You Have It All Wrong Three
By SaraUK
When we left the girls at the end of Amy's story they were all starting to work out what they could do for Chrissy's birthday. Amy was looking to do something very special, as she found out that Chrissy never did anything the year before. Due to Amy being in hospital having just saved Chrissy's life.
Chrissy wanted to tell them not to go to mad, but she knew they wouldn't listen to her, so she just left them to it. Chrissy knew she'd love what ever they did for her, just as long as they were all there to spend the day with her. Chrissy's birthday fell on a Tuesday, so she would be going to the club that night and spending it with Becky. That would make the day seem very special to Chrissy anyway.
Amy, Mandy and Chrissy were kept busy with work for the rest of the week. They had only just returned after the holiday and Amy's wedding, but Amy and Mandy were also busy talking in whispers, and stopping when Chrissy entered the room.
Chrissy knew that they were planning stuff for her birthday, so she didn't look to worried by it all. Chrissy just kept on top of the workload, and left them too it.
"How does it feel to be turning twenty three then big sis?" Amy asked, as they sat eating lunch in the shop on the Thursday.
"About the same as it felt to turn twenty two last year, but hopefully without all the nursing duties." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Hay! You both know the rules. No chasing shoplifters, and no diving out in front of vans trying to save pretty girls." Mandy said, as she pointed her fork at the pair of them.
Hope was sat giggling with little Kat sat next to her. They both thought Mandy looked funny, as she tried to tell Chrissy and Amy off.
"So you think I'm funny then young lady?" Mandy asked, as she started to tickle and poke Kat. "I'll give you something to giggle about." Mandy added as she tickled her some more.
"No play around, no why I eat." Kat said in her best bossy voice. "I's get told of if I's do dat." Kat added with a pout.
"I'm sorry Kat. How about I buy you an ice cream to say sorry for upsetting your lunch?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"Ice Cream! I's like Ice cream." Kat said with a grin, as she looked at her mummy to make sure it would be okay.
"Okay, but only if you eat all your lunch young lady." Hope said with a stern stair.
Kat finished all her lunch, and then looked at her mummy to see if she could still have an ice cream. Hope gave her a nod to say yes, and then let Chrissy and Amy walk her up to the shop so they could get them all an ice cream.
Kat was walking between the two girls, so they could swing her back and forth while they walked up to the shop. Once they got to the shop, Chrissy picked Kat up and let her pick what ice cream she wanted. Then Amy and Chrissy picked one for each of them and then one for Mandy and Hope as well. Amy paid for them, and then they made their way back to the shop. It was cold out, and not really the right time of the year to be buying ice cream, but they liked to keep Kat happy.
They all sat and enjoyed the ice creams before opening the shop again. Chrissy and Amy would do their jobs and keep an eye on Kat, so Hope could concentrate on doing her job. Hope didn't really see it as working, she was having to much fun.
Soon it was time for Hope to leave, they helped her get Kat in her car and then they waved her off before heading back into the shop to get finished up for the day, so they could head home as well.
Becky was sat at the kitchen table when she heard them get home, she was happy to see Chrissy enter the kitchen and run over before jumping on her knee and kissing her.
"Hello baby." Chrissy purred, as she broke the kiss. "God I've missed you." Chrissy added, just before kissing her again.
"Good, I'm dreading the day when you come home and say you didn't realise I wasn't there with you." Becky smiled, as she looked deep into Chrissy's eyes.
"That's never going to happen baby." Chrissy purred, just before kissing Becky again.
"Hay! I'm the newly wed here, I should be one acting all lovey dovey." Amy said with a pout from the other side of the table.
"I'm sure you will be when Amber gets back from Sara's." Becky said with a grin when she stopped kissing again.
"You can count on it sis." Amy said with a grin.
"Have I got time to go up and take a quick shower before dinner's ready Becky?" Mandy asked.
"Yep, dinner won't be ready for another forty five minutes yet." Becky smiled.
"Okay then, I'll see you all later." Mandy smiled, as she made her way up to her bedroom.
"I think I'll go and take a shower and get changed as well." Amy said, as she jumped up and ran off after Mandy.
Chrissy slid over to the empty seat next to Becky, so she could go and check on dinner. Then Becky came back and sat cuddling with her until Chrissy heard her mobile ringing in her bag.
"I wonder who that could be?" Chrissy said, as she stood up and walked over to her bag to retrieve her phone. She got her phone out, but didn't know the number, so she pushed the answer button. "Hello." Chrissy said.
"Hello, is this Christine Clarke?" A female voice asked.
"Yes this is Christine Clarke." Chrissy said. She found it weird saying her full name, as everyone just called her Chrissy. "Whom am I speaking too?"
"Hi Christine, I hope you don't mind, but your mum gave me your number. It's Debbie, from school." The woman said.
Chrissy looked a little worried when she heard the name, and where she knew Chrissy from. The last time they spoke was back when Chrissy went to see her mum and dad just after her surgery all them years ago. Chrissy was quiet for a couple of seconds, as she walked over to the living room. She didn't want Becky to know who was on the phone. Becky had thought Chrissy was flirting with Debbie back then, and didn't want to upset her again by getting a phone call from her now.
"Hello, Christine. Are you still there?" Debbie asked.
"Yes I'm still here, but what are you calling me for? Has something happened to my mum?" Chrissy asked sounding worried.
"No, no. They are both fine. I was just calling you to see if you'd be interested in coming to a school reunion?" Debbie asked.
"Thanks for the offer Debbie, but I don't think that would be such a great idea." Chrissy thought that Debbie was nuts for even bothering to call now.
"Why not?" Debbie asked, sounding a little puzzled about it all.
"Well let me think for a second. Oh yes, I went to school as a boy called Chris, and now I'm a girl called Christine, or Chrissy, as I like to be called most the time." Chrissy said with sarcasm in her voice.
"You worry to much Christine. I spoke to a couple of the girls from our year, and they all want to meet you." Debbie said.
"Please call me Chrissy, and what do you mean you spoke to some of the girls from our year? How many people have you spoke to about me?" Chrissy asked with some anger in her voice.
"I've spoke to a couple of them, and they both said they really liked you when we were at school. We read about girls like you all the time in the paper, and see them on TV as well." Debbie said in a matter of fact way.
"I know you do, but I'm not some want to be drag queen, or some weirdo that wants to be seen on Jerry Springer." Chrissy snapped at the phone. "I just want to live the life I should have had from birth." Chrissy added.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, I didn't mean to upset you. I just think you'd be surprised at how many people would be okay with what you are now." Debbie said with some sadness in her voice.
"Don't worry Debbie, I'm not upset. This may seem like something really cool to you, but for me it is a living hell when people find out what I use to be, and it only takes one small minded asshole to start trouble." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"Okay Chrissy, I understand. I was just hoping to get as many people as I can, or I can't afford to do it."
"I'll be more than happy to send you some money to help you out, but I just don't want to go to it." Chrissy said. "I'll send some money to my mums house for you. That's the best I can do."
"Thanks Chrissy. How's married life treating you, and how's Becky?" Debbie asked, trying to lighten the mood a little.
"We're just an old married couple these days." Chrissy giggled. "Becky is great, she'd be really pissed with me if she knew whom I was talking to though." Chrissy added in a whisper.
"She doesn't still get jealous when you speak to other girls does she?" Debbie asked, sounding a little shocked.
"I've never tested it since that day in my mums living room when you first saw me." Chrissy said sounding worried, as she looked around to make sure Becky hadn't come into the room.
"You've been together now for what, three years or more? She must realise by now that you're a one woman show." Debbie giggled.
"I am, and speaking of that woman. I better go, or she will be coming in to find out whom I'm talking to. I hope the reunion goes okay for you."
"You sure you won't come?" Debbie asked with a pout.
"I'm sure Debbie, but I'll send you some money, so you can buy them all a drink on me." Chrissy giggled.
"Okay Chrissy, it was great chatting again, and I hope we can do it a gain some day. Bye." Debbie said.
"Yes it was nice, I hope so too. Bye." Chrissy said before ending the call, and walking back into the kitchen.
Becky was sat at the table looking over at Chrissy. "Whom was that?" Becky asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"No one." Chrissy said, as she put her phone back in her bag.
"So you just got a call, and spoke to no one for five minutes?" Becky asked with a funny look.
"No, there was someone there, but no one special. It was just some phone company trying to get me to change over to them." Chrissy lied.
"Must have been pretty pushy to keep you on the phone for so long." Becky said, as she got up to go and check on dinner again. Becky knew that Chrissy was lying to her, but couldn't work out why.
Chrissy had sat down at the table again, and wasn't watching Becky as she walked over and pulled Chrissy's phone out her bag, then she scrolled down to the call's received and hit the button to call the number back. Becky waited for someone to answer it.
"Hi Chrissy! Have you changed your mind?" Becky heard a woman's voice say at the other end. Becky never spoke, so the voice at the other end spoke again. "Chrissy? Chrissy? Are you there?" The voice asked.
"Who am I speaking too?" Becky asked, but before She got an answer Chrissy had got up and snatched the phone away from her.
"What the hell are you doing?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"I could ask you the same thing! Why are you lying to me, and getting strange calls from women?" Becky snapped back.
"You had no right to look at my phone like that!" Chrissy said in a panic.
"Are you seeing someone behind my back!" Becky snapped at Chrissy.
Chrissy was to shocked, panicked and scared to think straight anymore, and the look of anger on Becky's face wasn't helping her to come up with an answer, so she just ran from the kitchen and went up to their bedroom. She'd dropped her phone on the way up the stairs, and never stopped to pick it up again.
Mandy had heard shouting from down stairs, so she got dressed quickly and went down to see what was going off. She saw Chrissy's phone lying on the stairs as she went down, so she picked it up. She could hear someone shouting from it, so she put it to her ear.
"Hello, is someone there?" Mandy asked.
"Is Chrissy there?" Mandy heard a woman ask sounding worried.
"This is her phone, but I'm Mandy her sister, I just found it on the stairs here at home. I can try to find her for you. May I ask who's calling?" Mandy asked.
"Hello Mandy. I'm not sure if you will remember me, but we met a couple of years back when you brought Chrissy back to see her mum and dad. My names Debbie, I use to go to school with Chrissy. Well Chris, as it was back then." Debbie said.
"Hi Debbie. What has you calling Chrissy then, is her mum and dad okay?" Mandy asked with some worry in her voice.
"Yes, they're both doing fine. I called Chrissy to see if she'd be interested in coming to a school reunion, but I think she must have lied to Becky though when she ended the call with me. I got a call back, and then I heard lots of shouting." Debbie sounded really worried now.
"Okay, I'll see if I can get to the bottom of it, and give you a call back later. Bye Debbie."
"Thank you Mandy, and I'm sorry for the trouble I coursed." Debbie said just before ending the call.
Mandy hit the end button on Chrissy's phone and then walked into the kitchen. Becky was banging around over near the cooker. "You care to tell me what's going on between you and Chrissy then?" Mandy asked, as she put Chrissy's mobile down on the table.
"Did you know about this?" Becky snapped at Mandy, as she spun round to face her with anger in her eyes. "Did you know that Chrissy was seeing some other woman behind my back?"
"What the hell are you talking about! And don't you ever snap at me like that!" Mandy barked back, putting Becky on the back foot this time, as she took a step back looking scared of Mandy.
"I caught her getting phone calls from strange women and then she lied to me about it." Becky said in a much calmer voice, but still sounding angry.
"Judging by this reaction, can you really blame her for lying to you about it." Mandy said, as she walked over to Becky and led her back to the table, and made her sit down. "Do you really think for one second that Chrissy would ever want anyone else apart from you?" Mandy asked, as she pulled Becky into a hug.
"No, but why is she getting calls, and lying to me about it." Becky asked, as she tried to fight back tears.
"The phone call was from that girl Debbie, we met her when we took Chrissy home that time. She was calling Chrissy to see if she wanted to go to a school reunion." Mandy said, as she rubbed Becky's back.
"Why didn't Chrissy just tell me that?" Becky asked, as she sat up and looked Mandy in the eyes.
"If you think back to what happened that day, and how you reacted to the hug Debbie gave her. Maybe she was worried you might react the same way again, and you kind of did." Mandy said with a sigh.
"Well she shouldn't have lied to me, and none of this would have happened then." Becky said in her own defence.
"Does this mean you're not going to go and sort this out with her? She must be really upset about it all." Mandy said looking a little sad for Chrissy.
"It won't hurt her to sweat it out for a little bit, while I finish sorting out dinner. She needs to learn to tell the truth, and face the consequences." Becky said in a firm voice, as she stood up and went to carry on sorting out dinner.
"That is up to you Becky, but I think you're being hard on Chrissy for something you're both to blame for." Mandy said, as she let out a sigh.
Chrissy had fell on the bed in sobs of tears. She'd got no way to fix this. Becky was going to be mad whether she told her the truth now or not. "How could Becky even think I'd want to cheat on her." Chrissy thought to herself, as she lay on the bed.
Amy was just making her way back down to the kitchen when she heard someone crying in Chrissy and Becky's room. She knocked on the door, and then entered when she got no answer. Amy was shocked to see Chrissy lying on the bed crying her eyes out.
"What's wrong Chrissy?" Amy asked, as she ran over to the bed, and pulled Chrissy's head up into her lap.
Chrissy tried to explain what happened from her getting the call, and how Becky had reacted when she first met Debbie. To Her lying to Becky and then Becky calling the number on her phone, and then accusing her of cheating on Becky with another woman. Amy found some of it hard to understand through Chrissy's sobs, but she got most of it.
"I just don't know what to do Amy. Either way she's going to hate me." Chrissy said, as she sat up and wiped her face with a tissue Amy gave her.
"All you can do is go down and tell Becky the truth, and the reason for lying in the first place." Amy said with a sad look. "I'm not saying what Becky said was right sis, but you shouldn't have lied to her in the first place." Amy added, as she pulled Chrissy in closer for a hug.
"I didn't want to lie to her Amy, but I was just scared she'd get mad if I told her the truth." Chrissy looked heart broken as she said it.
"I know you didn't mean to lie sis. I also know you're really bad at it too." Amy added with a giggle.
"I got that idea when I saw Becky looking at my phone, after I got the call." Chrissy said with a week smile.
"So do you want to come down and sort it all out with Becky now? I'll be there to back you up." Amy said with a smile.
"I'll give her a little more time to calm down. I couldn't cope with her saying anymore nasty things to me right now." Chrissy said, as she lay her head on the pillow again. "She's got every reason to be mad at me anyway." Chrissy added with a sigh.
"Do you want me to stay with you for a bit?" Amy asked.
"No, you better go and see if Becky needs any help with dinner. I don't want to giver her any more reasons to hate me." Chrissy said with a frown.
"Okay, but I'll be back up when dinner's ready, if Becky won't come up and fetch you." Amy said, as she slid off the bed and left the room.
Chrissy turned over and then closed her eyes, as she thought about Debbie's call, and how bad it would be for her to turn up at a school reunion now she was female. Chrissy was soon drifting off to sleep, and having a dream about being back at school again.
Amy made her way down to the kitchen, and entered very carefully, as she had no idea what kind of a mood Becky would be in. Amy was glad to see Mandy sat at the table, but she could see that Becky was still in a bad mood, just by the way she was slamming things down.
"What can I help you with Becky?" Amy asked with a smile, as she walked over to join her at the cooker.
"Not much, I'm just waiting for it to finish cooking now." Becky snapped. Amy jumped back a little scared when she did.
"Becky! Either go up and have it out with Chrissy, or let it drop. I won't have you snapping at me or Amy any more tonight." Mandy said, as she stood up and walked over to hug Amy.
"Please don't upset Chrissy any more Becky. I just left her lying on your bed crying her eyes out." Amy said, as she cuddled into Mandy a little more, scared of Becky snapping at her again.
"Is this really what you wanted Becky? Do you think Chrissy really deserves to be punished for lying to you this much?" Mandy asked.
"No, I guess not. I don't know." Becky said, as she looked to be having an argument with herself over it all. Finally Becky just broke down in sobs of tears. Mandy and Amy went over to her, and helped her over to the table, and sat her down.
"What's the real reason for you not going up to see Chrissy?" Mandy asked, as she sat one side of her, while Amy sat the other.
"I went in her purse, and looked at her mobile, and then accused her of seeing another woman." Becky sobbed. "How can I go up there and face her after doing all that?" Becky asked.
"Do you really think Chrissy will care about any of that when she sees you?" Mandy asked with a smile. "Just go up and let her know you still love her." Mandy added, as she stood up and pulled Becky to her feet.
"What about dinner?" Becky asked.
"I've got it covered Becky, just get up stairs and talk to your wife." Amy said with a grin. She really liked saying that, and looked forward to greeting her own wife when she got home from Sara's later.
Becky was soon running out the kitchen and heading up to see Chrissy. She entered the bedroom, and saw Chrissy sleeping on the bed, and walked over to her. Becky got on the bed next to her, and then lay there watching her sleep.
"How could I think for one second that she would ever do anything to hurt me like that." Becky thought, as she looked at the red rings around Chrissy's eyes where she'd been crying.
Not being able to take it any longer, she leaned forward and put her lips to Chrissy's and planted a long deep passionate kiss on her lips.
Chrissy's dream had got very weird when she found herself kissing another girl at the school, but the girl turned into Becky, and she started to like it a little more. Then Chrissy started to think the kiss felt real, and she opened her eyes to find Becky was kissing her. Chrissy pulled away from Becky in shock, and ended up falling off the bed before Becky could grab her.
"I'm sorry Becky, I'm sorry for lying to you about the phone call." Chrissy said, as she got to her feet and backed up against the wall.
"I know you are baby, and I'm sorry for how I reacted." Becky said, as she sat up on the bad. "I'm sorry for going in your purse and looking at your phone as well. Please come back over here." Becky added, as she pattered the bed next to her.
Chrissy looked a little nervous at first, but slowly made her way back over to the bed and sat on the edge of it away from Becky. "I know I should have told you the truth about the call, but I was just shocked to find out it was Debbie on the other end of the phone." Chrissy was looking down at her lap as she spoke, to afraid to look Becky in the eyes.
Becky crawled over to where Chrissy was sitting, and pulled her back onto the bed, and then she lay her down and sat on top of her, so she was looking down at her.
"I know I acted badly that day you bumped into Debbie again, but I've come to trust you with all my heart since then, and I know that you only have eyes for me baby." Becky said, as she leaned down and kissed Chrissy again. "I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you needed to lie to me." Becky added when they stopped kissing.
"I do only have eyes for you Becky." Chrissy said with a pout.
"So you've been invited to a school reunion then?" Becky asked with a grin.
"Yes, but I turned her down, but said I'd send her some money to help with the planning of it all." Chrissy said, as she wrapped her arms around Becky and pulled her down onto the bed with her.
"I think it could be fun letting all your old class mates see what you look like now." Becky said with a grin. You do look pretty different now days, with emphasis on the pretty part." Becky added, just before kissing Chrissy again.
"I don't feel like playing the freak show for the night, and I don't think my dad would be very happy when the whole town finds out what happened to his son." Chrissy said with a funny look on her face. "And I don't really feel like getting beaten to death either." Chrissy added with a worried look.
"You're not a freak, and I don't really care what your dad thinks any more, but I can understand your worries over safety." Becky said with a sigh.
Becky let the subject drop, and just lay there looking at Chrissy for a little longer before they headed back down to see how Amy was doing with dinner.
"So did Amy tell you about the reunion then baby?" Chrissy asked, as they walked down the stairs.
"No, Mandy did. She found your phone on the stairs and Debbie was still on the other end." Becky said with a sad look. "You snatched the phone back and ran off before I had time to end the call again." Becky added with a pained look.
"So Debbie heard everything we said in the kitchen then?" Chrissy asked looking shocked.
"I'm afraid so Chrissy. She must really think I'm some sort of evil bitch now." Becky sighed. "Probably a good job you're not going to this reunion." Becky added with a giggle.
"No you're not babe, this one is all down to me. I never should have lied to you when I came back into the kitchen after talking to Debbie." Chrissy said, as she stopped walking, and pulled Becky close to her for a kiss. "I'm sorry for not trusting you to understand why she was calling me." Chrissy added after they stopped kissing.
"You'd think I'd be use to your strange moods by now." Becky giggled, just before kissing Chrissy again.
Amy and Mandy were both sitting at the kitchen table when Becky and Chrissy walked back in. They were both happy to see them holding hands and smiling.
"I trust this means you got everything taken care of?" Mandy asked, as she pointed at them holding hands.
"Yes we got it all sorted out. Thanks for helping me get things straight in my own mind Mandy." Becky said, as she went over and gave Mandy a hug. Chrissy gave Mandy a hug next.
"What was that for sis?" Mandy asked.
"Do I need a reason to hug you now?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Be careful sis, we don't want the wife getting jealous." Mandy said with a grin, as she looked at Becky standing beside her.
"Hay that was a long time ago, and I never started any of it this time." Becky said with a pout, as she playfully slapped Mandy on the arm.
"She can be so violent can't she? I can see why you were scared now Chrissy." Mandy said with a smile, as she pretended to rub her arm where Becky just slapped her.
"I'm going to help Amy with dinner before I really do get violent." Becky said with a frown, just before walking over to the cooker to join Amy.
"I'm glad you got everything straightened out with Chrissy." Amy said, as she turned to face Becky.
"So am I, and I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." Becky said, as she gave Amy a hug.
"Do you need any help with dinner?" Chrissy asked, as she walked over to them.
"No, you need to give Debbie a call, and make sure she's not worried about what she heard us say over the phone." Becky said, as she turned Chrissy around again, and sent her back to get her phone off Mandy.
Chrissy sat down next to Mandy and picked up her phone and then scrolled down to Debbie's number and hit the call button.
There was soon a female voice Answering. "Hello Chrissy, is that you this time?" Debbie asked down the phone.
"Hi Debbie, yes it's me this time. Sorry for any worry I may have caused you." Chrissy said.
"Is everything okay down there? I wish I'd never bothered calling you now." Debbie said with a sad tone to her voice.
"Please don't say that Debbie. It was my fault, I lied to Becky about the call, and she didn't believe me."
"Okay, but is everything alright again now between the two of you?" Debbie still sounded worried.
"Yes we got it all sorted out. I was just being silly, but everyone here will say that's nothing new." Chrissy giggled.
"Well as long as you both got it sorted out, that's all that matters in the end. Thanks for calling me back to let me know." Debbie sounded happier again now.
"While I have you on the phone, and now that Becky knows everything, could I get your address?" Chrissy asked, as she went and grabbed a pad and pen off the side. "I can send you a cheque then to get the reunion started for you." Chrissy added.
"You really don't need to send any money Chrissy, as you won't be coming to it anyway." Debbie said, as she tried to talk Chrissy out of feeling like she needed to do any of this.
"I really just want to do what I can to help you get it off the ground, so please give me your address." Chrissy said in a firm voice.
Debbie could see that she wasn't going to get away with not taking any money off Chrissy, so she gave her address, and then thanked Chrissy again before ending the call.
Dinner was ready to be served, and the girls were just waiting for Ann and Amber to get in from work. They were all chatting about reunions when they saw Ann and Amber walk into the kitchen together.
"Good, we can all eat now." Becky said, as she jumped up and went to start dishing up. Amy and Chrissy jumped up to help, but Amy ran over to give her wife a hug first.
"Hello dear. Tough day at work?" Amy asked, as she wrapped her arms around Amber's neck and kissed her.
"No tougher than normal darling wife." Amber purred, as they broke the kiss. "I feel like you should have my pipe and slippers ready for me." Amber added with a giggle.
"That can be arranged." Amy said with a grin.
"Don't bother baby, I'm happy just having you, and a home cooked meal waiting for me." Amber smiled. Amy turned to go and help Becky and Chrissy, and ran off giggling, when Amber slapped her bottom for her.
They were sitting eating dinner, and Amy filled in Ann and Amber about Chrissy's phone call, and the invite to a school reunion.
"That should be fun for you, with how you look now." Amber said with a grin.
"I'm not going, but I said I'd send some money to get it off the ground."
"I thought you'd get a kick out of letting them see what you look like now days." Amber said sounding a little shocked that Chrissy didn't want to go.
"I really don feel like being pointed at all night, and treated like some sort of freak they can all have a laugh at." Chrissy said, as she picked at her dinner. "I'm scared of finding someone that thinks it would be fun to harm me as well." Chrissy added, sounding a little scared.
They could all see that Chrissy really didn't feel like talking about it any more, so they changed the subject to other things. Becky could see that part of Chrissy would really like to go to the reunion, but she'd got no idea how to solve all the problems Chrissy saw with her going, and a couple of them were pretty big. Becky knew she could never protect Chrissy in a fight, but she'd die trying. Becky knew she'd have to give it some thought, and see if she could find some way to get her there, and do it safely.
Once dinner was out the way, Chrissy went with Becky so they could take a shower and then get Becky ready for the club. Mandy and Amy sorted out the dishes, while Ann and Amber went up to get out of their work clothes.
Mandy and Amy were sitting in the living room when Ann and Amber got back down, so they started talking about the plans they had for Chrissy's birthday next Tuesday.
"Has Carl got the meal sorted at the hotel then Mandy?" Ann asked.
"Yes, and he's sorted out a couple of other little bits for her as well." Mandy said with a grin. "Have you all found something for her yet?" Mandy asked.
All the girls sat grinning and nodding there heads up and down. Chrissy had no idea about the meal at the hotel, or more the party at the hotel. Carl had asked everyone to come, and Mandy was closing the shop for the day, so they could all go and have a day at the spa in the hotel. Amy was looking forward to getting in the pool again. She really loved to go swimming.
They all went to the door when Vicky turned up for Becky. Chrissy spent a little time saying goodbye, and then went to the living room to relax on the sofa with Mandy until bedtime.
Becky was sitting at the bar in the VIP section looking into space when she heard someone speak to her. "Is everything okay Becky?" Carla asked looking worried.
"Yes, fine Carla. I was just trying to work out something in my head, but don't seem to be able to find an easy answer to it." Becky sighed.
"Why don't you tell me, and I'll see if I can come up with an answer for you." Carla smiled, as she sat on the stool next to Becky.
Becky sat and told Carla about the phone call from Debbie, and how she could see that part of Chrissy wanted to go to the reunion, but she had a lot of worries. Carla could understand what Chrissy was trying to say, and why she'd be worried about it.
"I think I might be able to help with this Becky. Can you get me a phone number for this Debbie, so I can call her and have a chat?" Carla asked with a grin.
"What do you have in mind Carla?" Becky asked looking worried.
"Let me have a chat with Debbie, and then I'll get back to you." Carla said, as she pattered Becky on the back of the hand, just before kissing her on the cheek and leaving Becky still sat at the bar.
"How does he do that?" Becky thought to herself. "I've spent hours trying to work out an answer, and he does it in a couple of minutes." She said to herself, as she slid off the stool and went to check on the other parts of the club.
Chrissy woke the next morning as Mandy slid out of bed and padded off to the bathroom, she was soon getting up and wondering off to take a shower in her own room. Becky was soon joining her, and helping to get the hard to reach places clean.
Amy was already down stairs when they got down there, so they helped her make breakfast, and they had it ready by the time Mandy, Ann and Amber came down to eat.
Becky waited until Chrissy had left for work with Mandy before she sent Carl a text message with the address and phone number for Debbie. Becky just hoped that whatever Carl was thinking about, would really work.
Chrissy found herself beginning to get a little excited about her birthday this year, as she knew that everyone was planning something big for her. Chrissy kept herself busy, hoping it would make her birthday come a little quicker. It didn't, but it helped keep her mind off thinking about it too much.
The girls were glad to be closing the shop Saturday night, they were all ready for a night out at the club. Ann was looking forward to spending some time with Brad, and Mandy was looking forward to spending the night with Carla, and later Carl back at home in her bed.
Amy and Chrissy spent the night showing Hope and Faith a really good time. Hope and Faith both had to admit that it was a much better night with Amy and Chrissy together. Amy only drank the same amount as Chrissy, and stayed at the merry stage of being drunk. Amber and Becky got a couple of slow dances with Amy and Chrissy. Hope just wrapped her arms around Faith when they played the slow songs and joined in the fun. They all had a giggled, as Hope and Faith made fun of them.
Chrissy was curled up on the sofa with Becky on the Sunday afternoon. Everyone else was out doing some last minute shopping for Chrissy's birthday. Becky had been going out while Chrissy was at work and sorting her bits out. So she got to spend a quiet afternoon relaxing with her wife.
Mandy was out with Carl for a late lunch when his mobile starting ringing. "I'm sorry babe, but I really need to take this." Carl said with a pleading look at Mandy.
"Okay, but make it quick." Mandy said with a frown.
"Hi Debbie. Did you get the paperwork I sent up to you?" Carl asked sounding hopeful.
"Hi Carl. Yes I got it all yesterday, and went over to the hotel and had a look at the room. It all looks really nice, but are you sure you want to do all this for our reunion?" Debbie asked on the other end of the phone.
"When it comes to making Chrissy happy, yes I'm very sure." Carl said with a smile, as he looked at the puzzled look on Mandy's face. "I'll leave you to arrange for all the music and food, but I will cover the cost of it all. You have my number, so there are any problems just give me a call and I'll get it taken care of for you." Carl added.
"I don't know where to start thanking you for all this Carl." Debbie said sounding shocked.
"Just make sure everyone treats Chrissy nice. She's a really nice girl, and has feelings that can be hurt just like the rest of us." Carl said in a serious tone of voice.
"Trust me Carl, if I find anyone trying to upset Chrissy, they will have me to answer to." Debbie said in a protective way.
"I'll be bringing up some security with me for the night, but they shouldn't spoil any ones fun, unless they start on Chrissy or Becky that is." Carl said with a chuckle. "I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they do." Carl added with another chuckle.
"More fool them if they do." Debbie giggled.
"I better go now Debbie, I'm having a late lunch with Mandy, and she looks ready to kill me right now." Carl said looking worried.
"Okay Carl. Thanks again for doing all this, you must really think a lot of Chrissy." Debbie said.
"I do, and all her sister's. I'll talk to you soon Debbie. Bye." Carl said.
"Enjoy your meal, and I'm sorry for bothering you today with all this." Bye Debbie said, just before ending the call.
"Sorry about that princess." Carl said, as he carried on eating his lunch. Mandy just sat looking at him from the other side of the table. "Something wrong with your food?" Carl asked when he saw that Mandy still wasn't eating.
"Was that the Debbie that Chrissy went to school with, the one sorting out the reunion?" Mandy asked with a puzzled look.
"Yes. Becky asked me the other night if I had any ideas for how to make it safe for Chrissy to attend, so I spoke with Debbie and we sorted it all out." Carl said in a matter of fact way. Didn't Becky tell you I was looking into it for her?" Carl asked.
"No, she has not said a single thing to any of us about it." Mandy said looking shocked. "So Chrissy will be able to go to the reunion, and be completely safe while she's there?" Mandy asked.
"Yep, I've booked a function room at a large hotel a friend owns, and I've booked rooms for us all to stay in, so we'll be close by if anything goes wrong." Carl said with a grin. "We'll be at the reunion actually, that is one of the deals I made with Debbie when I said I'd pay for it all. I thought you and the other girls would want to keep an eye on Chrissy and Becky."
"Just when I think I couldn't fall in love with you any more, you do something like this." Mandy said with her hand on her heart. "This will make Chrissy really happy you know. I could tell the other night that she really wanted to go, but just didn't think she'd be safe if she did." Mandy added, as she reached across the table and held Carl's hand.
"Becky said the same thing the other night, and I won't let Chrissy feel bad about anything if I can help it." Carl smiled. "And it helps me keep in good graces with her big sister." Carl added with a grin.
"If you feel like heading back to your place when we finish our lunch. I'll show you how grateful I am baby." Mandy said with a grin, as she started eating again.
They both seemed to feel full just after that, and Carl paid the bill and they were heading back to Carl's penthouse.
Becky had fallen asleep with her head on Chrissy's knee while they watched a Disney movie on one of the satellite channels. She soon woke up when she heard Amy and Amber getting back from their shopping trip.
"Hi Chrissy, Becky!" Amy said, as she came into the living room after taking their bags up to their room. "Sorry Becky, I didn't realise you were asleep." Amy said looking a little sad for waking her up.
"Don't worry about it Amy, I needed waking up, or I won't be able to sleep tonight." Becky said, as she sat up and had a stretch before wrapping an arm around Chrissy and kissing her.
"Amber and I wondered if you wanted to go out and catch a movie, and then grab some dinner on the way back?" Amy asked looking hopeful they'd say yes.
"Sounds good to me." Chrissy said, as she looked at Becky to see what she thought about it.
"Count me in." Becky smiled, as she stood up and then pulled Chrissy to her feet, so they could go and get ready.
They all jumped in Becky's car, as Amber had already driven today, and they set off for the cinema. They went to see a film called Eclipse, about a vampire and a werewolf that both loved the same girl. They all liked the film, but Amy said the book was better. A group of girls walking out the cinema just in front of them were arguing over, team Jacob, and team Edward, but Amy, Amber, Chrissy and Becky all wanted to shout team Alice, as they thought she was really cute. They all kept quiet though until they got back to Becky's car, then they all started shouting "Team Alice!" As they all giggled.
Becky drove to a Pizza Hut ®, and they all went in to eat. Amber paid the bill and said it was part of her birthday treat for Chrissy. Amy had paid at the cinema, saying the same thing.
"Thanks for the movie, and dinner you two. I had a really great time." Chrissy said, as she hugged them both once they got home again.
"Don't worry Chrissy, you still get presents on Tuesday." Amy said with a grin, as she broke the hug with her.
"You really don't have to. Tonight was nice enough." Chrissy said.
"We know we don't need to, but we want to." Amber said, as she also hugged Chrissy.
The girls all walked up stairs, and then hugged again at Chrissy and Becky's bedroom door before they all went to bed. Chrissy and Becky went to bed in their own room, as they thought that Carl might come home with Mandy later, but Chrissy felt Mandy get in next to her some time later in the night. Chrissy wrapped an arm around her without fully waking up, and they were soon all asleep again.
Amy was already down in the kitchen with a pot of tea made when Mandy walked into the room. "Morning big sister Mandy." Amy said, as she ran over and gave her a hug. "Is Carl not with you this morning?" Amy asked.
"Morning baby sister. No, he had an early meeting to get to, so he dropped me off late last night." Mandy said, as she sat at the table, while Amy poured her a cup of tea. "MMM, thanks Amy. That really hits the spot." Mandy added with a sigh.
Mandy had got fully dressed ready for work, so she could have a word with Becky while Chrissy went up with Amy to finish getting dressed. She wanted to let Becky know about Carl sorting out everything for Chrissy's school reunion.
Chrissy and Becky soon entered the kitchen, and set to work helping Amy get everything sorted, then Becky made a start on washing the dishes while Amy and Chrissy went up to finish getting ready for work.
Mandy filled her in on all the details for the reunion that Carl had told her the night before, and Becky was really happy that Chrissy would be able to attend it now. They both decided to keep it quiet for the time being. They wanted to get her birthday part out the way before they started talking about the reunion.
"Has Carl managed to sort out the final peace for Chrissy's birthday party?" Becky asked.
"Yes, they will be arriving tomorrow lunchtime. Carl had a lot of trouble getting him to come down though." Mandy said, as she rolled her eyes.
"I'm shocked that he's even coming at all, but at least Holly was still going to come down." Becky smiled.
Carl had sorted for Chrissy's mum and dad to visit for a couple of days, and be a surprise at her birthday party tomorrow night. Even though Chrissy's dad did speak to her now, he still wasn't happy to spend too much time around her. This really bothered Chrissy, and the girls all hated to see Chrissy looking sad about anything.
Amy and Chrissy were soon walking back into the kitchen, and Chrissy noticed how Mandy and Becky stopped speaking when they did, but she wasn't bothered about it, as she knew they were still sorting out bits and bobs for her birthday.
"You two ready to go to work then?" Mandy asked with a smile.
"Yes." Amy and Chrissy said together, as they stood smiling at Mandy.
"I don't know how you two can look so happy on a Monday morning, it's not normal." Mandy said with a groan, as she stood up and made her way out into the hallway.
"It is only one day sis." Amy smiled. "Then we've got a couple of days off, and we get to spoil the birthday girl here." Amy added, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and kissed her on the cheek.
"Very true, that is something to look forward to." Mandy smiled, as she did the same to Chrissy from the other side.
"Hay! Stop hogging my wife." Becky said with a pout. "You've got her for the rest of the day, so let me spend some time with her before you steal her away from me." Becky added, as she rescued Chrissy from them.
"Rescued by my hero, what more could a girl ask for." Chrissy said with a grin, just before Becky kissed her.
"I could lock you away in my castle, and keep you safe for the rest of your life." Becky purred, as they broke the kiss.
"Tempting, but I love to go shopping to much." Chrissy said with a grin.
They were soon being pulled apart when they heard Mandy speaking, as she grabbed Chrissy's hand and pulled her out the house and over to her car.
"We have a really busy day today sis, so we don't have time for your normal half hour goodbye." Mandy said, as she opened the passenger door and helped Chrissy to get in.
Becky stood and waved, as she watched Mandy drive away, then she went back in the house to finish sorting out the dishes, and then do some cleaning before heading back to bed. Even though Becky would go to bed early on a Sunday night with Chrissy, she could very rarely get to sleep. She'd just lye there and watch Chrissy sleep for a couple of hours. Not that it bothered Becky watching Chrissy sleep.
Just like Mandy said, they had a really busy day at the shop. They had to get three days worth of orders ready for the changing service at the hotel, and then do all the Internet orders they'd taken over the weekend as well. They got it all done, and were glad to be closing the shop at home time and heading home. Mandy stopped in at the post office, and all three of them took the parcels in, then they went home to put their feet up.
Mandy, Chrissy and Amy had all worked a little later today, so Ann and Amber were already home when they got there. Amy ran over and jumped on Amber's knee, and Chrissy did the same to Becky. Mandy just walked over and collapsed into one of the empty chairs next to Ann.
"Tough day sis?" Ann asked Mandy with a pout, as she poured her a cup of tea out.
"Thanks Ann. Yes it was, but we have a couple of days off now to recover." Mandy smiled, as she picked up the cup and took a sip from it.
"Yep, two days to laze around and do nothing." Ann said with a grin. Carl and Sara had given Ann and Amber the Tuesday off as well, so they could spend the day with Chrissy and the others when they went to the spa at the hotel.
"What is it you have planned for me tomorrow anyway?" Chrissy asked, when she stopped kissing Becky.
"You will just have to wait and see young lady." Mandy said, as she tapped Chrissy on the nose, like she was some small child.
"And no trying to help with breakfast in the morning, or you'll find yourself handcuffed to a chair." Becky said in a firm voice.
"Do I have too? You know I hate sitting about while the rest of you are doing stuff." Chrissy sounded like a whiney teenager as she said it.
"Yes you have to. I thought you said you liked that rule last year on Amy's birthday." Becky asked.
"I did at the time, but now I hate it again." Chrissy rested her head on Becky's shoulder as she said it, and she started to kiss Becky's neck.
Chrissy wanted to make the most of her last time to help sort out a meal for a day or so, so she was soon helping Becky get dinner dished up. Chrissy then helped Amy clear away the dishes, while Ann and Amber washed and dried them. Chrissy went up with Becky to take a shower, and then help her get ready for work.
"I really hope none of you have gone too mad with my birthday? You know I don't need all that much fuss made over me." Chrissy said, as she let Becky wash her breasts for her.
"I can't speak for the others baby, but I plan to spoil you rotten for the whole day. I know that Amy plans to do the same, and I guess the others will be just as bad." Becky giggled. "Face it baby, we all love you, and just want to show it." Becky added, as she turned Chrissy around and kissed her.
"It is nice to be loved by so many." Chrissy smiled when they stopped kissing.
"I still love you more than the rest of them." Becky said with a grin, just before kissing her again.
Chrissy walked down stairs with Becky on her arm. Chrissy was in her bathrobe, and Becky was in a beautiful red evening dress. They both saw Vicky talking to Mandy, Ann, Amy, and Amber, but they all stopped when they heard Becky's heels coming down the stairs. Chrissy guessed they were talking about her, or something to do with her birthday.
Vicky gave Becky a couple of minutes to say a proper goodbye to Chrissy, then they were in Vicki's car and heading out the drive and off to the club.
"Is Chrissy excited about her birthday?" Vicky asked, as they headed for the club.
"I think so, but she just thinks we're all going to too much trouble for her. The normal Chrissy response to anyone doing something for her." Becky giggled.
"That sounds like our Chrissy." Vicky smiled.
"I just hope the visit from her mum and dad goes okay." Becky said looking worried.
"Don't worry about it to much Becky. Chrissy has a lot of people looking out for her now, and he was okay at the wedding." Vicky said.
"I know that Vicky, but he's not had any time for her since then." Becky said with a little anger in her voice.
"I don't think it's her dad she'll be happy to see. I know she'll love seeing her real mum again, as will you." Vicky smiled.
"You're right there Vicky, I love chatting with Holly on the phone. It's like having a second mum, just like Prue treats me." Becky said with a grin.
They were soon pulling up outside the club, and one of the bouncers took Vicki's car and parked it around the back of the club for her, so she could enter the club with Becky. They did a quick tour of the club and made sure everything was running smoothly before heading up to the VIP section to find Carla.
It was later in the night when Becky was taking a break, and she sat there nibbling on some fries, then Carla came and sat down with her.
"Do you want to share some fries with me Carla?" Becky asked, as she passed her the plate.
"Thanks Becky." Carla said, as she picked up a fry and popped it in her mouth. "Did Mandy have time to chat with you about the reunion at all today?" Carla asked.
"Yes she did, she told me everything you told her last night. I can't believe you sorted it all out so fast." Becky said looking a little shocked by it all. "I'm really glad that you will all be there to help keep Chrissy safe." Becky added.
"We'll be keeping an eye on you as well, don't forget. Not everyone will be happy to see a couple of girls together, not to mention that one was not born that way." Carla said looking a little worried.
"Who were you thinking of taking with us to keep an eye on everything?" Becky asked, as she took another fry.
"Brad and Frank both offered before I had time to ask them or anyone else." Carla giggled. "If they can't make anyone think twice before having a go at you or Chrissy, then they deserve what ever they get for trying." Carla added with a grin.
"What about the club, won't we need one of them to stay and watch over the other bouncers?" Becky asked.
"No, Beth will keep an eye on everything, and Frank said that Paul and Mark will keep an eye on everything with her." Carla said taking another fry. "Frank said it would be good to see the pair of them having a bit more responsibility." Carla added.
"Looks like you have everything sorted out." Becky said with a pout, as she realised just how organised Carl/Carla could be.
"You still have the final say on everything Becky, you are the boss after all. I was just trying to make sure we had everything covered." Carla said, as she playfully put her arms up in surrender.
"That's fine Carla, I just wonder why you even keep me around most the time. You still seem to run everything yourself." Becky said with a sigh.
"You do a lot more than you take credit for Becky. You have a very happy work force under you, and this is the best paying club I own." Carla said looking a little shocked at what Becky just said. "I sometimes wish I could spare you to go and sort out some of the other clubs for me." Carla added with a grin.
"I'm sorry Carla, but I'm not going to be away from Chrissy for any length of time, and I can't ask Mandy to spare her just to keep me company." Becky said.
"I would never ask you to Becky. I have been thinking of having some of the managers from the other clubs to come here and spend some time learning from you though." Carla said, just to see what Becky thought of the idea.
"That could work, but I'm not sure what I could teach them about running a night club. I just kind of do it." Becky said with a shrug. "I think Beth is ready to run a club, she's really good at her job." Becky offered as an idea for Carla to think about.
"I hadn't thought of that. You have trained her really well, and she could go around the clubs sorting out any little problems they may have." Carla said, as she looked to be deep in thought about it all.
"I'll leave you to think about it then Carla, and I'll go and carry on running this one for you." Becky smiled, as she stood up and walked away.
Becky was glad to be heading home at the end of the night, she just wanted to cuddle up to Chrissy and enjoy her time with her tomorrow. Becky slipped into bed next to Chrissy, trying not to wake her up, but she smiled when she felt a warm pair of arms pull her into a hug. A nice sounding moan escaped from Chrissy's lips as she cuddled up to her. Becky was soon fast asleep in her loving wife's arms. "Life doesn't get much better than this." Becky thought to herself as she drifted off.
Chrissy woke the next morning, and smiled when she saw Becky still asleep facing her. Mandy had already got out of bed, and was taking a shower, Chrissy could hear the water running. She slid out of bed very slowly trying not to wake Becky, and she went over to her and Becky's room to have a shower herself. She'd just started to wash her hair when she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist, and cuddle her from behind.
"Happy Birthday baby." Becky whispered in her ear. "Do you feel any older today?" Becky asked, as she turned Chrissy around so she could kiss her.
"Not really, but I think I love you a little more today." Chrissy purred, as she kissed Becky back.
"That's good to hear." Becky said with a grin.
Once they thought they were both clean, they got out the shower and then slipped on some underwear before putting on the bathrobes and heading down for some breakfast. Mandy was already down there reading the paper and looking at the fashion section of the newspaper.
"Happy Birthday sis!" Mandy said, as she put the paper down and held out her hands to get a hug.
Chrissy ran over with a grin on her face, and jumped on Mandy's knee, as she hugged her. "Thanks sis." Chrissy said with a grin when they broke the hug.
"Okay then take a seat and let me make a start on breakfast." Becky said, as she pulled out the chair next to Mandy.
Chrissy sat on the seat, but she was pouting about it. Chrissy was soon jumping up to go and help Becky, but was led back to the table again and told to sit or else. Chrissy sat still for another couple of minutes before she saw that Mandy had finished her drink, so she stood up and poured her another one out.
"Okay, that's it!" Becky said in a firm voice. "If you won't listen, then we'll have to do this the hard way." Becky said, as she walked over and sat on Chrissy's knee and forced Chrissy's arms behind her back and through the back of the chair.
"What are you doing Becky?" Chrissy asked with some worry in her voice.
Chrissy was to busy trying to work out what Becky was doing, to see that Mandy had got up from the table and walked behind her. The next thing Chrissy felt and heard was a set of handcuffs being placed around her wrists.
"You were warned last night sis." Mandy said, as she went and sat down again. "Thanks for the cup of tea by the way." Mandy added with a grin, as she picked it up and took a sip from it.
"Okay, I'll be good from now on, and just sit here and wait for you to finish breakfast." Chrissy said, as she watched Becky get off her and then walk off to carry on sorting out breakfast.
"I know you will princess, but you stay cuffed to that chair until I decide to release you." Becky looked over her shoulder with a grin on her face.
Amy had woken up and was just getting in the shower when she saw Amber enter the bathroom. "Good morning my darling wife." Amber said with a grin, as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Amy's waist.
"Morning, and how is my wife this fine morning?" Amy asked with a grin.
"All the better for seeing you baby, and I haven't missed my chance to take a shower with you either." Amber purred, as she started kissing Amy while she tried to slip out of her nightgown. Amy helped her, and they were soon in the shower making out under the jets of water.
Once they were done in the shower, and had some clothes on, they made their way down to the kitchen, but not before Amy jumped on the bed and woke Ann up. Then Amy and Amber both ran out the bedroom before Ann could mount an attack on them for waking her from a sound sleep.
They were both running a little later than normal, so weren't shocked to smell bacon and sausage cooking as they went down stairs. They were shocked to see Chrissy handcuffed to the chair she was sitting on, while Becky dashed around sorting out breakfast.
"Happy Birthday Chrissy!" Amy and Amber said, as they ran over and both hugged her at the same time.
"Thanks. I'd hug you back, but as you can see, I'm a little tied up at the minute." Chrissy said, as she shot Becky a dirty look.
"Hay! If you keep looking at me like that, I may decide to leave you there all day missy." Becky said looking serious about it, as she pointed a fork in Chrissy's direction.
"I'm sorry, it was my own fault, I didn't listen when Becky told me not to do anything." Chrissy said looking very submissive all of a sudden. Chrissy just sitting looking down at the table after that, to scared to make eye contact with Becky in case she took it the wrong way.
Amy and Amber went over and started helping Becky, and they were just putting it on the plates when Ann entered the kitchen rubbing sleep from her eyes. She saw Chrissy handcuffed to the chair and just stood with her hands on her hips.
"Did someone try to help with breakfast then?" Ann asked. "Happy Birthday Chrissy." Ann added, as she wrapped her arms around her in a hug.
"Thank you Ann. I was wrong to try and help Becky make breakfast." Chrissy said without looking up at any of them.
Ann thought Chrissy was acting a little odd, but shrugged it off, as she went and sat down in her normal spot.
Amy and Amber started bringing the plates over to the table, and Becky brought a plate over with enough on it to feed herself and Chrissy. Chrissy waited for Becky to undo the handcuffs, but got worried when she just sat down next to her and started eating breakfast. Becky would offer Chrissy a fork full of food every so often. Chrissy was to scared to asked Becky to undo the cuffs, so she sat quietly taking the food Becky offered her.
"What time are we going out today?" Ann asked, as she watched Becky put another fork full of food in Chrissy's mouth.
"Carl's sending a car to pick us all up at midday, then we will be taken to the hotel for an afternoon of being pampered at the spa." Mandy said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy to see what she thought of that, but Chrissy kept her head down as she chewed on the food in her mouth.
Chrissy had heard what Mandy said, but didn't want to do anything that would force Becky to keep her in the handcuffs any longer, so she kept her head down. She got even more worried when she heard Becky speak.
"I don't think she's interested Mandy. Maybe we should leave her here then." Becky said with a smile.
"I'm sorry Mandy. I didn't mean to be rude. That sounds really nice." Chrissy said, as she looked up at Mandy very quickly before lowering her head again to look down at the table. Chrissy was careful to make sure she answered all the girls questions after that.
They all thought Chrissy would have been more talkative with it being her birthday, but they just put it down to her playing this little game with Becky while she fed her breakfast to her. Once they had finished eating, Amy and Amber set to work doing the dishes while Ann and Mandy had another cup of tea.
Becky wiped Chrissy's mouth for her. "There you go Chrissy. All clean again." Becky said, as she looked around Chrissy's mouth to make sure she hadn't missed any spots.
"Thank you for the lovely breakfast, and for feeding me." Chrissy said with her head lowered again. She hoped that Becky would release the cuffs now, so she could go and get ready.
Becky went to help clean up the kitchen, and left Chrissy sat in the chair feeling sorry for herself. Once everything was cleaned and put away, Becky walked over to where Chrissy was sitting there and undid one of the cuffs, but Chrissy got a shock when she closed it again once she had removed Chrissy's hands from the chair. Part of Chrissy wanted to ask why, but another part told her to just keep quiet and this will all be over soon. So she let Becky lead her up to their room, where Becky led Chrissy over to the bed and sat her down on it.
"You sit and behave while I go and get ready to leave for the hotel." Becky said, as she pattered Chrissy on the head.
Chrissy had had enough of this game, so she waited for Becky to enter the bathroom, then she got up and went over to her bed side table and opened the draw to get the spare key out for the handcuffs, but she couldn't see it in there. "Where the hell is it?" Chrissy said, as she tried to move some things around just in case it had slipped under them.
"You looking for this?" Becky said from the bathroom door, as she held up all the keys for the handcuffs. "I thought I told you to stay on the bed?" Becky added, as she walked over and led Chrissy back to where she'd been sitting earlier.
"I'm sorry Becky, please forgive me." Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
"You will be sorry when I've finished punishing you for not doing as you're told young lady." Becky said, as she undid one of her cuffs and fed Chrissy's hand through the end of the rail at the bottom of the bed.
"W…W… What do you mean by punishment?" Chrissy asked looking really worried now.
"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you." Becky said, as she lifted Chrissy's legs up onto the bed and made her lye down with her feet pointing up the bed towards the pillows. Then Becky went back to the bathroom to carry on getting ready.
Chrissy lay their trying to work out what Becky meant by punishment, and was getting more and more worked up about it all when she heard Becky coming back out the bathroom. Chrissy looked over expecting her to be dressed and ready to leave, but she was far from being dressed to go any place.
Becky was stood in the doorway to the bathroom wearing a red corset with a red ribbon above it tied in a big bow covering her breasts, and she had red stocking that attached to the corset by little straps. Becky wasn't wearing any panties either; she just had another ribbon tied around her bum that was tied in a bow over her nether region.
"Happy Birthday baby." Becky said with a grin, as she walked over to the bed and stood just to the side of where Chrissy was lying.
"You look really sexy Becky." Chrissy said with lust in her eyes now. All the worry washed away. "So this is what you call punishments then?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"No, the punishment is you have to lye there and look at your gift, but you can't open it." Becky said with a pout. "I'll just have to open it myself then, and tease you with what you could have had." Becky added, as she reached up to undo the bow covering her breasts.
Chrissy looked shocked when Becky said that, and she was soon pulling on the cuffs in some strange hope she could break them and get to Becky before she undid the bow herself. She soon stopped struggling when Becky put her hand on Chrissy's chest to stop her moving around, and to try and calm her down bit.
"Please stop baby, you'll hurt yourself." Becky said in a worried voice, as she pulled the keys out from someplace and reached up to undo the cuffs.
Chrissy had her arms free again, and she was soon pulling Becky onto the bed and lying her on her back so Chrissy was looking down at her. "You really do look very sexy, and very beautiful Becky." Chrissy said with a grin, as she ran her finger up towards the bow wrapped around her breasts.
"Are you going to open your present then, or what?" Becky asked with lust in her eyes.
"I'm not sure, I might save it until later. Leave you cuffed to the bed until I get home later." Chrissy said with an evil grin as she picked up the cuffs and waved them just above Becky's head.
"I am your gift to do with as you please." Becky said with a little worry showing on her face.
"I never have been one for waiting to open my presents." Chrissy said with a grin, as she threw the cuffs to the other side of the bed and then set to work undoing the bow that covered Becky's breasts.
Chrissy knew just how to make Becky feel good, as she started to nibble on one of Becky's nipples while she rolled the other between her thumb and forefinger. Becky was soon moaning as she had an orgasm. Chrissy started kissing her way down Becky's body until she reached the second bow, and she pulled this one off with her teeth while Becky looked down between her own breast watching her do it.
"God you are so sexy baby." Becky said, as she tilted her head back, due to Chrissy sticking her tong right where she knew it would drive Becky over the edge again.
They played around for some time, and Chrissy ended up naked at some point. They both lay in each other's arms, as they came down from another orgasm. Chrissy was happy with her gift from Becky.
"Thanks for the present babe." Chrissy purred, as she planted kiss after kiss on Becky's lips.
"That was just the first of many gifts you'll be getting today baby." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her really tight.
"You had me really scared down in the kitchen, I thought you were going to keep me cuffed all day." Chrissy said, as they hugged.
"I thought you seemed a little quiet down there, but just thought you were playing along." Becky said. "I'm sorry for that, but it was just some fun to lead you up to the first gift I had for you." Becky added with a smile.
"And what a very nice gift it was. Well worth the little bit of worrying I had to live with." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky again.
"I'm glad you liked it." Becky said with a grin.
"I plan to keep using it as much as I can." Chrissy said just before kissing her again.
"We better see about getting up, or the car will be here for us, and we won't be ready." Becky said, as she broke away from Chrissy and slid off the bed before helping Chrissy to get up as well.
Chrissy helped Becky change out of her corset and stockings, then they helped to get each other dressed before heading down to join the others.
Amy ran over and gave Chrissy a birthday hug when they walked into the living room. "Happy Birthday sis!" Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy. "We were all worried about you when you went up stairs with Becky." Amy added with a pout.
"Sorry about worrying you all. I just felt a little weird with my hands cuffed behind my back while Becky fed me breakfast." Chrissy said with a smile, when they broke the hug.
"What did you think to the gift Becky got for you sis?" Mandy asked with a grin. Chrissy just went all red faced, and then cuddled up to Becky a little more. "I take that reaction to mean you liked it." Mandy added with a giggle.
Chrissy was glad when she heard the doorbell, so she could run off to answer it. Amy and Becky were close behind her. Chrissy found Dennis stood there smiling at them.
"Hi Dennis." Chrissy smiled. "Does this mean we're going to the hotel in a limo?" Chrissy asked, as she looked around Dennis to see what he was driving.
"Good afternoon Chrissy. Do you think I'd take such beautiful ladies out in anything else?" Dennis said, as he stepped aside to let Chrissy see the limo parked out on the road.
Chrissy started grinning, and was soon being hugged by Amy and Becky, as they joined in the excitement with her. They dragged Chrissy out to the limo where Dennis was just opening the door for them to get in. Amber ran over to the limo with Ann close behind, while Mandy locked up the house and then walked over to let Dennis help her get in.
Dennis never bothered asking the girls if they wanted to take a tour around the city, and just did it. The girls all giggled as they drove past people trying to look in the car to see if anyone famous was in it. The ride seemed to be over to quick, and Dennis was soon pulling up in front of the hotel, and helping them all to get out the car.
The staff at the hotel all knew the girls by now, so they were led through to the spa and then spent the afternoon being pampered, and swimming in the pool. Carl had also sorted for them all to have their hair and nails done. They were then taken up to Carl's penthouse, so they could get ready for dinner.
"How you enjoying your birthday so far sis?" Amy asked, as they went up in the elevator.
"I'm having a great time." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I hope you don't mind waiting for you presents until later at dinner? We just thought it would be better for you to open them all at the same time, while everyone is there to see you do it." Mandy said.
"I don't mind at all sis. I was just a little shocked to find out about the dinner party Carl had planned for me." Chrissy smiled, as she stood hugging Becky.
"I asked Carl to sort it out, and I'd pay for everything, but he wouldn't let me." Amy said with a pout.
"Well it's the thought that counts Amy, but you really didn't need to go to so much trouble for me." Chrissy said, as she stepped over to where Amy was stood with Amber, so she could hug her.
"You missed out on having a birthday at all last year because of me. I wasn't going to let you miss out again this year." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"Hay! If you hadn't risked your life to save mine, I probably wouldn't be here right now." Chrissy said, as she looked Amy right in the eyes after breaking the hug.
"It's still the best thing I ever did." Amy said with a grin.
"Are you sure it's the best thing you ever did Mrs Ripley?" Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow, as she looked between her and Amber.
"I know Amy loves me Chrissy, but everything we both have now is all because of what she did for you that day. So yes it was the best thing she ever did." Amber said with a grin, as she wrapped her arm around Amy's waist.
They were soon in Carl's penthouse where they set to work getting ready for dinner. As they would be going to the club after the party, Carl and Vic were letting Cathy and Maria get them ready tonight. Carl had also gone with Vic to collect Chrissy's real mum and dad from the airport, and would be running a little late.
The girls were all getting ready in the one bedroom, and helping each other to get dressed, while Chrissy and Amy sorted out makeup. It was like a mad house, but they were all giggling, as they got ready.
Becky had talked Chrissy into wearing her little red dress, and thigh high red leather boots that she wore once before when she surprised Becky. The dress drooped low enough at the front to shot a nice amount of cleavage, and drooped all the way down her back, and just stopped above Chrissy's backside. Chrissy even put the red fishnet tights on to finish off the outfit.
"I don't know why I let you pick my outfits for me." Chrissy said, as she struck a sexy pose.
"You look amazing in that dress." Becky said with a grin, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy's waist. "And those boots just make me want to keep you here all to myself." Becky added with a purr.
Amber had Amy dressed in a blue version of the same outfit as Chrissy, and she thought Amy looked just as beautiful. Neither Amy nor Chrissy looked like they had ever been anything other that girls all their lives. Amber and Becky stood and watched, as Chrissy and Amy walked off towards the living room.
"I don't know about you, but I'm not letting Amy out of my site tonight at the club." Amber said, as she stood next to Becky watching the two of them swing their backsides from side to side, as they walked away.
"I'm beginning to wish I'd brought the handcuffs with me now, so I could keep her with me all night." Becky said with a grin.
Amber and Becky both turned to look at Mandy when she spoke to them both. "I'm not sure that was the best choice of outfits for them both."
"What makes you say that Mandy?" Becky asked with a grin. "I think they both look really sexy." Becky added still grinning.
"I think they do too, but I'm not sure how Holly and Greg will take it when they see their daughter dressed like that." Mandy said in a whisper. "I have a feeling that you dressed Chrissy like that just to get a rise out of Greg though." Mandy said with a raised eyebrow.
Becky just started grinning, as she wondered off to finish getting dressed for the party. Ann and Amber were both left standing there with their mouths open, as they realised just what Becky had done.
"You let Becky dress Chrissy like that, and she has no idea her mum and dad will be at the party?" Ann asked looking a little shocked.
"Yep, I must admit that I'm looking forward to seeing the look on Greg's face when he sees Chrissy." Mandy said with a grin.
"You can be so evil Mandy." Ann giggled, as she gave Mandy a quick hug before turning around so Mandy could help with the zip on her dress.
It was now dark outside, and with all the lights on in the living room, it had turned all the glass doors into a large bank of mirrors. Ann, Mandy, Becky, and Amber all found Chrissy and Amy striking sexy posers in them when they walked out the bedroom.
"I hope they don't end up getting arrested later." Amber said, as she watched them standing together with an arm around each other.
Amy and Chrissy spun round when they heard Amber speak, but they were both grinning as they said together. "If you've got it, flaunt it." They both put a hand on their hip and stuck their hips out to one side in another sexy pose.
"You still think this was a good idea?" Mandy asked Becky, as she leaned forward and whispered in her ear.
Becky just turned to look at Mandy, as she did a nervous chuckle. Mandy could tell that even Becky was having second thoughts about it now. "We better see about going down to the party." Becky said, as she walked over and took Chrissy by the hand and led her to the elevator.
Amber did the same with Amy, and was soon following close behind, with Ann and Mandy bringing up the rear.
Carl had set up the party in one of the function rooms, so the girls made their way there when they got off the elevator. Carla and Vicky were standing just outside the room when the girls got there.
"Is everyone here then Carla?" Mandy asked, but she gave Carla a look, which meant she was asking if Chrissy's mum and dad had arrived okay.
"Yes everyone is in there waiting for the birthday girl." Carla said with a grin. "Happy birthday Chrissy." Carla said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
"Thanks Carla thanks for doing all this for me." Chrissy said, as she hugged her back.
"Happy birthday Chrissy." Vicky said, as she also gave her a hug.
"Thanks Vicky. You're both looking very beautiful tonight." Chrissy added when she broke the hug.
"We both knew that we'd have to spend a little extra time looking beautiful tonight, being out with all you." Vicky said with a grin, as she looked at them all standing there.
"Shall we see about going in? Cathleen and Kat have been asking when you'd all be getting here." Carla said, as she led them all into the room.
Chrissy could hear lots of people talking until they all saw Carla, then the room went very quiet until they saw Chrissy, and then they all started cheering and clapping. Chrissy could see all the normal faces, but she saw that Jo, and Dan was sitting at a table waving at her and Amy. Rachel and Sam were sitting at the same table, and were also waving at them. But the biggest shock for Chrissy was seeing her real mum and dad sitting at a table with Mable, Prue, Frank, David, and Kim.
"Mum, dad?" Chrissy mouthed, as she looked at them both. Chrissy started trying to make her dress a little bigger, as she tried to pull it down and up at the from, all at the same time.
"I wouldn't keep pulling that dress down baby, you're going to have your panties on show at the back." Becky whispered in her ear, as she leaned over.
"Did you know they would be here when you got me to wear this dress and these boots?" Chrissy asked through gritted teeth, as she tried to keep smiling at everyone.
"Don't look so worried baby. He can't deny that you're all woman in that dress." Becky said with a grin. "Come on, let's go and say hello to them." Becky added, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist and led her over to where they were both sat looking at them, as they walked over.
"Hi mum, dad. I'm surprised to see you both here." Chrissy said sounding very nervous.
"Hello dear. Happy birthday." Holly said, as she stood up and hugged her daughter.
"Thanks mum, it's really great to see you here." Chrissy said, as she hugged her mum back, and tried not to start crying.
"You're looking very beautiful dear." Holly said, as she took a step back to get a better look at her daughter. "Doesn't she look beautiful Greg?" Holly asked, as she looked down at Chrissy's farther, who was still sitting there looking at what Chrissy passed of as being a dress. "Well don't just sit there you big ox, stand up and give your daughter a hug." Holly snapped at him.
Chrissy was a little shocked when her mum spoke like that to her dad, but she also felt a little happier knowing that her mum had him under her thumb. He was soon standing up and holding his arms open for Chrissy to step into.
"Happy birthday." He said, as he hugged her.
"Thank you sir." Chrissy said, as she broke the hug with him.
"Do you not want to call me dad any more?" Greg asked looking a little sad about it.
"I didn't think you'd want me to sir." Chrissy said looking nervous.
"I know that we haven't spoken much since you got married, but I would really like for you to call me dad. The same goes for you Becky, but only if you really want too." Greg said, as he looked at them both.
"Thanks for coming down to see me on my birthday, dad." Chrissy said with a smile, as she gave him another hug.
"Yes, thanks for coming down to see us dad." Becky smiled, as she also gave Greg a hug.
Greg smiled and he hugged both girls together. "I'm sorry to sound like a parent when I say this, but do you really go out dressed like that?" Greg asked once they broke the hug. And he stepped back to take another look at the dress and boots Chrissy was wearing.
Everyone within earshot had to giggle when they heard him comment about the dress. "Great, now he wants to play the worried parent." Chrissy said, as she rolled her eyes at him, just before she giggled some more. "Don't worry dad, all the girls are wearing this stuff now days." Chrissy added, as she pulled Amy over to stand next to her.
"Yes I can see that, but I still think you forgot to put the dress on." Greg said, as he looked at Amy's dress, or lack of one.
"Mum, dad I'd like you to meet Amy, Amber, and Ann." Chrissy said, as she pointed at each girl in turn.
"It's nice to meet you all, and I'd like to thank you for saving my daughter last year Amy." Greg said, as he nervously held out his arms to give Amy a hug. "I'm sorry about what happened with your parents as well." Greg added, as he broke the hug with her.
"I'd like to thank you as well dear, for saving my little girl." Holly said, as she pulled Amy into a hug. Amy felt better getting this hug, than she did getting the one off Greg.
"Chrissy returned the favour when my farther tried to kill me, so you don't need to thank me really." Amy said, as she hugged her.
"I can see you're just like Chrissy when it comes to someone paying you a complement." Holly said with a giggle.
"I'll come back and chat some more later, but I better go and say hi to everyone else." Chrissy said with a smile, as she let Becky lead her away to meet some of the others that had come to her party.
"I can't believe how different your dad is about you." Becky said, as they walked over to say hi to Jo, Dan, Sam and Rachel.
"I know what you mean. Does it look like he's lost some weight as well?" Chrissy asked, as she looked over her shoulder and watched her dad sit back down next to her mum.
"I'm not sure, I've not seen enough off him to judge that one for you." Becky said, just before they got to the table where Jo and the others were sitting.
"Happy birthday Chrissy!" Jo said, as she stood up and pulled her into a hug. Dan stood and also gave Chrissy a hug, then Sam and Rachel did the same.
"That is one very sexy dress you have on girl." Jo said with a grin, as she looked her and Amy up and down.
"Thanks Jo. I think Becky was going for the shock factor with my parents." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Becky, who was just stood grinning at all the complements her wife was getting.
"Looks like it worked." Rachel said with a giggle. "But you do look really good the pair of you do. Looking at you both now, I can't believe you weren't born girls." Rachel added with a pout.
Chrissy slowly worked her way around everyone, and thanked them for coming. They all sat down and had the meal before Chrissy sat down to open all her presents, which turned out to be a pretty large amount. She got clothes, a new mobile phone, and a new laptop. She got half a dozen pairs of boots and lots of jewellery as well.
Carl sorted out with a member of staff to have all the stuff dropped off at Chrissy's home tomorrow lunchtime, so none of them had to worry about getting it home later tonight.
Chrissy finally made her way back to her mum and dad, so she could ask them how long they'd be staying, and see how they were doing.
"You have quite a lot of friends now dear." Holly said, as Chrissy sat down next to her with Becky sitting down next to her.
"Yes I do mum." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at her mum. "I'm really glad you and dad came down to see me, that's the best present I could have ever asked for." Chrissy added, as she threw her arms around her mum and hugged her.
"We thought it was about time we came and saw where you were living now days. I must say you're doing very well for you self." Holly smiled, as she looked around the room.
"I doubt dad came willingly." Chrissy said with an odd look at her mum.
"Not at first, but something happened that forced him to finally change his mind." Holly said, as she looked over at Greg sat on the chair next to hers.
"Are you staying here at the hotel?" Chrissy asked.
"No, Mable was kind enough to let us stay with her." Holly said. "She has a beautiful big house doesn't she?" Holly added in a whisper.
"Yes she does, and she loves looking after people as well. I loved living there with Mable and the others, but I really love my own home with Mandy, and Becky here." Chrissy said with a grin, as she pulled Becky in tight to herself.
"Mable speaks very highly of you too dear. I'm glad you finally found a real place to call home, and lots of friends. You always looked so lonely back when you lived with us." Holly said, as she looked to be deep in thought.
Chrissy didn't want to think about the days when she was living back up there, so she changed the subject. "How long will you and Dad be staying?"
"We'll be here until Sunday, then we'll be out of your hair again." Holly said with a giggle.
"I didn't mean it like that mum. I'd really like to show you around a bit, and spend some time with you both." Chrissy said with a grin. "That is if dad wants to be seen out with me?" Chrissy added looking worried, as she looked over at him.
"Of course I want to be seen out with you, just as long as you wear more than you are now." Greg said, as he pointed up and down Chrissy's body.
Chrissy had to giggle when she saw her dad playing the worried farther, but she kind of liked it. She just wished he'd been more like this from the start. "You don't need to worry about me dad, I have plenty of protection when I'm out dressed like this." Chrissy said with a grin.
"It's a father's job to worry about his daughter." Greg said looking very serious.
"Thanks dad, that mean a lot, but you don't have to worry when I have Frank and Brad looking out for me." Chrissy said with a grin, as she pointed over towards two large men stood just off to one side.
Frank and Brad saw Chrissy point at them, so they made their way over to see if she needed anything. "Is everything okay Chrissy?" Frank asked, as he looked at Greg, not sure if he liked him or not.
"Everything is fine Frank; I was just telling my farther how well you and Brad protect me and the others while we're out at the club." Chrissy said with a grin, as she saw her Dad looking at the size of these two men.
"It would be a very cold day in hell before I let anyone lay a finger on little Chrissy here." Frank said, as he looked Greg straight in the eyes. Frank wanted to let Greg know that what he did to Chrissy all them years ago was well out of line, and if he had any thoughts of ever doing something like that again, then just forget it.
"The same goes for me." Brad added, as he also gave Greg the same look Frank was.
"Thank you for looking out for my daughter like you do. I'll sleep better knowing she has you keeping her safe." Greg said sounding nervous, as he held out his hand to shake both Frank and Brad's hands. Greg looked even more nervous when he felt their hands engulf his own like he was a small child.
Frank and Brad both shook Greg's hand, and then winked at Chrissy just before walking off to rejoin Ann and Prue on the other side of the room. Chrissy was trying not to giggle when she saw how Frank and Brad were just scaring her dad for fun.
"You okay dad?" Chrissy asked, as she watched some of the colour coming back to his cheeks.
"I'm fine." He said, as he took a sip from his glass of wine. "I wouldn't want to upset either of them." Greg added with a nervous chuckle.
Chrissy thought about telling him about the guy at the Halloween party last year, but thought better of it, now he was playing the protective farther. So she started chatting about other stuff instead.
It was soon time for Chrissy to move the party over to the club, so she said goodbye to everyone that wasn't going, and then they all climbed into the Limo's and headed off to the club.
Chrissy and the girls all had a great time at the club, they all danced and got merry. Chrissy and Amy only had one spot of trouble when some guy pinched Amy's bottom, but before Amy could turn around and slap his hand away. The guy was down on his knees with his hand bent back in a very painful way by Jo.
"Apologise to the nice young lady!" Jo said down the man's ear.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." The man said with pain in his voice.
"Just because a girls looks nice, does not give scum like you the right to think they can pinch, or cop a feel when ever they feel like it." Jo said, as she let go of the man's hand.
The whole club had gone quiet as Jo shouted at the man. He looked relieved when Jo let go of his hand, but it was short lived when Frank appeared in front of him looking really angry.
"Okay pal, walk, or fly? You pick." Frank said, as he pulled the man to his feet like he weighed nothing at all. The man was soon walking very fast towards the exit with Frank close behind.
Chrissy and Amy both hugged Jo, and thanked her for sorting him out. Both girls were going to have a word with Carl about making sure she got a bonus for what she did. Neither Chrissy nor Amy got any more trouble for the rest of the night after Jo's little display.
The girl's were all happy, but really tired by the time the club closed, but they all stopped to have a drink with the staff, and they all sang happy birthday to Chrissy. Chrissy just sat there giggling, as she cuddled up to Becky on one of the sofas in the VIP section.
Carl rang for the Limo's and then helped the girls getting in them when they arrived at the club. Then they all headed home to get some sleep, it had been a really long day, but lots of fun to go with it.
Chrissy was looking forward to spending some time with her mum and dad, and also letting the girls spend some time with them. But for right now, all Chrissy wanted was to get out of the boots, and spend some time playing with her gift of Becky, or off Becky.
By SaraUK
Amy and Amber were the first two to get up and make their way down to the kitchen. They put the kettle on and made a start on making a pot of tea while they worked out what to cook for breakfast, or brunch, as it was after eleven in the morning now.
Chrissy and Becky were the next two to turn up, followed by Mandy and Carl. Carl had come back with them last night after Chrissy's birthday party at the club, and spent the night with Mandy. Chrissy and Becky had had some fun in their own bed.
"Hi sis!" Amy shouted, as she ran over to hug Chrissy and Becky. "Did you enjoy your birthday yesterday?" Amy asked with a grin, as she broke the hug.
"Yes, I had a really great time. Best birthday ever." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Do you need any help with breakfast Amy?" Becky asked from Chrissy's side.
"I think Amber and I can cover it today, so just relax and enjoy being with each other." Amy smiled, as she turned around and ran off to carry on helping Amber make BLT's for them all.
Chrissy jumped up from the table and ran over to great Mandy and Carl when she heard Mandy talking from just outside the kitchen.
"Carl, I'd like to thank you for getting my parents down here for my birthday. It was a really great surprise." Chrissy said, as she hugged him just after they entered the kitchen.
"You're most welcome Chrissy. Just glad you liked it." Carl said, as he hugged her back, just before leading Mandy over to the table and helping her to sit down.
Amy and Amber soon had brunch ready and they all sat eating them, then Chrissy and Becky did the cleaning up, before sitting back down to enjoy another cup of tea. Chrissy was soon jumping back up when she heard the doorbell; she knew it was the hotel delivering her presents from last night.
Chrissy smiled when she opened the front door and found Linda standing there smiling at her. Linda was one of the girls that dropped off their lunch at the shop, and picked up the orders for the changing service at the hotel. "Hi Linda, did you end up drawing the short straw then?" Chrissy asked.
"No, I jumped at the chance to bring all your gifts home for you." Linda smiled. "This is some house you live in Chrissy." Linda added, as she walked back to her van.
"Thanks Linda, do you need any help bringing it in the house?" Chrissy asked from the front door.
"Yes, if it's not too much trouble." Linda smiled.
Chrissy and Becky both smiled, as they ran out to help Linda bring everything into the house. Amy and Amber were soon out there helping, and they got everything piled up in the hallway, just as Carl and Mandy came out the kitchen.
"What sort of time do you call this?" Carl asked Linda with a very serious look on his face.
"I'm… I'm sorry sir, but this is the time I was told to deliver them." Linda said looking really worried she'd made a mistake.
Carl couldn't keep a straight face any longer, and started grinning. "Don't look so worried Linda, I was only teasing you." Carl smiled.
"Don't scare the poor girl like that Carl." Mandy said, as she playfully slapped him on the arm.
Linda just let out a sigh, when she realised Carl was just playing around, and she hadn't got the wrong time.
"I'm sorry Linda; I forget that not everybody understands my sense of humour some times." Carl chuckled. "Do you forgive me?" Carl asked with a pout.
"Yes sir, I forgive you. I was just worried someone had given me the wrong time to drop the items off." Linda said looking relieved now.
"Please call me Carl." Carl said with a wave of his hand.
"Thanks Carl. Do you need me for anything else, or can I make my way back to the hotel?" Linda asked with a smile.
"Nope, I think you should be safe to go back to the hotel now, just as long as you've dropped off all the gifts for Chrissy." Carl said, as he watched Chrissy, Becky, Amber, and Amy all making their way up stairs weighed down with presents.
Linda was gone by the time they all got back down stairs, so they went back to the kitchen. "What do you have planned for today Chrissy?" Carl asked, as he sat cuddling with Mandy.
"I was going to take a walk around to Mable's and visit with my parents for a little bit." Chrissy said with a smile.
"I can drive you there if you want some company?" Becky said, as she cuddled with her.
"No, you need to get some more sleep, you have work tonight." Chrissy said in a firm voice. "I'll be alright going on my own." Chrissy added.
"I'll come with you Chrissy, I'd like to talk with your mum, and find out something more about your childhood." Amy said with a grin.
"I'll come for a walk with you as well." Amber said with a smile. "That is, if it's okay with you Chrissy?" Amber asked.
"I'd really like the company, so it's fine with me." Chrissy smiled. "I still feel a little scared around my farther, even nowadays." Chrissy added looking worried.
"It didn't look like he wanted to hurt you last night, maybe ground you for what you were wearing." Amy giggled.
"Hey! You were wearing the same outfit as I was." Chrissy said.
"He's not my dad though." Amy grinned.
"Good point." Chrissy said, as she found the floor in her argument with Amy. "Speaking of that, how the hell could you make me wear that outfit, when you knew my parents were going to be there?" Chrissy asked, as she turned to look at Becky.
"I'm sorry baby, but I just wanted him to see what you were now." Becky said it with a pout, but Chrissy could tell she was trying not to grin.
"And what is that then, a hooker? Because that's what the look said when he first looked at me." Chrissy asked. She had found it a little funny when she saw the look on his face, so she didn't look very angry with Becky as she said it.
"No, not a hooker, just a very sexy young woman." Becky purred, as she leaned over and kissed Chrissy. "And you really did look all woman last night."
"I must admit it was kind of cute when he got all protective about what I was wearing." Chrissy said with a grin. "Made me feel like a teenage girl going out on a first date, and her farther not liking what she was going out in." Chrissy giggled, just before kissing Becky again.
"I loved what we were wearing last night, but there was a problem with them I thought." Amy said.
"And what was that? I thought you looked really hot in that little blue number." Amber said with a grin.
"They're not very practical for running around in, when you're playing with kids." Amy said with a pained look on her face. "I thought I was going to twist an ankle more than once." Amy added with a giggle.
"I know what you mean Amy. Sara and Cathy ran over a couple of times and warned me, that I was flashing everyone my panties, because the dress had ridden up at the back while I was playing with Cathleen and Kat." Chrissy went a little red in the face as she said it.
"I was amazed to see the pair of you even trying to run around in those boots." Mandy said looking a little shocked about it still.
"You soon get use to walking in them, you just have to remember not to try and do any sudden turns." Chrissy said with a worried look. "We better go and get ready to leave, or we won't have much time to spend with them." Chrissy added when she looked at the time.
Becky stopped down stairs with Carl and Mandy while Chrissy went to get ready. Amy and Amber followed Chrissy upstairs to get ready as well. Ann wasn't home; she'd spent the night with Brad at his place.
"Did you have much time to talk with Chrissy's parents yesterday about the school reunion?" Becky asked Carl once she knew Chrissy was out the way.
"Yes I did." Carl said looking surprised. "It went a lot better than I thought it would." Carl added.
"In what way, did it go better than you thought?" Becky asked looking worried.
"I mean Greg was fine with it all, no arguments or anything. He was glad that I'd be sorting it all out and making sure his daughter would be well protected." Carl said with a raised eyebrow.
"Really? He's really changed; I wonder what's brought all this fathering stuff on with him." Becky said looking shocked.
"I'm not sure, maybe Holly has finally made him understand that they now have a daughter, and he needs to get use to that." Mandy said with a hopeful look.
"That would be great if it was the case sis." Becky smiled. "So when do we tell Chrissy about the reunion, and the fact she'll be going?" Becky asked.
"I've arranged for us all to go out for a meal on Sunday with Chrissy's parents, so they can put her mind at ease when we tell her. They have some other stuff they want to talk to her about as well, but they wouldn't say any more than that to me about it." Carl said.
"This is a huge relief to be truthful with you; I thought we'd have a battle on our hands getting this to work." Becky said with a sigh.
"Yes, I was expecting to have trouble convincing Chrissy to go if her farther put his foot down, but this makes it all really simple." Mandy smiled. "I can't wait to see the faces when her old class mates see her now." Mandy added with a grin.
"They can look all they want, but I'll be letting them know that she's all mine." Becky sat grinning.
"I'm sure you will Becky, I'm sure you will." Carl chuckled. Mandy and Becky started to giggle as well.
Chrissy had spent half an hour looking for the perfect outfit to wear. After what she was wearing last night, she wanted to let her farther know that she can look like the perfect daughter most the time. It was too cold out for a summer dress, so she went with a pair of pink leggings and a denim skirt over the top, and a long sleeved T-shirt style top also in pink. Then she grabbed her winter coat before heading back down stairs to see if Amy and Amber were ready yet.
Amy and Amber were sat in the living room with Carl, Mandy, and Becky, both of them ready and waiting on Chrissy.
"About time, we were just about to send out a search part." Amy said.
"Sorry, but I was trying to find the perfect outfit to wear." Chrissy said looking nervous.
"You look really nice baby." Becky said, as she got up and walked over to where Chrissy was stood just inside the living room. "You look very respectable, and cute." Becky added with a grin.
"Thanks babe." Chrissy smiled.
"You have fun, and I'll see you later." Becky said, as she gave Chrissy a kiss.
Amy and Amber both got up and made there way out the front door, and then all waved to Becky as they walked off towards Mable's. Chrissy and Amy loved the sound of the heeled boots clicking on the pavement as they walked along.
Chrissy wasn't very talkative as they walked along, but she was glad to have Amy and Amber with her. Chrissy was hanging onto Amy like a small child when they got to Mable's front door. They rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer it.
"Hello dears, please come in, it's too cold to be standing outside." Mable said, as she stepped aside to let them all enter the house.
Once inside and the door closed, they all gave Mable a hug before they took their coats off and hung them up before following her to the dinning room. Chrissy's parents were sitting at the table with a cups of tea in front of them.
"Hi mum, dad." Chrissy said looking nervous.
"Hello honey!" Holly said, as she got up and walked over to give her daughter a hug. "You look more beautiful each time I see you Chrissy." Holly added when she stopped hugging her, and stepped back to take a better look.
"I'm sorry about the outfit last night mum. Becky was having some fun with dad. This is more like what I normally wear, when I'm not working in the shop that is." Chrissy said sounding even more nervous.
"Calm down dear, your farther and I thought you looked very beautiful last night." Holly said, as she led Chrissy over to the table and helped her to sit down. "You've grown into a beautiful young woman, and we both worry about you that's all." Holly added, as she went to greet Amy and Amber.
"It's nice to meet you again Mrs Clarke." Amy smiled.
"Please call me Holly." Holly said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy and hugged her.
Amy took the hug, and loved every minute of it. "Thanks Holly, it's nice to meet you after hearing so much about you from Chrissy." Amy said.
"Well we did meet last night, but it was a little busy at the party to really find time to chat." Holly giggled. Holly broke the hug with Amy and then pulled Amber into one. "Hello Amber. I must say that you and Amy make a very cute couple, just like Becky and my Chrissy." Holly added with a grin.
"Thanks Holly. I owe Chrissy so much for keeping Amy safe, so I got the chance to let her know how I felt about her." Amber said, as she looked at Chrissy with pride. "And she helped me get a really great job as well." Amber added with a grin.
Holly let Amy and Amber take a seat at the table then she took her seat again. Mable got some more cups out and then poured them all a cup of tea.
Chrissy's dad had sat watching the girl's greet each other without saying anything, but he did smile at Chrissy when Holly sat her down at the table.
"Is everything okay dad?" Chrissy asked still looking worried.
"Yes, just fine Chrissy. I'm just glad to see your mother so happy." Greg said with a smile, as he watched his wife hugging Amy and Amber. "Your mother is right; you have become a very beautiful young woman." Greg said looking down at the table.
"Thanks dad, but why the sudden turn about?" Chrissy asked looking puzzled. "I didn't think you liked what I'd become, and just said what you said at my wedding to keep mum happy." Chrissy added in a whisper, as she too looked down at the table.
"I just didn't understand it Chrissy. Add to that the way I reacted when I first saw you dressed, and I've just felt like I failed as a farther." Greg said with a sigh. "But watching the look on your mothers face every time she gets some new photos from you, as made me realise that you're still the same person. I'm just a little slow on the uptake." Greg added with a chuckle.
"I'm sorry about the way I looked last night, but Becky wanted you to see that I was a woman now." Chrissy said with a pained look. "I don't normally dress like that, well not very often anyway." Chrissy added with a little giggle.
"I was a little shocked to say the least. You looked like one of the starlets you see on telly, or in them music videos you used to watch." Greg said, as he waved his hands in the air, just like any worried dad would.
"So does this mean you'll talk to me more when I call to chat with mum?" Chrissy asked with some hope in her voice.
"Yes, I promise to take a much bigger interest in your life from now on. If only to stop you going out dressed like you were last night." Greg said with a smirk, which let Chrissy know he was just teasing her.
Chrissy felt really good when she saw her dad smirk, she'd not seen him look like that since before he found her that day and beat her. Chrissy really could see her dad had finally come around to who she now was.
Amy, Amber, Holly, and Mable all felt better when they saw Chrissy start to giggle and have fun with her dad. Amy and Amber were soon learning some new things about Chrissy growing up, or more to the point Chris, as she was still a boy then. The girls all loved Holly from the start, and were soon warming to Greg when they saw how he was going out of his way to make Chrissy feel wanted as a daughter.
The girls stayed for most the afternoon and only left when they had to get back to start dinner, or Becky wouldn't get fed before she left for work.
"Will you come round to our house for dinner tomorrow night?" Chrissy asked her mum and dad, as they walked her and the other two to the front door with Mable.
"We'd love to dear. I'd really like to finally get a look at this house you all live in." Holly said with a smile, as she gave all three girls a hug.
"That's great, Becky and I will come and pick you up just after five tomorrow." Chrissy said with a grin, as she hugged them both again. "I'll see you tomorrow then, and have fun going sight seeing." Chrissy added, as she ran to catch up with Amy and Amber, whom were standing at the edge of the driveway.
"It looked like you were having fun with your dad back there." Amber smiled, as they all walked home.
"I was, I can't believe how different he is again. That was just how he used to be when I was little." Chrissy said with a smile and a sigh.
"Well what ever the reason, don't knock it. If he wants to be part of your life again, then let him." Amber said with a shrug.
"I wish my dad had turned out to be like yours Chrissy." Amy said with a sad look, as she thought about her own dad, and what he tried to do to them all.
"I'm sorry Amy if this is hard on you." Chrissy said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy and hugged her.
"Don't be sorry Chrissy. I thought it was nice to see him trying to show you how much he still loves you." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
The girls were soon walking in the front door at home, and they took their coats off and went to the kitchen to make a start on dinner. Once they had it planned out and underway, they all went to get changed. Chrissy wanted to go and spend some time cuddling with Becky in bed before dinner was ready.
Chrissy walked into the bedroom and saw a lump in the bed, so she went over and slipped under the covers where she found a lovely warm Becky sleeping. Chrissy cuddled up to her and lay there watching her sleep; she knew she must have nodded of because the next thing she knew, Becky was kissing her.
"How did things go with your dad?" Becky asked with some worry in her voice when she saw Chrissy open her eyes and smile at her.
"It was great babe. He really is trying to make up for all those years we never spoke. I had a fun afternoon with them both." Chrissy smiled.
"I'm glad he's finally come to his senses baby." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
"So am I. I felt like his daughter this afternoon."
Chrissy looked at the time, and realised she needed to get back down stairs and help with dinner. She gave Becky another quick hug and a kiss on the lips, then she was out of bed and running out the room. Becky just watched her leave, and giggled at the way she ran off.
Amy and Amber had already got dinner under control, so Chrissy just helped out were Amy and Amber needed it. Mandy had left a note saying she would be eating out with Carl, and would be home later. Ann had sent Amber a text message saying she'd be eating out with brad, so it was just the four of them for dinner tonight.
Becky turned up just as they were dishing it up, so she took her seat at the table and waited for Chrissy to bring their plates over. The food was great. Chrissy went up to help Becky get ready for work, once they finished eating, while Amy and Amber sorted out washing and drying the dishes.
Vicky and Carla dropped of Mandy and Ann when they both turned up to pick up Becky. Carla asked if everything went okay at Mable's, and smiled when they all said it was a nice afternoon, and they found out some juicy gossip about a young Chrissy. Carla made Amy and Amber promise to spill it all when they had more time, but they really needed to get to the club. They all waved them off at the front door, before heading to the living room for the rest of the evening.
Chrissy asked Mandy about finishing a little earlier tomorrow, so they could get home and sort out a nice dinner, as she had invited her parents over. Mandy was fine with it, and was looking forward to entertaining them.
Amy and Chrissy spent all day at work the next day putting the orders together for the hotel, and the Internet, while working out what they would be making for dinner. They had everything finished at the shop by two in the afternoon, so they locked up the shop and then called in at the post office before going home.
Chrissy took lead in the kitchen, while Amy, Amber, and Becky did what Chrissy told them to. They soon had it all cooking, or ready to be put on when the time was right, so they all ran off to get ready for dinner. Mandy offered to go and pick Chrissy's parents up, as she wasn't doing much else. Chrissy used the extra time to make sure everything was perfect, and she looked nice in her dress. All the other girls had taken a little pride in how they looked as well.
"Don't look so nervous baby." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy trying to calm her down. "Everything looks perfect, including you my little princess." Becky added with a smile.
"I hope so Becky, I'm really scared about all this." Chrissy said, as she closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, just before she heard Mandy coming through the kitchen door with Holly and Greg close behind.
Chrissy blushed when her dad handed her a bunch of flowers and then kissed her on the cheek. "You look really beautiful tonight Chrissy." Her dad said, as he stepped back to let Holly hug her daughter.
"You do look very beautiful dear." Holly said as she broke the hug. Holly was really enjoying all this time she was getting with Chrissy and the other girls.
"Thanks mum, dad. And thank you for the flowers, they're really pretty." Chrissy said, as she looked at them.
Amy stepped over and took the flowers from Chrissy. "I'll put them in some water for you sis." Amy smiled.
"Thanks baby sister." Chrissy smiled; as she let Amy take the flowers and wonder off to get them in some water.
"This is a very nice home you have Mandy." Holly said, as she looked around at the size of the kitchen alone. "I think this kitchen is larger than my whole house." Holly giggled.
"Thank you Holly. It is quite large, but with Chrissy and the others living here with me, it doesn't feel like it any more." Mandy smiled.
"Yes, Chrissy said you use to live here all on your own before she took root here." Holly said with a grin, as she looked over at Chrissy.
"Chrissy was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm sure she'll say the same about me." Mandy giggled, as she also looked at Chrissy, whom was cuddled up to Becky looking very red faced.
Greg was just speechless at the size of the house, as he stood off to one side letting Holly do all the talking for them both.
"Would you like a quick tour of the house before we sit down to eat?" Mandy asked.
"Only if it's not any trouble." Holly smiled.
"No trouble at all." Mandy said, as she started walking towards the living room.
Greg soon found himself being pulled along by Holly, while Chrissy and Becky followed close behind. Amy and Amber stopped in the kitchen to keep an eye on dinner, and set the table in the dinning room so they could make a good impression on Chrissy's parents at dinner.
By the time Mandy finished showing Greg and Holly the house, Amy and Amber had the table set, and dinner was ready to serve, and was on the table ready for everyone to help themselves. Ann had got home and brought Brad with her, as a guest. Greg wondered if he was there to make sure nothing bad happened, but he also knew that Ann was dating him, so it could just be as simple as that.
The dinner went well, and Holly told more stories about Chrissy growing up, but never touched on her dressing or getting caught by her dad. Greg was still nervous around Brad, after the comment at Chrissy's birthday party, and Brad could see it on Greg's face. Chrissy could see it as well, and it was making her nervous.
After dinner they all went to the living room to sit and talk some more, but before Greg could sit down, he felt a large hand wrest on his shoulder. He turned to see Brad looking at him. "Is there a problem Brad?" Greg asked trying not to sound scared as he looked at this hulk of a man.
"I hope not Mr Clarke. I want to apologies if Frank and I worried you the other night, we think the world of Chrissy, and just wanted to let you know that we'd do anything to keep her safe." Brad said, as he smiled at Chrissy, and then went back to looking at Greg.
"Please call me Greg, and thank you for taking such good care of my little girl for me." Greg said looking worried still. "I must admit that you on your own look very intimidating, but with Frank there as well… That is just scary." Greg added with a nervous chuckle.
"I'm sorry about that Greg, just Frank's way of making a point." Brad chuckled. "I can see that you're not the same person that hurt Chrissy all them years ago, and I hope you can enjoy her company as much as we all do now." Brad added with a smile, as he looked over at Chrissy again.
Greg felt a little better now he knew that Brad and Frank weren't waiting to beat him like he'd beaten Chrissy. He was soon being pulled down onto one of the sofas next to Chrissy and Becky.
Amy sat on another sofa facing Chrissy, and she was looking at the way Greg would listen and smile, as Chrissy spoke to him about different things. Amy found herself wondering how Greg could come to terms with what Chrissy was now, when her own father just wanted to kill her right until the very end of his life. Amy was broke out of her thinking when she heard her name mentioned.
"Are you okay Amy?" Chrissy asked with some worry showing, when she saw the look on Amy's face, as she looked at Greg.
"How can you sit there like that after what you did to her?" Amy asked with anger in her voice.
Greg looked shocked to hear such a question being asked of him, but before he could give any sort of an answer, Ann snapped at Amy. "Amy! What sort of a thing is that to ask someone? Apologise and keep quiet, unless you can act a little more polite." Ann was upset with Amy's outburst.
Amy looked at Chrissy and saw the shocked look, and then she looked around the room and saw the same shocked looks from everyone else. Then she realised what she'd said herself and put her hand over her mouth, as she jumped up and ran out the room Saying, "Sorry!" as she left the room in tears.
Greg didn't know what to say, or how to answer the question Amy had just asked. "I think I better leave, so you can go and sort Amy out. I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble for you all." Greg said, as he stood up to leave. Holly got up as well, but Greg stopped her. "Stay and spend some time with your daughter, I'll see you back at Mable's later." Greg added with a smile.
"Please don't go dad, just let me go and see what has Amy so upset first." Chrissy said, as she jumped up and ran out the room to go and find Amy.
Amy had run up to her bedroom and fell on the bed sobbing her eyes out. "Why did I have to say that?" Amy said to herself. She looked up when she heard a knock on the bedroom door, but she didn't answer who ever it was. She saw the door open, and Chrissy poke her head round it.
"Can I come in and talk to you Amy?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"Sure, it's your house Chrissy." Amy said with a snuffle, as she wiped her eyes.
Chrissy walked over to the bed and sat down next to were Amy was still lying down before she spoke again. "What's wrong baby sister?" Chrissy asked.
"I'm sorry Chrissy; I didn't mean to say what I said out load." Amy said, as she sat up and looked down at her lap, to ashamed to look up at Chrissy. "I saw the way your farther was with you, and started to wonder why my own farther couldn't treat me the same way." Amy added with a sigh.
"So you're not really mad with my farther then, but the fact that yours never took the time to get to know the real you?" Chrissy asked, as she pulled Amy to her for a hug.
"You just looked so happy Chrissy, I got jealous, and before I knew it I'd spoken." Amy said, as she started crying again. "Does everyone hate me now?" Amy asked.
"No one hates you sis, where all worried about you, and my dad is going to leave and return to Mable's, so you can come back down." Chrissy said, as she stroked the back of Amy's hair.
"Please don't let him leave because of me Chrissy!" Amy said, as she sat up looking worried. "I'll stay up here out the way until they leave. I won't cause any more trouble." Amy said, as she tried to get Chrissy to stand up and stop her dad leaving.
"He won't stop unless he sees you come back down, do you really think any of us could talk knowing you were up here feeling sorry for yourself?" Chrissy asked, as she started pulling Amy along with her towards the bedroom door. "Tell him you're sorry, and then explain why you said what you said." Chrissy added.
"I'm not sure I can Chrissy, but I'll come down and say sorry to him." Amy said, as she finally stopped fighting with Chrissy, and started walking next to her back down to the living room.
They found Greg standing in the hallway with Brad blocking the front door, stopping Greg from leaving.
"I thought I asked you to wait until I'd had a word with Amy?" Chrissy asked with a pout when she hit the bottom step on the stairs.
"I'm sorry, but I didn't think you'd be able to talk Amy into coming back down. And I didn't want to make any more trouble." Greg said.
"Well you don't know me very well then." Chrissy said with a smile. "Now will you come back to the living room? Or do I get Brad to carry you there?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"I'll come back to the living room." Greg said with worry in his voice, as he looked over his shoulder to see where Brad was.
Everyone was glad to see Amy enter the room being pulled along by Chrissy, and even happier to see Greg enter the room just before Brad walked in. Chrissy sat Amy down next to Amber, who promptly wrapped her arms around Amy to stop her running away again, while Chrissy sat back down next to Becky. Greg took the seat he was sat in before the trouble with Amy, and waited to see what would happen next.
"I'm sorry for speaking out of turn to you Greg, can you please forgive me?" Amy asked, as she looked down at her lap.
"I can understand how you must feel about me Amy. I deserve much worse than you could ever do to me for what I did to Chrissy. Please don't let it bother you." Greg said with a sad look.
"I wasn't angry at you Greg, I was angry that my own farther wouldn't take the time to learn who I was before he died, so I could have what you know have with Chrissy." Amy said close to tears again. Amber pulled her tighter into a hug with her.
"I'm sorry I can't answer that question for you, but he was a fool for not trying too." Greg said. "I think you're a beautiful young woman, just like my Chrissy is." He added with a smile, as he looked at Chrissy sat next to him.
"Thank you for saying that, Chrissy is my best friend, and it's an honour to be compared to her." Amy said feeling a little better about it all.
"I'd be happy to leave, if you find me being here to hard for you to deal with Amy?" Greg asked.
"No, please don't leave. I was just being silly, and getting jealous over nothing." Amy said sounding worried. She didn't want to upset Chrissy now she was spending some time with her dad.
"Okay then, I'll stay, but only because you asked me so nicely." Greg chuckled.
Becky was taking the night off from the club, and had given Brad the night off as well, so they didn't have to rush off and get ready to leave for the club. Chrissy was glad about that, she got to spend more time with her loving wife, while she chattered with her parents.
It was just after 10pm when Greg and Holly were ready to go back to Mable's, so Brad offered to drive them there. Ann was going to spend the night round at Brad's, so she packed a small bag, and gave it to Brad to take out to his truck.
The girls gave Holly and Greg a hug before they let them leave. Greg and Holly had another busy day of sight seeing tomorrow, thanks to Carl sorting out a driver and guide for the day to run them around.
The girls all returned to the living room, so they could relax for a little longer before heading up to bed. Amy ended up sat between Amber and Mandy on one sofa, while Chrissy and Becky were on another.
"I'm really sorry about my outburst Chrissy. I just got so mad the more I thought about how nasty my farther was, that I spoke before I realised what I'd said." Amy said looking a little sad about it all still.
"Don't worry about it baby sister. It's all water under the bridge now." Chrissy said with a shrug.
Amy was happy to see that Chrissy was still her friend after her outburst, so she let it drop, and they sat talking about how different Greg was to the first time Mandy and Becky met him. And even at Chrissy's wedding. This new Greg was fun to be around, and he was treating all the girls like his daughters by the time he left. Mandy and Becky could see what Carl was getting at now, when he was talking about the school reunion and Chrissy.
The girls all called it a day, and made sure everything was turned off and locked up before they went up to bed.
Chrissy got a shock just before lunchtime the next day when she saw Carl walk in the shop, he was followed in by her parents. Her farther was carrying the basket of food.
"Mum, dad! What you doing here?" Chrissy asked with a shocked look on her face, as she ran down the shop to give them both a hug.
"Your mother wanted to see where you worked." Greg said, as he looked around at all the alien peace's of clothing around him. "Do people really wear this stuff?" He asked, as he took a nervous swallow.
"Yes dad, you know us girl's like to feel nice." Chrissy said with a grin, as she struck a sexy pose.
"Christine! Don't tease your farther like that." Holly said, but she was trying not to giggle when she saw Greg trying to find some place to look that didn't have sexy looking underwear hanging from it.
Carl had turned the sign to say closed for lunch, and locked the door. So they made their way to the back of the shop where Amy and Mandy were sorting out plates for them to have their lunch on. Mandy had heard Chrissy shouting mum and dad, so she knew they had extra guests for lunch.
Amy took the basket of food off Greg, and then started getting the tubs of food out, so they could make a start on putting it on their plates.
"This is a very impressive shop you have here Mandy." Holly said with a smile.
"We have Holly. Chrissy and I are joint owners remember." Mandy smiled.
"Oh yes, I forgot all about my little girl being a partner in the business." Holly said with pride.
Once they finished eating, Mandy and Chrissy showed Holly around the shop, while Greg dried the dishes for Amy. Carl packed everything away again once it was all dried.
It was soon time for Carl to get back to the hotel with the changing service orders, so Greg helped him carry everything out to his car, and then Holly and Greg said goodbye to the girls before they got in the car and left with him. Amy, Chrissy and Mandy all waved before going back into the shop to carry on sorting out the Internet orders.
Chrissy and Mandy had decided to close the shop on the Saturday, so the girls could spend the day showing Holly and Greg around. So they closed the shop up that night, knowing they wouldn't be back now until Monday.
Becky and Amber were working on dinner when Mandy, Chrissy and Amy got home. Mandy went up to get changed and take a shower. Amy and Amber decided to do the same, while Chrissy just sat at the kitchen table keeping Becky company while she kept an eye on dinner cooking.
Chrissy helped Becky dish dinner up when the others came back down. Ann was having dinner with Brad, so she hadn't come home since she left with Brad the night before, when they took Greg and Holly back to Mable's last night.
Once dinner was out the way, Chrissy went up to help Becky get ready for work, and to take a shower together, then she spent some time saying goodbye to her at the front door when Vicky arrived. The girls spent the rest of the night relaxing in front of the telly until it was time for bed. Vicky had dropped off Ann, when she came for Becky, so Amy was soon cuddled up between Ann and Amber as she fell asleep.
The girls weren't picking Greg and Holly up until midday, so Chrissy let Becky sleep in while she went down to sort out some breakfast for the others. Amy and Amber soon joined her down there, and they had BLT's nearly ready when Mandy and Ann walked into the kitchen. Both were looking like they needed a cup of tea really badly.
"Good morning Mandy, Ann." Chrissy said with a smile. "There's a fresh pot of tea on the table, and breakfast will be ready in a minute." Chrissy added with a smile.
Ann and Mandy just groaned at her, as they took a seat at the table and helped each other to make a cup of tea. Then they both sat taking sips from them before they tried to speak again.
"Man, that hits the spot." Ann said with a sigh, as it looked like she was letting the hot liquid recharge her body for her, and wake it up fully.
"You've got that right Ann. I don't know how you girls can be so full of energy before your first cupa of the day." Mandy said, as she put her cup back down on the table in front of her.
Chrissy, Amy and Amber just giggled, as they finished making breakfast. They were soon sat at the table eating and planing out where to go with Greg and Holly. Carl and Brad were going to be joining them, so Greg wouldn't be the only guy walking around with a bunch of girls.
The girls finished eating breakfast. They set to work cleaning the house, and doing the washing. Before they all went up to get ready for when Carl and Brad turned up in the minibus from the hotel, that Carl was using for the day, so none of the girls would need to drive, and it would make parking easier with it just being the one vehicle.
Becky was still fast asleep in Mandy's bed, so she slipped under the cover and lay her head on the pillow facing Becky. Chrissy never got tired of watching Becky sleep, just like Becky could lie and watch Chrissy sleep the same way. Chrissy was sad that she had to wake her up, but if they were ever going to be ready when Carl and Brad turned up, she had no choice. Chrissy leaned forward and started kissing Becky on the lips, as she forced her tong inside Becky's mouth. Becky started to moan, and was soon opening her eyes, and returning the kiss.
"Morning sleepy head." Chrissy smiled, as they stopped kissing.
"Good morning baby." Becky purred, as she pulled Chrissy closer again for another kiss. "Is it breakfast time already?" Becky asked when they parted again.
"No, it's nearly lunchtime babe." Chrissy giggled. "You must have been really tired when you got home from the club, you never moved when I got up this morning." Chrissy added with a pout.
"I was pretty tired. Does that mean I missed out on talking a shower with you baby?" Becky asked looking sad.
"Nope, I thought I'd wait, so we could still shower together. I went straight down and had breakfast, and helped the others get the house work down." Chrissy smiled.
"I better see about making a move then, so I can help you get clean after doing all that work." Becky said with a grin, as she sat up in bed.
Becky and Chrissy were soon running to their own bedroom to take a shower and get ready, nearly knocking Mandy flying as they ran out her room, as she was walking in.
"Sorry sis." Chrissy said, as she ended up throwing her arms around Mandy so they didn't fall over.
"I love you to sis." Mandy giggled, as she kissed Chrissy on the cheek, as they hugged each other. "And what have I told you about running in the house young lady." Mandy added, as she tapped Chrissy on the nose, just like a parent would do to their child.
"Sorry mummy." Chrissy said in a little girl voice. "May I go get clean now?" Chrissy asked, as she looked down at the floor like a naughty child might, when they knew they'd done something wrong.
"Yes you may, and don't forget to wash behind your ears!" Mandy shouted, as she watched Chrissy run off after Becky. "And no running in the house!" Mandy shouted even louder, just before she walked into her bedroom giggling to herself.
The girls were all ready when Carl and Brad turned up. Mandy gave Carl a hug, like they hadn't seen each other in days, and Ann ran over and jumped up into Brad's arms.
"Hello princess." Carl said with a smile, when he stopped kissing Mandy. "I take it you're all ready to leave then?" Carl asked, as he looked at all the girls ready to head out the house.
They all nodded and said yes, so Carl let Brad lead the way, and he waited with Mandy, while she armed the alarm and locked the front door. Ann got in the front with Brad, as he was driving, and all the others teamed up on the seats behind. Once everyone was seated, Brad started the minibus, and set off to collect Holly and Greg from Mable's.
Chrissy jumped out the minibus when they pulled up outside Mable's, and she went to the front door and knocked. Greg opened the door and then let Holly leave before he followed her out, closing the door behind him.
"You're looking lovely again today dear." Holly said, as she put her arm through Chrissy's, as they walked to the minibus.
"Thanks mum. You're looking really nice as well." Chrissy said in return. "Hi Dad. You ready to spend a fun day with all your daughters then?" Chrissy asked with a grin, as her dad helped her and Holly to get on the minibus.
Greg was just about to comment that the other girls would never think of him as a farther, when they all shouted. "Hi mum, hi dad!" Greg looked a little shocked at first, but soon started grinning at the thought of having a large group of girls calling him dad.
"Hello dears." Holly smiled, as she took her seat, and pulled Greg down next to her.
"Hi girls, Carl, Brad. I must say you're all looking as beautiful as always." Greg said, as he took his seat and looked around the minibus.
Greg was worried the girls were going to drag him around shops while they spent the day cloths shopping, but seeing Brad and Carl made him feel more relaxed. He felt even better when they parked at a museum and went inside. They spent the rest of the day going between museums and art galleries, and having a really good time together.
They stopped for a late lunch when they all heard Becky's tummy let them know it needed food. Becky went red faced when it happened, because they were all standing in a gallery at the time, where it was very quiet.
It was just after seven in the evening when Brad pulled up outside Mable's to drop Greg and Holly off.
"Thanks for a great day out." Greg said with a smile, as he got a kiss on the cheek from all the girls.
"Yes thank you for a wonderful day." Holly said, as she gave each girl a hug before getting off the minibus. "I can't remember the last time I had such a good time." Holly added with a giggle.
"We'll see you tomorrow lunchtime when we come to pick you up, so we can go to the hotel for the meal." Chrissy said, as she hugged both her parents.
"Okay dear, have fun at the club tonight." Holly said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"I always have a great time when I'm out with Becky." Chrissy said grinning.
"I hope you're going to be wearing more cloths this time?" Greg asked with a worried look only a farther would have.
"Don't worry daddy, I always dress just right when I go out to the club. Becky never complains." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked over her shoulder at Becky, still sat on the minibus.
"That's not helping to make me feel any better about it all." Greg said looking even more worried.
"Come on dear, let the girls go out and have a good time." Holly said with a giggle, as she started dragging Greg towards the front door of Mable's house.
Greg had more to say, but stopped when he saw the look Holly gave him, so he just smiled and then said, "Have a good time!"
All the girls waved to them, as they drove away in the minibus, so Brad could drop them all of at home again.
Once Carl and Brad had dropped off the girls, they left to go and get ready for the club, while the girls ran around trying to get ready themselves.
Vicky picked the girls up just after nine, and they made their way to the club. Chrissy and Amy stopped to look across the road like they always did before entering the club, but like always there was never anyone stood there. Becky wrapped her arm through Chrissy's, and led her into the club. Amber did the same with Amy, and they were soon sat in the VIP section having a drink before they went down to the dance floor.
Sara and Cathy turned up just after the girl's got there, so they all went down to the dance floor together. The DJ put on a slow song, so Becky could spend some time with Chrissy. Sara and Amber saw it as a good way to get a little closer to their partners as well, so they were all soon holding each other close, as they danced around.
Mandy got back to the VIP section after taking a walk around with Carla, she found Becky, Chrissy, Amy, and Amber looking warn out on the sofas. "I see the day finally caught up with you all then." Mandy giggled, as she sat down next to Carla on another sofa.
"I'm amazed they kept dancing as long as they did." Carla said with a giggle, as she looked at them all fighting to stay awake. Chrissy was cuddled up to Becky. And Amber was cuddled up to Amy.
Frank and Brad had to help the four girls get out to Vicki's car at the end of the night. Vicky drove them all home. Carla was stopping the night, so he helped Mandy and Ann get the girls in the house, then he left Mandy and Ann to help get them ready for bed.
The girls had all slept in, and didn't get up until just after eleven the next morning. They only had toast for brunch, as they were having dinner with Chrissy's parents later on in the afternoon.
Chrissy had really enjoyed spending time with her real mum and dad. It was nice to have her dad back in her life again. She dragged Becky up stairs with her when it was time to start getting ready, and the others followed them up to get ready as well.
Carl had sorted out cars for everyone, so they were all at the hotel when he and the girls arrived there. Brad walked over to Ann, and then they all took their seats around the large table. Chrissy ended up with her dad sitting next to her, and Becky on the other side of her.
The food was great, and Chrissy thought the only thing that beat it was the company she had to eat it with. Soon they were all sitting around with full bellies, and talking about the fun they had the day before, and other stuff as well.
"I hear you had a call from a girl you use to go to school with the other week." Greg asked, as he looked at Chrissy.
"Yes I did. She wanted to know if I was interested in going to a school reunion, but don't worry dad, I won't be going." Chrissy said, trying not to worry her dad with any of it.
"Would you have liked to have gone to it Chrissy?" Greg asked.
"Part of me would have, but I don't think I'd be very safe there. Look how you reacted when you saw me dressed that day." Chrissy said with a gloomy look.
"I'm sorry about that Chrissy. Not a single day goes by that I don't hate myself for what I did to you." Greg said looking down at the table. "If the only reason is because of you being worried about what people will think. Then I want you to go." He added, as he looked up at Chrissy with a tear in his eye.
"Thanks dad, but I'm too scared of what could happen to Becky as well. It's not worth the risk, but thanks anyway." Chrissy said, as she gave her dad a hug to let him know everything was okay between them now.
"I think you better tell her the news Becky." Greg said, as he looked over Chrissy's shoulder at her.
"What news is that?" Chrissy asked, as she broke the hug, and looked at Becky and then her dad again.
"I'm sorry baby, but I felt bad after what happened the other week, so I had a word with Carl. I wanted to work out some way of making it safe for you to go to the reunion." Becky said looking nervous.
"What did you do?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"Carl's booked a room at a hotel for the reunion, and he's covering the cost of it all. He's even got security for the night, so we'll be safe while we're there." Becky said sounding excited about it all now.
"So you're saying that I'll be going to the reunion then after all?" Chrissy asked with shock.
"Yes, and Mandy and the others will be there as well. That was the only point Carl made when he offered to cover the cost." Becky added with a grin.
"I don't know what to say, Are you sure this will be okay with you dad? What about the shame when people find out what I am now?" Chrissy asked with worry, as she looked at her dad sat next to her.
"I don't feel any shame Chrissy. I'm proud and very lucky to have you as my daughter." Greg said, as he pulled Chrissy closer for a hug. "I just wish I'd seen it sooner." He added, as he hugged her even tighter.
Chrissy could see her dad was crying when they finally broke the hug. "Don't cry dad, we have plenty of time now. I'll come and visit you and mum all the time." Chrissy smiled.
Greg let out a sigh, and then looked at Holly for the answer to a question that had not been asked. Holly gave Greg a nod, as if to let him now it was okay to tell Chrissy something, so he turned back to look Chrissy in they eyes.
"I wish that was true Chrissy, but I'm running out of time." Greg said with a lump in his throat.
"What do you mean?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
"I'm dying Chrissy. I have cancer, and have been given less than a year to live." Greg said with fear in his voice.
Chrissy found herself sitting at the table, but all of a sudden it felt like she wasn't really there any more, or she wished she wasn't. That way she wouldn't have heard what her dad just told her. Before Chrissy knew what she was doing, she started screaming no at the top of her lungs, and she started crying, then she found it hard to breath, as the room went dark.
"Chrissy! Chrissy!" Chrissy heard Becky's voice trying to break through the darkness she found herself floating in. She slowly felt the world seeping back in, and then she found herself looking up at Becky. "Don't try to sit up yet baby, just rest for a little longer." Becky said, as she stroked Chrissy's hair.
Chrissy looked around and could see Mandy, Amy, Amber, and Ann all standing around her with tears in their eyes. Then she remembered what her dad had said to her before everything went black, and she knew it was all true.
"Where's my dad." Chrissy asked, as she tried to sit up, but Becky softly pushed her back down again so her head was resting in her lap.
"I'm right here Chrissy." Greg said, as he took hold of Chrissy's hand and pattered it with his other one. "Are you okay?" He asked with worry clear in his voice.
"Why did you do all this, if you're only going to leave me again?" Chrissy asked feeling angry, but bursting into tears again.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, but I didn't want to die without you knowing how proud you've made me." Greg said. "I didn't want any unfinished business between us." He added with tears running down his face.
Holly pulled Greg over to her, as he started to cry like a baby. "Come on Greg, let it all out." Holly said, as she rubbed his back. "Just give Chrissy a little time to recover from the shock, and she'll want to hug you too." Holly added.
Becky helped Chrissy to sit up once Prue had taken a quick look at her, then Chrissy cuddled up to her father like a small child would. She just stayed there for quite some time not saying anything to anyone.
"Are you feeling any better now Chrissy?" Greg asked.
"Not really dad. How am I supposed to feel when someone tells you something like that?" Chrissy asked, as she sat up and looked at her dad.
"I'm not sure, but you took it about as well as me and your mother did." Greg said with a weak smile. "I am very proud of what you've done with your life though Chrissy, and I know you'll be well looked after." Greg added, as he looked at Becky and the others all sat around looking at them with worried and sad faces.
Chrissy just pushed herself into her dad again and let him hug her some more. She was trying to make up for all those years they never spoke. Chrissy did break the hug when her dad spoke again.
"I do have a favour to ask you Chrissy, and all your new family. I know I don't have any right to ask you for anything, but I would be grateful if you'd do this for me." Greg said.
"Name it dad; I'd do anything for you, if I can." Chrissy said, as she waited for her dad to ask the question.
"When I've gone, will you let your mother move down here to be near you all? I'll die happy knowing she's being looked after, and not morning my loss." Greg asked.
"Consider it done dad." Chrissy said, as she hugged her dad again. She never even bothered asking the others, they all would have said yes to that request and they all did later.
Mable came over a little later and sat with Holly and Greg to have a chat about some stuff. Chrissy was still cuddled up to her dad, as they started talking.
"I heard the request you asked of Chrissy, and I would like to offer Holly a place at my house. I have lots of room, and I've loved having her company this past week." Mable said with a smile, as she pattered Holly's hand.
"Thank you Mable, but I wouldn't want to impose on you or any of the others." Holly said. "I have enjoyed this past week also though." Holly added, as she gave Mable a hug.
"Well it's settled then Holly." Mable said in a firm voice. "Greg! Your Holly will be well looked after under my roof, but I'm not sure who will be looking after who." Mable added with a chuckle.
"Thank you Mable." Greg smiled. "She's spent all these years looking after me, that I was worried about what she'd find to do with her time once I've gone." Greg added with a chuckle.
"You've never been any trouble dear, just a little pig headed from time to time." Holly smiled. "But I'm glad to see that you've even grown out of that now." Holly added, as she looked at how he was sitting with Chrissy cuddled up to him.
"That's a nice way of putting it dear. Most would just call me stupid." Greg said, as he hugged Chrissy a little tighter, making her smile up at him. He kissed her forehead and smiled back down at her.
Chrissy wanted to go and ask Carl and Becky about the details for the reunion, but she thought she could ask them about it after her mum and dad went back home tomorrow. So she spent the rest of her time with her dad.
Carl and Mandy sorted out so all the girls could go and see Holly and Greg off at the airport, this way Chrissy got to spend a little more time with her dad before they left.
"I'll be up to see you soon mum, dad." Chrissy said, as she hugged them both. "If you need anything, just let me know, and I'll sort it out for you." Chrissy added.
"Thanks dear, but we're pretty well covered with most things. And Carl left us his number with the same advice you just gave us." Holly smiled.
The girls gave Holly and Greg a hug when their plane was called for boarding, and then they waved as they made their way through to departure.
Becky cuddled up to Chrissy on their way home, and then she led Chrissy up to there bedroom when they got there. Becky could see that Chrissy had only just been holding it all together since her dad told her the shocking news yesterday. Chrissy finally broke down and just sobbed herself to sleep in Becky's arms, as she hugged her on the bed.
Mandy never opened the shop that day; they just went back on the Tuesday instead. It was a busy day, but it helped to keep Chrissy focused on something other than what her dad had told her. Chrissy finally got around to asking Carl and Becky about the plans for her school reunion and she loved the idea's Carl had come up with. She was also happy that all the others would be there too.
Chrissy started calling her mum and dad most nights and she would chat to her dad for just as long as she did her mum. Becky and the others were amazed she never ran out of things to say night after night. Chrissy also started calling Debbie to see if she needed any help organising the reunion, but Carl had given her numbers for people that specialised in that stuff, so she was happy to let them do most the work.
It was during one of these phone calls that Chrissy found out Debbie had a baby, and another one on the way. Chrissy had called during feeding time, and the baby wasn't very happy about it. Debbie said, "Can I call you back when the little ones been fed and settled down for the night?"
"Okay Debbie, I'll speak to you later." Chrissy said, just before putting the phone down again.
Chrissy walked back into the kitchen with her mobile in her hand, she walked over to the table and sat down on Becky's lap and kissed her on the lips.
"That was a quick call to Debbie, is everything okay?" Becky asked.
"Yes, she was busy feeding her baby. I never realised she'd had any children." Chrissy said sounding surprised.
"She'd never said anything to me when I spoke to her either. How old is it?" Becky asked.
"I'm not sure yet, but I'll find out later. She was in the middle of feeding it; she's giving me a call back later." Chrissy smiled.
Becky had just left with Vicky to go to work at the club, when Chrissy's mobile rang, and she saw Debbie's name come up. "Hi Debbie, sorry about calling you while you were busy," Chrissy said.
"Hi Chrissy. Don't worry about it, is there ever a good time to call when you've got kids to look after?" Debbie giggled.
"I never realised you'd had any kids. What do you have, and how old?" Chrissy asked.
"I have a little girl, her name is Tiffany, and she's just turned one this past week." Debbie said, sounding really happy. "And I'm three months into having my next one." Debbie added with a giggle.
"That's great Debbie, I hope we get to meet her when we come up for the reunion." Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice.
"See her? If I lose much more sleep, you can take her with you." Debbie said with a groan.
"I'm sure it's not that bad Debbie." Chrissy said sounding a little hurt that she could even think of giving her child away.
"Wait until you've got kids, and see how you feel about them when you've had little or no sleep." Debbie teased before she realised what she was saying. "O god Chrissy, I am so sorry. I just wasn't thinking when I said that." Debbie said sounding worried.
"Don't worry about it Debbie. It's kind of a complement really, when people forget what I use to be." Chrissy giggled, trying to make Debbie feel a little better.
"Bet you never realised I could get my foot in my mouth, did you?" Debbie giggled.
"I seem to remember you being pretty good at that even back in the school days." Chrissy giggled.
"Hey! I wasn't that bad. Well not most the time." Debbie giggled, when she thought about it.
Debbie and Chrissy spoke for a little longer, and Chrissy asked about the planning for the reunion, and Debbie said it was all taken care of. There were only four more weeks before it all happened, and Chrissy was getting very nervous about it now.
Sara and Amber were making new dresses for all the girls, so Chrissy, Becky, Mandy, and Amy were going round to Sara and Cathy's place on a Sunday for fittings. It was on one of these Sundays that Cathy sat Chrissy down to ask her a question.
"Is everything okay Cathy?" Chrissy asked when she saw the worried look on her face.
"I hope so Chrissy, I just need to ask you something." Cathy said, as she took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you'd be my maid of honour at my wedding? And I want Amy, Becky, and Mandy as bride maids." Cathy asked with a worried look.
"You want me as your maid of honour?" Chrissy asked looking shocked.
"Yes I do. I was yours, and I have such a great life, and soon to be beautiful wife. And it's all thanks to you Chrissy." Cathy smiled. "So, will you do me the honour?" Cathy asked.
"Yes Cathy. I'd love to me your maid of honour, but you may have trouble getting the others to be your bride maids." Chrissy said with a smile. "You know how picky they can be." Chrissy added with a giggle.
"I'd love to be a bride maid Cathy! Don't listen to Chrissy." Amy said, as she sat down next to Cathy and stuck her tong out at Chrissy.
Mandy and Becky both agreed to do it as well, so they sat chatting about some of the ideas Carl had had for the wedding, but they didn't talk about the wedding dress, Sara was in the room. Cathy was going to go around to Chrissy's and talk to Amber there about it. Amber would be making her wedding dress.
Chrissy had begged Sara and Cathy to come to her reunion, so Sara and Amber were really busy on the run up to the big weekend. But all too soon it was upon them and they were all packing for a long weekend away.
The reunion was on the Saturday night, but they were all going up there on the Thursday, so Chrissy got a little more time to spend it with her mum and dad. Carl had booked her mum and dad a room at the hotel, so they wouldn't have to worry about trying to fit them all in the small house they had.
Chrissy and the others were all shocked to see just how thin her dad had got in just a month. Chrissy shed some tears, as she hugged him and her mum. Chrissy soon put the way her dad looked to the back of her mind, and she just spent as much time with him as she could for the whole weekend.
Debbie had arranged with the school for them to open it on the Friday, so anyone wanting to go and take a look around the place they used to run around as kids, they could.
Brad was just pulling up in the minibus when Chrissy saw Debbie standing there, waiting for them with a little baby in her arms, so she was quickly out the minibus, and running over to where she was.
"Hi Debbie." Chrissy said, as she got over to her. "Is this little Tiffany?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at the baby she was holding.
"Hi Chrissy. Yes this is the little monster." Debbie said, as she looked down at the baby in her arms. "Do you want to hold her?" Debbie asked with a smile.
"Can I really?" Chrissy asked with some hope in her voice.
"Sure, here you go." Debbie said, as she handed Chrissy the baby very carefully.
"She's so beautiful Debbie, just like her mummy." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked down at the little bundle of life in her arms.
"You're looking pretty amazing your self Chrissy. I find it hard to believe you're the same skinny little kid I use to go to school with." Debbie said, as she looked Chrissy up and down. "I see you've added to the family since we last met as well." Debbie giggled, as she looked at everyone.
"Hello Debbie. I'm Carl; it's nice to finally put a face to the voice." Carl said with a smile, as he shook her hand.
"Hello Carl. Thank you for doing all this for us, or Chrissy that is. I was hoping she'd come and show off that beautiful body she now has." Debbie said with a grin, as she watched Chrissy rocking and cuddling her daughter.
"Like I said when I first called you about it all. I'd do anything for Chrissy." Carl smiled, as he also looked at Chrissy and the baby.
"Hello Debbie. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you in the past." Becky said, as she gave Debbie a hug.
"Don't worry about it Becky. If I had a girl like Chrissy, I'd worry about losing her too, and I'm not even that way inclined." Debbie giggled.
"Hello Debbie. I'd like you to meet Amy, Amber, Ann, and Brad." Mandy said, as she pointed at each of them in turn.
"Hello Mandy, Amber, Amy, Ann, and Brad." Debbie said, as she gave them all a hug. Debbie was shocked to see how large Brad was, but she could see why Carl said that Chrissy and Becky would be safe at the party.
"We still have two people missing from our little group. Frank and my mother won't be here until later tonight. Frank is the other one in charge of security tomorrow night. He's even bigger than Brad." Mandy giggled.
"Bigger?" Debbie said looking shocked. "Do they come any bigger that this?" Debbie asked with a giggle.
Brad just stood close to Ann trying not to look too embarrassed with all the attention he was getting from the two girls. Ann wrapped her arms around One of Brad's arms to let Debbie know he was spoken for.
Chrissy was soon getting a look from Becky that said she wanted to hold the baby now, so Chrissy passed her to Becky.
"She's so beautiful." Becky said, as she looked down at the little smiling face. "Oh I wish I had one of my own." Becky said with a sigh.
Chrissy had never had any doubt about becoming a girl until she heard Becky say them words. Chrissy realised that this was the one thing she couldn't give Becky, and it hurt. She watched how good Becky was with little Tiffany, and she knew what a great mother she'd be, but Chrissy would never be able to give her what she wants. Hiding how she was feeling, Chrissy stepped back and Let Amy and Amber step in closer to get a better look at Tiffany.
"You ready to go and meet some of our old teachers then Chrissy?" Debbie asked with a smile.
"You want me to go and meet some of my old teachers?" Chrissy asked with worry.
"Sure, I asked if we'd be able to take a look around, and they said it would be nice to see how some of the students were doing." Debbie said, as she put her arm through Chrissy's and started dragging her towards the first classroom they shared.
Chrissy looked around trying to see where Becky was, but she was at the back, still holding the baby with Amy and Amber to keep her company. Debbie entered a classroom with a teacher sat behind the desk marking some papers. Chrissy remembered the teacher as being Mr Moore, she used to have him for English, or Chris had him for English.
"Good afternoon Mr Moore, I hope you don't mind us calling in to take a look around the school before the reunion tomorrow night?" Debbie asked with a smile, while she held onto Chrissy's arm to stop her running away.
"Hello. It's Debbie if I'm correct?" Mr Moore asked, as he looked at Debbie, but he didn't recognise the girl with her.
"Yes it is sir. We both use to be in your class when we came here." Debbie smiled as she looked at Chrissy again.
"I'm sorry dear, but I don't recognise your friend. Has she changed a lot since she came to school here?" Mr Moore asked with a puzzled look, as he tried to remember ever seeing this girl before today.
"Yes, she's changed quite a bit to be honest with you sir." Debbie giggled. Chrissy was looking more and more nervous with every second that past.
"I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have to ask for a name, so I can put the face to it." Mr Moore said with a sad look to say how sorry he was for not recognising her.
"Her name is Christina Clarke." Debbie said with a grin.
"Christina Clarke, Christina Clarke." Mr Moore said, as he looked up at the ceiling, as he tapped his finger to his lip. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember a Christina Clarke, just a Christopher Clarke." He added, as he looked at Chrissy again. "Is he your bother?" He asked.
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't have any brothers." Chrissy said in a shy voice, hoping it would be a big enough clue for him to work it out from.
"Oh, sorry about that, but you do look like him…" Mr More said, just as the light finally came on in his eyes, and he started pointing like mad. "But… But… I… What the…" He tried to say, just before giving up and looking at Chrissy with a confused look.
Debbie and the others were all trying not to laugh, but Chrissy wasn't finding any of this very funny at all. "I use to be Christopher Clarke sir, but now I'm Christina Clarke."
"Oh I see. I err… Well I must say you look very different now." Mr Moore said with a nervous edge to his voice. "Do you mind if I asked you whether or not you are all… Woman now?" Mr Moore asked in a whisper, as he leaned forward in his seat.
"Yes I'm all woman now sir." Chrissy said with a small smile.
"Well as long as you're happy now Christina, that's all that really matters." Mr Moore said, as he crossed his legs squirming in his seat. This made Chrissy smile a little more, as most men happy with their sexuality, feared anyone talking about removing them parts.
Debbie dragged Chrissy to another classroom, and they went through the same thing. Most the teachers were okay with it, and the small number that showed any signs of anger, soon calmed down when they saw Brad standing behind Chrissy.
Chrissy was glad to be leaving the school and making their way back to the hotel, so she could go and lie down on her bed for a little bit. Becky seemed a little broody because Debbie had left, taking little Tiffany with her, when they left the school. Chrissy was still feeling bad about the comment Becky made at the school about wanting a baby of her own, but what could Chrissy do about that now.
Once she'd cleaned off her makeup, Chrissy got on the bed and tried to get some sleep before they went down for dinner in the hotel restaurant. Becky cleaned off her makeup, and got on the bed next to Chrissy, but Chrissy just lay with her back to Becky.
"Do you not want to cuddle?" Becky asked with a pout, as she looked at the back of Chrissy's head.
"Not right now." Chrissy said with a snuffle. "I don't feel like it." She added in a voice that Becky could tell she was crying from.
"What's wrong Chrissy?" Becky asked with worry in her voice, as she grabbed Chrissy's shoulder and forced her to turn over and face her. Becky could see the tears running down her face. "What's wrong baby? Did meeting all your old teachers get to you?" Becky asked.
"No, well they might have. But that's not what's upset me Becky." Chrissy said, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue she'd got in her hand. "I'm sorry Becky, I'm sorry for everything I can't give you." Chrissy said, as she started sobbing openly.
"What do you mean Chrissy? You have given me everything." Becky asked with a confused look, and she pulled Chrissy closer.
"I'm sorry that I can't give you a baby." Chrissy sobbed. "I heard what you said back at the school when you were holding Tiffany." Chrissy added.
"'O baby', I didn't mean to upset you when I said that." Becky said with a tear in her eye because she'd upset Chrissy. "She was just so cute." Becky added, as she pulled Chrissy closer so she could hug her.
"Maybe you made a mistake when you married me." Chrissy said sounding depressed.
"Hey! Don't even think like that. I love you Chrissy, and don't want anyone else." Becky said in a firm tone. "I'm not interested in men, so if you hadn't come along, I would have just found some other woman to fall in love with." Becky added, as she poked holes in Chrissy's logic.
"I just felt for the first time today, that I'd let you down by becoming who I am now." Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky even tighter.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way Chrissy, but I love you with all my heart, and only want you with me for the rest of my life." Becky said as she hugged Chrissy back just as tight.
Becky started kissing Chrissy when they stopped hugging each other as tight and then they both drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.
They woke some time later feeling hungry, so they got up and started getting ready for dinner. Becky dragged Chrissy into the bathroom with her, so they could take a shower together, where Becky showed Chrissy just how much she loved her.
"You feeling okay again now baby?" Becky asked, as they dried each other off after getting out the shower. "I'm really sorry for upsetting you." Becky added with a pout.
"Please don't be, I was worried about being back here, and meeting all the people I went to school with. I don't think my mind was ready for the children kick in the teeth as well." Chrissy said with a frown.
"How you feeling now you've met your old teachers?"
"A little better with some of it, but worse in other ways." Chrissy giggled with a confused look on her face.
"Well don't let it worry you. Brad and Frank will be close by tomorrow night, and all of us will be around as well." Becky smiled, as she hugged Chrissy.
Chrissy and Becky made their way down to the restaurant, and found everyone down there already. None of them had ordered any food yet, they were all waiting for them to turn up. Chrissy and Becky sat at a large table where Chrissy's mum and dad were sat. Chrissy was still having trouble looking at her dad, and how thin and ill he now looked, but she was going to put on a brave face, and make the most of what little time she had left with him.
"How you feeling dear?" Chrissy's mum asked her, as she took her seat.
"I feel better now I've had a nap, but I'm still really worried about meeting everyone tomorrow night mum." Chrissy looked worried, as she chewed her bottom lip.
"Don't be dear; I feel sorry for any fool that tries to lay a finger on you while those two are around." Holly giggled, as she pointed at Brad and Frank on another table with Ann and Prue.
"True mum." Chrissy giggled. "I'm hoping that I did a good enough job of being invisible, that they won't remember me."
"One thing I know for sure dear… they won't miss you now." Holly said with a raised eyebrow, as she looked her daughter up and down. "You're way to pretty to miss now days."
"I have to agree with mum on that point lover." Becky purred down Chrissy's ear. "I want the whole world to notice you, and that you belong to me." Becky was grinning when Chrissy turned her head to look her in the eyes.
"Becky… Not in public." Chrissy said in a whisper through gritted teeth. Secretly though, Chrissy was happy to see Becky still as much in love with her as the day they first told each other how they really felt. Chrissy never wanted to share Becky with anyone, she belonged to Chrissy, just as Chrissy belonged to her.
Amy and amber were sat on the same table as Chrissy, they wanted to get to know more about Chrissy as a child, and Amy really loved spending time with a father that had come to accept Chrissy as his daughter. Greg had even accepted Amy and Amber into the family, which made both girls grin and giggle at his bad jokes.
Chrissy could tell by the looks she was getting from everyone, that they were all worried about how she was coping with the thought of the reunion, and how ill her father now looked. Chrissy put on a brave face again, and made it look like none of it was going to get her down, but deep down she was really worried about it all.
Holly and Greg called it a night early, and went back to their room in the hotel, while the others all sat around talking about Chrissy and her old school. They all laughed when Amy reminded them all about the look Chrissy's old gym teacher had when he realised whom Chrissy use to be. And the look on his face when he went to say something nasty, but stopped when he saw Brad standing just behind Chrissy with a hand on each of her shoulders.
"That was funny." Chrissy giggled. "He made my school days a living hell. He'd pick me out, just to watch me fail at sports, and then let all the other kids laugh at me… It was nice to see him worry for once."
"I'm glad I could help you get a little payback then Chrissy." Brad was grinning. "Just let me know if you spot any more you'd like to get some revenge on." Brad said with an even more evil grin this time.
"Thanks Brad, but I think we better try the sweet and innocent approach first." Chrissy smiled.
"Okay… you're the boss, but I still think revenge sounds better." Brad said, as he looked a little disappointed with Chrissy's plan, but he was soon grinning again.
"She's your boss, I'm just the loving wife that stay's at home keeping house for her." Chrissy said with a giggle, as she wrapped her arms around Becky and kissed her on the cheek.
Everyone called it a day just after ten, as they were all going to be really busy tomorrow making sure everything was ready for the reunion tomorrow night. Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber were all spending the day with Holly and Greg, while the others all organised the food and drink for the evening. Mandy and Carl wanted Chrissy away from the hotel, just in case she might bump into people she knew at school. Brad and Frank would be to busy helping out to keep an eye on Chrissy as well.
Chrissy woke a couple of times in the night with bad dreams, but Becky was there to hug her, and shush her back to sleep again.
Becky would be glad to see the back of the reunion now; she was worried about how it was affecting Chrissy and her sleep. Becky lay awake watching Chrissy sleep for a little bit in the morning before she needed the bathroom. Once she'd finished on the toilet, she started running her and Chrissy a bubble bath before going back to wake Chrissy up.
Chrissy was just sitting up in bed when she saw Becky walk out the bathroom and smile when she saw Chrissy awake.
"Morning baby! How you feeling now?" Becky asked, as she ran over to the bed and jumped on it next to Chrissy.
"Morning lover." Chrissy said, as she pulled Becky closer for a kiss. "I'm feeling really scared now, and wondering if this was such a great idea after all."
"I still think it's a great idea, and you could do with letting more people know who you are now."
Chrissy still wasn't convinced, but she just agreed with Becky anyway. "Is that a bath tub I hear filling with water?" Chrissy asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yes it is… It's not as nice as our tub back at home, but it will have to do." Becky said with a pout, as she pulled Chrissy out of bed.
They were both soon sat in the bath covered in bubbles, and washing each other. Chrissy really liked relaxing like this with Becky, All her troubles looked so far away. All to soon though, it was time to get out and get ready for a sight seeing tour of Chrissy's old hunting grounds, not that Chrissy really had any. She was looking forward to showing them where she use to live though.
Chrissy and Becky met up with Amy and Amber, as they were coming out of their room, which was just down the hall from theirs. Then they all walked down to breakfast together.
"Morning Chrissy, Becky. How did you sleep last night?" Amy asked, as she gave them both a hug.
"Morning Amy, Amber. We slept okay, Chrissy had some bad dreams, bit they didn't seem to bother her sleep to much." Becky said, as she hugged them both.
"Morning Amy, Amber." Chrissy smiled, as they both gave her a hug, with an understanding look on their face.
Holly and Greg were already sat in the restaurant when they got there, and were enjoying a cup of tea.
"Good morning girls, you all look very lovely again today." Greg said with a smile.
"Morning dad, morning mum." Chrissy said, as she gave each of them a hug.
"Good morning dear. Your father is right, you do all look as pretty as you always do." Holly smiled, as she gave Chrissy a hug back.
"Thanks mum. Have you and dad already eaten?" Chrissy asked, as she looked for any signs they might have, but not seeing any.
"No dear, we wanted to wait for you all to join us." Holly smiled, as she indicated for the girls to take a seat at the table.
"Morning Dad." Becky said with a smile, as she hugged Greg.
"Good morning Becky." Greg said in return, as he hugged her back.
"Morning Greg." Amy and Amber said with a smile, when they saw how more alive he looked this morning.
"Good morning Amy, Amber." Greg smiled, as he gave each of them a hug.
Holly poured them all a cup of tea out, and then they sat talking for a couple of minutes before they all went to help them selves to the self service buffet style breakfast. Soon they were all sat enjoying their meal, and Holly and Greg laid out a rough idea of where they would be going. Chrissy groaned at some of it, but she knew that Becky and the other two really wanted to see as much as they could while they were here.
Holly and Greg didn't drive, and Becky didn't have her car with her, so Carl had hired someone to drive them around for the day, so they could all chat and just have fun getting to know each other.
The driver was waiting with the large posh looking car when they all stepped out of the hotel. Holly told the driver where they would like to go first, and he helped them all get in the car before he got in himself and made his way there.
The first place they went to was a large park close to Chrissy's parent's house. It looked a lot different to how it looked when Chrissy's parents use to bring her there as a young boy, but Greg and Holly still told the girls stories of how Chrissy would try and get them to push her higher and higher. And the time Chrissy fell in the brook while she was trying to catch tadpoles.
Chrissy found it strange how her mum and dad never once referred to her as being anything but a girl all her life now. Hearing the stories now were almost like they all happened to someone else, but she still remembers walking home dripping wet, and how mad her dad had got with here over it all. She was grounded for a week when that happened.
They were in town by lunchtime, so they had a spot of lunch before they went for a wonder around some of the shops. Chrissy pointed out the clothes shop she brought her first ever peace of female clothing. She still remembered how dry her mouth was, as she went up to the counter with the bra and panty set, and how she'd almost ran out the shop, and bumped into a couple of girls from his class at school on the way out.
Chrissy's parents were learning just as much as Becky, Amy and Amber were today, and Chrissy could feel a bond forming between them all.
Becky had enjoyed the day because she finally got to know something about Chrissy growing up. Chrissy had always shied away from ever talking about her past beyond her saying that her dad beat her that one time and how she left home as soon as she was able to. Becky could see why Chrissy was so scared of everything now. She loved her mum and Dad, and her dad had a lot of time for her, but the day he beat her was such a shock, that Chrissy withdraw into herself and never really got over it.
It was soon time to make their way back to the hotel, and get ready for the reunion. Greg and Holly would be at the hotel, but they weren't going to show their faces. Greg was tired, but he'd had a great day. He even ended up with Amy and Amber calling him dad, which he loved. Holly was now being called mum as well, and the smile on her face said it all.
Greg and Holly gave all the girls a hug and told them all to have a good time, and not to worry about having any trouble. So the girls all made there way up to their rooms to have a shower and get ready for Chrissy's school reunion.
Chrissy was sitting at the dressing table in Becky's and her's hotel room wearing nothing more than her underwear, she was trying to do her makeup, but was shaking to much to do a very good job.
Becky walked out the bathroom and saw the trouble Chrissy was having, and walked over to help her finish. "Try to calm down baby, this is all going to be just fine." Becky smiled, as she took the makeup brush out of Chrissy's shaking hand.
"That's easy for you to say, you never went to school with all of them."
"No I didn't, but I know you can do this. How bad could it be anyway?" Becky asked with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Over half the people here tonight picked on me at some point, or tried to make my life a living hell. And now Carl is throwing a party for them all." Chrissy let out a big sigh as she said it.
"I'm sure they've all grown up since then baby." Becky smiled.
"I hope so, or this is going to a waist of time." Chrissy looked in the mirror as she said it. "I'll be coming back to my room." She added in a firm voice.
"I'm not going to let anyone upset you tonight, and I won't let you come back to the room either." Becky said, as she finished doing Chrissy's makeup for her. "It makes a change for me to do your makeup for once." Becky added with a smile.
"Thank you." Chrissy said looking pleased with the makeup job, but not so pleased about the staying at the party bit.
Chrissy had already helped Becky with her makeup, so they both set to work getting their dresses on. Chrissy was going to be wearing a tie waist dress with a satin band and tie detail in magenta, with matching shoes. Becky was going to be wearing a Jemima style V-neck pinafore dress with a sequin waist panel in a berry colour.
"I think you look beautiful in that dress." Becky smiled, as she looked at Chrissy standing across the room.
"You think I look beautiful in anything Becky." Chrissy said with a frown.
"I also think you look beautiful in nothing as well." Becky said with a grin, as she walked over to where Chrissy stood looking in a full-length mirror.
"I think you're the beautiful one here Becky." Chrissy smiled, as she looked at Becky standing next to her in the mirror. "Can't we just hang out in the hotel room tonight instead? I'll make you feel really good baby." Chrissy added, hoping to tempt Becky into not dragging her down to the reunion.
"Sorry Chrissy, but not even the tempting thought of playing around with you all evening in here is going to stop me taking you down to your school reunion." Becky said with a pout. "But it does give me something to look forward to later." She added with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy towards the door.
Chrissy let Becky pull her along, looking like the prisoner being led to their death. Amy and Amber soon joined them, and then Mandy and Carl joined them at the elevator.
"Smile Chrissy, you're supposed to be excited to see everyone again." Mandy said when she saw Chrissy's blank face, and her lips pushed tightly together.
"Excited! I'm scared to death right now sis. If I try to smile, all I'll do is set my teeth off chattering again." Chrissy said looking scared.
"Oh Chrissy, you can be such a worry sometimes. We'll all be keeping an eye on you, and Brad and Frank will be close by as well. So relax and have a good time, please." Mandy said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
"I'll try sis, but I'm still worried about how they will all react when they find out what I am now." Chrissy said, as she hugged Mandy back.
Frank, Prue, Ann, and Brad were all standing in the hotel lobby when Chrissy and the others stepped out the elevator. They all smiled at Chrissy when they saw the worried look, and Brad even said the same thing Mandy had just told her. This did make Chrissy feel a little better, but she was still really nervous about speaking to everyone she went to school with. Chrissy wanted to say school friends, but she never really had any, she, or more he use to shy away from trying to make any.
Debbie was standing just outside the function room they going to be using, she was ready to walk around with Chrissy and Becky, so Chrissy had someone to help break the ice with everyone. Chrissy thought Debbie looked really nice in a black loose fitting evening dress, Debbie was just over four months pregnant with her second child now, so it was starting to show pretty well. Debbie was standing with a man in a smart looking suit, and judging by the way he was holding Debbie's hand, and smiling at her, Chrissy took this to be Vin her husband.
"Wow Chrissy, you look amazing girl!" Debbie said, as she walked over and pulled Chrissy into a hug.
"Thanks Debbie, you look really good as well." Chrissy said with a smile, but still looking very nervous.
"Be honest Chrissy, I just look fat." Debbie said as she put her hands on her belly.
"Not fat, just pregnant." Chrissy smiled, as she put her hand on the lump sticking out in front of Debbie. Becky was soon doing the same, and Chrissy could see that same look She'd had the day before. Chrissy soon shuck it off when she heard the man that was with Debbie speak to her.
"Hello Chrissy, it's nice to finally meet you after all this time. I'm Vin, Debbie's husband." The man said with a smile, as he looked Chrissy up and down.
"Hello Vin, it's nice to meet you to. You have a very beautiful wife, and a very pretty daughter by the way." Chrissy said, as she tried not to notice the look Vin was giving her, as she spoke. Chrissy knew she'd be getting a lot of this tonight.
Vin could see that the way he was looking at her, was making her more nervous. "I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous Chrissy, but I find in unbelievable that you have ever been anything but a female."
"Please don't be sorry Vin. I'm just a little nervous anyway at the minute, but I'm going to have to get use to it, or I'll never make it through the night." Chrissy said with a nervous giggle.
"I can't even begin to understand what you must be feeling right now Chrissy, but Debbie and I will also be keeping an eye on you to make sure you have a good time, with little or no trouble from anyone.
"Thank you Vin, but please don't let me stop you having a good time with your lovely wife." Chrissy said, as she smiled at Debbie.
Sara and Cathy had now joined them just outside the room, so they all entered the room which was half full of people already. Carl had let Debbie hire a couple of guys to stand on the door and make sure they didn't get any gate crashers try to get in. It was by invitation only, but they all entered without any trouble when Debbie said who they were.
As much as they all wanted to follow Chrissy and Becky, the others all wondered off to different parts of the room. They thought it would scare everyone away if Chrissy had a large group of people around her. Amy and Amber tagged along with Chrissy, Becky, Debbie, and Vin though, as they made their way over to a group of girls.
Chrissy saw the group of girls, and suddenly realised they looked familiar to her, then she remembered that they were all Debbie's friends from school.
"Debbie!" One of the girls shouted, as she saw Debbie getting closer to them. "This reunion is amazing, but how is it all being paid for?" She asked.
"Hi Lexi! Great to see you again." Debbie shouted, as she let the girl hug her. "Do you remember a lad from school called, Chris Clarke?" Debbie asked.
The girl She called Lexi looked to be deep in thought for a couple of seconds before she must have remembered him. "Yes the little blond lad that was always really quiet, and never really spoke to anyone." Lexi said in such a way, as she was really asking Debbie if she was right. "Are you telling me that he's paid for all of this? He must have done all right for himself. Is he here? I'd like to thank him." Lexi asked as she looked around the large room still filling up with people.
"No, he's not with us anymore." Debbie said, as she looked to her side where Chrissy was now standing with Becky, Amy and Amber. Debbie was trying not to grin as she looked at her.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Debbie, but how did he have anything to do with the party then? Did he leave money to cover it in his will?" Lexi asked with a puzzled look. Lexi had been looking at all the girls standing with Debbie, but she didn't remember any of them. She thought they all looked too beautiful to have been at her school, and her not to remember them.
"A very close friend of Chris's helped me sort all this out." Debbie said with a smile, as she saw Lexi trying to work out if she knew any of the girls standing with her. "I'm sorry Lexi, where are my manners. I'd like you to meet Becky, Amy and Amber." Debbie pointed at each girl in turn, but left out Chrissy.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you all. Did any of you go to our school? I'm sorry but I don't remember any of your faces." Lexi said, hoping she hadn't just forgot about them. Then she realised that Debbie had never said who the blond girl was standing next to the girl called Becky was. "I'm sorry, but I don't think Debbie said what your name was." Lexi asked, as she held out her hand to shake Chrissy's.
"Hello, My names Christina, Christina Clarke, but most people just call me Chrissy." Chrissy said with a nervous smile.
"Oh right, so Chris was your brother then? I'm sorry to hear he's no longer with us, but thanks for paying for the reunion." Lexi said with a smile. "I don't remember Chris having a sister, so are you a cousin?" Lexi asked, as she saw the resemblance Chrissy had to Chris.
"No Chris never had a sister, or any cousins." Chrissy said looking even more nervous now, as she knew that Lexi was abut to work it all out. Chrissy let go of Lexi's hand and took a step back, just in case she reacted badly to the news.
Lexi looked to be trying to work out why this girl looked like Chris Clarke, and had the same last name, but wasn't a sister, or a cousin. She must have worked it out because her mouth fell open, and she pointed at Chrissy while looking at Debbie, who was standing grinning at her and nodding up and down. Then Lexi started looking at Chrissy again, she was trying to find any trace of what she use to be.
"This is some sort of a trick isn't it?" Lexi finally said. "This can't be the same shy little boy we saw at school every day." Lexi added with disbelief in her eyes.
"Hello Lexi, you're looked really good still." Chrissy smiled, when she saw that she wasn't going to start shouting at her.
"I look good! Look at you girl!" Lexi shouted, as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
A large number of people in the room all stopped to look over at Lexi and the girl she was hugging, but no one knew who the blond girl was she was with, so they soon went back to catching up with their old friends again.
"It all makes perfect sense, now I think about it. The shyness, the not making friends with anyone. It must have been a nightmare for you back then." Lexi said as she broke the hug. "But it looks like you did okay for yourself." She added with a smile.
"Thanks Lexi, I do have a pretty good life now." Chrissy wrapped an arm around Becky's waist as she said it. "Becky's my wife." Chrissy smiled, as she looked into Becky's eyes.
Lexi looked a little shocked, then confused, but she never said anymore about it. She just smiled when she saw how Happy Chrissy looked as she stood with her arm wrapped around her wife's waist.
Chrissy could see that the other girls Lexi had been standing with had moved closer while she'd been explaining her story to Lexi, and they were all looking her up and down. Chrissy remembered their names to be Traci, Roxanne, and Heather.
"Well don't just stand there staring at the poor girl. Welcome her to the all girls club." Lexi said, as she looked at the three girls.
All three girls smiled and stepped over to give Chrissy a hug, and let her know how good she looked. None of them looked as shocked to see the new look, so Chrissy guessed that Debbie had already told them about it all. Chrissy did remember Debbie saying she'd told a couple of them.
"I can't believe you're the same person Chrissy." Heather said, as she broke the hug and stepped back to look at her again. "Are you all woman now then?" She asked in a whisper, as she pointed to her own groin.
"Heather! You can't ask something like that just after meeting her?" Traci said looking shocked with her mouth open. "I'm sorry Chrissy, but you do look really good." Traci added with a smile, as she also hugged her.
"I don't mind Traci, and yes I am all woman now. Well as much a woman as I'll ever be." Chrissy said with a sad look, as she looked at Debbie, and her bump.
The girls all seemed to know what Chrissy was getting at, and didn't push the topic any further. They all stood and listened to Chrissy tell her story, and were shocked to hear that it was her dad that beat her that time they all saw Chris come to school with two black eyes and a thick lip.
"That was your dad? I thought it was that Callum Baldwin. He never seemed to deny it when anyone asked him about it." Traci said looking a little angry when she thought about the school bully and how he made Chris's life a misery back then.
Becky felt Chrissy go stiff, and started to shake a little when Traci said that boy's name. "You okay baby?" Becky asked with worry in her voice.
Chrissy had forgot all about that boy until Traci said his name. Callum Baldwin was the school bully, or Chris's school bully. He went out of his way to pick on him every day of the week when they were at school. Chrissy remembered how he took credit for the beating her dad gave her, but Chrissy was happy to let him take the credit. It was better than anyone finding out the real reason.
"I'm fine Becky, just brought back some bad memories when I heard his name." Chrissy said with a fake smile, that Becky could see straight though. "Do you think he'll turn up here tonight?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Debbie.
"I'm not sure, he was sent an invite just like everyone else." Debbie said with a sad look. "He'd have to be mad to try anything with those two around though." She added, as she pointed at Brad and Frank standing close by ready for any trouble.
Chrissy knew Debbie was right, but she couldn't stop thinking of how hellish he made her life back then, or his life, as it was. Even Chrissy had trouble thinking of the time she was not Chrissy now. It really did feel like another life, a dream, or a nightmare that she finally woke up from and it had faded away.
Lexi hung around with Debbie for a little longer, while the other three went to chat with some of the other people they were friends with in school. The word soon got around just who Chrissy was, or use to be. Most people wanted to come and say hello, just so they could get a closer look at her, and see if she sounded like a girl, because they all thought she looked like one. Some people kept away from her, and just looked down their noses, like she was some sort of freak, and they wanted nothing to do with her. Chrissy just took no notice of them or as little notice as she could in a room with them. Brad and Frank were always close by to make her feel safe.
Chrissy was just waiting for Becky and Amber to get back with some drinks for her and Amy when Lexi leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear.
"I don't want to worry you Chrissy, but I just heard that Callum Baldwin is here." Lexi looked worried when she moved her head away, and she looked Chrissy in the eyes.
Chrissy was really scared all of a sudden and she started looking around to make sure Brad, or Frank was close by. Brad was standing with Ann, but he had his back to her, but Ann saw how scared Chrissy looked and tapped Brad on the arm. Brad was soon making his way over to her.
"What's wrong Chrissy?" Brad asked, as he looked down at her. "Has someone upset you? Tell me who it was." Brad asked, as he looked around.
"No, it's not that Brad. I'm just worried about someone that's here." Chrissy said, as she stepped in closer to Brad.
Brad put an arm around Chrissy, and could feel her shaking. Ann had come with Brad, and she also felt her shaking as she hugged her. "What's wrong Chrissy? Who is this person that's got you so scared?" Ann asked looking worried.
"It's a boy I went to school with. He made my life a living hell, and now he's here at the reunion." Chrissy said with a shaky voice. "I think I want to go back to my room now." Chrissy said, as she finally made up her mind that she'd had enough of the reunion.
Becky and Amber had just got back with the drinks, as Chrissy said it. "What's wrong baby?" Becky asked looking worried. Ann explained what Chrissy had just told her, and why Chrissy wanted to go back to their room, but Becky wasn't going to let this man spoil Chrissy's night. "I'm sorry baby, but you're not going anywhere. You need to face this asshole, and let him see that he's got no control over you anymore." Becky added in a firm voice.
Chrissy wanted to argue with her, but she could tell by the look on Becky's face, she'd be waisting her time. Chrissy just took the drink Becky had for her, and with a very shaky hand, tried to guide the strew into her mouth.
Brad and Frank stayed a little closer to Chrissy for a little time after that, but they were soon being forced further and further away as more people turned up and wanted to get a look at the new girl, so to speak.
Chrissy had just finished chatting with a guy called Charlie, who had always thought Chrissy was a girl and was just a tomboy, when she turned and was face to face with Callum Baldwin. Chrissy looked scared to death when she saw his face, but she was even more shocked by the scared look he had when he saw her.
Callum was sat on his bed in the room he had at the hotel. He wasn't sure he really wanted to do this, go to the school reunion. He'd never really liked school that much and he'd got into more trouble than he really ever wanted to. Callum had not been the largest kid in his year, but he made up for that by getting into trouble. Callum would look for kids smaller than him, or the ones that were easy to pick on. He remembered this one kid called Chris Clarke, and how he would go out of his way to pick on him, just to look cool in front of the other kids. The only reason he was here tonight was to meet up with him and say sorry for all the stuff he did to him back then. The only reason Callum picked on this Chris was because he was even smaller than Callum.
Callum would have much rather have been out with the girls, it was there once a month visit to the club. Callum wasn't a girl, but he was a cross dresser that got together with some other crossdressers, to go to a club called The Closet. But tonight he was going to beg for this Chris to forgive him. He'd realised from an early age that he was different to the other boys at school, but to keep it a secret he would pick on this Chris and make himself look more macho. It was only later after he left school that he realised just how he must have made this Chris feel for all those years.
Taking a deep breath and grabbing his wallet and putting it in his jacket pocket, he took one last look at the man looking back at him in the mirror before heading out his room and down to find this Chris.
Callum found himself thinking about all his girlfriends using the changing service at the hotel, and getting ready in all their girlie things, and then spending the night dancing at the club, while he was stuck playing his boring male self, just to fit in.
He was soon standing at the entrance to the function room, and showing a man his invite. Callum entered the room, once the man found his name and ticked it off the list. He saw a couple of guys he remembered from his class at school, so he went over to say hi.
"Hay Adam, Ben! Long time no see. How you two been keeping?" Callum asked, as he shuck both their hands.
"Hay Callum. Didn't think you'd bother coming to this." Adam said, as he shuck his hand in return.
"I thought I might as well. I wanted to say sorry to that Chris kid I use to pick on all the time. I was kind of a dick to him back then." Callum said.
"So you haven't heard yet then?" Ben asked with a grin.
"Haven't heard what?" Callum asked looking worried. He was hoping that Chris hadn't taken his own life or something like that because of what he'd done to him.
"That Chris kid is a chick now. Looks pretty hot as well." Ben said with a raised eyebrow.
"He's a girl now?" Callum asked looking even more shocked.
"Yep, and I mean all girl. Had them removed and everything." Adam said with a shudder, when he thought about his privets being removed.
"Oh." Callum said. He had spent all those years picking on someone that was just like him. Now he just wanted to find this Chris and say sorry to him, or her. "I'll catch up with you both later then, I better go and say sorry for the way I treated him." Callum added, as he went to walk away.
"Don't you mean her?" Ben said with a grin.
Callum just smiled as he walked away, now on a hunt to find this girl that use to be the boy he picked on. Callum was amazed at how many people from school had turned up for the reunion, he was having trouble seeing anyone. Callum suddenly saw Debbie, and remembered her name being on the invite, so he walked over to her. If anyone knew what Chris looked like now, she would.
"Hi Debbie, you're looking really good." Callum said, as he stepped in front of her.
"Hello Callum." Debbie said, as she looked at him with hate in her eyes. She didn't really like him that much she knew what he did to Chris all them years ago.
Callum was expecting the cold response from Debbie, so he wasn't shocked when he saw the look she gave him. "I was hopping you'd help me find Chris Clarke?" Callum asked.
"He's not here." Debbie said in a flat tone.
"I know, but I also know that she is." Callum said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
"Look Callum, you peace of shit. Just leave her alone, or you won't like the trouble that will come with it." Debbie said in a threatening way.
"I don't want to start any trouble Debbie, I just want to say sorry for how I treated him, I mean her back then." Callum said, as he raised his hands in defeat. "The only reason I came here tonight was to see Chris and say sorry to hi… I mean her." Callum added with a pleading look. "Once I've said sorry, I'll even leave. If that will make you happy."
Debbie could see that he really did look like he just wanted to say sorry and Chrissy was well protected anyway. "Okay then Callum, but I warn you, Any trouble and you're out." Debbie walked toward a group of people, and Callum was close behind.
Callum stopped walking when Debbie stopped right in front of him, and then he looked in the direction she was pointing. Callum felt the blood drain from his face when he found himself looking at Chrissy and Becky from the Club. Then he saw that Amy and Amber were standing right next to her.
"This has to be a bad dream." Callum thought to himself, as he looked at the scared look on Chrissy's face. "All this time I've been going to the club, and having a good time on the dance floor with the other girls, and even dancing around with Chrissy and Amy. It was the same person I spent all those years tormenting." Callum thought, as he took a step back feeling sick.
"Oh god Chrissy, Becky. I never knew. I'm so sorry." Callum said close to tears now. Callum turned to leave when he bumped into another girl coming back from the bar. "I'm sorry." Callum said, as he looked up at the woman he'd just walked into.
"Don't worry about it, no harm done." Cathy smiled, as she checked to make sure she hadn't spilt any of her drink on herself. When she looked at the man, she realised that she knew him from some place. Then she remembered, and it showed on her face.
Callum knew the woman right away from the changing service at the hotel, and as a close friend of Chrissy's. Judging by the look on her face, she knew it as well. Callum was really scared now, and knew that this would be the ultimate revenge for Chrissy now. He'd never be able to show his face here ever again. Before Cathy could say anything else, he saw a gap appear between a couple of people, and he was gone. He ran for the exit, nearly knocking Ben and Adam over when they tried to stop him running past them on the way out.
Once he was back in his hotel room, he paced up and down as he tried to think what to do. He knew he could never show his face at the club again, after finding out this. How could he look Chrissy in the eyes now?
Callum knew that once Cathy told Chrissy who he was, she would take great pleasure in telling everyone in the room what he was, and how he dressed in his free time. The cat would be out of the bag, or more to the point Kara would be. Kara was Callum's female name.
Callum was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands when he heard a knock at his door, so he got up wondering who it could be.
"That didn't go like I thought it would." Chrissy said, as she watched Callum run off, and bump into Cathy.
"He didn't look like much of a bully to me either." Becky said, as she put her arm around Chrissy's waist. "What did you tell him Debbie?" Becky asked with a giggle.
"I never said anything to him really. I'm still trying to work out how he knew both your names." Debbie said with a shrug.
"You never told him who we were then Debbie?" Becky asked.
"Nope, I was going to let Chrissy say who she was instead, but he seemed to know the two of you already." Debbie said.
Cathy had joined them by this point, so Chrissy asked her if she was okay. "Did he wet you when he bumped into you Cathy?"
"No, I was lucky." Cathy said, as she took another quick look to double check. "Did you know he would be here Chrissy?" Cathy asked.
"I was hoping he wouldn't be, but Debbie said that everyone got an invite." Chrissy said with a sour look on her face. Chrissy saw the puzzled look on Cathy's face when she said it. "You okay Cathy? You're looking a little puzzled about something." Chrissy asked.
"I'm sorry Becky, Debbie, but do you mind if I have a quiet word with Chrissy for a couple of minutes?" Cathy asked, as she grabbed Chrissy's arm and led her over to a quiet corner of the room.
"What's wrong Cathy?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"You really have no idea who that man is do you?" Cathy asked looking shocked.
"I know just who that man was. He made my life a living hell all the way through school." Chrissy said looking a little upset. "I must admit that he looked more scared of me though when he just looked at me." Chrissy added with a puzzled look.
"Girl, you really are a blond sometimes, do you know that." Cathy said, as she shuck her head from side to side. "I think he was a little shocked to find you here, as he knows you, and you know him, or more her." Cathy said in a whisper. "She's been going to the club for the past couple of years now. You've even danced around on the dance floor with her and her friends a couple of times. And you've fixed her makeup for her." Cathy added.
"You mean he goes to the club as a she?" Chrissy asked looking shocked. "I had no idea Cathy. Why do you think he ran off then like that?" Chrissy asked with a strange look on her face.
"Let me think for a second." Cathy said in a very sarcastic way with a hand on her hip, and the other one under her chin to make it look like she was thinking. "How would you react if you turned up at a school reunion, and you find out that the boy you use to bully is now a beautiful woman, and she has a wife that runs a night club where you go and dress as a woman yourself. You could have some very serious payback Chrissy." Cathy added with a grin.
"I could never do that Cathy, and you know it." Chrissy said looking hurt by her comment.
"I know Chrissy, and judging by the look on his face when he saw me, and realised I knew who he was. I don't think he'll be coming to the changing service, or the club again." Cathy said with a sigh.
"I don't want any of that Cathy. I should go and talk to him, and see if I can calm him down." Chrissy said, as she looked around the room trying to find him.
"I don't think you'll find him Chrissy, it looked like he was heading for the door when he left me." Cathy said looking a little sad.
"I wonder if he has a room booked here at the hotel?" Chrissy said, as she went to find Carl. Chrissy knew that Carl would be able to find out if he did or not. Cathy found herself being dragged along with her.
Carl was talking to Mandy, Frank and Prue when Chrissy walked over to him. "Hello Chrissy, is everything okay?" Carl asked.
"Not really Carl. I could use your help with something." Chrissy said looking worried. "Can we go and talk out in the lobby?" Chrissy asked.
"Sure Chrissy, do you mind if Mandy comes with us?" Carl asked.
"No, not at all, but we need to act fast." Chrissy said, as she started pulling Carl along with one hand, while she pulled Cathy along with the other one.
Mandy followed just behind with Sara and Becky following her. They had seen Cathy and Chrissy talking, just before they ran off to find Carl.
Once they were all standing in the lobby of the hotel, Carl asked what was wrong. "Okay Chrissy, what is it you need my help with?"
"I need you to find out if a Callum Baldwin is staying here at the hotel." Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice.
"Why do you need to know that Chrissy?" Becky asked with a puzzled look.
"Cathy just told me that we know him, or more her. She goes to the club. That's why he looked so shocked to see us both here at the reunion." Chrissy said. "He had no idea who I was, and now he must be worried that I might tell everyone his secret." Chrissy added looking upset.
"No one would blame you if you did baby. He'd have it coming to him." Becky said sounding angry with him still.
"He said the only reason he came here tonight was to say sorry to Chrissy for how he treated her all those years ago." They all heard a voice say from just behind them. When they all turned around, they found Debbie standing there looking at them. "I think he was really sorry about what he'd done to you Chrissy." Debbie added.
"I can't leave it like this Becky, and I know deep down you feel the same way too." Chrissy said, as she looked at Becky.
Becky let out a sigh. "You're right baby. I guess even bullies can change over time. Okay then, lets see if he's staying here at the hotel." Becky added, as she looked at Carl.
Carl got his mobile out, and made a call then walked over to the reception desk and waited for the person behind the desk to get a call from the person he just called. Carl was soon walking back to them with a room number. "He's in room three ten. Do you want us to come up with you Chrissy?" Carl asked.
"Thanks, but I think Becky and I should do this." Chrissy held out her hand, and then walked over to the elevator once Becky was holding it.
Becky pushed the button for the third floor and then started cuddling Chrissy while they travelled up. "It really is a small world we live in baby." Becky said with a grin, just before kissing her.
"It sure is, and getting smaller." Chrissy giggled, even though she was nervous about facing Callum.
Chrissy and Becky got off the elevator on the third floor and then walked down to room ten. Chrissy knocked on the door and then waited for Callum to answer it. It didn't take long for the door to open and Callum to poke his head out. Judging by the look he gave them, they were the last people on the planet he expected to see at the door to his room.
"Chrissy, Becky. What do you want?"
"We just want to talk to you Callum. Can we come in?" Chrissy asked.
"Sure, but I don't know what to say to you Chrissy. I had no idea that I'd been seeing you all this time at the club." Callum said, as he let them in the room.
Chrissy and Becky entered the room and sat on the bed, while Callum sat in a chair over near the dressing table.
"Did you really never work out that I was the same person you picked on all the time at school?" Chrissy asked, when it didn't look like Callum was going to start the conversation.
Callum just looked down at the floor. He couldn't bring him self to look at Chrissy or Becky. He was too ashamed of himself. "Not even for one second Chrissy. I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you." Callum said, as he wiped away some tears from his eyes.
"I spoke with Debbie, and she said that you told her the only reason you came here was to say sorry to me. Is that true?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes it was, but when I saw it was you, I knew that I didn't deserve your forgiveness. After all I did to you, you still turned out to be such a beautiful person, and woman." Callum said with a sigh.
"Thank you Callum, and I do forgive you." Chrissy smiled.
"Does this mean you told everyone what I am? I guess I asked for it really." Callum said with a sick sounding chuckle.
"Do you really think I'd do that to you Callum, What would I gain from making everyone laugh at you?" Chrissy asked. "I get the feeling that you've been punishing yourself for long enough over it all." Chrissy added.
"Thank you Chrissy for not telling anyone about my secret. I won't show up at the club any more either." Callum said, as he looked at the floor again.
"I hope you will Callum. I'm sure your friends will want to see Kara again soon." Chrissy said, as she finally worked out who his female self was.
"I wish I'd taken some time to get to know you back then Chrissy, and I hadn't been to scared of what others thought about me." Callum said with tears running down his cheeks again. "I really don't deserve any forgiveness from you." Callum added.
He shuddered when he thought back to the times he'd pushed Chris over just to look cool to a group of older kids standing close by. And pinning notes to his back, so people would kick his behind as he walked along. All these things had haunted Callum for years now. He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Becky speaking to him.
"Chrissy is all about forgiveness Callum. You should know that by now." Becky said, as she passed him a tissue. "So you going to get cleaned up and come back down to the reunion?" Becky asked with a smile.
"I'm not sure, I've got nothing to prove to any of them down there any more." Callum said. "All I wanted to do is come and say sorry to a boy called Chris, but I find a girl called Chrissy in his place." Callum added with a smile, as he looked more closely at Chrissy, but not seeing any of the boy he once picked on.
"I'd like to see you down there, and the least you can do is by a girl a drink." Chrissy said with a grin.
"That's the least I can do for a pretty lady." Callum said, as he stood up and then went to splash some water on his face. Chrissy and Becky waited for him, and then they all went back down to the lobby, where the others were still waiting for their return.
Callum looked worried when he saw who was standing there, and he realised what Debbie meant now when she said that upsetting Chrissy would be a big mistake. Callum knew who Frank and Brad were, and neither of them looked very happy with whom Callum was. He also knew Sara, Mandy, Carl, and Ann but he didn't know the woman standing with Frank. Callum found out later that it was Mandy's mum, when he heard Mandy call her that while they were sat talking about something.
Everyone returned to the reunion and they carried on talking to people. Mandy and the others were all finding out some things about Chrissy, and her school days. It turned out that she was well liked back then, but just to shy to try and make any friends. The night went well, and there was only one spot of trouble involving Chrissy, Frank and Brad didn't have time to sort it out. Help came from someone else.
Callum was chatting with Chrissy and the others when Ben, one of the guys Callum spoke to when he first got to the reunion came over looking very drunk.
"Hay, Hay. What do you say to you an me going back to my room for a little you know what?" Ben said in a slurred voice. "I know all you girls love doing that sort of thing." He added as he tried to pull Chrissy away from Becky.
"I think you better leave Ben, before things get out of hand." Callum said, as he stopped Ben from touching Chrissy.
"What's your problem Cal? I thought you'd be all for teaching the little fairy a lesson or two." Ben said, but before he could say anymore, he was flying across the floor holding his nose, as it gushed with blood.
"Don't ever speak about Chrissy like that!" Callum shouted, as he looked down at Ben on the floor. "That goes for all of you! If you have a problem with Chrissy, then you have a problem with me!" Callum said, as he looked around the room.
Callum wasn't much taller than Chrissy, and he wasn't a macho man at all, but everyone was much nicer to Chrissy for the rest of the night.
"Thanks for helping me with Ben just now." Chrissy said, as she sat cuddling with Becky at one of the tables scattered around the room. "You'll have everyone talking about you Callum. I'm sorry for any trouble it may cause you." Chrissy added looking worried.
"Let them talk about me Chrissy. All I care about is what you think of me, and your friends." Callum said with a smile. "I'm just sorry it took me twenty three years to work it out." Callum added with a chuckle.
"Better late than never Callum." Becky smiled, as she looked at Ben nursing a bloody nose across the room.
"I've not known you for twenty three years anyway." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I know that Chrissy, but I just wish I'd tried to make one true friend, and not tried to have a load of false ones." Callum looked sad as he said it.
"It's never to late to make another friend." Chrissy smiled.
"I think you've got more than enough of them now Chrissy." Callum chucked, as he looked around the room.
"I think I can make room for one more, please." Chrissy asked with a pout. "Oh, but I do have one condition Callum." Chrissy added with a grin.
"And what would that be?" Callum asked looking worried.
"I want you to tell me about your dressing, and how it all started."
"Is that all?" Callum asked looking relieved.
"Yep. Why what were you expecting me to ask?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
"I was worried you might want me to dress in something, or do something as payback for all the things I did to you back then."
"I never thought of that, but it's a good idea." Chrissy said with an evil grin. Callum suddenly looked really worried again, but soon relaxed when Chrissy started giggling. "I'm sorry Callum, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not looking for revenge, just friends."
"I'd have done what ever you asked me to Chrissy. After what I did to you nothing would be to much trouble." Callum said with a week smile. "I'd love to tell you my story, but not tonight it's getting late."
""We're saying here at the hotel as well, so we can meet up for breakfast, then you can tell us all the details of how Kara came to be." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Okay then, I promise to tell you all the details of my life as Kara." Callum smiled back.
It was soon time too call it a night and people started to leave. Debbie sitting with her shoes off, as her feet had swollen up, so Carl and Mandy thanked everyone for coming, and then they all went up to their rooms to get some sleep. Carl had sorted out a room for Debbie and Vin, and Debbie's mum was looking after Tiffany for the night, so they didn't have to worry about driving.
Chrissy was soon collapsing on the bed in her room and smiling up at Becky. "Thanks for making me come, and for helping Carl and Debbie sort it all out. I had a lot of fun." Chrissy smiled, as she pulled Becky down onto the bed.
"I'm glad you had a good time baby. It was a shock to find out that your bully turned out to be a girl that went to the club though." Becky giggled between kissing Chrissy.
"I know what you mean babe. But I'm happy that he turned out okay in the end, and it was just his own fear of being different that made him that way." Chrissy smiled as she thought about it all.
"Most people would have taken some pleasure in outing him for some simple revenge." Becky said with a grin.
"But I'm not most people. And what would I get out of doing that to him? He's not the same person he was back then, I'd just be hurting a good person." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"You seem a little different now baby." Becky said, as she saw the look in Chrissy's eyes.
"Good different, or bad different?" Chrissy asked with a pout.
"Neither, just different. It's almost like you've finally grown up a little." Becky said, trying to put her finger on what had changed about Chrissy.
"I do feel like I've got nothing to hide from anymore. Most people still like me, and I even have a bunch of knew people as well." Chrissy smiled, as she cuddled up to Becky on the bed still dressed.
"I'm glad it all went so well for you, I was worried about the reaction you'd get tonight, but most of them seemed happy for you."
"So am I Becky, so am I. We better get ready for bed." Chrissy said, as she got up, and then helped Becky to her feet.
They both helped each other get ready for bed, then they played around a little before drifting off to sleep in each others arms.
Chrissy was just brushing her hair the next morning when she heard a knock at the door, so she got up and went to see who it was. Amy was standing there smiling at her.
"Morning sis. Hope I'm not disturbing you?" Amy asked.
"Good morning baby sister." Chrissy smiled, as she pulled Amy into the room and gave her a hug. "What brings you to my room first thing in the morning?"
"Nothing much, I just wanted to make sure you were okay after the party last night." Amy said, as she took over brushing out Chrissy's hair for her once she sat down again at the dressing table.
"I enjoyed it very much Amy. I had a lot more fun than I thought I would. Did you and Amber have a good time?"
"Yes we both loved finding out about you back in the school days." Amy giggled.
"Not much to tell really, as I remember. I pretty much kept to myself when ever I could." Chrissy said as she tried to remember more about her school days.
"Everyone we spoke to last night said they really liked you, but you were just really shy, and hard to make friends with." Amy said, as she kept brushing out Chrissy's hair for her.
"I thought you'd understand why that was better than anyone Amy." Chrissy said, as she looking at Amy in the mirror. "Knowing you don't fit in with the boys, and wanting to fit in with the girls, but you don't. It was hard to work out what I was back in school, so I kept to myself when ever I could." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"I do know what you mean sis. I wonder if the kids at my school would feel the same way about me if I ever went to a school reunion?" Amy asked with a questioning look on her face.
"We'll have to get Carl to organise one for you and find out." Chrissy giggled.
Amy just gave Chrissy a worried look before speaking again. "I'm not in any rush to find out at the minute sis. I'm happy with the group of friends I now have."
Chrissy and Amy both turned to look at Becky as she spoke when she walked out the bathroom. "Hello Amy, what brings you to our door so early in the morning?" Becky asked, as she walked over and gave Amy a hug. "Amber board with you already?" Becky asked with a grin.
"Amber would never get board with me!" Amy said looking shocked that Becky could even think such a thing, as she hugged Becky back. "Morning sis, I just wanted to make sure Chrissy was okay after the reunion last night." Amy added with a grin.
"How sweet of you to be worried about my wife." Becky said with a pout, as she hugged Amy again.
"Hay! She's my sister as well as being your wife." Amy said, as she started to tickle Becky. Amy soon realised this was a big mistake, given how ticklish she was herself. Becky soon had Amy giggling and begging her to stop.
"I guess I'm willing to keep sharing her with you too baby sister." Becky smiled, as she held onto Amy while she got her breath back.
"I can live with sharing her with you big sister Becky." Amy smiled back.
"I'm not some toy to be shared between the two of you." Chrissy said, as she finished tying her hair back in a high ponytail on the back of her head.
"I wouldn't say that baby, I love playing with you." Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
"I know you do, but we don't have time for that now. I want to get some breakfast." Chrissy said, as she kissed Becky on the lips quickly before grabbing her purse and walking towards the door.
Chrissy was just about to open the door when there was a knock on it, so Chrissy opened the door and found Amber standing there smiling at her.
"Morning Amber, you come looking for your wife?" Chrissy asked, as she stepped aside, so Amber could enter the room.
"Morning Chrissy. I was beginning to think she'd ran away." Amber giggled, as she entered the room and hugged Chrissy before walking over to stand with Amy.
"Why would I ever want to run away from you why darling wife?" Amy smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Amber, and kissed her.
"You never know when some prince will turn up and steal you away from me." Amber said with fake horror on her face.
"A prince!" Amy said in shock. "Don't you mean a princess, and one already has stole me." Amy added with a smile, just before kissing Amber again.
"Very good answer princess." Amber purred between kisses.
Chrissy was soon breaking up the mood when she spoke. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to get something to eat." As she walked out the door.
Becky was soon running out the door after her. "Hay! Wait for me baby." Becky was shouting as she went.
Amy and Amber followed them, both giggling at how Becky hated being without Chrissy for to long. "Do you have the key to your room Chrissy?" Amy asked, just before closing the door.
"Yes, it's in my purse Amy, so you can just shut the door." Chrissy smiled, as she stood with Becky's arms wrapped around her.
Amy closed the door and then took the hand that Amber offered her, and they followed Chrissy and Becky down the hallway to the elevator.
Chrissy could see that everyone else was already down in the restaurant when they got there. Chrissy walked over and took a seat with her mum and dad. Becky, Amy and Amber all sat with her.
"Good morning dear. I hear you had a good time last night, and you found out some interesting things about some old school friends." Holly said with a grin.
"Morning mum, dad. Yes it was a fun night." Chrissy smiled. "I got all worked up over nothing in the end."
The other girls all said morning mum and dad, which made them both smile, as they hugged. Then the girls got up and went to get their breakfast from the self-service buffet.
Chrissy had just sat back down at the table when she saw Callum enter the restaurant. He looked over at Chrissy and then went to sit at a table on his own, so Chrissy got up and walked over to him.
"I thought you were going to sit with us for breakfast Callum?" Chrissy asked when she got to the table he was sat at. "Does this mean you've changed your mind, and don't want to talk about your past now?" Chrissy asked with a pout.
"Morning Chrissy. No, I still want to tell you about my past, but I saw you sitting with all the others and thought I'd just tell you later." Callum said looking worried.
"Don't be silly, we saved you a place, now come with me." Chrissy said, as she held out her hand for Callum to take, as he stood up and let Chrissy lead him over to the table.
Callum wasn't much taller than Chrissy was, but his hands felt large still when he had Chrissy's tiny hand wrapped inside it. Everything about Chrissy said female, and he was still having trouble living with what he did as a kid to her. He might as well have been picking on a girl now he thought about it.
"Morning everyone." Callum said in a whisper, as he looked around the large table. Everyone smiled, and said good morning back at him, as he took a seat at the table.
"Will you be okay getting your own breakfast Callum, or do you want me to go and get you something?" Chrissy asked.
"I can fetch my own breakfast Chrissy, you don't need to treat me in any special way." Callum said looking shocked that Chrissy was willing to go and get him some breakfast.
"Well run along then, and we'll all be waiting for you to return." Chrissy smiled.
Callum wasn't feeling very hungry at the minute, but he could tell that Chrissy was use to getting her own way, so he got up and walked over to get some breakfast. He was soon sitting down at the table again with a small plate of sausage, bacon and eggs.
"I'm sorry Chrissy." Callum said, as he played with the food on his plate.
"Sorry, sorry for what?" Chrissy asked with a strange look on her face.
"I'm sorry for everything that happened to you growing up." Callum said with a sigh.
"I thought we cleared all this up last night Callum." Chrissy smiled. "I just want to move on and be friends."
"I just find it hard to believe that you're the same person I went to school with, but I'm glad your life turned out so well." Callum said with a smile when he realised that Chrissy wasn't going to let him wallow in self-pity any longer.
"I was very lucky and found some great friends to help me out." Chrissy smiled, as she looked around the room at everyone. "But I want to hear about your past Callum." Chrissy said with a pout.
"I'd love to hear your story one day as well Chrissy. I've heard bits from people at the club, but no one knows the whole story." Callum said.
"Okay then Callum, you tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine." Chrissy smiled.
"I have a feeling that your story is a lot more interesting than mine though Chrissy." Callum chuckled, as he looked at the woman sat across the table from him.
"Not more interesting, just different." Chrissy smiled. "So, how did it all start then Callum?" Chrissy asked, to get him started with his story.
"I think I was about nine or ten when I first felt the need to try on my mum's things while I had the house alone, and then it got worse as I got older. I was so scared that everyone would know what I was doing, that I started trying to fit in even more at school. That's one of the reasons I started picking on you." Callum looked sad as he said the last bit.
"We're past all that stuff now Callum. So when did you first become Kara?" Chrissy asked.
"The first time I dressed all the way was while in collage, but she never had a name back then, and she didn't look as good as Kara does after a makeover at the hotel." Callum smiled, as he looked over at Cathy.
"Did you ever get caught while you were dressed?" Chrissy asked.
"No, but I came close a couple of times, once at home, then a couple of times in the flat I shared with a couple of guys during collage. The first time anyone ever saw Kara was when I'd been chatting with some others like me on the Internet, and we arranged to go out to another club one night. I had a good time, and made some friends, then one of them told me about The Closet, and we arranged to have a makeover, then had a best night of our lives in there." Callum smiled, as he thought about that first makeover and trip to the club.
"Was I there that night Callum?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes you were, that was the first time you fixed my makeup for me. You fixed one of my friend's makeup at the same time. Then you and Becky dragged us out onto the dance floor to have a dance with you." Callum chuckled. "My feet were killing me by the end of the night, but it was a lot of fun."
"I remember that now, you look very different when you're Kara." Becky said, as she remembered that night at the club that was before Amy had come into their lives.
"Is Kara just a part time thing for you, or will you ever make her permanent one day?" Chrissy asked.
"I do think about what it would be like to dress all the time, but I've never felt the urge to go all the way and have the surgery. It's just nice to escape my dull male life every now and then."
"Do you work local to here then?" Chrissy asked.
"No, I live in London, not to far from the club. It's only a small place but it's my place and I can dress whenever I feel like it.
"Well you know that's the same place I live now, so I hope you won't be a stranger when we get back down there. I'll give you my address and phone number before we leave. I hope you want to do the same Callum." Chrissy said with a smile.
"I'd like that a lot Chrissy. It would be nice to pick your brain and get some makeup tips from you." Callum said with a grin.
"You'll be learning from the best Callum. Chrissy was the reason I got the job at the changing service. She taught me everything I know." Cathy smiled.
"You taught Cathy how to do makeup?" Callum asked with a shocked look on his face.
"I only showed her the basics. Maria showed her much more than I could ever hope to show anyone." Chrissy said with a wave of her hands to dismiss most of what Cathy just said. "Maybe I should let Cathy show you some tips.
"Take no notice of her Callum. Chrissy is a good teacher." Cathy said in a scolding way as she looked at Chrissy.
"Sorry Cathy." Chrissy said looking sheepish. "Do you not see anything of your mum and dad anymore?" Chrissy asked, trying to change the subject.
"No, My dad died just after I left school, and my mum remarried, but I don't get on with him, so I keep away." Callum said with a sour look.
"I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Were you two close?" Chrissy asked.
"Not really close, but he understood me. My step dad doesn't have any time for me at all, we just use to argue all the time, so I left home and never went back."
"How long as it been since you saw your mum then Callum?" Chrissy asked.
"It's been a couple of years now. We speak on the phone, and she keeps in touch. That's how I knew about the reunion. I almost didn't come, but I'm glad I did now."
"So am I Callum. I hope you plan to go and see your mum while you're in the area." Chrissy said with a smile
"I wasn't planning on it." Callum said.
"Just because you had a falling out with your step dad, don't punish your mum. I'm sure she'd love to see you Callum." Chrissy looked at her own mum and dad as she said it.
"Okay Chrissy, I'll call in and see her before heading back home later today." Callum said.
"Thanks Callum, I know your mum will be happy to see you."
Becky was soon distracted when she saw Debbie walk in holding little tiffany in her arms. Vin had gone to pick her up from Debbie's mums while Debbie had a lie in at the hotel. Becky held out her arms, and Debbie was only too happy to let Becky look after Tiffany while she had some breakfast with Vin.
Callum swapped details with Chrissy before he left to go and see his mum, like he'd promised, and Chrissy went to spend some time watching Becky and Tiffany. Amy and Amber were sitting on each side of Becky, so Chrissy took an empty seat next to them and watched with a smile.
Chrissy was still feeling bad about not being able to give Becky a child, but she knew after the chat she'd had with Becky, that she didn't love her any less because she couldn't give her a child. Chrissy was soon drawn in by the giggles Tiffany was making, and then she found herself sitting next to Becky when Amy moved to let her get closer to Tiffany. Then Chrissy was holding Tiffany, and also making her giggle.
They all sat playing with Tiffany, or rocking her in their arms, as she was to young to do anything other that giggle. It was soon time for them all to go up to their rooms and get everything packed away ready to head home.
Debbie and Vin stood and waved them all off when it was time to leave and they all gave Tiffany a hug before they got in the minibus.
It was getting late when they got home, and Brad had helped Carl unload the girl's bags from the minibus. Ann had talked to Mandy and Chrissy, and they had said that it was fine for Brad to stay the night, and sleep in one of the empty rooms. Ann was going to make the most of having Brad around for an extra night, so she stayed with him in that room. Amy and Amber were also going to make the most of having the bed to themselves as well. Carl was staying the night too, so Chrissy and Becky slept in their own room cuddled up to each other.
Life got back to a more normal pace again after the reunion, and Chrissy, Mandy, and Amy returned to the shop on the Tuesday. They took the Monday off to relax, as they were late getting back. Hope turned up with Kat, so the girl's told them all about meeting little Tiffany. And how Debbie was expecting another one soon.
Chrissy and Amy got their work done, and also found time to play with Kat, so Hope could do the books in peace. Carl turned up with lunch, and then stayed to eat it with them before returning to the hotel with the changing service orders. Mandy hugged and kissed Carl before he left, saying that she'd see him, or more her at the club later. Carl would be Carla later tonight, not that Mandy minded that one bit.
Becky and Amber had to drag Chrissy and Amy into the club, when they saw them both looking across the road like they always did when Vicky dropped them off outside the club. They never saw anyone standing across there, but they still looked every time.
Chrissy and Amy spent most the night on the dance floor, and Becky would join them whenever she wasn't sorting things out around the club. Carl had taken Becky's advice about letting Beth visit his other clubs and help them find the best way to run them. He'd also spoke with Becky about letting some of the managers come and watch Becky run this club as well. Becky was fine with that, just as long as it didn't eat into her time with Chrissy when it was her nights for coming to the club. Carl said he'd never think of doing something like that.
Carl had also left Becky with the task of finding someone to replace Beth while she was away at the other clubs. Beth wouldn't be away all the time, but Carl knew that Becky needed some help.
Chrissy, Mandy and Amy were just taking a break on the Friday afternoon when they heard the shop door bell sound, letting them all know that they had a customer.
"I'll take care of it." Chrissy said, as she pushed herself up from the table in the back room. She brushed off the crumbs she'd got on her skirt from the biscuit she'd just been eating with the cup of tea Amy had made for them all.
Chrissy put on her best smile as she entered the shop area and looked around to locate the customer. The smile got even bigger when she saw Callum standing half way up the shop looking very nervous.
"Hello Callum. What brings you here?" Chrissy asked as she walked down to where he was standing, and gave him a quick hug. "This your first time in here?" Chrissy asked, as she tried to remember if she'd ever seen him in the shop before, but Chrissy was sure she'd remember if he had.
"Hi Chrissy." Callum said, as he hugged Chrissy back. "Yes this is my first time in the shop, but I've been on the website and brought things that way."
"I hope we gave you a good service?"
"The service was very good, and the quality of the items I brought was amazing." Callum said with a smile. "It's still nice to come in the shop though, and get a proper look at everything." Callum added, as he let his fingers brush across a pair of silk panties.
"How come you've never been in the shop before? You've known me as Chrissy for some time now, so I thought you might have been in before now?" Chrissy asked, as she watched him looking around the shop like a kid in a candy shop.
"I've always been afraid of going out shopping for Kara, while dressed as Callum. I do all her shopping online."
"So you've never gone out shopping dressed as Kara then?"
"God no, I'd never pass as Kara in a shop." Callum looked shocked that Chrissy would even think something like that, never mind saying it.
"So what made you come here then today?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
"You already know my secret, and I wanted to let you know that my mum was really glad to see me, so you were right… I wanted to thank you for talking me into doing it." Callum smiled.
"I told you she would, and I hope you'll try and see a little more of her from now on as well." Chrissy pointed her finger at Callum with one hand, while resting the other one on her hip.
"Yes mum, I do plan to see a lot more of her." Callum chuckled.
"Will you be doing any shopping while you're here then this afternoon?" Chrissy asked, as she waved her hand around the shop. "Please feel free to look around, and just shout if you want to try anything on." Chrissy smiled.
"You'd really let me try some things on?" Callum looked a little shocked.
"Sure, how will you know it fits right if you don't." Chrissy said with a strange look at him.
Chrissy walked over to the counter and let Callum look around on his own for a bit. She could see him looking at the corsets, then he'd wonder off and look at something else for a little bit, but he'd always come back to the corsets again. Chrissy was soon joined by Mandy, while Amy got back to sorting out the Internet orders.
"Hello Callum!" Mandy shouted when she saw Callum looking around the shop, making him jump. "Sorry." Mandy added with a giggle when she saw the worried look on his face.
"It's his first time out shopping for Kara in person." Chrissy said, as Mandy walked over to the counter to join her.
"How come, if he's been going to the club all this time?" Mandy asked with a questioning look.
"He's done it all online up until now, but I think he feels he can trust us to help him do it in person now." Chrissy smiled, as she watched him running his fingers over the fabrics some of the clothing was made out of.
"I know what he did to you growing up Chrissy, but if you're up for it, why don't you help him pick out a free gift from all of us." Mandy smiled.
"That's fine with me sis, I was going to ask if it would be okay to let him have a gift. He's quite taken with the corsets I've noticed." Chrissy whispered to Mandy.
"Why don't you go and help him pick something then." Mandy said, as she pulled Chrissy from behind the counter, so she could go and help Callum find something nice for himself.
Callum thought he'd died and gone to heaven, as he walked around the shop running his hands across everything he walked past. He kept finding himself walking back to the corsets, but the price kept putting him off, so he'd walk away again. He'd just gone back to them for the tenth time, when he jumped. Chrissy had walked up behind him without him hearing her coming.
"See anything you like Kara?" Chrissy asked, using his female name. "Have you ever tried a corset on before?"
"No, I've always wanted to, but never understood the sizing. They're a little expensive to get the wrong size in." Callum said, as he stopped touching the corset he was standing in front of.
"I can soon fix that Kara." Chrissy pulled out a tape measure. "Can you remove your jacket and shirt please?" Chrissy asked.
"What are you doing Chrissy?" Callum asked, as he looked around the shop to make sure no one else had come in since he got there.
"What do you think I'm doing silly. I'm going to help you find out what size corset you need… Now jacked and shirt off now!" Chrissy said in a bossy voice.
Callum still looked worried, and he was beginning to wonder whether or not Chrissy was trying to get some revenge for all the stuff he did to her back in school. He soon realised she wasn't when she led him over to one of the changing rooms before she let him remove anything, so know one would see him being measured in the middle of the shop.
"Please don't take this the wrong way Chrissy, but you're not really planning some kind of revenge on me are you?" Callum looked worried still.
"No, you're safe Kara. Revenge really isn't my thing." Chrissy smiled, putting Callum at ease. Chrissy soon had all the measurements she needed. "What is your favourite colour?" Chrissy asked.
"I think it would have to be black, or red." Callum said, as he gave it some thought.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Chrissy smiled, as she left the changing room and went to pick out a black corset, and a red one for him to try on. She also grabbed the panties and stocking to go with both corsets.
While Chrissy was picking out the right size, she noticed the lockable black leather corset they had in the more kinky section of the shop, and she let a wicked smile cross her face. Chrissy would never really do anything to hurt Callum, but he did seam obsessed with her getting some sort of revenge on him, so she decided to make him worry a little bit.
Chrissy walked over to where Mandy was still standing behind the counter working out what stack they needed to reorder. "Hay sis, I need you to play along with me. I'm going to have some fun with Callum." Chrissy was grinning, as she held up the leather corset.
Mandy must have understood what Chrissy was getting at, because she put her hand over her mouth, as she tried to mask the sound of her giggling. "Oh Chrissy, you can be so bad sometimes." Mandy said. "Just promise not to take it to far and hurt his feelings." Mandy added with a stern look at Chrissy.
"I won't sis, it's almost like he's waiting for me to take out some form of revenge for what he did to me, so I'm hoping this will put an end to it all." Chrissy smiled, as she wondered back to the changing room with the three corsets and the other bits to go with them.
Callum was still standing in the middle of the changing room waiting for Chrissy when she got back with three boxes and some other items in packets and on hangers.
"I'll need you to strip the rest of your cloths off Kara." Chrissy said, as she put the boxes down on a chair. "Don't worry, I'll wait outside while you do. I'll let you put these panties on as well, you normally put them on over the suspenders, but you won't be keeping any of it on for to long, so this will be fine." Chrissy added, as she waved the panties in the air before putting them back on top of the boxes and leaving the room.
Callum looked a little nervous about taking all his clothes off and then putting on the panties, but he really wanted to know what it felt like to wear a corset, so he was soon standing naked, and picking up the panties. The panties looked very fragile, they were black with lots of red lace trim. Callum understood that they would work for both Corsets. He stepped in to them, and then pulled them up his legs, it wasn't until he tucked his penis between his legs and pulled them up the rest of the way, that he realised just how strong they really were. He was now sporting a totally flat groin, and he loved the look and feel.
"I've got the panties on Chrissy." Callum said to the curtain, he knew Chrissy was standing on the other side of.
Chrissy poked her head back through the curtain, and smiled when she saw Callum standing there in the red and black panties. Chrissy couldn't see any trace of body hair, other than what was on his head and face, but even his eyebrows would suit either and man or a woman.
"Okay then, lets get started." Chrissy smiled, as she rubbed her hands together. She picked up the pack of stockings she'd brought into the room with her, and she handed them to Callum. "I'm sure you know how to put these on by now?" Chrissy asked, as he took them from her.
"I've had some practice." Callum smiled back, still looking really nervous.
Chrissy watched as Callum opened the packed, and then removed the black stockings from it. The stockings had a red lace trim around the top edge where they connected to the suspenders, which meant they matched in perfectly with the panties, and world look just perfect with either the red or black corset.
Once Callum had the stockings on, Chrissy opened the first box and removed the black corset. She loosened the laces and unclipped the front of the corset before wrapping it around Callum's waist. Chrissy soon had all the clips fastened again, and then she moved behind him and started to pull on the laces.
"This may feel a little scary to start with Kara, but just take short breaths until you get use to the tightness." Chrissy said, as she kept pulling the laces tighter and tighter.
Callum looked at his waist getting smaller and smaller in the mirror on the wall in the dressing room. He had no breasts, but his waist gave him the look of a woman now. It was getting harder and harder for Callum to get enough air into his lungs, but he did like Chrissy told him and took lots of smaller breaths.
"I wish I'd tried one sooner now." Callum said, as he ran his hand up and down his now slim waist.
"I know how you feel Kara. I still feel like that every time I put one on, even now." Chrissy smiled, when she saw the look on Callum's face. From the corset down Callum looked like Kara, but Chrissy thought she could do something to help him look a little more like Kara. "I'll be back in a minute, I want to go and get something else to add to the outfit."
Callum was to busy looking in the mirror to take much notice of what Chrissy said, or the fact that she's left the changing room.
Chrissy went and got a set of breast forms and a bra to match the panties that would go with both the black and red corset. With the breast forms, adhesive pads and bra, she returned to the changing room to complete the look, and turn Callum into Kara.
"What are you doing now Chrissy?" Callum asked, when he saw her enter the room again with her arms full of things.
"I thought we'd make you look a little more female, and a little less Rocky Horror." Chrissy giggled.
Callum looked in the mirror again, and had to agree, he did look like he was on his way to watch a performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show ©. He watched as Chrissy opened a box and then picked up one of the breast forms and then added an adhesive pad to the back of it, and then walked over and pressed it to Callum's chest. She then did the same with the other one and added that to his chest. Callum thought it felt odd to have so much weight hanging from his chest, but at the same time it felt really nice as well.
"You feeling a little bit more like Kara now? Kara." Chrissy asked with a grin, as she wrapped a bra around his chest, letting one of the forms drop into each of the cups on the bra.
Callum slipped his arms through the straps and then let Chrissy close it behind his back for him. He really was beginning to feel more and more like Kara now. He could see the edge on the breast forms, but it felt nice having the extra weight on his chest, and the feel of the bra straps pulling on his shoulders.
"This feels wonderful Chrissy." Callum said, as he looked in the mirror. "Thank you for doing this for me." Callum added.
"Your welcome Kara." Chrissy smiled. "Shall we see what you look like in the red one now?" Chrissy asked.
Callum nodded up and down with a smile on his face, as he turned around to let Chrissy undo the laces and remove the black corset. She soon had it removed and was wrapping the red one around his waist in the same way. Chrissy pulled the laces a little tighter this time, and Kara had an even sexier looking waist.
"I think I love the red one even more than I did the black one." Callum said, as he looked in the mirror again
"I do have one more corset for you to try on Kara. This one is a little kinkier though, as it's made of leather." Chrissy said, as she opened the final box to let Callum see the leather corset.
Callum looked in the box, but couldn't see anything different about it from what he could see, which is just what Chrissy wanted. She wanted him to trust her until it was to late for him to stop her.
Chrissy helped him remove the red Corset and then she picked up the black leather one and wrapped it around his waist. Callum noticed that this one didn't have the clips at the front, but had them around the back, just to the side of where the lacers were. Chrissy soon had it clipped together, and she started to pull the lacers in tighter and tighter. She pulled them so tight that Callum thought she was going to split him in two. Chrissy finally stopped and tied them off, just before doing something with the laces.
What Callum didn't know, was that Chrissy had put the laces in a little pouch that closed across the laces and clips on the back of the corset. This flap had four slots that little D shaped eyelets went through. Chrissy then removed four little padlocks from the bottom of the box that came with the corset, and she quickly added them all to it. Callum was now locked in the corset until Chrissy released him, or he found something sharp to try and cut his way out.
Callum heard the clicking of the padlocks but was too slow to realise what the sound was. He had a look of horror on his face when he turned to look over his shoulder in the mirror, and saw the back of the corset.
"Chrissy! What have you done to me?" Callum said looking scared, as he tried to reach the locks, and pull them away.
"I'm getting some revenge for all the times you made me feel like a fool at school." Chrissy said, trying to look serious as she said it.
"I thought you said you weren't like that Chrissy. I said I was sorry for what I did… Please let me out of this corset." Callum pleaded with Chrissy, as he tried to open the back.
"I lied Callum. How else was I ever going to get my revenge if I told you the truth?" Chrissy asked with an evil sounding giggle.
Callum was still trying to undo the corset and not paying much attention to what Chrissy was doing, so he never saw Chrissy move behind him with a set of handcuffs, from the same section she got the corset. Callum soon found his hands cuffed behind his back. Now he was really scared.
"Please Chrissy, don't do this to me. I'm really sorry for what I did to you." Callum pleaded some more, as he tried to pull the cuffs apart hoping they were just cheap ones, but they didn't feel like cheap handcuffs to him.
"I'll let you go Callum, just as soon as you know how I felt every time you made me look like a fool at school." Chrissy said, as she went to leave the changing room. "I'll be waiting over at the counter when you're ready for your punishment." Chrissy added, just before leaving the room. She'd picked up all his clothes and everything else as she left. Leaving Callum with very little choice but to go out and take whatever punishment Chrissy wanted to give to him.
Mandy had filled Amy in on Chrissy's plan to have some fun with Callum, and she was standing next to her at the counter when Chrissy came out the changing room and walked over to them with Callum's clothes.
"Did you really get Callum dressed in that leather corset?" Amy asked with a grin.
"Yep, and I'm waiting for him to come out and face his punishment?" Chrissy was grinning back, as she put the clothes down behind the counter, and then set about wrapping the red and black corset, but not before she went and got a couple of bra and panty sets to go with them. "You don't mind me giving him all this do you sis?" Chrissy asked.
"Not at all sis, not after what you've just done to him." Mandy smiled. "Do you think he'll ever come out of there?" Mandy asked, as she looked over at the changing room Callum was still in.
"He will if he ever wanted out of that corset, and the handcuffs off." Chrissy said, as she carried on wrapping the gifts. Amy set to work helping her to get them wrapped while they waited for Callum to come out the changing room and join them.
"You used handcuffs as well?" Amy asked looking shocked.
"Yep, and they're cuffed behind his back, so he won't be getting any of it off without help." Chrissy looked over towards the changing room, she was beginning to worry that she'd gone to fare with her little bit of fun with him.
Callum had tried for a little longer to get the cuffs off, but it was no good, so he took a deep breath and finally decided to leave the changing room. He turned his back to the curtain and gripped it with his hands before stepping sideways and then turned again to leave the changing room and walked out into the shop in his stocking feet.
Chrissy was standing over near the counter with her back to Callum, so he walked over and waited for Chrissy to turn around before he spoke to her. Amy and Mandy took a good look at Callum and the tight leather corset Chrissy had got him in. They both thought that Chrissy had made the corset supper tight, they could already see that Callum was in some pain with it.
"I'm ready for your punishment now Chrissy." Callum said, as he looked down at his feet. He wiggled his tows and looked at them through the stockings.
"It took you far to long to come out, so I'll have to add to your punishment for that little error Kara." Chrissy said in a cold voice that even had Amy and Mandy looking worried for him.
Callum looked up in shock when he heard what Chrissy just said, and the tone of her voice, he was really beginning to wish he'd never come here now. Just what did Chrissy have install for him as a punishment, but what ever it was, he'd asked for it and far more besides.
"I'm sorry Chrissy. Please do what ever you feel is right to make you feel better." Callum said, as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but his mouth had dried up due to the worry.
"Don't worry Kara, I plan to do just that." Chrissy said with an evil look in her eyes, as she looked over her shoulder. "It's a pity we don't have any footwear to make you wear." Chrissy added, as she saw his bare stocking feet.
Chrissy may have thought it a pity, but Callum looked happy at that little fact. That was until he heard what Chrissy said next.
"I hope you don't hurt your feet as you walked up and down the road." Chrissy said, looking worried for Callum's feet.
"You want me to do what!" Callum shouted looking scared to death now, and he started trying to get his hands out the cuffs again.
Mandy saw the way Callum was struggling, and was worried he might hurt himself if this went on any longer, so she looked at Chrissy with a worried look. Chrissy was having the same thought, and she'd taken it as far as she could, so she started giggling, which set off Amy and Mandy.
Callum wasn't sure if the giggling was a good sign or not, but he stopped trying to get his hands out the cuffs. His wrists were beginning to hurt anyway.
"I'm sorry Kara, I was just having some fun with you." Chrissy said, as she walked behind him and removed the handcuffs, and then unlocked all four padlocks on the corset.
"So you're not going to punish me then Chrissy?" Callum asked still showing worry.
"No. Like I said, I'm not that type of a person really. I just wanted to see the worried look on your face when I said that stuff. Please forgive me for worrying you." Chrissy asked.
"Nothing to forgive Chrissy. I wouldn't blame you if you had meant all of it." Callum said with a sigh, or as much of a sigh, as the corset would allow. "Can you help me get this corset off now though? It's really tight, and I'm in some pain with it." He asked, as he rubbed the side of his waist.
"I'm sorry about that Kara. I guess I wanted some revenge after all, it did feel good pulling on them laces." Chrissy said with a sheepish grin.
"Don't worry about it Chrissy, I can live with a little pain, if it makes you feel better." Callum chuckled.
"Come on then, and I'll help you get out of that corset." Chrissy led him back to the changing room.
Chrissy soon had the corset removed and then went to get his clothes for him, so he could get dressed again.
"Thanks for letting me try on some of the corsets." Callum said it in such a way that Chrissy understood he wasn't keen on the last one at all. "I'll have to save up and see about buying myself one." Callum added as he went to remove the bra.
"You can keep the rest of the clothing on if you want Kara, we're letting you keep them." Chrissy said, as she stopped him from undoing the bra.
"Tha… Thanks Chrissy, but I better remove your breast forms still. I'll get some strange looks walking up the road with these under my shirt and jacket." Callum said, as he pointed at his chest. "Are you sure I can keep all this though Chrissy?" he asked, as he waved his hand up and down his body.
"Yes it's fine, so don't worry about it. Just remove the breast forms, and keep the rest on under your clothes." Chrissy said, as she turned around and left Callum to finish getting dressed.
Amy had finished wrapping all the gifts when Chrissy got back to the counter, so Chrissy gave her a hug to thank her.
Callum joined them at the counter once he was dressed, but he felt a little weird with the bra and panties still on underneath. He was worried everyone could see what he was wearing. "Can you see what I have on under my shirt and jacket?" He asked.
"No, not at all, but I wouldn't go taking the jacket off until you get home." Mandy smiled.
"Thank you for the gift." Callum said, as he felt the bra again under his shirt, and he could feel his trousers sliding over the panties as he walked.
"We've not finished with your gifts yet Callum." Chrissy said, as she handed him the wrapped parcel off the counter.
"What's this?" Callum asked with a puzzled look, as he looked at the parcel.
"You'll find out when you get home Kara, but I hope you like all of it." Chrissy smiled.
"I can't take anymore from you, not from any of you." Callum tried to hand the parcel back, but Chrissy folded her arms and stuck her nose up in the air.
"You may as well give up and take the gift Callum." Amy said. "I've seen that look before, and she never loses an argument when she has it." Amy giggled.
Callum put the parcel down on the counter, and Chrissy was just about to say something, when Callum pulled her into a hug to thank her for the gifts, what ever they were. "Thank you for the gift's and the revenge." Callum said with a chuckle.
"You're welcome Kara, please feel free to call in any time you're passing." Chrissy said, as she hugged him back. "Will you be at the club tomorrow night?" Chrissy asked.
"No, sorry, but I can't afford to use the changing serve more than once a month, and the girls all went out this last Saturday. They won't be going again for another couple of weeks."
"You're welcome to join Amy and I if you ever want to come out when they're not going to be there." Chrissy said. "I'm sure I could talk Carl into letting Cathy give you a makeover as well."
"Thanks Chrissy, but I don't deserve any special treatment from you or any of your friends." Callum said.
"I know you don't Callum, but I would really like to spend a little more time with Kara, now I know who she really is… Please let me talk to Carl for you?"
"I'd like that too Chrissy, but I'm sure you don't need me around to have a good time." Callum chuckled.
Mandy had already got her mobile out and was waiting for Carl to answer. "Hi baby. Yes everything is fine, I was just wondering if Cathy would be able to fit in an extra person tomorrow night before the club opens?" Mandy waited for Carl to give his answer. "Yes, it's Callum, Chrissy's friend from the reunion." Mandy said, after Carl had asked her. "That's great, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye baby. Love you too." Mandy said just before ending the call.
"You're all as bad as each other." Callum said with a shocked look.
"True, but you'll be expected at the hotel tomorrow afternoon. Cathy will help you get ready and then you'll be taken to the club, and treated to a full night of VIP treatment." Mandy smiled.
"VIP treatment? Wow, thank you. Thank you for everything." Callum said looking even more shocked.
"We'll look forward to seeing Kara tomorrow night at the club, and remember to bring your dancing shoes." Chrissy said with a grin, as she gave Callum another hug.
Callum thanked them all again, and then made a quick exit before they did anything else for him. He was looking forward to a night out with Amy and Chrissy though, they always made Kara's night out more fun when they were around.
Chrissy and Amy were sitting on the sofas in the VIP section the next night when they saw Kara walk into the room with Cathy and Sara next to her. Chrissy jumped up and ran over to give her a hug and welcome her to the VIP section, as this was her fist time in it.
Kara was soon being treated like one of the girls and she had a great night. Kara started to come to the club more often, and Carl made her a full VIP member after that first night. Chrissy and Cathy spent some time with Callum, and they showed him how to look more like Kara on his own, and he was soon going to the club in the week and on a Saturday straight from home. He no longer needed the changing service.
With the exception of the added friend, life got back to normal for the girls. Things were a little off between Chrissy and Becky though, but Chrissy just put it down to her trying to deal with training the managers from other clubs while Beth was away doing reviews and training at the other clubs.
Chrissy was glad to have Amy around, and she'd been spending more time doing stuff with Amy and Amber, than she had Becky the past couple of months since the reunion. Chrissy was beginning to think that Becky was hiding something, then she remembered how far off the mark she was over the engagement surprise, so she decided to have a word with Mandy before her mind started trying to put two and two together again.
Mandy and Chrissy had just got into bed one night when Chrissy asked Mandy if she knew about anything Becky could be planning.
"Sis, can I ask you something, and get a proper answer from you?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"Sure sis. What do you want to know?" Mandy asked, as she cuddled up to her in the bed.
"Do you know if Becky has anything planned, or if she's having trouble that she doesn't want me to know about?" Chrissy asked.
"She's not told me anything, but I know that she's been having trouble with some of the managers from the other clubs Carl owns. He's not happy with some of them himself. It could just be that getting her down." Mandy said.
"I guess you're right sis, but she just doesn't seem her self anymore… I feel like she's keeping something from me, and she never wants to play around anymore either." Chrissy said with a big sigh, as she realised just how depressed she was about it all. "I was hoping that she'd been planning something, and I was going to get a surprise from you all." Chrissy added.
"After you ran away over the whole marriage thing, I told Becky I'd never keep anything like that from you again. If I knew anything sis, I'd tell you." Mandy said, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter. "I think you need to sit down with Becky, and have it out with her if you're that bothered about it. Let her know how you feel."
"Thanks sis, I think I better find out what's wrong before things get any worse." Chrissy said, as she closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.
Chrissy woke the next morning and turned over to look at Becky, but Becky wasn't in bed. Chrissy sat up looking worried that She never came home after the club last night. She soon relaxed when she saw that the bad had been slept in. Mandy was in her bathroom taking a shower, so Chrissy got out of bed and went across to her own room to see if Becky was in there. She slowly opened the bathroom door and saw Becky with her head over the toilet.
"What's wrong baby?" Chrissy asked, as she dropped to the floor beside her wife and pulled her hair away from her face for her.
"I'll be alright Chrissy, just some bug that's doing the rounds at the club. Most the staff's had it already." Becky said, as she tried to stand up. Chrissy helped her get back to the bedroom and then sat on the bed next to her.
"I'm sorry you're feeling sick baby." Chrissy said looking worried. "Can I get you anything?" Chrissy asked, as she helped Becky lie down in their own bed.
"I just want to get some more sleep Chrissy, but thanks for worrying about me." Becky smiled, as she stroked the side of her face.
"I'll have a word with Mandy, and tell her that I'll be staying here today, so I can take care of you." Chrissy said, as she got off the bed and left the room before Becky could try and stop her.
Mandy, Amy, and Amber were already in the kitchen. Amy and Amber were working on breakfast, while Mandy sat at the table reading the paper like she always did first thing in the morning.
"Morning sis." Mandy said, as Chrissy sat down at the table next to her.
"Morning sis!" Amy and Amber shouted together.
"Morning Amy, Amber." Chrissy smiled back at them. "Sis, will you and Amy be able to cope at the shop today? Becky's not feeling to good, and I want to stay and take care of her." Chrissy asked.
"I'm sorry to hear that sis, sure Amy and I will hold the fort without you. I hope she's feeling better soon sis." Mandy said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
"Thanks sis. I've left her in my bed sleeping, so I'll help with breakfast, then get the dishes washed and dried after you've all left for work." Chrissy said, as she went to help Amy and Amber.
The girls soon had breakfast ready, and then Chrissy went to clean the kitchen while they all finished getting ready to leave for work. Chrissy returned to the kitchen once she'd waved Amy and Mandy off at the door. Ann and Amber had already left, so once she'd fished cleaning the kitchen, Chrissy went up to see how Becky was feeling.
Chrissy found the bed was empty, and the bathroom door was closed, so Chrissy walked over and knocked on the door before entering the bathroom. The door didn't open because Becky had locked it, Chrissy found this odd, but she knocked a little louder.
"Becky! Are you okay in there?" Chrissy asked.
"I'm fine Chrissy, just give me a couple of minutes and I'll be out." Becky shouted back.
It was closer to five minutes before Becky unlocked the bathroom door and walked back into the bedroom. She did have a bit more colour in her face though, which Chrissy took as a good sign.
"Why did you lock the door baby?" Chrissy asked looking worried, as she jumped up off the bad and ran over to Becky.
"I'm sorry, but I didn't want you to see me being sick again." Becky said with a strange look.
"Don't be silly, I want to take care of you. You're my wife, and that's what I'm here for." Chrissy said, as she tried to hug Becky, but Becky pulled away.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, but I don't want to give you this bug if I can help it." Becky said acting very defensive.
"Oh, okay then." Chrissy said, as she took a step back. "Do you mind if I use the bathroom then? I'll try to be quick." Chrissy said, as she turned and walked into the bathroom without waiting for a reply from Becky.
Chrissy finished in the bathroom and then returned to the bedroom, but Becky was not there, so she went across to Mandy's room to see if she'd had to run across there, but that room was empty as well. Chrissy thought she must have gone down stairs to get a drink, so she went down to the kitchen. She could hear Becky talking to someone, but she ended the call just as Chrissy entered the room.
"Who was on the phone Becky?" Chrissy asked.
"That was someone from the club, they have a problem and I have to go and sort it out now." Becky said, as she walked past Chrissy and headed back up to their room to get dressed.
"Becky! You can't go out today, you're not very well." Chrissy shouted, as she followed close behind.
"I've got no choice Chrissy, so please don't start with me right now!" Becky snapped back at her.
"Pardon me for caring about you!" Chrissy snapped back at her.
"I haven't got time for this, not today!" Becky snapped back.
"You don't seem to have time for anything to do with me anymore." Chrissy said close to tears, but she was too angry with Becky to let her see any tears, so she forced herself to stop.
Chrissy stormed off into the bathroom and slammed the door shut before she gave Becky a chance to respond to what she'd just said. Chrissy sat on the toilet and let the tears run down her cheeks, but she never made a sound that would let Becky know she was crying. It wasn't long after that, that Chrissy heard the front door close, and then Becky start her car and drive away.
Not seeing the point of sitting in the bathroom anymore, Chrissy got up and went back to the bedroom. She walked around the house feeling lost for an hour before she decided to go and clean the bathroom in hers and Becky's room, just for something to do.
Chrissy was just getting the cleaning stuff from under the wash basin when a box fell out onto the floor and a strange looking white plastic thing fell out of it and skidded across the floor. "What's this thing for?" Chrissy said to herself, as she picked up the plastic thing, and then the box it fell out off. Chrissy's hand started to shake when she read the words on the front of the box.
Pregnancy test. Were the words splashed across the front of the box. That's when all the little peace's started to fall into place.
Chrissy tried to control her shaking hands long enough to see if the test had been used or not, and it had, so she looked at the back of the box to see what colour the plastic thing would have on it, if the test was positive. That's when Chrissy really lost it and fell to the floor feeling the need to be sick herself, but not for the same reason Becky was being sick.
Chrissy wasn't sure how long she sat on the floor in the bathroom with her head hanging over the toilet bowl, but it felt like forever. All Chrissy could think about was Becky in bed with some man, having sex with each other. The more she thought about it, the bigger the whole in her chest got.
"Why Becky? Why did you do this to me?" Chrissy started to sob, and she put her hands to her chest like she was trying to hold everything in.
She looked at the empty box on the floor where she'd dropped it earlier and then at the plastic pregnancy test itself, before getting to her feet and picking them up as she walked back into the bedroom. She dropped them on the bed and then looked at her bedside table, and saw the photo of her and Becky on their wedding day. Chrissy grabbed the picture and threw it across the room and watched it explode of the far wall sending bits of glass everywhere.
Chrissy pulled off her wedding ring and engagement ring and dropped them both on the bedside table and then placed the pregnancy test and box next to them. She hoped the message would be clear to Becky when she saw them together.
All Chrissy wanted to do was get out the house, and as far away from anything that reminded her of Becky. She ran down stairs to find her purse and as she picked it up she heard her mobile ringing. Chrissy pulled it out her purse and saw that it was Becky calling her. Chrissy was so angry that she threw the phone at the wall and watched as that smashed against the wall and exploded.
She already knew what Becky was going to tell her, and she wasn't interested in hearing any of it. Chrissy knew what was going on this time, whether Mandy and the others knew or not, Chrissy wasn't going to hang around and find out. Part of her wished she didn't know, but she did, and that was that.
Chrissy wondered if Becky had gone to tell this man she was having sex with that she was pregnant, and the phone call just now was to let her know about it as well. All Chrissy could think about was Becky letting some man touch her, and then… She couldn't bare to think about what they'd done beyond that point.
With her purse over her shoulder, Chrissy left the house locking the door as she left and then posting the keys for the house and the shop through the door before she ran off up the road. She flagged down a taxi on the main road and told the driver to take her to the train station.
"Is everything okay love?" The taxi driver asked, as he tried to make light conversation with Chrissy, but Chrissy just sat looking out the window as they made there way to the station.
Once at the station Chrissy gave him the fair, plus a large tip. Then she went into the station and looked at the monitor to pick a place to go. Before she went to pay for the ticket, Chrissy decided to find a cash machine and draw out some money, as she had very little in her purse. Once she had some money, she then went and brought a ticket.
Chrissy was soon sat on the train heading for a large seaside place she thought she could get lost in without any trouble. Chrissy found she'd got time to think about everything that had been going on between her and Becky since the reunion. The more she thought about it, the more upset she got with the thought of Becky, her Becky, sleeping with a man.
"Did she really think I'd be okay with it all?" Chrissy thought to herself, as she looked out the window on the train.
She tried to think of what Becky was going to say to her when she finally found out she was with child. "I've got some good new, and some bad news… The bad news is I had sex with a man, but the good news is, I'm pregnant." Chrissy tried to work out if she could cope with being around Becky, knowing what she'd done, even if it was just to get pregnant, but all Chrissy could see when she thought of Becky's face, was her having sex with a man. That was more than Chrissy could deal with right now, so she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep while the train rocked and clicked along the tracks.
It was early evening when Chrissy finally got to the coast, and now she needed to find some place to stay for the night, so she made her way to the sea front and then looked for a hotel with vacancy's. She soon found one and after paying for the room for a week, she went up to it and then put the do not disturb sign on the handle and fell on the bed before she started sobbing again.
Chrissy had lost all track of time, and the only time she moved of the bed was to use the bathroom and get little sips of water from the bathroom and take her pills each day. She'd only just refilled her prescription, so she had enough to last her for some time yet. Chrissy had no idea how she was going to sort out getting any more when they ran out, but she really didn't care at the point in time.
She'd not left her room for three days, she only found this out because a woman came to make sure she was still alive when she'd not been down for any of the meal's she'd paid for with the room, or been seen by anyone since she checked in.
"I'm sorry to bother you miss, but I just wanted to make sure everything is alright." A dark hared woman asked when she saw Chrissy poke her head around the door.
Chrissy must have looked a sight because the woman tried to look in the room to make sure she wasn't using drugs or something like that. Chrissy opened the door and let the woman take a look around.
"I'm not doing anything illegal in here. I've just not felt like eating the past couple of days." Chrissy said, as she sat on the bed feeling a little week.
"I'm sorry miss, but it's been three days since you checked in, are you telling me it's been that long since you ate anything?" The woman asked looking worried and shocked at the same time.
"Yes it must be," Chrissy said feeling light headed.
"We need to get you something to eat right away." The woman said, as she grabbed the phone and told someone on the other end to send up a plate of sandwiches right away and a couple of bottles of water as well.
"Please don't go to any trouble, just leave me alone." Chrissy said, as she let her head fall on the pillow again.
"Miss, miss! Please sit up and have something to eat. You need to eat something now." The woman said, as she held a sandwich to Chrissy's face.
Chrissy knew she must have fallen asleep because the woman had only just called down to room service when she put her head on the pillow. Chrissy was soon taking a bite from the sandwich, which soon let her know just how hungry she really was. She was soon working her way through the plate and then drank the two bottles of water as well, and feeling much better for it.
"Thank you for doing that." Chrissy said looking sad still, but better for having something to eat.
"No problems miss. Do you want to talk about what ever made you not want to eat?" The woman asked.
"Not really, it's a long story, and I just want to forget about it all and move on with my life, or what life I have left. "And please call me Christina." Chrissy said, as another way to move on from her past.
"Nice to meet you Christina. My names Jayden." The woman said with a smile, as she held out her hand so Chrissy could shake it. "Will you be okay now? Or will I have to keep forcing you to eat?" Jayden asked with a smile.
"I promise to start eating again Jayden." Chrissy said back with a week forced smile. "Thanks again for the sandwiches." Chrissy added, as she walked Jayden to the door.
"I'll be checking to make sure you come down for your meals from now on, and I'm taking this off the door as well." Jayden said, as she removed the do not disturb sign from the door.
Chrissy felt like a small child being told off by her mum when Jayden spoke to her like that, but it was done in a caring way, so she didn't mind that much.
"Don't worry, I'll come down and eat at meal times." Chrissy smiled, but not really feeling like she'd got anything to smile about.
Chrissy closed the door and went and sat on the bed again, as she tried to work out what she would do now. She'd got money, but it wouldn't last forever, so finding a job was going to be top of her list of things to do. She also had all her credit cards, but didn't want to risk using them, as she wouldn't be paying the bills for them, as they would all be going to Mandy's house.
"I need to find a job, but what am I good at?" Chrissy thought to herself. "I'll go and sign up for some agencies tomorrow. I'll also need to find someplace to live as well."
She went down for the evening meal, and Jayden was hanging around to make sure she did, so Chrissy waved to her and then went in for her meal. The food was nice, but nothing like she could make back at home. That made the hole in her chest hurt again, so she tried to block out any thought of that place.
Chrissy spent the next couple of days looking for work and taking a trip on the train to another town, so she could draw out some more money. She didn't want to risk Carl or anyone else tracking her down and forcing her to talk with Becky about her being pregnant. No one was interested in hiring someone like Chrissy with no fixed address, or any real work experience that she could prove without a reference. This would be hard for Chrissy to provide without contacting Mandy, which was the last thing Chrissy was about to do. All she wanted was to close the door and move on from that part of her life, and start over again. So she went back to her hotel room looking depressed on the second day of looking.
"How are you doing now Christina?" Jayden asked when she saw her walk back into the hotel.
"I've been better." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she walked over to chat with Jayden for a little bit while she looked to be quiet.
"What's wrong honey?" Jayden asked with a pout.
"I've been trying to find a job, but I can't get any work unless I have a fixed address, and some form of reference from my previous jobs." Chrissy said with an even bigger sigh.
"What type of work are you looking for?" Jayden asked.
"At this point, anything will do, just as long as I'm earning money." Chrissy said.
"I may know of some place that will hire you, and they pay cash, so they won't mind you staying here at the hotel either." Jayden said. "I work there in the evening, it's good fun, and the other girls are all great as well." Jayden added.
"What would I be doing in this job?" Chrissy asked.
"It's waitress work at a night club on the sea front." Jayden smiled.
"I'm not sure I'd be any good at it, but thanks for the offer anyway." Chrissy smiled.
"Don't be silly Christina, you could do it with your eyes shut. All you do is take orders and then deliver the drinks and take their money." Jayden said making it sound simple. "With how hot you'll look in the outfit, I can't see them not giving you a job on the spot, trust me." Jayden added with a grin.
"What outfit would I be wearing?" Chrissy asked looking nervous.
"Well the club is called St' Trinian's. So I'll let you work it out from that." Jayden giggled.
"I'd have to dress as a school girl then, and serve drinks?" Chrissy asked looking more nervous now.
"Yep, but the bouncers keep an eye on us all, and any trouble, the people are removed from the club." Jayden said looking very series. "I've been working there for just over a year now, and I've never had more than a bruised bottom. And that was done by a group of women out on a hen night." Jayden giggled.
"You had trouble with woman?" Chrissy asked looking shocked.
"The woman can be worse than the men most the time, but they are only having fun, so most the time you just play along with them. And think about the tips." Jayden was grinning now.
Chrissy looked to be deep in thought for a couple of minutes, then she looked at Jayden with a smile on her face. "Okay Jayden, can you set up an interview for me?"
"Sure thing. I'm working tonight, so why don't you come with me and I can have a word with the manager for you."
"That would be great, but I don't have anything to wear for going to a night club. I left the place I was living in a hurry and never had time to grab any of my clothes." Chrissy said, as she remembered that she'd only got the clothes she left home with, and this business suit she brought yesterday, while she was getting new underwear and toiletry's. "I'll go out and buy some more clothes tomorrow and then you can set up an interview for early next week." Chrissy said looking a little down about it all.
"We can soon fix that Christina. You look to be about the same size as me, and I have plenty of things, so I'm sure we can find something for you to borrow for the night."
"Are you sure Jayden?" I don't want to be a bother to you."
"You're not a bother Christina. I get off in half an hour, meet me down here and we will grab some take out on the way to my place, and then we can eat before getting ready to head over to the club." Jayden said with a grin.
"Okay, I'll meet you here in half an hour. Thanks for the help." Chrissy smiled, as she went up to her room to change into her other cloths, so she'd keep her business suit clean for next week.
Chrissy was standing just to the side of reception when she saw Jayden walking out of a door marked with the word staff only. "Come on then Christina, lets grab some food and then make you look pretty for the head mistress." Jayden giggled, as she led Chrissy out the hotel and down the road toward the place Jayden lived.
They grabbed a pizza and then made their way to a large house that was split up into lots of little flats. The flat Jayden had was quite large and had two bedrooms, but she lived alone. She did have a roommate Chrissy found out, but she got a better paying job a couple of months back and moved out the flat and out of town.
Once they'd finished what they wanted of the pizza and the rest was in the fridge, Jayden dragged Chrissy into what she took to be her bedroom, so they could find something for Chrissy to wear. They soon found a simple, but sexy outfit for her, and then Jayden led her to the spare room so she could get ready.
It was a simple silk vest top, and a flared short mini skirt, but Chrissy loved the way it looked once she had it on. Chrissy had brought what makeup she had with her, so she set to work on making herself look ready for a night out at a club. It felt odd getting ready and not having anyone getting ready next to her, but she had to get over thinking like that.
Chrissy was sitting in the living room waiting for Jayden, when she heard the sound of high heels on the hardwood floor behind her. Chrissy turned around and saw Jayden standing there in her St' Trinian's uniform, looking just like she'd stepped out the movie.
She'd got her long dark hair done in pig tails on each side of her head, and she had a white shirt tied up under her chest, so you could see her bare belly. She had a short navy blue tennis skirt on and fishnet stocking being held up by suspenders, and to finish off the look she had on a pair of high-heeled shoes.
"So, what do you think Christina?" Jayden asked with a grin.
"Wow, you look amazing. You look really different to how you look when dressed for work at the hotel." Chrissy said, as she got up to get a better look. "How do I look, okay I hope?"
"You look really good as well, but I hope that after tonight, you will look like me." Jayden giggled. "Come on. Let's see about finding you a job." Jayden added, as she started dragging Chrissy out the flat and out the house.
Chrissy had no idea where the club was, or how she was going to find her way back to her hotel after, but if she found a job, then she would worry about the rest later. She was soon standing outside a large looking night club, and the bouncers on the door reminded her of being back at the club in London with Beck. The sudden thought of Becky made the hole in her chest start hurting again, and she had to concentrate to keep from crying again.
"Hi guy's. Don't worry about this one, she's with me tonight. I'm hoping to get her a job here at the club." Jayden said to a couple of the guys on the door.
"I'd give her a job anytime." One of the men said with a grin. Chrissy just looked at him with a scared look in her eyes.
"Don't worry about them, they talk tough, but they never take it any further than that." Jayden smiled, as she led the way into the club and through to where Chrissy gathered the manager's office was. Jayden knocked on a large wooden door and then entered when she heard a male voice telling them to enter.
"Hi Jayden, what brings you to my office? Please don't tell me you're quitting too?" The man behind the desk asked her.
"No, don't worry Dean. I've brought Christina here to see you, she's looking for work, but doesn't really have a place to stay yet, so she's having trouble finding work. Can you help her out with a job?" Jayden asked.
"Have you ever done any kind of waitress work before Christina?" Dean asked, as he looked her up and down like a peace of meat at market.
"No, not waitress work, but I have spent a lot of time in a night club, so I know the ins and outs of it all. I won't let you down if you'd just give me a chance to show you what I can do." Chrissy said, almost pleading for a job.
"Well Bella just quit on me with no notice, so we're a girl down. I know it will be tough on you, but you can start tonight if you want." Dean asked with a smile. "Go with Jayden, and she'll help get you sorted with an outfit to wear." Dean added.
"So is that it? I've got the job?" Chrissy asked looking a little shocked it was that easy.
"Yep, you look the part, and I'm sure you'll pick everything else up as you go along. "Just work with Jayden for the next couple of nights, and then you'll be ready to run solo. Welcome to the team." Dean said with a grin.
"Come along Christina, and we'll see about making you the star pupil." Jayden smiled, as she pulled Chrissy along to the changing room the girls used when they didn't want to walk around in the uniforms.
Chrissy soon found herself standing in a room with half a dozen other women in it, all of them dressed as schoolgirls, just like Jayden.
"Hay Jayden, did you hear about Bella quitting today?" One of the girls asked Jayden. "Who's the knew girl with you?" The same girl asked, when she saw Chrissy standing next to her.
"Yes, Dean just told me about it. This is Christina, she's a new girl that's going to be replacing Bella. She's new to all this, so we'll have to help her get the hang of things." Jayden said, as she let all the girls take a look at her.
"Hi Christina!" All the girls shouted, as they smiled and waved at her. Chrissy smiled back at them, and gave a little wave.
"Okay girl's, Christina is working tonight, and we need to get her into her school uniform." Jayden said with her hands on her hips. "The last thing we need is the new girl getting a detention on her first day at school." Jayden added with a giggle.
Chrissy soon found herself being stripped and redressed as a schoolgirl, but like any normal school girl. Chrissy was wearing a similar looking uniform to what Jayden and the others were all wearing. Another girl played with Chrissy's hair, and put it into pigtails on each side of her head, while another girl did Chrissy's makeup for her. By the time they'd all done, Chrissy looked really cute, and she had a nice set of fake freckles to go with her new look.
"So what do you think to the new look then Christina?" Jayden asked, when she stood her in front of a mirror, so she could take a better look at herself.
Chrissy did like the new look, it felt like she was making a whole new start now. Chrissy was gone, now there was only Christina the cute schoolgirl that worked at St' Trinian's.
Jayden led her out into the club, and Chrissy was soon following her around, and after a couple of hours Chrissy was taking orders and working on her own with Jayden keeping an eye on her as she worked.
Chrissy got her bottom pinched a couple of times, and it made her jump and let out a squeal, but she soon put it to the back of her mind and just got on with the job. Chrissy found that getting on with her job was a good way to take her mind off the real problems in her life, and what she'd left behind in her old life.
The girl's were all sitting round a large table at the end of the night when Dean came out to thank them all for their hard work. "Well done girl's, and I hear that you're a natural at the job Christina. Will we be seeing you here tomorrow night than?"
"Thank you Dean. I said I wouldn't let you down if you gave me a chance to prove myself." Chrissy said looking proud of herself.
"I just need you to fill out some paperwork, but you can do that tomorrow night, just get here a little earlier and we can get it all done out the way." Dean said with a smile.
"I'll come in early with you Christina." Jayden said, as she rubbed her feet. "You got anything planned for tomorrow daytime Christina?" Jayden asked.
"I need to do some clothes shopping, but apart from that, I don't know anyone apart from you here, so my calendar is pretty empty." Chrissy said looking sad as she thought about how empty her new life was.
"MMM, shopping. That sounds like fun, do you need any company?" Jayden asked with a smile.
"That would be nice, but only if you don't have anything better to be doing Jayden."
"I think you could use the company more than anything else I had planned for the weekend." Jayden said with a smile.
"Thank you for being so helpful to me Jayden." Chrissy said smiling back at her.
Jayden just smiled back at her, She didn't know why she wanted to help and protect Christina so much, but she just did. Jayden also wanted to try and help her deal with what ever brought her to this point in her life. "Come on. We better see about going home, I really need my bed." Jayden said looking worn out.
Now Chrissy thought about it, she was pretty tired herself, but she didn't like going to sleep. That's when she had the bad dreams. When she dreamed about Becky, Chrissy would wake up feeling angry, but the dreams about Amy and Mandy left her feeling sad. Almost wanting to call them, just to hear their voice on the other end of the phone, but she just couldn't face any of them truth be told.
Chrissy went to the changing room to get changed, but Jayden stopped her, and gave her a couple of garment bags to take back to her hotel room with her. "What are these for Jayden?
"One bag has a couple of extra uniforms in it, and the other one has the skirt, top and shoes in, that you came to the club in tonight." Jayden smiled.
"I think you want that one then." Chrissy said, as she tried to hand the bag back to her.
"I thought you looked so good in them, that I want you to have it as a gift from me."
"I couldn't do that Jayden, but thanks anyway." Chrissy tried again to make Jayden take the bag, but she just folded her arms with a stubborn look on her face. Chrissy know that look, it was the same one she got when someone tried to give her a gift back, so she stopped trying, and let out a sigh.
"That's better, now we better get going, or we'll miss out lift home." Jayden grabbed Chrissy's hand and pulled her out towards the club exit.
Chrissy could see a minibus waiting outside the club with a couple of bouncers standing next to it, and all the girls from the club sitting in it.
"Do we get a lift home then every night Jayden?" Chrissy asked, looking relieved that she wouldn't have to walk back to the hotel dressed like every guy's wet dream of what a schoolgirl should look like.
"Yep. The club always makes sure all the girl's get home safely. They'll also pick you up as well if you want, but We came in a little earlier tonight, so we missed out on that one." Jayden smiled, as she helped Chrissy get on the minibus.
"That's good to know." Chrissy said looking relieved even more.
Chrissy got to see where some of the girls lived, as she wasn't dropped off until about half the girls had been. The minibus pulled up outside her hotel, so Chrissy got out and then took the two garment bags from Jayden as she passed them to her.
"Thanks Jayden, thanks for everything."
"You're welcome Christina, glad I could help." Jayden smiled. "I'll come round for you just before lunch tomorrow, or later, as it is now tomorrow." She giggled, as she looked at her watch. "We can grab some lunch before we go shopping then."
"Okay Jayden. I'll see you tomorrow, I mean later then." Chrissy said looking just as confused as Jayden had been with the whole time thing, as it was three thirty in the morning now.
"I know what you mean girl. Now go and get some sleep, we have a busy day ahead of us." Jayden said with a grin.
Chrissy smiled at her as she slid the minibus door shut and they drove away. Some of the other girls waved to Chrissy with smiles on their faces, but Chrissy had her arms full and couldn't wave back. She made her way into the hotel and got some strange looks from the man on reception, but he soon looked more relaxed when she pulled out her key card for her room and showed it to him. She was soon back in her room and getting ready for bed. She fell asleep, and was so tired, that she didn't have any dreams at all, as she could remember.
Daylight shining in through a crack in the curtain woke Chrissy the next day and she groaned as she looked at the time and saw it was just after eleven.
"I better see about making a move, or Jayden will be here and I'll still be lying in bed." Chrissy said to the empty room.
She rolled out of bed and sat on the edge of it still feeling the ache in her feet from spending all last night running around getting drinks and food orders for people. The heels had been a little higher that she was use to wearing for so long. When she went to the club with Amy, Chrissy could sit down and rest, but now she was just one of the waitresses.
Chrissy could feel that hole in her chest starting to get bigger again, so she put both hands to her chest, like that would stop it, but it never did. She was soon lying on the bed sobbing again, like she did most the time when she was alone in her hotel room.
Finally the sobbing stopped and Chrissy dragged herself off the bed and went to take a shower and wash her hair. Everything Chrissy did brought back memories of something she did with Becky, so even taking a simple shower chipped away at the hole in her chest.
Once she was done in the shower, Chrissy got dried and used a hair drier on her hair so she'd be ready when Jayden turned up.
Chrissy was just slipping on her shoes when there was a knock at the door, so she got up and went to answer it. She found Jayden standing there grinning at her.
"Morning Christina. How you feeling today?"
"Morning Jayden. My feet hurt a little, but I had a good time last night, thanks again for helping me find a job." Chrissy said, as she let her enter the room. "I'll be ready in just a second." Chrissy added, as she walked over and grabbed her purse and checked to make sure her wallet was in there.
"I'd like to say you'll get use to it, but I still go home and wake up with my feet aching." Jayden said with a pained look on her face. "So you ready for some serious shopping?" Jayden added with a grin.
"Not really, but I need to get some other clothes to wear, so lets get going." Chrissy said taking a deep breath.
They were soon out the hotel and making their way to a little restaurant that Jayden knew about, so they could have some lunch before hitting the shops.
Chrissy tried to pay for her lunch, but Jayden wouldn't let her. "This is my treat Christina, it sounds like you'll be spending enough money today as it is." Jayden playfully slapped Chrissy's hand away from the bill the waiter just left on the table.
"I'm not broke Jayden, so I can afford to pay for my lunch and still get some new clothes." Chrissy said, as she rubbed her hand where she just slapped it.
"That maybe so, but now you have a little bit more to spend." Jayden giggled.
Chrissy could see that trying to argue with Jayden was just a big waist of time, so she gave up and just giggled along with her. Chrissy liked being around Jayden, she helped her forget about everything else for a short time. The hole in her chest didn't seem quite as big when she was with her.
Jayden liked the sound of Christina's giggle, this was the first time she'd heard her sound happy since she'd gone to her nearly a week ago now. Jayden could see that she was in a lot of emotional pain from something she was running away from, but until she was ready to speak about it, Jayden couldn't do much to help her out.
The two of them were soon walking in and out of clothes shops as Chrissy started putting a new wardrobe together for herself. Chrissy went for light simple stuff that she could mix and match to create even more outfits from.
Chrissy looked lost in thought at one of the shop counters, as she pulled out the company debit card, and it flooded her with memories of being at the shop and with all the others. She only snapped out of it when she heard Jayden speaking to her.
"Christina, Christina! You need to give the girl a card, or some cash now." Chrissy heard Jayden say to her.
"I'm sorry." Chrissy said, as she suddenly realised she was holding everybody up. She stuffed the company debit card in the back of her wallet and then got some cash out and paid for all the items.
Jayden couldn't help but notice all the credit cards in Christina's wallet, and how a couple of them were platinum ones. She knew that she had to have a lot of money to get credit cards like that. Jayden was starting to wonder if she was running away from rich husband, or just trying to get away from family for some yet unknown reason. Jayden also noticed that Christina paid for everything in cash. And stopped at a couple of cash machines to get some more out when she was running low.
Chrissy seemed a lot quieter after the thing in the shop with the card, and Jayden was beginning to worry about her.
"You okay Christina?"
"Yes, fine thanks." Chrissy smiled back, but not doing a very good job of making it even half-believable.
"You've just been really quiet since you left the last clothes shop where you pulled out that credit card." Jayden was trying to get her to open up.
"I'm fine, really. I just got side tracked with some old memories." Chrissy said in a dismissive way, just before seeing some shoes in a shop window she wanted to try on. "Look at these shoes Jayden. Don't you just love them?" Chrissy asked, as she ran into the shop.
Jayden thought the shoes were nice, but nothing to make Christina act all gar, gar, over. She got the idea that she just didn't want to talk about the thing with the card anymore, so Jayden let out a sigh and then followed Christina into the shoe shop.
By the time they called it a day, they had to get a taxi back to the hotel. It was to far to walk, and they had way too much to try and get the bus. Once back at the hotel and in Chrissy's room Jayden helped her take all the tags off and get everything put away.
"Well you don't have a clothes shortage anymore." Jayden giggled, as she looked at what they'd managed to buy and carry between them.
"Nope. Thanks for all the help Jayden, you're a real life saver." Chrissy said, as she gave her a quick hug.
"No thanks needed Christina, it was fun."
"I hope you don't get mad with me, but I brought you a little something for being such a great person and doing all this for me." Chrissy said looking a little sheepish as she handed Jayden a shoebox.
"What did you do?" Jayden asked looking a little angry with her for spending money she didn't need to.
Jayden sat on the bed and then put the box on her knee and took the lid off it, before folding back the tissue paper. There in the box were a pair of blue suede high heeled shoes that she'd been looking at in one of the many shoe shops they'd been in that afternoon. The only reason Jayden hadn't brought them was due to the price being more than she could afford to spend on them.
"I could tell how much you liked them in the shop, so I went back for them while you were in the toilets." Chrissy said, as she sat on the bed next to her.
"They're beautiful Christina, but I can't except them. You can't afford to be spending your money like this." Jayden said, as she tried to give the box back to her.
Chrissy folded her arms and then leaned forward when Jayden tried to put the box on her knee. "You'll just have to keep them Jayden, I can't remember what I did with the receipt." Chrissy said in a stubborn voice.
"You're worse than me when it comes to being stubborn, and that's saying something." Jayden said, sounding a little upset still, but with a hint of amusement in her voice at the same time. "But thank you for the lovely gift anyway."
Chrissy sat up again and then excepted the hug Jayden offered her. "I hope you have something to wear them with now?" Chrissy asked.
"I can think of a couple of dresses and even more skirts that they will go perfectly with." Jayden said with a grin as she pulled one of the shoes out the box and hugged it.
Chrissy giggled as she watched Jayden hug the shoe, then Chrissy got up again and made sure she had everything she'd need to get changed once she'd finished sorting out all the paperwork at the club. Then they both left Chrissy's room and stopped off at reception, so Chrissy could pay for her room for another couple of weeks while she found someplace to live. Jayden noticed that Christina paid with cash again, and still wouldn't use any of the credit cards.
Jayden grabbed all the bits for her uniform and was following Chrissy back out the door in no time at all. Once at the club, Jayden hit a buzzer and told Dean, whom it was when he asked, Then he buzzed them both in.
"Jayden, Christina. You're both looking lovely today." Dean said with a smile. "Just give me a couple of minutes to finish up with this paperwork, and I'll be right with you." He added, as he carried on punching away on his computer, and looking through sheets on his desk.
Chrissy and Jayden sat watching Dean finish up what he was doing, then he got some forms out and handed them to Chrissy with a pen and a clipboard to lean on. Chrissy filled it all in and checked the box for female, as they would never be able to prove otherwise, well not with out a doctor taking a look.
"I'm not sure what to put down as an address Dean? I'm staying at a hotel right now, but I hope to find a place of my own in the next week or so." Chrissy said, as she tapped the pen against her bottom lip.
"Why don't you put down my address for the time being, then Dean can just update it later." Jayden said.
"Will that be okay with you Dean?" Chrissy asked.
"Sure, just as long as I have an address for my records. It keeps head office off my back that way." Dean added with a role of his eyes, like he had more trouble keeping head office happy than he liked to admit.
"I thought the club was yours Dean?" Chrissy said, as she carried on filling in the form and then signing it at the bottom.
"I wish, but no, it's part of a large chain of them. They all have a different theme though to keep it a little different." Dean said, as he took the form off Chrissy and checked to make sure all the info was where it should be. This stopped Dean from saying anymore about the club and who owned it. If Chrissy had heard the name of the person and the name of the hotels the same person owned, she would have been running for the door.
"Well if that's all sorted out, I'll take the new pupil here to the changing room so we can get ready for another busy night of serving drinks and teasing the other pupils." Jayden said with a grin, as she stood up and pulled Chrissy to her feet as well.
"Okay then, have fun girl's. This all looks fine to me Christina, so I'll get you on the system and make sure you get paid from yesterday." Dean smiled, as he watched Jayden dragging Christina away.
Chrissy and Jayden were soon dressed and ready for work, and then they got to work serving drinks and food. Chrissy found out that Jayden was right, the women were worse than the men for pinching and rubbing there bottoms. She soon learned to just take no notice again, and she kept her mind on the job instead.
The entire staff was dead tied by the end of the night, as Saturdays were the busiest night of the week for the club. Unlike the club Becky ran this club was open seven nights a week, so Chrissy was happy to offer to work Sunday night as well. She just wanted to keep busy as much as she could.
Chrissy was dropped off outside the hotel, and she went up to her room, and got out of her school uniform. Cleaned off all the makeup before crawling into bed and hoping that she was too tired to have any dreams. She still woke a couple of times before she deemed it time to get up and take a shower.
Jayden was working at the hotel today, so she went up to see how Christina was doing on her mid afternoon break.
Chrissy opened the door when she heard a knock on it, and smiled when she saw Jayden standing there smiling back at her.
"Hi Jayden, is everything okay?" Chrissy asked looking a little worried to see her here at this time, and dressed in her hotel uniform.
"Don't look so worried, I'm just on my break, and wanted to see how you were doing." Jayden said, as Chrissy let her enter the room.
"I'm doing okay, just a little worried about working tonight, without you there to watch my back." Chrissy said, as she sat on the bed.
"You'll be fine, and you know most the other girls now anyway, they'll keep an eye on you for me." Jayden said, as she sat on the bed next to Chrissy.
"I don't want to seem rude Jayden, but do you think I could use your washing machine every now and then to wash my clothes? I don't trust using a laundry matt." Chrissy asked looking nervous, and biting her bottom lip.
"I don't mind at all Chrissy. To be honest with you that is one of the reasons I've come up to see you." Jayden said, as she looked a little nervous now.
"What is it Jayden?" Chrissy asked when she saw the nervous look on her face.
"Well, I was just wondering if you'd be interested in moving in with me? I have a spare room, and I could really use someone to share the rent with."
"Thanks for the offer Jayden, but they're things you don't know about me, and once you find them out, you may think differently about me." Chrissy said looking sad.
"Like what?" Jayden asked with a puzzled look. "You going to tell me you use to be a man or something daft like that." Jayden added with a giggle.
Chrissy's head shot up when she heard her say that, and the sick sounding giggle she made right after it. Chrissy had a look of horror on her face as she looked right into Jayden's eyes.
Jayden saw the look on Chrissy's face and she suddenly stopped giggling as she realised she'd been joking, but just hit the nail on the head.
"You use to be a man?" Jayden asked more slowly this time, but with a slight air of shock, which sounded more like disgust.
"I'm sorry I lied to you Jayden, but I think you should leave now." Chrissy said, as she got up and walked over to the door and opened it.
Jayden was in shock that the woman standing in front of her was once a man. She couldn't see any trace if a man in her. She went to speak, but she could see that Christina wasn't going to listen, so she got up and walked out the room.
Chrissy slammed the door and then fell on the bed sobbing again, every time she thought her life was going to be okay, something else would rip it away from her. She was beginning to fall deeper and deeper into a pit of depression now.
Jayden went back to work, but couldn't get her mind off what she'd just found out about Christina, and how she'd reacted to her finding out. The more Jayden thought about it, the more she really didn't care what Christina use to be. She was still going to ask her to move in with her anyway, Jayden had seen Christina almost naked and all she saw was a woman.
Chrissy heard a knock on her door, but she never got off the bed to see who it was. She had a good idea it was Jayden, or some other member of the staff asking her to get out. So she just pulled the covers up over her head and waited for the person to get board, or let them selves in. They must have gone away again, because the door never opened.
Jayden had gone home after she couldn't get any answer from Christina's room, and was sitting on the sofa with a glass of water later that night trying to work out some way of sorting out the problem, when her phone started ringing.
"Hello Jayden speaking." She said into the phone.
"Hi Jayden, Dean here." A voice said back at her.
"Hi Dean. What can I do for you tonight?" Jayden asked in a puzzled tone.
"We're a little short staffed tonight, thanks to your friend Christina not turning up. Do you have any idea what might have happened to her?" Dean asked.
"She never turned up for work!" Jayden shouted with worry in her voice. "I'll go and make sure she's okay, and get back to you Dean. I'm sorry about this, but I had words with her this afternoon, and she was pretty upset when I last saw her." Jayden added. As she was holding the phone in one hand, and trying to put her shoes on with the other.
"Okay Jayden, I hope she's alright then. Talk to you later." Dean said before ending the call.
Jayden threw the phone on the sofa and quickly finished getting dressed and ran out the house on her way back to the hotel.
Chrissy had finally pulled herself together enough to get all her new clothes packed in a couple of bags she'd brought a couple of days ago. And then she got the couple of schoolgirl uniforms and put them in the garment bags along with the dress that Jayden had given her. Then she made her way down to reception to check out and then get them to let Jayden have the garment bags to return them to the club for her.
"Checking out miss?" The man on reception asked her as she walked up to the desk with her bags.
"Yes I am, but I was wondering if you could make sure Jayden gets these?" Chrissy asked, as she placed the garment bags on the desk between her and the man.
"Certainly miss. I hope you had a pleasant stay with us?" The man said as he checked Chrissy out of the hotel.
"Yes it was very nice, but it's time to move on again now." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she thought about the fun she'd had the past couple of night at the club. "Could you get me a taxi to take me to the train station please?" Chrissy asked.
"Right away miss." The man said, as he waved over a boy that was standing at the exit to the hotel. "Mark, is there a taxi waiting outside at the minute?" The man asked the bellboy.
"Yes sir, does the young lady require one?" The bellboy asked.
"Yes she does, can you please take her bags, and help her get it please." The man asked.
"Right away sir. If you'd like to follow me miss." The bellboy said as he picked up Chrissy's bags and led her out to the waiting taxi.
Chrissy got in the taxi and was pulling away just as Jayden ran around the corner and then she ran up the road and into the hotel. Chrissy was facing the other way, so she never saw her, and Chrissy never looked back.
Jayden was out of breath, as she went to run past the man on reception, but he called her by name.
"Jayden! Some woman just checked out and left a couple of garment bags here for you." The man shouted as she ran past him.
Jayden tried to stop, but the shiny marble floor wasn't so easy to stop on, so she nearly slipped over as she slid along and had to grab the back of a seat to finally stop her self going over. Then she ran back to the desk where the man was standing.
"How long ago did she leave?" Jayden asked sounding frantic.
"She's only just gone. Mark walked her out to a taxi."
"Did she say where she was going?" Jayden asked with pleading in her voice.
"She asked for a taxi to the train station."
"Thanks Bill, I owe you one." Jayden said, as she ran out the hotel and jumped in a second taxi that was now waiting outside the hotel. "Train station, and make it fast." Jayden said, as she put her seatbelt on.
Chrissy was looking at the screen trying to work out what platform she needed to catch her train on. She didn't have enough cash on her, so she'd used her debit card to pay for the ticket, but as she was moving on anyway, it didn't matter if Carl or anyone else found out where she'd been stopping the past couple of weeks. She heard a voice from just behind her sounding out of breath and a little creepy.
"Where do you think you're going missy?"
Chrissy slowly turned around to find Jayden standing there looking out of breath, and bent over with her hands on her knees.
"Does it really matter to you, just as long as I'm out your life, just like everyone else. I won't be around to disgust you anymore." Chrissy said, as she went back to looking for a new place to find a new life.
"I wasn't disgusted with you Christina, and do you think I'd be running around on a Sunday night trying to find you if I was?" Jayden said, poking holes in Chrissy's thoughts.
"Then why are you here?" Chrissy asked.
"I came to stop you from running away. I still want you to move in with me, I don't care if you use to be a werewolf, or still are. I just like having you around, and it feels like the right thing to do." Jayden said, as she finally pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
"I'm sorry Jayden, but I'm not interested in anything more than friendship." Chrissy said, as she pulled herself away from Jayden's hug.
"Good because I only like guy's myself." Jayden said with a funny look. "Which side of the fence do you like to play in the grass?"
"I don't play in the grass any more, but I was married to a woman." Chrissy said with some hurt in her voice.
"Was that before you had all this done to you?" Jayden asked, as she waved her hand up and down Chrissy's body.
"No, I was a woman by the time I married, but she wanted more than I could ever give her, so I left." Chrissy said, as she finally broke down in sobs again, and just fell to her knees with her head in her hands.
Jayden was glad it was a Sunday night, and the station was nearly empty. She pulled Chrissy to her feet and took her over to a bench and then went back for her bags. Then she helped Chrissy out to a taxi and took Chrissy back to her flat with her.
Chrissy was numb on the drive back to Jayden's place, and she wasn't taking much in as Jayden put her to bed in the spare room. Then she went back to give Dean a call and let him know that Christina wouldn't be in tonight.
Jayden checked on her a couple of times through the night, but she seemed to be sleeping, even if it did look like she was having bad dreams.
Chrissy woke the next morning and couldn't work out where she was at first, bit she slowly started putting all the peace's together in her head. She was just sitting up in bed when Jayden walked in wearing a big pair of fluffy cat slippers and a dressing gown looking like she'd just woke up.
"Morning sleepy head. How you feeling today?" Jayden asked, as she handed Chrissy the big mug of tea.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble, are you sure you want me in your life Jayden?" Chrissy asked, as she took a sip from the mug.
"To late for that Christina." Jayden said with a grin, as she sat on the bed.
"You can call me Chrissy if you like. That's what everyone use to call me back at the other place I use to live." Chrissy said, just before taking another sip from the mug of tea.
"Okay then, please to meet you Chrissy."
"Guess I'm going to be out looking for another job now?" Chrissy said with a sigh.
"Nope, Dean was really worried about you, and only called me to make sure you were okay. He said you can work tonight if you're up to it?" Jayden smiled.
"I better then, or I really will be looking for another job." Chrissy said feeling a little better about everything now Jayden knew a little more about her past.
"I've got to work today at the hotel, but I'll grab your uniforms while I'm there. I trust you will still be here when I get home later?" Jayden asked.
"I promise not to runaway again." Chrissy said, just before sipping her tea again.
"Good, I need to see about getting ready for work now. Feel free to help yourself to what you can find for lunch, and I'll see you later." Jayden said, just before hugging Chrissy and then running off to get ready for work.
Chrissy got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen with her empty mug, just as Jayden was coming out her bedroom dressed in a pencil skirt and white blouse, which was the uniform for the hotel staff. Chrissy thought she looked very different to the way she looked when dressed as a schoolgirl at the club.
"I'm glad to see you out of bed and looking a little more alive now." Jayden said with a smile.
"You're looking a lot more awake now as well." Chrissy smiled.
"I wish I didn't have to work today, so I could spend the day with you, but I have bills to pay." Jayden sighed.
"I'll be fine Jayden, but we will need to sit down and sort out what I need to give you as my half of the rent and other stuff that will need to be paid for." Chrissy said, as she rinsed her mug out.
"I'll go through the figures with you tonight, so you know I'm not trying to rip you off." Jayden said with a giggle.
"I trust you Jayden, just tell me what you need." Chrissy said looking serious.
"I'm sure you do Chrissy, but we still need to work it all out on paper anyway. I'll see you later." Jayden smiled, as she gave Chrissy a quick hug before leaving for work. She was soon walking back to the kitchen table where Chrissy was sitting and handed her a set of keys for the doors to the house, and the flat. "You'll be needing these now we're going to be flat mates."
"Thanks again for everything Jayden. I don't know how I'll ever be able to pay you back to all you've done for me." Chrissy said with a smile, as she gripped the keys in her hands.
"Just be here when I get home form work." Jayden said with a stern look, just before smiling again, and heading out the door.
Chrissy did herself some toast for her breakfast and then she washed the dishes that were on the draining board before going to take a shower and then cleaning the bathroom as well why she was in there. Once she was dressed and ready to face the world, she looked in the kitchen to see what she had to make dinner with. Not seeing much in their, Chrissy decided to walk down to the shops and grab some bits to make dinner with, as a thank you to Jayden for being so nice. Not having much money on her, Chrissy jumped on the bus and went to the train station and get a train to the next town and used a cash machine to withdraw some cash, and then headed back to her new home, so she could do some shopping.
Jayden got off work a little early and walked in the flat to the smell of something really good cooking in the kitchen.
"Hi Jayden, Sorry but dinner will be another half hour, I wasn't expecting you in this early." Chrissy said, as she poked her head out the kitchen.
"Don't be sorry Chrissy, that smells amazing girl! I never realised that you could cook." Jayden said, as she entered the kitchen to take in even more of the great smell.
"I like to keep busy, so I'm capable of doing a lot of things." Chrissy said with a shrug of her shoulders, as she kept an eye on dinner.
"Have you been to the shops? I don't remember having anything like the stuff you've got here?" Jayden asked, as she looked at the empty packets on the worktop.
"Yes I thought you could use a couple of bits so I took a walk up the road. I got you some fresh milk, and a loaf of bread as well." Chrissy said. Leaving out the side trip to the next town on the train. "I got a bottle of red and white wine to have with dinner, I wasn't sure which you would like, that's why I got a bottle of each." Chrissy added.
"You're going to spoil me Chrissy, do you know that?" Jayden smiled, as she looked at the wine in the fridge. "Do I have time to take a quick shower before we eat?" Jayden asked.
"Sure, I'll dish it up when you get back."
Jayden skipped off to take a shower, but not before running back and hugging Chrissy for cleaning the bathroom as well. Chrissy just giggled and then carried on sorting out dinner.
Chrissy dished up dinner when Jayden got back, and she loved it. Then they both went to get ready for work at the nightclub. Chrissy was going to go all out with her makeup tonight, she wanted Jayden to see one of her other skills. Chrissy knew she'd done a good job by the look on Jayden's face when she saw her walk into the living room wearing the uniform and her makeup looking perfect.
"Wow Chrissy, you look like a different person now." Jayden said, as she got closer to Chrissy for a better look at her handy work. "Will you have a look at my makeup for me, I'd love to look as good as you do." Jayden asked with a pout, which looked really cute while she had her hair in pigtails on the side of her head.
"Thanks Jayden. I'd love to help you out." Chrissy led Jayden back to her room so she could play around with her makeup for her.
Chrissy worked her magic and soon had Jayden looking just as perfect and stunning as Chrissy did, so they called the club and got a lift in the minibus tonight, as they would be starting at the same time as the other girls.
All the other girls wanted to know who'd done their makeup as it looked like a professional job, and they thought that Jayden was teasing them when she said it was Chrissy. They all changed their tune when they watched Chrissy do a similar makeup job on a couple of the other girls that had got to the club late. After that night, Chrissy found herself doing most the girls makeup before they started work.
Chrissy looked worried when she saw Dean the manager walking over to her later in the night, she was expecting a telling off, or a warning for not turning up the night before.
"May I have a quick word with you Christina?" He asked looking all business.
"Yes sir, may I just take these drinks over to that table, then I'm due a break anyway." Chrissy said, as she took the tray of drinks over to a group of woman out for a friend's birthday.
Chrissy left her tray on the end of the bar she worked from and then went to find Dean. He was back in his office, and Jayden was in there as well. Dean was laughing and smiling, so Chrissy saw that as a good sign.
"Please take a seat Christina, I know your feet must be killing you by now. I've not seen you stop running around all night." Dean said, as he pointed to a large sofa.
"Thank you sir." Chrissy said, as she went over and did as she was being told.
"Please call me Dean, Christina. All the other girls do." Dean smiled.
"Then you may call me Chrissy, it's a little easier to get out the Christina, and it's what everyone calls me anyway."
"Okay then, Chrissy it is." Dean smiled. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay after the little scare last night." Dean added.
"What did Jayden tell you about last night?" Chrissy asked looking worried all of a sudden.
"I've not told him anything Chrissy, just that we had a misunderstanding, and you were thinking of leaving town, but you're now living with me." Jayden said with a smile.
"I also wanted to make sure you weren't running around trying to make up for last night as well. I can understand things happen that stop people from getting to work, but next time can you please just give us a call and let us know." Dean said.
"I will Dean, and I'm sorry for letting you down last night. I don't have a mobile at the minute, but I'll buy a new one first thing tomorrow, and let you have the number." Chrissy said, as she thought about what happened to her old one.
"That would be great, it would also stop me calling Jayden at all hours trying to track you down." Dean chuckled as he looked at Jayden.
"Don't worry about it Dean. I never would have been able to track Chrissy down if you hadn't." Jayden said with a sigh or relief.
"Why don't the pair of you go and grab a bite to eat then get back to work. I'll let you have a little longer for your break, as I've kept you both talking so long." Dean told them, as he stood up to follow them back out into the club.
The rest of the night went by really fast, due to Chrissy being kept busy serving the customers and then helping out behind the bar towards the end of the night. Chrissy had arraigned with the other girls to come in a little earlier the next night, so she could do their makeup for them before the club opened. All the girl's gave Chrissy a hug before they left, and then Chrissy and Jayden got dropped off at Jayden's flat.
Chrissy woke the next day just before lunchtime, and she found Jayden sitting on the sofa with a mug of tea. "I've just made a pot, if you want one." Jayden told her. Chrissy was soon taking a seat on the sofa as well and enjoying a hot mug of tea herself.
"What you up too today then Chrissy?"
"I need to go and get a new mobile phone, and then I was planning on doing some more food shopping, and finding something nice for dinner tonight." Chrissy said, just before taking a sip from her mug of tea.
"Don't forget that I'll be later in tonight, so I probably won't see you, as you'll have left for work before I get back." Jayden said looking a little sad that she'll be missing out on another one of Chrissy's amazing meals.
"Don't worry, I was thinking of doing a stew, so I can leave it on warm in the oven for you." Chrissy said with a smile.
This soon had Jayden smiling as well, when she realised she wouldn't be missing out on a home cooked meal after all. "That's great Chrissy, you really are a super cook. You'll make some one an amazing wife some day." Jayden said before she realised what she was saying.
Chrissy just looked shocked like someone had slapped her across the face.
"Oh god Chrissy, I am so sorry, I didn't think before that slipped out." Jayden said looking angry with her self. "Do you think you could help me take this foot out my mouth?" Jayden added, trying to make Chrissy smile again.
"Don't worry about it Jayden. I'm just not cut out to be happy in that way, and she was looking for more than I could ever give her in the end." Chrissy said with a sigh, just before she put her mug up to her lips to drink her tea.
"I know I'm being nosy Chrissy, but what happened between the two of you? I'd never let a girl like you get away if I were looking for one. I think you're perfect at everything." Jayden said looking confused as to why anyone would do anything to risk losing this girl.
"But I wasn't perfect at everything. She wanted a baby, so she went out and had sex with a man. I've got know idea who it was, but I found a pregnancy test hidden in the cupboard under the sink in our bathroom." Chrissy said, as she felt the hole in her chest ripping open even more as she thought about it. "The test showed her to be with child, and as you can see, I can't be the father of it, not any more." Chrissy added with tears running down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry honey, I can see how much she must have hurt you doing that." Jayden said, as she pulled Chrissy close to her. Chrissy just started sobbing again on her shoulder.
Chrissy cried her self out and then pulled herself back together before Jayden left for work at the hotel. Chrissy got ready and left the house with her, so she could go and get a new mobile and then fetch the stuff to make dinner.
Jayden wondered what sort of a girl Chrissy really was, because this version was just an empty shell of what should have been there. Jayden hoped that one day she'd get to see the real Chrissy, Smiling and happy, not just getting by like she was right now.
Chrissy got a new mobile and put it on charge when she got home again, while she made the stew and got it in the oven. She went to take a shower while the stew was cooking and then she sat playing with her new phone while she had a bowl of stew and a peace of crusty fresh bread with it. She wrote Jayden a quick note telling her what to do with the stew when she'd had what she wanted. Then she left to get to the club and do the girls makeup for them.
Jayden got home to the smell of stew and fresh bread. She was soon sitting at the table enjoying a large bowl of it, then she put it away like Chrissy had asked her to in the note she left.
Chrissy was really worried about heading to the club on her own for the first time, but Dean buzzed her in when she got their, and she was soon dressed and waiting for the other girls to turn up. Once they started turning up and letting her do their makeup for them, she lost all track of time, and was soon serving drinks, and having a laugh with some of the other girls. Chrissy was really glad to be finishing at the end of the night, and was very quiet when she got home to Jayden's, so she didn't wake her.
"Morning Chrissy. How did it go at the club last night?" Jayden asked at breakfast the next morning.
"Morning Jayden. It went really well, but I missed not having you around to help me out." Chrissy said, as she made herself a cup of tea.
"I'm sure you were kept busy enough to not even notice I wasn't around." Jayden giggled.
"I was busy, but I still missed you not being there." Chrissy said with a smile.
The girls stopped chatting when Chrissy's mobile started ringing. Chrissy looked at it, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Dean calling her.
"Hi Dean. Is everything okay?" Chrissy asked, as she answered the call.
"Hello Chrissy. Everything is fine, but I was hoping you could help me out with something today? And do you know if Jayden is working this afternoon?" Dean asked down the phone.
"Jayden is sitting with me now, so I can ask her for you, and I'd be happy to help you out if I can."
Jayden just sat looking at Chrissy with a puzzled look on her face.
"It's Dean on the phone. He wants to know if you're working this afternoon?" Chrissy asked.
"No, I'm not working again now until tomorrow. Why does he want to know?" Jayden asked.
Chrissy just shrugged her shoulders and then asked Dean. "No, she's not working now until tomorrow. Why do you want to know?"
"I've got to sort out some photo's for the new website for the club, and I need all the girls here for them, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to do the girls makeup for them?" Dean asked with some pleading in his voice.
"I don't mind doing the makeup for you Dean, what time do you want me there?" Chrissy asked.
"Thank you Chrissy, you're a real life saver." Dean said with a sigh. "If you could be here for four, then we can get all the photo's taken, and then you will all be ready to start work after that."
"Okay Dean, Jayden and I will see you at four this afternoon." Chrissy said with a smile at the shocked look on Jayden's face.
"Okay, I'll see you both later. Bye." Dean said just before ending the call.
"Why have we got to go in at four?" Jayden asked, when Chrissy put her mobile back down on the table.
"Dean says he's got to sort out some photo's for the website for the club, and he needs all the girls to be there at four, so he can get the photo's taken, and then we will all be ready to start work after." Chrissy said, just before taking another sip from her cup of tea. "He's also asked me to do the makeup on all the girls for the photo's." Chrissy added with a grin.
"Okay then, but I won't be happy about it. I won't get any of your home made cooking now tonight." Jayden said with a pout.
Chrissy had to giggle at the look on Jayden's face. "Nice to know I'm good for something then," she said.
"I think you're good at lots of things Chrissy, or Dean wouldn't be asking you to do the makeup for the photo's."
Chrissy went to argue the point, but could see to many holes in it, so she just put her cup to her mouth again and took another sip from it. Jayden saw the look on Chrissy's face and smiled when she realised that she'd left Chrissy no where to go with it.
Jayden and Chrissy both got their stuff ready and headed over to the club just before four, and were greeted by a couple of guys setting up cameras in the club ready for the photo's to be taken.
Chrissy was soon dressed and then helped to get the other girls dressed and then sorted out their makeup and hair. Then they all went out into the club and did what they were told to do while they two guys took lots of shots. Once they had finished, Dean came out of his office to thank they guys and arrange with them to send all the photo's to the company sorting out the website, then he walked over to chat with the girls.
"Hi Girl's. I want to thank you all for coming in early to help we sort all this out. I've also ordered some dinner for you all, so it you want to take a seat, and it will be delivered shortly." Dean said with a smile.
The food soon turned up, and the girls had a laugh, as they all sat eating pizza and French-fries. The bouncers turned up and soon made short work of any left over pizza, and they, the girls all got ready for another busy night at the club serving drinks and getting their bottoms pinched.
