Author's note: The first few chapters involve a kidnapping and forced transformation. There is some bondage, and a nasty dominant, but it is NOT the focus of the story. There will also be some use of French in the story. English that is italicized is just the characters speaking translated French. You'll get the hang of it! :)
Chapter 1
The boy woke from his sleep. The room was dark, and a little bit cold. He felt around the bed. He knew he was naked, and the sheet that covered him was not nearly enough to keep him warm.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” he called out. He never did the dark, and what was worse, he didn’t know who he was, or where he was. “Please! Someone! Anyone! Let me the fuck out!”
The lights to his little room clicked on. It looked a lot like a jail cell. There was a steel door, a little toilet area, a bed, a desk with a mirror, and an armoire
Blinking to adjust to the sudden light, he went over to the toilet to relieve himself. He sat down on the cold stainless steel and took care of what he needed to. As he cleaned himself, a cold, mechanical voice intoned “You will move when we tell you, you will eat when we tell you. You are now our property. Do you understand?”
“But where am I? Who am I? Why the fuck are you doing this to me? I want my Mom!” he called, nearly frantic with panic.
The mechanical voice answered. It was obviously an electronically obscured human voice, sounding like a Cylon from the old “Battlestar Galactica” series. “Where you are is unimportant. Who you are is unimportant. You are unit 532. If you need a name, it is Belle. We do this simply because we can, and any disobedience will be punished severely. If you refuse to obey, you will be killed” the voice paused. “You have no mother, no father. There is only the code”
“B-but what is the code?”
“Obey or die…that is all. You are nothing”
“Why can’t I remember my name? Belle isn’t a boy’s name?”
“You aren’t a boy. You are nothing. We will transform you to a form that is useful to us. Now…eat”
A tray with bacon and eggs with toast and some orange juice and milk was slid through a door on the floor. He was famished, and put the tray on his desk, then began devouring the meal. It was actually pretty good, all things considered. He thought about what the voice said. Was he really nothing? He had parents, didn’t he? Why did it hurt to think?
After finishing his meal, drowsiness overtook him. Darkness claimed him once again.
“Very good, Harris. This subject is a one in one hundred find. Fifteen years old, perfect bone structure, not yet into puberty. Excellent work!”
Harris laughed at the predicament the boy found himself in. “Why in the hell do you call him 532?”
Veronica clapped and laughed heartily. “It’s from when we threw him into the van. The time, silly! And if he’s thinking the way we want, he may think that he’s the five hundred and thirty second person to go through this. It’s just another way to wear him down”
“Hah! Okay, I get it. For my part, social networking has made things a lot easier since the old days. Those do gooders in Washington think they have the market cornered in net trickery. I don’t think so!” Harris laughed. “They told me I didn’t have what it took to find predators…They were right. I make so much more money as a ‘predator’, he wiggled his fingers in air quotes, than I ever would as an agent” Harris rubbed his hands together. “Stupid bastards”
Harris Duncan loved turning these innocents into empty headed bimbos. He knew why, too. Bullied as a child, he swore he would take his frustration out on the world. He hooked up with Veronica after meeting her by chance at a convention. They hit it off, and they discovered their mutual passion, and that was domination of the weak.
They had been inspired the profits to be found in the sex trade. The money had been incredible, and the crashes when the schemes were discovered were just as spectacular. Veronica felt she wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of her predecessors. She had researched the perpetrator of that scheme. She liked her, as she was a kindred spirit.
Romance had bloomed and Veronica and Harris were an immediately successful team. There were perverts in every corner of the world. It seemed money equaled perversion in some people. The more money some had, the more disgusting their tastes were. And the more they would pay to satisfy them.
Veronica Duncan had found the object, an ancient talisman, quite by accident in the home of an art collector friend of hers. He didn’t know the value of it, but thanks to her magical training, she did. It would slowly change the sex of the unfortunate soul that was exposed to its power in the correct fashion. She wasn’t able to activate it, but for a reasonable fee, her cousin, a practitioner of the dark arts, could, and indeed was more than willing to. She had a little mean streak as well, nourished by a healthy dislike of males.
Harris and Veronica specialized in transforming boys into girls for four years. The magic police and the temporal authorities had gotten much better at finding and stopping this type of crime. The Duncans had figured out how to keep one step ahead.
Transformees were in great demand in the sex trade. Since their bodies didn’t match their psyche, they were always off-balance. This made them highly susceptible to suggestion, and once broken, quite submissive and dependent on their masters. The lack of a history made them even more expendable and dependent. No identification, no history. They had nowhere to run.
One, properly changed and trained, fetched millions in the market. It didn’t really matter that their new masters or mistresses would tire of them in no more than five years. That just increased the return business.
They had sold six so far, and had amassed a fortune in the “consulting” business of over twenty million euros. The Harris’s dealt exclusively in euros. With the uncertain state of the US economy, it made more sense. Dollars were so passé now.
They found their latest project, a fifteen year old boy named Brian Kalisek, on his mother’s Facebook page, strictly based on a program that scanned the photos for persons with the proper facial features. From there, they went to his page. His photo matched the computer generated parameters, and it was a simple process to locate the child.
Through a series of well planned email contacts, they developed a relationship with the boy. He thought that the person he was talking to was a troubled, abused girl of fifteen named Ariel. They knew he would be unable to resist saving the girl.
Harris was an expert at developing rapport with boys or girls via the computer chat rooms they frequented. It almost got him a career in law enforcement, but the bitch in charge didn’t think he had what it took to be an effective, caring agent. She was right, of course, but that didn’t matter. His talents paid off in spades here.
Veronica called on the intercom. “Harris, Moira is here. Can you get it ready?”
“Sure, babe. You get the device ready” It. He loved it when she called the poor bastards “It”
Moira Mairenn O’Toole finished the spell as the unconscious form of Brian lay on the table in front of her. “That should do it, Ronnie. All of the spells are done. Remember, the changes won’t happen overnight, but neither can they be reversed”
“I understand, Moira. Great work, as usual. The payment has already been wired to your account, along with a nice bonus”
Moira smiled. “Thanks, Ronnie. You know, I could get into a lot of trouble if this was ever found out by the community. I’m breaking about ten laws by doing this”
Veronica rolled her eyes. “Like you ever worry about being caught. There’s no way anyone can tie you to what is going on. She switched to a kind of old fashioned spooky radio voice. “You appear and disappear like the mist” She began to laugh at her own joke.
Moira cautioned Veronica “It’s never that easy, Ronnie. Remember that. These schemes are always profitable for a time, but when they go south, people die. I’d hate for that to be you”
Veronica flipped her hand dismissively at Moira. “Worrywart” She hugged her cousin and bid her goodbye.
532 stirred, and then felt his way out of his cot. The lights hadn’t been on in what seemed like days. He knew his way around the cell now, and after taking care of his business, sat down at his makeup table. He was dressed in a very feminine, very frilly short nightgown with matching panties.
Everything he wore was white, and any stains were cause to be punished severely. He wanted his mom more than anything, and he cried more and more easily every day. His chest itched and his bones hurt. His insides always felt sore.
It seemed like he had been here forever. He had no idea how long he had actually been held captive. At first, he tried telling them boys didn’t wear makeup and girl clothes, but that resulted in him being strapped to the wall and being whipped until he passed out. He didn’t complain again.
Now, he was having a lot of trouble even saying anything. He could think of the words, but they wouldn’t come out. It was very frustrating. He was also having a lot of trouble keeping his emotions under control, crying a lot more than he ever did before. He didn’t know why. They were trying to kill him, he thought, which made the tears flow..
Weeks passed. The days were endless repetition with makeup, dressing, learning everything a girl should know. His body ached all the time, but they wouldn’t stop. His hips, his chest, his tummy, everything ached. Pain was a constant companion, as was the need to sleep. He slept most of the time, ate a little and performed his mind-numbing chores.
The clothes were embarrassing, but it was better than going around naked all the time. He either wore girls’ clothes or nothing at all. It was too cold to go naked. So what if he had to wear dresses. They were really kind of pretty, anyway, and he did like to wear the pretty things.
It seemed he was treated better when she obeyed. The meals were okay, but he missed her mama and daddy. He couldn’t remember their names, only her mama’s face. He held on to it like a life preserver. No matter what that voice told him, she was somebody, and someone was missing him, she just knew it. It was what kept her going.
Much later, he didn’t know how much later, her chest began to hurt less. He had boobies now. Really nice ones. They looked cute. Especially in a push up bra. The Mistress liked push up bras. She told her she looked pretty.
He hadn’t spoken in such a long time. She was alone with his thoughts.
The light came up slowly, allowing her to adjust to the brightness. “Practice with makeup” announced the mechanical voice. 532 just sighed and began to practice according to the program on her iPad. The cover was a cute pink, and she loved to read all about the newest fashions out of Paris when she was allowed to browse the internet.
After two hours of makeup practice, 532 was informed that he was to read quietly until instructed differently. The first thing she saw was a Fashion magazine. It was the French language edition of Vogue. She found an article on the new summer casual look. Halfway through the magazine, she suddenly realized he was reading and understanding French. She went through the magazine, article by article, ad by ad, and realized he understood French! She wondered if he could speak it as well.
“Bonjour! Suis-je parler français ?’
This is too weird, she thought. Maybe I can speak again. He tried to speak in English. “Bonjour?” No, that’s not right. Try again. “’allo?” It wasn’t right. She had an accent, and she really had to struggle to think of what to say. What were they doing to him?
Rage suddenly erupted through him. “Qu’as tu fait pour moi?” (What have you done to me?)Then, crying, she collapsed on his bed. The lights blinked off. Punishment was coming. She knew she had a date with the whip.
“Veronica, how are the changes coming?” asked Harris.
Veronica smiled as she reviewed the latest measurements. “Very nicely, sweetheart! This one will do very nicely. Our customer will be very pleased. The language spell kicked in today. She is distraught. It made me sooo, ahhh, very anxious, my dear”
Harris ran his arm around Veronica’s narrow waist. “Leave the girl alone for now. I have other problems you can work on…” He led her to the bedroom.
The next morning, Harris got the call from their customer. He was calling to check on the status of his “order”.
The “customer”, an Indian businessman, had ordered a human double to the fairy tale princess Belle from “Beauty and the Beast”. He was one sick bastard, and had killed eight women in his quest to create her. The pictures of the botched plastic surgeries had been tough to look at even to the hardened psychopaths that Harris and Veronica had become. They also knew that Belle would be dead in a year. He was very hard on his “princesses”.
Their version of Belle would be as close to the cartoon version as was humanly possible. The bone structure of the subject was perfect, and they were pleased that the changes were going according to plan. While the spell was slow acting, the power of the change was irreversible, and as long as the changes were happening, the victim was practically immune to long term damage. It made the whippings more effective, as the wounds would heal perfectly and without scars.
Veronica was a pure sadist at heart, and the thrills she got listening to the keening wails of Belle as she was tortured never failed to push her over the edge several times every session.
Belle sold for ten million, and the changes requested were complex. The time required would be over two years. They would use her during this time, as she would be immune to disease during the changes. They would put her to work during her changes, at gatherings of wealthy pedophiles and sadists. She would command top dollar, as she would be effectively a pre-operative transsexual, a desired commodity in the market.
After six months in captivity, Belle’s body had developed into the equivalent of a fourteen or fifteen year old girl. She was 5 feet 4 inches tall had small 34B cup breasts, a 23 inch waist and 35 inch hips. Her brown hair was down to the middle of her back. Her male organs, now useless, were still there, albeit shrinking.
There was more programming to come, and their little darling would be helpless to fight it.
She woke up this day feeling very uncomfortable. Her ankles were attached to her thighs and her arms were bound behind her back. She was on her knees in her bed, and a hood was over her head. Her mouth was taped shut. A collar attached to the ceiling kept her upright.
As she began to panic, the inside of the hood lit up. It was a virtual reality setup, and it began to play pornographic scenes. It showed women, no, not quite women, he saw, but girls like her-submitting to strange acts that disgusted her. She tried closing her eyes, but was rewarded with a terrible shock to her breasts and genitals. A muffled scream was all she could manage.
A female voice droned in her ears. “Don’t close your eyes again, Belle, or the next one will be much worse. Watch the scenes, dear, and learn what you need to do” Tears trickled down her face as she realized what was to become of her.
Veronica watched in delight as her little pet helplessly watched the acts being depicted on the screen. She could hear her muffled whimpers, thanks to the microphone in the VR hood. The scenes she was watching weren’t faked, and were actual footage of previous rape parties from her other projects. She was getting aroused thinking about the little it down in her cell squirming, trying to get away from the knowledge that she would be the one getting raped in the not too distant future.
The language spell was working to perfection. Belle’s identity was being systematically stripped from her, replaced with something of Veronica’s own creation. She was to be the perfect slave.
Harris was out recruiting some participants for Belle’s “coming out” party. Veronica’s arousal was getting intense, and watching the little girl struggle on the bed was almost more than she could bear. She pulled open the drawer on her desk and retrieved her little wand for such times as this.
Three more months had passed. Belle had undergone intense training to serve as a proper sex slave. The training was handled personally by Veronica, and it was the reason she lived for these transformations. She watched as Belle, with her beautiful, innocent face, learned to service men in every way she was physically capable of. She was so starved for human companionship that she willingly submitted to the training, just to have someone to talk to.
‘Je fais de ce droit, maá®tresse?’ Belle asked as she handled the artificial phallus. Her French programming was fully integrated, and she now found it so frustrating to speak English that she mostly spoke French unless Mistress ordered her to try English, which she did from time to time to have an excuse to punish her.
“Yes, Belle, that is correct. Very good job”
Belle smiled, proud that she pleased La Maitresse. Some of the things she was made to do were uncomfortable, especially when she had to put things in her rear end, but maitresse was so kind. It was for Belle’s own good.
‘Quand vais-je avoir á faire cela pour un homme, maá®tresse? Bientá´t ?’ (Will I have to do this for a man soon, Mistress?) She returned to her duties orally training with the object.
“Very soon, pet. You are such a very good little girl. I am so proud of you. Answer me in English, pet”
Belle had to think. She could understand English, but to speak it, was tres difficile. “Thank y-you Maitresse, no, Mistress” she struggled to get the words out.
“Oh, Belle, your little accent is sooo darling! The men will just love you”
Belle blushed. “Merci, Maitresse”. She then held her hands in front of her mouth in embarrassment. “I am s-sorry, Mistress. Thank…you” she then curtsied as she had been taught.
Veronica never tired of that. She had stolen this wretched thing’s very life, and this thing was actually thanking her. Harris was going to break this wretch in tonight, and Veronica was going to watch. Little Belle had proven her abilities with women several times; Veronica had seen to that. Tonight, however, she would be introduced to her husband, and he was one sick bastard.
“Belle, I want you to wear your little black dress tonight. Wear your special black lingerie and black stockings. I also want you to wear your 5 inch stilettos, okay?”
“Oui, Maitresse”
Harris returned from his travels to Belle, standing very demurely, head down, hands folded in front of her, with a red bow on top of her head. She was wearing the black ensemble that Veronica had shown him earlier.
A note was attached to her left breast. It said “My name is Belle. Would you please use me tonight, Master?”
“Are you ready, Belle?”
“Oui, Maitre. I w-want…to s-serve…you t-tonight” He was pleased that the language programming had taken. She was really struggling to speak English. He could she that she was shaking like a leaf.
He took the girl into his bedroom…
The next morning, Belle was tied to the “horse”. Her hands and feet were fastened to the four legs of the horse, a padded version of a sawhorse and her body lay lengthwise on the crosspiece. She had been beaten severely on the back and rear end. Her jaws were on fire because of the ball gag inserted in her mouth. It was a little better than the large ring gag he had fitted her with to rape her orally. She thought she was going to choke to death on his penis, but he took her to the point of passing out and kept bringing her back.
Her face was streaked with old tears, blood and dried ejaculate. She had two black eyes and a broken nose. Belle had taken so much time to be beautiful for her Master. She thought, “What had I done wrong?” He had ripped her dress off and slapped her until she bled, then subjected her to the worst night of her life, raping her repeatedly with any toy that would fit inside her. Her stockings were torn, and her feet ached from wearing the heels all night.
Veronica had watched the whole display. She had pleasured herself all night, then helped her husband clean himself up, and made love to him afterwards. She came in to the room where Belle was bound and shook her head.
“Tsk tsk tsk. What happened, little girl. Did we displease Master?”
Belle tried to lift her head, but dropped in exhaustion. “mmmphhg-g-g”
“I think you need a little more motivation, pet. You must have done something. I don’t want to do this, but I can’t have you displeasing the Master or the customers” She reached for the narrow riding crop and swished it in the air for Belle to see. “Belle, this is for your own good…”
Belle squirmed and screamed into her gag. The riding crop struck her bottom with incredible force. Her pain was excruciating. The blows just kept coming. Without pity or remorse, they rained down.
After fifty strokes on her bottom, back, legs and arms, blood was leaking out of nearly every stripe. She had passed out around the fortieth blow. Due to the regenerative properties of the transformation spell, she was already beginning to heal. Still, this session had nearly killed Belle.
Veronica had two orgasms beating the girl. It was magnificent. Harris had untied the unconscious girl and they had taken her back to her cell. Thanks to her programming, she would assume she caused the beating and rapes, and would try harder to satisfy her tormenters.
Chapter 2
Belle woke the next day. She was still in incredible pain from the soft tissue injuries. Her muscles were on fire, and the burns on her wrists and ankles from her struggles against the bonds were very painful. Using the wall to support herself, she slowly made her way to the shower. The remains of her lingerie were easy to strip off. She turned the water on and staggered in. She screamed as the hot water set her damaged nerve endings on fire. Slowly, Belle adjusted to the water. She slid down the wall of the shower and cried.
“Mama, Papa” she thought. “Please give me your strength. I need it now more than ever. I will see you again. I just have to go with the flow. I mustn’t fight it. They want me to fight it. Don’t fight it…”
Three weeks after her session with the whip. Belle was completely healed and had not one scar to show for her ordeal. She was ready for the first of the private parties that Harris Duncan had arranged. This little party would net the Duncans nearly seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. Every pedophile and pervert in the area paid for the privilege of abusing Belle.
Belle got dressed in a gold evening gown, her hair put up in a bun, with little tendrils of hair framing her face. She was the picture of the Princess she was supposed to be. Her body was even more feminine, a result indirectly of the beatings she took. The more she was abused, the faster the transformation would take place, as the healing process worked. Her breasts were now a full B, and were growing into a C cup.
Veronica opened the door to Belle’s cell and Belle immediately stood to attention.
“Sit down, pet. I need to put some drops in your eyes. We are going out tonight”
Belle said nothing, as Maitresse had not given her permission to speak. The drops went into her eyes, and Belle’s vision dissolved into a murky white. Her beautiful brown eyes hazed over to white. She was blind. The drops were a gift from Moira. They were a potion specially crafted for this effect.
Panic spread into Belle’s features. In French, she whispered, “I’m blind”
Veronica held Belle’s hand. “It’s okay, pet. The effect is only temporary. I can’t have you getting in to trouble, and blindfolds are so restrictive, so, I use this medicine. You’ll be back to normal tomorrow”
Tears trickled down Belle’s cheeks. They had stolen her sight! In the back of her mind, she could still see mama. She was telling Belle it was going to be okay.
“No crying, pet. I want your face perfect for tonight. A lot of clients are expecting to see a beautiful young girl. You are going to make a lot of men happy tonight. Some ladies will be there too. They will love your little outfit. Now, let’s get you ready”
Veronica bound Belle’s arms in a white leather armbinder. A white ball gag was placed in her mouth, and a hobble chain was attached to the cuffs on her ankles. A collar was placed on her neck and a gold chain was attached. She was led away, struggling to maintain balance on the five inch spike heels.
The party guests were a cesspool of the worst sexual perverts assembled in one room. Belle was led in, blind and dressed only in her lingerie. Her bonds were removed earlier. The room went silent, and the bidding for the first one to use her was started.
She was subjected to cruel games, taking advantage of her sightlessness. She was terrified, and the more she was stressed, the less English she spoke, so by the end, no one could understand her. Veronica openly used her vibrator on herself during the “games”, as she was sitting on a makeshift throne above all of the action watching it all. Harris kept the violence to minimum, so as to avoid irreparable harm
By the time the evening was over, Belle had been raped thirty six times, and had been beaten nearly comatose. She had been given a date rape drug during the evening, so mercifully she wouldn’t remember most of the night.
One patron of the evening’s festivities was disgusted almost to the point of physical illness. The Duncans knew him as Drake Franklin, CEO of a telecom corporation in Dallas, but in reality he was a private investigator and undercover specialist named Kevin Howard. He had gotten word of the “party” from a confidential informant who had been instructed to look for these types of events. In return, Kevin would “look the other way” in certain other circumstances. This little arrangement had paid off big this time.
Kevin had seen the two Duncans bring in the blind, helpless girl. His heart nearly broke as the crowd descended on her like a school of piranha. How she survived the evening was nothing short of a miracle. In the confusion, he had managed to slip away unnoticed.
Kevin got on the phone to his employer, Pluton Security, specifically an entity named Cerberus. He specialized in dealing with sex rings and forced prostitution. Cerberus dealt with them in ways that the law enforcement community would not approve of. Simply put, when Cerberus got his hooks in, the undertaker was the next and only way out. This was clearly a job for him.
A male voice answered Kevin’s call. “Styx Club”
“I have two coins for the Ferryman” It was the code for a potential operation.
“Okay. Cerberus will be in touch. Stand by; the call will be at 1350 hours”
“Got it. Make sure he knows Persephone needs her dad”, code for a victim in danger.
Cerberus. His real identity was a closely guarded secret. Rumor had it that he lost his daughter to a sex slaver, and had never found her. He later found out that she had committed suicide. The story went that the people responsible for her kidnapping were found after a thorough investigation. They did not survive.
Cerberus was never seen without his mask. It was a simple mask, like a modified hockey goalie mask, with two mirrored lenses for the eyes and no other holes. It was also pure black. He wore a leather tactical suit to make combat easier, and to keep his weapons. A deadly hand to hand combatant, he was also a master of several types of weapons. It was rumored that he was a former Navy SEAL or Green Beret, but no one knew for certain.
Kevin’s phone rang at precisely 1350 hours. The gravelly voice on the other end spoke. “Okay, Kevin, what do you have for me?”
“Well boss, I got a tip about a possible sex party in the Highland Park area of Dallas. I was able to get access. What I saw made me sick me. Our friends the Duncans brought a girl, make that a t-girl, to the party. She was blind, not more than sixteen years old. Boss, they nearly killed her”
“Girl, no more than sixteen, you say?”
“That’s my guess, Boss. I’m thinking she was foreign, but I don’t know. I could tell she was trying to speak English at first, but as she got more panicked, she broke into French”
“Yeah, I speak it. Grew up in Quebec, but I guess you know that already. She was begging for her life, Boss. It was all I could do to leave her. They tortured her. Out and out torture. I couldn’t do anything”
“I know, Kev. You did what you could. I happen to know what rock those two maggots are living under now. I have an idea what is going on, but I have to admit, the French thing has me a bit stumped. Good work, Kev. I’ll take it from here”
“Get them boss. This was the worst thing I’ve ever seen”
“I will”
Cerberus scratched his chin. French. The timeline was right for the Kalisek disappearance. It fit their MO. He had just found where they were only recently, unfortunately not soon enough for the others they had taken. They had been associated with another bunch that got into this sort of thing. But the French thing? The boy didn’t speak French. He thought, and then it came to him. There was a case a few years back. Language programming. They had figured a way to program a new language on top of the native language. The victims never quite shook the programming.
If they could do this, they have moved up the ladder. He thought. He should have just ended them when he had the chance last year. But no. He didn’t kill anyone without absolute proof. The girl, that complicated things a little. If it was the Kalisek boy, then damn. He would be one messed up kid. There are places for him or her to get some help, but she’d have to consent.
Veronica and Harris were showering after a particularly strenuous bout of sex. She was so turned on by the poor blind girl trying to protect herself, that she practically attacked her husband after she was put away. Belle would be out of commission for a week or more after her adventure last night, so Veronica would have to look at the tapes of the evening to restart her engine, and she would do so several times before the next gathering.
“You are turning into one crazy bitch, you know that?” said Harris.
Veronica smiled and tweaked his nose. “I didn’t hear any complaints last night, lover”
He smiled predatorily “You’re crazy, but you’re mine all the way”
They giggled and proceeded make love yet again in the shower. She was amazed by Harris’ ability to recover after sex.
Cerberus put out every feeler he had in the area. Nothing was scheduled for now, but he would be on alert until there was. The Duncans were too greedy to pass up another opportunity to exploit their “guest”, and Cerberus was a patient man. He could wait.
One month had elapsed since the party. Veronica had trained Belle the fine art of walking in ballet boots. The pole dancing training had been going on for nearly six months, and Belle was turning into a world class pole dancer. Her face was nearly done, and her body was almost done. The female organs hadn’t formed yet, but her ‘strenuous’ workouts had really accelerated the process. Her little male organ was basically just a large clitoris now, and she had allowed Belle to experience her first orgasm as a nearly complete woman.
Belle was programmed to be very vocal in her lovemaking, and Veronica smiled as Belle screamed during her orgasm. She kept crying “Oui! Oui! Mon Dieu! Oui!”, and a bunch of other French nonsense. It didn’t matter. She would be the perfect toy for Narang.
Veronica had allowed Belle to service her. Belle was getting very good at knowing where to touch her. She took care of her mistress in a very short time. Veronica simply patted her head as if she was a dog, and left her as if she were nothing.
To Be Continued
Author's note: There is hope on the horizon for Belle. Some more darkness, so beware. Not explicit, but it is essential to the tale.
Chapter 3
Cerberus found out the location of the next gathering. He would mention to the police about the “festivities”. These people were guilty, but the law could handle them. They wouldn’t be delivered to the Ferryman tonight. This time.
He had the Duncan’s house under surveillance. It was a large rented mansion in Highland Park. He was ready to take them out with a minimum of fuss. The thermal imaging verified the presence of three bodies in the house. He could see one body, probably Veronica, engaged with someone, also female. Abuse? Possibly. If so, one more nail in her coffin.
Cerberus suffered from chronic pain. He was used to it, but it tended to make him very dangerous to people he didn’t like. The pain in his body only served to deepen his resolve. He always went about covered, his face always behind the mask. He was terribly scarred, the scars on his soul were deeper than the scars on his flesh. His weapon of choice was the katana, chosen because of its razor sharp edge. He could cut a man in two without as much as a second thought. He also carried his sidearms, two Desert Eagle .357 Magnums. Big guns, for maximum psychological effect. They could also punch through most body armor with the armor piercing rounds he used.
Cerberus could only wait as the time of reckoning drew near. Wait and think. Think back to when he was Dr.Tucker Spiros, a Greek history researcher. He knew about the rumors about his past, about him being an ex navy seal or Army Green Beret and it all worked out in his favor that people tended to believe it. The truth was far darker, and far more tragic.
Tucker was researching the cult of the Underworld and Hades worship at Cape Matapan, at the southern tip of Greece. Known in the ancient world as Tainaron, it was the mythical location of the gates of hell.
He had brought his wife, Timothea and three daughters, his nineteen year old twins, Adriadna and Agapita, and their youngest sixteen year old Persephone. He loved Greek culture, and wanted his girls to appreciate it as well. They were a great help on the digs, and were developing into quite the researchers themselves. Timothea was a godsend with her sharp eye for detail and dedication to teaching her children about their heritage.
All his girls were classic Greek beauties, with long wavy black hair, all of them; Timothea included, and could have jumped from a classic Greek work of art. Tucker so enjoyed having his family on digs with him. His daughters were becoming fine field archaeologists in their own right, and were planning on majoring in Greek Studies in University back in England, they had been a little behind in their studies and had just finished A levels.
Then came the trip into town that changed his life forever. They needed supplies, and Timi, his wife decided to go to town. The girls had to go along, as they were suffering from pit fever, their term for being on the dig too long without a break. Timi said something to him as they left. He couldn’t remember what. He thought it was I love you.
They left, and Tucker continued to work. The statue he had found was exquisite perfectly preserved. It was clearly a representation of Hades, and said as much on the inscription. “Keys to the Gate” was another part of the inscription, partially worn away, and “Reverence” was another word. They had clearly stumbled on a major find. This must have been a holy site or temple, unusual, since Hades was feared above all the gods, his name seldom even mentioned.
He was cleaning the statue, delicately, almost reverentially removing the dirt. It was an exciting find, a representation of the god Hades. The statue radiated a kind of aura that Spiros could actually feel, like a static charge that made the hair on the back of his hand stand up. He found an inscription on the base, and he was translating it as he coaxed the dirt out of the lines of text. “The Possessor of this Great Icon will Have the Power of Hades”. There was more, and he was in the process of deciphering it. He looked at the eyes of the statue. It almost seemed as if the eyes flashed at him just before his world went dark in an explosion of pain.
He slowly aroused from unconsciousness to see his family, his wife, tied to the ground, naked. His precious girls were tied to each other. They were gagged, their eyes wide with terror. He was bound to a chair. There were five men with guns joining them.
“Wake up, Doctor” the voice was arrogant, mocking. It was their leader, apparently, a smooth, polished man, not unlike Clark Gable in looks. He had a faint accent, possibly South African.
“W-what are you doing? What do you want?”
“I already have what I want. We have been watching your girls for some time now, and I have buyers for all three”
Cerberus remembered struggling with all his might against the ropes that held him “You son of a bitch! Let them go!”
“No, Doctor, that won’t happen. I just want you to witness what happens next. You see, I guess you could say I’m total bastard, and the god you study is nothing compared to me. I’m going to take everything you have, and I’ll give you the privilege of watching while I do it”
“NO! You can’t do this! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” He struggled at his bonds in an adrenaline fueled rage, actually bending the steel of the chair, but not enough to free himself
The man laughed mockingly. “No you won’t, Doctor” Boris, do the honors with Mrs. Spiros. Watch, Doctor. Close your eyes and she dies”
He remembered every detail. It was burned into his mind. His beautiful Timi was raped by that animal. He screamed, cursed and struggled, but it was no use. His daughters were crying and struggling. Trying to get away, trying with all their might to help their mother. When Boris was done, he calmly got up, adjusted his trousers, pulled his pistol, and shot Timi in the head.
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” He screamed. The girls were wild with fear. They were trying with all their might to get free. He remembered their wrists, red with blood from their struggles. Their blood dripping into the ground. His blood, soaking into the ground.
The leader whispered in my ear “My name is Frederick De Haan. Remember it when you see Hades, or whoever greets you in the next world. Now don’t be sad, your three beauties will be well taken care of, as long as their new masters allow them to live. Good bye, Doctor”
He remembered the screams of his little girls as they were dragged away. And he would avenge them. He remembered as the kerosene was poured over his body. As the fire was lit, as he burned…as he died.
The pain of the fire faded. All was darkness, quietness he was walking in twilight, in a kind of fog. Then, he saw the river as he exited the fog. There wasn’t a light in the sky, yet he could see. There was a city in the distance, lighting the way. Out of the mist on the river, a boat came for him. The Ferryman was at the stern, faceless in his hooded robe. Tucker was holding the statue. How? He was dead.
Dr. Spiros looked at the Ferryman. “Chiron?” he asked.
The Ferryman nodded and held out his withered, bony hand. He apparently saw the statue, then withdrew his hand and motioned for Tucker to get in the boat. He was about to get in, when a low, still voice, almost a whisper broke the silence.
He stopped and looked around. In the blackness behind him, he saw two red eyes about ten feet off the ground. Whoever was talking was big. “What do you want?”
“Youuu, Spirosss. You” the voice never wavered. It was quiet and emotionless.
“Make your point. I’m late for an appointment on the other side” He was devoid of emotion. All he had was gone.
“Do you not fear me, Spirosss? Do you not fear destruction or Death?
“I fear nothing. Not anymore I have lost everything. I welcome Death”
The voice intoned “I know, Spirosss. But hold! All is not lost” Behold!”
A hand rested lightly on his shoulder. “Daddy? Is that you? He turned. It was his beloved Persephone”
He was strangely unemotional “What is she doing here?”
She looked around, confused. He couldn’t help noticing how pale she was in the light. “Daddy, I died up there, I think. When I saw them did those terrible things to Mom and you, I couldn’t breathe. My head started hurting and suddenly I was here. I’m scared, daddy”
A single tear trickled down his cheek. “I couldn’t save them, honey. I couldn’t save you”
“Its okay, Daddy. Don’t cry. We’re together now. That’s something”
“True, Spirosss, You couldn’t save them. However, I offer you a chance at vengeance. A chance for justice, to destroy those infidels who desecrated my ground. A chance to serve me. They killed your Persephone on my ground. She carries the name of my wife. They challenged me. This will not stand. They must be punished. They desecrated my ground, my icon, the statue you hold”
“Why don’t you just strike them down yourself?”
“They have left my hallowed ground. I cannot interfere in the matters of man since the decree by my brother centuries ago. But I can use you. Your hate is strong. Two of your daughters still live, and will soon be sold as slaves. You hold Spartan blood in your veins, mortal. The blood of Leonidas, of Agamemnon. Your own blood screams from the ground for vengeance. Will you allow your daughters to be slaves of the barbarians?”
“How? I’m dead. Persephone is dead. Timi is dead”
“Tuck?” He turned to see his Timi slowly walking toward him.
“Timi! His tears flowed freely. He wondered how you cry in hell. “I’m sorry. So sorry. I failed you”
“Don’t worry about it, Tuck. You couldn’t have done anything. You have to save our girls. These men mean to sell them. OUR GIRLS! This will not do! Find the men and kill them. Do what he wants. Don’t worry. We’ll be waiting for you. This is only temporary. Death is only the beginning for us”
He looked back at the eyes in the shadow. Then back to Persephone and Timothea. They were already in the boat, heading to the other side.
Persephone was waving “Stop them, Daddy! For us! We love you!”
His heart was filled with hatred for the men who did this. He looked toward the shadows, where the eyes continued to stare. “Okay, I’m yours. You had just as well come out where I can see you. I know who you are”
“And who is that, mortal””
“Hades, Lord of the Underworld”
The voice was as unemotional as before. “You know that none may mention my name”
“You hold no fear for me. I welcome you. I will serve. Tell me what I must do”
“You must look on my face. You must look on my face and know no fear”
Without hesitation, Tucker called. “Very well. Step into the light. I would see you”
“Remember. You will be my messenger. You are the hound of hell. You will reap until I have no more need of you. You will not die until I am ready for you. Gain your vengeance and serve me well. Reap who you will, but reap you must. You will be scarred, you will know much pain, but you will have your vengeance”
He knew what to say next. It was as if he was reading a script. “Step into the light, Hades, taker of souls. I would look upon your visage”
The god stepped into the light. His face was indeed terrible to behold. Indescribable in its horror. Dr. Tucker Spiros, however, was not afraid. He had looked Death in the eye. He didn’t blink.
Cerberus had not thought about that time for several years. He was beyond pain, beyond remorse. He had his revenge, and rescued his twins. He had personally sent the men who kidnapped them and murdered his wife and daughter to hell. He crushed the skull of the arrogant bastard who immolated him. The cockiness left his face shortly before his eyeballs exploded out of their sockets.
That was 5 years ago. They had no idea he was still among the living. It was better that way. They had gone on to follow in his footsteps. They both had families now. This gave him the only satisfaction he had known since the day of his death. Hades was not done with him yet. Somehow he was still needed by Hades. Cerberus, the hound of hell, would continue to reap.
Slowly, he returned to the job at hand. Putting his eye back to the thermal imager he picked of the images of his quarry. They hadn’t left yet. He returned in thought to an earlier time. “Timi? Will you even recognize me when I return?”
The limo pulled up to the house. A cold rain began. It was almost as if Gaia herself knew what was going to happen this night. Two large men got out of the car.
“Bodyguards, huh?” He spoke without emotion. “It won’t do you any good” he said to himself.
Belle got dressed for the party. She was forced to wear a skimpy maid’s uniform. She couldn’t stop crying. It was frustrating. She knew what was going to happen to her at this “party”, and she dreaded it. Wasn’t a party supposed to be fun? Why couldn’t she just die? What had she done to deserve this? She was beginning to lose hope that she would ever make it back home.
She managed to get her emotions under control. If her makeup wasn’t done properly, she would be punished. She dabbed her eyes and returned to her task.
Mistress opened the door to her cell. “Time for your drops, pet.”
Belle hated the drops. They hurt like hell going in, and she couldn’t see for 18 hours after they put them in. Overnight, hell. They lied to her again.
Veronica said brightly “Okay, pet. Time to go. You’ll have so much fun tonight, and we’ll have so much fun watching you”
Belle hung her head and nodded. “Oui, Maitresse, Thank you”
Harris and Veronica escorted their charge to the limousine. The bodyguards looked with lust at the young girl as she was ushered into the car.
“That is one nice piece of ass” thought the larger of the two bodyguards. It was the last thought he would have in this world. An arrow pierced his skull and exited his left eye. A second later, the next bodyguard was down, an arrow passing cleanly through his neck.
“What in the hell is going on?” muttered Harris, not realizing the guards were dead.
“Come on Harris, Get them going! We’re going to be late for the gathering!” Veronica whined.
Harris made an exasperated sigh. “I’ll see what’s going on, Veronica” He got out of the back seat, moving toward the front of the vehicle. Then Veronica and Belle heard, “What the fuck?” This was followed by a sick thump, followed by Harris’ head rolling past the door.
Chapter 4
Veronica screamed when she realized what had happened. Belle flinched and curled into a ball, unable to see anything.
A masked figure swung into the door’s opening. “Hello, ladies. Veronica, you come with me. This petit will stay here in the car, where it’s warm. Bon, petit fille?”
“Oui, monsieur” came the quiet reply.
Veronica was astonished “How did you know she spoke French?”
“Don’t worry about it. We need to talk. Inside, if you please”
After they entered the house he could see that Veronica was edging toward the panic button. With one swift motion, one of the Desert Eagles was out and a round was placed into the alarm pad. Veronica jumped and screamed as the gun discharged.
“That takes care of that. Now, for the big question, if you’re ready. I know that young lady in the car is, or was, Brian Kalisek. What I don’t know is how you did it, and what needs to be done to undo it. Consider your answer carefully, Veronica. I won’t ask again”
Veronica was petrified. He knew everything. How? She had no doubt he would kill her if she didn’t answer correctly. “It’s true. We kidnapped him to satisfy an order for a transformee for an overseas client”
Cerberus spoke in an impassive voice. “So, nearly getting busted for the same thing back east wasn’t a wakeup call, eh? Couldn’t resist screwing up more kids? And for what? A few measly dollars? Do you even know how unimportant that shit is? Don’t you know what lies beyond that which you can see?”
She was confused now. This guy was crazy. “w-what do you mean?”
Cerberus knew he was wasting his time. “Okay, Veronica, this is what you must do to live. Log on to your bank account in the Caymans or whatever offshore location you keep it, and type in your account number” Veronica hesitated. “Now, please. Your life depends on it. Ask your husband if I won’t kill you. I can bring his head in if you like”
That was motivation enough. She hadn’t expected to be caught. There was nothing tying them to the abductions. It was perfect. Perfect! How had it gone wrong?
“Excellent, Veronica. Balance, please?” Veronica typed in the information required.
“My, my, Veronica, you have been busy, haven’t you. Twenty one point six million. Euros! That’s what, thirty million US? Very good. One moment please” Cerberus inserted a flash drive which ran a program to transfer the money in that account to one he set up for just such an eventuality. In a moment it was done. The screen hadn’t changed, and Veronica thought that the money was still there. It wasn’t. And soon, she wouldn’t need it
“Okay, Veronica. What do we do about the young girl in the limo?”
“The changes are permanent. I found a magic talisman that enables us to transform male to female. The changes are slow, and at the end of the transition, the boy will be quite thoroughly female. Biologically, down to the DNA. She also doesn’t remember who she was, at least on a conscious level”
“Interesting. What about the language?”
“A mind control program, magically enhanced. My cousin, Moira, is a magic user, and installed it in Belle’s mind. She can understand English, but can only speak it with difficulty”
“You are one sick fuck, you know that? Absolutely bat shit. So these changes are permanent as well?”
“She could possibly be re-taught to speak English, but will probably always have an severe accent. Look, the customer wanted it. He’s got some crazy obsession with fairy tale princesses”
“I’ll find out who he is. He’ll pay too. Where is this Talisman”
“In the safe”
“Get it, please”
She went to the safe in the wall next to the computer. After she punched in the combination, she opened the safe and tossed the talisman to Cerberus, who caught it, and placed it in a pocket. “There, are you happy?”
“Not yet” he replied laconically.
Veronica was thinking that she might just get out of this after all. Harris dying was unfortunate, but she could find another to share her appetites. “So, can I keep the girl? You’ve got what you came for, I’m sure”
“Almost. You see, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Cerberus. You’ve heard of me, haven’t you? The guardian of the Underworld? The hound of hell? Well, that’s me. Tell me. Do you wonder why I wear the mask?”
Veronica was becoming more frightened by the moment. This clown had an agenda. That made him dangerous.
“No one who sees my face can live. I used to be like everyone else, until people not unlike you robbed me of everything. I died that day. That day, I became what you fear most. I am the shadow you see out of the corner of your eye. The presence you can’t quite see. Look at my face, Veronica. This is what evil does to those it infects”
He pulled his mask off. The face that stared back at Veronica caused her to recoil in terror. Burned beyond recognition, a face closer to a charred skull stared back. Burned flesh hung in places to the bone. Lipless teeth grinned. In place of eyes, flaming holes burned. Veronica screamed.
Refitting the hood to his face, he quietly commented, almost matter of factly “You’ve seen me, Veronica. Tell the Ferryman I sent you”
In one motion, he pulled the sword out of its scabbard on his back, and severed Veronica’s head. Spinning again, he cut her in two at the waist. He placed two gold coins in the lifeless sockets of Veronica’s eyes. Gold meant nothing to him. Wealth was like so much air. He had all the wealth that his master had, and it meant nothing.
He proceeded to download her computer drive to his portable flash drive. The people at the government agency tasked to this might be able to help those sold. Maybe. If they couldn’t, then he would. He set the thermite charges. Then he turned on the gas. 20 minutes from now, there would be a nice little explosion. He and Belle would be long gone.
After everything was set. Cerberus opened the door to the limo. Brian, or Belle, was sitting as he left her. Her hands on her lap, sitting like a proper lady. She was staring straight ahead, clearly frightened. He spoke to her in French.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes, sir. Are you a friend? You won’t hurt me like everyone else, will you?”
“No, I won’t, chere. I have taken care of the two who took you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir. May I go home now?” A tear rolled down her face. “Can I see my Mama and Daddy now? The mistress said I had no one, But I remember my Mama and Daddy. Do they miss me?”
Cerberus didn’t feel much in the way of emotions, at least not in the way most do. The fire that put him in his current situation had cauterized his emotions. But the quiet dignity of this girl touched him. “They miss you very much. Do you remember who you are?”
She shook her head. “No sir, I don’t. I think I used to be a boy, but I don’t remember my name”
“That’s okay, Belle. I know you can’t see right now, but don’t worry. I’m taking you away. There’s going to be some fireworks later, and we don’t want to be around when they go, okay?”
“Yes, sir”
She smiled; a pretty smile that Cerberus was sure hadn’t been used much. He pulled out in the limo, and headed to his warehouse. Kevin would be the one to handle this from here. Cerberus would retreat to the shadows, pursuing the ones he had pulled off of the Duncan’s hard drive. He texted Kevin to meet him at the warehouse.
These people had pissed Cerberus off. He decided to make a little stop before he dropped the girl off. He made his way to the location of the party. He had a little gift for the guests.
The location was at a small building in South Dallas. It was close to the Trinity River, and had been abandoned since some floods a few years back. It was only about ten thousand square feet. There were about twenty five cars in the small lot. They were clearly eager for the guest of honor. Tonight, the guest of honor would be Cerberus.
Two guards were at the door, clearly some rented muscle from one of the Hispanic gangs. He strode up to them.
“Hey, ese. No entrada sin invitation” Cerberus dispatched them with two strokes of his katana, then quietly walked through the door. He closed and locked it behind him.
“May I have your attention please!” The people in the room fell silent, as unknown to them, he actually spoke to all telepathically. They all heard him clearly.
“The Main Attraction has been cancelled tonight, but I am pleased to announce that alternate entertainment has been found. He paused for effect. “I, my friends am Cerberus, the Guardian of the Underworld and I am here to send you to my home. Hell”
The few minutes that followed were unbridled carnage. He either shot or cut to pieces every soul that was there to do harm.
He found one small girl that was the captive of one of the “guests” there. He saw her, cowering in a corner. "Who are you with?" She trembled and pointed to a man whose head was no longer attached. He found the keys to the man's car.Tossing her the keys, he said, “Go. Find your family. They want you back” She ran, too terrified to speak.
When he left, not a soul was left alive. Twenty nine men were dead, and Cerberus felt nothing more than if he had kicked an ant mound.
When Kevin got to the warehouse, the limo was already there. He opened the back door, as Cerberus had instructed in his message. He saw Belle, sitting in her little fetish outfit, staring straight ahead. Remembering his French, Kevin spoke.
She looked blindly in his direction. “Yes, sir?”
“Please, Belle, call me Kevin”
“But the mistress will punish me if I fail to show respect”
“The bitch you call mistress will never trouble you again. Do you understand? Cerberus took care of her and her husband. Remember that. When the police ask you. You tell them Cerberus did it”
“Who is he? My friend from the car ride?”
Kevin smiled. “Yes, him. Honey, you’re free now. I’m going to take you to the police, and I’m going to call your parents. They are very worried about you. Now come on out here and we’ll get you some better clothes to wear”
Belle began to draw up into a ball, as she tended to do when she was unsure or scared. “Please, don’t lie to me. I don’t want to be punished again. I can’t see you, I don’t know…”
“Belle, I am not lying to you. I can’t, and I wouldn’t lie to you. Not now, not ever” Kevin reached to Belle. “Over here”
Belle slid over to the waiting arms of Kevin. He pulled her out, surprised at how light she was. She whispered in his ear. “I-I’m free?”
“Yes Belle, now and forever”
Belle's recovery begins
Chapter 5
Belle collapsed into tears. Kevin just held her, his eyes brimming as well. This made what he did worth the sacrifice.
An hour later, Belle was changed into pink sweatpants that she chose and a white tee. Kevin had given her a mild sedative that would help her sleep. She looked like an angel lying there, at peace for the first time in almost two years. The warehouse, better called a safe house was equipped for this type of rescue, with a limited supply of generic female clothing. It was just a halfway house. Belle was blind for who knows how long, so he wasn’t worried about her seeing something she shouldn’t.
He made his first call to the police. He asked for Detective Alex Larmer, the detective of record on the Kalisek kidnapping. Alex answered. “Larmer”
“Alex? Kevin Howard. I’ve got some good news. Cerberus broke the Kalisek case. I’ve got the child now”
“Cerberus? That crazy bastard? When will he learn to stay out of my cases! The department just got a call from someone claiming to be him about a massacre in South Dallas we’re checking out now”
“I guess he’ll quit when you learn to solve them without his help, Alex. Look, let’s just be thankful he’s back. This is bad, okay? The Kalisek kid is alive, but you need to get over here now. You’ll get the credit for finding the kid. I don’t care about that, but there’s been a complication. Meet me at my apartment, okay? And please, Alex. Just you, okay. I don’t know how to handle this”
Kevin was right about one thing, Alex thought. At least the kid was back. “Okay, Kev. I remember where you live. One hour?”
“Good enough. Thanks, Alex. This kid has been through hell”
Nearly an hour later, Alex was knocking at Kevin’s door. Kevin answered, holding a beer. He was watching the news, with the latest story a mass murder in a small abandoned building along the Trinity.
Thanks for meeting me like this, Alex. Beer?”
“No thanks, Kev. Still on duty. Where’s the kid”
“Sleeping. I want to show you something first. Just so you know I’m not nuts. Cerberus downloaded this at the home of Harris and Veronica Duncan this morning. About thirty minutes before he blew the whole mess straight to hell.
“The explosion in Highland Park?”
“Yep. Good luck proving he did it though. That and finding him”
Alex sighed. “You’re probably right. So, what am I supposed to be looking at?”
“Let me run the program. The first photo that came up was a picture of an unconscious Brian Kalisek. The program was a slideshow that showed Brian has he changed from the boy they recognized; to a girl they did not.
Alex whistled in disbelief. “What the hell was that, some kind of morphing program? Planning some plastic surgery?”
“Son, they changed the kid into a *girl*. No tricks, no bullshit. There’s more info that you can have. It’s all on this thumb drive. Take it. Cerberus wanted you to have it. They kept very good records. I wouldn’t be surprised if even the fingerprints are different.”
“You’re sure about this, Kevin?”
“Alex, I’d bet my life on it.” He shook his head. “There’s more, Alex. They messed with the kid’s head. The kid speaks French now. She can barely speak English. She doesn’t remember who she was. It’s a fucked up mess, Alex”
“Son of a bitch! I’ve heard of this happening before, back east. Turned kids into she males or something. Dammit! Why can’t these crazy fucks just die! Messing with kids is wrong.”
Well…now that you mention it, I don’t suppose either of the Duncans will be showing up on the hot sheets again.
“Well, he did us a favor after looking at this shit. Sexual abuse also, I suppose”
“The worst. I personally witnessed it at a “party” they gave”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “How?”
“C’mon, Alex. You know me better than that. I was working undercover for Cerberus and Pluton Security. That’s how he got involved. If I had been carrying my piece though, I’d have killed every son of a bitch in the place. Alex, I’ll never get that out of my head. It was like throwing a kitten into a pack of wild dogs” Kevin choked on the last statement. Alex knew Kevin was telling the truth. “Somehow, she healed. I can’t explain how or why, but there’s not a mark on her. There’s a video showing it on the drive, but I’ll never watch it again. It’s yours, with my compliments. Evidence, for whatever good it will do. There won’t be a trial.”
Alex nodded grimly. “Well, I suppose I should see him”
“Her, Alex. One look and you’ll understand. And please, be quiet. Let her sleep for now”
Alex cracked the door. Lying on the bed was one of the most beautiful women he had seen in his life. She looked peaceful, and he couldn’t bear to wake her. He closed the door quietly and turned to Kevin. “Her. Definitely her. I need to call this in, Kev” He blew a loud sigh. “I’m off duty for the next ten. Do you have anything stronger than beer?”
“Scotch, and be my guest” He had to laugh at a pun that only he got. Belle was in his bed, and he just asked someone to be his guest.
“You need to get her up, Kev. The Captain will be here directly”
“Okay, I’ll wake her when he gets here”
Thirty minutes later, Kevin sat on the corner of the bed. He spoke to Belle gently in French. “Belle? Time to get up sweetheart”
Belle yawned, and then started awake. She sat bolt upright in the bed. “Mistress! Forgive me! I just overslept a little” she rubbed her eyes. “Why can’t I see?”
“Belle! It’s Kevin, remember? Mistress isn’t alive anymore!”
Belle relaxed somewhat. “Sorry, Kevin. I won’t be able to see anything for another few hours. I was just scared. I think I’m okay now”
“There is a police officer here to see you, Belle. He is going to make sure you get to your Mama and Daddy. Is that okay?”
Belle felt for Kevin’s hand. “You won’t leave me, will you? I’m too scared to go by myself. What if they try to take me back?”
“It’s all right, kid. I’ll stay with you until you are ready for me to go”
“Okay. Umm, I have to go to the toilet. Can you take me there?”
“Sure. When you’re done, I’ll point you to the shower if you want to take one”
“Ohh, that would be wonderful! Thank you, Kevin! I’d like that very much”
Kevin left the bathroom to get Belle one of his robes, a towel and one of his spare toothbrushes. He went back into the front room. “Alex, she’s going to get cleaned up. Your boss is going to have to wait”
“I wouldn’t have expected any different, Kev” Alex smiled. I told the Cap to give us an hour.
“Kevin?” Belle was standing at the door completely naked. “I need a towel, please”
Alex cleared his throat and turned around. “I don’t need to see this, Kev”
Kevin ran over to Belle and threw a robe around her. “Uhh, Belle, you need to keep your clothes on around here, kid”
“But I am not allowed to get dressed until I’m told what to wear”
“New rules, Belle. You need to be dressed for me to see you”
“But I didn’t know where my clothes were. Did I make a mistake?” She was starting to panic.
“No, kid, I did. I forgot you couldn’t see. I was looking for some stuff for you to put on after your shower. My fault entirely”
Belle didn’t look like she understood the concept of someone besides her making a mistake. She cocked her head to the side.“Okay?”
“Okay, kid. No problem. It’s just that it makes us uncomfortable to see you without your clothes on for reasons you may not understand right now, but will in the future”
Belle smiled, then turned and walked gingerly into the bathroom. The shower started not long after that. While she was in the shower, Kevin brought in her towel, toothbrush and clothes. Her sweatpants and sweatjacket were leftovers from yesterday, but he remembered a fresh pair of underwear and a sports bra.
“Belle, all of your clothes are on the counter. You should be able to get dressed without too much trouble. Your underwear is on top”
“Bon, Kevin, Merci”
Kevin thumped his head. “Oh, sorry. I know you have trouble with English”
‘C'est bien, Kevin. Je n'ai que mal á parler, ne pas le comprendre’
Alex heard them talking. “What did she say?”
“Just that she didn’t have trouble understanding English, just speaking it”
“Good. That will make questioning go a lot faster. What the hell is up with her eyes? She looks like a zombie!”
“I don’t know, something temporary they did to keep her from seeing where they were going, and to keep her under control while they were out”
“By the way, how did you learn French, Kev?”
“I grew up in Quebec. You learn French there or else, they get really snippy. Francophones are really good at snippy”
Alex chuckled. “I guess that’s true”
Belle finished with her shower and found the items Kevin had laid out for her. When she came out of Kevin’s bedroom, her hair was brushed and in a braid. She was in her pink sweatpants and tee from last night. She did put on the bra, which Alex was thankful for. He didn’t need to be overly exposed to a sixteen year old sex bomb right now.
“How did you learn how to do that, Belle? Without being able to see?” asked Kevin.
Belle smiled. She replied slowly in English. “Oh Keveen, I did… learn…. how to… take care of…myself, you know!”
“Hey! That wasn’t half bad, kid. You’ll get the hang of this English in no time. Good job!”
Belle loved the compliment. Her blush betrayed her feelings. It had been so long since anyone had been nice to her. She liked the feeling.
“Thank you, Kevin. It is sooo difficult right now. I am much more comfortable speaking French right now. They did something to my mind, I’m sure of it”
“I understand. I’ll keep speaking in English and you can keep speaking French if that’s more comfortable for you”
Kevin helped belle to a seat in his La-z-Boy. “Belle, There is a man with me. He’s a detective with the Dallas police department. His name is Alex. He’ll be asking you a few questions.
Belle’s eyes began to tear up. Kevin rushed to her side. “Is everything okay, Belle?”
“You mean I never left Dallas? I didn’t know. I thought I was in France or something. They never left Dallas?”
“No, they didn’t. I’m sorry, I should have told you. I never realized that you didn’t know”
“I’m sorry Kevin, It’s all a bit much right now.” She began to break down. “Please, I need to see my parents”
Kevin held her. “Belle. Please understand. I want that for you more than anything. But you need to understand something. You have changed. You parents need to be prepared for you too. They love you, and they will need to deal with what has happened to you as well. I promise that you will be with them as soon as is humanly possible”
“You promise?”
“On my life”
He handed her a tissue, which she used to dab at her eyes. “Okay, Kevin. I trust you”
“What was that all about, Kev?”
“She’s feeling a bit vulnerable, Alex. She wants to see her mom and dad. I promised her that we’d get her to them as soon as was humanly possible. She also didn’t know she never left Dallas”
Alex shook his head. “Wow. I need to learn another language”
Alex’s Captain knocked on the door. He was all business, and very terse. “All right Larmer, Where’s the kid?”
“Right here, boss” He pointed to the small, pretty girl sitting next to Kevin Howard. She looked like she was holding on to Kevin for dear life.
Franklin rolled his eyes. “All right Alex. Cut the shit. Where’s the boy?”
“Right there, boss. I told you there was a problem”
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Ahhh, fuck! Why did this happen on my shift?”
Chapter 6
Kevin spoke up. “Hey Cap. You’re scaring the poor kid to death. Can’t you see that?” Belle was hanging on to Kevin and her head was buried in his shoulder.
Suddenly Captain Franklin felt like an ass. In a softer voice, he looked at Alex. “Sorry. I didn’t realize what I was doing. This is way outside my pay grade, guys. We need to get some specialists involved. And we need to get the kid’s folks notified. They’ve been wearing me out ever since this went down. I can’t blame them. I’d have been all over it if he was my kid too”
He kneeled down front of Belle. She looked at him with fear and a few tears in her eyes. Franklin now REALLY felt like an ass.
“Brian? I’m Captain Franklin. Sorry about all the yelling earlier, okay?”
‘Je m'appelle n'est pas Brian, monsieur. C'est Belle’
Captain Franklin’s eyes widened. He looked at Alex and quietly said. “Is this a joke?”
Alex shook his head. “No sir, it isn’t”
Franklin hooked his thumb towards the door. “In the hall, Alex. We need to talk”
“I agree, sir”
The two officers were in the hall for several minutes, discussing what they should do, and who should be called in to confer on this case. The Duncans would not be standing trial, and their house was scattered over the better part of an acre. There was nothing to prosecute. There was the issue of a very scared and damaged young lady to reunite with her parents.
The Captain was sure why Cerberus did what he did. First of all, the Duncans had violated his first rule. Don’t fuck with kids. Second, and only slightly less important, don’t fuck with kids where he can get to you. No trial, to evidence to drag the poor girl through. No defense attorneys saying she asked to be brainwashed and raped. Asking her to relive the torture.
Franklin had to hand it to him, whoever he was, he left things clean. He also did the city a big favor. No trial expense.
“Cap, the kid is very attached to Howard. He’s keeping her calm, and I don’t know how. I really think it’s better that he stays with her for now”
The two officers walked back in to Kevin’s apartment. “Okay, Kev” announced Alex. You’re with us for the time being”
Franklin added, “DCFS is going to want to stick their fat nose into this, which will probably screw this mess to the ceiling, but the kid trusts you, and with you she shall stay until we can bring her folks up to speed. Copy?”
“Copy, Cap”
‘Je reste avec vous, Kevin?’(I can stay with you ?)
‘Oui, mademoiselle’
She smiled. “Bon!”
Marta Kalisek was taking care of the vacuuming when the phone rang. Since Brian had disappeared, housework was her way of coping. The house was spotless. Marta wanted it to be perfect when Brian came back. And he would come back. He had to come back. It was late, and the work took her mind off things before bed, wher she might sleep three hours. The grey starting to streak her dark brown hair was testament to the stress she had endured for the last twenty two months.
“Hello, Mrs. Kalisek?”
“Yes? Can I help you?”
“This is Captain Ted Franklin from DPD. Is your husband there also?”
“No, he’s at work right now. He’s taking care of a few things”
“Call him. We have some news about Brian. Good news”
Marta burst into tears. “What! Oh my god! You’ve found him? Is he okay? Where is he” We need to see him”
“Mrs. Kalisek, it’s not that simple. He’s been through a lot. We need to get together with you and your husband and talk”
“I’ll get right on that, as soon as I get off the phone with you. Can I at least talk to him?”
“He’s not really up to that now, ma’am. He’s in the hospital”
“I thought you said he was okay?”
“He is. This is just precautionary, and standard procedure. I can say he’s a little malnourished”
Marta could barely speak. “Oh, thank you Captain” she managed to choke out. “Thank you! I know we’ve been a pain, but Brian is our only child and…”
“It was no bother, ma’am. No apologies needed. But we do need to talk. Call your husband, and get to Children’s Hospital. There are some things we need to discuss”
“I don’t understand, Captain. Is everything else okay?”
“Your child is reasonably healthy as far as I can tell . But we need to go over some things related to long term kidnappings”
“Oh. You mean mental problems?”
“Something like that. We will meet you at the hospital. Call your husband, your child needs you more than ever”
“Okay, Captain, and thank you”
Marta called her husband Bob at his plant. She gave him the good news and he was on his way home within thirty seconds of her call to pick her up and head to the hospital.
They were met at the main entrance by three people. Two were obviously detectives and the third was a woman in a lab coat.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Kalisek. I’m Ted Franklin, and this is Detective Larmer, who broke the case. This is Dr. Samantha Brooks, who is consulting on this case. She’ll fill you in on the particulars”
“What do you mean?” asked Marta. “Is Brian okay? Please. I want to see my son!”
Samantha was carrying an iPod. “Please, Mr. and Mrs. Kalisek, come with me to someplace a little more private. I have an office reserved for us on the third floor.
After a trip up the elevator, they settled in to the office. Samantha was careful to sit on the sofa with Marta and Bob. She turned on the tablet. “This data was recovered where Brian was being held. You need to watch this, and we need to talk after you see it. Brian’s very survival depends on your reaction. It is that critical”
Bob raised an eyebrow as he exchanged glances with his wife. “Okay, Doc. We’re on board. What’s the big deal?”
Samantha continued. “No matter what you see, rest assured this is NOT a joke. This was recovered in a special operation of the DPD, and is for your eyes only. Is this clear?”
Marta squeezed her husband’s had tighter. “You’re scaring us, Doctor. What is going on?”
“Watch the screen”
For the next five minutes, the Kalisek’s watched pictures of their son slowly being changed into a girl they didn’t recognize. Marta was beside herself, crying into her husband’s shoulder. Bob was seething.
Bob pounded his fist into the table. “This can’t be true! It can’t! That isn’t my son!”
Samantha replied sympathetically. “In a way you’re right, Mr. Kalisek. Brian was changed, body and mind. He was brainwashed and abused almost beyond description. I have seen the recordings, and I was shocked. I have spoken with her. She is a very intelligent lovely young woman. She goes by Belle now. It was the name her kidnappers gave her. I asked her if she wants to change it, and she said ‘it’s not allowed’, so, it’s Belle Marie until we can figure out a way to get her to change it. I asked her what kept her going, and she said she remembered her mama. She described you, Mrs. Kalisek. She remembered you. Even after the torture, the brainwashing, the assaults. She held on to her sanity by thinking of you and her father”
“Oh, God. What did they do to my baby?” She paused, collecting herself. “And please, call me Marta”
“Plenty, Marta. There’s much more. The change your daughter is going through is not purely cosmetic. Somehow they have managed to change her down to her DNA. The tests are not complete yet, and won’t be for about forty eight hours, but we suspect she is in the process, nearly complete of changing into a genetic, fully functioning female”
Marta gasped “She is fully female? But how? That’s not possible. Is it?”
“It is, apparently. I wish we knew how, Marta, and further testing I suspect will confirm our diagnosis. She is healthy, which is surprising, but she is a little malnourished she’s not quite 20 pounds under what we would consider healthy for a girl her age.”
“I don’t care. Boy or girl, She’s my child!”
Bob was silent. He was taking it all in.
“Yes and no, Marta. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I want to give you all the information I have. We are going to be doing DNA testing on you, your husband and your daughter. I wouldn’t be surprised if, genetically speaking, Belle turned out to be nothing more than a distant cousin, genetically. But that’s a worst case scenario. Emotionally, she is as dependent on you as ever. More so, in fact”
Bob looked down at the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists. Marta just gasped. “What else?” she asked.
Belle was subjected to some very advanced mind programming. She was due to be sold to a man in India to be a sex slave. He paid for them to program her to speak French as her first language. She understands English, but it is very difficult right now for her to speak it. This bit of programming was particularly cruel. Changing her language changed the way she thinks at some level. She will probably never be fluent in English again” Samantha sighed a little. “We did a cat scan and will be doing a pet scan. What we are seeing is not dissimilar to a condition called aphasia. Her brain seems to misfire when she tries to speak English.
Bob spoke softly. “My God. That poor child. What is going right for her?”
Samantha brightened. “I’m glad you asked. I wasn’t lying before. She is bright, intelligent, and a very sweet girl. She is very polite. She is a bit high strung after all of the abuse she suffered. I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to live at home after all of this, but that’s just a preliminary opinion. She is very strong but is also very damaged. There is a very good school for girls like her back east, but that’s a decision you’ll have to make”
Marta’s face was set. She looked at Bob, and he agreed. They wanted their child, boy or girl. This was a test of their love, nothing more. “We are NOT sending Brian away. We just got him…her back. She is, Brian or Belle, OUR child”
Bob spoke quietly. “Let’s go see our daughter”
Kevin was in the hospital room with Belle. They allowed her a nightgown instead of the standard issue hospital gown. Kevin had bought it with some help from one of the nurses. Belle loved pink, and the gown was pink. She spent her time chatting with Kevin when they weren’t poking and prodding her. Her genitals were almost completely rearranged, and she giggled when the doctors couldn’t tell her why it was happening. They looked so silly stumbling and stuttering. English was such a funny language, she thought.
Belle had been controlled for so long that she wanted to talk all of the time. What had happened while she was gone, what the latest fashions were, who was dating who. She chattered to herself when no one was around. She spent all her time on E! or Lifetime or some other estrogen soaked channel.
Kevin knew this was programmed in to her. She was programmed to be a girl. He also knew that there would be a crash. He just hoped she survived it.
Marta and Bob met with Kevin and Sam in a conference room. They needed to talk before Meeting Belle for the first time. Kevin introduced himself.
“Bob, Marta” Kevin began. “Belle is looking forward to seeing you very much. I haven’t said anything to her, as I wanted it to be a surprise. She will probably be very difficult to communicate with at first. When she is emotional, she really can’t speak English at all. She can speak a little when she’s calm. I hope that will get better, regardless of what the Docs think. She’s tough, way tougher than the bastards who did this to her thought. Hang on to that. There will be ups and downs. Remember her love for her parents carried her through torture that would have killed the toughest soldier on earth. Are you ready? Let’s go see her”
Kevin knocked on Belles, door. “Oui?” came the reply.
As Kevin entered, he told belle he had a surprise for her. “Come in” He called.
Chapter 7
Bob and Marta entered her room. Belle’s hands flew up to her mouth, and tears began to fall. “M-mama? Daddy?” They rushed to Belle’s bedside in a crushing hug. Samantha and Kevin left the room and quietly closed the door.
Sam looked at Kevin, who was wiping his eyes with his hands. She smiled, because she was doing the same thing. “Why are you crying, tough guy?”
Kevin looked down at the floor. “You saw the recording of the ‘party’?” she nodded. “I was there. That kid deserves a happy life after what I saw” he smiled sadly “And I ain’t that tough”
Sam leaned over to Kevin and hugged him. The big man just cried.
The door opened and Bob called out with a smile on his face. Our girl wants to tell us something, but I can’t understand a word she says. Help!
Kevin entered the room, and saw Belle just hammering her folks in French. She was clearly frustrated.
Kevin! Dieu merci, vous áªtes ici! Je ne peux pas penser en anglais dá¨s maintenant! Dis maman et papa que je suis si heureux de les voir! She was speaking almost faster than Kevin could understand.
“She says she is too excited to think in English right now, but she is very happy to see you”
Belle was on her knees in her bed, bouncing with excitement.
"Dites leur qu'ils ne m'a pas lá¢ché quand j'ai pensé que j'allais mourir"
“She said you kept her going when she thought she was going to die”
"Dites-leur que je suis reconnaissante qu'ils m'aiment máªme si je ne suis pas leur petit garçon pas plus"
“She also says that she is thankful you love her as a girl, not as a boy”
Marta was in tears again. “She is my daughter no matter what”
Kevin smiled “Marta, She understands you”
Marta looked at Belle and she was holding up “I love you” in sign language. Marta and Bob hugged their child again. They had taught Brian that as a little boy.
"Kevin, leur dire que je ne peux pas attendre de rentrer chez eux! S'il vous plaá®t dites-leur de redécorer, et que j'aime le rose!"
“She also can’t wait to go home. She also said you need to plan on redecorating, and that she loves pink!”
They all laughed at that.
Belle acted as if she remembered something. “Mama et Daddy, vous avez besoin pour un français de réserver l'anglais! Kevin ne peut pas vivre avec nous, mais il est trá¨s mignon!" Belle giggled and blushed.
Her parents looked to Kevin for the translation. He didn’t know what to say. She uh says that you need to get a book to translate French to English so you can understand what she is saying. And I can’t live with you.
Belle smiled and looked at Kevin. “This…is not all…I say to Kevin. I say he…not stay but he is…cute!”
Kevin was stunned. “Hey! Wait a minute! What do you need me for!
That brought the room down. Bob wasn’t quite sure what to say, but Marta told Belle she was terrible! Belle held her hands to her mouth in a feminine gesture of glee mixed with embarrassment. She laughed, a wonderful, musical laugh. Kevin thought she might be okay after all.
Kevin smiled. “Well, I think our girl might be okay to talk now. I’m sure y’all would like some time alone” Sam and I will go now. I’ll be back in the morning, Belle, if you want me to”
“Yes, Kevin, I…want. Come, please? I have…somesing tell you”
Kevin strode over to Belle’s bedside. She hugged him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and whispered in his ear. “Je t’aime, Kevin. And thank you!”
Kevin was shocked. Did she just say what he thought she said? She just said she loved him! She was ten years younger than he was, no matter what she looked like. His life just got more complicated.
Marta was sitting by Belle’s bed reading. She had the television on at low volume. One of the things that hadn’t changed from when Brian was a baby was that Belle seemed to sleep better when there was a little noise in the room. Her ears perked up a little when she happened to notice a reporter standing in front of the hospital. In the corner of the screen, an old picture of Brian, released shortly after the kidnapping appeared. She listened closer to the broadcast.
“…sources inside the police have indicated that Brian Kalisek, kidnapped nearly two years ago, has been recovered. There are rumors, unconfirmed, that the kidnappers, alleged to be Veronica and Harris Duncan of Highland Park, submitted the boy to experiments of some sort. Confidential sources in the hospital have indicated that the boy seems has been feminized to a certain degree. More on this story as it develops. For Newschannel 3, this is Gary King reporting”
Marta was furious. How dare someone at the hospital release information about Belle. She stepped out of the room. Not knowing where to go or what to do, she paced back and forth. She didn’t want to leave her daughter to wake up in an empty room. She turned and walked back in, frustrated.
She stood over her sleeping child. “I’m sorry, honey. I had hoped this wouldn’t happen”
“I knew it would” the low, rough voice echoed in the room. “It was bound to. No one can keep a secret like this. If it’s any consolation, I dealt with the source of the leak”
Marta whirled about. Behind her, with his back turned to her, looking out the window was a figure dressed in what looked like black leather, a sword on his back, and two large handguns on either hip. Marta was frightened, but not panicky. She somehow knew that this man meant no harm.
“W-who are you?”
He spoke quietly, without turning around. “A friend”
“Do I know you?”
“No. I found Belle and got her out of her…situation”
“But I thought the Police…”
She heard him chuckle. “That’s not surprising. But it’s all right with me. They can have all of the credit they want. I don’t do this for credit. The people who do these things know me, and what I do, and that’s all that matters”
“Thank you for what you did” she eased closer to the figure and touched him on the shoulder. “You brought my baby back”
“Not soon enough. I wasn’t able to save your son” He turned to face her. She gasped, as she saw he was masked. Two mirrored lenses, and that was it. The rest was covered. “You don’t need to be afraid of me. I just came to give you this”
He handed her a thumb drive and some paperwork in a sealed manila envelope. “This will help with expenses you will encounter in the future. It’s a bank account that has been set up for your family. I know you are good people who will take care of Belle. There’s enough there to give you a good start, and then some. Don’t worry about the taxes. I’ve got someone taking care of that too. You take that paperwork to the address on the envelope. Everything will be explained to you then”
“I-I can’t thank you enough, Mr…”
He shook his head “Not necessary. My name, if you need one, is Cerberus. Belle has already met me. Things are going to get complicated in the next few days. My advice is to hit it head on. Don’t hide from it. You have done nothing wrong. Just make sure they report the truth”
“What do you mean?”
“That reporter was only the beginning. There’ll be others, who won’t be content to just report from the steps. Do yourself a favor. Hire a PR person to handle the mess that’s coming”
“We don’t have the money for that!”
“Yes you do. Trust me”
A small voice spoke “Monsieur Cerberus?”
“Oui, chere”
“Thank you for coming to visit me. Wow! You’re really cool looking! I can see you now.”
“Thank you” he spoke gently. “You know, chere, I was talking to your mother, you know. It’s not polite to listen in on other people’s conversations”
Belle yawned. “I know…It’s none of my business”
Marta, her head cocked, was trying to understand the French dialogue. “Um, guys, I can’t understand you, you know”
Belle smiled at her mother. “Is…okay, mama. He…is…good man. He…ummm…help me”
Marta smiled and sat down next to Belle, stroking her hair. “I know, honey. He’s been here for a little bit”
“Okay, mama. Good bye, my friend. I-I soo sleepy” She was out again in moments.
“They gave her some sedatives to help her sleep. I’m surprised she was able to wake up at all”
“She’ll be okay. I have to go now. Have a good life…you deserve it”
Marta turned briefly to Belle to move the hair out of her face. When she turned around, Cerberus was gone. She looked in the envelope. There were a bunch of legal papers. One, however, caught her eye. It was a bank statement. There, in Belle’s name, with her parents as executors, was a bank account in the amount of eight million dollars. She began to shake, and she dropped the envelope.
Later, Bob entered the room and saw Marta crying. “What’s the problem, honey?”
She handed the envelope to her husband. He read it, going through all of the contents and his eyes got big. “Is this a joke?”
Dabbing her eyes, she responded “No, it isn’t”
She told Bob the story of the day’s events. “I called the person on the card that was included in the envelope. It’s genuine”
The next couple of days were hectic. Marta and Bob found out about the account and how to manage it. The financial advisor that was working with them was selected by Cerberus himself. A man of impeccable credentials, he had already set up several accounts, and hired a public relations firm to handle any media requests that arose.
More information leaks made it out of the hospital. More and more media outlets were picking up on the story. The boy had been found, but had been changed into a girl. The boy was a she male. Other more ridiculous stories popped up in the supermarket tabloids.
The public relations person they hired was Gloria Morton, who had twenty five years of experience in the business, and was well known for the protection of her clients. She was also fluent in French, which was a necessity.
Her first visit with Belle was three days after the first story broke. Belle was still in her bed, as the doctors were still waiting for her final changes to manifest. She was effectively sexless now, at least externally. Belle had been complaining of sharp pains between her legs, so the change, doctors surmised couldn’t be far away.
It was ten o’clock am when Gloria first greeted the Kaliseks. “Hello, folks. I hope I’m not intruding. I wanted to get an early start”
“Not at all, Gloria, we’ve been expecting you”
Chapter 8
“And this must be Belle? My, but you are a pretty one, Belle! You are well named!”
“Thank you, ma’am. I didn’t pick it, but I am beginning to like it. Besides, it doesn’t matter whether I like it or not. I don’t think I can change it. I think the people who kidnapped me did something to my mind. Every time I think about changing it, I get really sick”
She gave Belle a big hug. “Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. And please call me Gloria. After all, I DO work for you.”
Bob and Marta just watched Belle interact with Gloria. They were glad that Belle had someone to speak to. They knew it was a real challenge for her to speak English, but she did try. Kevin hadn’t been by for a couple of days, as he had picked up a case. He did call every day, and Belle was very animated when she talked to him. It was very evident that she was smitten with the handsome man. Marta resolved to teach her about the “birds and the bees” before they turned her loose on the world.
Marta clapped her hands and sat down. “Okay, mom and dad. I have read what you have sent me about Belle’s rather unique medical situation. This is not without precedent. There is another, an actress, I think who was also was transformed, not by her doing but by accident. She did something similar to what you are doing. Taking control.
“I don’t want that kind of life, Gloria. I just want to be a normal girl. If I have to, I’ll leave the United States and move to…I don’t know, France maybe. I guess I won’t be so out of place there. I don’t want to do that, but I will if I have to”
Gloria was taking notes. “Interesting, Belle. So you see yourself as a girl?”
“Yes, I do. What do you see when you look at me?”
“A girl, a very pretty girl, if you don’t mind me saying”
Belle blushed, and shook her head no.
She looked at Marta. “She does understand English, then. Very good. I know that it’s difficult to follow. She basically told me she just wants to be normal, and if she has to, she’ll move to France to get away”
Marta held Belle’s hand in bother of hers. “We agree, Gloria. Whatever she wants. She didn’t ask for any of this”
As they were talking, the door to their room cracked open. A hand with a digital camera poked in. Gloria caught it out of the corner of her eye. She held her finger to her lips and stood up. She then ran into the door, smashing the arm of the unwanted cameraman. A scream issued in the hall. “Stay in here, guys. Let me handle this”
Gloria pulled the door open, to see a man on his knees holding his arm. “You bitch! My arm’s broken!”
Gloria smirked as she bent down to pick up the camera. “Don’t stick it where it doesn’t belong, moron” She motioned for the nurse. Call security, oh, and a doctor for our friend”
The nurse ran to the station and called for security. The man tried to get up and Gloria calmly pushed him back down with her foot. “Stay right there, big boy. What’s the big idea?”
“TMZ promised ten K for video of the kid”
“You know that would be illegal, don’t you. The “Kid” is underage. Now, you’ve got a broken arm to worry about. I’ve seen the rates this hospital charges. You should have stayed home. I hope you’ve got good insurance”
Security came and a guard escorted the man to the ER. Gloria pointed her finger at the remaining guard and said “no more of this crap. Either find my client a safer room or post a guard. The next time this happens, we go the legal route. My client has been through two years of hell, and we will not take too kindly to any more intrusions. I’ll hang on to the memory card”
“Yes ma’am” The guard replied. “I’ll get Admin on this right away”
Gloria reentered the room to applause. Belle was grinning from ear to ear. “Bravo, Gloria! You can be a real bitch when you want to be! I love it!”
Gloria acted shocked “Belle, you little scamp. Such language from a beautiful girl! You should be ashamed! But thank you! That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard today!” They both broke down in giggles.
“What did she say?” asked Bob.
Belle blushed. “Don’t you DARE tell him, Gloria!”
Gloria was recovering from laughing and said “She was just complimenting my handling of the situation”
Bob, not really getting what was being talked about, nonetheless added “So I’m guessing that is kind of what you do?”
“Sort of, Bob. I guess you could say I am your connection to the media. Any requests for interviews come through me. I bring them to you, and you decide what is appropriate or I decide. Either way, we work together toward what is best for Belle”
Marta added “Well, Gloria, we don’t really know anything about those kinds of things. What if we make a mistake?”
Gloria smiled. “That’s why you hired me. I’m very experienced at dealing with media types. I’m your advocate, and in essence protector from bad publicity. I am a lawyer by trade, Harvard Law, and have experience in both trial and prosecution. I know all of the ins and outs and what can or cannot be done, and I can be an unscrupulous publications worst nightmare”
Belle whistled. “Wow!”
Gloria chuckled. “I guess that’s one word we won’t have to teach her! Seriously, though, I’m very good at what I do. With the retainer I was paid, I will be on board for the long haul. I wanted this job, because as a women’s advocate, I believe what was done to Belle shouldn’t happen to anyone. Forcibly changing an innocent person’s gender like being a woman is some sort of punishment. In truth, I’d have done this for nothing, so being paid is icing on the cake”
“So what can we expect, Gloria?” asked Marta.
“More of the same nonsense you just experienced, unfortunately. Stories like Belle’s are sensational, and media outlets are going to be clamoring for an exclusive. I’ll talk to the ones that will give you a fair interview, without focusing an all of the bad things that happened. The key thing is to listen to my advice. I want what’s best for Belle and you, and my professional reputation is on the line”
Belle thought, then quietly said “I would like someone to tell my story who will focus on all of the other girls like me out there who weren’t as lucky as I was”
Bob and Marta looked to Gloria for the translation. Her eyes shone. “She wants to focus on the girls that weren’t as ‘lucky’ as she was” Gloria reached for a tissue and dabbed her eyes. “How do you mean you were ‘lucky’, Belle?
Belle looked at Gloria, her eyes brimming with tears. “Il ya ceux lá qui n'ont pas été trouvés, Gloria. Ils souffrent encore, et mon cÅ“ur se brise pour eux. Je suppose que je ne pense pas que je vais jamais se sentir complá¨tement libre tant qu'ils sont lá -bas" (There are those out there who haven't been found, Gloria. They are still suffering, and my heart breaks for them. I guess I don’t think I’ll ever feel completely free as long as they are out there)
Belle’s mother rushed to her side. “What did she say? Why is she so upset?”
Gloria was drying her eyes. “She is worried about the ones still hurting, Marta. The ones still in captivity. I guess she is feeling a little ‘survivors’ guilt’. It’s perfectly understandable”
A gentle knock at the door broke the mood. Kevin cracked the door and asked “Anyone home?”
Belle smiled while laying her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Entrez, cutie”
Kevin saw that the women in the room were crying, and Bob was looking a little bit uncomfortable. “Bad timing? I can come back if you’d like”
Belle sat up. “No! Stay! I’ve missed you!”
Kevin held up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay, your majesty! I’m staying! I had a few hours off, so I thought I’d check to see how my favorite girl is doing”
Belle gave him a pout and held her arms out. “Your timing is perfect. I could use a hug from you about now”
Kevin smiled “Okay, kiddo, give us a hug”
Kevin and Belle hugged, and Kevin could feel her tension melt away. She didn’t seem to want to let go.
He looked at Marta questioningly “So what’s been happening?”
“Belle has been feeling a bit low about the ones you couldn’t find, I think. She’s had a good cry, so your timing couldn’t have been better”
“Well, along those lines, from the intelligence Cerberus gathered from the Duncan’s computer, he found the buyers of the previous girls. He’s well on the way to getting them back. The person actually responsible for Belle’s change was captured by the authorities this morning. She had no idea that we were on to her. Someone said she was being turned over to 'the proper authorities' whoever they are”
Belle clapped her hands in happiness. “Good! Very good!”
Kevin broke her hug and held her at arm’s length and looked at her then smiled wide. “Well, well! Very nice, Belle! Been practicing on the English?”
She held her thumb and forefinger apart about an inch. “Maybe…a leetle beet!”
Kevin laughed heartily. “Well, keep it up, Belle! In no time you’ll be talking circles around us all!”
Belle giggled. “Just watch out when I do! You may not like it so much then, Kevin!”
Marta looked at Bob, her arms crossed. “We have GOT to learn French! She is saying way too much that we can’t understand”
“The Rosetta Stone program is already ordered, hon”
Kevin noticed Gloria in the chair by the wall opposite the bed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, ma’am. He eased over to her and stuck out his hand. “Kevin Howard. I was kind of in on Belle’s rescue”
“Pleased to meet you, Kevin. Gloria Morton. I’ll be representing Belle and her family in media matters, and I know about your role. You sell yourself short.”
The light of recognition showed on Kevin’s face. “Ohhhh, okay! I thought you looked familiar. Wow! So they really brought in the big guns. I glad you’re on their side, Gloria. From what I’ve heard, you’re the best”
Gloria instantly liked this young man. He had an air of sincerity that couldn’t be faked. She could see why Belle was in love with him. “And you don’t mind a so called bitch like me monopolizing Belle’s time?”
“Heck no, Ms. Morton. With all she’s been through, she needs all of the quality help she can get. If you need anything from me, just let me know!”
“I just may do that, Kevin. And please, my friends call me Gloria” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. “Kevin, could I buy you a cup of coffee? I’d like to discuss a few things with you” Gloria looked at Belle. I promise to have him back in twenty minutes.
Belle pouted again. Gloria could tell not many men would be able to resist that pout. “Okay, Gloria. But make sure he comes back”
“Oui, chere”
Chapter 9
As Kevin and Gloria were walking down the hall to the in hospital coffee shop, she asked him “You do know that Belle is very much in love with you, don’t you?”
Kevin wasn’t surprised. “I suspected, Gloria. I like her too, but I’m not sure it’s in that way. I know it could be, one day. She’s incredibly special. She’s just going through so much right now, she’s young, and her feelings could change. I don’t want to set myself up for a lot of heartache down the road”
“You’re a good guy, Kevin. I can see that. The next few months or even years are going to be stressful for her. I’ve done my research, and she’s due for some kind of PTSD. I can’t see it not happening”
“Don’t I know it. I’ll be there for her, though, if she wants me to be there” They reached the counter of the shop. “Large coffee, black for me, and for my friend…” he looked at Gloria.
“Same for me, please”
Kevin pulled out his wallet. Gloria held his arm. “Hey, I asked you out!”
Kevin held his hand up and smiled disarmingly. “This is Texas, ma’am” he said in an exaggerated East Texas drawl. “Ain’t no beeyoutiful women buyin’ when I’m around. Its muh treat”
Gloria giggled at the corny line. She had almost thirty years on Kevin, but it was nice to be treated like someone special. She blushed. This guy was a catch.
They got their coffees and prepared them to their liking. She noticed that Kevin was a cream and sugar, lots of sugar, man.
“Do you like coffee with your sugar, Sir?” she asked.
“I like coffee, but I can’t handle it straight. Too bitter. In these places, the coffee is always too hot, and smells like cigarettes. At least to me. Never got used to it in the Army”
Laughing, Gloria asked “I thought you were supposed to be a tough guy”
“Not that tough. I’d look like an eighty year old man if I drank that stuff straight. I notice you are pure black type”
“I love the bitterness. Let’s you know you’re alive!”
“Well, remind me not to mix it up with you. If you can drink that stuff straight, you could whip me any ol’ day”
Sitting down, Gloria continued. “I don’t like to be so up front with someone that I just met. I just think is it the best policy right now”
Kevin took a sip of his coffee and nodded. “Sure. I appreciate that, Gloria. Shoot”
“I saw how Belle’s eyes lit up when you came into the room. I don’t want to see her hurt, Kevin. She’s new at this girl business, and has no history to draw from. I just want you to handle her like the finest china in the world. But I guess I don’t really need to say that, do I”
“No arguments here. I have really been thinking about this the last couple of days. I know I could spend the rest of my life with someone like Belle. What bothers me is something that my friend found in the Duncan’s computer. There was a protocol in the ‘programming’ they did on Belle that would, upon transfer of ownership, effectively imprint her owner on her. She would be extremely attracted to him. I won’t say love…I don’t believe that true love can be imprinted on anyone…but I wonder if this isn’t that protocol initiating itself. Do you follow me?”
Gloria nodded as she enjoyed her coffee. “Absolutely, Kevin. What are you saying, then?”
“I really like Belle. I witnessed her being used in the worst way possible. I want to protect her from that ever happening again. She has been through hell, yet there is a special quality about her. It’s as if she is the strongest person I have ever met, bar none. She should be a drooling wreck, but she is able to laugh, and care about other people. I couldn’t do that. No one that I know could”
“Go on, please”
“I don’t want to be the guy she imprints on like a baby bird. She deserves better. I want her to experience life. Finish high school. Go to college if she wants. I can wait. If she changes her mind, I’ll be crushed, but at least it will be her decision. How can I do that, and be with her as much as I want to be. I mean, I’m ten years older than she is. It don’t mean much five, ten years down the road, but it’s a big deal now”
Gloria was amazed at this man. She had known a lot of men in her time, but few to match Kevin’s maturity. Hell, she wanted him, and she was old enough to be his mother. “I understand Kevin. What else are you thinking?”
“Hell, Gloria, I do like her. A lot. I just want to make sure it’s real, is all”
“All I can say Kevin is keep doing what you’re doing. See her when you want. Don’t shut her out. Be patient when you need to be. In a lot of ways, she’s still a baby. But she needs you right now. Don’t push it, don’t shut her out. Go with the flow”
“Thanks, Gloria. Hey you are pretty good! You sure you ain’t one a those head shrinkers?”
“You have no idea, kid”
Two days later, almost to the hour, Belle woke to a funny feeling. She couldn’t quite place it. She got up to go to the bathroom. As she pulled her nightgown up and her panties down, she sat to go. After she was done, she went to clean herself. Then she noticed. She was complete. There were soft folds of flesh around her new opening.
“Mama! Mama! Venez vite ! Presse ! J’ai un vagin! J’ai un VAGIN!" (Mama! Mama! Come quickly! Hurry! I have a vagina! I have a VAGINA!)
Marta started awake at the girlish shouting coming from the bathroom. She burst in and saw Belle standing up in front of the toilet, her nightgown up and panties at her knees.
"Regarde, maman, un vagin! N'est-ce pas cool! Je suis une fille maintenant!" (Look, Mom, a vagina! Isn’t that cool! I’m a girl now!)
Marta couldn’t help but laugh. The combination of her daughter’s position and the wide eyed grin on her face told her what her daughter was saying. She was now complete.
“That’s wonderful, honey! I guess Christmas comes on November twentieth this year!”
"Je connais! N'est-il pas génial! Maintenant, nous pouvons rentrer á la maison!" (I know! Isn’t it great! Now we can go home!)
“Slow down, honey! I can’t understand you! Think about what you’re saying, okay? Slowly, In English.”
Belle pulled her panties up and let her nightie drop. “Oooooooohhh! She stamped her foot in frustration. "Je déteste ce ! Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas me laisser seul ! Je ne peux máªme pas parler á ma má¨re! Je déteste ces salauds! Ce ne fut pas assez pour me changer. Qu'ils avaient á baiser avec mon esprit" (I hate this! Why didn’t they leave me alone! I can’t even talk to my mother! I hate those bastards! It wasn’t enough to change me. They had to fuck with my mind!).
Belle burst into tears and fell into her mother’s arms. She just kept repeating “Je déteste ce”, “Je déteste ce”.
The duty nurse rushed in to Belle’s room. Hearing crying from the bathroom, she slowly opened the door. Belle was weeping heavily on her mother’s shoulder.
Marta motioned gently that it was all right to the nurse. “Give us a minute, please” was all she said. The nurse closed the door.
After Belle had calmed down, Marta told her. “Honey, I know it’s frustrating. It is for me too. I can’t imagine what it is like for you. Please, don’t feel like we have to understand every word you say. I understood you just fine. You’re officially my little girl now, okay? I know that. I’m excited for you too. We just need to get out of this place and back home. Right?”
Belle nodded her head. Sometimes she hated her new life.
Chapter 10
“Right, Mama. Home, okay? Today?”
“Let’s see what we can do. Now, I want you to get cleaned up. I have some stuff for you to wear for us to leave, but there’s a bunch of paperwork, I’m sure. I also think that the doctor is going to want to have one more look at you before we leave too. So scoot!”
She gave her daughter a swat on the bottom. She went to the overnight bag she brought from home the previous day. It had shampoo, conditioner, a razor, some cologne and some hair care products. “I think that’s all you’ll need to get cleaned up. Can I do your hair after you’re done?”
“Is okay, Mama. I can…do…my…cheveux…hair. I know…how”
“Oh, poo! Please, Belle. I want to. I never had a little girl. Let me have my fun!”
Belle giggled in the shower. “Okay. Mama! Fun for you!”
“Do you need to shave your legs and pits?”
“Non, Mama. I ‘ave…no cheveux anywhere…but ‘ead. Easy to…take…care of, no?” another giggle.
Marta laughed. “Yes, very easy. I’m jealous! Okay honey. Take your time now, relax.”
“Okay, mama”
The duty nurse returned to Belle’s room. “Is everything all right, Mrs. Kalisek?
“Yes, Marion. You need to call the Doctor, though. Her external female parts blossomed last night. She needs to be checked out, and we’d like to go home today if the doctor thinks its okay”
“Okay, Mrs. Kalisek. The doctor did say he wanted to be informed as soon as it happened, so he’ll be in. We don’t get these kinds of cases every day, thank God”
“Don’t I know it!”
Bob arrived shortly after that, and Dr. Grey as well as Dr. Brooks arrived at about one o’clock to check on Belle. Dr. Grey did a GYN exam, which Belle handled remarkably well. He pronounced her fit from a physical point of view.
“I see no physical reason why Belle can’t go home today. She’s as healthy as the proverbial horse. I think it would be a good idea for her to take it easy for the next couple of days. She’s been down for awhile, so just take it easy” he nodded to Dr. Brooks. “Sam, I’m guessing you want to have a chat with our guest as well. I’ll sign off on the physical”
“Thanks, Kelly” She sat down in the chair next to the bed.
Belle’s parents got up to leave. Sam motioned for them to stay. “You can stay. You won’t be able to pick up much of what she’s saying anyway”
“How is everything going, Belle?”
“Surprisingly well, doctor. I have had some nightmares, but nothing like screaming and that sort of thing. I’m just glad that the changing is all done. I’m happy to be me. Does that make sense?”
“It does. So you feel comfortable like this? No regrets?”
“Oh, plenty of regrets. I don’t remember much about my previous life. Bits and pieces, emotions, that sort of thing. I think it will be a lot worse when I go back to school. I’ll probably have to do freshman year over again, but that will be better for me, I think. No old classmates to deal with”
“Yes, a little. I don’t want to hide. I can’t change my name, those bastards saw to that, so how many Belle Marie Kaliseks can there be. But, I’m a realist. I know I am a very pretty girl, and that will open some doors, and may help my relationships a bit, but…”
“But what?”
“But it’s not enough to be pretty. I want to be nice. Part of what they did to me was to make me submissive. That scares me to no end. I will be nice, but I’m frightened that someone will try to take advantage of me”
“That’s a legitimate fear, Belle. I have some advice, if you want it”
“Of course!”
“Being submissive is not all bad. It means that you put others ahead of yourself. That is a trait I wish more of us had. Just be true to yourself. If someone comes to you and asks you to do something that you don’t want to do, ask yourself, would this person ask my mother or father for me to do this? You’ll know. And it’s okay to say no”
“That helps. I don’t need anymore trouble than I already have. Doctor, I also know I have no experience with people my own age. Will girls be mean to me? Will boys be mean? Who can I trust?”
“I can’t tell you that, Belle. I do know this. You have a strong sense of right and wrong. If your insides tell you not to trust someone, don’t. Make them earn your trust. You will be hurt in the future. Everyone is, it’s just part of life. Don’t let that hurt define you. So, what about Kevin?”
“I was afraid you would ask that, doctor. I know I’ve told you before. I love him. I love him so much it hurts. I would die for him. I can’t explain it, but I knew the minute he sat and held me just after I was rescued. He could have taken advantage of me. I wanted him to. I would have done anything he wanted me to. You know that I know quite a lot about that sort of thing. He was kind and gentle, and very patient with me. He could have just dumped me at the police station, but he didn’t. But I know I have to grow up a little. I think he feels the same way. But I don’t want him to stay away. I know that I want to marry him as soon as I am able”
“How can you be sure?”
“I don’t know. I just do. I may have a boyfriend in my future, a date to the prom, going out with friends, whatever. But Kevin is the man I’m going to marry”
“Does this conflict with your upbringing as a boy?”
“Not that I can tell, doctor. I love Kevin. I want to be his wife, I want to make love to him, and when the time is right, I want to have his children. I know that isn’t what Brian would want, but I do. Belle does. Belle is who I am now”
“That’s a very good attitude, Belle; it sounds like you’ve thought about it a lot. Can you explain?”
“When those people were treating me so horribly, the part of me that was Brian died. He gave up for my well being. It was like he told me to live for him. Not to look back. They wanted me to fight, they wanted to break me. If Brian had held on neither of us would have survived.” Tears started trickling down Belle’s face. I know that this is probably just some thing my mind did to help me deal with what I went through. So I just went on, and decided to do whatever they wanted me to do. They couldn’t touch the true Belle inside. I kept going for Brian. I knew that I would be rescued. Mama and Papa told me I would be. They needed someone to come home. Brian couldn’t make it, but I would. And I would be the girl they deserved”
Sam had recorded the entire interview. What Belle said was amazing. Sam had never met a person with more true inner strength than Belle. She wasn’t a superwoman. Far from it. But there was strength of character there that bordered on the super human. “That was an amazing story, Belle. Have you read some of the stories I asked you to?”
“All of them. You said they were true?”
“Yes, most of them, why?”
“Well, it seemed to me that none of them could really accept what happened. They wanted to continue to be men even when it was obvious that was no longer possible. Like being a woman was some kind of death sentence or something. It isn’t. I like who I am, Doctor. Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe because I can’t remember too much, I don’t know. It’s possible I’m just a silly kid who doesn’t know any better. I’m not going to judge. Just be who you are, that what you’ve told me, and that’s who I’ll be”
Belle leaned in to Sam conspiratorially. “Between you and me. I’ve got it a lot better now, in some ways. I can look so pretty in a dress, I can wear cute heels, or I can go round in jeans and a tee, just like I did before. I know that guys like to do nice things for pretty girls. I know I can’t be one of those girls who always take advantage of that, but once in awhile it will be nice to go on a date”
Belle giggled and told Sam to “shhhhh”. Sam giggled right back. “I know, sweetie. Just be careful! I don’t want more men finding out how cool it is to be a girl!”
Belle threw her head back in laughter. “My lips are sealed!” Belle tittered for a bit then got serious again. “Doctor Sam, I know I’m far from okay. Can I keep seeing you?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so thankful you are so open. It will make it so much easier to keep you moving forward. Always remember, I will be here for you to talk to. Never keep it all bottled up inside. It will get better, but you have to talk.”
“I will. I guess one of the good things about my personality is I have the need to be honest and to please people, and being honest pleases you. That makes me feel good”
“Thank you Belle. Now for you, mom and dad. Belle can follow along, but this is for you. I think Belle is ready to face the world on a limited basis for now. Now, I want to get some honest input from you. Belle was completely forthright with me, and expect no different from you. Fair enough?”
Both intoned “Fair enough”
“Okay. Belle is reasonably well adjusted for now. That could change. She’s been through hell that only a few prisoners of war have known. She needs your unconditional support. Bob, I’ll start with you. Fathers in these situations tend to be the ones who take the change the hardest, especially those with an inflated sense of male ego. I’m not saying you do, but we’ll find out. How are you taking this?”
“To tell the truth, I mostly just glad our child is back. However she is. I hate the people who did this to her, and am glad that they are dead. But I miss my son…” Bob began to break down “…and I know he’s not coming back. Somehow, I feel cheated in all of this. Marta always wanted a little girl, not that she didn’t love Brian, but I lost my son. I’ll never get that back. Marta can’t have any more kids, and I wouldn’t ask her to anyway. Brian can never be replaced. We used to go to Ranger and Cowboy games, and he always loved the statistics. We played catch with the baseball. We shot baskets. I don’t know how to deal with a daughter. What if she gets pregnant? What will everyone think? I just miss my son”
Sam handed Bob a tissue. Belle was crying, as was Marta. “Bob, I’m not going to tell you what you are feeling is wrong. What you are feeling is normal. And it might make you feel better that Belle feels kind of the same way. For her, it’s like Brian was a brother. She knows she can never replace him. She misses him too”
Bob was shuddering “I didn’t know what happened. I’m sorry, Brian. Sorry I wasn’t there for you”
“Bob, it’s okay. Let it out. It’s all right to grieve. Brian understands”
Bob cried for several minutes, as Marta and Belle held him. This was one of those times for Sam when it was near to impossible for her to maintain her professional impassivity. This was a good family thrust into a horrible situation.
After about twenty minutes, Bob was able to continue.
Sam began again. “Bob, here comes the good news. All the things you did with Brian, you can do with Belle. She may never enjoy the games like Brian did, but I guarantee you that being with you will be the highlight of her life. Girls love their daddies differently than boys. A boy learns to be a man from his father. Ideally, a girl learns what a man should be. Belle was horribly abused by men. She needs you now more than ever to show her that men aren’t hideous monsters. You can still be there for your child, and in a more important way than you ever could for Brian. She can still play catch. Oh, she may throw like a girl for awhile, but the time you spend together is what is important. On to the last subject. She may get pregnant. She certainly has the equipment now. Thanks to how she was trained or programmed, she is very submissive. She needs a strong influence in her life to show her how to be strong. She is very afraid of being taken advantage of. You have to give her that edge so she won’t be taken advantage of”
“I-I never thought about that. Would you still go to the games with me, Belle?”
Belle nodded. “Yes, Daddy” She looked at Sam. “Tell him I would love to go, but that my athletic training is limited to learning to walk in high heels for now. He’ll have to teach me to shoot a basket again, but I want to learn. Maybe I can play in school!” Belle smiled and gave her Dad a kiss on the cheek.
Sam had a little giggle before she told them what Belle said.
Bob looked like the weight of the world was off his shoulders. “I think I can handle that. I just need to put a new net up! Maybe we can get passes to the Speedway. I’ve always wanted to go”
“That would be…nice” said Belle with a smile.
“Bob, we still have a lot of work, but this is a good start”
“Marta. Are you ready?”
“Okay, what’s on your mind?”
“I think the biggest thing for me now is being a good example for her. I know she’s been damaged. I feel like I need to protect her. It’s like I want to keep her in my sight at all times, and never leave her side”
“Go on”
“I don’t feel like I’m prepared to do this. I didn’t bring this lovely girl up. She’s like a baby in the body of a movie star. Where do I start? How can I tell her no? She’s been through so much already, I don’t want to be the like the beasts that abused her. I also miss my little boy. He was such a doll. He was always drawing when he was a little boy. Pictures of dogs, horses, us, whatever he wanted. He was a sweet little boy who never hurt anyone. I died a little the day he was taken. I also feel like that part was reborn when Belle came in to our lives. I’m already so proud of her I could burst. I can’t wait to go shopping, to take her to the spa, to do those things some of my friends do with their daughters. I am so glad to have Belle, but I feel like I am betraying Brian to love her”
“Marta, as a woman and a mother, I do understand how you feel. Brian came from your body. You nurtured him inside you for nine months. I suppose you breast fed him too, didn’t you?” Marta nodded. “You loved him no matter what he was. You appreciated him for what he was. Your love was unconditional. Then he was stolen from you. As a piece of you was cut away from your soul. This feeling is completely normal and understandable.
Those memories cannot be stolen you’ll have them forever. Loving your daughter isn’t betraying Brian. Quite the opposite. It’s honoring him. Without him, Belle doesn’t exist. No matter how they messed wither mind. Some of Brian will always be alive in Belle. It’s just in a different package. So don’t feel guilty. Relish the time you have with her. Enjoy the grandchildren she may have one day. Teach her well. She will need it. Don’t smother her. Let her make some mistakes. We all make them. Instruct her how to avoid the really big ones. You can’t be by her side one hundred percent of the time”
“Thank you, Doctor”
Sam nodded. “You’re welcome. One more thing for both of you. She nodded to Belle, who put her iPod earphones in. “This is embarrassing to her, as it will be the most obvious reminders of her time in captivity. Belle, in previous interviews, has told me that she has a few personality quirks that can be minor, or major if you allow them to be. She wanted me to share them with you.
“One. As a result of her conditioning, she will always dress a little provocatively. She hates this about herself, as it will draw some attention to her and reminds her of what she was to become. If she fights this conditioning, she will become very agitated. She is again afraid of this. She asks that you understand, and to not ridicule her about it. Help her to deal with it by channeling this into tasteful options. Any questions?”
There were none.
“Two. She is not sure about the concept of modesty. If told to, she would take her clothes off in front of whoever asked her and not think a thing about it. I think you got a taste of that when she ‘blossomed’ this morning. She may walk into the kitchen after a shower wearing nothing but a smile. Please do what you can to gently remind her that no clothing is not an option outside of her private space. Believe me, she wants you to. Whatever you do, don’t make a big deal about it if she slips. It could cause a breakdown. Actually, I think this will one of the easiest habits or behaviors, if you will, to break. As her self esteem rises, her modesty will return. Remember, whoever did this engineered her to be a sex slave, a toy. I don’t want to be too graphic, so I’m hoping you get the point. Are we clear?”
Both nodded in agreement. “We’ll watch her and ourselves”
“Great. Call my office for appointment instructions. I am reserving one afternoon a week for you”
Bob thought of a question. “Doctor, isn’t this going to get expensive?”
“For someone, yes. It’s being covered by her insurance”
“She has insurance?”
“Yes, and I’m not at liberty to discuss it in detail. She has one hundred percent coverage for any health issue for the next ten years, with an option to continue after that”
“Who is doing this?”
“I don’t know. Just enjoy the ride”
Chapter 11
Belle’s mother did her hair in a straight down do, parted in the middle. She had hair that would do just about anything her mother wanted it to do, and Marta chose this to give her a nice comfortable look. If Belle’s look could be compared to anyone, it would possibly be a younger Jennifer Aniston, with even more delicate features and bigger eyes. Even that wasn’t entirely accurate.
Her mother had done her measurements. Marta was a seamstress by trade, and Belle’s final measurements were 34C-23-35. In short, she had a killer body. Belle had asked for a particular outfit, a pair of blue denim jeggings, a white scoop neck tee, and a pair of sparkly gold 5 inch wedge heels. Belle did her own makeup, expertly applied for daywear. She looked like the cover of any fashion magazine.
“How do I look, Mama?” Belle asked as she twirled for Marta.
“Sensational, Belle! Are you sure it isn’t too revealing?”
Belle looked puzzled for a moment, and said. “Maybe? It ees…too…cute, no?”
“Very cute. You father will have a fit”
Kevin knocked on the door, as was his custom. “Anybody home?”
“Kevin!” squealed Belle. She ran to him and wrapped him in a huge hug. “I missed you so much! Thank you for coming”
“I wouldn’t miss your coming out party for the world!”
“It means so much to me that you’re here!”
Kevin stepped back to admire Belle. “Well, you certainly clean up nice. I really like your hair. Did you do it?”
“No, Mama did!” she was positively glowing. Anyone with eyes could see that belle was totally smitten with Kevin. It was as if there was no one else in the room.
Kevin threaded his arm around Belle’s waist. “Bob, Marta, Belle, I’d like to take y’all out to dinner tonight. I made reservations at The Halcyon. My treat, to celebrate her homecoming. Gloria is out front right now dealing with the news herd. She’ll join us later. How about it? Reservations are at five”
Belle bounced up and down. She was quite excited at the prospect of going out with Kevin. All she could do was look at her parents and repeat “Yes? Yes?”
The entire family looked at each other in shock. Bob broke the silence. “Well, Kevin, isn’t that a bit pricey for a man in your position?”
He smiled. “Wellll, I did have to cancel my vacation to Aruba this Christmas, but heck, let’s face it. That island ain’t going anywhere, and besides, I want to do this. You’re kind of like my family now”
Marta was concerned. “We can’t ask you to do that, Kevin”
“You aren’t asking me. I want to. Now, you don’t have a choice. We’re leaving in my Suburban. The paparazzi are staking out the parking garage. I’m parked at the ambulance bay. So, I’m going to end up at the restaurant. I’d sure hate to eat alone!”
Bob held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, Kev. You’ve made your point. If you twist my arm…”
Belle pumped her fist a couple of times. “Yay! Yes! We go!”
Bob had to laugh even as a tear trickled down his cheek. Brian did the same thing when he was excited. He thought it was cool when Tiger Woods did it and picked it up. Brian was still in there, somewhere. That was enough for his father.
There was a media frenzy in the conference room of the hospital. Gloria was calm in the face of din. “I have a statement prepared on behalf of the Kalisek family. I’ve allotted a few minutes for questions afterwards, so please, hold them until then. Miss Kalisek will not be making an appearance at this conference”
The only sound in the room was the clicking of cameras. “Bob and Marta are very thankful to have their child back safely. It has been a very difficult two years, not knowing if their child was alive or dead. They always held out hope that Brian would return safely. That was not to be. Their child did return however, as a beautiful, vibrant young lady. She was transformed, against her will, by an as yet undiscovered process.
Belle Marie, as she is now known, was subjected to the most horrific of tortures and mind control that can be imagined. She suffered physical and mental abuse that would horrify and repulse any sane individual. One of the consequences of this process has left her unable to fluently speak the language of her birth. They conditioned her, through again, an unknown process to speak only French. This has been a source of pain and frustration to her as her parents do not as yet speak this language. It has left her basically unable to communicate fully with her parents without a translator. The persons responsible for all of this were not taken alive, and for that the family is understandably relieved, as they will be spared the agony of a trial.
The family would like to thank the Dallas Police Department for their tireless efforts in solving this case and returning Belle safely home. They would also like to thank the doctors and staff of Children’s Hospital for their professional and sensitive treatment of a very difficult case. Their kindness will never be forgotten. To the unnamed people who cared enough to get the intelligence that enabled Belle to gain her freedom, the family again offers their thanks.
Finally, to the girls out there that are still in captivity, Belle asked me to ask you to never give up on finding them. She, through all of what she had been through, considers herself truly lucky. She has a wonderful, caring family who accepts her and loves her unconditionally. She wanted me to communicate to you the importance of loving your children unconditionally. As a result of her circumstances, she has become very sensitive to the needs of the transgendered community. The needless persecution of wonderful people who are trying to deal with a terrible conflict in their lives, conflict made much worse by a society that wants to pigeonhole everyone”
“That is all I have for now, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll now take a few questions. Jack?”
“Jack Wilson, Reuters. Gloria, One question and a follow up, if I may. Is this transformation complete? If so, isn’t this a breakthrough in science that could help a lot of people?
“Good question, Jack. Yes, the transformation was a complete genetic conversion; Belle is as complete a female as any of us who were born that way. As to the second part of your question, I suppose it would be. However, the secrets of that process died with the perpetrators of this act. We may never know how they did it. Gail?”
“Gail Kelly, NBC. How is Belle planning to go on with her life?”
“Gail, Belle is remarkably firm on this point. She wants to get on with her life, and live as normally as possible. This includes finishing her education, which will be taken care of by an unnamed benefactor. This person wishes to remain unknown, as he is not dong this for any reason other than altruistic ones”
“Yes, you in the red?”
“Tasha Garcia, New York Times. Has Belle been approached by anyone in the LGBT community?”
“She has. And it will be a priority for her, as well as her family. As I have said previously, she has become very sensitive to the needs of the transgendered as a result of her change. She wants to get her life in order first, and help as she can when she is well”
“Yes, you sir”
“Dan Franks, Dallas Morning News. Will Miss Kalisek be granting interviews? If so, when?”
“Dan, thanks for the question. She will, obviously at the time and place of her choosing. She has been through a lot, but I think it is safe to assume that it will be fairly soon. I can’t be any more specific than that. I do want to emphasize one thing. Any profits made by book deals, interview rights or whatever comes from this tragedy in her life, will be donated, one hundred percent, to a charity of her choice helping other victims of abuse like her. I think that says a lot about the character of this special young lady”
The questions kept coming for another five minutes. The press conference ended when a yuk monkey from a well known shock jock, Jerry Burns, asked if she was posing nude anytime soon. The press corps groaned and more than a few comments like “asshole” were heard. Gloria ended it then.
Kevin took the family the employee elevator to the ambulance bay by the ER. They got into his Suburban and were on the road with no one the wiser.
They made it to the restaurant with time to spare. Kevin talked to the maitr’e d. “Kevin Howard, I have a reservation for a private party?
“Very well, sir. We have your room prepared. Please follow me” They were led to a small room with cherry woodwork. Wine bottles lined the walls in an intimate setting with one long table set for six. “Is this the entire party? I was told to prepare for six guests”
Kevin nodded. “They will be along shortly. They got held up in traffic”
Belle was practically attached to Kevin as they entered the room. She looked around in wonder at the décor. “Kevin! I’ve never seen anything like this! It’s wonderful!”
“Get used to it, Belle. I think you’ll have a lot more experiences like this”
The maitr’e d perked up a bit at this exchange. “You speak French?”
Kevin looked at the man, mildly surprised. “Yes I do. I grew up in Quebec, Belle speaks only French”
He smiled. “So, the lovely lady is French? Very good. It’s always good to meet someone from la belle France. So few people here to talk to”
“Where are you from?” asked Belle.
“Paris. I went to culinary school there. Where are you from?”
“Dallas. I was born in Tyler”
“It cannot be! You sound as if you are fresh from Provence. Avignon, perhaps?”
Belle looked confused. She looked to Kevin for help.
Kevin smiled, and spoke in English. “It’s a long story, mon ami. Do you pay much attention to the news?”
“No, not really. I do work quite a few hours”
“If you get a chance tonight, Google Belle Kalisek. You’ll get an idea from that”
“Very well, sir. I’ll do that now. Your servers will be in when the entire party is seated. Unless you would care for something from the bar”
Kevin looked to Bob and Marta. Care for anything?
“Beer for me, Budweiser, Marta likes white wine”
“Sam Adams for me, please. Belle, How about you? Diet Coke?”
Having Kevin guess what she liked gave her a shiver. She smiled and nodded.
The maitr’e d wrinkled his nose “No wine for the pretty girl?”
“A bit underage, sorry”
“Too bad, I had a nice one for her to try. Very well then. Please, make yourselves comfortable”
Belle snuggled close to Kevin. “Yuck! I detest wine. And no, I don’t want to go into it. Tonight is for happy thoughts”
“Agreed, Belle”
Gloria entered soon after, with Sam by her side. “Hello folks! Great job on the escape. No one was the wiser”
“Allo, Sam!” Belle rushed over to give her friend a hug. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“And miss your debut! Not likely!”
The drinks arrived and Gloria and Sam passed but ordered a bottle of Merlot to go with their meal.
Belle didn’t know what to order. It all looked so good. She asked Kevin to order for her. He ordered a rare filet with steamed carrots, and a grilled salmon fillet and garden salad for her. It was perfect.
The party called out their orders, and everything was perfect. The conversation was relaxing, especially for Belle. No questions about the past, just a normal discussion of events, plans and relationships. She didn’t say much, she just laid her head on Kevin’s shoulder all evening when she wasn’t eating. He just let her relax.
Gloria talked to Belle’s parents about upcoming events. “I have an offer of one million from Fox for the exclusive first interview. I think that’s way light, but we can consider it. The other three are still waiting to make an offer. I think that two to three million dollars is the least we should consider”
Marta commented. “Since Belle is giving all profits away, other than your percentage, Gloria, I feel that the highest bidder should not necessarily be the winning bidder. I want someone who will be fair and sensitive to Belle. I’m thinking someone like Barbara Wallace”
Gloria took a sip of her wine. “Interesting idea, Marta. I had her in mind from the beginning. I know she would do a wonderful job, and the ratings would be over the top. That means more money. I’ll see what we can do. What do you think, Belle? Belle?”
She was fast asleep on Kevin’s arm.
Bob smiled at his angel. “I think it’s time to go, guys” He whispered.
Kevin sighed “Well, I suppose I’d better settle up” He called for the check.
The server came to Kevin and said; the bill has been taken care of, sir, by Ms. Morton.
