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A Fortuitous Adventure: or, how I got my first job by Louise Anne Smithson Copyright © 2010 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved. |
The story is set between July and September 2009, principally in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, but also with journeys to Birmingham Airport and Sheffield.
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 1
My arrival at Shrewsbury
She was right. It was approaching noon and the weather was exceptionally hot, even for July, and I was beginning to sweat profusely.
‘I put it on this morning as I needed some more pockets to hold my ticket and wallet. These jeans are a bit too tight,’ I explained.
‘Your shirt has a deep pocket, you could put your ticket and some money for the journey there, then pack your jacket in your suitcase, it would be more comfortable for you that way,’ she suggested.
I sighed, but followed her advice and extracted my rail ticket, bank card, and twenty pounds from my wallet, then carefully folded my coat and placed it in my suitcase. At the same time I took out a computer magazine that I'd bought to read on the next leg of the journey.
‘You seem to have brought quite a case load of clothes with you this time,’ she commented.
‘I'll be staying in Shrewsbury for the whole of the summer holiday and I don’t want to be doing laundry more than once a week,’ I answered.
I suppose I had bought myself rather a large case but it had been on special offer in the shop, and had the attraction of having four wheels for me to pull it along. My mother couldn't really complain though, since her own case was nearly as large as mine and she also had a cabin bag for her plane journey.
About ten minutes later our departure was announced and we were allowed to join the train. I loaded my suitcase on to the luggage rack at the end of the carriage and helped Mum to do the same with her own. Her cabin bag would fit on the rack over the seats. We found a couple of seats next to one another half way down the carriage and so it was possible for us to continue our conversation. Over the next few minutes the carriage proceeded to fill with other travellers and the racks at the end of the carriage and spaces between some of the seats quickly became overflowing with luggage. It looked as if half of the passengers were either going away or else returning from a holiday.
‘Are you sure you're going to be alright Chris — six weeks is a long time for me to be overseas?’ said Mum.
‘Of course I’m going to be fine, I'll be sixteen in a couple of weeks and that is old enough to leave school. In any event, I'll be staying with Aunt Carol and her daughters,’ I answered. ‘You can always telephone or email me to make sure that all is well.’
‘I fully intend to do so, at least once a week,’ she answered. ‘You can also email or send a text message to me, or for that matter, you could telephone and leave a message for me to ring you back, if there are any emergencies.’
‘Don’t worry, there won’t be any emergencies,’ I responded wearily.
‘I hope not. I’m relying on you to behave sensibly and to look after yourself.’
I responded with another weary sigh and what I hoped was a withering look. Mum smiled in response.
‘So what are you planning to do in Shrewsbury between now and the beginning of September?’ she asked.
‘I don’t know,’ I said shrugging my shoulders; ‘I suppose I'll chill out with my cousins for part of the time, but I'll also need to try and find myself a part-time job if I can. I've three hundred and fifty pounds saved but I don't see that lasting me for the six weeks of the holiday.’
In fact I was quite glad of an excuse to get away from my home town for a few weeks as my only real friend there had just moved away with his family and I didn't want to admit to my mother that I didn't get on well with most of my school fellows, and had turned in to the local ‘Billy No-mates’.
‘Karen and Anne are now grown women and have full-time jobs and steady boyfriends. There's only Clare who is of a similar age to you,’ she answered.
‘In that case I'll chill out with Clare, if she doesn’t object to my company. Then there's always the Internet — I've some school projects to complete and Aunt Carol confirmed that they do subscribe to broadband,’ I replied.
‘OK but just be careful and don’t do anything that might embarrass your aunt or your cousins.’
Mum was due to catch her plane at Birmingham International Airport whereas I'd be travelling on the same train as far as Wolverhampton and then changing to a local train to take me on to Shrewsbury. We spent the next hour and a half either reading our magazines or else in desultory conversation, until the intercom announced our imminent arrival at her station. This caused a number of passengers to stir from their seats and get ready to disembark.
‘Will you give me a hand collecting my big case from the luggage rack please Chris, whilst I follow with my cabin bag? It looks as if quite a few of these people will be getting off the train,’ said Mum, noting the movement further down the carriage.
‘Alright, I’ll put it on to the platform for you,’ I answered, ‘but keep an eye on my case for me as you go past, please.’
‘I can’t imagine any of these people wanting to pinch your scruffy old jeans and tee shirts,’ she said smiling.
‘Perhaps not,’ I replied. ‘But it is a respectable looking suitcase and so no one will know what's inside.’
We said our goodbyes on the platform whilst several teenagers with American accents sorted themselves out and walked past dragging their own luggage towards the exit.
‘I’ll see you in September, she said, giving me a final hug and a kiss. ‘Be sure to behave yourself, and I hope you have an enjoyable summer.’
‘I hope your trip will be successful,’ I responded.
‘So do I!’ she answered. ‘Thanks for being so understanding and co-operative with the arrangements.’
The train was about to leave so I boarded again and waved through the window.
As I re-entered the carriage I double-checked that my suitcase was still in the rack - it was - although not in exactly the place that I'd left it. That didn't worry me since the other passengers had extracted their own cases and so probably had moved mine out of the way in the process. I returned to reading my magazine until we reached Wolverhampton where I changed trains and waited for the Chester service which would take me as far as Shrewsbury. As I waited for my connection on the platform I noticed the sky had become darker towards the northwest and it looked as if there was going to be a thunder storm ahead.
My prediction proved to be right. By the time I alighted at Shrewsbury, thirty minutes later, it was beginning to rain quite hard. I therefore stood in the ticket office of the station awaiting the arrival of Aunt Carol, who had promised to meet me from the train. Whilst I waited I tried to retrieve my hooded windcheater from the case but found that the combination lock refused to open. The same thing had happened to me once before when a case suddenly changed the combination for no obvious reason, (although I later discovered that a switch behind the lock had not been set correctly). I cursed under my breath and decided I'd have to wait until I reached my destination before I could sort it out. Then, at last, Karen, the oldest of my three cousins, turned up carrying an umbrella.
‘Sorry I’m late Chris but Mum has been called away to look after Gran, who has had a minor stroke. I had to ask for special permission to leave work early so that I could come to meet you,’ she explained.
Karen had recently qualified as a nurse.
‘I’m afraid my sisters and I will be looking after you for the next couple of weeks until Mum gets back,’ she added.
‘I’m very sorry to hear about Gran, is she going to be alright?’
‘I spoke to Mum at lunchtime and it looks as if she is going to make at least a partial recovery, although she will need some home nursing for a while.’
‘Does my Mum know about it?’
‘No, it only happened last night and my mother decided to say nothing to Aunt Jill as she knew how important this European tour will be to her business plans. She’ll telephone her to fill her in with the details later this evening. So in the meanwhile, I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with the three of us.’
‘That’s alright by me,’ I said. ‘I'll be quite alright looking after myself. I wasn’t expecting anybody to look after me.’
She looked at me and my suitcase.
‘My car is parked in the Post Office car park, I’m afraid it is about a five minute walk away. I couldn't find anywhere to park in the street nearby,’ she said taking my case. ‘Haven’t you brought a raincoat or an umbrella?’ she asked.
‘I have brought a hooded coat but I’m afraid it is locked in the case and I can’t seem to open it at present, something seems to have happened to the lock.
‘In that case I’m afraid you’ll get wet as I have only this small umbrella, but if you like I'll take your case for you and you can follow me.’
‘Thanks’ I said following her into the rain.
Although well meant, that wasn't such a good idea as Karen, holding an umbrella in one hand, couldn't pull my case as quickly as I would have done with both hands free. No sooner had we left the station than the rain came down in torrents and in no time I was wet through. Even Karen, with her umbrella soon became soaked.
‘We’ll have to change our things once we get back to the house otherwise we will both get pneumonia,’ she commented as I loaded my luggage into her boot and got in the passenger seat next to her and started to drip on the car floor.
By the end of the four mile drive to my Aunt’s house in the Shropshire countryside I was feeling decidedly wet and cold.
Anne, the second of my three cousins, and Clare her younger sister welcomed us to the house. Anne worked in an office in town, and apparently had also left work early on that day. Clare was seventeen and would start her final year at school in September and was currently a lady of leisure.
‘Welcome you pair of drowned rats,’ said Anne.
‘Is the weather always like this in Shrewsbury?’ I asked.
‘No we save it up especially for your visits Chris. However, I suggest you both get changed out of those wet things quickly.’
‘I'm just going to change my clothes and blow dry my hair,’ said Karen, ‘but as you have been traveling all day Chris, why don’t you hop in to the bath?’
‘Alright but I'll need to sort out my combination lock first,’ I said, ‘otherwise I’ll have nothing to change into.’
‘Don’t worry about that for now, here's a bath towel and you can put this on when you come out,’ said Karen handing me a towel and a plain white bath robe. ‘We'll sort out your case for you. Feel free to use any soaps etc. in the bathroom. Also, if you leave your wet clothes outside the bathroom door, I'll put them straight in the washing machine along with mine.’
I did as I was told and soon felt a lot warmer and more relaxed than before.
Whilst I was in the bath my cousin Clare kindly started working through every possible combination starting from 000 until she eventually came to the one which opened my case. It took her about half an hour before she knocked on the bathroom door to announce her success. So I thought it was an appropriate time to emerge from the bathroom dressed in the white bath robe. I came downstairs to the living room to find my three cousins had my case open and were looking somewhat puzzled.
‘I have to say young Christopher that we all admire your taste in lingerie,’ said Clare.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked, blushing.
She held up a dark blue silk camisole top.
‘That isn't mine,’ I said incredulously.
‘Well, we were beginning to wonder about you,’ she said. ‘This case seems to have been packed full of rather attractive girls’ clothes, and there is no trace of anything one might have expected you to wear. Are you sure that you have brought the right luggage with you, or is there something you need to tell us about your lifestyle?’
‘Well it is of the same make and colour as my case and it has been in my sight ever since mum got off the train,’ I said.
‘What about before that?’
I then stopped to think for a moment and remembered helping Mum at Birmingham International station.
‘Oh my God! I’ve a horrible feeling that someone may have taken my case from the luggage rack on the train at Birmingham Airport and left their own one behind. I lost sight of my luggage when I helped mum to carry her case off the train. Now I come to think of it, there were a number of American teenage girls who got off at the same time as she did’ I said.
‘That would at least explain the lingerie and why your combination didn't open the lock,’ commented Clare.
‘We had deduced that the owner was probably from the United States as there are a couple of printed plastic carrier bags inside, one is from a department store with branches in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. But there doesn't seem to be anything else in the case with the owner’s name or address on it,’ said Anne.
‘That means that my case is probably en-route to the USA by now,’ I said with a note of dismay in my voice.
‘Don’t worry Chris; she's bound to get in touch as soon as she discovers her mistake. By the look of things her clothes are a lot more expensive than yours’ would be and so no doubt she'll want them back,’ commented Karen trying to be encouraging.
‘The only problem is that I’m not sure there is anything in my luggage which would identify me,’ I said racking my brains.
‘Didn’t you put your name and address on your case?’ asked Anne.
‘It was a brand new suitcase and I hadn't got round to doing it. In any event, I wasn't taking it abroad. I was only taking it on a train and assumed that it would be in my custody throughout the journey,’ I said sheepishly.
‘What about inside your luggage, is there anything that might have your name and address there?’ asked Karen.
I thought hard.
‘Oh God, my wallet with my holiday money was in the pocket of my coat which I slipped inside the case at Euston station this morning,’ I said.
‘How much money?’ asked Karen.
‘Three hundred and thirty pounds’ I responded.
I was now very worried indeed.
‘But surely your wallet will have your name and address,’ said Anne.
‘No, I took out my bank card and put it in the pocket of my shirt. I don’t think there was anything else in the wallet to identify me.’
‘What about a credit card?’ said Karen.
‘I’m too young to have one.’
‘So Chris, let us now take stock of your situation! You are now two hundred miles from your home without any clothes and without any money to buy some new ones,’ said Karen with a note of gentle sarcasm in her voice.
‘And you cannot go back home to get some other clothes because your mother has just left for an extended trip overseas,’ added Anne.’
‘I do have about twenty pounds and the clothes that I arrived in,’ I added weakly.
‘I'm afraid that twenty pounds won't even take you as far as Birmingham, let alone the south coast, and the clothes you arrived in are currently in the washing machine,’ said Clare.
I blushed and felt very foolish in front of my cousins.
‘I suppose I'd better telephone Mum and ask her to send me some money to buy some new clothes,’ I said.
(Next time How my loss led to the opportunity for some work)
I got the inspiration for the first chapter from Crystal Sprite’s How I Spent My Summer Vacation (see http://www.storysite.org/story/howispentmysummervac~01.html ) although I've changed the setting. From chapter 2 onwards it is entirely my own story.
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 2
A job opportunity
‘Don’t do anything too quickly Chris; you still may get your suitcase and your money back. Your mum will be worried enough when she hears about Gran’s stroke so let's not give her any more grief than is necessary. The first thing you need to do is telephone the railway lost property office before it closes for the night. You never know but they may already have your case.’
I did as she suggested and explained the circumstances of my loss. There was no record of any suitcase having been handed in at Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton, Birmingham or Euston during the afternoon. I asked whether they would take my name and phone number and notify me if it were found. They weren't terribly hopeful, particularly when they realised that there was no name and address on the case and it might have been inadvertently taken out of the country. Instead of taking my number they told me to ring back to enquire again in two or three days. They also gave me the telephone number of the lost property office at Birmingham Airport, and so I rang them and told the story once again. The airport wanted to know details of the flight and the destination of the person with my case, but I could supply neither. There'd been half a dozen flights leaving for, or connecting with other flights to the East coast of the USA, in the three hours immediately following my loss, and nobody had so far reported anything untoward. Once again they didn't take my details but suggested that I should ring them again the following day, by which time the girl with my case would have probably returned home and realised her mistake. I reported back to my cousins.
‘It looks as if I’ll have to borrow this bath robe until my own clothes are dry?’ I asked.
‘We don't have a tumble-dryer and so it will take at least twenty-four hours before your jeans are dry,’ said Anne.
Clare now took pity on my plight.
‘Chris, you are roughly the same size as me. I’ll try and find you something suitable of mine to wear in the meanwhile. By the way, what’s your shoe size?’ she asked.
‘Six,’ I answered.
‘You’re in luck,’ she said, ‘I take the same size.’
Given the events of the day so far, I couldn't really agree with her sentiments.
Clare arrived back from her bedroom about ten minutes later, carrying a pile of her clothes. She put them down on to a chair and began to sort through them.
‘Chris, would you prefer to wear a skirt or a pair of trousers?’ she asked playfully.
‘Very funny,’ I answered blushing deeply.
She handed me some girls’ slacks, a baggy sweat shirt that could equally be worn by a boy or a girl, together with some short white socks and a pair of girls’ trainers. She also handed me some plain white underclothes.
‘I tried to find you some knickers which aren’t too ‘girly’, and you can have the most masculine looking bra that I could find,’ she said smiling to her sisters.
I was now blushing deeply.
‘Thanks but I’ll pass on the bra,’ I said. ‘But I suppose I have no alternative but to wear the remainder of the clothes, as long as you all promise not to tell my Mum or Aunt Carol’.
Inevitably there followed a little more good-natured teasing from my three cousins and offers of something a little more feminine to wear, if I wished, but eventually everyone promised to keep silent about the incident and so I agreed to put on Clare’s clothes for the evening.
Both Mum and Aunt Carol telephoned soon after tea, having first spoken to one another. Mum’s initial reaction on hearing the news about her mother had been to want to cancel her trip and return to the UK by the next available flight, but she had been dissuaded from doing so by her older sister. My grandmother’s condition, although serious, was not life-threatening and Carol had promised to look after her, at least for the time being, and to report back daily. Gran had also insisted that she shouldn't cancel her trip. Mum was also a little anxious about me, but pleased to hear that I had arrived safely, without untoward incident, and that I was being looked after by my three cousins. The last thing I wanted was to worry her with the story of my lost luggage. Aunt Carol then rang and spoke firstly to her three daughters. I was relieved that they all kept their word and made no mention of my present clothing, or my long term difficulties. She then asked to speak to me.
‘I am sorry that I won't be around for a couple of weeks Chris, particularly after I'd promised your mother to keep an eye on you.’
‘Don’t worry Aunt Carol, I’ll be fine. My cousins have all been very nice to me’ I answered.
‘Good, I've told them that they're all responsible for your well-being and ensuring that you don’t get into any trouble.’
‘I won’t do anything silly. I'm hoping to find a part-time job or some other way of earning some money if I can.’
‘OK then. I’ll be ringing to check that all is well at regular intervals!’
Karen and Anne had both arranged to go out with their respective boyfriends that evening so after dinner Clare and I washed up and sat down to watch television together. At about eight o’clock her friend Jenny Green telephoned to check that she was at home and then called round to the house shortly afterwards. I was introduced to her as ‘my cousin Chris from Sussex who will be staying with us for the summer.’ Jenny smiled and asked me where I came from and my plans for the summer. I was feeling a little self-conscious about my unusual attire and so I didn't prolong our conversation. I merely answered her questions, and said I was hoping to find some work for the summer before making my excuses about having to unpack my case and sort out my new bedroom, and so I left them chatting to one another. Half an hour later, Clare knocked on my bedroom door and asked if she could have a word with me.
‘Jenny’s mother is looking for some waitresses to work tomorrow evening — she owns a small catering business and has been let down at the last minute. Jenny will be working herself and has asked me if I’d also be willing to work as well,’ she explained.
‘That’s alright, go ahead, please don’t feel that you need to stay in and look after me,’ I said.
‘I’ve already agreed to do so but, she has asked me whether my cousin would also be interested in a job as a waitress. When I introduced you as Chris, she assumed it was short for Christine, and didn't realise that you were really a boy who happened to be wearing some of my clothes.’
‘I don’t see how she could have made that mistake? I’ve got short hair and a flat chest’ I answered, somewhat surprised.
‘I can understand her mistake. It is quite difficult to judge whether you’ve any boobs or not in that baggy tee shirt and many girls have short hair these days. Also you do have a slight build for a guy of your age and your voice is rather soft and high pitched as well.
‘Thanks a lot!’ I said blushing deeply. ‘I can’t help my size or my voice. You’re not exactly doing much for my self-confidence Clare, particularly when I have just lost all my clothes.’
‘I'm sorry Chris, but it isn't my fault that you have a nicely shaped face and look quite cute as a girl,’ she replied with a trace of petulance.
I blushed again and looked downwards, not knowing what to say in reply. She took this as a signal to continue with her story.
‘Anyway, I explained your situation to her and she was amused by her mistake but also sympathised with your plight. She still wonders whether you might be willing to work as a waitress tomorrow. The money would be good - fifty pounds for about six hours of work. She’d have to clear it with her mum first, but Jenny thinks that she's so desperate that she might be willing to employ you.’
‘I could certainly do with earning the money, but couldn’t I do the same work as a waiter, as my clothes will be dry by then?’ I asked.
‘I am afraid that would be a non-starter since all her mother’s staff wear a uniform - black dresses with little white aprons — it is part of their corporate image. There's no way they would let you work in jeans and a tee shirt. However, nobody knows you in this town and we both think you could make a very convincing waitress if you were willing to give it a try,’ she added.
‘I don’t know about that,’ I said.
‘Just think about it, if you did earn some money working for one evening you would be able to go out and buy yourself some more guys’ clothes to wear.’
‘I suppose so.’
‘Why not at least come downstairs and have a word with Jenny about it?’ she said.
As I came down Jenny turned to me with a nice smile and said, ‘hello again Chris: I'm sorry that I mistook you for a girl, but it was a natural mistake since you were wearing those clothes.’
I blushed for a third time before answering. I'd not realised that I looked as feminine as I clearly did.
‘That’s alright, Jenny. I suppose it was my own fault for losing track of my suitcase,’ I replied, trying to sound as masculine as possible.
‘Yes, you've been a careless bunny, haven’t you? But how do you feel about my suggestion?’ she asked.
I dared not say what I really thought about it.
‘I'm not sure. I need to earn some money urgently, but I’d be worried that your mother’s customers might not make the same mistake about me that you did.’
‘Well, let’s at least see what you look like wearing a dress and with some fake boobs before deciding,’ she said. Turning to Clare, she asked, ‘can your cousin try on some more of your clothes?’
‘Yes of course, it'll be easier to find him something that really suits if I'm not restricted to boyish clothes.’
She returned after a few minutes with a short black dress, a black bra, a pair of tights and some black court shoes with two inch heels.
‘Here put these on Chris, they're the same colour as your uniform would be. You can use your socks to fill the cups of your bra for now’ said Clare.
I did as I was told and the two girls showed me how to put on the tights without laddering them. I then stood up and they looked at me.
‘I think he looks pretty good,’ said Jenny; 'he’d have to shave his legs of course but otherwise they look quite good in tights.’
‘Remember to keep your legs together and not to cross them when you sit down,’ said Clare to me, and then turning to Jenny she suggested, ‘Let’s put on a little bit of lipstick and eye makeup to make him look a little older.’
‘OK, but not too much,’ said Jenny opening her bag and retrieving some makeup. 'He needs to look like a waitress not a beauty queen.’
I was ordered to sit down whilst they quickly made up my face. Five minutes later I asked them for their verdict.
‘Come on, you’ve both had plenty of time to inspect me, so what do you think?’ I asked.
‘Chris you look really great - just like an attractive young woman, even with the short haircut,’ said Clare ‘I don’t think anyone would realise that you were a boy.’
‘I have a shoulder length brown wig that he could wear tomorrow if that would help,’ said Jenny.
‘Yes please, he would look even more convincing then,’ said Clare without even consulting me.
‘Hang on a minute, I haven't agreed to go ahead with your plan yet,’ I cautioned.
‘Come on Chris, don’t be awkward. You look great and no-one will ever know,’ said Clare in a tone that ended all further discussion.
‘How do you feel wearing those shoes?’ asked Jenny.
I walked around for a while trying to get used to them.
‘OK, they seem to fit comfortably and I suppose I could get used to wearing them, but I wouldn't wish to wear anything higher than these,’ I replied.
‘Good. So that’s settled. Let me now ring my Mum and assure her you’ll be working tomorrow Clare as she has been frantic all afternoon about how we are going to cope tomorrow. I’ll also explain to her all about your cousin, and see if she is willing to take him, (or perhaps I should now say her) on as well.’
There was no mirror in the sitting room and so I left them went out to hall both to sort out my own thoughts and to see what I now looked like. I have to admit I was favourably surprised by my image. I didn't look at all outrageous or like a drag queen, just like an ordinary, but quite attractive girl. I may have looked ordinary, but I felt wonderful, as if I were walking on air, everything felt just right.
A few minutes later I returned to find them talking together about something. Jenny then turned to address me.
‘Mum was a little anxious about the idea but would be willing to consider you as a waitress. She wants to see you wearing a dress and with some makeup on tomorrow morning before she decides whether or not she’ll take the risk of employing you.’
‘Oh!’ I said, suddenly feeling let down.
‘Don’t worry’ said Clare, ‘You can hang on to those clothes until then and I’ll also help you get ready in the morning.’
‘I’ll bring my wig round first thing as well, and show you how to put it on and style it’ said Jenny.
‘Alright then, I suppose there isn't a lot else I can do until my jeans are dry,’ I said, trying to sound indifferent to their plan.
‘Exactly,’ said to Clare.
‘But what will Karen and Anne say when they find out?’ I asked her.
‘Don’t worry about them; I think they’ll be quite pleased if you have found an opportunity to earn some money, whilst you are waiting to get your case back.’
Jenny left us to go home at about ten thirty, and I decided to go to bed. Clare had wanted me to stay up, dressed as I was, until her sisters returned, but I pleaded tiredness after having travelled for much of the day. So she found me an old pair of her pyjamas to wear and gave me a new toothbrush that they kept as a spare.
‘I am afraid that I only have pink one to offer you, but in the circumstances it is quite appropriate,’ she commented as she handed it to me.
(Next time I have a job interview)
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 3
An interview and a manicure
‘Good Morning Chris! You'd better hurry and get yourself some coffee and toast, as Jenny will be here any minute and we have to get you dressed and ready for your job interview,’ she said.
‘Clare, I've been thinking about last night and I'm not sure that it is such a good idea,’ I said.
‘Why ever not?’ she replied. ‘Jenny and I thought it was a brilliant idea and a good way for you to earn yourself some money.’
‘Maybe so, but I'm not sure I'll be able to carry off the deception at work,’ I said.
‘You fooled Jenny last night, even without making any effort to do so,’ she said.
‘I know, but ….,’ I began to reply.
‘By the time we've finished with you this morning even your own mother would think you were a girl,’ she interrupted.
‘That is a nice idea, but …,’ I thought.
‘Suppose someone were to challenge me, whatever would I say?’
‘Nobody will challenge you! Why should they? Whoever takes any notice of a waitress, unless of course she drops the food in their lap? In any event, Jenny’s mother won't let you work if there is a danger that you might damage the reputation of her business.’
‘But what would your mother say if she found out?’
‘Mum is likely to be away for some time and has plenty of other things to worry about at present.’
‘And what about Karen and Anne, what'll they think of me?’ I asked.
‘They already know. I told them about the plan last night and they both think it is a brilliant idea. They'll be in tonight when we get back from work so you'll be able to tell them how we got on. Now come on Chris, you know that you want to do it really,’ she said in an enticing voice.
‘How does she know?’ I thought to myself, but did not answer.
Fortunately, Jenny arrived at that point bringing her wig, and so that put an end to any further discussion on the matter.
‘Before you get dressed we'll need to wax your arms and legs. You're not very hairy but it'll be best to make sure’ said Clare.
I was instructed to strip down to my knickers, and the two girls spread some warm wax strips over my legs and arms, and rapidly pulled them off taking the hairs with them. The sensation was one of shock rather than pain, but I began to get worried when they asked to inspect my armpits, and proceeded to spread some depilatory cream all over them.
‘Why do you need to clear my underarms, they'll not be visible?’ I asked.
‘It is better to be safe than sorry — nothing will give you away faster than a glimpse of a hairy armpit,’ said Jenny.
I had to stand for ten minutes whilst the depilatory cream took its effect, and so my two colleagues went off to fashion some more realistic looking breasts for me to use. They came back with a pair of old stockings where the toes had been filled with lentils and then tied off.
‘These should be of about the right weight and consistency to slip in to your bra cups and the knots will make a convincing nipple shape,’ said Jenny. We'll need to tape them to your body so that they do not shift around as you work.’
I had a shower to get rid of the cream, and all the unwanted bodily hair came off with it, leaving my limbs feeling smooth and silky. I was given a change of knickers, but this time they were somewhat more feminine than before. I then joined the two girls in Clare’s bedroom. First of all they helped me to tape the new home made breast forms in place and put on and adjust my bra. I sat down and was again shown how to put on a pair of tights without laddering them, by Clare.
‘This is the last time I'm going to show you; in future you'll have to do it for yourself,’ she said.
‘Who’s said anything about the future?’ I thought to myself.
The silky texture of the tights felt nice against my smooth legs and created a pleasurable sensation as I walked. I put on the black dress and the court shoes provided for me the previous evening. Jenny then told me to sit down in front of the dressing table mirror and began to put some makeup on to my face. This time she explained exactly what she was seeking to achieve with each of the cosmetics and offered advice on how they should be applied.
‘The main thing is not to put on too much. There are loads of makeup training videos on You Tube, so next time, we'll expect you to be able to do this for yourself,’ she said.
‘Not if you don’t want me to be found out. This clearly needs a lot of practice,’ I replied now asserting myself a little more
Finally, Jenny showed me how to put on her long brunette wig that she had brought with her; how to clip it securely into place and then brush it into a style. I had never had long hair before this date and so the feeling of it on my shoulders and around my neck was entirely new. Yet, as with the feeling of the tights on my legs, it was a pleasurable sensation.
As soon as I was ready the three of us stood in front of the full-length mirror admiring our combined work. I must say I was impressed with myself and seemed to present an even more convincing, and indeed attractive, female image than the previous evening. My new long hair was lighter than my natural shade, but still looked good. My two companions were of the same opinion.
‘He looks really lovely,’ said Clare to Jenny.
‘What do you think Chris?’ asked Jenny.
I felt as if I might faint from the sheer pleasure of looking at myself and feeling so good.
‘I suppose I do look fairly convincing,’ I responded tentatively.
‘What about some jewellery - earrings and a necklace?’ answered Clare.
‘I don’t think it will be necessary, earrings will not be visible under the long hair and a necklace will look out of place when he puts on the waitresses uniform.’
‘Alright,’ replied Clare, ‘but we're going to have to stop referring to him as ‘he’: from now onwards Chris we will refer to you as ‘she’ whenever you are dressed as a young woman.’
‘Very well,’ I shrugged, trying not to sound bothered one way or another at the prospect.
‘Shall we call you Christine, or is there some other name you would prefer?’
‘To avoid confusion it might be better if I were to take on another name whilst I am working. What do you think about Emily?’ I asked.
‘OK then, as long as we are allowed to shorten it to Emmy.’
‘Very well then Emily, let’s go and introduce you to my mother,’ said Jenny.
I was experiencing a mixture of emotions as the three of us arrived at Jenny’s house half an hour later. Inevitably, I was feeling both nervous and exposed to be wearing a dress, wig and makeup in public, and was about to be introduced to the parent of my new friend. But at the same time I felt a rush of pleasure, knowing that, in spite of everything I looked like an attractive girl.
Jenny’s mother was a cheerful, business-like woman in her late thirties. She was of middling size and smartly dressed in a suit, having just come back from meeting a potential customer.
‘Hi girls!’ she said as she opened the door to us. ‘Thank you very much for agreeing to help us out tonight Clare, and I understand that you might be interested in some more summer work.
‘Yes please. Mrs Green,’ answered Clare, ‘I need to earn some money before I go back to school in September.’
‘Well as long as you are reliable and willing to work hard, I'm likely to have plenty for you to do over the next few weeks.’
She then turned to her daughter ‘I thought you were bringing Clare’s cousin over this morning, or has he now changed his mind?’
She may not have noticed me hanging back slightly but then she asked ‘who is this young lady that you have brought in his place?’
‘No Mum, this is the same person that I spoke to you about last night, except we've now given Chris a new name of Emily,’ said Jenny.
‘Emily, this is my mother Joyce.’
I blushed deeply as I greeted her and we shook hands.
‘I am sorry Emily, I did not know. You look most convincing as a girl, and you also sound like one as well so I did not realise that you were the person I was expecting to see. In fact it was not until I shook hands with you that I noticed anything boyish about you at all.’
‘Oh!’ I said, not knowing whether to be pleased, disappointed or embarrassed with what she had just said.
‘Do you have any experience of waiting at tables my dear?’
‘I have helped out as a waiter in a café near to my home, but only as a casual weekend job,’ I replied.
‘Do your parents know that you are intending to work for me as a waitress?’ she asked.
I explained that I came from a single parent family with no contact with my father, and that my mother was currently overseas on an important business trip and that I did not want to worry her by telling her that I had lost all my clothes and money.
‘Yes Jenny explained your predicament to me. I suppose I would be willing to risk giving you a trial for tonight, since it appears that we are both rather desperate. However, I'm just a little bit concerned that your hands might give you away, and so I wonder whether there is something we might do to them to make them look a little more realistic.’
‘What have you in mind Mum?’ asked Jenny. ‘They look ok to me and in every other respect I thought we did a pretty good transformation job on Emmy.’
‘Don’t get me wrong Jenny; you've done an excellent job. However, hands are quite important if you are serving meals to people, as they are liable to be noticed,’ she replied. ‘May I have a closer look at them Emily?’ she asked.
I held them out in front of me and allowed her to examine them.
‘They are not too bad, your fingers are quite slender, but your nails are far too short and have no shape to them. Also, most women have a first finger that is slightly longer than their ring finger, whereas your two fingers seem to be of equal length. Would you we willing to have nail extensions and wear a little bit of a fairly subdued nail polish?’ she asked.
‘I would not object, but I have no money to pay for them,’ I replied.
‘Alright, I will meet the cost for you on this one occasion,’ she said, ‘but if you work for me again after tonight you will either need to pay for them yourself, or else you could always hang on to the extensions.’
She seemed to be assuming that I would work for her on more than this one occasion. I did not say anything as I wanted to reserve judgement on the matter, but there was no way that I was going to walk around Shrewsbury with painted finger nails whenever I was not working. But I had come so far with their plan, and there seemed to be no point in raising any more objections. Joyce therefore telephoned a friend who owned a nail salon in the town, explaining my particular circumstances and arranging for me to have an appointment immediately after lunch. In the meanwhile, I used my mobile phone to call the two lost property offices to make enquiries about my luggage. Unfortunately neither one was able to help me. There had been no enquiries or messages from the USA. Once again they both suggested that I should call back after another day or two.
Jenny was needed by her mother to help with some preparatory work in the afternoon, so Clare agreed to escort me to the nail salon, and as a bonus for our stepping in at the last minute, Joyce agreed to pay for her to have a manicure whilst I had my extensions affixed. I was rather nervous at first as we boarded a bus into town and walked through the busy shopping street on our way to the salon. Once again I was conscious of the different feelings of wearing a dress and tights. Also the wig gave a different sensation. My new shoes reminded me how to walk and tried to avoid taking large strides. However, after a while I realised that nobody seemed to be paying very much attention to me, and so I gained in confidence. The young manicurist had originally intended to do my nails in a back room, but when she met me, she changed her mind and invited me to sit on one of the usual seats in the centre of the salon.
‘Hello madame, I am Natalie I understand from Joyce that you are to have gel extensions and a fairly subdued nail polish.’
‘That’s right, but please call me Emily,’ I replied.
Natalie smiled and began cleaning, shaping and buffing my existing nails, pushing back the cuticles and removing any dead skin. She then carefully spread a clear layer of transparent gel on each of my finger nails and asked me to hold them under an ultra-violet light for fifteen seconds to cure. Next she placed gold foil nail forms around each nail and underneath the tips, sticking them round each finger and creating a base for each extension. Once again she spread a thin layer of gel on each nail, gradually extending it on to the form. After each coat she asked me to hold my hand under the ultra-violet light for one minute. After three of these coats I had long transparent finger nails on each finger. She carefully removed each form, and added a final top coat of white gel. Once this had cured she proceeded to go through the same with my thumbs. Afterwards, she carefully trimmed and filed all my nails into shape.
‘These extensions should now be as strong as your natural nails’ she said, brushing away the dust. Ten minutes later they were finished and she began to paint on a coat of brownish-red varnish.
‘So what do you think of your new nails Emily?’ asked the manicurist as I held out my fingers for the varnish to dry.
‘They look very nice, but I'd no idea they would be so long,’ I said. ‘It will be difficult for me to use them.’
‘Don’t worry, you will soon get used to them, and they make your hands look so much better’ she responded.
I had to admit to myself that she was right. I thanked her and went to join Clare who was waiting for me when I finished, having paid both our bills with money provided by Jenny’s mother.
‘That is quite a set of talons you have there, Emily, I wouldn’t wish to get into a cat fight with you,’ she said smiling.
I blushed a little and did not answer; but nevertheless I felt quite proud of them.
(Next time Our first assignment)
Chapter 4
My first job
‘You’ll be able to email a copy to your mother, to let her know you're not getting up to mischief,’ commented Clare with a smile.
‘I don’t think that would be a good idea,’ I responded.
Joyce gave us a lift to where we would be working and went through our various duties for the evening. We were serving a dinner at a hired hall. Joyce’s team of caterers would prepare the meals offsite and then deliver them to us ready to be plated up and served to the guests. Our job was to lay the tables, serve the meals to the diners afterwards providing them with tea and coffee and either cheese and biscuits or mint chocolates. Our final task involved clearing up so that the crockery and utensils, table cloths etc. could be collected to be washed elsewhere.
‘Alright girls, you now know what has to be done, so please don’t let me down. Jenny has done it all before if you've any more questions. In an emergency you can always contact me on my mobile phone.’
‘Don’t worry Mum, I'm sure that we’ll be fine together,’ said Jenny.
‘I hope so. Good luck to you all, and especially to you Emily.’
‘Thanks, I'll do my best, Mrs Green’ I answered.
‘Good, and in future, please call me Joyce, she said as she left us to get on with the work.
My first evening working as a waitress seemed to go very well indeed. It was fairly hard work but also proved to be good fun. We set out the tables ready for the arrival of the guests. The meals turned up at the right time and her caterers had provided some excellent food and wine, which was appreciated by the diners. The plating up was done by the kitchen staff, so between the three of us we managed to get all of the meals served and the different courses cleared away at the right time and without serious mishap. I was neither challenged nor as far as I know recognised by the other members of the catering staff or the customers and soon stopped worrying about my dress or appearance. I also quickly got used to wearing higher-heeled shoes, and did not fall over, although towards the end of the evening I found my feet were beginning to ache. Above all, however, I got to know my two companions much better and we had a lot of fun working together as a team, and also joking with the customers. It was one of those relatively rare evenings when everything seemed to go according to plan, and everyone concerned appeared to be satisfied.
Joyce returned just as the last few diners were leaving and we had nearly finished clearing up the last few coffee cups.
‘I've been speaking to the organisers, it appears you've done a terrific job tonight girls, and have worked very hard. Thank you very much,’ she said smiling.
‘Everybody pulled their weight, and Clare and Emmy have been doing a good public relations job for you by flirting with the male customers,’ said Jenny laughing. ‘We've even collected thirty pounds in tips to split between us.’
I blushed at these words, unaware that that was what we had been doing.
‘In that case girls, I hope you'll both be willing to work for me again tomorrow lunchtime as I've a finger buffet for sixty to cater for,’ said Joyce addressing Clare and myself.
I looked at Clare for guidance. She confirmed that we would both be happy to do so once again, without further reference to me.
‘Good, I'll just go and collect my car and then give you both a lift home.’
As soon as Joyce had left, Clare turned to me.
‘I hope that will be alright with you Emily — after all you seemed to be enjoying yourself tonight,’ said Clare.
‘I suppose so, but I was just wondering what I'm going to wear in the meanwhile as it does not look as if we are going to be paid immediately.’
‘Don’t worry, I'll sort you out with some clean underclothes for tomorrow and you can continue to borrow my black dress until you get your own clothes back,’ she replied.
‘Thanks, but I hope I'll get my own clothes back soon,’ I replied.
‘Really?’ said Clare, as if she didn’t entirely believe me.
Joyce returned before I had a chance to answer her.
As Clare and I were getting out of the car Joyce handed me a small zip-up sponge bag.
‘Here you are Emily, there are a few items of makeup for you to use tomorrow. I like my waitresses to look smart, so Jenny and I collected these together for you this afternoon, hoping that all would go well this evening and that I'd want to employ you again.’
‘Oh! Thank you!’ I said, a little surprised and unable to think of anything else to say.
‘To save time in the morning, we'd like you to try putting on your makeup by yourself, as we showed you, but don’t be too heavy handed about it,’ added Jenny. ‘Clare and I'll make sure it is ok before we go to work.’
‘Alright then, I'll do my best’ I said, blushing a little, but nevertheless quite excited by the prospect.
Clare had telephoned her sisters during the course of the evening to tell them what we were doing and when we were likely to be home. She also told them that we would not need to eat anything when we arrived, having been able to grab a hurried meal at work. We arrived home at nearly midnight to find both Karen and Ann still up, although they were both due to work the next day. They were anxious to find out how we had got on with the new job. As I went in Karen exclaimed in delight,
‘My goodness Chris, whatever has my sister done to you? You look really good dressed like that.’
