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A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 25 |
We were still a day or so out of Cae’th Og. And of course had to camp at night. Normal people still kind of ran in terror or just passed out, or tried to kill us whenever they saw Sam, me, and now the other two Dhro’aaa in my retinue. So stopping at an inn overnight was kind of asking more than the current situation would bear.
Especially with the others still snickering about my encounter with that half-wit (I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt there) paladin.
Once I really started thinking about it, and remembering, I couldn’t blame them for thinking it was funny. Still, it annoyed me to no end that some idiot in a lobster suit (okay plate mail) had singled me out for smiting and didn’t have the decency to just do it instead of lambasting me with one stupid comment after another. Like words were going to make me melt like the Wicked Witch of the West did when water got spilled on her? Oh, well. Into each life, and all that.
But I sure seemed to be enduring almost constant downpours of that figurative rain lately.
I was staring into the fire, and just drifting pleasantly for awhile. Not worrying about intelligence challenged knight errants, hungry wildlife, or much of anything else, just giving myself some ‘me time’.
The horses were quiet, Sirin was comfortably snuggled at my back and around me, the woods actually felt comfortable, the night was cool but not uncomfortable…
To be honest, no predator, or bandit, in its right mind would have wanted to mess with the bunch I was travelling with. But you never know. Oesetthe was on watch, carefully keeping track of the area around us, and the rest were either sleeping or getting ready to sleep.
And no, I wasn’t feeling sorry for myself there. Okay, maybe a little but not much. All in all, I had a pretty good life here so far. True I hadn’t asked to be female, or the hated, feared, and reluctant daughter of Llolth. But SHE generally left me alone to work out my own problems and handle whatever situation I landed in. And to be honest, I couldn’t fault HER for being an interested mama.
To balance some of the down side, I had a man I truly loved, much to my surprise, some people I was starting to call friends and could actually believe they just might really be that, and a band of faithful followers and companions.
Okay, so life hadn’t turned out all that bad for me so far once I got past being annoyed by the little things. Sam had quietly told me that I was just one of those people who didn’t suffer fools gladly. I did have to admit that I got kind of cranky when people around me were being stubborn idiots, once I thought about things.
Okay, maybe ‘kind of cranky’ is being a little kind in the description on the thing. At least I admitted it to myself, right? Right?
“Daughter.” The voice seemed to come out of nowhere, and it was definitely NOT Lloth’s voice. I looked around, didn’t see anyone, and let out a sigh.
“Please tell me I’m just hallucinating from lack of sleep here.” I muttered and did my best to settle back and get some of that elusive sleep.
Not happening. Dammit.
I took in a deep breath, and whispered to the air in general. “Look, family and knowing them is nice, but I’ve had a really hard day here. Could we introduce ourselves later on? Please?”
HE wasn’t having it.
Why me?
I spent more than a little time looking the place over. Nice, cheery fire in a big stone fireplace, rugs on the clean stone floors, rich tapestries showing hunting scenes, battles, pastoral images…
Not at all like the cave Mom insisted on calling home. Oh, no spiders either.
That was actually kind of refreshing.
Though, much as I hated to admit it, I kind of missed them brushing up against me or rubbing themselves on my legs.
“You are your Mother’s daughter.” The same voice, this time attached to a tall, well muscled, and extremely handsome fellow dressed in simple linen clothing observed. “Always taking in and evaluating your surroundings first.”
“Yeah, well,” I shrugged. “it’s kind of a survival thing, you know.”
He chuckled and poured something from a jug into two ceramic mugs and passed one to me. “Mead. It is made from honey. I think you’ll like it.”
He was right. Kind of sweet for me most of the time, but with all kinds of underlying flavors and hints of other things like smoke, and, and, and…
Did I mention that it also had a kick that would have made an angry mule jealous?
Waving me to a chair he seated himself and looked at me with a smile that really looked proprietary for a few seconds. “Do you know who I am?”