Life fell into a routine for Chrissy after that. She was working seven days a week at the club, not because she needed the money, but because it kept her busy all the time. Jayden tried to make her take a couple of nights off a week, but she took no notice of her, and kept working.
It was nearly four weeks later before Jayden managed to talk Chrissy into having a girl's night out with her and a couple of other girls from the club. Chrissy found it a little weird seeing the other two girl's out of their school uniform, but they were still fun to be with. Chrissy had a good time, and they decided to try and do it again soon, if only to stop Chrissy working seven days a week.
Jayden never told anyone about Chrissy not being born female. One reason was because she thought it was Chrissy's place to tell them if she wanted to. And the second one was due to them not believing her if she did tell them. Chrissy was more of a girl than any of the real ones at the club ever could be.
Chrissy would spend hours through the day just sitting on the sea front looking out at the ocean. Jayden had found here sitting out there more than once, but Chrissy would never say what she'd been thinking about, but Jayden had a pretty good idea. Chrissy was the same at the flat as well, they would be sitting watching something on telly, and Jayden would see her wipe away a tear when she saw something on a program.
Jayden was still working at the hotel, even though she didn't need the extra money now, but she wasn't sure how long Chrissy would stop with her. She could see that Chrissy still hadn't settled in with her very well. Jayden thought she looked lost most the time when she wasn't working at the club, or cooking dinner.
It had been seven weeks since Chrissy walked out on Becky and the others, and she was still thinking about them all, and having nightmares about Becky making love to some man with no face. She missed going to the club with Amy, and the fun shopping trips they use to have. More than once over the past couple of weeks, Chrissy had found herself sitting on the sofa with her mobile in her hand. She was ready to call the shop and pretend to ask them about something just to hear Amy or Mandy speak to her, but she'd chicken out at the last minute. She was worried her voice would crack, and give her away. She stopped travelling out of town to use the cash machine, as she was now earning more than enough from the club. Chrissy was beginning to think she could do with putting some of it in the bank to keep it safe. Her purse and bottom draw in her bedroom was looking really full.
It was a Tuesday night and Chrissy had just finished sorting out dinner when Jayden got home from her job at the hotel.
"Hi Jayden, tough day at work?" Chrissy asked when she saw the worn out look on her face.
"Aren't they always." Jayden said with a weak smile. "Dinner smells good Chrissy." She added, as she took a deep breath in through the nose.
"Thanks, it's all ready to dish up if you're ready to eat now? Or I can keep it warm while you take a shower." Chrissy asked.
"The smell is making me really hungry, so I think I'll eat first, then take a shower before getting read for the club." Jayden said, just before taking another deep breath through her nose.
Chrissy just giggled, and she dished up dinner, and then joined Jayden at the table with two plates of food.
Jayden helped Chrissy get the dishes washed once they'd finished eating. Then they went to get ready for work at the club. With only one bathroom, Chrissy had to wait for Jayden to take her shower before she could have hers. Chrissy went to Jayden's bedroom in just bra and panties, so she could do Jayden's makeup for her. Jayden still looked at Chrissy shocked that she wasn't born female when she looked at her.
"I have to wonder if you were lying to me when you said you were born a boy Chrissy, when I look at you standing there like that.
"Trust me Jayden, it took a lot of pain and hard work for me to look like this." Chrissy said, as she struck a sexy pose in the doorway, just before giggling.
"I do trust you Chrissy, but I think you look so good now. I look for any little sigh that you wasn't a female all your life, but I can't see one." Jayden smiled.
"That's a good thing." Chrissy whispered in Jayden's ear, even though there was only the two of them in the flat.
Chrissy set to work doing Jayden's makeup and by the time she'd finished with her, Jayden was sporting perfect makeup, and she even had freckles as well.
Jayden looked in the mirror, and was amazed like always with the stunning job Chrissy had done on her. "Thanks Chrissy, perfect like always." Jayden said with a grin.
"I aim to please mistress." Chrissy said, as she tried to do a curtsy, but it looked a little odd with Chrissy dressed in bra and panties.
"Mistress is very pleased slave." Jayden said with her nose in the air trying to look posh. "My slave better see about getting dressed, or she'll be late for her next appointment." Jayden added, as she looked at the time.
"Crap! You're right. I'd lost all track of the time." Chrissy said looking panicked, as she ran out the room to finish getting dressed her self.
Jayden was sitting in the living room when Chrissy walked out her bedroom in her white blouse complete with School tie, and her little navy blue tennis skirt that didn't quite cover the tops of her fishnet stocking that where being held up by suspenders. Chrissy was also wearing a pair of black shoes with a four-inch heel and one inch platform at the front to make her look a little taller. She had her long blond hair falling down each side of her head in pigtails.
"Wow Chrissy, you always take my breath away dressed like that. You just look so dammed cute." Jayden said, as she got up off the sofa and walked over to give her a hug.
"Thanks Jayden, but you look way cuter than I do." Chrissy said in her best little girl voice.
"Thanks honey, but you are definitely the cutest one." Jayden said, as she led Chrissy over towards the door, so they could get to the club.
Chrissy was still getting to the club early, so she could help the other girls with their makeup before the club opened. Dean had taken up having a taxi pick up Chrissy and Jayden on the nights she work, so Chrissy got to the club safely, which was every night.
Some of the girls were late getting to the club, so Chrissy was late getting out into the club, and she thought she'd upset Dean when she saw one of the other girls covering her normal part of the club. She went to find Dean, So she could ask him what was going off, but he found her first.
"Chrissy! Just the girl I was looking for."
"I'm sorry for not getting out here sooner, but Debbie and Sam were late getting here, and I had to help them with their makeup." Chrissy said looking worried. "I didn't think you'd put another girl on my tables?" She added.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, but that's not the reason for putting someone on your tables. I have a privet party in the back room, and I want you to serve them tonight." Dean said.
"You want me to do the privet party? I thought Sue and Sarah always did them for you?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
"I thought you could do it tonight. It'll be good practice for you." Dean said with a smile.
"Who will I be working with?" Chrissy asked, as there were always at least two girls working the back room, and sometimes even three.
"It's only a small party, so I thought you could manage it this time on your own."
Chrissy thought it a little odd that Dean was only letting one girl serve at the party, but she thought that he knew best, so she just grabbed her try and made her way to the backroom. She checked herself out in one of the mirrors on the wall just before she entered the room.
"Welcome to St' Trinian's, may I take yo…" Was all Chrissy got out as she found herself standing at the end of a large table, where she saw Becky, Mandy, Amy, Amber, Ann, Carl, Brad, Frank, and Prue all sitting looking at her.
To Be Continued Next week
Edited by ChrisW
You Have It All Wrong Three
By SaraUK
Part 5
Chapter 17: Becky(The following part of the story covers Becky's time line of events that lead up to Chrissy running away at the end of part 4, and then what happens when they finally come face to face again after being apart for nearly eight weeks.)
Mandy and Amy were busy sorting out the orders for the changing service when the phone for the shop started ringing, so Mandy went to answer it. They were one person down because Chrissy was at home taking care of Becky, as she was ill with some sort of bug.
"Hello, Mystique's. Mandy speaking, how may I help you?" Mandy asked as she held the phone to her ear.
"Mandy, it's your mother. You and Amy better get home fast; we've got a problem. You better get hold of Carl and the others too." Prue said down the phone.
"Why mum, what's wrong? Has something happened to Becky?" Mandy asked with panic in her voice.
"Just get home fast, and get the others to come here as well." Prue said, just before the phone went dead.
Mandy thought she could here Becky sobbing in the background, but her mum wasn't going to say anything over the phone, so Mandy shouted Amy.
"Amy! Help me lock up the shop now!" Mandy shouted, as she ran down to the front of the shop and locked the door, just before hitting the button to bring the front shutter down.
"What's wrong Mandy?" Amy asked, as she saw Mandy locking up the front of the shop.
"I don't know Amy, but mum just call and told us to get home right away, and I thought I could here Becky sobbing in the background.
Amy ran off to the back room and closed down the computer and printer; she didn't need any other reason than the one Mandy just gave her. Amy wanted to be there to help with whatever the problem was.
They soon had the shop locked up and Mandy had called everyone she could think of while Amy brought down the rear shutter over the back door. Mandy called Carl, while Amy called Amber, and then Ann, just in case Carl didn't go and find her. They were both at the hotel today.
Mandy pulled onto the driveway at home and parked her car next to her mum's, Becky's car was parked the other side of her mum's car. Mandy and Amy had just got out when they saw Carl pull in to the driveway with Ann in the passenger seat, followed by Amber in her red mini. Brad and Frank were just behind her in Brad's big 4x4 truck.
"What's going on Mandy?" Carl asked, as he ran over to where Mandy was standing just outside the house.
"I don't know anymore than you do at the minute Carl. I just got a call from my mum telling me to get home right away, and I swear I could hear Becky sobbing in the background." Mandy said, as she opened the front door and ran into the house.
They could hear Becky sobbing, and shouting at Prue in the kitchen, so they all followed Mandy as she ran to that room.
Becky was sat at the kitchen table with Prue trying to stop her getting up. Becky was sobbing so much she was almost hysterical. Prue looked glad to see them all there at last.
Mandy ran over to help her mum out but had to stop and look down when she felt a crunching sound under foot. When she looked down she saw bits of black plastic and glass all over the floor, and wondered what it was. She soon realised though, when she saw something that looked like part of a mobile phone over in the corner.
"What's wrong mum? Where's Chrissy?" Mandy asked as she helped her try and calm Becky down.
"That's the problem; we don't know where she is." Prue said, as she let Mandy take over hugging Becky.
Amy and the others all looked at the remains of the mobile phone all over the floor and then they saw what was on the table. Sat there on the table were two rings and what looked like a pregnancy test. They all looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.
It took another ten minutes before they had Becky under control enough to find out what had gone off. Becky was still sobbing, but Prue had given her something to help calm her down a little bit.
"Can you please tell us what's going on then now, and what all this stuff is on the table?" Mandy asked, as she pointed at the rings and the pregnancy test.
"Do you want to tell them Becky, or do you want me to tell them?" Prue asked, as she looked at Becky.
"I think I better tell them." Becky said, as she lifted her head off Mandy's shoulder. "I'm pregnant." Becky said, but not looking very happy about it.
"You're what!" Mandy shouted. "How…who's the…what the…" Mandy was to shocked to work out what to say to Becky, so she just shut up and looked around the table. All she got were the same looks back at her.
"I think I better fill you all in on what's been going on for the past month or so." Prue said with a sigh.
"I think you better mum." Mandy said looking a little upset with her and Becky.
"It really all started back when Chrissy was on her real life test, but I didn't want to get her hopes up, so I kept quiet about any of it. I took some of Chrissy's sperm samples and had them frozen." Prue said looking worried.
"Did Chrissy not know anything about this then mum?" Mandy asked.
"No, and I thought it for the best, just in case Becky never wanted children, but when I saw the way she was with little Tiffany at Chrissy's school reunion. I thought it was time to have a talk with her and see if she was willing to have a go at getting pregnant using Chrissy's frozen sperm." Prue said, as she looked at Becky, who was starting to sob again now.
"So you're pregnant with Chrissy's baby?" Mandy asked with a smile. All Becky did was nod, as she burst into sobs of tears again. "I can't see what the problem is then. I thought Chrissy would be happy to hear the news." Mandy said, as she pulled Becky back into a hug.
"This is where the trouble starts." Prue said looking grim. "Becky decided that she wanted to keep it all from Chrissy until we knew for sure it had worked." Prue added with a sigh.
"So the bug you had today was really morning sickness then?" Mandy asked.
"Yes it was. Becky was supposed to come to me the minute she had any of the signs she was pregnant, but she went and brought her self a pregnancy test, then went and used it here at home this morning." Prue said with an even bigger sigh this time.
"How did Chrissy take the news then? And where is she?" Mandy asked.
"That's the problem; we have no idea where she is right now. After Becky did the test she called me, and I told her to come to my surgery, so she could confirm it before coming back here to break the news to Chrissy." Prue said. "The problem is, Chrissy ended up having an argument with Becky when she said she was going out. Then while Becky was with me, she found the pregnancy test and probably thought that Becky was sleeping with a man." Prue added with a tear in her eye,
"What makes you think that, if you've not spoken to her?" Mandy asked, not believing for one minute that Chrissy would think that of Becky.
"Becky found her wedding ring on her bedside table, next to the pregnancy test, and the photo of her and Becky was smashed on the bedroom floor. And when we got back here her house and shop keys had been posted through the letterbox." Prue pointed to the worktop where Becky had dropped the keys when they came in the house earlier.
Mandy put her hand over her mouth, as it finally sank in that Chrissy had ran away before finding out the truth, and the signs all said she wasn't going to be coming back.
Becky was still sobbing and talking. I'm sorry, I'm sorry… It's all my fault, I'm sorry…" Was all she kept saying over and over again.
"Don't worry; we're going to find her." Carl said, as he got his phone out and made some calls.
The other's all grabbed their mobiles and started calling around all the people Chrissy knew, in some hope that she might turn up their.
Mandy called Mable, but she'd not seen Chrissy since they all went round for dinner a couple of nights ago.
Amber called Sara to fill her in on why she'd had to leave in such a hurry, and asked Sara to call them if Chrissy turned up there.
Carl had called the hotel and spoke to Cathy, just in case Chrissy called her, and needed to talk. Carl didn't want to tell Cathy the news of Becky being pregnant, but Cathy would need to know if Chrissy did turn up, or contact her.
Everyone split up into pairs and went out driving around looking for her until nearly midnight, but there was no sign of Chrissy anywhere, and she'd not called, or contacted anyone they knew.
Brad had even picked up the remains of Chrissy's mobile and managed to remove the sim card and put it in an old phone. They were then able to call Callum and ask him to let them know if Chrissy got in touch with them. Like with Cathy, they had to tell Callum what had happened, and how very important it was that he called them if he heard from her. Callum said he would, and hoped that everything turned out okay.
Carl got Beth back to run the club for the time being, as Becky was in no fit state to do it.
Mandy tried to get Becky to go to bed just after one in the morning, but she didn't want to move away from the phone, or the front door, just in case Chrissy called, or came home.
"Becky, please come to bed." Mandy pleaded with her. "I have a phone in my room, and I don't think Chrissy would be out walking around at this time in the morning." Mandy added, as she looked at the time again.
Becky finally agreed to got up to Mandy's room with her and the others all followed behind, and gave Becky and Mandy a hug at her bedroom door, before they all walked down to their bedroom.
Mandy helped Becky get ready for bed, and then she got her in bed and cuddled up close, as Becky softly sobbed herself to sleep.
Becky woke the next morning feeling sick again, and had to run to the bathroom in Mandy's room. The way she felt made what she hoped was just a bad dream from the day before all too real.
"I'm sorry Chrissy. Please come home." Becky said, as she hung her head over the toilet. Becky looked up when she felt someone touch her shoulder. Her vision was blurry from crying, but she could see that Chrissy was home again and stood looking at her. "Chrissy! You're home!" Becky shouted.
"I'm sorry Becky, but it's only me." Mandy said, as she got a tissue and wiped Becky's eyes for her. This was one of them times that Mandy didn't want to look like Chrissy.
"No Mandy, I'm sorry for being so stupid that I've made Chrissy runaway." Becky said with a groan, as she felt sick again and hung her head over the toilet again.
"I can understand why you did what you did Becky, but I thought the trouble you had the last time you kept things from Chrissy, would have taught you a lesson." Mandy said, referring to the trouble they had when Becky planned the surprise engagement for Chrissy, and she thought Becky was having an affair with Vic.
"I just couldn't live with hurting her Mandy. I thought everything would have worked out once I told her."
"You can't always protect Chrissy from things that may hurt her Becky, and this is one of the times you should have let her be apart of it from the start." Mandy added, as she sat down on the floor next to her and pulled her close in a hug.
"All of you must hate me now for what I've done." Becky said, as she rested her head on Mandy's shoulder.
"None of us hate you Becky." Mandy hugged Becky a little tighter as she said it. "We just wish Chrissy was here to enjoy what should be a happy time for you both." Mandy added.
"No one wishes that more than me Mandy." Becky said with tears in her eyes again.
"Come on Becky, we need to get some food inside you." Mandy said, as she got to her feet and then helped Becky to stand up.
"I'm not hungry, but feel free to go and get something yourself." Becky said, as she made her way back over to the bed, and went to get back in.
Mandy stopped her. "You're not getting back in bed, and you are going to have something to eat. You're eating for two now." Mandy pattered Becky's belly as she said it.
Becky wanted to argue with Mandy, but knew only to well that she'd never win, so she just let out a sigh and then let Mandy drag her down to the kitchen. Amy, Ann, and Amber were already down there when they arrived.
"How you feeling this morning Becky?" Amy asked, looking like she'd had very little sleep, just like Becky.
"How do you think I feel Amy? My wife ran away because she thought I'd gone to bed with a man, and now I have no idea where she is." Becky sat at the table and put her head in her hands, as she started crying again.
"I'm sorry Becky; it was a stupid question to ask." Amy said, as she looked around at the others with a worried look.
"Don't worry about it Amy, she's just worried that we hate her for what she's done." Mandy said, as she took the seat next to Becky, and started rubbing her back.
"We don't hate you Becky. We just want to see Chrissy back home again." Ann said, as she sat the other side of Becky and stroked her hair.
"Come on Amy, help me do some toast for us all." Amber said, pulling Amy to her feet.
Amber and Amy soon had the first round of toast on the table, so Mandy added a little butter and then put it in front of Becky. "There you go Becky, now eat up."
Becky looked at Mandy, and was just about to speak when she saw the look Mandy had on her face. The look told her not to say a word and just eat the toast, so she did. "Thank you Mandy." Becky said, just before taking her first bite. Becky soon realised how hungry she was, and finished the first peace very quickly.
Mandy was happy to see that Becky was eating something, even though she said she wasn't hungry upstairs in the bedroom.
"Are you going into work today Mandy?" Amy asked, once they had all had some toast and a cup of tea.
"I'd like to say no, and spend the day out looking for Chrissy, but we better go in, or we'll have a lot of very unhappy customers." Mandy said, not looking like she wanted to do anything but look for Chrissy.
"Will you be okay here on your own Becky?" Mandy asked.
"I'm going to get cleaned up and go out looking for Chrissy. I've got to find her, and set things straight with her." Becky said, as she got up and made her way up to her and Chrissy's room to get dressed.
"Do you think it's wise to let Becky go out on her own in her present state of mind?" Amy asked.
"I'll call Brad and ask him to go with her." Ann said. "That way we can all get back to work, and know that Becky will be safe." Ann added as she grabbed her mobile and called Brad.
Mandy and the others were all ready for work and waiting to speak with Becky when she got back downstairs dressed and ready to go out looking for Chrissy.
"I thought you would have left by now." Becky said when she saw them sitting at the kitchen table.
"We wanted to make sure you were going to be okay before we left." Mandy said.
"I have to be Mandy. I've got to find Chrissy." Becky said in a pleading voice. She thought that Mandy was going to try and talk her out of looking for Chrissy.
"We know that you need to do something to find Chrissy, and we're not going to stop you Becky." Mandy smiled. "Ann called Brad, and he's going to come and pick you up, so he can help you look." Mandy added.
Becky wanted to be angry with them, but she was also glad that she wouldn't be alone while she looked. "Thanks, it will be better if I let Brad drive me around. My mind isn't on trying to drive, and look for Chrissy."
They all sat and kept Becky company until Brad turned up, then they all hugged Becky before leaving for work.
"Where do you want to look first boss?" Brad asked, once they were both sat in his truck.
"I've got no idea where to start looking Brad." Becky sighed. "Some wife I am… I can't even think where to start looking for her." Becky hung her head in shame.
"Hay, don't talk like that Becky." Brad said, as he took hold of her hand. "Let's head into the city, and look around the shops. Chrissy will need to buy some new clothes to keep her going, so we might get lucky and find her in one of the shops." Brad added, as he started the truck and pulled out the driveway.
"I'm glad one of use has a working brain today." Becky said with a week smile that looked empty of any emotion at all.
"Don't worry boss, I won't tell anyone about it." Brad said with a grin, as he tried to lighten the mood a little.
"Thanks Brad. Thanks for everything." Becky smiled again, but with a little more meaning behind it this time.
"No need to thank me Becky. And don't worry; we're going to find her." Brad said in a firm voice, as he looked at Becky while they were stopped at a set of traffic lights.
Becky let Brad driver around all day, as they looked in different shopping centres, but they never found Chrissy in any of them. They finally gave up just after five in the evening and headed back to Mandy's home.
"Thanks for helping me look Brad, and I'm sorry for keeping you out all day." Becky sighed.
"I'll pick you up again in the morning, and we can try again." Brad said, as he pulled into the driveway. "Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow." Brad added, as he parked the truck and got out.
"I hope so Brad. I feel lost without her, and I know she's hurting, and I did it to her." Becky was close to tears again.
Brad took Becky's front door key off her, when he saw her hand was shaking too much for her to put it in the keyhole. "I told you not to worry boss, we're going to find Chrissy and bring her back home to you." Brad smiled.
Becky never said anything as she entered the house and checked the answer machine. No one had left any messages, so she went and sat on one of the sofas and curled up into a ball. Brad sat on another sofa, and just kept her company by being there until Mandy and Amy got home a little later.
"I take it you didn't have any luck then Brad?" Mandy asked, as she saw Becky curled up asleep on the sofa.
"No, not a single sighting of her all day. I managed to force her to stop looking long enough to have a sandwich for her lunch, but she didn't eat much of it." Brad said, as he got up off the sofa he was sat on.
"Thanks for helping us do this Brad. I just didn't trust Becky out on her own." Mandy said, as she walked him to the front door, so he could go and get ready for work at the club.
"I don't think she'd have come home until she found Chrissy, judging on how I had to force her to stop looking earlier." Brad said, as he got to the front door and opened it to leave. "I'll be back in the morning, so I can help her keep looking." Brad added, as he stepped out the house.
"Thank you Brad." Mandy said, as she gave him a hug.
"I want to see Chrissy back home, just as much as the rest of you do." Brad got in his truck and waved as he drove out the driveway again.
Mandy returned to the living room where she'd left Becky sleeping on the sofa, and Amy sat on another one keeping an eye on her.
"I'll go and sort out some dinner for us Mandy, and let you keep an eye on Becky." Amy said, as she went to the kitchen.
"Okay Amy." Mandy said with a sigh. She knew that Amy was just as worried about Chrissy and where she might be, as Becky was. Amy was also upset about what she'd said to Becky that morning and how it upset Becky.
Becky opened her eyes, and had to take a couple of seconds to realise where she was. Then she saw Mandy sat on the other sofa, and remembered. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep." Becky said, as she looked around the room for Brad. "Has Brad left already?" Becky asked, as she rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up.
"Yes, he needed to go and get ready for work at the club later." Mandy said, as she moved from the sofa she was sat on, so she could sit down next too Becky.
"I better go and sort out dinner, so I can go and get ready for work as well then." Becky said, as she looked at the time.
"Amy's already working on dinner, and you're not going any place tonight Becky." Mandy said in a firm voice.
"I have to Mandy, what will Carl say?" Becky said looking worried.
"It was Carl that told me to keep you at home again tonight." Mandy smiled. "He's worried about you and Chrissy."
"I hope that Beth doesn't mind standing in for me? I'll have to give her a call tomorrow and make sure she's doing okay." Becky said. "I've not spoke with her in a couple of weeks; she was away at one of the other clubs."
"Before you go talking to Beth, do you think you could go and have a word with Amy? She's been depressed all day, because of what she asked you this morning." Mandy looked sad as she said it.
"I know she didn't mean anything by it Mandy."
"She's just as worried about Chrissy as you are, but doesn't know what to do about it." Mandy sighed.
"I'll go and talk to her then Mandy. I shouldn't have spoken to her like I did; I had no right to speak to Amy that way." Becky said, as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.
Amy was just closing the oven door when she heard someone enter the kitchen from the living room. She was surprised to see Becky walking towards her. "Hello Becky." Amy said, not knowing what else to say.
Becky could see that Amy wanted to say more than just hello, but she didn't know how to word any of it. "Hi baby sister." Becky hugged her. "I'm sorry if I upset you this morning, but I wasn't thinking straight."
"No, I'm the one that's sorry, for asking such a stupid question." Amy said, hugging Becky back, as she started crying on her shoulder. This soon set Becky off, and they hugged each other as they cried in the middle of the kitchen. "I'm sorry Becky; I should be braver, if only for you." Amy added, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Becky handed her.
"You don't have to be Amy; I know you're just as worried as I am about Chrissy." Becky said, as she led Amy over to the table, so they could sit down and talk while dinner cooked. "I feel like such a bad person for doing all this." Becky added, as she wiped her own eyes.
"You're not a bad person Becky! It was just a matter of bad timing and worry." Amy said looking shocked at Becky. "You've been carrying the burden of this secret, just because you love Chrissy so much." Amy added as she hugged Becky again.
Becky felt a little better getting a hug from Amy, and from the kind words she just told her. Amy was correct; she did love Chrissy with all her heart. That's why Becky was having so much trouble believing that she'd run off like she had.
"Thanks Amy. I'm glad I have you and the others here to help me deal with this, I just wish it had all worked out like I wanted it too." Becky said, as she hugged Amy back.
Mandy entered the kitchen, and was happy to see the two of them sat hugging at the kitchen table. She sat down next to Becky and kept Becky company while Amy went and carried on making dinner. Ann and Amber were soon home, and they all sat and ate dinner together, or more picked at it. None of them really felt like eating much. They all looked at the empty seat next to Becky and all of them missed Chrissy.
Brad turned up the next morning to go looking for Chrissy with Becky, while Mandy was going with Carl to look for Chrissy in some other places. Ann was going with Brad and Becky to look for Chrissy. Amber was going to go looking for her with Amy, but Amy had an appointment with Prue first. Amy was glad it was Wednesday, and the shop wasn't open today.
Becky spent all morning looking around shops and hotels all over London, but there was still no trace of Chrissy anywhere.
Ann got a phone call on her mobile from Mandy, so they all met up for some lunch. Carl wanted to compare notes and work out a plan for the afternoon. Amy and Amber joined them at the restaurant Carl picked for them to all meet at, and they talked over lunch.
"I'm beginning to doubt that Chrissy is even in London still." Carl said, as they sat eating.
"If you all want to give up, then be my guest!" Becky snapped at Carl. "I'm going to keep looking until I find her." She added with tears in her eyes.
"That's not what I'm saying Becky. I just think that walking all over London looking for her is a waist of time, and it's not doing you or any of us any good." Carl said.
"I'm sorry Carl." Becky said, as she finally broke down and started crying. "I've got to do something; I can't just sit around and wait for her to come back." Becky added, as Amy pulled her closer for a hug.
"Short of offering a reward for information that will lead to us finding her, I can't think of what else to do at this point." Carl said looking defeated.
"We can't do that Carl." Mandy said looking shocked that Carl would even think of such a thing. "Someone would be bound to speak up and let the press know about her past, and that she wasn't born a female. Her life would be over, and we'd never see her again." Mandy added looking worried.
"I know all that Mandy, and that's why I'd never do it. So it looks like were down to waiting for Chrissy to calm down enough to contact one of us, or her mum and dad." Carl said with a sigh.
"I've been holding off contacting Chrissy's mum and dad, just in case she turned up, but it looks like I'll have to contact them now." Mandy said. "I think it might be best if you speak to them Becky. That way you can tell them about being pregnant. I don't think its right me telling them." Mandy added, as she held Becky's hand.
"No, Chrissy should be telling them…I'll call them later when we get home again." Becky dried her eyes as she said it. "Not sure they'll ever speak to me again after I've told them what I did, but it will be better coming from me." Becky added in a flat tone.
"Mandy, I think you should call your mum and have a chat with her." Amy said with a worried look on her face. "She's not doing to good herself about all this. She looked really depressed this morning when she gave me a check up." Amy added.
"Frank was telling me last night that he's worried about her. He said she's not eating much, and doesn't look like she's been getting much sleep." Brad said.
"I'll give her a call when we get home, and invite her round for some dinner tonight. Will you be able to cook for an extra body tonight Amy, Amber?" Mandy asked, as she looked at the two of them.
"Sure, no problem Mandy." Amy said looking a little happier.
They all finished their lunch, and then they had another look around, if only to keep Becky happy or as happy as she could be at the minute. There was still no sign of Chrissy anywhere, so they called it a day and all went back to Mandy's. Becky ran in and checked the answer machine, but there were still no messages.
Becky grabbed the phone and went to the living room to call Chrissy's mum, and fill her in on what happened, and to get her to call if Chrissy showed up there.
Mandy used her mobile to call her mum and ask her to come over to the house for some dinner, and told her to stop blaming herself. Prue agreed to come over for dinner, so Mandy was feeling a little better knowing that her mum was finally going to have a proper meal, and she would also see that everyone didn't blame her for any of this. They all just wanted Chrissy back.
It was some time before Becky walked back into the kitchen, and they could all see that she'd been crying again.
"How did it go?" Mandy asked, as she pulled Becky down into the empty seat next to her. "Does Holly still want to speak to you?" Mandy asked.
"It went better than I thought it would, and yes Holly said I was being silly if I thought she'd stop talking to me now, she was going to have a grandchild to spoil." Becky said with a little giggle, but she was crying again as she said it.
"That sounds just like Holly." Mandy giggled.
"I told her everything, and she said she'd explain it to Chrissy the minute she hears from her. I just hope that's where she's going." Becky said.
"I can't think of any place else she could go." Mandy said, as she tried to think of any place they might have forgotten about, but she was drawing a blank.
Carl and Brad stopped for some dinner, and then they both get ready to leave, so they could go and get ready for work at the club. That would be really quick for Brad, but Carl had to change into Carla, and that took a lot longer to do.
"Carl, I'll be back at the club tomorrow night, but I'd like to keep Beth around until we find Chrissy. Just in case I have to leave one night, I don't want to leave the club with no one looking after it." Becky said, just as Carl was about to leave.
"Okay Becky, but are you sure this is what you want to do?" Carl asked looking worried.
"What I want is Chrissy here with me safely at home, but until that happens, I need to keep busy." Becky pleaded.
"Okay Becky, but don't feel like you have to come in." Carl said, as he pulled her into a hug. "The club is yours, even when you're too big to come in and manage it." Carl added with a grin, as he put a hand on Becky's belly.
"Thanks Carl." Becky said, as she put one of her hands on her own belly, and thought about the little life now growing inside her.
Prue had turned up and had dinner with them, but she'd gone to the living room rather than to the front door when Carl and Brad left. Becky went to the living room with Amy and Amber, so Ann and Mandy could say a proper goodbye to Carl and Brad.
Becky fell onto the sofa next to Prue, and cuddled up to her. Amy and Amber sat on one of the other sofas and cuddled up to each other. Ann and Mandy went to the living room once Carl and Brad finally left, and sat down. Ann next to Amy and Mandy next to her mum.
"How you feeling now mum?" Mandy asked, as she rested her head on her mum's shoulder and looked up at her.
"How do you think I feel Mandy? I've broken the law, and look what happened." Prue said close to tears.
"You haven't broken any laws mum; you're just being silly now." Mandy said in a dismissive way.
"Yes I have!" Prue snapped. "I never should have taken Chrissy's sperm and froze it without her knowing. And I never should have impregnated Becky without Chrissy's okay first. This never would have happened then." Prue added, as she started crying.
"Everything will be fine mum. We just need to tell Chrissy that she's the father when we find her." Mandy smiled. "I don't think you need to worry about Chrissy turning you over to the police." Mandy added with a silly look on her face.
"I wouldn't blame her if she did." Prue sighed.
Mandy and the others could see that Prue didn't want to be alone, so they all talked her into stopping the night, and she ended up spending the night sleeping between Mandy and Becky. This brought back memories of when Mandy would go and get in bed with her as a child. Prue had the best night's sleep she'd had since this whole thing went wrong the other day.
Prue started spending more and more time with Mandy and the other girls at Mandy's house, as the weeks went on, and they still hadn't heard any word from Chrissy.
Becky returned to work at the club, and it helped her to keep her mind off Chrissy to a point, but she would walk around the club looking at all the customers. Becky would wonder if Chrissy were hiding in plane sight, using a new disguise.
Carl had hired a privet detective to try and find Chrissy, but after tracing her to the train station, and then a couple of different seaside places, her trail had gone cold. The privet detective was looking at her national insurance number to see if that was being used still, but that took time to sort out.
It had been nearly seven weeks with no word from Chrissy, and the girls were all really worried about her now. They were all working, but none of it meant anything to them. It was just something they all did to get through each day, hoping that they would get some word from her.
Hope was helping Ann out at the hotel. Ann had set her to work sorting out the pay role and an account for one of Carl's other clubs. The club was called St. Trinian's, and she was checking the amount being paid to each person that worked there against their national insurance number to make sure they were being stopped the right amount of tax.
She found herself looking at a National Insurance number that looked familiar to her, so she checked it against the name to see if it was someone she knew. Hope was shocked when she saw the person's name.
Hope's mouth fell open when she saw the name. Christina Clarke. Hope grabbed her mobile and called Amy at the shop.
"Hi Hope, is everything okay?" Amy asked when she saw Hope's name come up on her mobile phone.
"Hi Amy. I think everything could be better than all right. I need you to do me a quick favour." Hope said sounding all excited.
"Sure Hope, what is it you need me to do?" Amy asked.
Hope explained to Amy how to open the accounts for the shop on the work computer, and then she told her how to get to the info she need about Chrissy and her National Insurance number. Amy was puzzled as to why Hope would need that, but she gave it to her anyway.
"What do you need that for Hope? Have you thought of a new way to try and find Chrissy?" Amy asked with hope in her voice.
"I just might have Amy, but I need to have a word with Carl first." Hope said sounding happy about it. "I'll talk to you later Amy, bye!" Hope said, just before ending the call.
Amy said bye back, but Hope had already gone, so she put her phone back in her purse and then shrugged before getting back to work. It was hard work trying to keep the shop running smoothly with just Mandy and Amy there. They both missed having Chrissy there to organise everything.
Hope grabbed the paperwork she needed and ran off to find Ann. She was in her office going through some figures on her computer when Hope burst into the room.
"Ann! Do all the clubs that Carl owns have web sites?" Hope shouted.
"Wow Hope, slow down, and take a deep breath." Ann said, as she jumped back in her seat with shock.
"Sorry for making you jump Ann, but I really need to know if Carl's clubs all have their own web site or not?" Hope asked again.
"Yes they do, why do you ask?" Ann looked puzzled as she asked it.
"Can you do me a favour and get the site up for a club called St. Trinian's for me?" Hope asked, as she walked around the desk, so she was standing beside Ann looking at the screen.
"Sure Hope, just give me a second to save off this data." Ann saved the job she was working on and then launched her browser and got the web site up for the St. Trinian's club, Hope was on about. "What are you looking for Hope?" Ann asked, as she clicked on the home page icon.
Hope looked at the list of available options on the home page and saw one the sad gallery, so she told Ann to click on that. "Click on the gallery page Ann."
"You planning a weekend away or something?" Ann asked, as she clicked on the gallery link.
"Nope, but I think you, Becky and the others might be going though." Ann said, as she looked at the small pictures on the page. "Click on that picture for me Ann." Hope said, as she pointed at one of the pictures.
Ann clicked on the picture and then looked at Ann for some sort of an answer. "What are you talking about Hope, and why would we want to go to a night club where the staff all dressed like school girls?"
"Maybe because you know one of them." Hope said with a grin, as she put her hand on Ann's head and turned it towards the screen, as she pointed at one of the girls in the picture.
Ann's mouth fell open and she sat looking at the girl standing in the middle of five other girls. All of them dressed like schoolgirls. The one Ann was looking at though was the spitting image of Chrissy.
"It can't be. What the hell is Chrissy doing working there?" Ann asked, as she zoomed in closer. "That really is Chrissy. How did you find her Hope?" Ann asked all excited, as she grabbed her mobile and made a call to Carl.
"Hi Ann, is everything okay down there?" Ann heard Carl say down the phone.
"Yep, Very. I need you to come down to my office right away. Hope just found out where Chrissy is for us." Ann said.
"I'll be right there." Carl said, just before ending the call.
"Carl's coming straight down." Ann said, putting her phone back on the desk in front of her. "So how did you find her Hope?" Ann asked, as she kept looking at the picture of Chrissy on the screen in front of her.
Hope explained how she realised that she knew the national insurance number, and then called Amy to double check it before coming to Ann with the info. Carl came running into the room with Vic close behind, both of them out of breath from running.
"Where is she Ann?" Carl asked.
"She's been working in one of your other clubs Carl all this time." Ann said, as she pointed at the screen.
Carl and Vic both walked around Ann's desk so they could see what Ann was pointing at. They did pretty much the same thing Ann did, as they looked at the screen with their mouths open.
"She's been working at St. Trinian's all this time, and we never realised it until now?" Carl asked, sounding a little shocked about it.
"Hope found her for us. She's been filling in for another girl that's on holiday, and she new Chrissy's National Insurance number." Ann said, as she smiled at Hope.
Carl grabbed Hope and kissed her on the cheek as he hugged her. "Hope you just earned yourself a large bonus for this." Carl said, as she put her back on the floor again.
"I don't expect anything for this Carl. You've already done so much for me." Hope said, as she tried to straighten herself up again. "Just bring Chrissy back home to Becky, and I'll be happy with that." Hope added with a smile.
"You can count on that Hope. We just need to do this right, or we could risk Chrissy running again before we have time to explain everything to her." Carl said, looking to be deep in thought.
"I better give Becky a call and let her know we found Chrissy." Ann said, as she grabbed her mobile again.
"No, don't call Becky. We'll go and tell her in person Ann." Carl said, as he stopped her making the call. "Vic, will you drive us there? I need to make a couple of calls on the way."
Vic agreed to drive them to Mandy's house, and they were soon on their way. Ann had a good team working under her, so she knew they would be fine. They wanted Hope to go with them, so Becky could thank her, but she had to finish off the accounts and then go and pick Kat up from the day nursery.
Carl's first call was to Dean at St. Trinian's, he wanted to make sure that Chrissy was still there before he did anything else. Carl scrolled down the numbers in his mobile until he found Dean's mobile number, then he called it.
"Hello Carl, is everything okay?" Carl heard Dean say on the other end of the phone.
"Hi Dean. Everything is fine, but I may have a problem with a member of staff at your club." Carl said sounding very serious.
"A problem, in what way Carl, and with which one?" Dean asked sounding a little shocked.
"One of the girls. A Christina Clarke."
"Christina? You've got to be mistaken there Carl. She's one of the best waitress's I have working here. All the other staff love her to bits." Dean said, sounding even more shocked now he knew the person Carl was talking about. "What's the problem with her anyway?" Dean asked.
"Look Dean, what I'm about to tell you has to stay between you and me for the time being. Under no circumstances are you to tell anyone about this at your end. Do you understand?" Carl asked.
"You know you can trust me Carl." Dean said.
"Christina is a close friend on mine, almost like a little sister really. There was some trouble, and she ran away before anyone could get it sorted out." Carl said.
"Do you want me to have a word with her for you Carl?" Dean asked.
"No! Just act like everything is okay for the time being. I'm going to get some people together and come down to your club, so I can sort it out in person." Carl said, with worry in his voice over Dean wanting to have a word with Chrissy for him.
"Okay Carl, I can do that. When are you planning to be down here, and will you want to use the back room for the meeting?" Dean asked.
"That would be great Dean. You could have Chrissy serve us, that way she won't feel like anything is wrong until it's too late." Carl said, liking the plan. "I'm going to get everyone together and head down in the next couple of hours." Carl added looking at his watch.
"No problem Carl. I'll have one of the guy's standing by the back entrance for you later, so you won't risk bumping into Chrissy in the club." Dean said. "Just give me a call when you're getting close." Dean added.
"Okay Dean, will do. Look forward to seeing you again, it's been to long." Carl said with a chuckle.
"I just take the not seeing much of you as a sign I'm doing a good job for you down here." Dean chuckled back.
"You do an amazing job down there Dean. I'm just sorry I don't take the time to call you and let you know about it."
"Don't worry about it Carl. I hear the club in London takes up most your time these days, or should I say the young woman that lives in the area of the club." Dean said it in such a way, that he was fishing for truth in the gossip he'd been hearing lately.
"Yes there is a woman in my life, and has been for some time now." Carl said looking a little red faced. "Chrissy is her sister, so as you can guess, we're all eager to get her back home again." Carl added.
"Oh I see why you're so worried about Chrissy then now. I'll keep her safe for you then, until later."
"Thanks Dean. I'll talk to you later in person. Bye Dean."
"Okay, talk later. Bye, and drive safe." Dean said before ending the call.
"Right, now I need to call Mandy and get her home." Carl said, as he found Mandy's mobile number on his phone and called her.
"Hi baby, is everything okay?" Mandy asked Carl when she answered her phone.
"Better than okay princess, we've found Chrissy." Carl said grinning at the phone, even though she couldn't see it. He had to move the phone away from his ear when Mandy started shouting and screaming on phone at him in celebration.
"You found her! Where is she? Is she okay?" Mandy asked when she finally calmed down a little bit.
"I'll explain it all to you when you get home; I'm on my way to your house with Vic and Ann right now. I need you to get home right away, so we can pack some bits and then go and get her." Carl said.
"Where is she at the minute then Carl?" Mandy asked.
"I'll tell you just as soon as you get home Mandy, so hurry up." Carl said in a calm but firm voice.
"Okay, okay. Amy and I will be home as son as we can get there." Mandy said with a sigh, when she realised Carl wasn't going to say anymore about it over the phone. "See you soon. Bye." Mandy added, just before ending the call.
Amy had run through to the front of the shop when she heard Mandy start shouting. Amy was worried until she saw the grin on Mandy's face, and then she just stood there waiting for Mandy to finish the phone conversation.
"Carl's found Chrissy?" Amy asked looking hopeful.
"Yes he has. We have to close up the shop and get home right away, so we can pack some bits up, so we can go and fetch her back." Mandy said, as she started running around closing the shop.
Amy and Mandy soon had the shop closed and were heading home, so they could find out where Chrissy was.
Vic pulled on to the driveway at Mandy's house, and then Ann let them in the house. They could hear the telly on in the living room, so they went to see if Becky was in there. They could see Becky asleep on one of the sofa's, she had her head resting on a photo album, which was open to a close up picture of Chrissy smiling on their wedding day. They also saw a pile of tissues on the floor just in front of the sofa.
None of them had realised just how much Becky was missing Chrissy until now. She'd been putting a brave face on it all for the others, but when she was alone; Becky would sit and cry as she looked at pictures of Chrissy.
Ann tried to take the photo album from under Becky's head, but she woke up as Ann was moving it. Becky looked confused to see Carl standing behind Ann, with Vic standing just to the side of him. Suddenly all the colour drained from Becky's face, as she thought she realised what they were there for.
"Oh god no! Please no, don't tell me…" Becky said, as she started to shake and feel sick. Becky thought that they were there to tell her bad news about Chrissy.
"Becky calm down, it's good news we've got to tell you." Ann said, as she sat down next to Becky and pulled her into a hug. "We've found Chrissy, and she's safe and sound." Ann added, as she slowly rocked back and forth with Becky wrapped in her arms.
Becky suddenly pulled away from Ann, as she realised what Ann had just said to her. "You've found Chrissy?" Becky looked around the room at Carl and Vic as she asked it. "Is she with you now?" Becky asked, looking hopeful.
"No, but we're all going to pack some bits and go fetch her." Ann smiled.
Becky was just about to ask where from, but she was stopped by Mandy and Amy bursting into the living room.
"Okay, I'm here now, so spill it! Where's my baby sister?" Mandy asked.
"I'll be glad to, but first I need to ask Amy for a favour." Carl said, as he looked at Amy. "Could you fetch your laptop for me, so I can show you all something?" Carl asked.
"Sure Carl. Just give me a second to fetch it from my room." Amy said, as she ran off to fetch it. She was soon back with her laptop.
Carl let Ann sort out going to the St. Trinian's club web site, and then finding the picture of Chrissy and the other girl's all dressed in the school uniforms. Ann let Becky pull the laptop onto her knee so she could take a closer look at Chrissy standing there in her school uniform. Mandy and Amy had run behind the sofa, so they could look over Becky's shoulder.
"That's my Chrissy!" Becky said, as she ran her fingers down the screen, she was lost in her own little world again, as she took in every little detail.
Becky thought Chrissy looked like a right little troublemaker how she was dressed in the picture. With her hair in pigtails on both side of her head, and the fake freckles on her nose. Becky thought Chrissy looked really cute and sexy as well, but most of that could just be down to the fact she'd not seen Chrissy in so long.
Carl explained what was going to happen, and then he let Mandy call Prue, so she could get ready and come along. Ann got hold of Brad, while Carl called Frank to se if he wanted to come and keep Prue company on the trip down there, and then after the meeting with Chrissy.
Once everyone was packed and ready to leave, they set off to go and get things straightened out with Chrissy.
The drive down seemed to take forever; they all wanted to see Chrissy again so badly it hurt. Becky would keep looking at her watch, and then looking out the window of the minibus at the road signs to see how many miles it was now.
Brad was finally driving along the sea front, and then he was pulling down a side road and parking up behind the club that Chrissy was working at. Carl made a quick call and then they all got out and waited for someone to let them in the back entrance, so they could go straight to a privet function room that the club used for privet parties at the club.
The man that opened the door must have been a bouncer, as he was really big and well built, but he still looked small next to Brad and Frank. The guy looked quite worried when he looked at Brad and Frank the girls thought. He showed them all to the room and then said that Dean would be along shortly.
Everyone turned to look at the door when they heard it open. Becky was hoping to see Chrissy enter the room, but it was a well-dressed man that walked in.
"Hello Dean. I'm sorry for all this trouble." Carl said, as he shuck the man's hand.
"Don't worry about it Carl, you are the boss after all." Dean chuckled.
"You know I don't run things like that Dean." Carl said with a frown.
"I know you don't Carl, but it's still fun to tease you though." Dean said with a grin. "I'm sorry, but Chrissy is running a little late tonight. A couple of girls were late getting here, and Chrissy has been helping with the girls' makeup before we open." Dean added with a smile.
"That sounds like Chrissy." Carl smiled.
"I'll send her back here, just as soon as she's finished. I hope none of you plan to hurt her?" Dean asked, as he looked around the room at them all.
"No, not unless you class being hugged to death as hurting someone." Carl asked with a grin.
"Okay then. I'll talk some more later then, when you've got everything taken care of." Dean said, just before he left the room again.
Becky and the girls walked around the room for a bit, but soon got board and then sat down at the large table in the middle of the room. Becky was just about ready to go and find Chrissy when the door opened, and they all saw Chrissy enter the room looking down at the tray and notepad.
"Welcome to St. Trinian's, may I take yo…" Was all Chrissy got out as she found herself standing at the end of a large table, where she saw Becky, Mandy, Amy, Amber, Ann, Carl, Brad, Frank, and Prue all sat looking at her.
Chapter 18: You had it all wrong
Becky and the others all sat looking at Chrissy, as she stood just inside the room dressed in her white blouse tied just under her chest to reveal her bare belly, and the little tie around her neck. The little navy blue tennis skirt that didn't quite cover the tops of the fishnet stockings she was wearing, and the black high-heeled shoes she had on her feet that gave a very sexy look.
Chrissy just looked on in shock, that they could all be here. She slowly looked at them all, but she seemed to be looking for another person, as well that wasn't in the room with them. Chrissy's eyes locked on Becky, and the anger was plain to see in Chrissy's face. Part of her wanted to run from the room, but another part just wanted to find out why Becky cheated on her, then the rest of her was just frozen to the spot. The longer Chrissy stood there looking at Becky, the more the hole in her chest started to open until the pain was too much for Chrissy to take. She put her free hand to her chest, hoping it would stop it hurting, but it didn't. Remembering she was at work and had a job to do, Chrissy took a deep breath, even with the pain in her chest, and she tried to wipe all emotion from her face as she spoke again.
"Welcome to St. Trinian's, what would you all like to drink?" Chrissy asked with a shaky voice, and a week smile that didn't look real at all.
They all looked at Chrissy in shock when she said that, but Carl was the one that answered the question, due to Becky being too choked up at being face to face with Chrissy again. "We'd all like you to come and sit down, so we can talk to you about what happened."
"I know what happened Carl; I saw the pregnancy test remember. And I do know how babies are made." Chrissy said with a sarcastic smile. "Now I'm working, so do you want any drinks or not?" Chrissy added with anger in her voice.
Chrissy was using the pain she was feeling in her chest as a weapon, to stop them seeing how much this was really hurting her being there in front of them all.
"You're not working anymore, so come and sit down." Carl said in a much firmer voice this time.
"Oh great, and how much did it cost you to make Dean give me the night off then?" Chrissy asked with a snarl.
"He's not giving you the night off, because you're not working here anymore." Carl said trying to keep his cool. He'd never seen this side of Chrissy before, and he didn't like it very much. None of the others had ever seen this side of Chrissy either, but they all thought the same thing as Carl, they didn't like it either.
"Great! So you've paid him to give me the sack. Well in that case then, I'll be leaving now." Chrissy said, as she slammed the tray with the notepad on it down on the table, and turned to walk away.
While Chrissy had been talking to Carl, Brad had got up and moved behind Chrissy to block the door, so when Chrissy turned to leave, it was blocked.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, but you really need to sit and talk with Becky." Brad said, as he looked down at her.
"Will you please get out of my way Brad." Chrissy said, as she tried to push him out the way of the door. Chrissy soon stopped though, when she heard Becky speak for the first time since she'd entered the room.
"Chrissy, please let me explain everything to you before you leave." Becky said in a pleading voice on the edge of tears. "If you still want to leave after that, then I won't let anyone stop you." Becky added, as she waved her hand towards the table, for Chrissy to come and sit down.
Becky was standing up when Chrissy turned to look at her as she spoke. Chrissy was expecting to see her with a large belly, but when she thought about it, Becky was only a couple of months into her pregnancy. Every time Chrissy looked at Becky, all she saw was some faceless man making love to her. This made the hole in her chest hurt even more.
"I can't talk to you Becky; I can't even look at you anymore." Chrissy said, as she started to cry. "I just want to stop hurting. I want to run away from all the pain I feel." Chrissy sobbed as she gripped both hands to her aching chest.
Chrissy was suddenly finding it hard to breathe, and the room was starting to spin, as she couldn't get enough air into her lungs. Then everything went black.
Becky and the others all saw Chrissy having trouble breathing, and then she started to stager from side to side, just before she started to fall to the ground. Brad grabbed her before she fell and then carried her over to the table where the others were all standing now, looking worried for Chrissy.
Brad lay her down on the table, and Prue was soon by her side looking her over. Mandy balled up her coat and used it as a pillow under Chrissy's head.
"What's wrong with her mum?" Becky asked, as she looked down at Chrissy passed out on the table.
"I think she had a panic attack, but she's breathing okay again now." Prue said with a sigh of relief. "If you go in my bag, you will find some smelling salts." Prue asked Mandy.
Mandy grabbed her mum's bag, and was quickly passing a small bottle to her. "Will she be okay mum? The last time she had one of these, we had to get an Ambulance." Mandy said looking worried.
"She should be fine, just as long as we can keep her calm enough until Becky has a chance to explain everything to her." Prue said looking a little worried. "I think we better sit her down on a chair, and let Becky hold her before I try and wake her up." Prue added, as she looked at Brad.
"I think Amy, or Mandy would be a better choice. I'm not at the top of her most loved person list right now." Becky sighed.
Mandy could see that Amy was dying to hug Chrissy, so she smiled at Amy and let her have the honour of being the one to hold Chrissy while they tried to wake her up.
Amy was soon sitting on one chair while Chrissy was placed on the one next to her. Amy then wrapped her arms around Chrissy and let Prue rest Chrissy's head on Amy's shoulder. Prue then opened the smelling salts and placed it just under Chrissy's nose. It didn't take long for them all to see Chrissy's nose twitch, and then her eyes and forehead screw up tightly at the smell.
Chrissy was floating in a black abyss, as she tired to work out what just happened to her. "Was I dreaming that I'd been talking to Becky and the others?" Chrissy asked herself. "Am I dreaming now?" She asked herself again. Chrissy could suddenly smell something attacking her nose, and the Abyss started to vanish, as she started to feel everything around her again. Chrissy opened her eyes and saw everyone looking at her with worry on their faces, but someone was holding her. Chrissy turned her head, and saw Amy's face just a couple of inches away from hers.
"Hello big sister Chrissy." Amy said with a smile, as she hugged her a little tighter. "Please stay calm and let Becky speak to you sis, you have to trust me when I say that everything going to be okay." Amy added with some pleading in her voice.
Chrissy was happy to sit and let Amy hug her for the time being, so she looked at Becky. "I don't feel like trying to move right now, so you may as well say what you've got to say."
Becky took a deep breath and then sat down on the other side of the table facing Chrissy. Becky wanted some room between them both, so Chrissy wouldn't panic, or get upset anymore than she already was. She could see that Chrissy was still looking around the room, like she was looking for someone, but didn't know who it was she was looking for.
"Who are you looking for Chrissy?" Becky finally asked.
"I was just wondering if the baby's father was here or not. I'd like to see whom…" Chrissy couldn't finish saying it.
"He's not in my life anymore Chrissy, but you are." Becky said in a calm voice.
"You expect me to come back to you after you went to bed with some man." Chrissy said looking bitter.
"I've never been to bed with any man Chrissy!" Becky snapped at her. "You're the only person I've ever loved, and the closest I ever came to being with a man of any sort." Becky added with tears in her eyes.
"Then how did you get pregnant?" Chrissy asked looking confused.
"That would be my fault. If you can really call it a fault." Prue said, as she sat next to Becky.
"I don't understand." Chrissy said, as she looked at Prue.
"Remember all them tests I did with you before you had the surgery to change your sex?" Prue asked.
"Yes, pretty hard to forget things like that." Chrissy said.
"Well I decided to take a gamble and freeze some of your sperm samples, and see if we could use them later, if you and Becky ever decided you wanted children." Prue said looking nervous.
"Prue wanted to tell you everything from the start Chrissy, but I asked her not to." Becky suddenly said. "I didn't want to see you suffer the pain if it didn't work. Mum said it was a long shot in the first place, as you always had such a low sperm count." Becky added with tears running down her cheeks.
"I spoke with some people and they all told me the best way to boost Becky's chances of getting pregnant, so Becky and I set to work trying to get her pregnant." Prue said with a sigh. "Becky and I were the only two to know about any of it out of the whole family." Prue added, as she looked around the room ashamed.
Chrissy looked around the room and then back at Becky and Prue with a confused look on her face still.
"I still don't think she understands what we're trying to say to her." Prue said, as she looked at Chrissy and then Becky again.
"Chrissy?" Becky said, to get her attention. When Chrissy was looking right at her, Becky spoke again. "I'm pregnant with your child."
Chrissy felt the hole in her chest close, and she felt her heart beating in her chest for the first time in what felt like forever. All the pain had gone as well, now all she felt was foolish for all the pain she'd put Becky through again.
"I'm sorry Becky." Chrissy said, as she looked down at the table. "I just saw that test and thought you'd been sleeping with a man so you could have a child." Chrissy said, as she started sobbing again.
"I don't care about any of that stuff Chrissy. I just want you to come home with me; I've missed you so much." Becky said, as she got up and ran around the table. Amy happily let Becky take over hugging Chrissy.
Chrissy looked up when she felt someone else start hugging her. She started sobbing even more, as she threw her arms around Becky and hugged her like she'd never want to stop. They both looked in each other's eyes and then they started kissing.
The others all started looking at each other and smiling, as they sat down at the table to wait for them both to stop kissing long enough, so Chrissy could explain how she ended up working her at this club.
Chrissy and Becky finally stopped kissing, when they were both running short of air, then they just looked at each other for a long time. They both had to look at Mandy though, when they heard her doing a fake cough.
"Hi sis." Chrissy said with a weak smile.
"Don't hi sis me young lady." Mandy said looking a little angry with her. "Why the hell did you run away from all of us?" Mandy asked.
"I don't really know anymore Mandy." Chrissy said, as she couldn't think of a good reason for why she'd run away from everyone and everything. "I think I just thought you would all be happy that Becky was having a baby, that my feelings wouldn't be an issue." Chrissy added, as some form of an answer. "I was also trying to run from the pain in my chest. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out when I saw the pregnancy test in the bathroom that day."
"Speaking of that day, I have something to give you." Becky said, as she grabbed her bag and poached around inside until she found what she was looking for. "Will you let me put these back on you now?" Becky asked, as she held up the two rings Chrissy had removed and left next to the test on the bedside table.
"Yes, if you still want me… I did run of and leave you holding the baby, so to speak." Chrissy smiled, as she put one of her hands on Becky's belly, and handed the other one to Becky so she could put the rings back on. "I'm sorry for not trusting you Becky. And for wanting to protect me from getting hurt if it hadn't worked… You should have told me though, I could have helped you get though it." Chrissy added, just before pulling Becky closer for another round of kissers.
"How did you end up working here Chrissy?" Mandy asked when they finally stopped kissing again.
Chrissy spent some time telling them all about how she'd booked into a hotel when she first got here, and then she just cried in her room for three days straight. Then how a woman called Jayden, that worked at the hotel had come to check on her, and forced her to have something to eat.
"That still doesn't explain you working as a waitress here at the club though Chrissy." Mandy said.
"Jayden started keeping an eye on me after that day, and I was just getting back from another failed day of job hunting, when she asked how I was doing. I told her about the trouble I was having finding a job, so she told me about this place." Chrissy said, as she pointed around the room, to indicate the club.
"Are you still staying at the hotel then Chrissy?" Carl asked.
"No, I've been staying with Jayden for the past six weeks." Chrissy said. "But only as room mates." Chrissy quickly added when she saw the worried look on Becky's face. "I have my own room and everything."
Becky's face relaxed again knowing that Chrissy hadn't found anyone else. "I'm glad to hear that baby." Becky smiled as she stroked the side of Chrissy's face.
"I'd like to meet this Jayden, so I can thank her for looking after you for us." Carl smiled.
"You can meet her now if Dean will let her take a couple of minutes off work. She also works here at the club." Chrissy said.
"She works here, and at a hotel?" Carl asked looking a little shocked. "She sounds like one busy woman." Carl added.
"I'll go and ask dean if she can have some time to come back and meet you all. I just hope he'll let her." Chrissy said looking a little worried.
"You stay and spend some time with Becky and the other's, I'll go and bring this Jayden back to meet us all." Carl smiled, as he got up and walked towards the door that led out into the club.
"Please don't get her in trouble with the boss Carl." Chrissy pleaded with him.
"That would be hard to do Chrissy. I am the boss." Carl chuckled, as he left the room.
Chrissy was left with a puzzled look on her face, as she looked at Becky and then the others sat around the table. They were all grinning and giggling at her now.
"You never knew did you baby?" Becky asked.
"Knew what Becky?" Chrissy asked even more puzzled now.
"This is one of Carl's club's, and that hotel you said you were staying in is also one of Carl's hotel's." Becky said with a smile. "You've been working for one of the people you were trying to get away from all this time." Becky giggled, just before kissing Chrissy again.
"Is that how you found me then?" Chrissy asked when they stopped kissing.
"Sort of. It was Hope that saw your National Insurance number, and then your name and put two and two together. She went to see Ann, and they both found a picture of you on the web site for the club. And well, here we are to take you home again." Becky smiled, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
Carl had gone out into the main part of the club with Brad walking close behind him. Brad wanted to make sure Carl didn't have any trouble while he tracked down Dean. Carl saw Dean talking to one of the other girls that worked here at the club, so he walked over to find out which one was Jayden.
"Hi Dean, the club looks pretty busy for a week night." Carl said, as he stood next to him looking around.
"I better go and get on with my job Dean. I'll speak more about this later with you." The woman said to dean before walking away again.
"Hi Carl, sorry about that. She's a little worried about Chrissy. Jayden was the one that brought her here for the job; they've become good friends I think." Dean said, as he watched Jayden walking away.
"That's Jayden? She's the reason I've come out here to have a word with you. Can I borrow her for half an hour?" Carl asked.
"Sure, I think I can spare her. She does seem more worried about Chrissy, than doing her job anyway." Dean chuckled, as he waved Jayden back over to them.
Jayden saw Dean wave her back over and she looked a little worried when she saw the tall well-built man standing just behind the one talking to Dean. "What can I help you with Dean?" Jayden asked.
"I need you to go with Carl here; he wants to have a word with you about something to do with Chrissy." Dean said.
"What about Chrissy, Is she okay?" Jayden asked sounding worried.
"Chrissy is fine Jayden, and we all want to thank you for all that you've done to help her these last eight weeks." Carl said in a calming voice. "I've okayed it with Dean for you to come back and have a talk with Becky and the other girls, so you can see just how fine Chrissy really is." Carl added, as he waved for her to follow Brad back to the function room where Chrissy and the others were sat talking.
Jayden followed the large man, watching as the crowd of people parted as her walked towards them. Jayden thought they had some big guys here at the club, but none of them came close to being this big. She got an even bigger shock when she got in the back room and saw Frank standing just behind a woman sitting at the large table in the middle of the room. Jayden had to smile when she saw Chrissy sat cuddling with another woman. She'd never seen Chrissy look so happy in all of the last eight weeks that she's none her.
"Hi Jayden, I'd like you to meet the family." Chrissy said, as she jumped up, pulling Becky to her feet as she did. "This is my wife Becky. Becky, I'd like you to meet Jayden." Chrissy pulled Becky over so she could see Jayden properly.
"It's nice to meet you Becky. I'd like to say Chrissy had told me all about you, but she never spoke about what happened to her back home at all, well not much anyway." Jayden said, as she looked at just how beautiful Becky really was.
"Chrissy had it all wrong, and ran away before I could tell her." Becky said with a sigh.
"You had it all wrong." Jayden asked, as she looked at Chrissy with a puzzled look on her face. "So you're not pregnant then Becky?" Jayden asked.
"Yes I'm pregnant, but Chrissy is the father, sort of anyway." Becky said, as she tried to work out just what to call Chrissy.
"But I thought you said that you didn't have them anymore?" Jayden asked, as she pointed towards Chrissy's groin.
"I don't and it's a long story, and pretty pointless now. All that matters is I'm going to be having a baby with my beautiful wife here." Chrissy said, as she turned Becky so they could kiss again.
Jayden watched as the two of them kissed like she'd never seen two people kiss before, never mind it being two girls doing it. Jayden was snapped out of her staring when she heard a woman speaking to her.
"Sorry about the floor show, but they have a lot of time to make up for." Mandy giggled from the side of her. "Hi, I'm Mandy, Chrissy's sister, and this is Ann, Amy, and Amber. We're all sort of Sister now days." Mandy smiled, as she pointed at each girl in turn. "And this is Brad, Frank Carl, and our mum Prue." Mandy pointed at them all in turn as well.
"It's really nice to meet you all." Jayden said looking a little overwhelmed by it all.
"We all want to thank you for taking such good care of Chrissy for us while she was down here hiding out." Mandy said, as she pulled Jayden into a hug.
Jayden took the hug, and then she got hugs from the other girls as well, as they all thanked her for looking after Chrissy for them.
"I feel like it was Chrissy taking care of me most the time." Jayden giggled, as she looked at Chrissy sat cuddled up to Becky again on one of the seats in the room. "She was always cleaning and cooking, I'll be sad to see her go, but she does look a lot happier now." Jayden smiled.
"That sound's like our Chrissy." Amy smiled, as she looked at Becky and Chrissy cuddling as well. This is the Chrissy and Becky they all loved to see.
Frank and Brad went with Carl, so they could sort out some drinks for the girls and themselves. This also gave the girls some time to chat without any men being around.
"I'm glad it was all a misunderstanding Chrissy, and I'm glad that you're back with your wife again." Jayden smiled.
"Will you be okay once I've returned home again Jayden?" Chrissy asked looking worried for her new friend.
"Hey! Don't go worrying about me Chrissy, I coped before you got here, and I'm sure I'll get use to cooking for myself again soon enough." Jayden smiled. "It's all worth it, seeing you like this." Jayden added.
"I hope you'll keep in touch and with me once I've returned home Jayden." Chrissy asked with some pleading in her voice. "You're welcome to come and visit, I know the others would love for you to come and see the club Becky runs for Carl." Chrissy added.
"Of course I'll keep in touch with you Chrissy. And I'd love to come and visit with you." Jayden smiled. "What's the name of the club you run for Carl then Becky?" Jayden asked.
"It's called, The Closet." Becky smiled.
"Carl owns The Closet? Then he owns this club as well, and the hotel I work at!" Jayden said looking a little shocked. "I better see about getting back to work then, or I'll be looking for a new job." Jayden said, as she got up to return to work before Carl came back.
"Don't worry about that Jayden. Carl wouldn't do anything to upset Chrissy." Becky said, as she stopped Jayden leaving the table.
Carl, Frank, and Brad were soon walking back into the room with a couple of trays full of drinks. Carl could see the worried look on Jayden's face.
"I see someone told Jayden who I am then." Carl said with a smile.
"I'm sorry sir; I'll get back to work right away." Jayden said, standing up to leave again.
"I've spoke with Dean, and he's giving you the rest of the night off, so please sit down and enjoy the drink I just brought you." Carl said, as he handed her a glass of cola.
"Thank you sir." Jayden said still looking worried, as she took the glass off him with a shaky hand.
"Please call me Carl, and it's the least we can do for the girl that kept our Chrissy safe." Carl smiled, as he saw how happy Becky was again.
"Okay Carl. Thank you for the drink, and it was a pleasure helping Chrissy out. I just felt it was the right thing to do at the time." Jayden smiled.
"Yes, Chrissy has a way of making people go above and beyond what they would normally do for someone." Carl smiled.
Jayden sat for the next couple of hours learning more about Chrissy and her family, and they all found out some of the things Chrissy had been doing since she went missing. Which turned out to be nothing much at all, apart from working at the club, and taking care of Jayden and the flat they were sharing.
"I'm looking forward to seeing Chrissy let her hair down, and have some fun." Jayden said at the end of the night, as Brad drove them all to the hotel, and he dropped Jayden off at the flat. Chrissy went in with her, so she could grab some things to change into the next day, and something to sleep in that night back at the hotel with Becky.
"I'm sorry that I'll be leaving again soon Jayden, but I'm grateful for the time we spent together." Chrissy said, as she hugged Jayden.
"Don't be sorry Chrissy. I can see how you and Becky were meant to be together, and I would never stand between that." Jayden said, as she hugged her back. "Now go and spend some time with your wife, and I'll see you tomorrow at the hotel. I'm working there tomorrow." Jayden added with a sigh.
"I'll have a word with Carl and see if we can sort out some lunch or dinner before we leave for home again." Chrissy said.
"I'd really like to do that before you leave Chrissy, but don't worry if you can't do it." Jayden smiled, as she helped Chrissy with her bag.
Chrissy took the bag off Jayden at the front door to the flat. "We'll have that meal before I leave Jayden, even if I have to fake a tantrum to do it." Chrissy giggled, as she walked down the hallway.
Jayden just smiled, and she finally got to see the real Chrissy. She found herself liking Chrissy even more now she'd seen her in the company of Becky and the others. Jayden closed the door to her flat, and went to bed.
Brad was waiting at the front door to the house that Jayden's flat was in. He took the bag off Chrissy and then walked her to the minibus. Chrissy got in and cuddled up to Becky on one of the seats. Brad got in and sat next to Ann, as Frank was driving at the minute.
Once at the hotel, Carl got the keys for everyone's rooms, and then had the bellboy help take the bags up to the rooms.
Becky dropped her bag on the floor in their room, and she turned to face Chrissy and took her bag of her and threw it in the same spot. "I think you've been a naught little school girl." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy over to the bed.
"Please miss, I didn't mean it." Chrissy said with a grin, as she played along.
"That may be so young lady, but I still need to punish you." Becky said, as she sat on the bed and then pulled Chrissy down across her lap. Becky felt Chrissy stiffen up, but she carried on playing her little game anyway.
Becky pulled up Chrissy skirt, and then pulled down her panties and started to rub her hand across Chrissy's smooth bottom, but instead of spanking her, Becky ran her fingers between Chrissy's legs and started playing with her. Chrissy let out a little moan, as she let Becky bring her to an earth shattering orgasm.
"Thank you Becky." Chrissy said, as Becky pulled her up off her knee and then helped her lay on the bed next to her. "Is it safe for me to return the favour?" Chrissy asked, as she rubbed Becky's belly.
"I hope so Chrissy. I'd hate to think that you're the only one that's going to have any fun tonight." Becky said with a pout.
Chrissy was soon returning the favour and Becky was moaning just like Chrissy did, if not a little louder.
"God I've missed you so much baby." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy back up off the bed so they could hug and kiss each other.
They both finally got off the bed and went to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Chrissy was soon cuddled up to Becky in bed, it felt strange to be in bed with someone again, but at the same time, it felt right as well.
To Be Continued Next week
Edited by ChrisW
Becky woke the next morning before Chrissy did, and she lay there watching her sleep. It wasn't long before Becky felt the need to feel Chrissy's warm lips against her own, so she leaned in and started kissing her.
Chrissy woke to find Becky kissing her, and she smiled as she realised that it wasn't a dream. "You're really here with me again." Chrissy said, as she wrapped her arms around Becky and pulled her closer.
"Yes I'm really here with you baby. Please don't ever run away again." Becky pleaded with Chrissy. "I want you to promise you'll never leave me again." Becky said with a pout.
"I promise to never run away again Becky." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky again.
"Good, I know how much your word means to you baby, so I know you won't break it." Becky said with a smile.
"I hope you're not planning anything else behind my back Becky." Chrissy said looking worried.
"Nope, I don't have anything else planned. If I did, I would tell you Chrissy." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy even tighter. "I should have listened to mum, and never brought that stupid pregnancy test." Becky added.
"What do you mean by that Becky?" Chrissy asked.
"Mum told me not to do anything that could give you any idea of what we were planning, but I didn't listen and I brought one anyway." Becky said looking sad. "All this could have been avoided if I'd listened to mum." Becky added.
"Please don't keep worrying about it babe. We're back together, and I made a knew friend out of it." Chrissy smiled, as she looked on the up side to all the trouble.
"Trust you to only look at the bright side of all this." Becky giggled.
"Do you feel like taking a shower with me?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Now that sounds like a good idea." Becky said, as she got out of bed and pulled Chrissy along with her.
Chrissy and Becky were soon washing each other in the shower, but things soon got a little heavier and they were both soon relaxed and happy kissing each other.
"Now I know that I have my Chrissy back." Becky said with a sigh, as she helped Her out the shower, and started drying her off. Chrissy did the same for Becky, and they set about getting dressed, so they could go down and get some breakfast in the hotel restaurant.
Chrissy and Becky got down to the restaurant and found most the others already down there waiting for them. Only Amy and Amber were still missing, but they arrived just as Chrissy and Becky were sitting down.
"Morning big sister Chrissy!" Amy shouted, as she ran over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy in a tight hug. "I've really missed being able to say that to you." Amy added with a pout.
"Morning Amy. I think you should save that sort of greeting until we get home." Chrissy said, as she looked around the restaurant at all the other guest's looking at them.
"I don't care Chrissy. I missed you to much to worry about what other people think." Amy said with a grin, as she hugged Chrissy again.
"I missed all of you too." Chrissy said with a grin, as she hugged Amy back.
"Hay! Save some for me." Amber said with a pout.
Chrissy giggled, as she broke the hug with Amy and then pulled Amber into one with her instead. "Good morning Amber. I hope Amy hasn't been to much trouble for you all these weeks?" Chrissy asked.
"Amy was worried like the rest of us Chrissy, but we're all glad to have you back with us again." Amber said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
The moment was broken when Chrissy's belly let everyone know just how hungry she was. This made everyone giggle, so Becky led her over to the table and helped her to sit down. Amber helped Amy take a seat at the table. Carl had already ordered a couple of pots of tea, so they all had a cup before they went to the self-service buffet, and got some breakfast.
Once breakfast was out the way, Chrissy pulled Carl away from the others, so she could have a chat with him about Jayden and them all having lunch or an early dinner before heading back home again later in the day.
"What can I do for you Chrissy?" Carl asked, when they were sat away from the other's.
"I was wondering if we could have some lunch, or an early dinner before we leave, so I can say a proper goodbye to Jayden." Chrissy asked.
"I'm sure we can sort that out Chrissy." Carl smiled. "What do you know about Jayden?" Carl asked.
"She was doing a college course on hotel management, but after she started working at the club, she dropped out, and now splits her time between the hotel and the club." Chrissy said.
"She's definitely a busy girl." Carl sighed.
"Jayden has to work the two jobs, or she'll lose the flat she lives in. I'm worried that she'll not be able to keep the place now I'm going home." Chrissy said looking gloomy.
"Don't worry Chrissy, I'll make sure she's well looked after. Can't have you worrying about stuff like that, can we?" Carl chuckled.
"Thanks Carl. I'm sorry for all the trouble I must have caused you." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"Don't be sorry for anything Chrissy. I can understand how you must have felt when you saw that Becky was pregnant." Carl put his arm around Chrissy, as he said it. "We were beginning to think we'd never see you again, and Becky was beginning to give up on life all together." Carl added looking worried for a second.
"I can't believe I did that to her." Chrissy said close to tears again.
"Becky knows she's just as much, if not more to blame for all of this than you are Chrissy. Let it go and look to the future, and the baby you'll both be having together in around seven months."
"I'm a little scared of it all Carl. I hope I can be a good parent." Chrissy said sounding worried.
"You won't be a good parent Chrissy. You'll be an amazing parent." Carl chuckled.
"I hope you're right Carl." Chrissy giggled.
"I know I'm right Chrissy, I've seen you with all the kid's parties you've done." Carl chuckled again. "I'm going to stop here and have a chat with Jayden, while you go with Becky and Brad to get the rest of your stuff. I'll see what I can sort out for her." Carl added with a smile.
Chrissy went back to the others, and then they went up to their room so they could get their stuff packed away. Then Becky and Brad went with Chrissy to get the rest of her stuff from Jayden's flat.
Jayden was just finishing up with booking in a couple of guests when she saw Carl walking over to her.
"Hello Carl, I trust the rooms were all okay for you?" Jayden asked.
"Yes, everything was fine Jayden." Carl said. "Can you get someone to cover for you, so we can have a chat?" Carl asked.
"Sure, just give me ten minutes to sort it out, and I'll be right with you." Jayden said, as she picked up the phone and made a call to someone.
Carl stood off to one side waiting for Jayden to be relieved by another member of staff. Once that person turned up, Jayden walked over to Carl, so they could go and talk. Carl found a quiet place in the hotel bar.
"Have I done something wrong Carl?" Jayden asked with worry in her voice, as they sat down.
"No Jayden, you've done nothing wrong at all. Chrissy asked me to have a word with you, and to see what I can do to help you." Carl smiled, as he waved over a waiter, so he could order a couple of coffees.
"That's sweet of Chrissy, but you really don't have to do anything Carl."
"You still have a lot to learn about Chrissy, if you think she'll let you off so lightly." Carl chuckled.
"What are you thinking of doing for me anyway Carl?" Jayden asked.
"Do you have any ties that are keeping you here in this place?" Carl asked.
"No, not really. I gave up on all my dreams some time ago now. The pay from the hotel and the club keep a roof over my head, and food in my belly. Apart from that though, I have nothing keeping me here." Jayden said, as she thought about it.
"I'd like you to move to London, and go back to collage." Carl said.
"What would I learn at collage?" Jayden asked with a shocked look on her face.
"I'd like you to carry on with your hotel management course and also do a business management course as well."
"That sounds really nice Carl, but I don't have the money to just up and move." Jayden sighed. "I've heard that living in London is very expensive as well." Jayden added.
"I'll cover all the costs for you Jayden, and I'll sort out a place for you to live when you get down there." Carl smiled. "So, what do you say?"
Jayden sat quietly thinking it all over, not that there was much to think about. "Okay Carl, I'll do it. When do I move?" Jayden asked.
"We'll be leaving at four this evening, can you be ready to leave by then?" Carl asked with a chuckle.
"What! I can't be ready that fast Carl." Jayden said with wide eyes.
"What if we stayed an extra night, could you be ready to leave tomorrow then?" Carl asked. "All you need to bring is your clothes and personal stuff. I'll find you a place that is fully furnished." Carl added.
"Okay Carl, I will be ready to leave by tomorrow." Jayden said in a firm voice, as she convinced herself she was doing the right thing.
"You can go home now and make a start, I'll tell the manager here that you're moving to a new job in London." Carl said, as he got up and then helped Jayden to stand up.
Jayden ran off to get her things out her locker, so she could go home and start packing her stuff up ready for when she left with Chrissy and the others tomorrow.
Carl went back to find Mandy and the others, so they could go out and see some of the seaside place while they were here.
Chrissy let Brad and Becky in the house, and then the flat, so she could get her stuff packed away. Chrissy didn't have much stuff; all Chrissy had been doing is working and sitting around the flat most the time. They soon had everything packed away in a couple of bags, so Brad took them all down to the minibus while Chrissy took one last look around.
"You're not sorry to be leaving this place are you baby?" Becky asked, as she stood next to Chrissy, while she took one last look around.
"I'll miss Jayden, but this was never a home to me Becky." Chrissy said, as she took Becky by the hand, and then led her out the flat and down to meet Brad at the minibus. They were soon on their way back to the hotel.
Ann had left Brad a note in their room telling him to give her a call when they got back to the hotel, so she could let him know where they were. He gave Ann a call and then went down to Becky and Chrissy's room to let them know.
"Hello again Brad. Long time no see." Becky said with a grin, as they had only just left him five minute before.
"Hi Boss. Ann left me a note asking me to give her a call, as she's out siteseeing with Carl and the others. They want us to join them." Brad said with a chuckle.
"Oh, okay then. I thought Carl would be eager to set off again, but I can cope with 'playing the tourist' while we're here." Becky said with a grin. "We'll meet you in the lobby, we should only be about five minutes." Becky added, as she ran to the bathroom door to tell Chrissy what was happening.
"Don't get ready to leave just yet baby. Brad just knocked on the door and told me that Carl and the others have gone sight seeing, and he wants us to join them."
"That's great, let's get going then." Chrissy said, happy that Carl had decided to have the meal with Jayden before they left.
They walked into the lobby area and saw Brad right away, which wasn't hard, when he was taller and wider that everyone else in the lobby. Chrissy and Becky both waved to him as they walked over to where he was standing off to one side.
"Well, here we are Brad, so lead the way kind sir." Becky said in a fake posh voice.
Chrissy giggled, and Brad just smiled. As he led them out the hotel and up the road towards the sea front. They soon found Carl and the others standing there watching the sea, so they crossed the road and went over to them.
"Hi Carl, is everything alright? I thought we'd be getting ready to leave?" Becky asked, as they got up to them.
"Everything is fine, but we're going to be staying an extra day." Carl smiled, as he looked down at Mandy for a second. "You're also going to be having a house guest for a couple of days until I can find her a place to live of her own." Carl added with an even bigger smile.
"Who's moving in with us?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look, as she looked at Mandy, then Carl.
"Carl's talked Jayden into coming home with us, so she can go back to collage and get her degree in hotel management, and also look at some coursers on other things." Mandy smiled.
"Really! You're going to do all that for her Carl?" Chrissy asked looking very excited. "Why can't she just live with us for the time being sis? She needs someone to look after her." Chrissy added looking worried.
"I don't mind her staying for as long as she wants Chrissy, but I needed to have a word with you and Becky first. I've already got Ann, Amy and Amber's approval " Mandy said, as she looked at first Chrissy and then Becky.
"I've got no problem with it." Becky said with a grin, as she watched Chrissy getting all excited now she knew that Jayden was coming home with them.
"How do you feel about Jayden coming to stay with us then Chrissy?" Mandy asked.
"I haven't got much of a say in it really, It's not my house anymore remember? I handed the keys back, and I've not been living there for the past eight weeks, so it's really up to you and the others." Chrissy said, as she remembered what she did.
"Stop being so silly sis. Do you really think that because you felt the need to take a eight week holiday, that you didn't have a home anymore?" Mandy asked as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
"Well I thought… I don't know what to think any more." Chrissy finally said.
"Well don't think about it any more then sis. You're still part of this family, and it looks like we're adding a new member to it." Mandy smiled.
"Thank you Mandy, Carl. I'm glad that you're helping Jayden, she really did help me cope these past eight weeks." Chrissy said, as she hugged Mandy a little tighter.
"I'm glad you found Jayden, she's a wonderful person, and I'm looking forward to adding her to my team back in London." Carl said, as he also gave Chrissy a hug.
"I'm glad you think so Carl, but what made you see so much promise in Jayden?" Chrissy asked.
"Jayden came to check on you when you hadn't left your room at the hotel for three days. That should have been the job of the hotel manager, not a girl working on the desk." Carl said looking a little angry about it. "Jayden is just the type of person I want looking after the hotel and clubs with me." Carl added, smiling now.
"When will we be meeting up with Jayden then Carl?" Chrissy asked.
"I'm not to sure, when I left her, she was going home to start packing her stuff." Carl said with a shrug.
"Why don't you give her a call and see if she needs any help?" Mandy said.
"That's a great idea sis." Chrissy got her mobile out and then scrolled down the short list of numbers in it until she found Jayden's. She hit the call button and waited for Jayden to answer.
"Hi Chrissy. You'll never guess what happened this morning." Jayden said when she saw it was Chrissy calling her.
"I already know Jayden, I'm with Carl right now." Chrissy said, sounding really happy. "I'm calling to see if you need any help getting packed and ready to leave tomorrow?" Chrissy asked.
"I'd like to say I'd be fine, but I could really use some help getting my clothes packed." Jayden said with a worried tone to her voice.
"I have a small army standing here with me, we can come over and give you a hand, if you want?" Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Becky and the others.
"Are you sure they won't mind?" Jayden asked.
"Jayden wants to know if you'd all help her get everything packed away?" Chrissy asked, as she looked around the group. Chrissy got nods and grins from them all. "They're all nodding at me Jayden, so we'll be there shortly to help you get packed up." Chrissy added before ending the call.
Chrissy was soon heading back to the minibus, so they could all go and help Jayden pack her stuff up ready for moving to London and in with Chrissy and the others.
It only took them all a couple of hours to get everything packed away, but by the time they had it all packed away they realised that there was more stuff than they could take in the minibus.
"I need to make a couple of calls, and hire a van to get everything back to London." Carl said, as he got his mobile out and scrolled down his list before hitting the dial button. He wondered out side as he started speaking on the phone.
"You'll love the house Jayden." Chrissy said, when she saw the worried look on her face.
"I'm sure I will Chrissy, but it's still a big move for me." Jayden smiled.
Carl soon returned to the flat. "I've got a van and driver booked for tomorrow morning, so we can all head back to the hotel and relax for the rest of the day." Carl said with a grin, as he walked over and wrapped an arm around Mandy's waist.
"Thank you for all the help Carl, I won't let you down." Jayden said. "What time will you want me ready for in the morning?" Jayden asked.
"We'll all be coming back here in the morning to help load up the van Jayden. You'll be staying at the hotel tonight with the rest of us." Carl was grinning as he said it. "You're part of the family now Jayden, so grab what ever you need for a night at the hotel, and something nice to wear for a night out at the club as well." Carl added.
"Don't worry about it Jayden, you'll soon get use to Carl, and how he does things." Amber said with a grin, as she stood to the side of Chrissy and Becky with Amy.
"I'm not sure I'll ever get use to it Amber, but I'm happy to try." Jayden giggled.
They all left the flat and then waited while Jayden locked the door, before going down to the minibus and back to the hotel. The manager looked a little unhappy when he saw Jayden with Carl and the others, but he couldn't do anything about it, other than what Carl told him.
"Jayden will be returning to head office for higher management training tomorrow with me." Carl said with a smug look. "The next time you see her, she'll be your boss." Carl added looking even more smug now, as he saw the worried look on the man's face.
Jayden could see the true power Carl had over everything he owned, and how he only had people around him that treated everyone under them fairly. Jayden realised that she didn't have to help Chrissy that day, but she did because it was the right thing to do. She wasn't looking for a reward for helping Chrissy, but because she did she was now moving on to better things with a group of friends. No not friends, they were her Family now. Jayden thought to herself as she looked around at Chrissy and the others.
"The look on his face when you threatened him Carl, was so funny." Jayden said, as she followed the others up to the floor their rooms were on.
"I'm glad you liked it Jayden, but that wasn't a threat. You really will be his boss the next time you meet." Carl said with a grin.
Jayden stopped walking, and just looked at Carl with her mouth open. She didn't realise what job Carl had planned for her until just now. "I'm not sure that I'm the person you're looking for then Carl. I've got no idea how to organise the running of one hotel, never mind all of them."
"Don't look so worried Jayden, I'm not going to just chuck you in at the deep end." Carl chuckled, when he saw the worried look on her face. "That's why I'm sending you back to collage. And you'll be working closely with me as well, so you will know the job inside out before to long." Carl added as he put a hand on her shoulder to help calm some of her worries.
"I'm sorry, but this is all a big change in my life Carl. I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around it all." Jayden said with a nervous giggle.
"If I didn't think you could do it Jayden, I wouldn't be pushing you to come with us tomorrow, but I know you can." Carl said in a firm voice.
"I think you'll do just fine in your new job Jayden." Chrissy said with a grin, as she started pulling her along to the room Carl had just sorted for her.
Jayden came to a stop outside the room that matched the number on the card key she was holding in her hand.
"We'll let you get some rest, and try to deal with all the changes in your life Jayden." Chrissy smiled. "I'll come and help you do your makeup before we go to the club later as well." Chrissy added, as she gave her a hug.
"Okay Chrissy. Thank you for everything." Jayden said, as she hugged her back.
Jayden entered her room, as the others walked down to their rooms. Once in their rooms they all decided to rest up for a couple of hours before getting ready for the club. Becky pulled Chrissy over to the bed, and made her lye down next to her on the bed, so they could get some sleep.
Chrissy woke some time later feeling refreshed and cuddled up to Becky still. Chrissy had missed waking up to Becky's arms being wrapped around her and her warm breath blowing on her face as she watched her sleep. Chrissy had never been so happy to be more wrong about anything, as she was about Becky being with someone else other than her.
Becky woke as she felt Chrissy trying to pull herself away to get off the bed and use the bathroom. Becky had to smile as she watched Chrissy run away. "I wonder how long she's been holding that in?" Becky asked herself, as she stretched out on the bed.
Chrissy walked back into the bedroom and saw Becky sat up on the bed, so she went over and gave her a hug, and then kissed her. "Hello baby. I've missed looking at your beautiful face." Chrissy said, as she ran her hand down the side of Becky's face.
"I missed you even more Chrissy." Becky said, as she leaned her head into Chrissy hand to feel her touch even more.
"I think we both missed each other about the same." Chrissy giggled. "We better see about getting ready, or we'll never get to the club tonight." Chrissy added, when she saw the time.
None of the girls had fancy dresses with them, but it wasn't like the club back home, so they would all get away with a more basic look for tonight. They were all ready soon enough, and Chrissy had gone to Jayden's room and helped her finish her make-up.
"I wish I could do my own make-up like you can do it Chrissy." Jayden said, as she looked in the mirror at the job Chrissy had just done on her.
"I'm glad you liked it Jayden, but I had such a good subject to work with that I didn't need to do much." Chrissy smiled.
"I thought you'd be use to Chrissy not taking complements by now Jayden." Becky said, as she walked over to stand next to Chrissy.
"I never got to see the real Chrissy until you and the others turned up." Jayden said, as she smiled at Chrissy being hugged by Becky, like she was letting Jayden know that Chrissy was all hers.
"We better see about meeting the others down in the restaurant for some dinner, before we head to the club." Becky said, as she led Chrissy out the room.
Carl and the others were waiting for them when they got down there. They all sat down at a large table and then ordered what they wanted for dinner. Jayden got to see first hand just how much Chrissy and Becky were in love, when they sat feeding each other.
"Don't they look so cute when they do that?" Mandy leaned over and whispered in Jayden's ear.
"I never got to see this Chrissy. All I saw was some sad little shell of a person fighting to get though each day by working, or keeping busy in some way." Jayden said with a smile, as she looked at Mandy.
"I'm still angry that she ran away, but I'm happy that she found you to help keep her safe Jayden. Thank you for doing that." Mandy smiled with a tear in her eye, as she was happy to have her baby sister back again.
Once they'd eaten, they all got up and made their way out to the minibus, so Brad could drive them all to the club.
The waitresses were all shocked to see Chrissy and Jayden there without their uniforms. They were even more shocked to hear that they would be leaving the next day. There were some tears from the girls at the club, and even Chrissy and Jayden shed a couple before they all recovered enough to start enjoying the night out.
Jayden was watching Chrissy, Amy and Amber dancing on the dance floor with a couple of the girls on break from the club. Becky was sitting next to her watching Chrissy having fun with Amy.
"Do you have a problem with me coming back with you Becky?" Jayden asked.
"No, why should I?" Becky asked with a frown, just before letting her face soften again. "I'm sorry Jayden, I have no right to be like this with you." Becky added, as she looked down at the table they were sat at.
"Nothing happened between us Becky, not that it ever would." Jayden giggled. "Other girls don't do it for me, I only like men myself." Jayden added.
"I'm just jealous of you for being with Chrissy for the last eight weeks." Becky sighed.
"I wasn't with your Chrissy for the last eight weeks." Jayden said, as she pointed at Chrissy dancing around with Amy and laughing as she did so. "The Chrissy I was with, was just an empty shell surviving each day, she wasn't even living really… She worked almost seven days a week, and the couple of times I managed to drag her out, all she did was sit at the table and watch us all having a good time. Chrissy never showed any interest in anything at all." Jayden added with a sad look.
"Was she really that depressed Jayden?" Becky asked with a tear in her eye.
"I'm not going to lie to you Becky. It was like she'd given up, and even after I got her the job at the club, she still wasn't anything like she is now." Jayden giggled, as she pointed at Chrissy doing some silly dance with Amy and Amber.
"Thanks for doing what you could to keep her safe for me Jayden. And I'm sorry for being a bitch to you the past day or so." Becky said, as she also looked at Chrissy playing around on the dance floor.
"Forget about it Becky, I'm just glad to see her having a good time." Jayden giggled again.
"So do you feel like joining in the fun then Jayden?" Becky asked, as she stood up and held out her hand to help Jayden stand up.
"Sounds like a great idea to me." Jayden said, as she let Becky help her up, and then lead her onto the dance floor to join Chrissy and the others.
A little later that night, Chrissy was just coming out of the toilets at the club when she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. Chrissy turned around to see who it was, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Frank standing there smiling at her.
"Hi Frank, is everything okay?" Chrissy asked with a smile, now she knew it was Frank.
"Not really Chrissy, can I have a quiet word with you away from everyone else?" Frank asked looking worried now.
"Sure Frank." Chrissy said, looking worried again all of a sudden. She thought that everyone was being a little to easy going on her for running away like she did.
Chrissy followed Frank to a quiet part of the club, where they could talk over the music a little easier. Chrissy was glad she wasn't wearing the schoolgirl uniform, or she really would look like she was being taken to see the headmaster.
"Please don't look so worried Chrissy, I'm not going to tell you off or anything like that." Frank said with a smile. "I was wondering if you could have a word with Prue. She feels responsible for everything that's happened to you these last eight weeks." Frank sighed. "I'm really worried about her Chrissy." Frank added, letting the worry show on his face.
Now Chrissy thought about it, Prue had been quiet since they all turned up. Chrissy had just been too excited about being a parent soon that she'd not put all the peace's together until Frank just told her. "I'm sorry Frank, I should have realised it sooner." Chrissy said, as she put her hand to her mouth. "I'll go and sort it out right away. I don't blame Prue, or anyone other than myself for not facing Becky with what I'd found before running away." Chrissy added with a sigh.
"It was silly to runaway like you did Chrissy, but I can also see how it must have made you feel." Frank said, as he thought about it. "I'm sure that Prue will be happy to see you talking to her still." Frank added, as he waved for Chrissy to lead the way back to the tables where the others were all having drinks.
Prue saw Frank walking back to the table, it wasn't hard to spot him, even in a busy club like this, as he was taller than everyone else around him. She was so busy watching Frank, that she never noticed Chrissy walking just in front of him.
Chrissy was soon sitting next to Prue and cuddling up to her. "Hi mum, is everything alright?" Chrissy asked with a smile, as she looked up at her.
"Hello dear, everything is fine. Why do you ask?" Prue said, trying to hide the way she was really feeling about all the trouble that led to Chrissy running away.
"I little birdie told me that you were feeling a little guilty about everything." Chrissy said.
"I have a feeling that that birdie wasn't so small." Prue said, as she scowled at Frank, as he sat down on the other side of her from where Chrissy was sitting. Frank just smiled, and tried to look all innocent.
"The size of the bird isn't important mum, but what it said to me is, so was it right then?" Chrissy asked; as she sat up to look Prue in the eyes.
"I am to blame Chrissy, I never should have done anything without you being part of it from the start." Prue said looking sad. "You never would have ran away then, and Becky wouldn't have been miserable for the past eight weeks." Prue added.
"Does Becky really look that bothered by it all now?" Chrissy asked, as she pointed over to where Becky was giggling with Jayden and a couple of girls who worked at the club.
"No she doesn't Chrissy, but what about everything you went through these past eight weeks, or even longer if you count all the weeks beforehand while Becky and I tried to make her pregnant." Prue added, as she looked for reasons, so Chrissy would hate her.
"Do I look upset with you mum?" Chrissy asked with a smile. "I'm going to be a parent, and the child will be part of me… How could I be upset with you for doing that?" Chrissy asked, as she hugged Prue tightly.
"Thank you Chrissy. I'd do anything to show you just how sorry I am for keeping secrets from you." Prue said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
Chrissy broke the hug with Prue and had a big grin on her face. "Do you mean anything?" Chrissy asked, still grinning.
"Yes, anything, if I can." Prue said, not noticing the way Chrissy was grinning at her until it was to late. "What do you have in mind anyway Chrissy?" Prue asked.
"I think it's time you came on the dance floor with Amy and I." Chrissy said, as she jumped up, and dragged Prue to her feet as well.
"Oh no, I don't do any of this dancing that I've seen you and Amy do." Prue said, as she tried to sit back down again, but Chrissy wouldn't let her.
Frank sat chuckling at the look on Prue's face, as Chrissy pulled her to her feet. "I don't know what you're looking so happy for dear, you're coming with me." Prue said, as she grabbed Frank's ear and started pulling it, as Chrissy led her away to the dance floor.
Becky and the others all giggled as they watched Chrissy leading Prue to the dance floor as she dragged Frank along behind her. Becky and the other girls jumped up and joined them on the dance floor for a dance as well. Frank looked relieved when he saw that Ann had dragged Brad onto the dance floor as well, and Mandy had dragged Carl down there as well.
Chrissy soon had Prue dancing around with her, and they all had a laugh at each other. Frank winked at Chrissy, and mouthed her a, "Thank you." As they danced around.
They were all worn out by the end of the night, and Becky thought it was fun to be leaving a club, and not have to worry about locking it up at the end of the night. Chrissy and Jayden said goodbye to all the girls that worked their before getting on the minibus, so Brad could drive them back to the hotel for some sleep.
"Everyone get some sleep. The van will be at Jayden's flat at ten in the morning, so we can get some breakfast in the morning, and then head over there and help the guy get the van loaded up ready for heading home again." Carl said, as they parted at Jayden's hotel room door, her room was the first one on that row of rooms he'd booked for them.
Everyone hugged and said goodnight to each other, before going to their rooms.
Chapter 20: Homeward bound
Chrissy and Becky were doing their makeup when there was a knock on the door. Chrissy was already standing up, so she went to see whom it was. Amy was standing there smiling at her.
"Morning big sister Chrissy!" Amy shouted, as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
"Morning baby sister." Chrissy giggled, as she hugged Amy back. "Did you have fun last night at the club?" Chrissy asked, as they broke the hug, and Chrissy led her back into the room and closed the door behind her.
"I had a fantastic time last night Chrissy. I've missed having you to dance with." Amy said with a pout.
"I'm sorry baby sister." Chrissy said looking a little sad. "Becky's made me promise to never runaway again, so don't worry about me ever doing that again." Chrissy added, as she pulled Amy into another hug.
"I'm thinking of having Carl fit you with a tracking device, so we can find you where ever you go." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"Does that mean you don't trust my word Amy?" Chrissy asked.
"It's not that Chrissy. I just don't want to lose you again." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy even tighter.
"You won't lose me again Amy, I have a pregnant wife to look after." Chrissy smiled, as she looked at Becky over Amy's shoulder. "I hope you'll baby-sit for us now and then? So Becky and I can still have the odd night out together." Chrissy asked as she broke the hug.
"You already know the answer to that Chrissy." Amy giggled. "The trouble could come when you want it back at the end of the night." Amy giggled some more.
"I'm sure we can trust you baby sister." Chrissy smiled. "You ready to get some breakfast, and then help Jayden get loaded up ready to return home with us?" Chrissy asked.
"I'll do anything that will get you home again Chrissy." Amy said, as she started pulling her towards the door.
Chrissy quickly grabbed Becky's hand on the way past, and they all headed out the room to go and get some breakfast. Amber was just about to knock on the door when Amy opened it, so Amber almost ended up knocking on Amy's forehead instead of the door. She managed to stop herself just in time though.
"I nearly knocked on your head then baby." Amber giggled, as she put her hand back down again. "I wonder if I'd find anybody home, if I did knock?" Amber asked with a thoughtful look on her face.
"Hey! What are you trying to say?" Amy asked, as she put her hands on her hips, trying to look upset with Amber. She soon relaxed when Amber wrapped her arms around her, and pulled her in for a kiss.
"I don't care what you have up there, just as long as you love me baby." Amber purred, as they broke the kiss.
"I have a head full of love for you." Amy said, just before kissing Amber again.
"You're welcome to use the bed. We're done with it now." Becky said with a grin, as she stood with Chrissy at her side also grinning. "Chrissy and I would like to get by, so we can go eat some breakfast." Becky added, as she tried to squeeze past Amy and Amber, as they stood in the doorway.
"As tempting as that may be Becky, I think Breakfast sounds good right now." Amber said, as she put her hands on her belly to stop it making an empty sound.
"That doesn't sound good at all baby." Amy said, as she put a hand on Amber's belly with a worried look on her face.
"Well! Let's go and eat then!" Amber said with a pained look on her face, as she held her belly.
Amy and the other two both giggled, as they let Amy lead Amber down the hallway to the restaurant for something to eat. The others were already down there, so they sat down and had a cup of tea before helping themselves to the buffet breakfast.
"Did you have a good time last night Jayden?" Amy asked, once she'd got some breakfast.
"Yes, thank you Amy. I never realised how much fun a night out with Chrissy could be until last night." Jayden giggled.
Chrissy just smiled, as she sat feeding Becky a piece of sausage, then Jayden watched as Becky fed Chrissy a piece in return. Jayden thought it looked cute, as they fed each other breakfast.
"They do that all the time Jayden, you'll soon get use to it." Ann said, from the side of her. Jayden smiled, and then carried on eating her own breakfast, just like the others were.
Once breakfast was out the way, they all returned to their rooms to finish packing. Brad and Frank helped the bellboy load the bags into the back of the minibus, then they helped the girls to get in so they could go and meet the guy that would be driving the van with Jayden's stuff in it back to London.
There was a white van with the name of the company that Carl had called the day before, parked right outside the flat, so Jayden got out the minibus first, so she could go and open up. Carl walked over and spoke to the van driver, and slipped him a hand full of notes, then the man counted the money, and looked shocked, just before a big smile came across his face. Jayden had no idea what Carl just asked him, but the man was more than happy to do what ever it was.
Jayden opened the flat door, and then stepped aside as Frank and Brad started carrying all her stuff out to the van for her. She kept trying to help, but in the end gave up and just carried a large pink teddy bear out. Frank and Brad never even tried to stop her taking that out herself. Jayden got the idea that neither of them wanted to be seen out on the street carrying it.
Once the flat was empty of everything that belonged to Jayden, she took one last look around. The flat was fully furnished when she moved in, so all that stuff was still in there. Jayden turned to look at the flat door when she heard Chrissy speaking to her.
"Do you think you have everything?"
"Yes, I've just walked around checking to make sure." Jayden said with a sigh. "I'm really scared Chrissy. What if I'm making a big mistake? Just packing up and moving to London with you and the others." Jayden asked.
"Do you really think I'd let you do something if I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do?" Chrissy asked, as she pulled Jayden towards the front door of the flat.
"Not for one second Chrissy." Jayden said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug. "I'm just being silly." Jayden added with a giggle.
Jayden took one last look around before leaving the flat and closing the door behind her. It also felt like she was closing a door on one part of her life, but another one was just opening. She followed Chrissy down the hallway to the door that led out into the street and then they both got in the minibus.
Brad was behind the wheel of the minibus with Ann sitting next to him. The van had already left with All Jayden's stuff in it. Jayden just hoped that it all got to Chrissy's home okay. Brad started the minibus and then they were making their way out of the seaside town and heading towards London.
Chrissy sat looking out the window, she watched the signs counting down the miles towards home. The lower the numbers got, the more nervous Chrissy got.
"You doing okay baby?" Becky asked, as she saw the nervous look on Chrissy's face.
"Yes, I'm fine." Chrissy said trying to hide her worries with a fake grin.
This didn't fool Becky for a minute though, and she was soon giving Chrissy a stern look. "Pull the other one babe… Now tell we what's bothering you?"
Chrissy knew that Becky wasn't going to give up asking until she answered her, so Chrissy let out a sigh, as she told Becky why she was so worried.
"I'm worried about getting back home, and facing everyone again."
"Why, you scared of being hugged to death?" Becky asked with a giggle, as she pulled Chrissy closer to her.
"That I can cope with, but it's all the shouting and worry that I've caused, that's got me worried." Chrissy said, as she rested her head on Becky's shoulder.
"I know that Mable will have a go at you, and your mum will as well, but they will both be glad that you're home again." Becky said, as she stroked Chrissy's hair.
"Oh god Becky, I forgot all about talking to mum again." Chrissy said, as she sat up looking even more worried. "Do you know how dads doing?" Chrissy asked.
"He's doing as well as can be expected. Your mum tried to keep the news of you going missing from him, but he soon worked out something was wrong… The news of him being a granddad softened the blow of you going missing, but he's been really worried about you too."
"I should have called them before now. I should have called all of you before now." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she looked down at her lap. "I just didn't want to hear anyone tell me what I thought you'd done." Chrissy added, as she cuddled up to Becky, happy to have her back, and to have been completely wrong about most of it.
"Don't beat yourself up Chrissy. I think I'd have done the same thing if I'd got home to find that Amber had used a pregnancy test." Amy said, as she turned around from the seat just in front of her and Becky.
"Don't worry Amy dear, I'll make sure you and Amber go through it together." Prue said from across the isle where she was sat next to Frank. "I'm not going though all this again." Prue added with a worried look.
"What do you mean mum? Amber and I will go through it together?" Amy asked with a shocked look on her face. "Do you mean that Amber and I will be able to have children as well?" Amy added, looking even more shocked at what Prue had just said.
"Yes, I had some of your samples frozen, as well as Cathy's." Prue smiled.
Amy and Amber just looked at each other for a couple of seconds before it sank in what Prue had just said, but they were soon hugging and screaming together. Amber stopped though when she saw that Amy had stopped hugging her.
"What's wrong Amy?" Amber asked looking worried.
"I'm sorry Amber, I was getting all excited, but I never thought to ask if you ever wanted to have any children with me." Amy said looking worried.
"I never thought it would be possible, so I never gave it any though until now. But having your baby growing inside of me is going to be amazing." Amber said, as she pulled Amy back into a hug with her.
"I love you Amber. I love you so much." Amy said, as she hugged Amber back.
"I love you too baby." Amber said hugging her a little tighter.
Chrissy found it a nice distraction for the rest of the trip home, as Amy and Amber spent the rest of the trip trying to pick out names for all the kids they were going to have. Becky joined in, and soon had Chrissy telling everyone what her favourite names were.
They were nearly home before Chrissy realised that the scenery was looking familiar to her. Chrissy took hold of Becky's hand and squeezed it tightly. Becky knew what Chrissy was worried about now, so she just put her other hand on top of hers and when Chrissy looked at her, Becky just smiled at her.
Brad was soon pulling into the driveway at Mandy's. Jayden was looking out the window and looking up at the large house Chrissy called home before she ran away. Chrissy was looking up at the house for another reason, she was feeling a little strange being back after all this time away.
"Come on sis, let's get your stuff back in YOUR home." Mandy smiled, as she got out the minibus.
Chrissy just gave Mandy a weak smile, as she let Becky help her up out the seat they'd been sitting on. Chrissy got out and then waited for Jayden to join her, before letting Becky drag her in through the front door that Mandy had just opened.
"I hope you're not disappointed with the place Jayden." Chrissy said, as they entered the house.
"Disappointed?" "This place is amazing." Jayden said, as she looked around the large hallway.
They all heard a van pull up outside, so Frank and Brad went to help the driver unload everything, while Mandy and the others took Jayden up to the room they were going to let Jayden use.
"I hope the room will be alright for you Jayden?" Mandy asked, as she opened the door and let her enter the bedroom.
Jayden walked into the bedroom, and was shocked to see that it was almost the same size as the whole of her flat was. There was a large four poster bed in the room, and she could see two doors on the far wall, so she walked over and opened the first door she got to. Jayden found herself looking into a large bathroom with a large bath, and a separate shower stall.
"You call this a guest bedroom Mandy? It's beautiful, thank you for letting me stay here." Jayden said, with a smile, as she looked around the room again, as she walked back into the bedroom from the bathroom.
Jayden opened the other door and saw that is was a large walk in closet, so she knew that she'd have no trouble storing all her stuff that was in the van down stairs.
Mandy and the others were soon stepping aside, so Frank and Brad could enter the room with some of Jayden's things, then the girls all went down to help bring everything in, but Brad sent them all to the kitchen instead.
"Frank and I can sort this out, why don't you give Jayden the tour." Brad smiled.
"A nice cup of tea wouldn't go a miss either." Frank added with a grin.
The girls all giggled, as they started the tour in the kitchen, Amy could put the kettle on, so she could make them all a drink once the tour was over.
Amy stopped in the kitchen sorting out the drinks with help from Amber. Mandy, Chrissy, and Becky showed Jayden around the house. Chrissy found it weird being back here after eight weeks away, it was like being shown around again herself.
"This place is amazing Mandy. I can't believe you ever ran away Chrissy." Jayden said, as they finished looking around the house. Mandy never showed her the other bedrooms, as they were kind of a privet area for each of the girl's.
"I had other things on my mind at the time." Chrissy said with a sad look.
"Sorry Chrissy, I guess you did." Jayden frowned.
Mandy was soon leading the way back into the kitchen where Frank and Brad were now at the table with a cup of tea each. Ann was sitting on Brad's knee, and Prue was on Frank's, they were trying to make enough room for the others to all get around the table.
Amber had Amy sit on her knee, so Becky took a seat, and then pulled Chrissy down onto hers. Mandy got pulled down onto Carl's knee, so Jayden took the empty seat next to Chrissy and Becky.
"So then Jayden, do you think you'll be okay staying here?" Carl asked.
"I feel like I'm dreaming Carl, this place is just so beautiful. Are you really sure you want me here with you all?" Jayden asked, as she looked around the table.
"Don't worry dear, we don't all live here." Prue said, as she looked at Frank. "You only have to fight with Mandy, Chrissy, Becky, Amy, Amber, and Ann most the time." Prue added with a giggle, as Frank did something to her, to make her giggle.
"You don't have to worry about me most the time Jayden. I spend more time at Brad's these days." Ann smiled, just before stealing a kiss from Brad. "There's still one guest bedroom I can use when Amy and Amber want some time alone." Ann added with a grin, as she looked over at Amy sitting on Amber's knee cuddling each other.
"So this house only has the five bedrooms?" Jayden asked, as she thought it would have more given the size of the place.
"Yes it only has the five bedrooms, but there are a couple of rooms up in the loft space, but they never got finished." Mandy sighed. "Looks like I might have to get someone in to sort them out though, if the family's going to keep getting bigger." Mandy added with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy and Becky.
"It will be some time before the kids will need their own room sis." Chrissy said, as she rubbed Becky's belly.
"True, but it would be nice to have everything ready before hand." Mandy said.
"I can start making some calls for you princess, and get some designers in to work up some plans for you to look at." Carl said sounding all excited.
"Lets get Chrissy and Jayden settled back in first, then we'll start looking at it." Mandy said trying to calm Carl down a little. She knew that he was always looking for the next project to start working on. "Spend some time moulding Jayden in to this big wig business person you want her to be, and leave my little old house alone." Mandy said with a fake pout, just before she started kissing him.
"That won't be any fun princess. You know how I like a challenge." Carl moaned. "Jayden already knows everything, she just doesn't know it yet." Carl added with a smile, as he looked at the worried look on Jayden's face.
"I'm getting really worried that you've got a little to much faith in me Carl." Jayden said in a nervous voice.
"I'm very rarely wrong when it comes to picking the right person for the job I want them to do for me Jayden." Carl said, as he took a break between kisses.
Jayden could see that it was too late to try and talk Carl out of completing his plan, so she just took a deep breath and hoped he was right this time as well.
Chrissy was enjoying being home again, even if it did feel weird being back after so long away from the place. She felt just like Jayden must feel at the minute. Chrissy was broken out of her daydreaming when she heard Mandy speak to her.
"I think you better go and call your mum, and let her know you're still alive and home again."
"I'll call her later, once I'm fully settled back in again." Chrissy looked nervous as she said it.
"No, you'll go and do it now." Mandy said in a firm voice.
"Do you want me to call her for you, and then explain everything before handing you the phone baby?" Becky asked, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy a little tighter.
"Could you? I'm scared of what she'll say to me when she hears my voice." Chrissy whispered.
"Sure, come on, we'll go in the living room and do it." Becky smiled, as she let Chrissy get off her knee, and then helped her to stand up as well.
Chrissy let Becky hold her hand, and then led her to the living room, so they could sit on one of the sofas while Becky scrolled down the list of numbers on the phone until she found the one she wanted. Chrissy watched as Becky put the phone to her ear, and then waited for someone to answer on the other end. She didn't have to wait to long before Becky spoke.
"Hi Holly, its Becky. Sorry mum." Becky said with a giggle. "I have someone here that wants to speak with you." Becky added with a smile, as she looked at Chrissy, just before handing her the phone.
"Hello mum, its Chrissy." Chrissy said, as she gripped the phone a little tighter in her shaky hand.
"Chrissy!" Holly shouted in the phone when she heard her daughter's voice come through the phone at her. "Where the hell have you been for the past couple of months?" Holly snapped at her down the phone. "Do you have any idea how worried we've all been about you?" She added.
Chrissy held the phone away from her ear as her mum shouted it at her. Chrissy knew she was in trouble because her mum never raised her voice unless she was really mad about something.
"I'm sorry for worrying you mum. I was scared and angry when I ran away." Chrissy said in a shaky voice, as she put the phone back to her ear after her mums shouting fit at her.
Chrissy went on to explain what she'd been doing, and her mum finally calmed down, and was happy to hear her voice again, and know she was home safe and sound with Becky and the others again. Chrissy got to speak with her father as well, and promised to try and get up to see them soon before she ended the call.
Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug when she saw that Chrissy was starting to cry. "Hey, come on baby, stop crying." Becky said, as she hugged her.
"I'm sorry Becky, I know I don't have any right to be acting like this after everything I did to you all." Chrissy sobbed, as she let Becky hug her.
"You have every right Chrissy. I never should have gone behind your back with this, and then do that stupid pregnancy test instead of just going to see Prue." Becky hugged Chrissy even tighter.
Once Chrissy had pulled herself back together again, they both went back to the kitchen to join the others.
"How did it go sis?" Mandy asked, when she saw them enter the kitchen.
"I got a telling off, but they're both happy that I'm home again." Chrissy sat at the table, and pulled Becky down onto her knee as she said it.
"Well that's one down two to go then." Mandy said with a sigh.
"Two more? Who else do I need to talk to Mandy?" Chrissy asked with a whine.
"You need to go and see Mable, and you also need to go and see Cathy." Mandy said.
"Go and see them, can't I just call them as well." Chrissy asked with a nervous giggle. "I'm sure they'd just be happy to hear from me."
"Nope, you have to face Mable's wrath, and you also need to get things sorted out with Cathy and Sara over their wedding. It's all been up in the air since you went on holiday." Mandy said in a firm older sister voice that Chrissy knew she would be wasting her time trying to argue with.
"I thought Cathy would have just picked someone else to be her maid of honour by now." Chrissy said, as she thought about the trouble she'd left Cathy and Sara in with their wedding.
"Cathy and Sara said they wouldn't be getting married until you were tracked down, and brought back to share the big day with them." Amy said from across the other side of the table.
"Great, just when I didn't think I could feel any worse than I already do." Chrissy sighed. "When do you want me to go and see them?" She asked, as she looked at Mandy for an answer.
"We can go later to see them. Cathy will be working until seven, and Jenna won't be home from work until just after five. We'll go and see Mable and the others first, then we can go and see Sara and Cathy after that." Mandy said.
Chrissy looked at the clock, and even though it was only going to be a couple of hours, she knew it was going to be a long couple of hours all the same.
Carl, Frank, Brad, and Prue all left to go home and get sorted out, while Amy, Amber, and Ann all went up to help Jayden get settled in, while Mandy and Becky went to help Chrissy sort out.
Chrissy could see that Becky and Mandy had both missed her a lot, so she was happy to have them following her around, as she got her things unpacked. Chrissy pulled out the large envelope with all the money she'd made while working at the club, she knew she needed to get to the bank and put it in her account.
"Wow baby! Where the hell did you get all that from?" Becky asked, as she saw Chrissy looking in the envelope.
"It's the money I made working at the club. I got paid cash, and then there was my cut of all the tips we made as well." Chrissy said, as she put the envelope in her bedside table draw.
"So that's why you stopped drawing money out of your account then? You were getting paid in cash from the club?" Becky asked.
"Yes, but how did you know anything about my bank account?" Chrissy asked looking puzzled.
Mandy and Becky both looked at each other before they gave Chrissy an answer. "Carl hired a privet investigator to try and track you down, but after you stopped using your bank account the trail went cold until Hope saw your details show up in the payroll for the club." Becky said looking a little sheepish.
"You must have known we'd try everything to track you down sis, or you never would have gone to all them different places to draw your money out." Mandy added to help back up what Becky had just said.
"I'm not sure why I did any of it now." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she sat on the side of the bed. "I just feel so stupid for not being brave enough to just face Becky and find out the truth." She added, as she started to try again.
"Hey baby, if I've learned anything these past couple of months, it's that I love you more than life itself, and I don't ever want to be apart from you again. So lets just put it all behind us, and make the most of being together again." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
"I'll second that Becky. I just want to see my baby sister running around making us all laugh again." Mandy added, as she sat the other side, and joined the hug.
Amy, Amber, and Ann were having a good laugh with Jayden, as they helped her unpack. They really liked her, and were grateful for what she'd done for Chrissy.
Soon it was time for them to go and see Mable. Jayden was going to finish unpacking her stuff while they went, but Mandy said it would be a good time for her to meet Mable and some of the others. Soon she was being dragged out to one of the BMWs parked on the large gravel drive way in front of the house.
Chrissy and Becky followed Mandy to her car, so Jayden also went with them, while Amy and Amber went and got in Ann's with her. Ann waited for Mandy to pull out the driveway, then she followed her as she drove to Mable's.
21: Showdown with Mable and Cathy
Chrissy was hoping that Mable might have moved home, so it would take much longer to get there than it did. Chrissy had to be almost dragged from the car by Becky when they parked outside Mable's house.
"Come on Chrissy, you'll have to face Mable sooner or later." Mandy said, as she helped Becky pull her from the car."
"Later sounds good to me." Chrissy said with a hopeful smile, but soon lost it when she realised that Mandy wasn't really offering her a choice.
"Is this Mable really so bad to come and see?" Jayden asked looking worried for Chrissy.
"You'd think so looking at how Chrissy is acting, but really she will just be glad to see Chrissy back safe and sound again." Ann said with a smile. "You'll really love Mable though Jayden, trust me." Ann added, as she took her hand and led her to the front door just behind Becky and Mandy, whom were holding Chrissy like she was ready to run away again.
Amy was walking just in front of Becky, Chrissy and Mandy, so she pushed the doorbell and then quickly ran to stand with Amber off to one side and out the line of fire when Mable answered the door. Chrissy just gave Amy a pained look as she watched her run out the way.
Chrissy could hear the clicking of shoes on a hard floor, just before the front door started to open. Chrissy thought it was like a scene from an old horror film with how slowly it opened, but Chrissy would have been happy to see Count Dracula standing behind the door, rather than her finding Mable standing there looking at her, like she did.
"I think you better all come in." Mable said, as she looked at Chrissy.
Becky and Mandy both let go of Chrissy and let her enter the house before they followed her in. Chrissy almost ran past Mable, like she was going to get a clip round the back of the head for being naught or something like that, but Mable just looked at Chrissy as she walked past and made her way to the dinning room. Things didn't get better for her when she got there, as Kim, David, Jenna, Cathleen, Kat, Hope, and Faith were all sitting around the dinner table looking at her.
"Hi everyone." Chrissy squeaked out with a weak smile, as they all looked at her with the same stern looks on their faces.
The only break from their stern faces came in the form of little Kat and Cathleen, as they both jumped up and ran over to give Chrissy a hug.
"Chrissy, Chrissy! You're back." Cathleen said, as she hugged her.
"Chrissy! Where you go? I miss you while mummy work." Kat said with a pout, as she waited for a hug after Cathleen got hers.
"Hello Cathleen, Kat, I'm sorry for being away for so long, but I'm back now, and here to stay." Chrissy said, as she hugged them both. She stopped hugging them both and stood up again when she heard Mable speaking to the two girls.
"Cathleen, can you please take Kat and got and play up the other end of the room for a little bit, while I have a quick word with Chrissy?" Mable asked.
"Okay Mable." Cathleen said with a sad look at Chrissy, like she knew that Chrissy was in trouble for something. "Come on Kat, we have to go and play while the grown ups talk." Cathleen said, as she took Kat's little hand in hers, and led her up the other end of the room out the way.
"I'll come and play with you, as I'm not really a grown up either." Amy said with a grin, as she joined Cathleen and Kat.
"Hey, I want to come and play as well." Amber said, as she also ran off to join Amy with the two little girls.
Chrissy was wishing that she could go and play with Cathleen and Kat, but she knew that she'd be lucky to still be able to enter Mable's home after this, never mind being able to spend time playing with the girls.
"Please take a seat Chrissy, so we can talk about where you've been these past eight weeks." Mable said, as she pointed to one of the empty chairs at the table where the others were sitting.
Chrissy didn't really feel like sitting down, but the way Mable said it didn't really sound like a request, and more an order, so she took the seat and looked down at her lap until Mable spoke to her again.
"Well then young lady, it's nice to see you back safe and sound, but I am disappointed that someone had to come and get you. Do you have any idea just how worried everyone has been about you all this time?" Mable asked.
"I'm sorry Mable. I was angry and scared when I thought that Becky had been with a man. I just ran away to escape from the pain I was feeling." Chrissy said without daring to look up at any of them.
"Did you not feel you could trust any of us to help you deal with it? Did you think we all knew about it, and felt that it would have been okay for Becky to do any of that behind your back, and we'd just go along with it?" Mable asked in a much harsher tone.
"I'm sorry Mable. I panicked and ran without really thinking about what I was doing. I don't know what more I can say or do." Chrissy said, as she wiped away some tears. She looked over at Becky hoping to get some support, but Becky was just standing next to Mandy watching Mable have a go at her.
"I don't think sorry is good enough this time Chrissy. You caused a lot of worry, and a lot of people spent time trying to track down where you'd gone. We were all beginning to think you might be dead Chrissy." Mable snapped. "Do you have any idea how that made us all feel?" Mable snapped again, making Chrissy jump this time with how harsh she made it sound.
Chrissy went to say sorry again, but thought better of it when she remembered what Mable had just said about it not being good enough, so she just closed her mouth again and waited for Mable to speak again, but it looked like she'd finished for the time being.
"I know you don't want to hear this Mable, but I really am sorry for all the worry I caused you all, and I wish I could go back and undo it." Chrissy said, as she stood up again. "Unless you have something else to say, I'll be leaving again now then." She added, just before turning to leave Mable's home.
Chrissy went to leave the dinning room, but Becky blocked her path, and pulled her into a hug. Chrissy just broke down in sobs of tears on Becky's shoulder.
"Please can I go home now Becky? I can't cope with being in a room full of people that all hate me." Chrissy sobbed.
"They don't hate you Chrissy." Becky said, as she rubbed her back. "They're just angry you didn't feel you could go to any of them instead of running away." Becky added.
Chrissy felt someone else rubbing her back and looked around expecting to see Mandy standing their, but it was Mable standing there looking at her with a sad smile on her face.
"Please don't hate me Mable. I was just being really stupid when I ran away." Chrissy said, as she through her arms around Mable and started hugging her, while she sobbed on her shoulder.
"I don't hate you Chrissy, but you do make me really angry sometimes when you run off without thinking things through." Mable said, as she led her back to the table. "No one else hates you either for the record." Mable added.
Chrissy sat next to Mable with her head on her shoulder for a couple more minutes, then she sat up and wiped her eyes with a tissue Kim passed her.
"Are you feeling any better now Chrissy?" Kim asked looking worried.
"Not yet, but I'm getting there Kim." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she looked at Becky, just before she patted her knee for Becky to come and sit on it.
Becky smiled, as she walked over and sat on Chrissy's knee, so Chrissy could wrap her arms around her waist. Chrissy felt better having Becky close by to keep her safe.
"Does this mean Chrissy is forgiven now then Mable?" Becky asked with a smile, as she took the tissue of Chrissy and wiped away some stray tears.
"Yes she's forgiven." Mable smiled, as she gave Chrissy's hand a squeeze. "I promised your mother I'd give you a telling of for her as well."
"I really am sorry everyone. I know I should have stayed and sorted it all out with Becky in the first place." Chrissy said. As she looked around the table at all the faces. "I did make a knew friend though while I was away." Chrissy said, as she looked at Jayden, whom was standing with Ann over near the door. "I'd like you all to meet Jayden. She helped me keep going these past couple of months." Chrissy added with a smile.
"Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you." Jayden said with a little wave and a smile.
"Hello dear." Mable said, as she waved Jayden over to her as she patted the seat next to her for Jayden to sit down on. "So you're the one we need to thank for keeping our little runaway safe for all this time then?" Mable asked with a little giggle.
"I didn't know what she was running away from Ma'am, but I was glad I was able to help her out." Jayden said, as she sat down.
"Please call me Mable." She smiled. "Well what ever you did Jayden, I'm happy that she was returned to us safe and sound." Mable smiled. "I also hear that you'll be starting a new job with Carl as well." Mable added.
"Yes, I'm still not sure I'm suited for what Carl has planned for me, but I'll give it my best shot." Jayden said sounding a little worried about it all still.
"I'm sure you'll do just fine, and you have a great group of friends to help you adjust to life around here." Mable said with a grin, as she looked around the room. "You are always welcome here if you need to chat about anything as well." Mable added.
"Thank you Mable. I hope I never need to come to you for help, but it's nice to know I can if I need to." Jayden smiled.
"If I'm not in trouble anymore, can I go and play with Cathleen and Kat now?" Chrissy asked, sounding like a small child asking her mum if she could go and play with the other children.
"Yes, you can go and play with the others now." Mable giggled, as she waved Chrissy away.
"You coming to play Becky?" Chrissy asked.
"I'll be right there baby, I just need to have a quick word with Hope first." Becky said, as she kissed Chrissy on the lips, just before getting up off Chrissy's knee.
"Okay lover, you know where to find us." Chrissy said with a grin, before going to the other end of the room.
Hope sat looking at Becky as she walked around the table where she was sat next to Faith. Then she watched as Becky wrapped her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for finding my wife again for me Hope." Becky said, as she hugged her a little tighter.
"You're welcome Becky. I'm glad I was able to help you get her back." Hope said, as she patted Becky's hands.
"Do you want to come and meet Cathleen and Kat?" Becky asked Jayden when she broke the hug with Hope.
"I'd love to meet them, if that's okay with everyone?" Jayden asked.
"Please feel free, but be ready to be worn out by them both. They can be quite a hand full when they get together." Mable giggled, as she watched Jayden walk up the other end of the room to join Chrissy, Amy and Amber.
Mandy and Ann took a seat each at the table, and chatted with the others while they listened to the others playing with the two girls.
"Did you really think you needed to do that to Chrissy?" Mandy asked Mable.
"Yes I did Mandy… Chrissy will be a mother soon, and she can't keep running away when ever it looks like there may be a problem looming."
"I know you're right Mable, but I just feel that it wasn't all her fault. I'm not sure that I'd have acted any differently if I was in her shoes." Mandy looked to be thinking about it as she said it.
"I'd already had a go at Becky for starting all the trouble in the first place, and if Chrissy had not ran away, then she would have been here to see that I wasn't just blaming her for it all. Would she?"
"I can't argue with that Mable, I was here when you told Becky off." Mandy looked a little worried, as she thought about the day that Mable sat Becky down in the same seat Chrissy was just sat it, as she laid down the law.
"Things seem to be getting back to normal again now, and Chrissy did add another member to your little family." Mable was watching Jayden feed one of Cathleen's baby dolls, as she spoke. "I really like her Mandy. I trust I don't need to tell you to look after her, do I?" Mable asked with a smile.
"After everything she's done for Chrissy the last couple of months, I'll do anything for her myself Mable." Mandy smiled, as she rested her head on Mable's shoulder to get a hug.
Kim and Jenna had gone to make a pot of tea, and sort out some juice for the girl's. They all sat drinking and chatting. Mandy and Ann filled them all in on what they knew of Chrissy's time working at the club. Hope had already shown them all the photos of Chrissy in her schoolgirl uniform a couple of days ago, so they all knew what she looked like.
They stopped until just after seven, then they said goodbye to everyone, so they could leave and head over to Cathy and Sara's place.
Chrissy was quiet on the drive over to Cathy and Sara's until Becky spoke to her. "You feeling okay baby?"
"I think so, but I can't stop thinking about what Mable said. Did you really think I might have been dead?" Chrissy asked in a shaky voice.
"No, not for one second." Becky said, as she shuck her head from side to side. "Mable never should have said that to you baby." Becky added, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug on the back seat of Mandy's car.
Chrissy looked really nervous as Mandy pulled into Sara and Cathy's drive, but she didn't have to be pulled from the car this time. She wasn't expecting as much trouble from Cathy and Sara, as she had with Mable.
"We'll let you ring the doorbell this time Chrissy." Mandy said, as she stood with Becky behind her.
Chrissy took a couple of deep breaths and then rang the doorbell. It didn't take long for them to hear the door being unlocked and opened. Chrissy found her self looking at Cathy, with Sara poking her head over Cathy's shoulder to look at her as well.
"Thank god you're alright." Cathy said, as she ran out the house and wrapped her arms around Chrissy in a tight hug. Sara soon joined them, as well. "Do you have any idea how worried we've all been about you?" Cathy asked, as she gripped Chrissy even tighter.
"Yes, Mable just informed me of just how much you all worried about me…I'm sorry Cathy, Sara. I know I should never have run away like I did. Can you ever forgive me?" Chrissy squeaked out.
"We're just glad to see you back safe and sound Chrissy, but please don't ever do anything like this again." Sara said, as she broke the hug with Chrissy, just before Cathy did the same. "I don't think any of our hearts could take it again." Sara added with a little giggle.
"Come on, let's take this little show inside the house, shall we?" Cathy said, as she led them all into the house, with Sara and Chrissy bringing up the rear.
Cathy led them all to the living room, so they could sit and chat about what Chrissy had been up to the past couple of months. Chrissy was waiting for Cathy, or Sara to have a go at her, but they just sat looking at Chrissy with silly grins on their faces.
"I'm ready for what ever you have to say to me." Chrissy said looking worried. "I know I've made a mess of your wedding."
"We're not going to tell you off for running away Chrissy. I doubt we could do a better job of it than Mable already has, and it wouldn't make you feel any worse than I guess you already do." Cathy said, as she sat cuddling with Sara on one of the sofas in their living room.
"Thanks for understanding how I feel." Chrissy smiled. "I'd like you both to meet Jayden. She's the one that kept me sane these past eight weeks." Chrissy giggled. "Jayden, I'd like you to meet Cathy and Sara." Chrissy pointed at each of them as she said their names.
"Hello Cathy, Sara, it's nice to meet you both." Jayden was looking at them both, as she tried to work out if one of them use to be a man, or if they were just a lesbian couple.
"Hi Jayden. Thank you for looking after Chrissy for us all." Sara smiled.
"Hello Jayden. Yes thank you for doing that, She can be quite a hand full, can't she?" Cathy said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy sitting with Becky on another sofa.
"All I did was help her get back on her feet. Once she moved in with me, it felt more like she was taking care of me after that." Jayden giggled, as she looked at Chrissy.
"I know just what you mean Jayden." Cathy said with a knowing look, as she thought back to how Chrissy had been when she'd stayed with her for a week. That was when Chrissy thought Becky was having an affair with Vic, but really they had just been planning a large engagement surprise for her instead.
Jayden raised an eyebrow, as she sensed a story their. "Why do I get the feeling that this isn't the first time Chrissy's ran away from something."
Cathy and the others all sat and told Jayden the story of how Chrissy thought Becky was having an affair, while Chrissy went with Sara to sort out some drinks for them all.
"Is everything really okay between us Sara?" Chrissy asked, once they got to the kitchen. "I wouldn't blame you and Cathy, if you both hated me."
"Stop being silly Chrissy. Cathy and I don't hate you." Sara said, as she pulled her into a hug, as they waited for the kettle to boil. "We're both just glad you're back safe and sound."
"Amy told me that you both put the wedding on hold until I was found. Is that true?"
"Yes. Cathy and I are only together now because of you, so we didn't think it right for us to get married without you there to share in the big day." Sara smiled.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble Sara. I know I was being selfish when I ran away, but I just wanted to run away from what I thought was the truth at the time." Chrissy said, as she hugged Sara again, and rested her head on Sara's shoulder.
"You don't need to explain it to me Chrissy. Cathy told me how she'd feel if she found out I was pregnant. So I do understand." Sara smiled, as she stroked the back of Chrissy's hair while they hugged.
"I wouldn't worry about that Sara. Prue said she'd be making sure that Cathy and Amy will be involved in the whole process." Chrissy giggled, as they made the drinks.
"What do you mean Cathy and Amy will be involved in the whole process?" Sara asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"I'm not to sure what happens, maybe Becky could fill you in better. Prue just said that it would be a lot easier for you and Amber to get pregnant, as Amy and Cathy had a much high sperm count that I had." Chrissy said with a shrug.
"So are you trying to tell me that I can still have Cathy's baby?" Sara asked, as she turned around to face Chrissy, so she could look her in the eyes as she asked.
"Yes, I thought you would have worked that one out, after Becky got pregnant with mine." Chrissy said in a matter of fact way.
Sara put her hands on her belly, as she thought about having a little life growing inside her at some point in the future. "I can't wait to tell Cathy all of this, she will be so happy." Sara said with a grin.
They soon had a tray of drinks ready, so they went back to the living room. Cathy was just finishing up the story, and had got to the bit where Vicky had Chrissy over her shoulder and walked her back through the club with her knickers on show to everyone.
Chrissy just let out a groan, as she sorted out drinks for everyone, and then sat down and cuddled up to Becky, while Cathy told the rest of the story. Jayden and the others all giggled at it, but Chrissy was just happy to be with Becky again. She'd also decided to never run away from a problem again, Chrissy knew that being a mother meant she'd have to be strong and meet all problems head on from now on.
Cathy finished the story, and they all had a laugh about it, even Chrissy. Jayden got the answer to her question from the story, as she found out that Cathy wasn't born a female, just like Chrissy. Jayden had already been told about Amy's story. She also knew about Carl being a cross dresser, but she hadn't met Vic yet.
"So then Chrissy, how does it feel now you know you're going to be a parent?" Cathy asked, as they sat having a drink.
"Amazing, Scary, wonderful. You name it, and I feel it at the minute Cathy." Chrissy said with a smile, as she put her hand on Becky's belly, just before she leaned over to kiss her.
"You'll both make the worlds best parents. Congratulations." Cathy smiled, as she saw how happy the two of them were over it all.
"Chrissy was just telling me something in the kitchen while we sorted out the drinks honey." Sara said, as she leaned over to kiss Cathy on the cheek, just before she turned enough for Sara to kiss her on the lips.
"She was, and what would that be my love?" Cathy asked between kisses.
"Apparently Prue said that you and Amy won't be kept in the dark when Amber and I get pregnant." Sara said, as a grin spread across her face.
It took a couple of seconds for Cathy to understand what Sara was saying to her, but when t did sink in, the look on her face said it all. "You mean that you'll be able to have my baby?" Cathy asked looking shocked, but really happy at the same time.
There was a lot of screaming and hugging for the next ten minutes, as Cathy and Sara came to grips with the fact they would be able to have children of their own one day. Amy and Amber joined in as well, and they had another round of name the children.
Time got away from them, and it was close to midnight by the time they were leaving Sara and Cathy's, but they were all happy to have the Chrissy back. Sara and Cathy both fell in love with Jayden right away, and Jayden felt like she'd know them both all her life by the time they left to head back to Mandy's
Once they got back home, Chrissy helped Amy make some drinking chocolate for them all. Then they sat around the kitchen table chatting to Jayden about all the people she'd met today, and what she thought of them all.
"So what do you think to the family then Jayden?" Amber asked.
"I think they're all really amazing. Mable scared me, but at the same time, I felt I could trust her with anything." Jayden said with a puzzled look.
"That's just how Mable is, but you can always go to her and feel like your safe talking to her about any problem you might have." Becky said with a grin.
"I was really worried for Chrissy when we first got to Mable's, but she seemed to calm down and forgive her." Jayden smiled, as she looked at Chrissy cuddled up to Becky's side.
"Chrissy had it easy, you should have seen how mad Mable got when she was having a go at Becky over the whole thing." Mandy said with a shudder. "I thought she was going to take Becky across her knee at one point." Mandy added.
"Is that why you wouldn't jump to my defence while Mable was telling me off tonight?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Becky.
"Yes, I wanted to baby, but Mable said that she would take me across her knee if I even said a world while she was telling you off." Becky said looking a little sad about it all now.
"Don't worry about it, I should never have ran in the first place. I also should have called one of you a long time ago to say I was safe. That way I would have been told what really happened." Chrissy said with a sigh. "I don't know about any of you, but I'm really tired, and just want to crash out in bed, so I'm going to call it a night." Chrissy said, as she stood up.
"Oh! One more thing before you disappear Chrissy." Mandy said, as she got up and went over to a draw over near the side. "I think you'll be needing these back now." Mandy held out her hand, and dropped two sets of keys in them when she held out her hand.
Chrissy looked down and saw her house keys and shop keys lying there in her hand. "Does this mean I still have a job?" Chrissy asked.
"No, it means you still own half a business with me, and I need you back to help me run it." Mandy said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her. "Amy and I are in need of your organising skills in a big way sis." Mandy added with a giggle.
"Does this mean that I'm back at work tomorrow then sis?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"I'm afraid so baby sister." Mandy said with a sigh.
"It will be nice to get back to some sort of normality again." Chrissy smiled, as she put the keys in her purse and then followed the others up stairs to bed.
They all hugged and Mandy's bedroom door and then Jayden walked down the hallway with Amy, Amber and Ann. Where she then hugged them before going into her room and getting ready for bed.
Mandy was just getting into bed when she heard a knock on her bedroom door, o she got back out and went to see who it was. She found Chrissy and Becky standing there grinning at her.
"Hi sis, will it be okay for Becky and I to sleep in here with you tonight?" Chrissy asked.
Mandy never said a word, she just grabbed Chrissy's hand and pulled her into the room and over to the bed. Chrissy gave Mandy a quick hug, and then jumped in to the bed, and became the main filling in and Becky, Mandy sandwich. Chrissy fell asleep with a grin on her face, now she knew she was home again.
To Be Continued Next week
Edited by ChrisW
Chrissy woke to find Mandy just getting out of bed to go and take a shower, so she looked over at the clock on Mandy's side of the bed and realised that she needed to make a move as well, or she'd never be ready in time. She slid out of bed and went across the hallway to her own room and then sorted out a suit for work before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. Chrissy had only just got in when she heard someone enter the bathroom, just before she saw Becky open the shower door and join her.
"Hope you don't mind me helping you get clean baby?" Becky asked, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
"I don't mind at all." Chrissy said, as she hugged her back. Chrissy could feel that Becky was shaking. "Are you okay Becky? I can feel you're shaking."
"I'm fine, I was just being silly." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
"Being silly about what?" Chrissy asked, as she broke the hug to look Becky in the eyes and find out an answer to why she was shaking, and hugging her so tightly.
"I woke up and saw you weren't there, and thought I might have dreamed that you were back. So I jumped out of bed and ran over here to see if it was a dream or not." Becky threw her arms around Chrissy again.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry for all the worry." Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky again. "I'm really back, and I'm hear to stay this time."
Becky soon found herself being kissed by Chrissy, then it got a little heavier and Becky had soon forgotten all about her worries as Chrissy worked her magic on her.
"Apology accepted baby." Becky purred, as she relaxed in Chrissy's arms when they'd done playing around in the shower.
Chrissy and Becky got dried off and then went back to the bedroom, where Chrissy went to start getting ready for work instead of heading down for breakfast.
"Do you not want to have some breakfast before you get ready for work?" Becky asked with a puzzled look.
"I'm not sure it's alright for me to just drop back into the same old routine right after coming back." Chrissy said looking nervous.
"Now who's being silly?" Becky asked with a huff. "Leave those clothes there and put on your bathrobe, and come with me now." Becky added, as she stood with her hands on her hips waiting for Chrissy to put her bathrobe back on.
Chrissy did as she was told and then walked over to Becky and let Becky take her hand and lead her out the bedroom.
"Do you think we better go and see if Jayden is awake?" Chrissy asked, as they stopped just out side their bedroom and looked up the hallway towards Jayden's bedroom door. "She has no idea what we do at breakfast time yet." Chrissy added.
"You have a good point baby, we better go and see if she's up, and if wants breakfast." Becky said, as she kept hold of Chrissy's hand, and led her to Jayden's bedroom door.
Chrissy knocked on the door, and then waited for Jayden to invite them in. They didn't have to wait long before they heard her shout for them to enter.
Jayden was sitting at her dressing table wearing a bathrobe just like Chrissy and Becky, and she was brushing out her wet hair after taking a shower and washing it.
"Morning Jayden. How did you sleep?" Chrissy asked, as she entered the room with Becky close behind.
"Morning Chrissy, Becky." Jayden smiled. "I was a little worried that I'd have trouble sleeping in a strange new bed, but I had one of the best nights sleep I've had in a long time. I just love that bed."
"I'm glad you like it. Mandy only has the best of everything." Chrissy smiled. "We're just heading down to the kitchen for some breakfast, and we wondered if you wanted to join us?"
"Sure, I wasn't to sure what you all did for breakfast, so I was killing time while I waited for someone to come and let me know." Jayden said, as she got up and joined them over near the door.
"Chrissy's a little out of practice at the minute, but we normally all get together to have breakfast, then I clean up in the kitchen after the others have all left for work." Becky said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy, and led her back out the bedroom and down the hallway with Jayden walking along side. "You'll soon realise that you have free run of the house, so just come, and go as you please, but let us know if you won't be back for dinner in the evening, so we know not to wait for you." Becky added.
"I'll do that Becky, not that I know many people to be keeping me out at the minute, but I have no idea what Carl has planned for me yet."
"Knowing Carl like we do, I'm sure he'll have you fully informed before the end of the day." Becky giggled.
"What do you have planned for today anyway Jayden?" Chrissy asked, as they walked down the stairs.
"I was just planning to finish unpacking my stuff. Unless you need me to do something for you?" Jayden asked.
"Nope, nothing at all. I'd just be ready for a phone call from Carl at some point today, so he can get you sorted out for your knew job." Becky warned her. "Carl isn't one to let the grass grow under his feet. If you know what I mean." Becky added with a giggle.
"I've noticed that about him, but he's a really nice person with it as well. Nothing like what I expected him to be like." Jayden said, as they entered the kitchen.
Mandy, Ann, Amy, and Amber were already in the kitchen when they entered. Becky led Jayden over to the table and helped her take a seat, while Chrissy went over to see if Amy and Amber needed any help cooking breakfast.
"Morning Amy, Amber. Can I help you with anything?" Chrissy asked looking nervous.
"Morning big sister Chrissy!" Amy shouted, as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her. "You should know by now that you don't need to ask, just get stuck in, and help out where ever you can." Amy added, as she broke the hug.
"Morning Chrissy." Amber said, as she also gave Chrissy a hug when Amy finished hers.
"I'm sorry, but this all feels a little strange to me at the minute." Chrissy said, as she looked around the kitchen. It all looked the same, but felt very different at the same time.
"Well you look like the same old Chrissy to me, so grab that fork, and turn the bacon over while I finish off making the scrambled eggs." Amy said, as she led Chrissy over to the cooker.
Chrissy was helping out, and it felt like old times again, as they got breakfast ready, while they danced around to songs on the radio. Jayden sitting and giggled at the table with Mandy and Ann, as they all watched the other girls playing around.
Once everything was ready they all started eating, as they filled Jayden in on some of the details of how they kept the house clean, and how they sorted out and did the washing. Jayden stayed down stairs to help Becky do the dishes while the others all went up to get ready for work.
"I feel like I'm getting to know a whole knew Chrissy to the one that lived with me for all those weeks." Jayden said, as she washed the dishes, while Becky dried them and put them away.
"Which Chrissy do you like the best?" Becky asked.
"This knew Chrissy. No contest." Jayden giggled. "So is it like this every morning then?"
"No, some days it can be worse." Becky giggled. "It really depends on the songs they play on the radio." She added with a frown, just before she started giggling again.
Becky and Jayden soon had the dishes washed and put away, and were sitting at the kitchen table with a fresh cup of tea each when the others got back down stairs again. So they all had another drink before they all left to head off to work.
"You look very business like in that outfit Chrissy." Jayden said, as she looked at Chrissy in her matching dark blue skirt and jacket with a lighter blue silk blouse. Chrissy had her hair tied back in a high ponytail.
"Thanks Jayden. It does look a little different to the school girl uniform I wore for the club." Chrissy giggled, as she smoothed out her skirt and looked down at the dark blue heels she had on.
Amy, Ann, and Mandy were also wearing suits like Chrissy, and Amber was just in her normal cut off jeans over black leggings, and she was wearing a blue T-shirt with a picture of a cat sleeping on it. Amber didn't have to deal with the public like the others did, so she got to wear what she wanted most the time, and Sara normally let her know when they needed to go some place where Amber would need to look a little smarter. The couple of times Sara hadn't let Amber know about the needing to go some place, Sara had found her something to wear.
They all had another cup of tea before they left for work. Ann left first, then Amy spent a couple of minutes saying goodbye to Amber, as she walked her to the door.
Jayden got a hug from all the girls except Becky; as she wasn't going any place either. Jayden walked to the front door and then stood to one side, as she watched Chrissy and Becky hug each other.
"Will you be okay being left here while I go to work baby?" Chrissy asked, as she saw the sad look in Becky's eyes.
"I should be princess. I'll help Jayden get unpacked, so that should help me remember that I have you back again, even if you're not here with me at the time." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy. "I'm more worried about you at the minute. You look really nervous." Becky added, as she broke the hug, and ran a hand down Chrissy's cheek.
"I'm just a little scared about being back at the shop again. What if I can't remember how to do the job?" Chrissy said with a worried look.
"You're just being silly again baby. You soon got the hang of helping out with breakfast didn't you?" Becky asked with a little giggle, as she thought about them all dancing around while they sorted it out.
Chrissy let out a little giggle. "Good point my love." Chrissy pulled Becky closer and kissed her. "Call me if you feel the need to talk, I don't want you worrying."
"I'm really sorry, but we need to see about leaving now Chrissy." Mandy said with a sad look, as she watched the two of them hugging in the doorway. "Don't worry Becky, we'll keep her safe, and stop her running away again if need be." Mandy added with a grin, as she took Chrissy's hand and started leading her to the car.
Amy had already gone out to the car, so she already had the front passenger door open for Chrissy to get in. "Thanks baby sister." Chrissy said, as she got in the car, and turned to look at Becky like she was making a mental image to remember her by until she got home later.
Becky stood with Jayden at the front door, and they both waved as they watched Mandy pull out the driveway. Then they went back into the house to rinse out the cups they just used, and then they went up to Jayden's room to finish unpacking her stuff.
"Thanks for helping me do this Becky. I know you must have a lot of other things you need to get done." Jayden smiled, as she put her clothes away in the draws.
"You're welcome. I'd normally be doing some housework before going back to bed." Becky was taking some of Jayden's dresses to the wardrobe as she spoke. "With working late at the club, I like to get up and spend some time with Chrissy before I go back, but with not working last night I'm not very tired a the minute." Becky grabbed a couple more dresses, and looked at Jayden with a smile on her face.
"Is everything okay Becky?" Jayden asked when she saw Becky looking at her with a smile on her face.
"Everything is just perfect Jayden, because looking at you being here now doing this." Becky indicated at them putting all her stuff away. "Means that Chrissy is really back."
"She would have come back to you anyway I think." Jayden said, as she walked over to Becky and sat her on the bed next to her. "Chrissy always looked like she was ready to call someone and ask to come home, and now I can see why." Jayden pulled Becky into a hug when she saw a tear roll down her cheek.
"I'm sorry Jayden, I shouldn't be crying still." Becky said, as she wiped the tears away.
"Don't worry about it Becky." Jayden giggled as she hugged Becky a little tighter. "I know I don't have what you have with Chrissy, but I was feeling lost when I thought she was about to walk back out of my life. I felt like kissing Carl when he gave me the chance to move here to be close to her still." Jayden added with another giggle.
"Chrissy can be like a drug, the more you have of her the more you want." Becky said with a sigh. "I just felt so lost while she was gone, and the thought that I'd driven her away was killing me a little each day."
"I could see the same thing happening to Chrissy as well, but you're both back together now. So cheer up and help me finish putting my stuff away." Jayden said with a grin. Not letting Becky dwell on the past any longer.
Becky had to giggle at the way Jayden pulled her out of her thinking, and she was soon helping Jayden to put the rest of her stuff away. Becky had to stop when she heard her mobile ringing, so she got it out her pocket and saw it was Carl calling her.
"Hi Carl. Is everything alright?"
"Hi Becky. Yes everything is fine. I was just calling to see if Jayden was around? I never thought to get her mobile number while I was with her."
"I'm with her now; we're just sorting out her stuff and putting it away. Hold on and I'll pass you over to her." Becky said, as she handed Jayden her phone. "Carl wants a word with you."
"Oh, right." Jayden said looking worried as she took the phone off Becky. "Hello?" Jayden asked sounding just as worried as she looked.
"Hi Jayden. Don't sound so worried, I was just telling Becky that I forgot to ask you for your mobile number before I left yesterday." Carl said with a chuckle when he heard the worry in her voice. "I was wondering if you'd have some free time today. I want to get you sorted out with some business suits and also go over some collage courses you may be interested in."
"That all sounds fine Carl; I can finish sorting my stuff out later. What time do you want me to be ready for?" Jayden asked, not wanting to say no to her boss on the first day of her new job.
"You can say no to me, if you feel you need the rest of the day to finish sorting you stuff out." Carl said, almost sensing what Jayden was thinking. "I hope I don't come across as that much of an ogre?" Carl asked with a chuckle.
"I don't think you're an ogre at all Carl. I'm just eager to get things moving myself, and I know that Becky will need to get some sleep later ready for her going to work tonight." Jayden smiled, as she looked at Becky as she carried on putting bits away for her.
"Okay Jayden, I'll pick you up at noon. That way we can grab a spot of lunch and talk about what I want you to do for me."
"I'll see you at noon then Carl. Do I need to dress in any special way?"
"Just wear something nice to go and eat in. Becky will help you pick something out. Until later then. Bye." Carl said, just before ending the call.
"I did warn you that Carl would be in contact with you at some point today." Becky said with a grin.
"Yes you did." Jayden replied with a giggle. "He wants to go out for lunch, and then take me to get some suits for work. Can you help me pick out something nice to wear?" Jayden asked looking hopeful.
"Sure, do you want to say pretty, or smart and sexy?" Becky asked with an even bigger grin.
"Carl just said something nice to go and have lunch in." Jayden said looking a little vague about it all.
"Well I think if he's going to be taking you to look for business suits then we might as well see if one of Chrissy's suit's will fit you." Becky grabbed Jayden's hand and started walking her down to hers and Chrissy's room.
Jayden hadn't been in their bedroom yet, and she had to stop and take a deep breath as she looked around the large bedroom, and the large four poster bed covered in pink in there. Jayden had never seen anything like this, other than in the movies, but being in a room like this was completely different. Becky had to walk back and pull Jayden along with her to a door on the other side of the room, and then they walked into another room. It took Jayden a couple of seconds to realise that this was Chrissy and Becky's walk in wardrobe.
"Wow! Are all these clothes yours and Chrissy?" Jayden asked, as she looked around the room at all the different dresses, shoes and boots.
"Yep. What can I say, we love to shop." Becky giggled, as she looked around the room.
Jayden's eyes were drawn to a couple of dress dummies at the far end of the room that seemed to be wearing wedding dresses, so Jayden made her way over to them to take a closer look. "These look so beautiful Becky." Jayden said, as she ran her hand along the clear plastic covering them. "Are these the dresses you and Chrissy wore to get married in?"
"Yes. If you remind Chrissy or me later, we'll get the wedding album out for you to have a look at. I'm sure that Amy will show you her dress and wedding album as well, if you ask her."
"I'll do that Becky; I'd love to see what you both looked like wearing them." Jayden said, as she looked at the second dress a little closer.
Becky went to the section of the wardrobe where Chrissy kept her business suits and then picked out a nice grey one she thought would look nice on Jayden. "This one should look good on you Jayden." Becky said as she held up the suit for her to look at. "Do you have a blouse to go with it, or do you want to borrow one of Chrissy's?"
"I have a blouse, but I may need to iron it first." Jayden said, as she thought about it.
"Let's just borrow one of Chrissy's then, she always irons them ready to be worn anyway." Becky smiled, as she grabbed a Silvery grey looking silk blouse off a rack. "I know just the shoes to go with this outfit as well." Becky added, as she went over to where all the shoes and boots were lined up along one of the walls.
Jayden stood and watched as Becky walked back over to her holding a pair of grey suede pumps with what looked like a three-inch heel on them. "Are you sure Chrissy won't mind me borrowing her clothes and shoes?" Jayden asked, as she took the shoes off Becky to get a closer look at them.
"Would Chrissy mind? If she was here, she'd be treating you like a life size Barbie doll." Becky giggled, as she led Jayden back out into the bedroom. "We all share our stuff, so just ask if you ever need anything."
"I do have a thing for shoes and boots, so I may have to take you up on that offer." Jayden said with a grin, as she thought about all the ones she just saw in Chrissy and Becky's wardrobe.
"I can see why you get on so well with Chrissy then now." Becky said with a grin. "Amy's just as bad, so you may want to take a look at her collection at some point as well."
"I'll have to do that." Jayden said with a grin.
Jayden carried the shoes, while Becky carried the suit and blouse back to Jayden's room for her. Becky went down stairs to make a drink, while Jayden took another shower. She was feeling sweaty and grubby after sorting out all her stuff.
Chrissy was quiet on the drive to work. Even though she'd done this same drive too many times to remember, it still felt odd today, as if it felt like she was starting a new job. She remembered this is how she'd felt that very first day she started working for Mandy all those years ago. Chrissy soon snapped out of her day dreaming when she heard Mandy speaking to her.
"You okay sis? You seem really quiet." Mandy asked looking worried.
"I think so Mandy, I'm just scared about being back at the shop."
"What ever for? You've been working there long enough now that you can do it blindfolded." Mandy put her hand on Chrissy's and smiled at her as she said it.
"I bet you'll be bossing us both around in know time at all, just like you use to Chrissy." Amy said with a giggle from the back seat.
"I wasn't bossy, just well organised." Chrissy said with a smile.
"Now that's the Chrissy we both remember." Mandy giggled. "Just try and put it all behind you sis. Amy and I really did miss you at the shop." Mandy added, as she gave Chrissy's hand another squeeze.
Chrissy felt better after telling them both how she felt, and she was soon getting out the car and helping to open the back door once Mandy had parked up. Everything looked the same, but it was a little messy. Chrissy already knew that they had stopped what they were doing when they got the phone call from Carl to say he'd found her. Chrissy took a slow walk around the shop, as she said hello to the place again after being away for so long.
"You ready to help us get back on track then big sister Chrissy?" Amy asked with a grin, as she walked over to where Chrissy was stood looking out the shop window.
Chrissy turned around and pulled Amy into a hug with her. "I'm sorry for leaving you little sister. Will you ever forgive me?" Chrissy asked, as she hugged her a little tighter.
"Forgive you for what?" Amy asked with a grin. "Just don't blame me if you can't find anything for the next couple of days." Amy giggled as she broke the hug and led Chrissy by the hand to help her start sorting out the orders for the changing service.
Amy and Mandy were right, it didn't take Chrissy long to get back into the swing of things, and they were soon caught up and able to take a tea break.
"It's great to have you back sis." Mandy said, as she sitting with her mug of coffee. "I'd forgot just how good you were at organising how we do stuff."
"It's really good to be back doing something I love to do." Chrissy smiled.
"Did you not love being a waitress then sis?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"Not really, I got sick of having my bottom pinched all the time." Chrissy had to rub her backside just thinking about it. "The women were worse than the men most the time." Chrissy added with a giggle.
"I'm sorry, but you asked for everything you got sis. You never should have ran away from us in the first place." Mandy said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug. "But I'm sure glad to have you back again."
"Thanks sis." Chrissy smiled, as she hugged Mandy back.
They finished their drinks and then got back to work trying to clear the Ebay orders. They had quite a lot due to them not being at the shop for a couple of days. They had put a large dent in it though by the time Linda arrived with their lunch, and to take the clothing back to the hotel for Cathy and Maria.
Linda let out a scream when she saw Chrissy, as she ran over and threw her arms around her. "Where you been hiding girl?" Linda asked Chrissy when she finally stopped hugging her.
"Hi Linda. I went back to school." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Amy and Mandy.
"So the gossip at the hotel then is true? You were found working at St. Trinian's down on the coast?" Linda asked.
"Yes the gossip is true, but I didn't know that Carl owned the club when I got the job there." Chrissy pointed out.
"Does you being back here mean you got everything sorted out with Becky?"
"Yes, and I'm really happy that She's going to be having my baby." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Congratulations on that Chrissy." Linda said, as she hugged her again. "All the girls at work think you and Becky will make amazing parents. They all love the kids parties you've done for there children."
"Please don't get them started on kids parties again Linda." Chrissy said, as she rolled her eyes. "I'm still in trouble over running away and leaving them with two parties to sort out."
"I don't know what you're in trouble for Chrissy. All the parents thought the parties were the best they've ever had for their children." Linda looked at Amy and Mandy as she said it.
"We know we did a good job, but we were worn out by the end of it all, and we didn't have the well planned skill that Chrissy has when she's there to help." Mandy smiled.
"Sounds like you're the brains behind the party business Chrissy." Linda giggled.
"I'm not saying a word. They will find some way to use it against me at a later date." Chrissy said, as she picked up a pile of boxes and made her way out to Linda's van.
"Wise choice sis!" Mandy shouted to Chrissy, just as she was leaving the shop. Chrissy just looked back and stuck her tong out at Mandy.
"Are things really okay again between them Mandy?" Linda asked as she watched Amy leave the shop with a pile of boxes.
"Yes, Chrissy and Becky are as much in love as they have always been." Mandy said looking really happy. "Chrissy is still a little nervous about getting back into her old routine, but she's slowly getting back into it."
"I bet that you're all glad to have her back safe and sound as well?"
"That goes without saying Linda." Mandy smiled; as she watched Amy and Chrissy walk back into the shop giggling at each other.
"Oh well, I better get the orders back to the hotel then." Linda said with a sigh, as she turned to leave the shop, but stopped and pulled Chrissy into another hug. "I'm really glad to see you back Chrissy. Please don't runaway again."
"Don't worry, I've learned my lesson." Chrissy said in a firm voice.
"Look's like going to St. Trinian's really did teach you something." Linda giggled. This made the others giggle as well, and Chrissy was soon laughing at the humour in what Linda just said.
Once Linda had left the shop, Amy locked the front door and turned the sight to tell everyone that they were closed for lunch. Chrissy had waited with her, so they walked to the back of the shop and joined Mandy at the table in the back room.
They sat and talked about the shop and some of the things that happened while Chrissy was away. Once they'd finished and washed all the plates, and put the leftovers in the fridge they had, then they made a start on the Ebay orders again.
Chapter 23: Jayden's new job
Jayden walked back into her bedroom, she had to smile when she looked around, thinking that this was her room now, and she was about to start her dream job. She walked over to the bed and set to work getting dressed in the suit that Becky had let her borrow off Chrissy. Jayden was worried that the skirt would be a little tight after seeing how small Chrissy's waist looked this morning when she got ready for work, but it fit her just fine. She was soon dressed and slipping on the grey suede pumps and looking at herself in the mirror.
"You're looking good girl. Even if I do say so my self." Jayden said with a grin, as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Jayden grabbed her purse and a black leather folder with some references in it from other jobs she'd worked. She was treating the lunch more like an interview than just a simple lunch date.
Becky was drinking a glass of juice when she heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor out in the hallway, then she saw Jayden enter the kitchen.
"How do I look?" Jayden asked, as she did a quick spin to let Becky get a proper look at her.
"You scrub up pretty good Jayden." Becky said with a grin.
"Thanks I think," Jayden said as she looked to be trying to work out whether or not Becky had just paid her a complement or not.
"I mean you look really good Jayden." Becky said when she saw the way Jayden wasn't sure what she meant.
"I wasn't sure I'd get the skirt on, not after seeing how tinny Chrissy's waist looked this morning when she left for work with Amy and Mandy."
"Chrissy was wearing a corset this morning, so she had a skirt with a smaller waist size on, but some days she doesn't bother with a corset. On those days she wears one of the suits I lent you."
"I thought she had a little more shape than she normally did, but never thought that she'd be wearing a corset under her suit and blouse." Jayden said, as she took a seat at the kitchen table next to Becky.
Becky poured her a glass of juice out and passed it to her. "Chrissy loves her corsets, and as they sell them at the shop, she says it helps sales if she wears one as well." Becky said with a grin. "I think she just really loves the way it makes her look even more sexy. She can be quite the tease you know." Becky giggled this time.
"She is really nice Becky, but like I said before. Girls just don't do anything for me." Jayden picked up her drink and took a small sip from it. "And I find it hard to believe she wasn't born one when I look at her."
"I'm not sure she ever was a boy, even when she had all the right bits to say she was." Becky said with a far away look in her eyes. "I've never had feeling for boys, but the first time I saw Chrissy or Chris as it was back then. I just knew I wanted to be with him, which was odd because like I said, I don't like boys." Becky was frowning as she said the last bit.
"I suppose when you find your soul mate, it doesn't matter what they look like. You just know that is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with." Jayden said with a sigh.
"I take it you've not found your soul mate yet then?" Becky asked with a grin.
"Nope. Knowing my luck, he was probably looking the other way, or missed the buss. So we never met when we should have." Jayden giggled.
"Doesn't sound like you have much luck with men. Maybe you should check out the grass on the other side of the fence." Becky said with a raised eyebrow.
"Was that an offer?" Jayden asked with a grin.
"I'm sorry, but after two months away from her, I only have room for one person in my heart for the time being." Becky said, as she put her hand on her belly.
Jayden understood what Becky was saying when she saw her rub her belly. She had to smile when she saw how happy Becky was, that she would be having Chrissy's baby. They were both snapped out of their daydreaming when they heard the doorbell.
"That will be Carl." Becky said looking at the clock as she got up from the table. "You wait here and I'll let him in." Becky added, as she stopped Jayden getting up out her seat.
Becky walked out into the hallway and then to the front door. She opened it and found Carl and Vic standing there smiling at her.
"Look Vic, Becky's back." Carl said with a grin, as he looked at Vic and pointed towards Becky stood in the doorway smiling back at them.
"I wasn't the one that ran away Carl." Becky said, as she put her hands on her hips, but she still had the smile on her face, as she knew what Carl was getting at.
"You may as well have Becky, with how lost you were while Chrissy was away." Carl smiled, as he stepped into the house. "It's good to see you smiling again." He added, as he gave her a hug.
"Was I really that bad to live with these past two months?" Becky asked, as she broke the hug, and looked at them both.
Carl just looked at Becky for a couple of seconds. "Is Jayden ready to head out for some lunch?" Carl asked, trying to change the subject with a grin on his face.
"She's in the kitchen." Becky said with a raised eyebrow.
"Hi Becky. You do look a lot better now." Vic said, as he stepped into the house, and gave her a hug. "I'm looking forward to seeing Chrissy again myself. I think I'm the only one who hasn't seen her since she got back." Vic added with a chuckle.
"She'll be happy to see you two Vic, but please don't have a go at her about running away. Mable had a big enough go at her last night to cover everyone." Becky said with a pained look on her face.
"So I heard. Jenna told me that Mable wasn't pulling any punches last night when she spoke to Chrissy. Is she okay again now?" Vic asked looking worried.
"She was fine before we left Mable's last night. But she is still trying to find her feet again." Becky sighed as she closed the front door and then followed Carl and Vic back to the kitchen where Jayden was.
Jayden turned to look at the kitchen door when she heard voices. Carl entered the kitchen followed by a taller man, whom was talking to Becky.
"Good afternoon Jayden." Carl smiled, as he walked over to take a seat at the table next to her.
"Hi Carl." Jayden said looking nervous, as she checked to make sure she still looked okay.
"You're looking very smart Jayden. Maybe I should just let Becky sort out your business suits for me." Carl smiled, as he looked at Becky.
"Are you sure I look alright Carl? I can go and change if it's not." Jayden asked with some panic in her voice.
"Jayden, calm down and take a couple of deep breaths." Carl said in a calm voice. "You look fine. I was just paying you a complement. I'd like you to meet Vic; he's my body guard and best friend." Carl added as he looked at Vic, then back at Jayden.
"Hello Jayden, it's nice to finally meet you." Vic said, as he held out his hand to shake hers. "Carl's done nothing but talk about how much you did for Chrissy while she was on her little holiday. I'd like to thank you myself for keeping her safe for us." Vic added, when he saw the puzzled look on Jayden's face.
"Hello Vic, it's nice to finally meet you too." Jayden was trying to see how this man could become the woman that Cathy was talking about last night, when she was telling her the story of how she stopped Chrissy getting away from the club in her story.
"Has some one been warning you about me already?" Vic asked with a grin.
Jayden found herself liking Vic right away, just like she had with Carl and the others. "I've only heard good things about you Vic. Why should I have been warned?" Jayden asked with a smile.
"No, I just thought it would have been cool if you had." Vic chuckled, as he took a seat at the table.
Jayden had to giggle when she saw the sad look on Vic's face, but she soon look all series again when she remembered why Carl and Vic were here. She unzipped the leather folder she had all her paperwork in and then slid it over to Carl, so he could take a look at it.
"What's all this Jayden?" Carl asked with a puzzled look on his face.
"That's my C/V and references from other places I've worked. I thought you'd want to see them before you hire me." Jayden said sounding nervous again.
"I don't need to see any of this stuff Jayden. You had the job from the minute you knocked on Chrissy's hotel room and helped her." Carl said as he closed the folder and then zipped it back up again. "I've also made sure that you're pay check reflect the new job title too, so when you check your bank account, you'll see a little extra in there." Carl added with a grin.
"I'm not sure I'm following you Carl." Jayden said looking even more puzzled now.
"I've had you moved to a high management position, and had it back dated to the day you first helped Chrissy." Carl said in a matter of fact way.
"Thank you Carl, but you really didn't need to do any of that. I was happy to help Chrissy try and get over what ever brought her to that point in her life. It was like looking after a little sister." Jayden said looking a little embarrassed saying it.
"And that is the reason you now have the job you do Jayden. Welcome to the family." Carl smiled.
"I'm not sure what to say Carl, other than thank you, and that doesn't even come close to showing you how grateful I am for all this."
"Welcome to the family sis." Becky said, as she leaned over and hugged Jayden. "I hope you realised that Chrissy comes as a package deal. We may not be related by blood, or last names, but we're all still one big happy family." Becky added with a grin.
Jayden was still lost for words, so she just hugged Becky back, as she smiled at Carl and Vic. Being an only child, whose parents had died when she was still young, Jayden had never know what it felt like to be part of a family.
"Do you want to join us for some lunch Becky?" Carl asked.
"Thanks for the offer Carl, but I'm going to head off back to bed for a couple of hours. I'm back at work tonight, and I don't want to be fighting to stay awake." Becky smiled.
"Good point Becky, but you could take an extra night off if you want? I'm sure Beth would be happy to look after the place for you." Carl offered.
"I'm sure she would Carl, but I'm trying to help Chrissy get back to some sort out normal life again. If I start taking more time off, she will never feel like her old self again." Becky said with a pout.
Carl could understand what Becky was saying, so he left it at that, and helped Jayden to stand, so they could go and get some lunch, and then get her sorted out with some suits for her knew position in the company.
Becky waved them off at the front door before locking it and then heading up to bed for a couple of hours sleep before she made a start on dinner for the others.
Jayden got in the back of the large black Mercedes that Vic was driving, and Carl walked around and got in the back on the other side. Carl spoke about the hotels and club's as they drove into the city. Jayden wasn't use to the circles that Carl moved in yet, but she thought she could soon get use to it.
Vic pulled up out side a hotel and a man was at her door and helping her out the minute they stopped. Vic handed another man the keys and then followed Carl and Jayden into the hotel.
"Is this one of your hotels Carl?" Jayden asked, as she looked around.
"Yes. It's a little bigger than the one you were working at." Carl chuckled.
Jayden thought that was an understatement as she looked around the lobby. She was beginning to think she was out of her depth thinking she could work along side Carl. She'd got no idea how to even start running an hotel this size, never mind helping Carl look after all of them.
"I really don't think I'm the person you think I am Carl. I can't even begin to help you run a hotel like this." Jayden said looking a little ill.
"Calm down Jayden, and let me show you around before you think that." Carl said, as he led her over to the reception desk. "I have a good team working for me, and we all work together as a team to make everything run smoothly. I'm not asking you to do all the work on your own." Carl added with a chuckle.
Jayden let Carl lead her over to where a smart dressed man was standing with a couple of bellboys; they all seemed to be having a laugh about something. The man smiled at Carl when he saw him, but he didn't look worried. "Hello Carl, is this the young woman you were telling me about?" The smart dressed man asked, as he walked over to meet Carl part way.
"Yes, this is Jayden." Carl said, as he looked at her. "Jayden, I'd like you to meet Dale. He's the one responsible for keeping this place afloat." Carl chuckled.
"Hello Jayden, it's nice to meet you, and may I say that I'm glad you were there to look after Chrissy for us all." Dale said with a smile, as he took hold of Jayden's hand and lifted it to his lips and gave it a light kiss. "Please take no notice of Carl; he's the real back bone of the hotel." Dale added, looking at Carl with a grin.
"It's a team effort, we all do our little bit to make it run smoothly." Carl said in his own defence.
"So you know Chrissy then Dale?" Jayden asked looking a little shocked at just how well known Chrissy was.
"Yes, she's a very special person. I'm glad she's been found safe and sound again." Dale said and he smiled at Carl.
"You'll be spending some time with Dale as you learn the ropes Jayden. He's the best at what he does, and you'll soon see that you already know everything you need to do the job." Carl said, as he looked at Jayden. "Jayden's worried that she won't be able to do the job Dale. I trust I can leave you to show her she can?" Carl asked Dale, when he saw the questioning look on his face.
"I'd be honoured to help Jayden unlock her true potential Carl. When will we be starting?" Dale asked.
"I'm not sure yet, I need to sort out her collage courses, and make sure they will be teaching her everything she'll need to know. I'm sure she'll be happy to spend some time with you next week though while we get it all sorted out. What do you think Jayden?" Carl asked.
"I'll do what ever you need me to do Carl." Jayden said, sounding nervous.
"We'll take care of the details later, but right now let us just sit and have some lunch." Carl said, as he smiled at Dale.
"Follow me, and I'll get a table in the restaurant for you." Dale said, as he led the way.
"I trust you can find the time to join us Dale? I think Jayden may have some questions for you while we eat." Carl asked.
"I'd be happy to join you, and please feel free to ask as many questions as you wish Jayden. If you don't ask, you will never know." Dale said with a chuckle.
They entered the restaurant and Dale had a quick word with another man before being led to a table. The man helped Jayden with her chair and then waved over a couple of waitresses to take their orders for drinks and food.
Jayden soon learnt that Dale was nothing like the manager at the old hotel. Dale knew all the staff by name, just like she did the staff where she used to work. He was firm but friendly with it at the same time. Jayden soon realised that Dale would have gone to see Chrissy if she'd been staying here, so he could make sure she was okay. That's what Carl saw in her, and why he wanted her on his main team. Carl cared about people and he wanted other people like himself around him as well.
Carl was happy to see Jayden relax and start asking Dale questions, and she was asking the right sort of questions. By the end of the meal, Carl knew that Dale would be able to help Jayden settle in.
"Thanks for letting me pick your brain over lunch Dale." Jayden smiled, as they left the restaurant again.
"Think nothing of it Jayden. I look forward to working with you, and then for you probably." Dale said with a chuckle, as he looked at Carl.
"I don't think that will ever happen Dale. I've seen how you are with your staff." Jayden giggled, like Dale had been joking.
"That wasn't a joke Jayden." Carl said. "I'm training you to be my right hand woman, not a manager of a single hotel. I just want Dale to help you understand how I normally run my hotels. I've already got a team set up in restructuring the one you worked at."
"Please don't blame the staff Carl. They are all really good at their job; it's just the manager that let the team down." Jayden said looking worried for the people she used to work with.
"I never blame the staff Jayden, but you may be able to help me put the right people in the right jobs down there." Carl smiled, as he realised that Jayden would have the best knowledge on the workings of the hotel to start with.
"I'd be more than happy to do my bit to help you fix the problem." Jayden smiled.
"I'll get all the personnel files pulled, and we can sit down one day next week and look them over, so I can get your input on each of them."
They left Dale at the front desk, and then made their way back out to the car, that had been delivered outside the hotel. Vic held the door open for Jayden when they got out there. The next stop was at a very up market clothing store where Carl told the staff what he was looking for, and Jayden was soon being measured for some business suits like the one she already had on. By the time they left the shop, Jayden had several suits to take with her, and Carl had another dozen ordered and paid for. They would be delivered to Mandy's house the next day, which would be the Friday. Carl had also brought a variety of blouses and shoes to go with them as well.
"Will the money for the clothes and shoes be stopped out my wages in one go? Or will it be taken a little at a time?" Jayden asked, as they got back in the car after putting the things they left the shop with, in the trunk of the car. She was worried at the amount of stuff Carl got her to buy.
"Neither. I class them as uniforms, so I cover the cost of them all." Carl smiled. "Don't you think I'd have asked you a couple more questions, if I were expecting you to pay for everything?" Carl asked.
"I wasn't sure, this is all knew to me Carl." Jayden giggled, as she looked around her. "You do have excellent taste in clothing and shoes by the way." Jayden added with a grin.
"One of the plus sides to having a boss that's a cross dresser." Carl said with a grin.
Jayden had to giggle again when she saw the cheeky look on Carl's face when he said it, but she also started to wonder just how different Carl looked when he was dressed. She also found herself trying to think of Vic dressed as a woman as well.
Carl had a couple of calls on his mobile as they drove along, so Jayden just looked out the window and watched the people running back and forth. Vic was soon pulling back into Mandy's driveway.
"Oh no!" Jayden said, as she got out the car.
"What's wrong Jayden?" Carl asked looking worried, as he looked around for any sign of trouble.
"I just thought, I don't have a key to get back in the house, and Becky said she'd be back in bed." Jayden said looking worried.
Before Carl could say anything though, Becky appeared at the front door wearing a big fluffy dressing gown and looking half-asleep still.
"Hi." Becky said with a sleepy smile, as she rubbed her eyes. "That was good timing, I'd just come down stairs when I heard the car pull into the driveway."
"It was good timing Becky. Jayden was wondering how she was going to get in the house, as she doesn't have a key yet." Carl said, as he helped Vic get the bags and boxes out the trunk.
"Mandy's getting a set of keys cut for you today Jayden… Did you get everything taken care of?" Becky asked, as she stepped back to let Vic and Carl enter the house with their hands full. Jayden followed behind with the last of the bags.
"Yes we left some of it at the shop for a delivered tomorrow." Carl chuckled.
"Why am I not surprised." Becky said with a raised eyebrow.
"Can't a guy have some fun shopping now?" Carl asked with a grin.
"It's not the guy that we worry about Carl. It's the woman inside that loves shopping, we worry about." Becky giggled.
Carl and Vic got ready to leave again, and Carl said that he'd see her at the club Saturday night, or more to the point Carla would see her at the club. He also got Jayden's mobile number and then they were gone.
Becky helped Jayden take all her knew clothes and shoes up to her room and hung up in her wardrobe. Then they went back down stairs to have a drink before Becky made a start on dinner.
Chrissy was busy checking what stock they needed to reorder, and Amy was wrapping the last of the orders to go out in the post. Mandy was out getting a set of keys cut for Jayden. Chrissy turned to look at the front door to the shop when she heard the doorbell. She smiled when she saw it was Callum walking up towards the counter where she was stood.
"Chrissy! When did you get back? And were the hell have you been hiding?" Callum asked, looking shocked to see her standing there in the shop working like nothing had ever happened.
"Hi Callum." Chrissy smiled. "This is my first day back. I'm sorry if I worried you with my disappearing." Chrissy added, looking a little embarrassed.
"Hi Callum. Look we found her." Amy said with a grin, as she walked through from the back room when she heard a raised voice in the shop. "Callum's been calling in a couple of times each week since you went missing, to see if there had been any news about you." Amy added when she saw the odd look Chrissy was giving the two of them.
"You were really that worried about me Callum?" Chrissy asked looking shocked to hear what Amy just said.
"Yes I was. Everyone at the club and all your other friends have been worried about you. Why do you find that so odd?" Callum asked with a little anger in his voice.
"I'm sorry." Chrissy said shying away from him a little bit looking worried.
Callum saw the way Chrissy backed away from him, and he realised he'd just snapped at her. "I'm the one that should be sorry Chrissy. I didn't mean to shout at you just now, but I just feel like I'm to blame for how you act these days." Callum let out a sigh.
"Trust me Callum, it was all my fault." Chrissy said with a frown. "Becky was trying to do something nice for me, and I misunderstood it all and ran away rather than face her about it." Chrissy added.
"That's what I'm saying Chrissy. If I hadn't picked on you and made your life a living hell, then maybe you'd have been a little tougher now." Callum tried to explain.
"I don't blame you for how I turned out Callum. For the most part, I like how I turned out." Chrissy said looking proud of her self. "I'm done running away from my problems now. I'm going to be a parent soon, so I have to be strong for my baby." Chrissy added with a grin, as she thought about Becky being with child.
"I heard the good news about the baby. Congratulations on becoming a parent." Callum said, as he held out his arms to give Chrissy a hug. Callum was still amazed at how small and feminine Chrissy was. They were about the same height, but Chrissy was just a girl through and through.
Callum couldn't stay long, as he had a meeting to get to, but he did ask if Chrissy would be at the club with the others on Saturday, and smiled when she said she would. He said he'd see them there, or more to the point, Kara would see them there, before he left to his meeting.
Mandy got back with the keys for Jayden, and they had everything packed and ready to go out in the post, so they decided to close the shop and head home a little earlier. Chrissy didn't mind leaving earlier; she would get to spend a little more time with Becky before she had to go to work herself.
Becky was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with Jayden when they heard the front door, then she saw Chrissy enter the kitchen with a grin on her face, as she ran over and sat on the seat next to her. Becky was about to speak, when Chrissy pulled her close and started kissing her.
"Hello Baby." Becky said with a grin, as she tried to get her breath back after the kissing session.
"Hello my love. I've missed you so much today." Chrissy said, just before kissing her again.
"I missed you too baby." Becky said, as she stroked the side of Chrissy's face, while she looked at her, as she painted an image in her mind ready for when she left for work later. "How was you're first day back at work?" Becky finally asked.
"It was fine, apart from missing you that is." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky again.
"She soon got back into the routine of bossing Mandy and myself around again." Amy giggled; a she took an empty seat at the table next to Jayden. "But I wouldn't want it any other way." Amy added with a grin.
"How was your day? I hope you didn't over do it?" Chrissy asked Becky, as she put her hand on Becky's belly.
"I just helped Jayden finish unpacking until she left with Carl at lunch time, then I went back to bed for a couple of hours." Becky said, as she put her hand on top of Chrissy and smiled at her. "I'm not made of glass baby, so don't worry about me or your other baby. We're both doing just fine."
"I can't help worrying about you both. I already feel really bad for what I did to you." Chrissy said, as she rested her head on Becky's shoulder.
"You weren't the only one to blame for what happened baby. I never should have kept it from you in the first place. So please stop beating yourself up over it all." Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy as she said it. "I have you back now, and that's all I care about." Chrissy never said anything else; she just sat there wrapped in Becky's arms for a little longer.
"Here you go Jayden." Mandy said, as she handed her a set of keys for the house. Mandy also handed her a peace of paper with the code for the alarm system on it, and what she needed to key in to arm it, and then disarm it.
"Thanks Mandy. I was worried I'd have to wait outside when Carl brought me home again earlier. Luckily though, Becky was just getting up and heard us get back."
"Did he talk to you about the new job?" Mandy asked, as she sat down at the table.
"Yes he did. He also took me to get some new clothes for work. I hope you don't mind Chrissy, but Becky let me borrow one of your suits, and a pair of shoes." Jayden asked.
"No, not at all Jayden. I'm glad I could help." Chrissy smiled, as she sat up. "So do you think you'll be able to do the job then?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"I hope so. Carl's putting me with Dale for a couple of days to start with, but he says he's got bigger plans for me in the long run." Jayden went on to tell them about all the things Carl wanted her to learn, so she could become his right hand woman, as he put it.
"I don't think Carl could have picked a better person to do the job Jayden." Chrissy smiled.
"Thanks Chrissy. I know you had a rough time of it, but if you hadn't ran away I never would have got this job." Jayden said, as she reached across the table and took hold of Chrissy's hands.
"You did all the work yourself Jayden. I was the lucky one to find you to look after me." Chrissy said, as she tried to play down her part in Jayden's new job.
Jayden went to argue with Chrissy, but stopped when Amy spoke. "I'd give up if I was you; she'll never accept that she did anything."
"Amy's right Jayden. Chrissy will never let you win this, so you may as well give up now." Mandy said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy and then Jayden again.
"Hey! I am sitting here in the room you know." Chrissy said with a pout.
"We know you are sis, and it's a very beautiful sight indeed." Mandy smiled.
Chrissy went to speak, but realised what Mandy was getting at, so she just put her head back on Becky's shoulder, as she wrapped her arms around her.
Becky was soon breaking the hug, so she could go and look at dinner. Chrissy and Amy got up to help her, while Mandy sat with Jayden chatting about her shopping trip, and how good Carl was at picking out ladies business suits.
Ann and Amber got home, and Jayden watched as Amy and Amber did pretty much the same thing Chrissy and Becky did. Jayden was happy to see that all the girls had someone to share their lives with. She found herself wondering if she would ever find Mr Right.
Dinner was soon ready, and they all sat down to eat. Jayden was impressed with the food, and was shocked when Becky told her the story of how she couldn't cook a thing until Chrissy showed her how. Jayden hoped that Chrissy might be able to teach her a couple of things about cooking while she was living with her.
Jayden helped Amy and Amber wash and dry the dishes after dinner, while Chrissy went with Becky to get ready for work. Mandy and Ann also went up to get changed out of their work clothes. Amy and Amber sitting at the kitchen table with Jayden until Mandy and Ann came back down, then they went up to take a shower together. Amber and Amy still made it back down stairs before Chrissy and Becky.
Mandy got up when she heard the doorbell. Jayden followed the others when they all looked at the clock on the wall and said it would be Vicky coming to pick up Becky. Jayden was eager to see what Vic looked like, when he was dressed as a woman.
"Hello Vicky." Mandy said when she opened the door to a tall woman with fiery red hair, and a long sparkly evening dress.
It took Jayden a couple of seconds to realise that the woman with the red hair was really Vic. "Vic?" Jayden asked looking shocked.
"Where?" Vicky asked with a grin, as she looked behind her, and then all around the hallway. "I don't see any men around here." She said in a sexy female sounding voice.
"This is Vic's sister Vicky." Mandy said with a grin, as she let Jayden get a better look at her.
"Hello Vicky. You look amazing." Jayden said, as she looked the woman up and down. "You don't look anything like your bother." Jayden added with a grin.
"Good, I'd hate to think I spent all this time getting ready to still look like him." Vicky giggled.
Jayden was soon turning around when she heard the sound of heels clicking on the marble floor behind her. She saw Chrissy in a fluffy bathrobe and a goddess walking beside her that looked a little bit like Becky, but she was wearing a beautiful purple evening dress, and her makeup was perfect.
"Wow Becky, you look so beautiful." Jayden said, as she watched her walk over to them.
"Thanks Jayden, but you really need to thank Chrissy. I've not looked this good in months." Becky smiled, as she turned to wrap her arms around Chrissy.
Jayden didn't say anymore, as she could see that Becky and Chrissy needed to say goodbye to each other before Becky left with Vicky for work. Jayden did have to giggle though when she saw Becky trying to steel a kiss, but Chrissy stopped her. She didn't want to have to spend any more time fixing her makeup tonight. It sounded like Chrissy had already had to fix it a couple of times before they ever left the bedroom.
"Hello Vicky. You're looking very beautiful tonight." Chrissy said, as she saw the stern look Vicky was giving her.
"Hello Chrissy. Get over here and give me a hug." Vicky smiled, as she held her arms open for Chrissy to run into. Chrissy started grinning, as she ran over and threw herself into Vicki's arms. "I'm glad to have you back with us you silly girl."
"I'm glad to be back Vicky. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused." Chrissy said in a muffled voice, as she had her head buried in Vicki's chest.
"You trouble? Never." Vicky giggled, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
Chrissy broke the hug and looked up at Vicky with a grin on her face. She knew just how much trouble she could be, and how Vicky was trying to play it down. "Thanks for not having a go at me Vicky."
"No problem Chrissy. I head that Mable pretty much said it all last night." Vicky said with a pained look. "Now go and say a final goodbye to Becky, so we can get to the club at some point tonight." Vicky added, as she turned Chrissy around and pointed her towards where Becky was standing with Jayden and the others.
Chrissy was soon hugging Becky again, and saying a final goodbye. The others could see that Chrissy really didn't want to see Becky leave, but they all knew that this had to happen, if Chrissy was ever going to get back into any sort of normality.
Vicky finally managed to drag Becky away from Chrissy and get her out to the car, and they all stood waving to them as they drove away. Then they all went back in the house and headed for the living room to watch some telly and chat.
Jayden got to see the Chrissy she first met again, as they all sat on the sofas. Chrissy cuddled up to Mandy on one of the sofas, and looked lost for a little bit, but she soon started to join in some of the chatter going on.
The day soon caught up with them all and they called it a day. They all hugged each other before heading into their bedrooms to get ready for bed. Chrissy got ready in her own room and then ran across to join Mandy in her bed. Soon she was cuddling up to Mandy and fell asleep in her arms feeling happy.
Becky got to the club, and felt like she was floating on a cloud, as she entered with Vicky walking at her side. Becky could tell by the looks she was getting, that everyone knew Chrissy was back. She wasn't lying when she told Jayden she'd not look this good in months.
It was a busy night at the club, but Becky had a new energy level to keep her going, she knew that Chrissy was waiting for her back at home, and she'd be crawling into bed and cuddling up to her at the end of the night.
Carla and Vicky could see that the old Becky was back, and they both let her take over the running of the club again. Even Beth had trouble keeping up with Becky, not that she was bothered about that.
It was nearly four am when Vicky and Carla dropped Becky off at home again. They both sat waiting in the car while Becky entered the house and locked the door before they drove away to go and get some sleep themselves.
Becky made herself a drinking chocolate and sat at the kitchen table drinking it before she made her way up to bed. She went to her and Chrissy's room to get undressed and remove her makeup, and then she went over to Mandy's room. She stood at the side of the bed watching Chrissy sleep for a couple of minutes before getting in. Chrissy wrapping her arms around her, and pulling her into a hug. Becky was started to drift off to sleep feeling really happy.
Chapter 24: Clubbing in the closet
The girls were ready for a night out at the club by the Saturday. Ann, Jayden, and Becky had been at home all day doing housework and sorting out dinner, so they could eat when Chrissy, Amy, Mandy, and Amber got home.
Amber didn't normally work on a Saturday, but now Chrissy was back, Sara and Cathy were moving forward with the wedding. So Amber had been working with Cathy on finalising details for her dress. Sara had been out all day with Carl sorting out the date of the big day, and booking the church and what style of car she wanted to arrive at the church in. Cathy knew how much this day meant to Sara, so she was letting her set it up with Carl, who was acting like Sara's father and paying for everything.
The girls all had dinner and then Ann and Jayden got the kitchen cleaned up while the others went up to take their showers before getting ready. Jayden soon found herself being dragged into the chaos of getting ready for a night out at the club.
Jayden had just finished in the bathroom when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in!" She shouted to whom ever it was knocking.
Chrissy soon poked her head around the door. "Hi Jayden. I was just wondering if you might need to borrow a dress for tonight? I know that you're not use to going out to places like The Closet." Chrissy asked, as she stepped into the room fully.
"That would be great Chrissy. I've got no idea how all of you dress for a night out, and I have nothing like the dresses I've seen Becky wear the past couple of nights." Jayden said looking happy that Chrissy had just offered to help.
"I know just the dress for you to wear tonight Jayden, but you will need to wear a corset with it. I hope that won't be a problem for you?" Chrissy said looking a little worried. "I won't make it to tight." Chrissy added.
"I trust you Chrissy, but I've never worn a corset before." Jayden said looking nervous. "I'll still be able to have a drink, and dance I hope?"
"Oh god yes, it will just enable me to get the dress closed. You'll forget you're even wearing it after ten minutes." Chrissy smiled, as she walked over and grabbed Jayden's hand, so she could drag her back down the hallway to her and Becky's room to help her get ready.
Becky was standing sideways on looking in the full-length mirror when Chrissy and Jayden entered the bedroom. "I think I've got a little bump already Chrissy." Becky said with a smile.
Chrissy ran over and ran her hand over it, as she looked up at Becky and smiled at her. "I don't care how big you get. You'll always be beautiful to me baby." Chrissy said, as she stood up and kissing Becky on the lips.
"I know you will my love. I'm glad that Cathy and Sara's wedding will be happening soon. I don't want to look like the fat bridesmaid on all the photo's." Becky said looking worried.
"You won't be fat baby. Just pregnant." Chrissy said with a grin. "We better see about getting ready, or we'll still be half naked when Vicky turns up for is." Chrissy added, as she looked at the time.
Becky looked at the time and realised that Chrissy was right, so they set to work getting Jayden into a corset. Chrissy grabbed a black corset to match the panties and bra Jayden was wearing. It was only a three-quarter corset, so Jayden could keep her bra on.
While Chrissy was putting the corset on Jayden, Becky went to get the dress they wanted her to wear. The dress was a black sparkly number that came down half way between her knees and her bottom. It wasn't low cut or anything like that, but Jayden still looked very sexy in it. Chrissy had added some black stockings to the straps handing from the corset, and fed them under her panties so she'd be able to go to the bathroom without getting undressed.
Chrissy sat Jayden at the dressing table, and then Becky knelt down to strap a pair of black sandals on her feet while Chrissy set to work on doing Jayden's makeup for her. Chrissy had Jayden sit with her back to the dressing table, so it would be easier for her to work her magic. Once Chrissy finished doing her makeup, she set to work on Jayden's hair for her, and was soon saying she'd finished.
"There you go Jayden, all done. Take a look in the mirror, and let me know what you think." Chrissy said, as she helped Jayden to stand up, and led her over to the same full-length mirror that Becky had been looking at her self in not long ago.
"Chrissy, you made me look beautiful." Jayden said, as she looked at herself from all angles.
"I can't take credit for that Jayden. You were already beautiful." Chrissy smiled.
"Not like this Chrissy… You made me look elegant with it." Jayden smiled, and watched the girl in the mirror smile back at her. "Thank you Chrissy, Thank you so much for everything." Jayden added, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
"I'm glad I could help make you look elegant." Chrissy smiled.
"We better get a move on baby." Becky said, looking at the time.
Chrissy and Jayden soon broke the hug, and set to work dressing each other. Then Chrissy sat Becky down at the dressing table and did her makeup before doing her own. Jayden sat on the bed and waited for them to finish getting ready, before they all went down to find the others.
Mandy, Ann, Amy, and amber were all sitting in the kitchen chatting with Vicky when they came down stairs. Vicky was sporting a blond wig and a silvery white dress that came down to the floor, but had a split up one side that made her already long legs look even longer.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting, but we had an extra girl to work on." Chrissy said, as she let Jayden step into the room fully, so they could all get a good look at her.
"You look very beautiful Jayden." Vicky smiled.
"Thanks Vicky, but I still feel ugly next to all you." Jayden said, as she looked around the table at how all the others were dressed.
"Don't be silly, you could give us all a run for our money, if we weren't already spoken for." Mandy said with a grin as she looked around the room.
Jayden didn't know what to say to that, and luckily she didn't have to because Vicky spoke up. "We better see about getting off, or Carla will think none of you are going tonight."
The girls got up and made their way out to Vicki's car. She'd pushed a button on her keys to unlock the doors so the girls could get in, while she waited for Mandy to arm the alarm and then lock the front door. Then Vicky helped Mandy get in before walking around and getting in herself.
Jayden was excited to be going to the club. Chrissy and the others had all said how much better it was than St. Trinian's. So she was looking forward to finding out if they were right or not.
Vicky was soon pulling up outside the club, and the girls were all being helped out the car by Frank and Brad. Ann looked really happy to see Brad waiting for her, as she got out the car. Jayden saw Chrissy and Amy stop and look across the road, but when she looked to see what they were looking at, she couldn't see anything over there. Jayden soon found herself being pulled along into the club by Vicky and Mandy.
"What were Chrissy and Amy just looking at?" Jayden asked Mandy as they walked into the club.
"It's kind of a long story that involves how we all got to know Amy." Mandy smiled. "Ask me again some other time, and I'll tell you all about it."
Jayden had a feeling that it would be a story worth hearing, so she made a mental note to ask Mandy about it. The shear size of the club and some of the people walking around soon distracted Jayden.
Mandy was still holding Jayden's hand when they entered the VIP section of the club. She saw Carla standing over near the bar talking to a couple of the other girls, so she made her way over, pulling Jayden along with her.
Carla saw Mandy approaching, and ended the conversation, so she could let Mandy know how much she'd missed her.
Mandy walked right up to Carla and let go of Jayden's hand, so she could wrap her arms around Carla, and then kiss her. Mandy never got tired of the way their lips would stick together when they were both wearing lipstick.
"Hello princess. You're looking as beautiful as always." Carla said when they stopped kissing.
"Hello my love. You're not looking to bad yourself." Mandy said with a grin, just before kissing her again.
Jayden just stood there watching them kiss. She found it hard to believe that this woman kissing Mandy was also her boss. Carla looked very different to Carl.
"Hello Jayden. I see you had a Chrissy makeover then." Carla said with a grin, as she looked at the funny look on Jayden's face, as she looked back at her.
"Hello Carl, I mean Carla." Jayden said sounding flustered. "You look so different like that." Jayden added, as she waved her hand up and down Carla's body
"Good different, or bad different?" Carla asked.
"Good different, I mean good different." Jayden quickly said looking worried that she might have upset Carl or Carla as it was at the minute. She was getting really confused about it all.
"Don't look so worried Jayden. I know it's a lot to get use to, but we're all a nice bunch of people, that just look a little different when we let our hair down." Carla said, as she led her and Mandy over to the sofa's where the others had all gone to sit down.
"I'm sorry Carla, but this is all very strange." Jayden said, as she took a seat next to Mandy. "You and Vic just look completely different in a good way. I just wasn't expecting it." Jayden added with a sigh.
Two waitresses turned up with a couple of trays full of drinks for everyone. They all had a glass of Champaign apart from Becky, Carla, and Vicky. Frank and Brad had gone back to doing their job once the girls were all safely up in the VIP section.
They all stayed up in the VIP section long enough to finish their drinks, then Becky wanted to let everyone in the club see that Chrissy was back, so Becky, Chrissy, Amy, Amber, and Jayden all went for a walk around the club. Ann had already gone to spend some time with Brad somewhere in the club while he worked.
Chrissy was soon being stopped and hugged by almost everyone they walked past. Jayden couldn't believe how many people were glad to see Chrissy back in Becky's arms. They were soon on the dance floor, dancing around to any and all songs the DJ was playing.
They were just making their way back to the VIP section a littler later, when a woman walked up to Chrissy and wrapped her arms around her in a friendly hug.
"Hi Kara." Chrissy said with a grin, as they broke the hug, and then stepped back from each other. Chrissy took a good look at her, and could see that she was wearing a corset under her dress. "I see you're getting use to wearing the corset's then." Chrissy added.
"Hi Chrissy. I can't resist wearing one now; I think I look so much better when I have one on." Kara said, as she ran her hands down her much thinner waist. "Don't you think so?" She asked.
"Jayden's wearing her first corset tonight." Chrissy smiled, as she pointed at Jayden. "Oh, I'm sorry. I never thought to introduce you two to each other." Chrissy put her hand to her mouth as she realised. Jayden, this is Kara, and Kara, this is Jayden.
"Jayden's the girl that looked after Chrissy while she was away. She's going to be working for Carl looking after the hotels." Becky said, as she stood with her arm wrapped around Chrissy's waist.
"Hello Jayden. I'm glad you were able to help Chrissy keep out of trouble." Kara said with a smile, as she looked at Chrissy. "I must say, you look very beautiful in that dress." Kara added.
"Hello Kara. I think it was more a case of Chrissy looking after me most the time." Jayden giggled. "You look very stunning yourself in that dress." Jayden added. She knew that Kara was a man, but she still found her self wondering what he looked like under the makeup and the wig.
"We were just on our way back to the VIP section for a drink; do you want to join us?" Chrissy asked.
"Sure, I'd really like that?" Kara smiled, as she looked at Jayden again.
The look wasn't lost on Chrissy, and she wondered if Jayden felt the same way about Kara. Chrissy had seen the way Jayden was looking at Kara, but being around a club full of crossdressers was all very new to her, so Chrissy wasn't going to read too much into it at this point.
Carla was still sitting on one of the sofas in the VIP section when the girls got back up there. She was happy to let Becky run the club, while she got to spend some time with Mandy.
"How's Becky been doing the past couple of days here at the club?" Mandy asked, as she saw Carla looking at Becky and Chrissy, as they entered the room.
"She's been her old self, just with more energy." Carla said with a grin.
"I know how she feels. I never realised just how much Chrissy had become part of my life too." Mandy said with a smile, as she looked at Chrissy whom was clinging onto Becky like they were joined at the hip.
"I think we all feel like that princess. We've all thought about nothing but Chrissy for the past eight weeks." Carla said with a sigh. "I'll be glad to get back to just worrying about the hotels." Carla added with a giggle, as she thought she'd never say that.
"Don't forget about Sara's wedding. That must be causing you some problems." Mandy reminded her.
"Not really. Sara knows what she wants, I'm just writing out cheques for everything." Carla said with a grin.
"She's lucky to have a big brother like you." Mandy smiled, as she looked at Carla. He didn't look much like anyone's brother at the minute. And even though they weren't real brother and sister, Mandy knew that's how they felt about each other.
Mandy and Carla changed the subject of their conversation when the others came and sat down on the sofas. Becky made Chrissy sit next to Mandy for a bit, as she had to go and sort out a problem at the door with Vicky. Mandy pulled Chrissy into a hug to let her know how happy she was to be able to do it again. Even though the girls had kept coming to the club these past eight weeks, none of them had a very good time, knowing that Chrissy was out there someplace hurting.
"Has the place changed any since you were last here?" Mandy asked Chrissy as she pulled her into a tighter hug.
"Yes and no." Chrissy smiled, as she looked up at Mandy, she had rested her head on her shoulder. "I have a better understanding of how hard it is to be on your feet all night serving drinks."
"I could have a word with Becky for you? I'm sure she could use an extra waitress a couple of times a week." Mandy said with a grin.
"No, no! I'm fine just being a little old shop girl again." Chrissy said, as she sat up to look Mandy in the eyes.
Mandy giggled at the look on Chrissy's face, and then she pulled her back into a hug with her. "I don't think Becky would be able to get any work done, if she had to watch you walk around here all night in one of the waitress outfits." Mandy said with a smile, as she looked over at one of the waitresses in her little pink skirt and matching corset.
Jayden had sat on another sofa with Amy, Amber, and Kara. She didn't know how to start a conversation with Kara, as she knew very little about her, or the reason for why she dressed, so she sat quietly watching Chrissy and Mandy chatting instead. That was until Amy spoke to her.
"What do you think of the club then Jayden?" Amy asked with a grin, as she cuddled up to Amber.
"It's a lot bigger than St. Trinian's for one thing, but I really like the place." Jayden smiled. "It's nice to be a guest as well, and not running around serving drinks and getting my bottom pinched every five seconds." Jayden added with a giggle.
"What's St. Trinian's?" Kara asked from the other side of Amber, where she was sitting.
"That's the name of the night club where Chrissy and I were working. We had to dress as schoolgirls, just like they do in the movies. Then we would serve drinks all evening." Jayden said with a grin.
"You're telling me that Chrissy dressed as a school girl and served drinks in a night club?" Kara asked looking shocked.
"I know it's hard to believe Kara, but if you go to the clubs website, you can even find some pictures of Chrissy and Jayden in their cute little outfits." Amy said with a grin.
"I'll have to do that, because I can't see Chrissy working in a night club serving drinks." Kara said, as she tried to picture Chrissy doing just that.
"What's wrong with being a waitress? I was the one that got her the job there, and I did it for a couple of years. It's an honest job." Jayden looked at little upset with Kara for how she was putting down waitresses.
Kara suddenly looked very worried when she saw the angry look Jayden had. "I'm sorry Jayden, but you misunderstood what I was getting at." Kara said, as she put her hands up as a sign of surrender. "I'm just surprised that Chrissy was working as a waitress. I thought she'd be to shy to do anything like that."
"Oh, I'm sorry for snapping at you then." Jayden said, but the look she gave Kara, said she still wasn't too sure she believed her.
A waitress turned up with some more drinks for them all, and they all sat drinking them. Chrissy needed to use the bathroom, and Kara said she needed to go as well. So they both got up and wondered off.
"I'm sorry if I upset you with the comment about you being a waitress Chrissy. I didn't mean anything by it." Kara said, as they walked to the toilets.
"I wasn't upset by it at all Kara. It was a scary job for me to do when I started there, but I soon just got on with it. I had a lot of fun really." Chrissy smiled.
"I'm going to head down to the normal part of the club, and see if any of the other girls are here. I don't think I made a very good first impression on your knew friend." Kara said, as she went to walk away from Chrissy, just before they entered the toilet they'd got to.
"Please don't do that Kara. I was looking forward to chatting some more." Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice. "I think Jayden is just a little overwhelmed by all this at the minute." Chrissy waved her hand around the room to indicate that she was talking about the club, and not just the people in it.
"All the more reason for you to go and show her a good time then Chrissy. I'll see you later in the night, and we can have a dance together." Kara smiled, as she gave Chrissy a quick hug before she started to walk away.
"Okay then Kara, but please come over to the house tomorrow afternoon, and we can have a proper chat about what I've been doing, and I want to hear all the gossip you know. I've got a couple of months worth to catch up on." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Okay." Kara giggled. "I'll come over tomorrow afternoon, and fill you in on all the gossip I know. Even though most of it was about you doing a vanishing act." Kara added, as she stepped closer again for another hug before she walked away to see if she could find any of her other friends.
Chrissy used the toilet and then checked her makeup before returning to the sofas where the others were sitting. Becky had returned, so Chrissy sat next to her and cuddled up tightly to her side.
"Where's Kara? Amy said you'd both gone to the toilets together." Becky asked, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy.
"We did, but she wanted to go and see if any of her friends had arrived at the club." Chrissy said, as she gave Jayden a quick glance to see what her reaction would be. Chrissy saw what looked like sadness, but that could have been due to her thinking she might have caused one of her friends to leave, Chrissy couldn't be sure.
"I'm sure we'll see her again later in the night." Becky said, just before pulling Chrissy in closer for a kiss. Chrissy did look for Kara later in the night, but she didn't find her. Chrissy wondered if she'd gone home early.
Chrissy and Amy were soon dragging everyone back down onto the dance floor, so they could have some fun. Jayden had never danced so much in her life, and she knew she'd be sore tomorrow. They took a couple more breaks, but would always return to the dance floor, and by the time the club closed, they were all worn out and ready to head home.
Carl was staying the night, so Chrissy and Becky went to their own room and got ready for bed, and then Becky pulled her into bed and started kissing Chrissy all over. They were soon doing more than just kissing, and by the time they both cuddled up to each other, they fell asleep very happy.
Jayden had gone to her room and taken her dress off, then removed her makeup before slipping into a nightdress and then crawling into bed. She had no idea where Chrissy and Amy got the energy from to keep dancing like they did, but she did have a really good time. She just felt bad about snapping at Kara, and not getting a chance to say sorry. Jayden also found herself wondering what Kara looked like as a man again. She found herself wondering if she'd recognise him in the street, but then she wasn't sure if Kara ever dressed as a man? Or if he was a full time she, and waiting to have the surgery like Chrissy, Amy and Cathy had had. Jayden realised there was so much she needed to know about the whole transgender community, she made a mental note to sit and have a chat with Chrissy about it some time. She put her head on the pillow and pulled the covers up over her head, and was soon falling asleep and having strange dreams about making love to a man that had Kara's head.
"Life is going to be very interesting from now on." Jayden thought to herself at some point later in the night, when she woke after another strange dream.
To Be Continued Next week
Edited by ChrisW
Part 8
Chapter 25: Quiet Sunday
Jayden was just having another weird dream when she felt someone shaking her, so she opened her eyes and saw Chrissy smiling at her.
"Morning Chrissy. Is something wrong?" Jayden asked, as she sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"Morning Jayden. No, nothing is wrong, it's just getting on, and I brought you a cup of tea." Chrissy smiled, as she handed Jayden the mug. "I wanted to make sure you were doing okay after a busy night of dancing." Chrissy added with a grin.
Jayden looked over at the clock on the table at the side of her bed, and she saw that it was nearly one o'clock in the afternoon. "Is that really the time?" She asked with a shocked look on her face.
"Yep. I guess Amy and I must have worn you out." Chrissy giggled, as she went to leave the room again, now she had made sure Jayden was okay, and was sitting up drinking her tea.
"Chrissy, do you have some time to talk for a bit?" Jayden asked.
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Chrissy sat on the edge of the bed as she asked.
"Do you know the real reason for why your friend Kara disappeared last night?" Jayden asked.
Chrissy would not answer at first; she just looked down at her feet as she made patterns on the floor with them. "She thought she'd upset you, and didn't want to make it any worse. So she said she was going to find some of her other friends, but then I never saw her again after that." Chrissy finally said.
"I'm sorry Chrissy. I thought she was trying to say that being a waitress was not a worthwhile job to have. I was hoping to get time later in the night to say sorry to her." Jayden said looking a little sad about it.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to say sorry when you see her again." Chrissy said brushing it off as just being one of them things.
"I wish I had a better understanding of this whole transgender thing. Is Kara like you and Amy? Or is she more like Carl and Vic?" Jayden asked with a worried look. She wasn't sure if she might have asked the wrong question.
"As far as I know, Kara is like Carl and Vic. Callum is happy most the time being himself, but every now and then he let's Kara out to play." Chrissy smiled.
"Do you know this Callum then, or have you only ever met Kara?" Jayden asked.
"I use to go to school with Callum, but we lost touch until I went to my school reunion." Chrissy never said anything about how he used to bully her back then.
"You went to your school reunion?" Jayden asked looking shocked. "That must have given most of them a shock?" Jayden giggled.
"It was an interesting night." Chrissy giggled, as she thought about the looks some of the people she went to school with had when they realised who she was.
"I'm only just beginning to realise that I know next to nothing about you really." Jayden said with a pout. "Did Kara, or should I say Callum, just come up to you at the reunion then, and tell you about his secret?" Jayden asked.
"Callum had used the changing service at the hotel a number of times, and Cathy had worked on him. Cathy was also at the reunion, and she was the one that recognised him. The poor thing was scared to death and ran away." Chrissy said looking sad about it. "He'd been to the club a number of times, and I'd even fixed his makeup and had a couple of dances. He'd never realised that we'd gone to school together." Chrissy added.
"I take it everything turned out okay in the end? You both looked like friends last night."
"Yes. Becky and I went and found him hiding in his room at the hotel, where the reunion was being held. He was worried I might let everyone know his secret, as some sort of revenge." Chrissy said with a giggle, just before she realised what she just said. She whipped her head up to look at Jayden, and saw the puzzled look on her face, and knew she'd said too much.
"Why would you want to get revenge on him Chrissy? What aren't you telling me about him?" Jayden asked.
Chrissy thought about saying nothing, but knew that Jayden would just go and ask one of the others, so she took a deep breath. "Callum use to pick on me when we were at school, but he's a very different person now." Chrissy said the last bit to try to keep Jayden calm. "The only reason he went to the reunion was to say sorry to me for all the things he did to me back then." Chrissy added with a smile.
"I don't feel quite as bad about snapping at him last night now." Jayden said with a huff. "How could anyone want to bully a little girl like you?" Jayden asked with some anger in her voice.
"I wasn't a little girl back then Jayden. I was just a wimpy little boy with no friends, and he wasn't much bigger than I was, so he used to pick on me to make him self look bigger in the other kids eyes."
"How could you just let him walk back into your life, after everything he put you through?" Jayden asked looking angrier.
"I'd already got to know Kara by the time I met up with Callum again, and he really was a different person. How could I not give him a second chance?" Chrissy asked. "He was ready to except any punishment I wanted to give him as well."
"You'd have to look up the words revenge and payback, just to know what they meant, never mind doing one of them to anyone." Jayden said with a smile, when she realised that Chrissy could never do anything nasty to anyone.
"Is that such a bad thing?" Chrissy asked.
"No, I guess not." Jayden smiled.
"Please don't hold any of what I said against him Jayden, he really is a nice guy, and girl." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Well if you're okay with it all, then what can I say about it. I'll play nice with him, if only to keep you happy." Jayden put her cup down, and pulled Chrissy into a hug, so she could thank her for the mug of tea. "I better let you go and find Becky, before she sends out a search party to find you." Jayden giggled, as she let Chrissy up off the bed.
Chrissy grabbed the empty mug that Jayden had just put down on the bedside table, and then she ran off to find Becky, while Jayden got up and put on her dressing gown, so she could go in search of something to eat.
Becky was sitting in the kitchen with Amy, Amber, Mandy, and Carl. They were all having a cup of tea, but they could all see that Becky was trying not to jump up and go in search of Chrissy. She'd gone to take a mug of tea up to Jayden some time ago and still hadn't returned yet.
"I know it's a big house, but I thought she'd have been back by now." Becky said, as she sat running her finger around the rim of her empty cup.
"They probably just got talking about stuff. They haven't had a lot of time to sit and chat on their own since we found them." Mandy offered as a reason for Chrissy still not being back.
"At least you know where she is this time." Amy smiled, as she sat cuddled up to Amber. "And Mandy does have a point, Jayden has been thrown into this new life, and we've all been keeping Chrissy busy since we got back."
"I know you're both right, but I just feel so empty now when she's not with me." Becky had a pained look on her face, as she said it.
"Well the empty feeling should be fading now." Mandy said with a grin, as she put a hand on Becky's belly. "I think you've got a little bump starting to show now."
Becky was just about to agree with Mandy, when Chrissy distracted her, bursting into the kitchen with an empty mug in her hand, and a smile on her face. Becky returned the smile that looked more like a grin, as she watched Chrissy walk over to her and sit on the empty seat next to her.
"Sorry for taking so long, but Jayden wanted to have a chat about something." Chrissy said with a pout, just before kissing Becky.
"Don't worry about it baby, I never realised you were gone." Becky said, as they broke the kiss.
Chrissy would have looked hurt at Becky's comment, if it wasn't for Amy making some strange sound that sounded like her trying to stifle a giggle. Chrissy sat looking at Amy, as Amy gave Becky a strange look.
"Why do I get the feeling that you're not telling me the truth my love?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Becky and then Amy again.
"Okay! I admit. I was getting ready to come and find you, because I was missing you." Becky said with a sigh, as she shot Amy a stern look. Amy saw Becky's look and just cuddled up a little tighter to Amber for protection.
"Don't get upset with Amy, I already knew you'd be missing me baby. I missed you too." Chrissy said in a whisper, just before kissing Becky again. "But don't worry; I'll never be far away from you ever again." Chrissy added between kisses.
Chrissy and Becky were still trading kisses when Jayden entered the kitchen wrapped in her dressing gown.
"Good afternoon Jayden. I trust you had a good nights sleep?" Carl asked with a grin, as he watched her walk over to the table and takes a seat.
"Hi everyone. Sorry for sleeping so late, but I think I did a little too much dancing last night." Jayden said with a sheepish grin on her face.
"But did you have a good time?" Carl asked.
"Yes, I had a great time. Thank you for that." Jayden smiled.
"Then that is all that matters." Carl replied with a grin.
"I hope I've not upset anyone's plans for the day with my laziness?" Jayden asked, as she looked around the table.
"Not at all Jayden. We're just going to have a quiet Sunday in, and cook a nice dinner later. Ann and Brad should be joining us as well, but it won't be the first time they've not shown up." Mandy said with a smile.
"They better, after the last telling off I gave them." Amy said looking a little angry, as she thought about the time Ann and Brad never showed up, and Amy ended up throwing away their dinners.
Jayden was trying not to laugh, as she thought of Amy trying to tell Brad off. The others didn't have to paint a mental image like Jayden; they were all there when she told them off. So they all just bust out in fits of giggles
"Don't worry baby, I'm sure you scared Brad enough that he'll never miss another one of your dinners again." Amber said. As she hugged Amy a little tighter, just before kissing her.
"Will it be okay if I do myself a couple of slices of toast to keep me going until dinner time?" Jayden asked, as she went to get up from the table.
"I'll get it for you Jayden." Amy said with a smile, as she jumped up in a flash. "How many slices do you want?" Amy asked, as she ran off towards the toaster.
Jayden looked a little shocked at just how fast Amy could move. She was feeling a little stiff after all the dancing last night. "Two would be fine thank you. I could have done it myself though Amy."
"No problem. My bottom was going numb from sitting here for so long." Amy said with a grin, as she stuck her bottom out and gave it a shake at them all.
They all had to giggle when Amy started shaking her butt at them, and soon Amber was getting up to help her do Jayden's toast. Jayden found it hard to think of Amy once being a boy, just as she did Chrissy. She thought they both could teach her how to be a better girl, and she'd been one all her life. Jayden snapped out of her daydreaming when she heard Amy speaking to her again.
"Would you like some jam, or marmalade on it Jayden?"
"A little marmalade would be nice, thank you." Jayden smiled.
In a short time Amy was bringing two slices of toast with marmalade on them over to her. Jayden picked up the first slice and bit into it, she hadn't realised just how hungry she really was. Both slices were soon gone, and she sat drinking a cup of tea with the others.
"I hope you don't mind me asked, but I was wondering why you and Amy stopped to look across the road last night, just before you entered the club?" Jayden asked, as she looked at Chrissy, and then Amy.
"Do you want to tell her, or shall I?" Chrissy asked Amy.
"I'll start, but you can fill in the bits I don't remember to well." Amy said with a smile.
Amy started telling Jayden about how she came to be here in the city, and how she'd stand across the road from the club. Then she moved on to how she'd stolen from Chrissy and Mandy's shop before saving Chrissy's life. Even though Amy still said, that Chrissy really saved her life. Finally, they said how they both looked across the road now, to make sure that there would never be another lost soul left out in the cold.
Jayden was shocked to hear Amy's story. Chrissy had told her that Amy had been just like her, but she'd never told her the story of how they first met each other, or how Chrissy and the others had nursed her back to health again. And all the trouble her father caused sent a shiver down Jayden's spine.
"I'm really glad to see you both still here then after all that." Jayden smiled. "Have you ever found anyone standing across the road yet?" Jayden asked.
"No, not yet, but we'll keep looking, and if we ever do see someone over there, then we'll do our best to help them." Chrissy said with a smile, as she looked at Amy.
Amy smiled back at her. "You can count on it big sister."
"Thanks for the toast, and the tea." Jayden smiled, as she got up from the table. "If no one minds, I'm going to go up and see about getting dressed." Jayden added, as she left the kitchen.
"I think we better see about getting dressed." Chrissy said, as she looked around the room. "I asked Callum to call round today, so I could have a chat, and fill him in on what I've been up to the past couple of months." Chrissy added with a grin.
The others decided that it would be a good idea to go and get dressed too, as they were all sitting around in their dressing gowns and bathrobes.
Chrissy was sitting at the dressing table brushing out her wet hair when she saw Becky looking in the mirror and running her hand over her belly.
"Is everything alright baby?" Chrissy asked with a smile, as she turned around to look at Becky.
"Yes, Mandy said she thought I had a small bump showing already, and I was just looking to see if she was right." Becky said, as she flattened out the T-shirt she was wearing to get a better look at her belly.
"It does look like you have a little bump showing; now I look at you a little closer." Chrissy said, as she held out her arms for Becky to come over to her.
Becky walked over and let Chrissy wrap her arms around her waist, and wrest her head on Becky's belly. Becky just smiled, as she looked down at Chrissy, as she tried to listen for the baby. Chrissy soon lifted her head of Becky's belly, and then she kissed it.
"I'm sorry I never came clean with you from the start Chrissy. I know it was foolish of me to try and hide it." Becky said, as she sat on Chrissy's lap.
"No more foolish than my running away instead of facing you over finding that pregnancy test." Chrissy chuckled. "We were both at fault for what happened, but we're together again now, and I'm not going to leave you ever again." Chrissy added as she started kissing Becky, while rubbing her belly.
"I'm glad about that my love, I wasn't looking forward to being a single mum." Becky giggled.
"When is the next check up for you and the baby?" Chrissy asked.
"Mum is going to give me a check up on Wednesday when she does yours." Becky said, just before kissing Chrissy again. "She's sorting out a date for me to go and have an ultrasound, so we will have a picture of the baby as well." Becky added with a grin.
"Will we be able to find out what sex the baby will be?" Chrissy asked.
"I think so, but do you really want to know what sex it will be?" Becky asked, not sure if she wanted to know or not.
"I think I'd like to know. That way we can make sure people buy it the right clothes, and we can decorate the room to suit." Chrissy smiled.
"I think I too would like to know, for the same reason." Becky said with a grin, as she started to realise what was happening to them both. "I'm really going to be having your baby." Becky added with tears in her eyes.
"I know, and I'm so happy for you that I can't find the words to tell you." Chrissy said, as she also started to cry. "I thought this would be the one thing I'd never be able to give you." Chrissy added, as she hugged Becky even tighter.
"I hope you realise that I never would have just gone and slept with anyone to get pregnant baby. If this hadn't worked, I would have sat you down so we could work out another way for us to have children." Becky said, as she got up and then pulled Chrissy up to stand in front of her.
"I know that now Becky, but at the time I found that test, and saw you were pregnant… I wasn't thinking straight."
"I kind of worked that out from the broken picture, and phone I found when I got home." Becky giggled, while Chrissy just went very red faced as she remembered what she'd done that day.
"I see you got a new frame for the photo." Chrissy said, as she looked over at the bedside table, where the picture was on.
"Yes I did. I even got you a new mobile phone, which I need to give you." Becky said with a thoughtful look.
"You didn't need to get me a new phone baby." Chrissy said looking shocked that Becky had gone to all the trouble of replacing the phone that she'd broken.
"I didn't buy it lover. It was covered as part of your contract under accidental damage. Not that it was that much of an accident." Becky giggled.
Becky walked over to a chest of draws and then opened the top draw, so she could take something out. She then walked back over to where Chrissy was watching her, and handed over a new phone, it looked like the one she broke, before running away.
"Luckily you didn't damage the sim card in your old phone, so we were able to drop in straight into the new one. I've kept it charged up for you, so you're ready to go." Becky smiled.
"Thank you." Chrissy said. Looking at the new phone in her hands. Chrissy knew she'd need to add the numbers from her other phone later, and let the girls back at St. Trinian's have her new, old number. Just in case, they ever needed to get hold of her.
Once Chrissy had finished getting dressed, she waited for Becky to finish and they then went back down stairs to see if the others were down there yet.
Jayden had taken a shower and got dressed, then made her way down stairs to find the place empty, so she grabbed the Sunday paper off the kitchen table and went into the living room to sit and flick through it until the others came back down. She didn't have to wait long before Carl and Mandy walked into the room.
"I hope you don't mind me looking at the paper?" Jayden asked, as she watched the two of them enter the room and walked over to one of the other sofas and sit down side by side.
"I don't mind at all Jayden. I read what I wanted to read this morning, while you were sleeping." Mandy said with a grin.
"I still can't believe I slept in so late." Jayden said looking a little embarrassed about it still.
"I was only teasing you, so don't worry about it Jayden." Mandy said, as she waved a hand in a dismissive way. "I'm sure you'll think twice before you try and keep up with Chrissy and Amy again." Mandy added with a giggle.
"A warning would have been nice." Jayden smiled.
"We all go on the dance floor in small groups, so there is always a couple of us around to keep an eye on the two of them, and we don't all get worn out too soon."
"It's a shame you can't bottle their energy and sell it. I'd buy a couple of bottles." Jayden giggled.
"We've often thought the same thing Jayden." Carl smiled, as he sat cuddled up to Mandy.
"I for one was just happy to see Amy having some fun again. It was nice to see her dancing again." Mandy said.
"Did she not go down on the dance floor then at all while Chrissy was away?" Jayden asked, as she put the paper down, so she could talk with Carl and Mandy.
"No, she looked as lost as Becky did most the time. Amber was beginning to worry about her." Mandy said with a sigh, as she thought about it. "Amy has formed a very special bond with Chrissy, and without her, Amy was…" Mandy couldn't find the words to finish.
"I think I understand what you're trying to say Mandy. They do seem very close." Jayden smiled.
"Are you still worried about working at the hotel tomorrow?" Carl asked.
"A little, I also need to try and work out what bus I'll need to catch." Jayden said with a grim look on her face.
"You don't need to worry about that. Ann should be able to bring you into work tomorrow, and if not, I'll get Vic to pick you up." Carl smiled.
"I don't want to put anyone out Carl." Jayden said looking worried.
"You won't be Jayden… Ann's office is based at the hotel, and Vic stays with Jenna at Mable's over the weekend, which is only around the corner." Carl said. "I'll get you sorted out with a driver for the times Ann and Vic aren't available to drive you." Carl added.
"A driver? That all sounds very posh Carl." Jayden looked a little shocked as she said it.
"It doesn't look good having you catch the bus, when you're being trained as my right hand person does it?" Carl chuckled.
"You do have a point there Carl." Jayden giggled as she thought about it. "I'm not sure I'll ever get use to any of this."
"I'll take care of it tomorrow with the numbers for the hotel, and the drivers we have on call there. That way you can just call when ever you need a lift any place, and none of the girls here are available to drive you."
"Have you ever thought about learning to drive Jayden?" Mandy asked.
"I took some lessons once, but I hated every minute of it, so I gave up." Jayden said with a worried look. "Driving really isn't for me." She added.
"Chrissy and Amy are the same way. We couldn't even get them to take a lesson, and Vic won't even let them behind the wheel of his car again." Mandy giggled.
"Oh, were they that bad?" Jayden asked with a hand over her mouth, when she saw the look Mandy gave her.
"Yes. I think Vic still has nightmares about it." Carl said, as he started laughing. "If you want some fun with him, just ask him about it and watch him hide his car keys." Carl added with some more laughing.
Jayden, Mandy, and Carl looked over at the living room door when they heard voices coming from outside in the hallway. They smiled when they saw Chrissy, Becky, Amy, and Amber enter the room giggling.
Chrissy and Becky walked over, and sat down on the sofa with Jayden, while Amy and Amber sat on the empty sofa, and then cuddled up with each other. Chrissy ended up sitting between Jayden and Becky, as she smiled up at Jayden.
"You feeling anymore awake now?" Chrissy asked Jayden.
"Yes thanks. It's nice to relax and take it easy for once." Jayden smiled back at Chrissy.
"We're not always running off and doing stuff. It's just been a strange couple of days since we got here." Chrissy cuddled up to Becky a little more as she said it.
"It's been a nice couple of days." Becky said with a grin, as she tried to squeeze the life out of Chrissy, as she hugged her back.
"Well other than sorting out dinner later. I've got no plans for today, other than to cuddle with you." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky.
"Now that sounds like a great plan." Becky purred, as they broke the kiss.
"Don't let the blond hair fool you baby. I can have a great idea every now and then." Chrissy said with a grin.
Becky went to say something, but stopped when she saw the warning look Chrissy gave her, so she just sat there grinning, just before kissing Chrissy again.
They all sat there chatting, and Jayden heard more stories about Chrissy and the others. This went on until they all heard the doorbell. Chrissy jumped up to see who it was. She smiled when she saw Callum standing there looking a little nervous.
"Hi Callum. I'm glad you could make it over here." Chrissy smiled, as she stepped aside to let him into the house. "I wasn't sure you'd come, not after you left the club early last night." Chrissy added with a pout.
"Hi Chrissy. I'm sorry about that, but I wasn't feeling too good, so I went home and crawled into bed."
Chrissy just gave him a funny look that said she didn't believe him. "I hope you realise that Jayden is living with us, so you'll have to face her when you go into the living room. I hope you can cope with that?" Chrissy asked, as she led him over to the door that led into the living room.
Callum stopped looking worried. "I know that she's part of your life now Chrissy. So unless I stop coming around here and seeing you at the club, I understand that I'll just have to try and smooth things over between us."
"Yes you will, because the first two options will never happen." Chrissy said in a firm voice. "Now come on and stop talking silly." Chrissy added as she opened the living room door and walked back into the room, followed by Callum.
Amy was telling Jayden some story about her and Chrissy when they were out shopping, but she stopped and looked at Chrissy, as she entered the room. "Hi Callum. What happened to you last night?" Amy asked.
"Hi everyone. I wasn't feeling too good, so I left early." Callum said, as he looked around the room, but his eyes stopped when he found Jayden sitting on one end of a sofa, with Becky sat at the other end. Jayden seemed to be studying him, which made him even more scared of her.
It took Jayden a couple of seconds to work out that Callum was the male name Chrissy used for Kara this morning in her bedroom. Jayden found it hard to believe that this man was the same person as the woman she'd upset the night before. He had thicker bushier eyebrows, and she could see a little five o'clock shadow on his chin. He was also just wearing jeans T-shirt and trainers. He looked just like any other guy would. She thought he looked somewhat cute really. This thought made her frown, which made Callum look even more worried as he looked at Jayden.
Callum was glad to hear Chrissy speak to him, so he had a reason to stop looking at Jayden. The look she'd just given him, made him wonder if she'd ever speak to him again. His relief was short lived when he heard what Chrissy said to him.
"You can sit there next to Jayden, and I'll cuddle up to Becky on the other side." Chrissy smiled, as she led Callum over to the sofa where Jayden was sitting.
Jayden and Callum just sat next to each other looking down at their own laps, each one not knowing what to say to the other for a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours to each of them. Then they both looked up at each other, and tried to speak at the same time.
"I'm sorry about last…" They both said together.
"I'm sorry, please continue." Callum said, as he raised his hand for Jayden to speak first this time.
"Thank you Callum. I just wanted to say sorry for snapping at you last night. I had no right to do that. I thought you were putting down anyone whom did waitress work."
"Oh god no! I think it's an incredibly hard job to do. I was just shocked to find out that Chrissy was dressing as a school girl and doing it every night." Callum said in his defence. "No offence Chrissy, but I just find it hard to believe you were doing that for a living." Callum looked at Chrissy, hoping he hadn't just upset her now.
"None taken Callum. You should have seen the look they all gave me when they first saw me there ready to take their orders at the club the night they all came to get me." Chrissy giggled.
"I bet it was about the same as the look you had when you saw it was us waiting to be served." Becky said, as she poked Chrissy in the side.
"Ouch! Point taken. Okay, we were all shocked to see each other." Chrissy giggled, as she tried to stop Becky poking her again.
Callum and Jayden both relaxed as they laughed at Becky and Chrissy playing around with each other. Callum then listened to Chrissy tell him about her long holiday with Jayden, and her time working at the club with her. Callum had a newfound respect for Jayden by the time Chrissy ended her story.
"That was a pretty amazing thing you did for Chrissy. Thanks for taking care of her." Callum smiled, as he looked at Jayden. He thought she was so beautiful, but well out of his league. She'd also seen him dressed as Kara, so he knew he'd never stand a chance with her.
"Thanks, but it just felt like the right thing to do, and I'm glad I did now. We've become really good friends." Jayden smiled, as she looked at Chrissy cuddled up to Becky at the other end of the sofa. "I just felt a need to protect her from the first time she opened her hotel room door to me." Jayden added.
"I wish I'd done things differently now. She is pretty amazing, and a great friend." Callum sighed.
"Chrissy told me that you two use to go to school together." Jayden said with a flat look, which told Callum, Chrissy had told her everything about her time at school with him.
Callum felt defeated. Part of him knew that Chrissy would have to tell Jayden how they first met, but another part hoped that Chrissy would have left it in the past. 'Why should she have kept it from Jayden? It's no less than what he deserves for the misery he caused Chrissy all them years ago' Callum thought to himself. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Chrissy speaking to him.
"You will be joining us for dinner won't you Callum?" Chrissy asked in such a way, as it sounded more as if he was being told.
"I don't want to be any trouble Chrissy." Callum tried to say, so he could get out of spending any more time with Jayden. It wasn't that he didn't like her, just the opposite. He was worried he might make a bigger fool of himself.
"You're not, so that's settled, and then, you'll be staying for dinner." Chrissy said in a firm voice.
"I think you've got a little bossy while you've been away Chrissy." Callum said with a grin.
"I like it." Becky said with a grin, just before pulling her closer for a kiss.
Chrissy got up and helped Becky to her feet, while Amy stood, and helped Amy get up as well. Then they all wondered off to the kitchen, so they could make a start on dinner. Callum and Jayden were left sitting on the sofas with Mandy and Carl to keep them company.
"You looked very different last night, to how you look now Callum." Jayden said, as a way to break the ice with him. She could see how worried he looked still.
"Good different, or bad different?" Callum asked with a nervous look.
"Oh, just different. Just as Carl and Vic do when they get all dressed up. You all look so much like women that I find it hard to believe you're all still men under it all." Jayden said with a smile.
Carl sat there looking at a magazine with Mandy, but he was happy to see how Jayden could put Callum's mind at ease as she spoke to him. He knew that she'd fit right in as part of his team.
"Thank you. I never use to look that good, not until I started using the changing service that the hotel offers." Callum smiled back at Jayden. He liked it when she smiled.
"Did you use the changing service last night?" Jayden asked.
"No, I don't need to any more. Chrissy gave me some lessons, and I got some pointers off Cathy as well. So now I can get the same look any time I want."
Jayden sat studying Callum's face, as she tried to work out how he got the look, he had last night. He really looked different now to how he looked before. She found herself wishing she could watch him become Kara, just to find out how he does it.
"It must have come as a big shock when you found out that Chrissy was the same person you knew from school?" Jayden wished she'd not asked it, when she saw Callum's face drop.
"I know what I did to Chrissy back then was wrong now, and I wish I could go back and undo it all, but I can't." Callum said, as he looked down at his own lap. "I sometimes think that being my friend now, is Chrissy's way of punishing me, but I know her better than that." Callum added with a little chuckle.
"We've all done things in our past that were not proud of Callum. I know I've got a long list of them myself." Jayden said, as she reached over and took hold of his hand. "Don't you think it's about time you stopped looking to be punished and just accept Chrissy's friendship for what it is?"
Callum felt a warm tingle run up his arm when Jayden held his hand. He found himself looking over at her and smiling. He had no idea what to say next, and was happy when he heard Mandy speak to him.
"Jayden's right Callum. You have to stop looking for punishment for what you did. Chrissy is never going to do anything to hurt anyone. Well not on purpose anyway." Mandy smiled. "She's already had two perfect chances to get revenge on you, and passed up on them. The first was at the reunion, and then in the shop when she had you locked in the leather corset. And she never did it then, so do you think she'll do something now?" Mandy asked.
"No, but part of me still wishes she would."
"That's the part of you that tells Chrissy you've changed, and the part that Chrissy wants to be friends with now." Mandy smiled as she said it. "Just forgive yourself, and move on." Mandy added, as she cuddled up to Carl.
"I have to agree with Mandy on this Callum. They'll be having snow ball fights in hell, before Chrissy goes looking for revenge." Jayden giggled.
Callum went to say something, but stopped when he realised that Jayden was right, so he just started giggling as well.
Chrissy had planned to do a roast beef dinner, so they had all set to work sorting it out, as they talked about other stuff.
"Do you think Jayden might have a thing for Callum?" Chrissy asked Becky, as she put the meet in the oven.
"I'm not sure babe; they only just met each other." Becky said.
"They met last night at the club."
"No babe. Jayden met Kara at the club last night, not Callum." Becky said, as she stood with her hands on her hips. "Don't get any funny ideas about trying to do any match making." Becky warned Chrissy.
"I have to agree with Becky on this one Chrissy." Amber said. "Jayden is still trying to get her head around the move, and seeing guys dressed like girls. I don't think she's ready for being pushed into dating one." Amber added.
"Just give it some time, and see how things settle, then you can play match maker if you need to. We'll even help you plan it all out." Becky smiled, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
"Okay, point taken. It is too soon to tell, it's just that Jayden was asking me questions about Kara and Callum this morning while I was in her bedroom." Chrissy said, just before giving Becky a quick kiss.
"Jayden did upset Kara, so she might have just been worried about how it would affect her friendship with you." Amy offered as a reason for Jayden's questions.
"That was what Jayden asked me about, so I guess you could be right Amy." Chrissy said with a sigh.
"Don't look so down about it Chrissy. Just give Jayden some time to find her feet, and then see how she feels about Callum. That will also give you some time to see how Callum feels about Jayden." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
Chrissy let Becky hug her for a little longer, then they all got back to making dinner. Once everything was ready to be cooked, or already cooking, like the meat in the oven. They all returned to the living room to sit down again, and carry on chatting.
Callum seemed a little happier when they all got back in there, which made them all smile. He was chatting with Jayden about Chrissy, and how good she was with makeup. Chrissy just waited for Becky to sit down, and then she cuddled up to her, and let the others chat. Chrissy was happy to just cuddle with Becky, as she rubbed Becky's belly for her.
Jayden ended up telling them about the web site photo shoot, and how Chrissy made a lot of friend with her makeup skills. Jayden found herself wondering how the girls were coping at St. Trinian's with out her and Chrissy.
"Are you missing your job at the club Jayden?" Callum asked, as he saw the far away look she had.
"I do a little bit, but I would have missed having Chrissy around more. So I know I made the right choice to move up here." Jayden smiled, as she looked at Chrissy cuddled up to Becky.
"I can't imagine Chrissy doing anything without Becky by her side." Callum said, as he also looked at Chrissy.
"I didn't get to meet the real Chrissy until Becky and the others turned up to bring her home again. By the time I got to meet Becky and the others, Chrissy was already cuddled up to Becky." Jayden giggled, when she thought about that night. "That was the first time I ever saw Chrissy really smile, and laugh. It was nice to see." Jayden added.
"Thanks for keeping her safe for me Jayden." Becky smiled, as she stroked Chrissy's hair while she rested her head on Becky's chest. "I'll never be able to repay you for looking after her." Becky added.
"Like I've already said Becky, I think it was more a case of Chrissy looking after me in the end." Jayden giggled.
"That's Chrissy's coping mechanism." Becky smiled. "Baby, do you want to show Jayden our wedding album while we're waiting for dinner to cook?" Becky asked Chrissy, as she helped her to sit up.
"Do you really want to see our wedding album?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes please. I saw your wedding dress the other day, while Becky was letting me borrow one of your business suits. I'd love to see how you both looked when you were wearing them." Jayden was grinning as she said it.
"Amy, you should get yours out as well, so Jayden can see how you and Amber looked on your big day." Chrissy said with a grin, as she stood up, and then pulled Amy up off the other sofa.
Jayden and the others all sat there and smiled, as they watched Chrissy and Amy run up stairs to get the wedding albums. They were soon running back into the room, each carrying a large white leather album. Chrissy handed the album she was carrying over to Jayden, while Amy sat down next to Amber again, and waited for Jayden to look at Chrissy's first.
"Do you mind if I look at them with you Jayden?" Callum asked, as he slid a little closer to Jayden, so he could get a better look at it.
"No, not at All Callum, but I thought you would have seen them already." Jayden said.
"No, they've never shown me the wedding albums. You must be a very special person." Callum said with a fake pout, just before he smiled again.
"I'm sorry Callum. I never thought to let you look at it before now." Chrissy said looking hurt for not showing Callum the album before now.
"Don't worry about it Chrissy, I was only joking with you." Callum said with a grin.
Chrissy smiled, as she watched them looking at the photos. Then she pulled the album a little closer when she saw some water damage on some of the pagers. "What got spilt on the album baby?" Chrissy asked, as she turned to look at Becky for an answer.
"I'm sorry babe, that's my fault. I'd sit and look at the album for hours while you were away, and I got upset." Becky said looking worried.
"Your tears made these marks?" Chrissy asked in a whisper, as she ran her fingers over the water stains on the page the album was open on. "I made you do this. I hurt you and made you cry." Chrissy added, as she also started to cry, and add her own tears to the page Becky had cried on.
"Hay baby, I was as much, if not more to blame for all the trouble. Please stop crying." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy in for a hug.
Jayden slid the album back off Chrissy's lap, and let Becky hug her until she stopped crying. Jayden went back to looking at the album with Callum, while Chrissy sobbed in Becky's arms.
Chrissy finally stopped crying and sat up, so she could dry her eyes with a tissue that Amy had passed her. "I'm sorry for that everyone; I don't have any right to be like that." Chrissy said looking embarrassed for the sudden outburst of tears.
"Don't worry about it sis. Are you feeling any better now you've got it out your system?" Mandy asked with some worry in her voice.
"I do actually sis." Chrissy said, as she thought about it. Soon she cuddled up to Becky again, but without the tears this time. They both smiled, as they watched Jayden and Callum looking at their wedding photos.
Once Callum and Jayden finished looking at Chrissy and Becky's wedding Album, Jayden passed it back to Chrissy. Then she held out her hands for Amy to pass her wedding album over, so her and Callum could look at theirs. Chrissy, Becky, Amy, and Amber left them looking at the album, while they went to finish making dinner.
Amy was just looking at the time, and beginning to wonder if Ann and Brad were going to be a no show, when they heard someone coming in the front door. Just after that, she saw Ann and Brad enter the kitchen.
"Sorry for cutting it close baby sister. We just lost track of the time." Ann said, as she walked over and gave Amy a hug.
"Okay, I'll let you off this time with just a hug, but you know what will happen next time you don't turn up for one of my Sunday dinners." Amy said, as she hugged Ann back.
"You're too good to me baby sister." Ann smiled.
"I know I am, but I can't help myself." Amy smiled back.
"Can I help you with anything?" Ann asked with a grin, as she already knew what the answer was going to be.
"You're okay sis, if we need someone to burn a pan of water, we'll give you a shout." Amy said, with a hand on her hip, as she waved a fork around in her other hand.
"Hey! I can cook a little bit, I'll have you know." Ann said with a hurt look on her face.
"Sis, ordering food off a menu is not classified as cooking." Amy said sarcastically.
"It's not?" Ann asked with a fake pout, just before she started grinning at Amy's joke. "And here I've been telling Brad what a great cook I am." Ann added, as she went over to stand with Brad again.
"Don't worry baby. I didn't fall in love with your cooking skills anyway." Brad said with a grin, as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Good job." Ann said as she looked up at him. "Well if we're not needed here, we may as well go and sit in the living room out the way then." Ann added, as she made her way towards the living room door from the kitchen.
"Callum and Jayden are in there with Mandy and Carl. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes." Amy giggled, as she watched them leave the kitchen to join the others in the living room.
Ann and Brad found Mandy and Carl cuddled up on one sofa, and Callum and Jayden looking at a photo album on another sofa. They sat on the last remaining sofa and said hi to everyone. They all said hi back.
"We were beginning to think you two weren't going to make it here in time for dinner." Carl said, as he looked at them both.
"What, and face Amy's wrath?" Brad said looking worried.
This made Callum, Jayden, Mandy, and Carl laugh. They were all finding it hard to think of someone of Brad's size, being scared of Amy.
There wasn't enough room around the kitchen table for them all to eat dinner, so the girls set the dinning room table, and then served dinner in there. Amber went to get the others once it was all on the table.
Callum jumped up and then helped Jayden to her feet, before leading her out of the room and holding the door open for her. He then helped her to take a seat in the dinning room before sitting in the seat next to her.
"This all looks really good." Callum said, as he looked at the spread laid out on the table in front of him.
"I have to agree with Callum. This does look really good." Jayden said.
"Thank you. Please get started and help yourself before it gets cold." Chrissy said, as she sat down next to Becky on the other side of the large dinning table.
Everyone started passing bowls and plates around the table, as they filled up their plates and started eating.
Jayden loved the food, and the company was even better. She found herself really liking Callum, but then she would suddenly look nervous around him again, when she remembered how he'd looked the night before. She'd put her walls back up again, and act a little cold towards him again.
The way Jayden was acting around him didn't go unnoticed on Callum, and he had a good idea that it had to do with what happened the night before, and how he was dressed when they first met. It didn't stop him trying to just being friends with her though, and she was soon smiling and laughing along with the others, at some of the funny things Chrissy and the others had to say.
Dinner was a hit, and then they all enjoyed a nice desert before clearing all the dishes away, and then Ann and Brad set to work doing the dishes with some help from Mandy and Carl. They sent Chrissy and the other girl's back to the living room to entertain Callum and Jayden.
Once the dishes washed and put away, they returned to the living room and found somewhere to sit, before they all spent the rest of the night talking. Callum decided to leave just after nine, as he needed to be up early the next morning for work.
"Thanks for the great dinner Chrissy, and it was nice to talk with Jayden." Callum said, as he got up to leave.
"Thanks for coming over today, it was nice catching up on things with you." Chrissy smiled, as she walked him to the door.
"I'm also glad that they were able to find you and get you back together with Becky again." Callum smiled. "I've never seen two people more suitably matched." Callum added, as he gave Chrissy a quick hug at the front door.
"I never should have run away in the first place. I should have stayed and faced Becky with what I found out." Chrissy said, as she let her head drop in shame of what she'd done.
"I don't think any of them care what you did Chrissy, so just move on and make the most of what you now have." Callum said, as he lifted Chrissy's head back up, and smiled at her.
"They probably don't, but I'm still upset that I did what I did." Chrissy said with a sad look on her face
"And you wouldn't be you, if you weren't." Callum chuckled. "I really need to be getting off Chrissy. Thanks again for a really nice dinner."
"Will we be seeing you at the club on Tuesday? You still owe me some dancing mister." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I can't make it in the week Chrissy, but I'll be there on Saturday, and I'll let you drag me down onto the dance floor this time." Callum smiled.
"I'll hold you to that!" Chrissy shouted, as she watched Callum walk over to his car.
Once Callum had driven off, Chrissy went back to find Becky, and try to catch up on all the kissing and cuddling she'd been missing.
Brad stayed until just after ten, and then gave Ann a kiss and a hug at the front door before he left himself.
Carl was staying another night, so he said he'd run Jayden into work the next morning with him, but he did sort out for Ann to bring her in on the Tuesday morning with her. With that sorted out, they all called it a night, and head off to bed.
Chapter 26: Working things out
Chrissy and Amy were dancing around to a song on the radio, while Becky and Amber were standing giggling at them when Jayden entered the kitchen the next morning. She was wearing one of the new business suits that Carl had brought her last week.
"Morning Jayden!" They all said at the same time.
"Morning." Jayden said looking nervous, as she took a seat at the kitchen table.
"You're looking very professional this morning. Ready for your first big day?" Chrissy asked, as she came over and poured Jayden a cup of tea. "Breakfast won't be long." Chrissy added with a smile.
"Thanks Chrissy, but I think I'll just have a slice of toast." Jayden said with a nervous smile.
"You can just relax, and drink your tea, and I'll have a full English breakfast ready for you shortly." Chrissy said, as she turned to go and finish helping Amy and the others get Breakfast ready.
Jayden was about to try and argue with Chrissy, but stopped when she heard Mandy and Carl enter the kitchen, shortly followed by Ann. Carl helped Mandy to take a seat, and then he did the same for Ann, just before he poured them all a cup of tea, then he sat down next to Mandy.
"Morning Jayden. Are you feeling alright?" Carl asked with a smile.
"Morning. I'm fine, just a little nervous about today." Jayden smiled, just before taking another sip from her cup.
"That's understandable, but you really don't need to be. Dale won't let you get in any trouble." Carl said with an even bigger smile.
Before Jayden could reply to Carl, Chrissy put a plate of food in front of her. "There you go Jayden. Just what you need to start a busy day at a new job." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Thanks Chrissy." Jayden said, as she looked down at the plate of food sat in front of her. She wondered how much of it she'd be able to eat.
They were all sitting around the table eating their breakfast, and Jayden found herself clearing her plate and feeling much better for it. They had another cup of tea before Carl grabbed his jacket and then walked to the front door with Mandy at his side. Jayden got hugs of all the girls, and wishes of good luck on her first day at her new job, then she waited for Mandy to say goodbye to Carl, so they could leave.
Mandy and the other girls stood on the doorstep waving to Carl and Jayden as they drove away. Then they ran back into the house to finish getting ready for work. Ann was already dressed, so she went back to the kitchen with Becky, while Chrissy, Amy, Amber, and Mandy went upstairs to get dressed.
"It's nice to see you back to your old self Becky." Ann smiled, as they sat at the table. "It's not been the same around here without Chrissy." Ann added.
"Not completely my old self." Becky said with a grin, as she put her hand on her belly.
"Very true sis, very true." Ann replied with an even bigger grin, as she leaned over and put her hand on Becky's belly.
Ann finished her cup of tea and then gave Becky a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she grabbed her bag and left for work. Becky was in the middle of washing the breakfast dishes when Chrissy, Amy, and Mandy all walked back into the kitchen. They still had some time to kill before they had to leave the house and get to the shop, so Chrissy grabbed a tea towel and started drying the dishes for Becky.
"You don't need to do that baby." Becky said, as she looked at Chrissy drying a plate and stacking it on the side with another one she'd just wiped.
"Yes I do my love. I need to do as much as I can, so you don't over do it yourself."
"I'm not made of glass baby. I won't break if I do what I normally do around the house." Becky smiled.
"I'm not going to risk it, so get use to doing less around here." Chrissy said, with her hands on her hips.
"Callum was right yesterday. You have gotten a lot bossier since you've been away." Becky said with a frown.
"Does that mean you don't love me any more?" Chrissy asked with a pout, as she walked over and stood behind Becky, as she wrapped her arms around her waist.
"I never said that baby. I think it's sexy." Becky purred, just before kissing Chrissy on the cheek, as she leaned over her shoulder.
Amy had grabbed a tea towel and helped Chrissy to wipe the dishes, and they put everything away before they left for work. Becky walked them to the front door, and then spent a couple of minutes stocking up on hugs and kisses to keep her going until she saw Chrissy later in the day. She stood and waved them off, and then returned to the house, and carried on sorting out the cleaning before she went back to bed for a couple of hours sleep.
Jayden sat looking out the window as Carl drove his car towards the hotel. She was still nervous about how she'd do on her first day. Carl soon snapped her out of her worrying when he spoke to her.
"Do you think you'll be okay living with Chrissy and the others then?"
"I love it there with them all." Jayden smiled. "I never realised just how much fun Chrissy could be until you all turned up for her."
"She really is one of a kind, but I wouldn't want to change a single thing about her. Well not much anyway." Carl chuckled.
"I guess you'd like her to stand up for herself a little more and not just run away from her problem?" Jayden asked.
"You guess right, but I think she's grown up a lot while she's been away. I also think that now she's going to be a parent, she'll not be doing anything that stupid again."
While they'd been talking, Jayden had not noticed them pulling into the hotel until she saw a man walk over to open her car door for her.
"Thank you very much." Jayden said to the man, as he opened the door and then helped her to get out of the car.
Carl walked around to where Jayden stood, and he handed the car keys over to the man, and then led Jayden into the hotel, so they could go and find Dale. They both saw Dale standing over near reception talking to a couple of guests, or that's what Jayden took them to be.
Dale finished his conversation when he saw Carl and Jayden enter the hotel, and he made his way over to meet them half way. "Good morning Jayden, Carl." Dale said with a smile, as he reached them.
"Morning Dale." Jayden said with a nervous smile, as she looked around the lobby.
"Morning Dale. Everything running smoothly?" Carl asked with a grin. He already knew it would be, and the look Dale gave him, just made him chuckle, then Dale chuckled with him.
"Got any more dumb questions Carl?" Dale asked with a hand on his hip.
"I'm sure I can think of a couple; just give me a couple of minutes." Carl replied, as he put a finger up to his lip and tapped it, as he looked deep in thought.
Dale started chuckling again, and this soon set Jayden off giggling. They acted like friends, rather that boss and employee.
"That's a better look for you." Dale smiled, when he saw Jayden giggle and look more relaxed. "I can understand how this would all seem quite nerve-racking at first, but I'll soon have you running this place for me." Dale added with a grin.
Jayden could tell by the grin, that he was only joking, so she just smiled back at him. "I'm ready to get started, if you want to show me what you need doing Dale."
"We're already doing it Jayden." Dale said, as he waved his arms around the lobby. Jayden looked around the lobby with a puzzled look on her face. "We're here to take care of any problems that pop up, and give the staff peace of mind that they have someone to fix said problems." Dale smiled.
Carl could see that Jayden was in safe hands, so he decided to leave them to it, and head off up to his suit, so he could get ready for his first meeting of the day. "If you don't mind, I'll leave the two of you to carry on."
"Okay Carl. I'll talk to you later no doubt." Dale smiled.
"Thanks Carl. I'll talk to you later." Jayden said. She looked a little shocked when Carl gave her a hug.
"Just relax Jayden, and let Dale show you how to run a hotel the right way." Carl whispered in her ear, as he hugged her.
Jayden looked more relaxed when Carl broke the hug, and made his way over to an elevator, so he could go up to his penthouse. Jayden turned to Dale once Carl was out of sight, and she expected to see a change in his attitude towards her, but he was just the same parson that he was when Carl was standing there with them.
"So are you ready to steal all my secrets then Jayden?" Dale asked with a smile, as he rubbed his hands together.
"I'm not sure what I'm really doing here Dale." Jayden said with a worried look.
"Come on, and don't look so worried. They can smell fear." Dale said with a frown, just before he smiled again.
Jayden found herself giggling again. She liked Dale; he was nothing like the manager of the other hotel. She could see why all the staff worked so well for him, and how Carl could trust him to run the hotel for him. Jayden was soon following Dale around, and learning how he did things.
Amy and Mandy were both on cloud nine having Chrissy back at the shop with them. They were working well together, had all the orders ready for the changing service by eleven o'clock, and were just having a drink when they heard the bell over the door sound, to tell them that they had a customer.
"Do you think they stand around the corner and wait for us to take a break before they come into the shop?" Mandy asked, as she put her cup down, and went to get up.
"I think they might." Amy giggled. "You take a break sis; I'll go and see what they want." Amy said. As she got up and wondered off to serve them.
Amy walked out into the shop and just stopped dead in her tracks and let a big grin come across her face, as she saw Amber and Sara walking towards her. Amy was soon running down the shop to give her wife a big hug.
"Hi baby! What brings you here?" Amy asked, as she wrapped her arms around Amber, just before kissing her.
"Hello lover." Amber purred as they broke the kiss. "The boss lady wanted to have a word with Chrissy and the rest of you, and she couldn't wait to do it. So I've been turned into her taxi service." Amber added with a role of her eyes.
"Hey! Your boss lady should sack you for flirting with the hired help." Sara said, as she playfully poked Amber in the arm.
"Do you see what I have to put up with?" Amber giggled, as she tried to turn Amy around to act as a shield between her and Sara.
Amy just giggled, as she found her self in the middle of a play fight between the two of them. They were soon joined by Chrissy and Mandy, whom had come out to see what all the giggling was about.
"Hi Sara, Amber. What brings you to our happy little shop?" Chrissy asked, as she walked over to where Sara was standing, and gave her a hug.
"Hi Chrissy. Sorry to bother you all, but I just needed to come and fill you all in on the details for the wedding." Sara was grinning as she said it.
"Hi Sara. Does this mean you have the date now for when everything is going to be happening?" Mandy asked, as she also gave Sara a hug.
"Yes! I had the final call I was waiting for this morning, so it's full steam ahead." Sara said, sounding all excited, as she started clapping her hands together.
"So when is the big day?" Mandy asked.
"Two weeks on Sunday." Sara beamed.
"Wow, that's not far away. Will you have everything finished in time?" Mandy asked looking worried.
"We already have everything ready to go, and have done for a while now. We just need to wait until the last minute to finish off Becky's brides maid dress." Sara said.
Chrissy realised that if it weren't for her running away, they would have been married by now. She wondered if she'd ever live down what she'd done. Chrissy took a step back from the rest of them, and just stood quietly watching them chatter about plans for the big day.
"We were just having a drink. Would you like to join us for one?" Chrissy asked. She was looking for a reason to excuse her self from the celebration.
"That sounds like a great idea." Sara smiled.
Chrissy went through to the back room and set about making Sara and Amber a cup of tea. She was just putting the cups on the table, as the others all entered the back room and took a seat at the table they had back there. They all sat having a drink and Sara filled them in on all the details she'd sorted with Carl's help. Chrissy just sat listening to the others talk until she'd finished her drink, then she got up.
"I'll go and keep an eye on the shop, while you all finish your drinks." Chrissy said, just before leaving.
"Is Chrissy still having trouble getting back into the swing of things?" Sara asked, just after they all watched Chrissy leave the room.
"No, she's been fine. I'm not sure what the trouble is now." Mandy said with a puzzled look on her face.
"Do you mind if Amber and I take a look around the shop? We're looking for some bits to add to a couple of outfits we're working on." Sara asked, as she stood up and then pulled Amber to her feet.
"No rest for the wicked." Amber groaned, as she stood up, but she was grinning, so Sara just slapped her behind.
"I'll show you wicked, young lady." Sara giggled.
Amber ran off into the shop with Amy chasing her. Mandy and Sara giggled some more, as they followed them at a nice steady pace.
Chrissy was checking stock, and working out what they needed to reorder later in the day when she saw Amber run out into the shop, followed by Amy. Then she saw Sara and Mandy come out just behind them. Chrissy sat at the counter watching Sara and Amber walk around the shop looking at different things; she had to smile when she saw that Amy was making the most of getting some extra time with Amber.
Mandy was on her way over to the counter where Chrissy was, when a customer entered the shop, so she went to help.
Chrissy was checking one of the shelves and was in a world of her own when she head a voice in her near ask her a question.
"Is everything alright Chrissy?" Sara asked looking worried for her friend.
Chrissy jumped and spun around, gripping the clipboard to her chest, as she looked at Sara like she was the devil himself.
"I'm sorry Chrissy. I didn't mean to scare you." Sara said looking upset with her self for what she'd just done.
"No, I'm sorry Sara. I was miles away just then." Chrissy said, as she tried to get her heart back to beating at a more normal rate.
"We don't mind you being miles away in that way. It's just when the body has gone with it, that we start to worry." Sara giggled, as she looked at her friend. She soon stopped giggling though when she saw the hurt look Chrissy had. "I'm sorry Chrissy that was a really bad joke." Sara added with pout.
"Please don't be sorry Sara. It's less than what I deserve for what I've done." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she tried to look anywhere except at Sara.
"What's that suppose to mean Chrissy?" Sara asked. "Look at me, and tell me what's wrong." Sara added with a little anger in her voice.
Chrissy finally looked at Sara, and she was close to tears as she started talking. "I'm what's wrong Sara. You and Cathy should be married already, but because of me, you had to wait." Chrissy had tears running down her cheeks as she said it. "I've got no right to be part of your big day, never mind Cathy still wanting me as her maid of honour."
Sara was a little shocked at what Chrissy had just said, and it took her a couple of seconds to come up with a response to it. "Chrissy, if it wasn't for you, Cathy and I would never have met in the first place. So if you think either of us was going to get married without you being there, then you really don't know us very well."
"I just feel really bad that you guys have had to wait." Chrissy sighed. "Why don't you all hate me? I hate me right now." Chrissy asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"Chrissy, we can't hate you." Sara said, as she pulled her into a hug with her. "We've spent god knows how many weeks worried sick about you. Do you really think that we'd bring you back here, just to be mad at you?" Sara asked.
"It's what I deserve, after what I did." Chrissy said in a mumbled voice, as she had her face pressed into Sara's shoulder.
"You made a mistake. We all do it." Sara said. "Granted, you have to take it to a whole new level. But it was still just a mistake."
"Are you sure that you and Cathy really want me as part of the wedding?" Chrissy asked through panda eyes, as she broke the hug with Sara and looked her in the eyes.
"I'm not even going to answer that one young lady." Sara put her hands on her hips as she said it. "Now go and get yourself cleaned up before Mandy sees your face." Sara added, as she pointed towards a mirror, so Chrissy could see how bad she looked.
Chrissy looked in the mirror and saw what Sara was getting at, and she made her way to the back room and then up stairs to the bathroom, so she could fix her makeup.
Mandy finished with the customer, and then walked over to where Sara now stood chatting with Amy and Amber. She'd seen Sara and Chrissy talking, and then Chrissy hugging Sara just before she left the room.
"Is everything okay with Chrissy?" Mandy asked looking worried.
"Yes, everything is fine." Sara smiled. "She was just feeling a little guilty about us putting the wedding on hold until we found her. Chrissy doesn't think she should be part of the wedding after what she did." Sara added.
"She's been jumpy ever since we got back last week. I was hoping that things would have been back to normal by now with her." Mandy said.
"I think she's looking for everyone to punish her for what she did. But all she keeps getting is love and understanding." Sara said, as she watched Amy and Amber hugging each other, and stealing the odd kiss here and there.
"We don't need to punish her. She's doing a good enough job on her own." Mandy said with a sigh. "I wish I knew how to sort this out once and for all. I just want the old Chrissy back." Mandy added.
"Maybe there is a way to punish her, but let it be fun at the same time." Amber said with a grin, as she looked at the others.
"What do you have in mind Amber?" Mandy asked.
"Well she spent all that time as a waitress, so why don't we make her be a waitress at the club for a couple of nights." Amber said with an even bigger grin. "Chrissy will feel like she's been punished, and we can all have some fun at the same time." Amber added.
"You do have a point, and she would look cute in one of those waitress uniforms." Mandy said, as she looked to be thinking about it. "I know Becky would enjoy bossing her around for a couple of nights as well. I'll have a word with Becky and Carl, but until then, don't say a word about it." Mandy added, as she pointed at Amy.
Amy went to say something, but stopped when she saw Chrissy walk back into the shop. They all just smiled at Chrissy, as she walked over to where they were all talking.
"You okay again now sis?" Mandy asked, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy and hugged her.
"Yes. Sorry about leaving the shop floor Mandy." Chrissy said.
"Don't worry about it. We couldn't have you serving customers looking like you did." Mandy giggled.
Chrissy looked at Mandy and even she had to smile, when she thought of how she looked before going to fix her makeup. Mandy and the others were happy to see a smile on Chrissy's face, and they hoped that the punishment they had planned for her would finally put all the trouble behind them.
Sara and Amber stayed a little longer, and they left with a couple of boxes full of under clothing they wanted to use in some designs they were working on. Linda turned up with lunch, and had a quick chat with the girls before she left again with the orders for the changing service. Chrissy, Mandy, and Amy had lunch, and then got back to work.
Jayden was learning a lot from Dale, and it was only her first day. They were talking to a couple of guests when she saw Carl step off one of the elevators and walk over to where they were. He waited for the guests to leave before she stepped over and started talking.
"Dale, Jayden. How's everything going?" Carl asked.
"Hi Carl. Everything is going fine. Jayden was being wasted in her old job; the staff already loves her, and are taking orders from her with no problems." Dale said, as he looked at Jayden with a smile.
"Hello Carl. I am having a lot of fun, and Dale is good at his job. I've already learned so much from him."
"You do look a lot more relaxed now, which is a good thing." Carl smiled. "I was wondering if you had some time free, so we can go over some of the staff at the other hotel." Carl asked, as he looked at Jayden and then Dale.
"That's fine with me Carl. We can carry on tomorrow with your learning, not that you need it." Dale said.
"Thanks for all the help Dale. I'll see you tomorrow then, if I don't see you later before I leave." Jayden said, as she smiled at Dale.
Dale smiled back. "I look forward to it Jayden. Until tomorrow, I bid you farewell." Dale stood and watched Carl lead Jayden back over to the elevator before he returned to reception.
Jayden watched as Carl put a credit card style key in a slot under the buttons in the elevator, and then she saw the display say penthouse. She was a little worried when she saw where they were going.
"Why are we going up to a penthouse?" Jayden asked looking worried.
Carl turned to look at her, and saw the worried look on her face. "Don't worry Jayden, it's nothing like that. I have an office in my penthouse, and I thought it would be better for us to go through the personnel files up here in privet."
"Oh, sorry Carl. I should have known better than to even think that." Jayden said looking a little sheepish.
"Don't worry about it. I'd never do anything to upset what I have with Mandy." Carl smiled. "I get the feeling that you've had trouble with that sort of thing in the past. I hope not at the club or hotel I own?" Carl asked looking worried.
"Yes I have Carl, but no, not at the club, or hotel you own."
"That's good then, but I'm sorry you had trouble like that." Carl didn't say anymore about it, and they were soon stepping out into Carl's penthouse.
"Wow! This place is amazing Carl. I can see why you like this hotel the best." Jayden said, as she looked around the penthouse.
"It is nice, but I love Mandy's house better, and like spending my time there with them." Carl said, as he looked around, trying to see what Jayden was seeing, but couldn't.
Carl left Jayden to look around, and she found herself out on the patio area and walking around the large pool Carl had out there. She walked over, looked over the railing, and watched all the little figures walking around and the cars going backwards and forwards. Once she'd had enough of the view, she went back into the penthouse and found Carl sitting at a large table sorting out folders into different piles.
"Sorry for being nosy Carl, but I've never seen anything like this, other than on the TV that is." Jayden said, as she took a seat next to Carl at the table.
"That's alright Jayden. Mandy and the others were the same when they first came up here."
"Do Mandy and the others come here very often then?"
"Yes they do. They all love to use the pool, and just relax and order room service." Carl said with a grin. "I'm sure they'll drag you over with them the next time they come over." Carl added.
"I'd like that, it sounds like fun." Jayden said with a grin.
"Trust me it is." Carl smiled.
Carl and Jayden spent the rest of the afternoon going through personnel files, and Jayden giving Carl details of what she new about each person. By the time they got to the last one, Carl knew everything he needed to know, and who was best for what job. They left the penthouse, and Carl took Jayden down to where Ann's office was, so she could get a lift home.
Ann saw Carl and Jayden enter her office, and she got up and gave them both a hug. "Hi Jayden. How was your first day?" Ann asked, as she broke the hug with her.
"I was really scared to start with, but once I calmed down I had a really good time. Dale is great at his job as well." Jayden said with a smile.
"I'm sorry that I have to love you and leave you, but I want to grab a bite to eat before Carla has to come out and play." Carl said, as he gave them both a hug before he left the office.
Ann and Jayden smiled, and waved to Carl as he left the office, and then Jayden waited while Ann shut off her computer, and grabbed her bag so they could leave.
"Thanks for the lift home Ann. Do you need me to give you some money towards the fuel costs?" Jayden asked, as they sat in traffic.
"You're welcome Jayden, that's what family's for." Ann smiled, as she looked at her. "The hotel covers the fuel cost, so don't worry about it." Ann added.
"Do you really think of me as part of the family then Ann?" Jayden asked.
"Yes, after what you did for Chrissy. I'm happy to have you as a sister." Ann said with a grin.
"It feels strange to think that I'm part of a family like this one. I've never had one before." Jayden said with a far away look in her eyes.
"You must have had a family at some point Jayden." Ann said.
"No, I grow up in foster care. I stayed with families, but never had a real home. Guess I just wasn't the right sort of kid for anyone to want." Jayden said with a sad look on her face.
"Sorry to hear that. You should sit and talk to Becky about it; she was the same until she met Mable, and then Chrissy. You know the rest of that story." Ann said with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm really glad I found Chrissy. She's like a drug that you just can't get enough off, I just wish she was a little stronger, and stood up for herself a little more." Jayden said with a sigh.
"Chrissy's the glue that holds us all together, not that I'd ever say that to her face. She'd just start worrying about it." Ann giggled.
Jayden also giggled, she knew that Ann had a good point. She sat chatting with Ann for the rest of the trip home, as she looked out the window, taking in the sights.
Ann and Jayden knew they were the last two to get home, seeing Becky's, Mandy's, and Amber's cars parked on the driveway. Ann parked next to Amber's and then got out, and waited for Jayden before entering the house and walking toward the kitchen, where they could hear all the noise coming from. They found Chrissy sitting on Becky's lap, and Amber sitting Amy's. They were talking about ideas for a hen party for Sara and Cathy. They stopped talking when they saw Ann and Jayden enter the kitchen.
"Hi Jayden, how was your first day?" Chrissy asked with a smile.
"Hello Chrissy, it was great Dale took me under his wing, and showed me the ropes." Jayden said, as s he took a seat at the table.
Jayden filled them all in on her day, as she watched Chrissy, Amy and Amber help Becky make dinner. She had to repeat most of her story about her day when Mandy came back down from taking a shower, but she didn't mind. It was nice having a large group of people around to have a meal with.
Chrissy went with Becky to take a shower and help her get ready, and then they all went to the door when Vicky turned up for Becky later. Once Becky had left for work, they went to the living room to watch some TV before calling it a night and going to bed.
To Be Continued Next week
Written by SaraUK
Edited (I tried honest!) and Posted by ChrisW
Part 9
Chapter 27. Planning and punishing
All the girls were glad to be finishing work on the Tuesday, so they could go home and get ready for a night at the club. They were all ready when Vicky arrived to pick them up. Jayden was looking forward to having another night out at the club, so she could do some more dancing with Chrissy, Amy, and Amber. She stood and waited with Mandy, while Chrissy and Amy looked across the road, like they'd done one the Saturday night, but there still wasn't anyone there, so they turned and walked into the club, just behind Mandy and Jayden.
Mandy had spoken with Amy and Amber. They were going to keep Chrissy busy down on the dance floor, so Mandy could have a word with Becky and Carl about a suitable punishment for Chrissy. She got her chance when Becky came back from sorting out some trouble, and Chrissy was still down on the dance floor with Amy, Amber, and Jayden.
"Becky, can I have a word with you and Carla for a couple of minutes?" Mandy asked, as she pattered the seat next to her for Becky to sit down.
"Sure Mandy, Is everything alright?" Becky asked, as she sat down.
"Not really. Sara and Amber came to the shop yesterday to talk about the dates for the wedding, and we had a little trouble with Chrissy." Mandy said looking worried.
"What kind of trouble?" Becky asked.
"I'm sure you've noticed that Chrissy hasn't been herself since she came back." Mandy asked.
"She has seemed a little distant, but I just put it down to her finding her feet again." Becky said with a shrug.
"That's what we all thought, but after what she told Sara. I think she's waiting for us to punish her for running away." Mandy looked worried as she said it.
"I'm not going to punish Chrissy for something that is my fault Mandy." Becky said in a firm voice. "I was the one that started all the trouble in the first place, so if anyone should be punished, then it should be me." Becky added.
"I don't want to see anyone getting punished. Can't we just let it lie in the past where it belongs?" Carla asked.
"I feel the same way baby, but I don't think Chrissy will be happy until she feels that she's served some sort of punishment for what she did." Mandy said with a pained look. "Amber had a good idea, that I think you will both like, and Becky would get to spend some more time with Chrissy while she served it." Mandy added with a grin.
"I don't think I would like any punishment you have install for Chrissy, but I'm willing to hear you out." Becky said, still not looking too happy about any of it.
"I understand how you feel Becky, but do you really want to keep watching this eat away at Chrissy any longer?" Mandy asked. "Here's what we had in mind for her as a punishment. Make her serve as a waitress here at the club for eight nights. That's one night for each week she was missing. What do you both think?"
Becky and Carla sat thinking about it for a couple of minutes before either of them spoke again.
"I'd only let her serve up here in the VIP section, and I'd want Frank or Brad to be close by all the time she's working." Becky said.
"You're the boss Becky, but it all sounds fair to me. I'm sure Frank and Brad would keep an eye on her whether you asked them or not." Carla smiled. "When do you want it to start?" Carla asked.
"The sooner the better, so as soon as you can get her a uniform to wear, we can pronounce sentence." Mandy said.
"If we have her start on Thursday, she will only have to work one Saturday, and one Tuesday. Then she will be back to having fun by a week on Saturday." Becky said.
"I'll have a supply of uniforms ready for her by Thursday then." Carla smiled.
"When do you plan to tell her about it all?" Mandy asked.
"We'll inform her of her punishment tomorrow at breakfast. I'm not going to spoil her fun tonight. We may as well let her enjoy her last day of freedom for the next week or so." Becky said with a week smile.
"Don't look so down about it Becky. I'm sure you're going to love watching her run around serving drinks while wearing one of the little uniforms." Mandy asked with a grin.
"Part of me is, but I still think that I'm the one that should be getting punished for it all." Becky said, as she rested her head on Mandy's should.
"I know you do Becky, but Chrissy never should have ran away, and she knows it was wrong. She just can't understand why none of us have been mad with her for it." Mandy said, as she wrapped an arm around Becky and hugged her.
Becky had a couple of dances with Chrissy that night, as she knew that she wouldn't be able to have any for the next week. It wouldn't look good for Becky to start dancing with a member of staff. She just hoped that Chrissy would still speak to her by the end of her punishment.
The girls were tired from all the dancing by the time they closed the club and all got into Vicki's people carrier, so they could go home and get some sleep. Jayden was happy when she found out that none of the girls worked on a Wednesday, and they normally ended up doing some form of shopping in the afternoon.
They all got back to the house and Carla and Vicky dropped them off before they went home themselves. The girls all went up to bed and hugged outside Mandy's room before going to their own rooms.
Chrissy and Becky went to their own room to get ready for bed, but then ran over to spend the night with Mandy, just like they always did when Carl wasn't stopping over. They were soon all cuddled up together and falling asleep.
The girls all had a lie in the next morning, and when they got up, they all just had some toast for breakfast, and a couple of cups of tea to wash it down. They were all going to see Prue, so Chrissy and Becky could both get a check up.
Chrissy sat cuddling with Becky at the kitchen table when Becky made her sit up so she could speak to her.
"I'm sorry baby, but it's time to sort out your punishment for running away from home." Becky said with a very stern look on her face.
Chrissy could tell by the look on Becky's face that she wasn't joking about her punishment. Strangely part of her was glad that they were finally going to do something to her for what she did, but another part was worried what it might be.
"Okay, I know I have what ever punishment you decide coming to me." Chrissy said, as she just sat looking down at the table.