My cheeks flushed a little as I thanked her for the compliment.
‘So how did you enjoy working as a waitress young Chris?’ asked Anne.
‘It was quite good fun, all things considered,’ I replied. ‘I think we did quite well and I enjoyed the work.’
Clare stepped in to the conversation.
‘You two must stop referring to our cousin as Chris when she is dressed like this. I'd like you to meet our cousin Emily who's been working with us all day. So please remember, that Chris wears jeans and t-shirts and is a ‘he’, whereas Emily wears dresses and makeup and is a ‘she’.’
I looked away as she said this, not knowing quite how to react.
‘Alright, I stand corrected,’ said Anne smiling. ‘So is it going to be ‘Chris’ or ‘Emily’ tomorrow?’ she asked me.
‘I think it'll have to be Emily again as Jenny’s mum wants us to work for her tomorrow lunchtime, and in the meanwhile she wants me to hang on to these’ I answered holding out my hands for inspection.
‘Oh what lovely finger nails you have Emily,’ said Anne ‘did you do them yourself?’
‘No they were done professionally in a salon, but I've agreed to hang on to them at least until tomorrow to make the investment worthwhile,’ I answered.
‘What about your makeup and your boobs?’ asked Karen.
‘Jenny put on my makeup for me, and Clare made my boobs by putting lentils into the feet a pair of old stockings’ I said.
‘They look quite convincing as long as she does not try to wear a low cut top,’ added Clare.
‘I can probably do better than that for you. We have a pair of silicone breast forms sitting around at work, which were bought some time ago for a breast cancer patient, who died before they were ever used. Her relations, who bought them, did not want them back, and so I'm sure you could borrow them if you would like to try them out,’ she said.
‘I'm not sure,’ I answered. ‘I'm hoping to get my luggage back pretty soon and then I will have no need for them.’
‘Yes, what is happening about Chris’s luggage?’ asked Anne, changing the subject.
‘I telephoned the lost property offices again this afternoon but there's still no sign of my suitcase. Unless I hear something from one of them tomorrow morning I'll have to ask for an advance on my wages and go out and buy some more clothes for Chris on Thursday.’
‘So what are you going to wear tomorrow Emily?’ she asked.
‘I'll wear the clothes that I am wearing now if Clare doesn’t mind. I've only had this dress on for a few hours as I had to change whilst I was working’ I replied.
‘That may alright, but you'll need a change of underclothes for tomorrow’ said Karen. ‘As Clare has done the honours last time, Anne and I can each contribute a set of underclothes which should last you until you have either have retrieved your own, bought some new, or else washed those that you are wearing.’
‘Remember that I still have one set of Chris’s clothes in the airing cupboard’ I said.
‘Yes but you'll want to hang on to those until you know whether or not you'll need to go out shopping on Thursday’ she replied.
‘Alright then, thank you,’ I said.
Karen and Anne disappeared in to their respective rooms and each came back with a pair of knickers, a bra and a camisole, for me to use over the following days. This time, however, there was no concession to my true sex, and the ones they had chosen for me were unashamedly feminine. I did not protest but thanked them both again. Clare then took me up to her bedroom where she showed me how to clean off my makeup and take off my breast forms and wig, before going to bed.
‘There is no nail varnish remover in this bag; may I borrow some of yours Clare?’
‘Yes of course, if you want to, but what is the point? Your nails look really nice as they are and the varnish is not chipped or anything. Varnishing your nails will just be one more job for you in the morning. Remember that we are expecting you to put on your own makeup. I suggest you leave your nails as they are at least until after you have finished work tomorrow.’
‘Alright then, I suppose you're right’ I answered holding them out for inspection, and feeling relieved that I would not now have the bother of cleaning them.
Shortly afterwards I went to bed wearing Clare’s pyjamas, feeling tired, but not altogether unhappy with the way things had worked out for me that day.
The following day was a Wednesday and Clare and I were expected at the Green household by ten o’clock. I set the alarm on my mobile phone for seven so that I could have a shower before my cousins got up, and would have plenty of time to get myself ready for work. As I washed myself I once again admired my long painted finger nails and enjoyed the feeling of putting the soap on to my smooth legs. It also struck me that I was really looking forward to spending another day working as a waitress.
Once I got out of the shower and begun to dry myself I noticed a large tin of scented talcum powder on the bathroom shelf — something I had never used before. There had been an open invitation for me to use any of the bathroom toiletries that I found, and so guessed that no-one would object if I used some this morning. After all, everyone in the house seemed to be keen to turn me into a convincing young woman, who I now realised involved somewhat more than merely looking like one.
After my shower I dressed myself in Karen’s knickers and put on her bra and camisole. Once again I inserted the artificial breasts into the two cups, but before I went any further, I put on the white bath robe and some slippers and went down to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee and some toast. Anne was the first of my cousins to emerge, on the way to the shower.
‘Good morning Emily.’ she said cheerily. ‘You know you make a very presentable young woman even without the wig and makeup. And I like the smell of talcum powder.’
‘Thanks,’ I responded, ‘your sister said much the same to me last night, but I'm not sure now whether it's a good or a bad idea for me to be dressing like this.’
‘Why shouldn't it be?’
‘Well it's not exactly normal behaviour for a young man, is it?’ I responded.
She shrugged her shoulders.
‘Don’t worry too much about what is or isn’t normal — it's just the way things have turned out for you. In any event, it's providing you with a useful opportunity to solve some of your present financial problems,’ she replied.
‘So you think I should just ‘go with the flow’ until either my luggage is found or I've earned enough money to buy some more clothes for myself?’ I said.
‘No, I think you should do more than that,’ she said after some thought. ‘You should make the most of this opportunity to discover out what it is like to be a young woman.’
I hesitated for a while before answering.
‘Sometimes I feel it is difficult enough for me to discover what it is like to be a young man.’
Anne was about to respond to me but at that point Karen entered the kitchen and greeted us both and so our conversation was brought to an inconclusive end. Soon afterwards Anne left to take a shower and I finished my coffee and toast and made my way back to my bedroom.
I sat down in front of the dressing table and laid out all the cosmetics that had been given to me, trying to remember the order in which they should be used and their purpose. Jenny seemed to take a particular interest in cosmetics and had chosen well to suit my complexion, and she was also a good teacher. I took my time on this first occasion and proceeded with care. After about an hour I felt that I had made a reasonable attempt at making up my face. I was particularly pleased with my eyes, which now seemed to shine, and the mascara seemed to lengthen my eyelashes. I carefully put on Jenny’s wig, clipping it in to place, and brushing it into a style. As I did so, I heard my two elder cousins call out to me that they were leaving for work that they would see me in the evening, and wishing me luck at work.
As soon as I was finished with my makeup, I put on a clean pair of tights provided for me the previous night by Karen, together with Clare’s dress and her court shoes. Clare was still in the shower, and so I quickly hand-washed all the other borrowed clothes that I had so far worn and hung them to dry in the utility room. I also checked on Chris’s jeans and tee shirt in the airing cupboard and found that they were now perfectly dry and would be available for me to wear again on Thursday if I needed to go out buy myself some more clothes.
Clare had showered, dressed, and made-up her face by nine-fifteen.
‘OK Emmy so let me have a look at your efforts,’ she instructed.
‘So what is the verdict?’ I asked after she had taken a little time to scrutinise my face.
‘Emily, that is not at all bad for a novice,’ she said, making a few minor adjustments with the powder compact and the lipstick. ‘You've not committed the usual beginner’s mistake of putting on far too much makeup. If you keep this up you'll soon become quite an expert at fixing your face. How long did it take you this morning?’ she asked.
‘About an hour and a quarter,’ I answered, beginning to wonder just how long she expected me to remain working as a waitress.
‘Don’t worry,’ she said smiling, ‘in a week or two you’ll find you have got it down to about twenty-five minutes.’
I did not answer.
(Next time I get invited to go to a dinner dance)
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 5
An invitation to dinner
‘I don’t use that one any more so you are welcome to hang on to it for as long as you continue working with us,’ she said.
I smiled and thanked her, wondering how long she had in mind.
Wednesday’s job was a lot more straightforward than that of the previous evening: it was a buffet lunch for a business meeting. The caterers had already delivered the finger food on trays covered with cellophane, together with bottles of wine in coolers. All we had to do was to set out the cold food on the side tables, open the wine and pour the drinks, and to begin to heat a series of canapés to offer the guests. Once they were assembled and had helped themselves, we carried round trays of canapés or drinks to refill their plates and glasses. Afterwards, we served everybody with coffee or tea before they disappeared back to their meeting. Once again, nobody seemed to notice anything unusual about me, or if they did, then they certainly did not make it at all obvious. The lunch was over and the guests had returned to their meeting by two o’clock, and, after having a snack ourselves, we had cleared up the food, and loaded the dishes and glasses into the plastic trays ready for them to be collected by four.
Joyce left us to get on with things by ourselves whilst she went to visit a potential customer, and then check up on another function that was being catered by another group of her staff. She only returned as we were just finishing the clearing up. Again she declared herself to be satisfied with the performance of all three of us. She had no work for us the following day, but there was going to be a particularly large dinner on Friday evening, requiring several teams of waitresses. She would need our help once again, both in preparing the hall and laying the tables and then again in the evening to help serve the food and clear up afterwards.
‘That will be fine by me,’ answered Clare, ‘I want to earn as much money as possible this summer.’
Then turning to me she asked, ‘how would you feel about working again Emily?’
‘Err … I'm not really sure, I don’t really have anything planned and would like to earn some more money, but ….’
‘In that case I think you should do so, it has been good fun having you with us over the last two days, and we work well together as a team,’ interrupted Jenny, before I had a chance to express my reservations.
‘But what am I going to do about these finger nails in the meanwhile? Remember that Clare and I are due to go shopping tomorrow,’ I asked.
‘Don’t worry, I will hand over the money to the shop assistant, so you should be able to keep your hands out of sight or wear a pair of gloves for one day, if it embarrasses you,’ said Clare.
‘Wearing gloves in July will seem a little eccentric, but I suppose you can sign Emily up for Friday as well as I need the money, but is there any way I could have an advance on my wages, as I really must buy Chris some more clothes to wear before my aunt returns.’
‘I suppose I could do so on this one occasion, just in case your aunt should suddenly decide to return,’ said Joyce
‘I have no particular plans for tomorrow, so why don’t I come shopping with you both,’ said Jenny. ‘It will also be easier for you Emily if there are three of us.’
‘Alright then, but remember that it will be Chris rather than Emily who is likely to be the one who is embarrassed,’ I replied.
On the way back Joyce stopped at a cash dispenser and withdrew the ninety pounds which I had so far earned and gave them to me.
‘I expect there will be some work next week if you are both interested,’ she said as she handed me the money.
‘It sounds as if Mum will still be staying with gran next week, and so it will be a good opportunity for you to earn some of the money that you lost and perhaps even to buy yourself some more clothes,’ commented Clare.
‘I don’t know, I would prefer to wait and see what has happened by Friday before committing myself,’ I said.
‘Alright then, but I would like to know your intentions for next week by Friday night’ said Joyce. ‘Also don’t you think that it is time that you told your mother what you are doing to earn money Emily?’
‘No, I don’t want to worry her until I know that Gran is out of danger,’ I replied. ‘In any event I still may get my case back.’
‘Alright, as long as you know what you are doing,’ she replied.
Clare and I arrived at her home at about 4.30 pm and I immediately telephoned the two lost property offices for a third time, but again there was no news of my luggage. Whereas they had been sympathetic before, they were now beginning to get fed up with me ringing each day, and one of the assistants suggested that I should assume that I had lost the luggage for good and think about claiming on my travel insurance for its replacement. There did not seem to be any point in explaining that my case was not covered by any insurance policy.
Karen and Anne arrived home an hour later and I proceeded to tell them about my second day working as a waitress and the offer of even more work on Friday, and indeed next week, if I wanted. I also told them of the continued loss of my suitcase.
‘I think I now have to assume that my clothes are lost for good, but at least I now have some money and so I will be able to buy myself some replacements tomorrow morning,’ I said.
‘Before you do so, make sure you have something nice to wear on Saturday night - it will be my twenty-first birthday on Sunday. Mum had been planning to take us all out to a rather posh dinner-dance at The Lord Hill Hotel in the Abbey Foregate, and had already bought the tickets. She rang me last night and does not think she will be able to come home to help me celebrate. She suggested that you should take her place.
She handed me a neatly written envelope containing an invitation card to her birthday celebration.
‘But this is addressed to Emily?’ I said.
‘That’s right, I have discussed it with my sisters and we think it best if you come dressed as Emily. Between the three of us I am sure we could fix you up with something suitable to wear for the evening. There is going to be a ‘smart’ dress code in force and you would never be able to afford to get yourself a dinner jacket and trousers.
‘Who else will be there?’ I asked.
‘At our table there will be four of us plus our boyfriends Jim and Daniel’ she replied.
‘But I am not sure that I want to be seen as Emily by your boyfriends, I would be too embarrassed,’ I said.
‘There is no reason for you to be embarrassed, they both know all about your situation and were sympathetic to your plight. In fact they are keen to meet you,’ she said smiling.
‘No doubt they are anxious to have a good laugh at me,’ I said. ‘But you promised you would not tell anyone about me.’
‘We promised not to tell our respective parents, and in any event that only applied to Monday evening. The remainder of the week is an entirely different matter,’ she added.
‘Sorry but I think it will be better either for me not to come, or else to come as Chris. Perhaps I could hire a dinner suit?’
‘If you did so Jim and Daniel would still know that you have been working as a waitress all week,’ she said. ‘Please come along as Emily, you look so great dressed as a girl and we promise that the boys will make no jokes or snide comments at your expense or even refer to your true sex.’
Karen nodded.
‘What about Clare, won’t she prefer to have a male escort to even the numbers?’ I said rather lamely, half knowing what the answer would be.
‘Why do you think that? I'd far rather go out with you as Emily than as Chris any day,’ said Clare decisively, thereby squashing any last vestiges of my male ego. However, she then realised what she had done and smiled sweetly at me saying, ‘I am sure we will have a lot of fun getting you ready and then going dancing together afterwards.’
‘Please come as Emily! After all it's my 21st birthday and so you ought to humour me’ said Anne.
‘I don’t know Anne, I'll have to think about it over the next day or so before committing myself’ I said.
I'd been intending to get washed and changed back into Chris’s clothes after tea, but my three cousins persuaded me stay as I was for a while. Karen had brought home the pair of silicone breast forms from work, and wanted to know how they were affixed. I was therefore instructed to take off my top and bra and lie down on my back on the settee whilst my cousins placed each one in turn and drew a line in felt tipped pen around the edges. Next they affixed Velcro strips in a hash pattern around my nipples and finally a thin line of adhesive just inside each edge both on the forms and on my skin. After waiting a few minutes for the adhesive to cure, they carefully placed each of the breasts.
‘I trust these will come off alright afterwards’ I said to Karen, ‘remember I have to go out as Chris tomorrow.’
‘Don’t worry, there is a bottle of solvent for the adhesive, and then we'll be able to peel them off the Velcro strips. If you like, you can keep those strips in place until you need some breasts again on Friday.’
As soon as my breasts were firmly affixed I was asked to sit up, but instructed to hold them in place for a minute or so whilst the adhesive set. As I did so, Karen removed all traces of the guidelines together with any surplus adhesive from around the edges and disguised the join with my skin by using a flesh coloured foundation. Ann disappeared whilst this was happening, but returned carrying a couple of her garments, just in time to see me release my new breasts. They both flopped down, pulling my own skin into a cleavage as they did so. I looked at myself in the mirror and the final result was most impressive; they looked exactly like the real thing, and it was difficult to see where my own skin ended and they began. My three cousins were amazed by how realistic my breasts looked. They felt and seemed to move exactly as if they were real breasts, and it took me a little time to get used to putting on my bra again as they tended to move of their own accord. However, once my bra was in place and adjusted to my new shape, they felt more comfortable, although my centre of gravity had shifted and I tended to hold myself a little differently.
‘That’s great, now you'll be able to wear a low-cut dress on Saturday night. Here, try these on,’ said Anne offering me one of her tops, together with a tight black skirt to wear.
I did as I was told and found the top was rather low cut but the two garments showed off my newly acquired figure very well. I went out to the full-length mirror in the hallway to examine myself. With Jenny’s wig and my makeup still in place I again looked like a convincing and attractive young woman and felt great about it. My cousins joined me and once again I found myself to be the centre of attraction and admiration.
‘It's wonderful what a difference some silicone can make, Emily has suddenly acquired a noticeable cleavage and I'd defy anyone to know that it was not genuine,’ commented Karen.
‘Yes, she made a convincing girl beforehand, but this is an added bonus’ said Clare.
‘So how does it feel to be a ‘hot chick’ Emily?’ asked Anne, laughing.
I blushed and looked at the floor, but I think my cousins realised that I was quite pleased with my appearance. However, all good things must come to an end, and at nine o’clock I announced my intention to change back to Chris ready for the morning and asked for Karen’s help to remove the forms.
Karen and Anne expressed their disappointment.
‘Karen has made such a good job with your boobs, why don’t you leave them in place until tomorrow morning to show Jenny?’ suggested Clare. ‘We'll have all day to get you changed and go out shopping.’
I thought for a moment then agreed, quite pleased that I wouldn't have to lose my appendages so soon, and that someone else other than me had made the suggestion.
‘Alright then,’ I said, ‘as long as Anne doesn’t mind my borrowing her clothes for a little longer.’
‘Of course you may borrow them Emily,’ she replied smiling, ‘but remember I'll also be counting on you to wear something special for me on Saturday night.’
‘I still haven’t decided whether or not I am coming,’ I replied.
That night I had to lay on my back in bed, as that was the only position in which my new boobs felt comfortable. I remained awake for some time thinking about the different events of the last few days and trying to sort out in my own mind what I thought about them, and what I was going to do on Saturday evening. In some ways it would be nice to go out as Emily once again, as I enjoyed wearing makeup and having long hair, and I seemed to make a passable impersonation of a young woman. I also enjoyed the company of my three cousins and Jenny but then I wondered what Mum and Aunt Carol would think if they ever found out what I had been doing in their absence. Eventually I fell asleep without having decided what I wanted to do.
(Next time I make my mind up about Saturday)
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 6
A new dress
‘It is all my own work and what's more, it only took me thirty five minutes,’ I replied, feeling quite proud of my efforts.
‘But I thought you were intending to go out shopping as Chris this morning?’
‘I am, and I'll be getting changed back in a minute, but Clare wanted me to show off my boobs to you before I took them off, so I thought I might as well practice putting on some make-up as well.’
‘Sorry, I was so impressed by looking at your face and your hair that I didn't notice below your neckline, but now I look at your breasts they're most impressive - just like the real thing. How do you manage to disguise the join?’
‘Karen stuck them on for me last night, and I have used foundation to blend the edges in with my own skin.’
‘They look just like the genuine article, you'll have all the guys peering at your cleavage if you're not careful,’ she said examining them more closely. ‘But how do they feel?’
‘They do feel a little strange, but not uncomfortable. They sometimes seem to have a life of their own, especially if I move suddenly. I can understand why girls need to wear a bra to keep them under control,’ I said smiling.
‘So now you know what it's like to have breasts, she replied. ‘Actually your new boobs are just about the ideal size, big enough to give you a nice figure, but not so big that you look top-heavy. They also seem to be stuck down quite firmly.’
‘I suspect it's going to be quite a task to get them off!’ I said.
‘In that case why don’t you leave them on for the time being and come out shopping with us just as you are? You look great and nobody will give a second thought to a girl buying some jeans and a tee shirt for her brother or her boyfriend,’ she said.
‘My thoughts exactly,’ said Clare who had just then joined us.
‘That way you won’t need to worry about keeping your long girly finger nails out of view,’ added Clare.
The same thought had occurred to me as I was putting on my makeup, but I preferred to let someone else suggest it.
‘I suppose I could go shopping as Emily this morning as I am already dressed and made up. Nobody other than you knows me in this town, and I've been able to pass successfully as a girl at work.’
‘That's true, and then you can hang on to your new breasts for work tomorrow,’ added Jenny.
‘And also perhaps keep them for when we go out with my sisters on Saturday night.’ said Clare.
‘Hold on! I’ll see how I get on today before making any decisions about tomorrow,’ I replied, ‘but I don’t think I will be wearing them to Anne’s birthday meal on Saturday. In fact I'm still not sure whether I'll be going.’
‘What's this meal on Saturday?’ asked Jenny.
‘Mum had bought tickets for everyone for the Country Club dinner dance on Saturday night, as it was going to be an opportunity to celebrate Anne’s twenty-first birthday. She'll not be able to go now because of my gran, and so has suggested that we take our young cousin along instead,’ said Clare.
‘So why won’t you be going?’ she asked me.
‘Anne wants me to go as Emily rather than as Chris, and expects me to dress up for the occasion. She and Karen have told their respective boyfriends about me and I'm not sure that I want to be regarded as a drag queen or a circus freak for the evening,’ I answered.
‘I am sure that was not their intention,’ said Clare. ‘In fact my sisters have promised you that their boyfriends will treat you with respect, or else face severe consequences.’
‘The answer is for you to go to the meal looking absolutely gorgeous just to take the wind out of their sails, as you did when you first met my mother. In fact, you should both endeavour to look so stunning that Karen and Anne start to get anxious about their boyfriends,’ said Jenny laughing. ‘If you like, I'll help you both to get yourself ready to go out on Saturday.’
‘I don’t know. I do not have anything suitable to wear except for Clare’s little black dress’ I replied.
‘Don’t worry Cinderella, I’ll lend you a long dress to go to the ball if you like,’ said Jenny laughing.
‘Actually I was thinking about Anne’s invitation in bed last night and have an alternative suggestion to make on the subject,’ said Clare.
‘What is that?’ I asked.
‘Before I say what it is, I want you to tell me honestly why you've taken so much trouble with your appearance as Emily this morning, when you knew we were both expecting to go out shopping with Chris?’
I shrugged my shoulders, and as I did so felt my breasts wobble.
‘Well since Karen went to so much trouble over fitting these boobs last night it would have been a shame to take them off straight away, and when you suggested that I should keep them on to show to Jenny this morning I was happy to agree.'
‘But why did you bother to put on some makeup this morning?’ she asked
‘I woke up quite early and decided to make an effort to show Karen that I appreciated her help before she went to work,’ I said.
It didn't sound terribly convincing as I said it.
‘Tell me truthfully, have you enjoyed living and working as Emily over the last couple of days?’ she asked.
I blushed deeply.
‘Well I must admit that so far I have been having a good time working with the two of you, and successfully passing myself off as a woman.’
‘I think we have both noticed that,’ said Jenny, ‘and we have also enjoyed working with you as well haven’t we Clare?’
‘It's been fun,’ said Clare, ‘and I hope it'll continue to be.’
‘So what is your suggestion?’ I asked trying to change the subject.
‘Emily, it is nearly three days since you lost your suitcase, and it will be five days by Saturday,’ said Clare. ‘I suspect that you are never going to see your clothes and money again as the girl who took your suitcase doesn't know how to get in touch with you. She probably doesn't even realise where the switch took place, and may think that she collected the wrong case at her hotel or at the airport, for all we know. I seem to remember that the case she left behind contains some very nice clothes for someone of about my size, which of course means they would also probably fit you as well. I therefore suggest that before making any decisions we should have a look through her suitcase to see if there is something that might be suitable for you to wear on Saturday night.’
‘I am not wearing the dirty old clothes of a mad woman, who goes about stealing suitcases,’ I answered.
Clare smiled.
‘As I remember, everything in the case was spotlessly clean, she must have done her laundry the night before she packed,’ said Clare. ‘Some of the clothes were as good as new.’
‘Well let us at least have a quick look to see what there is,’ said Jenny.
I retrieved the case from the top of my wardrobe and we started to lay the contents on my bed. Clare was right. The case was full of expensive looking female clothing, much of which appeared to be hardly worn. There were a couple of skirts, a pair of slacks, several blouses and tops and two dresses including a really stunning long dress in light blue silk. In addition, there was a wide selection of lingerie. Further down we found two pairs of high-heeled shoes, one set matching the evening dress, together with a jewellery case containing a necklace and earrings, a matching handbag containing various cosmetics, and a plastic bag containing some long tresses of dark brown hair.
‘That blue outfit was clearly intended to be worn on some special occasion, why don’t you at least try on the dress Emily?’ said Clare.
The dress certainly looked enticing.
‘But what if the owner gets in contact?’
‘I honestly don’t think she'll do so before Saturday. Even if she did, it is equally unlikely that she'll fly back from the United States to collect one suitcase. I guess that she'll probably decide to pocket your holiday money as partial compensation and put the rest down to experience, or else claim it off her travel insurance. Even if she eventually gets in touch with the relevant lost property office they do not have your address.’
‘Actually they didn’t even want to take a note of my mobile phone number,’ I added.
‘So she is not going to turn up suddenly on your doorstep demanding her dress back. Remember also that it was not your fault that your case was taken, she left you without anything to wear and so I don’t think anyone would blame you for making use of what she has left behind.’
‘That outfit does look nice, I suppose it would do no harm if I were to try it on,’ I said.
My colleagues both agreed, and so I took off my skirt and top. Clare helped me into the dress and zipped it for me. It seemed to fit me pretty well and showed off my new cleavage quite nicely without giving away that I was wearing false breasts. She then passed me the matching shoes to put on and they too fitted me. Finally, she put on the necklace for me. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly realised that I wanted to wear that dress to Anne’s birthday dinner more than anything else.
‘What do you think?’ I asked my friends.
‘It looks pretty good to me’ said Clare.
Jenny was a little more critical.
‘I think we have certainly found your dress for Saturday evening, but there are still a number of details that will need sorting out. The colour of your tights is wrong, but I noticed there were a set of co-ordinating underwear and a packet of light grey stockings in the case which have not been used. They would look better. Also, your hair colour is not quite right for that dress. Would you mind taking off the wig for a moment please Emily?’
I did as she instructed, and she took a brush and attempted to style my own hair. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and did not think I looked too bad, even without the wig.
‘I thought so! Your natural hair colour goes better with the colour of the dress than the wig, but unfortunately your hair is not long enough for us to be able to style it properly. I noticed that there are some hair extensions in that bag that are fairly close to your own colour. Would you be willing let me dye your hair a shade darker, and then we could use the hair extensions? I could put them in for you and put your hair up so that you would look really great,’ she said.
‘I don’t know’ I said, ‘will the dye be permanent?’
‘It would wash out after a few weeks, but in any event your hair would not look at lot different colour than it does now.’
‘How long would the hair extensions have to stay in place?’ I asked.
She shrugged.
‘That depends upon you. We could clip them in place just for the evening, but it would be safer for me to sew them. Then they could stay in for as long as you wanted keep them up to about six weeks,’ she answered. ‘I suggest you keep them in for as long as you keep your finger nails and your new breast forms in place. You would be able to wash your hair whilst they are still in place.’
‘I don’t know Clare, this is all getting quite serious; what do you think I should do?’ I asked my cousin.
‘I think Jenny’s right, you should use the hair extensions and wear the lovely dress to Anne’s dinner. Then you will be able to give her the surprise of her life,’ she said smiling.
‘Emily, if you agree to go ahead I will devote the whole of my Saturday to making you both look absolutely stunning and put Karen and Anne into the shade,’ said Jenny.
‘That is very kind of you since you are not even invited to the meal,’ I said.
‘Don’t worry about that, I'll quite enjoy the challenge of making you look beautiful,’ said Jenny. ‘However, if we do go ahead I'm going to need your full co-operation and no arguments about what you wear or how we style your hair.’
‘Oh please agree Emily, you have just admitted to us that you enjoy passing yourself off as a young woman. It'll be really good fun getting ready together and I know you'll look really great,’ added Clare.
‘If I were to go to the dinner on Saturday and afterwards, would you promise to stay with me throughout the evening?’
‘Yes of course,’ said Clare.
‘But what about my plans for us to buy some more clothes for Chris this morning?’ I asked.
‘I suggest you keep your one set of Chris’s clothes clean and at the ready in case of emergencies — for example if Mum were to come home unexpectedly,’ said Clare. ‘You already have a clean dress and underclothes ready for work tomorrow. If the owner of the suitcase has not been in touch by tomorrow night then you can reasonably start wearing her other clothes as well. That way you would have plenty of spare clothes to wear for work next week. I think you should therefore defer buying anything else for Chris until this time next week, by which time you'll have been paid in full. That way you can use the money you got last night for some cosmetics and hair dye and also to buy my sister a birthday card and a present.’
I'd already made up my mind before she finished talking, but decided it might look better if I considered for a while before answering. After a few moments I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.
‘Very well then I'll give it a go if Jenny will help me to get ready and Clare promises not to leave me alone after the meal.’
Both my companions seemed genuinely delighted with my decision and hugged and kissed me.
‘I suppose it would've been a shame to remove these lovely long nails, just as I was getting used to wearing them,’ I commented looking at my fingers.
I took off the dress and we hung it in my wardrobe. I put on Anne’s skirt and top once again and we then started to compile a list of everything we were going to need for the next few days.
‘I'm afraid that if we are going to put your hair up you will need pierced ears Emily. You'll want to wear those earrings and the necklace which go with the outfit,’ said Clare.
‘The sooner they are done the better, to give the holes a chance to settle down. Would you mind if we did them now and put some studs in until Saturday?’ said Jenny.
‘Alright then,’ I said. ‘As long as you know what you are doing.’
Clare collected a pair of studs from her room, and Jenny procured two pieces of ice from the freezer, a long needle which she began to sterilize in boiling water, and some antiseptic spray. She put a cross in each ear lobe. She then proceeded to freeze each lobe in turn and then quickly stab it with the needle and insert the stud, finally finishing off with an antiseptic spray. It was not a pleasant experience but not as bad as I thought and was quickly over.
‘By Saturday afternoon we should be in a position to replace these studs with those earrings’ she commented.
‘Jenny, I'm really looking forward to seeing Karen and Anne’s faces when we make our entrance. Is there any way we can keep the details of our plans a secret from them until Saturday evening?’ asked Clare.
‘I could ask Mum if you two can stay in our spare room tonight and tomorrow night. If she agrees, we could take your clothes over there this afternoon until we need them on Saturday. Karen already knows that you'll both be working tomorrow lunch time and in the evening, and we could always invent another job for Saturday lunch time which will provide you with an excuse for staying a second night. All you need to do will be to phone your sisters and arrange a time to meet them at the restaurant,’ said Jenny.
(Next time At last I get to go shopping)
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 7
A shopping expedition
The three of us eventually left for our shopping trip at about midday on Thursday, with me dressed in Anne’s skirt and top, Jenny’s wig and Clare’s high heels, and also with her studs in my ears. Fortunately the weather was warm enough for me not to need any coat. I had now spent two full days dressed as a girl, and felt reasonably confident that I would not be recognised or challenged out in the street.
We went first of all to the local branch of 'Boots the Chemist', taking with us one of the hair extensions so we could find a matching hair dye, which I purchased. We then proceeded to the 'House of Fraser' department store in the High Street where both Clare and I bought a birthday present and a card for Anne. In my case it was a set of matching lingerie to make up for the items she had previously given to me. It proved to be quite fun choosing underwear, even though they were not going to be for me to wear, and I did not find it in the least embarrassing when I took them to the counter to pay. In fact I felt a small frisson of pleasure as the assistant addressed me as Madam. Afterwards, we made our way over to the cosmetics counter.
‘Emily, you're going to need a stronger coloured nail varnish and a matching lipstick to go with your outfit on Saturday,’ said Jenny. ‘I'm afraid the colour you have been wearing just won’t work with the blue dress.’
‘Alright, what do you suggest?’ I asked.
‘I think a brighter red would probably look good on you,’ she answered, ‘What do you think Clare?’
‘You're the beauty expert,’ said my cousin, ‘I suggest that Emily should follow your advice until she becomes a little more experienced.'
Having chosen the lipstick and nail varnish we moved on to the subject of eye shadow.
“You've rather nice grey/blue eyes, so we'll have to look for a combination of three colours to suit them,’ said Jenny. ‘You don't want your eye shadow to deflect attention from your eyes.’
‘Alright,’ I said, not entirely sure what she meant.
‘Hmm, I think you already have a medium shade suitable for your eyelids among those cosmetics that we gave you, but you'll also need a lighter shade for the outer half of your brow bone below your eyebrow to 'open' your eyes. We can then 'deepen' your eyes by using a darker eye shadow in the crease between your eyelid and your brow.”
‘Just tell me what colours to buy, I’ll just have to wait and see what it looks like on Saturday,’ I replied.
Choosing cosmetics also proved to be fun and an education in itself. I'd never really thought about what colours might go together and why, and how something as seemingly minor as a lipstick or eye shadow could make all the difference in the world to how one looked. I clearly had a lot to learn and would need to rely on the advice of my friends for some time to come.
Jenny asked to leave us for ten minutes at this point as she wanted to make a purchase of her own, and so I used the opportunity to have a word with my cousin.
‘Clare, I've not spent as much as I originally intended, and think I ought to buy Jenny a small present to thank her for all her efforts, do you have any ideas what I might get?’
Clare smiled, but mentioned a CD that her friend liked and so I quickly slipped off to the relevant department and managed to return and put it in one of the shopping bags before Jenny came back. She returned herself a few minutes later, carrying a paper bag, but did not volunteer what was inside, and so I imagined it was something very personal. This secretiveness struck me as being a little odd, as hitherto throughout our shopping trip both my companions had treated me exactly as if I were a young woman. We'd sympathised with Clare’s period pains, and they had directed me to the ladies toilet when I needed to go and surreptitiously helped me to repair my makeup afterwards.
We returned to my aunt’s home at about four, and I quickly rang the lost property offices for one last time. On this occasion I was hoping against hope that there would be no news about my case, and indeed there was none. I apologised for the trouble and told them that I wouldn't bother ringing them again. As far as I was concerned the American girl had taken my clothes and pocketed my cash, and so the contents of her suitcase were now mine to use as I wished.
‘Alright Jenny, there's still no sign of my suitcase so you can go ahead and do your worst on me on Saturday.’
‘Great we will make a start by dyeing your hair tonight. We'll all be working tomorrow so I'll need you both up at eight o'clock on Saturday.’
‘I don’t believe that it is going to take twelve hours just to get ready to go out on Saturday evening,’ I answered.
‘Now then Emily, remember that you agreed this morning that we're going to do things properly, so I want to hear no arguments. We'll first need to wax your arms, legs, and armpits again then fix your hair extensions.’
‘But Jenny, you and Clare waxed my legs and arms on Monday and they still feel pretty smooth to me,’ I protested, running my fingers over them.
‘No arguments, young lady! I'm determined that you are going to look immaculate on Saturday night,’ she said.
We just had enough time to collect everything that Clare and I would need for the next two days before my two elder cousins were due to return home from work. We carefully put the clothes and cosmetics that we would be wearing into some plastic carrier bags, and then rang to beg a lift from Joyce. In the meanwhile, I carefully repacked the remainder of the clothes in the suitcase and returned it to the top of my wardrobe in my room.
'My goodness Emily, how did you acquire those impressive looking breasts,’ asked Joyce, as she arrived to collect us
‘They're silicone breast forms. I'm borrowing them from Karen’s work for the weekend. Once they're in place they are quite a job to remove,’ I replied.
‘That’s why they're staying here, they're both going out to a very posh dinner dance on Saturday night and so I'm going to help them to get ready and ensure that they both look stunning,’ said Jenny.
‘It is my sister Anne’s 21st birthday and Mum has bought tickets for us to go out to a dinner dance, it was Anne’s idea that Emily rather than Chris should be invited,’ added Clare.
‘Are you sure your mother knows your whereabouts for the next two nights?’
‘Mum is away at Sheffield looking after my gran, and so my sister Karen is responsible for us all,’ said Clare. ‘She knows where we are and will tell our respective mothers when they ring tonight. I promise you that there will be no problem.’
‘I hope not,’ she replied. ‘I just hope you all know what you're doing.’
‘We'll be fine, honestly,’ said Clare
Joyce shook her head for a second time, but also smiled.
‘I'll be out for most of Saturday so you'll have to look after yourselves, but I should be back by tea time. If you like I'll give you a lift into town during the evening.’
‘Thanks that would be great.'
‘However, before we worry about Saturday there are two big catering jobs tomorrow and we need to make an early start, so I don’t want you girls staying up chatting all night,’ said Joyce. ‘I'll have some breakfast ready by seven thirty and I want everyone, dressed and ready by eight. You don’t need to go to town on your makeup, just enough to look smart. You'll also find some clean uniforms in your rooms.’
After tea I telephoned Karen to see whether my mum had been in touch. She'd gone out, but Anne told me that Mum had just rung and had been told that I was staying with a friend together with Clare.
‘Was she alright about the arrangement?’
‘Yes of course, I told her that you had found yourself a temporary job and were getting on very well and were no trouble to anyone. She said that she'd ring again on Sunday evening and hoped to speak with you then. My mum also rang, Gran’s condition is gradually improving but she's still intending to be a way for the whole of next week, so if you get any more job offers I should take them. I also mentioned that you and Clare were staying with Jenny, and she too was happy about the arrangement.
‘Thanks for doing that Anne.’
‘You're welcome, but I now want you to confirm that Emily will be coming to my birthday meal tomorrow.’
‘I thought Clare had already told you so.’
‘She had but I want to hear you promise me as well.’
‘Alright, I promise. In fact I still have Karen’s breast forms stuck in place and have just remembered that I forgot to bring the solvent, so you can be sure that I won't be trying to remove them until after the meal on Saturday.’
She sounded both relieved and excited.
‘Anne, I want you and Karen to remember your promise that there'll be no jokes or references to Chris during the evening.’
‘I know, Karen and I have already spoken to the lads and we promise that everyone will behave themselves and that there will be no teasing. By the way, have you decided what to wear tomorrow?’
‘I am afraid that's going to be a surprise. You'll have to wait to tomorrow to find out, but I promise that I'll not let you down on your birthday.’
‘In that case I’ll see you tomorrow.
During the course of the evening Clare checked that my newly pierced ears were alright and sprayed on some more antiseptic, then Jenny used the dye that we'd bought to darken my hair.
‘So how do you feel about being Emily?’ she asked as she began to apply it to my hair.
‘I am not sure really, things seem to have happened so fast this week, almost out of my control, that I've not really had a chance to take stock of how I feel. I'll let you know tomorrow,’ I replied.
‘But you said to my Mum that you enjoyed working as a waitress,’ said Jenny.
‘Yes I do. I've had great fun working with you two, but this is going a stage further than just going out to work as a girl. I'm rather worried about how I'll manage tomorrow night,’ I replied.
‘Why should that be? Karen and Anne have both seen you as Emily and been very encouraging,’ she asked.
‘Yes but it's the guys that bother me. I don't know how to react or what I'll say to them.’
‘You've spoken to lots of men at work over the last few days, and haven’t had any problems,’ said Jenny.
‘I know, but I don’t think any of them realised that I wasn't really a woman,’ I said.
‘Just be yourself, Emily. You already look and sound like a real woman, and by the time we have finished with you will look so lovely that they'll not dare to make fun of you. When you go in to the hall just tell yourself that you're the best looking woman in the room,’ said Jenny.