He snapped his gaze over to Gloria, who licked her index finger and made a tally mark in the air. “Gotcha!”
Kevin had to laugh. “Okay, Gloria. But the joke’s on you. In fact, I have a note in my wallet. Let’s see here. Here we go!”
He handed the note he pulled out to Gloria. It read “pray Gloria buys”
She looked back at Kevin, who did the same thing with his finger. “Gotcha!”
Chapter 12
The trip home was uneventful. The Kaliseks lived in Valley Ranch, so it was a short drive. The house, as was expected, was surrounded by media vehicles. Bob was sure the neighbors were quite sick of the circus by now. “What do we do now, Kevin?”
“Well, I push this button, the garage door goes up and we pull in. If our friends are smart, they keep their distance. If not, I toss them out”
Kevin’s suburban had tinted windows. Belle was in the third row of seats, well out or sight of any camera. The sharks rushed in with their lights on and cameras rolling. Kevin expertly maneuvered into the drive as questions were screamed at the vehicle. The camera’s lights were intended to defeat the tinting, but this tinting had a special coating that reflected the light, effectively blinding the camera. He pulled in to the garage, got out, and shut the door, making sure that no one broke the perimeter of the structure. When they saw the large frame of Belle’s bodyguard, no one approached.
Belle was too tired to do anything. She walked like a zombie to her room. This wasn’t unnoticed by her parents. They looked at each other and held hands. If they had completely destroyed Belle’s past. How did she know where her room was? This was something that they would have to tell Sam.
Belle had a bathroom of her own. She washed her face and took off her clothes, hanging them neatly on the back of the desk chair. She removed her bra, but left her panties on. Crawling into bed, she was out in a minute.
The next few days were taken up with legal matters, transferring the Brian’s old life to Belle’s new one. Belle wanted to go to her old high school, or at least give it a try. She wanted to start after the holiday break, so her mother scheduled placement testing to se if she was able to at least remain with her old class mates. Brian was a fairly popular child in school, a better than average athlete who was as a wide receiver in football, and was a reserve guard on the basketball team.
There was also the matter of shopping to attend to. Belle got a lesson in power shopping from her mother. To her credit, for a new girl on her first girls outing, she was able to stay right in there with her mother. Her fashion sense was impeccable, and no one would have known that she had never done it before. She tried on it seemed like a thousand outfits, and lingerie shopping was fun too. It seemed Belle liked the sexy things.
She didn’t attract much attention, other than the fact she was a drop dead gorgeous girl. Her mother chased potential suitors away, and none of the boys and men who ventured to speak got very far. Mothers will do that. It didn’t seem like Belle either minded or liked the attention.
Belle had received no calls during her first week home, which wasn’t surprising considering all she had been through. Her old male friends weren’t sure how to deal with her now, and he really had no close female friends, as he was rather shy around the girls. She wasn’t discouraged at all, but rather relieved. There would be enough time for catching up after the semester started.
Belle didn’t have her license yet, so she rode with her mother to the school for her appointment with the counselor for testing. There were still a few photographers hanging around, but since Belle was a minor, they wouldn’t find buyers for their pictures, especially with Gloria Morton on the case. They would have to blur her face, which kind of defeated the purpose of the picture.
Belle was dressed in a navy pleated skirt that fell just above her knees, and a white blouse that left a hint of cleavage. She accessorized with gold studs and a gold chain necklace with a diamond studded heart, a gift from Sam. Her hair was done up for the day. She did her own makeup, and her mother picked her outfit. Navy blue Mary Janes completed the outfit. Her mother wanted her to wear hose, but Belle rebelled at that. “Too hot” she said.
Belle and her mother entered the building at the main entrance. A few students were in the halls. The boys were slack jawed, and the few girls murmured amongst themselves.
Marta greeted the secretary. “Hi! Ms. Martin, Were here to see Mr. Slade. He is expecting us, Marta and Belle Kalisek”
“Ohhh, yes! Hello Mrs. Kalisek! So this is Belle! Hello, Belle! Nice to meet you again, for the first time!” She laughed pleasantly.
Belle giggled shyly, blushing. “’Allo, Mrs.Martin”
Mrs. Martin, a grandmotherly lady in her mid fifties, liked Belle at once. “Oh, you are just darling! Now you have a seat, and I’ll get Mr. Slade”
She left for a moment to retrieve Mr.Slade. She returned a moment later with Mr. Slade in tow. Mr. Slade was a tall bald man, in very good shape, but looking a little older than his forty years because of the horseshoe of hair around his head.
Mrs. Kalisek, I’m Randal Slade. Belle, I don’t know if you remember me or not, I’m Mr. Slade, the school counselor”
Belle held her mother tighter. She made a nervous little smile and shook her head slightly. “Umm, no?”
Mr. Slade gave an easy laugh. “That’s ok, Belle, I’m not very memorable. Come on in to my office. Mrs. Martin, please hold all my calls during this meeting”
“Sure thing, Mr. Slade”
“Please, have a seat, ladies” He motioned to the two comfy looking chairs in front of his desk. Belle and Marta sat down. “Can I offer you some coffee or tea, perhaps?”
“Thank you, no. You’ll have to forgive Belle, Mr. Slade. She is very unsure about her English. When she is stressed, she can’t really speak it at all. The doctors say it is a form of induced aphasia. She can hear and understand the English words, but she can’t speak them. Will this be a problem?”
“I see. No, I can’t say that it will. As long as she understands, she should be okay. Asking questions will be another issue. Can she write?” He poured himself a mug of coffee and took a sip.
“In French, yes. English is still a struggle. Her syntax is off and I’m afraid it’s just as bad as speaking”
We can work around that, I’m sure. The important thing is she wants to be here.
“I’ve been briefed on Belle’s other special needs. I have to say, I’m quite impressed that Belle wants to continue her education here. Brian was always a good student, and I’m sure Belle is no different”
“We’ll schedule the testing for later in the week. Other than the language, we’ll see how she tests on the other subjects. We’ll treat English as a second language. I can’t say how she’ll do, but why don’t we worry about that when the time comes. She will, in essence be treated more or less as an exchange student”
“How do you think she will be received? She’s very delicate emotionally right now, and I don’t want her hurt”
“I understand. I really can’t say, Marta. We are on new ground here. I think the key will be getting the girls to accept her. I don’t think that the boys will be a problem, for obvious reasons”
Belle looked nervously at her mother. “Mama?”
Marta patted Belle’s hand. “Belle is quite nervous around men. Perhaps if she had some help, a guide of sorts, someone to help her adjust. Would that be possible?”
“I think that is an excellent idea. We’ll get her tested, and see how things shake out”
They discussed other items of interest during the meeting, and Marta walked away confident that her daughter would be well taken care of.
Marta’s phone rang on the way home. It was Gloria. “Hello?”
“Marta, its Gloria. Great news! We are a go with Barbara Wallace. Three million for the exclusive. We’ll be taping this Friday, all day, and the broadcast is the Friday after that. Your little girl will be the talk of the nation after that”
“This Friday? Wh-where?”
“They’d like to tape at your home. I think that would be a lot better for Belle as she’ll feel a lot more confident in her own home. What do you think?”
Marta gasped. “Crap! The place is a mess! I’ll never get it cleaned in time!”
Gloria smiled. “Take it easy, Marta. Your house is cleaner that most operating rooms. It’ll be just fine. Let’s talk to Belle, and see how she wants to do it, then we can hire someone to clean the place if you’d like”
Marta was unconvinced. “I don’t like people coming into my house like that” she sighed, then continued. If Belle wants to do it at home, she’ll just have to help me get it clean”
“Okay, you win, have a talk with her and let me know, all right?”
“Okay, Gloria, we’ll let you know”
Marta explained to Belle what Gloria had told her. “So, what do you think, sweetie?”
Belle looked at her mother expectantly. “Home? Pleeese?”
Marta knew she couldn’t resist the Belle’s puppy dog eyes, so she agreed. “Well, all right, but you have to help me clean the house, top to bottom!”
Belle smiled widely, “Okay! No…Problem!”
Marta knew that it was a big source of irritation and frustration for her daughter to not be able to communicate with her parents, but she was proud of her attitude. Belle could take the easy way out and pout or withdraw, but she was pushing on.
Marta called Bob at work, telling him about the upcoming interview. He was good with having it at the house. Marta called Gloria back and gave her the news and Gloria said she would call the network production person to set things up. She also told Marta to expect a call within the next twenty four hours to discuss the details.
The rest of the evening passed in a whirlwind of activity as Marta and Belle cleaned the house from top to bottom. The Kalisek home was always clean, but Marta was very particular when people were expected. The fact that millions of people would be looking at the house on television increased her awareness one hundred times. They were going until eleven o’clock that night.
The producer of the interview segment called to firm up the plans for the technical side. The house would be rigged for the interview the day before, and there would be some pre production video taken of the family going about their day to day life, which, of course meant that it was your standard walking, going to the park, stuff you never do nonsense that plays well on television.
Belle was concerned about what to wear for the interview. “Mama, what…to…wear?”
“Well, Honey, what do you want to wear?”
Her eyes suddenly lit up “Idea!” She ran to her laptop and went to a translation website. She typed in what she wanted to say. The English translation popped up. “I want to wear a skirt and a nice top. I want it to be clear that I am a girl and not a boy in a dress. Nice heels, too”
“Okay, that sounds good. What do you have in mind?”
Belle clicked out, “Let’s go upstairs!”
Belle went through her new closet and picked out an outfit she bought at Forever 21. It was a rose patterned skirt with a cream colored knit sweater with some black strappy heels.
Belle tried on the outfit, and it fit her like a glove. A rather tight form fitting glove that showed off her curves. Her legs were perfect without hose. “Okay?”
Marta decided to leave things as they were. She wasn’t showing off too much, but there was no question she was all girl. “Hmmm, I think no one will confuse you for a boy in a dress”
“I think so!” she broke into a giggle and soon, both of them were giggling. It wasn’t what she meant to say, but it was close enough.
Marta looked belle up and down. “Tomorrow is a spa day, girl! But for now, get some sleep.”
“Yay! Spa!” was the enthusiastic reply.
Marta was up early and got an appointment set up at one of the trendier places in town, “La Belle Femme”. They had had a cancellation for the day, and Marta scheduled Belle for the full workup, including hair and nails, for two.
At ten o’clock, Marta opened the door to Belle’s room. They hadn’t had any time to redecorate her room in a more feminine style, but the contractor was already contacted. Work would wait until next week, though.
Chapter 13
“Wake up sleepyhead, time for some fun!”
Belle sat up, confused for a moment, then she realized where she was. She wasn’t wearing anything on top. All she said was “Sleepy” as she got up to go to the bathroom. She wasn’t wearing anything on the bottom, either.
“Don’t like your nighties, baby girl?”
She turned around and looked at her mother. “What?” Then she looked down. “Hmmm, Marta could tell she was struggling to reply. “I…I…don’t…” She stamped her foot, her sign for frustration. ‘Mama, Je ne sais pas comment te le dire en Anglais’. What she wanted to say was she wasn’t used to sleeping in anything other than nothing.
Marta held up her hands. She knew what Belle was trying to say when she said Anglais. “It’s okay, honey. It’s not important now. Take a shower, and don’t worry about washing your hair. We’ll get it done at the spa, plus we are getting the full treatment. A body wrap included”
Belle looked confused. “Body…wrap?”
Marta rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about it now, scoot! And no makeup!”
Belle showered, and put on her underwear, bra and a University of Texas sweatshirt and jeans. A pair of sandals finished the outfit.
The spa, La Belle Femme was run by an old friend of Marta’s from college, Cloe Costa. She had been all over the world learning her craft, and her spa did a lot of business. She also wasn’t cheap, but since that wasn’t a problem now, they were getting the works.
Upon seeing the sign, Belle smiled. “Ooohhh, La Belle Femme. Ce’st Bonne !”
They parked and walked in the building. The receptionist, a pretty blonde of around twenty, recognized Marta, who was a regular customer of the salon side of the business. “Hi, Marta! I see you have an appointment for two in the spa for today?”
“Yes, and I am so looking forward to it. I’ve never had the full treatment before!”
She looked Belle with a questioning look on her face. “And this lovely young lady will be with you? I’ve never met her before”
“This is my daughter, Belle. Belle, this is Paulina”
“Marta, I didn’t realize you had a daughter her age. She’s so pretty!”
“Thank you! Well, I didn’t, until about two weeks ago”
Paulina thought for a minute, and then the light of recognition dawned. “Oh. OH!! So this is your daughter!” Paulina rushed around the counter to give Belle a hug. It’s so nice to meet you! Cloe! Come here! Marta Kalisek and her daughter Belle are here!”
Cloe walked up to the counter, and gave Marta a hug. “Marta! Thank you for coming in and bringing Belle for her first spa day! Cloe spoke with a noticeable Spanish accent, a remnant of her childhood in Guadalajara. She spoke to Belle in flawless French “It’s so nice to have you here today. I remember when you were little, you weren’t so excited to be here!” she laughed, a warm laugh that put Belle at ease.
Belle giggled a bit. “I guess some things have a way of changing! I am so looking forward to this. I’ve never had anything like this before. Will you make me look beautiful for my interview tomorrow?”
“Ohhh, that’s right! Your mother said something about that. Barbara Wallace, too! I’m so jealous! And I can’t make you look anything but beautiful, girl!”
Turning to Marta she said, “You know of course, I can’t let you pay for this! This girl deserves a day, considering all she’s been through”
Before Marta could reply, Belle quickly replied. “No! Please! I want to pay! We can afford it, and you’re so nice. Please let me pay! It’s my way of being nice to you!”
Cloe laughed again, surprised at the forcefulness of Belle’s argument. “Are you sure, honey! The whole day will be over one thousand dollars for the two of you”
Marta looked at her friend seriously. “Believe me, Cloe. She can afford it”
“So, the full treatment, huh?”
“All except makeup, she won’t need it. The makeup people from the network will do their own tomorrow, I’d suppose”
“Ohhh no, girlfriend. She’s getting the glamour makeover. Not that we’ll have to do much, I want to take some photographs for the wall. If she turns out like I think she will, I’d like to use her for our new brochure, and some posters for the front of the store”
Belle smiled. “That would be nice! I’d like that. Do you think I’m pretty enough?”
“Pretty enough? Girl, looking like you do now, if UT were to put your picture on their catalog, enrollment would go up twenty five percent overnight!”
Belle blushed but smiled shyly. “I don’t think so, Cloe”
“Whatever, girl” Cloe clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we get you and your mom started?”
The two women were led to the back, where they got undressed and put on their robes.
For the next three hours, they were massaged, wrapped, folded and spindled, and they loved every minute of it. Marta fell asleep once, but Belle wanted to experience everything, so she didn’t, but she was totally relaxed. She had never in her short time as a female, felt such bliss. They finished their time in the hot tub, simply enjoying being together.
As they were finishing up their time in the tub, Marta was given a towel by the attendant to dry off. As she was putting on her robe, she invited Belle to get out. As she did, Marta gasped as she saw her daughter’s skin. There, angry and red, were dozens of marks all over her back and legs. They were the unmistakable marks of the abuse she suffered. She hadn’t seen them before. The hot water must have increased the blood flow to the skin, causing the marks to surface.
The attendant’s eyes grew large as she saw the marks. Marta shook her head and motioned for the attendant to leave.
Tears sprung to Marta’s eyes as she saw the marks. This was the first time she had any true inkling of what Belle had been through. She covered Belle with her towel and hugged her.
“What…is…see...problem, Mama?” asked Belle.
Mart could barely speak. “Oh, baby. I’m sooo sorry we weren’t there for you when you needed us”
Belle couldn’t understand why her mother was crying. “Why…cry?”
Belle couldn’t see the marks on her back and legs. They were already gone thirty seconds after she left the tub. The skin showed no marks after her skin cooled off.
“No reason, honey. I just want you to know I love you very much. Never forget that, okay”
Belle smiled “Okay!”
As they left the tub area, Cloe could see that Marta was still crying. Belle still tying up her robe and didn’t seem to notice. Marta motioned for Cloe to move Belle into the next room.
After Belle had made it to the salon, Cloe went back to Marta, who collapsed on her shoulder. “Honey? What’s the problem?”
“Those bastards! Marta hissed. “They beat my little girl!”
“What do you mean, Marta?”
“When she got out of the hot tub, there were dozens and dozens of marks all over her back and legs. She couldn’t see them, but I did. It was horrible, Cloe, horrible!”
“Oh, Marta. I’m so sorry. Did any of my people see it?”
“Yes, the girl who handed us our towels. She probably thinks I did that to my child!”
“You let me handle her. She’s a sweet girl. I’ll clue her in a little bit. Is that okay?”
“I suppose. I was feeling so good, too. It just ruined my day” Marta looked like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.
“I know it’s tough, but try to put on a happy face. Remember, Belle doesn’t know”
Marta took a deep breath. “I know. I know. Give me a minute”
Belle was getting her nails done when her mother finally joined her. Belle’s hair was up in a turban, and she was getting a base coat put on. The nail tech was impressed with the condition of Belle’s nails.
“Your nails are in really good shape, Belle. You must take really good care of them”
Belle blushed; embarrassed to tell her that nail care was one of the things she was trained to do during her captivity. Any imperfections were punished. “Thank you” was all she said.
Marta and Belle had their nails done and Belle was ready to get her hair done. Cloe was doing Marta’s hair, and Cloe picked her lead stylist, Fidel to work on Belle. Fidel had trained in New York and Los Angeles, but wanted to come back home, so he ended up in Cloe’s, making almost as much as he did doing stars in LA.
As Fidel washed and conditioned Belle’s hair, he remarked to her how beautiful it was. “Would you like a different ‘do? Maybe a little shorter for a change?”
Belle’s eyes flashed wide with fear. Fidel noticed, and called for Cloe. “Cloe, could you come over here for a moment, please?”
“Sure Fidel, what do you need?”
“Talk to Belle here. I think I may have frightened her”
Cloe asked Belle in French. “What’s wrong, sweetie”
“You won’t let him cut my hair, will you? I don’t think I am supposed to get it cut. The idea of it makes me very afraid”
Cloe looked concerned. “No, honey, Fidel was just asking you if you wanted it cut. He won’t cut it if you don’t want him to”
“I’m sorry, Cloe. I don’t mean to be difficult. I think it’s something they did to me. Can he style it, maybe?”
“Oh, honey, its okay. This is supposed to be fun! We would never do anything to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. Would it be okay if he just trimmed it a little bit, just to even it up?”
“I’d like that, but the idea of scissors touching my hair is driving me crazy. Can you hold my hand while he does it? I want him to, if for no other reason that to give a big screw you to the people who did this to me”
Cloe called Marta over, who heard the whole thing. “Mom? How about we hold our girl’s hands while she gets a little trim, huh?”
Fidel gave Belle a sad smile. “I heard about some of your problems, sweetie. You are very brave to do this. Are you sure?”
Belle just nodded.
Fidel then looked at Marta and Cloe. “Okay girls; let’s make our little girl even more beautiful”
Cloe and Marta held Belle’s hand and talked to her while Fidel expertly worked the scissors around Belle’s ends, which, in truth, needed the trim. She had her eyes tightly closed while Marta and Cloe soothed her by talking about the interview, and what she would say. She didn’t say much back, just squeezing her mother’s and Cloe’s hands with a death grip.
After about five minutes, Fidel was done. He turned Belle to the mirror and told her to open her eyes. She smiled faintly and blew out a long breath. “Oh! It looks a lot better!”
“She likes it, Fidel! Good job!”
Fidel blew out a big breath. “I felt like I was performing surgery without anesthetic”
Belle looked at the mirror. “Tell him it felt like he was. I could feel pain with every snip, but I won’t let them win”
Cloe hugged Belle. “Oh honey, you are so brave!” Marta was crying. Fidel was even dabbing at his eyes.
An older lady was getting her hair done in the chair across from Belle. She sniffed and said to her stylist “That child’s not going to learn anything being mollycoddled like that. What is she, three?”
Marta snapped around to the woman, who reeked of money and gin. She spoke in the low tone of a mother preparing to defend her child. “Excuse me?”
The woman, Mrs. Kline, was the wife of a wealthy oil executive who didn’t have anything before she got married, and had put up with a philandering husband for twenty seven years. She was bitter and didn’t care who knew it. She also had no clue that she was about to get her rich ass handed to her.
“Your child is nothing but a baby. I’ve watched you walk on eggshells around her the entire time you’ve been in here. At her age, you’ve already spoiled her rotten” She wrinkled up her face and spoke in a mocking tone. “Oh sweetie it’s okay, it’s okay. Blecch. I think I’ll be sick”
“Why you old BITCH! Do you have any idea what my daughter has been through?” Belle flinched at her mother’s display.
Cloe put her hand on Marta’s hand. “This one is mine, Marta. Go on back to your chair. I’ll get you taken care of when I get back”
“No buts hon. I’ll be right back. You, Mrs. Kline, come with me”
“I should hope so. That uncultured woman and her…”
“Enough, Wanda. Come with me now”
Cloe took Wanda to the front of the store.
“Wanda, do you have any clue as to who that is?”
“No” she sniffed “Should I”
“Well if you pay any attention to what’s happening in the city you should. Do you remember a story about a boy who was kidnapped and transformed into a girl?”
A dim light seemed to click in Wanda Kline’s face. “Oh yes. Don’t believe it, though. Besides, the boy was probably gay or something”
Cloe was starting to really dislike this woman. “It did happen, and I knew the boy that was taken. He was the son of that woman you just insulted. That ‘baby’, as you called her, was that boy. He was tortured, abused in the vilest ways imaginable and turned into the beautiful girl you saw. That girl was a victim of mental programming that left her unable to talk to her parents”
Mrs. Kline was starting to realized she made a big mistake “But I heard her speak!”
“In French, Wanda, in French. Are you really that dumb? She can’t speak anything else. Her parents don’t speak a word of it. Why do you think I was talking to her and not her mother? She was programmed not to get her hair cut. Couldn’t you see she was terrified?”
“This can’t be possible”
“It is and it happened. If you don’t believe me, watch the news for the next week or so. She’s being interviewed by Barbara Wallace tomorrow. Her name is Belle Marie Kalisek, and she is one of the most beautiful people I have ever known. As Brian, he was like a little nephew of mine. As Belle, she’s still family. Insult her again, and you will need to find another place to get your hair done. I ‘m sure you can afford it. Now either apologize or when you’re done, leave and do not return”
Mrs. Kline’s face was as red as a stop sign. She was wrong and she knew it, but her pride was formidable. “All right. I’ll apologize” not really meaning it.
“And mean it, Wanda. I’m not playing here”
Wanda went back to Marta and apologized for her insensitivity. It was delivered with a degree of humility, so Cloe would let her get away with it.
When Fidel finished with Belle, she looked like a new girl. Her hair was now to her shoulder blades, and it was done in soft waves that flowed around her shoulders. “It’s beautiful, Fidel, Thank you!” Forgot she was speaking French, and said “Sorry!”
Fidel giggled and gave her a little shoulder hug. “That’s okay Belle. I understand that much! You’re welcome”
When both Marta and Belle had their makeup done, they looked like two fashion models. Belle was absolutely stunning, and Marta looked like her older sister, rather than her mother.
“Wait a minute, Belle” said her mother. She ran out to her car and opened the trunk. She pulled out two hangers, then ran back in. “Surprise! I couldn’t let us get makeovers and not bring outfits to wear!”
Belle had a sparkly green blouse and a short black skirt her mother also brought along strappy sandals with a three inch heel. She also brought a matching green demi cup bra and thong panties. Belle held them up and smiled. “Mama!” she said in a naughty tone.
Marta was equally cute in her dress, a form fitting red knit that went down to just over her knees. Red three inch pumps completed the outfit.
Marta gave Belle gold hoops and a gold necklace with an emerald.
Belle’s mother finished her look with some diamond dangly teardrop earrings and silver bracelets with a sliver chain.
All of the girls in the salon were ooing and aahing at the two women. Cloe had to have some pictures of the two of them together. She took a few photographs and declared that they would be blown up for the front of the store.
“You two are absolutely beautiful. Going clubbing?” Asked Cloe.
“No way, my dear. I have someone waiting on me, and someone else waiting on Belle!”
Belle perked up. “Kevin?”
“Yes, Kevin. Although I’m going to have to hose him off when he sees you!”
“Yay! Kevin!” Belle was positively bouncing.
Marta noticed Belle’s excitement at seeing Kevin. “Careful, honey. Remember when you bounce like that, well, some things tend to jiggle. We don’t want to give everyone the wrong idea”
Belle stopped bouncing and blushed furiously, crossing her arms over her breasts. “Sorry…ummm…Excited!”
“Yes and so will any man who sees you doing that. You are too cute!”
It would be a fun night. At least for Bob. Kevin would need a cold shower, in all likelihood.
Chapter 14
The girls met Kevin and Bob at a TGI Fridays. Bob and Kevin had gotten there early and had already gotten a table.
Belle and Marta walked in together, and asked the girl at the reservation desk where her husband and his friend were seated. As she spoke with the greeter, Belle turned and noticed a group of three guys checking her out. This was a new experience for her, and she smiled at them, playing with her hair absentmindedly. The boys, all around college age, smiled back. One of them acted as if he was about to get the nerve to speak to Belle when her mother got Belle’s attention. “Come on, spacey! Let’s go to our table.
Bob didn’t actually recognize Marta at first, but he did check out the rear end on the woman in the red dress talking to the girl at the desk and her friend in the mini. He elbowed Kevin, who smiled at Bob’s expression.
They both looked like fish out of water when the woman and her friend turned around and Bob and Kevin saw that they were checking out Marta and Belle. Marta saw them and waved, and they came over to the table. Bob and Kevin stood, and acted like they had never seen a woman before.
Marta noticed the look they were getting and giggled, whispering to Belle, “That’s the look you want on your man, girl” Belle smiled and giggled when she saw Kevin.
Marta gave her husband a big hug and kiss. “Miss me, Honey?”
Bob returned her kiss and replied, somewhat breathlessly, “You have no idea! Great day at the spa, I see”
“Wonderful! Can’t you tell?” she gave him a twirl, with a dazzling smile.
“I’m too old for a chick like you, babe! Wow!” he saw Belle. “My gosh! This one is absolutely stunning. Come here and give your dad a kiss!”
“You…like?” she said quietly.
“Ohhh, yeah. You look beautiful, sweetie as he gave her a hug. I forgot my baseball bat, so be careful who you look at!”
Belle cocked her head, a bit confused. “Bat?”
“Never mind, Kid. Pay attention to your boyfriend, okay?”
Belle turned and kissed Kevin on the lips. “Hi cutie! Do you like my outfit? Mom picked it out for me. She said you’d like it”
Kevin hugged Belle, and then held her out to twirl her. Her skirt flared out just enough to look sexy without flashing the restaurant. “You have the world’s greatest mother, Belle. It’s perfect!”
The men pulled the chairs out for the women and they sat. Belle saw the boys she had smiled at a little earlier walk by with the hostess. She thought they looked a little sad seeing her sitting with Kevin. That was good. She only had eyes for him.
Their server came and asked them about drinks. The older ones all had beer, while Belle was satisfied with iced tea. Since being force fed alcohol during her captivity, she wanted nothing to do with it.
“Would you like an appetizer?” asked Kevin.
“Sure!” came the reply all from all around.
“What about their fried green beans?” I love those things.
“Fried green beans? Won’t that taste terrible?” Asked Belle.
“You’d be surprised, Belle. Try them. Besides, if you don’t like them, there’ll be more for me!”
“Rat!” as she playfully punched Kevin in the arm. “I’ll eat them just to spite you!”
Belle ended up liking the appetizer very much, especially the sauce that came with them. She ended up playfully slapping Kevin’s hand as he reached for the last one, popping it into her mouth with a smile, that while she didn’t intend it came out looking very seductive.
They placed their order, with Bob and Kevin getting steaks and the girls ordering two salads. The conversation turned to the network interview on Friday.
“So when is the camera crew getting here tomorrow?” asked Kevin. “I’ll be working security for you”
Bob raised an eyebrow. “Really? Security? I wasn’t aware that Belle would need security for this”
“Oh, it’s nothing, really. Just a precaution. I was detailed to do it by my new employer, Pluton Security”
“Does that have any connection to Pluton Industries, the defense contractor?” asked Marta.
“Yep. It’s their security arm. They do a lot of work for the entertainment industry. I just kind of hang around, making sure you aren’t bothered while they shoot. It’s really no big deal. I’ve done it a couple of times already”
Marta looked relieved. “Oh, okay. They said that they would be there around ten o’clock to start setting up. They want to do a little filming for filler to cut to before the interview starts”
Belle did a little dramatic turn, putting the back of her hand to her forehead. "Oui, la belle princesse a besoin de faire sa comparution devant le petit peuple" She then broke up into a fit of giggling.
Bob rolled his eyes. “Okay, what did she say now?”
Kevin shook his head, groaning. “Just that the pretty princess needs to make her appearance before the ‘little people’. You know, to keep her public happy”
Marta laughed at that. “Okay, Princess Swelled Head, You do know that pride goes before the fall!”
Belle, still giggling, just waved her hand dismissively and said “Oh, pish!”
The food was delicious, and Belle and Kevin even shared dessert.
Bob paid the check and Marta grabbed his hand and dragged him out. We’ll go get the car, Honey. Wait for us in the lobby.
Kevin and Belle got up to leave. Belle suddenly turned around and gave Kevin another kiss. She whispered into his ear “I love you, Kevin. I always will. You are my knight!”
Kevin choked up. He whispered back. “I love you too, Belle. I’ve waited my whole life for you, and I’ll never leave you”
Belle looked back at Kevin. She noticed his eyes were moist. She touched his face, gave him a dazzling smile and whispered; “I know” She got up on her toes and kissed him again, this time harder. She saw her parents’ car pull up. “Gotta go, lover. Sweet dreams!”
He was standing there with a little lipstick on his cheek. In a daze, he didn’t notice the man standing next to him. He felt a little elbow. “Huh?”
The man shook his head. “Dude, you definitely out kicked your coverage”
“You have no idea” was all Kevin could say.
The day of the interview dawned. Belle and Marta were both up early. Bob had gone to work early to take care of some urgent business, but he was due to be back to tape his portion of the interview with Marta.
Barbara Wallace got to the Kalisek home at around ten AM. She was a little older looking than Marta thought she would be. Barbara was in her in her mid fifties, but she was still very pretty, even without the makeup for the television. She was accompanied by the interpreter.
She was met by Marta as she came into the living room. The crew was setting up the interview area, getting lighting levels and preliminary sound checks.
Marta held out her hand and spoke. “Hello, Ms. Wallace. It’s very nice to meet you. Welcome to our home”
Barbara brushed aside her hand and hugged her. “Why thank you, Mrs. Kalisek. It’s indeed an honor to be invited in, and thank you for trusting me to do your daughter’s first interview and please, it’s Barbara” She gestured to the woman beside her. “This is Sophie Pelletier, she’ll be translating for the interview. To smooth things out, we’ll voiceover the translation so the translator will be speaking over Belle’ kind of like they do at the UN”
Marta shook Sophie’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sophie” She turned back to Barbara “We thought you would be the perfect one to do the interview. Your reputation for fairness is quite good, and we always enjoy watching your interviews on television. We are obviously very protective of our daughter”
“As you should be, my dear. When I heard what you were doing with the money from this interview, I was touched. I can tell already you are a very special family”
“Well, the donation was actually Belle’s idea. As a result of her ordeal, she is has become very sensitive to the transgendered community. She may not have chosen this path, but she wants to live it to the best of her ability and where it will do the most good”
“Well said. I have a special friend who is a transwoman, and her story is quite heartbreaking. She survived, though, and is doing quite well now. In fact, she works as my assistant back in New York City”
Marta smiled “That’s so cool. I’m glad things worked out for her”
“She’s my right arm. So, where’s our star? I’d love to meet her”
Marta tugged on Barbara’s arm. “Oh, right! She’s in her room reading. Come with me”
Marta knocked on Belle’s door. “Come in!”
Barbara noticed the heavy accent in the voice, a melodic soprano. Marta opened the door and Belle was sitting at her desk, holding an issue of Seventeen. She stood up, and Barbara was impressed by her femininity.
Belle was wearing a khaki mini with a pink tee. She was barefoot, and her toes were done in a light pink color from the spa. “Bonjour, Mme Wallace. C'est trá¨s agréable de vous rencontrer”
Sophie translated. “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Wallace”
Barbara asked Sophie. “What do you make of her use of the language, Sophie?”
“Very impressive. She’s as good as a native speaker. Pronunciation is impeccable. She’s a bit stilted and proper with her grammar. I can tell she didn’t grow up in France” She looked to Marta. “You say she was programmed to speak French?”
Marta smiled and looked to Belle. “Why don’t you ask her?”
Sophie reddened. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you, Belle. I mean…”
“It’s okay, Sophie. I can understand English perfectly. I just can’t speak it. Something they did to my mind. The doctors are working on a way to defeat the programming, though. It is a major pain though. I miss talking to my mama and daddy”
“I see. So you are unable to talk in English?”
“I can say a few words, but I really have to concentrate. The doctor told me that I was kind of like a stroke patient. They called it ‘induced aphasia’ whatever that is” She rolled her eyes as she said it. “So, I guess I’m stuck until they fix my brain”
Barbara interrupted the exchange gently. “Easy, you two. Remember, we don’t quite get it like you do!”
“Sorry, Barbara. She was telling me what was done to her. She is really functionally unable to speak English. A few words here and there, so I’ll be translating everything she says. She understands you perfectly, however, so that will speed things up”
“How is this possible? How can someone do this?”
Marta answered for Belle. “No one quite knows, Barbara. She may never be able to speak English again, but we’ll keep holding out hope. Bob, that’s my husband and her father, are currently learning to speak French to help her”
Barbara was taking notes furiously. “I researched your case thoroughly before I came down, but it’s quite another thing to see it first hand”
Belle nodded.
Barbara motioned for Belle to sit down. “Let’s talk for a while, ok?” She asked for Gil Martin, the producer.
“Yes, Barb?”
“Gil, why don’t you get some footage of Belle and me talking in here?” She looked back at Belle. “Don’t worry, they’ll just be taking some pictures for us to use during the broadcast.
“Okay” replied Belle.
Barbara asked Belle about her life, how she was adapting, and talking about fashion, her wardrobe and what she liked to do. As she asked, Belle answered through Sophie. Barbara was taking notes the whole time. She seemed very interested in her story.
After they had talked for about twenty minutes, Gil called for Belle and Barbara to go to makeup. After that was done, the two were settled in to chairs. The lights were kind of hot to Belle, but not uncomfortable so. She was glad she dressed in a tee and skirt.
Finally, they were ready to tape the segment. Belle went to the bathroom and threw up.
Chapter 15
Before they began, Barbara asked if Belle was okay.
“Yes. Ask me anything you want. I want to put a face on this despicable practice of taking children away from there families to satisfy some pervert with money”
Barbara began the interview. “Belle, you were kidnapped over two years ago. We’ve seen the remarkable pictures of your transformation. How have you adapted to such a terrible change?”
Belle answered, with Sophie translating from another room into Barbara’s ear bud.
“What I went through was the worst thing that I could imagine. I still have nightmares, and probably always will have. But the best medicine I had was two parents who love me for the person inside, not the package outside. In a way, although I hate to say it, I was lucky. I don’t remember the details of my old life. I’m not sure that I do want to remember”
“Why not?”
“I’m really afraid that it will bring back conflicts that I don’t want to have right now. Someday, I’m sure I’ll remember. For now, I just want to be me”
“You were taken to be a sex slave, isn’t that right?”
“Yes. I found out that the man who paid for me had ordered me off a menu, like I was a..a piece of meat. That’s hard to take” Belle dabbed at her eyes.
Barbara and Belle went through about two hours of dialogue. Belle had to stop the interview a couple of times when she relived the beatings and rapes. By the time they were done, Belle was exhausted.
Belle looked at Barbara and asked “Can we take a little break? I’m kind of tired”
“Of course, sweetie. Gil, get her mic, would you? You take all the time you need, Belle. I know this was terribly stressful. I just can’t believe you didn’t ask for this sooner”
“I wanted to do a good job for you. You’ve been so kind”
Belle stood up and the room began to spin. She sat back down. “Ummm, I think I kind of overdid it. Could someone help me, please”
Sophie heard Belle. “Guys? Belle needs some help!”
Marta and Bob were at her side immediately. “Papa, could you carry me to my room? I’m feeling a little woozy”
“Of course, honey” he lifted her. She was like a feather. Bob took her to her room and laid her in bed. Barbara and Gil were right behind them.
“Get her some water, Gil” ordered Barbara.
“On it” he rushed off.
Marta was very concerned. “Maybe we should call it a day”
“NO!” cried Belle. “I’m going to have my story told!” Sophie was called in to translate.
“I’ll be fine. Telling all of that just stressed me. It’s done now. Tell her about your story. I’ll be fine, really”
“Are you sure, honey?”
“Yes! Go!”
The interview with the parents lasted an hour, and Belle joined her parents for a final thirty minutes together. It was exhausting, and by the time it was all over, the entire family was in tears, not to mention some of the crew, who would be sure to give their kids an extra hug tonight.
“That’s a wrap, guys. Thanks for your hard work” announced Gil.
Barbara was all smiles. “Thank you so much for sharing your story. We were planning on a twenty minute segment on American Issues, but we’ve got enough interesting stuff here for an hour. We’ll be dedicating the whole show to your story”
Belle burst into tears and gave Barbara a big hug. “Thank you! Please mention all the ones who are still out there. They need us not to forget them”
Sophie translated as they hugged.
Barbara was stroking Belle’s hair and told her “You can count on it”
The last technician was out of the house at ten thirty that night. Belle was fast asleep at eight. She went to sleep that night with a smile on her face. She slept through the night.
Belle checked her email that morning. As usual, there was nothing there, except from Kevin. She clicked on it excitedly. Kevin had never emailed her before.
I was called out of the country for work. Our friend has a job for me in India. I won’t be available until late December if then. I won’t be able to call you for awhile, so this will have to do until I get back.
About our little “talk” at the restaurant before you left. I really tried hard not to become involved with you personally. You were too young, I thought, too damaged. You only “loved” me because I was there to take care of you after our friend got you out. I was wrong. I find myself thinking about you all the time. You are beautiful, fun, and have a better understanding of me than I think I do myself. Did I say you were beautiful?
We cannot be together right now. I want you to experience a few things first. High school, college if you like. I love you enough to let you go. If you want to see what it’s like to date guys your own age, go ahead! I want you to experience life. If you want to mope around, waiting for my return, well, I won’t argue with that either ïŠ.
What I’m trying to say, Belle Marie, is that I will be there for you whenever I can. And someday, if you’ll let me, we can be together forever.
But not right now ïŠ!
P.S. Tell your dad I’m leaving my Suburban for him to use. I don’t like to have it parked too long. It’ll be delivered today!
Belle squealed with joy. “Mama! Mama! Kevin m'aime! Kevin m'aime! Viens ici! Regardez!”
Marta came running, with Bob close behind “What is it Belle! What!”
Belle kept repeating the same phrase.
“We don’t understand, honey, what?”
She stamped her foot and pointed at the laptop. “L-L-LOOK!”
Marta read the email and smiled. “Bob, our little girl has slain her first heart!”
Bob read the note. “He wants me to have his Suburban? Cool! That’s a loaded 2011!”
Marta punched him playfully. “Not that, you dunce. Kevin loves her! I knew he was good son in law material!” She hugged Belle.
“Now tap on the brake, ladies. He likes Belle, sure, but he also told her that they should wait until she gets older” He paused then laughed. “Come to think of it, He IS good son in law material!”
Chapter 16
The interview aired the next Friday on the network news magazine American Issues. The whole family was gathered, with Sam there for support. Both Marta and Bob had no families to speak of, so other than Kevin, who was still on assignment in India, no one else would be coming.
Belle was quiet, but she was also trembling with anticipation. This was one of the things she wanted to do to get back at the ones who had done this to her. She couldn’t get back at them personally, but she could shine the media spotlight on the other cockroaches that did this.
At nine o’clock, the show’s theme music started. The narrator’s voice intoned “This is American Issues with Barbara Wallace. And now, live from New York, Barbara Wallace”
“Tonight, we dedicate the entire hour to a story that captivated the nation. The story of a child, an only child, taken from all he knew, taken, transformed and abused, physically and mentally. This story could have had a tragic ending. But thanks to the unconquered spirit of this child, ultimately it is a story of restoration and triumph”
“A warning, though. Some of the images in this story are graphic and deeply disturbing. We are broadcasting them at the insistence of the victim’s family, as a way of putting a human face on this story”
“Tonight, we will be talking to law enforcement. What are they doing to bring the problem of internet predation under control. We will be interviewing families, and other victims. Finally, we will talk to the young woman who inspired this program. Now, our study… ‘Transformed in Texas’”
Belle had a death grip on her mother and father’s hands. She closed her eyes during the photographs of her slow transformation, and of her mangled back and legs after her beatings. That was followed by snippets of interviews with other victims and their advocates. Of interest to Belle was a segment with a lady who started a foundation to help victims of abuse. She had survived a similar trial to Belle. There was the government agency tasked with assisting local law enforcement in tracking down internet sex crime. Finally, Belle and her family. Belle told of her trials, and her continuing struggle to live a normal life.
She smiled at one question. “So, Belle, how have you been affected other than the obvious changes? Relationships?”
Belle giggled a little onscreen. “Well, I guess I like boys now, just like most other girls. I don’t really remember what it was like to be a boy, so there’s not really any conflict for me. I like one in particular, but that’s not for right now. Right now, I want to focus on getting better. I still have a lot of issues, and my education is a priority for me.”
Belle recognized Sophie’s voice over hers, translating.
Her parents were next, detailing their struggle during the time their son was missing until Belle was found, and their struggle to make sense of everything up to their acceptance of their new daughter.
Finally, all of them together. There were cuts to the family doing things together. Baby pictures of Brian, to the way Belle looked now. This was, for Belle, the happiest time of the broadcast. Her parents meant so much to her. They hadn’t judged her, or tried to get something back that would never be.
Barbara ended the broadcast with these words. “If who a person truly is what is on the inside, then Belle Marie Kalisek will be just fine and I’m very lucky to know her. For American Issues, I’m Barbara Wallace. Good night”
The whole family applauded, and Belle’s parents gave her two very big hugs.
“Well done, Belle. I’m very proud of you” announced Sam. “You’ve adapted very well to this change, and this is all the proof anyone will ever need”
Belle shrugged “I wish I felt as confident as you, Sam. I always feel like I’m just one crisis away from melting down”
“Belle, always remember that you are never alone. No matter what happens. I know you don’t have a big family, so as time goes on, try to develop friends that will be there for you and that you can be there for”
“I’ll try. I just wish I could find a way to communicate. It’s just so damn frustrating! If you know a way around that, then I’m all ears!”
“We’ll figure out a way, Belle. Trust me”
“Okay, Sam” she looked to her parents and smiled. “I’m really tired, guys. I’m going to go to bed, if that’s all right” Sam translated for her.
Marta gave her daughter another hug. “Okay, sweetie. I know it’s been a long day for you”
As Belle got up, she rubbed her tummy. “It’s not that, Mama. I just feel kind of, I don’t know, blahh” Sam again translated.
Marta felt her forehead. “Hmmm, you don’t fell warm. What do you feel like?”
Belle blushed looked to Sam. “Tell her, I feel like my private area is kind of swollen and heavy and my boobs are sore. I’m also feeling kind of crampy down there, too”
Sam stifled a giggle. She looked at Marta and Bob then translated. Marta also began to smile. Even Bob had figured this one out. Belle, however, remained apparently clueless.
Belle cocked her head and asked in English “What?”
“I think Auntie Flo is coming for a visit, Marta”
“I agree, Doctor. Our little girl is growing up!”
Belle gasped as the realization hit her. “Attendez! Oh, non! Vous devez áªtre plaisantez! Crap”
Marta giggled at Belle’s reaction “Well, at least I don’t need that last word translated for me. Let’s go to your bathroom, honey. I’ll get you fixed right up!”
Bob scratched his head in embarrassment “Uhhh, I’m going to catch up on some email”
Marta nodded “Why don’t you do just that. This is girl stuff”
Marta led Belle to the bathroom, followed by Sam. “Okay, sweetie. Let’s get you situated. Check your panties. Is there any spotting?”
Belle pulled her panties down a little so she could see the crotch. There was a good sized spot. “Yuck” she said in English, then “Oui, mama, un peu” Sam related what Belle had said.
“Sam, I think for her first period she should use a pad, don’t you?”
“Um Hmm. There’ll be plenty of time to learn to use a tampon later”
Belle, go change into your nightgown and bring a fresh pair of panties with you. Bring the cotton ones I bought that are a little fuller in the butt”
Belle did as she was asked, and found a pair the panties her mother told her about.
“Oh, and bring the stained ones here, please” Belle said okay from her room.
She came back in with the old underwear as well as the new. “Ok, put the new ones on but don’t pull them all the way up. Belle did. “Now here’s the pad. Pull off the tabs covering the adhesive and place the pad in the center of the crotch, right about where your hoo hoo is”
“Her hoo hoo?” asked Sam, laughing.
“What? I refuse to call it the ‘v’ word?” Marta sniffed. “I don’t like using that word. Never have and I won’t start now. It gives me the creeps”
Sam was laughing heartily. “Whatever, Marta. I can fix that with a couple of visits, you know”
Marta smiled. “I know, I have mommy issues. My mother was a bit straight laced, and some of it rubbed off. So sue me!”
“Call it her meow meow?”
Marta started laughing now.
Belle was thoroughly confused. “Isn’t it called a ‘pussy’?”
Marta gasped. “Belle Marie! Don’t use that term. It’s not ladylike”
Belle blushed. “That’s what the people who took me called it. They said I’d be getting a pussy”
Sam looked at Belle with concern. “Belle, that’s one term for it, but it’s kind of vulgar, and it makes your mom uncomfortable. Let’s stick to vagina or hoo hoo for now, okay?”
Belle giggled. “I like hoo hoo!” only with her accent, it came out like “oo oo”
Marta breathed a sigh of relief. “That works for me!”
Belle got the pad placed properly and said. “I feel like I’m wearing a diaper” Sam giggled and told Marta what Belle had said.
“Welcome to the club, sweetheart! Now put your panties in the sink. You’re going to soak them overnight in water”
Belle wrinkled her nose. “Mama! That’s disgusting! Do I have to?” Sam again translated.
Marta shrugged. “No, I suppose you don’t if you want stained panties. Personally, I think that’s what’s really gross”
Belle rolled her eyes and sighed. “This is just icky, Mama”
“I know, but we do what we must, and I’m not having you throw away a fifteen dollar pair of panties just because you’re a little squeamish. I put a little laundry soap in a container for just this purpose. Just fill the sink with warm water and pour a very little soap in with the water. Let it soak overnight and rinse them out in the morning, then put them in the hamper”
Belle followed her mother’s instructions, but she didn’t like it. “I can afford to buy new ones” Sam translated.
“Now what kind of an example is that? We don’t waste needlessly, no matter how much money we have. Don’t be one of those people who waste things. Remember what is was like to have nothing”
Belle was suitably chastised. She said “Sorry”, and hugged her mother.
“Now I want you to take this before you go to bed. It will help with the cramping and you’ll get a better night’s sleep” She handed Belle a couple of pills.
“Thanks, mama” Belle took the pills and took them with some water.
The grandfather clock chimed two o’clock. Marta had had a little too much water before bed, and was relieving herself. She was washing her hands when she heard movement in the hall. The alarm hadn’t gone off, so she figured it was Belle wandering about. She left her bedroom and padded into the hall. She saw the figure of her daughter sitting in the living room.
The teen saw her mother walking down the hall. “Hi, mom” The voice was clear and devoid of any accent at all.
Marta gasped. She talked to Belle in a whisper. “Belle! You can speak English!”
Belle turned to her with a blank stare. “I’m Brian, Mom”
Author's note:
This is the last story in this series, but not necessarily Belle's last story.
Chapter 17
Marta was astonished. “Brian? I-I-I don’t understand. Where’s Belle? What’s going on?”
“Who’s Belle?” Brian searched the room as if trying to make sense of his situation “I don’t know how I got here. Did I get away from the people who kidnapped me?”
Tears began trickling down Marta’s face. “Brian? Is that really you?”
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t know about this body, though. Can you explain this?” Brian gestured down to his body.
“Do you remember anything about what happened?”
“A little. You called me Belle?”
“That’s your name now, honey”
Belle/Brian raised an eyebrow. “I remember now, that’s the name they gave me wasn't it? Did I get away? How did I get away?”
Marta held her child’s hand. “You were rescued by a man who killed the people who took you”
Belle/Brian’s face was expressionless. “Good”
Marta hugged her child tightly. “It’s so good to talk to you, Brian. We never gave up hope you’d come back to us”
“I’m remembering more, mom. I know what happened. I guess I’m just a passenger in this body now. Belle runs the show. She’s a real good person, mom. She’s my sister, I guess”
“What do you mean, Brian?”
“The best way to explain it, I guess, is it’s like I’m watching a TV show as Belle lives her life. I don’t think she knows much about me”
“She knows you helped her live. She gives you credit for her survival”
Belle’s face remained expressionless, without emotion. Marta almost felt like she was talking to a robot.
“I don’t know about that. It was pretty rough in that place. I gave up fighting. If I hadn’t, I would have gone crazy. Then they did something that kind of split us up. Belle took over, and I let her. She was better at all of the stuff they wanted me to do. I guess it sounds crazy”
“No it doesn’t, Brian. It makes perfect sense. Do you want to see your dad?”
“No. It’s too hard just seeing you. I don’t want to put dad through talking to me again. I can’t stay and I don’t know if I’ll be able to come back. I don’t know much of anything, I guess”
Bob’s voice came from the hallway. “What’s going on, Marta? Come back to bed”
Marta squeezed Brian’s hand. “Hold on for a little longer. Your father misses you so much”
“I’ll try, mom”
Bob entered the room. “What’s up, girls?”
Marta held Brian’s hand. “Bob, I don’t know how it’s possible, but Brian’s here. Please whisper”
“What?” came the startled reply. Bob did remember to whisper.
Belle’s voice rang, free of accent. “Hi dad”
“Belle? Wait, Brian?”
“Yeah, dad. It’s me”
“But how?”
Marta interrupted. “I’ll explain later, Bob. Talk to your son”
“I guess I’m not much of a son now, dad”
Bob knelt down in front of Brian. “Nonsense, Brian. You were, no, are the best son a man could ever have” his voice was husky as tears brimmed in his eyes.
“Thanks, dad. Mom can fill you in on the details. I guess it’s enough for you to know I’m happy. Belle is living the life I might have had. I guess it’s fair to say that I wouldn’t want to come back like this. I couldn’t handle it. Belle’s a lot better at being a girl than I ever could be. She likes it, and she loves you two, just like I do”
“I know Belle has a hard time communicating with us”
“That won’t change. You need to learn to talk with her. I can’t help her there. It’s what keeps us separate, and keeps us from going crazy”
“I love you, son”
“I love you too, dad”
“This whole thing blows my mind. Can’t you stay?”
“No. I wouldn’t do that to Belle. But know that I’m there, watching. Mom can tell you. Also, don’t tell Belle about this. She’s sleeping now. I don’t want her to know about me. When she wakes up, she’ll be just like she was. Don’t mess that up, it’s important”
Bob could barely speak “Okay, son”
Brian continued. “As long as Belle is here, you won’t have lost me. She’s living for both of us”
“Okay, Brian. Just know that we love you and miss you every day”
“I know. I’m not gone, though. Sometime, you’ll see me in her. And when you do, know that I’m having fun watching”
Belle started to waver, as if waking. “Gotta go, guys. Teach her to play basketball”. A faint smile played around Belle’s lips.
Marta and Bob both whispered. “Good bye, Brian”
Belle shook her head as she woke up. “Que fais-je ici?”
Marta didn’t quite understand what Belle said, but she got the idea. “You were sleepwalking, honey. Let’s get you back to bed”
“Okay, Mom” Belle answered in sleepy, but unaccented English. Brian was still in there. Marta smiled, and looked at Bob, who understood perfectly. Marta put belle back to bed.
This would be their secret. If they told Sam, her first instinct would be to try to “fix” the “problem”. The process could end up destroying both psyches. No, this would be a special moment between mother and father. Brian was still alive, and so was Belle, their beautiful daughter. That was as good as it could get. It was good as it was going to get.
Chapter 18
A half a world away, in Delhi, India, Kevin was thinking of his girl, and listening to the conversation emanating from the office of Doctor Prasad Narang, CEO and owner of IndiaPower. His company was the largest generator of electricity in the country, and he owned four of India’s nuclear power plants and a major supplier of plutonium from his Mumbai breeder reactor. He was also a sexual deviant of the highest order.
Kevin had successfully bugged Narang’s office. He smiled as he listened. The fortunate thing about third world countries is that bribery is a way of life. Loyalty is bought and sold like a commodity, and it becomes much easier when the target is a world class asshole like Narang. It has only cost him one thousand American to get three bugs in the office.
“I saw the tape. That bitch is the one I paid for, Gibson. She’s my property and I want her back. I don’t care what it takes, get her!”
The voice on the other line was one Redmond “Red” Gibson, free lance trouble shooter. His services were available for the right price, and he wasn’t too picky about who hired him. It was all about the payday for Red, and he took a great deal of pride in getting the job done. It wasn’t personal, but get in his way, and it got personal real quick.
“Okay, Narang, I get it. One girl, two million plus expenses. I’ll take care of transport out of the country. You pay for the transportation. Payment in advance”
“Whatever. Get her. I want her back by January one. Got it?”
“Yeah, I got it. Set up the air accommodations. She’ll want to travel first class” He laughed at his own little joke.
“Kill the parents. I don’t need anyone looking for her”
“That wasn’t part of the deal, Narang. Double the agreement”
“Fine” Narang sneered. “It’s nothing to me anyway. Make them suffer”
“It’s your dime. My team will be ready to go in twenty four”
Kevin leaned forward His brow furrowed. “That mother fucker! I’ve got a surprise for you, asshole” he whispered.
Kevin punched the keys on his satellite phone. “Boss? I‘ve got a hit. Just like you figured. Narang is going off the deep end”
The gravelly, unemotional voice of his employer responded. “Good. It’s time I killed two birds with one stone. Who’s the hitter?”
“Red Gibson”
“Too bad. I know him. His greed just put him on my list. Get back here ASAP. My jet is waiting for you at the airport. I already have Narang’s account information. The payment to Gibson will be deposited to my account when it is made. A phantom deposit will be made to Gibson’s account. He’ll be dead before he realizes he’s been had”
“Boss, he’s bringing his whole team”
“Good. Get to the airport. Your driver is waiting. Oh, and you’ll be receiving some company in about thirty seconds. You know what to do”
A shot of adrenalin went through Kevin’s body. Narang must have been alerted somehow to his presence. “Oh well” he sighed, “I guess the bribery game works both ways”
He chambered a round in his silenced Sig P226 tactical ops .357. He could hear the footsteps of two men coming down the hall. Grimly, he leveled the pistol at the door.
The door burst open and Kevin was ready. Three shots dropped the first one in less than a second. The man behind had clearly not expected Kevin to be ready for them. His eyes went wide with fear for a moment, as he realized hunter just became the hunted. He dropped with a double tap to the head and chest a moment later.
“Sorry, boys. You just picked the wrong day to show up for work” Kevin shoulder holstered his weapon and stepped over the bodies with no more feeling as if they were two mice caught in a trap.
The driver was waiting for Kevin at the front of the office building he had been using. He was at the airport thirty minutes later. Waiting for them fueled and ready was Pluton Industries’ Aerion SBJ, or Supersonic Business Jet. Eighty million dollars of speed, it could cruise at mach 1.5 for 4500 miles. Since Cerberus’ salary as CEO of the company was one dollar a year, it was the one luxury he afforded himself.
The jet was luxuriously appointed and looked like something out of Star Wars. They were wheels up in 20 minutes. They would be in Dallas in just over 10 hours with a stop for fuel in Germany. Not bad. Kevin reclined the comfortable chair he was sitting in and went to sleep.
Red Gibson had his team of three mercs together within an hour of getting the job. They were in Atlanta, and would be heading to Dallas within another hour.
“What’s the gig, Red?” Asked Red’s right hand man, Danny Badcocke. A former Army Ranger, he had enjoyed several profitable missions with Red, and this one would probably be no different. He had long since left any conscience behind.
“Grab and go” He handed Danny a photo.
“Pretty hot. What is she, fifteen, sixteen?”
“Something like that. Some dink in India claims she’s his property. We ice the folks too”
Danny shrugged “Whatever, how much?”
Red lit a Honduran cigar. “Four mil for the whole deal, plus expenses. Your cut is the same, thirty five percent”
“Works for me. Joe and Vinny are already at the airport. What kind of hardware do we need?”
“Nothing fancy. Tasers for the kid. She’s to be undamaged. The parents, on the other hand…”
Danny nodded. “Got it. Quick and quiet”
“Yeah. The customer wants them to suffer. I don’t like this guy, so they get it quick. Screw him. The more time we spend there the greater the risk”
“Have you done any research on the target?”
“That’s why I have you, Danny. Find out about her from your contact in DPD”
Danny got on the phone with his contact. He found out that DPD didn’t conduct the raid. The rumor was some guy named Cerberus actually got the kid. Danny didn’t like this at all.
“Yeah, Danny?”
“The word is Cerberus got the kid. This isn’t good. You know how he is with cases like this. I wouldn’t doubt if he’s still got eyes on her”
Red scowled. “Dammit! I knew this wouldn’t be a milk run. I’m sure Narang didn’t know this. I’ve heard bad things about this cat”
“It’s not too late to back out, Red”
Red shook his head “I already gave my word, Danny. Besides, Cerberus has never dealt with me. Let’s go, but pack a few more rounds, just in case”
Red’s Gulfstream V was rolling down the runway fifty minutes later.
Belle awoke at nine o’clock on Saturday. She felt unusually refreshed. Stretching, she went to the bathroom for her shower. It was chilly this morning, and she shivered.
Her pad was really soaked. Cringing, she pulled the pad off her panties and wrapped it in toilet paper to throw it in the wastebasket. Turning on the shower, she took care of her other business first. She took another couple of pills to combat the cramps and aches, and then got into the hot shower. It felt wonderful.
She took her time in the shower, until a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Belle? Are you going to leave any water for the rest of the city?”
“Désolé, Mama” Reluctantly, turned off the water and got out. The bathroom looked like a bad day in London. She patted herself dry and wrapped her head in a towel. Her pink terry robe was hanging on the door.
She left the bathroom in a cloud of steam, and her mother was waiting for her. “Don’t forget a new pad, and wear the same type of panties you wore last night”
Sighing, Belle said “Okay, Mama”
“I know it’s tough right now, But in a couple of days you’ll feel just fine”
Belle pouted “Achy, Mama”
“Did you take your medicine?” Belle nodded.
“Then let’s do some chocolate therapy!”
Belle brightened. “Chocolat? Yummy!”
“It always helps me on my worst days. Since you haven’t gone through this yet, why don’t we try some hot cocoa?”
Belle nodded enthusiastically. “Yay!”
“I’ll get some ready while you get dressed”
Belle got dressed, choosing a warm baggy blue sweater over a chemise. She put on a comfortable sports bra because her breasts were still a bit tender, and the extra compression felt better. She tried on a pair of her skinny jeans, but they felt a little too tight for some reason. She ended up putting on a denim mini with sparkly black tights for warmth. She wore ballet flats for comfort.
She came into the kitchen looking a little worse for wear. She was only wearing a little lip gloss and little else.
Marta had to smile. She knew exactly how her daughter felt at that moment. The cocoa was almost done. She had two cups ready. “You look lovely this morning, honey”
“Thanks…not …feel…lovely” Her hair was covering her face
Marta pouted back at Belle in sympathy. “I know, sweetie, but this will help” She poured two big mugs of cocoa with extra marshmallows. She gave a mug to Belle.
She enjoyed the aroma of the chocolate and took a sip. “Mmmmmm…good!” she exclaimed. She continued to sip, making little yummy sounds the whole time.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes!” she looked around the room. “Daddy?”
“He’s out in the garage, airing up the basketball. He said he wanted to shoot for awhile”
“Oh…basket…ball?” she looked confused for a moment, then she smiled. “Je me rappelle! Brian aime le basket-ball”
While Marta didn’t understand exactly what Belle was saying, her attitude conveyed it all. She remembered Brian liked basketball. “Yes, Belle. Brian liked basketball”
She stood at the front window holding her mug. She sipped it, watching her father shoot. She giggled when he missed and the ball bounced off his head.
“Would you like to go outside and try it?”
Belle finished the last of her cocoa. “Oui. Fun!” She pulled her hair back and put it in a ponytail with the scrunchie she kept around her wrist. Marta looked with a little amusement at her girl. She put her hair up like she had been doing it for years.
“Are you going to be warm enough in that little skirt?”
“Oui, Mama” She grabbed her jacket and a pair of mittens and went outside.
She walked outside to the makeshift court in the driveway. Bob had installed a goal years ago. It hadn’t gotten much use the last two years.
“Hello, honey! I saw you looking. Want to shoot?”
“Yes!” she replied.
Bob tossed her the ball and she caught it awkwardly. “Okay Belle. Just push it up, aiming at the front of the basket. Give it a try”
She pushed the ball up with two hands in typical girl fashion and by some miracle, it went in. Nothing but net. Belle’s eyes got as big as saucers. She bounced and clapped her hands. “Yay!” she yelled, her customary exclamation of joy in English.
“Great shot, kid! And here I was thinking you hadn’t played before!”
“I know! Good!” she clearly wanted to say more, but language got in the way”
“You know, you could do a lot better if you took off your mittens”
Belle smiled and took off one of her mittens. She showed the back of her hand to her father and wiggled her fingers. “Uh, Uh, Papa. Pretty Nails!”
Bob rolled his eyes. “Girls! Okay, let’s do it your way…”
They played for the next half hour. Belle missed way more than she made, and she really wasn’t dressed for it, but she had a good time bonding with her father again. She didn’t say much, but ended up just rebounding and throwing the ball to her father to shoot.
Marta watched Bob and Belle play, and it was almost like Brian had never left. This was a very complicated
Marta called out to the two. “Bob, the girl is going to catch her death of cold. Come back in here. I have some lunch ready”
“All right, Marta. Come on Kobe, let’s get something to eat”
“Shit!” Kevin cursed as he hung up the phone. Why wouldn’t they answer their phone? Gibson and his crew were probably already on their way to Dallas. He was too far away to be of much good, even at mach 1.5. Cerberus was not in Dallas at the moment, though he was on his way. There was one other thing he could try…”
Chapter 18
Red Gibson’s team landed in Dallas Love Field at Ten PM. Red told the pilot to be ready to be wheels up at 0030.
They rented an Expedition under one of the many aliases Red kept ready for just such eventualities. Danny, the driver, pulled up the address and punched it into the GPS. “They’re only about twenty minutes away, Red”
“Good. The less time I spend here, the better. I hate this town”
Red looked back at his team. “We’re hitting the target early. I want this quick, clean and above all, quiet. Ops in this environment are always tricky. You never know when Mrs. Kravitz will be nosing around where she doesn’t belong”
“Roger that, Boss” Vinny replied.
“We’ll check out the lay of the land when we get there. From what I understand, this is a typical suburban home, two thousand square feet, single story, two car attached garage”
“Vinny, you take care of mom and dad. Silencer on?”
Joe, you’re the safety valve. Anything goes wrong; you protect the guys on the inside. Danny, you’re with me. We get the kid”
I want to be back on the plane at no later than 0015. Wheels up at 0030.
Their Expedition pulled up to the Kalisek’s neighborhood. They cut the lights, and pulled into the drive. The lights were out in the home. Good. They were asleep. Night owls were always a pain. Thermal imaging indicated two vehicles in the garage and three bodies in the house, all quiet.
“Go!” called Gibson in a whisper..
All the men quietly got out of the car. They were completely silent, professionals all. As they were assuming their tactical positions, Danny picked the lock on the front door. The door opened noiselessly.
Vinny crept into the bedroom. Two bodies were lying in the bed. He could see them clearly with his night vision goggles. Two quiet shots to the head, and they were neutralized. “Two down” he whispered into his throat mike.
Danny and Red crept into Belle’s bedroom noiselessly. A shot from the taser, and the small girl was no threat. They pulled the covers down, only to find a dummy.
“What the fuck?” spat Red as he looked at Danny. His eyes widened in alarm “We’ve been made!”
There was a loud thud in the hall outside the room. Danny and Red ran out to nearly trip over the body of Vinny. They started to make their way to the front door when a quiet, gravelly voice stopped them. “Hello, Redmond. I didn’t expect you to take this job. This one doesn’t have a future” Cerberus was sitting in the chair in front of the fireplace. It was now lit.
Red whirled at the sound, leveling his pistol at the source.
“Cerberus, I take it?” Red activated the laser sight.
“What do you think, Redmond?”
“I heard you might be involved in this”
“Then why did you take the job?”
“It’s just business, Cerb. Nothing more, nothing less. Right now, you’re standing between me and four million dollars, and I never miss getting my target”
“You’re going to miss this one, Redmond. The girl is under my protection. Give me your word you’ll move on, and you can go. Your friend isn’t dead. It isn’t too late”
“Can’t do that, Cerb. I gave my word” He squeezed off five shots, all striking Cerberus dead center mass.
There was silence. Cerberus slumped in the chair, unmoving.
“You got ‘im Red! You popped the legendary Cerberus!”
Cerberus then raised his head. “That was a mistake, Redmond. It will be your last. I suppose you could run, but it won’t do you much good.”
Danny emptied his clip into the body of Cerberus. He didn’t even flinch.
“Let’s get the fuck outta here, Red! This guy ain’t human!”
Red was already out the door. They ran as fast as they could to the Expedition. Joe was nowhere to be seen. Red made it to the truck first, with Danny close behind. “Start this motherfucker, Danny!”
Danny turned the key. Nothing. “Shit! SHIT! He rigged the engine, Red!”
The distinctive voice of Cerberus echoed from the back seat. “All right, Redmond. Let’s get something straight. I don’t like being shot. It…fucking…hurts. Now, you pay the price, but first, I want you to see something” the doors of the SUV locked.
“Shit! Where did you come from?”
“Turn around, Redmond. This is what evil buys”
Red Gibson turned around. To see the destroyed, burned skull face of Cerberus. He screamed, as did Danny. Simultaneous twin explosions from Cerberus’ Desert Eagles blew out the chests of the two mercenaries. Cerberus placed two gold coins on their eyes. “For the Ferryman” was all he said.
The next morning, the SUV was found in the driveway of the Kalisek’s house by a police cruiser who had been alerted by an anonymous call. Four men were in the SUV, dead. Their ID’s were with them along with the documentation of their intended job. There would be no trial for these men. They had already been found guilty.
The police arrived en masse shortly after the discovery. The media wasn’t far behind them. They had been tipped off as well, and they had the same documents that the police had. There would be no sweeping this under the rug. Detective Chris Mitchum was the lead. Phil Albano was his partner. “You can put this in the cold case file right now, Captain. It was Cerberus” Chris said sadly.
The Captain, Willie Gilliard, on scene due to the high profile nature of the case, agreed. “I know, Chris. Work it like any other case, but if what we found here is correct. I don’t know if I even want to find the guy. Hell, he left over six grand worth of gold coins on their eyeballs. Kinda eliminates robbery as a motive, don’t it”
Albano had to laugh. “Yeah, but I hate it when someone takes the law into his own hands”
Captain Gilliard shook his head. “This guy is next level, Phil. He knows what he’s doing. I’ve never seen a vigilante do what he does. When he does the deed, he gives you the reason he did it. These guys were going to kidnap the girl who lives here and murder her parents, all because they were paid by some wack job in India”
He paused, looking at the mob of reporters waiting for a statement. “No sense putting this off any longer. Time to feed the kitties”
In Delhi, Narang’s office was being turned upside down by the police. They had received thousands of video files detailing Narang’s exploits, including video of the women he had killed. Narang was no where to be found, he was on his corporate jet on the way to Myanmar, where he couldn’t be extradited. His satellite phone rang.
“Hello, Narang” the voice was cold, unemotional.
“Who is this?”
“The one who ruined your little attempt to get at Belle Kalisek. Know me now?”
“Fuck you. You stopped me once, but I’m worth billions. I can hire wave after wave of men to do my bidding”
“She must be one special girl for you to waste your money like that”
“She means nothing. I get what I want. Always. You can’t stop me, no one can”
Cerberus paused “Narang, do you know what sucks about a fall?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“It’s the sudden stop. You are now at thirty eight thousand four hundred feet. That’s a hell of a fall”
Narang looked around the cabin nervously. “How do you know that”
“Look at your computer monitor, Narang”
There, in the monitor was the face of a hooded figure. His black full face mask had two mirrored eyeholes. The rest was blank. Not even air holes. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Cerberus. And my face is that last face you will see on this earth” He pulled off the mask, and Narang jumped back. “Good bye, Narang”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” He screamed as the jet exploded.
Belle and her family were back in their house after a day at the safe house. Belle’s cell phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hello, Belle”
“I know you! Cerberus?”
“Yes. I just wanted you to know that I’ve taken care of everyone who thinks they have a reason to hurt you”
“Thank you! I don’t know how I can ever repay you”
“Live a good life. You remind me of someone I care about very much”
“Will I ever see you again?”
“Who knows. I will be watching you, however. You’ll never be alone again. Goodbye”
The phone went dead. Belle smiled. Kevin was coming over tonight, and school was just around the corner. The next six months would be fun.
A girl deals with the loss of her transgendered sister.
Author's note: This is a fictionalized account of real events in my life. I have not shared this before.
I just had a very bad day. I was leaving my last class of the day, another battle with Trigonometry that I was rapidly losing. Of all my freshman level classes, trig was the worst, and it had put me in a foul mood. I just wanted to go to my dorm room, make a cup of hot cocoa and veg for the rest of the evening.
I was walking to the common area of the university, on my way to the Subway on campus to get something to take to my room. Looking to my right, I saw a group of the people I hated
most of all on campus, a group of misogynist wrestlers with a hard on for Asian girls like myself. I had no idea what their names Biting my lip, I walked forward, preparing myself for the taunts to come.
I was actually Korean-American, adopted by a Korean-American family here in the States. My adoptive father was Korean, my adoptive mother was American. I had two brothers, John, the oldest, and Jason, who, at twenty, was two years older than me. My parents couldn't have anymore babies, so they decided to adopt me as a baby, a child of an American serviceman and a Korean prostitute. I had no future in Korea, and was eternally grateful that Mom and Dad had chosen me to adopt.
One of the boys stepped in front of me as I walked by. "Hey, baby!" sneered one of the boys. "You so horrrny? You love me long time?"
"Very funny, jackass" I replied. "Don't you have some little boy to molest?"
"Oooohh! Matt! I don't think she likes you, buddy" grinned one of the group of boys with "Matt".
"Matt" looked back toward me. "Listen, bitch. My old man lost his job to people like you. The least you could do is give me a little of that fine ass to make up for it"
"No, 'Matt', the least I could do is turn your sorry ass into the campus police for harrassment. Now leave me alone, or that's just what I'll do"
A large hispanic male with them muttered "puta" then said "leave the bitch alone, Matt, she's probably a lesbo anyway"
As I was walking away from the group, one of the group spit at me. It didn't hit me, but the message was delivered. I hated how dirty those boys made me feel.
I was attractive, I guess.I was 18, 5'6", 115 lbs, with a runner's build. I had long, straight brown hair that came to the middle of my back. I didn't have a lot on top, but it definitely made my morning runs easier.
I had the reputation of a girl who didn't have time for dating or boys at all. My daddy was paying for me to get an education, and he wouldn't pay for me to spend my time dating when I should be studying. It was the same way with my brothers. They didn't get any slack either, but it was a little worse for me as the only girl in the family.
John, 26,was my oldest brother. An engineer for Boeing in Tacoma, was married to a wonderful girl from Hawaii of Polynesian descent. They had a son, a beautiful little baby named Trent.
Jason, 20, was still in school. He was my best friend growing up. I had known for several years that he was transgendered, and was well into his transition. He had begun his life trial a year and a half ago, and was encountering a lot of bullying and intimidation from some of the idiots on campus. It was a smaller school, and in the same town where we grew up. Mom and Daddy didn't like it, but he was not going to be denied. He was so unhappy as a boy, and had confided in me when I was 15. I couldn't understand at first, but I loved my brother, and did what I could to help him, from helping him with makeup and clothes, to going out with him when he would dress. He went by Jessica, and I called him Jessi. We didn't live together on campus, and we planned on moving in together after my freshman year.
Jessi had problems with the same bunch of creeps who harrassed me. I know they bothered me because I was Jessi's sister, but I didn't care. I knew the sweet person that Jessi was, and knew she would make some lucky man a wonderful wife. Jessi didn't like girls. She was 100% hetero, and loved men.
This got her into trouble more than once. She often didn't disclose on the first date that she was a tgirl. She passed very well, and once a man had a bad reaction after she told him on their third date after Jessi had gone down on him. She was beaten pretty badly, but she refused to press charges, saying it was her fault, that she should have told him sooner.
After that, the man's friends had gotten hold of her. They had invited her to a party and had given her a date rape drug. She woke up naked in a strange apartment. She didn't ever know exactly what they did to her. I begged her to press charges, but she wouldn't. She made me promise not to tell mom and daddy. I sensed that a part of her died that day. She never was the same cheery person after that.
The stress of the harassment had gotten to her. She had been betrayed a couple of times by pervs who wanted a transsexual girl to abuse. Jessi just wanted to have a relationship, and made some bad choices based on lies people told her that she was willing to believe.
Jessi began drinking and taking too many pills. Her therapist was trying to get her to come out of her shell, to report the abuses she had suffered. She wouldn't do it, saying it wouldn't do any good, that she couldn't even remember who was at the party. I think she just wanted to forget it.
I got my sandwich, and left the shop. The weather had gotten cloudy in the time I had been in there, and it looked as if a thunderstorm was kicking up.
Walking rapidly to beat the storm, I looked down an alley way and heard a muffled scream. Whirling to my left, I saw four men holding a woman and hitting her mercilessly. I dropped everything and ran down the alley, screaming for them to stop. Where was everyone? Where was someone to help her?
As I got there, I saw that it was the same people who had harrassed me earlier. They were holding the woman by both arms and were covering her mouth.
"Stop it!" I screamed. "Leave her alone!"
They just looked at me and laughed and continued hitting her. I ran to them and tried to get between them and the woman, but I was too small, to make much of a difference. I hit the one striking the woman in the back as hard as I could with both hands, but he wouldn't stop.
Sobbing, I was screaming for help, but no one came. Where was everyone? Finally, one of the men turned to me and pushed me to the pavement. He looked at me with hate filled eyes. "You're next, bitch".
Terror gripped me as I backed up, crab walking back to a wall. Suddenly, the four men looked to the end of the alley and began to back up. A woman was at the end of the alley.
"Get out of here!" She commanded.
The leader of the gang looked at me and hissed "We'll be back for you later, bitch"
I got up and ran to the woman, who was laying face down on the ground. "Miss, are you ok?" She moaned as I rolled her over. Her face was a mess. She had lost several teeth, her nose appeared to be broken and her eyes were swelling shut. Then I recognized her. Jessi! oh my God! "JESSI! Help! Someone! My sister's hurt!" I was sobbing uncontrollably. "It's ok, honey, it's Cindi. I'm here" I held her and cried. "Where is everyone" I screamed.
"It's...ok...Cindi. I'm fine"
"No you're not, Jessi. You're hurt! HELP ME!" I screamed.
"I'm...leaving...Cindi. I-I can't take the abuse anymore. I never wanted this. I just wanted to be happy. It shouldn't be like this"
"It'll be ok, Jessi. I saw the people who did this. They'll pay this time"
I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder. I looked up, and the woman I saw at the end of the alley was looking down on me. She was beautiful, with dark hair and the most stunning blue eyes I had ever seen. She smiled. "Jessi is coming with me, Cindi"
"What do you mean? We have to get her to a hospital"
"Why?" she smiled again, a smile that I could get lost in. A smile that said everything would be all right. "Jessie is just fine"
I looked down, and Jessi's face was whole again. She looked more wonderful than I had ever seen her before. Her face shone with happiness. "What? I-I don't understand. What's going on?"
"Kristen is coming to take me home" said Jessi as she got up from the ground.
"Who? What is going on here, Jessi?"
"Cindi, I'm Kristen, and Jessie is coming with me to where she can be who she is, without fear or prejudice. She's going home"
"NO! It'll be alright, Jessi! Stay with me! We'll get through this, together! Please, sis, don't leave me!" I sobbed. I was on my knees, holding on to Jessi's dress.
"It's ok, Cindi. Really, it is. I am so much happier now. You don't understand! We'll be together again. This isn't forever, sis"
Looking down on me with a mixture of sorrow and understanding, Kristen said quietly "Jessi hasn't told you why she's leaving. You see, after she was drugged, the people who did it brought in some drug addicts to have sex with her. They were HIV positive, and infected her. She didn't want to live with the disease."
I looked at Jessi "Is this true?"
"I'm afraid so, Sis. I could never be whole again"
"Oh my god, Jessi. I'm so sorry"
"It's ok, Cindi. That's why I'm leaving"
"We have to go now, Jessi" said Kristen quietly.
I hugged my sister one more time. "Goodbye, Jessi"
"Not goodbye, sis, see ya later"
Kristen led Jessi to the end of the alley. She turned around one more time and smiled "Live the best life you can for me, sis. Don't mourn for me. I love you"
"I love you too, Jessi" I whispered, barely able to speak.
Kristen and Jessi simply faded away.
I woke in my dorm room. My eyes were wet with tears. Just a dream? It was so real. I had to call Jessi. She had to be all right. I called her cell phone. No answer. I called her rommmate. She picked up on the third ring.
"Marina!" Where is Jessi? I need to talk to her!"
"She-she's not here, Cindi"
"Where is she?" I was frantic.
"I-I really can't say, Cindi"
Just then, there was a knock at my door. I hung up the phone. I opened the door, and my parents were there. My father was deadly serious, my mother was crying.
"Cindi" my father started.
", Not Jessi. Daddy..." Tears were streaming down my face.
My father looked down "I'm afraid that Jessi passed away last night. It looks like suicide"
I collapsed on the floor. My parents held me. We all cried.
My sister was buried in a beautiful blue dress. The service was attended by a few friends of the family and some transgendered friends of Jessi who mourned with us at the loss of a beautiful lady. We celebrated her life as she would have wanted us to. My parents learned that Jessi wasn't some sort of freak, and her friends were wonderful throughout the geiving process. As for me? I would never be the same again.
I couldn't understand why people had to be so mean. The dream I had came true. Jessi was HIV positive. Those evil people had killed her just as if they had pulled a trigger. And nothing would ever happen to them. Not in this world. I would have to let that go, as much as I wanted to pursue them.
I left school that fall, never to return. Confused and hurting, I went to another college, hundreds of miles away. I needed a lot of therapy to deal with my anger. The dream I had helped me to deal with the death of my sister. Maybe she was in a better place. What was beyond this life? I didn't know. One thing I did know. I would meet her again...
I guess I should explain myself. My name is Kerry McCoy. I am 18 and transsexual. I am not a cross dresser. I get no sexual thrill out of dressing ‘en femme’. I am counting the days until I can kiss this place goodbye and get on with my life. My dad and I don’t see eye to eye, to say the least. I am an average sized girl (well, I refuse to call myself a boy) five feet nine inches and one hundred thirty pounds. I think I’m fat, but that’s a whole other issue.
A little departure for me. I hope you like it!
“Get out of bed, boy! That yard ain’t gonna mow itself! Move it!”
I sat straight up in bed, wanting to yell out. My dad, ex Gunnery Sergeant Patrick “Mac” McCoy was really good at jarring me from sleep. He lived to do it to his Marine recruits, and nothing was different at home.
“Okay, Dad. I’m up. I’m up.” It was 6:30 AM. Who mowed the lawn at 6:30 in the freakin’AM?
I heard him laughing as he went down the hall. The prick. I rolled out of bed and froze. I had forgotten I was wearing my baby doll pajamas. I couldn’t sleep if I wasn’t wearing them. They were blue with matching panties, and I loved how they made me feel.
I guess I should explain myself. My name is Kerry McCoy. I am 18 and transsexual. I am not a cross dresser. I get no sexual thrill out of dressing ‘en femme’. I am counting the days until I can kiss this place goodbye and get on with my life. My dad and I don’t see eye to eye, to say the least. I am an average sized girl (well, I refuse to call myself a boy) five feet nine inches and one hundred thirty pounds. I think I’m fat, but that’s a whole other issue.
Well, you might have guessed that daddy and I don’t get along, and you’d be right. Mom died of cancer last year. She knew my secret to a certain extent, but not the entirety. I had been on hormones since I was 14. Puberty was late, and thanks to a certain doctor, it would never come. I’ll get to that later.
Psychiatrists call what I have “Gender Dysphoria”, like its some kind of sickness, like “allergic rhinitis”. I don’t see it that way. I’m not sick. I just have the wrong body wrapped around my soul. My tent is blue, my soul pink. I don’t need to analyze it. It just is. I have called myself a girl since I was little. The folks thought it was cute at first, but when I was still doing it at eight, well, daddy got a little nervous.
My first spanking for cross dressing came when I was nine. I had gotten in to some of mom’s old stuff, and was dressed in a cute little summer frock and an old gardening hat with some clumsily applied makeup. Had the tent matched the soul, it would have been a Kodak moment. As it was, it got me whacked ten times on the butt from daddy dearest. Mom did nothing, bless her soul.
Ok, enough daydreaming. Time to get up. “That yard ain’t gonna mow itself!”
Daddy was long gone by the time I got out of the bathroom. Off to some secret war thing or whatever. I wish he could see me now. Four years of hormones have been very kind to me. 34B-24-35. My hated boy part is atrophied, and spends the day neatly tucked away, waiting for the day when I can afford to send it to wherever penises go when they get modified. I have long blonde hair, down to my shoulder blades. I keep it styled androgynously, so daddy doesn’t suspect. I can still work it into a nice up do on those rare occasions when I can go party with the girls. They know who I am. My real name is Katrina. I like it because it makes people think of the hurricane, and I don’t want to be forgotten.
I don’t know, maybe daddy does see the changes and is in denial. When I go out as a boy, I always get confused with a lesbian or a tomboy. The girls used to call me “Aly” because I look like Aly Michalka, the ex Disney princess. The similarity stops there. I’ve had more sex with more perverts than that girl will ever see. More on that later.
I bind the twins down and throw on some shorts and a Judas Priest concert tee. God, my legs look cute. Still a little too fat yet, but I’ll work on that. I have a nice tan working. I always lie out in a bikini, and have for over a year now. Daddy wouldn’t like that. I keep my bikini top on when tanning so I’ll have nice tan lines. Tee hee! I’m such a bitch.
I suppose you wonder how I was able to get such a killer bod when hormones are sooo illegal and dangerous. Easy. Check this out.
So, skip forward a few years, and mom thinks it will be a good idea for me to see a therapist. I was thirteen, and I see this “Doctor” who gives me the creeps. He’s too, I don’t know slimy. He asks a lot of questions about the way I feel about things and the like. I don’t hold anything back. I tell him everything. So, this guy, he’s paid by the government, and he doesn’t get paid much. And he earns every dime. He tells me that he will tell my parents about my ‘perversion’ if I don’t perform a little quid pro quo. So I have to blow this guy, in his office. All the way, including swallowing. I thought it was disgusting, but I didn’t feel like a boy must feel. He raped me, and although I may not have had a vagina, I was devastated as any girl would be.
But I’m not anyone’s fool. I take my new cell phone and sneak it in to the office for my weekly visit. After recording his violation, I managed to turn the tables. My silence for a hormone program. On the down low. On his dime. He made it happen and quick too. I guess he didn’t want to blow Bubba in jail. Phase one of the plan in the books, quite by accident.
It was a typical San Diego day. Beautiful, and boring. I finished the yard, and decided to go to the beach. Yay! I went into the bathroom, showered and shaved (my legs, silly), and got ready to hit the beach. I texted Marisa, my BFF, and I got into my car (a fairly new Civic) and we drove to the beach.
Marisa is cute, and I’m a knockout. We got more stares and whistles than I could count. Boys were playing Frisbee and football right in front of us to get our attention. I thought it was cute. So did Marisa. She had a little Venus number on, and I had a Body Glove bikini. I’d love to have a tiny little bottom on, but, sigh, there’s that little problem.
So, back to my little hormone thing. With Doctor Creepy taken care of, I started on HRT. I was sterile within a couple of months, and the boobie fairy visited after six months. Things were coming along nicely. I became quite the actress. I was able to hide the changes, and I stopped dressing and acting out. I was becoming the “boy” they had wanted. I was NORMAL! Woo Hoo! I was bitter, all right, but my plan was coming together. I researched SRS, and I found it was terribly expensive. I could do it here in the states, or travel to Thailand. Either way, I was fucked, and not in a good way. How was I going to come up with a way? Then it came to me. Maybe I could earn some money. If Doctor Creepy was willing to risk his career for a chance at getting some underage nookie, then maybe I could earn some money the old fashioned way. I hated my parents for how they made me live. Who cared if it was dangerous? I’d rather die than live a lie, so what the hell.
I did some more research and started hitting some chat rooms where I started scoring some action with the pervs. Sometimes they came over when the units were out, sometimes I met them. They were pretty harmless, for the most part. I got a hundred fifty for a blowjob, and when I trained myself a little, Five hundred for the whole nine yards. I looked so innocent, and the Disney girl thing didn’t hurt. I was pulling down over fifteen hundred a week. Ok, I was a whore. But I never saw myself as a victim. I was using those poor bastards to get what I wanted.
Sure, I worried about disease, and I turned a few down on general principles, condom or no condom.
Oh! Let me tell you about this one! I made ten thousand one weekend when I was fifteen, almost 16. A famous actor (I’ll never tell) found out about me. He had a thing for t girls, and especially young ones. Young ones like me are rare, and when he had the chance at the genuine article, he jumped.
That scene was crazy. I made sure I was covered with Marisa, so if anything happened, I was covered. This guy was seriously demented. I was bound every way a girl can be bound, fucked every way a girl like me can be fucked, and made to be his sex slave the entire weekend. His wife joined in and abused me. I was gagged the entire weekend, and began to despair that I had finally screwed the pooch. Them, at Ten o’clock Sunday night, the untied me, let me take a shower, and gave me ten thousand dollars cash right there on the spot. They said they liked the way I cried. That wasn’t acting.
I ended up doing that couple four more times. They got a little rougher each time. Bondage isn’t really my thing as a lifestyle. I mean it can be fun, but the way they did it was really scary. I spent more than a few hours with a plug up my rear end giving my “mistress” a screwing with my face attached to a rubber penis. I didn’t think my body could bend in so many ways. They dressed me in rubber and all kinds of fetish stuff. I went along with it, but the tears I cried were real every time. I was humiliated, but I ended up taking over one hundred thousand dollars from them. Tax free. I quit when they started inflicting a lot of pain. I couldn’t take that. They would have killed me if I had stayed.
Marisa and I went to get something to eat at Mcd’s. I know it’s not good for me, but it’s just so good. Hey we work it off. We’re young!
We cruised around until four PM. Then I dropped her off. I had to get back home and get changed. I was so sick of doing that. I had a cute cover-up on over my denim cutoffs. My bikini top was all that I had on top. It was getting harder and harder to keep up this charade. I was so done being a boy, even make believe.
I was a whore, a prostitute. I knew it, and I was somewhat ashamed about it. But I had plans, and if my daddy had shown me anything, it was to work for what you want. Maybe it wasn’t the right or best way, but it was my way. I had two hundred and fifty thousand in the bank, and two rental properties paying me six thou a month. What was I waiting for? What every girl is waiting for. Daddy’s approval. I would never get it. I had my passport. I had purchased tickets for two weeks from today. I couldn’t leave without saying good bye, and give him a chance to, I don’t know, wish me luck.
Hell. Tonight was the night. I wasn’t going to change. Driving up to the house. I saw daddy was home. I stopped the car, took a deep breath, and walked in the house.
“Hey, what in the hell are you doing? Who are you?”
“I turned to face him. It’s me, daddy.”
The color drained from his face. “Kerry?”
“Katrina, daddy. My name is Katrina. It has been for some time.”
“B-but you don’t look anything like my boy. You have, uh….”
“Boobs? Yes I do, and I have had them for three and a half years now. I was just really good at hiding. The face, well, that was a gift from mother. Makeup does a lot too.”
He collapsed in a chair. “What did I do wrong?”
I looked at him, feeling a bit sorry for him. “Nothing, daddy. No, I take that back. The only thing you did wrong was make me go underground to do what I needed to do.”
Tears ran down his cheeks. To see the old man, the hard Marine cry, caused me to tear up too. “I’m leaving tomorrow for Thailand, daddy. I’m getting the reassignment surgery.”
“I did a lot of things I’m not proud of, daddy. I became a prostitute to earn enough money to do this. I was very good at it, and managed to keep my grades up at the same time. I did what I had to do to earn this. I did it on my own. I start at State this fall. If you still want to see me, my phone number won’t change. I’m done with the lifestyle, but I’m getting the surgery. I’ll be back in six weeks. Think about whether you want to have a daughter. If you don’t, I’ll understand. If you do, I’ll be happy to be your daughter. I spite of everything, I still love you.”
I went to my room, and grabbed the three bags I had pre packed. I was going over to Marisa’s to spend the night. My rescheduled flight left at 10:00 AM.
Daddy never said a word as I left.
I’m halfway across the Pacific now. Ready to start my new life. I am not as bitter as I was yesterday. Maybe this Katrina won’t be as bad.
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: Hot date!
Sorry for the short note, but the time change is really getting me. I promise to be longer next time.
OMG! You are not going to believe this, girl!
Ok. So I get off the plane, and who is waiting for me at baggage, but Mr. Super Cute, Trent! He was all smiling and everything. He said he couldn’t find his bag. I mean, I took forever to get there (potty break and MAKEUP) :)). Anyway, he’s still there looking at the carousel, and I see my crazy patterned luggage with the cute Hello Kitty tags (ty, Marisa). They were so worth the grand they cost.
He comes up to me and asks if he can help me carry my bags. He has a big macho shoulder bag, so I say sure! He drags my psycho luggage and he asks where I ‘m going, and I say the Sukhothai Bangkok. He’s all impressed that I’m staying at such a ritzy place (if he only knew how I can afford it). He says he is staying at some dive on the outskirts of town. He’s in the country on some kind of research trip for his grad studies. He must be really smart!
After we clear customs, he asks if we could share a ride in a cab. I am so grateful for the company, of course I say yes. He’s just sooo nice, Marisa, you wouldn’t believe. I was not looking all that great; I mean that ratty jean mini you hate and my fave Hello Kitty tee (Sooo cute!).
He has just the coolest eyes, Marisa! Ice Blue! He almost looks like a vampire! He’s in really good shape too. He asked me all about where I was from and all, and why I was here. I couldn’t tell him exactly why, but I didn’t want to lie, so I told him I was visiting the country for an extended stay before I go to college. He seemed to accept that, I guess. I hated not being truthful with him, but there was no way I was going to give him my secret.
I know. If you would have been here you would have said, “Tell him!” But you’re not so nyah.
His last name is Roberts, and he comes from central Cal. Sounds pretty boring to me. He’s an engineering student from what he said, but I couldn’t focus on anything but his eyes! All I heard was blah blah blah.
When we got to the hotel, he asked me to dinner. Me! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, if he knew about me, he would have been out the door in a heartbeat, but I wanted to be romanced, if only for dinner. I think I’ve earned it!
BTW, I'm so glad I did the name change on my 18th. Going around as Kerry would have been a little awkward, but I guess Kerry is kind of androgynous, so it would have been okay, I guess. I just want to get as far away from my other self as I can. Some tween girl thought I was "you know who" and asked for my autograph. Come on. I need to have the doc see what he can do about that. it gets really old.
Anyway, he didn’t look like he could afford to buy cereal, so I said I didn’t know if I could. I wanted to so bad, but I wanted to see what he would do. He offered to take me to one of the restaurants in the hotel. It was a Thai Restaurant, called Celadon or something like that. It was pretty nice, I guess, but no one has ever taken me to a nice restaurant before, so I wouldn’t know one if I saw one. Hard to believe on all of the dates I ever had, no one ever thought to take me out to eat. Whatever.
He actually wanted to come up to my room and change for dinner, but there was no way I was going to let him do that. I showered and changed into my cute little red dress (the one we bought at Macy’s, remember?) I looked totally cute and took a little extra time on my makeup. I did it for evening, a little more dramatic. I put on my 4 inch red stilettos and was ready to go. I was going to let him know that this little girl was no one to be messed with.
We met, and he found a place to change into a dinner jacket and pants with a nice white shirt. My heart went pitty pat. He looked HOT! He really went overboard complimenting me. That was sooo nice. He complimented me! I almost didn’t know how to react. He was so different from the animals I have been with.
Marisa, it was the best time I’ve ever had. We ate, talked, and danced. He really seemed to be interested in me. I was waiting for the part where he grabs my ass, or tries to feel my boobs or worse, but he never did. I almost wish he had. Was I not good enough for him?
I don’t know.
The evening went on and on. We finally ran out of gas at two in the morning. Jet lag is a killer. I had my first appointment with the surgeon in the afternoon so I told I needed to get going. He offered to walk me up to my room but I told him I would be okay. He seemed disappointed, but asked if he could see me again.
I didn’t know what to say about that. I told him that I was going to be unavailable for the next 2 months, but he was welcome to call me after that, if he still wanted to. We’ll see how bad he wants to see me again. I’m betting I never hear from the guy again.
Well, enough about that. In two days, I’ll be a different person, at least physically. I wonder how it will change me inside. I can’t think about that now. I just want to get out of these heels and into my nightie. This girl is pooped. Wish me luck! I’ll probably send you one more email before the surgery. Then I’ll be out of it for a couple of days.
As usual, ANY comments you may have are always welcome!
Some have requested that Katrina's story continue. If you want to see this through, let me know!
The email addresses are made up!
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: 3 days and Counting!
Hey, Marisa! I don’t have anything to do on this booooring flight, so I thought I would write a letter to you. I’ll email it when I get settled in after I land.
Wow, I sooo can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I mean, when you see me again, I’ll finally be rid of my “defect” ;). I’m totally excited and totally scared at the same time. I haven’t got anybody but myself to look after me once this is done, and I don’t know exactly how I’ll manage. But I’ve been there before, as you well know.
I guess on a more serious note, I want to thank you so much for being there for me. I know you didn’t approve of how I made my money, but you never judged me, and you were always there to let me cry on your shoulder when one of my “clients” got a little rough. I was such a handful, but you must understand that nothing was going to keep me from doing what I am about to do.
I *hate* what I am now. I can’t expect you to fully understand what I feel, because you were born whole. I am so happy for you for that. I have a giant hole in my heart that nothing will ever truly fill. I may have some of the equipment after this is all over, but for some reason, there will always be something missing. Oh, maybe I’m just a drama queen. I was able to turn a terrible event into the blessing that enabled me to miss dreadful boy puberty. I would have killed myself if I had to go through that.
Oh! Remember when I first told you I was turning tricks to pay for what I knew was coming? You said I was too pretty and nice to have to do that. Too pretty. You’ll never know what that meant to me. I knew what I was, but you wouldn’t let me believe it. You believed in me. I’ll love you forever for that. No, not in the “I want to screw your brains out” way, either. You’re cute, but I like boys.
After all the abuse I’ve taken over the years from boys and “men”, you wouldn’t think I would have any use for them at all. But I just can’t help but think there is that one special guy out there that will forgive me for what I’ve done and love me anyway.
I know what you’re thinking, Marisa. “Forgive” me? Well, I know I have a lot of emotional baggage, and it would be difficult to deal with if I were on the other end, so yeah. I can’t help but think I’ll be like a 14 year old girl stuck in puberty for the rest of my life, always wondering if I’m good enough or smart enough or sexy enough for the man of my dreams. Now I’m crying. I need to stop for a little bit.
Ok, I’m back. We are getting closer now, flying over China, I think. Please be there for me when this is done, okay? I’m really scared. What if something goes wrong? Will anybody miss me if I die? I know it sounds crazy, but I had a nightmare about being kidnapped after it’s done and never getting back home. I might call you at crazy hours, but you’re the only friend I have. Daddy will never come.
I filled out a will before I left, just in case. I left everything to you. If you don’t want it, there’s a plan for that too. Please take it. There’s enough for you to go to college on or whatever. Okay?
Ohh, what am I worried about. It’s not going to be that bad. The doctor put me in touch with a really cute tgirl who will help me through the worst part of my recovery. I talked to her via Skype and she seemed really nice. Her name is Phi, and she does this to help out new girls. I think I’ll need some help! ïŠ
I wish you could have come with me. I’ll miss you, and our late night talks. Well, I keep forgetting. We can still Skype! Yay!
There is a real creeper staring at me from across the plane. He has come back to go to the restroom like three times in the last hour. Nobody has to go that bad. Here he comes again…
He got the nerve to talk to me. I was polite and told him I was spoken for. As if he actually had a chance! I am such a bitch! I guess I should be thankful anyone takes a second look at me, but the thought of having that greaseball in bed…ewwwwww! Even I have my standards.
Check on daddy would you. Maybe you could come up with an excuse to go over, maybe to pick up something I forgot. I don’t know why I care, but do it for me ok?
I am reading again about the surgery. OMG, it is scary looking. The end result is nice, but I am going to look like hamburger for awhile ïŒ. Think nice thoughts for me.
I’ll be going through major surgery, and you know what bothers me the most? Going in a bedpan. YUCK! The catheter will be bad enough, but the other? I hope I don’t have to.
I do so hope that all of the crap I had to put up with will be worth it. To be able to make love to a man, not just have them fuck me like an inflatable doll, using every hole I have but the one I want more than anything. That would be nice. There are a lot of girls who don’t want to get the surgery, and they seem happy. I wonder why the thought of that makes me sad. It would be a lot simpler, and I’d have spent about Thirty five thousand dollars less. I just wouldn’t feel whole, you know? (No pun intendedïŠ)
Hey, if this is too stupid, or you’re bored, you don’t have to read it, Marisa. I’ll understand.
Ooohhh! A super cute guy looked at me and smiled! I smiled back. Maybe he’ll come back. I wonder if I should wave to him or wink or something. I really want to talk to him. What if he wants to go out? I mean, I do have three days until the big day. Eeeek! He’s coming back. Wish me luck! :)
OMG, Marisa. His name is Trent and he’s a grad student from USC! Dark brown hair, and BLUE EYES! We talked for about five minutes. He wants to meet after we land!
Oh, shit. What if he wants to do anything? I would so do him, but how? Does that make me a slut? Right. The whore is worrying if she’s a slut.
I am such a dope. What could he see in me? I guess I have a pretty face, but he needs a real woman, not a fake like me. Dammit. I hate myself. I wish I could ask you. You would know what to do.
“Talk to him” you would say. Like about what? “Oh Trent? I’m a she male from San Diego who has spent the last four years as a high class tranny whore to the rich and famous! What do you do?”
I need to stop now.
It’s been 30 minutes and I have spent it crying like a little girl over some guy I’ll never see again. I’ve been in worse situations than this and never batted an eye. I thought I was tough. I hate this. As if rearranging the furniture between my legs is going to change who I am.
What is the point? I’m going to do this no matter what. I have to. Why? Because I have done nothing for the past four years but take it from men and women. The worst perverts you can imagine. I’ve been spit on, come on, tied up, tied down, made to be nothing but a plaything, something less than human. This is my time. And if I can’t make this work. Then I won’t be back.
I’ll Skype you tonight, Mar.
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: here we go.
Well, Marisa, everything is good to go for my big day tomorrow morning. I have to be at the clinic at seven in the morning. You wanted details, and I’ll give you as many as I can.
The exam was fairly uncomplicated, although I was very uncomfortable with the doctor touching me. I hate that thing, and I won’t miss it. He explained the procedure, and offered to do a boob job at the same time. I said thanks but no thanks. I like my girls just the way they are. A nice, cute B. I’m not turning into some cow so some guys can make rude comments. I just wish that men had to wear clothes that emphasized their little dicks so we could make fun of their shortcomings! ïŠ
Doctor Whatshisname (I can’t pronounce it) said I had enough tissue to make a nice vagina (YAY!), and he didn’t anticipate any problems. I was glad to hear that. I just want this to be over, Marisa. I will have to stay in the hospital for a week, then I will be moved into a recovery facility to finish. He was talking about what I need to do after the surgery and what to expect. Believe it or not, I managed to pay attention the whole time!
I did a little sightseeing after my doctor visit. I didn’t dress up, and wore a baseball cap and sunglasses (NO makeup!). No one noticed me, and that was cool. Trent texted me and asked if we could get together tonight. I said I wasn’t feeling well. (it’s true, I’m not. Nerves, I guess). He is going into the country, close to the Myanmar border. I told him not to forget about me, but I was going to be unable to make any dates for the next few weeks. He said that was okay becase he wouldn’t be back in Bangkok until two months from now. Well, it was nice knowing him, anyway. I won’t forget our date for the rest of my life. He actually treated me like a lady! I know I’m not, but to be treated like one…*Sigh*.
After going back to the hotel, Phi took me to a cool club where all of the entertainers are girls like me. I met a lot of them backstage and although they didn’t speak much English, Phi told them who I was and what I was going to do. The girls were all excited for me. and I got a lot of hugs from them. Some of them were doing what I was doing to earn money for their surgery, but their prospects are a lot dimmer than mine. They make next to nothing, and some of them are badly abused. After I left there, I had a really good cry. I guess I shouldn’t feel too sorry for myself
I posted all the pictures from my trip on my Facebook account, so you can check them out, let me know what you think! I must be the only Facebook account with only three friends. Not many friends, but really high quality ones! ïŠ What are you up to now, like four hundred?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I made my bed, and I can lie in it. I didn’t choose who I was, and if people can’t accept me for who I am, then they can kiss my behind! (I need to start talking like a lady, easy on the crude language. I mean like, fuck, that sounds like hell) *GIGGLE*
I still don’t know what to think about Trent. He likes me, I know he does. But I think he likes the illusion and not the person. I’d like to see his reaction if he saw the freak in the mirror I see every morning.
When will this be over? Marisa, I ache every day. It’s a pain that I can’t get rid of, no matter how many pretty things I wear or how much money I make from the perverts I date. I need to stop now.
Okay, I’m back. I left Trent enough hints to come back and see me when all this is over. I’m planning to spend a little more time here than I originally thought. My visa is for 6 months, and I’m going to stay every hour I can. I have arranged for a little place in Phuket, you know, the place that got hit by the tsunami? Who knows, I might be able to turn a few tricks here and earn some more money! Nope, can’t do that, I’m not a freak anymore. Nothing between my legs but new pussy. I’m just a regular girl. I can’t even do that fucked up stuff anymore. Maybe I can advertise! Hot blonde needs sex for money! Gives wicked cool blowjobs! Hurry hurry!
God I hate this life. Maybe, just maybe I will pull out of this funk. I am so depressed I can’t stand it. I should be on top of the world, but I’m not. Please, PLEASE tell me this will all be worth it!
I have to stick this out. I was reading that the dilation can be painful at first. It’s scary. I am so glad that you are a real girl so you don’t have to do this. I know what you would say. I am a real girl. Maybe. Or maybe I’m just the world’s biggest phony. Whatever.
Just got off the phone with Trent. He said he was on his way to wherever he was going, and he wanted to let me know he was thinking about me. What is up with this guy? It was nice of him, though.
The next few days are going to be rough, so I don’t think I’ll be able to send you anything. If you don’t hear from over here, then everything is okay, so don’t worry!
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: Where are you?
Ugh. I feel terrible, Marisa. The deed is done, and there is no going back. I feel like I’ve been kicked between the legs by a giraffe. Thank God for pain medication. I cannot imagine what I would feel like if I wasn’t jacked up right now.
Every one has been so nice to me here since I woke up. I was in the op room for 8 hours. Dr. Thingamajig (I really need to learn how to say his name) said everything went better than expected. Wow. I’d hate to see what I would have felt like if things had gone badly.
I am bored, but don’t feel like getting up. I have a catheter stuck up in me, and that is a pain in the well, whatever you want to call it. I still call it my wee wee. (Ha haaa! That is so stupid!) I’m still loopy, so please don’t show that to anyone, ok?
I attached a photo from the dim past. Remember that day? We were fifteen and I had just gotten the first of those God awful guitar earrings you hated so much. I can’t believe I could pass as a boy at that age. I must have looked like the gayest fifteen year old boy on earth. Maybe I didn’t pass. You know, I just thought about it. My name was Kerry, and I looked like that. Well, no makeup. I’ll bet a lot of people thought I was an awkward girl. Ha! That’s why I never got picked on! Getting excused from phys ed because of “Asthma”, courtesy of Doctor Pervert, kept me out of the locker room. Oh wow.
I wish you could be here, Marisa. I am soooo lonely. This is just the worst time for me. All I have to do is sit here, watch Netflix movies and think of what waits for me on the other side of this little adventure. I wish I could say that I feel better about myself, but right now I don’t. I just feel like a big fat phony. Maybe I should have had my boobs done. Maybe it would have taken attention away from my puss. God, I hate that word already. What do I call it? Esther! LOL! Where did that come from?
I suppose I’ll have plenty of time to think about it. I just had an idea. Wouldn’t it be great if before we were born, God asked us what we wanted to be? That would be so cool. I could have had a normal childhood, and my biggest worry would have been what college to go to, not what pervert will give me the most money. I so HATEEEEE what I did! Is that all I am now? Just a whore of a different kind?
You know what I want, Mar? I swear to God this is it. I want a man to love me for who I am, not to wonder about my past, and I want to love him back, and take care of him. I want to be a housewife, Marisa. An honest to goodness Mrs. Cleaver. I want to be a mommy, someone who will take care of her kids and take them to soccer practice, or cheerleading, or whatever they want to do, and not judge them, but help them be who they want to be. And I pray that they aren’t like me. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Do you think I could ever find that with anyone? Like Trent? Someone else? I went to some websites that specialize in people with transgender issues. They had all of these successful people who made the change. They are doctors and lawyers and all kinds of professional people. You know what I didn’t see? Mommies. Am I crazy? Those women are great and I’m glad they are happy, but I don’t want to be an icon. I want to be a mommy. And it’s the one thing I’ll never have. I know I can’t have children, but I could adopt, couldn’t I? But then they check my past and zap, I’m out.
I had to take a break, girl. Maybe my hormones are different or something. I start crying for no reason. I wonder what sex will be like after I’m all healed. I have read so much about taking care of the new plumbing, that I think I could do it in my sleep. But to actually experience it? You know, I never said this to you before, but I always hated getting it in the rear. It hurt, and I always felt violated after it was done. I had to thank the bastards who did it to me (customer service, you know:P) and tell them how good it was, then I’d bleed for the next day. I needed pads to stop my “periods” from ruining my underwear. I hope they all rot in hell. But hell, I got my wish, didn’t I. I am the uber successful whore about town, you know, the one whose family hates her?
Yeah. Granny and Gramps weren’t too impressed with the sissy grandson. Who knows what they think now? And the cousins? I can see them now! What a riot. At least I have my friends. All three of them. And my little black book. I hate me.
I know, you’ll probably write me back and tell me I’m too hard on myself. Speaking of that, why haven’t you written me back yet? I keep writing you like you asked, and you haven’t sent anything back? What’s up with that?
I think I’ll check the local news so I’ll have something to talk to you about.
MARISA! You have to write me back! I just saw that a Marisa Gomez, 18, of San Diego was killed in a drive by shooting yesterday. It can’t be you. It can’t. Please, God, Marisa. Write me back. This isn’t funny! If it is you, I know your parents won’t call me. They always hated me. I’ll check Facebook. Please be safe.
I love you,
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: Where are you, girl!
Marisa. Where ARE you! I rechecked the news, looking for anything. The newspaper printed a correction, saying it was a Marisol Gomez that was killed, NOT Marisa Gomez. They apologized for the mistake. Fuck them. I had to be sedated. Please please please please Skype me!!!! Are you mad at me?? I’m sorry for whatever I did. I would never ever do anything to hurt you or make you mad. I don’t have enough friends to do that.
I tore a couple of stitches when I threw my little fit, so they had to work on me a little, but I’m ok now. I tried to pull the catheter out, but fortunately a nurse was close by and was able to stop me from doing something stupid. I spent way too much dough on my new girl to screw everything up like that.
I’m just going to assume you are having some kind of trouble with your computer until I know different, so I’ll just keep writing if that’s ok. I feel a lot better since I know you weren’t killed. If you don’t believe me, try having the only friend you’ve ever known die. If you are screwing with me, stop it! If you are reading this and not talking to me, you are a true bitch. I’m sorry, you’re not.
I just feel like I’m running on the edge of a cliff at full speed, and one misstep will cause me to fall to the bottom of the pit. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I just feel like I’m constantly on the edge. My stomach is bothering me now, and the doctor prescribed me some medicine to make it feel better. The food here is okay I guess if you like crap! ïŠ Not really.
I just got an email from daddy. He said don’t bother coming back. I don’t know why it bothers me it’s not like it’s a surprise. Maybe someday he will love me. I wonder if mom misses me. I guess I have no one to blame but myself. Could I just be selfish? Would I want me as a daughter?
I have cried more tears since my happy day than all of the days previous. I have got to get better and get out of this clinic. I haven’t been able to exercise, and I can feel myself getting fat. I need to stop eating so much. If I get fat, then who will want me? People will say, “She’d be pretty if she wasn’t so fat” I’m feeling better physically every day. I have started dilating now. It hurts, girl. The doctor says I’ll get used to it, but spending hours a day with that thing shoved up inside me is agony. I’m glad I had the laser treatments down there to get rid of the hair. I don’t need another thing to take care of in that area.
Girl, you would have such a big laugh at my situation now. Flat on my back (well propped up now), and I look like I have a diaper on. It’s a long way from the cute lace bikinis I like ïŠ!! I look sooo stupid.
I finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and started putting on some makeup. Maybe that will help my mood. My hair looks like total crap, and it’s not going to get any better. When I get a little more mobile, I’ll hire someone to come and do my hair. You can only stand having your hair in a ponytail so long.
Doctor Who says I need to get up and walk for a little bit. I’ll try, but there is no way I’m going to make it very far, the way my poor little girl feels. I think I’ll call the nurse as soon as I’m done here to try it. The quicker I get up the quicker I can get the heck out of here.
Would you do me a favor and pick up what little stuff I have left at daddy’s house? I have a few pictures of some of the vacations we took when I was a little girl (boy?). My life wasn’t a total train wreck then, and daddy wasn’t such a jerk.
Can you tell me how someone could treat their own child like this? I can’t do it now. I feel like I’m an orphan now. I get sooo angry thinking about it. I’m only 18! I’m just a little girl inside and I still feel like I need someone to take care of me. Can you understand that? You’d think that after all I’ve been through, I’d be the most jaded person on earth.
I guess in some ways I am. I can read men like a book. I know what they are thinking before they do. I know more ways to please a man than most real girls, but I’m afraid to go into a tattoo parlor. I still blush when a guy I like looks at me. I melt watching some silly chick flick. Ha! Some world wise person I am. I am so lame sometimes. It just looks like I’m going to have to learn it on my own.
Please find a way to write back, Marisa. I need you right now. I hate to sound needy, but please?
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: hi again
Marisa! A computer virus? You couldn’t contact me because of a stupid computer virus? And you couldn’t call? I could kill you and kiss you at the same time. I was going out of my mind here.
What’s this crap about not having enough money to buy a new computer? I’ll transfer enough money to your account to get you whatever computer or laptop or both. I can’t believe you didn’t at least try to call. Marisa, I HAVE MONEY! If I can’t share it with you, then it’s no good at all. Get the best antivirus software you can get, silly.
In the couple of days it’s been. I’ve gotten a lot better. I can get up to walk a little bit. The stupid catheter is still in, but Doc says I will get it out if the swelling goes down enough. So I’m taking my medicine they are giving. A counselor here thinks I should be on anti depressants based on what has happened. I’m glad I chose this place. They just don’t cut you and release you. They actually seem to care.
I guess I’ll take her advice, although I don’t really want to get on medicine I may have to take for the rest of my life. Estrogen is enough. We’ll see if it helps. I can use all the help I can get.
You aren’t going to believe this, but Trent called me again. From up by Myanmar. I asked him how he could call from out in the jungle, and he said he was on a cell phone. They must be celebrating something up there, because I heard a bunch of fireworks going off. At least that’s what he said they were. They must have been really good, because from all of the shouting in the background, people were enjoying it.
He said things were going well up there, and he was coming back in 6 weeks. He wants to see me, Marisa! I don’t know why, but I’m looking forward to it. I may not be ready for you know what, but we can at least have a good time while he is here.
How goes the passport application? I told you to get it earlier. I really could use your help when I get out of here, just as a friend. Phi will do all the heavy lifting. Let me know when you get it, and I’ll have you on the next flight out here. A couple of more weeks like this and I should be ready to be released. That will be so cool. The dilation is still a royal bitch, but even that is getting better.
I feel so much better since you emailed. Get that computer with a webcam so I can see your face and hear your voice again. You make it seem like I’m not going nuts.
Thanks for going over to daddy’s to get my things. Did he ask about me? I was thinking back to when I was about 5 or so. He could make me laugh like no one else. He was my first crush. I remember thinking how big he was, and how good he looked in his uniform. Like the Nutcracker, you know the ballet?
I read somewhere that most little girls have a crush on their father first. I guess that’s when I first knew I was different, although I didn’t know it at the time. He was just my daddy. I was kind of jealous of mom, although I couldn’t understand why.
It’s too bad I couldn’t have stayed that way. Life would have been a whole lot simpler. I have had a lot of opportunity to think while I’ve been down. It was a mistake to live the way I did. I should have at least done some counseling.
Why do I know I’m a girl? Why did I want to be a girl? I just never thought any different. I never identified with boys. I loved the pretty things girls have. Dolls, playing dress up. I guess boys feel the same way about being boys. That’s good, because they make the world a lot more fun ïŠ.
I loved the relationships. We’ve been friends for years, Marisa, and I can honestly say I would die for you. I don’t want anything from you but you. It seems the boys I’ve known are more interested in taking than giving. I’m not saying they are all like that, but I’ll bet it’s more than half.