"Sense you felt the need to run away and become a waitress. You will spend eight nights working as a waitress at the club, and you will start tomorrow night." Becky said in a firm voice. "Do you have a problem with that?" Becky asked.
"No, no problem at all Becky." Chrissy said in a quiet voice. She was worried about becoming a waitress after she'd spent so much time being a guest at the club. She wondered if she'd ever be able to go there again after her punishment.
"She won't have to work Saturday, nor Tuesday will she?" Amy asked looking worried.
"Yes she will. She'll be working from Thursday straight through to next Friday night. Then she will be back to being a guest on the following Saturday." Becky said, as she looked at Amy.
Amy just looked shocked at the sentence Becky gave Chrissy, and she looked at Amber a little upset with her, due to it being her idea in the first place. Amber was shocked that they were being so hard on Chrissy. She thought that they would just have her do a single night.
With Chrissy's sentence being set, they all went to get ready to leave. Chrissy was a little quiet on the drive over to see Prue, but Becky left Chrissy to think, as she drove her car. They were following Mandy's car, and they found a couple of parking spots side by side just up the road from Prue's surgery.
They all gave Kim a hug when she buzzed them in, and then they took a seat to wait for Chrissy and Becky to go in a see Prue. Kim handed Jayden some forms to fill in while they waited. Prue wanted to make Jayden a patient at the practice, just like the rest of the girls.
Chrissy and Becky got up and went in to see Prue when Kim answered her intercom, and Prue asked her to send them to her.
"Hello Chrissy, Becky. I trust everything has been alright since I last saw you?" Prue asked, as she got up and walked over to give them both a hug.
"Hi mum." Both girls said, as they hugged her back.
"It's great having my baby back with me." Becky smiled, as she looked at Chrissy.
"You don't look very happy Chrissy. Are you sure, everything is all right? You're not feeling ill are you?" Prue asked looking worried.
"I'm fine mum, just a little worried about starting my punishment tomorrow night." Chrissy said with a week smile.
"What punishment is this?" Prue asked looking shocked about Chrissy being punished for anything.
"Chrissy feels that we've all been too easy on her, so we came up with a suitable punishment for her running away." Becky said.
"And just what is this punishment?" Prue asked.
"I've got to work eight nights at the club as a waitress." Chrissy replied, "starting tomorrow night." She added.
"Do you think this is a fair punishment for what you did Chrissy?" Prue asked.
"Yes I do mum. I never should have run away in the first place. I should have called to let one of you know that I was safe. So yes I think the punishment is more than fair for what I did."
"Will she be safe working at the club?" Prue asked with worry in her voice.
"Yes, she'll only be working in the VIP section, and Brad and Frank will help keep her safe." Becky said.
"I can take care of my self Becky. I don't need looking after." Chrissy said with a little anger in her voice.
"While you're working for me at the club, you will do as you're told, and I'll take what ever actions I deem suitable to keep you safe. Am I understood?" Becky asked.
"Yes boss!" Chrissy said, as she frowned and folded her arms.
Prue could see that this could turn into an argument if she didn't change the subject soon, so she asked them both to take a seat. "Come and sit down, so we can have a chat about the baby, and set up a date for you to go and have an ultrasound." Prue said with a smile. "Will you want to know what the sex is, or will you just wait and see?" Prue asked.
"We've decided to find out what the sex will be, if that's alright?" Becky said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy.
Chrissy looked at Becky and smiled, as she took Becky's hand in hers. "Yes we don't want to wait to find out."
"Will we all get to find out? Or will you keep us all waiting until it's born?" Prue asked.
"I don't think we'd be able to keep it a secret that long mum, so you'll all know as soon as we do." Becky giggled.
"Well I've set up your First appointment for next Wednesday, so you'll not have to miss any more time off work Chrissy, so you can go with Becky. They won't be able to tell you the sex of the baby until about week twenty."
"I thought you would have had a scan already." Chrissy asked, as she looked at Becky.
"I've not wanted to do any of the stuff to do with the baby without you being with me. So I've been putting off having the first scan until now." Becky smiled.
"I'm not sure that was the right thing to do my love, but I'm glad you did." Chrissy leaned over and pulled Becky to her, so she could kiss her. "I love you so much." Chrissy added when they broke the kiss.
"As I love you baby." Becky purred back at her.
Prue gave both girls a check up and then gave Chrissy a new prescription for her tablets before letting them go back out to the others. She asked them to send Jayden in when they got out there.
Chrissy and Becky told Jayden to go in and see mum, then they sat down together. Chrissy wrapped her arms around Becky and sat hugging her.
"What's with all the hugging baby?" Becky asked, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"I want to spend as much time hugging you between now and tomorrow night, because I won't be able to while I'm working at the club." Chrissy said with a pout. "Or do you want me to start acting like an employee now?" Chrissy asked, as she went to break the hug and sit up again.
Becky stopped her. "Don't even think about it baby, and if I want a hug from you while you're working for me, then I'll come and get one."
"No you won't Becky. Not while I'm working for you." Chrissy said, as she sat up and looked at Becky with a very serious look on her face. "I'm being punished for doing something very bad, and that will be part of the punishment."
"It's going to feel like I'm being punished as well then, if I have to watch you working for me, and not being able to hug you when ever I want." Becky pouted.
"You do have a price to pay for what happened lover, but I know I have to do this to feel better about myself." Chrissy said, just before going back to hugging Becky again.
"I'll be a kind boss to you baby." Becky said, as she started hugging Chrissy again.
"I know you will lover, but I wouldn't care if you were an evil boss to me. I put you through eight weeks of hell, so I'm sure that I can do eight nights at the club working for you." Chrissy let out a sigh, as she let Becky hug her.
Mandy and Amy were looking at each other, as Chrissy and Becky had their little chat. "Looks like we'll be a staff member short for the next week or so." Mandy said with a sigh.
"I was just getting use to having her back as well." Amy said with a pout.
"I'll still be at the shop through the day sis." Chrissy said.
Mandy and Amy both looked at Chrissy a little shocked by what she just said. "You can't work both jobs Chrissy, that's going to be to much for you." Mandy said.
"Sis, a lot of people have to work two, or even three jobs just to make ends meet. Jayden was working at the hotel and the club when I was living with her. So I'll be fine doing it for the duration of my punishment." Chrissy said in a firm voice.
"We'll see, but if you find it's too much then let me know and you can take some time off from the shop so you can finish off the punishment at the club." Mandy said, as she tried to get the last word in. She already knew that Chrissy wouldn't say anything, even if it were too much for her, but it made Mandy feel a little better saying it.
Chrissy sat hugging Becky, and Amy sat hugging Amber while they all chatted about where to go for lunch with Mandy and Kim. They all looked up when they saw Jayden and Prue walked out into the waiting area.
"Will she live doc?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"It was touch and go for a while, but she'll make it." Prue replied. "She's as fit as a fiddle, and now one of my patients." Prue added with a smile.
Mandy, Amy, Amber, and Ann got up and gave Prue a hug before giving Jayden one as well. Jayden hugged them back, and then went and sat down next to Chrissy.
"Are you ready to head out and grab some lunch with us mum?" Mandy asked.
"Now that sounds like a great plan. Just give me a couple of minutes to finish up some paperwork and I'll be with you." Prue said, just before going back into her office.
The girls went to a nice restaurant for lunch, and more talk about the shops they'd be going to later in the afternoon. They were soon enjoying a nice meal, and Jayden was having a laugh at some of the stories Prue and Kim told them about the others. Jayden was sad to see the meal end, but she knew that she'd have many other chances to find out about the past adventures of Chrissy and the gang. They gave Prue and Kim a hug outside the restaurant before watching them drive away in Prue's car.
"Okay then. Who's ready for some serious shopping?" Mandy asked with a grin, as she turned to look at the others.
They all started jumping up and down shouting "Me, me." Even Jayden found herself joining in with them. They were soon back in the cars and heading towards the city. Once they'd parked the cars in a secure car park, they made their way into one of the shopping centres.
Jayden was still waiting for the bank to send her a bank statement since she'd changed all her details with them, now she was living with Chrissy and the others. She wanted to stop at a cash machine to get a printout mini statement. Jayden found it funny to watch Chrissy, Becky, Amy, and Amber, as all they wanted to do was hug the one they loved, but wouldn't risk doing it out on the street. Not that she blames them. Once she got to the front of the queue, Jayden put her cash card in and then punched in her pin. She soon let out a gasp when she saw the large amount of money now sat in here account.
"I hope that's a good gasp we just heard Jayden." Mandy asked with a grin, as she already knew it was.
Jayden just turned around with a grin on her face. "Yes it was, and I plan to have some real fun this afternoon shopping."
Soon the girls were going in and out of shops trying on different things. Some of the stuff was nice, and other bits were just nasty, but they still tried it on and had a giggle at each other as they did it. Jayden had never had so much fun before. She had a number of bags by the time they called it a day and made their way back to the cars.
Once they got home, Chrissy sent Becky to bed for a couple of hours before she needed to get ready for work and she and Amy went to sort out something for dinner. Mandy and Ann helped Jayden take her knew things up to her room, and drop of the bits that the other girls had brought.
Chrissy and Amy were still working out what to cook for dinner when they heard Jayden enter the kitchen again.
"Thanks for the fun shopping trip you two. I can't remember ever having such a good time before while shopping." Jayden smiled, as she walked over to where they both stood looking in the freezer.
"We really need to get her out more sis." Amy said, as she looked at Chrissy with a grin on her face.
"It does sound that way baby sister." Chrissy said in return, just before turning around to give Jayden a hug. "It was great having you with us, but we only just scratched the surface of the shops in the city. You'll be sick of shopping by the time we've done with you." Chrissy was grinning when they broke the hug.
"Now that sounds like a fun challenge." Jayden giggled.
"What sounds like a fun challenge?" Mandy asked, as she walked into the kitchen with Amber and Ann close behind.
"Chrissy was just telling me that I'd be sick of shopping by the time you finished showing me all the shops." Jayden said.
"Can a girl ever really get sick of shopping?" Mandy asked with a silly grin on her face.
"Gosh! I hope not." Jayden said looking worried, just before she started giggling. This set the others off, and they were all having a good laugh about the day they just had.
Jayden went and sat at the kitchen table with Mandy and Ann, while the others made a start on sorting out dinner.
"So you had a good time today then?" Ann asked.
"I had a great day. Even the check up with Prue was okay." Jayden smiled. "I was shocked when Carl told me I wouldn't be working on a Wednesday though."
"It's just something we've always done. It gives us a day to all go out and have some fun." Mandy said, as she poured them all a glass of juice out.
"I definitely had a lot of fun." Jayden smiled, as she took the glass off Mandy. "Thanks Mandy. Do you think I should help them sort out dinner?" Jayden asked, as she looked at Chrissy and the others playing around over near the cooker.
"I hear from Chrissy that your cooking skills are on a par with mine, so you'd just get in the way." Mandy said, as she looked over at the girls sorting out dinner.
Becky was having a dream that some guy was groping Chrissy, as she tried to serve them drinks, but Becky couldn't get close enough to help her out. Then she woke up to find Chrissy kissing her, as she lay next to her in the bed.
"Hi boss, are you alright? It looked like you were having a bad dream." Chrissy asked, just before kissing her again.
"Hello baby. I'm not your boss until tomorrow night, and even then it's only while we're at the club." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy even closer to her, so they could kiss some more.
"You'll always by the boss of me lover." Chrissy purred.
"I can live with that baby." Becky smiled. "Did you just come up for a kiss and a cuddle, or is dinner nearly ready?"
"Yes and yes." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Thanks baby." Becky said with a sigh.
"Are you sure everything is alright?" Chrissy asked with some worry in her voice.
"Yes, I'm just feeling a little sad that you're going to be a waitress at the club. This never would have happened if I'd just come clean with you from the start." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy even closer to her, and tried to squeeze the life out of her.
"Then maybe we'll both learn something from this punishment." Chrissy squeaked out. "I'm still looking at the up side to it all." Chrissy added when Becky stopped hugging her.
"What up side?" Becky asked with a puzzled look.
"I'll get to spend eight nights being able to look at you." Chrissy said with a grin.
Becky started grinning as she realised that Chrissy did have a good point. She would get to watch Chrissy every night while she worked at the club. "Suddenly I find myself wondering if we should make it eight weeks, and not just eight nights."
"Do you really think I was that naughty mistress?" Chrissy asked with a pout.
"I think you were very naughty my little slave girl." Becky purred, as she started kissing Chrissy again.
Becky was just starting to get warmed up when Chrissy slid out of bed and ran off towards the bedroom door giggling. "Dinner will be ready in ten minutes lover. See you down stairs!"
"You're going to pay for that you little tease!" Becky shouted to her, as she vanished out the door. Becky just fell back down on the bed and giggled to herself. She was just happy to have Chrissy back in her life, and the thought of being able to see her every night at work for the next week or so made her smile. Becky was beginning to wish Chrissy would be starting her punishment tonight.
Chrissy ran into the kitchen giggling, which made the others all turn to look at her. She just stopped and looked at them all. "What?" Chrissy asked looking all innocent.
"Have you been teasing Becky again?" Mandy asked with a frown, just before she started grinning.
"Would I do something like that sis?" Chrissy asked, putting her hand on her chest, and had a hurt look on her face.
"Yes you would." Mandy smiled. Chrissy just started smiling back, as she walked over to carry on helping Amy and Amber dish dinner up.
Mandy and the others soon got an answer to the question, as to whether or not Chrissy had been teasing Becky. She burst into the kitchen and looked around until she saw Chrissy, then she ran over and wrapped her arms around her, just before kissing her very deeply.
"Hi baby." Chrissy said when they broke the kiss.
"Don't you hi baby me!" Becky purred, just before kissing Chrissy again. "If dinner wasn't on the table, I'd be dragging you upstairs again right now."
"I'll let you have me for desert." Chrissy said in a husky whisper just before kissing Becky again.
"Can't we just skip straight to desert then?" Becky asked with a grin.
Mandy coughed to clear her throat. Becky and Chrissy both turned their heads to see that Mandy and the others all sitting at the table looking at them. They both realised that they had just heard the whole conversation they just had.
"I think I'll just have a bowl of ice cream." Jayden said with a grin. This broke the silent moment and they all started giggling.
Becky led a very red-faced Chrissy over to the table, and they sat down and started eating their dinner. Once dinner was over, Becky was true to her word and she grabbed Chrissy's arm and pulled her to her feet. They were soon heading back to their bedroom, so Becky could have her desert.
"Well it doesn't look like Chrissy and Becky will be helping with the dishes." Amber said with a grin.
"What ever gave you that idea?" Jayden asked with an even bigger grin.
Chrissy was helping Becky to get ready for work a little later, after taking a nice long shower together. "What time will I have to be at the club for tomorrow night?" Chrissy asked, as she worked on Becky's makeup for her.
"You'll leave with me when Vicky comes to pick me up." Becky said looking a little puzzled at Chrissy's question. "Why do you ask?"
"I thought I'd have to be there when it opens. Just like all the other staff does."
"You're not like all the other staff baby. I'm not going to let you make your own way to the club, or let you out of my sight for to long either."
Chrissy saw the look on Becky's face, and knew she wasn't going to let her argue about it, so Chrissy just smiled, and then carried on doing Becky's makeup for her.
Vicky stood in the hallway when Chrissy and Becky walked back down stairs. They were all smiling at them, so Chrissy had to wonder if they had told Vicky about them running off up stairs right after dinner.
Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug to say a proper goodnight. "I won't be doing this tomorrow night will I?" Becky purred, as she looked deep into Chrissy's eyes.
"No, you'll be playing the evil boss, and bossing me around all night." Chrissy said with a pout.
"Yes, and I may have to be very evil to you indeed." Becky said with an evil smile.
Chrissy and Becky both turned to look at Vicky when she spoke. "I'm really sorry to interrupt, but we need to be going Becky."
"Oh, sorry must be the pregnancy. I just can't get enough of her at the minute." Becky said with a grin, as she stole a quick kiss from Chrissy before she could stop her.
"Nope, you were just as bad before." Amy said with a giggle. This set them all off in fits of giggles.
Vicky finally got Becky out the house, with the others standing at the front door waving to them as they drove away. Mandy wrapped an arm around Chrissy's waist and led her to the living room. They all sat down and relaxed in front of the TV.
"It's going to be feel weird watching you and Becky go to work tomorrow night." Mandy said, as she pulled Chrissy into a cuddle with her.
"Are you not worried about doing it Chrissy?" Amber asked, as she cuddled up with Amy on one of the other sofas.
"No, not really. I did it for eight weeks with Jayden, and I can't see it being any worse than that here." Chrissy said with a shrug.
"I still don't think it's fair." Amy said with a pout. "Becky's the one to blame for going behind your back in the first place." Amy pouted.
"The punishment isn't for that Amy." Chrissy smiled. "I never should have run away in the first place. I turned my back on all of you, and left you all to worry about what happened to me. That's what I feel bad about." Chrissy added with a sigh.
"So doing this punishment will make you feel better about what you did?" Amy asked with a puzzled look.
"No, but I will feel as though I've at least served some sort of time for it now. It won't be easy watching you all have a good time when you come to the club, while I have to work." Chrissy pouted.
"I'm sure Becky will let you have a little time off, so you can come down and have a dance or two." Amy said.
"No she won't. The other members of staff don't get to do that, so neither will I. I'm serving out a punishment baby sister. So no dancing for me until a week on Saturday." Chrissy said with a sad look.
"I still think it sucks." Amy said in a huff, as she folded her arms across her chest and slumped back into the sofa even more.
Chrissy smiled, at Amy's little tantrum before speaking. "That's why they call it a punishment baby sister."
Amy looked at Chrissy, and then went to say something, but stopped, and just went back to looking upset.
Mandy was flicking round the channels on the TV, trying to find something to watch when Chrissy had an idea. She grabbed the remote out of Mandy's hand, and then flicked to one of the music channels, and then put the remote down on the sofa, and jumped up.
"Why don't we try and make up for the next week by having our own little disco tonight?" Chrissy asked, as she pulled Amy to her feet.
Amy soon was giggling and singing along to the music video's playing on the TV. It wasn't much longer before they had Mandy, Amber, Jayden, and Ann up on their feet dancing along with them. This went on for the rest of the night.
Chapter 28: Let the punishment begin
Becky had brought home a couple of uniforms for Chrissy to wear, and they were both getting ready on the Thursday night. Chrissy was already in her uniform and Becky was just doing the last tightening on her corset for her. Chrissy was wearing a short pink flared skirt and a matching pink corset that made her breasts push up like they were trying to escape out the top of it. Chrissy was also wearing fishnet tights and a killer pair of high-heeled ankle boots to go with it.
"Do I look okay for you boss?" Chrissy asked, as she did a quick spin for Becky.
Becky stepped closer to Chrissy and then pulled her into a hug and kissed her deeply. "You always look okay to me princess."
"I've never worked for such a randy boss before." Chrissy said in a flustered voice, as she tried to break free of Becky's hold on her. "I could have you up on sexual harassment charges for this." Chrissy added.
"It would be worth it for you baby." Becky said just before kissing Chrissy again. "And we're not at the club yet, so you're fair game until then." Becky added with a grin after the kiss.
"You have an answer for everything don't you?" Chrissy said with a smile, as she finally broke free of Becky's grip.
"I'm your boss; I'm supposed to have all the answers." Becky said with a grin, as she sat at the dressing table, so Chrissy could do her makeup. "Now get to work and make me look pretty." Becky added.
"Yes mistress, but it won't be much of a challenge. You already look beautiful to me." Chrissy said, just before steeling another kiss from Becky before she started doing her makeup.
"MMM, trying to suck up to the boss on the first night. Hoping I'll go easy on you slave?" Becky asked, as she ran her tong across her lips trying to taste Chrissy on them.
"Would it work if I did?" Chrissy asked.
"Nope, but please keep trying."
Chrissy gave Becky a pout, and then set to work doing her makeup for her. Once that was done, she took Becky's place and then did her own. Becky sat on the bed and watched her work.
"All joking aside Chrissy. If you do have any trouble with anyone or anything tonight, just come and tell me." Becky said.
"I will, but I've done this before remember. And I didn't have all you guys around to back me up then." Chrissy said, as she turned around on her seat to look at Becky.
"Oh I remember baby, trust me." Becky said with a frown. "Come on, or you'll be late for work, and the boss won't be happy with you." Becky added, as she got up off the bad and helped Chrissy to her feet.
"I hear she's a real dragon to work for, so I better not be late." Chrissy giggled.
"Hey! Are you calling me a dragon?" Becky asked, as she spun Chrissy round to look at her.
"No, you're not my boss until we get to the club remember." Chrissy said in her own defence.
"Well if that's the case then, I can still do this to you." Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her.
They were soon kissing each other. Chrissy had started using last longer lipstick due to Becky always wanting to kiss her when she got her ready for work, so they didn't need to fix anything when they finished.
Vicky stood waiting for them when they got down stairs, and Chrissy got hugs off all the girls before she was allowed to leave the house.
"Don't let the boss work you to hard sis." Mandy said, as she hugged Chrissy.
"You do look really cute in that uniform big sister." Amy said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
"Just remember what I taught you Chrissy." Jayden said, as she hugged her.
"I'd let you serve me drinks anytime." Amber said with a grin, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
"I've told Brad to keep you safe, so any trouble let him now about it right away." Ann said, as she hugged Chrissy.
"Thanks, but like I said last night. This isn't the first time I've done this. I'll be fine." Chrissy said with a smile, as Vicky helped her put her coat on.
The three of them walked out to Vicki's car. Vicky opened the back door for Chrissy to get in one side, and then she walked around so Becky could get in the other side. Chrissy was a little shocked to see Becky do this, but she was glad she had. Vicky got behind the wheel, and they were heading off towards the club.
Brad was waiting for them when they pulled up outside the club, and he opened the door to help Chrissy get out, while Vicky did the same for Becky on the other side.
"Thanks Brad, but you don't have to be this nice to me for the next eight nights I'll be working here." Chrissy said with a smile.
"I know I don't Chrissy, but I've got orders from Ann to make sure you're treated right." Brad said with a smile. "And I'd still do it even if she hadn't." Brad added with a grin.
"Come on you two, we need to get this young lady put to work. I'm not paying her to stand around chatting up the other staff all night." Becky said with a grin, as she led the way into the club.
It felt weird to Chrissy, as she followed Becky and Vicky into the club. She just wanted to have Becky's arm wrapped around her waist like they normally did when they were at the club. She did feel a little better when she felt Brad rest his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, and he just smiled back down at her. They were soon walking into the VIP section and then over to the office at the other end.
"You can leave your coat in here Chrissy, and then we'll go and find someone to show you the ropes." Becky said all business like.
"Okay Becky. Thank you." Chrissy said, as she quickly took her coat off and then ran to catch up with Becky as she left the office.
Becky stopped when she got to the bar where there were a couple of waitresses just sorting out their trays and note pads ready for work.
"Hi Claire, Megumi-Chan. Here's the new girl I need you to keep an eye on, and show her the ropes for me. Will you be okay with that?" Becky asked.
Both girls said hi to Becky and then looked at Chrissy, but both just looked shocked when they saw whom the new girl was. They ended up looking at Becky again with a questioning look on their faces.
"Chrissy will be working here until next Friday. It's her punishment for running away. She'll be working under you two for that time, so please make sure she's working hard and not slacking at any point." Becky was all business again, as she said it.
"Sure Becky, we can both do that for you." Megumi-Chan said, still not to sure about it really. Both her and Claire liked Chrissy, and didn't know if they could cope with telling her what to do.
"Thanks girl's. Now if you don't mind, I have a club to run." Becky said, just before turning and walking away without even giving Chrissy a second look.
Chrissy just stood there looking at Becky as she walked away, but just before she left the VIP section, Chrissy saw Becky look over her shoulder, and wink at her with a little smile on her face. This made Chrissy feel a lot better, and she then turned to see what Claire and Megumi-Chan wanted her to do first.
"Hi. Where do I start then?" Chrissy asked with a smile, as she looked at the stunned faces on the two girls.
Claire grabbed another tray for Chrissy, while Megumi-Chan grabbed her a notepad to take down the orders on. Then they showed her what they did. Chrissy was soon doing the job like a pro.
"So it is true then Chrissy? The rumour that you were working as a waitress while you were away?" Claire asked her as they both stood waiting for the barman to fix their orders for them.
"Yep, I spent eight weeks working at St. Trinian's." Chrissy smiled.
"Does that mean you were dressed as a school girl then?" Claire asked.
"Yep. If you go on the web site for that club, they have a couple of pictures up there still."
"I'll have to do that. I bet you looked really cute." Claire said, just before running off with her order.
Chrissy got her drinks order and then took it to the table that ordered them. Then she went back to sort out drinks for Becky, Carla, and Vicky. They had just come back into the VIP section and sat down over on the sofas where they all normally sat. Once Chrissy had the tray of drinks, she made her way over and waited for them to notice her standing there before she put the tray down on the table in front of them.
"Thank you Chrissy. How are you finding the new job?" Carla asked with a smile.
"The new job is better than I deserve Carla. Thank you for letting me work here." Chrissy said. "Is there anything else you need before I leave?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Carla, and then Becky.
"No, please carry on doing a good job Chrissy." Becky said with a smile. Chrissy smiled back and then left to serve another table.
Becky, Carla, and Vicky all sat and watched Chrissy walk away with a sexy little wiggle. Becky just wanted to run after her and ravage her there and then in the middle of the VIP section. Becky was that lost in watching Chrissy walk away, that she didn't realise that Carla was talking to her at first.
"Sorry Carla, I was miles away for a second. Please repeat the question." Becky said.
"I don't think it was quite miles away Becky." Carla said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy on the other side of the room taking some girls orders.
Becky went a little red faced as she also looked at Chrissy again. "She just looks so sexy in that uniform. I felt the same way when I saw her that night at the other club when she was dressed as a school girl." Becky said with a sigh.
"I'm not sure who's being punished the most, you or Chrissy." Carla laughed.
"I think we're both feeling the same way at the minute. I can see it in Chrissy's eyes that she just wanted to sit down and cuddle with me like we do when she comes with the others." Becky said, as she looked at Chrissy walking around with her tray of drinks.
Chrissy had just finished serving a table when a couple of guys approached her, and they both looked drunk. Chrissy was shocked when one of them spoke to her, and it turned out to be a couple of girls dressed like guys. One of them started coming on to her, but before it could go too far. Brad was there pulling them away.
"No touching the waitresses. You're no longer welcome in the VIP section either." Brad said, as he led the two girls/guys out the VIP section, and took the VIP pass off them.
Becky wasn't in the VIP section when this happened, but Chrissy thought that Brad or someone must have told her about it, because it wasn't long after that she appeared at Chrissy's side while she was waiting for a drinks order at the bar.
"Hi boss. Do you need me for something?" Chrissy asked with a smile.
"Are you okay Chrissy? I heard there was some trouble." Becky asked looking worried.
"There was a little trouble, but Brad was on top of it before it got out of hand. I've had worse happen to me." Chrissy said in a matter of fact way.
"What do you mean worse?" Becky asked.
"I'm sorry boss, but I have to get these drinks over to that table. I'll be willing to talk more about it on my break later if you really need to know." Chrissy said, as she picked up her tray and walked over to the table that ordered them.
A little later in the night, Chrissy was sitting at the far end of the bar with a glass of coke and a plate of fries. Suddenly Becky sat at the side of her. "Hi boss, want to share some fries with me?" Chrissy asked with a smile.
"Please stop calling me boss. Please just call me Becky." Becky said with a pleading look.
"Okay then. Would you like some fries Becky?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes please." Becky said, as she guided Chrissy hand, which was holding some fries in it, up to her own mouth, and then she sucked on Chrissy's fingers before letting go again.
"Do you do this with all the waitresses while they're taking a break?" Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, just the very special ones." Becky said with a grin.
"And just how many of these ‘special' waitresses do you know?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Just one and I'm sitting with her at the minute." Becky said, as she helped Chrissy guide another couple of fries into her mouth, and did the same thing again.
"You'll have all the other staff gossiping." Chrissy said, trying to look worried.
"Let them, just as long as my wife never finds out." Becky said with a grin.
"I hear she ran off and left you." Chrissy said, just before putting some fries in her own mouth before Becky could steel them. "I can't say I blame her, if this is how you act when her back is turned." Chrissy added with a grin.
"Do you care to tell me what you meant earlier when you said you'd had worse than what them two girls tried to do to you?" Becky asked, all joking aside now.
"They didn't do anything, other than put their arms around me. I use to get my ass grabbed, and pinched at the other club. I even had a couple of guys grab my breasts once." Chrissy said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"I'd kill them if I saw them do that to you." Becky said looking a little angry. "I want to be the only one to touch you like that." Becky added looking a little calmer when she saw the worried look on Chrissy's face.
"I was past the point of caring when it happened. I couldn't feel anything for anyone." Chrissy said with a far away look in her eyes. "I wonder what I'd have ended up doing if Jayden hadn't helped me out." Chrissy added with a shudder.
"Please don't think about it Chrissy. I had eight weeks of wondering when I'd get that knock on the door to find the police standing there with the news you'd done something silly." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her while sitting at the bar. "Having lived through that once already, I don't want to ever do it again." Becky added, as she hugged her even tighter.
"Now you can see why I feel the need to be punished for running away and worrying you all." Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky back. "I'm so sorry for hurting you like I did." Chrissy added.
"As am I for doing everything behind your back. I didn't want to see the hurt look on your face if it didn't work." Becky said with pain in her voice.
"Well it's all in the past now, and soon we'll be parents. And I still love you with all my heart Becky." Chrissy whispered in her ear.
Becky just hugged her tighter and then they broke the hug, and Becky stole a couple more fries before she got up and went back to running the club. Chrissy finished her fries and drink before getting back to work herself.
Chrissy's feet were killing her by the end of the night, but she still helped Claire and Megumi-Chan to clear the tables, and then tidy up the bar. Becky was sorting out the night's earnings with Carla and Vicky, so Chrissy sat down on one of the sofas to wait for them to finish. She must have been tired because the next thing she knew, Brad was carrying her out to Vicki's car with Becky walking to the side of her.
"I'm sorry." Chrissy said, as she tried to get Brad to put her down. "I can walk to the car Brad, please put me down."
"Just relax Chrissy, you don't weigh anything, and I know your feet are hurting you. Claire told me." Brad said with a smile, as he kept walking along with her in his arms.
Chrissy realised that she wasn't going to win, so she just relaxed again and let him carry her. Vicky had the car door open when they got outside, and Becky slid in ready to help Chrissy get in.
"Thanks Brad and I'm sorry for being such a pain to you all the time." Chrissy kissed him on the cheek as she said it.
"It's my pleasure Chrissy, and I don't think you're a pain at all." Brad said with a grin, just before closing the car door and stepping back to let Carla get in the front with Vicky.
Becky helped Chrissy with her seatbelt and then Vicky set off towards their home. Chrissy fell asleep again, and had to be woken up by Becky when they pulled up outside the house.
"Come on baby; let's get you to bed so you can get some proper sleep." Becky said, as she let them both in the house.
Becky would normally make herself a mug of hot chocolate, but with how much trouble Chrissy was having, keeping her eyes open. Becky decided to skip it tonight, and go straight upstairs. Once they got to their bedroom, they both got ready for bed and then went across to Mandy's room and crawled into bed with her. They knew this would be all right, because Mandy had told them to do it when they got home.
They had only just got in and cuddled up to each other when Chrissy felt Mandy cuddle up behind her. Chrissy smiled to herself, as she knew that Mandy loved sharing the bed with Chrissy and Becky. Chrissy was soon fast asleep.
Amy and Amber were sorting out breakfast the next morning, and Jayden sat at the table having a cup of tea, when they saw Mandy and Ann enter the kitchen.
"Morning." They all said to each other.
"Are Chrissy and Becky on their way down?" Amy asked Mandy.
"Nope, they're both still flat out in my bed." Mandy said with a frown. "I thought I'd leave them to get some sleep. If Chrissy isn't up by the time we leave for work, then we'll give her the day off." Mandy added, as she took her normal seat at the table.
Jayden poured both Ann and Mandy a cup of tea out, and then they sat chatting until Amy and Amber finished making breakfast for them all. They were soon eating French toast.
Chrissy started to wake up, and felt the ache in her feet, even before she got up out of bed. She turned over and saw that Mandy already had gotten up, so she looked towards Mandy's bathroom door and saw it open, so she turned her head to look at the clock.
Becky woke when she heard Chrissy shout something, but her brain wasn't working well enough to work out what she was saying.
"What's wrong babe?" Becky asked in a groan.
"I'm late for work, and Mandy never woke me up!" Chrissy shouted, as she jumped out of bed and ran out the room.
Chrissy was running around their bedroom when Becky walked in, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Are you not having a shower this morning?" Becky asked.
"No! I haven't got time." Chrissy said, as she ran into the bathroom to have a quick wash before getting ready for work.
Becky just sat on the edge of their bed and watched Chrissy run back and forth. Once she was dressed, and her makeup done, she then walked over to the bed and pulled Becky to her feet, so they could go and see if the others were still at home. They found Mandy at the kitchen table having a cup of tea, but the others were all no where to be seen.
"I'm sorry for getting up late sis." Chrissy said looking worried.
"Don't worry about it. I was going to let you have the day off if you weren't up by the time we were ready to leave." Mandy said with a smile. "You're lucky though, as I think Amy has been dragging her feet this morning." Mandy added with a frown. Chrissy smiled to her self, and would have to thank Amy later for helping her out.
"Do you think I've got time to have a couple of slices of toast sis?" Chrissy asked with some pleading in her voice.
"I'll make time baby sister. I'm not letting you out the house until you've got something inside you." Mandy said in a firm voice.
Becky was already on her way to put some bread in the toaster by the time Chrissy turned to do it herself. "You pour us a cup of tea out baby, and I'll have the toast done in a couple of minutes for us." Becky said over her shoulder.
Chrissy had the drinks done by the time Becky came over with some toast for the two of them. Becky buttered the toast, and then added some marmalade to it for them both.
"How did it go last night?" Mandy asked.
"Fine, Chrissy worked really hard all night long. Brad had to carry her out to the car at the end of the night, as she'd fallen sleep on one of the sofas while we were putting the cash in the safe." Becky said, just before taking another bite of her toast.
"I hope you're up to doing a full day of work at the shop as well." Mandy asked.
"I'll be fine sis. You won't even notice any difference in me once we get there." Chrissy said with a grin, as she ripped off another chunk of toast and started chewing on it.
Amy joined them, when she burst into the kitchen and shouted. "Chrissy! You're up."
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd gone back to bed, with how long it was taking you to get ready for work this morning." Mandy said, as she looked at the clock on the wall.
"Sorry big sister Mandy, but I'm just having trouble getting my self in gear this morning." Amy said with a grin, as she sat down at the table next to Chrissy.
"Yes, I'm sure that's the reason." Mandy said, not buying it for a second. "I'm also sure that now Chrissy is up, and ready for work, you'll be back to your normal self again." Mandy added with a fake shocked look on her face.
"Come to think about it, I am feeling a little better, and thinking more clearly." Amy said with a grin.
Mandy just shook her head from side to side, and went back to looking at the paper while Chrissy finished her toast, and answered the same questions for Amy that she'd just asked her. Once they were ready to leave for work, Becky waved them off at the door after Chrissy spent a couple of minutes saying goodbye in her own special way.
Chrissy started sorting out the orders for the changing service as soon as they had the shop opened up, and they soon had them ready for when Linda or Carl turned up for them at lunchtime. Chrissy then started helping Amy get the Internet orders sorted out.
"You need to learn to pace yourself sis." Mandy said, as she watched Chrissy dashing around grabbing items off the shelf.
"I don't want to give any of you a chance to feel disappointed in me again Mandy." Chrissy said, before going back into the back room to give Amy the items for packing.
Mandy wanted to go and have a word with Chrissy, but she knew that Chrissy needed to do this her own way, or she'd never feel like she'd made up for making them worry like she did. Linda turned up with lunch, and took the clothing orders back with her for the changing service when she left. The afternoon flew by and they were soon heading home, after calling in at the post office.
Becky was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when they got home, so Becky sent Chrissy up to lie down for a bit while it finished cooking. Chrissy could tell by the look on Becky's face that she'd be wasting her time trying to argue with her, so she went up stairs with Mandy and Amy close behind.
Chrissy was soon taking her work clothes off and crawling into bed. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Becky was just checking a stew she had in the oven when Amy came back into the kitchen. Becky smiled at her, as she put it back in the oven again, and walked over to the table to sit down again.
"I can keep an eye on dinner, if you want to go and lie down with Chrissy for a bit."
"Are you sure you don't mind Amy?" Becky asked with a smile.
"I wouldn't have offered if I did Becky." Amy smiled back.
"Thanks Amy." Becky said, as she jumped up and gave Amy a quick hug, before running off to spend some time with Chrissy.
Mandy was just entering the kitchen, as she saw Becky running towards the door, so she quickly stepped to the side, and let Becky run past her.
"I'll see you later then Becky." Mandy said with a grin, as she let the door swing shut behind her. "I take it you're keeping an eye on dinner then?" Mandy asked, as she sat at the table next to Amy.
"Yep, I told her to go and lie down with Chrissy for a bit. I bet they could both use a little more sleep before they go to work later." Amy smiled, as she rested her head on Mandy's shoulder.
Amber, Ann, and Jayden came home, and they sat chatting, so that Chrissy and Becky got a little longer to sleep before Amy went up to call them.
Becky was just enjoying a nice dream when she felt someone shaking her, and calling her name very softly.
"Becky, Becky. Dinner is ready, sorry to have to wake you both up." Amy said when Becky finally opened her eyes and looked at her.
"Don't worry about it baby sister, and thanks for letting me get a little more sleep." Becky smiled.
"I'll leave you to wake Chrissy up them." Amy said, just before leaving the room again.
Becky turned over and saw that Chrissy was still fast asleep; she smiled to herself as she started nibbling on Chrissy's ear. This woke Chrissy, and she wrapped her arms around Becky and smiled at her.
"That's a nice way to be woken up lover." Chrissy purred, just before finding Becky's lips with her own.
"Dinners ready baby, so we better not play around to long." Becky said with a pout, as she broke the hug and sat up.
Normally Chrissy would have skipped dinner to spend more time with Becky, but she was hungry tonight, so she was soon out of bed and dressed in a big fluffy bathrobe. Becky put hers on too, and they both went down to get some dinner.
Amber, Ann, and Jayden grilled Chrissy about her night at the club, as they hadn't seen her in the morning. She filled them all in on what had happened, and they were all looking forward to seeing her at work the next night.
Ann and Jayden set to work doing the dishes when they'd finished dinner, and Chrissy and Becky went up to get ready for work. Chrissy was looking forward to having a shower that she'd missed out on this morning, with getting up so late.
Chrissy and Becky helped each other get clean before they got back out the bathroom and started getting dressed. Becky helped Chrissy get into a gold version of the uniform tonight, and she pulled the lacers tight on the corset again. Becky just loved the way Chrissy looked in the uniform.
Once they were both ready, they made their way down stairs and found Vicky standing in the hallway talking with Mandy and the others. Amy helped Chrissy put her coat on, and then they all gave her and Becky a hug before letting them leave for work.
The girls stood at the door and waved them off before returning to the living room to relax and watch some TV.
"Don't look so down baby sister. At least you know where she is this time." Ann said with a smile, as she referred to Amy looking the same way she did the whole time Chrissy was missing.
"I know sis, but I still miss having her hear in the evenings. I think Becky is being mean, keeping Chrissy all to herself." Amy said with a pout, but she was soon giggling about it.
"I think the spoilt brat look really suits you baby." Amber said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy and kissed her cheek.
"I had a good teacher. Ann taught me everything I know about being a spoilt brat." Amy said with a grin, just before kissing Amber back on the lips for a very long time.
Amy soon realised that teasing your sister, and then taking your eyes off her, was not a very smart idea. She was soon screaming and giggling, as Ann jumped on her and started to tickle her.
"So you think I'm a spoilt brat then do you baby sister?" Ann asked, as she kept tickling her.
Amy was laughing and screaming so much, she couldn't speak to say sorry, and Ann was too quick for her to stop, or get away from her.
Jayden sat on one of the other sofas with Mandy, as they watched Ann tickle Amy. Amber was making a half-hearted attempt to stop Ann, but it looked more as if she was helping her instead.
"I take it Amy is a little on the ticklish side?" Jayden asked Mandy as they watched the torture continue.
"Yes, she can be a little on the ticklish side." Mandy said in a matter of fact way, just like they were watching a program on the TV.
Ann finally stopped tickling Amy when she squeaked out a sorry, and they just lay on the sofa in a mass of arms and legs as they giggled.
"Thanks for the help wife." Amy said, as she looked at Amber.
"I tried to stop her baby, but she's like some crazy tickle ninja. She's got some serious skills." Amber said looking impressed.
They were all soon laughing again when Ann jumped up and did some silly looking kung-fu pose while making a silly noise.
"She's like Bruce Lee with boobs." Amber said, as she burst out in another fit of giggles. This also set off the others again. Ann fell down on the sofa again next to Amy, and they all had a good giggle about it all.
Chrissy and Becky got to the club, and Chrissy went off to get ready for work. Becky turned to look at Chrissy but she'd already disappeared.
"She seems quite eager tonight." Vicky said when she saw Becky looking around.
"Yes she does. I was hoping to give her a little pep talk before I let her go and get started." Becky said.
"Does this mean she'll be getting told off later?" Vicky asked with a grin.
"I think I just might have to do that. Can't have the staff stepping out of line." Becky said, acting all bossy with her hands on her hips. Vicky just smiled, as they kept walking towards the VIP section.
Chrissy was just coming out the office, so Becky assumed she must have left her coat in there. Then Chrissy went over to join Claire and Megumi-Chan at the bar where she got her tray and notepad, ready to start work.
Becky was about to walk over to the girls, but Carla walked over to her with a couple of girls she wanted her to meet. She never did get to give Chrissy her pep talk for the night.
Later in the night, Chrissy had just finished serving some girls their drink when she saw Becky over at the bar waiting for her.
"Chrissy, if you have a couple of minutes. I need to have a word with you in the office." Becky said looking very serious.
"Okay Becky. I'll just ask Claire to cover my tables for me and meet you there in a minute." Chrissy said looking worried.
Becky was leaning against the desk when Chrissy walked into the office. Chrissy stopped just in front of her and looked at Becky with worry.
"Chrissy, I've had to call you in here because we've had complaints about you." Becky said, as she looked Chrissy in the eyes to see her reaction.
Chrissy looked shocked, and then worried again. "Complaints, from whom?" Chrissy asked.
"The other staff members and myself." Becky said, as she pushed herself away from the desk and walked over to stand facing Chrissy.
"Why? What have I done wrong?" Chrissy asked with a hurt look on her face. She thought she was doing okay, and the staff all seemed to be treating her nice.
"They all think you're too good at your job, and I just think you look way to sexy in the uniform. So I'm going to have to punish you some more." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and pulled her in closer for a kiss.
"You did all this just to get me in here for a kiss?" Chrissy asked looking a little angry with her, as she tried to break the hug.
"Yes, it's a perk to being the boss." Becky said with a grin, as she gripped Chrissy a little tighter to stop her getting away.
Chrissy gave up trying to get away, and started kissing Becky back. She'd seen some of the customers getting close and playful with Becky earlier in the night and it had left her wanting to run over and wrap her arms around Becky herself.
Claire and Megumi-Chan both smiled at Chrissy when she went back out into the VIP sect a little later followed by Becky.
"Looks like you got a good telling off in their Chrissy." Claire said with a grin.
"Yes I did." Chrissy said with a role of the eyes. "I may have to play up again and see if she'll tell me off again." Chrissy added with a grin.
"You don't need to do anything wrong Chrissy, just keep walked away from Becky so she has to look at that cute backside of yours." Megumi-Chan said. "I don't even go that way, but you're turning me on when you walk past me." Megumi-Chan added with a giggle.
Claire and Megumi-Chan were both real girls that like Becky didn't see any trouble with guys dressing like girls. Chrissy was a little shocked to hear that they both thought she was sexy when she walked around.
"Don't look so shocked Chrissy. If you've got it, wiggle it." Claire said with a grin, as she turned around and walked away, while doing an impression of Chrissy's wiggle.
"I don't walk like that do I?" Chrissy asked, as Claire walked back over to where she and Megumi-Chan were still talking.
"No, yours is way sexier than that Chrissy." Megumi-Chan giggled.
Before Chrissy could say anymore, Becky walked over to them. "Am I going to have to have another word with you Chrissy?"
"No boss, sorry boss. I don't ever want to be in that much trouble again boss." Chrissy said with a grin. She knew that Becky hated being called boss by anyone other than the bouncers.
"Just get back to work, and I'll talk to you again later." Becky said, as she pointed a finger at Chrissy.
"Okay boss, just let me know when." Chrissy said with a grin as she turned around to walk away.
Chrissy suddenly let out a squeal when she felt someone pinch her bottom really hard. She spun back around with one hand on the spot that just got pinched and the other on her mouth trying to stop the sound escaping. She saw Becky stood there grinning at her.
"Problem Chrissy?" Becky asked still grinning at her. Chrissy just scowled at her and then walked off to carry on serving tables.
"I think you might have just taken that a little too far Becky." Carla said in Becky's ear, as she came to stand just behind her.
"I think I've forgotten how easy it is to bruise her, and I wasn't being gentle when I pinched her." Becky said with a worried look, as she turned to look at Carla.
"I'm sure she'll be fine once she's calmed down a little." Carla said, as she watched Chrissy taking a drink order and then rubbing her bottom as she walked back over to the bar while giving Becky an evil look. "Okay, maybe a lot of time." Carla corrected herself.
Becky tried to talk to Chrissy a couple of times, but Chrissy was all business with her, so she gave up and just left Chrissy to do her job like she was supposed to be doing. Becky walked out of the office after locking the night's earnings in the safe to go and find Chrissy.
"Hi Brad, you seen Chrissy?" Becky asked, as she saw that she wasn't in the VIP section.
"She said she was going to the toilet, but that was over ten minutes ago now." Brad said with a puzzled look. "Do you want me to go and find her for you boss?" Brad asked.
"No, I'll go and get her." Becky smiled. "Which toilets did she go to?" Becky asked.
"She went towards the VIP ones over there." Brad said as he pointed in the direction Chrissy had gone.
The toilet was empty when Becky got in there, so she made her way back to Brad and the others. Just as she reached Brad and was about to say Chrissy wasn't in there, Frank came walking into the VIP section.
"Your not done already are you? Chrissy may as well have hung on and gone home with you." Frank said.
"What you talking about Frank? It always takes the same length of time to close up the tills and lock the money in the safe for the night." Carla said. "What's this about Chrissy anyway?" Carla asked.
"Chrissy came down and asked for a taxi, as you were all going to be a little while yet, and she had to be up for work in the morning. So she was going to make her own way home." Frank said, as he looked at them all.
"So you just put her in a taxi and sent her on her way?" Becky asked looking worried.
"What do you take me for?" Franks asked. "I got one of the drivers to take her home in a club car. Did I do something wrong?" Frank looked a little worried now.
"No, not really Frank, but Chrissy was lying to you." Becky said looking a little more relaxed now she knew where Chrissy was, or would be when she got home. "I'm the one that screwed up when I upset Chrissy earlier tonight." Becky added with a sigh.
"Come one Becky. Let's get you home so you can get this all sorted out with her." Vicky said, as she led Becky out to her car.
Chrissy was still undressing when Becky got home and walked into the bedroom. Chrissy was having trouble trying to get the corset off. She turned to look at Becky, then went back to trying to undo the knot in the corset lacing.
"Here, let me help you." Becky said, as she walked over to where Chrissy was standing. "I'm sorry for upsetting you baby. I didn't mean to pinch you so hard, it was meant to be fun." Becky said in a sad voice.
"I thought you'd be mad at me for leaving without you?" Chrissy said, as she finally calmed down, when she saw the worried look on Becky's face.
"I was scared I'd lost you again, so I'm just happy to find you here." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her from behind.
"I'm sorry for scaring you my love." Chrissy said, as she turned around in Becky's arms to face her, so she could kiss her. "I was just angry, and a little hurt by what you did to me. Everyone looked at me when I squealed." Chrissy said looking embarrassed.
"You do have a good set of lungs on you, I can say that." Becky said as she let out a little giggle. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh, but you did look a little funny when I did it." Becky added, as she tried to stop herself giggling again.
Chrissy tried to look even more hurt, but even she had to giggle now she thought about it. "I guess I did look a little funny when I squealed." Chrissy said just before giggling herself.
"Am I forgiven then baby?" Becky asked just before Chrissy kissed her again.
"Does that answer your question?" Chrissy asked when they stopped kissing.
"Sure does, but I think you may have some trouble with Frank tomorrow night. He's not happy you lied to him about the taxi." Becky said looking worried for Chrissy.
"Oh that. Was he really mad when he found out I lied to him?" Chrissy asked, as she bit her bottom lip. Chrissy always did this when she was nervous.
"I'm not going to say t0oo much, but you may want to try and keep out his way tomorrow night. Or at least stick to areas of the club with lots of people around." Becky said with a grin.
"He was really that mad with me?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes he was, and he had every reason to be as well. I'm tempted to add another night to your punishment for running away again." Becky said, as she looked to be thinking about it.
"You just enjoy telling me off in your office." Chrissy said with a grin.
"If you think I enjoyed that, then wait until you see what I do to you once I've got you undressed." Becky said with an evil grin, as she turned Chrissy around again so she could get the corset off her.
"What will your wife say boss?" Chrissy asked in a shocked voice.
"I'm hoping she'll beg me to do it again." Becky giggled, as she finally got the corset undone and dropped it to the floor. The rest of Chrissy's clothes, and then Becky's soon joined it.
Chrissy and Becky never did make it to Mandy's bedroom, but they did make up for the trouble at the club. Becky ended up kissing Chrissy's bottom where she'd pinched it, as she could see a large bruise coming up there already.
They both fell asleep cuddled up to each other once they'd got back up and removed their makeup. Chrissy was two days down in her punishment, and had six nights left to do. Or seven if Becky got her way.
To Be Continued Next week
Written by SaraUK
Edited (I tried to) and Posted by ChrisW
Part 10
Chapter 29: The punishment continues
Chrissy was thankful the shop was quiet on a Saturday. Mandy called it a day early, so Chrissy had gone back to bed when they got home. Becky was already in there, so Chrissy cuddled up to her, and was soon fast asleep.
Becky smiled when she woke and saw Chrissy's angelic face facing her while she slept. Becky always felt like the luckiest girl on the plant when she looked at Chrissy, but when she slept, Chrissy just looked that little bit more beautiful. It wasn't long before Becky felt the need to feel the soft touch of Chrissy's lips on hers, so she leaned over and started kissing her.
Chrissy was having a dream about being out shopping with Amy, when all of a sudden Amy kissed her, which Chrissy found a little odd, but it was a dream. Chrissy suddenly realised that it felt too real to be a dream, and Amy kissed a lot like Becky. So she opened her eyes and there was Becky looking at her.
"Hi Baby." Becky smiled, as she put her head on the pillow next to Chrissy's.
"Is it time to get up already?" Chrissy asked, not really wanting to move yet.
"Nope, I just wanted to kiss them beautiful lips of yours." Becky kissed Chrissy again to prove just how much she loved kissing them lips.
"I'll let you off then." Chrissy smiled, as she pulled Becky into a hug, happy that she didn't need to get up yet.
When they did finally get out of bed, Becky could tell that Chrissy was worried about something and didn't seem to be in any rush to go down for dinner.
"What's wrong baby? You don't look very happy tonight. Are you worried about what Frank will say to you?" Becky asked.
"That's part of it, but I'm also worried about Amy and the others being at the club, and me not being able to have fun with them." Chrissy let out a sigh as she said it.
"That' part of your punishment baby. I'd give you the night off, but then it wouldn't really be a punishment would it?" Becky asked, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy's waist from behind, and started kissing her neck.
"I know, and I wouldn't let you either. Tonight and Tuesday are going to be the two hardest nights for me to do." Chrissy said, as she leaned her head back to let Becky work her magic. She loved it when Becky played around with her neck.
"Don't forget about next Saturday as well." Becky said, as she stopped kissing Chrissy's neck.
"I thought you were just joking when you said that." Chrissy whined.
"Well I've thought about it, and now I think it would be a good idea to punish you every time you ran away." Becky was smiling as she said it.
"So every time I run away, I'll have to do a nights work at the club to make up for it?" Chrissy asked, just to confirm.
"Yep, you got it, so I'd be very careful in the future before you go running away from your troubles, and your friends." Becky said, just before going back to kissing Chrissy's neck.
Amy and the others were sitting at the kitchen table in their bathrobes when Chrissy and Becky got down there. Amber and Amy were sorting out dinner, so Chrissy got to sit down and enjoy cuddling with Becky for a little longer.
"Six more days to go sis before you can get back to dancing with us." Amy said with a grin, trying to cheer Chrissy up a little bit.
"It's seven nights now. I earned an extra one last night." Chrissy said, as she looked down at the table.
"How did you manage that sis?" Amy asked with a pout.
Chrissy went on to tell them about the trouble with Becky, and how she'd lied to Frank, and then got someone to drive her home. She then filled them in on how Becky was going to make her work a night at the club every time she ran away.
"You're going to always be working at the club now on." Amy said in a whiney voice.
"Hey! I don't run away that much." Chrissy said, sounding shocked.
"I'm not so sure anymore. You've already had a day added, and you've only done two." Amy said with a grin.
"True, but I don't need you making it sound like I'm always doing this sort of thing." Chrissy said, as she playfully slapped Amy on the arm.
Chrissy and Amy playfully slapped and poked each other for a couple of minutes and ended up hugging each other as they giggled. Becky was happy to see Chrissy still able to have some fun with Amy after what she said in the bedroom.
Amy jumped up to help Amber dish dinner up while Chrissy was made to stay and relax until she had to get ready for work.
Once dinner was done with, they all went up to get ready to go out. Chrissy was just getting in the shower when Becky saw the bruise on her bottom.
"Oh god Chrissy, I never realised I'd done that to you." Becky said looking upset with herself. "I'm so sorry." Becky added, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
"Don't worry about it. That's what you get when you have a bully for a boss." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I don't want to be a bully." Becky said with a pout.
"I don't mind if you make up for it like you did when we got home." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky, as she pulled her all the way into the shower with her.
Chrissy was wearing a blue uniform tonight, and Becky helped her with the corset before Chrissy started on her makeup. Amy and Amber were helping Jayden to get ready tonight, so Becky and Chrissy could spend a little more time together before they got to the club.
Vicky was in the kitchen with Mandy when Chrissy and Becky got down there, they then sat down at the table to wait for the others to turn up. Once they did, they left the house and Vicky drove them to the club.
"I hope you have a good time tonight." Chrissy said, as she got out the car once Vicky stopped outside the club. Before anyone could give Chrissy a reply, she was gone.
"She's eager to get started isn't she?" Mandy asked Becky.
"I think that's the reason for her running off." Becky said, as she pointed at Frank walking towards the car from another direction to where Chrissy had just gone.
"He doesn't look very happy does he?" Mandy said looking worried for Chrissy.
"No, and he was even more angry with her last night. He nearly drove me home, just to have a go at her for lying to him." Becky said.
"Maybe it's not the best idea for Chrissy to put off this meeting with Frank for to long then." Mandy said, as she got out the people carrier.
Frank was soon standing there looking in the car to see where Chrissy was. "Has she not come tonight?" Franks asked with a huff. "I'll give her a peace of my mind when I do see her again." Frank added.
"If by she, you mean Chrissy? Then yes she is here and has already gone into the club to start work." Mandy said, not sounding happy with Frank's tone. "I hope you've calmed down a bit by the time you do get to talk to her, or she'll be running away again. She's already had a night added for what she did last night." Mandy added.
"Oh, I'm sorry for snapping at you Mandy. It's just that if anything had happened to her after she left last night, it would have been my fault for letting her go." Frank said in a much calmer voice.
"Let me guess. You feel a little foolish for letting Chrissy get away with it?" Mandy asked.
"Yes, I should have realised that Becky and Carla never would have let Chrissy make her own way home. And they never take longer than normal to put the cash in the safe." Frank made a fist and wanted to bang it down on the top of the car, but thought better of it.
"Big bad Frank got outsmarted by a little girl." Mandy said with a pout, but she was soon grinning when she saw the smile appear on Frank's face.
"I guess I did." Frank chuckled.
"Don't let it bother you, she's done it to us all at some point or another." Mandy smiled, as she finally let Vicky lead her into the club.
Between the chat with Frank, and the slow walk through the club to the VIP section. Chrissy was already working when they got up there. She was serving tables on the other side of the VIP section, and Claire was waiting on their normal place up on Carla's privet sofas.
"I thought Chrissy was working this part of the room tonight?" Becky asked Claire.
"She asked if I'd swap with her for tonight. Have I made a mistake in doing that Becky?" Claire asked looking worried.
"No Claire, but I may need you to swap back later in the night. And in future, can you please check with me before doing it." Becky smiled.
"Yes Becky. Sorry about that." Claire said, as she quickly took everyone's orders and then went to sort out their drinks.
Chrissy was waiting at the bar when she saw Becky talking to Claire, and looking over to where she stood waiting for her drink's order. Chrissy had just taken the money back to the bar when she saw Becky standing at the side of her.
"Can you come with me for a minute Chrissy?" Becky asked, as she pointed towards the office.
"Okay Becky." Chrissy said, trying not to grin, as she followed Becky to the office. She thought it was a little early in the night for Becky to be telling her off. "Have I done something wrong boss?" Chrissy asked with a grin once they were in the office with the door shut.
"Yes you have, and I'm not playing around either, so drop the boss crap!" Becky snapped. "I tell everyone what tables they will be working, and any changes on that front go through me first. You don't just decide to change them yourself."
"I only asked Claire if she'd mind swapping. I didn't think it would be a big deal. I'm sorry." Chrissy said, a little shocked at the way Becky was speaking to her.
"Well thanks to you, I just had to tell Claire off." Becky snapped again. "Now go out there and work the tables I gave you last night." Becky added, as she pointed to the door for Chrissy to go back to work.
Chrissy was close to tears, but pulled herself together and then left the room and went over to Claire who was still waiting at the bar for Mandy and the others drinks.
"I'm sorry I got you in trouble Claire. Becky's said I've got to go back to working the tables she told me to last night." Chrissy couldn't even look Claire in the eyes as she spoke.
"Don't worry about it Chrissy. I should have know better than to swap without talking to Becky first." Claire said, as she put her hand on Chrissy's to let her know she really didn't mind. "Did she have a go at you about it?" Claire asked.
"Yes, I've never seen her like that before." Chrissy said, just before taking the tray of drinks and quickly walking over to the sofas where the girls were all sat waiting.
"It's about time, it took you long enough to fetch them." Amy said with a grin, but Chrissy just smiled and handed everyone their drink.
"I'm sorry for the delay in you getting your drinks. Will there be anything else?" Chrissy asked.
"No, not at the minute." Amy said with a grin. She was really enjoying herself at the minute.
"Please just wave when you want anything." Chrissy said, just before turning and walking away again.
Becky had come out the office and watched Chrissy as she served the girls their drinks before she went to another table to take their orders. Becky went over to the sofas and sat down next to Mandy and let out a big sigh.
"That sounded like a heavy sigh sis." Mandy said. "Having problems with some of your staff members?"
"Don't ask." Becky said, as she let out another big sigh.
"It might help to talk about it." Mandy pushed a little.
"I've just had a go at Chrissy like she was just an employee." Becky finally said.
"Well she is for the next week." Mandy said.
"I know, but I just felt like crap doing it. I don't even speak to the other girls like I just did to Chrissy… How was she when she brought your drinks over?"
"She was the perfect waitress, even though Amy was having a go at her about taking so long." Mandy said with a giggle.
Chrissy was glad to see the girls all go down to have a dance, and Becky wonder off to check on the rest of the club. She felt like she could relax again and just do her job. This didn't last long though before she turned to return to the bar and walked right into Frank.
"Hi Frank." Chrissy said with a week smile.
"Don't you hi Frank me. I could have got in a lot of trouble with that stunt you pulled last night." Frank said in a whisper, but it still sounded load to her.
"I'm sorry about that. I was upset with Becky over something, and I just wanted to go home." Chrissy said, as she looked down at the floor.
"I suggest in future you keep it between the two of you, and not start dragging others into it. I could have lost my job if anything had happened to you after you left." Frank whispered again in Chrissy's ear as he bent down to her level. "And more importantly, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He added, as he put a hand on her shoulder.
Chrissy looked up and saw him smile at her, which made her feel a little better. "Does this mean you don't hate me now?" Chrissy asked.
"That could never happen Chrissy. How could anyone hate you?" Frank asked with a throaty chuckle, just like Santa would make.
"Becky and Claire hate me." Chrissy said with a sigh, as she looked around and saw that Claire had just sorted out one of her tables for her while she was talking to Frank.
"What do you mean by that Chrissy?" Frank asked.
"I'm sorry Frank, but if I don't get back to work, Becky will have another go at me." Chrissy said, as she ran off to get another table where the customers were waving like mad for some service.
Amy and the others were soon back, and Amy started ordering drinks and then food. They were keeping Chrissy really busy all night. They kept her that busy, that she never got a break at all. Chrissy was trying not to make Becky any more upset with her than she already was.
On one of the return trips from the dance floor Chrissy saw that Kara was with them. She just gave Chrissy a strange look as she went and sat down on the sofas with the others.
"Tell her what you want to drink Kara, and she has to go and get it for you." Amy said with a giggle.
Kara wasn't sure if this was a joke or not, so she just sat there looking at Chrissy and then the others, waiting for the punch line, but one never came. "I'll have a white wine please." Kara finally said.
"I'll be right back with your drink miss." Chrissy said with a smile, just before she walked away.
Chrissy smiled when she came back with a wine for Kara and champagne for some of the others, because Jayden and Kara were sat chatting like old friends. Chrissy thought it would be nice if the two of them hit it off. Chrissy saw Becky walk back into the VIP section just then, so she ran off to keep herself busy serving all the customers.
Becky was hoping to have a word with Chrissy and say sorry for snapping at her, but every time she went to speak with her, Chrissy would be busy serving someone, or running off to fetch food for Amy and the others. Becky found this odd because they didn't very often have any food while they were at the club.
Chrissy was dead on her feet by the end of the night, and was glad when the club finally closed. They waited for Becky and Carla to put the cash in the safe, and then they went out to Vicki's people carrier and got in. Jayden was a little shocked to see Chrissy pull her into the very back of the car with her. Becky looked a little shocked as well, but just got in the front with Vicky.
Amy was trying to tease Chrissy about her having to serve them all evening, but Chrissy just blanked it out, and she finally gave up when Amber snapped at her about it. Amy had ended up drinking more than she normally would, just so Chrissy had to keep bringing them drinks, and was very drunk because of it.
Once they got home, Chrissy went up to get ready for bed without saying a word to any one. Mandy could tell that Chrissy was unhappy about how the evening had gone. She just looked at Becky in such a way as to tell her to go and sort it out. Becky was soon going upstairs after Chrissy. Carla was stopping the night, or more to the point Carl was. So Becky would have all night to make it up with Chrissy again.
"Will Chrissy be alright? She looked pretty upset on the drive home, and the fact she sat with me at the back and not Becky didn't look good." Jayden said, as she stood in the hallway with Mandy and Carla. They were all standing there watching Amber try to get Amy to go up stairs, when all she wanted to do was go to the kitchen for some reason.
"Chrissy was suppose to be serving our area of the VIP section tonight, but she talked Claire into swapping with her. Becky saw it as her losing face with the staff, and pulled Chrissy into the office to have a go at her about it." Mandy said.
"Oh, I see." Jayden said with a frown.
"I think Becky was hopping to get some time to say sorry to her, but she never got a chance. Chrissy was running back and forth all night long." Mandy said as she let Carla wrap an arm around her.
"Come to think about it, I never saw Chrissy stop at all." Carla said, as she looked to be trying to remember if she saw Chrissy take a break or not.
"I may need to have a word with Becky then if that's the case. I'm not going to have her working Chrissy to death, just to show her who the boss is." Mandy said with some anger in her voice.
"You know as well as I do, if Becky knew Chrissy hadn't taken a break, she would have forced her too." Carla said.
"Very true. She won't be happy when she finds out either." Mandy added.
Jayden was sick of seeing Amber struggle with Amy, so she said goodnight to Mandy and Carla, then went to help get Amy up to her bedroom. Once she'd helped get Amy on her and Amber's bed, she said goodnight to them, then went to her own room to get ready for bed herself.
Becky had walked into her and Chrissy's room just in time to see Chrissy walk into the bathroom and close the door behind her. Becky thought about walking into the bathroom after her, but thought better of it and sat on the bed to wait for her to return to the room. It was some time later before Chrissy did!
"Chrissy we need to have a talk." Becky said, as she stood up.
Chrissy was holding the uniform in her hand, so she walked over and put it in the hamper before walking back to the bed and getting in. "I don't think I could cope with any more of your talks Becky. I'm tired, and just want to get some sleep." With that said, Chrissy put her head down and was soon fast asleep.
Becky just stood there watching Chrissy sleep for a little while before she finally went to the bathroom to get herself ready for bed. Becky knew that she'd gone to far when she snapped at Chrissy, and now she thought about it, and how Amy was all night. She could understand why she wanted to serve another area of the club. Becky got ready for bed and then climbed in and tried to cuddle up to Chrissy, but she just pushed her away again with a groan.
Chrissy woke when she felt Becky slip out of bed, but she pretended to still be asleep, so she wouldn't have to talk to her. She heard Becky start the shower and then she heard the splashing of water. Chrissy was still feeling tired, so she turned over and went back to sleep for a little longer. The bedroom and bathroom were both empty when she woke again, so she got up and ran herself a nice hot bubble bath.
"MMM, this feel good." Chrissy said to herself, as she sank down into the water, and let it soak into her arching mussels.
Chrissy spent longer than she should have in the bath, and then pottered around the bedroom for some time, but finally her tummy let her know it needed some food. Taking a deep breath, and then letting it out as a sigh, Chrissy left the bedroom to go and face all the ribbing about her being a waitress the night before.
Apart from Ann, they were all sat around the kitchen table talking until Chrissy walked into the kitchen. Ann had left the club with Brad at the end of the night, she did that most Saturdays.
"Hi Chrissy. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" Amy asked.
"No thanks, I can do it myself." Chrissy said, as she walked over and put some bread in the toaster for herself. Then she put the kettle on to make herself a drink.
"I've just made a fresh pot of tea big sister." Amy said with a smile.
"I feel like a cup of coffee today." Chrissy said in a flat tone, as she set about making herself a cup of coffee. By the time she'd done that, her toast was done, so she put some butter on it, and then took her plate and cup to the living room.
"I thought you went to sort this all out with Chrissy last night?" Mandy asked, as she looked at Becky.
"I tried Mandy, but all Chrissy wanted to do was sleep, so I let her. I'll go and have a word with her now." Becky said, as she got up from the table.
"While you're talking to Chrissy, you may want to remind her to take a break at some point during the night when she's working for you." Mandy said with a stern look.
"Do you mean she never stopped all night? I never knew that Mandy, I would have made her if I'd known." Becky said looking hurt.
"Do you want me to go and have a word with her for you Becky?" Amy asked.
"I think you're the last person she'll want to see baby." Amber said with a worried look.
"Why, what did I do?" Amy asked looking worried.
"Do you not remember all the running around you had Chrissy doing for you last night? You were treating her like your own personal slave." Amber said.
"I didn't mean anything by it. I was just having some fun, I thought she'd like it." Amy said, as she looked around the table at everyone.
"You've never tried being a waitress have you Amy?" Jayden asked.
"No, but what difference does that make?" Amy asked with a puzzled look.
"Try it for a night, and let me ask you by the end of it, how much fun you had being on your feet all night. Add to that the fact Chrissy had to watch her friends having a good time while she was treated like a slave." Jayden didn't have to say anymore, she could tell that Amy had got the message by the look on her face.
"I'm sorry." Amy said close to tears. "Do you think Chrissy will ever forgive me?" She asked, as she looked up at Amber.
"I'm sure she will, just give her a little time, and let Becky go and get her problems sorted out first." Amber said, as she pulled Amy in for a hug.
"I'm sorry for upsetting you Amy, but I don't like to see Chrissy this way." Jayden said with a sigh.
"Don't be sorry Jayden, you're right. I never should have treated Chrissy that way." Amy said as she wiped away some tears.
"I better go and see if I can grovel enough to make Chrissy forgive me, and then see if I can help sort things out between the two of you." Becky said with a week smile, as she looked at Amy.
Chrissy had finished her toast by the time Becky entered the room, and she was sitting over near the window watching a young cat chase a butterfly around in their front garden while she drank her coffee.
"Chrissy? Can we have that talk now?" Becky asked, as she walked over and sat down next to her on the sofa.
"Will it be anything like the one last night at the club? As I remember that one being more you shouting, and me just doing as I was told." Chrissy said in a flat tone, as she kept looking out the window.
"I'm sorry about that Chrissy, I can see now why you wanted to swap with Claire." Becky said in a pained voice. "I had no idea that Amy was going to be like that with you."
"It's a little late for that now isn't it. I'm nothing but some form of slave to Amy now, and Claire must really hate me for getting her in trouble." Chrissy let out a sigh.
"Claire came and found me after I had a go at you, and she stuck up for you. She told me that it was her fault and not yours. She should have come and found me to ask if it was okay to swap tables for the night." Becky smiled. " That doesn't sound much like the actions of someone that hates you does it?" Becky asked.
"I guess not, but I still didn't like the way you spoke to me last night. One minute you're taking me in there to seduce me, then the next you're ready to rip my head off. That's why I wanted to keep it a work thing while we were at the club." Chrissy said, as she finally turned to look at Becky with tears running down her cheeks.
"Oh baby, please don't cry." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry." Becky said, as she rocked back and forth while she hugged her. "Mandy told me you never stopped to take a break last night, is that true?"
"Yes, I was scared you'd be even madder with me if I stopped, or you'd come and shout at me again." Chrissy said, as she sobbed on Becky's shoulder.
"I'm putting a stop to this crazy punishment thing right now. I'm not going to watch you try and kill yourself to prove how sorry you are for running away." Becky said in a firm voice.
"No! I want to prove I can do this. Amy deserves to treat me like that for what I did to all you." Chrissy said, as she sat up to look at Becky.
"You're really going to do this aren't you?" Becky asked, as she looked Chrissy in the eyes.
"Yes I am, I have to my love." Chrissy said, as she ran her hand down the side of Becky's face, just before letting it go around the back, so she could pull her closer for a kiss.
"I promise, no more shouting at you. The only time you'll find yourself in the office from now on, is when I can't keep my hands off you for a second longer." Becky said with a grin, just before kissing Chrissy back.
Chrissy just sat cuddling with Becky for a little while, as they both looked out the window watching the cat bound around in the garden.
"Do you mind if I go and get Amy? She's feeling pretty miserable at the minute over what she did to you last night. Jayden just tore her off a strip or two as well about it." Becky said, as she finally sat up again.
"Nope, please go and send her in. Can you ask her to bring me a cup of tea in with her? I never really wanted this coffee in the first place." Chrissy said with a funny look on her face. "I just didn't want to spend to much time around any of you at the time." Chrissy added, as she handed Becky her mug that was still half full of coffee.
"Sure baby. I'll send her back with a cup of tea for you." Becky smiled, just before kissing Chrissy again. Then she got up and went back to the kitchen to fetch Amy.
Chrissy didn't have to wait long before she heard someone come back into the living room from the kitchen. She looked up and saw Amy walked towards her with a tray in her hands, and a cup of tea sat on it. Chrissy had to smile at her.
"Here's your tea miss. Do you require anything else?" Amy asked in a very polite voice.
"Yes, I want you to take a seat next to me and just be my friend again." Chrissy said with a pleading look.
"That's easy, if you still want me as a friend?" Amy asked, as she sat down next to Chrissy and hugged her.
"No, but I still want you as a baby sister." Chrissy said, as she hugged her back. "You're already my best friend."
"I'm so sorry for what happened last night Chrissy. I was just having fun, and it got out of hand." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy even tighter.
"Forget about it baby sister. With how worried I must have made you over the past eight weeks, I can live with being told what to do for a couple of nights, while you get some revenge." Chrissy giggled.
"Not by me anymore, I've had my fun now. I promise to be better behaved on Tuesday." Amy said, as she rested her head on Chrissy's shoulder. They both sat watching the cat play in the garden until the others all came into the living room.
Amy mover over to sit with Amber, and let Becky take her place next to Chrissy. Jayden went to sit in a chair, but was pulled down to sit next to Amy. Amy was soon hugging Jayden, and she had a worried look on her face.
"What's all this for Amy?" Jayden asked, as she looked at Amber for some sort of an answer.
"Do you hate me now?" Amy asked with a pout. "I've said sorry to Chrissy, and she still likes me."
"I don't hate you Amy, and I never did. I still think you need a lesson though, just to let you find out how hard it is being a waitress." Jayden said, as she hugged Amy back.
Amber got an evil grin on her face, as she looked at Becky, and then Carl. They both must have understood what Amber was thinking because they looked at each other and shrugged, just before nodding.
"Tuesday night would be a good night for her to do it. Chrissy can keep an eye on her, and Claire and Megumi-Chan will help as well." Becky said, as she looked at Amber.
"What's going to happen on Tuesday?" Amy asked, as she sat up and looked at Becky, and then Amber when she saw that's whom she was talking too.
"As a punishment for how you acted last night, you're going to be joining Chrissy as a waitress Tuesday night at the club." Amber said with a grin.
"What! But I've never done anything like that before. I've got no idea what I'm doing." Amy said looking shocked at what she'd just been told.
"I'm sure Chrissy will soon have you trained, and up to speed." Amber said, as she looked at Chrissy.
"Don't look so worried Amy. I'll soon have you doing the job like you've been doing it all your life. The only time it gets hard, is when you get a customer that thinks it's fun to have you running back and forth all night for them." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Suddenly I don't think last night was as much fun as I first thought." Amy said with a nervous smile.
"At least you won't have any of them treating you like a slave all night, not unless they want to join you." Chrissy said with a grin.
"True, but I'm worried about the boss. I hear she can be a real dragon at times." Amy said in a lowered voice, as she looked at Chrissy.
"You don't know the half of it. I hear she seducers the staff when ever she can as well." Chrissy whispered back, just before she started giggling, as Becky started tickling her.
"I am in the room you know, and I only seduce one member of my staff, and I'm not a dragon." Becky added, as she looked over at Amy.
Amy just sat giggling, as she watched Becky attacking Chrissy. She was happy that it wasn't her being tickled for once.
With Chrissy back to her old self, the rest of the Sunday went fine. The only trouble they had was when Chrissy wanted to help sort out dinner, but Amy and Amber wouldn't let her. They both thought she'd done enough over the past couple of days, and she deserved a day off from doing anything apart from cuddling up to Becky on the sofa.
Jayden was looking through a magazine when she heard Chrissy speak to her. "I saw you talking with Kara last night, did you two talk about anything interesting?"
"Yes we did. She was telling me how she started dressing, and how she acted at School." Jayden said, as she thought back to the night before, and all the time she spent with Kara. "She still hates herself for what she did to you back then." Jayden added with a sad look.
"Firstly it wasn't Kara that did all that stuff to me, and secondly it wasn't me he did it to, but a wimpy little boy called Chris." Chrissy said with a smile, as she cuddled up to Becky a little tighter.
Jayden smiled as she sat looking at Chrissy. "I'm sorry, but I still can't see you as a boy."
"She never was, she was always too cute to be a boy." Becky said, just before planting a kiss on Chrissy's lips.
"Do you really want to see what she use to look like when she was still at school?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"I'd love to, it would really help me understand how she can now look so stunningly beautiful." Jayden said, as she waved her hand up and down Chrissy's body.
"How can you do that Mandy?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"Just a little gift from your mum." Mandy said, as she got up and went over to a set of draws. She walked back with an envelope, and handed it to Jayden.
Chrissy tried to sit up and look at the photo's Jayden took out of the envelope, but Becky pulled her back down again.
"Oh my god, you looked like a girl even back then." Jayden said, as she looked at the school photos from different years of Chrissy's school life.
"I can't believe my mum sent you those photos. Please let me throw them away." Chrissy cringed, as she put her head in her hands.
"You can see why I fell in love with her now from the first time I saw her in Mable's kitchen." Becky said with a sigh. "The whole being a lesbian and falling in love with a boy thing had me confused until I saw Chrissy for the first time." Becky added with a strange look.
"Was that the first time at Mable's, or in the shop you worked at?" Chrissy asked with a grin, as she remembered that day she first dressed with Mandy and went shopping.
"I thought you looked so hot that day. I never thought I'd get a girl like that, but it's funny how things work out." Becky sat grinning.
"So you had no idea that the girl was really the boy that had just moved into Mable's with you?" Jayden asked, as she looked at the photos again, and then Chrissy.
"Nope, but I didn't know much about crossdressers and transgender though until Mable got home early one night and caught Chrissy dressed." Becky held onto Chrissy even tighter as she thought back to that day, and how she thought she'd lost Chrissy forever.
"I still find it hard to believe that Callum could pick on such a cute thing." Jayden said, as she handed the photos back to Mandy.
"I was just an easy target, and it helped get him through school. Can't say I was glad to help him though." Chrissy giggled. "He turned out alright in the end, and now he's a good friend in both modes of dress." Chrissy added with a smile.
Chrissy could see that Jayden was distracted after that chat, but didn't get time to ask her what was bothering her until much later in the night. Jayden was getting her work clothes ready for the next morning when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in!"
Chrissy poked her head round the door. "Hi Jayden. Can we talk for a minute?"
"Sure Chrissy. Come in and take a seat on the bed."
Both girls sat on the bed and then looking at each other for a couple of seconds. "You do realise that you need to speak at this point." Jayden said with a grin.
"Oh sorry. I've noticed you've been a little quiet since we were speaking earlier in the day about Callum and my school days. Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine Chrissy." Jayden smiled.
Chrissy just gave her a look that said she wasn't buying it for a second. "Talk to me Jayden."
"I just found that the more I spoke to Kara last night, the more I liked her. Then I had to remind myself that it was really a guy under all the makeup and padding, and…" Jayden trailed off, as she just looked down at her lap.
"What? You found it an even bigger turn on?" Chrissy finished for her.
"Yes. Does that make me weird?" Jayden asked.
"Do you think Mandy's weird for loving Carl, or Jenna weird for loving Vic?"
"No, they look so good together, but…"
"Do you like Callum?"
"Yes I think I really do." Jayden smiled.
"Do you like talking, and spending time with Kara?"
"Yes, very much so. She was just like a girlfriend I could say anything too." Jayden burst out.
"Sounds to me like you've just found your soul mate Jayden." Chrissy smiled, as she pulled her into a hug.
"How do you know he's my soul mate?"
"You love him no matter what he looks like. That means you have a deeper link to each other than just how that person looks on the surface."
"What if he doesn't like me the same way, or he's looking to do what you had done? I'm not sure I could learn to love another woman like Becky loves you Chrissy."
"I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that Callum is happy being male most the time. He just has a softer side he likes to let out every now and then, in the form of Kara." Chrissy smiled at her. "And I've seen the way he looks at you." Chrissy added with a grin.
"Do you think he'll ask me out on a date at some point?"
"I'm not sure. You've seen Kara more than Callum, and he may feel weird asking you out while dressed as Kara." Chrissy looked to be deep in thought for a short time. "I may have to give you a helping hand. Let me have a word with Becky, and we'll see what we can come up with."
"Thanks Chrissy."
"Don't thank me yet sis. I've not done anything." Chrissy giggled.
"You just called me sis." Jayden said looking a little shocked.
"Well you are now. Just like Amy, Ann, and Amber are to me." Chrissy said in a matter of fact way. "Why don't you want me too?"
"No, I mean yes I want you to call me sis." Jayden said, as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her for all she was worth.
"I wouldn't get to excited about it sis. Wait until Christmas, and you're looking for a second job, just so you can buy everybody something." Chrissy giggled.
"That's a small price to pay for having all of you as a family." Jayden said, as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Will you be okay now? I need to go and plan a date for you and Callum." Chrissy said with a grin as she broke the hug.
"Yes, I'm fine now I've spoken to someone about it all." Jayden smiled. "I'll talk to you later sis." Jayden added with a grin.
"Later sis. The love doctor is in the house." Chrissy said the last bit in a deep voice. Jayden was left giggling on her bed, as Chrissy ran from the room to go and find Becky.
Becky was just putting some washing away when Chrissy ran into the room grinning. She ran over to Becky and wrapped her arms around her, before kissing her.
"Have I told you yet today, just how much I love you?" Chrissy asked, when they stopped kissing.
"Maybe, but I can always listen to you telling me that baby." Becky purred.
"I love you, I love you, I love you." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky again.
"I love you to baby. What's got you in such a good mood?"
"Jayden just told me she likes Callum, and was wondering how to go about getting him to ask her out on a date." Chrissy said with a grin. "I said I'd have a talk with you, and see what we can come up with. I was thinking of asking Callum out on a dinner date with you and me, and then have Jayden come along with us."
"That sounds like a great plan to me. Kind of a double date thing." Becky said with a nod of her head.
"Cool, now we just need to work out a night to set it all up." Chrissy said with a thoughtful look.
"What about setting it all up for next Sunday? You'll be done at the club, and we could do with a night out by then." Becky asked.
"That sounds like a great idea. I'll give Callum a call in the week, once you've booked a table some place nice."
"Oh, so I get the hard job of finding a nice restaurant for us to go and eat at then?" Becky asked with a pout.
"Well you are the boss." Chrissy grinned back at her.
"I'll give you calling me boss." Becky said, as she started tickling and poking Chrissy.
They were soon rolling around on the bed, and making up for not playing around when they got back from the club.
Chapter 30: Amy's Punishment
Chrissy was back at the club Monday night, and had a much easier time of it, not having Amy and the others taking up most of her time. Becky made her stop and take a break, which she sat with her for the whole time she was resting. They both sat cuddling in the back of Vicki's car on the drive home. They were tired, but happy to be getting to spend so much time together.
Vicky and Carla dropped them off at home, and they went in the house, Becky dragged Chrissy into the kitchen with her. "I want a drink of chocolate before I go to bed. Do you wan to join me?" Becky asked.
"That sounds like a great idea baby. Do you want some help?" Chrissy asked, as she sat at the table and took her shoes off with a sigh of relief.
"No. You just sit and rest. I've got this covered." Becky said, as she gave Chrissy a quick kiss, before going to make the chocolate. "I think you've done more than your fair share of serving drinks to people for one day."
"Thanks babe. My feet are killing me." Chrissy sat looking at her feet, as she wiggled her toes around trying to loosen them up a bit.
"I wonder how Amy will feel by this time tomorrow?" Becky asked, when she thought about Amy's punishment for being so mean to Chrissy on Saturday.
"I'd be amazed if she makes it through the whole night." Chrissy said, as she sat rubbing one of her feet.
"How did you cope that first night at St. Trinian's? Did you quit before the end of the night?" Becky asked, as she brought the drinks over to the table, and sat down next to Chrissy.
"No. I worked through the pain, and made it to the end of the night." Chrissy said with a thoughtful look. "I really needed the job at the time, so I had more motivation than Amy will have tomorrow night." Chrissy added with a smile.
"I'm sorry I did that to you baby." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy's feet over onto her lap, so she could take over rubbing them for her. "Having all the information stopped me from seeing what it would look like to you if you found out before I had a chance to explain everything to you." Becky added with a sigh.
"Please stop beating yourself up over it all. We were both in the wrong, but we're here now and I still love you." Chrissy said with a pout. "Do you still love me?"
"More than I could ever put into words baby." Becky pulled Chrissy closer, so she could kiss her.
They finished their drinking chocolate, and finished of a bag of marshmallows before going to bed. Once they were both ready for bed, they ran across the hallway to Mandy's room and crawled into bed with her.
Amy was a little distracted through dinner on Tuesday night. She was worried about working at the club. Amber kept trying to snap her out of it, but it wasn't working very well.
"I'm sure you'll have some fun once you get into it." Amber said, as she pulled Amy into a hug with her, just before kissing her on the cheek.
"I'm not there to have fun. I have a job to do. I'm just not sure I'll be able to do it." Amy said, as she bit her bottom lip, just like Chrissy did when she was worried.
"I swear you and Chrissy act more like sisters every day. You even act the same when you're both worried about something." Amber giggled. "You'll do just fine, and you'll have Chrissy there to help you do it right." Amber added, just before kissing Amy again, but on the lips this time.
"It won't be that bad baby sister, and like Amber just said. I'll be there to keep you out of trouble." Chrissy said from the other side of the table.
"You won't be mean to me, and get me in trouble with the boss tonight, will you?" Amy asked with a pout.
"No. I thought you knew me better than that by now baby sister." Chrissy said with a hurt look.
"I do, but I was mean to you on Saturday. I thought you might want some revenge." Amy tried to explain.
"After leaving you worried for the past couple of months, I got what I deserved." Chrissy said.
"Speaking of work. We better see about getting ready, or we'll never get there tonight." Becky said, as she got up from the kitchen table, pulling Chrissy to her feet as well.
"Come to our room when you've showered, and I'll help you get into your uniform." Chrissy said, as she looked at Amy.
"Okay sis. I'll be there as soon as I can." Amy said, as Amber chased her out the room.
"Judging by the look on Amber's face just now. That's not going to be a quick shower." Becky giggled.
"I'll give Amber her dues, she does have some great ideas." Chrissy said grinning at Becky.
Becky caught on pretty quick to what Chrissy was getting at, and she was soon dragging Chrissy up to their room to take a shower together, and some other things.
Chrissy had done Becky's makeup, and was just finishing her own when there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!" She shouted.
Amy walked in wearing her bathrobe, but her makeup and hair were done. All she needed was the uniform. Becky had laid out a blue version of it on the bed for Amy to wear. Chrissy was wearing a purple version tonight.
"Hi Baby sister. You're looking a little more relaxed now." Chrissy said with a grin.
"I am sis. Amber helped me relax." Amy said looking a little sheepish about it.
"MMM, Becky helped me relax in the same way." Chrissy said with an even bigger grin.
Amy giggled. "I'd be more shocked if you and Becky weren't going at it."
"What can I say. I get very stressed, and need a lot of relaxing." Chrissy giggled.
"And I love giving it to you baby." Becky said, as she walked out the bathroom.
"Okay, okay. To much information." Amy said, as she started waving her arms in front of her for them to stop talking about it.
Chrissy and Becky just giggled at her, then Becky spoke. "Come on over here, so I can get you dressed."
Amy walked over to the bed, standing in just her panties. Becky handed her a pair of fishnet tights to put on, and then she helped her step into the short skirt. Once Amy had that on, Becky wrapped the corset around her waist before started to tighten it down for her. She was soon dressed in a blue version of what Chrissy was wearing in purple.
"Looking good baby sister." Chrissy said, as she walked over to where Amy stood looking in the mirror.
"Right back at your big sister Chrissy." Amy said with a grin, as she looked in the mirror at her and Chrissy in their uniforms.
"Yes, you both look very beautiful. Now get a move on, you two wenches have drinks to serve for me." Becky said, as she playfully slapped them both on the backsides.
"She can be a really bossy boss can't she?" Amy said with a giggle, as they ran out the room with Becky close behind them.
"Yes she can, and she doesn't like being called boss either." Chrissy said, as she looked behind to see where Becky was.
"You could have warned me sooner sis." Amy said, as she looked to see how far back Becky was.
"Where's the fun in that?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
Becky caught up to Amy at the top of the stairs. Amy was out of breath due to the tight corset, and Becky not wearing one anymore due to her being with child. She had a nice little bump showing now, but Sara was working her magic and keeping Becky looking very elegant when she went to work.
"I'll make you serve in the main club tonight if you keep calling me boss young lady." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Amy at the top of the stairs.
"Okay, sorry bo… I mean Becky." Amy said looking worried.
Becky just gave a funny look before finally speaking. "Get down stairs and make the most of being with Amber. When we get to the club, your ass is mine for the rest of the night." Becky was grinning as she said it.
"I better take me and my ass down to see my wife then." Amy said with a grin, as she turned around to start going down stairs, but she stuck her backside out at Becky first. This turned out to be a little stupid, as Becky took the opportunity to slap it. Amy let out a squeal as she ran off down the stairs.
"That girl should have been born a blond." Becky giggled, as she turned to look at Chrissy.
"What you got against blondes?" Chrissy asked, trying to look hurt by the comment.
"Nothing. I really love a couple of them." Becky pulled Chrissy into a hug with her as she said it.
"I hope you only really love one of them." Chrissy said in a warning tone.
"I do at the minute, but that may change one day soon." Becky stepped back and put her hand on her belly with a smile.
"I can't argue with you there my love." Chrissy also put her hand on Becky's little bump. "I still can't believe you've got my baby growing inside you."
"Our baby growing inside me. Our baby." Becky corrected her.
"You know what I mean. I never thought I'd be able to give you this." Chrissy said with a tear in her eye.
"If you couldn't have Chrissy. I wouldn't be pregnant now, or ever." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy back into a hug. "I hope you know that by now?"
"It's taken me a long time, but yes I know you only want to be with me." Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky back.
"Good. Now we better get going, or we'll never get to the club tonight. And I'd hate to not show off the newest member of the VIP waitress team." Becky said with a grin, as she helped Chrissy get down the stairs.
Mandy, Ann, and Jayden were all standing with Vicky, as they watched Amy do a good impression of a person wrestling with an octopus, as she tried to keep Amber's hands off her. They all giggled at Amy as she kept slapping Amber's hands away from her.
"I see Amber likes the knew look then Amy." Chrissy giggled.
"I hope you're going to show some control tonight at the club Amber? I'd hate to see you band from the club for flirting with my staff." Becky said in a warning tone.
"It may well be worth it, just to get a feel of this plump round bottom." Amber said, as she grabbed Amy's backside and gave it a good squeeze.
"Can't you just ban her from the club now?" Amy asked with a frown, as she slapped Amber's hand away again.
They were soon on their way to the club, and Amy was still having trouble with Amber in the back of the people carrier, this had everyone giggling. Amy ran off with Chrissy as soon as they got out the car at the club. Amber wanted to run after her, but she knew that Amy was now working, so she was off limits for the rest of the night.
Chrissy had told Claire and Megumi-Chan about Amy helping them out tonight. So they weren't shocked to see her with Chrissy when they'd taken their coats off and left them in the office.
"Hi Amy. You ready for a crash course in being a waitress?" Claire asked with a grin.
"Hi Claire, Megumi-Chan. Not really, but I'm here anyway." Amy said with a nervous smile.
"Don't look so nervous Amy. You'll have fun once you get the hang of it." Megumi-Chan smiled.
They sorted Amy out with a tray, and a notepad, before sending her off with Chrissy to serve Carla's privet area and the other tables close by. Chrissy sorted out taking Mandy's and the others drinks orders, and then Amy followed her back to the bar. Chrissy gave the girl behind the bar the peace of paper and then waited for the drinks, she let Amy carry them back to the sofas, and then hand each girl their drink.
"I was beginning to think I might die of thirst." Amber said with a grin, as she looked up at Amy.
Amy wanted to say something back, but knew she would be in trouble with Becky if she did. So she just smiled. "I'm sorry miss. I'll try to be quicker next time." Amy then followed Chrissy as they went to serve another couple of girls that had just entered the VIP section.
"I'll let you take this order, and get it for them." Chrissy said, as she waved Amy forward.
Amy stepped up to the table and then asked what the two girls would like to drink. She wrote down the order and then walked over to the bar and handed it to the girl.
Chrissy was soon able to leave Amy to sort out a couple of the tables, in their area, while she did the others. Amy didn't get any more stick off Amber, or any of the others. Amy took her break with Chrissy, and they both sat at the end of the bar sharing a plate of fries, when Becky and Amber came over to them.
"Chrissy, Amy. I need you both to come with me to the office. This customer and I have a complaint to sort out with you both." Becky said, as she pointed at Amber stood next to her.
Chrissy was trying not to grin, as she slid of the stool she was sat on. Amy just let out a groan as she slid off her stool and let her already sore feet hit the floor. Then they both followed Becky and Amber over to the office. Becky stepped in first, followed by Amber, then Becky held the door open for Chrissy and Amy to enter before she let the door close. Amy soon found herself being seduced by Amber. And Chrissy was being pulled into a hug with Becky.
"We couldn't wait any longer to spend some time with you both." Becky said, as she broke the kiss with Chrissy.
"I've wanted to do that since you brought the first tray of drinks over to us baby." Amber said, as she let Amy up for some air. "I miss having the two of you to dance with as well." Amber added with a pout.
Amy had no idea how to respond to what Amber had just done, so she just smiled, and let Amber hold her for a little longer. She was soon kissing Amber back though, and Chrissy was doing the same with Becky.
Claire and Megumi-Chan both smiled when they saw Chrissy and Amy leave the office a little later. They both gave Chrissy and Amy a quick wink as they went back to serving their tables.
Amy was glad to be finishing by the end of the night. All she wanted to do was take her shoes off and sit down on one of the sofas, and never move again.
Chrissy got a shock when she sat on the sofa next to Amy, and she threw her arms around Chrissy's neck and started crying on her shoulder.
"Hey Amy, what's wrong?" Chrissy asked, as she wrapped her arms around Amy and hugged her back.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, I'm so sorry for what I put you through on Saturday night." Amy sobbed. "I had no idea just how hard it was to spend all night running around after other people." Amy added through even more sobs.
"Don't worry about it baby sister. I know you weren't doing it to be mean to me." Chrissy said, as she stroked the back of Amy's head. "Does this mean I'm forgiven for all the worry I caused you while I was away?" Chrissy asked, when they finally broke the hug.
"Yes, most definitely sis." Amy said, as she hugged Chrissy again.
Chrissy was able to walk out to Vicki's car, but Amy was having trouble, so Frank picked her up and carried her out while Amber walked at her side, and carried Amy's shoes for her.
"Do you understand what I was trying to say on Sunday morning now Amy?" Jayden asked once they were all sat in the Car and being driven home.
"Yes I do Jayden, and I'm sorry for not understanding just how much hard work there is in being a waitress." Amy said, as she sat cuddled up to Amber. "I can't believe you worked at a hotel and a night club as well." Amy added.
"Chrissy had it worse than I did. She was working seven days a week as a waitress. I still don't know how she kept doing it day after day." Jayden said with a shake of her head.
Chrissy was sitting in the very back of the people carrier cuddled up to Becky. She was nearly asleep, so never bothered trying to answer. Becky just hugged her a little tighter when Jayden spoke of what Chrissy did while she was away.
Once they got home, Jayden helped Amber get Amy up to bed. Becky helped Chrissy get up to their room. Carl was staying the night, so once Becky had helped Chrissy get ready for bed, she helped her get into bed, and then went to get ready for bed herself. Chrissy looked to be asleep when Becky got back in the room, so she got into bed trying not to wake Chrissy up, but she was soon being pulled into a hug with Chrissy, where they both fell sleep in no time at all.
Amy woke the next morning and sat with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed, as she wiggled her toes around. She soon turned to look at Amber when she heard her speak.
"How's your feet feeling today babe?" Amber asked, as she sat up in bed and looked over Amy's shoulder at her feet.
"They ache, just like the rest of me does." Amy said with a pout. "I'm amazed that Chrissy will still talk to me after what I put her through on Saturday." Amy added with a sigh, as she thought about all the running around she had Chrissy do.
"You know Chrissy isn't like that babe. She wouldn't feel the need to do this punishment if she was." Amber smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Amy and kissed her on the cheek. "Do you want me to run you a nice hot bubble bath?" Amber asked with a grin.
"Will you be joining me?" Amy asked.
"Do you think you could stop me?" Amber asked with an even bigger grin.
"Why would I want to do something silly like that?" Amy asked with a puzzled look.
Amber slid out of bed and ran of to run a bubble bath for them both, while Amy just sat on the bed waiting. Amber came back a little later and helped Amy into the bathroom then helped her undress and climb into the bathtub. Amber was soon naked, and climbing in with her.
"This feels really nice baby. Thank you so much." Amy said, as she put her head back and rested her head on Amber's breasts while Amber washed Amy's for her.
Mandy, Carl, and Jayden were sittimg at the kitchen table when Amy and Amber showed up, after their bath. Chrissy and Becky were still a no show, so Amy and Amber set to work making toast for everyone. They didn't want too much, as they would be going out to eat later, after Becky's scan.
Amber was just putting the first plate of toast on the table when they saw Chrissy and Becky enter the kitchen.
"Morning everyone." Chrissy and Becky said together with a smile. Everyone said good morning back.
How you feeling today Amy?" Chrissy asked, as she helped Becky take a seat at the table, while she poured them both a cup of tea out.
"My feet still ache a bit, but apart from that, I feel pretty good." Amy smiled.
"Does that mean you'll be helping me again tonight then baby sister?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"Oh no, I have no desire to do any more thank you very much." Amy said, as she stood shaking her head from side to side. This made everyone start to giggle, as they sat eating their toast.
Once they had all finished eating, and the dishes were washed and put away. They all went up to get ready to leave the house. Mandy and Carl were going to drive Chrissy and Becky to have the scan done, while Amy, Amber, and Jayden were going to meet up with Ann and Brad in the city. Then they were all going to meet up later in the day and have a spot of lunch together.
Amy, Amber, and Jayden gave Chrissy and Becky a hug before they got in Amber's car and drove off. Chrissy and Becky got in the back of Mandy's car and then they were off to the hospital to get Becky's ultrasound done.
Soon they were pulling into the grounds of a large privet hospital. Carl was covering the costs, he wanted to make sure Becky got the best possible care while she was pregnant. So they didn't have to wait long once they entered the hospital.
The nurse gave Chrissy a strange look when she got up to go in with Becky instead of Carl like she thought he would. Could the father not be with you for the scan?" The nurse asked with a sad look. She thought that Chrissy was just a friend giving her some support.
"The father of my child is right here with me now." Becky said, as she held up Chrissy's hand for the nurse to see.
The nurse looked a little puzzled, but never said anything more about it, as she led the two of them into a room and asked Becky to take off her top and then lie down on the table while she went to get the doctor that would be doing the scan.
Chrissy helped Becky take her top off, and then helped to get her on the table. Chrissy then sat on the seat to the side of Becky and held her hand.
It wasn't long before a female doctor entered the room and then set to work setting up to do the ultrasound. She squirted some jelly onto Becky's belly, and then turned on a large monitor before getting a large white plastic stick with a spade like peace at one end, and a cable coming out the other.
"This may feel a little cold, but it will be worth it when you get to see your baby for the first time." The doctor said with a smile, as she started moving the tool around on Becky's belly.
Chrissy and Becky soon found themselves looking at a scan of their baby. They both looked a little worried then they thought the baby looked deformed.
"Oh." The doctor said sounding a little shocked.
"Is everything alright? The scan looks a little odd." Chrissy asked looking worried. "Is the baby okay?"
"Yes, everything is just fine." The doctor smiled. "The reason the scan looks a little odd, is due to the fact you're looking at two babies."
Chrissy and Becky were just happy to hear that the scan looked fine, that they didn't catch onto the last bit the doctor just told them right away.
"What!" Chrissy and Becky said at the same time, as they looked at the doctor in shock.
"Congratulations, you're having twins." The doctor said with a grin.
"Twins? As in two babies? Not just one?" Chrissy asked, still having trouble taking it all in.
"Yes, yes, and no." The doctor said, as she thought about all three questions Chrissy just asked her.
Becky just lay on the table looking at Chrissy until Chrissy stood up and started hugging Becky for all she was worth. "I love you so much right now baby." Chrissy said.
"I love you to my love." Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy back.
"If you can just let me do a couple more scan's then I can do you some printouts to take with you. I just need to check a couple more things before I let you get cleaned up and dressed again." The doctor said, as she started scanning Becky again.
Chrissy helped Becky to get dressed again, as she held onto the scans of their babies. The doctor had given Becky a clean bill of health, and said that it could be tricky telling them the sex of each baby, due to how they were lying, but she'd have a go when Becky got to twenty weeks. They both thanked the doctor and then went out to tell Mandy and Carl the good news.
Mandy and Carl was sat cuddled up on a sofa in the waiting room when they saw Chrissy and Becky enter the room grinning.
"I take that look to mean that everything is looking okay?" Mandy said, as she got up off the sofa.
"Do you want to tell them, or shell I?" Chrissy asked, as she looked at Becky.
"I'll let you tell Mandy, if you let me tell Amy and the others when we meet up with them?" Becky asked, with a grin.
"What's going on? Will one of you tell me if the baby is doing okay?" Mandy asked with a pleading look.
"Yes. Both babies are looking very good, the doctor said." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Both babies? Do you mean Becky and the baby?" Mandy asked, as she pointed at Becky, and then at Becky's belly.
"No, I mean the twins are both doing fine." Chrissy giggled, as she put her hand on Becky's belly.
"Twins! You're having twins?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"Yes! We're going to be having two babies." Chrissy squealed, as she started jumping up and down on the spot.
Mandy and Carl were soon pulling the pair of them into a group hug with them. "I'm just so happy for the two of you right now." Mandy said with tears running down her cheeks.
"We better go and meet up with the others, so we can tell them to news." Chrissy said, when they finally broke the hug.
They were soon back at the car, but Mandy let Carl drive. She was shaking too much to risk driving. Mandy called Amy on her mobile and told them where they would meet up with them, but wouldn't say anymore to her. They knew that Amy had asked, but Mandy said she wasn't going to talk about it over the phone, and hung up.
Carl soon pulled into the restaurant car park, where he saw the others waiting for them just outside. They all waited for Mandy and the others to get out the car and walk over to them.
"Is everything alright? You sounded a little weird on the phone Mandy?" Amy asked looking worried.
Chrissy looked at Becky and said. "Well we did agree that you'd tell them, as I got the chance to tell Mandy and Carl at the hospital."
"There's a problem with the baby." Becky said with a straight face.
"Oh god no." they all said, as they put their hands to their faces, looking worried.
"What's wrong Becky?" Ann asked.
"We've got to buy double of everything, and it's going to cost us a small fortune to do it." Becky said with a grin.
"Double?" Ann asked with a puzzled look, but her look soon changed to a grin when she realised what Becky was getting at. "You're having twins?" Ann asked.
"Yes! We're having twins!" Becky started screaming, as she found her self being hugged by Ann and the other girls.
Once everyone had given Becky and Chrissy a hug to congratulate them both on having twins. They all went in to celebrate the news. Soon they were sitting around a large table having a laugh. Becky got some stick over her little stunt outside, but they soon forgave her.
None of them felt like going shopping after the lunch, and the news about Becky having twins, so they all went back to Mandy's house to carry on the celebration. Chrissy and Becky stayed down stairs for a short time, but soon got tired, and then went to lie down for a couple of hours before they had to get ready for work later that night. Chrissy and Becky had left Mandy to call around everyone for them, but they said they'd call Chrissy's mum and dad later when they got up again.
Mandy, Ann and Jayden were sat at the kitchen table, watching Amy and Amber sort out dinner, when they heard the kitchen door open. Chrissy and Becky walked in holding hands and grinning.
"Hi sis. Did you manage to get some sleep?" Mandy asked.
Hi everyone. Yes we did." Chrissy smiled, as she led Becky over to the table and then helped her to sit down.
"Thanks baby, but you don't have to keep treating me like I'm going to break if you let go." Becky smiled up at Chrissy.
"It doesn't hurt to be careful my love." Chrissy stroked the side of Becky's face as she said it, and then she leaned down and kissed her.
Becky just smiled at Chrissy after the kiss, and then pulled her down to sit next to her at the table. Becky had tried a number of timed to get Chrissy to sit on her knee since finding her again, but Chrissy was scared of hurting the baby, or babies as it was now, so she always just sat next to Becky and cuddled up close to her.
"Do you need any help with dinner?" Chrissy asked, as she turned to look at Amy and Amber.
"No. We've got it covered sis. Just relax and look after you pregnant wife." Amy said with a grin.
"I can multitask baby sister."
"I'm sure you can, and that's very impressive for a blond." Amy giggled. "But we still don't need any help, so just relax and spend some time with Becky." Amy added, as she pointed a fork at Chrissy to get her point across.
"Hey! What you trying to say about blondes?" Mandy asked with a hurt look.
Amy just stood there looking worried with a nervous grin on her face, as she looked at Mandy. "Oh nothing really. Look at the time, I need to check the oven." Amy said all of a sudden, as she spun around and ran off.
Mandy and the others just sat giggled, as they watched Amy trying to look busy. Mandy finally turned to face Chrissy again, so she could tell her about all the calls she'd made while they were asleep.
"I've called everyone I can think of sis. The only ones I've not called are your mum and dad, and Debbie. I didn't want to risk her calling your mum and dad before you had time to talk to them." Mandy smiled.
"Thanks sis." Chrissy smiled. "We better go and give them a call." Chrissy added, as she looked at Becky with a smile on her face.
"Lead the way princess." Becky said, as she let Chrissy stand up, and then help her to her feet as well.
Chrissy grabbed her mobile and walked to the living room. Once they were sat on the sofa, Chrissy found her mums number and hit the call button, then she put it on speaker before placing in on her lap. They didn't have to wait long before they heard Holly answer.
"Hello, the Clarke house. Holly speaking."
"Hi mum, it's Chrissy and Becky. Do you have a little time to talk?" Chrissy asked. She knew that her mum was sometimes busy helping dad with his medication, or other things.
"Hello dears. Yes I have some time to talk. Your father is asleep at the minute." Holly said sounding happy to be hearing from them. "Is everything alright down there? I hope your looking after Becky." Holly added in her motherly voice.
"Yes mum, I'm doing my best to look after Becky, but you know how independent she can be." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Becky sat next to her.
"Hi mum. Yes Chrissy is taking wonderful care of me." Becky said with a smile.
"Hello Becky. I didn't realise you were on the phone as well." Holly's voice said to them out the phone.
"I've put my mobile on speaker phone, so we could both talk to you at the same time." Chrissy said.
"You kids and your new gadgets. I've got no idea what they'll think of next." They both heard Holly saying. They both giggled, as they knew that Holly couldn't get her head around anything with more than two buttons on it.
"How is dad doing mum?" Chrissy asked, she knew that her mum could go on for hours about how people today spend way to much time walking around talking on them little phones, or something like that. So she wanted to change the subject fast.
"He's doing okay. He has his good days, and his bad days." Holly said with a sigh. "How are you keeping? I hear your working at a night club as well as the shop at the minute." Holly asked.
"How do you know about that?" Chrissy asked, sounding a little shocked that her mum knew about her being a waitress at the club.
"Prue told me the other day. You know we speak almost every day." Holly said it like Chrissy should already know all this.
Chrissy had forgot about Prue calling to check on how her dad was doing. Prue had also put her mum and dad in touch with some doctors that were working on new ways to keep the cancer at bay.
"Sorry mum, I forgot about your chats with my other mum." Chrissy said.
"Don't worry about it my dear. Now did you just call for a little chat, or did you have another reason for calling me." Holly finally asked.
"I do love calling you just to chat mum, but Becky and I did have a reason for calling you tonight." Chrissy said, as she looked at Becky with a grin. "Becky had a scan today, to make sure the baby was okay." Chrissy added.
"Is everything alright?" Holly asked, when Chrissy didn't say anything else for some time.
"Yes, everything was fine mum, but we do have a little problem though now." Chrissy said with an even bigger grin.
"What problem is that?" Holly asked with worry in her voice.
"We're going to have to buy two of everything. Becky's having twins." Chrissy shouted down the phone.
"Twins! Oh congratulations honey. I wish I could give you both a hug right now. I'm so happy for you." Holly said, sounding a little choked up on the other end of the phone.
"Thanks mum. Becky and I are really happy about it too. Can you let Debbie now for us? And I'm sure you'll be telling dad when he wakes up." Chrissy asked.
"I sure will. This will really make his day." Holly said sounding happy, as she snuffled on the other end of the phone.
"We're all looking forward to seeing you a week on Friday, when you and dad come down for Sara and Cathy's wedding. You can give us that hug then." Chrissy said with a smile.
"Your father and I are really looking forward to it. I think he's looking forward to spending some more time with you and the others as well." Holly said in a lowered voice.
"We all loved the last time with you two. So I know that they are all looking forward to seeing both of you again." Becky said, as she sat cuddling with Chrissy, as she spoke to her mum.
Chrissy and Becky spent a little longer talking to Holly before they went back to the kitchen, so they could have dinner before going up to get ready for work.
"How did mum take the news sis?" Mandy asked with a grin. All the girls had taken up calling Holly and Greg, mum and dad, just like Chrissy did.
"She was a little shocked, but happy to hear the news. They are looking forward to coming down for the wedding as well." Chrissy smiled, as she helped Becky take her seat at the table. "Carl does have everything sorted out for my parents trip down here, doesn't he?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"This is Carl we're talking about sis." Mandy said with a silly look on her face, like Chrissy had just asked the dumbest question on the planet.
"True, that was a dumb question, wasn't it?" Chrissy said with a goofy look on her face.
"Don't worry about it sis. We're use to them coming from you now days." Mandy giggled.
"Hey! What are you trying to say?" Chrissy asked, as she started poking Mandy in the arm.
Mandy moved really fast, and soon had Chrissy sat on her lap, as she started to tickle her and poke her back.
"Who do you think you're poking young lady?" Mandy asked, as she kept attacking her. Chrissy couldn't do anything but giggle.
Mandy finally stopped attacking Chrissy, and just held her on her lap for a couple of minutes, as she hugged her.
"I'm really happy for you little sister." Mandy finally said, just before letting Chrissy return to her seat next to Becky.
"Thanks big sister. I'm glad that I'll be able to share this with you all." Chrissy smiled, as she looked around the room, just before she cuddled up to Becky.
They were soon eating a wonderful meal, and talking about baby names, and other stuff to do with having twins.
Once dinner was finished. Chrissy and Becky were sent up to get ready for work, while the others set about cleaning up the kitchen. Amy and Amber got to sit at the table and watch the others work, as they had cooked dinner.
After dinner, Becky was sitting on the bed waiting for Chrissy to finish her make up. She was looking at the scan of their babies. Becky was still shocked to think she was carrying, not one, but two lives inside her. She was snapped out of her daydreaming when she heard Chrissy speak to her.
"Are you going to take the scan into the club with you, so you can show everyone?" Chrissy asked, as she came over and sat on the bed next to her.
Becky looked over at Chrissy, and admired her wife's beautiful body, trapped in the gold corset and skirt of the uniform she was wearing tonight. "I was thinking about it. Do you think I should?" Becky asked with a smile.
"If you don't, I will." Chrissy smiled back.
Becky was soon slipping the picture of the scan in her purse, and standing up. "We better go and see if Vicky is here yet. I need to get you earning some money, now we have twins on the way." Becky smiled, as she pulled Chrissy to her feet, and then wrapped her arms around her. They were soon kissing each other.
"Okay boss." Chrissy said with a grin, when they broke the kiss.
"Do you really want me to give you a matching bruise on your other but cheek?" Becky asked with a stern look, just before she also started grinning.
"I'm sorry mistress Becky. Please forgive this worthless slave." Chrissy said with a pout.
"I'll forgive you slave, but you're far from being worthless." Becky purred, as she pulled Chrissy in for another kiss.
They finally stopped kissing each other, and made their way down stairs to find Vicky standing in the hallway waiting with the others. Vicky gave them both a hug when they got to where she was standing.
"Congratulations on the baby news today. I should have know you two wouldn't be happy with just the one baby." Vicky smiled.
"Thanks Vicky. You know we don't like to do things by half." Becky said with a grin.
They got hugs off the other girls, and then they waved them off at the door before they returned to the living room.
Chrissy ran off to start work when they got to the club. Becky was hoping that Chrissy would be with her when she started telling everyone about her having twins, but she also knew that Chrissy had a job to do, and a punishment to finish serving. Chrissy still found herself being hugged by the other staff members, and some customers that happened to be in the VIP section through the night. Chrissy was sitting on the sofa at the end of the night waiting for Becky to finish putting the money in the safe. She just finished her first whole week of working at the club and only had three more nights left to do.
A short time later, Becky was standing there looking at her with a smile on her face. "You ready to go home baby?" Becky asked, as she helped Chrissy to stand up.
"Yes, very much so." Chrissy said, as she let Becky wrap an arm around her waist, and walk her out to Vicki's car.
Shortly after, Vicky dropped the two girls off at home. Becky made them both a mug of drinking chocolate and then she sat rubbing Chrissy's feet for her while they drank it. Then they went up to get ready for bed, just before going over to spend the night cuddled up to Mandy in her bed.
To Be Continued Next week
Written by SaraUK
Edited (I tried to) and Posted by ChrisW
Part 11
Chapter 31: Feeling ill
"How do you feel after doing a whole week at the club as a waitress princess?" Becky asked, as she finished lacing Chrissy into the purple uniform.
"I'm loving the extra time I'm getting with you, but at the same time I hate not being able to walk around the club with you as well." Chrissy said with a pout. "I just wish I didn't have three more nights to serve of my punishment." Chrissy added with a pained look.
"I have a little bit of good news for you on that." Becky said with a grin. "I'm knocking off a night for good behaviour. So you only have tonight and tomorrow night to go." Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy's waist.
"Do you really mean that Becky?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes, I really mean it. I want to show off my beautiful wife again." Becky said, just before kissing Chrissy.
"Thanks baby. I love you." Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky back.
"I want you on your best behaviour for the next two nights, or I'll be adding Saturday back into your punishment again." Becky said, as she gave Chrissy a playful slap on the bottom, to get her moving out the bedroom.
Vicky was waiting for them when they got down stairs, so they both said goodbye to everyone and then went out to Vicki's car. Becky had got in the back with Chrissy again, just like she'd done every night since Chrissy started her punishment. Once at the club, Chrissy would run off to get started on her waitress duty with Claire and Megumi-Chan.
Becky had been held up tonight by a couple of customers asking her some questions, so Chrissy was busy serving customers when she finally made it up into the VIP section. Becky took a quick walk around the VIP room, and then took a seat on the privet sofas. She was soon being handed a drink by Chrissy.
"Here you go Becky, I hope you enjoy it." Chrissy said with a smile, as she handed Becky the cold glass of cola to drink.
Becky took the glass off Chrissy, but kept hold of her hand for a little longer, as she smiled at her. "Thank you Chrissy, I'm sure I will."
This little handholding didn't go unnoticed on a couple of the customers sat not to far away from the sofas. The two girls seemed to be spending a lot of time watching Chrissy and Becky, and how they kept looking at each other. One of the girls waved Chrissy over to take their drink order.
"Good evening miss. What may I get you tonight?" Chrissy asked with a smile, as she got her order pad ready.
"Good evening to you cutie." The woman purred, as she ran her hand down Chrissy's leg. "I don't suppose you're on the menu?"
"I'm sorry miss, but no I'm not on the menu." Chrissy said, as she stepped to one side, so she was out of the woman's reach. "Just food and drink is served in this club. Now what can I get you?" Chrissy asked. Trying not to look fazed by the woman's actions.
"Pity. I guess we'll just have two glasses of white wine then." The woman said with a sigh, as she kept looking at Chrissy in such a way, as it looked like she was trying to undress her with her eyes.
Chrissy walked back to the bar, and wanted to shudder, as she thought about the way the two women were looking at her. Chrissy thought it was bad enough dealing with it from men, but from another woman, it just felt creepy. She was soon taking the drinks back to the two women, and asking them to pay for them.
"Please keep the change pretty." The woman said, as she handed Chrissy a twenty pound note.
"Thank you miss." Chrissy smiled, as she walked away to settle their bill, and put the rest of the money in the jar they kept for all their tips. The money they make on tips is shared out at the end of each month.
As the night went on, Chrissy was called back to the table a number of times, and they always ordered the same drinks, paid with a twenty pound note, telling Chrissy to keep the change. Chrissy thought that one of the girl's voices sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't work out where from.
Chrissy was sat at the end of the bar on her break later in the night, when she saw the two women making their way over to her.
"We've been waving at you for the last ten minutes pretty waitress girl." One of the women said to Chrissy, as she got to where Chrissy was sat eating her fries, and drinking her glass of cola. "Why haven't you come to serve us?" She asked Chrissy with a little anger in her voice.
"I'm sorry miss, but I'm on my break. I'm sure one of the other girls can take you're order. Or you could just ask the barman while you're stood here talking to me." Chrissy said, trying not to get angry with the woman.
The woman fell forward and bumped into Chrissy, but what Chrissy didn't see was the second woman drop some white powder in Chrissy's cola.
"I'm sorry if my friend is bothering you. We'll go back to our table and wait for you to finish your break." The second woman said, as she helped her friend walk back to their table.
Chrissy also never noticed how the woman that had fallen on her, like she was really drunk, was now walking just fine again. Chrissy soon finished her fries and then drank her glass of cola before grabbing her tray and then getting back to work again.
The two women had sat and watched Chrissy finish her fries, and then her drink. They both looked at each other and smiled when they saw her drink the whole glass of cola.
"Now we can really have some fun tonight." One of the women said to the other one.
"Yes, and we'll make the little bitch pay for getting us kicked out the club last Thursday." The second woman said with a grin.
Chrissy thought she better go and serve the two women first, as they had been giving her some good tips all evening. So she made her way over and took their order for two glasses of white wine. Chrissy came back with the wine, and then went to serve another table, but she was starting to feel a little weird by the time she'd served them.
Megumi-Chan saw Chrissy leaning on the bar looking a little spaced out and went to see if she was okay. "Chrissy, are you alright honey?"
"Yes, just feeling a little dizzy. Can you cover for me while I pop to the toilet?" Chrissy asked, as she made her way over to the toilets.
Chrissy was stood over near the sinks when she saw the two women walk in. They both looked a little funny to her, then she realised that everything was beginning to look a little funny to her.
"Are you alright?" one of the women asked her, but it sounded like she was talking in slow motion. "You want us to take you home don't you?" she more told Chrissy, than asked her.
Chrissy found herself just doing what the two women told her, and she was soon being led out of the toilet, and off towards the exit of the club. They were just about to leave the VIP section with Chrissy, when they walked into a wall in the shape of Brad.
"What do you think you're doing with this waitress?" Brad asked, as he stopped them all going any further.
"She's not feeling well, and she asked if we'd give her a hand to get home." One of the women said, as she tried to walk around Brad, taking Chrissy with her.
"Chrissy! Chrissy! What's wrong with you?" Brad asked, as he looked in Chrissy's eyes. He didn't like what he saw. She looked spaced out on some sort of drug. "What the hell did you give her?" Brad barked at the two women with anger on his face.
"We didn't do anything to her. We just found her in the toilet like this." The woman said looking a little worried now.
Brad clicked his fingers and suddenly two other bouncers were holding the two women. "Take them to the office, and call the police." Brad said, as he picked Chrissy up in his arms. He took her over to the sofa area and then placed her on one of them.
Claire and Megumi-Chan had seen Mark and Paul take the two women over to the office and then Brad carried Chrissy over to the sofas. So they both ran over to see what they could do to help.
"What's wrong with Chrissy, Brad?" Claire asked sounding worried.
"I think she's been drugged. Go and find Becky and Carla. Make it fast!" Brad shouted.
Claire and Megumi-Chan ran off to find them both. Brad knelt at the side of the sofa feeling useless.
Becky was the first to come running into the VIP section with Claire running close behind. Then Carla and Vicky were just behind them with Megumi-Chan bringing up the rear.
"What happened to her Brad?" Becky asked in a panic, as she sat on the sofa next to where Chrissy was lying.
"She's been given some form of date rape drug I think. She was about to leave the club with two women I've never seen her with before." Brad said with anger in his voice. "I'm sorry Becky, I should have been keeping a closer eye on her." Brad added, as he stood up and paced back and forth.
"An ambulance is on the way Becky. They should be able to tell us what to do." Carla said, as she crouched down at the side of Becky. "Do we know who did this Brad?" Carla asked.
"Yes, I have Paul and Mark holding them in the office. I told them to call the police as well." Brad said, as he grabbed hold of his own hair and pulled on it.
"Brad, Brad, calm down. You did all you could, and you stopped them getting out the club with her." Carla said, as she tried to calm Brad down enough to make him understand everything would be okay.
"I'm so sorry boss. I'm so sorry." Brad said, as he finally sat down on one of the other sofas close to tears.
Becky was still sat with Chrissy when the police and Ambulance staff arrived. They moved Becky out the way, so they could check Chrissy out and make sure she wasn't in any danger.
"Do you know what she was given?" one of the paramedics asked, as she checked Chrissy's pupils. "It would help us to treat her if we knew." She added, as she tried to talk to Chrissy.
"No, but I'll find out for you right now!" Brad said, as he jumped up and stormed off towards the office. Carla was running close behind, in some hope of stopping Brad from doing something he might regret.
Paul and Mark had the two women sat on the sofa in the office when Brad burst through the door with murder in his eyes.
"What the hell did you give her!" Brad screamed at the two women, as Paul and Mark tried to hold him back. But even with them both holding him, he was still moving towards the two women.
"If you know the name of the drug you gave that girl out there, then I suggest you tell us, or he's going to kill you both." Carla said in a calm voice, as she looked at Paul and Mark fighting to keep Brad away from the two women.
"It's called ketamine hydrochloride. One of the women shouted, as she tried to hide behind the other one.
Brad suddenly stopped and stepped back, which almost let Paul and Mark fall over, but Brad stopped them. "Sorry about that guys, but I needed to get the info fast. Can you go and tell the paramedics what the name of the drug is Carla?" Brad asked.
"Sure thing Brad, and well done." Carla smiled, just before leaving the room to go and pass on the information.
Carla passed on the info to the paramedics and then took the police back into the office to deal with the two women. Lucky for Brad, they never saw what he was willing to do to the two women, so he was off the hook with that one.
The two women were that scared of Brad that they both owned up to drugging Chrissy, and having done it to other girls in the past. Just so the police would arrest them and get them away from him.
One of the officers went back out to the paramedics and told them how much they used, and how they got it into her. This helped them work out how long it would be before Chrissy came out of it.
"Will she be alright?" Becky asked, once they had all the facts they needed to treat her.
"Yes, but we still want to take her in to run some tests, just to be sure." The female paramedic said with a smile. "It will take about three hours to work its way through her system, but she won't remember much about any of it, once she wakes up." The woman added.
"Can I come with her to the hospital?" Becky asked, as she wiped away some tears from her eyes.
"Sure, just let us get her on a stretcher, and then you can follow us out to the ambulance. Do you want to sit and hold her hand while we go and get the stuff we need?" The paramedic asked with a smile.
Becky smiled back, and gave a little nod, as she moved back to sit next to Chrissy, as she slept on the sofa.
They soon had Chrissy in the ambulance, and then Becky got in and they were on their way to the hospital.
Carla went back into the club, and got the DJ to tell everyone that the drinks were on the house to get the party mood going again. She then went to the office to call Mandy and let her know what happened.
Chrissy started to wake up, but she couldn't remember going to bed. Then she thought the bed covers felt funny. They felt very stiff and rough to the touch. And what was all that noise around her? Chrissy opened her eyes and found a room full of people stood around looking at her.
"What's going on?" Chrissy asked with a buzzing in her head, and a headache from hell.
"Hi baby. You were drugged at the club, and nearly taken away with two women." Becky said, as she stood holding Chrissy's hand. "Do you not remember any of it?" Becky asked.
Chrissy tried to remember what happened at the club, but it all seemed very fuzzy to her. "I remember serving drinks to people, and then taking my break. These two women kept bugging me to get them more drinks, and then one of them nearly fell on me. After that it's all a blank." Chrissy said, as she shook her head trying to clear away the cobwebs.
"They slipped a drug in your cola while you were on your break, then they were planning to take you out the club with them." Becky said, close to tears, as she thought about what could have happened to her.
"Why pick on me and not someone a little less likely to get them caught?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"They were at the club last week, but got thrown out when Brad caught them trying to grope you. Do you remember them?" Becky asked.
I remember two girls dressed as guys coming on to me. Was that them?" Chrissy asked with a shocked look on her face. "I thought Brad took their VIP card off them last week?"
"He took it off one of them, but he thought that they just had the one card. It turned out they had one each, so they used the other one tonight to get them both back into the VIP section. They wanted to get some revenge on you for spoiling their night out last week." Becky said with a sigh.
"We're stopping the plus one on the VIP passes from now on. If you don't have one, you don't get in the VIP section any more." Carl said from across the room where he was stood with Mandy.
"Hi sis. Hi Carl. Hi everyone." Chrissy said with a week smile, and a little wave.
"Hi little sister." Mandy smiled back with a tear in her eye.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble. Does this mean I have to work Saturday night as well now?" Chrissy asked looking a little sad.
"None of this was your fault baby. And you've done being a waitress." Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
"When can I go home?" Chrissy asked when they stopped hugging.
"Mum's gone to find that out for us." Mandy said.
"Mums hear too?" Chrissy asked looking worried.
"Yes, I wasn't going to let you come in here without bringing out the big guns." Mandy said with a grin.
Prue was soon back with a doctor, and they stood chatting about Chrissy for a couple of minutes before he said Chrissy was safe to get dressed and go home.
Mandy had brought a tracksuit for Chrissy to wear, so she put it on and then followed Mandy out to her car. Becky and Jayden helped Chrissy walk, as she was still a little wobbly on her legs. Amy, Amber and Ann all came in Ann's car, so they all got in that and followed Mandy back to her house. Frank went with Prue, and Vic took Carl back to the hotel before he went to let Jenna and the others at Mable's know that Chrissy was going to be all right.
Becky took Chrissy up to bed when they got home, and the others all went up to their rooms as well. It was just after six in the morning when they all got their heads down again. Chrissy was cuddled up between Becky and Mandy as she fell asleep.
When Chrissy next woke, it was light in the bedroom, so she turned over and looked at the clock. She was shocked to see that it was nearly midday. She slid out of bed, and put a dressing gown on before going down to the kitchen to see if Becky was down there.
Becky was sitting at the kitchen table deep in thought when Chrissy walked into the room.
"Hi baby. Where is everyone?" Chrissy asked, with a yawn, as she sat down at the table next to Becky.
"Hi lover. How are you feeling now?" Becky asked, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her, as she rested her head on Chrissy's shoulder.
"I've still got a bit of a thick head, but most would say that's normal for me." Chrissy said with a grin. "But apart from that, I feel like my old self again." Chrissy added with a smile.
"You must be okay, if you're cracking jokes." Becky smiled.
"You didn't answer my question. Where is everyone?" Chrissy asked again.
"They've all gone to work. Mandy gave me orders not to let you even think about going into work today. So you're stuck here with me all day." Becky said with a grin.
"Okay, if I must." Chrissy said, as she rolled her eyes. She was soon grinning though, as she started hugging Becky. "I can live with orders like that my love."
"Me too. Do you want something to eat?" Becky asked.
"Some toast would be nice, and maybe a couple of eggs on top." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Okay, one portion of egg on toast coming right up." Becky said, as she got up and went to make it for her.
"I'm sorry for worrying you last night. I should have been more careful with my drink." Chrissy said, as she looked down at the table feeling ashamed of what nearly happened to her.
"You're not to blame for any of this Chrissy. Those bitches planned to drug you, and then do god knows what to you once they got you out the club." Becky said with anger in her voice. "I'm just glad that Brad stopped them before they could get you out the VIP section."
"I think I remember Brad talking to me. Now I think about it. He didn't look happy though at the time." Chrissy said, as a vision popped into her head of Brad looking into her eyes.
"Brad was ready to kill them both." Becky said with a giggle. "He scared them that much, they both confessed everything to the police, just so they would get them out the club, and away from Brad." Becky giggled some more.
"Remind me to thank him when I see him again." Chrissy smiled.
"He'd like that Chrissy. He thinks it's his fault you got hurt." Becky sighed.
"Why would he think that Becky?" Chrissy asked looking a little shocked at what Becky just said.
"He made Ann a promise to keep you safe, and he failed. Or in his eyes he did."
"I don't think he failed. He stopped them taking me out the club, and he got them to own up to what they did. I'd call him a hero for that." Chrissy said looking proud of him.
Becky soon had Chrissy's food cooked, and she made herself some as well, so they both sat and ate together. Then Becky made them both a cup of tea to wash it all down.
Chrissy was sittting in the living room with Becky when they heard the doorbell, so Becky went to see whom it was. She soon walked back into the room with Prue and Kim following her.
"Hi mum, hi Kim." Chrissy said with a smile.
"Hi Shrimp." Kim said with a grin, when she saw how good Chrissy looked, for saying she'd been drugged the night before. "I see you just can't keep out of trouble can you?" Kim asked with an even bigger grin this time.
"You know me Kim, just a big old magnet for it." Chrissy giggled.
"I'm glad to see you're okay Chrissy." Kim said, all joking aside.
"So am I Kim." Chrissy said, looking close to tears now.
Becky sat down next to Chrissy, as she started sobbing on her shoulder. "Don't worry baby, you're safe now." Becky said, as she rocked Chrissy back and forth.
"I think the shock of what could have happened is sinking in." Prue said, as she sat the other side of Chrissy to what Becky was sat.
Prue gave her a quick look over and checked to make sure her pupils were back to normal before giving her the all clear.
"Will I live then doc?" Chrissy asked with a smile, when Prue finished her examination.
"Yes, for many years to come Chrissy. That is unless you keep calling me doc instead of mum." Prue said, as she playfully poked Chrissy in the belly.
Chrissy sat giggling, and then she gave Prue a hug. "Thanks for coming over to check on me."
"Any time dear. You know I wouldn't be able to rest unless I knew for myself you were fully recovered from the drugs they gave you." Prue said, as she hugged Chrissy back. "We also wanted to congratulate you both on the news about the twins." Prue added with a grin.
"Yes, it looks like you did your job a little to well." Chrissy said with a grin, when she broke the hug with Prue.
"Does this mean you're complaining about what I helped Becky do?" Prue asked with a pout.
"No. I love you even more for what you helped Becky do." Chrissy said, as she threw her arms around Prue again, and hugged her some more.
"Hay! Don't I get to congratulate you both?" Kim asked, as she sat on one of the other sofas in the living room watching them hug.
"I've always got plenty of hugs to share Kim." Chrissy giggled, as she got up and went to sit with Kim, so she could hug her.
"Congratulations Chrissy. You and Becky will make wonderful parents, and you won't have to argue over the baby either now." Kim added with a giggle.
Becky walked over and sat the other side, and Kim gave her a hug too. Then they moved to the kitchen, so Becky could make them all a cup of tea while that chatted some more. Chrissy wanted to help make the drink, but Becky told her to rest up a little longer just to make sure she was fully recovered.
Chrissy thought Becky was just saying that, so she had a reason to do something for herself, and pamper Chrissy a little bit. It was only a couple of simple things Becky was trying to do, so Chrissy let her have her small victory.
Kim and Prue stayed for another hour, then they left to let Chrissy and Becky get some rest. They hadn't been gone long, when there was a knock at the door. Becky went to see who it was, and found Brad standing there looking worried, and holding an envelope in his hand.
"Hi Becky. How's Chrissy doing?"
"She's just been given a clean bill of health by Prue. So she's fine again now." Becky smiled, as she stepped aside to let Brad in the house. "Come in and see for yourself."
Brad stepped into the house, and then waited for Becky to close the door and then lead the way to where Chrissy was sat at the kitchen table eating a biscuit.
"Hi Brad." Chrissy said, as she put her hand over her mouth, so she didn't spit biscuit everywhere.
"Hi Chrissy. I'm glad to see you back on your feet, and I'm sorry I let you down last night at the club." Brad said looking disappointed with him self.
"You never let me down Brad. You saved my life, who knows what those two women had planed for me once they got me out the club." Chrissy said, as she stood up and walked over to where he was standing just inside the kitchen, and gave him a hug. "Thank you Brad. You're my hero."
It took Brad a couple of seconds to put his arms around Chrissy and hug her back, but he did.
"What's in the envelope Brad?" Becky asked when she saw him still holding it as he hugged Chrissy.
"I need to sit and talk to you Becky in privet. I'm sorry Chrissy, but it's a work matter. I don't mean to sound rude, but I think its best I do this with just the two of us in the room." Brad said, as he broke the hug with Chrissy.
Chrissy had a pretty good idea what Brad wanted to talk to Becky about, and what was in the envelope. Chrissy was trying to think of some way to stop Brad doing something very stupid, so she stepped back.
"That's okay Brad. I was thinking of going to lie down again anyway." Chrissy said, as she walked over and Gave Becky a quick hug. Then she whispered in Becky's ear. "Stall him for me. I have an idea."
"Okay baby, I'll come and check on you later. Sleep well baby." Becky said, as she gave Chrissy a kiss.
Instead of going up to bed, Chrissy went to the study where they kept the computers and printer. Chrissy logged onto the net and started searching for information on date rape drugs and what had happened to some people that hadn't been as lucky as Chrissy was. She found some really good sites and even managed to print a couple of them out for Brad to read, and then see if he'd failed to save her last night. Armed with the info she needed to stop Brad quitting his job, she went to the kitchen to listen in at the door, to see how well Becky was doing with him.
"Brad! I really don't think I can accept this from you. You saved Chrissy from getting raped or worse last night. Chrissy thinks you're some kind of super hero." Becky pleaded with him.
"I'm sorry Becky, but I just don't see it that way. I should have stopped Chrissy from ever being put in that danger. Nothing you or any one else can say, will change my mind." Brad said.
Chrissy heard one of the sofas creak, and knew that Brad was getting ready to leave. So she burst into the room to try and stop him leaving, before she had time to explain something to him.
"Sit back down and read this!" Chrissy snapped, as she walked over and pushed the printouts into Brad's chest were he was now standing in front of the sofa where Chrissy thought he must have just been sat.
Brad was shocked to see Chrissy enter the room, but he was even more shocked to see how forceful she was being about it. "What's this all about Chrissy?" Brad asked, as he sat again, and looked at the printouts she just gave him.
"Just read them, and then we'll talk about it. Now get reading!" Chrissy snapped again, as she pointed for Brad to start reading.
Becky was stood watching Chrissy, as she bossed Brad about. She had a smirk on her face, and thought Chrissy was really sexy when she got all bossy.
Chrissy stood looking down at Brad, as he read the letters other girls had wrote, and posted on a web site. Telling of how they woke in a hotel room naked, and not remembering how they got there, and another one who woke in an alley with most of her clothes ripped away. Chrissy saw Brad's knuckles go white, as he gripped a tighter and tighter fist. Chrissy knew when he'd finished reading them, because he screwed up the printouts and threw them across the room with anger.
"Why did you make me read all that Chrissy?" Brad asked with anger in his voice.
Becky was worried that Chrissy would be scared and back away, but she didn't. Chrissy stood her ground.
"To prove a point you dumb ox!" Chrissy snapped back at him.
Brad jumped to his feet, and looked down at Chrissy like he wanted to kill her, but Chrissy still stood her ground. "What did you just call me?"
"I called you a dumb ox! Now park your ass back in that seat." Chrissy pointed to the seat he was just sat in. "I said sit." Chrissy glared at him. "Don't make me force you!" She added looking angry.
Becky was having trouble not laughing now, as she watched her wife trying to threaten a man almost twice her size. Becky managed to keep it together, and Brad did sit back down again.
"Now don't even think about moving from that spot until I'm done talking to you." Chrissy pointed to where Brad was now sat again. "It hurts my neck to keeping looking up at you all the time." She added in a matter of fact way.
"I can see that reading those letters made you feel angry, as they should have, but did any of that happen to me last night?" Chrissy asked Brad, as she looked him in the eyes until he looked away.
"No it didn't." Brad said through gritted teeth. He knew he'd have killed the person, or persons that tried to do that to anyone he knew.
"And why didn't any of that happen to me last night Brad?" Chrissy asked.
"Because I stopped them before they could…" Brad said, but stopped before saying any more. He suddenly realised what Chrissy was doing, but before he could say anymore. Chrissy stopped him.
"So you can now see the floor in your logic can't you Brad?" Chrissy asked, as she raised her hand to stop him speaking. "Don't worry about it Brad, most men have a problem with logic." Chrissy added in a matter of fact way, as she paced back and forth in front of him.
Becky was having a lot of trouble now keeping a straight face, as she saw the look on Brad's face. He got a look that said. 'Did she just insult me?'
"Becky is right. I do think you're my hero. The girls in those letters weren't so lucky." Chrissy said, as she pointed at the screwed up paper across the room. "So please stop acting so stupid, and let me tear up that letter you're holding." Chrissy asked, as she held out her hand.
Brad looked down at his hand, and the envelope that he was still holding. He'd tried to give it to Becky, but she wouldn't taker it. Now someone wanted to take it off him, he wasn't sure he could let her have it. He finally lifted his hand, and gave Chrissy the letter.
Chrissy took the letter off Brad, and then she ripped it into bits before putting it in the waist basket. She then looked over at Becky, who was looking very red-faced.
"Are you okay Becky?" Chrissy asked looking worried, as she went over to where Becky was standing still. Becky just nodded yes, and she burst out in a fit of laughter.
Chrissy and Brad just looked at each other, and then at Becky again. Neither of them could work out what Becky was laughing at. So they both had to wait for her to calm down enough to tell them.
Becky finally did calm down, and Chrissy led her over to the sofa that faced the one Brad was sitting on. "I'm sorry about that, but you just looked so funny when you threatened to make Brad sit down. Then when you insulted him for being a man, the look on his face was priceless." Becky started giggling again.
Brad tried to look moody about it all, but even he had to chuckle when he thought back to Chrissy and her threat. This soon set Chrissy off, and they were all laughing about it.
"I'm beginning to feel sorry for your kids." Brad said, as he pointed at Becky's belly. "I hope they never get you that mad with them."
"I hope they never do Brad." Chrissy smiled. "I'm sorry for calling you a dumb ox, by the way." Chrissy added, looking a little sheepish about it.
"Don't worry about it. After all, I am just a man." Brad said with a grin. This set them all of laughing again.
"I wish I'd caught that on camera. No one will believe me when I tell them." Becky sighed, once they all stopped laughing.
"Good! I've get a reputation to keep." Brad said looking worried.
"I'm still going to tell Mandy and the others about it though, they'll believe me." Becky said with a grin.
"I'd have been shocked if you didn't boss." Brad said, as he rolled his eyes.
"Yes I am, and don't ever forget it. Or I'll have to set Chrissy loose on you." Becky said with a grin, as she made reference to the word 'Boss'
"Don't worry boss, I won't." Brad said, as he waved his hand around, as a sigh of surrender. "I'm worried about what Ann will have to say to me though. I did promise to stick close to Chrissy while she was working at the club." Brad added looking worried.
"You can find out later at dinner." Chrissy said with a smile.
"I wasn't planning on staying for dinner Chrissy."
"I just told you, you are." Chrissy said in a bossy way.
"If I wanted to leave, you couldn't stop me really Chrissy. So don't let that little talk go to your head." Brad said with a raised eyebrow.
"True, but I could start getting a lot of headaches, and not wanting to make Becky feel relaxed." Chrissy said with a grin, as she cuddled up to Becky, and started running her hands all over her body.
"Girl's! You don't fight fare." Brad said with a huff.
"Men! You always think muscle will fix everything." Chrissy snapped back, as she stuck her tong out at Brad.
Brad couldn't keep a straight face any longer, as he started laughing again. This soon had Chrissy and Becky giggling along with him.
"I want it to be a thank you dinner for saving me Brad. So what do you fancy?" Chrissy asked.
"I've loved everything you've cooked me in the past Chrissy, so just surprise me."
"You're to easy to please Brad. I can see why Ann loves you so much." Chrissy giggled. "Now I just need to sort out our little problem baby." Chrissy said with a pout, as she started running her finger around Becky's belly in a figure eight.
"And what problem would that be?" Becky asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"I want to do my final night at the club still." Chrissy said with a smile, as she looked at Becky.
"No! Not going to happen. I'm not letting you loose in the club as a waitress ever again." Becky said in a stubborn tone of voice.
"Please Becky." Chrissy pleaded with her. "I don't want that to be my last memory of working in the club with you." Chrissy was pouting even more.
Becky just sat looking at Chrissy, as she pouted at her. Becky looked to be deep in thought for a little bit, and then she started to smile. "Okay then. I'll let you do your final night of working at the club with me."
"You will?" Chrissy asked with a puzzled look on her face. "That was easier that I thought it would be. What's the catch?" Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No catch baby. You will be working at the club tonight." Becky said, as she gave Chrissy a kiss.
Chrissy wasn't sure she liked the way Becky had suddenly given in to her, but she did look happy with herself. So Chrissy let it drop and then got up to go and sort out some dinner for everyone. Becky went with her to help, and Brad went with them, so he could sit at the kitchen table and chat while they worked on dinner.
They talked about ways to stop what happened to Chrissy, ever happening to anyone else in the club. Brad was handed a note pad to take notes while Chrissy and Becky worked on dinner. Becky was going to sit down and have a word with Carl about it all later tonight at the club.
Mandy and Amy were the first to get home, then Amber arrived, but the biggest entry of the night came from Ann. She'd seen Brad's truck on the driveway, and came running into the kitchen looking for him. Ann saw him sat at the table, and she ran over, jumping on his lap.
"Hello lover." Ann said, just before kissing him.
"She doesn't look that mad with you to me Brad." Chrissy said with a grin, as she watched them kissing each other.
"Why would you think I'd be mad with you lover?" Ann asked when they broke the kiss.
"I let Chrissy get hurt, after I promised you she wouldn't." Brad said.
"No, you stopped her getting hurt." Ann said, as she wrapped her arms around him as best she could, so she could hug him.
Brad relaxed and hugged Ann back. Chrissy and Becky could both see that this was the real reason for his worry today. He was scared of loosing Ann.
Chrissy and Becky soon had dinner on the table, and they all sat down to enjoy it. Mandy wasn't happy to find out that Chrissy was still going to do her last night of punishment at the club, but she smiled when Becky whispered something in her ear. After that, she was okay with Chrissy working at the club. Chrissy looked at Becky with a frown, she wanted to know what Becky was planning.
Amy and Amber cleaned up the kitchen, while Chrissy and Becky went up to start getting ready for work. Mandy went up to take a shower and change out of her work clothes. Ann was in no rush to go anywhere while Brad was still at the house. So she just sat at the kitchen table cuddled up on his lap, and steeling the odd kiss here and there.
Chrissy and Becky took a shower together, and they helped each other get very clean. Then Becky went to the bedroom again, while Chrissy finished drying herself off.
"What colour uniform will I be wearing tonight?" Chrissy asked, as she walked back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her head and her big fluffy bathrobe on.
"You'll be wearing silver tonight baby." Becky said, as she walked out of their closet with two dresses draped over her arm.
"I don't have a silver uniform." Chrissy said with a puzzled look, as she looked up at Becky.
"You do for tonight." Becky was grinning.
"What have you been planning?" Chrissy asked with a curious look.
"You're going to be my trainee hostess for the night. You'll still be working at the club, and I can keep you close by all night." Becky was beaming as she said it.
"I like the sound of that boss." Chrissy said with a grin, as she walked over to Becky and started kissing her.
"I thought you would." Becky purred when they broke the kiss.
They set to work getting ready. Chrissy did Becky's makeup, and then started her own while Becky went to put her dress on. Becky was wearing a beautiful black cocktail dress when Chrissy finished her makeup. Then she helped Chrissy get her silver cocktail dress on. Once they were both ready, they made their way down to see if Vicky was there yet.
Vicky was sitting in the kitchen talking to Mandy and the others. Brad had already left, so he could go home and get changed ready for work.
"I hear we have a new trainee hostess for the night." Vicky smiled, as she looked at Chrissy.
"Yep. I've been promoted for my last night on the job." Chrissy said with a grin.
"How you feeling now Chrissy?" Vicky asked.
"I'm fine again now, thanks for asking."
"You had us all worried last night. I thought Brad was going to kill those two women, when he found out what they did." Vicky said with a worried look. "Paul and Mark said they couldn't keep him away from them. They never realised just how strong he really was." Vicky added.
"I've seen someone even more scary than Brad, Vicky." Becky said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy.
"Yes, I heard about you telling him off." Vicky giggled. "That must have been funny to watch?" Vicky asked.
"Becky had a good laugh about it." Chrissy smiled.
"Well what ever you did Chrissy, we're all grateful to you for it. Carl was sure Brad was going to quit over all this." Vicky said, as she stood up and gave Chrissy a hug. "We're all glad to see that you're okay after all this as well." Vicky added, as she kissed Chrissy on the forehead.
Mandy and the others all gave them a hug before seeing them off at the front door. Becky sat in the back of Vicki's car with Chrissy again, and this time when they got to the club, Chrissy didn't have to run off and get ready for work. So she took a nice steady walk into the club on Becky's arm.
"I think I could get use to this job boss." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Keep calling me boss and I'll have you serving drinks again." Becky said with a sideways look at Chrissy.
"Sorry Becky." Chrissy pouted.
Becky surprised Chrissy when she stopped walking, and pulled her into a kiss in the middle of the club. "It's lover to you from now on." Becky said with a grin.
"Does this make me your mistress then?" Chrissy asked with a shocked look on her face, as she looked around at everyone watching them.
"For tonight, you can think of your self as what ever you want, just as long as you're on my arm, so I can kiss you like that when ever I feel like it." Becky said, just before kissing Chrissy again.
Becky led Chrissy up to the VIP section once they ended the free floorshow for all the customers in the main part of the club. Claire and Megumi-Chan were soon jumping on Chrissy when they saw her enter the room.
"Chrissy! I'm so glad to see that you're okay." Claire said, as she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
"Thanks Claire. I don't remember much about any of it. Something to do with the drugs, the doctors said."
"I'm sorry Chrissy. I should have realised that something was wrong when I spoke to you at the bar." Megumi-Chan said, as she hugged her when Claire stepped aside.
"Don't be silly. How were you to know I'd been drugged." Chrissy said, as she hugged Megumi-Chan. "Now let me see that winning smile of yours." Chrissy told her when they broke the hug.
Megumi-Chan started smiling; she couldn't help it when she saw Chrissy smiling at her. "Now that's the Megumi-Chan we all love. Both of you back to work before I have to start docking your pay." Chrissy said with a grin.
"Yes boss!" both girls shouted, as they ran off giggling at the way Chrissy could sound just like Becky when she spoke like that.
"Should I be worried about my job baby?" Becky asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Nope, I'd never want to take your job away from you." Chrissy said, as she wrapped her arms around Becky, and then kissed her again.
Becky was enjoying having Chrissy as her little trainee, she led her around the club all evening. They sat and talked to Carla later in the night, and told her the ideas they had come up with to try and stop the same thing happening to some one else that happened to Chrissy. Carla liked the ideas and even added a little bit to them as well, and they decided to put it all into affect as soon as they could.
Chrissy really enjoyed her last night working at the club, not that she saw it as work. 'Getting to spend the whole night with the woman you love could never be classed as that'. Chrissy thought to herself.
Brad was working, and never too far away from Chrissy or Becky. He'd started watching the bartender when they poured Chrissy's and Becky's drinks out and never took his eyes off them until the glassed were empty again. Chrissy and Becky knew he didn't need to do that, but they also knew it made him feel better doing that, so they let it go.
Becky led Chrissy out to Vicki's car at the end of the night, and so ended Chrissy's punishment for running away from home.
Chapter 32: Jayden and Callum. The Date
Chrissy was back at work on the next Saturday, but there wasn't much to be done other than the clothing orders for the changing service, so they finished early and went home to see about getting ready for a night out at the club. Becky was still in bed when they got home, so Chrissy went up to get a couple more hours sleep before they went out.
Amber was out with Sara, getting things sorted out for the wedding. So Amy went to the kitchen and sat chatting to Mandy and Jayden until Amber got home, then they set to work on dinner. Jayden wanted to start and learn to cook more than what she could, so she got up and was soon being shown how to sort out preparing potatoes to go in the oven, and then making a mixed salad ready for when the jacket potatoes were ready.
Everything was in the fridge, or the oven cooking when Chrissy and Becky came back down stairs, so they took a seat at the table, and just sat talking about the wedding.
"I bet Sara is getting excited now?" Chrissy asked Amber.
"Yes she is. I'm just glad that Carl has people sorting everything for her, so all she has to worry about are the dresses." Amber sighed.
"Have you managed to get Cathy's dress finished without Sara seeing it?" Becky asked.
"Yes, I left Sara working on the finishing touches with her dress, while Cathy and I went over to the studio where I've been working on her dress, and we did the final fitting today." Amber smiled. "She looked so beautiful in it." Amber added with pride in what she'd managed to achieve.
"I truest you'll be taking some photos to add to your portfolio while your at the wedding then Amber?" Mandy asked with a grin.
"You bet I will!" Amber said looking shocked at Mandy's silly question. "Cathy said I'm as good as Sara when it comes to designing wedding dresses." Amber added with a grin.
"Are we still going to that design show tomorrow with Sara and Cathy?" Amy asked Amber, as she sat cuddled up to her at the kitchen table.
"Yes we are. Are you sure you don't want to come with us Chrissy, Becky?" Amber asked.
"We're sure, but thanks for asking. We've got plans with Jayden for tomorrow, but have fun." Chrissy smiled, as she looked at Jayden.
Becky had booked a table for her, Chrissy, Jayden and Callum for tomorrow afternoon at a restaurant. Becky had Chrissy tell Callum that they would pick him up from his house. That way he'd end up sat in the back of her car with Jayden. Callum had no idea that Jayden was going to be eating with them tomorrow. Chrissy just said she wanted to get out for a meal with Callum to catch up on what he'd been doing while she was away.
Soon Dinner was ready, and they all started eating. Once that was finished, they all helped in cleaning up the kitchen before going up to get ready to go out to the club.
The girls were ready when Vicky rang the doorbell, so they walked out to her car, while she waited for Mandy to set the alarm and then Vicky helped Mandy get in the car before getting in herself.
Vicky pulled up outside the club, and the girls got out and waited for Amy and Chrissy to look across the road before they all entered the club together. Amy was grinning, as she got to walk in with Chrissy tonight, and they would also be able to take Chrissy down for a dance this time.
"I hope you've not forgotten how to dance big sister." Amy asked Chrissy with a grin.
"Not much chance of that baby sister. I'm looking forward to a night of dancing." Chrissy said with a grin.
They were soon entering the VIP section, and Becky led them over to the sofas, so they could have a drink before they went down to the dance floor. Mandy saw Carla already sitting on a sofa, so she went over and sat on her lap, and started kissing her.
Jayden started smiling when she saw Kara walk into the VIP section. Kara waved at them all, as she made her way over to the sofas where they were all sitting.
"Hi everyone." Kara said, smiling. "I hear you had a little bit of fun here the other night." Kara asked, as she squeezed into a space on the sofa between Chrissy and Jayden.
"If you mean the waitress getting drugged, then yes, but it wasn't fun by a long shot." Carla said from the other sofa where she was cuddled up to Mandy.
"Which waitress was it? And is she doing okay again now?" Kara asked looking worried.
"I think she's fine again now. Why don't you ask her yourself." Carla said, as she waved a hand towards Chrissy.
"The waitress was you?" Kara asked, looking shocked at what she'd just been told.
"Yep, and I'm fine again now. Brad stopped them from taking me out of the club."
"So they were planning on doing more than just drugging you then?" Kara asked.
"Yes, but I dread to think what they did have planned for me once they got me away from the club. It's all a blank to me still." Chrissy cuddled up closer to Becky as she spoke.
"What's going to happen to the women that were arrested for it?" Kara asked.
"I'm pushing for the harshest sentence I can get for what they did." Carla said in a hard sounding tone. "I want to make anyone thinking of trying it again, to think twice before they do." Carla added in an icy voice.
"How did you hear about it Kara? If you don't mind me asking." Mandy said.
"I read it in last nights evening paper. It didn't say who the waitress was at the club. Just that two woman had been arrested and charged with drugging and then trying to abduct a waitress from the club, but they were stopped by a member of staff before they could." Kara told Mandy and the others.
"I won't end up with my name in the paper will I Carla?" Chrissy asked, looking worried.
"No you won't Chrissy. If they want to know your name, I'll give them a false one that will lead them no where fast. Claire and Megumi-Chan also offered to let me use their names if I needed to." Carla smiled.
"They'd really do that for me?" Chrissy asked with a shocked look on her face.
"I think everyone in the club would do that for you Chrissy. So don't worry about them finding out who you are any time soon." Carla giggled. "I've got my best lawyer on the case. By the time he's done with the two of them, they will just be glad to put this whole thing behind them. He's also getting a restraining order to keep them well away from you and the club."
"Thanks Carla, that makes me feel better knowing that." Chrissy said.
"Come on Chrissy. I want to go and dance!" Amy said, as she stood up, and then pulled Chrissy to her feet. They got all the others up, and they went down to the dance floor to do some dancing.
After they'd danced to a couple of faster songs, the DJ put a slow one on, and Jayden found herself being forced to dance with Kara by Chrissy and Becky. Jayden just smiled at the two of them when they looked at her a little later. Kara didn't look to upset with her dance partner either, as she had a smile on her face too.
The girls spent the rest of the night dancing, and then going back up to the VIP section for a drink. Brad was always close by to keep an eye on their drinks for them, so no one could tamper with them.
Chrissy had a great time, and whenever Becky had to go and sort out a problem, Chrissy would go with her. Then they would go to the dance floor to look for Amy and the others when they had it taken care of.
By the end of the night, all the girls were worn out. Chrissy told Kara that they would be picking Callum up at two the next afternoon. Then they all got in Vicki's people carrier, and she drove them home.
The next day Chrissy, Becky, and Jayden were all sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of tea, with all the others out. Mandy had gone off with Carl. Amy and Amber had gone to a fashion show with Cathy and Sara. And Ann had not come home with them the night before. She'd gone off with Brad when they closed the club.
"We better go and get ready, or we'll be late picking Callum up." Chrissy said, as she looked at Jayden.
Jayden just smiled back at her, as she got up from the table, and then helped Chrissy and Becky to their feet. "It'll be nice to spend some time getting to know Callum for a change." Jayden said with a grin.
The girls all looked nice when they left the house, not to dressy, just very smart. Chrissy got in the front with Becky, Jayden was in the back like they had planned. Callum was standing at his front door when Becky pulled up outside his house, so he walked over to the car and got in the back before he realised that Jayden was sitting on the other side of the rear seat.
"Hi Jayden, Chrissy, Becky." Callum said looking a little shocked at first to see Jayden sitting there smiling at him.
"Hi Callum. I hope you don't mind me tagging along? I was the only one with nothing to do, and Chrissy said I could come along."
"Why would I mind? I don't get to go out to dinner with three beautiful women very often," Callum said. "Well never really." Callum added with a thoughtful look on his face.
Jayden blushed when Callum called her beautiful, she'd never had a guy say anything like that to her. Callum treated her with respect, and he was kind as well. Jayden had dated a lot of guys in the past, but she could never see herself with any of them long term, but she couldn't put her finger on it until she had met Callum/Kara. Now she knew just what type of man she was looking for, and he was sitting next to her in the car.
"We couldn't get a table at the restaurant until later tonight Callum, so I thought we might go and catch a movie first. I hope you don't mind?" Becky asked, as she pulled out into traffic on her way to the cinema.
"No, I don't mind at all." Callum said with a grin. He was just happy to be spending some time with Jayden as Callum for once.
"Did you have a good time last night at the club?" Jayden asked Callum.
"Yes. Kara always has fun at the club. Did you have a good time?" Callum asked Jayden.
"Yes, I'm beginning to get use to all the dancing now. And the company was nice." Jayden smiled. "I hope you don't mind me asking Callum, but do you ever take Kara out in the day?" Jayden asked.
"No, I don't think I'd pass that well. So I just go to the club as Kara." Callum looked worried as he said it.
"I think you could." Jayden said, as she studded Callum trying to see any trace of Kara still on his male face, but not seeing any. "I think you look very different as Kara." She added with a smile.
"I could never go out in the day dressed as Kara. Being around all those normal people in the day on my own." Callum looked scared, as he shuddered.
"You wouldn't have to be on your own Callum. I'm sure that Chrissy and Becky would love to go shopping with Kara. I know I would." Jayden smiled.
Chrissy and Becky looked at each other. They liked the way Jayden was letting Callum know that she was okay with his feminine side, and was willing to explore it with him even more.
"That sounds like it could be a fun. You can count me and Becky in when you decide to do it." Chrissy said, as she looked around at Callum and Jayden sat in the back of the car.
"I'll get back to you on that one." Callum said looking worried, just thinking about going out as Kara in the day doing normal girlie stuff. He was also a little sad that Jayden saw him as a friend to go out and do fun stuff with. He was hoping that he'd be able to ask Jayden out on a date one day, but that would never happen now.
Becky was soon pulling into the car park for the cinema. Chrissy walked with Becky, and Jayden walked behind with Callum. Chrissy got the tickets for her and Becky, and she was hoping that Callum would pick up on that and buy his and Jayden's.
Callum heard Chrissy ask for two tickets for an action film, so when it was his turn to get his ticket, he also asked for two tickets.
"Thanks Callum. What do I owe you?" Jayden asked.
"Don't worry about it Jayden, my treat." Callum said with a smile.
"This kind of feels like a date now you've brought me my ticket." Jayden giggled, as she put her arm through Callum's and started following Chrissy and Becky.
Callum felt all tingly inside when Jayden grabbed his arm, but he liked it. Then when she said it felt like a date, he started grinning. "Do you mind if I carry on then, and buy you a drink and some popcorn?" Callum asked.
"Only if you don't mind Callum?" Jayden asked with a smile.
"Why would I mind?" Callum asked with a grin.
"Thanks Callum." Jayden said, as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. She was smiling when she stepped back to let him get there drinks and popcorn, but inside she was worried she might have pushed it a little too far with the kiss.
Callum looked lost in a dream world after the kiss, but he soon recovered and got their drinks and popcorn. Then they went into the cinema following Chrissy and Becky.
The girl's had picked an action film, so Jayden could use all the explosions as an excuse to cuddle up to Callum. She was soon cuddling up to him, and then she lifted his arm up and put it around her, so she could cuddle even closer.
Callum was happy to find Jayden scared of the explosions, and he was more than happy to let her cuddle up to him. This really was like a date, and he hoped that he would still have a chance with her now. 'She doesn't seem too bothered that I dress as a girl some of the time'. Callum thought to himself.
Chrissy and Becky both looked over at Callum and Jayden while they watched the movie, their plan seemed to be working just fine. Jayden looked happy, and Callum was sitting there with a silly grin on his face, so they took that as a good sign as well. Chrissy was soon cuddled up to Becky the same way Jayden was to Callum. That's why the girls liked coming to the movies so much, they could cuddle without anyone taking to much notice of them.
Once the movie ended they all left the cinema and walked back to Becky's car. Jayden let Callum get the door for her when they got there, and she gave him another quick kiss on the lips to thank him for the movie, drink and popcorn.
"Thanks for the movie, and for keeping me safe during the louder parts of the movie." Jayden smiled, just before getting in the car.
Chrissy and Becky just looked at each other grinning, as they watched Callum run around the car and jump in the other side. Becky drove to the restaurant and found a parking spot in the car park. Callum helped Jayden get out the car, and carried on like they were still on a date. Jayden was in no rush to stop him, and they followed Chrissy and Becky into the restaurant. Becky told them their name, and the man led them over to a nice table set for four.
Callum helped Jayden to sit down, while the waiter helped Chrissy and Becky to take their seats. Becky ordered wine for everyone and cola for herself, as she was driving, but also due to her being pregnant.
They looked at the menu while their drinks were being sorted out. Then they all ordered what they wanted when the waiter brought the drinks over.
Chrissy and Becky wanted to give Callum and Jayden some time a lone, so they both got up to use the restroom.
"We need to go powder our noses. Do you want to join us Jayden." Chrissy asked, with a look that told her to say no.
"I'm fine at the minute Chrissy, but thanks for asking." Jayden smiled back, getting the message loud and clear.
Callum and Jayden just sat and watched Chrissy and Becky walk away, and then they both turned to look at each other.
"Thanks for letting me treat you like my date at the cinema. It felt really nice." Callum said sounding nervous. He wanted to say more, much more, but he was scared of what she might say or do if he did, so he just shut up again.
Jayden could see the battle going on in his eyes, but short of diving on him, she couldn't give him any more clues. And she wanted him to ask her out, so he still felt like it was his idea.
"I liked it too Callum. I'd love to do it again some time." Jayden pushed a little.
Callum still wouldn't take that final step and ask her out. She was just about to say something else when the waiter came over to ask if the meal had been okay, and did they want to order any more drinks. By the time they got rid of the waiter, Chrissy and Becky were walking back over.
Chrissy gave Jayden a look, to ask if he had asked her out, and she looked a little sad when Jayden indicated he hadn't.
"Did we miss anything exciting while we were gone?" Chrissy asked with a smile.
"No, just the waiter asking if we wanted any more drinks, so I ordered us another round of the same." Jayden smiled back, but looked a little depressed that Callum still hadn't asked her out on another date.
"I'm going to buy you a blond wig Callum, I never realised you were this dumb." Chrissy said in an angry whisper.
"Chrissy! You can't say something like that to someone." Becky said in a whisper, as she tried to stop Chrissy saying any more.
"I'm sorry, but it's true. How many more hints can Jayden give him?" Chrissy asked.
"What's your problem Chrissy?" Callum asked looking shocked at Chrissy's sudden outburst towards him.
"My problem is, you haven't kissed the girl already and asked her out on another date." Chrissy said, as she threw her arms in the air. "Now kiss her already, and ask her out on another date." Chrissy added, as she pointed towards Jayden.
Jayden just sat looking at Chrissy with her mouth open, and then she turned to look at Callum again with hope in her eyes. She stopped feeling disappointed when Callum pulled her close to him and then gave her a long deep kiss that made the rest of the world just melt away into nothing.
"Jayden, would you please allow me to take you out on a date some time?" Callum asked when they broke the kiss.
"Yes, I'd love to go out on another date with you Callum." Jayden said in a husky voice, as she tried to get her breath back after the kiss they just shared. She was soon going in search of a second one.
Chrissy and Becky were both grinning at them when they stopped. They wished they could do the same, but they were already getting a lot of looks from the other customers as it were.
"Why do I get the impression that this whole movie and dinner thing was set up just to get Jayden and me together." Callum said with a very dubious look on his face.
"I asked Chrissy to help me Callum." Jayden said looking a little worried. "I didn't think you'd ever ask me out if she didn't." Jayden added.
"You're just so beautiful Jayden, and you've seen me as Kara. I thought you would laugh at me if I asked you out on a date." Callum said, as he looked down at the table.
"The only time I would ever laugh around you Callum would be with you, but never at you." Jayden said, as she made Callum look at her again. "I love what you have in here." Jayden put her hand on his chest as she spoke. "The rest is just wrapping paper." Jayden pulled him closer again for another kiss.
"Do you really mean that Jayden? Because I don't think I could ever stop being Kara." Callum said, trying to be as honest has he could be from the start with her.
"Why would I ever want to make you stop being Kara? She's part of what I love about you." Jayden smiled. "I do have a couple of questions though, and a request." Jayden added.
"I'll answer if I can, and do what ever I can to help you deal with the Kara side of me." Callum said, as he sat waiting for the questions, and request.
"Do you like going out with guys when you're dressed as Kara?" Jayden asked looking worried.
"No I don't. Kara would be a lesbian, and I only like girls as well." Callum said with a grin. "Next question?" Callum asked.
"Do you plan to become a woman at any point in the future like Chrissy and Amy have?" Jayden asked looking even more worried about the answer she might get back from him.
"No. I like being a man; I just let Kara out to have some fun every now and then." Callum said, as he wrapped his arms around Jayden and hugged her. "If you've done with the questions, what's the request now?" Callum asked.
"Can I watch you become Kara at some point? I think you look so different, that unless I get to see you become her, I don't think I'll ever believe you're the same person really." Jayden said.
"Yes, for you I'd do anything, but I will need to have a word with Cathy first. I don't think I could do it myself the first time with you watching me, so I'll ask Cathy to book me in at the changing service." Callum said, just before kissing Jayden again.
"Thank you Callum for a lovely first date, and I hope we have many more together." Jayden said with a grin when they stopped kissing again.
"So do I Jayden, so do I." Callum was grinning back at her.
"You two look good together." Chrissy was grinning, as she waved the waiter over.
"Good evening miss. What can I do for you?" The waiter asked with a smile.
"We've finished now. Can we please have the check please?" Chrissy asked.
"Right away miss." He said, just before walking away to get the bill for them.
Callum and Jayden went to get their money out, but Chrissy stopped them. "This is on me tonight. I need to get rid of some more of this money anyway." Chrissy said, as she pulled out an envelope full of money and started pulling out notes.
"Wow Chrissy, what did you do, rob a bank?" Callum asked when he saw all the money in the envelope.
"No, I kept getting paid in cash at the club where I worked for all those weeks. I got that use to paying for everything in cash, I've just not had time to get to a bank yet to put it in my account." Chrissy said, as she put it back in her purse before the waiter came back over with the bill for them.
"We'll be doing it on Wednesday for sure baby. I had no idea you were carrying all that around with you." Becky said looking worried.
"I don't normally, but I just grabbed it today and chucked it in my bag." Chrissy said.
The waiter came back, and Chrissy paid the bill, and also left a nice big tip for him at the same time. Then they got up and left the restaurant. Chrissy talked Becky into heading to a quiet bar so they could sit and talk some more, but she wouldn't do it unless Chrissy took the envelope full of cash out her purse and locked it in the glove box of the car while they went in. Chrissy agreed and they found a nice quiet wine bar to sit and talk some more.
It was getting late when they dropped Callum off at his home, and they gave Jayden a couple of minutes to say good night before they headed for home themselves.
Mandy, Amy, Amber, and Ann were all in the kitchen when they got home, so Becky and Chrissy made them all a hot chocolate before joining them at the table to sit and enjoy it. The others soon noticed Jayden sat there with a silly grin on her face.
"Are you feeling alright Jayden?" Mandy asked.
"Never better." Jayden said with a sigh.
"Is she drunk?" Mandy asked Chrissy and Becky this time.
"Nope, just in love." Chrissy said with a dreamy look, as she sat cuddling and kissing Becky.
"In love! Who with?" Amy asked looking all excited.
"We'll let Jayden tell you that bit." Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Jayden.
"I'm in love with Callum, and Kara." Jayden said with a grin.
All the girls clapped, and then gave Jayden a hug to congratulate her on finding a nice guy to go out with. They all loved Callum/Kara very much, and were happy that the two of them had hit it off so well.
They sat and finished their drinks, while Chrissy, Becky, and Jayden filled them all in on how they planned and then carried out their operation. They all laughed when Jayden told them about Chrissy finally loosing it and having a go at Callum. They loved the bit where Chrissy made fun of herself with the blond wig bit.
Jayden gave Chrissy and Becky an extra special hug when they got up to their bedroom door, as she thanked them for all the help with Callum. Then they all went to bed, ready to start a new week.
To Be Continued Next week
Written by SaraUK
Edited (I tried to) and Posted by ChrisW
By SaraUK
Part 12
Chapter 33: Kara and Jayden, The second date
Chrissy was just checking some new stock in when she heard the bell above the shop door go off, so she looked to see whom it was and smiled when she saw Callum smiling back at her, as he walked up to where the shop counter was.
“Hi Callum. What brings you in here on a Monday?” Chrissy asked with a smile, but it soon faded when she saw the worried look on his face. “What’s wrong Callum? Don’t tell me you’re going to split up with Jayden already.” Chrissy asked with anger in her voice.
“Nothings wrong like that Chrissy. I just need your help with something, and I know how you love to plan things like this.” Callum said looking a little more relaxed as he said it. “Why would I want to break up with Jayden anyway?” Callum suddenly asked when he realised what Chrissy had just said.
“I don’t know, you just looked like you had bad news for me when you walked in.” Chrissy said, thinking it all sounded a bit silly, now she thought about it. “What can I help you with?” Chrissy asked with a smile.
“You remember Jayden’s request last night? The one where she wanted to see me become Kara?” Callum asked.
“Sure I do, but what does that have to do with me?” Chrissy asked.
“I was wondering if you’d give Cathy a call for me, and sort out for her to do it tomorrow night.”
“Sure, but why tomorrow night?” Chrissy asked.
“I was hoping that you could help me set up a dinner date with Jayden after the makeover, and then I could bring her to the club after. Do you think Cathy could sort out a nice dress for Jayden to wear without her finding out?” Callum asked with hope in his eyes.
“I think I can sort something out. I’ll give Cathy a call now while you’re here.” Chrissy smiled, as she grabbed her mobile out her purse and called Cathy’s mobile number.
Cathy was just setting up at the hotel for her first customer of the day when her mobile started ringing. She grabbed it out her purse and answered it when she saw it was Chrissy. “Hi Chrissy, is everything alright?”
“Hi Cathy. Everything is fine, how about you? Got everything ready for the big day on Sunday?” Chrissy asked with a giggle.
“Yep, just as long as I can stop the maid of honour running away or getting drugged.” Cathy giggled.
“Oh, you heard about that then?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes I heard about that. How you feeling now?” Cathy asked with worry in her voice.
“I was fine the next day, thanks to Brad. I dread to think what could have happened if he hadn’t stopped them.” Chrissy shuddered as she thought about it.
“I’m glad your fine anyway Chrissy. So what can I do for you on this fine day?” Cathy asked.
“I’ve got Callum stood here with me, and he needs your help with something.” Chrissy said.
“Sure, if I can help I will.” Cathy said. “What does he need?”
“He wants you to do a makeover on him tomorrow night, but he also wants you to help get Jayden ready for a dinner date with him at the same time, but she won’t know anything about it until you go and grab her at the end of the day.” Chrissy said, as she laid out the plan for Cathy.
“Amber said that Jayden and Callum was an item now, but I thought she was just joking with me. You know what Amber can be like. So it’s true then?” Cathy asked, loving some good gossip.
v“Yes it’s true, so can you help us out?” Chrissy asked.
“Sure, count me in. Tell Callum to be here at five tomorrow evening. Jayden gets off at the same time, so I’ll go and have a word with Ann, and get her to bring Jayden over to the changing service rooms. I know that Ann gives her a lift to and from work.” Cathy said, as she started forming a plan in her head.
“Thanks Cathy, I knew I could count on you.” Chrissy smiled.
“You better warn Callum that Kara will be part of the hen night for Sara and I though now.” Cathy giggled.
“That works out even better then now I think about it.” Chrissy was grinning. “I better go and fill Callum in on all the details then, and I’ll speak to you later. Bye!”
“Okay. Bye Chrissy.” Cathy said, just before ending the call.
Chrissy put her mobile back in her purse and then filled Callum in on all the details Cathy just gave her.
“Your timing couldn’t be better for doing this Callum.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Why is that Chrissy?”
“We’re having a bit of a hen party for Cathy and Sara tomorrow night at the club, and now Kara will be there as well.”
“Oh, I can sort it for another night, if that would be better?” Callum asked.
“Don’t be silly, I think it would do you some good to have a girl’s night out in the week. I know Jayden will love to have you there with her as well.” Chrissy said with a grin. “I’ll give Carl a quick call when you’ve left, and get a table booked in the restaurant at the hotel. Ready for when you’ve had the makeover.” Chrissy added, as she made a note of what she needed to do to help Callum with his date.
“If you call Carl, won’t Jayden find out about it all?” Callum asked with a worried look on his face.
“Trust me, if anyone can get a table booked without Jayden finding out, it’s Carl.” Chrissy giggled.
“Thanks for helping me do this Chrissy, and thanks for what you did last night as well.” Callum stepped up to Chrissy and gave her a hug, then kissed her on the cheek.
Chrissy blushed, and then giggled when she thought of how silly it was when she thought that at one time Callum went out of his way to hurt her, and now he was hugging and kissing her on the cheek.
“What’s so funny Chrissy?” Callum asked.
“Sorry Callum, but I was just thinking how things have changed between us.” Chrissy smiled. “If someone had turned around and told me while we were still at school, that you’d be asking me to help you become a girl for the night, so you could take out another girl… Well you work it out.” Chrissy giggled again.
“I can see what you mean Chrissy.” Callum also had to giggle. “I really don’t deserve you as a friend, but I’m glad I have you as one.” Callum hugged her again, and gave her another kiss on the cheek.
“You really need to stop doing that Callum. People will start to talk.” Chrissy said blushing again.
“I’m sure Becky would understand it was just a thank you peck on the cheek.”
“Just remember to give her a hug, and a peck on the cheek the next time you see her, then she won’t be able to have a go at me for it then.” Chrissy was grinning. “Cathy told me to have you at the hotel for five tomorrow night, and she’ll sort out with Ann to bring Jayden to the changing service rooms when she finishes work.”
“Okay Chrissy, and thanks again for all the help.” Callum smiled. “I better see about getting off again, or I’ll be late for my next meeting.” Callum added, as he looked at his watch.
“Okay Callum and I hope the date goes well tomorrow night.” Chrissy shouted, as Callum left the shop with a smile and a wave to Chrissy.
Chrissy got back to sorting out the new stock, but she started to form an idea about something else that Jayden wanted to try, so she grabbed her mobile again.
Cathy was just sat having a cup of tea with Maria when her mobile started ringing again. She looked puzzled when she saw it was Chrissy again, so she answered it. “Hello again, do you just love to hear my voice Chrissy?” Cathy asked with a giggle.
“You’d think so wouldn’t you.” Chrissy giggled back down the phone. “I’m sorry to keep bothering you like this, but I was wondering if I could get you to help me play a little trick on Callum?” Chrissy asked.
“You finally going to have some revenge on him, for all the times he picked on you while you were at school together?” Cathy asked with an evil grin on her face. She knew that Chrissy would never do anything like that to hurt Callum, but it was still fun to wish and hope.
“No, nothing like that Cathy. I just want to help Kara have some fun shopping, and this could be a fun way of doing it.”
“Okay, so what do you want my help with Chrissy?”
“I was wondering if you could use a set of the good breast forms, and attach them and use the masking makeup on them? So it looks like Kara has real breasts. Then I was thinking of loosing the removal solvent, so she has to come out shopping with us on Wednesday.” Chrissy wasn’t sure Cathy would go along with this or not.
“Are you sure Kara will be okay with all this?” Cathy asked.
“You’ve seen how good she looks when she’s dressed. She just needs a little helping hand to take that final step, and I know she’ll have a lot of fun once we get her out shopping.” Chrissy pleaded with Cathy.
“Okay Chrissy, I’m game, but you’ll need to get the okay from Carl first. He won’t be happy if I just use a set of the expensive breast forms without filling out all the right paperwork.”
“I need to call Carl and sort out a table in the restaurant anyway, so I’ll explain it all to him and get his approval for you.” Chrissy said, sounding much happier about it all.
“I’ll wait to hear from Carl later then, to make sure he’s okay with all this, and I’ll see you tomorrow night at the club. Love you!” Cathy said.
“Until tomorrow, and thanks for doing all this. Love you too!” Chrissy shouted back, just before ending the call.
Chrissy scrolled down her mobile until she found Carl’s mobile number, then she hit the call button and waited for him to answer it.
Carl was just taking a break from talking to some people, that wanted him to invest in their company, when his mobile started ringing, so he got it out his pocket, and saw that it was Chrissy calling, so he answered it.
“Hi Chrissy, is everything alright?”
“Hi Carl, everything is fine. I hope I’m not calling at a bad time?”
“No, not at all. I was just taking a break from a very dull business meeting. Your voice is like a breath of fresh air right now.” Carl chuckled. “Did you call for a reason, or just felt like chatting for a bit?” Carl asked.
“As much as I like to just chat with you Carl, I did call for a reason.” Chrissy said, she then went on to explain what she needed him to do for her with the meal in the restaurant, and then she went on to ask about the breast forms for Callum tomorrow night.
“That’s fine Chrissy. I’ll go down and reserve the best table for them, and keep it quiet as to whom it’s being booked for. I’ll also go and let Cathy know that it’s fine for her to use what ever she needs to make Kara look her best.” Carl said, sounding happy about it all.
“And remember not to let Jayden know anything about it.” Chrissy reminded him.
“Don’t worry Chrissy, I have done this sort of thing before remember.” Carl chuckled down the phone.
“I know you have Carl. I should have more faith in you by now.” Chrissy said with a sigh. “I better let you get back to your meeting then. Thanks for the help, and good luck staying awake in there.” Chrissy giggled.
“Thanks Chrissy, but I think it’s going to take more than luck to keep me awake for another hour. I’ll chat to you later. Bye!”
“Thanks again Carl. Bye!”
Chrissy put her phone away again, and got back to work. Amy was still in the back room wrapping the Internet orders, and Mandy was out picking up some more stock from a supplier. The rest of the day went like clockwork for the girls, and they were all glad to be finishing at the end of the day.
Becky was sorting out dinner when they got home, so Chrissy ran over and wrapped her arms around Becky and hugged her. Chrissy and Amy were both soon helping to get dinner ready. Amy and Amber did the same thing Chrissy and Becky had done, when Amber got home a little later. Mandy had gone up to take a shower before dinner, and she’d just sat down at the kitchen table again when they all heard Ann and Jayden getting in from work.
They all sat down to have dinner, then Chrissy went with Becky to get changed out of her work clothes and help Becky get ready for work.
Chrissy told Becky about Callum coming into the shop earlier in the day and what she’d help him sort out for tomorrow night. She even told Becky about the plan to leave him dressed as Kara, so they could all go out shopping on the Wednesday. Becky thought that sounded like fun, but said they’d have to be careful not to let Kara get in any trouble.
“I’m going to miss not seeing you at the club while I take my little breaks thought the night.” Becky said with a pout, as they made their way back down stairs to see if Vicky was there yet.
“I can soon go and get ready to come with you my love.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she stopped walking down the hallway towards the stairs.
“As tempting as that is baby, I don’t think it’s good for you to be working at the shop all day, and then coming to the club with me in the evening.” Becky stroked the side of Chrissy’s face, as she smiled at her.
“I’d still like to do it every now and then. I want to keep an eye on you and the twins.” Chrissy pattered Becky’s belly as she said it.
“That sounds like fun baby, but I think you could use a night off to relax and put your feet up.” Becky smiled, just before kissing her.
Vicky was stood in the hallway when they got down stairs. Chrissy said a proper goodbye to Becky, and then waved as Vicky drove away. Chrissy spent the rest of the night cuddled up to Mandy on one of the sofas watching TV. Mandy called it a night and took Chrissy to bed when she saw her starting to nod off. Chrissy woke a little when Becky got home and came to bed, but she was soon falling asleep again after she pulled Becky into a hug with her.
Jayden had just finished work on the Tuesday night and was making her way down to Ann’s office to get a lift home. She’d just spent the day working with Dale, learning how he kept the hotel running smoothly for Carl. Ann was just finishing up some accounts on her computer, so Jayden took a seat on the sofa Ann had in her office.
“I’ll be done in a couple of minutes Jayden.” Ann smiled, as she looked around the monitor at Jayden rubbing her feet. “If I don’t finish it now, I’ll have to start all over again tomorrow.” Ann added with a grim look.
“Don’t worry about it Ann. It’s nice to just sit down and relax for a little bit.” Jayden sighed, as she sat back on the sofa.
“Has Dale been working you to hard again?” Ann asked with a pout, just before she started grinning.
“No, not really. I just find my feet ache more when I’m just stood around, than they do when I’m walking around or dancing for hours.” Jayden had a puzzled look on her face as she said it.
“That’s why I’m happy with my desk job.” Ann said with a grin, as she patted her desk.
Ann was soon finished with the account she was working on. She then shut down the computer and grabbed her bag so they could leave.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I just need to make a quick stop and drop something off with Cathy.” Ann asked with a smile.
“I don’t mind at all Ann. Lead the way.” Jayden smiled back at her.
Ann was grinning as she walked
just in front of Jayden towards the part of the hotel where Cathy and Maria working with the changing service. Jayden had no idea that the thing she was dropping off with Cathy was her.
They were soon entering one of the rooms where Cathy worked her magic. Jayden was walking just behind Ann, so she couldn’t see who was in the room still.
“Here you go, safely delivered. Just like I promised.” Ann said to whom Jayden took to be Cathy.
“Thanks Ann. I hope I haven’t put you out?” Jayden heard a male voice ask Ann. A male voice she knew only to well. Jayden was soon trying to look around Ann to see if the person matched the voice.
Callum was stood in the middle of the room smiling at Jayden, but still looking very nervous about what he’d done, and was about to do.
“Callum! What’s going on?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look on her face, but she still looked happy to see him.
“Hi Jayden. I hope you don’t mind, but I got Chrissy to help me set this all up.” Callum said, as he waved his hand around the room they were standing in.
“What is all this?” Jayden asked, as she mimicked what Callum had just done with his hand.
“You said you wanted to see me become Kara, and I thought that tonight would be a good night for you to see it.” Callum said with a nervous smile. “I was hoping that you’d have dinner with me after, and then we could go to the club together?”
“I’d love to Callum, but I don’t have anything to wear. I look fine for a meal, but not for going out clubbing after.” Jayden said looking a little disheartened about it all.
“That’s all been covered Jayden.” Callum smiled. “Remember, I did say that I got Chrissy to help me plan all this out.” He added with a grin.
“Don’t worry about anything Jayden. I’ll be working on you, once I have Callum looking like the girl he was born to be.” Cathy said with a grin, as she handed him some items to change into. “You go in the changing room and put these on, and I’ll keep Jayden company for you.” Cathy added, as she pushed Callum off towards another room.
Ann stood and watched Callum wonder off, and then she turned to Cathy and Jayden. “I see my part of the mission is now done, so I’m going to head home and see about getting ready for the hen party at the club
“Hen party?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look, as she looked at Cathy. Ann had already left the room.
“Yes, hen party. You know a party for the bride to be, or brides in this case.” Cathy was grinning.
“Yes, I know what a hen party is Cathy. I just never knew you were having one, and that I’d be invited to it.”
“Why wouldn’t you be invited to the hen party? You are part of the family now.” Cathy stood grinning. “We even get to add Kara to the fun now as well.”
“Thanks Cathy. I’ve never been to a wedding, or been part of all the fun leading up to it before.”
“Well I’d get use to it if I was you. With all the match making Chrissy’s done over the past couple of years. I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of weddings in the near future.” Cathy said with an even bigger grin on her face.
They were interrupted by Callum coming back out the changing room wearing a cream coloured silk robe. So Cathy stopped all talk about weddings, she didn’t want to scare the poor boy so early in his relationship with Jayden.
“Come and take a seat Callum, and we’ll get started on bringing Kara out.” Cathy said, as she led Callum over to a bench for him to lie on.
“Why do you want me to lie down Cathy?” Callum asked looking a little worried.
“I need to attach some breast forms. The dress I have planned for you tonight won’t work otherwise.” Cathy smiled. “Just lie back and relax.”
Callum had never had the breast forms attached before, but he’d always wondered what he’d look like, and what it would feel like to have breasts attached to his chest. Now he was about to find out. He lay on the bench and let Cathy work her magic.
Jayden moved to a better spot, so she could watch Cathy. Cathy got a box off another table and brought it over to where she had Callum lying down, then she opened the box and took out what looked like a real breast and placed it on Callum’s chest. Jayden had to giggle when she saw Callum jump.
“That’s cold Cathy!” Callum shouted.
“Sorry hon, I should have warned you first.” Cathy said with a grin, but Callum never saw it.
Jayden saw Cathy grin when she said sorry, so she had a pretty good idea that she wasn’t sorry at all really. Jayden watched as Cathy marked the area where the breast would be going, and then Cathy got the other breast and did the same with that. Once she had them both marked for location, Cathy removed it again and then spread some clear gel on his chest, and then the breast form before placing it back on his chest. She repeated it with the second one and then wandered off to do something else.
“I need you to just lay there for a little bit while the glue sets.” Cathy said, as she walked away.
Jayden walked over to where Callum was lying, and smiled down at him. “You look worried Callum, is everything okay?”
“I am worried Jayden.” Callum said in a shaky voice.
“What are you worried about?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look, as she took hold of his hand.
“I’m worried that you won’t want to go out with me any more, once you’ve seen me become Kara.” Callum said, as a tear ran down the side of his face.
“Why would you think such a silly thing? I’m finding all this a big turn on.” Jayden started grinning, as she went a little red faced. Before Callum could say anymore, Jayden leaned down and started kissing him. Callum looked far more relaxed when Jayden stopped kissing him. He even had a silly little grin on his face.
“If you two have done for the time being, do you mind if I finish off doing his breasts for him?” Cathy asked with a grin, and she stood holding some makeup gear in her hands.
“Sorry Cathy. Please carry on.” Jayden said with a grin, as she took a step back to let Cathy carry on turning Callum into Kara.
Cathy was soon mixing up some makeup to match Callum’s skin tone and putting it around the edge of the breast forms to hide where the form stopped, and Callum started. Jayden was soon looking at Callum, but with the chest of a woman.
“You can sit up again now Callum.” Cathy said, as she removed all the stuff she’d been using so far.
Callum sat up, and looked down to find two large mounds of flesh hanging from his chest. He thought it felt odd having the extra weight hanging from his chest, but it felt nice at the same time. Callum sat and wiggled his chest from side to side, and then up and down, as he watched his new breasts bounce around. He was soon looking at Jayden though, when he heard her giggling at him.
“What’s so funny?” Callum asked with a hurt look on his face.
“I’m sorry Callum, but you just look like a kid with a new toy, or two of them in your case.” Jayden giggled some more, as she pointed at his new chest.
“It does feel a little weird having breasts all of a sudden.” Callum said, as he looked down, and wiggled his chest again.
“Can I have a feel?” Jayden asked, as she stepped a little closer.
“Sure, but only if I get to do the same at some point?” Callum asked with a grin. Callum stopped grinning and looked shocked when Jayden lifted his hand up and placed in on one of her breast.
“That sounds fair to me.” Jayden said with a grin, as she saw the shocked look on Callum’s face.
Callum just sat on the edge of the bench with his hand on one of Jayden’s breast. Even though she was still wearing a bra and blouse, he could still feel the warmth coming from it. Callum never made any attempt to move his hand around and feel it properly.
Jayden wasn’t as shy though, and she was lifting them, and then pinching the nipple. She’d never had any interest in other women, but for some reason this was really turning her on. Jayden wanted to rush Cathy along, so she could see more of Kara. She got her wish when Cathy came back over to them.
“Come on Callum, we need to get started on your face now.” Cathy said, as she helped Callum up off the bench.
Jayden got a proper look at the other things Callum had put on in the changing room now. He had some form of padded girdle on to give him female hips, but they were built into what looked like pantyhose. He also had on a pair of funny looking panties. Jayden later found out that the panties are called a gaff. The girdle/pantyhose didn’t have a crotch area, so Callum/Kara would be able to go to the bathroom with very little trouble.
Callum wrapped the robe around himself again, but it looked very different now that he had breasts, and Jayden thought it looked sexy the way the robe fell open to show off a nice amount of cleavage.
Cathy soon had Callum sat in her makeup chair, and she started by using some moisturiser on his face. Then she put a wig cap over his hair while she waited for the moisturiser to soak in. Then Cathy set to work on making Callum’s eyebrow’s disappear.
“What’s that you’re doing Cathy?” Jayden asked, as she watched Cathy spreading something on Callum’s eyebrows.
“I’m waxing them down, so I can cover them with makeup.” Cathy said, as she carried on working.
“You’re waxing his eyebrows?” Jayden asked with worry in her voice.
“Relax Jayden. It’s not that sort of waxing.” Cathy giggled. “All I’m doing is making the area flat, so I can give him a more feminine look once I’ve covered it with foundation.”
“Sorry, I just thought for a second that he’d have no eyebrows when you’d done.” Jayden said with a sigh of relief.
“He won’t, but nothing I do tonight will be permanent Jayden.” Cathy turned and smiled at her.
Jayden watched as Cathy worked on Callum, and slowly he became a she. Jayden soon found herself stood looking at Kara in the makeup chair. She found her self getting very turned on by what she saw happening.
Once Cathy had finished with the makeup, she walked over and came back with a long curly blond wig.
“A blonde wig? I’ve never been a blonde before.” Callum said.
“Chrissy called me, and said you wanted to give it a try. She said you’d been practising, what ever that means.” Cathy said with a shrug, as she started fitting the wig onto Callum’s head.
Jayden and Callum started giggling, when they both remembered Chrissy’s comment from the night before, about Callum being so blond sometimes.
“She can be quite sarcastic at times.” Callum said between giggles.
“Do you care to share the joke with the rest of us?” Cathy asked with a puzzled look.
“Sorry Cathy, but Chrissy had to give me a little push last night to take the final step and kiss Jayden. She said that I could be such a blonde sometimes. Now do you see what we’re laughing at?” Callum asked.
“Chrissy does have a point though Callum, or should I say Kara. You do make a cute looking blond.” Cathy said, as she stepped back and spun the chair around to face the mirror.
Callum found himself looking at a cute looking blonde version of Kara. He smiled, and she smiled back at him.
“Thank you Cathy, Amazing work like always.” Kara smiled, as she turned to look at Cathy.
Cathy just smiled back, and Jayden was shocked at how quick Callum had changed his voice to sound more feminine. It had a deep husky sound, but still sounded very feminine and sexy.
“I know I’m going to get in trouble for this, but I just have to.” Jayden said, as she stepped up to Callum/Kara, and gave her a long deep passionate kiss. She loved every second of it, even the way their lips stuck together like they never wanted to part again, but they did.
“I think you’ve found yourself a keeper there Kara.” Cathy said with a grin. “Don’t worry about the lipstick Jayden. I used a long lasting one, just like I got Chrissy and Becky to start using.” Cathy giggled.
“I plan to keep Callum and Kara around for a very long time to come. Don’t you worry about that.” Jayden said with a grin, just before kissing Kara again. “I hope that stops any worries you had about me not wanting to be with you once I saw you become Kara.”
“Yes it does.” Kara said having some trouble keeping her voice soft enough to still sound like a female.
“If you’ve both finished showing each other how you really feel, I’ve laid out your clothes for the evening in the changing room Kara. And I’ll make a start on your makeup once you’ve got undressed and slipped into this.” Cathy said, as she held up a silk robe for Jayden to change into.
Jayden gave Kara another quick kiss, and then grabbed the robe off Cathy, and ran off to get changed into it. Kara smiled, as she watched Jayden run off, then she turned and smiled at Cathy. Cathy just smiled back, and then winked at her.
“Now go and get dressed, or you’ll be late for your dinner date, which will then make you late for the hen party at the club.” Cathy said the last bit with a frown.
“Okay, okay, I’m moving.” Kara said, as she got up out the chair and made her way over to the other changing room to what Jayden was in.
Kara found a beautiful black cocktail dress hanging up in the changing room waiting for her, and then she saw sexy black underwear lying on the bench next to it. Kara just smiled, and knew that Chrissy had also had a hand in this part as well. Kara set to work getting dressed, the fist thing she put on was a wasp style waist clincher to thin her mid section a little more, then she slipped of the gaff she had on and set to work on putting the stocking and suspenders on, followed by a black gaff over the top of it all. Then she added the black bra that was the only piece of underwear left.
Looking in the mirror, once she had all the under things on, she thought she looked pretty sexy. Having breasts that looked real helped to add to the overall look. Kara was soon getting the dress down off the hanger and stepping into it. She’d never worn anything like this before, the dress was very low cut at the front and showed off a lot of cleavage. It felt wonderful to wear, and she ended up doing a little spin, as she looked in the mirror on the wall.
The only thing left for Kara to put on were a pair of black sandals with little diamonds all the way across the front of them. The dress had a very similar looking diamond pattern running down of one shoulder, and also around the belt. With the sandals on, Kara took one last look in the mirror before going out to see how Cathy was doing with Jayden’s makeup.
The makeup chair was empty, and Cathy was cleaning up her work area when Kara got out there. “Is Jayden still in the changing room?” Kara asked with some worry in her voice.
Cathy turned around and smiled, when she saw how beautiful Kara looked in the dress and heels. “No, I’ve done her makeup, and she’s back in there getting dressed now. So don’t look so worried Kara, she’s not got scared and ran away.”
“Do you think I look okay Cathy?” Kara asked, as she did a quick spin to give Cathy a good look at her.
“You look more than okay Kara. You look beautiful.” Cathy said with a grin. “I hope you don’t mind, but I better get some photos of you in the dress, for Sara’s scrapbook.” Cathy added, as she picked up a digital camera.
“Why does Sara want photos of the dress?” Kara asked with a puzzled look.
“She always likes to get photos of her designs, so she can put the photo next to the design for everyone to see.” Cathy said in a matter of fact way.
“This is one of Sara’s designs?” Kara asked, looking shocked.
“Yep, that one, and the one Jayden will be wearing.” Cathy said, as she started snapping shots of the dress. She got Kara to stand in different posers, as she kept taking shot after shot.
Kara turned to look at Jayden when she heard the clicking of heels, and saw Cathy stop taking photos to look behind Kara. Kara was lost for words as she looked at Jayden stood there in a white cocktail dress that was made for her.
“You look so beautiful Jayden.” Was all Kara could think to say, as she drank in the image before her.
“Thank you Kara, but you’re not looking to bad yourself.” Jayden smiled, as she looked Kara up and down.
“I think you both look amazing. Now can I get some photos of the two of you together, then I’ll get a couple of Jayden on her own.” Cathy said, as she waved for the two of them to get closer together.
Kara and Jayden were soon having some fun hugging and posing together. Cathy was having a good time taking the photos, and she had them kissing each other in a couple of them. Then she took some of Jayden posing on her own before she said she’d taken enough.
Jayden walked over to where Kara was stood watching, and she wrapped her arms around Kara and then started kissing her. Jayden found it a little strange when she felt Kara’s breasts press against her own, but she also liked the way it felt. She also liked the way their lips didn’t want to part now they were both wearing heavy amounts of lipstick.
“I could really get use to this Kara.” Jayden purred, as they broke the kiss.
“Does this mean you’re turning lesbian on me?” Kara asked with a little worry in her voice.
“Maybe, but only for my very special lady.” Jayden said, just before kissing Kara again. “And by the way, you are that very special lady.”
“I know you may think it a little early in our relationship for saying stuff like this Jayden, but I think I love you.” Kara said.
“I don’t think I love you.” Jayden said, but before she could say anymore Kara let go of her and took a step back looking heartbroken.
“Oh, I see.” Was all Kara said.
“I don’t think you do Kara. I don’t think I love you, I know I do.” Jayden said, as she stepped closer to Kara, just before wrapping her arms around her again.
Kara started smiling again, and was soon hugging Jayden again, as they started kissing some more. They only stopped when they heard Cathy clearing her throat.
“I’m sorry to break up this touching moment, but Carl booked a table for the two of you in the restaurant. It’s under the name Kara Jayden.” Cathy said with a smile. “He thought it sounded like a cute name for a girl. He also told me to let you know that he’s paying for the meal, so just relax and have a good time together.” Cathy added, as she handed them each a little clutch bag with their makeup and other bits and bobs in for the evening.
“What about our other clothes Cathy?” Kara asked.
“Don’t worry. I’ll get them packed into a couple of bags and give them to Vicky to put in the trunk of her car.” Cathy said, as she led the pair of them towards the door. “Now go and enjoy your dinner date, and I’ll see you both at the club later.” Cathy added, as she gave them both a hug.
“Thank you Cathy for helping me do all this.” Kara smiled, as she hugged Cathy back.
“You’re welcome honey. I’m glad you’ve found someone to share this side of you with.” Cathy said. “Now go and eat, or you’ll never get to the club later.” Cathy added, as she turned Kara around and playfully slapped her on the bottom.
“We’re going, we’re going.” Kara giggled, as she grabbed Jayden’s hand and started walking towards the restaurant.
Jayden thought it was pretty cool having a boyfriend that was also a girlfriend as well. She could see why Mandy had so much fun with Carl now she thought about it. She looked at Kara, and how beautiful she looked. Jayden wished that they could spend the night together, and she didn’t mean eating dinner and going to the club, but she didn’t want to push it too far to fast. So she pushed them thoughts aside and just focused on having a good time with her new girlfriend.
Kara was trying not to grin, and give himself away. He felt like the luckiest guy on the planet right now. He was dressed as Kara, and going out on a date with one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Kara let out a sigh, as she looked at Jayden walking beside her
Jayden looked at Kara when she heard her sigh. “Is everything alright Kara?”
“Yes, I just hope this isn’t a dream. If it is, I don’t ever want to wake up from it.” Kara smiled back at Jayden with a dreamy look on her face.
Jayden stopped walking and turned to face Kara. “No this is real Kara, and I need to tell you something before we go any further.”
Kara got that worried look again. “What’s that Jayden?”
“I found it an incredible turn on watching you become Kara, and the more I think about what’s under all that makeup and clothing. I just want to be alone with you.” Jayden said the last part with a little grin, and a glint in her eye.
Kara just stood looking at Jayden with her mouth open. She’d got no idea how to respond to what Jayden just said. Kara was worried about Jayden being put off by him becoming Kara while she watched, but instead it had made her want him even more. ‘Could life be any more perfect right now?’ Kara thought to herself.
Jayden saw the blank look turn to one of happiness as she looked at Kara, but she still hadn’t said anything, so Jayden took the lead. “Kara’s not a very dominant female is she? So it looks like I’ll have to play the role instead.” Jayden grabbed Kara by the hand, and led her to the restaurant.
Kara was more than happy to be led around by Jayden. Kara found it nice to let someone else take the lead for once.
Jayden walked into the restaurant and she knew the person seating people at their tables, so she walked up to them with a smile. “Hello Matthew. I believe that Carl booked a table for a Kara Jayden?”
“Good evening Jayden, Miss.” Matthew said, as he smiled at Jayden, and then smiled at Kara. “Yes, Carl told us to give you the very best table we have, and to charge the meal to the hotel. Please follow me, and I’ll take you to your table.” Matthew added, as he grabbed a couple of menu’s from under the counter, and then led the two of them to a very posh looking candle lit table away from everyone else.
Jayden smiled when she saw the table. Carl had made sure it was far enough away from the other tables, so they could talk without being over heard by anyone. Even thought the hotel catered to people like Kara, Carl knew it was still nice to not have others listen in on your conversations.
Matthew helped them both to take their seats, then he disappeared before either of them could order a drink. He was soon walking back over with a waiter following him. The waiter was carrying an ice bucket on a stand, which had a bottle of Champaign resting in it surrounded by ice.
“Complements of Carl.” Matthew smiled. “Please let the waiter know when you’re ready to order your starter.” Matthew added, before walking away to sort out another couple that had just entered the restaurant.
The waiter poured them both a glass of Champaign out, and then smiled at them both before walking away to wait for them to order their food. Kara and Jayden picked up the menus and started looking through the starters. Once they’d made their minds up, they called the waiter over and ordered.
“You look very relaxed at the minute Kara.” Jayden smiled, as she watched Kara put her napkin in her lap, and then rest her hands on top of it, very lady like.
“I must be putting on a good act then Jayden, because I don’t feel it.” Kara said with a nervous smile.
“I thought you’d be use to being dressed as Kara by now. You seem to look relaxed while you’re at the club with Chrissy and the others.” Jayden said, with a puzzled look on her face.
“It’s not the dressing that’s got me worried Jayden. It’s being out with you on a date.” Kara whispered across the table. “I’ve not had many girlfriends, so I don’t really know what I’m doing.” Kara added in another whisper.
Jayden looked around, like she wanted to make sure no one was listening to them, then she leaned closer to Kara across the table before whispering. “Neither do I.”
Kara relaxed a little after that, and they were soon eating their starter. Then they ordered their main meal, before finished off with a piece of gateau for desert. They did chat a little during the meal, but mainly they just ate in silent.
“Thank you for the lovely dinner Kara, and for letting me watch you become her.” Jayden smiled, as she dabbed her lips at the end.
“I’m glad you liked it Jayden, and for liking me.” Kara smiled.
“What is there not to like Kara?” Jayden said with a grin. “Shall we see about finding a taxi to take us to the club?” Jayden asked.
“I think we better, or Cathy will not be happy with us.” Kara giggled, as she stood up and then helped Jayden to her feet.
They both thanked Matthew for a nice meal, and then walked out into the lobby where they saw Carla and Vicky stood talking to Dale, so they walked over to say hi.
“Hi Carla, Vicky, Dale.” Jayden smiled.
“Hello Jayden, Kara. How was the dinner?” Carla asked with a grin.
“Hi Carla, Vicky. The meal was amazing, thanks for doing all this for me Carla.” Kara said, as she waved her hand up and down her body in the dress designed by Sara.
“Think nothing of it Kara. Chrissy is the one you really need to be thanking for all this, it was mostly her idea. She was even ready to pay for the dinner, but I told her I’d cover that part.” Carla smiled.
“The car’s parked out front, so if the two of you are ready to leave? We can see about getting over to the club.” Vicky smiled, as she indicated for the others to make their way out of the hotel and over to her car.
“We were just going to get a taxi over there, but this sounds like a much better idea.” Jayden said with a grin, as she took Kara’s hand, and started walking towards the exit.
Carla and Vicky just followed behind smiling at each other. It didn’t go unnoticed how Jayden seemed to be the one in charge.
Chapter 34: Cathy and Sara’s Hen night.
Chrissy and the others were all ready when they heard the doorbell start dinging, so they all ran to the front door and found Dennis stood their smiling at them. They all said hello to him just before looking over his shoulder, where they saw the Limo parked out on the road waiting for them. They were soon running out the house and all getting in, once Dennis opened the back door for them.
Mandy was the last to get in, once she’d armed the alarm and locked the front door. Dennis helped her get in the limo, and then he was soon back behind the wheel, and on his way to pick up Sara and Cathy.
Once they got to Cathy and Sara’s. Chrissy and Amy were soon jumping out the limo and running over to the front door and knocking. Amy was carrying a plastic bag with some bits in for Sara and Cathy to wear.
“Hi Chrissy, Amy.” Sara smiled, as she opened the door.
“Hi Sara!” Both girls shouted back, as they stepped into the house. “We have a little something for the two of you to wear tonight.” Amy said, as she stuck her hand in the bag she was carrying.
“What are you two up to now?” Sara asked with her hands on her hips, as she gave them both a dubious look.
“It’s nothing bad Sara. Look for yourself.” Chrissy giggled, as she took a pink T-shirt off Amy and then opened it to show Sara what it said. Written across the front of the shirt, and the back in beads that looked like diamonds, the shirts said Bride on each one. There was one for Sara, and one for Cathy to wear while they were out at the club.
Sara giggled, as she took the shirt of Chrissy, and held it up to herself. “Thanks you guys. I’ll go and put it on right now.” Sara said, as she turned to go and put the T-shirt on. She stopped and turned back around. “Did you say you had one for Cathy as well? I’ll take hers too; she’s still getting ready in our room.” Sara held out her hand.
Amy handed Sara the second T-shirt, and then Chrissy and Amy watched Sara run off to give Cathy her T-shirt to wear. Chrissy and Amy also had a couple of white Veil’s for the two of them to wear, but they could soon fit them on Cathy and Sara when they came back down stairs again.
They didn’t have to wait long before they saw the two of them coming back down the stairs, both of them wearing the pink T-shirts.
“You both look really cute. Come here and let us finish off the look.” Chrissy said, as she held up one of the Vail’s.
Chrissy and Amy were soon fitting a Veil to each of them. Once they were all ready to leave the house, Chrissy and Amy led Sara out to the limo while Cathy armed the alarm and locked up the house. Then Cathy got in the limo, and Denis was back on the road and heading for the club.
“How did everything go with Kara and Jayden?” Chrissy asked while they were driven to the club.
“It went really great Chrissy. They told each other that they were in love with the other, it was really sweet.” Cathy was grinning.
“Did Kara ask about the breast forms, and how she was going to get them off at the end of tonight?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“Nope, she was more interested in playing with them.” Cathy giggled, as she did an impression of what Kara did back at the changing service. This soon had all the others giggling as well.
“What other little things are you planning to do to Kara, Chrissy?” Mandy asked when she saw the glint in Chrissy’s eye.
“I think it’s time Kara had a shopping trip with the rest of us, so I got Cathy to fix a set of breast forms to Kara, so she can come out with us tomorrow afternoon and do some shopping with us.” Chrissy smiled.
“And Kara knows nothing about any of this?” Mandy asked looking a little worried. “You have worked out that Kara will have to spend the night at our house, if this little plan of yours is going to work.” Mandy added.
“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that bit.” Chrissy said looking worried her self now.
“I wouldn’t worry too much Chrissy, judging by the look in Jayden’s eyes when Kara was ready to go for dinner. I don’t think she’d need much convincing to let Kara stay the night.” Cathy said with a grin.
The others soon caught on to what Cathy was trying to say, and they were all soon giggling at the thought of Kara and Jayden running off to Jayden’s room at the end of the night.
Denis was soon pulling up outside the club, and Brad and Frank opened the back door of the limo, and then helped all the girls to get out. Brad and Frank smiled when they saw Cathy and Sara in their little white Veil’s and pink T-shirts.
The girls all thanked Frank and Brad. Ann spent a little more time thanking Brad, than the other girls did. Then they all ran off to find Kara and Jayden.
Kara and Jayden were sat on the sofas in the VIP section when they heard the sound of girls screaming. They both turned just in time to see Chrissy and Amy run into the VIP section with the others close behind. Kara and Jayden had to giggle when they saw how Sara and Cathy were dressed.
“Hi Kara, Jayden. Did you have a nice dinner together?” Chrissy asked, as she got to where they were both still sat on the sofa up in the private section of the VIP room. “You look good as a blonde Kara.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“Thanks Chrissy. Jayden agrees with you about the blonde, and the dinner was really nice.” Kara said, as she stood up, and then pulled Jayden to her feet as well. “It’s amazing just how much dumber I feel now I’m a blonde.” Kara added trying to sound like a bimbo.
“Hey! It’s not all true what they say about Blondes being dumb.” Chrissy said with a pout, just before she playfully slapped Kara on the arm and started giggling again.
Chrissy soon found herself being pulled into a hug with Kara and Jayden, as they both thanked her for all the help planning the dinner for the two of them, and for helping Callum the night before to finally open up to how he felt about Jayden.
Kara then gave Becky a hug, and kissed her on the cheek to say thank your for all the help. Chrissy was glad that Kara had done that.
The girls all paired off with their partner and then found some place to sit on the sofas before Claire and Megumi-Chan arrived with a tray each. The girl’s all had Champaign. Apart from Becky, Carla and Vicky, they all had a glass of cola.
Once they had all finished their drinks, Chrissy and Amy were soon dragging them all down to the dance floor to start the long night of dancing and having fun.
A little later in the night, the girls were all taking a break and sitting back on the sofas with fresh drinks, and they got on to the subject of the wedding, and the other two weddings they had all been at. One being Chrissy and Becky’s, and the other one being Amy and Amber’s.
“How many wedding have you been apart of Jayden?” Sara asked.
“I’ve never been to a wedding before, this will be my first.” Jayden smiled, looking happy to be apart of this one, even if it was only as a guest in the audience, and not as a bridesmaid like the others would be.
“You’ve never been to a wedding before?” Sara asked looking shocked.
“Nope. This is the first time I’ve had a family to speak off, so I’ve never been invited to one before.” Jayden said with a shrug, like it wasn’t a big deal. She was soon cuddling up to Kara and letting them talk about other stuff.
Sara got a glint in her eye, and she looked at Cathy with a grin on her face. Cathy must have been thinking the same thing, and she also had the same glint in her eye and a matching grin on her face.
Chrissy and Becky were in the toilets a little later when they saw Sara and Cathy enter. “Hi you two. How’s the Hen night going for you so far?” Chrissy asked.
“We’re both having a great time. Thanks for doing all this for us.” Sara said, as she gave Becky and Chrissy a hug at the same time.
“We wanted to have a word with the two of you away from Jayden.” Cathy said, as she turned to make sure Jayden hadn’t just walked in on them.
“Sure, but why away from Jayden? Has she done something to upset the two of you?” Chrissy asked with some worry in her voice.
“God no! Sara and I both love Jayden. So much so that we were hoping you wouldn’t mind if we made her a bridesmaid.” Cathy asked.
“I think that’s a great idea, but don’t you think you’ve left it a little late to get another dress made in time?” Chrissy asked.
“We already have a spare one, we just need to do a fitting, so I can do the final changes to the dress ready for Sunday.” Sara smiled.
“That’s great then, but why do you have a spare bridesmaid dress?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“I was playing it safe, so I had a spare one made just in case one of them got damaged while they were being altered, but we never had any problems, so now we have a spare one ready to be altered for Jayden.” Sara said with a grin.
“I think she’s going to love this when we tell her.” Chrissy was grinning now too.
“Why don’t we keep it quiet until you bring her to the house tomorrow? That will be an even bigger shock then.” Cathy said.
“That sounds even better.” Chrissy giggled.
Chrissy and Becky waited for Cathy and Sara to finish in the toilet, then they all went back out to carry on having a good time. Cathy and Sara were happy that Chrissy didn’t get a stripper or anything like that. They were just happy to have a laugh with their friends at the club.
Kara was stood talking to Carla and Vicky a little later, so Chrissy took the chance while she had it, so she could talk to Jayden about how Kara was dressed, and what they had planned for tomorrow. Chrissy left out the bit about them all heading over to Sara’s for her bridesmaid dress fitting, but she told Jayden about Kara’s breast being fixed on until Chrissy gave Kara the solvent to remove them.
“So Callum is stuck as Kara then until you decide otherwise?” Jayden asked with a grin.
“Yes, but if he puts up to much of a fight tomorrow, then I’ll remove the breast forms and let him be Callum again. I don’t want to hurt him in any way, just have some fun.” Chrissy said, as she made her point clear.
“Does that mean I get to take Kara home with us tonight?” Jayden asked, as she realised what Chrissy was really saying.
“Yes, the bed’s made up in the spare room, so he’ll have some place to sleep.” Chrissy said.
“Oh, right. That’s okay then.” Jayden said, looking a little sad.
“That is unless you can think of some other place Kara could spend the night?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
Jayden saw the grin on Chrissy’s face, and she suddenly got a sheepish look on her face. “I can think of one place Kara could spend the night.” Jayden started grinning. “But only if none of you mind?” Jayden asked.
“We don’t mind, as long as you feel ready to take that step? Don’t push yourself if you don’t feel ready to take that next step yet.” Chrissy said, as she looked Jayden in the eyes.
“I’m ready Chrissy. I’ve been ready to take that next step since I first kissed Kara back at the changing service with Cathy.” Jayden giggled.
Chrissy hugged Jayden to let her know how happy she was that she and Kara were getting on so well. Chrissy then let Jayden run off to find Kara, and let her know they would be spending the night together at Mandy’s
Kara was stood talking with Mandy, Carla and Vicky when she felt someone run their hand across her bottom. She turned and smiled when she saw Jayden grinning at her.
I’m sorry to butt in, but can I borrow Kara for a second? I just need to have a quick word with her.” Jayden asked, as she took Kara’s hand, and started pulling her away from the others.
“Is everything alright?” Kara asked in her soft husky female voice.
“Everything is perfect Kara, but I want to ask you something?” Jayden said.
“You can ask me anything Jayden.” Kara replied.
“I want you to spend the night with me at Mandy’s. I want to make love to you, just like you are right now.” Jayden said with lust in her voice.
“You do?” Kara asked looking shocked. “What will Mandy and the others say?” Kara looked worried as she asked that part.
“I’ve just spoke with Chrissy, and they are all okay with it, just as long as we are.” Jayden smiled. “Well, are you okay with it?” Jayden asked.
Kara just let a smile spread across her beautiful face, as she looked into Jayden’s eyes. That was the only answer Jayden needed, to know that they were going to be spending the night together, and not just sleeping either. They returned to the others and were soon heading back down to the dance floor to carry on enjoying Cathy and Sara’s Hen night.
Denis was waiting outside the club when the girls all piled out at the end of the night. Ann was going home with Brad, but Kara and Jayden were looking forward to having a ride in a Limo, as they had never been in one before. Denis dropped Sara and Cathy off at home before taking the rest of them home to Mandy’s.
Chrissy and Becky wanted a drinking chocolate before going to bed, so they made their way to the kitchen once they got in the house. Mandy, Amy and Amber all followed. Jayden and Kara had other ideas though.
“I’m feeling really tired, so Kara and I are going to head up to bed.” Jayden said with a grin, as she led Kara over to the stairs.
“What about removing the breast forms?” Kara asked, as she looked down at her cleavage showing.
“I was hoping you’d keep them on for the night.” Jayden pouted, as she turned to look Kara in the eyes.
“Cathy told me she used long lasting waterproof makeup to hide the edges on the forms, so you can even take a shower while wearing them.” Chrissy said with a grin.
Jayden started grinning, as she pulled Kara towards the stairs and then vanished up them.
“I can’t see them getting much sleep tonight.” Mandy giggled, as she followed the others into the kitchen.
Kara let Jayden pull her along, and then into what she took to be Jayden’s bedroom. Kara was soon being helped to take her dress off, and then she watched as Jayden draped it over the back of the chair in the corner of the room.
“You don’t mind me taking the lead do you Kara?” Jayden asked, as she helped Kara walk over to the bed and then Jayden pushed her back onto it.
”No, not at all Jayden.” Kara said, as she watched Jayden slip out of her dress, and add it to hers on the chair in the corner.
Jayden walked back over to where Kara was lying on the bed, and then she took Kara’s shoes off for her, and then slipped out of her own. Jayden then crawled onto the bad and started kissing Kara, as she played with one of her breasts through the bra she still had on. Kara was in heaven, as she closed her eyes and let Jayden set the pace for the two of them.
Kara wasn’t a virgin, but the couple of times he’d been to bed with a woman; he never felt right taking charge. But with Jayden, it just felt right, and they were soon taking each other to new heights.”
Chapter 35: Kara goes shopping.
Callum woke the next morning feeling a little tired still, and also a little weird. He had blonde hair in his eyes and a strange weight on his chest. Then it all started coming back to him, so he opened his eyes, and found himself looking at Jayden as she slept next to him in the bed.
He was soon slipping out of bed and looking for his panties, so he could go to the bathroom and answer the call of nature. He looked in the mirror when he walked into the bathroom, and realised that he still looked more like Kara than he did Callum. Cathy had glued the wig on, so that didn’t show any signs of coming off without some help. Neither did the breast forms, so he sat down to use the toilet, and then he walked back into the bedroom to lay down with Jayden for a little longer.
Jayden woke to find Kara looking at her with a smile on her face. “Morning sleepyhead.” Kara said to her.
“Morning Kara. Thank you for a wonderful night.” Jayden smiled back, just before having a stretch and then wrapping her arms around Kara’s neck and pulling her closer for a kiss. “Do you want to see just how waterproof those puppies are?” Jayden asked with a grin, as she poked Kara in the chest.
Kara just gave Jayden the same smile she did last night when she asked her about coming home with her, so Jayden knew she was game. Kara was soon helping Jayden get out of bed, so they could go and take a shower together.
Jayden found a shower cap to stop Kara’s hair getting wet, then they were both soon helping each other to get clean…
Mandy, Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber were all sat at the kitchen table having a cup of tea when they saw Jayden and Kara enter the kitchen. They all started grinning at the two of them.
“Morning Jayden, Kara.” Chrissy said with a grin. “I hope you both slept alright?” Chrissy asked with an even bigger grin.
“Morning everyone. Yes, we both slept really well, once we got to sleep that is.” Jayden said with an even bigger grin than Chrissy had.
Kara just went a little red in the face, as she let Jayden seat her at the table. Jayden then poured them both a cup of tea out before sitting down her self.
“You’re quiet Kara, is everything okay?” Chrissy asked looking a little worried for her friend.
“I’m fine Chrissy, just not use to such an active night.” Kara smiled. “Do you know where my male clothes got put last night when we got dropped off?” Kara asked.
“I didn’t see you with any male clothes all night.” Chrissy said with a puzzled look.
“Vicky said she’d put them in the trunk of her car, so I’d have them when I went home at the end of the night.” Kara said.
“Vicky never brought us home last night, remember?” Mandy said.
“Oh, so what do I do about changing back to being Callum again then now?” Kara asked looking worried.
“Stay as Kara for the day, and come shopping with us.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way.
“I don’t think so Chrissy, I’d never pass for a girl out shopping. I don’t even pass when I go to the club.” Kara said looking shocked at what Chrissy just said to her.
“We all think you look great when you dress, and you get all types of people out shopping. I bet you don’t get read all the time we’re out shopping today.” Chrissy said.
“I think it could be fun Kara, please give it a go, for me.” Jayden asked with some pleading in her eyes.
Kara found it hard to turn Jayden down when she looked at him like that, so she found herself smiling. “Okay then, but I’ll need some help doing my makeup, and I’ll also need something to wear. I can’t wear the same dress as I wore to the club last night.”
“I can do your makeup, while Amber and Amy sort out something for you to wear. You may need to wear a waist clincher though.” Chrissy said, as she looked to be making a mental list of things they’d need to sort out.
“Do you mean a corset?” Kara asked looking worried.
“No, not a corset silly. Just a little something to pull your waist in a little, and add to the natural curves you already have.” Chrissy giggled, as she indicated an hourglass with her hands. “More like a girdle, or body shaper as they call them now days.” Chrissy added.
“We could find you a corset if you want one Kara, but it would make trying on clothes a little tricky. And you’d be in a lot of pain by the end of the day, due to you not being used to wearing one for long periods.” Mandy said.
“I think I still have a flesh coloured one that will do the job.” Amy said.
“You use body shapers?” Kara looked surprised to hear that.
“Yes I use to, when I first started dressing full time after moving in with Chrissy and the others.” Amy smiled. “Due to me having some broken ribs, I couldn’t wear a corset for some time, so I used to wear body shapers to give me a better looking figure.” Amy struck a sexy pose as she said it.
“Now she’s just a corset junky like me.” Chrissy giggled, as she looked at Amy and the pose she was doing.
“Hey! Stop trying to flirt with my girlfriend.” Jayden said with a pout, as she wrapped her arms around Kara, and rested her head on Kara’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry Jayden, she’s a little more woman than I’m used to.” Amy said with a grin, as she wrapped an arm around Amber, just before kissing her on the cheek.
Amy got up to help Chrissy make everybody some toast, then they all sat and ate it before going upstairs to get dressed and ready to leave. Jayden still had no idea that they were going to Sara’s first, Chrissy and the others were looking forward to the look on Jayden’s face when she found out she’d be part of the wedding as well.
Chrissy took Kara to her room, so she could get her hair and makeup done, then Amy and Amber would take over for the dressing part of the mission. Kara was soon sat at Chrissy’s dressing table with her back to the mirror.
“Don’t look so worried Kara. I’m not going to hurt you.” Chrissy smiled.
“I’m sorry Chrissy, but I’m really nervous about all this.” Kara smiled back. “You’ll do a good job won’t you?”
“Have you ever known me to do any other kind of a job? What have you heard? Has someone been spreading rumours about me?” Chrissy asked, as she put her hands on her hips trying to look angry, gut Kara could see she was just playing around.
“No, only good things Chrissy.” Kara giggled, as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes to let Chrissy work her magic.
Chrissy ran her hand across Kara’s face and then maid a disappointed sound. “I think you better go and have a shave before I do your makeup Kara. I can feel Callum coming back.”
“Oh, I’d forgotten about having a shave.” Kara said, as she ran her hand along her chin, and felt the starting of some stubble on it. “Do you have a razor I can use?” Kara asked.
“Sure, follow me.” Chrissy said, as she led Kara into the bathroom and got her a disposable razor out, and the shaving foam.
“Why do you have these items Chrissy?” Kara asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“For our legs and underarms silly.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way.
“Oh right.” Kara said realising why they’d have the items now. “I thought you were going to say you still had to shave.” Kara giggled.
“No, I never had to shave. Amy was the same, neither did she.” Chrissy said, as she turned to leave the room.
Kara took off the bathrobe Jayden had given her to wear when they went down for breakfast, and then she set to work having a shave. It turned out to be interesting, due to the now long blonde hair she had, but she soon worked out a way of doing it. Kara had to stop and look towards the bathroom door when she heard someone giggling at her. She turned to find Becky standing there.
“I’m sorry for giggling at you Kara, but you look a little funny stood there having a shave. You look like a blonde bombshell in your black lingerie.” Becky giggled some more.
Kara looked in the mirror a little closer, and even she had to giggle. Becky was right; it did look a little weird now she thought about it. “You do have a point Becky. I won’t be long, if you need the bathroom.” Kara said, as she went back to having a shave.
“Don’t rush Kara; I just wanted to drop some clothes in the hamper.” Becky said, as she walked over to a basket in the corner and dropped some dirty clothes in it before leaving again, but not before taking one last look at Kara shaving.
Chrissy was just finishing up Becky’s makeup when Kara got back from the bathroom so she stood and watched her finish up. Kara had got good at doing an evening look, where the makeup was a little heavier, but she’d never been able to get a natural day time look. Becky looked really beautiful by the time Chrissy finished with her.
“You look so beautiful Becky.” Kara said, as she looked at the work Chrissy had just done.
“Thanks Kara, but it’s all thanks to my little makeup angel here.” Becky smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and kissed her on the cheek.
Kara had to giggle, as she watched Chrissy try to wriggle out of Becky’s grip, and stop her from kissing all her lipstick off. “If you don’t stop groping me, your little angel will have to do it all again.” Chrissy said, as she finally broke free and took a step back.
“I don’t see a problem with that my little angel.” Becky said with a grin.
“I do because we’ll never get out the house at this rate.” Chrissy said, as she playfully slapped Becky on the arm to get her moving, so she could start work on Kara’s makeup.
Kara was soon sat at the dressing table again, and Chrissy set to work on her makeup and hair. It took Chrissy longer doing Kara’s makeup, due to having to use beard cover and then spending more time getting a natural everyday look. Kara just relaxed and let Chrissy work on her, she thought it felt so wonderful when Chrissy worked on her face, just like it did when Cathy did it for her.
“There you go Kara. Take a look and let me know what you think.” Kara heard Chrissy say. So Kara opened her eyes and then turned around to look in the mirror. She was very impressed with what she saw. Looking back at her was a beautiful woman with a natural looking beauty. Kara didn’t even think she had any makeup on, other than a little eyeliner and some lipstick.
“Wow Chrissy, it looks so natural.” Kara said, as she turned her head from side to side while she looked at herself in the mirror even closer.
“I told you I could make it so no one would realise you’re not a full blown female.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“You’ve got to teach me how to get this look again Chrissy, please teach me.” Kara pleaded with her.
“I’d be happy to Kara, just not today.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked at the time. “I need to do my own makeup, so we can see about getting over to Sara’s.” Chrissy added.
Kara got up and let Chrissy take her seat, so she could do her own makeup. Kara wandered over to the full-length mirror and took another look at her makeup and hair. The wig was made out of real hair, so Chrissy had been able to change the style with very little trouble. Kara now had a more natural daytime look to it. Kara was soon snapped out of her daydreaming when she heard Becky speaking to her.
“Come on Kara, I better get you down to Amy and Amber’s room, so they can get you dressed.” Becky said, as she grabbed Kara’s hand, and then almost ran her out the room and down the hallway.
Amy and Amber had a couple of outfits lying on the bed ready for Kara to try on when she got there. Becky led Kara into the room, and then she went back to finish getting ready herself. Amy and Amber were already dressed, so they could give Kara their full attention.
“I love what Chrissy’s done with the hair and makeup Kara.” Amy said, as she took a closer look at Chrissy’s work. “I’ve still got so much to learn from that girl.” Amy added with a sigh.
“I never thought I could look this good myself Amy. I asked her to show me how she got this look.” Kara smiled.
“I’d like to sit in on that lesson myself.” Amy smiled back. “Right then, lets see about making the rest of you look just as good.” Amy added, as she grabbed a bra and panty set off the bed and handed them to Kara. “Go to the bathroom and slip these on. We can’t have you wearing the same underwear two days in a row.” Amy said, as she pushed Kara off towards the bathroom with the clean underwear in her hands.
Kara was soon back in the bedroom wearing the clean underwear, which turned out to be brand new as well. Amy said Kara could keep the underwear, as she had plenty to spare. Amy then grabbed what looked like a Flesh coloured girdle off the bed, but Amy called it a body shaper, just like Chrissy had in the kitchen. The body shaper was tight, and looked like an over sized elastic band, but it did its job, and Kara was soon stood with a smaller waist, which made her hips look a little bigger.
Amber grabbed a dress of the bed and held it up to Kara, but both she and Amy decided it would look a little to sexy for going shopping in, and they would be beating the guys back with sticks the whole time. This got a worried look from Kara. Next Amber picked up a skirt and blouse.
“I like the way that looks on her baby.” Amy said, as she looked at the simple black skirt that would hang a couple of inches above the knee, and a red silk blouse.
“I like it too lover, so it looks like we have a winner.” Amber said with a grin, as she put the skirt back on the bed and then handed the blouse to Kara, so she could put it on.
Kara took the blouse and took it off the hanger, and then she slipped her arms into it before doing up the buttons on the front. Kara had trouble with the buttons being on the wrong side, but she finally got them all done up.
Amber stepped up and undid some of the buttons again. “We like to give the boys something to look at.” Amber smiled.
“I don’t want any boys looking at what I have.” Kara said, as she went to close the buttons again.
Amber slapped her hand away. “You won’t look right I you have to many of the buttons done up, trust me.”
Kara still wasn’t sure, but she thought that Amber was the real woman here, so if anyone would know, she would. Amber handed Kara the skirt, and then helped her get it on, so it looked right, and the zip was at the back where it belonged. Amy had ran off to find the shoes Kara had worn the night before, as they would look okay with the outfit they’d just picked for Kara to wear. She was soon fully dressed and looking in the mirror at an attractive woman ready to go and do some shopping with her friends.
“I don’t look anything like Callum anymore.” Kara said, as she looked in the mirror.
“No you don’t Kara.” Amy smiled, as she walked over to stand beside her.
Amber walked over and stood the other side. “Nope, not a single Callum in sight, just three girls ready to go shopping.”
Amy grabbed a purse for Kara to use, as the one from the night before wasn’t right for use in the day, it was more an evening clutch purse. Once Kara had the purse, they let her go and show Jayden her new look, and swap all her things over to the new purse.
Jayden was just finishing her makeup when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. “Come in!” she shouted, as she turned to see who it was.
“Hi Jayden, what do you think?” Kara asked, as she stepped into the room.
“I think you look beautiful Kara. Chrissy and the others have out done themselves.” Jayden smiled, as she stood up and walked over to where Kara was still standing just inside the room.
“I’d like to kiss you Jayden, but I’m scared of messing up all the hard work Chrissy’s done to make me look this good.” Kara said with a hurt look.
“I’m sure Chrissy would understand, and it will be the only chance we’ll get. It wouldn’t look good to be kissing each other while we’re out shopping.” Jayden said, as she moved her head closer and closer to Kara’s until their lips touched.
It turned out that Chrissy had used long lasting lipstick, so very little damage had been done. Kara waited for Jayden to finish getting ready, then they walked down to Chrissy’s bedroom. Kara needed to get the makeup that Chrissy had used; just in case she needed to do any touch ups while they were out.
Chrissy and Becky both loved the look Amber and Amy had gone for with Kara, and Chrissy soon had all the makeup Kara might need while they were out, then they all went down stairs to see if the others were ready to head out.
They used the excuse that Sara was going to be going shopping with them, as to why they were heading over to Sara’s house, and not straight into the city. Mandy pulled into Sara’s driveway, and Becky pulled up along side her and parked her own car. Then they all jumped out and went to the front door.
“Hi Sara!” All the girls shouted when they saw Sara open the door to them.
“Hello! Come in, come in.” Sara waved them into the house with a grin on her face.
“Did you and Cathy have a good time last night?” Chrissy asked with a grin, as she gave Sara a hug.
“We both had an amazing time, thank you so much.” Sara said, as she hugged each of them.
“Is Cathy not here?” Mandy asked, as she looked around.
“No, she wasn’t happy that she’d be missing out on a shopping trip, but the changing service is busy today, and Maria needed her help.” Sara said with a pout.
“I’m sure we’ll be able to keep your mind off thinking about her, once we get busy looking in all the shops.” Mandy said, as she pulled Sara into another hug with her.
Sara noticed Kara stood at the back of the group holding Jayden’s hand, and looking very nervous. “Hi Kara, I see they managed to get you out on the shopping trip then?” Sara said with a smile.
Kara looked a little puzzled, and then looked at Chrissy with daggers in her eyes. “Why do I get the feeling that Vicky forgetting my clothes wasn’t an accident after all?”
“I’m sorry Kara, but when you told me you’d booked today off, so you could take Jayden to the club last night. I just thought it would be a good time to let Kara also come out shopping with us.” Chrissy said looking worried.
“Please don’t be mad at Chrissy, she was just trying to help you come out of your shell a little more.” Jayden said, as she held Kara’s hand a little tighter. “She did make you look good for your shopping trip as well.” Jayden added with a smile.
“I’m not mad with her, but it would have been nice if I’d been asked, and not tricked into it all.” Kara smiled back at Jayden, and then Chrissy. “What other little surprises do you have install for me today?” Kara asked.
“I’m not planning anything else Kara. I just wanted to see you have a good time with Jayden and the rest of us.” Chrissy said.
“Sorry for letting it slip.” Sara said with a pained look on her face.
“Don’t worry about it Sara. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to go shopping as a girl instead of buying everything online all the time.” Kara smiled.
“Thanks Kara, you do look really good. If I didn’t already know you weren’t a real girl, I never would have guessed.” Sara said, as she looked Kara up and down once more.
“We better get the dress sized, so we can get off and do some shopping, or we’ll never get there before they close.” Mandy said, as she looked at Sara, and then Jayden.
“Very true Mandy, very true.” Sara said, as she looked at her wristwatch, and saw the time was getting on. “Follow me Jayden, I need you to try on a dress, so we can get it altered ready for Sunday.” Sara added, as she grabbed Jayden’s hand and led her into another room.
“What dress?” Jayden asked, as she was being pulled along.
“You’re bridesmaid dress silly.” Sara said, as she let Jayden see the dress sat on the tailors dummy in the middle of the room.
Amber had followed Sara and Jayden into the room, so the two of them could work out what needed to be altered on the dress. Amber and Sara soon had Jayden stripped down to her bra and panties. Then they took the dress off the dummy and slipped it over Jayden’s head.
“This is going to be much easier than I thought.” Sara said when she saw how well the dress seemed to fit Jayden.
“I don’t understand what you’re both doing. Why are you fitting me for a bridesmaid dress?” Jayden asked, looking very confused.
“So we know it fits you ready for Sunday.” Sara said in a matter of fact way.
“You want me to be a bridesmaid at your wedding?” Jayden asked, like she didn’t really believe what she was saying.
“Yes Jayden, I want you to be a bridesmaid at the wedding. I hope you don’t mind?” Sara asked with a grin, already knowing the answer.
“I’d love to be a bridesmaid, but how did you get the dress ready so fast?” Jayden asked, as she looked down at the beautiful dress she was now wearing.
“We didn’t want any problems later on, so with all the girls being around the same size, I had an extra dress made just in case.” Sara smiled. “Well we never had any problems, so here is the spare dress ready for you to wear on Sunday.” Sara added with a grin.
Jayden threw her arms around Sara and just hugged her for a long time. “Thank you Sara, I’ve always wanted to be part of a big wedding, but I would have been happy to just be there to see you and Cathy get married.” Jayden started to cry, as she spoke.
Sara was quick to grab some tissues before Jayden’s makeup ran, and dripped on the dress. That would have put a quick end to Jayden being a bridesmaid. “No tears, not while you’re wearing the dress.” Sara said, as she playfully pointed a finger at Jayden.
“Sorry, but I’m just so happy right now.” Jayden giggled.
“I’ll let you off this time then.” Sara said with a wave of her hand. Amber marked a couple of little bits that would need to be taken in, and then they helped Jayden to take it off.
Once Jayden was dressed again, she joined the others back out in the hallway, so they could drop the dress off with the person who would be altering it for them, and then head off into the city, so they could have some lunch, and then go shopping.
The first thing they did when they got into the city was walk Chrissy to the bank, so she could pay all the money in she was still keeping in her purse. Once that was done they all went for a spot of lunch before starting their afternoon of shopping.
Kara sat and watched the way the others ate, and she did the same. She was worried about standing out. She was the same as they started looking in the shops, but she soon relaxed, and just went with the flow, and started having fun.
“You look like you’re having a good time.” Jayden said, as they stood looking at some skirts in a large department store.
“I am Jayden, I never realised it could be this much fun clothes shopping.” Kara smiled.
“Have you seen anything you’d like to buy, or are you happy to just look around today?” Jayden asked.
“I’ve seen a number of things, but I don’t think I’d wear them enough to justify buying them.” Kara said, as she put a skirt back on the rack she’d picked it up from.
“Do you think Kara will want to come out shopping again sometime?” Jayden asked.
“Only if I was with the rest of you. I don’t think I’d like to go out on my own shopping like this.” Kara said looking worried, just thinking about it.
“I’d like to see Kara out shopping again, and I’d be upset if you tried to go without me.” Jayden pouted, just before she started grinning.
“I’m surprised you’ve taken to me and this so fast.” Kara said, as she waved her hand up and down her body.
“I’m surprised myself. Do you think I’m weird for finding it Sexy to think of you being my boyfriend, but looking like my girlfriend?” Jayden asked in a whisper, so no one else could hear her say it.
“I think I’m very lucky, but I’d never think you weird for it.” Kara smiled.
“Thanks Kara. You know that if you’re going to be going out a little more as Kara in the day, then we need to find you a couple of outfits to wear when you do.” Jayden said with a smile.
Kara wanted to argue with her, but realised that Jayden had a point, so they were soon shopping with a reason. By the time they called it a day, Kara had a number of bags, and Jayden had been buying stuff as well. The only thing Kara didn’t know was that Jayden had been buying things for Kara too.
“I hope you don’t get mad with me Kara, but I did something this afternoon.” Jayden said looking worried, as they were driving back to the house after dropping Sara off at her house.
“What did you do, and why would I be mad at you for it?” Kara asked looking a little worried.
“All those clothes I brought, I brought them for you.” Jayden said with her head lowered. “Carl gave me such a big bonus for helping Chrissy that I’d never spend it all on myself, so I thought I’d help Kara be around a little more.” Jayden said in a whisper.
“I know I should refuse to except any of it Jayden, but I love being Kara around you. So all I will say is thank you.” Kara leaned over and kissed Jayden on the lips. Kara thought that as they were now in the car, it would be safe to do so.
“I love having Kara around, just as I love my time with Callum.” Jayden smiled.
Kara was going to be around until much later in the night, due to Callum not getting his clothes back until Vicky came to pick Becky up for work. So Jayden had Kara do a small modelling show in her bedroom. Then they went down to have some dinner once Amy and Chrissy had it cooked and on the table.
Vicky turned up with Callum’s clothes, but Callum didn’t show his face until the next morning, and even then it was after Chrissy cooked breakfast, and then removed the wig and the breast forms. Once Callum was back, Jayden spent a little time saying hello before they all went back down stairs.
“Carl said you can keep the breast forms, and the wig.” Chrissy said, as they sat at the kitchen table to have another drink before they all left for work. “Do you want to take them with you, or leave them here?” Chrissy asked.
“I may as well leave them here, as I won’t be going out unless you’re all with me, and I’ve got no idea how to attach the forms anyway.” Callum said, as he sat with an arm around Jayden.
Jayden noticed that he was a lot more in charge as Callum, where as Kara was more submissive. Jayden found that she liked both sides in there own way, and right now she was happy to have Callum sat next to her, to make her feel protected.
They all finished their drinks, and then left for work. Mandy was going to drop Callum off at his house, so he could grab his car, and then Callum was going to drive Jayden to work. He was going the same way. Ann had never come home after leaving the club with Brad the other night, which was nothing new for Ann.
To Be Continued Next week
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
By SaraUK
Part 13
Everyone was glad to be finishing work on the Saturday, so they could go and have some fun at the club then they were all going to the hotel after. Carl thought it best to do this, rather than have Cathy stop with Mandy.
Ann had called in at Sara’s last night (Friday) with Jayden to make sure the alterations that had been made to the dress were okay, and they were. So everything was set for Sunday. Carl had all the dresses and suites already at the hotel, so all the girls had to worry about was getting ready to go to the club.
Chrissy and Becky had just got out of Vicki’s car outside the club when they saw another car pull up behind them. Then they saw Cathy get out, just before she helped Sara get out. Chrissy ran over and gave them both a hug with Becky being dragged along behind her. Amy and Amber soon joined them, as they all hugged each other.
“So are you both ready for the big day?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“As ready as we’ll ever be.” Sara said looking nervous about the wedding.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts about getting married Sara?” Chrissy asked.
“No! I’m just worried that everything will go wrong.” Sara said, as she grabbed hold of Cathy to let her know she still wanted to marry her.
“I can’t see that happening Sara, not with Carl keeping an eye on everything.” Chrissy smiled. “Come on, let’s go and do some dancing. That will take your mind off tomorrow for a couple of hours.” Chrissy added, as she grabbed Sara’s hand and pulled her towards the club.
They were all soon dancing and singing along with the songs the DJ was playing. Jayden kept looking around for Kara, but she was running late tonight. Jayden had just about given up all hope of seeing Kara, when she saw her walking up to her in the middle of the dance floor and then wrapping her arms around her. It was too noisy to talk, so Kara just smiled before kissing her. Once they got back up to the VIP section, Kara finally spoke to Jayden.
“I’m sorry for being so late, but I had to drop my suit off at the hotel ready for tomorrow.” Kara said.
“Do you mean Callum’s suit?” Jayden asked with a grin. “Or will you be there at the wedding?”
“Yes I mean Callum’s suit.” Kara said with a roll of the eyes. “I’m beginning to worry that you like Kara more than Callum.” Kara added with a frown.
“I love both your sides the same my love.” Jayden said, just before kissing Kara again. “And one bit that you both have.” Jayden added with a grin when they broke the kiss.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Kara smiled.
They all sat on the sofas and had a drink before Chrissy and Amy dragged everyone back down onto the dance floor again. That’s how the rest of the night went until closing time.
Carla had a couple of Limo’s waiting outside the club to take all the girls back to the hotel when they all left the club. Cathy and Sara were going to be sharing a room, as Sara didn’t want to be without Cathy in a strange place. Chrissy and Amber were going to grab them the next morning and whip them away to get ready for the wedding.
All the girls hugged and said goodnight to each other before they all went to their rooms to get some sleep. Jayden had fixed it for her and Kara to share a room, which only seemed to have a double bed in it.
“Looks like someone made a mistake with our room.” Kara said with a fake shocked look on her face.
“Oh darn, it looks like we’ll have to share then.” Jayden did a fake sigh.
“I could always sleep in the bathtub.” Kara offered.
“I insist you share the bed with me Kara.” Jayden said, as she pushed Kara backward onto the bad, and then jumped on top of her with a grin on her face.
“I can see you really do insist.” Kara giggled.
Jayden started undressing Kara, and pretty soon Callum was back. He hadn’t attached the breast forms, so he was soon making love to Jayden, and she loved every minute of it. They finally fell asleep cuddled up to each other.
Cathy and Sara were cuddled up together when they suddenly felt the bed covers being pulled away from them.
“Morning sleepyheads!” Chrissy shouted. “Time to get up and start the big day.” Chrissy added with a grin, a she leaned over and smiled at a very sleepy looking Cathy.
“Go away and leave us alone.” Cathy groaned, as she tried to find the covers Chrissy had just stolen, but she couldn’t feel them anywhere around her.
“Come on Cathy, don’t you want to marry this beautiful creature lying next to you.” Chrissy asked, as she started rocking Cathy back and forth.
“How can you be so full of energy Chrissy?” Cathy asked, as she finally rolled onto her back and looked up at her.
“I get asked that all the time. Now come on and get moving.” Chrissy said, as she pulled Cathy up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.
Amber had done the same thing with Sara on the other side of the bed. Cathy and Sara turned to look at each other with smiles on their faces.
“I’ll see you at the altar then my love.” Cathy said, as she smiled some more.
“I better, or I won’t be happy with you.” Sara said in a firm voice, just before she started grinning.
“She’ll be there Sara. You have my word on that.” Chrissy said, as she pulled Cathy up onto her feet.
Sara and Amber watched as Chrissy left the room pulling a sleepy looking Cathy along behind her.
Cathy and Sara were soon being pampered and got ready for the wedding. Each of them were going to have three bridesmaids, and Chrissy was going to be the maid of honour for both of them. So it worked out really well that Jayden could be a bridesmaid to balance out the number of bridesmaids each of them would have.
Amber, Amy and Ann would be Sara’s bridesmaids. While Mandy, Becky and Jayden would be Cathy’s. Carl was helping to get Sara ready, while Chrissy was keeping Cathy on track. Chrissy and Carl were in constant contact on the mobiles to make sure everything was going to plan. Chrissy was also getting a lot of help from Mandy too. She also kept in contact with Carl.
Once everyone was ready, Cathy, Chrissy, Mandy, Becky and Jayden all left for the church first. Cathy was going to be waiting at the altar for Sara to be walked down to her by Carl. She wanted Sara to really feel like the bride today.
Cathy and Sara didn’t have any birth family coming to the wedding. Sara didn’t have any living relatives, and what family Cathy had, had all disowned her when she started her transition. So no one was expecting any trouble at the wedding.
Brad and Frank were getting people seated in the church when Cathy got there with Chrissy and the others. Cathy looked like she was floating down the isle in her white wedding dress that Amber had spent so much time designing for her. Everyone thought she looked beautiful in it.
There were a lot of customers from the club, and the changing service in the church. Even Cathy looked a little shocked at the number of people in there to watch the wedding, but she was happy to see all of them at the same time.
Callum was sat in the church when Jayden entered, and he thought she looked amazing in her pink dress. Callum could also see how happy she was being part of the wedding by the big smile she had on her face. He watched them all walk down to the front of the church ready for Sara turning up.
Chrissy got Cathy set up in the right spot, and then went to see if Amber, Amy and Ann were here yet. They were just getting out a Limo when she stepped out the church, so she gave them all a quick hug, as they waited for Sara and Carl to turn up.
A classic looking white Rolls Royce soon pulled up outside the church and Carl stepped out just before he helped Sara out of the car.
Chrissy looked on in amazement at just how beautiful Sara looking in the pure white wedding dress. The vale was already down over her face, but Chrissy could still see her through it.
“You look really beautiful Sara.” Chrissy said, when Sara stepped over to where she was stood with the others.
“Thanks Chrissy, you look pretty amazing yourself.” Sara said in return.
“What, this old thing.” Chrissy said, as she looked down at her self in the pink maid of honour dress. “It was the first thing I found when I woke up this morning.” Chrissy added in a matter of fact way.
“Please don’t make me laugh Chrissy.” Sara giggled. “I already need to go pee as it is, but it’s a half hour job in this dress, so I’m trying to hold on until after the wedding.” Sara added with a pained look.
“We better see about getting you married then.” Chrissy said, looking all business again. “So are you ready to tie yourself to one woman for the rest of your life then Sara?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
Sara just stood there nodding her head up and down as she was grinning. Carl stepped over and let her put her hand through his arm so he could walk her down the isle. Chrissy led the other girls into the church, so everyone knew that they were ready to get started.
The organ music started playing the wedding march, and everyone turned to see Carl and Sara enter the church and start the slow walk down to the front where Cathy was stood grinning at her future wife.
Carl handed Cathy, Sara’s hand when they got to the front of the church, then he stepped back to let the priest start.
Cathy and Sara were soon putting rings on each other’s fingers and then they kissed, and that was that. Cathy and Sara were now married. They all moved outside and then started taking lots of photos.
There were a couple of old women that had stopped to watch the wedding, but they didn’t know how to act when they saw it was two women getting married, and not a man and woman. This got a lot of the guests laughing, as the women made a quick exit from the church grounds.
Chrissy found herself stood between Cathy and Sara for a couple of photos. “This one will be framed and put on the wall Chrissy.” Sara said, just after the photographer had taken it.
“Why would you want to do that?” Chrissy asked, as she smiled for another photo being taken.
“You brought Cathy and I together silly. So we want to have a photo to remind us of just how special you are to us all.” Sara smiled, as she kissed Chrissy on her cheek. Cathy kissed the other one at the same time, and the photographer took a picture of it.
All three of them started giggling when they realised what had just happened. “I hope you don’t frame that photo.” Chrissy giggled.
“I don’t know, it could be a fun one to have on the wall.” Cathy said with a grin.
Callum was stood off to one side, just keeping out the way when he was suddenly being pulled along by Becky to stand with Jayden. The next thing he knew, his photo was being taken with Jayden stood by his side.
“Sorry, but Becky thought we needed to have a lasting image of me being a bridesmaid.” Jayden said with a smile, as she looked into his eyes.
“I don’t mind, just as long as I get a copy too.” Callum smiled. “You look very beautiful by the way.” Callum added, just before kissing her.
What Callum and Jayden didn’t realise, was Carl had paid the photographer to take a whole bunch of photos for the two of them to look at later.
Once all the photos were taken, Carl helped everyone line up, so they could shower the newly weds in confetti as they ran to the white Rolls Royce.
Everyone made there way over to one of the other cars Carl had arranged, and then headed back to the hotel where Carl had organised food and drink for everyone.
Cathy and Sara were stood waiting to great everyone as they entered the room at the hotel where Carl had everything set up. Once everyone had arrived, and they all had a drink in their hands, the first thing Sara wanted to do was use the toilet. Chrissy took her, and it was nearly half an hour later before they returned.
“I was about to send out a search party for the two of you.” Cathy said, as she pulled Sara into a hug with her.
“I’m glad you didn’t, I don’t think I want anyone seeing what Chrissy and I had to do, so I could go take a tinkle.” Sara whispered.
“Oh I see.” Cathy giggled, as she looked at the two of them. “Well you are the maid of honour Chrissy.”
“That was more maid, and no honour.” Chrissy giggled.
“I hope it hasn’t put you off Chrissy? Because I‘ll need to go at some point.” Cathy said with a pained look.
“No, not really. Sara and I had a good giggle about it all really.” Chrissy said, as she looked at Sara, just before they both starting giggling again, at the thought of Chrissy holding Sara’s dress up while she reversed into the stall to have a wee.
Cathy got to find out why it took so long a little later when she needed to go. Cathy also had a giggle with Chrissy and Sara about it when they got back to the reception.
Once the meal was ready, and everyone had taken a seat at one of the many tables in the room. Sara and Cathy were sat on the head table with Carl and Mandy sat one side next to Sara, and Chrissy and Becky sat the other side next to Cathy.
Carl stood up and took the place of the father and did a nice speech about the two brides, and then looked at Chrissy to do the part that the best man would normally do. Chrissy looked worried, but she stood up, and then read out some card’s people had sent the two brides. Congratulating them on their wedding. She didn’t try to tell any jokes, and she was just happy to be sitting down again, and cuddling up to Becky.
“You did really well with all that baby.” Becky said, as she hugged her.
“Thanks Becky, but I was so scared. Everyone was looking at me.” Chrissy said, as she tried to get her nerves under control.
Chrissy and Becky stopped talking when they saw Cathy stand up and address the guests. Neither of them was expecting Cathy to give a speech as well.
“I know that it’s normally the role of the groom to stand up and say a few words, but I don’t really fit into that role anymore.” Cathy giggled, as she looked down at her self.
This got a laugh from everyone in the room. Then she carried on speaking.
“But I felt that I need to stand and say a few words anyway, and say what I know a lot of you think most the time.” Cathy smiled, as she looked down at Chrissy. “As I look around the room at all the married couples, and the ones that are not yet married, but happy with the one they love.” Cathy added, as she looked around the room.
“I’ve come to realise that we all have one person to thank for all that.” Cathy looked at Chrissy again, as she said the last bit. “Not that we could ever make her realise any of it.” Cathy added with a giggle.
Everyone had caught on to what Cathy was getting at now, and they all had to laugh. They knew that Chrissy would never admit to being the reason they were all together.
“So I hope you will all join me in raising a glass to our very own cupid.” Cathy picked up her glass, as did everyone else in the room. “To Chrissy, a good friend and a wonderful person!” Cathy added just before taking a sip from her glass.
Everyone started cheering and clapping. Chrissy just cuddled up to Becky even more, as she went red faced. Chrissy looked around the room, and realised that she had touched a lot of people’s lives, and most of them looked happier for it.
Chrissy saw her mum and dad sat with Mable, and she felt a pang of pain when she saw how ill her dad looked now. She’d not had any time to see them since they arrived on Friday, but she was planning to spend a couple of days with them before they went home again. The shop was closed tomorrow due to it being a bank holiday. Chrissy had spoke with Mandy, and they both decided to leave the shop closed until Thursday.
Sara and Cathy were spending the night in the hotel, and they going away on a short honeymoon to Paris, a small wedding present from Carl. Amy and Amber were going to be house sitting Sara’s place while they’re away. This way Amber can keep working on some of the design projects Sara and Amber are working on while they watch the house.
Becky went with Chrissy a little later in the night to sit with Chrissy’s parents. Becky could see that Chrissy was upset with seeing how ill her father looked.
“Hi mum, dad. Sorry for not coming to see you before now, but it’s been a little manic.” Chrissy said with a weak smile, as she sat down next to her dad.
“We understand dear.” Holly said, as she reached over to pat her daughter’s hand. “You look very beautiful in that dress, and was very proud of you when Cathy said what she said.” Holly added with a proud look on her face.
“I thought you were keeping out our way because you thought we would tell you off for running away and worrying us all.” Her dad said, as he also put his hand on Chrissy’s.
Chrissy couldn’t help but notice how it was all skin and bone now. This made Chrissy want to cry, even after all the pain he put her through, she still loved him, and wanted him to be around to see his grand children grow up.
“You have every right to have a go at me over that, and I would never keep out your way over it.” Chrissy smiled to hide the pain she was feeling.
“We both think you’ve been punished enough over running away, and Becky has already said it was all her fault for keeping things from you.” Holly said, as she looked at Becky sat on the seat next to Chrissy. “And I can’t go telling of the mothers of my grandchildren, can I?” Holly added with a giggle.
Chrissy smiled at the use of the word mothers, that’s what they were going to be, but it still sounded a little strange. “I hope you’ll baby-sit for us once in a while?” Chrissy asked with a grin, trying to lighten the mood a little.
“I hope I’m the first one you ask.” Holly said in a firm voice, as she sat up and looked at both girls, just before she started grinning again. “You know I will, how else am I going to spoil them rotten.”
Sara and Cathy found Chrissy at the end of the day, and gave her a hug before they left to go and spend some time alone in their hotel room. Chrissy told them to have a good time in Paris and to not do anything that her and Becky wouldn’t do. Sara and Cathy just giggled, as they looked at the two of them.
Chrissy and Becky were soon on their way home, and looking forward to a lie in tomorrow. Carl was coming back with Mandy, so Chrissy and Becky got to spend the night in their own bed. They didn’t get to sleep right away, but they did have a lie in the next morning.
Amber and Amy had come home with them, they were going to pack up some clothes and then head over to Cathy and Sara’s the next day in Amber’s car. Ann had left the reception with Brad to go to his house. Jayden had brought Callum home with her to spend the night.
Chrissy woke on the Monday morning to find Becky cuddled up to her, so Chrissy just lay there watching her sleep. That was until the need for the bathroom overpowered everything else, then she slowly tried to slide out of Becky’s grip. Once she was free, Chrissy ran off to the bathroom.
Becky opened her eyes just in time to see Chrissy’s shapely bottom vanishing into the bathroom. Becky let a smile spread across her face, as she had a stretch. She was still lying in bed when Chrissy came back into the room.
“Good morning beautiful.” Chrissy said, as she slid back under the covers next to Becky. “Sorry if I woke you getting out of bed.” Chrissy added with a pout.
“Don’t be baby. It was a nice sight to wake up to.” Becky said with a grin, just before giving Chrissy a long deep kiss.
“What was a nice sight to wake up too?” Chrissy asked when they stopped kissing.
“Watching you run off into the bathroom.” Becky purred. “But the nicer sight was watching you return.”
“You say the sweetest things to me, my love.” Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky again. “Do you feel like taking a bubble bath with me? I really feel like taking a long soak this morning.” Chrissy asked with a groan.
“Have you ever known me to turn down bubble bath time with you?” Becky asked, as she sat up and helped Chrissy to sit up as well.
“No, but there could always be a first time.” Chrissy said with a thoughtful look on her face.
“Well today’s not one of them.” Becky slid out of bed and padded off to the bathroom to start filling the bath up, and to use the toilet while she was in there.
Chrissy and Becky were soon lying in the bath. Becky was resting her head against Chrissy’s breasts, as Chrissy lapped the water over Becky’s ever-growing belly.
“I wonder how big I’m going to get, with having twins?” Becky asked, as she put her hands on her belly.
Chrissy put her hands on top of Becky’s. “I don’t care how big you get baby. I’ll still love you just as much, if not more.”
They finally got out the water when they started to prune, and then they helped each other to get dry and dressed before heading down stairs to see if the others were up yet.
Mandy and Carl were sat at the kitchen table talking to Jayden and Callum. Amy and Amber were over at the cooker sorting out breakfast.
“Morning everybody.” Chrissy and Becky said, as they entered the kitchen.
“Do you want some help with breakfast you two?” Chrissy asked, as she looked over at Amy and Amber.
“Thanks for asking sis, but I think we’ve got it covered.” Amy smiled, as she looked over her shoulder at Chrissy. “Take a seat and spend some time with your beautiful wife.” Amy added.
“I like the sound of that plan.” Becky said with a grin, as she pulled Chrissy over to the kitchen table and forced her to sit down next to her.
“You like any plan that involves you cuddling up to me.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she let Becky pull her even closer to her.
“You can’t fault me for that now can you?” Becky asked, just before kissing Chrissy on the cheek.
Mandy, Carl, Callum and Jayden all sat giggling, as they watched Becky and Chrissy playing around.
“It looked like you were having fun yesterday Jayden. Did you like being a bridesmaid?” Chrissy asked, as she sat up properly at the kitchen table.
“I really did Chrissy.” Jayden said with a grin. “Thanks for letting me be apart of it all.”
“Sara and Cathy are the two you really need to thank, but you’ll have to wait until they get back from Paris.” Chrissy smiled, as she thought about the two of them being on their way as they spoke.
“I know that Chrissy, but if I hadn’t met you first, I wouldn’t have any of this.” Jayden wrapped her arms around Callum’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder as she said it.
“Jayden’s right Chrissy, and Cathy was last night when she said what she did in her little speech about you. I’m glad you have a little side line as cupid.” Callum said with a grin, as he looked at Jayden’s head resting on his shoulder.
Chrissy was at a loss, as to what to say next, but luckily Amy came to the rescue when she put a couple of plates down on the table in front of Callum and Jayden. Amber was soon putting a couple of plates down in front of Mandy and Carl, then they both returned with plates for themselves, and Chrissy and Becky.
“Thanks Amy, Amber. This looks really good.” Callum said, as he helped Jayden to sit up, and then set to work making the food on the plate disappear.
They all sat quietly and ate their breakfast or brunch, as it was nearly lunchtime. Once they had all finished. Chrissy and Becky sent Amy and Amber up to finish packing their stuff, so they could go and house sit for Sara and Cathy. Chrissy and Becky then set to work cleaning up the kitchen before they went up to get ready, so they could go and spend some time with Chrissy’s mum and dad.
Everyone had gone out by the time Chrissy and Becky got back down stairs. Mandy had gone out to spend some time with Carl. Jayden had gone out with Callum to the movies, and Amy and Amber had left to go and house sit for Sara and Cathy. So they grabbed their purses and left the house, locking up on their way out, and then they got in Becky’s car and made their way around to Mable’s, where Chrissy’s mum and dad were stopping while they were down here.
“Are you alright baby?” Becky asked looking worried, when she realised that Chrissy had been quiet since they finished getting ready to leave the house.
“I’m fine Becky.” Chrissy said, as she tried to smile, and stop Becky looking worried. She could tell by the look on Becky’s face, that she wasn’t buying it for a second.
“You need to work on your lying skills a little more baby. Now tell me what’s wrong.” Becky asked in a firmer voice this time.
Chrissy let out a sigh, just before she spoke. “I’m worried about dad, he looked really ill last night. It’s like he’s just wasting away, and I can’t do anything to stop it.” Chrissy added with a tear in her eye.
“I know how you feel baby, and I wish I could fix it for you, but we both knew this was going to be hard on you, and all of us too.” Becky pulled up outside Mable’s as she said it, and she turned off the engine and then took hold of Chrissy’s hand. “We’ll all do as much as we can to help you and Holly get through all this.”
“I know you will my love, but I just wish you didn’t have to. I want him to see his grandchildren grow up. I want him to spoil them rotten just like mum will.” Chrissy said, as she finally broke down and started crying on Becky’s shoulder while they sat in the car.
Once Chrissy had stopped crying and then done a quick repair job to her makeup. Chrissy and Becky got out the car and then walked to Mable’s front door and rang the bell. They soon found themselves stood smiling at Mable.
“Hello dears. Come in, come in.” Mable said, as she stepped aside and let the two of them enter the house. “Everyone is in the dinning room having a cup of tea.” Mable added, as she led the way.
Chrissy’s mum and dad were sat at the dinning table with David, Kim, Jenna, Vic and Cathleen. Cathleen was sat on Vic’s knee, as he read a story to her. Chrissy’s dad was in a wheel chair, which really made just how ill he was hit home.
“Hi mum, dad.” Chrissy said with a forced smile, as she walked over and gave each of them a hug.
“Hello dear, Becky.” Holly said, as she first hugged Chrissy, and then she gave Becky a hug as well.
“Hi mum, Dad. I hope you both had a good time at the wedding yesterday?” Becky asked, just after hugging Greg.
“We had a wonderful time. It was nice to get out the house.” Greg said with a smile.
“Do you feel like getting out the house now, and doing something?” Chrissy asked.
“Sure, but what did you have in mind?” Greg asked.
“How about a walk around the park? Or a wheel in your case.” Chrissy said, as she looked down at the wheel chair her dad was sitting in.
“Okay, but just as long as you don’t push me down any steep hills, or into any duck ponds.” Greg chuckled, as he wagged his finger at Chrissy.
“I’m hurt you could think such a thing.” Chrissy said looking hurt. “And they don’t have a duck pond, or any steep hills.” Chrissy added with a pout, just before she started giggling.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Greg chuckled some more.
The park was just up the road, so they decided to walk up to it instead of taking Becky’s car. Chrissy claimed pushing rights for her dad, and they were soon heading up the road towards the park. Becky and Holly let Chrissy lead the way, and they just followed some distance behind so they could chat about things.
“How’s everything between you and Chrissy now?” Holly asked, as she watched Chrissy giggling with her father just up the road a little ways.
“They’re really good again now, but I still feel like I got off lightly after all the trouble I caused by keeping secrets from Chrissy, and then letting her run away.” Becky said with a sigh.
“Sadly that’s the price you pay for keeping secrets like you did Becky. You should have told Chrissy from the start what you and Prue were planning, but it’s all water under the bridge, as they say. You got her back, and I can tell by the look in her eyes, that she still loves you just as much, if not more than ever.” Holly smiled. As she wrapped an arm around Becky.
Becky rested her head on Holly’s shoulder, and made the most of the motherly hug she was getting. “Thanks mum. I’m glad we found her again, I wasn’t looking forward to raising a child on my own, or two of them as it’s going to be.” Becky sighed.
“I think you’ll both make wonderful parents Becky, and I think you’ll have your hands full with twins as well.” Holly giggled.
“I’m glad we’ll have plenty of help to look after them.” Becky giggled. “How’s things for you and Greg now? He’s not looking to good.” Becky asked with some worry in her voice.
“I’m not going to lie to you Becky. It’s getting harder and harder for me to look after him on my own, but I don’t know what to do about it.” Holly sounded a little depressed as she said it.
“What about you moving down here with all of us? I’m sure Mable would love to have you live with her, then we can all chip in and help to take care of Greg with you.” Becky asked, as she lifted her head off Holly’s shoulder and looked at her.
“I wouldn’t want to put any of you out dear.” Holly said, but looking grateful for the offer.
“You wouldn’t be mum. I’ll have a word with Mable when we get back to her place, then I’ll have a word with Carl tonight at the club, and then I’ll let you know the plan.” Becky said.
“You sound just like Carl when you speak like that.” Holly giggled. “I mean that in a good way.” She added.
“Thanks mum, that means a lot.” Holly smiled. “What do you want to do about the house mum? Do you want Carl to sort out and get it sold for you? I guess you won’t be going back their again?” Becky asked.
“I might as well get it sold. My life will be down here with you and Chrissy once Greg’s gone.” Holly said, sounding a little choked up as she said it.
“I’m sorry mum, I shouldn’t be talking about all this right now.” Becky said, as she hugged Holly.
“When is a good time to talk about it Becky? I’ve got no idea, and it’s nice to have someone to help me deal with it all now.” Holly said, as she hugged Becky back.
“Chrissy’s off tomorrow and Wednesday, so if Carl can use the plane, we could have you and Greg moved down here right away. How does that sound?” Becky asked.
“Could you really do it all that fast?” Holly asked, sounding shocked.
“Sure we could. It will take some time to get the house cleared out and sold, but I can’t see any reason why we can’t get you and Greg settled in down here right away.” Becky said with a shrug.
“That sounds great then Becky. We’d only need our personal stuff, then the furniture can all be given to charity.” Holly said. “I won’t be needing any of that stuff living with Mable.” Holly added.
Chrissy was having a good giggle with her dad, even though he looked really ill, he still had a funny way of looking at things and could always make Chrissy giggle.
“I bet you never thought you’d be pushing your old man around in one of these things did you?” Greg asked, as he tapped the armrest of the wheelchair.
“Not really dad, but I don’t mind doing it now I have too.” Chrissy said. “I’m just glad we’re spending time together. I’d hate myself if I never got to make up with you again before you died.” Chrissy said close to tears.
“I know what you mean Chrissy. I’m sorry for making you feel the way you did for all them years. I know I was a fool for not trying to understand who you were when I first found out.” Greg said, as he looked up at Chrissy, as she pushed him along. “I’m very proud of how you turned out my daughter.” Greg added with a smile.
“Thanks dad. I’m pretty proud of how I turned out too.” Chrissy said, as she struck a sexy pose.
“I’m so glad you’ve remained modest with it.” Greg chuckled.
“I am modest most the time dad.” Chrissy giggled.
“I was also proud of what Cathy said yesterday in her little speech. I think you make a very good cupid.” Greg said with a grin. “You found yourself a good group of friends down here.” Greg added.
“Not friends dad, a family.” Chrissy said with pride.
Becky and Holly soon caught up to them as they entered the park, and Becky filled Chrissy in on what she’d been speaking to mum about. Chrissy was excited to find out that her mum and dad would be stopping with them from now on. Holly was expecting an argument from Greg about it, but he looked relieved that his wife would be getting some help to look after him.
Once they’d walked around the park, they made their way back to Mable’s, so they could ask her about Holly and Greg stopping with her.
Mable was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when they got back, so Chrissy and Becky went to talk with her, while Holly helped Greg to go and lie down for a little bit. He got tired very quickly these days.
“Hello Chrissy, Becky. Did you have a nice walk?” Mable asked, as she put a joint of meat back in the oven after checking it.
“Hi Mable, yes it was nice to just take a walk and chat with mum and dad.” Chrissy said, as she walked over to where Mable was stood. “Do you need any help?”
“No, I think I’ve got it covered, but thanks for the offer.” Mable smiled, as she led Chrissy over to the kitchen table. “Do you want a cup of tea? I just made a fresh pot.”
“That sounds like a great idea Mable.” Chrissy smiled. “You take a seat, and I’ll pour us all a cup out.” Chrissy said, as she helped Mable take a seat at the table before she set to work pouring them all a cup out.
Becky had already taken a seat at the table, but hadn’t said anything since she came into the kitchen. Mable had known Becky long enough to see when she was troubled by something. “What’s wrong Becky? I can see that you’re worried about something. Is everything okay with the babies?” Mable asked, as she put a hand on Becky’s knee looking worried.
“No, the babies are fine Mable.” Becky said, as she put a hand on her belly. “But I am worried about something.” Becky added with a frown.
“What’s got you so worried Becky, and what can I do to help?” Mable asked.
“Chrissy and I are worried about the amount of work Holly is having to do, too look after Greg.” Becky said with a pained look.
“Good! I’m glad you’ve seen that. I wanted to try and find some time before they left, so I could have a word with you and Chrissy about it.” Mable said in a firm voice. “I want them both to think about moving down here, and living here with me and the others.” Mable added.
Becky just sat with her mouth open for a couple of seconds, then she started giggling. Chrissy had just dropped down into the seat next to Becky in utter shock. She too started to giggle when she started to think about it. Mable always seemed to know things before anyone else.
“Have I missed the joke here?” Mable asked looking puzzled as to why both girls were now sat giggling.
“I’m sorry Mable, but we were going to ask you if Holly and Greg could move in here with you. But you beat us to it.” Becky said, as she got her giggling under control. “You always seem to be one step ahead of us.” Becky added with a smile.
“It comes with age my dear. I wasn’t always this smart.” Mable said with a little giggle.
“I’d love to hear about some of the things you’ve done wrong in the past then Mable.” Chrissy smiled, hoping to hear some interesting stories from Mable’s past.
“They will all remain up here where they belong.” Mable tapped her finger to the side of her head as she said it. “I have an image to uphold you know.” She added with a grin.
“So no one will ever get to hear about the adventures of Mable the wonder woman?” Chrissy asked with a pout.
“Not never my dear. I did use to keep a diary when I was younger.” Mable smiled. “I’ll let you read it one day, or I may just leave it for you in my will.” Mable added with a grin.
“Thanks Mable, but I hope I don’t get to read it for a very long time to come.” Chrissy said with a shudder, as she thought about what would need to happen for her to get the diary. Chrissy still found it creepy to hear people talking about wills and death. She’d felt the same way when she found out Prue had put her in her will.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ve got no plans to be leaving any time soon.” Mable had a look that said the grim reaper would be sent packing with his tail between his legs, if he turned up before Mable was ready to go with him.
Chrissy and Becky looked at each other, and then started giggling, as they must have had the same thought about Mable and the grim reaper.
Holly walked into the kitchen to find Becky and Chrissy sat giggling, and Mable with a grin on her face. “What’s got you two giggling then?”
“I’ve got no idea really.” Mable said with a grin, that said she did have a pretty good idea what set them off. “They did ask me about you and Greg moving in though.” Mable added, as she put her hand on Holly’s.
“I’ll understand if you think it will be to much for you Mable.” Holly said, sensing that Mable was about to say no.
“I think it’s a great idea Holly. I was going to have a word with the girls, and suggest the same thing.” Mable smiled. “I’ve seen you struggle to look after Greg these past couple of days, and I think it’s about time you had some help.”
“Thank you Mable. It will be nice having people around to help me look after him, and just to talk to about all this.” Holly said, as she broke down and started crying on Mable’s shoulder.
“I know how you feel Holly. I went through the same thing when my husband died, but I had David here to help me.” Mable said, as she stroked the back of Holly’s hair while she sobbed. “You’re not going to do this on your own any longer.” Mable added.
Chrissy had got up and gone to sit on the other side of her mum, so Mable let Chrissy take over from her, so she could have a word with Becky, and form a plan of attack.
“Becky, I need you to get me Carl on the phone. He likes a challenge, so we’ll give him one.” Mable said with a grin.
Becky got her mobile out and then scrolled down to Carl’s number, and called it. Carl’s voice was soon on the other end. “Hi Becky, is everything okay?”
“Hi Carl, everything is fine with Chrissy and I, but we do have a little problem of sorts, that we need your help to sort out.” Becky said back down the phone.
“If I can help, you know I will Becky, just name it.”
“I’ll put Mable on, so she can explain everything to you.” Becky said, as she saw Mable sat waiting for the phone.
“If they make these things any smaller, you won’t be able to find them to use them soon.” Mable said, as she took the mobile phone off Becky.
Becky just giggled, as she looked at Mable moaning about the little phone she had. “Carl’s waiting to talk with you Mable.” Becky finally had to say, when she realised that Mable was still looking at the phone, and not talking into it.
Mable could hear Carl chuckling on the other end of the phone when she put it to her ear. “I hope you’re not laughing at me Carl?” Mable asked in a firm voice.
“No Mable. I know better than to laugh at anything you do.” Carl said, as he got his laughing under control. “Hello Mable, what can I help you with?” Carl asked, sounding a lot more serious.
“Chrissy, Becky and I have been talking with Holly, and we’ve found out that she’s starting to have trouble talking care of Greg. So we want to get the two of them moved down here to live with me. Can you help make that happen?” Mable asked.