‘Thank you very much,’ said Clare in mock anger.
My hair did not look dramatically different after she'd finished, but when she held up the extensions, I could see in the mirror that they now matched my new colour.
‘I suggest that you wear the wig again at work tomorrow, and then we'll sort out the extensions on Saturday,’ said Jenny.
‘How exactly to they work,’ I asked.
‘These ones can be clipped into place, but your hair is not really long enough to hold them securely or full enough so that the clips will not be visible. It would be safer and look better if I were able to sew them on to braids,’ she said.
‘Just as long as I can take them out easily when I need to,’ I replied.
‘You'll be able to take them out, but it might take a little more time.’
The three of us continued to chat about clothes, hairstyles and our favourite music just as if we were three girl friends and I again felt a feeling of warmth and friendship to my companions that I'd never experienced among my male acquaintances. Yet I was also aware that it would not be the same if I were now dressed as Chris rather than Emily.
After a while the subject moved on to boys. Neither of my new friends was currently in a steady relationship, but they'd both had several boyfriends and were quite experienced in dealing with them. They shared some funny stories with me, and gave me a few tips on how to avoid getting involved with unwanted admirers.
‘There'll be quite a number of young people dancing after the meal tomorrow tonight,’ said Clare. ‘What are you going to do if someone asks you to dance?’
‘It'll depend on whether or not I fancy him,’ I said joking. ‘I guess I'll not mind dancing as long as he doesn't expect to go home with me afterwards.’
‘You never know, you might meet someone you really fancy,’ said Clare.
‘Have you ever had a girlfriend as Chris?’
‘No, I was always too shy to ask anyone out,’ I answered blushing.
‘I thought so. Are you gay then,’ asked Jenny.
‘To be honest, I don’t know. I've been agonising about my sexuality ever since I started to dress as Emily. I've always preferred the company of women and have never yet met any man that I fancied. However, I must admit that so far I'm quite enjoying myself as Emily and don't think that any girl is going to fancy me dressed as a woman.’
‘Just wait and see, there's no hurry,’ said Jenny. ‘For tomorrow evening I suggest you wear an engagement ring, it'll give off the signal that any man you meet can look and admire but mustn't touch,’ said Jenny.
There isn't much to relate about the following day. We were ready on time, worked hard, enjoyed ourselves, and in doing so earned quite a bit of money including some more tips. It was nearly midnight when we eventually returned to Jenny’s house. There'd been a couple of minor mishaps during the course of the day, but nothing disastrous and the clients were probably unaware of the problems. Certainly, we did nothing sufficiently wrong to stop the clients using Joyce’s catering service again, or indeed any one of us from being employed again. As before, we worked well as a team and got on well with one another and the other caterers. For some reason I was finding it far easier to be warm, friendly, and confident with members of the public whilst dressed as Emily than ever I did as Chris.
During my break on Friday afternoon Joyce asked whether I’d had any further thoughts about working the following week, as she had just received another commission and now had some work available for us on nearly every day.
‘I really need to know now Emily, as otherwise I'll have to arrange for some agency staff,’ she said.
‘I understand from my cousin that my aunt is planning to be away for the whole of next week, and so if Clare and Jenny are happy to work, then so am I.’
‘Good, I am pleased, you three are very good workers.’
(Next time I get ready to go out to the dance)
by Louise Anne Smithson
Chapter 8
Getting ready to go out
In the event, Jenny did not drag us out of bed at some unearthly hour on Saturday morning, but we were all of us up by nine a.m. When she examined my legs I was also excused another waxing and instead was permitted to go over them with her female electric razor to remove the tiny traces of soft hair that were just beginning to emerge, whilst she gave Clare the full wax treatment. Jenny did however insist on us both using the depilatory cream on our armpits once again, but this was no great problem for me as I'd only recently started to grow any hair under my armpits, and so it was no problem getting used to the idea of not having any once again.
Whilst Jenny finished waxing Clare’s legs I had my shower, using her perfumed shower gel, and washed my hair again, to get rid of any lingering smell from working in the kitchens. This was the third shower I'd taken with my breast forms in place and I was beginning to get used to the feel of them. I was a little surprised that they seemed to be just as firmly fixed to my chest as when they were stuck on for the first time. It was clearly going to be essential to use the proprietary solvent to remove them if I was going to do so without inflicting damage to myself or the breast forms.
After the shower I dried myself carefully using talcum powder then put on a clean bra and knickers taken from the suitcase left behind by the American. I was no longer concerned that she might someday want to reclaim her clothes. I assumed that she regarded it as too late for either of us to remedy the situation — she would keep my money and I would keep her clothes. I was just about to go in to the toilet when Jenny stopped me.
‘Can you hold on for ten minutes please Emily? As soon as Clare's finished in the shower she and I have some intimate work to do to disguise your penis and testicles,’ she said. ‘We'll need to ensure that we do not strap them down too tightly or else you'll never be able to go to the toilet. I promise it won't hurt, although it might feel a little uncomfortable to begin with.’
‘Where on earth did you get this idea from,’ I asked.
‘Nowhere on Earth, I got it from the internet, from a web site offering advice to female impersonators to ensure that there's no give-away bulge between their legs when they wear tight dresses,’ she announced.
‘You certainly appear to have carried out plenty of background research,’ I commented.
As soon as Clare was finished I was asked to take off my knickers and lie down, and my two companions began their task of hiding my manhood.
‘Don’t be embarrassed about this Emily; we've both seen a penis before and in any event will be using rubber gloves,’ said Clare smiling to her friend.
They began by shaving the pubic hair above my penis and on the tops of my legs. My organ started to grow involuntarily as Clare held it out of the way of the razor but then she gave the tip a quick tap with a pencil and it almost immediately resumed its normal size.
‘That technique was taught to me by Karen,’ she said; ‘nurses sometimes have to use it when they are bathing male patients.’
‘Before we strap it out of the way we need your testes back inside the body, but don’t worry they'll drop down again as soon as it is released.’
Jenny went to the kitchen and returned with a damp flannel from out of a plastic box which had been in the freezer and placed it over my testicles. I felt a small sensation as the muscle contracted and the contents of my scrotum rose into my body. It then became far easier to bend back my penis between my legs, so that there was no sign of any bulge. She proceeded to hold it in place with strips of sticking plaster. She then took a broad length of plaster and attached it above my penis on the right, then crossing over and covering the left testicle and sticking to the top of my left leg. She then repeated the same process on the other side. A fourth piece was stuck across the top. Only the tip of my penis was not covered.
‘From now onwards I'm afraid you'll have to urinate from a sitting position like the rest of us,’ she said. ‘Now go to the toilet and see if you can manage alright.’
I sat for a while on the toilet seat unable to go, but eventually after a minute of trying, I felt my bladder to be emptying into the pan. As they predicted, it was uncomfortable rather than painful, but I suspected that I probably could get used to the new plumbing arrangements. I carefully wiped the tip of my penis with some toilet paper, pulled up my knickers and washed my hands before emerging.
‘So how did you get on?’
‘Alright, I think.’
‘It would be best for you to go little and often rather than saving it up, and whatever you do don’t try and drink large quantities of beer on Saturday night,’ said Jenny. ‘You'll have to learn to be ladylike and sip your drinks.’
‘I'm not yet old enough to drink alcohol,’ I commented.
‘Good, but by the time we have finished you'll probably look more than eighteen so don’t get tempted,’ she replied
‘What if I were to become sexually aroused,’ I asked.
‘In that case I would suggest you turn your mind to something else pretty quickly, it'll be difficult for blood to rush to your penis if it is strapped between your legs and I imagine it'll also be quite uncomfortable,” said Clare, ‘although I cannot speak from experience,’
‘Before you put the rest of your clothes on, we've some more padding to stick on to enhance your hips and buttocks,’ said Jenny.
By the time they finished much of the area below my waist was covered with strips of flesh coloured sticking plaster and padding, but once I put on a pair of knickers it was mostly hidden and I now had a more female looking silhouette. There was a matching suspender belt in the case, but Jenny rather suggested that I borrowed her basque instead, which had suspenders attached.
‘It'll give you an hour glass figure, and make the dress fit even better,’ she said.
I tried it on, as instructed. It felt good to wear.
‘It seems to be a little tight for me, but I guess that is what it's supposed to do,’ I said.
‘You're beginning to get the right idea Emily, but you can take it off for the time being,’ said Jenny.
‘What about when it comes to taking off this sticking plaster,’ I asked.
‘You'll need to take a long bath before you do so,’ said Clare ‘but it should be good for a week or two as long as you keep it clean and dry.’
‘I am not staying trussed up like this for a week or two,’ I answered, ‘my agreement was for Saturday only.’
‘Yes but I hope you'll at least keep it in place on Sunday as well, otherwise I won’t get to see the results of my handiwork,’ said Jenny.
‘Alright then maybe on Sunday as well,’ I replied.
‘Then of course there's another big catering job next Monday,’ added Clare smiling.
‘This is beginning to sound like a conspiracy,’ I said in a concerned voice. ‘I don't need to have my private parts stuck down like this just to work as a waitress.’
‘Alright then, as long as you do what we ask for today, it'll be up to you what you decide to wear thereafter. We promise not to put pressure on to you,’ said Clare.
It was now nearly ten o’clock and I was loaned a housecoat and a pair of furry slippers to wear and we all stopped to eat some breakfast.
‘The next thing on my list is to sort out Emily’s hair extensions,’ said Jenny to Clare, ‘it's going to take me until lunch time. After that I'll style the hair of both of you and then fix your makeup. Is there anything you want to be doing in the meanwhile?’
‘I could trim, and polish her toe nails if that'll help, and then I'll sort out our clothes and makeup for tonight.’
‘Yes that will be helpful, thanks,’ said Jenny.
‘I didn't think my toes would be visible in those high-heeled shoes,’ I said.
‘Maybe not, but it'll be just one more detail to give you confidence in your looks, and in any event you might be run over on the way and you would want to look your best in the hospital,’ said Clare smiling.
‘Thanks for the kind thought,’ I answered.
I sat in an upright chair for nearly three hours whilst Jenny partially dried my hair and created two rows of tiny braids of my hair along the sides and round the back of my head. These were sewn together to create the tracks for my new extensions. They were quite tight and a little uncomfortable at first as they were deliberately kept as close to the scalp as possible.
‘Will they always feel like this?’ I asked.
‘No, you'll soon get used to them, and in a day or two you'll not notice them at all,’ she replied.
‘What about tonight?’
‘You'll probably still be able to feel them, but I imagine your mind will be on other things by then.’
Jenny sewed the hair pieces to the braids in such a way that the attachments were not visible. In the meanwhile I could feel Clare working on my toe nails and painting them with clear varnish. She then removed the existing nail varnish from my fingers and started to replace it with several coats of the new colour that I had bought. As they were working Clare asked me how I was feeling.
‘I'm feeling uncomfortable down below and on my scalp, and of course the basque is going to be a little constricting but in every other respect I'm feeling fine,’ I said with a note of sarcasm.’
I expect you’ll get used to it. After all, you can’t expect to look truly beautiful without suffering a little discomfort,’ she answered.
After she had finished attaching the extensions, Jenny began to trim my hair and lift it in to an elaborate style. In the meanwhile Clare made us all some lunch. There was a full-length mirror in Jenny’s bedroom but she had covered it with a cloth. When Jenny was finished with my hair I asked to have a look at myself in the mirror but she refused saying that she and Clare were going to make all the decisions about my appearance today and that I should wait until they were entirely finished when I could see the full effect of their work all at once.
‘Next time I'll show you how to fix up your hair and we'll give you some advanced lessons in makeup,’ she said.
‘You seem to be very confident that there'll be a next time,’ I commented.
‘Yes, I am, and by the time I am finished with you I think you'll feel the same,’ she replied.
The first job after lunch was to wash and style Clare’s hair, and Jenny gave me a few basic lessons in hairdressing and left me to put in her rollers by myself. I felt that I made a respectable job of it even though I had only just got used to having long finger nails. Once Clare was under the hairdryer Jenny showed me how to manicure and polish my cousin’s nails, again leaving me to finish the job, but later checking to make sure that it had been done properly.
‘I don’t want either of you to say anything about the other until I'm finished with you both. I'll then call in my mum and uncover the mirror and you can both admire yourselves and each other,’ said Jenny.
By half past three we'd finished with Clare and so we stopped for a cup of tea. I went to the toilet again and found it a little bit easier to go on this occasion and was less conscious of the sticking plaster down below.
Half an hour later, Clare and I were at last permitted to change into the lingerie that we would be wearing. As I would be wearing Jenny’s basque, I selected a pair of white silk knickers, and a matching camisole top, together with the light grey stockings. I had never worn stockings before and so Clare showed me how to gather them up and then carefully slide them over each leg and to attach them to the suspenders. I felt really quite sexy in my underclothes and wished that I could see myself in the mirror, but my friends were adamant that I should wait.
‘Clare would you start to put on your own foundation whilst I thin out Emily’s eyebrows a little,’ said Jenny. ‘After that I'll finish your face off and then we can work together on Emily.’
‘I hope you're not going to make my eyebrows look too girly as it will take weeks for them to grow again,’ I said.
‘Emily, we agreed there will no arguments today,’ she said firmly. ‘We aren't going to spoil the overall effect with shaggy eyebrows, particularly as we've gone to so much trouble so far. If necessary, you'll be able to make them look thicker with an eyebrow pencil afterwards.’
‘Alright, I'm in your hands Jenny but please remember that I'll have to change back to Chris when my aunt returns.’
‘I'm afraid you'll just have to trust me,’ she said.
Jenny spent about ten minutes plucking and shaping my eyebrows until she was satisfied with them, and I was again forbidden from looking at myself in the mirror. By this time Clare was ready for her face to be made up, and so for the next half an hour I watched carefully as Jenny gave me a running commentary about each of the cosmetics she was using; explaining why a particular colour had been chosen and how to achieve the best effects with it. Clare’s rather young and fairly bland looking face was gradually transformed into a smouldering beauty. Jenny clearly was an artist when it came to applying makeup. I thought to myself that I could never look as good as that. At last Jenny declared herself to be satisfied. Clare was also now refused access to any mirror.
‘Alright Emily, let’s see what we can do for you now,’ she said.
I sat down and they covered me with a cape so the makeup did not get on my underwear. Once again Jenny gave a running commentary on what she was doing, with Clare also contributing from time to time.
‘You're lucky to have such naturally long eyelashes, many girls would give their eye-teeth for them,’ said Clare. ‘You also have a pretty face; in fact you make a far better looking girl than you do a boy.’
‘I'm not sure whether I should feel pleased or embarrassed about that,’ I said.
‘I'm glad to say that I have never seen you dressed as a boy, but I can confirm that you'll look lovely tonight,’ said Jenny. ‘But no more comments until your both are finished.’
They must have taken at least forty-five minutes over my make-up, and finished with a couple of squirts of perfume. Then they carefully removed each of my ear studs and replaced them with the expensive looking earrings which dangled down my neck.
‘It looks as if the holes have healed up alright and so you should be able to do this yourself next time. However, remember to replace the earrings with the studs each night for the next few days to make sure that the holes do not begin to close up again.’
Jenny then helped the two of us put on our dresses and high heeled shoes. Clare then put on some earrings and a necklace. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a pink dress and matching shoes. At the same time Jenny helped me to put on the matching necklace and loaned me an imitation diamond ring that would pass of an engagement ring.
Eventually Jenny was satisfied with us both. She called in her mother and I noticed her jaw dropped in surprise as she saw us both, but she said nothing. Jenny then ceremonially removed the sheet covering the mirror.
I stood there transfixed, unable to believe my eyes. If Clare looked beautiful, then it was no exaggeration to say that I looked stunning in my light blue dress, with long hair piled up on top of my head and sparkling earrings dangling from my ear lobes. I'd got used to seeing myself wearing a wig and makeup over the last few days, but this was something entirely different. My eyes shone from beneath sultry eyelids and lashes; my complexion looked flawless; my lips looked enticing. I was so surprised that I had to reach out to steady myself and then caught sight of my immaculate lacquered finger nails. Although I had seen myself appear as a convincing young woman on a number of occasions, this was altogether something else. I felt and looked truly lovely, as did Clare.
‘I think you both look truly wonderful,’ said Joyce, ‘Jenny you have done an excellent job on both of them.’
‘I'd give you both a kiss, but it would to spoil your makeup,’ said Jenny, ‘but instead I want to take some photographs of my handiwork.’ She took out her digital camera and proceeded to take another series of pictures.
‘Clare you look lovely,’ I said to my cousin.
‘You do as well, Emily, we’ll really knock ‘em dead this evening,’ she replied.
‘Thank you Jenny, I think we both look great and I'm only sorry that you won’t be joining us,’ I said. ‘I know it's not very much but I've bought you a CD as a thank you present.’
Jenny smiled and thanked me.
‘Clare and I have also bought something for you as a thank you present for being such a good sport.’
She handed me a brown paper bag which contained a pink nightdress and matching slippers.
‘They are for you to wear tonight rather than those boyish pyjamas,’ she said. ‘I will be calling round first thing tomorrow to find out how you both got on. I'll also bring a disk containing your photographs,’ she said.
(Next time Clare and I go to the dance and meet some of her friends.)
Chapter 9
Anne’s Birthday Celebration
Clare had decided that we would probably make more impact if we made our ‘grand entrance’ at the hotel rather than at my cousins’ home, beforehand. We therefore wanted to ensure that Karen and Anne and their respective boyfriends had left for the restaurant before we arrived home to drop off our belongings. Clare therefore checked rang the house phone just before we left to ensure that no-one was there to answer. Once we were sure that the coast was clear, we drove to the house, carried in our various belongings and hurriedly stowed them in our respective bedrooms. My cousin loaned me a black coat to wear over my dress for the journey.
‘This should look alright with your dress tonight. I'll borrow something from mum’s wardrobe that will do for me.’
‘Thanks,’ I replied.
‘Now make sure that you've everything you might need in your handbag.’
‘You'd better tell me what I'm likely to need, just in case,’ I replied.
‘Have you brought some lipstick, mascara, face powder, concealer, paper handkerchiefs, your keys, and some money in a purse,’ she said checking through her own bag. ‘You might also add a safety pin and a Tampax in case of emergencies.’
‘I've everything apart from the last mentioned,’ I said.
‘Here you are,’ she said handing me one, ‘it'll add a note of authenticity to your appearance in case anyone should have cause to glimpse inside your bag.’
‘Thanks,’ I said, blushing a little at the idea.
‘You'd better take a couple of these as well,’ she said handing me some condoms.
‘I'm not sixteen yet. I assure you that I'll have no need of those tonight,’ I said.
‘Well you never know,’ she said putting them into my handbag, ‘you now look much older and it is better to be safe than sorry.’
I took one last look at myself in the mirror before leaving to join the others in the car. This was partly to renew my confidence but also to confirm that I had not missed anything really obvious in my appearance that might give me away. I took a deep breath as I looked at my reflection, and felt as if I had now passed a significant milestone. With my hair up and my face made up and with nice jewellery, I looked just like a poised and sophisticated young woman. Moreover, it was not just a question of my looks, I now felt like a woman as well, and was ready to face the greatest trial in Emily’s brief career.
We carefully climbed in to the car, so as not to crease our dresses and Jenny and Joyce drove us to the town centre, so that we were only about ten minutes late by the time they dropped us off outside the restaurant.
‘I hope you girls have a really good time this evening, and the best of luck to you Emily,’ said Joyce as we got out of the car.
‘Just remember what I said. You both look lovely, and Emily, nobody could ever suspect you weren't a genetic woman just by looking at you, so now it is up to you to ensure that you behave like one as well,’ said Jenny.
‘Thanks again for all your help and support, I’ll do the best that I can,’ I said.
‘I’ll call round tomorrow to find out how you got on,’ she said and then the car drove away.
I let Clare take the lead as we walked to the dining area. Several heads turned in our direction as we entered the room. We were attracting attention, but for the right reason. I could see were being admired by a number of the other diners, notably the men. It felt really nice to be noticed in this way. A waiter approached and greeted us and offered to help us with our coats. He then led us to our table, where our companions were already busy talking with one another and so they did not notice our approach. The four were almost as smartly dressed as we were, the two lads wore dark suits and my cousins wore smart dresses with immaculate coiffure and makeup. Daniel, Anne’s boyfriend was the first to notice our arrival and greeted us. Anne then turned round and gasped in surprise.
‘My goodness what have you two been doing today? You both look fabulous,’ she said.
I blushed. Clare smiled triumphantly and thanked her sister whilst complimenting the whole group on their own appearance.
Karen then turned to me ‘Emily wherever did you get that beautiful dress, and the wonderful hair style?’
‘The dress came from the mad American woman who stole my suitcase, and the hair's courtesy of Clare’s friend Jenny,’ I replied.
‘Well they both suit you very well,’ she said.
I blushed again, and murmured my thanks, when Daniel came to my rescue.
‘Aren’t you going to introduce us to your cousin,’ he asked Anne.
‘Sorry, I was forgetting myself,’ she said. ‘Daniel, Jim, this is my cousin Emily from the south coast, she'll be staying with us for the summer.’
I shook hands with the lads and we sat down. The group had left us the seats at either end of an oblong table and so I took the seat between Karen and Daniel, and Clare sat at the other end between Anne and Jim. The conversation resumed as the meal began to be served, and we all congratulated Anne on her forthcoming birthday. I was glad that I was no longer the centre of the conversation, but noticed that both the young men and my elder cousins made furtive glances at me. I pretended not to notice, feeling both nervous and yet very happy. I also took great care to ensure that I did not eat or drink too much, and above all did not spoil the dress I was wearing. However, due to my nerves, I had to get up mid-way through the meal and go to go to the toilet, Anne decided to join me so she could have a few words in private.
‘Thanks for going to so much trouble for me tonight Emily, you look really great and we had no idea you'd look so good. You hair and makeup also look really professional.’
‘Thanks, it was my pleasure,’ I replied, feeling gratified. ‘It was Clare’s idea to keep our plans a secret and we could not have done it without the help of her friend Jenny.’
She certainly did a good job on your both,’ she replied and then noticed the ring on my left hand.
‘I'd no idea you were engaged, so who’s the lucky fellow?’
‘The ring is intended to send a ‘keep off,’ signal if we go dancing later. I don’t want some guy getting the wrong idea,’ I said smiling.
‘Good idea,’ she said. ‘The way you look would attract guys like bees round a honey pot. I can see it might otherwise leave you in a difficult situation.’
The dinner was a great success and a lot of fun. The food and drink were excellent and we all toasted Anne on her twenty-first birthday, even though we had previously been instructed to hold on to our birthday presents until the following day. The conversation was friendly, lubricated by several glasses of wine. (It did not occur to anyone to ask the ages of Clare and myself.) The table was sufficiently small for everyone to be involved in the general conversation or else talk with their immediate neighbour. The name of Chris, the loss of his luggage, my true sex and my current employment as a waitress did not feature in the conversation, and so I guess that the two lads had been instructed by my cousins beforehand as to the topics they might and might not raise. I gradually began to lose my feelings of nervousness and began to bask in the glow of knowing that I looked good and was being admired. Eventually at about 10.30 we all got up to go to the dance in the adjoining room. Karen and Daniel both decided to go to the toilet and Anne was talking to someone at a nearby table when Jim came over to me and said:
‘Emily, Karen has been having me on, hasn’t she?’
‘What do you mean,’ I asked innocently.
‘She said that you were really a guy named Chris who'd lost his luggage.’
I wanted to blush but managed to keep my cool.
‘And you believed her?’
‘I suppose I did — at least I did until I met you. But now I think she must have been trying to wind me up,’ he said.
‘I'm afraid you'll have to decide for yourself whether you trust your eyes or what you've been told, because I'm not prepared to prove it to you either way. You'll have to take me as you find me,’ I said smiling.
Karen returned at that point so he accepted my answer in good part.
‘Well done,’ whispered Clare into my ear a moment later, ‘you seem to be learning how to handle guys.’
Anne, Karen and their boyfriends knew several other couples who were attending the dance and they had arranged meet them in the bar after the meal. They were all in their early twenties. Clare and I were introduced to the others, and could tell that several of the guys would have been happy to chat to us if it were not for the fact that they were with their girlfriends and being kept on a tight rein for the evening. Jim bought us both a drink each, but after a while we began to feel a little out of place as we were the youngest in the party and didn’t know any of the others. As soon as we finished our drink we therefore went out onto the floor and started dancing with one another. I was now quite used to standing and walking in high-heels, but I had never tried to dance in them before and was a little anxious at first in case I fell over and made an exhibition of myself. Clare briefly explained to me the technique of putting my weight on the ball of my foot rather than my heels, to avoid tripping or twisting my ankle. At first I was not very adventurous in my dancing but after half an hour’s practice I was beginning to get the hang of things and truly joined in.
‘How are you enjoying the evening Emily,’ asked Clare after we had been dancing for forty minutes or so.
‘It's been good fun, except that my feet are now beginning to hurt,’ I replied.
‘Alright then let’s sit the next one out and take a rest.’
We found ourselves an empty table and were just discussing whether to get ourselves another drink when we were approached by two young men both aged about nineteen.
‘Hello Clare, I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew in this place,’ said the first, a slim, fair-haired lad of above-average height.
‘Oh hi Geoff! No, I must admit this isn't one of my usual haunts, we're here with my elder sisters and their friends,’ she responded, pointing to the group on the other side of the dance floor. ‘It's Anne’s twenty-first birthday tomorrow.’
‘I was wondering why you were looking so particularly glamorous tonight,’ he said.
He then turned to his companion and introduced his friend Rob to her, who was a little shorter and darker-haired but with a better-looking face than Geoff.
‘Hello Rob,’ she replied. Then gesturing towards me she said ‘this is my cousin Emily from Sussex, she'll be staying with us for a few weeks.’
I smiled and acknowledged them both and they in turn greeted me.
‘We were just about to have a drink, can we get you ladies one,’ said Rob to the two of us.
Clare glanced at me and noting that I had not objected, she accepted the offer on behalf of us both. I asked for a fruit juice as I'd already drunk a glass of wine and a gin and tonic, and was not used to drinking alcohol. Geoff then sat down at our table and started talking to us both whilst Rob went for the drinks. It became apparent that he knew Clare from school, but had not seen her in some time as he had just completed his first year at university. Rob returned five minutes later with the drinks and sat down next to me, leaving Geoff to talk to Clare. We all continued chatting for ten minutes or so before Geoff invited Clare to dance, leaving Rob and me sitting at our table.
‘How do you like Shrewsbury Emily?’
‘So far it seems like a fairly nice town,’ I replied, ‘although I've not had much chance to look round yet. I've only been here for a week and have been working as a waitress on a number of occasions.’
‘I'd be happy to show you around any time,’ he replied.
‘Thanks for the offer,’ I said ‘but I'd better decline as I work most evenings, and in any event I have a fiancé at home in Sussex. He has had to go away with his work for a few weeks and so I decided to come and visit my cousins.’
He looked a little abashed.
‘You're very young to have got engaged.’
‘Maybe so, but if you're sure you have met the right guy then what is the point of hanging on,’ I replied.
‘But I trust that won’t stop you from dancing with me,’ he said smiling.
‘No I guess not, and I'm pretty sure that he would have no qualms about going out dancing whilst he is away.’
We joined the others on the dance floor and for the next hour danced together until just after 1.00am when Karen came over to speak to us.
‘You seem to be enjoying yourself Emily, but I'm responsible for ensuring that you get home safely tonight. Jim and I will be leaving in ten minutes and we'd like to give you both a lift home.’
‘That’s alright with me,’ I said ‘as long as Clare is agreeable.’
Clare exchanged mobile phone numbers with Geoff and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. I turned to Rob and smiled ruefully.
‘Thanks for the drink and for dancing with me tonight Rob, it's been an enjoyable evening,’ I said.
‘Thank you too. Perhaps we could meet together for a drink sometime,’ he asked.
I hesitated before answering.
‘Thanks, but I'd better not, but good luck for the future.’
‘You too,’ he replied sadly.
I felt such a heel to be turning him down that I gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving with the others.
‘Geoff’s friend seemed to be very nice, and quite keen on you,’ whispered Clare as we walked back to the car out of earshot of Karen and Jim. ‘Will you be seeing him again?’
‘No, he was good company, but my life is quite complicated enough as it is without getting involved in a relationship as a girl, and in any event what would happen when he discovers I'm really a man,’ I replied.
‘So you didn’t tell him then.’
‘No, the subject did not come up in the conversation, and I don’t think he guessed. In any event I told him I was engaged.’
‘He might've been alright if he knew the truth, you never know,’ she mused.
‘I'd rather not take the risk, particularly in a public forum,’ I replied.
‘That's a pity because I've always quite liked Geoff and it might have been good fun for us to go out as a foursome,’ she said.
‘In that case why don’t you introduce him to Jenny if you think they might get on well together,’ I replied.
‘Would you mind if I did so?’
‘No, of course not, please go ahead.’
Clare and I went in to the house as soon as we arrived home, but Karen stayed outside sitting in the car and talking to Jim. There was no sign of Anne and her boyfriend.
‘Emily, you were an absolute triumph this evening, well done,’ said Clare as we went in. ‘However, I'd better help you to get changed and unpin your hair. Why don’t you go to your bedroom and take off your dress and shoes, then clean off your makeup. I'll call in a few minutes to sort out your hair.’
‘Alright,’ I replied.
I slipped out of my dress, and carefully hung it in the wardrobe, and replaced my shoes with my new slippers. I put my jewellery in a little tray on the dressing table, but replaced the earrings with a pair of studs. I then proceeded to clean off my makeup using cold cream. Ten minutes later Clare knocked and entered my room having changed into a dressing gown in the meanwhile.
‘Well done,’ she said inspecting my face for traces of makeup. ‘I saw some moisturising cream in your case, Put some on your hands and face before you go to bed to stop your skin from drying out during the night.’
‘Alright then,’ I answered and proceeded to do so.
Whilst I was dealing with my skin Clare undid my hair so that it fell down my back, before loosely tying it back using a ribbon.
‘We’ll have to work out how to style it in the morning,’ she said. ‘I’ll leave you now to get undressed.’ She kissed me on the cheek and left.
I changed out of my underclothes and put on my new nightdress and slippers. I went to the toilet, and although it was not as comfortable for me to urinate as previously I realised that I had not been particularly conscious of being taped down, and I saw no reason to try and remove the sticky tape, which inevitably would be time-consuming and painful. I had just finished and was about to get into bed when I heard a knock at my door. This time it was Karen.
‘Emily, sorry to call so late but I saw your light was still on. Anne and I suspected that you two were cooking up a surprise this evening but we'd no idea that you would both look so good. You were fabulous as a woman tonight.’
‘Thank you, but it was principally due to Clare and Jenny,’ I explained.
‘Yes, but it wasn't only your looks, it was your manner and voice as well. None of our friends in the club suspected anything unusual about you. However, it is too late for us to talk now but I want to hear all about it tomorrow. By the way where did you get the nightdress from,’ she asked.
‘It was given to me by Clare and Jenny. I replied.
‘I've a spare dressing gown that will go very well with that nightdress; you are very welcome to borrow it if you wish.’
‘Alright then,’ I answered.
Karen went to her room and returned a minute later with a pink dressing gown which she said I could keep. I thanked her and hung it on the back of the bedroom door. It was well after 2.00 am when I at last got into bed but I was not feeling sleepy. Instead I went through the events of the previous day, and then the previous week, in my mind. In spite of my success with working as a waitress, I had been quite nervous about the prospect of going out dressed as Emily. Now the night was over I felt a real sense of triumph that I had been able to pass successfully as a young woman in mixed company and had been universally admired. For the first time I allowed myself to wonder what it might be like if I were to choose to live as a woman full-time.
(Next time An unexpected arrival the following day.)
Chapter 10
Aunt Carol’s return
Despite my having fallen asleep so late, I woke at 7.00 on Sunday morning still feeling elated about the events of the previous evening. Clare and I weren't due to work until the following day, but there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to remain dressed as Emily for the day. In any event, I now had the breasts, long hair and finger nails in place and had also promised Jenny to remain as I was until she arrived. I'd now spent six and a half days as a woman and been promised some more work over the next week. Changing back to become Chris again would have been both time consuming and difficult to reverse on Monday. It was the last thing I wanted to do. Anne had also been very gracious about my triumph the previous night so I wanted to make the day special for her, if I could. I therefore decided that I would get up and make breakfast for everyone.
I took a shower taking care to keep the area between my legs as dry as possible and then put on some clean underclothes and looked through the remaining clothes left behind by the American, for something suitable to wear. It was a bright sunny day and so I chose a pink cotton summer dress and some sandals. I put on just enough makeup to show that I had made an effort and went downstairs.
My three cousins all came down between 9.30 and 10.00am, by which time I'd laid the table, poured some fruit juice for everyone, and even been out in to the garden to collect a vase of flowers for the table. I'd also prepared a large pot of coffee and was in the process of cooking some eggs and bacon. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood after last night, and whilst I finished preparing the breakfast the others watched as Anne opened her various presents and read her birthday cards.
‘Is there something there from Mum,’ asked Karen.
‘No she rang me yesterday to apologise that she hadn't been able to get out and do some shopping,’ replied Anne. ‘She said she'll give me a present when she sees me next weekend.’
‘Well I'm sure she has been busy with Gran, and she did at least pay for the meal last night.’
‘Yes I know, but she might at least have sent me a card; it is my twenty-first birthday,’ said Anne, sounding a little disappointed.
Over breakfast Anne thanked me for my present, and asked me if I'd chosen the items of lingerie myself. I explained that I'd done so with the assistance of Clare and Jenny.
‘I know I originally made a fuss about my having to go as Emily last night, but with hindsight I'm glad I did,’ I admitted. ‘In fact I really enjoyed the evening,’
‘I'm glad you came too. You certainly looked stunning: the eyeballs were nearly popping out of the boys’ heads,’ she replied.
I blushed.
‘If I looked ok last night, it was largely due to the work of Jenny and Clare.'
‘Maybe so, but you performed your role with poise and grace. You've also made a pretty good job of your appearance this morning,’ commented Karen.
‘Thanks,’ I replied feeling pleased with the compliment. ‘However I still haven't got the hang of coping with longer hair.’
‘It just takes a little practice,’ she replied. ‘Where did you get the dress you are wearing this morning?’
‘Clare suggested that I should begin to use the clothes left behind by the American girl.’
‘So what has happened to the clothes that you bought for Chris last Thursday?’ asked Anne.
‘I am afraid we used all the money I had to buy your present and some cosmetics,’ I replied blushing.
‘So it looks as if we'll be seeing quite a bit more of Emily rather than Chris over the next few days then,’ she asked.
‘I suppose so; if nobody minds,’ I answered.
Once again I began to blush a little, but decided to be completely honest with my cousins.
‘I had such a good time yesterday evening, as you all know. In fact I've enjoyed the whole of last week living and working as Emily, and have given up any hope of getting my own clothes or my money back. I'd like to remain as Emily until your mother comes back next weekend. By that time I'll have earned enough money to buy Chris set of replacement clothes and I’ll still have some spending money left for the remainder of the summer.’
‘Of course nobody is going to object,’ said Karen decisively, without even consulting the others; ‘we'll all be happy to have Emily stay with us for another week if that's what you want.’
Jenny came round to the house soon after breakfast, bringing a birthday card for Anne. She was also anxious to find out how Clare and I had got on during the previous evening. She joined us at the breakfast table where we compared notes, and then we had a look at the photographs of Clare and myself that she'd taken the previous evening, before we left. Anne and Karen likewise showed some pictures they'd taken on their mobile phones. Jenny also brought a message from her mother confirming that Clare and I would be needed to work on every weekday over the next week, and asking us to confirm that we'd be available. I briefly discussed our work schedule with my three cousins and checked that they were happy with the arrangements before agreeing that I'd like to do so.
Karen volunteered to do the washing up and Anne went to get herself ready as she was due to go out with her boyfriend in the afternoon. Jenny offered to show me how to deal with my new long hair and so we both went with Clare to her bedroom, where they sat me down in front of her mirror and proceeded to demonstrate how I should brush and clip my long hair into place over the next week. We also chatted about the events of the previous evening. Once again I found myself enjoying the fellowship of just being ‘one of the girls’; this was something that Chris had never really experienced before with members of his own sex.
‘I hear you were dancing with a guy last night Emily, what was he like?’
I coloured a little as I answered.
‘Yes he was quite nice and a good dancer,’ I replied.
‘So will you be seeing him again?’ she asked.
‘He offered to take me out, but I turned him down, claiming that I was busy working and also had a fiancé back home. After all, Emily will only be around for one more week, and it would be unfair to raise his hopes,’ I replied smiling.
Before anything more could be said on this subject Karen came in to the room, looking a little concerned.
‘Clare, mum has just arrived for a surprise visit to bring Anne her birthday present and a card. She's downstairs now talking to Anne and has asked where you and Chris were. I told her that you were upstairs with two friends, and that Chris had gone in to town.’
‘What are we going to tell her about Emily?’ asked Clare, suddenly looking quite worried.
‘I'm not going to tell her anything! Fortunately she is not planning to stay here tonight and will be leaving at about 4.00 pm and so she should have no reason to look in Emily’s bedroom. I suggest that the three of you come down together after a few minutes just to say hello and then Jenny and Emily should leave to go to Jenny’s house. Emily can then telephone me after a half hour or so, as if she were Chris, and ask permission to stay out for the rest of the day.’
‘Will it work?’ I asked.
‘It may do, but I can't think of anything else to do at the moment, other than making a clean breast of everything,’ she replied.
‘Alright, tell her we'll be down in ten minutes, in the meanwhile we'll quickly finish Emily’s hair and refresh her makeup,’ said Clare.
I'd not seen Aunt Carol for more than three years and so I was reasonably confident that she wouldn't recognise me, particularly dressed as I was and with my long hair and makeup. But I was concerned that we'd spoken several times over the phone recently and so I decided to say as little as possible when we met her, just in case my voice gave me away. I was the last to enter the room and was introduced as Jenny’s friend Emily. I smiled and murmured 'hello' and then remained an onlooker as she the others proceeded to discuss my alter ego.
‘How have you been getting on with young Chris?’ she asked.
‘Fine,’ said Clare; ‘he's been no trouble at all.’
‘I know it can be a nuisance to have a younger cousin tagging along but I hope you're looking after him and including him in your activities girls,’ she added.
‘Oh yes, he came out for the meal last night and went dancing with Clare and her friends afterwards,’ answered Anne.
‘So why has he gone out on his own this morning?’ she asked.
‘He's made some friends in town,’ said Karen. ‘We'd no idea that you were planning to come home today otherwise we'd have asked him to stay in until you arrived.’
‘I hope he won't get into any sort of trouble, after all I'm responsible for his welfare,’ she said.
‘Don’t worry, he seems to be quite a sensible young man and is doing fine,’ said Karen.
‘Maybe, but I should like to have a word with him before I go, nevertheless,’ said Carol.
‘He's promised to ring me at lunchtime, so you can speak to him then if you like,’ said Karen.
At this point I looked across at Jenny. She interpreted my message and began to make her excuses saying that she and I would have to leave as we were expected for lunch at her house. We said our goodbyes and again, wished Anne a happy birthday before leaving. I felt a great sense of relief as we walked out of the door.
‘So far so good, but what do we do now?’ asked Jenny as we walked down their driveway.