I’m so looking forward to hitting the beach in Phuket. I hope we don’t get another wave, I’m not sure I could outrun it now. I’m looking forward to my first good run. It will feel a lot different than with the other equipment, I’m sure.
I hope you are having more luck with your boy problems. Jason was a nice guy, but I think he was a little too interested in one part of your body, if you know what I mean. You have plenty of time for that stuff. I know, I’m the last person to lecture anyone, but I know what it does to you on the inside. Don’t give yourself to just anyone, girl. You are way too special for that.
I haven’t heard anything from Gabi and Heather since I’ve been here. Have they forgotten about me? I sent them some messages on Facebook, but they haven’t gotten back to me yet. I’m sure they will.
I watched the movie “Don Juan DeMarco” this afternoon. Johnny Depp was sooo cool in this. He was misunderstood from the start. What’s wrong with being Don Juan? When He wore the little mask, my heart skipped a beat. He is totally HOT! I know he’s older than daddy, but wow! I guess I could relate a little bit to his character. I’ve been Miss Understood for years! ïŠ
I suppose I’d better go for now. I’ve got some therapy to do. That’s code for my unpleasant duty of opening myself up. I’ll Skype you later. The time difference is killing me.
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: Getting better!
Two weeks, Marisa! I’m feeling a lot better physically. I have almost no pain now, except when I move around too fast. I can go to the bathroom on my own now (yay!), and therapy is going a lot better. I still have a long way to go, but I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I caught one of the orderlies checking me out today. He was kind of a troll, but still, it’s nice to know I can still turn heads, even with no makeup. Tee hee! I’ll be leaving here next week, according to Doctor Whoever. I’ll never get his name. He told me to call him John. I can live with that.
He gave me a compliment today during my exam. He called me one of his greatest successes. Evidently, everything is looking pretty good down south. I should be bikini ready by the time you come over to visit. I have one for you and one for me, and you *are* wearing it, I don’t care how naked you feel!
You asked in your last message if Trent had called lately. I haven’t heard from him since the night of the fireworks. The problem is, I don’t think they were fireworks. The news said there had been an incident on the border. No details, except that a few people were killed in a village on the Myanmar side. I wonder if he was anywhere close to that. A guy like him shouldn’t be roaming around where he could get shot.
I’m a little concerned, but I made a vow to focus on getting better. I had to get used to getting up in the stirrups, but with my background, that wasn’t that big of a deal. Everything is proceeding nicely, and John said that I had no crystallization, which he said was skin that wouldn’t heal. He also said in about 6 weeks I would be pretty much healed, but to take it very easy with sex. Don’t worry about that, Doc! The thought of a man pounding away on me scares me to death right now.
I am seeing a therapist here twice a week. She was shocked when I told her my story, and amazed that I was still in one piece. I certainly don’t feel like that. I feel like I’m a cracked mirror, just waiting to shatter. I have a lot of issues right now, and she said fear of sex is one of those issues. I just hope it doesn’t last. I want to get over that, and have normal sex with a normal man. It will be nice for a change. Ha! Most girls are looking to spice up their sex lives. I’m looking to spice it down!
Just between us, I did something I shouldn’t have. I touched my new clitoris. Marisa, it felt good! I can’t believe that after all of the torture that poor thing went through, it can feel anything. The Doctor said a risk of the surgery would be nerve damage. I’m very thankful that it doesn’t seem to be the case with me.:)
I’m totally sorry if I’m coming across a some sort of self centered bitch. I don’t mean to. I just need to talk to someone. I promise I’ll get over it soon. Especially when you get here! Woohoo! I have your first class ticket already bought. When you get your passport, get on that plane the next day! We’ll have sooo much fun! I know you like to have a drink or two, and we will be good to go at the clubs. I still won’t touch the stuff, but I’ll have fun watching you make a complete ass of yourself!
Oh! Would you do something else for me? Make sure mom gets some flowers for her grave, ok? Tell her I’ll be there to visit as soon as I get back. Well, just think it, okay?
I’d like to think she is happy for me. Anyway, please do that, and I’ll be so grateful!
I’m going to try riding a stationary bike today, so wish me well! My little booty is sure to be sore after. And it’s still little! I took my measurements today, and I’m still 34-24-35. The girls are still a cute B! No big boobies for this chick, thank you. I still want to look good in a bikini! I don’t want to have to buy a new wardrobe. I brought what I needed, and I want to get a few more things here, but I’m saving the shopping trip for when I get back to San Diego.
I’m learning to play a game called Ma Jongg from one of the nurses. It’s fun, and helps pass the time. I suck at it, and I lose money every time I play. I’m also learning a little of the language. I’ll never be good at it, but its fun to try.
I think that the medicine is stating to take hold. I am feeling a lot better for no particular reason. I am grateful for that, but I don’t want my moods tied to a pill.
I am totally ready to get out of here, so check on that passport, girl. I don’t want to spend too much time with just my helper when I leave, okay? HURRY!!!
To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: I’m out!
Ok girl, I know you’re on your way. Week three point five and I am outta here! Doc just gave me the go ahead, and I am already packed. Phi took all my bags to her car, and all that remains is to wait for you. My exercises are going super, and the pain is gone. Even the doctor is impressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I couldn’t tell the difference between mine and a real girl’s.
I am totally hitting the beach when I get there. I am as white as a ghost, and I’m not staying that way for long. I just don’t know whether to go topless or not. Maybe I’ll just go nude! I suppose I’ll figure that out when I get there.
I got a short call from Trent. I said he was finishing up some things and would be back here for a little break in a week. I probably shouldn’t have, but I told him where I’d be, and invited him over. I find myself wanting to see him again. We need to get you hooked up when he gets here, because I’m not leaving you alone, and you aren’t going to be a third wheel. There are a few eligible guys lurking around here. You’ll need to approve of one before we do anything. This is going to be super cool!
I think I’m finally ready for my new life, Marisa. I can deal with most of the crap I know I’m going to face when I get back; at least I think I can. I won’t have to hide who I really am anymore.
Just one thing bothers me. Will I be able to give up the life I had before. I mean, the money was really good, and I don’t really have any marketable skills yet. I wonder if dancing is for me. You know what kind. I’ll bet I could really make some great money. I was thinking about this, and all I know how to do is use my body to get what I want.
Damn, I’ve managed to depress myself again. I should stop thinking and go back to being the dumb blonde. Life was a lot less complicated then. Get up, go to school, screw all night, do it all again.
Fortunately, I don’t have to think about all of that until I get back. I am just going to enjoy my little vacation. Ignoring this problem is going to have to do for now.
I just can’t wait to give you a big hug when you get here! We are gong to have so much fun, just us girls. Phi told me she can show us around the area, and we can go the coolest clubs, so get ready to partayyyy! ïŠ I hear the beach is just the best, and I intend to get very acquainted with it. I could only get a room with a king bed, so I hope you don’t mind if we sleep together. After all, we did spend a few nights in that full size bed of yours, and if we can sleep in that, this should be totally no problem.
Phi told me that a girl like me needs to be very careful going to clubs. I can have a lot of fun, but I need to be careful, as there are a lot of guys who will try to give us a roofie colada. Like I haven’t had that tried on me once or twice. I can spot those creeps from a mile away. I had to learn that the hard way once. You should watch out though, I suppose she could be right. I’d hate to have you drugged or worse on our vacation. I’ll watch out for you though!
It’s only about 38 degrees out (about a 100 degrees). It sounds a lot better in metric. Even wearing the lightest cotton sundress I have, it still feels like the surface of the sun. The humidity is a wonderful 80 percent. Blahhhh!
I’m actually wearing some cute undies for a change, but am still wearing a pad just in case I spot a little. I am kid of glad I won’t have to go through a period, because a pad feels almost like wearing a diaper! I’m not wearing a bra, though, it would just be too hot. I feel totally undressed! Fortunately, the car I rented has working AC, or I would just be dead. It’s even too hot for makeup, just some mascara and lipgloss is all I can stand. I hope the coast is better. My hair is a complete mess. I can’t keep it straight, no matter what I do. I’ll keep it in a ponytail, just to keep it out of my face.
Hurry up and land, girl! I’ll meet you at the airport!
This ends the first part of the tale. Next:
Marisa meets Katrina at the airport. The next installment will chronicle their adventures in Thailand. The fun is just beginning!
The Katrina story arc comes to an exciting close!
Seeing the unmistakable outline of my best friend’s rear end at the at the baggage claim, I couldn’t hold back my excitement any longer.
MARISA! I screamed. She turned around and looked, embarrassed, then smiled. KAT! We ran to each other and hugged. I was crying, so relieved that she was finally here. She was crying too, and we were both so excited to see each other. We were making a total scene, and we didn’t care. The only person in the world to me right then was my friend.
People may have thought that we were lovers, but that was so not true. I loved her like a sister. She loved me the same way. Marisa got me through some very tough times when I was turning tricks. She never judged me, and while she may not have liked what I did, she understood why, almost like she could read my mind. Some may not count that as friendship, but to me it was the only way anyone could have been my friend. I wasn’t going to be denied, even if I had to live on the street.
“I’m so glad to see you, girl!” Marisa screeched in her cute little Spanish accent. “I’ve missed you so much! You look fabulous!”
I did a little twirl for her “Ya think? I was worried I was getting fat.”
“If that is fat, sweetie, I want some of it! How long have you been down, like 5 weeks?”
“Almost, I guess, maybe more like four, but who’s counting? You are totally beautiful, even after like what, 20 hours or so on the plane?”
“Yeah, well, first class helps, you know. I hope you know, you’ve spoiled me forever!”
“Yeah, well, don’t get too used to it, hon. I’m not made of money, but it was nice putting you in first class. After all, you didn’t have to come out.”
She looked shocked “Didn’t have to come out? I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. I just wish I would have listened to you about the passport. We could have come out together.”
We walked over to customs, and I waited while she got checked out. She only had two small bags, and I was guessing shorts, tees and little dresses didn’t take up much room. Marisa is such a beautiful girl, about five four and one hundred and five pounds. She’s got more on top than I do, and a rear end that makes the boys (and some girls) look twice.
We make quite a pair. Me, the nutty blonde, and Marisa, the smart, witty Latina. She came from a big family, with four sisters, two older and two younger, and three brothers. The brothers really don’t like me. I’m just the little “maricon” that hangs out with their sis. The girls tolerate me, but I don’t think that my situation is really something they can identify with, so I guess it’s enough that Marisa likes me. Her parental units are strict Catholics, and I’m an abomination or something. They are always as cold as ice to me.
As Marisa left customs, she skipped up to me. “Okay, girlfriend, where to now? If it helps, I’m completely starving.”
Smiling, I gave her another little hug. “I can fix that, let’s go to my car.”
Reaching the car, I introduced her to Phi. “She’ll be helping me get through the next few weeks of this. She knows exactly what I’m going through, and she has already been a great help.”
She hugged Phi “Cool. Any friend of Kat’s is a friend of mine. Pleased to meet you!” Pausing, she clapped her hands. “Okay, let’s eat!”
“Phi, where is a good place to eat on the way out of town?” I asked.
She crossed her arms and looked to the side, thinking. Then her eyes lit up. “Oh! I know just the place. You’ll love it! It’s just the place for a first time visitor to go and get a good authentic Thai meal.”
“Okay, Drive on! We are at your mercy!”
We got in to the car, and Phi took us to this little hole in the wall place. Phi had good taste, so I figured this was a great place to eat. I wasn’t disappointed, and neither was Marisa. We ate like animals.
“Oh my gosh, Kat! That was wonderful! I don’t know what they do to chicken and rice, but it’s different than anything I had in the States.”
“I know! Isn’t this great? Now you know why I was worried about my weight.”
Marisa looked at our guide. “I guess. Phi, you don’t talk much. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
She looked quizzically at Marisa, and then me. Clearly she didn’t understand what my friend had said.
“She means, well, you know, since you are quiet, she thought a cat had stolen your tongue, and….well…., I’m not explaining this very well. It’s just an expression in English that means you are quiet.”
She smiled thinly. “I see…I just don’t have a lot to say right now, and I like listening to you talk. It helps my English. I want to go to America to live, and soon.”
We both nodded.
“Well, if you need a referral or something, we would be more than happy to help you.”
She shook her head politely. “Thank you, but no, I’ve already got that taken care of. I’m just earning enough money to get a good start there.”
Shrugging, I agreed. “I know what you are talking about.”
Phi looked at me with the same questioning look. “What do you mean?”
Blushing, I suddenly realized where I was going. “Oh, nothing. Maybe we should head for home now.”
Marisa elbowed me in the car. “Shut up!” she whispered. “Kat, it’s none of her business what happened with you.”
“I know” I whispered back. “I have a big mouth sometimes.”
Both Marisa and I spent the trip to the regional airport reminiscing about some of the things that we did. We hopped a little airplane for the trip across country to get to Phuket. We caught a little break, as the weather was clear on the way over. Two hours later we landed, and Phi got us set up with another car. She drove us to our little cabana just off the beach.
Mari and I were exhausted by the time we got there, and excused ourselves to go to bed. We grabbed a quick shower together, as the hot water was kind of limited. We were both in our towels, and I was braiding her hair. I loved doing that; she had such beautiful long hair.
“What, Mari?”
“I want to see it.”
“Your new, you know.”
I punched her lightly “Why would you want to see that? Do I go around asking to look at yours?
“That’s different, and you know it. I would have shown you if you would have ever asked me.”
I continued braiding her hair. “I don’t know, it’s not different at all, Mari. I just don’t go around showing my private parts to just anyone who asks, do I?
Mari looked hurt. “It’s new, Kat. I want to see if they did a good job”
“That’s lame, Mari! I told you they did a good job”
“I thought we were friends, Kat!”
“Okay, okay, you big baby. You’re worse than a man!” I imitated her, sounding as whiny as I could. “Come on Kat, let me see your new puss! C’mon, Kat! Pleeeeese!”
“I do NOT sound like that!” she said as she folded her arms in front of her. I could see her smile in the mirror.
“Let me finish your hair, Mari. Then you owe me!”
I finished braiding her hair about three minutes later. Then, leaning back on to the bed, I undid my towel and spread my legs for her.
She gasped. “Oh my God!”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Absolutely nothing. It looks just like mine! I can’t see any scarring at all! If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were born that way.”
“Great. Do I have your seal of approval?”
She never looked away “Yes! Let me touch it.”
“Uhhhh, no, Mari. I don’t want you touching me there. It would be gross. You’re like my sister!”
“Oh, it won’t hurt. I want to see what it feels like.”
Pulling my towel back over myself, I retorted, “It feels just like yours, I’m sure, Mari.”
She seemed to snap out of her haze. “I’m sorry, Kat. I didn’t mean that like it sounded.”
It’s okay, Mari. I don’t want to ruin what we have. That’s how it starts. You touch me, I touch you, and before long, we are all over each other. I’m not physically ready for that yet, and mentally either. And not with you. You may not feel that way about me, but I would feel like I am making out with my sister. Can you understand that?”
Mari looked embarrassed. “I can. I’m sorry, Kat. I don’t know what came over me. I’m not saying it would have led anywhere, but I guess it isn’t something we should do, is it?”
“No. But it’s okay, no harm done. Why don’t you do my hair now and we can go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”
Mari took care of my hair. She was quiet as she worked. When she was done, I put on my jammies and hugged Mari.
“You aren’t mad at me, are you?”
“No, just embarrassed with myself. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Hey, you were curious. I think a lot of people are curious about us. I think a lot of men are dying to have sex with us, just to see what it’s like. The harder they protest, the more they want it.”
That seemed to make her feel better. “You’re right. I was curious, and maybe a little turned on. You are a very sexy woman, and I don’t think you fully realize the effect you have on people.”
“Still friends?”
“Still sisters!”
We had a wonderful nights sleep in our bed. The waves were relaxing white noise, and a nice monsoon thunderstorm struck during the night. I always love thunderstorms. They keep me relaxed like nothing else.
We woke up to the smells of eggs and bacon cooking. Phi had evidently started breakfast, and I was hungry. Mari was already in the bathroom. I got up and knocked on the door.
“Are you decent, Mari?”
“Sure, Kat, come on in. I’m just finishing up.”
I walked in to find her clearing her toiletries up from the counter. She had taken her shower, and had already gotten her outfit for the day. It was just a pair of cute booty shorts and a tank top. She had “forgotten” her bra.
I held up her filmy little bra. “Forget something?”
Smiling, she pulled it quickly from my hand. “Nope, too hot.”
I reached in to the shower and started the water. Mari was finishing her makeup, and I reached in and found something that made me laugh.
Mari looked at me through the mirror. “What’s so funny?”
I pulled out the waterproof “pocket rocket” she left in the shower. Holding it delicately, I teased, “A little anxious, were we? Or did I have more of an effect on you that you are willing to admit?”
She blushed enough that even I could see it through her tanned skin. Grabbing the little wand from me, she sputtered. “It was a long flight, Okay? I was very tense, and that helped a lot!”
Suddenly, I remembered the smile that Spongebob had on his face when he found out that Squidward really did like Krabby Patties. A big smile spilt my face and I burst out laughing.
Soon, Mari was laughing with me. I hadn’t laughed like that in months. It felt good.
My shower was a quick affair, as little miss vibrator had used up most of the hot water in her passion.
I put on a yellow mini sundress. It had some support in the bodice, so I didn’t need a bra. I put a pad in my panties and put on some yellow sandals.
Phi and Mari had already started eating. I sat down and spooned some eggs onto my plate and grabbed a couple of strips of bacon. “How did you know I liked Bacon and eggs, Phi?”
“You told a nurse at the hospital, Kat. I just listened”
Taking a forkful of the eggs, I replied “You are a vey good listener, Phi, Thank you.”
She smiled. “Just doing the job you hired me to do, Kat.”
It was still cloudy, so the beach was out for the time being. I had failed to account for the fact that it was monsoon season in Thailand when I set this little excursion up. It was a minor disappointment, and still wouldn’t have kept me from doing it when I did.
Just as it looked like today would be a complete washout, my phone rang. The number that came up was private, but I answered it anyway.
“Katrina? It’s Trent. How are you doing?”
“Trent! Hi! I’m ok, but I haven’t heard from you in a while. What’s up?”
“Oh, phone service can be a little spotty where I was, so I was able to finish up what I was doing. I’m in Bangkok now. I thought we might get together for a little dinner.”
That made my day. “Wow, Trent, that sounds super awesome!” I paused, remembering where I was. “Oh, crap! I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not in Bangkok anymore. I’m in Phuket. I was dis…I mean I was finished with what I had to do, so I moved to Phuket to finish my uhh, vacation.”
“Ohhh, that’s too bad. I had a great night planned for us.”
I was very disappointed. I was really starting to like this guy. “Ohhh, Trent, I sorry. I would sooo like to go out with you tonight.”
“Ok, I’ll catch a plane out there, and be there in about two hours. That is, if you don’t mind.”
My heart skipped a beat. “Mind? Of course not! But my best friend is here, and I won’t go anywhere without her. I know this is kind of short notice, but could you bring someone with you? Or do you know someone here?”
“That depends, I guess. Is she hot?”
“Why should that matter?”
“I’m not setting my friends up with someone they may not like. Would you?”
“I guess not.” then I felt a little naughty “But if you want to take me out, it’s a risk you’ll have to take, smart boy!”
I heard him laugh. “Okay, but if I didn’t think you were worth it, I’d stay here in Bangkok.”
My flagging self esteem soared. “Oh, I’m worth it, all right. Here’s where I am…”
I got off the phone and screamed. “MARISA! We’re going out tonight!”
Marisa ran into our room. “What?”
“We are going OUT tonight. A date! With two guys!”
She looked stunned. “What do you mean? What’s up?”
I explained the situation to her, including her date.
Rolling her eyes, she moaned. “Great! I get the wingman.”
I grabbed her by the shoulders. “I don’t think so, Mari. He is trying to impress me, and believe me its working! He’ll bring a friend, and I’m sure he will be totally hot! They’ll be here at about five this afternoon. We’ve got some time to think about what we are going to wear. You did bring something to wear, didn’t you?”
“Of course, silly. I wouldn’t be caught dead with at least one outfit to make a man drool”
Giggling, I replied. “This is one of the things I love about being a girl! Boys are soo predictable”
We retreated to our room to plan our night.
At about noon, the weather started to clear up. The sun was peeking through the clouds, and it looked like the rest of the day might be sunny.
“Let’s hit the beach, Mari. The sun is out enough to start us on a nice tan”
“Are you sure, Kat?” she questioned “I don’t want to get burned.”
“I have plenty of sunblock, and a killer bikini to try out. If I don’t get twenty whistles, I’ll consider it a failure.”
I went to one of my bags, and pulled out what might have passed as a piece of string and four little patches of cloth. I went into the bathroom to change. After tying all the bows, I came out to model it for Mari.
“Ta Daaa! Hide the kids, mom and dad because Hurricane Katrina is hitting the beach!”
Mari whistled loudly “You look totally hot, girl. That suit would get you arrested in most places. It’s sick. It’s totally inappropriate, and I love it! Turn around. Is it a thong?”
I showed her. “It’s a Rio back. It leaves just a little more to the imagination, but not much!” I giggled.
“Okay, where’s mine, girl. You said you had a little one for me. You are not showing me up today.
I pulled hers out. What there was of her triangle top left about fifty percent of her glorious C’s totally exposed. The bottom was a thong. I know she always wanted one, and now she had it.
She modeled it for me, and couldn’t stop looking at herself in the mirror. “I am such a slut! It’s totally, completely hot!”
I grabbed our cover-ups. “Let’s go, you slut. Let’s make some drool”
Phi looked at us as we left, smiled and shook her head. I noticed this and asked. “Are our suits too much? Not enough?”
“No, I was just laughing at your silliness. That’s all. Have fun, I’ll be here when you get back.”
“Okay, thanks, Phi.”
The walk to the beach was a riot. We didn’t have enough sense to put on more clothes, and I loved it. We got several whistles, I noticed three husbands got smacked by their wives, and a beach volleyball game was suspended while we walked by. A few jealous girls called us choice names. Like I haven’t been called a hundred times worse than slut. A few people paid big money to debase me more than that. No, it would take a whole lot more that someone calling me slut or bitch to get my panties in a bind.
We laid out for over an hour. We had quite a laugh watching some poor slob walk into a pole while we were putting sunblock on each other. We were so evil.
We came back to the cabana at around three thirty. We showered, and were still smooth in the legs and underarms. The laser treatments were so worth the cost. I was a real blonde, but my body hair was slightly darker. Shaving left me smooth, but the follicles were always visible. I hated that, so I got rid of them, and paid for Marisa also. We would never have to shave again.
We were ready at five on the dot. We were both in little sundresses, Mari’s was a flower pattern strapless, and mine was pink, with spaghetti straps. We both had a minimum of makeup. Light foundation, mascara and lip gloss. We looked totally cute.
The bell rang. I had given Phi the night off, and I answered to door. Trent was looking completely handsome in a blue polo and shorts.
“Hello, beautiful!” He was carrying two bouquets of flowers, One for me and one for Mari.
I felt a twinge I hadn’t felt for some time. I had long since lost any ability to get aroused in the normal male way, and my arousal was more an internal feeling. It was a flutter in my tummy that I couldn’t put my finger on. I smiled my happiest smile and replied, “Hello, handsome.’
“These are for you, and these, are for your friend. Marisa, wasn’t it?”
Marisa appeared out from behind me to accept the flowers “Yes it was, and is. Thank you. Kat didn’t say you were such a gentleman.” I smiled as I elbowed her. “ooff. I mean yes she did.”
“Well, She also didn’t say what an attractive lady you are” It was my turn to get elbowed.
“Well, he should know that any friend of mine would be completely beautiful, inside and out!”
I could tell he was amused by our antics. “Shall we go? Rock is keeping a place for us at the club.”
We looked at each other. “Rock? The club?” It was smiles and giggles all the way to the “Club”. Hey, we’re only eighteen! Give us a break!
He took us to a private club. He was greeted at the door by the doorman or whatever. He was very respectful, and pointed Trent towards the door. “Right this way, Mr. Roberts. Your table is waiting. Mr. Strong is already there”
I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Seriously? Mr. Rock Strong? What is this guy, a Bond villain? Trent looked at me with a grin on his face. He knew what I was laughing about. Marisa was kind of green, wondering who she had gotten hooked up with.
Her fears were allayed when we got to the table. Mr. Rock Strong was a very handsome, very cultured looking gentleman. He looked to be about twenty five, was five feet eleven and about one hundred seventy five pounds. He introduced himself as Richard Strong. I could almost hear Marisa’s sigh of relief.
“What about ‘Rock’? Where is he?”
Mr. Strong rolled his eyes. “You didn’t call me that did you, Duff?”
I looked at Trent and started laughing “Duff? Your nickname is Duff?”
He got a little embarrassed, and spoke. “Okay, okay. You’re right, Richard, I shouldn’t have done that. Girls, his real name is Richard Rockwell Strong .But it’s so much fun to see people’s reactions when they think you are really named Rock Strong.” We shared a good laugh over that.
“Richard Strong, allow me to introduce you to Miss Marisa Gomez, of San Diego. Marisa, Richard will be your escort for tonight.”
He reached for her hand and kissed it. “Pleased to meet you, Marisa.”
“Same here, Richard. I look forward to getting to know you better.”
“Richard, This is the girl I’ve been telling you about, Miss Katrina McCoy, also of San Diego”
He reached for my hand and kissed it. “Trent’s description didn’t do you justice, Miss McCoy. You are far more beautiful than he gave you credit for.”
“Call me Katrina, please.” I looked to Trent. “So, describing me to your friends, huh?”
He pulled out a chair for me, as did Richard for Marisa. “Maybe a little bit. It’s not every day someone like you falls into a person’s life”
I was on cloud nine. Never in my entire life had I ever been treated like this. I was falling for this man, and hard. I had to pull back, if that was possible. I felt like the stray dog who finally found someone to love it. This was so nice.
“So, Trent,” I began. “You don’t strike me as the typical poor as a church mouse college grad student. What’s the deal?”
“Oh, I do ok. I have a couple of jobs that pay the bills; the rest is just good money management. I don’t often have a lot of free time. It’s something I’m trying to work on.”
“Where did you do your undergrad work?”
“United States Military Academy”
“You’re a soldier?”
“Inactive Reserve for now. I have some other interests that the Government is paying me to explore”
“Like what?”
“Oh, nothing worth mentioning. I am in international relations right now”
“In other words, don’t ask?”
“Something like that. It’s really not all that exciting.”
I noticed Richard and Marisa were lost in their own conversation. The waiter arrived to take our drink order. Marisa ordered a white wine, Richard a beer. The waiter looked at me and I ordered a Perrier. Trent raised his eyebrow and questioned me.
“You know you can order anything, right?”
“Yes, I do. I just don’t drink alcohol.”
“Not even a little?”
“No. I can’t stand it. Perrier is fine with me. I don’t mind if you want to drink, though ”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Interesting. Okay, I’ll have a beer”
The waiter left to place our drink orders. I didn’t explain to him that on one of my special “dates”, my client thought it would be funny to force me to drink wine to make me more “playful”. He nearly killed me, and paid a steep price to keep me quiet. Since that day, I couldn’t stand the smell of the stuff, let alone drink it.
Trent asked me about what I did in San Diego. “I’m just a student. I graduated from High School mid term. So, I guess there’s not a lot to tell.”
“Any folks?”
“My mother died two years ago, and I don’t know my dad. I’m pretty much alone.”
“He reached for my hand. That’s a lot for a young girl to deal with, Katrina. Are you okay?”
“I guess as okay as the next person. I try not to let it bother me. I guess I’ve pretty much put it in the past.”
“Are you sure?”
Smiling, I squeezed his hand. “Yeah, I’m okay.” I wasn’t, but I wasn’t going to ruin the night by blubbering, or letting him in on my little secret. I couldn’t deal with that right now. I was just going to enjoy our time together, and not worry about anything else.
I turned the tables. “So, what about you? Where do you come from?”
“Oh, I come from a little town in Maryland. Baltimore. Every heard of it?”
I smiled, looking down at the table. I needed to quit looking at is eyes. They are sooo beautiful. “Yes, I think so. They have a baseball team, right?”
He squeezed my hand. “Yeah, that’s the one. Anyway, my folks have a little business there doing some government work. That’s how I got on the short list for the Academy. It wasn’t my first choice, but a shoulder injury put an end to both my football and baseball aspirations, and I figured why not be all I can be?”
“You played sports?”
“Yes I did. How about you?”
“Sorry, I was just a geeky girl. I wasn’t an athlete, but I enjoyed watching the games.”
“That’s a shame. I had a blast. I think you would have too.”
“No” I demurred. “Athletics and I didn’t mix” Not after I was beaten by one of the football linemen who thought I was a “sissy”. Well, duh! Had I been a real girl, he would have been put in prison. As it was, I shut my mouth and left it alone.
The waiter brought our drinks. After everything was served, I let Trent order for me, and Richard ordered for Mari. It was a French restaurant, so I figured I couldn’t go wrong.
After that was taken care of, Trent looked at me and shook his head. “I don’t know what to think about you, Katrina. There is a lot more to you than meets the eye, but I’ll be damned if I know what it is.”
Looking into his eyes, I leaned forward. “Is that a bad thing?”
“In your case, I don’t think so. Maybe someday you’ll let me know. But for now, I’ll take what I can get. To us and what mysteries may come next.” He offered his glass to my water bottle, and we toasted.
Our meals were unbelievable. I savored every bite. I had the duck, and it was wonderful. Trent knew what I liked.
We had some coffee to end the meal. I never was much of a coffee drinker, but I managed to get enough sugar into it to make it palatable.
“So girls, are you ready to do something a little more exciting?”
We looked at each other. “Like what?”
Trent looked at Richard. “Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t we surprise you.”
“We aren’t going to get in trouble, are we?”
Richard spoke up. “We wouldn’t be very responsible escorts if we didn’t take care of you, would we.”
Marisa answered. “That’s what we are afraid of.”
The valet returned to car to us, and Richard and Trent opened the doors for us like true gentlemen. What did I ever do to be treated like this?
As we got underway, I asked where we were going. Trent said we were going to a dance club. I recognized it as a place where a lot of kathoey hung out. Girls like me, or pre op transsexuals. I looked at Marisa in the back seat, snuggling with Richard. I was in a panic. What if someone made me? What if Trent made fun of those poor girls?
“Are you all right, Katrina?”
“Yes, just a little carsick, I guess” If he only knew. We got to the place, called the Cat Club (no, the irony wasn’t lost on me). The valet took the car, and we went inside. The music was loud, and the patrons were louder.
Trent leaned in to me. “Don’t be too shocked, but a lot of the girls walking around here are really men.”
“Really? I would never have guessed.”
“Yeah, it’s true. I have never been to a place like this. I thought it would be a wild evening. One for the books.”
God. If he only knew. I smiled and danced with Trent. He had eyes only for me, and he never mentioned what was going on around us.
I finally had to ask. “So these women are really men? What do you think about that?”
He shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know. Different strokes for different folks. Never really thought about it. I guess it’s kind of an oddity, but it’s not my place to judge. I just roll with it.”
That answer made me smile a bit. Maybe there was some hope for us after all.
We had a wonderful time, Mari and Richard went off to go for a walk on the beach. They took the car, but that was cool, we weren’t that far from the cabana, and for some reason I felt safe with Trent. I found out so much more about him. What he liked, what he didn’t. What his favorite foods were. Stuff that may sound dumb to the average person. Stuff that nobody besides Marisa and a couple of other people ever bothered to share with me. Certainly no one I had ever “dated” in the past.
We walked, hand in hand. I leaned in to him as we walked, resting my head on his big shoulder.
“Thank you for visiting me, Trent. It means more to me than you will ever know.”
He looked puzzled. “Why? I’ll bet you have guys lined up to go out with you.”
I stopped and looked him in the eye. “No, I don’t. I don’t let many people close to me, and those who have usually ended up hurting me, so spending time like this is like, I don’t know, being in an oasis or something.”
Pulling me close, he spoke softly. “I don’t know who hurt you in the past, but I think you’re something special. I would never do that, and you can rely on that. In the short time I’ve known you; you have really made an impact on me. There is something about you that’s different, and I can’t put my finger on it. You’re strong, but extremely vulnerable at the same time. I find you completely fascinating.”
I blushed, and turned away “You don’t know me as well as you think you do, Trent. There’s a lot about me, that if you knew, well, you wouldn’t find me so fascinating.”
He pulled me into a tight hug. “There’s nothing you could have done that would make me think that. You’re eighteen. What could you have done that could be so bad? Believe me, I’m the last person that would judge someone. I’ve done some pretty terrible things myself.”
If he only knew. Tears started down my cheeks and I buried my head in his chest and cried. He just held me, and that was enough.
After a minute, he suddenly stiffened and held me tighter. Something was wrong. I looked up and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Shhhhh. Maybe nothing. We should get going.”
As we started walking again, he held me protectively, almost like a bodyguard.
I asked again “What’s wrong, Trent?”
“We’re not alone.” He was tense, and I was starting to get scared. He held my head between his hands, looking me squarely in the eyes. “If things get crazy, you stay with me and do what I tell you to do, ok?”
“I’m scared, Trent.”
“Me too, Kat. But whoever is following us should be more worried.” He produced a small phone and spoke into it. “Rock?”
“Go ahead?”
“Trouble. Get here ASAP, partner”
“Rog. On my way. ETA four minutes.”
He whispered into the mike. “It’ll be over by then. Get the lead out.”
“Hey, fox.” A voice from behind us crooned in a strong Thai accent. “How about you losing the boyfriend and coming with us. The boss wants to see you. He has a business proposition for you.”
Trent tightened like a spring. It was slight, but I could feel it. There was no nervousness in his actions. “Let me handle this.”
Trent looked coolly at the thug. “I don’t think the lady wants to go anywhere with you tonight, friend. It might be better if you bothered someone else tonight. Better for everyone involved.”
The thug looked at Trent and smiled evilly, an evil magnified by the two gold teeth in place of the front top incisors.
“You don’ know who you messin’ with white boy. This our town, our ways. The boss says she come. She come.”
“I don’t think so, friend. And the five other boys that are hiding can come out now. I know where you all are.”
Five men came out and lined up side by side with the leader.
Trent whispered to me in measured tones. “When I tell you, drop down to my feet and stay down until I tell you it’s ok. If anything happens to me, take this phone and run like hell. Rock will find you. Understand?”
I nodded nervously. “Don’t get hurt, okay?”
He smiled. “Not bloody likely”
The head creep motioned to his buddies. They were all wiry youths, all lean and very mean looking. The leader spoke again. “Maybe you not know who we are, white boy.”
“I don’t need to know, friend. Don’t care. If you make a move for my friend here, you will all be very sorry in 30 seconds.” He paused, looking at each one of them, as if measuring their capabilities. “I have no desire to kill you, so if you walk away now, I’ll forget all of this.”
The men started to shift nervously. Clearly, dealing with Trent wasn’t part of the plan.
The leader paused, then resumed his stupid grin “We six, you one. What you do to us?”
“Try something and see, friend.” He pointed to the one next to the leader. “Anything happens, you die first. Understand?”
“He no speak English”
“Too bad. Okay boys, What’s it gonna be? Do something or get out of the way.”
Maybe ten seconds passed without a word. It seemed like ten minutes. Then….
“DROP!” I went down like I’d been shot.
Faster than I could see, Trent produced a silenced pistol from behind him. 6 whisper quiet shots later, 6 thugs were on the street, writhing in pain. Maybe fifteen second had passed. Not one of the men were dead. He had shot them all in apparently non-vital areas.
“Stay here, Kat.” He walked over to the leader.
“Told you to move on, boy. Now we get to have a conversation.”
“Fuck you, white boy. I say nothing!”
“Okay. Have it your way.” He proceeded to shoot him on the shoulder.
“AHHHHHH!” he screamed. “Okay, I talk.”
“Who sent you?”
“Boss White. He want her for his club. Say she make him big money. Say he pay big money for her already.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know!” Trent raised the pistol again.
“This pistol has twenty rounds. I’ve only used seven. Do the math.”
“Okay! Okay! He has deal with surgery place, they do good work, he get info on girl. HE have girl work for blondie. She name Phi, she set blondie up. That all I know, man. That all!”
“What surgery? What place?”
Oh my God. I had to break this up. He couldn’t find out this way.
“Trent!” I screamed. “The police are coming. I don’t want to be here when they get here! Let’s go!”
“Just a minute, Kat, I’m trying to get some information.” He turned back to the thug.
“Please, Trent! I’m scared! I need to get back.” I was crying hysterically. This wasn’t an act. He couldn’t find out why I was here.
He ran to me and put his arms around me. “Okay, Kat. It’s okay! Take it easy. He soothed.
“Please Trent. Please take me home.”
The phone crackled to life. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah Rock. Pick us up.”
I was inconsolable during the ride back. I couldn’t stop crying. I had been betrayed again. This time, by people I didn’t even know. Was the therapist who had been so nice to me just acting? And Phi. She had been recommended. By the clinic. Was there a giant “screw with me” sign on my back? The cat was halfway out of the bag now. Obviously, Trent wasn’t what he said he was. I wasn’t. Phi wasn’t, the doctor wasn’t. No one was. The only person I could count on was Marisa, and now she was in danger too, because of me.
We got to the cabana. Trent carried me in. I had lost maybe ten pounds since I got here, and he lifted me like I was nothing.
“Oh my God, Kat! What happened, Trent? There’s been a problem. Katrina was set up.”
Mari gasped “Set up? How?”
“Apparently, the clinic where she was had a deal with one of the local crime lords to be supplied with sex slaves. A blonde Caucasian girl like Kat is worth her weight in gold. Girls, I need to know what is going on here.”
I panicked. “No! Trent, please! Just go! Take Marisa with you. I can take care of myself. I’ll make it to the airport and get back on my own! This is my business!”
Marisa grabbed me. “KAT! You’ll never make it. They know where you are, you don’t have a car. They’ll get you!”
“I don’t care! I DON’T CARE! You have all done enough. I won’t go with you!” My pulse was going crazy. I was melting down, but I couldn’t stop it. He couldn’t find out. Not like this. I loved him. If he cast me aside, life in a brothel would be nothing.
“MARI! LEAVE…ME ALONE!” I began to hyperventilate. “NOOOOO!” The room began to spin, then, nothing”
I don’t know how long I had been out. When I came to, Richard and Trent were talking in the corner. Phi was sitting in a chair, with her hands behind her back. Mari was with me, holding a cool cloth to my forehead.
“w-w-what happened?” I managed weakly.
“You passed out, girl. You melted down. According to the clock, you’ve been out for 3 hours. Trent has called in a helicopter. He and Richard work for the government on some special project that they won’t tell me about.”
I remembered what had happened. Tears flowed down my cheeks again. “I think he knows about me, Mari”
“Maybe. Maybe not. But you have to tell him. He risked his life to save you.”
“I can’t Mari. I just can’t. He’ll hate me, and I can’t hurt him. I’d rather he lived his life without me and be happy.”
She got down on her knees beside the bed. “Trust him, Kat. Trust him to make the right decision. With all of the facts.”
“I can’t Mari! Everyone I’ve ever had contact with except for you has betrayed me. How do I trust him?”
“Do you love him?”
I turned away. “Yes.”
“Then tell him everything. Trust your heart this time.”
I had to think. This was way too fast, and not what I wanted.
Phi saw that I was awake, and got an evil smirk on her face. “Well, look who’s up. The little AHahhaahahahah!”
She didn’t get to finish her thought. Trent hit her with a stun gun. “oops.”
Trent smiled at me said “This little rat came sneaking in to try to take what cash you had. Imagine her surprise when she felt the barrel of a gun against her temple.”
“What did she tell you?” I asked shakily.
“Nothing. She thinks she’s being clever. I already know everything she knows about the operation.”
Mari looked at me. I knew what I had to do. Sitting up in the bed, I pulled my knees up to my chest and put my pillow out in front of me.
Mari looked up at Trent. “She’s the best friend I have, and she’s been through more than you can ever know. Listen to her, and whatever you do, don’t hurt her. Be nice.”
He looked concerned. “What’s up, Katrina?”
“Please, sit down. We need to talk. Well, really, I need to talk, and you need to listen.”
He sat down on the side of the bed. “What is it, Kat?”
Taking a deep breath, I began. “I need to explain some things to you, Trent. When I came here, I never expected to meet anyone like you, let alone develop any kind of an attraction. You see, I’m not really who you think I am. You see, I came to Thailand to have my SRS done.”
“Sexual Reassignment Surgery. I was born a boy named Kerry.” The tears came now, but I continued. I told him every last sordid detail of my miserable life. The abuse, everything. I couldn’t even look at him, I was so ashamed. But I didn’t hold anything back. I felt like I was walking naked down Fifth Avenue. My story took the better part of an hour.
To his credit, Trent never said a word. He just listened. When I was finished, I took sighed deeply.
“So now you know everything there is to know about me. I’m sorry for leading you on. I really didn’t mean to, but you were so wonderful to me. I had never been treated like that before, and I needed it, I guess. I would never hurt you, and if you never wanted to see me again, I’ll understand.”
There was silence. I waited. I still hadn’t looked at him. I couldn’t. I was afraid of what I might see. Finally, I couldn’t bear it any longer. I looked, and he was standing at the window, looking out to the sea.
I got up from the bed, and walked quietly toward him. I reached out and gave him the lightest touch, knowing he could hurt me terribly if he felt betrayed. “Trent?” I whispered.
He turned to face me. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
I looked up at his blue eyes. “I’m sorry. So, so sorry. I should have ignored you. Then all of this would have never happened. This is all my fault.”
“Don’t you ever say that, Katrina. I came to you. I saw a wildly beautiful woman that I had to get to know. That’s what you are, Kat. A woman. Not fake, not phony. More real to me than any woman I’ve ever known. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you, but I want to spend the rest of my life making up for the pain you endured. I love you more now than I did before. You didn’t have to trust me, yet you did. You bared everything to me, knowing in your mind that I would probably reject you. Yet still, you faced your fear. How could I not love someone like that”
I couldn’t speak. I just fell forward onto his big, strong chest and cried. This time, they were tears of joy.
He held me. “Kat, there will be some challenges ahead. You still have issues that must be dealt with. But this time, I’ll be there for you, and we’ll work it out together.” He stroked my hair. “After all, my wife will need to be ready for our children.”
Trent Roberts kept his word. He stayed with me, and we dealt with everything as a team. He was a grad student, and he never lied to me. I never asked how he knew what he did, and he never volunteered.
We were married three years later. My daddy walked me down the aisle.
He got his degree, and I got to be a mommy. We adopted two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. He was a very successful researcher for something secret. I never asked what he did. I didn’t care. He was home every night, and I was the center of his life.
Marisa and Richard ended up tying the knot after we did. She got her degree, and became an elementary school teacher. They are still working on a family.
Am I ashamed of what I did? Yes. But for what I have now, I would do it all over again.
Sometimes good girls do finish first!
By: Cindilee
Kristi woke with the alarm. She hated school days, especially after the nights she endured. She dragged herself out of her cot, in the basement of her “Auntie’s” house.
She was sixteen, and had been out of her parent’s house for two years. She had problems that they didn’t want to deal with, and she didn’t want to abide by their wishes, so she left. No looking back. It was too painful. She wondered where it had all gone wrong.
Kristi was transgendered. She had known this for her entire life and after all the things that she suffered to this point; she knew there was no going back. Her parents had seen to that. She no longer had any feelings for them whatsoever, and had been emancipated at fifteen.
She padded gingerly to the bathroom. She sat very carefully on the seat, as it was cold, but her bottom was extremely sore. After she finished, with her business, she knew that there would be blood on the paper. There was, and a lot of it. She buried her head in her hands.
Why did she do this? Was anything, anything worth this? She hadn’t gone through puberty yet, so she didn’t need the blockers that other early transitioners needed, but the estrogen was expensive, and most of the jobs she could get were minimum wage at best. Her ID said female, but if anyone checked, they would find out she had been born Kyle. That tended to put a lot of people off.
Kristi knew she was attractive for a t girl. Those looks made her a natural for the sex trade. She had gotten involved with some unsavory characters in the LA underworld who put her in contact with people who were looking for girls with “something extra” as they had put it.
She got up slowly from the toilet. The man who had used her last night was disappointed her male equipment didn’t work, and had used her rather forcefully in some sort of sick payback. She was frightened he was going to do worse, but he seemed satisfied by her cries and whimpers. She supposed what she had gone through wasn’t rape. She knew going in what was going to happen and had taken the man’s money at the end of the “date”.
She showered in her little unheated bathroom. At least she had somewhere to stay. Other girls she knew weren’t that lucky. Her “auntie” was for all intents and purposes her madam, but she didn’t take everything Kristi made.
As she washed herself carefully, she cried, her tears melding with the water trickling down her face. It was getting to be too much. Other girls like her wouldn’t believe she was trans, and she felt like an outsider with genetic girls. So, she just kept to herself.
She never accepted dates, although there were a few persistent boys in her high school that kept asking. She was never tempted to date anyone, however. The men that used her night after night had spoiled her from ever having anything to do with a man again. The thought sickened her.
Her shower finished, she wrapped herself in her threadbare towel and used bathrobe. There were old bloodstains on the material where her bottom was. There would be new ones today. She dried her long dark hair, and brushed it till it shone. It went down to the middle of her back, and was her crowning glory. She loved her hair. Not because it was beautiful, which it was, but because she could hide behind it during the day if she felt like crying. And she felt like that a lot.
Why was just being who she was so difficult? Why couldn’t society just let her get rid of her problems and let her be a respectable member? That’s all she wanted. No, she had to skulk around the fringes, dealing with closeted perverts and child molesters who only wanted to get their rocks off. At least she had protection, or she could have been another statistic in the war on street crime.
She put a pad in her panties then took a couple of Tylenol. She couldn’t wear jeans to school today. She was way too sore for that. So, she found a nice pleated navy skirt, not too short, and paired it with white tights and a blouse with a sweater. She found flats that worked and was as comfortable as she was going to be.
She collected her books with a sigh, and caught sight of the box cutter. The blade shone off the bare bulb in her room. She grabbed it without a thought and put it in her backpack, in a hidden compartment. She kept it for self defense, not knowing what she would face everyday. Life on the streets had made her paranoid.
She caught her bus and found her seat towards the front. She never looked around, and never talked to anyone on the bus. It had worked the entire year, and while she was desperately lonely, she didn’t dare engage anyone on the bus. It was too painful. She was nothing more than a street whore, and these kids either wouldn’t understand, or care why she did what she did, if ever they were to find out. No, it was better that they never knew her or anything about her.
She was buried in a book, reading her assignment when a new student sat next to her. He was very outgoing, and other kids seemed to know him, calling out, “hey John” a couple of times.
“Hi, cutie! I’m new to this bus. You probably know me. John Winters”
“No, I-I’m sorry, I-I d-don’t know you” She had a tendency to stutter when she was nervous, and she hated it.
“I’ve seen you before. Kristi, right?”
She nodded.
“Not much for conversation, are you?”
“No, I-I just have some schoolwork to catch up on. Late night”
“Ahh, don’t sweat it. Look, you’re kinda cute, you know that? I’m really in to the whole schoolgirl thing. Would you like to meet up with me after school for something to eat?”
She really wanted to. The offer of a meal sounded wonderful to her as she was quite hungry. She didn’t have a lot of money to spare, as she was saving up for her SRS surgery, so she tended to neglect things like eating to save money. Besides, being waifish helped business.
She blushed “I’d l-love to, John, but I just can’t. I-I have a lot of stuff to do after school”
“Please just go away” was all she could think. What would this boy do to her if he found out she had the same equipment he had. Her boobs were still tiny, no more than an A cup. She truthfully looked no more than thirteen. So she lied.
She whispered, to avoid him having to go through any embarrassment. “I-I’m s-sorry, but I’m really only thirteen. You’re too old for me, and my daddy won’t let me go out with boys”
That put him off the trail. “Okayyy, I’ll be going now” He went back to the back of the bus, defeated.
She hated to lie to the boy, but the truth was far worse. “I’m sorry, but I’m a transsexual whore. I can date you, but you’ll need to come up with five hundred dollars” She hadn’t bothered to put on makeup, because most days she just ended up crying it off.
The question kept nagging her. Why put up with this? The next question echoed ever louder in the last few weeks. “Just end it. You’ll be an angel in heaven”
Something in her mind wouldn’t let her do it, but that voice was getting progressively weaker. Every trick she turned killed her spirit a little more every day.
She got off the bus, and John, the nice guy, came up behind her and gave her a huge swat on the behind. Her very sore behind. She stifled a scream and collapsed to her knees. She felt like she had been stabbed with a poker. All she could do was sob.
“That’s for lying to me, bitch. Stuart says you’re a junior. Have fun!”
Kristi just stayed on her knees, trying to get past the pain. “I had that coming” She thought. “I deserved that for lying”
No one helped her up, but she did get to her feet and walked gingerly to her locker. She had finally had enough. Tonight, she would end it. Two little cuts to her wrists, and her pain would be over. Nothing was worth this pain. Not becoming a girl, not being who she was on the inside. This had to stop. No one would miss her anyway.
She opened her locker, and a pink envelope fell out. She looked at the outside and it was addressed “To Kristi”.
She looked at it, and then around to see if someone was watching her. Everyone seemed to be going about their business. She opened the envelope, and it was a card. The outside was a still life of flowers and it read “For Someone Special”.
Kristi’s eyes began to dampen. It was difficult to see the inside. Someone had written a note.
“Dear Kristi:
We’ve seen you around, and notice how lonely you seem. We’ve tried a few times to get to know you, and for whatever reason, you haven’t let us in. That’s okay. You will when you are ready. We want you to know that you are a very special girl, and we see that. When you are ready, we want you to know that we will be there to support you and love you, because you are loved”
It was signed Amber, Dana and Josie. She knew these girls. They were outcasts like her, openly gay in Amber’s case, and in Dana and Josie’s case, activists who didn’t conform. They cared enough to do something.
Kristi was crying behind her shield of hair. She was loved. Maybe she could go on. Maybe she had a friend.
Maybe she didn’t have to end it.
Author's note: I'm messing with another princess! "The Little Mermaid" meets "The Hunt for Red October"
I was not really looking forward to this deployment. I had just found a girl that I liked, and quite possibly loved. And, living for six months in a metal tube with 140 other men was not my idea of a vacation.
My name is Petty Officer First Class Jason Barrett. I am a Petty Officer first class stationed onboard the USS Seawolf, a fast attack submarine in Uncle Sam’s Navy. I love my work, but one thing got in my way of truly enjoying it. The afore mentioned living arrangements. Don’t let anyone try to tell you different, a cruise in a nuclear submarine is anything but a pleasure: not enough sleep, crazy hours, hot bunking. Well, the only thing good was the chow. But, well, it wasn’t that good; at least not to make up for the other stuff.
As usual, the details of the voyage were classified, but I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Katie, said love of my life, for one hundred and eighty days. And that sucked. As a going away present, she had given me a small necklace with a gold mermaid that she had found in an out of the way shop. She told me that she thought it would remind me of her.
I thought it was a bit on the girly side, but for Katie, well, I’d do pretty much anything. And, if wearing that necklace would make her happy, then I was in. Besides, I guess I did kind like it.
I reported for duty at zero six hundred on June 16th. We were due to sail the next day. The boat was being provisioned, and the crew was getting their berths situated. This was my third cruise on the Seawolf, and I was very good at my job. The multi gazillion dollar sonar unit and towed array were so sensitive I could hear a guppy fart at a thousand meters. The time I was on duty and monitoring the equipment was the most relaxing time of the day for me.
“Petty Officer First Class Barrett reporting, sir.” I snapped a brisk salute to the XO, or Executive Officer, Commander Joe Farris. This was my second cruise with Commander Farris, and we got along well, especially after I saved his butt on an exercise. Top secret, I can’t tell you exactly, but collisions with a blue whale are not pretty.
“Welcome aboard, Barrett," he said, returning the salute. He followed it with a firm handshake. “Glad to see you’re still with us. I thought last cruise would have been the end for you.”
Smiling, I replied, “No sir, I went and re-upped for another six years. The bonus was too good to pass up. Besides, someone has to keep this boat safe. I wouldn’t trust my station to anyone else until the boss tells me to move on.”
“Outstanding, Barrett! Get your gear squared away and meet me in ops at zero eight thirty. You’re on the blue crew with me.”
“Will do sir, and thanks for the assignment. It’s good to work with someone I know and trust.”
The crews of a sub work in two shifts. On our boat, the crews are gold, with the captain; blue, with the XO. There isn’t a lot of free time. We’re on for eight hours, and the twelve off are for training, eating and sleeping. Evidently the first watch was going to the Blue crew.
Preparations went on for the cruise for the rest of the day. The boat was a hive of activity, and the engineering boys were tuning up the reactor for extended fun. The actual reactor is a lot smaller than most people realize, and the power it puts out is truly amazing. We could stay underwater for as long as was needed, and the only limit was the endurance of the crew. My station was up, and the electronics passed the diagnostics. So we were ready to visit Davy Jones for an extended visit.
The tug eased us away from the dock to great fanfare. The departure of a submarine is not a secret. We know our enemies are watching. And almost as gigantic flipping of the bird to them, we are saying, “Yeah we’re leaving so screw you and good luck finding us.” As an attack boat, our job was to track down other countries missile subs. But we ran silent too.
The captain was on the sail with the XO. The COB, or chief of the boat was in ops, relaying commands to the helm.
“All ahead slow, make your heading three one zero”
“All ahead slow, my heading is three one zero”
We negotiated our way out of the harbor, and headed out to sea. The Captain and the XO descended from their position on the sail, and made their way to ops.
“Depth under keel?”
“Depth under keel is 130 meters.”
“Sonar, contacts?”
“Conn, no contacts.”
“COB, rig for dive.”
“All hatches secure, all lights green for dive.”
“Dive the boat.”
An alarm sounded. "Dive! Dive! Dive!"
The sound of the ballast tanks filling echoed quietly through the hull. The hull groaned and popped as the pressure on the hull increased with depth.
“Make your depth three zero zero feet. Ten degrees down angle on the planes.”
“Depth three zero zero ten degrees down, aye.”
The operational depth on modern submarines is classified, but they can dive a lot further down than you’d think. I won’t get into specifics, but if we wanted to, we could go way deeper than a thousand feet.
I listened to the sounds coming through the headphones. The headphones I used were state of the art, and so comfortable I could wear them for my entire shift and not feel them. Their sensitivity was astounding. The sounds I was getting from the sonar unit were filtered through a computer that put anything in the private sector to shame. I picked up some whale sounds, identified through the software as orca. There was a pod bearing north of us, at twenty or so feet.
“Conn, sonar. Biologics bearing zero zero niner. No threat.”
“Sonar aye.”
I quickly settled into my rhythm. The shift passed without a hitch, and I was ready to get some chow.
I met up with my bunk mate, Matt Thomas, a Petty Officer Second class, an electrician’s mate. “Well, Barrett, ready to get your ass kicked for the hundredth time?” He was referring to our regular game of Cribbage, which I loved to play but was woefully terrible at.
“Sure, Matt, as long as you are ready to play MW3 with me." I was extremely good at that, and Matt groaned. As bad as I was at Cribbage, I was nearly unstoppable at MW3.
“I suppose,” he sighed. “One good ass kicking deserves another.”
“I have it on good authority that no training is scheduled for tonight, so we should be good for a few hours,” I said.
We ate a satisfying meal of cheeseburgers and French fries, as good as any I’d had anywhere. Like I said before, at least the chow was good. I then settled in to the cribbage game with Matt. As I expected, he blew me out of the water in short order. We played another game, which was a little more competitive than the first.
“Well, Jason, it looks like you’re finally learning the finer points of this game,” Matt said with a thin smile.
“It’s taken long enough,” I laughed. “One of these days, old buddy, I’ll put you away!”
“I suppose, then my one area of superiority over you will be gone.”
“Not likely: I still will always be the student when it comes to this.”
I looked at my watch. The last game had taken a lot longer that I had anticipated. “Hey, I want to get a workout in before I turn in. I’ll have to postpone you ass whippin’ until later.”
“You go ahead. I have some studying I need to take care of for my proficiency test.”
I got out of my “poopy suit”, the jump suit everyone wore on board, and into my workout clothes. I did three miles on the treadmill, and a little upper body work. Workouts really reduced the stress level of being in such close quarters with so many other people, and were a requirement on board to stay sane.
I caught a quick shower. I say quick, because every shower on board a submarine is quick, as fresh water is not in unlimited supply. As I showered, I felt a sting on my chest where the mermaid pendant was, kind of like an electric shock. the mermaid had also changed color, from gold to a kind of rainbow color. I held it in my fingers, carefully inspecting it “Huh! A mood mermaid. Just like Katie, to get me something like this!”
I hurried to wash all the important parts, and got out. As I dried off, the mermaid changed back to its normal gold color.
“Hey Barrett!” one of my other buddies on board, Petty Officer Donaldson, hooted. “They make those pretty things for boys now or have you been in mommy’s jewelry box?”
I rolled my eyes. “Jealous, Donaldson? The future Mrs. Barrett gave me this, and it doesn’t come off until she says it does.”
Donaldson shook his head in disbelief. “You must really be in the tank for that girl, amigo, because that thing is as gay as they come.”
“Gay it may be, but, my friend, we are on a submarine, and you know what they say. So I’d be very careful about making any snide remarks.”
The saying was that 100 men go on board, 50 couples come off. So Donaldson wasn’t pushing the envelope on the off chance that I was one of those don’t ask don’t tell recruits. I was secure enough in my masculinity to make him sweat.
The Seawolf was cruising at a steady twelve knots due west at a depth of six hundred feet. We didn’t get a full briefing until the fifth day of the cruise.
The skipper called in all officers to a briefing in the officer’s mess after a VLF message was received. It was on my watch, and thirty minutes later, I was told what we were going to do. Chief Yancy briefed us.
“Okay, folks, we got re-tasked this morning. This came from CINCPAC. Our friends in the far east are in the process of deploying their newest submarine. Intel indicates that it is quick and quiet, and it’s a boomer. They have acquired some of our tech for making our subs quiet, and we’re going to get all the noise info off of it we can to build a profile. All of this without being detected. This means we go outside Shanghai Harbor, impersonate a hole in the water, and wait for him to come out and play. Questions?”
No one did. We knew our jobs in a case like this. The Chinese had built themselves a boomer. That was, in submarinerese, a ballistic missile submarine.
“Great. We’ll be on station in four days, so stay sharp. Our formerly red friends will be nosing around too, and we don’t want them to know we’re here either. We’re going to be relying on you guys to be sharp for the duration of this mission. The good news is apparently as soon as we finish this, they will cut our deployment short. If they delay, we’ll be here until they deploy the new boat. Best guess is three weeks, give or take.”
The prospect of an early end to our deployment raised our attention. “Well, let’s hope the Chairman decides he wants the peoples’ new toy in the big bathtub sooner rather than later,” I quipped.
Putting on my headset for another long session of listening to the wide world of the ocean, I cleared the filter to reset the computer. The unfiltered noise was a cacophony of gurgles, squeak and moans. A flip of the switch, and the extraneous noise was gone. I listened quietly, when I heard a squeaky, almost ethereal voice, “Big fish bad. Wish it go away. Scare food.”
“What in the hell was that?" I turned to Seaman Harry King who was on the towed array set.
“What?” he asked?
“Don’t you hear it?" I whispered. “That voice.”
“Dude, all I hear are some biologics. Sperm whales, I think”
Shaking my head, I reset the noise filter. The voice was gone, replaced by the song of a sperm whale. No other contacts were present. “What in the hell was that?” I thought.
“You okay, Barrett?” asked King. “You look like to just saw a ghost.”
I chuckled nervously, not wanting King to know just how rattled I was. “Nah, I was just pulling your leg, dude.”
I continued to monitor the set, getting more and more nervous. I was still hearing voices in the ocean. Taking my headphones off, I found that the voices stopped. It wasn’t a hallucination. Somehow I was hearing voices in the ocean. This was bad, and would get me thrown so far down in the looney bin I’d never get out. Then I heard something that didn’t make sense. “Two big fish! Bad for food. In school.”
Two big fish? Could I be hearing sea life? Specifically … whales? Could the sub be a big fish! Shit! We were being tailed. Looking at King, I could see his mind was elsewhere, and not paying attention to his duty station.
Tapping King on the shoulder, I got his attention. “Trade me. I’ll take the towed array”
He shrugged “Okay, if you insist, but there’s nothing back there”
“Humor me.”
After we switched, I got on the set and listened carefully. Sure enough, I heard a slight metallic sound. It was a valve closing. “Conn, sonar. Contact directly behind, in our baffles, range one thousand yards.” Once I knew we were tailed, the processor noise filter quickly identified our tail as a Russian Akula III class attack sub. They really weren’t all that quiet, and King needed his ass kicked for not hearing it.
“All Stop, Quick quiet.” The ship went dead. The boat was now slowly drifting.
“Target is Akula class, range closing. Aspect ratio change, they’re turning to port.”
I could hear power plant noises increase. They knew they’d been heard, and the game was over. “Plant noises increasing, bearing now niner four degrees. They’ve had enough. It looks like they’re bugging out.”
“Very well, sonar.” The captain looked to the XO. “Joe, go to dead slow, give us five minutes and clear datum. Log the contact.”
“Aye, sir.”
The captain came back to sonar. “Good work, Barrett, King.”
King was white. “I can’t believe I missed that.”
“Don’t worry about it. Sometimes we get in the zone. That’s why we switched. It could have been me.”
“Well thanks for not chewing my ass.”
“Like I say, Andy. It could have been me. Try not to let it happen again.”
After some training exercises and a workout, I took a shower. I felt a little light headed and the pendant changed color again. The feeling passed as I dried off, and hit the rack. I dreamed strange dreams that night, of swimming with fish on a reef. I wasn’t wearing gear, and was completely at home. I could breathe the water and my hair was floating down my back. My breasts were … . I snapped awake. Breasts?
We arrived on station, and settled in for the wait. This got really boring, as noise was extremely limited and no one spoke normally. It was like a library visit that never ended. Do your jobs, eat, and hit the bunk. Like I said, boring.
I was able to take a quick shower after we had been there a week. I really felt tired afterwards and hit my bunk. I had some crazy dreams all night, and I was tossing and turning.
I woke on my own at zero seven thirty. I felt really good. Better than I had felt in ages. Sitting up, I noticed that I had a lot more room in my bunk. I felt a tickle around my ears and neck. It was clearly time for a haircut. I yawned quietly, but I noticed that my voice was way off. It sounded high pitched for some reason. I didn’t have time to worry about that, though. It was time to get to work. I rolled out and nearly fell on my face. The damn bunk was higher.
What in the hell was going on? The feminine yelp as I stumbled was a surprise, but not as much as the jiggling from my chest in my now tent like tee shirt. My boxers were riding my hips differently. I noticed long red hair flying in front of my face. Feeling my chest, I felt two … boobs?
My shock was complete when CPO Jarvis stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes bugging out of his head. “Who in the fuck are you? And, what are you doing on my boat!”
“Chief! I’m Barrett!” I whispered in a panicked voice. My voice, I guess. It was a soprano that sounded like a teenage girl. I had enough presence of mind not to scream, because that’s exactly what I wanted to do.
I noticed that Jarvis now towered over me. “You just stay right there, little lady.”
“Oh God!” I exclaimed as loud as I dared. “What’s happened to me?” I was holding up my boxers and covering my new chest. Different heads poked out of bunks.
“Holy shit! A fuckin girl!” said one genius. This led to others looking. Then a bunch of whispering and pointing. I knew I was blushing furiously. I dove back into my bunk and pulled the covers over me and scooted as far back as I could, terrified.
A whole bunch of crewmates tried to stick their heads into my bunk. “Stop staring at mee.” I tried to growl, but it came out a cute little whine.
Some of the bolder ones decided they wanted to touch. I slapped the first hand that came my way. “Leave me alone, you idiots! It's me. I’m Barrett!”
“If you’re Barrett, you had one hell of a beauty sleep,” said one. “Come on out, little lady. Let’s have a look at you.”
“Leave me alone, you jackasses!” I slapped two more hands. My voice sounded like a scared teenage girl. I was scared. To make matters worse, I was beginning to cry. Where in the hell did that come from?
“Make a hole!” It was the COB. Everyone backed away, and he knelt down to my bunk. He couldn’t hide his surprise that a young girl had made her way undetected on his boat and had managed to hide undetected for over two weeks. “All right, young lady, no one’s going to hurt you. Come on out.”
“Not as long as all of these people are staring. They tried to grab me!” I realized I was pouting. “Son of a bitch!” I thought. “I’m freaking pouting.”
“Turn around, you fuckin’ morons!” He barked. The men all complied. He looked at me with a thin smile. He looked at me with embarrassment. “Sorry for the language. Come on out, missy.”
“I’m Petty Officer First Class Jason Barrett, Chief! Serial number 778654321!”
“Sure you are, missy,” he replied condescendingly.
I edged out of the bunk, my new feminine assets jiggling. It was a little chilly and my nipples did what nipples do in that case. The COB tried not to stare, but it was difficult. "Get this kid something to cover up with!"
There were some groans, and a couple of idiots said she looks fine to me, Chief, to sniggers from the crew.
“Don’t make me ask again, Gray,” he warned the mouthy one. “Now!”
Someone got a poopy suit from one of the shorter members of the crew. It still fit me like a tent. I couldn’t have been more that five two. If I weighed more than a hundred pounds, it would have surprised me.
After getting dressed, I rolled up the sleeves and legs. I looked like a little girl in daddy’s clothes. They gave me a pair of socks, and I was taken to the captain’s quarters. There was a marine with a gun who looked suspiciously at me.
“Here she is, sir. Just like we told you.”
“I’ll be damned. Thanks, Chief. We’ll take it from here.” He left, and I was standing at attention out of habit, more than anything else. I was also terrified and shaking.
“All right, miss. Who are you, and more importantly, how did you get on my boat?”
“Sir, I’m Jason Barrett, Petty Officer First Class. I really don’t know how this happened.”
“You know, you don’t have to stand at attention here. We’re not going to hurt you. Did Barrett Sneak you on board?”
“Sir, that’s impossible, and you know it. Search this boat for Jason Barrett, and you won’t find him. Because I’m here, sir. Please, you have to believe me!”
“Miss, there is no way you are Barrett. For one, you’re nearly a foot shorter, hair like yours doesn’t grow overnight, and you’re a damn *girl*! You are in a whole lot of trouble right now, and I suggest you start giving me some straight answers, pronto!”
I was beginning to cry. “But sir, I don’t know how to prove who I am! I don’t know how this happened, I don’t know anything! I … I ... . ” What I did was burst into tears like the girl I was, which was frustrating as hell.
The captain remained unmoved. “Corporal! Escort this young lady to the brig. In handcuffs!”
“But that isn’t necessary, sir. I’m telling you, I’m Barrett,” I said as I was handcuffed.
“If she tries to make a disturbance, gag her.”
“Aye, sir.”
Fortunately, the Marine was gentler than I though he would be. “Look miss. I don’t get off on shoving women around. You seem like a good person in a bad place. Please just come along quietly, and we’ll get this ironed out, ok?”
All I could do was nod in agreement as he led me to the detention area. I knew if I struggled or screamed the Marine would do exactly what the captain ordered. I was ridiculed the whole way, and pinched from behind a couple of times. I hung my head the whole way, hiding behind my hair so those bastards couldn’t see me crying.
The XO rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You know, as hard as it may be to believe, she may be telling the truth, Skip.”
The Captain scoffed, “Are you nuts, Joe? How is a thing like that even possible?”
Joe shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know, Skip! I’m just saying that if we don’t find Barrett on board, what the hell are we supposed to think? Scotty beamed him up? There’s no way off this boat, Skip. None. If you eliminate every possibility, then … ”
“I know. No matter what remains, no mater how far fetched, must be the truth. I don’t like the implications of that, Joe. Not one bit”
The entire boat was searched from stem to stern; four hours of quiet searching in every possible nook and cranny. Jason Barrett was not on the boat.
The XO finally came to see me. I had refused to eat anything they brought me. I wasn’t staging a hunger strike or anything like that, I just couldn’t eat. My life had been stolen, and I was stuck as the only girl on a boatload of horny guys.
He opened the door and sat down next to me. “I think we can assume that you’re not going to try anything, right?”
“No sir. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize this boat or its mission. You have to believe me, sir. I’m really Jason Barrett,” I looked pleadingly at him.
“I tend to believe you, miss, but can you tell me anything that would prove that?”
I racked my brain, and decided to tell him everything I knew about myself, I left nothing out, and even threw some embarrassing facts in. I even told him about the details of our last cruise. “That’s all I can think to tell you, sir.”
The XO nodded, and scratched his chin thoughtfully. He was really a very handsome man. Wait … stop that, I thought to myself.
“I believe you, kid. As hard as it is to get my mind around a total gender change in the middle of the damn ocean, I believe you. What do you think happened?”
“Truthfully, sir, I don’t know." Then it hit me. The pendant. “Wait. I pulled the pendant out and showed him. This acted funny when it got wet. It looks like gold, but when I took a shower, it got all rainbow colored until it dried off.”
“Try taking it off,” he suggested simply. I complied, but nothing happened. I was still a teen girl.
He took it to the sink to wet it. Nothing happened. “Hmmm.” He was thinking. “If this was the culprit, it’s not working now. It was touching my skin and it remained the same.”
“Great. I can’t go around looking like this for the rest of the cruise.” Then a chilling thought hit me. “What is going to happen to me? I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as a lab rat.” My eyes brimmed again. “Shit. I can’t even control my emotions.”
“Take it easy, Barrett,” he smiled. “Let’s just get through this one day at a time.”
“I look like a complete idiot”, gesturing to myself. I was a sorry sight in my ill fitting jump suit. My hair was a mess and my eyes I’m sure were all puffy from crying.
“Let’s get you to the captain, and we’ll figure it out from there.”
The XO took me back to the captain’s quarters. “I believe her, Skip. She knows too much to be an imposter. Regardless what happened, this is Seaman Barrett. I’d stake my life on it.”
The Captain shook his head. “Wonderful. Now we've got Miss Teen USA on my crew and one hundred and thirty seven potential headaches”
“I’m glad you and I don’t qualify, Skip,” smiled Joe.
“We don’t have any clothing on board to fit her, Joe?”
“I’ll think of something, Jim. Petty Officer Barrett, you are dismissed to your bunk until we sort this out.”
“Uhhh, sir?”
“I am kinda hungry.”
The Captain gestured to Joe. “Take her to the officer’s mess and get her something to eat. I don’t need a bunch of men slobbering over her. I have a daughter about her age, and girls that age tend to get cranky when they’re hungry. Get her to the doc for a checkup. Let’s make sure everything’s okay.”
“Aye, sir. Will do.”
I’d never been in the officer’s mess before. There were four of them in there eating when the XO brought me in. They stared, but didn’t say anything. The XO broke the silence. "What’s the matter gentleman? Never seen a girl before? She is sixteen years old and not of the age of consent, and I expect you to treat her like she is the Captain’s daughter. Clear?”
There were some muttered “Yes sirs”, and the matter was dropped. They returned to their meals. I didn’t think the rest of the crew would be so easy to manipulate. “What do you want, Barrett?”
“I guess some breakfast would be good, maybe some eggs?”
He looked at me and shook his head. “Damn, Barrett, It’s like having my niece on board.”
“I’m still the same guy on the inside, sir!”
“Maybe so, but I’ll give you some advice. The inside and the outside don’t match anymore. Now, you can go on thinking you’re Petty Officer Jason Barrett all you want. But you’ll end up looking more like a freak if you don’t start to embrace a little more of your feminine side. Being a girl doesn’t mean you’re weak, but you can’t go stomping around like a linebacker either. Really think about it, Barrett”
“I will, sir. I have been. I’ve noticed some changes already that I can’t place. I’m not ready to talk about them yet, but I will.”
“What else have you noticed? Leave nothing out. It could be the key to sorting this business out.”
“Well for the last few days, I’ve been hearing voices in the ocean. I can’t say for sure, but I think I can understand sea mammals. I hear voices. King hears whales. I didn’t want to say anything because I thought people would think I was crazy. But since this happened, how crazy can that be?”
“Yes, indeed. What are these animals saying?”
“They call the sub big fish. They don’t like us because we scare the fish they eat. They talk to each other, about different things, mostly about food.”
“And you hear this?”
I nodded. “Yes sir. Its how I found that other sub tracking us last week.”
“This is astounding!” he smiled. “If this is true, it could open up a whole new science. Are you up to your regular shift on the sonar rig?”
I smiled. “Yes, sir. I‘d love to get back to work!”
He nodded. "Well, Get busy on your breakfast and well get you to the sawbones.”
I ate my breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast with relish. It was very good, but I couldn’t eat everything that was on my plate. I guess my stomach was a little smaller than before. Taking my plate to the trash, I gave the cook a little shrug and a 'sorry' for leaving so much on the plate. He smiled and acted like he didn’t mind. I noticed that his eyes never left my chest.
I didn’t get that. My boobs certainly weren’t that big. I knew Katie was a B cup and I wasn’t a whole lot bigger. I guess since I was the only female on board now. I probably looked like the most beautiful thing in the world to them. In a way, I felt sorry for them.
I was escorted to the doctor’s office by Commander Farris. I was subjected to a thorough examination that stopped short of a full gynecological exam because of the lack of tools. Apparently I was a physical virgin, and was in top physical condition. My resting heart rate was 40, which was very low. I felt fine, however. Blood pressure, all other tests indicated a person in peak physical condition.
One of the things that was beginning to get irritating was being escorted everywhere I went. It was like they didn’t trust me, after admitting that I was in fact Jason Barrett. Commander Farris instructed me that it was for my safety, in that he didn’t want any one with a low sense of self control getting themselves in trouble with me. I understood a little better after that, and was more than grateful for the company.
Since I was not dead, sick or otherwise incapacitated, the Captain decided to continue with the mission because of the importance of determining the nature of this latest potential threat. I was returned to duty, and aside from the occasional whistle, the crew largely accepted me. A cook named Davis gave me the strangest looks when he saw me.
The Captain put it out on the grapevine if anyone had any ideas for getting me a better fitting uniform, there would be a bonus available. One of the crew was a fairly good tailor and he was able to get my measurements and alter a jumpsuit for me. I still didn’t have a bra, and my boobs did tend to get sore by the end of the day. I couldn’t run anymore, because the bouncing was a little painful and was a great distraction to those nearby.
They moved my bunk to the junior officers’ section, as one of them graciously offered to give his berth to me. I made sure to thank him and gave him a big hug. (Hey, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time, and he appreciated it.)
The Captain never did ask me to get my hair cut, and I seemed to know what to do with it. I settled on a high ponytail, as it kept the hair off my neck. Shower and bathroom arrangements were a bit more complicated, as I really didn’t want some horny guy staring at me while I showered or took care of my needs. The Captain was more than accommodating, and I apologized profusely to him for causing so much trouble. He just smiled and said it was no trouble. I think it was because I reminded him of his own daughter back in the States.
My job was going well. The fact that I could comprehend the squeaks, whistles and moans was quickly classified by the Captain. It did let us understand what was going on in the harbor. The new boat was getting ready to sail.
I was taking finally taking my first shower after the change when I was overcome with shortness of breath. I got the strangest sensation between my legs, and as I watched, my legs began to fuse together. I couldn’t stop it, and I slipped down onto the floor. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath as I watched scales form on my fused legs. I dragged myself out of the shower and my escort saw me. I saw the horrified look on his face as darkness claimed me.
I opened my eyes to a bright light. I thought I was dead, and then I heard the doctor say, “She’s coming around.”
“Wha-what happened?” I softly asked, still blurry.
“You had a little episode, Jason. Do you remember anything?” asked the doctor.
“Yes. Did I turn into a fish?”
“No, but you did have a type of change, and we’re trying to figure it out. It seems you are what is known as a mermaid, for lack of a better or more scientific term.”
I sat up, balancing myself on my elbows. “Not funny, doc. They don’t exist.” I also happened to notice that I was naked under the sheet that was covering me. I raised the sheet, and saw my legs were normal. “See, nothing down there but legs and a … well, nothing." With a blush, I covered myself up quickly.
“Yeah, I would have said the same thing about Navy personnel turning into women, but we know how that turned out. Young lady, you turned into a bona fide, half fish, bare breasted mermaid, fins and all. I have the video to back that up too.
I blushed to my toes. “Please tell me you didn’t video me, you know, naked?”
"It was all in the interest in science, dear. Not for publication to the internet. This is beyond fantastic. You actually morphed before our very eyes. You were unable to breathe air, and we had to keep water on the gills that appeared. You almost died.”
I was understandably subdued. “Thanks, doc. I suppose I owe my escort a debt too.”
“He got you here within thirty seconds of your transformation. Apparently it was triggered by the water, and went away within a couple of minutes after you dried off. It seems you are a new species, Jason: Homo aquaticus.”
I winced at that. “I’m not a lab rat, doc. I’m also not Jason any more, either, I guess. I’m closer to Ariel than Jason.”
“Is that what you want to be called?”
“Oh,yes, it’ll give everyone a big laugh, won’t it.” I started to cry again. What was with the tears?
Doc hugged me. “Hey, Jason, don’t worry about it. You are on the verge of an exciting new life. You won’t be a lab rat, I promise you, but I suppose science will want to study the process. In fact, it may be the key to reversing this change. I took a blood sample while you were in your ‘fish’ state and we’ll be comparing the two. Think about it. You will actually be able to explore the oceans without any respiratory assistance”
“Yeah, and I can get eaten by sharks, too” I replied sarcastically.
“No one’s asking you to do anything right now. Just be open to the gift you’ve been given.” I started to interrupt, but he held up his hand, and continued. “You may not have asked for it, but the rest of your life will hinge on the choices you make now. You can either mope and cry about being a girl, or you can take what life has given you and be a success. I suspect you can control more than you know.”
I furrowed my brow, thinking about what he just told me. “But doc, I’m not a girl in here” I held my palms to my chest in what I didn’t realize was a very feminine gesture. The doc just smiled. “There are changes going on in your body and head right now that you can’t even imagine, I suspect. I’m not saying this to tease you, or make fun of you; okay, but I see changes in your deportment already”
“What? You’re joking.”
“I said I wasn’t kidding, Jason. I know women, and you are becoming one, inside and out. You may remember what it’s like to be a man, but you aren’t one anymore. Take your hair, for example. Why haven’t you cut it?”
Blushing, I had to admit to him I liked it. He nodded, and without a hint of humor simply said, “Because it’s very pretty, and you like it”
I looked down, ashamed. “Yes.”
“It’s okay, Jason. It is pretty, and I would be disappointed if you did cut it off. You would be too. Have you looked in the mirror lately?”
“I don’t like to. I look ugly”
“What? How can you say you look ugly?”
“I don’t know. I’m too plain.”
The Doc smiled again. “You want to wear some makeup, don’t you?”
I was starting to cry again. “Yes,” I replied, my voice heavy with emotion.
“Hey, Jason, It’s okay to have those feelings. You’re a girl! But tell me this. Do you still like the same things you did before?”
Thinking, I replied with a little more enthusiasm. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
“So. You have the same interests as before. Nothing is stopping you from doing those things, plus you get to do those things that are also reserved for girls. Your brain is rewiring itself to accommodate your new gender, I believe, plus you have all the advantages of thinking like a man when the need arises. To top that off, you have this amazing new ability that could revolutionize our world! Hmmm. You know, I think that’s a pretty damn good deal, Jason.”
I couldn’t believe it, but the Doc just made me excited and proud to have this new “gift”. I couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Doc. You’ve given me a ton to think about.”
“Don’t fight the changes, Jason. Let them come and work with them. Be who you are, and don’t let any of these knuckleheads make you feel bad about yourself. Any of them would give their left arm to have a girl like you by their side, and you’ll always have that over them.”
I giggled, "Yeah, I know." My chuckle became a giggle. Two octaves in pitch will do that. “I’d rather not go that far yet, Doc.”
“No one’s telling you that you have to. But they don’t know that. Don’t give them the edge” Now get out of here, and do what the Navy is paying you to do.”
A new jumpsuit was delivered to the infirmary, along with some feminine undergarments in a package. They were my size, by some coincidence. There were only three in the package and were pink yellow and white in a bikini style. Plain cotton, but that was okay with me. Where they came from was a mystery, but I suspect someone my have liked the softer side of life. I wished i knew who it was so I could thank them.
I put them on, and they felt so much better than the boxers I had been making do with. The new jumpsuit was tailored to fit my new body. Like a glove in fact. Too much like a glove. The guy who altered it did it on purpose to show off my body. They also had a little cotton camisole. They had modified it from a tee shirt. It was a necessity to wear, because my nipples would have been chafed raw on the material of the outerwear.
“Look at this!” I complained to the doctor. “They made me look like a streetwalker”
“It is a little close fitting; I guess” the doctor said, barely concealing a grin, but if this would have happened to someone else, what would you have done?”
I had to laugh. “The same thing, I guess.”
“Exactly. Just grin and bear it, and be proud of who you are. Give the ribbing right back to them. I think you’ll find they will respect you even more.”
“Thanks, Doc.” On impulse, I leaned into him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a little hug. He got red and tried to stammer something. I smiled my best approximation of a sassy girl smile and said, “No time like the present to get started.”
I felt like a huge burden was lifted from me. I still got little whistles and pats, but they didn’t bother me like before. I was a girl, and until that changed I would be all in. I wasn’t going to bed with any man, but I also knew to my embarrassment that I wouldn’t object either if that opportunity arose someday. Even that thought didn’t spoil my mood. I still loved Katie, but I wasn’t sure anymore if it was the love of a sister or a boyfriend. I suppose it would all depend on her. I knew I would still love her as a friend no matter what happened.
I reported to my duty station with a smile on my face and a cute ponytail on my head. Andy, one of the other sonar techs on my watch, was way more attentive than he had ever been when Jason was there, offering to get me coffee or whatever I wanted. It was cute, and I never told him to stop, always smiling sweetly and giving him a perky “you’re so sweet” when he did something nice. He was only nineteen, so it would be good training for him when he met the future Mrs. King.
The crew had taken to calling me Ariel now instead of Jason. I didn’t mind, and in fact smiled when they called me that. It seemed to fit and I liked the name. I think they did it to get my goat, but when I didn’t complain, they became better natured about it. I also still couldn’t figure out where the panties had come from, but I was more than a little grateful I had them.
My detection skills on the sonar set were heightened to a factor of one hundred it seemed. I could pick different fish up. I didn’t need the filters as much. The unfiltered sea noise was much more informative to me. This wasn’t lost on the Chief Petty Officer in charge of my watch, and he passed it on the COB.
"Graves tells me you’ve become quite the technician, Ariel. Care to elaborate?”
"I don’t know sir. I can hear everything out there, and I can tell you what it means. For example, I can tell you that right now, there are thirty four sharks within a one thousand yard radius of this vessel. And there are two whales and three dolphins who are keeping a close eye on the sharks."
“How do you know this?”
"I can’t explain it, Master Chief. It’s like I understand them as easily as I understand you, and I sense the sea life around."
The new Chinese submarine steamed out of the harbor to a lot of fanfare. I could hear the complaints of the sea mammals as explosions rocked the water from the celebratory fireworks. Any submarine is a cacophony of noise on the surface, and the new sub was no exception. We were sitting in four hundred feet of water on the continental shelf, steaming in slow circles, just fast enough to maintain depth and steerage.
Our target, now named Guppy one submerged ten nautical miles from the harbor. It was quiet all right, way quieter than all of the other targets we had tracked to date. I didn’t have trouble tracking it, and set the computer to record its acoustic signature. The other operators were not as tuned as I was with my enhanced hearing and struggled to maintain contact.
Later, I was on my off time, and decided to try a little quiet exercise. The weight machine was free, so I got on the bench press and set the weight to a nice light 40 pounds for my newly reduced frame it was about all I could do repetitively since the transformation. Much to my surprise, I lifted it like it was nothing. I doubled the weight. Still nothing. I tripled the weight. Nothing but a little resistance. Two hundred pounds was only minor resistance. Four hundred pounds got the attention of my spotter. A little more difficult. At six hundred pounds I began to do a little work. It was all the resistance I could get.
My spotter, Seaman Lima, one who had been particularly nice to me the whole time whistled in amazement. “Shit, little lady,” he said. “Remind me not to get on your bad side. What in the hell have you been eating, cause I want some.”
I seemed to have picked up a little strength since my last workout. My arms, though toned, didn’t hint at the power they obviously contained. I giggled with excitement. I sounded like a teenager on her first date. “I don’t know Lima, but if I knew I’d tell you.”
All of the weight exercises I did maxed the machine. I was literally the strongest crew member aboard, and the smallest. I needed to see the doc. “Lima,” I asked, “could you come to sick bay with me? Doc ain’t gonna believe this.”
I was right. He didn’t until Lima verified what I told him. He called the captain to sick bay and told him the news.
“You just keep throwing out more surprises, Barrett,” said the Captain as he shook his head. “Why do you think this is, Doctor?”
“She’s adapted to swimming now. It makes sense that her strength would grow to propel her body through the water. That’s the best guess I can give you. It makes as much sense as anything I can come up with.”
“I agree with you Doc. It’s the only thing that I can think of, too," he sighed. "Well Barrett, the brains are gonna have fun looking at you when we get back. I imagine you’ll be quite the asset.”
That comment hit me like a ton of bricks. It was the one thing I didn’t want to be. A guinea pig in a cell somewhere. I began to tear up. “I hope not, sir. That would be just awful.”
The Captain, forgetting he was talking to a Thirty two year old Petty Officer, gave me a kind of sideways hug and said, “Hey, don’t cry kid. That won’t happen. I‘ll make sure it won’t.”
I unconsciously leaned in to the hug as I cried. It felt good, and I felt protected somehow. I could probably break most men like a matchstick now, but I still needed a hug? This wasn’t making sense.
I think the Captain realized what he was doing. The Doc had a shit eating grin on his face. The captain cleared his throat and made his excuses.
“The doc was still smiling after the Captain left sick bay. “See what I mean? Go with it.”
I stuck my tongue out at him.
Word had gotten around quickly about my exploits in the gym. There were no more unwanted pats on the bottom. "That settled that," I thought smugly.
The other techs were still having problems zeroing in on Guppy one. This boomer was quiet. And fast. If we went any faster, we would start to make noise, and we couldn’t afford that. Our speed had increased to ten knots, and any faster would put us in danger of detection.
Then came the call that anyone in a submarine dreads hearing, and I made it. “High speed screws! Torpedo in the water!" It had come from our baffles. Andy wasn’t paying attention again! Someone had fired a torpedo, and it was closing in on us. “It’s homing!” I called.
“Battle stations!" The room went to red. "Ready Countermeasures!”
The torpedo was analogous to our Mark 48 homing torpedo. It even had a similar signature. Another piece of stolen hardware.
The XO was calm as he directed the crew. “Flank speed. Come about to 270 degrees. Ten degrees down angle on the planes.”
The Seawolf responded. The power levels increased rapidly and the turbines responded.
“Torpedo at twelve hundred yards and closing. It has acquired us,” I reported.
The Captain had made it to the Conn. The XO had his stopwatch out. "Prepare to deploy countermeasures.”
The Captain was on the intercom to the torpedo room. “Load tubes one and two.”
“Where is the son of a bitch who shot at us?”
I reported to the captain, “He’s at four thousand yards, bearing to target now zero niner zero degrees.”
“Weapons, plot a firing solution and fire at that cocksucker!”
“Deploy countermeasures,” ordered the XO.
The countermeasures against a homing torpedo involved a device that sent out a sonar signal to confuse the torpedo. I could hear it working.
“Firing solution computed and plotted, sir. Outer doors will not open.”
“What? Get those things fixed! We can’t shoot back with them shut.”
“Their torpedo has lost lock, Captain. It’s trying to reacquire.”
As I sat at my station monitoring the sonar, time began to slow down for me. I know it was an illusion, but I suddenly had an idea. I knew I could save the boat, but I would have to embrace the other me. It wasn’t even a hard choice.
Pulling my headphones away from my head, I asked, no, ordered the supervising Petty Officer to my station. I ran to the captain.
“Torpedo has reacquired.” The telltale pings of the sonar were echoing through the hull. We were now officially minutes from death. The torpedo’s range was twenty two hundred yards, and it had a twenty knot speed advantage. We would only out run it for so long.
“Captain! I can take care of that torpedo, but I need to get outside to do it. I can’t explain, but I know I can.”
He thought for a fraction of a second and nodded. "Get to the trunk and get out there. MOVE!”
The sub had a special chamber on board to send SEAL teams in from underwater. I would use that to get out.
I sprinted for all I was worth. I made it to the hatch in ten seconds. It would fill with water and enable me to get outside.
“Get me in there and flood the hatch,” I ordered the mate. Stripping off my clothes, I stepped inside, and the hatch was dogged. The hatch flooded and I quickly and painlessly changed into my aquatic form. Opening the hatch was a snap with my enhanced strength. I could hear the torpedo getting closer. I was surprised at the speed with which I could swim as I swam to meet it. I then used my own natural sonar and effectively got its attention.
I swam with everything I had as the torpedo changed course to follow me. I was fast, but the torpedo was within three hundred yards of catching me. The enemy boat was closing on the position of the Seawolf for a kill shot if needed. It was one of the Chinese attack boats. They were on thousand yards in front of me. I was burning up the water and as a result, was beginning to tire. The enemy boat was almost within range. I needed to hold out for a minute longer.
It’s funny what you think of when you know you could be about to die. One thought was that I didn’t feel cold, and the other was “Damn, my boobs are really nice.”
The torpedo was so close I could almost hear the workings inside it. Then I gambled that the time was right. I perfectly pinged the enemy sub with the frequency the torpedo used, not stopping to wonder how I could, and then it then locked on to its mother. I dove out of the way, only one hundred and fifty yards from the enemy. I turned around to put as much distance as I could between me and the explosion that was to follow. This would hurt…
The concussion from a blast underwater is many times worse than a comparable explosion on land. I had made it almost two hundred yards from the resulting explosion and the blast wave hit me like a hammer. I had already held my hands over my ears, but the main effect of the concussion was to batter my insides to jello. I screamed as my body was enveloped in pain, then I mercifully passed out.
I have no idea how long I was out. It couldn’t have been long, because I could hear the Seawolf close by. I was still in a tremendous amount of pain, and I was trailing blood. If I was on land, I would have coughing it up. As a mermaid, well, it was trailing it out of my gills, which were on obtrusively located along my ribcage towards my back.
I swam to the boat, which was traveling at about five knots. I think they may have been looking for me. “They were really sweet,” I thought, "to be looking for me." It wasn’t easy, as I was in agony from my internal injuries, but there was no way I was going to be fish food.
I managed to open the hatch and slide into the compartment. I beat on the door to the inside, letting them know I was back. This was not going to be fun, plus the crew would see me naked again. That really sucked. The water was pumped out and I found myself like a fish out of water again. I passed out from the pain before they got the door open.
I woke up in my familiar spot in sick bay, staring at the ceiling. I had a hospital gown on, which was an improvement over the last time. I coughed, and the spasm sent a wave of pain through me like I had never known. “Doc,” I wheezed “are you here?” I couldn’t bear to keep my eyes open.
“I’m here, Ariel,” he said cheerfully. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
I smiled at that. I was beginning to like the name. It fit me now. “I hurt all over Doc,” my voice was no more than a whisper.
“I can imagine. You’ve suffered pretty horrific internal injuries. In fact, you should be dead, but it seems your body has a little bit different outcome in mind. You’re healing much faster than a normal human would. We’re on our way back to San Diego now. They’ve cut the mission short. I think they are anxious to debrief you after your performance last week."
“Last week? How long have I been out?” I moaned in pain from the effort it took to speak.
“About nine days, give or take a couple of hours. We’re about two days out of port. You actually died on us twice.”
“Never saw the light,” I whispered with a thin smile. “Don’t believe it when they tell you.”
“Well, take my word for it, kid.” He injected something into my IV. I started to feel a little woozy.
“This will help you sleep. See you when you wake up.”
“Nite nite,” I said dreamily.
I was out for the rest of the journey home. I awoke to being put on a gurney and being carried out of sick bay. They managed to get me on deck with a minimum of squeals of pain from me, and then I saw something that made me cry. The entire crew was lined up. The command to present arms was given, and the guys all saluted even the officers. I was strapped down so I couldn’t return their salute, but tears were flowing down my face. I couldn’t speak. There was nothing to say.
I spent the better part of the next two weeks in the hospital. Katie wasn’t allowed in to see me. They wanted to say I’d died, but I vetoed that. She deserved to know what had happened to me. They told her I was still on assignment off the boat. I was still wearing the pendant, and I vowed never to take it off.
I was poked and prodded as you’d expect from someone in my position, but no one ever threatened to put me away.
After I was released from the hospital, the countless hours of debrief and testing began. I found out what my limits were, and also found I could change back and forth at will, and getting wet would no longer initiate the transformation if I didn’t want it to, which made taking a bath a lot easier. My new legal name was Ariel Rebecca Barrett, age 21, after the mermaid and my mother, rest her soul.
I found out that the crew of the Seawolf incorporated a mermaid into the ship’s logo. It looked like me. Since what had happened was classified, no one could talk about the reason why, and the crew took a good bit of ribbing about it from the other ships in the fleet. They just smiled when asked and said it was their good luck charm. I was also recommended for the Medal of Honor for my actions on that day. I didn’t think I deserved it. I just did what any one of those other guy would have done in my situation.
I was offered and accepted an appointment to Annapolis. I would be doing research into incorporating the use of dolphins to help with recovery of crews and intelligence. That would be a lot easier with my talents. I would also be an Ensign upon graduation in four years.
And, finally, after six months, I was able to see Katie. I had long since accepted my girlhood. I looked sixteen, and really hadn’t aged at all, so I suspected my healing also helped kept me young looking.
I carefully picked out the outfit I would wear to meet Katie for the first time. I purposefully decided on a floral sundress, because it literally screamed “girl” I had some sandals with it, my makeup and nails were done. I was completely comfortable with that. I was even comfortable with being with a man, but I still loved Katie. Man or woman, I still liked the same things, and we just got along so well, I didn’t want that to change. I wrote her the whole time, careful to leave out the obvious. It was still classified and would be forever.
I rang her doorbell. She had moved to San Diego to be closer to me when I got home. My stomach was in my throat, doing flip flops. She answered, looking as lovely as she had the day I left her. “Yes?” she asked. “May I help you?”
“Katie, uhh, you don’t know me, but you do.” I was blushing, and felt like a grade A idiot. “May I come in and talk to you?”
Katie, being the kind soul she is, saw this stammering girl on her front step. “Of course, sweetie. Now where do I know you from?”
I was having a hard time controlling my emotions. Tears were starting to form, and I couldn’t stop them. Katie sat next to me with a concerned look on her face. “What is it?”
“Katie, I don’t know how to say this, but I’m Jason. I’m not lying, and I’m hoping to God you don’t throw me out.”
Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “What in the hell you are talking about! Did Jason Put you up to this?”
I was in full cry now. “P-p-please! Katie1 I’m not lying!” I pulled a file and a DVD out of my purse. “Please, Katie. If you ever loved Jason, read this file and watch the DVD. What you are about to see is classified. I’ll leave for thirty minutes. It is enough time for you to look at the file and the DVD.”
I got up to leave and Katie tried to say something, but I stopped her. “Look at what I brought you” I said sadly, then I left.
Whet followed was the longest thirty minutes of my life. I hadn’t known Katie all that long, but in that short time I knew she was the one for me. We meshed like gears. We never shared a cross word, and I knew from the beginning that she was the “one”. I spent most of the half hour crying. I don’t know why I couldn’t control my emotions any better than I did. I think it helped keep me from going insane due to my change.
Thirty minutes from the time I left right to the minute, I rang her doorbell again. She opened it and asked me politely to come in. She looked at me. Looked me up and down, then she saw the mermaid pendant I was still wearing. Her eyes filled with tears and she held her arms open to me. I rushed into them and we were both crying she was stroking my hair and whispering that she was sorry, so sorry.
“I’m the one who’s sorry for not telling you, Katie. I couldn’t. I wanted to be there and show you. It was just too incredible to believe.”
We sat on the sofa holding hands and drying our eyes. “I’m not the man who left, Katie. I’m not a man at all. I’ve embraced who I am, and that is Ariel Barrett. She’s a girl who loves Katie Grey with all of her heart. She’ll also understand if Katie doesn’t return that love.”
Katie leaned forward, and got on her knees in front of me. “I feel responsible for making you this way.”
I brushed the hair out of her face. “What was meant to be, happened. I don’t resent that at all. The only thing I regret is if it costs me you. But know I will always be your friend, Katie, no matter what. If you can’t love me as a woman, I can understand that.”
She smiled beautifully at me. It was the smile I’d grown to love. She was touching my face and hair. “You look so young!”
I smiled shyly. “My ID says I’m twenty one, missy. So I’m one hundred percent legal, and I’m still older than you!”
“Jas…no Ariel, I don’t care what package you’re in. I love you no matter what. You won’t be my first female lover, but I think you’ll be my last.”
I didn’t know about the other female lover, and I didn’t care. I burst into a new round of tears and hugged my girl, thankful to be alive. Dad on the other hand.
Another note. If you want to comment on how I don't know about submarine jargon, save your breath. I already know that!:) Otherwise, I'd still love to hear what you think! Thanks!
Thanks to Marvel Comics for all of their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier, Nitro are all their characters.
Chapter 1
“What in the hell did you think you were doing, Psylocke? You are going to get us both killed if you keep that crap up.”
“I said I was sorry, Courier. What more do you want. I can’t go back and change it. Besides, the bastard had it coming. Any man that would wear polka dots and stripes together deserves a class A ass kicking!”
Courier started laughing at that one. She was currently using the form of a middle aged executive, the one we had come to bust. Robert Hunter had been suspected by Homeland Security of selling secrets from his company’s research into “smart” explosives to Al Qaeda.
Smart explosives had the potential to revolutionize demolitions. They could be programmed to act like a shaped charge, focusing a blast in any direction without actually shaping the charge, thereby magnifying the power of the blast exponentially. Rand Industries was the tip of the spear in this weapon class, and Hunter was its CFO. He was a complete asshole, someone whose five million dollar plus stock options in the hottest company on earth salary wasn’t enough.
Hunter had managed to get away, and the op went south after that. I was brought in to provide backup and get intel on who was doing what. I had gained a lot more control over my abilities in the year and a half since I had changed from a slightly nerdy sixteen year old boy to a sort of hot meta chick with the ability to, among other things, could read peoples minds.
I was assigned to Homeland Security rather than the more traditional Department of Metahuman Affairs. My particular talents were well suited to stealth. I could fight, but I wasn’t in the class of the heavy hitters, and had no desire to get my pretty face messed up.
I had developed a fast friendship with Juggernaut, aka Cain Marko. I liked his attitude and he looked out for me like a big, REALLY big brother. There are worse guys to have on your side. He really hadn’t gotten on board with any government agency, but he never said no when they needed his talents, either. He was my big teddy bear.
So, the mission went south, and Courier was almost out of the building when one of the security goons had made her as a phony. He was tipped off by the real Mr. Wilson on his way out. He tried to stop her, I stopped him, a little louder than necessary, I guess. I should have listened and just mind wiped him, but that outfit was more than I could stand.
We made it to our ride with time to spare and hauled butt. Courier began the change back to her regular form. She was a shape shifter, but she had gotten “stuck” as a female when something happened to her on one of her/his many missions. She could still shift, but always had to revert to a super stunning brunette that made people stop what they were doing to look at her. If I wasn’t attached, even I would try to have a go at her.
She still hadn’t fully accepted her new life. She always said she would “get” someone named Remy if it was the last thing she did. I think she likes him, but what do I know. Heck, I don’t even know who Remy is, and I don’t ask.
“So, from all the gunfire I heard, I’m guessing you didn’t get out clean, eh, Courier?” greeted Supervisory Special Agent George Garrison.
“Ha, ha, ha and screw you, George” replied Courier. “The rookie here got a little punch happy. Evidently YOU didn’t give her her Ritalin.”
That got my attention. “HEY! Jackie, that was mean!”
She looked at me with those perfect brown eyes and squinted. “It’s Courier, squirt!”
Pouting, I crossed my arms and spat “I’m not a squirt and I don’t need Ritalin” Then I smiled. “But you need to show me your boobs, Jackie”
Courier acted all exasperated and started to pull off her top. “Okay. You know all you have to do is ask.”
I spoke softly and smiled. “Stop it, Jackie! What in the world are you doing? Keep your shirt on, you tramp! I don’t want to see your boobs, girl!”
Suddenly she realized what she was doing, and turned several shades of red. “Stop that!”
I replied frostily, “Then stop treating me like a little kid, or you’ll be showing your boobs to the first man I see”
“All right ladies. That will be enough of that. Teammates don’t treat each other in that way. Psylocke, tone down the mind games, or I’ll suspend you without pay for the next six months. Courier, stop acting like you are the only one who knows what she’s doing.”
Courier mumbled. “I’m not a lady.”
Garrison had taken about enough. “Jackie! What part of knock it off don’t you understand? Until you figure out a way to stop looking like Miss Universe, then you are a girl!”
We were both chastened. I loved Courier like a sister, but we also fought like sisters. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was a girl, through and through. As was I. Our hormones sometimes got in the way, but we were kind of getting a handle on it. On the job, we were a pretty good team. We just had a bit of a struggle getting along the rest of the time.
I think she kind of resented me because of my rise in the Agency. Hey, I couldn’t help it if I had mad skills! I was pretty much indifferent to the political end of things in the Agency, and Jackie wasn’t. She was trying to get ahead, and I think she saw me as a threat. She couldn’t have been more wrong. I didn’t care one way on another about my position in the ladder. I was there to do a job, and I didn’t want the responsibility of having other people depending on me.
I decided to be the bigger person. “I’m sorry, Courier. I’ll try to be a little more discreet next time.”
“Okay” she grunted. “It’s okay.”
I put a big smile on my face, and leaned over to her. “Not good enough, big sis. Give us a hug!” I proceeded to give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Forgive me?” I said in my best little girl voice. “Please?”
She couldn’t hold back the laughter any more. “All right, you silly kid, all is forgiven” She then hugged me back.
Garrison smiled. “Okay, now that you’ve got that little matter handled. Let’s get back for debrief.”
We went over the op for the next 5 hours. I was crazy tired by the end of it, and getting very silly. The bottom line was the operation was compromised by some kind of mole in the system. Who or what that was would have to wait.
I got a driver to take me home, and Tracy was already in bed. We had moved out of her house when we went to college. We had both been accepted to the University of Michigan, so we didn’t have to move far. I got in due to my Government connections, and Tracy was Miss Braniac and was in an honors program at the school. She was in pre med, and her class load was a challenge, even for her.
We were getting along better than ever, and we were both sure that we would be together for the foreseeable future. I would have liked to say forever, but she never would go that far. It was just in her nature.
I tried to sneak in to the bedroom so I wouldn’t wake her, but I tripped over a shoe she left in the middle of the floor.
“Dammit!” I hissed.
“Hello beautiful” came a tired voice in the darkness. “Late night, huh?”
“Yeah, making the world safe for democracy isn’t a nine to five job, I guess. Sorry about waking you.”
“That’s okay, hon. You can wake me anytime you want.” Tracy yawned. “It’s only two thirty in the morning. You should be able to get a few hours sleep before your first class. When is it?”
“Eight o’clock” I sighed.
“Get undressed and come to bed, Betsy. You’ll feel better in the morning”
“Okay. Just let me get some jammies on.”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake girl. Can’t you sleep naked?”
“No, I can’t, and if I come over there, I won’t get any sleep, because you won’t keep your paws off of me!”
“Spoil sport. You are such a girl. I should be the one protecting myself from you!”
I smiled as I slipped on my sleep shirt. “What can I say? You’re the one who wears the pants in this family. And I’m the one who protects my virtue!”
“Get into bed, my little flower. Give me a kiss and go to sleep.”
I rolled into the bed and gave the love of my life a kiss. I fell asleep soon after, with Tracy stroking my hair.
I got painfully out of bed at 6:30. With not quite 4 hours of sleep under my belt, I was miserable. Tracy had gotten up about fifteen minutes before I did, and had already gotten some coffee going, and it smelled wonderful.
I walked in to the kitchen of our little apartment. Tracy was at the counter, getting her lunch ready. She turned around and burst out laughing. “What in the world happened to you?”
“What?” came my tired reply.
“Look at yourself, Betsy! Good Lord, you look like a sorry imitation of Amy Winehouse!”
I shuffled back into the bedroom and looked into the mirror. “Ohhhh, God!” I moaned.
I looked like a crack whore. My hair was everywhere and what makeup I had left was smeared all over my face. I had bags under my eyes, and was a general wreck.
Dipping my head in defeat, I muttered “I hate being a girl”
Tracy had come into the bedroom behind me and pinched my bottom. I jumped and screeched a little bit. “No you don’t, Betsy. You just hate the work. It’s not as easy to look beautiful when you burn the candle at both ends. I worried about you. You need to take some time off one thing or the other. Here’s your coffee, just like you like it.”
I turned to Tracy and took the cup. Sipping it, I relished the bittersweet taste. Tracy knew exactly how I liked my coffee.
Sighing deeply, I agreed. “I know. But I’m not sure what I should do. Part of me loves the difference I’m making in keeping the country safe. The other part just wants to be a normal girl for awhile.”
Hugging me, Tracy said “I know, Betsy, I know. But you’re going to have to make a decision soon. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Yeah, but I’m not making it today. Let me finish this and I’ll get into the shower and try and fix the damage.” I smiled at her, turned around and shook my booty.
The shower worked wonders. I stayed in until the water began to cool down, and then proceeded to get ready for the day. I still had about thirty minutes before I absolutely had to leave, so I took a little extra time with my makeup. The bags weren’t completely gone, and my eyes were still a little bloodshot. Some eye drops and that was fixed. I didn’t overdo the makeup, and a little eyeliner and mascara finished the look. I went with leggings and a baggy top with some cute boots. Looking in the mirror, I thought I cleaned up pretty well.
Tracy was already gone by the time I was ready. I grabbed by bag and headed out the door. I nearly forgot my cell phone, and grabbed it.
As I was walking to class, my phone rang. It was Courier.
I tried to sound chipper. “Hello?”
“Psylocke, we need you back in Detroit. There’s been an incident at Rand Industries, and it’s bad. We’re sending a car to pick you up now.”
“But I have class at eight.” I protested.
“Not any more. It’s already been taken care of. Use your phone to check the media reports on the way.” She hung up.
“Shit!” Why am I the one they go to first? I’m just a kid, something they remind me of every time I’m on an op.
A black SUV pulled up beside me and the back door opened. A polite looking gentleman got out and greeted me. “Are you ready, Miss Braddock?”
“Yes.” I got in, but I wasn’t happy.
On the way in to Detroit, I pulled up the media reports. There had been a massive explosion at the Rand Industries Jefferson Road Complex. The one million square foot building was nearly leveled, and hundreds of people were feared dead, thousands more wounded. The blast radius was a half mile in diameter. An elementary school nearby was heavily damaged, and over 100 children were hurt, with 15 confirmed dead.
I was stunned as I looked at the devastation on my little phone screen. Tears dripped onto the screen, as I realized that this could be another 9/11. I saw a broken little body being carried out of the school, and I began to cry. Who could have done this?
“Here, Miss Braddock. Take this.” The agent that let me in to the SUV offered me a handkerchief.
Taking it, I thanked him. “I’m sorry. I guess I should be stronger.”
“Don’t apologize for tears. There are some things that it’s okay to cry about. This is one of them. I hope you never get used to this. We are going directly to the scene. It will get much worse”
I couldn’t watch any more. I put the phone in my bag and looked out the window, crying silently.
When we got to within the blast radius, I was shocked at what I saw. The only thing I could think of was pictures I had seen of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. I saw body parts, people walking like zombies and cars and houses simply destroyed.
The vehicle stopped and I got out. I was looking down, trying to avoid tripping, when I saw a little arm sticking out of some rubble. I bent down to hold the hand, not knowing why. It just seemed so lonely. As I touched it, I realized it was not attached to anything. I jumped up and put my hand over my mouth, stifling a scream. Agent Grant, the one who had been so nice to me, caught me.
“It’s okay, Miss Braddock. Just hold my hand, and we’ll get there” All I could do was give him a whispered thank you.
I saw the Homeland Security command center vehicle, a converted semi trailer and tractor. Courier was waiting for me when I got out of the SUV. She could see I had been crying.
“I know it’s tough right now, Betsy. But you need to be strong right now. Let’s go inside.”
I couldn’t speak. I was devastated that my city had been struck by such a disaster. I followed her numbly into the Command Center.
The Center was a fifty three foot trailer that was similar to the ones used to haul race cars. There were about twenty people in the trailer, coordinating the rescue investigation teams. There was a small area at the front of the trailer where Garrison was. Courier and I went there.
Garrison looked at me with concern. “Are you okay, Psylocke?”
I didn’t respond. I was looking at the news feeds on the monitors over his head. I flashed back to losing my parents in and explosion almost two years ago. This was hitting me hard.
“Psylocke? Psylocke!” I couldn’t respond. What was happening to me?
I just sat down on the floor. No hysterics, no scene. Tears were streaming down my face. Courier got down on her knees and cupped my face in her hands.
“Betsy? It’s okay to be sad, but we have a job to do. I need to know you can handle this.”
“It’s just so much… so much death. I can hear people who are trapped. People who won’t make it. Babies…who want their mothers, but can’t find them. They don’t understand.”
“Betsy! Shut it off! Stop thinking about it!”
Garrison spoke up at the wrong time. “Courier, if she can’t handle it, get her the hell out of here.”
Glaring at him, Courier spat back “Listen you ass. She’s been through this once before. You’re the genius who called her in. Didn’t you listen? She can hear the dying. ALL of them. I suggest you shut the fuck up and let me handle this.” She turned back to me. “Betsy? Are you able to shut them out?”
“Yes” came the weak reply. “I’m better now, thanks. It was just a little much. This brings back a lot of bad memories.”
“I know it does, Betsy. But we need all hands on deck for this one. Will you be good to go on this?”
“Yes, I think so.”
She helped me up. “Good, because we can use all of the help we can get.”
Garrison was surprisingly quiet. Courier had put him in his place. He was out of line and he knew it. He began the briefing. “Courier, you and Psylocke are the only metahumans assigned directly to this unit of Homeland. All of the others are out right now, either combing the wreckage, or helping to maintain order. We have been tasked with determining what happened here, and if it is related to our investigation of Robert Hunter.”
Garrison continued talking, but I ignored him. I could find Hunter.
I began to concentrate. I wasn’t going to let some psycho ruin my city. I had found Hunter before, and now that I knew his thought patterns, it would be easier to find him.
I left the noise of the command center behind. Expanding my search, I found him. He was still in town, but I couldn’t locate him exactly. I focused on his thoughts…
“Oh my God, NO!” I yelled.
“What, Betsy?” asked Garrison.
“I know what happened! I also was able to narrow down where he is.”
“I just can, okay. He’s within 40 miles of here. His thoughts are clear, but I can’t locate him exactly. Something is wrong with his body, and I think I know why.”
Garrison looked sick. “Close the door, and explain”
“There was an accident in the lab. Hunter had managed to get back in after we left, and was putting the finishing touches on a bomb to level the lab and destroy all of the research on the smart explosives. Somehow, He got a chemical mixture wrong, and the nanites in the explosives bonded with his DNA. He set the explosives and they went off prematurely. He was at ground zero. The explosion was far more powerful than he anticipated. Somehow he survived. He has been changed physically, but I don’t know how yet.”
“And you are sure it was him you read?”
“One hundred percent”
“I’ll need to brief the Secretary. If there is a bright side to this, it is that foreign agents aren’t responsible or this. We can safely call it an industrial accident. Rand Industries won’t survive, but we won’t have to risk an escalation in the Middle East. Good work, Psylocke.”
I looked at him grimly. “This isn’t over. If he can survive an explosion of this magnitude, I think we are looking at another bad guy that will be very hard to deal with”
Thanks to Marvel Comics for all of their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier, Nitro are all their characters.
Chapter 2
Garrison looked at me with something in his eyes bordering on fear. Fortunately, I didn’t have to rely on the look in his eyes. The man was scared about what happened, and the potential of having a human bomb walking about.
“Do you mean to tell me that this man survived a blast equivalent to ten thousand pounds of TNT, at the point of explosion?”
“I think he caused the explosion, boss. It wasn’t intentional, from what I got from him, but the nanites from the explosives have destabilized his molecular structure, enabling him to explode at will, and then reform his body.”
Courier was shocked “Son of a bitch, Garrison. This guy’s our worst nightmare. A suicide bomber who can explode over and over again. None of our facilities will be safe”
“I know the ramifications, Courier. Psylocke, can you track him?”
“It’s difficult, but I can at least keep tabs on his mental state. I don’t think he has reformed his body. That’s why I can’t get a fix on his location”
“Keep working on it. We’ve got to get this nutball shut down, and quick. Stay here while I get the Secretary on line. I may need you to explain”
I was twirling my hair absentmindedly while listening to him and gave a sarcastic laugh. “Like he’s going to listen to a purple haired weirdo like me. Can’t you just tell him that you have some good intelligence or something like that?”
He dismissed the thought. “Just be ready to explain”
The Secretary of Homeland Security came online on the secure videoconferencing channel. Special Agent Garrison began the briefing. Garrison turned it over to me, and, like the 18 year old I was, I stuttered and stammered and generally made an ass of myself.
The Secretary rolled his eyes and addressed Garrison. “Please tell me that you have more to go on than the word of this girl”
I shot a look at Garrison and gave him my best “SEE?” face.
“Sir, however Psylocke's briefing was delivered, I believe her assessment is correct. We have a serious threat to national security here. Psylocke will attempt to keep tabs on him, and we will mobilize the necessary assets to deal with the situation”
“Do we have J1 available?”
“Not at present. He can be a bit…recalcitrant at times. I’ll see what I can do, but there are no guarantees”
The Secretary leaned forward. “You get him online and available or bring him in. That’s an order, Garrison”
I knew who J1 was. Cain. I laughed out loud at the prospect of anyone bringing him in against his will.
The Secretary glared into the screen. “Something to add, Agent Braddock?”
