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A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 7 |
Author’s Note:Power is something that Dylan/Dahlia has never experienced before and she finds that frightening. But power tends to work two ways. Oh, things are still really weird.
Seeing Sam, especially when he was all sweaty from training, was doing things to me that I didn’t even want to look at, let alone think about.
I mean I had a fiancée, a girl I loved and was planning to marry where we’d come from and I still loved her. Okay recent circumstances had kind of thrown kinks into that one, I have to admit. Like the fact that now I was a girl, too, and to be completely honest, a lot prettier and sexier than Carolyn had ever dreamed of being. Or most other girls where I’d come from for that matter.
But I still loved Carolyn, right?
But then there was Sam. The new, improved Sam, and the new, okay I admit it, improved me. Who just happened to be really attracted to Sam no matter how much I protested.
Then there was that bond thing. You remember that one? The blood bond with the promise to each other? I even vaguely recalled saying the words back right after my transformation. Dammit. I reminded myself to take Sam aside and let him know what making promises, even idle ones, really meant to us now in a lot more detail than our earlier conversation had done, but decided that could wait just a bit.
I was still struggling with my feelings towards and about the guy.
On the one hand, he was the best friend I’d ever had, and I was very glad he was here with me through all this, though I thought I’d kill him if he tried to take advantage of that girl thing I was going through just now.
On the other hand, he was my Champion, my betrothed by blood and oath, and was one damned good looking male. Oh, this train of thought wasn’t going well at all. Nope. Not well at all.
I went back out to one of the balconies. It was snowing, and the cold wind was exactly what I needed just then. I sighed, settled onto the bench at the wall side of the balcony and just let things go by for awhile.
Okay, keeping score here.
I was one extremely sexy, beautiful female.
Yeah, that wasn’t my fault, or wish. But then what girl really had a say in how she looked or impacted on other people? Okay, kind of normal there, other than the supernatural sexiness and beauty my present form had.
I had skills that worked in this world. I’d had to learn how to use them, yes, and the learning had been absurdly easy, but I blamed the magic for that and after all, I needed those skills just to survive as things were. And in my own defense, I’d actually taken the trouble to learn things that just hadn’t come to me.
Okay, another check there.
I was in love with Sam… Hold it. That thought wasn’t supposed to be part of this. I shelved that one and tried to move on.
Definitely NOT a check on that one.
I was a very scary person according to others. Okay, at times I scared myself here. I mean I was this gorgeous, nasty minded female who really could be an evil bitch if I wanted to be. The evil bit was just part of my nature, after all. Oh, I did have some very evil impulses at times but I won’t go into those just now. At least I managed to hold those down.
And I definitely didn’t want to be evil. But I was a girl — okay, face it here Dyl-Dahlia, I was what would be considered a woman at home and didn’t particularly want that either.
The evil thing I might, just might, be able to restrain if I tried really hard. The sexy, beautiful girl thing? Well, there was just no restraining that unless I wanted to walk around covered from head to toe in something like a Middle Eastern Burqua. And I even had my doubts about that working.
Check again. Sigh…
I was in love with… Nope I already vetoed that one earlier. No check, no — umm — acknowledgment allowed here.
I just sat there in the cold with the wind tickling me and the snow actually piling up on me, and brooded about all that. Yeah, brooded. Worry just didn't seem to have the same impact regarding what I was feeling, learning, dealing with, and yes -- fighting in some cases, as brooding did. At least I wasn't pouting.
“Here.” Sam brushed te snow off my shoulders and hair then draped a cloak around my shoulders. “I know the cold doesn’t bother us like it used to, but you should still be careful. I don’t think we’re immune to things like frostbite if we ignore things too long.”
I looked out at the snow, now blowing with the wind into blizzard proportions and smiled to myself as I hugged the cloak around me. “I know. I’m just tryng to get a handle on what exactly it is that I’ve become here, and that isn’t coming easy, Sam.”
“I know it isn’t.” He answered and gave a shrug. “I wish I had an answer for you on that one, but I don’t. Truthfully, I’m still working on what’s happened to me.”
I opened the cloak and threw it around him, too. “Yeah, I can understand that really well. Oh, you should practice what you preach, you know.”
He moved closer to me and pulled the cloak closed around us. “Yeah. We both need to learn to do that, don’t we?”
“Uh huh. Among other things.” I answered, instinctively snuggling into his warmth. “It isn’t easy is it?”
“No.” Sam agreed while looking down at me and I could see the emotions and thoughts running through his head. I mean, literally, really see. How creepy is that? “I’m built to adore you as you are, you know that don’t you?”
“Oh yes.” I sighed and finally admitted. “I’m built to have the same reactions to you. Sam, you are my best friend, I loved you like a brother back home. I still love you, but need time to figure out just what that means here and now.”
“I know.” He hugged me and that felt really, really good, but I also knew he wasn’t going to push things beyond that just then. Gods, he really was my Champion. In more than defending me from others.
We just sat there, in the cold neither one of us really felt all that much and watched the storm for awhile.
“Sam?” I finally interrupted that sooo comfortable silence we’d let ourselves sink into.