‘Would you mind if I stayed at your house this afternoon until after she leaves,’ I asked.
‘Of course not Emily, you're most welcome,’ she said.
I followed Karen’s instructions and waited until 12.30 before making the telephone call to her.
‘Hi Karen, it's Chris, I've been invited to have lunch with some friends in town and so I won’t be back 'til this evening,’ I said, as instructed.
‘Hi Chris, that is ok by me, but my mother has just arrived and she would like to have a few words with you,’ she responded. I could hear her handing over the handset to Aunt Carol.
‘Hello Aunt Carol, I didn't know you were coming back today. I'm sorry to have missed you,’ I said.
‘Perhaps I should've warned you, but I wanted to make a surprise visit for Anne’s birthday,’ she replied. ‘I also promised your mother that I'd make sure that you were getting on alright.’
‘Don’t worry about me, I'm fine,’ I said, as confidently as I could. ‘I spoke to mum the day before yesterday and told her not to worry.’
‘So what have you been doing with yourself?’ she asked.
‘I've been working part-time, waiting at table, for the mother one of Clare’s friends.’
I thought it best to keep my story as truthful as I possibly could.
‘What are you doing at the moment?’
‘I'm just at a friend’s house, we're about to have a sandwich and then will be going into town for the afternoon.’
‘So when are you planning to come back?’ she asked.
‘I can get a lift back at about 5.30 pm,’ I said, knowing that she planned to be gone well before then.
‘Can’t you come back a little earlier? I want to have a brief chat with you before I leave tonight.’
‘It will be difficult for me to get a lift home any earlier and you know what the buses are like on Sundays,’ I said, beginning to get anxious. ‘Can’t you tell me over the phone?’
She ignored my question.
‘In that case, let us meet one another at the Burger King restaurant in town at 3.30 this afternoon. I promise not to keep you very long but I'd prefer not to leave today until I have at least spoken to you face to face,’ she said in a voice that would accept no further discussion.
Any further attempt by me at putting her off would clearly only serve to excite her suspicions.
‘Alright then, I'll see you then,’ I said and ended the call.
I let out a deep sigh, wondering what I was going to do.
‘Jenny, my Aunt Carol is determined to meet me in town in just under three hours from now. She's bound to think something is up if I don't turn up. How long will it take you to turn me back into Chris,’ I asked?'
‘Firstly we would need the solvent to remove those breast forms. Do you have any?’
‘No, Karen gave me some but it is in my bedroom,’ I answered.
‘We'll also need Chris’s clothes, which are presumably in your bedroom as well. Is there any way we could sneak back into the house without your aunt finding out?’
‘I doubt it. Perhaps we could text Clare and ask her to bring them over, but what about my hair extensions and finger nails.’
She looked a little downcast.
‘I suppose it'd only take an hour or so to remove your hair and finger nails, but you would still be left with rather feminine looking eyebrows, I'm afraid I did rather get carried away with them yesterday.’
‘Oh dear, they're a bit of a giveaway,’ I commented looking at myself in a mirror.
‘I'm sorry Emily, but I so wanted you to look nice last night.’
I smiled.
‘If you did get carried away it was only because I allowed you to so. I'm equally at fault.’
‘It would be a great shame to have to undo all our efforts of yesterday,’ she said.
‘I know and I'll pay for them to be replaced out of my wages,’ I offered.
‘Professional hair and nail extensions would be quite costly, and I doubt whether you could get them done in time for work tomorrow.’
‘So what do you think I should do then Jenny,’ I asked.
Joyce, who had been listening to our conversation, joined in at this time.
‘What you should do, Emily, rather depends upon whether or not you want to carry on working for me next week.’
‘Oh yes, I'd certainly like to continue working for you, if I may,’ I replied.
‘In that case I think the only answer is for you to tell your aunt the whole truth and ask her permission to continue as you are,’ she said.
‘You mean tell her all about Emily?’
She nodded.
‘Tell her whilst I am dressed as Emily?
‘At least that would have the advantage of showing her how convincing you look and saving yourself a lot of trouble and expense if she says yes,’ she said.
‘But if Aunt Carol finds out then she's bound to tell my Mum as well,’ I answered.
‘Well you'll not be able to keep your activities a secret for ever, and it may be that they'll be prepared for you to carry on working for me after next week,’ she answered.
I sighed, but knew that she was probably right. Had I been in the same situation two days before I'd have had no difficulty in changing back to Chris, but the events of yesterday and this morning had changed everything. They'd convinced me that I wanted to continue living and working as Emily, at least for one more week and perhaps even longer, if permitted to do so. I thought about the implications of what I wanted to do for a minute or two, before responding.
‘Alright then I'll go back and face Aunt Carol, just as I am, and will ask her permission to continue working for you,’ I said to Joyce.
‘Good, I'd be more than happy to employ you in those circumstances. I was never entirely keen about your keeping it a secret from your aunt and your mother.’
Jenny also looked relieved that there was the possibility of a reprieve for her handiwork.
I sat down and composed a text message to Clare:
Have decided to come round to tell all to your mum, prepare for ructions!
Luv, Emily.
A few minutes later a response came:
Ok! I’ll warn the others — good luck!
Luv, Clare.’
‘If you like I’ll drive you over to the house in the car,’ said Joyce.
‘Thanks, but when it comes to going in and facing my aunt it'll probably be better for me to do so on my own, I replied.
(Next timeI have to face my aunt and then
explain to my mother about Emily.)
Likewise I always look forward to reading the comments made (thanks Stan who never misses a posting). Once or twice I have made changes to future episodes as a result of comments received but on other occasions I have thought to myself — “you will just have to be patient and wait and see what happens.” Because I do not respond to every comment does not mean that I do not appreciate them. Thanks again!
Chapter 11
‘Why does your mother need to be away for so long, Emily?’ Joyce asked as she drove me to my aunt’s house.
‘She's a clothing designer, who specialises in lingerie. She used to work for a large company but was made redundant and for the last six months or so has been working freelance. She's visiting various European manufacturers and buyers trying to interest them in her designs.’
‘Perhaps you could model some of them for her when she gets back,’ suggested Jenny trying to cheer me up from the back seat.
‘I don’t think so. Most of them never even get beyond the drawing board.’
Jenny and her mother dropped me outside my Aunt’s drive. I quickly checked that my hair and makeup were ok in the mirror of a powder compact and straightened my skirt.
‘You look fine, don’t worry,’ said Jenny in a re-assuring voice. ‘Good luck!’
‘Thanks for everything,’ I replied, waving as they drove away.
I walked down the drive feeling decidedly nervous. Rather than let myself in using the key that I had been given, I rang the doorbell. By chance it was opened by Aunt Carol.
‘Hello, it's Emily isn’t it,’ she said slightly surprised to see me again so soon. ‘Clare’s in the lounge if you want her.’
‘Yes please, but I'd also like to have a talk with you and your other daughters as well if I may?’ I replied.
‘Alright then, they’re all together,’ she said in a puzzled tone.
She invited me in, clearly still not realising whom I was. As we walked into the living room my cousins looked anxiously at me. Clare had obviously had a chance to warn them of my coming. I took a deep breath.
‘First of all Aunt Carol, I need to identify myself as your nephew, Chris, and then explain how I come to be dressed like this.’
There was a sharp intake of breath by my aunt, and she looked truly surprised. But she did not immediately respond and so I proceeded to explain the situation when I arrived on the previous Monday and what I had been doing ever since. I stressed that everything was my fault but it had not been done deliberately.
‘But surely someone could have loaned you the money to go out and buy yourself some more clothes on Tuesday? Why didn’t you tell me about your loss?’
‘I felt such an idiot, and, in any event, I always assumed that I'd get my suitcase back after a day or two. Then there came the unexpected opportunity for me to earn some of the money that I’d lost.’
‘But you're not working now, so why are you still wearing a dress and makeup today?’
This was a good point and one that would be tricky for me to explain.
‘Clare and Jenny went to such a lot of trouble yesterday to make me look nice for Anne’s birthday meal and I’m due to go to work as a waitress again tomorrow morning, and so I saw no point in changing back into Chris and wasting all their efforts,’ I replied.
Even I could tell that it did not sound entirely convincing.
‘Whose idea was it for you to go out last night dressed as a girl,’ snapped my aunt.
‘That was my suggestion mum,’ admitted Anne, ‘she looked so good dressed as a waitress that I thought it would be a good idea.’
‘She happens to be a young man whom you were supposed to be looking after,’ she said angrily and with deliberate emphasis. ‘You should have loaned him some money until he could get some from his mother.’
‘It was not just Anne’s fault; Jenny and I persuaded him to wear the evening dress that was left in his suitcase and we provided the hair extensions and helped him to get ready,’ added Clare.
‘And I provided the breast forms from my work,’ admitted Karen.
‘You all had no right to humiliate him in this way,’ Aunt Carol continued angrily.
‘Aunt Carol, nobody has humiliated me,’ I said quickly. ‘Nobody has forced me to do anything this week. I am sure my cousins would have loaned me some money if I had asked them for it, but I didn’t want to cause any further trouble to you or them or give my mum any more cause for worry. I agreed to the proposal on offer and had no regrets about doing so. No-one has noticed whilst I’ve been working that I was really a guy and I would not have agreed to go out for the meal dressed as Emily if I’d felt I was going to be laughed at. In fact, I had such an enjoyable time last night that it was I who decided to make an effort with my appearance this morning, as a way of saying thank-you to my cousins.’
She looked surprised by the vehemence of my answer and her anger softened a little, so I handed her the photographs of me wearing the evening dress and also one of the three of us dressed as waitresses.
‘Well Christopher you certainly looked the part last night, but I think it is now time for the game to end and for you to change back into a young man. You presumably still have the clothes you arrived in, and I will leave you some money to buy yourself some others tomorrow.’
‘Thank you, but I’ll be receiving my wages for my first week’s work tomorrow and so I will be able to buy some for myself,’ I replied.
I hesitated for a second or two before continuing.
‘The only problem is that I have just been offered a further week’s work as a waitress. If I spend the next three hours removing my hair, fingernails and false breasts, and then have to go shopping tomorrow morning, I will not be able to do that job any more. It would also waste all the time and effort put in by Clare and Jenny yesterday. The reason why I decided to tell you everything now is because I was hoping to remain working as Emily until your return next week — that is if you don’t object.’ I said.
‘Please say yes mum, Emily makes an excellent waitress and the three of us have been having lots of fun working together and earning good money as well,’ added Clare.
‘I am sure there will be other temporary jobs he can find,’ answered Carol.
‘I know, but I am really enjoying this one. I did not plan any of this - nobody did, but I’ve been having a great time, just the same,’ I answered blushing.
I noticed Clare glance across to Anne and smile, as if to say ‘I told you so.’ Aunt Carol did not notice, but thought for a moment before responding.
‘I can’t possibly give you permission to do so without the knowledge and agreement of your mother. I think the time has come for you to contact her and tell her exactly what has been going on during the last week,’ she replied.
My heart sank, but I knew she was right.
‘Alright then, but I would rather not tell her by telephone. If I were to email her now and attach digital copies of these photographs, may I remain as I am until she responds?’
‘How often does she check her email?’
‘Most evenings, but if you like I will also send her a text message reminding her to check today.’
Aunt Carol thought for a while before answering, not sure what to do as she could not stay around for much longer.
‘Very well, as long as I can see your email before you send it, and that you all promise to follow her instructions exactly when you receive her reply. In fact, I would also like your mother to copy her reply to me,’ said Carol. ‘She’ll probably telephone me on Tuesday evening, and will be bound to ask about you so I don’t intend to keep any secrets from her.’
‘Thanks Aunt, Carol, I will show you the email before you leave this afternoon.’
Two hours later the email to my mother had been drafted, approved by Aunt Carol, and dispatched. It told the story of the last week, and sought to explain that I was now earning good money, keeping out of trouble and, above all, enjoying myself in my new role. In my first draft I asked for her permission to continue working as Emily for the next week, but then decided I might as well seek permission to remain so even longer, if she were agreeable. As promised, I attached the two digital photographs, one of myself as a waitress and the other of me wearing the outfit from last night. I had thought about signing my message as ‘Emily’, but then thought it might be less of a shock for me to sign it as Chris (Emily).
Aunt Carol read my message and agreed that it told the story accurately. She queried my request to stay as Emily beyond next week, but I said that now she knew, and if she and mum were agreeable, I might be able to work as a waitress throughout my stay. Eventually she agreed that if my mum did not object then she would not do so. The message was sent and Aunt Carol was anxious to drive back to Sheffield to check up on her mother.
‘Now promise me girls that you will make sure your cousin changes back into Chris immediately, if his mother tells him to do so. If necessary, one of you must also take him shopping for some more clothes first thing tomorrow morning,’ she said to her three daughters.
‘In the meanwhile, young lady,’ she said addressing me, ‘I suppose you may as well stay dressed as you are until your get an answer.’ Then, as an afterthought, she added, ‘I must say that you did look lovely in that long dress and I wish I had seen you last night.’
I blushed, not expecting such a compliment.
‘Thank you Aunt Carol. If mum is agreeable for me to continue then I will find an opportunity to show it you next week,’ I said.
She drove off without answering.
‘Well done Emily, I think you handled that pretty well,’ said Karen, and my cousins murmured their agreement.
Clare telephoned Jenny to tell her everything that had happened since she had left me and that I was now waiting for the verdict of my mother. Jenny asked to speak to me.
‘I am sure you have done the right thing Emm, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your mother’s response. Please will you let me know as soon as you have any news,’ she replied.
‘Yes of course, and I’ll also need to let your mother know whether I can work for her next week.’
Later that evening I received a hurried reply from my mother, which had also been copied to my aunt.
Dear Chris (Emily).
I was surprised by your message and amazed by the two pictures that you attached. I will need a little time to think about my response to you and also I will need to talk to Carol and ask her opinion about what has happened. I will therefore contact you again in a few days' time. In the meanwhile, as long as you can promise me that you are not getting into any trouble, I will not try and stop you from continuing with your new job.
Love Mum xx.
As soon as I read the email I showed it to Clare and sent a text message to Jenny. I then telephoned Joyce to confirm that I had now told both my mother and aunt what I was doing and that I’d be available to work for her, at least for the next few days.
In fact Jenny, Clare and I continued to work as waitresses throughout the next week and were again complimented on how effectively we worked together as a team. Joyce was the caterer for a large conference in the town centre and therefore had five days of more-or-less continuous work for the three of us. We worked split shifts beginning each day before lunch-time and then returning later to serve and clear away after dinner. As a result we had very little time to do much other than the basic chores such as our laundry and to get ourselves ready for work. I preferred to change out of my working clothes as soon as I returned home after lunch and again in the evening, and so by the end of that week I had worn most of the clothes from the American girl’s suitcase, and would not have been able to manage without them. I was now certain that the owner would not bother to contact either of the lost property offices, and I regarded the use of her clothes as a fair exchange for the loss of my own clothes and money.
Late on the Monday evening, after I returned from work, I took a bath and soaked off the sticking plaster holding back my penis, just to check that everything was still ok. The task took some time and was a little painful to perform, but all seemed to be well. Afterwards, I tried to replace the adhesive plaster but was unable to do such a good job as before and eventually gave up, deciding that for the time being I would keep it out of the way using a pair of control pants I found in the case. I also found that I was becoming quite adept at dealing with my long hair and was able to pin it up for work unaided each day.
As a result of our being so busy, the events of the previous weekend went out of my mind and for the time being I forgot that I was still waiting for my mother’s final verdict on Emily. I also forgot about Chris and his problems and immersed myself in learning how to live and work as a girl. Joyce gave me the remainder of my first week’s pay and I now had sufficient money to buy anything I might need. At this rate I would have enough to replace all my missing holiday money and, if I had to, buy Chris some more clothes by the end of the week. During those days we saw very little of Karen and Anne who were either at work themselves or else out with their boyfriends. Once Aunt Carol had left us at tea time on Sunday, nobody seemed to want to discuss her unexpected visit.
It was not until Thursday morning, when Joyce began asking us whether we would be available to work during the following week, that I remembered that I had not heard from my mother.
‘I would like to continue working for you for the whole summer, if I am allowed to do so, but Aunt Carol has only agreed for this week. I think that she and mum were planning to discuss it and come back to me. Perhaps I should ring her to ask if she has yet spoken to mum,’ I said.
‘It might be better for you to wait for your mum to decide without trying to put any pressure on her. Clare has already confirmed to me that she’ll be working, I am sure that I can wait until tomorrow with respect to you,’ answered Joyce.
There was still no word from mum in my email that evening, and I again wondered whether I should contact her, but this time Clare again advised me to wait, at least until the following morning. The expected message eventually arrived early on Friday. I read it with eager anticipation.
My dear Emily,
Since last Sunday I have spoken on the telephone to your aunt, to each of your three cousins and also to your employer. Everyone agrees that you make a lovely and convincing young woman when you are dressed as Emily. Your cousins tell me that you are enjoying yourself at Shrewsbury, and assure me that you are being sensible and are unlikely to get yourself into serious trouble. In my last email I said I was surprised to hear what had happened. However, on reflection, perhaps I am not so surprised that you seem to be having a good time working as a waitress - but we can discuss this at a later date. Your aunt is understandably anxious about your future (as indeed I am), but she is prepared to let you continue as you are for the time being. I am therefore giving you my permission to wear whatever clothes you choose, as long as you do not cause any embarrassment to your Aunt Carol, your cousins or to myself.
It seems that I was at least partly responsible for the loss of your clothes by not keeping a closer eye on your suitcase for you, and so I shall be transferring £300 to your Aunt Carol’s account so that you can buy yourself some new ones and do not need to keep borrowing from your cousins. I will leave it up to you and Carol to decide whether these new clothes are for Chris or Emily. Fortunately my trip has been going well and I have already sold one set of designs, which are currently being manufactured, and I have hopes of another sale. I have also been given several new important commissions for next year.
I am going to be in England briefly when I change planes at Birmingham airport on Monday week and will have to stay overnight at the airport hotel before flying out again the next morning. I hope we can meet and have dinner together then, and that `you can stay in my hotel room for the night. I do not mind whether I meet Chris or Emily on that occasion, but I should like to know in advance which one it will be.
By the way, I have printed out that lovely photograph of you wearing the evening dress and have bought myself a double picture frame so I now have photos of both my son and my new daughter on my dressing table.
With love from.
Mum xx.
(Next time I set out to impress my aunt
and go shopping with Jenny.)
Chapter 12
My future as Emily
I had to take a deep breath and read through the message from mum several times before I was able to take in its full meaning. It was implying that I’d be able to stay as I was for the whole summer, as long as Aunt Carol was agreeable. But why was it that my fortuitous adventure had come as no great surprise to her? I was puzzled by her comment, but it would have to wait until I had a chance to talk to her? In the meanwhile, I’d various things to arrange. After taking a few minutes to settle myself I decided to telephone Aunt Carol.
‘Hi, it’s Emily. I’ve just had an email from Mum; she says I can wear whatever I like as long as it does not embarrass you.’
‘I know, she copied it to me. She also rang me last week to ask my opinion. I told her of my anxieties but also how nice you looked last Sunday and what a convincing young woman you made,’ she replied.
‘Thank you, Aunt Carol that was kind of you to say so. Jenny’s mother is now asking whether Clare and I are available to work next week.’
‘So what do you want to do?’ she asked.
‘I think you already know that I’d like to stay working as Emily for as long as I can. I believe there will probably be work available.
‘Are you saying that you also want to remain living as a girl full-time for the next four weeks,’ she asked.
‘Yes, I suppose I am,’ I answered. ‘It isn’t really practicable to be a girl part-time - not if I’m going to do it properly.’
‘But why would you wish to do so?’
‘Because I’ve been having so much more fun as Emily than ever I had before as Chris.’
She thought for a moment before replying.
‘I’ve no objection to your continuing working as Emily again for the next week, if you wish. However, before I agree to your spending the remainder of the summer as a girl I want to have a chat with you. I want be sure that you will be able to manage as Emily on your own, without your cousins or your friend helping you. I also want to find out a little more about this job you are doing,’ she said.
‘Mum’s already spoken to Joyce about the job, and is quite happy,’ I replied.
‘Maybe but I’d still like a chat when I get home on Sunday afternoon, before I agree,’ she said.
‘Alright then Aunt Carol,’ I answered not wishing to antagonise her.
‘Your mum has transferred some money for you to buy some new clothes. Would you be able to manage until I see you on Sunday?’
‘Yes, that’s ok I’ll have some of my wages if necessary.’
‘What are you planning to buy?’ she asked.
There seemed to be no point in pretending to her, particularly as mum had given me permission.
‘I thought I might ask one of my cousins to come shopping with me to buy myself a new skirt and jacket that I can wear when I go to see Mum in Birmingham the week after next,’ I said.
‘So are you intending to travel down to Birmingham dressed as Emily,’ Carol asked.
‘Yes, I think it is time she met Emily and I get the impression that she would not object to my doing so.’
‘I’d be a little anxious about a fifteen-year-old girl travelling so far on her own,’ she said.
‘I travelled up ok,’ I argued.
‘Yes and lost your suitcase in the process. Also it is different for girls, they are more at risk than boys,’ Carol explained.
‘I’d promise to take care and to ring you as soon as I get there. In any event I’ll be sixteen in a fortnight, and Clare and Anne both said that I look several years older as Emily. ‘You also told mum that I looked really convincing when you saw me last Sunday?’
‘Yes, I know, but then you had the help of Jenny with your hair and makeup. I want to be sure you can manage to be just as convincing on your own.’
‘Most of the time I put on my own makeup and style my hair when I get ready for work during the week. It’s almost become second nature to me, but if you like, I’ll prove to you that I can look nice on my own.’
‘How will you do that?’
‘I’d like to organise a small dinner party next Sunday evening, to thank everyone for their help and encouragement, if I may I’ll prepare and serve the food and also get myself dressed and ready, to prove to you I can do so without any help, and convince you that I can manage perfectly well as Emily.’
‘Who, would you like to ask to this dinner?’
‘There would be yourself and my three cousins, also Clare’s friend Jenny and her mother. She could tell you about the work I’ve been doing.
‘So you intend it to be an all-female gathering?’
‘Yes I suppose so, if as you are willing to count me under that heading,’ I said. ‘If everyone present agrees that I make a convincing woman, will you let me stay as Emily for the rest of the summer?’
‘We’ll have to see, but you can go ahead and organise your dinner party, as long as you promise to wear your evening dress for me.’
‘Alright then, on condition that all the other guests agree to dress up as well,’ I said.
So it appeared that I’d one further week to convince Aunt Carol as well as Mum that I was doing what was best for me.
It was often difficult for me to contact Mum by telephone as she moved about a lot and was often in meetings. I therefore replied to her email.
Dear Mum,
Thank you so much for your lovely understanding message. I was worried that I might have shocked or disappointed you, which is why I did not tell you about Emily straightaway. However, I have continued to have a good time working as a waitress over the last week and I hope to be able to persuade Aunt Carol to let me remain as I am for the duration of my visit, when she returns home on Sunday. If I’m successful, I’ll use the £300 to buy myself something nice to wear when I meet you at Birmingham. I hope you will be pleased with Emily when you meet her. She’s really looking forward to seeing you and to hearing all about the trip.
With much love, from your new daughter,
I was due to go into work mid-morning on Friday and so was able to confirm to Joyce that I’d be able to work for her the following week.
‘How would you feel if I were able to work for you every week until the beginning of September,’ I asked.
‘That would be fine by me, as long as your mother and aunt are quite happy about it. I’m likely to have plenty of work for the three of you,’ she replied.
‘In that case would you be willing to come to a meal at my aunt’s house on Sunday evening, so you can re-assure her that I can cope with the work alright? I hope that she’ll agree then to a more permanent arrangement.’
With a little further explanation Joyce agreed to come and even to dress up for the occasion.
Jenny and Clare were also delighted with the prospect that I might be able to continue working with them for the next few weeks.
‘I just need to convince Aunt Carol that I can manage as Emily and won’t always need one you two to help me to decide what to wear or how to deal with my makeup and hair. I’m planning a dinner party on Sunday evening where I intend to demonstrate my abilities to my aunt. I hope you will both come along and give me your support.’
‘Yes of course, Clare replied. ‘What can we do to help?’
‘First of all, let me first check to ensure that Karen and Anne can come, then we can make some plans.’
I telephoned my elder cousins to see whether they would be free on Sunday evening, and explained the reason for the proposed celebration, and they both agreed to come. As soon as we had finished clearing the lunches the three of us sat down together to draw up a menu and shopping list. Jenny suggested we should all go shopping together on Saturday morning to buy the necessary ingredients, but Clare was unable to come as she had arranged to see Geoff. So we went to a supermarket together after work and I bought most of what I’d need, except for the most perishable items, which I’d buy on Sunday morning. I also mentioned that my mother was giving me £300 to get some more clothes.
‘Emily, I’ve to go into town shopping for myself tomorrow. Why don’t you come with me and try on some clothes? Jenny suggested. ‘If you find something you like you could buy it as soon as you get the money from your mum.’
‘Yes, I’d like that. In fact I’ve nearly £200 of my wages left, so if we see anything nice there’s no reason why we shouldn’t buy it. That way I’ll have a real financial incentive to convince my aunt,’ I said.
‘I can lend you the extra £100 until you collect the money from Mum or you next get paid,’ Clare told me.
That evening, as I was getting ready for bed I checked my email and found there was a short response waiting for me from mum:
Dear Emily,
Thanks for the message. I was hoping that I’d be seeing you rather than Chris at Birmingham, but I did not want to make the suggestion. I too am looking forward to our meeting, and have lots to ask you. I always wanted to have a daughter as well as a son, now it looks as if I’ll have both.
Love from.
I smiled, I now had something concrete from mum that I could show Aunt Carol if necessary. However, I would prefer to try and convince her by myself if I could.
Everything that I’d worn as Emily over the last fortnight had been second-hand so I was quite excited when Jenny came to take me clothes shopping. She was the ideal companion for such a task because she had an excellent visual imagination and dress sense. She took an enthusiastic interest in fashion and could always tell what would look good on an individual, and what items could be worn together. She arrived at 8.30am on the Saturday morning and I was still finishing my breakfast together with my three cousins.
‘What exactly are we looking for Emily? Is it something to wear at the dinner party tomorrow,’ she asked.
‘No, Aunt Carol wants me to wear the blue evening dress again, as long as I can continue to use these silicone boobs,’ I said.
‘They are yours to keep for as long as you need them,’ Karen replied, ‘at least until you have earned enough as a waitress to pay for a proper boob job.’
‘Please don’t make jokes like that when your mother’s around,’ I said.
However, the idea lodged itself in the back of my brain like a grain of sand in an oyster shell.
‘So what are we looking for today?’ Jenny asked, returning to her question.
‘I’ll need something to wear when I have dinner with my mother at the Birmingham Airport Hotel in ten days' time. I’ve no clear idea what to wear except that I want something smart to impress her which will not be spoiled by the train journey.’
‘In that case let’s take stock of the clothes you have and see what is missing,’ said Jenny.
The five of us trooped up to my bedroom where I lay out my entire feminine wardrobe on the bed.
‘You are not exactly spoiled for choice are you? But there are some nice clothes here - the mad American woman appears to have had quite expensive taste,’ Jenny said.
‘Yes I’m still discovering what goes well with what.’
After a few moments consideration Jenny announced: ‘I think you’ll need something fairly formal - such as a skirt suit with a couple of blouses that would co-ordinate - and maybe another pair of medium heeled shoes and matching handbag,’ she said. ‘You ought to have enough money to cover everything.’
‘You should also get yourself either a raincoat or an umbrella,’ Karen advised, remembering my last rail trip from Birmingham.
Clare had to go and get ready for her date, and Jenny and I were just about to leave to get a bus into town, but the other girls had no specific plans.
Anne turned to her older sister ‘This guest room is a little bit bare and lacking in imagination. Could we brighten up the décor to make it a little more appropriate now that Emily’s planning to stay with us full-time?’
‘It’s up to Emily, but if she wants us to, then I’m sure we could make it a bit more girlie,’ Karen answered.
‘The walls are already pink, isn’t that ‘girlie,’ enough,’ I asked.
‘No, the soft furnishings are rather neutral and non-descript for a teenage girl. I’m sure we’ve some more suitable ones in the store cupboard,’ said Anne
‘But there’s no guarantee that your mother will agree to my remaining as Emily, so hadn’t we better wait to find out first,’ I suggested.
‘Don’t worry, mum will have to get used to the idea of having you as Emily. Once she sees how good you are in the role, and is reminded of how attractive you look she’ll come round, particularly as the three of us are all on your side. I don't think she’ll mind if we brightened up the spare room,’ said Anne.
‘In that case a ‘Girlie,’ style of décor would be fine by me,’ I replied smiling, ‘at least for the next four weeks.’
‘We’ll see what we can do for you while you are out shopping this morning,’ said Anne.
Clothes shopping with Jenny was quite exhausting - but great fun. We both tried on a number of dresses and other outfits from several different shops and Jenny explained to me what it was about the colour or style of each that suited us or not. She had good taste and knew what would co-ordinate with the items already in my wardrobe. By the end of the day I had a much clearer idea of what suited me.
‘We’ll need to help you find an appropriate look to guide you as to the colours and styles you can wear. With a bit more practice you should develop a feel for what looks right on you. After all, you’ve only been dressing as Emily for a couple of weeks and many girls take years before they discover how to look their best.’
‘You always look very nice without it appearing as if you are trying too hard,’ I replied.
‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ she said smiling. ‘However that does not mean I’m unaware of what I look like, I often give quite a lot of thought as to what I should wear.’
‘In that case I’ll leave the decision as to what I should buy in your hands,’ I said.
‘No not entirely! You’ll also want to enjoy looking good in what you are wearing, so your own opinions are just as important,’ she told me.
‘Alright but I would also appreciate some general guidance from you,’ I replied.
‘Your long hair and the fairly feminine styles you’ve been wearing so far seem to suit you quite well, but you need to wear lipstick and eye makeup to enhance your features and look your best,’ she advised. ‘Given your background and your need to develop feminine mannerisms as quickly as possible, it’d probably be better for you to avoid wearing trousers for the time being until you have had more experience of dressing as a girl.’
‘It seems as if everyone wants to make me as feminine looking as possible,’ I said.
‘What is the point of your dressing like an effeminate man? If you are going to live and work as Emily then you may as well do it properly and enjoy yourself in the process, particularly as you are now intending to go full-time,’ she added.
‘Yes, I know you’re right and I promise not to argue with your decisions,’ I said.
Among her other talents, Jenny had an excellent eye for a bargain so the £300 went a long way. We came away having bought an off-white suit with a crop jacket and a shorter length split skirt, together with matching handbag, high-heeled shoes and umbrella. I already had a couple of silk blouses which would go well with this outfit, and so I bought one other in cotton. There was sufficient money left over to buy another set of underwear, a nightdress and two pairs of tights. Finally, Jenny loaned me a further twenty pounds to get myself some more cosmetics and perfume. I’d now spent my next wages and would be in serious financial difficulties if I were unable to convince my aunt to let me repay the money from my mother’s cheque.
We arrived home in the middle of the afternoon laden with carrier bags. Karen and Anne had been busy changing the furnishings of my bedroom. They also moved in a dressing table with mirrors from the box room, and changed the curtains. They had now introduced a strong element of pink with co-ordinating floral curtains, a lampshade, bedspread and pillows with frilly borders. There was even a pale pink rug. There was a pile of soft toys in the corner and a vase of flowers on the window ledge.
‘Where on earth did it all come from?’ I asked.
‘This used to be the colour scheme for my bedroom when I was your age; the furnishings have been stored in the box room ever since,’ said Anne. ‘We thought they might help set the right tone for your new life.’
‘If you’re intending to spend the entire summer as a young woman then it's not enough for you merely to dress as Emily and work as a waitress; you’ll also have to learn to live and think as a female as well. The colour scheme will help, but everything you think or do or even read must henceforth reinforce your new identity,’ Karen told me. ‘I’m afraid we’ve confiscated your computer magazines and replaced them with some relating to teenage fashions.
‘Wow, you’re really keen for me to immerse me in femininity,’ I said. ‘However, I suppose you are right, if I’m going to live as Emily I should try to think and act like her as well.’
‘Exactly,’ said Karen, ‘it’ll be nice to be able to talk about girly things with you, so let us begin by having a look at your new purchases then.’
I showed them what we’d bought, and they both said we had made a good choice. The four of us spent the remainder of the afternoon helping me to organise my new room.
(Next time I organise a dinner party.)
With many thanks to Gabi for her help with the editing.
Chapter 13
My Dinner Party
As usual Karen and Anne went out clubbing with their boyfriends on Saturday night and Clare was also out with Geoff, leaving Jenny and myself to spend the evening together. I was quite pleased to be able to have another opportunity for quiet talk with her.
‘Thanks again for all your help and advice over the past fortnight, Jenny. You’ve been very kind to me,’ I said.
She smiled.
‘That’s alright, I’ve enjoyed myself over the last couple of weeks. I was bound to help you to make as good a job as possible of becoming Emily since it was my idea in the first place.’
‘Everyone apart from Aunt Carol seems to be keen for me to spend the entire summer as Emily, rather than as Chris,’ I commented.
‘By everyone,’ I assume that you’ve also including yourself in that comment?’
‘I suppose so, but it’s also as if fate has been conspiring to turn me into a young woman, firstly by my losing a suitcase when I was due to stay with Clare and her sisters, then by removing my aunt from the scene and introducing me to you.’
‘Perhaps, but I don’t think any of us would’ve pressed the matter if you hadn’t also seemed to be enjoying yourself,’ she replied, and then added, smiling, ‘I like the idea of being an agent of fate.’
‘I have been enjoying myself, but why did you suggest that I should work as a waitress once you knew I was really a boy?’
She shrugged.
‘Mum desperately needed some extra help, you needed some work and you looked like a girl in Anne’s clothes even when you weren’t trying. However, I’d no idea you would ever look as good as you do now.’
‘Thank you. I’ve had a good time making the transition to Emily, and working with the two of you. I started off feeling anxious in case I gave myself away or anyone should challenge me. But, when I saw how good I looked last Saturday night something changed and I decided that I wanted to spend more time as Emily.’
‘Good! I am pleased to have my efforts appreciated,’ she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
‘But where will it all lead to?’ I asked.
‘That’s up to you to decide, but in the meantime I’m happy to have Emily as a girlfriend.’
‘I’m glad. By the way, is there anything I can do for you in return, to repay your kindness?’ I asked.
‘I need to wash my hair ready for tomorrow, would you mind giving me a facial and a manicure at the same time,’ she asked.
‘I’ll do my best but you’ll have to tell me exactly what to do and keep an eye on me,’ I replied.
‘Why don’t we go to my house this evening and I’ll show you what to do then you can do the same for me?’
‘That sounds like fun,’ I said.
Jenny and I made a pretty good job of washing one another’s hair and putting it in rollers. We then gave each other a facial and finished by replacing the varnish on one another’s finger and toe nails. As we did so, we chatted happily about clothes and makeup, and other girlish things so that I got the impression that she now thought of me as one of her girlfriends, rather than as a young man in disguise, but then I went and burst the bubble .
‘Jenny, there’s just one other thing I would like you to do for me if you don’t mind,’ I said.
‘What’s that?’
‘I’m afraid I removed the adhesive plaster from over my penis on Monday as I wanted to check that keeping it stuck down like that wasn’t doing it any harm. However, if I‘m going to be wearing my blue evening dress again tomorrow evening I don’t want any tell-tale bulges, so please can you show me how to stick it down for myself once more?’ I asked.
Jenny sighed.
‘Alright Emily, but it’ll be the last time I’ll do it for you, hereafter this will be a job that you’ll have to do for yourself,’ she said, finding herself a pair of rubber gloves.
By the time she had finished, my manhood was safely tucked out of sight once again, but I was not feeling as uncomfortable as before, and I was able to wee without too much discomfort. It was now rather late, and so I telephoned Karen to ask her permission to stay the night at Jenny’s house.
Clare called round to see us early on Sunday morning before I even had a chance to remove the rollers from my hair and put on some makeup. She was anxious to tell us all about her date with Geoff the day before, and to find out what Jenny and I had bought on our shopping trip.
‘We had a terrific time,’ she gushed and related the details of their evening together.
‘Emily, you should’ve agreed to go out with his friend Rob, because apparently he is still asking about you.’
‘I’ve already turned down one tempting offer from work, only to find that he was only interested in my body,’ I responded laughing.
‘They usually are,’ commented Jenny.
‘I told Geoff to tell him that you weren’t interested, and in any event you were below the age of consent.’
‘Thanks, I’ve enough on my mind at the moment without getting involved with any guys,’ I said.
‘But I may also have let it slip that you were sixteen in a fortnight,’ added Clare with a smile.
‘Thanks a lot!’ I replied with mock exasperation. ‘A couple of years ago the age of consent for any sexual activity with a guy would have been eighteen.
‘But not any more, and so I wouldn’t dismiss the idea out of hand, after all it’s one of the nicer things about being a girl. You can’t go around looking as lovely as you do without attracting some attention from the opposite sex,’ said Clare.
‘I have to remember that they’re not really the opposite sex, however much I might wish they were at the moment,’ I continued.
‘So would you like to change your gender and live as a woman full-time then?’ Clare asked seriously.
‘I don’t know, it has its attractions, but I can’t say how I’ll feel next week or next month. I need to think carefully about my future, so I won’t be planning anything drastic for the time being. In any event, I don’t think that either your mother - or my own - would be too happy if they thought I was going out with young men. Any thought of boyfriends will have to wait at least until I’m sixteen,’ I said.’
‘Sorry Emily I keep forgetting your tender years,’ said Clare. ‘The makeup you wear tends to make you look older than you are.’
Our conversation moved on to other topics, including my plans for the remainder of the day.
‘We’ve got almost everything I need for the meal,’ I said. ‘I just need to buy some strawberries and cream and one or two other things from town.
‘So what are you planning to feed us tonight?’ asked Clare.
‘The main course will be beef stroganoff with wild rice and roast vegetables. There’ll be a mixed seafood starter and strawberry shortcake as a dessert.
‘It sounds nice but you’ll have to watch the calories. Will you be able to manage going shopping on your own,’ asked Clare.
‘Yes I think so, there’s not very much to carry and I can get a bus. I need to get used to being Emily on my own, because I can’t always expect you two to accompany me every time I go out.’
‘What would you like me to do then?’ Clare asked.
‘It would be a help if you could prepare the table with the best linen and cutlery and perhaps a vase of flowers from the garden. Also, if you could come down a little early to serve the sherry to the guests, whilst I finish off in the kitchen.’
‘I can do better than that. If you have everything well in hand by half past five. I’ll get myself ready early and take over responsibility for finishing off and serving up your meal, that way you can have a couple of hours to glam yourself up and make a spectacular entrance.’
‘Thank you.’
‘Will you need my help with your hair and makeup this afternoon?’ Jenny asked.
‘Thanks for the offer but I promised Aunt Carol that I’d get myself ready without your help on this occasion. I should be able to manage with my own makeup by now and will do my best to put my hair up the way you showed me last night, but I’d appreciate your opinion on my efforts before I finish.’
‘Alright then I’ll come up to your room at about seven to see how you’re doing.’
