stayed in the bucket with Jasmine as they unstrapped the wheelchair, then Larry and David lifted it and Jasmine out of the bucket into the wagon while Leroy kept it steady. Dr. Olsen climbed in the wagon and supervised as they strapped the wheelchair in place.
As Bill backed the tractor out of way and parked it, everyone climbed into or was hauled up into a wagon. Jane took the reins of the first wagon and Bill took the reigns of the second as they were the only ones with experience in driving horse drawn hay wagons. The day was bright and sunny around seventy degrees so Tony and Larry had backpacks with drinks. They set out about 2:00pm and began driving the lanes and farm tracks of the Clan Wells Point Estate. The difference in driving through the grounds in a car or truck and the hay wagons was quite different. The ride was bumpier but the slow speed altered the bounces into swaying to and fro. Everyone could see everything and hear the sounds of nature. Jane and Bill taught Larry and Tony how to handle the rigs and they even took over the reins while Bill and Jane snacked and drank. They had their picnic on the move. Everyone had a wonderful time.
It was nearly dark when they pulled back into the farm. Bill used the tractor to lift Jasmine down from the wagon, then he and the boys took the wagons and horses back to the barn. Krista rolled Jasmine out to watch as Tony and Jimmy brushed the horses down.
A bit later when Krista had an opportunity to speak to Laura she did so. "Laura, Can I speak to you confidentially?"
"Sure, Krista," Laura smiled.
"Well, I know we agreed to make arrangements for the Olsens and Boswells to move out here. However, no one has said anything like what I'm about to say, but I think it needs to be brought up," Krista said. "Jimmy has not come out and said anything, but he and his mom are having a tough time financially. Betty's hours have been cut in half at the Harbor Inn. Their house needs a lot of repairs and they can't afford it. I was thinking that with Betty's experience in housekeeping at a quality place, she could help at your B&B. Not that you're not capable, but it's all new to you plus you have to keep an eye on DJ and Wanda. There's plenty of room in the residential wing that Betty and Jimmy could rent space from you and work for you at the same time. Once you get rolling, you'll need help and she wouldn't need training. I think it would help you and Betty to work out a deal."
"Krista, I never cease to marvel at how concerned you are for other people," Laura smiled. "I wasn't aware Betty was in financial straits and her skills would be an asset to the B&B. Let me discuss this with Dave. If he has no objections, we'll talk to Betty."
"Great," Krista smiled knowing she'd done all she could to get the ball rolling.
It was near 10:00pm when Frank and Heather drove Jasmine back to the rehab center. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next week was a whirlwind of activity. Jasmine was more motivated than ever. She worked hard every day and pushed herself to the limit. By the end of the week, she was able to walk a few steps without any assistance or aids. Using a walker she could go much further. After much negotiating, it was decided to allow her to move home Friday. This didn't mean she was released from rehab therapy, just that she'd switch from inpatient to outpatient. The school was notified that Jasmine would be able to start school on Monday October 22. Krista was designated as her assistant to help her negotiate the school since they shared the schedule. Jasmine was told she'd have to use a wheel chair to negotiate the halls as she was not yet ready to move through the crowds of students on her own power.
Jasmine also discussed another matter with Krista. “Krista, do you think the kids at school will tease me about my hair?”
“A few might but most will be okay with it,” Krista answered. “No one has reacted poorly when you were at the football games or church. Most of them saw the TV interview so they’re aware of what you’ve gone through. Besides, if anyone says anything to your face about your short hair, Jimmy will let them know they made a big mistake. You don’t have to worry about him getting into a fight or anything about it since Tony and I will be right beside him.”
“Thanks,” Jasmine smiled. “I’d thought about getting a wig but that just seems so phony. I’d rather just be myself.”
“Good for you,” Krista smiled. “That’s exactly what I do.”
“I just hope I can do it half as well as you do,” Jasmine sighed.
With the help of Kevin Stewart, the Clan Wells Point organized their LLC. Each of the original nine properties were recreated. Each was appraised and rounded so that the smallest lot became one share. Bill's new home was four shares. The Johns Cove Landing, the B&B, and the Nelsons were five shares. The smaller farm and Robert and Lisa's home were seven shares. Jane's farm and the main farm were ten shares. This totaled fifty four shares.
Smaller LLCs were set up for each of the nine properties in the name of the head of the household living there even though the Clan Wells Point LLC fully owned the smaller LLCs. This gave them the benefits available to larger landowners and unified land management as well as allowing the benefits provided by Maryland to individual waterfront properties regarding piers and fishing. It also allowed better use of farming subsidies offered by the USDA, Maryland Department of Agriculture(MDA), Maryland Organic Certification Program (MOCP), Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost-Share (MACS), and the Chesapeake Bay Program.