I opened my mouth to give the Secretary a piece of my mind, but Garrison intervened. “No sir, she doesn’t”
“Very well, Garrison. Keep me informed”
“Yes sir.” The screen went to a test pattern.
Garrison glared at me. “Do you have any idea who that was?”
“Yes, I do. A pompous ass that insults me and expects me to like it. I could have him playing with dolls in two seconds, and he’s mouthing off! And really. Who’s going to drag Cain in if he doesn’t want to come in? I’ll tell you. No one, that’s who! Not even that big ass woman from Chicago”
Courier interjected a thought “He likes you, Psylocke”
“And I want to keep it that way. I’m not going to bother him unnecessarily.” I then turned to her. “And he doesn’t like me like ‘that’, Courier. He saved my life taking out that big ugly ape that Shadow King sent I owe him”
Garrison pounded his desk. “Enough! Psylocke, contact him now!”
“Oh, screw you, Garrison. I’ve had just about enough of being treated like a second class citizen around here. I was promised an education, and all you’ve done since I got this ability is work me to death. I missed my senior prom, Homecoming, Christmas with Tracy’s family, MY FAMILY!” I was beginning to get loud now. The stress of the day was causing me to melt down, and that was bad for everyone in that room.
The staff members working in the Center were starting to stop what they were doing and looking toward the supervisor’s office. I didn’t care.
“Agent Braddock, you will get yourself under control NOW!”
That did it. “I’ll show you control, SIR!” I proceeded to shut down everyone’s mind in the trailer, with the exception of Courier. The activity went to zero. I looked at Courier, who I still considered a friend.
“Jackie, you had better get that big jerk under control, or I swear to God, I’ll wreck him” I walked to the exit of the Command Center, and then turned to her. “I’ll TRY to contact Cain, but no promises. I’ll also tell him about what that arrogant ass of a Secretary said. I promise you. If I say the word, Hunter will be the least of your worries. I love Cain like a brother, and don’t get in the way of that.”
I started to break down. “I have had the worst day of my life after the death of my parents. I’ve seen crap today that no one my age should have to see, and GI Joe up there expects me to go on like nothing’s happened. I’m going home, and don’t bother me until tomorrow. And it had better be only you that comes to see me. Everyone should wake up in about five minutes”
I went to the nice Agent who helped me. I was crying now. “Can you drive me home please?”
“Sure, Psylocke. Are they done with you?”
“I’m done with them. Let’s go” A subtle mental push ensured no more conversation.
I picked up my cell and dialed the number that Cain gave me. If I dialed that number he knew it was me.
His gruff voice was a welcome sound. “Hey kid. What’s up?”
I couldn’t hold back the emotion. “Can we talk? In person? I’m sorry to bother you, but something terrible has happened, and I might need your help”
Cain was in Canada, at a cabin he built. No one but me knew he was there. I related the events of the day and he listened intently. I told him about what the Secretary said, and he burst out laughing.
“I’ll be down tomorrow, kid. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll even buy you and Tracy dinner”
That brought a smile to my face. “I really am sorry to bother you, Cain. I know how you like to be left alone”
“Don’t worry about it. See ya”
I disconnected, feeling much better. Agent Grant was locked in to driving, so he didn’t hear my conversation. I saw to that.
An hour later, I was walking in to our apartment. I noticed I had picked up a couple of observers, courtesy, no doubt, of Garrison. I focused on them and they drove off. Garrison was pissing me off.
I dialed Courier and she picked up on the first ring.
“Jackie? I just sent two of Garrison’s boys on their way. The next ones get sent away with instructions to kick his ass. I’m serious. Leave me the fuck alone!” I disconnected.
Tracy was inside watching the news reports. It was the only thing on any of the news channels. All of the local channels were on the explosion.
Tracy paused the DVR and ran up to me, giving me a big hug. She was crying, which started me all over again.
“I just can’t believe it, Betsy. I knew people in that area.”
“I know, Trace. Just be glad you weren’t there. It was…terrible”
“You had to go there? Why?”
I looked at her like she was nuts. “My job, Trace. Some nut job set the explosion. It wasn’t a terror attack, though”
I had to get a shower, to get rid of the dust of that terrible place. I also needed Tracy to come with me, but I didn’t want to disturb her. “I’m taking a shower, hon” I said “I’ll be back in five”
I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I cried for the people who wouldn’t be coming home. For the babies who lost their parents. For the parents who lost their babies. I got mad all over again at the bureaucrats who couldn’t get past the fact that I was hurting. So what if I had a job to do. I AM AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! I haven’t been in sixteen wars and a hundred years of government intrigue. I am a self absorbed little girl. Deal with it. I need time to process this stuff. I don’t care if I was the most powerful person on earth.
I stripped and got into the shower. I let the water run over me. My tears got lost in the water.
I heard the bathroom door close. The shower door opened and Tracy got in with me.
“It’s okay to cry, Betsy. I’ve been doing it all day.”
I needed her right then. Wrapping my arms around her and feeling her slick skin, I kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss. Feeling weak in the knees, I sat on the shaving ledge in the shower. Tracy knelt in front of me, probing my mouth with her tongue. I returned her kisses as hard as I could. My fire was lit, and she knew just what to do. We made love for the next three hours.
We lay in bed, basking in the afterglow of our passion. I was exhausted, as was she.
I turned to her, leaning on one elbow, running my fingers through her hair. “Thank you, Tracy. I really needed that. I needed to know that there was still something good in this life”
Turning on her side to face me she smiled and spoke. “You’re not the only one who can read minds, you know”
Leaning forward, I gave her a light kiss on the lips. “What would I do without you?”
“Go crazy, I guess” She then gave me a little pinch on my right nipple. I squealed and gave her a toe curler. She had that glazed look in her eyes when I stopped.
I rolled over to get off the bed “Let me make us something to eat”
Tracy grabbed my arm and pulled me back as I squealed with laughter again. “Oh no you don’t missy. I’ve got something for you to eat”
“Ewww, gross! That’s not romantic at all, you unladylike beast!”
“Whatever, wench…..”
My phone was off the entire night. The apartment phone was off the hook. I didn’t miss it, and wouldn’t have answered it had it rung. I was off the case until someone apologized. Maybe I’m selfish, but I was done with being the junior g-man on the team. Especially one who solved ninety eight percent of the cases we were assigned.
At around six thirty AM, I picked up my phone and turned it back on. There were several messages from Garrison, and one from a blocked number. I had to listen to these messages.
“Psylocke! How dare you use that mind crap on me…” Delete.
“You had better answer this phone. We….” Delete.
“Ok, I may have been a little harsh, but you have to under…” Delete. This was fun!
“Okay, Betsy, You’ve made your point. Come on back in and…” Delete.
“Take the rest of the night, think about things, and get back to me in the morning. We need you on the team.” Delete. That’s better.
“This is Secretary Smith. You are in violation of…” Delete, block number. Tee hee! He doesn’t need to talk to me anyway.
I dialed Courier’s number.
“Hello? Betsy?”
“Hi, Jackie. Your goons can pick me up in one hour.”
“Okay, Psylocke. They are on their way.”
I took my shower and cleaned up. I did my hair, which had taken on more purple highlights in the last year. Looking in the mirror as a put on my makeup, I looked for some signs of Brian, of the Braddock family. There was nothing. I looked like a healthy mix of Caucasian and Asian. I loved my new face, it just seemed exotic. I dressed for action in my preferred uniform, a black leather bustier and leather pants with spandex panels in the thighs for flexibility. I sheathed my katana and placed it in the black bag that carried all of my weapons. I was fully proficient in firearms, but I didn’t carry them. They made too much noise, and I was a stealth weapon.
It was funny. When I put on my uniform, it was like a switch flipped. I was no one to be messed with, and my team knew it. It wouldn’t have mattered yesterday, but now I was pissed. It was a cloudy day, and I decide to mess with the goon squad. The pulled up into the parking garage of the complex. I shadow teleported from the apartment to the garage. The driver was looking in my direction when I came out of the shadow. I’m told it looks creepy when I come out of a shadow. All you see are two glowing eyes and then all of a sudden I come out. Cool.
As I exit the shadow, driver goon about jumps out of his skin. “Damn” He says. Ha! “little girl” my ass!
“Let’s go” was all I said as I got into the car.
They took me to the command center. Courier was there to meet me again.
“Welcome back, Psylocke. I see you’re ready to get serious”
“”Yeah,” I nodded. “But Garrison had better shut his big mouth. I’m not playing today.”
“Understood. The Secretary, however…"
“Had better keep his big yap shut too”
We went in to the command center and Garrison was waiting. He wanted to say something, but wisely kept his mouth shut. His thoughts, however betrayed his obvious irritation with me.
I tapped my head. “Special Agent Garrison! What is a 'stupid cunt'? Was that directed at me?”
“Never mind, and stop reading me! You said yourself it’s impolite”
“Sorry, *sir*. Juggernaut will be here today”
His mood lightened considerably. “Good work, Psylocke. I didn’t think he would come”
He came because I asked him. Otherwise, he’d still be on vacation. He doesn’t respond well to threats. Neither do I, as you know now”
“Point made, Psylocke. Have you located Hunter?”
“Yes, and he’s already changed his name. He calls himself Nitro now.” He is in Taylor now. I focused, to get a better fix on him. He was at a bank. I suddenly realized what he was doing. “Shit!” was all I could say before he detonated. Then things went black.
Thanks to Marvel Comics for all of their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier, Nitro are all their characters.
Chapter 3
Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier and Nitro are from the Marvel comics universe.
I added some art to help you visualize the main characters.
Robert Hunter, aka Nitro entered the Chemical Bank branch in Taylor, Michigan. He was dressed in a rumpled outfit consisting of khakis, tee shirt and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. His long white hair was a mess, and he looked more like a bum than a former high level executive of the sixth largest company on the Forbes 500.
He waited patiently in line, casually whistling a tune, which didn’t sound like much to the outside listener, but in his mind was a rendition of the Pat Travers tune “Out Go the Lights” which was always preceded by “boom boom”. He chuckled openly at that.
The accident that had changed him was a fortuitous accident. The research was gone, but he became more than the research. He was now a living, breathing bomb. He didn’t know how big an explosion he could cause, but he knew that there were a lot of people who would pay big money for his talents. Right now, he needed some walking around money, and he didn’t need any witnesses. He stepped up to the counter, where he saw a pretty, petite woman of about 25 working the window. She was very pregnant.
“May I help you sir?” asked the bank teller with a smile.
“Yes, I’d like to make a withdrawal, please.” He looked at the name plate in front of the window. “Missy”
“May I have your account number, sir?”
He got an evil smile on his face and his eyes began to glow a bright yellow. “Sure! It’s 3…2…1…”
The explosion blew out the front of the building. Missy, her supervisor and 9 other bank patrons were killed instantly. Missy was just about to go on maternity leave.
There was a mist in the bank, that began to coalesce into a human form, then features could be made out, and soon, Nitro was back in his normal form, no worse for wear. He went behind what was left of the counters and collected what he guessed was about ten thousand dollars.
A police cruiser pulled up to the remains of the bank. The uniformed officer ran to the building, calling for fire and rescue as he ran. He looked into the shell, and saw an older man walking about in the rubble.
“Sir! Are you okay? You need to get out of here. Fire and rescue are on the way.”
Looking at the officer impassively, Nitro just laughed. “I’ll be fine, officer, but you need to walk away”
“I’ll ask you what may seem like a dumb question, but humor me”
“Could you identify me in a lineup if you had to?”
“Yeah, I guess. Why?”
Hunter’s eyes began to glow. “Wrong answer….”
I woke up slowly. My head was throbbing and my vision was extremely blurry. I couldn’t get it to clear.
“She’s coming to, Garrison.” I recognized Courier’s voice. “Hey, Betsy, take it easy. Just lie there for a second”
“W-w-what happened? Where’s Tracy? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine, Betsy, she wasn’t there, remember? You’ve been out of it for about an hour. You’re in the hospital”
I could hear Garrison in the background. “Doc’s on his way”
Courier was holding my hand. “Do you remember anything?”
Closing my eyes, I tried to remember. Everything was too fuzzy, like trying to remember someone whose name is on the tip of your tongue. “No. My head hurts. The light in this room is killing me. Turn it off. And call Tracy.”
I could feel Courier turn to whoever was still in the room. The lights went off.
“There. Is that better?”
“Yes, thanks. My head still feels like it’s gonna pop.”
“Just close your eyes and try to relax. We’re trying to figure out what happened to you. I called Tracy and she’s on her way”
“Good. I feel like crap”
The doctor came into the room. “Betsy. I’m Doctor Blake. I’m going to take a look at you, Okay? Why are the lights off?”
“They hurt my head.”
“Interesting. I’m going to need to turn them on for a little while, so close them if you have to”
He performed his exam, and asked me to open my eyes. The light was still on, and the pain was intense.
“I’m gonna throw up!” I lost my cookies into one of those funny shaped cups. My head was in agony.
“Shut the lights off!” shouted the doctor. The lights went off.
I was crying, angry and in pain. “Give me something for this headache, dammit!” I moaned, unable to scream like I wanted too.
“Take it easy, Betsy” soothed Courier. “We’re on it. C’mon, doc. Can’t you do something?”
“Hang on” He reached for a hypo and injected something into the IV. “There, that should help”
Soon the pain faded, and I could relax.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Well, you have a pretty serious concussion, but I’ll be damned if I know how you got it. According to your friends here, you just collapsed. While you were out we were able to do a CAT scan, and your brain was injured as if you had been struck by something. We normally only see this kind of brain injury in soldiers who have been exposed to an explosion of some sort.
I was still foggy, and starting to get very sleepy. “I need to get some sleep.”
The doctor spoke up quickly. “That’s not a good idea right now. I want to do another scan, just to make sure there isn’t anything we missed. Do you think you can stay awake for that?”
“I’ll try, but don’t count on it.” Then I was out.
I woke up feeling a lot better. My headache was gone, and I could remember what had happened. Nitro had gone boom when I was connected to him. It must have created a psychic feedback wave that had affected me like I had been there.
Looking to my right, I saw Tracy sleeping in the chair by the bed. She looked so cute sitting there all curled up.
“Hey sleepyhead. Wake up.”
Yawning, Tracy rubbed her eyes and smiled at me. “How are you feeling?”
“I need to pee”
“So, pretty much normal then”
“Ha, ha smarty pants. So I don’t have a super bladder”
I was still hooked up to the IV, and I really needed to pee. I buzzed the nurse to help me up. About three anxious minutes later, a nurse showed up.
“Oh. So you’re finally awake! Good. I’ll let the Doctor know you’re up”
“Ah, I really need to pee”
“We’ll need to wait until the doctor gets here before you get up”
Tracy began snickering. “Here it comes”
“If I don’t go now, you’ll have something else to do before he gets here. Like clean up this bed. I have to PEE”
“Oh! That bad, huh. Okay, let’s get you fixed up”
I ended up peeing in a bedpan, which is about as screwed up a way to go as there is. But I did feel a lot better after I was done. I can’t hold my bladder. When I have to go, I have to go. I’ll bet Supergirl never had this problem.
The doctor came and went. I passed all of the tests they give to concussion patients. Tracy was totally calm, which really helped me out. If the roles had been reversed, I would have been a wreck.
After checking my pupils one more time, the doc pronounced me fit. “I can’t explain it, but you appear to have recovered really well from your brain injury. I’m not saying you’re healed, but I think we can cut you loose for now.”
I knew I was okay. If there’s one thing I had a sense of, it was my body. I knew when I was hurt, and when I was recovered. My brain had a way of healing itself, evidently, and I wasn’t complaining. I just shut down, and it did its work.
They pulled the IV out, and I was able to go to the bathroom to take care of myself in the proper way. I washed myself off as well as I could, and brushed my hair. Tracy had brought me some things to wear, a cute maxi skirt that was totally comfortable and some flats.
Walking out of the bathroom, I looked in my hand mirror. Biting my lip, I wasn’t happy with what I saw. “Tracy, my hair is complete crap. Could you braid it for me?”
“Why certainly, baby girl! One long one?”
“Yes, thank you”
As I sat down on the bed she took my brush and began separating my hair for the braid.
“You never want your hair braided. Why now?”
I shrugged. “Woman’s prerogative? Besides, I like having you play with my hair”
She laughed. “You’re learning, Betsy. You’re learning. Soon the student will be the Master”
I was discharged later in the morning. Garrison met me at the hospital door with a very big man.
“Cain!” I shouted as I ran to hug him. “It’s so good to see you!”
“Good to see you too, kid” he rumbled. “You too, Tracy. C’mere”
Tracy came over and hugged Cain. We were both dwarfed by the seven foot behemoth. For someone so big, he knew just ho to control his strength. His hugs always made me feel safe. He never squished me.
“You girls ready for something to eat? I’m buying.”
“Well, duh! I mean I just came back from death’s door. Don’t you think we deserve some handsome guy buying us lunch, Tracy?”
Rolling her eyes, she said “Why yes, Betsy, yes we do. After all that death’s door crap, I mean drama”
Cain laughed a laugh that would make a bear cringe. “Handsome guy, huh. Well since he’s not here, maybe I can buy”
Garrison was watching impatiently. This guy needed to take a serious vacation. I could tell he hated Cain, but I didn’t get any deeper. Not polite, you know. Besides, I don’t think Cain Marko really gave a damn what Garrison thought of him.
“C’mon, let’s take my ride”
“What about my car?” asked Tracy.
“Don’t worry about it; we’ll pick it up later”
Cain’s “ride” was a customized H1 Hummer with a diesel engine, which was about the only vehicle in the world big enough for him. Garrison made a move to come with us, but Cain stopped him.
“Unless you fit in the “girls” category. You ain’t invited, Garrison”
I felt bad about that for some reason. Maybe because I blew up at him earlier. “It’s no trouble, Cain, really. I don’t mind if he comes”
“I do. We’ll catch up with you later, Special Agent”
As we pulled out of the parking garage, I spoke up.
“Well, that was awkward. Did you have to be so, I don’t know, short with him?”
Turning to look at me, he gave a small grin. “Just watch you back around that guy, kid. I don’t trust him. He’d sell you out in a heartbeat to advance his agenda. He’s all about him self. Believe me, I know”
“Because he sold me out once, that’s how. He’s a worm from word go in my book. If I were you, I’d keep an eye on his thoughts”
“Okay, if you think so”
“I do. I would be a really good idea” Pausing, he said, “So, where to? Are you up to eating?”
Replying quickly, I said, “Always. I didn’t say anything before, but I think I heal from brain injuries, pretty rapidly”
Tracy was surprised. “Brain injury?”
“Yeah. I was connected to Hunter when he detonated. Somehow, that created some kind of feedback that damaged my brain as if I had actually been there. Two days later, and I’m ready for, what do you think Tracy? Cajun?”
She bounced on the seat like a little kid. “Ohh, yeah girl. That’s a crazy good idea”
I looked at Cain. “We need Cajun!”
He took us to a place by one of the casinos in town. He had the valet park his monstrosity. He looked like some high powered pimp, rolling in with two beautiful girls on his arm. He had this silly little grin, knowing he was making a big splash. Men and their egos! It was fun though.
We got a table in the back of the restaurant, away from the crowd. Sitting down, he was as tall as the little waitress that came to serve us. She was clearly intimidated by the huge man.
“W-what would you like to drink, sir?” She asked nervously.
“A gallon of iced tea. With lemon, please”
“And the ladies? They’ll have iced tea also” He looked at me and winked. “Still like the berry tea?”
Smiling, I replied “How sweet of you to remember, Cain. Now what about Tracy?”
“Plain, no sweetener. She’s sweet enough”
Tracy made a retching noise “Oh, please, Cain. Stop before I get sick!”
While they were laughing, I leaned over to the waitress and whispered “He’s a big teddy bear. Just be nice to him, and he’ll be nice to you”
I explained the situation to Cain over out drinks. From what I discovered to the bank robbery. He ordered for both of us, some fish concoction that was very tasty.
“So, do you think you can help us? This guy sounds like he would be a little out of my league. Garrison doesn’t want the other metas involved if he can help it”
He shook his head. “That’s not surprising. Less credit to share for him. Yeah, I think this guy is right up my alley. I did a little checking on the bank job he pulled. Fifteen people killed, including a cop and a teller who was eight months pregnant. Cops thought it was a bomb. They still do. I was against holding that bit of information back, but Garrison’s the boss, I guess. So when do we get to work?”
“As soon as we drop Tracy back at the hospital. Tracy, remember. You know nothing, okay?”
“Yeah, I know. Top secret. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me”
As we were driving back to the hospital, I dialed my phone to contact Courier, thinking about the people killed by Hunter. This guy was a stone cold psycho. Having the Juggernaut with me was an edge that we needed. He could blow himself up all he wanted to, and Juggy would shake it off. Well, I hoped he would shake it off. After watching him pound that big creature a couple of years ago, I wasn’t sure anyone could take him.
“Yeah, it’s me. Where are you?”
“At the scene of the bank job.”
“Okay, I’m heading your way. Is Garrison there?”
“No, He grabbed a flight to Washington to kiss up to the Secretary. We are on our own”
“Great! That’s the best news I’ve had all day. We’ll be there in about thirty minutes”
After hanging up, I spoke to Cain. “I’m going to check out for awhile. I’m going to try to find Hunter”
“All right. Do your thing”
I closed my eyes and began to listen. I don’t know what else to call it. I finally found Hunter. I couldn’t locate him exactly again. I knew he was still in the area. His mind was getting harder to track. It was like he was changing patterns. His thoughts were jumbled, and I could tell he was stating to lose his grip on sanity. Or was it something different? Was something fighting for control? I needed to think harder….
“We’re here” Cain jolted me out of my meditation and I jumped and squeaked. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you”
“It’s all right. I wasn’t asleep. I’m having a hard time tracking him down”
Courier came up to the Humvee. “Hi, Cain. Nice to finally see you again”
Cain blinked. “So you’re the new Courier. What happened to Jacob?”
Courier shifted a little and swallowed. “I’m Jacob.”
Cain started to say something and then began to laugh. “No shit! Aren’t you taking this shape shifting thing a bit far? The Jacob Gavin I knew was more likely to be getting the clothes off a woman than putting them on”
Courier started to turn red. “I had an accident, and now I’m stuck like this. I can still change, but I always end up like this”
“Serves you right, Jake. Every girl you ever blew off is laughing their collective ass off right now”
“Don’t remind me, Marko. I’ve thought about that every day since the change” then she smiled. “It has its benefits, though”
“I’ll bet. So, what have you got?”
“Not much. Microscopic analysis of the debris shows a level of nanites. Inert, inactive, dead. Whatever you want to call them. But it’s as good as a signature. We’ll know whenever he sets off a blast”
Kicking at a brick, I asked, “What enables him to blow?”
“That we don’t know. We do know that the human body has a lot of chemicals that could be very volatile in the right situation, but, in his case, we don’t know”
Looking around the shell of the building, I said “If what I’m getting from his mind is right, the process is driving him insane. I’m not having much luck getting a fix on him. When I do, just leave him to Juggernaut and myself. You’re smart and a pretty good fighter, but unless you find a way to imitate him to death, then you won’t be much use in a fight with someone like him. Nothing personal, okay?”
She nodded. “I understand, Psylocke, I do. I had no plans of mixing it up with him anyway. I’ll keep doing what I can here, and give you what intel I can find. We are already watching his home, all his family, and three of his ex wives. The fourth one is dead, killed in the Jefferson explosion”
She turned around and went back to scouring the wreckage. “Oh, Psylocke?”
Your stuff is in my trunk. I got you a new combat uniform. It’s a lot better than what you had. Your weapons are in there too”
“Thanks, I’ll get them, Jackie”
I cringed, knowing I just made a mistake. “Sorry, Courier. I forgot.”
Cain walked over to Courier. “Jackie?”
She turned around, her face even redder than before. “Do I look like a Jacob? Don’t even go there. Besides aren’t you a little small to be a ‘Juggernaut’?” She made the air quotes. Oh no.
Cain started his transformation. I don’t know if the armor is hidden by illusion or appears from nowhere. All I know is its damned impressive. By the time he was done, his armored head was scraping the ceiling, and his already impressive girth was tripled. He reached down, picked up a piece of stone and crushed it like a marshmallow. “You were saying?”
Courier put on her glasses “You wouldn’t hit a girl with glasses, would you?”
Even the mighty Juggernaut had to chuckle at that one.
To be Continued
Thanks to Marvel Comics for all of their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier, Nitro are all their characters.
Chapter 4
Cain changed back to his smaller form and said good bye to Courier. She looked a little paler than before. He can have that effect on people.
I found my new uniform. It was like a totally black unitard, leaving both of my arms uncovered but covering my breasts and tapering to a turtleneck. It also had two opera length gloves. The material was stretchy, Kind of like Lycra, but denser. The whole outfit was very light.
I got into Cain’s Hummer to change. The “uniform” if you could call it that, was Skin tight, and revealed every curve I had. The top part had a built in bra for support, and something akin to panties already incorporated into the garment.
There were no shoes or boots to go with it. The footwear was already a part of the legs.
The whole ensemble was very easy to put on, and was extremely comfortable. I was a bit uneasy stepping out of the vehicle.
Cain and Courier were still talking to each other when I came into view. “Well? What do you think? Too much?”
Courier saw me first and went goggle eyed. “Wow. They said it would be form fitting, but…”
Cain did a double take. “Whose idea was this? She looks like, well, there’s not enough there! She can’t go around looking like that!”
I blushed hard after that. “I feel like I’m naked. I can’t wear this to fight. Anybody would die laughing before I got a chance to do anything.”
“Wait a minute, before the two of you go all Victorian on me, let me explain that garment. It was specifically designed for you. You are looking at a costume, if you will, that cost 3 million dollars to develop. First of all, it is constructed of a new fabric that is based on spider silk. It has the flexibility of spandex, but is bullet resistant, cut proof, and will insulate as well as a parka, while breathing when it needs to, to keep you cool. The gloves and built in boots are constructed of the same material, with a polymer on the fingers and palms that will allow you to virtually walk up walls. Not like a fly, but you’ll be able to use the terrain to your advantage, allowing you to increase your leaping ability and use the terrain in an urban or inside environment to your advantage. They are also shock absorbing, so you won’t run the risk of breaking your hand on someone’s jaw”
I was amazed, but still suffering from shyness. “Okay, I get it. It’s high tech. But I’m next to naked, Courier!”
Rolling her eyes, she replied. “Oh, get over it. If you run into any males, they’ll be too distracted to fight. Another advantage you have. And it will help you blend in to the shadows, as it reduces your infrared signature. Move around, give it a try”
I flexed and stretched, dropping down into a split. She was right. It didn’t pinch or pull anywhere. Popping back up, I did a back flip, then ran to a wall and leapt. She was right again, I felt like I was clinging to the wall. Before I knew it, I was ten feet up, and then I did a somersault off the wall, landing next to Cain and Courier.
I was exhilarated. “Ok, I’ll take it.”
Smiling, Courier replied, “I thought you might. Here’s the sash that goes with it. It’s made of the same material, and can be used as a rope if needed. Why, you ask? Every girl needs an accessory to go with an outfit.”
Cain groaned at that one. “If you to ladies are through with fashion hour, we need to get going.”
I got into the spacious back seat of the super sized SUV. “I need to track this guy down. My last reading was south of here, so we can start in that direction”
“Okay. You’re the boss. Just let me know when you get anything else”
“I have the power now to take what I want” he thought to himself. “Anyone who gets in my way will die”
He got on his cell phone and called his Yemeni contact, Aziz. He didn’t know if that was his real name, and he didn’t care. He needed to get his name on the market.
“Aziz? This is Robert Hunter. At least I was. I am now known as Nitro, and I have something you will be very interested in”
“Hunter? They said you were dead”
“Not quite. I have something that will make your jihad into and unstoppable tidal wave. You can have it for the right price”
“What is it?”
“The Jefferson Street explosion?”
“Of course I know of this. It’s been all over the news”
“That was me”
“What? You caused all of that destruction? Our sources say it was an industrial accident.”
“You need to get new sources. I caused it and the explosion in the bank later”
“How are you doing this?”
“Trade secret, my oily friend. But I can say this. My talents are available for the right price. Tell you what, the first one’s on me, the next one you pay for. Watch the news, and I’ll be in touch later”
Twenty minutes later, at a rest stop around Toledo, Nitro demolished the facility killing fourteen more people. He never looked back.
An hour later, he was on the Ohio Turnpike, heading east. He called Aziz. “About that next job. I’ll need a team. Let’s meet.”
“Cain, I’m getting next to nothing. I can get a general direction, but I can’t lock on to him like before. It’s frustrating, like following someone in the fog, just barely being able to make him out”
Cain turned the radio down. “I know where he’s been. There is a report of an explosion at a rest stop in Ohio, east of Toledo. Al Qaeda is claiming responsibility, but I’ll bet it’s our boy”
“How many people this time?”
“They don’t know, but it’s more than ten”
“Shit! Why can’t I lock on to this clown?”
Shaking his head, Cain answered. “I don’t know kid, just keep your cool and focus. Do you think it’s possible that someone is shielding him somehow?”
“It’s possible, but he would have had to have gotten an ally, and as far I know, he hasn’t contacted anyone. He’s a loner based on what I’ve been able to find out before.”
“We’ll get him. And when I get my hands on that maggot, he’ll wish he’d never been born”
I called Courier to get an update. I asked her if he had any know metahuman contacts. She said she would find out, but that she didn’t think so. I also told her that I was sure he was heading east, and that I believed his final destination would be either Philadelphia or New York City.
Garrison called me for an update.
“I am having a lot of trouble keeping him locked in. I can no longer get a direct read on his thoughts, but I can still get a general idea of where he is going. It looks like Philly or New York City”
“Just great. Metahuman Affairs is getting involved now, and they are dispatching some of their assets to this. I didn’t object, but we are not sharing intel with them. The last thing I need is that lot of amateurs getting in the way”
“Well, they might be useful in corralling him once we get him located”
“No!” he interrupted. “Under no circumstances are any of those associated with Metahuman Affairs to be contacted. That’s an order”
“Okay, okay. It’s just a suggestion. I don’t know any of them anyway”
“Keep me informed” he abruptly hung up.
“As I looked at the phone, I spoke to no one in particular, “What an asshole”
Cain looked at me through the rear view mirror. “Told you”
Sticking my tongue out at him, a realized we had been on the road for a few hours. The pressure on my bladder had been building for awhile now. “Hey, big guy, I need to pee and get something to eat. How about we stop?”
“I’m fine. Can’t you wait a little bit?”
“No, I can’t. I have to pee! So help me, Cain, I will go all over your back seat if you don’t stop. Surely you have to get some gas or something”
I can go fifteen hundred miles on a tank. Thanks to the extra fuel storage I had installed. I hate to stop to fill up”
“Please, Cain. I have to go!”
Chuckling, Cain said “Alright, alright. You girls are all the same, always stopping to do something in the bathroom.”
“HEY, don’t be a chauvinistic p-i-g! We are just a little different, is all”
We pulled in to a BP station and I threw on the Maxi dress I had as a cover up. I wasn’t fighting now, and no one needed to see my, well, stuff. I took care of business and went to the little food mart to grab something to eat. I got a Diet Coke in a thirty two ounce cup with ice and some beef jerky and went to the counter to pay. I heard the rumble of a bunch of motorcycles pulling up.
The cashier rang me up. “That’ll be $5.25. By the way, I love your hair. How do you do your highlights? Purple is so cute with your hair color”
“Thank you” I replied. “My hairdresser does it, I really don’t know how” Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my wallet and handed her a twenty. She really didn’t need to know that the highlights were permanent.
The cashier looked out of the corner of her eye at the ten or so outlaw biker types who swaggered into the store. They were loud and obnoxious and generally were making asses of themselves.
She sighed. “I hate it when those Guys from the Raptors come in. I never feel quite safe with them in here. They hassle me and any customers that come in. I wish they would just go away. My old boyfriend is one of them. He’s the one by the door.”
She pointed to a good sized bald man trying to pull off a Stone Cold Steve Austin look and doing a fairly good job of it. He seemed to be the leader of the bunch.
“Are you going to be okay, like with these guys here? I can stay a little bit until they leave”
She gave me a faint smile and said, “Thanks, but I ‘d hate to see you get mixed up with these guys, they know me, but a couple of those creeps wouldn’t be above roughing up a pretty girl like you”
“Oh, I can handle myself”
Stone Cold at the door spoke up. “Hey Sarah! How about you and the bitch come on a ride with us. You won’t be sorry”
Sarah, the cashier replied “Joe, why don’t you and your boyfriends go. The manager told me that I would be fired if you guys came around causing trouble again. I need this job to support the baby you never seem to want to have anything to do with. I mean why would you? It’s only yours”
“Ahhh, it’s a girl. I’ll see what she’s like when she’s fourteen. I might be able to get a good price for her then”
I knew this sorry piece was serious. I turned to walk out. “You’re disgusting. A baby is a gift, and you want to sell her?”
Joe lost his arrogant smile. Clearly he had a problem with women, and now one was challenging him. His buddies were oohing and ahhhing. One said “the bitch has you cold, Joe. You gonna take that?”
I hated this creep, and I had never seen him before. I knew he was a misogynist, and had beat Sarah many times. He had killed girls before. Molested children. He wouldn’t again. I walked past him to the door.
He reached for me, but I was faster. “Hey, bitch, no one talks to Killer Joe like that”
I wasn’t going to trash the store. I set my drink and the bag of beef jerky on an ice freezer by the door. Then I turned just as he reached me and fed him a right into his solar plexus. He went down hard, gasping for breath.
His buddies saw what I had done and came running out the door.
“Oh you’re fuckin’ dead, bitch. No one lays a hand on a Raptor and lives!”
I couldn’t fight them like I wanted to and not destroy my new dress. I didn’t want to play any mind tricks on them either. I had a better plan.
The bikers had surrounded me. “Oh we are going to have some fun with you before you die” Said one with four front teeth missing. “Get her clothes off, She’s gonna ride naked for awhile”
Then a deep voice echoed behind them. “I don’t think she’s going anywhere with you, dick lips”
“Yeah, well fuck…” he turned around “yewww?”
Cain was gone. The Juggernaut was there. The Raptors, whoever they were, at least tried to fight him. After fifteen seconds, they were down. Bullets bounced off him, knives didn’t scratch him. They were down and in bad shape. Killer Joe had started to get up and I cut him back down with a psychically charged punch to the sternum.
“Stay down, ‘killer’. Cain, would you please take care of these minibikes?”
“What do you want me to do with them?”
“Could you wad them up like paper?”
“Yeah, but it might get a little messy.”
I put on my best puppy face and put my hands together. “Pleeeaase? Show me how strong you are”
Cain smiled. At least I think he did, it was hard to tell through his helmet. “Ohh, okay. I can’t say no to you, kid”
Juggernaut proceeded to take all of the bikes and crushed them like cheap aluminum cans. He set them down where they were parked. Oil and gas were dripping out of the wrecks. I made them all forget what happened, and put a fear of Sarah in their minds. They wouldn’t bother her any more, and no one would know about Cain.
I picked up my soda and took a big sip. “Byee, guys! Have fun.”
After we got back into Cain’s vehicle, he asked me “What did you need me for? You could’ve just done your mind thing and it would have been over”
“I know, but I couldn’t have ruined their bikes like you did, and I wanted them to suffer. I wasn’t going to fight them because I just got this dress and I didn’t want it ruined. They might have torn it”
“Holy hell, girl. I can’t believe…I mean sheesh…women”
I giggled. “Aren’t we wonderful?”
“Okay, beautiful. Have you gotten any closer to finding this guy?”
“I’m still working on that. He’s still heading east. I’m not having any more luck than I was. I can’t help but think something is up here that I’m not getting. He is still in that fog. He’s getting further ahead of us. Can you go any faster?”
“I could, but if we get pulled over, we won’t get any closer. I’ll keep it right here at 80, and hope we’re good. Do you have your get out of a speeding ticket free badge?”
“My what? Oh! I know what you mean.” I dug into my bag and found my HS badge. It had some kind of endorsement on it that would get me out of pretty much any problem I would incur on the highway. “Got it! Now you can step on it”
My phone rang again. It was Courier. “Hi, Jackie. What do you have for me?”
“You might be right about New York. We’ve done some checking on Hunter’s phone records, and he placed a lot of calls to a Mosque in NYC. It’s a known hotbed of Muslim fundamentalist activity. There’s nothing to really pin them down on, they’ve been really good at hiding their tracks”
“Maybe you should get to New York, and do a little ground work. You can infiltrate like no one else can”
“Yeah, I know. I’m already on my way to the airport. I have a charter waiting for me. It’s an F-15, and we are kicking in the ass all the way there”
“Good luck, and we’ll see you there”
I hung up with Courier and called Tracy.
She answered the phone. “Hi baby! Ya miss me?”
I smiled. “All the time. I just wanted to let you know we are on the way to New York City. Unless we can catch creepy before then”
“Okay. You tell that big boob Cain Marko I said to keep an eye on you”
I smiled as I twirled my hair. “He always does. You know that.”
“He’d better, or I’m coming out there and kicking his ass”
That made me laugh. “I’ll let him know. Look, I just wanted to say hello, and that I was thinking of you. I’ve been trying to track this gut all day, and I’m shot. Can I call you tomorrow?”
“You’d better. I need to get to bed too. Sleep well, and I’ll see you when you get back”
“Love you, Tracy”
“I love you too, Betsy. Bye”
“What did Tracy have to say?” asked Cain.
“She said that if anything happened to me, she was coming to kick your ass”
He laughed. “You know, she probably could”
I curled up in the back, and told Cain to let me know when it was morning.
Yes, Aziz. What do you want? X spoke Arabic with a strong English accent.
“Hunter has called. He has some new abilities, and he wants to work with us. He is asking for a team. Can we help him?”
“Of course. My experiments are nearly complete. We will be able to help our friend in a much more substantial way by the time he arrives. I have already deduced his particular skill set. He will be most useful. Call me when he arrives”
“Very well. See that you don’t fail us, X”
X smiled. “My dear Aziz. Have I ever failed? Good day”
X disconnected the call. He didn’t know why he tolerated the insolence of these terrorists. They were a means to an end. The breakdown of society. Only the strong would survive. He knew that the little creatures who served him would try to kill him in their ignorance. They would try, and fail. They called him devil. He could hear their petty little thoughts as if they were speaking to him. His experiments were creating more and deadlier Hybrids. Metahumans indeed.
Maybe they were right. In more ways than one. They couldn’t even pronounce his last name correctly. X indeed. It served his purpose. Mystery was his ally.
His name was Essex. And he would show the world who the devil really was.
This chapter is a little short, but I'm setting up for something bigger down the road. Enjoy!
Thanks to Marvel Comics for all of their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier, Nitro are all their characters.
Chapter 5
I woke up after about 4 hours of driving. The big guy didn’t like listening to the radio, so that was a blessing. The problem was I could never sleep in a vehicle. About four hours of restless dozing was all I could muster, and I also had to, well, go.
I stuck my head up front and happily announced, “Guess what? Potty break!”
Cain looked at me like I was insane. “Potty break? What are you, three?”
Climbing into the front seat, I sat down, pouting. “That’s not nice, Cain. You know I have trouble holding it. It’s my kryptonite. What would you rather have me say? ‘Pull the damn thing over, I gotta piss?’”
He started laughing. “Well, yeah, I guess.”
Well two years ago, I might have. But I am a lady now, and ladies don’t talk like that. In fact, I refuse to”
“No offense, kid. But you *did* used to be a male, didn’t you?”
“Well, yes. But I changed and with that change came a lot of other changes. I don’t know many guys that can get pregnant, do you?”
His ears were beginning to get red. I was loving this.
“Okay! I *am* a girl. All the way down to my DNA. I like makeup, silly chick flicks, doing my hair, my nails, wearing pretty clothes, talking to my girlfriends till all hours of the evening about relationships. You don’t know what you are missing. I, on the other hand, do. A lot of burping, farting and chasing skirts. Gross”
I could see he was getting very uncomfortable. It was all I could do to keep from laughing.
I hopped up on my knees and leaned into his ear “And, you dear, sweet teddy bear, one of the great things about being a woman is getting big, strong guys like you,” I kissed him on the cheek, “to do things for us. Now be a dear and let me have my potty break, pleeeese?”
That was enough for him “Okay, okay! I’ll pull over at the next gas station I see. Damn! I’d rather fight ten of those big demon things than have to deal with this.”
Now I had to pour it on. I gave him a big hug around his huge neck, causing him to swerve “Oh, thank you, Cain. You’re such a gentleman! I don’t know what I would do without you!” My voice was little girl syrupy sweet, and I looked up through my eyelashes at him.
His face was completely red. He turned to the driver’s side window. I saw him smile in the side mirror. “Women! I hope to God that never happens to me!”
I giggled and then laughed. “You are such a big sweetie, Cain, but don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Now step on it. I’m about to burst” Note to self. No more big gulps on road trips.
We traveled in silence for the next couple of minutes. Cain broke the silence “So, what were you like, you know, before?”
“Before the change?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s kind of hard to remember. It’s not like you would think. I was in a coma for several weeks while I changed, and my neural pathways were rewritten. I woke up a girl, but it wasn’t a big shock. It wasn’t like if you were all of a sudden transferred into a girl’s body. You know, a male soul in a female body. Do you know what I mean?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I think so. That would be tough for me. Probably impossible”
“I know what you are talking about. It wasn’t that way for me. I was a female soul in a female body. The only thing that didn’t change was my relationship with Tracy. Otherwise, I found that my old male habits died. I had the memories, but not the feelings”
“That’s why you are so well adjusted, isn’t it?”
“Yep. I took to the whole thing right away. There were some bumps, sure. But I adjusted and took to what nature had wired me to do. Being silly like I just was something I would never have done as a boy”
“Did you ever have desires, you know…”
“To be a girl before? No way, never. I had a beautiful girlfriend and I was doing well in school. This all came from nowhere. But all told, I prefer the way I am now than the way I was. You may not think so, but being a girl rocks, and being a girl like me? Totally rocks!” She looked ahead, her eyes brightening. “OOOOHHHH, there’s a station at the next exit. Hurrrrry! Oh gosh, I hope there isn’t a line.”
Cain looked at Betsy. She was now focused on the gas station ahead. She had been through hell, had an old life ripped away, had something else thrust on her, and was still a semi normal eighteen year old who had to pee too much. Someone who had a pure soul.
He somehow had a bond with her that he couldn’t explain. Then it hit him. The little girl who was kidnapped from his block when he was a child. Cain saw the event, but couldn’t stop it. Grace was her name. They found her forty eight hours later, dead. He was blessed with tremendous physical gifts, even without the Cyttorak Gem powering him. That’s why he got involved in security, why he got involved in the military, and spook work. It was for Grace. He had suppressed this memory for years. A single tear rolled down his cheek.
He felt sorry for anyone or anything who ever tried to harm her again. It wouldn’t be pretty.
She was intently staring at the entrance, with state of the art audio recording devices being run by agents from an empty apartment two floors below.
“What is going on in there?” she asked no one in particular.
“I don’t know, either. What do y….” came a voice beside her.
Courier jumped nearly out of her skin. “EEEEEEEEEEKKK! “Came the rather feminine reaction.
The costumed figure jumped back and imitated him perfectly. “EEEEEEEEEEEKKK”
Courier was breathing hard “FUCK! What the hell!” she jumped back, holding her, or his, for the moment, chest. WILSON! You son of a bitch. Don’t *do* that. You look creepy enough without sneaking up on me like that!”
Wade Wilson replied in kind. “What do you think you’re doing? I’m one of the good guys. You nearly killed me with your girly display of femininity. Besides, what are you, a spy or a font? Really, I mean come on. Can’t you come up with something better than that? Boobenstein. The incredible cross dresser? Something.”
“What in the hell are you doing here, Mr. Wilson?”
Wilson, aka Deadpool was not buying what Courier was selling. He started doing a dead on impersonation of Walter Matthau. “Dennis! What’s the meaning of this incursion onto my roof? I’ve planted daisies up here, and the garden club is on the way. Take a hike, boy!”
Then switched to a ridiculous falsetto. “Now George, boys will be boys. Be nice to little Dennis”
Switching back, Wilson replied to himself. “Martha! If Dennis gets away with this, the terrorists win!”
He then switched to a passable George W. Bush. Rather an impersonation of Will Ferrell doing George Bush. “Alright, Dennis. What’s our strategery? Is the mission accomplished? I’ve gotta get back to Crawford”
Courier let her male form change back to her default setting, that of a ravishing black haired beauty. She absolutely hated Deadpool. He was a mercenary, a bounty hunter, terribly scarred from attempts to cure him of terminal cancer. The therapies used to cure him left him unbalanced, but in possession of a brutal array of special skills. He had gotten hold of some technology that allowed him to teleport limited distances. He could heal extremely fast. She had seen him replace severed limbs and watched them reattach. He was a skilled swordsman, a crack shot, and expert with about every weapon known to man as well as virtually unbeatable in a fight.
Oh, and he was freakin’ nuts.
“Wade, shut your pie hole.”
Wade looked down at the ground, kicking it dejectedly. “Shucks, ma’am ya don’t have to go all tumbleweed on meh”
Deadpool was masked. Hooded really. He had a red and black costume that was part body armor, part ninja outfit. He carried two katanas, two semi-automatic pistols, about twenty clips on a bandolier, knives, and a banana. A banana?
“Wade, why do you have a banana?”
“I get hungry you know. I just want the people reading this story to know that there is no substitute for a balanced diet. And that diet begins with bananas. The choice of four out of five chimpanzees. The fifth one just likes to throw shit as well as eat it”
Courier rolled her eyes. “Deadpool! I’m guessing you have an interest in this case?”
Then came Pee Wee Herman. “Well duh!” Then back to his real voice. “If by interest you mean the Twenty five million dollar reward for Aziz al Damashq, then yeah. I guess you could say so. You see, I have a house payment coming up, and the kids need braces. You know how it goes”
Courier’s interest was piqued. “What do you know about this operation?”
“Everything. I’ve been reading along from the beginning. This author is really terrible. Cute, but terrible”
“Okay, Wade. Seriously. What do you know?”
“Okay, But I’m not hearing a please!”
Courier forgot how maddening it could be talking to Wilson. He was under the constant impression that we were all just characters in a novel. That and he had seen every movie ever made and was constantly quoting them.
“Okay. Please!”
“Give us a kiss, beautiful”
“All right, all right. Word is that the boys there have the head of their special projects unit here to greet your exploding boy. They are putting together a team of metas created to wreak havoc on society”
“How do you know this” Asked Courier.
“I've been reading the story. Sheesh!”
“I swear, Wade. If you don’t stop…”
“Wow. You need to lay off the coffee. Can you say ‘single focus?’
"I ‘questioned’ one of their ‘people’ before I ‘killed’ him and ‘dumped’ his body in the ‘river’. Satisfied?”
He put air quotes all over the place, but I understood what he did.
You mean the ‘Devil’ is here?”
“Well he ain’t in Miss Jones, sister!” Yeah. John Wayne.
“So I’m guessing you want in? To get Aziz?”
“Gee Wally! Sure!”
“And I have no choice in the matter, right?”
“Sure you do. Just like every time. You either let me play ball or I take my glove and fuck everything up from here to Sunday. Your choice. The missus needs a new puppy”
“All right. But you play by team rules, you understand? There are two more people coming. A rookie agent and Cain Marko”
Deadpool cocked his head. “Marko? My bestest buddy and longtime friend?”
Courier rubbed her temples. Yes, that Cain Marko”
“Do you think he remembers Berlin?”
“What do you think?”
“Son of a bitch. Guess I’ll have some splainin’ to do eh, Lucy?”
And go easy on the rookie. She’s just a kid, and about as green as a gourd. But Cain likes her, and he won’t take kindly to her getting hurt”
“You got it, Lt. Columbo.”
Wade Wilson ran to the edge of the roof, turned, and looked back at Courier. “Ok, I’ve finally got this flying thing down. Look ma! No hands!” Then he jumped.
Courier ran to the edge, looking down, expecting to see a red and black stain on the sidewalk. Nothing.
“Did he splat?” Came a voice next to her.
“EEEEEEEEEEKKKKK” Dammit, Wilson!!
He did a back handspring to avoid the Courier’s punch and kick. “Never gets old!”
He ran down the list. All of the checks had been performed, the subjects were suspended in the ctyoplasmic medium, all safeties were off. He proceeded to inject the retroviral soup into each of the subjects IV tubes. When that menial task was completed, all he could do was wait.
Essex could create metahumans at a prodigious rate. The problem was that the changes were not stable. The DNA from the shape changer was not enough. Cell walls broke down after no more than forty eight hours. This resulted in the death of the subject. There had only been the one success, but there would be time to analyze her. This one called Nitro. He was a worthy experiment. He would be there soon. Right now, he was too dangerous to experiment on. But a tissue sample would be nothing to get.
Dr. Essex turned the light off in the lab. He would be back in 10 hours to check the changes. Things were looking up.
Cain gritted his teeth. “That stopped being funny three hours ago, kid.”
“Sorry. This lit textbook is sooo incredibly boring. I’ve gone brain dead. I’ll say one thing. This outfit I’m wearing is the most comfy thing I’ve ever worn in my life. I don’t want to sound gross, but it’s like being naked without being naked”
“Yeah, that makes perfect sense, kid. We’ll be there in about ten. Why don’t you enjoy the sights?”
“You’ve seen one big building, you’ve seen them all. I just want to get this over and get back home”
“Why don’t you call Courier?”
Betsy’s eyes brightened. “Hey! That’s a great idea!” She dialed her number.
“Courier” The voice was male, and had a Spanish accent. This took Betsy by surprise.
“Yeah, Psylocke, it’s me. Doing a little undercover work now”
“What kind?”
“Vacuuming a hallway right now. Are you guys about here yet?”
“Cain says about ten. Will you meet us?”
“No. Cain knows where to go.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later, Courier”
“It’s Lou for now. Buenos dias, muchacha”
“What did she say?” asked Cain.
“That you would know what to do”
“Okay. Well, kid. Things are about to go from boring to ultra boring unless something happens fast”
“I know what you mean. I can still sense him, but he is almost nonexistent. I think he is more machine than man at this point. That’s why I can’t find him exactly. I think I can explain it. It’s exactly like trying to listen to a radio station that’s almost too far away. His consciousness exists, but it is being shielded. I’m guessing by the nanites. This guy is so screwed”
“Were here. Grab what you need and let the valet take the rig.”
Several black suited agents met us. I grabbed my backpack and weapons case. “I’ll take that for you, ma’am”
“Oh, wonderful! Thank you. I sooo need a potty break”
Cain spun around. “Oh for crying out loud!”
To be Continued...
Like any other author, I love to get feedback. Please leave one if you like.
Thanks to Marvel Comics for their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier and Nitro are all pert of their universe.
Thank you also to donjo for making sure this didn't suck. Read his stories, too!
(And after a long break...)
Chapter 6
All of the characters were in place. I was sitting with Jackie and Cain in the back of the conference room. I was gothed out in a black leather bustier, low rise leather jeans, black lips and ridiculous amounts of eye shadow and pale foundation.
I wanted to make a statement that I was my own person, and not a faceless agent. The results turned heads. Mission accomplished. The Boss, a rather large, muscular man, quite handsome even with the eye patch gave me a scowl, though. I stuck my tongue out at him after he turned around, and being a good girl at heart, I didn’t read his mind.
The room was full of agents, with enough dark suits to make me want to look for Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith.
“Okay, people. Settle down, we have a situation” The room got quiet. The Boss was at the podium, and no one made a sound.
One of our agents has tracked a terrorist known as Nitro to the city. We have assets in place here to deal with the threat, but I cannot overestimate the threat this character poses to this city. Agent Jasper, continue the briefing, please.
“Here’s what we have. Nitro, AKA Robert Hunter, is a scientist with an axe to grind. Through a process unknown to us, he has gained the ability to detonate his entire body, with varying levels of power, with the known upper limit of a small nuke in the neighborhood of a kiloton”
“People, the threat is real. There is a clear and present danger to the population of the City of New York and indeed the world. Agent Jackie Gavin and her team will be point on this investigation. Our job is to provide support, tactical and logistical”
Agent Jasper took a sip of water and continued. “This threat is greater than anything we have faced to date folks, and I don’t have to tell you the importance of nailing this guy before we have another 9/11. Your individual team leaders will have your assignments”
The Boss met with us in Jackie’s temporary office. He came up to me and shook my hand. It was way bigger than mine and rough. “I’d like to introduce myself, I’m the Director. I’d like to thank you for your help on this case. You’ve been a real asset. The Secretary thinks you’re a bit of a…well…”
“Yes, but all I see is a very attractive, if style challenged young woman.”
I held out my arms. “Not a big fan of the goth look?”
“I’m a bit traditional when it comes to clothing, but considering your history, you’re doing quite well”
I blushed. “Uhh, thank you, I guess”
“Jackie, what do we have?”
“Aziz is trying to recruit this guy, and if we don’t head him off, we’ll have a hell of a time putting the genie back in the bottle”
The Boss rubbed his chin. “We’ll just have to see that he isn’t able to”
The Boss turned to me. “Betsy, can you narrow him down?”
“I’m trying, but it’s like trying to see a ghost. He’s in Manhattan, I know. Somewhere in Lower Manhattan. I’m really getting tired, though. I’ll need some sleep”
“I keep forgetting. You’re what, seventeen?”
“Damn shame we need you. You’re too young for this crap. You ought to be out with some boy”
“I have a girlfriend, Sir”
He raised an eyebrow. “Quite, errrr, interesting.”
“Well, keep working as you can. Your room is upstairs in the hotel; don’t worry about checking in, here’s your key. Get some rest, Agent Braddock. You’ll need it”
He looked to the very large man standing next to me “Cain. Glad to have you aboard. Nicer than having to fight you”
“Yeah, don’t get used to it, amigo. I’m here for her” he thumb pointed to me. “Piss her off, and I’m gone, along with her”
I squealed, jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re so sweet! You’re my big teddy bear! Carry me upstairs, daddy! I’m sleepy”
I did make him blush that time. “Knock it off! He growled as he wiped the black smear off of his cheek. I ain’t got time for this” I did see him stifle a smile.
The Boss raised his hand. “All right, let’s knock off for tonight. We’ll be back at it at 0800” He winked at me. “Daddy’s little girl needs her beauty sleep!”
Cain didn’t carry me upstairs, but I did continue concentrating on Nitro’s location as we ascended in the elevator. I was narrowing it down. “Cain, do you have a map of Manhattan?”
“Not with me, why?”
“I think I may be able to narrow down the location if I have a map”
“I’ll call down and we’ll get a map in the morning. You need some sleep. Your eyes look like two piss holes in the snow”
“I’m not that bad…am I?”
“Look in a mirror when you get to your room” the elevator opened to the thirtieth floor.
“You’re in room 3028. I’m two doors down. Get some sleep”
“How will you sleep? You’re too big for the bed”
“Don’t need it. I’ll just watch ESPN all night”
I stopped at my door. “This is going to get dangerous, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Nothin’ we can’t handle though. You stick close to me; I ain’t dealin’ with your crazy girlfriend if you get hurt. She scares me”
I giggled. “I don’t care what people say. You’re the sweetest man I know”
“Yeah, don’t let I get around. I got a rep to maintain”
I unlocked the door to my room. I had never been alone in a hotel room before. It had that familiar new hotel room smell that only the good places have. My bags were already in the room, so I went into the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and gross looking. And really red. I guess I was tired. I cleaned off the makeup, which wasn’t fun. The goth look takes a lot of makeup and while it may look good, it’s a bitch to remove”
After ten minutes of cleaning, I was back to being the fresh faced ingénue with purple hair that everyone knew and loved. I looked like I was fourteen. After going potty (So much nicer to say). I turned down the bed. I was naked, and debating whether or not to wear anything to bed or not.
Turning, I saw myself in the mirror. I was one smoking hot babe, and I did nothing for myself. It was just me. The old me would have had a little boner seeing a naked chick like me. I got nothing sexual, but I did turn and thought my butt was getting a little big. Now that bothered me. I got my sleepshirt out, an old Detroit Lions tee that I had loved as a boy, and felt comfortable in as a girl. It came to mid thigh, which was just right for me.
I was just getting comfortable when I heard a rustle and looked to the chair by the window. Sitting there was a man I had never seen before. I stifled a scream.
He was in a red and black outfit and his face was covered. “Howdy, Princess”
My psychic daggers came out on their own I covered my chest protectively. “W-w-who are you? What are you doing in my room! All I have to do is scream and you’re in real trouble”
I couldn’t get a good read on his mind. He was very chaotic in his thinking. “Easy, Ariel, it’s me, Prince Charming”
“Okay Prince. You have three seconds to tell me why you’re in my room. Then I scream”
“No need for that little lady. The name’s Deadpool, and I’ll be helping you out on this little adventure” He paused, looked up to the ceiling. “Is that the best line you could write for me? I’m supposed to be way funnier than that!”
Okay, now I was confused. “What I the heck are you talking about? More to the point, WHO are you talking to”
“The chick writing this thing. Not too bright sometimes”
My daggers went away, and I pulled my cover up over my boobs. “You’re nuts. What do you mean…never mind”
“Look Lucy. I’m helping you, Fred and Ethel get to the bottom of your Mr. Boom Boom problem. I know where he is, and we can move anytime. He’s not due to meet Ahab the Arab for another twenty four hours”
“Why are you telling me?”
“I wanted to meet the new kid. I heard you were hot. Not disappointing, by the way. Courier is too, I don’t know…frigid for me. I liked her better before she did the he/she thing.”
I smiled. “I’m seventeen, you perv. I used to be a boy, and I have a girlfriend”
“Dammit! Not you too! He looked at the ceiling again. “I’ll get you for this! Why can’t that guy who writes Green Arrow write my lines?”
I looked up too. “What *are* you doing?”
“Complaining to the boss”
“Uh, this has been nice and all, but I really do need some sleep I’m really tired, so…”
“I don’t scare you?”
“No. Not at all. I see your, for lack of a better word, mind”
He let out a theatrical gasp that sounded like one of the body snatchers. “You can? Well, I never! Of all the noive? Well, princess, nice girls like you really should wear panties to bed, and your butt really isn’t too big…giggity”
It was my turn to gasp as I pulled my covers closer. “You didn’t!”
“I diiiiid!”
“I think I will scream! I can’t believe you saw me naked! Oooooooooohhhh!”
“And you’re magnificent! She’s a lucky girl, that girlfriend of yours” he stood up and bowed.
“With that, Miss Godiva, I take my leave. He ran to the window and jumped. I expected there to be an explosion of glass but he just disappeared. I rushed over to the window, to see where he landed. I couldn’t see anything.
“Is he dead?” a voice from behind me said. He then spanked my bottom. TWICE!
“EEEEEEEEEEKK” I screamed.
“Never gets old!!” And he was gone.
I heard the rumbling of big feet coming down the hall. The lock clicked and Cain was in the room. My eyes must have been as big as saucers, and I was holding my stinging bottom.
“What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
I was blushing furiously. I didn’t know what to say. “Somebody was here!”
“His name was Deadpool. Do you know him?”
He rolled his eyes. “Shit! Yes, I know him. Nutty as a pet coon. What did he want?”
“He says he is working with us on the case, and he knows where Nitro is. He’s supposed to meet Aziz in twenty four hours. He’ll be back tomorrow to tell us where, I think”
“Just great. If this turns out like Berlin I’ll make a grease spot outta him!” he looked at me strangely “Why are you holding you rear end?”
Blushing even harder, I cried “He spanked me!”
“On the butt?”
“Where else, you big dork!”
Cain tried. He really did try not to laugh. “Did you have it coming?” Then he bellowed. “The guy is nuts, but he sure knows how to make an entrance”
I stamped my foot in an ineffectual feminine protest “Get…out…now…you…big…JERK!”
Cain was still laughing as he closed the door. My face was as red as his Juggy suit. I was mortified. I touched my still sore bottom, and was surprised to find I was a little aroused, wondering what it would be like for Tracy to spank me. I shook my head to get the thought out. “No! I am NOT going there! God, I am such a perv. I never had these thoughts as a boy!” I thought to myself. And I went to my bag and got the pair of panties (Detroit Lions, of course) that matched the shirt and put them on. No, I don’t know why I needed them to match and why I needed to put them on. I am a good girl, after all. Darn that Deadpool!
I dreamed about being back home with Tracy. We were sitting on a park bench, watching the geese. My head was on Tracy’s shoulder, and we were just enjoying the water, the warmth and the sun, when an explosion detonated nearby. My mother’s head landed on my lap.
I was awake immediately, I tried to scream, but I was too terrified. All that came out were wheezes. It took a little time to realize that it was a dream. Then I burst into tears. I just realized I was in way over my head. This guy, whatever he was, could blow up like a nuke. I was worried I’d break a nail. Juggernaut, I knew could handle himself. Jackie was really smart and experienced. I was a little girl trying to play with the big guys.
Looking at the clock, I saw it was only two thirty. I got up, used the facilities and got a drink of water. I had to get some sleep. I got some Benadryl from my bag. It always worked better than any sleeping pill. Two of them, and in fifteen minutes, I was back in dreamland.
Stepping into The Chain, a dive that catered to those with little or no interest in the legal side of business, Nitro sat at the bar. There were a couple of tired topless dancers going through the motions on a makeshift stage. Most of the clientele was engaged in other business. He threw a hundred dollar bill on the bar. “Whiskey”
The bartender, a large man with long hair tied into a ponytail asked. “Any preference, big spender?”
Nitro looked at him like he was an insect. “The kind with alcohol, smartass, and keep ‘em coming”
The bartender thought he saw something flash in the Nitro’s eyes. This guy was nuts. He would keep an eye on him. He gave the bouncers a signal to be ready to give this guy and introduction to the street.
“You gonna pour some whiskey, or stand there giving signals?”
“Look, pal. I don’t much like you, and I don’t care how much money you throw on the bar, you ain’t givin’ the orders. One word from me and out ya go”
Nitro smiled. He was a lean man, but well muscled. His eyes flashed. “The either pour the whiskey, or sic your dogs, but do me a favor. Shut the fuck up, will you?”
The bartender gave the signal. Two men, large by any standard moved menacingly to the smaller man. “All right, loser. You’re outta here”
One of them reached for Nitro’s shoulder. Nitro spun in the stool and gave the man an open palm to the sternum that sent him flying ten feet back to the wall. He slumped and sank down; dead from a bone sliver to the heart fro his smashed breastbone.
The other bouncer was able to connect with a shot to Nitro’s jaw. He sagged into the bar, and started laughing. The bouncer grabbed him and Nitro quickly broke the hold. He then threw the hapless man across the bar after breaking his neck.
Nitro’s eyes were pure white light. He had an evil smile and turned to the bartender. All he said was “boom boom…”, then exploded.
The front of the bar blew out into the street. Body parts were everywhere. The only survivors were the two dancers, who were cowering and screaming, holding tightly to their poles. There wasn’t a scratch on them. On the bar, was a single bottle of whiskey, undamaged, not having moved from the place it was set.
A figure began to coalesce from the smoke. “…Out go the lights!” He laughed, a humorless laugh that kind of sounded mechanical to the girls.
“Come on girls! Let’s go. You owe me for saving your lives. Hurry up! Chop chop!”
“B-but we’re naked!” whined one of the girls.
“Didn’t bother you before, shouldn’t bother you now. Come on, before I finish the job”
The girls struggled over the rubble in their six inch platforms. “O-okay! We’re coming! P-please don’t hurt us!”
He threw a smoky jacket at them that he pulled off a headless torso. “Share this. I’m staying just around the corner” He grabbed the bottle. “Get ready to party, girls. And you’d better make it good, or it will be your last”
Thanks to Marvel comics for their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier and Deadpool are all theirs. Buy something of theirs, willya! :)
Chapter 7
Tracy and I were walking on the beach. It was sunny and warm, and we were hand in hand, enjoying the walk. I was totally happy. Then everything started shaking.
“Betsy! Betsy! Wake up! You’re late!”
“Wha-what? I do’wanna, mom!”
“I’m awake, god dammit!” I was pissed. “What the hell is so important?” My hands charged with energy.
It was Jackie. “Hey, easy there, Betsy. You’re late for our briefing. You didn’t answer the wake up call, so I came up to see what was wrong”
My hair was a mess. It was covering my face like Cousin It. I still hadn’t opened my eyes. Sleepily, I replied. “So you have a key to my room too? Why doesn’t everyone just stay in here then? Between you, Cain and that mental patient Deadpool, My room is just a freakin’ meeting hall”
“You saw Deadpool?”
“Yeah, I did, and he saw too much of me, that asshole”
“Wait, what?”
I flopped back down and threw the covers over my head. I was in a full blown teenage girl hissy fit, and I didn’t care who knew.
“He spied on me somehow and saw me naked. He made a crack about me not wearing underwear under my shirt. He scared me and then he…he *spanked* me. Then Cain comes in and laughs about it! A man saw me NAKED, and it’s a big joke! Then I couldn’t sleep and…and…I hate you people!” I burst into tears.
Jackie sat next to me and rubbed my back. “Hey, Betsy. It’s okay”
“No it isn’t! It’s not okay! I don’t belong here!” I was near hysterics, and I didn’t care.
Cain picked that minute to walk in. “Hey. We need to get down there, now. The boss is getting itchy. He pointed to his phone”
I sat upright in my bed and screamed at Cain. “GET OUT! I hate you people! I’m going to die and no one CARES! I’m just a kid. I don’t want to die…” I fell back down, sobbing and beating the mattress.
Cain backed out without saying a word. Jackie got up and whispered something to him. He nodded and left, dialing something on his phone.
Jackie returned to the bed where I was still inconsolable. “Cry it out, honey. It’s okay to cry”
“I hate my life. Mom and dad are dead because of me. I couldn’t stop that…that maniac from killing all…those…people!”
“It’s gonna be all right, Betsy”
“NO IT ISN”T!” I screamed. “Have you ever heard a baby die? How she doesn’t understand why she hurts and where her mommy is? Have you ever heard the last thoughts someone has before the leave this world? I have! hundreds of times. It-it stays *here*” I poked my head, hard. “And it never, ever leaves!”
“You’re right, honey. I don’t know what that’s like. I don’t know how to help you, but I’m willing to listen”
“I–I want to go *home*. I want my mom and dad. I don’t want to die!”
The Boss got the call from Cain. “Code Purple, Boss”
The Boss scowled. “You sure?”
“Yeah. Poor kid’s having a meltdown”
“Shit! Okay, I expected this, but I hoped it would wait. I’ll handle it”
Cain growled on the other end. “Don’t hurt the kid, or you’ll wish you’d never been born. She’s family to me”
“Don’t worry, Marko. I like the kid too. The last thing I’m going to do is hurt her” He hung up the phone and called for his psych team.
When the team assembled, he addressed them. “The kid’s having PTSD episode. Bad. She needs help and needs it bad. She’ll be worthless to our operation as is. Problem is, she may be the only one able to stop this guy from blowing half of New York back to the stone age. So here’s the plan…”
I was still crying when I heard the door to my room open. “GET OUT!” I screamed. “Go awayyy”
I felt a stick, and then everything went black.
“I didn’t hurt her. I just put her to sleep, Marko. She’s deeply troubled. She’s been through enough pain and trouble in the last year to put ten people out. And no thanks to that idiot Garrison, she’s managed to survive. He’s on his way to Iceland now on his new assignment”
“And you knew that guy was an asshole from the word go, and you let him stay? I oughta…”
Jackie put her hand on Cain’s arm. “Not now, Cain. What *is* the plan?”
“I’ve got some…special people working on her now. They are creating a psychic barrier of sorts, keeping the pain she’s feeling segregated. It’s temporary, but I’ve been assured she won’t be harmed. I’ve got the best working on her now”
Cain thumped his fist into his other palm with a huge smack. “Digging around in her brain isn’t harming her? You’d better get to the point quick”
“At ease, Marko. I told you I’m not going to hurt her, and I’m going to be true to my word. There have been some events that you may not be aware of. Last night, a bar was blown up and forty people in the bar were killed. Two strippers that worked there were found fifteen minutes ago. They were raped and murdered. Nitro was the culprit in both crimes. He doesn’t care who he hurts or why. Psylocke, we believe, is the only one who can shut him down. If we can’t get her back in fighting shape, and if your team can’t stop him, my people predict a series of catastrophic events that will make any event in our history pale in comparison”
Cain relaxed. “Okay. I’ll buy that”
“I rather not use the girl at all until she’s had some seasoning. I disagree with the higher ups who view all metas as assets to be exploited. Some just want to live their lives. Not everybody has the stomach to do what must be done. We don’t have a choice now”
The Boss’s phone rang. Picking it up, nodded. “Good”
As he hung up, he moved to the door. “She’s done. Come with me”
They walked down the hall to the Medical Treatment room. Jackie caught a brief glimpse of a bald man in a wheelchair as the elevator doors closed
“Sorry for the big mess earlier. I’m okay now. I think I’m PMS-ing or something”
Jackie smiled and gave me a hug. “Its okay, Betsy. Just as long as you’re okay now”
“Never better, but I do need a shower and my breath is gross” I looked at Cain who appeared uncomfortable. “I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier. I didn’t mean it”
“It’s okay, kid” he rumbled. “I’m not the sensitive type”
Looking at the Boss, I pouted. “Can I pleeese go back to my room now? I *need* a shower!”
“Jackie, you go up with her. Cain, I need to brief you about the mission”
As we rode up the elevator, I asked Jackie if she forgave me.
“Nothing to forgive, kid. We all have our moments, and you’re probably right, it was PMS. I get really cranky every time mine comes around. It’s the worst” She smiled her dazzling smile at me. “Now, let’s focus on getting you cleaned up and back to work”
The shower felt amazing. My head hurt a little, but it quickly went away in the hot water. I spent the better part of twenty minutes just letting the water hit me. Jackie knocked on the door. “We’re running late, princess. Get moving”
Sighing, I finished washing and conditioning my hair. The bathroom was a mass of fog, and I turned on the exhaust fan and the infrared light. Patting myself dry, I felt so warm I didn’t bother to wrap the towel around me. I dried my hair and took care of my other business and twenty minutes later I was ready to go.
Jackie, could you give me my outfit? I yelled through the door. I knew Jackie still had thoughts about other women and I didn’t want to be a distraction. Regardless what people may say, not all women are comfortable being naked around other women. I was one of those.
“You put makeup on?”
“Sure!” I said innocently. “I’m not going out without looking my best. I noticed you’re wearing some too”
She rolled her eyes. “I put mine on early. I didn’t hold the whole team up”
“So?” I giggled.
Jackie smiled. “Let’s move, Princess”
We made it down to the briefing room. Cain and The Boss were going over some plans. We were all looking at the plans on the table “Glad you could finally make it. Okay, as I was saying, Aziz will meet Nitro tonight, here, and…”
“I’ll be there to collect Aziz” I jumped and squeaked a little bit as Deadpool made his unwelcome appearance. We all looked at him. “What? Is something hanging off me?”
He made the mistake of teleporting (I guess that’s what it was) right next to Courier. She calmly smiled and kneed him in the whatsits.
“okayyyyy, that hurt.” He gasped. “Didn’t see that coming”
She bent down and grabbed him where it hurt. “That’s for being a peeping tom, Wade. We girls don’t like to be looked at when we are naked” she squeezed tighter. And seventeen year old girls should *never* be looked at” She squeezed again.
“Okay, you win” He gasped.
“Apologize, Wade” squeeze.
Jackie let go with a satisfied smirk. “Good boy, Wade”
“Don’t mention it…Courier” he gasped.
The boss continued like nothing had happened. “So, as I was saying, we will be here… I was smiling after Jackie winked at me. I so owed her.
It was five minutes before Wade was able to speak. “Uhhh, thanks for the support, guys. I’m okay”
The Boss turned to Deadpool. “Oh, Wade, were you here?”
“Ohhhhh, you’re good, one eye” He said, pointing at the Boss. “Ignoring me and all that. I like you. We’ll need to get better acquainted”
“No we don’t, Wade. You’re a good soldier, but that mouth of yours…”
Deadpool looked up. “Now wait just a doggone minute. That line isn’t even original! Foul! Foul! And you call yourself a writer!”
I looked at Jackie questioningly “Don’t ask” she mouthed.
Wade turned his attention to Jackie “And you, Miss ball grabb-urrrrk”
A huge hand cut off Wilson’s diatribe as it closed around his torso. “Remember me, ‘ol buddy?’”
Deadpool teleported out of Juggernaut’s hand. “I can explain all of that, Jugs”
The Boss slammed his fist on the desk. “Enough of this nonsense! We’ve got a job to do!” He muttered something about amateurs and continued. There will be ten or so hired goons with Aziz. Take care of them ASAP Marko, Wilson, they’re yours. Any surprises, and I’ll feel better if Juggernaut is there”
“Only ten? Let big mouth over there handle them”
“Hey! Just because you don’t have the rapier wit of a Deadpool, don’t bad mouth the…mouth. All right”
The boss continued. “In a sense, Marko is right. The terrorists in this faction of Al Qaeda have been paying big money to some very powerful entities who would like nothing more than to bring this country down. The fall of the Soviet Union left some pretty powerful people in the lurch even twenty years later. Be ready for anything”
We also have reliable intel they have a master genetics whiz on the payroll. With all of the nonsense going on with genetics research, I wouldn’t put it past them to have a few tricks up their sleeve…”
“Relax, my friend,” Essex spoke in an almost hypnotic tone. “This will only hurt a little”
With that he emptied the syringe he was carrying into the intravenous line running into Nagi’s arm. Immediately, Nagi’s eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp. What Essex knew was that Nagi was in terrible pain, but paralyzed. He smiled. The targeting system would have an easier time on the implant in his chest. The radiation gun was ready and Essex punched in the keys that would begin the gamma irradiation. After entering the code, Essex smiled thinly. Now the fun would begin.
We found accommodations on their way to Lower Manhattan a bit tight in the Tactical Armored Vehicle or TAV that Homeland Security kept on hand for these situations. They told me it was a modified Infantry fighting vehicle and was armored to withstand 30 mm projectiles and had a 40 mm auto cannon and twin 50 caliber machine guns. The crew of two was sandwiched in with Courier, Deadpool, the Boss and I. Cain wouldn’t have even come close to fitting, so he used his H1 to get there.
“Umm, excuse me, but why are we going in a tank?” I asked the Boss.
This isn’t a tank, Psylocke, It’s a TAV” he replied tersely while checking his weapons for like the tenth time.
“Okay, TAV or whatever. Couldn’t a car get us there easier and with a lot less attention?”
“It’s always good to go in with overkill. That way, I don’t have to call it in when things get out of hand. Lately, they always get out of hand” He went back to clicking and poking and prodding, whatever these guys do with their penile extensions AKA guns. I liked my sword.
“Sooo, what…”
The Boss looked at me with a glare. “Don’t you ever shut up?”
Deadpool jumped in. “Hey! You’re supposed to be telling ME that, one eye!” He paused and then suddenly said. “Ooops! Gotta go!” then he blinked out. That was a cool trick.
Suddenly Courier sniffed the air. “Oh god. He didn’t.” She sniffed again and then held her nose. “That son of a bitch FARTED!”
I caught the briefest of whiffs before I held my nose. “Ewwww, gross! Gag! Why would he do that with *us* in here!”
I could have sworn The Boss had a small grin on his weathered face. “What’s the matter girls? Can’t handle a little ‘eau de latrine’?”
I was livid and still holding my nose. “I can’t believe I’m breathing it! Don’t you have like a gas mask or something? I’m gonna be sick.”
“NBC equipment is right over your head, missy, but I wouldn’t recommend throwing up in a gas mask. Now that’s gross, as you are so fond of saying!”
“Oh god. Let me out!” I said dramatically. “I *hate* men and I *hate* him!”
“Settle down, princess we’re almost there. Besides, I’ll bet it’s gone by now”
“Jackie! Aren’t you going to say something? Anything?”
“She looked at me. That would require breathing, something you are doing a lot of. Why don’t you calm down and focus on the mission”
Still holding my nose, I pouted. “Bastard” I thought. I’ll get him somehow. I quieted my mind and reached out. We were close, within a mile, I guessed. I could feel Aziz, several lackeys; I counted around twelve or thirteen, and four or five really chaotic minds. They seemed part animal and part human. And they were completely wild.
“I think we may have a problem. I’m getting some funny thought patterns. I’m not sure, but they may have some weird animal human hybrids there”
The Boss raised his eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Well, no, but they are some whacked out minds. It’s the best guess I’ve got. I’m kinda new to this, you know”
“One to Delta. Stay on your toes. Possible modifieds on scene. They’re expecting us”
I was issued an ear radio, as was everyone else. I heard the response. “Delta, copy. Use Vulcan ammo, people. Shoot to kill”
Vulcan ammunition, as it was explained to me by Jackie, was a high energy round for the small arms that gave them the hitting power of a 50 caliber machine gun. They looked like a tracer traveling to their target, and any soft human hit by the round pretty much blew apart. More junk thought of by people with nothing better to do than kill things, I thought.
“One minute to egress, team” called the vehicle commander. I could hear the strike team, a group of specially trained Army Rangers tasked to the Delta unit calling off their positions.
I was still confused by what my job was. I had been told to stay with the Boss. I was starting to get really nervous. “What am I supposed to do? Look pretty?”
“You stay with me, and I mean right on my tail. You’re taking out Nitro. Your particular talents will short him out” I think he saw the fear in my eyes, because I was scared. Really scared. The Boss took my chin in his hand “You’ll be okay kid. Stay with me, and do what I say when I say to do it, and you’ll be fine. Blast his freaking mind with everything you’ve got”
“Don’t let me die, okay” was all I could muster in a very small voice.
He smiled at me. It was a crooked smile from a battle scarred face. “I won’t. I have confidence in you, and you are way stronger than you think you are”
The back of the TAV opened up. We rolled out and Courier had changed to the form of a rather muscular man that was about 5 inches shorter that she was. She winked at me and deployed.
“One to Delta. Go/no go, team leaders”
“Two, go”
“Three, go”
“Angels Four, go”
The building was a large warehouse along the riverfront. The entire area was poorly lit, and the warehouse was worse. I was holding on to the Boss’s belt. He turned and winked. “Ready?”
I nodded nervously. I was not ready for this shit. And now I thought I needed to pee.
“GO!” The night lit up.
And I had to pee…
To be Continued
Thanks to Marvel Comics for their wonderful characters.
Chapter 8
Someone fired a grenade into the main door of the warehouse. A tremendous explosion rocked the area, but the door held with minor damage.
“Get outta the way!” bellowed Cain. He charged the door and effortlessly blasted through it. I could see bullets hitting his body, but other than a small indentation where they struck, they did nothing other than piss the big man off.
“He’s in! Move!” the assault team moved in. I could see Wade as he blinked in and out, swords drawn. He cut down two of Aziz’s guards before they knew what hit them. He nearly cut them in two.
Seeing that made my tummy do a little flip. I decided to focus on other things. A large explosion rumbled inside the building, blowing out windows. “Nitro’s taken out team three. He seems to be immune to the Vulcan rounds”
“I’ve got him” a familiar voice crackled over the radio. It was Wilson.
Wilson blinked in to the rear of Nitro. “Hey, homeless guy. Have you seen a dude in here with an explosive personality? A guy who gets a bang out of life?”
Nitro turned to Deadpool. “Oh, you’re funny, a real comedian, aren’t you” He spoke in a voice that was almost mechanical.
Wilson chuckled. “Well, I do have my moments. You wouldn’t want to give up without a fight, would you? I have a lot more bad jokes in my trick bag”
Nitro smiled. “No, I think you’re going to have to make me surrender”
“Okay. But it’s your funeral”
What followed was a display of swordsmanship and teleportation that was a blur. Nitro was hit over twenty times with sword strikes and punches in less than five seconds from every direction. Deadpool took Nitro’s legs out from under him with a leg sweep to finish. Wilson wasn’t even winded as he stood over Nitro’s prone form. “And Wilson sticks the landing! The crowd goes wild. I think it’s a ten, ladies and gentlemen” Then he noticed Nitro didn’t have a scratch on him.
“Finished?” asked Nitro his eyes flashing white.
“Awww for cryin’ out loud. HELLLLLLP!”
Nitro exploded with the approximate force of a pound of C4. It was a shaped explosion that focused on where Deadpool was. Nitro reformed out of the mist.
Deadpool taunted Nitro from the shadows. “You’re gonna have to be faster than that, greasy. Nice parlor trick though. You’re my kind of guy!”
“Do you think swords and bullets have any meaning for someone who can manipulate his very body as a tool of destruction?”
“No, but I’ll bet Oxi Clean could use you as a spokesman. Things just haven’t been the same since Billy Mays croaked”
“You insolent little…”
“Creep? Toad? I’ve been called them all! Sticks and stones, greasy” He quietly drew his pistol and blinked behind Nitro. He emptied his ten round clip into his head and torso. Nitro dropped like a stone.
“Now bullets, on the other hand…”
“Will NEVER hurt me”
“Crap” was all Deadpool could say before Nitro exploded again. He flew backwards from the force of the explosion as it sent him backwards fifty yards. He skidded to a stop at Juggernaut’s feet.
“Having fun?”
Wilson raised his right arm, pointing to the sky. He wheezed out “I have not yet….begun…ahhhh, you get the point” then he passed out.
“INFIDELS!” It was Aziz. “I was prepared for your cowardly attack! Here are some of my djinn for you to entertain. Allahu Akbar!”
Juggernaut looked around him as he was surrounded by glowing creatures, vaguely human, but clearly modified.
“This is gonna be fun. Aziz. When I get done beatin’ these assholes, I’m comin’ for you”
“Is that the best you’ve got?” a voice echoed from the rubble. “I am GOD! You will all bow to me!”
“Keep talking, jackass” muttered Captain Nelson, the leader of the team. “The more you talk, the closer we get”
“Nitro! This is the Director! Can we work this out? You don’t have to blow everything to hell! Maybe we can come to an agreement!”
“I know you! You’re the one who said my research had no value! Now you want to talk? Come closer so I can see you. Then we can talk”
“All right. Just go easy on the blasting”
“Boss! Hissed Nelson. Are you nuts? That idiot is gonna wipe the floor with you as soon as he gets a bead on ya!”
“I hope he’s enough of an egomaniac to hear me beg for mercy. Psylocke, you get behind him and short out his head with those psychic daggers of yours. If we can take out his mind, the rest will follow. Just remember your training, and you’ll be fine”
“Okay Nitro. I’m coming out” he whispered into his comm. “All units, clear out!”
Deadpool was starting to come out of his explosion induced stupor. He noticed the creatures and remarked, a la Jed Clampett, “Welllll, doggies. Granny’ll love these fer the pot with collard greens and possum squeezins”
“Will you shut up, Wilson?”
“You need any help?”
“No. What I need is for you to stand there jabbering like a big asshole!”
“Okay, big guy, can do” he paused and held his pistol like a microphone. “And here we are, ladies and gentlemen, in the center of the ring. These bruisers are just itching for a brawl, and Juggernaut is just the palooka to deliver”
One of the monsters leapt at Juggernaut and he met it with a blow that shattered its face. It slid in a lifeless heap by Deadpool, who held its paw, checking for a pulse. He made a big show of shaking his wrist as if trying to jar a nonexistent watch to life. “Well either its dead or my watch has stopped”
The three remaining creatures were on top of Juggernaut clawing with and punching with everything they had, which wasn’t enough to scratch his magically enhanced hide. He grabbed the one that was gnawing on his arm and drove in straight into the concrete with a sickening thud. “Will…you…shut…up!!”
“Well, the palookas are fiddling in the ring, and I don’t think much of the tune. Jugs is bobbing and weaving. It’s nice work if you can get it!”
Juggernaut grabbed the other two and slammed them together in a mess of gore. The fight was over in a minute. “All right Wilson. Those are just lines from a Marx Brothers movie”
“Hey! I’ve been waiting for years to get those into a fight. Besides, I don’t write this crap. I just say what the chick who writes this dreck tells me to say”
Aziz fired several shots from an assault rifle. They all struck Juggernaut and he didn’t even notice. Deadpool blinked from his spot on the back side of the warehouse wall the thirty meters to Aziz’s position. He had him by the throat with a pistol to his chest. “Come on, Aziz! Play nice!”
“You infidels will never be victorious. I will see to it. Kill me, and seven take my place”
Deadpool punched him. “Yeah, I get it. Virgins and all that. yada, yada, yada, I keel you. Been there done that”
“I’m going to take care of that idiot Nitro. You keep an eye on our buddy here”
“Can do, big red. I’ve had my fill of him anyway. C’mon butt nut. Let’s get better acquainted. You’re gonna make my next house payment”
Juggernaut turned to go to the other end of the building when a blur crashed through the ceiling and landed in front of Juggernaut. He was huge, and dressed in a type of middle eastern garb. His face was covered from nose to chin, and his eyes glowed green. He was nearly the size of Juggernaut, and obviously spoiling for a fight.
“I am the Right Hand of Allah, infidel. And you will now pay the cost of opposing the Holy Jihad”
Juggernaut smashed his fists together and growled. Bigger men than you have tried, punk”
The Hand rushed forward, faster than humanly possible and gave Juggernaut two rapid fire punches that sounded like bombs going off. Juggernaut staggered back, obviously stunned by the force and speed of the blows.
“All right! Juggernaut smiled. “Someone worth fighting!”
The Hand hadn’t counted on Juggernaut being so resilient. “By the Prophet! That should have been enough to level a mountain!”
Deadpool had to get his two cents in. “He don’t know you vewy well, do he?”
“He’s about to find out why they call me the Juggernaut!”
Juggernaut charged, and the Hand easily dodged him and drove a big elbow into Jug’s back. It was a tremendous blow, driving Juggernaut forward and down. The Hand pressed his advantage, jumping on top of Juggernaut, leveling pile driving shots on his body and helmet.
Juggernaut finally had him close and blasted the Hand with a massive two handed punch that sent him through one of the outside walls of the warehouse. “Not bad, dickhead, but you still hit like a girl”
The Hand finally came to a skidding stop one hundred meters from the point of impact of the punch. “By the Prophet, this one is strong, but I will take his SOUL!”
He charged straight at Juggernaut at full speed, which was for him, about 65 miles per hour. Juggernaut was waiting.
“The secret to hitting the fastball is knowing when to…SWING!” He rotated his body more gracefully than a nearly two thousand pound man should be able to. The Hand’s momentum was stopped dead and Juggernaut drove him into the concrete floor, burying him three feet deep.
“You’re outta your league, boy!” Rumbled Juggernaut. The Hand, shaken and nearly unconscious, struggled to his feet.
“Never,” he gasped, “Never will I surrender to the infidels”
“Suit yourself” Jugs drove a massive right into the Hand’s chest. He rocketed out of the building and into the East River. He didn’t surface.
I had found two of Aziz’ cronies who hadn’t been killed. They were trying to escape out the back. I was able to turn them around and they were now sneaking up behind Nitro with the intention of emptying their weapons into his body.
The Boss was getting closer to Nitro, trying to stall for time as I tried to get into position to strike.
“Closer, Mr. Director, closer. The blasts have one side effect, and that is that my hearing is damaged. I can’t hear you”
“I know what you’re doing, Nitro, and it won’t work. I have people all over this place ready to do whatever it takes to bring you down”
Nitro chuckled. “Why, whatever do you mean? If you make it worth my while, I’ll join your little cause. But I think you will find that my price is a little steeper that of your conscripts”
“What do you mean?”
“I know that they serve, not because of any patriotic duty, but because they are forced to by this pathetic government. Serve us or be our guest in some shit hole prison”
The Boss was surprised by that revelation. He knew it was true, but how would this guy know about that? “I don’t know what you mean, Nitro. All our operatives are working completely by their own choice”
“Now wait just a damn minute” I thought to myself. “I was threatened with that very thing!” Join or get locked up. I did it because it was the right thing to do, not because of the threat. I would have joined regardless. But this guy knew. And he wasn’t going to let them get him without exacting a price. He wasn’t as crazy as I thought he was. He was a psychopath, that was for sure, but he had a method to his madness.
“Come closer, Mr. Director, close enough to look into my eyes and tell me that lie again”
My little puppets managed to get close enough to open up on Nitro. The Director hit the ground as they fired. I leapt and covered the twenty five feet in a second they stopped firing as I hit Nitro with my psychic daggers extended. He screamed in agony as I did from terror that he was going to explode and end my life.
I saw into his mind, or what was left of it. It was ruled only by his ego, and the callousness he would have killed everyone in his way was apparent to me. He needed to die. I gave him everything I had, and he finally collapsed, his eyes and expression blank. Whether he would wake up again was something I didn’t know. He wasn’t dead, not physically, but his mind was the closest thing I could get to dead.
As I removed my power from him, he dropped like a stone. Looking at the director, I saw Jackie rushing to my side. I felt sick for a moment, and then everything went black.
Wilson was distracted momentarily by the screams. Aziz took advantage of that and quickly pulled a hidden weapon in his coat. He shot Wilson in the stomach.
“Ow! You crazy son of a bitch! That kind of hurt for a second!” Deadpool yelled. “Well, the reward is dead or alive, so…”
He pushed Aziz away from him and drew his pistol, then with one swift motion, he put one round into Aziz chest, dropping him.
“Ahhhhh, crap!” Deadpool cursed as he saw the wound. All that leaked out was hydraulic fluid and sparks from the circuitry of the Life Model Decoy that was Aziz leaked onto the floor. He had never been there.
The LMD laughed. “Once again, Wilson, I evade your clutches. Your side wins this round, but the war is far from over. It is as the Koran says…”
Deadpool put six more rounds into the LMD, silencing it. “Like I care what the Koran says. Boooooringg!”
Juggernaut’s rumbling laughter could be heard from below the mezzanine. “Looks like the bank will get the house, Wade”
“Real funny, Red. It’s the same old story…Ahhhh, never mind” He blinked out.
A mile from the scene of the battle, The Right Hand of Allah exited the water. “The infidels have not heard the last of me. Especially the one known as Juggernaut. There will be a next time!”
The Hand then glowed and shot into the sky, disappearing from sight as he flew east at near the speed of sound”
The darkness that enveloped me slowly gave way to a grey fog. “She’s coming out of it! Get the Doctor!”
I recognized the voice, but in my fog, I couldn’t come up with a name. “Honey? Can you hear me? It’s Trace. Wake up Betsy!”
“Oh, yeah, Tracy, okay, that’s the name”
“Yes! It’s Tracy! Please wake up!”
Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the light in the room. “W-what happened? Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital in New York City. You’ve been out of it for three weeks. God, I’ve been so worried. Charles said you might be under for another month” Tracy hugged me tight, and it felt good. It seemed like a lifetime ago that we had last been together”
“Water. I need water” I asked in a hoarse voice that I almost didn’t recognize as my own.
I felt a spoon at my lips. “Ice chips for now, sweetie”
I took the spoonful of ice chips and held them in my mouth until they melted, then swallowed. It felt so good going down. “More, please”
I took another spoonful. “Take it easy, hon. The doctor is here now.”
“How are you feeling, Ms. Braddock? You gave us quite a scare”
“I’ve been better. A lot better. What the heck happened?”
“You had a cerebral episode of unknown origin. Your brain shut down its higher functions for about three weeks. We don’t know why, but a visit from a Dr. Xavier seemed to be the turning point. He was able to stabilize your function, and get you on the road to recovery”
“So I’m not dead?”
The Doctor smiled. “Far from it. You need to gather your strength now. Three weeks in a bed will take it out of the best of us”
I tried to sit up, but was too weak. “Uggh. I get your point. I guess I need to take it slow”
The Doc ran a few tests and asked me the standard “how are you feeling” crap. Evidently I did okay, because he told me to get some rest and he’d be back in the morning.
Tracy laid her head on my stomach. “You scared me to death, Betsy. Please don’t do this any more. I’d die if you got hurt”
“Don’t worry about that. I’m so done with this save the world crap. I found out a lot about how people like me are treated, and how we are nothing more than physical assets to the spooks. I’m done”
Tracy and I shared a good cry, and I fell asleep again. It’s funny how being in a coma for three weeks can make a girl sleepy, but there you go.
I found out the next day that Cain had been called to North Africa for some unfinished business with some super baddie that he had fought that last night. Jackie was on assignment in Kazakhstan. The Director was back in Washington. My new “minder” gave me a call and asked to see me. She seemed like a nice person. Too bad.
A middle aged woman knocked on my hospital room door. “Betsy? I’m Agent Debbie Jackson. I’m taking over for Agent Garrison. I’ll be you point of contact for any future assignments that come down” She glanced at Tracy. Could we speak in private?”
I smiled sweetly. “Agent Jackson, is it? Can I call you Debbie?”
She smiled. “Of course you can!”
“Great! Debbie, This is the love of my life, Tracy” They shook hands. “Debbie, anything you can say to me, you can say to Tracy. That’s rule one”
Debbie looked a little uneasy. “I wasn’t briefed on Tracy”
“That’s okay, it’s not your fault. You seem like the decent sort, which I can tell because I have already read your mind and haven’t seen anything I don’t like. That’s good, because if I had found any deception on your part, the next thing you would have remembered, you would have been back in your house, wondering what you did yesterday”
Debbie was definitely uneasy now. “I don’t understand”
“Again, that’s okay. I’m done being a tool of the agency. I am going to take a couple of years off, and IF I decide to work for you again, I will. But it will be my choice. Understood?”
“But the Director said…”
I never stopped smiling. “I don’t care what the director wants, Debbie. You’re more than welcome to check up on me whenever you want. Buy me lunch, whatever. But let me be clear. I don’t work for anyone. I’m seventeen and getting ready for my senior year. I’ve already lost too much time to graduate with my class, but graduate I shall”
Debbie was starting to look positively disturbed now. “Miss Braddock, this is highly irregular”
“I know. It’s always irregular when one of your slaves develops a spine. I don’t have anything against you personally, Debbie. You’re a decent person. Which is why I’m not telling you to tell Homeland Security to take a flying leap”
“Miss Braddock! You are in violation of your agreement with us”
“An agreement is, by definition, agreed to by both parties. I was told this was the way it would be or I would be thrown into prison. Do you have any idea what that is like?”
“N-no, but I can’t just tell the Director…”
“I know, Debbie. I do” I looked at Tracy. “Throw me my phone”
I punched the hot key that gave me the Director. He answered on the second ring.
“Miss Braddock! Glad to hear you’re up and about!”
“I’m out, Director”
“I’m not surprised, Miss Braddock. You know, I don’t have to accept your ‘resignation’”
“I know, but you will, won’t you?”
The Director lit up a cigar before he responded. Let’s just call it a break, Why don’t we?”
“Sorry to be a pain, Director, but you know how we kids are. I have homecoming to plan and the Winter Ball, and then there’s Prom”
“Point well made. I think the nation can get along without you for say, a year or two?”
It was my turn to smile. “I think that will do”
“Don’t lose your phone. Just in case. Goodbye, Agent Braddock”
“Just Betsy, sir. Just Betsy”
The End
Rachel didn't choose her life, she just tried to live it. It's complicated
Rachel’s Complicated Life
Chapter One
Rachel Harris couldn’t sleep. Her nerves over the last week had been getting progressively worse. She tried to put the dread over the coming school year out of her mind, but she couldn’t. She lived in the small Texas town of Martinsburg, not far from the Fort Hood Army base.
Rachel was 14, and getting ready for her freshman year in high school. She was a small girl, 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 105 pounds. She was pretty, with straight dark brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. She, like just about any girl her age, thought her rear end was too big and her top was too small. In truth her measurements, 34b-23-34 were just about perfect on her frame. She had a heart-shaped face, dark brown eyes and a cute smile that wrinkled her feminine nose. Rachel’s grandmother was from Mexico, and her Hispanic heritage was clear. Her mother thought she resembled the Disney teen queen Victoria Justice, but Rachel could never see the similarity.
“Rachel, sweetie, are you up yet?” asked her mother “You need to get ready for school, you don’t want to be late on your first day back.”
“Yes, mom” came the reply. “I just need to get a shower”
“OK, Rachel, just let me know if you need anything.”
“I will, Mom” she replied.
Rachel returned to her reverie. She had dreaded this day since her Dad was killed in Iraq in an IED explosion. She had been home schooled by her mother for the last two years since her troubles began, this was no longer possible. Her mother would have to go to work. Now, she had to face her past. Her brother and sister were looking forward to school. Garrett, her brother, was a popular athlete, and two years ahead of her in school. He was very protective of Rachel and knew the trouble that could be ahead for Rachel. Katie, Rachel’s younger sister, was 2 years old and blissfully unaware of the potential trouble in the air. All she knew was that she had a pretty princess of a sister who loved and played with her.
As she took her shower, Rachel was softly crying. She felt like a freak, and while she was happy with herself, she knew that children could be so mean to someone who didn’t fit in. And Rachel most definitely did not fit in. Two years ago Rachel was known as Randall Harris.
Lieutenant Randall Harris and his wife Gina were looking forward to the birth of their second child. As the due date approached, they went about the tasks that all parents preparing for a new arrival go through, painting and papering the baby’s new room.
They were so excited that little Garrett was getting a sibling, and little Garrett was always asking when his new brother or sister was coming. Randy and Gina wanted to be surprised when the baby came.
“Soon, little guy, soon” said Randy. “We have to wait until he is ready.”
“OK, dada, but tell me when, ok?”
“You got it, champ” laughed Randy.
Gina walked in and picked up Garrett. “Time for your bath, stinky!”
“I not stinky, Mama!” squealed little Garrett.
“Oh yes you are, replied Gina, as she blew a raspberry on the toddler’s belly, causing the boy to start laughing.
Suddenly, Gina winced. “Honey, I think it’s time”. Then her husband sprang into cool action. Or so he would have have had everyone believe later.
Thirty-six hours later, the new little baby entered the world. The doctor was quiet as the baby came out.
“What is it, Doc?” asked Randy, “Boy or Girl? I need to know what color to wrap the cigars in!”
“Just a minute, Lieutenant”, said the doctor. His eyes looked troubled as the nurses prepped the crying infant. He looked at the nurse and whispered something to her that neither Gina nor Randy could hear.
“Please, Doctor,” asked Gina, “Is there something wrong with my baby? Can I hold my baby?” she was almost frantic.
“It’s all right, Gina” said the Doctor, “There’s a small situation I have to deal with for a minute. Don’t worry, your baby is ok, and you can hold it in a minute”
“OK, Doc”, answered Randy, as he held Gina’s hand. “It’s ok, babe, let the doc do his work”
The nurse handed the swaddled infant to its shaking mother, who was starting to feel the effects of the long labor and delivery.
“What is it,D-Doctor, a boy or a girl?” asked Gina. “W-W-What’s w-w-wrong?” she asked through chattering teeth.
“Well, Gina, your child seems to exhibit characteristics of both sexes” answered the doctor. “I would say the child is primarily a boy, but we need to do some tests first. But do not worry, this is a minor complication, and it is somewhat rare, but it is not, I repeat not, life threatening.”
“Oh god”, replied Randy. “What a relief. Can we sort this all out later?”
“Absolutely, Lieutenant.” said the doctor.
It turned out that due to the tests that were performed, the child had been born with CAIS, or Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. The physicians recommended that the child should be raised as a girl, but Randy was having none of it. He didn’t want a girl, and was determined that the child would be raised as a boy, with corrective surgery to be performed as soon as possible. The child was named Randall Joseph Harris Jr., as if naming the child after himself would make everything ok. Gina didn’t know what to think, she didn’t care if the child were boy or girl, she was just happy that little Randall was happy and healthy.
As the years passed, the family was the picture of happiness. Little Randy was the apple of his father’s eye, and Garrett accepted his brother unconditionally.
September 11th, 2001 broke bright and sunny on the base at Fort Hood. Then, at 9:46 AM local time, the Harris family would be changed forever. President Bush said that the people who perptrated this act would hear from us, and Captain Randall Harris was part of that response.
Captain Harris was a part of the 1st Cavalry Division 3rd Brigade combat team, “Greywolf” as a M1A1 tank commander. They missed the first part of Iraqi Freedom, but were called up for the second phase, to protect the green zone. They saw some action, and Captain Harris served with distinction, earning a Silver Star for Valor in combat saving a squad who was under attack.
When he came back home, Randy Harris was a changed man. He was moody, and unusually quick tempered. He began drinking, not to excess, but every day. Gina was concerned, but when she tried to get him to talk about things, he just wouldn’t. He would get angry about things that before all the combat started, would not have given him pause.
Little Randall was growing, but had a decidedly quiet side that put his father off. He didn’t like sports, and loved to read. He had a vivid imagination, and loved playing with the girls next door, Angela and Becca. They played endlessly, imagining they were in a land of faeries and magic. He even loved playing with their dolls, and they came up with countless ways to dress them up.
Randy was having none of this, and while he was home, Randall was forbidden to play with his girl friends. He got Little Randall involved in Little League baseball, and volunteered to coach his team. Garrett, his brother, was a standout athlete, and an even better brother to little Randall, quietly helping him to improve.
Randy was very impatient as a coach, and soon tired of the frustration of teaching the youngsters to basics of the game. He was replaced by Mr. Jones, an older man whose patience was immediately appreciated by the team.
Randall was improving slowly, but never really got the hang of playing. He could run, but throwing was always a problem. The other children were always saying he “threw like a girl”. Randall was miserable, and he missed his girl friends. He saw Angela and Becca every day in thier yard, playing, and he so wished he could be with them, but his Dad would never let him go.
Gina could see how miserable Randall was, so she let him go over when her husband was on duty. That was until Randy came home early and found Randall playing in the front yard with Becca and her collection of Bratz dolls. It was all innocent, but Randy blew his top, causing both Becca and Randall to burst into tears. Things would have escalated, but Gina managed to calm Randy down.
“That boy is NOT going to turn into some homo! I cannot believe you would let him do something like that!” he shouted.
“Randy! Listen to yourself! Your son was not doing anything wrong!” replied Gina
“The hell he wasn’t!” he bellowed “I specifically said he could not play with those girls”
“And I have no say in this whatsoever, Randy?” said Gina.
“Not when it comes to MY sons!” came the bitter reply.
“My sons? MY SONS?” came Gina’s reply.
“Did you carry them inside you for 9 months?” she asked. “Did you breast feed them at all hours of the night and day, or did you lay in bed and poke me until I got up in the middle of the night. Did you take care of thier hurts and scrapes? How dare you say MY sons. They have been and will always be OUR sons, Randy, and don’t you ever forget it!”
With that, Gina broke into sobs, and ran to the bedroom. Randy turned and left. The two boys were completely devastated at the father’s display of temper. They crept into their mother’s room.
“Are you ok mommy?” asked Randall.
“Yes, honey. Your daddy is just very sad since he came back from the war” she said. “Just keep praying for him, I don’t think he means what he says.”
Garrett asked, “Are you sure, Mom?”
“Yes, Garrett, I’m sure”
Things returned to near normal after that, Randy made up with Gina, but always seemed to be concerned about the manliness of little Randall. Randall was 12 now, but was undersized and very feminine in his features, his father insisted on military style haircuts, but Randall always looked like a girl recovering from chemotherapy, and was often confused with one in public, which made Randy angrier every time it happened.
Randall continued to play with Angela and Becca, and Becca was his best friend. They were inseparable, and this drove Randall’s dad crazy, but he knew better than to say anything in front of Gina. He reserved little “sissy” comments for Randall, and made fun of him whenever he could.
Randy transferred to the Seventh Cavalry, and soon was again up for deployment to Iraq. The depression had never left Randy, and the last thing he said to Randall was that he was a true disappointment to him, and that Garrett would always be better than him.
Six weeks later, three officers appeared at their door. Captain Randall Joseph Harris, Sr. was dead, killed in action by an IED just outside of Mosul, Iraq.
At the same time, Gina found out she was pregnant again. This time it was a daughter, she just knew it.
The next couple of weeks went by as a blur. There were funeral arrangements, the burial and moving off base. Fortunately, Becca’s parents moved before the Harris family, and they told Gina about a little place just down the street from them in Martinsburg, TX. The move went by smoothly, and due to insurance settlements and survivors benefits, they were able to purchase the house, and Gina wouldn’t have to work for the time being.
Randall continued going to school, where he was teased for being gay or some sort of freak. He had athletic talent, but it lent itself more to swimming and running than football, which absolutely would not play. He hated the game and disliked the macho boys who played it.
“Becca, I can’t understand why everyone is so mean to me, just because I don’t like the same things they do”
“Randall, I don’t either. I think you are the best friend a person could have. I like you just the way you are. Don’t worry what other people think, Ok?”
“I know, but you don’t get picked on for being small or not very good at football or baseball.”
“Well, I am a girl, after all, no one expects me to play all these icky games. You’ll show them, Randall. You’ll take off and be twice the athlete any of those other boys will be, I just know it!”
“That’s just it, Becca. I don’t want to play those games.” sighed Randall.
One month later, Randall was involved in a fight with one of the school bullies who had been harrassing him. Randall didn’t fight back, but curled up into a ball while Wayne Jackson pounded and kicked him until the teacher broke up the fight. Wayne was suspended, but Randall was not disciplined as it was revealed he had not started the fight nor had he thrown any punches.
He was taken to the school nurse, who started checking Randall for injuries. She poked and prodded but other than some bruises, she found nothing wrong. Randall’s mother was called, and she came to the schools to pick up her son.
Randall was waiting for his mother in the office.
“What happened?” asked Gina.
“One of the troublemakers got physical with Randall,” replied Mr. Marvin, the principal. “he has been suspended pending a hearing with the school board. Randall did nothing wrong, but we would like you to take him to your physician to make sure everything is OK. The school district, will, of course, take care of any expense incurred” Mr. Marvin added.
“Randall is a model student, and we take bullying very seriously, Mrs. Harris”
“Thank you, Mr. Marvin. I appreciate your concern for the students, but why did this boy assault my son?”
“Apparently, he seems to think Randall is some sort of ‘sissy’, and decided that he would address the problem in his own way. I don’t agree with the bully’s assessment, but a 12 year old boy doesn’t always think rationally”
“Well, as long as you are handling the situation, I see no reason to take this any further” replied Gina. “but please, do what you can to protect Randall from future episodes like this”.
“I will do that, Mrs. Harris, rest assured”
“Thank you again, Mr. Marvin. Let’s go, honey”
“Ok, mom”.
They drove over to Dr. Andrews office. Gina had called on the way to the school, and let the doctor know they would be stopping by to get Randall checked out. Dr. Andrews was a close friend of the family, and thought nothing of inserting Randall and Gina into his day.
Gina stepped up to the receptionist desk.
“Hi, Martha, we need to see the doctor for a few minutes”
“No problem, Gina, he’s expecting you. Tanya will let you know when an exam room opens up.”
“Thanks, Martha. How are the twins?”
“Giving me gray hair. I can’t seem to keep up with them”
“Well, I know how bad two toddlers can be. I am glad to be out of that stage for now.” chortled Gina.
“How is the pregnancy going?” asked Martha.
“Better than the other two, I guess. Just a lot of heartburn.”
“Oh, you know what that means!”
“I know! Lots of pretty hair! I just know this one will be a girl!”
“Oh Gina, Randy would have just loved a girl” Martha stated.
“I would have loved to have seen his reaction,” Gina noted with sadness, ”but I’m sure he knows.”
“I know dear, I know” replied Martha.
Gina knew Martha knew exactly what she was going through. Martha lost her first husband 10 years prior to a drunk driver. She had since found a new love and had been married for the last 3 years to Tom, an accountant with a firm in Killeen.
Tanya Williams, the RN with Dr. Andrews called Gina and Randall to the exam room. Dr. Andrews came in about ten minutes later, after all of Randall’s statistics had been recorded by the nurse.
“So, Randall, got into a bit of a scrape, did we?”
“Yes, Doctor, but I think I’ll live” laughed Randall.
“Yes, well, you can’t let a couple of bullies get you down, we all have to deal with them sooner or later.”
“Right now, I’d take the later part, if it’s all the same to you, sir”
Gina had to laugh, as well as Dr. Andrews at that one.
“Yes, well, let’s have a look at you. Take off your shirt, please, Randall”
Randall took off his shirt, and the doctor began his exam. Bruises were starting to form on his back, shoulders and stomach.
Dr. Andrews looked at Randall’s chest, and found that Randall’s nipples were swollen.
“Randall, have you been experiencing tenderness in your chest?”
“Actually, yes I have, Doctor, right here, and here” said Randall, pointing to both his nipples.
“Interesting. Well, I don’t see any broken bones, but I’d like to send him over for x rays”
Dr. Andrews wrote an order for the x rays.
“Randall, Get dressed and go to the waiting room, I need to talk with your mother for a little bit.”
“All right, Doctor”
Dr. Andrews took Gina down to his office and closed the door.
“What is the problem, Doctor?” asked a concerned Gina.
“I know Randall’s history and the diagnosis of CAIS at birth. I also know that his father wanted to raise the child as a boy, against medical advice.”
“Oh, no” gasped Gina “I had completely forgotten. He’s beginning to develop, isn’t he”
“Yes, Gina, he is. I know that with the trouble you have been having and the loss of your husband, you haven’t had much time to think about it, but here are the facts. Randall will never develop into a full male. His body simply does not respond to the hormones that make a male who he is. Almost all CAIS patients are raised female because that’s the path of least resistance, if you will. Are you following me?”
“Yes, Doctor”
“Randall will continue to develop along the lines of a female with breasts, skeletal structure, and all that comes with being female. He has a vagina, but no uterus or ovaries, and his testes are for all intents and purposes non functioning. Simple surgeries can be performed to remove the testes, which, according to my examination have not descended and create a fully functoning vaginal canal and reconstruction of the vestigal penis to a normal clitoris. In short, we can make a physically functioning female out of Randall’s body, but we can’t do the opposite. His body chemistry won’t allow it.”
“I feel so terrible, Doctor. His father was so dead set against him being a girl, that I put it out of my mind, and with his death......”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it, Gina, it doesn’t make you a bad mother, It makes you human. But we still have to address this problem now rather than later. You need to talk to Randall, and I can give you the name of a great therapist in Austin to get gender counseling for both of you.”
“Thank you, Doctor, I’ll sit down with him tonight.”
(copyright, 2011)
Randall/Rachel's saga continues....
Chapter Two
The Decision
Gina drove home with Randall. She was quiet, and really didn’t know how she was going to broach the subject, but Randall beat her to the punch.
“Mom” he started, “What were you and the Doctor talking about? Is it serious?”
“Well, yes, honey, it is”
“Am I going to die?” he said quietly.
Gina quickly pulled off the road and into a parking lot. There were tears in her eyes as she looked at Randall. “No, you are not going to die, but we have something serious to discuss. Let’s go home and talk about it.” She stated flatly.
“Ok, mom”
Fifteen minutes later, Gina and Randall were sitting in her bedroom with the door closed. Garrett was playing his X Box, and wouldn’t be a problem.
“Honey, there’s something you should know about when you were born.”
“Well, you were born with a condition that prevents your body from processing the chemicals that makes a boy well.....a boy. You have noticed that you have a small, uhhh, penis, right?”
“I don’t know, is it small?” Randall said innocently.
“Well, yes it is, compared to other people.”
“And, you have noticed that you also have something else between your legs, right?
“Uhhhhhh, yesss?” Randall was beginning to get embarrassed.
“That is called a vagina, and it’s something that girls have. You are actually kind of special.”
“What do you mean?”
“It means you can actually choose what you want to be, a boy or a girl. How do you feel about that”
“I understand, sweetie. I really do. And I don’t expect you to make a decision right away. We are going to Austin later this week to talk to someone who will help us through this decision.”
“Yes, but I need to tell you everything the doctor told me.”
“That you will never be able to be fully a boy. If you choose, you can dress and do whatever a boy can do, but you will never be able to look completely like a boy, because your body can’t process the boy chemicals”
“So I have to be a girl”
“No, I would never make you choose one or the other. That is for you to decide. But you were also born without the normal sex organs of a girl, so if you choose to live as a girl, you will never be able to have children. However, there is less of a physical price to pay if you choose to live as a girl”
“So what am I? A nothing, a freak?”
“Not at all, baby. You are a special, wonderful person who has a lot to offer no matter which gender you choose. But I have to be honest, honey. No matter which direction you choose, there will be a price to pay. You can’t make this decision for anyone but yourself and what will make you the happiest.”
“I think I already knew that, Mom. Did you mean it when you said you thought I was special?”
“With all my heart, Randall”
“Mom, You may find this hard to believe, but I have already chosen, I think. I never have felt comfortable as a boy. I’m small, and I don’t like the same things other boys like. Becca is my best friend, and I have always wanted to be like her, but I didn’t know why. I think that now I do. I think I was meant to be a girl all along”
“That’s wonderful, dear. I’m happy with you no matter what. I want you to be happy.”
“Thanks, Mom. I love you very much.”
“I love you too, my sweet child”
Both mother and new daughter hugged and cried for the next hour.
The next day, Randall and his mother sat down with Garrett and explained the situation and Randall’s decision and everything that entailed. Garrett asked many questions and was careful to listen to the answers he never once thought of teasing Randall over this situation. Garrett was surprisingly nonplussed by the entire revelation.
“Wow....” sighed Garrett after the revelation. “Are you sure that you want to do this? I mean, I’m in your corner,, this is going to go off like a bomb in school.”
“Which is exactly why I’m pulling Randall out of school, effective immediately” stated Gina determinedly. “I don’t need her dealing with the idiots that seem to crawl out of the woodwork every time someone a little different comes along”
“Uh, Mom?” said Garrett.
“You said her”
“I did?”
“Yep” Garrett and Randall started smiling.
“Ok, so I did.” replied Gina as they both looked at her. “Well, she IS a girl after all.”
They could hold back the laughter no longer.
“So, new sister, now that all my questions have been answered. What about your name. I refuse to call my new sister Randall. That’s just weird.”
“And my other situation isn’t?”
“Nah, I’m over it”
“Well, I guess I hadn’t gotten that far yet. I suppose mom will have to name me again. What would my name have been if I was born a girl?”
“Rachel Diane. I loved that name, it was your great grandmother’s”
“Ooooh, I like it too! Rachel Diane it is then. But I guess I should hold off on using that name until I look the part a little more.”
“That would probably be for the best for now. Let’s wait until we talk to the therapist to get too far.” suggested Gina.
Friday came and Gina and Randall drove to Austin to the office of Dr. Julie Smith, who was the therapist suggested by Dr. Andrews. Dr. Smith specialized in the treatment of gender issues, and was highly respected in her field.
“Mrs. Harris, can I speak to Randall alone for a bit?”