“I’m going to do something for you here, and I hope you’ll do the same for me in a few minutes.” I looked at his expression and part of me just kind of melted and wanted to drag the guy off and have my joyful, uninhibited way with him. But I managed to stave that off with a little grin. “And not that.”
He gave me that ‘I’m waiting’ look guys always give girls when they — we’re -- telling them something that’s really important to us.
“Sam.” I pulled out of his hug and set my small hands on his broad shoulders. “I promise, you, swear and give my oath, that I will never make a promise for you to someone else. I won’t ever bind you to something you don’t have time to think about and make up your own mind about.”
The oath settling in didn’t have that sudden impact our earlier ones did, but it was very clear to both of us that it was probably more binding than anything either one of us had said, or given before. And I knew I wouldn’t ever make a promise to someone else for him.
“Hoo!” He let out a breath and nodded. “I can feel the truth of that one, Dahlia. I never really worried about it, you know. Make a promise, you keep it, that’s all there was to it far as I was concerned.
“Now, though.” He shrugged and smiled at me. “Our promises mean a little more than just that, don’t they?”
“Yeah, they do.” I answered. “When you, or I, make a promise, Sam, we’re swearing an oath to honor whatever we said. And that oath is binding in a way that I’m not sure either one of us really understands just now.”
“Yeah.” He answered and I was starting to say something else.
When his big, strong hands settled on my shoulders and he looked straight into my eyes. “Shut up for a minute if you can do that. I know it’s hard, you never were one to hold your tongue, but humor me here, okay?”
I just stared into the blue depths of those eyes and nodded. What was getting into me? His hands felt so good on my shoulders and I briefly wished they were touching other places. Not happening, nope i am NOT feeling that when my best friend just touches me. “Okay.”
“Whether you want to admit or not, Dahlia.” He softly told me. “You are my life, my love, my reason. I know, I know, and I’m not going to push that right now, but you are. Just try and let that sink in, okay? I live for you, and would die for you. And here I go…
“I promise, I swear, give my oath on my soul and before the gods, that I will never offer you harm, that I will never again promise someone a thing for you, or expect you to honor a promise you had no chance to consider on your own before giving. I freely give you my soul, Dahlia, my life, my love. I will defend you and protect you to my last breath whether you return that sentiment or not. You are the love I never found, but now I’ve found it. I give my oath to honor that above all else.”
Oh, shiiit. That one slammed home then wormed its way into parts of me I hadn’t realized were there. And it felt warm, and good and… and wonderful.
Ohhh, maaan. I had it bad here even if I didn’t want it.
But I did want it.
Oh no you don’t, traitorous libido!
But it felt sooo good.
“Uhh, you really didn’t have to go quite that far, Sam.” I softly told him but was not even trying to move away from his hands still on my shoulders.
“Yes I did.” He answered with a smile. “One of us needed to say it.”
“All right.” I nodded. “Samthien, who I call Sam. On my oath, my pledge, I will defend you, be with you, protect you as far as my abilities allow, die for you if that is needed. I swear my oath on this in the sight of the gods, nature and ourselves.”
I couldn’t, just couldn’t, return all of what he’d given. And felt really guilty about it. “That’s the best I can do right now. I’m sorry, Sam.”
“Meh.” He grinned. “It’s a start.”
At least now both of us really had a good understanding of just what making a promise could mean to either one of us.
I had been summoned to attend another of Kae’song’s meetings. I had to obey that, there was just nothing I could do to go against his wishes no matter how much I wished otherwise. I’d never really hated anyone in my life up to then. But I genuinely, truthfully, hated that mage.
I arrived, wearing the sexy clothing that seemed to be not only expected, but demanded of me when I did so, and found that this meeting was different than the others. A lot different.
For one thing, there was only one other person in attendance. And she was seated at a table with Kae’song, not looking up at him from the ‘cheap seats’ as I’d started calling the assembly hall in general.
And she was genuinely powerful. Really powerful as in dangerously so.
She was human, appeared young but with mages that was deceptive I’d already discovered. Beautiful, but I had her on that one all things considered. Okay, vanity is an evil, right? I had to let something get through didn't I, just for a safety valve.
But where everything else was concerned, when I really looked at her, felt her presence…
I was waaay out of my league and knew it.
“Alis.” Kae’song nodded to me and smiled. “Allow me to introduce my handmaiden, Dahlia.”
“Lady.” I nodded to her, not willing to cringe, or edge away from her even though I knew, really knew, that this woman could wipe me out of existence with a thought, let alone a wave.
“Dahlia.” She nodded, making my name sound like poetry and giving me a small knowing smile before turning back to Kae’song. “So this is one of your ‘pet’ Dhro’aaa I’ve been hearing so much about. You should take care, dear. Her kind is very dangerous and you have been flirting at the edges of outraging her entire race with what you’ve done here.”
“I have not abused her, Alis.” He answered with a shrug. “In fact I have taken pains to make sure she has been taught things proper for her continued survival here. As well as been kept comfortable while in my service.”
