Ten wishes from ten women...
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Keira's Wish
What should I do? Where can I go? |
Rialto, California...
Keira Dennison sported a very painful looking black eye, and her eyes were red from crying.
“Keira? Look at me…“ Joey Yan sat on the couch next to her; his expression one of great concern.
“I’m alright… I’ll be okay.” She said it but her lowered head said otherwise.
“That’s what you said the last time. You can’t keep letting him do this to you.” Joey thought about grabbing her chin and softly lifting it up, but she didn’t need one more man laying a hand on her. He leaned closer and spoke in a near whisper.
“Honey…you need to get some help. He’s not going to change; not for you, not for anyone until he gets help himself, and that won’t happen if you keep letting him do what he does.”
“Where can I go…he’s the only one who cares about me….” She cried but stopped and gasped.”
“I’m so sorry, Joey…I didn’t mean it that way. You and Neil have been so good to me…since, you know.”
“I knew what you meant, Keira…it’s just we care about you.” Joey and his parter Neil had been like big brothers…well more like a big sister and a big brother to Keira since she moved to Rialto after college. She had been welcomed home by her parents, but the constant bickering and her father’s outbursts made it too painful to stay.
“Listen…we’ve got plenty of room, sweetie. Come stay with us. There’s a support group that meets in our church that you could go to, and I could always use some help in the store. You’re a whiz with cameras and photography.”
“But…maybe if I change. I can dress nicer.” She looked down at the blouse and jeans she was wearing; pretty much what she could afford since she wasn’t allowed to keep her own money.”
“Sweetie…you could wear Vera Wang and he’d still hit you. It’s not about you...it’s about him…he can’t control himself. You said it the other day; he’s just like your dad…you grew up around this…” Joey shook his head and bit his lip out of frustration. Joey met Keira’s father the day she moved from Sacramento, and found the man to be charming and handsome.
Keira’s mother, on the other hand, was almost a cypher; nodding and smiling for the most part, and agreeing with everything Keira’s dad had to say, but the nearly blank look on her face reminded Joey of his own mother, and Mr. Dennison was just like his dad. They both presented well to the outside world, their true selves remaining hidden, like some devious pod person from another planet.
“I really need you to promise me to consider this. You don’t deserve to be hit…Hell, nobody deserves it.”
“Look…I gotta get home…he’s working late, and I want to have something special for dinner for him when he gets home, you know. Maybe if I wear a dress…I’m sure he’ll like that.”
“Keira…listen to yourself. He nearly broke your eye socket with that punch and you’re worried about what to wear. The last time he hit you he nearly broke your arm. What will it be tonight? Chicken Kiev and Donna Karan and a ruptured spleen?” Joey regretted the attempt at humor.
“Listen…I’m sorry. After Neil you’re the most precious person in my life. I just made a stupid joke.” Joey began to tear up. He looked away, but only for a moment.
“He’s going to get worse if he doesn’t get help. Every day you stay there you put yourself in danger. You are a very nice girl who is convinced that you’ll never be able to find someone if you leave him.”
“But I love him, Joey. He’s the only guy I know that would put up with….” She quickly glanced downward out of habit, her own eyes filled with tears.”
“First of all, you are not someone to be ‘put up with.’ You are a sweet and caring girl that is as kind as the day is long. Any guy would be blessed to have you in his life. He’s not the only guy… he’s just the first and only guy because you can’t imagine anyone else…you’re just like my mom…you feel like you deserve to be hurt.”
“I’m not…he says I’m lucky that he cares or I’d be all alone.”
“But that’s just it, Keira. Whether he intends to or not, when he says things like that he just tears you down. It’s like you’re out in the middle of a lake and you’re sinking…you keep bailing water and he keeps poking holes in the bottom of the boat. Please…you don’t deserve it…you don’t, and you need to knowjust how valuable you are…to me…to Neil…and to God.
“He says that God doesn’t care for me…not since I… changed.” She glanced down again.
“God never stopped loving you, Keira. That doesn’t make sense. It would mean that God cares less about you than he does. God won’t forgive you but he will?” Joey was getting frustrated, and he was so afraid that she’d return to Richie.
“I don’t know what to do. Oh, Joey...I'm such a screw up...” She lowered her head and gazed at her body, once again feeling inauthentic and false. She saw no future without him and she never would have much of a future with him. She was so entangled that she couldn’t really pull away without leaving part of herself behind. But staying would mean her own emotional garden would get choked with his weeds. Joey took a deep breath; if he was too firm it would be a duplicate of Richie’s control. Too soft and he feared he’d lose her for good.
“Keira…look at me…please.” This time he did cup her chin softly. He raised in and placed his palm on the side of her face.
“You are not a screw-up! You are an intelligent and kind and pretty woman. You’re just as precious to me as my own sister and you mean the world to me. I’m telling you as a brother and a friend; you know what you need to do. It will hurt worse than any punch he ever threw, but it will be over. If you stay with him he’ll kill you. He might not kill you outright, but he’ll kill you every day…just the same as if you died…and you’ll end up just like your mother and mine. You don’t…” He started to choke up.
“You don’t have to die, Keira. I want you to live…Please live for me? Come and live with us. Please?”
That evening...
The door bell rang; it was almost like clockwork as it chimed at 6:30 pm. Joey got up from the couch and walked to the door. Opening it, he discovered a very imposing figure on the landing. The man was dressed in the dark blue uniform of the Rialto Police Department.