Clare kept her promise and was ready in plenty of time so she could take over the last minute preparations from me. Jenny also arrived as arranged, wearing a beautiful long lime green dress, with a pearl necklace and earrings. As usual, her hair and makeup were immaculate. That girl really knew how to make the best of her appearance and it would take all my best efforts to reach the same standard.
‘Jenny you look gorgeous in that dress — it’s the first time I’ve seen you in anything really formal,’ I said.
‘Thanks, I think your two elder cousins are also making an effort tonight, they don’t want to be overshadowed by you and Clare again as they were last Saturday,’ she replied.
‘Your Aunt Carol has arrived home and was asking about your whereabouts, but Clare’s managed to dissuade her from coming up to see you straight away. Instead she’s having a shower and putting on a long dress and will come down at around half past seven. My Mum will also be here in the next half hour, as soon as she’s finished changing,’ she said.
By now I had showered, dressed in my underclothes, and had completed my makeup. I was in process of dealing with my hair.
‘So what do you think of my efforts so far,’ I asked.
She had a careful look at my face.
‘Your makeup’s very good, as I am sure you realise. You are a quick learner, Emily.’
‘Thanks, I’ve been doing my best but it is nice to have an expert like you confirm that I look presentable. What do you think about my hair?’
She replaced a couple of grips and pointed out where I needed one or two more to keep things in place, and then pronounced herself satisfied. Then she helped me put on my dress and shoes. Finally she handed me my earrings and necklace and squirted some ‘smellies’ on to me.
‘Wait here,’ she said, ‘I’ll just make sure that everyone else is already downstairs and then call your mobile so you can make your entrance.’
Five minutes later I walked carefully downstairs to meet my six lady guests all of whom were wearing their best evening dresses. The conversation subsided for a moment as I entered the living room, and then I heard Anne’s voice.
‘See mum, I told you Emily would look absolutely stunning in that party frock.’
My cheeks coloured a little, but I knew that I looked good as I smiled and said hello to my guests.
‘Emily you look really lovely, did you really get yourself ready without any help,’ asked Carol looking at Jenny.
I blushed again.
‘I promise you that I did nothing more than a last minute inspection, this is all her own work,’ Jenny replied.
‘You couldn’t possibly want to make her change back into jeans and tee shirts after seeing her tonight,’ Karen surmised.
‘We’ll have to see,’ her mother replied.
My dinner party was an absolute success. It was a very sophisticated affair with five young women and two middle-aged ones all wearing long party frocks. It only lacked a few guys in dinner jackets, to hold our chairs while we sat down, or to pour the wine for us, but on this occasion nobody seemed to mind.
I had planned to help serve the meal myself, but the others insisted that I remained seated at the table, as I had done the cooking and most of the preparation. My three cousins each took a turn at serving the dishes, clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. I was seated between Clare and Karen and so was not able to eavesdrop on anything said between Carol and Joyce amongst the hubbub of conversation around the table - but it was obvious that they were talking about me.
‘Don’t worry, Joyce is on your side,’ Karen murmured to me, having read my thoughts. She had just finished serving them and had been able to overhear their conversation.
‘What do you think they’re they saying?’ I whispered.
‘Mum was asking whether she thought it odd for you to be working as a waitress. Joyce replied that as far as she was concerned you were one of her best workers, and would continue to offer you work, as long as Carol and your mother did not object.’
There was nothing more I could do now, so I thought I might just as well sit back and enjoy the meal.
After the meal was finished everyone began to adjourn to the living room for coffee and mints.
‘Emily, can we have a brief talk before you go in to the other room?’ Carol asked.
As soon as the others had left we sat down again.
‘Well I must say you’ve convinced me to let you carry on as you are - at least until after you’ve had a talk with your mother next week. After that I’ll not object to your continuing as long as she’s also agreeable. I still have my worries about what you’re doing, but I’m not your mother, she must decide.’
‘Does that mean that I can travel down and meet Mum dressed as Emily?’
‘Yes I suppose your mother will need to see you as you are in order to make up her mind, but for heaven’s sake take care during the journey and telephone me as soon as you get there.’
‘Oh thanks so much Aunt Carol,’ I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.
‘You’d better take this to get yourself some more clothes,’ she said handing me the money from my mother’s cheque.
I thanked her but did not think at that time it would be wise to mention that I’d already spent the money on clothes for Emily.
Carol and I returned to the front room where I told the others that I’d be remaining as Emily for the next week, and after that it would be subject to my meeting with my mother.
‘So can you also continue working for me next week as well,’ asked Joyce.
Carol nodded.
‘I’m so relieved I would hate to lose one of my best waitresses at such short notice.’
‘I’m hoping that Mum will agree to let me work for you for the whole summer when I see her,’ I said.
‘I hope she agrees,’ said Jenny.
‘I’ll have plenty of work for the three of you, if she does,’ said Joyce.
(Next time Things begin to settle down
now that Aunt Carol has returned.)
Gabi Bunton had recently started to help me with the editing of my story and had commented on drafts of chapters 12 to 15 at the time of her sudden death last week. Although we never met or spoke to one another, I was most grateful for her friendly and perceptive comments on my writing in a number of recent emails and I shall miss her help in future. I hope I’ve been able to learn from these few lessons from such an expert editor, as I know that other TC authors have done. Louise
Chapter 14
The aftermath
Things began to settle down for me during the week after Aunt Carol’s return. Joyce had lunchtime jobs for us on the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, together with a large reception on the Friday afternoon and evening where we were working with a number of other waitresses. But we were going to have a free weekend, which was no bad thing as the weather forecast indicated that we were due for a sustained period of sunny weather. I was now quite confident at work, whether I was dealing with the other members of staff or serving the customers, and I never noticed anybody treating me any differently from either of my friends. One of the drivers who delivered the food to us was quite fun to chat with and he asked me out on a date. I hesitated for a moment, as he seemed quite nice but then turned him down mentioning an imaginary boyfriend back home. This was just as well as I later discovered from Jenny that he was already dating one of the girls who worked in the kitchen. I would not wish to get into any dispute over a guy.
At home, Aunt Carol was busy catching up with things, having been away from home for a fortnight. She raised her eyebrows when she saw the new décor of my bedroom, but realised that it had been chosen for me by her daughters. She was also a little surprised when she discovered the extent of my female clothing, which had now been transferred from the suitcase to my wardrobe, and also that I had not yet got round to replacing any of Chris’s clothes. But in other respects she was fine and began to treat me as if I were truly her niece - making no reference to any nephew. She even occasionally complimented me on what I was wearing, or said I looked nice, but made no big issue out of it. In turn, I did my best to impress her by keeping my room as clean and tidy as possible, and by regularly volunteering to help with other household chores.
My cousins continued their campaign to help me develop a feminine persona by passing on to me some of their unwanted clothes, a hairbrush and manicure set which had been given to Anne but never used, and other things to help with my grooming. They also loaned me some cheap jewellery to wear with my different outfits and regularly passed on fashion magazines for me to read. Jenny likewise encouraged me to experiment with my choice of clothes and makeup, and always offered helpful advice. It seemed that my voice, which was naturally fairly high pitched for a man, was acceptable for a woman without further attention, but my cousins, and later my aunt, would sometimes quietly point out if they thought a particular phrase I used, or a gesture made, was at all mannish. I took the criticisms and suggestions in good part and did my best to benefit from them.
‘I think it’s time we took you out clubbing Emily, you can’t spend the whole summer just working and staying in,’ said Clare on Tuesday morning.
‘I thought you were planning to go out with Rob on Wednesday night,’ I replied.
‘I am, but that doesn’t mean that you and I and Jenny should not go dancing together another night, as well,’ she replied.
‘Your offer’s tempting, but I don’t want to do anything which might cause Mum or Aunt Carol to have second thoughts about my continuing as Emily.
She did not press the point, and I stayed in on Wednesday night whilst Clare went out with Geoff.
Ever since Karen had made that throwaway comment about my having a boob job, I had begun to wonder about what it would be like to have my own breasts. Did I want to become a woman? I had read in the newspapers about people changing their sex and was not sure whether this also applied to me. I certainly felt more at ease as Emily, more natural, and as days went by increasingly confident. The implications of what I was thinking appalled yet at the same time fascinated me. I therefore spent several hours on the internet and discovered a whole new world of other people like me, and a new term ‘transgendered’. There were thousands of them - both young and old alike — offering help, advice, companionship and sometimes other things as well. I didn’t know what to make of it all. There was far too much for me to read at a single sitting so I bookmarked several pages and downloaded others. It was the early hours of Thursday before I eventually went to sleep with my head spinning with ideas and images.
The following day, as we were getting ready to go to work, Clare announced that she was planning to go to a rock festival with her new boyfriend at the weekend.
‘Geoff and Rob have asked me to see whether you’d like to come as well Emily?’ she asked. ‘You and I could share one tent, and the lads would share another.’
Once again I was tempted, but I was due to meet my mother on the Monday, and didn’t wish to take any risks that might prevent my doing so.
‘Thanks for the offer, Clare, but I’d better not go. I wouldn’t want to worry your mum. Couldn’t Jenny go in my place?’
‘If you turn down every invitation, people will stop asking,’ she said.
‘I know, Clare, but please just give me a little more time until after I’ve spoken with Mum.’
‘Alright, I’ll ask Jenny, but it’ll probably mean that you’ll be left on your own for the weekend.’
‘That’s alright, I’ve several things I need to do,’ I replied thinking of a pile of reading matter and web pages I wanted to consult. ‘In any event I’ll be away in Birmingham on Monday and Tuesday’.
In the event, Jenny couldn’t go either; she’d been contacted by a former boyfriend from school, named Ken and had gone out with him on Wednesday night. We asked how she had got on. She gave us a humorous account, but was a little coy when it came to the question of whether or not she would be seeing him again at the weekend. I assumed that in future I would be seeing less of my two companions outside work. That didn’t worry me too much. I welcomed the friendship and support of my two friends but also wanted to establish my independence.
I used my free time after work on Thursday afternoon to go window shopping on my own and even went in and tried on one or two dresses, although I was still not sufficiently confident to make a substantial purchase without advice from Jenny or Clare. I did venture to buy myself another pair of sling-back sandals in a sale and a new shade of lipstick with a matching nail varnish. I also went to the station and picked up a form for a young person’s railcard. I would complete it in Emily’s name and get Joyce to endorse the form, as my employer. I would then be able to buy myself a cheap rail ticket to Birmingham Airport and travel down to meet Mum dressed as Emily.
Friday night’s work was a large private function and was going to involve quite a number of serving staff. I quite enjoyed these large jobs as it gave me the opportunity of meeting some new people. We started work preparing the tables at about four o’clock and would continue working until midnight, except for Clare who had arranged to finish at nine so that she could travel with Geoff and Rob to the festival somewhere in mid-Wales.
On the Saturday morning I was alone in the house apart from my Aunt. I decided to continue my researches into transgenderism, but first of all I wanted to try out my new nail varnish. I had just finished painting my toes, so that I could wear my new open-toed sandals without bothering with tights, and was midway through my fingers when Aunt Carol came in to see me.
‘Since the others have all gone out for the day, I wondered whether you’d like to come shopping with me, Emily,’ she said.
‘Yes, I’d like that,’ I replied a little surprised by the invitation. ‘May I have half an hour to finish my nails and put on some make up?’
She smiled.
‘Very well, I suppose I’d better wait, as looking good seems to be so important to you.’
‘Thanks. It’s not just vanity, I really feel more confident in public when I’m wearing makeup,’ I replied.
‘I understand,’ she said kindly. ‘If you like we can buy you something for your birthday next week.’
‘Thanks, but it’s not really necessary, you’ve been so generous to me as it is,’ I replied.
‘No, I feel guilty that I wasn’t around for your first two weeks in Shrewsbury and I want to make it up to you. Is there anything that you’d particularly like?’
‘There’s nothing I can think of but, if you don’t mind, I’d prefer to have something for Emily rather than Chris.’
She sighed, but then smiled.
‘Alright then, since you seem quite determined to carry on as you are, and you make such an attractive young woman. What are you intending to wear when you go to meet your mother on Monday?’
I showed her the suit and blouse that Jenny and I had bought, the previous Saturday and she approved. I then showed her that we had also thought about shoes and a matching handbag.
‘What if I were to buy you a watch to go with your outfit,’ she asked.
‘Yes, that’d be brilliant Aunt Carol, thank you so much.’
Aunt Carol and I had a good day out shopping together. She bought me a watch, and also some earrings. I bought myself some more cosmetics and a pair of tights. But it wasn’t just shopping for me, I helped her to choose various items for herself and for the house. It was the first time that we’d spent much time together alone, and I got the impression she was trying to get to know and understand me a little better.
We had a late lunch together in one of the cafés on the High Street, when she asked me to try explaining my feelings about being Emily.
‘It’s difficult to describe, I just seem to feel more comfortable as a girl than I used to do as a boy,’ I answered.
‘But when did these feelings begin? Was it just when you lost your clothes or have they always been with you?’
‘I’m not sure, I suppose there were feelings in the back of my mind, but I never allowed myself to think them through. I didn’t have a sister nor were there any neighbours who had girls of my age to play with. Also I went to a boy’s school and so I’ve never had any chance to understand what it is to be feminine before.’
‘So is this all about exploring your feminine side?’ she asked.
‘Perhaps, but it’s also about earning some money as well,’ I replied smiling.
She thought for a moment before responding.
‘It seems to me that whilst Emily may have begun as a game or as a means of earning money, she has now become an integral part of your life. You seem to have slipped so easily into a feminine persona that most of the time I forget that you used to be my nephew.’
‘I think you may be right,’ I answered.
There was no point trying to pretend otherwise.
‘So when did this happen?’
‘I believe that something fundamental changed in me the weekend before last, the day before you arrived home unexpectedly. It happened as we were getting ready to go to the dinner dance. Up to that point I was fully expecting to go back to being Chris, but then during the dinner, and especially on the Sunday I found that I really did not want to do so, in spite of the difficulty of telling you and Mum.’
‘But where will it lead? Do you want to spend the rest of your life as a woman?’
‘I really don’t know, and wouldn’t want to commit myself after just three weeks. All I can say is that although I never planned to spend my summer in this way, I’m very happy with the way things have worked out. I can’t really predict how I’ll feel in the future, and would just like a little time to be able to sort things out in my mind. Maybe I’ll have a clearer idea what to do once I’ve spoken to Mum on Monday.’
‘I hope so, for your sake; but the girls and I’ll support whatever you and your mother decide to do,’ she said touching my hand.
‘Thank you, Aunt Carol.’
She then changed the subject.
‘Emily, I still have a lot to do to catch up after my fortnight away, and so I’ve asked Anne if she would mind driving over to Sheffield tomorrow to make sure your Grandmother is still managing alright. I originally assumed she would take Clare with her, but as you know, she has gone away for the weekend, and Karen is on duty at the hospital. Would you like to accompany Anne on the drive and check up on your grandmother?’
‘Of course I’d be happy to go, but what about Daniel?’ I asked. ‘Wouldn’t Anne prefer to take him along for company?’
‘She tells me that he’s not very keen on visiting sick old ladies and has found himself something else to do for the day,’ she replied.
‘I’d love to go to see Gran, but how will we explain Emily to her?’
‘I take it that you don’t want her to know the truth,’ she asked.
‘I’m not sure,’ I answered. ‘I wouldn’t want to shock or upset her.’
‘You may be right; this may not be the best time. How long is it since you last saw her?’
‘I haven’t seen her for about three years, because we now live so far away from Sheffield and Mum has been busy trying to build up her business recently. However, I’ve spoken to her on the ‘phone fairly regularly.’
‘I think you’ve changed quite a lot in your looks over the last three years, and especially so over the last three weeks,’ she said smiling. ‘Why don’t you pretend to be one of Anne’s friends who came along for the ride? Your grandmother’s eyesight isn’t brilliant and she’s recovering from a stroke. You should be alright as long as you’re careful with what you do and say.’
‘Alright, that is what I’ll do as long as you think it’ll be alright,’ I answered.
‘Thank you. I appreciate your trouble.’
We finished our shopping and returned home at about 4.00pm. I offered to prepare the evening meal for ourselves and Anne, who would be home at five thirty. My offer was gratefully accepted and I found myself a pinafore so as not to spoil my clothes while cooking.
Anne was delighted to learn that she’d have me as a companion on the drive from Shrewsbury to Sheffield, when we discussed the visit over dinner.
‘It is only ninety miles to Gran’s house, but it’s an awkward road passing first through Stoke on Trent and then the Peak District. There's bound to be a lot of tourist traffic this time of year so it’ll take two and a half hours. I’d like us to leave at half past nine so make sure you’re up and dressed in plenty of time.’
‘Of course,’ I replied. ‘What do you think I should wear?’
‘That is a real girly type question,’ she replied laughing. ‘The next thing you’ll be asking me is Does my bum look big in this?'
‘I don’t think so, I’d far rather I’d a bigger bum and narrower waist.’ I replied.
After dinner Anne helped me to select a suitable outfit for the following day. We eventually decided upon a pink top and summery skirt, together with my new sandals. I would endeavour to look feminine but not too girly. Once Anne left to go out with her boyfriend I decided to spend the rest of the evening working on my appearance. I washed and conditioned my hair and Aunt Carol helped me to put it up in rollers before I sat under the drier for nearly an hour whilst reading some of the downloaded pages which I had printed out. Afterwards I checked on the state of my legs and armpits (as it was now two weeks since they had been done). I could feel the beginnings of new growth, so I carefully ran over them with one of Clare’s razors. Fortunately there was no sign of any beard growth on my chin as yet. Finally I moisturised my skin.
Life was certainly a lot more complicated to live as a girl - but it was so much more fun.
(Next time: My Gran turns out to be cleverer than her daughter thought.’
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 15
A Visit to my Gran
‘What about you, Emily? What do you hope to do?’
‘I hate school and wish I could leave,’ I replied.
‘You strike me as being quite bright, why don’t you want to stay on?’
‘I enjoyed learning things at school, but I hated the social side of it. I don’t get on with any of the guys my own age and I’m not interested in the same things as they are. I suppose if I went back there would at least be some girls in the Sixth form. I enjoy the company of girls when on their own but once they get into mixed company they become really boring.’
‘So you don’t count as ’mixed company’ then?’ commented Anne. I coloured slightly and tried to think of something to change the subject, but before I could do so Anne spoke again.
‘I’m glad that you took my advice about making the most of your opportunity to discover what it’s like to be a woman. How have you enjoyed working as a waitress?’ she asked.
‘Sometimes it’s been hard work it’s been good fun working with Clare. I hope to keep doing it until September,’ I replied.
‘I suppose what is more to the point, how do you enjoy living as Emily? Or is that a stupid question?’
‘I think it must have been fairly obvious over the last three weeks.’
‘Yes, as soon as I saw you at my twenty-first birthday meal I realised that something had changed.’
I didn’t answer, but looked out at the passing scenery.
‘So what about when your mother comes back? Do your future plans involve Chris or Emily, or perhaps both?’
‘I really don’t know the answer to that. I’m still trying to sort out my feelings’ I replied.
‘Well don’t take too long about it,’ she cautioned.
We had passed Bakewell and were driving through the beautiful scenery of the Peak District. Our conversation lapsed as we each continued engrossed in our own thoughts.
Eventually we passed the boundary of Sheffield, indicating that we were within a few minutes of arriving at Gran’s house.
‘Well, Emily, I supposed we’d better get our story straight. Who are you supposed to be, and how are we going to explain your presence to Gran,’ she asked.
I shrugged.
‘Aunt Carol suggested that we should tell Gran that I’m your friend Emily from Shrewsbury, and I’ve come along to keep you company?’
‘Won’t it seem a little odd for a twenty-one year old to have a fifteen year old as a friend?’
‘I’ll be sixteen in four days,’ I responded with mock indignation. ‘In any event Clare and Jenny keep saying that I look older when I’m wearing makeup.’
‘You do, but even so there is still quite an age gap between us.’
‘So what would you suggest that we say to her?’
‘You could always tell her the truth and explain to her that you were once her grandson Chris but now want to be known as Emily.’
‘I don’t think I’m ready for that degree of honesty, at least not until after I’ve seen Mum tomorrow. In any event, I wouldn’t want to give her a heart attack so soon after her stroke.’
She smiled.
‘Alright then we’ll stick to your story, but be careful with what you say to her, she’s more astute than Mum would have you believe.’
Gran was only in her mid-seventies, but it was quite a shock to me to see how much she had aged since I last saw her. This was mainly the result of her having suffered a minor stroke just over two weeks before, which had left her partially incapacitated. She was still being visited regularly by a carer but she was also fiercely independent and determined to manage on her own if she could. Fortunately she and Grandad had moved into a bungalow several years before he died, and had also installed some mobility aids so she was now able to walk around the house using a Zimmer frame, but was reliant on others for her shopping. Anne introduced me as a friend and I was welcomed and invited to sit down. We had wanted to take her out for lunch, but found that she had already bought in a quiche and had managed to prepare a simple salad. She also said she had ice cream in the freezer, so we agreed to stay in.
Anne had visited Gran many times and they soon began chatting about her health and how she was managing since her stroke. I tried to sit back as an onlooker during the conversation, but every so often Gran would direct a question at me, and I was forced to invent details about an imaginary family and how I came to be friendly with Anne. I hated telling lies to her and found the whole process to be a strain and a source of embarrassment. In order to avoid having to take part in the conversation I offered to clear away the dishes and wash up after lunch. I was pleased to find my offer was accepted gratefully.
‘I’ll give you a hand as well,’ Anne said.
‘No don’t worry, Anne, I can manage, you carry on talking to your gran,’ I replied.
‘Actually there’s something else you could do for me, Anne, if you don’t mind,’ said Gran.
‘Yes of course I’ll be happy to help in any way I can,’ she answered.
‘I like to have a small glass of sherry each evening, and last night I finished my bottle. Would you mind going to the local supermarket for me and buying another bottle whilst Emily does the dishes for me?’
‘Where do I have to go?’
‘It’s only a five minute walk,’ she said handing her a ten pound note and giving directions.
As soon as Anne left the house, my grandmother turned to me and asked, ‘how is your mother getting on in Europe with her business trip, Emily?’
I blushed as I hadn’t said anything to her about any business trip.
‘So you know who I am,’ I said with embarrassment.
‘Yes I’m afraid so. It took me a little time to figure it out, and I’d never have guessed if you hadn’t opened your mouth, but you’ve done nothing to disguise your voice.’
‘My cousins assured me that it wouldn’t be necessary and that my voice wouldn’t give me away.’
‘It would’ve been fine if you were visiting someone who didn’t know you and hadn’t heard you speak before. For the first half hour of your visit I never doubted that I was speaking to a young woman, but I couldn’t work out where I’d heard your voice before. Then I realised that it was the same voice I’d spoken to many times on the telephone.’
I turned bright red, lowered my eyes, but said nothing.
‘Christopher, would you now mind explaining to me why you’re dressed the way you are, and why you’ve been pretending to be a girl all morning?’
I had no choice but to tell her the whole story of the last two weeks and then explained that I had been offered work as a waitress for the rest of the summer.
‘So you’re intending to dress like this for several weeks.’
‘Yes, I think so.’
‘But surely you could’ve found yourself a summer job as a young man if you’d looked around.’
‘I suppose so, but I’d have had to borrow some money to buy myself some new clothes first, and, to be honest, I’ve been enjoying being Emily and I get on really well with Clare and her friend Jenny at work, and also Karen and Anne at home.’
‘So it would seem,’ she said looking at me more closely. ‘Who helped you to get yourself ready this morning?’
‘Nobody: I can manage to fix my hair and makeup myself.’
‘Well I have to say that you’ve made a very good job of it. What does your mother say about it all?’
I blushed again.
‘She hasn’t yet seen me dressed as Emily yet, but has seen a photograph and has been alright about it so far. We’re going to meet tomorrow evening as she has to change planes at Birmingham and flies out again the following morning.’
Gran shook her head with mild disapproval ‘Your mother travels about so much,’ she said with a sigh. ‘She is due to telephone me this evening, I’ll tell her about your visit.’
I couldn’t work out whether she also was angry with me or not. I assumed that she was.
‘Oh dear Gran, I hope I haven’t upset you, I just wanted to see how you were getting on so that I cantell Mum when I see her tomorrow,’ I said. ‘I know she’s been very worried about you and felt quite guilty that she hasn’t been able to get up to see you.’
‘That may be so, but why did you make up the story about you being Anne’s girl friend?’ she asked.
‘I’m really sorry that we misled you, it was my fault, rather than Anne’s. She wanted me to tell you the truth, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react to seeing me dressed like this. I wanted to come and see you but it wasn’t really practicable for me to change back into Christopher just for one day.’
Gran continued to look stern for a few seconds, but then sighed and began to smile.
‘Alright then, I suppose I must forgive you. I’ll always be pleased to see you even if it is as a granddaughter rather than a grandson,’ she said. ‘What about your aunt and cousins, how do they feel about you dressing as Emily?’
‘My cousins have all been very encouraging and loaned me some of their clothes or jewellery. Aunt Carol freaked a little when she discovered it for the first time, and she insisted that I told Mum, but she now seems to be a little more relaxed about the idea of having a niece rather than a nephew.’
‘Well I too was surprised to see you as a girl, but I suppose how you choose to dress is your own affair, and you do look very nice wearing a skirt and with your long hair.’
‘Thank you for the compliment,’ I said.
At this point Anne arrived back with her purchase. Gran thanked her and slowly took the bottle through to her bedroom.
‘Anne, she knows all about Chris and Emily, she recognised my voice, so I told her everything,’ I whispered as soon as she left us.
‘Is she annoyed with us?’
‘No I don’t think so. I told her it was my fault, and she hasn’t really passed detailed judgement other than to say that I looked very nice. I think she was just curious to know the background,’ I said.
‘Thank heavens for that,’ said Anne ‘I hated trying to pull the wool over her eyes.’
‘So did I, it’s quite a relief now that she knows.
Five minutes later Gran came back to the kitchen carrying two small packages.
‘Anne, here is your birthday present. I’m sorry but I was too ill to be able to send it to you at the right time,’ she said handing over one of the packages.
Anne opened it to find a rather expensive looking gold bracelet. She put it on and then gave Gran a kiss.
‘Thank you so much Gran, it’s beautiful,’ she said, admiring it.
‘It used to belong to my mother. I hope you like it.’
I was glad to have dropped out of the limelight for a while, but now she turned to me.
‘As for you, young lady, I believe it’s your birthday soon.’
‘Yes, Gran, I’m sixteen on Saturday,’ I answered.
‘I’ve already given each of my granddaughters one of my necklaces, and so you’d better have this one. However, you must promise me that when you cease to be Emily and return to being Christopher you must hand it over to your mother to keep, until you’ve a daughter of your own. I wouldn’t want to see them go out of the family.’
I opened the case and found a beautiful silver necklace with rubies, and a set of matching earrings. My gift was not as valuable as Anne’s but to me it was more attractive and feminine.
‘Thank you, Gran, they’re really gorgeous and I promise either to keep them for myself or else to hand them over to Mum.
I gave her a brief hug and a kiss.
‘Do try them on, Emily, so we can see how they look,’ Anne insisted.
I exchanged the jewellery I was already wearing - which I’d borrowed from Clare - for the new set.
‘They suit you very well,’ said my cousin.
Now that my secret was known our conversation during the remainder of the afternoon was much more open and relaxed. We chatted happily together for a couple of hours with Gran asking me more details about my life as Emily and also about how my mother was getting on. At four o’clock we had a final cup of tea and soon afterwards left to drive home.
As we were leaving Anne gave Gran a hug and exchanged a few words, then it was my turn.
‘Thank you for coming to see me Emily, I’m glad you came and hope you’ll come again soon.’’
‘I’d love to,’ I responded.
‘I’ll be talking to your mother about your visit, but don’t worry I’ll tell her how nice you looked and how helpful you were in offering to wash up for me.’
I smiled and then left, both pleased that I had come but equally glad it was all over.
I was exhausted by the strain of the visit and then the feelings of relief. I fell asleep on the way back and it wasn’t until we reached the Shrewsbury ring road that Anne decided to wake me up.
‘How did you both get on with your visit,’ Aunt Carol asked when we eventually arrived home.
‘Very well we had a good time and I think she’s beginning to get a little better,’ said Anne. ‘However she saw through Emily’s secret in no time.’
‘I wondered whether she might,’ Carol said smiling. ‘How did she react to you Emily?’
‘Once she knew the whole story she was fine, and has even given me some of her jewellery for my birthday. But, you might’ve warned me you thought I’d be discovered,’ I replied.
‘Sorry Emily, I thought it possible that she might recognise you, but knew also she would be alright about it. I didn’t want to risk discouraging you from going to see your grandmother. At least you’ll be able to tell your mother about her condition when you see her tomorrow, and now that she knows about you we can all take turns in visiting her,’ she replied.
‘Yes indeed, I suppose I’m quite pleased now she knows the truth,’ I replied.
(Next time I travel to meet Mum
but find a surprise on the way.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 16
Another train journey
‘Do I look alright?’ I asked my companions.
‘Yes of course, you look fine in that outfit,’ said Aunt Carol. ‘I don’t think you need to be afraid of being discovered.
‘It isn’t so much a question of discovery as Mum’s reaction to me dressed as Emily rather than as Chris,’ I said.
‘It is bound to be a bit of a shock for her to see her son wearing a skirt and with long hair and makeup, even though she has seen some pictures of you already. However, I suspect that once she gets used to the idea she’ll be proud of you,’ she answered.
Over the last few days Aunt Carol had become fully accepting of me as Emily in our conversation, although I suspect that she also still had a few reservations..
‘I hope it won’t be too much of a shock for her. I’ve been trying to get her used to the idea of having a daughter for the last fortnight.
‘I’m sure she’ll be fine, but please remember that sixteen year old girls have to be careful when they’re travelling on their own,’ she said.
‘Don’t worry! I’ll be there in less than two hours,’ I said; ‘and I’ll telephone you as soon as I arrive at the airport.’
‘Yes, please do so to stop me worrying. I couldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to you.’
‘Here you are, Emily, I’ve brought you something to read on your journey,’ said Clare, handing over a couple of teenage fashion magazines to me at the entrance to the station, whilst her mother sat in the car parked nearby on a double yellow line.
‘Thanks, that’s a good idea. If I’m busy reading on the train it’ll discourage any attempts to engage me in conversation. I’d rather not have any lads trying to chat me up if I can avoid it,’ I said.
‘Maybe not today, but there’ll come a time when you might be glad of the attention,’ said Clare.
I blushed but said nothing by way of answer.
‘Good luck then,’ said my cousin, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
I thanked her and walked into the station and on to the platform feeling quite good about myself, both in terms of the way I looked and because I would soon be seeing Mum again.
My journey was relatively straightforward: I had a choice of either remaining on the train as far as Birmingham New Street and then boarding a London express, which would stop at Birmingham International Station, or else I could get off my train at Wolverhampton, which was the starting point for the London expresses. Wolverhampton railway station is as bleak and uninviting as the town itself, but at least I would be guaranteed to get a seat from there. The London expresses often got very crowded and it could be a scramble to get on them at Birmingham.
I was sitting on a seat at Shrewsbury station, flicking through one of Clare’s magazines and waiting for the arrival of my train, when I heard a voice that I recognised.
‘Hello Emily, you look very smart, where are you going today?’
It was Geoff’s friend Rob, with whom I’d danced a fortnight earlier. I wasn’t sure whether I was pleased or not to meet him again, but was quite content that he had noticed my outfit.
‘Hi Rob, I’m just going to meet my mother at Birmingham Airport,’ I replied, smiling.
‘I’m going to visit my eldest sister in Nuneaton; do you mind if I travel with you as far as Birmingham?’
‘I shall only be travelling as far as Wolverhampton on this train,’ I replied, without committing myself to any other answer.
He took my response as a ‘yes’ and parked himself on the seat next to me.
‘I enjoyed the dance at The Lord Hill,’ he said.
‘So did I.’
‘I understand that your cousin Clare has been out with Geoff once or twice since. Have you been doing anything much?’
‘I’ve been very busy and also had to visit my Gran in Sheffield,’ I replied.
Fortunately our train arrived at this point.
The train from Shrewsbury was only about a third full and so we were able to occupy a table with four seats. Rob took my case and put it on the luggage rack above the seats for me. I put my magazines and handbag down on the seat next to me so we had to sit opposite one another. As he sat down his leg inadvertently touched one of mine. I felt a momentary tingle of pleasure before I moved it out of his way.
I decided it might be easier if I took control of our conversation rather than left it to him, so I started to ask about him, his family and what he was doing in Shrewsbury. He told me that he was eighteen and had a summer job on a farm nearby prior to leaving for university in the autumn. In fact he turned out to be very good company: witty, self-effacing, and unwilling to hog all the conversation. On several occasions he invited me to contribute or to tell him about my background, but I would answer only briefly before steering the conversation back towards him. In these circumstances it is best to tell as few outright lies as possible, and so I was deliberately vague about my background. In no time at all I noticed that we were travelling under the overhead electrified wires which indicated that we were approaching Wolverhampton station. Rob began to stand up in order to retrieve my case.
‘I suppose I could stay on this train as far as Birmingham,’ I said. ‘It wouldn’t make a great deal of difference to me.’
He returned me a broad smile, as if to say that it would make a great deal of difference to him, and sat down. We continued to talk together happily for another half an hour. It was a nice feeling that such a simple decision on my part seemed to give him pleasure, even though he was a year or two older than I was and also quite good looking. When we did eventually reach Birmingham Rob took down my case and carried it, together with his own, to the platform. He even helped me off the train. I could see that there were advantages in having a guy as a travelling companion to help with the luggage, especially if one is wearing high heels.
I had a fifteen minute wait until the arrival of the London train whereas he had twenty-five minutes until his local to Nuneaton.
‘May I buy you a coffee?’ he asked.
‘No thanks, I wouldn’t really have enough time to drink it,’ I replied. ‘But I’ve enjoyed having your company on the journey,’ I added as an afterthought.
That also seemed to please him.
‘When do you get back to Shrewsbury?’ he asked.
‘Tomorrow night.’
‘I’m away until next weekend, but how would you feel about meeting up some time for that coffee? Nothing heavy; just two friends having a coffee together.’
I hesitated for a moment, wanting to say yes but not sure how to answer.
‘I don’t know my work rota that far ahead, but if you have an email address I could let you know when I’m free.’ I said to give myself a little more time.
He agreed and we exchanged email addresses. I then went to the ladies toilet in order to check on my hair and repair my makeup. Nobody took a second glance at me as I did so; I was now quite confident in my appearance and demeanour as a woman, it was just in the matter of handling guys that I was uncertain of myself. Rob was still waiting for me when I emerged and it was almost time for my train. There was quite a crowd waiting to get on.
‘I’ll help you to find a seat, if you like,’ he offered.
‘Don’t worry Rob, it is only a ten minute journey, I’ll let them all get on first and stand at the end of the carriage,’ I said.
As the crowd fought to get on the train Rob and I stood back. Then, rather bashfully, he kissed me on the cheek. I turned towards him and smiled.
‘Thanks for helping me with my luggage. I’ll email when I know my rota.’
Once the queue to board had subsided he helped me on and handed me my case. As he did so I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went in the carriage without looking back.
‘Oh Emily, whatever made you do that?’ I thought to myself, as I sat on my suitcase at the end of the carriage, not quite believing what had just happened.
Twenty minutes later I was standing in the Arrivals Hall at Birmingham Airport inspecting the indicator board. I was in plenty of time and my mother’s flight wouldn’t be landing for another thirty minutes. I guessed it would be at least an hour before she emerged from the Arrivals Gate. I therefore bought myself a coffee and sat down to make the promised call to inform Aunt Carol that I’d arrived safely at my destination and had not been abducted, murdered, or sold into slavery along the way. My mind was still in some turmoil regarding Rob and the train journey so, as soon as I finished talking to Aunt Carol I decided to have a talk with Clare on her mobile phone.
‘Hi Emily, is everything ok?’ she asked as she answered my call.
‘I’m fine and am just waiting for Mum’s plane to arrive, but I wanted to talk to you if it is convenient.’
‘Yes, of course, what do you want to talk about?’
‘I ran into Rob on Shrewsbury station and travelled to Birmingham with him.‘
‘I’m afraid I’m partly to blame there; he was originally intending to travel on Sunday night after the festival, but I let it slip over the weekend that you were travelling to Birmingham on Monday and so he seems to have changed his plans,’ she confessed.
‘But how did he know which train I would be travelling on?’
‘I may have let that slip out as well. Sorry!’
She didn’t sound particularly sorry.
‘I wish you’d warned me.’
‘How was your journey?’ How did you get on?’ she said, rapidly changing the subject.
‘It was fine, he was good company, but he has asked me out again and I don’t know what to do,’ I replied.
‘Well you must have some idea whether you like him or not?’
‘I like him well enough, but the idea of going out with a guy frightens me. When I agreed to dress as Emily I didn’t envisage going on dates as her as well.’
‘Well you can’t go round looking as beautiful as you did at Anne’s dinner without attracting some attention from the opposite sex. I always thought you liked it when guys said how nice you looked.’
‘I did enjoy the dance and I don’t mind a little bit of mild flirting at work. I also quite liked it when Rob carried my case for me or helped me off the train, but going out with him is different.
‘You never know, it might be good fun.’
‘I don’t know Clare; in some respects I’d like to go out with him, but what’ll happen when he finds out about Chris?’
‘Does he have to know about Chris?’
‘Yes, I could never keep it from him. It was bad enough that I kissed him without his first knowing.’
‘So you kissed him again today?’
‘Yes, but only after he kissed me first,’ I said defensively.
‘I see,’ said Clare in a knowing voice. ‘So how have you left things with him?’
‘I’ve promised to email him during the week.’
‘So why don’t you tell him by email, and let him decide what to do about it.’
‘He’ll go bananas and accuse me of tricking him,’ I said.
‘How do you know that? You have to give him the chance to respond. You never know but he may still wish to go out with you.’
‘I don’t think so.’
‘Well, in that case you’ve not lost anything. You don’t have to see one another again.’
The arrivals board showed my mother’s flight about to land. I still had at least half an hour to wait for her. I made my way to an Internet kiosk and paid to use my email. I then drafted the following note:
Dear Rob,
It was good to see you again this afternoon and I did so enjoy your company. I would be happy to see you again, on the understanding it was as you said nothing heavy! — Just two friends sharing a coffee.
However, before we do so there is something I need to tell you that may well cause you to change your mind. You see, no matter how I may look, feel and act, I am not physically a girl. I was born and brought up as Christopher, and, as yet, I have done nothing to change that, other than spending the last few weeks living and working as Emily.
Those weeks have convinced me that I should have been a woman, and that I need to begin the process of becoming one as quickly as possible. I am truly sorry if this has shocked you or you think I have tricked you, but it wasn’t deliberate. Although I really liked you on that first occasion we met, I deliberately kept you at arm’s length — for your own sake. I am sorry that I kissed you this afternoon; I got carried away and should never have done so, without first telling you about my situation.
If, after reading the above, you have no wish to see me again, I will understand and not think any less of you. I would only ask you not to make a big fuss or blame my cousin. She means well but doesn’t always think about the consequences of what she does. If, however, you feel that you can cope with having me as a friend and still wish to see me again, then I would really love to see you. You can contact me by email or my mobile any time.
Emily x
I read the draft of my message through several times, wondering how he might react to it or whether I’d even send it. He clearly had no idea about my background, and it was only fair to let him known before things went any further.