“Nope.” I honestly told him and with his golden hair, shining blue eyes, chiseled features… He reminded me of someone but I wasn’t going there just then. “Not a clue other than a suspicion from what you called me a while ago.”
“I am Danaan.” He answered then gave me a long, uncomfortable looking over. “The father of your present form.”
“I figured.” I carefully sipped at the liquid dynamite in my mug and shook my head. “Don’t be insulted if I don’t jump up, scream ‘Daddy’ and rush over and give you a hug.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Waving off any impending insults he actually chuckled. “Children of gods tend to be a bit on the disrespectful side with their parents, anyway. It is just part of who and what they are after all.”
“Kids.” I nodded. “What can you do with them?”
Danaan laughed at that one and shook his head. “You are as beautiful, and difficult as your mother.”
Ohh, I could already see that family get-togethers were going be really, really interesting. “Is that a good thing?”
“Probably.” He told me with a little chuckle. “You’ll need that fight in your spirit in times to come, Daughter. Cycles are ending, new ones are beginning. Times won’t be easy for anyone, not even, especially not, for the gods.”
“Is this going somewhere?” I asked, not at all shocked by the idea that I was being rather impolite to a real, honest to gawd–well, god. Okay, Llolth was a goddess, but it just didn’t feel quite the same there. And no, don’t expect me to explain that one. I can’t.
“Not really.” He answered with a little grin. “I simply wished to see my newest daughter.”
At that I had a picture of this hunk getting it on with Llolth, okay, with mom. Ewwww. So NOT going there. That is a picture that is burned into my brain and filed with all that other ‘look at it later, if at all’ stuff people tend to have.
“Oh.” I gave him a smile and took another drink of that Mead. Man, that stuff should have shown visible toxic fumes it was so strong. “Well, here I am.”
“Yes you are.” He laughed. “Oh, sorry about your brother earlier.”
“Brother?” I questioned, then got a really bad elevator going down way to fast feeling in my stomach as I remembered who ‘Daddy’ reminded me of. Once that hit, I lowered my head and moaned. “Not Reggie the Moronic Do Gooder?”
“Half brother, actally.” Danaan answered in what he was really trying to make into a soothing tone. “Usually Averil keeps him from being too much of an idiot. He tends to get a bit on the carried away side when his ‘Smite Evil’ urges kick in.”
“No kidding.” I muttered. “I noticed.”
Then I closed my eyes and really tried hard not to believe what I’d just been told. It didn’t work. “My Brother? That idiot is MY BROTHER?!!”
“Can’t choose your family, after all.” Danaan shrugged. “Well, technically as gods, we could, but it’s usually too much trouble with all the haggling with the fates and things.”
“I have a brother, who has to have been dropped on his head a few too many times for anyone’s good, who just happens to think I need to be destroyed.” I gritted my teeth and actually glared at Danaan. “Does that about cover things? Any more siblings I should know about? Daddy?”
“Not right now.” He shrugged and actually managed to appear a little embarrassed. “Reginald is laboring under a curse that was put on him shortly after he was born. Then again, intelligence wasn’t what attracted me to his mother, I have to admit.”
“it’s a soap opera.” I grumbled. “I’ve been dropped into a fantasy version of Desperate Housewives or something here.”
He was silent for a few breaths after that, fortunately. Me? I was beginning to wonder if having a headache was just part of my existence on this crazy world. I could see it now. Me, patron of headaches and PMS. I finally looked up at him, favored the guy with a false smile and a little glare then said. “Well, it’s been nice and all that. But do you think I could go back now?”
“Of course.” He offered me a smile and added. “Keep the mug. It could be useful later on.”
“Thanks.” I managed to get out and then almost choked when I finished with. “Daddy.”
* * * *
Wonderful. At least I was back staring into the campfire.
What a life. Now I knew, just knew, that I’d have gods, goddesses, and demi-gods meddling in my affairs for a long time to come. Oh joy.
Yup. I was doomed.