“Maybe so.” The woman nodded then looked at me again. “But she hates you, my dear. With the kind of virulence only the Dhro’aaa can muster. Beware of her.”
“Oh, I know that.” Kae’song nodded. “But the gains far outweigh the risks where my lovely Dahlia is concerned. I have uses for her that will not violate the mores and niceties of her people.”
“If you say so.” Alis shrugged. “It will be on your head, either way.”
“One must take certain risks at times to achieve specific gains.” He answered.
“True.” The woman nodded then held out her cup. “Wine, Dahlia, for me and your — master -- then pour yourself one and join us.”
I did, careful not to flinch when she looked at me or when I looked at her. She seemed to appreciate that and actually chuckled. “I like You Dahlia. You know your limitations already, but have much to learn of your true capabilities. Plus, you handle your fear quite well.”
“I am what I am, Lady.” I answered then covered my unease by taking a sip of the wine. “What I will is of no consequence just now, what I am simply is, I can’t change that at the moment or in the foreseeable future. What I may be in time is up to me and the gods, I think.”
“Very true, dear, very true.” She answered then gave me a long look and questioned. “Tell me, is your new sexuality something you find troublesome?”
“Should it be?” I asked in response, not letting myself react to the fact that she obviously knew I hadn’t been female so long ago. “There is nothing I can do about it, and as I’ve already said, what is, is. I can’t change that, can I?”
“No, to both.” She actually smiled at me, a genuine smile that held more than a little respect much to my surprise. “It is no wonder you frightened my minions on their visits here. You have a very good grasp of the realities of things in this world already. In time, I do believe you will be truly formidable.”
“From you, Lady,” I nodded and gave her respect in return. “I will accept that as a compliment and thank you.”
“Oh, it was, dear, it was, and you’re more than welcome.” She told me.
“Wine Dahlia.” Kae’song interrupted, showing me his empty cup.
“As you wish.” I left my seat, retrieved the jug and returned to fill first hers, then his. “Will there be anything else?”
My small act of rebellion wasn’t lost on him but he let it go with a wave. “Not just now, my dear. Have some more yourself and wait over there. Serve the Lady's guard, too. The Lady Alis and I have important matters to discuss now.”
I’d been dismissed, but Alis looked first at me, then him and shook her head at him before nodding to me. “Yes, thank you for your attentiveness and candor, Lady Dahlia.”
“It was my pleasure, Lady.” I responded then moved away to give them a chance to talk without being overheard. Or at least at a distance humans would need for that. Okay I was cheating with my preternatural hearing, but neither one of them called me on it.
Small victories at times, are more precious than the really big ones, you know?
I regarded the soldiers who were obviously her guards with no expression at all on my face but noted that none of them were bound like they could have been. My personal estimation of Alis rose right there. I gave them the glare that seemed to be something obligatory from me when around males, but eventually relented and moved to join them, offering ale or wine. They did tend to flinch most pleasantly though, when I moved towards them and every one of them looked to see if another had taken a drink first.
This evil thing could be a real pain at times.
I laughed and tilted my head. “Oh come on. I wouldn’t insult your mistress by poisoning you lot here where she could see it. Now enjoy your drinks and don’t worry about it. If I wanted to hurt any of you, I would have done that already.”
They stared, but I was used to that by then, shared looks with each other, then seemed to accept what I’d told them and settled back to enjoy their drinks.
I sat down at another spot and thought about things. With occasional interruptions to refill Kae’song’s or his guest’s cups. Oh the escort got ale next time around and they were just a bit less nervous when I approached to offer it.
As they were leaving, one of Alis’ guardsmen bumped me and whispered. “My mistress bid me give you this.”
He apologized for the ‘inadvertant’ collision, though I could see he’d found it kind of entertaining, and walked away.
I was holding a small piece of parchment when I looked, and concealed it as best I could given the lack of anything concealing on my person at the time. I’m sure you can figure things out from there. And no, I didn't shove it down my bra, or what passed for one of this in this getup.
Once the mage had dismissed me, I stopped in the hallway and made sure he hadn’t followed, he hadn’t , the arrogant SOB, and took out the parchment, smoothed out the wrinkles the place I’d hidden it were bound to give something and saw there was writing on it.
You are a most interesting individual, Dhalia of no Clan. When you get free of your present circumstances, which I have no doubt you will do, seek me out. I will not demand an oath from either you or your consort, but do think knowing you in times to come could be most entertaining. And beneficial for all three of us.
I hid the note again, sat down on a nearby bench and just thought about that one for a while.
Unlike others I’d met since being pulled into this world and transformed -- including Kae'song, that woman truly scared me. Her power, her ability and will to use it had glared at me like a flare set off in a cave.
But she had seemed to actually like me, even if she was more than a bit amused about my circumstances. Plus, she hid given me an oath, even it was written instead of spoken. While offering some form of sanctuary if Sam and I, no make that when, we escaped our present difficulties.
I’d just need to make sure to get that oath in spoken form if we ever did get that far.
Then that thought hit me another way. We. Not me, not Sam and I. We.
As if I knew he would be with me no matter what, and I would be with him the same way.
Okay, now that was scary.