As I was reading through my unsent message for the fourth or fifth time, my mobile phone rang: it was a call from Mum.
‘Hi, Mum, Emily here, where are you?’
‘Hello, dear, I’ve passed through Passport Control and am waiting for my luggage to arrive on the belt. I’ll probably be about ten minutes more. I was just ringing to check you were waiting and to find out where we should meet.’
‘Of course I’m here waiting for you. I haven’t seen you for a while and have such a lot of news. I’ll be waiting near to the gate in the arrivals. I’m wearing an off-white skirt and jacket and a red blouse,’ I answered.
‘Good, I’m looking forward to seeing you very soon, love.’
The time for procrastinating was over. I hit the ‘send’ button and logged off the computer. I had no idea when he would receive my message, and how he would react when he did do so. I’d just have to wait and see. I made my way to the meeting area in front of the arrivals gate where there were a number of people waiting to greet passengers.
(Next time At last I get to see Mum
and we talk about my future.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 17
A meeting with Mum
‘Hello, Mum,’ I said feeling my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I walked alongside her.
She turned to face me and gasped in surprise.
‘Emily–but you look so lovely,’ she said.
‘Thanks,’ I said smiling and blushing at the same time. ‘You look pretty good yourself.’
We hugged and she kissed me on the cheek.
She then stood back as if to scrutinise me holding my hands.
‘You really do look good; who helped you to put on your make-up this morning?’ she asked.
It was the same question that my grandmother had asked the previous day.
‘I did it myself, of course,’ I answered laughing.
‘In that case you’ve made a good job of it.’
I blushed again, but was pleased that she had noticed.
‘My friend Jenny helped me to choose this outfit, which I bought with the money you sent me.’
‘You both chose well, it suits you,’ she replied without expressing any surprise. ‘But come on,’ she said suddenly becoming more business-like, ‘we can’t stay here admiring one another. Let’s find the hotel and check into our room; then we can have a pot of tea together and talk about everything that has happened over the last four weeks.’
‘What about your other suitcase?’ I asked.
‘Oh that’s already checked in for the entire journey, I’ve only brought what I needed for tonight with me, and some presents for you to take back to Shrewsbury,’ she answered.
‘May I take that one for you?’
She looked at my high heels and the fact that I was already carrying a weekend case and a handbag.
‘No that’ll be alright thanks, dear, I can manage; you look after your own case.’
Her manner of addressing me seemed to have changed; she’d never refer to Chris as ‘dear’.
We crossed the road outside the Terminal and walked into the hotel reception. Mum checked us in as Jill Richardson and her daughter Emily, without any hesitation, and paid with her credit card. The receptionist smiled at me momentarily but otherwise hardly gave me a second look. She handed over two key cards for our room and directed us to the lift. Once inside our bedroom we set down the cases on the racks provided, and my mother filled the kettle whilst I sat down on one bed, smoothing my skirt as I did so.
‘How has the trip been so far?’ I asked.
‘It’s been very successful indeed, thank you, dear. I’ve made several outright sales and one new line is in production ready to be launched next spring. I’ve also taken lots of orders for completion over the next year.
‘That’s good news,’ I replied.
She then looked severely at me as a signal that she wanted to change the subject.
‘And what about, you? You’d better tell me how you’ve been getting on’ she asked in sympathetic tones.
I shrugged.
‘I think I’ve already told you most of my news, I’ve been having a lovely time and have now earned more than enough to cover the money that I lost,’ I answered.
‘So it would seem.’
I wasn’t sure what to say next. I knew what I wanted to say, but was uncertain whether this was the right moment to say it.
‘Anne and I went to see Gran yesterday,’ I volunteered, changing the subject.
‘Yes I know, I spoke to her on the telephone last night and she told me all about your visit,’ she replied.
‘What did she say? I hope she wasn’t upset by my visit.’
‘No; I got the impression it was quite the opposite. Once she’d gotten over her surprise at the way you were dressed, I think she was pleased to see you and quite impressed with her new granddaughter.’
‘That’s a relief. Now she knows about Emily, I’ll be happy to visit her again fairly soon, Karen, Anne or Aunt Carol will probably take me there,’ I answered.
‘Yes, I’d like you to do that, particularly as I’m unable to go and see her myself at present,’ she said.
There was an uncomfortable lull in our conversation, whilst my mother made us both a cup of tea. Neither of us knew quite how to introduce the subject that was on both our minds. Eventually my mother broke the silence.
‘Well, young lady, I know you’ve been sending me emails and pictures of yourself, but I think it’s now time for you to explain in detail just how it is that when I left the UK I had a son, and now I seem to have acquired a daughter.’
Over the next forty minutes or so I went through the whole story again. At times she would interrupt with questions which I sought to answer as honestly as I could. I didn’t try to disguise from her my feelings or that I wished to continue living as a girl. I pointed out that I hadn’t caused any serious problems or embarrassment to her sister, my three cousins nor, for that matter, to myself.
‘For how long have you wanted to dress this way?’
‘I’d never considered the possibility four weeks ago, but I knew that something was wrong with my life and that I wasn’t happy as things were. Once I started to work as Emily everything began to feel different. It was as if the sun had suddenly come out after a long and dreary day. It just felt right for me,’ I answered shrugging my shoulders.
‘How long are you intending to go on living at Emily?’
‘There’ll be work available until the end of the summer holidays and Aunt Carol and my cousins appear to be prepared to have me stay until then,’ I replied.
‘And then what?’
‘You’ll be back from your tour and I’ll return home,’ I said, ducking the issue.
There was a long silence whilst she was thinking. After a minute or two I decided to talk.
‘So what do you think about it all, Mum,’ I asked anxiously.
‘To be honest, I’m not sure what to think. I’ll just have to see how I get used to the idea of having a daughter. I suppose I should be upset with you but it is hard to be annoyed with someone who looks so lovely and seems to be so happy,’ she said. ‘Also losing your case, which was the catalyst for these events, wasn’t entirely your fault.’
‘It wasn’t so much a question of my losing my clothes as discovering an entirely new aspect to my life,’ I answered.
She looked into my eyes.
‘But will I get my son back at the end of the summer?’ she asked.
I sighed and looked towards the floor. I couldn’t keep ducking the issue.
‘I don’t know, Mum! The way I feel at present is that I don’t want to go back to being Chris. I don’t want to go back to having to pretend that everything is alright. My feelings may change in time, but at present I don’t see that happening.’
She didn’t respond.
‘I realise that this must have come as a shock for you, but, if you do lose a son, you’ll also gain a daughter at the same time,’ I said to break the silence.
‘But what about your schooling?’ she asked.
‘I’ll get my ‘O,’ level results later this month. I think I’ve probably done alright, but I don’t want to go back into the sixth form,’ I said. ‘I’d prefer to get a job and study for my ‘A’ levels in the evenings.’
‘Are you sure that is a good idea?’ she asked.
‘I didn’t like the atmosphere of school and didn’t have any friends there,’ I answered. ‘I think I’d be better off working.’
‘What kind of job would you want to do?’ she asked.
I looked away for a moment.
‘One which I could do whilst remaining as Emily,’ I said quietly.
‘So you want to remain living as Emily after the end of the summer,’ she asked.
‘Yes, I think so,’ I answered blushing.
‘But how long for?’
I don’t know, I’m still trying to work out what I feel.’
‘Me too,’ she answered. ‘I’ve been thinking about you ever since I received your first email, and I wonder why I was not totally surprised when I heard the news.’
‘You can’t have been expecting me to lose my case and end up working as a waitress?’
‘No but I’ve always felt that you were never entirely comfortable as a boy. As a toddler you used to love to dress up in my clothes.’
‘I don’t remember that,’ I said.
‘In the end I had to lock my bedroom door and find other things for you to do,’ she said.
‘Really? I’ve no recollection. I must have blotted it out from my mind.’
‘It also worried me that you’d no real friends at school,’ she continued.
‘I never realised that you’d noticed,’ I replied. ‘But I now have two very good female friends; we get on together very well both at work and hanging out together afterwards.’
‘So I understand from Clare, but you’re coming to an age where boys and girls tend to form relationships?’
I blushed, thinking about the incident with Rob, not more than two hours before. However, he would probably want nothing more to do with me, so there was no point in troubling Mum with the information.
‘I’ve been asked out a couple of times but I declined and have deliberately steered clear of any sexual encounters until I know what I want to do with my life.’
‘I’m relieved about that, at least for the time being,’ she said.
For thirty seconds or so neither of us said anything.
‘There is a lot for us both to think about, let us leave any decision about your leaving school for now; perhaps we can talk again after breakfast in the morning.’
Then, as if to break the spell, my mother deliberately changed the subject.
‘I’ll say one thing, Emily, it’s a lot easier to buy a birthday present for you as a daughter than as a son. I’ve bought you a new dress and some jewellery in Prague. They’re in my suitcase, would you like to try them on?’ she asked.
‘Oh yes please,’ I answered excitedly.
Mum had clearly been in contact with one of my cousins since she knew my dress size and what sort of styles would suit me and complement my existing wardrobe. She had bought me a lemon yellow cotton summer dress which fitted me exactly, together with a necklace and a pair of earrings which matched them. She helped me to put them on.
‘Thanks very much,’ I said as I stood in front of the mirror. ‘How do I look?’
‘You look lovely and the colouring suits you,’ she said, clearly pleased with her purchases and we hugged and I pecked her on the cheek.
‘May I wear them when we go down to dinner tonight,’ I asked excitedly.
‘Strictly speaking the dress is for your birthday on Saturday, but as I won’t be around to see you then, I think we can stretch a point,’ she answered.
She also handed me a birthday card, which I opened. She had chosen one addressed ‘To my lovely daughter’. The message said how proud she was of me. I gave her a long hug so that she couldn’t see that there were tears in my eyes.
‘Thanks, Mum, for the super presents and a lovely card,’ I said sniffing.
We both had a shower and proceeded to get ourselves ready to go to the restaurant in the hotel. Mum again commented on my skills in using cosmetics and in styling my hair, but insisted on helping me with the latter nevertheless. It was nice to have her brush my hair for me.
‘My cousins and my friend Jenny have all been teaching me how to look and sound more like a girl,’ I said.
‘It appears as if there has been a conspiracy to turn you into an attractive young lady,’ commented my mother, but she didn’t sound angry about it.
‘I don’t think there was any deliberate plan on their part. Things just developed that way and have tended to escalate. I suppose they could all see that I was having a good time as Emily.’
‘What does Carol think about it all now?’
‘I thought you’ve discussed it with her already,’ I said.
‘Yes I have, and heard about your dinner party, but I’d like to hear your version as well.’
‘She was away for the first two weeks, and freaked a little when she found out about Emily, but she was more concerned with what you might think. Once I’d told you and had your permission to continue, she was alright. She’s getting used to the idea of me as a girl and even took me out shopping with her on Saturday.
‘I get the impression that Carol doesn’t mind things continuing as they are whilst I’m away,’ she said.
‘So may I continue then?’ I asked.
‘Alright then, I’ll agree whilst I’m away during the summer, but we’ll need to talk about your long term future.’
We had our meal and chatted happily like any mother and daughter. I told her all about my job, and she told me exactly what she’d been doing and her plans for developing her business once she got back at the beginning of September.
‘If sales continue to go well I’ll need to employ someone to look after things when I’m away,’ she said. ‘I’ve been able to cope so far by means of email and redirecting my phone messages to voicemail, but I’m going to need someone who can deal with my post and everyday problems that crop up. Ideally, I could also do with somewhere larger to live where I could have my own studio, but we can’t really afford anything larger at present.’
‘Property prices are rather high where we live. If you moved to somewhere like Shrewsbury you’d be able to afford somewhere larger to live and work,’ I suggested.
‘I agree, now that I’m freelance I no longer need to be based in such an expensive location. Maybe we can think about moving when you’ve finished your ‘A’ levels.’
‘Surely the answer would be for us to move house as soon as possible, before I start my ‘A’ level course. I could then work for you part time and study on my own,’ I said.
‘You mean for you to work and study as Emily rather than Chris.’
I nodded.
‘Wouldn’t you be lonely working and studying on your own?’
‘No lonelier than I was before. If you came to Shrewsbury I’d have Clare and Jenny as girlfriends. I might also be able to do some occasional weekend work as a waitress’. ‘
‘You seem to have it all worked out,’ she said, and then changed the subject.
Mum was not due to fly out until midday on Tuesday but got up early and had a shower before getting dressed. I followed her, deciding to put on my suit and blouse once again as these were more bulky than either of the alternatives. She was the first to use the dressing table, and then waited for me whilst I fixed my hair and makeup.
I’ve also brought some samples of the new lingerie line for your cousins, your aunt, and also yourself. Will you be able to take them back with you?’
‘Yes, as long as they’re not too bulky. I’ll not have any room left in my case after your birthday present, so I’ll have to take them in a carrier bag.’
She handed over five matching sets of lingerie all in different colours.
‘You can take your pick; all those other than the white ones should fit you.’
‘In that case I’d like the girly rose pink set, please’ I said smiling.
‘You really do like being a girl,’ she said shaking her head.
‘I should’ve thought that was obvious by now,’ I replied.
‘Emily, I’ve been thinking about what we were discussing last night,’ she continued. ‘You’re almost sixteen and ought to be old enough to make up your own mind about your life. If you really don’t want to return to school and wish to spend the next few months living as a young woman, I suppose it’ll be alright with me.’
‘Thank you Mum, I’m glad that you understand,’ I replied feeling greatly relieved.
‘Also your idea about moving to the Midlands makes sense. I know we would have no difficulty selling our house. If you look for somewhere suitable in Shrewsbury over the next few weeks and email me the details I’ll give the matter some more thought. Maybe I could also offer you some part-time office work if you like. I’ll need to be better organised about dealing with my customers, especially when I’m away. However, I’d also like you to continue to study as well.’
‘That would be great Mum,’ I said. ‘I’d enjoy working for you, but have every intention of continuing with my studies.’
‘But in the longer term you’ll have to decide about what you wish to do with your life.’
She was right, it was going to be up to me to decide who I wanted to be. I wasn’t sure who I wanted to be, although I was increasingly coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t Chris.
‘Yes I realise that I’ll have to make some difficult and far-reaching decisions over the next few months,’ I replied.
We went down to the restaurant and had a leisurely breakfast together before returning to our room to pack and check out of the hotel. We carried on a desultory conversation but we each seemed to be pre-occupied with our own thoughts.
’Would I be happy to spend the rest of my life as Emily? Is that truly what I want? Should I tell Mum that I am thinking about taking female hormones?’ All these and many more thoughts went through my mind. I strongly suspected that my future was as Emily but wasn’t certain. I decided to give Mum a little more time to get used to Emily before I broke any such news to her.
After we packed I accompanied Mum to her check in desk in terminal two.
‘Goodbye, Emily, I’m so pleased that we’ve had this time together. I’ll see you early in September, but keep in touch and please give my love to your Aunt and your cousins.’
‘I will; I hope you have a good trip and thanks for everything, Mum.’
‘You know I’m very proud of you, and I think that I’m going to enjoy living and working with my new daughter,’ she replied.
A small tear fell from my eye as I waved to her as she passed through the security control. I therefore made my way to the ladies toilet to repair my makeup.
(Next time I return to Shrewsbury
and begin to sort out my social life.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 18
Establishing a social life
Before taking the shuttle from the Airport to Birmingham International Station for my train to Shrewsbury, I bought half an hour on an Internet terminal and checked my email. There was a message waiting for me from Rob, which I opened with some trepidation. It was short and to the point.
Dear Emily,
Your email came as a total surprise. I had absolutely no idea! I don’t know what to think at present, but I will contact you when I get back to Shrewsbury next Sunday.
I think that was about as good as I might hope for. At least he hadn’t seemed to be angry or accused me of tricking him. I responded
Dear Rob,
Sorry for having shocked you, but it was only fair that you should know. Take as long as you need, and only get in touch if you want to.
Emily xx
At least I’d made it clear that I was still interested, everything else was in his hands.
The first train to arrive at Birmingham International was an express which went through to Wolverhampton. There were a good number of seats vacant once the airport passengers had left and so I was able to sit on my own occupying two adjoining seats, without any difficulty. I tried to read one of Clare’s magazines but in reality spent most of the time going through the events of the last two days in my mind and trying to make sense of my feelings. Things were now moving so quickly, it was as if I was in a boat being carried along in a torrent. Yet I was not frightened; if anything I was feeling exhilarated by the experience.
Once at Wolverhampton, I found out the likely time of my arrival at Shrewsbury and telephoned Aunt Carol to let her know that I was on my way home. She offered to collect me from the station.
‘Thanks. I was intending to take a bus, but it’ll be hard work to walk to the bus station in these heels and with my luggage.’
‘Clare and I have to do some shopping, so we’ll be taking the car into town. I suggest you telephone me again when you arrive and I’ll tell you where you can find us.’
An hour and a half later I was sitting in a coffee bar in Shrewsbury with my cousin and my aunt, having just deposited most of my luggage in the car. I handed over their respective gifts.
‘Mum also bought me a rather cute yellow dress for my birthday, I’ll show it to you when I get home,’ I said.
‘So you’d better tell us how you got on then,’ instructed Carol.
I shrugged, not knowing quite what to say.
‘Mum was pleased to see me and we spent an enjoyable evening together at the airport hotel,’ I answered.
‘Of course she was pleased to see you, but what did she say about Emily?’ Carol asked.
‘She seemed to cope quite well with the idea of having a daughter and wanted to know the full story. She asked me about my plans for the future, but in the end accepted that Chris had been depressed and how much happier I was as Emily. She was quite relaxed about things continuing as they are until she gets back at the beginning of September,’ I answered.
‘And then what?’
‘She’s talking about moving away from Eastbourne to somewhere cheaper, where she could set up her own studio. I suggested moving to Shrewsbury.’
‘That’d be nice if it did ever happen,’ said Carol.
‘She’s asked me to look out for suitable premises in the local Estate Agents and send her the details,’ I continued.
‘But what’s going to happen about you and your longer term future?’
I looked her in the eyes and did my best to sound confident and relaxed.
‘Mum has agreed to let me continue living as Emily at home for a while as long as I continue studying for my ‘A,’ levels at the same time. Mum has even offered to employ me part-time,’ I answered.
‘So you really are determined to remain as Emily,’ she said.
‘For a few months at least,’ I answered.
‘And then what?’
I shrugged my shoulders.
‘Ultimately I’ll have to decide what I want to do with my life and whether it’ll involve Chris or Emily. At the moment I’m having a great time exploring the options for Emily.’
Clare came to my rescue.
‘Good for you, Emily,’ she said, ‘are you going to tell Jenny and my sisters the good news?’
‘I suppose I’ll have to, now that you both know,’ I replied.
We finished our coffee and made our way back to their car.
‘Mum, can I organise a special tea with a cake to celebrate Emily’s birthday on Saturday and also the beginning of her new life,’ asked Clare.
‘I suppose so, as long as you’re prepared to make the necessary arrangements and clear up afterwards.’
Who will be coming?’ I asked.
‘Just my sisters, Jenny and our various boyfriends,’ she replied.
‘Will that be alright with you Emily?’ Carol asked.
‘I’m not sure,’ I said. ‘Jim and Daniel are ok as they already know about me, but I don’t know about the others.’
‘Come on Emily, you can’t live in an all-female shell all summer. You need to learn how to interact with guys as well. In any event, it’ll give us both a chance to meet Jenny’s new boyfriend.’
‘Can we trust him to keep my secret?’
‘I hope so, but who could he tell that’d have any effect on you?’
‘The Shrewsbury Chronicle, or perhaps even The News of the World’ I suggested, ‘in which case I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to show my face again in this town.’
‘I don’t think you would be that much of a celebrity these days, unless, of course, you did something truly outrageous. But if you’re worried Jenny and I’ll swear him to absolute secrecy, on pain of perpetual banishment from our friendship.’
‘Alright but you’d better also explain to Geoff about me in advance so that he doesn’t freak out at the party.’
‘He already knows, apparently Rob phoned him to ask if he knew about you when he received your email. Geoff and I spoke about you last night; he was surprised by the news as well but in the end was quite relaxed about your situation.’
‘In that case you’ll need to check who’s working on Saturday evening first of all,’ I answered, feeling a little stunned by Clare’s revelations.
‘I’ve already done so and everybody is free,’ she answered.
Carol left us to go to pay at the parking kiosk.
‘Emm, would you mind if I also invited Rob as well now he knows all about you?’ asked Clare.
‘I wouldn’t mind but I don’t think he’s planning to come back to Shrewsbury until Sunday, and in any event I can’t see him wanting to come when everyone else but me will be coupled up.’
‘I did try to get him fixed up with Jenny, but it came to nothing. I get the impression that he really likes you,’ she said.
I blushed, and tried not to let myself think the possibility.
‘Perhaps he did before he knew about my background.’
When I got home I handed over my mother’s gifts to Karen and Anne and told them about my plans for the autumn. They both professed themselves pleased for me but neither seemed particularly surprised by my intentions. They also confirmed that they would be happy to join me in a birthday tea at 6.00 pm on Saturday together with their boyfriends. Everybody in the house apart from me had made plans to go out for the evening, but I welcomed the opportunity to stay in unpack my clothes and reconsider the implications of my recent meeting with my mother. I also continued my investigations on the internet. For the first time I began to think about the implications of a permanent transition to Emily.
Joyce had arranged a very full schedule of work for the three of us for the remainder of the week, beginning soon after breakfast and sometimes not finishing until ten at night, although we did of course have meal breaks. As a result I would be able to complete nearly a full-weeks work by Friday evening. As we were returning to the kitchens after work on Wednesday she called me over to her office to pay my wages which were due.
‘I understand that you’ll be sixteen on Saturday Emily.’
I confirmed that it was so.
‘Well this is just to thank you for being such a hard working waitress over the last three and a half weeks and to hope that you will stay on for as long as you’re staying in the area.’
She handed me my wages due together with a card that contained a £30.00 Boots voucher.
‘Thank you so much Joyce, I’m really pleased that you took the risk in employing me,’ I answered, and I hope to be staying until my mother returns to the UK at the beginning of September.
‘I’m glad that we did as well,’ she said.
On Saturday morning I came down to breakfast to find that there were seven cards and a gift-wrapped parcel, all addressed To Emily, waiting for me on the table. I wasn’t really expecting anything more than a few cards. However, my two elder cousins and their respective boyfriends had clubbed together with Clare and Jenny in order to buy me a lightweight summer jacket that had clearly been chosen with my new dress in mind. There were also girly cards from my granny and aunt, my three cousins (each one also signed by their boyfriends), Jenny, and, somewhat to my surprise, even one from Rob.
I just had time to thank everyone before Karen and Anne left for work. Aunt Carol was also busy that day, but Clare and I only had a small job to do at lunchtime which would only involve a couple of hours. We went into Shrewsbury together a little earlier than was needed. Clare had to collect my birthday cake and I wanted to call into Boots to buy myself a new lipstick, some more nail varnish to go with my new dress, and some smellies using Joyce’s voucher.
‘Have you spoken to Rob about me?’ I asked as we sat together on the bus.
‘Yes, I told him it was your birthday today and invited him to join us tonight, but only after you said I could.’
‘What was his reaction?’
‘He said he’d been surprised by your news, but he didn’t freak out or anything. He told me that he was amused that he’d been so taken in and glad that things hadn’t gone any further between you. He wasn’t sure whether or not he could come tonight, due to family commitments.’
I felt a combination of relief and disappointment by what she said.
‘I always assumed that any guy would look down upon me once he knew.’
‘I don’t see why that should be so, girls are far superior beings to boys and so it’s perfectly understandable for you to aspire to be one. In any event, nobody could possibly look down on someone as attractive as you.’
‘That’s kind of you to say so.’
‘No, I’m being quite serious, pretty young girls like you can have plenty of power over men, if only they learn how make full use of it.’
I blushed, and was pleased that there was nobody sitting near to us who might overhear our conversation.
‘So how do I learn how do use this power?’ I asked.
‘Just use your instincts. It’ll partly come with confidence in the way you look, which you’re gradually beginning to achieve. If it feels right then it probably is. Above all, remember you’ve nothing to be ashamed of or to apologise for. If other people are unable to deal with the way you dress then it’s their problem not yours.’
‘I suppose you’re right. Do you think I should ring Jenny to tell her to warn her new boyfriend about me,’ I said.
‘He already knows, I told her to tell him when you said I could tell Rob. He is also kewl about the idea and is looking forward to meeting you.’
‘My goodness, this little tea party is going to be quite — um make that very - stressful for me.’
‘If you look as good as you normally do, then you’ve nothing to worry or feel awkward about,’ she said. ‘What’re you planning to wear?’
‘I thought I’d wear the yellow dress that Mum gave me, Granny’s jewellery, the coat that you bought me, and the watch and perfume Aunt Carol gave me. That way everyone will be represented,’ I replied.
‘Good, and make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to fix your hair and makeup. Remember that I’ll be doing all the arrangements this afternoon, your job is to come in looking totally gorgeous.’
‘Alright, Miss Bossy,’ I said laughing, but just a little disappointed that Rob wouldn’t be there.
I followed Clare’s advice once we finished work. I had a long soak in a perfumed bubble bath, making sure that my legs, arms and armpits were completely smooth. Finally I devoted an hour and a half to getting myself ready to meet my friends.
(Next time My birthday tea, and aftermath.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 19
The boyfriend
‘Hello Emily, I’m sorry that I was late for your birthday tea,’ said a voice behind me.
I turned and saw Rob looking a little awkward. He was holding a small package that he offered to me.
‘I’ve only just got back to Shrewsbury, but better late than never. Happy birthday!’
He kissed me on the cheek, and I went nearly as red as he was. I opened the package and it contained a peach coloured teddy with a lace trim.
‘Oo la la!’ commented Clare who was standing nearby.
‘I hope you like it,’ said Rob continuing to blush.
It was nice, but I wanted to die from embarrassment. Thank heavens that Aunt Carol was no longer present.
‘I like it very much, thank you, and I’m pleased you were able to come,’ I forced myself to say, and briefly returned his kiss.
There was an awkward silence during which nobody spoke. I felt as if everybody’s eyes were upon me, and ideally I should have liked my guests to disappear so that I could have a private word with Rob, but that was not possible.
‘Why don’t we all go out for a drink together somewhere in the country?’ suggested Geoff. ‘I’ve got my Dad’s six-seater car.’
‘That’d be ok by me, but what do the girls think?’ answered Rob.
Both Clare and Jenny seemed quite keen on the idea but they turned to look for my reaction, since it was my birthday.
‘I suppose it’ll be alright, but I’d better stick to orange juice as I’m still under age,’ I said.
‘I don’t think anyone would guess that by looking at you,’ said Rob.
I quickly put my various birthday presents away in my room, and then we all cleared up the various plates and glasses and loaded them in the dishwasher, before leaving to go out. Geoff had parked his father’s car in a lay-by on the road just outside the drive. As we walked to the car, Clare and Jenny naturally gravitated towards their respective boyfriends leaving me with Rob. Clare was evidently intending to sit in the front seat next to Geoff. Rob and I were next to arrive and he held the rear door open for me and pushed forward the seats to enable me to get in to the back row. He then climbed in next to me. Jenny and Ken followed and filled the middle row. At least with everybody else facing forwards and talking among themselves, Rob and I could have a tiny bit of privacy for the first time that evening, so long as long as we spoke quietly.
‘Sorry if you think that I misled you,’ I whispered under my breath.
‘I did think you were a bit young to be engaged,’ he smiled.
I blushed and looked down at the ring which I was still wearing on my left hand. I moved it to the index finger of my right hand, glad that I’d taken the trouble to manicure my nails and renew the polish on them.
‘There,’ I said showing him my left hand, with no ring. ‘I hope you don’t mind being lumbered with my company this evening,’ I added coyly.
He smiled and gently took my hand.
‘I wouldn’t have agreed to come out for a drink if I’d not been happy to talk to you,’ he answered.
The conversation among the others subsided at that point and so I didn’t respond but let him continue to hold my hand until it was time for us to get out of the car.
Nothing much happened whilst we were out that evening. We found an attractive country pub on the road to Welshpool, not far from the Welsh border. It had largish trestle tables in the beer garden and so the six of us were able to sit in a group together. We stayed there for about an hour and a half chatting about a variety of things, telling stories about our different jobs, schools or colleges or else cracking jokes. Sometimes the conversation would involve the whole group and sometimes individuals with their immediate neighbours, but nothing intimate. Everybody seemed to be having a relaxed time and I was treated no differently from Clare or Jenny — just one of the girls, and nobody queried my age. Ideally, I’d have liked to get Rob on his own for a heart to heart chat, and I got the feeling he would not have objected to doing so, but it was not really feasible to do so without attracting the attention of the others.
Eventually, after a second drink, I went to the ladies and Clare decided that she would come with me.
‘Emm, would you mind if we drop you and Rob at the house and I go back for a coffee at Geoff’s place? There’s something I need to discuss with him. Rob should be able to take the last bus into town from the stop near our house.’
‘What about Jenny and Ken?’ I asked.
‘We’ll drop them at her place first, his motorcycle is there.’
This all sounded a little bit too convenient, but, on the other hand, it would at least provide me with the opportunity to say a few words to Rob in private. If nothing else I’d be able to wish him good night, without having to worry what the others might be thinking.
‘Yes, that’ll be fine,’ I replied.
‘Of course you could always invite Rob in for a coffee at our place if you wanted, and then he could get a taxi home. I don’t think any of the others will be back before 11.30pm, and you do seem to be getting on alright together,’ she added with her mischievous smile.
‘Hey, is this some kind of a conspiracy?’ I asked.
‘No, not at all, I was just pointing out an opportunity for you to get to know him a little better,’ she said smiling.
‘I’ll think about it,’ I said, blushing like a stop light.
’I really must learn to stop myself from blushing like this all the time,’ I thought to myself.
The group didn’t stay out late. At about ten o’clock Geoff and Clare dropped Rob and myself at the entrance to my aunt’s drive; the house was in darkness. We waved to them as they drove off.
‘Thanks for coming back early for my birthday tea and for the lovely birthday present and card,’ I said.
‘I hope you’ve had a happy birthday,’ he replied a little awkwardly.
‘I have now, thanks also for being so understanding about everything,’ I said giving meaningful emphasis to the last word.
‘Not at all, I’ve enjoyed myself this evening; especially your company,’ he said. ‘Maybe we could meet up sometime for that coffee that I promised you?’
For a moment I was paralysed by indecision. He was, after all, inviting me to do something that I truly wanted; but was I letting myself go beyond my depth? Then I remembered Clare’s advice to me about following my instincts.
‘You could come in for a cup of coffee now if you like. I’m afraid it would mean that you missed the last bus, but it won’t cost you that much more to take a taxi instead,’ I suggested.
‘Alright then, yeah I’d like that very much,’ he replied looking into my eyes.
‘But it might be better if you left before my Aunt gets back at eleven thirty, just in case she gets the wrong idea,’ I said.
‘Why ever would she do that?’ he chuckled putting his arm round my shoulder, as we walked down the drive to my aunt’s house.
Ten minutes later we were sitting in the kitchen together sipping instant coffee and having an extra slice of my birthday cake. At first our conversation was fairly matter of fact, relating to my meeting with Mum and his stay with his sister, but after a while we seemed to run out of things to say. Neither of us seemed very willing to raise the topic which was on both our minds. At last, after a minute or so of awkward silence, Rob ventured into uncharted territory.
‘Emily, you still haven’t said whether or not you would like us to meet up again,’ he said.
‘What to do?’ I asked innocently.
He shrugged his shoulders.
‘I don’t know, we could go out for a meal, or a drink, or go see a film or just go out for a walk together. We could even go clubbing, or whatever else you want to do, just to get to know one another a little better. It doesn’t have to be anything heavy as I’ve to go back to Uni in six weeks and you’ll soon need to go back to school in Sussex.’
This time I plucked up courage and took his hand.
‘Look Rob, before we go any further, you do know exactly what I am and what I’m not,’ I said.
‘I think you made that clear in your email and in any event Clare has told me and Geoff the whole story.’ Then he added, ‘but you can’t always control whom you’re attracted to.’
‘I know what you mean, I thought to myself.
‘So won’t there be ’issues’ for you with your friends or family in going out with someone like me?’
He shrugged.
‘I’ve no idea. There might be, but we’d have to take things slowly and deal with them as they arise. How about for you?’ he asked.
‘Jenny, Clare and her sisters would be cool about it, but I’m not sure how my Aunt or my Mother would react to the news.’
‘You are now sixteen. Do you have to tell them?’
‘I suppose not; at least not to begin with. But I’ve never really had a relationship with either a guy or a girl,’ I continued.
‘I didn’t know that, but I suppose I’d have guessed as much,’ he answered.
‘Doesn’t that put you off wanting to see me again?’ I said.
He gave a little laugh.
‘No, not at all, especially if you continue to look as lovely as you do now.’
I felt a flush of contentment as he said those words. At that moment I felt that I would do anything he asked of me. But I struggled to keep my cool.
‘So it would be just like going out with one of your cousins?’ I said.
‘No it had better not be; I once had a fling with one of my cousins and it caused a bit of a family scandal,’ he answered smiling. ‘But I do understand that you are still very young and so I won’t be putting on any pressure for you to sleep with me.’
As he said that he kissed me on the cheek.
‘I’m glad to hear it,’ I replied primly whilst simultaneously picturing what it might be like to sleep with him. ‘In that case I’d be happy to go out with you sometime.’
‘Great,’ he said appearing delighted by the prospect. ‘What are you doing tomorrow?’
‘I’ll be working during the day but I have the evening free.’ I said, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement at the prospect of seeing him again.
By the time his taxi arrived we’d agreed to go for a quiet walk round the horseshoe of the river Severn in Shrewsbury the following evening, followed by a coffee somewhere. It would give us both a chance to talk and get to know one another a little better without being surrounded by our friends. We arranged to meet at the bus station in town rather than have him come to collect me at the house as I didn’t want my aunt to know that I was going out with a guy at this stage.
‘Will you be telling Clare and her sisters that we’re going out together,’ he asked.
‘I’ll have to tell Clare and Jenny, as they’ll be bound to want to know where I’m going tomorrow night, but the others needn’t know for the time being, especially my aunt,’ I answered.
‘If Clare knows then so will Geoff, but I’ll ask him to be discreet,’ he said. ‘Maybe we can all go out together as a foursome sometime later in the week.’
‘Perhaps, but let’s see how we get on together on our own first,’ I said, now feeling a little more in control of myself and the situation.
‘Good night Emily,’ he said making to kiss me.
I was on the point of turning my head slightly so that he would kiss me on my cheek, but then changed my mind and turned my lips to meet his. After all, what was the point of taking the trouble to make my lips look so nice if no-one is allowed to kiss them?
It felt wonderful to be kissing him and for a moment I wanted nothing more than to dissolve into his arms and lips, but then I began to feel a stirring between my legs, and in any event his taxi was waiting.
‘Good night Rob, I’ll see you tomorrow night,’ I said, gently pulling away from his embrace.
‘I’m looking forward to it.’
I waited outside for a few minutes to watch his taxi drive away and gather my own thoughts before quickly returning to clear up the kitchen to dispose of any evidence of his having been there. I had just finished doing so when Aunt Carol arrived home.
‘Hello Emily, where are all the others?’ she asked.
‘They’re all still out; I’ve only just got back myself,’ I said.
‘I hope they didn’t leave you to come home by yourself,’ she sounded a little bit alarmed.
‘No, don’t worry, Clare and Geoff brought me home and dropped me outside the house. She’s gone for a coffee at his place.’
‘Good, I’m relieved to hear it. Have you had a good birthday?’
‘Yes thanks Aunt Carol, I’ve had a great time,’ I answered truthfully. ‘Six of us went on to a pub, but neither Clare nor I, nor the driver, had any alcohol.’
‘I should hope not, you’re only sixteen and Clare’s only seventeen,’ she replied. ‘But I’m pleased that you are now making some more friends of your own age — as long as they all understand your situation.’
‘Yes they all understand my situation,’ I replied, trying work out in my own mind whether I too ‘understood my situation’.
A few minutes later I wished my aunt good night and went up to my room as I wanted some time on my own to reflect. It hadn’t really occurred to me that once I started living and being treated like a girl I would begin to develop the same desires and ambitions as one, particularly with respect to boys. But it was a nice feeling nevertheless.
Just over an hour later Clare knocked quietly on my bedroom door, as I was about to get in to bed.
‘I saw that your light was still on Emmy so I thought that I’d find out what happened after we dropped you off.’
‘What do you mean?’ I asked innocently.
‘Well are you going to see Rob again of course?’ she asked in mock exasperation.
‘Maybe!’ I repeated.
‘What does that mean?’
‘We’re going out for a walk and perhaps a coffee together tomorrow evening, to see how we get on with one another, but nothing heavy,’ I said, rolling my eyes.
‘That’s great news! I bet Geoff a fiver last weekend that Rob would be taking you out by the end of this week.’
I love my youngest cousin but she does have this tendency to want to organise other people’s lives.
(Next time A walk round town.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 20
An evening walk
‘You should try these, they’re very funny and Georgia’s adventures will give you more of an insight into what it is like to be a teenage girl.’
I’d agreed to try reading Angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging, and soon became hooked and was mid-way through my third title during my break at work on Sunday morning when Jenny and Clare joined me.
‘I hear you had an ‘interesting’ time after we left you last night, Emily.’
‘I can see that I can’t trust my cousin with any secrets,’ I said.
‘Not when it comes to the matter of boyfriends,’ said Clare laughing. ‘I’m going to need Jenny to help me extract every last detail of Friday night from you.’
Inevitably, I was teased a little by Jenny and Clare, regarding Rob’s birthday present to me, but not in a nasty way. They were keen to learn exactly what had happened after Clare and Geoff had dropped us off and where we planned to go later that evening. I tried to change the subject of conversation to other things, but they were doing no more to me than I had previously done to both of them regarding their own boyfriends. So in the end I resigned myself to answering their questions about my planned date.
‘We’re only going out for a walk round town, that’s all.’
‘There are several possible places you could go for a romantic, evening walk by the riverside,’ said Clare, with laboured emphasis on that one word.
I ignored her implication.
‘I was going to leave it up to Rob since he appears to know the town pretty well.’
‘So what are you planning to wear tonight Emily?’ asked Jenny.
‘Nothing too glam, I don’t want him to think that I always dress myself like a Barbie doll,’ I replied.
‘So you won’t be wearing your new Teddy then,’ said Clare.
‘I don’t think so, not on a first date.’
‘That pink halter top looks nice on you with your white jeans, Clare suggested.
‘Alright, but I’d better stick to low heeled shoes since we’ll be walking on grass by the river,’ I added.
‘In that case you have those white open-toed sandals, but make sure you put some varnish on your toe nails.’
‘I last did them a fortnight ago, so I probably should do them again.’
‘We can do each other’s nails after work this afternoon, if you want,’ suggested Clare.
‘Alright but I don’t have any colour which will go with that pink top,’ I replied.
‘I expect I’ve some that will do, and if not I am sure we could borrow some from Anne or Karen as it is for a ‘special occasion,’ said Clare.
‘Remember what I said to you about your makeup. It may be ok for you to dress simply but you’ll still need to make the most of your eyes and your lips if you want to look truly irresistible to him’ said Jenny, laughing.