“Certainly, Dr. Smith, I’ll just wait out here in the waiting room”
“Great, Mrs. Harris, I’ll have my receptionist get you something to drink.”
“Thank you”
“Right this way, Randall. Have a seat in this chair right here.”
“Ok, doctor” he said in a small voice.
“So, I read that you are a CAIS patient.”
“Yes, I am”
“How do you feel about that”
“Well, to be honest, it was kind of a relief finding out about it. I have always felt weird about doing ‘boy’ things. Not like my brother Garrett. He’s strong and really likes to play those boy games.” stated Randall.
“You say ‘boy games’. What do you mean by that?
“Well, my dad always insisted that I play the games Garrett did. My friend Becca and I always called them ‘boy games’ as opposed to the games we played, which were just ‘games’”
“What did you play with Becca?”
“Oh, make believe, where she was the princess and I was the prince. I always wanted to be the princess too, but my dad wouldn’t have liked it. He was always calling me a sissy for liking to play with Becca and her sister Angela. So I played boy games for dad and games with Becca and Angela.”
“Did you love your dad?”
“Oh yes! He was just sad after he came home from the war, and said mean things because he felt bad. It must have been really terrible over there. Mom said dad had to kill people in Iraq, and that made him sad”
“So you don’t resent him for making you play the part of a boy?
“Well, I was unhappy, now that I think about it, but I loved my father too much to hate or resent or whatever he did. I still miss him very much...I can’t explain it, but I know he loved me, he just couldn’t deal with everything the I was facing. Sometimes I wonder if God didn’t take him so he couldn’t be sad anymore. I think he knows what is happening to me now, and is happy for me.”
Dr. Smith talked with Randall for the next 45 minutes, going over the decision, its potential consequences, and finding out about the person that Randall was. After she was finished, she called Gina back in.
“Mrs. Harris?”
“Gina, please”
“All right, but you must call me Julie if I am going to continue seeing Randall, or Rachel, as it should be now. Your daughter is a very special person. She has every right to be angry and depressed about her situation, but I see none of that. You have done a great job with her”
“You mean I passed? I can go forward?” asked an incredulous Rachel.
“Young lady, I think the world would be a much brighter place with a girl like you in it” Julie said with a smile.
The newly-minted Rachel jumped up and down in excitement. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it. What am I going to do?”
“Slow down, Rachel,” cautioned Gina “I’m sure there’s more Julie has to say”
“Yes I do” added Julie. “From this point forward, you are to be Rachel Diane Harris, a twelve year old girl. I expect you to dress, walk, talk and act like the beautiful young lady you are. Total immersion, Gina. Do you understand? You have a brand new daughter”
“I understand, Julie. Kind of a total life makeover?”
“Exactly. My office will guide you through the process of changing Rachel’s identity from Randall’s. We’ve been through this many times, and you are going to have a lot to do in the coming weeks and months to help in Rachel’s transition.”
“This is going to be a busy time, isn’t it, Julie?” asked Gina.
“Yes, but if you keep your perspective, and don’t let the little things get in your way, it will be the most rewarding time of yours and Rachel’s life. We are partnering together in this for the long haul. I’ll be here when you need me. Is that clear?”
“Yes it is, Julie...and...and”
Gina could say no more. She sat down and started crying. She cried and cried like she was emptying out her soul. Julie and Rachel sat with her and hugged her. The loss of Randy, the revelation of Rachel’s true direction, uncertainty about the future, all came pouring out.
By the time she was done, Julie and Rachel’s eyes were wet with tears as well.
“I-I’m sorry, Julie, Rachel. I don’t know what came over me. I just realized that the child Randy named after himself was gone. It was like I lost him all over again. Now I have to get Rachel ready to face the world, and I have a new life, the last gift I have from Randy, growing inside me. It was all too much”
“Don’t worry about it, Mom. I understand. I kind of feel the same way.”
Julie added, “You see, Gina, that’s why I’m here helping you. This is one of the most stressful changes a parent can face. In a way, it’s like losing a child. The boy you brought up, loved and nurtured is gone. There’s no mistaking that. That relationship will never come back. In its place is a new relationship, one that will be closer than anything you could have shared with your son. You have a beautiful daughter. Rejoice in that, and remember all the good times you shared with your son. That person will always remain.”
“Thank you, Julie” said Gina as she wiped her eyes. “I needed to hear that”
“That’s why I’m here, Gina” smiled Julie. “Now, I’d like to get some blood work done on Rachel to make sure her hormone levels are within norms. I’ll go over the results with you family physician and an endocrinologist colleague of mine here in Austin. We may need to get Rachel on some meds if her levels aren’t good for a girl of her age. Remember, she doesn’t have ovaries to put out the hormones she needs to develop”
“Ok, Julie. Can we do the blood draw here?”
“I’d prefer it. Just go downstairs with this slip and they’ll take care of it. Oh, one more thing...”
“What’s that Julie?”
“I also prescribe several days of retail therapy to get this girl equipped.”
“Mom, what’s that”
Gina was smiling. “Shopping!”
Rachel begins to bloom...
Chapter Three
Retail Therapy
After Rachel lost what seemed to her like a gallon of blood. Gina had a plan for the rest of the day in Austin. The Barton Creek Mall was close to the Doctor’s office, and had all the stores they would need, and they were in Austin, after all.
“Ok honey, I think we need to get this going in an orderly fashion. Let’s stop at the California Pizza Kitchen and talk about a plan.”
“Sounds, yummy, Mom!”
“After ordering a ham and pineapple pizza, Mother and Daughter sat down at their table to plan their afternoon.
“What kind of clothes do you want to get, Rachel?”
“Well I guess a lot of different types, skirts, dresses, jeans, all kinds of tops.”
“Skirts? Dresses?”
“You don’t think I should wear skirts or dresses?”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just I didn’t think you would be ready for those just yet”
“Oh, I see” smiled Rachel. “Mom, I want to go all the way. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m a boy trying to look like a girl, I want to look a feminine as I can. Is that wrong?”
“Not at all, sweetie” laughed Gina. “This is going to be fun!”
Their pizza came and Gina was amazed to look at Rachel. The girl that till this morning was technically her son had all the mannerisms of a girl her age. She took little bites, sat properly, and chatted away like this was the most normal thing in the world. Her face, Gina noticed, for the first time, looked beautiful, totally girl. Gina wondered why she hadn’t seen it before. Rachel’s hair was a mess. It had been 4 months since it had been cut, and it would take a hairstyling genius to make it look like anything remotely attractive. But that still couldn’t take away from her natural beauty. She looked exactly like Grandmother Reyes, Gina’s maternal grandmother, who immigrated from Mexico on the 1950’s. Gina couldn’t help wondering why she hadn’t noticed before.
They finished their meal and started their assault on the shops. They hit the anchor stores, found some cute things at JC Penney’s and Nordstroms. Gina bought Rachel some basic lingerie and a couple of padded training bras to give her a little shape on top.
Rachel was so excited to try on the new clothes that she was almost out of control, but Gina let her explore her inner girl. Inside the changing room, Rachel put on her first pair of panties, and the training bra. It felt so much better on her newly developing chest. Rachel picked out a pink baby tee, a pair of jeans and a new pair of pink trainers to wear out of the first store. The old boy clothes made it to the trash.
Gina insisted Rachel get a hat to cover her unruly mop until they could fix it. They hit store after store, building a wardrobe that any teen girl would have been proud of.
“Rachel, I am just amazed at how well you fill out those jeans.”
“Thanks, mom. I didn’t know I could. Does my rear end look fat in them?”
Gina burst out laughing.
“What, Mom?”
“You are such a girl!”
By the time they finished shopping, they had spent over fifteen hundred dollars on the new wardrobe. Rachel had enough skirts for every day of the week and then some, enough jeans for two weeks, tops and blouses, shoes, both casual and dressy and enough underwear to make three girls happy. There was one more thing to do.
“Well, Rachel, It’s time for the time honored tradition among girls who are getting out for the first time”
“What’s that, Mom?
The happy screech could be heard halfway to Dallas.
Gina had made a call to a salon she knew from her days as a student at the University of Texas. She explained that she had a fashion emergency and needed an appointment ASAP. The owner was able to get them in by 5:00 that afternoon as a favor to Gina. They would be staying over, but the prospect of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly was too much to resist.
Gina and Rachel made it to the salon at 4:30, and due to a cancellation were able to get started early.
“Hi, Jackie” said Gina.
“Gina! You look wonderful! And pregnant again, I see. Where’s Randy?”
“Oh, I guess you didn’t hear. He was killed in Iraq a few months ago”
Jackie gasped. “Oh you poor dear. I didn’t know. I am so sorry” Jackie reached to give Gina a hug. “How are you doing?”
“Oh, we’re getting by. It’s hard sometimes, but my family makes it bearable.”
The two women exchanged pleasantries for the next few minutes.
“So, you are Rachel?”
“Yes, ma’am” came the quiet reply.
“Please! Call me Jackie! Everyone does, honey.”
“Ok, Jackie” said Rachel with a shy smile.
“Oh, you are a pretty one!” exclaimed Jackie “Is she your niece, Gina?”
“No, she’s my daughter.”
“Your daughter? I thought you had two sons?”
“I did” came the reply.
“I don’t get it” said Jackie.
“Long story. I’ll tell you while you take care of her.”
Jackie listened in awe to Rachel’s story while she worked her magic on Rachel’s hair. the best she could do was a cute shaggy bob. Jackie then started putting makeup on Rachel’s face, instructing her on what she was doing the whole time. When Jackie was finished, she had Rachel look in the mirror. What Rachel saw shocked her. A light application of foundation, some eyeliner and pink lip gloss was all it took.
“That’s me?” She touched the mirror. “I’m pretty” she whispered.
“You’re more than that, girl. You are a knockout!” announced Jackie. “You were totally wasted as a boy!”
Gina and Rachel laughed. “I can’t believe it, Jackie” cried Gina. “she looks amazing!”
“Yes she does. And the best part about it, is it’s easy to do. I’ll get you the makeup I used and she’ll be doing it herself in no time.”
Jackie took care of getting the right makeup and put it in a bag for Rachel.
“Gina, Thank you for bringing her to me for her first cut and makeup. I’ll remember this forever”
“You’re welcome Jackie. I don’t get into town nearly often enough. I had forgotten how good you are. What do I owe you?”
“Not one dime, missy. This one is on me. Consider it my birthday present to Rachel!”
“Oh, thank you Jackie!” said an excited Rachel. “You’ve made me so pretty!”
“You are welcome, Rachel. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”
After the requisite hugs, Gina and Rachel started back to Martinsburg. Rachel was asleep five minutes after they started.
By the time they got back home, it was almost 10:00 PM . Gina woke Rachel up and asked her if she wanted to show her brother the new look. A drowsy Rachel suddenly perked up and said an enthusiastic “Yes!”.
Gina went in first, and announced “The arrival of the new princess of the realm, Rachel!”
Rachel walked in, and Garrett was caught doing his impression of a goldfish.
“Ta Daaaa!” shouted Rachel
“No freakin’ way!” said a stunned Garrett.
“Language, young man!” corrected his mother.
“ You look great!”
“Just great, big brother?”
“I’m going to need a shotgun to keep the little boys away from you” he grinned “Unbelievable, Rachel!”
Rachel knew she would always remember Friday, September 19th, 2008. It was her new birthday.
“All right kids, your mom is beat and I know Rachel is tired, so lets get to bed and we can talk about all these changes tomorrow. Garrett, you need to be in the loop on all of this”
Rachel agreed. “I am tired mom. I need to get cleaned up for bed.”
“Ok, sweetie, Get your makeup cleaned off with this makeup remover and make sure it’s all off before you get into bed. I don’t want to have to clean the image of your face off of the pillow case.”
Rachel giggled. “All right, Mom” and she ran up to her room to get ready for bed.
She cleaned her face and got her new pajamas unpacked. They were a cute short and top set in a light shade of blue. She put them on and in five minutes she was asleep.
On Saturday mornings, Gina let her children sleep in. Before, Randall, now Rachel wouldn’t get out of bed until at least ten, and Garrett wouldn’t be up before eleven. Today, however, would be different. At seven thirty, Rachel came skipping down the stairs and came into the kitchen where her mom was having her morning cup of coffee.
“Good morning, mother!” Rachel chirped.
“My goodness, child, what has gotten into you this morning! You are never up at this hour. Who are you and what have you done with my child!”
“Oh, Mom. I just feel like I have a reason to get up this morning. To start my new life!”
Gina laughed “I had a feeling that you would be down early. You were quite excited last night and I wanted to let you stay up a little later, but after all we did in Austin yesterday, I knew you were as tired as I was. Can I get you some orange juice?”
“No thanks, Mom, I can get it. Would you like anything else?”
“No, thank you, dear. But thank you for offering. Do you want me to fix you something for breakfast?”
“Actually, Mom, I was wondering if you could start teaching me how to cook. Maybe some scrambled eggs and toast?”
Gina put her hands to her chest in a mock heart attack and gasped “Now I know you aren’t my child!”
“Ohhhhh, mother. Stop being so silly. Don’t you think I should learn sometime?”
“Oh, Rachel, you’re right. I just wish some of these new breakthroughs could be my idea every once in awhile! And yes, you should learn, as should your lazy brother. Lets get started, ok”
“Cool!” exclaimed Rachel.
Rachel and her mother had quite a time, laughing and preparing the eggs and toast. Gina hadn’t had so much fun in years getting a meal ready. Rachel absorbed everything her mother taught her as if everything depended on this meal being right. Her mother realized what mothers who don’t have little girls are missing. She had someone to share things with now.
After the meal was prepared and eaten, Rachel went upstairs to get ready for the day. She showered and washed her hair. When she was done, she picked out a pair of white medium length shorts and a purple scoop-necked tee. Then Rachel realized she needed some help.
“Motherrrrrr! I need some help!”
“Coming, dear.”
Gina ran up the stairs to Rachel’s bathroom. “What’s up, honey?”
“Can you show me how to do my hair and makeup?”
“”Sure! Do you want me to do it?” Gina asked.
“No, I need to learn how. Can you teach me?”
“Why, I’d be glad to!”
Gina showed Rachel the fine art of a blow dryer and a brush, and after three rewets Rachel had her hair looking like it had when she left the parlor Friday. Another forty five minutes later, and Rachel had done her makeup to nearly like it had looked the night before. Rachel was proving to be a quick study.
Gina asked “Rachel, can I do something for you?”
“What’s that, Mom?”
“Can I do your nails?”
“Do I need to?”
“No, but your nails would look really cute in this light shade of pink I bought yesterday. would you mind? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, Mom, I would really like that, and you can show me how to take care of them too.”
Gina started giving Rachel a manicure, trimming her finger and toe nails and filing and painting them, the two of them talking like long-lost girlfriends. When she was done, Rachel was looking at her fingers and toes, amazed at how such a light color really set off her hands and feet.
“Oh, Mom, they are so pretty! Thank you!”
“It was my pleasure, sweetheart. I had forgotten how fun that could be. You can do mine sometime.”
“I’d like that, Mom.”
Gina switched to a more serious tone. “You know, this has been fun, but the real stress of your change is going to begin soon, and we need to talk about it before anyone else comes in, including your brother.”
“What do you mean, Mom?”
“Well no one really knows about your change right now. We’ve been keeping that quiet until you made your decision. You are going to have to go out into the world sooner or later, you know. That means telling people about your change.”
Rachel seemed to deflate a little. “I forgot about that” she said softly.
“We aren’t going to stop going to church, are we?”
“Then we need to tell our friends there. I think it would be a good idea to call the Pastor over and tell him what has been going on before we just show up.”
“He won’t call me names, will he?”
“Not if he knows what’s good for him, he won’t.” Gina laughed. “Seriously, honey, I have prepared him for what he is going to see. I think you’ll be surprised at his reaction. Pastor Adams is a very good man. In fact, he and his wife are coming over this afternoon.”
“Oh, gosh! Do I look ok? I don’t want to give the wrong impression!”
“You look just fine, dear. There is also Becca and Angela..”
“I forgot about them! I’ve been so busy with everything I didn’t think to tell them!”
“Don’t worry about that either. I told them that you had been very busy with some things, and you had a surprise for them. I’ll let you spring the big news.”
“I hope they are ok with everything. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Becca as a friend. Angela is great too, but she’s Garrett’s age.”
“We’ll just have to pray they will be open minded, but I think everything will be fine.” Gina then added, “Now comes the hard part.”
“What’s that?”
“Telling your grandparents”
“Oh, crap”
Chapter 4
Rachel blushed a deep red. “Sorry, Mom, I just completely forgot about telling my grandparents”
“Well, young lady, one of the first things you need to know is that in this house, ladies watch their language. What you said is not that bad, but if you don’t watch it now, soon you are saying a lot worse, and nothing is more offensive to me than a foul-mouthed woman. Leave that kind of talk to the less refined. Trust me, a man you want to marry is going to be attracted to a lady more than just a girl.”
Rachel blushed even harder. “Mother! I can’t even think about dating a boy yet, let alone getting married!”
Gina had to laugh at her daughter’s reaction. “I know, honey, but you have to prepare yourself. you have 12 years of catching up to do, and you don’t hear me talking like that. And if you ever do, feel free to light into me too, ok?”
“You mean I get to correct you?”
“Yes, but within reason” laughed Gina. “You don’t get to ground me”
“That’s better”
Garrett shambled down the stairs, grumbling. “What is all the racket! I can’t get any sleep!”
“Good afternoon, sleepyhead!” squealed Rachel as she ran over to give her brother a huge hug.
“Afternoon? It’s only 11:49” Garrett growled. His voice had dropped an octave over the last year. At 14 he was maturing early. Garrett was already 6’ 1” and weighed 170 pounds. The doctor said he would probably top out at around 6’6” or 6’7” and be very large.
Garrett worked out for 2 hours every day even now and ran every day. He had very little patience for his peers who he said had no “push” to excel. The varsity football coach was already looking at Garrett as a future star with potential for major college and the NFL . He was also a straight A student, and he had no shortage of female admirers. Rachel loved her brother very much, respected him more, and would do anything to make him happy.
“That’s my son, up at the crack of noon” joked Gina. How late or should I say early were you up?”
“Oh, about two, I guess. I was on Xbox live and got a little too involved in a Halo game.”
“Garrett! You shouldn’t be up that late!”
“Awww, Mom, It’s only once a week”
“Ohhhh, I know. I still don’t have to like it” replied Gina.
“Here’s your OJ, Garrett” said Rachel. “Can I make you something to eat?”
Garrett was shocked. “Juice, for me?”
“Yes, silly, I already had my breakfast. I’ve been up since about 7:30.”
“Uhhhhh, thanks?” replied Garrett. “Mom, don’t be alarmed, but there’s a pod person here.” The reference was not lost on Rachel, who loved the original version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
“All right, smart aleck” pouted Rachel. “Can’t I do something nice for my brother?”
“Yes, Garrett. Have you also outgrown your manners, caveman?” added Gina.
“No, ma’am. Thank you Rachel, I would love something to eat” Garret added, a bit embarrassed.
“That’s much better, son”
“What would you like, eggs, eggs, or eggs. That’s all I know how to cook right now, but they are delicious”
“You know, I think I’ll have the eggs, over easy, with toast, sweetheart” he added a slap on Rachel’s bottom for good measure, playing the short order customer to the hilt.
Rachel squealed and laughed. “Scrambled eggs and toast it is, then”
“Hey, I said over easy!”
“Sorry, I only know how to make scrambled, loser” She then stuck her tongue out at him.
“Garrett! Who taught you to behave like that! It better have not been your father!” Gina said with a barely disguised smile.
“Well, not exactly, but we did go to the diner a time or two.”
“Rachel, see what I mean about the right kind of man? Avoid large, grinning idiots like this fellow at all costs!” then she burst out laughing, followed by her children.
After Garrett finished mauling the half dozen eggs, 4 slices of toast and another large glass of juice, he said, “Wow. I could get used to this, thanks, sis. I owe you one.”
“Ohhh, it was fun. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I know I did”
Garrett marveled at his sister. It seemed weird to him that just three days ago, she was just another boy, small, a bit girly, but a boy. He could see no trace of that boy now. Rachel was graceful beyond her years, and had the sweetest personality. He decided to ask. “Hey Rachel, what’s up? You seem to have taken to this change rather well. I can’t believe that you were a normal boy just three days ago”
“You know, Garrett I guess I’ve thought about it too. I feel so much more comfortable with myself now. Like this is the way I’ve always been. I guess I was really play acting before, and now I’m who I really am. Does that make sense?”
“Actually, it does. I take it you are happy now?”
“This is the happiest I’ve been my whole life, Garrett.”
“I’m really glad for you sis, I really am. you deserve it.” Garrett said as he brought her into a hug.
Tears started down Rachel’s face. “Thank you so much, Garrett. I love you sooo much. You’ve always been there for me.”
“Hey, no mushy stuff, kid!” Garrett joked. “But I love you too, little sis” he added almost at a whisper.
Rachel laughed and backed away. “Now I’ve messed up my eyes!”
Gina had been watching from the hallway, her eyes moist. “Let’s go fix you up, dear”
As they were upstairs repairing the damage to their makeup, Gina told Rachel that Pastor Adams and his wife would be by at one o’clock. they had 10 minutes to get ready.
“Do I look ok, mom?”
“You look wonderful, and I’m very proud of you”
At one o’clock, there was a knock at the door. It was Pastor Jim Adams, the Senior Pastor at Martinsburg Baptist Church, where the Harris family started going after Randy died. Pastor Adams was 47, a tall, balding man, with a dignified air and an easy wit. He was descended from John Adams, the second President of the United States, through John Quincy Adams, who also held that office. With him was his wife Amy, a short, stocky woman of 45 with a smile that put everyone at ease. Gina greeted them at the door.
“Come in, Pastor, Amy. Thank you for coming to see us today, I know you are very busy on Saturdays.
“It’s quite all right, Gina. When one of my flock is in need, I wouldn’t be doing God’s work if I ignored them. You said it was important, and that you needed me to see one of your children. Is Garrett or Randall in trouble?
“Not exactly. You heard about Randall being assaulted at school this week?”
“Yes, I’ve been praying for him. Is he well?”
“Yes, bruised but otherwise unhurt.”
“Then what is the problem, does he need counseling?”
“Well yes, and no. As a result of the exam after the attack, I was forced to face some things that I had ignored since Randall was born. Randy, my husband was in denial about some things, as was I.”
“Please, let me explain. Randall was born with a condition called CAIS, or complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.”
“I haven’t heard of this. Is it serious?”
“It’s not life threatening, but it is serious. It means that Randall is totally unable to respond to male hormones. This wasn’t a problem until puberty began to arrive. Randall will never be able to fully mature as a male.”
“I had no idea, Gina”
“It gets worse, and it gets better. 99% of people who are born with this syndrome are raised as girls. They are genetically XY, but for all intents and purposes are girls, as they cannot function as males, and do not respond as males. Do you follow me so far?”
“Yes” said both Pastor Adams and Amy simultaneously as they were leaning forward in their seats.
“As a result of what we discovered, and on the medical advice of several doctors, Randall has decided to begin living as a female.”
Pastor Adams and his wife gasped. “Dear Lord.....Gina, please, continue”
“Her name now is Rachel, which is what I would have named her if she had been allowed to be a girl at birth. I brought you here to meet Rachel, and to get to know her. We want to continue going you your church, but I want you to know that we realize there are narrow-minded people in every congregation, and you can expect a backlash from those people. I respect you, Pastor, and I do not want to cause trouble in the congregation. This is why I have asked you to come today.”
Pastor Adams was quiet. He was a wise man, and wise men think before they speak. After a minute, he said, “I’d like to meet Rachel. How about you, dear”
“Yes Jim, I would like that very much.”
“Rachel, You can come down now.”
Rachel came slowly down the stairs, head down. She walked over to where her mother was. She spoke softly and in a shaky voice, “P-pastor Adams, Mrs. Adams.”
“Come here child, let me see you” he said gently.
Rachel walked over to Pastor Adams. She looked up at him, as he was nearly a foot taller.
“How are you doing, Rachel?” he asked.
“I’m fine, sir.”
“How do you feel about this whole thing, Rachel?”
“Nervous, but I feel like this is who I am. I don’t want to make anyone mad, but I can’t be the boy my dad wanted me to be, emotionally or physically. I am I going to hell?”
“No, child, I think you’re just being who God meant for you to be. Looking at you, anyone who could call you a boy is either blind or stupid.”
“Really, Pastor?”
“Really. What do you think, Amy?”
“What a stunning young lady” she smiled with that big smile. “who can argue with the way you look”
Gina was weeping now. This was big for her. She loved going to church, and didn’t want to lose that. But she would have, for Rachel’s sake.
“Gina, I have no problem with you or anyone coming to church. The church is a place for healing and fellowship. I’ll need to pray about this. This isn’t something I have ever run across, but these issues are coming up in our churches whether we want to deal with them or not. In Rachel’s case, it is clearly in her best interest to remain as the girl she is. She should have been that from the start. If anyone has a problem with her, well, I guess they can either leave or get over it. There are issues here that go beyond just Rachel’s situation. Gay, lesbian, or other transgender issues are sticky problems that I don’t quite know how to deal with. There are issues involved in those lifestyles that go against scripture as I understand it. I can’t condone the lifestyle. Gay or lesbian, I feel that the lifestyle is wrong. However, I can’t bring it to myself to hate people based on a lifestyle choice. Jesus was not about that. He prayed for the people that killed him. I am commanded to love my fellow man, or woman. If I want to reach people, I can’t do that by beating them over the head with the Bible, but I can reach them by loving them as I love myself. Transgender issues are another story for me, maybe even sadder. I feel a great swell of sadness for someone who feels they were born in the wrong body. It must be terrible. In my faith, I believe that God creates all life, and we are born the sex we are supposed to be. I believe God doesn’t make mistakes. But I also know that our bodies aren’t the perfect creation that emerged from the garden of Eden. Are we sometimes victims of chemical imbalances that cloud our thinking? Is it possible that some mishap in the womb causes someone to have the thought process of a female and the body of a male? I don’t know. I just know that while I may not agree with people’s choices, I’m bound to love those people, just like I love myself, and let God do his work, whatever that may be... No, Rachel, Gina. You won’t find any judgement from me. In fact, you have my support that you made the right decision. I may need to do some additions to my sermon, though” he added with a smile, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to preach. It’s just what I do.”
“Thank you so much, Pastor” said Gina. “You have no idea what your support means”
Pastor Adams smiled. “We live in complicated times, Gina. Rachel, you are going to live a complicated life until this transitional period passes” he paused “And it will pass. Be strong, be true to your faith and yourself, and you will be fine”
“I will, Pastor Adams”
“I believe you will, Rachel”
“Well, Amy and I need to get going, I have a lot to pray and think about. Whatever happens in the future, ladies, good or bad, you have our love and support.”
“Rachel,” Amy added. You come see us in the teen life group if you want to. You are welcome anytime”
“Thank you, Mrs. Adams, I just might, if you think the girls will be nice”
“I can’t guarantee that, Rachel, but people aren’t always nice, and you’ll be dealing a lot with intolerance in the next few years. It may help you to deal with other people. You might be surprised how you are treated. Just think about it. Maybe not tomorrow, but do come soon.”
“I will”
Pastor and Mrs. Adams left, leaving Rachel a lot to think about. Gina realized that it was almost three o’clock, and that she had arranged for Becca and Angela to come over. Garrett had gone to the gym to work out, so she didn’t have to deal with Angela mooning over him. It was a well known fact that Angela had a serious crush on Garrett. She need Angela to focus on Rachel for the moment.
At that time, the doorbell rang, and Gina looked out to see Angela and Becca on the front porch.
“Rachel, get upstairs!” Gina hissed.
“I’m already up, mom” came the reply.
“Hi girls!” greeted Gina “Come on in.”
Becca had some flowers for her friend, and Angela had a gift in a box. they had no clue what was about to happen.
“How’s Randall,” Becca asked “ I heard he was pretty badly beaten up by that pig Wayne.
“Well, not too good, I’m afraid”
“Oh no! Can we see him?”
“Well, I guess so, but he’s changed quite a bit. You might be shocked at his appearance” it was all Gina could do to keep from laughing.
Gina and Rachel had set this up this morning. “Randall, Please come down, Becca and Angela are here! Do you feel up to visitors?”
“I guess so, came the weak, moaning reply”
Gina glanced over at Becca and Angela, who had concern etched on their faces. Rachel was terrible.
A blanket covered figure came slowly down the steps, moaning with each step. “What a ham” thought Gina.
“Randall, are you ok? Asked Becca, who was close to tears.
“Well now that you mention it, Wayne beat me sooo hard, soooo hard...” The blanket came off.
“He beat the boy right out of me!”
Angela screamed. Becca fainted on the spot.
Gina and Rachel looked at each other and screamed.
Chapter 5
More Revelations
Gina and Rachel ran to where Becca laid.
“Oh my gosh! Becca! Wake up!” Gina held the prostrate girl in her arms. Rachel ran to Angela who appeared to be in a mild state of shock.
“W-W-What happened?” said a slightly loopy Becca.
“You fainted, honey”
“Oh, I remember now, I thought that Randall was a girl. Crazy, huh”
Angela was looking at Rachel. “Is that you, Randall?”
Rachel was embarrassed beyond her ability to speak. “Y-Y-Yes. I’m soooo sorry I shocked you, Angela. I guess I wasn’t thinking. I guess I’ve got a lot of explaining to do, huh?”
Becca was still a little shaky, when she looked at her friend. “Randall? You scared me half to death!”
Gina helped Becca over to the couch. “What’s going on, Mrs. Harris? Is this a joke?”
Gina looked at Rachel, and they both realized they had made a mistake. “Becca, It’s a long story. Why don’t I get you all something to drink and I’ll let Rachel explain everything”
“Rachel? Who’s that?”
“It’s me, Becca, I used to be Randall, now I’m Rachel”
“I don’t understand.”
For the next hour, Rachel and Gina explained to the girls what had happened, and the facts involved. Angela and Becca slowly began to understand what was going on. They had many questions, most that Rachel and Gina had heard before. They answered the questions the best they could. Finally, the girls had understanding of the change in their friend.
“So you really are a girl, and have been all along?” asked Becca.”¨
“Yes, I have most of the parts every girl has, except I can never have babies. I’ll eventually have to have surgery down there to fix some things that were wrong when I was born”
“Wow, Rachel” said Angela. “How is Garrett with all of this?”
“He’s been so wonderful through it all. He accepts me for who I am”
“Well if Garrett’s ok, then so am I” announced Angela. “Are you happy?”
“Yes I am, totally happy” I feel like I’ve been let loose from a cocoon. Are you ok with me, Becca. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. That’s why I decided to tell you and Angela first”
Becca immediately said “I can’t believe you did this. No, I’m not ok with it! How could you!”
Rachel, started to tear up, and was almost ready to cry, when Becca said “Gotcha! How do you like that, Miss Smarty Pants!”
Rachel didn’t know what to say, other than “I guess I had that coming”
“Yes you did. No more jokes, ok?”
“No more jokes”
Everyone started laughing after that.
Garrett came back from his workout and Gina suggested they go out for Chinese. There was a popular buffet down the road in Killeen, just off the base, where the Harris family went in happier times. They called the Conways, Becca and Angela’s parents, to get permission for the girls to go. They got the all clear to go, and much to Angela’s delight, Garrett was going too.
“Rachel, why don’t you get changed to go. It’s getting a little chilly for shorts”
“Ok, Mom”
Rachel headed upstairs with Becca and Angela close behind. They got to Rachel’s room and began to look through her closet.
“I am totally jealous of you, Rachel. When did you get all these clothes?” asked Becca
“I got them in Austin yesterday after my appointment with my therapist. She gave me the go ahead and Mom and I went a little crazy at the mall”
Angela suddenly declared,“I so have to see you in a skirt or a dress!”
“Ok! That would be cool! I have a few that we can look at”
“What? You don’t care?” asked a shocked Angela
“No....would you care?”
“You really are a girl, aren’t you?”
“Well, yes I am, now that you mention it. I like skirts and dresses, They are way more comfortable than jeans”
They looked at the selection Rachel had and chose a cotton floral print casual dress that was pastel blue with pink flowers. It came to just above her knees. She went into the bathroom to change.
“Why are you going in there? asked Angela. “We’re all girls here”
“I know, Ang, but I’m not comfortable enough in my skin just yet. It feels funny right now being in my bedroom with two girls. I hope you understand for now.”
“Sure, girl, I get it, no problem” said Angela “But hurry up. I’m starving!”
Rachel changed into her dress and picked out a pair of matching sandals. She brushed her hair, freshened her makeup and came back out.
“Oooooohhh, you look fabulous” cried Becca “And you did your own makeup! What were you doing all that time you were pretending to be a boy? Practicing?”
Rachel did a little twirl “Thank you! I just started yesterday, but I practiced quite a bit today. I don’t use much, so it isn’t that hard. Let’s go!”
Rachel grabbed her little bag and put her small makeup case in with some lip gloss. She flounced down the stairs where Gina and Garrett were waiting.
“A dress? You’re wearing a dress?” asked a bewildered Garrett.
“Quiet, Garrett. Your sister looks lovely!” corrected Gina.
“I know....that’s the problem” he chuckled. “I’ll never get any peace with three cute girls with us. Excuse me, four cute girls.
Gina and the girls giggled.
“All right, young man. Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Ohhh, who am I kidding, It’ll get you a hug from this girl!” she said as she hugged her son.
They got on the freeway for the 10 minute drive to the buffet. And as Garrett predicted, a lot of young men’s eyes were directed to the girls. Rachel was a bit unprepared for the scrutiny she got. Boys were looking at her, and not like they did last week. She was only 12, and the looks creeped her out. But she did enjoy the attention from the waiter, she decided. She also decided she liked to wear dresses. They made her feel grown up and totally feminine at the same time.
After eating way too much food, they headed back to town and they decided to drop the girls off at home. It was then that Rachel felt she needed to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Conway personally.
“Mom, I think we should stop in at the Conway’s and explain to them my situation.”
Becca and Angela thought it would be a good idea as well. Gina also agreed.
“I was going to suggest it, but I was hoping you would come up with that idea on your own” said Gina.
They got to the Conway home and everyone got out. As they came up to the front porch, Mr. Conway greeted them.
“Well hello, Gina, Garrett. Who’s this young lady with you?”
“Well Hal”, Gina began, “this is Rachel. Is Mary home”
“Yes she is. Come on in! Mary, Gina Harris is here!”
Mary Conway came in to the front room. She was 35, and spent a lifetime in central Texas.
“Gina? Well come on in, y’all! would y’all like somethin’ to drink? Who is this pretty girl with you. My but she does look familiar”
“No thank you, Mary but I would like to talk to you and Hal for a bit"
“What’s up, Gina, trouble? How can we help”
“Well thanks for the offer Hal, but I really need to talk to you about Rachel”
Rachel and the girls went upstairs as did Garrett, albeit reluctantly.
Gina then related Rachel’s tale to a shocked Mary and Hal Conway.
After Gina was done explaining the situation, Hal spoke up.
“Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but I thought Randall was a girl the first time I laid eyes on know. I guess I was right all along”
Mary said “I did too. Randall was always such a sweet boy, I thought, much too nice to be a boy. This is a relief. I am so glad this worked out. No offense, Gina, but I was sometimes horrified at the way Randy treated that poor child”
“None taken, Mary. I was in quite a bit of denial about Randy’s mental condition after he came back from Iraq the first time. I guess if that was what it took to get Rachel, then something good came about from Randy’s sacrifice. I’m afraid of how he would have been after his second tour. I just think that Randy is finally at peace now”
“I can’t help but agree, Gina” added Hal. “I know that Randy had PTSD, but wasn’t seeking help. I was in Desert Storm, and I know that if you don’t get professional help for it, your chances of recovery go down significantly”
“Did you suffer from it, Hal?”
“Nope, I was rear echelon, quartermaster corps. Never saw a minute’s action. Knew boys who did, though. Killing people doesn’t come natural to man no matter what anyone says. If you get used to killing, you become less human. The stress is normal for any normal person. But you can’t be too proud to seek help. The esprit de corps doesn’t help. You’re seen as a section 8 waiting to happen if you see the shrink. It is getting better now, as more soldiers are seeking that help”
“On another note, have you told yours and Randy’s parents about this?”
“Not yet. I’ll do that tomorrow. Mine will be fine. I think Randy’s mother will be fine. I don’t know about the General. He worries me. Randy was a lot like him”
“Well, you defend your children. If Lieutenant General Barton Harris doesn’t like it. Tell him to pound sand. You are the Commander in Chief of the Gina Harris family, and you don’t have to give in to anyone” offered Hal.
“You don’t actually believe that line do you?”
“Nah, but do it anyway. It’ll be his loss if he doesn’t get to know that sweet girl you have”
Upstairs, The girls and Garrett were talking.
“So, are you going to be at school on Monday” asked Becca.
“No, Mom is pulling me out and will start homeschooling me. I can’t face the stress right now, and my therapist agrees”
“Oh....that’s too bad” said a disappointed Becca. “I was hoping to have my new girlfriend with me now”
“It’s just too risky right now. My doctor told me that people who go through what I’m going through are at a greater risk of being beaten up or worse. I can’t face that right now. I would also appreciate it if you could not talk about my situation right now, it will keep unnecessary attention away from me. Doctor Smith said news people like stories like mine for some reason”
“Don’t worry about us, Rachel” said Angela. “We’ll do our best to keep a lid on it”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it”
Gina gathered Garrett and Rachel up and they drove home. It was getting late, and they had church tomorrow. Rachel was dreading that for some reason. She couldn’t figure out why.
Sunday morning broke early for Rachel. She was up at seven and took care of her morning needs, then was in he shower. She loved to take long showers and this morning was no exception. She thought about the changes she had gone through and what more she was going to face. She was broken out of her thoughts by her mother.
“Rachel, get moving, dear. We’re running out of hot water, and Garrett needs to shower too. I’m glad I got up at 6. Goodness!”
Rachel got out of the shower and dried herself off. The soap and shampoo she used had matching lavender fragrance, and she loved that smell. She went into her room and picked out her underwear and a pink training bra. Then she got her church dress, a light pink tiered cotton one with a scoop neck and fairly wide shoulder straps. The length was slightly below mid thigh. A pair of strappy pink sandals completed the look. She styled her hair without too much difficulty, and did her makeup as she had been shown, adding a touch of mascara with the eyeliner, and a little blush.
“Mom, how do I look?”
Gina gave her the once over. “you look wonderful, dear. Great job on the makeup! You are really catching on fast. We’ll have to start experimenting with new looks for you.
“Thanks, Mom”
They were ready to go to the early service by 8:30, and made it to the church 5 minutes before start. Rachel was holding on to her mother’s hand with a death grip.
“Are you ok, honey?”
“Just a little scared, I guess.”
“Well we’ll just go to the service and be out in no time. Thank you for doing this, Rachel. I know you are scared, but this is important for you to get out into the world”
They entered the building, and Rachel felt the stares of several people in the building She saw people who knew who she was, apparently word did get out. Some older folks scowled at her, and whispered to each other. Rachel felt her heart beat faster and she closed her eyes. She wished that Becca was here. She heard someone in the lobby say “There’s that transvestite. What’s he doing here?” She hugged her mother tighter.
Gina, Garrett and Rachel sat in a pew close to the back. Rachel’s head was down, but she could feel the stares of the people close by. She could hear whispers. Her heart beat faster. A few people came up to Gina and Garrett to shake their hands, but no one offered a hand to Rachel. She looked up and saw a couple of older girls looking at her and laughing. Were they laughing at her? She put her head down again, afraid of what she might see. Tears started to run down her face. She was glad she brought tissue in her purse.
The service started, and the song leader started by having everyone sing “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”, followed by several choruses. Rachel stood when people stood, sat when people sat, but heard nothing other than the whispers of people close by. “what is it doing here” “that whole family should be ashamed” “pervert”. The offering was passed, and the sermon was started. The pastor had just gotten started, when Dan Buford, a deacon in the church stood up and said “I’d like to know when we started letting perverts like that little homo Harris boy show up in God’s house dressed like a little whore!”
This was greeted by a chorus of amens from more than a few of the people in the congregation. Rachel started sobbing quietly, never looking up.
“Sit down, Dan” said Pastor Adams. “There is a time and a place for those comments, and it is not in the middle of the service. And I’ll thank you to watch your tongue”
Jim Benson stood up “Randy Harris would be ashamed of the abomination that his son has become”
“Please! Can we have some order here! Show some sense of love for this child! There are circumstances that you don’t know!” shouted Pastor Adams.
Bill Nickles stood up to defend the Harris family. “They have just gone through a tragedy, Dan. Their reasons are their own. Don’t judge unless you want to be judged”
This was greeted by agreement and then derision, and then more people got up to defend and condemn the little girl. Rachel sat with her head down, crying into her mother’s arm.
Then a loud voice echoed through the church. “THAT’S IT!!!!” the room got silent.
It was Garrett Harris, the 14 year old who called the church to order.
“You people make me sick! My sister, yes, my SISTER has done nothing, NOTHING to justify her treatment today. Christians my eye. You’re hypocrites! NOTHING MORE! Do you hear me! Mom, take her out of here. I don’t want her to hear this. Gina complied, her need to protect her daughter outweighing the need to control her son. Gina took the sobbing girl out of the building.
“I have heard the nicest, sweetest person I know called a whore, an it, a pervert, a homosexual. Words that should never be used in this place in the way they were used today. And you know what, NONE OF IT IS TRUE! Rachel was diagnosed with a disorder at birth, but the great Randy Harris, my father made my sister live as a boy for 12 years, all because he couldn’t handle having a girl. She is a girl, not any of the things used to describe her here. You talk about my father being ashamed, like he was some kind of great man. Hell, he ABUSED my sister. By making her live a lie for all that time. Now you bunch of geniuses decide to stand up and ruin a perfectly good church service and scar an already damaged little girl for life.
“Sit down, boy” said Dan Buford
“Well, Mr. Buford, I’ll do better than that. I’ll leave, but not before I’ve had my say. Any sooner, and you’re welcome to try and sit me down. Buford sat down.
“Pastor Adams, you are a good man. Too good for this bunch of morons, if you ask me”
"To those of you who supported my family, thank you. To those of you who didn’t bother to find out the facts before you opened your fat traps....well you know what you can do"
Garrett left the sanctuary that had all of a sudden got very quiet.
Garrett got to the car where Gina was trying to console an hysterical Rachel.
“Mom, I’ll take care of Rachel, take us home”
Rachel finds hope...and a new friend!
Chapter 6
Fallout and Hope
The drive home from the church was quiet, the only sound was Rachel’s muffled crying. Garrett held his sister in the back seat of the family’s SUV, whispering to her that it would be all right, and not to listen to what a few idiots had to say. Rachel had a tight grip on Garrett’s arm, and her head was buried in his chest. Garrett was angry, angry that his father had been such an ass about Rachel being a boy, angry that people had to be so narrow minded, angry that the same hypocrites who called Rachel a whore were so sad and patronizing at his father’s funeral. He knew one thing. He wouldn’t go back there. Ever.
Gina was having difficulty driving. Hot tears were rolling down her cheeks. She cursed herself for pushing Rachel into such a potentially damaging situation. Gina didn’t realize that people would or could be so hateful to a twelve year old. What were they thinking? Gina had been a church going person most of her life. Her parents brought her up that way, and she enjoyed going. It was important to her. She thought she would find people who would at least understand what she was going through. The Bufords had been so helpful and supportive when Randy had been killed. What happened to them? The Nickles had even helped the family move from the base to their new house. Gina felt violated and betrayed. How could they say such terrible things about her sweet little girl?
Rachel was devastated by her treatment. She kind of expected some snide remarks, but she felt hated there. Her self confidence was shattered. But through it all, she felt safe in her brother’s arms, safe like she had never felt before, even with her mother. Garrett was only two years older than Rachel, but he seemed ages older. Her father had never held her when she was frightened. He told Randall to “be a man” and “stop crying”. Her crying slowed and stopped as she tried to snuggle closer to her brother. He would protect her. She suddenly felt very sleepy.
Rachel was sleeping when they got home. Garrett picked Rachel up out of the Explorer and quietly carried her upstairs to her room. Gina turned down her bed, and Garrett laid her down.
Garrett left the bedroom and Gina looked down at her sleeping angel. She bent down, kissed her cheek and turned to leave.
“Yes, honey?”
“Don’t leave me, ok? Stay with me.”
“Ok, baby”
Gina laid down with Rachel. Within a minute or two, Rachel was sleeping again.
Gina thought, “She called me mommy.” She knew that she needed to call Julie as soon as she could, as Rachel was really hurting. This incident was exactly the wrong thing to happen to Rachel at this point in her treatment. She decided to quietly get up and call Julie.
“Hello?” said Julie as she answered her cell phone.
“Julie? This is Gina Harris. Can you talk for a bit?”
“Sure! What’s up?”
Gina related the events of the morning to Julie. Julie took it all in without saying a word.
Finally, Julie spoke.
“You say she called you mommy?”
“Has she ever called you that before?”
“Not since she was four”
“Ok, from what I have heard, I believe Rachel is regressing. The emotional blow that this event caused her was very serious, and she is having a hard time dealing with it. Her defense mechanism is to go back to a stage in her life when she felt safe. I need to speak with her as soon as possible. Can I see her today?”
“Absolutely. I just need to get her up and into the car”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll come there in about an hour. Stay with her. It’s important that you be there for her when she wakes up”
Gina hung up the phone and went back upstairs. Rachel was still sleeping. Garrett came quietly into the room.
“Mom, I don’t mean to pile on, but I’m not going back there”
“It’s ok Garrett, I don’t blame you. I won’t either”
“Is Rachel going to be ok?
“Yes, I think so. Julie is coming here from Austin to talk to her. She’ll be here in about an hour”
“Mom, If I’d been older, some of those men would have had a big problem on their hands”
“I wish I could say you were out of line, but I can’t. I wanted to just slap those men. I just can’t believe they would say such hurtful things about Rachel”
“Well, I need to forget it. Would you like anything?”
“Do you know how to make coffee”
“Yeah, I remember. I’ll get you some”
Julie Smith arrived at the Harris home art about two in the afternoon. Garrett answered the door and showed Julie up to Rachel’s room.
“She’s still sleeping” Gina whispered.
“That’s ok, Gina, I need to talk with you first”
“What’s up?”
“I’m not about blame here. It probably wasn’t the best idea to take Rachel to church. People can be unpredictable in that setting, and more likely to speak ill of someone who they perceive as being different in a bad way. That being said, hindsight is 20/20. The next few hours will determine if Rachel gets past this hurt and moves on or lets it get the best of her and causes irreparable harm. I’m going to have you leave now and I’ll wake her”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her”
Gina left reluctantly. Julie stirred the sleeping child.
“Wake up, Rachel”
“Mommy?” she said sleepily.
“No, honey, it’s Julie.”
“Julie? Where’s my mommy?”
“She’s out in the hall, honey. I wanted to talk to you for a while. Is that ok?”
“Ok” Rachel said in a little girl voice that sounded like a six year old.
“You had a bad morning, Didn’t you”
“Uh huh” came the quiet reply.
“Some people were mean to you today, weren’t they”
“Yes” A single tear flowed down Rachel’s cheek.
For the next hour, Rachel and Julie talked about the events of the day. There were tears, angry screams, and finally the room was quiet.
“Rachel, people can be mean. People can be cruel. But no matter how they treat you, no matter what they say, It’s what you know in your heart about yourself that is important. You are a very brave young lady with a sweet spirit that is going through a very rough time right now. Do you want to know something?”
“If those mean men who called you all those nasty names had to go through the same things you are going through, they wouldn’t go out of the house, they would suck their thumbs and the would be crying for THEIR mommy! And you were brave enough to go to church, and you listened to their nasty words and you were very, very brave”
Rachel smiled. “Do you really think they would be sucking their thumbs?”
“You bet! Now, are you ready to see your mother?”
“Call her in in a nice, loud voice”
Gina came in and ran to Rachel’s bed, and held her tight.
“I’m so sorry I took you there, baby” sobbed the broken hearted Gina.
“It’s ok, Mom Those mean men don’t know any better”
Gina laughed and cried at the same time. “You are sooo right, honey! I’ll never let anyone hurt you like that again”
“Mom, you can’t stop people from being mean, but I don’t have to let them hurt me by being mean. Julie showed me that”
“Thank you, Julie” said Gina
“She’ll be fine. She’s strong, stronger than she knows. You two take care, and I’ll see you next Friday, ok?”
“We’ll be there”
“Oh, one more thing. I have a surprise for Rachel tomorrow. Make sure you are home at eleven o’clock in the morning. I have someone stopping by to see you”
“A surprise for me?” Rachel said excitedly.
“Just for you, for being such a brave girl”
The rest of the night, Rachel was back to being the ebullient, talkative child she was before the incident at the church. Gina felt like she had passed her baptism of fire, ironically at a church. Garrett was amazed at Rachel’s transformation. They played Scrabble, ate popcorn and watched a DVD of The first Lord of the Rings movie, one of Rachel’s favorites.
The next morning, Rachel was out of bed at seven thirty. She ran downstairs and screeched a loud “Good Morning” to her mother.
“Well, hello, sleepyhead” said Gina.
“Where’s Garrett?”
“He’s long gone to school, baby”
“Well, isn’t he the lucky one”
“Don’t worry, young lady, when the homeschool curriculum that I ordered arrives, you’ll be busy bright and early every morning!”
“I hope the mail gets lost”
“Don’t count on it, Rachel. It’s coming Fed Ex”
Rachel ate her breakfast of cereal and juice, and got ready for her day. It was unseasonably warm for a fall day in central Texas, so she chose a pair of short jean shorts and a white plaid short sleeve cotton blouse. She did her makeup as usual, finding that she was getting faster all the time. She was very excited for the guest that was coming to see her. She wondered who it could be.
The hours dragged by, and Rachel did what she could the help the time pass. She cleaned her room, took out the trash, vacuumed the floors and dusted the counters.
“Slow down, honey! You won’t leave me anything to do!”
Rachel had always liked to do housework, even when she was being raised as Randall, something her father could never understand.
Finally, at eleven o’clock exactly, the doorbell rang. Rachel ran to the door and and pulled it open. On the porch stood a tall, beautiful blond haired woman. Her hair was shoulder length, and had a slight wave. She was dressed impeccably in a white Blouse and a black pencil skirt. Her her 3 inch black heels made her almost a foot taller than Rachel. Her face was perfectly made up, and she looked to Rachel like a princess.
“Rachel?” the woman asked.
All of a sudden Rachel realized she was staring. She blushed bright red. “Yes, I’m Rachel”
“Hi! I’m Brianna DiMaggio, and Julie Smith asked me to come see you today”
Rachel loved Brianna’s voice. It was a smooth contralto with a hint of a Texas accent, that immediately put Rachel at ease.
Gina came to the door. “Oh, you must be the person Julie mentioned yesterday. Well, Rachel, let her in!”
“Ok, Mom. come in, Brianna”
Brianna introduced herself to Gina.
“Please, Brianna, sit down” said Gina. “Can I get you anything?”
“Coffee would be nice, please”
“So, Brianna, to what do we owe the honor of your visit today?” asked Gina.
“Julie thought I might be able to help Rachel with some of the issues she is facing now. I’ve known Julie since college, and when she told me about your story, I had to come and visit this special girl”
Rachel blushed again and stared at the floor. “I’m not special”
“Oh yes you are, and don’t you forget it. I heard some people were mean to you yesterday”
Rachel got quiet. “Yes, and that made me very sad”
“I know exactly how you feel. Some people are like that to me even today.”
“How could they be mean to you, you are so beautiful and nice. Everybody should be nice to you”
“Rachel, you are beautiful too! Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Yet those people were mean and said hateful things to you just the same”
“But I'm different from you. I kind of changed how I grew up. I dressed like a boy, but I always knew I was a girl. I don’t even really have boy parts, at least that’s what the doctor said”
“Honey, can I tell you a secret?” Asked Brianna quietly.
“Yes” came the whispered reply.
“When I was born, My name was Brian”
“Really? No faking?” asked Rachel. Gina gasped, but said nothing.
“Cross my heart. When I was a little boy, I felt just like you did. I just knew I was a little girl. I didn’t like the things my brothers liked, I hated the icky clothes. I loved to play dolls with my girl friends. I loved to help my Mama in the kitchen and in the house. My brothers didn’t understand. They called me names and made fun of me. My Daddy didn’t like me either. As time went on I got sadder and sadder Eventually, when I was just about twelve, I did something very dumb. I hurt myself. I hurt myself so badly I had to go to the hospital. While I was in the hospital, a very nice doctor came to talk to me, just like you and Julie. Well, I told that doctor that I knew I was a little girl and couldn’t go on living like a boy. I was afraid if I went on living, I would just try to hurt myself again. The nice doctor understood my problem and talked to my parents. My Daddy was very angry with me, and my Mama was sad, but understood my problem. I talked to the doctor over the next few months by myself and with my parents. Eventually my Mama and Daddy understood how I felt, and I got to start living as a girl”
“Wow” was all Rachel could say
“Well, it wasn’t easy for me to begin with. People made fun of me all the time at school. I didn’t have many friends, and some boys tried to hurt me, but the teachers stopped them. Even some girls didn’t like me and called me ‘little boy’ which really hurt me a lot. The friends I did have were the best, and cared about me no matter what anybody else said. My Mama and Daddy were the best. My Daddy became my best friend in the whole world. Then he died of a heart attack when I was seventeen. I thought my world ended. Later that year, I was on a date with a boy who I thought liked me, but one night he hurt me very badly with a knife when I didn’t do what he wanted. I was very sad, but I knew that I would keep going for my father. My school found a way for me to get banned from my high school graduation by having someone lie about me. But nothing was going to stop me. My Daddy wouldn’t like that. After high school I got a special surgery to fix myself so I was a girl physically. That was very painful, but I didn’t give up. Eventually, I went to college, graduated, and got my law degree. Today, I help people just like you and me fight back against people like the mean people who called you names yesterday”
Tears were streaming down Gina’s face. Rachel was in awe of Brianna. She had thought she was alone in the world. For the first time, she knew she wasn’t.
“Rachel, don’t let anyone tell you that you are anything other than a beautiful person. There are girls like us all over the place. Some don’t look like you or me, but they are beautiful too. One of my best girl friends looks a little like my daddy in a dress, but she is one of the prettiest girls I know, because her beauty comes from the inside. Rachel, living your life the best you can is all that you can hope to do in this world. That’s what all my special girl friends are doing. You know what? They are all beautiful to me. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do what ever you want. If you can dream it you can have it. And you know what, people told me I would never be happy. Well, I am very happy, and I love helping girls just like you"
“That’s a wonderful story, Brianna”, said Rachel. “do you think it can happen with me?”
“If you want it to, Rachel. That’s exactly what I’m telling you”
“So no matter what people say, I just have to keep going?”
“That’s right. Don’t give up. The things people say may hurt, but they don’t win unless you let them”
“I believe you, Brianna. I’ll do just that. Thank you for telling me your story”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart” replied Brianna. “Now, could you do something for me?”
“Anything, Brianna”
“Here’s my card. You are now my friend. Anytime you feel scared, threatened or just want to talk, You call the number on that card. Can you do that for me?”
“Coool, Brianna!” replied an excited Rachel. “Can I, Mom”
“You most certainly can, dear”
“Rachel, can your Mom and I talk alone for a little bit”
“Sure! I’ll take your card upstairs to put on my board”
Rachel ran upstairs, happy to have found a new friend.
“Gina, things are going to get worse before they get better. The jackasses who caused you trouble aren’t going to go away easily. The media will no doubt get involved at some point, especially if she tries to go back to school in the future. I take it you are homeschooling for now?”
“Excellent plan. Let Rachel get comfortable with herself before you turn her loose on an unsuspecting world” Brianna smiled. “Your little girl has a lot of character and I’ll bet anything that she’ll be just fine”
“Thank you, Brianna”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to represent you and Rachel from now on. There will be no shortage of people in this area who would love to make Rachel’s life a living hell”
“That’s a generous offer, Brianna, but here’s no way I can afford your services. Just getting Rachel counseling from Julie is a strain on my budget. And she’s really not charging me that much compared to what she’s doing”
Brianna smiled again. “Who said anything about charging you? This is pro bono, in lawyer speak. Free.”
“I can’t ask you to do that, Brianna. You have no idea how expensive things could get if they get as bad as you say”
“Gina, I don’t need the money. You see, I didn’t tell you my father’s name”
“What was it”
“Jack. Jack DiMaggio. DiMaggio Oil?”
“Your father founded DiMaggio Oil?”
“The one and only. Our family made $4.8 billion on the sale of the DiMaggio Oil holdings when we sold out to Exxon Mobil. With the investments I have made for Mama, we have tripled that amount. So, I think I can take a little free work. Besides I already see that girl as the sister I never had. She was me all those years ago. And If any one of these backwater huckleberrys ever makes the mistake of messing with that little girl, well they don’t call me the ‘Austin Barracuda’ for nothing”
“Well, in that case, welcome aboard!’ exclaimed Gina. “And thank you so much!”
After Brianna left, the doorbell rang again. Gina answered it and Pastor Adams stood at the door. He looked nervous.
“Can I help you” asked Gina frostily.
“May I come in?”
“Well, I’m not happy about the way you were treated at the service yesterday. Is Rachel all right?”
“She is now. No thanks to you or any one at your ‘church’”
“I suppose I had that coming”
“Why are you here?”
“Well, I came to tell you the board took a vote, and you are being asked not to return until you correct your son’s behavior”
“What did Garrett do?”
“I meant Randall”
Gina felt the bile rise in her throat “Pastor Adams, you can tell your ‘board’ that they can go straight to hell. Good day”
Chapter 7
Uhhhh, Grandma, Grandpa, I have something to tell you.
Rachel’s school curriculum came by Fed Ex Tuesday. Gina had ordered a program that would enable Rachel to do her work online and would let her attend virtual lectures. In some ways, she would be getting a more focused education at home than at school.
Gina spent the morning getting everything organized while Rachel busied herself cleaning up from breakfast, and doing the laundry. Gina and Rachel had worked out a system. Rachel would wash, Gina would dry and they both would fold. If everything worked out, Rachel would be done with her studies in about 6 hours, ending her school year at about the same time as the regular school would let out.
“Rachel, everything is ready to go, honey!”
“Do I have too, Mommmm” whined Rachel.
“You know you want to get back to your studies, you big baby” said Gina with a smile.
“I know, I just didn’t, like, want to make it easy for you!” laughed Rachel.
“Move it, missy! said Gina with mock anger, followed by a swat on Rachel’s rear end to get her going.
Rachel squealed then giggled. “That’s child abuse! I’m calling the po-leece!”
“You do that, little girl. Then I can tell them how you refuse to do your work, and they can run YOU in!” said a smiling Gina.
“Ok, I give. This looks like it will be a lot more fun than regular school anyway”
“That’s the spirit!”
Once Rachel was settled in, Gina set about making some phone calls that needed to be made. The first one was to her mother and father in Dallas.
Gina’s mother answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi, Mom, it’s Gina”
“Hi honey, how are you doing today?””¨
“Wonderful. Uhh, look, we are having some issues here. I know it’s short notice, but could you and Daddy come down today? It’s important.”
“It sounds serious. Is everything ok?
“Well, yes and no. I really can’t go in to it over the phone. Some things have come up, and I would really like to see you”
“What’s going on, Gina. You’re scaring me. Is something up with the baby?”
“No, the baby’s fine. Some things have come up with Rach....Randall that we need to talk about. Please...won’t you come? I normally wouldn’t ask, but it’s important” Gina’s voice began to break.
“We’re on our way Gina, don’t worry. How long do you need us?”
“At least tonight, maybe tomorrow?”
“I’ll pack for a couple of days. I’ll call your father at work. We’ll be there at about six.”
“Thanks, Mom. I really need you right now.”
“We are on our way. Hang in there, honey”
“Thanks, Mom. I love you”
“I love you too, Gina”
Gina said goodbye and hung up the phone. She hoped her parents understood. She was approaching her breaking point.
Maria Walker, Gina’s mother got her husband, Charles on the phone. Maria and Charles were both 54, and had been married for 35 years. Gina had been born 34 years ago, and had seldom, if ever asked for help in this way. Something serious was up, Maria knew it.
“What’s up, Maria?”
“We need to leave for Martinsburg now. There’s some kind of trouble with Randall, and Gina’s quite upset”
“Is it serious?”
“I think so, she wouldn’t say what it was, but she started to break down over the phone. I don’t like it. We need to go”
Charles was a detective with the Homicide Division of the Dallas Police Department. He had been with the department for 25 years and was on the downhill side to retirement. He had 3 weeks of personal time accrued. He didn’t miss work, and wasn’t much for vacation. He wouldn’t have any trouble getting the time off.
“I’ll talk to Lieutenant Vasquez. It won’t be a problem.”
Charles walked down to Vasquez’ desk.
“What’s up, Charles?”
“Maria called. Gina’s having some problems and needs us to get there ASAP”
“How much time do you need, Charles?”
“Two, maybe three days”
“No problem. Take all the time you need. Gina not doing too well since her husband was killed?”
“She’s as well as can be expected, I guess. No one of the grandchildren is having some trouble”
“That’s not good. Anything you want to talk about”
“I don’t know anything yet, Gina wouldn’t say”
“That’s never a good thing. I’ll reassign your case load to Schultz and Polanco until you get back. Take care of that family. They definitely need a break”
“Copy that, Bob”
The Walkers were on the road in just over an hour. It was about a 4 hour drive to Martinsburg on a good day from Dallas, if the traffic was good. From their North Dallas home, traffic could be a nightmare, depending on the time of day. Charles didn’t need a GPS to know how to get there. 635 east to 35E, south to Austin. A little jog towards Killeen, and they were there in just over 3 hours 45 minutes. They may have broken the speed limit a little.
They pulled in to Gina’s driveway at 6 o’clock. Gina ran out to meet them as they got out of their car.
“Mom! Daddy! Thank you so much for coming. I’ve been so miserable the last few days.” She broke down in her father’s arms”
“What’s the problem, honey?” asked her father.
“Oh, nothing, and everything!” she wept.
“Well, we’re here now, it’s all right, Gina”
“Well, I need to tell you something before we go inside” Gina said, sniffling.
“What is the problem, Gina?” asked Maria.
“It’s about...Randall” said Gina.
“Is he sick?”
“No, far from it. But you have to promise me that you’ll hear my story before you go in”
Charles and Mary got a sick feeling in their stomachs. He had to be sick. Why was Gina so upset?
Gina began. “We made a terrible mistake when Randall was born...”
“What...” started Charles.
“No, let me finish. Randall was born with a condition. He was genetically a boy, but he really didn’t look like a boy, in his genitals. A specialist identified his condition as Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, which meant he could not process male hormones. The doctors made their recommendations, but Randy and I went against their advice. This led us to where we are now”
“Where are we now?”
“The doctors’ recommendation was to raise Randall as a girl. Randy didn’t want a girl, and I didn’t care, as long as my baby was healthy. So we raised our baby as Randall. It was fine until recently, when he started to go through puberty. Randall didn’t develop like a boy. It was then I realized our mistake. He never was a normal boy. He didn’t care about the same things as Garrett. I saw it. I ignored it for Randy’s sake. I denied the obvious”
“What are you saying, Gina?” asked Maria
“Randall is gone. He is now living as Rachel, a girl”
Both Maria and Charles exclaimed “What?” simultaneously.
“It’s true. It is the way it should have been from the beginning, but now things are just so crazy” She broke down again.
Both Charles and Maria held Gina. “It’s ok, Gina”
“Is it, Daddy? We were kicked out of our church because they think Rachel is some kind of pervert, I’m homeschooling her now because I fear for her safety at school. I’m telling you now, because if you are thinking about judging Rachel in any way, or are planning on asking her to go back, please turn around now and go back home. She almost had a nervous breakdown after being called a whore, a queer and a pervert at church. I won’t put her through that again. I asking you to love her just as you did Randall. Can you do that?”
“Charles and I don’t care one whit about whether Rachel or Randall or whatever is a Martian. She’s our grandchild, and we’ll love her no matter what. And as for those incredibly stupid people at your church, well, I just hope you never go there again”
“Gina was crying all over again. “I just knew you would understand. The stress is killing me. I am starting to have contractions, and I’m worried about losing the baby. I need you!”
Maria started to take charge. Like all mothers do in a time of crisis. “Well, sweetie, Mama’s here now. Charles, let’s go inside and meet our new granddaughter”
They entered the house and Gina called for Garrett and Rachel Garret came down first, and hugged his Grandparents. He was already taller than his Grandfather by a couple of inches. Then Rachel came running down the stairs.
Grams! Papa! She jumped into their arms.
“Well, who do we have here! I don’t believe we’ve met before, young lady!” laughed Charles.
“It’s me! It’s Rachel, or well I am now.”
“Nope, can’t be. Our granddaughter isn’t this pretty”
“Ohhh, Papa, you are sooo silly”
“Grams! I’m so glad to see you”
“Let me look at you! Ohhhh, you look just like mi abuela!
“My grandmother! She was a very beautiful woman! She was a dancer and an actress. She was in a couple of silent films in the twenties with Rudolph Valentino”
“Oh, look it up, hija”
Maria gasped “Gina!”
“What?” replied Gina.
“What are you doing to this child?”
“What do you mean”
“How can you let this pretty girl go without earrings!”
“Yes mom, how could you” echoed Rachel with a smile.
“Hey! I can’t think of everything!”
“Tomorrow, we go to get your ears pierced” announced Maria.
“Really? YAY! Can I get two in each ear?”
“One only until you are 16, young lady, then we’ll talk about it.” chided Gina.
“Awwwwww, Mother!”
Garrett looked at Charles. “Just what she needs. Another few holes in her head”
“Ha ha, big brother. You know, you can always come with us, and get a cute stud in one ear!”
“Yeahhh, I believe I’ll leave the earrings to the girls in this family. What do you think, Gramps?”
“Son, I couldn’t agree more. Let’s leave our girls. There’s a Ranger game with our name on it on TV”
Garrett and Charles went into the living room to watch the Ranger game. They were out of the playoff race, but anything beat talking about earrings and things pertaining to the fairer sex.
“So, Gina, Do you want to go out to eat tonight, or cook in?”
“I really don’t care, Mom, but I am kind of between trips to the store right now, so I don’t have many choices”
“I know! Let’s order a couple of pizzas” volunteered Rachel.
“Sounds great to me, what about you Gina?”
“Pizza it is then”
Gina ordered a couple of large pies with everything from a local place that made some really good hand tossed pizza. After the order was placed, Gina opened a bottle of Shiraz and poured a glass for herself and her mother. Garrett and Charles got a couple of large tumblers of Dr. Pepper taken to them by Rachel, who had a Diet Coke for herself. the pizza was delivered 45 minutes later.
“So, Gina, how have you all adapted to the changes?”
“I was under so much stress and didn’t really realize it until you got here. Things just sort of closed in on me when I saw you pull in the driveway. I guess you never get too old for Mama and Daddy. But, over all, I’d say that we are all getting better. Garrett has been wonderful, and Rachel is, well, you saw her. The last couple of days were rough, but Rachel found a new friend, Brianna, who is actually an attorney, and heiress to a large fortune”
An attorney? There is a Brianna DiMaggio, that I see on TV every now and then, on CNN and Fox News. Isn’t she a gay rights advocate or something like that?”
“Yes, but she really specializes in transgender cases, among other things. Rachel’s therapist got them together, and they hit it off immediately. She is representing Rachel now. She is really wonderful”
“Yeah, Grams, She is very beautiful, and she started off a boy just like me!”
“That’s terrific, honey. She’s going to be a very nice friend to have in the future. She’ll be able to help protect you if you run into any trouble with the mean people out there, and I’ll bet she understands just what you are going through”
“I know, Grams, and she told me to never give up, no matter what, and that’s just what I’m going to do”
“Well Gina, It looks like our little girl is getting not so little any more. You keep that attitude, Rachel, and you’ll be just fine.
“Thanks, Grams”
“Gina, Have you told Randy’s parents yet?”
“No, but I am going to need to make that call tomorrow. They live out in North Carolina, just outside of Fort Bragg. I think his father is getting ready to retire in the next year or two. He hasn’t had much to do with us since Randy died. I really believe he doesn’t know how to deal with his grief. Randy’s mom has called a few times, but she doesn’t hear too well, and phone calls are hard for her to make. Mom, I’m really worried about how they are going to take the news about Rachel. I’m going to have to tell them over the phone. It’s not the way I want to do it, but I don’t have a choice in their case”
“Gina, if they don’t take the news well, I’ll be here to help you through it”
Rachel added “I want them to accept me as I am, but if they don’t, I’ll be all right with that too. I’ve got to learn to be less sensitive about people who don’t accept me”
Maria answered, “Rachel, it’s sad, but that is the way that you are probably going to have to be for some time to come. The bright side is that the more people get to know you, The better things will get. That I promise you. People will someday come to realize that you were never really a boy to begin with”
“That’s right, honey. Things will get better, just not right away” Gina said as she hugged Rachel.
It was decided that Charles would stay the remainder of the week, and Maria would stay at least a month, at least until Gina’s pregnancy stabilized. With the stress of losing her husband and the events associated with Rachel’s transition, Gina’s condition was delicate at best. Maria had packed enough clothes for a week’s stay, and she would leave with Charles and drive back the same day with enough for a longer stay. The guest room was prepared and Rachel, Gina and Maria unpacked.
Garrett and Charles watched the Rangers lose to the Yankees. Garrett went up to bed after the game and Charles turned in for the night. The women were not far behind.
Rachel was up early again the next day, and showered She had talked to her mother about shaving her legs and underarms, and she had said she didn’t need to unless she felt hair. She didn’t have any hair anywhere except on her head. She decided she would ask her mom about that later. After she got out, she dried off and picked out her clothes for the day. It was still warm, so she picked out a nice yellow sundress, and matched her underwear to the outfit. She decided to redo her nails while things were quiet. She was actually getting the hang of hair, makeup and nails fairly quickly, and as long as she kept things simple, she was getting faster all the time.
After a simple breakfast, she started on her lessons for the day. She wanted to get things done so they could get an early start to the mall in Killeen. Rachel was looking forward to getting her ears pierced, and the sooner the better.
At two o’clock, The three ladies were on their way to the mall. Rachel was practically buzzing with excitement. They went to the Claire’s on the mall.
“We would like to get this girl’s ears pierced, please” said Maria to the sales clerk.
“All right, lets get you set up, sweetie. What studs would you like?”
“I’d like the plain gold hearts, please” replied Rachel.
“Ok, good choice! Those are very pretty. Now lets get ready to go”
They marked her lobes, and got ready to do the piercing. Rachel closed her eyes in anticipation of pain, but after two clicks and two little stings, the studs were in. They gave her instructions how to care for the piercings and a bottle of disinfectant to use.
“That didn’t hurt at all, Grams” said Rachel.
“You look very pretty, Rachel. Those studs really set your ears off”
“Thanks, Grams”
“What do you think, Mom?”
“I think you are very beautiful, honey”
“Thank you, Mom, I love you!”
“I love you too, baby”
They spent the next three hours at the mall, looking for bargains on clothes for Rachel, they got a few more tops and a couple of cute skirts. On the way home, Maria told Gina to stop at the cell phone store. When they got in, Maria told Rachel to pick out a phone.
“Pick out a phone. Every girl needs a phone!” said Maria.
“Mom, I can’t let you do that! She’s only twelve”
“With everything that has gone on, don’t you think she needs a phone in case something happens? I won’t rest easy until she has a phone. I’ll put her on my plan, and it won’t cost you a cent”
“Please, Mom?” asked Rachel.
“Ok, but you have to be responsible about using it”
“I will, Mom. After all, who am I going to talk to besides Becca?”
“I guess you have a point for now. Ok, go get your phone”
Rachel picked a pink clamshell phone, one that she could text on. She couldn’t wait to call Becca. She hadn’t had much time to talk to her friend the last few days, and she resolved to fix that situation as soon as possible. The trio then headed home.
On the way home Rachel called her friend.
“Becca? It’s Rachel.”
“Hi! Where have you been for the last few days? I’ve tried to call you like a dozen times, but you are never home”
“ I know, it’s been a rough few days, but you won’t have any trouble reaching me now. I am calling you from my brand new cell phone!”
“Sweet! Welcome to the club! So what has had you so busy?”
Rachel related the events of the last few days to Becca, who couldn’t believe the story she was hearing.
“Wow, Rachel. I don’t know what to say. Those people at the church were crazy to treat you like that. You aren’t going back there, are you?””¨
“No, I don’t think they want me there anyway. It’s their loss. I’ll be okay with or without them. The great thing to come out of it is that I was able to meet Brianna and my Grams coming to stay with us for a few weeks. I’m feeling a lot better about myself too. I’ve realized that things happened to me that I couldn’t help, and it will take time for people to accept me as I am”
“That’s the right attitude to have, girl”
“I’m just glad I have you for a friend, Becca. You’ve always been there for me” Rachel paused for a moment. “Hey, could you and Angela come over Friday night for a sleepover? I’ve never had one before and I know we’ll have a wonderful time!”
“Cool! Let me ask my Mom”
Rachel heard mumbling in the background over the phone, finally Becca was back on.
“What time?”
“Oh, how about coming over at about six?””¨”¨“Great! We’ll both be there! Thanks for asking us!”
“I’ll see you then, Becca, bye”
Gina looked back at Rachel through the rear view mirror. “Nice plan you had there, Rachel. Were you going to ask me at some point if it was ok?”
“Oh, Mom, I knew you were listening. And after all I have been through, you wouldn’t deny me a sleepover with my best friends, would you?” She then pouted and gave the ‘puppy dog’ look”
Gina started laughing and said to Maria, “Mom, will you look at that? Not even a week living as a girl and she’s throwing down the ‘puppy dog’! That is just wrong”
Maria replied “It works, doesn’t it?”
“I know, but it’s still wrong”
“So I can have it?”
“Oh, I suppose” said Gina in mock exasperation.
“YAAY! Thank you Mommy!”
“Oh, please” said Gina as she rolled her eyes.
Chapter 8
The General
The Gina, Maria and Rachel got back home at nine o’clock. Garrett and Charles were watching Sportscenter on ESPN. They were talking about how the football season was going for Garrett, who was a freshman and starting on the varsity football team as an outside linebacker on defense and a wide receiver and third string quarterback on offense. Gina and Maria came in and sat down with them, while Rachel went upstairs to play with her new phone.
Maria asked “So, how did you boys get along while we were gone?”
Charles replied “Maria, how do you think we got along? I took the boy to the tavern, we got drunk and headed back here to sleep it off”
Gina giggled.
Maria was nonplussed. “That’s nice dear. Now, Garrett, how was the bar. Were you able to pick up any sexy women?”
Garrett did not like the way this was heading. Nobody wanted to hear their grandmother ask them about women. “Grams! You know we didn’t do that! Dang! Gramps, why did you say that!”
All the adults started laughing. Garrett was mortified and turned bright red. It was a good thing the light from the TV was the only light in the room. He didn’t want them to see how embarrassed he was. Eventually he started grinning.
“Are you going to the game Friday night Mom and Daddy?” asked Gina.
“We wouldn’t miss it, Gina” replied Charles. “This is Texas you know, and we don’t miss high school football”
Charles wasn’t exaggerating. Martinsburg was a small town of eight thousand, and the home games usually attracted nearly four thousand fans. The team was undefeated, at 3 and 0 with the meat of the schedule was coming up.
Gina got a bit more serious. “Garrett, how have things been for you at school since Rachel’s, well, issues”
“Mom, I’m not going to lie to you. Her transformation has been the talk of the school, especially since the incident at the church. People have made some comments to me, both supportive and hateful. Fortunately, I have a reputation as someone you don’t really mess with for some reason, so the impact on me has not really been too bad, just some ribbing at first from some of the guys on the team. But a couple of hard hits on the field to the few jerks who made fun of Rachel kind of made my point that Rachel was not a subject to be brought up with me”
You didn’t fight, did you?” asked Gina.
“No, Mom, that would be stupid. I’m not getting thrown out of school or kicked off the team for a couple of stupid comments someone makes. But, being a football player with the nickname of ‘Headhunter’ Harris means that a few well placed hits in practice means that I can get my point across, with a slap on the back from the coach for a job well done” Garrett smiled. The slightly crooked, loopy smile of a linebacker who loves to hit. Then he started to laugh. The smile, laugh and looks that had made him the most sought after boy in school to the female students.
”¨“I don’t suppose you get too much flak from anyone, do you son”
“No, I don’t Gramps. My teammates know that when the chips are down on the field or anywhere else, I’ll be there for them. Dad told me a long time ago that the toughest men he knew never had to fight, and he showed me how to do that. Character, he always told me, was the best defense a man could have”
Gina’s heart went to her throat. That was the Randy that had attracted her years ago the Randy that had always known what to do in every situation. Not the shell of a man who had come back from Iraq.
“That was the best advice you could have gotten, son” said Charles. “Always remember that, and your dad will always be alive in your heart, where it counts”
Garrett nodded. “It’s probably for the best that Rachel is home schooled for now though. I couldn’t protect her all the time, and there are some real nutballs there. Guys with more testosterone than brains. Idiots that don’t think about the consequences of their actions”
Gina agreed. “I know. the thought of her in with some of those animals in her mental state is horrifying. There’s no telling what could happen to her there”
Rachel came into the room with her sleepshirt on. Her makeup was off and she was ready for bed. She gave her grandparents and brother a kiss goodnight and asked her mother to come upstairs to help her with something. Gina and her daughter went upstairs.
“What do you need help with, honey?”
“I wanted to ask you some questions”
“Like what?”
“Well, it’s about my chest. It is really itchy and it hurts under my nipples I have to wear my bra to bed because it’s the only way I can get any sleep, but it’s not really comfortable to wear my bra to bed”
“Ohhh, I understand completely, dear. It’s completely normal for you to have that reaction. It just means you are developing breasts. I can get you some ointment to make it better tomorrow”
“That makes me feel better. I thought something was wrong with me”
“Nope, It’s perfectly normal. It happened to me too, and about at the same age”
“Yes, dear?”
“I also have a question about my hair”
“What about it?”
“Well, I don’t have any, well other than on my head”
“Hmm. Well, honey, some girls develop body hair later than others, and it’s very light on others. I read online that in your case, you may never have any body hair, which, believe me is not necessarily a bad thing. But, I don’t think it’s anything you have to worry about right now”
“At the mall, I was looking around and I began to think that some of the boys I saw were, I don’t know, cute. I started to wonder if they would like me. I thought I was physically a boy just a week ago. Does this make me strange or something? I mean, I never have liked anyone before, and Becca was always just a friend. I never wanted to kiss her or anything”
“No, honey, it makes you a girl. A normal, everyday girl who is starting to notice to opposite sex for the first time. Mentally, no matter what clothes you put on, you were always a girl, and that’s what you will always be”
Rachel hugged her mom. “Thank you Mom, I love you, and I don’t know what I would do without you”
“I love you too, baby, and I thank God every day for you”
“Good night mom”
“God night, love”
Garrett got up at his normal time, six o’clock. He had morning workouts to attend for football at seven. He got ready to go, grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. As he headed out of the door, he noticed the back of a large wooden placard sticking out of the ground. Thinking it was some sort of political ad, he went around and read it.
“Son of a bitch!” said Garrett under his breath as he read it.
“A PERVERT LIVES HERE” read the sign. The post holding the sign was steel and buried deep. Whoever planted it didn’t want it to come up easily. They didn’t count on Garrett. With a little grunt, the youth pulled on the post and ripped it out of the ground.
“Assholes” cursed Garrett as he took the sign into the garage and hid it. He didn’t want anyone to see it right now and knew that Brianna might want to see it. He went inside and found his mother at the kitchen table drinking hot tea.
“Mom, I need you to come into the garage”
Gina went into the garage and gasped when she saw the sign. “When did they do this”
“Sometime last night. I pulled it up so no one else could see it. You need to tell Gramps”
“I will. You need to go on to school”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, There’s nothing you can do now. Thanks for getting it out of the yard””¨
Garrett left, and Gina winced as a Braxton Hicks contraction hit her. She had never had problems like this with her other pregnancies, and while the OB had said they were harmless. Gina wasn’t so sure. She was only six months into her pregnancy.
Gina got her father into the garage to look at the sign. He immediately called the non emergency number to the Martinsburg police, identified himself and requested a unit be dispatched to the address.
“Don’t worry, Gina, I’ll handle this”
The Martinsburg officer arrived within ten minutes. Charles identified himself with his DPD identification. The officer identified himself as Stan Harrick.
“Thanks for coming so soon, officer, good morning” greeted Charles.
“Good morning, sir, what’s the problem”
“It seems we have someone who doesn’t like someone who lives in the house. Charles showed the officer the sign”
“Why would someone do that? I don’t have any notice of a sex offender in the neighborhood. Has that changed”
At that time, Rachel came out in her fuzzy pink robe and slippers with a large mug of coffee. Here you go, papa. I thought you might want some coffee” she noticed the officer and said, “Oh! Do you know my papa? He’s a policeman too. Can I get you some coffee too?”
The officer smiled. “Sure, I’ll have a cup while I talk to your papa. Thank you very much, uhh...”
“Rachel, sir”
“Rachel, thank you” replied the officer with a smile.
The two men waited for Rachel to go back inside before resuming their conversation.
“Nice kid. Very pretty. You must be very proud”
“Yes I am, she’s the best”
“Now, Detective Walker, about the alleged ‘pervert’ according to the sign”
“You just met the ‘pervert’. She brought me coffee and is getting yours right now”
The officer gaped. “The girl? Rachel? How can she be a...a...”
“Yes. But I can’t put that girl and pervert in the same sentence”
Rachel came out with another mug of coffee for the officer. He took it and thanked her.
“Thank you, Rachel”
“You’re welcome, sir. I have to get ready for school now. Bye” she said brightly.
“Detective Walker, whoever put hat sign in the yard could not have meant that girl”
“Oh, but they did. Let me tell you a story......”
Charles related the events of the last few days to the officer as they drank their coffee. The officer was gobsmacked.
“Unbelievable. All this because she was mistakenly identified at birth? Damn, sir. I thought there were some backwoods peawits in this town but this takes the cake. I come from Austin, and this wouldn’t cause a ripple there. Hell, they’d probably give her the key to the city. Nothing wrong with that girl. At all”
“Stan, you know that and I know that, but some folks here don’t want to know it. Can you maybe get the chief to put a couple more patrols in this area between midnight and six?”
“I’ll put it in my report, sir. I don’t think there will be a problem. If there is, here is the contact info for the chief”
“Thanks, Officer. You’ve been very helpful. Hopefully, this will be the end of it”
Officer Stan Harrick looked at Charles. “You don’t believe that any more than I do”
Charles looked at the officer. “No, but I hope for the sake of whoever is doing this that it is”
“Copy that, sir”
Charles walked back inside. Maria was waiting by the door.
“How did it go?”
“All right, I guess, They are adding a couple of patrols to this area to try to scare off whoever did this. Maybe they won’t do it again” he added “Gina, no reason to trouble Rachel with this now. It may be a one off thing”
“If you say so, Daddy”
Rachel was finding it hard to concentrate on her school work. She was planning for her sleep over with Becca and Angela. They would go to the game and watch Garrett, then come back for some fun. She was dressed in a jean mini and a Baby tee with ‘Spoiled’ written on the front. Her mom tought it was a little suggestive for a twelve year old, but it wasn’t particularly tight, and the mini wasn’t too terribly short. Rachel found that more and more, she liked the comfort of skirts and dresses.
Gina dialed the office number for Randy’s father, Lt. Gen. Barton Harris. He picked up on the second ring.
“Dad, this is Gina”
“Hello, Gina. How have you been?”
“I’m doing well, Dad, how is Mom?”
“As well as can be expected. Her health has really gone to hell since Randy died”
“I’m very sorry to hear that, Dad. Look, I need to talk to you. It’s about Randall”
“Oh?” Barton almost audibly sighed. He didn’t know what was wrong with that boy. He was always hanging around with his mother, not at all a prime example of a boy. Barton always wondered if the boy was gay. Not like Garrett. There was a real boy. On his way to becoming a real man. He really didn’t have time to listen to Randall’s problems. “Look, Gina, I’m really busy here, maybe some other time””¨”¨“Dad, It’s very important! Please take a few minutes to listen to me. I really need to talk to you about some developments in the last few days. It’s very serious, and you need to know about it. Please!”
Gen. Harris was taken aback by the urgency in his daughter in law’s voice. “All right, Gina, If it’s that important to you”
“Thank you. Here’s what has happened” Gina began to relate the tale to Randy’s father, leaving out nothing. The general listened in rapt silence. Twenty minutes later, Gina was finished. “That’s the story, Dad. I don’t know what else to say”
“Well, Gina, we simply need to get the boy some counseling. Maybe military school. I always thought there was something wrong with the boy, now I know. I’ll fly out there and set him straight. Don’t worry. We’ll make Randy proud of that boy yet”
“No, Dad, we won’t. The decision has been made. Randy and I made a mistake when Rachel was born, and it’s taken twelve years to start to fix it. If you ever had one bit of love for your grandchildren, you and Mom will fly out here and watch your granddaughter, talk to her, and then see if she’s a boy”
“I’ll be on the next plane out there, I’ll get this boy fixed”
“No you won’t Dad. Until you come out here with an open mind, and with Mom, you aren’t welcome here”
“You can’t do that! I’m the boy’s grandfather! I’m Randy’s father! How dare you...”
“No, Dad. I told my parents the same thing. Rachel is very delicate right now. She has already had to face down bigots here in town, and I don’t want her to face the same kind of bigotry from the family that she holds so dear. She is a girl. She always has been. I was too stupid to see it before. So was Randy”
“Listen here, Gina. I have rights. If I have to go to court, you’ll lose”
“I hope you don’t decide to go that route, Dad. I am not without friends here, you know. I want you and Mom to be a part of Rachel’s life. The little boy Randall is gone. Accept that. Accept Rachel. The girl. You won’t be sorry you did. Good bye Dad”
“GINA! You will be sorry! What would Randy say! GINA! GINA!” She had already hung up. The general’s assistant came into the room.
“Sir! Is everything okay?”
The general was quiet. "Yes, everything is fine. Dismissed.”
Chapter 9
The Game
After Gina hung up the phone, she couldn’t help being saddened at the reaction on Randy’s father. Not surprised, really, but truly saddened. She wanted Rachel to have a relationship with Randy’s parents. They were good people, but his dad had funny ideas about women in general. Almost like they were second class citizens, put on the earth only to serve men. How he kept that attitude in the new Army was a source of amusement for Gina. If Rachel never saw him again, he would be the loser.
Gina then called Brianna. She wanted to inform her about the sign in the yard. Gina pulled up Brianna’s number on her cell phone.
“Brianna DiMaggio”
“Brianna, It’s Gina Harris”
“Hi, Gina, what can I do for you today”
“There’s been a little incident I need to let you know about”
“Oh, what’s that?”
”¨”¨“We had a sign planted in our front yard last night. Garrett found it this morning and pulled it out before Rachel could see it”
“What did it say?”
“‘A pervert lives here’, in big red letters.”
“Well, this is a development that is not entirely unexpected. I’ll send one of my people over to pick it up. Rachel shouldn’t see it, and I want to save it for potential evidence if this continues”
“Do you think it will”
“In all likelihood, yes. People who do things like this aren’t likely to stop until they are caught”
“Should I be concerned about our safety?” asked Gina.
“Not as long as you have me helping you. Leave everything to me. I’ll take care of this. Just try to keep Rachel blissfully unaware of these events, okay?”
“You don’t have to worry about that. My only concern is that she is planning on a sleepover after the game tomorrow night. Should I change those plans?”
“Absolutely not! I’ll handle everything. Nothing is going to happen to my little sister. You tell her to have a great time for me”
“I will. Thank you, Brianna. You’ve been a godsend!”
“Don’t worry. Now I’ve got to get to work. I’ll talk to you later”
Brianna disconnected and immediately called her secretary on the intercom.
“Betsy, get me Steve Marshall....”
Rachel was stressing about what to do at her party. She had never done anything like this before. She wanted her friends to have fun.
Gina knew that call. Rachel was worried about something.
“Coming, dear” she said as she went up the stairs. “You beckoned, Princess?”
“What are we going to do at the sleep over? I have no idea what we will do! I’ve never done anything like this before. Help!”
“Honey, don’t sweat it. This isn’t my first time hosting a sleep over”
“But that was for Garrett’s friends. These are girls!”
“Rachel, I was talking about my friends when I was a girl”
“But mommm, you’re old! Things are different now”
Gina rolled her eyes. “Rachel, I’m only 34 years old! It’s not like I’m the Crypt Keeper!”
“The WHO?”
“Never mind” she sighed “Maybe I am over the hill at 34”
“I’m sorry mom, I’ll listen to your ideas. After all, I sure don’t have any”
Rachel and Gina spent some time planning the party. By the time they were done, Rachel realized her mom had a lot of fun ideas. This wouldn’t be so bad after all. Gina, for her part, had fun bonding with Rachel, and getting to know her daughter a little better. She found that Rachel really loved feminine things. She was all girl, there was no doubt about that.
Steve Marshall got the call from Brianna DiMaggio’s secretary to come in to the office. Steve was a private detective and bodyguard in Austin. He looked something like Denzel Washington, with a leaner look. At six-three and two hundred ten pounds, he played safety for the Longhorns in the early 90’s. He was a pro candidate, but a knee injury robbed him of the speed that made him a nightmare for the opposing offense. He was drafted, but never hit his stride in the NFL. He went on to get his law degree, and spent ten years in the FBI after that. After getting enough of the politics in the Bureau, he branched out on his own in 2005. He met Brianna at a party while working a security detail for a prominent Texas business figure. They hit it off immediately.
Steve liked working for the DiMaggio’s. They paid well, and didn’t micro manage him. They trusted him to do his job. He arrived at the office, and went up to Brianna’s secretary.
“The boss lady wanted to see me, Betsy?”
“Yes sir, Mr. Marshall” came the reply. “I’ll buzz you in, she saw you pull up”
“You know, Betsy, you can call me Steve. I’m an employee just like you”
“I know, Mr. Marshall” replied Betsy with a smile “Miss DiMaggio will see you now”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. That girl was one strange bird. Cute, though.
“Steve! Good to see you. Thanks for coming on such short notice!” Brianna went over and gave Steve a hug and a kiss on the cheek. With her heels on, she was nearly as tall as Steve.
“No problem, Bree. Business is off right now anyway. Not enough intrigue going on here to keep me busy” Damn, thought Steve. She is always put together, and she always smells nice. He knew her background, and didn’t care. He would love to get to know her a lot better, but she always put off his advances. She said it wouldn’t be proper. All he knew was no one filled out a business suit like Brianna. “Easy, boy” he thought.
“What’s up?” Steve asked.
“I have a little job for you in Martinsburg. There’s a family there that needs a little help for the next few nights. I need you to stop a little vandalism” Brianna proceeded to fill him in on the details of the case.
“Martinsburg, huh? Nice little town, a lot of white trash elements. Not the most progressive of towns. So we have a little sign maker, huh? This should be fun”
“I’m paying you top dollar for this, Steve. If someone does come, I need you to take them out quickly and quietly. I don’t want this little girl to know anything is wrong. Put the fear of God into whoever is doing this”
“How do you want me to ‘discuss’ this with whoever is doing this?”
“The perpetrators need to understand that any move toward the Harris family will be dealt with severely. Get names if possible. But do it quietly. I’d like to keep the police out of this if possible. They’ll get Rachel involved and I don’t want that. She’s having a slumber party tomorrow night. Start your watch then. Here’s your advance”
It was a cashier’s check for ten thousand dollars.
“Damn, Bree. This is contract money! I don’t do killing, you know”
“Neither do I. This is open ended job. No one, I mean no one is going to bother this girl, not while I have anything to say about it”
“What is it about this girl, Bree?”
“I have my reasons, Steve. Someday, I’ll tell you”
Thursday night was uneventful. Rachel was on the phone with Becca and Angela discussing events at school and the upcoming game, as well as the sleep over.
Friday morning, there were no signs in the yard, which was a relief to the family. Rachel was up earlier than usual to get an early start on her lessons, as she wanted to be done by one or two o’clock. She didn’t even to bother to get out of her sleep shirt and robe.
“Rachel” Gina chided, “Why haven’t you gotten showered and changed?”
“I will mom. I want to get my schoolwork out of the way so I can get ready for the sleepover.”
“Okay, just see that you don’t forget to clean up”
“Ewwww, mom! How could I forget that! That’s just gross!” came the disgusted reply.
Gina and Maria went to the store to stock up on the snacks that weren’t likely to last long with three healthy appetites. They got some special items for party games, and some things for Garrett, who was going to by vastly outnumbered tonight. While they were at the store, Gina ran into Amy Adams, the pastor’s wife.
“Hello, Gina” said Amy.
“Hello, Amy” came the frosty reply.
”¨“Look, Gina, you have every right to be angry with us. You and Rachel were treated horribly that Sunday. I have never seen such a display in all my life. I was shattered. I wanted to stand up and scream at those men to shut up and sit down, but I was paralyzed. I wasn’t brought up to say such things. I just wanted you to know that I haven’t been back to that place since that day, and I won’t go back until everyone apologizes to you. I’m so sorry, Gina, I should have been a better friend. I don’t think we’ll be there much longer anyway, a large section of the church membership wants Jim out. They think he’s too liberal”
Tears started down Amy’s face. Gina gave her a hug. “I forgive you, Amy. For what it’s worth, I never did blame you”
“Thank you, Gina. I’m glad to get to talk to you. I don’t know if we’ll get to talk again. Send Rachel my love”
Amy left as Maria walked up. “Who was that?”
“Amy Adams, the pastor’s wife”
“What did she want? To jab you again?””¨
“No, actually, she wanted to apologize. She’s going through a rough patch too. She was never the problem anyway. She and Jim may not be there that much longer anyway”
They got home at about noon. Rachel was done with her schoolwork, and was showered and ready to go. She was wearing a brown calf length peasant skirt and a pink fuzzy sweater with a blouse underneath, with ballet flats.
“Well, don’t you look lovely” said Maria. “What’s the special occasion?”
“Nothing, I just like to look nice for my appointment”
“OH MY GOSH! Your appointment! I completely forgot”
“Mom, it isn’t until 2 o’clock! We have plenty of time. I made tuna salad for lunch”
“How did you learn how to do that?” asked Gina.
“Internet, Mom. I just followed directions”
Gina gave Rachel a big hug. “Thank you, baby! I don’t know what I would do without you”
“Don’t thank me till you try it, Mom” Rachel said with a laugh.
They ate the lunch Rachel made and it was delicious. Rachel seemed to have a knack in the kitchen. Charles even agreed.
They made the appointment with Julie in plenty of time. As usual, Julie wanted to talk to Rachel alone first.
“So, how have things been going since Sunday?””¨
“Great! Thank you for helping us meet Brianna. She’s beautiful and soooo nice. She gave me her card! I’ll be able to call her now, because I got my own cell phone” Rachel showed Julie the phone. “I’m also having a sleepover tonight after the game”
“That’s lovely, Rachel. It’s a very pretty phone. and by the way, I love your outfit. Who picked it out for you?”
“Well, Mom and I picked it out at the store, but I put it together today”
Julie made some notes. “Well you did a marvelous job, Rachel”
“Thank you, Julie” Rachel beamed.
“Now about the sleepover. Who is coming?”
“Oh, just my two friends, Becca and her sister Angela. Those are the only friends I have”
“Does that make you sad?”
“Oh, no. I’d rather have fewer friends right now anyway. I’m just so used to most people my age being mean to me, that I’m not ready to have a lot of friends. Besides, how many best friends can you have” Rachel smiled.
“I think that you have the right idea, Rachel”
Rachel and Julie talked for another thirty minutes. Julie took notes, and Rachel talked on about how much fun she was having, how exciting the schoolwork was. Finally, Gina came in.
“Julie, can I talk to you alone a minute?”
“Sure. Rachel, there is some diet Coke in the office refrigerator, do you want some”
“Yes! I’ll go get it”
“What’s up Gina”
Gina explained about the sign, and what they had done about it. Gina gave Julie all the details.
“I think you are going about this the right way for now. If this is an isolated incident, there is probably no need to tell Rachel. If Bree said she would handle it, she will. I wouldn’t worry about it for now. Keep me informed”
“Okay, Julie”
They got back to Martinsburg at six o’clock. Garrett was already gone with his grandparents. Rachel had called Becca and Angela to let them know that she and her mom were coming to pick them up for the game. After driving by and picking up Becca and Angela, they went to the high school field. The visiting team was Lampasas High
School, one of Martinsburg’s biggest rivals. The stands were filling up and it looked to be another standing room only crowd. The band was warming up as the junior varsity game was finishing up.
“Rachel, I don’t want you alone here, okay?” said Gina.
“Ohh, Mom, you never said anything to me before. Why now”
“First of all, I did tell you to be careful the last time we were here, but you have to learn that girls have to be especially careful. There are a lot of sickos out there that would love to get their hands on you. So, the three of you girls stick together, and don’t talk to anyone you don’t know, okay?
“We understand, Mrs. Harris” said Angela, “We’ll keep her safe. She has never been out before to a place like this as a girl. We’ll show her the ropes”
“See that you do, Angela. If you have to run about, do it safely, okay”
“We will, Mrs. Harris. Can we go get some popcorn?”
“Okay girls, but I’ll be watching you.”
“Yay! Let’s go Rachel!” And off they went.
Charles told Gina. “I think I’ll keep a closer eye on them”
“Thank you, Daddy”
The girls took the long way to the concession stand. Angela wanted to be the social butterfly and meet all the girls from school. She met up with a group of her friends.
“Hey girls! What’s up?”
Brittany Daniels spoke up “Nothing at all. All the boys worth talking too are either on the field or in the locker room. You look cute tonight!”
“Thanks, Britt. So do you. Are those new jeans?”
“These? I wish. Mom won’t let me get anything new until my birthday Saturday. She says I might be surprised what I get. As if.”
“Girls, you know my sister, Becca, have any of you met our friend before?”
Brittany was with Jayne Morris, Katie Brunson, Hilary Carter and Lisa Martinez.
“No, came the reply”
“This is Rachel, our cousin from Austin. She’s here for the weekend””¨
“Rachel blanched and looked at Becca, who elbowed Angela”
“Ow! Becca, I was just introducing our cousin here”
“Angela, what are you doing” whispered Becca.
“They have no idea who she is, Becca. There is no sense letting them in and judging her before they know her”
“Lying isn’t going to help her, Angela””¨
“What are you two whispering about?” said Jayne “Let us in on the secret”
The other girls agreed. “Yeah, Let us in!”
“Oh, it’s nothing, Becca was reminding me where we have to go later”
“We need to get back, Angela” said Rachel “Mom will get worried”
“We don’t need to get back right now, Let’s talk awhile” Angela introduced all the girls to Rachel, who already knew who they were. Why was Angela doing this? Rachel hated lying, and didn’t want to start now.
“Angela!” Rachel interrupted. “You don’t have to lie about me. Girls, I’m Rachel Harris, but you might remember me as Randall”
The girls all stopped talking. They looked at Rachel in disbelief. Rachel was flushed bright red in embarrassment.
“Then Jayne said, “Oh! So you’re the famous Rachel that everyone is talking about. So is it true you had a sex change operation in Europe?”
“What?” cried Rachel. “No! I just had a medical condition that made my parents think I was a boy, but I never was”
“Oh, yeah, right, Rachel” said Brittany “Like you just woke up one morning and you were a girl?”
“Well not exactly, but I can tell you that I...I...I have....girl parts”
“Really?” said Lisa, “You do?”
“Yes, but the doctor said that I can never have babies”
“Oh, wow. Are you serious?” said Hilary.
“Yes. And you probably hate me. I’ll leave now” said a dejected Rachel.
“Wait!” said Brittany “Don’t leave! I think it’s kind of cool. You’re different, but it’s not like everyone says. They were all saying you were some sort of freak that looked like a boy in a dress. You don’t look that way to me. I think you’re pretty!”
“Really?” asked Rachel “You do?
“Sure! And if Angela is willing to make an idiot out of herself by lying to us for you, then you must be okay. What do you think, girls?”
They all agreed that Rachel wasn’t the ogre that the rumor mill had painted her to be. The girls began to talk about boys.
“Who do you like, Rachel?”
“I don’t know. I think I’m really too young for that. I’ve got enough to worry about right now. I’ll leave the boys to you. You know a lot more about it that me!” laughed Rachel.
“Well, I think you’re cool” said Lisa “You can hang out with us anytime”
“Thanks, Lisa. I like you guys too”
Just then the school song started, and the varsity team came roaring onto the field. The crowd started cheering. Rachel screamed out Garrett’s name, and he happened to see her and wave.
“You’re Garrett’s sister, aren’t you, said Brittany. “He’s hot! Can you put in a good word for me?”
Angela retorted “No way, Britt. He’s mine”
“Whatever, Ang. He doesn’t know any of us are alive. All he thinks about is football and weights!” Brittany and the girls giggled.
“Unfortunately, you’re right” said Rachel “But I’m sure that will change eventually. He doesn’t listen to me anyway”
“Isn’t that the truth” said Becca. “But I’m just as glad they don’t notice us right now. I kind of think they are gross”
The girls all laughed at Becca’s comment. They broke up for the moment, promising to get together at halftime.
The game turned out to be a rout in the first half. Garrett’s name was being called as the tackler on more than a few plays, and he had an interception return for a touchdown in the second quarter. The halftime score was 23-0, Martinsburg.
The girls got together again at halftime and were talking and laughing like tween girls are know to do. Silliness is genetic at this point in the development of girls and Rachel was enjoying laughing and being accepted. Then, her bliss was shattered. Becca screamed, as her rear end was brutally pinched.
“Hey Becca, what’s shakin’ besides your ass?” It was Wayne Jackson, whose beating set Rachel on the course that changed her life.
Rachel jumped and retreated behind Angela and Brittany, fear etched on her face.
“Wayne, keep your disgusting paws off my sister, you pervert! She’s twelve years old!” cried Angela.
“Who cares? She’s hot, and if she’s lucky, she may get to be with me before the night is over”
“EWWWW, you pig! I wouldn’t have anything to do with you if you were the last male on the earth! God, you are so gross!” said Becca with disgust.
“Ohh come on baby, you know you can’t resist gettin’ a little Wayne!”
“Please” said Brittany “Are you really that stupid! You stink! Really, at least take a shower before you try to talk to girls” She made a gagging motion to the other girls, who started giggling.
“Hey! Who’s the new piece you’re hiding. I don’t believe I done her yet”
“You haven’t done anyone, other than yourself, loser” said Jayne with disdain.
“Hey bitch, watch yer mouth when talking to a man” he challenged.
Rachel stepped out. “Don’t you dare talk to my friend like that you pig! She’s better than you will ever be”
“Ohhhh, the little girl has a voice! You’re cute, so I’ll let you go for now, just watch your mouth” he said in a patronizing tone that infuriated Rachel.
“Little girl? You disgusting piece of slime! there’s only one place your going with that atttude. JAIL! God I hate you! I’ve always hated you”
The dimwitted boy had not caught on to who was talking to him. He looked over to his sniggering colleagues and realized the situation was getting out of hand.
“You bitch! He raised his hand to hit Rachel, but not before she raised a knee to his groin. He wilted.
“You bastard! My name is Rachel. Rachel Harris! And don’t you ever bother me or my friends again” She turned away from Wayne and put her head in Angela’s shoulder and started crying.
The girls all circled Rachel and walked away with her, hugging and consoling her.
Wayne began to recover his faculties, and saw the girls walking away. His friends were laughing at him and ridiculing the fact that he was taken out by a girl. He Jumped up and ran to the group of girls. He was going to show them!
Suddenly, he was stopped cold in his tracks by a hand clamped on his shoulder. All of a sudden he couldn’t move. His shoulder exploded in pain. He couldn’t say or do anything.
“Son, that’s not a very good idea” came the smooth even bass voice. “Those girls are off limits to you”
Wayne looked up and saw a tall black man dressed in black, with a shaven head and goatee. He also saw the glint of something under his jacket.
“Wayne Jackson, I know all about you” he said in a whisper “Not too bright, drunk father, ugly mother. Don’t make me do something that they might regret. Now, I want you to turn around walk away with your little buddies, and never speak to Rachel or her friends again. If you do, I will be back to see you, and I won’t be so friendly the next time”
He let go and Wayne fell to the ground. He looked around but the man was gone. Wayne started crying and ran to his friends. They asked what he was going to do about the “bitch” who hit him.
“Nothing” he said. “Let’s get out of here”
Charles saw the man who dealt with the wayward boy. He was on his way to stop the altercation, but he wasn’t fast enough. He caught up with Rachel’s guardian angel.
“Thanks for handling that boy back there. I saw him giving my granddaughter a hard time, but wasn’t fast enough to get there to stop the trouble”
“No problem, Detective Walker. Just doing my job”
“How do you know me?”
“It’s what I’m paid to do. Know people”
“What’s going on here?”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you anyway. My name is Steve Marshall, and Brianna DiMaggio has engaged my services to watch after Rachel, and get to the bottom of this sign thing. I know you’re a detective, and I wanted to let you know that I’ll be around for the next few days, making sure that nothing interferes with your granddaughter’s new life. I am also going to be as close to invisible as I can be. My orders are to keep a low profile. I’ve already talked to the chief of police to let him know I’ll be in town on a stakeout”
“What if he is in on it?” queried Charles. “Won’t that tip him off?”
“Maybe, if he knew what I was staking out. He thinks I’m on the other side of town on a divorce case” Steve laughed. “I’ll bet he’s got his boys looking for me now!”
Charles laughed as well.
Steve continued. “I want you to know, so in case you see something odd, not to worry. I’ve got it covered. No one is getting close to your granddaughter. I also need you to keep my presence between you and me”
Charles answered. “Can do, Steve. That’s a great load off my mind. Thanks for giving me the heads up” he paused “Oh, and you won’t mind if I check you out, will you? Can’t be too careful”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less, Detective Walker. Here’s my card.”
Charles thanked Steve and made a call to Dallas.
“Tom, this is Charlie. I need you to check out a PI for me. He’s from Austin, and his name is Steve Marshall. He is? He Is? Yeah? All right, Thanks, Tom, I owe you one”
“Well, when Brianna hires someone, she doesn’t skimp. You pass and then some. My girls are in good hands, Steve. Thanks”
Steve returned to his duties, and blended into the crowd.
The girls were all gathered around Rachel.
“Oh. My. God. Rachel, that was soooo cool” said Lisa. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long!”
“I know! You so owned him, girl!” added Jayne
“Hey, don’t cry, Rach, he can’t hurt you! He’ll have to pick his balls up off the grass before he does anything!” added Brittany, giggling.
“You are the best, girl” said Becca “My bottom is going to have a bruise on it in the morning, but it was worth it to see you lay him out. What a pig”
“Thanks, guys. I just couldn’t bear to see him call you all a bitch. I hate that word. I just got out of control. After I did it, I got so scared, I didn’t know what to do”
Angela then said, “Girls, after tonight, Rachel is our friend. No matter what anyone else says about her. No matter what anyone else thinks. She’s one of us. OKAY?”
“OKAY!” came the enthusiastic reply.
The rest of the game was anticlimactic. Lampasas stiffened, but could not manage more than two field goals and the final score was 23-6, Martinsburg.
Rachel and her new friends sat next to Gina and her mother the rest of the night, cheering Garrett on and enjoying their new found friendship.
Chapter 10
The Lack of Sleep-Over, or Mom is going to be tired in the morning.
After the game was over, Brittany, Katie, Jayne and Lisa asked Rachel, Angela and Becca to go to the local post game hangout, a large pizza place called Dino’s.
“Pleeeease, Mom” pleaded Rachel. “You and Grams and Papa can come too! It will be fun! Pleeeease?”
Gina looked to her mother. “Do you and Daddy want to come?”
“No, Gina, I think we will sit this one out. 200 teenagers in a pizza place doesn’t sound like a...well...pleasant place to be for a couple of old timers like us. Besides, we have to get going early in the morning if I want to be back at a decent hour”
Gina looked at Rachel’s shining eyes and she knew that the answer no was not an option. She had picked up a group of friends her first day out, and this seemed to be what the doctor ordered for Rachel’s therapy, so to speak.
“Okay, sweetie, let’s go.”
“YAY! Thank you, Mom!”
Katie had corralled her mother, and was dragging her over to Gina and the girls.
“Mom, this is Rachel, and she is just the coolest girl! Wayne Jackson was bothering us and calling us names and Rachel was all ‘don’t do that’ and ‘leave my friends alone’ and he pinched Becca on the bottom, and Rachel, just, well, put her knee in his privates, and he went down. It was so cool!”
“Hi, I’m Katie’s mother, Susan Brunson. You’re Garrett’s mother, right?”
“Yes I am. Gina Harris. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Rachel is my daughter”
“Katie seems to think quite a bit of Rachel. It’s not often you see a little girl in a skirt take out a bully! Funny, She doesn’t look like the superhero type” she laughed.
“Well, I don’t condone violence, but just between you and me, that little monster had it coming”
“Mom!” said Katie “ We have the big truck, can all the girls ride with us to Dino’s? Daddy is taking Jeff home” Jeff was Katie’s big brother, a starting defensive end on the team and a junior.
“Y’all go ask your parents and meet back here” said Susan in her Texas drawl.
The girls split up to get the requisite permissions and left Gina and Susan standing by themselves.
“Are you sure you have enough room for all the kids?” asked Gina.
“I should hope so. I have a Suburban. Nine people in seat belts. I don’t really need all the room, but It’s nice to pull the horse trailer!”
“I should say so. I’ll go on ahead and get a couple of tables reserved”
“Gina” Susan touched her arm.
“I know about Rachel, and I heard about what happened at that church service. I want you to know that I think it’s terrible what they did to you, Garrett and that sweet girl, and I have no problem with Rachel at all. She’s welcome to come out to our place anytime. We’re proud to know your family. Darrell and I don’t hold to what a lot of other people in this town think” she said somberly. “I just wanted you to know that”
Gina hugged Susan. “You have no idea what your support means. I was beginning to think we were all alone in this town”
“Not by a long shot, girl. Hell, I heard a couple of boys in the cafe the other day say they didn’t care what went on with Rachel, they just didn’t want Garrett to move away!” she laughed again. “It may not be a ringing endorsement, but I’d wager most people in this town don’t care one way or another”
“ I hope you’re right Susan, I really do. I can’t sell the place right now, and I’m hoping time heals any problems” She paused and sighed. “Well, let me get those tables reserved”
Gina left and the girls all came up, laughing and carrying on about everything in the world. Rachel’s dispatch of Wayne was the big topic, as well as what boys would make it to Dino’s.
The short ride to was noisy and laugh filled. Susan was pleased that Rachel was fitting in so well. She smiled.
Everyone got into the crowded restaurant. It was packed to capacity, as it was every Friday night after a home game. The girls got a table and the Gina and Susan got the other.
“I’m surprised that you were able to reserve a table. They don’t usually do that on Fridays” said an amazed Susan.
“They do when you slip the owner twenty bucks” Gina answered.
“Ok, so bribery is alive and well in Texas” said Susan with a laugh.
“It’s too important for Rachel right now. I want her to have this experience”
The girls all sat at the table and asked Rachel what she was doing later.
“Well, Angela and Becca are staying over at my house tonight for a sleep over”
“And you didn’t invite us!” shrieked Brittany “we’re hurt!”
Rachel quickly answered “But I didn’t know you before tonight! Well, I guess I did but I never thought about inviting anyone. Becca and Angela have really been the only ones who have been nice to me since all of this began. Please don’t be mad”
“Oh we’re not mad, girl. You can still invite us!” came the reply from Brittany.
“Oh! That would be so cool” said Katie. “Ask your Mom!”
Rachel walked over to her mother’s table. “Mom, the girls want to know if they can be invited to the sleepover too! Can they! Please!”
Well, That would be wonderful. But, they need to ask their folks, and I need to talk to them. Okay?”
“YESSS” Rachel cried “SHE SAID YES”
By the time all the parents were contacted, Katie, Brittany and Lisa could go. Jayne’s parents didn’t let her. After consoling Jayne, the girls set about the plans for the evening.
“Hey girls!” Two Freshmen boys, Jason Braddock and Julio Sanchez came up to the girls’ table. “What’s up?”
“Nothing” giggled Lisa. “Hi, Julio, Jason”
“Hey, who’s the new girl?” asked Jason.
“Rachel Harris, she’s with us tonight” replied Angela.
Jason looked puzzled. “Rachel Harris....any relation to Garrett?”
“Why, yes she is” giggled Katie.
Jason all of a sudden realized who she was. “Oh I get it! The tranny!”
Julio and Jason started guffawing. They soon realized that they were the only ones laughing, and the laughter petered out. The girls were all staring at them with anger in their eyes.
“What?” said Julio “You chicas aren’t taking the side of this maricon, are you?”
“Yeah, what was it my dad called her? The chick with a dick? She’s cute, though, for a guy” he and Julio snickered some more.
Rachel sat there open mouthed, at the filthy name she had just been called. Her friends were just as shocked. Then Katie broke the silence.
“Apologize to Rachel this instant you jerk! I can’t believe you would call one of our friends such a filthy name”
Brittany, Jayne, Angela and Becca jumped to the defense of Rachel.
Lisa told Julio “ ¡Yo no puedo creer que la llamá³ eso, Julio! Lo que fue usted pensando! ¡Es una amiga máa, idiota!” (Translation: “I cannot believe you said that, Julio. What were you thinking! She’s a friend of mine, idiot!)
Julio responded “ ¿Cá³mo puede defender usted ese maricon, Lisa? (Translation: How can you defend this sissy, Lisa?)
Lisa countered “Dios mio, Julio. A veces usted es sá³lo tan estáºpido. Usted dos necesidad de ir ahora. (Translation: My God, Julio, sometimes you can be so stupid. You two need to go now.)
Jason was just about to add something else when two large hands laid on each of the boy’s shoulders.
“Hey girls! Having problems with my two friends, here?” It was Garrett along with two of his buddies from the defensive line, Jack Thomas and Chad Cole. “You two wouldn’t be giving my sister a hard time, would you? That would be most inappropriate”
Jason stammered “Oh h-h-hey, Garrett, uhhh, w-w-we were just talking to the girls here?”
“I see that” came the cool reply. “Rach, what did they say?”