“Not a problem Mable, do you want Mandy and I to come around now to sort out some of the details?” Carl asked with a little hint of hope in his voice.
“Yes, but only if you agree to stop for dinner, and yes I’ve got an apple pie for desert.” Mable added the last bit with a grin.
“We’ll be there as soon as we can then Mable.” Carl said just before ending the call.
Mable handed the phone back to Becky, so she could end the call at their end, and then she put it back in her purse. “I take it Carl and Mandy will be joining us for dinner then?” Becky asked. Becky knew from the look Mable gave her and Chrissy while she was asking Carl that they would be stopping for dinner.
“What do you think. One mention of an apple pie being on the menu, and Carl will be here to help eat it.” Mable giggled.
This soon set Becky and Chrissy off giggling again, and even Holly had a giggle as well. Chrissy helped clean up the little bit of makeup her mum had on.
They were all sat drinking tea when they heard the doorbell. Mable went to get up, but Chrissy stopped her. “I’ll get it Mable, you just relax and enjoy your cup of tea.”
“Thank you dear, that’s so kind of you.” Mable smiled up at her.
Chrissy went to the door and found Carl and Mandy stood there smiling at her. “Hi Chrissy, we’re here, just as we were ordered to be.” Carl said with a grin.
“Hi Carl, sis. I hope we haven’t spoiled your plans for the day?” Chrissy asked looking a little worried.
“Not at all sis, I’m glad that we can do something to help.” Mandy said as she stepped into the house, and gave Chrissy a hug.
“Shall we go and see what needs to be done?” Carl asked, as he indicated for them all to go and find the others.
Chrissy led them back to the kitchen, where Chrissy had left them. Mable had just put the kettle on to make a fresh pot of tea. She was soon being led back over to the kitchen table while Chrissy took over making the fresh pot for them all, she also checked on the joint in the oven while she was at it.
Becky filled Carl and Mandy in on her idea for them to go and pick up all the stuff Holly and Greg would want to keep, and then letting a charity take away all the furniture and what ever was left. Becky also asked Carl about sorting out the sale of the house for Holly.
“You’ve really given this a lot of thought haven’t you Becky?” Carl asked, looking impressed with her.
“Mum and I had a good long chat about it while we were out walking this afternoon. So can you help us get it all sorted out?” Becky asked, as she sat biting her bottom lip looking nervous.
“Yes, not a problem. I had pretty much the same thought on the way over here, and I’ve already been in touch with Paul and Mark about sorting out a flight plan for tomorrow.” Carl was sat with Mandy cuddled up next to him as he said it.
“Thank you for all the help Carl, I know you must be a very busy person.” Holly smiled. She was happy to be getting some help.
“Nothing is more important to me than family Holly.” Carl smiled. “I just wish you’d given me a call sooner, and I could have done this some time ago for you.” Carl added with a stern look.
“I’m sorry, but the trouble with Chrissy going missing, and then the wedding, I just thought you all had enough to worry about without me adding to it.” Holly said with a sigh, as she looked down at her lap.
“You still should have called me Holly.” Carl smiled. “You know how much I love fixing problems.” Carl added with a grin.
Holly couldn’t help giggling when she saw the grin Carl gave her. “I’m beginning to see that Carl. Thank you again for doing all this.”
They all had a cup of tea, and then Carl sat with Mable, so they could sort out what they would need to get sorted for Holly and Greg to move in. Mable took Carl to one of the ground floor rooms, that she thought would best suit Greg’s needs. It was a large room that would allow for two beds to be put in there. Carl got on the phone and made a couple of calls, so he could sort out a special bed for Greg. He also sorted out for a company to come around to have a word with Mable about putting some things in place to make life a little easier for Holy to move Greg around.
“You’ll have someone coming to see you tomorrow Mable, to sort out putting some rails and other stuff in place to help Greg get around.” Carl said, when he ended his last call. “I’ve told them to listen to what ever you tell them, and not to do anything to the house, that can’t be easily removed at a later date.” Carl added.
“Don’t worry about that Carl. I’ve had dealing with them people in the past.” Mable said in a stern tone of voice.
“I don’t even know why I’m warning you about it.” Carl chuckled. “Don’t worry about the cost of anything Mable, they will be sending the bill to me for it all.” Carl added with a smile.
“I’m still going to make sure you get a good price for it all.” Mable said. “Just because you have money, doesn’t mean you should just give it away wily nily.” Mable added with a frown.
“I’ll leave that in your capable hands then Mable.” Carl smiled. He found himself wondering just how much Mable had to do with the running of her husbands business while he was alive.
Chrissy, Becky, Mandy and holly were all still sat in the kitchen. Chrissy and Becky had taken over sorting out dinner why Mable spoke with Carl about tomorrow. Mable went to help Chrissy and Becky when they got up to carry on with dinner, once they had a plan.
“Do any of you mind if I give Amy and Amber a call after dinner, and see if they want to come and help clear mum and dad’s house out with us?” Chrissy asked, as she made a start on mashing the potatoes.
“I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes if you didn’t call them and ask for their help.” Mandy giggled, as she sat cuddled up to Carl at the kitchen table.
“We could do with all the help we can get anyway.” Carl said.
Once dinner was ready, Chrissy went with her mum to go and help get dad up. They returned to the dinning room with Greg in his wheel chair. Holly had parked it at the bottom of the stairs. Greg could still walk around, but he wasn’t very fast, and it made him tired very quickly.
Holly, Mable and Carl explained their plan to Greg over dinner, and he was happy with everything, but most of them could tell that he was just happy that Holly would be getting some help. Greg was finding it hard to watch Holly struggle to help him day in and day out.
Greg had decided that he would stay behind with Mable, while Holly went with them the next day to sort out the house, and what they would need to bring back with them. Greg also knew that he wouldn’t be around much longer to need anything, so it would be a good excuse to let Holly decide what she wanted to keep.
Chrissy helped her mum take Greg to the sitting room where the telly was after dinner, and then she returned to the dinning room to find Becky sat playing a board game with Jenna and Cathleen.
“How’s dad doing baby?” Becky asked with a smile.
“He’s found a football match to watch, so he’s happy for the time being.” Chrissy smiled back.
“Do you want to join us?” Becky asked, as she pointed at the game on the table.
“Maybe later, I need to go and give Amy and Amber a call.” Chrissy smiled, as she turned to go and find her purse, and her phone.
“You better give Ann a call as well. She might be able to talk Brad into helping us.” Becky said with a grin.
“Good idea baby, but do you think his boss will give him a night off to come and help?” Chrissy asked with a worried look, just before she started grinning.
“Hold on, I’ll just check.” Becky said, as she sat looking into space for a couple of seconds before speaking again. “Yep, she’s fine with it.” Becky giggled.
“Sometimes I think I married a crazy person.” Chrissy giggled, as she leaned down and gave Becky a hug.
“Only some of the time. I must be better at fooling you than I first thought.” Becky said with a grin when they broke the hug.
“I guess I’m just blinded by love.” Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky. “I better go and make these call’s.” Chrissy added, just before walking away to find her purse.
Amy and Amber were cuddled up together on one of Sara and Cathy’s sofas watching a home video show on TV when Amy’s mobile started ringing. Amy picked it up and smiled when she saw it was Chrissy calling her.
“Looks like Chrissy is missing me already.” Amy smiled, as she showed Amber who was calling her.
“Hadn’t you better answer it then?” Amber asked with a smile.
Amy hit the answer button and then spoke into it. “Hi Chrissy. Missing me already?”
“Hi Amy. I’m always missing you, but that’s not the reason for the call baby sister.”
“Oh, is everything okay?” Amy asked with worry in her voice.
“Yes, everything is fine, but I was wondering if you and Amber wanted to join us on a little mission tomorrow and Wednesday?” Chrissy asked.
“Sure, what do you have planned?” Amy asked.
Chrissy went on to explain about Holly having trouble looking after dad, and how they were going to be moving in with Mable, so they could all help out. Chrissy then went on to explain about the trip up to help out with clearing out her old home, and asked if they were up to a trip, and some sorting out with her and the others.
“You can count me in sis, and I know that Amber will help out as well.” Amy said, as she looked at the puzzled look on Amber’s face. “I’ll explain it all to you in a minute baby.” Amy added, as she put her hand over the mouthpiece in her mobile.
“Thanks Baby sister. Carl’s sorted out transport to the airport in the morning so we’ll pick you up from Sara’s just after eight. Is that okay?” Chrissy asked.
“We’ll be ready sis. See you in the morning at eight. Bye.” Amy said before ending the call.
“So what are we doing at eight tomorrow morning?” Amber asked, as she pulled Amy back into a cuddle with her.
“Chrissy and the others are all going up to help Holly pack up everything, so her and Greg can move in with Mable. Chrissy asked if we wanted to help, and I said yes.” Amy said, as she rested her head on Amber’s shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind?” Amy asked, as she lifted her head to look at Amber’s reaction.
“No, not at all. Just wondering what’s brought all this on so sudden?” Amber asked.
“Chrissy and Becky found out that Holly’s been finding it harder and harder to look after Greg on her own, so they had a word with Mable about them moving down here to be closer to the rest of us, and then we can all help look after him.” Amy said, as she put her head back on Amber’s shoulder.
“I’m glad that Carl’s around to help make it all happen. Chrissy will be glad to have her mum and dad close by, so she can keep a closer eye on them both, but I’m not sure how Chrissy will cope with watching her dad waste away.” Amber said with a deep sigh.
“She’ll have all us to help her get through it, and her dad will have peace of mind when he sees how well we’ll be looking after Holly for him.” Amy said, sounding a little choked up about it all.
“I know Chrissy will need us all in the months to come Amy. I just wish I could do more to help her, but something’s you just have to face, and this will be one of them.” Amber rested her head against Amy’s as she said it.
“I thought it would be more fun house sitting for Sara and Cathy, but all I want to do is go home and be with Chrissy and the others.” Amy said with a pout.
“I know what you mean baby. I do love Sara’s house, but it just feels empty without Chrissy and the others around.” Amber said, as she looked around the room. “I think we both spent to much time alone to ever find being alone again nice.” Amber added, as she pulled Amy in even tighter to her.
They went back to watching the TV, and laughing at the silly thing’s people filmed, and sent into the show they were still watching.
Ann was just getting her bits together at Brad’s apartment when her mobile started ringing, so she got it out her purse and saw it was Chrissy calling, so she answered it.
“Hi Chrissy, is everything alright?”
“Hi Ann, everything is fine, but I was calling to see if you were still with Brad at the minute?” Chrissy’s voice said from the other end of the phone.
“Yes, I’m just getting my stuff together, so he can drop me off at home before he heads over to the club. Do you need him for something?” Ann asked, as she walked through to Brad’s living room.
Chrissy explained to Ann about their plan to go and sort out, so Holly and Greg could move in with Mable, then Chrissy went on to ask about Brad going with them to help with some of the more heavy stuff they would have to move around.
Ann had found Brad sat on the sofa finishing a glass of milk, so she waited for Chrissy to finish explained before she told him why Chrissy was on the phone. “Chrissy and the others are all flying up to help Holly and Greg move down here tomorrow, and they want to know if you’ll go with them and help out?” Ann asked Brad.
“Name the time, and I’ll be ready.” Brad said with a smile.
“I take it you heard that Chrissy?” Ann asked, as she hadn’t covered up the phone as she spoke to Brad.
“Yes I did Ann, tell him thank you for me.” Chrissy said. “I owe him one.” She added.
“I could, but I already know what he’d say Chrissy.” Ann giggled. “Do you mind if I came with you? If I can get the day off. I’ll have to give Carl a quick call when I get done with you.” Ann added, as she seemed to be working out a plan in her head.
“I can soon find out for you.” Chrissy said. “Carl! Ann wants to help out, can she have a day off tomorrow?” Ann heard Chrissy shout.
“I thought she would be anyway!” Carl shouted back to Chrissy with a chuckle.
“All sorted sis. Anything else I can help you with?” Chrissy asked in a happy tone.
“Nope, but I’ll let you know if there is.” Ann giggled. “What time will he need to be round at home for tomorrow?” Ann asked.
“We’re picking Amy and Amber up at eight in the morning, so we’ll be leaving home about seven forty five. Tell brad to be at our house by then.” Chrissy said. “Or seven if he wants feeding.” Chrissy added with a giggle.
“Will Becky be working tonight at the club Chrissy?” Ann asked, as she had an idea.
“Yes she’s working tonight.” Chrissy said in a sad tone. “Why do you want to know?” Chrissy asked.
“I was just thinking that Brad could bring Becky home after the club closes tonight, and then he can spend the night with me. Amy and Amber will be sleeping at Sara and Cathy’s, so he can help keep me safe and warm.” Ann sounded really happy with her plan.
“Sounds like a great idea, and it will save Vicky driving Becky home as well. I’ll let Becky know about it when I get off the phone.” Chrissy said sounding a little happier about everything. “I’ll see you at home later then sis. Bye!” Chrissy added, just before ending the call.
“Did you catch all that lover?” Ann asked, as she rested her head on Brad’s chest.
“Sure did princess.” Brad said with a big grin on his face. “Bring the boss home, and spend the night keeping you safe, and warm.” Brad added with a raised eyebrow.
“Don’t get any idea’s buddy.” Ann said, as she poked him in the chest. “You’ll need all your strength for moving furniture and boxes tomorrow.” Ann added.
“I’ve got enough to do both princess.” Brad said, just before he leaned down to kiss her.
“Good, because I may need you to keep me very warm when you get home from work.” Ann purred between kisses.
“Speaking of work, I better go and get ready. And you need to finish packing up your bridesmaid dress so I can drop you off on the way.” Brad said, as he stopped kissing Ann and helped her to sit up again.
Ann got up and then went back to finish putting her stuff in her bag, so they could get her home, and Brad could then get to the club.
Chrissy wandered back into the dining room to tell the others that Amy, Amber, Ann and Brad were all coming with them to help. Carl and Mandy had been dragged into play the board game with Cathleen, Jenna and Becky.
“That’s everyone called and willing to help out. I just need to see if Jayden want’s to come with us now.” Chrissy said, as she put her mobile back in her purse.
“Why don’t you give her a call now Chrissy? Callum might like to come along, so he can show Jayden where he use to live before moving down here.” Carl said.
“He might even find some time to take Jayden round to meet his mum while we’re up there.” Mandy added with a smile.
“They said they were going to see a movie, so I’m not sure they will answer or not.” Chrissy said with a worried look.
“You’ll never know until you try sis. Just give them a call and see if they answer or not.” Mandy said with a shrug.
“True.” Chrissy said, as she got her mobile out again, and then scrolled down until she found Jayden’s number and then she called it. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard Jayden answer it.
“Hi Chrissy, is everything okay?” Jayden asked.
“Hi Jayden, everything is fine. Are you still out with Callum?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes, we’re just about to go and get something to eat. Do you want to talk to him?” Jayden asked.
“Maybe later, but first I need to talk with you.” Chrissy said. “We’re all heading up to help my mum pack up her stuff tomorrow, so her and my dad can move in with Mable. I was wondering if you wanted to come up and see where I grew up?” Chrissy asked.
“That’s great Chrissy, and I’d love to come and see where you use to live as a child.” Jayden said, sounding really happy about it. “So why do you need to talk to Callum then?” Jayden asked.
“We were wondering if Callum wanted to come with us, as he grew up in the same place remember.”
“Very true Chrissy, I’ll just ask him.” Jayden said.
“I’ve got Chrissy on the phone, and she wants to know if you’d like to come with us tomorrow? She’s going back home with her mum, so they can pack up their stuff and move down to live with Mable.” Chrissy heard Jayden say to Callum.
“Are you sure they won’t mind me tagging along with you?” Callum asked.
“I don’t think Chrissy would be on the phone now asking me, if they did.” Jayden said in a sarcastic tone of voice.
“I’d love to come with you then. What time are they driving up there?” Callum asked.
“Chrissy, you still there?” Jayden asked.
“Yep, I’m still here sis.” Chrissy said in reply. “Tell him that we’ll be leaving for the airport at seven forty five in the morning, so if he wants to spend the night, it will save us some time picking him up. I’m sure you can find him some place to spend the night.” Chrissy giggled.
“I’m sure I can think of a couple of places for him to sleep tonight.” Jayden smiled. “I’ll see you later back at home then sis.” Jayden added.
“Okay. Bye sis” Chrissy said, just before ending the call.
Chrissy sat and had a quick game with Cathleen and the others before they all had to leave, so Carl, Becky and Vic could all get ready for work. Vic was going to get ready at Mable’s, like he did most the time now. Carl was going back to Mandy’s house to get ready, then he would drive Becky to the club with him, or her, as it would be by then.
Mandy led Carl up to her bedroom once they got home, and then she sat on the bed and watched Carl become Carla. No matter how many times Mandy sat and watched Carl do this, it still made her want to drag him over to the bed and make love to him, or her as it was by this point.
Chrissy had gone with Becky to their room, and helped her to get ready. Chrissy and Becky were back down stairs waiting in the living room when Mandy got back down there with Carla holding her hand.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Becky.” Carla said, just after entering the living room. “It takes me a little longer to look like this.” Carla added, as she waved her hand up and down her body wrapped inside a beautiful red evening dress.
“Don’t worry about it Carla. I just get to spend even longer with my beautiful wife here.” Becky said with a grin.
“I’m sorry then, but I’m ready to leave now, so when you’re ready, we better see about getting to the club.” Carla said, as she held out her hand to help Becky stand up.
Becky took Carla’s hand and stood up, then she helped Chrissy to stand before following Carla and Mandy to the front door, so they could wave them both off.
“I’ll look forward to seeing you later then my love.” Mandy said, just before kissing Carla.
“Are you sure that will be okay? I don’t feel right knowing that Chrissy will have to sleep alone in her own bed until Becky gets home later.” Carla said after breaking the kiss with Mandy
Carla was going to be driving Becky back home from the club with Brad at the end of the night, and then stopped the night with Mandy, so Chrissy was going to sleep in her own bed when they went up later in the night.
“I’ll be fine with it Carla.” Chrissy smiled. “I got used to sleeping alone while I was away. I’m sure Mandy will like waking up with you beside her in the morning as well.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“You’ll only be alone until I get home from the club, then I’ll cuddle you, and keep you feeling safe for the rest of the night.” Becky purred, just before kissing Chrissy.
Chrissy and Mandy both waved them off at the front door before going to the living room to relax and watch a little TV before bedtime. They both found it strange to be the only two in the house, and sat watching TV.
“Did it really used to be just the two of us living here once?” Chrissy asked, as she looked at the two empty sofas.
“It’s hard to believe sis, but yes it used to just be the two of us living here, even if I think Becky was here most the time anyway before we asked her to move in with us.” Mandy giggled.
“Yes, she was here most the time.” Chrissy sighed, as she thought about Becky, and how much Chrissy loved her.
Ann was in the house, but she’d gone up to unpack her bridesmaid dress and then take a soak in a nice hot bubble bath before getting an early night.
Chrissy and Mandy were happy to hear Jayden get home with Callum following close behind. They both walked into the living room and took a seat on one of the empty sofas in the room.
“Hi Chrissy, Mandy.” Jayden smiled, as she sat down.
“Hi Chrissy, Mandy. Thanks for letting me tag along with you all tomorrow when you head back home Chrissy.” Callum said with a smile, as he sat down next to Jayden.
“My pleasure Callum. I thought you could show Jayden where we both grew up.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“I’m looking forward to it, and I’m hoping to go and meet his mum while we’re up there.” Jayden smiled, as she cuddled up to Callum on the sofa.
Mandy found a movie to watch, and they all had a laugh at it. Once the move ended they all called it a night, and made their way up to bed.
Chrissy found it a little strange going to bed alone, after being with Becky, or Mandy and Becky every night. The only thing that made it feel better, was knowing that Becky would be home a little later to make her feel loved.
Mandy went to her own room and got ready for bed smiling, as she thought about Carl coming back to her house to spend the night with her.
Jayden dragged Callum off to her room with a grin on her face, as she planed to have some fun with Callum before they went to sleep.
Chrissy felt Becky come to bed later in the night, but she never woke up enough to see what the time was. She just let Becky pull her into a hug, and she was soon fast asleep again wrapped in Becky’s arms. Chrissy knew that she’d have a busy couple of days helping her mum sort out the house, so she and dad could move down to Mable’s.
By SaraUK
Part 14
Chrissy woke when she felt Becky getting up to use the toilet. “Morning lover, is everything alright?” Chrissy asked, as she looked at Becky through sleepy eyes.
“Morning babe.” Becky said, as she turned to kiss Chrissy before she finished getting out of bed. “I’ve just woken with a sudden need to go pee.” Becky added, as she ran off to the bathroom.
Chrissy lay in bed giggling, as she thought about something Debbie said to her the other day. She’d told Chrissy that she did nothing but want to pee through her first pregnancy, and this one wasn’t going any better for her. Chrissy wondered if that was the problem with Becky just now, and if it would get worse.
“What you smiling about?” Becky asked, as she walked back out of the bathroom feeling much better.
“I was just thinking about something Debbie said the other day.” Chrissy said, as Becky snapped her out of her thoughts by speaking to her.
“And what would that be then my little sleeping beauty?” Becky asked, as she slid back into bed and cuddled up to Chrissy again.
“Debbie was just warning me about how the baby can sometimes sit on the bladder and make you want to use the toilet all the time.” Chrissy giggled. “She said it gets really bad at times.” Chrissy added.
“I’m glad you find this so funny.” Becky pouted.
“I don’t find it funny my love, I think it’s cute.” Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky.
“Cute? You think me needing to pee all the time is going to be cute?” Becky looked puzzled as she said it.
“No, but the way you had to suddenly run off to the bathroom just now was very cute.” Chrissy had a hurt look on her face, as she thought she’d just upset Becky. “I always think you look cute when you’re in a hurry to get some place. You have a very cute run.” Chrissy added, as she tried to explain what she was laughing at a little better.
“Oh, I’ll let you off then this time.” Becky smiled, just before kissing Chrissy again. “I can cope with being cute in that way.”
“Good.” Chrissy smiled when they stopped kissing. “We better see about getting up and sorting out some breakfast for everyone.” Chrissy said after looking over at the clock on the bedside table.
“I wish I could have a couple more hours sleep baby.” Becky moaned.
“You can stop here if you want, I’m sure we can do it without you being with us.” Chrissy said, but didn’t want Becky to take her up on it.
“What, and miss out on a trip back to where my little angel grew up? Not on your life baby.” Becky said, as she suddenly sat up in the bed. “Come on, we’ve got breakfast to make.” Becky added, as she slid out of bed again, and dragged Chrissy out with her.
Chrissy was giggling as Becky tried to drag her out the room in just her nightgown. “Becky! Stop. I need my dressing gown and the toilet before we head down.”
“Okay then.” Becky said with a sigh, as she let go of Chrissy’s hand so she could run off to the bathroom.
Becky thought about what Chrissy had said about her looking cute as she ran off to the bathroom. She thought that Chrissy looked really cute as well, but then again Becky found everything that Chrissy did cute. Becky put her dressing gown on, and then stood waiting with Chrissy’s, ready for when she finished in the bathroom.
Chrissy found Becky stood waiting with her dressing gown, so she let Becky help her put it on before they went down to make a start on breakfast for everyone. Even though Amy and Amber were stopping at Sara and Cathy’s, they still had plenty of people to sort out breakfast for. Carl and Brad had come back with Becky last night. Jayden had brought Callum home with her. Chrissy and Becky were the first two down stairs, so they set to work making a pot of tea and then sorting out everything they would need to make breakfast. It was strange making breakfast for so many, and not having extra help to make it. They did get some help though when Jayden and Callum turned up.
“Morning Chrissy, Becky.” Jayden said, as she walked over to hug them both, after she’d seated Callum at the table. “Can I give you a hand?” Jayden asked with some pleading in her voice.
“Morning Jayden. Sure you can, we need all the help we can get today.” Chrissy said, as she hugged Jayden back.
“Morning Jayden. Yes please feel free to help us.” Becky said, as she also gave her a hug.
“So what can I do to help? I’m not a very good cook, but I’m willing to learn.” Jayden said in a pleading way.
“Do you know how to break eggs into a bowl?” Chrissy asked with a smile, as she led Jayden over to where she’d just set up a bowl and the eggs ready to start making the scrambled eggs to go with breakfast.
“Sure, I can do that.” Jayden said with a grin, as she started breaking the eggs into the bowl and then putting the eggshells back in the carton ready to be thrown away later.
Once Chrissy knew that Jayden would be okay breaking the eggs into the bowl, she went back to sorting out the hash browns in the oven, while Becky turned the sausage under the grill. Chrissy was soon walking back over to where Jayden was working when she heard her speaking.
“I’ve done that Chrissy. What do you want me to do now?” Jayden asked looking all excited.
“You need to beat all the eggs together now.” Chrissy said, as she got an egg beater out the draw and then showed Jayden what to do before leaving her to carry on beating the eggs until it looked all fluffy and mixed.
“Am I doing this right Chrissy?” Jayden asked, as she saw that Chrissy was watching her do it.
“Yep, you’re doing just fine sis.” Chrissy smiled. “Have you never made scrambled eggs before?” Chrissy asked.
“I tried once, but they looked all grey when I finished, so I never tried again after that.” Jayden said with a frown.
“Did you add any milk to them before you put them in the microwave?” Chrissy asked.
“Milk? Why would you add milk to them?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look.
“To stop them turning grey on you silly.” Chrissy giggled. “I’m not sure what it does really, but I guess it stops the eggs from burning, or what ever you call it when they turn grey on you.”
Jayden watched as Chrissy got the milk and added some to the bowl of eggs, and then she added a little salt and pepper. “Mix all that in as well now Jayden, and then we can start cooking it in the microwave.” Chrissy smiled, as she stepped back to let Jayden carry on.
“Where did you learn to cook so well Chrissy?” Jayden asked, as she beat the milk into the eggs.
“My mum taught me. With not going out much while I was growing up, I’d help my mum in the kitchen.” Chrissy said. “Did no one ever show you how to cook then Jayden?” Chrissy asked.
“No, I grew up in foster care, and they never let me do anything in the kitchen.” Jayden said looking a little sad about it.
“I’m sorry Jayden; I didn’t mean to drag up painful memories.” Chrissy said, as she went to walk away and leave Jayden to sort out the eggs.
“Don’t worry about it Chrissy.” Jayden smiled. “Like they say, it’s never too late to learn. So will you teach me?” Jayden asked with an even bigger smile.
“I thought I already was.” Chrissy grinned back at her. “I know that Becky and Amy will want to help as well.” Chrissy said, as she looked at Becky to get her okay on it.
“You can count me in baby.” Becky said with a grin. “I know what you mean about foster care Jayden. I had the same trouble; they would never let me help out in the kitchen.” Becky added with a frown.
“But you’re such an amazing cook now. Did you go to college to learn?” Jayden asked looking shocked at what Becky just said.
“Nope, I just met the perfect teacher, so I married her.” Becky said with a giggle, as she looked at Chrissy. “If Chrissy can teach me to cook, I know she’ll be able to teach you Jayden.”
Chrissy went to speak, but was cut off when Jayden spoke first. “Yes we know Chrissy. You never really did anything.” Jayden giggled. This soon set Becky off, and even Callum had to chuckle about it as well.
“Do I say that a lot then?” Chrissy asked with a sheepish look.
“You always say it Chrissy, but I don’t know why. You’re really good at a lot of things, so just be proud of it and take the praise with a thank you.” Jayden said, as she gave Chrissy a hug and a peck on the cheek.
“Thank you.” Chrissy said with a smile, and a very red face.
“You’re most welcome Chrissy, now what do I do next with the eggs?” Jayden asked.
“We need to leave them to stand while we get the rest of the breakfast ready. You can help Becky with the sausage for a little bit.” Chrissy said, as she led Jayden over to where Becky was stood over the grill.
Becky showed Jayden how she kept turned the sausage to stop it burning, and then Becky turned around to get a hug off Chrissy. “I didn’t think we’d get to do this, this morning baby.” Becky said, just before kissing Chrissy.
“Neither did I, but with Jayden’s help, we can now.” Chrissy purred, just before returning the kiss.
They soon got back to sorting out breakfast, and Jayden was learning lots of little things. Becky let her start grilling the bacon once the sausage was done and was being kept warm in the oven. Then Chrissy showed her how to clean and chop up some mushrooms for frying in a little butter. And finally she showed Jayden how to start cooking the scrambled eggs in the microwave.
“You’ll need to keep taking the bowl out, and giving the eggs a quick stir.” Chrissy smiled, as she stood next to Jayden over near the microwave. “You’ll know when they’re getting close to being done sis.” Chrissy added, just before wandering off to help Becky get the rest of the food on the plates.
Everyone had made it down stairs by the time they had breakfast on the plates, but they had all sat quietly watching Chrissy and Becky teach Jayden to cook the breakfast. Jayden looked quite shocked when she turned around and saw them all sat at the kitchen table grinning at her.
“Morning everyone.” Jayden said with a nervous smile, and a little wave.
They all said “Good morning.” As they watched Jayden help Chrissy and Becky bring the plates of food over to the table.
“This all looks really good girls. Thank you.” Carl said, as he got stuck in to eating it.
“It really does. It also looked like you were having fun helping Chrissy and Becky sort it out Jayden.” Mandy asked with a smile.
“I was Mandy, and I hope they will teach me how to do a lot more cooking as well.” Jayden said with a grin, as she sat next to Callum eating her breakfast.
“I’m sure they will Jayden. And I’m sure that Callum won’t mind you learning how to cook.” Mandy said with a sheepish grin on her face.
“It would be nice to be able to cook Callum some proper meals every now and then.” Jayden said looking a little red faced, as she knew what Mandy was getting at.
Once they finished eating breakfast, Brad, Ann and Callum set to work doing the dishes while the others all went up to finish getting ready to leave. Vic turned up in a minibus from the hotel, so it would be less parking at the airport. Then they all set off to go and pick up Holly, and then Amy and Amber before making their way to the airport.
Brad played the perfect gentlemen at Mable’s, as he jumped out the minibus and then helped Chrissy to get out, so she could go and get her mum. He then helped them both get back on the minibus before getting back in him self.
“Thank you Brad, you’re quite the gentlemen.” Holly said, as she took her seat next to Chrissy and Becky.
“You’re most welcome ma’am.” Brad said with a smile.
“Oh please call me Holly.” Holly said, as she waved her hand in the air in a dismissive way.
“Okay Holly.” Brad smiled.
“I’d like to thank you all for helping me do this.” Holly said, as she looked around the minibus at everyone.
“I’m sure I speak for everyone, when I say that we’re all glad we can help.” Mandy said, as she sat next to Carl cuddled up on a seat together.
“This is what Family does for each other.” Carl said with a smile, as he turned to look at Holly, and then Chrissy sat between her and Becky.
Holly knew what Carl meant, and she put an arm around Chrissy and pulled her into a hug. Chrissy was more than happy to let her mum do this, she was just happy to be helping her mum move closer to her.
Vic was soon pulling into the driveway at Sara and Cathy’s house, so they could pick up Amy and Amber. They were both stood waiting at the front door when they pulled up. They both ran over and jumped in the minibus once Brad had opened the door and stepped out to help them get in.
“Hi everyone.” Amy and Amber said as they got in.
“Hi mum! How’s dad doing?” Amy asked, as she threw her arms around Holly and hugged her.
“Hello dear. He’s doing okay, but he would have liked to have come with us to help, but knew he’d just be getting in the way if he did.” Holly smiled. She liked the fact that Amy had really taken to being her daughter.
“I was so happy to hear that you were finally going to be moving down here with us.” Amy added just before Amber made her take a seat, so Vic could get them to the airport.
“Chrissy was telling us that you’ve been finding it harder and harder to look after dad. You should have told us all sooner mum.” Amber said, as she pulled Amy in closer as they took their seats.
“I know I should have, but you’ve all had so much to deal with up until now, that I didn’t want to add to it.” Holly said.
“Well I hope you’re ready for lots of help now then.” Amber said with a grin. “We’re not going to let you try and look after dad on your own anymore.” Amber added in a firm voice.
“Thank you dear, I’m not going to fight any of you over any of this. I’ll be glad of the help, and having you all around to chat with.” Holly was happy that all the girls called her mum, and Greg dad. She knew that Greg loved having a whole bunch of daughters to call his own.
Once at the airport, Vic parked up in the hanger where the plane was normally kept, then he helped Brad get all the girls out the minibus while Carl walked over to say hello to Paul and Mark the pilot and co-pilot.
“Hello Holly. I hear that this will be one of the last times I get to fly you around.” Paul said with a sad look.
“Hello Paul. Yes, I’m afraid that I’ll be staying when you bring me back this next time.” Holly smiled, just before Paul helped her get on the plane.
“I’m sure Carl will find some reason for you all to need the plane again soon.” Paul smiled.
“I hope so.” Holly giggled. “I could get quite use to flying this way.” Holly added with another giggle.
They were all soon seated on the plane, and being whizzed up into the air with Paul and Mark at the controls. Once they heard Paul say it was safe to remove their seatbelts, Holly, Chrissy and Amy all set about making drinks for everyone.
Holly took the drinks up to Paul and Mark while Chrissy and Amy sorted out the drinks for everyone else.
“Here you go boys.” Holly said, as she entered the cockpit with two cups in her hands.
“Thanks Holly, but we should be looking after you.” Mark said, as he took the cups off her and put them in the special holders they had for them.
“Don’t be silly, you’ve got flying the plane to do.” Holly said in a dismissive way. “If you need anything else, just call over the speaker thing.” Holly added, not knowing what to call the intercom system on the plane.
“Yes mum.” Mark and Paul both said at the same time with a chuckle.
“Just remember, no fighting, and keep your eyes on the road.” Holly giggled, just before leaving the cockpit again.
Holly went back and took a seat and then had her drink as she watched Becky curl up next to Chrissy and go back to sleep. Carl had done the same thing with Mandy, and Vic was relaxing in his seat still, having just undone his seatbelt. Callum and Jayden were too hyped up to sleep. Neither of them had ever been on a private jet before, so they were looking around, and then looking out the windows. Amy and Amber were both sat looking through some magazines while Brad was sat with Ann cuddled up to him, as he had his eyes closed while he leaned his head back on the head rest.
“You really know how to travel Chrissy.” Callum whispered, so as not to wake Becky as she slept next to her.
“I don’t get to travel like this very often Callum, but it is nice when I do.” Chrissy whispered back.
“Is Becky alright dear?” Holly asked with some worry in her voice, as she looked down at Becky sleeping cuddled up against Chrissy.
“Yes she’s fine mum, but she was working at the club last night, so hasn’t had much sleep.”
“She didn’t need to come with us to do this you know.” Holly said in a quiet voice.
“I said that to her myself this morning before we got out of bed, but she wasn’t going to pass up going to see the old house one last time.” Chrissy smiled at her mum.
“I think you’ll find that it has more to do with spending time with you dear, than it does going to see where you used to live one last time.” Holly smiled, as she watched Becky sleep with her head on Chrissy’s lap.
Chrissy never replied to what her mum had just said. She just looked down at Becky and smiled. Chrissy knew she was the lucky one to have Becky in her life.
It didn’t seem to take long before Paul was asking them all to take their seats ready for landing. Chrissy helped Becky take her seat and then they all waited for the plane to land before Paul and mark helped them all exit the plane. Carl had got a minibus dropped off for them to use. He had also sorted for a hire van and driver to come to the house the next day, so they could move all the stuff Holly and Greg wanted to keep, so they could take it all back down to Mable’s.
Vic walked over to the minibus, and the man stood next to it, while Brad helped Paul and Mark with the small amount of luggage they had with them. Once it was all loaded into the minibus and Vic was behind the wheel, they all set off towards Chrissy’s old house.
Becky cuddled up to Chrissy, she was worried that Chrissy might be a little nervous about being back here, and heading towards her old home. But Chrissy seemed to be okay with it all, and even looked a little excited about it.
“Are you feeling okay baby?” Becky asked.
“Yes, I’m fine lover. Why do you ask?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“I just thought you might be a little worried about being back here again.” Becky said, as she rested her head on Chrissy’s shoulder and looked up at her.
“No, I’m fine. The reunion put to rest any demons I had left about being back here again.” Chrissy smiled, just before leaning down to give Becky a kiss on the lips.
“I’m glad that the reunion gave you a chance to do that baby.” Becky said with a grin when they stopped kissing.
“I’m glad that the reunion gave me a chance to do a lot more than that my love.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked at Callum sat with Jayden just in front of them.
Becky looked over to where Chrissy was looking, and saw Callum sat with Jayden cuddled up to him, and had to smile. She knew what Chrissy was getting at, and was also glad that she was now friends with the person that used to bully her all those years ago. Becky was also happy to see that Jayden was happy to be with Callum as well. They did make a nice couple.
Chrissy and Becky were broke out of their little chat and kissing session when they heard Amy speaking to them.
“I can’t wait to see where you used to live Chrissy.” Amy said with a grin, as she sat cuddled up to Amber on the seats just behind where she was sat with Becky.
Even though Chrissy had shown Amy and Amber around when she came back for the reunion, she never took them back to her old home, so this would be the first time they had seen the place she grew up.
“I hope you’re not expecting anything special Amy. It’s just a simple little house on a normal looking street.” Chrissy smiled. “Mum kept my room just how it was when I lived there, but remember that it’s more a boy’s room, than a girl’s room.” Chrissy added with a little pout.
“I don’t care Chrissy. I just want to see where my big sister grew up.” Amy said with a grin, as she leaned forward and gave Chrissy a hug.
Even though Vic had programmed the sat nav with the address for Chrissy’s house, Holly had sat in the front with Vic to make sure it took him the right way. They were soon pulling up outside the house.
Brad soon had the side door open on the minibus, and was helping them all to get out once Vic had stopped and turned the engine off. Then they all waited for Holly to unlock the front door and turn the alarm off. Holly then let Chrissy show them all into the house while she went next door to let the neighbour know that it was just her returning home, and why she was back.
Chrissy showed them all to the living room, and then went to the kitchen to sort out putting the kettle on to make them all a cup of tea.
“Once we’ve all had a drink, I’ll give you a quick tour of the house, and show you my old room.” Chrissy said to Amy, as she had gone to the kitchen to help make the drinks.
“That would be great sis.” Amy smiled. “This is a really nice house your mum and dad have.” Amy added, as she looked around the kitchen. Amy was soon looking at Chrissy again though, when she heard her curse at something in the fridge.
“Dam it! I’ll have to pop down to the shop and grab some milk.” Chrissy said, as she closed the fridge door again.
“Do you want some company?” Amy asked.
“Sure, it will give me time to show you a little more of the area I grew up.” Chrissy smiled, glad that Amy would be tagging along with her.
Chrissy and Amy walked back into the living room to let them all know that her and Amy were just popping down the shop to grab some milk.
“The drinks will be a little longer than I first thought. Amy and I just need to pop down the shop and grab some milk.” Chrissy said, as she grabbed her purse off the coffee table.
“Point me in the right direction Chrissy, and I’ll go and get it for you.” Brad said, as he went to stand up.
“Don’t worry about it Brad. It’s just down the road, and Amy and I will be fine walking down there.” Chrissy said, as she stopped Brad from standing up.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright walking down there baby?” Becky asked looking worried.
“Yes I’m sure, and I’ll have Amy to protect me if anything happens.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she wrapped an arm around Amy’s waist.
“I’ll keep her safe for you Becky.” Amy said, as she puffed her chest out, and tried to look all tough. All this did was make everyone start laughing.
“I feel much better knowing that Amy.” Becky said between giggles.
“Come on Rambo, let’s go and get the milk so we can make everyone a drink.” Chrissy giggled, as she grabbed Amy’s hand and led her out the room and then the front door.
Holly was just walking up the drive when they stepped out the front door. “Where are you two wandering off to then?” Holly asked.
“Amy and I are just popping down the shop to grab some milk, so we can make everyone a drink. Do you need anything else while we’re going?” Chrissy asked.
“Not that I can think of at the minute. Are you sure you don’t want me to go and fetch it though?” Holly asked.
“No, Amy and I will be fine. You go and entertain the guests, and make a start on sorting out what you want to take with you. We’ll be back in a little while, and then we can have a drink before we really get stuck in.” Chrissy said, as she gave her mum a quick hug before carrying on the walk to the shop.
The walk down to the shop was a quiet one, they only saw a couple of people, and they both smiled and said good day to them both as they walked past. Chrissy and Amy were just making their way back to the house when a car suddenly stopped on the road next to them. They both let out a sigh of relief when they saw Debbie poke her head out the passenger window.
“Chrissy! Amy! When did you get back into town?” Debbie asked with a shocked look on her face. “I hope you were going to find time to let me know you were back?” Debbie added.
“Hi Debbie. Yes I would have given you a call to let you know I was back in town, but we’re only going to be here for a couple of days.” Chrissy said, as she crouched down at the side of the car, so she could talk to Debbie a little easier.
“What brings you back here anyway? Is your dad okay?” Debbie asked with worry in her voice.
“Dad’s fine at the minute, but he’s getting a little to much for mum to look after on her own, so she’s moving down to be closer to me and the others.” Chrissy said with a sad look, as she thought about how frail her dad was now.
“I’m sorry to hear about your dad, but it’s great to see you again, and I’m glad that your mum will be getting some help looking after your dad.” Debbie said, as she put her hand on top of Chrissy’s as she leaned on the car door.
“We’re going to be sorting out everything at my mum and dads for the next couple of days. So please drop around and say hi to the others while we’re all here. I’d love to see little Tiffany while I’m here.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Vin and I are just going to pick Tiffany up from his mums, so we can call around and see you all in a little while.” Debbie said, as she looked over at Vin, who was sat behind the wheel.
“That would be great.” Chrissy smiled. “Hi Vin, sorry for not saying it before now.” Chrissy said, as she looked past Debbie at Vin.
“Hi Chrissy, Amy. Don’t worry about it, I’m used to just being a driver when she sees someone she wants to chat with.” Vin chuckled, as he looked at Debbie.
“Don’t worry Vin. Carl, Vic, Brad and Callum are all back at the house, so you won’t be stuck with all us girls talking about fashion and other stuff like that.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Oh, in that case then, I don’t mind bringing her back then.” Vin smiled.
“I better let you get off then, and I need to get back with this milk and get some drinks sorted out.” Chrissy said, as she held up the bottle of milk she had in her hand.
“Okay then Chrissy, we’ll see you in a little while.” Debbie said, as she let Vin pull away again, so they could go and pick up Tiffany from Vin’s mums.
Chrissy and Amy were soon walking back up the drive to the front door of Chrissy’s old house. The front door flew open before they had time to grab the handle.
“We were beginning to get worried about you both.” A worried looking Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into the house. Amy got pulled along with her, as they were both holding hands still.
“Sorry about that, but we bumped into Debbie. She’s going to call in and say hi to you all in a little while; she was just going to pick Tiffany up from Vin’s mums.” Chrissy said, as she made her way to the kitchen with the milk.
“I was hoping we’d get to see Debbie and her family while we were here. I bet she’s looking really big now.” Becky said, as she put her hands on her own belly, and the small bump that was very plain to see now.
“It was hard to tell, she was sat in the car when we saw her, but you’ll be able to see for yourself when they get here later.” Chrissy said, as she entered the kitchen and found her mum just putting the cups on the table, ready for serving up the drinks when the milk arrived.
They were all soon sat in the living room enjoying a nice cup of tea before they all got stuck in with the packing away of all the stuff that Holly wanted to take with her.
Once they had all finished their drinks. Chrissy gave them all a quick tour of the house, and Amy got to see Chrissy’s old bedroom. Holly had left the room just like it was when Chrissy lived there, or more to the point, when Chris lived there.
“I told you there wasn’t much to look at Amy.” Chrissy said, as she watched Amy and the others all looking around the bedroom. Chrissy just walked over and sat on the bed, and looked around the room, as she thought back to the time she was still a he, and would hide in there and pretend to be a girl.
“It must feel strange being back in here after all this time, and looking so very different to what you looked like back then.” Becky said, as she sat on the bed next to her.
“It all feels like it was someone else’s life now.” Chrissy said, as she looked around the room.
“I’m happy with how you turned out in the end my love.” Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy as she said it, and they both fell onto the bed kissing each other.
“Maybe we should leave the two of you alone for a little bit.” Amy said with a grin, as she grabbed Amber’s hand, and led her over to the bedroom door, so they could leave the room.
“As much as I’d like to do that, we don’t have time for it. And I’m not sure I’d feel right doing anything like that in my old room.” Chrissy said, as she sat up, and then helped Becky to sit up again.
They were all soon heading back down stairs to start helping Holly get everything packed away. Holly had already made a start on getting stuff packed away before her and Greg left to go to the wedding, so everyone just started doing what Holly told them too.
Chrissy was just wrapping up some ornaments when she heard a knock on the front door, so she ran to it thinking it was going to be Debbie, but it wasn’t. It was the next door neighbour Mrs Kent instead. Chrissy had never really got on with Mrs Kent, and Chrissy knew that she was just there to be nosy and see what Chrissy now looked like.
Without really thinking about it, Chrissy called for her mum. “Mum! Mrs Kent’s here.” Chrissy had to hide a grin when she saw Mrs Kent’s mouth fall open in shock when she realised that the woman stood in the door way use to be the boy that lived here in the same house.
“Hello Mrs Kent. Mums in the kitchen, I believe you know the way.” Chrissy said, as she stepped aside and let the woman enter the house. Chrissy closed the front door and turned just in time to see Mrs Kent walk into the doorframe for the kitchen door, as she was to busy looking at Chrissy, and not where she was going. Chrissy had to dash into the Living room before she burst out in a fit of giggles.
“Is everything alright Chrissy?” Mandy asked, as she saw Chrissy fall onto the sofa and start giggling, as she put her hand over her mouth.
“I’m fine sis, but I’ll have to explain later when the company has left again.” Chrissy said between giggles, as she pointed her head towards the kitchen.
Mandy had seen the woman walk past on her way to the kitchen, so she knew what Chrissy meant by company.
Once Chrissy got her giggling under control, she got up again and went to see how mum was doing with Mrs Kent. Mum had made her a cup of tea and they were sat at the kitchen table. Chrissy had a pretty good idea that they were talking about her, as they stopped talking when she entered the kitchen.
“Hello Dear. Mrs Kent was just saying how different you look these days.” Holly said with a sly grin that Mrs Kent missed.
Chrissy could see that her mum was having just as much fun with all this, as she was. Chrissy knew that Mum would put up with Mrs Kent, but she still thought she was a little bit to nosy most the time, and this was a prime example of just how nosy she could be.
“I guess I must look very different to how I looked the last time you saw me.” Chrissy said, as she did a quick spin, just before joining them at the table.
“That’s a bit of an understatement Ch… I’m sorry, but you don’t look anything like a Chris any more. What name do you use now you look like that?” Mrs Kent asked with a puzzled look, as she waved her hand up and down towards Chrissy.
“I changed my name to Christina, but everyone calls me Chrissy.” Chrissy smiled.
Holly was proud of just how relaxed Chrissy had become in her role of being a female. Holly could also see just how much Chrissy had grown up while she’d been on her little holiday too.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Christina.” Mrs Kent said, as she held out her hand to shake Chrissy’s.
Chrissy held out her hand and let Mrs Kent take hold of it so they could shake hands. Chrissy couldn’t miss how Mrs Kent then felt her hand, and finally looked down at it and the nice looking manicured nails sat on the end of her fingers, and how feminine they looked. Chrissy just smiled as she looked over at her mum.
“Please call me Chrissy. I think I’ve done something wrong when I hear people call me Christina.” Chrissy giggled, as she pulled her hand away from Mrs Kent’s close inspection of it.
“I must say you look a lot happier now.” Mrs Kent smiled.
Chrissy was a little shocked at just how friendly Mrs Kent was being about it all. Chrissy had thought that she’d be very stand offish about it all, but she was being really nice to her.
“I’m very happy, and I have a wonderful wife to share it with. Would you like to meet her?” Chrissy asked. Before Mrs Kent had time to answer, Becky walked into the kitchen to make sure everything was okay.
“So this is where you two are hiding.” Becky said with her hands on her hips trying to look upset. She soon started grinning though, as she walked over and sat down on Chrissy’s knee.
“Sorry baby, but I was just having a quick chat with my old next door neighbour.” Chrissy said, just before kissing Becky on the lips.
“Hey! Less of the old.” Mrs Kent said, as she playfully slapped Chrissy on the arm.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.” Chrissy giggled. “Mrs Kent, I’d like you to meet Becky my wife. Becky this is Mrs Kent.” Chrissy said, as she looked at each of them.
“It’s nice to meet you Mrs Kent.” Becky said, as she held out her hand to shake Mrs Kent’s hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Becky. You two look very much in love with each other.” Mrs Kent smiled, as she saw the way Chrissy and Becky looked at each other.
“We are very much in love with each other.” Becky said with a grin, just before leaning down to give Chrissy another kiss.
Holly had to stop herself giggling when she saw the shocked look on Mrs Kent’s face when the two girls started really kissing each other. Holly wasn’t shocked to see Mrs Kent stand up.
“I better go, and leave you to finish packing up all your stuff then Holly. I wish you luck in your new life down in London with Chrissy and Becky.” Mrs Kent said looking flustered by all the kissing Chrissy and Becky were doing.
“I don’t need luck Louise. I have a loving family to help look after me and Greg.” Holly smiled, as she looked down at Chrissy and Becky. Who had stopped kissing now, and were starting to stand up, so they could help Holly walk Mrs Kent to the front door.
Once they had seen Mrs Kent out, all three of them walked into the living room before they burst out into a fit of giggles.
“I can’t believe you two did that in there just now.” Holly said when she stopped giggling.
“I’m sorry mum, but she only came round to see what I looked like now, and you know it.” Chrissy said, as she tried not to start giggling again.
“I know that Chrissy, and I’d have paid to see the look on her face when you two started really kissing each other.” Holly had to put her hand over her mouth to try and stop herself giggling again.
Holly filled in the others on what just happened in the kitchen. Chrissy told them all about Mrs Kent walking into the door frame, as she went to enter the kitchen, as she was to busy looking at Chrissy, and not where she was going, they all had a good giggle about it as well. Then they all got stuck in to sorting out everything in the house, and working out what Holly wanted to take with her.
Callum and Jayden found that they were more just getting in the way, than they were helping. So Callum went to find Chrissy and let her know that he was going to take a walk and take Jayden to meet his mum, and step dad if he was at home.
“Chrissy, I hope you don’t mind, but Jayden and I are going to take a walk, and see if my mums at home.” Callum asked when he found Chrissy in her old room clearing out the closet with Becky, Amy and Amber’s help.
“I don’t mind at all Callum.” Chrissy smiled.
“This must be a big step for you Callum? Taking a girl home to meet the parents.” Amber said with a grin.
“It’s a very big step Amber.” Callum said with a grin. “I’m convinced they both think I’m gay. And when they found out that I was friends with you, that didn’t help matters much either.” Callum added with a chuckle.
“I wonder what they would do if you turned up looking like Kara then.” Becky said with a grin.
“Don’t even joke about that Becky.” Callum said looking worried. “I don’t ever want them to find out about Kara.” Callum added as he looked at Jayden.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything slip.” Jayden said, just before turning Callum around, so she could kiss him as she gave him a hug.
“We’ll give you a call if you’re not back before we’re ready to leave, and go to the hotel.” Chrissy said, as she walked over to give the two of them a hug before they left.
“Okay Chrissy, but are you sure you don’t mind Jayden and I bailing out on you?” Callum asked looking worried that Chrissy would think the worse of him for leaving, and taking Jayden with him.
“Yes I’m sure. I think we’ve got more people then we really need anyway. The house isn’t that big, and we are all falling over each other as it is.” Chrissy giggled. “You go and show off the cute new girlfriend to the parents.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“Has anyone ever told you what an amazing person you are Chrissy.” Callum said, as he gave Chrissy a hug.
“They try all the time, but I never believe them.” Chrissy said in a loud whisper, that all the others heard.
“Well it’s about time you did.” Callum chuckled.
“Don’t look so worried Jayden. I’m sure Callum’s parents don’t bite.” Chrissy said, as she gave Jayden a hug, and saw the worry in her eyes.
“I can’t help it Chrissy. I’ve never been invited to meet the parents before.” Jayden said looking even more worried now.
“Just be yourself, and you’ll do just fine.” Chrissy said, as she hugged her a little tighter. “Now get going, and have a good time.” Chrissy added in a bossy voice, as she broke the hug, and walked the pair down to the front door.
Chrissy had just opened the front door to let Callum and Jayden leave the house, when she saw Vin carrying little Tiffany in his arms, while Debbie waddling along just to his side.
“Hi Debbie, Vin.” Callum said when he saw them. “Wow girl, you look ready to drop.” Callum added when he saw how big Debbie had got.
“Hi Callum. Trust me, I wish he would drop.” Debbie groaned.
“He? So you know it’s a boy then?” Callum asked.
“Yep it’s going to be a boy. I think he’ll make one hell of a soccer player as well, judging by the way he loves to kick me all the time.” Debbie added with a little giggle.
“How much longer before he’s due? It can’t be that much longer now, can it?” Callum asked, as he walked down the driveway to meet Vin and Debbie half way.
“He’s due any day now.” Debbie said with a sigh. Debbie was looking at Jayden with a raised eyebrow. “So you must be Jayden then?” Debbie asked.
“I’m sorry. Jayden this is Debbie, Vin and little Tiffany. Debbie, Vin, this is Jayden.” Callum said, as he pointed at each of them.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Jayden. Chrissy has told me so much about you, that I feel like I’ve known you all my life.” Debbie giggled, as she gave her a quick hug.
“Hello Debbie. It’s nice to meet you too. I hope Chrissy didn’t say anything bad about me?” Jayden asked in a worried tone of voice.
“No, she only had good things to say about you.” Debbie giggled. “Why is there some juicy gossip I need to know about?” Debbie asked in a whisper.
“No, not really.” Jayden giggled back. “I just never know what sort of lies Chrissy might be spreading about me.” Jayden added with another giggle.
“I don’t think Chrissy would even know where to start spreading lies about anyone.” Debbie said, as she tried to imagine Chrissy starting any sort of gossip about someone. “I’m glad that you were able to help Chrissy out when she ran away. She said how you saved her life, and helped her find a job and a place to live.” Debbie added, as she gave Jayden another hug.
“I think it was more a case of Chrissy saving me now.” Jayden smiled, as she looked at Callum.
“I’m glad that he turned out okay in the end.” Debbie said with a smile, as she looked at Callum as well. “I bet you never thought that you’d be best friends with the person you used to pick on all those years ago?” Debbie asked.
“No, I never did.” Callum said, as he looked down at the ground. It still bothered him when he thought about how he used to treat Chrissy back then.
“I’m sorry Callum, I didn’t mean to drag up bad memories.” Debbie said looking a little disappointed with her self for what she just said.
“Don’t worry about it Debbie. I never should have treated Chrissy that way, and I’ll have to live with what I did. I’m just glad she’s part of my life now.” Callum smiled, as he took hold of Jayden’s hand.
“You do make a cute couple, I must say.” Debbie smiled, as she looked at the two of them holding hands.
“Thanks Debbie.” Callum smiled, as he went a little red in the face. “I’m sorry to love you and leave you, but I’m just taking Jayden to meet my parents.” Callum added looking a little nervous.
“We better let you get going then.” Debbie said, as she stepped aside to let them passed. “It was great seeing you again, and we may see you again before you leave.” Debbie added, as she gave them both another quick hug.
“I’m sure we will, if Chrissy has anything to do with it.” Callum said with a chuckle.
“It was nice to meet you Debbie, and I wish you luck with the baby.” Jayden said, as she also gave Debbie a hug.
“Like wise Jayden. I hope we can get together again before you leave, that way I can introduce you to Tiffany.” Debbie said with a grin. Vin was weighed down with Tiffany and her large changing bag, so he’d kept walking up to the house when Debbie had stopped to chat with Callum and Jayden. Chrissy had been stood waiting to take Tiffany off his hands, and had disappeared into the house with her.
“I look forward to meeting her.” Jayden smiled.
“Good luck with meeting the parents.” Debbie smiled, just before turning and waddling off towards the house again.
“Chat to you later Debbie. Bye!” Callum shouted as they walked down the drive, and made their way to Callum’s house.
Jayden had no idea where she was going, or where Callum was taking her, other than it was to meet his parents. Well his mum and step dad. Jayden knew that Callum didn’t really get on with his step dad very well and that was the reason for him not coming back home for so long. He did come back and visit a little more now, thanks to Chrissy having a chat with him about it just after the reunion. Jayden was lost in thought until she heard Callum speaking to her.
“Are you okay Jayden? You’ve been really quiet since we left the house.” Callum asked looking worried.
“Yes I’m fine Callum, just a little worried about what your mum will think of me.” Jayden said with a nervous smile.
“Mum will love you. I think you’ll really like her, but my step dad could be another matter all together.” Callum looked worried now as well.
“He can’t be that bad, not if your mum married him.” Jayden said, as she hugged his arm a little tighter, as they walked down the road.
“He’ll be fine with you, but he’s what you would call a mans man, if you know what I mean. So I was always a disappointment to him. He tried to be a good dad to me, but I just wasn’t into any of the sports he liked, so he gave up in the end, and would just make fun of me.” Callum looked sad as he said it. “I was glad when I left home and made my own way in the world.” Callum added with a sigh.
“I think you turned out just fine, so don’t let it bother you.” Jayden smiled, as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
“That’s all that really matters to me anyway.” Callum smiled back at her, just before they kissed again, but on the lips this time.
They walked in silence for a little time after that, but Jayden looked at Callum with a puzzled look when they walked into a graveyard.
“What are we doing here?” Jayden asked.
“I wanted you to meet my real dad before I took you to meet my mum and step dad.” Callum said, as he led her by the hand through all the graves until he got to one that had a white marble headstone. “Here you go Jayden; I’d like you to meet my dad.” Callum added, as he stepped aside and let Jayden read the headstone.
Jayden read the name on the headstone. David Baldwin “It’s nice to meet you Mr Baldwin. I wish I could have met you under better circumstances.” Jayden said, as she bent down and ran her hand across the face of the headstone. “I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’m very much in love with your son.” Jayden added with a grin, as she looked over to where Callum was knelt down next to her, as she spoke to the headstone.
“My dad would have really loved you Jayden.” Callum smiled with a tear in his eye. “He’d have smacked me on the back, and told me well done for landing such a beauty.” Callum added with a chuckle, as he thought about his dad.
Jayden helped Callum clean up the gravesite before they both sat on the grass and cuddled up to each other for a little while. Then Callum stood up, and helped Jayden to her feet before saying goodbye to his dad, and then making their way to see Callum’s mum.
“It was very nice to meet you Mr Baldwin, and I hope I get to visit again some day.” Jayden said, as she brushed off the bits of grass that here stuck to her skirt.
“I’ll see you again soon dad, when I’m next in the area on business. And I’m glad you like my girlfriend.” Callum said, as he patted the top of the headstone.
“I wish you’d said we’d be going to see your dads grave Callum, I could have picked up some flowers to put on it.” Jayden said as they walked out the graveyard.
“Dad would have told you not to waist your money. He was always saying stuff like that.” Callum chuckled. “He was just glad we stopped by to say hello.” Callum added with a smile.
“How long before we get to your mums house?” Jayden asked, as she wrapped her arms around Callum’s arm and hugged it as they walked along.
“It’s not to far now.” Callum smiled.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking Callum, but didn’t your mum ever catch you dressed as Kara while you lived at home.”
“No, she got close a couple of times, but she never caught me dressed. I never dressed all the way until after I left home, and had my own place anyway.” Callum was looking worried again now.
“You’re still worried about me letting it slip that you have a feminine side aren’t you?” Jayden asked when she saw the worry in his eyes.
“I’m not worried about that Jayden, but I am worried about them finding out about Kara. I don’t know why, as I don’t come and visit very often anyway.” Callum said with a puzzled look.
“I think I can understand why you’d be worried about them finding out, but I’ll never let it slip out that my second best girlfriend, is also my boyfriend.” Jayden giggled, just before giving Callum a kiss on the lips.
“Second best? Why am I only your second best girlfriends?” Callum asked looking a little hurt.
“Chrissy’s my number one girlfriend, but Kara is a very close second.” Jayden said with a grin. “But you’re my only boyfriend.” Jayden added with a purr, just before she kissed him.
“I can live with Kara being second fiddle to Chrissy then in that case.” Callum said with a smile when they broke the kiss. “We better keep moving, or we’ll never get to my mums house at this rate.” Callum added with a smile, as he started walking down the road again.
The look on Jayden’s face said that not getting to his mums house was fine with her, but Callum wasn’t going to turn back now, so she just kept up pace with him.
Callum was soon stopping at a gate and opening it for Jayden to walk through. “Well here we are.” Callum smiled, as he closed the gate once they were on the other side, and then he led the way up to the front door where he rang the bell.
Jayden was glad to feel Callum take hold of her hand, as she was very nervous all of a sudden. She was soon gripping his hand even tighter when she heard someone unlocking the door and then it started to open. Jayden’s breath got stuck in her throat as she found herself looking at what could have been Kara’s older sister. Callum’s mum was the spitting image of Kara, just a little older looking.
“Callum? I wasn’t expecting to see you here today, and who’s this young lady with you?” The woman asked with a smile, as she stepped aside to let them enter the house.
“Hi mum. Sorry to just drop in on you, but I found myself back in town for a couple of days, and wanted to let you meet Jayden finally.” Callum said with a smile, as he indicated for Jayden to enter the house before he did.
“Hello Mrs Baldwin. It’s nice to meet you.” Jayden said looking nervous as she entered the house.
“Hello Jayden. It’s actually Mrs Bourne these days, but please just call me Diane.” Callum’s mum smiled, as she pulled Jayden into a hug. “It’s nice to see Callum doing more than just working all the time.” Diane added, as she broke the hug and stepped back to give Jayden a good look over.
“I’m sorry Diane, but I just thought you’d have the same last name as Callum.” Jayden looked a little confused as she looked at Callum for an answer, but Diane answered it for him.
“Callum refused to take his stepfathers last name. So he remained a Baldwin, while I became a Bourne.” Diane said with a sigh, like it was still a problem in some way.
“Speaking of Fraser, is he here?” Callum asked.
Jayden looked a little odd at Callum. “Who’s Fraser?”
“Sorry. Fraser’s my Step dad.” Callum said, as he realised that he’d never told Jayden any of this information.
“Callum has refused to call him dad ever since I married him, even though he’s tried to be a good father to him.” Diane said with a frown, as she looked right at him.
“Well, is he here or not?” Callum asked in a flat tone of voice.
“Yes, he’s here. He’s out in the shed pottering around with something.” Diane said with a frustrated sigh. “I wish you’d just try to get along with him a little better Callum.” Diane added, as she led them into the kitchen, so she could make them a drink.
Jayden was a little shocked to see the way Callum acted towards his step dad, but wasn’t about to get into it with him while his mum was around. But she would make a point to find out what his problem was with this Fraser later.
Diane led them over to the table in the kitchen, and then she went over to put the kettle on, so she could make them all a cup of tea. “I’ll just go and let your father know that you’ve called in to see us, and you’ve finally brought a girl home with you.” Diane said with a smile, just before leaving the kitchen out the back door.
“She may as well of said, I’m so glad your not gay son.” Callum groaned, as he put his head in his hands. “I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea bringing you to meet them.” Callum added, as he looked over at Jayden sat next to him.
“I don’t baby. I like your mum very much.” Jayden smiled, as she took hold of Callum’s hand under the table. “I was a little shocked to see how much she looks like Kara though.” Jayden added in a whisper.
Callum looked worried all of a sudden, as he looked over towards the back door to make sure his mum wasn’t on her way back, but he could see her stood at the door to the shed at the other end of the garden. “I thought you weren’t going to talk about Kara while we were here?” Callum asked in a whisper.
“I just said Kara. I haven’t said anything about you being her, or anything like that. So I doubt your mum, or anyone else would be able to put two and two together and get the right answer.” Jayden smiled, just before kissing Callum on the cheek. “I’m not going to out you to your mum and dad.” Jayden added.
“Mum and Step dad.” Callum said with a frown.
“You really do have a problem with your mum remarrying don’t you?” Jayden asked with a frown of her own.
“Wait until you’ve met him, and then let me know what you really think of him.” Callum said with a sad chuckle.
“Is he really that bad?” Jayden asked.
“No, he’s worse. Trust me.” Callum said with a roll of his eyes. “Well it looks like you’re about to find out just how bad he really is.” Callum added, as he saw his mum walking back towards the house with a man that Jayden took to be Callum’s step dad walking just beside her.
Jayden smiled at the man as he entered the house just behind Callum’s mum. She got a little nervous again though, when it looked like he was checking her out. Jayden felt like a piece of meat in a butcher’s window when she saw the way he was looking her up and down.
“Hello son. Well you finally brought a girl home to meet your parents.” The man said with a grin.
“Hi Fraser. Yes, I finally brought a girl home.” Callum was trying not to sound angry as he said it. “Jayden, this is Fraser my step dad. Fraser, this is Jayden my girlfriend.” Callum said, as he pointed to each of them.
“Hello Jayden. So what bet did you lose to end up with this fool?” Fraser asked with a chuckle.
“Fraser! Stop trying to embarrass the poor boy.” Diane snapped at him.
Jayden was beginning to understand why Callum didn’t get on with his step dad now. She’d only just met him, and was ready to leave. “Hello Fraser. I feel like I’m the lucky one.” Jayden said with a smile, as she looked over at Callum sat next to her. “He’s a wonderful person in every way.” Jayden added with a grin, as she cuddled up to him a little more.
Callum was looking at Fraser, and had to try very hard not to start laughing when he saw the shocked look on his stepfathers face as Jayden spoke. Callum knew that Jayden had basically just told him that they were doing more that just holding hands and kissing.
“Go and get cleaned up Fraser, then we can find out a little more about how you two met, and what brings you up here.” Diane said, as she pushed Fraser towards the kitchen door, so he could go up and get changed.
Callum waited until he knew that Fraser was out of ear shot before he spoke. “And you wonder why I refuse to call him dad.” Callum said sounding angry. “My real dad would have never tried to embarrass me like that in front of Jayden, or any girl I brought home.” Callum added in an angry whisper.
“I know Callum, but please don’t start anything. You know that Fraser can just be a little…” Diane couldn’t think of the right word to use.
“A little what? Fraser has never been a little anything mum.” Callum said with a sigh, as he tried to calm down. It helped when he felt Jayden rubbing his back, as she held his hand with her other one.
“Don’t let it bother you baby. He’s just trying to be the alpha male, but I still think you’re the better man in the room.” Jayden whispered in his ear. She was soon nibbling on it, and really beginning to turn Callum on. They soon stopped when they heard Fraser making his way back into the kitchen looking a lot cleaner now, and wearing different clothes.
“Clean enough for you my love?” Fraser asked, as he walked over to where Diane was stood sorting out the drinks. He made a show of wrapping his arms around her, and then kissing her on the cheek.
Jayden could tell that he was only doing this to wind up Callum, but Callum was happy to be with Jayden, so Fraser was wasting his time today. Callum just wrapped an arm around Jayden’s waist and then leaned over to kiss her on the cheek, and then the lips, when Jayden turned her head to look at him.
Fraser could see that his little jabs at Callum weren’t going to work, so he gave up and walked over to the table, and sat down facing the two of them. “So what brings you back here then without letting us know you were coming?” Fraser asked.
“A friend was coming back up here to sort out some stuff, and they asked if we wanted a lift up here so we could help out, and then I could bring Jayden home to meet my mum.” Callum said.
Jayden couldn’t miss the fact that Callum had put the emphasis on him bringing her home to meet his mum, and not his step dad.
“So you both just jumped in the car with them and got a lift up here? What’s wrong with you bringing your own car?” Fraser asked.
“No I didn’t just jump in the car with them. I jumped on a private jet with them.” Callum said with some pride in his voice.
“Who is this friend? Do I know them Callum?” Diane asked, as she put a tray of drinks down on the table, and then put a little milk jug and a pot of sugar down in the middle of the table.
“It’s Christina Clarke. Her mum and Dad are moving down to be closer to her, as her dad is very ill. He’s dying from Cancer, and doesn’t have very long left.” Callum said looking a little sad.
“Christina Clarke, Christina Clarke. Why does that name sound so familiar to me?” Diane said, as she sat down at the table. “Oh, I’ve got it. Wasn’t that the name of that boy that had the sex change, and then came to the reunion you went to?” Diane asked with some excitement in her voice.
“Yes one and the same mum, but she’s a woman now.” Callum said with a sigh, as he knew that Fraser was about to go off on one of his anti gay rants.
“What! You mean to tell me that you’re friends with one of them freaks?” Fraser barked, as he pushed his chair back and stood up.
“She’s not a freak! So watch your mouth Fraser.” Callum warned him, as he also stood up.
“She’s not even a she. So what else can you call them other than a freak?” Fraser asked with some disgust in his voice.
“Chrissy is a wonderful person, and if it wasn’t for her, I never would have met Jayden.” Callum snapped.
Fraser suddenly looked at Jayden with a very critical eye. “Are you trying to tell me that Jayden is also one of them, them…” He just kept pointing at Jayden as he tried to find the right words to say what he meant, but none ever came to him.
“No! Jayden isn’t a transsexual, but she’s a very good friend of Chrissy’s. That’s how we met each other.” Callum said in a much calmer voice, as he sat back down next to a very frightened looking Jayden.
“I think you both need to find some better friends to hang around with.” Fraser said, as he stood looking down at the two of them.
“Thinking never has been your strong suit as it Fraser.” Callum said with venom in his voice.
Before Fraser could say another word Diane stopped him. “Fraser! Unless you’re willing to sit down and have a polite conversation with my son and his girlfriend, I think you better go back to doing what ever it was you were doing in the shed before I came to get you earlier.” Diane gave him a hard stare as she said it.
“I’d rather go and carry on fixing the lawn mower than have to listen to any more of this.” Fraser said, as he turned and walked back out the back door, and then disappeared into the shed again.
“I’m sorry mum, I never should have bothered coming to see you.” Callum said, as he went to stand up again, and help Jayden to stand up as well.
“Don’t be silly, and don’t even think about leaving until you’ve finished your drinks.” Diane said, as she indicated for them both to sit back down again. “I want to hear all about how you became friends with Christina, and how my son got dragged into it all.” Diane added with a smile.
Callum and Jayden were a little worried now. They had no idea how they were going to tell his mum how they got to know each other without letting her find out about Kara.
“How did you meet Christina then Jayden?” Diane asked once they were all sat back down again.
Jayden explained about how Chrissy had come to the hotel she was working at when she had the misunderstanding with her wife Becky. Diane was a little shocked to hear that Chrissy had married a girl, even though she was one now. Diane was happy to hear that they were going to be parents, and was having twins.
“Chrissy had invited me round for dinner one Sunday, and that’s where I met Jayden, and we just hit it off from the start.” Callum finally said. He just hoped that his mum didn’t push for to many details.
“That’s a nice story Callum, Jayden, but why do I get the feeling that you’ve both left out some details.” Diane said, as she looked at the two of them. She didn’t miss the worried look they gave each other just after she said it either.
“I’m not sure what you’re getting at mum.” Callum said sounding worried.
“Where does Chrissy’s wife work?” Diane asked with a grin.
“She runs a club.” Callum said as a short answer to the question.
“Yes, but what sort of club?” Diane asked with an even bigger grin.
“Just a night club. Nothing to special.” Callum said with a shrug.
“I’ve heard that it’s a very special club, and I bet that you’ve been there more than once haven’t you Callum?” Diane asked, as she looked her son in the eyes.
Callum knew that he’d been found out, but it still didn’t make this any easier for him, and he was going to try and get away with it still, if he could. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to say mum?” Callum asked in a shaky voice.
Jayden took hold of his hand, and gave him a weak smile when he looked at her with a scared look.
“I’m talking about you dressing like a girl and going to a night club Callum.” Diane said with a smile. “I take it you already know about all this Jayden?” Diane asked, as she looked at Jayden.
“Yes I do Diane. I’m sorry for lying to you about it all.” Jayden said looking sad.
“I wouldn’t call it lying dear. You just left bits out.” Diane smiled, as she patted Jayden’s other hand.
“Who told you mum?” Callum asked, close to tears.
“No one told me Callum. I just put two and two together.” Diane said with a smile. “You really are just like your father. David use to like the more feminine things in life as well.” Diane added with a far away look in her eyes.
“What? You mean that dad use to dress up as well?” Callum asked looking shocked now.
“Yes, and he looked pretty good as well.” Diane said with a grin, as she thought back to them days then she would go out shopping with her best friend. “We use to go out shopping and everything together, but it all stopped when I got pregnant with you.” Diane added with a smile.
“But how did you find out about me mum?” Callum asked with a puzzled look. He was having trouble with the whole thing about his dad being just like him.
“I started to notice that my things were moving around, and I saw you a couple of times when I got home earlier than I said I would be.” Diane giggled, when she thought back to the lame excuse Callum would give for being in her room, or for taking so long in the bathroom.
“Why did you never talk to me about it?” Callum asked with some pain in his voice.
“I knew you weren’t hurting anyone while you did it, and I thought you would either grow out of it, or you’d learn to embrace it.” Diane smiled. “Looks like you learned to embrace it.” She added with a shrug.
“Does Fraser know about me dressing like a girl?” Callum asked with some worry in his voice.
“No, and he never has to either. But I do have some questions for you Callum.”
“What question mum?”
“Are you like Chrissy? Do you want to become a girl for real?” Diane asked looking worried about what the answer might be.
“No, I like being male, I just have a more feminine side every now and then.” Callum smiled, as he looked at Jayden.
“Have you even been with a man?” Diane asked.
“Oh god no!” Callum said with a firm shake of the head.
This made Diane giggle. “Sorry, but I just needed to know.”
“Kara looks a lot like you do Diane, when he’s dressed.” Jayden said, as she looked closer at the fine features Callum’s mum had.
“Kara? Is that what you call yourself when you’re dressed?” Diane asked.
“Yes it is. I’ve been told I look pretty good when I do. I’ve even been out shopping, and even a hen night while I was dressed as Kara.” Callum smiled. “It was a lot of fun, but the shopping trip was a little scary to start with.” Callum added.
“I’m glad you’ve found someone to share this side of your life with Callum, and I’m glad you finally became friends with Chrissy.” Diane smiled. “She’s been a ray of light in your life, and you finally came back home to see me because of her.” Diane added with an even bigger smile.
“Have you ever met Chrissy?” Jayden asked Diane.
“Not since she became a girl, but I saw her as a young boy a couple of times at school when I got called in to sort out problems with Callum.” Diane said with a stern look in Callum’s direction. “I use to go to school with Holly though, she was always a very nice girl, but she was a couple of years ahead of me.” Diane added.
“If you could find some way to get some time away from Fraser mum, I’d love to show you around London, and maybe let you meet Kara. But only if you really want to.” Callum added the last bit sounding worried he might have overstepped the mark.
“I’d love to come down to London, and see the sights, and even meet the daughter I always knew I had.” Diane said with a grin. “I’m looking forward to meeting Chrissy and her family as well and maybe catch up with holly a little bit while I’m there.” Diane added.
“What about Fraser mum? I don’t think he’ll be very understanding about everything.” Callum asked.
“I’m sure he can look after himself for a couple of days while I come and visit with you and the others.” Diane said in a dismissive way. “Judging by the way he just reacted to the news you’re now friends with Chrissy. I don’t think he’d want to come with me anyway, and I’m not sure I want him coming along with me.”
“I still can’t believe you knew all this time, and never said anything to me about it.” Callum said with a shake of his head, as he looked at his mum.
“Well believe Callum, because I do, and I still love you, if not a little bit more. I’ve seen a real change in you since you became friends with Chrissy, and I like what I’ve seen.” Diane said with pride.
They spent the next hour or so chatting about how Jayden and Callum really first met, and how Chrissy had helped them both finally get together. Callum even told his mum about Cathy’s little speech at her wedding, about Chrissy being cupid. Diane had a little giggle at that, and now she really wanted to meet Chrissy and the others.
Fraser never showed his face again while Callum and Jayden were there, not that they were bothered about that. Jayden wasn’t happy with Fraser, and what he said about Chrissy being a freak. If she never saw Fraser again, it would be too soon.
Diane walked them to the door when they left, and she gave them both a big hug, and made Jayden promise to give her a call every once in a while, and maybe talk Callum into coming home to visit a little more often.
“You can count on me Diane. It was nice meeting you.” Jayden giggled, just before they left the house.
“Tell Fraser I said bye. Not that he’ll care.” Callum said; as he gave his mum another hug. “Thanks for being so understanding about everything, and I’d love to sit and chat a little more about this hidden side of dad I never knew about.” Callum added with a grin.
“I’ll look forward to it dear, and I’d like to hear some of your stories as well. It sounds like it can be quite exciting around Chrissy and the others.” Diane giggled.
“It can be mum, it can be very exciting sometimes.” Callum giggled, as he looked at Jayden, who just rolled her eyes at the thought of some of the things that had happened just since she met Chrissy.
“Now I’ll have to plan a little trip down to see you.” Diane giggled when she saw the look on Jayden’s face.
“You’re always welcome mum, and I know a really nice hotel you can stop at while you visit.” Callum said, as he thought about Carl’s hotel, and all the fun his mum would have while she stopped there.
“I’ll go and see what time I can get off then and I’ll let you know.” Diane said, as she watched them walk down the path, and then out the gate. She gave them both a wave before watching them walk off down the road.
“I think you mum is amazing Callum. I really love her, and I can see where you get your looks from now.” Jayden said with a grin, as they walked down the road.
“Thanks Jayden. She is pretty amazing, and I can’t believe she knew about Kara all this time, and was okay about it.” Callum said, as he looked off into space. “I wonder what my dad looked like when he was dressed.” Callum added.
“You should ask your mum if she’s got any photos of him while he was dressed, they might have taken some, you never know.” Jayden said, as she wrapped her arms around one of Callum’s and hugged it really tight, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“I will, but I’m still letting it all sink in at the minute.” Callum chuckled.
“I can understand that Callum.” Jayden giggled.
“I better give Chrissy a call and see if they’re still at the house, or whether we need to head over to the hotel.” Callum said, as he got his mobile out his pocket with his other hand to the one Jayden was hugging.
Callum soon had Chrissy on the other end of the phone, and he found out that they were all still at the house, so they made their way back there.
Editors note: Sara has informed me that RL in intruding into her writing time, hence I've changed the 'next week' to 'soon', Rest assured as soon as I've edited the next chapter it will be posted here
By SaraUK
Part 15
Debbie had to giggle when she walked into the house, and then the living room after just chatting to Callum, and meeting Jayden for the first time. Chrissy was sat on one of the sofas with tiffany sat on her knee. Becky was sat one side of Chrissy, and Amy was sat on Amber’s knee on the other side, as they all fussed over the little girl. Vin had put the changing bag down on the floor in the corner, and was stood chatting with Brad and Vic about cars.
“Hello everyone.” Debbie said, as she waddled into the room.
“Hi Debbie!” everyone shouted at her.
“Wow girl, you look ready to drop. Are you sure you’re not carrying twins in there?” Mandy asked, as she put her hand on Debbie’s belly, and felt the baby start kicking.
“They tell me it’s just the one, but I sure feel like I’m carrying two, or even three at the minute.” Debbie giggled, as she let Carl and Mandy help her take a seat.
“You sure make my little bump look pathetic now I look at you.” Becky said, as she ran her hand over her own small little bump.
“Don’t worry Becky. You’ll soon look like me, and then you’ll be glad to have them out of you.” Debbie said with a grin, as she ran her hand over her own belly. “Congratulations on having twins, by the way.” Debbie added.
“Thanks Debbie. I’m just glad that I’ll be having Chrissy’s babies.” Becky said with a grin, as she looked at Chrissy nursing Tiffany.
Debbie just looked at Chrissy with a smile on her face, as she realised what a wonderful parent Chrissy would make. She was sat pulling funny faces at Tiffany, and making her giggle.
“I’m glad that Prue was wise enough to plan for you two having children. I hear from Chrissy that it wasn’t an easy thing to achieve though.” Debbie said with a pained look.
“No it wasn’t easy at all.” Becky said with a sigh. “Prue wasn’t sure I’d even be able to get pregnant using Chrissy’s sperm. That’s why I kept it a secret, and then caused all that trouble.” Becky added, just before wrapping an arm around Chrissy and hugging her.
“Don’t worry baby, it all worked out in the end, and I’m back with you now.” Chrissy smiled, as she gave Becky a quick kiss before going back to making Tiffany giggle.
“I’d say it all worked out. Callum looked very happy just now with Jayden.” Debbie said with a grin. “She seems really nice Chrissy; I can see why you hit it off with her so quickly.” Debbie added.
“She’s amazing; we all love her to bits, and treat her just like part of the family now.” Chrissy smiled.
“Does she know about Callum’s female side?” Debbie asked in a whisper, even though everyone in the room already knew about Kara.
“Yes she met Kara before she met Callum. It wasn’t love at first sight though.” Chrissy giggled, as she thought about Kara upsetting Jayden with her comment about Chrissy being a waitress.
Chrissy went on to tell Debbie what happened, and how Becky and her had got the two of them out on a date together. Debbie loved the part where Chrissy said that Callum should have been a blonde when he wouldn’t kiss Jayden.
“Would you and Vin like a cup of tea while you’re here?” Holly asked, as she stood up to go and put the kettle on.
“Yes please, but only if its no trouble for you.” Debbie said with a smile.
“No trouble at all Debbie. Do you want me to fix a drink for Tiffany as well?” Holly asked.
“I have a bottle for her in the bag over there.” Debbie said, as she pointed to the changing bag in the corner. “It just needs to go in some hot water for a little bit to warm in up.” Debbie added, as she went to get up. Holly stopped her, and went over to get the bag, and handed it to Debbie, so she could get the bottle out and then hand it to Holly. “I won’t tell you what needs to be done with it Holly, I’m sure you already know.” Debbie giggled, as she gave the bottle to Holly.
“Yes, I still remember what needs to be done with it.” Holly giggled, as she walked off towards the kitchen.
“Do you want any help mum?” Chrissy asked.
“I’ll be fine dear, and it looks like you have your hands full at the minute anyway.” Holly smiled, as she looked at Chrissy with Tiffany sat on her knee.
Chrissy just sat grinning at her mum as she left the room, then Chrissy went back to entertaining Tiffany with her silly faces. Chrissy still found it amazing that Becky was going to be having her children, and she’d soon be sat doing this with her own babies soon.
Holly sorted out a couple of pots with tea in them, and then went back into the living room with a tray full of cups, and a jug with hot water in it, with Tiffany’s bottle in it warming up. Holly put the tray on the coffee table, and then stepped back so Amy could take over sorting out drinks for everyone.
Chrissy was going to give Tiffany her bottle, so she turned down a drink for the time being, as she was worried about spilling it on the baby. Once the bottle was warm enough and Debbie had checked it, Chrissy set about feeding the baby while the others all looked on with smiles on their faces.
“You look so natural doing that Chrissy.” Amy smiled, as she saw how Happy Chrissy looked.
“It feels natural to me.” Chrissy said, as she looked down at little Tiffany sucking on the bottle, as she tried to grip it with her little hands. Chrissy started grinning when Tiffany grabbed one of her fingers and gripped it as tight as her little hand could.
“Looks like she was ready for that as well.” Becky said, as she looked over Chrissy’s shoulder and watched Tiffany enjoying her bottle.
Once Tiffany had finished her bottle, Chrissy let Amy have her for a bit. Chrissy could see that Amy loved kids just as much as she did.
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom Holly? I’m not sure if that drink just went right through me, or the baby is pressing down on my bladder again.” Debbie giggled, as she started to try and get up.
“Not at all Debbie. Do you think you can find it, or do you want me to show you the way?” Holly asked.
“I’ll show her where it is mum.” Chrissy said, as she got up, and then helped Debbie to get out the chair she’d been sat in.
“Thanks Chrissy. I need all the help I can get at the minute.” Debbie said, as she let Chrissy lead her out the room and then up the stairs to the bathroom. “I love this house Chrissy; I wish we had the money to make an offer on it.” Debbie added, as they got to the top of the stairs.
”What’s wrong with the place you have Debbie?” Chrissy asked as she opened the bathroom door for Debbie to enter.
“Nothing really, but it’s not big enough anymore. Not with having this little fella on the way.” Debbie said with a sigh, just before closing the door. “It would be nice to have a garden for them to run around in when they’re older as well.” Debbie shouted to Chrissy just outside on the landing.
Chrissy found herself wondering just how much her mum was looking to get for the house. She also stood there remembering the times she’d dressed as a girl while she was still a boy growing up. Chrissy had nearly been caught a couple of times back then. Once when her mum got home early, and then once when she had to hide behind the sofa, and wait for her dad to go back out again. He’d finished work early and Chrissy was sat watching telly when she heard the front door opening. Not having time to get back up to her room, Chrissy had jumped behind the sofa.
Lucky for Chrissy, her dad wasn’t stopping, and was soon going back out the door again, so she ran up to her room and then got changed back into her boy clothes. The next time Chrissy wasn’t so lucky, and that’s when her dad beat her. Chrissy never dressed again after that, not until she moved into Mable’s, and then met Mandy.
Chrissy was just thinking of how frail her dad looked now, to how he looked back then. Part of Chrissy wished that her dad was still like that now, and then he wouldn’t be dying. She was snapped out of her day dreaming when she heard the bathroom door opening.
“What’s wrong Chrissy?” Debbie asked looking worried.
“Nothing’s wrong Debbie. Why do you ask?” Chrissy looked puzzled at the sudden look of worry Debbie had on her face as she asked her.
“You’re crying Chrissy.” Debbie said, as she wiped away a tear from Chrissy’s cheek.
Chrissy hadn’t even realised she’d started crying until Debbie showed her the wet finger she now had. “I’m fine Debbie. I was just thinking back to some of the fun times I had growing up here.” Chrissy smiled, as she wiped away a couple more tears.
“Do you mind if I take a look around while we’re up here?” Debbie asked, as she looked over Chrissy’s shoulder into one of the bedrooms.
“Not at all Debbie. I’ll give you the tour.” Chrissy let Debbie enter the bedroom, which just happened to be hers while she lived there.
Chrissy went on to show her the rest of the upstairs, and then they made their way down stairs, and then went to the kitchen. Debbie fell in love with the fitted Kitchen Greg had got her mum as a birthday present a couple of years back.
“I’d kill to have a kitchen like this.” Debbie said, as she ran a hand across one of the worktops.
“I think this will be the thing mum will miss the most.” Chrissy said as she looked around the kitchen. “I use to love spending time in the kitchen with mum cooking.” Chrissy added with a dreamy look in her eyes.
“I can just imagine you and your mum stood in here cooking together.” Debbie smiled, as she walked around the room looking at everything.
“I use to love cooking with mum, but I never got the chance with this kitchen. This was a birthday present from dad a couple of year’s back. I’d already left home by then.” Chrissy walked over to the back door as she spoke. “Come on, I’ll show you the back yard.
Debbie followed Chrissy, as she went out the back door and then helped Debbie out the door, so she could look around the back yard.
“I just love this house Chrissy. The kids could run around out here for hours when they’re older.” Debbie said, as she looked around the garden.
Chrissy didn’t know what to say to Debbie about the house. She wished she could let Debbie have the house, but it wasn’t hers to give away, and she knew her mum would need the money from the sale of the house as well. So she just let Debbie keep looking around.
“It would also be handy for going to see my mum, as she only lives just down the road.” Debbie giggled.
Chrissy and Debbie both turned around when they heard someone speak to them. Becky had just stepped out the back door. “I was beginning to think the two of you had run off together.” Becky said with a pout, as he walked over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy, just before kissing her.
“Don’t tell me you’re still worried about me running off with your wife?” Debbie asked, with her hands on her hips, as she tried to look upset with Becky for thinking such a thing.
“No, I was just teasing you both.” Becky giggled, when she stopped kissing Chrissy. “I was just wondering where you’d both got to.” Becky added.
“I was just giving Debbie a quick tour of the house.” Chrissy said, as she stood hugging Becky.
“I thought you would have seen plenty of the house while you were growing up.” Becky asked with a puzzled look.
“Chrissy never invited anyone round to her house, or his house.” Debbie said looking confused. “You know what I mean.” Debbie added sounding flustered.
“So you really had no friends growing up then baby?” Becky asked with a sad look, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
“No, I just kept to my self most the time.” Chrissy said looking sad herself now she thought about it. “People tried to be my friends, but I was so confused about how I felt, that I just pushed them all away.” Chrissy added with a tear running down her cheek.
“Hey! Don’t let it worry you anymore; you’ve got lots of friends now. Even some that you never realised you had back then.” Becky pulled Chrissy even tighter into a hug with her as she said it.
“I wish I’d tried harder back then now Chrissy. I’d have been proud to call you one of my best friends.” Debbie said, as she stood rubbing Chrissy’s back while she cried on Becky’s shoulder.
“I’m sure you would have reacted very differently back then if you’d found out about me feeling like this Debbie.” Chrissy said when she finally stopped crying, and lifted her head off Becky’s shoulder.
“I’d like to think I wouldn’t have Chrissy. Me and the other girls in our little group always felt sorry for you, and thought you were a nice kid.” Debbie said looking a little hurt at the comment Chrissy had just made.
“I’m sorry Debbie; I didn’t mean to make it sound like you would have made fun of me.” Chrissy said, as she reached out to hold Debbie’s hands. “I was just trying to say that we all think very differently when we’re younger, and we don’t know how the news of me wanting to be a girl would have gone down, even in your little group.” Chrissy added with a sigh.
“I still think we would have made you one of the gang.” Debbie smiled. “I wonder how different your life would have turned out if we had.” Debbie asked with a thoughtful look.
“I think my life turned out just fine the way it did.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked deep into Becky’s eyes.
“So do I baby, so do I.” Becky smiled back, just before kissing Chrissy again.
“Well I hope you know that I’m a friend now Chrissy? and I hope you’ll keep in touch with me, even after you’ve sold the house.” Debbie looked sad that she couldn’t afford to make an offer on the house herself.
“You can count on it Debbie. I’ll even make time to come up and visit still.” Chrissy said, as she pulled Debbie into a form of hug. It wasn’t easy hugging a heavily pregnant woman. “What’s the point of having a big brother with a private jet, if you don’t get to use it every now and then?” Chrissy added with a grin when they broke the hug.
“You do have a good point there Chrissy, but do you think Carl will just let you use the jet to come up and see me?” Debbie asked looking worried.
Becky beat Chrissy to answer that one. “Chrissy has Carl wrapped around her little finger. He’d do anything to keep her happy.” Becky said with a grin, as she stole another hug from her and a quick peck on the cheek.
“I guess you really did do okay for yourself then in the end.” Debbie smiled. “I better see about getting off, or Tiffany will start getting grumpy if I don’t give her, her dinner soon.” Debbie added, as she looked at her watch.
“Thanks for calling round to see us all, and I hope you’ll have some dinner with us tomorrow evening before we head back down to London?” Chrissy asked, as they walked back into the house.
“I’d like that a lot Chrissy, just give me a call tomorrow when you know what time, and where to meet you all.” Debbie said sounding happy that she’ll get to see a little more of her and the others before they head back. “I trust we’ll be okay bringing Tiffany with us?” Debbie asked with a grin, already knowing the answer.
“Yes we want you to bring Tiffany.” Chrissy said, as she stopped walking, and stood with her hands on her hips. “You’ll have more than enough of us to help keep her happy while you enjoy your meal.” Chrissy added, as she started walking again.
Debbie had no doubt of that when she got to the living room and saw Mandy, Ann, Amy and Amber all fussing over Tiffany. Vin was having a good chat with Carl, Vic and Brad about some sports car being quicker than the other.
“I’m sorry to pull you away from what ever you’re talking about Vin dear, but I think we better see about getting Tiffany home. It will be her feeding time again soon.” Debbie said, as she tapped her watch.
Vin looked at his watch, and then looked a little shocked when he realised what the time was. “I’m sorry sweetie, I’d lost all track of time.” Vin said, as he grabbed the changing bag and made sure that nothing had been left behind.
“I hope you don’t mind Debbie, but Vin let me change her just now?” Amy asked, as she handed Tiffany over to Chrissy, so she could stand up herself.
“Not at all Amy. I’m sure Vin was happy to let you change her as well.” Debbie said with a grin. “He’s not big on the whole nappy changing thing.” Debbie added with a giggle. “We better see about getting you home, and stop bothering these lovely people hadn’t we?” Debbie asked Tiffany. As she poked the little girls nose. Tiffany just started giggling, and trying to grab her mum’s finger.
“She’s not been a bother at all Debbie.” Amy said, as she stood up and helped Amber to her feet as well.
Everyone walked out to Vin and Debbie’s car with them. Vin had a much easier trip out to the car, as he only had the changing bag to carry. Chrissy was carrying Tiffany with Amy, Amber and Becky walking close by, just in case she needed any help.
Chrissy handed Tiffany over to Vin when they got to the car, so he could get her strapped into her seat in the back of the car next to Debbie. Then all the girls gave her a kiss on the cheek before closing the door. Chrissy walked around to the other side of the car and waited for Debbie to wind the window down before speaking to her.
“I’ll give you a call tomorrow when I know what time we’ll be done here.” Chrissy said, as she leaned in through the window and gave Debbie a hug.
“What was that for Chrissy?” Debbie asked, when Chrissy stopped hugging her, and leant back out the car.
“A thank you for being my friend.” Chrissy said with a tear in her eyes. “I do wonder what life would have been like if I had told someone back then how I felt.” Chrissy added, as she wiped the tears away.
“I think your life turned out just right Chrissy, so don’t worry about what might have been.” Debbie said, as she looked at Becky, whom was now stood to Chrissy’s side with her hand wrapped around her waist.
“I think so too Debbie.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked at Becky. “I better let you get Tiffany home and fed before she starts getting grumpy on you.” Chrissy added, as she looked at Tiffany, and gave her a little wave. Tiffany giggled, and looked like she gave Chrissy a little wave back.
Everyone stood waving as they watched Vin drive away, then they all returned to the house to carry on sorting out boxes for packing stuff away in.
Holly was just packing away her and Greg’s clothes when she heard a knock on the door a little later. “Come in!” Holly shouted, as she looked to see whom it was knocking. She looked a little puzzled when she saw it was Chrissy. “You don’t need to knock dear.” Holly added, as she looked at the worried look on her daughter’s face.
“I didn’t want to just burst into the room mum; I wasn’t sure what you might be doing.” Chrissy said, as she stood just inside the doorway.
“What’s wrong Chrissy? Come and sit down next to me, and tell me all about it.” Holly said, as she sat on the edge of the bed, and pattered the bed next to her for Chrissy to come and sit down.
“I was just wondering if you’d let me stop here tonight, and sleep in my old bed just one last time before you sell the place?” Chrissy asked, as she let her mum wrap an arm around her. Chrissy rested her head on her mum’s shoulder and let out a long sigh. It had been a long time since Chrissy had been in this room doing this with her mum.
“I was thinking of stopping here tonight myself, so I can carry on sorting stuff out anyway.” Holly said, as she sat hugging her daughter. “Will Becky be okay sharing your bed with you though? It’s not as big as your bed back home.” Holly added, as she sat Chrissy up again, and then brushed away a couple of stray hairs from her eye.
“I was going to tell Becky to spend the night at the hotel with the others.” Chrissy said.
“You can try, but I have a feeling she will be stopping where ever you are dear.” Holly giggled, as she thought about Chrissy trying to get Becky to spend a night away from her. Holly had spent hours talking to Becky while Chrissy was missing, and she knew that Becky wasn’t going to let Chrissy spend one more night away from her, if she could help it.
“I guess you do have a good point there mum.” Chrissy giggled when she thought about it.
“I don’t guess anything young lady! I’m your mother. I know everything.” Holly said, as she stuck her nose up in the air trying to look very posh.
“I hope I can be as wise as you are when I’m a parent.” Chrissy giggled.
“You’ll know what to do when the time is right Chrissy.” Holly said, as she pulled Chrissy back into a hug. “You learn as you go dear. I’m sure you’re up to the challenge of being a parent.” Holly added.
Chrissy broke the hug when she heard her mobile start ringing in her pocket. Chrissy flipped it open and saw it was Callum calling her, so she hit the answer button. “Hi Callum. How did the meeting with the parents go?”
“Hi Chrissy. I’ll tell you about it later.” Chrissy heard Callum’s voice say, but not sounding to happy about something. “Are you all still at the house?” Callum asked.
“Yes, we’re still knee deep in boxes.” Chrissy giggled.
“Okay then. Jayden and I will make our way back to your house then. See you soon, bye!” Callum said, sounding a little happier.
“See you soon. Bye!” Chrissy said just before ending the call.
“Is everything alright dear?” Holly asked when she saw the worried look on Chrissy’s face.
“I’m not sure, but Callum didn’t sound very happy. I wonder if the meeting with his parent’s didn’t go so well.” Chrissy said, as she looked to be worried for her friend.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay dear. He has Jayden to help him get over any trouble that might have happened while he was there.” Holly said, as she got up off the bed, and then helped Chrissy to her feet.
Chrissy knew her mum was right. Jayden was more than capable of helping Callum sort out any trouble, but she still worried about her friends, proof of this was the fact that Chrissy was trying to think of some way to let Debbie have the house. The other reason for Chrissy wanting Debbie to have the house, was the fact she wasn’t ready to just let her mum sell it to just anyone. Not having an answer to any of it at the minute, Chrissy just wandered off back to her old room to carry on helping the others get everything packed away into boxes ready for taking home with them, or to a charity shop.
Becky could see that something was bothering Chrissy when she walked back into the bedroom. “What’s wrong baby?” Becky asked, as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy’s waist.
“Callum just called, and he didn’t sound very happy about something.” Chrissy said, not wanting to let Becky know about her trouble with the house being sold to just anyone.
“Did he not tell you how the meeting with his parents went then baby?” Becky asked.
“No, he didn’t want to talk about it on the phone, but he’s on his way back now, so I’ll ask him when he gets here.”
“I’m sure everything is okay. You know he doesn’t get on with his step dad very well.” Becky reassured Chrissy.
“Very true.” Chrissy said, as she remembered Callum saying more than once, what an ass his step dad could be.
“I have a feeling that something else is bothering you as well.” Becky said when she saw the way Chrissy still looked worried about something.
“I want to spend the night sleeping in here.” Chrissy said, as she looked around her old bedroom. “Will you be okay at the hotel tonight without me?” Chrissy asked.
“No, because I’ll be sleeping right next to you in that bed there.” Becky said with a grin, as she pointed over to Chrissy’s old bed. “At least I’ll have a good excuse to be cuddled up to you for the night.” Becky added with an even bigger grin.
“I wasn’t aware you needed a reason to cuddle up to me?” Chrissy asked with a pout, just before leaning in to give Becky a kiss on the lips.
“I don’t, but it’s nice when I do.” Becky giggled, just before kissing Chrissy again.
“Does this mean we’ll have to leave you here later, when we leave?” Amy asked with a pout.
“Yes, but only for one night baby sister.” Chrissy said, as she walked over to where Amy was stood boxing up some old clothes in the small closet with Amber. “I just feel the need to spend one last night in my old bed, now I feel like I have the right body.” Chrissy was hoping that Amy would understand what she was trying to say.
Amy did understand, and wished that she could have spent some time at her old house looking the way she did now. Amy knew that it would make it feel more like she’d been a girl all her life, and not had the nightmare of being trapped in the body of a boy when your mind was screaming girl.
“I understand big sister Chrissy, but I don’t have to like it.” Amy added with another pout. “Amber and I could camp out on the floor. We could have a slumber party.” Amy said with some excitement in her voice, thinking it was a great idea.
“Amy no.” Chrissy said in a bossy big sister tone. “I wouldn’t be letting Becky stop with me, if I thought I stood a chance of getting her to go to the hotel tonight. I’m sure that Amber can find some way to keep you entertained tonight, so you won’t even notice Becky and I aren’t there.” Chrissy added with a smile, as she pulled Amy into a hug with her.
Becky and Amber stood smiling at the pair as they hugged each other. They were both amazed at just how close the pair had become. Amy had been just as worried as Becky had while Chrissy was missing, and even wanted to go out looking for her. Amy had even tried to talk Becky into going with her on a trip around the country, in some vain attempt to track Chrissy down. Luckily Becky was thinking a little more clearly than Amy, so it never happened.
Chrissy and Amy broke the hug, and then Amy and Amber got back to boxing up everything in the closet, while Chrissy and Becky went to let the others know that they would be stopping the night with Holly in the house. Mandy wasn’t very happy about Chrissy’s idea, but she understood Chrissy’s need to spend one last night in her old room, so she caved in the end.
“Just call me if you have any problems.” Mandy said, as she hugged her little sister. “We’ll come straight back over here.” Mandy added in her best big sister voice, just like Chrissy had used on Amy a little earlier.
“I know you will sis, but I’ll be fine. Becky and mum will be here with me, and it’s only for the one night.” Chrissy smiled, as she hugged her big sister back.
“If we had more room, I think we’d all be stopping here with you baby sister.” Mandy said, as she looked around at the small house.
“I know you would sis, but I just want to spend some time with my mum, like I use to before I left home and found all you.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked at Mandy, and then the others.
“I hope you’re not getting bored with me?” Mandy asked with a pout.
“Never!” Chrissy shouted, as she pulled Mandy into an even tighter hug. “How could you even think such a thing sis?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
“I was only teasing you baby sister.” Mandy giggled, as she got the stuffing squeezed out of her by Chrissy. “I understand that you and Holly have a lot of memories tied up in this house.” Mandy added, as she hugged Chrissy back.
“I do, but most of them bad ones. That’s why I want to have one last night here, as her daughter.” Chrissy said, as she broke the hug and looked Mandy in the eyes.
Mandy looked deep into Chrissy’s eyes and could see the want in them. Mandy found it hard to remember Chrissy as the young man that walked into her shop all them years ago, so it wasn’t surprising that she could forget that she never had a normal childhood either. Mandy found it even harder to remember the times before she had Chrissy as a sister.
“You really were robbed baby sister. I wish I could give you the childhood you deserved.” Mandy hugged Chrissy a little tighter as she said it.
“I don’t care any more sis. I’m more than making up for it now.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she hugged her big sister. “I’ll be happy with one last memory of being cuddled up next to my mum on the sofa, while we watch a little TV later in the evening.” Chrissy added, as she broke the hug.
“We better get back to packing all this stuff away, or you’ll be able to have a lot more than one night to do that baby sister.” Mandy giggled, as she turned Chrissy around, and sent her back out the room with a light tap on the backside.
Chrissy ran out the room giggling, and dragging Becky along behind her. Mandy stood and watched with a smile on her face. She was happy to have Chrissy in her life, and wouldn’t want to change a single thing about it.
Jayden was worried about Callum. He’d been very quiet on the walk back to Chrissy’s old house, but she’d got no idea what to say to him, so they just walked along in silence. Jayden was happy to see the minibus parked outside a house that looked like Chrissy’s.
“What’s wrong Callum?” Jayden asked, as they walked up the road towards the house. “I’m getting worried about you know.” Jayden added.
“I’m sorry Jayden. I guess I’m just angry with Fraser, and shocked that my mum already knew about Kara, or my crossdressing.” Callum said, as he stopped walking and turned to face Jayden.
“I thought you’d be happy to find out that your mum was okay with your dressing up, and I wouldn’t worry about Fraser to much. I’d say your mum’s got him under control.” Jayden smiled, as she ran her hand down Callum’s cheek just before leaning over to kiss him. “And don’t forget how much I love you as well.” Jayden added with a grin when she stopped kissing him.
“I could never forget anything like that Jayden.” Callum finally smiled.
“That’s more like the Callum I love.” Jayden smiled in return. “Now let’s go and see what we can do to help the others get everything sorted out.” Jayden added in a bossy sounding voice, as she pulled Callum along the road towards the house.
Callum was more than happy to let Jayden boss him around, so he just let her pull him along. The front door was open, so they knocked and walked in. Holly poked her head out the living room to see whom it was, and smiled when she saw it was just them.
“Hi Jayden, Callum. Did everything go okay at your mum’s?” Holly asked.
“Hi Mrs Clarke. Everything went really well.” Callum said, as he led Jayden into the living room where Holly had gone again.
“Callum! I’ve told you before, please call me Holly.” Holly said in a stern voice.
“Sorry Holly, force of habit.” Callum said with a nervous chuckle.
“I’ll let you off this time then Callum.” Holly smiled. “Are you sure everything is alright? Chrissy said you sounded a little odd on the phone when she spoke to you earlier.” Holly added, as she looked Callum in the eyes.
“Just a little trouble with my stepfather, but that’s nothing new.” Callum said with a roll of the eyes. Callum wasn’t going to tell Holly that he’d called Chrissy a freak. No one needed to know that.
“But his mum was really nice.” Jayden added, as she wrapped an arm around one of Callum’s.
“I’m glad you like Diana, Jayden. She’s always been really nice when I’ve spoke to her in the past.” Holly smiled. “I bumped into her just after the reunion, and we had a nice long chat about what Chrissy was doing now.” Holly added. “She seemed very understanding about what Chrissy had gone through. We spoke for well over an hour.” Holly giggled, as she thought about the meeting she’d had with Callum’s mum.
Callum now knew where his mum had got all the information about where Chrissy lived now, and the club that Becky ran for Carl. Callum had also forget that Chrissy’s mum and his mum had become closer due to all the times they got called to the school over his bullying of Chrissy when they were growing up.
“Mum never said she’d bumped in to you Holly. I wonder why?” Callum asked himself, more than anyone else.
“I’m sure your mum must meet a lot of people while she’s out and about. She must have had more important things to talk to you about than meeting me and having a coffee while we had a chat.” Holly said, as she carried on wrapping some ornaments in bubble wrap.
Callum and Jayden knew the real reason, but decided to leave telling everyone until they were on the plane heading back to London. The last thing they wanted to do was slow them down any more, or they would never get done.
“We better go and find Chrissy, and put her mind at ease, or she’ll be getting worry lines.” Jayden giggled, as she pulled Callum back out the living room.
Holly had to giggle, as she watched Jayden pulling Callum along. She was also giggling at just how well Jayden knew Chrissy. Holly knew that Chrissy was worried about Callum, and how the meeting had gone for Jayden.
Jayden could hear Chrissy giggling, and shouting at Amy to stop playing around with something, so they followed the sound of the voice up the stairs, and into one of the bedrooms. Jayden and Callum stopped in the doorway and started giggling when they saw Amy dancing around the room pretending to play an inflatable guitar.
“Amy! Will you stop playing around and give us a hand to pack all this stuff away!” Chrissy shouted between giggles.
Jayden went to speak, but Callum stopped her, and then got his mobile out and pointed it at Amy. Jayden realised that Callum was using the video feature on his phone to record Amy’s little rock session. She knew that Amy would be embarrassed when she saw herself on film playing around. Callum finished filming Amy, and then put his phone away again before letting the others know they were both stood there.
“Hi everyone. Nice guitar moves Amy.” Callum said with a grin, as he entered the room with Jayden following just behind.
“Yes, I never realised you were so talented Amy.” Jayden was grinning.
“No! You both saw me playing around?” Amy asked with a very red face, as she fell on the bed next to Amber and buried her head in Amber’s shoulder.
“I did warn you to stop playing around Amy.” Chrissy giggled, when she saw how embarrassed Amy looked.
“Don’t worry Amy. I think you looked cute, as you danced around.” Jayden said, as she picked up the inflatable guitar and started doing what Amy had just been doing.
Amy was soon looking around to see what everyone was laughing at, and even she had to join in when she saw how silly Jayden looked with the guitar. Amy was soon jumping up and joining in with Jayden and they both danced around passing the guitar between them.
“Great! All we need, someone as mad as Amy.” Amber said between giggles.
“Hey! I know for a fact that I am perfectly sane.” Jayden said with pride.
“And how do you know that, may I ask?” Amber said.
“Simple. The voices in my head tell me I am, all the time.” Jayden giggled, as she gave Amber a crazy eyed stare. This had them all rolling around on the bed in a fit of giggles again.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts about having her as your girlfriend Callum?” Chrissy asked, as she pattered the bed next to her, for Callum to come and take a seat.
“Nope. I already knew she was mad for going out with me in the first place.” Callum chuckled, as he took the seat on the bed.
“Is everything okay Callum? You sounded a little unhappy on the phone.” Chrissy asked looking worried for her friend.
“Yes, I just had a little run in with my stepdad, but there’s nothing new there.” Callum said with a frown. “Mum was glad to see me though, and she fell in love with Jayden right away.” Callum added with a smile.
“I knew she would. What is there not to like about her?” Chrissy asked, as she looked at Jayden still playing around with the inflatable guitar with Amy.
Chrissy and Callum both started giggling as they watched them dancing around. “Her air guitar could use a little work, but apart from that, nothing.” Callum giggled some more.
“Are you sure there’s nothing else bothering you Callum? You still look distracted.” Chrissy asked, when she saw the way Callum was looking off in to space.
“It’s nothing really Chrissy. I’ll talk to you later about it, we better see about getting all this stuff put in boxes.” Callum said, as he looked around the room at all the stuff still waiting to be packed away ready for going to a charity shop.
Chrissy could tell that Callum really wanted to tell her something, but she was happy to wait until he was ready, and he did have a point, they really did need to get a move on, or they would never have everything packed away.
Amy and Jayden finally stopped playing around with the guitar, and let the air out if it, but Amy put it to one side, as she wanted to take it home with her. She’d been having so much fun with it that she thought it could come in handy back at home.
They all worked for a couple more hours, then Carl said they needed to see about calling it a day, so they could head over to the hotel he’d got them all booked into. Carl knew that Chrissy and Becky were going to be spending the night with Holly at the house, so he hadn’t booked any of them a room at the hotel.
They all gave each other a hug at the front door, and then Chrissy, Becky and Holly all stood and waved, as they watched the others drive away in the minibus. Chrissy could see that Amy still wasn’t very happy about letting her and Becky spend the night at her old house with out her, but she could also understand why Chrissy wanted to do it.
“I’m amazed you managed to get Amy on the minibus just now.” Holly said to Chrissy and Becky, as she waved to the others.
“I must admit mum, that I was expecting a bigger fight over it all, than I actually got.” Chrissy smiled, as she stood cuddling with Becky.
“I think Amy understands the reason for you wanting to spend one last night here, better than you think.” Holly wrapped an arm around Chrissy as she said it, and then led the two of them back into the house with her.
There wasn’t much in the house in way of food, but they all looked in the freezer and soon had an idea of what to cook, and it would use up most of what was left in there as well. So they all set to work sorting out some dinner for them selves.
Once dinner was out the way, and they had washed and dried the dishes, all three of them went to the living room and settled down on one of the sofas together. Holly was sat in the middle with Chrissy one side, and Becky the other.
Becky was enjoying the cuddle with Holly. Growing up in foster care meant she never got to do this growing up, so she was going to make the most of having Holly as a mum now. Holly was happy to have her two daughters cuddled up to her while they sat watching telly.
“I’m glad that we got to see Debbie while we were here.” Chrissy said, as she looked up at her mum from where she was resting her head.
“So am I dear.” Holly smiled, as she stroked Chrissy’s hair. “She’s got quite big since I last saw her. I just hope she has the baby soon.” Holly added with a smile.
“She’s due any day now, so I don’t think it will be much longer before she’s holding another baby in her arms.” Chrissy said with a sigh, as she thought about Becky being with child, or children, as she was having twins.
“I noticed you giving Debbie a tour of the house while she was here. Is she thinking of buying the place?” Holly asked with a giggle, as she thought about Chrissy earlier in the day, as she showed Debbie around the house, just like she was trying to sell it to her.
“She did fall in love with the place, but she can’t afford it at the minute.” Chrissy said with a sigh, as she thought about what Debbie had said out in the garden. “She was telling me that she doesn’t have a garden at the place she has now. I don’t think they had kids on their minds when they brought the place.” Chrissy added with a little chuckle.
“Would you like Debbie to live here then Chrissy?” Holly asked.
“I’d like to know the house was going to a nice couple, that would really call it a home, but I know that you and dad will need the money from the sale. And like I said, Debbie can’t afford to buy this place, and keep paying the mortgage on the other place until they sell it.” Chrissy said with an even bigger sigh.
“Your father and I were going to save this little surprise until we sold the house, but I think it might be better to let you know now, so you can decide what you really want to do.” Holly said, as she helped Chrissy and Becky to sit up, so she could talk to them both.
“Surprise us with what mum?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“Your father and I are going to be giving you the house.” Holly said with a smile. “We have more than enough in savings, and your father had a very good health cover plan in place when he got sick, so we don’t need the money from the sale of the house. We paid the mortgage up when he got laid off, so we own the house out right.” Holly added.
“So I can do what I want with the house then?” Chrissy asked looking shocked at what her mum had just told her.
“Yes, you can rent it to Debbie, or sell it on if you want to dear.” Holly said, as she took hold of Chrissy’s hand. “I know you wasn’t looking forward to just letting the house go to just anyone, and it would be nice to know that Debbie’s young ones will have a nice big garden to run around in.” Holly added with a smile.
“I don’t know what to say mum.” Chrissy said, as she looked around the room that she now owned.
“You’ll need to have a word with Carl, so you can sort out all the paperwork. You will also need to have a word with Debbie to make sure she’s interested in having the house.” Holly said, as she tried to point out things that Chrissy might not have thought of yet.
“I’m sure she will be mum, and she can leave sorting out any payments until she sells her old place, and the baby is born.” Chrissy smiled, as she seemed happy that she knew the house would be going to a nice family that would make the most of all the garden space.
“That’s up to you dear, but just remember to get it all put in a contract.” Holly said in a bossy voice. “I know you and Debbie are friends, but it’s always best to get everything in writing. I’m sure Carl has someone that can sort it all out for you.” Holly added with a smile, as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
“Thanks for giving me the house.” Chrissy said with tears in her eyes, as she hugged her mum back.
“You’re welcome dear. We were going to give you the money when we sold the house, but after hearing how you felt about the place, I thought just giving you the house would be a better thing to do. Just remember to give your father a hug when we get back.” Holly giggled. “You know how he gets when he thinks he’s missed out on one.” Holly added.
Becky was happy that Chrissy would know the house was going to be used by Debbie and her family. She knew that Chrissy still had feelings for the old house she grew up in, and didn't want to see it just become a way for someone to make a quick profit. Becky knew that Chrissy didn’t need the money she’d be getting from the house, but she needed the peace of mind that knowing Debbie would be looking after the place would give her.
They all called it a night and went up to bed early. Tomorrow was going to be another busy day, and Chrissy would need to sit and have a word with Carl about sorting out a contract for Debbie and Vin to sign, if they wanted the house, which Chrissy knew they would.
Chrissy and Becky both used the bathroom and then ran back to Chrissy’s old room to cuddle up in bed together. It was only a single bed, so they were cuddled very close indeed.
Holly had stood and giggled as she watched the two of them run across the landing from the bathroom to Chrissy’s bedroom. They only had the one bathroom, so Holly had let the two of them use it first before she herself went in to get ready for bed. Holly was looking forward to spending more time with Chrissy and the others. She thought that Chrissy was the person she should have always been from the day she was old enough to help her in the kitchen. Holly just wished that Greg had been more understanding about Chrissy’s needs from the start, but the more Holly thought about it, the more she realised that Chrissy never would have met Becky and the others if he had.
‘I wonder if things do happen for a reason.’ Holly thought to herself as she brushed her teeth and got ready for bed.
Holly was soon in her own bed feeling a little lost, with not having Greg lying down next to her, but she knew that she’d be back with him again once they got everything sorted out. If Debbie was having the house, she was hoping that they wouldn’t have to sort very much more out either. Holly did feel a pang of pain when she thought about how she would soon be sleeping alone, and there wouldn’t be a chance of her cuddling up to he husband ever again. Holly cried softly as she tried to get to sleep.
Chrissy was just starting to drift off when she heard what sounded like crying, so she slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Becky, but she was soon asking Chrissy where she was going.
“Chrissy, is everything okay?” Becky asked in a whisper.
“I’m not sure. I think I can hear mum crying. I’m going to see if she’s okay.” Chrissy whispered back, as she tried to put the covers back over Becky.
“I’m coming with you then.” Becky said, as she threw the covers back out the way again and sat up.
Chrissy was soon making her way across the landing with Becky holding her hand. Chrissy knocked on her mum’s bedroom door and entered when she heard her mum say “Come in.”
“Is everything okay Chrissy?” Holly asked with a snuffle.
“I’m not sure mum. Are you all right? I thought I heard you crying just now.” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice, as she entered the room, pulling Becky along behind her.
“I’m fine dear, I was just being silly.” Holly said, as she sat up and put the bedside lamp on.
“Why are you just being silly mum?” Chrissy asked, as she walked over and sat on the side of the bed. Becky followed Chrissy and sat down beside her.
Holly looked at Chrissy and Becky, and then let out a big sigh before she spoke again. “I was just laying here thinking about how I’ll have to get used to sleeping alone soon, and I just couldn’t stop the tears coming.” Holly started to cry again as she spoke.
Chrissy just pulled her mum into a hug and Becky joined in as well, and they just all sat on the bed hugging each other for a couple of minutes, as they all had a good cry about what was to come for all of them. Chrissy and Becky could only guess at how upsetting it must all feel to Holly.
“You won’t be alone mum, and I know that all the others will do everything they can to help you deal with it all.” Chrissy finally said as she stroked her mum’s hair.
Holly was happy to get the hug of Chrissy and Becky, but she was a little shocked when they both helped her to lie back down, and then each one of them got in bed either side of her, and cuddle up to her.
“You don’t need to do this. I would have been okay again.” Holly said, as she found herself sandwiched between the two of them.
“Better safe than sorry.” Was all Chrissy said as she cuddled back into her mum a little tighter. “And it’s been some time since I last got to spend the night in bed with my mum.” Chrissy added with a little giggle.
Holly just let out a little giggle, and then wrapped an arm around Chrissy and pulled her in even tighter to her, as they all drifted off to sleep.
Chrissy, Becky and Holly were all sat at the kitchen table having a cup of tea and a slice of toast the next morning when they heard the doorbell. “I’ll get it!” Chrissy shouted as she jumped up and ran off.
Holly and Becky giggled as they both watched her run off out the kitchen. “She seems so full of live these days Becky, I’m glad you found each other.” Holly smiled, as she looked at Becky on the other side of the table.
“I’m glad I found her too mum.” Becky smiled back. “She’s my soul mate.” Becky added with a sigh.
“I never would have guessed.” Holly giggled, which soon set Becky off.
Holly and Becky turned to look at the kitchen door when they heard Chrissy talking to someone as they walked back into the room. They saw Chrissy enter the room with her arm wrapped around Amy’s waist, and they were both giggling.
“Morning Amy.” Holly said, as she got up from the table to make a fresh pot of tea for everyone.
“Morning mum.” Amy said in return, as she walked over to where Holly was stood, and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Amber and the others were soon walking into the kitchen, and Holly found herself being led back to the kitchen table so Amy could finish making the tea for her. Holly thought about arguing, but knew she’d be fighting a losing battle, so she just took the seat and smiled at everyone as they entered the kitchen.
“Morning everybody.” Holly said with a smile. “How was the hotel?” Holly asked.
“It was nice, but not a patch on the one in London.” Mandy said, as she sat on Carl’s knee, due to a lack of seats for them all to sit on.
“I’m sorry you feel that way princess.” Carl said. “I’ll get my second in command on the case, and fix it right away for you.” Carl added with a smile, as he looked over to where Jayden was sat on Callum’s knee.
Jayden and Callum both thought the hotel was quite nice, and couldn’t understand what Mandy didn’t like about it. Jayden was so lost in thought about the things Mandy may not have liked about it that she didn’t realise that Carl was looking at her to start with. “You mean you want me to sort it out?” Jayden asked looking worried.
“Relax Jayden; I was just kidding with you.” Carl chuckled. “But it will be one of your jobs at some point.” Carl added looking a little more serious now.
“I know that Carl, but I thought the hotel was well run, and everything seemed okay to me.” Jayden looked worried that she might have failed some important test. “What didn’t you like about the hotel Mandy?” Jayden asked.
“There was nothing wrong with the hotel Jayden. I just think the one in London is nicer.” Mandy said with a smile.
“Well the one in London is much bigger than the one we stopped in last night, but I’ll give some thought to what I could do to make peoples stay a little better.” Jayden said, more to herself than anyone else in the room.
“The hotel is fine Jayden, so don’t worry about trying to change anything.” Carl smiled. “I wasn’t testing you, but you need to remember that each hotel will cater to a different type of customer. Now just relax and enjoy the rest of your time off.” Carl added.
“Is that an order boss?” Jayden asked with a grin.
“Yes it is.” Carl said with a grin back at her. Jayden snapped Carl a quick salute and then cuddled into Callum a little tighter.
Amy was soon putting a couple of pots of tea on the table with some help from Amber. Chrissy stood up and helped Amy sort out drinks for everyone.
“Did you manage to get much sorted out after we left you all last night?” Mandy asked, as she sat sipping her tea.
“Yes we did, but Chrissy wants to have a word with Carl about some thing.” Holly said, as she looked at Chrissy, and then Carl.
“Fire away Chrissy. If I can help you, you know I will.” Carl said, as he looked at Chrissy.
“Do you mind if we go into the living room to talk about it Carl?” Chrissy asked looking a little worried.
“Sure, is everything alright though?” Carl asked looking worried now.
“Yes, everything is fine. I just want to ask for your help with something before I explain it to everyone.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked around the kitchen at everyone else.
Carl let Chrissy lead him into the living room and then he helped her to take a seat on the sofa, and he took the empty seat next to her.
“So what do you need my help with then Chrissy?” Carl asked, still looking worried.
“I was talking to my mum last night about the house, and how Debbie would like to buy the place, but she can’t do it while she’s paying off the mortgage on their other place.” Chrissy said.
“So do you want me to buy this place off your mum and dad then?” Carl asked in a matter of fact way.
“No, no. Nothing like that. I just need your help to sort out a contract for me.” Chrissy said, as she waved her hands to stop Carl getting the wrong idea about what she was asking for. “Mum’s giving me the house, and I’m going to let Debbie and Vin move in and then start paying me for the place once they sell their old place.” Chrissy added with a nervous smile.
“Oh, I see.” Carl said with understanding. “Are you sure this is what you want to do with the place Chrissy?” Carl asked to make sure she’d thought it all through.
“Yes I’m sure Carl. I don’t want to just let anyone get the place, and Debbie was telling me yesterday how much she would love to see the children running around in the garden when they get older.” Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice, as she looked at Carl waiting to see if he’d help her sort it all out.
“Okay then Chrissy, I’ll make some calls and get a standard contract sorted out to cover you and Debbie. Does Debbie know about any of this?” Carl asked, as he got his phone out his pocked and scrolled down the list until he found the number he needed.
“No, not yet. I wanted to have a word with you first, and make sure I wasn’t going to be doing anything wrong.” Chrissy said as she bit her bottom lip looking worried still.
“There is nothing for you to do wrong really Chrissy. Your mum and dad have given you the house, to do with, as you want. I think it’s really nice that you want to help Debbie out.” Carl smiled.
“I’ll leave you to make your calls, and go and fill the others in on what I’m doing.” Chrissy said, as she stood up.
“You better give Debbie a call and get her to come over as well, so you can fill her in on what you want to do.” Carl said with a chuckle. “I’d hate to go to all this trouble, and have her turn you down.” Carl added.
“Good point Carl.” Chrissy giggled. “I’ll tell the others, and then give her a call.” Chrissy added, as she walked out the room to return to the kitchen.
Chrissy filled everyone in on what she was planing to do with the house, and then she went to find her purse, which was in her old bedroom. Sat on the edge of the bed, she scrolled down her list of numbers and stopped when she got to Debbie’s mobile number and hit the call button. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard Debbie’s voice on the other end of the phone.
“Hi Chrissy. How’s the packing going?” Debbie asked with a giggle.
“Hi Debbie. It’s going fine, but I was wondering if you had some time free this morning to come to the house and give us a hand?” Chrissy didn’t want to tell Debbie about the house over the phone, and she knew that Amy and the others would help look after Tiffany while they spoke.
“Sure I can come over, but I’m not sure what help I’ll be.” Debbie giggled. “I can be there in an hour. I’ll get Vin to drop me off on his way to the restaurant.” Debbie added.
Chrissy remembered where Vin worked, that was the place Debbie had first spoke to her since she’d left home. Chrissy remembered how Debbie had followed her to the restroom and then said she knew who she use to be. Chrissy had run away before Debbie could explain to her, that she didn’t care, and she thought she looked really good now.
“Okay then Debbie, I’ll see you later.” Chrissy said, sounding much happier knowing that she’d get to spend some more time with Tiffany.
Chrissy put her phone back in her purse then went back down stairs to let the others know that Debbie and Tiffany would be coming over in an hour. Once she’d told them all, they all got stuck in with boxing up all of Holly’s and Greg’s personal stuff, but left all the other stuff until they found out what Debbie and Vin’s answer was going to be.
Amy and Chrissy ran out the house when they heard Vin pull up in his car. Vin just chuckled as he got Tiffany out her special seat and then helped Debbie get out after he handed Tiffany over to Amy. Chrissy took the changing bag, and then helped Debbie walk up to the house. Amy had already vanished inside with Tiffany.
“Do you have time for a drink before you head into work Vin?” Chrissy asked, as she walked up to the house with him and Debbie.
“I can make the time Chrissy.” Vin smiled. “Joy’s of being your own boss.” Vin added with a chuckle.
“I remember Debbie telling me you’d brought the business. How’s it going?” Chrissy asked.
“It’s hard work, but I love it. I just wish the hours were a little better, so I got to spend more time with Debbie and Tiffany.” Vin said with a sigh.
“It must be hard not getting to spend as much time as you’d like with them.” Chrissy said, as she thought about all the hours he must have to put in at the restaurant.
“I have a good team working for me, and they do help me out when I really need it. That’s how I know that I can stop for a drink, and not worry about the place being opened.” Vin said, just before they entered the house.
“Good, because I was hoping to have a chat with the two of you in the living room before you have to head off to work Vin.” Chrissy said, as she led them to the living room.
Chrissy had already told everyone what she planned to do when Debbie and Vin got there, so they had all gone to the kitchen when Amy entered the house with Tiffany. Chrissy asked them to take a seat on the sofa and she remained standing while she spoke to them both.
“Is everything okay Chrissy?” Debbie asked looking worried at the way Chrissy was pacing back and forth across the room.
“Everything is fine, but I want to have a word with the two of you about this house.” Chrissy said as she pointed up at the ceiling.
“Vin and I both love the house Chrissy, but we just can’t afford to even look at buying it.” Debbie said with sadness in her voice. “Vin and I spoke about it last night, and we just can’t find the money to put a deposit down on it and try to sell the old place at the same time.” Debbie added with a sigh.
“What if you could move in, and not have to pay a penny until you’ve sold your old place?” Chrissy asked.
“That would be great, but why would your mum do that for us?” Debbie asked with a puzzled look.
“It’s not my mum doing it. I am.” Chrissy said with a grin. “I own the house now, and I want you and Vin to move in here and raise Tiffany and the new baby here.” Chrissy added with an even bigger grin.
“You brought the house off your mum, just so we can have it?” Debbie asked looking shocked.
“No, my mum and dad have given me the house, and I want you and Vin to have the place.” Chrissy let out a big sigh as she got that out. “I don’t want to see someone that wants to make a quick bit of cash buy the place, and then sell it on after they’ve done some remodelling work on the place.” Chrissy added.
Debbie and Vin just sat with their mouths open looking at Chrissy like she was speaking in some alien language. Then they both looked at each other without speaking.
“There is no catch to any of this.” Chrissy said, as she started to worry that they both thought she was trying to scam them both.
“We know that Chrissy, but it’s just a big shock to have someone do something so amazing for us.” Debbie said.
“What if it takes us a year to sell the other place Chrissy?” Vin asked, trying to be realistic about everything.
“Then it will be a year before you start paying me for the house.” Chrissy said with a shrug. “I don’t need the money right away, but I know that you and Debbie love the house, and I really want to see you living here and letting the kids enjoy the large garden out back.” Chrissy added with a smile, as she walked around the coffee table and sat on the sofa next to Debbie.
Debbie looked at Vin waiting to see what he wanted to do, but she’d already made up her mind about the place. Vin looked at Debbie and then smiled, and gave her a nod to say he was happy to do what Chrissy wanted.
“Are you really sure this is what you want to do with the place Chrissy?” Debbie asked.
“Yes I’m very sure this is what I want to do with the place, so do you want it or not?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes we want the place then Chrissy.” Debbie said, as she opened her arms so she could give Chrissy a hug, or as much of a hug as a pregnant woman could give.
“Carl’s having a contract drawn up for us all to sign, so it will all be legal. Not that I plan to change my mind and kick you out in a couple of months.” Chrissy said as she broke the hug with Debbie.
Chrissy soon found herself being pulled to her feet so Vin could also give her a hug. “Thanks Chrissy. Debbie and I will never be able to thank you enough for doing this for us.”
“Just knowing that the house is going to a good family will be thanks enough for me.” Chrissy said, as she broke the hug with Vin, and then helped Debbie to stand up, so they could go and let the others know they were having the place.
“When will we get the contracts to sign, and the keys?” Debbie asked, as they walked into the kitchen to see how they were doing with Tiffany.
“The contracts will be here later today, and you can have the keys whenever Chrissy and Holly want to hand them over.” Carl said as they entered the kitchen.
“You can have the keys today, but it would mean you sorting out the rest of the furniture, and then getting rid of what you didn’t want to keep.” Chrissy said.
“We were going to call a charity shop and let them come and clear the place out, but this way you can pick through what you want at your own pace, and then get rid of what you don’t want to keep.” Holly said, as she walked around the Kitchen table to stand with Chrissy.
“You have some really nice furniture in this house Holly, so we’d be happy to hang onto it and then decide what we don’t want to keep later.” Debbie said.
“Well that makes our job a lot easier now then.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked around the room at everyone else.
“Yes it does dear.” Holly said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her. “We’ve about finished packing all the personal stuff now. I’m going to leave you with all the pots and pans Debbie. I’m sure you will make good use of them.” Holly added with a smile.
“Thank you Holly. I’ll look after the place for you.” Debbie said with a tear in her eyes as she held out her arms to give her a hug.
“You’re welcome Debbie, but it’s Chrissy you should really be thanking. It’s her house now or soon to be yours.” Holly said with a smile, as she broke the hug.
“I know that Holly, and we’ve already thanked her for doing this for us. We just wanted to thank you as well for having such a wonderful daughter.” Debbie said just before pulling Chrissy into another hug with her.
Chrissy took the hug and felt good that she would be helping out Debbie and Vin, and also knowing that the house was going to be used by a family that would make the most of the place.
The day got a lot easier now that they didn’t have to sort much more out, so they all got to spend a little more time playing with Tiffany while they waited for the contracts to turn up. The delivery truck turned up just before a motorbike courier did with the contracts, so Brad and Vic helped the guys load up the truck while Chrissy and Carl sat and went through the contracts and got them signed with Debbie and Vin. The truck was soon loaded up, and Debbie and Vin had the keys to the house, and the codes to the alarm system.
“I think that’s it then Debbie. You now own the house.” Chrissy said with a tear in her eye, but she was happy to be letting Debbie have the place.
“Thank you Chrissy. I won’t ever forget this.” Debbie said, as she hugged Chrissy again. “Don’t be a stranger now you’ve sold the house.” Debbie added as she tried to fight back the tears herself.
“I said I wouldn’t be. I’ll be back to see the new baby as soon as he’s born.” Chrissy giggled, as she put a hand on Debbie’s belly.
“I’ll hold you to that Chrissy.” Debbie said, as she pointed a finger at Chrissy as she also giggled.
Holly did one last walk around the house to make sure she hadn’t forgot anything, and then she left the house with Chrissy at her side, so she could get in the minibus with the others, so they could head home again. Holly found it odd to be leaving the place she’s called home all her life, but she also knew that home is where your family was, and she was joining a very big family.
They all waved to Debbie, Tiffany and Vin as they drove away. Chrissy wrapped an arm around her mum as they made their way back to the airport and the plane. The truck was going to be in London at some point the next day with all the stuff they had taken out the house.
“You okay mum?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
“I’ll be okay dear, just give me a little time.” Holly smiled, as she rested her head on Chrissy’s shoulder.
“Take all the time you need mum, but know that we’re all here for you when you need us.” Chrissy said as she rested her head on her mums and let out a sigh.
Becky was sat next to Chrissy, and she took hold of Chrissy’s hand and gave it a little squeeze to let her know that she was there for her whenever she needed her.
They were soon at the airport, and getting on the plane ready to head home again.
By SaraUK
Part 16
Everyone had settled down on the plane and was just relaxing as it made its way back to London. Chrissy could see that Callum was still thinking about something. Becky had fallen asleep so she made her way over to where he was sat cuddled up to Jayden.
“What’s wrong Callum? And don’t tell me nothing, I can see that you’re worried about something.” Chrissy said, as she sat down next to him.
Callum looked at Jayden, but still wouldn’t say anything to Chrissy. “If you don’t tell her, I will.” Jayden said, as she sat up and looked at Callum.
“Have I done something to upset you Callum?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
“No Chrissy. You’ve done nothing wrong; I just don’t know what to do about something.” Callum said, as he pulled Chrissy into a hug with him.
“So tell me what’s bugging you, and let me see if I can help you sort it out.” Chrissy asked as she looked up at him from where her head was resting on his chest next to Jayden’s.
“Okay here goes.” Callum said, as he took a deep breath. “My mum told me yesterday that she knows about Kara, or more she knows about my dressing up.” Callum blurted out before taking another deep breath.
“Really? How was she about it all?” Chrissy asked, as she sat up to look Callum in the eyes.
“She was fine with it, and she even wants to come down to London and meet Kara and also meet you.” Callum said.
“She wants to meet me? What ever for?” Chrissy asked looking worried again. “Does she blame me for your dressing up?” Chrissy asked.
“No silly. She wants to meet the person that got me to go home and see her again.” Callum said with a chuckle. “How could anyone hate you Chrissy?” Callum asked.
“There’s a first time for everything.” Chrissy said with a shrug. “I still don’t see what the problem is Callum. I thought you’d be happy that your mum was okay with you being Kara some of the time.” Chrissy said with a puzzled look.
“I am fine with that Chrissy, but she also told me that my Dad was a cross dresser, but we didn’t have time to talk about it anymore than that. So I guess I’ve got a head full of questions and no way to get any answers for the time being.” Callum said with a sigh.
“You said she wanted to come and meet Kara, so just sort out a date for her to come down and then you can spend some time talking to her about your dad.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way. “Will your stepdad be coming down with her when she comes?” Chrissy asked.
“No! I don’t care if I ever see that man again for as long as I live.” Callum said through gritted teeth.
“I’ve never met such a horrid man in my whole life.” Jayden said as she pulled a funny face. “I wanted to smash his face in when he started talking about you like he did.” Jayden added as she looked at Chrissy.
“Why was he talking about me?” Chrissy asked.
“Trust me Chrissy, you don’t want to know.” Jayden said, as she realised she’d just said too much already. “Let’s just say he’s not very friendly towards anyone that’s different.” Jayden added with a sigh.
“Be very careful then around him Callum. I’ve seen what people like that can do when they feel threatened.” Chrissy said, as she thought back to what Amy’s dad tried to do to them all when he blamed Amy for his marriage failing.
“Don’t look so worried Chrissy. I’ve got no plans to provoke him in any way.”Callum smiled as he took hold of Chrissy’s hand to calm her down, as he could see her shaking. “My mum said she’d be coming to visit on her own when she came.” Callum added.
“I’m glad about that Callum. I don’t want to see any more of my friends get hurt.” Chrissy said, as she gave Callum a hug.
Callum still found it strange that Chrissy felt so strongly about his well being. He thought she’d get some small amount of pleasure out of seeing him get hurt for what he did to her all those years ago, but here she was shaking as she hugged him.
“Are you okay Chrissy?” Jayden asked, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her, as she hugged Callum.
“Not really sis. I’m scared that someone will get hurt if Callum’s stepdad gets angry.” Chrissy said with a shaky voice.
“Callum will be fine Chrissy. His stepdad is nothing but talk.” Jayden said in a dismissive way. “I’ve seen his type before. They talk big, but are very short on action.” Jayden added with a smile.
“Do you really think so sis?” Chrissy asked, as she lifted her head to look Jayden in the eyes.
“Yes I do Chrissy. Callum stood up to him when he started calling you names, and he soon backed down, and left the room.” Jayden said with a grin.
“Did you really do that for me Callum?” Chrissy asked looking proud of him.
“Yes I did Chrissy. I wasn’t going to let him get off with calling my friend names.” Callum said.
“Thank you for doing that for me Callum.” Chrissy smiled.
“There’s no need to thank me Chrissy. You spent too many years not having anyone to stand up for you while I picked on you, so I plan to make up for it by defending your name whenever I can.” Callum clenched his fists as he said it.
“I don’t want to see you get in trouble, or hurt because of me Callum. I couldn’t live with that.” Chrissy said, as she put her hand on top of Callum’s, to calm him down.
“I think someone needs to channel their inner Kara.” Jayden smiled as she looked Callum in the eyes just before she started kissing him.
I’ll leave you two to relax then.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she watched Jayden helping Callum to calm down.
Chrissy went back to where Becky was sleeping, and she sat back down next to her, and was soon nodding off herself. Becky must have woken up while Chrissy was sleeping, because when she woke up, she was cuddled up to Becky while Becky was sat chatting with their mum.
“Feeling any better now baby?” Becky asked, as she helped Chrissy to sit up.
“Not really. I ache all over.” Chrissy said with a pout, as she cuddled up to Becky again.
“Don’t worry baby we’ll be home soon, then you can curl up in bed and get some proper sleep.” Becky said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy and pulled her even closer to herself.
Becky was right about being close to home because Paul was soon asking everyone to take their seats and buckle up ready for landing. They were all soon in their seats and the plane was touching down at the airport.
Once the plane had stopped and Mark had opened the door and helped everyone off the plane, they all went and got on the minibus while Brad and Vic loaded what bags they had into the back of the minibus. Vic got behind the wheel and they were soon heading home. It was late when they got dropped off at home so Carl and Brad were going to stop the night at Mandy’s so they dropped All them off first, then Vic took the minibus back to Mable’s with him and Holly.
“I’ll pop round tomorrow and see how dad’s doing.” Chrissy said, as she got out the minibus when they got home.
“Okay dear. I know your dad will like that.” Holly smiled as she gave Chrissy a hug. She got hugs off all the others as they all got out the minibus.
Amy and Amber decided to sleep at home as well. They really didn’t like the house sitting thing after all, and it was getting late for going to Sara and Cathy’s.
Once they had waved to Vic and Holly as they drove out of the drive at Mandy’s, they all entered the house and made their way to the kitchen, so Chrissy and Becky could make them all a drinking chocolate before they turned in for the night.
Callum was stopping the night with Jayden, and Brad was stopping with Ann, so Ann was going to use the spare room so she could cuddle up to Brad. They all made their way up to bed and had a round of hugs with each other outside Mandy’s room and Chrissy’s room before they all went to their own room to get some sleep.
Chrissy was glad to be crawling into her own bed when she’d finished in the bathroom. She was soon joined by Becky, and they cuddled up together and were soon fast asleep.
Becky woke first the next morning, and she just lay in bed watching Chrissy sleep for a bit until she saw Chrissy start to wake up, then she leaned in and kissed her. Chrissy was soon wrapping her arms around Becky and prolonging the kiss for as long as she could.
“Morning lover.” Chrissy said as she had a stretch after they stopped kissing.
“Good morning to you my little sleeping beauty.” Becky said in return, just before she leaned in and kissed her again. “Do you feel like taking a long soak in a nice hot bubble bath this morning?” Becky asked.
“That sound like a great idea baby.” Chrissy purred.
Becky was soon sliding out of bed and heading to the bathroom to start filling the bath with water. Chrissy followed her into the bathroom looking half asleep still. She walked over to Becky and wrapped her arms around her and stood hugging her while the bath filled up.
“You feeling okay baby?” Becky asked, as she made the most of the hug.
“I’m fine, just a little sad that I have to get back to work today.” Chrissy said with a pout. “I’d really like to go and spend some time with mum and dad instead.” She added with a big sigh.
“I’m sure that Mandy and Amy would be fine with you taking an extra day off to go and spend it with you mum and dad if you asked them.” Becky said, as she turned around to look Chrissy in the eyes as she hugged her.
“I’m sure they would, but I’m also not sure that I can cope with seeing my dad just fade away from me.” Chrissy got out, just before she burst into tears.
Becky knew that it was hard on Chrissy knowing that her dad was dying, but she didn’t know how to fix it, because there was no fix for it. Becky knew that this is something that Chrissy was going to have to face head on. “I know its hard baby, but you need to spend as much time with him while you can.”
“I wish he’d never patched things up with me now.” Chrissy said in an angry tone of voice, as she pulled away from Becky.
“You don’t really mean that Chrissy, and you know it.” Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy back into the hug they were having.
“Why don’t I?” Chrissy asked as she buried her head in Becky’s shoulder again.
“Because I know you and this is your way of dealing with it.” Becky said in a softer tone as she stroked Chrissy’s hair. “I know you feel bad now, but just think how you’d feel if you just got a call from your mum one day saying that he’d died and you never got the chance to make peace with him.” Becky added.
Chrissy let Becky hug her as she thought about what Becky had just said, and she was right, the thought of not making things right with her dad would have been worse. “Trust you to use logic when all I want to do is live in my happy place.” Chrissy said with a pout as they broke the hug.
“We will all miss your dad when he dies baby, but we will move on and lean on each other, and also be there to help your mum get through it.” Becky said with a sad look as she stroked the side of Chrissy’s face where a tear was just rolling down. “So are you going to ask Mandy for the day off then?”
“No, but I will ask if we can call in on the way to work and see how they are doing. Then I can ask Mandy to drop me off on the way home from work, so I can spend a little more time with them then. I hope you don’t mind?” Chrissy asked, as she looked deep into Becky’s eyes.
“I don’t mind at all baby. I’ll miss spending so much time with you, but I have you for a long time to come, where as your dad doesn’t.” Becky smiled, just before pulling Chrissy into another hug.
The bath was soon full, so they both stripped off their night clothes and slid into the water. Chrissy got in first and then helped Becky to relax in the water with her head resting between Chrissy’s breasts. Chrissy couldn’t stop running her hands over Becky’s little bump of a belly.
“Will you still love me when I look as big as Debbie does?” Becky asked as she lay with her eyes shut enjoying Chrissy’s soft touch on her belly.
Chrissy never gave an answer, she just twisted round so she could give Becky a long deep kiss. “Does that answer your question my love.” Chrissy said as they broke the kiss.
Becky just looked into Chrissy’s eyes and smiled as she said, “Yes.”
Mandy and Carl were both sat in the kitchen looking at different parts of the paper when they saw Amy and Amber enter the kitchen.
“Good morning Amy, Amber.” Carl said with a smile, as he watched the two of them walk over to the kitchen table where they were sat.
“Morning Carl, Mandy.” Both girls said as they walked over and gave them both a hug before going to make a start on some breakfast for them all.
“Morning Amy, Amber. I’m sorry that your house sitting got side tracked.” Mandy said as she put the paper down, so she could chat with them while they made breakfast.
“Don’t worry about it sis. Amber and I weren’t having much fun anyway.” Amy said with a sad look as she turned to look at Mandy.
“Why not? I thought you would enjoy getting some time with just the two of you.” Mandy asked with a puzzled look.
“Amber and I have both spent so much time alone, that we missed being able to do this for you all, and just being part of a large group of people.” Amy waved her hands around the kitchen as she said it.
“I know what you mean Amy. I shudder when I think back to how I use to live in this house all on my own. I’m not sure how I stayed sane.” Mandy said with a giggle.
“I’m not too sure you did princess.” Carl said with a chuckle from the side of her.
“Hey!” Mandy said, as she spun in her chair and tried to give Carl a slap, but he was ready for it, and pinned her arms at her side, as he started kissing her.
“Sane girls are boring; I love the really crazy ones myself.” Carl said between kisses.
Amy and Amber just stood over near the fridge giggling as they watched Mandy go from struggling to get away from Carl so she could hit him, to wrapping her arms around him and enjoying the kiss and cuddle he was giving her.
Callum and Jayden walked into the room at that moment and they stopped and watched the free floor show for a couple of seconds before they walked over to the table and took their seats. They both waited for Carl and Mandy to finish kissing before they said anything.
“Morning everyone.” Jayden said with a smile, as she first looked at Carl and Mandy, then she turned to look at Amy and Amber.
“Yes, morning everyone.” Callum added as he also looked at everyone as he helped Jayden take her seat at the kitchen table.
“Morning Jayden, Callum. I trust you both had a good night’s sleep?” Mandy asked with a grin.
“Yes we both had a really great night.” Jayden said with a red face.
“I’m sure you did Jayden, but did you get any sleep?” Carl asked with a knowing look at Callum, and then Jayden again.
“We got some sleep.” Jayden said in a whisper as she sorted out a cup of tea for her and Callum.
Carl just let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Mandy again, just before he pulled her closer for another kiss.
Ann and Brad were the next to turn up. Brad helped Ann take her seat before he sat down next to her and then made her a cup of tea.
“Morning Brad, Ann.” Mandy said, as she watched Ann put the cup to her lips, and then take a long slow drink from the cup.
“Morning everyone.” Ann said, as she let out a sigh to let them all know how much she needed that first drink of tea.
“Feel ready to talk to us now Ann?” Mandy asked with a grin.
“Yes, good morning everyone. Yes I really needed that this morning.” Ann said with a smile. “Thank you babe.” Ann added as she leaned over and gave Brad a quick kiss for pouring her a drink out.
“Morning Everyone.” Brad said, as he looked around the room at them all. “You know I’d do anything for my little princess.” Brad added just before kissing Ann back.
“Morning sis!” Amy said, as she ran over and wrapped her arms around Ann from behind. Amy knew better that to try and get between Ann and her first cup of tea in the morning, so she always waits until she speaks to run over and give her a hug.
“Morning Baby sister. How are you feeling today?” Ann asked, as she looked up and then kissed Amy on the cheek.
“Amber and I are both doing fine sis. How about you and Brad? Not too tired to eat breakfast I hope?” Amy asked with a grin, as she looked at each of them.
“I could never be too tired for one of your breakfasts Amy.” Brad said with a grin.
“I’m glad to hear that Brad because you’ll be having one soon enough.” Amy smiled back at him. “Full English okay for all of you?” Amy asked as she looked around the table at them all.
Amy got nods and yes’s from everyone, so she ran off to carry on helping Amber sort it out. They were soon joined by Chrissy and Becky. Chrissy was already dressed for work, which earned her a funny look for Mandy and Amy.
“Morning Everyone.” Chrissy said, as she walked over and hugged Mandy, just before she gave everyone else a hug at the table. Then she walked over and hugged Amy and Amber.
“Morning sis. Why are you already dressed for work?” Mandy asked as she watched her finish hugging Amy.
“I’m going to head round and see how mum and dad are doing before I come in to work, so I was hoping you didn’t mind picking me up on the way later?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“No I won’t pick you up Chrissy, but I will come with you and see how they are doing myself.” Mandy said with a smile.
Chrissy looked upset for a second until Mandy said the last bit, and then she started smiling as well. “So you don’t mind taking the little side trip then sis?” Chrissy asked.
“Not at all. I want to make sure that mum and dad are okay, and Carl is getting a lift from Vic, so I was always planning to let you spend a little time with your mum and dad this morning anyway.” Mandy said with a grin.
Chrissy let a grin spread across her face as she ran around the table and jumped on Mandy’s knee just before she started hugging her like mad. “Thank you sis, thank you sis.” Chrissy kept saying as she hugged her.
“You’re welcome baby sister.” Mandy said, as she hugged Chrissy back. “I was thinking of calling in on the way home as well, just so you can spend a little time with your mum and dad then as well. That is if Becky doesn’t mind?” Mandy asked, as she looked over to where Becky was now giving Amy and Amber a hug good morning.
“I don’t mind at all Mandy. I want Chrissy to spend as much time with her parents as she can get.” Becky said as she now made her way over to help Chrissy get back off Mandy’s knee, so she could help her take a proper seat at the table.
“What you doing baby? I want to help sort out breakfast.” Chrissy said, as she saw where Becky was leading her.
“Not dressed like that my love. You can sit and chat with the others while Amy, Amber and I get breakfast ready this morning.” Becky said, just before leaning down and kissing Chrissy. “You can help tomorrow when you don’t come down for breakfast dressed for work in one of your best business suits.” Becky added with a grin when she stopped kissing her.
“Okay, point taken.” Chrissy said with a pout, as she watched Becky turn and walk over to help Amy and Amber with breakfast.
“So you won’t be needing a lift to the hotel then today Carl?” Ann asked just after taking another sip from her cup.
“No, I want to see what Mable got sorted out for Greg at her place, and then I can get a lift in with Vic after.”
“I can come and give you a hand Carl, if you think there might be some heavy lifting involved.” Brad said wanting to be helpful.
“Thanks for the offer Brad, but I think everything should be okay.” Carl said as he picked up the fresh cup of tea Mandy just poured out for him.
“Well you have my number if you do need me.” Brad said. “Make sure Holly has it as well just in case she needs me. You better make sure she has Frank’s number too, just in case she can’t get hold of me.” Brad added.
“I’ll make sure she’s got them both Brad.” Chrissy said with a smile on her face. Chrissy was proud to have friends like Brad who were willing to drop everything to help out her mum and dad. “Thanks Brad for everything you do for me and my family.” Chrissy added as she reached across the table to hold Brad’s hand. Brad just smiled at her, as he put his other hand on top of hers and dwarfed it. Chrissy’s hand looked like that of a child lost in his grip.
“It’s my family too Chrissy, but I’d do anything for you, and you know it.” Brad said with a grin, as he took a quick look at Ann sat next to him. Brad knew that the main reason that he was now with Ann was down to Chrissy pushing the two of them together, which is something he wasn’t going to forget any time soon.
Amy, Amber and Becky soon had breakfast ready and on the table, so they all sat eating, as they formed a plan so they could all help Holly look after Greg through the day. Becky was going to pop round and spend a couple of hours with them later in the morning. Then she would return home and go back to bed for a couple of hours before getting up and starting dinner. Amber, Ann and Jayden said they would call in as much as they could to help out.
Once breakfast was done with, Mandy and Amy ran off to get ready for work, while Becky sat with Chrissy. Becky was going to sort out the breakfast dishes after Chrissy had left to go and see her mum and dad. Ann and Jayden had both come down dressed for work, so they left to head off to work. Jayden said good bye to Callum outside the house, while Ann did the same with Brad. Then Ann and Jayden stood and waved at the guys as they drove off. Brad in his truck and Callum in his car. They both got in Ann’s car and set off themselves then.
Becky was sat on Chrissy’s knee talking to Carl when Mandy and Amy walked back into the kitchen. Becky got up off of Chrissy’s knee and then helped Chrissy to stand up so they could see about getting off. Mandy and the others went to the car to give Chrissy a couple of minutes to say a private goodbye to Becky. Chrissy didn’t play around with Becky to long, as she wanted to get round to see her mum and dad. Becky waved to them all as Mandy drove out the drive way, then she went in the house and made a start on doing the dishes so she could go and get dressed, so she could go and spend some time with Holly and Greg.
Mandy had no sooner pulled up outside Mable’s, and Chrissy was out the car and running up the drive and ringing the doorbell. She smiled and gave Mable a hug when she opened the door to her.
“Good morning Chrissy, You’re looking very professional this morning.” Mable said, as she stepped back to get a better look at her.
“Good morning Mable. Thank you. We’re on our way to work, but Mandy said I could spend a little time with my mum and dad before we do.” Chrissy said with a smile. “Are they up and about yet?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“Yes their both sat in the dining room. We’ve just had breakfast, and I was about to make a fresh pot of tea. Do you want to join us for a cup?” Mable asked.
“I’d love a cup Mable. Do you want me to go and sort it out for you?” Chrissy asked.
“No, I can sort it; you go and spend some time with your mum and dad.” Mable stepped aside to let Chrissy go and find her mum and dad, while she greeted Amy, Carl and Mandy.
“Good morning Mable. I swear you look younger every time I see you.” Carl smiled, as he reached Mable and gave her a hug.
“Get away with you.” Mable giggled as she hugged him back.
“I mean every word I just said Mable.” Carl said with his hand on his heart when they broke the hug.
“Stop trying to chat Mable up, and let me say good morning to her.” Mandy said, as she pushed Carl aside so she could give Mable a hug. “Good morning Mable. How are the new guest’s doing?” Mandy asked.
“They’re both doing fine. Holly pretty much took over cooking breakfast this morning. It was just like having Chrissy back here.” Mable said with a giggle. “I can sure see where Chrissy get’s her cooking skills from now.” Mable added with a grin.
“Do you think they’ll have any trouble settling in then Mable?” Mandy asked.
“If this morning is anything to go by, I don’t think so.” Mable said, as she led them all into the house to find Chrissy and the others. Mable let Carl and Mandy wonder off in front, so she could say good morning to Amy, who had been quiet up to now. “Good morning Amy. You’re looking just as smart as Chrissy does. How are you doing my dear?”
“Good morning Mable. I’m doing just fine.” Amy said, as she wrapped her arms around Mable and gave her a hug.
“Did you and Amber enjoy house sitting for Sara and Cathy? It must have been nice to finally get some time for just the two of you?” Mable asked, as they started walking towards the dining room again.
“Not really Mable. We thought it would, but when we finally got it, we just missed all the others.” Amy said with a pout. “I was telling Mandy earlier that Amber and I have spent that much time alone, we love being around the others to much now.” Amy smiled.
“I can understand that Amy. So you’re not going to be stopping there tonight then?” Mable asked.
“Sara and Cathy get back tomorrow, so there’s no point.” Amy said, as they finally made it to the dining room.
Chrissy had got to the dining room and found her dad chatting to David and Vic about football, while Holly was sat helping Cathleen finish off her homework.
“Hello dear. I didn’t think we’d be seeing you today.” Holly said, as she held out her arms, so she could give Chrissy a hug.
“Hi mum. Mandy was dropping Carl off, so we thought we’d come and spend a little time with you and dad.” Chrissy said, as she gave her mum a hug.
“Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Chrissy! Is Aunty Amy with you?” Cathleen asked, as she held out her arms to get a hug as well.
“Hello Cathleen. Yes Amy is here as well, she should be coming in any minute.” Chrissy said, as she hugged Cathleen while she looked over towards the door where she’d just seen Mandy and Carl enter.
Cathleen slid off her seat and ran over to Amy when she saw her enter the room with Mable at her side. “Hello Aunty Amy. Have you both come to play with me?” Cathleen asked with a grin.
“I’d love to play with you Cathleen, but it looks like you’re ready for school.” Amy said, as she crouched down to look at Cathleen in her school uniform.
“I’ll take day off and play with you instead.” Cathleen said in a matter of fact way, as she started pulling Amy up to where all her toys were kept.
“I don’t think your mummy will let you get away with that Cathleen, and I have to go to work.” Amy said with a pout.
“Cathleen dear, you need to come and finish this homework off. You’re already in trouble with you mummy because you didn’t do it last night.” Holly said from the dining table where Cathleen’s books were still sat.
“Did you not do your homework last night Cathleen?” Amy asked with a shocked look.
“No I forget, and mummy tell me off this morning for it.” Cathleen said looking sad as she made her way back over to the table.
“Do you want me to help you do your homework Cathleen?” Amy asked, as she helped her get back on her seat.
“Will you do it for me Aunty Amy?” Cathleen asked looking hopeful.
“No, but I will help you do it, that is if my mummy is okay with me helping you.” Amy said, as she looked at Holly to get her okay to help Cathleen instead of her.
“I don’t mind at all Amy dear. I was just helping out so Jenna could go and finish getting ready for work.” Holly said, as she got up and gave Amy a quick hug before letting her sit down and carry on helping Cathleen do her homework.
“Hi Dad, David, Vic.” Chrissy said as she waved at them all.
“Hello Chrissy. You come to see if your old man is still with the land of the living then?” Greg said with a chuckle.
“Dad! Don’t speak like that.” Chrissy said in a shocked tone of voice.
“There’s no point mopping round pretending it’s not going to happen.” Greg said. “Death and taxes are the two guarantees in life.” Greg added with another chuckle.
“Well let me give you a hug then while I still can, if that’s how you feel about it.” Chrissy said with a smile, as she tried to put a brave face on how she was really feeling about it all.
“Thanks for coming to see me dear. It means a lot seeing you take the time to come and check up on your old man.” Greg said, as he gave Chrissy a hug.
“Do you need anything dad?” Chrissy asked, as she sat down next to her dad at the dining table.
“I could really use a cup a tea. These dam pills they got me taking give me a right woolly mouth.” Greg said, as he slapped his lips together and pulled a funny face.
“I’m just on my way to make you one now Greg.” Mable said, as she wandered past the table on her way to the kitchen.
“Do you want any help Mable?” Holly asked, as she went to get up.
“No, you stop and spend some time with your daughters.” Mable said, as she looked at Chrissy, Amy and Mandy.
“Yes mum.” Holly said with a grin. Mable just giggled, as she wandered off into the kitchen.
“How you feeling now mum?” Chrissy asked, as she cuddled up to her mum at the table while they waited for Mable to get back with the tea.
“I’m feeling much better now dear. I know we’ve made the right choice, and David has been a great help with getting your father up and down the stairs.” Holly smiled at David as she said it.
“I’m glad to help any time Holly. You just need to ask.” David said with a nod from the other side of the table.
“Oh speaking of help. Brad told me to give you his and Frank’s numbers, so you can give them a call if you ever need anything.” Chrissy said, as she got a piece of paper out her purse and handed it to her mum.
“That’s nice of them dear, but I don’t want to be a bother to anyone.” Holly said as she looked at the phone numbers on the paper.
“Trust me holly when I say that it’s no trouble at all. Both Frank and Brad would be angry with you if they ever found out you struggled to do something and never called them, and with this lot keeping an eye on the two of you. I’m sure they would soon find out.” Carl said with a grin as he looked around the room.
“I better remember to call them then. I’d hate to make either of them angry with me.” Holly said looking a little worried.
“They can help give you lifts places, and I’ll leave you a number for the car service at the hotel just in case you can’t get hold of them or anyone else.” Carl said, as he pulled a card out his pocket and passed it over to Holly. “Just quote the number on the back of the card when you’ve called the number on the front, and they will send a car to pick you up and take you where ever you need to go, and then wait to bring you back, or take you somewhere else.” Carl added with a smile.
“Is it a private taxi service then Carl?” Holly asked, as she looked at the posh looking card in her hand.
“Something like that Holly, but they mainly just drive business people back and forth from the hotel to whatever meeting they need to get to.” Carl said with a wave of his hand.
“It sounds very expensive Carl.” Holly said looking worried about the cost.
“It won’t cost you a penny Holly. That’s why I gave you that card, and as soon as you tell them the number on the back, they will send a car to you right away. It’s a VIP card, and you are a very important person indeed.” Carl said with a bow of his head.
“Thank you Carl, and thank you to everyone else for all the help you’re willing to give me and Greg.” Holly said with a tear in her eye.
Chrissy pulled her mum into a tighter hug and let her rest her head on her should while she pulled herself back together. Greg just sat next to Chrissy smiling when he saw that Holly would really be okay after he was gone. He was proud of everything Chrissy had managed to achieve since leaving home. Greg could never say he was proud of anything that Chris his son ever did, but he still loved him with all his heart, but he was very proud of his daughter, and all that she had done. Greg was snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard Chrissy speaking to him.
“Are you okay dad?” Chrissy asked when she saw the faraway look in his eyes, and a tear running down his cheek. Chrissy wiped away the tear and gave him a sad looking smile.
“As okay as I can be given the circumstances.” Greg said with a grin. “I was just thinking how proud of you I am.” Greg added, as he held out his arms to give Chrissy a hug.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that to me dad.” Chrissy giggled as she started to cry on her dads shoulder.
“I should have told you that a long time ago Chrissy, but I am very proud to call you my daughter, and be able to call all your friends my daughters as well.” Greg hugged Chrissy a little harder as he said it.
“Better late than never dad, better late than never.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she enjoyed the hug with her father.
Mable came back into the room carrying a tray with a couple of pots of tea on it, so Chrissy got up and then set about making everyone a cup. Greg was happy to be getting his, and he seemed to drink over half of it in his first swallow.
“Thank you Chrissy that really hit the spot.” Greg said with a sigh, as he put the cup back down on the table.
Mable took a seat at the table, and then took the cup of tea that Chrissy offered her. Mable always liked the way Chrissy just took over serving people their drinks whenever she comes around to visit. “Thank you Chrissy, you’re a true angel my dear.” Mable smiled at her.
“Thanks Mable, but I’m far from being an angel.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“You should let others be the judge of that dear.” Mable said with a raised eyebrow.
“Did you manage to get everything sorted out for the downstairs bedroom for Greg yesterday Mable?” Carl asked when she and Chrissy had stopped talking to each other.
“Yes they will be back today to start putting things in place. We were lucky because Prue was here when they came, and she told them what she was looking for.” Mable giggled when she thought about Prue bossing the person around when he came to see what was needed. “The poor man tried to tell us what we needed, but Prue wasn’t having any of it.” Mable added with more giggles.
“That sounds like mum alright.” Mandy said with a smile. She knew only too well how her mum could be when she knows what she wants.
“Prue’s coming over later today, so she can sit and have a chat with Holly and sort out what care she needs to help make life a little easier on everyone. She also wants to get Greg booked in for some tests as well to make sure he’s on all the proper medication.” Mable said, as she looked at Holly more than anyone else.
“I’ve already spoke to Prue about getting Greg the best care we can. She told me that she’d been speaking to some people that were looking at knew drugs just out on the market.” Carl said, as he looked at Holly and then Mable. “Just do whatever Prue tells you to Holly, and don’t worry about the cost of anything, and if you need anything at all, then give me a call, or just let Chrissy know, and I will sort it out.” Carl added in a firm voice to let holly know that he wasn’t even going to let her argue with him about it.
Holly could tell that by the look in his eyes, so she just smiled and then said, “I will Carl, and thank you again for doing all this.”
“No need to thank me Holly, you’re family now.” Carl said with a grin as he looked at Chrissy cuddled up to her dad.
Everyone turned to look at the door to the dining room from the hallway when they heard the clicking of heels on the marble hallway floor. They all smiled when they saw Jenna and Kim walk into the room.
“Wow, full house.” Jenna said as she looked around the room. “Good morning everyone.” Jenna added with a smile.
“Morning Jenna, Kim.” Everyone said to them.
“Morning.” Kim said, as she walked over to where Chrissy was sat with her dad. “How you doing shrimp?” Kim asked, as she gave Chrissy a hug from behind.
“Hey! We can’t all look like an Amazon princess you know.” Chrissy giggled, as she took the hug from Kim.
“I think I might have to tickle you for that little comment shrimp.” Kim said, just before attacking Chrissy with her fingers.
Chrissy tried to stop Kim, but she was giggling too much to stop her, and she was soon sliding off the chair, and would have ended up on the floor, but Kim stopped her and sat her back on the chair again.
“You don’t fight fair Kim.” Chrissy said, as she got her breath back and playfully slapped Kim on the arm as she hugged her.
“I’m an Amazon princess, so I do whatever it takes to win shrimp.” Kim said with a grin, as she hugged Chrissy once more before letting her go and then going to sit with David for a little bit before he left to head off to work. Kim was stopping at home until Prue came, and then they would head into the surgery together later. Prue couldn’t see the point of Kim leaving home, just to be taken back again later in the day.
“How are you doing with your homework Cathleen?” Jenna asked, as she looked over Cathleen and Amy’s shoulders to look at what Cathleen was doing.
“I’ve nearly finished mummy.” Cathleen said sounding a little worried that her mummy was still mad with her. “Will you let me watch the cartoons now when I get home later?” Cathleen asked.
“No. I told you that you are being punished for not telling me yesterday that you had some homework to do. So you will just have to find something else to do when you get home from school.” Jenna said. Not happy that she needed to punish her daughter, but Jenna knew that Cathleen would never learn if she didn’t punish her when she did something wrong.
“Okay mummy, I understand. I am sorry for being bad girl.” Cathleen said, as she looked down at the table in front of her.
Jenna just wanted to hug her daughter, but knew she had to be strong and let her sulk for the time being. Vic looked at Jenna and smiled to let her know he knew how she was feeling, and he was proud that she wasn’t going to give in and let her off.
“Thanks for helping Cathleen get her homework done Amy. I never would have been ready in time to get to work if you and Holly hadn’t been around.
“Holly, I mean mum did most of it with her, I just stepped in at the last minute to help Cathleen finish it off.” Amy said, as she pulled Cathleen into a hug to try and cheer her up a little bit.
Jenna just smiled even more when she saw Amy hug Cathleen. It was a simple way to make Cathleen feel better without Jenna giving in and hugging her herself. “We really do need to stop you spending so much time with Chrissy. You’re getting more and more like her when someone tries to pay you a complement.” Jenna said with a giggle, as she gave Amy a quick hug, just after she stopped hugging Cathleen.
“I can live with them sort of bad habits Jenna.” Amy said with a grin as she looked over at Chrissy sat cuddled up between her mum and dad.
“Just as long as you don’t start running off on holidays without telling any of us first. You’ll be fine Amy.” Jenna said with a grin as she looked at Chrissy.
Chrissy just looked at Jenna like she was about to say something, but then just looked down at her own lap as she realised that she would never live down her running away. Chrissy was soon looking up again though when she felt someone hug her from behind. She soon found out that it was Jenna hugging her.
“I’m sorry Chrissy. That was just a bad joke. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Jenna said as she hugged her a little tighter.
“Don’t worry about it Jenna. If I’m going to do silly things, then I have to expect people to make fun of me for it.” Chrissy said, as she let Jenna hug her.
“It was a silly thing you did Chrissy, but no one is making fun of you. We just like to tease you every now and then.” Jenna gave Chrissy another quick squeeze before letting her go again. “Still friends?” Jenna asked with a pout.
“Always Jenna.” Chrissy said with a smile.
“That’s okay then.” Jenna said with a smile back at Chrissy, just before she went and sat on Vic’s knee for a couple of minutes before she needed to leave and get Cathleen dropped off at school.
Mandy looked at her watch and realised that they needed to see about getting to work, or they would never have the orders ready for when they turned up from the changing service at the hotel. “I’m sorry Chrissy, but we really do need to see about making a move and getting to work.” Mandy said with a sad look at Chrissy, as she watched her sat between her mum and dad. “We can call in on the way home and spend a little more time with them tonight if you want?” Mandy asked, as she tried to think of some way to cheer Chrissy up a little bit.
“I’d like that Sis. Thank you.” Chrissy said, just before giving her mum and dad a hug. “I’ll see you both later then. Just call me if you need anything.” Chrissy added as she broke the hug with her mum.
“I will dear, but it sounds like we pretty much have it covered though. Holly said with a giggle, as she thought about all the numbers and people she now had willing to help her take care of Greg.
“Well you can always just call for a natter if you like.” Chrissy said looking hopeful that her mum would feel the need to call and chat to her at some point in the day.
“Now that I will do. I very often find myself at a loose end when your father has a nap, but Mable and I were talking about doing some baking. I hear that you all like the apple pies that Mable makes, and she said she’d show me her secrets.” Holly said with a grin.
“You can never have enough apple pies.” Carl said with a grin when he heard the magic words being spoken.
“Mable was telling me that you can’t get enough of her homemade apple pies Carl.” Holly giggled.
“Mable’s apple pie is that good, I’ve told her a number of times I’d add it to the menu at the hotel if she could make enough of them for me.” Carl said, as he looked at Mable like he had a number of times in the past.
“Maybe with Holly here to help me Carl, I might be able to look at doing that now.” Mable said with a grin. Mable’s goal was to get Holly doing something that would help keep her busy when she wasn’t looking after Greg. With all the people willing to help out, Mable knew that Holly would have a little more free time to find other things to do.
“I will tell you now that I will take as many as you can make.” Carl said looking excited.
“Well give us a couple of days to get Holly and Greg settled in, then we’ll see what we can do,” Mable said with a smile.
Chrissy gave her mum and dad a final hug before she left the house and got in Mandy’s car and headed off to the shop, so they could make a start on what was going to be a very busy day for the three of them.
Becky had gone back into the kitchen and got all the dishes washed and dried after waving Chrissy and the others off at the front door, then she decided to go up and get the bags unpacked that her and Chrissy had used on the trip back up to sort out her mum and dad’s move.
The bag they’d used was one of the bags that Chrissy had brought while she was away, so Becky wasn’t shocked when she found a small pile of fashion magazines in the bottom of it when she’d taken all the clothes out.
“No wonder this bag weighed so much.” Becky said to herself as she pulled the magazines out so she could fold the bag up and put it away.
As Becky was putting the magazines on the bed out the way, she saw an a4 size envelope slide out from between a couple of the magazines. She put the bag back down, and then picked up the envelope and looked to see what was in it. Becky looked a bit puzzled when she saw a set of photos, but she didn’t recognise the woman in them. The woman was dressed in a school girl uniform just like the one Chrissy had worn while working at St.Trinian’s, but Becky didn’t remember seeing her while they were there, and why would Chrissy have a set of photos anyway. Becky thought the girl looked cute, but she was beginning to worry that maybe Chrissy had a little romance while she was away. It had worried Becky all the time Chrissy was missing, that she might have found another woman to fill the hole Becky must have left. Looking at the photos made Becky wonder if this might be the woman that did that.
The girl had a short pixie style hair cut in a flame red colour, and she had her lip pierced and a lot of piercings in her ears. The girl also had the most amazing bright blue eyes. Becky thought she had a gothic punk look about her. Not the sort of girl Chrissy would be looking to go out with, but then again, Chrissy was in a dark place, so she could have been thinking anything at the time she’d have met this girl.
“Don’t start thinking like that.” Becky said to herself as she shook her head from side to side. “Chrissy would never do something like that.” Becky added, as she put the photos back in the envelope and then slid them back between the magazines before putting the magazines away.
Becky got back to sorting out the clothes and put most of them in the wash basket, then she set about getting ready to go and see how Holly and Greg were settling in at Mable’s, but she found herself thinking about the girl in the photos, and she was soon back in their bedroom grabbing the photos and heading back down to see if she could find any shots of her on the St.Trinian’s web site. Becky spent over half an hour looking all through the web site, but she couldn’t find one photo of a cute red head working at the club. Looking at the time, Becky decided to have a word with Jayden later, and see if the girl might have started at the club after the web site was sorted out, and whether or not Chrissy might have shown an interest in another girl.
Even though Becky had told herself not to let it worry her, and there must be a valid reason for Chrissy having the photos, she was still getting worked up at the thought of Chrissy having a fling with some gothic pixie while she was away.
Becky got in her car and set off towards Mable’s and decided to spend some time with Holly and Greg in some attempt to take her mind of what Chrissy might have got up to while she was away. She pulled up outside Mable’s and noticed that Prue was here, as her car was parked on the driveway, so Becky got out and took a deep breath before going up the driveway and ringing the bell.
“Hello Becky. Come in, come in.” Mable said as she stepped aside to let Becky enter the house before she gave her a hug. “How are you feeling dear?” Mable asked, as she put a hand on Becky’s little lump of a belly.
“Hi Mable. We’re all doing fine.” Becky smiled, as she also put her hands on her belly.
“It’s really starting to show now isn’t it?” Mable said as she looked up from Becky’s belly to look her in the eyes with a smile on her face. “Are you sure that everything is okay dear? You don’t look very happy about something.” Mable asked looking worried all of a sudden.
“Yes I’m fine Mable. It’s just been a busy couple of weeks with the wedding and then the sorting out with Chrissy’s mum and dad.” Becky said with a sigh. “It’s nice to just come over and relax with you for an hour or so.” Becky added as she wrapped an arm around Mable’s waist and led her back to the dining room where she knew the others would be.
Holly was just pouring out a cup of tea for Prue, Kim and Greg when Becky and Mable walked back into the room.
“Hello Becky. You’re just in time for a cup of tea if you want one?” Holly asked with a smile.
“Hi everyone. That would be great mum, thanks.” Becky said as she took the seat that Mable offered her.
“Hello dear. I hope you didn’t over do it while you were helping Holly pack everything away over the past couple of days?” Prue asked, as she patted Becky on the hand.
“No mum, Brad and the others wouldn’t let me do much at all. I was more of a supervisor than a worker.” Becky said with a grin, as she took the cup of tea off Holly. “Thanks mum.” Becky added as she looked at Holly.
Becky liked the idea that she got to call two people mum now, whereas at one point she didn’t even have one. Becky also loved how they both wanted to make sure she wasn’t over doing anything while she was pregnant either.
“Holly was just telling us that Brad was doing most the heavy lifting while you were up there.” Prue said with a grin. “Frank wasn’t very happy that he never got asked to help. He’s wondering if you all think he’s getting to old for helping out now days.” Prue added with even more giggles.
“I hope he doesn’t believe that mum. I just wanted him to keep an eye on the club while we were away. I’m sure that Brad could have used him a couple of time had he been there.” Becky said, as she tried to explain to Prue why they never asked Frank to go with them.
“I know that Becky, but you know what men are like when they think they’ve been left out of something on purpose.” Prue said in a dismissive way. “I’m sure that you will sweet talk him into thinking he did an amazing job while you were away.” Prue added with a knowing look.
Becky knew that Prue was right, and by the end of the night tonight at the club, she would have Frank convinced that he was the best person to leave behind helping Beth run the club for her.
“Are you sure that everything is okay Becky? You look distracted by something.” Prue asked, as they sat drinking their tea.
Becky was still worried about the photos of the girl that Chrissy had been hiding in the magazines she found back at home, but she wasn’t about to tell Prue and the others, that she thought Chrissy had an affair while she was away. If for no other reason than she wasn’t sure she actually had. Becky needed to have a word with Jayden, to see if she could find out any more details about the girl in the photos first. Becky knew that would be a tricky subject without putting Jayden in a tough spot.
“I’m fine, really I am. I guess I’m just missing Chrissy a little bit.” Becky lied, but she knew that they would all buy that as a reason for her seaming a little distracted.
“I bet it was nice getting to spend the last couple of days together?” Prue asked, as she gave Becky a hug.
“It was. I think that’s the reason I feel a little lost at the minute.” Becky said, as she hugged Prue back. “But that’s enough about me. I want to know how you’re settling in here at Mable’s?” Becky asked, as she broke the hug with Prue, and looked at Holly and Greg.
Holly went on to tell Becky about how she helped Mable sort out breakfast, and how they were going to start and do some baking together once they got settled in fully. Holly even told Becky about Carl wanting some of the apple pies to sell in the restaurant at the hotel. Becky was excited for them when they said that. She thought that everyone deserved to taste a piece of Mable’s apple pie, it was that good.
Becky stopped for just over an hour and then made her excuse to leave. “I’m really sorry, but I better go and get some rest before I have to make a start on dinner, and then get ready to go to work at the club.” Becky said as she got up to leave.
“I hope you’re not trying to do too much Becky?” Greg asked, as she gave him a hug.
“Don’t worry dad. They won’t let me do much more than walk around the club keeping an eye on me.” Becky smiled; at the fact Greg was worried about her health.
“I should hope they are, or I’d be having words with someone about it.” Holly said looking like a protective mother as she walked Becky to the front door.
“Do you need anything fetching before I leave?” Becky asked, as she stood at the front door having one final hug before Becky left. Prue and Kim had already left to get back to the surgery, so Prue could make some calls and get some tests set up for Greg, so Becky was the only one able to go and fetch anything they might need.
“I think we’re fine for everything Becky, but Carl left me with a number for the car service at the hotel, and Chrissy gave me a card with Brad and Frank’s numbers on. So I can call one of them if I need anything later.” Holly hugged Becky as she spoke. “I want you to go home and get some sleep; it looks like you could do with it.” Holly added with a smile, as she ran her finger along a little bag that was under one of Becky’s eyes.
Becky leaned into the touch and smiled as she looked at Holly. “Bye mum. I’ll pop around again tomorrow. That is unless you call and let me know that Prue has some tests planned for dad, then I’ll come with you. That is unless you’ll be getting Brad or Frank to come with you and help get dad in and out of the places.” Becky added.
“You’re welcome to come and see us here Becky, but I’ll sort out something else when we have to go for the tests. I don’t want you over doing anything.” Holly put her hand on Becky’s belly as she said it. “You have more than just you to take care of now Becky, so you just take it easy and let everyone do stuff for you.”
“Yes mum.” Becky said with a roll of the eyes, just before she started to giggle.
“Yes I am, and don’t you forget it young lady.” Holly said with a grin as she had one hand on her hip, and the other one had a finger pointing at Becky as she wagged it around in a bossy manner, but even Holly ended up giggling.
Holly walked down the drive and then helped Becky to get in her car before she stood and waved Becky off before returning to the house to help Mable clean up the pots and then make a start on sorting out some lunch for them all.
Becky got home and made herself a sandwich, and then sat at the kitchen table looking at the photos. By the time Becky finished her sandwich and headed up to bed, she was convinced that Chrissy had found some gothic girl to have a fling with as some sort of payback against her. Needless to say Becky didn’t get much sleep that afternoon.
Chrissy, Amy and Mandy had been at it non stop since they got to the shop, but they got the orders for the changing service done just in time. Linda walking into the shop just as Mandy finished the final check to make sure they had everything that was ordered.
“Hi Linda, we only just made it in time.” Mandy said with a sigh, as she fell onto the seat behind the counter looking warn out.
“It’s always tough getting back to work after a couple of days off, I know just how you feel Mandy.” Linda said as she put a basket of food on the counter with their lunch in it. “I’ll get loaded up and let you take a break and have some lunch then.” Linda added, as she made a start on taking all the boxes out to her van. She was soon joined by Chrissy and Amy, as they both helped to get her loaded up and on her way back to the hotel.
Amy and Chrissy returned to the shop after waving to Linda as she drove away. Amy locked the front door to the shop and then turned the sign to say they were closed for lunch. Mandy had taken the basket through to the back room, so they could set about dishing up some salad and cooked meats for each other.
“I’m ready for this.” Mandy said, as she took a bite out of a fresh bread roll that Chrissy had just buttered for her.
“I know what you mean sis; I thought it was never going to end.” Chrissy said just before putting a fork full of salad and meat in her mouth.
Amy said something, but she already had a mouth full of food, so Mandy and Chrissy just sat looking at her, as they both waited for her to swallow it, so she could then tell them again.
“Sorry. I said that I can’t see there being much left by the time we’ve done.” Amy giggled, as she put her hand over her mouth so she didn’t spit food all over Mandy and Chrissy.
“No, not with the way you’re shovelling it in.” Mandy said with a grin.
“I can’t help it. I’m a growing girl.” Amy said as she stuck her chest out and turned from side to side.
“You can be such a tart baby sister.” Chrissy giggled, as she poked a fork at one of Amy’s breasts. “Now get your lunch, so we can get stuck in to all those internet orders.” Chrissy added, as she pointed over at the large pile of orders they still needed to get sorted and out in the post.
“Hey! Watch were you’re pointing that fork big sister. I can’t afford to burst one.” Amy said with fake shock, as she covered up her breasts to protect them from Chrissy and her fork.
“I wouldn’t worry baby sister, those aren’t filled with water, and I doubt I could burst one with a fork.” Chrissy said with a grin as she thought back to what Amy once told them about her using water filled balloons as breasts.
“Better safe than sorry big sister.” Amy said with a grin, as she carried on eating her lunch.
“I can’t believe you used water filled balloons as breasts. Did you ever have one burst on you while you were wearing your sister’s clothes?” Mandy asked.
“Yes I did. I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to get her clothes dry before she got home again, but I think I got away with it. Or put it this way, she never said otherwise.” Amy said with a grin. “Maybe I should ask her if she ever noticed some of her things being a little damp once.” Amy had a thoughtful look on her face as she said it.
“We’ll have to try and remember and ask her when we get home.” Chrissy said with a grin. Amy just nodded her head up and down, due to her having another mouth full of food again.
Once lunch was out the way, Mandy went and checked up on what stock they would need to order, while Chrissy and Amy started working their way through the internet orders. They made a good team, and they soon had them all done, and then they helped Mandy sort out the stock they needed, and were ready to leave the shop an hour earlier than they normally would be. They got the car loaded up, and then got the shop locked up so they could go and spend a little more time with Holly and Greg.
Greg was sleeping when they got to Mable’s, so they all sat in the dining room and had a cup of tea with Mable and Holly until Cathleen got home with Jenna, then Chrissy and Amy spent some time playing with her until Greg woke up, then Chrissy sat cuddled up to her dad, as they talked about some of the things Chrissy did as a child, while Amy, Mandy, Jenna and Mable sat and listened to them tell their stories.
It was soon time to see about getting home and seeing what Becky had cooked for dinner, and Mable was about ready to dish up dinner at her place anyway. She asked if they wanted to stop, but understood why they had to leave when they said that Becky would have cooked back at home.
Cathleen walked to the door with Holly and waved to Chrissy, Mandy and Amy as they got in Mandy’s car and pulled away. Then Holly went back into the house and helped Cathleen get cleaned up ready for dinner, while Jenna made the most of the break before they ate.
Becky was just putting a joint of meat back in the oven when she heard the front door close, then she saw Ann and Jayden enter the kitchen and smile at her. “Hi Becky, something smells good.” Ann said, as she walked over and gave Becky a hug. “Do you think I have time to go and take a shower before we eat?” Ann asked.
“You should have time Ann; I’m waiting for the others to get home. They said they were going to call in and see how Greg and Holly are settling in at Mable’s.” Becky said, as she took the oven gloves off again and hung them back up.
“Okay then, I’ll be as quick as I can.” Ann said as she kissed Becky on the cheek and gave her a quick hug just before running out the room again.
“Do you need a hand with anything Becky? I’m not very good in the kitchen, but tell me what you want done and I’ll sort it for you.” Jayden said as she got up to go and help Becky with dinner.
“Everything is pretty much done now Jayden, but I would like to have a quick chat with you about something.” Becky said, as she led Jayden back over to the kitchen table so they could sit down and have a chat.
“Okay Becky, what do you want to talk about?” Jayden asked as she helped Becky take a seat just before she sat down again herself.
“I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind talking about what Chrissy got up to while she was stopping with you.” Becky asked looking nervous.
“No, I don’t mind, but there’s not much to talk about really.” Jayden said with a shrug. “So what do you want to know?”
“Did Chrissy get close to anyone while she was there?” Becky asked, but wasn’t sure she was ready for the answer. Becky’s heart jumped up into her throat when she heard Jayden’s answer.
“Yes she did.” Jayden said as she looked across the table at Becky. “She worked her way into every body’s heart at the club.” Jayden added with a smile.
“Do you know if she closer than just friends with any of them?” Becky asked.
“What, you mean like you and Chrissy close?” Jayden asked with a shocked look when she realised where Becky’s questioning was going.
“Yes. Did she get close to any of the girls at the club while she worked there?” Becky asked feeling a little braver, but still not knowing if she could cope with the answer she was going to get.
“Not as far as I know, but I wasn’t at the club every night of the week like she was. I never saw her getting that close with any of the girls, or guys for that matter.” Jayden said, as she looked to be thinking back to all the times she worked in the club with Chrissy. “I know a couple of the girls took an interest in Chrissy, but she always shot them down before they even got off the mark.” Jayden added.
“So she could have had a fling then, and just kept it hidden from you?” Becky asked with worry in her voice.
“I can’t see how Becky. She never brought anyone home, or spoke on the phone to anyone while she was with me, and she was always at home when I got back from working at the hotel.” Jayden said in such a way as she thought Becky had gone mad. “She always had a meal waiting for me, and none of them were the type of meal that could be cooked at the last minute, so she’d taken some time to get them ready.”
Becky was deep in thought for a couple of minutes, and Jayden just sat looking at her, as she waited for the next question. Becky knew how cunning Chrissy could be, but it was looking a little odd that Chrissy and a girl from St.Trinian’s would be able to keep a secret like that from Jayden. “What am I missing?” Becky said to herself under her breath.
“Becky, I’ve got no idea where this has all come from, but if you’re asking me if Chrissy hooked up with some other girl while she was away. Then I would have to say no.” Jayden said, as she reached across the table and took hold of Becky’s hands and looked her in the eyes.
“But you’ve already said that you can’t be sure Jayden.” Becky said close to tears.
“Chrissy was a mess when I found her, and yes most girls that would have felt like Chrissy did back then would have gone and had some revenge sex, or something like that.” Jayden said as she waved her hands in the air. “But Chrissy isn’t just some girl Becky! She was heartbroken, and the last thing she wanted was to get close to anyone. It took me a couple of weeks to get her to even open up to me on anything, and even then she still wouldn’t get close just in case she got hurt again.” Jayden said with some anger in her voice.
“Why are you worried about what Chrissy might have done while she was away all of a sudden anyway?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look. “Have you found some evidence that she’s been seeing someone behind your back?”
Becky was tempted to go and get the photos and ask Jayden who the girl was in them, but the last thing she wanted was for Jayden to cover for Chrissy until she could warn her, or worse tell her that Chrissy had got close to the girl in the photos and she’d just forgot all about it. So she decided to lie.
“No real reason. I was just being silly, and wondered if she might have had some sort of a romance while she was away.” Becky said with a shrug of the shoulders.
Jayden got up and walked around the table so she could give Becky a hug. “You’re the only romance in Chrissy’s life for the time being Becky.” Jayden said, as she kissed Becky on the forehead. “That is until these little ones show up.” Jayden added with a grin as she put her hand on Becky’s belly.
Becky didn’t have time to ask Jayden any more details about Chrissy’s little holiday because they heard the front door, and then Amber walked into the Kitchen.
“Hi Becky, Jayden. Amy not home yet?” Amber asked, as she looked around the kitchen, just in case she’d missed her.
“No, not yet. They were going to call in and spend some time with Chrissy’s mum and dad on their way home.” Becky said, as she got up from the table to go and make sure dinner was still okay.
The front door was soon heard to close again, and the next thing Becky heard was Amy scream Amber’s name as they started hugging and kissing each other. Becky looked round just in time to see Chrissy walk over to her, and pull her into a hug and then kissed her on the lips. The kiss and hug was very one sided, which didn’t go unnoticed on Chrissy.
“What’s wrong baby?” Chrissy asked looking worried as she stopped kissing Becky.
“Nothing is wrong; I’m just hungry and want to get dinner dished up.” Becky said, as she pushed herself away from Chrissy and started sorting out dinner.
Chrissy was left feeling a little hurt by the way Becky was treating her, but she just put it down to hormones and let it go. “Do you want some help getting it dished up baby?”
“Sure, if it’s not too much trouble.” Becky said without even turning to look at Chrissy.
Chrissy, Amy and Amber all set to work helping Becky get dinner dished up then they all sat down to eat when Ann came back down from taking a shower. Becky’s mood towards Chrissy didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of them, and Jayden was beginning to think that there was more to Becky’s questions than just being curious about what Chrissy got up to while she was away.
Once dinner was finished, and they had all had a desert of fruit and ice cream that Amy and Chrissy made. They all had a cup of tea before Chrissy looked at the time and realised that she needed to go and help Becky take a shower and get ready for work.
“We better see about getting up stairs if we’re going to get a shower before you have to get ready for work baby.” Chrissy said, as she got up from the table and went to help Becky get up.
“I’ve already taken my shower, but don’t let me stop you going for one.” Becky said in a matter of fact way, as she got up from the table and then took her cup over to the sink before leaving the room to go and get ready for work.
Chrissy was left looking at the kitchen door with tears in her eyes as she tried to work out what she might have done to upset Becky. Chrissy looked at the others, then she let out a sigh just before walking off to go and find out what was wrong with Becky, and try to fix it.
“That was a bit cold.” Amber said as she looked at the door Chrissy had just left by to go and talk to Becky. “Does anyone know what’s wrong with Becky?” Amber asked the others.
“I’m not sure, but she was asking me a bunch of really weird questions about what Chrissy got up to while she was stopping with me, and working at St.Trinian’s.” Jayden said with a puzzled look on her face as she looked around the table.
“Did she give you any reason for why she’d be asking these questions Jayden?” Mandy asked looking worried about what had just happened.
“No, not really, but I get the feeling that she knows something, or thinks she does.” Jayden said.
“Did anything happen that you can remember, or you think could have made Becky act like she is doing now?” Mandy asked, as she looked at Jayden.
“Not that I know of, and all Chrissy did was work at the club, and then clean the flat and cook the meals. If she got up to anything else, she did a very good job of hiding it from me.” Jayden said with a shrug.
“Did she ever meet up with anyone while you were out?” Mandy asked Jayden.
“I only managed to get her to come out the once, and she never even went on the dance floor. Like I said, she never did or went any place apart from the supermarket to do food shopping, and the club.” Jayden said in a pleading voice. “That’s the same thing I told Becky when she asked me. I’ve got no idea why she’s treating Chrissy like she is.” Jayden added with a sad look.
“Okay Jayden, thanks for telling us what you know anyway.” Mandy said with a weak smile. “I’ll try and get Becky away from Chrissy, so I can find out what her problem is.” Mandy added with a sigh.
Becky was just walking into their wardrobe when Chrissy entered the bedroom, so she walked over to the door to find out what Becky’s problem was with her.
“Becky. What have I done to upset you?” Chrissy asked in a pleading voice.
“I don’t want to talk about it. I need to get ready for work.” Becky said, as she never even bothered to turn and look at Chrissy as she spoke.
“If this is about me going out early and then being late back, we talked about it, and you said it was okay for me to go and spend some time with my mum and dad.” Chrissy said, as she thought that was the only thing she’d done since talking to Becky in the morning before she left the house.
“It’s got nothing to do with your mum and dad. I’m fine with you spending time with them.” Becky snapped as she got the dress she’d be wearing for work, and she left the closet to put the dress on the bed, so she could sort out underwear and shoes. “For all I care at the minute, you can go and live with them!” Becky snapped.
“Then please tell me what the problem is, and I will say sorry, so we can move on.” Chrissy said, as she turned to look at Becky as she walked around the room getting what she wanted, Shocked at the sudden outburst.
“Okay then. Why don’t you tell me about what you got up to while you were on your little holiday?” Becky snapped, as she stopped walking around the room and looked right at Chrissy waiting for an answer.
“Am I ever going to live that down?” Chrissy said looking shocked at the reason for Becky being mad with her. “I said I was sorry, and I even did your punishment of working at the club to show you all just how sorry I really was, but just remember that it was you going behind my back in the first place that started it all.” Chrissy said with anger in her voice. Chrissy knew that if she didn’t get angry, she was going to start crying, and she wasn’t going to let Becky make her feel small when she thought that they were over the whole running away thing.
“It’s not the running away that I’m talking about Chrissy.” Becky said through gritted teeth. “It’s what you got up to while you were down there.” Becky added, as she started sorting out her things again.
“I worked at St.Trinian’s, and then cooked and cleaned the flat I was sharing with Jayden that was it!” Chrissy snapped at Becky. “Tell you what Becky, you think whatever you want. I can’t deal with this right now.” Chrissy added as she walked into the bathroom to take a shower and get out of her work clothes.
Becky was left with a shocked look on her face as Chrissy slammed the bathroom door behind her. She’d never seen Chrissy stand up for herself like that before, and she kind of liked it.
Chrissy was about to start the shower, but decided to take a soak in the bath instead. She just wanted to try and calm down before she went face to face with Becky again. Chrissy had got no idea what Becky was trying to get at, and it didn’t look like she would get an answer anytime soon either.
Becky could hear the bath filling up with water, and knew that she wouldn’t be seeing Chrissy again anytime soon, so she set about getting herself ready for work. Chrissy still hadn’t come out by the time Becky was ready, so she grabbed her purse and coat, then she made her way down to find Vicky stood in the hallway talking to Mandy and the others.
Mandy and the others all looked shocked to see Becky come down the stairs, but not having Chrissy on her arm. Vicky looked just as shocked as well.
“No Chrissy tonight Becky?” Vicky asked.
“No, she decided to take a soak in the bath.” Was all Becky said, as she slipped her coat on and then followed Vicky out the house after giving Mandy, Amy, Amber, Ann and Jayden a quick hug and saying goodbye to them.
Now Mandy knew that there was something very wrong between Becky and Chrissy, if she never came down to see her off when she left for work. Mandy was going to go up and make sure Chrissy was doing okay.
“Do you think Chrissy is alright?” Amy asked with worry on her face, as she looked up the stairs to where she knew Chrissy was.
“I’m not sure baby sister, but I’m going to go and find out.” Mandy said, as she headed over towards the stairs. “I’ll see you all in the living room later.” Mandy said as she looked over her shoulder at them all.
Ann, Amber and Jayden all started walking off towards the living room, but Amber stopped when she realised that Amy hadn’t moved, she was just looking up the stairs towards Chrissy’s room. “Come on lover. Mandy will make sure Chrissy is okay for you.” Amber said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy’s waist and led her into the living room with the others.
Mandy got to Chrissy’s bedroom door and knocked before entering the room. She found Chrissy sat on the edge of the bed in her bathrobe, just looking down at the rings on her finger, as she kept spinning them around.
“Hi sis.” Chrissy said, as she looked up and saw Mandy enter the room.
“Hello Baby sister.” Mandy said with a frown, as she walked over and sat on the bed next to Chrissy and wrapped an arm around her. “I guess you didn’t get things sorted out with Becky then?” Mandy asked.
“It’s hard to sort out a problem when the person won’t tell you what you did wrong.” Chrissy said with a sigh, as she went back to playing with the rings on her finger. “Maybe I should have just stayed lost.” Chrissy added as she started sobbing.
“Hey, don’t speak like that Chrissy. We’re all glad we found you again, even Becky is glad to have you back.” Mandy said, as she pulled Chrissy into her, so she could cry on Mandy’s shoulder.
“She hates me Mandy. Becky hates me, and I don’t know why.” Chrissy sobbed on Mandy’s shoulder.
“Did she not say why she feels this way towards you Chrissy?” Mandy asked as she stroked Chrissy’s damp hair.
“No, she just kept going on about what I did while I was away, but I never did anything while I was sis.” Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice. “I worked at the club, and then cleaned the flat and cooked for Jayden.” Chrissy added with more sobbing.
“I believe you sis, but something’s got Becky all worked up, but I don’t know what.” Mandy said with a sigh.
Chrissy finally stopped crying and then dried her eyes. Mandy sat with her while she finished sorting herself out. Then Chrissy shocked her with what she said next.
“Will you be able to give me a lift round to Mable’s in the morning sis?” Chrissy asked. “I’m going to give her a call now, and see if I can move in to be closer to my mum and dad, and also to give Becky some time to calm down, or at least explain what she’s mad at me for.” Chrissy said, as she got her mobile out her purse.
“Don’t you think sitting down and talking to Becky before you go making decisions like that would be better baby sister?” Mandy said, as she tried to stop Chrissy making the call she was about to make.
“I’ve tried talking to her Mandy, but it didn’t do any good.” Chrissy was close to tears again as she said it. “She was so angry at me sis, and I don’t know why?” Chrissy snuffled, as she hit the call button after finding Mable’s number in her mobile.
Mandy just let out a long sigh as she sat watching Chrissy make the call. Someone must have picked up at the other end because Chrissy started speaking.
“Hello it’s Chrissy; can I speak to Mable please?” Chrissy asked the person on the other end. “Yes I’m fine, thanks David.” Chrissy added as she took a deep breath to get her nerves under control before she spoke to Mable.
“Hello Chrissy, is everything alright?” Mable’s voice asked at the other end of the phone.
“Hello Mable. I’m sorry to bother you so late, but I was wondering if I could ask for your help with something?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
“You know I’ll do anything I can to help you Chrissy. Now what is it you need my help with?” Mable asked.
“I was wondering if it would be alright for me to move in with you for a bit? Becky seems to be angry at me for something, and I’m worried that if I stay here, I may upset her even more, and I’m worried about how it may affect the babies.” Chrissy asked in a shaky voice close to tears again.
“Are you sure that you can’t get this sorted out with Becky without the need for you to move out Chrissy?” Mable asked with a sad tone to her voice.
“I wish we could Mable, but when I tried to speak to her earlier, she just got really angry with me. So I think it for the best that I move out and hope that Mandy and the others can find out what I’ve done, and the best way to fix it.” Chrissy said with a snuffle. “Please let me come and stop with you Mable, I don’t want to move into Carl’s hotel and be on my own again.” Chrissy added with tears running down her cheeks now.
“You know I wouldn’t stop you moving in here Chrissy, and I won’t hear of you going to stop in some hotel, even if it is one of Carl’s.” Mable said the last part like Chrissy was just being silly.
“Thanks Mable. I’ll drop some bits off in the morning when I came round with Mandy and Amy.” Chrissy seemed a little better, now she knew that Mable would let her stop there.
“Do you not want to come round tonight?” Mable asked.
“No, I need to get some bits packed, and it will be getting late by the time I’m done, so I’ll just move in tomorrow morning. Thanks for helping me out Mable.” Chrissy smiled down the phone even though Mable couldn’t see it.
“Okay dear, I’ll see you in the morning, and I’ll have your old room ready for you when you get here in the morning.” Mable said with a sigh.
“Thank you Mable. I’ll see you in the morning. Send my love to my mum and dad for me.”
“I’ll do that for you Chrissy. Until tomorrow then. Bye dear.”
“Okay Mable. Bye.” Chrissy ended the call and then put her phone back in her purse before she went and grabbed a couple of bags to start packing some stuff in.
Mandy sat on the bed watching Chrissy start to get her things packed in the bags for a couple of minutes before she spoke. “If I can’t change your mind baby sister, then I better go and let the others know what you’re doing.” Mandy said with a sigh as she got up off the bed and pulled Chrissy into a hug. “Do you think you’ll be coming down stairs later?” Mandy asked.
“I think I’ll just get my stuff packed away and then get an early night.” Chrissy said as she looked up at her sister.
“I better find you in my bed when I come up to bed later.” Mandy said in a firm voice. “If Becky’s going to have a bag on with you, then she can sleep in this bed while I get to cuddle up to my sister.” Mandy added with a smile.
“Yes sir!” Chrissy said with a grin as she snapped Mandy a salute.
“Maybe I should order you to stay here with me then baby sister.” Mandy said as she pulled Chrissy back into a hug with her.
“Please don’t do that Mandy.” Chrissy said with pleading in her eyes. “You heard what I said to Mable. I’m worried about getting Becky to upset, so I think me moving in with Mable until I can find out what I’ve done to upset her is the best thing for everyone.” Chrissy added hoping that her logic would make Mandy understand why she was doing this in the first place.
“I know and understand why you’re doing this Chrissy, but I don’t have to like it.” Mandy said as she broke the hug and stepped back to look Chrissy in the eyes again.
“I better see about getting my things packed then, or I’ll never get to bed tonight.” Chrissy said as she smiled at Mandy. “I’ll see you later when you come to bed then sis.” Chrissy added with a smile, as she started packing again.
Mandy left the room to go and inform the others that Chrissy was moving out, and Chrissy carried on packing.
By SaraUK
Part 17
Becky had slept in hers and Chrissy’s bed when she got home from the club, so she wasn’t woken the next morning by any noise of Chrissy getting ready for work and moving out because she’d taken her work clothes into Mandy’s room with her, and with only having a bubble bath the night before, Chrissy didn’t take a shower the next morning.
Chrissy was dressed and down stairs before anyone else so she made a start on breakfast for the last time. She was going to miss dancing around to songs on the radio with Amber and Amy, but she still thought she was doing the right thing by moving out.
Mandy was the first one to get down out the others and she walked over and gave Chrissy a hug before going to the table and pouring herself a cup of tea out.
“Morning baby sister. I guess you’ve not changed your mind about moving out then?” Mandy asked as she broke the hug with Chrissy.
“The fact that Becky slept in our bed is proof that me moving out is for the best, and you’ll know where I am this time at least.” Chrissy said with a weak smile.
“You do realise that as soon as I find out what’s bugging Becky, I’m coming to fetch you right back again.” Mandy said in a firm voice, just before she went to sit at the table.
“I’m counting on it sis.” Chrissy said with a grin, and hoping that it would be sooner rather than later when she came to fetch her back.
Amy and Amber came down the stairs and then stopped when Amy came to a stop at the bottom. “What you stopped for baby?” Amber asked as she looked at Amy.
“She’s really moving out.” Was all Amy said as she looked at the bags packed in the hallway ready to go in Mandy’s car when they went round to Mable’s later.
“I’m sure it won’t be for long baby, and you’ll still get to see her at the shop every day.” Amber said, as she wrapped an arm around Amy’s waist and pulled her towards the kitchen with her.
Chrissy and Mandy both jumped a mile when they heard someone scream Chrissy’s name, but Chrissy smiled when she realised that it was Amy calling her, and not a very angry Becky.
Amy saw Chrissy over near the cooker and screamed her name as she ran over and threw her arms around Chrissy and started hugging the stuffing out of her.
“Please don’t move out Chrissy. Come and share a bed with Amber and I, but please don’t move out again.” Amy was pleading with Chrissy as she hugged her.
“I’m sorry Amy, but it’s for the best. I need to try and keep Becky calm, and me being in the house isn’t helping to do that.” Chrissy said as she hugged Amy back. “I’m only going to be at Mable’s, and you’ll still have to put up with me at the shop most days.” Chrissy added with a grin as she stopped hugging Amy.
“Well I don’t like it one bit.” Amy pouted, as she started helping Chrissy sort out breakfast.
“I can see that baby sister.” Chrissy said; as she gave Amy one last hug before carrying on with breakfast.
Ann and Jayden both walked into the kitchen together, and they went straight over to Chrissy and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry to hear you’re moving out Chrissy. I hope it’s not because of anything I said to Becky yesterday.” Jayden said looking worried.
“I’m sorry to hear you’re moving out too Chrissy, but I hope it’s not for too long.” Ann said, as she hugged her.
“Thanks for caring about me Ann, Jayden.” Chrissy smiled as she hugged each of them. “I know it’s not your fault Jayden. This has something to do with me running away, but I don’t know what yet.” Chrissy added, as she led the pair over to the table and helped them to take a seat each.
Mandy poured them all a fresh cup of tea out, and Chrissy, Amy and Amber finished getting breakfast ready. They had a quiet breakfast and Chrissy was thankful that Becky never showed her face. Chrissy wasn’t ready to have round two with her this morning. She just wanted to get her things round to Mable’s and then have a normal day at the shop.
Amber, Ann and Jayden all gave Chrissy a hug when they were ready to leave the house. They all left and got in their cars and followed each other out the drive, as they drove off to work. Chrissy took one last look around the house, and wondered how long it would be before Becky would let her back in again. So it was with a big sigh that Chrissy walked out the house and got in Mandy’s car and looked out the window as the house vanished out of sight. It didn’t take long for Mandy to pull onto the driveway at Mable’s so they didn’t have far to carry Chrissy’s bags. It turned out to be even shorter when they saw David come out and take them off the girl’s before he went back into the house and took them straight up to Chrissy’s old room.
Chrissy led Mandy and Amy into the dining room where they found Chrissy’s mum, dad, Mable, Jenna and Cathleen all sat around the large dining table having a drink.
“Morning everyone.” Chrissy said with a little wave and a sad look on her face.
“Morning Chrissy. I’m really sorry to hear about you and Becky. I hope you get it all sorted out soon.” Jenna said, as she got up and gave Chrissy a hug.
“I hope we can get it all sorted out again soon as well, but I need to know what I’ve done first.” Chrissy said with a sad look as she took the hug from Jenna.
“Come and sit down and have a cup of tea and tell us what happened when you got home from work yesterday to upset Becky to the point you feel the need to move out.” Mable said, as she waved the three girls over to the table.
Chrissy sat between her mum and dad while Amy and Mandy sat facing them on the other side of the table. Chrissy explained about Becky being very off with her, and how she’d not said a word to her to upset her yesterday morning before they left the house. Then Chrissy went on to tell them all how mad Becky got in the bed room, and even the part where Becky was gritting her teeth at her. By the time Chrissy had finished her story, they all agreed that moving out sounded like the best idea until they got to the bottom of what had upset Becky so much.
David had come back down stairs and just sat listening to Chrissy tell her story. “I’ve put your bags in your room Chrissy. I’m sure you remember where it is.” David smiled. “Sorry to hear that you and Becky had words, and I hope it’s all sorted out again soon.” David added.
“Thanks David, for taking my bags up, and for the kind words as well.”
“If you ever need anything Chrissy, just ask, and I’ll do what I can for you.” David said, as he reached across the table to take hold of Chrissy’s little hand in his own as he said it.
“I will David and thanks again. I’ll unpack my things tonight when I get back from work if you don’t mind?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Mable to make sure it would be okay for her to do that.
“That’s fine dear. I guess you need to be getting off to the shop now anyway.” Mable said, as she looked at the time.
“Yes we better be making a move, or we’ll hit all the traffic.” Mandy said, as she stood up and then helped Amy get to her feet.
“I’m sorry about all the trouble mum and dad, but it will be nice to spend some time with you.” Chrissy said with a smile, as she tried to look on the up side to her moving into Mable’s.
“We’ll talk about it later dear.” Holly said, as she gave Chrissy a hug.
What Chrissy heard was, “We will get this all sorted out later.” Chrissy didn’t think it was going to be that easy to fix. First they had to find out what the problem was before they could look at fixing it.
Mandy led them out to her car, and they were soon on their way to the shop and a busy day of packing and posting, but Chrissy was glad to be doing that, and not trying to sort out what ever problem Becky had with her now. They were soon at the shop and busy getting the orders ready for the changing service, and then the internet orders in the afternoon, after they stopped for some lunch when Linda turned up with a basket of food for them.
Becky woke, and was shocked to see that it was mid morning and she’d slept through Chrissy getting ready for work. Becky got up and took a shower before putting on her bathrobe and heading down stairs to get something to eat. While she was eating the toast she’d done herself, Becky started trying to work out how she could track down who the girl is in the photo that Chrissy was hiding from her.
“I wonder if I email Dean at St.Trinian’s a copy of the photo, if he’ll be able to help me track her down?” Becky thought to herself as she got up and went to the home office to scan in the photos and then email dean.
Becky also decided to give Carl a call and get Dean’s mobile number so she could give him a call and see what he knows about this girl that Chrissy had taken such a liking too.
Carl was just looking through some paperwork when his mobile started ringing. He answered it right away when he saw it was Becky calling him. “Hi Becky, is everything okay at the club?” Carl asked.
“Hi Carl. The club is fine, I was just calling to see if I could get a mobile number for Dean at St.Trinian’s off you, I want to give him a call and ask him a couple of questions.” Becky said in a matter of fact way.
“Does this have anything to do with the trouble you and Chrissy are having at the minute?” Carl asked.
“Sort of, but I’m hoping that Dean can clear it all up for me.”
“What’s going on Becky? I hear you and Chrissy really got into it last night.” Carl asked sounding unhappy about it all.
“I’ve found some evidence that Chrissy might have been seeing another girl while she was away, and I want to find out if it’s true or not.” Becky said sounding angry that she’d got to explain herself to Carl about it all.
“Do you have any idea just how crazy you sound right now Becky?” Carl said with a chuckle. “This is Chrissy we’re talking about. She’s only ever had eyes for you, and the thought of her going with another girl makes me want to laugh.” Carl actually laughed down the phone at Becky.
“I don’t find any of this very funny Carl, so can you please just give me the number, so I can give him a call and find out what he knows?” Becky asked with even more anger in her voice.
“Okay Becky, I’ll give you Dean’s number, but have you given any thought to what is going to happen if you find out you’re wrong about all this?” Carl asked, as he tried to get Becky to see some logic in how she was acting over all this.
“I hope I am wrong Carl. I really do hope I’m wrong.” Becky said with hope in her voice.
Carl gave Becky Dean’s mobile number and then hung up to let her call him and hopefully put an end to this thing between her and Chrissy. Carl never said anything about Chrissy moving in with Mable, so she still had no idea that Chrissy had moved out.
Becky scanned in the photos and then she logged onto the internet and tracked down an email address for St.Trinian’s and emailed the photos to dean. She went and made herself another cup of tea and then went back to the home office and called Dean to see if he’d got the email yet.
“Hello, Dean speaking.” The male voice said on the other end of the phone.
“Hi Dean, I’m not sure if you’ll remember me, but we met a couple of weeks back when we came down to pick Chrissy up from your club.” Becky said with some hope that he’d still remember her. “I’m Becky, I work for Carl up here in London.”
“You mean the same Becky that runs The Closet for Carl?” Dean asked.
“Yes, one and the same.” Becky said with a sigh of relief that he remembered her.
“What can I do for you on this lovely day then Becky? I trust that Chrissy is doing fine, now she’s back home where she belongs?” Dean asked with a chuckle. “And I hope that Jayden is fitting in well at her new job?” Dean added.
“They’re both doing fine, but I’m trying to track down a girl that works at your club, or might have worked there in the past. I’ve sent you an email with a couple of photos in for you to look at.
“Just let me go and check and I’ll let you know if I can put a name to the face.
“Do you want me to call you back then?” Becky asked.
“No need, it will only take a couple of secs for me to get them up on the screen.” Dean said, as Becky heard him clicking away on what she took to be a computer keyboard. “She’s a cute little thing, but she’s never worked here at the club.” Dean said after looking at the photos.
“Are you sure she’s never worked at the club Dean?” Becky asked sounding depressed again.
“Trust me Becky, I’d remember if she’d ever worked here at the club, but I will print one of the photos out and show it to the other girls and see if any of them might know her.” Dean said, as he tried to help Becky find out who the girl was. “I’ll give you a call back if I find anything out. Is this your mobile number you called me on?” Dean asked.
“Yes it is, and that would be great if you do find out who she is.” Becky said with some hope in her voice again.
“Anything to keep Carl’s number one night club manager happy.” Dean chuckled. “I hope to speak again soon Becky. Bye for now.” Dean added.
“Thanks Dean and I really hope to hear back from you soon too. Bye, and thanks again.” Becky said, just before ending the call with him and then sitting back to enjoy her cup of tea.
Becky found herself looking at the girl on the screen and drinking in her stunning image. She had short spiky red hair and pale looking skin, but she was wearing very heavy eye makeup and had the most stunning bright blue eyes. Becky also noticed that she had a couple of tattoos, one on her left breast and another one on her lower back. The one on her left breast looked like a dragon, and the one on her back was of a fairy.
“She really doesn’t look like the type of girl Chrissy would go for, but then again, I’ve never seen Chrissy go for any type of girl really.” Becky said to herself.
Becky was starting to wonder if she was just being silly, and if Carl was right about it all. “What if I am wrong about all this? How do I explain it to Chrissy?” Becky was worried all of a sudden.
Trying to keep herself busy, Becky washed up the dishes she’d used for her breakfast and then she set to work doing some cleaning before she got tired and decided to go back to bed for a couple more hours. When she next woke up it was time to go down and start dinner ready for when the other got in from work.
Chrissy, Amy and Mandy got everything done at the shop and then called in at the post office on the way home before taking Chrissy home to Mable’s and then spending a little time with her mum and dad.
Greg had gone for a lie down when they got there, so they all went to the dining room to have a cup of tea and talk about how he was doing. “Has dad had any if the test’s yet mum?” Chrissy asked as she cuddled up to her at the table.
“No, not yet dear. Prue said it could be a week or so before they get all the details from his old doctors.” Holly said, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy and gave her a little hug. “I’m more worried about you at the minute Chrissy.” Holly added with worry in her voice.
“I’ll be okay mum, I just need to give Becky a little space and hope she calms down enough to explain to someone what I’ve done to upset her so much.” Chrissy rested her head on her mums shoulder as she said it.
“I plan to get to the bottom of it just as soon as I get home sis.” Mandy said looking determined.
“Please don’t get her upset Mandy, She is pregnant remember. I’ve already put her in enough danger as it is.” Chrissy said still defending her wife, even after what she said the night before.
“Don’t worry Chrissy, I just want her to explain everything to me, so I can see what her problem is.” Mandy said with a smile to try and put Chrissy’s mind at ease.
“Okay Mandy. I think I’m going to go up to my room and unpack while dads asleep. That way I can spend more time with him later on tonight.” Chrissy said with a smile as she got up from the table and gave Mandy and Amy a hug before they left to go back to Mandy’s house.
Mandy and Amy both gave Holly and Mable a hug before they left to go home. They both thought it felt wrong to leave Chrissy at Mable’s while they went back home to have dinner.
“This doesn’t feel right Mandy. Leaving Chrissy back at Mable’s while we go home and play nice with Becky.” Amy said, as she looked out the window. “What do you think Becky’s problem is with Chrissy anyway? Amy asked.
“I don’t know Amy, but I am going to get to the bottom of this before it goes on for too long.” Mandy said as she pulled into the driveway at home.
Mandy and Amy had just got out the car when they saw Ann pull into the driveway, so they waited for her to get out the car so they could all enter the house together. They both noticed that Jayden wasn’t in the car with her.
“Jayden not with you tonight Ann?” Mandy asked, as Ann walked over and gave them both a hug.
“No she got a call from Callum and he asked if she wanted to grab some dinner and then a movie.” Ann said. “I can’t say I blame her at the minute with how Becky is being with Chrissy.” Ann added as they entered the house.
“I know what you mean, but she’s all settled in at Mable’s for the time being, so we can try and get to the bottom of what’s upset Becky so much.” Mandy said, as she led the way to the kitchen to let Becky know that they were all home.
Becky was just checking on dinner when she heard the front door, so she was ready to give Chrissy some evil looks, but she was disappointed when she never saw Chrissy enter the kitchen. Ann, Amy and Mandy walked into the kitchen.
“Hello Becky. Jayden has gone out with Callum, so she won’t be home for dinner.” Ann said before Becky could speak.
“So it’s just the six of us for dinner then?” Becky asked.
“There will only be five of us for dinner Becky.” Mandy said as she looked at her.
“Oh is Amber working late with Sara again?” Becky asked, as she thought that it was Amber not coming back for dinner instead of Chrissy.
“No, Amber should be home any minute. It’s Chrissy that won’t be having any dinner with us.” Mandy said in a flat tone, as she tried to control her anger.
“I know Chrissy and I are having some problems at the minute, but she’ll have to come down and eat something.” Becky said, as she went to leave the room to go and talk to Chrissy about her coming down for dinner.
“If you’re planning on going to have a talk with Chrissy, you will have a long walk Becky.” Mandy said, as she stopped Becky leaving the room.
“Why will I? Where is she?” Becky asked with some worry in her voice.
“She’s moved out for the time being to give you some time to calm down and explain to someone why you hate her all of a sudden.” Mandy said with a little more anger showing in her voice. “She’s worried about you and the babies, so she thought it best to leave, so you’re not as stressed.” Mandy added.
“So she’s just run away again. That sounds like Chrissy all over.” Becky spat, as she turned around and walked back to the cooker so she could carry on sorting out dinner.
“I’ve had enough of this Becky! Get your ass over here and sit down now!” Mandy shouted as she pointed at an empty chair at the table.
Becky could see the anger in Mandy’s eyes, so she did as she was told and sat down at the table. Amy took over keeping an eye on dinner while Mandy got the problem sorted out between Chrissy and Becky.
“Now you can explain to me what the hell is going on with you, and why you have such a hatred for Chrissy at the minute.” Mandy said, as she sat down facing Becky at the table.
“I think she had a fling with another girl while she was away.” Becky said in her own defence, but she still didn’t feel like she wanted to take on Mandy at the minute, so she soon looked down at the table again.
“You think? What the hell makes you think that?” Mandy asked, not believing what Becky just said.
“I found some hidden photos of a girl, and I think that Chrissy got together with her while she was working at St.Trinian’s.” Becky said still looking down at the table.
“Let me get this straight. You found some photos of some girl and now you think Chrissy cheated on you?” Mandy asked with a puzzled look. “What other proof do you have? Did you speak to Jayden about it?” Mandy asked, even though she already knew that Becky had, and what answers Jayden had given her.
“Yes I spoke to Jayden and she didn’t know anything about it.” Becky said.
“So Jayden told you that she didn’t see Chrissy with another girl, but you still see some photo and think that she’s run off and hooked up with the first girl she came across? Is that about it Becky?” Mandy asked not even bothering to try and hide her anger now.
“I just know that Chrissy got up to something while she was away, I just know it.” Becky said with tears in her eyes, as she finally looked up at Mandy.
“How do you know it Becky? Explain it to me, and I’ll listen to what you have to say.” Mandy said in a much softer tone of voice.
“Because if it was me in Chrissy’s shoes I would have found another girl to be with.” Becky said as she broke down in sobs of tears.
“But Chrissy isn’t you, or me Becky. Chrissy is just Chrissy, and I don’t think for one minute that there could be another woman on this planet that could take her away from you. Not even if she thought you’d been with a man.” Mandy said, as she slid around the table and pulled Becky into a hug. “Where are these stupid photos you keep going on about anyway?” Mandy asked. Becky got up and went to her purse and pulled out the photos and then handed them to Mandy.
“Wow, I can see why you’d be worried Becky, but I think this girl looks a little too wild for Chrissy to hang around with.” Mandy said, as she looked at all the piercings and tattoos the girl in the photo had. “Does she work at St.Trinian’s?” Mandy asked when she noticed the girl was wearing a school girl uniform like the one Chrissy was wearing when they found her.
“I thought she did, but when I emailed a copy of the photos to Dean, he didn’t know her, but he said he’d show it to the other girls at the club and see if any of them know who she is.” Becky said, as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Ann passed her.
“There are still a lot of reasons for why Chrissy would have these photos Becky, and none of them point to her having a thing with her.” Mandy said as she put the photos down on the table and looked at Becky again.
“Like what?” Becky asked, like Mandy was being silly now, as she tried to defend what Chrissy might have done.
“Like Chrissy might have done the girls makeup for her, so she could have the photos taken or she might have seen the photos and thought the girl looked cute, so she kept them.” Mandy said with a shrug. “The point is Becky; you should have sat down and asked Chrissy about them, not just thought the worse of her.” Mandy added with anger in her voice again.
“What if she just lied to me about how she knew her?” Becky asked.
Mandy was about to speak, but stopped when Amy made a sound like she was trying to stop a snigger coming out, so Mandy Becky and Ann all looked over at her.
“Sorry.” Amy said, as she put her hand over her mouth as she tried to stop herself sniggering even more. “I’m really sorry, and I know this isn’t funny, but the thought of Chrissy even trying to lie to someone is just comical.” Amy said as she started giggling.
Mandy looked at Amy with a raised eyebrow for a couple of seconds before she looked back at Becky. “She does have a point Becky. When have you ever known Chrissy lie and look like she really meant it?” Mandy asked.
Becky went to speak, but stopped, and then she did it a couple more times before she finally just let out a sigh and looked down at her lap again. “I’m beginning to see your point Mandy. Maybe I should have just asked her about the photos in the first place.” Becky said sounding sad about what she’d done to Chrissy now.
“If it was a court case they would have thrown it out due to lack of evidence by now.” Mandy said with a sad smile, as she wrapped an arm around Becky and hugged her.
“What do I do now then Mandy? How do I fix all this mess with Chrissy?” Becky looked hopeful that Mandy would have all the answers for her.
“You’ve got to let it play out now Becky.” Mandy said looking sad. “You opened a big can of worms, and now you have to see who this girl really is and what she means to Chrissy, if she means anything at all.” Mandy added with a frown.
Becky turned to look at Amy when she heard her speak. “Did you give any thought to what you were going to do if you found out that Chrissy had been seeing this girl in the photo?” Amy asked as she walked over to the table and picked up the picture. “Were you ready to just walk away from her and raise the babies on your own?” Amy added with anger in her voice.
Becky hadn’t thought that far ahead when she started digging into why Chrissy would of had the photos in the first place, but now Amy had mentioned it, she had no idea what it would lead to. “I never thought about that. I just thought we would argue about it, and then move on I guess,” Becky said as she looked down at her lap again.
“Well you guessed wrong Becky!” Amy shouted as she tried to fight back the tears that wanted to come out. “We finally find Chrissy and get her back home and then you have to drive her away again.” Amy added as tears started falling down her cheeks.
“Amy that’s enough of that.” Ann said as she got up from the table and pulled Amy into a hug.
“But it’s not enough sis. If Amber had accused me of doing something like that, I don’t think I’d ever want to go back to her.” Amy said as she sobbed on her sister’s shoulder.
Becky hadn’t thought about that either, but now Amy had said it, she thought that she might have been the same way if it was Chrissy that had accused her. She was beginning to worry that if she was wrong and Chrissy didn’t hook up with this girl in the photos, then she would never be able to fix this mess she made. Before Becky had time to say any more the kitchen door opened and Amber walked it, but she was soon running across the kitchen when she saw Amy crying on Ann’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong princess?” Amber asked as she took over hugging Amy. “Is Chrissy alright?” Amber looked worried as she looked at the others.
“Chrissy is fine. Amy just got a little worked up over this thing between Becky and her.” Ann said, as she stood watching Amber hug her baby sister.
Amber soon had Amy calmed down and sat her down at the table while Mandy filled her in on what Becky was mad at Chrissy for. Once they had all calmed down, Amber and Amy helped Becky sort out dinner. None of them ate very much of it, it felt just like it had while Chrissy was missing, so none of them were that hungry.
Becky went up to get ready for work while Ann and Mandy went up to take showers and change out of their work clothes. Amy and Amber set to work getting the dishes washed and put away from dinner, then they were going to go up and take a shower together.
Mandy greeted Vicky when she turned up for Becky a little later, and she also filled her in on what they had found out about the spat between her and Chrissy. Vicky was shocked to hear the reason for Becky being upset with Chrissy, and hoped they could get over it. They all gave Becky a hug and then they waved her off at the door before going to the living room for the rest of the evening.
Chrissy was stood in her old room at Mable’s looking around and thinking just how different her life was now to how it was when she first walked in here. Chrissy also felt a pang of pain when she thought about what she might have lost as well. She couldn’t walk across the hallway and talk to Becky anymore, or sit and play board games with her and Cathleen while the others all sat around the dining table drinking tea as they tried to fix all the problems in the world. Chrissy had got what stuff she’d brought from Mandy’s unpacked, and was just about to head down to see if Mable needed any help with dinner, but with the thought of Becky being mad at her for god knows what reason, she just fell on the bed sobbing her heart out.
Jenna was just heading back down stairs when she heard Chrissy crying, so she knocked on the door as she tried the handle to see if it would open or not. The door opened so she poked her head in Chrissy’s room and saw her sobbing on the bed.
Chrissy looked up when she felt someone sit on the bed next to her, Chrissy was hoping to find Becky sat there smiling at her, having come to take her home and tell her just how silly she was being, but it was Jenna looking down at her with worry on her face.
“Hey kiddo you okay?” Jenna asked as she pulled Chrissy’s head up on to her lap as she stroked Chrissy’s hair.
“No, I’m the other end of okay Jenna.” Chrissy said through the sobs.
“I’m sorry Chrissy that was a silly question to ask someone who’s crying their heart out.” Jenna said with a frown.
“Don’t worry about it, my middle name is silly.” Chrissy said with a little giggle as she sat up and grabbed a tissue off the nightstand so she could dry her eyes.
“I know you’ve done some silly things in the past Chrissy, but this one isn’t your fault.” Jenna said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
“It is though Jenna. I never should have run away. That way Becky wouldn’t hate me now.” Chrissy said close to tears again when she thought of the way Becky had looked at her the night before.
“She’ll get over whatever’s bugging her, and you two will be back together in no time.” Jenna said as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
“So much for me being cupid.” Chrissy said with a sad sounding giggle.
“Don’t start thinking like that, or I may have to tickle you young lady.” Jenna said as she gave Chrissy a taste of what she would get if she didn’t cheer up.
“Okay, okay, point taken.” Chrissy said as she sat up to try and stop Jenna from tickling her any more.
“Come on let’s go down and have some dinner.” Jenna said as she got off the bed and then pulled Chrissy to her feet before they left her room and walked down to the dining room together.
Holly and Mable had the table set and were bringing bowls of food through when Chrissy and Jenna got down there. Cathleen was sat grinning at Chrissy as she pointed to the chair next to her.
“I think I know where I’m sitting then.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Jenna just before going over and sitting down next to Cathleen at the table.
“Hi Aunty Chrissy. Is it true you live here again now?” Cathleen asked sounding excited.
“I am going to be stopping for a couple of days Cathleen.” Chrissy was hoping that was all she would be stopping for, but only time and Becky would tell.
“Can we play a board game after dinner then Aunty Chrissy?” Cathleen asked with a big smile on her face.
“Sure, anything for you Cathleen, just as long as you’re ready to lose young lady.” Chrissy said with a grin as she turned and started tickling Cathleen like mad.
Cathleen nearly slid off her chair, but Chrissy stopped her and then helped her to get sat up again so they could eat their dinner.
Chrissy’s dad was sat at the table and smiled when he saw how good Chrissy was with Cathleen. He knew that she’d make a wonderful parent to her own children. Greg felt a pang of sadness that he wouldn’t get to see them grow up, but he was happy that they would have lots of people to keep them safe, just like they did his daughter.
“You okay dad?” Chrissy asked when she saw her dad with a faraway look in his eyes while he was looking at her playing with Cathleen.
“I’m fine dear. I was just thinking how good you are with Cathleen.” Greg smiled.
“Most will tell you that it’s because I act like a child most the time.” Chrissy said with a giggle, as she playfully poked Cathleen in the side while sticking her tongue out at her.
Mable, Holly, Jenna, Greg, David and Kim all sat laughing as they saw Chrissy still playing with Cathleen even with all the trouble she was having with Becky. They soon settled down to a nice dinner, and then Chrissy was sent to play with Cathleen while David and Kim washed the dishes.
Chrissy played with Cathleen for a couple of hours, and then they went into the TV room and put a Disney film on. Cathleen was soon fast asleep cuddled up to Chrissy. Jenna came in a little later and picked Cathleen up and took her to bed before coming back down to have another cup of tea.
“Thanks for entertaining Cathleen tonight Chrissy.” Jenna said as she walked back into the dining room.
“I had a lot of fun Jenna, so think nothing of it.” Chrissy smiled up at her as she walked over to the table and sat down.
“I’m sorry to hear about the trouble with Becky, Chrissy. Do you think Mandy and the others will be able to find out what started it?” Kim asked, as she cuddled up to David while they had their drinks.
“Thanks Kim. I’m hoping so, but it could be tough getting her to believe me.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“So you have some idea what the problem is then Chrissy?” Kim asked.
“I think so, but I have no idea where she got such an idea in the first place.” Chrissy said in a cryptic kind of way as she looked to be deep in thought.
“Do you want to share it with the rest of the class dear?” Mable asked.
“I got the impression while she was having a go at me last night that she thinks I cheated on her while I was away.” Chrissy said with a hurt look.
“And did you cheat on her while you were away?” Kim asked.
“NO! I would never look at another woman in that way, never mind get close to one.” Chrissy said looking shocked that Kim could ask such a question.
“Calm down shrimp I believe you.” Kim giggled. “Not a chance in hell a guilty person would react like you just did.” Kim added with more giggles.
“I wish Becky was that easy to convince.” Chrissy said looking sad about everything that had happened now. “I guess I had it coming though for being so stupid in the first place and running away. Chrissy added with a sigh.
“You’re not stupid dear, you were scared, and I’m sure you and Becky will be back together in no time.” Greg said with a smile.
Chrissy finished her drink and then helped her mum get her dad to bed. The people had brought all the things so her mum and Dad were now sleeping in the large room down stairs that Mable had put to one side for them. Chrissy gave her dad a hug before she left to go and get ready for bed herself. Chrissy thought she was lucky to get away with not having the chat with her mum, that she’d mentioned before she left to go to work that morning, but Chrissy knew that her mum would probably grab her in the morning and have it then instead.
“I’m glad you called and asked me to join you for dinner tonight.” Jayden smiled as she looked across the table at Callum as they ate.
“Why is that then, you getting sick of living with Chrissy already?” Callum asked with a chuckle.
“No, I love living there, but Becky has some weird idea that Chrissy had a fling while she was away, and now Chrissy has moved in with Mable until Becky calms down over it all.” Jayden said with a frown.
“Did she have a fling while she was away? Not that anyone could blame her with what she thought Becky had done.” Callum said as he leaned across the table to get all the details.
“Don’t be silly, this is Chrissy we’re talking about.” Jayden said in a whisper. “All that poor girl did was work at the club and keep house for me and her.” Jayden added with some anger in her voice.
“So where did Becky get the idea that Chrissy had gone with someone while she was away?” Callum asked with a puzzled look.
“I don’t know, but I’m worried that I might have said something to make her think she did.” Jayden said looking worried.
“Why would you think that?” Callum asked.
“Becky started asking me lots of questions on the night she had a go at Chrissy, and now Chrissy has moved out.”
“If Becky started asking you questions the other night, then she already had an idea that Chrissy had cheated on her, so I would say you’re in the clear.” Callum smiled.
Jayden sat thinking about it for a couple of seconds before she smiled as well. “You’re right baby, she did already think Chrissy had cheated on her, but I don’t know how she came to that conclusion.” Jayden said with a shrug.
Callum was just about to say something when he heard a male voice call his name. Callum turned his head and let out a groan. “Great just the person I needed to see while I’m trying to have a nice quiet meal.” Callum said under his breath.
“How’s it hanging Baldwin?” The man said, in a slurred voice as he staggered up to the table and slapped Callum on the back. “She’s a bit out of your league isn’t she Baldwin?” The man asked, as he looked Jayden up and down like a plate of meat.
“Do you mind just going away Stephen, I think you’ve had a little too much to drink and I’d hate to see you make a fool of yourself.” Callum said it, but he thought that he already had.
“I think you’re more worried that I might make you look foolish Baldwin.” The man said as he nearly fell on top of Callum as he leaned across the table to get a better look at Jayden.
“Sir, if you don’t return to your table, I will have to see about having you removed from the restaurant, and the hotel.” Jayden said, as she stood up and waved a waiter over to the table.
Callum looked on as the waiter led the man back to his table. He knew there was an advantage to having a meal here at the hotel where Jayden worked.
The waiter returned to the table where Callum and Jayden were sat. “I’m sorry about that Jayden; I should have been keeping a better eye on things.” The waiter said looking worried.
“Don’t worry about it Ian, but I want him cut off and removed just as soon as he’s done with his meal.” Jayden said with a smile, but sounded very firm as she said it to the waiter.
Callum watched the waiter run off and then talk to a couple of men stood over near the entrance to the restaurant. “I’m sorry you had to meet him Jayden.” Callum said looking a little down about it all.
“How do you know that man Callum?” Jayden asked, as she reached across the table and took hold of Callum’s hand and smiled when he looked up at her from the table.
“He works in the same company as me, and can be a real ass.” Callum said.
“Nice company you work for then baby.” Jayden said with a grin.
“It’s a job.” Callum said with a shrug.
“I take it you don’t get on with him very well then?” Jayden asked, as she looked over at the man on the far table that had just upset their meal.
“No he hates me because I get on with all the women in the office and they all think he’s a pig.” Callum said as he screwed his face up. “Up until now I think he thought I was gay.” Callum added with a grin.
“I’m glad I could help to prove otherwise, but what do you say we seal the deal and really prove to him you’re not.” Jayden said with a grin as she slid around the table to sit on Callum’s knee as she started kissing him for all he was worth.
Callum just looked into Jayden’s eyes with a silly grin on his face. “Do you think he saw that?” Callum asked.
“Oh yes he saw it, but let’s make sure.” Jayden said just before kissing Callum again even longer this time.
“You are just so bad Jayden, but I love you for it.” Callum said with a grin as he looked around the restaurant and realised that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch the pair of them kissing.
Callum looked over at this Stephen he works with and he was just sat with his mouth open still. Callum smiled at him and then picked up the wine glass; he held that up to him before taking a sip from it.
“I’m sure that will give him something to talk about at the office tomorrow.” Jayden said with a grin as she went back to her seat and carried on drinking her wine.
“I bet he doesn’t say a word about any of this, not that he will remember much of it looking at how drunk he is right now.” Callum said, as he watched Stephen trying to walk out the restaurant. “Will you be going to the club tomorrow night still? It is Saturday and I was hoping to let Kara out for some fun.” Callum asked with a smile.
“I’m not sure if the others will be going, but I might go anyway if Kara is going to be there.” Jayden said with a grin.
“Give me a call if you have any trouble getting there, and I’ll come and pick you up.” Callum said with a grin on his face now he knew Jayden would be coming out to the club tomorrow night.
“I’ll be able to get a lift in with Vicky and Becky, but thanks for the offer anyway.”
“I forgot that Becky would be going to the club either way.” Callum slapped his hand to his forehead as he said it.
“Chrissy could have been right about you being a blond.” Jayden said with a grin.
Callum just gave her a funny look as he finished off his wine. Jayden finished hers and they both left so Callum could drive Jayden home and then go home himself as he had an early start the next morning.
“Thank you for a lovely dinner Callum.” Jayden said as Callum pulled on to the drive at Mandy’s house.
“My pleasure Jayden, I love spending time with you as me or Kara.” Callum said as he leaned over and pulled Jayden in for a kiss. They spent some time just kissing, but it was soon time for Callum to get home and get some sleep. He waited for Jayden to enter the house and close the door before he pulled back out the driveway and went home feeling very happy.
Jayden poked her head in the living room but it was empty, so she guessed that everyone had gone to bed already, so she went up stairs and got ready for bed herself. She was glad it was Friday, and she could have a lie in tomorrow morning as she didn’t have to work on a Saturday.
Becky wandered round the club all night making sure everyone was having a good time, and sorting out the little problems as they came up, but in the back of her mind she was hoping that Dean would call from St.Trinian’s and tell her who the girl was in the photos. Carl was away on business, so she only had Vicky to talk to so she couldn’t find out any more info about Dean until Carl got back tomorrow.
Vicky helped count up the takings at the end of the night and they locked it all in the safe and then they left the club and locked it all up before getting in Vicki’s car and driving her home. Brad and Frank had both waited for them to get in the car and drive off before they got in Brad’s truck and left for home themselves.
“You okay Becky?” Vicky asked as she drove the car.
“Not really Vicky. I think I’ve done a very stupid thing falling out with Chrissy over something that may have not even happened.” Becky said with a sigh as she looked out the car window at all the dark houses where people were fast asleep.
“Do you really think for one second that Chrissy would do anything like that behind your back?” Vicky asked. “I think if she had, then she would have told you by now as it would have been tearing her apart.” Vicky added as she put a hand on Becky’s as she rested them in her lap.
Becky turned and smiled at Vicky, but it wasn’t a happy smile, it just looked sad and empty. “I wish I’d never found them stupid photos, and I can’t work out why I acted like I did over them without even asking her about it.” Becky said as she tried to remember just how she did react.
“I can only guess that your hormones are all over the place at the minute, what with all the weird things you want to eat, and the way you’re laughing one minute, and then you look ready to cry the next.” Vicky said with a giggle.
Becky had to giggle when Vicky mentioned the strange eating habits, as she had sent Brad out to the local shop earlier in the night to get her some cookies as she was ready to kill for them. “I can’t help it if I suddenly need a cookie.” Becky said with a grin.
“At least you didn’t want anything really weird to eat.” Vicky said as she pulled a face. “Please don’t start wanting things like chips and custard, or anything like that.” Vicky added with another funny look.
“I’ll try not to Vicky.” Becky said with a pout.
Vicky pulled onto the drive at Mandy’s and then watched Becky enter the house before she drove off to go and spend some time cuddled up to Jenna at Mable’s.
Becky went to the kitchen and put a mug of milk in the microwave so she could make herself a drinking chocolate before she went to bed. She wasn’t in any great rush to go up and climb into an empty bed with no one to cuddle up to. Becky was soon getting the cookie jar out and having some more cookies with her drink to kill some time, but she was soon having trouble keeping her eyes open, so she rinsed out her mug and put the cookie jar away again before going up to bed. She got undressed and removed her make up before getting in and running her hand across the empty pillow where Chrissy would normally be lying. Becky drifted off to sleep with tears wetting her pillow.
Chrissy woke and it took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, but she just let out a sigh as she looked up at the ceiling in her room. She was missing waking up and being able to look at Becky, and then run off to take a shower together. Chrissy got up and took a quick shower before getting ready for work. She didn’t think it right to head down for breakfast in her bathrobe.
Mable, Holly, Greg and Cathleen were all sat at the dining table having a drink when Chrissy walked into the room ready for work.
“Morning everyone.” Chrissy said with a smile as she walked around the table giving them all a hug.
“Are you going to work early today dear?” Mable asked when she saw that Chrissy was already dressed for work.
“No, but I didn’t think it proper to come down in my bathrobe, or dressing gown.” Chrissy smiled, as she made her way over to the kitchen to sort herself some breakfast out.
“I’ll come and sort you some breakfast out then dear.” Mable said as she went to get up, but Holly stopped her.
“You sit and enjoy your cup of tea Mable; I’ll go and make Chrissy some breakfast.” Holly said as she got up and went after Chrissy.
Chrissy was just opening the fridge door to get the milk out so she could have a bowl of cereal when she heard her mum speak to her.
“What do you want for your breakfast then Chrissy? I’ll make you anything you want.” Holly smiled as she walked over and took the milk off Chrissy and put it back in the fridge. “I think we can do better than a bowl of cereal.” Holly added with a grin.
“I’d love some of your French toast mum.” Chrissy pleaded with her.
“Okay then, you go back and have a cup of tea, and I’ll sort it out for you.” Holly said. “How many slices?”
“Can I have three please mum?”
“Anything for you dear.” Holly smiled again as she watched Chrissy go back to the dining room.
Chrissy had just sat down next to Cathleen when her mum poked her head round the kitchen door to ask if anyone else wanted any French toast.
“I’m doing Chrissy some French toast for her breakfast, and I just wondered if anyone else wanted any?”
“I won’t say no to some of your French toast love.” Greg said with a grin.
“That sound like a nice change, so I’d love to try some Holly dear.” Mable said.
“I’ve never tried French toast, is not the same as normal toast?” Cathleen asked with a puzzled look.
“No, French toast is much nicer Cathleen.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“If Aunty Chrissy like it, then I know I will.” Cathleen said grinning at Holly.
Holly smiled and then went back into the kitchen and started on breakfast. She brought the first couple of slicers in and gave them to Chrissy because she was the only one going out to work today at Mable’s.
Cathleen sat looking at Chrissy’s plate, so Chrissy cut a peace off and popped it in Cathleen’s mouth.
“MMM that tastes real good Chrissy.” Cathleen said just before she opened her mouth for another fork full.
Chrissy had to smile when she thought it was like being back with Becky again, with how she was having one mouthful herself and giving the other one to Cathleen. Holly brought another plate full out and gave them to Cathleen, but put one of them on Chrissy’s plate to make up for the one she’d fed Cathleen.
Holly had soon done enough for everyone that were up, and they all sat eating. Cathleen must have enjoyed it because she ate all hers and then helped Greg finish his.
Chrissy was just enjoying a second cup of tea when they heard the doorbell, so Chrissy got up and went to see whom it was. She smiled and hugged Mandy and Amy as she let them in the house.
“Hi Mandy, Amy. Do you want a cup of tea before we head off to work?” Chrissy asked, as she led the way back into the dining room where the others were.
“No thanks sis, I want to try and get an early start, so we can get done a little earlier today.” Mandy said, as she stood waiting for Chrissy to go and get her purse so they could leave.
“Oh I forgot its Saturday, so you’ll all be going to the club tonight right?” Chrissy asked, just before picking her purse up and checking to make sure she had everything.
“Won’t you be coming with us Chrissy?” Amy asked looking sad at the news.
“I’ve probably been banned from the club Amy. Don’t forget that it’s run by Becky.” Chrissy said with a raised eyebrow.
“Becky would never stop you going to the club Chrissy, so you should come out with us and have some fun.” Amy said.
“Spending a night having Becky starring daggers at me is not my idea of a fun night out Amy.” Chrissy sighed.
“Oh, I didn’t think of that.” Amy looked sad as she said it. “It really sucks you and Becky being like this.” Amy added with a pout.
“Tell me about it baby sister.” Chrissy said with a roll of the eyes.
Chrissy gave Holly, Greg, Mable and Cathleen a hug before she left the house with Mandy and Amy to go to work.
Mandy was tempted to tell Chrissy what she’d found out from Becky the night before, but then thought that Becky had made this mess, so it was up to her to try and sort it all out. Mandy didn’t want to be the one to explain to Chrissy why Becky thought she’d been cheating on her. Mandy wanted to get Chrissy and Becky in a room together, so they could both sort it out together.
They got to the shop and set to work getting the orders together for the changing service. They never bothered sending any of the internet orders out, but they did get them packed so they had less to do on the Monday.
The day went quick and they were soon closing the shop and heading home so Amy and Mandy could have a nap before they went out, and Chrissy was set to play some board games with Cathleen before settling down to another Disney film.
It was close to midday when Jayden got out of bed and wandered down to see if anyone was still in the house and up. Jayden made herself a mug of tea and then did herself a couple of slices of toast. She could hear Amber and Ann talking in the living room, so she took her drink and toast into the living room with her to see how they were both doing.
“Hi Ann, Amber. Do either of you know if Becky and Chrissy have made any head way on their problem?” Jayden asked, as she sat on the sofa next to Ann.
Amber was sat on one of the sofas working on her laptop as she spoke to Ann, but Ann was just flicking through a magazine while they spoke.
“Sorry, but there’s no change there I’m afraid. Becky’s still looking for proof Chrissy cheated on her, and Chrissy is still stopping with Mable.” Ann said with a frown.
Jayden was just about to say something else when she saw a set of photos on the coffee table that she’d forgot all about. “I can’t believe Chrissy kept these things. I thought she would have just thrown them away. Jayden said with a giggle as she picked up the pictures Becky had found in the bag Chrissy brought back with her from her little break.
“So you know who that girl is in the photos?” Ann asked as she dropped the magazine and sat up to look at Jayden with her full attention now.
Amber shut the lid down on her laptop and put it off to one side so she could give Jayden her full attention as well.
“Yes I know her. We all know her, its Chrissy.” Jayden said with a funny look on her face as she put them back down on the table and picked up her mug again.
“What do you mean it’s Chrissy?” Ann asked as she picked up one of the photos while Amber picked up another one.
Both girls looked at the photo they had closer and closer until they both saw that is was Chrissy, but looking very different.
“When did she look like this while she was with you Jayden?” Ann finally asked after looking at the photo for some time.
“She never really looked like that at all.” Jayden said in a matter of fact way. “It was just after she started work at the club when she got talking to me and a couple of the other girls that worked at the club. Chrissy said she was thinking of changing her look, but wasn’t sure of where to start.” Jayden took a sip of her drink before she carried on speaking.
“One of the girls at the club was doing a computer design course and she offered to show Chrissy some different looks and this was one of them.” Jayden said pointing at the photos on the coffee table. “Chrissy never liked any of them and neither did I, so she never changed anything in the end, as you can tell.” Jayden added just before taking a bite of her toast.
“You never did tell me what they’re doing out?” Jayden asked, as she looked at Amber and Ann as they just kept looking at each other.
“That’s the girl Becky thought Chrissy had a fling with. Why didn’t you tell Becky this story the other night when she showed you?” Ann asked looking shocked.
“Becky never showed me any photos; if she had I would have told her.” Jayden said in her own defence. “I had no idea that Chrissy had kept any of the photos, never mind that Becky had found them and thought what she did.” Jayden looked a little upset over it all.
“I’m sorry Jayden; I’m not blaming you for any of this. I just wish Becky had show Chrissy the photos and asked her what was going on with them.” Ann said, as she gave Jayden a hug.
“What do we do now then Ann? Do we call Chrissy and let her know, or go up and tell Becky she got it all wrong?” Amber asked.
“We wait for Becky to get up and then tell her what Jayden just said to us, and then it’s up to Becky from there.” Ann said as she sat back and looked at the other two.
Becky woke and rolled over to look at the clock. It said it was just after one in the afternoon, so she sat up and then slipped out of bed before going to the bathroom. Once she’d done in there she made her way down stairs to get something to eat and a drink. She got to the kitchen and put the kettle on then she put a couple of slices of bread in the toaster while she finished sorting out a cup of tea.
Becky had just sat down at the kitchen table when Amber, Ann and Jayden all entered the kitchen from the living room and Ann was carrying the photos of the girl that Chrissy had hidden in the magazines she’d brought back with her.
“Please don’t start on me, I’ve only just woke up and really don’t feel like another dressing down from any of you.” Becky said before any of them could speak.
“We’re not here to have a go at you Becky.” Ann said as she sat down at the table, and then waited for the other two to take a seat at the table as well before speaking again. “We’ve found out who this girl is.” Ann added as she put the photos down on the table in front of Becky.
“Who is she then?” Becky asked as she put her toast down and looked at them all with excitement.
“Why didn’t you show me these photos the other night Becky? I could have saved you all this trouble if you had.” Jayden asked.
“I was scared what your answer might have been. So who is she, and what is she to Chrissy?” Becky asked sounding eager to get an answer from them.
“The mystery girl you think Chrissy had a fling with is Chrissy.” Jayden said as she tapped the photos on the table.
“What? I don’t understand, that’s not Chrissy.” Becky said as she looked at them all like they’d gone mad.
Jayden explained to Becky what she’d told Ann and Amber, and then Becky looked at the photos a little closer and she started to see that the girl did look a little like Chrissy now she thought about it.
“Oh god what have I gone and done.” Becky said as she put her hands to her mouth and started to sob. “She’ll never speak to me again after all this.” Becky sobbed into her hands.
“All you can do now Becky is go to Chrissy and tell her the truth and hope she can forgive you.” Ann said, as she hugged Becky while she sobbed on her shoulder.
“I’ve been so stupid over all this, when I should have just showed her the photos and asked her what they were.” Becky said through more sobs.
Becky finally stopped sobbing and then got up and went to get dressed so she could go round to Mable’s and wait for Chrissy to get home so she could go down on her knees and beg for Chrissy to forgive her for being so stupid and forcing her to move out.
Ann and the others asked if she wanted them to go with her, but she said she needed to do this on her own. Becky was soon in her car and driving round to Mable’s house. Becky parked her car down the road so she didn’t scare Chrissy into not going into Mable’s house when she got home from work.
Becky walked up the road and then up the driveway to Mable’s house, she rang the bell and waited for someone to let her in. Becky smiled when she saw Mable open the door to her.
“Hi Mable. I was wondering if it would be okay for me to come in and wait for Chrissy to get home from work?” Becky asked looking nervous.
“I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come to your senses and get this mess sorted out with Chrissy.” Mable said looking a little angry. “Come in and go to the dining room.” Mable added as she stepped aside and let Becky into the house.
Becky walked into the dining room and found Holly and Greg sat at the table, but everyone else was out doing other stuff.
“Hi Holly, Greg.” Becky said with a nervous smile as she took a seat at the table without giving either of them a hug.
“Do we not get a hug any more then Becky and we’ve told you to call us mum and dad.” Holly said, as she held out her arms to get a hug from Becky.
Becky jumped up and gave them both a hug. “I’m sorry mum, dad, but I wasn’t sure you’d want anything else to do with me after what I’ve done to Chrissy.” Becky said close to tears.
“All married couples have problems Becky dear, but you’re here now to sort it out and that’s what counts in the long run.” Holly said with a smile as she hugged Becky again. “You are here to sort it out aren’t you?” Holly asked with a stern look at Becky.
“Yes I am mum. I got it all wrong, Chrissy never did a thing. I was being stupid.” Becky said as she finally broke down and started sobbing again on Holly’s shoulder.
“You’re not the first person to do a stupid thing Becky, and I’m sure you’ll do many more in the future, but you have to learn to sit down and talk them out with Chrissy. You can’t just accuse her of something if you don’t have all the facts.” Holly hugged and stroked Becky’s hair as she spoke to her.
“I’m not even sure Chrissy will still speak to me after she finds out why I was angry with her.” Becky snuffled.
“Chrissy has a pretty good idea why you’re angry with her, but she just can’t understand why you would think such a thing.” Holly sat Becky up so they could talk about it some more face to face.
Becky dried her eyes with a tissue that Greg passed her, and then she explained to Holly, Greg and Mable, who had come back into the room and just taken her seat without saying a word, how she’d found the photos and then let her mind run off in some crazy direction that led to Chrissy moving out.
“I’m sorry for thinking such a thing about your daughter.” Becky said at the end as she looked down at her lap. “I just wasn’t thinking straight when it all happened.” Becky added.
“Sounds more like you just wasn’t thinking full stop.” Greg said with a huff. “That girl loves you with all her heart and you go and think something like that about her. Well I hope she’s willing to forgive you Becky, because I’m not sure I could.” Greg added looking a little upset.
“Greg! There’s no need for all that.” Holly snapped.
“I think there is dear.” Greg snapped back. “If they don’t have trust in each other, then what hope do they have for a long happy marriage?” Greg asked as he looked at his wife.
“I do trust her Greg, and I love her with all my heart. I was just...” Becky couldn’t even find a word for how stupid she had been. “Please don’t argue because of me.” Becky fell to her knees at Greg’s feet and dropped her head in his lap as she started sobbing again.
Becky stopped sobbing and looked up at Greg when he next spoke. “Pregnant or not young lady, the next time you call me Greg instead of dad, I’m going to take you across my knee and tan your backside for you.” Greg said it, but he was grinning to let Becky know he wouldn’t really, and that he was still her friend.
“Sorry dad.” Becky said, as she looked up at him from where she was on the floor at his feet.
“That’s better, now get up off the floor and give me another hug. Greg said as he held out his arms.
Becky jumped up as best she could being pregnant and gave her dad a hug before taking her seat between Greg and Holly again to wait for Chrissy to get home from work.
Mandy pulled up outside Mable’s and waited for Chrissy to get out the car. Amy and Mandy weren’t stopping as they wanted to get home so they could take a nap before they went to the club. Amy wasn’t looking forward to going, as she wouldn’t have Chrissy there with her to go on the dance floor, but Chrissy had made her promise to try and have a good time with Amber without her, so she was going anyway.
Chrissy waved to them as she watched them drive off down the road, then she let out a sigh and made her way up the drive to let herself in Mable’s so she could go and take a shower and then see if she could help sort out dinner before playing some board games with Cathleen for the rest of the night.
Amy was just about to say something to Mandy as they drove down the road, but never got it out due to Mandy hitting the breaks and bringing the car to a stop in the middle of the road.
“Can you warn a girl next time you’re going to stop like that!” Amy shouted, as she rubbed her shoulder where the seat belt just dug into her. “Why have you stopped anyway?” Amy asked, as she tried to see what caused Mandy to stop so suddenly for anyway.
“I think things between Chrissy and Becky could be sorted out sooner than we think.” Mandy said with a grin as she pointed at a car parked next to where Mandy had stopped.
Amy looked at the car and knew right away that it was Becky’s due to the private number plate it had, so she let a grin spread across her face. “Do you really think she’s gone to fix things with Chrissy, and she’s not just found the proof she needed to accuse her instead?” Amy asked looking a little worried now.
“I’m hoping for option A myself.” Mandy smiled, as she pulled off again after getting some car horns sounding because she’d blocked the road.
“Don’t you think we should go back and make sure everything goes alright?” Amy asked as she kept looking over her shoulder like she could see what was going to happen back at Mable’s.
“No, we need to give them both some time to sort this out baby sister.” Mandy said, as she kept heading towards home. “Besides Mable and Holly are both there, so they will make sure it all goes alright.” Mandy added as she put a hand on Amy’s leg and gave it a squeeze as she smiled.
Chrissy went into the house and was just about to go up to her room, but thought she better say hi to everyone first, and make sure her mum and dad were both okay.
“Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all...” Was all Chrissy said before she looked up and saw Becky sat at the dining table with her mum, dad and Mable. She soon got her thoughts back together and carried on speaking. “I’m sorry to disturb you all, I had no idea you’d got company. I just wanted to let you know I was home, and I’m just going to take a shower.” Chrissy said, as she turned around and left the room again.
Chrissy had just taken her coat off and hung it up in her wardrobe when there was a knock at her door, so she walked over and opened it expecting to see Becky stood there ready to have another go at her, but she found her mum stood there looking very upset with her.
“I think you better come back down stairs this minute young lady.” Holly said in a firm voice as she stepped to one side and pointed towards the stairs.
“I’m sorry mum, but I’m not going to sit and argue with Becky while she accuses me of more things I never did.” Chrissy said, as she defied her mum and turned around and walked away back into her room.
Holly let out a sigh as she realised the firm mother approach wasn’t going to work, so she entered Chrissy’s room to try the caring mum instead.
“Chrissy, Becky has come to talk to you about what happened, and I think you should come down and hear her out.” Holly said, as she walked over and stopped Chrissy from getting undressed. “She’s not here to accuse you of anything else, or even what she first thought you did. Please come down and talk to her.” Holly looked Chrissy in the eyes and smiled at her.
Part of Chrissy just wanted to run down and throw her arms around Becky and forgive her for everything, but a bigger part of her was angry that Becky didn’t trust her enough to even talk to her before jumping to conclusions, but she would like to hear what Becky had to say still, so she slipped her shoes back on and the followed her mum out the room.
Mable had moved Becky to the TV room so she and Chrissy could talk in private. Becky was sat on one of the sofas when Holly led Chrissy into the room and smiled at them both before leaving again and closing the door behind her.
Chrissy just stood looking at Becky like she was waiting for something. She didn’t have to wait long before Becky spoke.
“Hi Chrissy.” Becky said looking nervous all of a sudden.
“Hi Chrissy. Is that all you have to say after what you said to me the other night?” Chrissy asked, as she folded her arms looking angry.
“No I have more to say. Please come and sit down so we can talk properly about what happened the other night.” Becky asked, as she patted the seat next to her.
Chrissy took a seat, but it was on another sofa facing the one Becky was sat on. Becky could tell that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she first hoped it would.
“Well I’m waiting, so speak away. Let me know what other amazing things I’ve done to make you hate me.” Chrissy said heavy with sarcasm to hide the way she was really feeling.
“I’m sorry about all that Chrissy. I was wrong about everything, and I am truly sorry about everything I said to you the other night.” Becky said with her hands on her heart.
“I’d like to know what made you think such a thing in the first place Becky.” Chrissy asked, wanting to get some answers for her actions. “Have I done something to make you think I was seeing someone behind your back?” Chrissy asked letting her anger show a little.
“No, it was all me Chrissy. I was sorting out the bag we used to go and help your mum and dad, and I came across an envelope with some photos of a girl in them.” Becky said as she started playing with a button on her coat. “I thought that you might have had feelings for this girl, and that was why you’d kept the photos and hid them from me.” Becky added so ashamed of what she’d thought to even look up at Chrissy now.
Chrissy just sat with a puzzled look on her face until the lights came on in her mind and it clicked as to what photos Becky was talking about. “You’ve ended our marriage over a stupid set of photo that some girl made of me?” Chrissy asked in shock. “Why didn’t you just come and ask me about them instead of accusing me of having an affair with her?” Chrissy pleaded with Becky.
Becky was just sat looking at Chrissy in total shock of what she’d just said about their marriage being over that nothing else was going in.
“Over? What do you mean the marriage is over Chrissy?” Becky finally got out.
“What did you think was going to happen when you accused me like you did?” Chrissy asked. “You must have known it was going to be the end of everything if you’d been right and I had been with another woman while I was away.” Chrissy added.
“Please Chrissy don’t do this, I’m really sorry about everything. I wasn’t thinking straight” Becky pleaded with her.
“I didn’t do this Becky, you did remember!” Chrissy was starting to cave in as she watched Becky crying on the other sofa, but she was still angry that Becky thought she’d had an affair. “I need some time to take all this in Becky, and I need to calm down a little, so I think you better leave and I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk some more.” Chrissy said in a calm voice, as she got up and left the room to return to her bedroom.
Chrissy fell on the bed in her room and started sobbing her heart out. She felt like she was being pulled in a thousand different directions at the same time.
Becky just sat on the sofa in the TV room feeling numb for some time, as she let it sink in that she could be raising the babies as a single mum now, and all because she had some crazy idea that Chrissy had seen some other woman. She also knew that Chrissy had a point about the outcome. What was she going to do if she had been right?
Mable, Holly and Greg all looked over at Becky when she left the TV room and just stood there looking at them. They could all tell that it hadn’t gone the way she’d hoped.
“I take that look to mean Chrissy hasn’t gone up to get her things then Becky?” Mable asked.
“No, she’s saying the marriage is over because I don’t trust her anymore.” Becky said in a monotone, still to numb to feel anything. “I better be going, or I’ll never be ready for work later.” Becky added as she looked at the time. It was hours before she needed to start getting ready for work, but she just wanted to get out the house and go home.
“Will you be okay driving dear? You don’t look like you should be behind the wheel at the minute.” Holly asked looking worried.
Becky was just about to say she’d be okay when the front door opened and they saw Jenna, Cathleen and Vic enter the dining room. They could all tell by the look on Becky’s face that things weren’t any better between her and Chrissy.
“Vic dear, can you do me a favour and run Becky home? I don’t think she should be driving at the minute.” Mable said as she looked at Vic.
“Sure Mable. May I ask what’s happened now?” Vic asked looking worried at the way Becky was still looking off into space.
“Chrissy’s left me, and says the marriage is over.” Becky said as though she was in a dream, and would wake up any minute. Becky turned and started walking towards the front door, so Vic ran after her.
“I think you better go with him Jenna, I’ll keep an eye on Cathleen for you.” Mable said as she looked at Jenna.
Jenna was soon outside and helping to get Becky in the back of Vic’s car so they could take her back to Mandy’s. Jenna sat and cuddled with Becky in the back of the car while Becky sobbed on her shoulder. Vic was soon pulling onto Mandy’s drive and they got Becky out the car and Vic picked her up and carried her into the house.
“Mandy, anyone! Can we get some help here?” Jenna shouted as they entered the house.
Mandy and the others came running out the kitchen expecting to be helping Chrissy bring her bags in the house, but they all stopped smiling when they saw Vic with Becky in his arms.
“What’s wrong with her Vic?” Mandy asked, as she ran over to look at Becky.
“The meeting with Chrissy didn’t go very well.” Vic said as he went to the living room to put Becky down on one of the sofas.
“What the hell happened to make Becky look like this?” Mandy asked, as she helped Vic put Becky down and then she sat down and pulled Becky into a hug.
Becky just started sobbing again as she felt Mandy hugging her. “She’s not coming back Mandy. Chrissy said the marriage is over.” Was all Becky said as she cried into Mandy’s shoulder.
Amy, Amber, Ann and Jayden all looked on in shock when they heard what Becky just said.
By SaraUK
Part 18
Chrissy had locked her bedroom door to stop anyone bothering her while she cried on her bed. She’d heard her mum come and knock on the door and even demanded her to open it, but Chrissy just didn’t want to talk to anyone, she’d even turned her mobile off when she saw that Mandy and Amy were both trying to call her. Chrissy just wanted the world to leave her alone for the time being.
It was Sunday morning before Chrissy left her room and went down stairs to get something to eat; she hadn’t had anything since lunchtime the day before, so she was feeling pretty hungry. Everyone was downstairs by the time she’d showered and got dressed. They all just stopped talking and looked at her as she walked through the dining room and into the kitchen to sort out some toast for herself. She hadn’t said anything as she walked through the dining room, but that was about to change as her mum walked into the kitchen and looked at her with a face like thunder.
“I want to have a little talk with you young lady.” Holly said, as she walked over to the table in the kitchen and sat down after first pulling a chair out for Chrissy to sit on.
Chrissy knew that her mum saying she’d like to have a little talk, really meant, you will come and sit down so I can talk to you, and the use of the words young lady just meant it wasn’t going to be a nice talk either. Chrissy walked over and sat down to wait for her mum to start speaking.
“I thought you moved in here with Mable to make life a little easier on Becky and to help keep her calm for the sake of the babies?” Holly asked in a calm voice, but still sounding very angry still.
“I did.” Chrissy said, as she looked down at her hands in her lap.
“Which part of you telling her yesterday that your marriage was over was helping to keep her calm?” Holly asked with a little more anger in her voice.
Chrissy looked up and went to speak again, but Holly held her hand up to stop her speaking.
“Are you really going to just throw away what you have with Becky over a silly little mix up that got out of hand?” Holly was looking at Chrissy for an answer this time.
“No, not really, but... I don’t know what to do mum. She hurt me with what she thought I’d done.” Chrissy sat back and folded her arms across her chest.
“I seem to remember you’ve ran away not once, but twice because you thought that Becky had been with someone else, but she always took you back with no argument.” Holly pointed out. “But you’re willing to let it all end because she thought you had done the same?” Holly was asking Chrissy for an answer now.
“Yes I still love her with all my heart mum, but then I think about what she thought and I just feel so angry with her for it.” Chrissy said sound frustrated.
“I think you need to start thinking with this.” Holly said, as she put her hand over Chrissy’s heart. “And give this one a little break.” Holly smiled as she put her other hand on Chrissy’s head.
“I thought people always say think with your head, not with your heart?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“All I can say is they must have never been in love dear.” Holly said with a sigh as she pulled Chrissy into a hug. “You and Becky have something amazing together Chrissy; please don’t throw it all away because of your pride. Go home and be with your wife now.” Holly added in a firm voice.
“Does this mean I’m being kicked out?” Chrissy asked as she broke the hug with her mum and looked her in the eyes.
“You can call it whatever you want Chrissy, just as long as you go back to Mandy’s and let Becky know you didn’t mean any of what you said to her yesterday.” Holly stood up and pulled Chrissy to her feet. “If it helps your pride, you can even look at it as an order from your mother.” Holly added as she led Chrissy back through the dining room so she could grab her purse and coat.
“Can I have some breakfast and a cup of tea first?” Chrissy asked as she was led along.
“Yes, when you get home. I’m sure Amy will be more than happy to make you some breakfast.” Holly said in a bossy voice.
Chrissy went up stairs and got her coat and purse, then made her way back down stairs to find Vic stood waiting for her at the foot of the stairs. “Come on Chrissy, I’ve been ordered to take you home so you don’t get lost on the way.” Vic said with a frown.
Chrissy wanted to argue with him, but with her track record for running away. She knew he wouldn’t trust her to walk it on her own. “Thanks Vic. Sorry for putting you to so much trouble on a Sunday.”
“Don’t worry about it Chrissy. I’ll take doing this over what could happen if we let you make your own way back to Mandy’s.” Vic said with a little smirk.
Chrissy didn’t look up at Vic when he said that, she knew he had a point and she probably would make a run for it at the last minute, so she just stepped out the house when Vic opened the door for her to leave. Vic took hold of her arm and led her out to his car and then helped her to get in. Chrissy wondered if he was stopping her from running away once they were outside, not that she’d get far with Vic running after her.
“Are you all mad with me Vic?” Chrissy asked, as he drove the car down the road.
“I think we’re all a little bit of everything Chrissy, but not just with you, Becky as well for starting all this in the first place.” Vic said with a sigh. “I just think you picked one hell of a time to find your backbone Chrissy.” Vic added as he turned to look at her quickly before looking back at the road.
“Some backbone, if my mum can tell me to go home and I’m doing it.” Chrissy said with a chuckle, but it didn’t sound like a very happy one.
“If your mum told me to do something I’d do it.” Vic said looking worried. “She scares me as much as Mable does.” Vic added with a grin.
As much as Chrissy wanted to stay looking sad, even she had to giggle at the worried look Vic had. He was soon pulling onto the drive at Mandy’s and Chrissy sat looking up at the house.
“Guess I better go and face the music.” Chrissy said as she opened the car door but stopped getting out the car when Vic asked her a question.
“Were you really ready to give up on you and Becky?” Vic asked as he sat looking at her.
Chrissy just sat looking back at Vic for a couple of seconds before she answered him. “No, I was just angry with her yesterday when she told me the reason for how she was acting. Truth be told Vic, I’ve missed not being with her these past couple of days.”
“I better let you go and tell Becky that then.” Vic smiled. “Just to warn you though Chrissy, she was in a real mess over what you said last night, and didn’t go to work last night because of it.” Vic added looking worried.
Vic could tell from the shocked worried look Chrissy had now, that she still cared deeply for Becky and always would. Chrissy jumped out the car and then leaned in and gave Vic a hug before running over to the house and getting her key out to let herself in. Vic waited for her to close the door before he started his car again and drove back out the driveway to go and spend some time with Jenna and Cathleen.
Chrissy slammed the front door and was soon joined by Mandy, Amy, Amber, Ann and Jayden as they all came out the kitchen to see who had come in. Before Mandy or any of the others could say a word Chrissy beat them to it.
“Where’s Becky?” Chrissy asked as she looked at the group stood in front of her.
“She’s lying on your bed, we can’t get her to come down or eat anything.” Mandy said looking worried.
“Amy can you please sort out some breakfast for Becky and I, and whoever else might want some. I’ll be back down shortly.” Chrissy said, as she ran off up the stairs to find Becky.
Amy looked at the others and with a grin on her face said, “I think Chrissy’s home.” Then she skipped off into the kitchen to sort out breakfast for them all with a grinning Amber running close behind.
Becky was lying on the bed when Chrissy entered the room and walked over to the bed, but she could see that she was having a bad dream from all the moaning she was doing while she tossed back and forth. Chrissy sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand up to Becky’s cheek which seemed to calm her down, then Chrissy leaned in and started to kiss Becky on her other cheek and slowly worked her way round to her lips. Becky was soon returning the kiss even though she thought she was dreaming.
“I still love you with all my heart and soul Becky.” Chrissy said in a whisper just before kissing her on the ear to seal the deal.
Becky was dreaming she was in a room full of babies and she was the only grown up in the room and they were all crying at her for something, then Chrissy appeared out the mist and walked over to Becky and started kissing her. Becky thought it felt so real that she never wanted it to end, but when it did she heard Chrissy say she loves her with all her heart and soul just before kissing her on the ear which also felt very real. Becky was fighting to stay in the dream with Chrissy, but she could feel herself waking up and someone stroking her cheek.
Chrissy just sat watching Becky as she started to stir and then she saw her eyes open and look right at her.
“Hi Baby, I hope you didn’t mind me waking you up?” Chrissy asked with a smile as she kept stroking Becky’s cheek.
“Chrissy is that really you, or am I still dreaming?” Becky asked as she put her hand up to her cheek so she could hold Chrissy’s hand in hers.
“No, I’m really here Baby.” Chrissy smiled. “I could pinch you to prove it, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have.” Chrissy added.
“Does this mean you’re coming back to me Chrissy?” Becky asked with tears in her eyes.
“Yes, if you still want me that is?” Chrissy asked as she wiped away a tear that was rolling down Becky’s cheek.
Becky answered Chrissy question by wrapping her arms around Chrissy neck and pulling her into a hug so tight that Chrissy was having trouble breathing.
“Need to breathe.” Chrissy squeaked out after nearly a minute of hugging.
Becky let go and let out a little giggle before she spoke again.”Sorry about that, but I missed you so much.” Becky was still crying, but she looked happy now. “Are you really coming back to me baby?” Becky asked, as she ran her hand across Chrissy’s cheek to make sure she was really sat on the bed next to her.
“Yes I’m really back and here to stay.” Chrissy smiled as she put her hand on Becky’s as she ran it across her cheek. “I’m sorry for what I said at Mable’s Yesterday, but I was angry at you for what you’d thought I’d done.” Chrissy added with a pained look.
“I’m the one that’s sorry baby. I never should have put you in that position in the first place.” Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into another hug, but let her breathe this time. “I still would have wanted you to come back even if it had been true, so I don’t know why I was even looking into it now.” Becky added with a giggle.
“I’ve never been with another person like I have with you Becky, and I never will for as long as I live.” Chrissy said, as she hugged Becky a little tighter this time.
“I wish I could say the same Chrissy, but since you came into my life, I’ve never wanted anyone else other than you, and I never will either.” Becky purred as she enjoyed the hug they were having.
“I hope you don’t mind baby, but I asked Amy to make us some breakfast just before I came up stairs to get you.” Chrissy smiled as she sat up on the bed again and pulled Becky up to a sitting position next to her.
“We better go down and see what she’s made for us then.” Becky said with a grin as she got off the bed and pulled Chrissy off to stand next to her. “I’ve missed you baby.” Becky added as she pulled Chrissy in for one final kiss before they left their bedroom.
Amy and Amber were just putting the finishing touches to a full English breakfast when they saw Chrissy and Becky walk into the kitchen with an arm wrapped around each other’s waist. Amy started grinning when she saw how happy the pair of them now looked.