‘Don’t worry; I put on mascara and lipstick as a matter of course these days, to boost my self-confidence. Also I have to take some trouble with my hair or else it would look awful.’
‘Yes, I think you’re getting to know what’s required, but perhaps a little subtle eye shadow and eye-liner might also be in order if you are going to sweep him off his feet tonight.’
I sighed.
‘Jenny, we’re only going out for a quiet friendly walk in the town, not a torrid love affair.’
‘Well, you never know, great things can sometimes come from quiet friendly beginnings,’ added Clare laughing.
Sometimes attack is the best form of defence, so I turned on her.
‘There speaks the voice of experience, by the way Clare, you never did tell us how you got on at that pop festival,’ I said joining in the fun.
‘Not a lot, unfortunately,’ she replied. ‘With Rob tagging along to play Gooseberry we didn’t have much chance to do anything except listen to the music. That’s why I was quite keen for you to take him off our hands, Emm,’ she replied.
‘Thanks a lot!’ I said in mock anger. ‘So you palmed him off on to me just to give yourself more opportunity with his friend.’
‘Maybe, but I could see that you quite fancied him on that first occasion we all met.’
I blushed, knowing that Clare was right.
‘From the looks of things it seems he feels the same way about you,’ said Jenny smiling.
That evening, Clare and I left the house at the same time so as not to arouse Aunt Carol’s suspicions, although we were going to go our separate ways once we reached Shrewsbury. We’d also agreed to meet up again at ten-thirty at the bus station, which would be just in time to catch the last bus home, although Clare was hoping that Geoff would be able to borrow his father’s car again and so would be able to drive us both home. The main thing was that we should arrive home together. I could see Rob was waiting for me at the bus station as our bus pulled in. He looked nice; casually dressed in jeans and a new t-shirt and I was glad that I had not dressed up as well. I must have seemed nervous though as Clare turned to me.
‘I’ll see you later, Emily; good luck and have a good time.’
‘And don’t worry, you look great,’ she added smiling.
Clare got off first and made her way across the bus station in the direction of the pub where she’d agreed to meet Geoff, waving to Rob as she did so. I followed her off the bus but walked over to where he was waiting, feeling distinctly nervous, wondering if I had done the right thing in coming in the first place, and whether I’d chosen the right clothes to wear.
‘Hi Emily, it nice to see you again,’ he said a little awkwardly.
He bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I went bright red.
‘Hi Rob, did you get home ok last night?’ I asked, somewhat lamely, for want of anything more interesting to say.
He could hardly answer my question without stating the obvious. So thankfully he ignored it.
‘Shall we walk towards the Welsh Bridge, and then follow the River to Quarry Park?’ he asked.
‘You’re the expert; I’ll leave it for you to decide where we go.’
After walking for a little while Rob and I both began to relax and the ice melted between us. He took my free hand as we walked along, and when we stopped to look at a family of swans and their cygnets on the river, he casually put his arm round my shoulder and so I imperceptibly moved closer to him.
Although I’d been staying just outside of the town for the last month and had worked at a number of different venues, there was still much of Shrewsbury that I’d never seen. For example, I’d not yet made it into Quarry Park which I discovered was full of flower beds, and in fact they were just beginning to prepare for the Shrewsbury Flower Show which was due to begin the following week. We spent nearly an hour there admiring the landscaped sunken garden before we made our way back to the Town Walls and then towards the English Bridge on the eastern side of the old town. We crossed the river briefly there to have a look at the Abbey ruins, before turning back and making a detour to the castle. Finally, we made our way back through the mediaeval streets of the town centre.
During the course of our walk Rob greeted a couple of people he knew and we briefly stopped to talk to one couple in the town. I was introduced as Emily and there was no trace of any awkwardness on his part. I felt a frisson of pleasure to be acknowledged as the girlfriend of someone so good looking. As we walked we chatted about various things: our families, where we’d come from, what we hoped to do in the future. From time to time we stopped to look at buildings or other features, and particularly the black and white buildings in Fish Street. Rob seemed to know a fair amount about architecture and the history of the town. He could date buildings and knew what was original and what had nineteenth century additions or alterations. I learned a lot just by being in his company.
It felt somehow right to be spending time with Rob, but it was also clear to us both that our friendship couldn’t last. He was studying at the University of East Anglia which, as far as I knew was hundreds of miles away, on the other side of England. He would be returning there in mid-September and he was already planning to spend his next year’s summer vacation working overseas. Goodness only knows what I would be doing this time next year, or even what gender I would be, for that matter. But in some respects the temporary nature of our friendship made the situation simpler, we both knew where we stood and could enjoy one another’s company for a few weeks without raising any long term expectations
‘So what are your plans for the autumn, Emily?’ he asked me at last.
‘If everything works out ok I want to leave school and study at home for my ‘A’ levels. I also hope to work part-time for my mother.’
‘Don’t you like school?’
‘I enjoy learning about new things, just as I’ve enjoyed learning about Shrewsbury from you tonight. But I didn’t have any friends at home, and I would now be so depressed if I had to go back to being Chris.
‘Will you ever go back to being Chris again?’ he asked.
Now that was a good question, one that I’d been asking myself all week, ever since my conversation with my mother. Yet for some inexplicable reason I now knew the answer. I looked directly into his eyes.
‘No. As far as I’m concerned Chris is finished and I don’t even want to go back to Eastbourne if I can avoid it. There’s nothing for me there. I’m just waiting for my mother to return so that I can start to make Emily a more permanent feature of my life.’
‘What does that mean exactly?’ he asked.
I turned away and looked at the floor.
‘I want to start taking female hormones, and, when I’m old enough, have an operation-to become a real woman.’
I had at last said what had been in my mind for the last two weeks or so.
‘Wow, that sounds quite far-reaching; are you sure?’
‘Yes. I am certain, and become more so with every hour that passes,’ I said quietly.
‘Well good luck to you, if that is what you really want,’ said Rob.
I was in something of a state of shock; after all, I had just spelled out something to this lad, whom I hardly knew, that I had not previously admitted to myself before that point, let alone to my family. We both became quite thoughtful and neither of us said anything for some time, until we reached a café that was open.
‘I’ve been trying to buy you a cappuccino ever since Birmingham New Street Station,’ he said laughing.
‘Alright then,’ I replied.
After a few minutes of talking about nothing in particular, I returned to the subject we’d been discussing before.
‘Rob, for some reason I’ve admitted some things to you this evening which I’ve not yet said to my family. Please don’t say anything about my plans to Geoff until I’ve had a chance to explain the situation to Clare and her family.’
He smiled and took my hand across the coffee table.
‘That’s ok Emily, I promise to be discreet.’
‘Thank you,’ I said, leaving my hand where it was.
I was pleased that Clare had persuaded me to redo my nails before I came out.
We met up with Clare and Geoff, at the time planned, and we agreed to go out as a foursome to see Slumdog Millionaire the following Friday evening, which was the first occasion we all had time off together. Clare suggested that we should also invite Jenny and her boyfriend along as none of us would be working on that evening. This idea suited me as I liked to go out as part of a group and both their boyfriends already knew about my situation and appeared to accept me as Emily without too much awkwardness. The two lads also raised no objection to them joining us, so a text message was duly dispatched. Half an hour later Jenny confirmed that they would be joining us.
As expected, Geoff gave us a lift to Clare’s house, but pulled up just short of the drive, into the unlit lay-by next to the bus stop, where the car could not be seen from the house. Clare and Geoff proceeded to indulge in a passionate embrace in the front seats, ignoring our presence in the seats behind them. Rob smiled, looked a little embarrassed, but put his arm around me. I snuggled up against his body, slipped my hand into his shirt and began to stroke the hair on his chest. For a moment I was sorry that I’d chosen to wear jeans rather than a skirt, as I felt his hand caress my thigh. But perhaps it was just as well; the late night bus suddenly drew up next to the car and its lights illuminated the interior. A couple of Clare’s neighbours alighted. The four of us sat up and straightened our dishevelled clothes. We had no choice but to leave as Aunt Carol would have heard the last bus pull up outside her house and expected us to be on it.
‘Good night Rob,’ I said leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, before I got out, ‘I’ll see you on Friday night.’
Clare and I waved goodbye to the guys and then went in to the house. After a brief chat to Aunt Carol, who was watching television, we both took a mug of coffee up to Clare’s room, to have a chat and compare notes about our evenings.
‘So how did it go Emm?’ she asked as soon as we got to her bedroom.
‘OK, I suppose,’ I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
‘Come on, you can do better than that.’
‘Well he’s good fun to be with, but I have to remember that he’ll only be around for about three or four weeks.’
‘An awful lot can happen in about three or four weeks.’
’You’re right there,’’ I thought to myself remembering just what had happened to my life in the last three or four weeks.
‘It’ll be nice to have someone to go out with for the rest of the summer, particularly as you and Jenny have boyfriends, as long as things don’t get too serious.
‘Yes it does make a difference to have someone special, but Geoff will be returning to his Uni as well mid-way through September, and so life will become pretty bleak again come the Autumn. That’s why I’m hoping that your Mum will move here and then you can remain as Emily and we can continue to be good friends.
‘I would love that to happen,’ I replied.
Before I went to bed that night, I conducted an Internet search about the physiological and psychological effects of taking female hormones, then downloaded and printed off several pages of information. I read them through and put them in my handbag intending to look at them again later. It was clear that if I was going to do so, it would be better for me to start as quickly as possible before my body began to change much more, and I grew to look and sound more like a man. I really enjoyed looking the way I did and the prospect that it would soon change was distasteful. But how would I go about obtaining hormones for myself? The decision to take them would inevitably be a watershed in my life — a point of no return - but I was now quite clear that it was the right thing for me to do. It was just a question of how I would go about explaining that to my mother, aunt and cousins.
(Next time An internet search and a family discussion help me see the way forward.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Chapter 21
My future
I had a second look at the Internet pages that I’d printed out during my break at work on Monday and decided that I needed to conduct further investigations to try and find some means of obtaining the relevant hormones. I’d had hardly had any need to visit our GP practice in Eastbourne during the last few years, and the only other person I knew who had any contact with the medical professions was Karen. I doubted whether she would have any experience in this field, but she was always friendly and understanding of my situation and so it might be worth asking her opinion on the subject. In fact, before I had a chance to discuss the subject with her, events happened which caused her to raise the subject with me.
When we got home from work on Tuesday evening, Clare and I discovered that Karen and Jim had some news for the family. He had been appointed to be a radiographer at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, about fifteen miles away from Shrewsbury. Karen had in turn requested a transfer to the same hospital, which had been granted. Telford was far enough to make daily commuting a pain, particularly as they both worked shifts. The town was a bit of a dump compared to Shrewsbury but, on the other hand, it would be relatively easy for them to find themselves an affordable flat together. They had therefore decided to take the plunge and announce their engagement.
‘Congratulations, so when is the big day?’ asked Clare excitedly giving her sister a hug.
‘Oh it will be at least a year away, maybe even two,’ Karen replied.
‘Will Anne and I get to be your bridesmaids?’
‘I should think so, and maybe Emily too, if she has got herself some real boobs by then,’ she said laughing.
Clare stifled a smirk, and then looked away pretending she hadn’t heard the comment. I went bright red and looked with some alarm across towards Aunt Carol, but fortunately she was in the middle of talking to Jim and neither of them had heard the remark. Karen noticed my embarrassment, looked a little shamefaced and mouthed an apology.
Later that night she came to see me in my bedroom as I was about to get in to bed.
‘I’m sorry Emm, I’d no right to tease you in the way that I did earlier; what you choose to do with your body is your own business. I’d no right to pass comment,’ she said.
‘I don’t think any harm was done; at least your mother didn’t hear,’ I replied. ‘But how did you know I was even thinking about it. I’ve never even discussed the possibility of taking hormones with you or your sisters.’
‘Clare noticed you that you were reading some materials on the subject from the web yesterday, and asked my advice, on how we could best help you.
‘I suppose you’ve all been laughing about me.’
‘No, that’s not true! We all love you very much, Clare especially. If you’ve decided that you wish to live as Emily permanently, that is fine. We’ve just been trying to help you come to terms with your transgenderism, and move forward in whatever way best suits you.’
‘Do you also know about Rob?’
She nodded.
‘Anne and I do, but nobody will say anything to Mum. As far as we’re concerned, if you’ve found someone who accepts you as Emily, that’s great as well, as long as nobody gets hurt.’
In many ways I was relieved that she knew my secrets. I suppose my three cousins were bound to compare notes with one another.
‘So you think that I’m transgendered rather than gay?’
She sighed
‘Emily, look at yourself in the mirror,’ she said with a note of gentle sarcasm. ‘Consider how lovely you look these days and how gracefully you move. Compare how comfortable in your own body you now seem, with the shy and awkward young man who arrived here. I could never think of you as gay man. To me you are a beautiful heterosexual young woman, who has a few medical issues that will need to be corrected in due course.’
I looked away from the mirror down towards the floor. She was right, and there was no point in trying to hide it. I looked like a woman, felt like one and, above all, now wanted to become one in every way I possibly could.
‘I suspected that you were transgendered the first time you came home and showed off your ‘girly’ nail extensions to me,’ continued Karen. ‘I was pretty sure when you let me stick those silicone breast forms on you and we were all absolutely certain after you came and stole the show at Anne’s birthday dinner. But ‘transgendered’ is only a label. It is up to you to decide who or what you are and what you want to do with your life.’
‘I suppose it must be pretty obvious to everyone?’
‘Even Mum now realises that you are happier living as Emily. I know she has had several long telephone conversations with your mum and Gran, and she is doing her best to come to terms with having a niece staying with her.’
‘It sounds as if I have become the family ’problem’’, I said ruefully.
‘Far from it, you’ve been an easy guest and we’ve all been glad to have you stay. You help out with the housework and are fun to have around. Apart from losing your suitcase on the way here, you’ve been no trouble to anyone.’
‘So what do you think I should do now, Karen?’
She sat down on my bed, took my hand and looked me in the eye.
‘The first thing is to make your own mind up whether you wish to spend the remainder of your life as a male or a female. There are some people who are content to exist somewhere in between the two, but I suspect you’re not one of them.’
I shrugged my shoulders.
‘I just feel so much happier as Emily, it seems to go to the heart of my being and I don’t see that ever changing.’
‘Are you sure?’ she asked, again looking directly into my eyes.
‘Absolutely sure, I want to be a woman,’ I answered, returning her gaze.
I felt a wave of relief as I said that to Karen.
‘In that case you should stop pretending to everyone that Emily is here only for a few weeks or just so that you can earn some money. You have just admitted to me that you want to live as Emily full-time; it is now up to you to spell it out to other people — your mum, my mum, my sisters, your employer.’
‘But you just said that they already suspect as much,’ I said.
‘They do, but that is not the same as hearing it from your lips. Tell them how you feel; get them all on your side, and then we can begin to do something about it.’
‘So you think they will understand?’
‘Our mothers grew up in the eighties. They’re bound to have come across transgendered people before. They may not completely understand but I'm sure they will be accepting of your feelings. Even Gran was not unsympathetic.
‘Just now you said that “we can begin to do something about it”, what did you mean?’ I asked.
‘There is a psychotherapist at the hospital that has experience of people with gender identity problems. If you get a letter of authority from your mother I’ll arrange for her to talk to you. She may then refer you to a gender identity clinic in London, and they would be able to prescribe female hormones. In the meanwhile, she may prescribe some testosterone blockers to delay the onset of your male puberty. However you must realise that once you start on hormone therapy it’ll be difficult, perhaps impossible, for you to turn back.’
‘I know Karen, I've been reading all about the subject, but I’d like to do so anyway.’
Once again she looked closely into my eyes. I did my best to show that I was quite certain on this matter.
‘Good!’ she said. ‘In that case you need to talk to your Mum and get that letter. I’ll make the necessary enquiries at work.’
‘Alright, but I’d rather you didn’t say anything to anyone in the family until I’ve had a chance to talk to my Mum.’
‘Don’t leave it too long.’
‘I’ll try and talk to her tomorrow.’
She smiled and looked at me.
‘Maybe you will be able to wear a low-cut bridesmaid’s dress at my wedding, after all’ she said smiling.
‘Thanks, I’d like that too.’
Before I went to bed I sent a text message to Mum, asking her to phone me before I left for work at 10.30 the next day, as there was something important that I needed to discuss.
Mum rang me on my mobile at 9.30 am the next morning and I took the call in my bedroom as I didn’t wish to be overheard by the others.
‘What did you want to discuss with me Emily?’ she asked.
‘You remember that as we parted you said to me that in the longer term I’d have to decide about what I wished to do with my life.’
‘I’ve been thinking about what you said ever since. Mum, I don’t ever want to go back to being Chris. I want to remain as Emily for ever and live my life as a girl, and then a woman. I want to start taking oestrogen right away, and then, when I'm 18 have an operation.
‘Emily, do you understand the implications of what you are saying, of what would happen to you and your body if you took oestrogen?’
‘Yes I've been reading all about it. It is exactly what I want.’
Our telephone conversation must have cost Mum a fortune as it was nearly an hour of probing on her part and her seeking re-assurance that I knew what I was doing before she eventually agreed to write the letter that I would need to show to a therapist to begin my transition. She only agreed to do so because I told her that if I left things for too long puberty would begin to alter my body and make the process more difficult and in any event it would be some time after I saw the doctor before I actually started taking the hormones. I promised to email to her several web pages so that she too could read up on the subject.
‘If I agree to write the letter you ask, there’s something I want you to do for me in return, Emily.’
‘What’s that Mum?’
‘I’m not happy with the idea of your giving up school and studying at home, although I accept that you were unhappy as things stood and I don’t think there would be any point in me trying to force you to go back there against your will. I've spoken to your Aunt and she has offered to let you continue living with her and your cousins until I’ve had a chance to sell our house in Eastbourne and arrange to move to Shropshire. She suggested that you could join the sixth form in Clare’s school, but I wonder whether a further education college might be better for you. I’ve looked up the web site for Shrewsbury College; they have nearly a hundred courses for 14-19 year old school leavers, both academic subjects to enable you to go on to university but also vocational studies.’
‘You mean for me to start a course as Emily?’
‘Yes; I suppose I do. You would have to notify the college authorities of your true situation, but if you are undergoing therapy I believe they will be sympathetic. At least they claim to be committed to equality and diversity. Their web page specifically states that it would not be acceptable for students or staff to discriminate against others on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender.’
‘Isn’t it now too late to apply for this year?’ I asked.
‘No, I've been in touch with them and they would be willing to accept applications from school leavers once you know your GCSE results.’
The idea of my becoming a student and mixing with others my own age, rather than staying home and studying on my own had its attractions. I was now fairly confident that I would be able to pass successfully as a girl, particularly if I was also undergoing hormone therapy at the same time.
‘So how would you feel about staying where you are for a few more weeks until I find somewhere for us to live?’
‘I would love to Mum.’
‘In that case I’d like you to have a look at their prospectus, and let me know what you think, but you will not have much time to make your mind up,’ she replied.
I didn’t say anything about my plans or Mum’s suggestion to Clare and her sisters but during the afternoon Jenny and I happened to be working together and so I asked he what she knew about ‘Shrewsbury College,’
‘As far as I know it has a good reputation, in fact I've been thinking about leaving the sixth form and starting a BTEC National Diploma in Fashion there instead. I think that might be more useful to me in the future,’ she said.
‘I can see that a course like that would suit you, but are there any other courses that might suit someone like me?’ I asked.
‘Does that mean that you are planning to stay in Shrewsbury and go to college?’
‘Possibly, but it rather depends on my ‘O’ level results and upon finding a course that would suit me and also be acceptable to my mother,’
‘Well there are courses in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapies, or more academic courses in computing and I.T., or law. You could even do a diploma in travel and tourism. I hope you do find something, it would be great to have a friend studying at the college’
Hairdressing and Beauty Therapies, was tempting, but I didn't think Mum would be too impressed. However, travel and tourism also sounded interesting, I had visions of myself as a travel rep or an air stewardess or perhaps I could even begin a career in the hospitality industries. My experience working as a waitress had shown me that there were plenty of opportunities in this field.
‘Jenny I would rather you didn’t say anything for the time being, at least until I get my ‘O’ level examination results in about ten days-time.’
That evening I looked up the College’s online prospectus, and read their published equality and diversity policy. Mum was right, if I were undergoing therapy then they would be bound to allow me to attend college as Emily. It would be really great to start my education afresh, but this time as a girl, and then I could either help Mum or work for Joyce in my spare time. I also spoke briefly to Karen in her room and told her about my conversation with Mum.
‘Good! I have had an informal conversation with a therapist at work and she will arrange to see you as soon as you have the letter from your mother. In the meanwhile, you may begin to take one of these testosterone blockers a day, she said handing me a strip of seven tablets.
‘What are they?’
‘They’re not female hormones and won’t start turning you into a woman or cause any permanent changes to your body. But they will prevent your natural testosterone from turning you into a man, at least whilst you continue to take them. In effect, they will delay your puberty until you are prescribed some oestrogen.’
‘Thanks,’ I said swallowing the first tablet. Will I be able to get some more.’
‘Your therapist will prescribe them for you once you start to see her. Don’t expect to feel any changes.’
‘No but it will be good to know that my voice won’t suddenly break or I start to grow hair on my chin,’ I replied.
‘Once you get your letter from your mother, I suggest you should arrange to speak to my sisters and mother and also perhaps your friend Jenny. See them all together and tell them exactly what the situation is, and answer any questions they may have.’
(Next time I organise a family conference.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing (and also for drumming up some comments last week). Thanks also to those who have commented in the past. I always take note of them.
Chapter 22
A family conference
‘Alright I’ll try and get you an appointment at her clinic next week, but when will you tell the others what you are doing?’ she asked.
‘As soon as I can get everybody together in one place.’
‘What about tonight, before we all go out?’
‘Clare and I will be going to see a film and have to leave at six thirty.’
‘Check with Anne, but I think everyone should be at home around five thirty you will only need an hour,’ she said.
‘Alright but I'll have to get myself ready early.’
She chuckled.
‘After all you want to look your best for that boyfriend of yours.’
I did some ringing round and discovered that, unusually, everyone in the house was expected to be home by five thirty that evening. This would give me enough time to make my announcement and answer any questions before Clare and I were due to leave for the cinema.
I therefore spoke to Clare and Jenny together.
‘There’s something important that I want to tell everyone this afternoon and so I would like to organise a chat with everybody, including you Jenny. Can I see you both at five-thirty this afternoon?’ I asked. ‘
‘I suppose so but what’s it all about?’ asked Clare.
‘I’d prefer to tell everyone together, if that’s ok’ I replied.
‘My Mum’s going out to a job at about four-thirty, but I suppose I could ask her to give me a lift over and then get changed and put on my makeup at your place,’ she said.
‘You can do it in my room, and we’ll leave Emily to prepare for this mysterious meeting on her own,’ suggested Clare
‘I’ll ring Aunt Carol to tell her that you’re coming as well; I’m sure she won’t mind,’ I said.
Aunt Carol was also intrigued as to the purpose of the conference, when I told her, but she too agreed to wait until the afternoon to find out.
On that day we had finished work and cleared away by three o’clock and so we had a little spare time to ourselves before we needed to get ready. Aunt Carol was out somewhere and Clare took the opportunity to phone a school friend she hadn’t seen for some time and tell her about Geoff. I looked in my wardrobe wondering what to wear, and noticed the plastic bag containing the few clothes that Chris had been wearing when he arrived early in July. They seemed out of place and a reminder of my forme life. A hundred yards or so from my Aunt’s house there was a pub which had a number of recycling containers in its car park, including one for clothes and textiles. I picked up the carrier bag and slipped out of the house and a few minutes later placed it in the container. That was the end of Chris, at least so far as my life in Shrewsbury was concerned, and I was quite determined that my future would be there. It was just a pair of jeans, a cotton-shirt, trainers and some underclothes, some of which Emily might possibly have worn, but I wanted to be rid of them. My action symbolised that there was no going back for me now, whatever anyone might say tonight. I returned to the house and was pleased that nobody had noticed my absence.
Jenny arrived at 4.30, as promised, and was invited into Clare’s room to get herself ready. This also suited me, I preferred to be alone with my thoughts on this occasion. I quickly showered and washed my hair, checking that the extensions were still firmly attached. I also carefully examined my breast forms. They were ok, for the time being at least, but I felt a bit of a fraud. I really wanted my own breasts and wondered how long it would be before the hormones had their desired effect after they had been prescribed. It was going to be a year at least before I could even think about ditching the breast forms.
Once I was dry I ensured that my penis and testicles were tucked away safely, and then put on the new peach coloured teddy that Rob had given to me for my birthday, and a new pair of tights. The American girl had left a dark red rah-rah skirt and matching sleeveless crop top, both of which had come back into fashion recently. I had not really had any chance to wear them before but it was a hot day, and, what the hell, I was a sixteen-year —old experimenting with my look. I tried them on but didn't really have the hips for the skirt to look its best. I therefore undressed and taped on the strips of padding that Jenny had provided for me when I went to Anne’s birthday meal. I was just fixing my makeup when Karen arrived home at five fifteen and called in to see me.
‘Wow, you look sexy tonight where are you planning to go.’
‘Six of us are going to see Slumdog Millionaire, at Cineworld.’
‘Well take care with that new boyfriend, you look quite ‘hot’ in that outfit.’
‘I chose it because the weather was so hot today, but don’t worry Rob has promised to be a perfect gentleman.’
‘That’s what they all say. Does he know about Chris?’
‘Yes he does and it doesn’t seem to worry him, but it’s nothing serious, just a summer friendship.’
‘Alright, but be careful young lady.’
I coloured, knowing that although I was not yet prepared to have sex with a guy I would be quite disappointed if we didn't at least indulge in some petting during the course of the evening.
‘I will.’
Karen proceeded to raise the main subject on her mind.
‘I’ve made an appointment for you to see Dr Jane Morrison at her clinic on Tuesday at 4.10 pm, so make sure that you can have the time off work. She has some experience in treating young transgenders, like yourself. Even in a sleepy town like Shrewsbury there are two or three others currently undergoing transition and quite a number of people happily living in their new genders. I think you’ll find her to be understanding. The main thing is to be honest with her about how you feel, to listen to what she has to say and not to be in too much of a hurry. I’ve spoken to her about you and she’s quite happy for you to continue taking the testosterone blockers, so here’s another week’s supply. She’ll probably give you a prescription when you see her.’
‘Thanks for everything, Karen.’
‘I understand we’re all meeting shortly.’
‘Yes; as just soon as Anne gets back from work.’
‘Good, be open, honest, but above all, be decisive. It’s your life, your body, and your decision. I believe everyone will respect that.’
At five thirty I entered the lounge where my three cousins, aunt and friend were all sitting waiting for me. I was feeling more than a little nervous, but nevertheless quite sure about what I wanted to say.
‘Thanks everyone for giving me your time. I’ve asked you here as there’s something I need to say and I felt it might be better if I said it to you all together rather than individually. As I’ve said to some of you before, these last five weeks living as Emily have been the happiest weeks of my life, and I’d like to thank everyone here for making that possible. My mind has been in turmoil, mainly because I’ve been enjoying myself so much. Living and working as a girl has felt so right for me; for the first time in my life I‘ve felt really good about myself. I’ve spoken to you all individually at different times about how I feel, and I’ve also spoken to my Mum and our Gran recently; these conversations have helped me to come to a decision about my future. I can see clearly now that this is how I want to spend the rest of my life. I’ve told Mum that I never want to go back to living as Chris. As soon as possible I want to start taking the female hormones that’ll gradually provide me with a woman’s body. I also intend to change my name in due course and by the time I’m eighteen I shall seek legal recognition as a woman and get a passport and driving licence as Emily. I can’t say whether I shall one day seek surgery; I suspect I may do so, but if I do it won’t be until after I am eighteen. In the meanwhile I am absolutely certain that this is the right course for me.’
Nobody said a word in response. Perhaps they were stunned by the last admission. I therefore continued with my announcement.
‘Mum has agreed for us to move to Shrewsbury during the autumn, and she wants me to start a course at Shrewsbury College. I believe that I’ll obtain the necessary GCSE grades and will know for certain in just over a week. I also understand that Aunt Carol is prepared to let me remain staying here until Mum has found somewhere for the two of us to live. Over the next few weeks I shall be doing everything I can to try and forget that there was ever a person called Christopher Nicholson and shall seek to build a new life for Emily. I’m truly grateful for all the support, love and friendship I’ve received from you, and I hope that I may continue to do so. That’s all I have to say.
I looked around, and then demurely sat down, waiting for the response. Aunt Carol was the first to speak.
‘I think we all accepted your wish to remain living as Emily for a few more weeks and I am sure we will all support you in whatever you decide, but what you are proposing would be irrevocable. Sixteen years old is very young to be making such a life changing decision, and five weeks experience living as a girl is a very short time to be making up your mind.’
‘I know, but I’ve known for years that something wasn’t right with my life. The last five weeks have shown me exactly what was wrong. The longer I leave it the more difficult it will be for me to make the physical transition. That’s why I’ve asked Karen to organise an appointment for me next week.’
Aunt Carol looked sharply at her elder daughter, who intervened on my behalf.
‘Mum, I think Em is just saying that she has decided to embark upon a journey of discovery. It will be several weeks, perhaps months, before she does anything that is irrevocable. That will only happen if an experienced therapist is convinced that she knows what she is doing. She will also have her mother to advise her.’
‘So you think it is a good idea?’ said Aunt Carol to Karen.
‘I think it is a good idea for her to undergo therapy as quickly as possible. I suspect the outcome may be that she does ultimately decide to live as a woman full-time, but that will be up to her, her therapist, and her mother if she is still under 18.’
‘But in the end it’s my decision,’ I added.
‘What do the others think?’ asked Carol.
‘I have never thought of Emily as anything but a girl ever since we began to work together,’ said Clare. ‘I simply cannot now picture her as a boy.’
‘I agree,’ added Jenny. ‘I’ve never see Chris, and it now would seem very strange to me if I did so. I regard Emily as a girl friend and colleague.’
‘I think when we had my birthday meal it was clear to everyone that Emily was more comfortable living in the female gender, and everything that’s happened since then has reinforced that opinion,’ said Anne.
‘Aunt Carol, my mind is made up, and I have Mum’s permission to begin the process. I hope you can accept that, and I hope you’ll let me continue to stay for a while,’ I said.
‘I’m hardly going to turn out my own niece into the street. If you are quite certain, then so be it. Good luck to you.’
‘Thanks Aunt Carol.’
‘However, whilst your mother’s away, I’m responsible for your welfare, and I don’t want you going out in that short skirt tonight. I feel you should put on something a little more modest.’
‘Mum, rah-rah skirts are in fashion again this year,’ protested Clare.
‘It might be ok if you were all going out cheerleading to a football game, but not if you’re going to the cinema, and particularly if there will be young men present.’
I blushed, but I suppose Aunt Carol had a point. She’d just given way on one difficult decision, I’m sure that I could accept her verdict on this point. I left the room to go and change into a longer skirt, knowing that it would also provide them with a good opportunity to discuss what I’d just said among themselves.
I returned after ten minutes having changed into a skirt that came just above my knees. The family discussion was just breaking up and Karen and Anne was just leaving the room.
‘Well done Em, I think you handled that pretty well,’ said Karen.
‘Thank you both for speaking up for me,’ I replied.
‘No problem,’ said Anne. ‘Now I think it might be time to go and tell Gran about your decision. Are you free on Sunday?’
‘I’ll ask Joyce if I can have the day off,’ I said.
Aunt Carol, Clare and Jenny were still in the front room. I presented myself in my new outfit for inspection by Aunt Carol and received her approval and gave a little curtsey.
‘You look very pretty, as usual, Emily, but one of the things about being a young woman is in knowing what’s appropriate in terms of dress. You’re too young to be trying to drive the boys wild.’
‘What made you think we were planning to go out with lads tonight?’
‘Because I’m not stupid, and have already brought up three daughters, so just watch your step miss.’
Since there was no point in keeping up the pretence any longer, Clare arranged for Geoff and Rob to collect us at the house. Ken worked in the town centre and had arranged to meet us at the cinema. We therefore had fifteen minutes to spare and so the three of us went up to Clare’s bedroom for a talk.
‘That is really good news Emily, now I’ll have a friend to go to college with next year,’ said Jenny.
‘Thanks to both of you for standing up for me earlier,’ I said.
‘You are most welcome, but I think you should have held out for the rah-rah skirt,’ said Clare.
‘Perhaps, but there is only so much that your mother can accept at one sitting.’
‘Are you going to tell the guys tonight?’ asked Jenny.
‘I don’t intend to make an issue out of it and I wouldn’t want you to do so, but if it should come up in conversation, I am now officially a pre-operative transsexual in the course of my transition.’
Inevitably I had to answer a series of further questions from my friends about my plans and the reaction of my mother, but they were both entirely supportive of my decision and professed themselves to be looking forward to the continuation of our friendship.
When the car did pull up Aunt Carol made a point of coming out to meet Rob for the first time. I was a little anxious that she might say something to embarrass me, but she was ok, with just the parting reminder to him of ‘look after my niece, she is only just sixteen.’
I don’t need to go into a lot of detail about what happened during the course of Friday evening (or indeed on the seven or eight other occasions that Rob and I went out together over the next three and a half weeks). It is enough to say that I was sixteen and Rob was nineteen and to some extent we were both learning how to be intimate with one another without going too far. In the event, the cinema was quite full and it turned out to be an interesting film so we just held hands during the show. I was a little wary of showing too much passion in front of the others. Rob didn’t seem to worry too much, and Jenny and Clare always treated me as they did one another, but I was self-conscious in front of Geoff and Ken. It was not that they disrespected me — if anything they seemed a little bit in awe of me — but I was still not entirely at ease in their presence. However although nothing much happened in the cinema, I suppose we reached number 6 on Georgia Nicolson’s ‘Snogging Scale’* in the backseat of Geoff’s father’s car before going in that night, Clare and Geoff were otherwise engaged in the front seats. This was not bad going given that Chris had never even made it as far as number 1 on the scale. (Clare reached 7, but then she was older and a lot more experienced than I was.)
*See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Snogging%20Scale
(Next time I have my first appointment with the therapist.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Please note I shall be overseas from tomorrow until 18th June, moving from place to place. I hope to continue my weekly posting during this period but they may become a little erratic, and responses to any PMs may take a little longer. Louise
Chapter 23
My first appointment with a therapist
I also explained to Joyce my intentions to remain in Shrewsbury and undergo formal transition to become a woman. She didn't seem at all surprised or fazed by the news and so no doubt she had already discussed my situation with her daughter. Nevertheless she did take twenty minutes to have a chat with me, asking if it was what I really wanted to do, and was not just a phase that I might grow out of. She meant well, but I was a little put out that she could think that I would make such a momentous decision on the basis of a whim. I did my best to explain to her my resolution and seriousness of mind without losing my cool. Having things out in the open did at least enable me to raise the issue of possible evening and weekend work beyond the end of August with her and also to ask to rearrange my working hours on Tuesday afternoon, when I was due to have my first appointment at the Hospital. She promised to consider me, but thought it best to wait and see exactly what I was going to be doing after the summer, before committing herself.
I was feeling increasingly nervous about the prospect of my first appointment as the weekend went on. Would the therapist take me seriously? Would she insist on my waiting until I was eighteen? However, I was now quite determined about the outcome. I would try and go through the formal channels and co-operate with their requirements as much as possible, but there was no way that I would ever now revert to living as Chris. If necessary I would have to seek medication on the internet.
On Monday evening Rob and Geoff had got themselves involved in playing some mindless games involving bats, balls and a net. Clare went along to watch them, no doubt excited by the prospect of watching perspiring guys in shorts, but that did nothing for me. I would rather sit at home and watch my nail varnish dry. In any event I was far too wound up by the prospects for the following day to think about other things. I think my elder cousins noticed as before going out themselves they came to my room for an hour to help me choose what I should wear for the occasion, as a way of taking my mind off other matters.
‘Look for something fairly smart, but not too girly,’ said Karen. Remember that you want to impress her with what a sensible, level headed, and above all convincing, young woman you are, but also bear in mind, that she may want to examine you or request some fluid samples for testing.’
‘I don’t exactly feel particularly level-headed or sensible at present,’ I replied. ‘More like a silly little schoolgirl.’
‘Don’t worry we all had to go through the silly schoolgirl stage before we became the mature women that we now are,’ commented Anne ruefully.
‘It is not too late to change your mind if you are having second thoughts, Emily’ said Karen.
‘Oh no! Don’t get me wrong. I’m not having second thoughts about my transition. I know this is what I have to do if I am going to be happy in my future life. I just wish the process of getting there could be easier.’
‘In that case you don’t need to worry; you’ll be fine, just remember everything that we have told you.’
Clare, Jenny and I were due to serve a buffet at an outdoor reception over Tuesday lunchtime, but there would be time afterwards for me to go back to the office, get changed and make myself presentable for my appointment. As I opened my locker at work I noticed there was a small card inside. It was just a cheap greetings card with a simple ‘Good luck’ message inside but it had been signed by my three cousins, my Aunt, by Jenny and her mother. Fortunately, I was alone when I discovered it and so nobody saw me wipe the tears from my eye and blow my nose. Nobody could ask for kinder and more supportive friends and relations.
I went along to Dr Morrison’s clinic the following afternoon, clutching an appointment card and my mother’s letter. I was still feeling very nervous, suspecting that everyone in the hospital must know all about me. I never felt this way these days when I was at work or out in the street. I handed the card to a middle-aged nurse on duty. She ticked my name off a list and asked me to wait. I had another look at my ‘Good luck card’ but put it away unless it made me emotional again and I spoiled my makeup. Instead I picked up an old copy of a woman’s fashion magazine from a pile and pretended to read, so I would not need to make eye-contact with anyone else in the waiting room. The minutes ticked past, and various names called. I began to wish that I had gone to the loo, although I realised that this was a nervous reaction rather than a physical need. Eventually there was a call for ‘Miss Nicholson’. For half a second I was taken by surprise — nobody had ever called me that before - but then I realised it was me and gathered up my handbag and went into the consulting room.
Dr Morrison was a motherly looking woman in her early fifties. She smiled as I entered the room and invited me to take a seat. I sat down carefully, smoothing my skirt as I did so, and ensuring that I kept my knees together.
‘So what can I do for you young lady?’ she asked.
I had rehearsed my opening line.
‘I was born a boy, but cannot bear to live as one any longer. I hope that you will help me to become a girl.’
She did not bat an eyelid. It was as if I had just made the most natural request in the world.
‘In that case you had better tell me a little bit about your background and how long you have been living as a girl,’ she replied in a kindly voice.
I told her my story about losing my suitcase, and working as a waitress, and how for the first time in my life I’d felt really happy, and that after discussion with my relatives had decided that I wished to begin transition to be able to live as a girl full-time. I also told her about how unhappy I was at school, my insecurity and my lack of friends, compared with my new social circle. I embroidered my account a little bit by saying that I had felt for some time that I should have been a girl. I also told her that I had wanted to leave school but my mother was anxious for me to continue with my education, and so we had considered the option of my taking a college course as a girl. I then handed over my mother’s letter, which was supportive of my wish to begin therapy although expressing some concerns about my future.
At various points in my account she interrupted with questions or requests for clarification.
‘Exactly how long have you known that you wanted to be a girl?’ she asked at one point.