“I won’t repeat it”
“Hmmmm. That bad huh? Now, I can’t believe that these two fine upstanding young men would ever stoop to such gutter language. ESPECIALLY to my wonderful, loving and beautiful sister. Is she mistaken, boys?”
“Yeah, Garrett, w-w-we didn’t say anything bad”
“Oh, so my sister is a liar, is that what you’re saying?”
“Y-y-y-es, I-I-I mean NO!”
“What is it then? I’m confused.”
“I don’t know Garrett” came Julio’s reply.
“You two JV’ers need to say what you really mean! Let me help you. Repeat after me”
“Miss Rachel, I apologize for being so rude to you”
They repeated the words.
“Miss Rachel, someone of your obvious charm and beauty should never be treated so poorly”
“Garrett...stammered Jason”
“Repeat it” said Garrett through clenched teeth.
“Yeah, repeat it” said Cole with an evil smile
They again repeated the words.
“Miss Rachel, please forgive us”
They repeated again.
“Can you forgive these knaves, Miss Rachel?” asked Garrett with a smile.
Rachel smiled her pretty smile and said, “Well, since they asked so nicely and said such nice things to me, I do forgive them”
Garrett then said to the two boys. “Say thank you to the nice lady, boys”
“Thank you, Miss Rachel”
“You are quite welcome, boys”
All the people at the surrounding tables began to applaud. The two offenders were beet red.
Garrett then said to the boys in a whisper “Don’t ever talk to my sister like that again. Go away” They left in an embarrassed hurry.
“There you go ladies,” said Garrett. “You just have to educate the youth of America in the fine art of politeness. Take care. Come, gentlemen! Pizza awaits!” he said with a flourish. They then went to their table.
Rachel and the girls erupted in a fit of giggling. “He’s seen one too many old pirate movies” said Rachel.
Angela whispered to Rachel “Oh. My. Gosh. Rachel, I think I love your brother. That was so sweet”
Rachel agreed. “I know I do, but probably not in the same way you’re talking about”
Rachel was upset by the attitude of the two boys, but having support around her was so much better than having to face the abuse alone. She wouldn’t have missed this for the world.
Garrett and his friends made it back to their table.
“Dude!” exclaimed Jack. “They way you handled those ass clowns back there was awesome. I would have just decked them. I didn’t even understand half of what you were saying, and it was still awesome”
Garrett smiled. “Jack, I wanted to, but not in front of the Rachel, and if I had, it would have been the end of my season”
Cole nodded. “Yeah, I suppose what you did to them was even better than a good butt kicking”
“Exactly. Jack, you need to pay more attention in English class and you too, can be the life of the party like me!”
Jack laughed at this. “Yeah, right, Garrett!”
Cole was quiet for a minute. “You know, Garrett. Your sister is cute”
“Cole, I WILL whip your ass, remember that” He then started laughing and was joined by his friends.
The rest of the evening passed without incident. At around 10:30, Gina paid the bill and collected Garrett and the girls for the ride home. They stopped by the other girls homes to get their things for the evening. Rachel and her new friends were chatting away about the evening’s events, and they let Garrett in on what Rachel had done to the bully.
“Rachel!” said Garrett in mock horror. “How unladylike. I’m shocked!” Gina smiled at that comment. The girls all giggled at Garrett’s comment.
Rachel looked at Angela and grinned evilly. “Angela likes you, Garrett”
“RACHEL!” screamed Angela as she blush a deep crimson. “I do not! Oh my gosh!” All the girls squealed with laughter.
Garrett smiled back at the girls. “So? It’s better than being at the wrong end of the affection scale, especially around the old junk kicker here” He looked at his sister. It was now Rachel’s turn to blush. He then winked at Angela, which caused her to blush even harder. The girls all howled with laughter.
As they reached their home. Gina noticed an old Chevy parked on the street just down from their house. There was no one in it, and she wondered who was visiting the neighbors at this hour.
The girls all ran into the house and up to Rachel’s room.
“Rachel, you have got to do something about this room. It’s too boy” said Brittany. You need new furniture and the bedspread is, ugh”
“I know, I know. I just haven’t had time to take care of it yet. Give me a little time.”
“Well, at least you know it’s yucky. That’s something. If you need any tips, let me know”
“Thanks, Britt, I will” Rachel then added “So girls, what will we do first? I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m willing to learn!”
“Lets get out of these clothes and into our PJ’s. I need to get comfy” said Lisa.
“Great idea, Lisa!”
The girls all got their bags and started taking off their clothes to get their pajamas on. They didn’t seem to mind getting dressed in front of each other. Rachel got embarrassed and looked down.
Brittany was standing in front of Rachel in nothing but her panties. “What’s the matter Rachel, aren’t you changing?”
Rachel blushed. “I’m just shy, Britt. This is all new to me. It just seems, I don’t know, wrong”
“Rachel, we are all friends here, and we are all girls. You don’t have anything we don’t. We’re not trying to embarrass you, we’re just getting dressed for the party”
“I know, it’s just.....”
“It’s just nothing. I don’t want to pressure you, and if you can’t, we’ll understand. But you are a girl, and you need to adapt like a girl. We won’t make fun of you. Ever. You are our friend and sister. Okay? Besides none of us are getting dressed until you do. Right girls?”
“Right” came the collective reply.
“So, unless you want a topless slumber party. I suggest you get your clothes off and into your pajamas”
“You promise not to laugh?” Rachel said uncertainly.
“Cross our hearts. You didn’t laugh at us”
“How could I, you’re all, much more than I am”
“So? I’m standing here topless” said Brittany “Which is cold. I wouldn’t laugh at you, not only because I would never do that, but I’m freezing and wouldn’t do anything to slow you down from changing. So get those clothes off, girl! I’m cold”
“Rachel undressed, blushing the entire time. She got down to her bra and panties, and Lisa said “See, that wasn’t so bad. And you’ve got a cute body. You just need a couple of years to grow into it”
Rachel thought, “easy for you to say” Lisa was a stunning Hispanic girl who looked, at 15, like she was 18. Rachel couldn’t help thinking that a couple of weeks ago, this would have been so far out of the realm of possibility that the Twilight Zone wouldn’t have thought it possible. Yet here she was, standing in a room full of half naked girls, and it was perfectly natural.
“Ok. You’ve got me in my underwear. Happy?”
“Tickled. Now let’s get dressed. I’m freezing!” said Brittany.
The girls all went downstairs to get something to drink, they all had Diet Coke. Katie announced, let’s give Rachel a makeover! She needs a different look tonight!”
“Okay, let’s go upstairs and glam this girl up” The herd of giggling humanity went back upstairs to begin.
“Okay” said Angela. “What look do we want to give her? She’s got pretty and innocent down. Let’s try glamour!”
“Oooh, yes! With smokey eyes. I’ve got just the right colors for her” said Lisa. “Do you have Hispanic heritage, Rachel? Your coloring is similar to mine”
“Yes. My grandmother is Mexican”
“Cool, hermana mia! This will be fun! Just leave everything to us you’ll be a stark raving Latin beauty when Lisa is done with you”
The girls had Rachel clean her face while they go the makeup ready. She came out of the bathroom as a blank slate on which the girls planned to produce their masterpiece.
“Ok, Lisa, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. My face is in your hands”
Katie volunteered to do Rachel’s nails, and Lisa began on her face. Angela would do her hair, and Becca and Brittany would offer suggestions. Lisa was only fifteen, but she was a prodigy with the makeup brush. It was her hobby, and she spent hours in front of the makeup mirror experimenting with new looks. She had no shortage of suitors, but never dated anyone more than a couple of times. The boys bored her, and older boys were after the one thing she wouldn’t give to anyone but her future husband. She didn’t mind though. She liked looking beautiful, and being a little bit of a tease. “You can look, but don’t touch” was her mantra.
Lisa worked on Rachel’s face for 35 minutes. All the mirrors in the room were off limits to Rachel until she was completely done. Angela then worked on Rachel’s short hair, creating a pixieish style.
“Oh, Rachel. you look beautiful” said Katie when they were done. “We’ve got to show your mother!”
“Absolutely hot! said Brittany. “I’m so jealous! I’m so glad you are home schooled. We’d never get a second look”
Rachel blushed. “Oh come on, girls. I am nowhere near as cute as any of you. You are all so pretty”
Angela replied “What-everrr, Rachel. Let’s see what your Mom says, and no peeking!”
They led Rachel down the stairs to the kitchen where Gina was working Garrett was in the kitchen as well, finshing off a large bowl of ice cream. “Mrs. Harris, can we show you the new and improved Rachel Harris?”
“Well, isn’t this a surprise!” smiled Gina “Let me sit down and see the magic you have wrought”
They brought Rachel around the corner. “Ta Daaaaaa” they all said in unison”
Gina brought her hands up to her mouth and gasped “Oh my goodness” Garrett dropped the spoon into the bowl and gaped open mouthed.
“I look stupid, don’t I” said Rachel. “I told you not to make me look stupid, Lisa”
Gina’s eyes were brimming with tears. What stood before her was a vision of beauty. Her big brown eyes shone through the impeccably done eye makeup, her lips were done in a warm shade of red, the foundation perfect. Atop the skinny little five foot, 95 pound body in the pink pajamas was the face of an angel. All Gina could think of were the wasted years of making this wonderful girl look like a boy.
“Are you mad, Mom” asked Rachel. “Say something!”
“Ohhh, Rachel. You look like a princess!” Gina gushed. “You all did a wonderful job on her, girls” tears were flowing down her cheeks.
“Really, Mom?” she asked “I don’t look stupid?”
“Far from it sweetie. What do you think, Garrett?”
“Guns...We need lots of guns. This girl is going to start a riot”
“Ok, Neo” Rachel laughed getting his obvious “Matrix” reference. “Let me see!”
They gave her a mirror. Oh, my!” she gasped “I do look good. I wish those two buttheads at Dino’s could see me now! I’m hot!
Garrett laughed. “If they have to see you like that to figure out what a great girl you are they aren’t worth having at all. Those to morons will be sorry one day they treated you like that”
“After what you did to them tonight, they are probably already regretting what they said to you” added a smiling Gina.
“Ahhhh, they had it coming” said Garrett. “it’s a lot more fun owning someone without having to get into a fight to do it”
The girls had some snacks while they were down in the kitchen. Gina took what seemed to Rachel like a hundred pictures. To thank them for making her up Rachel did all of their toes in the color of their choice. Brittany did all of their fingers. They didn’t want to ruin Rachel’s beautiful face, so the rest of the girls did a blind makeover on each other. The results were hilarious, and the screeching was deafening. Gina had to remind the girls that Grams and Papa were trying to sleep in the guest room.
The girls then went down to the living room to watch a movie. Rachel picked the latest installation of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” They watched it and swooned over Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp.
Finally, at 4:20, the girls had had enough. They went upstairs and cleaned up and piled into Rachel’s king sized bed to sleep. The evening had been a success, and new friendships were formed. Would these friendships stand the test of time? Who knew. But tonight, all was right with the world.
Chapter 11
Clouds on the Horizon
Steve Marshall watched the Harris SUV drive in from the vantage point he had in his favorite stakeout car, an old 1978 Impala 4-door. It still had a solid body, and was made right here in Texas. It didn’t stand out, and that was perfect for his plans. He wanted to be the proverbial fly on the wall for the duration of this stakeout. He had ducked down in the rear seat, and they hadn’t made him. He was set up for a night surveillance, with night vision and infrared video. All he had to do now was wait, which was the worst part of any stakeout. Steve was disciplined, however, and he trained his body and mind for nights like this. Long nights made him cranky, and usually the person he was charged with apprehending felt the brunt of that crankiness.
His shotgun mike was trained on the house, and he could hear the sounds on the girls squealing and running around in the house. He was hoping nothing would happen tonight that would spoil their little get together. He liked the kid, and the way she handled that little bastard at the game was a thing of beauty. He smiled as he remembered the little girl stand up to the boy in her sweater and skirt and lay him out with the knee to the junk. The kid had spunk, no doubt about it.
At 5:30, dawn was breaking and he made the call to Brianna.
“Bree, nothing went down tonight. A little excitement at the game and the dinner afterwards, but the kid and her brother handled themselves”
“Thanks, Steve. I appreciate it. Keep up the good work. Grab a hotel room close by and I’ll cover it. Something is going to happen. I can feel it”
“No problem, boss. I’ve got it covered”
As Steve got off the phone. A Martinsburg black and white pulled up behind Steve’s car. Steve didn’t turn around.
“All right, sir, I’m going to say this just once. Step away from the car.
Steve smiled without turning around. “Stan Harrick, why are you bothering us working men? Did I take you away from your donuts? Is that why you’re going all Barney Fife on me?”
Stan started laughing “Hell yes, you did. A big jelly filled one too. And a nice, hot cup of coffee”
“Thanks for coming by, Stan. I need a favor”
Stan and Steve went back to Steve’s days as a field officer in the Bureau. Stan, through some heads up police work, put Steve on the track of a Mexican drug lord setting up shop in Austin when he was still in training with the Austin PD. Things got a little messy, as the training officer in charge of Stan was hip deep in drug money. Stan was banished to the sticks for the time being to take the heat off him. Steve never forgot Stan, and he was trying to get him to drop the law enforcement gig and partner up with him in his agency. Stan was still thinking about it, but he had a wife and kid that liked the small town life. If this was punishment, Stan sure didn’t show it.
“Sure Steve, what’s up?”
“The Harris girl and her family could be in some trouble with some of the holier than thous in town. Call it a hunch, but that sign in the yard the other day could have been the start of something bigger in the way of harassment for the family. My employer thinks so, and I think so”
“So what do you need from me?” asked Stan.
“Do a little digging for me, Stan. Nothing big, but I need to know if something’s up. You know I always appreciate any help from you boys in blue, and I can make arrangements for your time off the city clock”
“It’s a damn shame Steve. Rachel’s a good kid. I met her the other day. Sweet as can be. But why the interest?”
My employer wants this handled off the books if possible. I stress if possible. I don’t want you getting in trouble with Chief Love Handles or whatever his name is. My employer doesn’t want the girl to know anyone is out to get her. I don’t know why, but she wants her to stay out of the limelight as much as possible”
“I get it, Steve. I’ll do some checking. I’ll get back to you. I’ll also keep the other boys off your back if someone happens to call in a suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood”
“Thanks, Stan. I owe you a big one on this. And the job offer still stands”
“Yeah, and spend all night in a POS car looking at the outside of a house? I’ll get back to you on that, old buddy”
Stan shook Steve’s hand and drove off. Steve left to get some sleep. He thought he was getting too old for this. He was lucky this time to have a trusted friend in town in position to help him.
Rachel and the girls were still sleeping at noon when they finally dragged themselves out of bed. Six girls in a king sized bed seemed like a good idea at the time, and they looked the worse for wear in the morning. They put their robes on and shuffled down the stairs for breakfast.
Garrett was up and sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal as the sextet of tweens walked in to the room. “Look what the cat dragged in! Rough night, party goers?” He started laughing. He couldn’t help it. Rachel’s hair was standing straight up, and the long hair of the other girls looked like 5 haystacks.
“Stop it Garrett” whined Rachel “Leave us alone”
Angela apparently forgot that Garrett lived in the same house as Rachel. She shrieked and ran upstairs to brush her hair to look more presentable for her love interest.
“Don’t leave on my account, Ang!” he called up after her. “You look wonderful!” which was followed by more laughter.
“Garrett! Leave those girls alone and stop teasing your sister!”
“Boys!” hissed Brittany as Garrett left the room.
“Love you too, Scarecrow!” replied Garrett.
“Mommmmmm” cried Rachel.
“I’m going, I’m going!” he laughed as he headed in to play some Halo.
Gina came in to the kitchen. “Can I make you something to eat? Maybe some pancakes?”
“Oooohhh! That sounds delicious!” said Rachel. The girls were all in agreement. Gina made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone and he girls devoured two dozen.
“My goodness!” said Gina “You girls must have the metabolism of a hummingbird!”
“Just hungry, Mom. We’re growing girls!”
“I’ll say! If you grow any more, I won’t be able to keep any food in the house with both you and Garrett. That big oaf eats more than a horse!”
“I heard that, Mom” called Garrett fro the living room.
“Whatever, garbage can”
The girls finished eating and then showered. They called their parents and everyone was gone by two thirty.
“Mom, that was so much fun! All the girls were just so nice! I’m so excited to finally have some friends. Lisa showed me how she did my makeup. I don’t think I can do it as well as she did, but I need more makeup to practice. Can we get some?”
“You bet, Angel. We can go this afternoon” replied Gina.
Then the phone rang. Gina picked up.
“I saw your little freak at the game” It was an electronically modified voice.
“Who is this?” said an alarmed Gina.
“Someone who hates freaks. There are many of us. If you insist on parading ‘it’ around in public then we will have to take matters into our own hands. We are the Sons of Purity, and we will get that freak. There is nothing you can do but leave our town”
“Go to hell, you coward!” screamed Gina into the phone.
“You first, whore” The line fell silent.
Gina slammed the phone down and began crying.
“What is it, Mom?” asked Rachel.
Garrett ran in and echoed the question. Gina couldn’t respond at first. Garrett and Rachel hugged her as she slowly regained her composure.
“It was just a prank call that really upset me. It was about Rachel. These people can be so damn hateful. JUST LEAVE US ALONE!” screamed Gina.
Gina gave Brianna a call right after she composed herself. She explained the phone call and what had been said.
“Gina, don’t worry about that idiot. I have people watching your daughter and your house. Good people. You see, I figured something like this would come up. They sound like they have some tech experience, but a voice alteration like that is cheap and easy. I’d guess it was from a disposable cell phone that can’t be traced”
“You know all this?” asked Gina.
“Call it an educated guess. But I guarantee you I’m not that far off. Let me handle it from here. Don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen to Rachel. On a more positive note, I have the paperwork completed for Rachel’s legal name change, I just need to stop by and get it signed”
“Great! But you don’t have to come all the way out here”
“I want to! I haven’t seen Rachel since Monday and I miss her” Brianna laughed.
“Well I know she’ll be excited to see you. She just loves you so much”
“The feeling is mutual. I’ll see you Monday and we’ll get the legalities out of the way”
“Thank you for all you have done, Brianna. I just wish I knew what we did to deserve your kindness”
Brianna giggled. “Can’t a girl do something nice for wonderful people like you? Byee”
Brianna immediately called Steve Marshall.
“Steve, I need you to upgrade your surveillance”
“What happened now”
“The bastards contacted Gina and threatened Rachel. This was their big mistake. Now we play for keeps”
“Ok. Level 2 then”
“Correct. Make it happen, Steve. Recruit whomever you need”
Steve didn’t like it when Brianna got this way. For a beautiful girl, she could get downright nasty. He also didn’t like operating outside the law like this. Things could get messy in a hurry. But that’s why she paid him the big bucks, he knew. Something bad happened to her in the past, but what? He’d think about that later. Now he had to assemble his team.
At around six, there was a ring at the door. Gina looked and there was a tall, handsome black man at the door. He looked serious. She opened the door.
“Can I help you?” she asked timidly.
“Hi Gina. My name is Steve Marshall, and Brianna sent me”
“Oh, what a relief! Are you here to help us?”
“Yes, ma’am, I am. I work for Brianna from time to time. I’ve been shadowing you and Rachel for the last day, making sure you are safe. Brianna’s original plan was for me to stay in the background if possible. But when the bad guys decided to escalate, then so did we. I wanted to introduce myself to you and your family so you know who I am. I don’t want you to have any surprises if something goes down and I have to act”
“Our Guardian Angel?” Gina said lightly.
“Something like that, only I’m not as cuddly as Clarence” returned Steve with a smile.
“Can I offer you something to drink, angel? Or do angels not drink.” Gina walked to the kitchen.
“Sure. A bottled water would be great.”
Gina called Rachel and Garrett down to the kitchen to meet Steve. After introductions were made, Steve filled them in on why he was there, and what to expect.
“That’s about it, guys. If things go according to plan, we’ll have this wrapped up in no time. We are not dealing with super criminals here, just a few haters. Just live your lives, someone will be watching you at all times. I’ll install a tap on your line, to trace the calls that threaten you...”
“Don’t you need a court order to do that? asked Gina.
“If it goes to court, yes. But I’m not worried about court. I just want to find these guys and give them the ride of their lives or turn them over to the police”
“You’re not going to kill them are you?” Asked a concerned Rachel.
“No, but they may wish we had when we are done with them. My team can be very persuasive when they want to be”
“Your team?” queried Gina.
“Yes. I am bringing in some help on this one, beginning next week” I’ll introduce you to them when we get set up”
“I’ve got equipment coming in on Monday that I’ll have to set up. Try not to worry. Someone is watching over you all the time. I’m very good at what I do, and I’ve never failed a client”
“Thank you, Mr. Marshall” said Rachel as she came over to give him a hug.
Steve was taken aback by the show of affection, but returned the hug. “Don’t you worry, little lady. I always get my man” He added “Don’t tell any of your friends about me, okay? This needs to be our secret for now”
“I won’t” said Rachel as she went back upstairs. “It’s our secret”
Rachel looked at herself in the mirror. She was changing into her pajamas, and hadn’t put her shirt on yet. Her breasts had gotten noticeably bigger in the last week and a half. They still weren’t much, but they were there. She couldn't wait until they were as big as her friend's. She sighed, and put her bra and pajama top on.
The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully. Maria returned on Sunday afternoon to continue her stay with her pregnant daughter. Rachel got plenty of use out of her new cell phone, as her new friends were texting her every 3 minutes.
Steve called his team. they had worked together many times in the past. Jim “Tank” Abrams was some muscle he used occasionally. At 6’5”, 275 pounds he was a Black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu, and was an ex Green Beret. A crack shot, and an expert with a knife, he was an asset in close quarters combat. Gia “Spider” Coretti was an expert in computers and communications, and would be used to trace the communications of the perpetrators. She was also a world class free runner, which gave her the nickname Spider, due to her abilities in climbing walls. She was also a 6th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and deadly in a fight. She was 5’6”, and all of 120 pounds, and built like a stripper, without any surgery. She was handy to have around if distraction was part of the plan. Ben “Ice” Blackwood was an ex Force Recon Marine, who got his nickname by falling through the ice of an Afghan lake on a black op that nearly got him killed. He was a deadly hand to hand combatant, skilled in ninjutsu. Fast, deadly with knives, and an expert in covert ops. He knew how to stay under the radar.
They were all due to arrive on Tuesday, and then the real work would begin.
Eight men were gathered in an old shack west of town. They were a shabby lot, all ex delinquents, criminals and neo nazis They were all known simply by numbers. At the front of the room was a hooded figure, known to the men as simply “The Leader”. He began to speak to the group.
“Sons of Purity. Today we begin the cleansing of this town. Thank you for your commitment to the cause for which many before us have given their lives and souls. The call was made to the family of perverts and homosexuals. They have been given their only warning.
Shaven heads nodded in murmured agreement.
“Today, we renew our war against the Jew, the queer, the nigger. We start our war with the elimination of this abomination before the Lord”
There was more nodding and agreement.
“Hear me! This harlot is not to be harmed. No, it is to be brought to me for cleansing, with the whip and with FIRE!” There was shouted agreement. “Bring the mother of the harlot as well. KILL her other family! Show no mercy! You have your orders. You have the steel of your convictions. You have all lost family to this type of abomination! Purge them ALL!
The room erupted in cheers as the hooded man stood and raised his right hand in the Roman salute made infamous by the Nazis in the Third Reich. The salutes were returned. The men then started in on the crystal meth provided by their “leader”.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny. The town was quiet. Birds were singing as the sleepy village awakened to a new day. Some would say the Lord’s day. The Lord had nothing to do with what was being concocted in that small building in the country. Nothing at all.
Chapter 12
The storm arrives, Part 1
Maria was the first one up. She went down to fix some decaf for Gina and herself. She got the pot started and heard Gina rustling upstairs. She went up to check on her.
“Mom? Come here. I need you!” Gina didn’t sound good.
“What is it, dear?”
When Maria got to the bathroom, she found Gina on the toilet. She had a grayish pallor and dark circles under her eyes.
“Mom, I’m bleeding.....” Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor, unconscious.
“GINA!” screamed Maria. “Rachel, Garrett! HELP! It’s your mother!”
Rachel snapped awake. She ran to her mother’s room, and was nearly knocked over by Garrett. She ducked out of the way just in time. She made it to her mother’s room to find Garrett holding his mother’s limp form on the bathroom floor.
“Call 911!” Maria told Rachel. “Get an Ambulance here NOW!”
Rachel dialed 911 and gave the necessary information to the operator. Garrett picked Gina up and carried her to the bed. Gina didn’t look good at all. Maria sat by Gina and Rachel hugged Garrett.
5 minutes later, the sound of the siren got louder. Rachel ran downstairs to let the paramedics in. She led them to Gina’s bedroom.
“What happened, Ma’am?
Maria answered “ She said she was bleeding, and passed out. There was a small amount of blood in her underwear.
“How far along is she”
“6 and a half months”
“B P 140 over 95”
“Pulse 150 and weak”
“Starting O2”
After she was stabilized, the paramedics lifted Gina on to the gurney and prepared to transport her. They took her downstairs and out to the waiting ambulance. Maria got in with them for the ride to the hospital, telling Garrett that she would call when she knew anything. Garrett and Rachel watched as the ambulance drove away, sirens blaring. Rachel was crying into Garrett’s shirt.
“What is happening to mom, Garrett? Is she going to die? Garrett, I can’t lose my mommy! I can’t!”
Garrett looked down at his little sister. “Sis, I don’t know what is going on. But I know this. Mom is not going to die. She’s going to be okay. Do you hear me? Don’t worry”
“Do you really think so, Garrett?”
“Yes I do, Sis” Deep down, he wondered how much his mother could take. He would never show those fears to Rachel. She needed him to be strong. He led her back inside the house.
Rachel texted Becca “Mom very sick. They took her to hospital. Call me!!!!
Rachel buried her head in her pillows and cried and prayed. Fifteen minutes later, Becca called.
“Becca!” cried Rachel. “Mom’s so sick. I had to call the ambulance. Becca, What am I going to do?” She broke down again.
“Rachel, I’m coming over. Angela’s coming too. Mom is going over to the hospital to she if she can help. Don’t panic”
“Hurry, Becca. Hurry!”
Steve Marshall had his portable scanner on in his hotel room. He caught the ambulance call and shot up when he heard the address called. He listened carefully to the cross talk and determined it was Gina. He picked up the phone and called Brianna. He filled her in and got dressed and headed over to the Harris house to see what he could do. Brianna was on her way to the hospital.
Becca and Angela got dressed and ran to Rachel’s house. They ran inside and up to Rachel’s room. They all met in one big hug and cried. Becca and Angela listened to Rachel pour her heart out.
There came a ring at the door. Garrett answered it. Steve Marshall was there.
“How can I help, Garrett?”
“There’s nothing we can do for now. Grams will call us when they know anything. Rachel is upstairs with her friends Becca and Angela doing the girl bonding thing. You know how they are”
“Yeah, I guess I do. How are you holding up?”
“Good” came Garrett’s reply. “I have an outlet for my frustrations. I get to hit people. It keeps me sane”
Steve laughed. “I know exactly what you mean, son. Been there, done that”
Steve and Garrett talked about what was going on. The football season, life, and what Garrett planned to do.
“I don’t think there’s a future in the Army for me. I don’t like what it did to my dad. My Grandad Harris won’t like it, but at this point I don’t really care. My family needs me here”
“I think in your case, right now that’s a good idea. Your how old, 14, 15? You’ve got time to decide those things. I never could understand why some people push kids into making life choices at such a young age”
About four hours later, the phone rang. It was Maria. Garrett answered the phone.
“Grams? What’s going on? We’ve been going crazy here”
“Your mom is okay. She was suffering from exhaustion. Apparently, she hadn’t slept in a week. She was hiding it from us. The bleeding was just some spotting, which happens during pregnancy. She went until she collapsed. They are keeping her for a couple of days of observation. They don’t like her blood pressure readings, and are concerned about complications. She’s sleeping now. I’m staying here for awhile”
“Can we come to see her?”
“You can, but she will be sleeping for some time. Let’s wait until tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay, but I don’t like it. Steve Marshall is here staying with us. He wants to talk to you”
“Mrs. Harris? Steve Marshall. I’ll cover here at the house. Brianna is heading to the hospital now. Don’t worry about what’s happening here. It’s covered”
“Thank you Steve. How did you know where to go?””¨
“That’s a trade secret, Mrs. Harris” he said with a smile.
“Well, I’m glad you’re there. I've got to get back to Gina”
Steve hung up the phone. He was going to stay at the Harris home until Gina got back, and probably after. It was just as well. This made his job a lot easier. He could get to work idiot proofing this place. That is, keeping any idiots out.
Rachel was still talking to Becca and Angela. She had calmed down and they had changed the subject to keep her calm. Angela was brushing Rachel’s hair.
“Rachel, can I ask you a personal question?” asked Angela.
“I know you have a different view of everything than most girls have. I mean you were raised a boy for all your life. Have you given any thought to boys?”
“Ewwww, no!” she cried. “I’m not ready to date yet”
“I’m not talking about dating, just, you know, liking a boy. Do you, or does it seem strange”
“Well, I guess I do. I saw some boys at the mall last week, and I wondered what it would be like to hold their hand and stuff. Most boys have been so mean to me, I just can’t get too excited about them right now”
“What about girls? Do you like them?”
“I’ve never thought about it. I don’t feel any different around you or Becca, just normal. I don’t want to make out with you or anything like that. I just don’t feel anything I guess right now”
“That will change, I’m sure” said Becca
“Am I weird?” asked Rachel. “I know I ask that a lot. I’ve been a girl for a week and a half. I don’t have some of the parts normal girls do. I just don’t know what to feel. I need friends right now. People who don’t want anything from me”
“You’re not weird, Rach. The old hormones will kick in and take care of you!” said Angela with a smile.
“To be honest, I think about boys and girls” said Angela. “Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to kiss a girl, and then again, what it would be like to kiss a guy. So you’re no weirder than any of us”
“Hey, let’s go downstairs and fix something to eat. I’m hungry” announced Rachel.
“Yeah, let’s!” said Becca.
The girls went downstairs after Garrett and Steve got of the phone. Steve passed along the good news and Rachel and her friends went to the kitchen celebrating. They fixed sandwiches and chips, and got some diet Coke to go along with it.
Steve went out to his car and got the equipment he had brought along with him. Motion sensors, IR cameras, and a laptop. He busied himself with preparations to make the house and yard secure from invaders. Garrett pitched in to help.
The Leader made the calls to his group of thugs. Go time was Wednesday night. The harlot’s mother was in the hospital, but that couldn’t be avoided. Too bad. He wanted her to watch as he tortured Rachel. Made her beg to die. Make her mother beg him to kill her. Better yet, break both of them. That would be the ultimate victory. That time was coming, and he was ready. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. The headache he had was beginning to subside. It always did when the plan came closer to fruition.
Maria sat with Gina in her hospital room. Gina slept soundly. She had been given a mild sedative, nothing too powerful, lest the baby be harmed. Then, Gina’s eyes fluttered open and she called out “Rachel!”
“Shhh, dear” Maria got out of her chair and got close to Gina’s face. “Rachel is just fine”
“Mom, I’ve got to get back to her. She needs me!”
“Gina, she needs you whole, not as a sleep deprived zombie. Steve is there right now, watching over her. Go back to sleep”
“Are you sure?”
“I talked to them earlier today. He isn’t leaving till you get back and are rested. Gina, if you keep this up, you are going to harm someone else you love. Right here” Maria touched Gina expanding tummy.
“Okay mom, I’ll sleep. Just let me know if anything happens”
Monday came and a black H2 Hummer pulled into the Harris driveway. Out came a lithe girl in a tactical suit. Gia “Spider” Colletti had arrived, and brought with her an array of surveillance and electronic gear.
“Spider! Glad you could make it early. Do you have the rest of the gear?”
“What do you think, Hondo?” Hondo was Steve’s nickname, based on his favorite basketball player, John “Hondo” Havlicek. He was a natural leader, much like his namesake. “I’m always prepared”
“Let’s get the gear inside, and get your damned eyesore of a vehicle out of here. Why don’t you just put “Spy Car” in big white letters on the side?”
“Maybe I should” she replied.
They got the gear out of the truck and into the house. Gia and Steve moved the H2 to a parking lot down the street. They got back and began assembling the gear, more motion sensors, inside security, cameras, and wire tapping gear. Gia had software to trace calls, and was very good at it.
Rachel brought Steve and Gia a couple of glasses of Dr. Pepper.
“Thank you Rachel” said Steve. “How did you know Gia liked Dr. Pepper?”
“I didn’t, I just guessed. I’m glad I guessed right” she smiled.
“Thank you, Rachel” said Gia.
“You’re welcome. Are you here to protect me too?”
“You bet, sweetie. Nobody picks on girls when the Spider is around!”
“You have a cool nickname, Gia, but I like your real name better. It’s pretty”
“You’re sweet” then Gia added “The boys gave me my nickname. We’ll have to get you one too”
“What will it be? Can I get one now?”
“Nope, we’ll have to watch you. Your nickname has to fit. Before this op is over, we’ll have one for you”
“I can’t wait!” Rachel ran off to her room to work on her studies.
Afternoon came and went. Gia took Rachel and Garrett to see Gina. She was still weak and desperately tired. They visited for two hours then Gia brought them back home.
Steve was just getting off the phone when Gia and the kids came in. Maria was staying in a hotel next to the hospital.
“Gia, we have to talk. Kids, can you excuse us for a minute?”
Garrett, and Rachel left the room.
“What’s up?” asked Gia.
“I talked to my man in the police force. He’s heard from different patrol officers, that a few skinheads have been seen around town. They kind of stick out. My man was going to move on them, but the chief said to leave them alone, as they hadn’t done anything. I think they are tied to the plot somehow”
“So, what’s the play?”
“We wait, for now. The ball is in their court. They can’t get anywhere near the place without us knowing about it. Tank and Ice will be here in the morning. You want first shift?”
“No problem, Hondo”
At two am, Gia was watching the monitors. A motion sensor chirped. Back yard, left rear quadrant. She rotated an IR camera to view. She saw a bald head behind the rear fence. Two more motion sensors chirped.
“Hondo” She whispered. “Company”
Chapter 13
Big trouble for Rachel: Kidnapped!
Steve sat up. He had been sleeping lightly. He glanced at the monitors.
“I see ‘em. How many do you have eyes on?”
“It looks like seven, maybe eight”
“Looks to me like they’ve got us surrounded. What are they waiting for?”
“Here they come. They are moving in all at once. Eight of them”
“Lock and load, Spider” said Steve quietly. If they try to get in, I want you to get the family together upstairs. Get them in one room. Kill whoever gets past me. Don’t play with them”
Steve was getting ready to ambush the first of the intruders. He was armed with an AA-12 automatic shotgun with a 32 round drum magazine, a little piece of ordnance he got from the manufacturer in repayment of a favor. Gia had a M-4 assault rifle and a Glock .40 caliber automatic in reserve. Both had body armor. This would get bloody quick if the intruders were pros.
Suddenly, Steve saw one of the intruders hold his hand to his ear. Several more did the same thing. The intruders them backed off and fled into the night. Steve then noticed a car driving by slowly, shining a searchlight into the yard.
Steve blew out a puff of air. “Damn, that was close. We aren’t ready for those bozos yet”
Gia smiled and whispered “What’s the matter, Hondo? Getting soft in your old age?””¨
“Probably, Gia, but I really don’t want these folks exposed to the violence we were prepared to release on those jagoffs. Do you want Rachel or her Grandmother to see that?”
Gia thought for a moment “You’re right, of course. Sometimes I think I enjoy this too much”
“You’ll get your chance. Either this was a dry run or they were surprised by the police car. Either way, I don’t think they are seasoned pros. More like hired help. They have tipped their hand, my friend. The next time they come, it’s game on”
“Your turn to watch the monitors, boss. I need my beauty sleep”
Early Tuesday morning, a Toyota Prius pulled into the driveway. Out of the driver’s side got “Tank” Abrams, and out of the passenger side came “Ice” Blackwood.
Steve and Gia went out to greet them.
“Still driving your cute Prius, Tank? I thought by now you would have gotten something a little more manly” she teased.
“I’ll leave the planet destroying to you, Spider. My Prius does just fine. I’m guessing you are still driving that road hog Hummer, huh?”
“What do you think, little boy? I need my room”
Steve laughed. Tank was a huge man, that couldn’t care less about cars. He tried to walk or ride his bike wherever he could. Better for the planet, he said. Gia was the only one who ever made fun of him though. They would get into the worst arguments. She was a Limbaugh loving right winger, and he was an “Oprah” watching liberal. But when the fat was in the fire. They operated as one. That was all that mattered to Steve.
“Stow your gear in the living room” Steve said to Ice.
“Check, boss”
Steve, Tank and Gia followed Ice inside. Rachel was in the kitchen, and Garrett was heading out the door. Rachel came into the room.
“Hi, Steve, Gia, new guys! I’m Rachel. Can I get you anything? I do some yummy eggs and toast. Well, It’s all I do really. I just started learning. I just love working in the kitchen”
“Rachel, meet Tank and Ice. They’re here to help Gia and I”
“Cool! Which one is Tank?” Tank and Ice looked at each other. Rachel grinned “I know who Tank is! You guys are slow” Rachel giggled and went back into the kitchen.
“Rachel, Can you make some coffee, please” asked Gia.
“Yes, Ma’am, I’d be glad to” she then went about her chores. She was singing loudly in the kitchen a new Hannah Montana song she had heard.
“We had some excitement last night” said Steve. “Hired guns. Skinheads most likely. Lightly armed, not too tough. I’ve been up against worse”
“So they try again tonight?” Asked Ice.
“My guess is yes. Last night may have been a dry run, maybe to coordinate, more likely, they were scared off by a police drive by” answered Steve.
“Ok” said Tank. “We handle it like Atlanta”
Atlanta was another kidnap attempt they had defended. Witness to a drug gang slaying was going to testify. The gang didn’t want that. Four gang members died trying to get her. Eight more were apprehended. A good DEA agent was killed. She testified.
“Pretty much. There’s at least eight of them. Not nearly as organized as the Atlanta gang. Remember, Rachel is the target. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but anyone who gets close to her, deal with them. Understood?”
“Check, Boss” they replied.
They discussed the strategy for the evening. Ice and Tank would take positions outside the house. Steve would monitor the cameras and direct the attack. Gia would be stationed with Rachel as a last line of defense. Gia didn’t like it. She wanted to be in the line of fire. Steve let her know that she was the only one who could stay in Rachel’s room. When things went down. Steve wanted a woman in with Rachel. Gia couldn’t argue. He was right.
Rachel came into the room with the coffee. “Here you go, guys. I didn’t know how you took it, so all of the stuff is on the tray. I need to get upstairs and get cleaned up and start my schoolwork”
“Okay, Rach, said Steve. We’ve got some more stuff to discuss, so close your door please. We don’t want to disturb you”
“Okay, Steve” she looked at Tank who looked back. Rachel smiled, blushed and ran upstairs, giggling.
“Cute kid” said Tank. “Why is someone after her? She looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly. Witness?”
“Nope” answered Steve. “Here’s her story”
Steve recounted the girl’s story from beginning to end. The team listened with mouths agape as he told them that just two weeks ago, she was a boy named Randall.
“Oh, hell no” said Ice. “THAT girl, a boy? Ohhh, hell, no”
Gia couldn’t believe it. “She’s so pretty! The way she carries herself. Unbelievable”
Tank was thoughtful. “Well, from what you said, she never was a boy. Sounds like classic CAIS to me. XY genetically, XX appearance and features. Not surprising at all. Rare, yes, but not unheard of. What is more surprising to me is the reaction to her. No, there’s another dynamic at work here. There is someone orchestrating this. We’ll probably catch them tonight. I’d be interested to talk to this person. The individual organizing this has issues with Rachel or her condition”
Steve agreed “I was thinking along the same lines, Tank. Your psychology doctorate is paying off, finally’”¨
“Hey can I help it if I find doctor’s offices boring? Even if they are my own?” Tank laughed.
The team proceeded to prepare the yard for the coming attack. They were careful not to attract any undue attention. Ice was the lookout, keeping track of anyone paying too much attention to the place. He caught something out of the corner of his eye. A man, walking down an adjacent cross street in a hooded sweatshirt, turning to look in the direction of the house a little too long. He was ready to go after him, but he walked on and Ice didn’t see him again.
Steve called Brianna. He told her that something was probably going to go down that night or early next morning. He asked her to make sure Maria and Gina stayed away until he gave the all clear. Brianna said she would take care of them, that they would stay at her mansion until it was over.
Gina wasn’t happy to be separated from her daughter, but Brianna explained that they would both be safer where they were for the time being. Maria agreed with Brianna.
“But Rachel has been through so much, Bree. I can’t let her go through this alone”
“I know, Gina, I know. But you have to understand. The people she is with right now are the deadliest team of bodyguards money can buy. Governments have hired them to care for their dignitaries. She couldn’t be any safer if she were in Fort Knox. She has to be there to lure the bad guys in. That’s the only way”
Maria agreed. “She’s right Gina, and you know it. You’ve got another baby to take care of too, you know”
Gina knew they were right. She didn’t like it.
Rachel completed her schoolwork at about three o’clock. She went down to see what her protectors were doing. They were in the yard, stringing lines and burying little devices.
“Hi guys!” she said brightly. “What’cha doin?”
Gia jumped down from the tree she was in, crouched and did three handsprings to Rachel. “I watched Dexter’s Laboratory too, Dee Dee!”
Rachel giggled. “That was so cool, Gia, how did you do that?”
“Years of practice, grasshopper. Start practicing now”
“I was wanting to go to Becca’s house, If it’s okay”
Gia looked to Steve. “What do you think, boss?”
“Ice? Can you shadow her without being too obvious?”
“Do you want me to be seen as following her?”
“Then yes, I can”
“Rachel?” said Steve. “I want you to go straight to Becca’s, and when you are done, come straight back. Ice will be watching you, but don’t make his job any harder. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir” answered Rachel.
“See you no later than seven, okay?”
“Okay, Steve”
Rachel left to go to Becca’s house down the street. She wanted to get some magazines from her that had some makeup tips she wanted to try out.
“Rachel knocked on Becca’s door. Becca answered.
“Hey, girl. Come on in!”
“Hi, Becca. I came to get those magazines you texted me about today”
“Oh, yeah. Come on upstairs. Why no makeup today, Rach?”
Oh, I’ve got a little foundation on, I wanted to go a little light to give my skin a rest. I don’t have to go parading around at school every day like you do. I can take it easy once in awhile” Rachel laughed.
“Don’t I know it. I don’t even know why I waste my time. The boys are more interested in being stupid that looking at me. I guess I do it so I don’t stand out from the other girls”
“Here they are. I don’t need them back. There are like twenty articles in them that you can use”
“Cool! Thanks, Becca. Where’s Angela?””¨”¨“Watching the football team practice. I think she and Garrett are starting to become an item”
“Really? That’s so awesome! She’s perfect for Garrett”
“I’m glad you think so. She’s all Garrett this and Garrett that. It’s nauseating”
“Oh, you’ll do the same thing when you find someone”
“Gosh, I hope not”
Rachel and Becca went through some of the makeup tips in the magazines. They talked until Becca’s mom called her to supper”
“I’ve got to go, Becca. See you tomorrow”
“Okay Rach, good night”
Rachel started walking home. She was looking at an issue of “Teen Vogue” while she was walking. She didn’t hear the car pull up on the street beside her.
“Hey, do you know where 748 Terrace is?”
Rachel looked over and there were two men in an old car. They had shaved heads, and she didn’t like their looks. “No, I don’t, and my mom doesn’t like me talking to people I don’t know.
“Well, honey, come on over here, and look at this map. We really need to get there”
“No, I don’t think so” she said nervously.
The driver slowed the car to a stop. At that instant, his head popped back and blood came pouring down his forehead. “SHIT! Get her!” Rachel took off running, and the passenger got out and immediately hit the ground in agony, clutching his head. He got up and got back in the car, and the rear window exploded.
“Get out of here!” the passenger screamed.
Rachel ran the final block to her house, and Gia met her at the door. “Are you okay, Rachel?”
“I think so, Gia. Who were those creeps?”
“Bad news, Rach. Ice took care of them, though he called and said you were coming. Tank was watching you the whole time”
“Why didn’t you drop those magazines, Rachel?” asked Gia.
“I couldn’t! They had some makeup tips I needed” said Rachel breathlessly.
“Gia started laughing and gave Rachel a hug. “That’s my girl! Always remembering the important things”
Ice was at the house thirty seconds later. “The cue balls are long gone”
“How did you get rid of them?” asked Rachel.
“Three rocks. It’s a knack I have” they don’t have a clue we are here.
“But how did you break the window?”
“Knowing where to hit it” said Ice with a smile.
Gia took Rachel upstairs. “Come on girl, show me those tips. They must be to die for”
Steve came up to Ice. “I thought they’d make a move. They are watching her”
“They aren’t watching her unless she goes away from the house. I saw the car down the block. They know about her two friends”
“Good work. They’re going to hit tonight. I’ll bet my life on it” said Steve.
Steve texted Brianna “2nites the nite”
She texted back “Good luck, let me know”
All was prepared. The team was positioned after dark. Steve was monitoring the perimeter at the command center.
“Comm check. Spider”
“Stay sharp team. we have the edge, let’s not give it away. No guns unless it is absolutely necessary. Tasers only.”
All was quiet until one o’clock. Tank called in at a whisper “Incoming west side”
Ice called in “South side”
Gia was up in Rachel’s room. Rachel was fast asleep. “Rachel is sleeping. Instructions?”
“Keep her that way for now”
Steve had a close eye on the cameras. He counted now 10 assailants. Damn. He’d have to go outside and even the odds a bit. “I have 10, repeat, 10 bad guys. On my way to assist. Take ‘em ”
Ice triggered the first flash bang right in front of a kidnapper. He immediately hit the dirt. All hell began to break loose. Tank sprang the trip wires, and 6 assailants immediately hit the dirt. Tank got up, charging three kidnappers head on. They clearly weren’t expecting any resistance. He crushed the face of one, leg swept the other one and followed with a massive blow to the head. They weren’t getting up. The third one, a fat, bald idiot charged Tank. Tank quickly pummeled him with three massive shots to the body, but the man didn’t seem to be phased. The Taser that followed knocked him down and Tank, laid into him with a big boot to the ribs. Fatty stayed down.
Ice leapt from his position and tasered the first one he came to. He went down. He slapped soft cuffs on him and moved on the next one, a wiry cue ball, was fast and obviously had some training. He caught Ice with a roundhouse kick that caught Ice in the vest. The next kick was caught, Ice twisted and skinny had a dislocated ankle to worry about. Ice cuffed him as well.
Steve headed out the front to be hit by two assailants. They drove him into the front wall of the house, cracking the siding. This rattled the whole house, and Rachel woke up. “Gia! What’s happening?” she cried.
“Some bad people are out there, Rachel. We’re taking care of them.” Just stay in your bed, Okay?”
“Okay” came the answer from under the covers.
“Garrett!” Said Gia. “Stay in your room”
Steve was having a rough go of it he was tied up with three bruisers. He pulled out his taser and shot one down. He blocked the blow of another and countered with a vicious right hook that laid out one of the others. There were more coming. “Spider, we need you down here, now!”
Gia ran out. She opened Garrett’s door and said “Watch Rachel” She tossed him a Glock. “Shoot whoever comes through that door!” She paused. “Unless it’s one of us”
Garrett ran into his sister’s room. She was underneath her covers. “Stay there, sis!” he called.
“Okay” came the small voice.
Two men came though the front door they aimed something at Gia and fired. It was a shotgun. She ducked before they fired and quickly placed two rounds apiece in them.
Garrett was dialing 911. “Get the police here. We’re being attacked. Shots fired!” That was all he could think to say. He threw the phone down without hanging up. The operator heard the commotion, and dispatched all available officers.
Tank and Ice had taken out eight assailants. Steve and Gia another 6. There were still more coming. Suddenly a bomb exploded next to Steve. Gia was blown out of the way Three skinheads and one other man went into the house and up the stairs. They opened Rachel’ door. Garrett opened fire. One dropped after the first shots, the others backed out.
Garrett fired through the door, emptying the clip. He had wounded another one. and then the remaining one ran in. Garrett roared, and charged into the skinhead and blew him out into the hall. The embattled kidnapper took a swing, but Garrett was faster. He ducked and hit the man like a tackling dummy and blasted him down the stairs. He rode with him. The kidnappers back was broken, and Garrett was unconscious. The lone hooded man came into Rachel’s room and went to the bed. He placed a chemical-soaked rag over her mouth and nose, and she quickly went unconscious. He threw her up over his shoulder and went down the stairs and out the back. Another bomb exploded in the front yard. The back was clear. The leader had his prize. He faded into the night.
Chapter 14
The Search (Caution: Some bad language, sexual situations)
Steve and Gia finally got their senses back, when the last bomb went off. Tank and Ice were finishing off the last of the kidnappers. Three police cars pulled up. One of them was Stan Harrick.
“Freeze Everybody! Nobody move” Said Officer Justin Bloom. He was a two year veteran of the Martinsburg force.
“What took you so long to get here? Yelled Steve. This place was only attacked by oh, TWENTY kidnappers”
“Shut up! Nobody move” repeated Bloom.
“Justin, put your damn gun down. They’re the good guys” said Stan.
“You know these guys?” asked Justin.
“Yes, and you’re damn lucky they didn’t take you out pulling a gun on them like that”
He turned to Steve. “Hell, buddy, you look like shit”
“Gia, get back upstairs and take care of Rachel and Garrett”
“On my way” she went inside. “STEVE! Garrett’s hurt!”
Steve, Tank, Ice and Stan rushed inside. Garrett was still out cold. The would be kidnapper was dead.
“Stan!” called Steve. “Get an ambulance here, now!”
“Rachel!” called Gia. “Honey, are you okay?” There was no answer.
“Oh no...oh, no no no” Said Gia “Rachel!” She called as she ran upstairs past two more dead kidnappers. “Rachel! It’s okay, you can come out now!”
Gia checked Rachel’s bed. Empty. The battle hardened commando began to look everywhere. “Rachel! RACHEL!” she screamed. Tears were pouring down Gia’s cheeks. Steve! They got her!”
“Son of a bitch! There were just too many of the bastards. How many are out there, Stan?”
“You took out twenty one, not counting the three in here. I count just five dead”
“Any of them awake?”
“Just one”
“Take a walk, Stan”
“You sure, Steve?”
“Oh, yeah. This won’t take long. I need to attend to one of the ‘wounded’”
“You got it, Ace. Time for my impression of Sergeant Schultz. “Bloom, Corrales, come with me”
In the back yard, one of the kidnappers was struggling to get up. Gia got to him first.
“Talk, dirtbag. Where were you supposed to take the girl?”
“She ain’t a girl. The leader told us that. I want a lawyer”
“We aren’t the cops, dickless” hissed Gia.
“Fuck you, bitch”
Gia punched him in the gut. He doubled over.
“Fuck ME? I don’t think so”
Steve got in the face of the kidnapper. “Tell me what we want to know, and I let you go to jail. I ask once. You give me the wrong answer, I blow a piece of your body off with this pistol” He showed him the silenced 9 millimeter.
The kidnapper’s face blanched. “You can’t do that. It’s a violation of my rights!”
Steve shot his foot. Gia covered his mouth.
Gia whispered in his ear. “Talk, or we shoot the other foot, then your knees, hands and so on. Now who’s fucked, little man?”
“I’ll talk, I’ll talk! W-We met at the old Duncan place! The guy who ran the meetings, he always has a hood on. He says it’s to protect us. He gives us drugs, and we listen to his shit! That’s all I know, man! That’s it. Wait! He said he was going to torture her then make her his slave or something. He also wanted the mother. I knew that cocksucker was going to get us killed”
“Very good. If I find out you are lying, well, I have a lot of friends in the prison system. He leaned close. “I will kill you, and nobody, nobody will miss you”
They dragged him around to the front with the others. They were stacked around like cordwood.
Steve called Brianna and briefed her. Steve told her they had an idea who had done it, and they were on his trail.
The first ambulance had arrived, and they were wheeling Garrett out of the house. His head was bandaged. Steve stopped the EMT’s. “How is he?”
“Concussion, broken forearm. Did he do all that damage in there?” asked the lead EMT.
“Hell, yeah!” said Tank with a smile. “You’ve earned your special ops nickname, kid. What do you want me to call you?”
“Already got one, Tank” he replied weakly.
“What is it?”
The team smiled. Ice then said, “I couldn’t have come up with a better one”
“How’s Rachel. They won’t let me see her”
Steve looked at Gia with concern. “She’s fine, Garrett. You did a great job protecting her”
“We need to get going sir” said the lead EMT.
“Stan, did you call DPS in?”
“First thing”
“Good, because you have an official shit storm here thanks to these bozos. We haven’t got time to answer a bunch of questions I already know the answers to. Every minute that sick son of a bitch has her, the worse her chances get of coming out of this thing in one piece”
“Did you get any info from your ‘informant’?”
“He said they met at the old Duncan place. Where is it, and who owns it?”
“Well, the last I can remember, Dan Buford’s wife was the owner. She was a Duncan. It’s about twenty minutes west of town” Stan answered.
“Can we get you away from the crime scene?” asked Steve. “I need you along”
“Hang on. Corrales!”
“Yeah, boss?”
Take command of the scene until DPS arrives. Have Bloom pull tape, and keep the onlookers back. Start securing the scene”
“Ready, Stan” asked Steve
“Let’s roll”
“Tank, Take Gia to her Hummer. You and Ice ride with her. Meet me at the Duncan place. I’ll send you the address”
The Leader had Rachel where he wanted her. He had prepared this place especially for her. It had a cot, a punishment table, and all the instruments to purify the harlot. She slowly stirred.
Rachel felt sick to her stomach. She knew she wasn’t home. “W-W-Where am I?” she asked.
“Right where you need to be, harlot”
“What’s a harlot?”
“How innocent. A whore, you filth! You are now a prisoner of the Sons of Purity. I will purge you of the desire to break God’s law. You will learn many difficult lessons, filth”
“My name is Rachel! Stop being so mean!” she screamed.
He reached over and slapped her. She fell to the floor and began crying.
I have provided you with your uniform. You will wear it until you have learned what you are. Put the items on. Your education begins now. You have 5 minutes”
“These clothes? They’re terrible. I don’t want to”
He pulled out a black device that looked like a television remote to Rachel. He touched her with it, and her world exploded in pain. She screamed and fell down again.
“WHY DID YOU DO THAT!” she screamed.
“Every time you disobey, you will be punished. That was the lowest setting, tramp”
“MOVE IT!” She jumped and began to get the clothes.
“Are you going to leave? You shouldn’t be in here while I change, It’s not nice”
“I’m not leaving, in fact, there are a lot of people watching us now. BEGIN! Put everything on”
“Please! Please don’t make me do this! I won’t make you mad anymore. I’ll be a boy” wailed Rachel.
The hooded man laughed. “Too late for that” He hit her again with the stun gun.
Rachel collapsed again. She began crying uncontrollably.
She numbly walked over the clothes on the table. There was a white blouse, a pleated plaid skirt, knee socks a pair of panties like she had never seen before. You could see right through them. and they were very skimpy. They embarrassed her. She took her sleep shirt off, and put the blouse on. It was a little tight, but she got it buttoned. She put the skirt on. It was very short. Almost too short to cover her panties. She pulled off her old underwear and put on the new panties. She was totally humiliated. She felt worse than naked, and that man had seen her get dressed. Tears were flowing freely. She put the knee socks on, and there were a pair of high heeled Mary Janes. The strap looked strange. She slid it in and it clicked. She was locked in the shoes. She tried to stand up, but the shoes were hurting her feet. She finally got up as the hooded man came into the room.
“Very good, slut” he sneered “This is what girls wear to learn. I will teach you many lessons. Come here.”
Rachel was very scared as she walked uncertainly over to him. “Who are you? You sound familiar”
The hooded man took off the hood.
Rachel gasped. “Mr. Buford! Why are you doing this! Please, let me go!”
“Turn around, slut” he said. He put leather wrist cuffs on her wrists and locked them together. Rachel began to cry.
“Shut up! If you cry I will hurt you again” She tried to stop, but she was so scared.
“Please! Mr. Buford! Let me go! My mommy will wonder where I am! What do you want from me?”
I’ve heard enough from you. He then taped Rachel’s mouth shut with two pieces of gaff tape. She was silent. She backed up to the wall. She stood uncertainly, like a fawn just learning to walk.
Dan Buford had waited years to get one of these girls in his power. There was one before, but she was unsuitable. He had tried to eliminate her, but he was unsuccessful. She still lived. This one was so young, so innocent. Not human. Perfect. No one would recognize her corpse when he was done with her. But that was weeks from now. Buford’s eyes were like a wild animal. He was completely insane.
“Now, he sneered. Let’s see if you really are a girl. He licked his lips and walked slowly toward her.
“MMMMMMM! mmmmmmmMMMM” was all Rachel could say. She was trying to scream for help. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “MMMMMMM” She shook her head no.
As Buford got closer, and prepared to violate the helpless girl. Then Rachel remembered something. When he got within range she gave him a knee to the crotch with everything she had. Just like she did with Wayne. He screamed and collapsed to the floor. Rachel was furious. She then backed up a step and kicked him in the head with all she had. The shoes were stiff and well made. There was a crack and he was still.
Rachel went over to the door struggling to walk on the 4 inch heels. She turned around and tried the door. It was locked.
“MMMMM!” she moaned in frustration. She then walked over to Buford’s still frame. She knelt down and fumbled as best she could with her bound hands into his pockets. She found his cell phone and his keys. There were about fifty keys on the ring. Trying each key in the lock with her hands bound behind her would take forever. She would try the phone and hope she could get someone to understand her.
The phone had service. She stumbled over to the bed in the room the sat down. She felt the keys and dialed 911.
“911, What’s your emergency?”
“mmmm mmmMMMMM”
“I can’t understand you. Is this a joke?”
“This is no place to call for a laugh. We are tracing the call. Good bye”
“MMMMMMMMMM!!!” Rachel was frantic. She was starting to have problems breathing.....the room started to was getting dark.
“Yeah, Randall?”
“How can you lift all that weight and not get tired?”
“I control my breathing”
“Well, I just breathe in when I lift and exhale when I lower, that way, I get plenty of oxygen”
Randall breathed in then out slowly. “Like that?”
“There you go! Keep practicing!”
Rachel was half on the bed, half off. She pulled herself painfully up. She needed to control her breathing. No more crying. She scooted her bottom around and reached for the phone again.
“Stan, I just had a thought. Perhaps Rachel managed to get her cell phone. I didn’t see it at the house. What if she tried to make a 911 call? Steve was willing to try anything at this point.
“I see where you are going. Let me call the center” he got on his cell phone to avoid the chance that the kidnapper had a scanner.
“Emergency 911 Center. Linda”
“Linda, this is Stan Harrick. We’ve had a kidnapping go down tonight. A girl named Rachel Harris was taken. Get out an Amber Alert, and if any strange calls come in, for the love of God don’t hang up. Watch those operators. Pass it along. Keep the call on the line until you can positively ID the caller. It will come in from a cell. Got it? You can save this girl!”
“I’ve got it Stan. Passing it along now”
Linda passed the info to all the operators on duty. Janine, one of the operators, held her hand to her mouth. “Oh my God, Linda. I think she just called five minutes ago. I thought it was a joke”
“What did you hear?”
“All the person kept saying was mmmmmmm mmmmmm Now that I think about it, whoever it was could have been gagged somehow. Linda! What if it was her? What if she dies?”
“She won’t die. Good work, Janine. You may have just saved her life!”
“Janine held her face in her hands. “I hung up on her”
“Janine! Get back in the game. I need you sharp. If she calls again, keep her on the line”
Linda got the number and called Stan. “I think she may have called. The number comes back to a cell registered to a Dan Buford”
“Got her! Steve! She may have called 911 from Dan Buford’s cell phone! If she calls again, we can triangulate the call”
“IF she calls again? They let her go?” yelled Steve.
“Easy, Hondo. They didn’t know. Good call though. I’ll bet she is at the Duncan place” Steve hit the lights and floored it. They were still five minutes from the farmhouse.
“911 what’s your emergency?”
“MMmmmmMMM MMMMMMM” Rachel was doing all she could to alert the operator to who she was
“Oh, thank god! Rachel?” Janine had answered the call
“MMMMM MMMMMMMM” she tried to say yes.
“Can you talk, honey?”
“MMMM MMMM” indicating no.
“ That’s okay, honey. I know it’s you! Don’t hang up, baby! The police are coming!”
Rachel closed her eyes. The tears started again.
Stan pulled up to the farmhouse. It was dark save for a light in a back room. Buford’s car
The convoy pulled up to the house with lights off. Steve and Stan and Gia would hit the house. Ice and Tank would make sure no one got away out the back. They weren’t playing this time. They all had M-4 assault rifles. Anyone that tried to run wouldn’t get far.
The trio opener the front door Gia was on point and crept in, clearing the front room. Steve was next, Stan pulled up the rear. Gia walked carefully to the door of the room with the light on. She listened. She could hear muffled sounds.
“If that son of a bitch has touched her, there won’t be a trial” she thought. She motioned for Steve to kick the door in and she would clear the room.
Steve held up three fingers, indicating a count of three. He counted down silently. Three, two, one.
The door exploded off its hinges.
“FREEZE” yelled Stan.
Rachel jumped and screamed into her gag.
Gia ran over to Rachel. “It’s okay, Rach. You did very well” Rachel was sobbing into her gag. Gia started to carefully take the sticky tape off her face. First one piece, then the other.
“Oh, Gia! It was awful! He did terrible things! He shocked me and made me take my clothes off! He said a lot of people were watching me take my clothes off” Rachel dissolved into tears, crying for her mommy.
“Easy, honey. It’s over now” Gia held her, wishing to God she could make that son of a bitch pay.
Steve went to where Dan Buford lay. Blood was coming out of his ear. Steve checked his vitals. “He’s alive, but barely. Depressed skull fracture here at the temple”
“I’ll call it in, Steve” Officer Harrick then called for an ambulance to the address. The ambulances were coming from Killeen now. Martinsburg general was swamped. The tornado of 2004 didn’t cause this many injuries.
Steve called Brianna. “Got her. She’s fine. The perp was a nutball from her church, Dan Buford”
Brianna was silent for a moment, she then replied “Thank God, Steve. And thank you”
“Don’t thank me. I screwed up. Big time. No charge for this one”
Brianna countered. “Steve Marshall, no one but you could have stopped all those men. I heard the reports. Twenty five men attacked that house. Your team managed to fight all but one off, and it took two bombs to get Rachel out”
“Garrett killed three men tonight, Brianna. No kid should have to live with that. He doesn’t even know yet. I failed, Bree. I got cocky”
Did I tell you what Buford did to Rachel? Steve continued. “He drugged her, brought her to his little hidey hole, and molested her. He hit her with his hand and a stun gun. Forced her to undress for an internet party of perverts. Do you know who took care of Buford?”
“Who?” said Bree quietly.
“Rachel did. Damn near killed him. He may die yet. A twelve year old girl, who should be worrying about boys and parties, just spent the night being molested by an animal who got exactly what he deserved. Only it was my job to punish him. Now this little girl is going to grow up with the knowledge that she crippled or killed a man.”
Steve paused for a moment. “Bree, have you ever killed someone?”
“I remember every face of every man I ever pointed a gun at. I see the faces of the six men I have killed every night as I go to sleep. It never goes away. Now two of the brightest, best kids I have ever met have to live with that knowledge. This isn’t a game where whoever kills the most wins. It’s about who does his job so well, no one has to die. It’s pass or fail. There is no in between”
“Yeah, Bree?”
“Please come to the mansion when you get a chance. Please?”
“Okay. I’ll be busy with paperwork and interviews until next year. Later”
Gia saw Steve on the phone. She had managed to release Rachel from her cuffs, and was working on picking the locks on the shoes.
“Gia?” whispered Rachel.
“I have to go pee”
Gia laughed. “Okay let me finish getting you out of these shoes”
“I mean now! I’m about to wet my pants”
“Why didn’t you say so, hun?”
“ I didn’t know where the bathroom was”
“Let’s go find it”
Rachel stood up. She almost fell over. “How do you walk in these things, Gia?”
“Practice, Practice, Practice. When we get back, I’ll get you a pair of your own, just not so high”
“Well, Hold on to me, Gia. If I fall in this outfit, I’d die of embarrassment”
“Believe me, I understand, sweetie”
Rachel made it to the bathroom. Gia, was going to wait outside, but Rachel asked her to come with her into the room. “I don’t want to be gross, Gia, but I don’t want to be alone. Can you not leave me? I just have to pee”
“It’s okay, Rach. We girls go together all the time. Rachel pulled her skirt up and pulled her panties down. As Rachel sat, she looked at the panties. I don’t know why he wanted me to put these on. They’re kind of pretty, but they aren’t the kind I wear”
“Well, they aren’t the kind I’d wear either, Rach. They are supposed to be for, well...some girls like to wear pretty underwear. You might like to someday, when you’re older”
“Maybe, but now I’m just cold. Can I have a blanket to cover up in?”
“Sure, Rachel” She called Tank “Can you get Rachel a blanket? She’s not really decent, and she needs to get warm”
“One blanket for the little lady, coming up!” called Tank. “Ice, Gia’s got one in the Hummer.
Rachel finished up and washed her hands. Tank passed the blanket to Gia through the crack she opened in the door. Rachel thanked her and wrapped up. While they were in the bathroom, Gia finished picking the locks to the shoes. Rachel was grateful to get them off.
“Thank you, Gia. They hurt something awful. I don’t think they were my size”
“Don’t worry about it, kid, you’ll never have to wear them again”
The ambulance arrived along with the DPS and sheriff’s deputies. They found Rachel, in her blanket, drinking a bottle of water Gia had given her.
“Is this the victim?” Asked the DPS officer coldly.
Gia answered. “No, this is Rachel. I’ll thank you to be a little more sensitive to someone who has just been through what this girl has been through. We need to get her to the hospital. Come on, Rachel”
“Hold on. No one is going anywhere until I get to the bottom of what happened here”
Gia stared daggers through the officer. “Steve, you need to handle this”
“Go, Gia. I’ve got it” answered Steve. “I’ll tell you what you need to know. You can question her all you want after she gets checked out at the hospital. she’s had a full night”
“Procedures say she stays”
“Screw the procedures, Bill. Gia...GO!”
“I’ll file a report on this, Harrick”
“Go ahead, Bill. Make sure you cross every T and dot every I. Because if you continue to hassle that girl, her lawyer is going to want to read that report. And if you want the ‘Austin Barracuda’ all over your six, by all means, go ahead”
Steve had to turn away before he broke out laughing at the DPS officer who flushed, then said “I suppose it can wait, as long as you know what’s going on, Harrick”
“I thought so, Bill”
The ambulance pulled away with Buford in critical condition. No reflexes, no pupil reaction. In all probability he was brain dead. Gia and Tank had taken Rachel to the hospital.
The team didn’t get done with all of the police interviews until two o’clock in the afternoon. No charges would be filed. Brianna was there representing all the team, as well as Rachel and Garrett. Garrett was still out of it with a bad concussion. He didn’t remember any of what had happened. Steve was thankful for that. All deaths were ruled justifiable homicides, and Rachel was simply defending herself.
The remaining charges were various weapons violations against the team, but a call from the governor made sure those went away. The state had “lost” his permits.
Brianna met Steve outside the police station. “So, can I offer you a ride?”
“No, I’d rather walk. I need to be alone”
“All right, I’ll walk with you, because I don’t want to be alone.”
“Suit yourself”
“You know, Steve, I understand what you must be feeling. I felt the same way for a long time. I never told you about certain events in my past”
“You don’t owe me anything, Bree”
“I need to tell you this. When I was transitioning, I met someone who I thought wanted me for me. A bright, pretty young girl. I hadn’t had my surgery yet, but I had been on HRT for several years prior. I had never gone through male puberty. I don’t even know what that entails. I was indistinguishable from my genetic girl friends. People who didn’t know me would never make me”
“Bree, what are you trying to say?”
“Listen to me! I had known this boy for a couple of years. He was kind and gentle, and treated me like the girl I was. We started dating. Six months in to our relationship. I wanted to show him physically how I felt about him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have the equipment. So I did what I could to please him. Manually, even orally. I didn’t expect anything in return. I loved him so much. Then one day he wanted to go all the way. I didn’t have the equipment yet, and I just couldn’t do what he wanted. It seemed wrong somehow for me. He didn’t like my answer. He claimed I didn’t love him enough to give my body totally to him. I begged for him not to make me do that. I just couldn’t. He dropped it. A few days later, we went out and began to make out. I thought it was over. Then he asked me again. When I said I couldn’t. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me and threw me out of his car. I nearly died that night. I could never prove he did it. It was my word against his. Nobody would believe the local ‘tranny’. I vowed then to never be with another man again until I had my revenge. That man was Dan Buford.
She continued. “I went to see him in the hospital. He was hooked up to all those machines, his wife and children were sitting there mourning his loss. He’ll never recover, Steve. She looked him in the eye, tears streaming down her face. I realized then how silly and stupid I had been. I wasn’t hurting him. I was punishing myself. Right then and there I forgave him and let go of my anger. I quit punishing myself”
She looked Steve in the eye. “Now I want to live my life, and love again. To love you”
She kissed a shocked Steve on the lips. A tender, loving kiss. Steve returned it. She broke down in sobs, cleansing her soul of the years of hate.
Steve just hugged her.
Chapter 15
The Aftermath
Earlier that morning, Gia got Rachel to the hospital in Martinsburg to be checked out. The news media were all over the front of the hospital, cameras were set up, and police were everywhere, controlling the mass of yelling reporters. Pulling around the back to the emergency exit, Gia managed to miss most of the reporters.
As Gia went around to the passenger side to get Rachel, a photographer jumped out around the back of the Hummer and flashed a picture. Striking like a snake, her leg shot out and kicked the camera out of the photographer’s hand.
“Hey, bitch, that camera cost fifteen hundred dollars! You’ll pay for that!”
“Yeah, yeah, send me the bill, jerkoff” she said nonchalantly as she picked up Rachel.
Gina and Maria were there to meet her in the waiting area. Gina ran to hug her blanket wrapped daughter.
“Mom!” squealed Rachel. “I’ve missed you!”
Biting her lip to keep from crying, Gina hugged her daughter “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you sooo much!”
“Mom, it was like the worst thing I’ve ever been through!” Rachel began sobbing as she held her mother.
Joining her daughter in her tears, Gina could only whisper “It’s okay, honey. It’s all over. Shhhhh. Shhhhh. Don’t cry. we’ll talk about it later”
Gina held her daughter and looked at Gia. “Thank you” she silently mouthed. Gia smiled at her and nodded.
“How’s Garrett?” asked Rachel “Is he okay?”
“He’s just fine, honey” answered Maria. “He’ll come to see you later. Right now, we need to get you checked out”
Quickly, Gina and Maria led Rachel into the ER. Gia was close behind. A Doctor was working on one of the kidnappers. He saw the two women with the girl and called a nurse over to them. The ER was covered up, but they made room for Rachel. “Have a seat right here, sweetie” said the nurse, showing her to a seat.
The thug that was being worked on winced as the doctor treated a nasty looking cut. “Shit, man! Watch what the fuck yer doin” He saw Rachel and grinned evilly. “Hey doc! See that little cunt over there? They told me she was a dude! I say no way! Hell, I’d tap her right...OWWWWW!”
“Sorry about that” said the doctor with a look of disgust “The more you talk, the more this hurts”
Rachel hugged her mother tighter “Mom? I need to go now. I can’t stay here. These men....” She looked up at her mother with fear etched on her face, her eyes wide with terror.
Maria was about to say something to the man when Gia stopped her. “I’ve got this, get Rach out of here”
With the cool assurance of a trained killer, Gia walked over to the skinhead. “Listen asswipe” she whispered “Recognize me? I’m the one who put you in here”
The criminal’s face went white with recognition.
“Yeah, you do!” she continued to whisper “Keep it up, and you won’t be tapping anything, because I’ll have your dick”
“Nice work, Doc” she smiled as she left. There were no more comments.
Maria and Gina took Rachel into the desk area. Gina told the nurse “Look, my daughter was just brutalized by the men in that room. Isn’t there someplace else we can go. the nurse then realized that the girl in front of her was the object of the assault.
“Ma’am, I’m terribly sorry. We weren’t thinking. This place is just so crowded right now. Let me get a doctor”
The nurse returned with the doctor that was working on the noisy thug. Shaking Gina’s hand, he kneeled down to Rachel and said “ Hello, I’m Doctor Good. No jokes please” Rachel giggled.
“So you’re Rachel, huh?”
“Yes” came the quiet reply.
“Let’s get you to a nice private room where we can check you out, okay?”
“But Doctor, the patients in the ER....”
“Screw ‘em” came the curt reply. “They’ll live. If hadn’t been for their damn foolishness, we wouldn’t be working our butts off tonight, would we?”
Dr. Good gave Rachel a thorough examination. Physically, she was fine, save for two electrical burns from the stun gun. He treated those and wrote a few things down on her chart. “She’s okay, he announced. I am concerned about the anesthetic used to subdue her. I suspect it was chloroform, based on her description. I could hold her overnight, but I think she would be better off at home.
A detective from the State Police Came to take Rachel’s statement. She told him everything she knew, and what had happened to her. She remained calm while describing the events that happened after she was abducted. The detective thought she was a little too calm.
“Mom. Can I get out of this silly outfit? It’s like, totally freezing in here, and I need something else to wear”
The detective agreed. “We really need that for evidence, ma’am”
“I’ll see if I can dig up some scrubs for her. It shouldn’t be a problem” Gia offered. She left the room to try to get them
After a quick drive to the hospital, Brianna found Maria and Gina with Rachel.
After hugging the two women, she asked Rachel how she was doing.
“Fine, I guess. I’m pretty tired. I didn’t like, you know, get any sleep last night”
“We’re going to get you out of here as soon as possible. I’ve got to take care of some things first, and then you and your mom and Grandmother are going to come and stay with me for a few days, If it’s all right with them”
Gina looked at her mother. “I don’t suppose we have a choice, unless you want to stay at a hotel for a few days”
Shaking her head, Brianna said “I won’t hear of it. I have plenty of room and it’s a secure location. I have security in place already” She paused. “While I don’t think that there is any further threat from any would be kidnappers, the media may be another matter. I don’t think you want Rachel bothered by reporters”
“Absolutely not!” Gina said with determination. “I won’t have her harassed any further”
“Great, it’s settled then. I’ll have my car pick you up when this zoo settles down a little bit”
“Do you have a pool?” asked Rachel.
Smiling, Gina said “Don’t take advantage of our host now, honey”
“It’s no trouble at all, Gina! She couldn’t take advantage of me if she tried. Yes, Rachel, I have two pools, both indoors and out. Do you have a bathing suit?”
“No, but Mom and I can go shopping for one!” giggled Rachel. “Can my friends come visit me?”
“Any time they want. You can even have another sleepover if you want”
Bouncing up and down on her chair, Rachel couldn’t contain her excitement. “Like, this is sooo cool! a pool! Two pools!” Rachel jumped up and gleefully clapped her hands together as she jumped up and down.
As Rachel was doing her happy hop, Maria noticed her granddaughter’s skirt was riding up, showing the not too modest panties that Buford had forced her into.
“Young lady! Remember your modesty! We can see your bottom!”
Rachel stopped and pulled her skirt down, blushing furiously. She looked down, her knees together, and her feet slightly apart. “I never had this problem before” She said, smiling coquettishly.
Gia came into the room as the women all started laughing with Rachel. “I see I missed the joke”
“There’s no joke” laughed Rachel. “I just learned a lesson in modesty. Keep your hands down when wearing a short skirt”
Gia laughed along with the others. “I see. Well, here are your scrubs, panty girl”
“Hey! It’s not like I chose this, guys!”
Rachel got changed and they put the clothes in the paper bag provided by the police. Gia went out to the detectives to give them the evidence.
Stan Harrick was in the hospital, arranging for the transport of the prisoners who were well enough to go to the jail. Tank came up to him, carrying a large cup of coffee.
“The tech boys at the scene did some work on Buford’s laptop and traced the people who were watching Rachel get abused. DPS is rounding them up now”
“Good. I hope they toss them so far back they have to pump the sunshine to them” replied Stan.
“Steve asked me to keep an eye on the Harris family for the next few days. He said he’s got some thinking to do. Don’t blame him, really. This op got messed up big time. Those rubes should have never been able to get anywhere close to the kid. It’s not like a Steve Marshall operation”
“Everybody makes mistakes now and then” said Stan. “I don’t see what he was so upset about”
Tank took a long sip of his coffee. “In our line of work, mistakes get people killed. If Rachel hadn’t taken care of Buford, she would have been raped or worse before we got to her. Steve takes that very seriously”
Stan shook his head in agreement “If anyone will get it figured out, it’s Steve. If you ask me, I’d say he’s got a large distraction in the form of a tall, blonde attorney. Don’t quote me, though”
Laughing, Tank replied “I thought the same thing, but I don’t even know if she’s on the market” he paused, looking out a window at the rising sun. “I’ve got a long day of debriefing the boys in blue. “Take care, Stan. Nice working with you”
“Anytime, Tank, anytime”
Brianna had briefed the press with the bare bones of the story, keeping Rachel’s name out of it. By ten o’clock in the morning, a very sleepy Rachel walked out of the hospital with Tank and Gina at her side. They got into the stretch Lincoln limo and drove to the DiMaggio estate, just outside of Austin. Rachel was asleep three minutes into the ride.
“So, Gina, how are you holding up? asked a yawning Tank.
Gina sighed. “I’ll be doing a lot better when all of this craziness goes away. I never would have thought that Rachel’s choice of gender would cause all of this. What causes people to go so nuts over someone wearing a skirt instead of jeans?”
“The animals who got this started were nuts to begin with. Buford probably had thing for transsexual girls and couldn’t rationalize it with his upbringing or whatever. It doesn’t really matter at this point, does it?”
“No, I guess not, but I would like to know what I could do to protect her from the Dan Bufords of the world” she sighed.
Tank looked out the window, paused and said “The best you can do is to prepare her for the fact that there are a lot of people out there who don’t have her best interests at heart, and will in fact try to use her or hurt her whenever they can. Teach her to look out for those people. Eventually, this will all go away. Time does heal these sorts of things”
“I’ve heard that before, Tank, and I’m waiting for that time to come”
“Please, Gina, call me Jim. I’ve always hated the nickname Tank. But, in my line of work, having the last name Abrams and being rather large, well, you get stuck with these names pretty much naturally”
Gina looked down at Rachel, whose head was in her lap. She was stroking Rachel’s hair as she slept. She really hated nicknames anyway, especially with some of the names her daughter had been called in the last few weeks. “Okay, Jim. I prefer that name anyway”
They arrived at the twenty-eight thousand square foot mansion that Brianna lived in. It was a Tudor style house, with ornate stone work around the outside. Gina woke Rachel up as they drove up the long lane to the main house.
“Look where we’ll be staying for the next few days, honey”
“Oh my gosh, Mom. It’s huge!” I can’t wait to see my room! Do you think it’ll be big?”
“I think whatever is in that house is big, Rachel” answered Gina.
“I HAVE to see the pool, Mom! I want to go swimming right away” Rachel said with an excitement that only a tween girl can come up with.
As they got out of the car, Gina told Rachel “Easy, girl. I want you to get some sleep first”
Rachel stamped her foot and pouted. “But mom, I just got some sleep! I want to see the house, and my room, and oh! I’m hungry. Do I have a bathing suit, mom? I have a million things to do. Oh darn it! I need my phone! Mom! Are you listening to me?”
Rolling her eyes, Gina looked at Jim as if to say help.
Smiling, Jim said, “You’re on your own, Gina. I can’t help you with a girl in overdrive” he laughed as he walked inside.
“Mom, I need some clothes. We have to go back to the house. I have absolutely NOTHING to wear. Mom! I have no underwear, and I need a bra”
“Rachel! Calm down. I know what you need, let’s get you settled in”
Rachel toned her enthusiasm down a bit “Ok, mom, do you know where I’ll be?”
“No, but Travis does”
“Who’s Travis? The butler?”
Gina smiled at Rachel. “I suppose that’s one way to put it. He runs the house for Brianna. Just call him Travis, he’s a very nice man”
As if on cue, a slim middle aged man appeared at the door. “Hello, Gina. Hello, Rachel, I’m Travis. Come on in”
Travis Collins was the household manager, and had worked for Brianna for 5 years. He was originally from New York City, and had been in the Austin area for 15 years. He was educated at Princeton, and was a consummate professional. In addition to running the household, he managed some of Brianna’s investments. She paid him well, and he was worth every penny.
“Where are we staying, Travis?” asked Gina.
“Your room remains the same, Gina. Rachel will be staying across the hall in the Princess Bedroom.
Rachel’s mouth dropped. “Princess Bedroom? Does that mean what I think it means?”
Travis grinned and gestured upstairs. “Well, why don’t we go up and see if you like it?”
They walked up the elaborate cherry staircase to the end of the long hall. Large double doors opened into the bedroom. It was done in a rustic pink, with cream colored carpeting. One wall was accented with an antique striped pattern wallpaper A large armoire decorated one side of the room, with a antique desk and makeup table on the other side. The centerpiece of the room was a king sized four poster bed with light pink curtains draped around. The bed spread was a floral pattern in cream and light pink. A large bathroom and walk in closet were off to the back of the room.
Rachel gasped. “Oh wow. Mom, it’s beautiful! It is a princess bedroom!” She walked around the room, delicately touching the furnishings, as if in a trance.
Travis sighed loudly “Okay, Gina, I guess she doesn’t like it, Let’s take her to the western bedroom”
Whirling around, Rachel gasped again. “I LOVE it! Don’t you DARE try to move me somewhere else!”
Travis and Gina both laughed heartily “Okay, okay” Travis smiled “I guess you can have this one. However, Rachel, you need to go to bed for a three hour nap to keep it, or it’s off to the cowboy room for you”
“I’ll go right now!” she paused, thinking “but I don’t have any pajamas, Mom”
“What you have on now will be fine, dear. The shirt you have on is big enough to be a tent. You can sleep in that until we get your clothing situation straightened out”
“I’ll leave you two alone. Gina, when you are done, please come see me in my office”
Rachel took off the too big scrub pants and let the shirt down. It came down around the middle of her thighs. After turning the bed down for Rachel, Gina gave Rachel a kiss. “I’ll be right outside if you need me, okay”
“Okay, mom. I love you”
“I love you too. Have a nice little nap.
Gina left Rachel’s room and went down to Travis’ office.
“So what did you need, Travis?”
“I need you to give me Rachel’s sizes for the clothing you think she’ll need. Your house will probably be under police lockdown as a crime scene at least for the next couple of days. And we can’t very well have her running around naked, can we”
Biting her lip, Gina looked upstairs. “I can’t leave Rachel now. We’ll have to shop later”
“It is already handled. I have someone lined up to shop already, and the clothes will be here when she wakes up. That will give you a chance to get some rest yourself”
“How will you know what to buy?”
“You’ll tell me what she likes to wear and the buyer will take it from there. Believe me, they know what they are doing. She will also want a swimsuit, I suppose?”
Gina gave all of the pertinent information to Travis, and he made the call. Rachel would have some clothes when she woke up.
Rachel was walking out in the country. She had on a lovely yellow sundress. She was barefoot and her long hair was flowing in the breeze. She saw a swing hanging from a branch in the large oak tree by the brook. Running down to it, she jumped on and began swinging. She loved swinging, it was so much fun and gave her a flutter in her tummy that she liked.
The mockingbirds were singing and she couldn’t have been happier. She swung backwards and the swing froze at its peak. Rachel screamed, being startled at the sudden change in momentum. She looked behind her and Mr. Buford had hold of the swing.
Rachel screamed in terror and jumped down off the swing. She turned to face her tormentor and tried to scream at him, but her voice wouldn’t come in anything but a whisper. “I stopped you” she whispered “you’re gone”
He looked at her with dead eyes and said calmly “I’ll never be gone, whore. You’re mine and always will be”
She turned and ran from him, but she couldn’t seem to get any speed, like she was running underwater. She felt him gaining, coming ever closer. She could feel his hot breath on her neck.
He grabbed her dress and ripped it off her. She was in nothing but her bra and panties. Suddenly her arms were bound behind her. “Let’s see if you’re a real girl, slut”
Struggling for all she was worth, she couldn’t get away. She tried kicking, but her feet were tied to the ground. Rachel tried to scream, but all that came out was a whisper. His filthy hand reached down slowly, grabbing the waistband of her panties. He started to pull.....
A bloodcurdling scream came from Rachel’s room. Jim was close by and ran in to her room. He came in to see Rachel sitting bolt upright in her bed hands clawing and pushing away at some non existent assailant. She screamed again. “MOMMMMYYYYY! HELLLLP MEEEEEE”
Jim got to her bed and got her arms under control. Gina was in a second later. She ran over to Rachel’s bed and held her along with Jim. She still wasn’t awake. “MOMMMYYYY!”
“Rachel! I’m here! I’m here, baby! Mommy’s here!”
Rachel finally awakened from her nightmare. Looking around at her surroundings, she saw Jim and her Mom. She burst into sobs. “Mom,h-h-h-he’s back! He took my c-c-c-clothes off! I hate him!!!
“Shhhhh, Shhhh, baby. It was just a dream. He can’t hurt you anymore” Gina was blinking back tears of anger at the bastard who hurt her baby. Hell was too good for him.
Jim left the two alone. Brianna had come back to the mansion. She was up and in to the room in two minutes. “A nightmare, Gina?”
“Yes, Bree” she answered quietly while the traumatized girl sobbed into her shoulder.
“I’ll leave you two alone”
“Mom, he said I wasn’t a girl! I AM a girl! No matter what anybody says! I hate boys! I hate MEN!”
“Honey, not all men are like him. You like Jim and Steve and Ice, don’t you? What about Garrett?”
“I don’t care! They don’t count!”
Sensing that this wasn’t the time to argue about the subject, Gina changed the course of the discussion “All right, honey. It’s okay. It’s over for now” she held her daughter for the next 10 minutes while she cried herself out.
After Rachel had finished crying, Gina suggested she come to the bathroom with her. Drying her eyes, Rachel went into the bathroom with Gina. “I know exactly what you need, honey.”
“What’s that, Mom?”
Something that helps me out when I’m feeling low. A nice hot bath!”
Gina drew the bath for Rachel and put some lavender oil in the water, along with some lavender scented bubble bath. The tub was huge, and swallowed Rachel in the middle of it.
“Now you just stay in here until the water cools off, and close your eyes and think about good things. Nobody’s going to get you here, okay”
Looking very contented, Rachel sighed “Mmmmmmm. Okay, mom”
Chapter 16
A new life begins
Rachel laid in the tub, luxuriating in the warmth and the aroma of the lavender. The pain from the burns and the bruises on her wrists from the cuffs began to fade. She thought about the events of the last few weeks, how she had gone on a journey of self discovery that she had no intention of ever starting. She had always felt different, somehow strangled in the life she had been forced to live. The envy she had felt toward her friends, Becca and Angela. The desire that she could never quite put into words.
She was truly happy now, a happiness that wasn’t based on what people thought of her. It was a happiness based on her contentment with herself. It was a lesson that, had her parents taken a different course with her upbringing that she would never have had to face. But that was all water under the bridge now. She was Rachel Diane Harris, a twelve, nearly thirteen year old girl. A girl. Whoever didn’t like that could, in the words of her brother, pound sand. She had friends, friends that knew her and liked her for who and what she was.
What about the others? The ones who called her a freak, a she male, an abomination. They could sting her with their words, but they couldn’t change who she was. She loved being a girl. She liked wearing dresses, skirts, pretty tops and pretty underwear. She loved doing her nails, putting on makeup, and cooking. These things were natural to her. As time went on, she would grow her hair as long as it would grow, no matter what anyone else thought. Brianna went through what she was going through. She knew.
What about relationships? Right now, the thought of any boy touching her made her skin crawl. She hated the thought of any male getting anywhere close to her. That made her sad, because she didn’t want to hate anyone. It just wasn’t in her nature. What about girls? Did she like girls? She loved Becca and Angela and the other girls in the group, but not like, in that way. Or did she? She would have to think about that some more.
She resolved to learn to protect herself. She wasn’t very strong like Garrett, but she wanted to know how to keep herself safe. It was the only way she could walk outside again. Maybe Jim could help with that. Rachel vowed then and there that she would not be a victim again if she could help it. She would talk to Julie on Friday at their session. She was safe here for now, and she could live with that.
Rachel felt the water growing colder, she ducked her head under and washed her face. She stepped out of the tub and dried herself off. A thick white robe was there for her, as were a pair of warm slippers. She wrapped her hair in a turban and went out into her room.
“Mommmm?” cried Rachel in the now familiar tone that let Gina know her daughter was in some kind of crisis. “I need some clothes!”
“Come over to my room, sweetie” called Gina. “I have some things for you”
Rachel did her best impression of the Flash as she ran over to her mother’s room to see the new clothes. “Coool, Mom! These are for me?”
“Yes, dear. They should all fit. Travis had a person pick them out for you and they delivered the clothes here”
“Oh, wow, Mom. That is like, so awesome. I feel like a Princess!”
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it, your majesty. In a few days, the clock strikes midnight” cautioned Gina.
“I know, but I can enjoy the feeling while it lasts, can’t I?” she chuckled.
“Oh, and there’s a couple of items you might be interested in” said Gina
“What are they, Mom?”
“Close your eyes”
Rachel closed them in anticipation, with a huge, toothy smile.
“Open them”
Rachel squealed in delight as her mother showed her two bathing suits. One was a rainbow dyed halter top bikini with a cute modest bottom. The bra was padded a bit to give her a little shape on top, and the other suit was an aqua tankini with a moderate bottom. “I LOVE them, Mom! They are sooo cute! Can I try them on?”
”¨“Of course, Rachel”
Rachel dropped her robe and grabbed the bikini. Her mother was shocked, because Rachel had never wanted to get undressed in front of anyone before, including her mother. She put the bottoms on, though when it came to the top, she had to get her mother’s help. “What do you think Mom? Isn’t it just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“You don’t feel undressed in it? It does show a lot of skin”
“No, not really. It doesn’t look bad on me, does it?”
Gina looked at her daughter. She didn’t have a lot up top, but her bottom was filling out. she was developing a nice hourglass shape, and the bikini looked good on her. Maybe too good. “Well, it does look very good on you. That is, if you don’t care about boys looking at this really cute girl standing in front of me”
“Gross, Mom! I don’t care if they all look. They aren’t getting anywhere with me”
“That’s the attitude, girl” said Brianna, who was standing at the door, clapping. “Sorry about sneaking in, Gina, but I wanted to see what my personal shopper could do with Cinderella here”
“Hi, Brianna” said Rachel as she ran over to hug her “Thank you so much for the clothes! I absolutely love everything”
“It was a pleasure, Rachel. Hugs like that one were worth every penny. Let me look at you. Give me a twirl!”
Rachel spun around with glee, giggling the whole time.
“Goodness, girl, you have got one terrific rear end” said Bree with a smile.
Squealing, Rachel blushed crimson and said, “Stop it, Brianna! I do not! Gosh!”
“Yes you do, Rachel, a boy stopping genuine girl butt. It’s cute”
Gina was laughing at Rachel’s predicament. She wasn’t used to comments about her body, and didn’t know how to react.
“I do not! Quit it” Rachel was grinning from ear to ear. “I’ll take this off right now! I don’t want gross boys looking at me”
“Too late, chick. That ship has sailed. If you don’t want boys looking at you, you’d better get a box to swim in. Otherwise, get used to it, because most male eyes will be glued to your posterior”
“I’m only twelve, Bree! They can’t look at me!”
“Okay, Rach, If you say so. But it’s not so bad. Believe me. My butt is cute too”
The rest of the evening was spent with Rachel trying on the new clothes. There were jeans, skirts, blouses and dresses. A whole new wardrobe.
Rachel had changed into her new cotton pajamas, and was sitting cross legged on her mom’s bed with Bree and her mother, enjoying some girl time.
“Mom, you were right about the bath, it was awesome! I thought about so much”
“Did you come to any conclusions?” asked Gina.
“Kind of. I know I’m happier now even with everything that’s happened to me than I’ve ever been in my life. I love who I am. I don’t love what some people say about me, but I’m not going to change who I am for anyone”
Gina hugged Rachel. “I’m so proud of you, Rachel. That’s a very grown up attitude”
“Yes it is” added Bree. “I know many girls who can’t say that even though they are ten years older than you. And you got this just from taking a bath?”
“Sort of, Bree. I just needed some quiet time. I still don’t know how I feel about boys. I can’t stand the thought of them looking at me. I almost get sick at the prospect of dating one. I even thought about girls, and if I liked them instead of boys. I am still confused about that. Can you understand that?”
Nodding in agreement, Gina said “I do understand, Rachel, but I also know that you have a lot of time to make that choice, and I won’t think one bit different of you no matter what choice you make. These are grown up choices, and there’s no reason to rush things. Enjoy your life as it is now, and worry about tomorrow then”
“I know, mom. I plan on talking to Julie about this on Friday”
“I think that’s a good plan, Rachel” said Bree. “Julie is a good person to talk to about these things, and your mother is here to help you with those decisions too. If you want to ask me anything, I’m here for you as well”
Rachel yawned. “Mom, I’m really tired. You don’t mind if I go to bed now do you?”
“No, honey, It is eleven o’clock, you know”
“Can you sleep with me? I’m worried I may have another nightmare”
“Of course, honey. Let’s get ready together”
“I’ll see you in the morning, you two” said Bree. She left the room and went downstairs.
As they were getting ready for bed, Rachel asked “Mom, what happened to Garrett?”
“He got hurt a little bit keeping some of those bad men away from you. Gia told me he took care of three of them by himself, and he would have gotten four if he hadn’t gotten hurt”
Tears formed in Rachel’s eyes “Will he be able to keep playing football? I would hate it if he missed that because of me. He loves it so much”
“He is hurt too much too play for the rest of the season, and he told me to tell you that you are more important to him than any football games. He has a broken arm and a concussion, and the doctor doesn’t want him to play anymore this year to make sure he doesn’t get hurt any worse”
“Does he hate me?” said Rachel quietly.
“Heavens no, child! He was just sorry he couldn’t have gotten them all. He actually said that he had more fun than a dozen football games. Gia said he handled himself better than anyone she had ever seen that wasn’t a trained soldier. His only concern was for you.”
“Really? He doesn’t hate me?”
“Sweetie, you are more important to us than anything. Garrett likes football. He loves you. He knows you are going through a rough patch, and he wants to be there for you. He’s coming here tomorrow for the rest of the week, and you can ask him yourself”
“That’s awesome, Mom. I miss him already!”
Rachel and Gina went to bed. Rachel had no nightmares.
Rachel got up at seven thirty that morning. She got out of bed quietly, went to the bathroom, and quietly changed into her bikini and wrapped herself into a towel. She was just about out of the room when her mother whispered. “Don’t let anyone look at your butt, cutie”
“Mom! Don’t be gross!” She whispered back with a smile.
Rachel went down to the indoor pool. It was as big as the one outside. She placed her towel on a lounge chair and got ready to jump in. She saw a mirror to the side of the room, and couldn’t resist. She went over to it, did a half turn and looked at her bottom. She smiled. It WAS cute!
Rachel swam laps and did some diving. She quickly found out that bikini bottoms didn’t stay on as well as the trunks she used to wear. After one particularly nice dive, her bottoms ended up around her ankles. She was mortified, and quickly pulled them back up, thankful that no one else was in the pool. She decided to stick with jumping in feet first for the time being.
Bree came along about 15 minutes after Rachel got in. She was dressed in a string bikini that showed her long, lean body off. Rachel was a little jealous. She hoped she would be that beautiful when she grew up.
“Do you mind if I join you, girl?” She asked.
“Oh, no! I’m glad you’re here. It’s boring swimming alone”
“Great! I love swimming. That’s why I have two pools. One for the winter, one for the summer. I even have a tanning bed for this time of year”
“Cool! I could use a little color. I still have a tee shirt tan. And you can still see where my swim trunks were. I have a boy tan” she pouted.
“Well! We’ll just have to fix that. I’ll bet you want a nice tan with tan lines and everything”
“Yes, for now” then she grinned “Then we can work on no tan lines”
“You are terrible, girl!” laughed Bree. “I didn’t get those until I was seventeen!”
Rachel and Bree swam, talked and giggled like two long lost sisters. Rachel told Bree about her adventure with the diving board and the loss of her bottoms.
Giggling, Bree said “I learned that too, after my surgery. I didn’t wear a bikini until then. I was swimming at a friend’s pool party and dove in wearing a little number not much more than this. I dove in, and poof! No bottoms at all. One of the male party goers got them and I spent the next ten minutes begging for my bottoms. There were people diving around me trying to get a peek. I was curled up in a little ball under water, trying to protect myself. I was sooo angry with those jerks, but the other girls surrounded me and started to get very protective of me. The boys who had dates got the message that they had better get me my bottoms if they ever wanted to have another date”
“Oh my gosh! That was terrible! I’ll bet you were embarrassed”
“I was. But there was a realization there, too. It was the first time I was treated as just one of the girls by the boys and not an it. None of the boys at the party knew who I was before. In fact, one of the other girls lost her top, and she didn’t get it back until she got out of the pool and climbed a ladder to get it. I wasn’t treated any different from any of the other girls. So, yes, it was embarrassing, but I still have good memories about it”
“I’ll keep my top and bottoms on, if it’s all the same to you, Bree. I would have died if that had been me”
“There are some things you will learn as a girl, Rach. One of those things is that boys are pigs sometimes, and sometimes they are wonderful. You can’t judge the whole gender by a few idiots. The same goes for women. there are a lot of pigs out there too who can be just as terrible as men, and sometimes worse”
“I can believe that, Bree. It’s all so confusing right now”
“Get to know yourself first. Then you can move on to other people. You will be a very attractive woman someday, Rachel. I can see it. You will have advantages that other girls won’t have. You will also have obstacles that other girls won’t have. I know. I deal with stares every day from creeps that make me feel filthy. I also deal with people who treat me with respect and kindness, sometimes because I am attractive, and sometimes because they just know the right way to treat other people”
“I just don’t understand that right now, Bree. It’s frightening”
“I understand that, Rachel, I really do. As you get to know yourself, other people’s reactions to you won’t matter so much. Don’t worry about it now. Just be yourself”
“I will, Bree. That’s all I can handle right now”
Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a booming voice “I’m not interrupting you two mermaids, am I?”
The two girls screeched. “Jim! Don’t you ever knock?” yelled Bree.
“Knock on what? I wasn’t listening, If that’s what you’re concerned about. Anything you two are talking about would probably bore me to tears, or embarrass me to death”
He jumped into the deep end, causing a splash that almost hit the ceiling”
“Men!” huffed Bree. “Let’s get out of here, Ariel, and let the Neanderthal have his swim”
Giggling, Rachel answered, “Okay, Ursula, let’s go”
“HEY, you little twerp, That just earned you a dunk!”
Rachel screamed with delight as Bree came after her.
“Jim, this little ‘mermaid’ just insulted me! Grab her!”
Jim reached out and caught Rachel by the arm. “Time for a ride, mermaid!” He then catapulted her up by her rear end eight feet in the air.
Rachel screamed with laughter as she was launched up into the air and landed awkwardly back into the pool. Jim went back after her and did it again, to even more laughter.
In the back of the room, unnoticed, was Gina. She saw a young girl playing with someone the way she should have been playing with her dad. A tear slid down her cheek as she mourned for what Randy had missed. She saw something in that big, gentle man. Something she hadn’t seen before. She ached for someone like him in her life again. But what would he see in her? She was a thirty something, fat, pregnant widow with a needy daughter and an independent son. Who could ever find her attractive. The tears came unbidden as she turned away from the screaming, happy child and her bodyguard.
Chapter 17
Love is in the air!
Bree caught Gina out of the corner of her eye. She thought that Gina would come join the fun they were having with Rachel. She looked and watched her walk slowly away. Bree didn’t like something she saw.
“Hey, you two, I need to get out now, I feel like a raisin”
“Go ahead Ursula, I’ve got little Ariel here in me power, har har harrrrr” laughed Jim in his absolutely terrible pirate imitation. Rachel was splashing him so he couldn’t see.
Bree grabbed her towel and dried off. She threw her cover up on, and went to where Gina was sitting, staring out the window.
“What’s up, Gina?” Bree said with concern. Gina was crying silently, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I don’t know, Bree. Hormones, I guess”
“Don’t give me that, girlfriend. I know when someone’s hurting. Please, tell me what’s happening. If you’re hurting, I am too”
Turning to Bree, Gina tried to say something, but instead she lost it, crying into Bree’s shoulder with sobs of anguish. She couldn’t speak. All she could do was cry. Bree just held her, tears running down her face. “Let it out, honey, let it all out” Bree said softly to Gina.
Several minutes later, Gina had calmed down enough to talk. “I saw Rachel playing with Jim in there, having such a good time. She never had that with her father, really, he was always trying to get her to play baseball, football or hunting. She never liked those things or got them, but she played anyway to please her father. He would get so frustrated with her” she paused “He never would accept the reality of who she really was. I hurt for the lost years, I hurt for what Randy missed. I saw her with Jim, and what could have been with her father”
“I understand, Gina, I really do. I got my father back for a time. Rachel never will. But she is stating to move on, Gina. You have to see that”
“I do, Bree. I realized how much I miss having a partner in life. I see her with Jim, and I wonder....if maybe...there could be a future with him. It’s silly, I know. I mean, look at me. I’m as big as a whale, I have two kids already...I...”
“Gina! You’re beautiful! Where do you think Rachel gets her looks? You look twenty six, maybe twenty eight, You have a killer body. So what if you’re a little big from the pregnancy. Doesn’t everyone? You have had a mountain of stress thrown on you, and you still have the most beautiful face I have ever seen. It almost makes me want to color my hair dark...again”
Gina burst out laughing at Bree’s comment about her own hair. “Whatever, blondie. I am not that pretty”
“Don’t put yourself down like that, Gina. You are stunning, and any man that can’t see that is blind or stupid. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant or not”
“What would people say? Randy hasn’t been dead for five months yet”
“Who cares. Gina, how long has it been since you really had someone to truly share your life with”
“It’s been a long time”
Looking around to make sure no one was close, Bree said quietly “Look. I’m supposed to keep quiet about this, so you can NOT let on you know, okay?”
Gina leaned forward with interest “Okay, spill it”
“Jim volunteered to take this assignment without pay. I’m paying him, of course, but he still volunteered. He was asking me all sorts of questions about you. Most I couldn’t answer, because I haven’t known you all that long myself, but I know he likes you. A lot!” Bree giggled and got closer to Gina. “He LIKES you!”
Gina beamed “Oh my God! Bree, what am I going to do! I haven’t done this in years! What will my kids say?”
“They’ll love it as much as I do!” Bree hugged her. “I feel like I’m back in high school! I was going to burst if I had to hold that in any longer! Let’s grab some breakfast and talk some more about how to catch that big bonehead”
Gina and Bree left to go to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Jim and Rachel were coming in to the room as the two women left. “What were those two up to?” asked Jim.
“Who knows? Old people stuff I guess. You should know all about that!”
Jim took his towel and snapped it at Rachel. She jumped and squealed even though he missed her. “I’ll show you old, you little rat”
“Maybe later, old timer. I have to get a shower and get beautiful, while you do whatever it is you do to look, well, pretty much the same!” She giggled and ran upstairs.
Jim shook his head as he watched her leave “Whoever gets stuck with her is in for the ride of his life”
Rachel took her shower and took her time washing her hair. It was growing fast and was down to the top of her shoulders. She was going to have to get it restyled. She couldn’t wait until it was long and down her back. It would look so pretty, she thought.
She finished, dried off and did her hair and makeup. She was getting better every day, and was done in twenty minutes. A little foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and pink lip gloss and she was done.
She put on her underwear, a pair of pink heart print panties, and a pink bra. She picked out a floral print blouse and a denim mini that went to mid thigh. She didn’t wear hose, as she really didn’t like the feeling. She thought they were too hot. She picked out a pair of blue ballet flats to wear around the house.
She was getting really hungry, and went down to the kitchen to grab a bite of breakfast.
Her mother and Bree were at the table laughing about something. “What’s so funny, Mom?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing dear, just a little girl talk. I’ll tell you later. Can I get you something for breakfast?”
“No, I’ll just have a bagel and some juice. That should be plenty for me until lunch”
“Make sure you get enough to eat, honey” cautioned her mother “I don’t want you going all eating disorder on me”
“Don’t worry about that mom! I need to eat plenty to get my ‘you know whats’ going! I still look completely flat on top”
“Don’t worry about that, honey, believe me, they’ll come in. Look at mine!”
Rachel made a gagging sound “MOM! I don’t want to look at your boobs!”
All three began to laugh as Jim came in to the kitchen. “I don’t want to know” was all he said, and turned around and left, which made the girls giggle even more.
Bree’s phone rang, and she looked at the caller ID and picked up. “Hi, Gia! What’s up?”
“I’ve been to the Harris house, and picked up some things for Rachel, I have her cell phone and most of her clothes, as well as her makeup kit, which I’m sure she will want. Ice is bringing some more things for Gina and Maria. The house is trashed. There’s blood everywhere, and a ton of cosmetic damage. They won’t be able to live here for some time. I’d say at least a month or two of work needs to be done to get the place livable again”
“Thanks, Gia. I’ll pass that along to Gina. Anything else?”
There was a couple of calls on their machine, one of those was from Julie’s clinic. You may want to have Gina call”
“I’ll tell her. I’ll see you when you get here”
Gia disconnected and told Gina about the call from Julie’s clinic, and that her things would be coming from the house.
“It looks like they trashed your place, Gina. I’ll have my contractor take a look at it and give you an estimate for the damages. I’m sure you’ll want to turn that in to your insurance carrier”
“Yeah, I will” she sighed “I’m not sure I ever want to go back to that place, or that horrible town”
Rachel let out an audible gasp. “Mom, we have to! I just started making friends! I can’t leave Becca! I don’t care what the people there think! Please!”
“You mean after all you have been through, you still want to go back there?” asked her incredulous mother.
“Yes! I finally have friends, and the people who did this are in jail. If we have to move, I’ll have to start over again. Please don’t make me do that”
“We can talk about it later, Rachel. We’ll see what we can do if it’s what you want, but your safety comes before everything. You can always make new friends, but I can never replace you, is that clear?”
“Yes, Mother” pouted Rachel as she crossed her arms.
“Save the attitude, young lady. I said we’d see, and that doesn’t mean no”
“Okay” but the pout remained.
“They are bringing some of your things over from the house” added Bree “Including your cell phone”
“Awesome! I’d forgotten about it! I have to call Becca to make sure she knows what is up”
“I took the liberty of telling Becca some of your story, and asked her to pass along to everyone that you were safe, but couldn’t talk right now” said Bree. “you can call them from the land line here if you want”
“No, I’ll wait for my phone, but thanks”
Gia and Ice brought all the items from the house in and Rachel snapped up her cell phone and charger as soon as she saw it, thanked Gia then she was up to her room.
“Thanks, guys” said Gina. “I really didn’t want to go back there just yet”
“No problem, Gina” answered Gia. “It was the least we could do, and since we almost have the same name, it was almost like doing it for myself!”
Laughing, Gina said “I’d never really thought about it, but you’re right! My guardian angel is an ‘n’ away from being a Gina”
“Look, we are going to be in town on another assignment for Steve for the next few weeks, so anything you need, Bree, call Steve’s number”
Bree looked concerned “Where is Steve?”
Ice answered, “He checked out for a while. He said he wanted to get his head right. This op screwed him up. He said there were too many mistakes on his part, and he needed to get away” he paused, stretching his arms “He always was a drama queen”
Biting her lip, Bree asked “Where did he go?”
“Don’t know. He did tell me to tell you that he would call you when he got there. He took his satellite phone, so I’m betting he’s off the map somewhere”
Bree took a deep breath and sighed “I wish he would have told me”
“He said that Rachel and her family need you right now, and not to worry about him”
“That’s easy for him to say” Bree pouted. “I need him here”
“That’s what he said you would say” laughed Ice.
“Oooooohhh,!” sputtered Bree while stamping her foot.
“He said you’d say that too”
“Oh he did, did he? Did he say I’d do this?” she then placed her thumb behind her teeth and flicked it forward, the Italian way of “flipping the bird”
“No, he didn’t say you’d do that” said Ice as he gave Gia a sidelong glance. “Look at the time! Spider! We need to get going. Tell Jim we said hello!”
The two mercenaries beat a hasty retreat in the face of Bree’s temper. She was not happy. She poured her heart out to Steve, and this was what he did? How could he? Didn’t he realize how she felt about him? When he called, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.
Bree turned to Gina and hissed “MEN! I will never understand them! I practically throw myself at his feet, something I might add I have NEVER done to any man, and he takes off on some damned safari?”
Gina found this side of Bree cute. She knew that Bree loved Steve very much and that she would welcome him back with open arms if she could just understand why he did what he did.
“Bree. Listen. Didn’t you hear what they said? He’s doubting himself right now. He needs to regain his confidence, and he’s probably out doing some macho thing to prove to himself that he has still got it”
“Oh, I know, I guess. I don’t know why I couldn’t have fallen for some accountant who worships the ground I walk on” she groaned.
Gina laughed “It’s our curse, Bree!”
Gina and Bree brought their things upstairs, and started putting them away, Rachel was trying to call Becca and getting frustrated. “Where can she BE, Mom?”
“Oh, I don’t know, in school, maybe?”
“Shoot! I forgot! I’ll leave her a message to call me when she gets out”
“You do that, and then get downstairs and bring your clothes up and start putting them away”
“Oh! Okay, Mom”
“I have got to get dressed, girls” said Bree. “I’ve still got my bikini on under this robe. Let me get showered and I’ll be back to help you out”
The rest of the day was spent unpacking and getting ready for Garrett and Maria’s arrival. Gina was feeling much better now, and more desirable now that she knew she had a potential suitor. Bree was still a little aggravated at Steve for taking off to parts unknown. She also resolved that when he got back, he would be too tired to go anywhere else. Bree smiled at that.
Chapter 18
Getting to know her friends...
Rachel called Becca after school and let her know that she was okay after the attack. Becca was a little upset that she didn’t call her earlier, but understood when Rachel said she lost her phone at home and couldn’t get back in to get it.
“I’m totally serious, Becca. There were like, twenty guys trying to get me, and there was shooting and was awful. Then, some guy like, grabbed me and gave me something to put me to sleep. And it was Dan Buford!”
“OMG! Terri Buford’s dad? I would never have guessed. So what happened next?”
“Well, I like, woke up in this weird room, and there was all of this, I don’t know, stuff in there to you know, tie people up, and he started going all crazy on me. He made me take my clothes off and change into this school girl outfit and...and...” she paused, choking back tears. “I’m sorry, Becca, can we not talk about this now? It’s still freaking me out a little bit”
“Oh! I’m sorry Rach. I forgot how terrible this must have been for you. It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me everything, I’m just glad you’re okay! We all are”
“I know, Becca. Mom wants to take me out of the area and start at another school, but I can’t handle that. I’ve just started to like, get to know some friends, and don’t want to leave you. I even want to go back to school someday, you know, when everything calms down”
“Please tell me you won’t go, Rachel. We would all be very sad if you did”
“I’ll let you know, Becca. I hope not”
Garrett and Maria came home at about five o’clock. Everyone was out side to meet them. Rachel ran out to greet her brother and protector.
Reaching the car, Rachel cried “Garrett! Are you okay? I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s all my fault!” She hugged him tightly as he got out, and he winced as his still sore ribs were squeezed”
“Easy, sis! I’m pretty sore right now” Rachel eased her grip. “That’s better. You didn’t do anything wrong, Rach. The jerks who made the mistake of messing with us were the ones who were wrong. Don’t ever say that you’re sorry for this”
Gina made it over to where Garrett was and gave him a hug and a kiss. “How are you doing, Garrett?”
“Okaay, I guess, the arm is pretty sore still, and my ribs are bruised pretty good, but overall, I’m in good shape. I’m still foggy about the details of the attack, though. I’m sure it will come back in time, though”
“I hope you never remember that night, Garrett. I wish I could forget it” said Rachel as she wiped the tears away from her cheeks.
“I’m not that worried about it, and I kind of feel the same way you do, Rach. Some things are better left in the past”
Jim came out of the house and walked over to Garrett, and shook his good right hand. “Good to have you back, Headhunter", he said with a big grin.
Garrett was uncharacteristically grim “I’d rather forget the ‘headhunter’ name for the time being, Tank. I’ll take being plain old Garrett for now, especially since the season is over for me. I think I’d like to forget hitting people for a while, if that’s okay”
Smiling, Jim answered “I understand completely, Garrett. I’m Jim. Tank is gone for now too”
Jim was amazed at Garrett’s attitude. He had called him Headhunter to see if he had developed the aggressive attitude that could signal trouble down the line. Garrett instead reacted much like Jim did after an op. He needed to decompress and forget what he did. To find a sense of balance in life again. Garrett had the right attitude. He would be a formidable soldier if he ever chose that path. He wondered if his father was like that. Jim suspected he was.
“Let’s get this boy inside” said Maria. He needs something to eat.
They enjoyed each other’s company for the rest of the evening, Jim and Gina spent a lot of time talking to each other in the kitchen. Nothing romantic, just talking about life, and each other’s story. Bree smiled as she saw Gina come out of her shell a little bit. There was something there with Jim and Gina. She knew Jim would take it slow, as would Gina, but she hoped they would eventually find a way to make things work.
Garrett and Rachel were playing gin in the game room, there was a pool table there also, but Garrett wasn’t able to play with one arm broken. Maria and Bree talked about arrangement for her to stay through the birth of the baby, and finding out about each other.
Bree’s evening was interrupted by her cell phone ringing. It was a number she didn’t recognize, but she knew who it must be. She excused herself and went to her office.
“Hi, Bree. It’s Steve”
“Oh, the man who let me kiss him and then ran off to who knows where?”
“Yes, I hope you’re not too mad at me. I wanted to stay, but I did tell you I had some thinking to do”
“You couldn’t think with me getting in the way?” she asked sarcastically.