“I trust that everything is sorted out now, and you’ll be coming back home again?” Mandy asked with a raised eyebrow and a little grin on her face.
“I don’t have much choice there sis. Mum kicked me out of Mable’s and told me to come home and tell Becky how I really feel about her.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Becky stood next to her.
“And did you tell Becky how you really felt about her?” Mandy asked.
“What do you think sis?” Chrissy asked with a grin, just before she turned to hug Becky and give her another kiss.
Amy, Amber, Ann and Jayden all started cheering them both while they kissed each other. Mandy just sat grinning while she thought about a thank you to Chrissy’s mum for bringing Chrissy back to her senses.
They were all soon sat at the table enjoying the breakfast Amy and Amber cooked, and smiling as they watched Chrissy and Becky sit feeding each other like they use to before all this trouble started.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking Chrissy, but was you really going to have your hair cut and died red like it was in the photos Becky found?” Ann asked as they ate.
“I was going to, but Alice from the club told me that she could let me see what I’d look like with different looks, so that’s how we ended up with those photos. Well photos like them.” Chrissy giggled. “Alice got carried away while she was at collage and the next thing I know she’d given me them photos to keep. I thought they looked cool, so I kept them.” Chrissy added with a shrug.
“I bet if you’d known how much trouble they would cause, you would have thrown them away.” Amy giggled. “But I’m glad you never changed your hair style or colour big sister Chrissy.” Amy added with grin as she took a good long look at the Chrissy she loved with the long flowing blond hair.
“I realised I like being a blond too much to go any other colour.” Chrissy said with a grin as she grabbed some of her hair to look at it. “Maybe you should think about going blond baby after what you thought this past week.” Chrissy added with a giggle as she looked at Becky sat next to her.
Becky was just about to make some comment, but realised that Mandy was looking at her ready for it, so she just smiled and changed her mind and said something different instead. “I’m nowhere near smart enough to be a blond baby. We all know that blonds just play dumb while they secretly take over the world.” Becky said with a grin at Chrissy and then Mandy.
“Damn it sis, they're on to us.” Mandy said looking worried, just before she started grinning.
Becky and the others were soon laughing at the thought of Mandy trying to take over the world with Chrissy helping her.
“I can’t see Chrissy as part of an evil plan to take over the world.” Amy giggled.
“You see that’s where we have you all fooled.” Mandy said as she pointed her fork around the table. “You all think Chrissy is so sweet and innocent, but really she’s very evil.” Mandy added with a raised eyebrow. This just made them laugh even more.
“I think we need to switch Mandy to decaf from now on.” Ann giggled.
“I never drink coffee sis.” Mandy said in a matter of fact way.
“That’s a really scary thought then that you’re planning all this on a caffeine free diet.” Ann said with a worried look, just before she started giggling again.
Once they had all finished breakfast and had another cup of tea, Chrissy and Becky got up to get the dishes washed, but Ann and Jayden stopped them.
“We’ll sort out the dishes, you two go and have a cuddle on the sofa and get to know each other all over again.” Ann said as she pushed them towards the living room.
“I like the sound of that.” Becky said with a grin, as she led Chrissy away to the living room.
Chrissy and Becky were soon cuddled up together on one of the sofas just happy to be together again. Chrissy had some questions rolling round in her head, so she decided to ask Becky about them.
“Baby, why did you over react like you did when you found them photos?” Chrissy asked.
“I’m not totally sure, but some of it was because I think I might have been tempted to have a fling if it was you that got pregnant without me knowing about it.” Becky said sounding worried that she might upset Chrissy again.
“Never would have happened baby. I was messed up over what happened to us, so I was never going to find another girl to get involved with. Well not for some time anyway.” Chrissy smiled, as she looked up at Becky from where her head was resting on her shoulder.
“And you’re not planning to get any tattoos either?” Becky asked.
“No.” Chrissy giggled. “That was Alice trying to be funny. I told her I could never have a tattoo or my lip and nose pierced, so she did a set of photos with all that stuff done to it.” Chrissy giggled some more.
“This Alice sounds like quite the character. It’s a shame we never got to meet her when we came to pick you up.” Becky said.
“She was doing her finals, so wasn’t working most of that week when you came to get me.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she thought about Alice and some of the other girls at St.Trinian’s. “Alice did say that she was trying to get up to London at some point, so I could see if she wants to meet up and spend some time with you all? I know Jayden would love to see her again.” Chrissy added with a smile.
“I’d really like to meet her Chrissy. I think she did wonders with the photos of you. Do you know what computer program she used?” Amber asked as she sat cuddling with Amy on another sofa.
“I think she called it Photoshop or something like that. It could have been photo lab. I’m not very good with things like that.” Chrissy shrugged.
“It would have been Photoshop. Do you mind if I take the photos and show them to Sara tomorrow?” Amber asked.
“You can do whatever you want with them, just as long as I never see them again.” Chrissy said with a frown as she cuddled up to Becky a little more.
“If I never saw them again it would be too soon.” Becky said with a shudder.
“I trust you’ve both learned your lesson from all this?” Mandy asked as she looked at Chrissy and Becky.
Chrissy and Becky looked at each other, and then looked at Mandy before they both said, “Yes!” at the same time.
“I’m laying down some knew ground rules for you.” Mandy said looking very series.
Does this mean you’ll be doing away with the no chasing shoplifters, or running out into the road and saving beautiful woman?” Amy asked with a grin.
“No, them rules still stand for you young lady.” Mandy said with a grin as she looked at Amy. “These new rules are for Chrissy and Becky.”
“What rules are those then sis?” Chrissy asked.
“If either of you have a problem with the other, you come and talk to one of use, so we can get it sorted out right away. Do I make myself clear on this?” Mandy asked.
“Yes, perfectly.” Chrissy said with a nod.
“Crystal clear Mandy.” Becky said with a nod and a smile.
They all sat chatting for another hour then Chrissy needed to go and get her things from Mable’s as she’d left her mobile in her room there.
“Do you think you’ll be able to give me a lift round to Mable’s baby, so I can grab my stuff?” Chrissy asked Becky.
“I’ll give you a lift back, but we’ll need to walk there. Mable wouldn’t let me drive home after our little chat yesterday. I left my car parked just down the road from Mable’s.” Becky said as she sat up.
“The walk would be nice, so shall we go and get ready to leave then?” Chrissy asked as she stood up and pulled Becky to her feet.
Amy thought about asking to go with them, but thought it would be nice for them to spend a little time alone with each other, so she just relaxed and cuddled up to Amber a little more.
They left the house and had a nice steady walk round to Mable’s and Becky got her car on the way and parked it right outside Mable’s so they wouldn’t have to carry Chrissy’s things very far. Chrissy still had the key Mable had given her the other day, so she let them both in and then shouted to find out where everyone was.
“Mable, mum, dad, anyone!” Chrissy shouted as she walked towards the dining room.
“I hope you have Becky with you!” Holly shouted back just before they walked into the dining room where Mable and Holly were sat talking and having a glass of sherry.
“Yes I have Becky with me.” Chrissy said with a grin as she entered the room with her arm wrapped around Becky’s waist and a big grin on her face.
“Now that is a much better way to see the two of you.” Mable said as she got up from the table and pulled the two girls into a hug.
“I trust all is well again now with the two of you? No more talk of divorce or splitting up?” Mable asked as she broke the hug and stepped back to look at them both again.
“Everything is perfect again now Mable. I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve been.” Chrissy said, just before hugging Mable again.
“Think nothing of it Chrissy. I’m just glad you called me, and didn’t just run off with your bucket and spade again.” Mable giggled.
“I made a promise I wouldn’t do that again, or I might have.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Don’t even joke about things like that baby.” Becky said, as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy like she would vanish if she let go.
“You both have a wonderful glow about you again. I like to see this version of you.” Mable said again with a grin.
“We came to pick up my stuff and take it back home again, and then I’ll be out of your hair.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Yes, and back home with your beautiful wife where you belong.” Mable added as she put a hand up to Becky’s cheek and smiled at her. Mable thought Becky looked so much better than she had yesterday when Vic drove her home.
Becky went with Chrissy to help her pack her stuff up again, they had just about finished packing when there was a knock at the bedroom door, so Becky went to see who it was. Becky found David stood on the other side smiling at her.
“Hi Becky, Mum sent me up to grab Chrissy’s bags and take them down to your car for you. She doesn’t want you trying to carry one down.” David said with a smile. “I’m glad you both got everything sorted out by the way/” he added with an even bigger smile.
“Thanks David, so are me and Chrissy.” Becky said, as she stepped back and opened the door so David could enter the room and grab the bags for them.
Chrissy put the last of her bits in the second bag and closed it, and then David walked over and picked both the bags up and left the room with Chrissy and Becky following. Becky ran in front of David so she could open the front door and take the bags straight out to her car, but Chrissy went to let the others know they had got everything packed away.
“I’ve got all my stuff packed, and David’s just taking it out to the car with Becky now.” Chrissy smiled, as she walked into the dining room and saw everyone sat around the table having a drink.
“Do this mean you not play games with me anymore?” Cathleen asked with a pout.
“No it doesn’t Cathleen. I’ll still find time to come and play with you.” Chrissy said as she crouched down and gave Cathleen a hug. “I’m just going back home to look after Becky and the others again.” Chrissy added as she smiled at Cathleen to see if she could get a smile back off her.
Cathleen was soon smiling, or more grinning in Cathleen’s case. “Aunty Becky need a lot of looking after.” Cathleen was soon screaming and giggling as Becky sneaked up behind her and started tickling her like mad.
“I’ll show you who needs looking after you little monster.” Becky said as she kept tickling Cathleen as she squirmed around on her seat.
All the others just watched and chuckled as they saw Cathleen trying to stop Becky, but not doing a very good job of it. Becky finally stopped and let Cathleen get her breath back, while she sat on Chrissy’s knee at the table.
“Speaking of board games Cathleen, I think I still owe you one from last night.” Chrissy said with a grin. “Shall we play now?” Chrissy asked, but already knowing the answer.
“Can we? Can we really play a game now?” Cathleen asked looking all excited about it. “You play too Aunty Becky?” Cathleen asked as she slid off the chair and ran off to get a board game for them to play.
Chrissy and Becky helped Cathleen get the game set up on another table in the room and they sat playing the game and giggling. All the others sat at the other dining table watching them keep Cathleen entertained while they relaxed.
“You wouldn’t think it was the same two people from yesterday would you?” Vic said as he looked over at Chrissy and Becky giggling as they lost another game to Cathleen.
“That’s true love for you, very unpredictable.” Jenna smiled, as she cuddled up to him a little closer. “I’m glad they got it all sorted out though. I was worried when I heard Chrissy had said the marriage was over.” Jenna added looking worried.
“Chrissy was just angry with Becky, and lashed out without really thinking about what she was saying. She told me as much in the car this morning when I took her back round home.” Vic said.
“It’s all water under the bridge now, as they say.” Mable said from across the table.
Chrissy and Becky stopped for an hour playing the board game with Cathleen, and then they left to get home and sort out dinner for everyone back there. Chrissy and Becky were going to do all the cooking as an apology for all the trouble they started. Becky wanted to take all the blame, but Chrissy wouldn’t let her.
Jayden was talking on her mobile to Callum in the kitchen, and the others were all sat in the living room chatting about nothing special when they heard Chrissy and Becky get back from Mable’s. Carl went to get up to go and help the girls with Chrissy’s bags, but Brad beat him to it and was off out the door before Carl’s bottom ever left the sofa he was sat on cuddling with Mandy.
“I sometimes wonder if Brad forgets that Becky is only his boss while there at the club.” Carl said, as he watched Brad almost run out the room.
“I think he sees it as a twenty four seven thing with them two.” Ann giggled as she looked over her shoulder at a closing door where Brad was just stood.
“You could have a point there Ann.” Carl chuckled.
Chrissy and Becky had left her bags in the car for now and just entered the house when they saw Brad come shooting out of the living room.
“Hi Brad, is everything okay?” Becky asked.
“Hi boss. Yes everything is fine, I’m just coming to help you bring Chrissy’s bags in and take them up to your room for you both.” Brad said, as he held out his hands to get Becky’s car keys off her.
“Thanks Brad, do you need any help?” Chrissy asked as she turned to follow Brad out the front door again.
“I’ll be fine Chrissy; you go and spend some time with your wife.” Brad said with a grin as he left the house.
“Were you mean to Brad while you were mad with me baby?” Chrissy asked with a pout, as they made their way to the living room to let the other know they would be sorting out dinner today.
“I might have been a little snappy with Brad and the others.” Becky said with a sheepish grin.
“That would explain why he looks so happy to see us together again then.” Chrissy giggled as they entered the living room.
“Hi everybody.” Chrissy and Becky said together as they waved at them all.
“I hope none of you have any plans for dinner because Becky and I will be cooking for you all, as a way of saying sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused over the past couple of days.” Chrissy said as she looked around the room.
“But I want to come and help you.” Amy whined from where she was sat cuddled up to Amber.
“No! Becky and I want to do this dinner for you all, so you can just sit there and wait for it to be cooked, then you can help by sitting and eating it with us.” Chrissy said in a firm voice. “Amber you are to use any means you deem suitable to stop Amy from entering the kitchen before the meal is cooked.” Chrissy added with a grin as she looked at Amber.
“You can count on me boss.” Amber said as she raised her hand to her head in a mock salute.
None of them had made any plans for the day, as they were all looking forward to spending some time watching Chrissy and Becky acting like their old selves again. They were all glad to see that they were.
“Is Jayden in or out?” Chrissy asked.
“She’s in the kitchen talking to Callum on her mobile.” Mandy said with a frown. “Jayden was supposed to meet Kara at the club last night, but when Becky didn’t go to work last night none of us bothered going either, and Jayden forgot to call Callum and tell him.” Mandy added.
“I’m glad Kara turned up, she took over the job of hostess for the night with Becky not being there, and Beth still being away at one of my other clubs, and we were struggling to keep things running smooth.” Carl said.
“Kara was playing hostess? Pity I missed that, I bet she was pretty good at it.” Chrissy said.
“She did a really good job for saying she was doing it blind with no training.” Carl said.
“She has walked round the club with Chrissy and I though as I’ve been doing it, so she must have picked some things up as she walked with us.” Becky said with a smile, happy that the club ran smoothly even when she wasn’t there.
“We better go and see what we can do to fix things between the two of them then Baby.” Chrissy said as she wrapped an arm around Becky’s waist and led her off towards the kitchen.
Jayden felt like she was going round in circles with Callum on the phone. “Callum I’ve said I’m sorry, but Becky was in a real mess last night, and none of us wanted to leave her like she was.”
“Why was she in such a mess, did she find out that Chrissy really did go with some other girl while she was away?” Callum asked with a little shock in his voice.
“No, Chrissy never did anything like that.” Jayden dismissed Callum. “Becky found out that the girl in the photos she thought Chrissy had been with was really Chrissy, so she went round to Mable’s to sort it out with her, and Chrissy said the marriage was over.” Jayden added with worry in her voice.
“Is Chrissy really going to end their marriage over something like this? Do you want me to have a word with her and see if I can talk her out of it?” Callum asked all trouble between him and Jayden forgotten.
“No need for that Callum. Chrissy turned up this morning and they got it all sorted out. They went round to Mable’s some time ago to go and pick her things back up again.” Jayden said sounding much happier now.
“I’m glad to hear that, they make such a great couple and Becky makes Chrissy look so happy all the time. I’d hate to think they couldn’t make it, they give all us other fools a chance when we look at them.” Callum chuckled.
Jayden was just about to speak when she saw Chrissy and Becky enter the kitchen. Chrissy walked over to Jayden and held out her hand for Jayden to give her the mobile phone. Jayden passed it to her with a puzzled look on her face, and then watched as Chrissy spoke to Callum.
“Hi Callum, its Chrissy here. Becky and I are cooking a meal tonight to say sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused over the past couple of days, and you need to be here at six.” Chrissy said just before handing the phone back to Jayden.
Jayden just sat with her mouth hanging open as she watched Chrissy walk away to make a start on sorting out dinner. Jayden only remembered Callum was still on the other end of the phone when she heard a quiet voice talking from it. “Sorry Callum I missed all that.” Jayden said into the phone.
“Has Chrissy gone again?” Callum asked.
“Yes, she’s sorting out dinner now with Becky.”
“I was trying to tell her it may be best if I don’t come over. Let all you have a good time and clear the air.” Callum said, as he tried to get out of going over and spending time with Jayden while he was still a little angry with her over standing him up last night, or more standing Kara up last night.
“I’m sorry Callum, but I don’t think Chrissy was asking if you wanted to come, she was telling you.” Jayden said with a little giggle.
“I was telling him.” Chrissy said from across the room. “I can always send Brad to pick him up.” Chrissy shouted the words ‘pick’ and ‘up’ a little louder so Callum heard them clearly.
“Okay, okay, I’ll be there at six.” Callum said sounding worried that Chrissy really would send Brad round to pick him up and carry him out to his truck and drive him back to Chrissy’s house.
Jayden smiled now she knew that Callum was joining them for dinner, and she could say sorry to him in her own special way.
“I’ll see you at six then my love.” Jayden purred down the phone.
“Until six then baby. Bye. Love you.” Callum said just before ending the call so he could go and get ready.
“Thanks for the help with Callum just now Chrissy. He’s not very happy with me for not meeting him at the club, but I think he understood why I never showed up when I explained about you and Becky. Jayden said as she got up and put her mobile back in her purse.
“No problem Jayden. I feel like it’s my fault he’s upset with you anyway.” Chrissy said with a pout.
“No one is blaming either of you for anything.” Jayden said as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her. “You’ve both had a rough couple of days, but I’m glad to see you both madly in love again.” Jayden added with a grin as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
“We better stop all this hugging or we might set her off again.” Chrissy said with a grin, as she looked over at Becky.
“Hey! I was being silly, but I trust you now Chrissy, but I wouldn’t say no to a hug as well Jayden.” Becky said with a pout. Jayden was soon running over and giving Becky a hug as well.
“Can I give you a hand with dinner?” Jayden asked when she broke the hug with Becky.
“We daren’t today Jayden. We’ve just stopped Amy from entering the kitchen to give us a hand. She’d kill us if we let you help us and not her.” Chrissy said looking worried at what Amy might do to them if she did find them letting Jayden help and not her. “This meal is mine and Becky’s way of saying sorry to you all anyway, so go and relax in the living room, and we’ll call you all when it’s ready.” Chrissy added as she led Jayden over to the living room door and pushed her through it.
Callum put the phone down on the table and sat looking at his long red finger nails. He was still dressed as Kara due to being too tired when he got home from the club to bother getting changed. He’d just removed his makeup and then crawled into bed. He was also still sporting blond hair that he’d glued on and the breast forms with the concealing makeup added to make them look more real.
“Do I go and get changed, or stay as Kara and go to dinner dressed as her?” Callum asked himself as he got up off the chair and walked to the kitchen to make a drink.
“To hell with it, I’ll go as Kara!” Callum suddenly said to himself as he stood waiting for the kettle to boil.
Callum had his drink and then set about finding something to wear and then doing his makeup so Kara looked perfect for Jayden. He had a close shave and then used the tricks Cathy had showed him to hide his beard shadow and give him a nice smooth surface to add the other makeup too. It took him some time, but the lessons Chrissy and Cathy had given, left Kara looking back at him from the mirror.
“Now to find something to wear.” Kara said as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Callum got up and was soon looking at all the dress’s he had for Kara and trying to work out which one would be best for a meal with Chrissy and the others. Callum found the dress he was going to wear, and then realised that it would need him to use a corset to get into it, but he thought he could do with losing a couple of pounds, so not eating as much at dinner would be a good thing, so he was soon lacing himself into the red corset Chrissy gave him as a gift just after they went to the reunion.
“I can’t believe how much my life has changed since then, and all for the better.” Kara said as she stood looking at her reflexion in the full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door.
Callum was gone for the time being, and Kara was now stood looking back from the mirror. She was soon in her bra and panties then she slipped a pair of stockings up her legs and slipped the straps from her corset under her panties and hooked them to the stockings. Kara then took the dress off the hanger and slipped into it and then struggled a little bit to get the zipper closed.
The only thing left for Kara to do now was pick out a pair of shoes and put them on before putting what makeup she might need into her purse. Once that was done, Kara looked in the mirror again to get a look at the finished image.
If Callum wasn’t in love with Jayden, he thought he could have fallen in love with Kara with how she looked tonight, not that Kara would have wanted Callum. Kara didn’t like men, she just had eyes for one person and that was Jayden.
Kara was wearing a blue cocktail dress and a pair of shoes in the same shade of blue with a 3” heel that showed off her legs perfectly. Kara smiled at the thought of what Jayden had said just after seeing Callum become Kara for the first time at the hotel.
“I’m so jealous of your legs Kara. You look really sexy when you walk in heels.” Jayden had said, just before they went to have the meal Chrissy had helped sort out with Carl.
Kara just hoped none of them thought it weird that she was going to dinner and not Callum. Kara was a little scared that she’d be driving across town dressed as a female, but the thought of looking at Jayden when she smiled was well worth it.
It was still a little early to head out, so Kara made herself another cup of coffee and then sat looking at her long painted nails and her cleavage that was showing. Callum always felt so relaxed when he was Kara, and being able to pass while out and about was a real turn on as well.
Kara decided to leave the house a little earlier, so she could have a little adventure on the way. So she checked to make sure she’d got everything, and had one final look in the mirror before leaving the house and getting in her car.
The first part of her little adventure was to call at a petrol station and fill the car up with gas. Kara pulled into the station and got out the car, and then she started putting the gas in. There was only one other car in the gas station when she got there, and they were already filled up and in the shop paying for it. Kara had used a pump where you put your card in and then fill up, so she wouldn’t have to go into the shop and risk her voice giving her away.
It felt strange to feel the wind blow across her stocking covered legs as she got out the car and walked around to hook up the pump into her gas tank. Kara had to smile when she looked down and saw her chest stuck out, and her long painted nails holding the handle to the pump in her car.
Kara had just finished filling up and was just about to get in her car when another couple of cars pulled in with what looked like teenagers in them. Kara was glad she’d just finished. The last thing she wanted was to be found out by any of them. She knew it wouldn’t have ended well for her.
Once she was back on the road again, Kara set her sights on the second part of her little adventure. She was going to call and get a couple of bottles of wine to take with her. Kara decided on an off-licence and parked outside, and then she got out her car and made her way into the shop.
Kara had parked a little ways down the road, so she could enjoy the sound of her heels clicking on the pavement as she walked into the shop. There was a woman serving behind the counter, so Kara grabbed a couple of bottles, one red, and one white. She went to the counter and put the bottles down and smiled to the woman behind the counter. The woman looked bored, and kept taking quick looks at her mobile, like she was waiting for a call or a text message. Kara didn’t mind, this meant she wasn’t looking too closely at her.
Kara had soon paid for the wine and was back in her car heading to Chrissy’s for dinner, and a fun evening with Jayden. Kara pulled into the driveway at Chrissy and Mandy’s house and just sat in the car feeling nervous about what she’d done now, but it was too late to go home and change back to being Callum. So with a deep breath Kara got out the car and walked up to the front door at just before six. Kara brushed off her dress and then checked to make sure it still looked alright from what she could see, and then she rang the bell and waited for someone to answer it.
Mandy was sat cuddled up to Carl on one sofa and Ann was cuddled up to Brad on another one, and Jayden was sat on the third one in the room on her own. Amber and Amy had been sat on there with her, but they were now setting the table in the dining room after Amber went begging to Chrissy and Becky to find Amy something to do as she was driving Amber insane with not being able to help.
Jayden jumped up when she heard the doorbell, and she looked at the time. It was just before six, and Jayden knew it was going to be Callum.
“I’ll get it!” Jayden shouted, as she jumped up. “It’s only Callum.” Jayden added with a grin.
“Only Callum? Don’t let him hear you say that Jayden, you could hurt his feelings.” Mandy said with a pout.
“You know I don’t mean it like that Mandy.” Jayden said with a hurt look. “I just meant it’s kind of for me.” Jayden tried to explain.
“I know Jayden, now go and let the poor boy in.” Mandy smiled as she waved for Jayden to go and let Callum in the house.
Jayden didn’t need telling twice, and she was soon off out the living room and heading for the front door. Amy was just coming out the dining room and stopped when she saw Jayden.
“I’ve got it Amy. It’s Callum for me.” Jayden said with a grin, as she ran over to the front door and opened it with a smile on her face. Jayden’s smile got even bigger when she saw Kara stood there smiling back at her.
“Hi Jayden. I hope you don’t mind, but Callum couldn’t make it, he asked me to come in his place.” Kara said in her husky female voice.
“I don’t mind at all Kara. After all it was you I need to apologise to anyway.” Jayden said with a grin as she pulled Kara into the house and wrapped her arms around her. They were soon kissing each other very deeply indeed.
“Apology accepted.” Kara smiled, as she had trouble keeping her female voice after such a powerful kiss.
“That wasn’t the apology baby; you’ll get that later, up in my room.” Jayden said with a purr. “That was just to let you know I was happy to see you, and I love what you’re wearing.” Jayden added with a grin as she broke the hug and led Kara to the living room.
Everybody turned to look at the living room door when they heard Jayden giggling as she entered the room with Kara.
“Hello Kara. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” Carl smiled. “Thanks for helping out at the club last night. Magumi-Chan and Claire both said what a great help you were with some of the newcomers to the club as you helped them relax and have a good time.” Carl added.
“Think nothing of it Carl; I was just glad to help out. I had nothing else to do.” Kara said, with a little smile as she looked at Jayden stood next to her.
“Should I be worried about my job Kara?” Becky asked, as she entered the living room from the kitchen with Chrissy right behind her.
“Hi Kara!” Chrissy screamed as she saw that Callum was dressed as Kara. “Nice to see that mean old brother of yours has let you out to play.” Chrissy added with a grin as she walked over to give Kara a hug.
“Hi Chrissy, Becky.” Kara smiled, as she gave them both a hug. “I think there’s a big difference between what I did last night, and what you do every night of the week Becky.” Kara giggled. “And less of the old, he’s just not as sexy looking as me.” Kara added with a grin and a sexy pose, which didn’t really work as she was still holding the two bottles of wine she’d just brought.
“Let me take them off you Kara.” Chrissy said, as she took the wine bottles off her and then stepped back to stand with Becky again.
“Kara has a point Becky.” Carl said with a raised eyebrow. “You run the whole club for me. The fact that you still like to walk around and play hostess is a bonus for me, but it’s not what I pay you the big money for.” Carl added.
“I know that Carl, but I just like to keep in touch with all the customers and make sure their all having a good time.” Becky said with pride.
“I’m not faulting you Becky; just pointing out that no one could ever take your place.” Carl smiled. “I’d be more worried about losing you to another club owner if I didn’t know you so well.” Carl added with a grin.
“I can’t think of one thing any other club owner could have, that I don’t already have Carl, or I need for that matter.” Becky said with a grin, as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy’s waist just before leaning over for a kiss.
“MMM, I’m glad to hear that baby, but we better get everyone to the dining room before dinner goes cold, or Amy and Amber start without us.” Chrissy said with a grin when Becky let her up for air.
“Very good point my love.” Becky smiled as she licked her lips to enjoy the last little remaining taste of Chrissy on them. “Dinner is served, if you’d like to follow me.” Becky said in a posh sounding voice.
Everyone started giggling as they followed Chrissy and Becky to the dining room. Amy and Amber were just bringing the last dishes of food in from the kitchen as they all entered the room and took their seats at the table ready to enjoy the meal.
Amy saw Chrissy carrying the wine bottles, so she ran over and grabbed them off her, and then she took them to the kitchen and put them in the fridge to cool down a little before they opened them later in the evening.
“This all looks nearly too good to eat.” Brad said as he realised how hungry he was.
“I hope you all want to eat it.” Chrissy said looking worried, just before she started grinning again. “I’d hate to think Becky and I did all this for nothing.” Chrissy added as she helped Becky take her seat before sitting herself.
“I said almost too good to eat Chrissy. Doesn’t mean I won’t, and I already know I’m going to enjoy it.” Brad was grinning as he helped Ann sit down before helping Kara take her seat after she’d helped Jayden take hers.
“Thanks Brad, but you don’t have to be a perfect gentleman with me remember.” Kara said with a smile as she took her seat.
“Sorry Kara, force of habit when you look like that.” Brad smiled, as he took his seat at the table next to Ann. “You do look really good by the way, just like you did last night. I forgot that there was a man under it all by the end of the night.” Brad added with a chuckle.
“I’m glad to hear that Brad. I’d hate to think I look like a man at all dressed like this.” Kara said, as she felt Jayden’s hand running up and down her thigh under the table.
“You look all woman at the minute Kara.” Brad said as he looked down at Kara’s breasts showing between the deep V of her dress. Brad soon stopped looking when he got a slap round the back of the head from Ann.
“Remember me baby?” Ann said with a frown from the other side of him. Ann was soon grinning though when she saw the puzzled look on Brad’s face as he brushed the hair back into place that Ann had just dislodged with her slap.
“I was only making a point princess. You know you’re the only woman that really matters to me.” Brad said in his own defence.
“So you don’t care about us then Brad?” Amber asked with a pout.
Brad was about to speak again but stopped when Carl spoke first. “I’d give up now Brad if I was you. No matter what you say, they will twist it about, and you’ll just dig yourself deeper and deeper into that hole you’ve found yourself in.” Carl chuckled.
“You take all the fun out of things Carl.” Amber said with a pout, but was soon grinning again.
“Do all girls go to some secret training camp to learn how to do that?” Brad asked.
“Nope, it’s just a gift we have, so we can get whatever we want from you men.” Ann said with a grin, just before pulling Brad’s head down so she could kiss him on the lips.
“Thanks for bringing the wine Kara. We’ll open it a little later, after it’s cooled in the fridge for a bit.” Chrissy said as she looked at Kara and Jayden across the table from her and Becky.
“Think nothing of it Chrissy. I thought I’d better grab something on my way over.” Kara said with a smile.
“Hold on, so you called in at a shop on the way over here dressed like that?” Chrissy asked, looking a little shocked at what Kara had just said.
“Yes I did, and I called in and filled the car up with gas, but I only used the self service pump, so I never had to go and talk to anyone.” Kara said with a grin.
“You’re getting very adventures these days Kara.” Mandy said. “But remember to be careful while you’re doing it.” Mandy added looking worried.
“Yes please be careful Kara.” Carl added looking just as worried. “It can be like a drug, so you keep looking for a bigger rush, which can lead to you being found out, or worse.” Carl added.
“Don’t worry; I’ve got no plans to go out on my own too often.” Kara smiled as she looked at the worried face Jayden had. “I’d rather go out dressed with all you. That way the guys have something better to look at.” Kara added with a grin.
“You’re no ugly duckling you know Kara.” Amber said.
“Thanks Amber, but I also know that I’m not in the same league as all you when it comes to looks.” Kara said being honest with them all.
“I think you’re very sexy Kara.” Jayden purred as she started playing with Kara’s leg under the table again.
Kara jumped and let out a little squeal when Jayden ran her hand up between Kara’s legs. Everyone turned to look at Kara as she pulled Jayden’s hand away looking very embarrassed. Jayden was just sat next to her with a silly grin on her face. This soon had them all laughing which soon set Kara off as well.
“I can’t speak for the others Chrissy, Becky, but I can say for myself that I for one forgive you for the last couple of days.” Carl said with a smile, as he sat back feeling stuffed after he finished the piece of apple pie and custard he’d just forced down after the wonderful meal they cooked.
“I second that.” Brad said, as even he was full. He had just eaten his pudding though, and then finished Ann’s off as well.
All the others thanked Chrissy and Becky for the dinner and the pudding, but they did say that Mable and Holly needed thanks for the pudding. Amy and Amber set to work clearing the table while the others all went to the living room to sit and chat. They soon joined them when they’d finished the dishes, and brought the two bottles of wine in that Kara had brought with her.
“No wine for me thanks. I’ve got to drive home later.” Kara said with a pout.
“Do you really think that I’m going to let you get away from me tonight baby?” Jayden said, as she handed Kara a glass of red wine.
Kara wasn’t about to argue with Jayden, so she took the glass and then took a sip from it. Kara smiled when she looked at the rim of the glass and saw a lipstick mark on it, her lipstick mark. Then she looked at her slender looking hand with the long red nails attached to them. He was Kara, and he still had a beautiful girlfriend to go with it, and he was sat having an evening out at a best friend’s house while doing it all.
“Life doesn’t get much better than this.” Kara thought to herself as she relaxed and put an arm around Jayden and pulled her closer for a cuddle. As she let out a big sigh.
“Everything alright love?” Jayden asked when she heard the sigh.
“Right now Jayden, it’s just perfect.” Kara smiled at her. “Just perfect.” Kara added just before leaning in to kiss Jayden on the lips.
They all sat chatting about nothing special for a little bit and enjoying the wine. Brad and Carl even had a glass of wine, as Mandy and Ann had talked them both into stopping the night as well, not that it took much talking.
Chrissy soon brought the chat round to Kara, and when her mum would be coming down and meeting her new daughter. “Have you had a chance to talk to your mum about when she might be able to make it down to see you?” Chrissy asked, as she looked at Kara.
“No, not yet, but I will Chrissy. Frazer was at home when I called her the other day, so I left saying anything that could give me away to my step dad.” Kara said with a roll of her eyes.
“Just let Jayden or myself know when she’s coming down, and I can send the jet to pick her up and give her the full VIP treatment.” Carl said with a grin. I’ll even have the helicopter bring her from the airport to the hotel.” Carl added with an even bigger grin.
“Thanks Carl, but what about the cost of it all? I’m not made of money like some of you are.” Kara said looking worried that her mum coming to visit could cost him a small fortune.
“It won’t cost you a penny Kara.” Carl said with a wave of the hand. “Call it a thank you for helping out last night.” Carl added with a smile.
“Are you sure Carl? It seems like a lot for what I did last night.” Kara said looking shocked at what Carl was willing to do for her.
“Yes I’m sure Kara. I’m also sure that your mum will love having a relaxing spa session as well, so I’ll leave Jayden so sort out all the little details for her stay.” Carl said as he looked at Jayden with a grin.
“I’ll make sure she feels like royalty while she stops at the hotel Carl.” Jayden said with a grin as she cuddled up to Kara a little more and rested her head on Kara’s chest.
“Thanks again Carl for doing all that for my mum.” Kara said with a smile and a tear in her eye. “I’ll give my mum a call tomorrow lunchtime and let her know about the plane trip down and the offer of a stay at your hotel.” Kara added.
“I hope you don’t tell her all the details Kara.” Chrissy asked.
“Not a chance Chrissy. I want her to have some surprises when she gets down here.” Kara said with a smug look.
“I think seeing you dressed like you are now will be a big enough surprise for her Kara.” Amy said with a giggle.
“Very true Amy.” Kara also giggled, as she looked down at herself. “I think the reason I’ve not been in any rush to talk to my mum about it, is due to me being scared about her meeting this side of me.” Kara added looking a little worried.
“I think you’re worrying for nothing Kara. Your mum looked excited about getting to meet her daughter when we spoke to her about it.” Jayden smiled, as she cuddled Kara to let her know she wasn’t alone in any of this.
“You told me she use to go out shopping with your dad while he was dressed as a girl, so she must be okay with you having this side as well Kara.” Chrissy added as she waved her hand up and down Kara’s body to indicate how she was dressed.
“So you weren’t scared the first time you went back to see your mum and dad after you did all that?” Kara asked Chrissy, as she also waved her hand up and Down Chrissy’s body.
“Are you kidding Kara? Becky and I had to drag her up the driveway to her mum’s front door.” Mandy giggled as she thought back to the day they took Chrissy back home for the first time.
“Mandy’s right Kara, but at least you’ll be on your home ground when she meets you for the first time.” Chrissy said looking very shy all of a sudden. “I’ll be there with you when you meet her for the first time as well if you want me to be?” Chrissy asked as she tried to show Kara that she wasn’t running away from anything anymore, and she was going to stand by her friends as well.
“I hope you will be Chrissy, I’ll need you to help get me ready.” Kara said looking worried she’d have to get herself ready.
“You can count on be Kara.” Chrissy smiled.
They soon ran out of things to say to each other,, and were all sat cuddling with the one they loved, so they all called it a day and headed off to bed. None of them got an early night, but they all had a good time once they all got to their bedrooms.
“I’m sorry for being so mean to you Becky. I should have just hugged you yesterday at Mable’s.” Chrissy said, as they lay in bed later in the night cuddling each other, as Chrissy softly ran her hand over Becky’s belly.
“I never should have started thinking what I did Chrissy. I thought we covered all this earlier? Why you saying all this now?” Becky asked with a puzzled look.
“I’m scared that all this stress I keep putting you through is going to hurt you and the babies.” Chrissy said close to tears now.
“I’m fine baby.” Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy into a tighter hug. “Mandy’s mum gave her some herbal tea for me to have when I get stressed out, so Mandy and Amy were making me drink it all last night.” Becky said with a little giggle.
“Did it work? Were you relaxed after drinking it?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes I was, but i still just wanted you to do this with.” Becky said, as she hugged Chrissy until she couldn’t breathe anymore, then she eased up again until she heard Chrissy take in a deep breath and let it out as a sigh.
“I missed you doing that to me too my love.” Chrissy said in a dreamy voice. “Can we please stop fighting and running away now?” Chrissy asked.
“I’ll stop fighting, but you’re the one that ran away remember?” Becky asked with a giggle.
“Details, details my love.” Chrissy giggled. “But I promise to never run away again, not even to Mable’s.” Chrissy added, as she cuddled up to Becky a little more and closed her eyes in total bliss.
Jayden woke the next morning and smiled as she looked at Kara sleeping next to her. Callum was still wearing the blond wig and had the breast forms attached, so Jayden really couldn’t see anything but Kara sleeping next to her.
Callum slowly woke and was a little confused to start with as all he could see was a mass of blond hair coving his eyes. Then he remembered that he’d spent the night with Jayden while still being dressed as Kara. “Oh crap!” Callum said, as he, or more she sat up looking worried all of a sudden.
“What’s wrong Kara?” Jayden asked looking worried and looking around the room.
“I just remembered that I’ve got no change of clothes with me, so I can’t go straight to work from here.” Kara said looking worried. “I’ll have to drive all the way home so I can get changed, and that will mean driving across London in rush hour traffic. I’ll never get to work on time.” Kara added looking at the clock.
“Calm down and think about it for a second. I’m sure we can think of some way to work this out.” Jayden said in a calming voice. “Let’s head down for some breakfast and see what the others can think of as well.” Jayden added with a smile, as she got out of bed and then pulled Kara out. Jayden and Kara were soon heading down for breakfast, and some help with Kara, or Callum’s problem.
Jayden and Kara were the last to get down to the kitchen, so they found the others laughing at Chrissy and Amy as they danced around to Katie Perry’s, I kissed a girl song on the radio. Even Jayden and Kara had to laugh when they watched Chrissy pull Becky in closer for a kiss, and Amy did the same with Amber.
“Morning Jayden, Kara.” Chrissy said, as she ran over and gave them both a hug once the song had finished. “Is everything okay?” Chrissy asked, when she saw the worried look Kara now had.
“Morning Chrissy.” Kara said with a sigh as she hugged Chrissy back. “Not really. I forgot I didn’t have a change of clothes with me when I stopped last night, and I’m not going to have time to get across town and get changed without being really late for work.” Kara said looking worried, and a little upset with herself for being so stupid and forgetting to bring a change of clothes with her.
“Oh I see. That would be a problem then.” Chrissy said as she tapped her finger on her lip while she tried to think of an answer to Kara’s problem.
“I think I might be able to help you out Kara.” Carl said from the kitchen table where he was sat with Mandy enjoying a cup of tea. “I always keep half a dozen suits here for when I stop over. It won’t be a perfect fit, but you’ll look better than you would in anything the girl’s might have for you to wear.” Carl added with a chuckle, as he thought about Kara heading into the office, and not Callum.
Kara must have had the same thought because she just shuddered at the thought of it all. “That really would give Stephen something to have a go at him about.” Callum thought to himself, as he looked down at Kara’s breasts tenting out the front of the dressing gown Jayden had given him to wear.
“That would be great Carl. Thank you so much.” Kara said with a look of relief on her face.
“Sit down and enjoy some breakfast, then I’ll take you upstairs and help you become Callum again.” Chrissy said, as she lifted one of Kara’s hands up and ran her finger across the long red nails still attached to them. “I might even remove the breast forms and the wig as well.” Chrissy added with a grin as she walked back over to help Amy. Amber and Becky finish off sorting out breakfast.
Callum/Kara had got used to Chrissy’s teasing now, so she just smiled as she led Jayden over to the table and helped her take a seat before sitting down herself.
“I’d would of offered to help you out Callum, but I think my stuff would be a little on the big side for you.” Brad chuckled as he pulled out a piece of his T-shirt to make a point.
“Thanks for the offer Brad, but I’d look like a three year old playing dress up in his dad’s stuff if I even tried.” Callum/Kara said with a giggle.
All the others had a laugh about it as well; as they all thought about Callum trying to make some of Brad’s clothes fit him. Brad was nearly two feet taller than Callum, and easily twice as wide, of which most of it was muscle.
Chrissy and the other three were soon bringing plates of food over and they all sat and ate breakfast before they all went up to get ready for work. Brad was ready to leave, but he helped Becky get the dishes washed and put away while he waited for Ann to go and get dressed.
“I’m glad to see you and Chrissy happy again boss.” Brad said, as he dried a plate and put it on a pile so Becky could put them away later.
“Thanks Brad, so am I. I know I was just being silly to even think that Chrissy would dive into the arms of another woman while she was away.” Becky said as she shook her head at the silly thought she’d entertained about her wife.
“I can’t even begin to understand how it must feel to have a little human life growing inside you boss, or two little life’s in your case, but I do understand that Chrissy loves you more than words can say.” Brad said, as he put his large hand on Becky’s belly.
“Will you and Ann be having any kids?” Becky asked in a matter of fact way. She was soon saying sorry when she realised what she’d just asked. “I’m sorry Brad; I don’t know where that came from.” Becky giggled as she put her hand over her mouth.
“That’s alright boss. To tell you the truth, I have been thinking about asking Ann to marry me, but I’m not sure how to go about doing it.” Brad said looking worried.
Becky found it strange to see Brad with a worried look on his face; she’d never seen him with it before. “Would you like some help sorting it all out?” Becky asked.
“Would you really help me do this Becky?” Brad asked, using her name for once.
“Sure, and I’m pretty sure that Chrissy and the others will want to help as well.” Becky said with a grin. “I’ll have a word with Chrissy and Amber, so we can sort out Ann’s ring size, and then we can work on how you will do the proposal so she’ll never forget it.” Becky added, as her mind started working out details.
“I was just going to buy a ring and then drop down on one knee and ask her boss.” Brad said with a shrug.
“Men! No romance at all.” Becky said with a huff. “We girls love the romance of the moment, and all the little details that go into the planning of it.” Becky said, as she looked very animated about the subject.
“Do you think I should go and ask Amy if I can have her sister’s hand in marriage before we do anything else?” Brad asked as he thought about how the boyfriend will sometimes go and ask the father, but that wasn’t possible, not that Brad would have asked him even if he was still alive.
“I already know what the answer will be Brad, but I also think she’ll like the gesture though.” Becky said with a smile.
“I’m just a little worried that Amy might take me asking her the wrong way. I don’t want her to think I see her as a male figure in Ann’s life.” Brad said as he tried to explain his worries about going to her with such a question.
“Amy wouldn’t see it that way Brad. She’d just be glad to finally see her big sister happy.” Becky took hold of Brad’s hand as she looked up at him and smiled. “Let me have a word with Chrissy and Amber, and then we can go out and find her a ring tomorrow after we call in at the shop and ask Amy the big question.” Becky added with an even bigger smile.
“Okay boss.” Brad said looking really worried now.
Becky had to giggle when she saw the look on Brad’s face. “You’ll think nothing to diving into a fight and breaking it up Brad, but the thought of asking a woman to marry you is scaring you half to death?” Becky asked with another little giggle.
Brad just gave Becky a nervous smile as he carried on drying the dishes for her. Once they were all dried, he put them away while Becky told him where they went. Brad wasn’t about to let Becky do any form of lifting while he was around. Then they sat down to wait for the others to come back down ready to leave for work.
Carl had followed Mandy and the others back up stairs, so he could get one of his spare suits for Callum to wear. Luckily for Callum, Carl wasn’t much taller than him, so Carl thought the suit would fit him alright.
Chrissy had taken Callum to hers and Becky’s room, so she could help him remove the breast forms, and the makeup that covered the edges. While Chrissy was dabbing the edge of the breast forms with the removing agent, Jayden set to work removing the false nails Callum had used on himself. They all looked over at the bedroom door when they heard a knock at it.
“Come in!” Chrissy shouted.
They all saw Carl poke his head round the door and smile at them. “Here’s the suit for you Callum. Please feel free to keep it if you like it, I’ve got plenty more.” Carl said with a shrug.
“Thanks Carl, but are you sure?” Callum asked with a shocked look as he saw just how expensive the suit looked.
“Yes I’m sure. This suit has always been a little tight on me, so it should fit you perfectly. Here are a pair of shoes for you as well. They may be a little on the large side, so you will need an extra pair of socks to help them fit better.” Carl said as he lay the suit down on the bed and put the shoes on the floor next to the bed before turning to leave the room again. “I’ll see you all down stairs again shortly.” Carl added just before leaving the room again.
It didn’t take Chrissy and Jayden long to have Callum back with them, and no sign of Kara to be seen again. Jayden smiled as she helped Callum to stand up again, then she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply n the lips.
“Hello Callum. Where you been all weekend?” Jayden purred.
“Hi Jayden. I was just helping out my sister.” Callum smiled back at her.
“Shouldn’t that be, letting out your sister?” Jayden asked with a grin. Callum just smiled at her before moving in for another kiss.
Chrissy did a fake cough to get their attention before speaking. “Sorry to break this up, but I need to get ready for work, and so do the two of you.” Chrissy pointed out as she pulled at a piece of her bathrobe, and pointed at the pair of them still in theirs.
“Oh sorry Chrissy. Come on Callum, you can get dressed in my room with me.” Jayden said, as she pulled Callum towards the bedroom door.
Callum let Jayden pull him along, but he looked back just in time to see Chrissy slip out of her bathrobe, and show of her perfect naked body to him. Callum was a little shocked to see just how female Chrissy looked now days. Callum didn’t see anything that might have said Chrissy use to be a male.
Once they got to Jayden’s room, she could tell that Callum was still in shock about something, so she asked him if everything was okay. “You alright Callum? You look a little weirded out over something.”
“I’m sorry Jayden, but I just saw Chrissy naked as we were leaving her room, and it shocked me a little bit.” Callum said with a faraway look in his eyes.
“In what way did it shock you?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look.
“She just looked so... so... Female.” Callum finally said for want of a better word.
“What else did you expect her to look like?” Jayden asked with a frown and a little snort style laugh.
“I’m not sure. All I’ve seen since we met up again is a girl, but I always thought it was partly down to her covering things up and using corsets and other padding to get the look she has, but she’s really a girl even naked she looks really good.” Callum said with the same faraway look still.
“Hey! Girlfriend stood in room, listening to every word your saying buddy.” Jayden said looking a little angry with him now.
“I don’t mean it like that Jayden. I was just surprised to see her looking like that.” Callum said in a soft voice, as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Jayden before kissing her. “I love only you my love.” Callum said after they stopped kissing.
“That’s good, because I don’t think you’d stand a chance with Chrissy anyway.” Jayden giggled. “You’d have to fight Becky for her, and I don’t think you’d ever win that fight.” Jayden added with more giggles.
“I’m not dumb enough to even try.” Callum said with a grin.
“Or blond enough either.” Jayden said; as she ran her hand though Callum’s short brown hair.
“As much as I’d love to stand here with you wrapped in my arms all day baby, I better see about getting ready for work.” Callum said as he looked at the clock on Jayden’s bedside table.
Jayden let out a sigh, and then pouted at Callum before letting go and going to get ready herself. Callum had to wear a pair of Jayden’s panties, but he declined the bra she offered. He was worried it would show under the shirt Carl had given him to use with the suit. Jayden had got some thick woollen socks Callum could use, so he was soon dressed in the suit and wearing the shoes as well.
“How do I look Jayden?” Callum asked, as he did a quick turn for her.
“You look like my sexy boyfriends ready for a day at the office.” Jayden smiled, as she slipped on her jacked to go with the matching skirt she was wearing. They both looked ready for a day at the office, but Jayden was going to be working at the hotel instead.
Jayden grabbed her purse, and then reminded Callum to get his wallet and car keys out of Kara’s purse before they left her room. Once they were both ready they left her room to go and find the others down in the kitchen.
Becky had just taken a seat at the kitchen table with Brad, when they saw Chrissy enter the kitchen and run over to sit next to her.
“Hi Baby. You all ready to head off to work then?” Becky asked with a sigh, sad to think of her loving wife leaving the house soon.
“Yes, but I’d stay at home with you if you asked me to my love.” Chrissy said, as she leaned over and kissed Becky on the lips as she wrapped her arms around her neck.
“Tempting, but I don’t think Mandy and Amy would be very happy with you, if you did.” Becky said with another sigh. “It’s my own fault for being silly and thinking the worse of you, and then making you runaway again in the first place. I just feel like I haven’t seen much of you the past couple of days.” Becky added, as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
“You could always punish me, and make me work at the club tonight for running away.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked deep into Becky’s eyes as they broke the hug.
Becky was about to say no, but thought about how she had Chrissy play her trainee hostess for the last couple of days the last time she was being punished, so she agreed to her idea instead. “That sounds like a suitable punishment for what you did. I’ll have to show you around the club, and make sure you’re doing a good job again.” Becky said with a grin.
Chrissy caught on to what Becky meant, and the fact that she’d be a hostess for the evening again. Not that Chrissy was bothered about that. She’d get to spend all evening with Becky. “I look forward to working under you again boss.” Chrissy said with a grin.
They were soon joined by all the others and Chrissy let them all know that she’d be working at the club again for the next couple of nights. Amy looked upset at first, but she soon smiled again when Chrissy said she’d be working as a hostess and walking round the club with Becky, and not serving as a waitress in the VIP section.
Everyone was soon kissing and hugging their partner so they could all head off to work. Carl was getting a lift off Mandy round to Mable’s, so he could then go off to a meeting with Vic. Mandy. Chrissy and Amy were all going to spend an hour with Holly and Greg anyway.
Brad waved to Ann and Jayden as they drove out the drive, then he turned to look at Becky again. “I’ll let you have a word with Chrissy and the others then before I do anything myself boss.” Brad said looking worried again.
“I’ll have a word with Chrissy tonight while we're working at the club, and I can grab Carl, or Carla as it will be then.” Becky said with a confused look on her face.
Brad had to chuckle when Becky said that. He had the same trouble working out what to call Carl most the time, and had more than once called Carl, Carla, and vice versa. “I know what you mean boss.”
“I’m glad someone does.” Becky giggled. “Anyway, I’ll have a word with the two of them and then we’ll take it from there, but either way we will go to Mandy’s shop tomorrow and have a word with Amy.” Becky added in such a way as she was telling Brad, not asking him.
“Okay boss, and thanks for helping me do this.” Brad said as he leaned down to give Becky a gentle hug, being careful not to hurt her or the babies. “I’ll be going now then, and leaving you to go back to bed for a bit.” Brad added as he broke the hug and stood up straight again.
“I’ve got some house work to get done first, and then I think I’ll go and see mum and dad round at Mable’s for a little bit.” Becky smiled.
“Do you need any help with the housework boss? Chrissy did warn you about doing too much.” Brad said looking worried about Becky.
“I’m only going to be washing some underwear Brad. By hand.” Becky added the last bit with a little more emphasise to make sure Brad understood what house work she was doing before going out.
“Oh right, I don’t really do stuff like that.” Brad said looking a little red faced.
Becky had to giggle when she saw how embarrassed the thought alone had made him. “Don’t worry about it Brad, I know you’d be the first to help me if it was anything else.” Becky smiled. “I’m sure you want to get to the gym anyway and work off some of that breakfast you just ate.” Becky added. Giving him the perfect excuse to make a clean getaway.
Brad took the opening and gave Becky another quick hug before leaving to go to the gym and saying that he’d see her at the club later.
Becky went back into the house and set to work sorting out the washing before going up to get ready to go around and see Mable, Holly and Greg.
By SaraUK
Part 19
Mandy let Carl help her get out the car after they parked on the road outside Mable’s. She had to laugh when she saw Chrissy and Amy run off up the driveway like a couple of little school girls holding hands and giggling at each other.
“Don’t take this the wrong way Mandy, but if I hadn’t seen Amy as a boy, I never would have believed either of them had even been anything but girls from birth.” Carl said as he wrapped an arm around Mandy’s waist and led her up the driveway towards Mable’s front door where Chrissy and Amy were now both giving Mable a hug. “Was Chrissy really a boy once?” Carl asked in a whisper, like he’d been lied to all this time.
“Yes, sort of, but I see it more as a birth defect she was born with.” Mandy smiled, as she thought back to the first time she saw Chrissy in her shop all that time ago. “Even back in the beginning though, all I ever saw was a girl or tom boy at best.” Mandy added with a thoughtful look on her face.
“Now all I see is two sisters.” Carl said with a grin. “I find it a little scary to think the two of you aren’t related by blood when I look at you both side by side.” Carl added with a chuckle.
“You’re not the first to say that. Even my mum finds it hard to think she never gave birth to Chrissy.” Mandy said with a grin.
“Well she did help correct the problems Chrissy had, so in a way she did give birth to her, and Holly does look a little like Prue, so they could pass as sisters themselves.” Carl said as he thought about Holly and Prue looking a little alike.
“I’ve never given it much thought, but now you mention it they do look a little alike.” Mandy said with a thoughtful look on her face as she thought about her mum and Holly sitting side by side.
Chrissy and Amy waited for someone to answer the door after they rang the bell. They both smiled when they saw Mable open it.
“Hi Mable!” Both Chrissy and Amy shouted as they hugged her at the same time.
“Hello dears. It’s nice to see the two of you so happy first thing on a Monday morning.” Mable said with a chuckle as she let the two girls hug her.
“We’re like this every morning Mable.” Amy said with a grin.
“Are my mum and dad up yet Mable?” Chrissy asked eager to see them both again.
“Yes they’re in the dining room having a cup of tea, but be warned; your father didn’t have a very good night’s sleep.” Mable said as she let the two girls enter the house, so she could say hello to Mandy and Carl.
Chrissy was soon running off into the house pulling Amy along behind her. They soon found Holly and Greg sat at the dining table with a large amount of pill bottles and blister packs scattered in front of them.
“Hi Girls.” Greg said after swallowing a hand full of pills Holly had just given him with a glass of water.
“Hi dad.” Chrissy and Amy said together as they took a seat at the table next to each other facing their mum and dad.
Holly was busy marking off what pills she’d just given Greg, so she hadn’t spoken yet. Chrissy and Amy could see she was busy, so they never bothered her.
“Do you really have to take all those pills dad?” Chrissy asked looking shocked.
“Yep. It’s a wonder I don’t rattle when I walk.” Greg said with a chuckle, trying to make light of it all when he saw how worried Chrissy and Amy looked as they looked down at all the bottles and boxes.
“How are you feeling now dad? Mable said you had a bad night.” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
“I’m fine, just a little tired.” Greg said shrugging it off.
Chrissy could see that it did bother her dad, and it was also the one thing Chrissy didn’t like about him still. Greg had always played down being ill in the past, and was doing it again now. Chrissy was about to say something about it, but then thought there was no point really, he’d just make some joke about her worrying, and laugh about it, making Chrissy even madder with him.
“Hello dears.” Holly said with a smile once she finished marking down all the meds she’d just given Greg. “Sorry for not speaking sooner, but I didn’t want to forget to mark down all the pills, or I’d be trying to give them to him again.” Holly said with a frown.
“No problem mum.” Chrissy said as she walked over and gave her mum a hug, and then gave her dad one as well.
“That looks like a full time job on its own mum.” Amy said, as she also gave them both a hug before taking a seat at the table next to Chrissy.
“I don’t mind doing it. Just as long as it keeps my Gregory here with me for as long as possible.” Holly smiled, as she took hold of his hand and looked at him.
“I’m not going any place yet my dear.” Greg said with a grin. “I plan to be around to see my grandkids.” He added with an even bigger grin.
“I’ll hold you to that dad.” Chrissy smiled.
“You can count on it my baby girl.” Greg said in a firm voice. “I’ve got a lot of faith in Prue; she’s already sorted out some better treatment for me.” Greg added with a smile.
“Our other mum can be quite amazing when it comes to that sort of thing.” Chrissy said as she looked at Amy.
Amy knew what Chrissy was getting at when she said that and looked at her, so she just wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her really tight. “She sure does. We turned out perfect.” Amy giggled.
“Yes you both did, and very modest as well.” Mandy giggled as she’d walked into the room with Mable and Carl.
This made everybody laugh, and even Chrissy and Amy ended up giggling as well. Vic got up from the table when he saw Carl enter the room, they had to be going again right away, or they wouldn’t make it to the meeting Carl had to get to on time. Not that anyone ever complained if he ever was late.
Mandy walked back to the front door and then gave Carl a hug before kissing him and then waving him off before returning to the dining room to sit down and have a chat with the others.
“So everything is back to normal between you and Becky again?” Holly was asking Chrissy when Mandy walked back into the room.
“Yes mum. You saw that yesterday when I came back for my things.” Chrissy said with a whine to her voice. “I have got to work a couple of night at the club to make up for the running away though.” Chrissy added with a grin, as she thought about getting to spend more time with Becky tonight and tomorrow night than she normally would.
“I hope you’re not going to be serving drinks again?” Holly asked looking worried that Chrissy could end up getting drugged again.
“No mum, I got promoted from being a waitress. Becky has made me a trainee hostess now, so I’m stuck with following Becky around all night and letting her teach me how to do the job correctly.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“Arrr, that sounds like such a hard job to deal with.” Holly said with mock hurt in her voice just before she started grinning.
“As punishments go mum, I can deal with this one just fine.” Chrissy smiled. “I’m just glad that Becky and I have everything sorted out again.”
“You did both look a lot happier yesterday when you came back round to get your stuff. Just remember to sit and talk about your problems before flying off the handle.” Holly said in a firm voice as she pointed a finger at Chrissy.
“I had no idea what Becky was mad at me for mum, or I would have explained everything to her right away.” Chrissy pleaded with her mum.
“Just as long as all the silly talk about breaking up is forgotten, then I am happy again.” Holly said as she pulled Chrissy closer for a hug.
The girls stopped for just over half an hour before they left again so they could get to work and make a start on getting the orders ready for the changing service before Linda turned up with lunch. Linda was now the full time driver, so she was the one to always bring their lunch and then take the orders back to the hotel for Cathy and Marie.
Becky had sorted out the washing, and hand washed all the underwear for them all, and had then gone up to get dressed, so she could go round and see Holly and Greg for a little bit. Becky parked her car out on the road, as she saw that Prue’s car was on the drive way.
Hi Mable.” Becky said as she rang the bell and Mable opened the door to her.
“Hello dear. Come in, come in.” Mable said as she stepped aside and held out her hand to help Becky enter the house.
“Are mum and dad alright? I see Prue is here.” Becky said looking a little worried as to why Prue’s car would be parked outside.
“Yes, yes, everything is fine. Prue just wanted to let your mum and dad know about some tests she’d set up for Greg.” Mable said with a smile, as she led Becky through to the dining room where the others were all sat having a drink.
Becky found Holly, Greg, Kim and Prue all sat around the largest table in the room, chatting and having a cup of tea while they all talked to each other.
“Hi everyone!” Becky shouted with a smile as she entered the room.
They all gave Becky a hug as she worked her way around the table giving them all a hug before she took a seat at the table next to Prue.
“How are you feeling Becky?” Prue asked looking worried. “Holly was just telling me about the trouble you and Chrissy had over the weekend.” Prue added as she held Becky’s hands in hers.
“I’m feeling fine mum. It was just a simple misunderstanding and we got it all sorted out in the end.” Becky said in a dismissive way, so Prue wouldn’t read too much into it.
“I’ll be having a word with that girl.” Prue said with anger in her voice. “She can’t keep stressing you out like that. Not while you’re with child.” Prue added as she put a hand on Becky’s little bump of a belly.
“But it was all my fault mum. Please don’t go upsetting Chrissy any more than I already have.” Becky pleaded with Prue. “She didn’t mean what she said about the marriage being over, she was just angry with me at the time I came to see her.” Becky added hoping to calm Prue down a little bit.
“I understand what you’re saying Becky, but Chrissy has got to learn to be more careful when dealing with you while you’re pregnant.” Prue said in a tone that told Becky that nothing she said was going to stop her from having a talk with Chrissy about what happened between the two of them.
“How’s dad doing?” Becky asked in an attempt to change the subject away from her and Chrissy.
“Greg’s doing fine all things considered.” Prue said with a smile as she looked at Greg looking through the paper next to Holly.
“I may as well give you a quick check up while I’m here and I have all the bits out.” Prue said with a grin, as she looked at all the things still laid out on the table from where she’d just given Greg the once over.
Becky let out a sigh, but she was soon taking her coat off and letting Prue check her blood pressure, then she listened to her breathing, and checked her blood sugar levels as well.
“Will I live then doc?” Becky asked with a grin when Prue had finished checking her out, and was busy putting everything away again.
“Yes you’re doing just fine, and I don’t think the trouble with Chrissy has done any long lasting damage to you.” Prue said with a frown. “But keep calling me doc, and that may change young lady.” Prue added with a smirk as she pointed a finger at Becky.
“Sorry mum.” Becky said with a giggle. “See though, I told you I was fine. You don’t need to have that talk with Chrissy now then do you?” Becky added, hoping to stop Chrissy getting told off for something she was to blame for.
“Nice try Becky, but I’m still going to have a talk with Chrissy about upsetting you like she did.” Prue said with a look that only a mother could.
Becky went to say something, but thought better of it when she saw the look Prue gave her, so she just closed her mouth again and smiled at her instead.
Once Prue had all her things packed away again, her and Kim put their coats on and then said their goodbyes before leaving to go into the surgery, but not before calling in so Prue could have that chat with Chrissy. Prue never told Becky that she was going to call in on the way back to the surgery, she didn’t want Becky calling and warning Chrissy that she was on her way around to see her. Not that Chrissy would be able to go anywhere to avoid it.
Becky stopped at the dining table keeping Greg company, while Holly and Mable walked Prue to the front door.
“I hope you don’t mind me having a word with Chrissy about what happened, Holly?” Prue asked as they reached the front door and stepped outside. “I don’t want you to think I’m taking over your job still, now you’re back in her life full time.” Prue added with a smile.
“I don’t mind at all Prue, and I want you to think of her as your daughter still as well.” Holly said as she held her arms open to give Prue a hug. “Chrissy loves you very much Prue, and I’m glad she found you and the others.” Holly added with a smile and a tear in her eye.
“As I love her like a daughter.” Prue said as she hugged Holly back.
Holly and Mable both hugged Kim and Prue again before they waved them off. Then they returned to the dining room to make a fresh pot of tea.
Prue and Kim drove over to Mandy’s shop, so Prue could have a word with Chrissy. Kim was feeling sorry for Chrissy; she knew what sort of trouble Chrissy was in over what could have happened with Becky.
“Are you sure this is wise Prue?” Kim asked from the passenger seat. “This is Chrissy you’re dealing with. I think she knows what she did was wrong, and they did get it all sorted out.” Kim added.
“Yes I’m very sure I need to do this Kim. Chrissy needs to realise what could happen if she keeps upsetting Becky like she does.” Prue said in a firm voice.
“Okay, you know best.” Kim said with a sigh, not totally sure Prue did know best in this case.
They were soon pulling up in a parking space just down the road from the shop. Kim jumped out and then helped Prue get out the car before they locked it and walked up the road to see Chrissy, Amy and Mandy.
Amy was helping Chrissy check the last of the orders for the changing service while Mandy was out picking up some stock they needed to complete the orders when they heard the door bell telling them that they had a customer. Chrissy turned and smiled when she saw Prue and Kim enter the shop.
“Hi mum, Kim.” Chrissy said as she walked over to meet them half way and give them both a hug.
“Hi Shrimp.” Kim said with a grin as she hugged Chrissy back.
Chrissy just giggled at Kim’s pet name for her, but she stopped giggling when she hugged Prue, but Prue didn’t hug her back. Chrissy looked worried when she saw the look Prue had. “What’s wrong mum? Is Becky alright?” Chrissy asked looking even more worried now.
“Don’t you mum me young lady!” Prue snapped at Chrissy with anger showing on her face. “No daughter of mine would ever do what you did to Becky this past weekend.” Prue added with even more anger in her voice this time.
Chrissy was shocked to see Prue’s anger towards her over the thing with Becky, but she was more shocked at the fact Prue had said she wasn’t any daughter of hers after what she’d done. Chrissy wasn’t sure what to call Prue then now, so she just stood with her mouth shut waiting to see what Prue did next.
“Don’t you have anything to say for yourself then young lady?” Prue asked sharply.
“I’m sorry. I was angry and upset with Becky.” Chrissy said close to tears now. “I didn’t mean any of it, and we’re both okay again now.” Chrissy added in her own defence.
“Do you have any idea what could have happened to Becky or the babies if she’d got to upset over it all?” Prue shouted at Chrissy. Chrissy jumped and shied away from Prue when she shouted at her. “Becky could have had a miscarriage over all this. Do you think saying sorry would make everything alright again?” Prue asked as she looked Chrissy in the eyes.
“Prue, I think she gets the point.” Kim said looking sorry for Chrissy, and the telling off she just got from Prue.
Prue knew she’d got her point across to Chrissy, but before she could say anymore to her, the door bell sounded again to let them all know that someone else had entered the shop.
“I’m sorry Prue, but I have to go and serve this customer now, as Mandy is out of the shop at the minute, and Amy is busy sorting out some other orders.” Chrissy said, as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves after what Prue just said to her.
Prue and Kim waited for Chrissy to finish with the customer, but just as she was handing the customer her purchases another customer came in, so they decided to leave and let Chrissy get on with her job.
Chrissy was glad to see Prue and Kim leave, she wasn’t ready for anymore of Prue’s reminders of what could have happened to Becky. All Chrissy could think about now, was how she could have caused Becky to lose their children. The other thing playing on Chrissy’s mind was the fact that Prue had told her she was no daughter of hers after what she’d done. Even though Chrissy knew that Prue wasn’t her real mum, and she now had her real mum living just around the corner from her, Chrissy was still upset that Prue no longer wanted her as a daughter. Added to the fact she felt like crap over the whole thing with Becky already left Chrissy in a very dark place.
“Can I still call Mandy my sister, or have I lost that right as well now?” Chrissy thought to herself as she wrapped a corset the second customer had just brought.
Amy waited for the second customer to leave before she went to see how Chrissy was doing. Amy had heard Prue have a go at her, but kept out the way, not wanting to catch any of the flack herself.
“Are you alright Chrissy?” Amy asked looking worried. “Mum looked pretty upset with you just now.” Amy added.
“Prue was very upset with me Amy, but I don’t want to talk about it.” Chrissy said as she marked down the stock she’d just sold and then carried on checking the changing service orders ready for when Linda turned up.
The fact that Chrissy had called mum, Prue, wasn’t lost on Amy, but she could also see that Chrissy really didn’t want to talk to her about what just happened between her and Prue, or anything else for that matter.
Chrissy had just finished double checking the orders for the changing service when Mandy got back with the last of the stuff they still needed to add to it, so Chrissy took it off her and then added it to the other bits ready to go out to the hotel when Linda arrived with lunch.
“That’s all the orders sorted out for the changing service at the hotel Mandy. I’ll go and start on the internet orders now with Amy.” Chrissy said in a flat tone as she walked off towards the back of the shop.
“Is everything alright sis?” Mandy asked looking worriedly at her sister.
“I’m fine Mandy, just fine.” Chrissy said with a sigh just before vanishing through the curtains that led into the back room where Amy was printing out the internet orders.
Mandy could tell by the way Chrissy was acting, that something was wrong with her. Mandy decided to wait for Amy to wander out, and then she would ask her if she knew what was wrong with Chrissy. Mandy didn’t have to wait long for Amy to wander out with the first of the order forms in her hand.
“Amy do you have a couple of minutes to chat?” Mandy asked with a smile as she worked out what stock they needed to reorder.
“Sure sis, what can I help you with?” Amy asked as she walked over to the counter.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Chrissy? She’s been a little down since I got back.” Mandy asked in a lowered voice.
“Your mum came in while you were out and had a go at Chrissy over what happened between her and Becky this weekend.” Amy said looking sad. “Your mum wasn’t sugar coating any of it either.” Amy added with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, one of them talks.” Mandy said with a roll of her eyes. Mandy had had a number of them talks with her mum, and felt sorry that Chrissy had just been subjected to one as well. “Do you know what was said?” Mandy asked.
“I only caught bits and bobs, but the main thing I heard was that your mum said Chrissy could have caused Becky to have a miscarriage with all the stress she put Becky under.” Amy said as she bit her bottom lip with worry. “I was shocked to hear Kim stick up for Chrissy when Prue said that to her.” Amy added.
“Mum can be a little like that when she’s angry.” Mandy said looking upset with her mum, and what she’d said to Chrissy. “Were they alright with each other when they left?” Mandy asked looking hopeful that her mum had then let Chrissy know that she still loved her, even if she had just had a go at her.
“No they never said anything else to each other after that sis.” Amy said looking worried. “A customer came in and Chrissy went to serve them, and Mum and Kim left while she was sorting out a second customer.
Mandy went to say something else to Amy, but stopped when she heard the door bell sound, and she looked to see Linda walking up the shop with a basket of food in her hands. Mandy and Amy soon had Linda loaded up and then locked the shop door so they could go and have some lunch.
Chrissy was busy printing out internet orders when Mandy and Amy wondered through with the basket of food for them all.
“Lunch is here sis.” Mandy said with a smile as she put the basket down on the table.
“I’m not hungry Mandy, so I’ll just keep sorting out the internet orders.” Chrissy said without even bothering to turn away from the computer.
“Don’t be silly sis. Come and sit down so you can have some lunch with Amy and me.” Mandy said in a much firmer voice this time.
“No! I’m not hungry, and I’m not your sister anymore!” Chrissy shouted as she finally broke down in sobs of tears just before running off up stairs to be alone.
Mandy and Amy were both soon hot on her heels as they ran up stairs after her, both worried about the sudden outburst. They found Chrissy on the sofa in the upstairs flat sobbing as she lay on the sofa.
“Hey sis, what’s got you so upset?” Mandy asked as she slid onto the sofa, lifting Chrissy’s head up onto her knee.
“I’ve told you that I’m not your sister any more Mandy. Prue said she doesn’t want me as her daughter anymore, so how can I still be your sister?” Chrissy asked as she sobbed.
“I don’t care what anyone else says Chrissy; you will always be my sister.” Mandy said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug.
“I’m not a good person Mandy. You don’t want me for a sister. I’m not fit to be a parent, and the babies haven’t even been born yet.” Chrissy sobbed some more.
Mandy didn’t know what to say to that, she was very angry with her mum for saying what she did to Chrissy. “Chrissy you’ll make an amazing parent, just like Becky will. Now stop being silly and come down for some lunch.” Mandy said as she wiped away the tears running down Chrissy’s face as she sat her up next to her on the sofa.
Amy sat down on the other side of Chrissy and pulled her into a hug when Mandy leaned her that way. “You’ll always be my big sister Chrissy.” Amy said as she hugged her.
“Can you sit with her for a bit Amy? I need to go and make a phone call.” Mandy said as she stood up and left the room to head back down stairs to give her mum a call.
Amy had a pretty good idea who Mandy was going to call, and judging by the look on Mandy’s face as she left the room, Amy didn’t want to be Prue at that moment. Amy turned her attention back to Chrissy when she heard her talking.
“I didn’t mean to hurt Becky, or the babies. I’m not a mean person. Am I?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
“No you’re not a mean person Chrissy. Prue was very wrong to say what she did, and if you can’t call her mum anymore, then neither will I.” Amy said in a firm voice.
“Please don’t get in trouble because of me Amy.” Chrissy said as she sat up fulyl so she could look Amy in the eyes.
“I don’t care about getting in trouble sis.” Amy said with a smile. “I’ll stand by my big sister no matter what.” Amy added in a firm voice.
Chrissy wanted to try and argue with Amy about it, but part of her was glad that she still had at least one sister still. “Thanks Amy. I’m glad I still have one sister.”
“Trust me Chrissy; I think you’ll find you still have a lot of sister’s.” Amy said just before pulling Chrissy into another hug.
Chrissy let out a sigh as she felt Amy hugging her as they both rocked back and forth on the sofa. Chrissy was always amazed at the power of a good hug. “Thanks Amy. I love you baby sister.” Chrissy purred as she rested her head on Amy’s shoulder.
“I did warn you some time ago that you’d be stuck with me for a very long time.” Amy said with a giggle. Chrissy just giggled as well, as they both kept hugging each other.
Mandy got back down stairs and grabbed her mobile out her purse, then she called her mums mobile number, but it went straight to voice mail. Mandy ended the call and then called the surgery number to see if she could reach her mum that way. It rang a couple of times before she heard Kim’s voice on the other end. Mandy waited for Kim to do her normal greeting before speaking.
“Hi Kim it’s Mandy here, can I have a quick word with my mother please?” Mandy asked with some anger in her voice.
“I’m sorry Mandy, but she’s with a patient at the minute. Can I help you with anything?” Kim asked.
“Not really Kim, not unless you can explain to me why my mother felt the need to disown Chrissy and also make her sound like some evil bitch out to kill her unborn babies.” Mandy asked with venom in her voice.
“I’m sorry Mandy, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kim said sounding puzzled for a couple of seconds as she played through the talk Prue had with Chrissy.
“So what did my mother say to Chrissy then?” Mandy asked with an even tone to her voice.
“Your mother just told Chrissy that... Oh I see where Chrissy might have got that idea from now.” Kim said with worry in her voice. “Prue didn’t mean any of it to be taken the way Chrissy took it Mandy. She just never got the time to finish her talk with Chrissy due to customers coming into the shop, and we had to get back here to see the afternoon patients.” Kim added with even more worry in her voice now.
“I don’t think there was any need for the talk in the first place, but she should have left having it until she was able to finish it.” Mandy said with anger edging out of her voice. “Tell her thanks from me for leaving Chrissy in a right mess over it all.” Mandy ended the call before Kim could say another word.
Kim just let out a sigh as she put the phone down. She was hoping that Prue would be done soon, so she could pass on the news about Chrissy being upset with the misunderstanding over the way Prue had worded some of what she said. Prue had a steady stream of patients in and out all afternoon, and it was close to six in the evening before Kim managed to talk to Prue about the phone call she’d had with Mandy just after lunch.
Amy had managed to get Chrissy to come back down stairs again after cleaning up her makeup. Amy even got Chrissy to eat something, but Chrissy didn’t have much. Mandy and Amy could both see that what Prue had said, really hurt Chrissy to the bone.
Once Chrissy had finished her lunch, she set to work helping Amy get the internet orders ready to be posted out on the way home. Because Chrissy was going to be heading out to the club with Becky later in the evening, they went straight home after dropping the parcels off at the post office.
Becky was sat at the kitchen table with a glass of juice in front of her when she heard Chrissy, Amy and Mandy get home. Becky was a little shocked and even more worried when she saw Chrissy burst into the kitchen and run over to where she was sat and fell to her knees and started sobbing her heart out with her head buried in Becky’s lap.
“Hey baby what’s wrong.” Becky asked, as she stroked the back of Chrissy’s head.
“I’m sorry Becky, I am so sorry.” Chrissy kept saying. “I’d never hurt you or the babies, you have to believe me when I say that to you.” Chrissy added in a pleading voice, as she looked up at Becky’s worried face.
“Of course I know that silly.” Becky said with a puzzled look. “What’s brought all this on?” Becky asked, as she looked at Chrissy, then she looked at Mandy and Amy for an answer when she saw that Chrissy wasn’t going to give her one.
Mandy helped Amy take a seat at the table before sitting down herself, and then she explained what she knew about what happened at the shop earlier in the day.
“My mum called in at the shop just before lunch today and she had words with Chrissy.” Mandy said for want of a better way of explaining what had happened. “She said something’s that really never should have been said, not to Chrissy anyway.” Mandy added as she looked down at Chrissy shaking still while she gripped onto Becky’s legs like they would vanish if she let go.
“What the hell did mum say to her to get this result?” Becky asked calmly through gritted teeth.
“I’ve not spoke to mum about it yet, but Amy said that she told Chrissy you could have had a miscarriage over what Chrissy did to you this past weekend.” Mandy said sounding just as angry as Becky had a moment ago. “Mum also said that she no longer wanted Chrissy as a daughter, but I think that was just a misunderstanding.” Mandy added
“Mum said she was going to have a word with Chrissy, but I didn’t think she’d turn up at the shop to do it.” Becky said looking dazed at what Mandy had just told her. “And why would she say something like that to Chrissy? Did she not realise the sort of affect it would have on her?” Becky was feeling even angrier now, but she relaxed a little when she felt Chrissy stiffen under her.
“I’m sorry Becky. Please believe me, I’m begging you.” Chrissy’s mumbled voice said as it pressed even deeper into Becky’s lap.
“I’m fine Chrissy, and I don’t blame you for anything.” Becky said in a soft voice. “Come on; let’s get you up to bed for a lie down.” Becky added as she pulled Chrissy up off her lap so she could stand up herself, and then help Chrissy to her feet.
“I think you better stay with her Becky when you get her up stairs.” Amy said looking worriedly at Chrissy, and then Becky.
“I have to make a start on dinner.” Becky said as she hugged Chrissy close to her.
“I’ll sort dinner out. You go and take care of my big sister.” Amy said in a bossy voice, but she was grinning.
Becky smiled when she saw Amy looking all bossy with her hands on her hips. Becky knew that her only job for the time being was taking care of Chrissy, so she nodded her head and let Mandy help her get Chrissy up to their room for a lie down. Once they had Chrissy in hers and Becky’s room, Mandy left them to head over to her own room to take a shower and change out of her work clothes.
Chrissy let Becky help her take her work clothes off and then help her remove all her makeup, then Becky led her over to the bed and helped her to get in before getting in next to her and pulling her close. Chrissy didn’t think she’d fall asleep, but she was soon drifting off and starting to have bad dreams.
Becky hugged Chrissy a little tighter as she heard Chrissy moaning in her sleep. Becky knew this would happen; it always did when Chrissy thought she’d done something wrong. Becky jumped back in the bed when Chrissy suddenly shouted no and sat bolt upright looking around the room.
“Calm down Chrissy, calm down, I’m right here with you.” Becky said in a soothing voice as she pulled Chrissy back down to lye beside her.
“I was dreaming that Prue had come to the shop to tell me that you’d lost the babies, and it was my fault for upsetting you.” Chrissy said as she clung onto Becky.
“It was just a bad dream baby. I’m perfectly fine see.” Becky said as she hugged Chrissy.
Chrissy calmed down after that and didn’t seem to wake again, or moan too much in her sleep either, but Becky never left her alone for a minute, she just hugged her and watched her sleep.
Becky was still hugging Chrissy sometime later when Chrissy opened her eyes and lay there looking at her.
“Hello.” Chrissy said with a weak smile on her face as she looked deep into Becky’s eyes.
“Hello beautiful” Becky smiled back at her just before she planted a kiss on her lips. “You feeling any better now you’ve had some sleep?” Becky asked when they stopped kissing.
“I feel better being here with you my love, but I still feel like an evil bitch for what I did to you on Saturday, and what could have happened because of it.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“I’m fine, and like I told you yesterday, Mandy and Amy had me drinking herbal tea to keep me calm.” Becky said as she hugged Chrissy tighter. “I’m letting you off from your punishment as well. I think you could use the time to get over all this.” Becky added.
“No! I want to be close to you Becky. Please don’t make me stay here at home.” Chrissy pleaded with her.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do baby?” Becky asked.
“Yes, I want to be with you as much as I can. I need to know you’re safe.” Chrissy said sounding like a small child worried that a parent was going to leave, never to be seen again if she let them out of her sight.
“Okay, okay, I’ll let you come to the club with me still.” Becky giggled as she kept hugging Chrissy.
Amy had just finished sorting out something for dinner when she heard the front door close, then she saw Amber walk into the kitchen.
“Hi Baby!” Amber said with a grin as she ran over and pulled Amy into a hug just before kissing her.
“Hello my beautiful wife.” Amy said with a grin when they broke the kiss.
“Where is everyone? Is Becky alright?” Amber asked looking worried when she realised that Amy was sorting dinner out.
“Becky’s fine, but she’s upstairs with Chrissy at the minute, so I said I’d sort dinner out for her.” Amy said looking a little sad.
“I hope they're not having trouble again.” Amber said looking worried.
“No, not like that anyway.” Amy said. Then she went on to explain what had happened at the shop and how upset Chrissy was when she got home from work.
Amber was shocked to hear that Prue had said them things to Chrissy, and she hoped that it was a misunderstanding over the not being her daughter anymore. “I’m here now, so I’ll help you sort dinner out.” Amber said with a grin.
Amy was only doing some char grilled chicken, salad and fries for dinner, so there wasn’t much for Amber to help with at the minute, so they both sat down at the table to kiss and cuddle for the time being. They were both still sat at the kitchen table when Mandy walked back into the kitchen wearing her big fluffy bathrobe after taking a shower.
“Hi Amber. How was Sara today?” Mandy asked with a smile as she took her normal seat at the kitchen table facing the other two.
“Hi Mandy. Sara’s fine, she’s been showing me some amazing dresses she saw while in Paris.” Amber said with a grin.
“Did she and Cathy have a good time in Paris then?” Mandy asked.
“I’d say so; she’s done nothing but talk about it all day.” Amber said with a roll of her eyes as she started giggling.
“Do you think Chrissy will be alright Mandy?” Amy asked looking worried.
“I think so, but it will take some time for her to calm down over what mum said to her.” Mandy said with a sigh.
“Does mum know what she’s done?” Amber asked.
“I called her as soon as I found out what a mess she’d left Chrissy in, but she was busy with a patient, and I ended up talking to Kim about it instead. I’m still waiting for mum to call me back.” Mandy replied.
“I thought she would have been in touch by now, unless she really is that upset with Chrissy.” Amber said looking sad for Chrissy and all the trouble she was in with Prue.
“I thought she would have too, but she does have a lot to do in a day. I’ll get to the bottom of it all when I speak to her again.” Mandy said with a shrug as she took the glass of juice off Amy that she’d just poured out for her. “Thanks Amy.”
Ann and Jayden were soon walking into the kitchen and looked a little shocked to not find Becky and Chrissy sat at the table, or helping Amy and Amber sort out dinner. Mandy filled the two of them in on what had happened, and they were both feeling sorry for Chrissy. They both knew that Chrissy was feeling bad about upsetting Becky anyway, and the last thing she needed was for Prue to make her feel even worse about it.
Amy and Amber were just starting to dish dinner up when they saw Becky enter the kitchen pulling Chrissy along at her side. They all jumped up from the table, and ran over to hug Chrissy and make sure she was feeling okay. Chrissy had to smile when she realised that they were all making sure to call her Sis.
They were soon sat at the table again and Amy and Amber filled the table with dishes of salad, grilled chicken, and fries. They all tried to get Chrissy to open up and join in the chatter at the dinner table, but she was quiet, and looked to be deep in thought about something, so they just let her work it out in her own way.
Once dinner was out the way, Becky and Chrissy went up to get ready for work, while Amy and Amber went up to change out of their work clothes and take a shower together. Jayden, Ann and Mandy set to work cleaning up the kitchen before Jayden and Ann went up to get cleaned up and changed out of their work clothes, and Mandy went to the living room to see what was on the TV.
Becky wasn’t sure that taking Chrissy to the club was the best thing to do, but she would feel better knowing that Chrissy was close by while she was in this sort of a mood. They were both soon ready for work, both wearing sexy looking cocktail dresses.
“I just look fat stood next to you now.” Becky said with a fake pout as she stood next to Chrissy looking in the full length mirror they had in the room.
“I think you look sexy still, and just a little pregnant.” Chrissy said as she turned and wrapped her arms around Becky. “You just have a little more to cuddle with at the minute, but I still love you with all my heart.” Chrissy added just before leaning in for a kiss.
“You know just what to say to make me feel better baby.” Becky purred when they stopped kissing. “We better see about heading down stairs, I bet Vicky is down there waiting for us.” Becky added looking at the clock.
Becky started to leave the room, but stopped when she felt a tug and realised that Chrissy hadn’t moved yet. Becky looked at Chrissy waiting for a reason. “Becky? You do believe that I’d never really mean to hurt you in any way, and I was just angry with you on Saturday?” Chrissy said with worry written all over her face.
“I know that Chrissy, and I wish I could find the words to make you believe me when I say that, but I also know that you will need some time to see it and relax again.” Becky said with a smile. “I was beginning to like the more grown up version of you but I have a feeling we won’t be seeing much of her again for the time being.” Becky added with a sad smile, as she ran her hand down the side of Chrissy’s cheek.
“I’ve nearly lost you, Killed our babies and I’ve lost being able to call Prue mum.” Chrissy said with a sigh. “It really sucks being a grown up, so I’ll just stick to being the plain old boring me from now on.” Chrissy added as she wrapped her arms around Becky and let her hug her back like you would a small worried child.
Becky just let out a small sigh as she hugged Chrissy. “I wish Prue had just left it well alone.” Becky thought to herself. “You may have lost Prue as a mum, but the other two are just you being silly. Hell, I even think the bit about Prue is just a misunderstanding.” Becky said out loud.
“I hope so. It’s not going to be easy for me going with you for a check up is it?” Chrissy said with a little hope that maybe Prue didn’t mean what Chrissy thought she did. “I could wait in the car, or you could start going while I’m at work.” Chrissy added, but was more thinking to herself out loud, more than she was saying it to Becky.
“I know you’re just being silly, so stop thinking about it until we’ve all sat down and spoke to Prue.” Becky said in a firm voice that told Chrissy all talk about the subject was now over until they talked to Prue.
Becky saw the same old smile Chrissy had when she was happy to let others have the final word, so Becky was soon leading a child like Chrissy down to the hallway to find Vicky stood with Mandy and the others.
Mandy must have told Vicky about all the trouble because they were all a little stunned to see Chrissy smiling and acting like her old self again. Chrissy gave them all a hug before she ran over to help Becky get out to Vicki’s car. Both girls got in the back and then turned to wave at the others while waiting for Vicky to get in and drive them to the club.
Prue had been busy all afternoon at her surgery seeing patients, and talking to people about cancer research that was being done. Kim had tried a couple of times to talk to Prue about stuff, but she was always talking on her mobile, or just finishing up a patients notes, so it was just after six in the evening when Kim finally got Prue to sit down long enough for her to have a word about Chrissy and what happened at the shop.
“Prue, do you mind if we have a quick chat about what happened at Mandy’s shop today?” Kim asked in a firm voice that told Prue she would whether she wanted to or not.
“Sure Kim, but I don’t have long. I have to go and meet a couple of doctors that are doing some amazing things with drugs that could slow down Greg’s cancer.” Prue said looking at her watch.
“I’ll try Prue, but I’ve been trying to talk to you all afternoon.” Kim said with frustration. “I’m not happy with what you said to Chrissy at the shop today. I warned you that she could take it all the wrong way, and sadly I was right.” Kim said with some anger in her voice.
“I’m sorry about that Kim, but Chrissy ran off to serve those customers before I had time to finish telling her off.” Prue said in a dismissive way. “I’ll let her know I still love her when I next see her, she’ll be fine.” Prue added in a matter of fact way.
“You may want to make it a little sooner than that Prue.” Kim said looking worried. “Chrissy may have misunderstood the way you said some things to her.” Kim added with a frown.
“In what way?” Prue asked with a puzzled look. “I was only trying to make her understand how upsetting Becky too much could hurt the babies.” Prue added defensively.
“As bad as I thought you made that sound Prue, I’m talking about how you started the chat when you first entered the shop.” Kim said with a frown.
“I’m not sure I’m following you Kim.” Prue still looked puzzled.
“Chrissy’s got it into her head that you don’t want her as a daughter anymore.” Kim said with a sigh. “Mandy called earlier and said that Chrissy was very upset about what you’d said to Chrissy, and she wanted to know why you’d disowned Chrissy over it all.” Kim added.
“I never said that, I just said...” Was all Prue said as she realised the way she’d worded everything as she first spoke with Chrissy. “I never meant it that way Kim.” Prue said looking horrified now she understood what Kim was telling her.
“I know that Prue, but you can see why Chrissy might have got the wrong idea about it all when you laid down the law about the way she treated Becky, and she never called you mum again while you were there.” Kim said looking sad.
“Yes I was upset with her Kim, but I could never disown the poor child over such a thing.” Prue said looking upset with herself now. “I’ll call in and sort it out with her after I’ve met with these people.” Prue added as she looked at her wrist watch to check the time.
“I better let you get off then, or you’ll be really late.” Kim said with a smile.
“Do you want me to drop you off at Mable’s?” Prue asked.
“No it’s alright, David’s picking me up so we can go and grab some diner then a movie.” Kim smiled.
“Okay, have fun, and I’ll see you in the morning at Mable’s.” Prue smiled back at Kim as she stood up and then gave her a hug. “Hopefully I’ll have some good news for Greg and Holly as well.” Prue added with a grin.
“That would be nice for them.” Kim smiled back at Prue just before she watched her pick up her purse and leave the surgery.
Prue went out to her car and got in; she was still worried about what she’d done to Chrissy. She’d got no idea that what she’d said to her would have made Chrissy think for one minute that she didn’t want her as a daughter anymore. With a sigh Prue put the car in gear and set off for her meeting. The two doctors had some good results from the first human trials of the drug they had come up with, and Prue was glad that they were willing to make Greg part of it, even if it did take a little help from Carl as well.
Once the meeting was over, Prue looked at the time before pointing her car in the direction of Mandy’s house, so she could go and sort out the trouble with Chrissy. She pulled into the driveway at Mandy’s then got out the car and walked up to the front door. Prue took a deep breath before she rang the bell and waited for someone to answer it.
Prue smiled at Mandy when she saw her open the door. Mandy had left the chain on as she wasn’t expecting anyone at this time of night. Vicky had already been and gone with Chrissy and Becky, so she looked a little worried as she poked her head around the door to look at her mum stood there.
Mandy was soon pushing the door closed again so she could take the chain off and let her mum into the house.
“If you’ve come to have another go at Chrissy you’re out of luck mum.” Mandy snapped as she let her mum into the house. “She’s working at the club for the next couple of night with Becky as punishment for running away again.” Mandy added as she stood in the hallway with her arms folded across her chest.
“I’ve not come to have another go at Chrissy; I’ve come to say sorry to her for the misunderstanding.” Prue said sounding just as harsh as Mandy had been talking to her. “And there’s no need for you to take that tone with me young lady.” Prue added in an even harsher tone.
“When it comes to protecting MY sister, I’ll speak to anyone just how I damn well please.” Mandy said through gritted teeth. “How the hell could you be so mean to Chrissy as to say you no longer wanted her as a daughter mum? Would you do the same to me if I upset you?” Mandy asked.
“That was just a simple misunderstanding Mandy. I could never do that to any of you.” Prue shot back at Mandy sounding just as angry as she had with her.
“Simple misunderstanding?” Mandy laughed, but it didn’t sound like she was very happy about it. “You left Chrissy in tears today, and she now thinks she’s not fit to be a parent. Why couldn’t you have just let it go mum?” Mandy asked with some pleading in her voice.
“I know I made a mistake coming to the shop now, but I just wanted the pair of them to stop acting so silly all the time.” Prue said close to tears now. “I never got time to finish talking to her Mandy. She ran off to serve a customer, and then another one came in, and I had to get off or I would have been late getting back to the surgery for my afternoon patients.” Prue added with a deep sigh.
As much as Mandy would have liked to stay angry with her mum, she just couldn’t stand to see her looking so upset, so she stepped over to her, and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry for shouting at you mum, but you didn’t have to look at Chrissy all afternoon.” Mandy said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry dear. Kim tried to warn me not to go there and have a go at her, but I just wanted to play the mother and stop all this silly behaviour.” Prue said, as she hugged Mandy back.
“I know you meant well mum, but when dealing with Chrissy you really need to sit her down and explain everything to her and make sure she understands what you’ve said.” Mandy said as she led Prue over to the living room to join the others on the sofas.
“Was Chrissy wrong about you not wanting her as your daughter anymore?” Amy asked as she jumped up and ran over to where Mandy was stood with her arm around Prue.
“I’m not even going to answer that question Amy.” Prue said with a look only a mother could give her daughter.
“Sorry for asking then mum.” Amy said with a grin as she wrapped her arms around Prue, happy that Chrissy still had two mums just like the rest of them did.
Prue was soon seated on one of the sofas between Amber and Amy. Prue then explained what had led to Chrissy thinking she’d been disowned and how she’d have come round sooner, but she’d had to go and meet some people to do with Greg’s cancer.
“Did you find out anything useful then mum?” Mandy asked looking hopeful.
“Yes I did, and I’ve managed to get Greg on a course of treatment. Thanks in part to some monetary incentive from Carl that is.” Prue said with a grin.
“It’s not illegal is it?” Amy asked looking worried.
“No, not really. Carl has just made a large donation to their research, and Greg will be helping them with the human testing side of things.” Prue said in a matter of fact way. “It won’t be a cure, don’t get me wrong, but I am hoping to give Greg a little longer than they said he’d have otherwise.” Prue added, not wanting to give any of the girls the impression that they could cure Greg’s cancer.
They changed the subject to lighter things after that, and it was soon late, so Prue sat up on the sofa ready to leave.
“I better see about getting off home.” Prue said with a sigh. “I’ll call round in the morning and speak to Chrissy before she leaves for work with you and Amy.” Prue added as she looked at Mandy sat facing her on one of the other sofas.
“Why don’t you stop the night mum? That way you can speak to Chrissy in the morning, and not worry about missing her again, driving back and forth.” Mandy offered.
“I don’t want to put you out dear, and don’t Chrissy and Becky sleep with you when Carl isn’t stopping over?” Prue said as she dismissed Mandy’s idea.
“Chrissy and Becky will be fine sleeping in their own bed tonight, and I doubt they’d come into my room anyway. They’d be too worried about waking me up.” Mandy said with some pleading for her mum to take her up on the offer.
“What if they do come and get in your bed Mandy?” Prue asked as she tried to work out if Mandy’s bed was big enough to get four of them in it.
“I think your car being parked out on the drive will be a big clue as to there being someone else sleeping in my bed.” Mandy said with a grin.
Prue was feeling very tired, so she gave up trying to talk Mandy out of having her stop the night. “Alright then Mandy, you’ve talked me into it.” Prue smiled as she sat back again, so Amber and Amy could cuddle up to her some more.
Chrissy and Becky got to the club and made their way into the club and up towards the VIP section where they saw Brad stood talking with Frank. Becky suddenly remembered that she needed to have a word with Chrissy and Carl/Carla about helping Brad sort out a ring and the best way to go about asking Ann to marry him.
“Damn! I knew I had to talk to you about something.” Becky said as they got closer to where Brad and Frank were stood.
“What’s wrong baby?” Chrissy asked looking worried that she might have done something wrong already.
“Don’t look so worried, it’s nothing you’ve done, but I do need your help sorting something out.” Becky smiled, as she gripped Chrissy’s arm a little tighter. “Let’s walk around the club rather than going up to the VIP section right away.” Becky said, as she led Chrissy off in a different direction so she could explain what her and Brad had talked about that morning.
“So how can I help?” Chrissy asked with a grin. She loved it when something needed planning out for someone.
“I was talking to Brad this Morning and he’s going to ask Ann to marry him, but he wants us to help him plan it all out.” Becky said grinning. “I’m going to go with him to get a ring, but he’s going to ask Amy for Ann’s hand in marriage, but I said you and Carl would be the best two to ask about how to pop the question.” Becky added as she looked at Chrissy.
Chrissy let out a squeal as she started jumping up and down on the spot and clapping her hands together. Becky had to calm her down, or the whole club would know before Ann did at this rate.
“Chrissy, Chrissy, calm down will you.” Becky said in a lowered voice trying to get Chrissy to stop jumping up and down. “We need this to be a surprise for Ann.” Becky added as she looked around at the small number of people stood around watching them.
“Sorry, but it’s just so exciting to hear that Brad is finally going to pop the big question to Ann.” Chrissy said in a whisper.
“I know its great news baby, but I need you to come up with a great way for Brad to ask her, but not let her catch on beforehand.” Becky said as she started walking around the club again.
Chrissy let Becky lead her round the club sorting out a couple of little problems as they walked, and she started thinking of a good way for Brad to ask Ann to marry him, and let all them be around when he did. They were soon heading towards the VIP section and Becky was hoping that Chrissy had some ideas to give Brad.
“Hi boss, boss.” Brad said as he gave first Becky and then Chrissy a little nod and smiled at them both.
“I’m not your boss Brad.” Chrissy said with a little giggle.
“You are while you’re playing trainee hostess Chrissy.” Brad said with a grin. “Has Becky had time to ask you about helping me?” Brad asked with hope in his eyes as he looked at Chrissy.
“Yes she has, and I’m still working out details, but I’ll need to have a word with Carl or Carla before I can get back to you.” Chrissy said with a grin. “It’s about time you two took things a little further.” Chrissy added with an even bigger grin as she nudged Brad with her elbow and winked at him.
“Thanks Chrissy, I just hope she says yes when I ask her.” Brad said looking worried all of a sudden.
“Get real Brad, do you really expect her to say anything else to you.” Chrissy said with a roll of the eyes and a look that said Brad had lost his marbles.
“True, I guess you’re right boss.” Brad chuckled as he nudged Chrissy back and almost sent her flying into a couple of customers as they were walking past. “Sorry boss. Don’t know my own strength.” Brad added looking worried again as he grabbed Chrissy’s arm to stop her falling over.
“Don’t worry about it Brad, I’m getting use to being pushed around at the minute.” Chrissy said with a smile, but Brad could see that there was more to what Chrissy just said than she was letting on.
“Everything okay Chrissy? You don’t seem like your normal self.” Brad asked.
“I’m fine Brad, but thanks for asking anyway.” Chrissy replied with another smile.
Brad just looked at her funny. “I’m not buying it Chrissy, so tell me what’s wrong.” Brad pushed.
“She had a falling out with Prue over what happened between the two of us last week,” Becky said with a sigh.
“Sorry to hear that Chrissy, but I’m sure Prue was just worried about the two of you.” Brad said as he put a hand on Chrissy’s shoulder and smiled at her.
“She said I wasn’t her daughter anymore, so I’m not sure if she’s worried about me at all anymore” Chrissy said looking a little depressed about it.
“Oh, that’s a little harsh. Sorry to hear that.” Brad said looking shocked at what Prue had done. “Do you want me to have a word with Frank and see if I can get him to talk some sense into Prue for you?” Brad asked.
“No need for that Brad.” Becky said. “We’re all sure that it’s just a misunderstanding between Prue and Chrissy. Mandy’s already said that she would have a word with Prue anyway.” Becky said in a dismissive way.
“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding as well Becky. I can’t see Prue being that mean over what happened between the two of you.” Brad said agreeing with Becky.
“Come on Baby we better let Brad get on with his job, and we need to go and find Carla, so we can plan out this surprise for Ann.” Becky said with a grin as she started leading Chrissy up into the VIP section in search of Carla.
They didn’t find Carla, but Carl was up in the VIP section talking with Vicky and a couple of other girls. Becky led Chrissy over to them so they could say hello.
“Hi Carl, didn’t think we’d be seeing you in here tonight, couldn’t Carla make it?” Becky asked with a smile as they got to the spot Carl was stood.
“Hello Becky, Chrissy. I must say you’re both looking as beautiful as ever.” Carl smiled as he looked the two girls up and down. “How are you feeling Chrissy? Vicky was just telling me about the trouble with Prue.” Carl asked looking worried.
“I’m fine Carl.” Chrissy said with a smile that didn’t show the way Chrissy was really feeling about what Prue had said to her, but she wasn’t going to start talking about it again.
“I’m glad to hear that Chrissy.” Carl smiled again. “I had a late meeting, so just came straight here. I’m not stopping, but just wanted to call in and make sure everything was okay again between the two of you, and I can see it is.” Carl said with a grin this time.
“Before you leave again Carl, can you sit and have a chat with Chrissy and myself about something?” Becky asked.
“Sure, just let me know when you’re ready to talk, and I’ll come over and sit with you.” Carl said without hesitation.
“We’re just going to grab a drink from the bar, then we’ll be sat over there when you’re done talking to your friends.” Becky smiled. “Sorry to have bothered you ladies.” Becky added as she smiled at the two customers and Vicky stood with Carl.
Becky had just sat herself and Chrissy down on hers and Carl’s private sofa section when Carl and Vicky walked over to sit down facing them.
“Okay then Becky, Chrissy; what do you want to talk to me about?” Carl asked.
“First I need you to swear to keep this between us until we spring it on Ann.” Becky said looking very serious as she said it.
“Okay Becky, but what is it we’re swearing too in the first place?” Carl asked in a whisper as he leaned across the table sat between his sofa and the one Chrissy and Becky were sat on.
“Brad came to me this morning while I was washing the breakfast dishes and asked me to help him propose to Ann.” Becky said with a grin.
“That’s great Becky, what can I do to help?” Carl asked looking excited.
“I’m going to go with Brad tomorrow, so he can sort out the ring, but I’ve got no idea on how he can go about asking her. I’ve left that part with Chrissy, but she’s not had much time to think about it, what with all the trouble she had with Prue, and she was very upset about it when she got home from work.” Becky said with a sad smile as she held Chrissy’s hand in hers.
“I’ve had one idea, and I think it would be the easiest way for Brad to spring it on Ann without her realising what he’s about to do.” Chrissy said with a grin. “I was thinking of having a barbecue at home and inviting all our friends and family, then Brad can ask her while we’re all there to see it.” Chrissy added. Chrissy sat nibbling on her bottom lip as she was nervous that none of them would think her plan any good.
“I think that’s a great idea Chrissy. All I could think of was to send them out for a nice candle lit dinner, but Ann would know something was cracking off right away. No your idea is by far the best way to go.” Carl said looking pleased with Chrissy’s thoughts on it all.
Carl pulled his mobile out and scrolled down a list of names on it and then pulled out a business card and wrote down an address on the back before handing it over to Becky.
“Take Brad to see them people, and tell them that I sent you. There the best jewellers in London. Don’t worry about the cost, tell Brad that it’s my treat for all the hard work he does for me.” Carl said as he handed the card over to Becky.
“Thanks Carl, but are you sure about this? “ Becky asked looking shocked. “How much can he spend?” Becky asked.
“I’ll call them first thing in the morning and tell them to be expecting you both, and not to worry about cost.” Carl said in a firm voice. “You and Brad won’t even get to see the cost of anything they show you. Just make sure Brad picks out the ring he wants for Ann.” Carl added sounding just as firm.
“Thank you Carl. I know that Brad will want to thank you as well.” Becky said with a smile.
“Don’t tell him until you get to the shop though.” Carl chuckled. “Can I leave you to sort out a list of what you’ll need to get the barbecue sorted out Chrissy?” Carl asked with an even bigger grin.
“Sure Carl, but do you mind if I get a bouncy castle for the kids to play on?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“By kids, do you mean Cathleen and Kat, or you, Amy and Amber?” Carl asked with a grin.
“Cathleen and Kat of course, but Amy, Amber and myself will have to make sure they're safe while using it.” Chrissy said with a grin as she realised that Carl had read straight through her plan to have some fun with Cathleen and Kat.
“Get whatever you need Chrissy, just like you do when sorting out the kid’s birthday parties for the hotel staff.” Carl said with even more chuckles now he knew what Chrissy really wanted the bouncy castle for.
“Thanks Carl, this will be the best barbecue ever.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“I expect nothing less from you Chrissy.” Carl smiled. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to head back to the hotel and grab some dinner before turning in for an early night.” Carl added as he stood up and smiled at them all before leaving the club. Vicky had gotten up and gone with Carl so she could drive him to the hotel.
“We better get back to work as well baby, or there wouldn’t have been any point in you coming to work tonight.” Becky said as she went to get up off the sofa, but Chrissy was up before her, helping to get Becky on her feet again.
Becky was soon being asked to sort out a problem at one of the bars down in the main club, and Chrissy went with her, but while Becky was sorting out one problem she spotted another one so she went to sort that out and soon Chrissy was wandering around like a hostess would sorting out little problems and then reporting back to Becky to let her know what she’d done. Becky was impressed with Chrissy’s work, and she had Mark one of the bouncers shadow Chrissy just to make sure she didn’t get any trouble from the customers.
Chrissy only had one spot of trouble all night, and that never really happened as Mark saw that a guy was about to grab Chrissy’s backside and he stopped him before he ever touched her. Chrissy turned around to see Mark with the guy in a neck hold as he waited for another couple of bouncers to come and escort him out the club.
Chrissy smiled at Mark just before she spoke to him. “Thanks Mark, but I could have sorted him out myself.”
“I’m sure you could boss, but I like to see some action every now and then.” Mark said with a grin.
Chrissy found a couple of things for Mark to help her sort out as the night went on, and he enjoyed getting a chance to do more than just stand around looking menacing. One of the things Chrissy saw was a man putting something in a girl’s drink, so Mark had him taken off to one side while Frank called the police and had him taken away.
Becky turned up just after the police were called, and Chrissy could see the worry in Becky’s eyes. “I’m fine baby. I just spotted him spiking a girl’s drink and let Mark sort it out.” Chrissy said, as she pointed up at Mark stood beside her.
“You’re doing a good job Mark, keep it up.” Becky smiled warmly at him.
“I’m just doing what the boss tells me boss,” Mark said with a puzzled look as he realised what he just said. “You know what I mean.” He added with a chuckle.
“Just treat her with the same respect you’d show me Mark, and all will be just fine.” Becky said with a grin.
“That goes without saying boss. Chrissy is really good at doing this.” Mark added with pride.
“Thank you Mark, I am trying my best.” Chrissy smiled.
“That’s all any of us can do.” Mark offered in return.
Chrissy knew that Becky had been scared when she’d heard about some girl having her drink spiked, as she wouldn’t let Chrissy walk around the club without her after that. Not that it bothered Chrissy having Becky walking next to her. Mark was joined by Paul another bouncer and the two large men kept a keen eye out for any more trouble.
The man that had spiked the girl’s drink was taken away and charged. Luckily the girl didn’t have any of the drink thanks to Chrissy seeing what the man was doing as he did it. Chrissy got a couple of hugs from the girl as the night went on, she was very grateful for what Chrissy had done.
“Looks like you’ve made a new friend baby.” Becky said after the second round of hugs the girl gave her.
“She’s just grateful Becky. She doesn’t mean anything to me.” Chrissy said looking worried that Becky was going to get upset with her over the girl hugging her all the time.
“I know that Chrissy, don’t look so worried.” Becky giggled. “I’ve told you that I’m over getting jealous anymore. I trust you to love only me.” Becky added with a big grin.
Chrissy stopped walking and turned to look Becky in the eyes before she leaned in and kissed her right in the middle of the club. When they broke the kiss everyone around them had stopped what they were doing to watch the free floor show. Chrissy went a little red in the face and was soon walking off very fast and dragging Becky along behind her. They stopped when they got to the VIP section and fell on a sofa in a fit of giggles.
Becky was glad to be closing up the club at the end of the night, she just wanted to take Chrissy home and cuddle up to her in bed for a couple of hours. Vicky drove them both home and Chrissy let out a grown when they pulled into the driveway and saw Prue’s car parked next to Mandy’s.
“Can’t we go and book into a hotel baby?” Chrissy asked with a pleading look on her face as she cuddled up to Becky in the back of Vicki’s car, not wanting to get out when Vicky pulled up to a stop in front of the house.
“No, and stop being silly.” Becky said, as she opened the back door and got out pulling Chrissy out the same side. “I bet mum came over to sort out the misunderstanding and ended up stopping the night.” Becky added as she started pulling Chrissy towards the house.
Vicky sat in her car smiling at Becky as she pulled a stubborn looking Chrissy over to the front door and then pushed her into the house before turning to wave at Vicky and let her know they were safely in the house. Vicky waved back and then drove off to go and get some sleep herself.
“Let’s go and have a drinking chocolate before we go up to bed.” Becky said, as she pulled Chrissy towards the kitchen.
Chrissy was slow to enter the kitchen as she thought Prue was going to be sat at the kitchen table waiting to have another go at her, but the kitchen was empty. Chrissy relaxed and let Becky lead her over to the table, but Chrissy refused to sit down.
“I’ll help you make the drinks baby.” Chrissy said as she started getting the mugs out the cupboard for the two of them. “I’m not going to give Prue anymore reasons to say I’m not a fit person to be with you.” Chrissy added.
“You’re being silly again my love.” Becky said, as she walked up behind Chrissy and wrapped her arms around her from behind and started kissing Chrissy on the neck.
“Do you still love me Becky?” Chrissy asked as she looked over her shoulder.
“I’ll always love you Chrissy.” Becky looked Chrissy in the eyes and then they started kissing each other. Chrissy turned around so she could wrap her arms around Becky and give her a proper kiss.
Once they stopped kissing they got the drinks made, and then sat at the kitchen table to enjoy them. Becky could see that Chrissy was still worried about something.
“You still worried about what mum will say to you in the morning?” Becky asked.
“No, not really. Prue will say what she wants to say. Worrying won’t change the outcome will it?” Chrissy said with a shrug.
“What’s got you looking so troubled then Baby?” Becky asked with a pout.
Chrissy looked to be trying to work out how to say what she was thinking about at first, but she soon spoke up. “Do you ever think you made a mistake marrying me?” Chrissy asked as she looked down at the table and kept spinning her mug around in her hands.
“NO! Not for one second.” Becky said without even thinking about it. “Do you ever think you did?” Becky asked with worry in her voice.
“No, not ever. You’re the best thing to ever come into my life Becky.” Chrissy smiled as she let a tear roll down her cheek. “I’ve just been wondering if I’m not really the kind person I thought I was after hearing what Prue thought of me.” Chrissy added with a sigh.
“Now I know you’re just being silly.” Becky said in a stern tone of voice. “Is this just to do with what mum said, or is there more to it than that?” Becky asked.
“What Prue said didn’t help, but I’ve been thinking about it for some time now.” Chrissy let out another sigh. “The thing with the photos and how quick you were to think I cheated on you, and the worry that I’m going to fail as a parent. Then Prue walked into the shop today and may as well have accused me of trying to kill our babies.” Chrissy was softly crying by this point. “I just don’t feel like a very good person right now.”
“I’m sorry for adding to all the worry you already have Chrissy, but I’m just as scared as you are. I think all parents-to-be have the same worries.” Becky said, as she slid closer to Chrissy and pulled her into a hug. “I know I’m the lucky one to have found you Chrissy. The reason I keep getting so jealous over you is because I worry you’ll see you can do much better than me, and I’ll lose you.” Becky finally owned up to her own fears.
“What ever makes you think I’d want anyone else?” Chrissy asked looking hurt at Becky’s comment.
“I guess I’ve always felt like that.” Becky said with a shrug. “Ever since Mandy took you to get that first makeover just after you were stabbed all those years ago.” Becky added as she hugged Chrissy even tighter, thinking of all the worry she went through back then thinking that Chris was dead.
Chrissy found herself thinking back to that time, and how Becky had returned to Mable’s thinking that Chrissy looked far too beautiful to ever want her. “I remember that, but I’m still here with you, and I don’t have any plans to run off.” Chrissy smiled.
“I know you are baby, but I still think you could do so much better than me with how beautiful you look now.” Becky had tears running down her cheeks now.
“Now who’s being silly?” Chrissy said with a little giggle as she hugged Becky even tighter. “The only people that stand any chance of winning my love away from you are the little things growing inside you right now.” Chrissy added as she broke the hug and put her hands on Becky’s belly.
“That’s one fight I’ll be glad to lose my love.” Becky smiled as tears ran down her cheeks.
They both finished their drinks and then Chrissy rinsed out the cups before helping Becky get up to their room, so they could get ready for bed. Chrissy was soon cuddled up to Becky in their own bed, she fell asleep wondering what would happen at breakfast in the morning when she had to face Prue again.
By SaraUK
Part 20
Prue woke and had to smile when she found Mandy still fast asleep cuddled up to her just like she used to as a child, when she would sneak in through the night. Prue slipped out from under Mandy’s arm and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before Mandy got up and needed the bathroom herself.
“Morning mum, I hope you slept okay!” Prue heard Mandy shout as she entered the bathroom herself.
“Good morning dear. I slept really well, just what the doctor ordered!” Prue giggled. “I’ll be done in a minute. Sorry for throwing out your routine.” Prue added.
“Don’t worry about it mum. I’ve sorted you out with some clothes to wear; I left them on the bed along with some underwear.” Mandy said.
“Thanks dear, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Prue said sounding happy to have Mandy as a daughter. Prue was happy to have all the girl’s now even if she did have to sort out the misunderstanding with Chrissy.
Mandy got in the shower when her mum got out, so Prue set about getting dressed while Mandy was showering. Prue liked to get dressed before having breakfast, where as Mandy always ate breakfast before getting dressed. This meant that they were both ready to head down for breakfast at the same time.
Amy and Amber were already downstairs making a pot of tea and sorting out what they needed to make breakfast when Prue and Mandy entered the kitchen.
“Good morning mum, Mandy.” Amy said as she ran over to give them both a hug.
“Good morning Amy, Amber.” Prue said as she hugged Amy back and then looked over at Amber as she sorted out putting down all the things she’d just got out the fridge before she walked over to also give Prue and Mandy a hug as well.
“Morning Mum, Mandy.” Amber smiled as she hugged them too. “There’s a pot of tea on the table, and breakfast will be ready shortly.” Amber added as she took hold of Amy’s hand and led her back over to carry on sorting out breakfast.
Mandy had said good morning to Amy and Amber before walking over to the table and helping her mum to take a seat, then she set to work pouring them both a cup of tea out. Mandy asked if Amy and Amber wanted one, but they were both sharing a glass of juice as they sorted out breakfast.
“Do you think Chrissy will be down soon?” Prue asked eager to get the trouble from yesterday sorted out.
“Normally I’d say yes, but with her working at the club with Becky last night, it could be some time before we see her down here.” Mandy offered as a reason for them not seeing Chrissy already in the kitchen helping Amy and Amber with breakfast.
Prue looked up just then as she saw the kitchen door open but it was Ann and Jayden walking in talking to each other about hotel stuff. They all said good morning to each other, and Prue smiled when she saw Amy run over and hug the two new comers just like she’d done with her and Mandy.
Amy was soon running back over to carry on helping Amber with breakfast, while Ann and Jayden walked over and took a seat at the kitchen table. Mandy already had two cups of tea ready for Ann and Jayden by the time they sat down.
Ann hugged her mug of tea in her hands and then drank from it like it was the best cup of tea she’d ever had. “MMM thanks Mandy that feels really good.” Ann said with a sigh.
“Ann doesn’t function well until she’s had her first cup of tea remember.” Mandy said with a giggle as she reminded her mum.
“Yes, I remember.” Prue also giggled as she remembered it from the times she’d stopped over while Chrissy was on her little holiday.
“We can’t all wake up full of life like other members of the family.” Ann said with a frown as she looked over her shoulder at Amy and Amber dancing around to a song on the radio.
Amy and Amber had heard what Ann said, so they both turned to look at Ann just before they both stuck their tongues out at her. Ann just giggled at them before doing the same, and then she lifted her mug to her lips to take another large sip from it.
Prue found herself giggling even more as she watched the girl’s playing around with each other. Her attention was soon turning back to Mandy though, when she heard Mandy asking her a question.
“How are things going between you and Frank mum?” Mandy asked with a smile. Mandy could see that her mum was eager to talk with Chrissy, and she wanted to try and keep her mum from worrying too much.
“They're great, he so understands when I have to work long hours, and he always has time for me when I need him.” Prue said before she realised what she’d said.
Mandy and the others all stopped what they were doing when they heard Prue speaking. They all started to giggle when they saw Prue’s cheeks turn a deep shade of red.
“That Frank is such a dark horse.” Ann said with a grin just before taking another sip from her mug of tea.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just...” Prue couldn’t think of what she could say, that wouldn’t make it sound even worse, so she just shut her mouth and then picked her own mug of tea up and took a sip from it.
“Don’t worry about it mum.” Mandy smiled. “We’re just glad to see you looking so happy, and Frank seems to be enjoying life a lot more now days as well.” Mandy added with an even bigger smile.
“Brad was telling me just the other day that Frank’s not as grumpy with the other guys at the club anymore, so keep up the good work.” Ann said with a grin.
“I plan to.” Prue said with a smirk, just before lifting her mug up to her lips again.
“I gather you and Callum got all your problems sorted out the other night as well?” Mandy asked Jayden.
“Yes we did.” Jayden replied with a big grin on her face as she thought about getting to spend the night with her very special boy/girl friend. “I’m not sure how he got on at work yesterday though. He had to leave hear wearing some of my underwear.” Jayden added the last bit for Prue, due to the puzzled look Prue was giving her.
“Why was he wearing your underwear Jayden, if you don’t mind me asking?” Prue asked looking very interested.
“Chrissy invited him over Sunday night for some dinner with us all, so she could say sorry for some trouble she’d caused on Saturday.” Jayden didn’t want to drag up the whole marriage was over thing again. “But it was Kara that turned up, not Callum.” Jayden added with a grin.
“Kara is Callum’s female name mum.” Mandy said, just in case Prue didn’t already know that.
“I’d worked that out dear.” Prue said with a knowing smile. “That still doesn’t explain the underwear thing though Jayden.” Prue pushed her on to complete the story.
“In his eagerness to have an adventure and get over here to see me, Callum forgot to pack any clothes for himself.” Jayden said still grinning about it all. “Well I talked him into stopping the night, and we never gave any thought to him going to work the next day.” Jayden added with a giggle. “Luckily Carl had a spare suit he could use, and I had some thick woolly socks that helped him get in a pair of Carl’s shoes. The only thing we couldn’t give him was male underwear, so he ended up wearing some of mine.” Jayden smiled.
“If he’s going out fully dressed now days, then I can’t see as wearing your underwear is going to worry him.” Prue said with a shrug just before taking another sip from her cup.
“He still looked nervous when he left, and he told me that it scares him to think about being found out at work.” Jayden said.
“I can understand that with the way people are losing their jobs at the minute.” Prue replied.
Chrissy woke to the soft touch of Becky’s lips on hers. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Becky’s deep brown eyes looking at her.
“Morning baby, sorry to wake you, but it’s time to get up.” Becky said with a pout. “That is unless you’re planning to take the day off and keep me company?” Becky asked with a little hope seeping into her voice.
“Morning lover.” Chrissy said with a smile as she had a stretch. “As good as that idea sounds. I don’t think Brad would be very happy when he turns up for you later and we’re still in bed.” Chrissy added with a raised eyebrow.
“Trust you to shoot holes in my ideas.” Becky said just before leaning in to get another kiss from Chrissy before getting out of bed.
Chrissy stopped Becky from getting up by wrapping her arms around her. “We could stay here for a little longer though.” Chrissy said.
“No we can’t. I need to feed you before you leave for work with Mandy and Amy.” Becky said in a firm voice as she tried to pull herself free from Chrissy’s grip.
“I’m not hungry this morning, so we can relax for a little longer, or maybe we can take a bubble bath together?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful this time.
Becky looked at Chrissy with suspicion, then it hit her just what Chrissy was trying to do. “You’re just trying to get out of going down and facing mum!” Becky said as she pushed herself away from Chrissy and got out of bed. “What happened to the, I’m not going to worry about what Prue has to say’?” Becky asked mockingly.
“I don’t know. Maybe I was feeling a lot braver last night when I said that.” Chrissy still wasn’t showing any sign of moving out of bed yet as she said it.
“If you don’t get that cute little butt of yours out of bed and moving towards the bathroom, so I can help you get clean, so we can then go and get some breakfast.” Becky said as she pulled the covers back and stood with her hands on her hips waiting. “I’ll have to drag you out of bed and down stairs, and I’m not sure if that’s going to be very good for me or the babies.” Becky added, as she stepped forward and went to grab Chrissy’s arm.
“Okay, okay, I’m getting up.” Chrissy said as she sat up in bed and flung her legs over the edge. “That’s blackmail you know.” Chrissy added with a huff.
“You can call it whatever you want baby.” Becky smiled as she helped Chrissy to stand up. “Now let’s go and make sure we clean all them little hard to reach places.” Becky added with a purr just before kissing Chrissy again.
Chrissy felt a lot more relaxed when she got back to the bedroom after taking a shower with Becky. Chrissy also felt very clean as well.
“Are you not going to have breakfast before you get dressed?” Becky asked Chrissy when she saw her starting to sort out her work clothes.
“No, I’m already running late as it is Becky, if I go down and have breakfast then come back up to get dress, I’ll never get to see my mum and dad before we need to get to the shop.” Chrissy said as she looked at the time.
“I think you’re just trying to find reasons to not go down and talk to our mum.” Becky said with her hands on her hips looking unimpressed with Chrissy’s excuse. “Now put down that blouse and put your bathrobe back on. You’re having breakfast before you get dressed.” Becky added in a bossy voice as she picked up Chrissy’s bathrobe and held it open for her to slip on.
“Please Becky; don’t argue with me about this. I’m already running late as it is.” Chrissy whined.
“Well the sooner you stop being silly and put this on.” Becky shuck the bathrobe as she spoke. “The sooner we go and get some breakfast.” Becky added with a smile.
Chrissy just let out a sigh and laid the blouse back down on the bed before slipping her hands into the bathrobe and letting Becky turn her around so she could wrap it around the front and tie the belt off to keep it shut.
“Don’t look at me like that either.” Becky said when she saw the look Chrissy shot at her. “Mandy and Amy will still be wearing their bathrobes as well, so you won’t be keeping them waiting.” Becky added with a grin, just before giving Chrissy a quick peck on the cheek and dragging her out the bedroom and down to the kitchen.
Chrissy stopped just outside the kitchen and took a couple of deep breaths before letting Becky drag her into the kitchen.
Prue looked at the kitchen door when she saw it swing open and then she watched as Becky walked into the room dragging Chrissy along just behind her.
“Good morning Becky, Chrissy.” Prue said with a smile as she looked at each of them.
“Morning mum. It’s nice to find you here for breakfast.” Becky smiled back at Prue. “Morning everyone!” Becky added as she looked around the room.
“Morning Prue.” Chrissy mumbled as she stayed glued to Becky’s side as they stood just inside the kitchen. “I hope you don’t mind me calling you Prue?” Chrissy asked looking a little worried that even using her first name might be too personal still.
“I’d rather you not Chrissy. I want to...” Was all Prue got out before Chrissy spoke again cutting her off mid sentence.
“Sorry Mrs Walker.” Chrissy said, but then she suddenly looked up again with anger. “No, that’s a lie, I’m not sorry” Chrissy spat out as she looked Prue in the eyes. “I think you were dead wrong yesterday, I’d never do anything to hurt Becky on purpose. I know I was wrong to say what I did on Saturday, but I was hurting and not thinking straight, but we got it all sorted out.” Chrissy spilled out in one long sentence
Prue went to speak again, but Chrissy wasn’t done yet, so Prue just sat there and let her get it off her chest.
“You can think what you want of me, but I will be here for Becky and the babies.” Chrissy was close to tears now she’d spoke her mind. “I know you don’t think much of me anymore, and I can’t say I blame you, but I will be here until Becky’s had enough of me no matter what you think.” Chrissy added, not really feeling any better for saying it.
Prue and all the others were stood or sat with stunned looks on their faces. None of them thought Chrissy had it in her to stand up to Prue, or anyone for that matter, but she just had.
Chrissy turned to leave the kitchen not feeling very hungry anymore. And she really wasn’t in the mood to sit and play nice with Mandy’s mum. Becky wouldn’t let go of Chrissy’s arm to let her leave the room.
“Please let me go Becky, I don’t want any breakfast now.” Chrissy said as she tried to tug her arm free of Becky’s grip.
“No Chrissy. You will sit down and have some breakfast, or I’ll come with you and go without.” Becky said looking stubborn about it.
“That’s fighting dirty Becky and you know it.” Chrissy said with a frown, but she let Becky lead her over to the table and they both sat down.
“Chrissy, can I please have a word with you now?” Prue asked in a calm voice, not wanting to upset Chrissy any more than she already had.
“Why, did you forget something yesterday?” Chrissy asked sounding very sarcastic.
“Chrissy! Will you please shut up and let mum speak to you.” Mandy barked at Chrissy through gritted teeth.
Chrissy was about to tell Mandy that Prue wasn’t her mum anymore, but she stopped when she saw the look Mandy was giving her, so Chrissy just sat looking at Prue waiting to hear what she’d got to say.
“Thank you Mandy.” Prue said as she looked over at Mandy and smiled. “Chrissy I want to clear up the misunderstanding from yesterday, and again this morning.” Prue started. “I used poor wording yesterday when I came to the shop and spoke to you. I never meant to let you think I didn’t want you as a daughter anymore, and I would never think you able to hurt Becky on purpose.” Prue said with some pleading in her voice.
“It all seemed pretty clear to me.” Chrissy said, but stopped speaking again when she felt Becky squeeze her hand under the table.
“Like I said Chrissy, I used poor wording to get my point across. I’m just worried that all the upset and stress could do more damage than you realise.” Prue was pleading even more now as she spoke. “I just don’t want to see the pair of you get hurt like that.”
“Why did you say that you didn’t want me to call you Prue then just now?” Chrissy asked still looking puzzled by it all.
“You never let me finish speaking Chrissy. I was about to say I would still like you to call me mum.” Prue said with a smile. “You never gave me time to finish talking to you yesterday either, but that is more my fault than yours.” Prue added. “It wasn’t one of my better ideas, coming to see you while at work.” Prue shrugged in such a way that said she was only human and prone to making mistakes.
Chrissy sat looking at Prue, and then she looked around the table before looking down at her lap as she realised just how foolish she felt now, after her little outburst.
“So you really still want me to call you mum then?” Chrissy asked still looking down at her own lap.
“Yes” Prue said in a firm voice.
“And you don’t hate me?” Chrissy asked.
“No, not even a little bit.” Prue chuckled.
“I’m sorry for calling you Prue just now then mum.” Chrissy said as she looked up at Prue sat across the table from her.
“I have warned you in the past about that.” Prue said looking a little angry with Chrissy. “But come and give me a hug and I’ll let you off this time.” Prue added as she sat back and held her arms open for Chrissy to come and get a hug.
Chrissy jumped up and ran around the table before falling onto Prue’s lap and letting her wrap Chrissy in a warm embrace. “I’m sorry mum, I’m so sorry for disappointing you.” Chrissy said as she started sobbing into Prue’s shoulder.
“You could never disappoint me Chrissy. I’m just a little sad you could think me able to disown you so easily.” Prue sighed as she hugged Chrissy.
“Is everything good again now?” Mandy asked as she watched Chrissy hugging her mum.
“Yes, everything is good again.” Prue said with a smile, as she stroked the back of Chrissy’s hair while she sobbed.
Becky got up and walked around the table to get Chrissy back to her seat so they could all eat their breakfast. Prue filled Chrissy and Becky in on what she’d found out about some cancer research being done into the kind of Cancer Greg had. This made Chrissy smile when she was told it could add a little time to Greg’s life.
“I don’t want you to go pinning all your hope on this new drug Chrissy. Nothing can be guaranteed when it comes to cancer.” Prue warned when she saw how excited Chrissy was getting over the news.
“I know that mum, but any extra time I can get with my dad will be great.” Chrissy said with a grin. “You’re so amazing mum.” Chrissy added with an even bigger grin.
Prue smiled, hearing Chrissy say that. “I’d have come round to see you last night straight from the surgery, but I had to meet with these people, and they don’t like to be held up, or put off. I hope you understand that Chrissy.” Prue said.
“Don’t worry about it mum, I understand fully why you couldn’t get round last night before I left for work with Becky.” Chrissy said as she waved off Prue’s excuse.
Once they had finished breakfast and all had a second cup of tea, Mandy, Amy and Chrissy all went up to get dressed while Ann and Jayden left for work after giving all the others a hug. Prue helped Becky wash and dry the dishes while she waited for the others to come back down stairs.
“I’m sorry for all the trouble you must have had with Chrissy last night.” Prue said as she dried a plate.
“Don’t worry about it mum, I’m just happy that it was all a misunderstanding.” Becky smiled. “Chrissy was heartbroken when she thought you’d disowned her.” Becky added looking sad.
“I got a good telling off from Kim about it when she finally stopped me long enough to tell me I’d upset Chrissy. I was in two minds whether to go and meet them research people, or come here and sort things out with Chrissy. Prue said with a frown.
“I think Chrissy was glad you went to see the research people.” Becky giggled.
“Yes, it did look that way.” Prue also giggled when she thought about how excited Chrissy had got over the news.
“Are things back to normal between the two of you again now?” Prue asked.
“Even better mum, I cleared the air and also explained the reasons for my behaviour.” Becky sighed. “Chrissy said I was being silly.” Becky added with a giggle.
“I think Chrissy is an expert in silly.” Prue said with a grin.
“I can’t argue with that mum.” Becky giggled some more.
Chrissy had just stepped out of her and Becky’s bedroom when she heard Amy scream her name and come running down the hallway towards her. “Hi Big sister Chrissy. You feeling okay again now?” Amy asked as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
“Hello baby sister.” Chrissy giggled as she hugged Amy back. “Yes I’m feeling fine again now.” Chrissy added as she looked Amy in the eyes with a smile.
“I was shocked and impressed when you stood up to mum down stairs earlier. I didn’t know you had it in you.” Amy said looking very proud of Chrissy.
“I was very impressed too.” Came Mandy’s voice from just behind them. Both Chrissy and Amy turned their heads to see Mandy stood in the doorway to her bedroom smiling at them. “You got room for one more in that hug?” Mandy asked with a pout.
“We can always make room for one more sis.” Chrissy said with a grin as her and Amy opened up the hug so Mandy could join it.
“I can’t think of a better way to start the day than to get a hug of two of my sisters.” Mandy smiled as she let Chrissy and Amy wrap their arms around her, as she did the same to them.
Prue and Becky were sat at the kitchen table chatting about babies when Chrissy, Amy and Mandy entered the kitchen giggling at each other. Prue looked up and smiled when she saw how much happier Chrissy looked now, to how she looked when she first came down with Becky earlier.
Becky walked them all to the door so she could see them off before she went to get ready for when Brad came round to pick her up. She and Chrissy had left saying anything to any of the others until Brad and Becky turned up at the shop to ask Amy for her sister’s hand in marriage. Chrissy and Becky were both looking forward to seeing the look on Amy’s face when Brad asked her.
Prue walked over to her car chatting to Mandy and Amy, so Chrissy could say a proper goodbye to Becky. “We better keep up the pretence that I won’t be seeing you in a little while.” Chrissy whispered as she hugged Becky.
“I don’t care if you’re just going out for five minutes baby. I’d still want a hug and a kiss from you.” Becky said with a pout, just before kissing Chrissy deeply on the lips.
“I’m glad to hear that, now go and get ready, but don’t go rushing, or trying to do too much.” Chrissy said in a bossy voice, but she was smiling as she said it.
“I love it when you boss me around.” Becky said with a grin. “It looked like you were having fun last night bossing Mark and the other bouncers around as well.” Becky added with an even bigger grin.
“It was fun helping you run the club, but I did miss not having you with me when I was sorting bits out for you while you were off sorting out something else.” Chrissy pouted, just before kissing Becky again.
“I’ll try and stay with you then tonight while you work.” Becky purred as they broke the kiss. “I’ll even make sure we do some checks of the dance floor as well, so we can keep Amy happy.” Becky added with a grin, knowing that Amy would want to drag Chrissy down onto the dance floor when they all went to the club later.
“She’ll be glad about that baby.” Chrissy smiled. “Oh well, I better see about going, or I’ll never get round to Mable’s.” Chrissy added as she looked at her watch.
“Give mum and dad a hug from me and tell them I’m sorry for not being able to get round to see them today, but I’ll call in tomorrow.” Becky said, knowing that she wouldn’t have time to sort out things with brad and still grab a couple of hours sleep before she had to start dinner for everyone.
“I will baby, and I know they’ll understand you not being able to call in and see them every day.” Chrissy said as she gave Becky a final hug before skipping over to where Mandy and Amy were still chatting with Prue.
Prue had turned to look at Chrissy and Becky saying goodbye to each other before looking back at Mandy and Amy to speak. “You wouldn’t believe that a couple of days ago there was talk of their marriage being over.”
“That’s Chrissy and Becky for you mum.” Mandy said with a smile. “I’m happy to see them like this again, but I must admit that I was a little worried for Chrissy when she had a go at you this morning.”
“I thought you were going to take Chrissy across your knee again when she called you Prue instead of mum.” Amy added with a worried look for her sister.
“I won’t lie and say I wasn’t temped to, but I was glad in a way that she was brave enough to stand up to me.” Prue said with pride. “That doesn’t mean I won’t take her, or any of you across my knee in the future though, for doing the same thing.” Prue added with a warning look at each of the girls.
Mandy and Amy both looked worried for a second or two, but smiled when Chrissy skipped over and threw her arms around Prue’s neck and kissed her on the cheek.
“Love you mum.” Chrissy giggled.
“I love you too dear.” Prue smiled back at her. “Now I better let you get off so you can go and spend some time with your other mum and dad before you have to get to work.” Prue added as she stepped back and lightly tapped Chrissy on the behind to get her moving towards Mandy’s car.
Chrissy just giggled as she ran off dragging Amy along with her. Chrissy helped Amy get in the back of Mandy’s car before she got in the front. Mandy got in after speaking to her mum again. “I’ll see you in a couple of minutes round at Mable’s then mum.” Mandy smiled.
“Okay dear, I’ll see you there. Drive safe.” Prue said just before she got in her own car.
Becky waved to both cars as they drove out the driveway, then she returned to the house so she could go and get ready for when Brad turned up.
Chrissy was quick to jump out Mandy’s car when they pulled up outside Mable’s. She dragged Amy out the car, and then ran up the driveway to ring the doorbell. Mandy just got out at her normal pace, not even trying to keep up with the other two. Mandy waited at the side of her car as she watched her mum pull up and park just behind her.
Mable smiled when she saw Chrissy and Amy grinning at her after she opened the door to them. “Good morning Mable.” Both girls said at the same time as they jumped forward and hugged Mable at the same time.
“Good morning dears.” Mable chuckled as she hugged the two of them back. “You both look extremely happy this morning.” Mable added as she broke the hug and stepped back to give the two girls a once over.
“Why wouldn’t we be?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“I was talking to Vic over breakfast, and he said you weren’t doing so good last night when he dropped you off at home.” Mable said with some worry in her voice.
“Don’t you mean her?” Chrissy asked with a grin. Referring to the fact that Vic was dressed as Vicky when he dropped her and Becky off at home after the club the night before.
“You know what I mean Chrissy, and stop trying to avoid the subject.” Mable said with a frown as she put her hands on her hips. “That trick doesn’t work on me, and you know it.” Mable added waiting for an answer to her question.
“A girl can try.” Chrissy said with a weak smile. “It turned out to be a simple misunderstanding between myself and Pr... I mean mum.” Chrissy said quickly stopping herself from saying Prue’s name. Chrissy looked over her shoulder expecting to find Prue stood there looking angry, but she was just starting to walk up the driveway with Mandy hugging her arm as they talked to each other.
“I’m glad you got it sorted out. I thought I’d have to sit the pair of you down and get it sorted out myself.” Mable said looking all business like as she said it.
“No need for that Mable.” Chrissy said with a slight panic in her voice as she thought about Mable sitting her and Prue down in front of her like two naughty school girls being told off by a head mistress. Chrissy already knew that Prue was just as scared of Mable as the rest of them were.
“Okay then. Go and say good morning to your mum and dad.” Mable said as she stepped aside and let Chrissy and Amy enter the house.
Chrissy and Amy ran past Mable, but soon stopped running when they heard her shout at them to walk. Mable had to chuckle again when both Chrissy and Amy said. “Sorry miss.” Like a couple of school kids being told off by a teacher.
“Hello Mable. I hope you’re feeling okay on this fine morning?” Prue asked as she got to where Mable was still stood looking back into the house where Chrissy and Amy had just walked out of sight.
“Good morning Prue, Mandy.” Mable smiled back at them as she turned her head back to face the two of them. “I’m fine, how are the two of you? I hear you had some trouble with Chrissy again.” Mable added with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, but it was all my fault this time.” Prue said with a sigh. “I used poor wording when I called in at the shop yesterday to tell Chrissy off about all the trouble over the weekend.” Prue added looking guilty.
“They got it all sorted out though this morning Mable, so their back to being mother and daughter again.” Mandy smiled.
“Yes, so I hear. Pity really, I had a whole speech worked out for the pair of them.” Mable said with a sigh.
“I’m glad we got it all sorted out then.” Prue said looking worried.
Mandy just stifled a giggle when she saw the worried look on her mums face. She was happy to see that Mable scared her mum just as much as she scared the rest of them. “Shall we go and see how the others are doing then?” Mandy asked Mable, trying to change the subject before her mum found some reason to get her in trouble with Mable as well, when she saw the look her mum shot her.
Chrissy and Amy walked into the dining room and found Jenna trying to get Cathleen ready for school. David was sat with Kim at the dining table, it looked like they were making the most of the little time they had left before David had to leave for work. Holly was just sorting out Greg’s pills, so the girls decided to help Jenna get Cathleen ready for school so as not to disturb her.
“Do you need any help Jenna?” Chrissy asked with a smile, as she bent down to start putting on Cathleen’s shoe’s for her.
“You can take the child with you if you want her.” Jenna said as she gave Cathleen a dirty look. “I just don’t know what gets into her some mornings.” Jenna added with a sigh.
“Are you making trouble for your mummy?” Chrissy asked looking very serious all of a sudden. “That’s a shame Cathleen, I was just talking to uncle Carl last night about hiring a bouncy castle for the Barbecue we’re planning in a couple of weeks.” Chrissy added with a sigh. “Guess I better call and cancel it if you’re not going to be a good little girl for your mummy.” Chrissy added as she shook her head from side to side.
Chrissy wasn’t sure who looked and sounded more excited about the news, Cathleen, or Amy. They both shouted, “Bouncy Castle” together and started grinning.
“I be good aunty Chrissy, I be real good from now on.” Cathleen said with pleading eyes.
“I be good to aunty Chrissy.” Amy said with a pout as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy.
“What you do wrong aunty Amy?” Cathleen asked, looking happy that she wasn’t the only one in trouble for something.
“She’s not done anything wrong that I know off.” Chrissy said with a puzzled look towards Amy. “Or have you done something wrong?” Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m sure I must have done something wrong sis.” Amy said with a grin as she looked up at Chrissy from where she’d fell to her knees, so she could help Chrissy get Cathleen’s shoes on her feet.
“You silly aunty Amy.” Cathleen giggled.
“Do you know what silly people like to do Cathleen?” Amy asked with wide scary looking eyes.
“No’s, what do silly people’s like to do?” Cathleen asked looking very serious as she said it in a low voice like it was a big secret.
“They like to tickle little girls for being naughty to their mummies.” Amy said as she started tickling Cathleen like mad.
Cathleen was soon giggling and trying to get away from Amy and her hands, but she was giggling too much to do anything other than twist around on the chair. All the others looking on as they watched Cathleen and Amy play around.
Jenna was able to finish getting herself ready for work while Amy and Cathleen kept each other entertained, and Chrissy had got Cathleen’s other shoe on before getting up and going over to sit next to her dad for a bit before she had to leave again so she could get to work ready for when Becky and Brad turned up.
“Hi dad, how you feeling today?” Chrissy asked as she leaned over to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Chrissy never even thought about how her dad used to treat her when he first found out about her being different. She just loved being able to spend time with both her parents again.
“Better now I see that you’re doing okay again.” Greg smiled as he hugged Chrissy back. “Vic said you and Prue had words yesterday, and I was worried you’d be looking a little gloomy today.” Greg added as he sat back to get a better look at Chrissy to make sure she wasn’t just putting on a brave face.
“Really, I’m fine dad.” Chrissy smiled. “Mum stopped the night, so we could sort it all out this morning, and we did.” Chrissy added just as Prue walked into the room with Mandy and Mable walking in just behind her.
Greg saw Prue walk into the room and then he saw Chrissy look over at her with a big smile. Greg could see from that, that everything must be alright again between the two of them. Chrissy wasn’t that good at acting.
“It was just a simple misunderstanding daddy.” Chrissy said in a little girl voice as she turned back to look at her dad with a big smile still on her face.
“Good morning Greg. How are you feeling this morning?” Prue asked as she walked over and sat on the other side of the table and started fishing around in her bag for something.
Greg started to explain in detail to Prue how he was feeling and then Holly would add bits when Greg tried to play them down. Chrissy didn’t understand most of what they talked about, and she didn’t want to hear about most of it anyway, so she was happy when Kim spoke to her.
“I see you got everything sorted out with Prue then.” Kim smiled as she slid around the table so they could talk a little easier to each other.
“Yes we did.” Chrissy smiled. “I’m glad I was wrong about it all. Well the being disowned part anyway. I know I’ve been a bitch about all the other stuff mum said yesterday.” Chrissy added with a sigh.
“Prue wasn’t trying to make you feel bad yesterday Chrissy. She’s just worried about how all the stress is affecting Becky.” Kim said as she pulled Chrissy into her large arms and hugged her close. “I think she just wanted to shock some sense into you.” Kim added as she kept hugging her.
Chrissy loved it when Kim hugged her. Chrissy always felt like a small child due to Kim being so much bigger than she was. “It worked Kim. I’m going to be on my best behaviour from now on.” Chrissy said sounding very sure of herself.
“That sounds pretty boring for you though shrimp. How will we cope?” Kim said the last bit with a gasp, just before she started giggling.
“Boring sounds pretty good to me right now.” Chrissy giggled back as she let Kim carry on hugging her.
Chrissy, Amy and Mandy stopped long enough to have a cup of tea and see Jenna leave with Cathleen, so she could get her to school before heading into work herself. Then they left to get over to the shop so they could make a start on the orders for the hotel changing service and then the internet orders after that.
Once at the shop they got stuck in, but Amy was beginning to think something was going on. Every time the front door sounded, Chrissy would look round like she was expecting someone to be stood there.
“You expecting someone sis?” Amy asked after seeing Chrissy whip her head round to look at the front door for the tenth time.
“No! Not really baby sister.” Chrissy said looking a little more worried than she should have. “I’m just keeping an eye out to see who’s coming in the shop.” Chrissy added trying to sound a little more relaxed this time.
“Okay.” Amy said in a drawn out way, like she really thought Chrissy was losing her marbles. “I think Mandy can keep an eye on the shop front thought sis, while we get the orders sorted out.” Amy added as she wandered off to the back of the shop to add the bits she had in her hands to the pile they had been making in the back room.
Amy wasn’t the only one to think that Chrissy was acting a little odder than normal. Mandy had also noticed it, she also found herself looking at the front door expecting to see someone they all knew come in every time it sounded to let them know they had a visitor.
Becky had got dressed and was just sorting out what to do for dinner when she got back later when she heard the doorbell, so she walked to the front door and opened it to find Brad stood there smiling at her.
“Morning boss.” Brad said.
“Good morning Brad. So are you ready to get started on this life changing task?” Becky asked with a grin.
“Yes, I hope so.” Brad said looking worried all of a sudden.
“You still worried that she might say no to you big guy?” Becky asked, as she wa ndered back to the table in the middle of the hallway, so she could grab her purse before walking back to the alarm system and arming it before following Brad out the house and locking up.
“Yes, but I don’t know why.” Brad said looking puzzled.
“It’s called being human Brad. All we can do is throw our hearts out there and see if they get hurt, or returned to us stronger than they were when we first threw them.” Becky smiled as she followed Brad over to his truck.
Brad opened the passenger door and then turned around to face Becky again, just before he picked her up and sat her in the truck. “You make it sound so brutal when you put it that way boss.” Brad said as he helped her with the seatbelt.
“I thought you’d like it more if I added a little bit of violence to the story.” Becky said with a grin. “I could start quoting poetry, but I didn’t think you’d like that any better.” Becky added with an even bigger grin.
“No, no. The first way sounded just fine.” Brad said looking worried that Becky was about to start talking about meadows and other stuff he thought poets went on about.
Becky looked on with a smile as she watched him run around to the driver’s side of his truck and jumped in. “I hope you don’t mind us using my truck? I didn’t think you’d want to drive.” Brad asked as he put the key in the ignition and started the truck up.
“Not at all Brad. I doubt you’d get any funny looks from angry drivers when you try to park.” Becky said, thinking about the times she’d been piped and shouted at for taking too long to park her car while out shopping.
“Even I get piped boss, but they soon drive on when they see me get out and look at them.” Brad said with an evil grin. “I’ve only ever had one person shout at me, but he was quick to apologise once he saw me walking over to his car to talk to him a little quieter.” Brad added with a chuckle as he thought about the memory.
“You can be so bad sometimes Brad.” Becky said looking shocked as she playfully slapped him on the arm.
Brad just chuckled some more as he pulled out of the drive and made his way over to the shop, so they could talk to Amy. Becky hadn’t had time to chat with Amber about anything, but she’d have more time once Amy was in on everything. Becky wasn’t worried about the ring size for Ann as Ann had tried Becky’s wedding ring on, on more than one occasion in the past and it was a perfect fit.
Amy was just making her way back into the back room at the shop when she heard the bell over the shop door sound, so she turned to see whom it was and looked worried when she saw Becky and Brad enter the shop.
“What’s wrong Becky? Is Ann and Amber alright?” Amy asked looking even more worried with the fact that they had both come to the shop. “Oh no it’s not dad is it?” Amy added looking even more worried as she looked back to where Chrissy was in the back room finishing off the orders for the changing service.
“Amy, Amy, calm down.” Becky said in a calm voice as she made her way up the shop to where Amy had stopped, looking scared to death. “Everybody is fine baby sister. Brad just called in to have a chat with you about something.” Becky added as she pulled a very shaky Amy in to her arms for a hug.
Chrissy and Mandy came running out the back room when they heard all the shouting. Mandy looked puzzled to see Becky and Brad, but Chrissy just smiled as she made her way down the shop to where Becky was hugging Amy with Brad stood just behind them. Mandy was thinking the same as Amy had. Someone had been hurt, but she couldn’t work out why Chrissy still looked so calm about everything.
“You knew they were calling in didn’t you?” Mandy asked Chrissy as she worked out why Chrissy had been looking at the shop door every time she heard the bell sound.
“Yes I did sis, sorry about not saying anything, but I didn’t want you or Amy asking me too many questions about it.” Chrissy said looking sorry for upsetting Mandy and Amy.
Amy had calmed down again and heard what Chrissy had just said, so she took a couple of deep breaths and then stepped away from Becky, so she could look at Brad.
“Okay Brad, what do you want to talk about? Have I upset you in some way?” Amy asked.
“No, nothing like that Amy. I just wanted to ask you something very important.” Brad said with a nervous smile. “Can we go and sit in the back room so we can talk?” Brad asked as he put one arm on Amy’s back, and pointed the other one towards the back room where Chrissy and Mandy had just come from.
“Okay, I guess so.” Amy said still looking very nervous about it all, but not as nervous as Brad was looking.
Mandy followed just behind Amy and Brad, while Chrissy brought up the rear with an arm wrapped around Becky’s waist.
Once in the back room Brad led Amy over to the table and helped her to take a seat while Chrissy helped Becky take another seat. Chrissy and Mandy went back to sorting out the orders for the changing service while Brad spoke with Amy.
“I’m sorry I’ve made you worry Amy, but I just felt like I really needed to have a chat with you, and also ask for you permission to do something.” Brad said looking nervous still.
“My permission to do what Brad?” Amy asked sounding worried now.
“I’m very much in love with your sister Amy, and I was hoping you would give me your blessing, so I can ask for her hand in marriage.” Brad asked with a sigh.
“You’re asking me if it’s okay to marry my sister?” Amy asked very slowly, not sure if she’d just heard him right.
“Yes I am.” Brad said looking worried again. “As her only blood relative still in her life. I thought it only right that I come and ask you if it was okay for me to become part of your family.” Brad added looking hopeful of the answer.
“I already think of you as my big brother Brad, so yes, yes, yes!” Amy shouted with a grin as she jumped up and threw her arms around Brad’s neck as she hugged him.
Brad let out a little chuckle as he hugged Amy back while she calmed down again. Chrissy and Mandy both gave Brad a hug before taking a seat at the table, so they could find out what the next move was.
“Thank you Amy. I’ll be the best husband I can be to your sister, and the best big brother you could ever ask for.” Brad said as he helped Amy take her seat again. “I just hope Ann says yes to me now.” Brad added with a nervous smile.
“I think we all know she’s going to say yes to you brad.” Amy said with a grin. “When are you going to ask her?” Amy asked looking excited.
“Chrissy’s going to sort out a barbecue at your home. So I can go down on one knee and ask her there.” Brad said with a smile as he looked over at Chrissy sat cuddling with Becky while she had the chance.
“I like that idea sis.” Amy smiled. “Is that what you want the bouncy castle for?” Amy asked, as she remembered what Chrissy had said at Mable’s this morning while they were helping Jenna get Cathleen dressed ready for school.
“Yes it is baby sister. I thought Ann would catch on if Brad took her out for a fancy meal. This way we all get to see it happen, and it will be a total shock to Ann at the same time.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Do you have a ring yet?” Amy asked Brad.
“No not yet. Becky and I are going to sort it out when we leave here.” Brad said sounding nervous again. “Carl gave Becky an address for a place to go and get it sorted out.” Brad added.
Becky had told him about Carl giving her a business card, but not about him buying the ring for Brad. Becky didn’t want to have an argument with Brad before she needed to about him not wanting Carl to pay for it.
“I wish I could come with you and help you pick it out for her.” Amy said with hurt in her voice. But she knew that Mandy and Chrissy needed her at the shop.
“Then why don’t you go with them baby sister?” Mandy smiled. “Chrissy and I can hold down the fort for a couple of hours while you go with Becky and Brad.” Mandy added.
“Can I really?” Amy asked with excitement.
“Yes, really. Just remember to come back at some point today.” Mandy said with a frown.
Amy let out a squeal and then jumped up so she could give Mandy a hug, then she gave Chrissy one as well.
“I know this is going to be hard for you to do Amy, but we need you to keep this a secret from Ann until the barbecue.” Chrissy said as she broke the hug with Amy.
“When is the barbecue?” Amy asked.
“I guess we could try and sort it out for this Sunday, but that will depend on whether or not Brad has the ring by then.” Chrissy said as she looked at the others to see if they could see any problems with having everything ready by Sunday.
“I can’t see any problems with having it all ready for this Sunday, but you’ll need to sort out the bouncy castle, or Cathleen won’t be happy.” Mandy said with a frown at Chrissy. “Chrissy and I will make a list during lunch and get to work sorting everything out.” Mandy added in a matter of fact way.
“We better go and sort out a ring then, or this will all be for nothing.” Becky said as she got up from the table and made her way out to the front of the shop with Chrissy at her side.
Chrissy walked with Becky out to Brad’s truck parked right outside the shop, then she stepped back while Brad picked Becky up and placed her in the front passenger seat of the truck. Brad then helped Amy to get in the back seat before he walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Chrissy and Mandy stood and waved to them as they drove off down the road, then they went back inside to finish off the orders and wait for Linda to turn up for them, and to drop off lunch.
Becky told Brad the address of the jewellery shop Carl had told her to take him to, and Brad punched it into his sat nav system. Then they set of in the direction it told them to go. Amy soon had them both laughing from the back seat when she started asking, “Are we there yet?” in a child like voice.
“Just think boss, you’ve got all that to come for real soon.” Brad said with a smile as her looked down at Becky’s hands rubbing the small bump of a belly she now had, while they were stopped at a set of traffic lights.
“I think it will be some time before they’re ready to start bugging us as to when we’ll be arriving places.” Becky said as she looked over towards the back seat where Amy was sat grinning at her.
“It’s not too late to take her back to Chrissy and Mandy.” Brad said with a raised eyebrow and a wink to let Becky know he was only joking.
“No! Please don’t do that.” Amy pleaded with Brad. “I won’t say another word until we get there.” She added looking hopeful.
Brad and Becky just looked at each other and then burst out laughing as they must have had the same thought. “You, be quiet for that length of time? Not possible.” Brad said with more laughter.
“Hey! I can be quiet when I want to.” Amy said sounding a little hurt at Brad’s comment.
“You’re kind of proving you can’t right now little sister.” Brad said, pointing out the fact that Amy was still speaking to them.
“Okay then, starting from now I’ll be quiet until we reach the jewellery shop.” Amy said as she sat back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest, looking determined to do as she’d just said.
Brad looked at her in the rear view mirror and smiled just before he spoke again. “I’m not very sure about Amy being able to keep this all a secret you now boss. I mean she can’t be quiet for two minutes.”
“I won’t let Ann find out Brad.” Amy shot out before she realised what she was doing. When she did, she sat back and clamped her hands over her mouth and mumbled what sounded like “sorry” through them.
“I think you may have a point Brad.” Becky said with a raised eyebrow as she looked at Amy sat in the back of Brad’s truck with her hands over her mouth. “I think Ann will realise something is wrong if you spend the rest of the week doing that while around her.” Becky added with a giggle.
“I’ll prove I can be quiet, I won’t say one more word until we get to the jewellery shop, starting from...” But before Amy could finish her sentence, Brad’s sat nav system said they had reached their destination.
“Looks like you failed that test little sister.” Brad said with a grin as he got out the truck and then walked around to help Becky get out before he opened the back door and helped Amy get down.
Amy didn’t reply to Brad right away, she was too engrossed in how small her hand looked in Brad’s. Amy really did feel like a small child when she saw that. She was soon snapped back to reality when she heard Brad speak to her again.
“Amy, Amy, I was only playing with you.” Brad said looking worried that he might have upset Amy with his teasing.
“I know you were Brad.” Amy said with a warm smile. “I was just looking at how large your hands are compared to mine.” Amy added as she looked down at her hand still resting in Brad’s.
“I’d look pretty silly if I had little girly hands like you.” Brad said with a grin. “I’d never be able to throw people out the club, or grab the weights at the gym.” Brad added looking worried just before he started grinning again.
Amy was soon giggling as she thought about Brad trying to do all those things with her little hands. “You do have a good point there Brad.” Amy said between giggles.
“Come on kiddo, let’s go and find a ring for me to put on your sisters finger.” Brad smiled as he put a hand on Amy’s back and led her towards the jewellery shop Carl had told them to use.
Becky had to push a button and wait for someone to answer her before they could get into the shop. “May I help you?” A posh sounding voice said out the speaker.
“Yes you may.” Becky said, then she told the man Carl’s name and he was quick to buzz them into the shop. They had to wait in a little hallway for the man to come and unlock a second door that finally let them into the shop.
“I’m sorry about all the security, but I’m sure you can understand why we must be so careful.” The man said as he looked at all three of them. The man looked worried at first when he saw Brad and the sheer size of him Then it was Brad’s turn to look worried when the man smiled at him in such a way as it said more than just welcome.
Becky saw the way the man smiled at Brad, and how Brad suddenly looked very worried, so she spoke to get Brad out the spotlight for a couple of seconds.
“We understand fully why you’d need all that security sir. I trust that Carl spoke to you about what we’d need to look at today?” Becky asked sounding very businesslike as she said it.
“Yes he did ma’am. Please follow me; I have a selection of engagement rings set out over here ready for you to look at.” The man said as he started walking off towards a counter with a number of trays set out on it.
Becky and Amy both stood with their mouths open when they saw the display of rings, and Brad wasn’t far behind them. Brad was glad that Becky and Amy had come with him now; he’d have no idea how to choose one on his own. They spent a long time looking at all the rings and finally they let Brad have the final say on the selection they knew Ann would like.
Brad looked at the rings on the counter in front of him trying to work out which one he liked the best, when he realised that there were no prices on any of them. “What’s the price for this one?” Brad asked, as he held up the one he liked the best out of them all.
The man looked at Brad with puzzlement. “Is that the ring you wish to take with you sir?”
“Well yes, but I need to know how much it is first.” Brad said.
“That’s already been taken care of sir.” The man said still looking puzzled as he looked at Becky for some sort of help getting it all straightened out.
“Don’t worry about cost Brad. Carl’s covering it as a thank you for all the hard work and help you’ve been doing.” Becky said looking a little worried about how Brad was going to react.
“I can’t let him do that Becky.” Brad said in a loud whisper, not looking very happy about it.
“You know what Carl can be like when he’s in one of these moods.” Becky whispered back. “He’ll only find some other way to make sure you don’t pay for it, so just pick the ring you want and thank him the next time you see him.” Becky added.
Brad let out a sigh and then spoke to the man again. “Yes I’d like to take this one then please.”
The man smiled and then took the ring from Brad and put it in a little jewellery box for him after making sure it was the right size for him. “I wish you all the happiness in the world for your big day sir.” The man said, but sounded disappointed that Brad wasn’t staying on the market.
Brad handed Becky the little bag that had the ring box in it, so he could lift her up into his truck once they got outside, then he helped Amy to get in before her walked around the other side and got in himself. Once they were all sat in his truck, Becky and Amy suddenly burst out in a fit of giggles.
“I think you just broke that poor man’s heart Brad.” Amy said around her giggling.
“He did seem quite taken with you Brad.” Becky added around her giggles.
“You’re both loving this aren’t you?” Brad asked as he watched the two of them giggling at him.
“I’m sorry Brad, but you just looked so scared in there when he smiled at you.” Becky giggled some more.
“He’s not my type.” Brad said before he had time to realise what he was saying.
“Oh, so what type of man is your type?” Becky asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I meant he’s not a woman.” Brad said in his defence. “And I could do much better than him, if I was that way.” Brad added with his chin in the air, just before he started chuckling. That just set Becky and Amy off in full blown laughter now.
Brad started his truck, but waited for Becky and Amy to calm down enough to fix their makeup before he pulled away from the curb, so he could return Amy to the shop and then drop Becky off at home.
“I promise to keep your secret from Ann until Sunday Brad.” Amy said as she looked at him from the back seat.
“I know you will Amy. I was just teasing you earlier.” Brad said as he drove his truck. “I’m sure Chrissy and the others will keep you busy between now and then sorting stuff out ready for Sunday anyway.” Brad added.
“I’m sure she will.” Amy said with a roll of her eyes. “I’ll be lucky to get any sleep between now and then, if Chrissy is anything like her normal self when it comes to sorting these things out.” Amy added looking worried all of a sudden.
“Don’t knock it sis. I’m glad she can organise these sorts of things.” Becky said over her shoulder. “Remember all the trouble we had sorting out that Birthday party while she was away?” Becky asked, as she also thought about the one birthday party they had to do when Chrissy was on her little holiday.
The birthday party Becky was thinking about had turned out okay in the end because Chrissy had already laid out the plan on paper, but they had not accounted for all the little details that Chrissy sorted out as she went. They had all realised that Chrissy’s mind was just geared that way, which made her such an amazing person when it came to organising parties. The party went well, but more because of luck than judgment they all thought.
“I’m looking forward to having her boss me around again.” Amy said with a grin, as she also thought about the last birthday party and all the last minute running around they all had to do.
Brad was soon pulling up outside the shop again, and helping Becky and Amy get out the truck so they could go in and show Chrissy and Mandy the ring.
Amy had to use her keys to unlock the door to the shop because it was lunchtime when they got back there. Amy relocked the door once she was in with Becky and Brad, and then she walked to the back of the shop to find Chrissy and Mandy.
Chrissy was just sorting out the basket of food when she saw Amy wander through the curtain, followed by Becky and Brad.
“Hi Baby!” Chrissy shouted as she saw Becky. Leaving the basked of food where it was, Chrissy ran over to Becky and wrapped her arms around her. “Do you want to stop and have some lunch with us?” Chrissy asked as they hugged.
“That would be nice, and it would save me sorting something out when I got home.” Becky smiled. “Do you want to stop for a spot of lunch with Chrissy, Mandy and Amy?” Becky asked, as she looked at Brad still stood with Amy just behind her.
“Sounds good to me boss. I was just trying to work out what I could have for lunch after I’d dropped you off at home anyway.” Brad said with a grin as he led Amy over to the table, so she could make a start on getting the food out the basket. “Will you have enough for us all?” Brad asked.
“More than enough Brad.” Mandy said. “They always pack way too much for us to eat; we normally end up throwing half of it away.” Mandy added.
Chrissy led Becky over to the table and helped her to sit down before she went to help Amy get the lunch dished up. Then they all sat and ate while Amy and Becky told Chrissy and Mandy how Brad had broken some poor guy’s heart at the jewellery shop when he brought the ring.
Once they had all finished their lunch, Brad got the ring out and showed it to Chrissy and Mandy, who both loved it.
“Mandy and I started making a list of things we need to sort out, and I rang about the bouncy castle, and booked that to be delivered on Saturday morning, and we have it until Monday.” Chrissy told them all as they sat having a drink before Becky and Brad had to leave again.
“Just let me know if you need any help with anything.” Brad said as he got up to leave.
“I trust you’ll come and help put the bouncy castle up?” Chrissy asked with a smile.
“You already know I will Chrissy, and I’ll help set the tables up too.” Brad said with a grin, happy to be doing something to help set everything up.
“I’m sure Carl won’t mind you picking up the meat either.” Mandy added.
“I’ll have a word with him about it at the club tonight.” Brad said.
Chrissy had her arm wrapped around Becky as she walked her out to Brad’s truck. “Thanks for having lunch with us baby, it was really nice getting to spend some extra time with you.” Chrissy said as she wrapped her arms around Becky just before kissing her when they got to Brad’s truck.
“I should be the one thanking you my love.” Becky purred, just before they kissed again. “The food was nice, but the company was even better.” Becky added just before she started giggling when Brad suddenly chirped in.
“Thanks boss, I try to be good company where ever I go.” Brad said with a grin.
“I’m sure you are Brad, but I wasn’t talking about you.” Becky said with a roll of her eyes.
Brad gave Chrissy another minute to say a proper goodbye, then he lifted Becky up in his arms and placed her on the passenger seat of his truck, and then he walked around to the other side and got in, leaving Chrissy to help Becky do her seat belt and say another goodbye to Becky before they left.
Chrissy stood with Mandy and Amy as they all waved to Becky and Brad as they drove off down the road. Then they returned to the shop to make a start on the internet orders.
All the girls except Becky were sat enjoying a glass of wine as they waited for Vicky to turn up and take them to the club. They all felt ready for a night out due to not getting out on Saturday, but none of them were talking about that now that everything was okay between Chrissy and Becky.
“Will Kara be at the club tonight Jayden?” Chrissy asked.
“No, I don’t think so. He said he had a lot of meetings this week and would be too tired if he went to the club.” Jayden said with a sigh.
“That’s a shame. I hope you’ll be asking him to come to the club on Saturday though? He can stop the night and then give us a hand on Sunday with the barbecue.” Chrissy smiled.
“Hope, Faith and Kat will all be coming.” Mandy said with a smile. “I called her earlier to let her know we were having one, and not to make any plans for Sunday. I didn’t want to leave asking her until Thursday, and find out she’d made other plans.” Mandy added just before taking another sip from her wine glass.
“I’m really looking forward to having another barbecue.” Ann smiled.
“So am I.” Amy said looking all excited about it herself.
“Are you okay baby sister? You seem really hyper tonight.” Ann asked with a puzzled look.
“Yes, I’m fine, just looking forward to getting out and doing some dancing with my beautiful wife.” Amy said as she threw her arms around Amber and started kissing her like mad to hide the worried look she now had.
Amy had told Amber about everything while they took a shower together just before they sat down for dinner, so Amber understood why Amy was excited about the barbecue, and the reason for all the hugging and kissing she was now giving her.
“You need to be more careful sis or Amber will start and keep you at home more often, just to get this response out of you.” Ann giggled as she watched Amy kissing Amber like mad.
They were interrupted just then by the doorbell, so they all got up and made their way out to the hallway behind Mandy as she answered the door. They found Vicky stood there smiling at them sporting blond hair tonight and a long silver evening dress and matching low heeled shoes.
“Good evening ladies. You’re all looking as beautiful as always, I don’t know why I even bother.” Vicky said with a sigh.
“Don’t be silly Vicky. You look just as beautiful as the rest of us do.” Mandy said as she pulled Vicky closer to her for a hug. She was soon joined by the others in a large hug in the middle of the hallway.
“It’s worth being the ugly duckling, if only to get a hug like this from you all.” Vicky said with a grin as they broke the hug.
“You’re no ugly duckling Vicky!” Chrissy said as she playfully slapped Vicky on the arm.
Vicky just chuckled as she led them out the house and over to her minivan. She helped them all get in, and then waited for Mandy to walk over after locking the house up, then they were on their way to the club.
Once at the club they all entered after they let Chrissy and Amy look across the road to make sure there wasn’t anyone stood watching them all enter. Ann walked off ahead of them all, so she could go and find Brad. They all expected to find them at the entrance to the VIP section where Brad normally hung out, but Paul, one of the other bouncers was stood there instead. All the girls smiled as they walked past and then went up the stairs to the VIP section.
Ann had looked worried when she didn’t see Brad where he normally was, so she went up into the VIP section and smiled when she saw him stood talking to Carla. She walked over and wrapped her arms around one of Brad’s and smiled up at him.
“I think we better finish talking about this later Brad.” Carla said with a smile as she looked at Ann before looking back up at Brad.
“You can count on that Carla.” Brad said in a firm voice, as he turned around and led Ann away without saying another word.
“Is everything alright Brad?” Ann asked looking worried as he made his way over towards the stairs to go and relieve Paul.
“I’m fine baby, just some work related stuff I was trying to get sorted out with Carla.” Brad said with a smile now spread across his face.
The real reason was to do with Carl paying for the ring, and not letting Brad even know how much the thing cost, never mind the fact that he’s paid for it. Brad had tried every way he could think of to get Carl to let him pay for the ring, but Carl was even more stubborn than him.
“You look more beautiful every time I see you.” Brad said just before they left the VIP section. Brad had stopped walking so he could turn Ann to face him, as he leaned down and kissed Ann on the lips for a very long time.
Ann was shocked when Brad did this, as he normally took Ann off to a quiet corner of the club on his break to do this sort of thing. Not that she was going to start complaining about it. They soon stopped when they heard voices telling them to go and get a room or something.
“You’re telling us to go get a room?” Ann said as she tried to get her breath back after they stopped kissing. Ann was looking at Amy and Amber as she said it. These two would just stop in the middle of the dance floor, and start kissing.
“Yes, go and get a room.” Amber said again in a posh English voice as she stuck her nose in the air. “Come Amy, I won’t have you witness this filth.” Amber added in the same voice, as she pulled a giggling Amy over towards the sofas.
Ann just started giggling, and even Brad had to chuckle at the way the two of them walked away. “That friend of yours is three fries short of a happy meal, do you know that?” Brad said when he stopped chuckling.
“I know, but I still think she’s the best friend I could ever have, and she does make Amy happy.” Ann said as she saw her baby sister sat on the sofa now, laughing and playing around with Amber, Chrissy, Becky and Jayden.
“I should really find some way of thanking Amy for bringing you into my life you know.” Brad said with a sigh as he looked even deeper into Ann’s eyes.
“You’ve already saved her life, and act like her over protective big brother most the time, so good luck on trying to do any more than that.” Ann smiled up at him, just before watching Brad lean down again for another kiss.
Carla just looked on as Brad kissed Ann, as Mandy walked over to her and they were soon doing the same thing. “Hello beautiful.” Carla said in a husky voice that was only just female in sound.
“Hello yourself.” Mandy smiled as she ran her tongue across her own lips to taste Carla’s lipstick on them. “It’s odd to see Brad kissing like that in the middle of the club.” Mandy commented as she looked over and saw Brad still kissing Ann like there was no one else around.
“I think he’s rebelling against me for buying the ring, and not letting him give me the money back, or even telling him how much it cost.” Carla said with a grin.
“I hope you’ll cut him some slack over this then?” Mandy said as she pointed her hand to where Brad and Ann stood with their arms wrapped around each other, and their lips locked together still.
“I’m glad to see him breaking the rules for once Carla smiled. “He’ll come and find me later I’m sure, and then he’ll say sorry for doing it, and all will be forgotten.” Carla added with a shrug.
Jayden was tagging along with Chrissy, Amy and Amber, as they followed Becky around the club when she suddenly let a big grin settle across her face. Walking towards her was Kara looking as beautiful as ever. Jayden ran to meet her half way and wrapped her arms around her before they started kissing.
“Not that I’m sad to see you Kara, but what are you doing here?” Jayden said when they stopped kissing each other. “I thought you said you had lots of meetings to attend this week, and wouldn’t be able to make it out?” Jayden added, just before kissing her again.
“I got off work early faking illness, and I’m going to call in sick tomorrow as well.” Kara said with a smile as she looked into the happy face Jayden now had. “That asshole Stephen you met last week has been really getting on my nerves the past couple of days.” Kara said through gritted teeth.
“In what way?” Jayden asked with worry on her face now.
“He just keeps asking me questions about you.” Kara said with a sigh.
“Like what sort of questions?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look.
“How did we meet? Do you have a sister? Do I think it’s really serious? Stuff like that.” Kara said, but Jayden could tell that he’d asked other stuff that Kara wasn’t going to talk about, and that was probably the real reason for Kara being so angry with him right now.
“Oh I see, so what have you told him?” Jayden asked still looking worried. Jayden knew that Callum couldn’t tell this Stephen how they really met, as that would let the cat out the bag about Kara.
“I sort of told him the truth, but without telling him about my cross dressing.” Kara said with a week smile. “I said I went to my school reunion and met up with an old friend their and then we started chatting once we realised that we’d both moved to London, and then I met you after going around to her house for dinner, and we hit it off.” Kara said with a shrug.
Jayden smiled when she realised that Kara had just told him the truth like she’d just said. “So if you’re going to be sick tomorrow, then does that mean I get to nurse you back to full health again?” Jayden asked with a grin as she traced the outline of Kara’s bra with one of her fingers.
“I was hoping you would.” Kara said in a husky voice as she stood grinning back at Jayden, just before they started kissing again.
Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber had all stood off to one side waiting for the two of them to finish saying hello. Jayden turned to look at them and then asked. “Do any of you mind if Kara stops the night, and then comes out shopping with us tomorrow?”
“Jayden, you don’t need to ask us every time you want Kara, or Callum to stop the night.” Chrissy said with a frown. “It’s as much your house, as it is ours.” Chrissy added with a grin this time, as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around the two of them.
“Thanks Chrissy. I’m sorry to keep asking, but I just worry that you’ll all think I’m taking advantage of you if I don’t ask.” Jayden said as she hugged Chrissy back.
“Well don’t worry anymore sis. Just have some fun.” Just as Chrissy said that, the DJ started playing a song her and Amy really liked, so they were all soon running towards the dance floor.
The girls spent the rest of the night between dancing, walking round the club with Becky, and spending time sat up in the VIP section cuddling with the one they loved.
Carla was also right about Brad; he did go and talk to her later in the night while Ann was down on the dance floor with Amy and the others.
“Carla, can I have a quick word with you?” Brad asked looking worried.
“Sure Brad, what can I help you with now? Or do you just want to pick up where we left off earlier?” Carla asked with a grin.
“I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier.” Brad said looking ashamed of his outburst at Carla over the buying of the ring. “I’m also sorry for the display I put on with Ann just after.” Brad added looking down at the ground, too ashamed to even look Carla in the eyes now.
“Consider yourself forgiven Brad.” Carla smiled some more. “It was nice to see you relaxing a little bit in front of me. As for the thing with the ring, well I guess I should have spoken with you first about it, and not just gone behind your back.” Carla added.
“Thank you for buying the ring Carla, I just hope that Ann will take it from me now.” Brad said as he looked up from the ground and right into Carla’s eyes now.
Carla could see the worry on Brad’s face, but Carla already knew that Ann would say yes when Brad asked her the big question on Sunday. “I’ve wanted to show you how grateful I am for all you’ve done since Mandy came into my life, and I saw this as a perfect way to do that.” Carla added with a happy look on her face as she thought about all the fun she’d had since Mandy and Chrissy became part of her life as Carla, and his life as Carl.
“No thanks needed Carla. I’d have gladly done anything for Chrissy or the others, and always will.” Brad said with pride.
They didn’t have time to say any more due to Ann walking back into the VIP section with the others close behind.
Ann left with Brad at the end of the night due to them not being at work tomorrow, so she could have a relaxing time with Brad. Amber was glad Ann wouldn’t be around; she was having some doubts as to whether Amy could really keep quiet about the real reason for the barbecue.
Once Vicky had dropped the girls off at home, Carla as well. They all went up to their bedrooms to get some sleep, and other things as well. Jayden and Kara almost skipped off down the hallway after giving the others a hug at Mandy’s bedroom door. They all stood and watched with smiles on their faces before going into their own bedrooms. Mandy and Carla into Mandy’s room, while Chrissy and Becky ran off into their own room. Amy and Amber took a slow walk down to their room before going in and closing the door behind them.
By SaraUK
Part 21
Callum woke feeling a little stiff from spending so much time making Jayden feel good after they got home from the club the night before. Then he remembered that he was still wearing the blond wig, and the breast forms attached, so he was actually still Kara, and would be for the rest of the day. He was soon turning his head to look at the still sleeping form of Jayden next to him, or her as it was for the most part.
There was no need to rush this morning like there was Monday morning, and Kara wouldn’t have to go away to let Callum head off to work. No Kara was going to have a fun day shopping with her girlfriends. Kara was soon leaning over to kiss Jayden on the lips. Jayden let out a soft moan and was soon wrapping her arms around Kara, and they picked right back up where they left off when they fell asleep.
All the others were already in the kitchen sat around the table talking about the barbecue, and what they needed to buy, or get sorted when Kara and Jayden finally showed their faces.
“Morning!” Everyone shouted at the same time as they walked in to the kitchen and sat down at the table next to each other.
“Morning. Sorry about getting up so late.” Jayden said looking very sheepish.
“Don’t wory about it sis.” Chrissy smiled from across the other side of the table. “We’re just making a list of things we need to buy for the barbecue on Sunday.” Chrissy added.
Mandy was sat with a note pad in front of her writing down things as the others shouted them out.
“Are we going food shopping then today?” Jayden asked with a little disappointment in her voice. Jayden had been looking forward to going clothes shopping with Kara, not food shopping.
“No, we’re just sorting out the list so Becky can grab it all later in the week.” Mandy said, as she started writing something else down she’d just thought about.
“Won’t she need some help? She shouldn’t be trying to do too much in her condition.” Jayden said looking worried now.
“I will have help.” Becky smiled. “Brad will be taking me in his truck, so I’ll have the help of more than one when you think about it.” Becky added with a giggle.
Jayden relaxed when Becky said that. “We won’t have to worry about you lifting anything heavy then or anything at all come to think about it.” Jayden said with a giggle.
“I trust you’ll be coming to the barbecue on Sunday?” Chrissy asked Kara.
“No, but Callum will be there if he’s invited.” Kara said with a grin.
Jayden looked disappointed for a second until she realised that Callum was just playing around with Chrissy, and the fact that he wouldn’t be dressed like he is now. “Kara could come to the barbecue baby.” Jayden said with a smile. “She will be spending the night with me, so why not just stop for the day?” Jayden added with some hope in her voice.
“What will everyone think when they see Kara sat in the back garden? And I’m not sure I’ll feel right being sat around dressed like this all day.” Kara said looking worried about it all.
“No one will mind if you do want to spend all day Sunday as Kara.” Mandy said to help calm her down. “We’re all pretty open minded when it comes to things like that.” Mandy added with a grin, as she looked at Carl sat next to her.
“I’ll think about it, but I’m not making any promises.” Was all Kara said on the subject.
Jayden felt like pushing it, but then changed her mind when she saw the look Chrissy gave her that said, “Back off sis, you’ll scare him.” So Jayden just got up to go and do them both a slice of toast each.
“Have you found any time to call your mother yet Kara?” Carl asked.
“Oh, yes I did, and she was surprised to hear that you’d be sending your jet up to collect her, and that you’d be putting her up at the hotel.” Kara said with a grin, as she thought about the phone call he’d had with his mum Monday night.
“Do you have any idea when she might be able to come down and visit?” Mandy asked this time.
“Not yet. She’s going to have a word with her boss at work, and see when she can book some time off, so she can spend some real time with me and all of you.” Kara smiled.
Jayden was soon making her way back to the table with toast for her and Kara. The others had already had some toast, and were now sat enjoying a second cup of tea before they went up to get ready to go out shopping. Carl was already dressed in a suit and tie, waiting for Vic to turn up, so they could go off to a meeting Carl had at lunchtime over the other side of the city.
Mandy walked with Carl to the front door when the bell rang. Vic was stood on the other side smiling at her and Carl.
“Morning Vic.” Mandy smiled.
“Good morning Mandy. I hope he’s not been too much trouble for you?” Vic asked, grinning now.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Mandy purred as she wrapped her arms around Carl’s neck and leaned in closer for a kiss.
“I’m not sure I want to know what you mean by handle, Mandy.” Vic had a worried look on his face as he said it, but he soon started grinning, so Mandy knew he was just being rude.
“I’m sure Jenna will be more than happy to show you what I mean Vic.” Mandy said, grinning back at him.
Vic just chuckled before speaking again. “I’m sorry to rush you Carl, but their digging up all the roads again, and it’s going to take us some time to get across to the other side of the city.”
“I guess we better be going then, so we can get to this exciting meeting, and let you go and get ready to spend the day clothes shopping.” Carl said not looking happy about what he had to go and do, but looking happier about Mandy’s plans for the day.
“You could always play hooky for the day and come shopping with us?” Mandy asked looking hopeful that Carl would say yes.
“I wish I could my love, but I have to go to this meeting.” Carl said with a pained look.
“I’ll buy you something nice while I’m out.” Mandy promised just before kissing Carl again, and then hugging Vic.
Mandy waved to them as they drove out the drive, then she went back in the house and headed up stairs to get ready to leave the house.
“Chrissy, would it be possible for you to do my makeup again?” Kara asked looking hopeful. “I’m still not very good doing a normal daytime look, and I feel way too nervous to do it even if I could.” She added with a little giggle.
“Sure Kara.” Chrissy smiled. “Do you want to come in now, before you get dressed?” Chrissy asked as she waved her hand towards her and Becky’s bedroom door.
“Okay, thanks for helping me Chrissy.” Kara smiled. “I’ll come and get dressed in your room when Chrissy’s worked her magic on me.” Kara added as she looked at Jayden.
Jayden was going to follow them in and watch how Chrissy got the everyday look Kara had worn the last time they all went out shopping, but she got the impression that Kara didn’t want her to watch.
“Okay baby, but don’t be too long.” Jayden said just before giving Kara a quick peck on the cheek and walking off down to her room.
Kara followed Chrissy and Becky into their room, so Chrissy could do her makeup. Once they were in there, Chrissy sat Kara down at the dressing table and set to work.
“Chrissy, can I ask you a question?” Kara asked while Chrissy worked on her.
“Sure, but I can’t guarantee I’ve got the answer.” Chrissy giggled.
“Do you think Jayden really loves me? Or does she love the Kara me more.” Kara asked with a sigh looking a little worried.
“She loves you silly.” Chrissy said with an odd look on her face. “Kara and Callum are both part of who you are.” Chrissy added.
“I’m not so sure Jayden sees it that way Chrissy.” Kara said still looking worried. “She seems to like having Kara around more than Callum.” Kara looked close to tears now she’d got that out in the open.
“I think. No, I know that you have that all wrong Callum.” Chrissy said, using his name, not Kara. “Jayden is just trying to let you know that she understands about Kara, and that she’s willing to help you bring her out, so you can have some fun as her.” Chrissy added, as she wrapped her arms around Kara from behind.
“Chrissy’s right Kara, you need to sit down and talk to Jayden about how you feel, and the worries you have.” Becky said from across the room as she sorted out something for herself and Chrissy to wear. “She may just be trying a little too hard to do what she thinks you want, so please talk to her about it.” Becky added with some pleading in her voice.
“Okay I will. I’m just scared that she will only want Kara around one day, and I’m not sure I can do that.” Kara said as she waved a hand up and down Chrissy’s body.
Chrissy saw a look flit across Kara’s face as she spoke, and Chrissy knew that Kara was hiding something else as well. “What else is playing on your mind Kara?” Chrissy asked looking more worried now.
Kara just looked at Chrissy for a couple of seconds, as she tried to work out whether she should come clean about seeing Chrissy naked on Monday or not. Deciding that it would be best to get it off her chest, Kara spoke. “Chrissy, I owe you an apology for the other day.”
“Why, what did you do?” Chrissy asked in a whisper, but was grinning as she asked.
“I saw you naked as Jayden dragged me out the room.” Kara shot out all of a sudden. “I’m so sorry Chrissy, and feel really dirty for doing it.” Kara added as she looked down at her own lap in shame. She was soon looking back up at Chrissy again though, when she heard Chrissy speak.
“Did you like what you saw? I hope I didn’t look fat?” Chrissy asked in mock horror as she struck a sexy pose.
“You’re not mad with me for looking?” Kara asked in shock.
“I’m sure I’m not the first naked female you’ve ever seen, and if I am, then I want to have a word with Jayden about her secret.” Chrissy said as she giggled “I should have waited for the two of you to leave the room before I got undressed, so I’m more to blame for it than you are Kara.”
“I thought you looked really good Chrissy.” Kara said as she went ten shades of red.
“Good! I think she looks amazing!” Becky shouted, as she came up behind Chrissy and wrapped her in a hug, just before running a line of kisses up the side of Chrissy’s neck.
“Amazing is a better word for it Chrissy.” Kara smiled as she thought about the image she still had in her mind of how Chrissy looked the other day. “Until I saw you the other day, I still thought you would have a little bit of male showing in your body shape, but all I saw was a female.” Kara added as she went even redder.
“I don’t think I was ever a male, so I never had any male shape either. I think that’s why I look so good now.” Chrissy said with a smile. “Please don’t worry about it Kara. I’m fine with what you saw; I hope it didn’t bother you too much seeing me naked?” Chrissy looked a little worried as she said it.
“Like you said Chrissy, you’re not the first naked female I saw.” Kara hoped that the way she worded it, let Chrissy know that she just saw Chrissy as a female. “Just don’t let Jayden know that.” Kara said in a whisper, as she started grinning.
Things lightened up after that, and Chrissy got to work again on Kara’s makeup. Kara had shaved, so Chrissy used some beard cover before getting started on the rest of her makeup. Chrissy was soon stepping back so Kara could look at the finished result.
“You really are amazing in more ways than one Chrissy.” Kara said, as she looked at the makeup job Chrissy had just given her. Kara couldn’t see any trace of Callum, all she could see was Kara now with a natural daytime look. “Thank you Chrissy, for the makeover, and the advice.” Kara added just before pulling Chrissy into a hug.
“You’re welcome Kara. Now go and find Jayden, and get all this silly thinking of yours put to rest.” Chrissy said in a bossy voice as she led Kara over to the bedroom door and almost pushed her out the room.
Kara just smiled as she saw Chrissy close the bedroom door, leaving her stood alone in the hallway. Kara looked down the hallway before making her way down to Jayden’s room to get dressed, and talk things over with her.
Jayden was just laying out an outfit for Kara on the bed when she heard a light nock, just before she saw Kara poke her head round it.
“Wow Kara. Chrissy has really gone above and beyond with your look this time.” Jayden said with a grin, but she stopped grinning when she saw the serious look Kara had when she entered the room fully. “Is everything alright Kara?” Jayden asked with a lump in her throat.
“I hope so Jayden, but can we sit on the bed and have a quick chat about something?” Kara asked as she walked over and sat on the bed, just before patting the bed next to her for Jayden to come and join her.
“Okay Kara.” Jayden said, as she walked over and took the seat where Kara had just indicated. “What have I done wrong?” Jayden asked.
“I’m not sure you’ve done anything wrong Jayden, but I’m scared that you might do in the future.” Kara said still looking worried about having this chat with Jayden.
“I’m not following you Kara.” Jayden said looking puzzled now.
“I’m scared Jayden. Scared that you love Kara more than you do Callum?” It was Callum that said it, as he never even tried to sound female as he spoke.
“I love both sides of you Callum, both Kara and you.” Jayden said as she wrapped her arms around Kara and hugged her. “I’m sorry if I’ve given you any reason to think I love one side more than the other.” Jaden added as she looked deep into Kara’s eyes with the light eye makeup added to the still worried eyes staring back at her.
“So you’ll always want Callum just as much as you do Kara?” Kara asked.
“Yes silly.” Jayden said with a little giggle. “Who do you think I was making love to most of the night, and then again this morning?” Jayden asked with a grin.
“I thought you saw me as Kara when I had the breast forms attached?” Kara asked her, now sporting the puzzled look Jayden had just had.
“I know what I said Callum, but I also know that it’s just you under all that packing and makeup.” Jayden smiled. “I just thought it would make you feel more relaxed if I showed you just how willing I am to like both your sides.” Jayden added with an outright grin now.
“So you would still want me, even if Kara went away?” Kara asked.
“Yes I would, but I would miss going out shopping, and spending time together at the club.” Jayden said sounding sad. “I hope you’re not planning to send Kara away.” Jayden added looking worried again now.
“No, Kara will be around for as long as you want her Jayden, but if you ever ask me to stop being her, then I would try my best to do as you ask.” Kara said looking serious again.
“I would never do that to you. I like the way you act when you’re Kara. You let me take the lead in everything, and it’s nice to know that you have that softer side in you.” Jayden said just before leaning in to kiss Kara on the lips.
Kara knew from that kiss, that she and Jayden would be together for a very long time to come, and Chrissy was right about Jayden just wanting to let her know that she wanted to have Kara and Callum as part of her life.
“If everything is okay again now baby, we better see about getting dressed, or the others will be going shopping without us.” Jayden said with another worried look, but this one was just pretend, and they were soon helping each other to get dressed.
Jayden had picked out a blue summery dress with short sleeves and little white flowers all over it, she’d also laid out a thin white cardigan to go over the top, so it didn’t show off the slightly muscular arms that Callum had. The final piece was a pair of white low heeled sandals. Once dressed, Kara looked in the mirror and smiled when Kara was stood there looking back at him from the mirror. Jayden walked over and stood next to Kara wearing a similar looking outfit.
“Happy with the look?” Jayden asked.
“Yes, very happy.” Kara said as she looked at Jayden in the mirror.
“I’ve put all your bits and bobs in this purse, so we’re ready to head down and see if the others are ready to go shopping.” Jayden said the last bit with a grin.
Kara wasn’t as worried this time, she was still a little nervous, but nowhere near as bad as the other week when Chrissy and Jayden had tricked him into spending the night as Kara, so they could then drag her out shopping. Kara was now wearing one of the dresses she’d been brought that day by Jayden.
“I love you so much Jayden.” Kara said as she turned and wrapped her arms around Jayden’s waist and pulled her closer for a kiss.
“I love you to Kara, Callum.” Jayden purred when they stopped kissing. “But we better get going before I get you back on that bed, and we’ll never get out the house then.” Jayden added with a grin as she handed Kara her purse and then picked up her own before dragging Kara out the room.
Chrissy, Becky, Mandy, Amy and Amber were all stood in the hallway when Jayden and Kara walked down the stairs. Kara walked over to Chrissy and Becky, just before pulling the two of them into a hug.
“Thank you for setting me straight over the problem I was having with Jayden.” Kara said with a smile when they stopped hugging.
“I trust everything is okay between the two of you again then now?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“Yes, we got it all sorted out.” Kara had a sly look at Jayden as she said it.
They all giggled when they saw the look, as they were also happy that Kara looked a lot happier now.
“Come on then, let’s go and spend some money.” Mandy said with a grin as she opened the front door and let them all out the house before she armed the alarm and then locked the front door.
They were using Mandy’s and Becky’s car’s to go into town because they wouldn’t all fit in the one car. Jayden and Kara went in Becky’s car with her and Chrissy, while Amber and Amy went with Mandy in hers. Becky let Mandy lead the way, and they were soon parking in a secure car park and making their way into the first of many shopping centres.
Chrissy wanted to get Becky some new clothes to fit her more fuller figure, so they all followed along as Chrissy went looking at maternity wear. The others were soon wandering off and looking at baby clothes and other things Chrissy and Becky would need soon. By the time they left the first shop, all the girls had brought something for the babies, and Chrissy had got a couple of dresses and some t-shirts that let the whole world know Becky was with child, or children in Becky’s case.
They all decided it would be a good idea to stop for some lunch before they got stuck into it properly, so they went to a restaurant and ordered some food. Once that was finished, they left the restaurant and then hit the shops for real. The girls made a couple of trips back to the cars and dropped off their bags before going at it again.
Kara wasn’t use to walking around on heels of any size, even though the ones she had on only had a small heel, so she was soon keeping Becky company as she was getting tired due to the extra weight and the fact she couldn’t stop peeing.
“It looks like you’re having fun Kara.” Becky said with a smile as they both watched Chrissy and Amy running off into another shoe shop.
“I am Becky. I never realised just how much better it was being able to feel the clothes, and try them on before buying them.” Kara grinned back at her. “I think Jayden’s been buying me stuff again though, so I’ll have to have a word with her about that.” Kara added with a raised eyebrow.
Kara was just about to say something else, but her mobile started ringing, well Callum’s mobile did. Kara looked around to make sure no one was close by, and then she answered it using Callum’s voice.
“Hello? Callum speaking.” Callum’s voice said out of Kara’s lips.
Becky thought Kara looked funny when she spoke in Callum’s normal voice, but she didn’t laugh, or draw attention to her.
“Hi Baldwin. I was just wondering when you were going to be back at work you lazy sod?” Callum heard Stephen’s voice say on the other end of the phone.
“I’ll be back at work tomorrow, not that it’s got anything to do with you.” Callum said in a firm tone.
“No need to be like that mate, I was just worried about you.” Stephen said, but the tone didn’t match with what he’d just said.
“Okay, well thanks for being so worried about me Stephen, and I’ll see you tomorrow at work then.” Callum said looking puzzled by the phone call.
“Right you are mate, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Stephen said before ending the call.
Kara just looked at the phone with a strange look on her face. “That’s got to be the weirdest call I’ve ever had.” Kara said, back in her female voice again now.
“Wasn’t Stephen the guy from the hotel last week? The one that started shouting while you and Jayden were having a meal?” Becky asked as they started walking again, to catch up with the others.
“Yes it was, that’s what I find so odd about the call.” Kara said looking puzzled still. “He hates my guts, so I find it hard to believe he’d be calling to see how I am.” Kara added.
“Maybe he’s turning over a new leaf in a hope that Jayden has a friend you can set him up with.” Becky said with a grin.
“Jayden does have friends, but you’re all taken, and if you weren’t, I still wouldn’t subject any of you to him.” Kara said with a frown.
“Is he really that bad Kara?” Becky asked looking worried.
“No, he’s ten times worse than the worse person you can think of Becky.” Kara replied. “Just ask Jayden how bad he is.” Kara added with a shudder.
Kara and Becky were soon side tracked when they saw Chrissy and Amy sat with a pile of shoe boxe, and Jayden on her way over to another seat with a small pile of her own. They tried all the shoes and boots on, and then brought a couple of pairs each before leaving the shop and heading back to the cars, so Becky could go home and grab a couple of hours sleep before she got ready to go to work. Chrissy was going to join her for a nap, as she was also going into the club with Becky, so she could make sure she wasn’t trying to do too much.
Mandy was a little worried about Chrissy trying to do too much, but no amount of talking would stop Chrissy from going to the club later with Becky.
Becky dropped Jayden and Kara off at Callum’s house before going home. Kara was going to become Callum again before going out to dinner with Jayden. Kara had smiled when Jayden asked if she’d mind her going out with Callum for the evening instead of Kara.
Chrissy and Becky went to bed once they got home, and put all the shopping they had brought away. Mandy went to sit in the kitchen and chat with Amber and Amy while they sorted out what to make for dinner.
Ann had sent Amy a text message to let her know that she’d be having dinner with Brad, but would be home later in the night.
Chrissy and Becky came down for dinner, and then went up to get ready to go to the club. Vicky came to pick them up and was shocked to see Chrissy going in again, but didn’t mind the extra company in the car, or the extra help Becky would have. Mandy, Amy and Amber gave them all a hug before waving them off and then returning to the living room to watch some telly for the rest of the night.
Mandy was sat at the kitchen table the next morning while Amy and Amber sorted out breakfast when Chrissy and Becky entered the kitchen.
“Morning everyone.” Chrissy said with a smile, as she went over to start helping Amber and Amy with breakfast after stopping off at Mandy to give her a good morning hug. “Good morning sis.” Chrissy added as she gave her sister a quick peck on the cheek.
“Good morning baby sister. How was the club last night?” Mandy asked as she smiled up at Chrissy.
“It was okay, not to busy, so I got to spend lots of time walking round with Becky.” Chrissy grinned.
“Wednesdays are normally quiet, so it was nice to spend time with Chrissy.” Becky smiled.
“Will you be okay to work today sis?” Mandy asked with some worry on her face.
“Yes. I feel fine, so stop worrying about me.” Chrissy said in a dismissive way as she walked over to give Amber and Amy a hug before helping them sort out breakfast.
“That’s never going to happen baby sister.” Mandy smiled. “You like to get in to much trouble for me to ever stop worrying about you.” Mandy added with a giggle.
“Me, Trouble?” Chrissy asked looking shocked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Chrissy added as she turned to start helping with breakfast.
Becky walked over to help out, but Chrissy led her back to the table, so she could relax until breakfast was ready. “I’m capable of helping to cook breakfast baby. I won’t break.” Becky protested as Chrissy made her take a seat at the table next to Mandy.
“I’m sure you are my love, but I plan to err on the side of caution and make you rest as much as I can.” Chrissy said, not looking like she was about to let Becky help still.
Chrissy was soon helping Amber and Amy while they all danced around to music playing on the radio. The music was loud enough, that Mandy and Becky could talk in a lowered voice and not be over heard by Chrissy and the other two.
“Do you not think Chrissy is pushing herself a little hard with helping out at the club, and now stopping you from helping out with breakfast?” Mandy asked.
“Yes I do, but I think the stuff mum said to her, has made her want to go above and beyond to stop me doing too much, and also show that she can help me do less.” Becky said with a sad look at Mandy.
“I was worried about this happening when mum started in on her the other day.” Mandy said with a sigh. “Got any great ideas on how to make her slow down, and stop worrying about it so much?” Mandy asked.
“Not at the minute Mandy, but I’ll give it some thought over the next couple of days.” Becky said as she looked over at Chrissy dancing around with Amy and Amber.
Ann and Jayden walked into the kitchen just as the girls were dishing up, so they all sat and enjoyed a nice breakfast while Ann and Jayden filled everyone in on what they had been doing the night before. Ann had been at the club, so there wasn’t much to say, but Jayden had been out for a nice candle lit dinner with Callum, and then gone on to a club where they could do some slow romantic dancing before Callum dropped her off at just before midnight.
Once they had all finished breakfast, and Chrissy had been dragged up to finish getting ready for work. Becky made a start on washing the dishes. Ann, Amber and Jayden had all left for work already. Chrissy was soon back down fully dressed and ready to leave, but she still had time to help dry the dishes for Becky before she did.
Becky hugged and kissed Chrissy at the front door, and then watched Mandy drag her over to her car and help her to get in before waving at Becky and getting in herself. Becky waved to them as they drove out the driveway, then she went back in the house to get ready for when Brad turned up, so they could go and get the food shopping done for the barbecue on Sunday.
Mandy drove round to Mable’s, so Chrissy could spend a little time with her mum and dad before they went to the shop.
Greg was looking well and he’d had a good night sleep as well, so Chrissy was happy to see him sat having a heated debate with David about some soccer player being better than another one.
They stopped for half an hour before leaving again so they could get to the shop and make a start on the orders for the changing service and the internet. Hope was waiting out side in her people carrier when Mandy pulled up, so Chrissy and Amy were quick to get out the car and then get the shop opened up. Little Kat was grinning as she saw Chrissy and Amy walk over to help get Kat and her little backpack out the car and into the shop.
“Hello’s Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Amy.” Kat said with a grin as she let Amy pick her up and carry her into the shop while Chrissy grabbed the little pink backpack that held Kat’s colouring books and crayons.
Holly just smiled as she locked the car up and followed Chrissy into the back of the shop. Hope loved the way Kat had taken to calling all the girls Aunty, and she loved the way Chrissy and Amy always made time for her when she came to the shop with her while she worked on the accounts for the them.
“Thank you for the invite to the barbecue.” Hope smiled. “I told Kat about the barbecue, and the bouncy castle, and she’s not stopped talking about it since I told her the other night.” Hope added with a giggle.
“So you’re all excited about going on a bouncy castle then are you?” Amy asked as she spun around the room with Kat still in her arms.
“Yes, yes!” Kat said looking even more excited. “I see other kids play on big castle, but mummy say I not big enough to go on one.” Kat added with a pout.
“Your mummy was right to stop you Kat, but this bouncy castle will be just for you and Cathleen.” Amy said with a grin.
“You and Aunty Chrissy come on too?” Kat asked looking hopeful.
“Do you want Chrissy and I to come on the bouncy castle with you?” Amy asked with an even bigger grin.
“Yes I do’s silly!” Kat said as she started clapping her hands together with even more excitement now.
“Who you calling silly? Little missy.” Amy asked, just before she started tickling Kat’s belly just after seating her at the table.
Kat was soon filling the room with her musical little laugh as she tried to make Amy stop, but not doing a very good job of it. “I sorry Aunty Amy, I sorry.” Kat squealed out between giggles.
Apology accepted.” Amy smiled as she leaned down and gave Kat a little hug.
Chrissy put Kat’s little backpack on the empty seat next to Kat, and then helped her get out a colouring book. Once Kat was sat colouring, she went to join Amy and Mandy, so they could make a start on the orders while they waited for the kettle to boil. Hope made them all a cup of tea, and got Kat a juice drink out the fridge. Hope had dropped into the routine of making the drink while the others got sorted out ready for when they’d had their drink.
“Do you need me to bring anything on Sunday?” Hope asked, as they sat with their drinks.
“Nope, just you, Faith, and this little monster here.” Chrissy said with a grin as she quickly tickled Kat.
Kat giggled and tried to tickle Chrissy back, but she couldn’t do it very well due to her little hands, and the fact that Chrissy was wearing a corset, and Kat was trying to tickle Chrissy’s side. “You not play fair.” Kat pouted as she poked the stiff armour like material under Chrissy’s blouse.
“You just need to know where to tickle her.” Amy whispered in Kat’s ear, just before she tickled Chrissy under her arm pit.
Chrissy let out a little squeal as she tried to move out of Amy’s reach, but Mandy was sat the other side, so she was pinned in place. Kat giggled when she saw Chrissy act like she did, but Kat was soon getting some revenge as she tickled Chrissy under her arm. Chrissy would giggle, which set Kat off even more, then Amy was giggling as well when Chrissy showed Kat that Amy was even more ticklish than she was.
They all finished their drinks and then got back to work, and Kat got back to colouring in her picture. Chrissy and Amy would stop every now and then to make sure Kat wasn’t getting board, and they would even let her help print out the internet orders for them once the changing service orders were ready to be collected.
Hope and Kat stopped to have some lunch with Chrissy, Amy and Mandy, so Carl had extra’s put in to keep Kat happy. She had her own little lunch box with a drink and little sandwiches they knew Kat would eat, and a little fruit salad and a yogurt to dip the fruit in. Kat always ate it all, and then she would wander up to the shop with Chrissy and Amy to buy a little bag of sweats. Hope always smiled when she saw her daughter wandering off out the shop holding Chrissy’s hand one side, and Amy’s on the other.
Becky had just finished getting ready and put the shopping list in her purse when the doorbell rang. She went to the door and found Brad stood on the other side with Frank stood next to him, both of them sporting big grins on their faces.
“Morning Brad, Frank.” Becky smiled. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here this morning.” Becky said as she looked at Frank.
“Morning boss. Brad told me what you were doing today, and I said I’d come and help out.” Frank said, but he gave Brad a strange sideways look as he said it, like he wasn’t telling it right and he didn’t want Brad to say anything.
“Thanks Frank, but do you care to tell me the real reason for the extra help?” Becky asked with a raised eyebrow. “I find it hard to believe you’d just volunteer to go shopping.” Becky added.
Frank was about to speak again, but stopped when Brad spoke up first. “You may as well come clean Frank, she’ll just trick you into telling her later, and it was a lame excuse.” Brad chuckled. “Me need help with lifting a little shopping.” Brad scoffed.
“Okay, okay. Chrissy came and asked me to help out, just to make sure you didn’t try and do too much while you were picking the stuff up for the barbecue, and the other shopping you needed to get done today.” Frank said with a sigh.
“There are days when I could kill that wife of mine.” Becky said with some anger in her voice. “I’m not made of glass. I won’t break if I try to do something.” Becky added as she walked back into the house, so she could make sure she had the shopping list, and her purse.
“Don’t be too hard on Chrissy boss.” Brad said. “She’s just worried about you and the babies. I think Prue’s put the fear of god into her after the other day.” Brad added as he helped Becky step out of the house after she armed the alarm system.
“I know that Brad, but I’m just getting a little sick of her wrapping me in cotton wool.” Becky said with a sigh as she locked the front door and then let Brad and Frank lead her over to Brad’s truck.
Frank helped her get in the back passenger seat of the truck before he got in the front one. Brad got in the driver’s side and then set off towards the place Carl had told him to go to, so he could pick up the meat.
“So you know all about Sunday then Frank?” Becky asked, not sure if Brad had told him about the ring, and what he planned to do.
“Yes, he told me all about the engagement.” Frank said with a grin as he looked over his shoulder at Becky sat in the back behind Brad. “None of the others know about it though. The kid wants to make sure Ann’s going to say yes first.” Frank added with a chuckle, like it was a foregone conclusion what the answer was going to be already.
“Ann may not want to settle down yet Frank, so she could still say no to me.” Brad wasn’t taking anything for granted at this point.
“Trust me kid, I saw the look in her eyes when Amy got married. She’s going to say yes to you.” Frank said, sounding very sure of himself.
“This is the one time I really wish you're right Frank; I really wish you’re right.” Brad said with a quick glance over at him before her looked back at the road again.
Brad was soon pulling into a car park outside a large meat market and they got out. Becky went into the place first and spoke with a man for a couple of minutes, then the man walked off and came back with a trolley full of white polystyrene boxes full of meat for her. Carl had already sorted out payment, so Frank grabbed the trolley and wheeled it out to Brad’s truck.
Becky got to stand and watch while Brad and Frank load it all into the back of the truck. Frank took the trolley back, while Brad closed and locked the back of the truck up again. Then they were all back in the truck and heading to the next place on her list.
As mad as Becky had felt with Chrissy to start with, she was soon glad to have the two men with her. Becky thought the two of them looked funny as they walked around a Costco, each of them pushing a trolley while she pointed at what she wanted. Becky had tried to pick up a couple of things, but soon gave up when Frank or Brad would jump in and stop her.
By the time they got to the bottom of the large list, the back of Brad’s truck was full, so they made their way back to Becky’s to unload it all. Once again Becky ended up stood in the kitchen or one of the other rooms where they kept the second freezer while Brad and Frank put stuff away.
“Thanks for all the help guy’s.” Becky smiled as she gave each of them a hug. “Please let me make you a spot of lunch?” Becky asked looking hopeful.
“I won’t say no, not after looking at all that food this morning.” Frank groaned as he put a hand on his rumbling belly. It was as if it knew what Becky had just asked, and was answering for him.
“Do you want me to sort it out boss?” Brad asked.
“I am quite capable of making a sandwich Brad.” Becky said with a frown as she turned to look at him again. “I think you’re all taking the not letting me do anything too far.” Becky added as she walked over to get the things she needed to make them all something to eat.
Becky grabbed a large French stick and then set about making a plate full of chicken salad sandwiches for them all. Frank and Brad got stuck in as soon as Becky put the plate down on the table.
“Thanks boss.” Brad said between bites. “This tastes really good.” He added.
“Yes, thanks boss. You sure know how to make a mean sandwich.” Frank said as he held up what was left of his sandwich.
“Thanks guy’s, it’s the least I can do after all the help you gave me this morning.” Becky smiled as she nibbled at hers.
Becky poured them all a glass of milk out and then sat back down again to enjoy a chocolate chip cookie after the sandwiches were all gone. Frank and Brad helped her finished the packet off before they left to let her get some more sleep before work later in the evening.
“Thanks again for all the help Frank, Brad.” Becky smiled as she led them to the door.
“Think nothing of it Becky. I’d be glad to help out more often if I get fed like that again.” Frank said with a grin as he stepped outside followed by Brad.
“I’m with Frank on that one boss. Just give me a call the next time you want to go shopping.” Brad added.
“I’ll bare that in mind.” Becky giggled. “Now go and get some rest before work tonight.” Becky added, playing the boss again.
“I do feel a nap coming on after eating all that food.” Frank was grinning as he followed Brad over to his truck.
“That’s called getting old, old man.” Brad said with a grin.
“Hey! I can still teach you a couple of things pup.” Frank shot back with a chuckle, just before giving him a shove.
“In your dreams old man.” Brad teased as he went to push Frank back, but Frank was too fast and he soon had Brad in a head lock.
“Well someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.” Frank bragged as he turned around to smile at Becky still stood in the doorway giggling at the pair of them playing around.
“What did you put in that sandwich boss?” Brad asked as he tried to look up so he could see Becky giggling at them.
“Nothing that I didn’t put in yours Brad.” Becky shouted.
“You’re still scary fast old man.” Brad said when Frank released his head and let him stand up fully again.
“Sure am, and don’t you forget it pup.” Frank chuckled some more. “See you later boss!” Frank added just before getting in the truck.
“Yep, see you later boss!” Brad shouted as he rubbed his neck where Frank had just been gripping it. Brad still looked a little shocked that Frank had got him in a head lock so easily.
Becky just waved at them before going back in the house and locking the front door and going back to bed for a while. Becky was thinking about how easy Frank had made it look getting the upper hand on Brad. “I guess Brad still has something to learn from Frank, even now.” Becky said to no one but herself.
Chrissy was just making her, Amy and Mandy a cup of tea mid afternoon when she heard her mobile ringing, so she ran over to it, worried that something was wrong with her dad, or Becky. Chrissy let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Debbie calling her.
“Hi Debbie, you any closer to dropping that baby yet?” Chrissy asked with a giggle.
“Yes she is, and she has.” A male voice said on the other end of the phone.
“Vin, is that you?” Chrissy asked.
“Hi Chrissy. Yes it’s me. I just wanted to let you know that Debbie and the baby are doing just fine.” Vin said sounding happy, but worn out at the same time.
“Debbie’s had the baby!” Chrissy shouted as she looked toward the front of the shop where Amy and Mandy were still sorting out the last of the internet orders.
Chrissy asked some questions and found out as much info as she could before letting Vin go and call some others that needed to know. Amy and Mandy were both stood waiting for all the details when Chrissy ended the call.
“Well? Give us all the details.” Amy said bouncing up and down on the spot.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what he told me, but he had other people to call, so couldn’t give me too much info right now.” Chrissy said, as she tried to calm Amy down. “He said he’d make sure to get Debbie to call us later, and he’ll take some photos on his phone later and send them to my phone as well.” Chrissy added as she led Amy over to the table in the back room.
“Was it a boy then?” Amy asked.
“Yes she had a boy, and he’s the spitting image of Vin. He was seven pounds eight ounces and has a good set of lungs on him.” Chrissy giggled.
“He sounds so cute, when can we go and see him?” Amy pleaded.
“I’m not too sure, but I’ll have a word with Carl or Carla tonight at the club.” Chrissy smiled.
“What? You’re going to the club again tonight?” Mandy asked looking shocked by the news. “I don’t think it’s fair for Becky to punish you this much for what happened.” Mandy added with some anger in her voice now.
“I’m not doing it because I’m being punished sis. I just want to help Becky out as much as I can.” Chrissy said in a firm voice. “It’s my choice to make, and I’m still pulling my weight here at the shop.” Chrissy added.
“I know you are at the minute sis, but you’ll wear yourself out if you keep pushing it like you are.” Mandy said looking worried for her baby sister.
“If I start feeling bad, then I’ll rethink it all, but until then, I’ll be going to the club with Becky every night.” Chrissy said it in such a way, as it meant the talk was over about her working at the club.
“I’ll be keeping an eye on you sis, and for the record, I think the reason behind all this is wrong.” Mandy said in a firm voice herself now. “I think you’re doing a great job of looking after Becky without you going and doing her job at the club as well.” Mandy added.
Amy cold see that this was going to keep going around in circles, so she asked some more questions about Debbie’s baby. “How long was Debbie in labour for Chrissy?”
“Vin never said, but I bet we’ll find out later when we speak to Debbie about it.” Chrissy said, glad of the subject change.
Mandy just looked at Amy with daggers, she wasn’t happy with the subject change. Mandy was worried about all the hours Chrissy was putting in with her dad, Becky and the shop. Mandy found herself getting angry with her mum again, for ever having a go at Chrissy now, she knew how Chrissy was going to take being told she was making things worse for Becky with all the stress she was putting on Becky.
Once they had everything ready to go out in the post, they got the shop locked up and then made their way to the post office before going home. Chrissy was shocked when Mandy refused to take her to Mable’s though.
“Why aren’t we going to Mable’s sis?” Chrissy asked.
“Because you’re going home and going back to bed for a couple of hours.” Mandy snapped. “I may not be able to stop you going to the club with Becky every night of the week, but I’m damn sure going to make sure you get as much sleep as you can. So if you want to keep calling in to see your mum and dad on the way home, then you rethink working with Becky every night at the club.” Mandy felt quite smug, she was hoping to stop Chrissy working herself so hard by using the mum and dad card on her.
“I guess I’ll just have to settle for seeing them in the morning then.” Chrissy said looking angry as she folded her arms across her chest like a child would, who didn’t get their own way.
“God you can be so pig headed when you want to be.” Mandy said in frustration as she drove towards home.
“I must get that from you then sis.” Chrissy said as she turned to look at Mandy as she stuck her tongue out at her.
Mandy looked angry for a second, bur was soon giggling when she saw Chrissy stick her tongue out. “You can be such a child at times sis.” Mandy said with a sigh when she stopped giggling.
“I’m sorry for having a go at you Mandy, and I know that you’re just worried about me.” Chrissy smiled at her. “Please don’t make me choose between my dad, and making sure Becky isn’t trying to do too much.” Chrissy pleaded.
“And who stops you from trying to do too much baby sister?” Mandy asked as they stopped at a set of lights.
“That’s what I have you for sis.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Hey! Don’t forget about me. I want to help out as well.” Amy said from the back seat.
“Well the ruling stands then baby sister, for as long as you want to keep helping Becky at the club, you will not be going to see your mum and dad on the way home from work.” Mandy used her; this is my final word on the subject voice as she said it.
Chrissy wanted to try and argue with Mandy on the subject, but knew she didn’t have any point to argue with. Anything she tried to use would only give Mandy another reason for her not to keep helping Becky at the club, so she just let out a sigh and watched the streets go by as they got closer to home.
Becky was still in bed when they got home, so Mandy sent Chrissy straight up stairs to spend some time cuddled up to Becky. Mandy knew that Chrissy always slept better when Becky was there with her.
“What about sorting out dinner?” Chrissy asked.
“I’m sure Amy will be happy to help out while you’re working two jobs.” Mandy said as she pushed Chrissy towards the stairs. “Now get that butt of yours up the stairs and into bed.” Mandy added in a bossy big sister voice.
Not wanting to find out what Mandy had planned if she didn’t get up to bed, Chrissy took the steps two at a time. She slowed as she got to her bedroom door and slowly opened it to see where Becky was. Becky was still fast asleep, so Chrissy did a quick makeup removal and then slipped out of her work clothes and then slipped into bed next to Becky.
Becky never fully woke up, but she did let out a pleasant moan when Chrissy cuddled up to her. Chrissy must have been more tired than she realised, because she was soon fast asleep as well.
Mandy and Amy were shocked at the amount of food Becky had brought when they looked in the kitchen cupboards and then both chest freezers. “Do you think she left anything in the supermarket?” Amy asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I doubt it, but look at it this way baby sister. At least we won’t go hungry for a couple of weeks.” Mandy said with a grin.
Not being the cook, Mandy went and sat at the kitchen table, and chattered with Amy while she worked out what she was going to do for dinner. Amy decided to do salad and baked potatoes, and some gammon steaks she’d found in the fridge. Amy had a good idea that this is what Becky was planning to do anyway.
Becky woke to find Chrissy cuddled up to her, and it took her a couple of seconds to realise what day it was, she then looked over at the clock and saw she’d slept later than she wanted to. Becky then realised that Chrissy was in bed with her, and still fast asleep. Becky tried to pull herself away from Chrissy, but Chrissy just let out a moan and held her even tighter.
“Looks like I’m stopping in bed for a little longer then.” Becky thought to herself. “Well I might as well make the most of it.” Becky cuddled up to Chrissy even more and was soon falling back to sleep again.
Chrissy was woken up when she felt Becky pulling herself away from her, and dashing off to use the bathroom. Chrissy rubbed her eyes and then staggered out of bed herself and ran over to the bathroom herself, to make sure Becky was alright.
“What’s wrong baby?” Chrissy asked in a dry croaky voice, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes still. “Did I hurt you while you were in bed?” Chrissy added looking worried.
“No, don’t be silly. I just really needed to pee.” Becky said with a sigh as she let the dam burst at last.
“Wow, you really did need to go.” Chrissy said with wide eyes, just before she started giggling at the look Becky now had.
“I’ve needed to go for some time, but I didn’t want to wake you up, and you were hugging me pretty tight, so I waited as long as I could.” Becky said as she wiped herself and then got dressed again.
“Sorry, I should have known better than to hug you while you slept.” Chrissy said looking upset with herself now for stopping Becky getting to the bathroom sooner.
“Hey! Don’t be like that baby. I love you hugging me like you do, so don’t even think about stopping.” Becky said as she stopped Chrissy leaving the bathroom and pulled her in closer for a kiss.
“Okay, I’ll keep hugging you while you sleep, but in future, just let me know you need the bathroom. Don’t think about holding it.” Chrissy said in a firm voice as she hugged Becky back.
“Alright, I promise to not hold it, and I’ll go to the bathroom right away.” Becky purred in Chrissy’s ear.
“How did the shopping go?” Chrissy asked as Becky led her back to the bedroom.
“It went fine, but I’m not happy with you for talking Frank into coming along, as well as Brad.” Becky said with her hands on her hips.
“Did he come in handy?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes, but that’s not the point.” Becky tried to argue.
“I think that is the point. If you made use of him, then there was too much for just you and Brad to deal with.” Chrissy argued back. “I’ve told you that I’m not going to give anyone, anymore reasons to think of me as a bad person.” Chrissy added.
“No one does think of you as a bad person Chrissy.” Becky pleaded. “Well except maybe you, but that doesn’t count.” Becky added with a pointed finger at Chrissy to stop her saying anything.
“Great, you sound just like Mandy does now.” Chrissy said with a roll of her eyes as she sat down on the bed.
“Why? What’s Mandy been saying to you?” Becky asked as she sat down on the bed next to Chrissy and wrapped an arm around her.
“Mandy won’t let me go and see my mum and dad on the way home from work, not while I’m going to be going to the club at night with you.” Chrissy said with a pout.
“She’s just worried about you baby, just like I am, and I know the others are worried as well.” Becky said in a soothing voice. “You can’t keep working days at the shop, and then coming with me to the club in the evenings, and still fit in seeing your mum and dad twice a day.” Becky added.
“I know that, so I’ve told Mandy that I’ll just see them in the morning before I go to work.” Chrissy said when she realised that Becky was not going to be the one to talk Mandy into letting her go and see her mum and dad in the evening. Chrissy knew that no one was going to argue in her defence on that issue.
“You don’t have to be at the club all the time with me either baby. I’m sure I’d be fine if you wanted to take a break and get some more rest.” Becky said it in some hope that Chrissy would ease up on all the hours she was now working, but Becky also knew it was a waste of time even trying.
“I’m not taking the chance, so for as long as you’re working at the club while you’re pregnant, I’ll be there helping you.” Chrissy said in such a way as to make it final on the subject.
“You can be really pig headed at times. Do you know that?” Becky said with some frustration in her voice.
“Yes, I’m getting that a lot today.” Chrissy said with a sarcastic smile as she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to use the toilet herself. Chrissy was thinking about how Mandy had said the same thing in the car coming home from work.
Becky just sat on the bed shaking her head from side to side, as she watched Chrissy walk into the bathroom and close the door behind her. Becky knew she had to find some way to make Chrissy stop trying so hard, but all the plans she’d thought of had just been blown out the water.
The only plans Becky still had left to her was to stop Chrissy going to the club with her by telling her straight out, but that would only make Chrissy mad, or even more upset. Or the other option was for Becky to be at the club a little less, so she could then force Chrissy to relax a little more. Chrissy coming back out the bathroom broke Becky out of her thoughts, and they both went down to see if they could help with dinner.
Amber had got home from work and started helping Amy sort dinner out after she gave her wife a proper welcome home greeting. Mandy had gone up to take a quick shower when Amber walked in. Mandy didn’t want to leave Amy alone in the kitchen, so she’d sat talking to her while she made a start on a mixed salad. Amy had set Amber to work on making some coleslaw and that is what she was doing when Chrissy and Becky walked into the kitchen.
“Hi Amy, Amber. I’m sorry for sticking you with sorting dinner out.” Becky said as she walked over to where Amy was stood and gave her a hug to greet her, and also say sorry.
“Hi Becky. Don’t worry about it.” Amy said as she hugged her back. “It looks like you needed a little more sleep anyway.” Amy added with a smile when they broke the hug.
“I’m sorry for working your wife so hard Amber.” Becky said with a pout as she held out her arms to get a hug off her.
“Don’t worry about it sis.” Amber smiled. “If you wear her out, I might get some sleep tonight when we go to bed.” Amber added with a roll of her eyes, just before she started grinning.
“Amber! You can’t say things like that.” Amy said looking shocked at her wife. “It would take far more than working all day and then cooking dinner to wear me out that much.” Amy added with an evil grin at Amber. This set them all of in fits of giggles.
“Do you need any help?” Chrissy asked.
“I think we’ve got it covered, so take a seat and relax a little more.” Amy said as she pointed over towards the kitchen table.
Chrissy let Becky lead her over to the table and they sat side by side with an arm wrapped around each other.
“Oh, I have some good news for the two of you.” Chrissy said as she looked at first Becky, and then Amber. “Debbie had the baby today, Vin called me.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“That’s greet, tell us all the details.” Becky said looking excited.
“I’ll tell you what I know, but Vin sounded dead on his feet, and didn’t give me too many details, but he did say that he’d get Debbie to call at some point tonight.” Chrissy told them.
Chrissy told them everything she knew, like the weight of the baby. Ann and Jayden got home just as Chrissy finished telling the other two all the details, so she let Amy tell Ann and Jayden.
“Are we planning to go up and see him?” Amber asked.
“I’m going to have a word with Carl or Carla tonight and see if we can use the jet next Wednesday and fly up there to see them” Chrissy said with a grin. “I trust nobody has plans that can’t be put off until another day?” Chrissy asked, but already knew what the answer was going to be. Chrissy was right, and they all wanted to go up and see the new baby.
Mandy was soon walking back into the kitchen, and they all sat down to eat their dinner while they talked about what to get Debbie and the baby as a welcome to the world present.
Once dinner was finished, and they had all had a dish of ice cream for dessert, Chrissy and Becky went up to take a shower together and then get ready for work. Becky had tried again to get Chrissy to take a night off, but had given up when she realised that it was falling on deaf ears.
Vicky was stood in the hallway when Chrissy and Becky walked back down the stairs looking all glamorous and ready for a night out at the club. Mandy had told Vicky about Debbie having the baby, but Chrissy and Becky filled her in on all the details they had as they drove to the club. One of the bouncers helped Chrissy and Becky get out the car when they got to the club, while another one helped Vicky get out, just before they jumped in and took the car around to the back of the club to park it for her.
Chrissy was leading Becky into the club, on a mission to go and find Carla, so she could tell her about Debbie having the baby, and to see if they could all go up and see them on Wednesday.
“Chrissy! Slow down a little bit.” Becky moaned, as she struggled to keep up with her. “I have to talk with a couple of staff members on the way to the VIP section.” Becky added as she pulled back on Chrissy’s arm to slow her down.
“I’m sorry, but I just want to talk to Carla.” Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice.
“I know you do baby, but I have a club to run, so we will go and sort these bits out first. Then you can go and talk to Carla.” Becky was all business, and Chrissy knew better than to continue arguing with her about it, so she just fell into step next to Becky and followed her around the club as she checked on all the bars and the bouncers as she walked around.
Chrissy was beginning to think that Becky was spending a little too much time walking around the club. In truth, Becky was taking more time to walk around and check on everybody. She was trying to make Chrissy see that coming to the club every night of the week with her, was going to be boring.
“If you’re so desperate to go and talk to Carla, then why don’t you just go.” Becky snapped at Chrissy after she’d been stood next to her huffing for a couple of minutes while Becky was talking to a couple of new comers to the club. Becky had waited until the new girls had been left chatting to another couple of girls, which was a good idea with how mad she looked.
“I’m sorry Becky.” Was all Chrissy said with worry showing on her face. “I’ll leave you to get on with your job, and go and find Carla then.” Chrissy added, as she turned and almost ran off to get some space between the two of them before Becky had an even bigger go at her.
Becky let out an unhappy sigh as she saw Chrissy running away. Becky hadn’t meant to snap at Chrissy, but all the worrying and getting others to do everything was making her angry, even if they were all just trying to help keep her and the babies safe and in good health.
“I’ll have to think of something pretty amazing to say sorry for that outburst.” Becky said to herself as she started a slow walk up to the VIP section to go and find Chrissy again.
Chrissy ran past Brad as he stood guard on the entrance to the VIP section. Brad went to ask what was wrong, but Chrissy just gave him a worried smile as she ran past, and was gone before a word had left his lips.
Carla was sat on the sofas up in the private section, she was on her own, just relaxing by the looks of it. Carla smiled up at Chrissy as she saw Chrissy walking over to her.
“Hi Carla. Do you mind if I sit and talk to you for a bit?” Chrissy asked as she hovered next to the sofa Carla was sat on.
“Hello Chrissy. You should know my now that you don’t need to ask.” Carla said as she patted the seat next to her for Chrissy to sit down.
“Thanks Carla.” Chrissy smiled as she took the empty seat.
“So what do you want to talk about then?” Carla asked.
“Vin called me at the shop today. Debbie has had the baby.” Chrissy smiled.
“That’s great Chrissy. How are they both doing?” Carla asked.
“Vin said they were doing fine, but he sounded worn out, so I didn’t push him for too many details. He said he’d get Debbie to give me a call tonight, but I’m here so guess the others will have all the details by the time I speak to them in the morning.” Chrissy said with a frown.
“You could have stopped at home tonight and spoke with Debbie yourself Chrissy. I’m sure Becky understands that she’s not to go doing too much.” Carla smiled, as she took hold of Chrissy’s hand. “I also have the other members of staff keeping an eye on her for me as well.” Carla added with a wink.
“I’m not sure me being here is helping to keep her calm anyway Carla.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“What have you done now?” Carla asked with a frown, when she saw the look on Chrissy’s face.
Chrissy wasn’t sure she wanted to tell Carla the reason to start with, but she knew that Becky would tell her later, so Chrissy took in a deep breath before speaking. “I wanted to come and find you when we first got her, but Becky wanted to get stuck in doing her job right away. She seemed to be taking longer than normal doing her walk around the club, and I was getting impatient with her.” Chrissy looked close to tears now. “I made her angry with me.” Chrissy added.
“Don’t let it worry you Chrissy. I’m sure she’ll make it up to you later in the night, just give her a little time to calm down.” Carla said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her. “What would you say to us all taking the jet up to see Debbie and the new addition to her family on Wednesday?” Carla asked in an attempt to make Chrissy cheer up a bit.
Chrissy sat up again and had to let out a little giggle. “That was another reason I wanted to talk to you Carla. I was going to ask you if we could go and see her on Wednesday myself.”
“Great minds think alike.” Carla smiled. “I’ll get a flight plan sorted out for Wednesday then. I trust everyone will be going with us?” Carla asked.
“What do you think?” Chrissy replied with a raised eyebrow.
“Good point Chrissy.” Carla said with a grin.
Before Carla could say anything else to Chrissy, Chrissy jumped up and started moving away from the sofa in the opposite direction to the one she entered through. Carla saw the reason for this when she saw Becky enter the VIP section.
“I’ll try and talk to you some more later in the evening Carla. Bye!” Chrissy said as she walked off at a very fast pace.
Becky saw Chrissy talking to Carla, and was happy to see Chrissy smiling, but she then saw Chrissy jump up and give Becky a worried look before she was taking off in the direction of the toilets. Becky thought about following Chrissy, but didn’t want to be chasing all over the club after her, and Becky thought a little time sat on the sofa chatting with Carla would be nice, so she walked over and took a seat on the sofa facing Carla.
“Hi Carla. I trust Chrissy finally told you the news about Debbie?” Becky asked with a smile.
“Hello Becky. Yes she did, and we talked about taking the jet up to see her and the baby on Wednesday.” Carla said in return. “I trust you’ll be coming along?” Carla asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?” Becky asked looking shocked at the question.
“No reason, I was just hearing from a little birdie that you’re running the club with an iron fist tonight.” Carla said with a smirk.
“I trust the little birdie in question just ran off as I entered the VIP section.” Becky said as she looked in the direction Chrissy had gone moments before. “What else did she say?” Becky asked.
“Not much, she just thinks she’s making things worse all the time.” Carla said with a frown. “She’s just worried about you Becky, cut her some slack. I think Prue’s planted a very deep seed of doubt in her mind, and now she feels the need to do all she can to make sure you’re safe.” Carla added.
“I know that Carla, but I’m just getting a little sick of her taking control of my whole life.” Becky said with anger in her voice. “I just wish Prue had never had her little chat with Chrissy now. Nothing Mandy or I have tried will stop her coming to the club with me, and the only way I can think of to make her take a break, would be for me to take a night off with her.” Becky said with a sigh.
“I’m sure the club will cope without you being here every night of the week Becky” Carla said with a shrug. “You have a good group of people working for you, and they all know what to do. You don’t see me trying to run all the hotels and night club’s I own do you?” Carla asked.
“No, but that’s different. You’re paying me to run this one club for you.” Becky argued.
“Yes, and you do an amazing job of it too, but I’m not going to let you and Chrissy fall out over a simple thing like you taking it easy. I’m on Chrissy’s side with this.” Carla said looking very serious about it.
“But if I’m not here running the club, then what’s the point of you having me working for you?” Becky asked looking worried that she could be about to lose her job.
“Don’t look so worried Becky. You have a job for as long as you want it, and even then I’d still pay you to help me run the empire I own.” Carla said with a grin. “You will still be coming to the club and sorting stuff out, just do more of it in the day while Chrissy is at the shop with Mandy and Amy.” Carla offered with an even bigger grin.
Becky caught on to what Carla was getting at. “I see what you’re saying now Carla.” Becky smiled back. “I’ll still need to find a couple of people to play hostess in the evenings when I’m not working, but it could work.” Becky added as she was suddenly deep in thought while she tried to work out who would do the best job.
“I do have one demand though Becky, as your boss that is.” Carla said looking all business now.
“Okay Carla, just name it.” Becky said looking worried again.
“I demand you go and find Chrissy and let her know you still love her, and stop her worrying about you being upset with her.” Carla said as she pointed for Becky to go and find Chrissy right away.
Becky snapped Carla a salute before she got up off the sofa and walked off to go and find Chrissy. Becky didn’t have any trouble finding Chrissy; she just had to look for Mark the bouncer Becky had told to always keep an eye on Chrissy for her when she was working at the club.
Mark was stood off to one side while Chrissy was stood chatting with a group of girls and getting a very shy looking girl to open up to them. Becky just stood back with Mark watching her work.
“Hi Mark. How’s she doing?” Becky asked as she looked over to where Chrissy was making the new girl smile and laugh now.
“She’s pretty amazing boss.” Mark said in reply. “That new girl was sat over there in the corner looking more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs until Chrissy went over to speak to her.” Mark added looking proud of what Chrissy had done.
“Yes she is very pretty, and amazing.” Becky said with a faraway look in her eyes as she watched the woman she loved so much do her unpaid job.
“She had a good teacher boss.” Mark said with a grin as he looked down at Becky stood at her side.
“She had the best teacher.” Becky said with a mock angry face, just before she started smiling again.
Chrissy picked that moment to look over at Becky stood next to Mark and saw the angry look Becky still had towards her. “Great, she’s still upset with me.” Chrissy thought sarcastically to herself.
“I trust I can leave Lizzy in your safe hands then ladies?” Chrissy asked with a smile, but inside she just wanted to cry at what she’d done to Becky now.
“You know you can Chrissy, now go and find us some more fresh meat to entertain.” One of the other girls said with a grin as she playfully pushed Chrissy away.
“Thank you Chrissy for helping me.” Lizzy said in a not very good female sounding voice, but she looked happy enough to be talking to a group of girls just like her.
“That’s what I’m here for Lizzy. Please don’t leave any of your drinks unattended either ladies’, we’ve had someone else trying to spike drinks.” Chrissy said just before she walked away in the opposite direction to where Becky was still stood with Mark. Chrissy never even bothered to look at Becky, not wanting to see that angry look on her face again.
Becky and Mark had both turned to look at another group of girls laughing, but when they turned back to look at Chrissy again, she’d gone. Becky looked around, but couldn’t see which direction she’d walked off in.
“Did you see which way she went Mark?” Becky asked.
“No, sorry boss. She’s quick when she wants to be.” Mark said with a frown as he kept looking around for her.
“Well she didn’t walk past us, so she must have gone off in that direction.” Becky said as she started walking off with Mark close behind.
“I’m really sorry boss. I should have been keeping a closer eye on her.” Marks said sounding worried for losing sight of Chrissy.
“Don’t worry about it Mark. Chrissy and I had words earlier in the night.” Becky said as she looked up at Mark. “She must have seen me and thought I was still upset with her, so she disappeared before I could get hold of her again.” Becky added.
“Oh I see.” Mark said, knowing only too well what can happen when Chrissy and Becky had words.
“We better head to the entrance and let Frank know, not to let Chrissy leave the club without my say so.” Becky said as she started walking towards the entrance of the club.
“I don’t think Frank would fall for that one again boss.” Mark chuckled as he thought about the last time Chrissy had been upset with Becky, and she’d tricked Frank into getting someone to drive her home.
“I don’t either, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Becky said.
Frank was just explaining to a group of guys out on a stag night, that even though they were all dressed as women, they still weren’t getting into the club, when Becky and Mark turned up.
“You shut it for one second miss!” Frank barked out at the man doing the talking for the group. “I thought you were keeping an eye on Chrissy?” Frank asked Mark.
“He was Frank, but Chrissy and I had words earlier, and now she’s given us both the slip.” Becky said with a meek look. “I just wanted to give you a heads up, just in case she tried to slip past you and go home before I get to speak with her.” Becky added.
“She won’t pull that stunt with me again.” Frank said with a huff. “She’s still inside the club boss. I’ve been stood out here for the past hour.” Frank added just before turning his attention back to the group of very badly dressed drag queens.
Becky wandered off back into the club smiling at the way Frank could deal with the odd people that tried to get into the club.
The club was a safe place most the time for cross dressers and the people that liked to spend time with them, but they didn’t let groups like the one Frank was dealing with now into the club. All groups like that saw, were a reason to start trouble later in the night when they got so drunk they forget about most the girls not being real.
Becky felt better knowing that Chrissy was still in the club someplace, so she started walking around looking for her, and talking to some of the local’s as she did. Becky asked some of them if they’d seen Chrissy in the past ten minutes and a couple said they’d seen her heading towards the VIP section about five minutes ago. Becky thanked them and then made her way back to the VIP section.
Chrissy was just about to head up into the VIP section when she thought that maybe that wouldn’t be the best place for Becky to find her hanging out. She was supposed to be working here after all, not sat talking to Carla or anyone else that happened to be up there.
“Is everything alright Chrissy?” Brad had walked up behind Chrissy not realising he was there and spoke into her ear, and making her jump as she let out a small squeal. “Sorry for scaring you Chrissy.” Brad said as he put his hands up and stepped back a couple of steps. The way he was trying not to start smiling though, said he was anything but sorry.
“Jesus Brad! What you trying to do, scare me to death?” Chrissy asked looking worried as she looked around. “How does someone of your size sneak up on people?” Chrissy put her hand over her heard to stop it jumping out her chest while it calmed down again.
“I didn’t sneak up behind you Chrissy, I shouted you from over there, but came over when I didn’t get an answer.” Brad said as he pointed to where he’d been stood keeping an eye on the club. “So are you going to tell me what’s got you acting so nervous all of a sudden and why aren’t you keeping an eye on Becky tonight?” Brad asked, already knowing that something was going on between her and Becky.
“I’m just making Becky angry by hanging around her all the time, so I thought it best if I just play hostess and keep out her way for the rest of the night.” Chrissy said as she looked down at her feet, or more her chest due to it blocking the view of her feet.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine with you in no time Chrissy, you’re doing the right thing. Just give her some time to cool off and she’ll be looking for you soon enough to say sorry.” Brad smiled. “I better get back to work though, if Becky is mad with you, then the rest of us are all doomed.” Brad added with wide scary eyes.
Chrissy let out a little giggle and let Brad get back to standing guard outside the VIP section, while she went off towards the main part of the club again to carry on playing hostess. What Chrissy didn’t see was Brad telling Paul another bouncer to shadow Chrissy and keep an eye on her.
Becky walked up towards the VIP section and found Brad stood looking over the area of the club he could see from where he was. “Hi boss, is everything alright?” Brad asked.
“It will be when I track down my wife and talk to her.” Becky said looking frustrated at not being able to track her down after walking around the whole club. “Is she up here?” Becky asked as she pointed up into the VIP section.
“No she’s not up there boss, but I was just talking to her.” Brad replied. “She thinks you’re upset with her, so she said she was going to hang out in the main part of the club and play hostess for the rest of the night and keep out your way.” Brad added.
“I did snap at her earlier, but I’m over it all now and just want to say sorry to her, but I can’t find her.” Becky said with even more frustration in her voice.
“She went that way a couple of minutes ago.” Brad said as he pointed in the same direction Chrissy had walked with Paul following just behind her. “Just look for Paul, I sent him along to keep an eye on her for you.” Brad added with a grin.
“Thanks Brad, at least I’ve got a bigger target to look for now.” Becky said with a smile as she walked off looking for Paul.
Becky soon found Paul stood near a group of girls and then she saw Chrissy doing a repair job on another girl’s makeup while the rest of the group stood watching her work. Becky stood almost right behind Chrissy, so she couldn’t see her waiting for Chrissy to finish.
Chrissy had just put the girl’s lipstick back in her little purse when she felt a hand on her shoulder spin her around really fast, just before someone leaned in and kissed her. Chrissy’s head was still spinning, so she never saw who it was, but she knew them lips better than she knew her own. Becky was kissing her, so she relaxed and let it happen. Chrissy was out of breath by the time Becky let her up for air again.
“That was my way of saying sorry for snapping at you earlier Chrissy.” Becky said as she looked deep into Chrissy’s eyes.
“I should be the one saying sorry for upsetting you again.” Chrissy said close to tears now. “I’m proving to be quite useless at everything but being able to upset you now-a-days.” Chrissy added as she straightened herself up again when Becky let go of her.
“It’s not useless to care for people Chrissy.” Becky said looking a little angry again. “I never should have taken so long to walk around the club, but I was just getting sick of you trying to wrap me in cotton wool.” Becky was more pleading for Chrissy to understand now, than upset with her.
“I don’t know what to do different though Becky. If I stop trying to help then Prue will be proved right, and I don’t want Prue to be right. Not about this.” Chrissy had tears running down her cheeks now as she spoke.
“What is it you think Prue is trying to say about you Chrissy?” Becky asked with worry in her voice.
“That I’m not fit to have children, or you.” Chrissy let Becky wrap her arms around her again as she sobbed on her shoulder. “I should let you find someone who can give you everything you need. You never should have come looking for me when I ran away.” Chrissy was not making any sense at all now.
Becky wasn’t going to say anymore while they were stood in the middle of the club, so she led Chrissy up to the VIP section and sat her on one of the sofas before saying another word to her.
“Chrissy, Chrissy, look at me.” Becky said as she sat looking at the top of Chrissy’s head waiting for her to look up.
Chrissy finally looked up at Becky through tear streaked makeup and sat waiting for whatever Becky wanted to tell her.
“I don’t want anyone else to raise OUR children, and I’m never going to look for anyone else to share my heart with.” Becky said in a firm voice. “Prue said that stuff, trying to knock some sense into you, but it looks more like she knocked it clear out of you instead.” Becky added with a frown. “I love the fact that you are willing to work two jobs, and then plan out every little detail of my life, like getting Frank to come and help with the shopping today.” Becky was smiling now as she got a tissue out and wiped the makeup off Chrissy’s cheeks.
“But all I keep doing is upsetting you all the time, and Prue said that was bad, so that makes me bad.” Chrissy said looking confused by it all.
“So all this worry has to do with what I went through after you ran away, as well as what Prue said?” Becky asked, finally seeing the real trouble Chrissy was having.
“Well it’s all true Becky. Everything you’ve ever tried to do for me, I’ve thrown it back in your face and hurt you.” Chrissy said looking even more depressed.
“Does it look like I hate you my love?” Becky asked with her lips just inches from Chrissy’s and her eyes looking deep into Chrissy. So she could see just what Becky was thinking.
“It looked like you hated me earlier.” Chrissy said in her defence for her actions.
“I got upset because I’m pig headed, even more pig headed than you can be most the time.” Becky giggled. “I’ll start and take it easy, as long as you stop thinking you're some evil person not fit to be around anyone.” Becky asked. “I love you silly, and I know you’re a very good person with a heart of gold.” Becky leaned in and kissed Chrissy again before Chrissy could say another word.
Chrissy relaxed in Becky’s arms and felt better than she had in some time. It was like this talk had been long overdue. “I’m sorry for not being the easiest person to live with baby.” Chrissy said when they stopped kissing again.
“The best things in life are never easy my love, but that’s what makes it worth fighting for.” Becky smiled back. “Now you better go and get your makeup fixed, so we can get back to work.” Becky said in a mock bossy voice, as she got up and then pulled Chrissy to her feet and walked with her to the restroom so Chrissy could clean herself up.
Once Chrissy was back to looking as beautiful as Becky always remembered her to be, they returned to the main part of the club and spend the rest of the night walking around the club together sorting out any little problems that came up, and getting shy new comers to open up and chat to some of the other customers in the club.
Chrissy looked more relaxed after she had the talk with Becky. Carla and Vicky smiled as they watched the two of them walking around the club with a new energy that had been missing since Chrissy had been found again safe and sound.
Becky still had to put up with Chrissy doing stuff for her, but it was different now, Becky could tell that Chrissy was just doing it out of love now, not because she felt she should. This was truly the Chrissy she had fallen in love with.
Vicky drove them home at the end of the night and then smiled as she watched them enter the house before she drove off to go and get some sleep herself.
Chrissy and Becky skipped going to the kitchen and went straight up to bed, but they didn’t go to sleep right away.
By SaraUK
Part 22
Mandy was sat at the kitchen table reading the morning paper while Amy and Amber were sorting out the stuff to make French toast for them all when Chrissy and Becky came into the room. Mandy wasn’t sure what sort of a mood Chrissy would be in after She’d put her foot down and stopped Chrissy going to see her mum and dad on the way home, if she insisted on going with Becky to the club every night. Mandy was quite shocked when Chrissy ran over and wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her, just before kissing her on the cheek.
“Good morning sis.” Chrissy smiled, just before running off to hug Amy and Amber in the same way.
“Morning Baby sister. You seem, happy.” Mandy said, not being able to think of a better way to put it. “Should we be worried?” Mandy asked as she looked at Becky for an answer, more than Chrissy.
“Chrissy and I had a long chat last night while at the club, and I think we’ve come to an understanding about what Prue said.” Becky said as she walked over and took a seat at the table, not even trying to go and help the others sort out breakfast. “I’m hoping we get to see more of the old Chrissy we all love so much again now.” Becky added as she watched Chrissy hugging Amy and Amber at the same time.
“Does this mean she won’t be going to the club with you in the evening now then?” Mandy asked looking hopeful.
“No, she’ll still be coming with me in the evenings, but I won’t be going every evening from now on.” Becky smiled. “I spoke with Carla last night, and she said that I should be taking it a little easier, and I need to look at putting another couple of people in place to take over the day to day running of the club.” Becky added with a sigh.
“I’ll take whatever we can get, just as long as we see more of this Chrissy around again.” Mandy smiled as she watched Chrissy start to dance around with Amy when a song came on they both liked.
“She’d been bottling up how she felt about what Prue had said to her, and she finally let it all out last night.” Becky said looking sad. “She’d been so convinced that she was doing everything wrong, that she thought I’d be better off without her.” Becky added with a hurt look.
“So what happened then to make her finally see sense?” Mandy asked.
“I lost my temper with her, and then she finally had a good cry and told me what she was thinking of herself. I told her she was being very silly, and then we kissed and made up.” Becky made it sound like it was the simplest thing in the world to sort out.
“Does this have anything to do with her running away?” Mandy asked, seeing the bigger picture.
“Yes it does. Chrissy was feeling bad still about all the trouble she caused us all, and mum having a go at her the other day just made her think she was that person after all.” Becky said with a sad look on her face, but she was soon smiling again when she saw Chrissy and Amy trying to teach Amber some silly dance they had just made up between them while listening to a song on the radio.
“I thought we’d put all that to rest by now.” Mandy said with a sigh. “She can be such a silly girl at times.” Mandy added as she also looked over and had to giggle at the three of them doing their new dance.
“I’m hoping that she’ll stop trying so hard and just be who she really is.” Becky smiled. “I’ve never asked her to be anything other than that.” Becky added just before giggling again as she was treated to three bottoms bobbing from side to side across the kitchen from where she was sat with Mandy.
Ann and Jayden walked into the kitchen and both of them started giggling when they saw Amy, Amber and Chrissy doing their dance. Ann and Jayden both saw a big difference in Chrissy as well. Ann just smiled, happy to see the old Chrissy back.
This Chrissy was more care free and up for a laugh. She could make you want to smile while you were sat crying. You’d sit for hours in the same room as this Chrissy; just to feel the electricity flow around her while she sat cuddling with Becky.
Ann and Jayden took their seats at the table and Becky filled them both in on what had happened at the club and the reason for this new happier Chrissy being in the room. They both got an even bigger shock when Chrissy ran over to them and gave them both a big hug as she said good morning to them. Then she ran back to carry on helping Amy and Amber sort out breakfast.
“What ever she’s on, I want some.” Jayden said with a grin as she watched Chrissy breaking some more eggs into a bowl and whipping them up.
“Chrissy is a drug when she’s like this.” Ann smiled. “God I’ve missed her.” Ann added with a sigh.
Chrissy was soon bringing the first plate full of French toast over to the table and then she sat down next to Becky and put a piece on the plate in front of her and started feeding the two of them. The others all took a piece and they started eating as well. Amy and Amber joined them when Amber finished cooking the last couple of pieces, and they all ate in silence.
Becky was happy to see that Chrissy wasn’t fighting her when she got up to make a start on washing the breakfast dishes. Chrissy just gave her a kiss before leaving the room to go and get ready for work.
Ann and Jayden had both come down dressed, so they only needed to brush their teeth and they were ready to leave. They both gave Becky a hug and shouted a good bye to the others upstairs before leaving the house. They got in Ann’s car and set off towards the hotel.
Becky was just grabbing a tea towel to dry the dishes when Chrissy walked back into the kitchen. “Do you mind if I give you a hand until Amy and Mandy get back down here?” Chrissy asked before walking over and grabbing a second tea towel.
“Yes I do.” Becky said as she put her tea towel down and then walked over to Chrissy and wrapped her arms around her. “I want a hug and a kiss before you go.” Becky added with a smile, just before kissing her.
“Hard to argue with you when you have such a good case for me not helping you.” Chrissy purred between kisses.
Chrissy and Becky were still sat at the kitchen table kissing and cuddling when Amy, Amber and Mandy entered the kitchen again. They all smiled when they saw the grin on Chrissy’s face.
“Sorry to break this up, but we better see about getting off, or you won’t have much time to visit with your mum and dad.” Mandy said looking a little sad to be dragging Chrissy away from Becky.
Mandy led the way out to the front door and then she walked over to her car while Chrissy said good bye to Becky. Amy had walked over to Amber’s car with her, and they were saying goodbye to each other. Mandy got in her car and had it started when Amy got in the back seat behind her, and Chrissy got in the front passenger seat. They visited with Mable, Greg and Holly for half an hour before making their way over to the shop.
Jayden had just finished sorting out a problem with a guest who said the key card wouldn’t open their room. Jayden found out that the couple had got off on the wrong floor and were trying to get in the wrong room; she had just taken them up to the right floor and returned to reception when she saw Callum walk in.
“Hi Callum! What brings you here?” Jayden asked with a smile as she walked over and took hold of Callum’s hands. Jayden had wanted to wrap her arms around him and then kiss him deeply, but that wouldn’t be good for the staff to see. They were still talking about the dinner date kiss from last week when Callum took her out while Becky and Chrissy were having problems.
“I got finished with a meeting just down the road early, and thought I’d call in and see if you wanted to grab an early lunch?” Callum asked.
“I’d like that Callum. Just give me a couple of minutes to clear it with Dale.” Jayden was already looking to see if Dale had come back from sorting out another couple of guests.
Jayden smiled when she saw Dale step off the elevator and walk over to where she was stood with Callum.
“Hello Callum, looking for a room?” Dale asked with a smile as he held out his hand to shake Callum’s.
“No, but I was hoping to borrow your assistant here for a little bit, so I can treat her to some lunch.” Callum smiled as he shook Dale’s hand in return.
“I’ll let you borrow her, but I won’t hear of you buying her lunch when you can eat here for free.” Dale said as he pointed towards the restaurant. “We do serve the best food around as well.” Dale added looking proud.
“Are you sure that’s okay Dale?” Callum asked.
“Yes, very sure.” Dale said in return as he waved his hands in a dismissive way. “It’ll be nice to see Jayden taking a proper break for once. She works way too hard.” Dale added with a chuckle.
“Scared that she’s making you look bad Dale?” Callum asked with a grin.
“To late for that Callum. She’s already better than me, and all the staff love her to bits.” Dale said with a pout, just before smiling again.
“Yes, like that will ever happen Dale.” Jayden giggled as she playfully slapped Dale on the arm. “Thank you for the lunch Dale, just come and get me if you need me for anything.” Jayden added.
“Go and have a nice lunch with Callum, and don’t worry about anything else.” Dale said as he turned Jayden to face the restaurant before giving her a little shove.
Callum grabbed Jayden’s hand and dragged her off towards the restaurant before she could say another word to Dale.
With Jayden knowing all the staff in the hotel, she was led straight over to a private table away from all the others, so she wouldn’t be bothered while she was eating. Callum helped her take her seat before walking around the table to take his own. Due to the two of them still being at work and only on a lunch date, Jayden ordered a couple of spring waters for them both when the waitress asked what they wanted to drink.
“I hope you didn’t mind me ordering your drink for you?” Jayden asked once the waitress had gone to get their drinks.
“No, not at all. I was going to order spring water anyway.” Callum said as he picked up a menu and looked to see what he fancied to eat.
Jayden could tell by the way Callum kept looking at her, and then down at the menu when she looked him in the eyes, that he had something to tell her.
“What’s wrong Callum?” Jayden asked looking worried. “I can tell that you want to say something, but don’t know how to say it.” Jayden added, as she put her menu down, not hungry all of a sudden.
“There is something I need to talk to you about Jayden.” Callum said taking a deep breath and also putting his menu down, so he could talk to Jayden.
“Are you breaking up with me Callum?” Jayden asked, looking close to tears all of a sudden.
Callum just sat looking at Jayden like she was from another planet for a couple of seconds with his mouth hanging open. Once his brain had restarted after the shock of what she’d just said, he spoke. “Yes. I’m here to dump the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and who also loves my other side.” Callum said it with a lot of sarcasm. “Also when I leave here, I’ll be driving straight to the loony bin to check myself in for treatment.” Callum added with a frown.
“Oh. Can I come and visit you still?” Jayden asked, trying to make light of the silly thing she’d just said, hearing what Callum had replied with.
Callum chuckled, which made Jayden giggle. “Where did that come from anyway?” Callum asked.
“I don’t know. But it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been dumped over dinner.” Jayden said looking a little upset.
“This is lunch, not dinner, and their loss is my gain.” Callum said with a grin.
“So if you’re not looking to finish with me, then what do you want to talk to me about?” Jayden asked, wanting to forget about her sudden outburst.
“I wanted to talk to you about Sunday, and Kara being at the barbecue.” Callum said looking worried now. “I was hoping you wouldn’t be to upset, but I’d like to go as me, Callum, and not Kara.” Callum added.
“I don’t care how you dress, or what name you use Callum, just as long as you’re there with me.” Jayden smiled as she reached across the table and took hold of Callum’s hands in hers.
“Really, you don’t mind?” Callum asked looking surprised. “I was worried you’d be upset with me.” Callum added with a smile.
“It was wrong of me to ask you to do it in the first place. I can see how being dressed in the day at a garden party would be scary for you.” Jayden said. “I will still get to spend some time with Kara Saturday night though, right?” Jayden asked with hope in her eyes.
“Yes you will. Kara will be at the club, and she may even spend the night with you as well.” Callum said with grin. “That is if you want her to?” Callum asked with an even bigger grin on his face, already knowing the answer.
“If you need to ask that, then maybe you should book yourself into the loony bin, as you put it.” Jayden smiled.
Their talk was interrupted by the waitress bringing their drinks over, and she asked if they were ready to order.
“We’ll need another couple of minutes yet.” Jayden said with a smile. The waitress smiled back and then left to serve another table while they picked what they wanted.
“We better see about picking something to eat, or we’ll never get back to work this afternoon.” Callum said as he picked up his menu again and started looking through it.
Jayden did the same, but already knew what she was going to have. She didn’t want too much because she knew that Becky would have a big meal ready for her when she got home later. Callum chose a bigger meal than Jayden because he wouldn’t be eating as well as Jayden would be. Jayden waved the waitress back over and placed their orders.
“My mum called me last night.” Callum said while they waited for their food to come out to them. “She’s booked a couple of weeks off, starting from next Monday. So we just need to work out what day is best for Carl to send the jet up for her, and how long you want her to stop here.” Callum added as he looked around at the hotel he was sat in.
“That works out really well Callum. Chrissy and the others are all going up to see Debbie on Wednesday, so they can see the new baby.” Jayden said with a grin.
“Debbie had the baby?” Callum asked looking shocked at only just hearing the news now from Jayden. “Nice of someone to tell me.” Callum added looking a little upset.
“I’m sorry, but we only found out ourselves last night. I should have given you a call.” Jayden said looking sadly at Callum. “Am I forgiven?” she asked with a pout.
“Yes, I guess so.” Callum said with a smile. “Are Debbie and the baby both doing okay?” Callum asked.
“Yes they are. Debbie called us last night and said he was the spitting image of his father, and Vin is already planning on him being a big soccer player when he grows up.” Jayden added with a giggle.
“I hope Vin is more understanding than most dads are, if his son doesn’t like sports.” Callum said, as he thought about how Chrissy and Amy had been treated when they didn’t like playing soccer, or any other kind of sport.
Callum had been lucky with his Dad; he had never forced him to do anything he didn’t want to do. He only started having trouble after his dad died and his mum married Fraser. Callum had since found out why his dad was okay with him not liking sport now, he was more like his dad than he first thought.
“I’m sure Debbie will make sure Vin doesn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want, and Vin seems fine with Chrissy and Amy. He even seems okay with you, Carl and Vic being cross dressers.” Jayden pointed out.
“You’re right; he does seem okay with it all.” Callum said.
“Do you think you’ll be able to get next Wednesday off, so you can come up with us?” Jayden asked looking hopeful. You can bring your mum back down with you, and then you can show her a good night out with Kara.” Jayden added looking excited about it now.
“Well I am owed some holidays, so I could book Wednesday and the rest of next week off, then I can spend some time with my mum.” Callum said it out loud, but was really just thinking out loud.
Jayden sat grinning and nodding, she loved his idea. “Sounds like a plan to me. Will you risk going shopping as Kara while your mum is down here?” Jayden asked.
“I’m not sure Jayden. Chrissy and the others will all be working apart from the Sunday.” Callum pointed out.
“We’ll go on the Sunday then, or you could let Kara come out with me and your mum. I know it won’t be as much fun without Chrissy and the others, but I still think you’d have a good time.” Jayden pushed her point.
“I think we better see how she takes to having Kara as a daughter before we start making too many big plans.” Callum said, not wanting to shoot Jayden down right away, but also letting her know that he was worried still about how his mum was going to react to seeing him dressed as a girl.
“I understand Callum. Sorry, I seem to be getting ahead of myself again.” Jayden looked a little upset with herself again.
“Don’t feel sorry Jayden. I love the fact that you’re so into me being Kara. I just can’t do stuff at your pace most the time.” Callum smiled. “Just let me take it at my own pace and I’m sure you’ll still love me at the end of it.” Callum added.
“I love you now Callum, that’s never going to change.” Jayden had reached across the table and took hold of his hands as she said it.
“I’m glad to hear that Jayden.” Callum said as he lifted one of Jayden’s hands up to his lips and kissed it. “You are the best thing to ever come into my life, apart from Chrissy.” Callum added the last bit with a grin.
Their food arrived and they started eating, while Jayden filled Callum in on the latest gossip from home which included what had happened between Chrissy and Becky the night before. Callum said that Chrissy hadn’t seemed quite her old self since returning home, and could understand why now. Callum had to chuckle when Jayden told him about the silly dance her and Amy had made up while cooking breakfast.
“Now that sounds like the Chrissy I got to know at the club, and at home before she took her little holiday.” Callum chuckled some more.
“Just when I think I couldn’t love that girl anymore than I already do, she goes and shows me a whole new part that I’ve never seen before.” Jayden said with a loving sigh. “She was just so care free and happy this morning at breakfast.” Jayden added.
“I know what you mean. Chrissy was like that the first time I ever met her at the club.” Callum said as he thought back to that first meeting in the restroom at the club.
“Did you never ever notice that she was once the lad you’d known all those years ago?” Jayden asked.
“No, not for one second.” Callum said shaking his head from side to side. “It was my first time out in public, and I’d not done a very good job with my makeup. A couple of girls I’d spoke to online had talked me into going out dressed.”
“How scared were you that first time?” Jayden asked.
“I’d never felt so scared in my life.” Callum said in a hushed voice.
“So how did you first meet Chrissy then?” Jayden asked.
“I was stood in the restroom trying to make myself look better. I’d only ever watched a couple of people on YouTube trying to put makeup on, so it looked pretty bad.” Callum said with a frown. “The next thing I know a beautiful blond girl was stood next to me tutting, just before she turned me around and then took over doing my makeup.” Callum chuckled.
“I take it the blond girl was Chrissy?” Jayden asked with a grin.
“Yep, and she’d made me look amazing. Then she led me back out into the club and started showing me around with Becky at her side.” Callum smiled.
“And she never realised who you were when she fixed your makeup that first time?” Jayden asked.
“No, she only ever realised who I was when Cathy told her at the reunion. After that first time at the club, I treated myself once a month to a makeover here at the hotel. So she never really saw me apart from as Kara.” Callum said with a shrug.
“She did turn out to be pretty amazing though didn’t she?” Jayden asked with a grin.
“Yes she did, no thanks to me.” Callum looked sad as he said the last bit.
“Chrissy forgave you Callum, and she did help us find each other, so I’d say if she had any plans to get revenge on you, she would have by now.” Jayden was grinning again now.
“I know that, but I just wonder how different life could have been if I’d just taken the time to get to know her back then.” Callum said with a sigh.
“Don’t you mean him?” Jayden asked.
“I just can’t see Chrissy as anything but a girl, even back then now. I think that’s the thing that eats at me so much.” Callum said sounding angry with himself. “I did all those things to a girl, and now she’s my best friend.” Callum added with a sad chuckle.
“Yes, life can be so cruel can’t it?” Jayden said mockingly with a pout. “It’s so hard having Chrissy as a best friend.” She added with another grin at the end.
“Okay, point taken.” Callum smiled. “I know I’m lucky to have her as a friend.” He added smiling even more.
They finished their food and then got up and walked back out into the reception area before Jayden walked Callum to the front of the hotel entrance.
“I’m heading back to the office now, and I’ll go and book that time off.” Callum said as he wrapped his arms around Jayden and pulled her closer for a kiss. “Will you be able to sort everything out for my mum’s stop here next week?” Callum asked when they stopped kissing each other.
“Yes I’ll get it all booked in when you’ve gone. When will she be returning home again?” Jayden asked.
“She said she’d return home a week on Monday, so she gets to spend the weekend with me. She had no idea about you all going up to see Debbie when I spoke with her yesterday.” Callum said. “I’ll call her tonight when I get home and tell her to be packed for Wednesday.” Callum added with a grin.
“Your mum is going to love Kara you know. She’s an easy girl to love.” Jayden purred just before leaning in for another kiss.
“I hope you’re right baby. I’m already getting stick off her for picking on Chrissy so much growing up.” Callum said with a roll of the eyes.
“You have no idea just how lucky you are to have a mum to nag you like that.” Jayden said with a little pain in her voice. Growing up in foster care meant she never got to know the loving care of a parent to tell them when they made a mistake, or to praise her when she did something right.
“I’m happy to share mine with you.” Callum said with a grin. “I’ll let her know you’ve never had a mother to nag at you.” Callum added.
“Go ahead; I’ve got nothing for her to nag at me about.” Jayden said as she stuck her nose up in the air. “I’m perfect.” She added just before bursting out in a fit of giggles.
“I’ll let my mother be the judge of that.” Callum said with a frown.
“Why, as she said she doesn’t like me?” Jayden asked looking worried all of a sudden. “Have I done something to upset her?” Jayden asked.
“No, she loved meeting you, she keeps warning me not to screw it all up and do something stupid.” Callum said with another roll of his eyes. “It’s nice to know my mum as so much faith in me.” Callum added with a sag of his shoulders.
“From what you’ve told me Callum, I think she’s just glad to see you so happy again. You told me it had been some time since you last went home to see your mum before Chrissy talked you into going after the reunion.” Jayden pointed out.
“True, I can’t remember being this happy since before my dad died.” Callum said with a faraway look in his eyes. “My mum is going to hug the stuffing out of Chrissy when she meets her.” Callum added with a chuckle.
“I feel like doing that after every night out we have.” Jayden smiled just before kissing Callum again. “I owe that girl so much.” Jayden added when she came up for air.
“You and me both my love.” Callum said as he broke the hug and looked at his watch. “I better see about getting back to the office, or I’ll never get my holiday time booked before home time.” Callum said just before giving Jayden one last kiss and running off to grab his car and get back to the office.
Jayden stood and watched him run off down the road, then she turned around and returned to the front desk to book a room and spa treatment for Callum’s mum. She gave Carl a quick call to let him know that Callum’s mum would be coming back with them, if that was okay, Carl said it was fine.
Becky had got a couple of little jobs done around the house, not wanting to upset Chrissy by doing too much of the housework now she’d calmed Chrissy down enough to start acting more like her old self. Becky was now getting herself ready to go round and see Mable, Holly and Greg for a bit.
Mable answered the door when Becky rang the doorbell. “Hello dear. Come in, come in.” Mable said as she stepped aside to let Becky enter the house.
“Hi Mable. I hope you don’t mind me just dropping in on you like this?” Becky asked as she entered the house and then waited for Mable to close the door before they kept walking towards the kitchen.
“Not at all dear, it’s nice to see you coming around to see us so much.” Mable smiled as she took Becky by the hand and patted it.
“MMM, something smells good Mable. Have you been doing some baking?” Becky asked, as she took in the rich smell of fruit pies baking in the oven as they got closer to the kitchen.
“Yes, Holly and I decided to make some pies to bring round on Sunday with us.” Mable said. “That is, if we can stop Greg from wanting to eat them first.” Mable added as she playfully slapped Greg’s hand as he tried to steal a little pie off a plate as they entered the kitchen.
“I was just checking the quality for you Mable.” Greg chuckled as he rubbed his hand where Mable had just slapped it.
“I’ll let you test the quality in a little while when we all sit and have a cup of tea.” Mable chastised him like she would a small child.
“Okay Mable.” Greg said, looking like a small child that had just been told off.
“I did warn you Greg.” Holly said from across the room with her back to the others. “Hello Becky!” Holly said as she turned around and saw who had been at the door. Holly was soon wiping her hands and running over to give Becky a hug.
“Hi mum. This all smells amazing.” Becky said as she took in another deep breath.
“Just let me put the kettle on, and you can have a piece of pie with it if you want?” Holly asked when they broke the hug.
“I’d love a piece.” Becky replied quickly. “I seem to have a really sweet tooth at the minute.” Becky added with a giggle.
“I was just the same when I was pregnant with Chrissy.” Holly giggled in return, just before she walked away to put the kettle on to make a drink for them all.
“Hi dad, how you feeling today?” Becky asked as she walked over to the table and gave Greg a hug before sitting down next to him.
“I’m not doing too badly. Hand hurts a little bit though.” Greg said as he looked up at Mable sheepishly. “How are my daughter in law and my grand kids doing?” Greg asked with a grin.
“We’re all doing fine.” Becky smiled as she put a hand on her belly. “I had a chat with Chrissy last night, and we sorted out the last of the trouble over what Prue had said to her.” Becky added.
“Chrissy did seem a lot happier this morning when she called in with Amy and Mandy.” Greg said with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Yes she did seem much happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.” Holly added from across the room.
“That girl takes everything to heart, so it was no wonder Prue upset her so much saying what she did.” Mable added as she put the tea pot on the table ready for Holly to pour the water in once the kettle boiled.
“Don’t blame Prue Mable. She did the wrong thing for the right reason.” Holly said in Prue’s defence. “It would have gone better though if she’d sat Chrissy down and explained things to her though.” Holly added with a sigh
“Chrissy’s mood has been a little off since we brought her back home again, and I got to the bottom of it all last night.” Becky said to them all. “What Prue said to her, was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.” Becky added.
“In what way?” Greg asked.
“Chrissy was trying to keep me safe, but all she felt like she was doing, was making things worse. She was beginning to think that not being part of my life was the best thing for me.” Becky said with a sigh.
“I trust you put her straight on that one?” Holly asked.
“Yes I did mum.” Becky smiled. “Why do you think she looked so happy this morning when you saw her?” Becky said with a grin.
“I hope you’ve both learned your lessons from all this?” Mable asked.
“Yes we have Mable.” Becky giggled. “No more surprises for Chrissy from now on and she’s promised not to run away from me anymore.” Becky added.
“What about you taking things a little easier as well?” Holly asked.
Becky looked a little shocked that they would know about that part of what happened last night, but then she remembered that Vic would have told them all at breakfast this morning what had happened between her and Chrissy.
“Oh, so you already knew about last night then at the club?” Becky asked looking a little worried now.
“Yes we know about you and Chrissy having words or more to the point you snapping at Chrissy, I think was the way Vic put it.” Holly frowned.
“I’m sorry about that, but I was just getting sick of being treated like I was going to break if I tried to do anything. It wasn’t until Chrissy broke down in sobs of tears, that I realised just how pig headed I myself was being.” Becky let her head drop in shame as she spoke.
“I know how you feel Becky, as does Mable, but you have to let people do what they feel is right for you.” Holly sat down next to Becky and pulled her into a hug as she spoke. “No one will think any less of you for letting them help make life easier.” Holly added.
Becky relaxed and let all the stress she had flow out of her. Unlike Chrissy, Becky had never known the love of a mother, and she was beginning to see the healing power of a hug from one.
“Thanks mum, thanks for everything.” Becky almost purred as Holly stroked the back of Becky’s head while they hugged.
Mable was soon pouring them all a cup of tea out, and she got some plates down so they could all have a slice of pie. Mable had some squirty cream in the fridge so she got that out and added some to the plates before handing them around the table. Greg was sat grinning like a child when he was handed his.
“Thanks Mable.” Greg said as he picked up the fork that was to the side of the pie and he was soon tasting it.
Becky Mable and Holly were all slower to eat theirs, but they still enjoyed it very much. Becky told them about the shopping trip on Wednesday, and how all the girls had brought clothes for the babies, even though none of them had any idea whether Becky was having a boy and a girl or two girls, or two boys yet. Most of the clothing was in colours that would suit a baby boy or a baby girl, which made Becky feel a little better. She wasn’t looking forward to not being able to use any of the outfits because it would look wrong if it was suited for a girl, and she had two boys.
“Will you be coming with us next Wednesday, when we go up to see Debbie and her new baby?” Becky asked Holly.
“No dear. Greg and I talked about it, and thought it would be a little too much for him.” Holly smiled.
“I’m not stopping you from going up there with the others.” Greg said not wanting her to stay behind just because of him.
“I know that Greg, but I’ll get to look at all the pictures the others will take, and I don’t really feel like going back up there so soon after moving down here.
Becky could hear the undertone of regret in Holly’s voice. Partly from having to leave the house she’d lived in for all them years, and partly because she didn’t want to spend any more time away from her husband. Becky could only think how she’d feel if it was Chrissy living on borrowed time, and how she wouldn’t want to be away from Chrissy for one second of it.
“I’ll make sure we get plenty of photos and video as well.” Becky promised with a smile, as she quickly wiped away a tear that had formed at the corner of her eye.
“You kids and your little toys.” Holly giggled. “But I’ll look forward to seeing them all.” She added with a smile.
Becky suddenly had an idea now she’d mentioned videoing. “Dad, if I got you a video camera, would you mind recording some of the story’s you told me and the others about Chrissy growing up?” Becky asked. “I’d like your grand kids to know about their second mother growing up, and also they will get to know there granddad at the same time.” Becky looked hopeful that Greg would say yes to her request.
“I’m not very good at telling story’s Becky, but I’ll do my best.” Greg smiled. “It’s going to be hard referring to Chrissy as being a girl in some of the stories though.” Greg warned.
“Just tell them the best you can dad. I want them to know their granddad.” Becky smiled as she reached out and took hold of his hand.
“So are you and Chrissy both going to be there mothers then?” Holly asked, hearing that Becky had called Chrissy their second mum. “I thought Chrissy might have just been called an aunty or something like that.” Holly asked.
“Yes we will both be their mothers.” Becky said firmly. “I’m not going to lie to our children, not for one second. When their old enough to understand, Chrissy and I will sit them down and explain about why Chrissy is both their father and mother, but I won’t raise them under the cloak of a lie.” Becky added.
“Won’t it be a strain on them calling you both mums?” Greg asked with a puzzled look.
“Not really. Chrissy and I talked about it, and we were thinking of being mum and mummy to start with, and then see what little nicknames they come up with as they grow up.” Becky said with a shrug.
“Smart move. You two really have given it all a lot of thought.” Greg said looking impressed.
“Chrissy thinks most people will just think we’re a lesbian couple that has a couple of kids from another marriage.” Becky said. “We’re not the first to do that, or will we be the last I guess.” Becky added in a matter of fact way.
“I’m glad that you and Chrissy have both sat and talked about the long term problems you will have to face, raising two children as a same sex couple.” Holly smiled. “I won’t lie and say that I haven’t been worried about it. Especially with how you and Chrissy haven’t been on the same page since she found out you were pregnant.” Holly added with a frown.
“Chrissy should get most the credit mum. This is all she’s been doing since I found her again, and told her that she was the father, so to speak.” Becky said looking frustrated saying the word father. “That’s one of the things that was making me angry with her. I just wanted to spend time with my Chrissy, not the always planning for the future version I’d brought back home.” Becky was close to tears now.