“Hi, you must be Richie,” Joey said, holding out his hand.”
“Oh, hi. Joey? We talked on the phone. Keira’s mentioned you. Nice to meet you.”
Joey’s first impression was entirely as expected. The man was charming and handsome.
“I’m here to pick up Keira,” he said as he glanced over Joey’s shoulder looking for her.
“Well, gee, Richie, but I’m sorry; there’s been a change in plans.”
“I don’t understand…I thought you said she was here.” The man maintained control, but his expression belied the calm voice as his frustration was immediately apparent.
“Oh, you’re not mistaken…she’s here. She’s just not coming.” Joey smiled warmly; his intent was earnestly polite and conciliatory.
“Did you folks have plans? I wish you’d mentioned that while we were on the phone before.” His face almost resembled a pouting child who was about to get angry. Richie was used to getting his way, and rarely faced disappointment; at least in his personal life.
“Oh, Keira does have plans.” It was almost priceless. Just then Keira walked out of the kitchen and up to the front door. She took a deep breath, as if she were on the high board getting ready for a dive.
“Hi, Richie. How are you?” She smiled.
“When will you be ready to come home?” No hello, no ‘hi honey.’ His level of tolerance was set to nearly zero and his impatience showed immediately.
“I’m not coming home.” She winced only slightly out of habit but shrugged her shoulders in resolve for the inevitable,
“What do you mean…We had plans.” He almost mewled, but in a deep baritone, like a sick lion.
“No…Richie…you had plans. Remember? I was going to start the review class for the GRE tonight but you called the school and canceled for me.”
“Well…I’m sorry.” The ‘I’m sorry’ that is spoken only to avoid conflict and not express remorse; Richie was very good at apologizing insincerely even as he demonstrated once again a need to be sorry.
“No you’re not.” She surprised herself.
“Look,” he said, completely ignoring her. “I’ve got reservations for that restaurant we like, and..’ She held up her hand and spoke.
“No, Richie. Not tonight…Not any night.”
“What are you saying?” The question that demands an answer for, not for what was said, but for what was unsaid.
“I’m not coming home, Richie. I’m leaving you.”
“What do you mean? Leaving me? You can’t do that…Where will you go…who will take care of you.” The standard arguments.
“That’s not your concern anymore.”
“The hell it’s not! You need to stop this nonsense and come home. Now!” His anger was no longer hidden behind his charm, and it was actually frightening to watch the quick transformation. She stood her ground.
“Listen…you need to get in the car.” He pointed to the patrol car outside; almost as if he were arresting her instead of escorting her home.
“No, Richie. Not after this.” She pointed to her black eye, which had darkened and grown a greenish purple.
“Look, I’m sorry about that…I promise I’ll get help…we don’t need to talk about this in front of your friend,” he went back to pleading.
“NO! Not anymore…you’ve been promising for a year now.”
“But this time it’s different. I promise.”
“No, Richie.” She folded her arms and turned sideways to avoid his glare. She was struggling not to cry, and Joey noticed.
“I’m sorry, Richie…she’s made her intentions quite clear. I think it would be best if you left.” He put his hand softly on Richie’s arm. Richie pulled it away.
“Listen…” He went to add an expletive but thought better of it.
“This is between her and me…I think you should mind your own business.”
“But this is my business; Keira is like family to me, and I won’t have you abusing her any longer.” Even though Joey was nearly six inches shorter than Richie, he stood taller in a sense at that moment.
“I’m telling you to mind your own goddam business.” The charm departed completely and the rage began to take over.
“Please leave, Richie…I’m not coming home…it’s not home…” She realized at that moment without voicing the words that it had never been home. Richie went to step past Joey toward Keira but Joey stood his ground.
“What…are you going to try and stop me?” Richie laughed sarcatically as his bullying personality was completely unmasked. Just then a figure stepped out of the kitchen, almost on cue.
“We are.” Richie looked at the man behind Joey and Keira and his face turned white.
“I believe the young lady has made her intentions clear, Sergeant Womack.” Standing tall and resplendent in his own Riato Police Uniform was Chief Donetti…Chief Neil Donetti, Richie’s boss and Joey Yan’s partner.
“Um…Chief…I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” Richie blurted out.
“Listen carefully, Womack…Do you think you can do that?” Neil tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t hide his appreciation for the moment and grinned just a bit. Not waiting for an answer, Neil continued.
“I’m going to say this once. Restraining orders seem to be as worthless as the paper they’re printed on. I, on the other hand, hold your future in my hands and I also carry a weapon, which for the most part I am loath to unholster. However, if I find you within a mile of this young lady, I might reconsider my decision. You can turn around and go home. I will arrange for Keira to come to your home to pick up her belongings with my and my partners help. You will be out of the home at the time we arrive, and I will call you to let you know we have departed. Don’t answer. Just nod and back out quietly.”
Richie went to speak and Neil held up his hand.
“Leave, Womack…Now!” With that he was out the door and gone.
Joey turned and breathed a sigh of relief only to find Keira leaning against the wall, sobbing. They all had expected it would be painful. He stepped closer to her and hugged her from behind. She turned and put her head on his shoulder like any little sister would do with her big brother. Neil walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"I still love him...Oh god, I still love him."
"I know, honey...I know." Joey said, trying not to cry.
“It’s going to be okay, Keira…I promise,” Neil said softly; exactly like a big brother.
And in time it would be.
Next: Petey’s Wish