“Something like that. I don’t mean to be like this, but you can be awfully...distracting, and I needed to focus on what went wrong, and to prevent it from happening again”
Smiling, Bree thought about what he said. Distracting...she liked that. “Okay, you’re forgiven, but only because you are so sweet for calling me distracting. By the way, where are you?”
“Montana. I have a small cabin here that let’s me get away from everything. I don’t give my satellite number out to anyone, so you can consider yourself privileged to have it, and don’t give it out. You are the only one I want to have this number” she could feel him smiling as he said it.
Bree found herself doodling hearts on her post it pad. “You are going to have a lot of making up to do when you get back, Steve”
“I’m actually looking forward to it, Bree. The making up part, that is”
“Me too, lover. I’m so glad I was able to talk to you before you left. I felt like such a needy little girl for telling you what I did. I have loved you for a long time, and I knew you would never break your professional ethics unless I did something first. You don’t think less of me for coming on to you, do you?”
“Hell, no! To have a drop dead gorgeous, wonderful, intelligent woman tell me she loves me is something that I won’t ever complain about, especially when I feel the same way about her”
Bree purred “I want you soooo much right now, Steve. Please hurry back. I’m very lonely”
“I’ll bet you are, Bree, and all good things come to those who wait. I’ll be back in a week”
“That’s too long” she pouted “Can’t you come back sooner?”
“You sound like a high school girl, Bree” Steve said with a chuckle.
“I feel like one, lover. I haven’t felt like this for years, and I don’t want to stop feeling this way ever again. If you come back sooner, I promise to make it worth it for you” she whispered.
“I’ll be back in three days” came the quick reply.
“I’ll be waiting, lover. I might even be dressed when you get back” came her whisper.
“Stop! I’ll get back as soon as I can!”
“Byeee, sweetheart” said Bree in her husky alto. She was beyond excited. What she hadn’t told Steve was that she had not been with a man since her surgery. Her only companion was her dilator for therapy, and that was it. She was fully functional and had all the sensation she needed down there, but she had never had an orgasm, nor had tried to. She was saving herself for the one that could rescue her from her hate. She had found her knight, and now she felt stirrings that she had never felt before. Her self-imposed punishment was over.
Friday found Bree taking Rachel and Gina to Rachel’s therapy session. They were riding in her limo, and Rachel could not get over how nice it was to be treated like she was important. Inside, she thanked God for a friend and sister like Bree.
Today’s therapy session with Julie was intense. Julie had booked Rachel for two hours, and she needed every minute. She went back through the events of the past week. there were tears, and some guilt, but by the time the session was over, Rachel felt much better about herself, and was able to leave some more of the bad feelings behind. She wasn’t out of the woods yet, but there was daylight at the end of the tunnel.
Julie was concerned about Rachel’s reluctance to leave Martinsburg, but had to admire her courage in wanting to face up to the bullies she was sure to encounter. Ultimately, she agreed to talk to Rachel more about her feelings on this matter in future sessions.
Rachel left the session feeling much better about the trial she had just been through. Gina and Bree were let in on the breakthroughs that had been made. She, Brianna and Gina went to the car.
Rachel’s phone rang as she got in the car. It was Becca.
“Hey, girl! Can you talk for a little bit? I have something to ask you”
“Sure, Becca. Like, what do you need?” replied Rachel.
“I am having the girls over tonight, and I was wondering if you could come over. You don’t have to stay the night if you don’t want to, but we were thinking it would be awesome if you came!”
“Oh! That would be so awesome! Let me ask my Mom!”
Rachel asked her mother about the get together. “Do you think it would be okay? I don’t have to stay over if you don’t want me to, but I would love some girl time with my friends. Please?”
“Do you think you are up to it? It’s really soon after a traumatic event event for you”
“I think so, Mom. If I feel bad, can you come and get me?”
“Of course, honey”
“Cool! Becca, I can come. I don’t know if I will stay, but I’ll try!”
“Awesome, Rach!, Try to be here at six. That’s when everybody else will start to arrive, okay?”
“Kay! I’ll be there at six! Thanks for thinking about me!”
“It was so cool! All the girls heard about what happened to you and they wanted to show their support. I’ll let everyone know you’re coming. Byee”
“Bye” Rachel ended the call and put her phone in her purse. Immediately, her hands went to her mouth and she hugged her mom and Bree. “Oh, Mom! They actually wanted me to come! This is soo cool! We need to get home so I can get my things together!”
Bree and Gina looked at each other with knowing smiles. Rachel was recovering faster than they had hoped. Her young mind was apparently quick to recover.
They got to the mansion and Rachel sprinted upstairs to get her things together for the party. She changed her clothes into a mid length floral cotton tank dress and a pair of sandals. Crossing her arms, she thought and decided to pack a nightie in case she needed one, and an extra pair of underwear. A pair of jeans, a UT sweatshirt and a pair of trainers was included to wear tomorrow. She also put her makeup case and three different colors of nail polish in her overnight bag.
She skipped downstairs and ran into the kitchen, where everyone was.
Jim and Garrett wolf whistled at Rachel, who blushed a deep red. “What are you all dressed up for? Got a hot date?” teased Garrett. Jim snorted, trying to stifle a laugh.
“Can’t I at least try to look good? I mean, after all, I was stuck in pants for most of my life. Maybe you should try a skirt, you might like it” she teased.
“No, I’ll leave that to you, little sis. You do look nice though”
“Well, thank you, Garrett” she answered, giving him a little curtsey.
Bree and Gina smiled at this display of femininity. They could see Rachel was relishing being a girl, and enjoying all of it’s benefits. She looked very pretty in her dress, and her makeup was done to perfection.
“Mom, are you going to take me to Becca’s house?”
“Come on, sweetie, let’s go. do you have everything?””¨
“I think so, Mom. Oh, and Garrett, I’ll tell Angela that you miss her!” she smiled sweetly.
Garrett smiled, then replied sarcastically “Yeahh, you do that, sis. I need all the help I can get with girls”
“You need more help than you might realize, Garrett” added Bree. “Never take a woman’s favor for granted”
“What she said, you big oink oink” laughed Rachel, while sticking her tongue out at him.
“All right, lets get going before Garret forgets what a gentleman he is and paddles your bottom” said Gina, smiling at the exchange.
“He wouldn’t dare! I would, like so ruin his rep with the girls”
As Rachel said this, Garrett quickly got up and made towards Rachel, who screamed and ran outside.
Gina and Rachel made the trip from outside Austin to Martinsburg. It was the first time they had been back since the incident, but Rachel didn’t seem to notice. She was a chatterbox all the way over, talking to her mother about the fashion tips she had learned, what she planned on doing at the party. Just normal mother daughter chit chat. She didn’t seem phased at all by driving past the house, with the crime scene tape still up. She never even looked at it, as she was so engrossed in talking to her mother.
“We’re here, Rach. Make sure you have everything you need”
“I do, Mom, I double checked at Bree’s. A girl needs to be prepared, right?”
“Absolutely, sweetie. Now give me a kiss and get going, It looks like everyone’s already here”
Rachel leaned over and gave her mother a kiss and a hug and was out the door. “Thanks for the ride Mom, I’ll call you if I need you tonight, but I think I’ll be alright”
Smoothing her dress, Rachel walked to the front door of Becca’s house and rang the bell. Angela answered the door.
“Rachel! You look fabulous! Becca! Girls! Rachel’s here! Come on in, girl!”
Angela’s father was sitting in his easy chair, looking very much like Ward Cleaver. “I think the whole neighborhood knows she’s here too, Ang”
“Oh, daddy. I’m just excited to have her here, after all she’s been through this week” then came the obvious question. “How’s poor Garrett doing?”
Hugging Angela, Rachel smiled and said, “Missing you, I suppose. I think he likes you, Angela, but don’t let on like I told you. Other than that, he’s fine, but he won’t be playing any more football this season because of a broken arm”
Angela smiled and hugged Rachel back as the rest of the girls came down. “I had heard that he was done for the season, but everybody says he was a hero”
“He’s my hero, that’s for sure”
Rachel hugged everyone. Becca, Brittany, Jayne, Katie, Hilary and Lisa. Everyone was there. They were all dressed in jeans, with Rachel the only one in a dress. They all made over Rachel. Mary, Becca and Angela’s mother came in to the front room where all the commotion was.
“My, don’t you look pretty, Rachel. That is a lovely dress! I wish I could get my daughters to dress a little nicer”
Blushing, Rachel answered “I just feel like I’m making up for lost time. I never got to wear pretty dresses when I was little. Besides Becca and Angela are beautiful no matter what they wear!” That remark earned Rachel a hug from her two friends.
“Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing, isn’t she Hal”
Never glancing up from his issue of Sports Illustrated, Hal repeated his wife “Yes she is, dear”
Rolling her eyes, Mary said, “Oh, he wouldn’t know a beautiful girl if she landed in his lap when he gets to reading his magazine”
Pulling on Rachel’s arm, Becca said, “Lets get your things upstairs, Rach, then we can make plans for tonight”
The girls all got into Angela’s room. She had a typical teen room, with pictures of horses, her first love, and a couple of movie posters from the “Harry Potter” series. The girls were all over Rachel to get her to dish what happened that fateful night. She gave them the details, from what she saw huddled in her room, and from what she had been told. She told the enraptured girls about how Garrett had shot the gun, and took out a kidnapper with his bare hands. Angela in particular loved that part.
The group got very quiet as Rachel described her ordeal at the hands of Mr. Buford. She told them how he called her names and made her dress up.
“...and he like, had me tied up, with my hands behind my back. He came at me, and I didn’t know what he was going to do to me, but I was sure he was going to hurt me really bad, so when he got close enough, I gave him a knee to his privates and when he went down, I kicked him in the head”
“Oh my God” whispered Brittany. “That was so brave”
“I didn’t feel brave, Britt. I was so scared, I almost wet myself. I couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t move my hands very well. I found his cell phone, and managed to dial 911. I was sooo frustrated. I couldn’t tell them who I was or anything. Finally I got through to someone who somehow knew it was me, and then the guys broke in and rescued me”
“What happened then?” asked Katie.
“I was glad to see them, but I was like, so embarrassed by what that creepshow made me wear, I wanted to fall in a hole. The skirt I had on was so short, I couldn’t keep from showing my bottom, and the underwear he gave me were see through. I didn’t want them seeing my butt!”
The girls all giggled at that. “God, how gross. I never knew that he was such a perv. He would have like, raped you, you know that don’t you” said Brittany.
“I guess so, but I’m glad he didn’t get the chance. That would have been terrible. Can you imagine?” she shuddered at the thought.
Katie piped up. “You’re amazing, Rachel, do you know that? That’s the kind of stuff that happens in the movies, and it happened to you!”
“Yeah, well I hope it doesn’t happen again. I don’t like being the ‘damsel in distress’, if you know what I mean”
“Girls, the pizza is here! Get cleaned up and come down” called Mary from downstairs.
“Okay, mama” said Angela “We’re coming”
The girls got cleaned up and five minutes later were downstairs tearing into the pizza in a most unladylike fashion. Rachel didn’t want to get her dress stained, so she took her time and ate small bites. This wasn’t lost on Mary.
“Girls! Slow down! Is Rachel the only lady present at the table?”
Rachel blushed. “Please, Mrs. Conway, I just don’t want to get my dress dirty, otherwise I’d be right in there with them”
“Yes, but you’re not. I’m very impressed with your manners”
Becca rolled her eyes and whined, “Mom! Rachel’s just like we are, she’s nothing special”
“Yes, Mrs. Conway, I am really nothing special. I just like to be neat is all”
“Whatever, child. You other girls could learn a thing or two in deportment from Rachel here”
“Mom! You are embarrassing Rachel”
Mary turned to Rachel, who was three shades redder than a tomato. “I’m sorry, dear, I’ve just been on my girls to be a little more ladylike at the table. I’m sorry I embarrassed you”
Rachel looked up from her plate, biting her lip. “It’s okay, Mrs. Conway, I guess I shouldn’t be so sensitive”
“Mom, Rachel told us about her kidnapping. It was like a movie!” said Becca excitedly.
“Now don’t be bothering her all night about what happened. I’m sure she would like to forget it, wouldn’t you”
“Yes, but I didn’t mind telling them about it. It was good to talk about it, and now I’m ready to move on” she paused and then said, “Can we watch ‘The Princess Diaries’ tonight? I’ve never seen it.
“That would be cool! said Lisa. “I love that movie!”
The girls all decided that they would watch “The Princess Diaries” first, because Rachel had never seen it.
Rachel watched the movie, and found herself identifying with the Ann Hathaway character. She thought that she was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, and by the end of the movie was cheering with the rest of the girls. She finally understood what a “chick flick” was and she liked it.
The evening wore on, and they played games and did a makeover on each other. At two AM, they decided to go downstairs for a final snack. They all went down but Katie and Rachel, who was putting her dress away. She was in her pink sleep shirt, and Katie was in her lavender pajamas.
“Rachel, I really meant what I said when I told you that you were amazing”
“Thank you, Katie. Having you say that means a lot to me”
“I think you’re a special girl, and I’m glad to have you as a friend” She blushed slightly and came toward Rachel. She gave her a gentle hug, held her face then kissed her on the lips. Nothing terribly passionate, just a simple kiss that lasted a couple of seconds. “Very special” Katie repeated.
She then smiled at her and ran downstairs, leaving Rachel standing there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. She wasn’t mad at Katie. In fact, she kind of liked it. This was confusing.
Earlier that evening, Gina was watching television with Jim. Her cell phone rang. It was Randy’s father.
“Hello?” asked Gina.
“Gina, this is Dad”
“Hello, Dad, what can I do for you?”
“I’m coming out to Texas next week. I want to see my grandson”
“I’m assuming you mean Garrett?”
“Yes. I also want to see this person you say is my granddaughter”
“It’s too late to fight about this Dad. Are you going to cause her trouble? Because if you are, stay in North Carolina. Don’t waste the plane fare out here. She’s been through enough already”
“I know, I watch the news. Thanks for the call by the way”
“I didn’t call, and your sarcasm is wasted on me”
“I won’t cause any trouble. I won’t say anything to hurt your precious ‘daughter’. But I have a right to judge for myself if I want this person in my family”
“She’s in your family, General, like it or not. You can either choose to be a part of her life or not. The choice is yours” she replied icily.
“I’ll see you Monday night” It sounded like a threat.
Chapter 19
Lieutenant General Barton Harris arrived at Fort Hood at ten o'clock in the morning on a military helicopter from Dallas. A car was waiting at the helipad. His aide, Captain Franklin snapped off a salute. "Welcome, sir. Your car is ready"
The General returned the salute. "Thank you, Captain. I'll be returning later this afternoon". Saluting again, The Captain turned and left as the General entered the car.
Brianna was sleeping late. She had an engagement in Austin for a fundraiser that ran well into the morning. She didn't get to bed until 4:00 AM.
She stirred as she felt a fly crawling on her face. She swatted it away. A moment later, it was back. She opened her eyes to the smiling face of Steve Marshall. "Hey, Baby. Ya miss me?"
"Steve!" she sat straight up and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" She burst into tears.
Hugging her back, Steve smiled and said "It's not all that bad, is it?" as he kissed her forehead.
"You jerk! Not only did you leave me in the lurch, you came back and didn't even give me a chance to make myself presentable" she whacked him with a pillow.
He held her, got on one knee and held out a diamond ring in a box."I plan on seeing you in the morning for the rest of my life, if you'll let me. Brianna, will you marry me?"
Bree was stunned. When she had professed her love for Steve, she hadn't thought this would be the outcome. At least so soon! Her mind was racing. Was this what she wanted? Her mind was racing.
"YES!" He put the ring on her finger and gave her a kiss. They hugged again and Bree then said. "Now get out of my room so I can get presentable!"
"Bree, you never looked more presentable!" He laid her down and began kissing her.
"Mom! I'm going for a swim!" Rachel called from her room. "Do you want to come?"
"I'll come watch you, but I'm not going to get in. I don't have a suit"
"Why not, Mom?"
"I never got one for the pregnancy. I really never swam while I was pregnant with you or Garrett"
"We're going to get you a swimsuit, Mom. I don't want to swim alone, and Garrett won't be able to get into the pool for a few weeks yet, and we may be gone by then"
"Well, we'll worry about that then. Get your suit on, girl"
Rachel got her bikini on. She noticed that her top was a little tighter than before. "Mom?"
"Yes dear"
"I think my boobs are getting bigger"
"Yes, dear. They have a habit of doing that at your age"
"Isn't it great?" she said excitedly.
Rolling her eyes, Gina smiled. "Yes dear"
Rachel and Gina went to the pool. Gina settled into a chaise lounge and watched as Rachel swam laps. Jim came into the pool area and sat down next to her. "Good morning, Gina. How are you doing this morning? I brought you some coffee"
"Thank you, Jim! I'm just enjoying watching Rachel enjoy herself" she smiled.
"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked.
"Not at all, Jim"
A distant squeal was heard. Gina recognized the feminine expression of passion and flushed. Rachel, who had taken a short break, asked "What was that, Mom?"
"I think Bree might have seen a mouse, honey"
"Gross. Call a bug guy" she replied, wrinkling her nose.
Jim couldn't keep a straight face. "Steve got back this morning"
"I know" replied Gina. "Now everybody else does too"
Maria came into the pool area with a grin on her face. "Bree sounds happy this morning!"
Gina giggled. "She would be so embarrassed if she knew we heard her clear across the house"
"Would you like some coffee, Maria?" asked Jim.
"I'd love some. Thank you, Jim"
"No problem, Maria"
Jim left to get Maria her coffee. There was a ring at the front door. Travis answered it.
"May I help you, sir?" asked Travis.
"I am here to see Gina Harris. I'm her Father in Law"
"I'll see if she's available, please wait here, sir" Travis said coolly.
The general didn't like waiting, but he held his tongue. "Very well, I'll wait"
Travis went to the pool area and went to Gina. "The General is here, Gina. Would you like him to wait?"
"No, Travis, but I appreciate the thought. Please show him to the pool"
Travis left and two minutes later, the general arrived at the pool. He was clearly not at ease in this setting "Hello, Gina, Maria"
"Hello, Dad. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company"
Barton bristled at the greeting. "You know damn well why I'm here, Gina. To try and stop this foolishness you've started here"
"Please, Bart, don't be ridiculous" chided Maria.
"Maria, you know I don't like to be called that" he turned stiffly to her.
"And I don't like my granddaughter called foolish, Bart, so get used to it. I'm not one of your stooges, and I never particularly cared for your attitude" Maria stood and looked him directly in the eyes.
Gina touched her mother's shoulder. "Mom, take it easy. Would you like to meet her?"
His face took on a look of disgust. "Her? Hummph. I suppose."
Gina looked to the pool. "Rachel, honey? Your Grandfather Harris is here. He'd like to see you"
Rachel was snorkeling in the pool and raised her head out of the water. "Grandpa Harris? Ok, mom, let me get dried off"
Rachel stepped up out of the pool. The general couldn't believe what he saw. He saw a lithe, athletic looking young girl in a bikini, her top starting to fill out, and her bottom well on the way to being well shaped. He cleared his throat as she wrapped her head in the towel turban and wrapped her body in another towel. She came over to him and smiled brightly. "Hi Grandpa! I'd give you a hug, but I don't want to get your uniform all wet!"
"Uhhh, hello, Ran...Rachel. I was just in the uhhh, neighborhood and thought I'd drop by"
"Don't you still live in North Carolina?" she asked.
"Yes, but I had to come to Fort Hood for the day, and I thought I'd stop by"
"Cool! Let me get changed and we can talk. I'm sure you have a lot of questions"
The General shifted on his feet and scratched his head "Uhhh, yes, yes I do. Or at least I thought I did"
Gina had to turn away before she laughed at the General's obvious discomfort. "Rachel, go on and put on something nice. We are going out to lunch later"
Rachel went upstairs, leaving the Maria, Gina and the General by the pool. The General seemed to be at a loss for words. "Well?" Gina said. "Still see a boy? I don't know too many boys who can pull of wearing a bikini, do you?"
"What have you been giving her, I mean him? Hormones?"
"The only hormones she gets are produced by her own body. The blood tests indicate a normal level of female hormones for her age"
The General visibly slumped. He was clearly not expecting this. "I don't understand. She was a boy not two months ago"
"What's not to understand? Rachel is a male only as far as her genetics indicate XY, and not XX. She is incapable of processing male hormones. Her body converts them to estrogen, causing her to develop as a female. She has a vagina, for Christ's sake. She can't develop body hair. She is a girl for all intents and purposes. You may as well get used to the fact that your son and I screwed up royally when she was
born. Get used to it. Wait till you see her dressed and made up. She has never been happier, and you need to get over it"
Barton Harris was for once at a loss for words. His shoulders slumped and he looked down. "I need a drink" was all he could say.
Brianna was laying in bed with Steve. She had given herself to him and had loved every moment. She had no idea sex could be like this. She had kept herself ready for the prospect from a medical point of view, but nothing prepared her for the toe-curling orgasms she had had with Steve. He lay beside her, holding her as she laid her head on his chest. She loved this man like no one else.
"You got a little loud there, Bree. I didn't hurt you, did I"
"Oh God no, Steve. You were wonderful. It was wonderful. I never dreamed it could be so good" she cooed.
"You mean you have never done this before?" Steve asked, surprised.
"No. You were my first. I had done things before on dates, but that was before I was assaulted. I haven't even seen a naked male from then until this morning. I guess you could say I was a virgin" she smiled shyly.
Raising up on an elbow, Steve looked at her "I guess? That's about as virgin as you can get, Bree"
"I wanted it to be special, honey. You weren't disappointed, were you?" she gave him a pout.
"I cannot believe that a woman who can dismantle an arrogant judge in a court of law is asking me if I was disappointed in her" he shook his head in disbelief.
"This is a completely differnt thing, Steve. I am very insecure about my sexuality, believe it or not, and I'm probably a little bit submissive in bed. I want very much to please you, and if I do, that means everything to me"
"Bree, you couldn't disappoint me if you tried, and I'm willing to spend the rest of my life proving that to you"
She blushed and smiled wider. She looked up and kissed him passionately. "If you keep that up, big man, we'll never get out of this bed"
Rachel was cleaned up and dressed with her makeup on in 35 minutes. She chose her favorite denim mini with a baby tee top with white sandals. She came downstairs and presented herself to her stunned Grandfather. "Is this ok, Mom?" she asked
"That's just fine, Rachel. What do you think, Dad?"
"Hmmm? Oh, Uhh yes, that's just fine, Gina"
Maria and Gina were smiling behind the General's back. Rachel was pouring on the girl charm, and the General was falling for it.
"I didn't know if this showed too much leg, but I thought it was cute. I'm glad you approve" she smiled.
"So Grandpa, do I pass inspection? I know you weren't too happy with my change,but I simply couldn't go on any longer feeling like I was in the wrong body. Daddy was wrong about me, but he never got to see me like this"
"Rachel, I've got to say I didn't fully understand what was going on here. I guess I didn't want to. I couldn't bear the thought of the grandson who carried my son's name was some sort of, I don't know..." he paused "But you've shown me I was wrong, and I'm man enough to admit it. Well done, Rachel! I know a certain grandmother of yours that will be very pleased to meet you"
Rachel rushed over to her Grandfather and gave him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. leaving a little lip gloss mark on his cheek. She left it there, marking her territory.
Chapter 20
The end of one tale, the beginning of another!
Barton hugged his granddaughter. "I'll buy lunch today. I'd like to get to know you a little better, Rachel"
Smiling, Rachel looked to her mother. Is this what you meant by us going out to eat?"
Gina looked at Maria for a moment. It wasn't what she meant, but this was better. She was actually trying to get Rachel to dress up a little nicer to impress her grandfather.
Rachel went upstairs to take care of some of her lessons.
Jim, who had been waiting just out of sight listening to the conversation, chose that moment to come in. "I have your coffee, Maria, here you go" She took the mug and thanked him. "And you must be Rachel's grandfather"
"Yes. Who are you?"
"Jim Abrams. I'm keeping an eye on the family for a few weeks to make sure no one else tries anything stupid with Rachel"
"Were you with the team that stopped the assault?"
"Yes I was. They made a right mess of the house. Not one of our finer moments. They got way too close to achieving their objective"
"You sound like a military man. Army?"
"Navy. Seal. Made Commander before I left."
"From what I heard, your team did a damn fine job. Fought some bad odds"
"We measure our success a little differently. They got to Rachel. They shouldn't have. We were too worried about not killing anyone for it to be totally clean. Too many non combatants to pull a first rate defense"
"Well, the op went good enough to keep her safe. What about Garrett? Where is he?"
"He's back in school" answered Gina. "We couldn't keep him out. He insisted that he get back as soon as possible"
"Good kid. Was he there the night of the assault?"
Jim looked down "Yes he was. He was thrust into the bodyguard role when we were about to get overwhelmed. He took out three of them"
"How? Baseball bat or something?"
"9 mil and a flying tackle. He killed three of them. One with his bare hands. He got a broken arm, a concussion and some bruised ribs. They got dead. The boy handled himself like a pro"
The General was silent for a moment. This bit of information was something he didn't expect to hear. "And he's already back in school?"
Shaking his head, Jim replied "He doesn't seem to know that he caused the deaths. He was knocked out during the fight, so he may not remember. I'm keeping an eye on him for signs of PTSD, and so far he's good to go"
The general looked puzzled. "How would you know about this? Shouldn't he be taken to a therapist?"
Jim looked like the cat that ate the canary "I am a board certified psychiatrist. Doctor Jim Abrams. I guess I forgot to mention that. I don't like to stand on ceremony. Johns Hopkins, 99"
The General smiled and shook Jim's hand again. "Ok, I guess that little problem is solved for now"
Bree and Steve came into the pool area Bree was wearing a cover up and a big smile. Steve was in his trunks, ready for a swim with an equally big smile. Bree ran over to Gina and Maria and held up her left hand to show them the big diamond gracing her ring finger, bouncing like a litle girl.
Gina shrieked "Bree! That's wonderful! When is the date?"
Bree hugged Gina and Maria, who returned the hugs. They began to chatter about the events of the day.
Jim walked over to Steve with the General. "Congratulations, old boy. The last of the great Romeos bites the dust. Why there must be one or two women out there that are crying right now" Jim said with a hearty laugh. "By the way Steve, this is Rachel's Grandfather, General Harris"
"I understand congratulations are in order, Mr. Marshall"
Steve laughed "Thank you, General. I wasn't expecting to see you here today! Under good terms, I hope"
"The best, Steve. I was terribly wrong about Rachel. It was too bad Randy didn't live to see what she's become"
"I'm glad to hear it, General, she's something special, and so is Garrett"
"I beginning to realize that, Mr. Marshall"
"Steve, please. My friends call me Steve"
The general thought for a moment. "Say, I seem to recall a football player years ago by that name. Played for the Longhorns. Would that be you?"
"Well, It's not often that people remember me outside the state, but yes, I played in the early 90's"
"I thought so. You were a hell of a ballplayer, Steve. Damn shame about the knee"
"Hell, General, you have done your homework!" said an amazed Steve.
"Didn't get to where I am by not doing it, son" he paused, looking back at Gina. "It's eleven hundred hours Gina, are you ready to go to chow?"
"Yes sir, General!" Gina laughed and gave a salute. "Permission to put my face on!"
The General smiled "Granted"
"Maria, are you coming?" asked Gina.
"And miss a free meal bought by that tight wad? Let's go!"
The next few months passed thankfully without incident. The family was together at last. Gina had a beautiful baby girl. Garrett recovered in time to finish the basketball season. He was soon to encounter challenges of his own.
The spark between Gina and Jim grew into love. They didn't want to get married right away, but it was only a matter of time. Bree and Steve were married the day after Christmas that year.
Rachel grew into a lovely young woman. Her adventures were not nearly over. She finished her middle school years at home. She and her friends remained close. They would need to be. Some of the toughest trials were yet to come.
End book one.
Coming Soon: Rachel's High School Life!
Brianna's Story:
I couldn’t believe that the time was nearly here. Steve and I had just experienced a whirlwind engagement that lasted all of 12 weeks. Now, I was just 24 hours away from being Mrs. Stephen Marshall, and I couldn’t be any happier.
It didn’t matter that I could have any man that I wanted. I had my mother’s looks, and she was a former Miss Texas. I am 5’10”, 130 pounds, with what I have been told is a killer body. Okay, I guess that part is right too. 34C-24-35. My only disadvantage, if you could call it that, was I was born with and unfortunate part of my daddy’s DNA namely the Y chromosome. I say disadvantage, because the only thing I can’t do is have babies. I was born a boy, Brian Charles DiMaggio. I was one of the heirs to the DiMaggio Oil fortune.
Daddy was born here in Austin, the son of an Italian family that had been in Texas since before the Revolution. They had land in Central Texas, and took an active part in sending the Mexicans south of the Rio Grande after the Battle of San Jacinto. So I guess I don’t have the typical Italian-American/Ellis Island story to share.
Oil was discovered on our land at the turn of the century, and the family fortunes went up after that. My father, Jack, managed to expand the oil holdings to over 2,000 producing wells. Our family was, to say the least, well off. To say the most, we were stinking filthy rich.
I was born in 1981, at the height of the popularity of “Dallas”. Believe it or not, our family life was somewhat similar to that of the Ewings, minus all of the family intrigue. We were a happy family, who took vacations together, and did all the things that other families did. I was, by all accounts, a happy baby, who was mistaken for a girl all of the time. My mama hated to cut my hair, and it grew long. By the time I was four, I didn’t mind being mistaken for a girl. I believed, no, knew that I was one. My brothers teased me to no end of frustration. Junior, 6 years my senior was the worst. I thought my name was Sissy until I was six, because that was all he called me. He knew just how to torment me without leaving a physical mark. I hated him more than anyone on this planet. Caleb, 4 years older than I was, was no better, but he taunting was more physical. He was constantly hitting and pushing me, most of the time when no one was looking. Crying to my mother did little good, because my daddy was always trying to “toughen me up”. He cut my hair when I was seven, a traumatic experience that gives me nightmares to this day. All of this to “toughen me up”. Tough. There’s a word that’s way overused, and way to little understood. Looking back, I was plenty tough for not denying who or what I was.
I loved to read growing up. I identified with Cinderella, and adored the story “The Little Mermaid”. When the movie came out, I saw it 13 times at the theater, and bought it as soon as it came out on video. When she became a full girl on land, I cried every time. I cried a lot growing up. My brothers could not understand why I was so emotional. I don’t blame them now, and I really didn’t blame them then. They had no way of knowing what hell I was going through. They wouldn’t have been able to comprehend had they known.
When I was eleven, I was left alone in the house while the rest of the family went horseback riding. I pretended to be sick to get out of going. I had ulterior motives, however. Brianna was coming out to play.
I had created Brianna, my female self, some years before. I had several friends from school, all girls, and Brianna came out to play with them every time we got together. They dressed me in party dresses and we played with dolls until it was time for me to go home. I was truly happy during those times, and always hated to go home, because I would have to go back to being Brian. My brothers and father couldn’t understand why I hated the family passion of watching football. I always was happiest helping mama in the kitchen preparing the snacks for the boys. That was my fun. Being with my mama. Daddy and the boys could have their Cowboys. I wanted nothing to do with it.
As I watched the family walk off on the horses, I quickly went to my little storehouse of girl clothes. I had managed to get some things from my girl friends over the last few months, and I began to put my treasures on. I started with white cotton panties and a cami, and then put on a skirt and blouse. I didn’t have any makeup at the time, but I was just happy dressing how I felt I should be dressed. I stayed in my room, writing in my journal about how I was so angry that god had made a mistake with my body, and what I would do to be magically transformed into a girl. Finishing with my writing, I carefully put my journal away and went to the mirror to look at myself. I had such a pretty face, but the horrid crew cut I had to wear made me look like a freak or a cancer patient. I waked slowly to my bed, laid down and began to cry. Not loud, as I didn’t want to be discovered by the domestic help, but I was in agony. I cried until I fell asleep.
That was a mistake. The next thing I knew, I was being grabbed by two pairs of hands and dragged from my bed.
“Look at the sissy!” cried Caleb with a sick delight. “Daddy, Mama, you have got to see this!”
Screaming, I struggled to get away from my two brothers “Please! Let me go!”
“God, he screams like a girl!” laughed Junior. “Hurry! You gotta see this little freak!”
Mama got to my room first. “Oh dear God” was all she could say. Daddy was close behind.
“What the hell are you doing, boy!” he yelled. “Get that stuff off now! Jesus! Naomi, keep the help downstairs. Son of a bitch!”
The boys were laughing hysterically. I was crying just as hysterically. Dropping to my knees, I buried my head in my hands. I felt like everyone hated me. It was then that I began feeling like I wanted to die.
Mama began to take charge. “Caleb! Junior! Stop cackling like a couple of magpies and leave now. Jack! You take the boys and get downstairs”
“I ain’t leaving, Mama” retorted Junior. “I want to see this little sissy get what’s coming to him” Caleb followed with more insane laughter.
Turning to my daddy, Mama coldly said “Jack, get these boys out of here now, or you will have a bigger problem on your hands than a boy in a dress”
My daddy visibly blanched. “Boys! Get the hell out of here and let your Mama handle this”
“Aww dad. Are you going to let her push you around? Show her who’s boss”
Daddy’s hand went out like a snake and caught Junior by the collar. The next thing Junior knew, he was out in the hall on his rear end. Caleb followed under his own power. “Don’t ever talk to your mother like that again, boy. Now get downstairs before I kick your sorry ass all the way down.”
“Yes sir” said a red faced Junior.
“Handle this, Naomi” my father said quietly.
“Go on, Jack” replied Mama.
After everyone was gone and the door shut, Mama began to speak. “How long has this been going on, Brian?”
“I don’t know, Mama. As long as I can remember. I hate what I am. I hate being a boy. I’m not a boy. I don’t look like a boy, I hate what my brothers like. I hate my life!”
Mama hugged me “I know it seems like that now, but God made you who he made you. He doesn’t make mistakes. I always wanted a daughter, but the good Lord didn’t give me one. He gave me three sons. Two are kind of awful, but one is an absolute darling”
I had to laugh at that one. I knew she loved all her children, but the two older boys tried her patience on a daily basis. I really never did. “You don’t understand, Mama. I feel different. I can’t explain it. It’s like every day I get up, I feel the same way you fell looking at me dressed like this. This is who I am. I’ve tried, but I can’t change”
Mama sighed “Brian, you are a boy. You can’t go about looking like this. Our family’s reputation would be ruined. This is not negotiable. I want you to take these things off and throw them away. Get your regular clothes on, and come downstairs. Nothing more will be mentioned about this”
“But, Mama! Please! Don’t make me do this!” I began to cry again.
“It’s for the best, Brian” she said quietly, then left.
I sat there for five minutes, crying and wrapping my arms around myself. Looking back, I was sitting exactly like a girl would sit, knees together, arms protecting myself. I slowly got up and changed clothes. I wasn’t the same after that.
Time went on. I stopped helping my mother in the kitchen. I stopped playing with my girl friends. I withdrew into myself. I escaped into my books. My brothers still tried teasing me after their discovery of me, but that stopped when I kneecapped Junior with a baseball bat after he kicked me for ignoring him. He never kicked me again. Caleb leaked at school that I was a homosexual, which earned me a couple of beatings. They stopped when I poked out the eye of a would-be bully. That earned me an expulsion from school, and cost my father $750, 000 in the lawsuit that followed.
I simply didn’t care anymore. I had stopped dressing and doing anything that could be construed as “girly”. I left people alone, and they left me alone. If they didn’t, there was a swift and usually violent resolution.
When I was 14, the first girl I had ever played dolls with, Annie, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I went to see her in the hospital. I had stopped going to her house three years prior, but I couldn’t let her go without saying goodbye. Her parents were with her in the room. She was sleeping.
Thank you for coming, Brian. She’s been asking for you for the last couple of days.
He mother woke Annie up. “Annie, Brian’s here to see you”
“Brianna!” she said weakly. “I’m so glad you came! I’ve missed you soo much. Why didn’t you play with me anymore?”
I felt as if a knife had been driven into my heart. “My name’s Brian, Annie. I’m a boy. It wouldn’t have been right to come over”
She smiled and reached up to my shoulder, as if she were stroking my hair. “Ohh, you’re being silly. Look at all of this long blonde hair and your beautiful body. You don’t look like any boy I’ve ever seen!” Where did you get this wonderful blouse?”
“She’s hallucinating, Brian” Her mother whispered quietly in my ear. “Just play along with her, she doesn’t need to be upset right now”
I paused, thinking quickly. “I got it from Forever 21, Annie. Do you like it?”
She opened her eyes again “Yes, Brianna. Will you get one for me too?”
A tear rolled down my cheek. “Of course, Annie. I’ll get it for you to wear when you go home, okay?”
“I’m not going home, Brianna. I’m going to my heavenly home. I know you’re sad. But you have to live for me. Be the beautiful girl you are, and live for me, okay?”
I looked at her mother, who shook her head. “Annie! You get better and I’ll come over and we can do whatever you want! Don’t leave now” Tears were flowing down my face as they hadn’t in three long years.
“It’s okay, Brianna. It’s beautiful over there. Turn around! Look!”
I turned, seeing nothing but the wall. “It’s beautiful, Annie.”
“I have to go now, Brianna. I’ll…..see you…….later” She closed her eyes and the monitors began to sound alarms. I backed against the wall as the nurse came in and quietly disconnected the monitors and silenced the alarms. Her parents were quietly sobbing in each other’s arms. I sank down and sat on the floor, crying like I had never cried before. She called me Brianna. She didn’t see the boy. Something snapped in me at that moment. If I couldn’t live as Brianna, I didn’t want to live. Annie was waiting for me.
I hugged Annie’s folks, and told them goodbye. I didn’t say anything to them, but I would be with Annie tonight. This much I knew.
Walking home from the hospital, I was in a daze. My home was 7 miles from the hospital. I could have taken a cab, but I needed to plan. I could not go on any longer. My entire life was a lie, a lie that I would extinguish tonight.
By the time I made it home, I knew what I was going to do. I walked upstairs and found my father’s prescription bottle that was filled with valium. He had difficulty going to sleep lately due to some negotiations he was in regarding the company. He had just gotten it filled two days prior, and there would be plenty to do the job. I put the bottle in my room and went downstairs to see Mama.
“Hi, mama” I said leadenly.
“Hi, Brian” she replied. “What’s wrong? You look like you lost your best friend”
“I did, mom. Annie died today. I was in her room when it happened”
Mama gasped “Oh my God, Brian! I am so sorry. I knew she was sick, but I didn’t know how badly. How are you feeling?”
“Ok, I guess. She’s in a better place. Her pain is gone. I’m glad I was there to see her go. Mom, death isn’t so bad. She said it was beautiful over there, just before she died”
“It’s all a part of life, honey. Do you have questions?”
“Nope. I know all I need to, mom” I replied without emotion. “It all makes sense to me now”
She looked quizzically at me. “What does that mean?”
I looked away. “Nothing, mom. Thank you for being here for me, Okay?”
“I know you’ve had it rough, Brian. But always remember, I love you very much”
“I know mom. I love you too. I love everyone in this family” I hugged her then walked away. “I’m going upstairs to my room. I need to talk a nap”
“Ok, but dinner is at 6, so don’t be late” Great. I had three hours to do this.
I walked up the stairs like a zombie. I didn’t feel anything. I knew mama would miss me, but I didn’t care anymore. I had already checked out. I went to my room, and grabbed the bottle of pills. I poured ten into my hand and swallowed them with water. That should be enough. I took off my clothes and crawled into bed, ready for the next great adventure. Drowsiness enveloped me 15 minutes later. Then darkness.
From what I learned later, my mother was curious why I called her mom. I never did that. None of us did. It was mama. It ate at her. “What was up with that boy” she thought. Then she felt a sick feeling in her soul. She couldn’t explain it even years later. She knew she had to get upstairs at once.
She ran up to my room and opened the door. “Brian?” she said aloud. No answer. She rushed over to my bed and saw me, barely breathing. “BRIAN!” she screamed. She shook me but got no response. She immediately called 911 from the phone in my room. She kept trying to get me to wake up.
The ambulance came 5 minutes later, and by 4:15 I was in the ER. I had stopped breathing, and the doctors were working feverishly to bring me back.
I woke up in the ER, looking at the doctors working on someone. I was dressed in white, and I looked at myself. I had long manicured fingernails, and I could see my hair cascading around my shoulders. I went to the door in the ER and walked right through it.
“What is going on?” I said aloud to myself. People were walking around and through me. I saw a mirror in the hallway and looked at it. To my surprise, I could see my reflection. I was a girl! I was pretty. No, gorgeous! Blonde hair, blue eyes and totally put together.
I smiled at my reflection. I was soo happy!
Suddenly a familiar voice spoke to me “Like what you see, Brianna?” It was Annie.
Whirling around, I saw my friend in the same white outfit I was in. She smiled at me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I reached to hug her.
“Annie!” I exclaimed in my new girlish voice. “I’m so glad to see you! Look at me! I’!”
She returned my hug. “I know, Brianna, I know. This is your soul, your spirit body, for the lack of a better term. This is who you really are. Inside, where it counts. But this is wrong, Bree”
“Why, I’m finally who I am!”
“It’s wrong to kill, Bree. Even killing yourself. This isn’t your time to go. You have so much to do yet”
“I can’t go back to being Brian, Annie. I can’t. This is who I am”
“So don’t go back to being Brian. There are ways of shaping your body to match your soul. You see, God gives some people tests to see if they are strong enough to be who they are on the inside. Some people fail that test, but God is love. He cares even for the ones who fail the test. And He gives justice to the ones who persecute those special people.
“You will pass that test, Bree. You will be the person that you were meant to be. Did you notice how puberty never caught up with you? There was a reason for that. You will grow up to defend those who cannot defend themselves. There will be one in the future who you will recognize as special. You will help her, and in turn, she will help you find happiness and acceptance. You will have happiness that you cannot imagine, Bree. But there will be many trials to come. Never give up. I will be watching and I will help you all I can”
“But I don’t want to go back, Annie!” I replied frantically.
“It’s not your choice, Bree. I’ll see you later”
I felt an electric charge run through my body as I was pulled back into darkness. I heard someone say “He’s back! Get that second IV going!” Darkness claimed me again..
“Brian? Brian can you hear me?” I heard a familiar voice. It was Mama.
I groaned. “Let me sleep, Mama. I’m tired”
“You’ve been asleep for three days, Brian. It’s time to get up” Came her authoritative reply.
My eyes fluttered open. The room was dim. I slowly was able to focus. My mother’s tired face came into sharp relief. “Welcome back, honey. You gave us quite the scare”
Tears rolled down my face as I looked up into hers. “I’m sorry, Mama. I just couldn’t go on living the lie”
“What lie, Brian?” she asked quietly.
“I’m not Brian, Mama. I’ll never go back to being him. I’ll die if I do” I tried to reach my face to wipe the tears away, but my hands were restrained to the bed. I began to panic. “Mama, take these things off! I can’t stand them. Take them off!”
“Shhhh. Shhhh Brian. They were on as a precaution if you woke up when no one was here. To make sure you didn’t try again”
“TAKE THEM OFF!” I screamed. The nurses rushed in and tried to calm me. I thrashed and they injected something in the IV that put me to sleep. “Take..them…off”
I woke up later, and my mother and father were in the room. The restraints were gone. “What happened? How long have I been asleep?”
My father replied “A couple of hours. They had to put you out after your panic attack before you hurt yourself”
I got right to business. I was going to let them have it with both barrels. Sighing, I began to speak.
“Daddy, Mama, I need to tell you something. I am not going back to being Brian. Ever. I can’t. It’s not who I am, and it’s not who I want to be. My name is Brianna. If being Brianna means you disinherit me and kick me out in the street, then that’s the price I’m willing to pay.”
Mama looked down. I could see she was crying. My daddy looked like he had aged ten years. Daddy spoke first.
“Son, I don’t pretend to know what you are going through. But I am willing to get you the help you need to get this worked out. However it turns out” I saw a single tear trickle down his cheek.
“We love you, Brian. Whatever happens that means we won’t stop loving you. Ever”
“I’m not going to change my mind. I know who I am and what I was meant to be. You haven’t failed me. But I need to be who I am, no matter what that means, no matter what I have to face”
We got together and hugged. The next day, a doctor came in to talk to me. He was a doctor who specialized in gender issues. His name was Doctor Bob James. I thought he was going to try and talk me out of what I wanted, but instead he just talked to me, about how I felt about things. He wanted to know about me, about what made me tick.
We had several sessions over the next month. My daddy wanted me in intense therapy to get things decided as quickly as we could. Dr. James was in agreement. He knew I had deep seated problems and needed to get the poison out as quickly as they could to get me on the path to recovery.
After the month was over, it was decided that I did indeed suffered from gender dysphoria. I was young, but the doctor was certain that if I didn’t transition soon, irreparable harm would be done. I was started in androgen blockers immediately and after the endocrinologist was consulted, the estrogen was soon to follow.
The reaction from my brothers was not at all what I expected. They said they knew that I was different, and were trying to pressure me to conform for selfish reasons. Junior apologized to me for making my life miserable. He was in college now, and had a more open minded take on life. Caleb was also apologetic. My suicide attempt made him realize that words have consequences, and he was blaming himself for driving me to it.
I started my life trail immediately. My old boy wardrobe was sacked up and donated, and my girl things were purchased and added to my closet. All of my old furniture was taken out, and my room was redecorated appropriately to a teen girl, with a good deal of input from me.
I was on cloud nine as the changes took place. Over the next nine months, my breasts filled into a full B and continued to get bigger. My hips filled out and my waist got smaller. I underwent a bilateral orchiectomy to remove my now useless testicles.
Whenever we went out, people who didn’t know us looked me up and down. I was fifteen, but in truth looked at least eighteen. I was tall, and model skinny. I did do some modeling, but those jobs dried up when it was revealed that I was pre operative transsexual. I didn’t care. I was becoming who I was meant to be. The next school year, Dr. James thought it would be a good idea for me to mix with other people my age. Mama and Daddy sent me to the same private school that Caleb went to.
My reception there was cool, to say the least. The girls were jealous of my looks, and the boys were intimidated by the fact that I looked like a model but wasn’t all girl where it counted. The teachers were hostile toward someone they viewed as a spoiled rich kid who was a freak. But they didn’t bother me at all. The pranks played by the girls were the worst, as they were always trying to humiliate me in some way or another, by calling me “little boy” or always flipping my uniform skirt up to expose me.
My first year was terrible, and I cried myself to sleep many nights. But always I came back to what Annie had said to me. There would be trials to come. I held onto that like a drowning woman hold on to a life preserver. I studied hard, and excelled in my classes. I was ranked number one in my class academically. I didn’t want to treat people the way they treated me, so I volunteered to tutor anyone who needed help. I had no takers until Danny Buford, a guy in my class, asked for my help in geometry.
I dove in to help him, grateful for the opportunity to help someone out. He was very grateful, and didn’t make me feel like a freak when we were together. He learned well, and soon was an A student in geometry in his own right.
We saw each other in the halls, and he never ignored me like everyone else. I thought he was cute, and there was no doubt where my sexuality lay. I was 100% heterosexual. Girls did absolutely nothing for me.
Finally, midway through my junior year, Danny asked me out. It was just to a movie and pizza afterward, but I felt like I was Cinderella going to the ball. He asked my daddy if he could take me out, and after the customary grilling, he got daddy’s permission to take me out.
I’ll never forget that night as long as I live. We saw “Liar Liar”, with Jim Carrey and finished the night off at the Pizza Hut. We had a medium pepperoni, and two Diet Pepsis.
He got me home 10 minutes before my 11 pm curfew and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I kissed him back. I felt like such a girl. I ached that I didn’t have the right equipment for him, or I swear I would have gone all the way that night.
We continued dating the rest of that year. I was his date for the junior prom, and I went all out to look spectacular. I wore a strapless blue gown, and he wore a black tux with accessories that matched my gown. I wore a garter belt and stockings that night for the first time, and the gaff I had to wear was the only uncomfortable thing I had on. My heels were a modest 3”, and I danced all night. No one else wanted to dance with me, but Danny held me in his arms and made me feel like I was the only girl there.
After the prom was over, Danny took me back home. On the way, I asked him to stop.
“Danny?” I asked quietly. “Do you love me?”
“Yes, Bree. I do. Why?”
“Because I love you too. You see me for the girl I am, not some freak, like everyone else” I was quiet for a moment. I looked out the window, biting my lip. I wanted to show him how much I loved him, but I didn’t know how. My eyes began to well up.
“What is the problem, Bree? Why are you crying? Aren’t you happy?” he leaned over to me and pulled me close. “What’s the problem?”
“Kiss me, Danny. Please.”
We began to kiss, and for the next 20 minutes, we were lost in each other’s embrace. I could feel Danny’s manhood begin to rise. I reached for his zipper and began to pull it down.
“Bree, what are you doing? We can’t do anything”
“Maybe we can’t, Danny, but I can. Please let me show you how much I love you. Lean back”
Danny leaned back while I unzipped him. I held him in my hands and began to stroke him. He gasped as I leaned down and took him in my mouth. I went up and down on his shaft and within a minute, he moaned and went off in my mouth. I swallowed all of the bitter liquid and licked him clean. I then dried him off with a hankie I had in my purse and then zipped him up.
“God! That was awesome, Bree!” he said breathlessly. “You were great!”
I smiled and kissed him. “Thank you, lover boy. I had to do that for you. You make me feel so wonderful, I needed to return the favor” I pouted. “You don’t hate me, do you?”
“Oh heck no, Bree. That was the most awesome thing anyone has ever done for me!”
We continued dating throughout the summer and into the next year. My mama and daddy were worried that I was going to get hurt. My daddy and I really connected since my transition began, and he was glad to have a daughter. He was very protective of me, and I was glad to have it.
In October of my senior year. My daddy had a heart attack and died at a business meeting. I was devastated. I couldn’t believe that the man who had grown to become my biggest fan was gone. I thought back to Annie, who said “There will be trials”.
After the funeral, I went back to school. Things were just as bad, and now the other students started teasing me about my late father, calling me “Little Orphan Annie” this name hit me hard, as I looked at it as an insult to my friend Annie. The people who called me this didn’t know, but their words stung more than they would ever know.
To top this off, Danny began to change. He started to pressure me into giving him more and more sex. I did what I could, but it never seemed to be enough for him. He wanted to go “all the way”, which for him meant anal sex. This was something that I couldn’t do. I didn’t want anyone inside of me until I could do it as a woman. To me, it was a dirty thing that hurt, and only one person could enjoy. I saw it as rape, and begged him not to make me do it. I just couldn’t.
“If you loved me, baby, you’d do it” he prodded. “All the girls are doing it” I noticed he didn’t say “other girls”
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t ask, Danny” I replied, shooting him a dirty look. “And I don’t care what the ‘other’ girls are doing”
“Okay, okay, babe. You win. We still on for tonight?” I thought he gave up way too easily.
I didn’t want to, as I had a big exam to study for. “I guess so”
“Cool. I’ll pick you up at seven”
Danny picked me up at seven, pulling in to the big semicircular front drive and honking, not bothering to come up to the door. This was a first.
I told my mama where I was going, and ran out to the car. It was starting to rain. He quickly drove off.
“Hey babe. I changed our plans for tonight. Hope you don’t mind” he said with an arrogance I found alarming. I hated it when he called me babe.
“I guess not, where are we going?”
“Out to the country. Just to appreciate nature”
“I know what you mean, Danny. I don’t want to do anything tonight. I have a test to study for” A little voice inside me was beginning to tell me to get out of the car.
“Then we’ll just talk. Okay?”
“Okay, but not too long, Danny. Please”
We drove for about a half an hour until we were out of town. Danny pulled over into a side road and stopped the car. He looked at me, with a strange look that I hadn’t seen from him before. It scared me.
“All right, babe, get out of the car”
“Danny! It’s raining! I’ll get all wet! What are you trying to do?”
“You’ve got a choice, babe. Give up the ass, or walk home”
I started to cry. “Danny, what are you doing? I thought you loved me. Don’t ask me to do this. When I’m eighteen, I’m having the surgery, then we can do it for real. Please Danny, you’re scaring me. Please take me home. Mama doesn’t know where I am”
“I thought you’d say that, bitch. I’ve been taking shit for a year and a half now for dating a freak. I never said anything to you, because you were always good for a blowjob. But I want more, and you’re going to give it to me” He then pulled a knife. Take your clothes off, bitch. Now” he had a look on his face that wasn’t human.
I was frantically crying now. “Please, Danny! I can’t! It isn’t right!”
He smiled a smile that chilled me to the bone. I knew he was going to kill me. “Get out of the car and everything will be all right.
I got out into the cold rain and stood there, shivering. Danny got out and came around to me. “Last chance, Bree”
“I can’t, Danny. I’m sorry” I was crying, and Danny came up to me. I thought he was going to hug me, but suddenly I felt a burning in my side. He had stabbed me.
I gasped for air and slumped down to the ground.
“I’m sorry too, bitch” he turned around and walked to the driver’s side, got in and drove off.
Dizzy from the pain. I got up and started to follow the lights to the road. It was a mile away and I knew I was hurt badly. I couldn’t get my breath. I was freezing in the cold rain. I walked as best I could, but it wasn’t fast enough. I thought about Mama, and the loss of her daughter so soon after the loss of her husband. I couldn’t die! Not yet! I had so much more to do.
I continued to walk. I saw a glowing figure ahead. It was Annie! She got closer, and closer. Then she faded and the glow became two headlights. I had made it to the main road! Raising my hand, the world spun, then went dark.
I woke up, with no idea how much later, in the hospital. It turned out I was found by a deputy sheriff on patrol. He took first aid steps that saved my life. I had been stabbed in a way that narrowly missed my heart, but caused me to lose a lot of blood. I nearly died.
Looking around my room, I saw my Mama sleeping in the chair next to the bed. “Mama?” I whispered. “Mama? I’m thirsty”
She stirred, and looked at me. Our eyes met, and she burst into tears. She came over to me and hit the call button. “Bree! Thank God! We thought we had lost you!”
The ICU nurse came in and checked my vitals. “We’ve called the doctor, and he’s on his way”
“I’m thirsty” I said again. The nurse went to get me some ice chips. I told her what had happened. “Danny did this, Mama. I thought he loved me, but he tried to kill me. Tears rolled down my face. It hurt to breathe. It was agony to cry. I willed myself to stop.
“I told the police that you were with Danny. They picked him up and he said that you wanted to be dropped off, and the last he knew you were walking toward a black pickup”
“That’s a lie, Mama. He took me out to a deserted road, and tried to force me to have sex with him. When I wouldn’t he stabbed me”
“He said that you two had been having sex for some time now, and that he wasn’t comfortable with it. He said you went down on him several times”
That revelation hit me hard. I had been so stupid. I had to show him physically how I felt. I was such an idiot. “It’s true, Mama. I loved him so much, and I didn’t want to lose him to a real girl” I was in agony.
“You are a real girl, Bree. To give that up before you are married is asking for trouble”
“I know that now, Mama. I was so stupid.” I was biting my lip so hard it began to bleed. My chest hurt so much.
“Let’s talk about this later, sweetie. It’s too much right now”
The days turned in the hospital. I was discharged after a week. The detectives that talked to me said that Danny had an airtight alibi that was confirmed by five of his friends. They didn’t believe me about his attack, and told me to stop blaming him. There wasn’t a shred of evidence placing him at the scene.
I was devastated by Danny’s betrayal. I was a pariah at school, and now it was out that I was “easy” willing to give it up orally to anyone with five dollars. My mother believed me, and tried to hire investigators that would get what we needed on Danny. No one would take the case. The bastards all believed Danny.
Resolving to put my troubles behind me, I continued to put my all into my schoolwork. I caught up with what I had missed, and was able to maintain my number one standing in the class.
The weeks and months ticked by slowly until graduation. I was going to get my revenge by being the valedictorian and giving the address at the graduation ceremony. Two weeks before graduation, I was called out of class to the principal’s office. There was a police officer there with a dog.
“Brianna DiMaggio, I’m placing you under arrest for the possession of marijuana on school property” said the policeman. He then read me my rights.
“What? I’ve never done marijuana in my life!” I said as he cuffed me. “Get your dog to sniff me! I’ve never seen that stuff”
“It was in your locker, Brianna. The dog found it” said the officer.
“No way! Please, I’ve never done drugs!” They carried me away, and expelled me from school.
After a convenient two week investigation, I was cleared of all charges. Right after graduation, and after someone had delivered the speech that should have been mine. “Trials to come” rang in my head.
I went to Colorado to have my SRS. It was a total success. I was now a complete woman. I didn’t rest though. When my recovery period was over, I was accepted at Harvard to do my undergrad studies, and spent four years with my nose to the grindstone. I would make the society who made my life a living hell pay on behalf of the girls just like me who didn’t have anyone to help them. I majored in business law and got my law degree from Harvard as well.
Daddy's company sold to ExxonMobil for just shy of 5 billion dollars, and I was able to parlay that into a fortune in the neighborhood of 16 billion dollars. My brothers were content to let me handle the management of the fortune, and I made sure they would never have to work again. They both went on to become successful businessmen in their own right. Jack DiMaggio Jr. served in the Bush Administration as Undersecretary of Energy. Caleb runs a successful electronics firm in the green energy sector.
I went on to champion the cause of the Transgendered in the United States. I worked tirelessly for their rights, and worked to prosecute those who would try to harm them. My organization won several lawsuits against companies and individuals who discriminated against transgendered or gay people.
I started a foundation to provide counseling for transgendered females, so no one would have to go through what I did. I do this worldwide, and have helped over a thousand girls to become all they were meant to be.
All of which brought me to Rachel Harris. Her story touched me in a way none before had. I remembered what Annie had told me about a special one. I found out that she was. She would be the sister I never had. Her mother was such a sweet woman who had lost her husband in the war. They had a son who was the most wonderful boy I had ever met.
I hired Steve Marshall from time to time as a very competent detective. I thought he was cute, sure, but I had other things to do that were more important than relationships. My past was too scarred from betrayal to even think of a relationship. The work was too important.
Steve had stumbled on to a hate group in Martinsburg who was targeting little Rachel. He eventually broke the ring and Rachel herself had taken out the ringleader before he could rape her. That ringleader was Dan Buford, the bastard who nearly killed me so many years before. He ended up a brain dead vegetable. Steve risked his life to save Rachel, who he knew everything about. It didn’t matter to him.
I fell in love with Steve at that moment. I knew he liked me, and now I could return the favor. My ghosts were dead and gone. I could love again.
I’m just about to walk down the aisle. Jim Abrams has my arm as we wait for the march to play. The march begins to play, and the room stands up. Steve is there at the altar with a silly grin on his face. My life begins anew.
Thank you, Annie. I’ll see you later.
Author's Note: This story is hard to categorize for me. There are elements of bondage and sex, but it is incidental to the story, and isn't too explicit.
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Chapter One “Stick out your ass, slut, or you’ll wish you’d never been born” Ace Moran, the Dom for this shoot, didn’t shout this command, but Amber knew he meant what he said. Amber tried. She was nude, bound with her hands tied to a hook in the ceiling, her legs spread apart by a bar that was attached to the floor and on the balls of her feet. A ring was strapped into her mouth, making her drool uncontrollably and redering intelligible communication impossible. This was done to make her accessible for oral sex, and to let her screams be as loud as possible. She was going on the drugs they gave her alone. A muscle relaxer to stave off cramps, and a stimulant |
to improve her stamina enabled her to continue, but had the side effect of making her an emotional wreck. That was all right with the director of this particular gem, because the client wanted her to be that way. She just didn’t have to act
After twelve hours filming three on demand features, she was exhausted. She was the star, but she would have rather been dead than be in the show business she was in. Amber was in the adult film industry, making mostly bondage themed videos, custom made for clients around the globe. It was lucrative, very much so, at least for her owner. You see, Amber was a slave.
The whip fell across her back, bottom and legs for the next minute. She was screaming, begging to be let go. Her pleas fell on deaf ears, and even if they had been clearly understood, there would be no mercy for her.
After the flogging was done, she sagged into her bonds, nearly unconscious, and crying uncontrollably. Sweat was pouring off of her, dripping off of her breasts along with the drool.
“Very good, slut, very good” sneered the Dom. He had worked with Amber in the past. She was a screamer, very flexible, and her owner insisted upon maximum torment for her. “I have one last treat for you” He strode arrogantly to the table on which his “toys” rested. He picked up a two liter bowl of clear liquid and walked slowly back to where Amber was hanging.
Pulling her chin up, he looked into her blue eyes. She was panting, shaking uncontrollably, very nearly in shock. “Your back side looks rather raw, slut. So do your miserable tits. We wouldn’t want them to become infected now, would we?”
Amber’s eyes rolled back in her head, as she shook her head then moaned. She no longer had the strength to fight back or struggle. The Dom walked behind Amber and smiled evilly. He then poured the rubbing alcohol that was in the bowl down Amber’s raw, bleeding back.
Her reaction was instantaneous. She screamed and wiggled against her bods with all her strength. The stinging alcohol set her back, bottom and legs on fire. Her moans for him to stop were ignored. As the pain began to subside, he threw the remainder across her front, where her breasts, stomach and thighs bore the fresh marks of a caning. This was too much for her frail body. She vomited and passed out.
“Cut!” The director shouted. “Perfect! You can let her down now, Ace”
Amber’s owner smirked and said “Let the slut hang, Ace. Her little boy clit needs the air”
The director smiled. He glanced over at Amber’s owner, John Steele. It wasn’t his real name, of course. That was Jimmy Gabbio. John Steele he felt was more appropriate for a man of power. His power was being able to capture and train slaves for the sex trade. He learned it while working for the CIA, breaking terrorists. That didn’t pay nearly enough for his ambitions. He was addicted to violent, sadistic pornography. He had a thing for ladyboys from Asia, but they soon weren’t enough for him. He wanted to make and sell his own girls, and in 2003, he made his dream a reality.
His business, “Steele’s Magnolias” was a source for young pretty she males. On the front, it was an import/export business in Los Angeles, but the real money was in the girls. He kidnapped street kids who nobody would miss and if they had the right facial structure, he would ship them to Thailand to a crooked doctor and transform them, body and mind.
They would break in a month, and he would lease them to filmmakers for them to be used. Intimidation made them film little disclaimers that they loved what they were doing, but it was far from the truth. No one was looking for them. They looked like girls, different enough from their boy identities to avoid detection by the authorities.
As they got older, they moved to worse and more violent films until they were finally killed in “snuff” films. Their bodies were burned and dumped, never to be seen again. If there was such a place as hell, it was waiting for John Steele. He had killed fourteen this way.
As time went on, he was able to stay in the United States. There were greedy doctors who were more than willing to help, and most were clients of his film company, Magnolia Productions. Sexual deviation is a common affliction in the affluent United States, and he saved the cost and danger of sneaking people into a foreign country. His ranch in West Texas was remote enough to do most of his "training" and filming.
In 2009, he had abandoned the kidnapping of street children and graduated to prowling social media and chat rooms, looking for transgendered youth, or kids who were curious about crossdressing. He had mastered the art of gaining their confidence and making them believe he was a sixteen year old boy who was curious about dressing as a girl.
That was how he found Amber, who in 2009 was known as Cody Phillips, from Wichita Falls, Texas.
Cody was not a very masculine child, the youngest in a family of five. He had a brother, Justin and a sister, Cassandra.
Cody was a gentle child, taking the good natured ribbing of his siblings with a sweet spirit. He loved his brother and sister, and they returned it in kind.
Justin was an athlete, a man’s man, so to speak. He was his father’s favorite, and the two did all the hunting and fishing together they could. Cassie was the female Justin, a tall, willowy volleyball player who was the envy of the girls and the object of desire for the boys. Cody was a small thirteen year old, with a delicate, feminine face.
Confused more often than not for a girl, his father went overboard to “ugly him up”. Short hair and clothes all geared to make him look like a boy. It wasn’t enough sometimes, as he was sometimes confused for a cancer patient.
His father was hard on Cody, out of his intense embarrassment over his “sissy” child. His mother was secretly pleased that he wasn’t so masculine and was a lot more sensitive than his brother she was growing rather tired of her husband’s insistence that all his boys conformed to his idea of manliness.
Cody, for his part totally admired Cassie. He would spend hours with her as a little boy playing dolls with her and cooking playdoh food. It drove his dad crazy, but he didn’t dare say anything because Cassie was having so much fun and his wife would have cut him off in bed for a month if he did.
As he grew up, he spent time with his brother also, trying to learn about baseball. He eventually played, but wasn’t very good, and his teammates were brutal with the teasing. He laughed it off, but Cassie knew it hurt Cody terribly.
“I wish I was like you, Cassie,” he said to her one day. “I feel so wrong. I would give anything to be like you” Cassie never fully understood what that meant. She thought he meant that she was always in control and popular. He wanted to be a girl.
He started to visit chatrooms at twelve, trying to find someone he could talk to about his desire to be female. He found that person three months later. “Cassidy” was John Steele. He told Cody everything he wanted to hear. Cassidy was a kindred spirit who supposedly lived across town. The set up took another three months of work, and then the meet was set in a secluded place. Cassidy would help Cody become the girl he wanted to be.
The trap was sprung in December of 2009, just before Christmas. Cody was snatched from the streets of Wichita Falls, looking for his friend Cassidy. The boy known as Cody Phillips “died” soon after.
The Amber alerts went out. Police worked feverishly, doing everything possible to find the young boy. Television covered the case, as searchers combed the countryside for a body. Nothing was ever found. Cody had been spirited away to the ranch on a charter airplane. He was long gone before the call went out.
After intense interrogation and mind control techniques, hormone therapy and some masterful plastic surgery, Amber was born. After a little work, she had a pert feminine nose and dark brown hair. She was five feet four inches tall, and had developed large B cup breasts, not quite a C. Her name was for credit purposes on film. She was called only “slut” off camera. She slept naked on a dog bed and learned to service her master orally and anally, the former of which was particularly disgusting to her.
Amber learned quickly that any sign of will was punished brutally. John was good at his mind control. She was quickly broken.
Two years passed. Amber had been violated hundreds of times by both men and women. She had made over one hundred videos. Over time, Steele had gotten Amber addicted to his own cocktail of narcotics. He had a special combination of herbs that healed her wounds from the savage beatings she suffered.
Steele was cocky. He had made close to one million dollars tax free from his illegal operations. Amber was his only project right now, and he had already started cruising the chatrooms for another victim. He found his next victim, Galen Douglas. He was a beautiful boy, and ready to try to spread his wings. Unbeknownst to Steele, someone was on to him. That someone wore a badge, and was posing as Galen. FBI Special Agent Janine Rodgers had the man she had been looking for since 2005.
“Please, master. Why have you done this to me? ” she asked him tears were streaming down her face after a brutal night of sex and violence. Tears were like nectar to the sadist that John Steele had become. He was no longer human himself, but a monster.
“I do this because I can. I am a member of a large secret organization. Our purpose is to make slaves of whomever we will. There is no place for you to go. Remember, I have control of at least one officer in every police department in the nation, who is under strict orders to kill you if you should ever be brought to them. You are my property, and you will never see your family again. Serve me well, and I might let you live. Cross me, and you will be tortured for weeks, dying only when I want you to. Do you understand me?”.
Amber hung her head. “Yes, master”
John unzipped his pants. “Okay, slut. Take care of me”
Amber had been in captivity for nearly two years. She started to go down on her master. She had become quite good at it, but a single tear trickled down her cheek as she did. After she finished, she happened to see him look at his phone to return a text. As he put the phone down, she saw the date. October twenty first, her sixteenth birthday. All she could do was submit to another rape. “Happy Birthday, slut” she thought to herself.
The Present
Amber slowly awakened from her pain induced swoon, still bound. Her hands had gone numb and her jaws were in agony from the stretching of the gag, but she no longer cared. She looked over to her master and the director with dead eyes. They ignored her, and she knew better than to try to get his attention. It would just mean more punishment, and she was ready to go home to her little dog bed. Her old life as Cody was completely forgotten. She couldn’t remember the names of her mother and father, or her siblings. She thought she had a sister named Cathy or something, but she wouldn’t want a freak like her for a sister.
Then in a flash, everything changed. The door to the studio exploded inward and three men in bulletproof vests rolled in followed by series of men and women in blue windbreakers. “Everybody freeze! Search Warrant! Search Warrant! Down! GET DOWN!
Amber screamed, and Steele, Ace and the director dove for cover. It did them little good. In about ten seconds, they were cuffed and subdued.
Amber was screaming and fighting furiously against the straps that held her. She believed what she was told that the police would torture her.
The lone female among the police rushed over to where Amber was bound. “Easy, honey, I’m Janine. We’re here to help” Janine could see the utter terror in the bound girl’s eyes, and she thought she knew why. “She gently but firmly held Amber’s cheeks and forced her to look in her eyes. “Honey, I don’t know what that creep told you, but we really are here to help you. Now calm down so we can get you loose and you can tell me your story. Okay?”
Amber nodded and stopped fighting.
She called to an athletic looking man “Gibson, get me a blanket!”
“Got it boss, right here" He threw the blanket over to Janine, not wanting to violate the girl’s privacy.
It was then that Janine looked down and saw that Amber had a small penis, which surprised her, since the girl looked nothing like a boy at all.
After draping her body in the blanket, Janine undid the gag from Amber’s mouth. “Easy, sweetie, that’s it. Let us get you loose”
Steele had been ushered out of the room before he had a chance to say anything to Amber. She could hear him screaming in the other room, but couldn’t hear anything he was saying.
The agents undid her hands and released her feet she began to collapse and the agent stopped her from falling. “Easy, girl” No one had ever done that before. They had just let her fall to the floor. Maybe they weren’t that bad.
She was shaking violently now, as the effects of the multiple beatings took effect.
“Gibson, call in the bus. We need to get her to the hospital”
“Rog, Boss” he keyed the mic on his radio. “We need an ambulance at 26657 Industrial”
Janine kneeled in front of Amber. She spoke in a low even tone to calm the frightened girl “What’s your name, honey?”
Amber cocked her head slightly. Her name? What was it? Amber thought a moment and gave the only answer she could. “s-slut”
Now it was Janine’s turn to gape. ‘No sweetie, your name. What is it?”
“S-s-sluuutt” Amber eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out. Her last thoughts were of her name. She couldn’t remember it.
“Shit! Where is that bus?”
Janine and her supervisor, Marcus Dubois, stood at the foot of Amber’s hospital bed along with the physician assigned to the case, Dr. Harold Franks.
“What is today’s update, Doctor Franks” asked Agent Dubois.
“He had her addicted to a cocktail of drugs. Ketamine mostly, with morphine and a psychotic of unknown origin. We’re still working on the identification”
“Why is she still unconscious?” asked Janine, not looking away from Amber’s face.
“Medically induced coma. She’s been neglected for a long time. Malnourished and abused. She would be in severe withdrawal sickness now, and there’s no way I was going to let her go through that. I have her on a low dose of methadone to keep the physiological effects to a minimum. We’ll bring her around in the next seventy two hours. Have you made any progress on an ID?”
Janine pulled her gaze from Amber. “The DNA has been cross referenced with our Database. She has been identified as Cody Phillips, missing from Wichita Falls, Texas 21 June, 2009 her family is being notified today”
“Cody? You keep referring to him as she. Why?”
“What do you see? A boy? I’ve seen the transcripts from the online chats Steele used to lure Cody out. He was transgendered. Who knows what would have happened down the road. I guess the choice of whether or not to transition was made for her. And that’s what really sucks”
Dubois nodded. “Yes, sadly. Steele is an expert in psychological warfare. He worked the kid over good, no doubt. I’m calling in Dr. Francine Davis. She’s the only one I know who can possibly unscramble the damage Steele has done”
Dr. Franks was checking Amber’s vitals. He sighed and added. “That’s good. Very good. I can fix the physical. She can be put back, good as new by the time I’m done. But this…” he pointed at his head “…this I can’t fix. She’s going to have to be a strong, strong person to overcome what was done to her. I hope this Dr. Davis is as skilled as you say. Unless I miss my guess, this girl will try to commit suicide soon after she’s awake”
Wichita Falls, Texas
The dark sedan pulled into the Phillips’ driveway. Agents Harry Smith and Roger Garrett had the unenviable task of notifying Greg and Gail Phillips about the discovery of their missing son. Ordinarily, this would be a joyful duty, but the circumstances of this notification, well, were unusual to say the least.
They got out and walked to the door and knocked. Mrs. Phillips opened the door and looked surprised to see the men at the door.
“May I help you?” she asked.
The two men flashed their badges. “Ma’am, I’m Agent Smith, this is Agent Garrett. We have some news regarding Cody. May we come in?”
Gail gasped. “Of course! Please, come in! You’ve found Cody?”
She led them into the living room.
“Yes, ma’am. He is alive and in Los Angeles”
Gail burst into tears. “Oh, thank God! Is he safe?”
“Please, Mrs. Phillips, sit down. We need to talk…”
Author's Note
Some more things come to light in this chapter
Chapter Two
“Oh my God. My baby. My poor baby” Gail was shocked beyond words.
Agent Smith explained the basics of what had happened to her son.
“That’s all I was briefed on, Ma’am. There’s more. A lot more, but you need to be in LA to learn everything. I must ask that you not release any information to the press or anyone else at this time. This is for your protection. There are plane tickets waiting for you at the airport if you need them, so you need to get going as soon as you can. The flight leaves at nine. That gives you five hours to put things together. I’m truly sorry I don’t have more information to give you, but this is a rather unusual situation. Here’s my card if you need anything, Mrs. Phillips. We’ll be on our way now, as I’m sure you have a lot to get prepared in a short amount of time”
The two agents left quietly, letting themselves out.
Tears were streaming down Gail’s face. After three years, after nearly giving up hope on ever finding Cody alive, their nightmare was nearly over. There were so many things to do. She got on the phone to her husband, who was at his job as Executive Vice President of Engineering at Globe Oil. He was normally on the road or overseas during the week, and had been since shortly after Cody went missing. It was his method of coping, but it was driving a wedge between himself and his family.
He didn’t answer the first call, so Gail dialed again. The second time he picked up. “What is it Gail, I’m terribly busy right now”
“Greg, the FBI found Cody! He’s alive!”
The phone was silent. Gail thought the connection had been broken, but she looked at the display on her cell and saw that they were still connected. “Greg, honey? Are you there?”
“I’m here” His voice was choked, full of emotion. Gail knew he was weeping. “Thank the Lord. How is he? Where is he?”
“They found him in Los Angeles. I don’t know too much right now, but there has been some abuse, apparently. We have plane tickets waiting for us at the airport. I need to call Justin and Cassie and give them the good news!”
“We won’t need those tickets, Hon. I’m calling Harold Jenkins. I’ll have the corporate jet gassed and ready in three hours. Just be at the field by four thirty”
“The corporate jet? How can you do that?”
“Harold said anytime anything came up, it was mine. This qualifies. I’m getting my son back! Call Justin and Cassie and tell them to move it”
Greg disconnected and Gail called Justin, a senior at Midwestern State, and Cassie, a sophomore. Both were on athletic scholarships. Justin for football and Cassie for volleyball. The seasons were in full swing, but when they told their respective coaches the news; they were excused from further commitments until they returned.
As Greg had promised, the jet was fueled and ready when Gail and the kids got there. It was a Bombardier Challenger 600, and was a lot bigger than they needed, but Greg carried a big stick in the company, and the CEO was an old college buddy.
They got their luggage stowed and were wheels up fifteen minutes after that.
Justin and Cassie were full of questions that no one could answer yet, but were excited to be seeing their brother again. There were a lot of tears, and a lot of laughter.
They landed in LA three hours later, where they were met by Agent Rodgers. Gail had called Agent Smith, telling him they were taking the private jet and he let Agent Rodgers know where to meet them.
The family disembarked from the jet and Janine met them at the bottom of the stairs.
“Welcome to Los Angeles!” she shouted. “I’m Agent Janine Rogers, with the Internet Crimes Division of the FBI. I’ll have someone take care of your luggage. Come with me to the car, and we can get you to the hospital, where the team assigned to your child will fully brief you on the situation”
Team? Gail and Greg looked at each other. What weren’t they being told? Their two children looked concerned as well.
Once they had gotten into the SUV that was to transport them to the hospital, Greg spoke up with the question on all their minds. “Ok, Agent Rogers. Just what in the heck is up? Did you say a team was working with Cody?”
“Yes. Your child is very sick right now, and we’re doing everything humanly possible to make sure everything is okay with your child. And I mean everything. I have been on the trail of the man that kidnapped Cody for seven years now, and he finally screwed the pooch. I was able to track him down. I had no idea he had your son. I found her-I mean him quite by accident”
Gail looked at her husband, concerned about what she had just learned. She missed the slip up regarding gender. “Agent Smith said there was a question of abuse?”
“Not a question. There was severe abuse, but I would rather the attending physicians go into that with you” she paused, collecting her thoughts. “You need to prepare yourselves. You won’t be allowed to speak to Cody just yet. He’s changed quite a bit since you saw him last. I’d rather leave it at that until you speak to the team, because it is quite outside my area of expertise”
Greg was getting frustrated. He wasn’t used to being kept in the dark like this, and after three years, he wanted answers. “Just what in the hell is going on here, Agent Rodgers?”
“Mr. Phillips, I don’t really know myself. I’m not going to muddy things up by telling you something that isn’t true out of ignorance. You deserve better. Your child has been brutalized in the most horrific ways possible, and he is going to need every ounce of support he can get to survive this. So getting mad at me isn’t going to make you feel any better, and it isn’t going to help your child”
Greg’s face turned red. He knew he was out of line. The Agent couldn’t, or wouldn’t tell him anything until her ass was covered. He could understand that. “Sorry, Agent Rodgers. I guess I’m a little on edge”
“Please call me Janine. And you have every right to be. But circumstances in this case are so crazy that we have two of the finest physicians in the country working on Cody right now. Drs. Franks and Davis are taking care of the physical and mental needs of Cody right now. Believe me when I say that Cody’s case is almost without precedent. You’ll understand when the briefing is over”
Twenty quiet minutes later, the family was in a staff meeting room of the hospital. Agent Rodgers was there, as was Dr. Franks. Dr. Davis was not in the meeting yet.
After the introductions were made, Dr. Franks began. “Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, let me first say that I am doing everything possible to return your child to health. The patient is malnourished, and blood chemistry is off. Cody was forcibly addicted to a combination of opiates to ensure compliance…”
“Oh my God” whispered Gail.
“I am currently keeping Cody under a medically induced coma to stave off what would be a potentially fatal withdrawal from this addiction. We are administering various medications to manage the withdrawal and I feel we are making good progress in this. But this is not the worst of the problems facing Cody. I’m not good with putting things mildly, so here it is. He has been manipulated via chemical and surgical means into the appearance of a female”
“WHAT?” Greg exploded. “What in the fuck are you saying?”
Dr. Franks’ countenance never altered. “Mr. Phillips! I’m going to have to ask you to hold your temper or leave. Cody is a ward of the State right now. You have no rights whatsoever to make any decisions regarding his or her care pending my approval"
"Why, you ask? I’ll tell you why. Because you are too emotional right now to make critical decisions regarding your child. So calm down right now, or this meeting will be adjourned until you are calm. Is that understood?”
Greg was taken aback by the doctor’s attitude. He was serious. Greg took a deep breath and calmed down, if only to wait for the right time to smack the piss out of the smug doctor.
“Good. Now, if I may continue. MRI’s indicate that the patient has fully formed breasts, and the skeletal structure of a female. Testes are undescended, and penile growth is severely stunted. MRI also reveals a fully formed vaginal canal, covered and sealed by a flap of skin”
“What are you saying, Doctor?” asked Gail. Cody is a girl?
“Not genetically. Sequencing indicates Cody is a genetic male. I suspect Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, or PAIS. Basically, Cody’s body responds poorly to testosterone, almost not at all. It’s pretty easy to miss if you’re not looking for it. You would have found it when Cody didn’t develop male characteristics normally. His kidnappers didn’t know this either, giving him way more estrogen than he could use. There is some liver damage, but it’s slight. I don’t know how he avoided more damage”
“Can it be reversed?” Asked Greg.
“No. His body simply won’t respond to testosterone. And, the testes have been damaged. They need to be removed to avoid the possibility of cancer. I’m doing this procedure as soon as possible”
Justin and Cassie were stunned. Cassie thought back to what Cody used to say, that he wanted to be like her. It suddenly clicked. Tears rolled down her face, but she said nothing. Justin just listened, taking it all in.
Agent Rodgers spoke up. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, I obtained a log of the chats that lured Cody to the perp. He spoke of feeling wrong, like he was in the wrong body. He was confused but didn’t want to disappoint the family. He just wanted someone to talk to. Someone who he thought would understand what he was going through”
“But…” Gail started.
“It’s not your fault. No one knows what could have happened. Based on what I know now, your son could have been transgendered. I don’t know. But he was curious, and was preyed upon. The fault lies with the bastard who did this”
The door opened, and a tall woman strode in. She was shapely, with dark hair and piercing green eyes. She looked about fifty, but with a weariness that said she wasn’t that old. “Bastard indeed. I’m Doctor Francine Davis, and I’m the one who is going to see to the unseen side of this case. Cody’s mind. But please, Dr. Franks, forgive my interruption. Please continue.”
Dr. Franks smiled. He liked and respected Dr. Davis. “Very well. In conclusion. The physical side of this case will be resolved within the week. In 48 hours, I’ll bring the patient out of the coma. Then Dr. Davis will be on. Any questions?”
“So Cody will be okay?” asked Cassie.
“Physically weak for now but yes, okay. I could give you a lot of other medical mumbo jumbo, but suffice it to say, I’ve given you the pertinent facts. And now, I need to get back to my patients. Dr. Davis?”
“Thank you, Dr. Franks. She stood from her chair and walked over to the window. "Now, down to business. I’ve spent the last four days reviewing the facts of this case. The perpetrator videotaped everything, which made my job both easier and a lot harder. I’m operating on about three hours of sleep, and am not going to pull any punches. I know how you all must feel right now and…”
“You have no idea how I feel” said Greg with as much venom as he could muster. He was tired of being pushed around by doctors.
Francine’s gaze fixed on Greg. “So I don’t know how you feel, huh?”
“April third, 1992, Mr. Phillips. A pair of twin girls, named Zoe and Kallie. MY five year old twin girls. Stolen from my house while I was on a date with my husband. My 15 year old niece Alison was babysitting. She was raped and murdered then decapitated. Her head was placed on the kitchen table” She paused, her eyes narrowing to slits. ”Kallie was found floating in a nearby river three weeks later. They had to identify her by dental records. Zoe was never found. The people, if you can call them that, that committed the crime, were never caught”
She sighed, the sigh of someone who has seen too much hate and death in her life. She continued.
“I’d give everything I own, my very life to get my little girls and my niece back. I lost my husband to suicide a year later to the day. So, yeah, I kinda know how you feel, Mr. Phillips. Do you know how I feel? You found your child,so don’t think you have the market cornered on grief”
Cassie moved next to her mother, and the two of them hugged each other and wept. Justin wiped his eyes and looked out the window. Greg hung his head. “I’m so sorry, Doctor. I’m just a little crazy right now”
“I told you I’m not pulling any punches. Your child has been manipulated by a master of psychological warfare. Someone who regularly broke hardened terrorists for a living. A thirteen year old gender confused young child was nothing for him. The person you knew as Cody effectively died within two weeks of captivity, never to return. The best we can do now is to forge a new child from to ashes of the destroyed one, and help your entire family to heal”
She sat down, pulling out an electronic cigarette. “I have spent the last three days reviewing every second of video that Steele shot. I puked four times. I watched your child break, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. I watched your child suffer. No matter how professional I try to be, nothing prepares me to watch another human being suffer”
Justin’s head dropped. He was a very reserved person ever since Cody’s disappearance. This was hard on him. Cassie was leaning her head on her mother’s shoulder, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.
“What will happen to my baby, Doctor?” asked Gail, almost whispering.
“I’m going to use everything I have in my bag of tricks to see that your daughter grows into a healthy woman”
“But he’s a boy. My boy” said a chastened Greg.
“That ship has sailed, Mr. Phillips. Cody is dead, replaced by a girl who thinks her name is ‘Slut’. I’m sorry, folks, but I’m too tired to be diplomatic. I’m calling her Amber for now, but that is just the stage name they gave her for the videos they shot to sell, mostly custom videos that are being tracked right now to the buyers”
“Guys, she doesn’t appear to remember you, from what I’ve been able to glean from the training videos. Oh, the memories are still there, buried deep, but the things she was made to do and the shame she feels for doing them has made her feel like a leper, so to speak. I’m going to try to bring those good memories back, and hopefully get her to deal with all the crap she has endured to this point”
She drummed her fingers on the conference table. “I’m going to be honest here. I’ve seen this kind of abuse just three times previously. You all have a long road to recovery. I’ll do the best I can, but I’ll need your help”
Greg looked at his wife, who nodded. It was the wordless communication that only people who have shared everything for a long time had.
“Okay, Doc. We’re in”
“We’re doing all that can be done right now” added Janine. “Why don’t you get settled in at the hotel, and we can start fresh tomorrow”
“I want to see Cody” said Gail. “We all do”
“I’ll take you up to her room, and Dr. Franks can handle it from there”
The family went with Janine and Dr. Davis to the ninth floor ICU where Cody was. Dr. Franks was there to meet them. They could see a figure with long dark hair on the hospital bed there were several IV lines hooked up to the girl on the bed.
“Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, I’ve got to go for another round of interrogation with Steele. I’ll leave you in the capable hands of Dr. Davis”
“Can I go in?” asked Gail.
“Sure. Not too long though, okay?”
Gail and Greg crept into the room. Cody looked like he was sleeping peacefully.
Gail couldn’t get over how much he had changed, but she still recognized him. Or was it him? Cody was beautiful…but thin. She needed to eat. Wait…did she just think of her son as a girl?
“Greg, I’m so confused. He’s so pretty. What are we going to do?” Gail whispered.
“I don’t know hon. I don’t know. I’m just as confused as you are. Seeing Cody lying there, that way, I don’t know. Part of me wants to cut his hair and get my boy back” He sighed. “I guess that isn’t going to happen, is it? It's not that simple any more” Tears started down his face.
Gail leaned on her husband. “We’ll figure it out, Greg. We’ve got our child back, and that’s all that matters”
Cassie and Justin got to see Cody for a few minutes and came out shaken, but also amazed at the change.
Cassie was shaking. “I can’t believe it. Cody’s so pretty. I don’t understand any of this. Why would someone do this?”
Francine was staring through the window at the child on the bed. “Who knows? There are a lot of bad people in this world. I wonder sometimes if there’s something like that in all of us. But we’ll get your sibling back” She added, almost to herself, “We have to”
County Jail
Janine came in to the interrogation room, and Steele was already there, in his orange jail jumpsuit. His attorney was present, Mr. Dan English, who should have been way outside Steele’s price range, and quite frankly, Janine thought, should have known better.
“I’ve advised my client not to say anything” English announced to start things off right.
“Wonderful, counselor. Already earning your fee, I see” replied Agent Dubois. “However, given the amount of evidence we already have on your client, I don’t think that is the best course in this case”
“I’ve already filed a Motion to Suppress on all of the video evidence collected”
Dubois rolled his eyes. “Outstanding, counselor. On what grounds, may I ask?”
“That they were illegally obtained, of course”
Janine acted as if she wanted to say something, but Marcus raised his hand. “Good luck with that, Mr. English. Now, Mr. Steele, I have several pictures I want you to look at. All children missing since 2003. All identified as being from videos that were shot at your ranch in Texas. I’d like to ask you to do the right thing here, for a change. Give their families some closure”
Steele smirked. “What’s in it for me, Agent Dubois? A larger cell? More of the shitty institutional food I’ll receive?”
Janine had had enough of this jackass. “The satisfaction of knowing that you did something that made us think you aren’t a complete and total waste of humanity”
Steele smiled thinly. “Ahhhh, Janine. I knew you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut for long. Tell you what; I’ll look at your pictures. Maybe something will come to mind. After all, what you think of me is sooo important”
Marcus slid the first picture over to Steele. “Juan Herrera. Disappeared 2003”
Marcus slid the pictures over in rapid succession, giving the names of each child. Fourteen children, the oldest, thirteen at the time of disappearance. “Where are they, Steele?”
John Steele looked at the pictures carefully and smiled, clearly remembering with fondness the hell he put each one of them through.
“You’re wasting your time, Agent Dubois. My client won’t incriminate himself”
Then without warning, Steele started sliding the photos back to Marcus in rapid fire succession.
“Land fill, land fill, land fill, dumped in the Rio Grande, fed to buzzards, fed to dogs, land fill, land fill, burned, burned, land fill, fed to coyotes, land fill”
“Mr. Steele! I told you not to say anything!” exclaimed English.
Steele dismissed English with a wave of his hand. “Shut up, Dan. You work for me, remember?”
Marcus could barely contain his smile. “What about the last one?”
Steele was still looking at the picture of the one he called “Slut”
“Ahhh, yes. Slut. So perfect. It was my greatest triumph. My Eliza Doolittle, so to speak. It was so flexible, so yielding”
He paused, as if remembering a pleasant memory. “Best one I ever had. I could tie it into a pretzel and it would still be ready for more. I don’t think I ever broke it completely. Slut was always trying to please, to avoid more punishment, but that was what I wanted. It always had something in the eyes…that little flower of hope that all of it would be over someday”
He chuckled evilly. “But of course, the torment would never be over. Not for it”
Steele sighed wistfully. “I couldn’t have killed it. I sold it to a Sheik from Bahrain. He paid eight hundred thousand in gold for it”
Marcus was listening intently. “Eight hundred thousand in gold? When were you due to deliver her?”
“Yesterday. And he doesn’t take to losing very well especially when the payment has already been made. I’d watch Slut if I were you, or it’s liable to end up in a harem getting fucked in the ass by a closeted homo smelly Ahab the Arab” he laughed at that, though no one in the room found it the least bit funny.
His lawyer was just shaking his head, wondering why he took the nutcase as a client. “Mr. Steele, I must advise you to stop talking at this point”
“Why? I’ll never spend a minute in prison. I wasn’t joking about my organization. We help each other out, and plans are already in place for my release from custody”
“You’re not going anywhere, Steele” replied Janine.
“Maybe, maybe not. But you had better watch your new little flower closely. You know what they say? ‘Money talks’? A lot of money and misplaced pride say that a certain little slut better watch her step. And you had better watch them too” He leaned back in his chair, obviously proud of himself.
“I’m done now” He added with a note of finality.
“This interview is over, folks” said English, who was obviously furious with his client.
“Fine with me” added Marcus. “I’ve got all I need for now”
Steele was led out of the room by two uniformed police officers.
“Janine, I want a guard on that kid, 24/7 until I say different. Got it? Steele may be full of shit, but I’m not taking any chances”
Janine was already on her phone. “Yes sir, I’m on it now. I’m heading back to the hospital to get the security detail in order”
The two men got their disguises in order. They had obtained their credentials to the ICU unit from their contact inside the hospital. Prince Farouk was paying them well and wanted the girl out of the hospital and in his palace within 48 hours.
Somewhere in the city
“Amin? What is so important about this girl?” asked Hamid.
“I neither know nor care. The little faggot is probably getting another little love slave to make his father happy. Let’s get going and get this over with”
To Be Continued
Chapter Three
Amin loaded their rented SUV with the tools for the kidnapping. They had specially modified nine millimeter automatic machine pistols with extended thirty round magazines. Stun guns for any overzealous security personnel. Also, they had a medical bag with enough sedative to knock out a whale and a few items to keep their prey under control for the trip to Bahrain and a large payday.
“All right, Hamid. I’ve got everything loaded. Do you have the credentials we need to get in?”
“Everything’s ready. The Prince has assured us that no one will be expecting us. The girl is on the ninth floor in the ICU. I have the exact coordinates of the bed. Our contact inside is a nurse in the ICU”
Across town, Janine was speeding to the hospital. She cursed herself for not anticipating an attempt to recapture the girl. There was no way she was going to let that happen, not after all the kid had been through. She got back on the phone, dialing the security chief, a retired cop by the name of Gonzalez. She had already briefed him quickly on the target back at the jail.
“I’m ten minutes from the hospital. Do you have someone in place to deny access to the ICU?”
“I can’t do that! The staff has to be able to come and go! There are still critically ill people up there”
“Gonzalez, there are people who will stop at nothing, I repeat NOTHING, to get that child back. I want three armed guards up in that unit ASAP, or you’ll be answering a lot of questions from the director on why you couldn’t follow my instructions! Is that clear?”
Gonzalez wanted to tell the bitch to fuck off, but he didn’t want to bring a lot of attention to the hospital in case she wasn’t completely crazy. “All right, all right. What do you need me to do?”
“Quietly post your men at every possible entrance to the floor. There is no guarantee that anyone will be there today. My guess is that they will be disguised as staff, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they have forged credentials. They will need to be as discreet as possible, so look for anyone you don’t recognize, no matter what their credentials say. And be careful! Whoever is coming will likely be trained and very dangerous”
Gonzalez was beginning to grasp the seriousness of the situation. “Okay, you’ve convinced me. I’ll supervise this personally”
“Thank you!” she said with a note of exasperation. “I’ll be there in exactly seven minutes. That girl’s life depends on your ability to deny access to the kidnappers!”
“Got it. I’ll keep you on the line”
Janine cursed the traffic. She had already broken every traffic law known to man, including driving on the sidewalk to avoid blockages. She was pretty sure the siren didn’t cover that particular maneuver.
Hamid and Amin pulled into the employees’ parking lot. The way had been cleared for them to get their bag and weapons past security. Hamid had thought of everything. Except that his burn phone had lost service.
“Dammit!” whispered Nurse Gaby Abdullah. She had been trying to get Hamid on the phone since she noticed the guards by the stairwell doors and elevator. Their plan had been discovered, but how? She needed to get out of there, now.
Walking to one of the guards, Gaby casually tried to open the door to leave the floor.
“Excuse me, ma’am” the guard barred the path out with his arm. “Nobody leaves the floor until the FBI and LAPD get here. Sorry”
“But I need to get some medicine for the patient in 922”
“Sorry. I know it’s a pain, but it won’t be long”
She was starting to get panicky “But I really need to get that medicine! I have to get it!”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen, so go on back to your station and give us about ten minutes to straighten this out”
Gaby walked reluctantly back to her station. Now she couldn’t call Hamid, who was probably already at the hospital.
Hamid and Amin made their way to the elevator, and punched the ninth floor button. They both pulled out their weapons and hid them in their lab coats. Hamid cursed the slow hospital elevator. He and Amin pulled the slides back on their weapons.
Janine screeched to a stop in front of the emergency entrance. She had maintained contact with Gonzalez all the way to the hospital and still had her Bluetooth headset on. “Anything yet?”
“No. We had a little trouble with one of the nurses, but other than that, nothing”
“Don’t let that nurse go. I want to talk to her when I get up there”
“Copy that”
Janine ran past the elevators to the stairs. She was a marathon runner, so nine flights of stairs were nothing to her. Her instincts told her that the nurse was involved and her nervousness meant that something was going down today.
Hamid and Amin didn’t talk on the way up to the ninth floor. They had rehearsed what they needed to do. Hopefully, no one would have to get hurt. That would be messy, and both of them were professionals who hated it when things got messy.
The elevator doors opened and Gonzalez was there to meet it. “Sorry, no one on this floor until further notice” as he was about to dismiss the men, he realized he didn’t know who they were. He only delayed a second, but it was enough for the stun gun to hit his chest. He went down immediately.
The two kidnappers didn’t realize that Gonzalez had a bad heart. The shock caught him at exactly the right instant, stopping his heart. The security chief was dead before he hit the floor.
The other two guards on the floor were not in a position to see what happened. Amin pulled Gonzalez into the elevator and hit the button to the basement.
They quickly made their way past the nurse’s station. Three rooms to the right was their victim. They made their way to the room.
“Great. She’s asleep. Pull those IV’s and let’s get the hell out of here” whispered Hamid.
“Hold on. I gotta take care of this tag or the whole damn place will know she’s being moved” He placed an electronic device over the smart bracelet that Amber was wearing. A small whistle then a click and a small EMP disabled the tag that would alert security if she was moved. “All right, let’s move. Hamid put the girl over his shoulder and undid the pistol. From here on out, they were playing for keeps.
Gaby saw the two in the girl’s room. She quietly made her way there. “They know about you coming!” she hissed.
The two men looked at each other.
“Shit!” they said simultaneously. They knew their chances of getting out now were next to zero.
Amin motioned to Gaby. “Get out there and distract those guards. Whatever you have to do. We’re going out the north stairway. Get them on the other end of the hall”
“What do I do?” she asked.
“I don’t care. Get naked if you have to, but get those guards to the other end of the hall!”
Gaby left the room and headed to the other end of the hall as she was instructed. She looked into a room and screamed. The two remaining guards rushed to her as they had hoped, completely ignoring the room they were supposed to be watching.
“Go! Hamid whispered. Amin took the lead, and ducked into the hall. Gaby was doing a great job of keeping everyone occupied. Hamid, carrying Amber like a sack of flower, smiled to himself smugly, thinking they just might pull this off, when the stairwell door they thought was unguarded popped open and a woman wearing blue jeans and a pink hoodie walked through it, her weapon drawn.
“S’up?” she asked calmly with a small nod of her head, the sheen of perspiration from her little sprint visible on her forehead. “Going somewhere?”
Amin started to pull his weapon up to fire but Janine was faster. The back of his head exploded in gore an instant after he twitched.
Hamid put his gun to the head of the unconscious girl as Amin dropped to the floor. The gunshot drew the guards back to the scene. A nurse screamed.
Hamid had been in worse situations, but as the saying goes, he couldn’t think of any at the moment “Okay, woman. Drop the gun and the kid might live”
The guards were rushing up behind them. Janine never blinked. “Stand down! Back away! He’s got a gun on her!” They were on their radios calling for backup as they retreated down the hall.
“I’ll use it too, woman. Make no mistake about that. This one means nothing to me, but to you, obviously more. Drop the gun”
“So you can kill me too? I don’t think so. You have no chance to get out of here, mister. None at all. Drop her now and we’re looking at attempted kidnapping. A few years in jail at most. Don’t complicate this by doing something stupid that you’ll end up regretting. You can even take me for a hostage” She let her gun tremble for a second.
Hamid smiled. He had her. “I’m counting to three. If at three your gun isn’t on the floor then, I kill the child. I may die, but the girl is dead. I’m guessing you would do anything to prevent that. Your eyes and gun betray you woman”
Janine knew he meant every word he was saying. She would have hated to play poker against this guy if he was bluffing.
“Don’t do it” Janine warned.
Janine’s .45 fired, the round catching Hamid in the forehead, right between the eyes, crossing the T zone. Hamid dropped like a stone, eyes glassy in death. “Three, asshole”. Janine was a good poker player too.
Janine rushed to Amber, holstering her weapon as she did. Without the drugs keeping her under, she was beginning to come out of the coma. Her eyes fluttered open. Janine had never seen such blue eyes in her life, they looked haunted.
“M-mom?” she spoke quietly.
Amber had some of the kidnapper’s blood on her forehead, Janine gently wiped it off as she cradled her. “No sweetie, get some rest. You just had a bad dream”
“Okay, mom, I’m sleepyyyy” She passed out again into the dreamless slumber she had been in since her rescue.
“Mom…” Janine thought. Maybe she did remember.
The ninth floor was a whirlwind of activity after the attempt. Patients that couldn’t handle the noise were coding and the ones that were able to complain were, and most vociferously.
Janine called Dubois to tell him about the failed plot. He was on his way, along with Dr. Davis and Amber’s parents.
Those men should have gotten away cleanly. Gonzalez was dead, and she had just barely managed to stop the two men. It turns out that Steele wasn’t joking, but why did he give up the plot? What was in it for him? He was living up to his reputation, and was no one to trifle with. He was in jail for now, but did he have a plan to escape?
Dubois made it to the hospital first and demanded a briefing from Janine. She gave him the rundown on what had happened to that point.
“Outstanding work, Agent Rodgers I’m not big on commendations, but if I were, you’d be up for one”
Janine shook her head. “It was FUBAR from the get go. A good man is dead, as are two kidnappers who could have put the finger on their employer. On top of that, Gabriela Abdullah, who I suspect was their inside contact, is missing. You don’t get props for that, Marcus”
“True, but the fact that you realize that makes you invaluable to me. And the important thing is that you stopped that girl from getting killed. After all she’s been through, that would have been an unthinkable tragedy. I’m not letting the bad guys win this one, Janine”
Dr. Davis, Greg and Gail were at the hospital twenty minutes after the excitement. They met in the same conference room as before, as the cleanup was still on in the ICU. Greg was furious.
“How in the hell could you let something like this happen?”
Dubois gave an icy stare at Greg. He was beginning to take a serious dislike to Amber’s father. He was too emotional. This wasn’t going to productive or conducive to the girl’s recovery.
“Nothing happened, Mr. Phillips. Your daughter wasn’t aware of what was happening, as she was unconscious for the ordeal” Dubois’ tone never varied from dead calm.
“Greg! Stop it! You’re making an ass of yourself” Gail chastised. “If you can’t stay calm, then leave”
Greg wasn’t used to Gail standing up to him like that. His ears reddened. “You handle it then! I need some air!” He stormed off to the lobby.
“I’m sorry, Greg isn’t normally like this. It’s just this whole thing has really changed him, from the first moment Cody was kidnapped”
Dr. Davis nodded. “I understand, and we can work with that, but he needs to understand that blowing up at people who are helping is going to wear out his welcome”
Janine put her hand on Gail’s shoulder. “She did wake up for a moment, after it was all over. She called me mom” Gail started to say something, but Janine held her hand up to silence her. “I know what you are going to say and no, she didn’t think I was her mother, she was too addled to know anything. But she did say ‘mom’. That’s a good sign, right Dr. Davis?”
Francine rubbed her chin. “Yes. It is. I agree with your assessment, Janine. Very astute for a lay person. She has everything buried deep, but we can pry it out. Eventually, and with a lot of work”
“Thank God!” cried Gail.
“Thank God indeed, Mrs. Phillips” continued Francine. “Also, you need to consider a name for the child. You cannot continue calling this child Cody”
“But that’s his name!” protested Gail. “Greg won’t like this one bit”
Francine rolled her eyes. “I really don’t care what Mr. Phillips thinks at this point. In my professional opinion, this GIRL won’t think she’s worthy to be called Cody. I’m guessing, and it’s all guesswork at this point, but based on a lot of experience dealing with cases of abuse, she’ll blame herself for what has happened. We can’t allow that to continue”
Gail knew that Francine was right. “What do I do?”
“Did you have a name picked out if Cody had been born female?”
“No, we knew pretty much from the start that he was a boy” She paused, and had an idea. “Wait! I miscarried a year before Cody was conceived. I was planning either way, and the girl would have been named Bethany”
Francine smiled. “That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl”
Gail burst into tears at that. “Oh my God. My little girl. My Bethany. I can do this”
Francine hugged Gail. “This is the first little step to getting your child back, Gail. I’ll handle the paperwork to get her name updated”
Dubois and Rodgers had quietly left the room.
“Agent Rodgers, This isn’t over. I just got a text from a friend at the CIA. There has been a bounty placed on the head of the Phillips girl”
To Be Continued
Chapter 4
“What? Who placed a bounty?” asked a stunned Janine.
Marcus was grim. “Prince Abu Bakr Asif Karim. The girl was apparently promised to his son, Farouk. When the Prince found out about the true nature of the arrangement, he went nuts. He thinks that the girl knows too much and could destabilize things for him if his enemies got wind of this”
“Shit, Marcus. This is getting out of control. How are we going to keep a lid on this and protect her at the same time? I have an investigation to run. The intel we picked up from Steele’s files alone will keep me busy for another couple of years”
“I have an idea, Agent Rodgers, if you can calm down” He pulled out a card and handed it to Janine. “Call this man, Kevin Howard from Pluton Security. He has a history of competency in this area. I know his employer”
Janine took the card. “If you say he’s good, then that’s all I need. I'll call him right away”
“I’ll do what I can on my end. Good luck, Janine, and keep me informed. I’ve been called back to Washington. Something's up”
Janine decided to visit Bethany in her new room. A guard had been placed at the door, an LAPD officer, not hospital security.
Janine quietly opened the door and crept in. Bethany was awake and staring out the window. She didn’t acknowledge Janine’s presence at all. She was crying quietly.
“Hello, Bethany. I see you’re awake”
She never took her eyes off of the window. “Who’s Bethany? I’m slut. Nobody”
Janine slid a chair between the bed and the window. “Bethany is your new name, honey. Don’t you like it?”
“It means nothing to me. I already have a name" She continued looking out the window. "Do you know I haven’t seen the sun since, since, I don’t know”
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“I guess so”
Janine noticed that Bethany’s voice was a monotone. Emotionless and flat. It was the voice of someone who had lost all hope. “I know it’s a lot to process right now. You’ve been through a lot, more than anyone I know. But in a lot of ways, the worst is over. The man who abused you is in jail, and I’m on the trail of all the others who have ever hurt you”
“What does it matter? They’ll never pay, why should they? They just used me for what I am. All that I’m good for”
Janine knew that she should stop and get Francine, but she didn’t want her to stop talking. “What do you mean? What they did to you was wrong, Bethany”
“Look. I remember you from the raid. I have no idea if this is some sort of dream or just another one of Master’s tests. My name is slut. I am good for nothing except to serve the Master’s desires. If you want to use me, go ahead. Do you want me?”
The tears were still coming. They were real. Something in Bethany’s mind was beginning to accept that maybe her nightmare with Steele was over, of that much, Janine was certain. She pulled out her cell and texted Francine.
“No, I don’t want anything like that. I’m with the FBI, and you don’t have to do that anymore”
“Whatever. If you change your mind, I’ll serve you. Can I see Master? I don’t know what to do”
Janine knew she was in over her head now. She decided to wait for Dr. Davis. “Master won’t be coming back, Bethany. He’s in jail and will never bother you again”
She was met by silence, as the traumatized child’s tears continued to soak her pillow.
Janine stayed by Bethany’s side until Dr. Davis got there. “Can I see you outside, Agent Rodgers?”
“Sure” Janine squeezed Bethany’s hand and got out of the chair.
After the door closed to the room, Francine got right to business. “How long has she been awake?”
“I have no idea. She was awake when I came into the room. I texted you about thirty seconds later”
Francine’s look darkened. “What did she say?”
Janine related the conversation to Francine.
“So she still hasn’t accepted that she’s free. Interesting. The tears are a good sign. We need to get her to open up, to see how she sees herself, if indeed she has accepted her new gender role” Francine said, more to herself than anyone else. “Thank you for your attention to detail, Agent Rodgers. I’ll take it from here”
“Good. I know she’s in good hands with you” She turned to leave, then back. “There’s something else you need to know. There is a bounty on the girl. Someone very rich and powerful wants her dead”
Francine winced. “Okay, that’s good to know, I guess. What is your plan?”
“I’m calling in some special help. I’ll let you know when everything is in place” She paused, thinking, then added “Help her, Doctor. I’m afraid of what’s going on in her mind”
Francine hugged Janine. “I’ll do my best, count on it”
Shameless plug time: If you want to know more about the following, read the story "532" by me!
Dallas, Texas
Kevin’s cell rang. The number was one he didn’t recognize. “Kevin Howard”
“Kevin, this is Agent Janine Rodgers from the FBI, Internet Crimes Division”
Kevin had heard of Janine. In his line of work, her name came up quite often. “Yes, Agent Rodgers. How may I be of assistance?”
“Marcus Dubois gave me your card. I think I have a job for you, if you’re interested”
Kevin smiled. “Always ready to help. What have you got?”
Janine gave him the rundown on everything that had transpired to that point. Kevin took notes as she gave the details, as he always did. “Sounds like a real hairball, Agent Rodgers, but I think I’ll be able to help”
“Great. Marcus seemed to have a lot of confidence in you”
Kevin chuckled. “I’ve helped him a time or two, he’s a good man. If he gave you my number, then I guess I don’t have any choice. I’ll be out there tomorrow”
“See you then, Mr. Howard, and thanks”
Kevin disconnected. He looked across the table at the beautiful woman across the table. “Well, Belle, I guess our plans for the weekend are kind of ruined. Duty calls” He spoke French to his lovely companion, the love of his life, Belle Kalisek. They had met for a late lunch to go over plans for the long weekend they were taking with her parents.
Belle pouted, which only served to make her prettier. “Poo! You promised me, Kevin! Mom has already made the reservations!”
“I know, but this is one I can’t turn down” Kevin said sadly. He explained the details of the call and the situation to Belle. She knew only too well the hell that Bethany had been put through. She dabbed at her eyes as he explained.
“I understand. You need to go. Mom and Dad will understand. If I can be of any help, please let me know”
Kevin reached across the table to hold Belle’s hand. She was only seventeen, and in truth looked a bit younger, but she had a perfect understanding of what Bethany was going through.
She had been boy named Brian who was kidnapped and put through the same sort of treatment a couple of years before. She, however, was transformed by magic, and was fully female. Her sole lasting side effect of the transformation was that she could only speak French, and due to the spell that had enabled her to do this, she was having difficulty learning to speak English. She could understand English perfectly, but the speaking part evaded her.
“I’ll let you know, babe” Kevin knew her past. In fact, he was responsible for rescuing her. But that made no difference to him. He saw only the lovely girl in front of him, and that was enough for him.
They finished their meal and Kevin kissed her goodbye. She left in the new Honda Civic he bought her. He wanted to get her something a lot more expensive, but she told him that his money could be better spent elsewhere; she thought the car was cute.
Kevin got on the phone to his boss, the CEO of Pluton Security. The world knew him as Charles Baer, but Kevin knew him as Cerberus.
“I already know, Kevin. Get on the first flight out”
That Cerberus knew already was no surprise to Kevin. He pretty much always did. “I’ll make the arrangements now, Boss”
“Good. I’m working on another matter right now, but call me if things get bad. I’m watching this one, Kevin”
“Good to know, Boss. I’ll keep you posted”
Los Angeles
Francine checked in at the nurses’ station before going to Bethany’s room.
“What’s the status on our guest in 505?”
The shift supervisor looked grim. “Not good. She won’t eat, and we just checked her, she’s just lying there on her bed staring out the window”
Francine rubbed her temples. She had more or less expected this. “Okay, thanks for the update. Please don’t disturb us for the next hour”
Francine made a point of knocking on the door before entering. “Can I come in?” Silence greeted her.
Taking a step into the room, Francine saw that Bethany wasn’t on the bed. For a moment, she was worried that Bethany had gotten out of her room, and then she saw a dark head of hair in the corner. Francine walked around the bed and found Bethany naked, on her knees facing the corner. Her head was bowed, almost in an attitude of prayer.
Francine sat on the floor, back to the wall, legs crossed in the lotus position. “He made you do that, didn’t he?”
“Master said this was my position when I was bad. I had to earn the right to wear clothes” Bethany was emotionless, matter of fact.
“I see. You do know he no longer has power over you, don’t you?”
“He told me he would always have power over me. I would never be free” Her head never moved, but tears still trickled down her face.
Francine noted Bethany’s body. She had C cup breasts, and the body of a model. She was tall, and quite pretty in an exotic way. Her eyes were ice blue, which added to the haunted vacant look she possessed. Steele had really done a number on this one. “I can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through. You’ve been brutalized and used in terrible ways. Can I ask you something?”
“You can do whatever you want. If I say no I’ll be punished”
Francine was starting to get angry at the son of a bitch who did this. “If you had a choice, would you stay a girl? Or try to become what you were”
“I don’t have choices. I do what Master says, always”
“I know, but if you did. What would you do?”
There was silence for what seemed like an hour, but was really only a minute or two. This was good from Francine’s point of view. Bethany was actually considering what she actually thought.
“I…I…I guess I would stay like I am” she answered timidly.
Francine nodded. “Okay, we can do that. You do have choices now, sweetie. You don’t have to make a lot of them now, but in time, you’ll find that you can. I want you to get up now and get your gown on and get back into bed. You aren’t being punished anymore, okay?”
Bethany got up slowly. Francine could tell she was unsure about this, and was waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.
Francine gently put her gown on and led her to her bed. “You get in bed now and get some rest. I’ll sit with you for a while. If you want to talk, just talk, okay? I’m a good listener”
Bethany looked at Francine, almost as if she was staring at someone who wasn’t real.
Bethany looked as if she was about to say something when there was a commotion in the hall. A male voice raised in anger. Francine was focused on Bethany, and then realized who she was hearing. Just as she got up to see what was happening, Greg burst into the room.
“Why didn’t you tell me he was awake? What in the hell is going on here! Do I have to go to the Administrator about keeping me in the loop?”
Bethany was clearly terrified. Her eyes closed and she sank down into the bed, pulling the covers up to her neck.
Francine jumped up quicker than Greg realized. “Mr. Phillips!” She whispered into his ear. “Did the nurses not tell you that we weren’t to be disturbed?”
“Well, yes, but…”
“But nothing. Leave now. I’ll talk to you out in the hall” Francine’s voice never got above a whisper, but it was enough to turn Greg around in his tracks.
Greg went back out into the hall. Francine turned and saw Bethany. She was nearly catatonic.
Francine rushed to her side and Bethany recoiled from her in horror. “I…I…I…can’t! I can’t!” she screamed.
“Shit!” Francine cursed under her breath. She was opposed to violence, but right now she wanted to kill that idiot Greg Phillips.
She left the room and collared a nurse. “Stay with her until I get back” She continued on to where Greg was chewing on a nurse who clearly had no idea what he was talking about.
“…And furthermore, I want hourly updates on my son’s condition. Is that clear?”
“No, it isn’t clear, Mr. Phillips. Come with me”
Francine led him to the women’s restroom. He hesitated at the door, and Francine dragged him in.
“Listen to me, you arrogant bastard. When I am in a session with your DAUGHTER, I am NOT to be interrupted for ANY reason. Not the world ending, not to tell me I won the lottery, NEVER! By you or anyone else”
Greg was flushed with anger. “That’s my child, and I have the right to…”
“Your parental rights at this point mean exactly nothing right now. I was starting to make a little progress in there, but you shot that in the ass because you are too stupid to see past what you don’t understand. Go home, Mr. Phillips. It’s the only chance your child has. If you can’t do that, stay the hell away from her”
“I…I have a right to…”
“No, you don’t in my professional opinion, you are counter to her recovery, and you are barred from this floor until I see fit to let you come back”
“I’ll sue!”