“Hey! Don’t cry dear. You have your Chrissy back now, and I’m sure she will be the best second mother any child could wish for.” Holly smiled as she hugged Becky tight to her chest again. “She gets all her brains from me you know?” Holly added with pride in her voice.
Becky couldn’t help but giggle when she heard Holly say that. “All her modesty too I guess?” Becky asked just before giggling some more.
“Yes, she got all her finest qualities from me.” Holly said with a sigh.
“Doesn’t say much about me then does it?” Greg said with a grumble as he got the last of the crumbs off his plate.
“You have allot of the same qualities I do Greg, so don’t put yourself down.” Holly said. “Here, have another piece of pie.” Holly added as she quickly cut another piece of the pie and put it on Greg’s plate. Mable added some more cream. Greg was soon enjoying his second piece of pie, all talk forgotten.
Holly gave Becky a wink when she saw the shocked look on her face. Becky was amazed at just how easily Holly had made Greg forget all talk of him having nothing to offer as a good quality.
Becky was soon heading home again, so she could go back to bed and get some more sleep before starting dinner for the rest of them.
Chrissy never even bothered trying to talk Mandy into calling in at Mable’s on the way home. Chrissy already knew that her mum and dad wouldn’t be happy to see her. Mandy had explained to them this morning about her reasons for not calling in the night before, and why she wouldn’t be calling in again until Chrissy stopped going to the club every night with Becky. Chrissy had no plans to stop going with Becky, so she would just have to live with seeing them in the morning for the time being.
Becky was sat in the kitchen with a glass of juice when she heard the front door closing, just before she saw Chrissy enter the kitchen and run over to kiss her wife in a welcome greeting.
“Hello baby. I’ve missed you.” Chrissy purred between kisses. “I hope you haven’t been overdoing it?” Chrissy asked.
“No, I promised you I’d start and take it easy.” Becky said looking a little hurt that Chrissy didn’t trust her, but she was soon smiling again. “I went round to see mum and dad, and then came home and went back to bed for a bit, which is where you’re going now.” Becky added the last bit in a stern, don’t argue with me voice.
“I’ll be fine baby; I want to stay down here and keep you company.” Chrissy argued anyway.
“Okay then, but you won’t be coming to the club with me then.” Becky shrugged.
“But I want to come with you again tonight.” Chrissy whined.
“Fine, get your very cute butt up the stairs and take a nap before dinner’s ready then.” Becky said in a soft voice, just before leaning in and kissing Chrissy again. “Do as you’re told, and I’ll come and give you a very special wakeup call when dinner is ready.” Becky added this bit with a husky sound to her voice.
Chrissy just started grinning as she got up from the table and ran off to take that nap. Chrissy thought the sooner she gets to sleep, the sooner Becky would be waking her up.
“Won’t it defeat the object of Chrissy having a nap if you’re only going to wear her out again when you wake her later?” Amy asked with a puzzled look.
“I never said how I was going to wake her up baby sister.” Becky grinned. “I just said it would be special.” She added with an evil grin this time.
Amy and Mandy both giggled at the thoughts of the different ways Becky could wake Chrissy up. Mandy had a feeling that an ice cube would be involved, because Becky looked over at the freezer as she said it.
Chrissy went up to her and Becky’s room and undressed before sitting down to remove her makeup, then she climbed into bed and was soon drifting off to sleep.
Amber, Ann and Jayden were all just walking into the house some time later when they saw Becky run out of the kitchen, smile at them before carrying on up the stairs to go and wake Chrissy. Mandy and Amy were both sat at the kitchen table giggling when they walked into the kitchen.
“What’s so funny?” Amber asked as she walked over and sat on Amy’s knee before getting a hello kiss.
“Becky’s just gone up to wake Chrissy.” Mandy giggled some more.
“What’s so funny about that?” Jayden asked looking puzzled about not seeing the funny part in waking Chrissy to tell her dinner was ready.
“She took an ice cube up with her.” Mandy added, just before giggling again.
Before anyone could say another word, they all heard Chrissy let out a shrill scream that would make anyone walking past the house think someone was being murdered. This soon had all of them giggling.
Chrissy was fast asleep when Becky entered the room so she never realised Becky was in there. Becky walked over to the bad and slipped under the covers before tracing a line down the centre of Chrissy’s back with her finger, and then Becky started to trace the same line with the ice cube. She didn’t get very far before Chrissy let out the loudest scream Becky had ever heard.
Chrissy jumped out of bed and stood with a look of pure horror on her face as she looked back at the bed to see what had touched her with an ice cold touch. She was soon scowling at Becky when she saw her lying on the bed in the middle of a laughing fit.
“You evil...” Chrissy couldn’t think of a word to sum up just how she felt about Becky at that moment, so she settled for just standing with her arms folded across her chest and trying to look angry. Problem was, Chrissy was finding it hard to stay mad with Becky, when she was laughing so hard on the bed. Chrissy hadn’t seen Becky laugh like this in some time, and it was nice to see her doing it again.
Chrissy finally walked back over to the bed and sat down again, when she realised she was still trying to wake up, and the room was spinning a little bit from her jumping up so fast. “I knew I never should have trusted you when you said you’d give me a special wakeup call.” Chrissy said in a huff, but she was trying not to grin as she said it, which killed the stern look she was trying to give Becky.
Becky got her laughing under control and then she sat up and pulled Chrissy back down to a lying position on the bed before she started doing other things to Chrissy using the same ice cube. Becky knew that Chrissy loved it when Becky played with her nipples, so Becky started running the ice cube around one nipple while she nibbled and sucked on the other one. Chrissy was soon riding out an orgasm and panting hard.
“Am I forgiven for waking you up?” Becky asked as she lay down next to Chrissy while she came down from her high.
“I could never stay mad with you my love, and you did make up for the wake up method from hell.” Chrissy purred as she let Becky hug her while they kissed each other. “It was nice to see you laughing like that.” Chrissy added between kisses.
“It felt good to laugh like that again.” Becky said with a sigh. “How did we let things get so out of control baby?” Becky asked as she rested her head on Chrissy’s chest while she felt it go up and down with Chrissy’s breathing.
“I thought you needed me to be something I wasn’t, and you didn’t need, so you were fighting me all the way.” Chrissy said. “The harder I tried, the less I was being myself. I was having trouble seeing myself in me; never mind what you must have been seeing.” Chrissy added.
“I’m happy with the real you Chrissy. That’s what I fell in love with, faults and all.” Becky said as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter to let her know she loved her still.
“I must admit it’s nice to not be second guessing everything I’m doing with you again.” Chrissy said as she hugged Becky back.
“I think it’s nice too.” Becky said with a grin as she looked up at Chrissy from where her head was resting on Chrissy’s chest still. “We better see about going down stairs, dinner was ready when I came up, and that was nearly twenty minutes ago.” Becky added as she looked at the clock on the bedside table.
“Don’t you want me to return the favour?” Chrissy asked.
“Not now baby.” Becky smiled as she sat up on the bad and pulled Chrissy up to a sitting position. “You can return the favour later when we get home from the club.” Becky added with a grin.
“Now I’ve really got something to look forward to later.” Chrissy grinned back at her, as she slid off the bed and helped Becky to get off the bed as well.
Amy and Amber were just starting to dish up dinner when Chrissy and Becky walked into the kitchen with an arm wrapped around each other. “Sorry for keeping you all waiting.” Chrissy said looking very sheepish.
“Don’t worry about it Sis. It’s all cool.” Mandy smiled. “Did you have an ice sleep?” Mandy added with a giggle.
Chrissy let out a groan as she heard Mandy’s pun about the ice cube Becky used to wake her up. “I’m going back to bed. No meal is worth this sort of pain.” Chrissy said as she turned to leave the room again.
Becky stopped her and then led her over to the table and sat her down just before sitting down next to her. “Don’t worry baby, she won’t be able to hurt you once she starts eating.” Becky said as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy in a protective hug.
“Are you feeling cold Sis?” Mandy asked still grinning.
“No, why do you ask?” Chrissy asked looking puzzled at the question.
“You just look a little cold in a couple of places.” Mandy said as she let out a giggle when she looked at Chrissy’s chest again.
Chrissy had put a silk dressing gown on, and not her normal bathrobe, so Mandy could see Chrissy’s erect nipples poking out under the dressing gown. Chrissy went a deep shade of red when she realised what Mandy was getting at. All the others noticed what Mandy was getting at as well, and they were all soon giggling and laughing. Chrissy just folded her arms across her chest and sank down in her seat not knowing what to say.
“I’m sorry Sis; I don’t mean to make fun of you.” Mandy said when she stopped laughing enough to speak again.
Chrissy sat up again when Amber put a plate down in front of her, and then she pulled out the front of the dressing gown to try and hide her nipples a little before she started eating her dinner. It didn’t really help much, but none of the others said anything about it.
Once dinner was out the way, Becky took Chrissy back up stairs to take a shower and get ready for work, while Mandy and Jayden made a start on the dishes. Amber had dragged Amy up to take a shower and to change out of their work clothes.
“Callum came to see me at lunchtime.” Jayden said to Mandy as she washed the dishes while Mandy dried them.
“That’s nice. Did he come to see you for a reason, or was he just missing you?” Mandy asked.
“He’s heard back from his mum, and she’ll be coming back with us next Wednesday after we go up to see Debbie and the baby.” Jayden said with a grin. She was looking forward to seeing the new born.
“Will Callum be coming with us then next Wednesday?” Mandy asked.
“Yes, I hope you don’t mind?” Jayden asked, sounding a little worried that she might have overstepped the mark.
“No, I don’t mind at all. I think you’re good for each other.” Mandy smiled. “You make a very cute couple.” Mandy added with a grin.
“Thanks Mandy. I do love spending time with him, both as Callum and Kara.” Jayden said it with a sigh. “He won’t be Kara on Sunday either. That was the other reason for him coming to see me at lunchtime.” Jayden added.
“I had a feeling he wouldn’t want to be dressed on Sunday. Carl never dresses away from the club, so you’re doing well getting him to come out shopping with us as Kara.” Mandy said in a matter of fact way.
“Do you think I’m pushing him a little too much to be Kara?” Jayden asked.
“I wouldn’t say pushing him Jayden. You’re just getting to know each other still.” Mandy replied. “It took Carl and me some time to find the right balance between me and Carl, and me and Carla, but now we just have fun no matter which one of them I’m out with.” Mandy was grinning.
“It’s like being with two very different people. Kara is very submissive and will let me take the lead, but Callum will take charge. I find myself loving them both very much, but for different reasons.” Jayden said with a puzzled look, she was trying to work out her own feelings as she told them to Mandy.
“I know what you mean; I’m the same way with Carl, and Carla. I love them both just as much though.” Mandy said.
“Do you ever worry that Carl will want to be Carla all the time one day?” Jayden asked with some worry in her voice.
“No, not for one second.” Mandy said with a shake of her head. “Carl is nothing like Chrissy or Amy were. They both had to work really hard to be male, not that they did a very good job of it.” Mandy giggled as she thought about her first time meeting Chrissy in her shop all them years ago, and then helping to nurse Amy back to health again after her accident.
“What was Chrissy and Amy like before they became what they are now?” Jayden asked, not able to think of either one being male.
“They were kind of like the actresses you see in the movies when they try to play males. You can always see that they still look female.” Mandy tried to explain. “Both of them came alive as they put on female clothes.” Mandy added.
“Do you ever regret taking Chrissy under your wing and helping her become what she is now?” Jayden asked.
“No, never.” Mandy said, as she tried to think of what her life would be like if she’d just let Chrissy leave the shop that first time she walked into it. “She saved my life that day, just as much as I saved hers.” Mandy added with a little giggle.
“I still find it hard to believe that the two of you aren’t real sisters. You’re so much alike looks wise.” Jayden smiled.
“Everyone says the same thing, even my mum has been brainwashed into thinking she gave birth to two daughters, and I love thinking of Chrissy as being my real flesh and blood.” Mandy let out a sigh as she thought of all the fun times she’s had with Chrissy, and all the people they’ve met since coming together.
“You have a lot of sisters now; do you love them all the same?” Jayden asked.
“I love them all very much, and yes I see you all as my sisters, but Chrissy will always have a very special place in my heart. That’s just how Chrissy gets to you.” Mandy smiled, as she already knew that Chrissy had done the same to Jayden, and all the others.
“I know what you mean Mandy. I can’t think how I got from day to day before I met her, and I’m still getting to know her.” Jayden giggled as she thought about this new version of Chrissy she was just meeting.
“You’re finally meeting the real Chrissy now.” Mandy smiled. “The care free loving life and wanting to help all she meets Chrissy.” Mandy added.
They had washed and wiped the dishes while they talked, so they wandered through to the living room when they'd finished and sat down to watch some TV while they waited for the others to come down. Amber and Amy came back down first, both of them wearing their bathrobes. Not going out again tonight, they couldn’t see the point of getting dressed.
Ann walked into the living room dressed for a night out on the town which got a wolf whistle from Amber. “Going out somewhere Annie?” Amber asked.
“Yes, I’m not working tomorrow, so I’m going to the club with Chrissy and Becky, and then I plan to spend the night with Brad.” Ann said with a grin, as she checked to make sure she had everything she needed in her purse.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Amber said with a grin back at Ann.
“I hope to be doing a lot of things you wouldn’t do, and even some that you can’t, not that you would if you could.” Ann said as she looked at Amy then Amber again sat next to her.
“Trust me Annie. I’ve got everything I need sat right here next to me.” Amber said with an evil grin as she pulled Amy into a tighter hug.
Amy just shuddered as she realised what the two of them were talking about. Amy was glad she couldn’t do to Amber, what Ann planned to have Brad do to her later in the night. Amy was glad to hear the doorbell, this meant the end to all talk about Ann’s sex life, and how Amber was happy to not have the same problems to worry about.
Ann was still stood near the living room door, so she was the first one out of it. She walked over to the front door and opened it to find Vicky stood there smiling.
“Hi Vicky. I hope you don’t mind me having a lift off you, but I want to spend some time with Brad tonight?” Ann asked with a smile as she let Vicky into the house and gave her a hug once she was in.
“Not at all Ann. You’re always welcome to a lift.” Vicky said as she hugged Ann back.
The others all gave Vicky a hug as they came out the living room. Amber was glad Ann would be out for the night, she was getting worried about Amy being able to keep the secret about Sunday, and the real reason for them having the barbecue.
Amy had almost let it slip a couple of times, but Amber and the others had covered her little slip by distracting Ann with something else.
“I trust that Chrissy will be coming with Becky again tonight?” Vicky asked Mandy after they hugged each other.
“You guess correct Vicky, but I hear that you won’t be coming every night soon?” Mandy asked in return.
“No, it seems not. Carl was telling me earlier that Becky won’t be working every night at the club soon.” Vicky said in answer to Mandy’s question. “It’s about time she started easing up a little.” Vicky added.
They didn’t have time to say anymore because Chrissy and Becky made their way down the stairs at that moment.
Chrissy was wearing a figure hugging black dress, and Becky was wearing a flowing purple number that made her look sexy, but did a good job of hiding her baby bump. All the girls thought they look beautiful together.
“You got a hot date tonight Chrissy?” Vicky asked with a grin.
“Yes, and I’m with her right now.” Chrissy smiled back as she wrapped an arm around Becky’s waist.
“And don’t you ever forget it baby.” Becky smiled back as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy’s waist in the same way.
“We better see about getting you to the club then, so you can show off your catch.” Vicky smiled as she stepped over to the door and opened it to let the three girls leave the house.
They all hugged the others as they left the house and walked over to Vicky’s car. Vicky wasn’t in the people carrier tonight; as she didn’t need the extra room tonight. Mandy and the other three all stood and waved as they watched Vicky drive away, then they went back in the house to sort out what they needed to get done tomorrow, ready for the barbecue on Sunday. Not having Ann at home made it easier to plan everything out.
The bouncy castle had been delivered earlier in the day, and all the tables had been dropped off as well. Frank and Brad said they would be calling around at some point tomorrow to help set everything up, so the girls thought they were in good shape.
Amber spent some time talking about the food they would need to start making tomorrow, and what would be best left until the Sunday morning. So they had Chrissy and Becky there to help them. Amber was getting much better at cooking, but even Amy knew that Chrissy and Becky were the best.
Amy was soon pretending to be tired, so Amber said it was time for bed, and Amy was soon stood up and pulling Amber out the living room and up the stairs to their room.
“I get the feeling that they won’t be getting to sleep any time soon.” Jayden said with a smirk as she saw the living room door close behind Amber and Amy.
Mandy giggled before speaking. “It sure doesn’t look like it.” “Unlike them, I really am bushed, so I’m going to head up myself.” Mandy added as she stood up.
“I think I’ll do the same.” Jayden said as she stood up as well. “Sounds like its going to be a busy day tomorrow and Sunday.” She added.
“It’s not normally as bad as we make it sound.” Mandy tried to reassure Jayden. “There are enough of us to make it quite easy. This will be your first family barbecue won’t it?” Mandy asked.
“This will be my first ever barbecue full stop.” Jayden said with some excitement in her voice.
“You’ll love it, trust me.” Mandy said with a grin as she led Jayden out the room, turning the light off as she went. “We all eat way too much, but have a good time doing it.” Mandy added with a giggle.
The club was busy, and Chrissy was spending a lot of time sorting things out away from Becky tonight. Friday’s and Saturdays were always the busiest nights of the week. Mark was Chrissy’s shadow for the night, and Paul was keeping an eye on Becky, orders from Frank and Brad.
“I’m heading up to the VIP section Mark. I need to sit down for a couple of minutes.” Chrissy said looking tired.
“Alright boss, do you mind if I take my break then?” Mark asked.
“Sure. Sorry for keeping you busy for so long.” Chrissy said with a frown. “You should have said something earlier, or just taken your break when you wanted to. I’d have been alright.” Chrissy added.
“Not a chance boss.” Mark said looking very serious now. “I was told to be your shadow all night, unless you were some place safe like the VIP section.” Mark added. “Brad and Frank would take turns killing me if I left you down here on your own.” Mark said looking worried now.
“They could only kill you the once Mark.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way, but she did smile at the end.
“That’s not very helpful.” Mark chuckled. “I also wouldn’t put it past Frank being able to bring me back from the dead to kill me again either.” Mark added with a scared look.
“I see your point.” Chrissy giggled. “Tell you what, I’ll go and wait in the VIP section for you to go and have your break, then you can come and get me, and we’ll carry on touring the club looking for trouble.” Chrissy said as they walked to the VIP section.
Chrissy found Becky stood talking to a couple of girls as she made her way to the VIP section, so she stopped by her side and wrapped an arm around Becky’s waist. Mark went and stood by Paul’s side to wait for the two of them to finish talking.
“Hi Baby, how you doing tonight?” Becky asked with a smile, just before giving Chrissy a quick kiss on the lips.
“I’m doing fine, but the club is a lot busier than it has been all week.” Chrissy said as she looked around at all the customers.
“Yes it is really busy tonight. Were you on your way to the VIP section to take a break?” Becky asked.
“Yes, my feet are killing me.” Chrissy said with some pain in her voice as she moved from foot to foot, hoping to ease some of the pain she was now feeling from being stood still again. “I think you should come and rest up for a little bit as well.” Chrissy added.
“I was just about to come and find you, to say the same thing.” Becky smiled as she nodded to the two girls she’d been talking to, and then led Chrissy off towards the VIP section.
Ann was stood next to Brad at the entrance to the VIP section when Chrissy and Becky got there. “Chrissy and I are going to relax in the VIP section for a bit, so Mark and Paul can go take a break.” Becky said to Brad.
“Okay boss. Go and kick back for ten minute guys.” Brad told the two men as they stood behind Chrissy and Becky, still looking out for any trouble around them.
“Thanks Brad, just call if you need us.” Paul said, as he tapped the radio receiver in his left ear.
“You’ve got it man, now go and rest up, it’s still early, and I have a feeling we could have some trouble tonight.” Brad warned them.
Paul and Mark nodded, but looked worried at what Brad had just said. They both knew that Brad and Frank both had a sixth sense when it came to trouble, and if Brad was warning them about it, then they would be seeing some action later in the night.
Frank was really good at picking out the trouble makers, but the odd one still made it into the club, and wasn’t happy when they found out the girl they were hitting on, was really a man out to have a good time and be treated like a lady. The bouncers were always quick to act, but the odd girl still ended up getting a slap now and then. Frank or one of the other bouncers normally ended up showing the person the error of their ways as they were led out of the club. Some to be arrested and others to be dumped at the side of the road, outside the club.
Becky led Chrissy up the stairs into the VIP section and Ann followed them so she could have a sit down as well. Carla wasn’t in the club tonight, due to Carl having a late meeting with someone wanting him to invest in their company. Becky led Chrissy and Ann over to the sofas and they sat down. They were all soon being served drinks. They all had an ice cold glass of cola each.
“I’m sorry you’re not getting to spend much time with Brad tonight Ann.” Becky said with a sad look on her face. “I didn’t realise it was going to be this busy tonight.” Becky added.
“Don’t worry about it Becky. It’s still nice to watch him work.” Ann smiled. “And I’m sure he’ll make up for it later when we get back to his place.” Ann added, grinning this time.
“I must not be working him hard enough if he’s still got energy left to do things like that when he gets home.” Becky said with a mock look of shock on her face.
“Hey! Don’t you dare think about working my Brady bear any harder?” Ann said with a pout. “You wouldn’t really think about denying your sister a little fun would you?” Ann asked with a pleading look on her face this time.
“I don’t want any part of making Brad any harder. I’ll leave that up to you sis.” Becky said with a grin. “I have my hands full keeping this little devil happy.” Becky added as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and started kissing her.
“I hope you don’t flirt with all your staff that way?” Ann asked, still grinning from the comment about making Brad harder.
“Nope, just this one special case sat right here.” Becky purred between kisses.
Chrissy was glad to be taking a rest and to have Becky sat resting with her, but even more was the fact that Becky was kissing her while talking dirty to Ann about it.
They sat for nearly fifteen minutes while they rested and finished their cola, then they all got up and returned to the main part of the club to carry on working. Ann felt like stretching her legs, so she decided to walk around with Chrissy and Becky for a bit while she did so. Brad got Paul to cover the VIP entrance for him, so he could walk around with Ann, and also keep an eye on Chrissy and Becky. Mark walked around next to Brad, so Brad pointed out things to keep an eye on later in the night as the drink got the better of some people.
Becky was just sorting out a problem near one of the bars. A girl had chucked a drink all over a man that had grabbed her backside, when a friend of the man decided to slap Becky on her backside. Brad stepped forward to pull the man’s hand away, but wasn’t quick enough. Chrissy had already grabbed the guys hand and had it twisted up and behind his back. The man dropped to his knees with a look of pain on his face as Chrissy held his arm high up on his back.
“Let go of me you crazy bitch!” The man shouted as he tried to pull his arm free.
Chrissy had two of the man’s fingers bent back and her other hand was pushing the man’s elbow up to stop him pulling it away. “I wouldn’t try getting free if I was you.” Chrissy said into the man’s ear. “It wouldn’t take much more pressure for me to break your fingers and probably pop your shoulder out its socket as well. Oh, and watch who you’re calling a bitch.” Chrissy added the last bit with anger in her voice as she bent the man’s fingers back a little more and also gave his elbow a little push.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” The man said with some pain in his voice.
“Sorry for what? Calling me names, or attacking the boss?” Chrissy asked, but not letting on that Becky was her wife as well as her boss.
The look on the man’s face said it all. “I’m sorry for both.” He said with some pleading in his eyes for someone to get this woman off him before she did break something.
Brad and Mark had stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Chrissy jump in and tackled the guy to the ground. They were still stood watching Chrissy handle the man like he wasn’t nearly a foot taller than her and was almost twice her weight. They soon snapped out of it though when they heard Becky speaking.
“Are either of you going to help her?” Becky snapped, not happy to see Chrissy still holding the man down on his knees while Brad and Mark watched.
“Sorry boss.” Both Mark and Brad said as they stepped in and took the man off Chrissy and stood him up again.
Chrissy was now looking up at the man and the man looked even more shocked that such a small thing had dropped him to his knees so easily. He still looked scared of Chrissy though, and with good reason. Chrissy was starring daggers at him.
“What do you want us to do with him boss?” Brad asked as he looked at Chrissy.
Chrissy thought Brad was talking to Becky, so she never took her eyes off the man. It looked like she was starring the man down like you would a dog, it seemed to work, as the man finally looked away from Chrissy, and she finally realised that Becky, Brad and Mark were all looking at her.
“What?” Was all Chrissy said as she looked at each of them.
“Brad asked what do you want to do with him?” Becky said trying not to grin.
“What you asking me for?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look. “It was your backside he slapped; shouldn’t you be the one to hand out any punishment?” Chrissy added.
“I think he’s been punished enough. Now we just need to know what we should do. Call the police, or just throw him out the club?” Becky asked.
“Just throw him out the club Brad.” Chrissy said in a dismissive tone. “Get Frank and some of the others to help you, you might even break your record for how far you can throw him this time.” Chrissy added with a grin.
The man made a strange sound that must have been fear. Becky had to turn away unable to stop herself from grinning now, and Brad and Mark were grinning. The man must have thought Chrissy was telling the truth about the throwing him out the club, but really they were grinning at the fact Chrissy could still joke after what just happened.
Chrissy stepped back over to stand at Becky’s side as they watched Brad and Mark take the man away. Becky wanted to have a word with Chrissy, but she still needed to sort out the problem with the other guy, and the drink he was wearing. Before Becky could say a word though, the man pulled out some money from his wallet and gave it to the girl whose backside he’d grabbed.
“I’m really sorry for being rude to you miss. Please buy yourself another drink or two on me” The man said before he turned and ran off to see if his friend needed any help.
The girl whose backside he’d grabbed was left standing there with a hand full of notes, she counted it and smiled, then she offered to buy Chrissy, Becky and Ann a drink, but they said that they needed to go and take care of some other business.
Becky dragged Chrissy away with Ann following close behind and all the people that had seen what Chrissy just did, clapping for her. Becky went straight up to the VIP section and sat Chrissy down on the sofa in her and Carla’s private section.
Chrissy thought she was going to get told off by Becky, but Becky was amazed at what Chrissy had done and wanted to know how she ever learned such a move.
“I’m sorry if I was out of line down there Becky.” Chrissy said looking worried.
“Don’t be sorry baby that was amazing!” Becky squealed as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her. “Where did you ever learn to do that?” Becky asked once they stopped hugging each other.
“Mainly from Jo, but Vic, Carl and Mandy also showed me some bit’s as well.” Chrissy said with a shrug like it wasn’t anything special she just did.
Jo was part of a team Carl had put on Chrissy and Amy while they were doing Christmas shopping last year, and had since become good friends to them all. Dan the other half of the team had a crush on Jo, and Jo liked Dan, but neither of them would take the first step towards asking each other out, so Chrissy and Amy had set the two of them up on a date. They were still together and madly in love.
“Remind me to give Jo a hug on Sunday when they come to the barbecue. You looked so sexy when you had that man on his knees.” Becky was grinning.
“You did look pretty impressive down there Chrissy.” Ann said also grinning. “Even Brad and Mark looked impressed with you.” Ann added.
“I wasn’t really thinking, I just got angry when I saw that man’s hand on Becky’s bottom.” Chrissy said with some anger in her voice as she thought about it again. “Only my hands should touch there.” Chrissy added, as she calmed herself down again.
“After what you just did down there Chrissy, I don’t think anyone will be trying it again.” Ann giggled. This soon had Chrissy and Becky giggling too.
“You do realise that everyone will be calling you Zena again.” Becky said with a sad look.
“Small price to pay for protecting what belongs to me.” Chrissy smiled, just before leaning over to kiss Becky again.
A waitress had just brought the three girls a drink when they saw Brad and Mark walk into the VIP section, neither of them looking very happy. They walked over to where the girls were sat on the sofas.
“Did something happen while you were throwing him out the club?” Becky asked as she looked at Brad.
“No, he left the club and said he was sorry for the trouble he caused.” Brad said. “He and his friend ran off down the road eager to get as far away from the club as he could.” Brad added, but still looking upset, or worried about something.
“That’s good then, so why the long face?” Becky asked with a puzzled look.
“Mark and I are both sorry for not stepping in sooner to help Chrissy out with that guy.” Brad said with some pleading in his voice for Becky and Chrissy to believe him. “We were just in shock at how fast she brought him to his knees.” Brad added with wide eyes as he thought about it again.
“I think we were all shocked to see what Chrissy did Brad, and I’m sorry for snapping at you like I did. I don’t blame you or Mark for what happened.” Becky smiled. “So don’t even think about quitting, or anything else stupid like that.” Becky added in her, I’m the boss so don’t argue with me voice.
“That was some impressive move you used on that guy Chrissy, just like a pro.” Mark said. “You reminded me of that Nikita from the TV program about the assassin.” Mark added with a grin.
“Makes a change from Zena.” Becky giggled.
“I think I’ll stick with being plain old Chrissy if you don’t mind.” Chrissy said as she cuddled up to Becky a little more.
“Not sure I’ve ever thought of you as being plain Chrissy, but you sure showed us all that you can take care of yourself when you need to.” Brad said looking impressed at what she’d just done.
“To tell you the truth Brad, I wasn’t really thinking what I was doing down there. I just saw him slap Becky’s bottom and got so angry that the next thing I knew, he was on his knees and I had his arm up behind his back.” Chrissy shrugged, still trying to play it all down.
“Well with moves like that Chrissy, if you ever want to try out as a bouncer, just give me a shout and I’ll sort it out.” Brad said grinning
Chrissy looked at Brad, then mark, as she tried to work out what she’d look like in the black trousers and black polo shirts they were wearing as part of their uniform.
“I think I’ll pass on that Brad. The whole black thing just isn’t me. It’s to butch.” Chrissy said as she pulled a face like she’d eaten something she didn’t like.
“I could soon change the colour for you baby.” Becky said with a grin. “I think pink would be a good colour for the bouncers to wear.” She added with a thoughtful look.
Brad and Mark suddenly looked worried again when they saw the look Becky had. “I think Chrissy might be right Boss. She’s not really cut out for this type of work.” Brad was back peddling, as he tried to stop Becky getting him in trouble with the rest of the bouncers. None of them would be happy to find out he’d talked Becky into making them wear pink.
Becky saw the worried look on Brad’s face, and Mark wasn’t looking much better, so she was soon sat giggling and then laughing at them. Chrissy and Ann had also found the looks they both had priceless, so they were also laughing.
“I think I’ll keep her as a hostess and personal body guard for now Brad, so don’t worry about any change in the dress code for you or the other guys for the time being.” Becky smiled.
“Wise choice boss.” Brad said with a sigh. Mark also let out a sigh of relief when he heard what Becky said. Will you be stopping up here for the rest of the night, or shall I have Mark and Paul standing by to escort you around the club again?” Brad asked.
“We’ll be carrying on later, but for now, I just want to spend some more time sat here with my little Nikita.” Becky purred, just before pulling Chrissy closer for a kiss. Becky heard Chrissy try to say something, but her lips had already blocked out any of the words, so it was just a load mumble.
“You do realise that it will stick if you keep calling me Nikita.” Chrissy said with a frown, but she was trying not to grin as she said it, so Becky knew she wasn’t really bothered by it.
“I do need to do something though baby.” Becky said looking very serious all of a sudden.
“What’s that Becky?” Chrissy asked, sounding nervous all of a sudden.
Becky leaned forward and put one hand behind Chrissy’s head as she pulled her closer and gave Chrissy one of the longest deepest kisses she’d ever known. When they broke the Kiss, Chrissy was short of breath and running her tongue across her flaming hot lips, trying to taste Becky still on them. “Thank you Chrissy for protecting my honour.” Becky said in a husky voice.
Twenty minutes later Brad was stood talking to Mark, Paul and Ann when Chrissy and Becky walked down the stairs and out of the VIP section to carry on walking around the club. Ann stopped with Brad, while Mark and Paul fell in just behind Chrissy and Becky, so they could keep an eye on the two of them while they worked.
The rest of the night was just run of the mill stuff to sort out, and Chrissy never left Becky’s side. Becky wasn’t sure whether it was because of what happened earlier in the night, or just because Chrissy wanted to be with her. Either way Becky wasn’t going to complain about it.
Vicky had been running a couple of girls back to the hotel because one of them had left their wallet in with their male clothes, and Vicky had offered to run them back there to collect it. Brad had told Vicky all about it when she got back. Vicky was smiling at Chrissy when she and Becky came out of the office after putting the night’s takings in the Safe.
“Come on then Vicky; get it off your chest. I can see your dying to say something about earlier.” Chrissy said with a frown as she got up off the sofa she’d been sat on while she waited for them to finish.
“I’m sad that I missed it Chrissy, that’s all.” Vicky said as she raised her hands in some form of surrender. “Becky was just telling me about the little competition you said the guys where having over how far they could throw someone out the club.” Vicky chuckled.
“Oh that.” Chrissy giggled. “I just wanted to scare him for calling me a crazy bitch.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way.
“From what Brad said, I think you did that.” Vicky laughed this time. “He said the two of them took off down the road like the devil himself was coming after them.” Vicky added with more laughter.
“I think that was more because of the guys than anything I did.” Chrissy smiled as she played down what she did again. “It’s a wonder Frank didn’t really try to throw them out, you know how he gets about people upsetting Becky.” Chrissy added looking worried now.
“It’s not just Becky he worries about, but after tonight, he may worry a little less about you.” Vicky said with a raised eyebrow.
Becky walked out the office with a CD case in her hand that she then slipped into her purse as she walked over to where Chrissy and Vicky were stood talking.
“What’s on the CD baby?” Chrissy asked, as she wrapped an arm around Becky’s waist and rested her head on Becky’s shoulder.
“Just some account stuff I want to look at over the weekend.” Becky said in a matter of fact way, but looked at Vicky and gave a little wink as she said it. Chrissy didn’t see any of that with her head down like it was.
“I hope you’re not planning to be doing any work over the weekend? We have lots to sort out for Sunday yet.” Chrissy said as she stood up straight again and then led Becky out to Vicky’s car.
“You’re the one that said I couldn’t do as much, so I need something to do while I’m sat around watching everyone else do everything.” Becky said to stop Chrissy complaining.
Chrissy knew Becky had a point, but she still wasn’t going to let Becky bury her head in a computer all weekend. If Chrissy hadn’t been so tired, she might have realised that Becky didn’t normally have anything to do with the accounts for the club, but she was tired, and didn’t work it out.
Frank had sent one of the bouncers to get Vicki’s car, so Chrissy and Becky could come out and get straight in and be taken home. Most the bouncers were still waiting outside to make sure that no one was hanging around waiting for Chrissy or Becky to come out. The coast was clear, so they got in the car and Vicky was soon driving them home.
Becky got out the car first when Vicky pulled up outside the house, then she helped Chrissy get out the same side she had. Vicky waited for them to enter the house before she pulled away again. Chrissy was glad to see that they weren’t all going to treat her like some super hero.
“Do you want to grab a hot chocolate before we go to bed?” Becky asked.
“That would be nice my love.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she let Becky lead her to the kitchen.
They both set to work making the drink, and then they sat and cuddled while they drank it.
“I never realised just how good Jo had trained you until tonight baby.” Becky smiled. “You really kicked some ass.” Becky added with a grin this time.
Chrissy just smiled as she went a deep shade of red.
“You’ll tackle full grown men to the ground, but you still go all shy when I sing your praises?” Becky asked as she turned in her seat, so she could look Chrissy right in the eyes before kissing her.
“I just didn’t like what he did to you.” Chrissy said in a whisper when they stopped kissing. “Did it hurt when he slapped you?” Chrissy asked as she ran her hand down Becky’s side and rested it on one side of her bum cheek.
“It did hurt for a bit, but I soon forgot about it when I realised just how much I wanted you when I saw you tackle that man to the ground.” Becky said with lust in her eyes. “Does that make me weird?” Becky asked with a puzzled look now showing on her face.
“No, but it does make me lucky.” Chrissy said with an evil smile as she stood up and then pulled Becky to her feet. “I still owe you for the wakeup call earlier.” Chrissy added, as she started tracing the faint outline of Becky’s nipple through her dress.
They soon had the mugs in the sink soaking, and were heading up to their room to get some sleep among other things.
By SaraUK
Part 23
Mandy and Jayden were sat at the kitchen table on the Saturday morning watching Amy and Amber make breakfast.
“Don’t make any for Chrissy or Becky. They won’t be joining us this morning.” Mandy said as she flicked through the morning paper.
“How come? Did they not come home last night?” Amy asked looking worried.
“No, they came home, but I had a word with Becky and told her you and I could handle the shop today, so Chrissy can rest up and help out with setting up for the barbecue tomorrow.” Mandy said as she closed the paper and put it down on the table so she could talk to Amy and the others.
“Does Chrissy know about any of this?” Amber asked.
“Do you really think Chrissy would let me get away with that if I told her what I was planning to do?” Mandy asked with a frown.
They all giggled as they thought of what Chrissy would do if she knew Mandy had tricked her into having a day off while Mandy and Amy went into the shop without her.
Amber and Amy soon had breakfast on the table, and they all ate it before Amy finished getting ready for work, while Jayden and Amber got the dishes washed and put away.
“Amber, do you think I’ll be able to help you do some of the cooking today?” Jayden asked as she dried the dishes. “I know I’m not very good in the kitchen, but I’d really like to learn.” She added with some pleading in her voice.
“Sure you can help, but I’m still only learning myself.” Amber smiled. “Chrissy and Becky will be doing most the cooking later, but I’m willing to share my duties with you.” Amber added with a grin.
“Thanks Amber. I’m hoping to learn enough to be able to cook Callum a nice meal one of these nights over at his place.” Jayden said looking hopeful. “Do you think I stand a chance of ever doing that?” Jayden asked.
“Chrissy will jump at the chance to help you impress Callum with your cooking skills.” Amber said with a grin. “She’ll teach you how to cook a nice meal that will have Callum thinking you’re a world class cook.” Amber added.
“Do you really think so? I’m not very good at all.” Jayden said, not looking very confident in herself.
“She showed Becky how to cook, and she’s helped me come a long way, and she even helps to bring out the best in Amy, but Chrissy won’t have any of that if you ask her.” Amber giggled as she rolled her eyes.
“Does it not bother you that two girl’s that haven’t been girls all that long can look so amazing and also do makeup and cook better than you and me, who’ve been girls all our lives?” Jayden asked with a sigh.
“Nope. They have always been girls in their hearts, and that is where it counts.” Amber smiled. “We took what we are for granted from an early age, but Chrissy and Amy were girls trapped in a boy’s world growing up. Imagine how odd that must have been for them.” Amber added.
Jayden stopped to think what it must have been like, wanting to play with dolls, and play dress up in your mums clothes, but all the time being hit from all directions to play soccer and act rough like all the other boys around you.
“I’m amazed they made it through when you put it like that.” Jayden said with a pained look.
“Amy had Ann to help her stay strong, but Chrissy had it hard being an only child, and then being rejected so painfully by her father when he found Chrissy for the first time.” Amber had a tear in her eye as she finished.
“I’m glad they both found you and Becky to love them for who they really are.” Jayden smiled as she gave Amber a hug. “They deserve all the happiness you can give them.” Jayden added.
“I think we all do, but Chrissy and Amy are the glue that holds us all together.” Amber giggled as she thought about how much like real sisters Chrissy and Amy were most the time.
“They do seem to have a special bond.” Jayden said now she thought about it. “Doesn’t that make you jealous seeing that?” Jayden asked.
“Not for a second. I know that Chrissy and Amy can talk about things on a level none of us could ever understand. They both went through the same thing growing up, which means they help each other cope when life tries to push them down.” Amber said with pride.
“They both just look like two normal girls to me.” Jayden said with a shrug.
“They’d be happy to hear you say that Jayden, at the end of the day what more can they wish for than to be seen as just a couple of very cute girls.” Amber was grinning by the end of what she said.
Amber and Jayden didn’t get to say much more due to Amy and Mandy walking back into the kitchen. Amber thought that Amy would be giving Mandy some trouble over her giving Chrissy the day off, but Amy seemed glad that Chrissy would be having a little time off.
Mandy and Amy gave Jayden a hug in the kitchen before they left to head out to Mandy’s car with Amber following close behind Amy. Mandy stepped out the house and left Amy saying goodbye to Amber at the door.
“Jayden was just saying you and Chrissy just look like a couple of normal girls to her.” Amber said as she wrapped her arms around Amy and pulled her into a hug.
“We are just a couple of normal girls silly.” Amy giggled.
“You are both girl’s, but you’re far from being normal.” Amber said with a grin just before kissing Amy.
“Normal’s overrated anyway.” Amy said sounding all blasé about it.
“Normal’s boring, why would anybody want normal.” Amber said it like it was a bad taste in her mouth.
“I better see about going, or Mandy will be going without me.” Amy said just before giving Amber another kiss and running over to get in Mandy’s car.
Amber waved them off and then returned to the kitchen to carry on cleaning the kitchen up with Jayden.
Becky woke up and lay in bed watching Chrissy sleep. She knew just how tired Chrissy must be by the fact that Becky had kissed her three times and Chrissy was still fast asleep.
“Mandy was right to let Chrissy have a lie in today.” Becky thought to herself as she slipped out of bed to use the bathroom.
Becky thought it would be nice to run a bubble bath for her and Chrissy, so they could relax while they soaked. Becky finished on the toilet and then started filling the bath before she went back to the bedroom to start the process of waking Chrissy up.
Chrissy was having a strange dream where she was a spy and she had to fight her way through a group of guys to rescue Becky. She’d just beat the last of the bad guys and had reached Becky when they started kissing. Chrissy thought the kissing felt really good, and soon she realised that Becky was kissing her for real, so she slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking right into Becky’s eyes.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Becky smiled.
“Morning. What time is it?” Chrissy asked as she had a stretch.
“It’s just gone ten thirty.” Becky said as she looked at the clock on the bedside table.
Chrissy sat up so fast that Becky almost rolled off the bed as Chrissy pulled the covers with her. “Oh crap! Why didn’t you wake me sooner Becky?” Chrissy shouted as she threw back the covers and went to get out of bed.
Becky had got her balance back, and hadn’t fallen of the bed, so she grabbed Chrissy’s arm and pulled her back onto the bed. “I didn’t forget to call you baby. Mandy and I planned it this way.” Becky said.
Chrissy stopped trying to break free of Becky’s grip and sat down on the bed waiting to hear the reason for her not being woken so she could get ready for work. “What’s going on Becky?” Chrissy asked using Becky’s name to show she wasn’t happy with being forced to do things she didn’t want to do.
“Mandy and I knew you’d never let her give you a day off while her and Amy went into work, so we came up with the plan of turning off your alarm clock so you got a lie in.” Becky smiled, not bothered that Chrissy still looked angry with her.
“It’s not fair that I get a day off while Mandy and Amy have to go and work.” Chrissy whined, as she realised that she was stuck with taking the day off just like Mandy and Becky had planned.
“I don’t care what you think is fair baby.” Becky purred as she slid over to Chrissy and kissed her. “I’m running us a bubble bath, and then I’m going to relax while wrapped in your arms.” Becky added as she slid off the bed and pulled Chrissy along with her to the bathroom.
Becky soon had Chrissy naked, and then Chrissy helped to get Becky looking the same way. Chrissy smiled as she ran her hands over the bump forming on Becky’s belly. Becky smiled as she saw the same look on Chrissy’s face. They were soon lying in the bath, Chrissy with her back against one end with Becky resting against her.
Chrissy couldn’t be angry with either of them for what they did, it did feel nice to have a day off. Chrissy let out a sigh as she put her head back and she closed her eyes while she let the warm water soak into her bones. Chrissy knew she must have fallen sleep because the next thing she remembered was Becky calling her name.
“Chrissy, Chrissy, we better see about getting out now.” Becky said softly, it seemed like Becky didn’t really want to bother Chrissy, but if they stopped in the bath any longer they would look like prunes.
“Sorry, I must have nodded off.” Chrissy said as she rubbed her eyes, but managed to cover her nose and eyes in bubbles. Chrissy flinched and then sneezed as the bubbles went up her nose when she breathed in through her nose.
Becky sat in the bath giggling as she watched Chrissy try and wipe the bubbles away from her face. “I think someone forgot where they were.” Becky said with a giggle.
“I must have been more tired than I first thought.” Chrissy said looking sheepish, and not having any argument to use against Becky, or Mandy now.
“You can see now why we did what we did.” Becky said as she cuddled up to Chrissy again before they got out the bath. “Just because I’m the one that needs to rest more with being pregnant, it doesn’t mean you’re okay to keep working all the hours you are.” Becky added in a child like voice.
“Point taken, my love. I’ll try and take it a little easier.” Chrissy smiled as she wrapped her arms around Becky while they lay in the bath.
Becky never said anything, she knew it was rare for Chrissy to own up to being proved wrong, so she wasn’t about to rub her nose in it. They lay there cuddling each other for a couple more minutes, then Becky sat up and helped Chrissy to do the same.
Once they were out the bath and dried off, they got dressed in simple skirts and T-shirts, and then they headed down to have some breakfast before making a start on sorting things out ready for the barbecue tomorrow.
Amber and Jayden were sat at the kitchen table having a glass of juice when Chrissy and Becky walked into the kitchen looking for food.
“Morning Chrissy, Becky.” Amber said as she got up from the table and gave them both a hug. “What do you want for lunch?” Amber asked.
“Morning Amber.” Chrissy said as she hugged Amber back. “What do you mean, lunch?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
Amber turned her head to look at the clock on the wall, and Chrissy looked over at the clock as well. Chrissy then realised what Amber was getting at. Chrissy had fallen asleep in the bath, so it was only just before midday now.
“It’s a little late to still call it breakfast.” Amber giggled.
“You don’t need to make us breakfast Amber, I can sort it out.” Chrissy said as she broke the hug and went to walk over to the fridge.
Amber stopped Chrissy from walking away, then she led Chrissy over to the table and forced her to sit down, then Amber helped Becky take a seat next to her. “Jayden and I will make you something to eat; we just need to know what you fancy eating.” Amber asked as she helped Jayden get up from the table.
Jayden got up from the table with a worried look on her face. Unless Chrissy and Becky wanted a bowl of cereal, or a slice of toast, they would be taking their life into their own hands. “Morning Chrissy, Becky.” Was all Jayden squeaked out as she stood up.
“Don’t look so worried Jayden; I’ll talk you through it.” Amber said grinning. “Well what do you fancy for your breakfast?” Amber asked again.
“I really would like a BLT, but I’ll settle for toast if that helps.” Chrissy said looking worried now herself.
“Jayden will be fine doing you BLT’s.” Amber smiled as she grabbed Jayden’s arm and dragged her off to make the BLT’s. “Do you know this was the first thing Chrissy, Becky and Amy taught me to make when I first came here.
Jayden to nervous to speak now, just let Amber talk her through making the food for Chrissy and Becky. While Jayden was keeping an eye on the bacon being grilled, Amber made a pot of tea, and then she poured Chrissy and Becky a cup out before going back to carry on supervising Jayden as she made lunch for Chrissy and Becky.
Amber had Jayden make enough for them all to have some by the time they’d finished. Jayden walked over to the table with a large plate of sandwiches.
“I hope they don’t taste too bad, but I’ll understand if you don’t want to eat them.” Jayden said looking worried as she saw the others all take a sandwich and start eating it.
“MMM, these are really good.” Chrissy said around a mouth full of food. “I think you’ve been lying to us about not being able to cook.” Chrissy added with a raised eyebrow.
Jayden thought Chrissy was just being polite about the food tasting good, but she thought it better if she at least eat some of it herself, even if it did taste that bad. Jayden was shocked when she took a bite and it did taste really good.
“They do taste good.” Jayden said with a grin after swallowing her first bite, and just before taking her second.
“Did you expect them to taste any other way?” Amber asked. “I was taught by the best remember.” Amber added with a grin as she looked across the table at Chrissy and Becky.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been busy sorting other things out Jayden, and I’ve not had the time to show you how to cook, like I said I would.” Chrissy said looking a little sad for not keeping her promise to Jayden.
“Don’t be Chrissy, I can see that you’ve been really busy, what with working at the shop, and the club as well.” Jayden said with pleading in her voice for Chrissy to not feel bad about not showing her anything yet. “I’ll pick up what I can, when I can.” Jayden added with a grin, just before taking another sandwich off the plate in the middle of the table.
“Jayden was telling me earlier, that she wants to learn how to cook Callum a nice meal at his place one day.” Amber smiled. “I told her that you two would be the best to show her.” Amber added.
“I’m sure you and Amy could show her just as easy now Amber.” Chrissy shot back at her. “You’ve got really good these past couple of months.” Chrissy added.
“I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I wasn’t going to leave it all for Amy to sort out.” Amber said before she realised what she was saying.
Chrissy looked at Amber with a puzzled look, but then she got a pained look when she realised what Amber was getting at. Amber was talking about the time she was away and Becky was too upset to do the cooking. Amy had told Chrissy that she was getting home from working at the shop, then starting dinner. Amber was getting home and then helping her.
“I didn’t mean it like that Chrissy.” Amber said with a pained look on her face. “I can be so stupid. Please forgive me.” Amber pleaded.
“Don’t worry about it Amber.” Chrissy smiled. “I’m glad something good came from me running away.” Chrissy added.
“You found me.” Jayden said with a grin. “So that’s two good things that happened.” She added, trying to lighten the mood again.
“True, so I did achieve something then.” Chrissy giggled, glad that everyone was able to smile about it now.
“Don’t go getting her upset you two, or she might just teach you a lesson.” Becky said as she tried to change the subject.
Chrissy could see where Becky was going with this, and she’d have been happy to leave them talking about her running away. At least she was used to them talking about that, but Becky was going to tell them about the man she sorted out at the night club after he slapped Becky on the backside. “Please don’t start on about that now.” Chrissy pleaded.
“I’m sorry baby, but you were to amazing last night to keep it a secret, and I’m sure that Ann or Brad would tell them when they get here.” Becky said with a grin.
“What did Chrissy get up to last night?” Amber asked, hanging on every word Becky was about to say.
“Some guy slapped my behind while I was trying to sort out a problem with his friend having a drink thrown all over him.” Becky said with a wince as she thought about the pain she felt when she got slapped.
“What did you do Chrissy?” Amber and Jayden asked at the same time.
“Nothing much.” Chrissy said looking shy all of a sudden.
“Nothing much! Nothing much?” Becky asked with wide eyes. “She only grabbed the guys hand and then had him on his knees with his hand pushed up his back in a second.” Becky waved her hands around in an attempt to copy what Chrissy had done the night before. “The guy couldn’t do a thing until Chrissy let his arm loose again.” Becky added with pride.
“You tackled some guy to the ground while at the club?” Amber asked with amazement. “Did you use one of them moves Jo showed you and Amy?” Amber asked as she remembered Amy showing her and Ann some of the special moves Jo had taught her and Chrissy.
“Yes I did, but I wasn’t thinking about what I was doing.” Chrissy said in a whisper. “I just saw the smug look on his face as his hand hit Becky’s bottom and I lost it. The next thing I knew, I was stood behind him and I had his arm pushed up behind his back with two of his fingers bent back.” Chrissy added with a shrug.
“Remind me to never slap Becky on the bottom.” Jayden said with a worried look.
Chrissy just cuddled into Becky as she filled them in on how she had made a joke of Brad and Mark really throwing him out the club to see if they could beat their record from the last one they threw out. Becky even told them about Chrissy’s knew nickname of Nikita.
“I wish we could have seen it.” Amber whined. “Why don’t you do this fun stuff while Amy and I are there?” Amber asked.
“Oh I forgot to tell you, you can watch it later. I’ll put it on later when Mandy and Amy get home.” Becky sat grinning as she saw the shocked look on Chrissy’s face.
“How are you going to show anyone what I did last night?” Chrissy asked. “I’m not doing it again to one of you, I might hurt you.” Chrissy added looking worried now.
“Don’t worry baby, you won’t have to do it again.” Becky said in a calming voice as she stroked the side of Chrissy’s face. “We caught it on video last night, and I brought a copy of it home for the others to see.” Becky added just as calmly.
“You got it on tape?” Chrissy asked just before swallowing very loudly.
“Well on hard disk, but yes we have it for all to see.” Becky smiled.
“Now you’re just splitting hairs Becky and you know it.” Chrissy said looking a little angry now. “Was that the disk you put in your purse last night when you came out your office at the club?” Chrissy asked, suddenly understanding what Becky had been doing the night before, and why Vicky was grinning when she came out the office just in front of Becky the night before.
“Yes it was, sorry for lying to you, but I didn’t think the disk would last the night if I told you the truth.” Becky said with a pout.
“You guessed right, but I gather you’d just burn another copy and bring that home for them all to watch?” Chrissy asked.
“Yep I would.” Becky grinned. “I think you looked amazing, and I want everyone to see you in action.” Becky added as she pulled Chrissy into another hug with her.
“You think I look sexy all the time.” Chrissy giggled as she let Becky hug her.
“True, but you just looked really hot last night.” Becky added as she hugged Chrissy even tighter.
Chrissy not wanting to talk about last night any more got up and made a start on sorting out things for the barbecue the next day. She dragged Jayden up off her seat, so she could help her. Amber and Becky were soon jumping up to help as well. Chrissy was soon showing Jayden how to make homemade beef burgers among other things. Amber and Becky had made up some saucers to soak some of the steaks in ready for them going on the barbecue tomorrow.
Brad and Ann turned up to help out where they could. Brad was set to work sorting out the bouncy castle to make sure it would be okay for the next day. Chrissy had to put up with some more stick about her defending Becky’s honour, but she took it in good sport like it was meant to be. Chrissy was happy to hear them talking about that, rather than her running away now she thought about it.
They soon had everything done that they wanted to get done. Everything else would have to be done tomorrow morning before people started turning up.
Amy and Mandy had been busy all morning at the shop, but they both smiled when they saw Carl enter the shop with a basket of food in his hands for their lunch. Mandy skipped off down the shop to meet him half way and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him.
“Hi baby. I’m surprised to see you here today.” Mandy smiled as they stopped kissing.
“I worked late into the night, so I’m taking the weekend off.” Carl smiled back as she led Mandy back up the shop and into the back room where Amy had gone to set up the plates for them to have their lunch.
“Hi Amy. I hope Mandy’s not working you to hard?” Carl asked with a grin as he put the basket down on the table so Amy could start to dish it up. “Isn’t Chrissy working today?” Carl asked looking around, shocked not to see Chrissy stood with Amy.
“Hi Carl.” Amy smiled. “Mandy and Chrissy work just as hard as I do, if not harder most the time.” Amy added.
“Becky and I tricked Chrissy into taking the day off. We both thought she was looking tired and needed a lie in.” Mandy said in reply to the second part of Carl’s question.
“I was worried she’d hurt herself after hearing what happened at the club last night.” Carl said with a sigh.
“Why. What happened at the club last night that would leave Chrissy hurt?” Mandy asked looking worried.
Carl went on to explain what he knew about the incident at the club, and reassured them that Chrissy wasn’t hurt while at the club, but not seeing her at work now, had worried him for a second.
“Chrissy really did that to some guy at the club last night?” Amy asked looking shocked.
“Yep. Becky even has it on disk for you all to watch. According to what Vic told me earlier this morning.” Carl said with a shrug.
“This I’ve got to see.” Mandy said looking just as shocked as Amy just had.
Carl couldn’t give them much more info on the attack, and what Chrissy had done, so they started talking about other stuff. Carl had collected all the baps and fresh food that would be needed tomorrow, and he was going to hang around in the shop helping out, then follow Mandy and Amy home, so it could all be put away ready for tomorrow.
Once lunch was finished, Amy got up and tided everything away while Mandy spent some time cuddling with Carl. Then they all got back to work and Mandy put Carl to good use taking some boxes of stock up to the flat for storage until it was needed.
Amy and Mandy were glad to be finishing by two o’clock, they wanted to go home and get another couple of hours sleep before getting ready for a night out at the club. Carl helped them lock up the shop then he waited for Mandy to pull away before he did the same and followed them back home.
Carl had just popped the trunk on his car after he pulled up outside Mandy’s, when Brad came out the house to help him carry all the boxes and bags of food into the house and then into the kitchen where Amber and Ann were ready to help put it all away. Carl had got all the stuff they needed to make the salad to go with the barbecue, and he’d also got some fresh fruit so Chrissy could make a fruit salad desert for later in the afternoon. Becky had already grabbed some jelly mixes for Cathleen and Kat. They were going to make extra, so some of the bigger kids could have some jelly and ice cream as well.
Chrissy and Becky had gone back to bed some time ago, and even Jayden had gone up to have a lay down ready for a fun night of dancing at the club, and then more fun with Kara when they got back.
Ann had been sat with Brad in the front room, just chatting about this and that, while Amber waited for Amy to get home so they could go up to bed for a couple of hours.
“What are we going to do about dinner?” Amy asked as she was being dragged out the room by Amber.
“Ann said she was going to sort it out.” Amber said in a dismissive way.
“Ann’s going to cook for us all.” Amy said looking worried and she stopped dead in her tracks, pulling Amber back a couple of steps.
“No she’s not cooking.” Amber said with a frown. “Do I look that stupid?” Amber asked with a chuckle.
“Well, now you mention it...” Amy said before Amber cut her off again.
“Don’t even think about finished that missy.” Amber said pointing a finger at Amy. “I was about to add that she was going to ring and order pizza for us all later, just before she comes to give us all a call.” Amber added with a grin when she saw both Amy and Mandy relax knowing that Ann wasn’t going to be cooking.
Amy never got time to say anything else, due to Amber pulling her out the living room and up the stairs to their bedroom.
“I think you could use a couple more hours sleep my love.” Mandy purred as she wrapped her arms around Carl’s neck, just before kissing him.
“I think you better make sure I get it then nurse Mandy.” Carl smiled.
Mandy was soon dragging Carl up to her room so they could get some more sleep, later she hoped.
Ann and Brad laughed at how fast everyone had vanished. They took their seats on the sofa again and then found some action film to watch. Ann was soon fast asleep tucked into Brad’s side, so he turned off the telly and then put his head back. He was soon fast asleep as well, still with Ann cuddled up to him.
Carl, Brad and all the girl’s were sat in the living room with two large open pizza boxes sat on the coffee table in front of them, and they all had a slice in their hands ready to eat. The only one not eating yet was Becky; she was busy putting a DVD in the player so they could all watch what Chrissy did to the guy at the club the night before.
Once Becky had the disk in, Mandy pressed play as she had the remote. Becky went and sat back down next to Chrissy and took a bite from the piece of pizza Chrissy was holding.
“Everybody ready for the big fight then?” Mandy asked with a grin as she skipped through the footage until she got to the part where Chrissy and Becky were stood near the bar in question trying to sort out the problem between a girl and a man dripping wet from the drink she’d thrown over him.
They all let out a gasp when they saw another man slap Becky on the backside, but before any of them could speak, they saw Chrissy grab the guys hand, then she grabbed a couple of his fingers and bent them back as she twisted his arm in such a way that he had no choice but to go in the direction Chrissy was forcing him. Then they watched as she twisted his arm behind his back and forced it high up between his shoulder blades.
Chrissy was feeling the same anger she’d felt the night before, when the guy had first slapped Becky’s bottom right in front of her, but she calmed down again when she heard Amy speaking to her.
“I wish there was sound, I’d love to know what you’re saying to him now.” Amy whined. “You look really pissed off with him.” Amy added.
“I was pissed off with him.” Chrissy said through gritted teeth. “I can’t remember what I said now.” Chrissy added taking a deep breath to calm herself down a little more.
Becky, Ann and Brad could remember though, so they told the others about Chrissy asking the man not to call her a crazy bitch, and then how she said Brad and Mark could try to break their record for how far they can throw someone out the club. This had them all laughing, even Amber and Jayden laughed and they’d already heard it earlier.
Chrissy smiled as she watched Amy doing some silly kung fu style dance as she reinacted the move she’d used on the guy, but on Amber. The two of them ended up in a pile on the sofa giggling. Chrissy was glad she hadn’t ended up like that with the man at the club, this made her shudder.
“You okay baby?” Becky asked, feeling the shiver come from Chrissy.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Chrissy smiled. “Just glad that didn’t happen to me last night.” Chrissy added as she looked over and Amy and Amber still tangled up together on the other sofa.
“Me too baby.” Becky said with a frown. “I wouldn’t be happy to see you making out with anyone else, especially a man.” Becky added with a disgusted look on her face.
Chrissy looked shocked at Becky’s choice of words, but soon giggled when she looked at Amy and Amber again, just to find the two of them now kissing each other as they rolled around on the sofa.
“Did you have any more trouble from them after this happened?” Carl asked, as he watched Chrissy once again restraining the man. Mandy was still finding it hard to believe that her baby sister was the same one doing what she was doing on the TV screen.
“No, him and his friend left the club, under their own power, and ran off down the road.” Brad said, pointing out that no one threw them out. Frank had wanted to when Brad told him what he was being escorted out the club for, but he had already ran off by that time.
“Don’t you have anything to add Sis?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Mandy again skipping the DVD back to see Chrissy tackling the man to the ground before Brad and Mark took him away.
Chrissy was worried that Mandy might be upset with her for not acting like a lady should, but she wasn’t going to let some thug get away with touching her wife like he did and then get away with it. The only flaw Chrissy could see in her argument with Mandy would be the fact Brad and Mark were stood close by ready to act.
“I’m not sure what to say Sis.” Mandy said as she shook her head to clear it a little before turning to look at Chrissy fully. “I never realised you could do something like that.” Mandy added as she pointed at the paused image of Chrissy with the man on his knees while she had his arm pinned behind his back.
“I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you Mandy, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with doing that to my wife.” Chrissy said, not sounding sorry at all really.
“I’m not disappointed Sis.” Mandy said with shock in her voice. “I’m impressed!” Mandy shouted as she pulled Chrissy closer for a hug.
Chrissy and Becky were sat on the same sofa as Mandy and Carl, so it was easy for Mandy to show Chrissy that she wasn’t upset with her one bit.
“I’ll have to be having a word with Jo; I want to ask her to show me some of them moves you and Amy seem to know now.” Mandy giggled.
“I was scared you’d be upset with me for not acting like a lady.” Chrissy mumbled from where her head was buried in Mandy’s shoulder while they hugged.
“I’m proud of you for showing that sexist pig that he can’t just look at some cute backside, and think it’s okay to slap or grab it.” Mandy said with some anger in her voice. “I’m sure he’ll think twice before trying that again.” Mandy added with more humor in her voice now.
“I’d be amazed if he ever touches another woman’s backside ever again.” Ann said as she thought about the look of shock on the man’s face when he saw the size of the woman that had tackled him to the ground.
“He did look pretty scared as we led him out the club.” Brad chuckled.
Once the pizza was all gone, they got up and then made their way up stairs to get ready for a night out at the club. Carl had brought his stuff with him, so he was going up to Mandy’s room to become Carla. Brad had come over to Mandy’s already dressed for work, so he just went to the kitchen and washed what dishes there were while waiting for Ann to come back down with the others.
Mandy was excited to sit and watch Carl turn himself into the sexy woman she knew as Carla. It never took Mandy long to get ready, so she was happy to sit on the bed and Watch Carl vanish as Carla started to show through more and more.
“Do you think you’ll ever get sick of dressing up as Carla?” Mandy asked, as she watched him doing his makeup.
“I hope not.” Carl said as he gave it some thought. “I like to think of Carla being a very important part of who I am. I can relax and be someone else for a couple of hours while she’s around.” Carl smiled as he turned to look at Mandy sat on the bed smiling back at him.
“I like having Carla around too.” Mandy said with a grin.
“Well there’s another reason for me to keep dressing as Carla then.” Carl grinned back at her. “I find Carla to be a great stress relief as well. I can just let all my feeling flow out when I’m her.” Carl added with a wave of his arms.
Mandy could see what Carl was getting at; he did always seem more relaxed and open to her when he was Carla. He’d talk about stuff with her that Carl wouldn’t, and the love making was so nice when he still had the breast forms attached.
While Mandy had been daydreaming about making love to Carl as Carla, he’d finished with his makeup and had put on a long blonde wig. Now he was getting up and removing his bathrobe to reveal the sexy underwear and corset he had on, or more she had on. It was Carla now stood in the room, no sign of Carl left. He’d attached the breast forms and hid the edges, and he was now slipping into a sexy looking red evening dress. The dress had a mesh upper body piece with long sleeves; Carla slid her arms into them and then turned to let Mandy pull the zip up the back for her.
“Do you mind doing the honours baby?” Carla asked in her husky female voice that Mandy loved so much.
Mandy was soon jumping up and then stepping over to take hold of the zip and pulling it up Carla’s back. Mandy smiled as she saw the dress closing and starting to show off the wonderful hour glass shape the corset gave against the extra padding Carl had used to give Carla her large plump bottom. Once Mandy had finished closing Carla into her dress, she turned Carla around to face her, and then Mandy started kissing her, while running her hand up and down Carla’s sides and bottom.
“I don’t know why, but watching you become Carla, just makes me want to throw you on the bed and make love to you.” Mandy said, sounding out of breath from the kiss she’d just given Carla.
Carla smiled a cheeky smile before speaking. “You could do that, and I wouldn’t stop you, but the others would have to go to the club without us.”
“Tempting, but you look to good, and I want to show you off, just like Becky does with Chrissy.” Mandy grinned just before kissing Carla again.
“It will give you something to look forward to later though.” Carla smiled. “You’ll be able to unwrap me like a present once we get back from the club.” Carla said in her best sexy voice.
“Hasn’t anyone ever warned you about me?” Mandy asked still grinning. “Even as a child, I never liked waiting until Christmas morning to open my presents.” Mandy added with a warning smile as she moved her hand up to the zip on the back of Carla’s dress.
“I was warned.” Carla smiled as she stopped Mandy pulling the zip down. “And you’ll just have to wait until later, I want to go out and do some dancing.” Carla added with a grin.
“Can’t I even take a quick peep?” Mandy asked with a pout.
“Nope, you’ve already had a peep.” Carla let out a little giggle.
“Meany!” Mandy said pouting. “I’ll be sure to let Chrissy and Amy know about you wanting to spend the night dancing then.” Mandy added with a grin.
Carla looked worried, hearing what Mandy was going to tell Chrissy and Amy. Carla already knew that Chrissy and Amy could spend hours on the dance floor at the club. “You can do that my love, but I’ll be making sure that you’re with me every time I’m dragged down there.”
“We’ll see.” Was all Mandy said with a smug look on her face as she walked off to do her makeup and get dressed herself.
Chrissy had done Becky’s, Jayden’s and her own makeup, while Amy had done hers, Amber’s and Ann’s. Amber knocked on Chrissy’s bedroom door on the way down stairs, and smiled when they saw Chrissy, Jayden and Becky step out the room to join them in the hallway.
“Ready for a night of partying then girls?” Amber asked with a grin as she did a silly little shuffle like dance.
“Sure am, lead the way sis.” Chrissy smiled as she waved her hand for Amber, Amy and Ann to lead the way.
Brad had finished washing and drying the dishes they’d used at dinner and was sat in the living room again when he heard the girl’s coming back into the room. Six sets of heels walking on a marble floor made quite the racket, so he knew they were on their way.
Ann entered the room first and ran over to Brad and dropped down onto his lap before planting a kiss on his lips in greeting.
“You look beautiful tonight Ann.” Brad said with a smile when they broke the kiss.
“I hope I look beautiful to you every night.” Ann pouted.
“Yes you do princess, but tonight you just look even more beautiful for some reason.” Brad said, not really knowing the reason why.
“My baby sister did my makeup tonight. She’s becoming quite the talented artist.” Ann smiled as she looked over at Amy sat next to Amber on one of the other sofas.
Amy smiled at Ann, and was just about to speak when Ann, Amber, Becky and even Brad spoke at the same time. “You didn’t do anything special. You had a good subject to work with.” They said at the same time word perfect with each other. Amy and Chrissy just looked at each other, then they both started giggling when they realised that Amy was about to use the same response Chrissy would have.
“Used that one before have I?” Amy asked with a grin.
“Yes, you and Chrissy have both used that one before.” Ann said with a roll of her eyes. “I find it scary sometimes the way you and Chrissy are so much alike.” Ann added with a giggle.
“Well we are sisters after all.” Amy smiled back at her.
Ann couldn’t argue with her on that. Chrissy and Amy were sisters in more ways than one; they had both been born with defects, girls trapped in a male body. Ann had tried a number of times to work out what they must have felt like to look in the mirror and see a stranger looking back at you. Ann thought it must have been like wearing a Halloween costume they couldn’t take off. It’s not like thinking you need to lose some weight, or your hair needs a trim, no, all the problems that Chrissy and Amy would have seen, would have been beyond there means to fix it. Ann was glad to see her baby sister happy sat on the sofa next to her wife, and Ann’s best friend. Mandy and Carla entered the living room, breaking Ann out of her daydreams.
“We were beginning to think you and Carla were going to be stopping here tonight sis.” Chrissy smiled up at Mandy.
“You have no idea how close we came to doing just that.” Mandy giggled. “But Carla said she wanted to spend the night dancing, so here we are.” Mandy added with a dramatic sigh.
Carla suddenly looked worried again when she saw the predatory look Chrissy and Amy gave each other before looking up at Carla. “I was only teasing you baby.” Carla said looking at Mandy, just to have a reason to not look at Chrissy and Amy, but when he looked back at the two of them sat next to their wife’s, Chrissy and Amy were still sat grinning up at Carla.
The sound of the doorbell broke the moment; Mandy turned and left the room to answer it. She knew it was going to be Vicky, so she just opened it to let her into the house.
“Hi Vicky.” Mandy smiled happily as she let Vicky enter the house.
“Hi Mandy, I trust everyone is ready?” Vicky asked as she gave Mandy a quick hug.
Mandy turned around to see that all the others had got up and followed her out into the hallway so they could get to the club.
Vicky was in a minibus tonight with one of the hotel drivers behind the wheel. Jenna was sat in the first set of seats behind the driver when all the girls got out there.
“Jenna!” Chrissy shouted as she got in the minibus and gave Jenna a big hug. “Cathleen’s letting you have a night out?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“Hi everyone, yes she is. I left her decorating cakes in the kitchen with Mable and Holly.” Jenna smiled. “Holly and Greg are both amazing with her.” Jenna added.
Everyone had got on the minibus while Chrissy and Jenna spoke, so Vicky was soon taking the empty seat next to Jenna, and the driver pulled out the driveway again, heading off towards the club.
“I can see where you get your talent for cooking from Chrissy.” Jenna smiled as she turned in the seat to look at Chrissy sat in the set of seats behind her with Becky sat beside her.
“That’s one of the things I’m not sad about learning, with not going out much growing up.” Chrissy smiled back as she thought about all the time she’d spent helping her mum in the kitchen growing up.
“I hear you’ve got another hidden talent as well.” Jenna said with a grin. “And I’m not talking about the makeup artist part either.” Jenna added when she saw the puzzled look on Chrissy’s face.
“I have no idea what that could be Jenna.” Chrissy said, still not sure what Jenna was getting at.
“Vicky was telling me that you were trying to put Brad out of a job last night.” Jenna said with a grin.
“Oh that.” Chrissy said with a roll of her eyes. “Brad’s job is safe. I didn’t like the uniform, and the other bouncers weren’t happy about my idea to change it, and add some pink.” Chrissy added as she looked at Brad sat next to Ann.
The look on Brad’s face said it all and this set everyone off in fits of giggles. “Pink really isn’t my colour.” Brad said in his defence, but even he had to chuckle at the thought of seeing some of the other guys wearing pink polo shirts. Brad thought Frank would work naked before wearing anything pink.
The minibus pulled into the drive at Sara’s house and Vicky got out and walked over to the front door. Sara was soon stepping out the house looking as stunning as she always did. Chrissy smiled when she saw Sara almost running out to the minibus. This Sara was very different to the Sara she’d first met when they were sorting out the wedding dresses for her and Becky’s wedding. That Sara never left the house due to her once being raped and then being left thinking she was the one to blame for it.
Sara jumped into the minibus and made a b-line straight for Chrissy and hugged her first, just like she always did. Chrissy wondered if Sara still saw her as the reason for the life she now had. No one ever spoke about the reason for Sara not leaving her house before she met Chrissy, but they all thought the same thing when they saw Sara hug Chrissy.
“Hi Sara. Why do you always save the best dresses for yourself?” Chrissy asked, as they broke the hug, so she could take a better look at the sexy red dress Sara was wearing.
“This old thing? It was the first thing I could find to wear.” Sara said dismissively with a wave of her hand as she took a seat just across from Chrissy and Becky.
The strange sound that sounded like a snigger coming from Amber’s direction said that this was anything but an old dress Sara had on now.
“Thanks Amber.” Sara said with a cheeky grin. “Remind me never to trust you with any big secrets.” Sara added giggling.
“Don’t tell me you and Cathy have been arguing again?” Chrissy asked looking worried about the reason for Sara trying to impress Cathy.
“No, Cathy and I are doing just fine.” Sara said with a hurt look. “I just wanted to look nice for my wife.” Sara added with a grin now.
“Mission accomplished. I just hope you weren’t planning on being out long.” Chrissy giggled. “Cathy will be taking you straight back home again when she sees you in that sexy little number.” Chrissy added as she looked up and down the red dress Sara had on.
Sara was happy that they all liked her dress; this was a big step for her. Sara normally stuck to trouser suits when she went out, but this was a much better look for her.
Cathy was working late, just like she always did on a Saturday, so she was going to meet Sara at the club once she got finished at the changing service. Cathy knew that Sara was in safe hands with Chrissy and the others.
Once at the club, Brad jumped out and then helped all the others get out the minibus before closing the door so the driver could return to the hotel. He’d be back later to take them all home again.
Everyone waited until Chrissy and Amy had done their normal look up and down the street and across the road to make sure they weren’t missing someone watching them. Not because they were paranoid, but because they didn’t want to miss another poor soul like Amy being left out in the cold feeling unloved and lost. It was clear, just like it always was, so they entered the club and made their way up to the VIP section.
Chrissy could see some of the girls pointing at her and then whispering in their friends ears. She had a pretty good idea it was to do with how she dealt with that man the night before, but she wasn’t bothered about it too much. Chrissy thought it would be good to let everyone know that Becky was a look but don’t touch item from now on.
“I think you’re being talked about baby.” Becky leaned over and whispered in Chrissy’s ear.
“I kind of expected it after last night.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way as she walked arm in arm with Becky through the club.
“Doesn’t it bother you knowing that everyone is looking at the two of us?” Becky asked with a little surprise in her voice.
“No, not at all.” Chrissy smiled as she looked at Becky. “I want everyone to know that I’m going to be fighting for you from now on. No more running away or hiding when I think we have a problem.” Chrissy said with a grin this time. “I feel sorry for anyone that tries to come between us, or hurt you.” Chrissy stopped walking and turned Becky to face her, then Chrissy kissed her very deeply in the middle of the club, still with everyone looking at them.
“I’ve never wanted anybody else baby, and I never will.” Becky said with a raspy breath, as she tried to get her heart under control again and her breath back. Becky liked this new side to Chrissy, very take charge and do as I say.
Once Becky had herself under control again, she led Chrissy the rest of the way to the VIP section. Brad had already relieved Mark and was stood with Ann at his side. Becky nodded to them both as she walked past pulling Chrissy along behind her. Carla, Mandy, Jayden, Sara, Amy and Amber had already gone up the stairs while Chrissy and Becky had stopped to kiss each other.
Jayden was stood with her arms wrapped around Kara’s neck as they kissed each other in a form of greeting. Carla and Mandy had taken a seat at the sofas. Sara was also sat on one of the sofas with her arms wrapped around Cathy. Amy and Amber were stood talking to Jo and another girl Chrissy and Becky had never seen before.
“Well if it isn’t little miss bad ass.” Jo said with a grin as she looked at Chrissy and Becky walking towards her.
“Hi Jo, I think I have quite a cute ass if you must know.” Chrissy said as she turned to wiggle her bottom at Jo with a giggle. “I guess you heard about last night then?” Chrissy asked with a smile.
“You bet I heard about it.” Jo said as she gave Chrissy and Becky a hug. “Vic called me this morning and told me the whole story. He even said Becky had it on video as well.” Jo added grinning at Becky.
“Yep got the whole thing on disk, would you like a copy?” Becky asked.
“Yes please Becky.” Jo pleaded. “I told Dan you’d use them moves if I showed them to you.” Jo added as she looked at Chrissy again.
“Speaking of Dan, you having a night out without him?” Chrissy asked. “And who’s your friend?” Chrissy asked looking around Jo at the girl Chrissy had seen Jo stood with next to Amy and Amber..
Chrissy could see that the girl was really a man, but it was nothing new for Chrissy to see here at the club, and Chrissy treated them all the same. She even got asked by some of them to help do their makeup better most nights she was here.
“Funny you should mention Dan, Chrissy.” Jo smiled. “You see he was foolish enough to make a bet with me when I showed you some of them moves you used last night on that guy who slapped Becky’s backside.” Jo added, grinning now.
“What kind of a bet?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look, not wanting to think about that man slapping Becky’s bottom.
“He bet me that if you ever used any of them moves, he’d let me take him to get a makeover with Cathy, then he’d let me bring him here for a night of dancing and having fun with you girl’s.” Jo giggled. “So I’d like you to all meet Danni.” Jo added as she turned to wave a hand up and down her friend’s body.
“Dan! Is that really you?” Chrissy asked as she took a closer look at the Girl that had been stood next to Jo, and was now stood with Amy and Amber.
Dan didn’t make the most beautiful woman, but Cathy had done an amazing job with what she had to work with. Dan was now sporting a nice set of breasts glued on and concealed by the looks of it. He also had long pink finger nails to make his hands look more feminine. Cathy had also used a corset and padding to give him a nice sexy shape, and he was wearing a beautiful blue cocktail dress and matching heels that looked to have a three inch heel on them. He was also sporting long red hair and perfect makeup.
“Hi Chrissy, guess I should have known better than to make a stupid bet against you.” Dan said with a shrug. “Nice work by the way. I’m glad Jo’s training helped you out.” Dan added with a smile.
Chrissy found it strange to hear Dan’s voice coming out of this woman’s mouth. “Sorry you lost the bet Dan. I wouldn’t have done anything if I’d known.” Chrissy said with a sad smile.
“Don’t worry about it Chrissy and the name’s Danni tonight.” Dan said with a grin. He leaned forward and put his lips close to Chrissy’s ear before he whispered to her. “I think it’s kind of sexy being dressed like this, Jo can’t keep her hands off me.” Dan was grinning even more when he moved his head away.
“What did he just tell you?” Jo asked.
“Nothing much Jo, just some girl talk.” Chrissy smiled at Jo before looking back at Dan and winking at him. “But I will say that we may be seeing Danni a little more often in the future.” Chrissy added as she went back to hugging Becky while they stood talking.
Jo wrapped her arms around Dan and smiled at him. “Will you really come out as Danni again?” Jo asked.
“I might, its fun so far. I do like the feel of the clothes.” Dan said as he ran his hand down his side, feeling the shape of the corset and letting his hand run down over his flared out hip and then down to his stocking covered leg that was showing through the slit running up one side of the dress.
“I know I could get used to seeing you dressed like this a little more.” Jo purred just before planting a kiss on his lips. Jo liked the way her lips stuck to his due to all the lipstick they were both wearing.
Danni was still unsteady on the heels, but Chrissy. Amy, Becky and Amber had him walking up and down the VIP section until he had a sexy little walk going, then they all decided to go for a walk around the club, so Jo could show off her new girlfriend. Jo had also had a makeover by Cathy, and she too looked really hot tonight. Jo was more a jeans a T-shirt sort of girl, so seeing her out in a sexy little purple dress was a shock to Chrissy and the other’s, but she knew how to work it when she had it on show.
None of the other girl’s or guys in the club even came close to touching any of the girl’s bottoms. Chrissy and the others had worked out word must have gotten around the club.
Carla had sat and smiled as she watched Becky leave the VIP section with Chrissy on her arm and being followed by Jo, Danni, Jayden, Kara, Amy and Amber. “You really out did yourself this time Cathy. Danni looks amazing.” Carla said as she turned to look at Cathy sat facing her with Sara cuddled up next to her.
“Thanks Carla. Dan was a good sport about it all, I’ll give him that.” Cathy smiled. “I got the feeling he liked the feel of the clothes as well.” Cathy added with a knowing look at Carla.
“Do you think he’ll dress as Danni again then after tonight?” Sara asked as she looked up from where her head was resting on Cathy’s shoulder.
“I’m sure he’ll come up with another silly reason to make a bet with Jo, just so he can lose it.” Carla chuckled.
“So it’s true then? Chrissy really did set some guy straight about how to treat a lady?” Cathy asked. She’d heard some of the girls talking while she did their makeovers, but thought it was all just people making something small out to be bigger than it really was.
“Yes it’s all true Cathy. We’ve all watched the video of it.” Carla said as she looked at Mandy to back her up.
“Yes Chrissy really did tackle some guy to the ground.” Mandy said looking shocked by it all still.
“She tackled him to the ground?” Cathy asked looking surprised with what Mandy just said.
“Well not tackled, but she did something with the man’s hand then twisted his arm up behind his back before forcing him down on his knees so she could talk into his ear.” Mandy corrected herself.
“Chrissy did all that?” Sara asked with an amazed look on her face. “Where did she learn to do that?” Sara asked.
“Jo and Dan showed her and Amy a couple of things.” Cathy said. “Dan said Jo was wasting her time showing them anything, as they would never use any of it. Jo made a bet they would, and as you can see, he lost.” Cathy added.
“Do you think they could show me some of them move’s as well?” Sara asked looking hopeful.
“I’m sure they would Sara, but why would you want to learn anything like that?” Carla asked looking puzzled as to why she would put herself in a position to need them.
“You know why Carla.” Sara shot back at her. “I hope I never need to use any of it, but it would be nice to have the option.” Sara added in a much calmer voice this time.
“Okay, I can see your point.” Carla put her hands up as a sigh of surrender. “I’ll have a word with Jo and Dan, and set up a date for them to start showing you. I’m sure some of the others will want to join you as well, now they’ve seen Chrissy in action.” Carla added with a grin to lighten the mood again. It worked because Cathy and Sara both started grinning as well.
Mandy wanting to change the subject pointed out the sexy red dress Sara was wearing because Cathy hadn’t said anything about it, and Mandy could see that Sara was a little upset about that. “I really do love that dress Sara.”
“Thanks Mandy, I’m glad someone thinks I look good in it.” Sara replied with a sigh. “Sometimes I think I waste my time coming up with theses dresses for myself.” Sara added as she looked around the club and then at Mandy and Carla again. She looked everywhere except at Cathy.
“I was waiting until we were alone to tell you how sexy I think you look tonight.” Cathy said with a hurt look. “You know I love to see you in red my love.” Cathy added, just before leaning over to kiss her.
Sara wrapped her arms around the back of Cathy’s head and kissed her back. “You should never wait to let your wife know how good she looks.” Sara smiled when they broke the kiss.
“I’ll remember that for next time.” Cathy smiled back as she ran her tongue across her lips to taste Sara’s lipstick still on them.
“What makes you think they’ll be a next time?” Sara asked with a little grin showing at the corners of her mouth.
“With you baby, there will always be a next time.” Cathy said just before kissing her again.
Becky had done a walk around the main club and was just leading the others back to the VIP section when a song came on that she knew Chrissy, Amy and Amber loved, so she wasn’t surprised to find herself being pulled towards the dance floor by Chrissy.
Danni looked worried when she found herself being pulled along behind the others by Jo. Dan couldn’t dance, so the chances of a dress and heels suddenly making Danni a good dancer were impossible.
“There was nothing in the bet about me trying to dance Jo.” Danni said as she was dragged along. Dan was still finding it odd having the extra weight bouncing up and down on his chest, but he did like the feel of it still.
“The bet was for you to have a makeover and be my girlfriend for the evening.” Jo shouted back at him over the music as they got onto the dance floor. “And my girlfriends like to dance.” Jo added with a grin.
Danni could see that Jo was having fun, and she looked really happy, so he took a deep breath and then started moving around like Jo and the others were. Jo gave him a smile and a nod to let him know he was doing fine, which made him relax even more and he started having fun.
They all stayed on the dance floor for a couple more song and then went back to the VIP section to have a drink and a sit down.
“How do you people walk around on these things all the time?” Danni asked as she went to take her heels off, but Jo stopped her.
“Years of practice babe, and you need more of it, so leave them on.” Jo said as she slapped his hands away and made her sit back so she could cuddle.
Jenna was sat on one of the other sofas cuddled up to Vicky; they had joined them on the dance floor and were now taking a break and enjoying a drink as well. Jenna had some sort of a cocktail and Vicky had a glass of cola.
They hadn’t been sat their long when they saw Brad and Mark enter the VIP section with a couple of men in suits enter just behind them. The men looked out of place as they both looked around with shocked open mouths.
Brad walked over to where Becky was sat with Chrissy and bent down to tell her something. “Hi boss, sorry to bother you, but these two police officers need to have a word with Chrissy about what happened last night.” Brad said looking worried. Brad had said it loud enough for everyone to hear, and they all had worried looks on their faces now as well.
Becky kept a calm look on her face as she spoke. “We’ll talk in my office then. Follow me please.” Becky got up off the sofa and then helped Chrissy to her feet before leading the way to the office.
Carla got up and also followed them, but she gestured for the others to stay where they were. Becky had sat Chrissy down on the sofa in the office by the time Carla got in there. Brad and Mark had also followed Becky and the officers into the room, but they were stood off to one side.
“What’s all this about?” Becky asked with some anger in her voice. “My wife has done nothing wrong.” Becky added.
The two police officers looked a little shocked to hear Becky refer to Chrissy as her wife, but given the club they were in, they didn’t dwell on it for too long.
“We’re here to investigate a charge of assault. Two men have claimed they were set upon by two women and two bouncers here in this club last night and were threatened just before being assaulted by a blond haired woman.” The first officer said.
“We assaulted them?” Chrissy shouted. “One of them slapped my wife’s bottom and I stopped him.” Chrissy added sounding angry.
“Calm down baby.” Becky said as she sat down next to Chrissy and wrapped her arms around her to stop her from shaking.
“So you admit to assaulting one of the two men then miss?” The second officer asked.
“She didn’t assault him. She just stopped him from doing anything else to her wife.” Brad said through gritted teeth.
“It doesn’t matter how you put it sir, she still assaulted him, and so I’m going to have to ask you to come with us for further questioning.” The second officer said.
Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy even tighter when she heard him say that. Becky was just about to speak when she heard Carla’s voice.
“What is the charge for wasting police time?” Carla asked. “Do you like having your time wasted? Because that is what these two men have done, and I can prove it right now in this room.” Carla added in a calm voice as she walked over to the desk and picked up a remote and pointed in towards the far wall.
The officers watched as a large TV screen slid down from the ceiling. Carla then sat at the desk and started typing on the keyboard until the TV screen was showing eight different views of the club from the night before.
“After having some trouble a couple of weeks back, we had the video system for monitoring the club updated so we could bring charges against anyone trying to spike or drug another club member. So we caught the whole incident on video last night. Carla added as she brought up the view they had all watched earlier at home.
Carla had started running the video from where the first man had grabbed the girl’s bottom and had the drink thrown at him, and then let it play on as you saw Becky and Chrissy arrive to sort out the problem. Then they watched as the second man slapped Becky’s bottom, and then Chrissy grabbed his fingers and bent them back before twisting his hand around and up behind his back.
“Now I’m no lawyer, but I’d say if anyone was assaulted here last night, it would have been Becky.” Carla said in a calm but firm voice. “I can make a quick call and have my lawyer down here to prove me right, or you can leave and do whatever you want with the two men that have wasted your time this evening.” Carla added with a smile.
“Would it be possible to get a copy of this?” The first office said looking upset that his time had been wasted by some drunken slob with no respect for women. “I’m sorry we wasted your time miss, and we’d be happy to press charges against the two men if you want us too.” He added looking worried that this could blow up in his face if he didn’t play it right.
“No, I don’t want to press charges.” Becky said with a sigh, Happy that is wasn’t going to end up with Chrissy being arrested. “Please just show the men what happened and let them know that I won’t be pressing charges.” Becky added as she went back to hugging Chrissy again.
“I think once they see this video, they will just want to forget the whole thing.” The officer said with a chuckle. “Getting dropped like that by such a little thing isn’t something I’d want anyone to know about.” He added with even more chuckles.
“I hope you show a little more respect to women than they did in the first place.” Carla said with a stern look at the two officers.
Becky had a new found respect for Carla and Carl after what she just saw. The fact that she was talking to the police didn’t seem to face her one bit. Carla was almost talking down to them like they had tried to do to Chrissy and Becky when they first entered the office.
“Once again I’m sorry we wasted your time, and I hope we haven’t spoiled your evening.” The first officer said as he took the DVD off Carla and then left the office as quick as he could with his partner close behind. Brad and Mark followed the two men out the office to make sure they left right away and didn’t start any other trouble on the way.
“Thank you Carla.” Chrissy said in a shaky voice as she gripped hold of Becky. “I thought I was going to be arrested and locked up for protecting you.” Chrissy added as she finally started crying.
“I don’t think Brad and Mark were going to let them do that Chrissy.” Carla said with a chuckle. “They both stepped forward when the officer said he would have to take you in for questioning.” Carla added.
“I’m glad we got it all on video Carla, or I don’t know what they would have done.” Becky said as she rocked back and forth with Chrissy still sobbing into her chest while she calmed down.
“It wouldn’t have gone far Becky. I’d have just paid the two men off and brought it to an end that way.” Carla said with a shrug as she got up from behind the desk and walked over to help Becky and Chrissy stand up again.
“But they wouldn’t have deserved it Carla.” Becky said looking angry again.
“I know that Becky, but without that video, and with what Chrissy said, they would have a case against her, and even if they lost in court, Chrissy would still end up with her name and face in the paper.” Carla pointed out. “It also wouldn’t take long for someone at the paper to dig up Chrissy’s past and then they would never stop digging,” Carla pulled the two girls in closer for a hug as she said it.
“Always looking out for us aren’t you big sister.” Becky said as she let Carla hug her and Chrissy.
The moment was broken when the office door flew open and Mandy, Amy, Amber, Jayden, Kara, Sara, Cathy, Jenna, Vicky and Ann all come flying into the room. Carla broke the hug and took a step back as she watched Mandy and Amy run over to make sure Chrissy and Becky were okay.
Carla explained what the officers had come for and they all took turns hugging the two girls until Chrissy felt calm enough to fix her makeup and return to the VIP section to have a drink.
Chrissy seemed quiet for a little bit after she returned to the VIP section, but she was soon being dragged back down to the dance floor with Amy, and she seemed to forget about all the trouble from earlier.
Becky was grateful that Amy was there to help pull Chrissy out of her mood, but Amy was always able to make Chrissy laugh, just like Chrissy could make others laugh when they didn’t feel like it.
By the end of the night Jo had worn Danni out and finally let her take the shoes off as she was having trouble walking in them.
“I’m sorry you lost your bet Danni, but I do hope we see you here again, and I hope you had some fun with us.” Chrissy smiled as she gave first Danni a hug, and then Jo.
“I had a really good time letting my hair down, and I got to see a whole new side to Jo as well.” Danni said with a grin. “I’m glad you were able to use what Jo taught you as well, so don’t feel bad about all this.” Danni added in a firm voice as he waved his hand up and down his female looking body.
“The night’s not over yet my little sexy kitten.” Jo purred as she wrapped her arms around him and then kissed him.
Jo gave all the girls a hug before dragging Danni over to a car and driver, Carla had set up to take the two of them back to Jo’s place. Cathy had also given the driver a large black sports bag to put in the car as well. Chrissy gathered that it must have had all of Dan’s male clothes in, and the stuff he would need to remove the breast forms and wig.
The minibus pulled up outside the club and everyone got in so they could go back to Mandy’s house. Brad and Carla were stopping the night, and Sara, Cathy, Vicky and Jenna were going to be dropped off on the way. Brad was stopping the night so he could get an early start on setting up the bouncy castle and the barbecue. Ann had other plans for him though before then.
Kara would be stopping the night with Jayden, before Callum’s return in the morning so he could also help Brad with sorting out the tables and other stuff, while Jayden helped out in the kitchen.
By SaraUK
Part 24
Jayden sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Callum slowly returned after she’d spent the night making love to Kara. She loved both sides to Callum just as much, but she was kind of sad to see Kara disappear again. She was soon smiling though when Callum walked over and pulled her up off the bed as he wrapped his arms around her and then leaned down to kiss her on the lips. Jayden found it very different hugging Callum to hugging Kara. She could get closer to Callum due to him not having a large set of breasts blocking her, and he seemed more willing to protect her when not dressed as Kara.
“I love you.” Jayden sighed as she let Callum hug her.
“As I love you.” Callum whispered in her ear.
“We better get down stairs and see what we can do to help with the barbecue.” Jayden said looking at the time. She already knew that the others would be busy getting stuff sorted out.
Callum grabbed Jayden’s hand and led the way out of her room and down the hallway and then down the stairs. Nearly everybody was sat around the table when they got to the kitchen, so Callum and Jayden didn’t feel too bad for not being down sooner. They said good morning to everyone, and they all said good morning back as Chrissy stood up to pour the two of them a cup of tea.
“Thanks Chrissy.” Jayden smiled as she took the cup off Chrissy that she offered her.
“You’re welcome sis.” Chrissy smiled as she then passed Callum a cup.
“MMM, thanks Chrissy.” Callum smiled as he took his cup off her.
“Do either of you want a slice of toast before we get started with the food for the barbecue?” Chrissy asked.
“I think we better have something, or we’ll never last until later if we have to smell all the food cooking.” Jayden said as she felt a pain in her tummy from lack of food and too much exercise last night with Kara.
Chrissy smiled as she heard a noise to go with the pain Jayden had just felt, then she walked over and set to work making the two of them some toast. Once Chrissy had the toast done, she took the plate with it on back over to the table so Jayden could butter and put some jam on it for the two of them.
Amy, Amber and Becky all got up to join Chrissy as they set to work sorting out pasta salads and rice dishes to go with the barbecue. Carl and Brad went out back to start setting up the tables and chairs while the bouncy castle filled up with air. Callum joined them once he’d finished his toast, while Jayden joined Chrissy and the others sorting out stuff in the kitchen.
Ann and Mandy were helping the guys out in the garden as neither of them was safe to be let loose in the kitchen. Jayden didn’t think she was much better, but she was soon helping out where she could, and Chrissy, Amy, Amber and Becky all took their time to help show her how to do different things as they watched over her.
“I hope you and Amy don’t take this the wrong way Chrissy, but I think the two of you were born to be girls.” Jayden said with a grin as she watched the two of them dash around the kitchen sorting out different dishes here and there. “You’re both more like girl’s than I am.” Jayden added with a pout.
Chrissy and Amy both stopped what they were doing and ran over to give Jayden a hug for saying something so nice to them both.
“Thank you Jayden, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to us.” Amy said as she hugged Jayden from one side while Chrissy did the same from the other.
“We’ll soon have you cooking like a pro sis, then you can impress Callum with your new found cooking skills.” Chrissy said with a grin when they broke the hug so they could get back to work.
Jayden was grinning as well, as she started watching what the girls were doing again, hoping that she’d be able to remember some of it.
Once they had all the food ready, so the only thing left to do was cook the meat on the barbecue, all the girls ran off up stairs to get ready for when the guests started showing up. Carl, Brad and Callum were already wearing what they would be wearing for the barbecue, so they all sat out in the garden while Carl got the barbecue warmed up ready to start cooking the meat.
Chrissy and Becky were the first two back down stairs, so they walked out into the garden and sat down at the same table as Brad and the other two.
“Are you all set to ask Ann the big question later?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Brad sat across the table from her.
“I’m not sure ready is the word I’d use, but I‘ll be asking her the question anyway.” Brad said looking worried again about the answer Ann would give him.
“Do you have the ring on you?” Becky asked.
“No, I left it in the glove box of my truck. I didn’t want to risk Ann finding it in my pocked before I asked her the question.” Brad kept his voice down and he was looking at the door to the house, to make sure Ann wasn’t going to overhear anything.
They changed the topic when they heard Amy start giggling as she ran out the house with Amber running after her. Amy and Amber both had noting on their feet as they ran over and dived onto the bouncy castle.
Ann, Mandy and Jayden all walked out the house and giggled as they saw Amy and Amber bouncing up and down.
“I hope Cathleen and Kat get a look in on that thing.” Mandy said as she walked over and sat down on Carl’s knee before taking hold of his head and then kissing him.
Jayden walked over to Callum and did the same thing, while Ann walked over and cuddled up to Brad while he kept an eye on the first lot of meat on the barbecue. Brad had swapped places with Carl to keep busy.
Mandy had opened the side gate so everyone knew to come straight around to the back of the house when they arrived. It wasn’t long before people started turning up. Faith, Hope and Kat were the first to turn up, then Jenna, Vic and Cathleen arrived with Holly and Greg. David was walking into the garden just behind them with Mable and Kim at his side.
Chrissy got up and helped Cathleen and Kat take their shoes off before helping them both get up on to the bouncy castle. Chrissy slipped her shoes off and was soon jumping around with the others as well.
Becky would have liked to go on herself, but wouldn’t risk it in her condition. She was happy to see Chrissy, Amy and Amber having fun bouncing around with Cathleen and Kat though. Becky was finding it hard to work out who was giggling the most, Cathleen and Kat, or Chrissy, Amy and Amber. Becky was soon turning to look at Holly when she heard her speaking to her.
“Hello Becky. How’s Chrissy doing?” Holly asked looking worried. “Vic was just telling us about the trouble at the club the other night, and how the police turned up last night looking to arrest her for it.” Holly said in a rush as she took the empty seat next to Becky.
“Chrissy’s fine mum, see for yourself.” Becky smiled as she pointed over to where Chrissy was bouncing around with Kat on the bouncy castle.
“Are you sure she’s not just putting on a brave face for everyone?” Holly asked, knowing how Chrissy would sometimes pretend to say everything is okay when really she was worried about it.
“I’m sure mum. I’ve learnt to tell when she’s trying to lie to me, and she’s really fine with it all.” Becky smiled as she took hold of Holly’s hand to calm her down. “Your little girl is finally growing up mum.” Becky added with a grin.
“I know I worry about her more than I should Becky, but she’s always seemed so close to breaking if the wrong thing was said to her.” Holly said with a sigh as she finally calmed down having seen Chrissy was doing just fine as she played with the others on the bouncy castle.
“Chrissy was telling me just last night that she’ll be fighting for me from now on, not running away.” Becky beamed as she said it. Becky felt better every time she said it to others. As much as she loved the old Chrissy and she didn’t want her to ever change, Chrissy’s need to run away from her problems was one thing she would never miss.
Prue and Frank were the next to turn up with Sara and Cathy walking in next to them. Sara slipped her shoes off and was soon on the bouncy castle with Chrissy and the others. Cathy just walked over and took a seat on the other side of Becky to where Holly was still sat watching the girls entertain the two kids.
“You not going on the bouncy castle Cathy?” Becky asked with a smile.
“Nope, not me.” Cathy said in a firm voice as she shook her head from side to side. “Them things make me feel sick, always have.” Cathy added looking a little ill just thinking about it.
Becky just giggled as she watched Cathy get control of her feelings again. “I used to love going on them, but I’m not going to risk it at the minute.” Becky put a hand on her belly as she spoke.
“I don’t blame you for that Becky, not that I think for one minute Chrissy would let you on there even if you did.” Cathy giggled.
Rachel and Sam arrived looking around, amazed at the size of the back garden Mandy’s house had. Amy saw them enter the garden, so she slid of the bouncy castle and ran over to great them.
“Hi Rachel, Sam.” Amy said as she gave each of them a hug. “I’m glad you could make it. Come on the bouncy castle with us?” Amy asked, but she was already pulling them towards the bouncy castle, not giving them a choice in it really.
Carl and Mandy walked over to greet Jo and Dan when they arrived. “Hello Jo, Dan.” Mandy smiled as she gave each of them a hug. “I’m glad you decided to come.” Mandy added as she led them over to the tables, so she could introduce them to everyone they hadn’t met yet.
Ann had gone to sit with Becky and Cathy while they watched Chrissy and the others playing on the bouncy castle.
Carl left Mandy to show Jo and Dan around while he went to see if Brad and Vic needed any hep with the barbecue. “Do you need any help?” Carl asked.
“I think we’re fine at the minute boss.” Brad said, using the same name he used with Becky.
“When do you plan on doing you know what Brad?” Carl asked in a whisper when he was stood right next to Brad, so Ann wouldn’t over hear him talking. Not that she would with the noise coming from the girls on the bouncy castle.
“I’m going to wait until we’ve all had something to eat.” Brad said, also in a whisper.
Once the first pieces of meat were ready to come off the barbecue, Chrissy, Amy and Amber got off the bouncy castle and set to work bringing all the other food out to the large serving table, so everyone could walk along the line getting what they wanted before returning to the other tables to sit down and eat.
Carl. Brad, Vic. David and Frank took it in turns keeping an eye on the barbecue while the others sat to eat with the one they loved.
Chrissy was glad that her mum and dad had sat at the same table as Becky, so she could chat with them while she shared a plate of food with Becky.
“Hi mum, dad. Sorry for not greeting you sooner, but as you can see, I was busy keeping the kids entertained.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Don’t worry about it dear. Your father and I could see how busy you were.” Holly smiled.
“You’re looking well today dad. I hope you’re having a good time?” Chrissy asked as she smiled at her dad while he sat eating.
“I’m feeling quite well today Chrissy and I’m having a lovely time.” Greg said as he held up a lump of steak before putting it in his mouth and grinning as he started chewing on it. “You sure know how to lay out a good spread.” He added around a mouth full of food.
“Greg! Don’t speak with your mouth full.” Holly said in an angry whisper.
Chrissy and Becky just giggled as they watched the two of them playing around while they ate. Holly was telling him not to put such large pieces of meat in his mouth, and to chew it more times before swallowing. They thought it was like watching Holly try to feed a small child.
Amy and Amber had to drag Cathleen and Kat off the bouncy castle, and then help them both sit down long enough to eat some food. It wasn’t long after they both finished eating, that they were back on the bouncy castle playing around again. Everyone thought they would make themselves sick, but they bounced around giggling and having a good time, but never once felt ill.
Everyone had plenty to eat, and they stopped cooking anymore meat on the barbecue and left it to cool down before sorting it out.
Brad was sat with Ann at one of the tables when he said he needed to use the restroom, so he got up and went into the house. Most of the others knew what he was really doing, but they all acted like nothing was going on.
Ann was just getting her and Brad another drink when she saw him walking back out the house looking a little worried about something.
“Is everything okay Brad?” Ann asked as she handed him a glass of juice.
Brad took the drink off her and then put it back down on the table, and did the same with her drink. “I hope so Ann, but I have something to ask you.” Brad said as he looked down at Ann.
Ann had noticed everyone had stopped talking, and they were now looking at the two of them. “Okay Brad. What do you want to ask me?” Ann sounded worried now.
Brad pulled his hand out his pocked as he dropped down on one knee and looked up at Ann with hope in his eyes. “Ann Mayfield, I’ve loved you with all my heart from the first moment I saw you, and that love has only grown with each day since. I’m hoping that you will make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife.” Brad opened his hand and then opened the ring box and held it up for Ann to see. “Ann, will you please marry me?” Brad asked.
Ann looked at the ring in Brad’s hand, and then she looked at Brad, then at the ring again. She thought she was dreaming it all. It took her a little time to realise that Brad was still kneeling in front of her waiting for an answer.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Ann screamed as she threw herself at Brad with enough force he fell over backwards as he wrapped his arms around her.
Brad still had the ring box gripped in his hand when they fell to the ground, and Ann started planting kisses on him. When Ann finally came up for air, Brad spoke again. “Do you mind if we stop long enough for me to put the ring on your finger?” Brad asked with a grin.
Ann just nodded as her eyes filled up with happy tears. She slid off Brad and sat on the grass next to him as she watched Brad slip the ring out the box and then slip it onto her finger. Ann just looked down at her hand as she wiggled her finger around, looking at the ring from all angles and loving the way it looked. Ann was so lost in the diamond in the ring that she jumped when she heard a loud popping sound. She looked up to see Carl with an open bottle of Champaign in his hand over near the food table. Mandy was just putting a couple more bottles down on the table next to him.
“You were all in on this?” Ann asked looking shocked that they had managed to keep it from her until now.
“Most of us knew about it sis.” Amy said as she ran over and dropped to her knees to give her sister a hug. “Congratulations sis. He’s one in a million.” Amy added with tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Ann and hugged the stuffing out of her.
“Thanks baby sister, but I can’t believe you kept this a secret.” Ann said, sounding shocked that Amy had not let it slip, as she looked at the ring again like she was still dreaming it all.
“It wasn’t easy sis.” Amy giggled. “Amber and the others had to jump in a couple of times, and Brad kept you away from home a lot as well.” Amy added with more giggles.
“I thought you were acting a little odder than normal, but didn’t think much of it.” Ann said as she thought about it a little more.
“Brad came and asked me for your hand in marriage and everything.” Amy told her. “He even let me go with him and Becky to pick the ring.” Amy added as she lifted her sister’s hand to take a better look at it now it was on her finger.
“So I have your full approval to marry him then baby sister?” Ann asked.
“Like I just said sis. He’s one in a million, and I’ll be glad to call him my brother.” Amy said as she jumped in to Brad’s open arms when he held them open for her to get a hug.
Ann was soon on her feet again and walking around the group showing them the ring and getting hugs from everyone. Brad was at her side looking like the happiest man in the world, just like he said Ann made him feel.
“I hope you liked the way I asked you Ann? I spoke with Becky and Chrissy about it, and they said this would suit you much more than me taking you out to dinner and asking you while we were alone.” Brad said as they finally got a couple of minutes to be alone again.
“It was perfect Brad. Having all my family there to see it happen, it couldn’t have been any more perfect than that.” Ann grinned as she kept looking at her hand sporting the diamond ring. “Mrs Ann Crawley, I like the sound of that.” Ann added with an even bigger grin.
“So do I, but we still have a lot of work to do before you can start signing your name that way.” Brad pointed out as he pulled her onto his knee and wrapped his arms around her.
Ann knew that only too well, but she was already beginning to form a plan of what she was looking for and who she wanted to do what. One of the first things she’d need to do is have a word with Amber, She wanted to ask if she’d mind her asking Amy to be her maid of honour.
Amber was just heading into the house a little later, so Ann took her chance to go and ask her if she’d be upset with her if she asked Amy instead of her about being the maid of honour.
“Amber, can I have a quick word with you before you go back outside?” Ann asked as Amber walked back into the kitchen on her way back out into the garden.
“Sure Annie, is anything wrong?” Amber asked as she saw the worried look on her friends face.
“I’m hoping not, but I do have to ask you something.” Ann said sounding worried now.
“Fire away.” Amber said sitting down at the kitchen table waiting for Ann to ask her question.
“I was wondering if you’d mind me asking Amy to be my maid of honour instead of you? I just know it would make her day if she could.” Ann asked looking even more worried as to how Amber would react to her question.
“I was hoping you’d ask Amy to do it Annie.” Amber said with a tear in her eye. “After all, if it wasn’t for her neither of us would be as happy as we are now.” Amber added as she wrapped her arms around Ann and hugged her as they both let tears run down their cheeks. “I’m happy to be a plain old bridesmaid instead.” Amber added with a giggle.
“Good! Now I just need to ask Chrissy, Becky, Mandy, Cathy, Sara and Jayden if they will be bridesmaids as well.” Ann giggled.
“I can’t see any of them saying no, well Becky might turn you down if the wedding is going to be while she’s pregnant.” Amber pointed out.
“I’m not in any great rush, so I can wait until Becky is back to looking her normal size again.” Ann said.
“Do you want to go and ask Amy that question then Annie?” Amber asked as she stood up and helped Ann to get up from the table.
Ann nodded with a smile as they walked back out into the garden and looked around to see where Amy was. It didn’t take much guess work; she was bouncing around on the castle with Chrissy, Sara, Jo, Cathleen and Kat. They walked over and shouted to Amy.
“Amy! Amy! Can I have a quick word with you?” Ann shouted.
Amy nodded and then bounced her way over to the edge of the castle and then slid off it before stepping over to join Amber and Ann.
“Hey sis, what do you need me for?” Amy asked as she tried to get her breath back.
“I have a really big favour to ask you baby sister.” Ann said as she took hold of Amy’s hands in hers. “I want you to be my maid of honour at my wedding.” Ann said with a smile as she saw the shocked look come across her baby sister’s face.
“Me? But why? I thought Amber would be your maid of honour?” Amy asked looking puzzled by the request.
“I spoke with Amber and she’s happy to let you have the job, as am I.” Ann smiled. “Amber and I wouldn’t be so happy now if it wasn’t for you baby sister.” Ann added as she pulled Amy into a hug.
“Are you both sure you want me to do this? Amber is your best friend sis.” Amy said as she looked at them both one at a time.
“Yes baby, I want you to have the memory of being a maid of honour.” Amber said as she ran a hand down the side of Amy’s cheek. “And after seeing all the trouble Chrissy had getting Cathy and Sara to the restroom, you’re welcome to it.” Amber added with a giggle.
“That doesn’t bother me one bit.” Amy said grinning. “I’m going to be a maid of honour.” Amy added as she started jumping up and down while she clapped her hands together.
Ann and Amber giggled as Amy kissed them both before she ran off to go and tell Chrissy her good news.
“Are you sure about this Amber?” Ann asked as she saw Amy jump onto the bouncy castle and then jump at Chrissy pushing her down to the floor of the castle as she told Chrissy her good news.
“How could I not be when you see Amy looking that happy Annie?” Amber asked as she saw Chrissy start hugging Amy after hearing the good news. “You know I’ll do all I can to make sure Amy has as many girlie moments as I can give her.” Amber added as she wrapped an arm around Ann’s waist and rested her head on Ann’s shoulder.
“Thanks Amber for looking after my baby sister so well.” Ann said with a sigh as she thought about how happy Amber made Amy.
“I’m with you Annie. I owe Amy more than I could ever repay her for everything I have now. A beautiful wife, dream job, and a large loving family. What more could I ask for?” Amber smiled.
“I think if you asked her about it, she would just say she got her payment when she got you.” Ann said with a grin.
Amber went to join Amy and Chrissy on the bouncy castle, while Ann went back to where Brad was sat with Carl, Mandy, Frank and Prue.
“I told you she’d say yes, didn’t I kid?” Frank said as he watched Ann sit down on Brad’s knee and cuddle up to him as she looked at her ring again.
“You thought I might say no to you?” Ann asked looking shocked that he could think such a thing.
“I was just nervous about asking you. I’d got no idea if you were ready to settle down or not.” Brad said, feeling silly now forever doubting himself.
“I hope I didn’t disappoint you then baby?” Ann purred as she started kissing him while she rubbed her hand across his chest. Brad was grinning when they stopped kissing, so Ann took that as a yes.
“Amy looks happy Ann, what have you said to her?” Mandy asked as she looked over at Amy still grinning as she jumped up and down on the bouncy castle with little Kat in her arms, both of them giggling as they bounced around.
“I’ve asked her to be my maid of honour, and as you can see she said yes.” Ann giggled as she also watched Amy playing around with Kat. “I made sure it would be okay with Amber first, and she said she was glad I was going to ask Amy to do it.” Ann added with a smile.
“Sounds like you’ve been thinking about this for some time.” Carl said.
“I have, but some of the finer details only started coming to me after being at Cathy and Sara’s wedding.” Ann said with a grin. “I don’t want to say too much until I can get all of you together though, but I do have one request to ask of you Carl.” Ann added as she looked at him.
“And what would that be Ann?” Carl asked with a smile.
“You’ve done so much to help me be with my sister again, and you’ve been like a big brother to us all, so I was hopping you’d be the one to give me away at my wedding?” Ann asked with a tear in her eye as she thought about all Carl had done for her.
“It would be my honour Ann, but it does mean you’ll have to do me a favour as well.” Carl said looking a little smug with himself. Ann thought it was almost like he’d been waiting for her to give him the right opportunity to drop something into her lap.
“After all you’ve done Carl, how could I refuse anything you asked me to do?” Ann asked. “What do you need me to do?” Ann asked.
“As I’ll be playing the role of the father at your wedding. I feel it only fair that you let me pay for it all as well.” Carl said looking happy with himself.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that for us Carl.” Ann whined.
“You didn’t, and that is the only way I will walk you down the aisle and give you away to Brad.” Carl said in a firm voice, already knowing what Ann’s answer was going to be.
“That’s blackmail Carl.” Ann whined again.
“Nope, I like to think of it as me being a big brother.” Carl grinned back at her.
Ann started grinning back at him, not able to keep the angry look on her face. “I’ve never had a big brother to compare you to, but I guess I could do a lot worse than having you for one.” Ann smiled. “Okay, I’ll let you pay for the wedding then bro!” Ann added with a giggle.
“Thanks sis.” Carl grinned back.
Later in the afternoon Chrissy and Amy helped Becky and Amber sort out some of Mable and Holly’s apple pie and ice cream for everyone except Cathleen and Kat. They had jelly and ice cream instead. Then they all sat around relaxing while they ate and then let it go down.
Chrissy and Amy had set out a large blanket and they were having a little tea party with some dolls that Cathleen and Kat had brought with them. Everyone smiled as they watched the two young women entertain the two children, not looking bored for one second.
None of the others noticed it get quiet at first, but they all started talking in lower voices when they saw that Chrissy and Amy had fallen asleep with Cathleen and Kat cuddled up next to them.
“I’m amazed the pair of them kept up with Cathleen and Kat like they did.” Hope said to Jenna as they sat enjoying their drinks.
“I know what you mean Hope, but I’m glad they can.” Jenna said smiling. “I’ve never seen anyone better with kids than those two are.” Jenna added with pride.
“I know what you mean Jenna. Kat is always excited about going to the shop on a Thursday. Chrissy and Amy always make time to play with her, and still get their work done on time.” Hope said, also looking proud that she knows Chrissy and Amy.
Callum, Jayden, Jo, Dan. Rachel and Sam were all sat at a table with Sara and Cathy. Cathy looked at Dan to ask him about last night. “Did Danni have a good time last night Dan?”
Dan looked a little worried as he looked at Sam and then Callum. “It was different.” He said as he shifted in his seat looking nervous all of a sudden.
“Don’t worry about these two Dan. You met Kara last night, and Samantha is normally at the club, but I’ve not seen her there in some time now.” Cathy said looking puzzled as she realised that she hadn’t seen Samantha in some time. “Why is that Sam?” Cathy asked.
“I lost my job, so we’ve had to watch what we spend. Going out clubbing is well down on the list of things to do.” Sam said looking a little depressed about it all.
“I’m sorry to hear that Sam. Have you not had any luck finding another job?” Cathy asked.
“No, not yet. I’m not what you would call skilled at anything special, so I’m having some trouble.” Sam said with a sigh.
“I could have a word with Carl for you? See if he’s got anything you might be good at.” Cathy offered.
“I’m not sure what use I would be to him, but if you would, thanks. Sam said, but never looked up from the table.
Cathy looked at Rachel and saw the pleading in her eyes and she nodded her head up and down. Cathy could see that Rachel was worried about Sam and his mood.
Callum could see that the conversation wasn’t going the way Cathy wanted it to, so he looked at Dan. “Was that the first time you let Danni out to play then Dan?”
“That was the first time I’ve ever dressed like a woman full stop.” Dan said in a defensive tone.
“What did you think of it?” Callum asked, not put off by Dan’s defensive tone of voice.
“I didn’t think I’d like it, but I had a good time.” Dam broke a smile. “It was nice getting to spend some time with Jo, and seeing a new side to her.” Dan added as he looked at Jo sat next to him.
Callum could tell that Dan wanted to say yes, but he also didn’t want to sound too eager about it at the same time.
“He’s so hooked on it; you can see it in his eyes.” Rachel said from across the table.
Dan went all red in the face and looked down at the table for a long time. “I did like the feel of the clothes, but the heels were killing me by the end of the night.” Dan finally said as he looked up at the others.
“Will we be seeing Danni again then Dan?” Cathy asked.
Dan looked at Jo with a worried look on his face. “I’d like to say yes, but I don’t want to risk losing Jo over it.” Dan said. “I love Jo more than I’d ever love wearing a dress.” He added.
“I thought you looked cute as a girl, and it was even better when we got back to my place.” Jo was grinning.
Dan just went all red in the face again as he spoke. “Jo! They don’t need to know all the details.”
All the others just giggled at them. Jayden knew just what Jo was getting at; she’d spent a large part of the night making love to Kara before they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Jayden was worried about Sam; he’d been quiet since Cathy spoke to him. “What type of work were you doing Sam?” Jayden asked.
“I was working for a company that installed stair lifts, but I wasn’t very good at it, so they let me go.” Sam said as he looked up at Jayden to answer her.
“Do you have any idea what kind of work you’re looking for now?” Jayden asked, she was wondering if they had anything at the hotel he might be good at.
“I’d be willing to have a go at anything right now; I just want to start bringing some money back into the house.” Sam said as he looked at Rachel.
Jayden and the others could all see that Sam not working was putting pressure on Rachel, as she was the only one bringing money into their home at the minute.
Cathy had been sat thinking about Sam and Rachel while Jayden spoke, and she was beginning to see an idea forming as she thought back to how she first met Rachel and Samantha at the club one Saturday night.
“Rachel, do you do yours and Samantha’s makeup when you come to the club?” Cathy asked.
“I use to, but then we came around here and Chrissy showed us how to get different looks so Sam didn’t get made again, and now he does the two of us whenever we go out to the club, or if I can talk him into dressing fully while at home.” Rachel said looking puzzled as to the reason for the question.
“You mean someone saw Sam as Samantha and they knew who it was?” Jayden asked.
“No, not that way Jayden.” Sam said. “I was part of a team that went to the shop and fitted a stair lift, while Chrissy was recovering from her injuries caused by Amy’s father.” Sam sounded angry as he said that last part. “Amy realised who I was and where she’d seen me before, but she was cool about it and never said anything though.” Sam actually smiled as he thought back to that time.
“Is that how you became friends with them all then?” Jayden asked.
“Pretty much, yes. I’d spoke to them at the club as they walked around with Becky. I’d even had my makeup fixed a couple of times by Chrissy, but it wasn’t until that day at the shop, that I finally got to understand who Chrissy and Amy were.” Sam seemed happier as he thought about the two girls that had come into his life.
Jayden thought Sam looked nice when he wasn’t looking worried and depressed all the time. She was going to have a word with Carl later, and see what they could do to help him find a job. Jayden knew that Carl would be able to find something for him to do at the hotel.
Cathy had smiled at Sara as she’d got up from the table to go over to Carl. Rachel had watched Cathy do this, still wondering what all the questions were about.
Carl was just finishing his second piece of apple pie when Cathy knelt down beside him. “I’m sorry to bother you Carl, but I was wondering if I could have a quick word with you about that little problem we were talking about the other day.” Cathay asked.
“Please do feel free to bother him Cathy. It might stop him from eating any more pie.” Mandy said with a frown, just before she started giggling.
“What can I say? It’s really good pie.” Carl said as he got the last of the crumbs before putting the spoon down on the plate and pushing it away.
“It is really good pie.” Cathy agreed having just finished a piece herself.
“Do you want to go in the house and talk, or shall we just sit here and do it?” Carl asked as he pointed to an empty seat next to him for Cathy to sit on.
“Here will be fine Carl.” Cathy smiled as she got up and then sat on the seat he offered her.
“So remind me of what problem were we talking about?” Carl asked, not being able to pick just one problem out of many that he had to try and fix in any given day.
“The one Marie and I have with needing more help at the changing service.” Cathy said.
“I said I’d look into finding you another person Cathy, but I can’t just snap my fingers and give you another person who has the training to just step into helping you and Marie do the makeovers.” Carl said. “I wish I could, it would make my life much easier.” Carl added with a chuckle.
“I think I found someone, and she was trained by one of the best in the business if you ask me.” Cathy said with a grin.
“They were? Who were they trained by?” Carl asked looking interested all of a sudden.
Cathy looked over her shoulder to the blanket with Chrissy, Amy, Cathleen and Kat fast asleep on and then pointed to Chrissy. They were trained by Chrissy.” Cathy said with a grin.
“Who are you talking about then Cathy?” Carl asked, looking excited now. “If it’s Amy forget it.” Carl said looking worried as he took a quick look at Mandy.
“Good luck with that one.” Mandy giggled as she thought about Carl and Cathy trying to talk Amy into leaving the shop and working with Chrissy.
“I’m talking about Sam. He lost his job and he’s having trouble finding another one.” Cathy said with some pleading in her voice for Carl to think about offering him the job.
“I was wondering why I hadn’t seen them at the club in some time.” Carl said with a thoughtful look on his face. “If you think he can do the job, then I won’t stop you hiring him. Just remember to tell him that he’ll be working as Samantha at work.” Carl reminded Cathy before letting her run off to tell Sam the good news.
Sam and Rachel had just finished telling the others about how they had worried Chrissy and Amy when they went to the club dressed as a couple of gothic’s when Cathy got back to the table and sat down sporting a massive grin on her face.
“I’ve got some great news for you Sam.” Cathy said still grinning. “You’ll need to come to the changing service at the hotel tomorrow.” Cathy added.
“What for Cathy?” Sam asked looking worried at the way Cathy was still grinning at him.
“So you can start your new job silly.” Cathy said in a matter of fact way.
“What will I be doing?” Sam asked with a shocked look on his face.
“You’ll be helping Marie and myself do the makeovers on all the other girl’s.” Cathy smiled. “Well Samantha will. I hope you don’t mind being dressed all the time you’re working?” Cathy asked.
Sam looked at Rachel to make sure she didn’t mind him being dressed as Samantha while at work. “Will that be okay with you Ray?” Sam asked Rachel, using his pet name for her.
“I don’t care if you dress like a clown, just as long as I get my Sammi back.” Rachel said as she wrapped her arms around him, happy to see some of that old spark back in his eyes.
Sam hugged Rachel back and let out a sigh as he finally saw some light at the end of the dark tunnel he’d been in since losing his job. “Thanks Cathy, what will I need to come dressed in tomorrow then?” Sam asked.
“Just come as you are now. Marie and I will spend some time showing you how we do things at the changing service. Chrissy would have given you a good start, that’s why I just told Carl you’re the person for the job.” Cathy said with a grin.
Sam wanted to run over and give Chrissy a hug for what she’d just done, but when he saw she was still fast asleep with Kat cuddled up to her, he decided to leave it until later.
Cathy saw the way Sam looked over at Chrissy and she smiled as she remembered feeling the same way when Carl offered her a job a couple of years ago. “I got my job the same way you know?” Cathy said as she looked at Sam.
“Chrissy showed you as well?” Sam asked.
“Yep, she came to stop with me for a week when she was having trouble with Becky, and by the end of it; Carl offered me a job doing what I do now.” Cathy said with a grin.
“I guess she showed Amy as well then?” Sam asked.
“Yes she did. Marie is still shocked that Chrissy hasn’t had any training either. She thinks Chrissy is a natural at it.” Cathy said with a faraway look in her eyes. “I still think Chrissy is better than me, even now.” Cathy added.
“Sounds like we’ll need to go shopping for Samantha then soon honey.” Rachel said with a grin. She’d wanted Samantha out shopping for some time, and now it looked like she’d get it.
“Carl will come and talk to you more tomorrow at work Sam, but he will sort you out with a clothing budget, so don’t worry about buying any of the clothes yourself.” Cathy said when she saw the worried look on Sam’s face.
“I’ll be making you some clothes as well.” Sara said with a grin. “I’m always looking for new bodies to play dress up with.” Sara said with an evil grin this time.
“Congratulations on the new job Sam.” Callum smiled.
“Thanks Callum.” Sam said still in shock from the news he’d be starting a new job as Samantha tomorrow.
“Speaking of work Callum. Did you sort out your holidays on Friday?” Jayden asked as she turned to look at Callum sat next to her.
“Yes I did. I break up Tuesday afternoon and won’t be back at work until the following Wednesday.” Callum said with a grin. “I’ll be glad not having to put up with that Stephen Adams for a week.” Callum added with a sigh.
“Is he still giving you trouble at the office?” Jayden asked with some anger in her voice.
“I wouldn’t call it trouble Jayden. He’s just acting like we’ve been best friends all my life; it’s really wigging me out.” Callum said as he let a shudder run through his body.
“He didn’t look like much of a friend the other week when he tried to make a fool of you in the hotel restaurant.” Jayden huffed.
“I know, and that’s how he’s normally acting around me, but this past week he’s been...” Callum couldn’t think of the right word to use. “Nice is the only way I can think to say it.” Callum said with a shrug.
“Do you think he’s still trying to get a shot with me by becoming your friend?” Jayden asked with a sick sounding laugh, like he’d ever stand a chance. Jayden thought the man was horrid from the first time he spoke to them both.
“I’m surprised he can find women to even go out on a date with him. None of the girls at work like him.” Callum said. Not even when he comes in to the office wearing flash clothes and throwing money around.” Callum added.
“Where does he get all the money from? Is he on more than you?” Jayden asked looking a little puzzled.
“I’ve got no idea where he gets all the money from. He’s on about the same as me take home, but he still comes in wearing flash looking watches and big roles of money in his pockets.” Callum looked annoyed as he said it.
“I doubt even that would help him get a date.” Jayden giggled.
“He gets the odd date at the office, but they never go out with him twice. They normally just go with him to get a nice meal and some sort of reward in the form of some nice jewellery.” Callum chuckled as he thought about the last girl he’d taken out. She’d come into the office with an expensive gold chain around her neck the next day, but wouldn’t go on another date with him. Callum was happy when he heard Jo start talking to Sara. He could stop thinking about Stephen and work until tomorrow.
“Sara, I was chatting with Carl earlier, and he said that you want me to teach you some of the moves I showed Chrissy and Amy. When would you like to start learning?” Jo asked grinning.
Carl had spoke to Jo and Dan, but asked them not to ask Sara for the reason behind it. Carl said it in such a way that Jo and Dan knew better than to even try to find out the reason for her wanting to learn some self defence.
“As soon as we can get started.” Sara said looking eager to learn. “Carl said there are some rooms at the hotel we can use, so just let me know what days and I’ll be there.” Sara added.
“Carl told me to clear what ever days were best for you, and don’t worry about anything else.” Jo said as she threw the question back at Sara.
Sara took Jo’s number and said she’d need to check her work load and make sure she wouldn’t leave herself short of time with any of her dress design work, and then she’d get back to Jo with the days she’d be able to clear a couple of hours.
Chrissy started to wake from her nap when Kat started moving. Chrissy opened her eyes and found Becky sat on the blanket looking down at her with a smile on her face.
“Did you have a nice nap baby?” Becky asked as she brushed away some of Chrissy’s hair that had fallen across her face.
“I’m sorry Bec’s; I’ve hardly spent any time with you today.” Chrissy said as she sat up and rubbed some of the sleep from her eyes.
“I don’t mind baby. It’s been nice watching you and Amy having so much fun with Cathleen and Kat.” Becky said as she looked down at Kat just as she started to wake up.
“Herrow aunty Becky.” Kat said as she had a stretch and sat up to rub sleep from her eyes just like Chrissy had done moments before.
“Hello kitten, did your mean old aunty Chrissy wear you out?” Becky asked as she pulled Kat into a hug with her.
“Aunty Chrissy not mean, she play all the time and make me giggle.” Kat said in Chrissy’s defence. “You come on bouncy castle with me now?” Kat asked as she stood up and tried to pull Becky to her feet.
“I wish I could Kat, but I might hurt the little babies I’m carrying in my belly.” Becky said with a sad look, not wanting to see Kat sad, but also not willing to risk the babies either.
“You have little babies in your tummy?” Kat asked as she leaned over to listen to the babies, but she couldn’t hear anything when she put her ear against Becky’s belly.
“Yes I do Kat, but they’re too small to be heard or felt at the minute.” Becky smiled at Kat as she lifted her head up and looked at Becky.
“Mummy tells me babies come from shop, and she buy better one if I not behave better.” Kat said with a puzzled look. “Why you not go to shop and buy one too?” Kat asked.
Chrissy and Becky looked at each other, not knowing what to say in reply to Kat’s question. They both let out a sigh when they heard Hope say something to Kat that had her full attention now.
“Kitten, do you want to ask aunty Chrissy and Aunty Becky if they want to share a chocolate bar with you?” Hope was holding up a large bar of chocolate.
Kat was soon on her feet and running over to take the chocolate bar from her mummy. “Fank you mummy.” Kat then ran back to sit on the blanket between Chrissy and Becky as she held up the bar of chocolate for Chrissy to open it. “Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Becky, you share choc choc bar with me?”
“MMM choc choc.” Chrissy said grinning. “I’d love to share it with you Kat.” Chrissy added as she opened it and then placed the open packet on Kat’s knee’s so her and Becky could take a piece every now and then.
“Thank you for letting us share your choc choc bar Kat.” Becky smiled as she took a piece and popped it in her mouth.
Chrissy and Becky both looked at Hope with a thankful look, happy that Kat was now sat humming to herself as she munched on a piece of chocolate, all thought of the question she’d asked them forgotten.
Amy and Cathleen soon woke. Chrissy giggled as it seemed like they could smell the chocolate in their sleep and it woke them up. They both sat up and were soon munching a piece as well. Amber came over and sat next to Amy with Cathy sat between them, just like Kat was sat between Chrissy and Becky. They finished the chocolate bar and then Amy and Amber took Cathleen and Kat back on the bouncy castle.
Chrissy wanted to spend some time with Becky. She also wanted to sit and spend some time with her mum and dad. Chrissy had been avoiding them for the most part; she was worried about them finding out what happened at the club the other night, and then the added trouble of the police turning up last night to arrest her.
Greg and Holly were sat talking to Prue, Frank, Carl and Mandy when Chrissy and Becky walked over to join them.
“Hi mum, dad. Did you both enjoy the food?” Chrissy asked as she sat in the empty seat next to her father and cuddled up to him.
“Yes we had a lovely time, and the food was perfect.” Greg said as he put one arm around Chrissy and gave her a little hug.
“Yes you all know how to entertain your guest’s dear.” Holly smiled as she looked at her daughter cuddled up to her dad. Holly saw Chrissy smile, but she also saw some worry behind her eyes. “What’s worrying you Chrissy?” Holly asked.
Chrissy thought about saying “nothing” but knew her mum would see straight through her lie, so with a sigh Chrissy spoke. “I’m worried about what you and dad must be thinking about me getting in trouble with the police over the trouble at the club the other night.” Chrissy found herself wondering how she ever got away with fooling her mum growing up, when she was nearly caught wandering around the house dressed as a girl, when her mum came home earlier than she said.
“I won’t lie and say I’m happy to hear you were fighting Chrissy.” Holly said with an edge of anger in her voice.
“I wasn’t fighting mum!” Chrissy shot back at her mum, shocked that she could think of it as that. “I just stopped some man from putting his hands on my wife.” Chrissy added as she wrapped an arm around Becky, as if she was reminding her mum as to whom she was talking about.
“I’m sorry Chrissy, poor choice of words.” Holly said as she raised her hands as she tried to calm Chrissy down again. “I hear it was a one sided affair anyway.” Holly added with a little smile showing on one side of her face.
“I’m not sorry that I did it mum, and I’d do it again if someone else tried the same thing.” Chrissy was glaring at her mum as she said it.
Holly was strangely glad to see Chrissy acting so fearlessly to protect Becky. Holly could see that her daughter was finally growing up; she knew that Greg would be happy to see this. It was one of Greg’s biggest worries about Chrissy and the life she’d chosen for herself. He’d been worried that Chrissy wouldn’t be able to protect herself if she came up against someone bigger than her while not with the others, but she’d proved more than once that she wasn’t so easily spotted as being anything other than a female.
“I don’t care what your mother thinks Chrissy, I’m proud of what you did.” Greg was grinning. “Wish I’d been there to see you take him down.” Greg added with a chuckle as he thought about his frail looking daughter doing what Vic had described Saturday morning.
“Would you like to see it Greg?” Carl asked. Stopping Greg from getting a verbal telling off from Holly for leading Chrissy on when Holly was trying to tell her off in a kind way.
“You’ve got it on tape?” Greg asked with surprise.
“No, they’re going to let Chrissy go out and do it again while they film it for you!” Holly snapped, heavy with sarcasm. Holly had a sudden look of horror come over her face as she thought that Carl could have really meant it.
“Yes we have it on tape, so don’t look so worried Holly, I’d never let Chrissy do anything like that if I had a choice.” Carl chuckled at the look Holly had as he spoke. “Once you see the video, you’ll see that Brad was seconds away from sorting the guy out himself, but Chrissy was just too fast for even him.
Chrissy didn’t think Carl was helping to calm her mum down, but her dad was looking more full of life than he had since first arriving at the house earlier in the day. “Trust dad to get all excited about me beating some guy up.” Chrissy thought.
Kat and Cathleen calling Chrissy’s name had her jumping up from the table, happy to have a valid reason to get away from the talk her mum was about to have with her about not picking on the other boys and girls.
Becky had to try and hide a giggle when she saw how fast Chrissy shot from the table to join Kat and Cathleen on the bouncy Castle with Amy and Amber. Becky had a feeling that Amy or Amber had seen how Holly was looking at Chrissy, and they had told the two little girls what to do.
Chrissy and Becky were helping Amy, Amber, Jayden and Callum put all the food away while the others were all in the living room watching the video of Chrissy at the club. Chrissy had no desire to watch that man slapping Becky on the backside again.
“You okay Chrissy?” Callum asked as they walked back into the house and put a couple more trays of food down, ready for Becky to cover and then pass them to Amy or Amber to put away.
“I’m fine Callum.” Chrissy smiled at him. “I’m just worried about what my mum will say once she’s seen that video.” Chrissy added with a frown.
“I think your mum will see your side of it once she’s seen what happened, and why you stopped that guy.” Callum said. “I’d have done the same if someone had done the same to Jayden while I was stood next to her.” Callum added in a firm voice.
“I’m pleased to hear that baby, but you’d have to beat me to him first.” Jayden said the second part with a grin as she came up behind Callum and wrapped her arms around Callum’s neck before kissing him on the cheek.
Chrissy had to giggle; she’d seen Jayden deal with guys like the one that slapped Becky, all the time back at St Trinian’s. Chrissy had seen Jayden drop a guy to his knees while holding a tray of drinks, and she never spilt a drop. Chrissy found herself wondering if Callum realised just how tough Jayden really was. Chrissy also hopped he never had to find out either.
“What am I missing?” Callum asked as he saw Chrissy giggle and Jayden look at Chrissy with a smirk. Jayden was thinking the same thing Chrissy was, a private joke between the two of them.
“Nothing much baby, I’ve just had to deal with worse while I worked at St Trinian’s.” Jayden said with a shrug.
“Will I ever get to see you in that uniform?” Callum asked grinning.
“Only if you wear the same outfit for me.” Jayden said, grinning right back at him.
“I won’t wear it, but I’m sure Kara would.” Callum said with a smile. “Two naughty school girls getting into trouble.” Callum added.
“I must warn you, I can be a very naughty school girl.” Jayden purred as she turned Callum around, so she could give him a proper kiss.
Chrissy took the tray of food of Callum so he had both hands free, then she wandered off into the house again to give them some time alone. Becky was still wrapping the food in Clingfilm and then letting Amy and Amber take them over to the fridge. Becky had tried to carry the food, but gave up when she realised that they weren’t going to let her.
“That’s the last of it.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she sat down at the kitchen table to watch Becky start wrapping the last of it.
Becky finished wrapping the food, and then she sat down on Chrissy’s knee so she could then give her wife a nice long kiss. “I love you so much Chrissy.” Becky said when they stopped kissing.
“Bet I love you even more.” Chrissy smiled back as she ran her tongue across her lips, tasting Becky on them still.
“That’s a bet you’d lose baby.” Becky smiled back just before leaning in for another kiss.
“Do you want payment now my love?” Chrissy grinned back at her.
“As good as that sounds, we still have a living room full of guest’s to entertain.” Becky pointed out with a pout.
Chrissy groaned as she remembered that everyone was still in the living room watching that stupid video. “I’m sure the others can take care of that while we go up to our room.” Chrissy offered with a thoughtful look.
“Nice try baby, but you’ll still have to face your mum at some point, so why not get it out the way sooner?” Becky asked, always the practical one.
“I guess you could be right, just like always.” Chrissy sighed as she watched Becky slip off her knee and then helped Chrissy get to her feet.
Becky pulled Chrissy towards the living room door and had to pull a little harder to finally get Chrissy to enter the room just behind her. Chrissy could hear her mum talking, but she wasn’t saying what she thought she would be.
“I think that dirty beast asked for everything he got.” Holly snapped. “How dare he lay a hand on my daughter like that.” Holly added with outrage.
Chrissy was trying not to giggle as she heard her mum having a go at the TV as she watched the video. Chrissy liked the way her mum had taken to thinking of Becky as her daughter, just like she now was. All the worry Chrissy had over her mum seeing the video vanished, leaving her with pride in its place as she listened to her mum still going on about it.
“I’m very proud of you Chrissy.” Holly said when she saw Chrissy poke her head over Becky’s shoulder. “It’s a pity you didn’t break his arm off and beat him with it.” Holly added with even more anger.
“I think you’d be visiting Chrissy in prison now if she’d done that Holly.” Carl pointed out as he tried to calm her down. He was also trying not to laugh, as it did look funny watching her get so worked up over it all.
“True, but I’m still glad you did what you did.” Holly said finally getting some control of her temper again. “I would have liked to have seen what Brad might have done to him, if he got to him before Chrissy did.” Holly added with an evil grin.
Brad just looked surprised to hear his name being said, but he looked worried when he realised what Holly was getting at. Brad had been sat in an armchair with Ann sat on his knee while she looked at her engagement ring again and again between kissing Brad. Before Brad could say anything, Chrissy spoke.
“Mum! You can’t just go around beating people up because they slap or pinch one of our bottoms.” Chrissy said as she stepped around Becky to face her mum.
Holly was about to speak, but stopped when she realised that she was just speaking out of anger, and not thinking straight at the minute. She took a couple of deep breaths and calmed herself down. “I’m sorry dear, but it just makes me so mad to see how men treat pretty girls now days. I’m glad you put that one in his place.” Holly added as she pattered the seat next to her for Chrissy to come and sit down.
Chrissy took the seat and then let her mum pull her into a hug. “You okay again now mum?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes, I’m fine honey, and I’m sorry for snapping at you outside.” Holly hugged Chrissy a little tighter. “I was wrong to have a go at you, I can see that now.” Holly added.
Holly giggled when she heard two people let out a sharp breath. Chrissy and Greg had never heard Holly say she’d made a mistake about anything before.
“Yes, yes, make the most of it; you’ll never hear me say it again.” Holly giggled some more.
“Now why couldn’t we get that on video?” Chrissy said as she rolled her eyes. This had everyone laughing, and it earned Chrissy another hug from her mum.
Everybody slowly started to leave. Cathy gave Sam instructions on how to get to the changing service and what to bring with him. Rachel gave Cathy a hug for being so helpful in cheering Sam up. Chrissy got hugs of Sam and Rachel, and she was happy for Sam when she found out what she was getting the hug for.
Apart from Brad, Carl and Callum, there was only Sara and Cathy still left in the living room with the others when everyone else had left. Ann had asked Sara and Cathy to stay behind for a little bit, so she could talk to them. Carl, Brad and Callum were all stopping the night anyway.
“Thanks for stopping behind Sara, Cathy.” Ann smiled as she sat on Brad’s knee still. “I wanted to ask you and the others a couple of things before you left.” Ann added looking a little nervous.
“No problem Ann. What can we help you with?” Sara asked as she sat holding Cathy’s hand.
“I’ve asked Amy to be my maid of honour. Amber is going to be a bride’s maid, but I’d also like to ask Mandy, Jayden, Cathy, Sara, Chrissy and Becky to be brides maids as well.” Ann said as she looked around the room.
All the girls started grinning and smiling. Jayden looked at Callum and started clapping her hands together with excitement. Chrissy looked happy to be part of the wedding, but she could see that Becky didn’t look as happy as the rest of them did.
Becky looked at Ann for a couple of seconds before she got Ann’s attention. “Thank you for the offer Ann, but I don’t think you’ll want me in the photos while I’m pregnant. So I’m going to sit this one out.” Becky said looking a little upset that she wouldn’t be a bride’s maid this time around. “I’m sorry, but you will have all the others to make up for it.” Becky added.
“I still want you as part of the wedding Becky, that’s why I’m not getting married until you’ve had the babies.” Ann said as she slid off Brad’s knee and went over to beg Becky to rethink her request. “Please be a bride’s maid at my wedding.” Ann asked.
“I can’t ask you to leave getting married until I’ve had the babies. That would be silly.” Becky said.
“I’m not asking you to do anything apart from be a bride’s maid.” Ann giggled. “Brad and I both decided that we wanted you stood next to Chrissy at the wedding, so we will wait until such time as you can get in a bride’s maid dress again.” Ann said in a voice that said all talk about her not being a bride’s maid was over.
“Doesn’t look like I have a choice then does it?” Becky asked with a smile. “Yes then, I’d love to be a bride’s maid at your wedding Ann.” Becky added.
Ann started grinning as she gave Becky a hug, then she worked her way around the room thanking all the girls for being part of her special day. Brad had already asked Frank to be his best man, and all the girls found out that Carl would be walking Ann down the aisle. Ann was going to ask Jenna and Hope if they would let Cathleen and Kat be flower girls at the wedding the next time she saw them.
Cathy and Sara left to go home and the others all called it a day and headed up to bed. Chrissy was happy to be finally getting Becky to herself as she pulled her into their room after saying goodnight to everyone else on the landing. None of them got to sleep very early, but they were all smiling at breakfast the next morning.
Chrissy and Becky had helped Amy and Amber sort out breakfast on the Monday morning before they all left for work, and Becky got the dishes washed and put away again. Jayden had left for work with Carl today, due to Ann taking the day off to go and look at some church’s she’d like to get married at. Carl also wanted to give Brad and Ann some time to relax and just be alone together.
Carl and Jayden looking at each other with a puzzled look when they walked into the hotel and found Dale stood talking to a couple of police officers at the front desk. They both walked over and Carl asked what the problem was. “
“Is something wrong Dale?” Carl asked as he came to a stop at Dale’s side. Jayden stood to the side of Carl, just listening and waiting to find out why the police were in the hotel.
“Hello Carl. These police officers are making enquiries into someone using stolen credit cards in the hotel restaurant.” Dale said looking unhappy to find out that this had been going on in his hotel, and the fact that he now had to try and sort it out while Carl was stood next to him.
“I’m sorry to hear that officer.” Carl said, surprised to hear that someone had managed to have a meal, and not get caught. “I trust you’re giving them all the help you can Dale?” Carl asked, but already knowing the answer.
“Yes I am Carl, and I’m sorry for letting this happen.” Dale said looking a little worried.
Carl knew he’d need to have a word with Dale and put his mind at ease later. He wasn’t going to do it while the police were stood next to him.
“I need to go and make some calls, so I’ll speak to you later.” Carl said as he looked at Dale. “Officers, I hope you catch these people.” Carl added with a nod of his head before he walked away, so he could make his way up to his penthouse.
Jayden stopped behind to offer whatever help she could. Dale was looking on the computer to see if he had any other names to give the officers, but the person had used the same name to reserve a table as the one on the stolen card.
“Do you keep video footage from the time that the stolen card was used?” One of the officers asked.
“No, I’m sorry, but if there aren’t any problems, the drives are wiped again after a couple of days.” Dale said as he also looked up at the camera mounted on the wall. “If you’d come to see us sooner, then we might have been able to offer more help, but I will tell security to make backups of all the video’s from now on, but I hope we don’t have any trouble like this again.” Dale added, trying to keep on the good side of the police.
“Thank you for what help you have given us Dale, and thank you for keeping any further footage for us.” The officer said with a smile. “It’s a shame it took the person so long to realise that his card was being used by someone else.
“Did he not realise that his card was missing?” Jayden asked, shocked that someone could not realise they had lost their credit card so easily.
“The person’s card was copied at some point, but we’re not sure when.” The officer said to Jayden. “They didn’t realise until they looked at their statement online yesterday.” The man added.
“Wow, that’s a scary thought.” Jayden said as she thought about someone doing the same to her.
“It happens more than you realise miss. That’s why we warn people not to let their card out of their sight while out shopping or having a meal.” The second officer said as he looked Jayden up and down before smiling at her.
Jayden knew that things like that didn’t happen here at the hotel, because the waiting staff in the restaurant always took a card machine to the table and sorted out payment in plain view of the customer.
The officers left Dale with a card, so he could call them if he found out any more information for them, but they weren’t expecting any. The officers had already said that these people were using these stolen cards all over the city, and they knew how to stay below the radar as they did it.
Dale let out a sigh once the two officers had finally left the hotel. “Carl’s going to bust me down to cleaning staff for this, that’s if he doesn’t just fire me.” Dale said looking worried.
“Don’t be silly Dale. Carl won’t blame you for any of this.” Jayden said as she tried to calm Dale back down again. “One of them said they were a professional crew going all over the city doing this.” Jayden added.
Dale nodded in understanding at what Jayden was saying, but he still looked worried. He was soon being side tracked with running the hotel again though, so Jayden let the matter drop for the time being. She could see Dale looking closely at all the guests coming in and out of the hotel, and Jayden knew she had to call Carl and see if he could come back down and have a word with Dale.
Carl was just looking over some paperwork when his mobile rang. He saw it was Jayden’s number and answered it right away. “Hi Jayden, is everything alright?”
“Hi Carl. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had a couple of minutes to spare?” Jayden asked.
“Sure, what can I help you with?” Carl asked, noticing the worry in Jayden’s voice.
“I was hoping you could come down and have a quick word with Dale? He’s worried that you hold him responsible for the trouble with the stolen cards being used here in the hotel.” Jayden said with hope in her voice that Carl wasn’t too busy to come down and talk with Dale.
“I’ll be right down Jayden.” Carl said just before ending the call.
Jayden had wandered off to one side so she could make the call to Carl, but she was now back at his side while he sorted out a new room key for a guest that had broke the first one he was given. Jayden heard Dale take in a sharp breath when he saw Carl step out the elevator and walk toward the two of them.
Carl walked over and stood next to Jayden while he waited for Dale to finish sorting out the guest. Once Dale had finished he turned to look at Carl.
“Hello Carl, do you want to go somewhere a little more private to do this?” Dale asked with a gulp.
“Here will be just fine.” Carl said in a matter of fact way.
Dale looked a little shocked to think that Carl would drag him over the coals in front of the other staff members, but he squared his shoulders ready for the telling off. He was left feeling a little shocked when Carl didn’t do that.
“I just wanted to pop down and make sure you weren’t blaming yourself over that credit card problem Dale. I don’t know the details, but they must have been good at doing it, or they never would have gotten past you and your staff.” Carl added, just to make Dale feel better about how well he trained his staff.
Dale just stood looking at Carl like he’d lost the ability to speak for a couple of seconds, so Jayden spoke for him. “The police say that it’s a group of them going all over London buying things and getting meals at restaurants.”
“It happens.” Carl said with a sigh. “Did you manage to offer them any help?” Carl asked looking hopeful.
“Not really Carl.” Dale said, now it looked like he’d got over his shock of Carl not blaming him. “I’ve told them that we’ll back up all video of the guest’s eating in the restaurant from now on, just in case they come here again.” Dale added.
“Did they leave you with the names of the people’s who’s cards were used?” Carl asked.
“Yes they did, and I’ve checked to see who served them last week, but the members of staff won’t be on until this evening. I was going to have a word with them and asked if they remember anything about the people they served on those nights.” Dale said, doing his best to let Carl know he wasn’t going to let it go.
“I knew I could trust you to keep on top if it Dale.” Carl smiled as he gave Dale a playful punch on the arm. “I don’t know why I even bothered coming down to check on you.” Carl added just before he turned to go back up to his penthouse. He did give Jayden a little smile and a wink as he turned.
Jayden smiled back, she was very impressed at how well Carl handled it. Jayden knew she was going to learn a lot from Carl, and Dale.
Chrissy, Mandy and Amy had been rushed off their feet all day, and were glad to be finishing at the end of the day. Chrissy was going to the club again with Becky, so Mandy was taking her straight home and sending her to bed when they got there. Chrissy knew the rules, so she just smiled as Mandy gave her the order as she drove them home once they’d stopped at the post office.
Becky was just marking some pages in a mother care catalogue when she heard the front door open, then she heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor just before she saw Chrissy walk into the kitchen and run over to give her a hug.
“Hi baby!” Chrissy said just before she leaned down to kiss Becky on the lips, then she bent down further to talk to Becky’s belly. “I hope you two are behaving in there?” Chrissy asked just before she kissed Becky’s belly.
“Hi.” Becky giggled as she watched Chrissy talking to her belly, like it was able to answer her back. “I swear them kids will come out knowing your voice.” Becky added as she pulled Chrissy back up for another kiss.
“That’s what I’m counting on.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“You, bed! Or no going to the club with Becky later.” Mandy said as she entered the kitchen and saw Chrissy sat on the seat next to Becky at the kitchen table.
“Don’t let your Aunty Mandy scare you, she’s normally very nice.” Chrissy said to Becky’s belly just before she got up and ran out the room giggling as Mandy tried to slap her backside, but missed.
“I’m always nice!” Mandy shouted to the closing kitchen door. “I worry about that girl sometimes.” Mandy added with a giggle as she turned back to look at Amy and Becky again.
“We all worry about that girl.” Becky smiled as she got up from the table with Amy’s help.
“Did you have anything special planned for dinner?” Amy asked as she gave Becky a hug as a hello greeting.
“No, I was just going to use up some of the leftovers from yesterday.” Becky said as she hugged Amy back to welcome her home.
“I’ll sort dinner out then Becky, so you can go and spend some extra time with Chrissy.” Amy said as she led Becky over to the kitchen door.
“Are you sure Amy? I feel bad letting you sort out dinner after being at work all day.” Becky whined as she let Amy push her out the kitchen.
“Well don’t worry about it sis. Just look after them, and Chrissy.” Amy smiled as she gave Becky a little push towards the stairs after patting her belly and the bump that she had.
Becky turned back to face Amy and gave her a quick hug before heading off to go find Chrissy and have a cuddle in bed for a couple of hours.
Chrissy smiled when she saw Becky enter the bedroom and slip out of her bathrobe before climbing into bed and cuddling up to Chrissy.
“Amy’s going to sort out dinner, so she said I should come and take care of you.” Becky said with a smile in her voice.
“Remind me to give Amy an extra hug later for doing this.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she cuddled back into Becky a little more.
Chrissy and Becky were soon drifting off to sleep. Becky thought she’d have trouble sleeping because she’d been asleep most the afternoon, but cuddling up to Chrissy always relaxed her enough to sleep some more, so they were soon lost in their own dreams.
Amy had sorted out some potatoes and put them in the oven to bake while Mandy had gone up to take a shower and change out of her work clothes. Amy was going to wait and go for her shower when Amber got home. Amy was sat at the kitchen table looking through the catalogue that Becky had been looking at, she was trying to work out what she and Amber could get Debbie’s new baby boy as a gift. Becky was going to order it online, and then go to the shop and pick it all up tomorrow with Brad’s help while the others were at work.
Mandy came back down stairs in her bathrobe, not bothering to get dressed again after her shower. She pulled out the seat next to Amy and joined her as they looked at all the different things you could buy for a baby boy. Mandy got a note pad and then started making a list of first, second and third choices for the two of them, and she added the items that Becky had put stars next to in the catalogue. Becky had put a one, two and three next to each star, so Mandy knew which choice was which.
Amy jumped up to greet her wife when she saw Amber walk into the room. Amber was always eager to let Amy know just how much she loved her as they hugged each other and started kissing.
Once they stopped saying “hello” in their own special way, Amy led Amber over to the table and sat her down before she showed her what they would be getting for Debbie’s new baby. Amy had also found a couple of bits to get for Tiffany as well.
“Do you like the things I’ve picked out?” Amy asked all excited.
“I couldn’t have picked out anything better myself.” Amber smiled back at her.
Jayden was the next one to arrive home; she’d been dropped off by one of the cars for the hotel due to Ann not being at work today. Mandy was charged with helping her pick out something for the new baby because Amy and Amber were just heading up to take a shower together.
“You don’t have to buy anything Jayden.” Mandy said just after Amy and Amber had left the kitchen and Amy had given Jayden the order to find something in the catalogue. “You’ve only met Debbie a couple of times, and that wasn’t for very long each time.” Mandy added with a smile.
“I’d like to buy the new baby something Mandy.” Jayden smiled as she took a seat at the table, so Mandy could point out what the others were getting. “I’ve never had many people to buy gifts for.” Jayden added with a sad tone to her voice as she started looking through the catalogue.
“I can’t imagine how hard it must have been growing up without parents, or any sort of real family.” Mandy said as she tried to think about her life growing up, if she hadn’t had her mum. Mandy’s dad had died while she was very young, so she didn’t really remember him that well. Her mum had never shown any interest in anyone else until Frank asked her out, but she was glad to see her mum in love again. Mandy liked Frank, and hoped that she might get to call him dad one day.
“I won’t say it’s something you learn to live with; because it’s more something you just have to deal with.” Jayden said with a shrug. “I got through it, and I’m making up for not having a family now.” Jayden added with a grin.
“You may be wishing you’re hadn’t by the time we get to Christmas.” Mandy giggled.
“That’s never going to happen Mandy.” Jayden said with a shocked look. “I’m looking forward to spoiling you all.” Jayden added with a big grin.
“Well I hope you don’t mind if we do the same for you then?” Mandy asked with a raised eyebrow.
“It sounds like it’s going to be tough, but I think I can live with it.” Jayden said with a pained sigh, just before she started giggling again.
By the time Amber and Amy got back down stairs, Jayden had picked out three things for Debbie’s new baby, and also picked out a couple of things for Tiffany, Debbie’s little girl who she’d met just before meeting Callum’s mum.
Amy let out a sigh of relief when she saw Ann and Brad walk into the kitchen. Ann had said they would both be back home in time for dinner, but Amy also knew that it wouldn’t be the first time they never showed up. Amy had put a couple of extra large potatoes in the oven for Brad, and she didn’t want to waste them if they didn’t turn up.
“I hope you brought your appetite with you big brother?” Amy asked with a grin, she was already getting use to being able to call Brad that.
“I always bring my appetite with me baby sister.” Brad grinned back at her as he took a seat at the table and pulled Ann down onto his knee.
Ann soon found herself being forced to look through the catalogue and pick out something for the baby. She looked at Brad for some help, and he seemed to have a better idea of what to look for than Ann did. Ann was both a little shocked by it, and also very proud that Brad could talk about baby things. They soon had their items added to the list.
Mandy took the list and then went to her home office to log on to the website for the shop, so she could place the order and make sure they had it all in stock ready for Brad and Becky going there tomorrow to collect it all. Mandy had a thought as she was placing the order, so she checked to see if there was a shop close to where Chrissy’s old house was, and she found there was, so she placed the order with that shop and sorted out to have it all delivered on the Wednesday afternoon while they were all there visiting. Mandy also ordered everyone’s first, second and third items because she thought they all looked cute or practical, depending on what they had picked out. Mandy used the debit card they used for the house keeping money, so it was being paid for by all of them that way. Once that was all done, she returned to the kitchen to tell the others.
“You and Becky are off the hook tomorrow Brad.” Mandy said as she sat down at the table again.
“Did they not have any of the things we found for them?” Amy asked with a whine.
“Yes they had it all Amy, but I’ve ordered it from a local shop to Debbie, and they will deliver it Wednesday afternoon for us.” Mandy smiled. “I also ordered all the items we picked. I used the house keeping money account, so don’t worry about working out who owes what.” Mandy added with grin.
“It’s a good job Debbie moved into Chrissy’s mum’s old house then.” Amy giggled. “That’s allot of stuff you’ve just brought.”
“What’s the point of having money if you don’t get to spend it?” Mandy asked still grinning.
They all agreed with Mandy and smiled as they thought about the look on Debbie and Vin’s face on Wednesday when a truck pulls up outside the house full of stuff for Tiffany and the new baby.
Amy went up to call Chrissy and Becky when the baked potatoes were close to being ready, so they had time to wake up and then come down to eat. She poked her head around the bedroom door and saw a lump under the covers that she knew was Chrissy and Becky, so she walked over to the bed and looked down at the two of them still fast asleep cuddled up to each other. Amy really didn’t want to wake them as they both looked like angels as they slept, but they needed to eat before getting ready for work, so with a sigh Amy gave Becky’s shoulder a little shake.
“Becky, Becky, it’s time to wake up. Dinner will be on the table in ten minutes.” Amy said in a low voice. Not wanting to wake Chrissy. Amy wanted Becky to have that honour.
Becky’s eyes fluttered open when she felt someone shaking her shoulder, and then she heard Amy’s soft voice talking to her. “Thanks Amy, I’m awake now.” Becky said with a sleepy smile as she saw Amy come into focus.
“I’ll see you down stairs in a bit then.” Amy smiled back just before she left the room to go and help Amber finish sorting out dinner. Amy found Jayden helping Amber when she got back down stairs, and they soon had everything laid out on the table.
Becky lay with Chrissy still wrapped in her arms for a couple more minutes, and then she moved her hand and started playing with one of Chrissy’s nipples. Becky knew this always woke Chrissy up in a good mood. It worked, and Chrissy was soon turning over to face Becky with a smile on her face. “Hi baby.” Becky smiled.
“Hello.” Chrissy said with a sleepy smile on her face just before leaning over to kiss Becky.
Becky let Chrissy kiss her, but stopped her hands when Chrissy wanted to take it a lot further. “I’m sorry my love, but Amy woke me and said that dinner was on the table.”
“Can’t we stay up here and just feast on each other?” Chrissy asked with a pout, but already knowing the answer before Becky told her.
“As good as that sounds, we better not upset Amy by not going down for dinner.” Becky gave Chrissy another quick kiss just before slipping out of bed and running off into the bathroom.
Chrissy waited for Becky to finish before going herself, and then they put on their bathrobes and went down for dinner.
Mandy filled Chrissy and Becky in on what she’d done with the baby stuff they were getting while they ate dinner. Chrissy was happy to hear that Becky wouldn’t be wandering around a baby shop without her, and also that Becky wouldn’t be doing anything to strenuous either.
Chrissy and Becky ran off back up stairs to get ready for work once they had finished dinner. They could head off to the club as soon as they were ready, due to Brad being the one to drive them into work, and not Vicky tonight.
Brad was just saying goodbye to Ann when Chrissy and Becky came back down dressed ready for work, so they said goodbye to everyone as well before walking out to Brad’s truck, so he could lift them both up into it. The girl’s all waved to them as they pulled out the drive and then vanished out of sight.
The club wasn’t as busy as it had been on Friday and Saturday, so Chrissy and Becky got to spend most the night walking round together. Chrissy had a trouble free night, and Becky’s bottom stayed a hand free zone, apart from when Chrissy rested her hand on it. Becky was wondering if Chrissy kept putting her hand on it to stop others from getting any funny ideas. Either way Becky didn’t mind her doing it.
Vicky drove them home at the end of the night, just before she went home to crawl into bed with Jenna for a couple of hours sleep.
Becky and Chrissy went to the kitchen and made themselves a hot chocolate before heading up to bed for some sleep and cuddles. They did finally do both of them things, but not before Chrissy picked up and carried on from where they left of just before dinner though.
By SaraUK
Part 25
The girl’s had all decided on Chinese takeout for dinner on the Tuesday night, so they could all go and get a couple of hours sleep before getting ready to go to the club later in the evening.
They had all set their alarms for a set time, and Mandy had taken everybody’s orders before they went to bed, so she had come down and rang the order through before going back up to take a shower.
Jayden had ordered for Callum as well as herself. She talked Callum into stopping the night, and also coming to the house so she could watch him become Kara. Jayden had just got down stairs when she heard the door bell, so she ran over to see if it was Callum or the delivery guy. It was Callum, so Jayden pulled him into the house before closing the door and then throwing her arms around his neck before kissing him.
“Damn, I thought you were the delivery guy.” Jayden said with a pout when she stopped kissing him, but she soon started smirking, which let Callum know she was just teasing him.
“I’m in the wrong line of business, if this is how fast food delivery guy’s get treated.” Callum grinned back at her, just before kissing again.
They stopped kissing when they heard the doorbell again, so Callum got the door this time. Jayden giggled when she saw the strange look Callum gave her. It was like he didn’t trust her not to greet the delivery guy the same way she greeted him just minutes ago.
Callum opened the front door and found a man holding a couple of large carrier bags sporting the name of the local Chinese on them. Callum knew he must have been expecting one of the girl’s to answer the door due to the way his smile dropped when he saw Callum stood there. Callum paid the man when he said how much it was, and told him to keep the change. This put a smile on the man’s face again. Jayden tried to take one of the bags off Callum, but he stopped her.
“I’ve got these, just open the kitchen door and let the others know that the food is here.” Callum said, as he turned in such a way that it stopped Jayden being able to grab any of the bags. Jayden smiled at him, and then she ran off up stairs to tell the others dinner was here.
Mandy was already back down stairs and in the kitchen when Callum entered. He placed the two large bags of food down on the worktop and then turned to say hello to her. “Hi Mandy.”
“Hi Callum. Who do I owe for the food?” Mandy asked as she walked over to where Callum was stood.
“I paid for it, but don’t worry about giving me the money.” Callum waved her off. “I’ve had more than my fair share of meals here, so it’s nice to return the favour for once.” Callum added with a chuckle.
“You don’t have to do that Callum, we’re more than happy to feed you anytime.” Mandy argued, but could see that Callum’s mind was already made up, and she wasn’t going to get away with giving him any money back for the food.
“I know that Mandy, but I just feel better knowing that I am able to put my hand in my pocket and cover the cost of a takeout meal or two.” Callum smiled.
“Well thank you for buying us all dinner then Callum.” Mandy said with a smile, as she set out the plates on the table, just before she started working out who had ordered what.
Mandy was using the list she’d made, and a menu from the Chinese to work out what everyone had asked for. Callum saw what Mandy was doing, so he started shouting out the numbers on the cartons, and Callum would then put it down in front of that person’s seat. They had it all sorted by the time Jayden got back down stairs being followed by all the others.
“You need to thank Callum for dinner tonight.” Mandy said as they all took their seats at the table. “He wanted to treat us all as a thank you for all the meals we’ve cooked for him.” Mandy added.
All the girls smiled and said thank you. Chrissy said he didn’t need to do it, but she was glad he’d been able to show them he liked the meals they cooked for him.
Callum found himself laughing as he watched the girls all trying each other’s dinner, and sharing it. Even he ended up sharing and trying the others food as well.
Chrissy and Amy served up some of the fruit they did on Sunday that they never used in the end for desert with some ice cream. Then they all set to work washing and drying the dishes before heading up to get ready for a night out.
Jayden went with Callum to Chrissy’s room so she could do his makeup for him. Callum wasn’t going to pass up letting Chrissy make Kara look as beautiful as possible when she offered to do his makeup for him. Callum then stood and watched Chrissy do Jayden’s makeup for her before they both ran off down the hall to Jayden’s room to get dressed. Chrissy had also attached Kara’s breast forms and wig while she was doing her makeup.
All the girls were back down in the kitchen having a glass of wine when the doorbell went off. Mandy went to the door with the others following close behind. It was a driver from the hotel with a minibus stood on the doorstep smiling at them when Mandy opened the door.
“Good evening miss.” The driver said as he smiled at Mandy. “I’ve been sent to collect you and your party, and then deliver them to The Closet.” The man added still smiling.
Mandy already knew that Vicky was going to be late getting done with Carl, so they had told her that a minibus would be coming for them. All the girls left the house and got on the minibus while Mandy armed the alarm and then locked the front door. The driver helped Mandy get into the minibus and then he closed the door before walking around and getting in behind the wheel and driving them to the club.
Frank opened the side door on the minibus when it pulled up outside the club, then he helped all the girls get out before closing it again and banging on the side to let the driver know he could return to the hotel.
Chrissy and Amy waited for the minibus to move so they could look across the road and make sure they weren’t being watched. The pavement was clear on the other side of the road, so they then let Amber and Becky drag them into the club and up to the VIP section for a drink before they did a walk around the club.
There were already a group of girls all sat around on the sofas in the private section of the VIP area, but Chrissy and Amy both started grinning when they realised it was Cathy, Sara, Jo, Danni, Rachel and Samantha sat there grinning back at them. Chrissy and Amy let go of Amber and Becky’s hands, so they could run over and give them all a hug.
“Samantha! What’s the new job like? Are you having fun? Have they let you work on any of the girls yet?” Chrissy asked one question right after the other.
“Amazing, yes and yes.” Samantha said with a smile as she worked out quick answers to all the question she’d just been asked.
“You’ll have to point them out if there here at the club tonight.” Amy said as she also gave Samantha a hug.
“There’s one stood here right now.” Samantha said as she held her hand up towards Danni, who was stood with an arm around Jo’s waist.
Danni suddenly looked very nervous as Chrissy and Amy started looking at her makeup with a keen eye. “Do I look okay?” Danni asked in a husky, but female sounding voice.
“You look very good Danni, and I love the voice.” Chrissy smiled, as she held her arm open to give Danni a hug. “I’m happy to see you out again so soon.” Chrissy added as they hugged each other.
“Jo got talking to Rachel and Sam Sunday night after we left, and then Rachel said that Cathy was looking for people to practice on, so Jo offered me up as a guinea pig, so here I am.” Danni said with a grin, not really bothered about being used as a test subject.
“Looks like Jo got used for one as well.” Amy added with a smile as she looked at Jo’s perfect looking makeup job.
“I even got dragged into it when I called in at the hotel this afternoon to see how Samantha was doing on her second day.” Rachel said, as she did a quick spin to let them all see how she looked from all sides.
“You did all three sets of makeup then Samantha?” Chrissy asked looking impressed with what Samantha had learned in such a short length of time.
“I had help from Cathy and Marie, but I did most of it myself.” Samantha said with a grin. “I even did my own makeup as well.” She added as she started fluttering her eyelids.
“I’m really happy for you Samantha.” Chrissy said as she gave her another hug.
Amy got another hug from Samantha and then she stood talking to Amy and Amber while Chrissy stood with Becky while she talked with Jo and Danni. Chrissy looked around when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Chrissy found Rachel stood there smiling at her.
“Can I have a quick word with you Chrissy?” Rachel asked.
“Sure Rachel.” Chrissy said as she let go of Becky and then stepped off to one side, so Rachel could speak to her. “Is everything alright?” Chrissy asked.
“Everything is fine Chrissy, in fact it’s better than fine.” Rachel said grinning now, as she looked at Samantha laughing as she stood talking to Amy about something. “I was beginning to worry about Sam’s mood, and how depressed he was getting, but now it’s like he’s a new person again.” Rachel added just before wrapping her arms around Chrissy and hugging her.
“I’m glad he found a job Rachel, but I can’t see as I’ve done anything to help him get it.” Chrissy said with a shrug when they stopped hugging each other.
Rachel laughed before she spoke again. “Cathy said you’d be like that Chrissy. But you’re wrong. You gave Sam some lessons about makeup, and he, or more she is using it to make a living now.” Rachel added just before giving Chrissy another hug.
“Either way I’m happy for him.” Chrissy smiled. “I see you’ve made a couple of new friends as well?” Chrissy said as she looked at Jo and Danni stood with Amy, Amber and Samantha.
“Yes we have. Jo and Dan came round for drinks last night and they got to meet Samantha.” Rachel explained. “Sam wanted to show me the new look Cathy and Marie had shown her yesterday, so she came home dressed, and then got up and went to work dressed as well.” Rachel said with a grin.
“Do you think Sam will be around much then from now on?” Chrissy asked with a thoughtful look as she looked over at Samantha laughing and giggling with Amy.
“I’m not sure, but either way I will still love him just as much as I always have.” Rachel said it with pride.
Chrissy gave Rachel another quick hug and then let her get back to Samantha while she went to be with Becky again. Chrissy and Becky wandered off to do a walk around the club and found that Amy and Amber were following with Jayden, Kara, Jo, Danni, Rachel and Samantha following close behind. The DJ was soon playing a song Chrissy and Amy liked, so they lead them all onto the dance floor.
Danni never even bothered to try and fight Jo tonight; she just followed the others and started dancing around. That’s how the night went on after that. Chrissy and Becky were both working, but they still found time to get on the dance floor when they weren’t up in the VIP section resting their feet.
Carl had sorted out for the minibus to take everyone home at the end of the night. Chrissy and the others got to see where Jo’ lived, and also where Rachel and Samantha lived as they were dropped off at home.
Jayden was quick to drag Kara up to her room when they got back to Mandy’s house. Chrissy was grinning because she knew what Jayden had planned for Kara when they got up there. Jayden had asked to borrow Chrissy’s old uniform from St.Trinian’s earlier in the day, and she was planning to play dress up with Kara.
“Take off your dress Kara, but not anything else.” Jayden said just before vanishing into her closet. She was soon coming back out with two garment bags, which she laid on the bed before opening them.
Kara let a grin spread across her face when she saw the uniform. “You want me to dress up as a school girl for you?” Kara asked, still grinning.
“No, I want the two of us to dress up as school girls.” Jayden said as she unzipped the second garment bag to reveal another school uniform for her to wear.
Kara was soon out of her dress and letting Jayden help her get the uniform on. Kara already had stocking and suspenders on thanks to Jayden pushing her to do so before they went to the club. Kara could see why now. Kara soon looked like a very naughty school girl, and then she helped Jayden get her uniform on so they matched. The only difference between the two of them was that Jayden’s uniform had a little badge on the tie that said prefect.
“Does that mean I have to do as I’m told?” Kara asked, as she pointed at the badge and started grinning.
“Yes it does Kara, and to start with, I want to search you for illegal contraband. “ Jayden said as she started running her hands all over Kara’s body. Jayden soon found Kara was hiding something, and she confiscated it a number of times through the night.
Kara and Jayden fell asleep in each other’s arms. Jayden feeling like she’d handed out a suitable punishment, and Kara feeling like she’d been suitably punished.
There was a buzz in the air the next morning as they all sat around the breakfast table having something to eat. Amy and Chrissy were almost bouncing up and down in their seats wanting to be on the road and heading for the airport.
Callum was glad when the girls all went back up to finish getting ready to leave. He’d been grilled about what Kara and Jayden had gotten up to after getting home from the club. Both he and Jayden had just started grinning while their cheeks turned a deep shade of red. This had all the others grinning and giggling.
Brad had also stopped the night as well as Carl, so Carl washed the breakfast dishes, while Brad and Callum wiped them. They had them all done by the time the girls were back down stairs and ready to leave.
Carl had sorted out for a minibus from the hotel to come and pick them all up because it would have meant them taking too many cars otherwise. They all got on the minibus when it arrived and Carl waited for Mandy while she locked up the house, then he helped her onto the minibus before getting in himself. They picked Sara and Cathy up on the way and then they headed for the airport.
They’d all been on the plane before, so they all hugged Paul and Mark when they got to the plane, then they all got on and settled down to enjoy the flight. Amy and Amber sorted out drinks for everyone, while Chrissy just sat and cuddled with Becky. Chrissy wanted to help, but she and the others had worked out that Becky would be more inclined to want to help as well if she did, so Chrissy was making the sacrifice and doing less to help Becky take it easy.
Carl had hired a minibus, and it was waiting for them when they landed. There was no driver because Brad had said he’d drive. He programmed the sat nav, but thought he could remember the way from when they came to clear out the house when they thought Chrissy’s mum was selling it. Debbie and Vin decided they would buy it though in the end, and they also said they would sort out getting rid of anything Holly and Greg didn’t want to take with them.
Debbie was back at home again with the new baby, but she still hadn’t decided on a name, so the girls didn’t know what to call it yet. They all hoped that Debbie would have picked a name by the time they got there.
Chrissy let out a sigh as she rested her head on Becky’s shoulder while she stroked her hand on Becky’s belly.
“You okay baby?” Becky asked as she rested her cheek against the top of Chrissy’s head, smelling the coconut shampoo Chrissy had washed her hair with that morning.
“I’m fine.” Chrissy said in a dreamy voice. “I’m just thinking about our babies, and how it’s going to feel holding Debbie’s, knowing that we will have two of our own very soon.” Chrissy added with some excitement in her voice.
“I hope you’re not getting cold feet?” Becky asked with humour in her voice.
Chrissy heard that Becky was just teasing her, so she never lifted her head when she answered. “No not cold feet my love. I just want to rush it along, so I can do something, and not just stand around waiting, feeling useless.”
“I wouldn’t call working two jobs or three if you count the body guard work you’ve taken up doing as well.” Becky giggled. “As you being useless.” Becky added as she slid an arm around Chrissy and pulled her in tighter to her side.
“That’s all everyday stuff. I mean I want to be feeding and changing the babies.” Chrissy said with pleading in her voice and she moved her hands around to indicate feeding a baby, and then what Becky hoped was changing a baby’s nappy.
“You’ll be doing all that soon enough, and I’m sure I’ll be happy to have them out of me too, soon enough.” Becky let out a sigh as she thought about how big she was going to get with having twins. “I’m going to be all big and fat.” Becky added with a pout.
“You’re going to be pregnant.” Chrissy purred as she lifted her head and then looked Becky in the eyes with a big smile on her face, just before she kissed her.
Becky didn’t mind any of the being pregnant stuff anymore, she had been worried about it when she thought they might never find Chrissy, but all that was in the past, and Prue was happy with how Becky was doing now. Becky even found herself wanting to be done with the pregnancy, not because she was sick of it already, but because she also wanted to see Chrissy playing a mother. Becky thought it was a role Chrissy was born to play so well. Becky was soon giggling along with all the others when she heard Amy shout something to Brad.
“Are we there yet?!” Amy whined from somewhere near the back of the minibus.
“I must say that is one bit of being parents I’m not looking forward to.” Becky said when they stopped giggling.
“I was thinking that if we started teaching them how to read a map before they start to speak, then they won't have to keep asking us if we’re there yet.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way, like she really meant it.
Becky and some of the others all turned to look at her, like they also thought she was being serious, but they all let out a sigh of relief when they saw her grinning at them.
“Let me know how that works out for you?” Carl said with a grin as he looked over at Chrissy from the row of seats just in front, where he was sat cuddled up to Mandy.
“I’m thinking of trying some form of sticky tape!” Brad shouted from the driver’s seat, as he looked in the rear view mirror at Amy sat near the back of the minibus cuddled up to Amber.
Amy must have realised what Brad was saying, because she suddenly cuddled up closer to Amber, keeping very quiet.
“Threats seem to work just as well.” Ann said as she looked over her shoulder and saw the worried look Amy now had.
“I’ve got an even better way of shutting this kid up.” Amber said with an evil grin on her face as she turned to look at Amy. Amy had a hurt look that soon turned to worry when she saw the grin Amber was showing her. Amy soon relaxed again though, when Amber leaned over and kissed her just before she felt Amber’s tongue snake its way into her mouth and started stroking her own tongue in a playful way.
Amy found herself liking Amber’s way better than Brad’s, not that she was in any rush to find out what Brad’s sticky tape way would feel like.
“I’d still like to try my way out to make sure.” Brad said looking moody, but he was soon smiling again when he saw that Amber was still keeping Amy quiet at the back of the minibus.
“I might let you try it out on me some time baby, if you behave yourself.” Ann smiled. Ann soon lost the smile when Brad had to swerve back onto his own side of the road.
Brad had suddenly started daydreaming about having Ann tied to his bed while he had his wicked way with her. The minibus had drifted across the white line and came close to clipping a car coming in the other direction, but he swerved back onto his own side before that happened.
“Can you please refrain from distracting the driver!” Jayden said in a panicked voice as she clung onto Callum.
“Sorry.” Ann said with a nervous giggle as she turned to look out the front of the minibus, while she gripped onto the seatbelt. Even Ann had realised how stupid it was saying stuff like that to Brad while he was driving the minibus.
Everyone was happy when Brad pulled up outside Chrissy’s old house. Sara and Cathy were the only two that had never been here, due to them being on their honeymoon when they all came to sort out packing everything away ready for selling the house.
“So this is where you grew up then Chrissy?” Sara asked as she looked around the street, trying to picture a little Chrissy running around.
“Sort of Sara, but it was Chris that grew up here, not me.” Chrissy pointed out with a smile.
“Sorry Chrissy, I wasn’t thinking.” Sara said feeling stupid.
“Don’t be Sara. You never got to meet Chris, not that you were missing much.” Chrissy shrugged.
“I’m happy I got to meet the real you Chrissy.” Sara smiled as she pulled Chrissy in for a hug. “Now let’s go and see this new baby.” Sara said as she broke the hug and acted like it was Chrissy holding them all up.
Chrissy let out a giggle as she let Becky take her by the hand and then lead her up the driveway to the front door. Amy was already there ringing the new doorbell that had been fitted since they were last here. Vin answered the door and smiled as he let everyone into the house and pointed towards the living room.
Tiffany was whizzing around in a walker playing with some plastic shapes on a tray the walker had, while Debbie was sat on the sofa nursing the cutest little baby any of them had ever seen. They all let Chrissy sit down on the sofa next to Debbie, while the others all took whatever empty seat they could find. Amy and Amber knelt on the floor in front of Debbie, so they could get a better look at the baby.
“He’s so beautiful Debbie.” Chrissy said in a whisper as she reached out and touched the baby’s tiny hand. The baby gripped one of Chrissy’s fingers and started pulling on it. “Hi Debbie.” Chrissy added with a smile as she realised she hadn’t spoke to her since entering the room.
“Hi Chrissy, everyone. I’m glad you all made it up here.” Debbie smiled as she looked around the room at them all.
Everyone smiled and gave a little wave back, as they all watched Chrissy looking down at the baby with a wanting look in her eyes. Debbie knew what Chrissy wanted, and was only too happy to let someone else have some time with the baby, so she could go and make them all a drink.
“Here you go Chrissy, you could do with the practice.” Debbie said as she carefully handed Chrissy the baby.
“Are you sure Debbie?” Chrissy asked as she carefully took the baby and nursed him in her arms.
“I’m very sure Chrissy. I can’t think of anyone safer to trust with my baby.” Debbie said as she gave Chrissy a little kiss on the cheek.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Chrissy asked, as her cheeks went red from blushing over the little kiss Debbie had just given her.
“Yes we have. Christopher Scott Little.” Debbie said with pride. “And before you ask Chrissy, yes we named him after the young boy that once lived here.” Debbie added with a smile as she watched the look on Chrissy’s face change to one of total shock that they had just named their son after her, or who she once was.
“You’re naming your baby after my old name?” Chrissy asked, just to make sure she’d heard Debbie right.
“Yes we are. Vin and I talked about it, and we both think that you’ve done so much for our family since coming back into my life, that it’s the least we can do.” Debbie said as she got up from the sofa.
Vin was stood in the doorway to the living room and he smiled when he saw the look on Chrissy’s face and the tear run down her cheek as she took it all in.
“Are you both sure you want to name your Baby after me?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Vin this time.
“Just like Debbie said Chrissy. I’m proud to call my son Chris.” Vin said looking proud like he’d just told her. “If he turns out to be half the person you are, then he’ll make me the happiest father on the planet.” Vin added as he looked at his son nestled safely in Chrissy’s arms.
“I don’t know what to say other than thank you, but that doesn’t seem like enough.” Chrissy said as the tears rolled down her cheeks now freely. Becky was quick to get a tissue out her purse and wipe them away.
“You helped us get this wonderful house Chrissy.” Debbie grinned as she waved her hand around the room. “You’ve already done more than enough.” Debbie added.
Chrissy just sat smiling at Debbie and Vin for a couple of seconds before she heard the baby make a sound, then she was looking at the baby and speaking to him. “Hello little Christopher. I hope you have a more straightforward life than I had growing up, but I’ll let you in on something.” Chrissy said with a smile. “You have two wonderful parents and a big sister to keep you safe.” Chrissy added as she looked at Tiffany holding up a plastic animal for Mandy to look at on the other side of the living room.
Debbie wiped away a tear from her cheek before speaking. “Who wants what to drink?”
“Do you need some help Debbie?” Chrissy asked.
“You’ve already got your hands full, and I have a feeling it will be some time before you get another chance to hold him, so I’ll cope.” Debbie said with a grin as she looked around the room at all the others waiting to get a turn holding the baby.
“Amber and I will come and help Debbie.” Amy said as she jumped up and then helped Amber get to her feet again. “Vin can entertain the guests why we sort the drinks out.” Amy added as she pulled Vin into the room before leading Amber out to follow Debbie into the kitchen.
“Your new baby is just as beautiful as the other one Debbie.” Amy swooned as they walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks Amy. I’m just glad to have him out of me.” Debbie said with a sigh as she walked over and put the kettle on to boil.
“That was a nice thing you did as well, naming the baby after Chrissy.” Amber said with a smile as she thought about the look on Chrissy’s face when Debbie told her. “Well after the old Chrissy that is.” Amber added with a puzzled look.
“I know what you mean Amber.” Debbie giggled. “I like the name, and love the person that use to have it.” Debbie added.
Amy and Amber couldn’t argue with that. They both loved Chrissy with all their heart and nothing would ever change that. They sorted out a couple of trays and then helped make a pot of tea and a pot of coffee.
Mandy was sat with Tiffany on her knee when they all got back in the living room, and Chrissy was still sat nursing little Christopher in her arms with Becky still sat at her side. Vin had taken Tiffany out her walker while they all had their drinks, he didn’t want to risk Tiffany spilling a hot drink on herself if she got to close to a cup.
Chrissy thought it was time to hand the baby back to Debbie when it started trying to latch onto one of Chrissy’s boobs. “I think he’s getting hungry Debbie.” Chrissy giggled as she watched him moving his little mouth over towards her breast.
“It sure looks that way.” Debbie giggled as she took her old seat next to Chrissy again and then took the baby back into her arms. “I hope no one minds me feeding the baby?” Debbie asked just before she opened her top and then helped the baby start feeding from one of her breasts.
“We’ve all brought the baby something, and we all got a little something for tiffany as well, but we thought it best to have it delivered here.” Mandy said once Debbie had the baby sucking on her breast. “They said it would be delivered at some point this afternoon.” Mandy added.
“Thank you, but you really didn’t need to do that.” Debbie said.
“I just hope you have enough room for everything we brought.” Mandy giggled. “We all kind of went a little mad with our spending.” Mandy added in a whisper just before she started giggling again.
“You really didn’t need to.” Debbie said with a frown, but she didn’t look very serious though with a baby feeding from one of her breasts.
Amy and Amber poured everyone except Chrissy and Debbie a drink out. Debbie because she was feeding Christopher and Chrissy had just taken Tiffany off Mandy’s lap and she was now sat playing with her as she watched her mummy feeding the new baby.
Jayden sat watching Chrissy with the baby girl and thought she looked so natural as she played with the little baby girl. Jayden smiled as she turned to see what Callum thought of all this, but she stopped smiling when she saw that Callum looked to be lost in thought rather than taking in anything Chrissy or Debbie was doing.
“Everything okay Callum?” Jayden asked as she put a hand on his to let him know she was sat next to him.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Callum said as he suddenly came back to the present and turned to smile at Jayden.
“You worried about getting your mum?” Jayden asked, already knowing the answer.
“Not worried about going and picking her up, but I am worried about what she’ll do when I become Kara for her.” Callum said with a sigh.
“Your mum will love Kara, just like I do.” Jayden smiled as she stroked the side of Callum’s face.
“Not exactly I hope.” Callum said with a grin.
Jayden smiled when she saw the grin on Callum’s face. This was the Callum she loved. “I didn’t mean it like that, but she will love having Kara as a daughter.” Jayden playfully slapped Callum on the arm as she said it.
“What time did you say you’d pick your mum up anyway Callum?” Carl asked.
Callum looked at his watch before he answered him. “I should be picking her up as we speak.” Callum said with a chuckle. “Where did the time go?” Callum asked himself more than anyone else in the room.
“I’ll drive you round there Callum.” Brad said as he stood up.
“I’ll come with you as well.” Ann said as she also got up of the seat.
“You don’t need to Brad, I was just going to borrow the minibus and pop round myself.” Callum said, not wanting to put Brad out doing stuff for him.
“I don’t mind Callum. There’s not much room in here for all of us, so it will give the others a little more room to spread out while we go and get your mum.” Brad said as she made his way over to the door.
Callum could see that Brad was going to drive him to his mum’s house anyway, so he stopped trying to talk him out of it and just followed Ann and Jayden out the room.
“We’ll be back soon everyone.” Brad shouted back as he left the house and walked over to the minibus parked at the roadside and opened the door for Ann and Jayden to get in. Callum got in the front with Brad, so he could give Brad directions to his mums house.
The drive to Callum’s mum’s house didn’t take long in the minibus, and Callum sat looking at the house when Brad parked up on the road outside.
“Do you want us to wait here, or would you like some help with your mum’s bags?” Brad asked.
“You may as well come in with me; it could take a bit of time for my mum to finish getting ready to leave.” Callum smiled, knowing that his mum was never ready when she said she would be. “One look at you might stop Frazer from opening his big mouth anyway.” Callum added with a grin as he hoped Frazer would speak ill of Chrissy while Brad was within ear shot of it.
Callum got out the minibus and he opened the side door and helped Ann and Jayden before Brad was able to get around to their side of the minibus. Callum took a deep breath and then led the others up to the front door and then he rang the bell.
Diane, Callum’s mum opened the door and stepped out the house putting her arms around Callum and hugging him. “Callum honey, I’m so happy to see you here again.” Diane had the sound of tears in her voice as she spoke.
“Hi mum. Did you think I wasn’t going to show up?” Callum asked as he hugged his mum back.
“I thought I might get a call saying you couldn’t make it.” Diane said as she broke the hug and finally looked around at the other people with her son. The first person she spotted was Brad, as he towered above Jayden and another woman stood in front of the large man and to the side of Jayden.
“Jayden would never let me not come and get you mum, even if I was thinking like that.” Callum said with a chuckle as he looked at Jayden stood just behind him.
“Hello Jayden dear, I hope he’s been treating you well?” Diane asked as she held out her arms to give Jayden a hug.
“Hello Diane. Yes he’s been treating me like a princess.” Jayden said as she hugged Diane back.
“I’m glad to hear it dear.” Diane smiled as she broke the hug and then looked at Brad and Ann. “Who do we have here then Callum?”
“Mum, I’d like you to meet Ann and Brad.” Callum said as he stepped aside to let his mum get a better look at them both.
Diane held out her hand to Brad and he lifted his and took Diane’s small hand in his and gave it a light shake. “Ma’am, it’s nice to meet you.” Brad said with a smile.
“Please call me Diane, and it’s nice to finally meet you.” Ann said looking up at him. “I thought Callum was joking when he told me how large you were.” Diane added with a giggle as she held her arms apart to indicate her use of the word “large”.
“I have a good gym membership Diane.” Brad chuckled.
“Hello Ann.” Diane said as she held out her arms to give Ann a hug.
Ann took the hug and hugged Diane back. “It’s nice to meet you Diane. We all love having Callum around, and he’s madly in love with Jayden.” Ann smiled
“I can see that every time I look at the way they look at each other.” Diane giggled. “I hear that congratulations are in order for you and Brad.” Diane added as she held up Ann’s hand to look at the ring Brad had put on it a couple of days ago. Ann just nodded with a grin as she let Diane have a look at her ring.
“Is Frazer here mum, or as he already left on his fishing trip?” Callum asked.
“He’s here. His fishing trip isn’t until the weekend.” Diane said as she led them all into the house, so she could get her bags and make sure that Frazer would be okay looking after himself for a couple of days.
Frazer was stood at the kitchen table reading down a list of things Diane had left him to sort out before he left for his fishing trip on Friday afternoon. He turned when he heard footsteps and then he let a grin cross his face when he saw Callum follow Diane into the kitchen.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Callum.” Frazer said heavy with sarcasm. “Has your little fagot of a friend come with you this time?” Frazer added with venom.
Before anyone could say anything Frazer let out a chocking breath as a large hand gripped him around the throat and he was then facing Brad dangling a foot off the floor. Frazer’s face had already gone a deep shade of red from the grip Brad had around his neck.
“If you like walking and chewing your own food my friend, I would pick your next words very carefully.” Brad said only just keeping his anger in check. “That’s one of my baby sisters you’re talking about, and I don’t like your choice of words.” Brad added as he dropped Frazer back to the ground, but didn’t let go of his neck.
“I warned you to be more polite when Callum and his friends came to collect me.” Diane said, not paying much attention to the fact Brad still had him by the throat.
“I’m very sorry.” Frazer croaked out, hoping that this would make the large man let go of his neck.
Brad let go of Frazer’s neck and pushed him back as he did, to let Frazer know that any more nasty remarks would earn him a lot of pain.
Callum, Jayden and Ann had all stood with their mouths open as they watched Brad treat Frazer like he was nothing but a toy he no longer wanted to play with.
“Do you think you’ll be safe going anywhere with these people?” Frazer asked as he rubbed his throat and did a choking cough.
“I’ve got no problem with Callum’s friends, so what do I have to worry about?” Diane asked as she put her coat on and checked her purse to make sure she had her money and house keys. “I’m going now. Don’t forget to lock up before you leave on Friday, and don’t forget to throw out what’s left of the milk before you leave too.” Diane added as she went to pick up one of her bags, but Brad stopped her and picked it up with her other bags.
“I’ll take these out to the minibus for you Diane.” Brad smiled as he led the way back to the front door with Ann just in front of him, ready to open the front door for him.
Brad put the bags in the back of the minibus, while Callum helped his mum, Jayden and Ann get in. He then got in the front passenger seat just before Brad got in the driver’s seat and then he shut his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking to Diane.
“I’m sorry about what I did in there Diane. I just don’t like to hear people talk like that about Chrissy and Amy.” Brad said looking upset with himself.
“Don’t worry about it Brad, I did warn him to keep those thoughts to himself.” Diane said with anger in her voice for what Frazer had said. “I’ve had to put up with him talking like that ever since he found out about your friend Chrissy once being male.” Diane added as she rubbed her temple like she had a head ache.
“Don’t let him upset you for the next week then mum.” Callum smiled from the front seat. “You’ll love Chrissy and the others.” Callum added with a grin.
Brad started the minibus and then pulled off, heading back to Debbie’s and Vin’s house to meet up with the others and let Diane meet Debbie’s new baby before they left to return to London.
Chrissy had got up to help Debbie clear away the cups once she’d finished feeding the baby, and he was now falling asleep in Amy’s Arms as Amber sat one side looking at him, and Becky was sat the other side. Becky had one hand on her belly, like she was amazed to have two of them growing inside her.
“Is everything alright Debbie?” Chrissy asked in a lowered voice as they entered the kitchen. Debbie had indicated with her eyes, that she’d wanted Chrissy to come with her, but she didn’t want to let the others know about it.
“It’s nothing to worry about Chrissy. I just didn’t want to sort it out in front of the others.” Debbie smiled as she grabbed Chrissy’s hand in hers.
Chrissy suddenly looked worried, and started to worry about the reason for her wanting Chrissy alone in the kitchen. “Wh... Wha... What don’t you want to do in front of the others Debbie? She finally got out.
Debbie started to lean forward towards Chrissy like she was going to kiss her, but Debbie reached behind Chrissy and opened a draw and pulled out a white envelope and handed it to a very worried looking Chrissy. “I wasn’t sure you’d want me giving you this in front of the others.
“What is it Debbie?” Chrissy asked as she looked down at the envelope in her hand.
“It’s a cheque to cover the cost of the house.” Debbie said with a grin from ear to ear. “We got the full asking price for our old place, and the sale went through with no problems.” Debbie added, sounding a little shocked about it all herself. “I should thank Carl for recommending that company to me.” Debbie added, more as a thought to herself than saying it to Chrissy.
“Let me get this straight then. You put your old place on the market for more than what I was asking you for this one?” Chrissy pointed at the floor to indicate the house they were stood in. “And someone just happened to buy it right away, and pay the full asking price as well?” Chrissy was frowning like it sounded a little too good to be true.
“Yes they did. I’m sorry if you think you sold the house to us for less than it was worth Chrissy.” Debbie sounded worried that she might have upset Chrissy. “Vin and I will give you the rest of the money we got for our old place, if it will make you feel any better. I don’t want to fall out with you over it.”
Chrissy soon snapped out of her thoughts when she noted the panic in Debbie’s voice, and then saw the worry in her eyes. “I’m not upset about anything Debbie, and I got the price I asked for the house.” Chrissy smiled as she waved the envelope with the cheque in it in the air. “I just have a feeling that Carl now owns some property here in town.” Chrissy added with a raised eyebrow.
Debbie went to speak, and it looked like she was about to tell Chrissy she was nuts, but then she stopped as she thought about it a little more. “You could be right now I think about it. Vin said he didn’t think we’d sell it that fast, and then he said it was unheard of to get the full asking price as well.” Debbie said as she ran though a conversation she’d had with her husband when they found out there old home had sold right away.
“This has Carl wrote all over it.” Chrissy said in a whisper.
“Do you think we should give him the money back?” Debbie asked, not really wanting to do that, but she would if Chrissy asked her to.
“No, he’d just find some other way to give me the money and help you and Vin out.” Chrissy sighed. “Do me a favour though, don’t say anything about this to the others, and get Vin to do the same.” Chrissy asked Debbie.
“What are you going to do?” Debbie asked with a grin. She could tell that Chrissy was up to something.
“I won’t do anything here, but I’ll tell him that you said they didn’t think your old house was going to sell any time soon, so you and Vin aren’t sure when I’ll start getting paid for the house.” Chrissy grinned. “I’m sure Carl will only be too quick to say otherwise when he thinks you’re trying to rip me off.” She added.
“I hope this won’t get Vin and I in trouble with Carl.” Debbie asked looking worried. “I think Carl could be quite scary if you got on the wrong side of him.” Debbie added looking even more worried now.
“Don’t worry about Carl. I won’t let it go that far Debbie. I just want to prove that I’m right.” Chrissy said as she held Debbie’s hands this time. “I need you to pull Vin to one side, so you can warn him not to say anything, that’s if he hasn’t already.” Chrissy frowned.
“He wouldn’t dare, I told him to keep his mouth shut until I’d told you.” Debbie said in a firm whisper.
Chrissy giggled when she realised just who the boss was. “I can see you keep your man on a short leash Debbie.”
“You now that’s the only way to do it Chrissy.” Debbie said with a grin.
“I don’t actually Debbie. Lesbian, and married to a beautiful woman.” Chrissy grinned as she pointed at herself to indicate the lesbian bit.
“Sorry, forgot there for a second.” Debbie giggled. “I bet there are a lot of women out there that are happy you do bat for the home team.” Debbie added.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“I mean if you decide to start looking for a man, you could pretty much have your pick of them.” Debbie said in a whisper. “Have you looked in a mirror lately? You’re beautiful Chrissy.” Debbie tried to point out to her.
Chrissy just flushed red and then changed the subject back to Vin and Debbie getting him out of the living room to bring him up to speed on the keeping quiet about the old house selling. “You better go and talk to Vin.”
Debbie followed Chrissy into the living room and then asked Vin to help her with something in the kitchen. She said it like he was in trouble, and Vin was only too happy to find out what he’d done wrong this time. Chrissy thought that Debbie must be very house proud and Vin was being kept busy making the place look just the way Debbie wanted it.
“Is everything alright baby?” Becky asked as Chrissy sat on the arm of the sofa next to her. “You don’t look very happy about something.” Becky pushed for more information as to why Chrissy was in the kitchen for so long.
“Just some news about the house, I’ll tell you about it on the plane later.” Chrissy said with a sigh to make it sound like bad news, not good. Chrissy had been looking away from Carl as she said it, but she was looking at his reflection in a mirror Debbie had put up on a wall where she could watch his reaction to her answer. Chrissy saw Carl’s mouth drop open ever so slightly, and she knew at that moment, that he did have something to do with Debbie selling her old house so fast.
It looked like Carl was about to ask Debbie a question when she came back into the living room with Vin following, but she beat him to it. “I’ve had Vin busy since you were last here Chrissy. We’ve turned your old bedroom into Tiffany’s room.” Debbie smiled. “Would you like to come up and see it?” Debbie asked.
“I’d love to Debbie.” Chrissy said looking happy again as she got up off the arm of the sofa, and then helping Becky to get to her feet as well.
Mandy and Carl were about to get up and follow them all, but Chrissy wanted to try and keep Carl away from Debbie, and stop him being able to bring up any talk about the sale of their old house. “Amy, why don’t you let Mandy and Carl hold the baby for a bit, so you can come up and see Tiffany’s knew bedroom?” Chrissy asked.
Amy was enjoying her time with the baby, but she also wanted to see Tiffany’s new bedroom. She let Amber stand up first, then she handed her the baby, so she could give him to Mandy who was now sat back on the other sofa again. Now Carl was pinned to Mandy’s side again, they all went up to see the little girl’s bedroom that use to belong to Chrissy back when she was still a boy.
Chrissy let out a gasp as she walked into what use to be her bedroom and saw all the walls painted pink, and graphics of unicorns stuck to the walls in a random pattern. It was like Vin had plucked the vision of what Chrissy had wanted the room to look like from her memories growing up.
“Debbie, Vin it’s beautiful.” Chrissy said as a tear ran down her cheek. She was jealous of Tiffany in that moment.
“We thought you’d like it Chrissy.” Debbie smiled. “Is it close to how you dreamed it would look?” Debbie asked as she grinned up at Vin stood next to her.
Chrissy looked a little puzzled as she ran through chat’s she’d had with Debbie since they first started talking to each other again. She couldn’t remember ever telling Debbie anything about what she wanted her old bedroom to look like. Until she’d just walked into the room, she had forgotten about it herself. “When did I tell you about the way I wanted my old room to look Debbie?” Chrissy finally asked, still looking puzzled.
“I’m not too sure Chrissy; you never put a date down next to it.” Debbie said as she nudged Vin to hand something over to Chrissy.
Chrissy watched as Vin pulled something from behind his back and handed it over to her. Chrissy took a small book into her hands and remembered right away how they had known what the room should have looked like. Chrissy was holding her secret diary. She’d wrote all her feeling down in this little book, all the dreams she had of playing games with the other girls at school. The hurt she felt every time the mean boys picked on her, and the times she didn’t think she could spend another day trapped in the boy’s body.
“You read this?” Chrissy asked with real fear in her eyes as she looked at Debbie and then Vin.
“Yes we’ve both read it Chrissy.” Debbie said with a choked breath. “I’m sorry I never saw the pain you were in for all those years.” Debbie added as she took a couple of steps to close the space between them and wrapped her arms around Chrissy in a tight hug.
“I’m not sorry I read your diary Chrissy, but I am sorry that you went through so much pain as a child.” Vin said, but looked worried when both Chrissy and Debbie glared at him in anger. “What I mean by not being sorry I read your diary is I was glad I read it, so I could create this room for you.” Vin added as he waved his hands around the room.
Becky had slipped the book out of Chrissy’s hand when Debbie wrapped her arms around Chrissy, so she unclipped the little magnetic band of leather holding the dusty aged diary closed and looked at the very girly looking writing just inside the first page.
Those were the words that met Becky’s eyes as she looked down at the page. Becky ran her fingers across the writing as she tried to picture a little girl sat at her desk putting down all her deepest darkest secrets on paper. Then Becky remembered that it would have been a confused little boy doing all the writing instead and a tear formed in her eye and then ran down her cheek.
Before Becky had time to turn another page, Chrissy closed the book and then took it away from Becky. “You won’t like what you find in there Becky.” Chrissy warned.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Becky said as she snatched it back out of Chrissy’s loose grip. Becky then clutched it tight to her chest, and Chrissy could see that Becky wasn’t going to give it up without a fight. A fight that Chrissy would never have with her.
“Fine, but just remember who I am today when you read some of it.” Chrissy warned as she remembered some of the dark times she or he was going through when he wrote in the diary. Chrissy had forgotten all about the diary when her dad caught her dress and nearly beat her to death. The last entry in the diary was written the night before her dad beat her.
Chrissy had hidden the diary under a loose floorboard in the little closet she had, and it must have been found by Vin when he was doing some work in there trying to get the room ready for the new baby, or Tiffany. Either way it had been found after all these years. Chrissy remembered that she’d drawn a picture of her perfect bedroom if she’d been born the way she should have, and she’d even coloured it all in as well. Vin had done an amazing job of bringing her dream to life, but with some modern twists that wouldn’t have been around when Chrissy did the drawing.
“Thank you Vin, it’s much prettier than I ever dreamed it could be.” Chrissy said as she stepped over to where Vin was still stood smiling at her. Chrissy wanted to give him a hug, but was nervous about doing it, so let her arms drop back down to her side again.
Vin sensed that Chrissy wanted to thank him with a hug, but looked too scared to make the first move, so he helped her by pulling her into a hug with him. “I’m glad you like it Chrissy, and I’m sorry you went through so much pain as a child.” Vin sounded like he was trying not to cry as he said it. Vin found it hard to believe that the little woman wrapped in his arms was the same boy that had wrote in the diary he’d found.
“Well you know what they say. What doesn’t kill you just makes you stronger.” Chrissy giggled as she wiped away a tear.
“I’d say it made you so much more Chrissy.” Vin chuckled as he stepped back and let Chrissy go to stand by Becky’s side again. Becky was still gripping the book to her chest when Chrissy looked at it, so she knew that Becky was going to read it whether she wanted her to or not.
“I wish I’d had a room like this growing up.” Amy said as she walked around the room and touched one of the unicorns stuck to the wall. “Please adopt me Debbie, Vin?” Amy asked with a pleading look. This just made everyone laugh.
“I think I’d like to work up to the bratty teenager, not just dive in at the deep end.” Debbie said with a worried look, just before she started giggling again.
“I’m not a bratty teenager.” Amy whined. “I can cook and clean, and I come with my own personal accessory.” Amy added as she pulled Amber to her side with a grin.
Before Debbie could answer they all heard a sound from outside They all went out onto the landing where they saw a truck pull up outside the house. They saw it said mothercare on the side and knew it was all the stuff they had ordered for the new baby and Tiffany.
Debbie got to the front door just as the man driving the truck rang the doorbell. “Good afternoon miss, I’ve got some things to drop off with you.” The man said as he handed over the first couple of bags before returning to get some more. Vin stepped past Debbie and the other girls and then went to help him bring in some more. It took them five more trips to get everything before he handed Debbie a clipboard to sign, then he was gone. Debbie was left looking at the dining room full of stuff.
“I know Mandy warned me you’d all gone a little mad with the spending, but did you leave anything in the shop?” Debbie asked as she tried to work out where to start with it all.
“I think there were a couple of things left when we’d finished.” Chrissy said with a thoughtful look on her face, just before she started giggling again.
Debbie and Vin started looking at all the stuff while Amy and Amber went back to the living room to see how the baby was doing. Sara and Cathy were sat with him now, so Mandy and Carl got up to go and see what Debbie and Vin thought of all the stuff they had brought for the kids.
Chrissy suddenly found herself feeling nervous when she heard Brad and Ann shout to let everyone know they were back with Callum, Jayden and Callum’s mum. The last time Chrissy had seen Diane was at school once when they had been called into see the headmaster over Chrissy being pushed down a set of steps , and Callum being seen to push her, or him as it was at school. Chrissy remembered her giving Chrissy a look that said he must have been asking for it, but most parents were like that when their children got in trouble. Blame the other kids never your own.
It didn’t help Chrissy to relax when she heard a woman’s voice asking for her. “Where’s Chrissy then? I’m dying to meet her Callum.” The woman said.
“I’m sure she’s around here some place. Just look for Becky and you’ll find Chrissy.” Callum said in an annoyed sounding voice. “But with the way you keep shouting her name, I wouldn’t blame her if she’s ran away.” Callum added with a chuckle, sounding more relaxed again.
Chrissy giggled as she heard Callum and his mum talking as they got closer and closer to where she was stood with Becky at her side, still gripping the diary she’d taken off her up in Tiffany’s room.
“I’ve never met Becky, so how would I know if I did see her?” Diana asked. “How many girls do you know now anyway?” Diane added as Callum kept saying hello to all the others as he worked his way through the house, but not calling one of them Chrissy.
Chrissy had moved into the kitchen, so she had an exit from the house if the meeting with Callum’s mum didn’t go well, but she didn’t think that would happen from what Callum had said. Chrissy smiled as she saw Callum walk into the room with his mum just behind him. Chrissy had forgotten what Diane looked like, but she gasped when she saw an older version of Kara stood next to him. Diane still looked young enough to be Kara’s older sister though, and not her mum.
“Hello Mrs Baldwin, oh sorry, I forgot it Mrs Bourn now isn’t it?” Chrissy said in a calm voice as she held out her hand to shake Diane’s
“Hello dear. Yes it’s been Mrs Bourn for some time now, but please call me Diane.” Diane said absently as she looked around for the girl that use to be a boy and went to school with her son.
“Hello Mrs Bourn. I’m Becky; it’s nice to finally meet you.” Becky smiled as she also shook Diane’s hand.
“Please call me Diane. It’s nice to meet you Becky.” Diane said as the penny dropped and she suddenly looked at the young blond woman stood with Becky. “Chrissy! Is that really you?” Diane asked as she stepped back to look at the woman that had once been the young boy she remembered going to school with Callum.
“Hello Diane, I guess I look a little different to the last time you saw me?” Chrissy said with a smile as she did a quick spin to let Callum’s mum get a good look at her.
“Chrissy! I’m sorry, but I wasn’t expecting you to look like this.” Diane said as she waved her hand up and down Chrissy’s body as she took it all in. “You’re just so beautiful.” Diane added as she shook her head in shock.
“Thank you Diane. I did finally grow out of the awkward boy phase I was going through.” Chrissy giggled as she went back to standing closer to Becky. Chrissy got a look of horror on her face when she saw Diane suddenly step sideways and then let Callum have it as she swung and slapped him right across the back of his head, making him lean forward with the force of the blow.
“Mum! What the hell was that for?” Callum asked with a pained look on his face as he rubbed the back of his head to try and stop the sting from the blow.
“That’s something I should have given you a long time ago.” Diane said with anger in her voice. “How could you pick on a girl like that?” she asked as she poked Callum in the chest as she said every word.
Callum was trying to rub the back of his head, and also stop his mum from poking him at the same time. “I’ve already said I was sorry for all that mum, so stop poking me.” Callum whined.
“Please don’t hurt him anymore Diane. He’s my friend now, and he has said sorry so many times that I’m sick of hearing it.” Chrissy pleaded with Callum’s mum as she took hold of her hand to stop her poking him.
“I’m just grateful you turned out so beautiful and loving Chrissy, even without the help from some people.” Diane said as she gave Callum a quick look over her shoulder. “I do owe you something as well.” Diane added as she lifted her arm’s up. Chrissy flinched away and was about to counter the move Diane was about to make when she realised that she just wanted to give Chrissy a hug, so she relaxed and let Diane hug her. “Thank you for talking Callum into coming to see me after the school reunion, and for helping him find such a lovely girl to court.” Diane sounded old fashioned when she used the word court to mean Callum dating Jayden.
“I’m glad he finally came to his senses and took my advice. And he finally saw me as a friend that could help him.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Callum, still rubbing the back of his head, and the spot on his chest where his mum had just been poking him. “You know how slow boys can be to see a good thing when it’s right in front of them” Chrissy added with a roll of her yes.
Diane giggled and agreed with Chrissy, then they spent the next hour talking about how Chrissy got to this point, and even found time to talk about some of the things Callum could have done different with his life. Callum just looked on in wonder at how his mum would just tell anyone willing to listen about all his problems growing up, but she never talked about his dressing like a girl, which he was grateful for at least.
Debbie and Vin had worked their way through all the stuff that had been delivered, and they both had a moan about how much money they had all spent on their two babies, but they did thank everybody for it.
The time was getting on, and they needed to get back to the plane so they could take off before they missed their window and had to wait for another one. Chrissy and the others wanted to take little Christopher with them, but Debbie stopped them with a giggle as she stood at the door with Vin at her side holding little Tiffany. They all waved as Brad pulled away from the curb and headed down the road towards the airport.
Diane was sat looking around with a grin on her face as the Carl’s private jet took off and then climbed to a height where they could take off their seatbelts and move around the cabin. Amy and Amber went and sorted out drinks for everyone, while Chrissy just stayed sat next to Becky as she still gripped the book that Chrissy had used as her secret diary growing up.
“You can release your grip on that book now baby.” Chrissy said. “I’m not going to take it off you.” Chrissy added.
“Promise me you won’t Chrissy.” Becky said, still not sure she could trust Chrissy not to take the book and burn it before she had time to read it.
“I promise that you can have the book and I won’t try to steal it or damage it in any way.” Chrissy said looking hurt that Becky didn’t trust her still.
Becky relaxed her grip on the book and placed it in her lap, but she still kept stroking the front cover of the book with one of her hands. The book had a part of Chrissy that very few people had ever known before Debbie and Vin found it. Becky was treating it like a missing piece of a broken heart.
Amy and Amber were soon back with drinks for everyone, and they brought Chrissy and Becky’s theirs last so they could sit down with them to enjoy their own. That’s when Amy first noticed Becky with the small leather book on her knee, and Becky was still tracing part of the pattern embossed on the front of it with one of her fingers.
“What’s in the book Becky?” Amy asked. She’d been to wrapped up in the babies back at Debbie’s to notice Becky gripping a book to her chest, and then Amy and Amber were sat at the back of the minibus on the trip back to the airport, so she never noticed then either. But now Amy had noticed it, and she wanted to know what was in it.
“It’s a diary that Chrissy kept while she was growing up.” Becky said as she gripped it to her chest again, like someone was going to try and take it off her if she didn’t protect it.
“Are you sure you want anyone to read that Chrissy?” Amy asked looking worried. Amy had kept a diary just like this one, and there were things she’d wrote in hers that she wouldn’t want Amber to know about.
“I’ve warned her that she may not like most of what I wrote, but she still wants to see for herself.” Chrissy sighed as she looked at Becky, just before she rested her head on Becky’s shoulder.
Becky put the book back in her lap and then wrapped an arm around Chrissy so she could hug her from one side while resting her other hand on the book. “I just need to know what Debbie and Vin read about baby. I just have to know what you suffered growing up.” Becky said with some pleading in her voice.
“I want you to let the others read it as well then when you’ve finished with it. I won’t have you stuck with no one to talk to about what you read in there.” Chrissy said as she looked at the book, still remembering like it was only yesterday, some of her darkest feelings being wrote down for the whole world to find out about, if they only picked up the book and read it.
“Are you sure about all this Chrissy?” Amy asked looking worried.
“Yes I’m sure Amy. I’m still here so whatever I wrote down in that book, I never followed through with, and I have a good life now with loving family and the body I should of had from birth.” Chrissy smiled as she cuddled into Becky a little tighter as she stroked her hand across Becky’s belly.
Becky just sat cuddled up to Chrissy for a couple of minutes before she took in a deep breath and let it out again. Then she asked Chrissy about what her and Debbie were talking about in the kitchen. “What did Debbie want to talk to you about? You didn’t look very happy when you came back into the living room just after.”
looked out the corner of her eye and saw that Carl had now sat forward so he could listen to what Chrissy had to say. “She just wanted to give me some bad news about the sale of their old house.” Chrissy sighed. “The company selling it for them said that there isn’t much call for that sort of house at the minute, so it could be some time before they have any money to give me back.” Chrissy added with another big sigh.
“She said what?!” Carl suddenly shouted out, making Mandy spill her drink on the table she was just picking it up from. Chrissy was glad that she wasn’t taking a sip from it when Carl shouted, or she would have been wearing it by now.
Chrissy also knew now that Carl did have something to do with her selling the house so fast, when banks weren’t handing out mortgages to very many people. “I said Debbie...” Was all Chrissy got out before Carl started speaking again.
“I heard what you said, but she’s lying to you!” Carl shouted again, looking a little angry now.
Chrissy had never seen Carl lose his temper before, he was normally very calm under pressure. “That’s not a very nice thing to say about a friend of mine Carl.” Chrissy said trying to look hurt by his comment. “I’ve got no reason not to trust her, and why would she lie to me about it if she did have people interested in their old home?” Chrissy asked.
Mandy and Becky had already worked out that Chrissy knew more than she was letting on, and Carl would have too, but he was too angry to see it at the minute. So they just sat and watched Chrissy play her little game.
“Do you know something I don’t Carl?” Chrissy asked just a little too incessantly to be real.
“Yes I...” Was all Carl said before he stopped and then looked at Chrissy with a very suspicious look on his face. He’d finally let his mind catch up with his mouth and stopped himself saying too much, but he already knew that Chrissy had worked it out before he even said a world. “This whole thing was a set up, just to see if you were right, wasn’t it?” Carl finally asked with a chuckle.
“Did I fall asleep and miss part of this conversation?” Mandy asked with a puzzled look as Carl just sat chuckling in the seat next to her.
“Your sweet little sister has got herself a new poker face.” Carl grinned. “I trust that Debbie did tell you about the sale of her old home then?” Carl asked.
“Yes she did, and she gave me a cheque to cover the full asking price and she’s even got some left to ease the burden while she gets back on her feet so Vin can get back to running the restaurant again full time.” Chrissy smiled. “Why did you do it though Carl? I could have waited for them to sell it on their own.” Chrissy added, not completely happy with how she got the money from the house.
“Property is always a good investment, and I was worried about Debbie and Vin stretching themselves a little thin while they got to grips with taking care of two babies. So I told my people to sort out buying the house at the top asking price which was a little more than the property was worth, but would cover them buying your mum and dad’s house, and leave them with some left in the bank.” Carl said with a shrug, just like it was a normal business thing to do.
“Well thank you for helping out my friend Carl.” Chrissy smiled.
“They’re my friends too now.” Carl replied.
Diane had sat and watched the whole thing between Chrissy and Carl play out, and she couldn’t see any sign of Chrissy ever being a boy at all. Diane also knew about Amy being like Chrissy, and there again she couldn’t see it to look at her. The only one she could see a little male still in was Cathy, and even that was only because Callum had told her that she was born a boy.
“You okay mum?” Callum asked from the seat facing her with Jayden sat at his side.
“I’m fine dear, just enjoying the show.” She smiled as she looked around at all the different groups of people.
“There’s never a dull moment with Chrissy and Amy around.” Callum chuckled.
“I still can’t belive she’s the same little boy you picked on at school for all them years, and now you’re flying round on her private jet, the best of friends.” Diana said in a whisper.
“It’s not Chrissy’s jet mum. It all belongs to Carl.” Callum pointed out.
“It may as well belong to Chrissy. Trust me on that one.” Diane said as she saw the way Carl tried to keep Chrissy happy for Mandy’s sake. Not that she blamed them because she’d only just met her in the flesh, and even she found herself wanting to see her laugh and smile.
Carl had a hotel minibus waiting for them when the plane landed. He was taking them all back to the hotel for dinner, so Callum and Jayden could settle his mum into the hotel, and then she could enjoy a lovely meal with them all before they all left to go home. Callum was going to be spending the rest of the week at the hotel with his mum and Jayden, so they could all get to know each other. It would also mean that Callum could become Kara with Cathy’s help later in the week.
Jayden had a day of shopping sorted out for herself, Diane and Kara, but Callum didn’t know anything about that yet. Jayden had called Diane and spoke to her about it, and she was looking forward to it.
Once at the hotel, Jayden went and got the key for a penthouse suite and then took Callum and Diane up to their apartment. Even thought they were sharing a room, it was big enough that they could spend most the week in there and not even see each other.
Diane was amazed at the size of the suite, and was already feeling sad about having to go home at the end of the week. But that wouldn’t be until Monday morning. Carl had told Callum and Jayden that they could go back with her on the plane to keep her company. Carl had also told Brad and Ann to go as well after the trouble with Callum’s step dad.
Carl had sorted out a private function room for them to have their meal in, due to the large number of them. Carl had also sorted for Holly, Greg, Mable, Jenna, Vic, David and Kim to join them. They asked Prue and Frank to join them as well, but Prue had some people to meet with about some other treatments for Cancer, and Frank was opening the club tonight with Beth, so Becky and Chrissy were having the night off.
“I trust the room will be okay for you while you’re down here with us?” Carl asked as Diane entered the room with Callum and Jayden at her side.
“I love the room Carl. Thank you so much for doing all this.” Diane said with a grin from ear to ear.
“Anything you need Diane, just call room service and enjoy.” Carl said as he got a hug from her. “Everything is on me these next couple of days.” Carl added.
“Hello Diane. I see Carl’s already started spoiling you.” Holly said from just behind her.
“Holly! They never told me you’d be joining us for dinner.” Diane said as she gave Holly a hug. “How’s Greg? Is he here with you tonight?” she asked as she looked around the room and saw him sat in a wheel chair over near another couple of people, Chrissy and Becky.
“Yes he’s here.” Holly smiled as she looked in the same direction Diane was now looking. “You can’t keep him away from a good meal.” Holly giggled.
“How’s he doing hon?” Dian asked looking worried for Holly and how well she was holding it all together.
“He’s doing fine. Mandy’s mum is a doctor and she’s got him in some medical trials for a new drug which is helping to keep the cancer at bay for the time being.” Holly said looking happy for the small bit of good news she’s got to tell people.
“Do you think he might beat it then Holly?” Diane asked.
“No, but he may get another couple of months. Greg just wants to live long enough to see his grandkids born.” Holly said with a tear in her eye.
“I hope he does Holly, I really hope he does.” Diane said as she gave Holly another hug before Holly led her further into the room and then showed her around the people she hadn’t met yet.
Callum was glad to be able to spend some time away from his mum, and just sit with Jayden for a bit. Callum was still nervous about his mum seeing Kara, and what she might say about it all. Jayden was planning to put an end to all the worry the next day. She’d already sorted with Cathy to give Callum a full makeover first thing in the morning while Diane was having a spa treatment. Then they were going out for lunch and a fun afternoon of shopping. But that was going to be a surprise for tomorrow.
Everybody enjoyed the meal and they all gave Diane, Callum and Jayden a hug before they left to go home and relax for what was left of the night.
Ann left with Brad in a hotel car, to go back to his place for the night. Ann hadn’t got to worry about getting Jayden to work in the morning, as she would already be at the hotel; and she wasn’t working again until Callum’s mum returned home next Monday. So it was Chrissy and Becky, Mandy and Carl, Amy and Amber going back to Mandy’s house and everyone else being dropped off on the way before the hotel minibus dropped them off and then returned to the hotel for the night.
Becky was still clutching the little leather book as Chrissy led her up to their room so they could get changed and take a quick shower before going back down stairs to relax on a sofa and watch a little TV before going to bed later. Becky finally put the book in her bed side table draw before getting undressed and then letting Chrissy lead her into the bathroom to take a shower.
Once they had finished and were dressed in the night shirts and there dressing gowns, they went back down stairs to see if the others had made it back down.
By SaraUK
Part 26
Callum had gone to bed with Jayden the night before, but when he woke, he was in the bed alone. He was soon up out of bed going to see where she might have gone. He found Jayden out in the pool.
“I thought you’d run off and left me.” Callum said as he crouched down next to the pool when Jayden swam over to reach up and give him a kiss.
“I just saw the pool and had to have a swim.” Jayden smiled up at him from the water. “Put some trunks on and join me.” Jayden added with a grin as she pushed off from the pool and started swimming on her back away from him.
It took Callum all of two seconds to think it over, and then ran back into the penthouse and grab his swimming trunks and threw them on. He was soon running back out and then jumping into the water and splashing Jayden as he did it.
They had only swum a couple of laps together when they heard Diana speak to them. “Do you mind if I join you?” She asked as she slipped of a bathrobe to reveal she was already wearing a one piece swimsuit that showed her to still have a good body.
“Please do Diane.” Jayden smiled. Callum was still trying to get over the shock of his mum still having a body to rival girls ten years younger than her.
“Close your mouth dear, I’m sure you’ve seen a woman in a swimsuit before.” Diane stated with a grin towards Jayden as she dropped into the pool and then started swimming laps with the other two.
“I’m sorry for staring at you mum just now, but you’re looking so slim.” Callum said, not being able to think of any other way to put it. “You look really amazing.” He added with a smile.
“Thank you dear. I’ve been taking better care of myself since you started coming to see me again, and telling me about Chrissy and her friends, or sisters as they all seem to be.” Diane smiled. “I didn’t want to look fat next to them all.” She added with a grin.
Jayden had got out the pool while Callum and his mum spoke, but Callum asked where she was going when he turned and saw her putting on a bathrobe she must have brought out with her earlier. “Where are you going Jayden?” Callum asked
“I’m just going to order us all breakfast.” Jayden smiled as she went back into the penthouse and called down to room service.
“Don’t you want to know what we both want first?” Callum shouted to Jayden’s back as she vanished out of sight.
“I’ll sort it.” Jayden shouted back with a chuckle.
Jayden made the call and asked for a full breakfast menu for the penthouse and then hung up again so she could tell the other two that it would be here in around ten minutes. The reason Jayden never asked what they wanted was because she was having some of everything sent up to the room like they did with all the people that stopped in the penthouses at the hotel.
Callum and Diane were already out the pool when Jayden walked back out onto the patio. The food will be here in around ten minutes, so please take a seat and they will bring it out to us when they get up here.” Jayden pointed out as she walked over to the table next to the pool and took the seat Callum offered her, and then he did the same for his mum.
Jayden was right, and just under ten minutes later, two waiters and Dale arrived with two trolleys of food for them to choose from.
“Good morning Jayden, Callum, and you must be Diane?” Dale asked as he took Diane’s hand and lightly kissed it before straightening up again to make sure the two waiters did a good job of serving them all.
“Hi Dale. Would you care to join us?” Jayden asked.
“I wouldn’t want to impose on you Jayden, I’m sure you have lots of catching up to do.” Dale said as he stepped back to let one of the waiters place half a grapefruit on the table in front of Diane.
“No, please join us Dale, there’s more than enough for all of us, and we have the next four days to catch up.” Diane said as she offered Dale the empty seat at the table next to her.
“Well I was going to grab a bite when I got back down to the lobby, so I can’t see it hurting if I have my breakfast up here with you.” Dale smiled as he took the seat and started chatting to Diane.
Callum was happy to see his mum having such a good time, and he really liked Dale as well. Dale had always been pleasant with him and was always doing his best to help Jayden learn how to be the best she can be while doing her job. Callum found himself wondering if there was more to Dale being nice to his mum than just doing his job well, because Dale seemed to be flirting with his mum more than Callum had ever seen Dale flirt with any of the other guests.
Jayden had also noticed it, and was going to be having words with Dale later, when she got him alone. Not that she was bothered if Dale did have a crush on Callum’s mum. Anyone would be better than Frazer. Jayden had only met the man twice, and she hated him more and more each time she saw him. She was happy when Brad grabbed him by the throat though, when he decided to call Chrissy a nasty name.
“I see Jayden booked you in for a full treatment spa this morning Diane? I know you will have a very relaxing time, and feel ten years younger by the time they’ve done with you.” Dale smiled. “I hope you don’t mind looking like a teenager again?” Dale added, as he implied she looked young to start with.
Callum and Jayden could see that Diane was putty in his hands once he got started with his charm. Callum was also sure that if he mentioned Frazer’s name right now, his mum would just turn to him and ask “Who?” Callum also found himself wondering if he could get his mum to leave Frazer and find someone like Dale to fall in love with. Dale knew how to treat women with respect, where as Frazer though he deserved someone like his mum. Callum had always thought his mum had just married Frazer because she didn’t want to be alone after his dad died. So maybe spending some time with Dale would let his mum see that she can do so much better than Frazer.
“If it would make it easier on the two of you, I’d be more than happy to escort you mother down for her spa treatment, and keep an eye on her for you.” Dale said once they finished eating, and he’d called down to have all the breakfast things taken away.
“I think that’s a great idea Dale. I was just thinking that these two could do with some time alone.” Diane smiled as she looked at Callum, and then Jayden.
“That sounds like a great idea.” Jayden grinned. With Dale keeping Diane entertained why she had her spa treatment, meant she could get Callum down to see Cathy sooner, so she’d have more time to work her magic, and make Kara look like a million bucks.
Callum and Jayden both stood and watched Dale take Diane away for her spa treatment, and then she pulled Callum towards the bedroom so they could put some clothes on and go some place, but Jayden wouldn’t tell Callum where the place was she wanted to go.
“I hope you haven’t booked the two of us in for a spa treatment as well.” Callum said as Jayden pulled him into the elevator and hit the button for the ground floor.
“Nope, not a spa treatment baby. Something much better.” Jayden grinned as she wrapped her arms around Callum’s neck and gave him a kiss.
Once they stepped off the elevator, Callum knew just where Jayden was taking him, when Jayden started walking him towards where the changing service was. Callum started to protest, but not as hard as Jayden thought he could be or could if he really wanted to.
“Jayden, I’m not going to spend the day as Kara.” Callum tried to stop walking with her, but she just tugged his arm and he let her keep pulling him along.
“I’m not asking you to spend the day as Kara, Callum.” Jayden told him as they made their way to where Cathy would be waiting for them.
“You’ll be spending the next three days as Kara.” She corrected him. “I’ve been speaking to your mum on the phone, and she really wants to get to know Kara, so what better way than to let you be here for a couple of days and your mum gets to spend that time with you.” Jayden said, smiling at Callum as they finally entered the room where Cathy, Marie and now Samantha did their magic.
Callum was still in shock from what Jayden had said. “Jayden and my mum both want me to be Kara for the next three days?” he thought to himself. Part of him, the male part screamed “No! You can’t.” But a larger part wanted to see what it would be like to play the loving daughter and spend time with her mum. Callum already knew he passed as female when dressed fully, he’d proved that a couple of times now while out shopping with Chrissy and the others. So why was he so worried about it now? Then he realised that all his fear was to do with his mum excepting him as a daughter, that was the real fear here, not the becoming Kara and going out, but whether his mum would see Kara and not hate him for it.
Jayden had led him by the hand and then handed him over to Cathy why he was lost in his own thoughts. He soon snapped out if it though when he heard Cathy talking to him, or Jayden. He wasn’t paying that much attention to what was being said at first.
“Have you drugged him or something Jayden?” Cathy asked when she didn’t get any response from Callum when she asked if he was ready to let Kara out.
“No!” Jayden said with a hurt look. “But I have just told him that Kara’s coming to visit for the next three days.” Jayden added with a grin.
“I guess that would do it then.” Cathy giggled. “Come on space cadet, let’s get started.” Cathy added as she pulled Callum along by the hand.
“Okay Cathy, do your worse.” Callum sighed as he let Cathy now lead him around by the hand. He could see a habit forming.
“Chrissy would never let me hear the last of it if I ever gave anybody less than my best honey.” Cathy grinned. She’d led him over to a dressing room and led him inside as she spoke. “I need you to get undressed and then slip on this robe; you know the routine by now.” Cathy smiled just before she walked back out, closing the curtains as she left.
Callum did know what to do, he’d come here many times before he found out who Chrissy really was, and she’d shown him how to become Kara on his own, but there was no way he’d be able to do that right now. Not do it and do a good job anyway. He got undressed and then slipped on the panties and silk robe Cathy had left for him, then he went back to let Cathy start work on turning Callum into Kara.
Jayden and Cathy had been joined by a third person when he got back out into the main room. “Hi Callum.” Samantha said in a very convincing female voice.
“Hi Samantha.” Callum said looking a little shocked at the sudden voice change she’d had since the last time they spoke to each other. “How’d you get your voice to do that?” Callum asked in wonder.
“Rachel spoke with Cathy, and she gave her a set of tapes that explain different ways to train your voice.” Samantha said in her strange new female voice.
“Is it hard to switch back and forth between the two?” Callum asked, as he thought about giving it a go himself, so he could be more like a girl and talk more when out in public.
“I’m not sure, I’ve been dressing like this since I started work on Monday, and Rachel set me to work on Tuesday night after being at the club. This kind of feels like my normal voice now to be honest with you.” Samantha shrugged like it wasn’t a problem for her.
Cathy set to work on turning Callum into Kara. She sat Callum in a chair and then tilted it back so she could give him a really close shave, then she smeared some foul smelling cream all over the areas she’d just shaved. This was something new Cathy had never done before.
“What’s that stuff Cathy?” Callum screwed up his nose as he asked.
“It’s a new product were trying, it slows down beard growth, so you don’t have to worry about shaving so often.” Cathy smiled. “I know it stinks, but it fades after a couple of minutes, and you won’t have to worry about shaving for a couple of weeks.” Cathy added with a grin.
“A couple of weeks?” Callum asked, amazed at what Cathy had just told him.
“Yep. We used some on Samantha, Monday, and there’s still no sign of stubble or anything.” Cathy looked at Samantha as she said it, Samantha just grinned back as she stuck her chin out for Callum to look at.
Cathy set to work doing the same to Callum’s chest and then she did his legs. Because all Callum could do was sit and wait for Cathy to finish, Samantha started helping him to find a more natural voice for Kara to use while out shopping later in the day, and for the next three days in general.
Jayden was happy to just stand off to one side and watch Cathy and Samantha work on Callum as he started to fade away, leaving Kara in his place. By the time they had finished with him, the only bit that was still Callum, sat between Kara’s legs, and only Jayden would be seeing that little part.
“How do I look?” Kara asked in her new voice as she did a quick spin to let Jayden see the full effect, and to make the blue dress she was wearing flair out as she spun.
“Beautiful.” Jayden smiled. “And I love the new voice.” She added. Jayden thought it had a sexy sound still, but more feminine as well.
“Thank you.” Kara grinned. “What time are we meeting my mum?” She asked looking worried, but not sounding it.
“Dale’s going to bring her back up to the penthouse when she’s finished in the spa, and Cathy’s had her turn with her.” Jayden looked over at Cathy setting up for Kara’s mum.
“Don’t look so shocked Kara.” Cathy smiled. “If I can make you look that good, just think what I can do with your mum.” She added with an evil grin.
“You do realise that my mum may not want to leave if you all keep treating her like this.” Kara warned them as she let out a little giggle.
“Hummm, stay down here, or go back to living with Frazer?” Jayden said as she tapped her finger to her lip like she was thinking about it. “Stay down here, it’s a no brainer if you ask me.” She giggled.
“Do you know if Dale is seeing anybody at the minute?” Kara suddenly asked out of nowhere. Even she looked a little shocked at the sudden outburst herself.
“Not that I know off, but we’ve never really spoke about his love life.” Jayden said, trying not to grin at the idea forming in Kara’s head. “I think he finds it hard fitting in a relationship while he’s trying to run the hotel.” Jayden added with a smile.
Kara just smirked before she turned and gave Cathy and Samantha a hug, then she let Jayden lead her back up to the penthouse to wait for Diane to get finished and join them.
Chrissy, Mandy and Amy had all left some time ago to call in and spend some time with Greg and Holly before going to the shop, and Amber had just left to go and start sorting out ideas for Ann’s wedding dress. Even thought the wedding wouldn’t be for some time, due to Ann wanting Becky as a bridesmaid, and Becky not wanting to be one while pregnant. So Becky finished getting the breakfast dishes washed and put away before she poured herself a glass of juice out and then went to the living room to sit down and start reading Chrissy diary.
Becky ran her finger along the text, just like she’d done the day before when Debbie had given them the book. Becky turned the page and then started reading. The writing was that of a younger child to start with, so Becky had to work out what Chrissy was trying to say, but she soon got to grips with it, and she started to read as if she’d wrote it herself as a much older person.
Hello diary. I’m not sure it’s safe or smart to write down my feelings in a book for anyone to find and read, but if I don’t tell someone how I feel, I’m going to end up going mad. I wish I had a best friend to talk to about it, but I don’t even have a friend. *sigh*I don’t understand why daddy keeps making me do things with the boys? I think I like what the girls do better. I wonder when I’ll get to pick which one I want to be? I’ll pick being a girl for sure. *grin*
Becky realised as she read it, that Chrissy was under some strange allusion that she was going to have the choice at some point. This brought tears to her eyes. She carried on reading as it seemed to skip to another day.
Hello again diary. Mummy and daddy took me on the park today. It started off nice, but then daddy talked some boys into letting me join their soccer game, that’s when daddy started getting mad with me again because I’m not very good at it. I did make mummy laugh though. I went to kick the ball and missed it. I ended up sat on my bottom with the ball behind me. Daddy didn’t laugh, but the boys that I was playing with did, and one of them helped me up again. He told me to keep practicing. The boys were a lot nicer than the ones I go to school with, they let me keep playing with them until I got tired and had to stop. I went and sat with mummy. Daddy still looked mad, but never said anything to me.
Hello diary. I’ve found a really cool place to hide you where no one will find you except me. J Mummy had a friend round for tea today and she had her daughter with her. We sat and played dollies in the back garden while mummy talked. I’m beginning to think that something is wrong with me though. Debbie thought I had chosen to be a boy and boys don’t normally play with dollies. She did say I’d make a pretty girl though if I wanted to be one.
Becky giggled when she read that bit. “If you’d only known how true you were Debbie.” Becky said out loud to herself just before she started reading again.
Hello diary. I spoke to mummy today and asked her why I can’t dress more like the girls if she keeps saying I’m too pretty to be a boy. Mummy looked upset when I asked her, and then she explained the difference between boys and girls. Now I know that something is wrong with me because I don’t feel like a boy should. Mummy told me never to talk to my daddy about it, and to just try and be a good little boy around daddy.
Hello diary. I’ve been watching the boys, and trying to be more like them, but it’s just too hard, and they are always getting in trouble. I like what the girls do more at school, but they won’t let me join in. I’ll be starting a new school after the six weeks holidays. Maybe I’ll fit in better there.
Becky already knew that it wasn’t going to get any better for Chrissy in secondary school; it was going to get worse, much worse. Becky knew that was where Chrissy first met Callum. Becky kept reading and she smiled at some of the things Chrissy did during the six weeks holidays that all kids in the UK had off in the middle of summer.
Hi Diary! I had a really fun day today helping mummy in the kitchen *grin*I didn’t feel like I had to pretend to be a boy, and mummy was so much fun that I think even she just let me be myself. Daddy liked what we’d cooked, but mummy never said I’d helped, she didn’t think daddy would be very happy if he knew I’d been home all day helping mummy.
Hello Diary. I had a fun day with daddy today. He took me to watch a soccer match. I don’t like soccer, but it was nice to be out with him, and he got me a hotdog for my lunch, but he told me to keep it a secret from mummy. He said she wouldn’t be happy with him for feeding me rubbish. Daddy’s team won, so he was in a really good mood as we walked home, and he even brought me an ice cream. I still feel like I’m lying to him though, as I pretend to be a boy for him.
Hi Diary! Mummy asked me to go and get her some bits from the shops today. One of the shop keepers said what a good girl I was, for coming down the shops and helping out my mummy. I wonder if I just dressed like a girl, if people would just understand that I’m not any different to all the other girls my age.
Becky was beginning to see a pattern forming as to the mood Chrissy was in when she wrote each new section in her diary. If she started it with Hi, then she had a good day, but when it started with Hello, she’d had a bad day, or a day that didn’t leave her feeling very upbeat.
Hello Diary. Mummy took me shopping for a school uniform today. I loved the look of the girl’s uniform, but mummy brought me a boy’s one. It made me sad to watch all the girls wearing their pretty dresses. I want some dresses of my own. School starts next week, I’m looking forward to going, it’s been boring not having anyone to play with. I hope I can find a friend at this school. Mummy said her friend’s daughter Debbie will be there, but she doesn’t think she’ll want to hang around with a boy. Mummy said it would give people the wrong idea or something like that. I think she’s worried everyone will think I’m a girl too. I wish mummy and Daddy would think the same and let me be a girl.
Becky was wiping tears from her eyes as she read the diary. She had no idea just how hard it was for Chrissy growing up, and not understanding why she felt the way she did. Becky found herself wishing she went to school with Chrissy, because she would have been his friend. She wiped away the last of the tears and then went back to reading.
Hi Diary. Mummy let me help her do some baking again today. We made an apple pie and then had some for pudding after dinner with some custard. Mummy also made me get all my things ready for school tomorrow. Mummy didn’t want me getting in trouble on my first day at a new school. Daddy would probably like it if I did get in trouble. Boys seem to like getting in trouble. Hopefully I’ll have more exciting things to write tomorrow night after my first day. Mummy says I have to have an early night ready for tomorrow.
Becky decided to stop there for now, so she could sort out some lunch for herself, and then go back to bed for a couple of hours, ready for going to the club later in the evening. She still hadn’t had any luck stopping Chrissy from going with her, so she’d have Chrissy helping her make sure the club ran smoothly. Not that Becky minded having Chrissy around to help her, but she did worry that Chrissy was trying to do too much most the time.
Once Becky had eaten her sandwich and had a bowl of soup, she went up stairs and crawled back into bed.
Jayden was watching Kara pace back and forth over near the glass doors that led out onto the patio area where the pool was when she heard the bell chime to let them know that the lift had just arrived on their floor. Kara stopped pacing and looked in the direction of the elevator to see if it was her mum coming back from the spa and makeover by Cathy and Samantha.
Dale was the first to come into view, and then Kara saw her mum walking at his side. Kara’s mouth fell open when she saw just how much younger the spa treatment, and then Cathy and Samantha had managed to make her mum look.
“Mum? Is that really you?” Kara asked, forgetting all about what she was wearing, or how she sounded still using the new female voice Samantha had helped her find. “You look amazing.” Kara added with a smile.
“I look amazing? What about you.” Diane said as she looked at her new daughter, formerly her son Callum. “I think Kara really does suit you dear.” Diane added as she took in the beautiful sight before her. Diane thought that Kara looked the spitting image of how she use to look when she first met Callum’s father. Not that Diane herself looked that old herself anymore, thanks to Cathy and the spa session she’d just spent the last couple of hours having done.
Kara suddenly realised what she’d said, and how she was dressed. Kara looked worried all of a sudden as she looked at her mum for any sign of rejection, but all she saw was a loving mother looking at her daughter. “Do you think I look okay?” Kara asked as she struggled to keep calm enough to carry on using her new voice.
“No I don’t think you look okay dear. I think you look beautiful Kara.” Diane smiled as she closed the gap between them and pulled her daughter into a hug.
“Do you really mean that mum?” Kara asked in a shaky voice as she tried not to cry. Kara didn’t want to be running down and getting Cathy to do a repair job on her makeup, just because she couldn’t keep the waterworks in check.
“Yes I do my darling daughter.” Diane smiled as she broke the hug and looked at Kara’s hair and makeup. “I can’t see any trace of your brother in you at all.” Diane added as she looked and saw that Kara even had some cleavage on show, and the breasts looked real.
“They're not real mum.” Kara said as she stuck her chest out when she saw her mum looking at them, and getting a worried look as she thought they might be. “But they might as well be for the next three days.” Kara added with a grin as she gave them a little shake.
“Are you happy like this Kara?” Diane asked when Kara stopped swinging her breasts from side to side.
“I am now I know you’re alright with seeing me like this.” Kara smiled even more. “I was scared you’d hate me and just run back out the room.” Kara added with a sigh, as she finally got everything off her chest, just leaving the stuff that did belong there for the time being.
“I wouldn’t care if you dressed like a clown, just as long as you were happy doing it, and you wasn’t hurting anyone while you did it.” Diane said as she pulled her new daughter into another hug.
“I’ve arranged a nice private table for you all down in the restaurant, so you can have a nice chat while you enjoy a lovely meal.” Dale said as he indicated for them all to follow him. Jayden had been made over at the same time Kara was, so they were all ready to head out and let the world see how good they all looked.
Dale led the three ladies into the restaurant and then took them to a table away from the rest in a private section of the restaurant so they could talk without being overheard by any of the other customers.
“Would you care to join us again Dale?” Diane asked looking hopeful he’d say yes.
“I wish I could Diane, but I have already neglected my other guest’s for far too long, but maybe I could treat you to a late dinner if that suits you?” Dale asked.
“That would be wonderful, and it will give Kara and Jayden some time alone without worrying about me.” Diane smiled.
If Kara and Jayden had any feelings for Frazer, this would be the part where they pointed out to Diane that she was married, but they didn’t like Frazer, so they were cheering Dale on in his quest to catch Diane’s heart.
“I’ll meet you in the lobby at eight this evening then Diane.” Dale said just before lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it. “Ladies’, have a pleasant meal, and a lovely time shopping this afternoon.” Dale added as he looked at Jayden and Kara before walking away and sending a waitress over to take their drink orders.
Kara waited for the waitress to leave after taking the orders for drinks and then she decided to ask if everything was okay between her and Frazer. Secretly hoping to hear her mum say, no it wasn’t. “Is there something you want to tell me about you and Frazer mum?” Kara asked, getting more natural with her new voice the more she used it.
Diane seemed to be trying to find the right way to put it, but was having trouble finding the words to start with. “I guess I may as well just come out and say it.” She finally said as she looked at Kara with a strange look in her eyes. “I think I made a mistake when I married Frazer. Go on, tell me you said so.” Diane added as she threw her hands in the air.
“Callum would say that mum, but not me.” Kara smiled, fighting the urge to jump up and start dancing around the restaurant to celebrate.
Jayden looked a little more concerned on the surface, but even she wanted to let out a cheer. “What did you ever see in him Diane? If you don’t mind me asking.” Jayden asked instead.
“I just didn’t want to be alone, and he caught me at a weak moment. The next thing I knew, we were married.” Diane shrugged as she looked to be confused about the whole thing herself now. “He was nice to start with, but soon after he moved in with us, he changed and started arguing with Callum all the time. The next thing I knew, Callum had up and moved out, then he got a job down here in London and I stopped seeing him.” Diane looked sad as she said it.
“I’m sorry mum, but I just couldn’t bear to see how he was treating you.” Kara said as she reached over and took her mums hand under the table.
“You don’t have to apologise for your brother Kara.” Diane told her off, but she was grinning when she said it.
Kara had never felt as close to her mum as she did right now. “Thanks mum, for being so understanding about all this.”
“That’s what mothers are for dear.” Diane smiled as she gave Kara’s hand a little squeeze under the table.
“So what do you plan to do about Frazer then mum? Are you going to ask him to move out?” Kara asked.
“I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but after meeting Dale, and now seeing how good my daughter looks, I’m thinking of selling the house and having a new start someplace else.” Diane smiled. “But only if you don’t mind your mum moving a little closer to where her daughter is living.” Diane added, not wanting to upset anyone.
“I’d love to have you living closer mum, and I know that Jayden would love to be able to spend more time with you as well.” Kara pointed out as she looked over at a grinning Jayden sat facing her.
“I really would love to spend more time getting to know you Diane.” Jayden sighed. “I’ve never had a mother, and it’s nice having you on the other end of a phone, but to be able to spend time in person with you would be so much better.” Jayden said with a grin as she thought about going out shopping, and just calling in to chat about Callum and Kara.
“When are you going to tell him mum?” Kara asked. Looking worried for how Frazer might take the news.
“I was thinking of telling him on Monday when you and Jayden take me home again.” Diane said with a grin.
“You do realise that Brad will be with us as well?” Kara asked.
“Yes, I know. That’s one of the reasons for telling him then.” Diane’s grin got a little bigger. “I’ll give brad the honour of helping him pack and leave the house.” Diane added.
“What if he comes back after we’ve left again?” Kara asked still sounding worried for her mum.
“I was thinking of asking Carl if it would be okay for me to stop a little longer until I’ve found a new place to live down here.” Diane said.
“Why don’t you move in with me mum? I have a spare room, and I’d love to have you there with me.” Kara smiled.
“Are you sure? You may want to talk to Jayden about it first Kara.” Diane pointed out.
“Kara and I don’t live together Diane. I still live with Chrissy and the others, and don’t have any plans to leave just yet.” Jayden said with a grin.
“It’s settled then mum, you can come and live with me for the time being.” Kara grinned.
“I’ll ask Carl to sit down and have a chat with you still. I’m sure he’ll be able to help you get a good lawyer, and put you in touch with the right people to help sell the house.” Jayden said just before the waitress came back over to take their food orders.
They all had a lot for breakfast, so they just had salads for lunch with some grilled fish. Then they left to start a fun afternoon of shopping.
Diane was having a wonderful time with Jayden and Kara. She soon forgot that Kara was really Callum, and they seemed to start having even more fun as they tried on dresses and then went looking at shoes and purses.
It was late afternoon and the three of them had about had enough of shopping for one day when Jayden heard a man call her name, but she couldn’t place the voice, so she stopped and turned around. Diane turned also, but Kara just froze where she stood and kept looking away from where the voice had called from and from where Jayden and Diane were now looking.
Jayden said, “Crap.” Under her breath which Diane took as a bad sign and now looked at Kara and noticed she was still looking the other way, but not making it look like she was looking in a shop window while Jayden spoke to an old friend of some sort. “It’s Stephen, right?” Stephen Adams?” Jayden asked, like she hardly remembered him from the meal they had had the other week.
“Hi Jayden. I must have made a good impression for you to remember me after just one meeting.” Stephen ginned as he walked over to where Jayden, Diane and Kara were all stood just outside a jewellery shop.
“Well you did make an impression asshole, but not the one you think.” Jayden thought, but said something very different. “I’m just good with names and faces.” Jayden smiled.
“I thought you’d be spending the week with Callum? Or has he fallen out with you?” Stephen asked with a look in his eyes that Jayden didn’t like one bit. Jayden thought he looked happy if what he’d just said was true.
“Callum’s off doing stuff with his step dad today. They didn’t want to spend the afternoon shopping with three women. So Callum arranged with my boss to go and spend the day at a race track driving some fast cars around.” Jayden lied, but it was one of the things Carl offered guest’s that stopped at the hotel. He offered it as a cover for some of the guest’s to use when booking a little visit to the club.
“It’s okay for some, but I think I’d have let you punish me with a day of shopping if you were mine.” Stephen smiled.
Jayden felt the skin on her back start to crawl as she looked at the smarmy smile the man had as he looked to be undressing all three of them with his eyes. Jayden thought he’d get a shock if he undressed Kara too far. Then she remembered that she needed to get rid of him fast, and without him realising who Kara really was.
“I’ll let Callum know later that I bumped into you Stephen. I’m sure he’ll be sorry he missed you.” Jayden said looking hurt, but thinking “not.”
“Are you not going to introduce me to your friends Jayden?” Stephen asked as he looked at Diane, and then at the back of Kara’s head because she still hadn’t bothered to turn around and look at Stephen.
“Hello Stephen, I’m Diane, Callum’s mother, and this is Kara, Callum’s sister.” Diane said as she held out her hand to shake Stephen’s and then pointed her other hand towards Kara’s back. “I have to apologise for Kara, she wanted to spend the day with her brother and step father, but I dragged her along with me, so she could get to know Jayden a little better.” Diane lied so well that even Jayden found herself believing her as she spoke.
Kara was glad she’d still got her back to Stephen when she heard her mum continue the story that Jayden had just started. “Well you two wanted to go shopping, so let’s go shopping then!” Kara said with a huff as she just walked off and entered the jewellery shop she’d just been looking in the window off. Kara just hoped that Stephen brought the act and left them alone to carry on shopping, or run for their lives just as soon as he walked away. That was Kara’s plan.
“I’m sorry Stephen, but we really better go.” Jayden said as she pointed towards the shop Kara just walked into. “I’m trying to make his sister like me, and this isn’t helping. It was nice to see you again. Bye!” Jayden shouted as she and Diane also entered the jewellery shop.
They all looked to make sure he was walking away, and then they both turned to make sure Kara was okay. Jayden thought Kara looked nervous, but not too bad for saying what had just happened. None of them said anything in the jewellery shop, but they did spend a long time looking round while they made sure Stephen really had gone before they left themselves.
Jayden could tell that Kara was only just holding it together as they left the shop and Jayden flagged down a taxi to drive them back to the hotel. Kara never said a word until they were safely back in the penthouse.
“Kara, please speak to me baby.” Jayden said as she put her shopping bags down on the sofa in the main room.
“That was way too close for comfort Jayden.” Kara said, still using her female sounding voice, even after the scare they just had. “I can’t keep going out shopping with you dressed like this. Someone is going to work out who I am.” Kara added as she waved her hand up and down her body and then grabbed the dress she was wearing and shuck it at Jayden.
“I’m not going to ask you to go shopping again Kara. We’re going sight seeing tomorrow.” Jayden said in a calming voice as she sat down next to Kara.
Diane walked over and sat on the other side of Kara to offer her support. “I thought that was a lot of fun.” She smiled. “The shopping part anyway.” Diane added with a frown.
“Do you really think we fooled Stephen?” Kara asked as she started to relax a little more.
“I’m looking for Callum right now, but all I can see is Kara, his sister.” Jayden pleaded with him to believe her. “He’s bound to see some of Callum in you, but that’s only to be expected for brother and sister.” Jayden added.
“You don’t look much like Callum with them things trying to make a break for it Kara.” Diane said as she pointed at the breast being pushed up and out the top of the dress she was wearing. “I think this Stephen would have noticed Callum if he’d been sporting a set like that.” Diane giggled.
Jayden and Kara were soon giggling as well, and all the worry vanished from the room. Diane decided to go and take a lie down before she went for dinner with Dale, and Jayden took Kara to the bedroom, so she could help her relax in a whole different way.
Diane woke later and got ready for her dinner with Dale, and then left. Jayden ordered room service for her and Kara, so they could lie on the bed and feed each other while they both lounged around in their underwear. Jayden in black bra and panties, Kara in red.
Becky woke after just an hour or so of sleep. She’d dreamt that she was back at school, and a little Chrissy was there with her. She’d jumped in and protected her when the other kids started making fun of her for being dressed like a boy when she was a girl. Becky looked at the clock and realised it was too early to start dinner, and she should really try and get a little more sleep, or she wouldn’t last the night at the club, which would lead to Chrissy worrying about her even more than she already was. Becky made a quick toilet run and then settle back into bed and was soon falling to sleep again, and dreaming about protecting her little friend.
She did get some more sleep, and was sorting out dinner when Chrissy, Amy and Mandy got home later. Becky still went up to bed with Chrissy though when Amy told her she’d keep an eye on dinner.
“Everything alright baby?” Chrissy asked as Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy when they got in bed.
“It is now I have you to cuddle up to.” Becky smiled. Not wanting to worry Chrissy with her dreams after reading some of her diary.
They both got some sleep and then went down to have some dinner when Amy came up to call them. Becky seemed to find reasons to be with Chrissy all evening, not that Chrissy minded that at all, but she was worried at the way Becky kept trying to make her look happy all the time. Chrissy just put it down to being a side effect to being pregnant and shrugged it off.
Vicky dropped them at home after the club closed, and they had a hot chocolate before going up to their room to get some more sleep.
Becky woke to find Chrissy looking at her with her head resting on the same pillow. “Good morning baby, or should I say my hero?” Chrissy grinned.
“Why? What have I done now?” Becky asked looking worried.
“You were talking in your sleep.” Chrissy giggled. “It sounded like you were saving me from a school bully.” Chrissy added with a raised eyebrow.
“Did it sound like I won?” Becky asked as she sat up and looked at the time.
“Yes it did.” Chrissy said as she sat up as well. “Have you started reading that diary then?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes I have. I’m sorry that you had such a rough time growing up Chrissy.” Becky said as she wrapped her arms around her wife and hugged her.
“How far did you get?” Chrissy asked with some worry in her voice, when she saw the reaction Becky was having to reading about her early years.
“You’re just about to go to Secondary school, and you’re excited about it.” Becky told her.
“That soon changed when I got there.” Chrissy laughed, but it didn’t sound very funny. “Please remember that I am still here with you now as you read it Becky.” Chrissy said as she hugged her again.
Becky had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be a very nice read from this point forward, but she was still going to read and try to understand why Chrissy is the way she is around people. “I’ll never forget that my love.” Becky purred just before she took Chrissy’s head in her hands and started kissing her.
Chrissy got up and then pulled Becky out of bed so they could go and take a shower together. They had slept in Mandy’s bed last night, and she was already taking a shower when they woke.
Amy and Amber were already making breakfast when they got down stairs after their shower, and Mandy was at the table flicking though the morning paper.
Chrissy and Becky gave them all a hug and then Chrissy took Becky over to the table to sit with Mandy, while she went to help with breakfast, but Amy then led Chrissy over to the table and told her to keep Becky and Mandy company while her and Amber got breakfast cooked. Chrissy wasn’t going to argue with getting some extra time with her wife before going to work.
Once breakfast was out the way, and Becky had waved everybody off at the front door. Even Amber had left earlier today, because Ann was calling round at Sara’s to chat about her wedding dress with the two of them, and go over some ideas for the brides maid dresses and Amy’s maid of honour dress.
Becky got the little bits of house work sorted out, and then she poured herself a glass of juice and grabbed a pack of cookies just in case she got hungry later, and she went to the living room to sit and carry on reading Chrissy’s diary. Becky had used a picture she had of her and Chrissy on their wedding day as a reminder of just how things had turned out for Chrissy. No matter how bad it got as Becky read the painful words Chrissy had wrote in the pages of the book.
Hello Diary. I’ve just got home after my first day at my new school. Nothing has changed, if anything I think its worse here and I feel even more alone. I thought I’d made a friend when I spoke to another boy no bigger than me, he seemed nice, but then some other boys called us both sissies and he pushed me over and laughed at me. I heard another boy call him Callum Baldwin. Debbie and a couple of her friends came over and helped me to get up again, and they let me sit with them on the grass at lunchtime, but I could see that some of the other girls didn’t like me sitting with them, so I’ll keep out the way from now on. I’ve got my first gym class tomorrow, not looking forward to that. Mummy wants to know all about my first day, so I’ll tell her it was really good while I help her cook dinner.
Hello Diary. Well I made it through gym class in one piece. The boy who pushed me over yesterday kicked a football in my face and then laughed with some other boys as I lay on the floor seeing stars for a couple of minutes. It was my own fault for being distracted by what the girls get to wear for gym. I wish I could have worn the tennis skirt and polo shirt like them, it looked so cute. I now have a bruised eye and a swollen lip, but I told dad I got it playing soccer, and he seemed proud that I was having a go at the sport and getting stuck in. If it makes dad happy to see me like this, then it’s worth all the pain.
Becky was getting upset at the fact Chrissy was willing to let herself get beat up just to let her dad think she was something she wasn’t. Becky could also see why she had so much trouble trusting people when she first met them. Becky had a cookie and a drink from her glass of juice before she carried on reading.
HI Diary! I’ve got myself a little job at lunchtime helping out in the office, keeping track of the lost and found. I was amazed at the things other kids have misplaced and then been handed in. I know it’s wrong, and I shouldn’t be happy about it, but I’ve got myself a girl’s gym kit now. I found them in the lost and found box and stole them. I do feel bad about stealing the items, but at the same time I am just so excited about it as well. I’m sat writing this all down while dressed as a girl. *grin* I just love the way the tennis skirt flairs out when I spin around. Daddy’s still at work and mummy is down stairs sorting out dinner why she thinks I’m doing my home work.
Hi Diary. I think I’ve proved that I must be a girl now, because I’ve stolen some more things from the lost and found at school, and I’ve not gotten in trouble for it yet. If I was really a boy, then I would have been caught by now. Girls are much too smart to get caught. I have a girl’s uniform now to go with my gym kit. The only thing missing is a pair of shoes and some underwear. I did sneak into mummy’s room and look at hers underwear but they were too big for me, so I left them there and will have to think of another way to get some.
Becky found herself giggling at the thought of a little version of Chrissy trying to make her mum’s panties fit her. Becky had the image of Chrissy with them around her ankles every time she took a step. She also thought that it was typical of Chrissy to be worried about stealing from a lost and found box as well, but she was happy to see that Chrissy did have some happy moments while at school.
Hi Diary! Someone handed in some girl’s underwear today at lunchtime. I don’t know how a girl can forget her underwear, but it’s now sat in the bottom of my school bag waiting for me to take them out and wash them so I can then become a girl for real. J Mummy lets me help her with the washing, so I will slip them in with some of my other clothes and hope she doesn’t find them. I’m wearing my gym kit again as I write this, but I waited until after dinner to do it this time, I wanted to help mummy in the kitchen. I like to pretend that I’m a girl while I help her. Dads gone out for a drink, not sure what’s wrong with the drinks here in the house? He drinks it the rest of the time, but for some reason it must just taste funny in the evenings. I left mummy watching one of her evening soaps, I told her I was going to do my homework, but I did that before leaving school. I saw Callum Baldwin and some other kids waiting for someone, and didn’t want to risk being the one they were waiting for, so I found a place to sit and wait. I did my homework why I waited. I told mummy I was helping out at school, but I’m not sure she believed me as she had that look she gets when she can almost read my mind.
Becky was finding it harder and harder to understand how Chrissy could still be Callum’s friend as she read her diary. Becky wondered if Chrissy would still even speak to Callum if she read this again herself and reminded herself of just how miserable he made her life growing up.
Hello Diary. I wasn’t as lucky today when I left school. A group of boys were waiting for me and called me names as I walked home. I tried not to let them see me cry, but I just couldn’t take what they were saying, so I screamed at them to just leave me alone. That just seemed to make them laugh at me even more. They said I sounded like a girl when I shouted. I came so close to telling them that I was a girl, but I knew that would only make things worse.
Hi Diary. Sorry about that last entry, I was feeling a little down after the trouble walking home. I went to my secret place tonight and sat there doing my homework until I knew all the other kids would be at home, or bored with waiting for me to leave. On the up side though, mummy left me a note saying that her and daddy were going to a show and wouldn’t be back until late, so I’m sat in the kitchen writing this while I eat my dinner. I’ll go back to my room as soon as I’m done eating and I’ve washed my plate. I don’t want to risk them seeing me dressed as a school girl if they come home early. I’m beginning to wonder if some of the kids at school still let their parents dress them in the morning? The janitor brought a box full of stuff that had been left behind in the locker rooms. Most of it was boy stuff, but there were some girl’s things as well. Some girl had left a pack of panties behind and even a pair of shoes. How can you go home after gym and forget your shoes? I opened the pack of panties when I got home and found out there were three pairs in there and they were all new, so I was really happy with my find today.
Becky saw a stain in the bottom corner of the page she’d just read and then remembered Chrissy saying she was writing it while sat at the dinner table eating her dinner while her parents were out. Becky smiled as she thought of a little Chrissy sat in her school girl uniform eating her dinner, and then washing the dishes. Becky’s memory soon flipped to the school uniform that she saw Chrissy wearing when they found her working at St.Trinian’s. “I don’t think the boys would have been waiting to pick on her if they ever saw her wearing that uniform at school.” Becky thought to herself just before she started to giggle.
The next couple of pages in the book were just Chrissy talking about her spending time with her mum and how her dad had taken her to another soccer match, and she still didn’t like it much, but she was trying to make her dad happy. Becky got angry again when she read about Callum and some other boys picking on Chrissy as she walked home again, but she didn’t let them see her cry this time. She did sob when she got home though. Then Becky noticed a change in the way Chrissy was writing in her diary. It was getting much darker and worrying.
Hello Diary. Mum and dad got me a computer and internet access for my birthday, so I started doing some research to see if there are other girls like me out there. I found out that I’m not alone, but the things that I will have to go through to become the real me just seems so far out of reach. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll be able to keep going. What’s the point of trying to live a life that I see as a lie? Mum as got a part time job now and she’s asked me to start and help around the house when I get home from school. I don’t mind that time of the day to much. I have a couple of hours to dress as my real self. I did have a nice lunch break today though, Debbie and a couple of her friends needed some help with their homework, so they let me join them for lunch. Callum and the other boys that normally pick on me stayed well away, but I’m sure they’ll make up for it the next time they get me alone. I’m still not sure why Debbie asked me to help her though, it looked like they all understood the homework okay. I can’t help wondering if they were just trying to set me up for some big practical joke the whole school was in on. I’ll try and keep away from them from now on.
Becky remembered Debbie saying that her and some of the other kids tried to become friends with Chrissy but she’d just put up a wall to keep them all at a safe distance. She was beginning to understand how Chrissy’s mind worked now so much better than she ever had before. All Chrissy ever saw when people tried to plan things behind her back, was them setting her up for an even bigger fall. Becky found she had to sit and look at the picture of the two of them on their wedding day, to remind her that Chrissy was still with her, and just at work with Amy and Mandy. Becky was fighting a strong desire to jump in her car and drive to the shop, just so she could give Chrissy a hug. She took a couple of deep breaths and then carried on reading.
Hi Diary. I’ve had some art homework to do tonight. I had to draw a picture of my bedroom. While I was doing that, I started to think of what I would have liked if Dad would let me become a girl, so on the next page I’m going to draw a picture of what I’d like it to look like.
Becky turned the page over and on the next couple of paged Chrissy had drawn her old bedroom from a couple of different angles. All the walls were pink, and she’d added some little stickers of unicorns a little like Vin had done in the real room for Tiffany. Becky wiped away a tear as she thought of how much Chrissy must have loved what Debbie and Vin had done for her,, being able to look at the room she’d always wanted growing up, but could never have because fate was cruel and gave her the wrong body. Becky carried on reading about Chrissy doing her class work and then hiding while she did her homework before leaving school grounds. Chrissy even went to the school library after school and helped put all the books back, just to stop the other kids from picking on her all the time as she walked home. Becky was glad when she started reading about a more fun time for Chrissy.
Hi Diary! I got adventurous today and went to a charity shop looking for some more girls clothes to buy myself, but I was too scared to take anything up to the counter. There was only one lady working in the shop, and I saw she was having trouble getting a box to fit under a counter, so I went over to help her. She thanked me and asked if I was looking for a part time job during the school holidays and on a Saturday. I smiled at her and nodded yes. She told me her name was Sue, and I could stop and help her for the rest of the day, so I did. I like Sue, she’s just like mummy is, kind, and always likes to talk, and she has time to listen to what I have to say too. I’ve learnt not to talk about my female side to anyone, not even mummy, so I just talked about things in the shop. I kept walking over and looking at a pretty pink dress that looked like it would fit me, but I couldn’t buy it now, and I wasn’t going to try and steal it, I know that would be wrong! It’s Saturday tomorrow, so I’ll be working there at the shop all day. I’m really looking forward to it.
Hi Diary! Just finished my first full day working at the charity shop, and you wouldn’t believe what Sue gave me just before I left the shop? She gave me a little carrier bag with the pink dress in it, and two more dresses the same, but in different colours! Sue said that she’d seen me looking at them all day, and also yesterday. She said I could wear them when I went out some place special, as she was getting sick of seeing such a pretty young girl dressing like a boy all the time. I know I should have told her that I am a boy, but that thought made me feel like I was going to be lying to her more than if I just kept the dresses. If she ever finds out that I’m supposed to be a boy, then I’ll just say that I didn’t want to make her feel bad by telling her the truth. Daddy’s gone out for a drink down the pub, and mum is watching a movie down stairs, so I’m writing this while wearing my pretty new pink dress. I also have a pale yellow dress and a light blue one as well. I’ve had to start hiding all my female clothes in an old suitcase in the back of my closet; I just hope mummy never finds them.
HI Diary. Had a close call today when Dad came home early from work because he forget to take his ticket for the soccer match, so he had to get off work early and come home to get it. Mummy had gone out with a friend, so I was sat watching some TV when I heard Dad come in the front door. I was so scared that he was going to find me, but I hid behind the sofa and waited for him to leave again. I ran straight up stairs and got changed back into my boy clothes. I’m going to stick to dressing in my bedroom from now on where it’s safe.
Becky kept reading and for a little time all Chrissy wrote about was the fun she was having working at the shop with Sue, but then Sue got sick, and Chrissy didn’t like the new man that took over the shop, so she stopped going there and helping out. The way Chrissy spoke about the man had made Becky’s skin scrawl, so she was glad when she read that Chrissy had stopped working there.
She could tell that Chrissy was getting older now because Chrissy was spending more time talking about her feelings, and how it was getting harder and harder for her to keep going to school. Chrissy was getting good grades, but she had no friends, nor did she even try to make any. She could see that some of the kids still tried to be friends with her, but due to Callum and some other boys and girls, Chrissy just couldn’t trust anyone any more. Becky’s hands were shaking as she started reading the next section of the diary.
Dear diary. I feel the need to get some of my feeling down on paper before I run out of time. I’m being bullied on a daily basis now by Callum Baldwin. I’d hate him if I felt I could, but when I look at his face after he’s made me cry, or he leaves me lying on the floor in pain from the punch or kick that put me there. I just feel sorry for him, I can see the pain in his eyes, and the way he winces when the other boys smack him on the back to cheer him on. He seemed nice when I spoke to him that first day at school, but the minute some boys said “Look at the two sissies!” He jumped back like I’d just touched him with a red hot poker. I have seen him away from school and all the other boys, and he seemed to act different those times. He almost looked sorry, but I never hung around to see if it was just a trick to get me to stand still while he walked over to me. I did the only thing I’m good at, I ran away before anything happened.
Becky felt even more anger aimed at Callum, and she found herself once again trying to work out why Chrissy never told the whole school at the reunion just what Callum was now. But she also knew that it was up to Chrissy who she had as friends. Becky just knew that it would be some time before she felt like spending any time with Callum or Kara. Becky noticed some staining on the page near the bottom, and she also noticed that the writing towards the end got a little messy. Then she realised that Chrissy must have been crying as she wrote her feelings down, and how she just couldn’t understand why someone hated her so much.
Dear diary. I know it’s been some time since I last wrote in you, but I think it’s best that I make a note for people to read and hopefully understand my reasons for doing what I feel is the only option left open to me. My father and I don’t really say much to each other anymore. He’s not happy that I never grew into a big strong strapping lad like most the boys in school my age. I’ve only just turned fifteen, but I’m still smaller than a lot of the girls in my year, so I don’t think I’ll ever make him happy. The only person I am worried about hurting when I’ve gone will be mum. She’s my only friend in this cruel world, but I can’t keep trying to fit in, just to keep mum from being sad. I sat with mum last night watching telly, and she had a soap on, and a girl was about to take her own life. For the first time ever, I fully understood how a person must feel when they reach the point where fighting just isn’t worth it anymore. The program led you to believe she was about to slit her wrists, but you never saw any of that. So if this is the last entry in here, then I’m sorry mum, but I just couldn’t cope anymore. I love you mum, I always have. I even love dad in my own special way.
Dear diary. Some of the boys cornered me just after school today and started picking on me. I had a sudden thought that I may as well have a go back, as I was thinking of ending it all anyway, so I did. I made one boy cry when I grabbed his leg and bit it as he was about to kick me in the head. After that I don’t remember much else. I woke up in the nurses’ station with mum and dad stood over me. I don’t remember walking to the nurse, or even being partly awake for any of it after I bit the boy’s leg. The nurse said a friend carried me there, but left again before she had time to ask his name. I wonder who cared enough to help me. Guess I’ll never know, but I would like to say thank you to them for caring enough to help me out. I now realise that death by bullying is not the way to go out in style. I have got a week off school though. *grin* Debbie and her mum called around to see my mum, and Debbie brought me some homework from some of my classes. She was trying to be friendly, but I think that was just to keep her mum and my mum happy.
Chrissy had never told Becky about being beaten like that by some boys at school, and she wondered if Callum was one of them, but she thought it odd Chrissy never said Callum, like she normally would when he’d cornered her, or bumped into her while at school.
Dear diary. Still here as you can see. I remembered that girl trying to slit her wrists from the TV program I watched some time back with my mum, and decided to do it. I sat in the bath until the water went cold last night, but I couldn’t bring myself to put the razorblade into my skin. Guess I’m just too much of a wimp to go through with it. I’m going to do some research on the internet and see if I can find a less messy way to do it. Same as before, love you mum, dad. Just know that I will finally be at peace.
Becky was glad Chrissy was a wimp for once. She shuddered as she thought of what could have happened if she hadn’t been, and the memory Holly would have been left with for the rest of her life.
Dear diary. I know what you’re thinking, why aren’t you dead yet! I’ve been looking at all the different ways I can go about doing it, but they all seem so painful, or the less painful ways are the ones that don’t always work, they just leave you in a bigger mess than you started. But the reason for me writing in here today is because of a strange woman I met while walking around the carnival on the local park. She was dressed like a gypsy fortune teller, and she offered to tell me my future. I was about to walk away, but thought what the hell! It would be fun to hear her tell me some trumped up story I knew would never happen. The strange thing was, she never told me that I would meet a nice girl and have babies. She looked worried and told me that I was going to have a rocky couple of years, but I would survive and then find my true place in life. She also told me that the letter B would be very lucky. Her parting comment was. From death will come life.
Becky let out a gasp as she read what the old woman had said to Chrissy when she was only fifteen. Chrissy had met her, so the letter B was important to Chrissy. Chrissy had also been stabbed and died for a couple of minutes, and Chris became Chrissy after that. Becky was suddenly a believer in all things mystical.