‘I suppose I was about eleven when I first realised, although I have always known that something was not quite right with my life,’ I replied.
The first part of that was embroidery, but I believe the second part was true. I chose eleven as I had read one account that this was the age that many children discover their yearning to change gender, although in other cases it might be as young as three or four.
‘In what way do you feel different when you are dressed as Emily?’ she asked.
This was a difficult one; I shrugged my shoulders, brushed some stray hairs away from my face, and then looked down and examined my manicured nails. (I’d deliberately chosen a fairly subdued colour of nail varnish.) She waited patiently for me to answer, which took some time to put into words.
‘I just feel more like me. I somehow feel more comfortable and more confident living and working as a girl than ever I did as a boy. It’s as if I was always meant to be this way,’ I said.
My answer must have sounded a little lame, or at least it did so to me, but she smiled and nodded and continued taking notes.
Next she wanted to know where I was living. Where were my parents? What were their feelings about my transition? Did I have any siblings? She spent some time asking about my relations (or lack of them) with my father, but I told her that I had not seen him since I was three years old, that he now lived in Australia with a new family and that I’d had no contact with him. She then probed my relationship with my mother; how did I feel about her going abroad for the summer? Did I feel abandoned by her? I carefully explained that it was in connection with my mother’s business and that I entirely understood why she needed to be away.
Dr Morrison asked me about my summer job, my friends and the College course that I wanted to take. Regarding the latter, I was glad that I’d spent some time looking it up on the website the previous weekend as I could speak with some knowledge and enthusiasm. I told her that I had ambitions of one day becoming a hotel manageress; the idea of being an air stewardess sounded a little too girly, and I wanted to come over as being a ’serious minded young woman’.
Finally, she questioned me about what I knew about transgenderism and the process of transition, and was clearly impressed that I had done some background work. I did not say too much about taking hormones as I did not want to appear too eager. I did however make it clear that my long-term goal would be full and permanent transition with eventual surgical intervention when I was eighteen. Eventually after about forty minutes she finished taking notes and put her pen down. She must have filled two sides of A4 paper with her closely written notes.
‘Well Emily, I must say that you come over as a thoughtful and convincing young woman. I would be willing to take you on as my patient, but I should warn you that it will be some weeks and several appointments between ourselves and later with your mother before we begin to consider hormone therapy. It is only when I am sure that you are mature enough to understand the implications of what you are proposing to do, and have the support of your mother, will I agree to proceed. You are, after all, still very young.’
‘Thank you very much,’ I replied quietly.
She continued with her preliminary assessment.
‘In the meanwhile I am prepared to continue to prescribe you with testosterone blockers you have been taking. These will remove any urgency concerning the physical changes affecting your body, which might otherwise influence your decision. I am also willing to write a letter to your college explaining that you are undergoing medical and psychological treatment for gender dysphoria, which requires you to live as a female. At least you will be able to continue with your education during your transition.’
‘Thank you Dr Morrison, I could not ask for more at this stage. When do you want to see me again?’
‘I’ll ask the Secretary to arrange an appointment in about a month’s time, by that time the issue of your continuing education should be resolved and your mother will have returned to the UK.’ You may contact my secretary if you wish me to write a letter to the College Principal.’
I got up to go out. It seemed she did not want me to produce any bodily fluids on this occasion — no doubt they would come later,
‘These tablets should not have any effects other than to delay your puberty. If you should later decide to stop taking them your body’s natural testosterone will gradually begin to re-assert itself,’ she said handing me a prescription. ‘If you took them for too long they could impact on your fertility, but there is plenty of time before that becomes an issue and there are a number of other things that we will need to discuss.
I took the prescription, thanked her again and left the consulting room. I was feeling utterly drained by having answered so many questions, yet also elated by the news. I therefore went the hospital café to have a drink and to sit and take stock of what had just happened to me. It was just over six weeks since I arrived in Shrewsbury and yet my life had been turned upside down and inside out in a way that I could not have foreseen, but welcomed nevertheless.
I drafted a text message to send to all those who had signed my card and my mother.
1st appt now over — not as bad as I 4t. Dr v. nice & will help, but transition will take some time. Luv Em. xx
So it was official. I was now embarking on the greatest adventure of my life. The prospect was exciting, and perhaps also a little frightening, but as I overcame each hurdle, I was increasingly sure that it was the right thing for me to do.
I supposed it was inevitable that I’d have to submit to a number of ‘inquests’ concerning my appointment with Dr Nicholson, by my colleagues at work, my elder cousins, my aunt, and later on my mother. By the end of the week I must have gone over the details of our interview a half dozen times and perhaps as many times again in my own mind. But I never doubted the wisdom of what I was planning. I had the feeling that I was making the final preparations to begin a long and exciting journey. I knew exactly where I wanted to go and had found myself a guide. It was now just a question of getting the paperwork sorted and breaking the news to the remaining members of my family — most notably my Gran.
The remainder of that week was spent on a mixture of working for Joyce, catching up with various chores at home, and going out with Rob a couple of times. Having once admitted my plans to Rob, I did not discuss them with him anymore. I would have been prepared to do so but he did not ask. He just accepted me as I was, which was fine by me. I think we both realised that it was a summer romance to be enjoyed whilst it lasted, but not to get too close in case one or other of us should get hurt. The fact that he was now able to visit the house, from time to time, provided us with further opportunities to get to know one another so that we eventually achieved a 7 on the Snogging Scale*, but Rob was true to his word and we left it at that. This was just as well, as there were times when I was not sure that I would have had the staying power to withstand a sustained assault on my virtue. Having a boyfriend seemed to raise my status as a girl when we went out together. Other girls of my own age appeared to notice and respect me more, and some of the other waitresses would stop to chat at work, especially if they had seen us out together.
Shrewsbury was not a particularly large town, which for the present was one of its attractions. However, that small town friendliness could change once my transgendered status became more widely known. But for the moment no-one knew outside my immediate circle of family and friends. I realised that I was probably living in a honeymoon period and that things would be more difficult in future, but for the time being life was great and I felt more ready to face potential difficulties as Emily, than as Chris.
*See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Snogging%20Scale
(Next time I have to keep Gran up to date with my plans.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Please note I am currently overseas and, moving from place to place. I hope to continue my weekly posting during this period but they may become a little erratic, and responses to any PMs may take a little longer. Louise
Chapter 24
Facing up to adversity
Although there was plenty of traffic on the roads, which slowed us down, the cross-country journey to Sheffield turned out to be good fun. Anne had borrowed her mother’s car and drove Clare and me. We gossiped more or less continuously throughout the almost three-hour journey, and so the time passed comparatively quickly. The absence of our respective boyfriends gave us plenty to talk and laugh about on a subject other than my transition, which was a relief to me, as I was beginning to get bored with answering the same questions. There seemed to be so many more interesting things to talk about as a young woman: our feelings and emotions; our relationships; how we looked, and what we liked to wear. These were all subjects that men would instinctively avoid and rather talk about mind-numbing topics such as politics, football or cars. Clare and Anne had treated me as a girl since the day after my arrival in Shrewsbury, but now having an acknowledged boyfriend things were somehow different; I now felt more of an equal and able to contribute to their conversation. Of course there were some topics that I could never share with them — menstrual flows or the inconveniences of PMT, but in a funny sort of way I felt privileged that my cousins chose to discuss these subjects in my company without them feeling any awkwardness. It was as if I were being drawn further into the sisterhood.
We arrived in Sheffield just in time for lunch. Gran was looking a lot better than she did when I’d last seen her three weeks before; much more like her old self. She had also regained something of her former character, which at times could include an ironic sense of humour.
‘You are looking very pretty today, Emily,’ she greeted me smiling.
‘Thanks, Gran,’ I replied giving her a kiss.
‘Perhaps you could give a few fashion hints to your cousins,’ she added in a voice just loud enough for me to hear. I blushed as she proceeded to greet my companions.
Inevitably, the state of her health and her prospects for a complete recovery were our first topic of conversation. She proudly demonstrated that she was beginning to regain some of the movement that she had lost as a result of her stroke, although she was still reliant on a walking stick and would be for some time to come. The main thing was that she had regained a degree of her independence around the home and could look after herself, although would continue to need help with such things as shopping. She had even cooked a simple lunch for us all.
Clare and I served the meal and then we all sat down to discuss Karen’s good news and the fact that she was in process of moving to Telford that weekend. Gran asked how Anne and Clare were getting on and whether Aunt Carol had recovered from her enforced time away in July. We also spoke briefly about the work that Clare and I were doing, and then Mum’s business venture and our plans to relocate to Shrewsbury when she returned to the UK. Surprisingly, the one topic that was not raised was my recent hospital appointment, although I could not believe that she was unaware of what had taken place. The lines of communication in our family were perpetually buzzing. Eventually, after the meal was over Gran turned to my cousins.
‘Anne, would you and Clare do me a favour and go to the supermarket to get some shopping please? It’ll be more convenient as you have your mother’s car. I don’t like to keep asking the neighbours for their help.’
My two cousins readily agreed and were presented with a longish shopping list together with my grandmother’s purse.
‘I’ll come as well,’ I said.
‘No Emily, I would like you would stay and help me to clear up, there are also one or two things I want to talk to you about,’ she said.
That sounded ominous; but I couldn’t very well refuse. I therefore began clearing the dishes from the table whilst my cousins went out. As soon as they had left I began to wash up and she sat at the kitchen table drying them. After a little while she spoke.
‘I’ve been hearing about your plans to become Emily full-time from your mother and your aunt, and I must say that I am rather worried by what I’ve heard.
‘But I thought you’d be on my side, Gran, until now you’ve been quite positive about my living as Emily,’ I replied.
Gran sighed.
‘Emily, I’m on your side, and I want you to be happy in your life, but don’t you think you’re rather young to be making changes to your body, that you won’t be able to reverse?
‘If I don’t start making those changes soon, then my body will start to make its own changes which I will not be able to reverse,’ I answered.
‘Couldn’t you wait until you are a little older before deciding how to spend the remainder of your life?’’
It was a fair point, particularly now that I was taking the testosterone blockers, but it had taken a lot of determination to reach this point and I was clear in my own mind about what I wanted to do. I decided not to mention the tablets.
‘No Gran, I’m afraid not. I need to start my transition as soon as possible if I am going to be able to pass successfully as a woman in the future. If I leave it too long, I will start to look like a man in a dress, and then will never be able to be acknowledged as a woman.’
‘But you already look like an attractive young woman, without taking any hormones.’
I looked away feeling pleased but a little embarrassed by her comment.
‘Maybe but that won’t always be the case. In any event I don’t feel like a woman, with all this padding.’
‘I find that difficult to believe just by looking at you now, you look so lovely these days,’ she replied.
I didn’t answer, not knowing what to say. After a moment’s silence Gran returned to the offensive
‘But suppose you were to change your mind after a year or so?’
Why do people always assume that I’m going to change my mind? I asked myself.
‘Believe me Gran, this is not a game or a whim. I won’t change my mind,’ I said now looking straight in her eyes. ‘I may only have decided over the last couple of weeks, but I have never been so certain of anything in my life. This is who I want to be. In any event, my therapist will not let me proceed with taking female hormones unless she is convinced that I know what I’m doing and that it’s the right thing for me.’
‘But you may want to get married one day,’
‘Once I have lived as a woman for two years it will be possible for me to change my gender officially and then get married, if I find the right man.’
She winced slightly as I said this; I am not sure this was what she’d had in mind.
‘But what about children?’
‘I don’t think medical science has advanced that far,‘ I replied, deliberately misunderstanding her.
She sighed.
‘I meant the prospect of you fathering children.’
That prospect doesn’t seem very likely or particularly desirable to me at the moment. How could I be a father figure to children when I look, act and feel the way I do?’ However, this will be one of the things my therapist will want to discuss with me before we proceed.’
She sighed again. I finished the washing up, and then began to put the dishes away in the cupboard. In the meanwhile she made us both a cup of tea and we went to continue our conversation in the living room.
Clare and Anne were gone for nearly an hour and a half; throughout that time Gran kept up a barrage of questions and potential objections to my plan. She did not do so in a nasty or aggressive way, more in the nature of asking whether I had thought about the implications and potential difficulties of what I was planning. What was going to happen about my schooling? Where would I live whilst I was undergoing the transition? Would there be any side effects to taking hormones? How would I react when people reacted negatively to me as a transsexual? What job would I do? Where would it all end?’ I didn’t think she was ready to discuss the possibility of an operation, and it was some years away, so I just said that I didn’t know. She even tried a little bit of emotional blackmail: how did I feel about depriving my mother of grandchildren?’ I tried my best to answer her questions with calmness and resolution, demonstrating that I had already considered many of these issues. I also stressed that it was my life, and that I knew my mind. I tried to explain that any attempt to try and live as a man once more would be quite intolerable. I did not mention the word ‘suicide’ as I did not wish to appear melodramatic but I tried to convey the impression that I could not now bear to go back to living as Chris. I had the impression that if I could just get through this interview without losing my temper or dissolving into tears, I would be able to cope with anything my therapist, my mother, aunt, or the world could throw at me in the future.
After a while our conversation seemed to be going round in circles. She had asked all the questions that she had and I had answered them as fully and honestly as I could, without giving way.
‘Gran, I know that what I am doing must seem incomprehensible to you, but you must trust me that I know what is right for me‘.
She sighed and visibly relaxed and smiled at me. She took my hand and squeezed it.
‘Alright Emily, I am now convinced that you have thought about what you are doing, and that it is probably right for you. I’ll never again question you motives or the wisdom of your choice. I must now endeavour to forget that I ever had a grandson and welcome Emily as a permanent feature of the family.’
I was relieved that her opposition was now over and for the first time that day I lost control, and began to cry.
‘Oh Gran, I am sorry if I am going to disappoint you.’
‘Emily please don’t ever think of yourself as a disappointment to me, or to anyone else. I love having granddaughters and will now have one more. I am sorry if I have cross-examined you, but I wanted to be sure that you were doing the right thing for your sake.’
‘I realise that you only want what is best for me, but you must understand that Chris was truly unhappy as a boy’ I replied giving her a hug.
‘Alright, I may not fully understand, but I will always be proud to have you as my granddaughter.’
‘I believe that Mum and Aunt Carol both understand why I must become a woman,’
‘Maybe I will as well one day, and there are also your three cousins. It looks as if you will have plenty of allies, but I suspect you may come across plenty of difficulties as well in the coming months.’
I know that,’ I replied.
Gran smiled.
‘I was going to say that I hope to live long enough to see you become a beautiful young woman, but just looking at you I now realise that you’ve already achieved that.’
I just had time to dry my eyes, wash my face and repair my makeup before Anne and Clare returned with the shopping. In the meanwhile Gran had laid the table for a simple tea before we left. No further reference was made to our conversation and over tea I spoke about my impending exam results and the course I hoped to do at college.
‘Did she give you much of a grilling whilst we were gone?’ asked Anne as we were driving home.
‘We guessed as much, that’s why we took our time with the shopping, to give her plenty of time to give you a thorough going over,’ said Clare joking.
‘Thanks a lot!’ I responded.
‘What was the outcome?’ asked Anne.
‘It took a bit of time to win her over, but I do believe that she now completely accepts that she has a fourth granddaughter and no longer has a grandson. She has promised not to raise the matter again.’
‘So what’s next on your agenda?’ asked Clare.
I shrugged my shoulders.
‘Wait for my exam results and hopefully begin my new life in September.’
‘I get the impression that your new life began when you arrived in Shrewsbury,’ commented Anne.
‘Yes, and I couldn’t have wished for a better one,’ I thought to myself.
I sat in the back of the car on the way home and on this occasion did not take as much part in the conversation between Anne and her sister. I preferred to sit back and go through my own thoughts on the last week’s events. I wasn’t sure only about the wisdom of what I was doing, but also confident that I could stand up to any cross-examination that may be directed at me. We got home about eight o’clock
Mum telephoned me during the course of the evening.
‘I’ve had a long discussion with your Gran. She thinks that I should be with you whilst you get yourself established in Shrewsbury and start a college course. I believe she’s right and I have therefore decided to cut short my business trip and return to the UK next Friday.’
‘You don’t need to do that, I am doing fine here Mum,’ I said, although the prospect of her early return was quite attractive to me.
‘I think it is time for me to come home, as there are important things are happening in your life and I want to be with you at this time. In any event I’ve more than enough business for the next year and so I have cancelled my last fortnight away. Carol has offered to let me stay in Karen’s room for a fortnight whilst we get things sorted out for you. I’ll then go back to Eastbourne as originally planned and put the house on the market. I hope to arrive at Birmingham airport at 2.30 on Friday. She has promised to come and meet me off the plane.
‘I’ll come as well, if I can get the time off work.
‘That would be nice, if you can arrange it.’
‘I think it should be ok if I offer to work at some time over the weekend. By the way, Friday’s the day my exam results are due to be published.’
‘Good, that will give us a day or two to decide what you are going to do, and then the following week to make the necessary arrangements,’ she said.
(Next time Mum returns to the UK.)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
Please note I am currently overseas and, moving from place to place. I hope to continue my weekly posting during this period but they may become a little erratic, and responses to any PMs may take a little longer. Louise
Chapter 25
Mum’s return
These days I found myself thinking of Chris as a different person, and his previous life as being of less interest or relevance to me. It was not that I disliked my former self, more a question of feeling sorry for him. He’d led a rather dull grey life compared to Emily’s exciting colourful one. I realised that the envelope held part of the key to Emily’s future, but somehow it didn’t seem right for me to open it. My Aunt and my two cousins had no such qualms about the letter and insisted that I should go ahead, and do so quickly, before they had to leave. I therefore took a deep breath, opened it and examined the printed slip inside.
In the event the results were not at all bad: five respectable passes; two at grade ‘C’ two at grade ‘B’ and one ‘A’, no fails or referrals. It’s a pity that they were in the wrong name, but hopefully that would be fixed in due course. Chris was never one of those geniuses who achieved straight ‘A*’ grades without trying; no-one was ever going to suggest that he considered a career in brain surgery or rocket science. However, with five good passes including, Maths and English, Emily now had a passport to further education in terms of either the more academically based ‘A’ levels or else a vocational course, if she wanted to do so. I was especially pleased with the grade ‘A’ in English, which was written by Chris before he’d even thought about life as a girl. I would undoubtedly write differently today as Emily saw life from a different perspective.
I was also relieved that I would not have the complication of a September re-sit, as these sometimes included a ‘How I spent my summer holidays’ type essay question. I smiled to think that if I were ever called upon to write an account of my fortuitous adventure this summer, I might lose some marks for ‘improbability’.
My two cousins offered me their congratulations and a kiss on the cheek before they had to leave to go to work. Aunt Carol stayed to talk for a while.
‘I hope your mother with be pleased with your results, and that you can now settle down and find a college course to suit you.’
‘Yes I hope so too. Thanks again for letting me stay on in Shrewsbury.’
‘Think nothing of it; nobody wanted to see you try and study at home on your own.’
‘I just hope that I get on alright at college.’
‘You’ll inevitably have some problems adjusting over the next year, and the novelty of wearing makeup and nice clothes will soon wear off, but I believe that you have the ability and determination to overcome them.’
‘I hope so. I’m sure it is what I want.’
‘I know. By the way, I have to go into town briefly this morning, Emily, is there anything you need?’
‘I’ve almost finished the tablets that Karen gave me, would you mind taking my prescription to the chemist for me?’ I replied.
She took it from me and noticed that it was in Emily’s rather than Chris’s name. Dr Morrison had been thoughtful in this respect. She had given me a prescription for a three-month supply of Aldactone.
‘Are these having any effect on you?’ she asked.
‘I seem to need to go to the loo more often, but the main purpose of them is to stop testosterone from changing my body. The real changes will only begin once I start on oestrogen.’
‘Alright I’ll collect your pills for you, but you’ll have to sign the back of your prescription for me to be your representative first.’
I did as she requested. It was one of the first official signatures that I’d made using what I hoped would soon become my legal name.
‘Remember that we’ll need to leave for the airport after an early lunch, so what have you planned for this morning Miss?
‘Nothing really, I need to wash my hair, de-fuzz my arms and legs, and then decide what to wear to look my best, to welcome mum home. After all, I might as well enjoy wearing nice clothes and makeup before the novelty wears off,’ I replied in a jokey voice.
Aunt Carol smiled.
‘Three hours should be enough time if you hurry,’ she said with a touch of irony.
‘Alright then, I’ll also prepare us a light lunch ready for when you get back,’ I replied smiling.
Having taken some trouble to achieve perfectly smooth legs, I wanted to be able to show them off, but I didn’t want to wear an outfit which Mum had already seen. The American girl had owned a pale green ‘Vintage style’ pleated pocket dress, which was made of a lovely textured fabric that was light enough for a hot Summers day, whilst the lining gave it a smooth and comfortable fit. This would do fine. I combined it with the pair of strappy gladiator sandals that I’d bought for myself a few weeks back, a matching belt that I’d recently picked up in a sale and a shoulder bag. Although I enjoyed wearing high heels, I also liked these sandals as they showed off my painted toe nails.
I hadn’t really given a lot of thought to the mysterious American girl over the last month, despite the fact that she’d inadvertently changed my life forever. I began to wonder who she was and how she reacted when she discovered her mistake early in July. I hope she had enjoyed spending my holiday money, because I’d certainly enjoyed wearing some of her clothes, and, in retrospect, I can’t help but think that I got the best of the bargain.
Aunt Carol didn’t pass comment on my chosen outfit when we had lunch together before leaving for the airport, but I could tell that she approved of my choice. Her attitude to me had changed since my decision to make a permanent transition to Emily. She was no longer treating me as being ‘special’ or ‘different’. I was now her niece who just happened to be staying for a few weeks. As long as I didn’t try to wear anything too outlandish or provocative, such as my rah-rah skirt, she was happy to let me get on with things and learn through trial and error. For my part I preferred it that way. I was gradually getting the hang of what looked good on me and was no longer as reliant on the guidance of my cousins or Jenny as I had been a couple of weeks before.
Before we left she handed over to me three boxes of the Aldactone tablets, each containing a month’s supply.
‘Good luck with those,’ she said.
‘I hope they help you achieve what you want.’
‘This is just phase one, things will really start to change once I start taking oestrogen, but I do feel that I have now set out on my journey.’
My Aunt’s house was fifty-five miles from the airport, almost all of which was motorway. On a good day it would take just over an hour for us to drive, but the M5/M6 junction just north of Birmingham was a bottleneck and was often badly congested, particularly on Friday afternoons. Probably we would be safe enough if we allowed ourselves an extra fifteen minutes for the journey down, but we would be almost bound to be sitting in a traffic jam on the way home. For that journey it might be better to take the M6 toll road, even though it would add an extra five miles and an additional five pounds to the cost of the journey.
We chatted together on the way down. She wanted to know how I was getting on with Rob and what was going to happen when he went back to university. I gave her the expurgated version, although she probably guessed as much. After all, she had been sixteen, herself, once, even though it was thirty odd years ago, before they even had mobile phones, let alone Facebook! (How on earth did people organise their social lives in those days?) We also talked about Karen’s engagement and my Mum’s plans to move her business to Shrewsbury. We eventually arrived at the airport and, after parking the car in the ‘Short-stay’ car park found our way to the Terminal 1 ‘meeting and greeting area’. The indicator boards were showing that mum’s flight had recently landed, which meant we had about twenty minutes to spare before she emerged. We stood around impatiently and the minutes really seemed to drag until at last some passengers from the Moscow flight began to emerge.
‘I don’t know what possessed your Mum to go to Moscow?’ Carol commented.
‘Trying to sell her lingerie I suppose’ I replied.
‘I understood that doing business in Russia was supposed to be very risky.’
‘I don’t believe the Russian mafia has moved into lingerie yet, but she employs an agent out there who knows her way around the clothing business and can translate for her. For some reason, they seem to like her designs in Eastern Europe.’
‘Good! It sounds as if this summer trip has been a great success for her.’
‘Yes I believe so,’ I replied and then quietly added, ‘and for me as well.’
Although I’d briefly seen Mum at the beginning of August, and had spoken to her several times on the phone, it was not until I saw her emerge from the gate with a luggage trolley loaded with two large suitcases and a cabin bag, that I realised just how much I’d missed her over the last six weeks. As soon as I saw her I rushed over to throw my arms round her and tell her how pleased I was to see her, with tears in my eyes. It was a spontaneous reaction on my part, yet it occurred to me later in the car that it was something that Chris would never have done. I had not yet got as far as taking oestrogen, but my outlook on life and emotional identity already seemed to have changed. Maybe the testosterone blockers that I’d been taking over the last ten days were having an effect, or perhaps I just felt more able to show my feelings as Emily.
Mum was clearly pleased and surprised by my welcome and glad to be back in the UK once more, but she also looked tired. So after a few hugs and kisses all round I took charge of her luggage trolley and the three of us made our way to the car park chatting happily. Her luggage certainly had grown since she had left at the beginning of July.
‘Didn’t you have to pay for excess baggage for all this?’ I asked.
‘A little, but I couldn’t come home after being away for so long without a few gifts for you, your cousins and your Aunt.’
‘But you’ve already bought me something nice for my birthday,’ I replied.
‘I think you’ll soon discover Emily, that a girl can never have too many clothes,’ added Carol.
‘Come on then Emily, don’t keep me waiting any longer, what about your exam results?’ asked Mum.
‘One, ‘A’, two ‘B’s and two ‘Cs’,’ I responded, proudly.
‘Well done,’ she said, stopping to give me yet another hug.
‘I suppose it was Chris rather than Emily who got the grades, but it will be Emily who makes use of them. I hope that I will be accepted to do a travel and tourism course at the local college.’
‘In that case I’m very proud of both of you,’ Mum replied.
During the car journey home we all caught up with events in our respective lives. Mum told us the latest about her business and how she had more than enough work for the next year and would need to take on some clerical and also perhaps some other help as soon as she could re-site her business. I outlined my plans for Shrewsbury College. Mum said that we would make an appointment to see an Admissions Tutor at the earliest opportunity, to explain my particular situation. Aunt Carol confirmed that I could stay living with her, and that Mum could have the use Karen’s room until she could find somewhere in the area for ourselves. It turned out that Mum had already been doing a fair amount of preparation at a distance and had been in touch with Estate Agents in both Eastbourne and Shrewsbury. Those in Eastbourne had collected a key to our house and had drawn up specifications so that it could go on the market as soon as she returned. Apparently our house was a desirable property and they did not foresee any particular difficulties or delays in selling it despite the difficulties that were being experienced elsewhere in the housing market. Mum had also been sent details of properties from Estate Agents in the Shrewsbury area and had in mind three or four likely candidates. Aunt Carol promised to drive us to have a look at them over the next few days. Like Aunt Carol, Mum also wanted the lowdown on Rob, which surprised me as I’d never got round to mentioning his existence to her, but you never could keep a secret like that in our family.
Once we were back in Shrewsbury, Aunt Carol realised that Mum and I would need some time to talk together privately so she suggested that I helped take her cases up to Karen’s room whilst she began to prepare the evening meal. As soon as we were alone, Mum turned to me and took both of my hands in hers.
‘Your Gran and your Aunt both tell me that I should be proud of my new daughter and forget that I ever had a son,’ she said.
‘I realise that may be difficult for you, given that you raised me as a boy, but it is what I want more than anything,’ I replied.
She sighed.
‘So it looks as if it’s going to be Emily permanently from now on then?’
I blushed but then nodded. Mum smiled and then hugged me.
‘How could I not be proud of such a beautiful daughter? Of course I will support you and your decision in every way I can.’
‘Thank you, I am so pleased to have you back Mum,’ I said beginning to cry once again.
‘I’m sorry I had to go away, but I’ll now do my best to help you get settled into your new life as a girl,’ she replied still hugging me and beginning to cry herself.
‘Thanks,’ I replied sniffing.
‘You know, I always wanted a daughter. It is not that I didn’t want a son as well, but a daughter is something special to a mother.
‘I think I may have subconsciously known that, all the time,’ I said. ‘I hope I’ll be able to live up to your expectations.’
‘Of course you will. Although I’ve bought you some more things to wear, whilst I’ve been away, I am most of all looking forward to going out shopping with my new daughter.’
‘Me too,’ I replied feeling happier than I’d ever done before.
(Next time - June 2011)
With thanks to Angharad for her help in editing.
I hope to be able to post the final instalment over the next three or four days. Louise
Chapter 26
My life to date
Mum took me on the promised shopping trip the next day. It turned out to be a real marathon, and I kept trying to tell her that Emily already had plenty of clothes, but she wouldn’t listen. She just said that she’d waited all those years for the opportunity to go shopping with a daughter and so she intended to make up for lost time. Fortunately we tended to like the same styles and usually agreed on what looked good on me. The upshot was that, by the end of the day, my collection of clothes and cosmetics was on a par with Clare’s. It was just as well that I had quietly ditched Chris’s few remaining clothes because there certainly would have been no room for them in my wardrobe after that day.
She also rang the college on Monday morning and then the two of us went to see someone on Tuesday afternoon. The procedures turned out to be relatively straightforward. I was not the first transgendered student they’d had, and they seemed to be quite relaxed and understanding about my situation. We discussed whether I would be open about my transition with the other students, and what bathrooms I would use. To begin with I would use the unisex ‘disabled toilets,’ and then play it by ear as to when I should start using the ladies. (In the event I used the ladies bathrooms from day two onwards.) I told them that I did not want a big issue made of my gender, but I had no doubt that word would get round in due course. The college promised that they would support me in any way they could and take action if there were any instances of bullying. I would need some form of letter from Dr Morrison in due course in order to explain why my GCSE certificates were for a male named Chris whereas their student was a female named Emily. However, there was nothing to stop me from starting the new course the following week on the 7th September 2009. I came away with a pile of reading matter, timetables and other documents, wondering what I had let myself in for.
I introduced Mum to Jenny and Joyce, and told them how we had got on at the College. Jenny had also just been accepted on to the fashion course and Mum was interested to hear all about it from her. I explained my college commitments to Joyce but said that I was interested in continuing to work for her part time, if I could. She in turn said that she would be pleased to have me continue, particularly as Clare had informed her that she would be studying extra hard over the next year as she wanted to take the entrance exam for Cambridge University and so she did not feel able to do any work during term time.
I also introduced Mum to Rob when he called round on Tuesday evening to take me out. I was a little anxious about how she might react to him, but she was friendly and he in turn was polite to her. They spoke about his University course and his plans to go overseas next summer, so it must have been obvious to her that our budding romance was not going anywhere, without me having to spell it out. Nevertheless Rob and I continued to see one another over the next fortnight and had some good fun together. Ultimately I was sad to see him go, as he’d taught me a lot, and accepted me without question. On our last date I indulged him with a little of what Louise Rennison refers to as BWA (Below Waist Activity) as a special treat to remember me by, but without sacrificing every young girl’s ‘most precious possession’ (and I don’t mean her heart).
We also spent a few days with Aunt Carol in driving around and looking at houses for sale. By Thursday she had put an offer on a house just off the Radbrook Road, near to the edge of town. It was a mile or two from Aunt Carol’s house, but closer to the college, so that it suited me.
Mum stayed in Shrewsbury for a week to make sure that I’d everything I needed for my new course, and for my new life, but she was anxious to leave for Eastbourne and begin the task of winding up her business and moving to Shrewsbury. I was quite sad to see her go once more but realised it was a necessary part of our future life in the town, and in any event, I had plenty to keep me occupied. It was rather daunting to be starting a new college course, this time as a girl, but I did have Jenny to advise me on what to wear and to keep me company at break times, even though most of our classes were different. After a few days I found that I was being accepted by the other students in my class and I even began to make some more friends. Some parts of the course were quite easy and almost common sense, but other aspects were more challenging, such as the legal and health and safety issues. Ultimately I felt that I had made the right choice with the course.
Mum did make a couple of flying visits to Shrewsbury over the next few weeks when there were forms to sign in respect of the proposed house move. She found a buyer for our house quite quickly, but with the inevitable delays involved, it was not going to be until after Christmas before we moved. The second of Mum’s visits to Shrewsbury, in late October, coincided with the college half-term and so I returned with her to Eastbourne for a few days in order to dispose of the last vestiges of Chris’s former life. It was an odd, slightly unreal, feeling to be sleeping in his bed once again. I was now so immersed in Emily and in her concerns that I could no longer remember what it was like to be Chris. Of course I realised that I’d spent my first fifteen years as a boy, but it now felt as if I were an onlooker to someone else’s life. It was with a sense of relief that I disposed of his remaining clothes and possessions. There was very little at Eastbourne that I wanted or needed for my new life. I travelled back to Shrewsbury by train on my own and this time made sure that I kept my eye on my suitcase throughout the journey.
I had lengthy interviews with Dr Morrison once a month. These were never unpleasant but they were always probing, into every aspect of my life: including how I was getting on at college; when Mum was likely to be moving to Shrewsbury; as well as my deeper feelings about my female life-style and my future. I’d half hoped that when my supply of Aldactone was finished at the end of November, she might be willing to start me on oestrogen. I raised this topic with her, but she said she thought that too many things were happening in my life at the same time, and that it would not do me any harm to wait until after Mum had moved to Shrewsbury and we had settled into our new house. I was inevitably disappointed as I was anxious to get on with my new life as quickly as possible, but I did not want to antagonise her.
One of the readers of my story described me as being “in the middle of the 'Pink Fog' as first time attendees of Gender Conventions get when they experience so many positive things while out and about en-femme, especially if it is their first time.”* I think she was probably right in her assessment, and Dr Morrison had also perhaps picked up on it. Until November everything had gone well for me with my transition. I’d been accepted as Emily wherever I went and also made friends. I’d even had a brief but enjoyable relationship. But true life is never quite so easy and it was only a matter of time before rumours about my origins began to spread. Soon after I returned to college after half term Jenny reported that she’d heard someone say that I’d once been a boy. She told me that she had poured scorn on the girl concerned for believing such an unlikely tale, but now wanted to know how she should deal with the situation if it arose again. We decided that I should take a few of my new friends on the course into my confidence to test their reaction and thereafter let the information gradually seep out into public knowledge. I told three of them (two girls and a guy) at the beginning of December. They were all surprised by the news, but nobody freaked. It took the lad a day or two to come to terms with the idea, but eventually they all treated me as they had done so before and we all exchanged Christmas cards soon afterwards. After that, there did not seem to be any point in hiding my past, although I would never broadcast the fact.
I did receive some strange looks and a few nasty comments, both at college and in town, over the next few weeks, but only from people who did not know me. Eventually things settled down. I later discovered that my unknown secret weapon at this time was Jenny who would give a severe tongue-lashing to anyone she thought was being disrespectful to me. Jenny is a sweet girl and has been a good friend to me but she can become a wildcat when roused. I was once threatened with violence by a lad who had kissed me at a disco and then afterwards found out about me, but I just walked away leaving him looking foolish in front of his friends. I suspected he may have unresolved issues regarding his own sexuality or gender identity. I discussed all these matters with Dr Morrison at our meeting in January and she seemed quite pleased with the way I had reacted.
Mum came to spend Christmas 2009 with my Aunt and my cousins, bringing Gran with her as well, who seems to have recovered from her stroke. It was a bit of a squash in the house as Karen was there as well. Mum had to share bedrooms with Aunt Carol and I did with Clare, so that Gran could have the spare room. It was good fun but eventually got a little intense to have seven women and no men in the house at the same time. My cousins and I therefore made our own plans for Boxing Day: Clare and I went over to see Jenny and show off our respective Christmas presents. Three weeks later Mum and I moved in to our new house. At our February meeting Dr Morrison at last referred me to an endocrinologist at the hospital and from 1st March 2010 I have been using oestrogen patches and taking tablets daily.
My reactions to taking oestrogen were predictable and had been explained to me and so I did my best to accept them as the inevitable price of progress towards my chosen goal. Fairly soon after I started my emotions were all over the shop, and I would either dissolve into tears or else throw a wobbly at the slightest provocation. No doubt I was a sore trial to my mother and my friends at this time. Then my nipples then started to itch and later became downright sore and so I had to put cream on them. I also gradually began to notice other more welcome changes to my body; my skin became smoother and my hips more rounded, and my breasts began to grow. I never doubted for one second the wisdom of my actions, and welcomed the knowledge that I had now passed the point of no return.
Inevitably, once I moved out of Aunt Carol’s house I saw a lot less of my cousins, especially Clare. She was now studying hard for her Cambridge entrance exams and so we might only see one another one night a week. I continued to see a lot of Jenny however, both at college and also when I worked part-time for her mother. Then in March of last year she did some work experience for my mother, who was so impressed with her that she offered her some part-time work. Jenny then-based her first-year project on my mother’s lingerie business, and ended up spending the summer of 2010 as one of my mother’s designers. I continued working for Joyce during the summer of 2010, but this time in a supervisory capacity. I even had to boss around Clare who was working as a part-time waitress, but she took it in good part as she was off to Cambridge in September and destined for great things. Jenny and I both returned to Shrewsbury College for a second year.
It is now June 2011 and I’ve just handed in the last piece of course work and taken the final exam for the second year of my course. Joyce has offered me a full-time job, which I have accepted, but I still have a hankering to become an air hostess or holiday rep, and so I keep my eye open for suitable advertisements after the summer. Jenny and I are looking forward to seeing Clare soon, as we haven’t seen her since last Christmas, but she won’t be around for long before she goes travelling with some guy she has met at university. Jenny and I have both dated several guys over the last year or so. In my case I always make sure they know about my past, and then give them a cooling off period before I agree to go out with them. Sometimes the guys appear to be only after one thing, and then lose interest when they discover that they are not going to get it. However other guys seem genuinely interested in me as a person and I feel sad that I am not yet able to respond to them sexually as I would wish.
I’ve now been taking female hormones for fifteen months and living as Emily for nearly two years. I cannot now conceive of what it must have been like to have been Chris. Dr Morrison says she is very pleased with my progress and earlier this year she referred me to a Gender Identity Clinic in London. All concerned have agreed to support my application for a Gender Recognition Certificate as soon as I am eighteen in August. I will then legally be female and could even get married in the unlikely even that I should meet ‘Mr Right’ in the meanwhile. As it is, I’ve already changed my name, acquired a bank account, a driving licence and several other documents in the name of Emily. I have also been placed on the waiting list for corrective surgery. I have been warned that this may take some time, but I am still young, and fortunately I started taking the testosterone blockers and the oestrogen in good time, before puberty did any damage to my appearance. However, whenever it should come, I feel psychologically ready to take that final step to become a complete woman.
The novelty of wearing makeup and nice clothes never did wear off, or at least has not done so yet. I’ve recently ditched the last of my hair extensions, as my own hair is now long enough and I enjoy my regular visits to the salon to have it styled. My bra size is a 36B, but my boobs appear now to have stopped growing. I’m due to receive some money from my father on my eighteenth birthday and so I am considering whether to get them surgically enhance,d as a present to myself. Mum tells me that 36C is the average bra size for a woman of my height and build, although I’d be tempted to go for a 36D. I’d then be able to model Mum and Jenny’s lingerie designs for them. However, there is a chance that they’ll start growing again. I’ll have to make up my mind soon; Karen will be getting married this coming September and she’s anxious to get the bridesmaid dresses made in good time.
* Comment by Kimmie on chapter 20
Once again, my grateful thanks to Gabi who was helping me to edit this work at the time of her untimely death, and to Angharad who took over the task. Thanks also to everyone who has commented on the chapters or awarded kudos.