How Nice!
Shane sat down at the piano. Music went through his head as he tried to pick out the notes, but the events of the day had taken their toll. Almost asleep, he laid his head on the keys. Another argument with his father after class led to shouting on both sides; an ultimatum to drop the subject or move out and onto campus…without any help from his parents. The conflict within his own family had cruelly broken his spirit, and he had almost given up any hope of being whole.
The sound of piano and soft strings began to stir; followed by the clear thump of bass and the mix of flute. He tried to lift his head, but his sadness was so heavy upon him that he remained at rest. The sweet voice of a girl spoke softly into his ear; a familiar voice; a treasured sound that seemed to reach deep into his soul…
Gillian -
How nice…
This feeling that your life's begun anew
This change...
Would I really fall in love with you?
What's the matter with you, Annette
Have you been too much without hope?
So many things unclear
So many things unknown.
Annette -
In my life
There are so many riddles and questions
with answers seemingly apparent
In my life
There are times when I’m plagued with suggestions
The yell of a well meaning parent
And it shouts
Of a world that I should see
Out of touch
Just a falsehood away
Lying to me.
Gillian -
Is he really a she?
Do I know if she's real?
Can I know what she knows?
When I think what I feel?
Annette -
In my life
I'll no longer fear
Since the love in my life
Is so near
Forgive me, I am here!
Annette’s mother -
Dear Annette,
You're such a troubled child
How wistful, how peculiar to me
Believe me, were it within my strength
I would go to any length
How mournful it must be, I can see
How pathetic you must be.
Annette -
There's so little I see
That I'm longing to be
Of the girl that I want
my fam’ly to know...
There's so little you say
Of the one I’m today
Why you always reject
Why there’s never respect
So pale! So sad and gray...
the past lives today
In my life
I have none that who know
That I’m loving and with gentle intent
But Papa, please Papa,
In your eyes I am just like a child
Who is wicked and bent
Annette’s Father -
No more words
No more words. To me you are dead
There are curses
That are better silent
Better unsaid.
Annette -
In my life
I'm no longer a boy and I yearn
For you know I speak truth
Of the years... of my youth!
Annette’s Father -
That you yearn?
Truth is spoken by God
To me all in my time
You must learn!
(Annette’s father departs)
Gillian -
In my life
She has sung like an angel from heaven
The light of a star…
And my heart seems to stop
As if something is over
Even while we’ve come far….
Annette -
You're the one who has brought me here
Thanks to you I no longer fear
Paradise is near!
And I now live a life that is new that is free
Gillian (to herself)
Every word she speaks burns as a flame within me!
In my life
There's ne’er been one like her anywhere
Anywhere, there I’ll find...
I’ll be her’s; she’ll be mine
Gillian and Annette -
In my life
There is someone who touches my life
Annette -
Waiting near
Gillian -
Waiting here
(Annette goes into the garden, Gillian follows after…)
Annette -
A heart filled with love
A heart filled with song
Setting aside what I knew what was wrong
Oh God, for shame
I have never spoken my name
Dear, Dear Annette
Speak it now
No regret
A heart filled with love
Fine’ly me without fear
Gillian -
My name is Gillian
Annette -
And mine's Annette
Gillian -
Annette…I don't know what to say...
Annette -
Then make no sound
Gillian -
You were lost
Annette -
Now I’m found!
Gillian -
A heart filled with hope
Annette -
A life bright as gold
Gillian -
And you must never surrender
Annette, Annette!
Annette -
This is a dream that will ne’er die
Gillian -
Dare we dream?
Annette -
I'm awake!
Gillian -
A heart filled love
Annette -
Love only for you!
Gillian -
One word you spoke and then I knew
Annette -
I knew it too
Gillian -
From today
Annette -
Without fail!
Annette and Gillian -
For it isn't a dream
Not a dream after all.
Annette’s Father -
It was never mine to choose
Why did I force what could not be?
A life that was not hers to live
Not for her…not for her …not for me!
Her heart is filled with love
She will always be that way...
The sound of a D minor 7th broke the silence as Pywacket hopped up on the keyboard. She began to purr and nuzzle the sleeping figure as the keys gave way gently to her paws. From the living room, a voice came.
“Gillian’s here for your practice, sweetie. I thought it would be great if she stayed for dinner. That way the two of you could work right up until six, when your Dad gets home from work. He’s picking up Thai… we haven’t had take out in a while, and I have to run a few errands. I hope you don’t mind practicing by yourselves.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Mrs. Ragazza.” Gillian said as she walked into the family room to find the Siamese treading lightly on the still-sleeping figure.
“Hey…sleepyhead…Brahms and Beethoven and Gillian Belladonna are here.” Gillian leaned over and gave her partner a kiss on the cheek.
“What…what’s…oh…Hi, Gil.”
“Hi, yourself. We’ve got to get to work if I’m going to be ready on Sunday…The concert is going to be so cool…I get to go first with Debussey. You hit em with Mendelssohn and we bring it home with Brahms, okay? We encore with I Remember You by Diana Krall...I'll take harmony, okay? I’m wearing my rust colored off the shoulder gown…You decide what you’re going to wear?” Gillian smiled and the reply came.
“I’m leaning toward the red sleeveless, but the black strapless might work as well.” Annette said as if the choices were an everyday event…well, maybe not every day. As she sat up at the piano Gillian slipped in beside her and pulled her in for a soft kiss, which Annette gave into gladly.
She'd have something else to say later, but just as she closed her eyes, she could have sworn she saw the cat wink at her.
The End
adapted from In My Life and
A Heart Full of Love
from the Musical Les Miserables
Words and Music by
Herbert Kretzmer and
Claude-Michel Schonberg
L'Isle Joyeuse
Claude Debussey
Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor (op. 25)
Felix Mendelssohn
No. 5 in F♯ minor: Allegro
Johannes Brahms
I Remember You
Words and Music by
Johnny Mercer and Victor Schertzberger
As performed by Diana Krall