Dear diary. I’m not going to try and understand anything that old woman said to me, but for some reason I do feel like I have something to work towards again. I may feel different again tomorrow, but for the time being I will just keep going to school and getting good grades. I have to get back to studying now, my exam’s start tomorrow. I’ll write in you again soon.
That was the last entry Chrissy ever wrote in the diary again after that last entry, but Becky already knew the rest. She remembered Chrissy telling her that she’d got home early due to exams and had dressed in her girl clothes before falling asleep on her bed. Her dad had come home and beat her until she passed out. Chrissy then spent the next two and a half years never touching another piece of female clothing.
“You did make it through in one piece baby. And I love spending every minute with you.” Becky smiled with tears running down her cheeks as she kissed the photo of Chrissy in her hand.
Becky was still really angry with Callum, and the things he put Chrissy through as a child. She wondered if he ever realised just how close Chrissy came to taking her own life all because he had gone out of his way to fit in at the cost of Chrissy just trying to survive. Chrissy knew she would never fit in or be part of any group; she just wanted to be left alone. Becky flicked back through the diary until she found the bit where Chrissy must have been crying as she wrote down that she couldn’t understand why Callum hated her so much. Once she had the page she wanted, Becky went to the home office and fired up the computer so she could scan and then print a copy of the page out for Callum to look at later.
Callum, Jayden and Diane were coming round for dinner before Chrissy and Becky left to go to work at the club later in the evening.
Becky looked at the time and decided to go back to bed for a couple of hours before she needed to start sorting out dinner for everyone.
Mandy was closing the shop an hour early tonight, so Amy and Chrissy could get home and help Becky sort out dinner. They wanted to impress Diane when she came over with Callum and Jayden. None of the girls knew that Jayden had fixed it with Cathy for Kara to spend a couple of days with her mum, so they had no idea that it would be Kara coming for dinner, and not Callum.
Becky had just put the roast back in the oven after checking it when she heard heels clicking on the marble floor, just before she saw Chrissy enter the kitchen with a smile on her face. Becky smiled back as she ran over and threw her arms around Chrissy’s neck and hugged the stuffing out of her and she clung on for grim death.
“Hey baby, is everything alright?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice, as she tried to make Becky release the grip on her neck, but Becky wouldn’t let go. Chrissy could feel Becky shaking with fear. “What’s wrong Becky? You’re scaring me now.” Chrissy added as she tried even harder to make Becky let go, so she could look her wife in the eyes.
“I nearly lost you Chrissy. I nearly lost you before I ever had the chance to know you.” Becky said with tears running down her cheeks as she finally let Chrissy loosen her hold on her neck so she could look her in the eyes.
“Were you reading that stupid diary again today?” Chrissy asked with a frown. “I told you it wasn’t a fun read, and to remember that I was still here with you.” Chrissy said the last part in a much softer way, as she stroked the side of Becky’s face while smiling at her.
“I’ve read it all baby. I’ve read every bad thing that you went through growing up, and even the dark thoughts you had.” Becky said as she grabbed hold of Chrissy again. The image of Chrissy in a bath full of her own blood looking as white as a sheet was still stuck in her head.
Mandy and Amy just looked at Chrissy and Becky in confusion as they saw Becky hugging Chrissy like she would vanish if she let go. “I think you better make Becky a cup of that herbal tea mum brought for her. Mandy said as she looked at Amy.
Chrissy led Becky over to the table and sat her down, or tried to, but Becky wouldn’t let go of Chrissy, so Chrissy ended up sitting down with Becky on her knee. “I knew it would be a mistake to let you read that diary.” Chrissy said looking angry with herself.
“What’s in that thing that could make Becky act like this?” Mandy asked looking horrified.
Before Chrissy could stop her, Becky grabbed the diary off the table where she’d left it earlier and opened the thing on the page where Chrissy started talking about ending it all, and then she handed it to Mandy. Mandy took the book off Becky and then sat and read the next couple of pages.
Chrissy sat and watched her sisters face lose all its colour as she slowly understood just what had Becky so freaked out now, and she could fully understand it herself.
“Oh god Chrissy, I had no idea things were that bad for you.” Mandy said as she put a hand to her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.
“I was fifteen, and didn’t know what I was saying back then. I was just being silly.” Chrissy tried to play it down, but Mandy and Becky knew Chrissy would have never wrote them things down if she wasn’t truly thinking about doing it.
Amy brought the tea over and put the cup down in front of Becky, still sat on Chrissy’s knee. Then Amy picked up the diary and let Mandy flip it back to the point where Becky showed her to start reading from before letting Amy sit down and start reading it for herself. Amy let out a strange sound as she got to the end of it, and Mandy had to hug Amy as she started sobbing.
Chrissy had no idea what to say, so she just sat hugging Becky while she drank the herbal tea Amy had just made her. Becky was soon calming down and she slid off Chrissy’s knee to sit on the seat next to her.
“I think we should cancel the dinner for tonight.” Mandy finally said as no one else seemed to have anything to say.
“NO! I’m not going to let what happened nearly ten years ago keep ruining my life now.” Chrissy snapped. I got through it, and I’m living a great life now in spite of what happened back then.” Chrissy added as she grabbed the book and threw it across the room in anger.
“Do you remember one of the last things you wrote in that diary Chrissy?” Becky asked as she got up and walked over to where Chrissy had just thrown it. Becky picked the book up and brought it back to the table so Chrissy could read the part she’d written about the fortune teller.
“I was just a confused child baby, I can’t remember much at all from back then when it came to writing stuff down in that diary. “Chrissy frowned.
“Read that bit.” Becky said as she pointed to the page in question.
Chrissy let out a sigh, and then she started reading what she’d wrote nearly ten years earlier.
Dear diary. I know what you’re thinking, why aren’t you dead yet! I’ve been looking at all the different ways I can go about doing it, but they all seem so painful, or the less painful ways are the ones that don’t always work, they just leave you in a bigger mess than you started. But the reason for me writing in here today is because of a strange woman I met while walking around the carnival on the local park. She was dressed like a gypsy fortune teller, and she offered to tell me my future. I was about to walk away, but thought what the hell! It would be fun to hear her tell me some trumped up story I knew would never happen. The strange thing was, she never told me that I would meet a nice girl and have babies. She looked worried and told me that I was going to have a rocky couple of years, but I would survive and then find my true place in life. She also told me that the letter B would be very lucky. Her parting comment was. From death will come life.
Becky sat and looked at Chrissy as she just looked down at the page for a long time after she should have finished reading it, just waiting for Chrissy to say something. Then she did, but not what Becky was expecting.
“Don’t you think I had cute writing back then?” Chrissy asked with a smile. “I should find that old woman as well, and ask for my money back.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“What?! How can you joke at a time like this Chrissy?” Becky asked looking flustered that Chrissy wasn’t taking any of this seriously.
“What are you talking about now?” Mandy asked as she looked at the page Chrissy had the book open on now.
Chrissy slid the book around so Mandy and Amy could read what Becky had pointed out to her. “Read it for yourselves.” Chrissy grinned. “Best money I ever spent.” Chrissy giggled this time.
“Wow, that’s just creepy sis.” Amy said looking amazed at the fact some strange woman guessed right that Chrissy would find Becky and her life would start to make sense to her and put its self right.
“That’s more than just guessing Amy. The woman was only out by five months on the amount of time it would be before Chrissy left home and found Becky, and then me.” Mandy pointed out.
“The fortune teller was spot on with the time thing Sis.” Chrissy grinned. “She told me that shortly after my eighteenth birthday I would see a path and find my other self.” Chrissy said, as she looked to be trying to remember what the woman had said.
“And it’s only just coming back to you now?” Mandy asked with a frown.
“That all happened a couple of weeks before my dad found me dressed and then I just put a wall up around that part of me until I left home, and you all know the rest.” Chrissy grinned as she looked at Becky, just before kissing her.
“Can I still read the rest of it Chrissy?” Amy asked as she poked the book still on the table and open on the page her and Mandy had just read.
“Sure, you’ve already read the worse part.” Chrissy shrugged.
“There are some really funny bits in there Amy. Some of Chrissy’s thoughts on what people could lose had me laughing.
Chrissy tried to remember writing that part, and she had to giggle herself now she thought about it. “Well, how do you forget your panties, and a pair of shoes?” Chrissy asked.
Even Mandy made a mental note to make sure she had a read of it as well when Amy had finished with it. “Send it my way when you’ve finished with it Baby sister.” Mandy grinned.
“We better get to work, or it’s going to be sandwiches for dinner tonight.” Chrissy giggled as she got up and then helped Becky to her feet. “Callum, Jayden and Diane will be here soon, and that won’t be a good thing if dinner is nowhere near being ready.
“We don’t want that do we?” Becky smiled, but Chrissy saw a hint of something in that smile that didn’t look good.
“I hope you’re not going to start giving Callum grief when he gets here later Becky?” Chrissy asked.
“Amy can you make a start on the vegetables, while I sort out getting the roast potatoes in, and Chrissy can make a start on the stuffing.” Becky said, ignoring the question Chrissy just asked as she set to work on dinner again.
Chrissy had a feeling Becky was up to something, but now she’d avoided answering her question just now. She knew that Becky had something planned for when Callum arrived for dinner.
By SaraUK
Part 27
Jayden, Kara and Diane were all stood in the lobby waiting for a car and driver to pull up out front, so it could take them around to Mandy and Chrissy’s house for dinner. Jayden and Kara smiled as they watched Kara’s mum stood talking to Dale about the fun day she’d had being driven all over London looking at the sights. Kara and Jayden had had a good time as well, spending time together as a couple of friends just taking in the sights with Kara’s mum. The car pulled up outside and Dale walked them out to it and then helped Diane get in the front while the driver helped Kara and Jayden get in the back.
“I’ll stay in the lobby until you return Diane, then we can go and grab a drink before calling it a night.” Dale smiled just before he kissed Diane on the hand, and then he closed the door and waved as the car drove away.
The driver knew where he was going, so the others just sat back and enjoyed the ride. All the drivers knew the way to Mandy and Chrissy’s house by now. Mandy had once joked with Carl about it being on the training route when they hired any new drivers. The driver was soon pulling into the driveway and then helping the girls all get out of the car.
“Thank you Joe. I’ll call when we’re ready to be driven back to the hotel.” Jayden smiled at the driver.
“My pleasure Jayden. I’ll be waiting for your call.” The driver smiled back at her just before getting back in the car and slowly driving away again.
Jayden used her key to let them all in the house, and then she shouted to let everyone know they were there. Mandy walked out the living room and gave them all a hug before leading them back the way she just came.
“I trust Jayden and Kara are both showing you an excellent time Diane?” Mandy asked as she helped her take a seat on one of the sofas.
“Yes, I’ve been having a lovely time with my daughter and her friend.” Diane smiled as she looked at the two women as they followed her into the room and sat on a sofa facing her and Mandy. “This is such a beautiful home you have Mandy.” Diane added as she looked around the spacious living room.
“Thank you Diane.” Mandy smiled as she looked around the room herself. “It use to belong to my late husband. He was a builder, and he spent a lot of money getting it to look like this.” Mandy added with a sigh, as she thought about Dave her husband. David had been killed in a car crash while working away from home. Mandy still missed him, but she was happy again now with Carl.
“I’m so sorry to hear that Mandy.” Diane took hold of Mandy’s hand as she spoke. “He must have been extremely talented.” Diane added as she looked at some of the work that had been done on the house, and that was just in the hallway and now the living room.
“Don’t be sorry Diane. I had a wonderful time with David, what time there was.” Mandy smiled, but she had moisture in her eyes as she said it. “I have a lot of fond memories to remember him by.”
“Is it true that you use to live here all on your own before Chrissy joined you?” Diane asked, wanting to bring Chrissy and the others into the conversation she was having with Mandy, so she could move the talk away from the painful subject of Mandy’s dead husband. Diane knew how Mandy felt about her David, because Diane felt just the same about hers.
“Yes I did, but I can’t remember how.” Mandy giggled as she thought about all the fun she’d had since first meeting Chrissy. Mandy suddenly looked worried though, when she remembered what she’d read in Chrissy’s old diary. Mandy soon recovered and smiled again. “Most people just think Chrissy and I are real sisters these days.” Mandy added.
“I have to admit that I’m one of them.” Diane giggled this time. “When I saw the two of you up at Debbie’s home, I would have put money on the two of you being sisters.”
“You wouldn’t be the first to lose money on that bet.” Mandy grinned. “I do need to warn you about something Kara.” Mandy said looking very serious now.
“What is it Mandy? Have you invited someone that doesn’t like people like me?” Kara asked looking worried as she waved her hand up and down her own body, to indicate the dress she was wearing.
“No, I don’t know anyone that doesn’t like girls like you.” Mandy said with a look that said, she wouldn’t want to know anyone that closed minded. “I need to warn you that Becky has been reading an old diary that Chrissy kept as a child, and you’re in it quite a bit.” Mandy added with a pained look.
“Oh, I see.” Kara looked sad all of a sudden. She knew only too well what Callum had put Chrissy through, growing up. “Do you want me to leave Mandy? I don’t want to upset Becky anymore than I must have already.” Kara said as she went to get up off the sofa so she could leave before Chrissy and Becky walked into the room.
“No I don’t want you to leave Kara. I just wanted to warn you that Becky might be a little cold towards you for a couple of days.” Mandy said, hopeful that Becky would be over it in a couple of days.
“I understand Mandy, and thank you for letting me know. I can understand that you must hate me as well at the minute then?” Kara asked, never once losing the female voice she now used like it was her real one.
“Not really Kara. We all know that you’ve changed, and the reason for why you did what you did, even if we don’t agree with it.” Mandy took a couple of seconds to work out how to put the next part. “Becky read some things that really upset her, and she’s very protective of Chrissy at the best of times, but she’s been a little calm about all this.” Mandy warned.
Kara understood what Mandy was getting at, and she knew that Becky was probably set to blow her top when she saw him, or her as it was at the minute. “No matter what happens when I see Becky, don’t get involved, either of you.” Kara said as she looked at Jayden, and then her mum. “Whatever Becky has to say or do, I have it coming, and much more.” Kara added with a sigh.
Mandy and the other two thought the sigh was like the sigh someone that had finally revealed a big secret would have made, once everyone knew about it. Could Callum/Kara have been waiting for this moment to arrive since first going to find a boy called Chris at the school reunion, but finding a girl called Chrissy? A girl that he already knew, and loved spending time with at the club he now went to dressed as a girl.
None of them had time to dwell on it any longer because Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber all entered the room to say that diner was on the table and ready to eat. Kara saw Becky staring daggers at her, but Chrissy was keeping them apart as they all made their way to the dining room where the girls had set everything out.
“Are you having fun with your daughter Diane?” Chrissy asked once they were all seated around the table, and they were all helping themselves to what they wanted. Chrissy had tried to put as much distance between Becky and Kara, but everyone could feel the charge in the air as Becky kept looking at Kara, just like she was pray, and Becky was waiting for the right moment to strike.
Chrissy and the others tried to make Becky talk about other things, so she wouldn’t keep looking at Kara like she was, but she would still keep going back to eyeing Kara up like a tasty treat she was going to enjoy, just as soon as dinner was over. It was like watching a vampire from one of the many movies they’d all seen. Becky was going to drink Kara’s blood at some point very soon, and it was going to taste so good.
They all made it through the meal, and then they made their way back to the living room to have a drink before Chrissy and Becky left for the club. Chrissy was going to try and talk Becky into taking the night off, but now she was looking forward to getting Becky out the house.
Once they were all seated, and Mandy had come back into the room with two bottles of wine. They all sat talking about Diane’s day of sightseeing when Becky finally spoke to Kara about the subject Chrissy hoped would never come up, but she knew it was going to.
“Kara? Would you be able to do me a favour?” Becky asked in a calm voice.
This worried Chrissy and the others who knew her, because Becky was only ever calm like this when she was really really mad. “Don’t do this now Becky. I’m begging you, please.” Chrissy pleaded.
“I’m sorry baby, but I just need Kara to read something for me.” Becky smiled, but it didn’t look very happy still. “I’m sure you’re quite use to people taking no notice when you beg them not to do something.” Becky added as she looked at Kara, not Chrissy as she said it.
Kara understood what Becky was getting at. As Callum, Kara had picked on Chrissy no matter how much Chrissy begged him and some other boys to just leave her or him alone. “It’s alright Chrissy. I deserve this.” Kara said. “What is it you want me to read?” Kara asked.
Becky pushed her hand down the side of the sofa cushions and pulled out a rolled up bunch of papers and handed them over to Kara. Becky knew that Chrissy would have tried to stop her getting up, so she could let Kara read straight from the diary, so she’d scanned and printed out the parts she wanted him to read, or her as it would be.
Kara unrolled the paper and then started reading.
Dear diary. I feel the need to get some of my feeling down on paper before I run out of time. I’m being bullied on a daily basis now by Callum Baldwin. I’d hate him if I felt I could, but when I look at his face after he’s made me cry, or he leaves me lying on the floor in pain from the punch or kick that put me there. I just feel sorry for him. I can see the pain in his eyes, and the way he winces when the other boys smack him on the back to cheer him on. He seemed nice when I spoke to him that first day at school, but the minute some boys said “Look at the two sissies!” He jumped back like I’d just touched him with a red hot poker. I have seen him away from school and all the other boys, and he seemed to act different those times. He almost looked sorry, but I never hung around to see if it was just a trick to get me to stand still while he walked over to me. I did the only thing I’m good at, I ran away before anything happened.
Dear diary. I know it’s been some time since I last wrote in you, but I think it’s best that I make a note for people to read and hopefully understand my reasons for doing what I feel is the only option left open to me. My father and I don’t really say much to each other anymore. He’s not happy that I never grew into a big strong strapping lad like most the boys in school my age. I’ve only just turned fifteen, but I’m still smaller than a lot of the girls in my year, so I don’t think I’ll ever make him happy. The only person I am worried about hurting when I’ve gone will be mum. She’s my only friend in this cruel world, but I can’t keep trying to fit in, just to keep mum from being sad. I sat with mum last night watching telly, and she had a soap on, and a girl was about to take her own life. For the first time ever, I fully understood how a person must feel when they reach the point where fighting just isn’t worth it anymore. The program led you to believe she was about to slit her wrists, but you never saw any of that. So if this is the last entry in here, then I’m sorry mum, but I just couldn’t cope anymore. I love you mum, I always have. I even love dad in my own special way.
Dear diary. Some of the boys cornered me just after school today and started picking on me. I had a sudden thought that I may as well have a go back, as I was thinking of ending it all anyway, so I did. I made one boy cry when I grabbed his leg and bit it as he was about to kick me in the head. After that I don’t remember much else. I woke up in the nurses’ station with mum and dad stood over me. I don’t remember walking to the nurse, or even being partly awake for any of it after I bit the boy’s leg. The nurse said a friend carried me there, but left again before she had time to ask his name. I wonder who cared enough to help me. Guess I’ll never know, but I would like to say thank you to them for caring enough to help me out. I now realise that death by bullying is not the way to go out in style. I have got a week off school though. *grin* Debbie and her mum called around to see my mum, and Debbie brought me some homework from some of my classes. She was trying to be friendly, but I think that was just to keep her mum and my mum happy.
Dear diary. Still here as you can see. I remembered that girl trying to slit her wrists from the TV program I watched some time back with my mum, and decided to do it. I sat in the bath until the water went cold last night, but I couldn’t bring myself to put the razorblade into my skin. Guess I’m just too much of a wimp to go through with it. I’m going to do some research on the internet and see if I can find a less messy way to do it. Same as before, love you mum, dad. Just know that I will finally be at peace.
Dear diary. I know what you’re thinking, why aren’t you dead yet! I’ve been looking at all the different ways I can go about doing it, but they all seem so painful, or the less painful ways are the ones that don’t always work, they just leave you in a bigger mess than you started.
Kara just looked down at the paper in her hands as little spots of water started to drip onto it. She was also trying to stop the meal she’d just ate from coming back up as it made her feel ill. Callum had never realised just how close he’d driven another human being to taking their own life. He knew now that he never had the right to ask Chrissy for her forgiveness, not now he knew all this.
The one thing that did stick out in Callum’s mind though from the text he’d just read, was the part about her being taken to the nurse, but not remembering who took her. Callum did, because it was him that carried Chris there on his back.
Callum was supposed to meet the other boys that picked on Chris at the school gates after school, but he got held up by a teacher as he was leaving his last class, so by the time he walked around the corner, he saw that some of the boys were already kicking Chris as he lay on the floor. Callum waited for them to run away before he went over to see how Chris was, but Callum got worried when he saw that Chris was just lying there not moving with his eyes closed. Callum had managed to lift Chris onto his back and then he made his way to the nurses’ room, but before the nurse could ask too many personal questions, Callum had run off.
“I did it Chrissy, it was me.” Callum’s voice came from Kara as she looked up at Chrissy and Becky sat facing her on another sofa.
“I know it was you that caused all that.” Becky said through gritted teeth as she pointed at the papers still in Kara’s hands.
“I don’t mean all those things I did to Chrissy back then Becky. I mean it was me who took Chrissy to the nurse that time she got beat up by the other boys.” Callum said with regret for not jumping in and trying to save her at the time. But Callum wasn’t much bigger than Chris was back then, and he knew they both would have been beaten up and left lying on the floor, out for the count.
“Why would you care about Chrissy enough to carry her to the nurse?” Becky asked, still angry, but confused at the same time.
“I don’t know, it just felt like the right thing to do.” Kara shrugged. “Yes I did pick on Chrissy, but I never hit her very hard, just enough to make it look painful enough that the other boys would leave her alone. You’ve just read about the one time I wasn’t the one doing the hitting.” Kara said as she held up the papers again.
“So you picked on Chrissy to help her? How nice of you.” Becky said heavy with sarcasm.
“Becky, I’m not asking you or anyone to forgive me for what I did to Chrissy back then. I’ll have to live with what I did every time I close my eyes and go to sleep, or I look at Chrissy as she makes me smile just by being my friend.” Kara had fresh tears running down her cheeks as she spoke. “Why do you think I’m always saying sorry to her, even now?” Kara added as Jayden pulled her into a hug.
Becky didn’t feel as good as she thought she would now she’d made Kara cry. She just felt like a bully herself for picking on another person. Becky was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Chrissy snap at her.
“I told you to just let this go! It was me that lived through all that stuff in the diary, and I was the one that said I forgave him.” Chrissy said as she got up and walked around the coffee table to give Kara a hug. “You can’t just dump all this on one person Becky! It wasn’t Callum, or Kara’s fault that I was born with the wrong body.” Chrissy added with pleading in her voice for Becky to understand that she was just looking at one little part of a much bigger picture.
“He could have been your friend while you were at school?” Becky pointed out, but knew herself that it was a weak argument to start with.
“Yes he could, and then we both would have picked on and beat up. Do you really think for one second that I would like that?” Chrissy asked. “And do you think for one second that Kara is anything like that boy I wrote about in that stupid diary?”
Becky went to speak, but realised that Chrissy had a point. Kara, or this grown up version of Callum, wasn’t anything like the boy from the diary. All Becky was doing, was adding to the burden that Callum already carried, and she had just added to it by showing him what Chrissy came close to doing to herself.
“I’m sorry Callum, Kara. I never should have shown you what Chrissy had written in her diary.” Becky said as she looked down at her own lap in shame. “I can see that you are a very different person to the one that did those things to Chrissy at school.” She added.
“Don’t say you’re sorry Becky; don’t ever feel sorry for me.” Callum said. “I don’t deserve anyone’s pity after reading that.” Callum added as he let the papers fall from his hand on to the floor in front of him.
“Hey! That wasn’t down to you Kara. I was depressed about the whole being in a boy’s body and it all feeling wrong to me. I wanted to be a girl so much back then that it hurt worse than anything you or the other boys could do to me.” Chrissy said as she started tearing up herself. “You were just one little ripple in a very pig pond.” Chrissy smiled as she wiped away a tear that tickled her cheek as it ran down her face.
“At least that was the last time they ever picked on you. That time I took you to the nurse. The only time anyone saw you looking beat up was when your dad found out about Chrissy.” Kara sighed.
Chrissy thought about that for a couple of seconds before speaking again. “Come to think about it, it was the last time. How did you get them to leave me alone?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“I didn’t. Debbie did.” Kara said with a little giggle. “You thought Debbie was just being nice to you, so it kept her mum happy, but Debbie really was trying to be your friend Chrissy. She and about thirty other kids from our year all cornered me and the other boys that beat you up that night and threatened to make the rest of our school life a living hell if we didn’t leave you alone.” Kara said looking worried.
“So what happened when my dad beat me and I let everyone think it was you and the others then?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
Kara had to giggle when she saw the worried look on Chrissy’s face. “I’m sorry for laughing Chrissy, but only you would be more worried about someone that bullied you at school than they can be about themselves.”
“I know, it’s one of my biggest flaws.” Chrissy said with a roll of her eyes. “So tell me what happened?” Chrissy pushed.
“Let’s just say they did make the rest of my school days a living hell, but I deserved it, and was happy to put up with it. Well not at the time, but now I look back, think I got what I asked for.” Kara shrugged.
“I’ll have to give Debbie a call and find out what she did, and also thank her for helping me out, even if I never realised it.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Do you mind if I remain as Chrissy’s friend Becky, or would you rather I leave and keep away?” Callum asked which was a little weird coming from Kara’s body still.
“I don’t pick Chrissy’s friends for her Kara, but I would like to keep you as my friend?” Becky asked. “I know what you said, but I am sorry for throwing all my anger at just you. I never realised that you were still trying to help Chrissy in your own way.” Becky added, as she tried to get her head around the fact that Callum hitting Chrissy was better than the other boys picking on her.
“I’d never call it helping Becky, but after leaving school and then spending more and more time as Kara. I came to realise that I had spent all my time trying to impress the wrong people, and for what?” Callum asked, just before he closed is eyes and then played around with his voice until he sounded like Kara had, just before Becky had thrown the papers at him to read. “I wasted the chance to have one real friend, almost forever now I find out.” Kara said as she pointed down at the papers still on the floor.
“You still haven’t answered my question Kara. Can we still be friends after what I just did to you?” Becky asked, worried that she might have just made things difficult between the two of them, which would put Chrissy in the middle of it all.
“Having you and Chrissy as friend’s is far more than I could ever ask for, so I’d love to be able to call the two of you my friends still.” Kara smiled.
“Now that we’re all friends again, can you please just burn that damn diary!” Chrissy said as she looked at Becky, pleadingly.
“Hey! You said we could read it first.” Amy whined.
Chrissy just rolled her eyes. “Okay then, but if you won’t destroy it, then at least let me tear out the pages that have me talking about trying to kill myself.” Chrissy asked. “I don’t want mum and dad finding out about any of that.”
Amy jumped up and ran off to the kitchen when Becky nodded for her to go and get the diary out the kitchen where they had left it on the kitchen table. Amy was soon back with it and she handed it to Becky, not Chrissy when Becky held her hand out.
“I’m sorry baby, but I don’t trust you not to rip more out than are needed.” Becky said with a grin as she found the paged Chrissy didn’t want her mum and dad to ever read. Becky handed the pages over to Chrissy and then she watched as Chrissy ripped them into pieces before dropping them in the little bin next to the sofa.
Kara had picked up the printouts and handed them over to Chrissy, and then they all watched as Chrissy did the same with them before dropping them in the bin with the others.
“Feeling better now?” Becky asked.
“I’d have felt better if that diary had never been found in the first place.” Chrissy frowned. “I can’t believe I’d forgotten all about it until I saw Tiffany’s bedroom.” Chrissy added with a thoughtful look as she remembered all the times she’d sat and written in the diary while being dressed as a girl in her bedroom, or the couple of times she’d sat eating her dinner while writting down what she’d don through the day, while her mum and dad were out for the evening at a show or something going off at the pub her dad went to. Chrissy use to love getting the house to herself, so she could walk around just being herself for once.
“I’m glad Debbie found it baby.” Becky said with a pout. “I thought you had a cute outlook on life growing up.” Becky added with a giggle, as she remembered some of the things Chrissy had wrote about.
Chrissy and Becky needed to finish getting ready to go to the club, and Jayden placed a call to the hotel, so Dale could send the car back to pick them up again, so Diane could go and have a drink with Dale.
Diane never commented on the trouble Callum had caused while at school, she couldn’t add any more to it than had already been said, and Kara still looked a little upset with herself over it anyway. Diane would have a chat later when they were alone, just her, Jayden and Kara.
“Are you sure you’re okay Kara?” Chrissy asked as she hugged her when Vicky arrived to take her and Becky to the club.
“I’m fine Chrissy.” Kara giggled. “Stop worrying about me and take care of your beautiful wife instead.” Kara added as she pushed Chrissy towards Becky’s waiting arms.
Vicky led the two girls out to her car and then helped them to get in the back before driving away again. Vicky had offered to drive Jayden, Kara and Diane back to the hotel on the way to the club, but Jayden told her that she’d already called the hotel, and a car was on the way for them.
Kara seemed quiet as they waited for the car to turn up for them. This was beginning to worry Jayden, as she had never seen Kara or Callum act like this. Jayden had read what Chrissy wrote down in her diary, and she had no idea how finding out you nearly played a part in driving another person to kill themselves would make you feel. Kara opened the front door when she heard a car pull into the driveway and stop just outside. It was the car from the hotel. “Thanks for the lovely meal Mandy, Amy, and Amber.” Kara said before she left the house without waiting for any of them to give her a hug.
Mandy and the other two just looked at each other, a little shocked at the way Kara just left the house. “I hope Kara doesn’t think we don’t like her anymore. We all know that he or she is a really nice person now.” Mandy said as she looked at Diane and Jayden.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine once we’ve spoken later about it all.” Diane said with a smile as she gave each of them a hug. “And thank you for a lovely evening, and even better food.” Diane added before leaving the house to go and get in the car.
“I’m sorry Jayden. I had no idea that Becky was going to dump all that on Kara tonight. I would have stopped her if I had.” Mandy said as she hugged Jayden. “It was all a big shock to read and I think Becky was just looking for someone to point her anger at.” Mandy added.
“I know that Mandy, I just hope that Kara will get over it.” Jayden looked worried as she said it. “I’ll help him become Callum again when we get back to the hotel, maybe he’ll be more willing to talk about it once he’s not dressed as Kara.” Jayden shrugged, not knowing whether that would work or not.
“Call if you have any trouble, or you just need a friendly ear to bend.” Mandy said just before hugging Jayden again.
“Thanks Mandy, Amy, Amber. I’ll see you all tomorrow at the club.” Jayden said just before walking out and getting in the back of the car with Kara.
Kara just looked out the window as they drove back to the hotel. Jayden never even tried to have a conversation with her, not until they got back to their penthouse. Diane was going to cancel her date with Dale, so she could go back with them, but Jayden said it would be best if she gave her some time to help Callum return, so they could chat about how he’s feeling knowing what he does now about Chrissy. Diane thought that could be a good idea, so she went over to Dale, letting Jayden take care of Kara and then Callum.
Jayden was just about to lead Kara into their bedroom so she could help Callum return, when Kara just fell to her knees and started sobbing into her hands like a small child. Jayden knelt down next to her and just hugged her while Kara sobbed. Jayden had never seen anyone sob like this, not even Chrissy was this bad when Jayden first found her in that hotel room where they first met.
“Come on Kara, let’s go and bring Callum back, so we can sit and talk about all of it.” Jayden said as she tried to get Kara on her feet again.
“NO! I don’t want Callum back. He’s the reason all this happened in the first place.” Kara snapped as she got up off the floor, but she went over to the sofa and fell down on it with her arms folded across her chest like a bratty child would when having a temper tantrum.
If Jayden hadn’t been so worried, she might have laughed at Kara for doing it. “You can’t stay as Kara for good. What about you going back to work on Tuesday?” Jayden asked.
“I don’t know, or care about any of that.” Kara said as she threw her hands up in the air. “How can Chrissy not hate me? How can she still even talk to me after all that talk?” Kara asked sobbing again.
“I don’t know Kara, but Chrissy did say that you were only one little part of the problem that led to her even thinking about suicide.” Jayden pointed out. “But she never did it, and she’s one of your best friends now.” Jayden added, trying to make Kara feel better.
Kara finally stopped Sobbing, and she just let Jayden hug her for a long time. They must have fallen asleep because the next thing they knew was Diane sneaking in as she tried not to wake them.
“I’m sorry if I woke the two of you.” Diane said in a whisper. “I thought we were bringing Callum back?” Diane asked with a puzzled look when she realised that Kara was still sat on the sofa cuddled up in Jayden’s arms like a small frightened child being hugged by her mummy.
“I tried, but Kara said Callum was mean, and she was going to be staying from now on.” Jayden pouted. This made Diane giggle, and even Kara smiled at it as well, now she’d calmed down a little more.
“You can’t hide from the problem dear.” Diane said as she went and sat next to Kara on the sofa. “The problem wasn’t Kara, or Callum, but the fact that you were scared of the feelings you had, just like Chrissy was, but you ran away from your feelings, where as Chrissy just excepted them.” Diane added as she pulled Kara in closer for a hug to give Jayden a chance to have a stretch.
“I never thought about killing myself though mum.” Kara said. “It never crossed my mind until tonight that I was capable of driving another person to think about doing it, and not someone as sweet as Chrissy.” Kara pleaded.
“You and Chrissy are different people dear. Chrissy was a girl trapped in a boy’s body, where as you just have a softer side you like to let out every now and then.” Diane said as she stroked Kara’s hair. You upset Mandy, Amy and Amber tonight you know?” Diane asked.
“I know I did mum. Finding out I nearly forced their best friend and sister to kill herself would do that.” Kara said sarcastically.
“I don’t mean like that silly.” Diane frowned as she tapped Kara on the head to make a point. “They were upset that you didn’t give them a hug when you thanked them for dinner.”
“I didn’t think they’d want me hugging them anymore. I’ve been thinking about keeping away from them all together after reading those pages from Chrissy’s diary.” Kara sighed as she let her head rest in her mums lap.
“You could try that, but I don’t think Chrissy will let you get away with it, and I think Jayden might have a couple of words to add as well.” Diane grinned as she saw the look of horror Jayden was now displaying.
“I’ll have more than a couple Diane!” Jayden said. “I’m not going to ask you to forget about tonight my love, but I am going to ask you to just keep spending time with Chrissy and the others. You’ll soon see that they still like you. They just didn’t like the old Callum.” Jayden smiled.
“I don’t think anyone liked the old Callum, least of all me.” Kara frowned.
“Maybe so, but I know I love the new one, and his sister.” Jayden purred as she pulled Kara back up to a sitting position so she could kiss her.
“That’s my cue to leave I think.” Diane giggled as she got up and made her way to her bedroom. She did stop thought when she heard Kara ask her a question.
“How did the evening drink go with Dale?” Kara asked with a smile.
“It went very well.” Diane grinned. “He even kissed me goodnight before letting me step into the elevator.” Diane added just before she disappeared into her bedroom and closed the door.
“Your mum needs to set her goals a little higher Kara.” Jayden grinned. “I’m going to get more than just a kiss before we go to bed, well sleep I should say. I’m taking you to bed right now.” Jayden jumped up and was soon dragging Kara off to their room for a night of fun to take Kara’s mind of the trouble with Becky.
Chrissy could tell that Becky was still upset over the thing with Kara back at home. Becky had been snappy with all the staff since they got to the club. Her having a go at Brad and Frank for not stopping some guy from getting in the club, even though he was flashing a VIP card was the final straw for Chrissy, she grabbed Becky by the arm and led her and Becky into Becky’s own office.
“Becky! You’ve got to snap out of this pigheaded mood you’re in right now!” Chrissy snapped at her. “If you don’t, then I’m going to get Vicky to drive you home, and I’ll run the club on my own.” Chrissy added in a bossy tone.
Becky looked ready to argue for a couple of seconds, then she let her shoulders droop and then she let out a big sigh. “I’m sorry baby. I just feel really bad about dumping all that stuff on Kara/Callum.” Becky said as she let Chrissy wrap her arms around her.
“I know you didn’t mean any of that stuff you said to him, or her.” Chrissy giggled with her confusion. “You know what I mean.”
“How can I make things right between us again baby?” Becky asked. “I’ve been trying to think of something nice that Kara would enjoy, and it would let her know I do still want to be friends.” Becky added with a sigh.
“I’ll need some time to think about that one.” Chrissy said as she already looked to be deep in thought trying to come up with an answer.
“I hope you can multi task baby? We still have a club to run.” Becky said as she led Chrissy back out into the VIP section and then down into the main club, but they were stopped by Carl, who was sat on one of the sofas with Vicky and a glass of cola in his hand.
“Good evening ladies.” Carl smiled at them as he indicated for them both to come and take a seat facing him.
Becky may have been the boss of the club, but Carl owned the club, and a lot of other things as well, so when he wanted you to take a seat and chat with him, you did as you were told.
“Hi Carl. Had another busy day?” Becky asked, but already knew he had, because he wasn’t dressed as Carla.
“Yes, I’ve been trying to finalise a deal for some land.” Carl said it with some tiredness to his voice. “It took some doing, but I got there in the end.” He added looking a little happier about that.
“So what brings you to the club then, if you feel so worn out?” Becky asked, looking worried about the reason indeed.
“You do look tired Carl; you should go and get an early night.” Chrissy said looking worried for Carl, and how hard he pushed himself sometimes. “I know just the thing to make sure you get a good night’s sleep.” Chrissy said as she got her phone out her purse and started pushing buttons.
Carl was about to ask who she was calling, but the answer became clear when he heard her start speaking to Mandy. “Hi sis. No all is fine at the club. Yes Becky is okay. Well if you shut up and let me speak, I can tell you what I’m calling for silly.” Chrissy giggled as she tried to get a word in edgeways with her sister on the other end of the phone. “I’m sat with Carl, and he’s looking pretty worn out, and I’m going to get Vicky to drive him home to you, and I need you to make sure he gets a proper night’s sleep.” Chrissy said in a bossy tone. “No, I’m not saying you can’t do that, just make sure he gets some proper sleep at some point. Though looking at him right now, I think he would be asleep halfway through anyway, and you’d be doing all the work sis.” Chrissy giggled some more, as she watched Carl’s eyelids drooping as he tried to stay awake on the other sofa.
Vicky was already up and helping Carl get to his feet, she was glad Chrissy had taken charge and sent Carl home, or to a place where he would be forced to get some proper rest and a good breakfast in the morning. Vicky mouthed the words “Thank you.” To Chrissy as she led Carl down to the main entrance where they all waited for Frank to send one of the bouncers to bring Vickie’s car around for her to drive Carl to Mandy for safe keeping.
“Hey, I called in to have a word with the two of you about the way you’re treating the staff tonight.” Carl said, remembering the reason for him being there again now.
“I’ve already had a word with her about it Carl, and she was just about to apologise to Frank and Brad for being snappy earlier.” Chrissy said before Carl could say anymore. “Now get in the car before I ask Frank to help you.” Chrissy added with a smile, but Carl looked worried that she really would ask Frank to help him get in the car. He already knew that Frank would as well. He always did what Chrissy wanted.
“I’m beginning to feel sorry for those kids you know?” Carl grinned as he pointed at Becky’s little bump of a belly.
“Worry about yourself for the time being Carl.” Chrissy giggled. “Frank!” Chrissy shouted to give Carl a little boost getting into Vickie’s car.
“I’m going, I’m going.” Carl said as he suddenly speeded up and was sat in Vickie’s car with his seat belt fastened before Frank could even take a step towards the car.
“I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast Carl, and thanks for worrying about Becky and I.” Chrissy grinned, just before she kissed him on the cheek and then closed the door for Vicky to drive him home to Mandy’s waiting arms and a good night’s sleep.
Becky was stood looking at Frank and Brad when she turned around to face them again. It looked like Becky was just about to speak. “I’m really sorry for snapping at the two of you earlier. I’ve just had a very strange day, and lost my temper. Please forgive me Frank, Brad?” Becky asked with some pleading for them to show her some pity. Becky was normally fun to work with, but she had really been jumping down everyone’s throats tonight for some reason. Chrissy knew the reason, but she wasn’t going to start talking about it here in front of everyone, She would let Frank and Brad know the reason at some point, but it would be when they didn’t have a large amount of ears around to spread gossip.
“Don’t worry about it boss.” Brad said as he leaned down and wrapped his large arms around Becky and Chrissy at the same time to hug them both. “I think I have a pretty good idea why you’ve been acting like you have Becky.” Brad added in a whisper as he brought his head down between the two girl’s heads. Brad had been with them when Debbie gave Becky the diary the other day, so he had a pretty good idea that Becky had been reading that, and not liking some of the things Chrissy wrote about.
Becky and Chrissy smiled at him when he let them go again and stepped back to see what Frank was going to do. They didn’t have to wait long, as he also hugged both girls’ at the same time, but he didn’t whisper anything like Brad did. “No need to be sorry Becky, Chrissy, just as long as whatever it was, you got it all sorted out again.” Frank smiled and then turned to get everyone back to work. Frank wasn’t a big one for public displays of affection, but everyone knew they could count on him to be understanding when needed. Prue had told them a number of times just how much of a big teddy bear he was when she got him alone.
Vicky returned with a smile and let Chrissy know that Carl had been dropped off and then dragged into the kitchen so Amy and Amber could feed him before being led up to bed by Mandy later in the evening. Chrissy and Becky giggled, but were happy to hear he was being well looked after. Becky spent the rest of the night trying to make it up to the staff, and she even let them all have an after hour drink on her to say sorry.
Chrissy knew that this is what made her a good boss to work for, and all the staff were smiling and laughing when they left for home. Vicky got the two of them in her car at the end of the night, while Frank, Brad and most the other bouncers stood like guards around them. Not that they ever had any trouble, but Chrissy sometimes wondered if they hoped there would be. Chrissy did seem to be a magnet for trouble sometimes.
The two girls waved to Frank, Brad and the others as Vicky drove them home so they could go to bed and sleep.
Carl was sat at the kitchen table next to Mandy when Chrissy and Becky arrived for breakfast. “Morning Carl. You’re looking a little more alive today.” Chrissy smiled as she walked over and gave him and Mandy a hug before walking over to do the same with Amy and Amber.
“I feel a lot better thanks.” Carl said with a grin. I trust all went okay at the club after I left? Or should I say forcibly removed?” Carl asked.
“You can say it any way you want Carl, just as long as you feel better for it.” Chrissy almost sang out the words as she skipped back over to sit next to Becky at the table. Chrissy had gone to help Amy and Amber sort out breakfast, but gave up when Amy put her hands on her hips and just pointed towards the kitchen table where Becky was sat smiling.
“It was nice to have someone to cuddle up to last night.” Mandy smiled just before leaning over to give Carl a kiss. “I didn’t fancy sleeping alone after reading that section from your diary sis.” Mandy shuddered as she thought about the words she’d read the day before.
“It’s a shame you tore them out and threw them away. I would have liked to have read it for myself.” Carl said.
“I do still have the scanned copies saved on the computer in the other room still.” Becky said before she realised she’d said it. She was soon looking at Chrissy with a worried look on her face.
“When were you going to tell me about that little detail May I ask?” Chrissy didn’t look to mad as she said it though.
“Sorry, I hadn’t given it much thought since yesterday.” Becky shrugged. “Speaking of giving things too much thought baby. Have you thought of something nice we can do for Kara/Callum?” Becky asked looking hopeful that Chrissy had come up with the perfect gift.
“I was thinking about a necklace with something nice engraved on the inside from all of us about her always being our friend.” Chrissy said, but not sure the others would like her idea that much, but she got smiles and grins all round, so she started grinning as well.
“That sounds like a great idea, I just wish you didn’t have to work today baby.” Becky pouted. We could have gone and got it sorted out this morning so we could give it to her tonight at the club.” Becky added with a sigh.
“We’re not working today Becky.” Mandy smiled. I think the shop will cope with staying shut for one Saturday.” Mandy added as she cuddled up to Carl, happy that she will get to spend the day with him and the others.
Amy and Amber soon had breakfast ready, so they ate and then went to get ready to go out and just wander around the shops. They went in Mandy’s and Amber’s cars so Becky got to rest up in the back of Mandy’s car with Carl in the front passenger seat, and Amber following them in her mini with Amy sat at her side. Once in the city centre, they parked the cars and then went to find a necklace for Kara, so they could get it engraved.
They soon found the perfect one for her, but the shop said they couldn’t get it engraved in time for them to have for Kara that night. The man behind the counter soon changed his mind when Carl started putting large notes on the counter. All the girl’s thought it came in handy having Carl along sometimes.
With the present for Kara sorted out, and them just needing to go back later in the day to collect it. The girls were soon clothes shopping. Carl didn’t mind them wondering in and out of clothes shops, and he even found a couple of nice bits for Carla to wear.
Amber was shocked to find out just how much Carl knew about fashion and design. She’d forgotten that Carl had spent many years talking to Sarah about design, while she made all Carla’s and Vickie’s dresses for them. Amy was happy to leave the two of them talking about all the different clothes they liked and disliked, she was having her own fun with Chrissy, Becky and Mandy.
Carl treated them all to a late lunch while they waited to go back and get the necklace. And then they all went back to Mandy’s house to get some rest before they went out later.
Kara was in a better mood today, but Jayden could see that she was still upset about the things Chrissy had wrote about in her diary. Jayden was also worried about the fact that she still couldn’t talk Kara into becoming Callum again. Kara had just said it would be a waste of time removing everything, just to put it back on again later in the day so they could go to the club.
“At least she still wants to go to the club.”Jayden had thought at the time, but now she was beginning to wonder if that was just an excuse to stay as Kara.
Diane had gone out with Dale for lunch, and Jayden had asked Kara if she wanted to go shopping, or just for a walk in a park? But Kara had decided she just wanted to sit and cuddle in the penthouse instead. Jayden was happy to do that too, so they did just that until they went for a nap in the afternoon ready for a fun night of dancing at the club. This would be the first time for Diane visiting The Closet, so Jayden was looking forward to the look on her face when she saw the way some of the people dressed when they went there. Jayden was also worried that Kara might fake an illness at the last minute, so she wouldn’t have to go and face the others.
Jayden smiled later in the evening as the three of them rode down in the elevator, so they could have some dinner in the hotel restaurant before a car took them to the club. Kara seemed happy to be going out again.
Diane waved to Dale, who seemed to be having an argument with a woman about her credit card for some reason, so Jayden led them over to see if she could help calm things down.
“Hello Dale. Is everything alright?” Jayden asked as she looked at a very frustrated looking Dale. Jayden found this odd because he was normally so calm and collected in front of the guests.
“I’ve been trying to explain to this lady, that the credit card she’s just tried to pay for her dinner with has been reported stolen, and I need to call the police, so they can come and sort it out.” Dale said it in such a way that a five year old would understand.
“I understand that you stuck up prick!” The woman shot back at him. “But like I’ve already told you. I was out shopping this afternoon and someone must have given me the wrong card back.” The woman added angrily.
“If that’s the case then miss, the police will be able to track down your card and retrieve this one.” Jayden said as she tapped a finger down on the card that Dale had his finger resting on, to stop the woman trying to take it away from him.
Dale and Jayden both gave each other a quick look that said they were both thinking the same thing. This woman was acting a little bit too nervous about the police being called out to sort this matter out. She also didn’t seem as worried about her own credit card being with someone else.
“Here, I’ll give you the cash for the stupid meal!” The woman said as she pulled a wallet out her purse and then ripped the wallet open in anger. As the woman did this, she shot what must have been ten more credit cards and a large wad of notes all over the floor.
The woman looked panicked and then went to run out the hotel before anyone could stop her, but Dale had already got a couple of hotel staff ready to stop her doing just that, so she was soon being held, ready for the police to come and take her away.
“Looks like you caught a member of that team the police were talking about the other day Dale.” Jayden said, as she helped him and Kara pick up all the credit cards and cash that was scattered all over the floor around the reception desk.
“I just knew something wasn’t right with here from the first moment I told her the card wasn’t hers and it had been reported stolen.” Dale said as he looked over to where the woman was still trying to struggle lose from the two men holding her.
“Carl will be happy to hear you helped the police solve their case for them.” Jayden smiled.
“I’m just glad I caught one of them this time.” Dale said as he glared at the woman who was staring daggers back at him.
“Do you want us to wait here with you until the police turn up?” Jayden asked.
“No, Please go and have your dinner. I know where to find you all if the police need to take a statement.” Dale smiled at them and then smiled even more as he looked at Diane. “We got it all on video as well, so that should help the police throw the book at her.” Dale spoke the last bit a little louder, just so the woman heard him say it.
“Did you say she was with someone, and they got away?” Jayden asked as she looked around the lobby, but not having a clue who she was looking for.
“Yes, she was with another woman, but she ducked out as soon as I informed that one her card had been reported stolen.” Dale said pointing at the woman who was still struggling to get free.
Jayden, Kara and Diane had just finished their starters of a prawn salad when they saw Dale enter the restaurant and lead two men over to the table where they were sat. “I’m so sorry to interrupt your meal Jayden, but the two officers would just like to take a statement of what happened out in the lobby.” Dale said looking most put out that the two officers couldn’t wait to speak to Jayden until after her and her two guests had finished their meal.
“I’m sorry to bother you miss, but we really need to get an account of what happened from your perspective.” One of the men said, as he saw a waiter walk past with a large steak.
Dale didn’t miss this, and thought it would be a long time before these two officers got anything to eat, so with a sigh he relaxed a little and then waved over a couple of waiters, so they could move another table over to the one Jayden, Kara and Diane were sat at. “Please be seated, and I’ll provide you with something to eat while you ask your questions.” Dale indicated for the two officers to take a seat while he spoke with the waiter serving Jayden’s table. “I trust you both like steak?” Dale asked with a smile.
“Yes we do, but you really don’t have to go to any trouble.” The second officer said.
“No trouble at all. I guess it won’t be a quick process for you, once you get her to the station, so the least I can do is make sure you’re doing it on a full stomach.” Dale said just before turning to the waiter again. “Two of our finest steaks for the two officers.” Dale told the waiter.
The waiter asked the two officers a couple of question about how they would like their steak, and if they wanted jacket potato or fries with it. Then the waiter went to sort it all out. The waiter already had Jayden, Kara and Diane’s orders.
Dale went back to the lobby and let them eat as the officers asked some questions and then took Jayden’s statement, they also took statements from Diane and Callum, but they didn’t think they would need any more than Jayden’s with the video evidence, when Jayden raised some concern about using Callum’s statement due to how he was dressed at the minute.
The two officers finished their meal and got their statements before leaving to return to the station and start questioning the woman about how she came to have all the stolen credit cards. One of the officers had told them that they expected the woman to rat out her friends once she found out she was going down for a long time if she didn’t.
Dale was stood talking to the two men that had stopped the women getting away, when they walked back out into the lobby. “I’m so sorry about spoiling your dinner Jayden. How can I make it up to you?” He asked.
“Don’t be silly Dale. That was fun.” Jayden grinned. “I’m just glad I got to see it all go down.” She added with an even bigger grin this time.
Dale grinned back at her just before he spoke. “I have a car waiting for you outside, ready to take you all to the club.” Dale said as he walked with them as they made their way outside to a black limo. Dale started grinning again when he saw the look on Diane’s face when she saw the car they would be using to get to the club.
“Dale, a normal hotel car would have been fine.” Jayden whined, but was happy to see the look in Diane’s face as she was already getting in the back while Jayden still tried to protest with Dale.
“You still have plenty of time to get to the club, so I’ve told the driver to give you a tour of the city before taking you there.” Dale said as he kissed Jayden on the hand before helping her and Kara to get in the limo before he closed the door and let them drive away.
Jayden hit the button for the sunroof, and Diane was soon stood with her head out of it, acting just like a child. Jayden could see that Kara though was lost in thought.
“You okay my love?” Jayden asked as she cuddled up next to Kara on the side seat in the limo as Kara watched her mum shouting and waving to people they passed on the sidewalk.
“I’ll be okay.” Kara smiled, but it looked empty as she did it.
“That’s not an answer Kara.” Jayden frowned. “Talk to me, please?” She begged.
Kara looked at Jayden for a couple of seconds before letting out a sigh. “I’m scared of how they’re all going to look at me from now on Jayden. What type of a monster I really am, to do all that stuff to Chrissy growing up?” Kara was looking off into space as she said it. “I’ve been wondering if Kara is just my attempt to hide what I really am.”
“Now you’re just being stupid!” Jayden burst out. “We all did stupid stuff as kids, even your mum I bet. Well I think she’s still a kid to be honest with you.” Jayden said with a giggle as she looked at Diane still shouting and giggling as she waved to a couple of men walking down the pavement.
Even Kara had to giggle at Jayden’s comment when she looked up and thought the same thing. “I’ve decided to take whatever punishment they want to hand out. I’ve asked for it all and much worse.” Kara said as she rested her head on Jayden’s shoulder. Happy that she still had Jayden’s love, even if she had upset Becky and the others. Kara had given up expecting Chrissy to hate her for anything.
Jayden had a feeling that Kara would be waiting a long time for that punishment, but she was going to let Kara see that for herself, so she just wrapped an arm around Kara and hugged her as they watched Diane enjoy her first ever limo ride.
They seemed to drive around for some time, but then they saw the bright lights off the club as the limo pulled up outside. Frank opened the door and then helped all three of them to get out before Jayden led them into the club. Kara took a deep breath and let it out again to calm herself before facing the music, and all the hateful stares she knew she’d be getting from the others, now they all knew just what Callum had done to Chrissy growing up.
Brad was the first person Kara saw, that she thought might have something to say about her part in Chrissy nearly not being with them anymore, but he just treated them like he normally would, and even looked a little worried for Kara when he saw the worry on her face.
“Everything okay Kara?” Brad asked when he saw how scared he though she looked.
Kara just nodded a yes, and moved her lips to say the word, but only let a strange squeak come out her mouth. Then she just wanted to put some distance between her and him. Brad was the last person she wanted to have upset with her, well except maybe Frank.
Jayden had managed to keep hold of Kara’s hand as she ran off up the stairs into the VIP section, while keeping hold of Diane’s hand in her other one. Kara suddenly came to a stop when she realised that Chrissy and the others had beaten them in getting to the club, and they were all sat up in Becky and Carla’s private section laughing and smiling at each other.
Amy was the first one to notice Kara and the others. Then Kara saw Amy tap Becky on the arm and say something just before Becky turned to look in her direction. Kara let out a gasp when she saw Becky get up and start walking towards her. Kara then looked even more worried when she saw that Chrissy, Mandy, Amy and Amber were also following close behind Becky.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, Kara braced herself for whatever the girls had to say to her. She thought Becky would be the one to have the first go at her, as she felt that she almost lost the most out of all of them, but the verbal beating Kara had been expecting, never came. Instead Becky just stood there smiling at Kara, as did all the others. Kara looked a little puzzled at them all, as did Jayden and Diane.
Becky pulled a small box out a hidden pocket she had in the dress she was wearing and then handed it over to Kara. Becky was still smiling, so Kara guessed it wasn’t a bomb or something like that, so she pulled the pink bow off it and then opened the box to find a heart shaped locket inside on a gold necklace. Kara could see that the locket opened, so she lifted it out the box and held it in one hand while opening it with her other. Kara let out a laugh as a tear ran down her cheek.
In one part of the locket was a small photo of Kara with the others that had been taken some time back. Even Jayden was in it as well with her cheek pressed up close to her, but the thing that made her cry, was the engraved word on the other half of the locket. One simple word that meant more to Kara than anything else ever could. “Friends”
“Do you all really mean this?” Kara asked as she wiped away some more tears, taking a large amount of her makeup with it. Not that she was bothered about that; she knew Chrissy could fix any mess she made.
“Yes!” Was the reply Kara got from all the girls at the same time, as they all attacked her in a mass hug.
Becky turned Kara around so she could help her put the locket around her neck, and then she stepped back to stand with Chrissy while Kara held the locket in her hand and looked down at it. “Thank you, but I don’t deserve any of this.” Kara said close to tears again.
“Yes you do Kara.” Becky said as she stepped forward again, with Chrissy at her side this time. “What you didn’t deserve was the things I said, and the way I made you feel about the things Chrissy wrote in her diary.” Becky wrapped her arms around Kara and just let her sob on her shoulder for a bit.
“I’m so sorry for what I did Kara. It wasn’t until Chrissy explained it all to me, that I fully understood the way she felt back then. I think if she had taken her own life, you never would have forgiven yourself for it.” Becky added with a sigh, glad to have it all out in the open, and feeling better now she’d given Kara a hug to show they were still friends.
Kara let out a sigh when she heard Becky say them words, the same words that she’d been feeling since reading the pages Becky had given her the day before. Kara, or Callum as it would have been, would never have been able to forgive himself, if Chrissy had taken her own life. Callum never would have found out about Chrissy wanting to be a girl so bad that death seemed like a better way out than trying to live with it. For the very first time, Callum could understand why Chrissy forgave him, and was now even his friend. Chrissy had been through the hardest thing she’d ever have to do, to get to where she was now, so why would putting up with a bunch of boys trying to make hell even worse bother her much more than it did. Kara was snapped back to reality when she heard Jayden whisper in her ear.
“So what kind of a monster does this make you my love?” Jayden asked as she grinned at Kara when she turned her head to look Jayden in the eyes.
“I very lucky one.” Kara grinned back, just before opening the locket again to look at the picture, and the engraving on the other half.
“We all thought you might need it in writing after last night Kara.” Chrissy said with a smile. “I hope you like it?” She asked.
“Like it? I love it Chrissy.” Kara grinned as a tear came to her eye again. “I just wish I could stop wanting to cry all the time.” Kara added with a little annoyance in her voice.
“Don’t worry about it; you’re dressed for the part, so people won’t think you’re a wimp.” Chrissy giggled. Chrissy heard a song come on that her and Amy loved, so all the girl’s were soon being dragged down to the dance floor. And that was pretty much the end of any trouble Kara thought she might get from any of the girls over what her younger self once did to a much younger Chrissy.
Diane found herself being dragged down to the dance floor along with the others, and she was soon joining Chrissy and Amy as they did some of their more risky dance moves. Kara wanted to disown her mother, but at the same time she was having a good time dressed as a girl on a night out with a side of her mother she’d never seen before.
They stopped on the dance floor for a couple more songs and then went back to the VIP section for a sit down and get a drink. Jayden filled Carla in on catching the woman trying to use a stolen credit card to get a free meal at the hotel, and then Carla got onto the subject of Dale and Diane.
“I hear that you and Dale have hit it off Diane?” Carla asked with a grin when she saw that Diane was giving Carla a good look over. This was the first time Diane had seen Carl dressed as his feminine self.
“Yes we have Carla. He makes me feel like a young woman again when we’re together.” Diane smiled.
“I said that she needs to have a word with you Carla. Diane is leaving Frazer and will be moving down here and living with Callum and Kara until she can get a place of her own sorted out.” Jayden said, to try and give Diane a chance to step in and talk for herself.
“Oh, that’s not what Dale was saying to me earlier today when I spoke to him about it all.” Carla said with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ve not had time to talk to Kara and Callum about anything yet Carla.” Diane said looking a little worried.
“Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts and are thinking about stopping with Frazer?!” Kara asked, or more shouted.
“No silly, I’m still leaving Frazer, but I won’t be moving in with you dear.” Diane said. “I’m going to be moving in with Dale right from the start.” Diane said in a firm voice, thinking that Kara or Callum might argue with her about it.
“Oh, alright then. Way to go mum.” Was all Kara said with a grin on her face.
Now it was Diane’s turn to look shocked when she didn’t get any of the arguments that she got when she wanted to marry Frazer. “Is that all you’re going to say about it?” Diane asked as she looked Kara in the eyes to see if there might be some trouble later on down the line, but all she saw was her son/daughter looking happy for her.
“I like Dale mum. He’s always been really nice to me when I’ve spoke to him in the past, and I’ve just liked him even more since I started dating Jayden, and she’s been working with him.” Kara smiled.
“What about me moving in with him after just meeting him for the first time a couple of days ago?” Diane asked, still looking for any possible problems further down the line.
“Good? I don’t need to sort out the spare room now.” Kara giggled this time, as she could see the confused look on her mums face. “You’re old enough to make your own mistakes in life.” Kara added, sounding just like her mum had when he first told her Callum was leaving home and moving away.
“Hey! That’s my line.” Diane moaned, but she was soon giggling when she saw that her son/daughter was happy for her at last. Just as she was glad to see him, or her smiling and having fun with his or her friends.
Jayden and Kara hung around on the sofas talking to Carla and Mandy about the woman at the hotel, while Diane went with Chrissy and the others back down onto the dance floor. Diane staggered back some time later, when she realised that she wasn’t as young as she first thought. Mandy pointed out that not many of them could keep up with Chrissy, Amy and Amber. Diane had left Amy and Amber following Chrissy and Becky around while they checked to make sure everyone was having a good time.
Chrissy was sat with Becky taking a break later in the night when Diane came and sat down next to them. Becky was sat cuddling on Chrissy’s knee. “I hope you’re having a good time Diane?” Chrissy asked with a grin, she could already tell that Diane was having a great time.
“Yes thank you. It must take a lot of work to keep a place like this running smoothly?” Diane asked as she pointed around the VIP section, but she was referring to the entire club.
“Not if you have the right person for the job.” Chrissy grinned as she looked at Becky.
“Most of it’s down to Carl, or Carla. Depending on when you’re talking to him or her.” Becky said, but looking lost herself. “You get what I mean. He just has the right people doing the right job for him.” Becky added.
“I can see that when you two walk around the club helping people to mingle.” Diane smiled. She’d followed the two of them around earlier with Amy and Amber, and got to see them help a couple of shy newcomers start talking to some of the more regular customers. Diane took them to be regular, due to them all knowing Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber by their first names.
“I won’t be doing it much longer though. I’ll just be sat keeping an eye on others doing the job for me.” Becky sighed.
“Just think about what you’ll be gaining from it though baby.” Chrissy grinned as she put her hand on the back of Becky’s head and then pulled it closer so they could kiss.
Diane found it hard to believe that this blond bombshell was once the little boy that had looked all beaten up in the head masters office when she was once called into school after Callum had been caught bullying him. Diane also remembered that Chrissy had said it was just a misunderstanding, and they had just been playing around.
“Thank you for being Callum’s friend Chrissy, Becky.” Diane smiled as she said it, once the two of them had stopped kissing long enough to remember they had company sat next to them. “I know his life wasn’t much better than yours was growing up. He was always getting in trouble, thinking it would make the other kids like him, but I think it just made him hate himself even more.” Diane said with a faraway look in her eyes.
“I’m sorry for taking my anger out on him last night Diane. I just needed to have a go at someone about it all, because I knew Chrissy never would.” Becky frowned as she looked at Chrissy, whose knee she was still sat on.
“Don’t let it bother you Becky. I think it did him good to find out what could have so easily have happened. I also think he feels like someone as finally set him straight.” Diane smiled. “I must say that the two of you make the cutest couple I’ve ever seen, even though you are both girls.” She giggled at her own comment.
Chrissy and Becky just grinned at each other before they started kissing again. Diane giggled some more, and then went to see if she could have a word with Brad and Ann about them coming back home with her, so she could tell Frazer the bad news, and then pack some things so she can return with them again to start a new chapter of her life with Dale, and also being closer to her son/daughter again.
Carla had the limo outside the club at the end of the night, ready to run Jayden. Kara and Diane back to the hotel. Ann was going home with Brad again, and Vicky had the people carrier to run the rest of them back to Mandy’s house before she herself went to cuddle up in bed next to Jenna for a couple of hours.
Kara woke on the Sunday morning and just lay there watching Jayden sleep next to her for a couple of minutes before sighing and then getting up and going to the bathroom. Kara looked in the mirror and decided it was time to let Callum return, so he could spend some time with his girlfriend. Part of Callum had been there for the past couple of days in their lovemaking, but He felt it was time for Callum to come back fully, so he set to work removing the breast forms and the false nails, and the long brunet wig that He’d been wearing.
It wasn’t long before Kara had left, and Callum was left looking at himself in the mirror again. He found it a little weird not having the extra weight on his chest, and his nipples felt very sensitive when he touched them, due to them being covered by the false breasts for the last three days. He also had to remember to walk more like a man, and stop swinging his hips when he walked, like he did when dressed as Kara. He soon felt like his normal self again, so he went back to the bedroom and slipped back into bed where Jayden was still asleep.
Jayden started to wake, and she ran her hand across the bed, then up onto Callum’s chest, and it was Callum’s chest she found. She felt only a slight rise as she ran her hand over his pecks, not the larger mounds that Kara would normally have. Jayden opened her eyes and smiled when she saw that it was Callum looking over at her with a smile on his face.
“Callum, you’re back at last.” Jayden smiled just before she slid over and wrapped her arms around his neck just before she started kissing him. Things soon got a little heavier as Jayden welcomed him home.
Callum thought it was nice to be missed, even if you never actually went anywhere in the first place. What started in the bedroom, and then continued in the bathroom, before ending up back on the bed in the bedroom again.
Jayden had loved her time with Kara, but she had missed having Callum around, and she had been worried that Callum would never come back after the trouble at Mandy’s house the other night. So she was over the moon to wake and find Callum lying in bed next to her.
Once they had both finished their morning workout, they went out to take one last swim in the pool before ordering breakfast and then going out to do something with Callum’s mum. Diane was already in the pool swimming laps when Jayden and Callum got out there.
“Morning mum.” Callum said with a smile, as he helped Jayden take her bathrobe off before he removed his own.
“Good morning Diane.” Jayden grinned just before jumping into the water and then giving her a hug.
“Hello dears. I see Callum finally found his way home. I trust you’re feeling okay again now?” Diane asked. She’d also been a little worried about the fact that Kara hadn’t let Jayden bring Callum back the other night.
“I’m fine mum. Sorry about all the trouble I’ve been to you over the years.” Callum said with a sigh, as he dropped into the pool.
“No need to apologise to my dear. Mothers sign up for all sorts of things when they give birth. I’m just proud that you turned out so well in the end, even if you did have a rocky start.” Diane said just before kissing Callum on the cheek. “Thank you for letting me spend some time with my daughter as well.” Diane added with a grin and a wink this time.
“Do you think you’ll ever want to spend time with her again mum, or was it just a onetime only deal?” Callum asked with some worry as to what the answer might be.
“Kara is welcome to visit anytime she wants to Callum. I know that she’s part of who you are, and I know that Jayden likes it when your sister comes to visit.” Diane giggled. “Not so sure about some of the other guests here at the hotel though.” Diane whispered the last bit, just before she swam off up the pool again.
Callum wondered just how much noise they were making if his mum had heard them this morning. It was too late to do anything about it now, and Dale wouldn’t say too much about it if he did get any complaints, but Callum was sure Jayden would ask Dale if anyone had complained about the noise coming from their penthouse.
Jayden got out the pool and called room service to order breakfast, and then they all sat at the table out near the pool to wait for Dale to arrive with it, just like he had every other morning since the first morning they had stopped here.
Dale arrived with breakfast for them all, and he was just taking his seat next to Diane and kissing her on the cheek, when she turned her head and then gripped his head to stop him pulling away while she kissed him full on the lips. Dale looked shocked to start with, but it soon turned to a grin, then worry as he realised that Callum and Jayden had just watched the whole thing.
“I’m sorry about that Callum.” Dale said looking nervous. “I was hoping to sit and have a word with you before things went that far.” He added, struggling to find the right words to explain what had just happened.
“Don’t worry about it Dale. Mum explained everything to me last night, well she told my sister all about it, but we’re both fine with it all.” Callum grinned. “If I had to pick a new man for my mother, I couldn’t do better than you Dale.” Callum added as he reached out his hand to shake Dale’s.
Dale shook Callum’s hand with a little shock showing on his face as he did so. “I don’t know what to say Callum. Your mum thought you might be a little difficult about it all.”
“Not now she’s found someone worthy of her I’m not. Just treat her with respect, and we’ll never have a problem Dale.” Callum smiled. He already knew that Dale would do just that.
“I know that I’ve only just met your mother Callum, but I already love her with all my heart.” Dale sighed as he turned to look at Diane as he said it. Diane just smiled back at him until their lips met and they started kissing each other this time.
They ate breakfast, and Then Dale told Diane that he was going to be taking the rest of the day off, so he could let her go and see his home, and he was also going to give her a set of keys for the place, so she could drop her stuff off when she got back tomorrow. Dale was worried about letting Diane go home and tell this Frazer that she was leaving him, but he did feel better when he found out Brad would be going with her and Callum.
Diane got ready and then left with Dale, so Jayden and Callum got ready to leave and then got a hotel car to drive them over to Mandy’s so Callum could pick his car up before deciding on what to do next.
All the girls and Carl were sat around in the living room trying to work out what to do when they heard a car pull into the driveway, then they heard the front door open , just before they heard Jayden shout that it was just her and Callum coming to pick his car up.
Jayden and Callum smiled and waved to everyone as they entered the living room and saw them all sat around on the sofas doing very little at all.
“What you and Callum planning to do today?” Chrissy asked, hoping that it would give them some idea as to what they could all do.
“No idea really. Maybe go and walk around some shops and go see a movie.” Jayden shrugged as she looked at Callum to see if he’d had any ideas about anything they could go and do.
“We could go bowling? That could be a laugh.” Callum suggested.
“That sounds like a great idea, and I know just the place to go as well.” Carl said as he jumped up and then pulled Mandy to her feet. “Come on everyone!” Carl added as he looked at them all.
They were all soon running off to get ready to go to the bowling alley Carl was thinking about. Once everyone was ready, Chrissy and Becky went with Callum in his car with him and Jayden. Carl drove Mandy’s car with Mandy riding shotgun with Amy and Amber in the back. Carl had told Amy to call her sister and tell them where they were going and ask if her and Brad wanted to join them. Ann had said it sounded like fun, and they would meet them there.
The bowling alley looked quite upmarket, but the girls were all still worried about renting shoes that other people hand worn, but that was all laid to rest when Carl took them all into a large shop the bowling alley had and he told them all to pick a pair of shoes to buy, then he let them all pick their very own bowling ball as well. They later found out that Carl owned the bowling alley, but he let a friend run it for him, as he’d never really found anyone to enjoy the game with before now.
None of the girls were very good, but they did have a good time. Carl and Brad could play a little, but they spent more time sat crying with laughter, as they watched one of the girls end up on there backside after trying to throw their ball down the lane.
They nearly had some trouble with a group of guys that took their sport a little bit too seriously, but they backed off when Brad stood up and asked them very nicely to walk away. Carl smoothed things out when he said they could play the rest of the day for free. They seemed to just let the girls giggle all they want after that. The girls all thought it had more to do with Brad, than what Carl had done though.
The girls all carried their new bowling balls out to the cars in the bags that Carl had also brought them, and they had their bowling shoes in a side pocket the bags had with the bowling balls in. Then Carl took them all out for dinner before heading home again. Brad back to his place with Ann. Callum back to the hotel with Jayden, after dropping Chrissy and Becky back at home first.
Diane and Dale were sat on the sofa enjoying a glass of wine when Callum and Jayden got back to the penthouse. Both Dale and Callum’s mum looked a little messed up from playing around on the sofa. Callum had to chuckle when he realised that he felt like the parent coming home to find the kids had been playing around, and had just been caught red handed.
“Sorry, don’t let us stop you.” Callum smiled as he took Jayden by the hand, and then led her into the bedroom without saying another word.
Callum and Jayden did their giggling later on in the night, but at no point did they hear anyone leave in the elevator, so they assumed that Dale stopped the night. This was confirmed when they saw Dale sat with Diane the next morning while they waited for breakfast to arrive.
“Did you sleep well mother?” Callum asked with a grin. “Not having any second thoughts after spending the night together?” Callum chuckled this time, not able to keep a straight face any longer.
“Yes I did, and definitely not!” Diane said with a grin.
Callum took that to mean Dale was good in bed as well as out of it. Callum thought that Dale looked like a talented lover. He was the type of man that wanted the woman to enjoy the lovemaking, not just the end result. Looking at the way his mum was glowing this morning, it had been some time since she had been treated like that. Callum remembered his dad still being alive the last time his mum looked this happy first thing in the morning, Back then though, Callum had no idea what had given her that glow, but now he knew only too well. He’d seen Jayden look the same way more than once.
Once they had all had breakfast, Dale had a member of the hotel staff take all their luggage so Diane’s could be taken to Dale’s home when he finished later, and Jayden’s would be given to Vic, so he could drop it off at home later, when he, or more to the point she, could drop it off at home when she picked Becky and Chrissy up. Callum’s stuff was also in with Jayden’s so he would just collect it the next time he was round at Mandy’s house.
Brad and Ann were waiting in the lobby when they all got down there, so they walked over so Diane could thank them both for helping her do this.
“Hello Brad, Ann. I just want to thank you again for coming with me when I do this.” Diane said as she gave them both a hug. “I’m not sure how he’ll take it, but if I have you there Brad, I don’t think there’s much he can do.” Diane giggled.
“Think nothing of it Diane, I’m just glad I’ll be able to offer my services.” Brad grinned back at her.
“If he does start anything, please feel free to put him in his place again, just like you did last time.” Diane grinned this time.
“Don’t worry Diane; I plan to do just that.”
“If the two of you have done planning how to sort out Frazer, we better see about getting off.” Callum chuckled, not really feeling sorry for the dead beat step father he wouldn’t have for much longer.
Dale had a large hotel car waiting for them outside, so they all got in and then made their way to the airport where the jet was kept. They were soon in the air, and making their way to Diane’s house to collect some of her things, and give Frazer his marching orders.
Carl had sorted out a minibus for them when they landed, so Brad drove with Callum navigating the quickest way to his old house, while Ann and Jayden helped to keep Diane calm in the back. Brad was soon pulling up outside the house. Callum got out and then opened the side door and help his mum, Ann and Jayden to get out safely before they made their way up to the front door.
Diane let them all in, and was shocked to see the mess that waited for her when she walked in to the kitchen, but the biggest shock was the woman that ran out of the bedroom wearing nothing but a large t-shirt that belonged to Frazer.
The woman stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Diane and the others stood behind her. Then she let out a scream that had Frazer running out the same bedroom the woman had just come out. Frazer wasn’t wearing anything but a silly looking pair of thong style underwear with an elephants face and trunk where Frazer’s manhood went.
“Diane! What are you doing back today?” Frazer asked. “I didn’t think you’d be back until Wednesday?” he asked, like she was the one in the wrong, not him.
“I was always coming back today, you bastard!” Diane spat out at him. “What the hell do you call this?” She asked through gritted teeth as she pointed at the woman trying to get back into the bedroom she’d just left. Diane thought she must be trying to get back to her clothes, or just get away from her.
“I can explain poppet.” Frazer said in his trademark slick sounding voice, as he stepped forward to put his hands on Diane’s upper arms, but Callum stepped in and stopped him.
“Don’t even think about laying one hand on my mother you son of a bitch!” Callum said as he smacked Frazer’s hands away.
“Well look who grew a back bone.” Frazer chuckled. “Stay out of this kid, or you’ll get hurt.” Frazer added as he stepped a little closer to Callum, trying to show him that he wasn’t scared of some mommy’s boy.
Callum suddenly saw red and he found himself thinking about all those times he picked on Chrissy growing up, and all the punches he’d given her, but always holding most of the power back so as not to hurt Chrissy to much, but now he didn’t need to hold anything back. He could let Frazer have the full blunt of his anger, and that’s what Callum did. He hit Frazer with so much force that Frazer was seeing stars as he looked up at Callum from the kitchen floor.
“Do you know the problems with bullies Frazer?” Callum asked, but then kept speaking anyway. “The more they try and show people how tough they are, the weaker they turn out to be.” Callum chuckled. “I can’t believe I used to be scared of you.” Callum looked disgusted with himself for ever fearing Frazer now.
“I’ll give you something to be scared of you little fairy loving piece of sh...” Was all Frazer got out before he was lifted off the ground and then slammed back down into it by Brad. Callum and the others didn’t think Frazer could look more scared if the ground opened up and the devil himself stepped out and said that Frazer’s time was up.
“I clearly remember telling you to never use that sort of language when talking about my baby sisters.” Brad said through gritted teeth as he once again picked Frazer up from the ground like he was a human sized football. “I would like nothing more than to start beating on you right now, but Diane has something to tell you first, so I’ll just have to wait until she’s finished, but then you and I are going to dance.” Brad was growling the last couple of words.
Diane was grinning as she looked Frazer in the eyes, when Brad lowered him enough to look Diane in the eyes that was. “You’ve made this so much easier for me to do Frazer, so here goes.” Diane said just before taking another deep breath. “I want you gone, out the house, and I never want to see your face ever again, if I do see it, then I will ask Brad here to make sure it never looks the same again after he’s done with you. I also want you to know that I am selling the house and moving away to be closer to Callum and all his new friends.”Diane said with a sigh. She thought it felt so good to be finally doing something with her life again, and not just putting up with Frazer and his lazy ass way of life.
Frazer looked a little smug when he heard Diane mention the selling of the house, but it was short lived with what Diane said next.
“Don’t get any funny ideas that you’ll be getting any money from the sale of the house either, as the house belongs to Callum. I signed it over to him before we got married, just in case anything ever happened to me.” Diane looked smug now.
“Where the hell am I supposed to live if you kick me out?” Frazer choked out as Brad was still holding him by the throat.
“There’s no if Frazer. I have just kicked you out, and as for where you sleep from now on. I really don’t care.” Diane smiled. “Brad dear? Will you help Frazer pack his things and then escort him from my son’s home for me?” Diane asked Brad.
Diane warned Frazer to take everything he wanted because whatever was left after today would be going to good will. Frazer was dumped out on the road outside the house with all his stuff in a pile next to him, while he was making a call on his mobile.
Ann and Jayden were helping Diane pack all her clothing and other bits she wanted to take with her now. Carl had already said that she was welcome to use the jet whenever she needed to come back and sort things out ready for the sale of the house once it was empty. Callum and Jayden had also offered to come up and help. Brad had already said he’d be coming to make sure Frazer didn’t try anything.
Diane had gone next door to leave them with a key, and to warn them to call the police if they saw Frazer anywhere near the house after today. When a car pulled up and two men got out looking ready for a fight. Callum shouted Brad, who was just bringing a couple of suitcases out the bedroom, where Ann and Jayden had just packed them. He dropped the cases and went to see what Callum wanted.
“I think Frazer just called for some back up.” Callum warned him. “My mum’s still next door.” Callum added with some worry in his voice.
“No offence Callum, but there must be something in the water up here that makes some people to stupid to know when to call it a day.” Brad said as he made his way to the front door, and then he stepped out of it. Callum was right behind him, not that Brad needed any help when it came to sorting out a group of men.
Frazer was back with the smug look on his face, now he had a couple of friends to back him up. “Let’s see how cocky you are now big guy!”
“Fuck me Frazer; you said the guy was big! Not the bloody Hulk minus the green paint.” One of his friends said as he took a couple of steps back before turning and running back to the safety of his car and driving away again. This left Frazer and the other guy still stood there looking at Brad.
“I’ve got no beef with you man, but if you stand there any longer then I will.” Brad said as he looked at the other man stood with Frazer.
The man took one look at Frazer and then he ran off down the road like a bullet being fired out a gun. This just left Frazer all on his own again.
“You got any more friends you want to call?” Brad asked with a grin. “I can give you a couple of days, if you need more time, but no matter how many friends you bring to the fight mate, I will beat everyone of them and then I will come after you.” Brad pointed out.
Frazer’s only working brain cell must have finally started working, because he was soon loading all his stuff into his car before he got in and drove away.
Brad turned to look at Callum and found him on his knees in a fit of giggles. Ann and Jayden were each gripping onto one side of the front door frame, as they were also having a giggling fit.
Diane had seen everything from next door and even she was giggling about it as she came back after leaving all her contact details, just in case there was any trouble with the house. They got everything loaded into the minibus and then they made their way back to the plane, and then home.
By SaraUK
Part 28
It had been four weeks since Diane, Callum’s mum had moved down to London, and she still loved every minute of it living with Dale. She’d been back to her old home a couple of times with Brad and some of the others in tow. Chrissy and Becky went with them one of the times, so they could go and spend some time with Debbie and the babies.
Frazer had tried to put a brave face on, and made out he’d had enough of Diane, not that she cared about any of that. She was just glad that he’d agreed to a divorce with no problem. Now it was just a matter of waiting for all the paperwork to be sorted out, so Diane would be a free woman again.
Life had been going along at its own pace with the girls making the most of the nice weather. Chrissy was spending lots of time with her mum and dad. Greg was still doing okay, but Chrissy could see him slowly getting frailer as the weeks went by. Greg could still make her laugh though with some of the stories he told, as Becky or one of the others would sit holding a video camera to catch it all on film for his Grandkids to watch when they were older.
Chrissy thought it had been a wonderful idea of Becky’s to record all the stories. Chrissy knew that she’d be sat watching them herself in the years to come. They all started filming whatever they could of Greg and Holly spending time together. They wanted Holly to remember that even towards the end of his life; Greg still loved his wife with all his heart.
Chrissy and Amy were sat in Mandy’s car on the Monday morning, giggling as they watched Mandy have a rant about a removal’s lorry blocking the road just outside their driveway. “Of all the stupid places to park a lorry!” Mandy was grumbling.
“Looks like the neighbours finally got sick of all the parties we keep having.” Amy giggled from the back seat of the car.
“It’s not the parties they're sick of baby sister, but I bet the naked twister you, Chrissy and Amber were playing the other week might have had something to do with it.” Mandy frowned as she looked over her shoulder at Amy sat grinning in the back.
“We weren’t naked sis. We had our bathing suits on.” Amy said looking proud of what she had been wearing that Sunday as they played twister while Becky sat giggling as she spun the dial while the other three tried to complete each move without falling into a heap on the twister mat.
“Trust me Amy; with how little there was to all three of your costumes, you may as well have been naked.” Mandy giggled.
“You were wearing one too sis.” Chrissy said from the side of her.
“Yes, but I wasn’t playing twister in the middle of the lawn and giving all the neighbours a free show.” Mandy pointed out just before she hit the horn to get the lorry moved. “We won’t have time to call in and see your mum and dad at this rate Chrissy.” Mandy added as she slammed her hand down on the steering wheel in frustration.
“I hadn’t noticed the house was up for sale, why do you think they are really moving out?” Chrissy asked, not having anything better to talk about while they waited for the lorry driver to come out and move it.
“No idea sis, why don’t you go and ask them? Doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere.” Mandy said sarcastically as she watched an overweight man trying to find the keys, so he could move the removal lorry that he’d just left in the middle of the road. Mandy would have just turned around and gone the other way, but the street was a dead end, so she was stuck waiting, and fighting the urge to just run the man down as he stood at the front of his lorry smiling as he finally found the keys and gave Mandy a thumbs up before climbing into the cab and moving it.
“I’m glad you don’t drink coffee sis. I think you might have run him down if you did.” Chrissy said with a worried look as she watched her sister revving the car like she was about to start a race.
Mandy just scowled at Chrissy as she was finally able to drive up the road, so they could visit with Greg and Holly for half an hour before going to the shop and starting work. “I wonder how NASA is coping without one of its top scientists.” Mandy moaned as she smiled at the man for finally moving his lorry out the way. Mandy’s comment soon had Chrissy and Amy giggling, which in turn made Mandy start giggling. This soon had Mandy in a much better mood, just like it always did when she heard her two sisters giggle.
Greg was just taking his pills when Mable led them into the dining room, so they all smiled and waved before taking a seat and waiting for Holly to finish going down her list to make sure she hadn’t forgotten to give him any.
“Hi daddy!” Chrissy said, sounding just like a small child as she gave her dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Amy and Mandy also gave Greg a hug and a peck on the cheek, but they didn’t call him daddy like Chrissy always did now. Not that Greg seemed to mind. Mandy and Amy had both read Chrissy’s diary now, and they both found the man in the diary sounded like another person to the one that now sat with his arm draped around Chrissy’s shoulders.
“Did you have a good time yesterday?” Chrissy asked her dad. Carl had sorted out for David and Kim to take Greg to see a soccer match. They all supported the same team and Carl had got them box seats at a local stadium that they were playing an away match at.
“Fantastic day!” Greg grinned. “My team wiped the floor with the local’s!” Greg added as he clenched his fist to make a stronger point.
Chrissy just giggled. Her dad had always been very passionate about his football. Chrissy had never been able to understand why anyone could get so excited about kicking a bag of wind around. She also thought that most men would probably think the same thing about her and a pair of boots when she saw a pair she didn’t yet own.
“I hope you let David and Kim push you around in the wheelchair Carl got you?” Chrissy asked it like she was talking to a small child.
“Yes I let them push me around.” Greg moaned. “Kim was going to tell Prue if I didn’t. That woman scares me at times you know?” Greg said in a whisper.
“Who, Kim, or Prue?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“Both of them, now I come to think about it, but Prue is the worse.” Greg was still whispering, even thought everyone could still hear him speaking. “You should see it when Prue and your mother both start on me at the same time.” Greg added looking worried.
“Well if you did as you were told all the time, you wouldn’t get told off would you?” Chrissy was still talking to her dad like he was a child.
The others all thought it looked cute to see Chrissy behaving this way with her dad. Greg seemed happy to let Chrissy treat him this way. It looked like he enjoyed all the fuss she placed on him to be honest they all thought.
Greg and David told them all about the soccer match, and the girls all sat and let them, not that they understood much of what they said, but it was nice to see Greg so full of life as he spoke. Greg was having a good day today, so they just let him enjoy the moment. Some days Greg was just too tired to even show his love for anything. Those were the days that Chrissy was quiet on the drive over to the shop, but Amy was soon doing something silly to make Chrissy smile again, and then she would snap out of her depression and let things get back to normal, or as normal as life ever got around Chrissy and the others.
There was no cheering up needed today though. Chrissy was sat grinning and laughing with Mandy and Amy, as they drove to the shop to start their day.
Once at the shop they got everything opened up and the computer turned on before making a pot of tea and having a drink before they started their work day.
“How are things between Jayden and Callum? I haven’t seen much of him the past couple of weeks.” Mandy said as they sat with their cups of tea.
“I think they're okay, Jayden was telling me that he’s just been busy with things at work.” Chrissy shrugged. She’d not seen Callum in over a week, and Kara hadn’t been at the club in nearly three weeks.
You don’t think there’s anything else to it do you? Like Callum losing interest in Jayden or something like that?” Mandy asked looking worried.
“No, I doubt that. I think between work and helping his mum settle in, he’s just swamped right now.” Chrissy said, dismissing Mandy’s thoughts.
“You’re right sis. Guess I’m just looking for some excitement.” Mandy sighed.
“I’m happy with plain old boring life thank you very much.” Chrissy frowned.
“You and Becky going into the club tonight sis?” Mandy asked with a giggle when she saw the frown Chrissy gave her about looking for some excitement.
“No, we’re going to let Claire and Magumi look after the place tonight. Becky was going to get Brad to run her over to the club this afternoon, so she can sort out some paperwork though.” Chrissy was happy that Becky was starting to let others do more work at the club so she could relax a little more. Becky was really beginning to show now, and none of the dresses she would normally wear at the club in the evenings fit her very well. So she was going to spend less time trying to play hostess and more time just playing boss.
With their drinks gone, and no excuses left for not starting work, the girls all got stuck in so the orders would be ready when Linda arrived with lunch.
Jayden was just scrolling down her phone looking for Dale’s number. So she could get a lift back to the hotel, after spending the morning at college on the business studies course Carl had sorted out for her, when she heard a car horn pip her. Jayden looked to where the sound had come from and she found Vic’s large black Mercedes parked at the side of the road with Vic and Carl sat in it smiling at her.
“Hi Carl, Vic. What brings you over this side of the city?” Jayden asked with a smile. “I was just about to call Dale and sort out a lift back to the hotel, don’t suppose you’re heading that way, so I don’t have to bother him?” Jayden asked looking hopeful.
“No we’re not heading back to the hotel Jayden, but we did come to pick you up and take you someplace else with us.” Carl said, as he looked towards the back seat of the car, for Jayden to get in.
“Have I done something wrong Carl?” Jayden looked worried as she asked this question before she moved towards the back door of Vic’s car.
“No, you’ve done nothing wrong Jayden. I’m just on my way to Mandy’s shop to drop off lunch and pick up the clothing orders for the changing service.”Carl smiled. I just thought you might want to join us for a spot of lunch before going to the hotel?” Carl asked with a grin, he already knew the answer by the smile that had already spread across Jayden’s face.
Jayden was soon sat in the back of the car, and slamming the door before Vic could ask her not to. Vic just scowled at her from the front seat, but he soon grinned at her and Jayden just mouthed him a “sorry” Jayden loved going to see Chrissy, Amy and Mandy at the shop, she always ended up leaving with new underwear, but she had never yet been able to pay for any of it, but she always tried.
Mandy was stood behind the counter off to one side of the shop when Jayden followed Carl and Vic into the shop. Chrissy and Amy’s heads soon popped through a curtain at the back of the shop when they heard Mandy scream in excitement. They both grinned when they saw Vic with a basket of food, and the grin only got bigger when they saw that Jayden was with them.
“Jayden!” Both girls shouted as they ran down the shop to give her a hug. Chrissy and Amy were both worried about Jayden’s mood because she wasn’t spending much time with Callum at the minute, all Jayden seemed to do is study all the time when she wasn’t working at the hotel, or going places with Carl and Vic.
“We’re glad you came today Jayden, we’ve just had some new items delivered this morning, and we know that you’re going to just love them.” Chrissy grinned as she led Jayden up towards the back of the shop while Amy led Vic up there because he wouldn’t let Amy carry the basket of food.
Carl had locked the door and turned the sign to say ‘Closed for lunch’ then he walked with Mandy cuddled into his arm. Mandy liked it when Carl called in with lunch for them, and then stopped to have some with them before taking the orders back to the hotel for the changing service.
Even though Jayden had been feeling miserable all morning at college, she was soon laughing and giggling with Chrissy and Amy while they ate their lunch. Then they both dragged Jayden off to show her the new items just in. Carl, Vic and Mandy just smiled as they left them to clean up, while they looked after Jayden.
“I thought Chrissy and Amy would put a smile on her face again.” Carl said as he got up to help Vic clear the table.
“I’ve got this covered Carl. You sit and spend some time with Mandy while you can.” Vic said as he pushed Carl back down into his seat with a smile.
“Listen to the man, he knows what he’s talking about.” Mandy grinned as she wrapped her arms around Carl, just before kissing him. “I see you’ve been worried about Jayden as well then?” Mandy asked when they stopped kissing.
“Yes I have. Dale was telling me that Callum’s not been spending much time with her, or his mum the past three weeks. Diane’s worried about him as well.” Carl frowned. “She says he looks worried about something, but he won’t tell her what the trouble is.” Carl added with a sigh.
“I know that Chrissy’s tried talking to him, but he just said it was some work stuff taking up all his time and he hoped to have it sorted out soon, so he could get back to normal.” Mandy added what Chrissy had told her.
“We’ll just keep setting Chrissy and Amy loose on her, whenever she looks unhappy.” Carl grinned.
“Sounds like the best idea to me.” Mandy giggled as she heard Chrissy, Amy and Jayden all laughing from the front of the shop.
By the time Carl and Vic were ready to leave, Jayden had a couple of bags full of new underwear to take with her. Mandy said she’d take it home when they finished, so Jayden didn’t have to take it back to the hotel with her. Jayden also looked a lot happier when she left the shop, as she gave Chrissy, Amy and Mandy a hug before jumping in the back of Vic’s car and letting him gently close the door for her this time.
Jayden waved to all three girls as Vic drove away. She felt much better now she’s had a laugh with Chrissy and Amy. All of a sudden, spending the afternoon learning hotel management from Dale didn’t seem so bad. Most the time it was fun to spend time with Dale, but looking at him all loved up on Diane, while it felt like her love life had been put on hold, was just depressing at the minute.
Vic pulled up outside the hotel and Carl opened the door and then helped Jayden climb out. Vic let a member of staff take his car and park it so he could follow Carl and Jayden into the hotel. Jayden let out a groan when she saw Dale stood talking to Diane. “Great, just what I need to put me back in a depressed state of mind.” Jayden thought to herself as she followed Carl and Vic over to where Dale and Diane were stood talking.
“Jayden honey! How are you?” Diane asked as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Jayden in a tight hug. Diane seemed to hate the way Callum was treating Jayden more than she did herself. “I swear that boy of mine needs to work out what’s more important to him. That dumb job, or a girl like you?” Diane added as she hugged Jayden even tighter.
“Don’t be so hard on Callum, Diane. He’ll start spending more time with me once he’s finished this project at work.” Jayden smiled. “I could do with some free time to get ahead on my course work for college anyway.” Jayden added as she held up the bag with all her books in for her business studies course.
“Maybe so, but I’ve seen less of him since moving down here, than I did while I still lived a couple of hundred miles away.” Diane moaned, but she was smiling as she said it, so Jayden didn’t take it too seriously.
“If you’re bored and want something to do tomorrow night Diane, you’re welcome to join me and the others at the club?” Jayden asked.
“Thank you for the offer Jayden, but Dale and I already have plans to go see a show, and then have a late supper after.” Diane said with a grin, as she looked over her shoulder at Dale stood talking to Carl and Vic.
It felt like years since Callum had taken Jayden out someplace with just the two of them, but then again it had been a couple of weeks since they had even spent any time together. Jayden was having trouble believing that he could be this busy with work stuff, but she also couldn’t believe that Callum would be two timing her either. Callum had looked tired and over worked the last time she’d spent any time with him, so the long work hours seemed more believable to her.
Jayden let Diane go back to chatting with Dale, Carl and Vic, so she could take her book bag into the office she shared with Dale. Then she returned to start work helping lost guests and unhappy ones.
Becky was stood looking out the living room window watching the removal men loading up the lorry with furniture from next door when she saw Brad pull into the driveway in his big 4x4 truck and then get out of it and walk up to the front door. Becky grabbed her purse and the waddled to answer it so they could go to the club and spend a couple of hours catching up on some paperwork.
“Hi Brad. Thanks for playing taxi driver for me.” Becky smiled as Brad waited for her to arm the alarm system and then lock the front door.
“No problems boss, it’s nice to feel needed for something.” Brad chuckled. “Ann doesn’t seem to need my help with the wedding.” He added
“She does seem to know what she wants for her big day.” Becky giggled. “Even Carl is feeling a little left out of it all.” Becky added with more giggles.
“I got excited last week because Ann took me, Frank and Carl to look at top hats and suits for the wedding! How sad is that.” Brad sighed as he opened the trucks passenger door and then he gently lifted Becky up onto the seat. “Frank was trying to talk me into having Chrissy as my best man, but I told him that Chrissy wouldn’t see the funny side in that if I asked her.” Brad added with a frown.
“I don’t think Frank meant it like that Brad. I think he just believes that Chrissy has been the one to guide you through most of the tough spots a best friend would.” Becky pointed out. “I think Chrissy might get a kick out of being the best man, or girl in her case.” Becky giggled as she tried to imagine Chrissy in a top hat and tails stood next to Brad at the church, as they waited for Ann to be led down the aisle by Carl.
“Do you really think she wouldn’t mind if I asked her to take the role of Best friend for me Becky? I won’t say best man, because I think she’s much better than any man could be at the part.” Brad added with pride in his voice.
“Why don’t you ask her and find out, but I’d have a word with Ann first about it.” Becky warned him. “You will be stealing one of her bridesmaids to do this.” Becky reminded him.
“I could always trade Frank for Chrissy.” Brad said with a grin, just before he started laughing at the thought of Frank dressed as a brides maid.
Becky was laughing so hard that she thought she might wet herself if she didn’t get it under control soon. “I think Ann would let you have Chrissy, just to stop you letting Frank anywhere near a bride’s maid dress.” Becky said once she’d stopped laughing long enough to speak again.
“I’ll have a word with Ann about it later then. I would like to have Chrissy play a bigger part in the wedding Becky. She’s given me a couple of verbal kicks up the ass when I’ve really needed them. She’s also the one person I turn to when I have a problem.” Brad said as he looked to be thinking about all the times She’s been there to help him and the others out whenever they had a problem that needed fixing.
“I know Chrissy will say yes if you ask her Brad. I think it will prove that even though she was born to be a girl, she is still strong enough to be the best man for the job.” Becky grinned. “She just had to become a woman to do it.” Becky giggled.
Brad had to chuckle as well; he understood perfectly what Becky was trying to say. Brad had seen Chrissy run into danger more than once. Chrissy had risked her own life when she stabbed Amy’s father in the arm with a pen, and she’d tackled some man to the ground when he slapped Becky on the backside just over a month ago. Brad remembered a program he’d watched just the other night with Ann, the program was about cats, and how they can be cute and friendly, but can also show their claws and teeth when needed. Brad remembered one clip where a mother cat was caring for her young one minute, and then defending them against a large dog in the next clip. That was how Brad saw Chrissy, caring and full of love, but threaten someone she loves, and you better run.
Becky waited for Brad to come around and help her down from his truck, and then they opened up the club and entered. Becky made her way up to the office while Brad made a quick sweep of the club to make sure everything was okay. Once he’d finished, he made his way up to the office so he could help Becky get the paperwork sorted out. Becky had got used to taking an hour in the evening to sit and do the paperwork with Chrissy to help her, so it was strange for it to just be her, and then Brad when he walked into the office.
“It’s strange how you can get so used to having someone around you.” Becky said as she looked at the empty seat where Chrissy would normally be sat helping her balance the figures.
“I thought it looked a little weird when I walked in and saw you sat there all alone. Even I’ve got use to seeing you and Chrissy together in here.” Brad chuckled as he sat down in another seat, thinking it would be wrong for him to sit where Chrissy would normally be sat if she was helping Becky.
“I wonder how I lived before I met her you know?” Becky smiled as she looked at the empty seat. “I don’t know how I kept it all together while she was missing. I felt like I was going to shatter into a million pieces at any minute.” Becky added in a whisper as she thought back to the time she had no idea where Chrissy was, or if she’d ever see her again.
“I think it was Amy that helped you the most.” Brad commented as he thought back to that time himself. “I think she became a surrogate Chrissy for you, but they are so much alike in so many ways that she was the only one that could help hold you together.” Brad added with a smile as he thought about the silly things Chrissy and Amy would do, just to make everyone laugh.
“I think the pair of them just wants to act like a couple of school kids most the time, because they never got to do it when they were school kids.” Becky giggled. Reading Chrissy’s diary had proved just how little of a school kid Chrissy got to be.
Amy had faired better when she was at school. Ann and Amber had helped to keep her safe, or him safe, as it was Andy that had the trouble at school, not Amy, just like it was Chris, not Chrissy that got picked on at school. Ann and Amber went through the same schools as Amy did, just a couple of years in front, so they use to get the boys that wanted to date them, to look out for Amy if they ever hoped to get to first base with either of them. So Amy had been left alone, the down side was she never had any friends like Chrissy, but she did hang out with Ann and Amber when she wasn’t at school.
Becky and the others had only found most of this out after Amy had read Chrissy’s diary, and then she’d told them all. Ann and Amber filled in the missing details that Amy knew nothing about. Amy seemed a little upset to find out that her wife had used her charms to get Men to protect her. Amy did cheer up when Amber told her that they never got any more than a kiss from her. Amber had realised pretty early on in her sexual life that she preferred woman to men, just like Becky had. But neither of them realised just how picky they really were until Chrissy and Amy walked into their lives.
“I think the world would be a much darker place if it didn’t have Chrissy and Amy in it Becky. I’m glad she made it through her school life in one piece.” Brad said as he reached across the table and took hold of Becky’s small hand in his own.
Brad had found the print out of the missing pages from Chrissy’s diary when Becky had printed a copy out for Carl to read. It had taken Chrissy sitting on Brad’s lap while she talked him out of ripping Callum to pieces for what he’d done to Chrissy as a child. Chrissy and the others were happy that Callum wasn’t in the house at the time. Brad really was a loving big brother to Chrissy and Amy.
None of them had known until that day, that Brad had lost a friend just after leaving school, in the very way that Chrissy had spoke about in her diary. Brad had never known if his friend was like Chrissy and Amy, but he had dressed as a girl in some form or another whenever he got the chance. Brad had got a call from his friend’s parents to tell him that his friend had taken his own life. So it was understandable that Brad would have such a strong reaction to reading that Chrissy came close to doing the same thing. Chrissy made Brad understand that Callum back then was a very different person to the one they all knew now, and that Brad would be no better than the boys that picked on her back then, if he did anything to hurt Callum now.
They were soon going through the paperwork, so they could get done and then go back to Mandy’s so Becky could make a start on dinner. Brad was going to be stopping for some, so he could spend a couple of hours with Ann before he had to leave again and get back to the club ready for work.
Some of the bar staff had turned up while Becky and Brad worked, so by the time they got done, they didn’t need to lock up, they could just head home.
Chrissy, Amy and Mandy found Brad getting a cooking lesson from Becky when they got home a little later in the day. They all giggled when they saw Brad wearing a cute little piny to keep his clothes clean while he helped Becky sort out dinner. Before Brad had time to remove the piny, all three girl’s had whipped out their phones and snapped off a couple of shots each for a keep sake.
Brad found himself thinking that if this was the Wild West, and it had been a draw to the death, he’d be dead right now. Brad had never seen anyone pull out a mobile phone and then take pictures so fast before. All three girls had the photos saved off and sent to the others before he even had the knot undone on the back of his piny.
“Please don’t tell me you just sent a photo of me looking like this to Frank?” Brad whined.
“Nope we didn’t send a copy to Frank.” All three girls grinned at the same time.
“But I did send my mum a copy.” Mandy giggled.
Brad knew that they might as well have sent a copy to Frank then, because Frank was going steady with Mandy’s mum, so she was bound to show Frank, or forward it to him.
Amber was the next one to get home, but Brad had taken the piny off by then, but it didn’t stop Amber making fun of him still. “I was hoping to find you still helping Becky with dinner Brad.” Amber pouted as she walked over and gave Amy a hug, and a long passionate kiss in greeting, and to say that she’d missed her while being with Sara working.
“I’m never going to live this down am I?” Brad chuckled; not really feeling too bothered by the photo. He knew that if anyone gave him too much stick over it, the girls would make them look even worse.
Brad smiled when he saw Ann burst into the kitchen a little later; she was being followed by Jayden who was moving at a much more normal pace. Ann knew that Brad must be stopping for dinner from the photo Amy had sent her, so Ann was looking for a kiss and a cuddle from her soon to be husband.
“Hi baby!” Ann shouted as she ran over and jumped up into Brad’s arms, just before she started kissing him as she held each side of his head.
Brad thought he’d wear a piny more often if it got this sort of response out of Ann. “Hi princess. I thought one of us should learn to cook before we got married.” Brad grinned at Ann as he still held her in his arms.
“Do you think you can knock him into shape, and make a cook out of him then girls?” Ann asked with a grin, happy to let Brad claim cooking rights once they were married. Amy hadn’t been joking when she once joked that Ann could burn a pan of water.
“I think we can do something with him.” Chrissy grinned. “He’ll have to wear the piny though, or we teach him nothing!” Chrissy added in a very bad French accent. This soon had them all laughing as they helped to finish getting dinner ready.
Brad had gone over to the kitchen table to spend some time with Ann, so Jayden had started helping out with dinner. Chrissy and the other three had been spending a lot of time showing Jayden how to cook over the past month or so, and she was learning fast, and could even just work alongside the others when cooking some of the meals now. Jayden knew that once Callum’s work load eased up, she’d be able to cook him a nice meal round at his place now.
Dinner was soon ready and they all sat down to eat. The chat was light over dinner, and then they all went off to get changed and just relax for the rest of the night. Ann spent some time saying goodbye to Brad at the front door before waving to him as he drove off to work. Then she went to the front room where she found the others all sat around watching TV while they talked about some of the hideous clothing some of the girls were wearing in a sit com.
Jayden sat there for a little bit longer talking to the others, but then she decided to go and give Callum a call and see how he was. This is all they had been doing for the past couple of weeks. “I’m going to call Callum, and see if Kara might be coming to the club tomorrow night?” Jayden said as she got up off the sofa and went into the kitchen, once she’d got her phone out her purse.
The others all smiled, hoping that Callum would be at the club the next night as Kara, but most of them already knew that he wouldn’t be. He hadn’t the last couple of Tuesdays, so they didn’t think this one was going to be any different.
Jayden sat down at the kitchen table and then scrolled down until she found Callum’s mobile number, then she hit the call button. It rang and rang and rang until her own phone ended the call for her. Jayden just let out a sigh as she placed her phone down on the table. “Great, now he’s not even taking my calls.” She said to herself, being the only person in the room.
She was just getting up to return to the living room when her phone bleeped to let her know she’d got text message, so she pushed some buttons and soon had the message up on the screen. It was from Callum, so she smiled and then started to read it.
Sorry I couldn’t take your call baby, but I’m in a meeting at the minute, and have phone on silent. Will call later, if not too late. Love you xxxx
Jayden felt better now she’d had the text message, so she went back to the living room and kept her phone close at hand, ready for the call from Callum. But as the night went on, she realised that he wasn’t going to call her after all and she started to feel down again. Chrissy and Amy soon had her giggling though, and she forgot all about Callum for the rest of the night.
Jayden was just finishing up with a guest on the Tuesday lunchtime when she saw Callum enter the hotel and walk over to where she was standing. He waited for Jayden to finish with the guest, and for the guest to walk away before he stepped over to where she was stood. “I’m sorry for not getting back to you last night Jayden. The meeting ran late into the night.” Callum said looking tired and stressed out.
“Don’t worry about it baby.” Jayden smiled. “You’re here now, and I was just about to take my lunch break anyway, so why don’t you join me?” Jayden grinned.
“I’d love to Jayden, but I have Stephen waiting outside.” Callum groaned, as he looked over his shoulder at Stephen Adams stood just inside the lobby now, grinning at Jayden as she looked right at him. He even had the nerve to give her a little wave as he winked at her.
“Tell him to get lost for half an hour, so we can have a little time together.” Jayden whined. “I’ve not seen you in a couple of weeks, and when I finally do, you have him following you around.” Jayden added through gritted teeth.
“I wish I could Jayden, but I have to get across town and sort something out with him.” Callum said with some anger in his voice, but it seemed to be aimed more towards Stephen than her.
“Don’t suppose I’ll be seeing your sister at the club then again tonight?” Jayden asked with a pissed off edge to her voice.
“No, sorry, but I have something else I have to take care of tonight.” Was Callum’s vague reply.
“Fine then, don’t let me keep you from whatever it is you need to do with him.” Jayden snapped as she saw Stephen walking over to where the two of them were stood talking.
“Hello Jayden. It’s so nice to see you again.” Stephen said with a smug smile as he put a hand on Callum’s shoulder, just like they were the best of friends.
“Wish I could say the same.” Jayden said, but not even bothering to try and make it look like she knew his name. “You better run along and do whatever it is you two have planned.” Jayden added, just before she turned and walked away without letting Callum or Stephen say another word to her.
Jayden had a feeling that Callum was lying to her about everything. She just knew that he was doing something with this Stephen. Jayden thought it might have been some secret sort of boys club that Stephen had now made Callum a part of, which would explain the lack of him wanting to spend time as Kara now days. Either way, Jayden decided to just go out and have fun with Chrissy and the others. She wasn’t going to keep mopping around waiting for Callum to come back to his senses.
All the girls were dressed and ready for a crazy night of dancing and having fun at the club. Becky had already told Chrissy that she would have some slow dances with her later in the night, but she wasn’t going to be waddling around to any of the faster stuff that Chrissy and Amy normally danced around to. Chrissy had offered to just do the same, but Becky wasn’t going to let Chrissy sit around while Amy and Amber danced around having fun all night.
Vicky arrived in the people carrier and they were soon on their way to the club. Jayden was adamant she was going to have a good time even if Kara wasn’t there with her. She’d told the others that she wasn’t going to sit around waiting for Callum or Kara to come along to make her happy. Jayden was now sat in the back of the car singing along to a song on the radio that Amy had got Vicky to turn up for them.
Frank helped them all get out the people carrier when they got to the club, and they all waited for Chrissy and Amy to do their normal check up and down the street to make sure they weren’t being watched by a want to be member of their ever growing family. Not seeing anyone, they all entered the club and made their way up to the VIP section.
Ann had run off in front, and was stood hugging Brad as they kissed each other, when the others made it to where they were. “Hi boss. Do you mind if I get Paul to cover for me, while I have a quick word with Ann about something?” Brad asked Becky.
Becky already had a pretty good idea it had to do with him wanting to ask Chrissy to be his best man. Becky had been trying to think of another way to say it, because Chrissy was no man, but she was the best, Becky thought to herself. “Sure, take all the time you need Brad.” Becky winked as she started pulling Chrissy towards the stairs to the VIP section again.
They were soon being followed by all the others as they made their way up the stairs. Mandy ran past them all when she saw Carla stood talking to Claire and Magumi. Carla was soon being hugged as Mandy tried to see how far she could stick her tongue down Carla’s throat.
“Did you just miss me princess? Or were you looking for something?” Carla asked when they broke the kiss, and Carla tried to get her breath back.
“I just missed you my love.” Mandy purred as she let Carla lead them over to the private sofa section she and Becky shared.
They had a new waitress bring the drinks over to them, as Claire and Magumi were now hostesses, but they were still coaching the two new girls that were now serving in the VIP section in their place. The two girls had been working down in the main club for a couple of years now, and Chrissy had got to know them well over the last couple of months as she helped Becky around the club. Their names were Lyne and Stacey.
“Hi Lyne, hi Stacey! How do you like the new jobs?” Chrissy asked with a smile as the two girls handed out the drinks to everyone sat around on the sofas.
“Hi Chrissy. I love it up here; it’s so much nicer than being down on the main floor.” Stacey grinned.
“Same for me Chrissy. I still can’t believe that they picked us to replace Claire and Magumi though.” Lyne grinned.
“Chrissy said that you two were the best at spending time getting to know the customers, so I took her word for it, and here you both are.” Becky smiled at the two of them. “I trust you won’t make why wife out to be a liar would you?” Becky added with a pout.
“No! Never Becky!” Both girls said together as they looked at Chrissy in shock.
“Thank you Chrissy, for having faith in us.” Stacey gushed, as she looked at Chrissy with a new look of total respect in her eyes.
“I want to thank you too Chrissy and we won’t let you down.” Lyne said with pride, as she grabbed Stacey by the arm and dragged her away to get on with their jobs.
Stacey and Lyne were both pre-op transsexuals that had started out as men when they first started working at the club, but later they both decided to start living as women full time, and were now saving up to have the final surgery. Carl had worked out a deal with Prue, and they helped with the cost of surgery, but Carl would only meet any member of staff half way on the cost, and they had to have been working for him, for at least three years before he would offer to help. It was all done legally with Prue’s friend Sarah signing off on them being suited for the operation and they all had to do the real life test. Carl didn’t want any come back on him if someone made a mistake and had the surgery when they didn’t really want it. Carl had a good legal team working for him, so he never had any problems from the one’s found suitable. Some staff that thought they wanted to be women, later found out that they were much happier being she-males instead, they all seemed glad that Carl had such a good team working with him, as it stopped them making big mistakes.
Chrissy was just coming back from the toilets in the VIP section a little later in the night, when she was suddenly pounced on by Stacey and Lyne. They both wrapped their arms around Chrissy and hugged her in thanks for the promotion and pay rise that comes with it.
“Thank you Chrissy, thank you so much for putting in a good word for the two of us.” Stacey grinned when she stopped hugging Chrissy and helped her to straighten back up again.
“Don’t thank me; you two did all the hard work.” Chrissy told them. “Becky just asked who I thought would be best suited for replacing Claire and Magumi in the VIP section. I said that the two of you showed the most promise, and you worked well together when it was busy.” Chrissy added, just before she got another grateful hug from the two girls.
“Well thank you anyway for putting in a good word for us.” Layne giggled.
The two girls got back to work and let Chrissy get back to Becky and the others. Chrissy was just about to sit down when she heard Ann call her name from just behind her, so she stopped and turned to see Ann stood with Brad. “Sorry to bother you Chrissy, but do you mind if Brad and I have a quick word with you about something?” Ann asked with a worried tone to her voice.
“Sure Ann, Brad. Is everything alright?” Chrissy asked, thinking she might have upset one of them in some way, but she couldn’t think of anything she might have done to upset either of them. “Shall we go to the office where we can have a little more privacy?” Chrissy asked as she pointed towards the office.
“That would be fine Chrissy.” Ann said as she let Chrissy lead the way, while Ann and Brad followed her.
Becky knew what they were going to ask, but she wanted to make sure Chrissy would be okay with the news and the reason for Brad asking her to do it, so she got up and made her way towards the office, but Claire stopped her with a quick question about serving drinks to a customer that had already had a little too much. So she was going to be to late to help Chrissy understand fully why Brad wanted Chrissy to be his best woman.
Chrissy had walked over and taken a seat on the sofa and she watched as Ann and Brad sat on a sofa facing her. “I’m sorry to pull you away from Becky and the others Chrissy, but Brad and I need to talk to you about our wedding.” Ann said, as she looked to be trying to find the right words to use. “I don’t want you to be a bride’s maid at the wedding Chrissy.” Ann added.
“Oh, I see.” Chrissy said with a shocked look. Of all the things she thought Ann was about to say, that was not one of them. “May I still come to the wedding and watch you get married? Or am I not welcome there at all?” Chrissy asked close to tears now. “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you both.” Chrissy had to wipe away tears now as she started to sob.
“Oh god Chrissy, I didn’t mean it like that.” Ann said as she realised that Chrissy had got it all wrong. “We still want you as part of the wedding, but we want you to play a much bigger part.” Ann added as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her. Chrissy soon found Brad sat on the other side as he also hugged Chrissy until she stopped sobbing and Ann could carry on telling her what they did want her to do.
“I won’t be your maid of honour Ann! Amy is looking forward to that so much.” Chrissy said in a firm voice.
“I could never do that to Amy, Chrissy.” Ann smiled as she used a tissue to wipe away some of the makeup that had ran down Chrissy’s face as she sobbed.
“Then what other part could I play in the wedding?” Chrissy asked confused now.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way Chrissy, but I want you to be my best man, or woman in your case.” Brad said with a smile. He soon stopped smiling again though when Chrissy shot up out from between him and Ann, to face them with anger on her face.
“After everything I’ve gone through, the two of you see me as nothing but a man in a dress?!” Chrissy almost screamed at them.
Ann went to get up and try to calm Chrissy down, but Chrissy just backed away from her looking a little scared. “Please Chrissy, calm down. We don’t see you that way at all.” Ann pleaded with her.
“So I’m nothing more than some freak that you want to show off at your wedding then?” Chrissy asked, letting her anger get the better of her. “It’s fine with me if you don’t want me as a bride’s maid, but I won’t be put on show as some freak in a suit just to make the two of you feel better about whatever reason you have for not wanting me there.” Chrissy ran for the office door and was gone before either of them could stop her leaving.
“Chrissy! Please stop and let us explain everything to you!” Ann shouted as she got up and ran after Chrissy with Brad right behind her.
Becky had just finished talking to Claire when she saw the office door burst open and Chrissy run out and straight through the VIP section and down the stairs before Becky had time to say a word to her. The one thing Becky did notice was how upset Chrissy had looked as she ran past her. Becky then saw Ann and Brad run out after her with Ann shouting Chrissy’s name, and asking he to stop and let them finish explaining everything to her.
All the others were sat on the sofas as they saw all this happen. None of them knew about Ann and Brad asking Chrissy to be Brad’s best man, so all they saw was Chrissy running away from them both looking very upset about something.
Chrissy had made it out the club and was in a taxi before Frank had time to work out it was Chrissy that had just ran past him like a bullet out a gun. He looked around puzzled as to what was going on just in time to see Ann and Brad run out and look around to see which direction Chrissy had ran off in.
“Have you just seen Chrissy run out here Frank?” Brad asked, as he tried to get his breath back. Ann wasn’t fairing much better as she was gasping to get enough air back into her lungs as well.
“I saw someone that looked like Chrissy just get in a taxi, but it all happened so fast.” Frank said. “What the hell just happened in there?” Frank asked.
“I asked Chrissy about being my best man, and she wigged out over it, and not in a good way.” Brad said with a sigh as he slapped his hand to his head to show just how stupid he’d been to even suggest such a thing in the first place.
“So you just came right out and asked the kid to be your best man? She’s spent all this time trying to prove to the whole world that she’s never been a man, or male for that matter, and you go and break her heart by asking her to be a man again at your wedding?” Frank asked looking angry with the two of them.
“Kind of, yes.” Ann said looking worried. “I might have started off on the wrong foot though to start with.” Ann added looking even more worried now.
“What do you think you might have done Ann?” Frank asked looking really angry with them both now.
“I started the chat by telling her that I didn’t want her as a bride’s maid at my wedding, and she took it the wrong way and thought Brad and I didn’t want her there at all. It kind of went downhill from there.” Ann said as she looked down at the floor like a child waiting to be punished by an angry parent.
“You both thought the best way to ask Chrissy to be the best man at your wedding was to tell her that you didn’t want her as a bride’s maid, and then hit her with the being the best man instead?” Frank asked, shocked at just how stupid the pair of them could be. “And you thought Chrissy would be fine with all that?” Frank added with a chuckle that didn’t sound like he found it funny at all.
Amy, Amber, Becky and the others had all come out while Frank told the other two off, so they all knew why Chrissy had just ran out the club looking very upset over something.
“You said what to her?!” Amy asked, not believing what she’d just heard Frank say. “How could you do such a horrible thing to someone, but to do that to Chrissy? She must be heartbroken.” Amy added looking hurt for her best friend.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her sis.” Ann pleaded looking close to tears as she said it. “We were just trying to let Chrissy know that she’s important to us both so much that we wanted her to play a very special part in the wedding.” Ann added as tears ran down her cheeks.
“I bet Chrissy is feeling really special right now sis!” Amy spat out the last word with venom. “I suggest the two of you go and find Chrissy, and pray to god she’s not off on another one of her little get a way’s.” Amy ordered Ann and Brad.
“She’s going home.” Mark, one of the bouncers said from just behind Brad. “Chrissy is in a cab being taken home as we speak.” He added.
“How do you know that Mark?” Frank asked looking puzzled.
“I saw the name of the cab company, and just called to ask where the driver of that cab number was taking its fair. He gave Chrissy’s home address.” Mark replied like it was the most normal thing he could have done.
“Come on Ann, we’ll take my truck and go get this all sorted out.” Brad said as he pulled his truck keys out his pocket and took Ann by the hand to walk around the back of the club to get his truck.
“I better come with you, or you won’t stand a chance of even getting in the house, never mind getting her to sit and listen to either of you.” Becky said as she waddled out from between Amy and Amber.
Brad and Ann took a steady pace so they didn’t rush Becky, and they were soon all in Brad’s truck as he made his way to Mandy and Chrissy’s house.
“I’m so sorry Becky. I had no idea that it could have all gone so wrong.” Brad said as he drove them back to Mandy’s house, hoping that Chrissy would be there, and she hadn’t been dropped off there, just so she could go on the run again.
“Don’t worry too much Brad. We’ll get it all sorted out.” Becky smiled. She wasn’t worried about Chrissy running away again. Chrissy had made a promise not to do that anymore.
“How can you be so calm after what we just did to your wife Becky?” Ann asked, looking like she’d be happier if Becky was shouting at them both.
“I still think Chrissy would have been happy to play her part in your wedding, if you’d just picked your words better. I should have been there to help keep Chrissy calm while you both explained everything to her.” Becky reached over from the back seat and rested her hand on Ann’s shoulder. “And I have to stay calm for the sake of the babies. Chrissy would kill me if I started getting worked up over all this.” Becky added with a giggle.
Brad was soon pulling into the driveway and Becky saw that their bedroom light was on, so she knew that Chrissy had come home and was in their room.
“You and Brad wait in the living room while I go up and see if I can talk Chrissy into coming down and talking to you both.” Becky said as she headed for the stairs while they went into the living room to wait for her and Chrissy to come back down, hopefully.
Becky went up the stairs and then walked into hers and Chrissy’s room where she found Chrissy lying on the bed sobbing with her head pushed into a pillow. Becky sat on the edge of the bed and softly started stroking Chrissy’s back. Chrissy jumped and relaxed again when she saw it was Becky sat there looking at her.
“You do know that you’re getting all worked up over nothing baby. Ann and Brad weren’t trying to hurt you; they just wanted to ask you to do something very special for them on their big day.” Becky said as she started peeling away all the damp hair from Chrissy’s tear streaked face.
“They want me to be a man again Becky. Why is that special?” Chrissy asked. “I’ll just look like a fool in a suit, so I’m not going.” Chrissy added, just before she started sobbing again into the pillow.
“That isn’t the way they meant any of this to come across Chrissy. Ann and Brad want Sara to design and make a special outfit for you to wear on their big day. You’ll be the sexiest best man with extra woo they have ever seen.” Becky added with a giggle.
“If I can’t be a bride’s maid, then I won’t be part of the wedding, that’s all there is to it.” Chrissy said in a firm voice.
“Please don’t be like that Chrissy, just come down and talk to them about it all, let them explain the reasons for them wanting you in this other role.” Becky pleaded with Chrissy. “You know they say that the best man for a job is a woman.” Becky added with pride.
“Brad and Ann have come back with you now?” Chrissy asked with some anger in her voice. “Have they thought of even more male things they want me to do at their wedding?” Chrissy asked with more anger in her voice.
“Stop being silly and come down so they can talk to you, and get all this sorted out.” Becky ordered. “Frank’s already tore them off a strip or two before we left the club.” Becky added as she started pulling Chrissy towards the edge of the bed. “Do you really think that Brad or Ann would do anything to upset you my love? Just calm down and think about it for one second, and then tell me what you really think.” Becky pleaded with Chrissy as she pulled her up off the bed and looked her in the eyes.
Chrissy still looked upset, and her face was a mess from all the crying, but she did look to be giving it some thought though. “It does seem a little strange that they would want to do anything to upset me. I’ve been trying to work out what I’d done to make them hate me enough to...” Chrissy trailed off as she couldn’t think of how to finish her sentence.
“That’s because they don’t hate you silly.” Becky had to giggle at the very idea of Brad and Ann hating Chrissy. “They just didn’t think through how to explain the reason for the change at the wedding very well. Now come down and let them do it the right way, and you might even be proud of what Brad is asking you to do.” Becky didn’t wait to see if Chrissy was going to follow willingly, she just took Chrissy by the arm and pulled her along.
Brad and Ann were both sat on one of the sofas in the living room when they heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor in the hallway. They could tell by the sound that Becky had talked Chrissy into coming down to talk with them both. Neither of them made any sudden moves when they saw Becky enter the living room pulling a pander faced Chrissy in behind her.
“Please take a seat Chrissy, and let them explain everything to you before you react in anyway. Promise me that?” Becky asked as she sat Chrissy down on the sofa facing Brad and Ann, just before Becky sat down next to her.
“I promise you Becky.” Chrissy said, still not trusting Brad and Ann not to say something that would upset her even more. Chrissy just turned to look at them both, waiting for one of them to start speaking to her.
“Chrissy, I’m so sorry that we upset you. It wasn’t supposed to be that way when we asked you to be the best...” Ann stopped speaking when she saw Chrissy flinch at what she was about to say. “Sorry, but I don’t know how else to say it other than like that.” Ann added with some pain in her voice at the thought of just how much this must be killing Chrissy to keep hearing.
“You didn’t ask or explain anything to me Ann.” Chrissy snapped, more angry than upset now. “I was told that you didn’t want me as a bride’s maid.” Chrissy added with even more anger in her voice.
“Chrissy, you promised to let them explain.” Becky warned as she heard Chrissy getting angry.
“I’m sorry, please do explain.” Chrissy said, making it sound sarcastic.
Ann went to speak again, but Brad put his hand on hers, and stopped her. “Let me do this Ann. It’s entirely my fault anyway.” Brad sighed. “Ann never wanted you to not be a bride’s maid Chrissy. She just jumped the gun and said her part before I had time to ask you my question and the reason behind it.” Brad was pleading now for Chrissy to stop looking so angry at the two of them.
“Please do explain then Brad. Because I feel pretty crappy about your whole wedding at the minute, and I’m not sure I even want to be a part of it at all.” Chrissy warned as she tried to hide the hurt in her voice.
“I think the term ‘Best Man’ is wrong for the role that I’m asking you to play at the wedding Chrissy. I think it should be ‘Best Friend’ instead.” Brad smiled as he said it.
“Shouldn’t Frank have that role at your wedding then?” Chrissy asked looking confused again now, just like she did in the office back at the club.
“Frank is more like a father to me Chrissy, he always has been, but you have been more like a best friend to me since the first time we spoke at the club. You’re also the only one that seems to be able to talk any sense into me when I’m being an idiot.” Brad chuckled.
Even Chrissy had to giggle at the thought of Brad being an idiot. She had to talk him out of quitting the club a couple of times now.
Brad saw the giggle as a good sign, so he continued speaking. “I hope you can understand now, just why I want you to be stood at my side when I take the hand of the woman I love. You see Chrissy, the best man I have ever known just happens to be one of the prettiest, most caring women I’ve ever known.” Brad said with so much passion that he had a tear running down his cheek as he said it. “Chrissy? I’m asking you; no I’m begging you to please be my best man at my wedding.” Brad slid off the sofa onto his knees at Chrissy’s feet to literally beg her.
“You’re really serious about all this?” Chrissy asked, shocked at the request she was being asked to be Brad’s best friend at the wedding.
“I’m on my knees begging you Chrissy. What more do you want me to do? A written request in blood maybe?” Brad asked.
“That would make it a more legally binding...” Was all Chrissy got out before she heard Becky snap at her.
“Chrissy, will you stop playing around and just give Brad an answer.” Becky growled, but she was fighting the urge to start grinning as she did it. Becky could tell that Chrissy had calmed down, and was now looking excited about the prospect of being Brad’s best friend at the wedding.
“Brad it would be my honour to be your best ‘friend’ at the wedding.” Chrissy started grinning.
Brad was soon on his feet and pulling Chrissy up with him. As he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug to thank her. “Thanks Chrissy. I’m sorry that we upset you by not doing any of this the right way though.” Brad said as he hugged her.
“Am I forgiven for upsetting you too Chrissy?” Ann asked as she stood next to Brad still looking upset with herself for not thinking what to say to Chrissy before she said it.
“Just give me a hug and forget about it.” Chrissy smiled as she held her arms out for Ann to get a hug.
They both hugged and Ann shed a couple more tears, all be it happy ones, now she knew that Chrissy was okay again. Chrissy sat Ann down and then set to work fixing her makeup for her so Brad could return to the club and let everyone know that they got it all sorted out.
“You better go and do something with your own makeup Chrissy.” Ann said once Chrissy had finished with hers.
“I’ll just remove it then go to bed.” Chrissy sighed, not having any plans to return to the club, not after her big exit scene earlier.
“You’ve got to come back with us Chrissy!” Ann shouted, worried about what Frank would do to her and Brad if they went back without Chrissy. “Frank will never believe we got everything sorted out if he doesn’t see you with us.” Ann pleaded.
“They do have a point Chrissy. Frank was really ticked off with the two of them before we left. Amy wasn’t much better either.” Becky said as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy’s waist and led her up to their room, so Chrissy could make herself look beautiful again.
It wasn’t quite midnight yet, so Chrissy would still have a couple of hours to enjoy at the club. She set to work on her makeup, and was soon looking just as beautiful as she had when they left the house for the first time.
Brad and Ann were waiting in the hallway when Chrissy and Becky got back down stairs, so they were all ready to leave, but Brad stepped in front of Chrissy and picked her up so he was looking her right in the eyes as he spoke. Chrissy suddenly looked worried when she saw how serious Brad looked all of a sudden. “Chrissy, I don’t ever want to hear you use the word freak when talking about yourself ever again.” Brad said each word very slowly to make sure Chrissy understood what he was saying.
“Sorry about that Brad, Ann.” Chrissy looked a little sheepish as she said it, thinking back to her sudden outburst in the office back at the club. “I was just really upset and not thinking straight.” She added with a little giggle.
“Come on then, let’s get you back to the club, so you can try and help get my other baby sister to talk to me again.” Ann frowned as she thought about the look Amy had given her and Brad when ordering them both to go and sort out the mess they had made.
“That’s the least I can do after starting all this trouble in the first place.” Chrissy said as she let Becky lead her back out the door to Brad’s truck.
“No, this was all my doing this time Chrissy.” Ann argued. “I should have thought about what I was saying before I opened my big mouth.” Ann giggled as she gave Chrissy another hug.
Chrissy just giggled as she hugged Ann back, just before Brad lifted Chrissy into the back seat of his truck to sit next to Becky, who he’d already lifted up. Brad then helped Ann get in the front, and they made their way back to the club.
Frank was glad to see all four of them walk around the corner after parking Brad’s truck around the back. “You three all good again then now?” Frank asked as he folded his arms across his chest looking all smug with himself.
“Yes, we got it all sorted out, and Chrissy will be my best friend at the wedding.” Brad smiled as he looked at Chrissy as he said it.
“Thank god for that.” Frank grinned. He wasn’t looking forward to being Brad’s best man, and he’d jumped at the chance for Chrissy to take his place. He also agreed with Brad when it came to Chrissy being more like a best friend to Brad, but then Chrissy was like a best friend to everyone that knew her.
“If I’m playing the part of the best man, then doesn’t that mean I get to plan out the bachelor party for you Brad?” Chrissy asked with an evil grin on her face.
Brad had been stood with an arm wrapped around Ann’s waist smiling until he suddenly realised that Chrissy had a very good point, and the evil looking grin she was now sporting on her face wasn’t making him feel good about it at all.
“Don’t worry about any of that stuff Chrissy. I didn’t ask you to do it for that reason.” Brad tried to talk his way out of the trouble he could see on the horizon.
Frank was laughing now, as he saw the look of worry on Brad’s face as he tried to talk Chrissy out of planning his stag night out for him. “Never thought of that part did you kid?” Frank laughed.
“I don’t know what you’re laughing for old man. You’ll be right there with me.” Brad grinned.
This suddenly made Frank stop laughing as he realised that Brad was right, he would be part of what ever plan Chrissy had install for them all. Frank had a sudden vision of all the guys from the club being led in and out of all the pubs with fairy wings pinned to their backs and looking like idiots.
“I tend to agree with Brad, Chrissy. I don’t think you should worry yourself with planning out a bachelor party.” Frank said, changing his mind about letting Chrissy do it.
“I don’t mind Frank. I’ve already got some really good ideas.” Chrissy grinned as she seemed to be eyeing both Frank and Brad up for some sort of costume, and wondering if she could get them in such a large size. “I may need to have a word with Sara though, to make some of them work.” Chrissy said as though she was just thinking out loud.
Ann and Becky were giggling now, as they saw the worried look Brad and Frank had. Chrissy just wandered off into the club before Frank and Brad could say another word to her. Ann and Becky soon followed with Brad bringing up the rear. Frank looked ready to kill Brad for what he’d just set in motion.
Chrissy was still grinning when Becky and Ann caught up to her in the club, as she made her way up to the VIP section to sort out the trouble between Ann and Amy. “So what sort of things do you have in mind for Brad’s stag night?” Becky asked.
Chrissy looked over her shoulder to make sure Brad wasn’t close enough to hear her before she spoke. “I haven’t got a clue how to sort out a stag night Becky. I was just bluffing them back there to worry them.” Chrissy said looking worried herself.
“I’m sure Carl and Vic will help you plan it all for him baby.” Becky said, trying to help.
Chrissy thought that would be a really good idea. Carl would know what to do for Brad’s stag night. Not that she was in any great rush; the wedding wasn’t going to be for some time yet. Becky was a good couple of months away from giving birth yet, and Ann was waiting for Becky to be back to her old self before planning the final date.
Amy was pacing back and forth in the VIP section when she saw Chrissy and Becky appear at the top of the stairs, so she ran over to see how her best friend was feeling again now. “Chrissy! I’ve been so worried about you.” Amy shouted as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her. “Are you okay again now?” Amy asked.
“I’m fine Amy.” Chrissy giggled as she hugged Amy back. “I just misunderstood what Ann and Brad were asking me to do for them at the wedding.” Chrissy explained. “So you can stop acting all mad with her now.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“Good! Because it’s to tiring being mad and upset with people.” Amy pouted as she stepped over and gave Ann a hug.
“I’m sorry if I’ve spoiled your night baby sister.” Ann said as she hugged Amy back, happy that they were friends again, and Chrissy was happy again as well.
All the girls were soon making their way down to the dance floor to do some dancing. Jayden was having a laugh as she let Chrissy, Amy and Amber teach her one of their silly dances. Chrissy got a couple of slow dances with Becky through the rest of the night. They were all sad to see the night come to an end, but it did and they closed up the club and made their way home.
Jayden had decided that she was going to give Callum the cold shoulder until he came to his senses and stopped putting work before her all the time. She stopped calling him and didn’t bother replying to his text massages when he sent them to her. Jayden was hoping for a face to face meeting the next time they spoke, not another argument over the phone, or her just walking away like she had done at the hotel the other day.
Chrissy and Amy were doing a great job of keeping Jayden entertained most the time, and Jayden was even well in advance with her course work reading. They had all gone out to the club again on the Saturday night, and had another amazing time.
It was now Sunday, and Jayden was sat at the kitchen table looking through her college books, just trying to kill some time. She’d finally caved and text Callum asking if he wanted to get together and do something for just a couple of hours, but he’d text back saying that he was working all weekend, but would sort out something very soon, and he still loved her.
Chrissy and Amy burst into the kitchen and sat down with their heads resting on their arms while they both looked up at Jayden with bored expressions on their faces.
“How can you still have anything left to read in any of these books?” Chrissy whined.
“You need to give the books a rest and do something else instead Jay bear.” Amy added, sounding just as whiney as Chrissy had.
Jayden giggled at the new nickname Amy had just given her. “Jay bear doesn’t have anything else to go out and do at the minute.” Jayden wondered if she was finally going mad, due to her now referring to herself in the third person.
“Come shopping with us?” Chrissy grinned. “Let’s go and spend some money on new shoes and boots.” Chrissy added in a dreamy voice.
“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll just stay here and keep studying.” Jayden said as she tapped one of the books on the kitchen table.
“What is there to study Jayden? You’re already being shown the ropes by Dale, the Yoda of the hotel management world.” Chrissy pointed out. “Then there’s Carl, he’s like the Obi one of it all.” Chrissy giggled.
“Who does that make me then?” Jayden asked with a silly grin on her face as she sat back to listen to Chrissy’s words of wisdom.
“Simple, that would make you Jayden Skywalker.” Amy added with a giggle.
“So you two would be R2D2 and C3PO?” Jayden asked, as she tried to remember her Star Wars characters.
“No! Amy and I would be a couple of Ewoks.” Chrissy grinned as she wrapped an arm around Amy and hugged her as they both started giggling. “We’re cute, but good in a fight.” Chrissy added.
“The two of you aren’t going to leave me alone are you until I say yes and come shopping are you?” Jayden asked with a frown.
“Nope, highly unlikely.” Chrissy giggled as she saw that Jayden was about to cave and go shopping with them.
“Alright then, just give me ten minutes to go and put some better clothes on.” Jayden said as she closed her books and took them back up to her room and then set about changing out of her sweats and putting on a nice dress and some make up.
Chrissy, Amy, Amber and Becky were all stood in the hallway waiting for her when she got back down stairs. They were taking Becky’s BMW as it was bigger than Amber’s little mini. Amber was going to drive though because Becky was beginning to have trouble working the peddles and not feeling the need to pee all the time.
Chrissy was sat in the middle of the car in the back with Jayden one side and Becky the other. Amy was in the front with Amber behind the wheel. Amber liked Becky’s car a lot, so she took any opportunity to drive it when Becky offered her the keys.
Amber soon had the car parked in the city centre car park they normally used, and then they started a slow steady walk around the shops at a pace Becky could cope with. Chrissy wanted to look for some cute dresses for Becky to wear while she was pregnant, so they spent a little time walking in and out of shops that catered for pregnant woman. Amber found a couple of nice dresses that she said her and Sara could alter to also fit a pregnant shape, so they brought them as well.
Becky liked having a fashion designer as a friend. Amber was always finding stuff for them all to wear. The only down side is when she had them running back and forth to the shops they’ve already been to, so she could pick up a skirt or a top that would match something in another shop. Amber always made them look good though when they went out.
All the girls loved it when a shop assistant tried to pull one over on Amber, or one of them. Amber would let them have it with both barrels then. It didn’t normally take Amber long to have the assistant running for cover.
Amy and Amber had just got back from another trip back to the car to drop off another load of purchases when the afternoon took a turn for the worse. The girls had pretty much finished all their shopping and were just killing time now looking in some of the more upmarket clothing stores when they all walked into Kara out shopping with another woman.
Callum, dressed as Kara was stood facing the girls looking scared to death that he’d just been caught. Kara was carrying a lot of bags, some of which looked to be from some very expensive jewellery shops.
“Jayden?” Kara squeaked out in her female voice, as she looked around to see who else was out shopping with them.
“Kara.” Jayden said through gritted teeth. “I wasn’t aware that Shopping was part of your job.” Jayden added with venom in her voice.
“Oh Kara, are these some friends of yours?” The woman asked as she put her arm through Kara’s, just like they were a couple.
“She’s no friend of mine.” Jayden growled, just before she turned and walked away.
Amy, Amber and Becky all looked at Kara with disgust before they went after a quickly retreating Jayden.
Chrissy was the only one not to leave with the others, she just looked at Kara with pure rage showing on her face. “Please Chrissy, I can explain everything. It’s not what it looks like.” Kara pleaded as she stepped forward and grabbed one of Chrissy’s arms in her hand.
“Take your hand off me right now, or I’ll start shouting that you’re a man.” Chrissy said in a whisper, as she first looked at Kara, and then the hand on her arm. “Well done Callum, you really had me fooled into thinking you had changed, but you’re still getting a kick out of destroying people’s lives aren’t you.”
“It’s not like that Chrissy. Please just let me...” Was all Kara got out before Chrissy cut her off again.
“Save it for someone that gives a shit Callum.” Chrissy scowled. “I don’t ever want to see you near me or any of my friends ever again Callum. Have fun with your new friend.” Chrissy added as she looked at the woman that still had Callum by the arm, just before she turned and walked away to catch up with the others.
Jayden was sat on a bench just down the road, so Chrissy ran to catch up to them and then she sat down in the space Amy made for her, so Chrissy could then pull Jayden into a hug as she softly cried on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry Jayden. I thought he’d changed, but I was so wrong.” Chrissy said as she rocked back and forth as Jayden sobbed on her shoulder.
“I had a feeling something was wrong Chrissy, I just knew it.” Jayden sobbed some more. “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I find a nice guy that wants to be with me for more than a couple of weeks?” Jayden asked, but not expecting an answer from any of the others.
“I don’t know Jayden.” Chrissy said in a soothing manner. “Come on, let’s get you home.” Chrissy added as she got up and helped Jayden to her feet so they could walk back to the car and then go home.
By SaraUK
Part 29
(Authors Note: The following is Callum’s time line of events that leads up to the meeting
with Jayden and the others in the Shopping Center (mall) at the end of the last chapter.)
Callum walked into the office on the Wednesday after taking the last week off to let Kara spend some time with her mother. Some of the girls asked if he’d had a nice time. But he soon saw a reason to not be back at work when he saw Stephen Adams making his way over to Callum’s office door with a big grin on his face.
“Callum old buddy! How was the week off?” Stephen asked as he entered Callum’s office and closed the door behind him.
Callum found this to be a little odd, as Stephen was normally showing off and wanting the whole office to hear about his latest adventure in one way or another. “It was fine Stephen, what can I help you with?” Callum just wanted to get back to work and catch up on anything that needed sorting out.
“I just wanted to know how the track day was with your step dad?” Stephen asked with a grin. “I bumped into Jayden, your mum and your sister the other day, and they told me that you were having fun driving some sports cars around a track. Sounds like a fun day out.” Stephen added.
“Yes it was a fun day out.” Callum said, not wanting to go into any great detail, due to him not having any to give, as he never went and did any of it.
“Looked to me like your sister wanted to be with you and your step dad instead of being stuck shopping with your mum and Jayden.” Stephen chuckled.
“They all seemed to have had a good time when I spoke to them later in the day.” Callum said as he carried on checking his emails, hoping that Stephen would get bored and leave if he saw that Callum was too busy to talk.
“I never knew you even had a sister up until a couple of weeks ago that is.” Stephen said as he sat down in a seat facing Callum’s desk.
Callum suddenly stopped what he was doing, so he could give Stephen his full attention. “What do you mean up until a couple of weeks ago?” Callum asked with a nervous edge to his voice.
“I saw your girlfriend out with another woman that looked a little like you, so I just assumed that she must be some sort of relation to you. Then I saw her again on Thursday with Jayden and your mum.” Stephen smiled.
“My sister has friends that live in London, so she comes down every now and then, so she gets together with Jayden for Lunch, and to gossip about me and the things we did as kids.” Callum lied. “You know, normal stuff siblings say about each other.” Callum added with a nervous chuckle.
“Do you know if your sister is seeing anybody at the minute?” Stephen asked.
“Yes she’s in a serious relationship right now.” Callum said, and thought he wasn’t lying about it really. Kara was going steady with Jayden.
“That’s a shame, I was going to take a crack it her.” Stephen said looking smug. Like he could get any woman he wanted.
“Look Stephen! I don’t know if I’ve been giving you the wrong idea, but I really can’t see the point to you asking me all these questions about my girlfriend and my family.” Callum said. Finally losing his cool. “I don’t want to be friends with you, I never have, and I never will. So why don’t you go and annoy someone else.” Callum added.
“It’s a real shame you feel that way Callum, or should I just call you Kara instead?” Stephen asked as he put a pack of photos down on Callum’s desk and slid them over to him.
Callum’s hands were shaking as he picked up the packet and pulled out a set of photos showing him dressed as Kara while out shopping with Jayden and the others from a couple of weeks ago. Callum had pulled a sick day and then gone out shopping dressed as Kara. Callum remembered Stephen calling him to chat about some pointless subject while he was walking along talking to Becky.
“What do you want from me to make these go away Stephen?” Callum asked, already knowing that he was about to be blackmailed.
“You and I are going to become good friends Callum. You will also help me keep on top of my work load, as well as helping me do a little shopping, both as Callum, and your sister Kara.” Stephen was now grinning as he leaned back in the chair looking very smug with himself.
“Shopping? Why would you need Kara to go shopping for you?” Callum asked looking confused. I’m sure you’re old enough to buy your own cigarettes and condoms by now.”
“You’ll find out soon enough, but for now I just need you to type up all these reports for me, then I’ll meet you for lunch, and you can meet a friend of mine.” Stephen got up and left Callum’s office after leaving a stack of files for him to go through and type up.
Callum was in shock, he was now being blackmailed by an asshole, and he could do nothing about it, not without losing his job. Callum set to work on the reports and he soon had them done, and then he got his own work done just in time for lunch.
Stephen waltzed into Callum’s office at lunch time and told Callum to go with him, as they were going out for lunch. “I need you to buy a couple of things for me from a shop just down the road.” Stephen said as he led Callum out the company head quarters where they worked and down to the car park where Stephen’s car was parked.
“Right, I need you to go in this shop and buy a watch just like this one.” Stephen said as he held up a picture of a wrist watch that had a price tag of nearly five hundred pounds.
“You’ve got to be insane if you think I’ve got that kind of money to just throw around!” Callum shouted as he looked at the photo of the watch Stephen expected him to walk into the jewellery shop and buy.
“I don’t expect you to pay for it with your own money Callum. I just need you to buy it with this credit card.” Stephen pulled a credit card out his pocket, but the card had somebody else’s name on it, not Stephen’s. “Remember these four numbers. You’ll need them when you pay for the watch.” Stephen added as he showed Callum a set of four numbers that were the pin number for the credit card he was now holding.
“You’re telling me that this is a stolen credit card, and you expect me to use it to help you steal from people?” Callum asked, shocked to find out just how Stephen got all the extra cash and expensive clothes he always saw him with.
“Wow, you are the bright one, and I do expect you to walk into that shop and come out with a watch just like that one.” Stephen pointed at the picture still sat on Callum’s lap. “Or the whole company will find out about your little hobby.” Stephen smiled as he dropped another picture of Callum dressed as Kara into his lap.
Callum looked at the pin number for the credit card again and said it a couple of times to himself until he knew he could remember it, then he got out the car and took a couple of deep breaths before walking into the jewellery shop and walking over to where the watches were. It didn’t take long for a woman to walk over and ask if he needed any help.
“Good afternoon sir. Can I help you with anything?” The shop assistant asked with a smile.
“Good afternoon miss, yes you can. I would like to take a closer look at these two watches please.” Callum asked as he saw the one from the photo and another one just so it looked like he was still trying to make his mind up as to which one he wanted. Walking in and picking the right watch right away he thought would look a little odd, and he didn’t want to get caught using a stolen credit card.
“You have excellent taste in watches sir.” The woman smiled as she pulled out the two watches and laid them down on the counter so Callum could look at them a little more closely.
Callum picked them up first one at a time to look at the detail, then both together checking the weight. “I think I’ll take this one please miss.” Callum said as he held up the one that Stephen had just shown him the picture for in the car.
“Excellent choice sir. Would you like it gift wrapped?” The woman asked as she put the watch in its posh looking case.
“No thank you, just one of your normal bags will do just fine.” Callum smiled as he handed the woman his credit card, or the card that Stephen had given him.
The woman took the card and put it in the machine, and then she punched in all the details about the sale before handing Callum the machine for him to enter his pin. The machine beeped a couple of times and the woman smiled as she handed over the credit card, receipt and the bag with the watch in it.
“Thank you for shopping with us sir, and have a good day.” The woman smiled as Callum took the bag and then walked from the shop just like he’d done nothing wrong. The only thing that could give him away at the minute would be if the woman could hear how fast Callum’s heart was beating.
Callum got back in the car and went to pass Stephen the watch, but Stephen put the car in gear and pulled away from the curb, so Callum just kept hold of the bag as he let Stephen drove him to anther shop just down the road.
“Well done Callum, now I want you to do the same thing again, but with a different watch this time. Just make sure it’s around the same price tag, but use this credit card this time, and here is the pin number for it.” Stephen said as he showed Callum another four digit pin that went with the new credit card he had.
Callum memorized the new pin and then got out the car and did the same as he’d done at the last shop. Stephen had him do the same thing two more times at different shops before they had to get back to the office to start their afternoon shift. Stephen now had nearly two thousand pounds worth of watches sat in the trunk of his car when they walked back into the office.
“That was a good first day Callum, now I want you to meet me at this address tonight at seven. Don’t be late; I need you to meet a friend of mine.” Stephen smiled just before walking into the office complex to carry on working their afternoon shift.
Callum parked just down the road from the address on the piece of paper that Stephen had given him. Just before seven, Callum got out his car and then walked up the road to the address and rang the bell. Stephen answered the door and let Callum step inside before closing the door again and then leading him into a room where a woman was sat on a sofa. It looked like the woman had been waiting for him to arrive.
“You look very different now to how you looked on Saturday when I last saw you.” The new woman said as she stood up and walked over to where Callum was stood just inside the room.
Callum looked at the woman and thought that they had met some place before, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “Do I know you?” Callum asked.
“NO, we’ve never met before, but I was watching on Saturday as you helped the police take my younger sister away in handcuffs.” The woman lost a little of her cool as she said the last bit.
“You were there with your sister?” Callum asked, shocked that this woman could just stand by and let her family be taken away like that, and not try to help her out.
“Yes I was there, but we never step in if the other gets caught. She’ll be out in a couple of days, once they realise that they can’t get any more information out of her. Until then though, we plan to put your talent of looking like a girl to good use.” The woman smiled as she ran a finger down the side of Callum’s face.
“You expect me to keep stealing for you?” Callum asked.
“Yes we do, and you will be doing as both Callum and Kara.” The woman smiled. “Stephen told me you were very good at it today, and you picked out three very nice watches.” The woman added as she walked over to the table in the room and picked up what looked like a mobile phone.
“You can tell who ever you want about my dressing up, but I won’t be stealing anymore stuff with you or for you.” Callum said, as he put his foot down.
“You should have thought of that before you walked into a shop and stole that watch using a stolen credit card Callum.” The woman pouted as she showed Callum a video that she must have taken while Callum was buying the first watch. “You will keep doing exactly what we tell you to keep doing Callum, or you will be going to prison for a very long time.” The woman smiled as she ran a hand down the side of Callum’s face, just before she slapped him hard enough to leave a red hand print on the side of his face.
Callum suddenly realised just how stupid he’d been to let Stephen talk him into walking into that first shop, but then he had done it three more times, and each time he had gone in alone and probably been caught on camera each time. Callum realised that he was knee deep in shit with no way out as he could see.
“Be here bright an early on Saturday morning, and bring all the things you need to become this Kara.” The woman smiled. “She and I are going to have a fun day of shopping.” She added with a grin.
Callum walked back to his car and felt sick as he sat behind the wheel. He jumped when he heard his phone start ringing. He looked to see who it was and saw it was Jayden calling him.
“Hi Babe.” Callum said as he answered the call. Happy to be talking to Jayden, but also feeling ashamed for what he’d done today. Jayden had already said how much she hated people like the woman that had been caught on Saturday. Now he was helping that woman’s sister do the very same thing.
“Hi Callum, is everything alright? You sound tired.” Jayden’s voice said on the other end of the phone.
“I’m fine, just a busy first day back at work.” Callum sighed.
“Do you feel like getting together and doing something?” Jayden asked sounding hopeful.
“Do you mind if I take a rain check baby? I just want to crash out and get an early night.” Callum said, feeling like he just couldn’t face Jayden at the minute. “I wouldn’t be the best company at the minute anyway.” Callum added.
“Okay, I understand Callum. Go home and get some rest, and I’ll see you on Saturday then, we can do something then.” Jayden added with a smile in her voice.
“I’ve got to work Saturday, sorry. Got some conference to go to. I’ll give you a call later in the week. Love you. Bye.” Callum said just before ending the call. He didn’t like lying to Jayden, but he couldn’t let her get dragged into this with him. It was bad enough that his life was going down the drain; he wasn’t going to let Jayden get dragged down with him, or any of the others.
Stephen took Callum out on the Thursday and Friday lunch times to buy more things with yet more stolen credit cards. Always jewellery of some sort, and Stephen let Callum pick what he brought just as long as it was expensive. Callum grabbed himself some glasses to wear, so he looked a little different when being caught on camera in the store, and he tried to see where the cameras were when he entered, so he could hide his face if possible.
Callum could feel himself getting further and further in to trouble as each day passed, and he stole yet more stuff. Even though he was paying the shops for the items he brought, he was still doing it using some poor person’s stolen credit cards.
Jayden had called and spoke to Callum most nights, but Callum just couldn’t talk for too long because all the lies were beginning to get to him. He was beginning to feel like he was cheating on her with Stephen and this mystery woman that he’d only met the once so far. That was due to change though as Callum packed up everything he’d need to become Kara and then go shopping with this woman.
Callum parked his car right outside the house he’d gone to the other night, and he grabbed his bags out the trunk of his car and made his way up to the front door. Stephen let him in the house, and then led him to a bedroom so he could get started on his transformation into a woman. Stephen led Callum into a bedroom with a large vanity for him to use. The woman from the other night was sat over the far side of the room watching, but not saying a word. Stephen went over to join her, and they both watched, waiting for Callum to get started.
Not trusting them one bit, Callum looked around the room as he put the bags down, and he soon noticed that there was a mobile phone propped up where they didn’t expect him to notice it.
“The sneaky bastards are trying to catch this on video as well.” Callum thought to himself. Callum pulled out his makeup kit and then threw the bag further out of the way than he needed to, but it had the desired effect of knocking over the phone and covering it up without either Stephen or the woman noticing what he’d just done.
Callum set to work as though he was on his own and just getting ready for a night out with Jayden, the only difference being he put on normal daytime clothes and not a fancy dress. Callum could hear the woman moving around in her seat as she watched Callum disappear and Kara emerge in his place. He’d even attached the breast forms and concealed the edges using the makeup that Cathy and Chrissy had shown him how to use. Callum knew how much it turned Jayden on to watch Kara take shape, and he thought it must be getting to this bitch with Stephen the same way.
Once Kara was dressed and looking cute in her summer dress and heels, Callum took a couple of minutes to work on his voice to make it sound more feminine.
“Okay then, let’s go and do some shopping.” Kara smiled as she let the two of them look at her as she stood up and let them hear her voice fully for the first time. Kara let a little smile show on her face when she saw the looks they both gave her. Neither could believe that the same man that entered the room was now ready to leave it looking like a cute girl.
The woman stood and walked over to Kara before grinning and then leading her from the room to sort out her own things so they could leave to start a day of shopping. “I think this could work really well Kara.” The woman smiled as she handed Kara a purse with some bits in, while she put some credit cards in her own purse. “I’ll give you each card to use just before you enter each shop I want you to use it in. If you get made, then you’re on your own.” The woman warned.
“I just need to load my stuff up in my car again before we leave.” Kara said as she started walking towards the bedroom again.
“No! All your male stuff stays here, along with all your money and keys. I think your phone will be fine left here as well.” The woman grinned. “Don’t want you getting cold feet part way through the day, do we?” she added with an evil chuckle.
Callum had to hide a smirk though when he heard Stephen cursing from the other room. Callum thought he must have just found out they didn’t get any footage of Callum becoming Kara. The woman frowned at Kara, so she must have realised the same thing.
“Better luck next time bitch.” Kara thought. She knew that they would find another way to get video of Callum becoming Kara, just so they had even more stuff on him, so he would not become Kara again while with them, He would arrive already dressed after today.
“I’ve just realised that I don’t know your name hon, what do you want me to call you?” Kara asked with a smile, acting just like they were a couple of friends going out to shop.
“Just call me Deb for today, but that’s not my real name.” The woman said as she opened the front door and let Kara leave before stepping out herself and closing the door behind her.
“Isn’t Stephen coming with us today?” Kara asked as Deb led the way to a little silver sports car and unlocked the doors on it using the key fob.
“No, he has other things to sort out today, so it’s just us girls.” Deb said with a smile, but Kara could see that she was just being bitchy.
“And to think that people say, crime doesn’t pay.” Kara smiled as she opened the car door as she looked at the nice machine Deb drove around in.
“Just get in the car so we can get started.” Deb warned as she vanished into the car.
“I was only trying to make some polite conversation Deb.” Kara huffed.
“Just do as you’re told, and we’ll get on just fine.” Deb said as she started the car and sped off down the road.
Kara found herself going back to the same jewellery stores Stephen had taken Callum too, but now Kara was buying rings and necklaces. Then Deb took her to some high end clothing stores and had her buying clothes and coats. They would hit a couple of shops then take the stuff back to the car before starting again. It went on like this all day. Kara was glad when Deb said they were going home.
Deb parked outside the house and then made Kara help her take all the stuff into the house before letting Kara go and get changed. Deb was shocked when she saw Kara just collect all her stuff and then leave the house still dressed as a girl.
“I gather Stephen will let me know when I’m to report to you again?” Kara said as she stood just inside the front door.
“You will be here bright and early again tomorrow ready for another day of the same. I’d try and change your look a little though; we don’t want you getting caught do we.” Deb smiled, but didn’t look bothered if Kara did get caught.
“I can’t just drop everything and do this with you when ever you want. I do have a life of my own to take care of.” Kara snapped.
“Do I look like a give a shit what you want, need or think!” Deb snapped back. “Be here in the morning ready to become Kara again, or you won’t like what happens to you next.” Deb warned.
Kara left the house and slammed the door on her way out. Callum knew he had to think of some way out of all this, but at the minute he was coming up with nothing useful. Kara thought about going to the club, but thought that Jayden would want her to go back home with her, and she would never get round to Deb’s house the next morning. So she went home and just went to sleep with the breast forms attached to save time in the morning.
Kara arrived at the house Sunday morning and was greeted by a surprised looking Deb when she saw it was Kara and not Callum she opened it too.
“I thought you’d come as Callum again? And then get changed here?” Deb asked, not looking happy by this turn of events.
“I just thought it better to come and go as Kara. Less trouble that way.” Kara smiled.
Kara had to hide a smirk when she saw Stephen step out the bedroom looking just as pissed off as Deb did when she saw Callum already dressed as Kara.
“I think it best if you come here as Callum and then get changed.” Stephen said as he entered the room fully.
“You can think what you want Stephen, but I’m still not going to be doing it.” Kara almost sang. “I saw that you were trying to film me getting changed yesterday, and I bet you’ve just finished setting up something a little better to get it all on film today. So you can get stuffed if you think I’ll be changing around either of you again.” Kara said in a flat tone.
“Don’t start getting cocky you little fairy, or we can make things even worse for you.” Stephen warned with anger in his voice.
“Or you’ll what? Ask you mistress here if you can spank me?” Kara said in a mocking tone. “I already know that she’s the brains behind all this, because you’re just too stupid to think of it.” Kara added with a mocking laugh this time.
Stephen made a move towards Kara, but stopped when Deb stepped between them. “Back off Stephen. Can’t you see that this is what the little tranny is goading you for?”
“You sneaky little bitch.” Stephen growled as he stepped back.
“You should know.” Kara frowned as she looked at Deb before looking back at Stephen again.
“I’m going to enjoy watching Deb pull your life apart.” Stephen said just before Deb snapped at him to shut his mouth.
Kara was beginning to see that Deb was the one in charge, and she had plans to take Callum’s life apart, and using Kara to do so. Kara was glad that Stephen had trouble keeping his mouth shut when he got mad, or sometimes when he got cocky.
Callum had found out little bits from Stephen over the past couple of days while they went out at lunchtime buying stuff. Stephen had no idea where Deb got all the credit cards from. Callum had found out that it was just Stephen, Deb and her sister, but the sister was still being held by the police. Thanks to the video and all the stolen cards that they had found on her at the hotel.
“Let’s get going. I want to hit the large electrical shops today and buy some TV’s and stuff.” Deb said as she let Stephen lead Kara out to a van they had parked on the driveway. Stephen got behind the wheel and Kara got in the passenger side, while Deb took her car and followed close behind.
Kara spent the day playing Stephen’s girlfriend as they went from store to store buying TV’s. DVD players and lots of little things like iPods and MP3 players. Stephen soon got bored with waiting for Kara to finish paying for the stuff, so he would wonder off looking at other stuff, so Kara started filling in the paperwork for the in store warranty and putting down Deb’s address. Stephen never noticed Kara taking longer to finish each transaction, and Kara knew that it would leave a paper trail that led back to Deb. Kara wasn’t sure if the house was in Deb’s name, or if it was just another scam she and her sister was running on someone. Deb seemed to have quite the devious mind, but Kara would settle for causing trouble were she could for now.
They finally called it a day and Kara got out the van at Deb’s house and went straight to her car and got in without saying a word to Deb or Stephen before she drove off to go home and get changed back into Callum, so he could go round and spend some time with Jayden.
Jayden smiled when she opened the front door and saw Callum stood there smiling at her. “Hi Babe. Do you fancy going out and grabbing a spot of dinner and maybe a movie?” Callum asked.
“Sounds like a great idea.” Jayden grinned as she pulled Callum into the house before she ran off to get ready.
Callum found Chrissy, Becky Amy and Amber all sat in the living room talking why the telly played music videos in the background.
“Hi everyone.” Callum smiled as he did a quick wave of his hand. “I hope you don’t mind if I borrow Jayden for the night and take her out to dinner and a movie?”
“No, not at all Callum.” Chrissy grinned. “Jayden said that work’s been keeping you pretty busy the past couple of days?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes it has, and it doesn’t look like getting better anytime soon.” Callum sighed. He wanted to try and set the ground work for him not being around much until he could get this thing with Stephen and Deb sorted out.
Jayden was soon back down stairs ready to head out for some dinner before going to see a movie. They both said goodbye to the others and then Callum led her out to his car and helped her to get in before getting behind the wheel.
“I’m really happy to see you Callum; I was beginning to think I might have upset you in some way.” Jayden smiled as she watched Callum driving the car.
“I’m sorry about not being around much at the minute, but the company’s got me teamed up with Stephen on a project, and I just can’t get rid of him at the minute.” Callum frowned.
“Feel free to stay away as much as you need to then Callum. I don’t want to spend any more time with that man than I have too.” Jayden said with a shudder as she thought about the horrid man Callum had to work with.
“I wish I had that option.” Callum chuckled, but he really did wish he’d got a choice.
Callum was soon parking his car in a restaurant car park and walking Jayden inside so they could eat. A waiter had only just seated them both when Callum looked over and saw Stephen and Deb walk in to the same restaurant and look straight at Callum before telling the waiter that they wanted a table for two. Jayden had her back to them, so she didn’t notice Stephen walk in. It looked like Stephen was just about to shout to Callum when Callum saw Deb ram her elbow into Stephen’s side to stop him.
“Great, the bastards are following me now.” Callum thought to himself as he tried to remain calm in front of Jayden. Callum realised that he would have to keep away from Jayden until he could sort out this problem. He didn’t want to give them anything to use against Jayden as well.
Callum was nervous the entire meal as he could see the two of them watching him with Jayden. Callum didn’t like the way Stephen was looking at Jayden, but he couldn’t very well go over and have him about it, and as it stood at the minute, they had more on him than he had on each of them. Callum had been keeping all the credit card receipts though. Stephen and Deb didn’t seem interested in them. The only one Stephen had ever asked for was the very first one he got on Wednesday.
“Are you sure you want to go and watch a movie Callum? You look distracted by something.” Jayden asked when she’d asked Callum the same question twice, and still not got an answer from him.
“I’m sorry Jayden. I think it would be best if I just took you home again after the meal.” Callum sighed. “I’ll make it up to you once I get this project sorted out, promise!” Callum added.
Callum didn’t think he was lying when he said that, he would have all the time in the world, once he got Stephen and Deb off his back.
They finished their meal and Callum paid the bill before leading Jayden back out to his car in such a way that she didn’t see Stephen sat eating with a woman as they walked past their table. Callum thought he saw Stephen go to say something as they past, but Callum just heard a grunt of pain. Deb must have kicked him under the table. “She really is the brains behind all this.” Callum thought to himself.
Callum didn’t want to risk running into his shadows anywhere else, so he drove Jayden straight home and then sat in the car for ten minutes just kissing. Callum waited for Jayden to enter the house before driving away, to go home and form a plan to get something he could use on either Stephen or Deb.
Once at home, Callum fired up his PC and then started looking for spy stuff on the internet. He soon found just what he was looking for. He found that you could buy little USB memory stick spy style voice recorders, so he ordered up half a dozen of them and hoped he could get some dirt on them, or just keep tabs on what they had planned for him in the long term.
Reading the specs on the recorders, Callum would be able to record up to sixty hours of conversation, but the charge would last for up to four hours at a time. Callum thought that should be more than enough to find out their plans for him, and much more stuff they must talk about when he wasn’t with them.
Callum paid for express delivery on the recorders, and they were on his front door when he got home on the Tuesday night. He soon had his laptop and home PC fired up charging a couple of the USB recorders ready for him to start using on the Wednesday. They looked just like a normal memory stick, so he’d be fine to leave one on his desk when Stephen came in to start gloating about where they would be going at lunch time. Stephen always came in mid morning to inform Callum of what he would be buying at lunchtime each day. Deb was going to be the tricky one to get on record, as she didn’t like Talking to Kara or Callum about anything. With her sister still being held by the police, and her not being able to go and see her, must have really been winding her up. That thought made Callum smile, every time he thought about it.
Mid morning on Wednesday, just like every other day since Callum got back to work last week, Stephen walked into his office and sat down after shutting the door. He then went on to tell Callum what shops they would be going to, and what he would be buying from each shop.
Callum carried on working, just responding with his normal murmured yes when he thought Stephen was waiting for an answer, but most the time Stephen just spoke down to him. An asshole on a power trip Callum thought to himself most the time.
“I still can’t work out how someone like you ended up working with someone like Deb?” Callum asked with a sick sounding chuckle. Callum might as well of said Stephen was stupid and he couldn’t work out why Deb wanted to work with him, when she could find much smarter people everywhere she looked. It had the effect Callum was looking for, as Stephen started singing like a bird. Callum had to stop himself from smiling as he thought of it all being caught on the little memory stick recorder sat on the desk in plain sight for all to see.
Once Stephen had left Callum’s office he turned off the recorder and then stored a copy of the wav file to his works PC and also sent a copy to an online vault he had brought space with, just to store all the files he made.
Callum started recording all the time he spent with Stephen and Deb after that. He even managed to leave a couple of them in Deb’s house so he could find out what they were saying about him after he’d leave the house.
Between working in the office, and then going out with Stephen every lunch time and in the evening sometimes in the week, and then Saturday and Sunday going around the shops all day, it was hard for him to listen to the hours and hours of recordings, trying to find out as many details as he could, and finding time to see Jayden was a thing of the past, not that he wanted to be around Jayden while he had these two controlling his life both as Callum and Kara.
It had been nearly three weeks since Callum last took Jayden out for a meal, and that was the same night he found out Stephen and Deb were following him. He’d been going through some more of the recordings when he saw that he’d missed yet another call from Jayden, so he sent her a message to say sorry, but he was busy in a meeting still, and he would call her later if it wasn’t too late. Callum had fallen asleep at his PC and didn’t wake until the early hours of the morning, so he decided that he would call in and see Jayden at the hotel and have some lunch with her at the same time.
Stephen walked into Callum’s office the next day and before he could say a word, Callum stopped him. “You’re on your own today Stephen. I’m going to have lunch with Jayden.” Callum said in a firm and final voice.
“Suit yourself then, if that’s how it’s going to be.” Was all Stephen said as he turned around and walked back out his office without another word.
Callum didn’t like the sound of that, but it was too late now, and he was only going to miss one day of shopping. Callum left the office at lunchtime and decided to walk the couple of blocks to the hotel, as the day was nice and sunny. He walked into the hotel and saw Jayden talking to a guest, so he waited for her to finish with them before going over to her.
“I wonder what she’d think of you if she knew what you spent all your free time doing.” A voice said from just behind him.
Callum spun round to see Stephen stood there with a grin on his face. “Will you piss off and let me have one normal lunchtime?” Callum said through gritted teeth as he stared pure anger at Stephen.
“I’m afraid not Callum. If you have lunch with Jayden, I’m going to join you and then tell her everything you’ve been doing for the past three weeks.” Stephen said with a smug look on his face.
“You bastard.” Callum growled under his breath so no one else could hear him say it.
“You better go and make it quick Callum, we have places to be, and the clock is ticking.
Callum looked over and saw that Jayden had just finished with the guest, so he walked over to her. “I’m sorry for not getting back to you last night Jayden. The meeting ran late into the night.” Callum said looking tired and stressed out.
“Don’t worry about it baby.” Jayden smiled. “You’re here now, and I was just about to take my lunch break anyway, so why don’t you join me?” Jayden grinned.
“I’d love to Jayden, but I have Stephen waiting outside.” Callum groaned, as he looked over his shoulder at Stephen, stood just inside the lobby now, grinning at Jayden as she looked right at him. He even had the nerve to give her a little wave as he winked at her.
“Tell him to get lost for half an hour, so we can have a little time together.” Jayden whined. “I’ve not seen you in a couple of weeks, and when I finally do, you have him following you around.” Jayden added through gritted teeth.
“I wish I could Jayden, but I have to get across town and sort something out with him.” Callum said with some anger in his voice, but it seemed to be aimed more towards Stephen than her.
“Don’t suppose I’ll be seeing your sister at the club then again tonight?” Jayden asked with a pissed off edge to her voice.
“No, sorry, but I have something else I have to take care of tonight.” Was Callum’s vague reply.
“Fine then, don’t let me keep you from whatever it is you need to do with him.” Jayden snapped as she saw Stephen walking over to where the two of them were stood talking.
“Hello Jayden. It’s so nice to see you again.” Stephen said with a smug smile as he put a hand on Callum’s shoulder, just like they were the best of friends.
“Wish I could say the same.” Jayden said, but not even bothering to try and make it look like she remembered his name. “You better run along and do whatever it is you two have planned.” Jayden added, just before she turned and walked away without letting Callum or Stephen say another word to her.
“Looks like you’re in the doghouse old mate.” Stephen said as he slapped Callum on the back while looking at Jayden’s ass sway from side to side in an angry way as she walked away. “I just might have to see if she’s ready to date a real man.” Stephen added with a smug smile.
“Why, do you know any real men?” Callum asked, just before turning and walking back out the hotel again.
Stephen still didn’t get his way though, because Callum started walking back to the office and only stopped long enough to grab a sandwich from a shop on the way back. Stephen looked pissed when he walked into Callum’s office later in the day.
Callum had seen him walking down the hallway, so he already had one of his memory sticks recording when Stephen walked in and closed the door before speaking a word.
“You need to go to Deb’s house tonight straight after work; she wants to have a word with you about what happened this lunchtime.” Stephen snapped it out like an order.
“I’ll think about it.” Callum said, too pissed off to play nice with him.
“You’ll fucking do it, or else.” Stephen said through gritted teeth and he pointed a finger towards Callum.
“Or else what? You’ll screw up my life more than you already have you asshole!” Callum barked back at him. “Newsflash dickhead. Blackmail only works for as long as the person has something to lose.” Callum added like Stephen was an idiot, which he already knew he was.
“You’ve still got plenty to lose yet Callum.” Stephen said with a cocky grin.
“Fine, now piss off so I can get on with my work.” Callum huffed as he started working again as if Stephen had already left the office. Callum wasn’t really that bothered about going to Deb’s house, he had left one of his recording devices there on Sunday, and he wanted to replace it with another one anyway.
Callum had hid the recording device on a little ledge up under the coffee table lid in the middle of the living room; he hoped that Stephen and Deb sat in there to chat after Kara had left Sunday night. Callum also hoped that he could wind Deb and Stephen up enough while he was there tonight, so they would spill even more info about their plans for him in the future.
Stephen’s car was already parked outside Deb’s house that night when Callum pulled up. Callum had stopped to grab a bite to eat on the way though, still not happy with the way Stephen had acted at lunchtime.
Deb answered the door when Callum rang the bell. “Come in Callum.” Deb sighed as she stepped aside to let Callum into the house. “I hear that we had a spot of trouble at lunchtime?” Deb asked as she led Callum into the living room.
“A spot of trouble? All I wanted was to have a quiet lunch with my girlfriend, and I couldn’t even do that without that piece of shit threatening me and then making moves on her himself.” Callum spat out as he pointed at Stephen. “I’m beginning to think that turning myself in would be a lot less bother than keep putting up with him all the time.” Callum added, trying to make it sound like he was upset.
“I’m sorry you had to put up with that Callum.” Deb said, sounding genuine as she said it. “I’d already told Stephen to let you have some time with your girlfriend.” Deb added, looking angry with Stephen this time.
“I don’t think I can keep doing this.” Callum said as he dropped down into the armchair closest to the coffee table end that he’d hid the recording device under. “I’m doing all his work at the office, and then he’s forcing me and my girlfriend to split up as well. What am I going to have left at the end of all this?” Callum wasn’t really lying about any of it. He couldn’t see him having much of a life, if he couldn’t get these two off his back soon.
Deb turned on Stephen when she heard that he’d been getting Callum to do all his work at the office. “What the hell have you been doing with your time while he’s been doing all your work for you?” Deb asked as she poked Stephen in the chest.
Callum used the distraction to retrieve the old recording device and replace it with a fresh one he had gripped in his hand.
“What’s wrong with having the odd perk here and there?” Stephen shrugged.
“I’ve told you before, we have to keep up the act of being normal working class people, or someone will spot that something is wrong.” Deb growled at him. “Do you think I like working in the bloody salon all week?” She asked with anger plain to see on her face.
Callum had to smile when he saw that Stephen could annoy Deb, just as easy as he did everyone else. Callum found himself wondering if Deb knew about all the jewellery he’d given the girls at the office, or if she even knew about all the one night stand’s he’d been on with them.
“Did you call me here for a reason, or just to waste even more of my time?” Callum asked, wanting to get home so he could call Jayden and try to smooth things out, and to also start going through all the recording’s he still had left to go through.
“I need Kara to help me tomorrow night, so be here at eight on the dot. Stephen won’t be asking you to help him at the office either from now on, and there won’t be any more lunchtime shopping trips either.” Deb said as she looked at Stephen more than Callum to get that point across.
Callum got up and left the house, hoping that the two of them were going at it now he had left the house and they thought that he wouldn’t know what they were saying. Callum had already found out a lot about Deb and the operation she was running, due to his recordings, and the fact that Deb couldn’t dial a number without saying it out loud to herself as she punched it into her phone.
Deb sold the stuff on to various pawnbrokers and second hand stores around London, as well as using online auction sites like EBay. Callum thought she must have a nice sum of money stashed away some place. Callum now had a list of these places thanks to Deb’s little habit when dialling. He was building up quite a nice case of evidence to hand over to the police if, or when he gets ratted out by either of them.
Callum got home and tried to call Jayden, but then he remembered what day it was. It was Tuesday and she’d be at the club with Chrissy and the others. Callum thought about getting dressed up as Kara, but then thought he better not, just in case Stephen and Deb had been fooling him earlier, and they were still watching him. He started working his way through all the recordings he had of Deb and Stephen to see what new information he could find out.
Callum tried calling and texting Jayden the next day, but Jayden never got back to him. So he took that as a sign she needed some time to calm down, and Callum was hoping to be able to get Stephen and Deb off his back, once and for all very soon.
He got home from work on the Wednesday night and set to work becoming Kara again, so he could go and do this shopping with Deb, and also collect the recording device while he was there at Deb’s house.
Deb let Kara into the house, and Kara was surprised to not find Stephen there waiting with her. “You’re working without the trained chimp tonight?” Kara asked as she looked around the room to see if he was just in another room waiting to jump out and grab her.
“I’ve got him delivering some stuff for me. We don’t need him for this job.” Deb said as she wandered back into her bedroom to finish getting ready to leave the house.
Kara used the opportunity to retrieve the recording device and slip it into her purse. Kara had another one to replace it, but there was no point using it and setting it to record if no one was going to be in the house. Kara would try and place it in there later. If she came back into the house with Deb later.
Once Deb was ready they left the house and got in Deb’s car. She drove them to a posh looking shop that looked a little like an art gallery, but when they got inside it was full of jewellery that you could buy. Deb soon had Kara buying some pieces using yet more stolen credit cards while she just watched from the background.
They left with their purchases and then Deb drove them back to her place, where Deb was suddenly acting very friendly towards Kara. “Why don’t you come in and join me for a glass of wine Kara?” Deb asked with a smile.
Kara decided it would give her a chance to place the new recording device, so she said okay and followed Deb into the house.
Take a seat on the sofa, and I’ll go get the wine.” Deb said, acting all friendly now as she smiled again, just before she went into the kitchen.
Kara quickly planted the device and then got up, not trusting Deb too not drug her drink before doing god knows what to her. “I’m sorry Deb, but I just don’t think this is such a great idea. I’m going to leave now.” Kara said as she ran for the door and was gone before Deb could stop her. Kara was glad she had, because she saw Stephen’s car parked just down the road where she wasn’t supposed to see it.
“Those two bastards were trying to set me up again!” Kara said to herself as she drove home. They already had video of her and Callum buying stuff with stolen credit cards, but she couldn’t work out why they were still trying to get more? She was hoping that the recording device in her purse would give her some of the answers.
Once at home Kara fired up the PC and then plugged in the memory stick to see what was said the night before, just after Callum had left.
“Do you think he brought your act Donna? He still looked pretty pissed off when he just left.” Stephen’s voice was heard to say.
“Yes he’s starting to see you as the bad guy and me as a possible friend.” Callum could hear a hint of a fake pout as Deb said it. “I didn’t think he was ever going to tell you to get stuffed and go for lunch with his soon to be ex-girlfriend.” Callum heard an evil sounding chuckle from Deb this time.
“I think she already is his ex, judging by the look she gave him just before walking away today at the hotel.” Stephen laughed. “I’d still like to take a pop at that sometime.” Stephen growled.
“Just stick to the plan. We take the little tranny’s life apart, and then we’ll go after the little bitch next.” Deb said with anger in her voice. “By the time I’ve done with her, she’ll be turning tricks on street corners just so she can eat.” Deb added with that same evil chuckle.
Kara banged her fist down on the desk as she made her hand bleed when her faults nails dug into the palm of her hand. “I’ll kill them both then hide the bodies someplace they will never be found.” Callum’s voice said out of Kara’s lips. “Don’t be stupid. I need to think smart here.” Callum said as if he was really having an argument with himself.
He decided to listen to the rest of the recording, to see if they said anything else he could use against them, and try to stop them from getting anywhere near Jayden.
Callum started playing the recording again, and was soon rewarded with a detailed account of what they planned as their next move. Callum was lucky he’d left when he did tonight, he realised as he heard what they had planned.
“So what’s your next move with him now then Donna?” Stephen asked.
“I’ll act all friendly towards him, or her as it will be.” Deb had a sound of degust in her voice as she said it. “I’ll tell Her! That I’ve got you off doing something else, so it will just be us girls.” Deb’s evil laugh sounded again. “While I’m out with the fairy, you can set up the video cameras ready for when I get her in bed later in the night.” Deb’s even more evil laugh was heard this time.
“Then we send a copy to his ex, to put the final nail in his love life.” Stephen added the punch line to their plan.
“Yes we will.” Deb said with some pride in her voice. “Then you can leak the pictures of him dressed like a woman, around the office, so he loses his job.
“You going to cut him loose then, or turn him in to the cops?” Stephen asked.
“I’ve been talking with some people that say they know some other people that would pay big money to spend a night with a girl like Kara.” Deb laughed her evil laugh again. “We may as well make some money out of her while we can.” Deb sounded all sweet an innocent when she said the last bit.
“That is just so evil Donna.” Stephen laughed. “I can’t wait to see his face when he finds himself servicing men for a living.” He laughed some more.
Callum felt ill all of a sudden, as his mind started pulling up images of Kara being raped again and again by strangers as Stephen and Deb, or Donna, as he’d just found out her name was, would get paid for it to happen.
Once he’d run to his bathroom and been sick, he got a glass of water at the sink and looked in the mirror and saw Kara looking back at him. He set to work getting changed back to looking like Callum again, and then formulated a plan to get the last pieces of the puzzle he was still missing.
The first thing Callum needed to do was find out where Donna worked, so he got up early the next morning and waited down the road from Donna’s house, and then he followed her when she left for work. Once he had that worked out, Callum made his way into work himself.
Stephen came and found him, not that he was lost. Stephen came to Callum’s office to find out why he was late arriving at work.
“How come you’re late in this morning?” Stephen asked as he closed the office door like he always did now.
“Morning sickness. I’m pregnant, and you’re the father!” Callum snapped at him. “What the hell as it got to do with you why I’m late?” Callum scowled at Stephen as he said it.
“Thought you might have had some crazy idea about going to the cops.” Stephen said as he tried to look cool. Not easy when you look like a moron.
“Damn! You worked it all out.” Callum said sarcastically. “Yes I went to the police and told them that I’m being blackmailed into using stolen credit cards to rip off shops all over London because an asshole I work with found out I like to dress as a woman in my spare time, and he’s under the thumb of some evil bitch of a girlfriend.” Callum added with even more sarcasm in his voice.
Stephen looked worried for a couple of seconds before he realised that Callum was being sarcastic still. “I’m not under her thumb you fairy.” Stephen grumbled. “I bring my own special skills to the group.” He added trying to look proud of whatever he thought he brought to the team that Callum was now a fully paid up member of.
“You’re girlfriend came up with the perfect plan, and she has me by the balls. I don’t have anything to offer the cops, apart from a signed confession.” Callum said. He had started one of his little recording devices when he saw Stephen heading towards his office. Callum was hoping to trick Stephen into giving him a confession about the blackmail and more info about the credit cards as well.
Stephen didn’t disappoint and he was soon taking credit for the blackmail and for most of the credit card fraud as well, then he changed his mind and started telling the truth. He’d told Deb (Donna) all about Callum’s dressing, and how convincing he looked, then that Deb had come up with the idea to blackmail him into helping them after she saw her sister being taken away by the police.
As far as Callum knew, Deb’s sister was still being held by the police. Due to her not yet coming clean and telling them who she really was. Callum wasn’t sure how that would work when it went to trial. He hoped that they would work out her real name when they got Stephen and Deb (Donna) in custardy.
“Speaking of Deb, she wants to see you again tonight.” Stephen said all of a sudden, like he’d only just remembered about it. “She said you ran off last night before she had chance to say goodnight to you.” Stephen shrugged, but it looked fake. Callum already knew that Stephen was a crap actor.
“Does she want to see me, or Kara?” Callum asked, just to see Stephen’s brain try and work out the answer.
“She never said, so I’ll let you decide. She just told me that you had to be there at eight again.” Stephen shrugged, like he couldn’t care less, but once again Callum could tell that he was lying. Stephen did care, because he and Deb (Donna) were desperate to get Callum on film making out and sleeping with her, so they could then send it to Jayden and drive that final nail into the coffin that his love life was laying in at the minute.
“I’ll go as Kara then. We can have a girly night in.” Callum smiled as he used Kara’s voice. “You could always join us? I’m sure I can soon grab you a nice dress and make you look pretty for Deb?” Callum giggled, still using Kara’s voice.
“No thanks, I have some stuff to take care off, so it will just be you and Deb tonight again.” Stephen said looking worried as he got up and made a quick exit.
Callum chuckled, glad that he’d found a way to get Stephen to leave him alone, so he could get on with his work. Deb had put a stop to Callum doing Stephen’s work for him, but Callum now knew that it was just a ploy to try and get Callum, or Kara to lower their guard around her.
It had worried Callum at the start when one of them were not around while they did a job, but to put his own mind at rest, Callum had brought a small CCTV system and hidden it in the house facing the front door. He could also see a large chunk of the downstairs as well from the angle he’d hidden it. He checked the footage every night when he got home, and neither of them had ever been in as he could tell. Callum had also taken up wedging a small piece of paper in the door as he left. It would fall to the ground if someone went in to his house while he was out, but it was always where he left it, when he got home again.
Callum decided to follow Stephen at lunch time, he was hoping to find out where they stored all the stuff they stole from the shops. Deb was too careful to be caught coming and going, but Stephen was a lot easier to follow. Callum got lucky that lunchtime and Stephen led him straight to a small storage centre where he figured they kept some of the stuff. Callum hid outside until Stephen had entered and signed in, then Callum entered and started talking to the man behind the counter about the cost of renting a small unit. The man fished out a price list, and why he was doing that, Callum looked at the log in book and found the unit number of Stephen’s. Callum made a note of it on his phone and then thanked the man before leaving again. Callum had only just gone around the corner when he saw Stephen walk back out looking happy with himself about something.
Stephen went to three more of the storage placers around the city before driving back to the office again. Callum used the same excuse at the other three places so he could find out the unit numbers, ready to hand over to the police with all the other information he’d collected.
Callum had to run up the stairs and get back to his office before Stephen found out he’d left the office and followed him. Callum looked to be busy sorting out some paperwork when Stephen walked past his office door and tapped on the glass as he wondered past looking smug with himself.
“Keep smiling asshole, you’ll get what’s coming to you very soon.” Callum said to himself as he smiled back at Stephen.
Kara spent a little more time getting ready tonight; she wanted to look better than Deb (Donna) if they did end up going out. Not that it was hard to look better. Kara thought that Deb didn’t spend enough time looking after her skin, or hair. It was like she just thought she was beautiful, so why bother trying to look better. Kara just thought she was a queen bitch with no heart, but if she had a heart, then she wouldn’t be stealing for a living and hell bent on destroying other people’s lives.
Deb answered the door again with a smile. Kara was expecting the pissed off version to answer the door, but Deb was being nice. “Hello Kara. You look beautiful in that dress by the way.” She said as she let Kara enter the house.
“Thanks Deb. Not looking to bad yourself.” Kara lied with a warm smile. “I must be spending way too much time with her, if I can lie that well and still smile about it.” Kara thought to herself.
“Thanks for coming over again tonight. I just wanted to make sure you were okay? You left so suddenly last night.” Deb asked in a polite way as they made their way to the living room and both sat down on the sofa. “I hope I didn’t say something to upset you?” Deb asked looking worried.
Kara thought to herself. “No, I just didn’t want to spend any more time with you than I needed too.” Kara said in a flat tone.
“Oh, I was only trying to be nice to you.” Deb said looking a little hurt by Kara’s comment. “I thought we might have got off on the wrong foot, so I wanted to start again as friends.” She added looking a little more upbeat about it.
“Don’t take this the wrong way Deb!” Kara said with some anger in her voice. “But you’ve been forcing me to break the law with you for the past three weeks, and now you think by smiling and wanting to spend a girly night in with me, that I will suddenly throw my arms around you and call us friends?” Kara asked looking shocked that even Deb could think that would work.
“Well not right away, but I thought we could lay the foundations and work up to something a little more friendly?” Deb grinned as she ran a finger up Kara’s stocking covered leg.
Kara lifted Deb’s hand up off her leg and placed it back in her own lap. “I think you’re going to be pushing it with the word friend Deb, but I will tell you this right now, I will never be anything close to what you have in mind for the two of us.” Kara said as she stood up and moved to the armchair around the other side of the coffee table. This also put Kara close to where she’d hid the recorder the night before.
“I’m sorry you feel that way Kara, but please let me get you a drink, so we can have a chat and get to know each other a little better.” Deb smiled as she got up and walked off into the kitchen.
Kara waited for Deb to leave the room before she put her purse on the coffee table, just to let it fall off onto the floor, so she could retrieve the recorder and replace it with a new fully charged one. Kara wasn’t sure if she was being filmed now, that’s why she used the trick with her purse to cover her actions.
Deb walked back into the room with two glasses of wine. “I hope you’ll at least share a glass of wine with me, even if you can’t see us ever being friends?” Deb asked as she sat down on the sofa again.
Kara thought she looked a little smug now as she kept looking at Kara and then the glass of wine. “She’s done something to that wine!” a voice in her head was shouting to her. Kara picked up the wine, but didn’t drink out of it, she was just having fun watching Deb on the verge of shouting at her to just drink the damn wine and pass out!
“I’ll let you start then Deb, you already know everything about me.” Kara smiled as she looked at Deb to start talking about herself.
“I’m sure there are lots of things I don’t know about you yet Kara.” Deb smiled as she made a show of taking a sip from her wine glass.
“I don’t think so Deb. You and Stephen seem to know pretty much all there is to know.” Kara shrugged. ,i.“And the rest you will never find out bitch!” Kara thought.
“When did you first start doing this?” Deb asked as she waved her hand towards the way Kara was dressed.
“As a child, just like a lot of other girls like me.” Kara said as she lifted the wine glass to her lips, but soon dropped it away again as she spoke some more. “I use to borrow my mum’s things, but they never fit me very well. I looked pretty foolish now I think about it.” Kara giggled.
Deb’s eyes lifted slightly when she thought Kara was about to drink from the wine glass, but then she looked a little pissed off when Kara moved it away from her lips again and rested it back in her lap, just before putting it back on the table again.
Kara was playing with Deb to see just how far she could push her. Kara knew that Deb wouldn’t be able to keep up the friendly act all night, but Kara was going to have fun seeing how long she could. Kara started telling Deb all about her nearly being caught a number of times by her mum, and how she first started dressing fully in college, but never went out due to being too scared.
Deb was getting more and more red faced as Kara kept talking and talking to her.
“I think I might have been wrong about you Deb.” Kara smiled. “I’ve never opened up to anyone like this before. I think we could be friends.” Kara added.
“That’s nice to hear Kara.” Deb smiled, but it looked forced. “Is there something wrong with your wine?” Deb asked as she looked down at the full glass still sat on the table, not touched.
Kara could see that Deb had drained her glass some time ago, but she was still waiting for Kara to start hers. “I’m sorry Deb, but I never drink alcohol when I’m driving. Here you may as well have it, and I’ll just go and grab myself a class of water.” Kara said as she slid the glass over to Deb, just before she jumped up and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass out the cupboard and then fill it with water out the tap.
Deb was still looking at the full wine glass when Kara walked back into the room. Kara wasn’t surprised when Deb knocked the glass off the table as she went to pick it up. Spilling wine all over the coffee table and the floor in the process.
“Looks like you’ve had enough wine already Deb.” Kara said as she sat down in the chair again clutching her glass of water.
Deb looked pissed that Kara hadn’t put her glass of water down and gone to get a cloth to mop up the mess. Deb was soon on her feet and storming off into the kitchen herself. Kara didn’t trust Deb not to have more of what ever she’d put in the wine, in her pocket ready to spike whatever drink she had if she didn’t touch the wine, like she'd just done.
Kara kept talking while Deb had to sit and listen to her go on and on about her life as a crossdresser. Deb kept getting text messages and she would send out quick replies to each one. In the end Deb almost pleaded with Kara to go home.
“I’m really sorry Kara, but I’m tired and should start getting ready for bed now.”
Kara looked at her watch and did a fake effort to look shocked at the time. “I never realised just how late it had got Deb. Thanks for this girly night out, or in for you.” Kara giggled. “Do you want to do it again tomorrow night?” Kara asked with excitement in her voice.
“No, no! I’ve got other plans tomorrow night, but we’ll sort out another date again soon.” Deb smiled, but Kara could see that she wouldn’t be asked to come over for another girly night in this side of hell freezing over.
“What about on Saturday and Sunday? Do you want me to come around here like normal then?” Kara asked.
“Yes, just be here at nine am and we’ll work out where we’re going when you get here.” Deb said as she walked Kara to the front door and almost pushed her out.
Kara already knew that Deb wanted Kara and not Callum to turn up Saturday morning. Deb preferred dealing with Kara for some reason. Maybe it made her feel more in control knowing that she could shout that Kara was really a man at any point during the day, or maybe Deb did have feeling for her on some sick twisted level. Kara wasn’t sure, and hoped to god that Deb didn’t have feelings for her. It didn’t worry Kara that Deb hadn’t told her where they would be going, she never did. Worried that Kara might tell someone she guessed.
“Let’s see what they had to say last night after I left them without a show to record.” Kara said to herself as she fired up her PC. I’ll check to make sure Stephen hasn’t been in the house as well while you’re going through your start up routine.” She added as she looked at the PC.
Wandering off to her bedroom, Kara opened wardrobe door and then moved a couple of towels to reveal a little monitor, she turned it on and then ran through the footage on fast forward to see if anyone had been in the house, but it was all clear so she deleted it all and set it to start recording again tomorrow as she left for work.
The PC was sat waiting for her password when she returned to it, so she typed it in and then plugged in the recording device and started going through it.
“Shit! You may as well come out Stephen, she’s gone! Deb shouted. Kara could hear some noises that sounded like Stephen struggling to get himself out of a tight place, before she heard him speak.
“What the hell happened? I thought you said we’d have him drugged and then set up some wild looking video to send to his ex?” Stephen asked with a pissed off edge to his voice.
“I don’t know what happened; he must have got cold feet or something.” Deb snapped back at him. “We’ll just invite him around again tomorrow night and I’ll slip the drug in his first glass, then we can get the video. It’s just a matter of time.” Deb used her evil laugh.
“How did that work out for you bitch?” Kara asked the computer with a giggle as she thought about the look on Deb’s face as she went on and on about boring stuff she’d done since becoming a crossdresser.
Not wanting to get side tracked, Kara started listening to the recording again, to see what else they had planned for her, or Callum. They didn’t say much more about her, but they did start talking about dropping some bits off with people from the list of shops they sold stuff through. Callum had made the list using earlier recordings that he’d made at Deb’s house.
Stephen was going to be picking the stuff up during his lunch break the next day. That’s what Stephen had been doing when Callum followed him. Callum had also just found out that he now had the addresses and unit numbers for all their storage places.
“Great! That’s something else I can tick off the list.” Kara grinned.
Kara was soon getting worried when Stephen and Deb started talking about how easy it would be to get dirt on other girl’s like Kara. Stephen mentioned Carl’s club, and how they could both go there and pick up a couple of girls once Kara was out the picture. Then they could train them to do the same thing before destroying their lives and moving on to the next couple. Kara knew that Carl had to be warned about this, as it could look bad on his club and the changing service.
Callum was going to spend the next night cutting all the recordings that mattered to disc, so he could take them around to Carl. He was also going to come clean and tell Carl about all the trouble he was in and how they planned to go after Jayden next. Callum knew that he was looking at prison time for his part in it all, but he wouldn’t let them get near Jayden.
Callum had grabbed some takeout food on his way home from the office on Friday night. He tried to call Jayden a couple of times through the day, and again just after he got home, but she still wouldn’t answer his calls.
He got to work on the recording and typing up all the notes he’d made. And added the new bits he’d found out over the last couple of days. It was the early hours of Saturday morning before he gave up and grabbed a couple of hours sleep before he needed to get up and shower, shave and then get dressed as Kara, so he could spend the day ripping people off with stolen cards.
It was just before nine in the morning when he rang the doorbell at Deb’s house. Deb opened the door and let Kara in, but she didn’t look as friendly today. Kara was glad about that; she could deal with this Deb better than the happy one.
“Morning Deb. How are you feeling today?” Kara asked with a smile, still playing the friends card from the other day.
“I’m fine; just give me a couple of minutes to finish getting ready.” Deb said in a flat tone as she walked back into her bedroom.
Kara took the chance to grab the recorder. She didn’t think there would be much on it, apart from her going on about the tough life of a crossdresser.
“I had a really great time the other night Deb! Kara shouted. “It’s been some time since I got to just sit and chat like that.” Kara added.
“Yes it was different!” Deb shouted back, not sounding very happy about how the night had turned out for her. “Would you like a cup of coffee while we wait for Stephen to turn up?” Deb asked as she walked out the bedroom fully dressed now.
“I’m fine thanks, but don’t let me stop you. Kara smiled, but she was worried that Deb was still trying to drug her so they could make this video they kept going on about.
Deb never bothered with a drink when Kara said she didn’t want one. Then Deb was on the phone to find out where Stephen had got to? He seemed to turn up just after Deb called him, so Kara guessed that they were planning to spend the day at home shooting their own porn film. Kara was glad to disappoint.
They all left the house and made their way into the city and started buying stuff again, just like they did every Saturday and Sunday. Kara did her part and by the end of the day, they had a lot of stuff to drop off. Kara never offered to help, she just got out the van and walked to her car and got in after telling the other two that she’d see them tomorrow at the same time.
Kara thought about going to the club and trying to sort things out with Jayden, but then she remembered that she still had to finish off sorting out the recordings, so she went home and carried on with them. Callum couldn’t see the point of removing the breast forms for the night, so he went to bed as Kara.
Deb and Stephen were both up and ready to leave the house when Kara arrived there on the Sunday morning, so they left and got into the town early, so they went to have some breakfast before they started shopping.
Kara was glad that they had stopped trying to drug her for the time being. She also had a feeling that things were about to come to a head. They were now hitting shops that they had already brought stuff from using different cards, and they all knew it would only be a matter of time before one of them got caught doing it. Kara found that she was being left to walk into the shops and buy the things Deb or Stephen told her too.
It was getting on and most the shops were getting ready to close when Kara sensed that something was wrong. Stephen had suddenly said he needed to go and do something, and he kept calling Deb to tell her something. Kara was weighed down with shopping bags as Deb led her from store to store not buying anything, just looking around the shops when things got really bad, really quick.
Kara had walked round a corner in an up marked clothes store when she found herself face to face with Jayden and the others as they were all out shopping.
“Jayden?” Kara said, but having trouble finding her voice due to the shock of running into the girls like this. Then it hit her. That was why Stephen had vanished on them, and also why Deb kept getting calls from him. They had planned for this meeting to happen.
“Kara.” Jayden said through gritted teeth. “I wasn’t aware that Shopping was part of your job.” Jayden added with venom in her voice.
“Oh Kara, are these some friends of yours?” Deb asked as she put her arm through Kara’s, just like they were a couple.
“She’s no friend of mine.” Jayden growled, just before she turned and walked away.
Amy, Amber and Becky all looked at Kara with disgust before they went after a quickly retreating Jayden.
Chrissy was the only one not to leave with the others, she just looked at Kara with pure rage showing on her face. “Please Chrissy, I can explain everything. It’s not what it looks like.” Kara pleaded as she stepped forward and grabbed one of Chrissy’s arms in her hand.
“Take your hand off me right now, or I’ll start shouting that you’re a man.” Chrissy said in a whisper, as she first looked at Kara, and then the hand on her arm. “Well done Callum, you really had me fooled into thinking you had changed, but you’re still getting a kick out of destroying people’s lives aren’t you.”
“It’s not like that Chrissy. Please just let me...” Was all Kara got out before Chrissy cut her off again.
“Save it for someone that gives a shit Callum.” Chrissy scowled. “I don’t ever want to see you near me or any of my friends ever again Callum. Have fun with your new friend.” Chrissy added as she looked at Deb who still had Callum by the arm, just before she turned and walked away to catch up with the others.
Kara felt like turning on Deb, but they had already draw a small crowd, so Kara settled for just walking out the shop and then heading towards the car park where Deb’s car was parked. Kara also used the time to turn on one of the recording devices on that she had in her purse. She knew that Deb would have a good gloat about how they set her up.
It took Deb another ten minutes before she walked into the car park with Stephen walking beside her. Both of them were sporting smug smiles when they saw how pissed off Kara looked.
“What’s wrong Kara? Did they not have a dress in your size?” Deb asked with a fake pout, just before she started giggling at her own joke.
Stephen started laughing at her joke, but Kara just wanted to kill the pair of them. “Looks like Jayden really is an ex-girlfriend now Callum.” He grinned.
“You bastards planned for this to happen!” Kara screamed at them, only just keeping her voice sounding female as she did so.
“Don’t be like that Kara. I have no idea what you’re trying to say.” Deb said with fake hurt in her voice. “She was bound to find out about us sooner or later.” She added with a smile.
“There is no us you psycho bitch!” Kara snapped back at her.
This got a rise out of Deb; she closed the distance between the two of them in a flash, as she went nose to nose with Kara and looked her in the eyes with pure rage showing for once. Kara was proud that she’d finally found the right button.
“You listen to me you little shit.” Deb growled. “You belong to me from now on. Stephen is going to leak the pictures at your office tomorrow, so you lose your job, and then I have special plans for you to start earning me some real money.” Deb snarled as she pushed Kara backward, smashing her back into the side of her car.
“And what would that be doing? Bitch” Kara winced as the pain of the impact shot through her back.
“I’m going to turn you into a hooker, and I’ll be your pimp.” Deb said as she pushed Kara again. “Now get in the fucking car before I let Stephen become your first customer.” Deb shouted as she opened the car door and moved the seat forward for Kara to climb into the back seat.
Kara would have smiled if it wasn’t for the pain in her back, and the fact that she’d just lost Jayden and all the others as friends. But she had just got Deb to confess to running a brothel of sorts. Kara knew that she or more Callum was looking at prison time for his part in what Deb had been doing, but he would be taking Deb and Stephen down with him.
Deb drove straight back to her place and then got Kara to help take all the stuff they brought into the house. Kara dropped the stuff on the floor and then turned to leave the house, but she stopped when Deb spoke to her.
“Don’t even think about leaving just yet Kara, we have things to sort out.” Deb pointed at the armchair for Kara to take a seat.
“Fine, say what you got to say, so I can get the hell away from you.” Kara said with a degusted look on her face.
“If that’s how you want this to be, then that’s fine with me Kara. I want Callum to hand in his notice at work tomorrow.” Deb told her.
“You want me to do what?” Callum asked, not even trying to sound female now.
“You won’t want to be working there after Stephen starts leaving these all over the place.” Deb said as she dropped a large pile of A4 sized photos of Callum dressed as Kara. Deb or Stephen had taken a photo of Callum and a photo of Kara, and then merged them both together using a computer program. It wasn’t some of the best work Callum had ever seen, but it would work for what they needed it to do. You could plainly see that the woman in the photo was also the man in the photo next to it.
“And if I don’t do as you ask?” Callum bluffed.
“You end up doing the same thing anyway, but from prison.” Deb shrugged, like it was no big deal either way to her.
“How am I supposed to live if I quit my job?” Callum wanted more details from her or Stephen while he was still recording.
“You’ll be working for me Kara, so I’ll be paying you a wage. I’ll let you keep your own place as well for the time being, but I may have you move to a new place in the near future. A place better suited to what you will be doing for a living.” Deb said it like the heartless bitch she really was.
“Doesn’t look like I’ve got much of a choice then does it?” Kara said using her female voice again now.
“Yes you have a choice Kara, just not a very good one.” Deb giggled, and Stephen sat chuckling from the sofa next to her.
“When do I start working for you then Deb?” Kara asked through gritted teeth as she got up from the chair to leave.
“Be here at seven tomorrow evening Kara, and make sure you look pretty. I should be able to sort out a couple of clients for you by then.” Deb said in a matter of fact way as she waved Kara out of her home. “Stephen will be keeping an eye on you, so don’t try to run, or not hand in your notice at work tomorrow!” Deb shouted as Kara was leaving the house.
Kara slammed the door behind her and then walked over and got in her car before she burst into tears. It took her a couple of minutes to pull herself together again. Once she had, Kara started her car and then drove home to put all the evidence together, so she could then go to the police.
Callum was soon himself again just after getting home, so he plugged in the recording device and added the new recording to the others and added all the receipts Kara had saved from the stuff she’d brought today with the ones from all the other times. He’d also scanned them all into the computer and added them to the DVD’s he’d cut as a backup copy. He was going to give this copy to Carl, so he could keep Jayden safe, and also make sure no one else from the club ended up in the same boat he now found himself.
He then sat and typed up the resignation letter just in case Stephen or Deb asked to see it before he took all his evidence to the police and turned himself in. After that he typed up a letter for Jayden and another one to Carl explaining about the reason for his actions over the past month and to warn Carl about Deb and Stephen.
“How do I make sure that Jayden and Carl both get the letters and they read them? And they don’t just rip it up.” Callum said to himself as he sat at his computer desk looking down at the envelops with the letters in.
Having a sudden brain wave, Callum jumped up and slipped his trainers on before chucking all the disks and the two letters in a backpack and then running out the door and jumping in his car. As Callum drove down the road, he saw another car or a van pullout of a parking space just up the road from where he’d been parked. Callum drove around for a bit, and the vehicle stayed with him.
“Shit! Stephen must be following me.” Callum said as he slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. He had to hit the brakes just then because a bus pulled out on him. That suddenly gave Callum an idea.
Callum parked his car near a burger bar, and he went in to grab something to eat, that’s how he wanted it to look. Once he had a burger, he walked out and took a couple of bites from it as he looked around to see if he could see Stephen stood nearby. He spotted him stood in a darkened shop doorway using a bus shelter window as a mirror to look at the reflexion. Callum had no idea where Stephen had parked, but it would take him some time to get back to his van and then follow him again.
A bus pulled up to the stop and Callum dropped the burger in the bin and then jumped on the bus before Stephen had time to realise what he was doing. Callum looked back just in time to see Stephen doing what looked like a silly dance as he decided whether to run after the bus, or go back for his van. The van must have won because the last thing Callum saw as the bus went around the corner was Stephen running away from him and the bus.
“Better luck next time asshole!” Callum screamed in his head. He got some strange looks from the people on the bus though when he started chuckling to himself.
He got off the bus at the next stop even though he’d paid to go all the way into the city, the bus driver looked at him strangely as he got off again, but Callum didn’t care. Callum stepped back into the shadows to see if Stephen went past in the van, and he did just a couple of minutes later.
“Now I’ve got rid of him, I can get my car again and carry on with my other plan now.” Callum said to himself out loud as he started running back to where he’d parked his car.
Callum still kept checking to make sure he wasn’t being followed, but the road was clear behind him most the way to where he was going. He just hoped that the person he wanted to see would listen to him while he explained what he needed them to do for him. He was soon pulling into the large driveway and parking his car. He got out and took a couple of deep breaths before walking up to the front door and ringing the bell. He didn’t have to wait long for a security light to come on, and then for someone to open the door to him.
By SaraUK
Part 30
Cathy had just got off the phone with Chrissy, and was telling Sara that they had caught Callum dressed as Kara in town with another woman, when the doorbell rang.
“You expecting anyone Saz?” Cathy asked as she looked at her wife cuddled up next to her on the sofa.
“No, are you?” Sara asked Cathy looking a little worried as to who it might be at the door.
“No I wasn’t. I better go and see who it is and get rid of them.” Cathy said as she got up and went to answer the door.
“Put the outside light on, and then look through the spy hole.” Sara directed Cathy from right behind her.
“I know what to do babe, just relax and go back in the living room if you’re that worried.” Cathy giggled as she turned on the outside light and then looked through the spy hole in the door.
“I’m stopping right here, just in case you need my help.” Sara said as she readied herself for a rush of people entering the house just as soon as Cathy looked to see who it was.
Cathy looked and then let a growl escape her lips when she saw it was Callum stood there. “He’s got some nerve coming here after what he’s done.” Cathy grumbled as she unlocked the door and opened it.
“Who is it Cathy?” Sara asked looking worried to see Cathy opening the front door to whoever it was on the other side.
“Don’t worry Saz, it’s just Callum.” Cathy said as she opened the door and looked right into Callum’s eyes before speaking to him this time. “You’ve got some nerve showing up here after what you’ve done to Jayden.” Cathy said with her hands on her hips looking angry with Callum.
“Please just let me explain what happened Cathy. It’s not what it looked like.” Callum pleaded with Cathy as he stood on their doorstep. “I need your help with something, so can I come in and explain it all to you?” Callum asked, hoping that Cathy wasn’t going to slam the door in his face.
“Why should I do anything to help you Callum?” Cathy grumbled, but didn’t slam the door in his face.
“I’m not asking you to do anything for me other than pass on two letters. One to Jayden, and the other to Carl, I also need you to give Carl some disks for me as well.” Callum said as he slipped the backpack off his shoulder and held it up for Cathy to see. “If you don’t do this for me Cathy, Jayden and a lot of the girls that go to the club could be in danger.” Callum pleaded.
Cathy could see the worry on Callum’s face, and part of her brain was telling her to let him in and hear what he had to say. “Okay, come in and explain what’s got you seeing other women behind Jayden’s back.” Cathy said as she stepped aside and let Callum enter the house.
“Thank you Cathy.” Callum said as he walked past her into the house. “Hi Sara, Sorry if I’ve scared you.” Callum added when he saw a frightened looking Sara stood just behind the front door.
“I don’t care what you’ve got to say Callum; I’m still going to be on Jayden’s side.” Sara huffed as she walked back into the living room without saying another word.
“I’m sorry about that Callum, but I can’t say that I’m a big fan either at the minute.” Cathy shrugged as she led Callum into the living room just behind Sara,
“I’m not asking either of you to take a side. I just need you to make sure Jayden gets this letter and that she sits and reads it.” Callum pleaded as he took the two envelops out the backpack after he took a seat on a sofa facing the two of them. “And I also need you to make sure Carl gets this envelope and also all these disks.” Callum added as he pulled out the stack of disks and placed them on the coffee table next to the envelope addressed to Carl.
Callum ran his hand across the envelope with Jayden’s name on it and felt the lump that was the locket Becky had given him, or given to Kara nearly four weeks ago. He was returning it due to the engraving inside no longer being true. Callum wasn’t their friend anymore, or would he ever be again after tonight. He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Cathy talking to him.
“What’s all this about Callum, and why do you make it sound like we won’t be seeing you again after tonight?” Cathy asked with worry in her voice.
“Because I don’t think you will be.” Callum sighed. “I’ll be going to the police tomorrow to hand myself in for credit card fraud.” Callum added as he put his head in his hands, glad to be able to finally tell someone about it.
“Why would you be doing something like that?” Cathy asked, shocked to be hearing what Callum had just come out with.
Callum took another deep breath, then he started at the beginning and told Cathy and Sara all about Stephen and Deb blackmailing him into helping them, and then how they used the credit card fraud to now force him into servicing male’s for Deb. He told them both that he’d rather take his chance in prison knowing that he’d put a stop to them being able to do the same thing to more girls like Kara further down the line.
Cathy and Sara were both in too much shock to speak at first, once Callum had finished his story and explained the reason for the disks and the letter for Jayden.
“I’m going to put the kettle on and make us all a drink.” Sara said as she got up and left the room.
“Sounds like you could do with something a lot stronger than a cup of tea Callum.” Cathy said as she rubbed her temples, trying to think of some way to get Callum out the mess he was now in.
“I could use a miracle at this point Cathy.” Callum chuckled, but didn’t look very happy still.
“Why don’t you give Jayden a call and explain it to her? She’ll understand why you’ve been acting the way you have.” Cathy said.
“No, it’s better this way. She won’t be as upset to see me go to prison, and she’ll move on with her life.” Callum sighed as he thought about the look on Jayden’s face the last time he saw her today in the shop when Deb and Stephen set him up.
“But you haven’t done anything really Callum.” Cathy whined. “They blackmailed you into doing it all. That must count for something?” Cathy asked.
“At this point Cathy, I’ve got no idea what will happen, but I have been breaking the law for the past four weeks helping them, no matter which way you look at it.” Callum shrugged.
Sara returned to the room with a tray, she placed it on the coffee table and set to work sorting them all out with a cup of tea before she sat down next to Cathy.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier Callum. I should have waited to hear your side of the story before speaking out of turn.” Sara said just before sipping her tea.
“Don’t worry about it Sara. I have been an ass these past four weeks.” Callum said with a thoughtful look on his face. He was thinking about all the fun he’d had with Jayden and the others, and how he was going to miss it all.
None of them knew what to say to each other, so they just sat and enjoyed the tea for a bit. Callum was just glad to be able to sit and enjoy a drink without worrying about what was in it. Callum did jump thought when he heard the doorbell ring.
“Crap! Stephen must have followed me after all.” Callum said as he jumped up ready to go and face Stephen. “I’m sorry Cathy, Sara. I never should have come here.”
“Calm down Callum, that will be Carl.” Sara said in a calm voice as she got up and went to answer the door. “I called him while I was making the drink and gave him a shortened version of what you told Cathy and me.” Sara added just before leaving the room.
“Is he still here?” Callum heard Carl’s voice coming from the hallway.
“Hi Carl, I love you too.” Sara said, heavy with sarcasm. “Yes he’s in the living room with Cathy.” Sara added with a giggle.
“I’m sorry Sara. How are you and Cathy doing anyway?” Carl asked as he followed Sara into the living room with two more men in posh suits following just behind.
“We’re fine, just having a quiet night sat in front of the telly until Callum turned up.” Sara smiled as she sat down next to Cathy again.
“For god’s sake Callum, why the hell didn’t you come to me sooner?” Carl asked as he made eye contact with Callum.
“It all happened so fast, and I couldn’t see as there was anything you could do to help. The only reason I’m involving you at all is because they are going after Jayden and other girls at the club next.” Callum said with fear in his eyes. “I’ve got recordings and all the receipts for the stuff I was forced to buy, as well as lots more details about their operation and where they store all the stuff.” Callum said as he pointed at the disks on the table.
“Are you telling us that you recorded them blackmailing you, and also talking about all the other things they’ve been up to?” One of the men that had come in with Carl asked with a shocked look on his face.
“Yes, I’ve got hours of recordings. They talk about going after Jayden, and also blackmailing other girls at the club to help them with the credit card fraud. I’ve even got them talking about turning me into a prostitute and earning money for them.” Callum pointed out. “I’m taking it all to the police tomorrow and turning myself in with it all.” Callum added looking sad about having to do that, but he couldn’t see any other choice.
“Carl, can you call Dale and get the number for them police officers that were dealing with the credit card fraud at the hotel for me?” The same man asked Carl.
“It’s that woman’s sister that’s been running the operation.” Callum told them.
“This just keeps getting better and better.” The man smiled.
“Just who the hell are you?” Callum finally asked.
“I’m sorry Callum. These are a couple of my layers. They're also the ones that I’m getting to take over the fraud case at the hotel, and it looks like you’ve just made their day.” Carl grinned when he saw how excited the two men now looked.
“Made our day Carl? More like made our year. The second man chuckled this time.
“I’m glad that someone is happy about all this.” Callum said sarcastically.
“You should be happy Callum, is it?” The first man asked. “Thanks to you the police are about to close down one of its biggest credit card fraud rings it’s ever had.” He added looking proud.
“I’ll try and remember that while I’m doing my time.” Callum smiled, but still didn’t feel like he meant it.
“You won’t be doing any time for your part in it Callum.” The second man told him. “They’ll want to give you a medal after all this.” He added.
“I won’t be going to prison?” Callum asked, looking shocked at the news he’d just been told.
Callum had been so focused on going to prison, that he had no idea what he would do if he didn’t end up there. He found himself at a loss for what to say next. Callum was glad when Carl walked back into the room and handed the first man that had spoke, a piece of paper with a number and a name on it.
“Here you go Ted. Dale said that was the officer in charge.” Carl said as he took a seat on the sofa next to Callum while Ted got his mobile out and called the officer.
Callum’s mind was all over the place now, but it was snapped back to reality when he heard Carl talking to him.
“Do you want me to call Jayden and tell her the truth about why you were out shopping with that woman today?” Carl asked.
“No, not yet Carl. I want to be sure I am not going to be in any trouble before I get close to Jayden or any of the others again.” Callum said in a firm voice. “Were you with Jayden when Sara called you? Does she know anything yet?” Callum asked looking worried.
“Yes I was round at Mandy’s house when Chrissy and the others brought Jayden home.” Carl sighed. “None of them know why I left though. I just said there was some trouble at the hotel I needed to go and sort out.” Carl added when he saw the worried look Callum had.
“How was she when she got home Carl?” Callum asked, but already having a pretty good idea before he spoke.
“She was pretty upset about it all Callum. I think that girl had fallen head over heels in love with you and Kara.” Carl smiled. “She did seem a little better as I left though.” Carl chuckled at the memory. “Chrissy and Amy had broken out the big guns.” Carl added with another chuckle.
“Big guns? What were they doing to her?” Callum asked looking more worried.
“Chrissy and Amy had come into the living room with four large tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and spoons for them all.
Callum had to chuckle as he thought about ice cream being good break up food. “Great, so if I can ever convince Jayden to talk to me again. I’ll be getting blamed for them all putting on a few pounds now as well.” Callum said with a roll of his eyes.
“There will be no if Callum. Jayden will understand why you’ve been acting like you have.” Carl patted Callum on the back as he said it.
Callum suddenly found himself crying as the shock of everything started to sink in. Carl went to hug him, but Callum backed away from him. A natural reaction after spending the last four weeks on his guard around Deb and Stephen.
Carl didn’t take offence at it and just got up and let Sara and Cathy take seats either side of him as they both hugged him until he stopped sobbing.
Callum seemed to be on another planet until he heard the doorbell again, and he jumped. Ted told him to relax; it would be the police officers that Callum had already met at the hotel, when they joined him Jayden and his mum for dinner while they took their statements. Callum wasn’t sure they would recognise him though, as he was dressed as Kara at the time.
Carl, Ted and the second man that came in with Carl, Adam, took charge and explained everything to the two officers, and Callum was glad they did. He was sick of telling the story. Cathy and Sara helped fill in the bits the others weren’t too sure about, and Callum offered the odd missing bit here and there.
The one part Callum didn’t miss though was when the officers said that they would say that Callum had agreed to help them and get as much information for them as he could. This would mean they wouldn’t need to bring charges against him.
“You’re not going to arrest me?” Callum asked, not sure he was hearing it right.
“No Callum. You only did what you did because you were being blackmailed into doing it. That on its own is a chargeable offence, but you have enough to put them all away for a very long time.” One of the officers said with a smile.
“Sadly though, we won’t be able to stop people finding out about you’re more feminine side. That will be one of the charges against them, and you will need to testify in court when it goes to trial.” The other officer warned.
“I will just have to live with that.” Callum said looking happy to just be staying out of jail. “It’s less than I deserve for my part in all this.” Callum added.
Callum went in his backpack and pulled out all the notes he’d taken and the other copy of the disks he’d burned. He handed them over to the officers and watched as they went through it all.
“You’ve got just about everything on them here.” The first officer said as he looked at the four locations for the storage units with the unit numbers and then the place that Deb (Donna) worked. Then there were all the receipts in a folder as well.
“Do they know you have any of this?” The other officer asked as he pointed at the pile of stuff on the other officer’s knee.
“No, not as far as I know. They were pretty chatty about what they had planned for me today, just before I left.” Callum shrugged. “Stephen did try to follow me, but I lost him before coming here.” Callum added as he looked at Sara and Cathy still sat either side of him.
“That’s great; we will sort out two teams and arrest the two of them tomorrow morning at their places of work. That should also lift some of the limelight off your secret being leaked by this Stephen Adams.” The first officer said, as he tried to reassure Callum that everything would be okay.
“You could really take the wind out of his sails Callum.” Carl said with a grin.
“How could I do that Carl?” Callum asked with a puzzled look, but liking the idea of sticking it to Stephen and Deb.
“Why not go to work as Kara? They’re going to find out anyway, so take that victory away from them before he has a chance to do it for you.” Carl was grinning as he watched Callum think it over.
“I like the sound of that Carl, but I’d like to see both of them being arrested if that were at all possible?” Callum asked with a smile on his face. He was already picturing them both being taken away from their place of work in handcuffs by uniformed police officers while everyone looked at them.
“I can’t see why not Callum.” The first officer grinned. “It would be best to arrest this Deb or Donna first then. We don’t want to risk this Stephen calling her and tipping her off that you’re up to something and giving her the chance to make a run for it.” The officer added as he thought out the plan in his head.
“Okay, I’ll do it. Kara will be going to work tomorrow. It will be her first and last day at work, but she’ll be going.” Callum sighed. “Cathy? Can I...” Was all Callum got to say before Cathy spoke.
“What time do you want me to come and do your makeover?” Cathy grinned.
Callum chuckled at just how well Cathy knew him. He was just about to ask her if she would help him become Kara for her big coming out part. “Thanks Cathy. I better come to you at the hotel, just in case Stephen is following me still in the morning.” Callum warned her. “Hopefully he will just think I’m trying to grovel to Jayden.” Callum added with some pain when he said her name out loud.
“You won’t have to worry about bumping into Jayden tomorrow; she’ll be at college until lunchtime.” Carl informed them.
“I don’t want Chrissy or any of them finding out about any of this until they’ve both been arrested.” Callum warned them all.
“You don’t need to worry about that Callum; none of us have a reason to see any of them until after this is done tomorrow.” Carl pointed out.
Carl sorted out the final details with the two officers and his lawyers before letting Callum make his way home. Cathy was going to meet him at the hotel first thing in the morning, so they could make Kara look her best for the big day she would have ahead of her.
Callum got in his car and then drove back to his place. He wasn’t shocked to see Stephen get out the van he used when they hit the electrical stores, when Callum parked outside his house.
“Where the hell have you been?” Stephen asked in an angry whisper, as it was nearly midnight.
“I’ve just been driving around trying to think of some way out of this mess I’ve got myself in.” Callum said looking disheartened that he hadn’t. Well that’s how he wanted it to look to Stephen.
“I thought you were making a run for it.” Stephen chuckled as he got his phone out and made a call. “Hi Do... Deb. Yes he came back just like you said he would. Yes, said he was just driving around thinking about the shit he’s in.” Stephen chuckled some more at something Deb must have added to what he just said. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow night at your place.” He grinned at Callum as he said it, but Callum knew that he was answering Deb when he spoke.
“Do you mind if I go in now and get some sleep?” Callum asked. “I do have a big day tomorrow, unless you’ve forgotten?” Callum added with sarcasm.
“Deb wants me to stop the night to make sure you don’t get cold feet again, and get some foolish idea about making a run for it.” Stephen grinned at the thought of putting Callum under house arrest.
“Fine, but you’re sleeping in your van.” Callum said as he turned and walked towards the house, but reached into his pocket and grabbed the can of pepper spray one of the officers had given him, just in case of something like this.
Callum heard Stephen take a couple of steps in his direction, but then he stopped when he heard a couple of men walking down the road talking to each other with drunken sounding voices. Callum looked over his shoulder to see where Stephen was, and where the two men were. Callum smiled when he saw that it was the two officers pretending to be a couple of drunken men.
They had stopped Stephen long enough, so Callum had time to get in the house and close, then dead bolt the door. Callum then ran up to his front bedroom window and sat watching Stephen sat in his van for an hour before he must have got bored. Callum watched him start the van and then drive away.
Callum sat there for another fifteen minutes before jumping when his mobile started ringing. “Hello?” Callum asked when he didn’t know the number that came up on it. “Hello Callum, this is Officer Lamb. I just wanted to let you know that Stephen has returned to his home address and we have a car watching his house, so you’re safe to get some sleep.” Officer Lamb was one of the officers that he’d spoke to at Sara and Cathy’s house earlier tonight, and then he’d also been one of the men distracting Stephen long enough for him to get into his house,
“Thank you for the call and for the help earlier.” Callum said sounding grateful.
“My pleasure Callum, glad I was able to help. Now get some sleep if you can, and we’ll be keeping an eye on everything for you.” Officer Lamb said before ending the call.
Callum got ready for bed and was shocked that he was soon falling asleep.
Jayden was just making herself a drinking chocolate when she saw the kitchen door open and Becky waddle in.
“Hi Becky, everything alright?” Jayden asked as she watched Becky waddle over to the table after grabbing a bag of cookies out the cupboard on her way over.
“I’m fine, but I was about ready to kill for a cookie.” Becky giggled.
Jayden had to giggle as well. Becky did nothing but eat cookies at the minute. She’d even ate a whole tube of cookie dough ice cream earlier in the night when they were all helping her get over Callum, and the fact she’d found out he was dating another woman.
Do you want to share a drinking chocolate with me?” Jayden asked.
“Only if you don’t mind?” Becky smiled as she bit into a cookie.
“No, not at all. I’m glad of the company.” Jayden smiled.
“You’ll get over him one day Jayden.” Becky sighed “I think he’s an idiot for letting you get away.” Becky added with a frown.
“Thanks Becky.” Jayden smiled again. “I just keep getting this weird feeling that something was wrong when we saw Kara in that shop. She didn’t look happy like she normally does, or did.” Jayden corrected herself.
“What do you expect Jayden? She was just caught cheating on you.” Becky laughed, but it wasn’t a funny sounding laugh.
“It wasn’t that Becky, I just get this feeling there was more going on than we could see.” Jayden said with a pained look, she couldn’t put the way she felt into words, but she just had a feeling that Kara was in trouble when they saw her. Jayden took an instant dislike to the woman that was holding Kara’s arm as well, but that might have just been her jealous streak showing.
“The only way you will ever know, would be to call him and arrange a meeting so you can talk about it.” Becky shrugged as she watched Jayden bring the two half mugs of drinking chocolate over to the table.
“I won’t be ready to talk to Callum or Kara for some time to come Becky. I’d just want to hit him if I saw him now.” She added with a giggle.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Becky giggled. “Cookie?” Becky asked as she held the packet up for Jayden to take one.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Jayden grinned as she reached into the packet and pulled out a cookie then bit into it.
They both sat enjoying the cookies and the drinking chocolate for a bit with the only sound being the crunching of them eating, Then Jayden asked Becky a question about Chrissy.
“Was Chrissy alright when you went to bed? She seemed a little quiet just before she went up.” Jayden asked looking worried.
“She was okay after she spent ten minutes beating up her pillow.” Becky giggled. “She said she was just plumping it up, but it looked more like she was just punching it to me.” Becky added with more giggles.
“Why was she so upset about it all?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look.
“Chrissy thinks she might have been wrong to push the two of you together like she did. Chrissy thinks she made a mistake.”
“She didn’t do anything wrong Becky. The final say on whether Callum and I went out was down to me and him, not Chrissy.” Jayden said with hurt in her voice.
“I know that, you know that, but you try telling Chrissy that.” Becky said with a roll of her eyes.
“Do you have collage tomorrow?” Becky asked, trying to change the subject.
“Yes thank god.” Jayden grinned. “I’m not ready to face Callum’s mum when she comes to the hotel to see Dale. Way to much love around them two when they start.” Jayden added as she pretended to put two fingers down her throat as though she planned to make herself sick.
“So you’re a fully paid up first class member of the, we hate love fan club then?” Becky asked with a pout.
“Yep, and proud of it.” Jayden said puffing her chest out with pride. “I thought I was hoping for too much when we hit it off so well to start with.” Jayden sighed.
“So you thought it was going to fail at some point anyway?” Becky asked.
“I’ve got a lot to learn if I’m ever going to help Carl run his companies, and trying to have a relationship at the same time was always going to be tricky.” Jayden said.
“Do you really believe that?” Becky asked, not buying any of what Jayden had just said.
“Not really, but it’s the only way I can deal with the pain I’m feeling Becky.” Jayden said as she started crying again. “I want to hate him so much for what he’s done to me, but I still love him more than I hate him.” Jayden added as Becky pulled her into a hug.
“I know what you mean Jayden, but all I can say is it will get better with time.” Becky soothed as she stroked the back of Jayden’s head while she sobbed on her shoulder.
Once Jayden stopped crying, they sorted out the cups and left them to drain over night, and they made their way back up to bed. Jayden gave Becky a hug at her bedroom door before walking down to her own room and the empty bed that waited for her once she stepped inside. Jayden climbed into bed and then pulled the pillow down off the other side of the bed and cuddled it while she fell to sleep.
Becky climbed into bed and was pulled into a hug with Chrissy as she realised that her lover was back. Becky fell asleep happy that Chrissy was still able to sleep after all the excitement they had had. And all the ice cream they ate tonight.
Callum woke when his alarm went off. He lay in bed just looking up at the ceiling as he tried to work out how he would be feeling this time tomorrow when he wouldn’t be getting up and getting ready for work. He was soon getting out of bed and having a wash and a shave before getting dressed and heading out the door with Kara packed into a bag.
Kara didn’t really own any office wear, so she hoped she’d look alright in the dress Callum had picked out before he left to head over to the hotel so Cathy could go to town on him, and make her look amazing.
Callum looked up and down the street to make sure Stephen wasn’t sat waiting for him, when he couldn’t see him anywhere; Callum got in his car and set off towards the hotel.
Carl had given Callum a car park pass, so he could park in there out of the public’s sight. He parked his car and then grabbed his bag before making his way into the hotel and up to the changing service where Cathy would be waiting for him.
Cathy, Carl and Officer Lamb were all stood waiting for Callum when he entered the room. He put the bag down on a table and then started to remove all the items Cathy would need before he said a word to any of them.
“You ready to do this Callum?” Carl asked when he saw that Callum wasn’t going to speak first.
“I’m not sure ready in the word I’d use Carl.” Callum said with a worried look on his face as he carried on removing items from his bag.
“You won’t need any of that stuff today Callum.” Carl said as he put a hand on Callum’s to stop him removing things from the bag. “I’ve told Cathy to provide everything you need from the skin out, and Sara has proved you with a power suit to wear.” Carl added with a grin.
“A power suit?” Callum asked with shock written across his face, as he thought of Kara dressed like some super hero.
“Not that sort of power suit silly.” Carl chuckled when he saw the look Callum gave him. “A woman’s business suit. To make you look all powerful when you bring down the bad guys.” Carl added with a grin.
“Oh, right.” Callum said with a hint of disappointment on his face. “That would have been cool though.” Callum added with a nervous giggle.
“I’m sure what you’re about to do will be cool enough Callum. Now get over there and let Cathy get to work on you.” Carl said as he pointed towards Cathy.
Callum made his way over and did his normal routine when he came here. Cathy handed him a flesh coloured gaff and sent him to get undressed.
“I hope you don’t mind me hanging around to watch?” Officer Lamb asked. “I’m curious to see what you go through to look like you did that night up in the restaurant.” He added.
“I don’t mind, but there’s not much to get excited about.” Callum shrugged as he walked into the changing room and got undressed.
Officer Lamb sat down and watched as Cathy worked her magic on Callum. She used the cream to slow his body and facial hair growth then she set to work on applying the breast forms and hiding the edges, then she added a wig of long blond hair.
“Why blond hair Cathy?” Callum asked.
“They want you to look different when you enter the shop where this bitch Donna works.” Cathy said the last bit with real anger in her voice.
“They want me to go into the shop?” Callum asked in a shocked voice.
“Yes, we’ve probably already made the appointment by now.” Officer Lamb said as he looked at his watch. “We’re hoping that Cathy can make you look different enough that Donna won’t recognise you until it’s too late. Not that she’s got any chance of escaping us.” He added with a grin.
Callum got the impression that Officer Lamb was hoping she would try. He was soon distracted again though when Cathy started plucking his eyebrow hairs into a better shape for her to work with.
Carl and Officer Lamb sat and watched Callum disappear and Kara appear in his place. Carl also noticed that Officer Lamb kept moving in his seat. Carl had a feeling that Officer Lamb wasn’t new to this sort of thing, but now wasn’t the time to try and get a new client for the changing service.
Cathy soon announced that Kara was done, and she just needed to get her dressed. Callum, now looking like Kara tried to look in a mirror, but she had only just realised that Cathy had covered them all. So she would have to leave seeing what she looked like until Cathy was ready to let her look.
Kara was dragged to a private room that had no mirrors in it, so Cathy could help get her dressed. Kara saw the suit hanging on the wall and fell in love with the way it looked. It was dark grey and had a skirt and a top like a man’s business suit would, but it was more cut in at the waist to give a more feminine shape to the woman wearing it. Next to the skirt and jacket hung a silver silk blouse that looked so soft Kara found herself walking over to feel it. She wasn’t disappointed, it felt softer than anything she’d ever felt next to her skin before.
“I need you to put all this on before we get to that point Kara.” Cathy giggled when she saw the look on Kara’s face as she touched the blouse.
Kara turned and saw that Cathy had bra, panties, stockings and suspender belt sat on a table ready for Kara to put on. Kara walked over and set to work getting dressed, but she looked a little puzzled after she slipped on the blouse, when instead of getting the skirt, Cathy picked up a box and placed it on the table in front of Kara.
“We need to get you in this next, or the skirt and jacket will never fit.” Cathy said as she lifted the lid off the box to reveal a silver corset that matched the colour of the blouse perfectly.
Kara let out a groan as she lifted her arms and let Cathy wrap the corset around her waist and started pulling in the laces at the back. Cathy finally stopped and said she was all done, just short of Kara passing out from lack of breath.
“Does it have to be so tight?” Kara gasped.
“Yes it does. Just take small breaths until you get used to it.” Cathy said as she grabbed the skirt off the hanger and helped Kara step into it. Then Cathy got the jacket down and helped her slip that on to complete the look.
“I think we’re still missing a piece Cathy.” Kara pointed out as she looked down at her toes in the barely black stockings she was now wearing.
Cathy looked down with a puzzled look until she herself realised what Kara was getting at. “Shoes!” She shouted, just before she ran over to another box that had been with the corset box.
Kara watched as Cathy lifted the lid off the box and removed a pair of silver stiletto heeled pumps for her to wear. Kara fell in love with the shoes right away, she thought they looked expensive, but they definitely felt expensive as Cathy bent down and slipped them onto Kara’s feet for her. Kara wasn’t able to bend that far due to the corset being so tight.
Cathy stepped back to take a look at the finished masterpiece. “Are you ready to see the new Business Kara?” Cathy asked it like she was talking about a new range of dolls coming out. “Hold on, I just need to add one more little detail.” Cathy said as she picked up a pair of ladies glasses off the table and popped them on Kara’s nose.
“I can still see okay through them.” Kara said as she looked around and blinked a couple of times.
“There just for show Kara, no special lenses in them.” Cathy smiled “So now are you ready to see the all new Business Kara?” Cathy giggled.
“I guess so, but how different can a possibly look to how I normally look when I’m dressed?” Kara asked, using her female voice now.
“Follow me and you’ll find out.” Cathy grinned as she took Kara by the hand and led her out the private room and back to where Carl and Officer Lamb were still sat talking about the operation they were about to carry out.
Kara thought she must have looked different in some way because both Carl and Officer Lamb stopped talking to look at her.
“Wow, you look amazing Callum.” Officer Lamb said as he just kept looking at Kara.
“The names Kara when I’m dressed like this remember?” Kara giggled.
Officer Lamb shook his head to try and get it working again. “Sorry about that Kara. I just didn’t expect you to look so different.” He said as he waved his hand up and down while pointing it in Kara’s direction.
“I can’t comment, as Cathy hasn’t let me see what I look like yet.” Kara frowned as she looked at Cathy to fix that little oversight.
“Okay, okay.” Cathy said as she walked over to remove the sheets covering the floor length mirrors over in the viewing area of the changing service main room. “She’s only just put the suit on, and already she’s acting the part.” Cathy giggled as she started pulling the covers off each mirror.
Kara found herself looking at a blond bomb shell in a business suit. It took her a couple of seconds to realise that it was her she was looking at. Kara lifted her left hand, and the woman fitted her right, and vice versa. She couldn’t believe what Cathy had managed to do.
“I look so different Cathy. I don’t even recognise myself.” Kara said as she got closer to the mirror to look at the hair and makeup a little more closely. Her blond wig was longer, but Cathy had done it up into a form of tight bun on the back of her head, just like she’d seen a lot of women do at the office. It looked sexy, but practical for keeping it out the way while working at a desk.
The real eye catching thing though was the makeup job Cathy had done. She’d used makeup to change the shape of her face by shading in just the right places to make her cheek bones stand out more and then alter the shape of her nose with a little shading in just the right place. Kara really did look like a different person right now. Add to that the cut and design of the suit Sara had given her to wear, and you had a powerful looking woman ready for a day at the office.
“Do you like it Kara?” Cathy asked with a grin as she watched Kara taking in all the details of the makeup, and then checking out how she looked in the suit with her new tiny waist.
Kara looked at Cathy and shook her head from side to side, but she was grinning as she did it.
“Do you love it?” Cathy asked with a bigger grin on her face when she saw Kara start to nod this time. Cathy let out a squeal as she ran over to Kara and started hugging her.
Kara giggled as she let Cathy hug her. She also felt a little sad that this could be one of the last times she gets to feel like this. Having friends to care for her, or for her to worry about. Kara wasn’t even sure if Callum would be able to stay in London long after today. What little money Callum had saved up wouldn’t last long in this city.
“We better see about getting off Kara, or you’ll be late for your nail appointment.” Officer Lamb said as he looked at his watch.
“Okay Officer... Do you have a first name I can use?” Kara asked. “I feel silly keep calling you Officer Lamb all the time.” Kara said with some frustration in her voice.
“Yes it’s John.” He chuckled. “And the other one you met last night was my partner Richard Bell.” John added with a smile.
“Well it’s nice to meet you John, and I want to thank you for helping me get out of all this mess I’m in.” Kara smiled as she went to follow him out the room.
“Kara? Can I just have a couple more minutes of your time before you leave?” Cathy asked looking worried for what she was about to do.
“Sure, but we better make it fast.” Kara said with a nervous look over her shoulder at John as he looked at his watch.
“I just wanted to wish you luck, and also ask you what you wanted me to do with this?” Cathy asked as she pulled the envelope addressed to Jayden out her purse.
“I want you to still give it to Jayden when you next see her. Kara said with a sigh.
“But I thought if all went well this morning, you would be able to explain it all to her and there would be no need for this letter.” Cathy said.
“Cathy I’ve lied to her, done horrible things behind her back all to save my own miserable life. I’m not even sure she’s not doing the right thing breaking up with me.” Kara said as she ran her finger across the lump where the locket bulged out the corner of the envelope.
“Don’t you think Jayden should be the judge of all that Kara?” Cathy asked with a little anger in her voice.
“However this all turns out today, I won’t be around for long after anyway. I’ll be out of a job, and looking to move someplace where I can start again.” Kara said just before turning to leave the room with John.
Cathy went to argue with her, but couldn’t really say anything that would make any sense, so she just stood and watched Kara leave the room as her heels made a clicking sound as they moved away, getting quieter and quieter until she couldn’t hear them anymore.
Kara was sat in the back of a large black Mercedes that had just pulled up outside the salon where Deb (Donna) worked. Carl had let John use one of the hotel cars to make Kara look the part of a business woman being dropped off to get her nails done. John was playing the part of a bodyguard and his partner Richard was playing the driver. He’d already told Kara that this is by far the coolest undercover sting he’d ever been on, and had even asked if she planned any more in the future and if he could help on them as well. Kara thought that he was just trying to help her relax a little.
“Can you see her in the shop Kara?” John asked as he helped her get out of the car.
“Yes, she’s serving behind the counter.” Kara said as she looked into the shop and saw Deb (Donna) just taking a woman’s payment by credit card. Kara wondered if that’s how she kept getting the card details.
“Right I need you to go in and give them the name Miss Lamb and then enjoy getting your nails done and wait for the show to begin.” John smiled as he stepped over and opened the door for her to enter the shop.
Kara walked into the shop looking like a powerful business woman. That wasn’t hard with John looking like a bodyguard stood just outside. Kara walked over to the reception desk and gave the name John just told her to give. Kara looked in the mirror behind the woman she’d just spoke to and saw that Deb (Donna) was eyeing her up and down like a nice juicy target who’d be missing some money from her bank account very soon.
“So she does use the salon as a cover for ripping off people’s credit card details.” Kara thought to herself.
“Please follow me miss.” A woman said as she led Kara up to a work station so she could start work on her nails.
Kara went for something simple, she just had some false nails glued on that added a little length to them and then she had them painted a similar colour to her lips, which was a subtle shade of red. Kara sat watching Deb (Donna) as she took peoples payments for things they’d had done, and she started to notice a pattern to how she ripped people off. She would bend down every now and then before handing the person their card back. Kara knew that Deb (Donna) had some sort of card scanner on her, or under the counter some place. She wondered if John and Richard were also watching from outside? She was very subtle as she did it, but if you know what to look for, you could spot it.
“May we help you with anything else today Miss?” The girl asked as she finished working on Kara’s nails.
“No thank you. You’ve done such a beautiful job.” Kara said as she looked at her new nails.
John and Richard were now stood just outside the shop waiting for Kara to approach the counter and for Deb (Donna) to work out who she was.
“Thank you Miss. Please make your way over to the counter and Donna will sort out your bill and take the payment from you.” The girl smiled as she helped Kara get up and then handed her purse over to her.
Kara saw Richard talk into a radio, and just as Kara got to the counter they walked into the shop as a police van pulled up outside with another police car behind that. Kara smiled when she saw the look of fear and worry spread across Donna’s face.
“Can you confirm that this is the woman that has been blackmailing you for the last four weeks and forcing you to obtain goods using stolen credit cards?” John asked as he first looked at Kara, and then looked at Deb. (Donna).
“Yes, this is the same woman.” Kara smiled.
“You? You bitch! Donna shouted as she lunged over the counter trying to scratch Kara’s face off, but failing to make contact with her. Donna just fell over the counter and ended up in a heap on the floor in front of the counter while a shop full of people looked on in amusement.
“Donna Sampson I’m arresting you on the charge of Blackmail, credit card fraud, prostitution and assault.” John smiled as he stepped forward and picked Donna up off the floor so Richard could put the handcuffs on her.
“Assault?” Kara asked with a puzzled look as she watched to large uniformed officers enter the shop and almost carry Donna out to the waiting van. They then put her in the back of the van before getting back in themselves and driving her to the police station.
“Yes, she just tried to assault you. I’ll be taking statements from everyone to state that as well.” John smiled.
“I was hoping for more of a fight from her.” Kara sighed. Finding the whole thing very anti-climactic in the end, but she did have a nice set of nails to look at.
“So was I, but at least we’ve got her in custody now, thanks to you and all your hard work Kara.” John praised her. “I just need to have a quick word with the owner of the shop, and then we can go and arrest the other part of this team.” John added just before he walked off to calm down a woman that seemed to be trying to stop the police from taking Donna away.
The woman soon calmed down and was glad to see the back of her when John told her what she’d been doing while working there. The woman had no idea Donna could do anything like that. “She always seemed so nice.” The owner had said.
“No, she was just a very good actor.” Kara huffed as she watched Donna being taken away.
They were soon back in the Mercedes and driving towards Callum’s place of work. Kara was feeling more nervous about this part of the operation. The end of her job, or Callum’s job.
“Do you think they’ll miss this car if I forget to give it back?” Richard asked John as he sat in the passenger seat next to him in the front of the car.
“Probably not, but you’re still going to give it back when we’ve done with it.” John chuckled, already knowing that his partner was just joking.
Richard parked the car and then got out before helping Kara to get out. Then he and John fell in on either side of Kara as she made her way up to the floor she or Callum worked on. No one had worked out who the woman with the two bodyguards was as she made her way down the hallway to the boss’s office.
Kara stopped at a woman’s desk just outside a large double set of doors. “Hello Julie, I was wondering if I could just have a quick word with your boss?” Kara asked in her best feminine voice.
“Who may I say wants to talk to him?” The woman asked as she looked Kara up and down.
“I’d rather not say at the minute, but it does involve the police and actions being taken against people that work here.” Kara said in a flat tone. “So I would rather not say too much until I’ve spoke to your boss.” Kara added in a whisper, like she was telling Julie a secret fact about someone she knew.
Kara wanted to laugh when she saw the worried look on Julie’s face. “Why did everyone always look guilty when you mentioned the police coming to arrest someone?” Kara thought to herself as she watched Julie pick up the phone and call through to her boss.
“Hello Mr Rowell, sorry to bother you, but I have a young lady out here from the police. She needs to have a word with you right away.” Julie said down the phone. “Okay, yes sir, right away.” She quickly added as she got up from her desk as she put the phone down. “Please follow me.” Julie ran over to the big double doors and opened them to let Kara, John and Richard enter the office Callum’s boss used.
Julie quickly vanished again once they had all entered. Callum’s boss was sat behind a large desk looking right at them with the same worried look Julie had just had.
“Please take a seat and let me know how I can help the police on this fine morning?” Mr Rowell asked as he sat eyeing up Kara from top to bottom just before she took a seat.
“We’re sorry to bother you sir, but we’re here to arrest a member of your work force.” John said as he remained standing while Richard took a seat next to Kara.
“Arrest them? Whatever for?” Mr Rowell asked looking a little shocked.
“They’ve been blackmailing another member of your work force, as well as being part of a credit card fraud ring. They were also about to enter a much more provocative market, but we’re putting a stop to that before it even gets started.”John said as he looked Mr Rowell in the eyes.
“Who’s the one being blackmailed, and what are they being blackmailed for?” Mr Rowell asked.
“I’m the one being blackmailed sir.” Kara said looking worried as to how he would react when he found out that Kara was really Callum.
“You? But I don’t remember you ever working for me?” Mr Rowell said looking puzzled.
“I don’t normally look like this sir.” Kara said as she waved a hand up and down her body.
“What is your name then Miss? Maybe that will jog my memory.” Mr Rowell asked.
“Callum, Callum Baldwin, sir.” Kara said, only just managing to keep her voice sounding female.
“What? But you’re a m... Why do you look like that?” Mr Rowell asked looking a little flustered now.
“I sometimes like to dress like this to relax after a hard day at work, but someone found out about it and they’ve been blackmailing me into helping them commit crimes by stealing things using cloned credit cards.” Kara said still using her female voice.
“You go out dressed like this?” Mr Rowell asked, not yet past the whole Callum dressed like a girl thing yet.
Kara could tell that this was going to be the issue with him, just by the look on his face right now. Mr Rowell hadn’t even bothered to ask any more details about the blackmail claim.
“Yes I go out dressed like this, unless I’m going to a club, then I wear something more suited for a night out dancing.” Kara said, not bothered about trying to keep her job, or Callum’s job any more.
Mr Rowell now looking like a fish out of water as he flapped around with his mouth opening and closing, but nothing was coming out. He finally got some control back and said what was on his mind.
“I’m sorry Callum, or whatever name you use, but I’m going to have to ask for your notice. I can’t have people like you working here.” He said in a firm voice.
“People like who?” John asked looking a little angry that this man hadn’t even asked one question about the one doing the blackmailing.
“People who break the law.” Mr Rowell said, as he tried to cover up his reason for firing Callum because he likes to dress as a girl and call himself Kara.
“I find that a little hard to believe Mr Rowell, because you haven’t asked one question about the person we came to arrest.” John pointed out.
“I thought this was the person you’d come to arrest.” Mr Rowell said as he pointed at Kara with disgust on his face.
“Miss Baldwin is the victim in this crime, and the only reason she ended up in the middle of this credit card fraud was because another member of your company Blackmailed her!” John said the last part like he was talking to a complete idiot that struggled to understand English.
“Don’t bother wasting your time John. He’d made his mind up the minute he found out who I was.” Kara said as she rose to her feet and straightened out her skirt. “I bet if you weren’t about to arrest Stephen, this prick would give him a pay rise.” Kara added as she pulled out an envelope and dropped it on the table. “Do you want me to work my two weeks’ notice?” Kara asked.
“No, just leave now. I’ll make sure you still get the two weeks money, and any holiday pay you have coming to you.” Mr Rowell said as he looked at the door for them to leave.
“I’ll take you to Stephen’s office.” Kara said as she left the room.
John and Richard followed Kara out the room, but Richard couldn’t resist calling the man an asshole as he left the room. They followed Kara down the hallway and then she stopped at an office that said ‘Stephen Adams’ on the door. Kara opened the door, not bothering to knock first. Stephen was sat behind his desk tapping away on his computer. He soon gave Kara his full attention when he saw her stood in the doorway.
“Hello Miss. What can I do for you?” He asked as he looked her up and down.
“Resist arrest? Please.” Kara whined.
“Why would I want to resist yo...” Was all Stephen got out before he realised who the woman was stood in the doorway. “Callum?! What the fuck are you doing dressed like that?” Stephen screamed as he jumped up and lunged at Kara.
John and Richard were ready for this and they pulled Kara out the way and let Stephen’s weight carry him forward out of his office and onto the floor where Richard dropped down on top of him while John got a set of handcuffs out. They soon had him cuffed and back on his feet.
“Stephen Adams, you are under arrest for Blackmail, Credit card fraud, Prostitution, and assault.” Richard said this time.
Most the office had gathered around the area where Stephen had just been arrested, so they could all hear what was being said, but they all kept looking at Kara as they tried to work out who she was. That all became clear when Stephen started shouting.
“Callum! Tell them it was just a joke! I wasn’t really going to do anything to you!” Stephen shouted.
Everyone gasped when they heard Stephen call the woman Callum, then they all started looking more closely at her. Then there were even more gasps and then frantic chatter as everyone started talking to the person next to them.
“You lying bastard!” Kara screamed as she walked into Stephen’s office and pulled out the pile of photos he had in his briefcase, ready to start leaving around the office just as soon as Callum turned up to work.
“You’ve just screwed yourself Callum. You used all those credit cards, so they will have to arrest you as well.” Stephen said looking a little smug with himself now.
“No they won’t Stephen baby.” Kara said in a sweet sounding female voice that the whole office heard her use. “You see I made recordings of you and Donna forcing me to do every single thing, and I even got the two of you on tape planning to drug me and then force me to become a prostitute while you and that bitch Donna made money from it.”
“You little tranny bitch! I’m going to fucking kill you!” Stephen said as he tried to attack Kara, even though he had his hands cuffed behind his back and John and Richard were both holding him.
“Looks like we can add attempted murder to his list of charges.” Richard said with a grin.
“I hope you make someone a beautiful wife in prison Stephen. Who’ll be the bitch then?” Kara asked with a giggle. “Oh, one more thing Stephen. I’ve already watched them arrest Donna, and just a little pointer for you. The next time you try to blackmail someone, make sure you really are a lot smarter than they are.” Kara added.
John had called down to the police van, and a couple of officers turned up to take Stephen away. He was crying like a baby as the officers took him past all the other people that worked in their office.
Kara made her way down to her office and cleared out her desk before she followed John and Richard back out into the main part of the office. Everyone looked at her like she was an alien or something much worse. People she thought were friends wouldn’t even look her in the eyes now.
“You’d think I’d been the one to do all the things you just arrested Stephen for, with the way they were all looking at me.” Kara sighed as they travelled back down to the street in the elevator.
“I’m sure you could push for unfair dismissal if you wanted to. John and I would vouch for you if you did.” Richard said.
“Thanks, but they would just tie it up in court until I ran out of money, so there’s not much point.” Kara shrugged. “I knew what would happen when they found out about me; I’m surprised I got away with it this long to tell you the truth.” Kara giggled.
John and Richard returned the Mercedes to the hotel and picked up their own car before driving Kara to the police station to get a statement from her about everything that had happened to both Callum and Kara while she was forced to help Stephen and Donna.
Stephen and Donna tried to say that Callum was the ring leader to start with, then that changed to him being part of the gang, but they finally gave up when they heard their own voices plotting Callum and Kara’s downfall from grace.
Kara got the all clear from the higher ups in the police force; she even got thanked for all her help in bringing these three to justice for their crimes. Stephen had ratted out Donna’s sister, trying to get them to go easier on him. It turned out that Donna’s sister was called Debra.
John and Richard drove Kara back to the hotel, so she could grab her things from Cathy and then get her car before heading home to get changed and take a long soak in the bath.
“What do you plan to do now then Kara?” John asked as they drove.
“I’m not too sure. Probably move away and make a fresh start someplace else.” Kara said with a sigh as she looked out the car window.
“Here’s my card with all my phone numbers on. Feel free to call me if you ever need to talk about anything.” John said as he handed Kara a business card.
“Thanks John and you too Richard. I know it must have been hard for the two of you putting up with me today.” Kara said as she waved her hand up and down her body to indicate how she was dressed.
“I’ve never judged anyone on how they were dressed Kara. You’re a good person, that’s all that counts in my book.” Richard said as he drove the car.
“The same goes for me Kara. I hope you’re not planning on leaving any time soon though, you’ll need to hang around until after the trial.” John pointed out.
Kara was sick of talking about all that stuff so she just nodded that she understood that, and then she went back to looking out the window until they were back at the hotel. They offered to walk her to see Cathy and then to her car, but she said she’d be fine and left them sat in their car as she made her way into the hotel. Kara saw Jayden talking to a couple of guests over at reception so she made her way quickly through the lobby and went to find Cathy so she could get her things and go before she upset Jayden any more than she already had. Kara wondered if Cathy had given her the letter yet, or if she was waiting for a better time to hand it over. Not that there ever would be a good time to give Jayden that letter.
Jayden walked into the hotel after spending the morning at college to find Dale stood waiting for her at the reception desk.
“Hi Dale, everything okay?” She asked as she walked over to him.
“Hello Jayden. I heard about the trouble between you and Callum. Can I do anything to help?” Dale asked as he gave Jayden a hug.
“I’ll be fine Dale; I just need a little time to work some things out.” Jayden smiled.
“Cathy wants to see you, she told me to send you straight down to see her when you arrived.” Dale chuckled.
“I better go and see her then.” Jayden giggled as she made her way down to the changing service rooms to find Cathy and see what she wants her for.
Cathy was just tidying up after finishing with her last client when she saw Jayden walk into the room. She stopped what she was doing and ran over to give her a hug.
“Jayden, I was so sorry to hear what happened yesterday in town. How are you feeling now?” Cathy asked as she led Jayden into the little room they used when wanting a couple of minutes away from the customers.
“Hi Cathy. I’m doing okay, still in shock over it all I guess.” Jayden shrugged as Cathy helped her take a seat while she closed the door. Marie and Samantha were out there still working on their clients, so Cathy knew that she’d be fine spending some time talking to Jayden.
“Callum came to see me last night at home.” Cathy said looking nervous about how Jayden was going to react to that little piece of news.
“Why would her do that Cathy? Don’t tell me he’s got you trying to talk me into forgiving him?” Jayden asked with anger in her voice. “I can’t believe you’d side with him over this.” Jayden added as she went to get up to leave before Cathy said any more.
Cathy grabbed Jayden’s arm and pulled her back down into the seat she was sat on. “He wasn’t looking for me to do anything more than pass on a letter.” Cathy picked up her purse and pulled out the letter that Callum had given her the night before.
Jayden took the letter that Cathy offered her and saw her name written on the front in Callum’s handwriting, this made her angry and she went to rip it in half but Cathy stopped her by putting her hands on Jayden’s to stop her doing it.
“Let go Cathy! I don’t want to read his bullshit excuses for cheating on me.” Jayden said close to tears now.
“Please Jayden, just read the letter. That’s the only reason he came to me last night with it, he knew that you would have this reaction if he dropped it through your letter box.” Cathy said with a pleading look. “None of what you saw yesterday or what you must have been thinking over the past four weeks is what you thought it was. Please just read the letter.” Cathy was begging her this time.
Jayden looked at Cathy for a couple more seconds, trying to calm herself down enough to open the envelope. She could feel some weight to it, and also a lump in one corner. With a sigh she opened the envelope and looked inside. Jayden saw the locket that Becky and the others had all sorted out to let Kara know she still had friends. This brought a tear to Jayden’s eye as she pulled it out and hugged it to her chest.
“Please read the letter before you do anything else Jayden.” Cathy said as she put a hand on the one Jayden had still holding the envelope as it was starting to crush it.
Jayden took another deep breath and then put the locket down on the table and pulled a piece of paper out the envelope and opened to.
Dear Jayden
If you’re reading this then I gather Cathy achieved her goal of stopping you from ripping it to bits. I’m not sure where I’ll be when you read this, but I need you to know a couple of things, hopefully before you hear about them from other people.
The woman you saw me with on Sunday wasn’t someone I was seeing behind your back, well not in the way you think, she was a friend of Stephen’s. He found out about Kara and blackmailed me into doing something for him, which led to me getting in even more trouble and even more blackmail.
I know what you’re thinking, “Idiot” And you wouldn’t be wrong. Before I knew what was going on Stephen and that woman you saw me with had me using cloned credit cards to steal things from shops all over the city. I didn’t want to risk dragging you or any of the others into it, so I kept it from you all while I found a way out of it on my own. I’ve been recording what they talked about for just over the last three weeks and I am now ready to turn myself into the police and face the music. I’ve also given Cathy a detailed letter to pass on to Carl, along with copies of all the recordings. They had plans to turn me into a prostitute, so I could start earning money for them, but I’d rather take my chance in prison. They also planned to come after you once I was taken care of and then blackmail more girls from the club into doing the same thing they hoped to have me doing very soon. Like I’ve just said, Carl has all the details in the letter I’ve wrote for him. Please just know that I could never go behind your back in that way. You were so perfect for me in so many ways Jayden. Why would I look for something better when I’d already found perfection?
I love you Jayden, always have, always will, but I understand that you won’t want to have anything to do with me once the truth comes out and I’m branded as a criminal for my part in it all.
PS: Can you please make sure the locket gets back to Chrissy and the others for me? Tell them I’m sorry for failing you all.
“That stupid pig headed fool!” Jayden growled as she crushed the letter in her hand. “I’ve got to try and help him get out of this.” She added as she jumped up out the seat, not knowing where to even start, but she had to do something.
“Jayden, Jayden, calm down. Carl’s already on the case. Sara called him last night while Callum was still at the house and he came over with a couple of his lawyers in tow.” Cathy said as she stood up and stopped Jayden running off to do god knows what.
“So what happened? Do the police have him in custody?” Jayden asked feeling anger, but also feeling happy at the same time. Happy that Callum wasn’t cheating on her after all, but if he went to prison that would be just as bad if not worse for her to deal with.
“Callum is fine, and the police aren’t charging him with anything. Kara is out helping them right now to arrest this Stephen and the woman Donna.” Cathy said. “This Donna is the older sister to the one you and Callum helped Dale catch the other week. The sister wanted revenge for all that, so she was out to destroy Callum’s and then your life.” Cathy added as she sat Jayden down again to give her some more details.
“I thought that bitch looked familiar, she looks allot like her sister now I think about it. All those times I saw Callum with Stephen following close behind makes more sense now as well.” Jayden said with anger in her voice, but all of it aimed at Stephen and this Donna woman.
“I helped Callum become Kara this morning before she left with the police to go and arrest the two of them at their place of work.”
“Callum’s gone to his office dressed as Kara? But that will mean him being found out, and losing his job.” Jayden said looking worried now.
“Stephen was already going to out him today anyway, so he didn’t have much say in any of that, but Kara looked stunning when she left here this morning.” Cathy grinned. “A very sexy looking business woman, ready for a day at the office.” Cathy added looking proud of her work.
“Will Kara have to come back here after they’ve done?” Jayden asked, feeling a deep need to just wrap her arms around Kara and let her know that she still loved her, if not love her even more for all that she and Callum had put themselves through over the past four weeks.
“Yes, Callum left all his things here when Kara left with the police.” Cathy said as she pointed over towards a sports bag in the corner with all Callum’s and the clothes he’d brought for Kara to wear still in it.
Jayden got up and walked over to the bag and fished out Callum’s house and car keys. “Just in case I miss him coming back to the hotel, you can tell him to come and find me.” Jayden said in a firm voice as she put the keys in her purse for safe keeping.
“Jayden, I don’t think Callum was planning to try and work things out between the two of you.” Cathy said looking worried. “He was talking about moving away once this was all sorted out. He knew his job was gone, and I think he’s having trouble dealing with what he had to do for that Stephen and Donna.” Cathy added with a sigh.
“Callum seems to be on a roll with having bad idea’s, so just tell him to come and find me, but also text me when you see him or Kara turn up.” Jayden said it like an order more than a request. “I’ll come and see him.” She added before leaving the room like a woman on a mission.
Cathy wasn’t upset about being told what to do, she was glad to see that Jayden still loved Callum and Kara enough to fight to keep them. Cathy did feel sorry for Carl though, she had a feeling that was Jayden’s next port of call.
Carl had just finished getting an update from Ted and Adam, who were down at the police station making sure that Callum was in the clear over his part in the case being built against Stephen, Donna and now Debra. Carl had just been told that Callum was in the clear and they had both of them in custody now. They also told Carl about Callum losing his job due to his boss being a world class scum bag. They had spoken to John and Richard to find out the details while Kara was giving her account of what happened over the past four weeks. Carl heard the elevator ping to let him know he had company, and then he saw a very angry looking Jayden come storming around the corner.
“Hello Jayden, I thought I might be seeing you.” Carl smiled, trying not to let the angry look on her face bother him.
“Don’t you hello me Carl!” Jayden fumed. “Why the hell didn’t you call me last night when you first found out about all this trouble Callum was in?” Jayden asked, close to tears now, due to how upset she was about it all.
“Callum asked me not to, and I had to agree with him Jayden. There was nothing you could have done to help matters at the time.” Carl said as he got up and led Jayden over to the sofa and sat her down next to him.
“I’m just really worried about him Carl. I should have realised something was wrong yesterday when I saw him with that woman.” Jayden sobbed.
“He’s fine Jayden. I’ve just got off the phone with one of my lawyers and they say that Callum is in the clear on all counts, and he’s just giving them a statement of what happened, or more to the point Kara is.” Carl smiled.
“What about his job? Will he be keeping that?” Jayden asked, feeling a little better now she knew that Callum wasn’t going to be arrested and sent to prison.
“Sadly Callum wasn’t as lucky with that part. His boss flipped when he saw him dressed as Kara.” Carl frowned, not happy with what John and Richard had told Ted. Carl had told Ted to look into what they could do to help Callum get some revenge on his old company for the way they had just treated him.
“So the nightmare is over for him now then?” Jayden asked, still feeling bad about him losing his job, but happy that she’ll be able to wrap her arms around him, or her if she can get to Kara before she changes back to being Callum again. It had been some time since Jayden got to spend any time with Kara.
“Yes, it’s all over now, and he can get back to normal again.” Carl said with a sigh as he sat back on the sofa looking worn out. “Does this mean you forgive him for not telling you he was in trouble?” Carl asked.
“I’m still mad with him for not telling me Carl, but I also still love him with all my heart.” Jayden grinned as she wiped away the last of her tears.
“You’ll need to take it slow with him Jayden. Callum has been through a lot these last four weeks, and the way he was talking last night and again this morning, I got the impression that he wasn’t expecting to get you back.” Carl warned.
“Cathy warned me about it just now when I spoke to her. She also said that Callum gave you a letter detailing what they made him do, and what they were planning to make him do. Can I read it please?” Jayden asked.
“I’m not sure you really want to do that Jayden, it’s not a nice read, and the recordings are even worse.” Carl said with a grim look.
“I need to know what he went through Carl, and I think reading the letter would be better than getting him to sit and tell me the whole story again. I’d like to take a copy home with me for the others to read as well.” Jayden pleaded.
“Okay Jayden, that’s probably a good idea.” Carl agreed. “You may want to keep Chrissy on a short leash until she’s read the letter. She was still upset with him over what he did to you yesterday, when I dropped of lunch with them earlier.” Carl chuckled as he thought of Chrissy stabbing her fork into a poor piece of meat on her plate, while they ate their lunch.
“I spoke to Becky about it last night, and she said that Chrissy feels like it’s all her fault for forcing Callum and I together.” Jayden frowned as she said it. “I told Becky that Callum and I had the final say on whether or not we took the final step and started dating, but you know what Chrissy can be like.” Jayden rolled her eyes this time.
“Yes I know Chrissy very well indeed.” Carl chuckled. “What do you plan to do with that?” Carl asked when he saw her holding the locket that Callum had left in the envelope with the letter.
“I’m not sure at the minute.” Jayden said as she looked at the locket in her hand. She popped it open and smiled when she saw the picture of them all grinning on one side, and the single word that said ‘Friends’ on the other. “Give it back to Chrissy and the others, and let them decide if Kara should get to keep it or not.” Jayden shrugged.
“I think we both know what the answer will be, but it’s probably best to let them make the choice.” Carl smiled.
“I better get down stairs again, so I can look for Kara coming back.” Jayden grinned as she stood up. “Not that I will miss her, I’ve got Callum’s house and car keys in my purse.” She added with a giggle.
Jayden was soon in the lobby helping Dale sort out problems with the guests while she kept an eye out for Kara’s return. Carl had scanned and printed out a copy of the letter Callum had given him the night before, and she had now read it and wanted to speak with Callum or Kara even more.
Kara kept looking behind her to make sure she’d managed to get past Jayden without being seen, as she made her way down to the changing service so she could grab her things and go home. Kara was just hoping that Cathy would let her return all the things tomorrow, so she didn’t have to risk bumping into Jayden while Cathy helped her become Callum again.
Cathy looked to be busy when Kara got to the changing service, so she stood off to one side waiting for her to finish with her customer. Kara didn’t notice Cathy turn her back and then use her mobile to send Jayden a text message to let her know that Kara was back, and in the room with her right now.
“Well, how did it all go then girl?” Cathy asked when she finally got done with her customer and she handed her over to Samantha to sort out a wig.
“Both arrested, and I’ve been cleared of my part in it all.” Kara smiled. “Sadly though, I am now looking for a new job.” Kara added with a pout. “That ass I worked for was more worried about how I was dressed than the fact one of his employees was blackmailing another one for it.”
“Sounds like a real peace of work Kara, but I’m glad you’re still a free woman.” Cathy grinned as she gave Kara a hug.
“Speaking of being a free woman, can I drop this stuff back with you tomorrow?” Kara asked with some pleading in her eyes. “I want to get out of here before Jayden sees me.” Kara added
“There might be a couple of problems with you doing that Kara.” Cathy said with a pained look. “One is Jayden came to see me, so I could give her that letter, and she took your car and house keys when she left, and second, she asked me to let her know when you turned up here.” Cathy added with a weak smile.
Before Kara could have a go at Cathy, she saw Jayden come bursting into the room and scan it until her eyes met Kara’s and she marched across the room to where Kara was still stood with Cathy.
Kara had no idea what kind of a mood Jayden would be in with her, so she just stood looking into Jayden’s eyes for any sort of a sign to let her know how she might react. Kara was shocked when Jayden threw her arms around Kara’s neck and started kissing her.
Cathy and everyone else in the room all stopped what they were doing and saying to watch the floor show. They were all beginning to think it was never going to end as Jayden and Kara just kept their lips locked together.
Kara let out a sigh as she ran her tongue across her lips, still feeling Jayden’s touch on them when they parted. Kara looked at Jayden and watched a mixture of emotions run across it, but it then settled on anger as Jayden’s hand shot up and slapped Kara right across the cheek, making Kara’s head spin around.
“Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been about you since I read that stupid letter you left with Cathy to give me?” Jayden asked.
“Very?” Kara asked as she rubbed her cheek. She was soon trying to defend herself though, when she saw Jayden’s hands come up again, but Jayden just pulled her in close for another kiss. Kara didn’t know whether she was coming or going now. Was Jayden angry or upset with her?
“You’re an idiot. You should have told me you were in trouble.” Jayden said when they stopped kissing this time. “I’m sorry for thinking you were with that woman yesterday.” Jayden added just before she started kissing Kara again.
“What about for slapping me just now? Aren’t you sorry for that?” Kara asked when they once again stopped kissing.
“No! You asked for that.” Jayden said in a firm voice, as she put her hand up to Kara’s glowing red cheek.
“Does this mean you don’t mind dating a criminal?” Kara asked. “Or an out of work bum?” Kara added with a sigh.
“No I don’t mind either of them, but you’re not either of them Kara.” Jayden was sick of talking, so she started kissing her again.
“I’ve lost my job, and by the time my old boss has done telling everyone what I am.” Kara said as she stepped back and waved a hand up and down her body. “I’ll never find work again in this city. I’ve also done a lot of things I’m not proud of over the past four weeks Jayden.” Kara added looking worried about how Jayden would feel once she found out.
“I already know all about it baby.” Jayden said in a soothing way. “I asked Carl for a copy of the letter you wrote to him, so I now know everything, and I’m still here.” Jayden smiled.
“How can you still want to be with me Jayden?” Kara asked as she looked down in shame. “I never gave a second thought to walking into the jewellery shop and using the cloned Credit card when Stephen told me he knew about Kara. I was more worried about myself than what I was doing.” Kara added, getting angry with herself for letting Stephen and Donna trick Callum into an even greater blackmail scheme.
“I don’t care about any of that stuff.” Jayden said very slowly so Kara understood what she was saying. “I love you Kara, and I love Callum when he’s around too, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and let’s just think about the future.” Jayden said with a grin.
“What future? I’ve got no job, and I’ll be moving away from London to find a new one.” Kara sighed.
“I wasn’t thinking about that far into the future my love.” Jayden said with a worried look when she realised that Kara hadn’t realised what she meant.
“Then what are you talking about?” Kara asked with a puzzled look.
“You’re coming home with me when I leave here, so you can face Chrissy and the others.” Jayden said with a worried smile.
Kara suddenly thought not having a job wasn’t the worst thing Callum would have to face. Kara had a sudden flash of Chrissy nearly breaking that man’s hand at the club on the video Becky showed them.
By SaraUK
Part 31
Becky was just working out what to make for dinner when her mobile started ringing, so she walked over and picked it up to look at the display and who it was. Becky quickly hit the call button to take the call when she saw it was Jayden.
“Hi Jayden, is everything okay?” Becky asked with worry in her voice.
“Hi Becky, yes everything is fine, I was just wondering if it would be okay to bring a friend home with me later for some dinner with us all?” Jayden asked.
“Sure, I normally make too much for us all to eat anyway.” Becky replied sounding happier now she knew that Jayden was making new friends. “I look forward to meeting this friend.” Becky added.
“So do I Becky.” Jayden said with a hint of worry in her voice now. She had no idea how any of the others were going to react when they saw Kara walk into the house with her. Jayden was just grateful that Carl would be with her. “I’ll see you later then sis. Bye!” Jayden said trying to sound happier than she felt.
“Okay sis. Bye!” Becky replied looking at the phone with a puzzled look. “Why wouldn’t I like her friend?” Back said out loud to herself.
Ann was going to meet them there once she’d picked Brad up from the club. She’d called him while Jayden and Kara were sat in her office after they had gone to Ann and let her read the letter while Jayden and Kara just sat on a sofa she had in there. They cuddled each other while Ann read the letter and found out about all the things this Stephen and Donna made Callum and Kara do for them. Then she read about the things they were planning to make Kara do, and she was red with anger when she finally slammed the letter down on the desk.
“I trust they’ve been taken care of?” Ann asked through gritted teeth.
“Yes, that’s why I’m dressed like this.” Kara said as she looked down at the woman’s business suit she was still wearing. She wasn’t happy when Cathy said she could keep it as a gift to remind Kara of the time she beat Stephen and Donna. The corset was still really tight, and Jayden thought she looked to sexy in it to change into something less restrictive.
“You do look very different dressed like that, and with your blond hair up in a bun like it is. I just love the glasses as well. They make you look very professional.” Ann smiled, calming down a little now. “I didn’t realise it was you Kara until Jayden told me.” Ann added with a giggle now. “I’m glad that you didn’t get arrested, and I’m sorry you lost your job because of it though.”
“You and me both.” Kara frowned.
“And me three.” Jayden grinned as she cuddled up to Kara a little more.