“You’ll LOSE! So go ahead, get a lawyer. This isn’t Texas, and your daughter is a material witness in a kidnapping and human trafficking case. I like my chances in court.”
For one of the few times in his life, Greg was at a loss for words. Bulling into things served him well in the business world, but got him absolutely nowhere here, and he didn’t like it.
“Get the hell off my floor, before I have the officer outside carry you off in handcuffs”
Greg left the restroom, furious. “This isn’t over, not by a long shot”
To Be Continued
Sorry for the long delay between chapters, The next one should be faster!
Chapter 5
Francine was ready to explode. She was making progress with Bethany on her first try and her jackass of a father ruins everything. She took several deep breaths to calm herself and then walked calmly over to the police officer guarding Bethany’s room.
“Officer, that man is not to have access to this floor until I say he can. Is that understood?”
The police smiled. “You bet, Doc.”
Francine re-entered Bethany’s room. She wasn’t on her bed. Instead Francine found her curled up in a fetal position on the floor, facing the wall.
Francine’s heart nearly broke for the traumatized child. She immediately knelt beside Bethany and began stroking the girl’s hair.
“It’s okay, sweetie. Your father just doesn’t understand yet”
There were no tears this time. “He’s got no reason to understand anything. He wants his son back. I can’t be that anymore”
“How do you see yourself, Bethany? Can I call you that?”
“Whatever. I suppose it’s better than slut, but that’s still my name” Her replies were lifeless, without emotion, and that worried Francine.
“Slut is a word that is very degrading to women. Is that how you feel about yourself?”
Bethany sighed. “It’s what I am. Good for nothing. I’m a fuck toy, Master said so”
Francine was completely lost at that response. That bastard Steele had done a number on this one. Her voice, so soft and sweet, was revealing the level of the programming that he had put her through. She decided to try another approach.
“Bethany, I’m going to ask you some questions. They are kind of personal, and you don’t have to answer them if you don’t want to. Is that okay with you?”
“Were you with a lot of men?”
“Yes. There were a lot of them, I think”
“You think?”
“I was blindfolded most of the time. I sucked their cocks, and they fucked me. It was my job, Master said so”
“Do you like using that language?”
“What language?”
“The word ‘fuck’ for example”
“Master taught me to talk like that. If I didn’t, I was punished. Fucking was what I was good for”
No emotion, none at all. Francine knew that somewhere inside this girl was a nuclear bomb waiting to explode. Her job was to disarm it before that happened.
Francine continued to stroke Bethany’s long black hair. Interestingly, she didn’t fight the contact, and slowly, almost imperceptibly moved a little closer to Francine’s leg. “Good girl” thought Francine. “Fight the bastard. We’ve got a long time to sort this out”
“Let’s just give it time, Bethany” Francine mentioned casually, almost as an afterthought. “We’ve got lots of time, right?”
“Whatever, I guess”
“There are a lot of people that love you, Bethany. I know you can’t understand that right now. People that love you not for what’s on the outside, but the you that’s inside. I’m one of them, and I don’t think you’re a slut. I think you’re a wonderful person who had a bad, bad thing happen”
“I’m not wonderful. Not at all”
“Well, sweetie, I beg to differ on that point, but, let’s get you back into bed, okay?”
Francine helped the slight girl up off the floor and in to bed. She was light, not more than one hundred five pounds, despite being nearly five seven. Starvation is a great motivator, she thought. That could be fixed, but the inside, well, that was another thing. Dr. Davis hoped she was up to the task.
Forty thousand feet over Arizona
Kevin Howard was sitting in his seat in first class, busy on his iPad reviewing the particulars of the case. It was quite disturbing, and not unlike the case involving his fiancée, Belle. Kevin wanted to know what he was up against. The FBI didn’t understand why he wanted the transcripts and recordings of the interrogations.
Kevin was nothing if not thorough to a fault. Attention to detail was his strong suit, and was one of the qualities that led him to becoming the top protection specialist at Pluton Security and the CEO’s right hand man. Not bad for a man of twenty seven.
He shook his head in disgust as he read the transcripts from the interview. This Steele character was a real piece of work, but one who was being drastically underestimated by his captors, in his opinion.
The recordings of the interrogation sessions were also provided, and Kevin listened to them as he read the transcripts.
The flight attendant asked him on her way by “May I get you anything to drink, sir?”
Kevin smiled. ”Diet Coke, please”
“You seem to be rather involved in your work, if you don’t mind me saying”
“It’s not always pleasant, but it pays the bills” he replied non-committally.
The attractive flight attendant gave him a dazzling smile. “Well, don’t work too hard, you’ll get worry lines”
Kevin smiled back. “Don’t worry, part of this job is also being very good at relaxing, and my girlfriend at home is very good at helping me do just that”
Kevin detected a slight look of disappointment in the flight attendant’s face. “Well sir, she is a very lucky girl”
“Nah” Kevin replied “I’m the lucky one”
Kevin returned to his work on his laptop, when he received a coded message in the form of a text message. His normal wireless connections were turned off, but the special low frequency modem was always on.
“Kevin, the bounty on the child is for two million in gold. Several takers already. Get her to location Charlie ASAP.” Cerberus
“Damn” thought Kevin. “This is no good. If he’s thinking Charlie, then we have a major problem”
Los Angeles, Gables Hotel
“The nerve of that bitch! Denying me the right to see my son!” Greg was fuming at what he saw as shameful treatment at the hands of Doctor Davis.
“Honey, STOP IT!” exclaimed Gail.
“Why? I have rights here. That quack is denying me the right to see my son!”
“I don’t think so, Greg. From what I see, we have a daughter now. One who has been brutalized beyond belief, and needs our support right now, not a big mouthed asshole throwing his weight around!”
Greg’s jaw dropped in disbelief at what he had just heard from his wife. “Did you just call me an asshole?”
“If the shoe fits, wear it! Stop stomping around like a bull in a china shop! Our DAUGHTER needs both of us, Greg. But if you insist on denying the obvious, then I’ll do this thing alone if I have to, do you understand me?”
Greg was mortified. In all their years of marriage, Gail had never talked to him this way.
“Are you taking her side over mine?”
“No, I’m taking Bethany’s side! Our daughter’s side” Tears were starting to form in Gail’s eyes.
“What in the hell is this? His name is Cody. I can fix all of the rest of this stuff, Gail. A few surgeries, and Cody will be back, good as new!”
Gail gasped. “Don’t you dare! We will talk to her and see what she wants to do. You are NOT going to rape her again with your insistence on ‘surgeries’ against her will. I swear to God, Greg, I’ll fight you all the way on this. Let the Doctor do her work, and stop being so damned impatient”
“You too, huh? All right, have it your way. I’m out of here. Stay out here if you like, but Justin and Cassie are coming back to Texas with me”
A female voice chimed in from the connecting doorway between the two rooms the family had rented. It was Cassie “I’m not coming back, Daddy, not without Cody, or Bethany, or whatever she chooses to call herself”
Greg was dangerously close to losing control. “So, does your brother feel the same way?”
“Ask him yourself, Daddy”
Justin poked his head around the door frame. “There’s nothing I can do here, Dad. I need to get back. Cody is safe. This arguing is completely bogus. Let things be, Dad. Give it some time”
Greg, still fuming wasn’t mollified. “I’m making reservations on the next flight out. Justin, get packed. I’ll leave, but not before I give that ‘Doctor’ a piece of my mind!”
Back at the hospital, Francine was busily working on a revised plan to re-integrate Bethany into her family when her phone rang. The caller ID gave her Greg Phillips’ number. Rolling her eyes, she hit the button to take the call. “Hello?”
“Greg Phillips. It looks like you’ve won. I’m leaving on the eight o’clock flight back to Texas”
“Greg, I haven’t won anything. And if you leave now, you’re the loser for an entirely different reason”
“Whatever. I’m on my way now. I’m not one to do my dirty work by phone. You’ve got an ass chewing coming, and I’m just the person to deliver it”
Francine sighed. “You do whatever you feel is necessary, but…” she paused, and suddenly had an idea. It wouldn’t be pleasant, but this man needed to be knocked out of his smug assurance regarding his new daughter.
“But what?” asked Greg.
“But nothing. Come on and give me my ‘ass chewing’. I have a couple of things for you too, so I’ll be expecting you. If you feel the same way after our discussion, I’ll leave the case”
“Good” came the curt reply. “I’ll be there in five minutes”
Francine disconnected and began preparing for the final conflict she intended to have with Mr. Phillips. This would be difficult, but there was no other way.
Francine was sitting at her desk when Greg was shown in. His face was twisted in anger. “All right, ‘Doctor’, I…”
Francine held up her hand. “Hold it right there, Mr. Phillips. I am not going to listen to one word you have to say until you do one thing”
Greg smirked. “What’s that?”
Francine pointed to the large flat screen on her wall. “Watch a little video for me is all. In glorious 1080p HD video. You should appreciate it. Watch it all, or the deal is off, and you leave. It’s what I do for a living, but you should be really good at it, since evidently I don’t know anything. It runs for thirty minutes”
Greg looked puzzled “What is it?”
“Watch it and find out. But you need to watch it all, or you shut up and let me do my job”
Francine picked up the remote to the player and hit play. “Have fun, Mr. Phillips” She pocketed the remote and left the room.
For the next five minutes Greg watched the slow debasement of his son. He found out that Cody wasn’t at all happy as a boy to begin with, and the manipulation the boy experienced was obvious. Then the first hardcore video started. There were snippets of the different videos. He watched as the feminized boy was raped and forced to perform sex acts for masked individuals who berated him while he tried to please them. The tears rolled down his face as the scenes got more intense and degraded into bondage and torture. By fifteen minutes, Greg could stand no more. He walked to the screen and turned it off.
Francine entered the room shortly afterward. “Seen enough, Mr. Phillips?”
Greg was sitting on the edge of the chair in front of the monitor. He was staring at the floor, his body language indicating total defeat. “I had no idea…no idea at all”
“You had it easy. I had to watch ten hours of unedited video. It made me sick. But I had to in order to be able to understand what Bethany went through. Greg, I’m not making this stuff up”
“I…I’m sorry…it’s just that…Cody…my son…” Greg could go no further. He broke down into wracking sobs. Francine wanted to go to him, but he didn’t need that right now. He needed to realize the unvarnished truth, that his son was dead, and in his place was a beautiful yet extremely traumatized young woman.
Francine let Greg sort things out on his own. She wasn’t going to influence him one way or the other. After couple of minutes, Greg had regained his composure somewhat.
“Well?” asked Francine.
“Okay, you made your point. I won’t interfere any more. God, Cody…I mean Bethany must think I’m no better than the men who brutalized her”
“You did some damage, but nothing that can’t be undone, I think. If you’re on board, then the healing can begin, and you can have your child back…eventually”
“How long?”
“I don’t know. Weeks, months maybe. I don’t know. I’m worried about self-destructive ideas coming to her, up to and including suicide”
The mention of possible suicide made Greg take notice. “I was worried about that. Why would he…she do that?”
“They took every shred of self-worth away from her. The only positive reinforcement she got was when she did well at those video shoots, and that was only after she had been violently used”
“What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“Go home for now. She’s not going to be ready to see you right now”
Greg hung his head. “I thought so”
“You made this problem by not listening to me. It’s not forever, and I’ll call you as soon as I think it’s safe for you to see her”
Francine gave Greg some materials to study in preparation for his eventual reunion with Bethany. He was a changed man when he left her office. Francine hugged him as he left. “Stay strong, Greg. She still needs her daddy”
The Interview
Kevin was on his way to the jail to interview Steele. It was one of the least enjoyable aspects of his job, but one that he was very good at. He wanted to know what was going on in the mind of the suspect. That and he knew something that the rest of the police wanted to ignore. There really was evidence of a vast organization behind a lot of unsavory things going on. His boss wanted to know, and so did he.
He called ahead and the police liaison officer met him at the front door of the jail. He was escorted to the interview room where Steele was waiting. His lawyer was present with a smug look on his face. The lawyer looked way too expensive for the likes of Steele to afford, but Kevin was used to that sort of incongruity.
Steele laughed out loud when Kevin entered the room “The great Kevin Howard from Pluton Security. Your reputation is quite sterling in my line of work”
Kevin sat down on the other side of the table and pulled out a legal pad. He didn’t acknowledge Steele’s comment at all. He read his notes for the interview and looked directly in Steele’s eyes. “We won’t need your mouthpiece, Mr. Steele. I’m not law enforcement, as you so brilliantly pointed out. Nothing said here will be passed on to the boys on the other side. The mics and cameras are off. This little interview is purely for my edification”
Steele’s lawyer chimed in “Mr. Howard, my client is here entirely of his own free will. I won’t be…”
Steele interrupted his lawyer. “It’s okay, Bob. I think I’ll indulge young Mr. Howard. I think we can take him at his word”
“John, I strongly urge you to reconsider this” cautioned his attorney.
Kevin decided to poke the bear a little bit. “Come on John. What have you got to lose? I’m not going to reveal anything we say here, and I really not here to discuss the case in question”
Steele smiled evilly. “This I have to see! Take a hike, Bob. If I need you, I’ll signal”
Steele’s attorney pointed a bony finger at Kevin. “No physical stuff, Mr. Howard, or I’ll have you up on charges faster than you can think”
Kevin smirked a bit at the attorney’s threat. “No problem here, Counselor. From the evidence I’ve seen, he’ll most likely be entertaining the boys at the Federal prison of the judge’s choice in a few months anyway. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of that”
Steele’s smile faded a bit at that comment.
The lawyer left the room, but Kevin knew he was on the other side of the one way mirror in the room.
Kevin started. “I know you’re guilty as hell, my friend. The boys here think you’re nuts, blowing off about your big organization”
Steele leaned back in his chair confidently. “Go on, Kevin. This is an interesting start”
“I know one thing they don’t, Mr. Steele. You aren’t lying, and that is very interesting to me”
“I see. Well, do go on, Kevin. This gets more interesting by the minute”
Kevin held back a smile. Steele was underestimating him, and that was going to work in Kevin’s favor.
“I’m guessing there is a lot of cash out there, people in high places. The sex trade is only a small part of your organization. Am I getting warm?”
Steele’s face betrayed subtle hints that Kevin was actually right on. Kevin caught those hints.
“I would have no idea, Kevin. I’m a simple businessman”
“Yeah, Mr. Steele, I’ve heard that very thing. Started from nothing and built an empire of sleaze. I wonder where that initial stake came from. You’re certainly not smart enough to do that on your own”
Steele’s face betrayed the sting of Kevin’s remark. “Listen, you snot nosed little bastard…”
Kevin allowed himself a smile. “Easy, Mr. Steele, easy! What’s with all the temper? My employer simply wants to know a little more about your employer. I mean, if it’s that big a secret, they won’t be real tolerant of a guy letting himself get caught like you did. You may not make it to trial. Maybe my employer won’t let you make it to trial. Who knows? Why don’t you get rid of your guilt and tell me a little more about your organization? I mean, nobody believes it exists anyway”
Steele looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He was breathing heavily. Kevin was beginning to get a little worried when suddenly Steele’s breathing evened out. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, they were completely white, devoid of pupils. He exhaled smoke or mist from his nostrils.
“I smell the stink of Hades’ bitch dog on you, worm” The voice was not Steele’s. It was a deep basso profundo and full of menace.
Kevin was surprised, but not frightened at all. He was told to expect the unexpected. “Friendly guy. I like you too”
“Don’t toy with me, boy. You’re dealing with forces you can’t imagine. A new order is coming to this world. An order to set things right”
“I’ve heard that one before, Ace. It hasn’t happened yet. So what’s the deal? Why all the bullshit?”
“We are the Centimani, whelp. Our sign is EX” he held up his forearm, and the Greek letters Epsilon and Chi appeared, glowing on his skin. Our mission is to subjugate this world and prepare the way for the Destroyers”
“Tell your master that the Titans will rise again. The Centimani will come and aid us in our quest to banish the Olympians to Tartarus”
“But why are you punishing kids like the one here?”
“Because we can, fool. Women are nothing. We punish them for trying to be men, for trying to take the place of men. Men who strive to be women are less than nothing. They deserve death after suffering. And it pains your master to see this. We will not stop, not as long as it distracts him”
“We will fight you, you know that. The Olympians still rule”
“For now, perhaps, but we are patient. Meanwhile, we will continue to plague your world”
“Who are you? Not your organization, but you”
“In time, you will know, whelp. In time”
Steele came out of his trance, as the normal color returned to his eyes. He looked exhausted. “Satisfied? Did you get all your answers?”
“Not really”
“Too bad, it will have to do. I’m done” With that, he motioned to his lawyer, who entered and laid his briefcase on the table. “I believe we’re done here, Mr. Howard”
Kevin knew it was pointless to argue. He collected his notes and briefcase and left the room.
The liaison officer was there to meet him in the observation room. He looked puzzled. “Was that strange to you as much as it was to me?” asked Kevin
“I guess. What language were you to speaking?”
“What?” Kevin asked, incredulous. “What are you talking about?”
“You and Steele were jabbering in some sort of lingo I’ve never heard before”
“Could you identify it if you had to?”
“Nah, if it’s not English or Spanish, I’m out”
Kevin scratched his chin, intrigued at the possibilities that presented. The boss would need to know this, and quickly. In the meantime, Kevin needed to get to the hospital to meet Janice Rodgers and his new charge.
He dialed the boss’s number, but the call went to voice mail.
“I wonder what he’s up to now” Kevin thought.
The Hospital
Bethany woke from her short nap and yawned. She still couldn’t sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time before a nightmare would wake her. She still wasn’t entirely sure that she was really free from the men who had kept her all those years.
She accepted the fact that she was female now. It was what Cody wanted, but not like this. Bethany wanted to be a normal girl, not a sexed up freak. Even now, she felt the need inside her growing more insistent every day. She needed the release of sex.
Being penetrated was like a drug to her. She got nothing out of self-stimulation, the bastards who programmed her saw to that.
Bethany hadn’t said anything about this to Francine because she was ashamed of it. Somehow, they made her this way but didn’t remove her conscience, her revulsion at being a slave to her body. Soon now, she would have to do something to relieve the need.
“What have I become?” she asked aloud, to no one. She rolled over and began to cry.
Janice greeted Kevin in the lobby of the Hospital building. She reached for his hand to shake it.
“Sorry I couldn’t meet you at the jail for the interview, but duty called. I had another case pop last night and I had to finish the paperwork”
Kevin shook her hand. “I trust it was another successful outcome?”
“Oh yes. A predator looking for teen boys. He’s been on my watch list for a couple of months now”
“Good. I hope they throw away the key”
“We’ve got a solid case, so I think that if his last words to his wife were ‘I shall return’, she shouldn’t wait up”
“Shall we meet the Doctor?” Kevin asked.
“Sure! Don’t beat around the bush do we”
“I think it’s best to stay focused for now, at least until I have a better handle on things. I plan on taking her to our company retreat north of LA as soon as it’s feasible. I have a team ready to move when we get the go ahead. I understand you already had some action here?”
“Yes. Two morons thought they had everything figured out. We got lucky, but a good man was killed”
Kevin nodded as they made it to the elevator bank.
Janice led Kevin to Francine’s office, where she briefed him on everything that had happened to this point.
Kevin was jotting notes during the briefing. “I’m not unfamiliar with this type of manipulation, Doctor Davis. I have a feeling that you are seeing the tip of the iceberg, though, and you’re the watch on the Titanic. Don’t be surprised if there are some things that are buried yet. I’ve met this Steele character, and he is definitely into some, let’s just say next level shit, pardon my English”
“I suspect the very same thing, Mr. Howard. I just don’t know when it will crop up. She was programmed to need to be humiliated, but also programmed to hate it and at the same time be unable to stop it. She has ‘Property of JS’ tattooed over her genitals and a stylized version of the same thing on her lower back”
Kevin sighed, clearly disgusted. “Well, Doctor, we need to get her out of here as soon as possible. With the bounty on her head, her presence here only puts other patients at risk. We can’t have that”
Francine nodded, as did Janice.
Kevin continued. “How soon can we have her discharged?”
“Medically, she is on the mend. Some liver issues, as well as minor kidney problems, from improperly administered estrogen and other drug issues, but I think tomorrow is okay with medical supervison”
“Good. Are you up to the medical supervision?”
Francine pointed at herself. “Me? Just try to keep me away. I was brought here for this, and I’m not backing away now”
Kevin smiled broadly. “I thought so. Okay, we pull her out on the down low. No one outside this room knows when we pull her out, okay?”
Nurse Jenn Nelson was making her normal check on room 586, the Phillips girl. It was almost shift change, and she wanted to get it out of the way before grabbing a smoke. She knocked on the door and entered.
“Good afternoon, Miss Phillips. How are we doing…” she was stopped in her tracks. Bethany was cowering in the corner like an animal, shaking violently and drooling like a rabid dog. Nurse Nelson covered the distance to the emergency call button in what seemed like a fraction of a second. She hit the button and ran around the bed to Bethany.
“Are you okay, Bethany? Talk to me”
Bethany just looked at her with wild eyes “Ohhhh God, Oh God! P-p-please! I need someone to…to f-f-fuck me. Oh god. Please kill me!” her eyes rolled back white and her shaking increased.
Jenn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. At about that time, help in the form of two more nurses arrived. “Help me get her back in bed and call for Doctors Smith and Franks. Move it! I think we’re losing her!”
To be Continued
Kwan Bae couldn't understand why she couldn't be herself
Chapter One
On October 31st, Nineteen hundred eighty eight, at three twenty three in the morning, Kwan Bae Brooks was brought into the world in Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.
After eighteen hours of labor, Jung, his nineteen year old mother was drenched in sweat and totally exhausted. Her husband of a year and a half, Justin Brooks was stroking her hair and holding her hand. She was shivering uncontrollably from the shock of the birth, and the nurse place a warm blanket over her
“Great job, honey! We have a little boy! Kwan Bae Brooks!”
Jung gave him a tired but satisfied smile, “T-Thanks, J-J-Justin. Will you tell mom and d-d-dad?”
Justin smiled and kissed her forehead. “Of course, babe! I know they’ll be as proud as I am”
Jung’s shivering had abated somewhat. “You know, we don’t have to give him a Korean name. It’s really okay if we don’t”
“Jung, you carried this child for nine months and did all the work delivering him. I know you are okay with whatever we name him, but I know it’s important to your family to give him a family name. It’s my honor to name him after your grandfather. The important thing is, he has my last name”
Jung began to cry. “I just love you so much, Justin. Thank you for being so understanding”
Justin, still holding Jung’s hand replied. “I love you too, beautiful, now let’s just enjoy the moment”
The delivery team did the post birth checkups and verified that little Kwan was a healthy baby boy.
After Jung was asleep, Justin made the calls to his parents as well as Jung’s.
Jung’s father, Yeong Song answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Dad, its Justin. You have a new grandson, Kwan Bae Brooks”
Yeong smiled as he gently nudged his wife, Hyeon. She sat up in bed, knowing that they had a new grandson.
Yeong continued. You named the child Kwan Bae?”
“Yes sir and I was proud to. You and mom have been so good to us, this was my way of honoring you”
Yeong was overcome. “That was my father’s name. Thank you, son. This is indeed an honor”
Hyeon poked her husband. “How big? How long? Is Jung okay?”
’s father motioned for his wife to be quiet down. “Son, your mother-in —law is going crazy here. Why don’t you talk to her?
Justin gave her all of the little details that women love to hear about a new birth. They lived several hours away from Los Angeles in Phoenix, so Jung’s parents would start driving the next day.
Kwan grew over the next few years. Jung was so proud of her little boy. He was serious as a little baby, not really smiling much, but he was very intelligent. The terrible twos found the little boy exploring his world, much to the dismay of his mother and father, who found it difficult at times to keep him from exploring things he shouldn’t.
As the toddler grew into a preschooler, his mother began to notice that he was a bit higher strung than other boys his age. He didn’t like the same things they did, and was far more at ease playing with the little girls his age. In fact when he referred to himself, it was as a girl. His parents tended to ignore this, as they felt he was too young to know the difference.
As his early years progressed, he became increasingly distant from his father. He didn’t want to play ball or guns even refusing to play with the toy cars his father bought him. Every time he had to go to the barbershop, he would throw a fit, saying he didn’t want to get his hair cut. He said none of the other girls got theirs cut. They finally let him keep his hair a little longer, in a kind of page boy cut that was on the androgynous side.
“I don’t get it, Jung” Justin finally said one day. “What is up with that boy? He keeps insisting he’s a girl”
“Oh, honey, he doesn’t know the difference, yet. It’s probably just a phase he’s going through. He’s only four, for heaven’s sake”
Justin sighed. “I suppose you’re right, Jung. It just seems none of the other boys his age are going through anything like this”
Jung laughed, which made Justin smile. “Oh, honey, we aren’t around them at home. For all we know, they wear party dresses at home. He’ll be fine. And it’s harmless. He always wants to help me clean and cook. You leave him alone. It will serve him well when he finds that special girl!”
At five, his mother asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “Barbie!” was the enthusiastic reply. And he also wanted to be Ariel from “The Little Mermaid” for Trick or Treating.
“But Kwan Bae, Barbie is for girls. Ariel is a girl’s costume”
Kwan rolled his eyes. “Duh, Mommy! I know! I am a girl!”
Jung frowned. “Kwan, you do know you’re a boy, don’t you”
A look of panic flooded Kwan Bae’s face. “NO I’M NOT, MOMMY! TAKE IT BACK!” He then burst into tears and ran to his room, slamming the door.
Jung rushed to Kwan Bae’s room and quietly opened the door. Her son was sobbing on his bed, repeating “I am NOT a boy! Boys are yucky!”
Jung’s heart broke at the sight. Something was wrong with Kwan. He really thought he was a girl.
She sat down on his bed and rubbed his back. “It’s okay, Kwan. Shhhh. Don’t cry” Tears were rolling down her face.
Kwan looked at her with reddened eyes. “Why do you keep calling me a boy? I hate boys!”
“Baby, you are a boy”
“Why do you keep saying that? Daddy keeps treating me like a boy. He keeps cutting my hair and making me wear these yucky boy clothes. I think he’s so mean! I hate him!”
“Honey! Don’t say that! You’re daddy loves you sooo much!”
“If he loves me, then why doesn’t he let me dress like the rest of the girls? They have Pretty dresses. All I have is pants!” he burst into tears again.
As Jung comforted her son, she had an idea. “Kwan Bae, I can prove you are a boy”
“How?” he petulantly replied.
“Come with me” She took him to the bookshelf and pulled down a book. It was an old health book. In it, she read to Kwan about the difference between boys and girls. “See, Kwan? You have what is called a penis. Girls don’t have one”
Kwan started to shake. Quietly, he said. “Cut it off, Mommy. I hate it. I HATE IT!”
Kwan Bae ran as fast as his legs would move to the kitchen. Jung was close on his heels. He reached for a knife. The only one he could find was a butter knife. He tried to hand it to his mother. “CUT IT OFF! PLEASE! I don’t want it! I don’t want it! I…don’t…want…”
His eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out. As he fell, he struck his head on the floor. Blood poured from the wound that opened.
“Kwan! Oh my God! KWAN!”
The call to 911 followed, and the ambulance arrived within ten minutes. Jung was sobbing, rocking and cradling her son, who hadn’t moved since his fall. The rag she had used to keep pressure on his wound was soaked.
“He fell…he fell” was all she could say. “It’s all my fault. Please help him” She was in shock.
One of the paramedics gently took the boy. “We’ll take good care of him, ma’am. What’s his name?”
“Kwan Bae” was the wooden reply.
The men proceeded to begin to stabilize the boy. He looked ashen, and was completely limp. They did their jobs, as Jung was in a daze.
“Ma’am. Ma’am! We need you to come with us”
Jung got up like a zombie and followed the medics to the ambulance. One of them turned to her and asked “Where is the boy’s father?”
Jung looked at the medic blankly “Who? Oh, his father. I need to call him” She reached for her purse, suddenly realizing she didn’t have it. “I need to get my purse! What will Justin say! He’ll hate me! I let our baby fall!” She started to panic, but was grabbed by the medic. “Ma’am! Calm down. We need to get your son to the hospital, and we need you to be there for him. Get your purse and hurry!”
The trip to the hospital was a blur for Jung. They asked her questions about what happened, and she answered them like a robot. The emergency room was what could best be described as orderly chaos. The ER doctor was on the spot as soon as the ambulance stopped. Jung understood that Kwan had some sort of a brain injury.
They took him into the trauma room. Jung tried to go in, but a nurse guided her gently to the waiting area. Jung sat there crying.
“Mrs. Brooks?”
“Yes? Is my baby okay?”
“That’s not why I’m here. I’m Lorraine Ringdahl, and I’m with social services. We need to talk about what happened to your son”
To be continued
Kwan couldn't understand why she couldn't be herself
Chapter Two
Jung’s eyes flashed with anger. “What do you mean? He fainted and hit his head on the floor!”
“Mrs. Brooks, it is standard operating procedure when a child is injured to investigate and determine the cause. It’s my job to find that out”
“My God. You think I beat my baby, don’t you?” Jung looked down as tears dripped into her lap. Why did this have to happen?”
Lorraine was carrying a portfolio which she opened. “Mrs. Brooks, please, calm down. Can I explain something to you?”
Jung simply nodded.
I take a great deal of pride in what I do. I have put away hundreds of abusive parents and molesters by being good at what I do. I’m good at what I do because I never make assumptions. I want to talk to you because right now, I can’t talk to Kwan Bae. You’re the only one that was there who can talk to me. I’m not assuming anything; I just want your story”
Jung was somewhat calmed by Lorraine. She seemed to be a reasonable person. “Okay, I guess. What do you want to know?”
“Everything. Every detail about the incident”
Jung related the events of the day, and what happened to cause Kwan to faint.
Lorraine listened carefully and made copious notes. Finally, after Jung was done, Lorraine sighed. “I’ve got to say, this is the first time I’ve heard anything like this. I know Kwan doesn’t have a history of accidents. If the X rays back this up, I see no reason to pursue this further.
Jung looked as if the weight of the world was off her shoulders. “Thank you. You have to believe I would never do anything to hurt my baby”
“I’m just doing my job, Mrs. Brooks. It’s nothing personal” She rose to leave, then stopped and turned. “Mrs. Brooks, can I offer some advice?”
“Sure. I ‘d appreciate that”
“If what you’re telling me is true, I suspect your child may be transgendered. I’ve never seen it in someone as young as Kwan, but you need to get him into counseling as soon as possible. You and your husband should participate actively in this”
“Transgendered? What’s that?”
“The mind doesn’t match the body. Gender Identity Disorder is quite serious. It can result in crippling depression, even suicide. It’s not made up, and if true, Kwan isn’t just acting out”
“I don’t get it. He’s a boy!”
Lorraine nodded. “Physically, yes. But the mind, the essence of who he is, may not be. This sets up a conflict that cannot be resolved. I don’t know if this is the case with your son or not. But you owe it to him to at least explore this possibility. His life may depend on it”
Jung buried her head in her hands. “This is too much right now!”
Lorraine sat down and out her arm around Jung. “Focus on Kwan getting better. But don’t forget what I’ve said here today. Not if you really want to get to the bottom of his problems”
“Thank you. Ms. Ringdahl. I won’t forget”
As Lorraine left, Justin entered the waiting room. “How is Kwan, honey?”
Jung flew into Justin’s arms, sobbing all over again. “Justin! Thank God you’re here! He’s so sick. It was terrible!”
“Hey, it’s okay Jung. This is not your fault”
“It is, Justin. It’s all my fault. You should have heard him!”
Justin stroked Jung’s long black hair. “Let’s not worry about what happened now. Let’s focus on what’s happening now”
Twenty minutes later, Dr. Tri Indah, the trauma doctor found the Brooks in the waiting room. “Mr. and Mrs. Brooks?”
Justin and Jung stood up. “Yes, Doctor?”
“Kwan is in intensive care right now. He’s got a subdural hematoma, along with a concussion. I’m not going to sugar coat things. He’s in critical condition right now”
Jung sat heavily on the sofa. “Oh, God”
“It’s not all bad news. There was no arterial damage, and the bleeding is under control. He should recover, but there’s no guarantee that there won’t be some brain damage. I just don’t know right now. My specialty is neurology, so I do know a little bit about what I’m talking about”
“Can we see him?” asked Justin.
“Of course. Just be careful around him. No hugging or jiggling”
“Okay, Doctor. Just lead the way”
Justin pulled Jung up gently. He was almost a foot taller than his wife, who, at 5 feet three inches tall was average for a Korean girl. Justin couldn’t help but notice how frail Jung looked at that moment.
Kwan looked tiny in the big hospital bed. He was breathing on his own, but was so still. Justin’s throat caught at the sight of his boy lying there. “How long before we know anything, Doctor?”
Dr. Indah shook her head. “I don’t know. It could be an hour, could be a week. When Kwan is ready to wake up, he will. The human body’s healing capability is quite remarkable. Trust it. He’ll come back”
Jung pulled a chair up to Kwan’s bedside. “I’ll be right here when you wake up, honey”
The hours dragged on. Twelve. Eighteen. Twenty four. Jung and Justin took turns watching Kwan and catching a little sleep in the waiting room.
Finally, at hour thirty six, Kwan moaned. “mommyyyy?”
Jung, dozing in the chair, sat bolt upright at the sound. “Kwan? Honey, mommy’s here!” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she pressed the call button on the bed. “Thank you, God”
Kwan’s eyes fluttered open. “Mommy, my head hurts”
Jung smiled through her tears. “I know honey. We’ll get you something for that, okay”
The nurse came into the room. She saw what had transpired and smiled. “So our little sleepyhead is awake? I’ll call the Doctor”
The next few hours were devoted to checking on Kwan’s well being. He was understandably cranky, but testing showed no lasting damage. His scalp was shaved in the spot where his wound was, as he had gotten eight stitches to close the wound on his scalp.
They had moved Kwan to a regular room when it was felt that he was out of danger. Jung and Justin were with him the whole time.
“You were very brave, Kwan” said Jung with a smile as she held his hand.
“I’m a brave girl, Mommy” Kwan replied, smiling and squeezing his mother’s hand.
Justin raised his eyebrow. “But Kwan, you’re a…”
“Very brave girl” Jung interrupted, shooting a look at Justin to be quiet. “Why don’t you get some sleep, honey. It’s almost your birthday, and we want you to be home for it. I’ll have a brand new Barbie for you when you get home”
“Really?” Kwan yawned. “Okay Mommy. I am sleepy. G’night”
In a few minutes, Kwan was sound asleep.
“Jung, what the heck was this ‘girl’ stuff? In case you haven’t noticed, he’s a boy?”
“I know, Justin. But he doesn’t. That’s why we’re here in the first place”
“What do you mean, Jung? What aren’t you telling me?”
Jung looked over at her sleeping child. “I guess I had hoped that the brain injury would somehow fix what was wrong. Maybe it was stupid, but I hoped…” she trailed off.
Justin moved over to Jung. “What’s going on, Honey? Out with it” he was gentle, but firm.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed that Kwan is a bit different that other boys his age haven’t you?”
“Yeah, a little. What’s up?”
“He told me that he hates boys, and that he isn’t one. He told me he’s a girl”
“Well I hope you set him straight”
“I tried, but he wouldn’t listen to me. Maybe more to the point, he denied it. He told me he hated you for making him get his hair cut. He was mad because he couldn’t wear dresses like his friends. I even showed him in a book how he was a physically a boy. He just froze up and fainted. That’s how we ended up here”
Justin was speechless. He just rubbed his chin, thinking. Finally, he just said. “Son of a bitch” then left the room. Jung wanted to follow, but she knew he needed to be alone.
Jung was watching he son sleep. She was lost in thought when Justin quietly re entered the room. “Okay, Jung. Kwan has a problem. I’ve heard about this before. I happened to see a story on the news about a kid maybe ten years old who went through the same problem. He was pretty much a miserable kid until his folks finally let him be who he was” He shook his head. “Never thought that would be my kid, and not at four years old”
Jung stood and held her husband. “What did we do wrong, Justin?”
“From what I can tell, nothing, Jung. We did the best we could. This is something I don’t understand. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to watch my kid suffer. I’ll find a good counselor. If this isn’t a phase, we’ll deal with it. He’s still our child, boy or girl, and it’s our responsibility to make sure our child is happy”
“But what will our parents say? You know my mom and dad are Christians. They are very straight laced about things”
“Our parents will have to deal with it. I don’t tell them how to run their lives and I expect the same in return”
“What about our friends?”
“What about them? Jung, you seen to be worried about everyone but Kwan”
“No, it’s just that…I don’t know how to deal with this”
“Yes you do, Jung. You aren’t giving yourself enough credit. When Kwan called himself a girl and I tried to butt in, you shut me down. You protected your child. Just keep doing that”
Jung smiled and pulled her husband’s face down to hers and gave him a kiss. “I knew there was a reason I thought you were good enough to marry me! You’re smarter than you look!”
As they broke the kiss, Justin looked over at the sleeping form of Kwan and sighed. “It’s going to get worse before it gets better, Jung. But we’ll get through it”
Kwan got better, and after a week in the hospital, he was discharged. The Social services investigator found no cause to dig any deeper into the Brooks family. The accident was just that, an accident. Justin had gotten a referral to a psychiatrist who specialized in gender disorders. After an interview over the phone with Justin, she agreed to see Kwan.
Dr. Stacee Abney was a specialist in the Gender Identity field. When she received the call about a four year old patient, she jumped at the chance. This could lead to some ground breaking research in the field. The Brooks family wasn’t that well off financially, so she offered to take the case pro bono. She was too responsible to just rubber stamp the transition, but she knew that if the patient was already trying to present female, the chances were way better than average that the little boy would transition early.
The first session was scheduled for the day Kwan got out of the hospital. Stacee thought it critical to get a quick start on the profile. Justin and Jung brought their son in five minutes early.
Stacee greeted them. She was waiting behind her receptionist when the family entered the office.
“Well hello, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. It’s so nice to meet you!”
“Thank you for doing this, Doctor. We really appreciate it. Jung and I know you are very busy”
“It’s nothing, Mr. Brooks. I’m glad to do it. We don’t see many cases like Kwan’s in our line of work. You’re doing me as big a favor. And please, call me Stacee. And this is Kwan?”
Jung answered. “Yes, this is Kwan Bae. Say hello to Stacee, Kwan”
Kwan blushed. “Hello, Dr. Stacee. Are you gonna help me?”
Stacee knelt to Kwan’s level. “You are so adorable, Kwan! And yes, we’re going to talk a lot, and you can tell me anything you want. Is that all right with you?”
Kwan looked down, blushing furiously. “Yes”
Stacee looked at Jung and Justin. “I’d like to talk to Kwan alone for a bit, if that’s okay. Shawn?” she motioned to her receptionist. Take Mr. and Mrs. Brooks to the special waiting room, please”
Stacee took Kwan’s hand. “And you, precious. Come with me. I have a room with a lot of things to do where we can talk and have fun, okay?”
Kwan’s face lit up. “Really? Do you have dolls?”
“You bet!” smiled Stacee. “Come on!”
Shawn directed Justin and Jung to a small room by Dr. Abney’s office. It had video monitoring equipment in the toy room.
“Is this right?” asked Justin. “I feel like we’re spying”
“Dr. Abney just does this with very young patients. It gets them to open up without the pressure of parents being around. It’s a place free of judgment. Dr. Abney wants you to monitor what happens. Pay close attention, because she’ll want to talk to you afterwards.
They watched the monitor, curious as to what would follow.
“So sweetie, what do you like to play with?”
“Oh, playing with my friend Hannah, she has lots of Barbies. They are so much fun to dress up, and we have tea parties, and play with her teddy bears, I have one too!”
“That’s nice, Kwan, what’s his name?”
“HER name, Dr. Stacee. Her name is Mi Sun. She’s my friend! She listens all the time”
“That’s wonderful, Kwan. Do you have any boy toys?”
Kwan was stroking the hair of a Barbie doll absent mindedly. “Yeah, but they’re really yucky. I don’t like cars and guns and stuff. I feel bad for daddy, because he bought then for me, but I just don’t like them. It’s not what a girl plays with”
“Kwan, who told you that you were a girl?”
“I dunno. I’ve always known it. Did anyone tell you that you were a girl?”
Stacee laughed. “Good point, Kwan. So, no one told you, you just knew”
“Yes. Then mommy said I was a boy. That was really mean. I would never call her a boy. They’re gross!” Kwan giggled.
“Kwan, has anyone ever touched you where you didn’t want to be touched?”
Kwan frowned. “Oh, no, Dr. Stacee. I’d tell mommy and daddy right away. That’s bad”
“You’re right, Kwan, and that’s good that you feel that way. Your parents have taught you very well”
Kwan smiled. “I have a good mommy and daddy” He leaned forward in a whisper. “They are just mixed up. They think I’m a boy. Would you tell them I’m not?”
Tears were flowing down both Justin and Jung’s face. How could they have not seen this before?
After more back and forth between doctor and patient, Stacee told Kwan she had to go for a while, but that Miss Shawn would come in and give him a juice box and a cookie if he wanted one.
“Do you have orange? I love orange”
“Whatever you want. You can keep playing and Miss Shawn will be in here shortly”
“Okay Dr. Stacee!
“Oh, and one more thing. If you had a choice of a name that wasn’t Kwan, what would it be?”
“Hyun Ae. Mommy said it meant wise and loving. Mommy said that would have been my name if I wasn’t named Kwan”
“All right, Kwan” I’ll be back.
Stacee tried to gather her thoughts. She had taken several notes during her interview with Kwan. She felt troubled. How could a child as young and innocent as Kwan have come to the conclusion he was a girl? This was next level stuff. If Kwan was sixteen, this was a no brainer. But four? If she recommended transition, she would no doubt be excoriated by some, revered by others. Transgender groups would hail it as a quantum leap forward. That didn’t matter to Stacee. In nineteen years of private practice, this was a new one. Stacee took the case as an opportunity to further the science of Gender Studies. She sighed. That was before she put a cute little face to the subject.
“Justin, Jung, we need to talk…”
To be continued
Kwan was just trying to be who she was
Chapter 3
Stacee led Kwan’s parents to her office. “Please, sit down. Can I get you anything? Coffee or tea perhaps? I’m making some tea for myself, so it’s really no trouble”
“I’ll have some herbal tea if you have some, please. It helps me calm down and after what I just saw, I could use it” replied Jung.
Justin just shook his head. “I’m good”
“Wonderful! I have an herbal blend you’ll just love. I really hate drinking alone, but I could use something right now, and I don’t drink alcohol” Stacee laughed nervously.
As she prepared the tea she gathered her thoughts. “Justin, Jung, when I agreed to see Kwan, I was being a bit selfish. Cases of Gender Dysphoria in a child as young as Kwan are very rare. I say rare, not because I believe they are truly rare, but because they aren’t brought to the attention of professionals this early. It says a lot about you as parents that you cared enough to explore this possibility”
Jung nodded. “Thank you, Stacee, but truthfully, I never considered the possibility until a social worker investigating Kwan’s accident suggested it”
“Really. Who was it?”
“Her name was…drat! I have her card” she pulled the card out of her purse. Here it is. Lorraine Ringdahl”
Stacee recognized the name immediately. Lorraine was a patient of hers who began her male to female transition as a fifteen year old. “Lorraine? I know her. She’s a good friend of mine. She’s very smart, and has a load of common sense” Lorraine had been responsible for getting help for three girls who were now living productive lives. Girls that had been on the brink of suicide when she rescued them from horrible family situations.
Jung continued. “Well, she seemed to know something about this problem, so we followed up. Jung turned to her husband and grabbed his hand. Justin has been so wonderful through this. He was the one who arranged all of this”
Justin looked a bit embarrassed. “I just want Kwan to be happy, and now I know he isn’t”
“Justin, can you tell me a bit about yourself? What were you like as a child?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I guess a normal kid. I liked sports, playing outside, riding bikes. Getting into trouble. Things boys do”
“What do you mean, ‘things boys do’?”
Justin scratched his head, thinking. “Heck, Stacee, I don’t know. We didn’t care about girls. We just had fun exploring and doing new things”
Stacee nodded as she took notes. “I’m not grilling you, Justin. I am genuinely curious, and it will help me understand the environment Kwan lives in”
“I understand, but what does what I did as a kid have any bearing on Kwan?”
“I’ll get to that later. What about later, during your later teen and early adult years?”
“Well, I played baseball in high school. I was good enough to get a scholarship to Cal Berkeley. Dated a little, but I wasn’t one to try to get girls to bed. It just didn’t seem right. I kept thinking what I would have done if my sisters ran into someone like that. I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’”
“Interesting. When did you meet Jung?”
“Well, she’s seven years younger than me, but a lot older in a lot of ways that count. I had graduated from college and gotten a job working in the same company her dad worked. I ended up in the same department as her dad, and we hit it off. He invited me to his home and I met Jung. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I had never met someone like her”
“I talked to her dad soon thereafter. I told him I would like to ask Jung for a date, but I wouldn’t do it without his blessing. I even asked her mom and dad to come with us as often as they wished. That seemed to work, but I didn’t do it to score points. I knew that she was the girl I wanted to marry”
Jung was smiling at her husband. She added “And we got married as soon as I graduated from high school”
Stacee turned to Jung. “And you wanted this?”
“Oh yes! I never wanted to be a career girl. It may seem old fashioned, but my mom was there for me growing up, and I wanted to do the same for my children. I just wanted to be a mommy. It seemed more important to raise good children than to have another car or things. Justin made enough money, so it never was an issue. Some of my girlfriends growing up don’t understand, but that’s okay. I’m truly happy”
“You had Kwan at nineteen?”
“Yes, and it was the happiest day of my life. Justin and I brought a baby into this world!”
Stacee could see that the two were genuine. If there was an ideal situation to raise a child, this was it, on the outside. She decided to probe deeper.
“Do you two ever argue?”
Justin laughed. “Doesn’t everyone? I can be a jerk sometimes and she can be a baby girl. But we have tried to live by the motto ‘never let the sun go down on your anger’. So we make up and get things straight before we go to bed. Sometimes, we don’t get a lot of sleep after making up”
Jung gasped, blushing furiously. “Justin! Stop it! You’re embarrassing me!”
Justin was smiling from ear to ear, a smile that Stacee could see was one of the reasons Jung loved him so. “No need to be embarrassed, Jung. You’re a very lucky woman, believe me”
“See, I told you honey!”
Jung rolled her eyes. “What…ever!”
“And you are very lucky to have Jung, Justin”
“Don’t I know it, Stacee. I feel like I’m the most blessed guy on Earth. I look forward to coming home every day, and she makes that possible. I’d do anything for that lady”
Stacee was watching Jung’s eyes. Her eyes told the story. Jung watched her husband with unfeigned respect and love.
“Does Justin run the show, Jung?”
“I don’t know what you mean. He’s the leader, I suppose, but I keep the books, pay the bills and basically run the house. He makes decisions based on the information I give him. I help him, he helps me”
“You don’t feel like he pushes you around?”
“Heavens no. He asks me if we can afford to do this or that. We’re partners. There’s no other way to say it”
Stacee noticed that Jung’s hand never left Justin’s. These two were almost ridiculously well matched. The therapist thought that she and her husband could take a lesson from these two in getting along. There seemed to be no outward indicators of any condition that would cause a boy to think he was a girl.
They continued for another thirty minutes, going over more details of their family life. It was a veritable Rockwell painting of a life. All of the factors were coalescing in her mind. Stacee had come to a decision.
“Justin, Jung. Based on what I have learned in my interviews with you and Kwan. My medical and professional opinion is that it would be in everyone’s best interest to allow Kwan to present as a female for now. He, rather, she, has indicated that she would like to be called Hyun Ae, the name you picked for a daughter, had she been born a girl. Do either of you disagree?”
“No” was the answer from both parents.
“This will be a difficult road for the three of you in the time to come. In some ways, it will be the most rewarding. Kwan isn’t dying. So don’t mourn. Kwan never really existed. It was always Hyun Ae. Do you understand that?”
Jung’s face was streaked with tears. “Did we do anything to cause this?”
“No. No you didn’t, and don’t ever think otherwise. Somehow, Hyun’s brain was wired ‘girl’. We don’t know how or why. By starting this process early, we can decipher if this is really a permanent condition or if it is just a phase. I don’t believe in phases”
Justin said quietly. “We’re following you, Stacee”
“Good. By starting this process early, Hyun will have a female puberty, and, based on her bone structure and heredity, she will be a very attractive girl, which will make her interactions with her peer group less stressful, as she will have been a girl for such a long time”
“How do we do this, Stacee? I don’t know if we can. It’s so much to take in”
“I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ll also be documenting this process. You won’t owe me a dime, do you understand? When I publish this case, it will more than make up the investment”
“I know we’ve talked about this, but you won’t identify her, will you?”
“Of course not. These case studies are always anonymous unless you decide to allow her name to be used. This study will help countless other people in the same boat you’re in”
“That’s good. At least others will be helped”
“Hyun Ae will benefit the most. She will be the person she is meant to be. She can’t help it any more than you, Justin, could help doing what you did as a child. It was just natural behavior”
“I’m beginning to see. I guess I would have been miserable if I was forced to wear dresses and play with dolls”
Stacee clapped her hands with excitement. “Exactly! Right on the first try! You get it perfectly. Don’t lose that perspective. You were fortunate enough be born with the correct plumbing. Hyun wasn’t. Therein lies the problem. If Hyun Ae had been born with a vagina, this isn’t an issue. One genetic oops, and it is. Our minds are who we are. It’s the ghost in the machine, so to speak”
“I see!” said Jung. “We’ve been approaching this wrong”
“I try to avoid right and wrong judgments. We doctors in the mind business try to approach the mind with the thought we can fix everything. Hyun has a penis. Therefore he is a boy. Her mind says different? Too bad. I’m trying to change that. Hyun will help me do that”
Justin stood. “Okay, Doc. Let’s go get our little girl”
Stacee got on the intercom. “Shawn, bring little Hyun Ae to my office”
A moment later, Hyun Ae was escorted into the office by Shawn. She was carrying a juice box and a half eaten cookie. She got a big smile on her face when she saw her parents. “Mommy! I like this place! Miss Shawn gave me a cookie and juice!”
Jung held her hands out, and Hyun ran to her. Justin noticed she didn’t acknowledge him. He understood why now. Hopefully this would change things.
Jung noticed the slight as well. “That’s wonderful, honey. Don’t you want to thank daddy for bringing us here?”
“Thank you, daddy. It’s been fun”
Stacee smiled at Hyun. “So, Hyun Ae, do you like my office”
“Uh huh! You have nice toys and I love cookies and juice!”
“Well what would you say if I told you that you would be coming to see me once a week?”
“Really? That would be awesome!” She looked at her mother. “Can I, mommy?”
“You bet, Hyun Ae”
“Wait, mommy. You called me Hyun Ae? Why?”
“That’s your new name, honey. You see, we’ve been wrong about who you are, daddy and me. It seems you were right all along. You are a girl”
Hyun looked at her mother and father, trying to see if they were joking. She then burst into tears. This time they were tears of joy.
When Dr. Stacee Abney felt doubts about what she was doing in the future, she vowed to remember this moment. Then she reached for a tissue.
To be continued
Hyun Ae is out. Will she blossom or wither?
Chapter 4
No genetic girl ever took to shopping like Hyun. Her mother was blown away be her willingness to try on different outfits. Her intention was to start slowly, maybe dressing her at home, but Hyun was having none of it. The butterfly was out of the cocoon, and there was no stopping her.
“I just love this dress, mommy! It’s so pretty” She spun around in the red and black A line dress. It had a bow in back.
Jung had to admit it was adorable. She loved dressing up her dolls as a child, and this was just as much fun. “Okay, Hyun Ae. We’ll get it”
“Yay, mommy! Yessss! I can wear it to Hannah’s birthday party!”
“When is it, sweetie?”
“I dunno, mommy. Soon?”
‘Duh’ thought Jung. How would a four year old know when Hannah’s birthday was? “That’s all right, sweetie, I’ll talk to her mother”
“’kay. Are we gonna get a swimsuit for me? I need one. A Little Mermaid one. Please!”
This girl was wearing mommy out. “All right, but we still need some everyday wear. We’ll get to it” They had gone through the mall twice, and had spent well over five hundred dollars on new clothes. Jung was burning through their emergency fund quickly, but Justin told her that if they were going to do this, they would do it right.
They took a break from shopping to grab a bite to eat. Little Hyun was nibbling at her favorite chicken nugget meal, and playing with her new toy. Jung really looked at Hyun. She was a very pretty little girl. Jung could see a little of herself, and a little of Justin. She was actually a very pretty young girl.
“Mommy?” Hyun said between bites, “do you think Grammie and Grampa Brooks and Grammie and Gramps Song will be happy? When are we going to tell them?”
Jung winced inwardly. Her parents would be a pain, she was sure. Justin’s folks were a little more open minded, so she really didn’t think they would be too shocked.
“I’m sure everyone will love you, Hyun Ae. But we’re not due to see them for another couple of months, so let’s worry about that then. Now finish your lunch, sweetie, and we’ll get you a swimsuit on our next stop”
Hyun clapped her hands. “Yayyyy! Okay, Mommy!”
In truth, Jung was worried about everyone. She felt so conflicted. She wanted what was best for Hyun, but she knew that this would be a difficult time for her. She had taken time to look at some materials that Stacee had given her to read. Transgender kids were very rare and almost unheard of at Hyun’s age. Would she be the subject of ridicule? Hyun was so sweet and innocent. Would this scar her for life? Rejection by her grandparents would crush her, as she just loved them. She would draw for hours on end pictures for her Grandmother Song, who was an artist in her own right. Hyun, as Kwan, reveled in showing his pictures to her, and his Grammie would laugh with Kwan as he told the little stories that went along with the pictures. Jung was sure that Hyun would have a whole lot more for her this visit.
Jung and Hyun finished their shopping trip, and they had a whole new wardrobe for their new daughter. Little Hyun was a trooper all day, as good as gold. She started to yawn a little toward the end, and Jung knew she was finished.
Hyun was asleep shortly after they got into the car. She was in her booster seat, and didn’t make a sound all the way home.
After Jung pulled into the garage, she turned around and watched her sleeping child. Hyun was at that age when she still retained the features of a toddler when you looked at her just right. She was getting big, thought Jung. And too little to realize what she was getting into. Jung sighed and went to the back of their minivan to retrieve their haul for the day. There were seven large bags. Hyun could sleep a little longer.
Justin came home from his job as an engineer for an aerospace manufacturer at his usual six o’clock. “Hey babe! How was your day?” He threw his car keys on the counter and grabbed his wife in a friendly hug.
Jung smiled and met his hug, turning so she could kiss him. “Good! How was yours?”
“Same as always, I guess. Where’s our little girl?”
Hyun whirled around the corner from the hall leading to the kitchen. She was dressed in a new pink tee and a very obviously feminine pair of khaki shorts. “Daddy!” She ran and jumped into his arms.
Justin lifted her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hello, beautiful! I see mommy bought you some new clothes today!”
“I know, daddy! She got me a bunch of new clothes! They’re so pretty, so much nicer than my yucky boy clothes” She pulled the waistband of her shorts out. “Look, daddy, Panties!”
Justin laughed as he saw the waistband of the new feminine undergarment. “Pretty neat, kiddo!”
“Hyun Ae! Little girls do not show their panties!”
“Mommy, he’s just my daddy” She said it in such a matter of fact way that both her parents broke out laughing.
“Hyun, go wash up and you can help me set the table” said Jung.
“Okay, mommy. I have to go potty anyway” She sprinted off to her room.
“Little girls sit, Hyun Ae!” called Jung.
“I know, mommy! I never stand!” said the little voice echoing from the bathroom.
“Well, she seems to be happy today. How about you?” asked Justin.
Jung sighed and hung the dishtowel she was using up. “I’m good. It’s a breath of fresh air with Hyun out of her shell. She seems like someone who has just been rescued from drowning and find they have a new lease on life. I just don’t want her hurt. Other people scare me”
Justin hugged his wife. “Honey, I worry too. But this is a course that we all chose, and she’s going to have to deal with people her whole life. Give her a little credit. I know she’s just a baby, but I think she’s stronger than either one of us give her credit for”
“I wish I was as confident as you, Justin”
“I have to be. We made this decision, and we’re going to see it through. I took a half day from work today and went to the downtown library. I found a lot of stuff on this gender issue, and the statistics are scary. Suicide rates for people like Hyun are staggering. I’d rather have a live daughter than a dead son”
“So what do you propose to do about introducing our new daughter to the world?”
“Easy. We start small and work our way out. I’m talking to Dan and Jena Smith tonight”
“Hannah’s parents? Why?”
“They live next door and are our best friends. If they don’t get it, then we’ll know, but they need to know first, as Hannah will be playing with our son”
Jung rolled her eyes and sighed. “I suppose we need to get this over with”
Justin scowled. “Jung. You need to lose the attitude. Are you not on board with this?”
Jung was surprised at her husband’s change in tone. He was getting angry with her. “Well, of course I am. I just don’t want to see Hyun hurt”
“Hiding her isn’t the solution. We hit this head on, and introduce him just as we would have introduced Kwan. This is going to be difficult, and you’d better be able to handle the questions, because you’ll be answering a lot of them for the near future”
Jung’s eyes brimmed. “I’m sorry, Justin. I just don’t think I’m dealing with this as well as I could be”
“I gathered that. But we are doing this for Hyun Ae. I’d die for either you or that child. I’m proud of our child, boy or girl. I don’t know how to tell you to deal with this. If you need to talk to Stacee, that’s what she’s there for. But tonight, toughen up and deal with it. I know you’ve got it in you. They’ll be here at eight”
Jung gave him a weepy laugh and dabbed at her eyes. “I know, I know. It just takes me longer to process things than you”
“What’s process, mommy?” asked Hyun as she walked into the kitchen.
“It’s dealing with a pretty girl like you. Now start setting the table”
“Okay, mommy, I’ll process the table” Hyun giggled and got the plates.
The doorbell rang at eight. Jung was with Hyun in her room. They wanted to bring her out after Justin had a chance to explain what was happening.
Justin answered the door. “Hi Dan, Jena. Come in. Thanks for coming over. Hello, Hannah”
Dan shook Justin’s hand. Dan Smith was a software engineer, who, at thirty five was already the father of a fifteen year old, as well as Hannah, who was already five. Jena, his wife was slightly younger at 34. Dan and Justin had a lot in common as both were college athletes. Dan was a football walk on as a defensive back at USC. He had managed to get a couple of national championships while warming the bench for the most part.
“Where’s Clarissa?”
“Oh, she’s got a cheerleader meeting at one of the homes. You know how it goes”
“Well, not yet, anyway. Can I get you guys something to drink?”
Dan nodded his head. “Beer me, Justin”
“What about you, Jena?”
“White wine, if you have it?”
“Just busted open a bottle just tonight, Jena. I thought you might want some”
Jena looked around the room. “Where’s Jung?”
“Taking care of a few things. Hannah, do you want some juice?”
Hannah looked to her mother. “Is it okay, Mommy?”
“Sure sweetie. Just not too much”
“Where’s Kwan?”
“Around” said Justin as he poured the wine and grape juice. “That’s actually the reason I called you all over. Let’s go into the living room”
“What’s the matter, Justin?” Asked Jena, looking concerned.
“You guys have been our best friends in the five or so years we’ve lived here. There have been some changes in the last few days, and I wanted you to be the first to know”
Dan took a pull off of his Bud. “What’s up Justin? Is everyone okay?”
“Yes, but Kwan has had some issues. They are serious enough that we’ve had to take some action”
“Out with it, buddy. We’ll support you. Is it a complication of the brain injury?”
“No, thank god. We found out some things during the time in the hospital. Kwan’s been dealing with some issues for some time now, and we just found out that, based on medical opinion, Kwan is transgendered. A girl trapped in a boy’s body” He paused “Jung? Bring in Hyun”
Jung walked in with Hyun. She was in her pink tee and khaki shorts. She looked very feminine. “Dan, Jena and Hannah, this is our daughter Hyun Ae”
Hannah gasped, “Kwan? Is that you?”
Hyun just nodded shyly.
Hannah squealed with joy. “Kwan! You’re a girl now! You got your wish!” She ran over to hug Hyun. “You’re so pretty!”
Hyun bounced up and down. “Aren’t my new clothes pretty! The doctor said I was a girl and I had to wear girl clothes. And my new name is Hyun Ae. It’s a girl’s name in Korean” She invited Hannah to go to her room and they happily skipped off.
Jena smiled at Jung. “She looks adorable! You should have seen her playing dress up with Hannah. She seemed a little too at home in those costumes! I can’t believe it”
Jung looked at Jena in amazement. “You knew?”
“I didn’t know. Who can know with little kids? I was just glad Hannah had someone to play her silly games with. I was with them the whole time. It was pretty harmless. But seeing her here, now? She’s always been a girl”
“And you don’t care?”
“Heavens no, Jung. This is California, for Pete’s sake. I volunteer with a group that counsels at risk children, remember? I’ve dealt with kids in this same situation, only they didn’t have great parents like you who understood. One of the kids I was helping was murdered two months ago” she said as her voice began to break. “I’m sorry. It’s just that Jasmine, that’s what she liked to be called, was so sweet. Her parents rejected her, and she lived on the street. She turned tricks to earn money for hormones. One of her ‘Johns’ found out she wasn’t a full girl, and beat her to death”
Tears were tracing down Jung’s face. “Oh my God. How terrible”
“She told me that she knew she was a girl from the age of three. Her parents wouldn’t accept it. The conflict grew and grew until Jasmine ran away at fifteen. She was so pretty. You may not know it now, but you could have saved your daughter from a similar fate”
Jung was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. Justin and Dan were silent. Jena’s point was not lost on them.
“C’mon, Jung! Show me her new wardrobe. I’m sure the boys would like to talk for awhile”
Jung brightened. “Yes! I got some absolutely adorable clothes today. Hyun will look so cute”
The two women were talking to each other as they went down the hall.
“Damn, Justo man. You don’t do little changes, do ya. I need another beer. Cute kid you got there. She and Hannah are going to give us no end of trouble”
“I hear you, bro. Two more comin’ up”
“So you don’t have a problem with this?”
“After the story I just heard? Are you nuts? You gotta do what’s right for the kid. We’re there for you, Justo man. Clarissa will be crazy because she wasn’t here for the big reveal!”
Justin thought he was very fortunate to have friends like the Smith’s. It gave him hope for the parents.
Chapter 5
“Mom? How are you doing?”
“Justin! Well, this certainly is a surprise. What do I owe the honor of a call? It’s usually Jung calling, since you are usually too busy to call your poor mother”
“All right, Mom. I get it. I don’t call enough. It’s not like you don’t hear from somebody here on a regular basis. Besides, I hate chit chat on the phone”
“I know. So, what’s wrong?”
“Well, nothing’s wrong, exactly. I just want to fill you in on some things. Some things have come up with Kwan”
“Kwan? Is there a problem with his brain? A side effect of his injury?”
“No, Mom, nothing like that. I need to clue you in on a few things, and I need your advice, I guess”
“Well, I’ll do what I can. Let’s have the story”
“I know you have said some things about Kwan in the past. You know, how he doesn’t act like the other boys his age, or like I did at that age”
“You mean how he plays like a girl?”
“Yes. Well, I don’t think I told you everything about the events leading up to his injury”
Justin told his mother everything that had transpired up to the point where Kwan had to go to the hospital.
“Oh. Lord. That poor child. So you took him to a psychiatrist, hopefully”
“Yes, and we were quite shocked by what she had to say. She’s one of the nation’s leading experts in gender issues. She had a long talk with Kwan and then with Jung and myself. Long story short, she feels that Kwan is transgendered. In effect, a girl trapped in a male body”
“What in the world are you talking about, Justin? Are you saying that Kwan is gay?”
“Not at all, mom. She’s not even old enough to know what that is, for crying out loud. Her mind is female. I’ve done my homework over the past few days, and have gotten a second opinion. The second doctor concurs. It is one of the earliest onset cases of Gender Dysphoria they have records of”
“Justin, I’m not following you”
“Mom, we are now raising Kwan as a girl. Her new name is Hyun Ae. It’s a Korean female name, the name she would have been born with”
“Justin. Have you and Jung lost your minds? He’s too young to know what he wants. This is insanity. Are you dressing him like a girl?”
“She is a girl, Mom. And we are dressing her appropriately”
“What in the world are you thinking? Kwan just needs a firm hand. You need to toughen him up a little, that’s all. He can never be a girl, not really. It’s more than just clothes you know”
Justin was surprised at his mother’s reaction, but held his temper. “Mom, you don’t think we know that? Kwan was a withdrawn, unhappy child. Since the change, Hyun Ae is an outgoing, happy child. This isn’t something we are doing just as a whim. We are doing it on medical advice”
“Justin, I’m not happy about this. What will everyone say? What will our friends say? They all know we have a grandson, not some kind of freak”
Justin was ready to explode. “All, right Mom. That’s enough. I had hoped you would understand. You’ve always been understanding of different people, and you taught me to do the same. Don’t you understand Kwan’s very life is at stake?”
“He’s my grandson, Justin. Of course I want what’s best for him. I just don’t think turning him into some kind of drag queen is going to solve anything. Have you even considered what his friends will say, the kind of teasing and bullying he’ll suffer?”
“Do you think I’m a moron, Mom? I’m almost thirty, and am fully capable of running my own home. Can’t you trust my judgment? Or is that too much to ask”
“I question the judgment of anyone who allows a boy to go around dressed as a girl. Only perverts do that”
Justin pulled the phone away from his mouth and covered the mouthpiece. “You stupid fucking BITCH!” It was what he wanted to tell her, she was his mother, after all. He put the phone back up to his mouth. “Mom, this isn’t a subject for debate. This is my family, and Jung and I make the decisions. We almost lost Hyun over a stupid argument. You don’t get over this, Mom! Hyun was dying in front of us. I see that now. I live with her every day, and the change has been astonishing. I know we made the right decision”
“Well, I disagree. I know your father will too. Son, don’t make us do something drastic. I won’t let you harm our grandson”
“The hell you say. Well, what would you know about Hyun’s mental health, huh? I mean, you see her like what, three times a year? How often do you get to the golf course in a year’s time?”
“Justin! I’ll not have you talking to me like that. If I have to get the authorities involved, I will!”
“Just try it, mom. Try it and I’ll see to it that you never see Hyun again. You arrogant…Look. I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m doing this on medical advice. If you want to waste money on a lawyer and try split this family up, then have the fuck at it. But consider me dead to you. I don’t need your damn money, and I don’t need you”
Justin slammed the phone down. He was so angry he couldn’t see straight. He heard a small cough. He turned around and saw Hyun. She had heard the worst of the conversation.
“Daddy? Are you mad? You’re using mad words. Mommy said you shouldn’t use mad words”
Justin was stuck to the core by Hyun’s words. “Come here, baby girl. Sit on daddy’s lap”
Hyun padded over to her father. Justin picked up his small child and sat her in his lap. “Hyun, I’m sorry you had to hear that. You’re right, Daddy shouldn’t use mad words. Grammie said some mean things to daddy, and I got mad. Sometimes that happens. Understand?”
“Yes, Daddy. Was Grammie mad at you?”
“Yes, honey. She doesn’t like you being Hyun. She said a lot of mean things, and I guess I said some mean things back”
Hyun frowned. “Is Grammie mad at me?”
“No, honey. She just doesn’t understand” Then he had an idea. “Hyun, could you do something for me?”
“What’s that, daddy? Will it make you happy again?”
“You bet. I’d like you to draw as many pictures as you can about how you felt before you were Hyun, and how you felt after becoming Hyun. Just as many as you can”
“Draw?” She smiled. “I can do that! I love to draw. Can I get new colors too?”
Justin hugged Hyun. You bet, sweetie! I’ll go to the store and get them now! You go and get started”
Hyun jumped down and ran off to her room to start. He heard her squealing to her mother that she was going to get new colors. Jung came into the kitchen shortly afterwards.
“So, Mom wasn’t too happy?”
“Nope. I thought I knew them. They are so narrow minded it’s almost painful. She’s even talking about trying to take Hyun away from us”
“What? What in the hell is she thinking?” Justin knew Jung was mad. She never cursed. “If that bitch tries that, I’ll, I’ll…well, I know she’s your mother and all, but…”
The phone rang. “I know who that is, Jung. I’ll get it”
“Justin. This is dad. Your mother just got off the phone with me, practically incoherent. What in the hell pissed her off? She said something about Kwan being a girl?”
Justin sighed. “Dad, here’s the story. And when I get done, understand that the decision has been made. If you want to blame someone, blame me. I can take it. Also know that I’m not changing my mind”
Justin went on to explain the situation. When he finished, there was silence on the other end”
“Justin, are you sure you want to go down this road?”
“Dad, I haven’t done this without thinking, so be careful what you say next” Justin warned. He wasn’t intimidated by his father, a man who was used to getting his way.
“I agree with your mother on this one, son. The boy is too young to be making this decision. You’ll scar him for life”
“Dad, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Mom. In your three visits a year, what do you think qualifies you to make any decision whatsoever about the well being of my child?”
“He’s a BOY, dammit!”
“Well, a lot of professionals disagree, dad. So does your granddaughter”
“Son. Think about this. We won’t have you messing with our grandson”
“Oh, you won’t, huh?”
“No. Now, I order you to stop this nonsense immediately, and I want you to call your mother to apologize”
“Or what, Dad?”
“Or you’re out. Disowned, and we start legal proceedings to take Kwan”
“Do you really think I give a shit about your money? Debbie and Anne can have my share. Dad, you’re pissing with my family. Go down this road, and a lot of people will get hurt. Especially your granddaughter. Your Grand DAUGHTER. Got it?”
“Boy, do not try to mess with me. I made you. I…”
“You screwed mom and I came out nine months later. I did the rest. I worked on my own to get better at baseball. You were at the plant. I did my homework. You were on the golf course. I taught myself to play every sport I excelled at, and I got my scholarship on my own. You did nothing. You fed me and housed me. I’m not paying you back for that. Tough. You may be mister high powered business man, but to me, you’re a substandard father. It just took me till now to realize it. You narrow minded bastard!”
“Justin nothing. Write me out of the fucking will today, dad. If you died tomorrow, I’d just give it to charity. I don’t want your money, got it?”
“Now just a damn minute!”
“Hell no. You wanted a fight, well you’ve got it. Get your damn lawyer. I’m sure there are a hundred top attorneys just chompin’ at the bit to take my case pro bono. You want to make this a media circus? Bring it on!”
Justin’s father hung up the phone. Nobody talks to James Brooks like that. He’d teach his arrogant little son the price of messing with him. That little pansy Kwan would learn to be a man if it killed him. He thought about Jung. Nice girl, cute, but a little slant eyed bitch. He probably met her at a massage parlor after she gave him a “happy ending”. He never liked her. She was probably the reason he was a little fag. And that stupid fucking name. That would change too. Brooks punched his intercom. “Beth? Get me Harry Dumas on the phone”
“Justin! I can’t believe you talked to your father like that. You are not honoring him!”
“Jung, you know I have the utmost respect for your culture. In this case, if dad had been within arm’s of me, he would have found out just how much working out every day pays off. He wants war, and I’m gonna give it to him. Now stand back, I’m calling your folks, and God help them if they want to screw with me too”
“Honey! Please don’t yell at Father. He thinks so highly of you.”
“Then he’ll know when to back off, Jung. I’m not going to start anything. I’ll explain the situation, and if Mom and Dad want to get stupid, then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”
“Please be respectful, Justin. Please!”
“Don’t worry, Jung”
Justin dialed Jung’s parents. Her father answered the phone.
“Dad? This is Justin. We need to talk”
Justin explained the situation to Jung’s father. As Justin expected, there was silence on the other end.
“I know this is a lot to take in, Dad, but I’m already dealing with my parents, and I don’t want you to add to the confusion. Can we count on your support?”
Mr. Song replied with a measured tone, with his noticeable Korean accent. “Justin. This is very, sudden. Have you considered this?”
“Very much so, jangin eoreun” It was the Korean word for father in law. “I ask that you respect my decision in this matter. It is final, and has not been made in haste”
“I see. May I speak to Jung, please?”
“Yeoboseyo, Appa?” (Hello, Daddy?)
Jung spoke Korean with her father as a sign of respect for the culture. Justin saw her as she talked. She was calm, nodding, then speaking. She started crying, then said, “Kamsahamnida, Appa. Bye” She handed the phone to Justin.
“Justin, I do not pretend to understand what this is. I believe God makes us who we are, and He makes no mistake. But I speak to Jung, and she believe in you, so I believe you have best interest of family in your heart. So, when can we see Hyun Ae?”
Justin smiled and choked up. “You have no idea what this means, Dad. You can come anytime you want. Would you and Mom like to speak to Hyun Ae?”
“That would be very good”
Jung called for Hyun, who, as usual had one speed, full. She handed the phone to Hyun.
Hyun was conversant in Korean, and had no trouble talking to her Grandfather.
“Hi, gramps!”
“Hello, Hyun Ae. Are you happy like this?”
“Yes, very much! I hated being a boy. It’s okay if you are one, but I’m not. My doctor says so. Mommy bought me new clothes and they are so beautiful. I’m drawing you and grammie lots of pictures. Can you come soon? I miss you so much!”
“Yes Hyun Ae. Grandmother and I are coming soon. We would like very much to talk to you. Here is your Grandmother”
“Hello, Hyun Ae!”
“Hello, Grammie! Are you okay? I am. I’m a girl now! I’m so happy. We can bake cookies when you come. Are you bringing kimchee?”
“Yes, sweetheart. You know your daddy doesn’t like kimchee”
“That’s okay. Grammie, I’ll eat his!”
“Okay honey. Your grammie loves you no matter what, okay?”
“I know grammie. You’ll love me more now. You can show me how to be a good Korean girl!”
Mrs. Song giggled. “Yes, Hyun. You have much to learn”
Chapter 6
Hyun Ae was a ball of energy. She didn’t need sugar to fuel her hyperactivity. The prospect of her grandparents coming to see her was all the motivation she needed.
“Mommy! I’ve finished cleaning my room! Come look!”
“Is it mommy clean or Hyun Ae clean?”
Hyun giggled. “Mommy clean!”
“Okay, sweetie. Let me finish here in the kitchen, and I’ll come and check it out. Why don’t you come in here and help me unload the dishwasher”
“Coming, Mommy”
Hyun entered the kitchen at a dead run.
“Hyun Ae!” scolded her mother playfully. “Young ladies do not run everywhere they go”
“Sorry, Mommy. I’m just so excited to see Grammie and Gramps!”
“I know, honey. Just save some of that energy for them, all right?”
Jung kept an immaculate house. What passed for clean for most people was dirty to Jung. She was a homemaker, and a very good one. It was her passion. Her mother was the same way, and it carried down. Jung was a straight A student in school, and could have had her choice of careers, but she chose the simple life of a housewife and had never looked back. Hyun Ae was already developing the same traits. She loved helping her mother clean house and work in the garden.
Jung was teaching her little girl the intricacies of Korean cuisine, just as her mother had taught her. She was an eager student, and remarkable patient for a child of five. School would be starting for Hyun Ae in September, and that was less than ten months away. Jung would miss her little helper. She was growing to really appreciate the change in Hyun’s behavior. She really was a girl, in more ways than one.
Christmas was in Three days, and Jung’s folks would be staying until after New Year’s Day. Jung would be on pins and needles until she could gauge her parent’s reactions in person.
Justin was gone for the day. He had taken a couple of personal days from work. Stacee had given hi a contact to a lawyer, Kaitlin Allegri, who was sympathetic to the transgender cause. He had an appointment to discuss the situation with her.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Ms. Allegri”
“Kate, please. I got the basics from Stacee, and I am more than willing to take this case on a pro bono basis”
“I can afford to pay you, Kate”
“Maybe so, but I want to do this. People like your daughter have had to suffer discrimination for years, and it’s time we put it to a stop. Why don’t you give me your story?”
Justin gave Kate the full story. He had photos and videos of Hyun Ae from before and after the change. The boy of the past, while not overtly depressed was no comparison to the vivacious girl who appeared afterward.
“Justin, I have to say that I’m impressed with your little girl. It makes me look forward to actually meeting her”
“Thank you, Kate. I know she’ll love you”
Kate smiled. “I’m going to enjoy lighting up your parent’s team, Justin. I know they are your folks, but in this case, you have to put that aside. They chose this path, and we have to cut their heads off, so to speak. We’re fighting for Hyun’s life here. You made a responsible decision, based on a lot of thought and top notch medical advice. Some studies suggest that upwards of fifty percent of people like your daughter will attempt suicide. That is criminal. And it’s because they don’t get the support and encouragement they need. People shun them and wonder what’s ‘wrong’ with them. My uncle was one of those people, hounded until he couldn’t take it anymore. He was born as my aunt. We need to show that, and how well adjusted your daughter is now”
Justin nodded in agreement. “I’m glad you see it that way, Kate”
“In a perfect world this wouldn’t get a second look. However, I think it’s highly likely that this will see court. And when it does, the media will be all over it. They love a story like this. Are you ready for the attention this is sure to bring?”
“Yes. Media scrutiny in this case is a sword that cuts both ways. It will show my parents in the harsh light of reality, when they are shown bullying my little girl. I don’t want to make this a cause celebre, but if they want a fight, they’ll find me more than up to the task”
“Good. That will make my job that much easier. I’m good at what I do, Justin. And I play to win. Hopefully, you will be able to salvage a relationship with your parents after I beat them into submission”
Justin shrugged. “I hope so too. But if not, we’ll survive. They’ll be the losers” Justin thought of his idea. “Oh, and one more thing. Our little girl is quite the artist. I’m having her draw her feelings about how she felt before and after her change. She’s already got quite a portfolio, and I have several drawing from before this was an open issue”
“Good! This will give our doctors something to analyze. You do know that they’ll want to have someone interview her too. Probably some quack who thinks it’s a mortal sin for someone to live their life comfortable in their own skin. I think I know who they’ll use. I’ll be ready for him”
“All right, Justin. Let me get started on this, and I’ll be in touch’
“Great. Thank you very much”
Mr. and Mrs. Song arrived on Christmas Eve. They hadn’t spent a Christmas with Jung since she and Justin had married. Mr. Song was very fond of Justin. He embraced Jung’s culture without question, and had made a real effort to become a part of the family. Jung was an only child and was the apple of her father’s eye. Marrying an Anglo was not something Mr. Song had envisioned for his daughter, but Justin was very good man who lived for his family. This new development was a concern. Mr. Song was against it, for his own reasons, but Jung had explained it to him, and he was willing to listen and observe. That was his way. He was a man of few words, and he had escaped the north for that very reason.
Mrs. Song was really not that old. She was almost sixteen years younger than her husband, not yet forty five years old. She was from Seoul originally, and was a runner up in the Miss Korea pageant in 1968. She was still stunningly beautiful, and was totally devoted to her husband. She had a career early, but abandoned it willingly when she had Jung. They had expected a boy, but Mrs. Song was thrilled with Jung. The fact that Jung was a fairly androgynous name was a result of that confusion. She was looking forward to meeting her new granddaughter.
As Mr. and Mrs. Song were pulling into the driveway. It was only about six hours to LA, so they decided against flying. It would be easier on Jung, who really didn’t like driving in LA traffic.
Hyun had seen the car pull into the driveway and recognized her grandparents. “Mommy! Grammie and Gramps are here!”
She burst out of the front door as Mr. Song was exiting the vehicle. “Halmuni! Halabuji! I’m so happy you are here!” She spoke in Korean, which always made her grandparents smile.
Mr. Song was taken aback by the long haired girl in the denim skirt and pink top who came rushing to him with arms open wide. She was the image of her mother at that age.
“Hyun Ae? Is that you?”
“Yes, Grandfather” She bowed. “I am Hyun Ae”
Mr. Song returned the bow. “Well, come here, jakeun sonyu(little girl)! Give your grandfather a hug!”
She hugged her grandfather with her whole body. Mr. Song had never seen Kwan this happy. She gave her grandmother an equally intense hug. “I’m so happy you are going to be here for Christmas. I know you like to go to Korea, so this is special!”
Mrs. Song kneeled and kissed Hyun. “Well, Hyun Ae. You are a special girl from what I hear. This will be your first Christmas as a girl, won’t it?”
Jung came out of the house. “Mom! Dad! Hi! Thanks for coming!” She rushed to her father and gave him a hug, and did the same to her mother. “So, lets get you unpacked”
“Where’s Justin?” asked Mr. Song.
Jung sighed. “At the attorney’s office, I think. He had an appointment for this afternoon, among other things”
“So his parents are going ahead with this court nonsense?” asked Mrs. Song.
“I’m afraid so, Mom. They have been so hateful since Justin called them. I wish he hadn’t lost his temper with them”
“Justin’s parents need to learn the old Korean proverb. “An empty cart rattles the loudest”
“What does that mean, Dad?”
“He who talks most, knows least. They speak and act before they know. Dangerous combination”
“Hyun, take grammie’s little bag into the guest room, okay?”
“’Kay Mommy” She skipped into the house.
“I’m worried, daddy. She is so innocent. I’m afraid for her”
“She is young and pure in heart. All this must end sooner or later, the good will either remain or it won’t. This depends on you. You know this, Jung”
“I know, daddy. Tears brimmed in her eyes. I just hate that Justin’s parents are so narrow minded. They are helping to hurt my baby. I expect that from strangers, but her own grandparents?”
“They will reap what they sow now, Jung. They have known nothing but privilege. To be thwarted is something they don’t know. This will be a good lesson for them”
“I hope so. I just wish Justin would get home. I’m dying to find out what is happening”
Mrs. Song hugged her daughter “You’ll know soon enough, dear. This will all work out. You’ve chosen a difficult path, but I think you chose the lesser of two difficult paths”
“Thanks, Mom. Let’s get you inside, and we can have some tea”
Justin arrived home and filled everyone in on the developments of the day. “…So it seems we have a strong case, and Kate is very confident of a win. I hate that it has come to this, but Mom and Dad chose this”
“When do you think it will come to a trial?” asked Jung.
“If it does, and that’s a big if right now, it won’t be until February or later. The wheels of justice grind slowly”
Mr. Song spoke quietly. “Let’s not speak of this anymore. What will happen has already been determined. It is for us to see what that outcome is. We should just enjoy the season, and not let bad thoughts ruin it”
“Agreed. Jung, what’s for supper?”
“Mom’s kimchee for one. Hyun Ae asked for it”
Justin’s countenance dropped. “Oh, wonderful”
Mr. and Mrs. Song laughed. “You’ll never be a true son of mine until you learn to like our national dish. We eat it almost every day”
“Well Dad, It’s not like I haven’t tried to like it, and it’s quite apparent that that particular dish is responsible for growing beautiful women, but I just don’t get it”
Jung playfully punched Justin’s arm. “Listen, big boy, if I didn’t love you so much, you’d get it every day. What a sissy!”
Hyun heard the word kimchee from her room. “Yay! Kimchee!”
Justin looked at Jung. “I guess old ‘dog ears’ in there heard what she wanted to hear”
They ate and enjoyed the Korean meal of kimchee, oritang (duck stew), and spicy bibimbap, a rice dish with egg, beef, spinach, zucchini, and cucumber.
There was plenty, and even Justin had his fill, and true to his word, he had none of the kimchee, giving his portion to Hyun.
After the meal was cleaned up, Justin and Mr. Song retreated to the back porch to enjoy a beer. The women went to the living room to chat, Hyun right along with them.
“You know, Jung, it might be time to get little Hyun her first chima jeogori. She would look so cute. She’s still so tiny, she’d look like a doll”
A chima jeogori a skirt and blouse combination that Korean women wear. Some look at it as the national dress of Korea.
Hyun looked at her mother with amazement. “Really? I ‘d love that, Mommy!”
Jung winked at her mother, “Well, I don’t know mom…It’s awfully girly. I know she doesn’t like to look too sweet”
“MOMMY! I am a girl! Pleeeease! I was looking at one in my book. They’re what we girls wear”
Jung could hold her laughter back no longer. “Okay, honey, you win! We’ll make you one. My mommy made my first one, and I’ll make yours”
Mrs. Song was pleased. “I can see my sewing lessons weren’t in vain”
“Are you kidding? You’ve seen my sewing room?”
“I know sweetie, it’s just nice our little tradition is continuing”
Hyun snuggled up to her grandmother, reading an American Girl magazine. More accurately she was looking at the pictures.
“What do you think about this whole thing, Mom?”
“If Hyun is happy, then so am I. I’ve got to admit she is taking to this with a lot of enthusiasm” She was stroking Hyun’s long black hair. Hyun’s eyes were starting to droop. “I just want you to train her on all aspects of being a female. It’s not all clothes and pretty things”
“She knows, Mom. That’s why I know this is right. She isn’t wrapped up in clothes, and acting all girly. It’s who she is. I’m not very good at explaining myself. It’s just right. I’m just glad we discovered this now”
“Well you take care of her, my girl. Remember your lessons, and pass them on!”
The doorbell rang, and Jung rose to answer it. A man in a cheap suit was at the door, and handed Jung an envelope. “You’ve been served. Merry Christmas!”
Jung looked strangely at the man, and closed the door. “Justin! Come here!”
Justin and her father came into the front room. Jung handed him the envelope. Justin opened it and quickly read it. “Dammit!” he said through clenched teeth. “Mom and Dad are accusing us of child abuse!”
Chapter 7
“What are we going to do about this, Kate?” asked Justin. There was more than a small edge to his voice.
“Take it easy, Justin. I fully expected them to try something like this. I’m ready for it. Fax all of the documents to my office for me to review, and we’ll be ready for them in court”
“Are you sure this will be okay?”
“Positive. Their timing couldn’t have been worse for their cause. Jung’s parents are sympathetic to your cause, right?”
“Well, yes, up to a point. Her dad still doesn’t agree with what we are doing, but me maintains it’s our right to do it. And he has noticed a big difference in Hyun, behavior”
“Good! That’s even better. Do you think they will be willing to speak in open court?”
“I suppose so, why?”
“They are going to be a huge influence on any judge hearing the case”
Justin sighed loudly. “Maybe, but I hate to get them involved”
“Play to win, remember? Get those documents over to me ASAP, and leave the worrying to me”
Jung was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Justin entered the kitchen and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade he always kept handy. He loved his lemonade.
“So what did Kate say?” She asked.
“She’s got it under control. I need to fax her the documents now and she’ll get to work on it”
“I can’t believe that they would do this just before Christmas. Don’t they care about Hyun?”
“Obviously they don’t. This has become a challenge to dad’s authority, and he’s going to play it out all the way”
The doorbell rang. Justin looked at his watch. “I wonder who that could be. It’s only 11:00 in the morning”
“I’ll get it, honey” Jung said as she washed her hands.
Jung answered the door, and there was Lorraine Ringdahl. “Well hello, Mrs. Brooks!” she said with a smile. “I see you took my advice”
“Ms. Ringdahl! Come in, please! What brings you here so close to Christmas?”
“Well, let’s see” She pulled out a paper from her portfolio. “It says here I have to investigate a child abuse claim for someone at this address” A family named Brooks. She smiled.
Jung gasped. “You got the case again? You must think we are horrible people”
“Quite the contrary, Mrs. Brooks. I got the case because I handled the first one. They figured I had and insight into the case. Amazing. The bureaucrats actually got one right”
“You know this charge is bogus, don’t you?” asked Justin, leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.
“Yes, Mr. Brooks, I do”
“Justin! This is Ms. Ringdahl, the investigator I met when Hyun was in the hospital.
Justin nodded and offered his hand. “Pleased to meet you. You’ve had quite an impact on our family already, Ms. Ringdahl”
“All of it positive, I hope”
Justin smiled. “I think so. Hyun Ae?”
“Yes Daddy?” she answered from her room.
“Come here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet”
Hyun ran into the front room to her father. She had her hair in a French braid and was wearing a denim skirt and a red short sleeved top. She looked at Lorraine shyly and gave her a finger wave. “Hi”
“Well, hello! You’re a very pretty girl, do you know that?”
Hyun smiled. “Thank you! You’re pretty too!”
“Why you’re so sweet to say that. I’m Lorraine, a friend of your Mommy and Daddy. Who did your hair?”
“Mommy. She’s good at braiding. She’s teaching me how to do it”
“It’s cute” She sat down on a chair and motioned Hyun to come closer. Hyun complied.
“Tell me. Are you happy now?”
“Yes! I get to be a girl! My doctor says so”
“And mommy and daddy. Are they mean to you?”
Hyun frowned. “No! They are the bestest Mommy and Daddy ever!”
Lorraine smiled. “That’s what I thought” She stage whispered to Hyun. “I like them too”
Hyun giggled.
“Hyun, go back to your room and play. We need to finish talking to Lorraine”
“Okay, Daddy” was the reply as she sprinted back to her room.
Lorraine stood and smoothed her skirt. “Well. I think that closes this investigation. No evidence of child abuse here”
Justin was a bit surprised. “That’s all?”
“That’s it, Mr. Brooks. Investigation closed”
“Wow, I thought there would be more to it than that. I guess I don’t know too much about procedure”
“I hope you never do. I’m the one who suggested that you get Hyun evaluated, so I kind of feel responsible for you. Oh, and you will forget who suggested this, won’t you?”
Justin got a wry smile. “Suggested what?”
“Exactly. I’m gong to get myself assigned to your case permanently. I’ll say further evaluation is warranted but that no abuse is taking place. There are some in my department who would love to pull Hyun out of here because of what you’re doing. This marks the case as mine, so that won’t happen”
Jung hugged Lorraine. “Thank you Ms. Ringdahl. You’ve been a Godsend”
Returning the hug, Lorraine looked Jung in the eye. “You’re doing the right thing. Don’t let anyone else tell you different”
“We won’t” Jung said through tears.
“Mr. Brooks? It was a pleasure to meet you, and I want you to know that I have a great deal of respect for you. It takes a real man to do what you are doing”
Justin smiled and took her hand. “Thank you”
Lorraine picked up her briefcase and placed the paperwork in it. I’ll fill this out later. Take care, and have a Merry Christmas”
Justin and Jung felt that this was a sign they were doing the right thing for Hyun.
Christmas day was a quiet time for the family. Hyun got most of what she wanted, which included money from her grandparents. The men relaxed, watching football and basketball. Jung and her mother began to measure Hyun for her new chima jeogori. Hyun fit right in with the women, not once wondering what was going on the television. Relationships were obviously very important to Hyun.
Justin’s parents, by contrast, were in the midst of planning for the upcoming court battle.
“I don’t know Jim. Are you really so sure we should interfere with Justin’s family like this? I mean, it is their child after all”
“Bullshit, Patricia! That ungrateful bastard turned his back on us and everything we stand for. I’m going to make him pay for that. He was set to receive five million out of the trust, but apparently that wasn’t enough. Deborah and Anne will get his share. Win or lose this, he’s out. Do you hear me? OUT!”
“Well at least Anne has her sons. And I’m sure Deborah will be getting married soon. I called them this morning and told them about what was happening. Anne and Deborah were shocked. Anne will have nothing to do with him from now on”
Jim slammed down his scotch. “At least our girls are showing some sense.
“Yes, but I was counting on Justin to carry on the name. I’ll make him pay. That little slant eyed bitch he is married to is probably the reason he’s lost his balls”
Patricia was shocked “Jim! Jung has never been anything but respectful to us. She’s a sweet girl!”
“She knows her place, and that’s all. I never should have allowed them to marry” sneered Jim.
Patricia sipped her wine. “Jim, I am surprised at your attitude”
“Do you want our grandson raised as a girl? Some half and half freak?”
“Well, no. It’s not natural”
“Then let me handle it and shut the fuck up” He poured another Scotch.
The day after Christmas, the doorbell rang. Justin answered it. Standing there was his little sister, Debbie. She was a tall, black haired girl, twenty one years old and reminiscent of a young Andie McDowell.
“Hi big bro!” She jumped into his arms. She was wearing motorcycle leathers, and her Harley Davidson Electra Glide was parked in the drive. Her father hated her riding the bike, and had expressly forbidden her to ride it.
He gave his sister a hug. “Hey sis! Come on in!” He looked at the bike and smiled. “Still listening to dad, I see”
She shook her long raven hair out. “Fuck him! At least when he can’t hear or see me” she giggled. “I have a trust fund to collect at twenty five!”
“Aren’t you worried he’ll find out?”
“Hell, no! Not unless I cut donuts riding naked on the eighteenth green of the Asshole Oaks Country Club. He might notice me then”
Justin had to laugh. Debbie was the most down to earth girl he knew, a free spirit for whom conformity was a foreign concept. Except when it came to her father. She wanted the trust fund she had coming to her, and she was very good at buffaloing the parents.
She was in her final year at USC, and her class schedule was light so she had plenty of spare time, usually spent at the beach, surfing.
Hyun heard the commotion and ran out to see who was there. She was still in her Winnie the Pooh nightie, and her hair was still braided from the night before. “Auntie Debbie! Hi! Lookit me! I’m a girl” She jumped into the waiting arms of her aunt.
“Hi Pumpkin! Well, I don’t think I know you. There used to be a yucky boy here named Kwan. He was okay I guess, but he wasn’t a girl!” She started to tickle Hyun’s ribs.
Hyun giggled, and then squealed from the tickle assault. “Auntie, I was Kwan!”
“Oh, no you weren’t! Kwan was yucky, you’re pretty!” She continued her tickle assault.
“Auntie, no! I’ll potty my pants!” she was screeching with laughter.
“Okay, little girl. I didn’t catch your name”
“Hyun Ae Brooks. My doctor says I have to be a girl! I’m so happy!”
“She says that to everyone she meets, Deb. ‘Her doctor told her’ She’s very proud of that apparently”
“Well, I would be proud of that too, big bro. We girls need all the help we can get!” She winked at Hyun.
“See Daddy! Auntie Deb thinks I’m pretty!”
Justin smiled “I know, Hyun. You’re getting a big head. Go tell mommy Auntie Deb is here”
“Okay Daddy!” She sprinted off.
Justin turned back to Deb. “I’m guessing you already knew what was going on”
“Yeah, Mom called me and told me about it. I think it’s great. I always though Kwan might be Trans”
“What? And you didn’t tell us?”
Deb snorted. “Yeah, right" Hey bro, I think your little boy, you know, the apple of your eye, the heir apparent? Yeah, he’s a girl in a boy’s body. Good luck with that’ are you nuts?”
“Okay, I get it. You just say uncomfortable stuff like that to other people, right?”
Deb grinned. “Something like that”
“So what do you think?”
“I’m not going to lie to you bro. Not any more. I’m a lesbian. I guess I always have been. Kylie, my girlfriend, has been with me for over a year now. If dad were to find out, I’d be cut off in a heartbeat. I won’t be able to give th…the open support I’d like to, but I’m behind you. I’ve got three million coming to me at twenty five, and I’m going to kiss his ass until then” She blushed. “I’m sorry, bro. I feel like such a Judas. Your little girl is such a gem”
“I understand, Deb. I really do. Just coming over here is enough for me”
Kwan entered in her robe, with her hair in a towel. “I agree, Debbie. It means a lot that you came now” she gestured to herself. “Sorry for coming out here like this, but you caught me in the shower”
“If it’s any consolation, I’m really going to stick it to the old man on my twenty fifth” she got and evil grin on her face. “It will be a super lesbo event! Your all invited!”
Justin burst out laughing. “I’ll be there in drag!”
Deb gasped in mock horror. “God no, Justin! I want to attract guests, not scare them away! But the thought means a lot”
“I really love you sis, you know that”
Deb began to tear up. “You never even blinked twice when I told you I was gay. Why?”
“C’mon sis. Motorcycles, your dress, and I saw you kissing a girl about five years ago!”
She hugged her brother. “You’re an idiot”
“But I’m you’re idiot, right?”
She punched him in the arm.
She wiped her eyes. “Don’t count on Annie to give you any support. She's got her head so far up dad’s ass it’s pathetic. She and her leech husband Kevin will be only too happy to take your share of the inheritance”
“Who cares? I told dad to shove it”
“You told him that?”
“Sure. I don’t give a damn about his money. I never did. Not if it turned someone into the jackass dad became”
“I wish I could do that” she sounded sad.
“Be your own person. Actually I like your plan! You get the money, and tell him to stick it”
“You always knew how to make me feel better, but I’m still a shallow bitch and you know it”
Jung came in with a try of coffee and bagels. “Umm, Deb, there IS a little girl in the house, you know. I’d like to keep her sheltered from those words until at least the third grade” She smiled and poured the coffee into two mugs for Deb and Justin.
“Sorry, Jung. I’m not used to being around little kids”
“Don’t worry about it. Just think a little bit before you drop a bomb. You know, it’s really sad that you have such disrespect for your father. It is very foreign to me. I would never talk to my father or about my father like you do. It’s not…nice” she paused. “Bagel?”
Justin was about to say something, but Deb cut him off. “I understand your culture, Jung. Let me tell you something I’ve never said before. You are literally the classiest, most beautiful girl I have ever known. You have a grace that most people lack”
Jung blushed.
“You were brought up by two very special people. I love your folks in a way I can never love my own. In our culture, respect must be earned. It is not a right. My father is a pig. I saw how he looked at you when you weren’t watching him. You were nothing but a piece of meat to him. If he could get you in the sack, he would. The same goes for your mother. I’ve heard him talk about the people in your family, calling them slant eyed bastards and worse”
Jung held her hands to her mouth in shock.
“My father doesn’t deserve respect. No one respects a pig. He may be feared, but not respected. One of these days, I’m going to shove it in his face, and my Hitler youth sister Annie can have everything that’s left. I just wonder what he makes mom put up with. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a closet perv. I know he took pictures of you on the beach when you and I were sunbathing in our bikinis in Hawaii in '87”
“I…I never knew” Jung was completely shocked her eyes began to brim. “Justin, did you know this?”
“Yes. Deb told me a couple of years ago. I didn’t believe it then, which is why I didn’t say anything. I believe it now”
“You can’t let that bastard win. He’ll screw up that beautiful little girl. If I have to, I’ll testify, even if it costs me three million”
“I won’t ask you to do that sis. I’ll beat that SOB in my terms”
Jung was silent. The thought of her father in law having sexual thoughts about her was repulsive in the highest order. That he thought of her mother like that was worse. “Get him Justin. Don’t let him take my baby”
Deb and Justin talked for about another hour then Deb got up to leave. “Make sure you bring your girlfriend over sometime soon. I’d love to meet the person who could keep you in line. I know Hyun would love to meet her”
“Okay, big bro. She wanted to come today, but I wasn’t sure. It’ll be nice to have family we can visit”
She hugged and kissed her brother and Jung. Hyun came running into the room and gave Deb a picture she had drawn. It was Deb riding her Harley. With her hair blowing back in the wind.
“Why, thank you, sweetie! I’ll put this up when I get home!”
“I drawed it just for you, Auntie!”
Deb kissed and hugged her niece. “I’ll be back soon, Hyun Ae Brooks. I have a friend I want to introduce you to. She’s Auntie’s special friend. Her name is Kylie”
“Yay! I’ll draw her a picture too! Bye Auntie!”
Justin hugged her again. Don’t be a stranger, sis”
“I won’t, Big Bro!”
Mr. and Mrs. Song left the guest room as soon as Deb left. “Mom, Dad, why did you wait for her to leave?”
Mr. Song shook his head “It was not our time to meet her again. You had much to discuss”
“Did you hear?”
“Enough. House isn’t built very well. I hear that Mr. Brooks looks at others rice cakes”
Justin looked down, ashamed of his father’s conduct. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, Dad”
“It is not unknown to me. I see these things when Mr. Brooks does not think I see. He has no respect for others and no respect for our people. It says much about your character, Justin, that you respect our ways enough to name your child Korean name. These are acts of respect, not mere words. I am proud of you son, and proud to call you son. You have our support. We will be with you for the court”
Justin could not hold back his tears. “I…I am honored to be your son. You are the only father I have left”
Mr. Song was touched. He was not an emotional man, but Jung saw a tear.
Jung was enjoying the day. It was unseasonably warm day after Christmas. She thought it strange, because the morning was so chilly. Hyun wanted to play in the sprinkler in her new swimsuit. “Please, Mommy! It’s so hot!”
“Okay, baby girl. Get your suit on”
Hyun came running out in her suit. Jung had the water running. It was warm, and Jung was sweating. Where did this weather come from? The sky was a funny color, like the smog was really bad.
“Mommy! Look! I blew up my beach ball all by myself!”
“That’s nice, sweetie. The flower patch was really getting out of hand, so Jung decided to clean it out. “Gosh, it’s hot! I might join Hyun in the sprinkler myself if this keeps up”
“Mommy, the sprinkler shoots the ball way high!”
“That’s nice honey” The flower bed was really in bad shape.
Jung could hear Hyun giggling as she played in the sprinkler. She turned around and noticed that Hyun’s little member was showing through her wet suit. She was mortified. What if someone saw? “Hyun Ae? Come here this instant! Your thing is showing!”
Jung got embarrassed as she realized she had said this a little too loud. Her neighbors across the street stopped what they were doing and looked. “Shit! Said Jung to herself. Why does it have to be so damn hot the day after Christmas?”
“Whee, Mommy!” The ball shot out into the street, with Hyun in pursuit.
The silver Mercedes never slowed. The sickening thud of bone on metal was like a cannon in Jung’s ears. She ran out to the street. Her baby was lying in a rapidly expanding pool of blood. The driver got out. It was Justin’s dad. “If I can’t have him, no one can”
Jung looked down at the lifeless eyes of Hyun Ae.
To be continued
Chapter 8
Justin was awakened by his wife’s terrified screams. She was thrashing on the bed, wrapped in the covers.
“JUNG! JUNG! Wake up! Wake up!” Justin pulled the covers away from her face. Her eyes were wide with terror.
“Hyun! She’s dead! She’s dead! It’s my fault!”
Justin shook her. She was soaked with sweat, her nightgown was soaked through. “Honey, wake up! It was a dream!”
She looked around with panic written on her face. Slowly, she realized where she was. She looked at her husband and burst into tears. “Justin! It was so real! Your father killed our little girl!”
Jung’s parents burst into the room. “What happened?” asked Jung’s mother.
Justin was holding his sobbing wife. “She had a nightmare, that’s all. I’ll handle it. Go back to bed”
“It was a-awful. My little girl was hit by a car. Your dad was driving it. He said ‘if he couldn’t have him, then no one would’” Jung was shivering uncontrollably. Justin had never seen his wife in such a state. Her long hair was soaked.
“Take it easy, Hon. I’m right here, and Hyun is in the next room”
Jung looked into her husband’s eyes. “Your father wants to kill my baby. I know it. I’ve only had a dream like this once before, and it came true. My grandmother was killed in a plane crash”
She threw the covers down and started crying all over again. “Shit! I wet the bed! Justin, I’ll never let him take my baby. I swear, I’ll go back to Korea”
“Come on honey. Let’s not worry about that now. It’s five am. Run a bath and I’ll get the bed cleaned up. Okay?”
“Okay. I guess. Don’t go too far, please?”
“I’ll be right here”
Jung drew a hot bath, and took a shower before she got in. the bath wasn’t for getting clean. It was to relax. She pulled off her wet nightgown and panties and stepped in to the shower. After a quick shower, she stepped in to the hot bath. It was as hot as she could stand, and she could feel the tension easing as she slipped in.
After a few minutes, Justin entered the bathroom. The air was foggy from the hot bath.
“Feeling better, honey?”
Her eyes were closed as she smiled contentedly. “Mmmmmmm, yes. Good suggestion”
Justin chuckled. “Well, you did look a little stressed!”
“It was so real, Justin. I was working in the flower bed, and Hyun was in the sprinkler playing. Her ball went into the street…”
“And it was a dream. You were wrapped up in the covers so tight it’s a wonder you could breathe”
“It was so hot in the dream”
“No wonder! I know you can be a little cold blooded, but you weren’t sweating that much giving birth!”
“I know your father has evil intentions, Justin”
“I know that too, Honey. However, you need to remember that I know his little tricks, and we’ve got a top lawyer on our side, so we’ve got it covered”
“Are you sure? Your father is such a powerful man”
Justin knelt at the tub. “Do you love me?”
“Do you trust me?”
Jung nodded.
“Then hear me. I will not let anything happen to our little girl. Ever. My father will get Hyun over my dead body”
Jung rolled up on to her knees, smiling seductively. Her breasts were above the water. She leaned forward, kissed him deeply and said “I love you, Justin Brooks. And I need you to help me keep this water warm” She didn’t have to ask twice.
The hearing regarding the child abuse charge was held on December 30th. All of the parties were present.
Jung saw Lorraine enter the courtroom and noticed the little wink she got. It made her feel warm inside.
Kate looked angry. “We’ve pulled a competent judge. John Kimball is as old as dirt, but very fair. But he won’t put up with any nonsense in the courtroom. We’ve got our work cut out for us”
Justin was troubled by that. “We could lose?”
“Sure we could lose. But we won’t” she smiled confidently. She knelt down to Hyun. “Are you ready to be brave, my little lawyer?”
“Uh huh”
“Okay, folks, let’s put this Mr. Brooks in his place”
“All rise” commanded the bailiff. “This court is in session, the Honorable John Kimball presiding”
“Be seated”
The judge was a lean, hawkish figure of a man, easily in his late seventies. “I’ve read the complaint, and I have the documents forwarded to me by both sides. Counsel for the elder Brooks family, are you ready to make your case?”
Harry Dumas stood. “We are, Your Honor”
“Ms. Allegri?”
Kate stood. “We are, Your Honor”
“Very well. Before we begin, I have to say that this is a truly unusual case. California law makes it very difficult for grandparents to take a child away from their parents unless there is gross neglect”
Dumas stood. “Your honor, we intend to prove that Kwan Bae Brooks is being subjected to a cruel punishment, known in some circles as ‘petticoat punishment’. He is a boy being forced to wear garments of the opposite sex. We also intend to prove that the boy is being starved emotionally by a distant father and a cold mother”
Justin looked at his father with pure hatred. Jung was weeping. Kate, however was smiling.
“What in the hell are you smiling about, Kate?” asked Justin. “This guy is lying his ass off”
Kate leaned over to Justin and whispered quietly. “Justin, your dad is about to get a lesson in why the family lawyer isn’t always the best choice in every case”
“Ms. Allegri? Do you have something to say” asked the Judge in a somewhat condescending tone.
“As a matter of fact, your honor, I do. Not only are the charges being leveled against my clients patently false and malicious, but I will show that the plaintiff in this case, Mr. James Brooks, has no claim on the child whatsoever, and is to be considered an uninterested third party”
Mr. Brooks looked at his lawyer who shrugged his shoulders.
“Mr. Dumas, I’ll hear your arguments”
“Your Honor, I’d like to have the child examined by a psychologist of our choosing”
Judge Kimball rubbed his temples. “That should have been done by now, Mr. Dumas. Just finishing law school are we?”
Kate stood. “Your honor, if it pleases the court, we are prepared to enter into evidence complete psychological evaluations by Dr. Stacee Abney and a second opinion by Dr. Horatio Fulton, both world renowned experts in the field of gender studies. The child, Hyun Ae Brooks, formerly known as Kwan Bae Brooks is currently under the continued care of Dr. Abney. I have full files documenting the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder with the treatments prescribed by Dr. Abney. Hers and Dr. Fulton’s credentials are listed, as are case histories of untreated cases. Hyun Ae is being treated according to recognized protocols”
“Furthermore, we have documents from the representative of the State who investigated the initial accident causing Kwan to be admitted to the hospital and the secondary complaint. This investigator found *no* evidence of abuse, and quite to the contrary, found Mr. and Mrs. Brooks to be exemplary parents who, at the risk of public ridicule, put the health and welfare of their daughter above all else to go with this course of treatment, controversial only in that the age of the patient is five years old”
“Also, your honor, we have learned that Mr. Brooks has disinherited his son, and as he has taken this action, his standing as a grandparent has been nullified”
Brooks looked at his attorney, furious. “How did they get that information?” He whispered.
“Finally, your honor, we are prepared to have the child in question, Hyun Ae Brooks, give testimony before your honor as to her mental status. She is most willing to give this testimony, and has been thoroughly counseled about the risks of such testimony”
Judge Kimball was taking notes as Kate was talking. “Very good, Ms. Allegri. At least one of you came prepared”
Mr. Dumas stood. “Your honor…”
“Sit down, Mr. Dumas” Kate thought it sounded a lot like “dumbass”
“Ms. Allegri, is the young lady ready to testify?”
“Yes, your Honor, she is”
He noticed Hyun sitting next to her mother. “Young lady, would you like to come forward?”
She looked at her mother, who nodded. “Yes sir” she got up and walked to the witness stand. She was wearing a light lavender sleeveless crew neck dress that hit just below the knee with white tights. She was carrying a sheet of her drawing paper. She had been drawing while the proceedings were going on.
The judge smiled. “Have a seat, Miss Brooks”
“Yes sir” she sat in the large chair, which made her look even smaller than she was.
“You know you’re supposed to tell the truth here, right?” The judge was surprisingly gentle.
“Yes sir, Mommy said I was supposed to tell you everything you wanted to know”
“That’s good. Your mommy is right. Now I’m going to ask you a few questions, okay?”
“Okay” she paused, looking at him askance. Then she smiled. “You have happy eyes. I like you”
Judge Kimball smiled. “I like you too, Miss Brooks. Do you like to be called Miss?”
“Yes sir. I am a girl, after all” she giggled. “You’re silly!”
The judge laughed. “That’s what my grandkids say. Is anybody making you do this against your will?”
“I don’t know what that means?”
“Do you want to be a girl?”
“I am a girl. I don’t like being a boy. Boys are yucky!” She wrinkled her nose as she said it.
“But weren’t you born a boy?”
“I guess, but I never felt like one. I never liked playing with them. They’re mean and gross. I like my Barbies! Hannah and I play all the time! Do you like dollies, sir?”
The judge laughed again. The bailiff bowed his head so no one could see him smile.
“I’m a little old for dollies, Miss Brooks, but I see why you like them”
“I drawed you a picture, sir. You can have it if you want” She handed it up to him.
It was a picture of the courtroom with him sitting at the bench. She drew flowers on his bench where there were none.
“Why thank you, Miss Brooks! Why did you put flowers on my bench?”
“Because they’re pretty! You really should have flowers there. They smell good and my Mommy grows them”
“Well young lady, the Court will certainly take that under advisement, and I thank you for your courtroom drawing. You may step down.”
“Okay!” she ran over to her mother and sat down again.
Judge Kimball paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Do you have anything further to present, Mr. Dumas?”
“No your Honor”
“Good move”
“Mr. Dumas” the judge intoned. “In the interest of fairness, I’ll allow you to have a psychologist of your choice interview this child, for whatever good it will do. I for one wish my own granddaughters were as feminine as this child”
“The issue of gender identity is, in the opinion of this court an issue not easily defined. Experts all over the globe have debated it for years, and it won’t be decided today. The age of the patient in question is the only issue. Whether or not a child as young as Miss Brooks can truly determine her gender identity is not a question that will be answered in this court today”
“Furthermore, I see no evidence of emotional maladjustment on the part of Miss Brooks. The opinion of many in my profession is that the testimony of a child is unreliable. I, on the other hand, find it refreshing. There is no guile, no intent to mislead here, just pure unadulterated honesty. It is the opinion of this court that for now, it sees no evidence of neglect or abuse, either physical or mental. This child believes she is a girl, and that is good enough for me. I will of course review all documentation provided the court by the defendants. But it is the summary judgment of this court that Hyun Ae Brooks be left in the care of her parents, as there is no evidence of any abuse on their part. Further, it is the opinion of this court that Hyun Ae Brooks be allowed to continue living as a girl, as this appears to be in her best interest”
“This court is adjourned” He slammed the gavel down.
Justin pumped his fist and hugged his wife. They both hugged their daughter and then hugged Kate. “Thank you, Kate for all you’ve done” Jung nodded as well.
“You’re welcome, guys. I’ll be here whenever you need me”
Justin looked over at his father and mother. His father was glaring at him; his mother was looking at him apologetically. Justin decided to try something.
He walked over to his father and offered his hand. “No hard feelings, dad?”
“You think you’ve won, don’t you? This isn’t over. I just fired Dumas, and I’ll be back” his father sneered.
“No, dad, actually I don’t. I said a lot of things in anger that I shouldn’t have. I was wrong about that, and I’d like to apologize”
“You just want back in, don’t you?”
Justin shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you dad? I don’t want your money. I never did. Your problem is that it’s all about the money and the power and getting your way. Well, that doesn’t work with me. My family is my responsibility. Mine alone. You wouldn’t want me nosing in your affairs. I just ask that you don’t mess in mine. Is that so hard?”
Hi father’s look never softened “I know what’s best for you. I always will”
Justin shook his head. He was no longer angry with his father. “Sorry dad, but that responsibility isn’t yours any more. You know, I feel sorry for you. Hyun has done nothing to you, yet you hate her because she doesn’t fit your mold. You aren’t God, dad. You have to deal with people as they are”
He noticed his mother was crying. “Don’t you see what you’re doing to your family? We’re all miserable”
Mr. Brooks felt a tug on his jacket. “Grampa? Are you mad at me?”
He couldn’t look at his granddaughter. “No” was all he said.
“Don’t you love me? I love you”
“No” He turned and walked away.
Hyun looked up at her father. “Why, Daddy? I drawed him a picture”
All Justin could do was shake his head as tears flowed down his cheeks. “I don’t know honey”
Mrs. Brooks bent down and hugged Hyun. “We love you Hyun. I love you. You’re beautiful, and I love your drawing”
“Thank you Grammie. Tell Grampa I’m sorry”
“No sweetie, he’s sorry. I’ll be over to see you this week”
Patricia turned to Justin. “I sorry, Justin. I was wrong. I’m leaving your father. I found out he has been seeing someone behind my back for three years. He betrayed me, He betrayed us all”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Mom. Your welcome at our home anytime, and I’m sorry for the hateful things I said”
“You were right, Justin. She’s a beautiful little girl. How could we have thought otherwise” she smiled slightly. “Besides, I’m not moving anywhere. Jim’s the one moving out, not me. Half of his empire is mine, remember?”
Justin had to smile. His mom would be formidable in court. Jim Brooks would be worth a whole lot less when his mother was done with him.
“Come on, Justin, we need to go. Mom and Dad are buying lunch. Your mother is welcome to come”
Justin looked at his mother, who declined. “You go, son. I’ve got some work to do”
She waved as her son’s family left the courtroom, then at the drawing Hyun had given her. It was flowers in a field, with the word “hope” written in her childish scrawl.
The End