State assistant Attorney General Amanda Frost contacted Kevin Stewart on Tuesday that a tentative deal had been reached with the Cecil County. A meeting/hearing was scheduled before Judge Timmons for Thursday morning.
Kevin, Heather, and Frank attended the meeting along with Amanda Frost. Judge Rudolph, assistant DA Harry Thomas, the head of Social Services, the DA and Head of the County Commissioners and a lawyer for the Cecil County Liability Insurer were also present.
Everyone knew the history and facts in the case and all wanted to avoid going to trial as it would be costly and embarrassing. The facts of the Reese family debacle were reviewed and no one disputed the multiple errors that had been made. It was agreed to vacate Heather's murder conviction and for her to plead guilty to manslaughter with the sentence to be time served with no probation. Judge Rudolph handed in his notice of retirement rather than face further investigation and possible charges of judicial misconduct. The head of Social Services reported the procedures for vetting foster parents had been revamped after Jasmine had been raped and no further issues had occurred since those changes were instituted. The person who had approved the family that had abused Heather had been fired at that time. The case worker who was supposed to be supervising Jasmine's care was arrested for falsifying documents and child endangerment and had been terminated. New rules for caseworkers were being instituted to ensure no false reports would be turned in.
This left the monetary damages the only issue to be decided. This is where Kevin Stewart shown. “The amounts I’m about to give you are bottom line non-negotiable. Either you agreed to my demands or we go to trial.”
“In a jury trial,” Kevin asserted. “The awarded pain, suffering and mental anguish damages would be far greater and punitive damages would also be added. The publicity will be horrendous for the county and those responsible. The demands are as follow: half a million dollars each for Holly and Ivy for their trauma in being separated, having their sister abused, and being kept apart with no effort to reunite them for the two and half years. For Heather, three million dollars for miscarriage of justice and mental anguish over having the girls taken without due process, the separation of her daughters, the consequent rape, the refusal to arrest the perpetrator, the anguish her frustrated retaliation against the man caused, and ignoring all her subsequent communications from prison. For Jasmine, the amount is five million. She was wrongfully separated from her family, raped by her guardian, supposedly placed in a rehab center and lost, not to mention she lost two and a half years of her life. The documented and legitimate costs of her rehabilitation, both physical and mental, will be an ongoing expense of Cecil County until Jasmine and her mother sign off.”
The faces of the people representing Cecil County were grim.
“This is a total of nine million dollars in damages plus another fifteen percent of that amount in attorney fees and costs,” Kevin continued as they digested his demands. “The nine million will be listed as solely for pain, suffering and emotional distress with no punitive award. This is so the entire amount will be free of any tax liability since as you know punitive awards are taxable. If the cases went to trial, the attorney fees and costs would be thirty percent of the award. In addition, at the settlement, Cecil County would publicly admit serious errors had been made plus they offer a full and open apology to the Reese family.”
The representatives for Cecil County asked for and were granted a half hour to discuss the proposed settlement. Clearly, Heather and Frank were stunned by the dollar amounts.
“The money for the girls will be put in trust funds,” Kevin explained. “Expenses for advanced education/job training can be accessed at age eighteen with unrestricted access at twenty five. Any emergency access would have to be approved by a judge. Heather's money could be immediately accessed but most should be invested.”
When the Cecil County representatives returned, they announced they would accept the settlement if non-disclosure statements were signed. All that could be said was that an amicable settlement had been reached with the terms to be kept closed to public scrutiny for ten years.
“That is agreeable if you agree that if it becomes necessary for the family to reveal the source of their money,” Kevin added. “They can say the money came from the settlement as long as dollar amounts are not revealed.”
They agreed. Since Kevin already had the agreements drawn up, the paperwork was signed with the stipulation accounts would be set up at the St. Michaels branch of the Bank of America to accept the four payments which would be made within thirty days. Kevin would set up the trust funds for the girls to be administered by the bank. An investment broker from the bank would sit down with Heather and Frank to figure out an investment strategy.
They returned to Easton delighted with the outcome and the fact they case wouldn't be tied up in court for years. Frank and Heather were bewildered by the amount of the settlement. As they drove home from Easton Frank and Heather decided to tell the adults the results with the understanding the settlement was not to be disclosed and to only tell the children the case was settled, the Reese girls now had trust funds that would pay their way through college and that Heather was now free.
Heather held a whispered conversation with Frank. Then she spoke to Kevin. “I want to put five hundred thousand dollars of my award into a trust fund for Krista as an unsolicited reward for initiating the rescue of my family. I’d like you to set it up along with the trust funds for my girls. I know Krista will try to refuse it, but if it’s already a done deal, she can’t refuse it.”
“That’s mighty generous,” Kevin smiled. “I’d be delighted to take care of it. If for no other reason than she’s doubled my business in a positive way since she’s arrived in Talbot County.”