Ann smiled as she saw how happy Jayden was again now. Ann hadn’t seen Jayden this happy in quite some time, and she looked like a different woman to the one that sat playing with the tub of ice cream last night.
“Do you mind if I take this with me to show Brad when I pick him up?” Ann asked as she held up the copy of the letter Callum had written for Carl to read. “I’d rather he have some idea of what to expect when he gets to Mandy’s house.”
“Please do Ann; I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Brad’s temper when he sees me at Mandy’s.” Kara said looking scared now.
“He wouldn’t dare raise a finger to you Kara, not while I’m around anyway.” Ann said in a firm voice. “Well, maybe a pat on the back for a job well done, but nothing serious.” Ann added with a little grin.
“I have a couple more copies anyway Ann.” Jayden said as she pattered her purse where she’d put them. Carl had run her off three copies, so all the girls would have a chance to read it before one of them took a swing at Callum or Kara.
“So what do you have planned for the rest of the day then Kara?” Ann asked, wanting to change the subject to a much lighter topic.
“She’s going to help me in the lobby until Carl’s ready to run us home to see Becky and the others.” Jayden told Kara.
“Looks like I’m working in the lobby.” Kara smiled. “Do you think Carl might feel sorry for me, and give me a job?” Kara asked with a giggle.
“It doesn’t hurt to keep your options open my love.” Jayden purred just before she kissed Kara on the lips. “Come on, we need to get back out there and also I’m sure Ann has things she needs to be doing.” Jayden added as she got up and helped Kara to her feet before they waved at Ann, and then they left to go and see if Dale needed any help out in the lobby.
Ann smiled as she watched Jayden lead Kara away by the hand. Ann had always thought Callum to be nothing special as a man, but as Kara, he looked quite beautiful most the time, but Cathy had done a real number on her this time and she looked amazing. Ann couldn’t help but watch the sexy walk Kara had at the minute due to the tight skirt and high heels, and what Ann thought looked like a corset under her jacket. She wondered if Chrissy and the others would know it was Kara when they first saw her later.
Kara was happy to let Jayden drag her along right up until she saw who Dale was stood with near the reception desk, and then she just stopped dead in her tracks, pulling Jayden to a stop with her.
“What’s wrong Kara baby?” Jayden asked when she saw the worried look on Kara’s face. Jayden quickly looked around, thinking that the police or someone worse was waiting for her in the lobby, but all she saw was a couple of guests walking around and Dale stood talking to Diane at the reception desk. “Are you scared of facing your mum Kara?” Jayden asked as she stepped back to stand at Kara’s side now.
“Yes. She’s going to be really mad with me for letting Stephen and Donna trick me into using stolen credit cards to steal even more things.” Kara said as she started backing away, but it was too late, Diane had already seen the two of them and was making her way over.
“I’m sorry my love, but it looks like she’s already seen you.” Jayden frowned as she looked at Diane with a face like thunder walking across the lobby to join the two of them.
“I want a word with you young lady!” Diane said through gritted teeth as she got closer to them.
“I think we better take this into Dale’s office Diane.” Jayden warned as she looked around the lobby at some of the guests who had now stopped to see what Diane was about to do to the two woman stood together looking worried.
“Fine, lead the way Jayden.” Diane never took her eyes off Kara as she spoke.
Jayden took Kara by the hand again and led her to a door marked private, and then opened it to let Kara and Diane enter before she entered herself.
“I hope that it’s just some stupid joke I’ve been hearing about from Dale?” Diane asked once Jayden had closed the door so they had a little privacy.
“No mum, it’s probably all true.” Kara said looking like a small child, even though she was wearing a woman’s business suit.
“Probably? Were you or were you not blackmailed, forced to steal, lost your job, and spent the morning helping the police to arrest two people for their part in all of it?” Diane asked.
“Yes mum that pretty much covers it.” Kara said looking done at her feet, or more her breast that were blocking the view to her feet.
“How could you be so stupid? I thought you were smarter than this Callum?” Diane asked using his male name she was so upset with him. “You should have come to me about it, not try and fix it all on your own.” She added as she wrapped her arms around Kara and hugged her. Diane was just glad to not be visiting her son in prison.
“I’m sorry mum, but I was worried about getting anyone else in trouble.” Kara said as she hugged her mum back.
“I’m just glad Carl was able to help you get them both without you going to jail with them.” Diane said as she kept hugging Kara. “I think you look very pretty and business like in that outfit.” Diane added as she broke the hug with Kara and stepped back to take a proper look.
Kara and Jayden took a little time to explain what had happened while Callum was being blackmailed, and how he had recorded the proof he needed to catch them in their own trap, and then how he was ready to face jail to keep Jayden and the others safe. Diane was proud of what her son was ready to do, and what he had done to put a stop to their crime spree.
Once Diane was satisfied, Jayden took Kara out to help her work in the lobby sorting out any little problems the guests came to them with. Carl finally came down to see how everyone was doing, and he walked over to where Dale was stood talking to Diane while they watched Kara and Jayden help the guests.
Kara was busy helping a couple of crossdresser’s sort out a couple of places to go and do some shopping while Jayden helped an old couple work out why their room key card wasn’t working.
“How’s Kara doing Dale?” Carl asked as he stood watching her help the two girls relax and have fun with their dressing up. Kara had called over one of the hotel drivers and was explaining where she wanted him to take the two girls to do some clothes shopping before taking them to see Chrissy at her and Mandy’s shop so they could sort out some underwear. Kara told them to say Jayden sent them. She didn’t think it would be good to say that she had sent them.
Kara had a fun afternoon helping Jayden, but she was nervous when Carl finally came to find them, so they could all head round to Mandy’s house for dinner. Kara said she could drive herself, but Carl and Jayden didn’t trust her to not go straight home. Jayden held Kara’s hand again and led her out to Carl’s car like she was a small child being led to the dentist or some other place children were normally scared to go. Jayden soon had Kara sat in the back of the car with her while Carl drove.
Carl was pulling into Mandy’s drive sooner than she thought Carl would be, but she was glad to see that Amber’s Mini was missing as well as Ann’s car and Mandy’s too. Kara knew she wouldn’t be walking into a room full of angry people now. Becky would be the only one at home right now, and Kara could cope with that.
Becky had just sat down at the kitchen table after checking on dinner when she heard the front door. She smiled hoping it was Chrissy getting home early with Amy and Mandy, but it was Jayden, Carl and the new friend Jayden had called about at lunchtime.
“Hi Carl, Jayden, and?” Becky had a questioning look on her face as she waited for Jayden or Carl to introduce the blond woman in the smart looking business suit to her, but neither of them made any effort to do so. Becky soon noticed that the woman did look familiar, and she noticed that Jayden was holding her hand like they were more than just friends. Then it hit Becky as to who the woman was. “Kara?! Is that you?” Becky asked part in shock, but mainly in anger for what had happened the day before.
“Calm down Becky, I need you to sit and read this before you start shouting and saying things you will later regret.” Jayden said as she stepped forward and handed some folded sheets of paper to her.
Becky scowled at Kara for a second before she sat back down and then started reading the letter Callum had wrote to Carl, explaining everything he’d been through in the past four weeks. Becky was Angry and shocked by the time she got to the end, and she was also very worried as to what would happen to Callum/Kara when the police found out, not yet knowing that it had already been sorted.
“What happens now? When are you going to the police? Will you be trying to help him Carl?” Becky asked one after the other, but with pleading in her voice with the last question.
“It’s already been sorted Becky, that’s why Kara is stood here with Jayden now.” Carl smiled as he looked over at Jayden stood protectively close to Kara over in the corner of the kitchen. “Callum’s been cleared of his part in it all due to the blackmail, and the fact he’s helped stop a major crime spree.” Carl added with a smile.
“I’m sorry that you went through all that Kara, but you should have come to us when it first started, and we would have helped you get out of it.” Becky said in a scolding way.
“I was worried that I might just end up dragging all of you into it with me, so I thought it best to just work it out on my own while I got the evidence I needed to put a stop to it all once and for all.” Kara said as she hung her head in shame.
“You do realise that you’re an idiot, right?” Becky said with a frown.
“Yes, I’ve been getting told that a lot today.” Kara giggled. “Jayden? Do you still have the locket on you?” Kara asked as she looked at Jayden.
Jayden put her hand in her pocket and pulled out the locket Becky and the others had given her after all the trouble over Chrissy’s diary and placed it on the table in front of Becky.
“Why are you giving us this back Kara?” Becky asked with a puzzled look as she picked it up and looked at it.
“I’m not sure I deserve it anymore Becky, so I want you to have it back until such time as you all agree that I am still your friend.” Kara said it with worry in her eyes. “After the way Chrissy looked at me yesterday, I’m not even sure I’ll be allowed anywhere near any of you after she gets home from work.” Kara added with even more worry, but in her voice this time.
“Chrissy will be fine once she understands the reason for you being with that woman yesterday, and why you’ve been acting so strange these past four weeks.” Becky said in a dismissive way.
Amber was the next one to get home, and she had pretty much the same reaction Becky had shown, but she too was glad to find out it was all a big mistake. Amber was more upset over the fact she’d just spent the whole day with Sara, and she never said a word about it.
Ann was the next to get home with Brad walking just behind her. Ann had given Brad a copy of the letter to read as she drove them back to the house, so Brad was up to speed and wasn’t about to rip Callum or Kara apart when he saw them. Brad thought it was a brave thing he was about to do before Carl stepped in and offered his help to sort it out.
The biggest hurdle was about to arrive as they all heard the front door, just before they saw Chrissy enter the kitchen looking for her wife, with Amy following close behind looking for hers. Amy had seen Amber’s mini parked out on the drive, so she already knew she was home.
Chrissy’s smile faded when she saw all the worried looks on their faces, but she soon relaxed when she saw that Becky was sat at the kitchen table looking okay, apart from the worried look like the others had. Chrissy then spotted a face she didn’t know, but it did look familiar. Chrissy looked the woman up and down for a couple of seconds before looking her right in the eyes behind the glasses she was wearing, then it hit Chrissy as to who the woman really was.
“Callum! What the hell is HE! Doing here?” Chrissy asked with rage pouring out of her as she took two steps towards where Kara was now backed into a corner looking very scared.
“Please Chrissy, just calm down and let us explain something to you.” Jayden said as she stepped between Chrissy and Kara.
“Why would I want to sit and listen to anything he’s told you? It’s all just lies so he can hurt you when it suits him.” Chrissy shouted, not even pretending to think of Callum as Kara even once.
“Chrissy, you have it all wrong.” Becky said as she got up from the table and stepped over to try and calm her wife down enough for them to explain what had been going on.
“No I don’t! He’s got you all fooled, you don’t know him like I do.” Chrissy said as she backed away from Becky and the others. “Get him out of my house this minute!” Chrissy shouted.
“That’s not going to happen Chrissy, not until you sit down and let us explain everything to you.” Becky said in a firm voice, hoping it would shock Chrissy into calming down and taking a seat, but not even that would calm Chrissy down this time.
“Fine, then I’ll leave!” Chrissy said as she spun on her heels and stormed out the room, and then out the front door. Chrissy had no idea where she was going, but she just needed to get away from Callum.
Chrissy didn’t even make it to the end of the drive before she found herself being picked up and carried back into the house by Brad. She would have tried to get free, but Jo had never shown her how to break free from a man holding you at arm’s length while pinning your arms to your side and you legs unable to make contact with anything.
“Put me down Brad!” Chrissy growled as Brad walked back into the house and then the kitchen, still holding Chrissy at arm’s length like she was an unexploded bomb or something just as dangerous, which right now was about right.
Mandy and Amy were still stood with puzzled looks on their faces as they watched Brad enter the kitchen and then sit Chrissy down in a chair so Becky could sit on her knee to stop Chrissy getting back up again, and Becky knew that Chrissy wouldn’t risk hurting her in anyway. Chrissy did finally calm down enough for someone to speak.
“Will you please let one of us explain everything to you before you storm off again?” Becky asked as she looked Chrissy in the eyes after forcing her to look at only her. Chrissy went to speak, but Becky pinched her lips together. “You listen, let someone else speak.” Becky warned.
“I wish someone would explain what the hell is going on.” Mandy said with a frustrated look as she walked over to stand with Carl.
Jayden knelt down next to the seat Chrissy was now sat on with Becky still sat on her knee with her fingers holding Chrissy’s lips closed. “I’m sorry if all this is upsetting you Chrissy, but we really did have it all wrong yesterday.” Jayden pleaded with Chrissy to understand. “Callum was being blackmailed into doing things with that woman we saw Kara with yesterday, and also a man Callum worked with.” Jayden added.
Chrissy asked. “So he wasn’t cheating on you with another woman then?” But it just came out as a long mumble none of them could understand.
Jayden looked at Chrissy with a puzzled look, not understanding whether Chrissy understood, or she was just grumbling about them all still trusting Callum. “It’s all true Chrissy, please believe me.” Jayden pleaded some more.
Chrissy frowned at Becky, which didn’t help matters, as this just made Becky think that Chrissy was being overly stubborn about it all. “Will you please take your fingers off my lips so I can speak?” Chrissy asked, but once again it was just an angry sounding mumble that everyone heard.
“Why are you being so pig headed over all this?” Becky asked.
Chrissy growled in frustration just before she slapped Becky’s hand away from her mouth, causing Becky to pinch Chrissy’s lips as she was forced to let go. “Ouch! That hurt.” Chrissy moaned and she slapped a hand over her stinging lips.
“Serves you right for not letting us explain things to you before you go flying off the handle.” Becky said in a hurt tone.
“I asked if you could remove your fingers so I could speak again, and before that I only asked if we were wrong about Callum cheating on Jayden.” Chrissy whined as she rubbed her saw lips.
“Oh sorry.” Becky said looking a little sheepish now. “You still shouldn’t have stormed off before finding out all the facts though.” Becky added, as she tried to defend her actions.
“Well what was I suppose to think after what we all saw yesterday?” Chrissy asked as she looked around the room. “How do you all know that he’s not just lying to you all, as part of a bigger plan?” Chrissy added, still not trusting Callum.
“Chrissy, I can vouch for Callum and Kara on this issue.” Carl said as he stood with his arm wrapped around Mandy’s waist. “Kara’s spent the better part of the morning with the police while they arrest the two people responsible for it all.” Carl added.
“Callum lost his job today because he went to the office dressed like this Chrissy.” Jayden said as she pointed towards Kara and what she was wearing. “He was ready to turn himself in to the police over it all, just to stop them being able to blackmail anyone else.” Jayden was pleading with her eyes for Chrissy to understand.
Chrissy just sat looking at them all and then looking at Kara, but Kara just kept looking down at the floor or anywhere else except at Chrissy. “I still think it all seems a little convenient that all this happens the day after we catch him with another woman.” Chrissy said with a scowl.
Everyone except Amy and Mandy all groaned and threw their arms up in the air at the fact Chrissy still wouldn’t believe any of them.
“I don’t know how else to prove it to you Chrissy.” Carl said with frustration in his voice.
“I do Carl.” Kara said from the corner of the room. “Let her have the DVD’s I cut for you with all the recordings on that I made. Maybe once she’s listened to them, she might feel like trusting what I say after that.” Kara sighed as she stepped away from the corner and went to leave the room.
“Where are you going Kara?” Jayden asked looking worried.
“I’m going home Jayden, so if I could get my house keys back, and then I will call for a taxi and be on my way.” Kara said close to tears as she left the room.
“There are recordings of him being blackmailed?” Chrissy asked, not sure anymore about her thinking Callum had just made the whole story up.
“Yes there are. Callum went to Cathy last night to leave a couple of letters and some disks with all the conversations Callum and Kara had had with the people blackmailing him on.” Carl pointed out not looking very happy at the fact Chrissy didn’t believe him. “The phone call I got last night while I was here, was from Sara asking me to get round to her place because Callum was about to turn himself in to the police. He had no plans to even try to fix things with Jayden until I turned up with a couple of my best lawyers in tow.” Carl added.
“I didn’t know any of that, so how was I supposed to know that he was in trouble.” Chrissy whined now she realised just how much of a bitch she’d been.
“No you didn’t know because you never gave anyone time to explain it all to you.” Becky grumbled. “What’s with the sudden dislike to Callum and Kara anyway?” Becky asked with a puzzled look this time.
“I don’t want to see him start hurting my friends, like he hurt me for all those years.” Chrissy said as a tear ran down her cheek due to how angry she felt with herself right now for acting like she did.
“Don’t you see baby? Callum was the one being bullied this time.” Becky said as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her close. “You should understand better than most, just how alone he must have felt while being forced to do what they wanted him or her to do.” Becky added as she hugged a sobbing Chrissy even tighter.
Jayden was stood in the hallway trying to talk Kara into stopping while they convinced Chrissy that it was all true when the kitchen door flew open and Chrissy burst into the hallway looking like something out of a horror film with make up running down her face from where she’d been crying. Jayden and Kara both let out a little squeal when they saw the look in her eyes and thought she’d finally lost it and was about to kill Kara.
“Don’t start anything Chrissy; I’m leaving just as soon as Jayden gives me my house keys.” Kara said backing away from Chrissy as she walked over to where she and Jayden had been stood talking.
Before Kara had time to react she saw Chrissy jump at her, but instead of being attacked like she thought, Chrissy just wrapped her arms around Kara and hugged her. “I’m sorry Kara, Callum. I’m so sorry for acting like such a bitch to you just now.” Chrissy mumbled as she buried her head into Kara’s shoulder.
“You’re not a bitch for looking after your friends Chrissy.” Kara said once she’d recovered from the shock of suddenly having Chrissy hugging her after the way she first reacted.
“But you’re a friend and I just treated you badly.” Chrissy mumbled again. Still not lifting her head out of Kara’s shoulder.
“I didn’t think we were friends any more Chrissy? You said that you never wanted to see me near you or your friends ever again yesterday.” Kara pointed out.
“That was when I thought you were cheating on Jayden, but know I’ve been told what really happened, I know I was wrong.” Chrissy said as she finally lifted her head up to look Kara in the eyes this time. “Sorry. Can you forgive me?” Chrissy asked, looking hopeful.
“Nothing to be forgiven for Chrissy. I was an idiot to let them trap me in their evil plan in the first place.” Kara said with a shrug.
Chrissy grinned and then gave Kara a peck on the cheek before she stepped back and started to giggle. “Thanks Kara, but can I ask you a simple question?” Chrissy asked as she looked at her with a puzzled look.
“Sure, go ahead and ask me.” Kara said with a roll of her eyes. Kara knew that Chrissy was going ask why she never went to her when she first got in trouble, but she had to expect the same question form them all. Kara was shocked when that wasn’t the question Chrissy asked.
“What’s with the glasses? They kind of make you look a little nerdy.” Chrissy said as she screwed her nose up a little bit, not liking the brainy look on Kara.
“It was Cathy’s idea to make me look a little different.” Kara said with a sigh.
“Well we all know who you are here, so do you mind if I just do a couple of little things to make you look better?” Chrissy asked.
“Sure, do whatever you want Chrissy.” Kara smiled as she lifted her arms out to the side and closed her eyes waiting for Chrissy to do whatever it was she wanted to do.
Chrissy stepped forward and removed the glassed and then stepped behind Kara and took her long blond hair out of the bun Cathy had put it in. “Shake your head around to loosen up your hair for me Kara.” Chrissy said as she stepped back around to stand next to Jayden.
“Better?” Kara asked as she opened her eyes and saw Chrissy and Jayden smiling at her.
“Much better.” Chrissy smiled.
“Very sexy I’d go with.” Jayden purred as she stepped over to wrap her arms around Kara just before kissing her.
“I might have said something similar, but I don’t want Becky getting the wrong idea.” Chrissy giggled as she watched the two of them kissing. Chrissy was glad to see Jayden looking happy again. She’d seen how depressed Jayden had gotten over the last four weeks, but now it was just like looking at the Jayden she first met all them months ago now.
“You might want to do something with your makeup Chrissy.” Jayden pointed out when she stopped kissing Kara and looked at Chrissy. “We have sexy.” Jayden grinned when she pointed at Kara. “And we have psycho.” Jayden added with a giggle when she pointed at Chrissy.
Chrissy looked a little hurt at Jayden’s comment until she turned to look in the mirror, and she made herself jump when she saw the mess her face was in. She’d got streaks of mascara all down both cheeks and her lips looked all red and puffy from where Becky had pinched them. “I can see what you mean Jayden.” Chrissy grinned at her own reflection. “It could be a new look for me, don’t you think?” Chrissy asked as she struck a sexy pose for them.
“I think I like the other look better sis.” Jayden giggled.
“I’d have to agree with Jayden on this one Chrissy.” Kara also giggled at just how silly Chrissy looked.
“Okay then.” Chrissy sighed, looking disappointed at first, but she was soon grinning again. “You two go back to the kitchen, while I pop up stairs and sort out this mess.” Chrissy said as she pointed first to the kitchen door before she pointed at her face.
Jayden and Kara watched Chrissy run up the stairs, just before the two of them wandered back into the kitchen. They found Becky having an argument with Amy and Amber over who was going to sort out dinner, and it looked like Becky was losing. Amy had led Becky back to the table and was just helping her to take a seat when they walked in.
“Did you finally get it all sorted out?” Carl asked, looking worried when he saw Jayden and Kara, but no Chrissy enter with them.
“Yes we got it all sorted out.” Jayden smiled. “Chrissy sent us both back in here while she pops up stairs to fix her makeup.” Jayden added as she led Kara over to the table and sat her down before she sat herself down on Kara’s knee.
Chrissy was soon walking back into the room and she smiled when she saw Becky sat at the table looking at her, she was also smiling. “You feeling any better now baby?” Becky asked as Chrissy walked over and sat down next to her.
“Yes I’m fine now. Sorry for being such a bitch earlier.” Chrissy said as she looked around the room. Chrissy rubbed her arms where Brad had grabbed them to carry her back into the house earlier, and it didn’t go unnoticed with some of the others, Brad being one of them.
“Did I hurt you earlier Chrissy? I’m sorry if I did.” Brad said looking worried.
“It hurt a little bit Brad, but don’t worry about it.” Chrissy waved off his concerns. “You know how easy I bruise.” Chrissy joked with them all, but she could see that Brad was still worried.
“Do you mind showing me the tops of your arms where I grabbed you then Chrissy?” Brad asked, he wasn’t going to be happy until Chrissy had shown him just how bad he’d hurt her.
Chrissy was in her bathrobe, having removed her clothes while in the bedroom sorting out her makeup. “Not really Brad, I’m not wearing very much under here.” Chrissy lifted part of her bathrobe to indicate what she meant.
“I know you’re lying Chrissy. I can see part of the silk top you have on.” Brad pointed out as he could see a little bit of white silk showing between the gaps in her bathrobe.
Chrissy had only removed her jacket, blouse and shoes before slipping on a white silk top, slippers and bathrobe. She didn’t think anyone would notice the top under her Bathrobe. “I told you not to worry about it Brad.” Chrissy said in a firmer voice this time.
“Chrissy, show me your arms.” Brad said in an even firmer voice, as he just glared at her.
“Just let him see your arms baby.” Becky said as she pulled down Chrissy’s bathrobe on one side so Brad could take a look and see that there was nothing to look at. Becky soon let out a gasp when she saw the large red mark on Chrissy’s arm. Becky was soon looking at the other arm and saw the same thing on that one too.
“I’m so sorry Chrissy; I never meant to hurt you when I brought you back into the house.” Brad said looking really angry with himself now.
“Brad, I told you not to worry about it. They’ll be gone again in an hour or so.” Chrissy shrugged it off. “If we weren’t about to sit and eat dinner Brad, I’d be kicking your ass this very minute.” Chrissy tried to make it sound threatening as she said it.
This soon had them all laughing, even Brad couldn’t help chuckling as he looked at Chrissy making little fists at him. “I give up, I give up, you win Chrissy.” Brad chuckled some more as he put his hands up as a sign of surrender.
Dinner was soon ready and they all sat down to enjoy it. They all grilled Kara for details why they ate. So Kara filled in some of the bits that never made it into the letter. Then she filled them in about Stephen trying to force his way into Callum’s house the night before, but John and Richard stopped him long enough for Callum to get in the house and then lock the door.
Talk soon turned away from Kara, and they ended up talking about the club, and the shop. Kara was glad to feel like part of a group again. She thought that Stephen and Donna could steal all they wanted, but they would never be able to buy moments like this.
Kara helped Jayden wash and dry the dishes when dinner was over. Chrissy and Becky went up to get ready for work, while the others all went to the living room to relax and take it easy for the rest of the night.
Carl wasn’t going to the club; he was taking a night off and spending it with Mandy, due to him missing out the night before. Brad got a lift back to the club with Chrissy and Becky, when Vicky arrived for them a little later.
Kara wasn’t shocked when Jayden informed her that she was going to be stopping the night, as Kara had nothing to rush of for anymore, being unemployed at the minute. It had been weeks since Kara or Callum got to spend any time with Jayden, so she wasn’t bothered about being forced to stop the night. She just hoped to get some sleep at some point, but Kara had her doubts when she saw the grin Jayden had on her face, when they went up to her room early. Jayden said she was feeling tired, but Kara thought she was feeling anything but when they entered the bedroom.
It was Kara that joined the others for breakfast the next morning. Callum had no real reason to make a comeback anytime soon, so he thought it would be nice to spend some time as Kara without feeling the need to run from a shop after buying things using stolen credit card details.
“What you got planned for today then Kara?” Carl asked as they ate breakfast.
“Nothing much. Jayden’s asked me if I want to go to the hotel with her, just for something to do.” Kara said, hoping that Carl wouldn’t ask her not to.
“I saw you helping out a couple of the customers from the changing service yesterday. I must say you did a really good job.” Carl said.
“Thanks Carl. I was just trying to help them relax while they enjoyed the experience.” Kara smiled back. “I remember how scared I was the first time I used the service.” Kara added with a giggle.
“You might be able to help me solve a problem that’s been bugging me for some time with the changing service Kara.” Carl said looking thoughtful for a second.
“Just name it Carl. I owe you more than I could ever repay as it is.” Kara said sitting forward to hear what Carl could use her, or Callum’s help with.
“I’d like you to take on the role of manager in charge of the changing service. Be a face that the guests and customers can come to with any problems they may have. Show them around some of the safer places they can go and shop. That sort of thing.” Carl said in a matter of fact way.
“You want me to come and work for you as Kara?” She asked looking shocked at what Carl had just asked.
“I want you to work for me as both Kara and Callum, which ever you feel in the mood to be on any given day.” Carl shrugged. “I’ll also need you to help out at the club while Becky’s pregnant, but I’ll let you sort that out with Becky later.” Carl added as he looked at Becky to make sure she understood that he wasn’t trying to replace her, just give her some much needed help.
“Yes I’ll do it!” Kara said with a grin. “When do I start?” She asked.
“You don’t need to give me an answer right away Kara. Take some time and think it over.” Carl smirked as he ignored what Kara had just said.
“I said I’ll do it Carl. Where do I sign up?” Kara asked looking even more eager now than she just had.
“I’ll fully understand you wanting to take a week or two to see if something better might come along to temp you.” Carl kept on speaking as thought Kara hadn’t said a word.
“I want the job Carl! Please give me the job? Can I start today?” Kara asked as she stopped Carl putting another fork full of food in his mouth, so he had to look at her. “When do I start?” Kara asked him straight to his face.
“You started yesterday when you helped them guests by sorting out a car to take them to see Mandy, Chrissy and Amy.” Carl smiled, just before he carried on eating his breakfast.
“I started yesterday?” Kara asked looking shocked again.
“Yes you did, and I have Ted and Adam looking into the way your old boss fired you over the blackmail thing and how you like to dress in your free time.” Carl pointed out. “Ted was telling me that John and Richard weren’t happy with how he treated you, and Ted asked if he could go after them for you.” Carl added with a chuckle.
“Why would Ted want to go after my old boss for? I doubt he’ll get anywhere with it.” Kara shrugged. “Just seems like a waste of money to me.” Kara added with a puzzled look.
“Trust me Kara, by the time Ted’s done with him, He’ll be offering you your old job back. Not that you’d want it, but you will have a nice bank balance when he’s done.” Carl grinned.
“Not that I’m really bothered Carl, but it would be nice to see him squirm a little.” Kara grinned as she thought about her old boss moaning as he has to pay Callum money just to make his name go away.
“Trust me when I say he’ll be squirming alright.” Carl chuckled. “Jayden and Dale will help you find your feet, and I’ll have Cathy sort out a list of all the shops we get good treatment from when we send the customers out shopping once Cathy and the others have worked their magic. Please feel free to find new places we can send the girls too as well.” Carl added.
“I won’t let you down Carl, but why pick me for the job? I’m sure you could find someone much better than me for the job.” Kara asked with a puzzled look.
“Maybe I could find someone better qualified for the job Kara, but I doubt they would be willing to go to prison to protect the girls that use the changing service and go to the club. Those are the type of people I want working for me.” Carl said with pride.
“Thank you Carl.” Kara said looking a little red faced at the praise Carl had just given her and Callum.
“Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other from now on Kara.” Jayden purred.
“Congratulations Kara.” Chrissy said with a grin. “Bet you never thought you’d have a new job when you went to bed Sunday night?” Chrissy added with a giggle.
“I wasn’t sure I’d even be out of a prison cell after Sunday night.” Kara said still looking shocked at the fact she now had a new job so quick after losing the other one.
“We’ll have to go out tonight and celebrate.” Chrissy giggled.
“We go out every Tuesday night.” Mandy pointed out.
“True, but it’s been some time since Kara joined us, so we’ll have to try and have twice as much fun tonight.” Chrissy said with an even bigger grin.
“Is it humanly possible for you and Amy to have any more fun when you go out?” Carl asked looking worried.
“Only one way to find out.” Amy giggled.
This comment from Amy had all the others except Chrissy looking worried. Chrissy and Amy could already dance the others off their feet, so they weren’t looking forward to seeing just how they could have twice as much fun.
Everyone finally finished their breakfast and then they went to finish getting ready while Becky started washing the dishes. Carl helped her by drying them, he was going to run Jayden and Kara into work with him, so they could get the paperwork sorted out, that would make Kara/Callum an employee.
Becky waved everyone off to work at the front door, and she spent a little extra time saying goodbye to Chrissy before she sent her off to work with Amy and Mandy.
Jayden had gone to help Dale when they got to the hotel, while Kara went with Carl to sit with Ann and fill in all the paperwork that would make him an employee for Carl. Once all that had been sorted, and Kara was being paid from the day before, Carl took her down to see Cathy she could explain what Kara or Callum would be doing on a day to day basis.
Cathy was just setting up for her first customer of the day when Kara and Carl entered the changing service. Marie was giving Samantha some pointers at another work station.
“Look busy girls! The new boss is here to check on us.” Cathy giggled when she saw Carl and Kara enter the room.
“New boss?” Kara asked looking puzzled.
“Well I heard that you’ll be bossing us all around from now on.” Cathy said with a grin.
“I don’t think so Cathy, I’m just here to help out where I can.” Kara giggled, thinking that Cathy was joking with her still.
“No, Cathy was right Kara.” Carl said. “I need you to make sure everything runs smooth, so Cathy, Marie and Samantha can concentrate on the customers.” Carl added.
“Oh, right. Will the three of you be okay with me just showing up and taking over?” Kara asked looking worried.
“Okay with it? We’re all pleased to finally have someone that can keep us all on track.” Cathy said with a grin. Not looking bothered about any of it at all. “Just lately I seem to spend more time helping the customers sort out other problem, than I do with their makeup.” Cathy added with a frown.
“I’m going to take her now to get some clothes sorted out, and get her back to you later in the day, so you can start to show her what you need help with.” Carl said to Cathy just before he took Kara by the hand and led her away.
“Sort me out with some clothes?” Kara asked as she let Carl lead her back through the hotel to the lobby where they found Jayden sorting out a problem with a guest.
“Yes. I need to get you some more suits like the one you wore yesterday. Sara will make you some more of them, but you’ll still need a couple more to keep you going until she can get them finished.” Carl said as they stood waiting for Jayden to finish with the guest. “I’ll get you some suits sorted for when you’re Callum as well, but we’ll have to wait until you have the right body shape to get them sorted out.” Carl added with a grin as he waved towards Kara and her feminine shape.
Kara still had the breast forms attached, so Jayden had used the corset again to reduce Callum’s male waist down to a more female size so he would fit into one of her business suits. This one was in a light grey that was close to being black, but she owned a silver blouse so the corset looked okay with it all. Jayden had him looking like Kara again when they went down for breakfast.
Jayden finally got done with the guest, and she walked over to see how Kara was doing on her first day on the job. “How’s she doing Carl?”
“She’s doing just fine, but I was just about to take her to get some new work uniforms and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?” Carl asked, but already knowing what the answer was going to be.
“That sounds like fun! Count me in.” Jayden grinned.
“You don’t mind if I borrow Jayden for a while do you Dale?” Carl asked.
“No, I’ll be fine. It’s nice to see her so full of life again.” Dale grinned as he looked at Jayden almost bouncing on the spot she was so happy to have Kara and Callum back in her life.
Vic was waiting outside with his car, so they all got in and Vic drove them to the shop Carl liked to use when buying women’s business suits of the rack. The shop also took orders for designs that Sara and Amber then sorted out for them.
Kara was soon being measured for her suits, as Carl spoke to the woman who owned the shop. Vic had a trunk full of clothes by the time they finished and left the shop again.
“How do you take the repayments on the clothing Carl?” Kara asked as she sat in the back of Vic’s car, being driven to another shop.
“I don’t Kara. It’s all part of the job. I have to have you looking your best while sorting out the guests.” Carl chuckled. “I’ll have to apologise in advance for the people that work at this next shop. They can be a little, shall we say insane.” Carl added with another chuckle.
Kara looked worried as she wondered what sort of place he was taking her too. She soon relaxed again though, and even started giggling when Vic pulled up outside Mystiques. Chrissy and Mandy’s shop.
“What part of my uniform do I need from here?” Kara asked with a puzzled look.
“All the suits we just got you from that other shop were measured while you were wearing a corset Kara, so now we need to sort you out with corsets to match all the blouses we just got you.” Carl pointed out as though it was obvious why they were here.
“I never thought of that Carl.” Kara said looking worried. “So I’ll have to keep wearing a corset when I dress as Kara at work?” She asked.
“Yes for the time being, but in time your body shape will change to allow you to get away without wearing a corset.” Carl shrugged like it wasn’t a big issue. “Come on then; let’s get you sorted out with some more corsets.” Carl added as he rubbed his hands together while he waited for Vic to pop the trunk and get the blouses out so Chrissy, Mandy and Amy could match a blouse to a corset for Kara.
Chrissy, Mandy and Amy didn’t look shocked to see Kara and the others turn up, so Kara thought that this visit must have been pre-planned. Chrissy and Amy still let out a squeal though as they ran down the shop to hug them all.
“You were right about the staff being a little crazy Carl.” Kara giggled as she was getting hugged to death by Chrissy.
“Hey! We’re not crazy, just really friendly.” Chrissy giggled. “Did they get you sorted out with your uniforms then Kara?” Chrissy asked when they stopped hugging each other.
“Yes, but I made the mistake of having them all sized to fit my waist when wearing a corset.” Kara said with a pout.
“Don’t worry Kara, you’ll soon get use to wearing one all the time, well when you’re Kara that is.” Chrissy said as she remembered that Callum would be working some of the days at the hotel as well.
Carl had timed them getting to the shop just right, as Linda turned up with a large basket of food, and to take the clothing orders away with her again. Carl and Vic helped her load up while the girls went to get the food set out.
This was the first time Kara or Callum for that matter, had ever joined Chrissy and the others for lunch at the shop. She was impressed with the little set up they had in the back room. Kara thought the food was amazing, and she could see why the girls liked to have it delivered from the hotel every day now.
“Do you feel like things are getting back to normal now Kara?” Chrissy asked as they ate their lunch. “Well as normal as a change in your routine can be.” Chrissy added with a giggle.
“I feel better now I’m not looking over my shoulder, and worrying about drinking anything while being sat eating a meal.” Kara said as she picked up the bottle of water Jayden had set out with her lunch and took a swallow from it.
“I wish you’d come to one of us sooner Kara.” Chrissy whined. “We could have helped you sort it out before it got that bad for you.” Chrissy added.
“I couldn’t risk them dragging any of you down with me.” Kara said with a pained look. “I had no idea that Carl could even help sort this out, but then again, I should have known better by now.” Kara added with a giggle.
“I did very little this time Kara. You did all the hard work.” Carl said as he lifted his bottle of water up in a form of a toast to Kara, and Callum’s bravery.
“I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time last night over it all. I’m not sure what got into me.” Chrissy said looking upset still over how bitchy she got when she saw Kara stood in the kitchen at home.
“Don’t worry about it Chrissy. After everything you put up with from me growing up. I couldn’t very well hold one little outburst against you, could I?” Kara asked with a smile.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did.” Chrissy said in a whisper. “I got all those feelings back when I saw you yesterday, the feeling I had when I use to walk into school when I was still a child. Silly I know.” Chrissy added with a frown.
“But you never ran away this time Chrissy, you stood up for yourself, and your friends.” Kara pointed out. “I think me and most the other kids at school would have left you alone if you had been more like that back then.” Kara added with a giggle.
“You heard what happened when I started screaming and shouting while I was growing up Kara. I doubt anyone would have seen me as a threat back then.” Chrissy giggled.
“What did happen?” Jayden asked, not knowing that Chrissy’s voice got even more girlie when she got upset.
“The kids at school use to think Chrissy could break glass when she got upset and started shouting.” Kara explained. “She only did it a couple of times before she realised that it just made things worse when she had a go back. I was such a ba... Nasty person to you back then Chrissy.” Kara said, nearly swearing, but changing it just in time.
“I don’t have to worry about that any more though.” Chrissy grinned as she sat up and stuck her chest out, proud of how she now looked.
“No you don’t.” Kara giggled. “You went from a shy little boy to a sexy little poser.” Kara added as she pulled a face at Chrissy.
Chrissy just giggled and stuck her tongue out at Kara. This soon had the others laughing as they watched them pulling faces at each other. They were glad to see Kara having some fun with Chrissy again, they had both seemed a little stand offish with each other since last night, but this was just like old times. Well old times for Chrissy and Kara, not Callum and Chris.
They all finished their lunch and Vic made a start on the dishes while Carl spent some time with Mandy. Chrissy took Kara out to make a start on matching corsets to blouses, with some help from Amy and Jayden.
Kara looked worried when she saw Chrissy holding up the leather bondage corset she’d tricked Callum into trying on just after the reunion. Kara looked even more worried when she offered to let Jayden take it home with her, so she could have some fun with her sex slave. Kara already knew that she was the sex slave Chrissy was talking about, and she had no desire to find herself locked in that corset ever again. Kara saw Chrissy grin like she was just teasing, but she was sure that Chrissy and Jayden looked at each other and winked. Kara just put it down to her still being a little paranoid after spending so much time around Stephen and Donna.
By the time Carl, Mandy and Vic joined them on the shop floor, they had a large stack of boxes ready to be taken out to Vic’s car.
“Just invoice the changing service like normal Chrissy.” Carl said in a matter of fact way, not even bothering to ask about the total cost. But that was Carl all over.
Amy had been making a note of what they had sorted out for Kara, so they could make up an invoice and also reorder the stock back in, so Amy set to work sorting all that out while Vic and Carl took the corsets out to the car.
“I’ve also added a couple of black corsets and a couple of white ones, so you can just wear them under a blouse for a change.” Chrissy said as she walked out to the car with Kara and Jayden at her side.
“Thanks for all the help Chrissy and you too Amy.” Kara said as she gave each of them a hug.
Amy had stopped sorting out the invoice, so she could go and wave the others off. She also didn’t want to miss out on a hug. “Glad we could help Kara.” Amy smiled as she hugged Kara back, just before she worked her way around the others. She even gave Chrissy and Mandy a hug, even though they weren’t going anywhere. Amy just loved to hug people.
“I trust we’ll be seeing you at the club tonight Kara?” Chrissy asked with a warning in her voice as she did. “I trust you do remember how to find the place still?” Chrissy asked heavy with sarcasm.
“Yes and yes.” Kara grinned. “I’ve been looking forward to getting out with you all again for the past three weeks.” Kara added looking even more excited about it that she had a couple of minutes ago.
“Will you be coming back to our house for some dinner and then going to the club with us?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes she will.” Jayden answered for her. “I plan to spend as much time as I can with her.” Jayden added as she wrapped her arms around Kara and started kissing her in the middle of the street.
Chrissy and Amy started giggling when a man walking past them was watching Kara and Jayden kissing more than looking where he was going, he walking into a waist high sign and fell over it. The man jumped up really fast and kept walking down the street, hoping that no one saw any of it, but most the people around them were laughing.
“We better get you two out of here before someone gets hurt.” Carl said as he opened the back door on Vic’s car and helped Kara and Jayden to get in.
Chrissy, Amy and Mandy all stood and waved as they watched Vic’s car drive away, then they went back into the shop to carry on.
Kara was shocked when Vic went to her, or more Callum’s house rather than going straight back to the hotel. Kara wasn’t complaining though, as she didn’t think she’d get it all in the trunk of Callum’s car. Jayden finally gave Kara her keys back, so she could open the front door, and then she helped the others to get everything in the house. Kara would sort it all out later, or at some point when Jayden let her return home. With that thought in mind, Kara picked out a couple of suits and then all the bits to go with them, so she could take them back to the hotel and then have them with her so she could leave them at Jayden’s house. Kara had a feeling she’d be spending the night with her again after they left the club later.
Jayden was grinning as she helped Kara carry the clothes back out to Vic’s car. She was planning to make up for lost time, and Kara returning home was not part of Jayden’s plan, and she now knew that Kara realised that too.
Vic pulled into the car park, so they could transfer the clothes from the trunk of Vic’s car to the trunk of Callum’s car before they made their way into the hotel.
“Crap! I’d forgotten all about that.” Kara suddenly said as she came to a stop and looked back at Callum’s car in horror.
“What’s wrong Kara?” Carl asked looking worried. “Did we forget something?”
“No, you didn’t forget something Carl, but I have until just now.” Kara said as she closed her eyes and looked up at the sky. “How could I forget something like this?” Kara moaned.
“Do you want to share it with the rest of the class Kara?” Carl asked sounding impatient.
“The car belongs to the company Carl. I wouldn’t put it past Mr Rowell to call the police and report it stolen.” Kara said looking worried now.
“Is that all?” Carl said as he waved off any worry Kara might have. “We can fix that right now.” Carl added as he turned and started walking towards Vic’s car again. Vic seemed to know what Carl was thinking and just followed him. “Kara, drive the car back to your old place of work, and we’ll take the keys up to this Mr Rowell, then we’ll go and get you a new company car to drive around in.” Carl said as he waited for Kara and Jayden to get in Callum’s car so they could return it.
Kara looked shocked for a couple of seconds before she was pulled along by Jayden, so they could return the car. Kara got in and then checked to make sure all the paperwork for the car was in it, and then she pulled out the car park with Vic following behind.
Jayden was looking forward to seeing the look on Callum’s old bosses face when he saw Kara walk in again. Jayden was also hoping that he would start something, just so she could have a go at him, and also watch Carl at work.
“I hope you’re not worried about going back to the office baby?” Jayden asked when she realised that Kara hadn’t said anything since they left the hotel.
“No, not really. I just don’t like the way some of the people I used to work with looked at me yesterday when I left.”
“That’s their loss if they don’t want to be your friend anymore, just because you have a different life style to what they think is normal.” Jayden said with some anger in her voice. “They all sound like a bunch of jerks to me.” She added with a huff.
“I can’t believe I use to be like that myself. I know how Chrissy must have felt for all those years now.” Kara said with a faraway look in her eyes.
“Do you still regret never becoming her friend back then, or his friend?” Jayden said looking confused with it all. She still couldn’t see Chrissy as ever being a boy.
“Yes I regret not becoming her friend every time she makes me smile.” Kara said, putting more meaning into the word ‘her’.
“I bet you’re glad you went to that reunion then now.” Jayden giggled.
“Best thing I ever did. I went looking to just say sorry, and ended up with a best friend out of it.” Kara grinned looking much happier now.
“Chrissy seems to have a lot of best friends doesn’t she?” Jayden asked with a thoughtful look on her face.
“Not really. A lot of people have Chrissy as a best friend. Chrissy would just call them all friends.” Kara giggled.
“If she had to choose just one of her friends to be her very best friend, who do you think it would be?” Jayden asked, as she looked to be thinking about it.
“That’s a simple one to answer.” Kara grinned.
“You don’t think it would be you do you?” Jayden asked looking a little shocked.
“No, I don’t even come close to the top of that list.” Kara frowned. “Amy would be the one Chrissy would choose.”
“True, they do seem to have a special bond.” Jayden giggled when she thought about the things they did together.
“Amy risked her own life to save Chrissy, when she’d never even spoke before, and then Chrissy nursed Amy back to health before helping her to become the woman you see today.” Kara looked proud of Chrissy as she said it. “I’m just glad to have her as a friend at all.” Kara added.
“I know what you mean. I’d only known her for eight weeks when Becky turned up to take her home, and I felt like someone was about to cut my arm off when I thought about losing her as a friend.” Jayden said with worry in her voice. “I was so happy when Carl asked me to move here, so I could stay close to her.” Jayden added with a grin.
“You’re not the only one that was happy he offered you that job.” Kara grinned back at her. “I think I’d walk across a field of broken glass if Chrissy asked me too, I owe her that much.” Kara added looking very serious.
“It’s a good job she’d never ask you to then.” Jayden said looking just as serious.
“No, Chrissy would be more likely to walk across for you.” Kara giggled.
Very true.” Jayden giggled as well. “Do you believe in fate, and the universe working to a set design?” Jayden asked, after being quiet for a couple of minutes.
“Can’t say that I’ve ever given it much thought really.” Kara shrugged as she wondered where Jayden was going with this.
“I just wonder how different all our lives would be if we never met Chrissy, of if she’d gone through with her plan back in school.” Jayden said before she realised that Callum was part of the problem back then. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up.” Jayden said quickly, hoping that she hadn’t just upset Kara.
“I don’t mind talking about it Jayden. It does me good to remember what I did wrong back then, and how I’m a much better person now.” Kara had a weak smile on her face a she said it. “With all the things Chrissy was going through back then, I’m amazed she never did it.” Kara added, but was glad she hadn’t.
“I think she would have, if not for the fortune teller at a local carnival.” Jayden said as she remembered reading the part in Chrissy’s diary about the old woman telling Chrissy to tough it out for the next couple of years, and the letter B would be very lucky for her.
“What fortune teller?” Kara asked looking puzzled. She’d never been told any of this before.
“Did you never read that part of Chrissy’s diary?” Jayden asked, shocked that Kara or Callum was never shown that part.
“No, the only part I ever read was the print out Becky gave me to read.” Kara shuddered at the thought of what Chrissy had written. “I never wanted to read what I’d made Chrissy feel like back then after that.” Kara added.
“It’s really creepy, but also really cool at the same time.” Jayden started. “Chrissy, or Chris as it was back then, was walking around a carnival that you had on a local park when an old woman offered to read Chris his future. Chrissy said that she was interested to hear what rubbish the woman could come out with, but it turned out to be pretty spot on.” Jayden smiled.
“So what did she tell her?” Kara asked looking excited.
“The woman said that he was going to have a rocky couple of years, but just after he turned eighteen, his life would fall into place, and the letter B would be very lucky for him.” Jayden said in a creepy voice, just before she started giggling. “Oh, and she also said that from death will come life.” Jayden added as an afterthought.
Kara already knew about Chris being stabbed, and then Chris became Chrissy full time after that, and also that Becky told Chrissy how much she loved her as well. So the old woman had been right. “It’s a shame Chrissy never got a set of lottery numbers while she was getting the reading.” Kara giggled.
“I think she found something much better than a lottery win.” Jayden said with a grin as she looked over her shoulder at Carl and Vic following them. “We’ve all got far more than just money thanks to our little Chrissy.” Jayden added with an even bigger grin.
Kara wasn’t about to argue with that, but she would like to find that old woman and thank her for giving the universe a little nudge in the right direction. Kara was soon taking a couple of deep breaths as she pulled into the company car park and then parked the car in the spot Callum normally parked in.
“Are you ready to do this baby?” Jayden asked.
“Yes.” Kara said as she got out the car. “How do I look?” Kara asked as she stepped around the car to let Jayden take a better look at her.
“I think you look amazingly beautiful, but then again I always thing you look that way.” Jayden said with a giggle. “Anyone says otherwise, and they have to deal with me.” She added looking ready for a fight.
They were soon joined by Vic and Carl, after Vic had parked in customer parking just down the parking bay a little ways. They quickly moved the clothed from the trunk of Callum’s old car back into the trunk of Vic’s, so they could hand the keys over to Callum’s old boss. Then they followed Kara as she made her way to the elevators and pushed the button to take them up to the correct floor.
Kara looked more like the picture that Stephen was going to hand out, and Kara saw that a couple of the office staff still had the picture on their desk as she and the others walked past them on their way to Mr Rowell’s office. Julie was sat at her desk just outside the large double doors that led to Mr Rowell’s office. She didn’t look happy to see Callum back, or Kara as it was.
“Hello again Julie.” Kara said in her perfect female voice. “Is he in?” She asked with a smile as she pointed towards the double doors.
“Yes he is, but he...” Was all Julie got to say before Carl stepped over and opened the doors before entering the office.
Kara and Jayden were trying not to giggle as they watched Carl barge into the room like he owned the place. “Hello! You must be Mr Rowell.” Carl said as he walked up to the large desk and reached out a hand to shake the overweight balding man’s hand that was sat on the other side of the desk. “I’ve come to return something that belongs to you.” Carl added as he turned to look over his shoulder at Kara.
Mr Rowell looked to see what Carl was on about; he started scowling when he saw Callum dressed as Kara walking into the room with another woman and a tall man following just behind. Mr Rowell was also trying to work out who the man doing all the talking was. “I’m sorry, but you’ve had a wasted trip sir, that man no longer works for this company.” Mr Rowell almost spat out.
“Oh I wasn’t talking about Kara, she works for me now. No I was talking about that cheap thing you call a car that she was being forced to drive around in.” Carl said, dismissing all the other stuff Mr Rowell had just said.
“He could have just left them with reception, and saved us both a lot of trouble.” Mr Rowell growled.
“It’s no trouble, I just wanted to meet the asshole Kara use to work for.” Carl said in a polite voice that showed no emotion at all. “I’d also like a written letter stating that the car was returned to you in perfect working order.” Carl added.
“And if I decide not to?” Mr Rowell asked, not liking the way he was being treated by this man stood in front of him.
“Then I’ll make it personal between you and me, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.” Carl grinned as he leaned over to look Mr Rowell in the eyes as he put both hands on the man’s desk.
“And just who are you anyway, may I ask?” Mr Rowell said, not looking too worried about the threat that had just been laid on the table so to speak.
“I’m sorry, how rude of me.” Carl chuckled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card with his name on, and handed it over to Mr Rowell.
Kara and Jayden stood and watched as the colour drained from the man’s face when he read the name on the card. They both had a feeling that he’d heard of Carl and all the companies he owned.
“Are you the same Carl Wayne that owns...” Mr Rowell went on to list the companies that he knew Carl owned.
“Yes they are just a small number of companies I own.” Carl said with a sigh, sounding like a bored billionaire would.
Kara, Jayden and even Vic were having trouble keeping a straight face as they watched Carl having fun with Callum’s old boss.
“So! Do I get this letter, or do I call my lawyer?” Carl asked with an evil grin.
“No, no, I’ll sort out the letter for you right away sir.” Mr Rowell said as he grabbed his phone and called out for Julie to come in and take some notes so she could go and get the letter typed up.
Julie came in and looked puzzled when she saw her boss talking to Carl like he was royalty. She was even more shocked when she found out what she was typing up a letter for. Mr Rowell had only been saying earlier in the morning that he was going to get the police involved over Callum still having the car, but now he was willing to give him a letter clearing him of any wrong doing. She gave Kara a dirty look as she left the room, but soon looked worried when Jayden growled at her.
Kara couldn’t believe that Mr Rowell had the nerve to try and talk Carl in to doing business with him while they waited for Julie to come back with the letter. Carl sent her back to get two more copies so Mr Rowell could sign them all. Once that was done, Carl turned and left the office without saying another word to Mr Rowell or Julie. Kara and the others all followed him out as he took a slow walk back to the elevator.
Once they were travelling back down to the parking area, they all started laughing. Carl just stood grinning at them.
“I’ve never seen anyone switch moods quicker than he did just now.” Kara giggled. “Thank you so much for letting me be there for that Carl.” Kara added.
“I thought you’d get a kick out of that.” Carl chuckled. “I also had a feeling that he would have given you grief over the car as well, and the look his secretary gave him when he told her what to put in the letter proved it.” Carl added with a raised eyebrow.
“That would be the sort of thing he’d do.” Kara grumbled. “Looks like I’m going to be out looking for a new car now then.” She added with a sigh.
“We’re going to fix that little problem right now Kara.” Carl grinned as he opened the back door on his side of Vic’s car to help Kara get in. “What do you want to drive, BMW or Mercedes?” Carl asked with a grin.
“I’ve always wanted to own a BMW, but I’ll drive whatever you want me to Carl.” Kara said as she looked up at Carl before he closed the door.
“BMW it is then. Vic, you know the way.” Carl said as he let Vic take them to go and buy Kara a new car.
Kara was amazed at just how easy it was for Carl to get her a new car. He had sorted it out like a normal person would sort out buying a newspaper. Carl told Kara and Jayden to take a look around and pick the one they wanted, while Vic and Carl went to find the manager. In less than an hour, Kara was pulling away in a brand new blue 3 series. Carl even got it at a good price due to the person it had been ordered for not wanting it any more for whatever reason.
Carl gave the two of them the rest of the day off, so they could go for a drive and just have some time alone. Carl promised to make the pair of them work twice as hard to make up for it tomorrow. So with the clothes now back in the trunk of Kara and Callum’s new car, they set off to spend some time alone, and see what this new car could do.
Kara and Jayden had a fun afternoon driving around so Kara could get use to the new car. To anyone looking at them as they drove past, it just looked like a couple of friends out for a drive, or a couple of business women going to or coming from a meeting someplace. Kara wondered what people would be thinking if they knew that the woman driving wasn’t really a woman at all.
Time soon got away from them, and they made their way back to Mandy’s house for dinner, so they could then get ready for a night out at the club. This was another thing Kara had missed over the past four weeks. Jayden was looking forward to having a couple of slow dances with Kara as well later in the night.
Everybody were already home when Kara and Jayden pulled into the driveway. Even Carl’s car was parked outside the house. Kara parked up next to Carl’s and then she and Jayden walked over to the house but stopped to let Kara take one last look before they entered. “It’s a good job Mandy has such a large driveway.” Kara smiled as they entered the house.
They could hear laughing and giggling coming from the kitchen, so that’s where they headed first. Carl was in the middle of telling the others about Callum’s old boss and the look on his face when he realised just who Carl was, and how he had the nerve to try and talk Carl into using his company for some of his PR work in the future. Kara and Jayden confirmed all the details Carl had just told them, and they all laughed some more while Amy and Amber finished sorting out dinner. It looked like Becky had been trying to help, but she was now being held in place by Chrissy. She had her arms around Becky and her head rested on Becky’s shoulder while they listened to Carl tell his story.
Dinner was soon on the table and they all sat down to eat. They all asked Kara how she liked her new car, and took the big grin while she had a mouth full of food to mean she loved it. Kara did give them a thumbs up and a nod to indicate she loved it.
Jayden and Kara claimed cleaning duty so the others could all go up and get ready to go out. Mandy was the first up and out the door dragging Carl along behind her. Carl had got to become Carla yet, and Mandy always loved to watch him transform himself. Chrissy was off to take a shower with Becky, and Amy was going to do the same, but with Amber. Kara and Jayden hadn’t done anything all day other than shop and then go for a drive, and they had only take a shower together that morning, so they thought that they could forgo another one tonight.
Everyone was back down stairs and stood in the hallway waiting for the minibus to turn up from the hotel, when Chrissy and Becky ganged up on Kara.
“We need to sort something out with you Kara.” Chrissy said looking a little upset with her.
“What have I done now?” Kara asked looking worried. Jayden had no idea what the problem could be, so she was sticking close to Kara, so she could offer some support.
“I could help noticing that you’re missing something.” Chrissy said as she stroked a finger around on her chest and looked at Kara’s bare chest just above her cleavage.
Kara put her hand up to her chest when she realised what Chrissy and Becky were getting at. “I gave it back to Jayden, who gave it back to Becky yesterday. I didn’t think you would want me to have it any more, and I didn’t want anyone else to end up with it if my stuff got taken away.”
“We understand all that Kara, so we just want to return it to its rightful place.” Becky said from just behind her where she’d gone to fasten the chain again once Chrissy placed it around Kara’s neck. “Just try and remember where it lives from now on.” Becky added as she gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek after the chain was back around her neck and the locket resting just above Kara’s breasts.
“Thank you again for giving me this.” Kara smiled as she looked down at the locket, already knowing what it said inside along with the little picture of them all.
A knock at the door let them know that their lift to the club was there, and Chrissy was soon jumping around with Amy like a couple of kids off to Disney land.
Once they were all on the minibus and Mandy had locked up the house, they all sat laughing and talking while they were driven to the club. Chrissy and Amy did their normal look up and down the street before letting Becky and Amber lead them into the club to start a night of fun and dancing.
Kara barely had time to enter the VIP section before she found herself being dragged back down to the dance floor with Chrissy and Amy when a song came on they liked. Jayden was dragged along with them, but Becky just laughed as she watched them run away. She went and sat down in the private section to rest her feet. She was quite a size now, and didn’t like to be walking around too much so early in the night.
Chrissy and the others returned a little later, and Chrissy was soon sat cuddling and kissing with Becky while she rubbed Becky’s belly for her. They sat for a little while, then Becky did a walk around the club and Kara and Jayden went along with them, so Kara could get a feel for what Becky did. Kara had already seen Becky at work, but never paid close attention to it up until now. They soon fell into a routine and Becky had a couple of slow dances with Chrissy through the night, but was happy to let Chrissy run off with Amy and Amber so they could have some fun.
Everyone was worn out by the end of the night, but they had all had a good time. Jayden was grinning because she’d got to spend the night dancing with Kara, and now she was going home to have another kind of fun.
Even though Chrissy and the others were all having the day off on the Wednesday, Kara decided that she wanted to go in to the hotel and get started helping Cathy, Marie and Samantha at the changing service. Jayden went along with her, just so they could spend some more time together, and Cathy was soon giving her some idea of what they needed help with. Kara was quick to become part of the team, and by the end of the first day, Cathy and the others loved having Kara around to help sort out any little problems the customers had.
Life got back to normal again for Kara and Callum after all the trouble with Stephen and Donna. They found out that the police had a strong case against them all, and Donna and her sister Debra were also wanted for similar crimes up and down the country.
Ted, Carl’s top lawyer had really done a number on Callum’s old boss, and Carl was right, they did offer him his old job back, but on much better pay. Callum told them where to go and stick it, as he was happy doing his new job at the changing service. Ted managed to force Mr Rowell in to making Callum redundant in the end, so Callum got a nice settlement package and a glowing reference to take to his new job, not that he needed it.
It had been a couple of weeks since all the trouble with Callum and Kara, and life was ticking along just fine until Chrissy got a phone call while she was working at the shop one Monday morning. Mandy and Amy both came running when they heard Chrissy let out a scream as she dropped her mobile and started running to grab her coat.
“Chrissy what’s wrong?” Mandy asked as she grabbed a hysterical Chrissy as she ran past her into the back room.
“It’s Becky, there’s something wrong with Becky! She’s been taken to the hospital.” Chrissy screamed as she broke free from Mandy and kept going to fetch her coat so she could go and be with her wife in her time of need.
Mandy was soon running after Chrissy to find out some more details and also tell Amy to lock up the shop they were going with her.
By SaraUK
Part 32
Chrissy Stood in the hospital hallway as a doctor came out of a room to speak to her, but before he could say a word, Chrissy already knew that she’d lost the one she loved, and their children. Chrissy felt lost, like life wasn’t worth living anymore without Becky in it, and her two beautiful babies were lost as well. Chrissy found herself screaming “Why? Why did this have to happen to me?” She screamed over and over again, but no one answered her at first, but she soon heard a voice she knew, and it gave her hope, then she opened her eyes and saw a worried Becky looking at her from the other side of their bed.
“Chrissy, Chrissy! You’re just having another nightmare baby.” Becky said as she pulled a sobbing Chrissy into her arms.
Chrissy had been having the same nightmare every night, ever since she got the call to say that Becky had been rushed to the hospital. Becky had felt a little dizzy while out shopping with Brad, but before she could stop him, Brad was on the phone to Prue, who quickly had an Ambulance pulling up outside the supermarket. Becky felt fine again by the time the Ambulance crew got there to check her out, but with her being pregnant they took her into the hospital anyway, just to be safe.
Brad called to let Chrissy know what had happened, but never got to finish explaining everything before Chrissy started screaming as she ran off to grab her things, so she could go and be with Becky.
“Look I’m fine again now.” Becky chuckled at just how silly Chrissy was being over it all. “You heard what Prue said. I just needed to get more iron in my diet. The down side with having two of the little darlings growing inside me.” Becky added as she rocked Chrissy back and forth while she stopped shaking.
“It just feels so real every time I have it Becky.” Chrissy said as she gripped onto her even tighter. “Some faceless doctor comes out and tells me that they couldn’t save you or the babies. Then I’m left in a long hallway on my own.” Chrissy said with fresh tears running down her cheeks.
“I’ve got Prue checking up on me every day baby, and she says I’m fine again now I’m taking them extra vitamins.” Becky said soothingly. “I know you’re worried about your dad as well, so I think your mind is just mixing everything up and giving you those horrible nightmares.” Becky added.
Chrissy broke the hug and pulled far enough back that she could look at Becky, and her ever growing belly. Chrissy smiled as she wiped away the last of her tears before leaning close again so she could kiss Becky on the lips as she stroked Becky’s belly at the same time. Chrissy was soon giggling when the babies started moving around, like they knew the feel of Chrissy’s hand. Becky was always amazed when they did that. It was like they knew it was Chrissy every time.
“You see, even the kids are letting you know that they are doing just fine.” Becky giggled, just before she let out a groan. One of the kids was kicking hell out of her bladder again, so she was quickly sliding off the bed and waddling off to the bathroom. “This is one part of being pregnant I won’t miss!” Becky shouted as she vanished into the bathroom.
Chrissy knew it was just a matter of weeks now before the babies would be due, and then she could start helping Becky to look after them. Chrissy still felt so useless all the time, even if she did wait on Becky hand and foot. Chrissy used the bathroom when Becky got done, then they both made their way down for breakfast.
“I can’t believe the new neighbours are having a pool put in the back yard.” Amy was saying to Amber as Chrissy and Becky entered the kitchen.
“I’m sure if you ask them nice, they might let you go next door and use it once in a while baby.” Amber grinned as she got yet another update on what the new people moving in next door were having done.
Amy and Amber stopped talking and ran over to hug Chrissy and Becky when they saw that they had entered the kitchen.
“You have another bad dream sis?” Amy asked as she hugged Chrissy.
“Yes, did you hear me screaming again?” Chrissy asked with a frown.
“Yes, but you wasn’t as vocal this time.” Amy tried to reassure her.
“Sorry about that.” Chrissy said with a pout. “Have either of you seen the new neighbours yet?” Chrissy asked, trying to change the subject.
“No, we only know as much as we do about them, due to Mandy having all that paperwork through to do with all the planning permission they have asked for.” Amber shrugged. “Amy’s still going on about the fact they will have a pool.” Amber added with a roll of her eyes.
“Maybe we should invite them over for drinks when we finally get to see them?” Amy said, trying to think of any way she could to get a chance at using their new swimming pool.
“We’ll need to see them first.” Amber giggled. “You two sit down, while Amy and I sort out breakfast.” Amber added as she pointed to the kitchen table as she looked at Chrissy.
Becky was used to being told to sit down and do nothing, but it was a new and very unwelcome thing for Chrissy to be told. She still did it though when she saw the look Amber was giving her.
“I could have helped.” Chrissy said with a pout, but she was soon grinning when Becky giggled. Even the sound of Chrissy’s voice could set the twins off. Chrissy would spend hours with her head resting on Becky’s lap while she spoke or read story’s to her belly. Becky also found it very relaxing to rest her head back and listen to Chrissy’s musical voice tell some fairytale.
Amy and Amber were soon running back over to feel the babies moving around. “Talk to them some more Chrissy.” Amy giggled as she felt them moving around.
“I hope the two of you aren’t being any trouble in there?” Chrissy asked with her lips just inches away from Becky’s belly. This soon had the twins moving around even more.
“They won’t have any trouble working out who you are when their born.” Amber said with a grin.
Amy and Amber were both still watching the babies move around in Becky’s belly when Carl and Mandy walked into the kitchen.
“Morning everyone.” Carl said with a chuckle as he saw them all looking at Becky’s belly. “Chrissy been telling them story’s again?” Carl asked.
“Good morning everyone.” Mandy giggled as she saw Becky’s belly moving around like a stormy ocean. “Are you okay sis?” Mandy asked looking worried as she asked Chrissy the question. “I heard you screaming again. Same nightmare?” Mandy looked even more worried when Chrissy just nodded her head up and down.
“She didn’t take as long to snap out of it today, so I’m hoping things might be getting better.” Becky said looking hopeful, just before she started giggling again as the twins started moving around again. The twins seemed to know Becky’s voice just as well as they did Chrissy’s.
“Have you met the new neighbours yet sis?” Chrissy asked, trying to change the subject again.
“Not that I know of, but there are that many builders going in and out, I wouldn’t be able to tell you if I had.” Mandy shrugged. “Not that I’m complaining about any of them.” Mandy smiled as Carl poured her a cup of tea out and handed it over.
“I have to agree. They don’t start work until midday on a Wednesday, and they always keep the street clear to get up and down.” Amber grinned. “You’d almost think they knew us, and were trying to keep on our good side,” Amber added with a giggle.
“You would think that wouldn’t you.” Mandy giggled. “I’m sure we’ll get to meet the new neighbours soon enough.” Mandy added just before she took another sip from her drink.
Callum and Jayden were the next to enter the kitchen. Kara had come back with Jayden after they went to the club the night before. They were having a barbecue as it was a nice sunny Sunday, so Brad had stopped over with Ann, so he could help out and get the bouncy castle set up for the kids.
“Morning sis, morning Callum.” Chrissy smiled when she saw them walk into the kitchen.
“Morning!” Callum and Jayden said together.
“BLT’s okay for everyone this morning?” Amy asked. “I didn’t think we’d want too much before we have the barbecue.” She added.
Amy got the thumbs up from everyone, so she and Amber set to work grilling the bacon, slicing tomatoes and cleaning the lettuce.
“Do you mind if I help?” Jayden asked as she ran over to offer her services.
“Not at all sis.” Amy grinned as she gave Jayden a quick hug before putting her to work.
“That’s just great! Jayden can help, but I get banished to the table.” Chrissy said with a pout, but she was trying not to grin as she did it.
“You’ve got the kids to look after, so sit there and do a good job.” Amy giggled when she saw Becky’s belly start moving again when Chrissy spoke.
Amy, Amber and Jayden soon had the first load of BLT’s done and on the table, so everyone started eating. Chrissy was glad to be able to do something as she started organising everybody, and what they would be doing to get ready for the barbecue. None of them complained at being bossed around by Chrissy, they were just happy to see her mind on other things at the minute.
Chrissy’s dad was hanging in there, but he was on borrowed time now. Prue had done all she could to help Greg get this far, but whether or not he was still with them when Becky had the babies, was anyones guess. They also knew that her dad’s health was the reason for the nightmares, and the fact that Becky having a dizzy spell just over a week ago had brought some of Chrissy’s fears about losing Becky and the babies to the surface.
Once breakfast was out the way, they all got stuck into the jobs assigned to them by Chrissy. Becky was given light work to do, so she mainly just sat at the table or stood talking Jayden through what Chrissy had given her to do.
They had everything ready and where all cleaned up and the first lot of meat was cooking on the barbecue when the first of their guests started to arrive. David, Kim and Mable were the first with Vic, Jenna, Cathleen, Holly and Greg walking close behind. Greg was being pushed along in his wheelchair by Vic.
Chrissy ran over to great them all, but she walked back over to the tables holding her dad’s hand. “How you feeling today dad?” Chrissy asked as Vic parked her dad’s wheelchair under the shade of an umbrella at a table.
“I’m doing fine dear, so don’t start worrying about me.” Greg waved Chrissy’s worried look off. “How are you doing? It doesn’t look like you’re getting much sleep still.” Greg said looking worried for his daughter. Holly and Greg had found out about Chrissy and the nightmares not long after they heard from Prue about Becky’s dizzy spell.
“You still having that nightmare dear?” Holly asked as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
“Yes, but Becky said I snapped out of it a lot quicker this morning.” Chrissy smiled, trying to play down her parents worry.
“Prue’s invited her friend Sarah over today. I think you should have a chat with her about it all, and see if she can suggest anything.” Holly said, but Chrissy saw the look, and that said you will sit and talk to Sarah about it.
“Okay mum, if it will make you happy. I’ll sit down and have a chat with Sarah about it.” Chrissy smiled just before giving her mum a kiss on the cheek, and then she did the same to her dad before skipping off to help the others.
Sarah was a close friend of Prue’s and also a psychiatrist. She’d helped Chrissy deal with her problems in the past, and had also helped Amy, Cathy and a lot of others come to grips with what they were. Chrissy couldn’t see what Sarah could do for her and the nightmares, but if it made her mum happy, Chrissy would give it a shot.
Amy and Amber ran over to meet Hope, Faith and little Kat when they saw them walk around the side of the house. Little Kat started squealing when she saw that they had another bouncy castle for her to play on. Cathleen was already bouncing around on it as she waved at Kat to join her.
“Hi Aunty Amy, Aunty Amber.” Kat said as she ran over to meet them half way, leaving her mum and Aunty Faith to follow behind. “I go on castle now too?” Kat asked as she picked up her foot so one of them could remove her shoe for her. Kat wasn’t very good at balancing on one foot and would have fallen over if Chrissy hadn’t appeared behind her and scooped her up into her arms.
“How’s my little kitty Kat today?” Chrissy asked as she tickled Kat with her nose by rubbing her face into Kat’s belly.
Kat started giggling as she tried to stop Chrissy from tickling her belly. “Stop! That tickle Aunty Chrissy.” Kat screamed between giggles.
Amy and Amber removed Kat’s shoes while Chrissy held her, then Chrissy ran across the lawn and threw Kat onto the bouncy castle with Cathleen. Then Chrissy, Amy and Amber all removed their shoes and joined them.
Becky had waddled over with Mandy to greet the other guests as they turned up, so Hope and Faith both got a good look at Becky.
“Wow girl, you’ve got big!” Hope shouted as she put her hands on each side of Becky’s bulging belly.
“Tell me about it.” Becky groaned. “I’m ready to have them out of me now.” She added with a sigh.
“How long do you have left anyway?” Faith asked as she put her hand on Becky’s bell to see if she could feel them moving around.
“About three weeks give or take a day or two.” Becky grinned. “Chrissy can’t wait to take over looking after them for me.” Becky added with a giggle.
“I trust you won’t be letting Chrissy do all the work?” Hope asked.
“No! But she is getting sick of not being able to do much, apart from look after me.” Becky pouted.
“I doubt that Chrissy sees that as a down side Becky.” Hope giggled. “But I bet it’s bugging you though?” Hope asked.
“Sometimes it does, but most the time it’s nice to see Chrissy keeping busy.” Becky looked over at Chrissy bouncing around with Amy and the others.
“Is she sleeping any better now? Mandy was saying the other day that she’s been having nightmares since you gave her the scare the other week.” Hope asked looking a little worried.
“She’s still having the nightmares, but Sarah is going to have a chat with her later, so I’m hoping that she can help Chrissy to stop having them.” Becky crossed her fingers as she said it.
“Well if you don’t mind sis, I’m going to go and keep an eye on Kat for you.” Faith said with a grin just before running off to join the others on the bouncy castle.
Becky and Hope just giggled as they watched her slip her shoes off and dive on the bouncy castle with the others.
“I sometime wonder which one of them acts the oldest.” Hope said as she looked at Faith and Kat.
“I sometimes have the same problem with Chrissy and Cathleen.” Becky giggled as she watched Chrissy and Cathleen doing backwards flips and landing back on their feet just before falling back onto their bums.
Becky had walked over to the table Greg and Holly was sat at while she talked to Hope, so they sat down and started chatting to them while Mandy went to say hi to her mum, who had just turned up with Frank, Sarah and Maggie with her.
“Hi mum, Sarah, Maggie.” Mandy smiled as she gave them all a hug. “I’m glad you could all make it. Find a seat and I’ll sort you out with a drink in a minute.” Mandy added as she let them enter the garden, so she could great Cathy, Sara, Sam and Samantha and Rachel.
“Hi Mandy.” Sara said as she gave Mandy a quick hug before she ran off to join the others on the bouncy castle. “I’ll chat more later!” Sara added as she ran off, or more hopped off as she was taking her shoes off as she went.
“At least I know you won’t be running off Cathy.” Mandy smiled, already knowing that Cathy didn’t like going on things like that. “It’s nice to see Samantha out and about in the day as well.” Mandy added as she stepped over and Gave Samantha and Rachel a hug to welcome them.
“Thanks for inviting us again Mandy.” Samantha said with a smile. “I just feel happier being dressed like this, and Rachel and I have been having so much fun going out and doing things together.” Samantha added with a grin as she looked at Rachel stood next to her.
“I must say you have been looking a lot more livelily these past couple of months.” Mandy grinned. “Well grab a seat, food will be ready soon, and we’ll chat some more later.” Mandy added just before going to see how Carl was doing with the barbecue.
Mandy was soon making her way back over to the side of the house when she saw Dan, Jo, Dale and Diane walk around the side of the house.
“Hi Mandy. Thank you for inviting us again.” Jo smiled as she gave Mandy a hug. Dan went to shake Mandy’s hand, but was shocked when Mandy threw her arms around him and pulled him into a hug as well.
“I think we’ve moved beyond the hand shake phase of the friendship Dan.” Mandy giggled.
“Sorry Mandy, force of habit.” Dan said with a worried smile as he looked over to see if Carl was looking.
“You’ll soon learn Dan. Now find a seat, and I’ll sort the two you out with a drink.” Mandy said as she led them over to the table where Cathy was now sat with Jayden and Callum. Sara was still bouncing around on the castle with Chrissy and the others.
“Can we just have a glass of cola each please Mandy? We have to work this evening.” Jo asked.
Carl’s got the two of you working tonight?” Mandy asked with a little shock in her voice. “I’ll have to be having a word with him about working the two of you to hard.” Mandy added in mock anger.
“We don’t mind doing it Mandy.” Dan said looking worried. “It’s just chaperoning a group of changing service customers as they see some of the night life.” Dan added.
“So will it be Dan or Danni working tonight?” Mandy asked with a raised eyebrow.
Dan looked a little sheepish when he said “Danni.”
Mandy smiled, which made Dan feel a little better about the fact he’d begun to enjoy getting out as Danni, even if it did all start as a lost bet he made with Jo about Chrissy never using any of the moves she’d shown her. “I’m glad you’re having some fun with it Dan. I’ll be right back with your drinks.” Mandy said just before she ran off to get them their drinks.
Carl had walked over to great Dale and Diane along with Callum and Jayden.
“It’s nice to see you away from the hotel for once Dale.” Carl chuckled as he walked over and shook Dale’s hand just before he gave Diane a hug. “Hello Diane, I trust he’s still treating you well?” Carl asked, but already knew that he would be.
“He’s just so wonderful to me Carl, that I find it hard to put into words.” Diane beamed as she put her arm through Dales so he could lead her over to a table.
“Hi mum, Dale. Glad you could make it.” Callum said as he hugged his mum and shook Dale’s hand.
“It was nice of you to invite us both.” Dale smiled as he shuck Callum’s hand, just before he gave Jayden a hug.
“Hello Dale.” Jayden smiled as she hugged him back. “Come and take a seat and I’ll sort you both out with a drink while we wait for the meat to start coming our way.” Jayden added as she led them over to a couple of empty seats.
Once the meat started coming off the barbecue, all the girls came off the bouncy castle to have something to eat. Chrissy ended up sat with Sarah, Prue’s friend, so they could talk about her nightmares, and what she could do to try and stop them.
“Hello Chrissy, I hear you’ve been having trouble with nightmares since the scare with Becky the other week?” Sarah asked as she gave Chrissy a quick hug.
Sarah was more like family these days, so Chrissy didn’t mind talking to her about almost anything. “Yes, I keep finding myself in a long hospital hallway with a doctor telling me they couldn’t save Becky or the babies.” Chrissy said with a shudder. “Becky thinks it’s more to do with my dad, than it is to do with her.” She added as she looked down at her lap.
“I think she could be right Chrissy, and it’s going to be hard to solve the problem with that being the case.” Sarah said with a sigh. “Do you still have all the photo albums with all the pictures of you and the others going out and having fun?” Sarah asked after thinking for a short time.
“Of course we have.” Chrissy said like she was mad if she thought they would ever get rid of them. “What made you ask that?” Chrissy asked with a more puzzled look now.
“I was just thinking that maybe looking through some of them before you go to sleep at night, may trigger some happier dreams for you.” Sarah suggested. “It’s kind of like when you have a dream about a film or TV show you watched just before going to bed.” Sarah pointed out.
Chrissy thought Sarah could be onto something there. She had had some weird dreams after watching a TV program and then going to bed. “I’ll give it a go Sarah; I’d try anything if it will help me stop having that nightmare.” Chrissy shuddered again at the thought of it.
“You could also try talking about some of the fun things you’ve done with the others as well, that could work better than just looking at the pictures.” Sarah said. “I gather that Becky tells you that she’ll be there for you if you do have the nightmare, and that could be a trigger point for you having it, so just try and think about other things.” Sarah added as she gave Chrissy another hug before letting her go over to sit with Becky, Holly and Greg.
“Hi baby, was Sarah able to help you with the nightmares?” Becky asked as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy and kissed her like they hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days.
“I hope so, she said that I need to look at photos and talk about fun things we’ve done before I go to bed.” Chrissy grinned.
“I could talk about that subject all the time.” Becky grinned back at Chrissy.
“I didn’t mean it like that silly.” Chrissy said looking very red faced while being sat with her parents. “Sarah means I should talk about some of the fun things we’ve done as a group, so it will trigger happy thoughts for me to go to bed with.” Chrissy rephrased the way she said it.
“We can do that, but I’d still like to try talking about the other thing as well.” Becky purred as she started stroking the side of Chrissy’s arm as she closed in for another kiss.
“Becky! Not here and not now!” Chrissy blushed. Becky had gotten very horny of late, due to her not being able to have any fun with Chrissy, now that she was so close to giving birth.
Greg and Holly didn’t look too bothered as they both sat grinning at the pair of them. “It won’t be long now dear, and you can both get back to normal.” Holly said with a smirk. This just made Becky and Chrissy blush.
Chrissy was glad when she heard Amy call for her to help sort out desert for everyone, she was soon on her feet and running off into the kitchen to help Amy and Amber sort out fruit salad for everyone, and jelly for Cathleen and Kat. They scooped out ice cream to go with it all and then they started taking them out to everyone.
Cathleen and Kat wanted to get right back on the bouncy castle, but Chrissy and Amy wouldn’t let them. They wanted to give their food time to settle, so Chrissy and Amy ended up having a tea party with them instead, and then they played a couple of gamed of twister. Chrissy and Amy managed to get Cathleen and Kat settled down for a little bit with a drink and a bar of chocolate. This soon led to the four of them falling asleep on a blanket for half an hour.
Everyone looked on in wonder at the two little girls with the two larger girls asleep cuddled up on the outside of them like protective mothers. They all made the most of the quiet while they could.
“Do you think Chrissy will still find time to play with Cathleen and Kat when these two are born?” Callum asked as he looked over Becky’s shoulder at Chrissy’s sleeping form cuddled up to Kat.
“You’ve never seen Chrissy when we do a birthday party have you?” Becky asked with a grin. “I’ve never seen anyone multi task like she can when it comes to keeping kids happy.” Becky added with pride.
“No I never have, but all the staff with kids at the hotel says that she and Amy are amazing with all the kids.” Callum said, as he thought about some of the things he and Kara had been told while talking to the other staff members at the hotel.
“I can’t wait to see her shine when she has two of her own to look after.” Becky smiled as she put her hands on her belly. “Chrissy always looks sad at the end of the day when we’ve done a party. It’s like she just never wanted the thing to end.” Becky added with a little giggle at the number of times when a child had wanted to come home with Chrissy, so they could carry on playing.
“Do you think she’ll ever get tired of having her own kids 24/7?” Callum asked with a grin, like he already knew the answer.
“I think the devil will be holding the winter Olympics in Hell before Chrissy would ever get bored with having children of her own Callum.” Becky giggled.
“I thought that would be your answer, or something like that.” Callum chuckled.
“It’s a good job Chrissy is still asleep, or she’d be showing Jo just how well she still remembers all the moves she showed her, just for thinking something like that.” Becky warned.
“Why do you think I waited until she was asleep to ask you?” Callum whispered.
Becky just giggled as she looked at Chrissy still sleeping. Becky thought it was nice to see Chrissy asleep, and not looking like she was having bad dreams, or nightmares as they were. She found herself wondering just what Chrissy might be dreaming about. Becky thought it would probably be playing as a little girl with Cathleen and Kat. Chrissy had often told Becky about her dreams of being a little girl just like Cathleen while they all played games, even Amy was in her dream, and she was a little girl as well. Whatever Chrissy was dreaming about, Becky knew she was happy because she saw a little smile crease the edge of Chrissy’s lip.
Everyone kept the talking down to a whisper until Chrissy, Amy, Cathleen and Kat woke up, then it didn’t matter how much noise they made because none of it could be heard over the laughter of Cathleen and Kat giggling as they bounced around on the castle.
Mandy was glad the neighbours had moved out, and the new ones hadn’t moved in yet, because she would have had to go round and apologise for all the noise. Mandy was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Carl talking to her.
“What you thinking about babe?” Carl asked as he wrapped an arm around her.
“I was just thinking that we may have to invite the new neighbours around when we have these barbecues in the future.” Mandy giggled. “Amy’s hoping to become good friends with them so she can go round and use the pool their having put in.” Mandy added with a roll of her eyes.
“So you still have no idea who the new neighbours are going to be?” Carl asked.
“Nope, I spoke to a couple of the builders the other day, and they just said the new owner wanted to have all the work done before they moved in.” Mandy shrugged.
“All sounds very secretive to me.” Carl said in a spooky voice. “Maybe it’s an ex-spy looking to retire, or a billionaire looking to just settle down.” Carl added with a chuckle.
“I’m sure a billionaire could find a much better place to settle down than my little old street.” Mandy said as she playfully slapped Carl on the shoulder for poking fun at her over the new neighbours.
“I don’t know about that baby. I can think of one very good reason to settle down in your little old street as you put it.” Carl said just before pulling Mandy in closer for a kiss.
“You’re not just any old billionaire though are you?” Mandy purred as they broke the kiss.
“No I’m not. I’m your much younger billionaire.” Carl grinned. “A smaller hedge dividing the two gardens could be less dangerous for Amy as well.” Carl added when he saw that Amy had climbed up on the side of the castle to look over at the work being done to add the large swimming pool to the new neighbours back garden.
Mandy turned to see what Carl was getting at and saw that Amy was wobbling around on the corner turret of the bouncy castle, so she could look over the high hedge that divided her garden from the one next door. Mandy was just about to shout at Amy to get down, but Chrissy had beaten her to it.
“Amy! That’s not a good example to set in front of Cathleen and Kat!” Chrissy said in a bossy big sister way.
“I just want to see how their doing with my new pool.” Amy giggled as she hung on to the castle when she felt herself slipping a little.
“Amy! Come down now! Kat, no don’t you try and go up there as well.” Chrissy warned as she saw Kat trying to climb up to where Amy had gone to look over the hedge.
“Okay, sorry sis.” Amy said as she started to make her way down, and turned to see where Kat was, so she didn’t put a foot on her when she got lower down. Amy’s grip slipped and she fell off the castle letting out a scream that was suddenly cut off as she hit the grass. She’d put her arm out to stop herself, but it had just folded under her as her head slammed into the grass.
Chrissy let out a scream of her own as she slid off the castle and ran over to where Amy’s lifeless body now lay. Chrissy went to move her, but stopped when she heard Prue shout at her and everyone else to not do anything for the time being.
“Don’t move her Chrissy! Don’t anyone touché her until I’ve had a chance to check her over!” Prue said as she dropped to her knees at Amy’s side. “She might have hurt her back or neck. If we move her, we could do more damage.” Prue warned as she slowly and very carefully started checking to see if Amy was still breathing.
Carl was already on the phone calling for an Ambulance as Prue carried on checking Amy over. Prue was worried about the angle of Amy’s wrist, and also the fact that she was still out cold from the blow to her head.
“Will she be okay mum?” Amber said as she tried to get close to her wife, but Brad was holding her back, so she didn’t move her any until the paramedic’s got there to take over. “Let go of me Brad!” Amber growled at him, but he wouldn’t let go.
“I don’t know Amber. We’ll need to get her to the hospital to find that out.” Prue said looking just as worried as the rest of them did.
“Amber, Amber. I need you to calm down a little so Brad can let you go, but you must not touch Amy until the paramedic’s have given her the all clear. Do you understand?” Ann said as she looked Amber right in the eyes.
Amber just nodded, so Ann looked at Brad in such a way that told him to let go. Amber dropped to her knees next to Chrissy and they both just hugged each other in worry. Both feeling the need to hug Amy, but settling for the next best thing, each other.
Everybody stepped back when the paramedics arrived, so they could do their job. Amy still hadn’t woken up; this worried both Prue and the paramedics. They soon had her on a spinal board and in a neck brace. They slowly took her to the Ambulance so they could get her to the hospital and get her checked out.
Amber and Chrissy were allowed to go in the back of the Ambulance with Amy, While Ann, Prue and Frank all went in Brad’s truck behind the Ambulance. Carl, Mandy and all the others were going to wait at the house to hear from them when they had something to tell them.
Cathleen and Kat were both sobbing on their mothers laps; neither fully understanding why Amy wouldn’t wake up. Everyone else understood what had happened though, and they were all really worried at the fact Amy was still out cold when they took her away.
Chrissy and Amber were both sat in a waiting area with Ann, Brad and Frank. Prue had been gone for some time, trying to find out how Amy was doing. Chrissy, Amber and Ann were all gripping onto cans of cola that had once been cold, but were now feeling a little warm from being gripped so tightly. They all jumped to their feet when they saw Prue enter the room looking worried.
“How’s she doing mum?” Amber asked just before Chrissy and Ann said the same thing.
“She’s stable, but still unconscious.” Prue said looking worried. “She’s also got a broken wrist, but she hasn’t done anything to her neck or back though.” Prue added with a small sigh of relief.
“When do they think she’ll wake up mum?” Ann asked, worry clear to see on her face.
“That’s what has them worried. There seems to be some slight swelling on the brain, but they hope it will settle down with the drugs they have her on. All we can do is wait and see when she wakes up.” Prue said as she pulled all three girls into a hug with her as they started sobbing again.
“Can we go in and see her yet?” Chrissy asked with a sniffle.
“It will be another ten minutes before they have her in a room, then we can all go and see her.” Prue said.
“I better go and find a phone, so I can call and let the others know what’s happening.” Ann said as she broke the hug and stepped back looking lost and worried still.
“I’ll go and call them for you Ann.” Brad said as he stopped her from stepping any further away from Prue. Brad gave Ann a sad smile before turning and leaving the room to go and call Carl from just outside the main entrance to the hospital.
Frank led the girls over to a set of seats, so they could all sit and wait for a nurse to come and let them know that Amy was settled into her room, and they could all go and see her. Prue was glad to have Frank there to hug her while she hugged the three girls. This was the part of being a doctor Prue hated most, the sitting and waiting for Amy’s natural healing power to take its course.
Everyone was still sat in the garden when they heard Carl’s mobile start to ring, so they all turned to look at him as he answered it.
“Brad, what’s the news?” Carl asked when he saw it was Brad calling him.
“Hi boss. Not good, but not bad either.” Brad’s voice said. “She’s got no back her neck injuries, but she has broke her wrist and also she’s not woken up again yet either. Doc said she’s got some swelling on the brain, but they have her on some drugs to help take it down.” Brad added with worry in his voice.
“I see. How are the others holding up?” Carl asked.
“As well as can be expected given the circumstances.” Brad said, not knowing what else to say at the minute. “I better get back and see how they are, and I’ll call again later when I have more news for you. Brad said just before ending the call and returning to the others.
Carl informed the others of the good and bad news, to which they all looked upset and worried as well. Becky was missing having Chrissy there with her, but knew that Chrissy would want to be by Amy’s side until she woke up again. Becky was keeping busy entertaining Cathleen and Kat with some help from Jayden, Cathy and Sara.
“We better see about getting all this stuff cleared away.” Mandy said as she got up and made a start. She just wanted to keep busy until they got another call to say that Amy was awake and doing okay.
Everybody chipped in and they were soon getting it all sorted out. It took a little longer to get it all done without Brad or Frank to help, but David, Vic, Carl and Dan got all the heavy lifting done between them. Carl and Vic sorted out letting the air out of the bouncy castle. No one had bothered with it since Amy hurt herself. Cathleen and Kat looked happy to see the monster being taken down as they sat colouring with Becky while the others carried stuff back into the house. Becky had gotten up to help, but was sat down again by Jenna, and told to just keep an eye on the kids for them.
They all went to the living room for a little bit after that, just before they all left, but not before getting a promise from Mandy and the others to be called the minute they heard anything. Mandy promised as she saw them all off before she returned to the living room where Becky was sat on one sofa, while Jayden and Callum was sat on another one.
“This doesn’t feel right, not having Chrissy, Amy, Amber and Ann here, or knowing when they will be back.” Mandy said as she sat down and cuddled up to Carl who had just sat down before her.
“I know what you mean baby, but I’m sure they will all be home again soon.” Carl said to try and sooth Mandy’s worries.
“I hope you’re right Carl, but what if she doesn’t wake up after the swelling goes down?” Mandy asked as she cuddled into Carl a little tighter at the very thought of losing her baby sister.
“She survived a head on collision with a van, so I can’t see her letting a bouncy castle get the better of her.” Carl chuckled to try and lighten the mood a little.
It worked as all the others thought about how stubborn Amy could be when she set her mind on something. Amy or Andy as it was back when they all first met her. Andy had pushed Chrissy out of the way of a van just before being hit herself. Andy had died back then, but Amy was born and had been a baby sister to them all ever since.
“You do have a good point my love.” Mandy said feeling better thinking about how bad Amy had looked when she first woke in the hospital back then. Amy had both legs in plaster and both arms as well. Chrissy had claimed nursing rights and had been best friends with her ever since.
Becky put the TV on and then found a comedy to watch, but they mostly just sat thinking about Amy and the others stuck at the hospital waiting for Amy to wake up.
Brad had just returned to the waiting room when a nurse walked in and told them that Amy was now in a private room and they could all go in and see her.
They all got up and then followed the nurse down the hallway and into a room with just the one bed in it. Amy was in the bed with her plaster cast hand lying on top of the covers. There were machines hooked up to her, and a couple of drips going into her arm, but for the most part Amy just looked like she was asleep.
“It looks like she’s just sleeping.” Chrissy said as she walked over to the bed and looked down at her best friend. “Please wake up Amy.” Chrissy pleaded. Chrissy was shocked when Amber helped her to sit down in the chair next to the bed. “Don’t you want to sit down and be near her Amber?” Chrissy asked.
“I’m not one to sit and wait for things to happen Chrissy. I leave that part of looking after Amy to you.” Amber smiled as she gave Chrissy a quick hug from the side. “I know that Amy is in the best hands right now with you sat there.” Amber added with pride.
“Do the two of you want to step out and get some fresh air for a bit?” Prue asked as she looked at Ann and Amber.
“I think that would be a good idea. Come and find us if she wakes up will you?” Ann asked.
“I’ll be right out to find you all.” Prue smiled as she looked at Frank and Brad to go and keep them company, and also make sure they were safe while stood outside having a drink and getting some fresh air. Prue would have asked Chrissy to go with them, but she already knew that Chrissy wouldn’t be moving from Amy’s bedside until she woke up, or Brad and Frank dragged her away kicking and screaming.
“How long do you think it will be mum, before she wakes up?” Chrissy asked as she sat looking at Amy’s sleeping form.
“It’s hard to say Chrissy. She could wake up in a minute, or it could be weeks.” Prue said with a sigh, not wanting to give Chrissy any false hope about Amy’s condition.
“She’s going to wake up any minute now then mum.” Chrissy said with confidence. “Wake up Amy! Come back to us and stop being so lazy.” Chrissy giggled.
Prue had to giggle as well. “I can think of a couple of things I’d like to call Amy when she wakes up, but lazy wouldn’t be one of them. Prue suddenly stopped giggling when she saw Amy’s eyes flutter. “Speak to her again Chrissy I think she heard you.” Prue added as she stepped over to look down at Amy’s closed eyes.
“Amy! Wake up and stop pretending to be asleep.” Chrissy said closer to Amy’s ear this time.
Prue and Chrissy both looked down at Amy’s eyes as they fluttered open again and stayed open this time as she looked at each of them.
“You’re alive?” Amy asked Chrissy with a puzzled look. “I’m sorry for what I did.” Amy added.
“I wasn’t the one that fell of the bouncy castle Amy.” Chrissy giggled, looking happy to see Amy awake again.
“Amy? You know about Amy? I feel funny.” Amy said as she put her good hand up to her chest and then felt her breasts. “I’ve got breasts?!” Amy screamed as she tried to sit up, but regretted it right away as her head started thumping.
Chrissy looked at Prue with a very puzzled look, she could tell that something was off with Amy right from the start. “What are you sorry for Amy?” Chrissy asked.
“I stole from your shop, and then I saw you about to get hit by that van, so I pushed you out the way. “ Amy said in such a way as Chrissy should know all this already. “Why do I have breasts, and how do you know about Amy?” Amy asked as she slipped her hand under the covers to see why everything felt different between her legs.
“Amy, that all happened over a year and a half ago now.” Chrissy pointed out looking worried. “You’ve been living as Amy for over a year now, and you had the surgery to...” Was all Chrissy got out before Amy found out for herself.
“Oh shit, it’s gone!” Amy said looking shocked, but not panicked by what she just found. “Was this all done as some sort of punishment for what I stole from your shop?” Amy asked as she looked at first Chrissy and then Prue.
“No! Why would we do something like that Amy?” Chrissy asked looking hurt at the suggestion.
“Calm down for a second Chrissy.” Prue said as she raised her hand to stop Chrissy saying another word until she’d had time to ask a couple of questions. “What’s the last thing you remember?” Prue asked as she looked at Amy.
“The last thing I remember was stealing from her shop and then pushing her out the way of a van before it hit me instead.” Amy said as she tried to remember any more details.
“She’s suffering from amnesia Chrissy. It looks like she’s forgotten everything she did after saving you from being hit by the van.” Prue said in amazement.
“So you don’t know who I am anymore?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
Amy lay in the bed looking at the blond woman, and she suddenly got some flashes of them doing things together and them both having fun doing it. Then a name popped into her head. “Chrissy!” The woman’s name was Chrissy. “Is your name Chrissy?” Amy asked with confusion.
“Yes it is, you remember me.” Chrissy grinned as she gave Amy a hug.
Amy got more flashed of them doing this a lot, and she liked it. “Are we friends Chrissy?” Amy asked looking hopeful.
“Yes, I like to think of us as best friends.” Chrissy smiled.
“I have a best friend? I didn’t realise I even had a friend, never mind a best friend.” Amy smiled back, not able to stop herself from feeling happy around Chrissy.
“You have a lot more than just friends Amy. You have a wi...” Was all Chrissy got out before the door to her room opened and Amber, Ann, Brad and Frank entered the room. Chrissy jumped when she heard Amy start screaming.
“Get them away from me! Don’t let them hurt me Chrissy!” Amy screamed as she used Chrissy as a shield between herself and the large men that had come into the room with her evil sister and best friend.
Prue quickly worked out that Amy couldn’t remember Ann and Amber being back in her life, or even the fact that she was now married to Amber. All Prue knew was that Amy saw them all as being here to do nasty things to her. She was soon pushing all four of them back out the room while Chrissy calmed Amy back down again.
“What’s wrong with Amy mum?” Amber asked looking worried. “Why did she freak out like that when she saw all of us?” She added close to tears now.
“Amy’s suffering from amnesia. She can’t remember anything beyond saving Chrissy from being hit by the van at the minute, but she is starting to remember little bits, so I don’t think it’s been lost completely.” Prue warned them.
“So Amy thinks were still the bad guys at the minute then?” Ann asked looking even more worried now. “She thinks that I set her up with our parents still?” She added with some anger in her voice as she tried to re-enter the room to set Amy straight about a couple of points.
Prue stepped into her path, and Brad pulled her back into a tight hug from behind. “Barging in there and shouting at her will not help Ann.” Prue said with a frown. “She’s made a connection with Chrissy, and I hope that this will lead to her remembering even more details as time goes on, but we need to let Amy do it at her own pace.” Prue warned.
Amy was still gripping on to Chrissy and shaking like a leaf. “You can let go again now Amy, they’ve gone now.” Chrissy said as she looked over her shoulder in such a way that got Amy to do the same.
“She set me up and got me in trouble with our parents Chrissy. Why is she here now?” Amy asked with tears in her eyes. “And why is Amber with her? Have they brought them men here to beat me up? Don’t let them hurt me Chrissy, please?” Amy pleaded as she hugged Chrissy tight again.
“Amy, you live with your sister now, and Amber as well as me and some others.” Chrissy said in a calming way. “Your parents lied to you about Ann telling them. We drove up to see your sister and she left home just after you ran away. She lived with Amber then until she moved down here and found a new job.” Chrissy added, hoping that some of what she said would trigger new memories in Amy.
“I live with you and my sister?” Amy said looking very puzzled. “Why can’t I remember any of this?” Amy added sounding angry for not remembering such an amazing story. “Why does my head hurt so much?” Amy added as she lifted her hands to her head, but stopped when she saw the rings on her finger.
Chrissy saw Amy look at the rings, and then saw how worried she now looked. “That’s another little thing that you might not remember doing just yet.” Chrissy said with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m married?” Amy screeched out. “Please don’t tell me I’m married to a man Chrissy? I don’t think I like men, do I?” Amy asked looking frustrated with not being able to remember.
“No, you married a very beautiful woman, just like I did.” Chrissy grinned as she thought about Becky sat at home waiting for her.
“Becky? Your wife’s name is Becky!” Amy said as the name and a face suddenly popped into her head.
“Yes it is, that’s really good Amy.” Chrissy giggled as she clapped her hands together. “Do you remember who your wife is yet?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“No, I just keep seeing Amber and Ann.” Amy growled. “Are they really still my friends Chrissy?” Amy asked, still not believing her.
“Amber’s a little more than a friend to you Amy.” Chrissy said looking a little sheepish. “Amber is your wife.” She added, waiting for Amy to lose it again, but Amy just sat looking at Chrissy like she’d suddenly grown a second head.
“My wife? I’m supposed to believe that my sister’s best friend wanted to marry me?” Amy said it like Chrissy had lost her mind.
“Close your eyes Amy and let your mind picture Amber, and tell me if all the memories you have of her come from a time when you were living back home.” Chrissy said as she lifted her hand and helped Amy to close her eyes so she could build an image of Amber.
Amy suddenly found Amber in her mind quite a bit; she even had an image of Batgirl pop in there for some reason. Amy shook her head and let out a little giggle when that happened. “My brain must really be on the fritz, I’m seeing Batgirl for some reason.”
“Amber dressed as Batgirl last Halloween, while you dressed as Catwoman.” Chrissy pointed out.
Chrissy and Amy were disturbed at that minute as Prue walked back into the room with a nurse and another doctor. Prue must have explained the problem out in the hallway, because he already seemed to know most of the details.
“How’s she doing Chrissy?” Prue asked while the doctor shone a light in Amy’s eyes and got her to follow it from side to side. He also asked her a bunch of standard questions.
“She’s starting to remember things slowly, but some of it is a little mixed up at the minute.” Chrissy smiled as she let Amy keep hold of her hand while the doctor and nurse checked her out.
Amy may have had a memory like Swiss cheese, but one thing she did know, was that Chrissy was her best friend and she wanted her close at hand right now. The nurse clucked a couple of times, but gave up trying to get between the two girls when she saw the look of determination Amy had as she held onto Chrissy’s hand.
“I don’t think we have too much to worry about Prue.” The doctor said as he turned to look at her as he spoke. “She seems to be remembering things at a very quick rate of speed. I doubt she’ll have much memory loss, if any at all.” He added with a smile.
“How long will it take for all her memories to return doctor?” Chrissy asked still looking worried for her friend.
“A couple of days to a couple of weeks.” The doctor shrugged. “It’s hard to say, but we will want to keep her in for a couple of days, just to be on the safe side.” He added. “Just keep helping her to remember like you have been doing already.” The doctor smiled before leaving the room and indicating for Prue to walk with him.
“Are you ready to try seeing your sister and wife again now Amy?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful that Amy would say yes this time.
“Brad and Frank? They were the two men with them right?” Amy asked with a grin as she started to remember more and more things.
“Yes, Brad is going to be marrying your sister, and you’re going to be her maid of honour.” Chrissy grinned. “I get to play Brad’s best man, well sort of more a best friend really.” Chrissy added, but waved it off as not being important at the minute.
“I like Brad, and Frank a lot don’t I?” Amy asked, but already knowing the answer. “Brad saved me, no us from my father.” Amy added as more memories flooded her mind.
“Yes he did, but don’t try and overdo it Amy, just relax and let the memories come back to you at their own speed.” Chrissy soothed as she stepped away to let Ann and Amber know it was safe to enter the room this time.
“Where are you going Chrissy?” Amy asked looking panicked as she saw Chrissy moving away from her towards the door.
“I’m just going to poke my head out the door and let the others know they can come in and say hi to you.” Chrissy said as she opened the door and just stuck her head out. “Amy will see you all now, but take it slow; her memory is still very fuzzy.” Chrissy warned them just before she stepped back into the room and ran over to stand at the side of Amy’s bed.
Amber was the first one into the room. “Hi Amy, do you remember me?”
“Hi babe.” Amy said with a grin before she realised what she’d just said. Amy also had a warm feeling rush all through her body as she said it. “Where did that come from?” Amy asked herself more than any of the others.
“Do you remember who I am Amy?” Amber asked looking hopeful.
“I remember bits of it Amber.” Amy said with a sad look on her face. “Did you really marry me?” Amy asked as she lifted her hand with the rings on it, and pointed at it with the other one.
“Yes I did.” Amber grinned back as she did the same with her hand to show Amy her two rings. “I love you with all my heart Amy. Can I come closer to you?” Amber asked as she took a couple of slow steps towards Amy’s bed.
Amy just nodded her head up and down as she started grinning as she held her arms out to get a hug from her wife. Amber started grinning as she ran the last couple of feet and threw her arms around Amy. The next thing Amy knew was Amber’s lips locking onto hers, that was when even more memories of the two of them doing more than kissing flooded her mind like a large wave crashing against the rocks.
“I remember our wedding now Amber. We got married on a beach, someplace very sunny and warm.” Amy grinned just before kissing Amber again. “I love you Amber. I love you so much it hurts.” Amy added with some pleading as she put her hands up to her chest where she was still trying to get used to having breasts now.
“I’m glad you remembered all that then my love.” Amber giggled. “I wasn’t looking forward to winning you all over again.” She added with a sigh that made it sound like a lot of work the first time around.
Ann had been stood with Brad and Frank while Amy and Amber got to know each other again. Amy was now looking right at her sister, but still having trouble pulling the memories she needed to the front of her mind.
“Hi sis.” Amy said looking worried still that Chrissy might have been wrong about her sister, but at the same time she also knew that Chrissy wouldn’t do anything like that to her.
“Hi baby sister, do I get a hug as well?” Ann asked as she held out her arms hoping that Amy wouldn’t shy away from her.
Amy nodded as she held out her arms to take a hug from her sister. “I still can’t remember us meeting again yet, but Chrissy said that you never told mum and dad about me, and I believe her.” Amy said as she hugged her sister.
“You will remember in time baby sister, but just know that I love you too much to ever hurt you like that.” Ann said as she hugged Amy back.
“Sorry for screaming at you all when I first saw you, but I was confused and scared. Amy said as she looked around at Ann, Amber, Brad and Frank.
“We understand Amy. It must be quite a shock to wake up as a woman and then find out you’re married as well.” Ann giggled at the thought of going through something like that.
“Don’t forget about the splitting headache to go with it.” Amy pointed out as she lifted her hand up to the bandage wrapped around her head.
“Does it still hurt a lot baby sister?” Ann asked.
“Yes, but the weird part is all the things I keep suddenly remembering as each minute passes.” Amy frowned as yet more things started popping into her head. Her biggest worry was the sudden need she had to use the rest room. “Chrissy, can you help me with something?” Amy asked as she waved Chrissy to come closer so she could whisper in her ear.
“Sure Amy, what do you need me for?” Chrissy asked as she got close enough for Amy to whisper it in her ear.
“Can you help me get to the toilet please? I’m not sure how to use this new pluming I now have.” Amy asked looking ashamed of needing to ask in the first place.
“I’m sure Amber will help you go Amy.” Chrissy smiled as she looked at Amber, then back at Amy again.
“I trust you more at the minute.” Amy whined as she did a little shuffle on the bed to show just how desperate she was to go. “Please Chrissy.” Amy whined some more.
“Okay then, let’s get you out of bed and into the toilet.” Chrissy said as she pulled the covers back and then helped Amy get out and walk to the private toilet she had just off her room. Chrissy was glad that the nurse had removed all the wires and tubes when she was in with the doctor or this would have been much harder to do.
Amber didn’t look upset with Amy for not trusting her, she looked glad that Amy had total trust in Chrissy to help her instead. Amber had seen this bond between them since the first time she came down and saw Amy again. She was glad that Amy felt that bond so strong still even after losing all her memories from the past eighteen months.
Prue was back in the room when Chrissy returned with a much happier looking Amy at her side, still looking a little shaky on her feet though.
“Hi mum. Sorry for all the trouble.” Amy smiled, but then looked puzzled for a couple of seconds before it was like someone had answered an unasked question. “You’re Prue, but we all call you mum, or we get in trouble.” Amy added with a giggle.
“Yes you do dear, but I’ll let you off just this once.” Prue smiled, happy to see that Amy’s memories were coming back thick and fast now. “How are you feeling now Amy?”
“Much better, thanks.” Amy sighed, glad to have been to the toilet and had Chrissy help her remember what she needed to do.
“I wasn’t talking about the toilet break silly.” Prue frowned, just before she started grinning. “I was talking about the head and the broken wrist.” Prue asked as she first pointed at Amy’s bandaged head, and then her plaster cast lower arm.
This part of Amy was just like her old self, and it soon had the others laughing at her as Chrissy got her back over to the bed and helped her to settle back down into it.
“Doesn’t she seem a little blonder than normal to you Annie?” Amber asked with a grin.
“Hey! Don’t start with the blond jokes again.” Chrissy warned, but she was grinning as she did it, so Amber knew she didn’t mean anything by it. They all soon looked at Amy again when she suddenly started to giggle, as she put her hand over her mouth.
“Sorry about that.” Amy mumbled through her hand. “I just had a sudden flash of all the blond things I’ve done in the past.” Amy giggled some more.
“What does it feel like to not remember, but then suddenly have the memories appear back in your head?” Brad asked with a worried look on his face. “All sounds pretty scary to me Amy.” He added.
“It’s very confusing at first, but then the memory just seems to fall into place. It’s kind of like doing a jigsaw puzzle.” Amy said sounding excited that she’d found a good way to explain it to them all. “I pick up a memory like you would do a jigsaw piece, and then I remember where it fits and pop it back in the right slot.” Amy smiled.
“The doctor said that this was a very good sign, and you should have all your memories back in the next couple of days, or as soon as you have trigger points.” Prue said with a smile, happy that Amy would be okay.
“Trigger points?” Amy asked looking worried. “What are those?”
“It’s when you see a face, or hear a sound, or a smell. You will then have a memory of where you’ve seen, heard or smelt it before.” Prue told her. “Most of it will just come natural to you, like the way you cling to Chrissy like you’re doing now.” Prue added as she looked at Amy hugging Chrissy’s arm without realising she was doing it.
Amy giggled. “Sorry about that Chrissy.” But she still didn’t let go of Chrissy’s arm. “Will I get my entire memories back mum?” Amy asked with a little worry on her face.
“Yes the doctor seems to think you will, but they still want to run some more tests to make sure you’re going to be okay. I hope you don’t mind spending a couple of days here in hospital?” Prue asked.
“Do I have to stay here? Can’t I just go home and come back in the morning or something like that?” Amy whined, not looking forward to being in a hospital bed all alone. She wanted to be at home with Amber in their own bed. Amy then had a long flash of some things her and Amber did in that bed. “You’re very talented Amber.” Amy said with a grin.
Amber looked at Amy with a puzzled look until she realised what memories Amy was now having, then she just went very red in the face. “Amy! Not now.”
“MEOW!” Amy said with a giggled, as she had a memory of Amber dressed as Batgirl and her dressed as Catwoman playing around on the bed before going to the club. “Kitty likes to play.” Amy added with another giggle.
“Please babe, I don’t think we need to share that with the rest of the class.” Amber pleaded with Amy to shut up.
“Oh sorry.” Amy said looking very sheepish. “We’ll revisit that memory when I get home again.” Amy winked at Amber.
“I think I better go and give Mandy a call, and let them all know that Amy’s awake and craving exercise.” Prue said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as she left the room.
“I think I’ll go with her and make sure she calls the right number.” Frank said as he quickly followed her out the room.
Amy, Amber Chrissy, Ann and Brad all laughed at the worried look Frank had as he looked at first Amy and then Amber before leaving the room.
Mandy quickly hit the answer button on her phone when she saw it was her mum calling her. “Hi mum, has Amy woken up?”
“Hello dear. Yes Amy is now awake, but we have had some problems since she woke.” Prue said with a sigh. “The bump to the head has left her with some amnesia.” She added.
“Amnesia? How bad is it? Can she remember who she is?” Mandy asked one after the other.
“When she first woke, Amy couldn’t remember anything after being hit by the van when she first saved Chrissy, but she’s getting all her memories back slowly.” Prue said to reassure Mandy. “I’ve just left a very red faced Amber trying to stop Amy from telling the others about Batgirl and Catwoman doing some very private things on their bed together.” Prue giggled.
“Thank god for that.” Mandy said with a sigh as the others all just sat looking at her in horror still. “I’ll explain everything in a minute.” Mandy added as she looked around the room. “Will she get all her memories back mum?” Mandy asked.
“I think so, she’d recovering quite fast now, but the doctors want to keep here in for a couple of days, just to make sure there’s no permanent damage.” Prue pointed out to stop any of them worrying.
“How are the others holding up?” Mandy asked, but more worried about Chrissy than the others. Mandy knew how hard Chrissy was already finding it to deal with her dad, and the scare they had with Becky just over a week ago.
Prue already knew what Mandy was trying to ask, so she just told her straight out. “Chrissy is doing just fine. Amy has latched on to her just like she did back after the van hit her. I’m sure the others will be able to fill you in fully when they get home later. I just wanted to let you know that Amy was now awake again.”
“Thanks mum and I’ll talk to you again later. Bye.” Mandy said before ending the call and then looking at the others so she could fill them all in.
“How bad is it Mandy?” Carl asked looking worried.
“Amy had forgotten everything from the van hitting her up to now, but she was beginning to remember things again though, and mum said that she should recover all her memories in time.” Mandy had a hopeful smile on her face as she said it.
“Wow that must have been something to wake up to?” Becky said as she thought about Amy finding out she was now a girl, but not remember going through any of it.
“I bet.” Carl said as he thought about the same thing.
“Mum said the others will fill us all in later when they get home. She also said that Chrissy was doing fine, and Amy had latched on to her just like she did after the van hit her.” Mandy said as she looked at Becky.
“We all better pick a number and start making some calls.” Carl said as he picked up his mobile and scrolled down the list until he found Vic’s number. “I’ll call Vic, so he can then let Mable and the others know that Amy is doing okay.
“I’ll call Hope and let them know.” Becky said as she grabbed her mobile, but didn’t try to get up off the sofa.
“I’ll call Cathy and Sara.” Mandy said as she jumped up and left the room so she had a little quiet while she explained all the details to them.
“I better give mum and Dale a call to let them know.” Callum said as he pulled his mobile out his pocket. Dale and Diane had also been at the barbecue when Amy had her fall.
“I’ll call Rachel and Samantha and let them know, and I’ll also drop Jo and Dan a text message to just let them know Amy is doing okay and is awake. I won’t try and explain about the amnesia until one of use can explain it to them properly.” Jayden said as she got up and went to find her purse and mobile that was in her purse.
Once all the calls were made they all returned to the living room to await the return of the others. It was another hour before they heard the front door and they saw Chrissy run into the room and make her way over to Becky on one of the sofas. Amber had been pulled along behind her and forced to take a seat next to Chrissy as she dropped down and rested her head on Becky’s shoulder.
Brad and Ann were the next two to enter the room followed by Prue and Frank. Prue had to come back and get her car, then she was going to drop frank off at home on the way back to her place, well that’s what she said, but the look in Frank’s eyes said that he had other plans.
“Hi baby. How was Amy when you left her?” Becky asked Chrissy as she gave her a hug.
“She was getting sleepy, but didn’t want Amber and me to leave her though.” Chrissy pouted. “She made me promise to keep Amber safe until she could get out and come home again.” Chrissy added as she pulled Amber into a hug on her other side to what Becky was sat.
“So she remembers that Amber is her wife then?” Becky asked looking happier to know that.
“Yes, and she is remembering more and more stuff all the time.” Chrissy smiled. “She was even remembering some stuff that Amber wished she hadn’t.” Chrissy giggled just before getting poked in the side by Amber who was also giggling by now.
Watching Chrissy and Amber play around helped the others to relax a little. Amy must have been much better when they left her, or they never would have felt like playing around like they were.
Mandy and Carl walked Prue and Frank out to Prue’s car before they returned to find out some more details to do with Amy and her amnesia. Jayden was just coming back into the living room from the kitchen with a tray of hot chocolate drinks for everyone. They all sat down with their drink and listened as Chrissy and Amber told them all the details of how scared Amy had looked when Ann and Amber first entered the room up to her remembering some of the things her and Amber had done in the bedroom. Ann explained how Amy saw it all as a strange jigsaw puzzled that was still being put together, but she didn’t have a picture to work from.
They all felt sorry for Amy having to just wait for all the pieces to just fall back into place, but they were all going to do their little bit to help her make a full recovery.
It was getting late by the time Chrissy. Amber. Ann and Brad had brought the others up to speed, and Brad was getting ready to leave when Amber stopped him.
“Why don’t you stop and spend the night with Ann Brad?” Amber asked.
“I thought you’d want her to spend the night with you?” Brad said as he looked at Ann and then Amber again.
“I’ll be fine sleeping on my own Brad, so stop the night and keep Ann company.” Amber grinned.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright Amber? I can cope for one night without Brad if you need me.” Ann said.
“I’ll be just fine Annie, now get to bed and I’ll see you in the morning.” Amber said with a note of finality as she pushed Ann towards Brad so they could go up to bed.
Amber walked up to bed with Chrissy and Becky at her side. “You’re welcome to spend the night with us Amber; we can’t get up to much at the minute anyway.” Chrissy said with a pout as she put a hand on Becky’s belly.
“Would that really be okay with the two of you?” Amber asked, more looking at Becky than Chrissy as she asked.
“I’d like that a lot Amber.” Becky smiled as she stepped around Chrissy and gave Amber a hug. “So run off and get ready for bed, then come back here and we will both help to keep you safe.” Becky added with a grin as she turned Amber in the direction of her and Amy’s room before slapping her on the backside and sending her off to get ready for bed.
Chrissy and Becky had just got in bed when they heard a light tap on the bedroom door before they saw Amber poke her head around it. “Is it still okay for me to join you?” Amber asked looking hopeful.
“Come and get in this bed right now young lady.” Becky said in a firm voice that had Amber running over and slipping into bed next to Chrissy, this put Chrissy in the middle of the bed with Becky one side and Amber the other.
“Do you not want to sleep in the middle Amber?” Chrissy asked.
“No thanks, I’m fine sleeping this way. I’m use to having Amy in the middle when Ann sleeps with us, so this will feel more normal for me, and I don’t want to break up you and Becky either.” Amber grinned.
“Do you want to try this thing that Sarah told you to do Chrissy, or do you think it would be a waste of time tonight?” Becky asked as they all lay their heads on the pillows.
“What is it that Sarah wants you to try Chrissy?” Amber asked.
“She thinks that looking at pictures of us all doing fun things, and also talking about them could help me stop having the nightmare about Becky and the hospital.” Chrissy said, but not looking convinced any of it would work.
“It can’t hurt to give it a go Chrissy.” Amber said sounding more positive about it. “What about the big Halloween party at the club last year? Amy seemed to like remembering that.” Amber pointed out with a grin.
“Sounded more like she liked what happened once you and her got home and in the bedroom.” Chrissy giggled.
“True, but she did start to remember stuff from the club just after that bit.” Amber giggled.
The three of them started talking about the Halloween party at the club, and how much fun they all had. Amber said how cute Chrissy looked as Supergirl. Then they talked about all the dancing they did and how they were all worn out by the end of the night. All three of them were having trouble keeping their eyes open by the time they finished remembering the night, and they were soon turning the lights off and falling asleep all cuddled up together.
Chrissy never had the nightmare that night, she dreamed of being Supergirl and saving Amy as she fell from a large castle. Chrissy flew her back up to the castle wall and then kissed her before flying away again to save another helpless girl in trouble. The next girl was about to be hit by a white van, but Chrissy landed and stopped the van dead in its tracks before making sure the girl was alright. Once again the girl was Amy. Chrissy remembered her whole dream being about her saving Amy from getting hurt. Chrissy thought the dream was very weird, but it was a better one than the hospital one where she thought that Becky was dead.
Becky lay smiling as she watched Chrissy sleeping the next morning. It had been some time since she’d seen Chrissy look so happy as she slept. Becky was still smiling when she saw Chrissy slowly open her eyes and saw Becky lying next to her.
“Morning sleepy head.” Becky smiled just before leaning over and kissing Chrissy on the lips. “I trust you had a much better night’s sleep?” Becky asked when they broke the kiss.
“Much better, but we need to find more normal things to talk about though.” Chrissy said as she went to have a stretch but realised that someone was cuddled up tight behind her. Chrissy suddenly remembered that Amber had gone to bed with them the night before.
“I think Amber was glad of the company.” Becky said as she saw Chrissy trying to look over her shoulder without waking Amber, who was still fast asleep.
“I’m glad we were able to help out.” Chrissy said as she just put her head back on the pillow and let Amber have a little more sleep.
Becky wasn’t in any rush to move, so she just cuddled back up to Chrissy and put her head back on the pillow next to Chrissy facing her. Chrissy was soon giggling though when the babies started kicking and poking Becky’s belly out and making contact with Chrissy as they did so.
“Looks like the kids know you’re awake baby.” Becky giggled.
“Sorry about that.” Chrissy said with a pained look, as she knew that it would soon lead to Becky needing to run off to the toilet like she did every time the babies started moving around.
It wasn’t long before Becky felt the need to get out of bed and make a dash to the bathroom to answer the call of nature. Becky getting out of bed finally woke Amber and she smiled sheepishly at Chrissy when she realised that she’d been cuddled up to her like she would do if it was Amy she’d been sleeping with.
“Sorry about that.” Amber said in a sleepy voice as she slid back a little bit and had a stretch.
“Don’t worry about it Amber. I’m just glad you got some sleep.” Chrissy smiled as she turned over to face Amber.
“Thank you for letting me spend the night with you and Becky. I just hope I didn’t keep either of you awake?” Amber asked.
“Nope, we both slept just fine, well apart from the normal toilet trips Becky has to make through the night, but we kind of got use to them some time back now.” Chrissy giggled.
“Did the trip down memory lane help with the nightmares?” Amber asked looking hopeful.
“Yes it did, but it was a little weird though. I dreamt I was Supergirl, and I kept saving Amy.” Chrissy said with a strange look on her face as she recalled some of the dream she had.
“I’m not surprised Chrissy, that girl needs a lot of saving.” Amber grinned.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save her for real.” Chrissy sighed as she thought about Amy falling from the bouncy castle as she watched it happen.
“There was nothing you could have done Chrissy.” Amber said as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her. “I was stood right next to you at the time, so I know there was nothing you could have done to stop it, and you did shout at her to get down just before she fell.” Amber pointed out.
“What if me shouting at her made her fall Amber?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice. “Oh god, I made Amy fall and hurt herself.” Chrissy added with fear in her voice.
“Hey! Stop that right now Chrissy!” Amber snapped as she slid back to look Chrissy in the eyes. “Amy would be the first to tell you off for thinking like that.” Amber added.
“Amber’s right baby.” Becky said as she entered the bedroom again and walked over to the bed. “It was just a silly accident.” She added as she slipped back onto the bed next to Chrissy.
“I just feel like I should have done more to stop her getting hurt.” Chrissy said with tears running down her cheeks.
“That feeling is what makes you Amy’s best friend Chrissy. She’d be the same if it was you that got hurt.” Amber said as she wiped away the tears. “Amy was a wreck all the time you were away on your little holiday.” Amber added.
Chrissy soon found herself in the middle of a group hug as Becky attacked her from one side, while Amber did the same from the other side. This made Chrissy feel better, and they were soon getting out of bed so they could get ready for work, or Chrissy could get ready for work, Becky and Amber were going to the hospital to spend some time with Amy while they ran their tests and gave her the all clear to come home again.
Amber ran off to her and Amy’s room to take a quick shower, so she could get down stairs and help Chrissy sort out breakfast for them all. Chrissy and Becky went to take a shower together in their bathroom. They were still doing their bit to save the planet.
Mandy and Carl were just making a pot of tea when they saw Chrissy and Becky enter the kitchen a little later. Amber was only a couple of minutes behind them looking more awake than Mandy and Carl thought she would.
Morning Amber. You look better than I thought you would after spending a night without Amy to cuddle with.” Mandy said as she poured Amber a cup of tea out while she got to work with Chrissy as they made a start on breakfast.
“I had the next best thing to cuddle up next to.” Amber said with a grin as she looked at Chrissy stood next to her.
“Chrissy and Becky let you share their bed then?” Mandy asked, also grinning. She knew how much better she slept when she was cuddled up next to Chrissy. “How did you sleep last night sis?” Mandy asked, as she looked at Chrissy.
“I slept a lot better last night. We spoke about the fun we all had last Halloween before we fell asleep, and it seemed to work.” Chrissy frowned as she said it, which didn’t go unnoticed on Mandy or Carl.
“You don’t look too convinced about it sis.” Mandy said looking worried that Chrissy was just trying to put a brave face on it all, and she had been having nightmares still.
“It did work, but I just had weird dreams due to what we ended up talking about.” Chrissy said, not wanting to tell Mandy and Carl about her Supergirl dreams.
“Chrissy had a dream that she was really Supergirl, and she spent all night saving Amy from one thing after the other.” Amber giggled as she playfully poked Chrissy in the side with her elbow.
“Just think of the problems it would solve if you were really Supergirl.” Carl said with a sigh, like Chrissy was always getting in trouble.
“I’m glad she’s not Supergirl!” Becky said looking worried. “We’d never stand a chance of stopping her running away every time she had a problem.” Becky added with a smirk.
“Wouldn’t that be flying away?” Amber asked with another giggle.
“So this is the thanks I get for helping you have a good night’s sleep while your wife is ill in hospital?” Chrissy asked with a pout.
“I’m sorry sis, but I just think it’s cute, and I am grateful for what you did last night.” Amber added as she threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged her.
Callum and Jayden soon entered the kitchen with Ann and Brad following just behind. Jayden ran over to help Chrissy and Amber sort out breakfast, while Callum, Ann and Brad all took seats at the kitchen table with Carl, Mandy and Becky.
Breakfast seemed quiet without Amy there with them, so they all ate and then went off to get ready to go to work or in Brad, Amber and Becky’s case, get ready to go and see how Amy was doing.
Mandy and Chrissy were going to get done at the shop early, and then go to the hospital right after.
By SaraUK
Part 33
Amy woke up feeling a little weird, she still couldn’t fully remember everything, but most of it was back now. She still couldn’t help checking herself out in the full length mirror on the back of the door in her hospital room. Amy was stood posing when a nurse knocked on the door and walked in before Amy could stop posing.
“Don’t worry Amy, you still look beautiful?” The nurse said with a grin as she entered the room with a tray of food for Amy to eat. “Now come and sit down over here and eat what you can of this.” She added as she put the food down on a table that was in the room.
“I’m sorry, but I still find it strange to find out that I’m a woman now.” Amy grinned as she walked over and sat down at the table so she could have her breakfast.
“I thought you had your memories back now Amy? Are you still having trouble remembering, or have you started to forget again?” The nurse asked looking worried.
“No, I still remember having all the work done, but I can also remember being Andy again as well, just like it was yesterday.” Amy had a strange look on her face as she said it.
“How does that make you feel Amy?” The nurse asked.
“I feel happy that I’m now a girl, but I still have some of Andy’s feelings as well now to go with it.” Amy said just before she started eating her bacon and eggs.
“Do you feel like you might have made a mistake then now Amy?” The nurse asked.
“No! I’m just glad I finally had something good happen in my life.” Amy said looking all excited about having a wife and her sister back in her life, but also having a best friend like Chrissy, and a whole bunch of other sisters and friends.
“I’m glad to hear that dear.” The nurse smiled. “Just buzz if you need anything, and I’ll be back later to collect your dishes.” She added just before leaving Amy to eat her breakfast in peace.
Amy suddenly felt very alone sat in the room eating her breakfast, she had a feeling that this was not normally the case, then all of a sudden she had a head full of memories with her sat in a large kitchen with Chrissy, Amber, Ann and some other girls she couldn’t put faces to yet, but she knew them very well, or so she thought. Amy finished her breakfast and then picked up a magazine Ann had left her with the day before, and she sat readying while she waited for the doctor to turn up and take her down for these tests they wanted to run.
Brad pulled up outside the main entrance to the hospital, so Becky wouldn’t have to walk as far. “I’ll catch up to you at Amy’s room once I’ve parked up.” He said as he helped Becky get out. Amber was already out and stood waiting to help Becky.
“Thanks for all the help Brad.” Becky said with a smile as he put her on the ground and made sure she had her feet before letting go.
“No problem boss, just happy to do my little bit to help.” Brad smiled back. “I’ll let Amber show you the way to Amy’s room.” He added as he looked at Amber.
“Okay Brad, we’ll see you up there in a little while then.” Amber said eager to go and see her wife, and see how she was doing today. She was soon taking a slow walk into the hospital with Becky waddling along beside her.
After two stops along the way so Becky could use the toilet, they made it to Amy’s room just to find her not in it. “I’m sure this was the room she was in when we left her last night.” Amber said with some panic in her voice.
“I’m sure she’s just off having some tests done, or she’s gone for a walk around. It must get pretty boring being sat around in these places.” Becky said as she tried to help Amber calm down.
“You’re right Becky. I’ll just go and ask a member of the nursing staff where she might be.” Amber said after taking a deep breath to calm herself down again. Then she helped Becky take a seat at the table in the room before she wandered off to find someone to talk to.
Becky was still sat waiting when Amber returned a couple of minutes later, looking much happier with herself. “I trust the smile means you’ve found out where Amy is?” Becky asked.
“Yes, you were right; Amy’s gone for some tests and should be back very soon.” Amber said as she sat down next to Becky. “They said if the tests go well, she might be able to go home again today.” Amber added with a grin.
“That’s great Amber. I hope that all the tests come back okay then.” Becky was happy to hear that news, as it would mean Chrissy feeling better having Amy back under the same roof as the rest of them.
Amber suddenly jumped up looking excited when she saw the door open, but she soon looked sad again when she saw it was only Brad entering the room. “Amy not here?” Brad asked.
“No she’s having some tests done to make sure that there’s no permanent damage.” Amber said with a little frustration in her voice. “They’ve said that if the tests are good, then Amy can come home today.” Amber added sounding a little happier.
Becky and Brad had to put up with Amber getting more and more frustrated for the next fifteen minutes before they saw Amy walk into the room. Amber jumped up and ran over to give Amy a hug just before kissing her.
“Do I know you miss?” Amy asked when Amber broke the kiss.
“Amy! It’s me Amber, your wife.” Amber said looking worried that Amy had forgotten even more since they left her the night before. “Please don’t tell me you’ve forgotten who I am?” Amber pleaded.
“Amber?” Amy said as she tapped a finger to her lip with a thoughtful look on her face. “I don’t remember ever knowing anyone called Amber.” Amy added, but she was trying to hide a smirk as she said it, which wasn’t missed by Amber.
“You little witch!” Amber said as she playfully slapped Amy on the arm. “You’re just teasing me, aren’t you?” Amber asked as she threw her arms around Amy again, happy that she hadn’t forgotten her again after all.
“I’m sorry my love, but I just needed to have a little fun after being prodded and poked for the past hour and a half.” Amy pouted when they stopped hugging again.
“That wasn’t nice Amy.” Amber moaned. “I really thought you’d forgotten me again.”
“Sorry. Hi Brad, Becky?” Amy asked if it was Becky more than just saying hi to her.
“Hi Amy, yes its Becky.” Becky smiled as she struggled to get to her feet and give Amy a hug, or as much of a hug as Becky could manage being so heavily pregnant. “How are the memories?” Becky asked.
“Hard to say really, but I do feel like I remember most things now, but I just can’t see some faces on some of the people I know, which is annoying.” Amy frowned. “Like I knew you were Chrissy’s wife last night, but I couldn’t see your face when I thought of the things we’ve done, but once I saw you just now, it all fell into place for me.” Amy added with a grin, just before hugging Becky again.
“That sounds so scary. Not being able to remember what people look like, but having memories of doing things with them.” Becky said as she hugged Amy back.
“Trust me, it is sis.” Amy giggled as she got another hug from Becky. Amy giggled some more when she felt the babies kick her. “I see the twins are still as active as ever?”
“Yes, they know the sound of their Aunty Amy’s voice, just like they know mine and Chrissy’s.” Becky said as she put both hands on her belly as it moved around.
“How is Chrissy? I know how she loves to worry about me.” Amy asked.
“She’s fine, didn’t want to go to work today, but Mandy said she couldn’t get all the work done on her own.” Becky sighed. “They will both come and see you later in the day, on their way home from work.” Becky added with a smile.
“Do you remember that you work with Chrissy and Mandy at the shop?” Amber asked.
“Yes I remember all that, but Mandy’s face is still out of focus.” Amy said looking frustrated at not being able to remember Mandy’s face.
“It will all come back to you Amy, just give it a little time.” Becky said in a soothing voice. “I think you’re doing really well for saying you couldn’t remember anything last night.” Becky added looking impressed at how far Amy had come in such a short time.
“How did the tests go babe?” Amber asked, hoping to cheer Amy back up again, and get her thinking about other stuff.
“I think they went okay, but I’ll have to wait and see what the doctor says later.” Amy shrugged. “They put me in a big machine and said they were getting a scan of my brain. Guess that proves I do have one then.” Amy giggled.
“I was beginning to have my doubts after that stupid stunt on the bouncy castle.” Amber frowned, still not happy with Amy for almost killing herself over something so stupid.
“I’m sorry, but I still can’t remember how I got hurt.” Amy said, but Amber could see that she was lying to her, and she remembered exactly how she got hurt.
“That seems very convenient doesn’t it?” Amber said.
“Yes. Doc said I might never remember being so stupid.” Amy grinned. “Probably for the best though. Don’t want to keep having nightmares about that do I?” Amy added.
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to keep milking this amnesia thing for some time to come?” Amber asked looking suspiciously at Amy.
Amy just smiled at Amber before she turned to greet Brad, who had just been sat quietly letting the three girls talk up until now. “Hi Brad. Thanks for coming to see me again.” Amy grinned as she walked over and gave him a hug.
“I’m just glad to see you still with us, in more ways than one.” Brad grinned.
Amber could see that Amy was going to keep changing the subject every time she brought it up, so she just let out a sigh and walked over to the table and sat down, just before she pulled Amy down onto her lap.
“I love you baby.” Amber said just before she kissed her.
“I love you more.” Amy grinned back after the kiss.
Amber grinned back at her, this was the Amy she knew and loved. “Please try to be more careful next time.” Amber said as her last word on the subject.
“I promise my love.” Amy said just before she kissed Amber again.
Chrissy and Mandy were both helping each other to get the changing service orders sorted out, but they both missed not having Amy there to help them.
“I’d forgotten how much harder it was with just the two of us sis.” Chrissy sighed.
“I know what you mean baby sister, but you just have to deal with it and get the job done.” Mandy said as she put a couple more items down on the counter so Chrissy could check them off the list. Mandy was used to there just being two of them to sort out the orders and run the shop floor, due to having to do it for over eight weeks when Chrissy ran away from Becky. Not that Mandy was going to say anything about that now.
Chrissy could see how well Mandy was coping with it just being the two of them, and she wondered why she was, but then it hit her as to why, and she felt really bad again for what she’d done to them all by running away like she did.
“I’m sorry Mandy. I’m so very sorry.” Chrissy said as she looked upset with herself.
“Sorry for what?” Mandy asked as she looked around to see what Chrissy might have done wrong, but not finding any reason for the apology.
“I left you and Amy to struggle like this for all that time while I was away.” Chrissy said close to tears. “I’m such a bad person. Why do you all put up with me?” Chrissy asked as she finally broke down and started sobbing.
“You’re not a bad person Chrissy.” Mandy said as she ran over and pulled Chrissy into her arms. “Maybe a little foolish at times, but not bad.” Mandy added as she rocked back and forth with Chrissy in her arms.
“Do you think I’m being foolish now then sis?” Chrissy sniffled.
“I little bit, but you have every right to be worried about Amy. I’m surprised to hear you still going on about the other stuff though; I thought we sorted that out months ago now.” Mandy said as she handed Chrissy a tissue so she could dry her eyes.
“It’s just working here today without Amy brought it all back, and the time before she joined our family.” Chrissy said with a little giggle as she thought about all the fun things they had done since Amy joined them.
“I know what you mean sis. I still wonder how I lived before you walked into my shop that day all them years ago now.” Mandy smiled just before she pulled Chrissy back into a hug.
“I’m glad I found you sis.” Chrissy almost purred as she let Mandy hug her.
“As am I, but we better see about getting on, or we’ll never be finished by the time Linda turns up to collect the orders.” Mandy said as she looked over at the half finished order for the changing service.
“Okay sis, sorry for the trouble.” Chrissy said looking all serious when they broke the hug.
“I think you better go and fix your makeup first sis.” Mandy giggled as she pointed at Chrissy and then pointed towards one of the mirrors on the wall for Chrissy to take a look at herself.
Chrissy looked and had to let out a little scream when she saw that all her makeup had run down her face, making her look really scary. “I see what you mean.” Chrissy said as she ran off to grab her purse before going up stairs and fixing her makeup.
Mandy just giggled as she watched her sister run off to fix her makeup, then she walked back to the counter and carried on sorting the orders out on her own until Chrissy returned looked as good as she had before the breakdown.
Chrissy was just making a start on the internet orders a little later when she heard Mandy let out an excited squeal just after hearing the doorbell sound to let them know that a customer was in the shop. Chrissy poked her head out to find Carl stood with a basket of food in one hand, and Mandy now wrapped in the other one as she tried to suck Carl’s face off. Chrissy giggled as she wandered down the shop and relieved Carl of the basket, so he could use both hands to grab hold of Mandy.
“Hello Chrissy. Thanks for taking the basket off me just now.” Carl smiled as he entered the back room with Mandy at his side.
“Hi Carl. You’re welcome; it looked like you had your hands full as it was.” Chrissy giggled as she looked at Mandy. “I’m not sure if you realise this, but I think she misses you when you’re not together.” Chrissy added in a fake whisper.
“No I hadn’t realised that Chrissy. I was beginning to think she might be getting bored with me.” Carl said in mock horror.
Mandy never spoke; she just turned Carl to face her before she planted a big kiss on his lips as she pulled him close to her. “You’ll be the first to know if and when I ever get bored with you my love.” Mandy purred when she stopped kissing him.
“I hope I never find out then princess.” Carl grinned back at her, just before he ran his tongue across his lips to taste Mandy still on them.
“You’ve never disappointed me yet.” Mandy smiled. “Now let’s eat, or Chrissy and I will never get done in time to go and see Amy.” Mandy added in her bossy big sister way.
Chrissy and Carl filled up their plates and then made a start on their lunch. Chrissy wasn’t going to miss out on going to see Amy, so she was soon finished and got back to work while Carl and Mandy spent some time together while they washed and dried the dishes they’d used with their lunch. Chrissy and Mandy helped Carl load up his car with the orders for the changing service and then waved to him as he drove away. They were soon working together and sorting out the internet orders.
Amy was just picking at the thing the nurse had called her lunch when she saw Jayden and Callum enter the room. It took her a couple of minutes to remember their names, but once it all came to her, she could remember the two of them. The thing Amy did remember was the smell coming from the large basket Callum was carrying.
“Is that from the hotel?” Amy asked with hope in her eyes. She may have forgotten something’s, but that smell wasn’t one of them. She had a sudden flash of sorting out lunch at the shop when someone brought a basket just like this one.
“It could be, but to get any of it, you have to remember who we are first.” Jayden said with a grin.
“Jayden and Callum!” Amy grinned as she pushed the plate aside and held out the hands to get the basket of food from Callum.
“I’ll sort it out baby, just rest up and wait.” Amber said as she got up from the table and let Callum place the basket on the table so she could sort it out.
Jayden had asked for enough food to feed a small army, so there was plenty to go around them all twice over. The food that Amber started pulling out the basket looked allot more edible than the hospital food had. Amy couldn’t even talk Brad into helping her eat it, and he would pretty much eat anything if he was hungry enough.
“I hope you didn’t mind me bringing food?” Jayden asked with a grin, already knowing the answer from the way everyone was tucking into it all. “I’ve heard that hospital food isn’t always that good.” Jayden added as she looked at whatever it was on the plate that Amy had pushed to one side.
“You’re a life saver.” Amy mumbled around a mouth full of food.
“Nice to see you haven’t forgotten how to eat then baby sister.” Jayden giggled as she watched Amy put another mouth full in before she’d swallowed the first one. “How is the memory now?” Jayden asked.
Amy just gave her a thumbs up to say it was okay. She had way too much food in her mouth now to even try and make a sound that anyone would understand. Jayden just smiled and then let Amy carry on eating her lunch, as she ate hers.
They had all just finished when they saw two little girls run into the room. One was Cathleen and the other was little Kat. Both of them stopped and looked at Amy sat on the bed.
“Hello little girls, and who might you be?” Amy asked as she looked at the two of them. Amy knew who they were, but she was feeling playful again now she’d had some real food.
“She really forgot who’s we are.” Kat said to Cathleen.
“Mummy warned me this could happen.” Cathleen said to Kat. “We have to help her remember us.” Cathleen added as she held Kat’s hand and walked slowly over to the bed.
Brad was sat close by, so he picked each girl up and sat them on the bed facing Amy, who was now sat crossed legged looking at the two girls with a puzzled look.
Hope was looking after Cathleen for Jenna while Cathleen was on holiday from school. Both little girls had been nagging Hope and Faith to bring them to see Amy, so she had finally given in, and her and Faith had brought them. They walked into the room and looked worried when they saw that Amy didn’t remember them, but they soon smiled when they realised that Amy was just playing with them.
“Let me see if I can guess who you both are.” Amy said as she looked to be deep in thought as she tapped a finger to her lip. “I think you’re called Cathleen.” Amy said as she pointed at Kat.
“I not Cathleen!” Kat said with a giggle. “She Cathleen.” Kat added as she pointed at Cathleen. “I called Kat. Silly.” Kat giggled some more.
“I think you’re trying to trick me. I know that you’re not a cat, you don’t have pointy ears, or a tail.” Amy said as she touched Kat’s ears and then looked behind her to prove that she didn’t have a tail either. “So if you’re not a cat called Silly, then who are you?” Amy asked with a suspicious look.
“My name is Kat; I not say I am a cat.” Kat said with some frustration in her little voice. “I am Kat with a kicking K.” She added with some pride in her voice.
“I think I remember now, and I seem to also remember that you like to be tickled.” Amy said just before she pulled Kat closer to her so she could hug her with the cast hand while she tickled the little girl with her good hand.
Kat was giggling and screaming too much to even try to stop Amy from tickling her. Everyone just sat or stood around smiling as they watched Amy playing with the little girl. Cathleen thought she’d got away with it until she found herself being pulled into it by Amy. As she and Kat both tickled her. It all ended with the three of them in one big giggling pile on the bed.
“Do’s you really remembers us both Aunty Amy?” Kat asked once she had her breath back.
“Yes, I was just playing with the two of you.” Amy smiled as she pulled the two girls into a hug with her. “I’m sorry if I scared you yesterday when I fell off the castle.” Amy said as she hugged them both.
“We’re just glad you’re okay Aunty Amy.” Cathleen said as she let a tear run down her cheek.
“So am I Cathleen, I was very scared when I woke up and couldn’t remember anything.” Amy said to them both as she broke the hug and then sat up again.
Jayden and Callum needed to get back to the hotel, and Becky was looking tired, so Brad said he was going to run her home and then come back, but Amber stopped him.
“I’ll get a lift home with Chrissy and Mandy later Brad, so go home and get some rest, or just crash out at the house for a bit. I’m sure Ann would love to spend some time with you when she gets home later.” Amber said as he was getting ready to leave with Becky.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here?” Brad asked, still not sure he shouldn’t just come back anyway.
“I’ll have Hope and Faith to keep me company for a bit yet. I don’t think Cathleen and Kat have plans to leave any time soon.” Amber giggled as she looked over at the two little girls sat with some marker pens. They were making Amy’s cast look more pretty. Amy looked to be having just as much fun as the two girls were with it.
Brad gave Amy a quick hug, and then rubbed the two kids on the head before stepping back to let Becky say her goodbyes.
“I hope you get the all clear baby sister, and you get to come home later, but if you don’t, I’ll come and see you again tomorrow.” Becky said as she gave Amy a hug.
“Thanks for coming to see me Becky, and for bringing the kids with you.” Amy giggled as she put a hand on Becky’s belly and made them start moving around. Becky let out a groan as this suddenly made her need to go pee again. “Sorry about that sis.” Amy said with a pained look, as she realised what she’d just done.
“Don’t worry about it baby sister, I’m getting use to it now.” Becky grinned as she put her hands on her swollen belly as it moved around.
Cathleen and Kat were soon putting their hands on Becky’s belly as they both giggled at the funny way her belly moved. Becky’s belly started moving even more, it was like the babies knew that there were two little people wanting to play with them.
“Was I’s once dat little mummy?” Kat asked as she looked at her mum sat over in the corner with Amber and Faith.
“Yes you were sweetie, and I carried you around just like Becky is carrying her babies around.” Hope smiled as she thought about the time she carried Kat in her belly. “I wasn’t quite that big though.” Hope added.
“Dat cause you only have me’s, but Aunty Becky she be having two of us.” Kat pointed out to her mummy.
Becky giggled at the way the little girl was trying to defend the reason for her size. “My little hero.” Becky said as she gave Kat a hug and then a peck on the cheek to thank her. Becky then did the same to Cathleen before she walked over and gave Amber, Hope and Faith a hug before leaving to find a toilet and then let Brad drive her home.
Amber sat with Hope and Faith, as they watched Amy sat on her hospital bed playing with Cathleen and Kat. Amber was happy to see Amy almost back to her old self again. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Hope speaking to her.
“So is Amy really okay again then?” Hope had been worried when Amy acted like she didn’t remember who Kat and Cathleen were.
“Yes, she is just having some fun with the whole amnesia things at the minute.” Amber giggled. “She did the same thing to me and Becky when we first got here this morning.” Amber added.
“She does seem to be acting like her old self again.” Hope smiled as she looked over at her trying to play patter cakes with Kat, but having trouble due to her having one arm in a cast, but she was having a giggle about it.
Hope and Faith stopped another hour, but left when Amy started to look tired. They promised to come again tomorrow if Amy didn’t go home later today. Amy got hugs off them all before they left and then Amy settled down on the bed with Amber laying down beside her.
Amber thought they both must have fallen asleep because when Amber next opened her eyes, a nurse was in the room talking in a whisper to a doctor.
“Sorry about this.” Amber said as she sat up and slid off the bed into the chair at the side of it, looking very sheepish as she did so.
“Don’t worry about it miss.” The doctor chuckled. “You’re not the first one to fall asleep on a bed with the patient.” He added as he stepped over to take a closer look at Amy, but trying not to wake her up.
Amber getting off the bed must have woken Amy because she was soon opening her eyes and looking worriedly at the doctor walking toward her. Amy wasn’t quite awake enough to remember where she was, or what the man in the white coat wanted.
Amy let out a scream and slid away from the man, falling off the bed, but was caught by Amber and pulled the rest of the way onto her lap. “Get away from me!” Amy said just before she turned to see Amber holding her.
“Don’t worry Amy; it’s just the doctor come to check up on you.” Amber said in a soothing tone of voice as she pulled Amy into a hug.
“Sorry doc.” Amy said with a cheeky smile as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Didn’t expect to find you looking over me like that when I first woke up.” Amy added.
“Just imagine how I feel every morning when I first wake up and look in the mirror?” The doctor said with a chuckle. “Do you mind hopping back onto the bed, so I can give you one last check over before we let you leave us?” he asked as he pattered the bed.
“Sure thing doc.” Amy grinned as she almost leapt off Amber’s knee and back onto the bed so she could be checked over and then let out of the hospital.
Amber sat quietly and let the doctor run some tests with Amy, and he also asked her a bunch of questions as well, but he looked happy with the way Amy responded and the answers she gave him.
“I think it’s safe to let you go home Amy, but I want you to come back to the hospital if you start feeling sick, or dizzy for any reason.” The doctor said in a warning voice. “Also if you start forgetting things again.” He added as he wrote down some details on her notes.
“Don’t worry doc. All my sisters and wife will be keeping a close eye on me, I’m sure of that.” Amy grinned as she realised that she could return home and be with her family again.
“I’m sure they will.” The doctor said as he watched Amber get up and wrap her arms around Amy in a protective hug. “Please be sure to call the hospital, or get her back here as soon as you can, if she starts acting strange, or drunk.” He added as he looked at Amber this time.
“You can count on it doc.” Amber said looking very serious.
“As nice as you’ve been Amy, I hope we don’t meet again.” The doctor said just before he left the room.
“I’m not planning on it.” Amy giggled.
Just after the doctor had left, and the nurse had left, so Amy could get dressed. Chrissy and Mandy knocked on the door and then entered the room. “Is it safe to come in?” Chrissy asked with a grin when she saw Amy just sliding off the bed to go and get dressed.
“Sis! The doc said I can go home!” Amy said with a grin as she ran around the bed and over to where Chrissy and Mandy were both stood just inside the room.
“That’s wonderful baby sister.” Chrissy grinned as she wrapped her arms around Amy and hugged her.
“Hi Mandy.” Amy said as she gave Mandy a hug after she stopped hugging Chrissy.
“So you do remember who I am then?” Mandy asked with a giggle.
“Yes I do, it’s all coming back to me slowly, but the minute I saw your face, I could remember everything we’ve done together.” Amy said as she hugged Mandy a little tighter. “I’m sorry if I worried you yesterday big sister Mandy.”
“Don’t worry about it, and just be more careful next time.” Mandy said as they broke the hug, and Mandy started playing the role of the bossy big sister.
Chrissy and Mandy helped Amber get the few bits gathered up that Amy had amassed in her short stop at the hospital, while Amy went to the bathroom to get dressed. Amy walked over to Chrissy once she was dressed and asked her a favour.
“Chrissy, can you help me with my makeup? I’m not sure I can remember how to do it.” Amy asked with a pout.
“Sure sis.” Chrissy smiled as she led Amy over to the table and sat her down. Chrissy went to work and had to use some of her own makeup to get Amy looking beautiful.
“This feels so good.” Amy almost purred as she let Chrissy work her magic. “I’d forgotten how good this felt since I started doing my own.” Amy added before she realised what she’d said.
“I thought you just said you couldn’t remember how to do your own makeup?” Chrissy asked in a suspicious tone.
“I couldn’t, but it just came back to me.” Amy said with a nervous giggle.
“I think you’re telling lies baby sister.” Chrissy said as she pulled a stray hair out of Amy’s eyebrows. “I would have helped you with your makeup Amy; you didn’t need to lie about it.” Chrissy added sounding hurt.
“I’m sorry Chrissy, I just thought it would sound better if I made out I still didn’t remember how to do it myself.” Amy said in a whisper. “I also think I would have some trouble trying to do it myself with this stupid cast on my hand and arm.” Amy added as she held up the arm with the cast on it.
“I used to love helping you with your makeup baby sister, and still do when I get the chance.” Chrissy smiled, just before she gave Amy a quick kiss on the nose. “There you go, all done.” Chrissy said a couple of minutes later.
Amy took the small mirror Chrissy offered her and she took a look at what Chrissy had done to her. Amy let a grin spread across her face as she saw a floorless makeup job, just like Chrissy always did. “Thanks big sister Chrissy.” Amy said as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy to hug her as thanks for all the help.
“You’re welcome baby sister.” Chrissy giggled as she hugged Amy back. “I see that your cast got a new look.” Chrissy giggled as she saw all the colour the cast now had, after Cathleen and Kat had got their hands on it.
“Yes, I think it looks good now.” Amy giggled as she looked at it with all the little rainbows and cat shapes all over it in different colours. “Do you think they will let me keep it when it’s time to have it removed?” Amy asked.
“I’m sure you can talk them into letting you keep it if anyone can.” Chrissy said as she helped Amy to her feet so they could get her home.
They soon had all of Amy’s things gathered up, so they all left the room and made their way down and out to Mandy’s car, so she could drive them all home. Amber sent Ann a text message to let her know that Amy was on her way home, and not to bother heading over to the hospital when she finished work.
Becky and Brad were working on dinner when they got home, so Chrissy and Amber took over after Chrissy led Becky over to the table to sit down. Amy wanted to help, but Chrissy and Amber stopped her.
“You can take it easy for the rest of today, and I’ll see how you are in the morning.” Amber said as she made Amy sit down again at the kitchen table next to Becky.
Amy and Becky just looked at each other as they thought the same thing, but neither of them were about to argue with their wife’s about it, so they just sat and watched Amber and Chrissy work on dinner. Amy was distracted when Ann got home from work with Jayden following just behind her. Both Ann and Jayden ran over and gave Amy a hug to welcome her home. Ann then ran over and jumped on Brad’s knee to get a welcome home from him.
Chrissy and Amber soon had dinner ready, and they all sat down to eat. Amy really enjoyed the meal, it tasted a hundred times better than anything they had given her in the hospital, and it was even nicer than the food from the hotel. Amy felt like her old self again, now she was back home with all her friends and family.
Amy felt fine the next morning, so Amber let her help with breakfast before they went back up to get ready for work. Chrissy and Mandy wanted Amy to take another couple of days off to make sure she was fully recovered, but Amy wouldn’t have any of it, and she was soon dressed and ready for a day at the shop.
They left for work and called in to see Holly and Greg on the way, so Chrissy could spend some time with her mum and dad. Amy and Mandy had got used to spending time with their two adopted parents as well. Amy had to sit through a speech from Holly about taking better care of herself while she played around on bouncy castles.
Greg was his normal playful self and said that he would give her a 5.9 for artistic style, but he could only give her a 2.5 for the landing. This made Amy giggle as she got a hug from him. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt worse than you were Amy.” Greg added as he hugged her a little tighter, not that Amy could feel it. Greg had gotten very weak over the past couple of months, but he made up for it in spirit.
Amy never had any more trouble with her amnesia, she remembered everything she wanted to, and what she couldn’t remember, never seemed to bother her. So life got back to normal with them all working and then going to the club on a Tuesday and Saturday night. Becky had stopped going to work in the evenings with her being so close to giving birth now. Kara had taken over the running for the club for Becky, but Becky did get the odd call from Kara, when she had a question about something.
It had been a couple of weeks since Amy had her accident and Brad had been around to help Chrissy and Becky put the babies cots together on the Wednesday morning when everything got a little crazy. Chrissy had just helped Amy and Becky make some sandwiches for them all when they heard Becky make a funny sound just before she spilt something on the floor over near the sink.
“What you spilt on the floor baby?” Chrissy asked as she turned and saw the large puddle on the floor just where Becky was stood.
“I think my waters just broke.” Becky said in a calm voice as she leaned against the counter.
It took Chrissy and the others a couple of seconds to work out what Becky had just said, but when they did, they all jumped into action and got Becky ready to leave for the hospital. Brad was going to drive her and Chrissy over to the hospital, while Amy and Mandy followed in Mandy’s car. Amy was on the phone while Mandy drove, so she could let everyone know that it was time.
Chrissy went with Becky and the nurses when they got to the hospital, while Brad went to join Amy and Mandy in the waiting area. Ann, Amber, Sara, Cathy, Jayden, Callum. Carl and Vic all turned up to join them as they all waited for the news.
Becky was in labour for just over ten hours before she gave birth to first a baby girl, then a couple of minutes later to a baby boy. Becky was worn out by the end of it all, but she still smiled when she saw how amazing the two beautiful little babies looked in Chrissy’s arms as she held them both so Becky could see them.
“You’re amazing Becky, and I love you so much right now.” Chrissy said with tears running down her cheeks. “You made babies.” Chrissy added with a giggle.
“We made babies my love. We made them together.” Becky smiled back at her.
“Hello Lauren Holly Clarke and Andrew Gregory Clarke.” Chrissy said as she smiled down at each of the babies now laying in the two hospital cots, ready to be taken up to the room Carl had sorted out for Becky. He didn’t want Becky to be stuck out on a ward, and he also knew that Chrissy wouldn’t be leaving the hospital until Becky left with the babies, so Carl had sorted for an extra bed to be put in the room, so they could both take care of the babies until they got home.
Becky was asleep and Chrissy was sat on a chair between the two cots when she saw Amy and the others all enter the room. The babies were fast asleep, so everyone kept as quiet as they could when seeing the two little babies for the first time.
“They’re so beautiful Chrissy.” Amy said as she looked down at Lauren sleeping, just before she looked over and little Andrew.
Chrissy and Becky hadn’t told anyone the names they had chosen for each baby yet, so Amy had no idea who she was looking at to start with.
“Everyone, I’d like you all to meet Lauren Holly Clarke, and Andrew Gregory Clark. The two newest members of our ever growing family.” Chrissy beamed as she said it and pointed at each baby in turn.
“You’re going to call him Andrew?” Amy asked looking hopeful that he was being named after her old male self.
“Yes we are, and yes he’s been named Andrew after you.” Chrissy smiled as she looked at Amy. “We thought about calling Lauren Amy, but that would just get confusing as she got older, so we decided on your old name of Andrew instead. I hope you don’t mind?” Chrissy asked with a grin, but already knowing the answer.
Amy threw her arms around Chrissy and hugged the life out of her as a thank you. She wanted to hug Becky, but she was still sleeping. Chrissy got hugs off everyone else as they came over to take a closer look at the babies. They all just found a spot to stand or sit while they waited for Becky to wake up, or the babies to do something.
They didn’t have to wait long for Lauren to wake up and start crying, which soon set Andrew off. This in turn woke Becky up, but she just smiled as Chrissy passed her Lauren, while she held Andrew in her arms with Amy looking over her shoulder.
“How are you feeling my love?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Becky rocking little Lauren in her arms.
“I feel wonderful Chrissy, I finally feel like the happiest woman in the world.” Becky grinned as she looked at the baby in Chrissy’s arms, and then looked at the one she was holding. “I can’t believe we made two new lives.” Becky added as the shock of what she’d done over the past nine months sank in.
“I hope you don’t mind Becky, but I told them the kid’s names while you were asleep?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful that she hadn’t just upset Becky by telling them all.
“I don’t mind at all baby.” Becky grinned. “I have three babies to look after now.” Becky added as she looked down at little Lauren still bundled up in a blanket in her arms.
“Can I help you to look after the two small ones?” Amy asked with a whine.
Chrissy could see that Amy just wanted to hold one of the babies. “We better get you started then.” Chrissy giggled as she turned to face Amy, so she could pass her little Andrew to hold for a bit.
Amy had a grin from ear to ear as she took the little baby from Chrissy and then went over to sit down on a chair next to Amber. “He’s just so cute and tiny.” Amy said as she sat holding him.
Chrissy went over and sat on the bed next to Becky and draped an arm over her shoulder so she could rest her head on Becky’s as they both looked down at the baby girl falling to sleep again in Becky’s arms. “Thank you for making me the second happiest woman in the world.” Chrissy said just before turning Becky’s head so they could kiss each other.
“I know that it will never be the same as you carrying them and giving birth yourself my love, but I hope this is a close second best for you.” Becky said with a weary smile.
“I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted out of life Becky, and it’s far more than I ever hopped to have.” Chrissy said with tears running down her cheeks.
Becky let Mandy take little Lauren off her, and then Chrissy and Becky smiled as they watched the babies get passed around everyone in the room. Even Brad ended up holding little Andrew for a short time, but he was happy to let Ann have him after five minutes. The baby had looked lost in Brad’s large hands, but he was very gentle with him while he did hold him.
Chrissy smiled when she saw her mum enter the room a little later in the day with her dad being pushed in by David. Kim and Mable were following just behind. Mandy, Carl, Amy, Amber, Ann, Brad, Jayden and Callum all decided to go and get something to eat then come back later for a little longer. Sara and Cathy had already left with some photo’s to go and show around the hotel. Cathy had promised to go and show Marie some photos, and Samantha wanted to see what the twins looked like.
“Hi mum, dad. I’d like you to meet Lauren Holly Clarke and Andrew Gregory Clarke.” Chrissy said as she handed Lauren to her mum, and then Andrew to her dad.
“You used our names as their middle names?” Holly asked as she looked down at the little baby Lauren in her arms.
“Yes we wanted to let you both know just how much you mean to us both.” Becky said with a smile as a tear ran down her cheek. “I never had a mum and dad before I married your daughter, but I feel like I’ve known you both all my life now, so I thought what better way to show you my thanks than to name them both after you.” Becky added with a snuffle.
“Thank you Becky, Chrissy. I’m so very proud to have you both as daughters, as I know Greg is as well.” Holly said with a teary smile as she looked at Greg sat in his wheelchair with Andrew cupped in his arms.
He looks just like you did when you were born Chrissy.” Greg said in a gruff voice thick with emotion as a tear ran down his cheek. “You have two very special parents to look after you Andrew. Trust them with any problems you may have, and I know they will be understanding of them, and will help you to get over them.” Greg added as he looked down at the little baby in his arms.
“Are you okay dad?” Chrissy asked looking worried as she went over to sit down next to where David had parked her dad’s wheelchair.
“I’m fine Chrissy, just happy that I got to see my grandchildren before...” Greg couldn’t bring himself to finish saying it. “I’m proud of you Chrissy. I’m so very proud of everything you’ve done with your life. Even after what I did to you.” Greg added with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Chrissy took Andrew out her dad’s arms and handed him over to Kim, so she could give her dad a hug. “Dad, we had one rough patch, but I still became the person I am in part because of what you taught me while I was growing up.” Chrissy said as she hugged her dad. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be the son you wanted, but I’m also glad that you now see me as the daughter I so wanted to be.” Chrissy was also crying now.
“All I ever really wanted was for you to be happy, and now I see you are. I’m glad that you found Becky and the others to share your life with, and I am also happy that Holly will get to see grand kids. I just wish I hadn’t been so slow to realise how wonderful you had become.” Greg was gripping onto Chrissy like he was going to vanish if he let go.
“I’m glad I got to call you daddy, and I’ll have some photos of you holding the babies as well.” Chrissy giggled as she wiped her eye before letting Kim put Andrew back in her dad’s arms. Holly walked over with Lauren and put her in Greg’s other arm so he was now sat with them both.
Chrissy was soon snapping away on her digital camera making a permanent record of the babies first day. Chrissy had already taken pictures of all the others holding the babies for the first time, and now she took photos of her mum, dad, Mable, David and Kim holding them.
Prue and Frank were the next to turn up, and Chrissy was soon getting photo’s of them holding the babies as well. Prue not being able to stop being a doctor was soon grilling Becky and Chrissy about any problems that might have cropped up during the births.
“Did you have any trouble giving birth?” Prue asked Becky as she looked over Becky’s charts.
“No mum, it all went just fine.” Becky smiled. “I think they wanted out, so they could finally spend some time with their other mum.” She added with a giggle as she looked at Chrissy walking around the room with Andrew in her arms.
“How are you feeling now?” Prue asked as she put the charts down and took a closer look at Becky.
“I feel a little empty now, but apart from that, I feel wonderful.” Becky grinned. “Look how happy Chrissy is mum.” Becky added as she pointed at Chrissy.
Prue turned and looked over to Chrissy as she walked back and forth rocking the baby as it slept in her arms. “That girl was born to do that.” Prue said when she saw how happy Chrissy looked.
“Do I get the all clear then mum?” Becky asked.
“Yes you look just fine Becky. Sorry but I just had to make sure they had all done their jobs correctly.” Prue said with a smirk.
“Always playing the protective mother.” Becky giggled.
“I’m not the only one doing that these days.” Prue grinned as she looked at Chrissy, as she handed Andrew over to Amy, so she could spend some time with Lauren now instead.
Over the next four days, Becky got to grips with breast feeding and the hospital could see that the babies were doing okay, so they finally let Becky leave and return home. Chrissy had only left Becky and the baby’s long enough to go home and take a shower before getting dressed in clean clothes and returning to the hospital to carry on helping Becky to look after Lauren and Andrew.
Carl and Mandy were the ones that would take Chrissy and Becky home with the babies, so they turned up at the hospital in Carl’s car, and then they helped to take all the things and the babies down and out to it.
“It will be nice to get home and start looking after them without all the nursing staff looking over my shoulder.” Becky said as she sat in the car and took the baby from Mandy, who had been holding it while she got in the car.
Carl had done the same thing on the other side of the car for Chrissy while she got in. “I bet you feel the same way don’t you Chrissy?” Carl asked as he handed over little Lauren.
“Yes I will.” Chrissy groaned. Not all the nursing staff had been happy to see that Lauren and Andrew had two female parents. None of them had said anything, but Chrissy could see it in the looks they got from time to time.
“We’ll soon have you all home, so you can really start taking care of the kids.” Carl smiled as he helped her close the door so they could get away from the hospital.
Amy and Amber were stood on the doorstep when they pulled up outside the house. They both ran over and opened the backdoors so Chrissy and Becky could hand over the babies while they got out the car. Chrissy and Becky let Amy and Amber carry the babies into the house while they took a steady walk behind them.
“I’m so glad to finally have the two of you home.” Amy said with a grin, as they made their way to the living room.
“Don’t you mean the four of us baby sister?” Chrissy asked with a grin. “Or did you just mean the kids?” She asked with a raised eyebrow
“I meant the four of you.” Amy said realising her mistake. “That’s going to take some getting used to.” Amy added with a giggle as she leaned down and kissed little Lauren on the forehead.
Chrissy and Becky were happy to let Amy and Amber nurse the babies while they just relaxed together on one of the other sofas for a little bit. They were both drifting off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms. Andrew and Lauren were doing the same in Amy and Amber’s arms on another sofa.
Mandy grabbed a blanket and draped it over Chrissy and Becky so they could relax a little more. “I don’t think either of them got much sleep in the hospital.” Mandy said as she sat down next to Carl again on the third sofa.
“I just don’t think they trusted the hospital to not come and take the babies away while they slept.” Carl said as he looked first at Chrissy and Becky sleeping, then at Andrew and Lauren fast asleep in Amy and Amber’s arms.
“That’s understandable with some of the horror story’s you read about in the papers, or hear on the news.” Mandy said with a shudder, but happy that they were all home again.
Chrissy and Becky woke a little later when they heard one of the babies sounding grumpy about something.
“Someone doesn’t sound very happy?” Chrissy asked as she sat up and looked over and Amy holding Andrew.
“I’ve tried changing him, but he still won’t settle down.” Amy said as she walked back and forth rocking Andrew in her arms. “I think he wants feeding, and only one of us can do that.” Amy pouted, sad that she couldn’t feed the babies yet, due to them both being breast fed for the time being.
Becky was soon sat with Andrew feeding off her. She was glad that Lauren was still asleep, so she didn’t have to try and feed them both at the same time. Becky’s breasts had ballooned up over the past couple of weeks, and she knew that she’d have to start using a breast pump to drain some of the milk off so Chrissy and the others could help her feed the babies, but for now this would work just fine.
Lauren woke up just as Andrew was finishing, so Chrissy let Amy change her and then Becky took over with the feeding while Chrissy got to spend some time rocking Andrew. He was soon drifting off back to sleep, so she let Amber take him, so she could do the same with Lauren.
Becky just sat and smiled as she rubbed her saw nipples where the babies had been sucking on them. “You look so natural doing that my love.” Becky said as she patted the sofa next to her for Chrissy to come and sit down again once Amy was nursing a sleeping Lauren again.
Everyone had decided to let Chrissy and Becky settle back in, so no one came to visit that day, but they did start to come the next day. Becky had got some milk stored by now, so she could let some of the others feed the babies, which gave her nipples a break.
Brad had put the cots together in Chrissy and Becky’s room, so they were close by while they slept at night. Becky would wake and find Chrissy sat nursing one of them to sleep every now and then, but she had never waked to hear the baby crying in the first place.
“Did I sleep through her crying?” Becky had asked one night when she woke to find Chrissy sat in a rocking chair Carl had brought for them, giving Lauren a bottle.
“No, I just sensed that she was about to start crying, so I got up and went down to warm a bottle for her.” Chrissy said as she carried on feeding Lauren her bottle.
“Do you do this a lot Chrissy?” Becky asked. “I’ve been worried that I’m just sleeping through them waking up and crying.” Becky added as she slid off the bed and walked over to kneel at Chrissy’s feet while she watched her feed Lauren.
“Yes, I seem to wake just before one of them do, so I get up and sort them out while you get a little extra sleep.” Chrissy smiled. “I’m sorry if I’ve been worrying you over it.” She added just before looking down at a sleepy looking Lauren in her arms.
Andrew started to stir, so to save time Becky picked him up and then sat in the second rocking chair in the room and she let him get his milk straight from the source. “I hope Lauren doesn’t think I’m treating Andrew any differently to how I treat her.” Becky said as she felt Andrew start to suck and nibble on her left nipple.
“I think at this point they just like to get the white stuff when they moan load enough.” Chrissy giggled.
“You’re probably right babe.” Becky also giggled as she looked down at the beautiful baby boy in her arms. “You know I was so scared that this would never happen for us in the beginning.” Becky added with a faraway look in her eyes.
“I always knew we’d have kids Becky, but I just thought we’d be adopting them.” Chrissy smiled back.
“Oh I always knew we’d have kids my love, but I just didn’t think I’d ever be able to do this with our own children.” Becky grinned at the very thought of the two babies being theirs. “But for them eight weeks while you were away, I began to think that it would just be me sat here like this at two o’clock in the morning feeing them, or it, as I thought it was just going to be the one at the time.” Becky added with a bigger grin.
“I’m sorry for making you think like that Becky.” Chrissy said with a sigh. “I was stupid to just run away like I did. I should have been braver and faced you about it, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of you being with some man.” Chrissy added with a shudder.
“I never should have gone through with it like I did. Prue said I should tell you, so you could help me get through it all. I hated myself for what I’d made you think when you ran away.” Becky had tears running down her cheeks as she said it.
“I think no matter what, I was meant to run away and find Jayden, so I could then help Callum to sort out his life, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” Chrissy smiled. “You found me, and we’re sat here rocking two beautiful babies back to sleep, so what is there to cry about?” Chrissy asked.
“Trust you to see the up side in everything.” Becky giggled as she wiped away the tears on her cheeks.
They were soon putting the babies back in their cots and then they went and got back in bed themselves. It wasn’t long after that, that they were both fast sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
Amy and Amber had took over sorting out breakfast while Chrissy and Becky sorted out the babies, then they would keep an eye on the babies while Chrissy and Becky ate their breakfast. Chrissy was now back at work with Amy and Mandy. Becky would keep an eye on the babies through the day, and then Chrissy would watch them in the evening so Becky could get back to work. Becky was also back driving again now, so she would take the babies out places through the day. She would go and visit with Mable, so Holly and Greg could spend some time with the grandchildren. Becky would also call in at the shop so Chrissy could spend some time fussing over the kids before she returned home to start sorting out dinner for the others. Becky would grab sleep whenever the babies slept, that way she lost out on very little.
Becky would get home from the club in the early hours of the morning and smile when she saw Chrissy sat in her rocking chair feeding one of the babies. She would get ready for bed, and then get the other one out their cot and feed them before rocking them back to sleep and then laying them down before leading Chrissy back to bed for some more sleep.
Chrissy still got to the club on a Tuesday and Saturday night, thanks to Holly and Prue. They each took it in turns to help look after the babies, so that Chrissy and Becky got to spend some time together.
Prue would drive herself home when they got back from the club, or she would just end up spending the night with Chrissy and Becky. Holly always got a lift home again with Vicky when she dropped them off, she would then wait for Holly to go out and get in the people carrier. Mable, David and Kim always kept an eye on Greg while she kept an eye on Lauren and Andrew.
Chrissy had been spending as much time with her dad as she could. He was already living well beyond the time frame they gave him to live, so she knew that every day was a gift. She would get someone to film every second he spent with the babies, just so they could know their granddad when they were older.
Becky and Chrissy had just finished sorting out the babies with Amy and Amber’s help one Thursday morning when there was a knock at the front door. Mandy looked puzzled, as they weren’t expecting anyone. She opened the front door and saw Holly and Prue stood there with Vic stood behind them. Both women looking like they had been crying, and so did Vic.
“I need to have a word with Chrissy.” Holly said in a choked voice.
“Oh god Holly, I am so sorry.” Mandy said as she started crying, she threw her arms around Holly’s neck as she hugged her.
Mandy and Holly pulled themselves together again before they made their way to the kitchen, so they could break the bad news to Chrissy. Chrissy was sat watching Amy and Amber rocking the babies when she saw Mandy walk back into the kitchen, followed by Prue, Holly and Vic. She knew right away what had happened and she just let out a scream as she jumped up out her seat, but her legs had turned to jelly, so she just fell to the ground in a heap.
Becky was soon by her side hugging her, as Chrissy just sobbed like a baby herself. Andrew and Lauren could tell that something was wrong with one of their mummies, so they were soon crying. Amy and Amber took them into the living room out the way, so Chrissy could just get it out her system.
Holly ran over and fell to the ground next to Chrissy and she pulled her into a hug, taking Becky along with her, and all three of them just sobbed.
“What happened mum?” Mandy asked with tears running down her cheeks.
“Vic called me early this morning to tell me that Greg wouldn’t wake up, and he felt cold as stone, so I dashed around and found out that he’d died in his sleep through the night.” Prue said as she started crying herself. Mandy pulled her close and they hugged each other as they sobbed.
Ann and Jayden had both been up stairs when they heard Chrissy let out a scream, so they both burst into the kitchen looking very worried. No one needed to tell them what had happened, they could tell by the fact that Holly was sobbing on the floor as she held Chrissy and Becky in her arms.
None of them knew what to say or do, so they just all took a seat in the living room and let the silence speak for them. Chrissy, Holly and Becky pulled themselves together enough to take the babies off Amy and Amber, so they could sit and have a sob as well. They had come to love Greg just as much as Chrissy had over the past couple of months.
Chrissy and Holly found themselves running on autopilot as they started sorting things out with the babies while the others all sat around looking lost. Even though they knew this was going to happen one day soon, they just kept hoping that Greg would keep beating it.
Mandy was happy when Carl turned up, and he started talking things over with Prue, and then he took Holly off to one side and spoke with her about things. Holly was grateful that Carl took charge of everything to do with the funeral, she just couldn’t think straight to do any of it.
Holly was kept busy for the next week helping Becky and Chrissy look after the babies while Carl sorted out the funeral. The day finally came when it was time to cremate Greg. His ashes would be buried in a double plot that Carl had sorted out. Greg and Holly had spoke about it and they both decided that they wanted to be buried together, but they both wanted to be cremated first, so it was just the ashes that got put in the ground. Chrissy was glad she’d have somewhere to take flowers on special days, or she could just go and sit with her dad for a bit and tell him what was going on in her life.
Hope and Faith had agreed to look after Lauren and Andrew while they went to the funeral, then they would meet them at the Mabel’s where Carl had sorted out for some caterers to put on some food for everyone that wanted to go back there and just mourn the passing of Chrissy’s dad, and Holly’s husband.
The funeral was going from Mable’s house, so Chrissy and Becky got to spend time with Andrew and Lauren until it was time to go. Chrissy was telling Hope and Faith what to do right up until Becky and Amy had to almost drag her out to the waiting funeral car.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay looking after them for us Hope, Faith?” Chrissy asked as Becky pulled her along by one arm, and Amy was on the other side doing the same.
“I do have a child of my own Chrissy, so I’m not new at any of this.” Hope said to reassure Chrissy that she was up to the task. “Just go and worry about saying your final goodbye to your father.” Hope added as she gave Chrissy one last hug before she let Becky and Amy take her out the house.
Chrissy ran over to be with her mum when she saw her stood crying at the car they would be going in. It was long and black with the look of death about it. Chrissy helped her mum get in, just before she got in herself. She let her mum wrap her arms around her, and they both sobbed all the way to the crematorium.
Holly and Chrissy took a strange comfort in the fact that so many people had come to pay their respects to Greg. Mandy, Amy, Amber and even Jayden had all chipped in to buy a large wreath that said DAD on it. Chrissy and Becky had got one that said Father. Holly just got a large wreath in the colours of his football team. They all looked nice, but none of them were in the mood to enjoy that part of the day.
Everyone sobbed when they watched the coffin go into the wall and the curtains closed. They all knew that it was now real, and Greg was gone for good. Holly just let her feet go from under her, but Brad was sat in the row right behind her and Chrissy, just in case such a thing happened, so he was able to catch her and hold her up until Carl and Vic could get around helping to stop her hitting the floor. Carl and Vic helped to get Holly sat down again, then Brad walked around and picked her up in his arms and carried Holly back out to the car.
They were all heading back to Mable’s now. The burial part of the funeral would take place in a couple of days, once people had had time to come to the crematorium and pay their respects. Chrissy and Becky were glad to be going back to Mable’s, they both wanted to sit and hug their children for a long time.
Chrissy wanted to run into Mable’s when the car pulled up outside, but she knew that her mum needed some help to get into the house, so Chrissy waited to help her mum out the car, and then they took a slow walk into the house, and then the dining room. Mable with some help from Amy and Amber soon had pots of tea being passed around so everyone could just sit and talk about the day, and what they would miss about Greg.
Holly found herself wanting to giggle at some of the silly things Greg had said and done since moving down here to be closer to Chrissy and the others. Everyone was shocked when Mable pulled out a disk and said that Greg had wanted it played at his wake. Vic and Brad grabbed the small flat screen TV/DVD player from Cathleen’s room and put it on the table so they could all see it, then Vic put the disk in and pressed play. They all gasped when they saw it was Greg, he’d recorded a message for them all just before he died, or from how he looked it would have been a couple of weeks back now.
“Hi everyone. I guess if this is being watched, then I finally lost the battle to my cancer.” Greg sighed. “I hope that you’re all having a good laugh and getting drunk? I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me.” He grumbled. “I want you all to remember the good things about me so have a party and smile!” He chuckled.
“Chrissy, I know I did some things that hurt you, and I never did forgive myself for doing any of that, but I just want you to know that I died the proudest dad in the world. I also want you to know that you have two of the most beautiful children I have ever seen. I also know that you will be the best parents they could ever want.” Greg wiped away a tear. “One of my biggest regrets will be not seeing them grow up and become the amazing people I know you and Becky will help them to become. I love you so much Chrissy. You made one beautiful daughter, and I was honoured to have you call me dad.” Greg must have pressed pause, because he looked a little different when he next spoke.
“Hello Holly, my darling wife and best friend. I’m sorry that I’ve had to leave you, but I hope that you will help Chrissy raise my grandchildren the same way you raised our daughter. We both know that everything good in Chrissy came from you more than it did me.” Greg chuckled. “I’m just sorry that my own pigheaded ways kept you apart from her for so many years. I’ve fixed that now, and I know that you will live a fun and happy life helping to look after all my new daughters. Please let them know that I love each and every one of them. Please keep a special eye on Amy for me as well; she’s in serious need of a good mothering figure in her life.” Greg was grinning as he said it.
“It’s time for me to go now, but I want you all to know that I am finally pain free now, so please try and have a laugh. After all it’s not a funeral; it’s a celebration of my life.” Greg chuckled. “I love you all. Bye!” Greg added just before the DVD ended.
Holly just sat looking at the blank TV screen for a couple of seconds before she spoke. “He told me he’d have one last thing to say before he was gone, but I never realised that he’d done that.” Holly said pointed at the TV. “He always had to have the last word.” She added with a little chuckle.
“Are you okay mum?” Chrissy asked as she wrapped an arm around her.
“I’m fine dear.” Holly smiled. “Like your father just said, we should be celebrating the life he lived, not mourning the end of it.” Holly added as she put her arms around Chrissy and hugged her, just before kissing her on the cheek.
Chrissy found herself giggling when her mum did that. Her dad wouldn’t want them looking like they did at the minute, he’d want them drinking and having a laugh as they talked about the funny things he’d done since moving in with Mable. So as a last request from a dying man, they all started to have some fun as they talked about the things that they found fun about Greg. Holly was soon telling them stories of how she first met him and then how he proposed.
The party went on quite late, but everyone had a good time, or as much fun as you can have at a funeral. Chrissy and Becky were glad to get back home, so they could put Lauren and Andrew to bed and then get some sleep themselves.
Chrissy was lying on her side looking over at the two cots when Becky slipped into bed and spooned up behind her. “How are you doing baby?” Becky asked as she leaned over and kissed Chrissy on the neck as she asked.
“Right now I’m tired, but I’ll be okay in time.” Chrissy sighed. “I miss him already Becky. I never thought I would say that I missed not having my dad around.” She added with a giggle, but it didn’t sound like a happy one.
“I know what you mean. I miss him as well, but at least you know that he loved you as his daughter.” Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy and hugged her as she said it.
“Yes he did. I’m happy about that, and I’m glad he got to spend some time with his grandchildren before he died.” Chrissy was softly sobbing by the end of her sentence.
Becky never said another word. She just hugged Chrissy until they both fell asleep. Becky woke when she felt Chrissy getting out of bed a little later, and she could just hear Lauren starting to stir. Becky watched as Chrissy got her up out her cot and then left the bedroom so she could go down and give her a bottle. It was only a couple of minutes later that Becky heard Andrew start to stir, so she slid out of bed and picked him up. “Does my little man want something to eat?” Becky asked as she wrapped the baby in her arms and went in search of Chrissy, so they could sit and feed the babies together.
Chrissy was just warming the bottle in a jug of hot water when Becky entered the kitchen with Andrew in her arms. “Look who decided to wake up and want feeding.” Becky cooed as she walked over and gave Chrissy a kiss before she sat down at the table and let Andrew start feeding on the already warm milk Becky had on tap.
“I’ve noticed they seem to wake at the same time.” Chrissy giggled. “Do you think they want us to spend more time with each other?” Chrissy asked.
“I’d like to think so.” Becky smiled back. “Maybe they like it when we speak to each other while we feed them. They did get very active when you used to speak while they were still inside me.” Becky added with a shrug.
“Is that true? Do you like the sound of my voice while you feed?” Chrissy cooed as she pulled funny faces at Lauren while she sucked on the bottle Chrissy had just put in her mouth.
Lauren reached out with her little hand and grabbed Chrissy’s finger as she spoke, as if she was trying to send a signal to tell her yes she did. Andrew started doing the same with Becky, but instead of grabbing Becky’s finger, he just ended up pinching the breast he was sucking on.
“Only a month old, and already a breast man.” Becky giggled as she held out her finger, so Andrew could grab that instead.
They sat quietly watching Lauren and Andrew feed for a couple of minutes, then they heard the kitchen door open, so they both looked over and saw a sleepy looking Amy enter the kitchen with Amber being dragged along at her side.
“Hi Amy, Amber. You having trouble sleeping?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes, I came down for a drinking chocolate. I didn’t expect to find you two down here though.” Amy said as she walked over to the table and looked down at Lauren sucking on her bottle. “They are just so beautiful.” Amy cooed.
“Do the two of you want to join us for a mug of drinking chocolate?” Amber sleepily asked from over near the fridge where she’d just got the milk out.
“That sounds nice, yes please.” Chrissy smiled as she looked over her shoulder at Amber, as she tried to work out what she needed to do next. “I think you better sit and finish feeding Lauren, so I can go and help Amber make the drinks.” Chrissy added as she handed Lauren over to Amy who was now sat in the seat next to her at the kitchen table.
Amy never one to pass up a chance to spend time with either of the babies, she was soon sat cuddling Lauren in her arms as she carried on feeding from the bottle. “Thanks sis for letting me help.” Amy grinned.
Chrissy was soon up and helping Amber sort out the drinks, or more to the point making the drinks while she sent Amber over to help Amy feed the baby.
“Hello there and how’s my little princess doing tonight?” Amy asked in her best baby style voice as she leaned down and gave Lauren a kiss on the forehead.
Chrissy brought the drinks over to the table, but kept them well away from the babies why they were being fed. Becky let Amber hold Andrew while she had her drink, then Amy and Amber handed the babies back so they could drink theirs.
They ended up talking about Greg, and how they had all come to love him like a real dad, and it was a shame that he lost his fight with cancer. Chrissy wanted to cry when she thought about losing her dad, but at the same time she was proud of him for touching the hearts of all her friends.
“Do you think your mum will be alright Chrissy?” Amy asked.
“Yes in time, but I think looking after all us will help keep her busy until she’s ready to move on.” Chrissy said with a smile as she looked down at Lauren now fast asleep again in her arms. “And you know what dad said about you needing an extra special eye kept on you.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“I fell of one bouncy castle, and all of a sudden I’m the clumsy one?” Amy whined.
“Well you did also get hit by a van.” Chrissy pointed out.
“Yes, but I was saving your life at the time.” Amy argued.
“A fact that I will always be in your debt for baby sister.” Becky smiled as she gave Amy a kiss on the cheek.
“I still say it was the best thing I ever did.” Amy grinned.
Once they had all finished their drinks, they made their way back up to bed for a little more sleep. Amy and amber each kissed the babies on the forehead before making their way down to their own bedroom. Chrissy and Becky got Lauren and Andrew back in their cots and then crawled back into bed for a couple more hours sleep.
It had been just over a week since the cremation and Greg’s ashes were now ready to be laid to rest in the small plot Carl had sorted out at a local cemetery. Chrissy was glad it was close to the house, this meant she could take the babies for a walk and visit her dad’s grave.
This part of the funeral was a much smaller affair, as they were just putting a small wooden box in the ground. A priest said a few words, while Chrissy and Holly hugged each other and had a little cry as the box was lowered into the ground. Everyone threw in a hand full of dirt before they left to go home and get warm again.
They all went back to Mable’s again because Hope and Faith were looking after Lauren and Andrew there with Cathleen and Kat helping. Jenna had gone to see Greg finally laid to rest with Vic and the others.
It was now the start of December and the weather was bitter cold out. Chrissy and the others had done very little in the way of Christmas shopping, but they were all about to throw themselves into it with a vengeance. Chrissy was hoping that her dad was going to be around for Lauren and Andrew’s first Christmas, but sadly it wasn’t meant to be.
Holly looked a little lost for a couple of days, but she was soon being roped in to help out with looking after the twins with Becky through the day while the others were all at work.
By SaraUK
Part 34
Chrissy and Becky had just finished feeding the babies on Sunday lunchtime in early December when Mandy and Carl entered the kitchen so they could speak to the two of them.
“Chrissy, Becky, can I have a word with you about the gift I plan to get for Lauren and Andrew.” Carl said as he looked at the two babies being rocked to sleep in Chrissy and Becky’s arms.
“I’m sure whatever you get them Carl will be just fine.” Chrissy smiled as she walked back and forth rocking Lauren in her arms.
The thing is, I want to sort out their rooms for them, so when you’re ready to let them sleep away from you and Becky, they will have them already done.” Carl said as he took a seat at the table after helping Mandy to take a seat.
Chrissy walked over and sat back down next to Becky, so she could look at Carl while they talked about what he had in mind. “I’m not sure about having a lot of building work done while the babies are in the house Carl.” Chrissy said looking worried. “I think they’re still too young to be around all that sort of thing.” Chrissy added.
“I understand all that Chrissy, and that is why I wanted to talk to you both about it.” Carl smiled when he saw just how protective Chrissy was about her baby’s health. “I just wanted to sort out the basic design for each room for now, and then I’ll sort it out after Christmas when you’re ready to have it done.” Carl added, hoping that Chrissy and Becky would be okay with him doing that for them.
“I think that sounds like a great idea Carl.” Chrissy and Becky said after they looked at each other and nodded their agreement. “When do you want to sit and sort out our ideas?” Chrissy asked.
“I’m sure you already have the rooms planed out, so why don’t you just show me the drawings and I’ll talk to some builders and get things set up ready for when you give me the go ahead.” Carl chuckled.
Mandy had already told Carl about Chrissy and Becky sitting down and planning out the nursery they wanted, and then how they would get the rooms up in the loft turned into a room each when Lauren and Andrew were old enough to have their own rooms.
Chrissy handed Lauren over to Mandy before she ran off giggling, so she could grab her drawings for Carl to look at. Chrissy was soon running back into the kitchen with a sketch pad full of drawings Amber had helped her and Becky put together as they spoke about the nursery and bedrooms.
“You’ve really put a lot of thought into all this.” Carl said with wide eyes as he flipped through the pages of the sketch pad. “I’ll speak to some people and see what I can sort out for you.” Carl added as he closed the sketch pad and then sat back to watch Mandy cuddling Lauren. “You don’t mind if I hang on to this for a bit do you?” Carl asked.
“No, just don’t lose it.” Chrissy smiled as she looked at Mandy with the baby.
Chrissy could see how much Mandy loved to sit with the babies, so she was happy to leave Lauren where she was. Chrissy sat watching Becky still breast feeding Andrew, just happy to be looking at her babies.
Amy and Amber got back from Christmas shopping to find Chrissy. Becky, Mandy and Carl all sat in the living room. Lauren and Andrew were both fast asleep in the little carrycots they had for them. Amy and Amber were very quiet as they gave them all a hug before they ran off to get changed and put the presents away. Amy and Amber had gone out early so they could watch the baby’s while Chrissy and Becky went out to do some Christmas shopping of their own.
“Were the shops busy?” Becky asked when Amy and Amber walked back into the living room and flopped down on the empty sofa looking worn out.
“It’s nearly Christmas, so what do you think.” Amber said with a big sigh, happy to be sat down.
“Good point.” Becky frowned. “Guess we better go and get ready then baby.” She added as she looked at Chrissy.
“If we must.” Chrissy said as she looked at the baby’s sleeping in the carrycots.
“Trust me sis when I say the babies will be much safer left here while you go out and do battle with all the shoppers out there.” Amy said as she tried to ease some of the worry she could see in Chrissy’s face.
Becky was soon pulling Chrissy out the living room so they could go and get dressed and go do some Christmas shopping. “Maybe we could just do all the shopping online this year?” Chrissy said as Becky pulled her along.
“No! I want to spend some time with just the two of us.” Becky said. “Lauren and Andrew will be fine with Amy and Amber.” She added with a smile.
“I know that Bec’s, but I just hate being away from them.” Chrissy whined.
“So do I, but it will do them good to get use to us not being around all the time.” Becky said as she stopped walking and pulled Chrissy into a hug. “We need to get mum out the house a little more as well, so I think this will be good for the two of you.” Becky added just before giving Chrissy a kiss.
It had only been a couple of days since they buried Chrissy’s dad and Holly’s husband, so Becky and the others were trying to keep them active. Holly hadn’t left Mable’s or done much at all since Greg died. She’d spent that much time looking after him towards the end, that she now felt lost, not having him to take care of now.
The girls had talked about finding some way to have Holly move in with them, but it would mean one of them moving out due to lack of bedrooms. None of the girls wanted to see one of the other girls move out, and they knew that Holly would never let it happen either.
Chrissy and Becky were soon dressed and ready to leave, and Becky dragged Chrissy out the house when she finally got sick of her telling Amy and Amber what to look out for with the babies.
“We are here all the time with you Chrissy, so I think we know how to look after them for you by now.” Amy giggled as she watched Becky pulled Chrissy out the living room.
Becky held open the passenger door for Chrissy to get in before she walked around the other side and got in behind the wheel of her BMW. Becky was glad to be back driving herself again; she’d missed not being able to drive her car while being in the later stage of being pregnant. They were soon driving out the driveway and making their way to Mable’s
“Hello Mable.” Chrissy and Becky said when they got there and she answered the door to them. “Is mum ready yet, or is she still dragging her feet?” Chrissy asked with a smile as Mable let them in the house.
“She’ll be ready in a couple of minutes Chrissy.” Mable said with a frown. “I had to talk her into going out with you, or it was more me telling her she was going.” Mable added with an even deeper frown that almost looked like a scowl.
“I’m really worried about her Mable.” Chrissy said with a worried look on her face.
“She’ll be fine, just give her some time to get use to the change.” Mable said, thinking of how bad she felt when her husband died. “You’re doing the best thing you can, just get her out doing her Christmas shopping and she’ll soon be having a good time.” Mable said in her, I know best voice.
Holly was just being helped on with her coat by Vic when they got to the dining room. She didn’t look happy to be going out, but she still smiled when she saw Chrissy and Becky enter the room.
“Hello dears.” Holly said as she stepped over and gave them both a hug to welcome them. “I’m being kicked out by Mable.” Holly added with a pout.
“How mean of her.” Chrissy pouted back. “And also being forced to go shopping as well.” Chrissy added with another pout.
Holly did feel a little better when she saw Chrissy start smiling at her. She saw Chrissy as a light at the end of a dark tunnel, spending time with Chrissy, Becky and the babies was the only thing she had to look forward to at the minute.
Mable walked them to the door and then they walked over to where Becky’s car was parked out on the road after Holly was ordered to have a good time by Mable. Chrissy and Becky both giggled at the way Mable would order Holly around like Holly ordered them around.
“Guess I better go and have a good time then.” Holly giggled as Chrissy opened the back door on the BMW and helped her mum to get in. “Thank you Chrissy.” Holly smiled as she kissed Chrissy on the cheek just before she ducked into the car and let Chrissy close the door for her.
Becky was soon making her way to the hotel, so she could park her car. Carl had told all the girls to park there cars their when they went into the city shopping. He had also told them to call the hotel when they needed help with their shopping. Carl had even sorted out a little parking area that was just for them to use whenever they needed it. Becky soon had the car parked and they were making their way to a restaurant to get a spot of lunch before they got started.
“How were little Lauran and Andrew when you left them?” Holly asked as they took their seats in the hotel restaurant. “Did you leave them with Amy and Amber?” Holly added.
“They were fine, and yes we left them with Amy and Amber.” Chrissy smiled. “Mandy and Carl were also there when we left, but they said they had some things to go and sort out.” Chrissy added with a shrug.
“I’m not sure what Mandy and Carl have been up to the past couple of weeks, but they have been very secretive about something.” Becky said as they waited for their drinks to arrive.
“Well Christmas is just around the corner, so I gather they are just trying to work out what to get everyone.” Holly pointed out.
Chrissy and Becky went on to tell Holly about Carl’s offer to convert the loft space into bedrooms for the babies when they are older. Holly liked that idea, and she hoped that Lauren and Andrew would like it as well.
They ordered their food and enjoyed it when it arrived. Once they had finished, they tried to pay the bill, but Dale wouldn’t let them, and he sent them on their way to do some shopping with a smile and a wave.
“Diane’s turned out to be really good for Dale. He’s seemed even friendlier since she came into his life than he did before.” Becky giggled as they left the hotel waving to Dale who was stood at reception again.
“Callum was saying that his mum has been much happier since she moved down here away from that Frazer.” Chrissy added as they took a steady walked towards the first shop they wanted to look in.
Holly was soon having a laugh as they all tried to find that perfect gift for everyone else. Holly found some nice things that she never realised Amy or one of the other girls liked, so she brought some bits to get her started on her Christmas shopping. Holly also found some ideas for bits that Chrissy and Becky would like.
Chrissy and Becky got some ideas for presents that Holly would love to have, so Becky made a mental note to come back in the week and pick some bits up for her. Chrissy saw some things that Becky would like, so she made a mental note to have a word with Amy and Amber about coming into town with them next Sunday, so she could pick them up while Becky wasn’t with her.
They were all weighed down with bags by the time they called it a day, so Becky called Dale at the hotel and he sent a car to pick them up. The driver pulled into the car park and pulled up right next to Becky’s car. Then the driver helped to get all the bags into the trunk of Becky’s car before he helped them all to get in.
“That was fun, but I’m ready to go home and see how the babies are doing.” Chrissy said as she slumped in the seat. “Do you want to come home with us for some dinner mum? So you can spend some time with your grandchildren?” Chrissy asked with a grin as she looked over her shoulder at her mum sat in the back of the car.
“Only if you let me help you sort out dinner?” Holly said in a firm voice, but she was trying not to grin as she asked.
“Would we stand a chance of stopping you from helping mum?” Becky asked with a giggle.
“No, but I just wanted to make sure first.” Holly said with a grin. “Home James, and don’t spare the horses.” Holly added in a posh sounding voice.
“Yes me lady.” Becky replied sounding like the chauffer from thunderbirds. This had them all giggling as Becky pulled out of the hotel car park and pointed the car towards home.
Amy had just finished changing a smelly nappy on Andrew when she heard Chrissy, Becky and Holly get back. “Sounds like your mummies are home.” Amy cooed as she picked him up and kissed his cheek. Amy was rewarded with a giggle from the little baby.
“Do you think I’m funny?” Amy asked just before she blew a raspberry on his bare belly, making him giggle even more.
Chrissy, Becky and Holly all entered the living room to find Andrew giggling as Amy played with him, so they knew that everything was okay. Amber was just walking back into the living room from the kitchen with Lauren in her arms.
“Have they been okay for you?” Chrissy asked as she walked over and smiled down at Lauren.
“They’ve both been perfect little angels for us like always.” Amber said as she pulled a funny face at Lauren. “Do you want to go to your mummy?” Amber asked as she saw Lauren reach out with her little hands towards Chrissy.
Chrissy soon had Lauren in her arms and she rocked her as she made her way over to the sofa and sat down with her. Becky sat down next to her, and Holly went over to sit on the sofa that Amy was sat on. Amber sat on the other side of Holly, and watched as Amy handed Andrew over to Holly so they could all sit and watch him start to nod off.
“Hi mum, did you have a good time shopping?” Amy asked as she cuddled up to Holly on one side, while Amber did the same from the other side.
“Yes I did, and I got a lot done, and even more ideas for what I can get you all for Christmas.” Holly smiled as she looked down at her grandson gripping her finger as he fell asleep.
“What you getting me mum?” Amy asked with excitement in her voice. Amy was a little loud as she asked, and it made the Andrew jump a little, but he soon settled down again.
“Nothing if you keep making my grandson jump like that.” Holly frowned, but she soon started grinning again when she saw the hurt look on Amy’s face.
“Sorry mum. I just get so excited about Christmas now.” Amy said as she cuddled up to Holly a little more.
“I’ll let you off then Amy.” Holly said as she gave her a peck on the cheek. “Chrissy told me about the horrid Christmas and Birthdays you use to have.” Holly added in a pained voice. “That will never happen while I’m around.”
Amy started grinning up at Holly from where her head was now rested on Holly’s shoulder. Amy found herself wishing that she’d had Holly as a mum all her life, but she was glad to be able to call her mum now though. “I love you mum.” Amy said as she let out a sigh.
“I love you to Amy, and I’m proud to have you as an adopted daughter.” Holly smiled, just before she looked down at the now sleeping Andrew in her arms.
Holly didn’t get to help with dinner, but she was happy to keep an eye on the babies while the others sorted it out. Mandy and Carl returned from Christmas shopping, but Chrissy had her doubts as to whether they were shopping or not. Neither of them would say what shops they had been to. Chrissy wasn’t going to let it bother her, she already knew that Carl liked his surprises, so Chrissy would just wait and see what the two of them had planned.
Lauren and Andrew were both in their carrycots asleep while the others sat and ate their dinner. Jayden and Callum had come back for dinner, as had Ann and Brad, so it was all set up in the dining room where the table was much bigger.
“How goes the Christmas shopping Jayden?” Chrissy asked with a grin while they sat eating.
“I’m having a blast.” Jayden giggled. “I never knew spending money could be so much fun.” She added.
“I’d tell you not to go to mad on us all, but I get the feeling it would fall on deaf ears.” Chrissy said with a frown.
“What did you just say Chrissy?” Jayden asked with a grin as she cupped a hand behind her ear to make it look like she was trying to hear Chrissy a little better.
“I said that I...” Was all Chrissy said before she realised that Jayden was teasing her, and she had just heard what she’d said. “I rest my case.” Chrissy giggled.
“If I told you not to spend too much on my gift, would you do as I asked?” Jayden asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I’d still spend what I wanted on you when I found the perfect gift.” Chrissy said with a grin. “I see your point then sis.” Chrissy giggled.
“Then I will do the same.” Jayden said with pride.
Chrissy was glad that Jayden now had a family to spend her Christmas with. Chrissy had found out while she lived with Jayden, while being away that Jayden had normally just sat at home watching rubbish on telly while eating some microwave meal that passed for a Christmas dinner.
“How are yours and Carl’s Christmas shopping going sis?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Mandy. She was hoping to catch Mandy off guard and get some clues as to what she and Carl have been up to.
“They’re going just fine baby sister.” Mandy said with a smug smile. She was use to Chrissy and her little tricks by now, so she was ready for any attack she might have. “How are yours?” Mandy asked, throwing the question back at Chrissy.
“They’re going fine. We had a lot of fun with mum today.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked over at her mum. “We should all try and get out together for a shopping session.” Chrissy added with excitement.
“I’m not going to let you subject my grandchildren to that madness you call a shopping trip.” Holly said in a voice that told Chrissy it wasn’t even up for discussion.
Chrissy hadn’t thought that if they all went shopping then they would have to take the babies with them. Chrissy knew her mum was right, and she’d never let Andrew and Lauren anywhere near the shops at this time of year.
“I wouldn’t take them either mum.” Chrissy said in a hurt voice. “I wasn’t thinking when I said it. Sorry.” Chrissy added just before she put her head down and carried on eating her dinner, or picking at it. She suddenly didn’t feel very hungry.
Amy could see that Chrissy was a little upset over the comment her mum had just made, so she asked a question to the group, hoping it would pull all eyes away from Chrissy. “Has anyone seen the new neighbours yet?”
“No we haven’t, but when we do, I’m sure we will ask them if you can use the new pool they’ve had built.” Amber said with a roll of the eyes. Amber was still being driven insane by Amy wanting to use the pool that was now finished and sat in a glass building so it could be used all year round. Amber had been driven to the point of asking Mandy and Chrissy if they could get a pool, just to shut Amy up. They had both said no to her, they didn’t think it a wise move with having to children now in the house.
“Maybe they will be moving in over Christmas, or just after.” Carl shrugged. “It must be a tough time to be moving home.” Carl added.
“You’ll be okay over the Christmas break anyway baby sister.” Mandy smiled. “You’ll have the use of the pool up in Carl’s penthouse.” Mandy added.
They were all going to stop at the hotel again, so they could all have one big family Christmas together. Frank was going to play Santa again, but Amber was going to be the helper with Amy this year. Chrissy didn’t want to miss any time with Andrew and Lauren on their first ever Christmas.
Diane and Dale were going to be joining them at the hotel, as would Hope, Kat and Faith again. Mable was looking forward to not having to cook Christmas dinner again this year, and Holly was just looking forward to spending time with Chrissy and her other daughters, but she was still going to miss not having her husband there with her.
Once everyone had finished their dinner, Chrissy got up and started to clear the dishes away without saying a word to anyone. She checked on the babies before she went back into the kitchen to start washing the dishes.
“Are you okay baby?” Becky asked looking worried at the way Chrissy had been so quiet since the talk with her mum ended.
“I’m fine Becky, just keeping my stupid mouth shut.” Chrissy said close to tears.
Becky could hear the tears in Chrissy’s voice so she turned her around and hugged her as Chrissy started to sob on her shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Becky asked, worried what could have Chrissy so upset.
“I forgot about the babies Becky. When I said about us all going out shopping, I forgot all about the babies.” Chrissy sobbed. “What kind of a mother does that make me?” she asked with anger in her voice for herself.
“It makes you just the same as every other mother on the planet my love.” Becky said as she hugged her wife. “I carried them for nine months Chrissy, and even I have the odd moment when I forget that I can’t just pop out and do something anymore.” Becky added with a chuckle.
“Maybe so, but you didn’t just do it in front of everyone. They all think I’m an unfit mother now.” Chrissy whined.
“Now you’re just being silly. None of them could ever think that of you Chrissy.” Becky said in a firm tone of voice. “Shall we go and ask them?” Becky said as she started pulling Chrissy towards the living room where everyone had now gone.
“I don’t want to hear them say it to my face Becky.” Chrissy said as she tried to stop Becky pulling her into the living room, but Becky wasn’t about to stop, or let go.
Amy and Amber were just putting the carrycots down in the living room when they all saw Becky burst into the room pulling a tear streaked Chrissy along behind her.
“Can I have a quick show of hands for everyone that thinks Chrissy an unfit mother?” Becky asked as she pulled Chrissy to a stop next to her. Nobody raised a hand, but they all had shocked looks on their faces when they heard what Becky said.
“Why would you ask such a foolish question Becky? Even as a joke.” Holly asked with a frown.
“Because Chrissy thinks she’s an unfit mother for talking about us all going shopping.” Becky said as she frowned at Chrissy for even thinking such a stupid thing.
“Have you been sipping the sherry again?” Holly asked as she looked at Chrissy like she’d lost what little mind she had left. “Whatever has you thinking like that Chrissy?” Holly asked as she stood up and walked over to give her daughter a hug.
“I forgot about the babies when I made that stupid comment about going shopping.” Chrissy said as she started sobbing again.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel this way Chrissy, but I never thought for one second that you were a bad mother because of it.” Holly said as she hugged Chrissy. “I just didn’t think it was wise to take them out where all those people could hurt them.” Holly added.
“But I forgot about the babies mum.” Chrissy whined.
“You didn’t forget about them.” Holly dismissed. “You’ve only had them for a month, so you’re bound to make the odd slip here and there dear.” Holly chuckled. “I don’t think for one minute you would just up and go shopping, and not care what Andrew and Lauren were doing.” She pointed out.
“No! I could never do that mum.” Chrissy said pulling back from her mum and looking at her in shock.
“And that is why you’re not a bad mother.” Holly smiled as she pulled Chrissy back into a hug. “You’re too hard on yourself Chrissy. Lighten up and just let your natural mothering instincts take over.”
Brad made Chrissy take a seat on the sofa with Becky while he and Callum went with Ann and Jayden to the kitchen to do the dishes. Chrissy soon found herself with Andrew in her arms while Becky had Lauren, all thoughts of her being a bad mother forgotten.
“You okay again now my love?” Becky asked when she saw the loving smile on Chrissy’s face as she looked down at Andrew in her arms.
“Yes, much better now. Sorry about earlier.” Chrissy said as she rested her head on Becky’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, and don’t ever think you’re anything put perfect in the mother department.” Becky warned. “You had a good teacher when it comes to that.” Becky added as she grinned at Holly.
“Only good?” Holly pouted, just before she started grinning.
“Okay, you had the world’s best teacher.” Becky giggled.
“That’s better.” Holly giggled with pride.
This soon had Chrissy and the others all smiling and laughing about it. They were all happy to see Holly smiling and looking much happier than she had for the past couple of weeks since Greg died. She looked even happier when Chrissy told her she would be stopping the night and sleeping with her and Becky.
Chrissy waited for Becky to enter the bathroom later on in the night before she whispered to her mum. “I was hoping you might start and give Becky a hand in the day with babies? I’m worried that she’s not getting much sleep through the day before she goes to work in the evenings.” Chrissy had already spoke with Becky about it all, and Becky knew what Chrissy was doing, but they wanted it look like they needed her help more than they really did. This was more to let Holly know that she was needed.
“I’d love to help out Chrissy dear.” Holly said looking happy to be needed. “I was worried you’d think me butting in if I just started helping out.” Holly added as she pulled Chrissy into a hug to thank her for the chance to help them out.
Becky came to bed and Chrissy filled her in, and they both grinned at each other behind Holly’s back. Then they all got their heads down to get some sleep before the babies woke for their next feed.
Holly started spending most her time at the house and sleeping with Chrissy and Becky when she got home from the club. Holly took over sorting out the evening meals and then getting help from Chrissy and Amy when they got home. Becky would get proper sleep through the day and be sat looking after the babies when Chrissy got home. Ann was spending more and more time sleeping at Brad’s so Holly started using the spare room Ann and Brad used when he stopped the night, but it was a long way from Chrissy and Becky’s room, and Holly liked to help with the feeding. So she still spent most nights sleeping with Chrissy and Becky. Chrissy had a feeling that her mum just didn’t like sleeping alone, as it reminded her that Greg was gone.
Time soon passed and it was soon Christmas Eve and everyone was getting ready to leave for the hotel and a couple of days rest. Carl had sent a couple of vans from the hotel to collect all the luggage and presents earlier in the day, so all the girls had to do was take themselves out to the waiting minibus that Carl had sent to collect them mid afternoon.
“Look Chrissy look.” Amy said looking all excited as they took their seats on the minibus. “Do you think the new neighbours are moving in?” Amy asked as she pointed at a van parked on the drive next door.
Chrissy looked over and saw that the van had no markings on it, so she had no idea what it was doing there. She couldn’t see anyone moving around either, so she just shrugged at Amy. “It’s a small van for someone to be moving in with don’t you think?” Chrissy asked.
“Seems like an odd time to start moving in as well.” Becky added as she handed Chrissy the carrycot with Andrew in it just before she took her seat and let Brad hand her the one with Lauren in.
“Good point.” Amy said looking a little depressed about it now. “I just wish we could get to meet the new neighbours.” She whined.
“I’m sure you’ll get to meet them over the Christmas break Amy.” Carl smiled as he helped Mandy get in before he joined her near the front of the minibus.
Once they were all on the minibus, the driver set off to go and pick up Mable and the others before their final stop at the hotel.
Everyone had settled in at the hotel and they had all enjoyed a buffet style dinner up in Carl’s penthouse before settling down to chat, while Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber kept Cathleen and Kat entertained for the evening. Holly and Prue were left holding the babies, so to speak.
Cathleen and Kat soon got tired, so Chrissy and Amy carried them down to their room where they were the two girls were sharing a bed together.
“Will you tell us the fairy princess story again?” Cathleen asked as Chrissy and Amy got them tucked in.
Chrissy remembered her and Amy making their story of becoming friends into a fairy story for the two girls the year before, so they tried to remember how they told it, and got as close as they could again. Cathleen and Kat were both fast asleep before they got to the end, so Chrissy and Amy went back up to see how Andrew and Lauren were doing, and to get some sleep themselves.
Becky and Holly were just getting the babies ready for bed when Chrissy got back up to Carl’s penthouse, so she helped out where she could and then they all settled down for however much sleep they could get before they woke again needing to feed them.
Chrissy was surprised when she woke and found that both Andrew and Lauren had slept for a good five hours. Chrissy got out of bed and went to check on them and make sure everything was alright; she smiled as she looked down at each of them just in the stages of starting to wake up. Lauren looked to be more awake than Andrew, so Chrissy lifted Lauren out her cot first.
“Good morning my little princess.” Chrissy said as she cradled the baby girl in her arms just before kissing her on the forehead. “And a Merry Christmas to you.” Chrissy added with a little giggle when Lauren made a laughing sound.
Andrew was just starting to feel neglected when Becky appeared at Chrissy’s side and picked him up out his cot. “Good morning my little solder man, don’t cry, we haven’t forgotten about you.” Becky cooed as she held the little baby boy in her arms.
“Morning my love.” Chrissy said as she gave Becky a quick kiss. “Merry Christmas.” She added with a grin.
“Merry Christmas baby.” Becky grinned back just before giving Chrissy another kiss. “Am I seeing things, or did the pair of them just sleep for a full five hours?” Becky asked after seeing the time.
“Yes they did. I was a little worried that something might have been wrong, but I think they must have just been tired.” Chrissy said as she looked down at Lauren grabbing some of Chrissy’s hair and trying to put it in her mouth. “I think we better see about feeding someone before she tries to eat all of her mummy’s hair.” Chrissy cooed as she pulled the hair away from Lauren.
Both babies were being bottle fed now using a mixture of formula and Becky’s breast milk, due to Becky not being able to produce enough for both of them. They warmed the bottles and then sat in the lounge area while they fed the two babies.
“I guess we should make the most of this Christmas, I don’t think they will be this quiet again for some years to come.” Chrissy smiled as she thought about the fun they would have with two kids waking them at all hours of the morning on Christmas day asking if Santa had been yet or not.
“I think we might be okay for at least one more like this, but I doubt we’ll make it to three.” Becky grinned.
“I wish they were like that now, so they could enjoy it fully, but I know we’ll still have lots of fun helping them open their gifts.” Chrissy giggled as she kissed Lauren on the forehead again.
“I can guarantee we’ll have lots of fun baby.” Becky grinned as she leaned over and started kissing Chrissy while they both fed the babies.
They sat quietly feeding the babies for a couple of minutes, and Becky could see Chrissy looking around with a faraway look in her eyes, and then she saw a tear roll down Chrissy’s cheek.
“What’s wrong baby?” Becky asked with worry in her voice.
“Nothing, I’m just happy.” Chrissy smiled as she wiped away the tear. “I’ve got a perfect life with a loving family and a beautiful wife, and two beautiful babies. I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.” Chrissy giggled as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
“One of the luckiest girls on the planet.” Becky smiled as she leaned over for another kiss.
Chrissy already knew that Becky thought she was the lucky one to find someone like Chrissy, and Chrissy wasn’t going to argue with her about it.
They had fed and changed the babies by the time Amy and Amber wandered out of their bedroom looking half asleep still. They made their way over to the kitchen area and put the kettle on to make a pot of tea before going over to check on Lauren and Andrew as they lay on their play matt playing with some little multi-coloured rattles. They were lying side by side between Chrissy and Becky on one of the sofas.
“How are my little niece and nephew this morning?” Amy asked as she ran over and dropped to her knees in front of the sofa. “Aar they look so cute.” Amy swooned as she saw that Chrissy and Becky had the two of them dressed in little Santa suits and they had little Santa hats on their heads as they played with the little rattles.
“They fit okay then?” Amber asked as she came over and saw Andrew and Lauren in their Santa suits. Amber and Sara had designed them for Chrissy after Chrissy had been talking to Cathy one night about not being able to find any cute Christmas outfits for the twins in any of the shops.
“They’re just perfect Amber. You and Sara should start a little side line designing baby clothes.” Chrissy smiled as she held out her arms to give Amber a hug to thank her for the clothes.
“Funny you should say that Chrissy, because Sara and I have been playing around with some things, but you understand more when you open the twins gifts for them.” Amber grinned as she hugged Chrissy back.
“I just want to make lots of noise now and wake everyone up so I can see what they got.” Chrissy pouted.
“And you don’t want to see what everyone got you then?” Amber asked with a raised eyebrow. She already knew that Chrissy was just as bad as Amy when it came to opening their presents on Christmas morning. They both were just like little kids as they sat there and ripped the wrapping off each gift.
“I can’t be like that anymore Amber, I have to behave like a grown up.” Chrissy said as she stuck her nose in the air, trying to look posh.
“Where does it say that in the parenting hand book?” Amber asked with a grin. “And I don’t think anyone is expecting you to suddenly change who you are over night Chrissy.” Amber added.
“I think once you start helping Cathleen and Kat open their gifts, you will soon forget everything else and just start having fun.” Becky giggled.
“What about the babies though?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
“There will be a lot of other people in the room that will help to look after Andrew and Lauren for us while we help to entertain Cathleen and Kat.” Becky reassured her. “It will give Holly something to do as well.” Becky added. They were all worried as to how Holly would cope with today, with it being the first big event for her to face since losing her husband.
“Very true Bec’s. I guess I should do my little bit to help keep Cathleen and Kat happy then.” Chrissy grinned as she thought about the fun her and Amy had the year before.
Amy had been watching Andrew and Lauren play while Amber, Chrissy and Becky spoke. She was also shocked that Amber had never told her about the cute little outfits the twins were now wearing. “I can’t believe you never thought to tell me about these cute little Santa suits.” Amy said as she looked at Amber with a hurt look on her face.
“I’m sorry babe, but it must have just slipped my mind.” Amber shrugged. “Are you mad with me?” Amber asked with a pout.
“As long as you got me something nice for Christmas, then I’ll let you off.” Amy grinned.
“You’ve already got me babe, what more could you want?” Amber asked as she leaned back and held her arms out for Amy to see even more of her.
“Nothing much, but if I took my gift now, then Cathleen and Kat wouldn’t be happy when Santa never showed up due to his helpers being a no show.” Amy giggled as she threw herself at Amber to get a hug and a kiss.
“You do have a good point there baby, so we better finish making that pot of tea so we can go and get ready.” Amber said as she stopped hugging Amy and got back to her feet. She helped Amy to stand up and they went to make a pot of tea for them all.
Amy and Amber sat and had a cup of tea with Chrissy and Becky, and then they ran off to put on their little elf outfits. Chrissy was taking some photos of the twins when Amy and Amber got back out into the main room, so she took a couple of minutes to first photograph the two of them, and then she got some shots of them holding the babies. Once they had done that, Amy and Amber left to go and find Frank, so they could then return with the girl’s gifts.
Frank was dressed when the two girls got down to his and Prue’s room. Prue giggled as she let Amy and Amber into the room. “You two just look so cute!” Prue giggled as she gave each of them a hug. “I’ve got to get a photo of this.” She added as she ran off to find her camera.
“Ho, ho ,ho!” Frank said in a deeper voice than he normally used, as he came out the bedroom looking just like Santa. “Have you two been good little girls?” He asked in the same deep voice.
Amy and Amber just looked at each other before giggling a “No!” Then they threw their arms around each other and started kissing. Frank thought it looked like some X rated porn movie as the two girls just kept kissing each other.
“Santa must have a third list for things like that girls.” Prue said as she walked back into the room with her camera in her hand, having just taken a couple of shots of the two girls kissing.
Frank was soon stood between the two girls as Prue took some shots of them stood there with Frank’s arms around them. Then the girls leaned in and gave Frank a kiss on each cheek as Prue took a couple more photos. They needed to kill some time as they waited for a call from Chrissy to say that Cathleen and Kat were up in the penthouse waiting for Santa and his little helpers.
Holly had come out and joined Chrissy, Becky and the twins out on the sofas. Then Mandy and Carl had both joined them, and now they heard the elevator sound just before they saw Cathleen and Kat run around the corner with Jenna, Vic, Jayden and Callum walking just behind them.
“As he been?!” Kat asked as she looked around the room for her presents, but looking sad when she didn’t see any, other than the ones she had seen the night before under the tree, but she already knew that they weren’t hers.
“He’s going to be delivering them himself any minute now.” Chrissy said as she pulled Kat up onto her knee. “Do you want me to call him and find out how much longer it’s going to take?” Chrissy asked as she got her phone out.
“Just like he did last times?” Kat asked looking excited again now. “Call him, call him now Aunty Chrissy!” Kat said as she bounced up and down on Chrissy’s knee.
Chrissy found Amy’s number and made the call. “Hello, I’m calling on behalf of Kat, she would like to speak with Santa, and find out when she might be seeing him with her presents?” Chrissy ask Amy when she answered her phone.
Amy giggled as she handed the phone over to Frank. “Chrissy has Kat on the other end of the phone, and she wanted to know what time Santa will be there with her presents.”
Frank took the phone and then using his best Santa voice, spoke to the little girl on the other end. “Ho, ho, ho. Hello little Kat.”
“Hello’s Santa. When you be here with my presents?” Kat asked with some worry in her voice. “Cathleen be with me too.” Kat added as Cathleen sat down next to Chrissy between her and Becky.
“I’m just landing on the roof now, I’ll be with you very soon little Kat.” Frank said sounding just like Santa again.
“otay, I let you finish landing den. Bye, Bye.” Kat said just before handing the phone back to Chrissy with a grin on her face.
“See you soon Santa.” Chrissy giggled just before ending the call.
Ann, Brad, Dale, Diane, Faith, Hope, Mable, David, Kim and Prue had all joined them by now. Holly was holding Andrew and Becky had Lauren on her knee as they heard Frank walking towards them saying. “Ho, ho, ho.” And sounding just like Santa as he did.
Kat and Cathleen were both soon up on the feet and running to meet him half way. Amy and Amber were walking just behind dragging a large sack each and a third sack between them. Frank was dragging a large sack behind him and he had another one thrown over his shoulder.
“Hello Santa!” Both little girls shouted as they came to a stop just in front of him.
“Hello little girls. I hope you’ve both been very good this year?” Frank asked in his gruff voice. Both little girls just nodded as they tried to look in the big sack he’d just placed on the ground in front of him. “I trust you have, judging by all the presents I’ve got for the two of you.” He chuckled.
Cathleen and Kat each had two sacks each with their names on, and the large sack Frank had over his shoulder had two large gifts in it. One each for Cathleen and Kat. Frank handed those gifts out first, then he slid the other bags over to each side, so Cathleen and Kat could sit and unwrap their presents with some help from Amy. Amber, Chrissy, Becky, Jayden, Sara and Cathy, who had now joined the others.
Both little girls got everything they asked for, and a lot more besides. Hope and Jenna had happy tears in their eyes as they watched the two girls playing with their gifts. Everyone had to smile when the two girls stood up and turned to face them all just before they thanked everyone for the presents. Then they went back to playing.
Once they had Cathleen and Kat sat quietly playing, they all started opening their gifts from everyone one. Jayden was speechless when she saw the pile she had to open. “These can’t all be mine.” She said as she looked through the pile and saw her name on every one of them.
“Welcome to the family sis.” Chrissy giggled as she watched Jayden open the first present.
“Thanks sis.” Jayden grinned as a tear ran down her cheek from being so happy.
Chrissy slid over to Jayden and gave her a hug. “I’m glad I found you sis, and I will always be your sister.” Chrissy said as she hugged her.
“I’ll never be able to pay you back for all that you have done for me Chrissy.” Jayden said as she hugged Chrissy back.
“I’ll never ask you to Jayden, but just seeing how happy you are right now is payment enough for me.” Chrissy smiled as they broke the hug.
“You’re just too easy to please sis.” Jayden giggled as she wiped her eyes.
“I thought you knew that by now sis.” Chrissy giggled back as she slid back over to carry on unwrapping her gifts.
Everyone unwrapped their gifts and loved what they had all got. Most of it being clothes, makeup, shoes, boots and electrical stuff. Carl and Mandy handed Chrissy and Becky a DVD and a portable DVD player to watch it on, once everyone had done with their unwrapping.
“What’s this for Carl, Mandy?” Chrissy asked as she looked down at the player and the DVD.
“Play it and you will find out.” Carl grinned.
Chrissy popped open the DVD player and put in the disk before pressing the play button. She and Becky watched as the screen lit up and they found themselves being led into a bedroom that looked just like the one they had designed for Lauren, and then they were led into another bedroom that looked like the one they designed for Andrew.
“You had some sort of 3D walk through done for Lauren and Andrew’s bedrooms?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“It’s not a 3D walk through Chrissy. They are the real rooms you’re looking at, in your new home.” Carl said with an even bigger grin.
Chrissy suddenly didn’t look so happy about it all. “New home? But I love living with Mandy and the others.” Chrissy said. “Do you want me to move out Mandy?” Chrissy asked with some hurt in her voice.
“Yes, but not in the way you think sis.” Mandy said as she sat down next to Chrissy and pulled her into a hug. “You’ve not asked where the new house is yet.” Mandy added with a smile.
“I don’t care where it is sis, I love living with you.” Chrissy whined.
“Chrissy, I don’t think Mandy would have gone along with this if she knew it would upset you, so let’s find out where the new house is before you go getting to upset about any of it.” Becky said as she hugged Chrissy from the other side.
Chrissy got herself under control while Mandy loaded another DVD into the player and then pressed the play button. Chrissy let out a gasp when she saw the neighbour’s house pop up on the screen as someone walked up the driveway and into the house.
“I’m the new neighbour?” Chrissy said sounding shocked. “Becky and I own the house next door?” Chrissy added as she tried to take it all in.
“Yes, sort of, but the house will soon be joined with Mandy’s Chrissy.” Carl said as he pulled out a piece of paper to show Chrissy the final plan to join the two housed with a larger dining room and kitchen area. “The two houses will become one large house that we can all share, and I thought this would mean your mum can move in properly and have her own room.” Carl added with a smile now he saw that Chrissy wasn’t so upset about it all.
“I’m sorry for keeping all this from you sis, but when Carl told me his plan, I just knew it would be for the best that the twins have their own rooms this way, so they wouldn’t have to live in a house while construction work was being done.” Mandy said as she hugged Chrissy
“I can cope with this sis. I was worried that we’d be miles apart, but soon we will just be living at opposite ends of a larger house.” Chrissy grinned as she hugged Mandy back.
Mandy broke the hug with Chrissy when she heard Carl speak to her. “I’m sorry Mandy, but I didn’t tell you the whole reason for buying the house next door and sorting out all this planning permission.” Carl said as he got up and walked over to where Mandy was sat with Chrissy and Becky.
“What did you leave out Carl?” Mandy asked looking puzzled.
Carl dropped down on one knee and then pulled out a blue velvet ring box and popped it open to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. “Mandy, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
Mandy just sat there looking at the ring for what felt like hours to Carl, then she pulled the ring out the box and handed it back to Carl, just before holding out her hand with the biggest grin on her face he’d ever seen. “Yes I would be honoured to become your wife Carl.” Mandy said with tears running down her cheeks as she watched Carl slip the ring on her finger.
The whole room exploded in cheers as everyone congratulated the happy couple on finally taking things to the next level. Chrissy gave Carl and Mandy a hug at the same time, just before she had to go and help Holly calm down the twins, who had been woken by all the cheering, and they weren’t happy about it.
“I can’t believe you kept this a secret from me!” Mandy said as she playfully slapped Carl on the arm, just before she went back to looking at the ring on her finger.
“I can’t believe he brought Becky and me a house.” Chrissy giggled.
“Technically I’ve brought you an extension, as it will soon just be part of your old house.” Carl pointed out.
“It’s still a whole house that will be added to another house.” Chrissy shot back. “We’ll still need to set up a nursery for the time being though. Lauren and Andrew are still too small to have their own rooms yet.” Chrissy added as she started forming a plan as to how they needed to set things up for the time being.
“I’ve already taken care of all that Chrissy; you will get to see everything in a couple of days when you return home.” Carl smiled. “Just relax for a couple of days and have a good time.” He added, just before he started kissing Mandy.
Amy had walked over and sat by Chrissy’s side while she sat with Andrew in her arms trying to get him back to sleep. “Hi big sis. Do you need any help with Andrew?” She asked as she looked down at the little man falling asleep again.
“I think I can handle it baby sister.” Chrissy said with a puzzled look. She couldn’t understand Amy’s reason for asking her such a silly question to start with, but it soon became clear.
“Will Amber and I be able to come and visit whenever we want sis?” Amy asked with a grin.
“You know you can Amy.” Chrissy said it like Amy was losing her mind for asking such a silly thing. “I’ll even give you a set of keys, so you can come and go as you please until the two houses are joined into one.” Chrissy added.
“So we’d be able to use all the things in the new house as well then?” Amy asked with an even bigger grin now.
Chrissy suddenly realised what Amy was getting at. She wanted to know if it would be okay for her to come over and use the pool. “Sure you can baby sister, well all except the pool that is.” Chrissy said it in a matter of fact way, but kept a straight face as she said it.
“Oh, okay sis. Thank you for that.” Amy said looking depressed all of a sudden.
Chrissy couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and she started giggling when she saw the look on Amy’s face. “I’m just teasing you baby sister. You can come over anytime and use the pool, you all can.” Chrissy said as she looked around the room.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Amy said as she gently hugged Chrissy from one side, so she didn’t wake Andrew up again. “You’re the best big sister ever!” Amy added with a grin.
Amy looked a little worried when she suddenly realised that she was in a room with all her sisters sat around her, and she was the youngest, which meant they were all her big sisters. “Sorry, I do love you all just as much really.” Amy said with a nervous chuckle.
“I think I can speak for everyone here Amy when I say that Chrissy is the best of all of us.” Mandy smiled as she looked at Chrissy with the baby asleep in her arms. Mandy got nods from everyone and Chrissy just went a little red in the face at the praise she was getting.
Becky had taken Lauren off Holly, so she could have a glass of sherry with Mable, and also have a chat about her moving out. Holly wanted to make sure she wouldn’t upset Mable when she did.
“Can I have a quick word with you Mable?” Holly asked as she helped Mable to her feet so they could go to another room to talk in private.
“Sure Holly dear, just lead the way.” Mable said with a smile as she let Holly lead her to the bedroom she’d shared with Chrissy and Becky the night before. “Is everything alright dear?” Mable asked when she saw the worried look on Holly’s face once they were in the bedroom.
“I’m not sure yet Mable.” Holly said looking worried. “You’ve been so good to me these past couple of months, and I’ll never be able to find the words to thank you enough for that, but I just want to be with Chrissy and Becky while they raise their children.” Holly added close to tears now.
“And you’re worried about upsetting me if you move in with them?” Mable asked as she stepped over and pulled Holly into a hug. “I’d be kicking you out if you didn’t go Holly.” Mable chuckled.
“You really don’t mind?” Holly asked as she hugged Mable a little tighter.
“No, not at all, but you better come and visit often, or I will be mad with you.” Mable said sounding just like a mother would with a child.
“You’ll see so much of me; you will think I’m still living with you.” Holly giggled, feeling just like a little girl again.
“Good! Then we won’t have a problem.” Mable smiled as she broke the hug and looked Holly in the eyes. “Helping Chrissy and Becky with the babies is the best medicine for you right now, and I know that Greg would be telling you to do it if he was still here right now.” Mable added with a sigh.
“I miss him Mable, I miss him so much every day.” Holly started sobbing even more now as she let Mable start hugging her again. “I don’t think I’ll ever get use to not having him around.” She added through more sobs.
“It gets easier in time Holly, trust me on that one.” Mable said as she stroked Holly’s hair while she hugged her. Mable had lost her husband in the same way, so she knew what Holly was going through, and how moving in with Chrissy and the others would help her find a new path with her life. Mable also thought that the girls could use a mothering figure in the house now that there were young children living there.
Mable was still hugging Holly when Chrissy entered the room with a wriggling baby boy in her arms. “Sorry to bother you, but Andrew made a smelly.” Chrissy giggled as she screwed her nose up. Chrissy soon looked worried when she saw her mum sobbing on Mable’s shoulder though. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing dear, I was just having a silly moment.” Holly chuckled as she wiped her eyes. “Do you want me to change him for you?” Holly asked with a smile as she walked over to Chrissy and Andrew.
Chrissy was about to say she could do it, but stopped when Mable gave her a look that said to let Holly sort out the smelly nappy. “Sure mum, but it does smell.” Chrissy warned her with a giggle as she handed over the baby.
“You were no better at that age young lady.” Holly smiled as she set about changing Andrew’s diaper.
“Mum! Don’t say stuff like that in front of Mable.” Chrissy whined as she started to blush.
Chrissy sat with Mable on the edge of the bed while Holly changed Andrew. Then just as they were about to get up and return to the others, Becky entered the room with Lauren smelling just as bad.
“Sorry but we have another one.” Becky said as she tried to hold the baby at arm’s length.
“I’ll swop you for this one then, and I’ll get her changed as well.” Holly smiled as she picked up Andrew in just his diaper and passed him over to Chrissy so she could then take Lauren off Becky and then get her changed as well.
Becky was about to say that she didn’t mind doing it, but stopped when Chrissy an Mable shuck their heads to stop her, so Becky just smiled as she handed the baby over and then walked over to joined Mable and Chrissy on the bed.
Chrissy got out one of two little elf outfits that Sara and Amber had made for the twins, and she soon had Andrew dressed and looking very cute. Holly got Lauren changed and then handed her over to Becky, so she could get her dressed in hers.
“They just look so cute dressed like that.” Holly giggled as she clapped her hands together. “I hope you’re getting lots of photos you two?” Holly asked.
“Yes mum.” Chrissy whined. “And we’re getting it all on video as well.” She added with a grin.
“Good. We better get back out there then, so you can start filming them in their new outfits.” Holly said as she directed them all back out into the main room.
Chrissy, Becky and some of the others were soon filming and photographing the twins, Cathleen and Kat playing games and just being hugged. This went on until it was time to head down for their Christmas dinner.
Amy and Amber decided to stay dressed as elves so they matched what the twins were wearing. Chrissy and Becky let Amber and Amy carry the twins down so they all matched. Chrissy got lots of photos, while Becky filmed it on a video camera. Amy and Amber looked like they were having a lot of fun playing with Andrew and Lauren as they travelled down in the elevator. Andrew and Lauren were giggling and having fun playing with the bells on the hat’s Amy and Amber wore.
Carl had set out one of the private function rooms like a larger dining room; he’d even had a Christmas tree set up in there. They all took their seats and then enjoyed a nice three course Christmas dinner. They all ate far too much, and just sat around talking and having some fun playing party games with Cathleen and Kat. Holly and Prue sat nursing Andrew and Lauren while they had their bottles, so that left Chrissy and Becky free to entertain some of the others.
Once the meal was over they all returned back to Carl’s penthouse, but some of them went to take a nap after eating such a large meal. Chrissy, Becky, Amy, Amber, Jayden, Callum, Sara, Cathy, Ann and Brad all settled down to watch one of the many DVD Disney movies that Cathleen and Kat got for Christmas. Andrew and Lauren soon fell asleep in Chrissy and Becky’s arms as they watched a Tinkerbell movie.
“So how did your first family Christmas feel Jayden?” Chrissy asked as they sat watching the movie.
“I’m loving every minute of it Chrissy.” Jayden beamed. “Thanks for all the gifts.” She added as she leaned over and gave Chrissy a quick peck on the cheek.
“You’re welcome sis, and thank you for all my gifts, and the ones you got the twins.” Chrissy said as she looked down at the baby in her arms fast asleep.
Jenna and hope helped look after the babies over the next couple of days so Chrissy and Becky could help look after Cathleen and Kat. Jenna was sat feeding Lauren on one of the sofas the next day when Chrissy came and sat down next to her.
“Is she feeding okay?” Chrissy asked with a smile as she looked down at the baby girl sucking on the bottle Jenna had in her hand.
“She’s feeding just fine Chrissy.” Jenna smiled back at Chrissy. “I can’t get over just how beautiful they both are.” Jena added with envy in her voice.
“I still find it hard to believe that I’m partly responsible for them being here.” Chrissy giggled as she let Lauren grab one of her fingers as she spoke with Jenna.
“You’ve come a long way from the scared young man that I first saw in Mable’s dining room.” Jenna smiled as she nudged Chrissy’s arm. “Do you have any regrets about anything you’ve done?” Jenna asked.
“Yes I regret things I’ve done, but none that led to all this.” Chrissy said as she looked around the room. “I regret all the running away I did in the past, and the hurt I caused Becky and the others when I did it.” Chrissy added looking a little unhappy with herself.
“We’ve all done silly things when we’ve been scared Chrissy, just be grateful you were wrong, and it was all sorted out.” Jenna wrapped an arm around Chrissy as she said it and hugged her from one side while still holding Lauren with the other one.
Chrissy smiled as she looked down and saw that Lauren was holding the bottle up herself as she continued to carry on feeding from the bottle. “I’m glad I have you as part of my family Jenna. You’re just like a loving big sister, just like Mandy and Ann.” Chrissy grinned as she cuddled into Jenna a little more.
“That’s good, because I think of you as a younger sister that’s great with Cathleen.” Jenna grinned back as she hugged Chrissy a little tighter.
Chrissy soon found herself being dragged away by Kat, so they could go and play a board game with Cathleen and Amy. Jenna just giggled as she watched the little girl drag Chrissy away by the hand.
The time seemed to fly by and it was soon the day after Boxing Day, so everyone packed up their things and got ready to head home. Chrissy and Becky were excited to get back and explore their new home, and see if the babies rooms looked as good in real life as they had on the DVD that Carl and Mandy gave them.
Carl and Mandy had given them a set of keys, and told them that the alarm code was the same as the one for Mandy’s house. Carl got a minibus sorted out to take them all home, and it pulled into the drive that led to Chrissy and Becky’s house rather than the one for Mandy’s. Carl knew that everyone would want to look around the new place anyway.
Chrissy and Becky were helped out of the minibus first when it parked up outside the house. Chrissy and the others were all shocked that they had never noticed just how much the new house looked just like Mandy’s, so once the extension was built to link the two houses together, it would just look like one large house. Brad had jumped out, so he could help the two of them step down onto the gravel driveway, just like they had next door.
Amy and Amber had the babies, so Chrissy and Becky could head straight over to the house and let themselves in. Everyone else followed just behind them. Chrissy had pulled her mum to the front, so she could go in with her and Becky.
“It looks just like Mandy’s house.” Holly said as they entered the large hallway with the marble floor that matched the one next door.
“I know how much you love Mandy’s, so I told them to make it look just the same.” Carl said as he stood in the hallway looking around. “There’s only the living room and kitchen that look different down here.” Carl pointed out. “The extension will be added on from that side, so you won’t have them in this house for long.” Carl added as he led them into the empty room that was the living room in Mandy’s house, and the empty room that should be the kitchen, but that was also just an empty room.
“Where do we sort out meals Carl?” Chrissy asked with some worry in her voice.
“Don’t panic Chrissy, you still have a kitchen, but it’s on the other side of the hallway in the small room that would be the laundry room in Mandy’s house.”Carl grinned as he led them over to the other side of the hallway, and into a small but cute kitchen area.
“I like what you’ve done here Carl.” Holly smiled as she looked around the new kitchen.
“I knew that we’d be building a new kitchen area when the extension is finished, but this will allow you to cook small meals until then, and I know that you will still be eating most your large meals next door with the others.” Carl said as he stood with Mandy watching Chrissy, Becky and Holly look around the room.
Chrissy liked the little kitchen, but she wanted to look around at the other changes Carl had made to this house compared to how Mandy’s looked. Chrissy could see a large set of double doors at the end of the hallway where the back yard would be, but Chrissy could see that it led out to the pool room, so she went to take a look.
There were two sets of glass doors to get through, and also a waist high gate to open before you got to the pool area. Chrissy was glad that Carl had thought to add these features to stop the twins having easy access to the area and risk drowning in the pool.
Chrissy saw a second set of doors where the window would be from the dining room, so she walked over and looked in to find a gym and sauna room in there.
“You really did think of everything didn’t you Carl?” Chrissy said with a raised eyebrow.
“I know it looks a little weird down here Chrissy, but it’s the upstairs that counts.” Carl said as he pointed towards the stairs. “Once all the building work is done, you will just have one large house to walk around.” Carl added with a grin.
Chrissy and Becky walked up the stairs first, and were happy to see that it all looked just like Mandy’s house up here. Carl had made their room the same, so it looked just like a copy from Mandy’s house, but Mandy’s room was now the nursery that had everything they would ever need for the babies. The only things missing were the cots from their old room over at Mandy’s house.
They walked down the hall and opened the door that would be Jayden’s room next door and found it all decked out in pink and a sign on the door said it was Lauren’s room. This room looked just like the one on the DVD and just like the sketches they had done.
“Thank you Carl, Mandy. This is just so beautiful.” Chrissy said as she gave each of them a hug to thank them properly.
Chrissy was soon running to the room that was the spare room at Mandy’s. This door had a sign that said Andrew’s room, so Chrissy let Becky enter this room first, and they found it all decked out in a light blue with pictures of racing cars on the walls in a random pattern. This room also looked just like the one on the DVD, and just like the sketches they had done. Chrissy and Becky both hugged Carl and Mandy again, just before letting Holly enter the final bedroom first, as it was her room after all.
This was the room that would belong to Amy and Amber in the other house, but when Holly entered it, it looked very different. There was a sofa and a large bed, as well as a TV and a coffee maker, so Holly could make herself a cup of tea or coffee if she felt like it. Holly fell in love with the room right away, and she turned to give Carl and Mandy a hug now herself.
“Thank you so much.” Holly said, “I’ll have some place I can come to be alone now.” She added with a smile when she stopped hugging them.
As much as Holly knew she’d love living with Chrissy and the others, it still made her smile now she knew she had a place to go and be alone once in a while. She still missed Greg her husband and she just liked to go and think about him with no interruptions.
Chrissy and Becky thinking that they had now seen all of the new house started to make their way back down the hallway and then down the stairs, but Carl stopped them. “You still have one more level to see yet girls.”
“What? You mean you had the loft space sorted out as well?” Chrissy asked as she pointed up at the ceiling.
“Yes, I thought it would be handy to have a couple of extra rooms, just in case you had people want to stop over, or move in to be closer to the twins.” Carl grinned as he looked at Amy and Amber still nursing Andrew and Lauren.
Carl let Chrissy and Becky lead the way over to the set of stairs that led up to the large loft space, which was now a long hallway with two doors on one side, and a large set of windows on the other that looked out over the back garden.
Chrissy opened the first door she came to and found herself looking at a beautiful pastel pink bedroom that any girl would love to spend time in. There was a large four poster canopy bed in there that looked identical to the one they had just seen in their new bedroom down stairs.
“Amy? Do you and Amber feel like moving in with us?” Chrissy asked as she saw Amy and Amber enter the room with their mouths hanging open.
“You’d really let us move in with you?” Amy asked with a grin.
“I see it more as moving to a new room.” Chrissy giggled. “Like Carl’s already said. The two houses will be joined pretty soon, and I know you want to be close to Andrew and Lauren.” Chrissy added as she saw how protective Amy was being with the baby.
“Can we move up here baby? Can we, can we?” Amy asked Amber looking all excited about their new bedroom.
“Shall we go and grab our stuff now my love?” Amber grinned back, which soon had Amy trying to kiss and cuddle her, while she still kept hold of Andrew.
“My house is going to be empty again soon.” Mandy said with a pout, but she wasn’t really upset about it.
“It won’t be for long Mandy, and then you will all be living in one very big house with lots of spare rooms.” Carl grinned. “The extension will be two levels, with the upper level being more large bedrooms. I thought you might need it with how Chrissy keeps adding to the family.” Carl chuckled as he looked at Jayden and Callum.
“How long will all this building work take Carl?” Chrissy asked.
“Six to eight weeks the builders have told me, but they are going to leave knocking into the two houses until the very end, so that there will be very little disturbance for the babies while their doing it.” Carl said to put Chrissy’s mind at ease.
“I’m not worried about that Carl; we can always ship the kids off to Mable’s for a couple of days while they do that work.” Chrissy said in a dismissive way as she waved a hand in the air. “I was just wondering how long we would be dashing from one house to the other before we would just have to walk down a hallway.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“If we’re going to be having so much extra space, then would anyone mind if Brad and I started living here?” Ann asked as she looked up at Brad to make sure he didn’t mind.
The girls all said they didn’t mind having Brad around more, and Brad seemed to like the idea, judging by the large grin he was now sporting. Brad wasn’t the only one that ended up moving in, Callum also let the lease end on his place, as he was spending most his time around at Mandy’s with Jayden anyway.
“I think we’ll be saving the poor boys life in the long run anyway.” Amy said with a giggle. “He wouldn’t last long on Ann’s cooking.” She added.
“I think it will be good for Andrew to have some men in the house as well.” Chrissy said as she walked over and kissed a sleeping Andrew on the forehead. “I hope none you mind spending some time with my child as he grows up?” Chrissy asked with a grin, already knowing the answer.
“I can’t speak for Carl or Callum Chrissy, but I will do all I can to help Andrew enjoy growing up.” Brad said as he let Andrew grab his little finger while he slept.
Chrissy knew that Brad spoke the truth; he’d already shown his love of children. Brad had fed and changed diapers more than once. They all knew that Brad would make an amazing dad one day himself.
“You can count on me as well.” Callum said with determination. “I owe Chrissy so much, so helping to raise Andrew to be a perfect little gentleman is the least I can do.” Callum added as he wrapped an arm around Jayden.
“You already know you can count on me Chrissy.” Carl said with a grin. “I like the idea of being Uncle Carl.” He chuckled.
With all that sorted out, they all went back down stairs to finish helping the driver unload the bags from the minibus. Brad took Holly’s things up to her room and then he offered to drive her around to Mable’s, so she could get the rest of it later in the day.
The first thing they all did was go over to Mandy’s house to have drink before they set to work moving the cots and other stuff over to the new house. Chrissy and Amy set to work making the drinks while Brad and Callum set to work moving first the cots, and then they had a drink before starting to help the girls move all their clothes over to the new house.
Holly sat and entertained the babies in their new nursery while the others came and went with arms full after arms full of clothes and other stuff. They soon had most of it moved over, so Chrissy and Becky took a couple of minutes to look around their new bedroom.
“Is it me, or is this room bigger than our old one?” Chrissy asked as she looked around.
“I was just thinking the same thing Chrissy.” Becky said as she looked around. “Not that I care, just as long as I have you here to share it with.” Becky added just before she wrapped her arms around Chrissy’s neck and started kissing her.
“I hope they haven’t made the bathroom smaller.” Chrissy said looking worried when they broke the hug.
“We better go and check.” Becky said looking just as worried. Chrissy let Becky lead the way and she heard her let out a gasp from just inside the room.
“How bad is it baby?” Chrissy asked as she walked into the bathroom with her eyes shut, to scared to look.
“It’s not bad Chrissy, this room looks bigger as well, and the bath is huge!” Becky shouted as she looked at the tub that looked twice the size of the one in their old bathroom.
Chrissy opened one eye, and then soon did the same with the other one when she saw just how big the new bathtub was. “We could almost swim in that thing.” Chrissy said as she stepped a little closer to it.
“We’ll have to allow extra time for filling it up though remember.” Becky pointed out as she also looked at the size of it.
“I’m sure I can find something to keep me occupied while it’s filling up.” Chrissy grinned just before she pulled Becky closer and she started kissing her this time.
Becky started giggling as they played around, but they both knew that they had to finish up putting stuff away so they could go and spend some time with the babies, as well as help sort out some dinner for them all.
Everyone went back over to Mandy’s house and made a start on dinner, while Carl explained about the path and canopy he had planned out with the builders, so Chrissy and the others wouldn’t get wet while walking from one house to the other.
“The path will run from the back entrance here to the back entrance next door, so you can get from house to house.” Carl grinned at his idea. “They will be starting work on it tomorrow, and say they should have it done in a day, but to allow a little extra time depending on the weather this time of year.” Carl warned them all.
“That will be easier than walking all the way out to the main road and then up the drive way to here every morning and evening.” Holly said, sounding relieved about that.
“It’s the only thing I could think of, apart from moving you all to the hotel for the next eight weeks while the work was carried out.” Carl shrugged. “I didn’t think any of you would like that idea much though?” He asked.
“We do like the hotel Carl, but living there for the next eight weeks would drive us all a little mad I think.” Mandy said with a frown. “And besides, I’m looking forward to having you here with me from now on.” Mandy added with a grin as she walked over and sat on Carl’s knee, just before she started kissing him.
“I thought you’d want to wait until we’re married before I moved in.” Carl said in mock horror.
“I think it’s a little late for all that my love.” Mandy purred just before she kissed Carl again. “And I need to keep some one living here with me.” She added between kisses.
Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber started sorting out something for dinner, while Brad went with Holly to collect the rest of her things from Mable’s. Callum went over to help Brad take the things up to Holly’s new room when he saw Brad’s truck return and pull into the driveway next door. The girls were just dishing up when the three of them returned to Mandy’s house.
They all ate dinner and then relaxed in the living room for the rest of the night, until Andrew and Lauren started to fall asleep again, then Chrissy and Becky said it was time to go home and get them to bed, so they could have an early night themselves.
Amy, Amber and Holly went with them, and Mandy and the others all hugged them good night before they left, and said they would be expecting them for breakfast the next morning.
Chrissy found it a little strange being in the new house, but she also knew that soon enough it would just be an extension of the old house, and the going to bed would just be a longer walk through the house, and not outside and across the garden.
Carl had thought of everything in the new nursery, so Chrissy and Becky got the babies down then went back down to the new little kitchen and had a drinking chocolate with Amy. Amber and Holly before they all headed up to bed in their new rooms.
Chrissy walked down to her mum’s room with her, so she could make sure she was okay, and she also wanted to ask her mum for a big favour. “Mum? Would you be able to keep an eye on Andrew and Lauren in the morning for me and Becky, while we take a bubble bath together in the new tub Carl had installed?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“Not a problem dear.” Holly smiled back as she pulled Chrissy into a hug with her. “There are enough of us around to keep an eye on the twins while you and Becky find some alone time together.” Holly added as she broke the hug and looked Chrissy in the eyes.
“Thanks mum, you’re the greatest.” Chrissy said as she hugged her again before she ran off to join Becky in their new bed.
Becky woke the next morning to the sound of water running, so she slid out of bed and walked over to the bathroom and found Chrissy in there filling up the new tub. Chrissy had already ran across and checked on the babies, and they were still fast asleep, but they had woke in the night, and Chrissy and Becky spent an hour feeding them and then playing with them until they fell asleep again.
“Have you looked in on Andrew and Lauren?” Becky asked as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Chrissy, just before kissing her good morning.
“Yes I’ve checked on them, and they are both still fast asleep.” Chrissy smiled just before kissing Becky good morning in return. “Mum’s going to keep an eye on them for us, while we take a bath together.” Chrissy added as she started taking Becky’s clothes off for her.
They were both soon in the water laying side by side, the tub was that big. Chrissy saw some buttons on the top of the tub next to the taps, so she pushed a couple and soon was giggling as water jets came on and felt really good against their skin.
“I could get use to this my love.” Chrissy purred as she relaxed in the water again with the jets relaxing her muscles.
Chrissy and Becky were soon reluctantly getting back out, so they could get dressed and go next door to help sort out some breakfast.
Amy. Amber and Holly were all in the nursery playing with Andrew and Lauren. They were all dressed and ready to head next door for some breakfast. With the twins in their carrycots, and the others with their coats on they left the house by the front door and then walked down the drive and up the other to the front door where Chrissy used her key to let them all in.
Mandy and Carl were sat at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of tea when they all entered the kitchen. Mandy smiled as she watched Chrissy run over and give her a hug.
“How was your first night in the new part of the house?” Mandy asked with a grin.
“It was great, but I’ll be glad when I don’t have to get all dressed up like this, just to get breakfast.” Chrissy giggled as she took her coat off and the scarf she’s put on.
The others all took their coats and gloves off before they set to work on breakfast. Holly got stuck in helping them while Mandy and Carl were left with a baby on each of their knees. They were soon joined by the others and they all sat around the table waiting for breakfast to be served up.
Carl had handed Andrew over to Jayden when he heard the front doorbell. He knew it would be the builders turning up to make a start on the extension and the covered path from one back door to the other. He showed them the way and they were soon making a start on it.
They all ate breakfast, then Chrissy poked her head out the back door and asked if any of the builders wanted a nice hot cup of coffee or tea. All the builders asked for Coffee, so Chrissy made a couple of large flasks, and then put her coat on so she could take it out to them. It was a cold day, but the sun was out, so it still looked nice out. The builders were all grateful for the hot drink, and they all thanked her.
The girls kept them full of hot drinks and even made them mugs of soup at lunchtime. This soon made them good friends to all the builders and they all seemed to work that little bit faster. By the end of the first day, they had a covered path that led from one house to the other, so the girls wouldn’t get wet if the weather was bad. The builders had even added some lamps along the way so they could see if it got dark.
The wall and hedge that had divided the two gardens had gone, and there was a deep hole between the two housed by the time the builders knocked off.
“They sure got a lot done for saying it is only the end of the first day.” Brad said as he stood next to Ann and the others as they all wanted to check out the builder’s progress.
The others all agreed as they looked at the space between the two houses. None of them had realised just how big this extension was going to be until now. The space between the two houses was larger than the houses themselves, so the whole thing once complete would be massive.
“I think we might need a couple of golf buggies to get from one end of the house to the other once it’s done.” Chrissy giggled.
“True, but we will all be living under one very big roof sis.” Mandy giggled as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy and kissed her on the cheek.
They all went back inside to have some dinner before they all went to try out the new path out back and sit by the pool to enjoy a glass of wine.
By SaraUK
Part 35
The building work took a little over nine weeks, but none of them could complain about any of it. The two houses were now just one much larger house with a beautiful large kitchen right next to a massive dining room where they could entertain a large number of people.
They also had a new living room in the new part of the house, so it was between the two older parts of the house, or houses as it was. Brad and Ann had moved to one of the larger bedrooms in the new part of the house, and Brad enjoyed spending time in the gym before taking a quick swim before breakfast.
Amy loved getting up and being able to take a swim before breakfast, she was joined by some of the others, Becky being the main one to swim and also spend some time in the gym with Brad and Carl. Becky was eager to get back in shape after having the babies, so she looked her best for Ann and Brad’s wedding which was now fast approaching.
Chrissy loved to join Amy in the pool, but neither of them was interested in doing any sort of working out. The others thought it was because they might begin to look like men again, not that either of them ever did in the first place, but the swimming seemed to be keeping them in shape, so they didn’t push the issue.
Holly would entertain the twins in their highchairs in the morning why the others swam or worked out. Holly had fallen into the role of mother to them all, and spent most her time in the new kitchen sorting out the meals. Holly and Becky would go and do the shopping with Brad tagging along to handle all the heavy lifting.
Amy and Amber had celebrated their one year anniversary of being married a couple of weeks back, and Chrissy had just celebrated another birthday last week, so the next big thing Chrissy needed to sort out was Brad’s stag night, or more stag day, as she was going to have a fun filled day planned out for him and his friends from the club.
Chrissy was going to make it a Sunday, so it would mean they could all go if they wanted to. Chrissy had spoke with Carl about her ideas and he was all for it.
“Are you sure you want to come along Chrissy?” Carl asked. “I don’t think it will be a very fun day for you. I could make sure it all went okay.” He added.
“I’m playing the part of best man, so I need to be there to make sure he has a good time.” Chrissy pointed out one Sunday morning as she sat feeding Lauren and Andrew with her mums help.
“I can understand your need to be there Chrissy, but Go-Kart racing and Paintballing don’t fall into your normal everyday life Chrissy.” Carl said with some worry in his voice. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” He added with more worry.
“You scared a little girl might show you all up?” Chrissy asked with a playful pout.
“No! But it will be fun watching you in a Go-Kart.” Carl chuckled.
“Have you told Brad and Frank what you have planned for Brad’s stag day?” Holly asked with a grin.
“Nope, I wanted to keep them guessing right up until the day.” Chrissy giggled. “I think Frank is still worried I’m going to have them all dressed as fairies for the day while we go around pubs and clubs.” Chrissy giggled some more.
“I for one am very impressed with what you’ve sorted out Chrissy.” Carl said looking proud of her. “I hope that Vic can do something just as exciting for my stag night.” Carl added with a grin.
“Sadly I can’t be your best man, and be Mandy’s maid of honour at the same time.” Chrissy grinned as she thought about Mandy asking her to be her maid of honour.
“Its best woman Chrissy and I would never try and take you away from Mandy on her big day.” Carl grinned at the little joke they all used for her being Brad’s best woman as they called it. They all said it was like being the best man, but with extra woo.
Chrissy had sorted out for them all to go Go-Kart racing in the morning, and then they would be going Paintballing after lunch, which Chrissy had set up for them with Carl’s help. Then she was taking them all to a special club Carl knew about, where Chrissy had a little surprise set up for Brad.
Brad and Ann’s wedding was set for the second weekend in April, so Chrissy had Brad’s stag day set for the following Sunday, so she could then help Amy with Ann’s hen night out which would be the following Saturday. Chrissy said she wouldn’t mind missing the hen night if they wanted to do it on the same weekend, but none of the girls wanted to have a night out if Chrissy wasn’t with them, and they didn’t think it fair on Chrissy to do the hen night on the Saturday, and then Brad’s stag do on the Sunday.
The next week went fast, and Chrissy found herself being grilled for information at the club on the Tuesday and the Saturday, but Chrissy just smiled at everyone who asked her what she had planned for the Sunday. Carl had sorted out a minibus to take them all, and he would be driving, so only him and Chrissy knew all the details.
Chrissy got up and had an early breakfast with Becky and the babies. She was going to miss them the most today. “Are you sure you’ll be okay without me here?” Chrissy asked while they sat feeding Lauren and Andrew their breakfast of weetabix.
“We’ll be fine baby.” Becky giggled. “We’ll miss you like mad, but we’ll be here when you get home later.” Becky said as she gave Chrissy a peck on the cheek. Both babies giggled and reached out to get a hug from both their mummies.
Chrissy hadn’t got dressed yet, so she didn’t mind hugging the two cereal camouflaged kids sat in their highchairs. “You’re supposed to eat this stuff, not wear it.” Chrissy cooed as she hugged each of them. Both the babies just giggled as they threw even more of it around.
“You better go and get dressed, or you will never be at the club to meet the others on time.” Becky said with a sigh as she looked at the time.
Chrissy gave Becky a hug and a kiss, which left her now covered in cereal, and then she ran off giggling as she looked back and saw Becky trying to wipe off the food she’d just covered her in.
Carl and Callum were also leaving with Chrissy from the house, as was Brad, but all the others would be meeting them outside the club at eight, so Chrissy got ready and met the other three down in the main hallway. They were going to pick up Vic and David on the way.
“So are you ready for a fun day then Brad?” Chrissy asked with a grin when she saw the worried look on his face.
“That depends on your idea of a fun day Chrissy?” Brad asked looking even more worried now.
“That, you will just have to wait and see.” Chrissy giggled as she led them out the house and over to the minibus that Carl had brought back with him the day before.
The front door and main hallway was now in the middle of the new section of the house, and Carl had got the builders to remove and brick up the old front doors in the two houses.
Chrissy still found it odd when she looked at the house now, as it looked very little like the one she first moved into all those years ago. She did love living with the others though, and having her mum under the same roof looking after them all with her amazing cooking.
“Do you want me to drive boss?” Brad asked as he held out his hand to take the keys off Carl.
“I’ve got it Brad, just sit back and relax.” Carl smirked.
“That’s easy for you to say Carl. You know what she has planned for us all.” Brad grumbled as he got in the back with Callum, while Chrissy rode up front with Carl.
“Trust me Brad when I say that I haven’t sorted out anything that you and your friends won’t enjoy.” Chrissy smiled.
Carl was soon driving out the new driveway that he’d had put in to combine the two front gardens into one large garden and driveway. Carl was heading over to Mable’s first. So they could pick up Vic and David, then they would head over to the club to pick up the rest of them. Frank was going to meet them at the club, due to him living on the other side of the city to where Chrissy and the others lived.
Vic and David were stood outside waiting for them when Carl pulled up in the minibus, so they jumped in and Carl was soon driving towards the club.
“So do we finally find out what the big plan is for the day?” Vic asked with a grin.
“I’ve got us all booked in for a spa treatment, and then I thought we could paint each other’s nails before hitting the club for a fun evening out.” Chrissy said it in her best ditsy blonde voice.
Brad and the others would have been worried, but Chrissy was so bad at lying, that even they could all tell it wasn’t true.
“So we still have no idea what she’s got planned for any of us then?” Vic frowned. Even he’d been kept in the dark by Carl about what was going to happen today.
Carl was soon pulling up outside the club where Frank was stood waiting with nine other men all of which worked at the club with Brad and Frank. Chrissy had heard from a couple of the others that Frank had said only a valid death certificate would be acceptable as a reason for not turning up for Brad’s stag day.
Frank had heard some rumours after Chrissy measured everybody up for their race suits, helmets and paintballing gear that some wanted to drop out. Chrissy was still having fun keeping them all in the dark about what she and Carl had planned out for the day.
“Hi Frank, hi everyone.” Chrissy smiled as they all climbed into the minibus and took a seat. “I hope you’re all ready to have a fun packed day?” Chrissy asked with a bigger smile.
“Hi Chrissy!” They all said looking a little worried about what evil plan Chrissy had install for them.
“Where we heading first then Chrissy?” Frank asked for the group.
“You’ll see when we get there Frank.” Chrissy smiled as she turned around again to face the front and look out the windscreen as Carl pulled away from the curb.
Everyone settled down when they realised that whatever Chrissy had planned was going to be a surprise. Some of the bouncers started talking to Chrissy and asking how the twins were doing, and she told them some of the funny thing they had done, even the food they seemed to like wearing more than eating.
“I never did grow out of doing that.” John, one the bouncers said with a chuckle.
They were a friendly bunch, but to look at them, you wouldn’t think so most the time. A couple of them were already married and had kids of their own, so Chrissy asked if they had any photo’s she could look at, and they were soon passing them around.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about something Chrissy, if you don’t mind me asking?” Dan, another bouncer asked looking a little worried.
“What is it you want to know Dan?” Chrissy asked sounding nervous. She was worried that he might want to know if she really was once a man, not that Chrissy ever saw herself as one in the first place. She always had trouble answering that question.
“Brad’s told me that you, Becky, Amy and Amber are really good at putting birthday parties together, and I was wondering just how much they work out at?” Dan asked. “My little Penny will be six next month, and I want to throw her a nice party, but don’t know where to start.” Dan added with a sigh.
“Dan’s wife was killed a couple of years back by a drunk driver, so he’s trying to raise Penny on his own.” Frank added as he patted Dan on the back.
“Who’s looking after her today for you Dan?” Chrissy asked.
“My mum looks after her for me most the time.” Dan smiled. “She was the one that forced me to come out today; she said I needed a day out with the lads.” Dan added with a chuckle.
“Sounds like a wise woman Dan.” Chrissy giggled. “You’ll have a great time once we get there.” Chrissy added with a wink.
“I trust I will Chrissy, so do you think you’ll be able to help me plan a birthday party for my little Penny?” Dan asked looking hopeful.
“Consider it a done deal Dan, and it will be my treat to your little Penny.” Chrissy grinned.
“I can’t ask you to pay for it all Chrissy, just let me know what I owe you.” Dan tried to argue with her.
“Just spend some extra money on your daughter Dan, and let me worry about the party.” Chrissy said in a firm voice that Dan had heard her use while she helped out at the club when Becky was still pregnant.
Dan went to argue some more, but stopped when Frank spoke up. “I’d give up if I was you Dan. That girl will get her way, and your little Penny is in for one amazing birthday party.” Frank said as he patted Dan on the back.
Chrissy got her diary out and made a note of the date, and then made some details for what Penny liked and disliked. Chrissy soon had a plan forming for the party, and Chrissy found out that Penny loved anything to do with Tinkerbell. Chrissy and the others had done this theme a couple of times, so they already had costumes to wear.
“I hope you don’t mind Dan, but I would like to meet with Penny and your mum before the big day, so I can make sure I won’t be upsetting your mum by doing all this.” Chrissy said after she’d made some notes of things she would need to sort out.
“Sure, not a problem Chrissy. My mum has wanted to meet you for some time now anyway. She’s eager to meet the twins as well.” Dan grinned.
“Your mum knows about me, and she wanted to meet me?” Chrissy asked looking worried again. “What have you told her about me Dan?”
“Nothing bad Chrissy.” Dan said in a calming voice. “Just how beautiful you are as you walk around the club with Becky, and how totally bad ass you can be if someone tries to lay a hand on your wife.” Dan added with a grin.
“You told your mum about me sorting out the guy that slapped Becky’s backside?” Chrissy almost squealed she was that shocked at what stories he’d been telling his mum about her.
“Yes, but she still wants to meet you.” Dan chuckled. “My mum and I talk a lot and I always seem to be a little happier when you’ve been at the club, because you always make me smile, even when I don’t feel like it.” Dan added with a sigh.
Chrissy didn’t know what to say to that, she’d been told in the past that her just entering a room could make people feel better, but she never thought that she did anything special, Chrissy just hated to see someone look gloomy, so she went out of her way to talk to them and then see if she could make them feel any better. Chrissy had walked around with Dan at the club, or more to the point Dan had walked around with Chrissy while she helped out. She must have done more to make Dan cheer up than she first thought. Chrissy was suddenly worried that Dan might have feeling for her that went beyond friendship.
“You do remember that I’m married to Becky right Dan? And I don’t... You know?” Chrissy couldn't find the words to tell him that she wasn’t interested in doing anything more than just helping to plan a birthday party with him.
Dan looked at her a little puzzled for a couple of seconds before he realised what Chrissy was getting at, then his mouth fell open and he started waving his arms around in a panic. “I didn’t mean any of it to sound like that Chrissy! I just mean you’re an amazing person, and I think of you as a friend.” Dan shot out. “Nothing more than that, promise.” Dan added with some pleading in his voice.
“Oh, I see. Sorry then, I was just being silly.” Chrissy giggled nervously as she went a little red in the face.
“Don’t get me wrong Chrissy, if I didn’t know you were with Becky, and very happy together. I’d be asking you out, as I know most men would be.” Dan said with pride.
Chrissy blushed some more, but was saved from having to respond to Dan’s complement by Frank. “I think you better quit while you’re ahead, or still have a job Dan.” Frank chuckled.
“Sorry Frank, but I was just calling it like it is.” Dan said as he smiled at Chrissy in an apologetic way.
They didn’t get to say anymore because Carl pulled into a large car park outside a much larger building that finally told all the others what the first part of the day would have them all doing.
“We’re going Go-Karting?!” Some of the guys shouted at the same time. Chrissy took all the smiles and grins to mean they all approved of her plans so far, so she got out with some help from Frank, who had opened the side door and jumped out so he could help Chrissy down.
“Thanks Frank.” Chrissy smiled as Frank placed her on the floor. “I hope you like Go-Karting?” She asked as she looked up at him.
“I’ve never tried it before, but it looks like fun.” Frank grinned, happy that he wasn’t going to be doing girly things all day. “Was this the reason for you taking everyone’s measurements then?” Frank asked as all the pieces started to fall into place.
“Part of it, but I have some other things planned out for later in the day.” Chrissy said with a devious grin, just before she walked off to catch up with Carl, so the two of them could go and get everyone booked in and sorted out.
Frank was a little worried again now, he knew only too well how devious Chrissy could be, and he wasn’t ruling out them all doing something girlie before the day was over, but he was going to enjoy this little part of the day if nothing else.
Chrissy and Carl had ordered and brought all the gear they would need to go racing. Chrissy didn’t want to be wearing a helmet and clothes that some stranger had worn, and she’d already called and found out that the Karting centre didn’t carry most the guy’s sizes in the race suits and helmets either, so Carl had sorted all new gear out.
Chrissy had hired the track for the whole morning, so the guy in the reception area knew who they were as soon as Chrissy and Carl walked in. He even had all the clothing and helmets sat waiting for them.
Everyone grabbed their gear and went to get changed. Chrissy felt a little lonely, being the only girl there, she had to get changed in a room on her own. She did giggle though when she walked back out and got a round of wolf whistles when they all saw her in the tight fitting race suit she was now wearing.
“Only you could make one of these things look sexy.” Frank chuckled as he looked down at the race suit he was now wearing, that only just fit him.
“I can’t believe she’s going to have a go at driving a Go-Kart.” Vic said looking worried. He could still remember the time he tried to give Chrissy and Amy a driving lesson and they nearly crashed his car into a line of shopping trolleys in the supermarket car park.
“I’m thinking of getting you to give me some more driving lessons if I do okay today Vic.” Chrissy said with a grin as she watched what little colour Vic had left drain from his face.
“I don’t care if you drive perfectly and beat us all without hitting a single thing Chrissy, I am not letting you behind the wheel of my car ever again.” Vic said in a firm voice.
“I’ll just have to get one of the others to teach me then.” Chrissy said with a pout, as she looked around at all the others. None of them wanted to make eye contact with Chrissy as she looked around the group. Chrissy’s eyes settled on Carl. “I bet you’d teach me, wouldn’t you Carl?”
“I’ll be the first to own up to you being very good at a lot of things Chrissy, but sadly driving will never be one of them.” Carl said looking worried at the very thought of being in a car with Chrissy behind the wheel.
Chrissy was just playing around with them, so she started to giggle at the worried looks they all had at the thought of her being on the road. “I guess I’ll just have to keep bugging all of you for lifts then?” She sighed.
“I’ll be more than happy to drive you any place you want to go Chrissy, just call me any time day or night.” Vic said with his hand on his heart.
“Same goes for me too baby sister.” Brad said as he walked over and wrapped one of his large arms around Chrissy’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug with him. “Thanks for sorting all this out as well. This is going to be so much fun.” He added with a grin.
“I’m sure you’ll like the rest of the day just as much, big brother.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked up at him.
They were soon being shown what to do and which way to go around the track by the owner of the track and a couple of other man that worked there at the centre. Chrissy was going to practice on a smaller training circuit before she joined the others on the main track. Callum and Carl said they would keep her company while she got use to driving the Go-Kart.
Brad had just got in his Go-Kart and put his helmet on when he saw Chrissy run over and then stick something to each side of his helmet, so he took it back off and had to chuckle when he saw that Chrissy had a set of antlers designed to stick onto a crash helmet.
“You can’t be a stag without them.” Chrissy giggled just before she ran back to her Go-Kart on the other track.
Chrissy watched for a couple of minutes as the others all started racing each other around the track, then she got in her Go-Kart and started off around the track very slowly to start with, but she was soon having a little race with Carl and Callum. After half an hour the man keeping an eye on her, Carl and Callum waved her in and said she was ready to show the others how it was done.
Due to Chrissy being a lot lighter than all the others, she was able to keep up, and even over take some of them. The only way they were able to beat her was on the bends, where she didn’t have any practical road skills to draw on, but she made up for that on the straight parts of the track with her raw speed.
Some of the others started to get very competitive, so Chrissy decided to pull into the pit and call it a day, so she could sit and watch the others race. She’d not been sat down very long when a marshal walked over and sat down next to her. Chrissy was distracted by the racing, so wasn’t thinking straight when the man asked her a question.
“Which one’s your boyfriend then?” The man asked with a smile.
“None of them, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Chrissy said with a smile before she realised what she’d just said. Chrissy knew that the man was just fishing for info on her, and if she had a boyfriend in the first place, and now she’d just made him smile even more.
“So how come you’ve been stuck hanging out with all these blokes then?” The man asked. “Some sort of office outing or something like that?” He added.
“No, I’m here in the role of best man. This is his stag day, so I brought them all here.” Chrissy smiled. “I introduced him to his soon to be wife, and he asked me to be his best man so to speak.” Chrissy added with a grin. “I left my partner at home looking after the babies.” Chrissy added to let the man know that he would be wasting his time to try and hit on her, hoping for a date.
“Oh, so you’re married then?” The man asked looking crest fallen now he knew that Chrissy wasn’t on the market.
“Yep! Very happily married with two children back at home.” Chrissy said with a big grin as she showed the man her wedding ring. Chrissy left out the part about her being married to a very beautiful woman, she already knew that never went over to well with people when they found out.
“I’ll leave you to carry on watching the racing then, and get back to work before I’m looking for a new job.” The man said as he got up and walked away.
Chrissy was glad to see him leave, and she was even happier to see Callum and Carl walk over and join her on the seats next to the track.
“You two had enough already?” Chrissy asked with a smile as they both sat down either side of her to stop anyone else from walking over and trying to chat her up.
“They’re all getting a little too competitive for my taste.” Carl said with a frown. “So I thought I’d join you up here where I can watch them try to kill each other.” Carl added with a chuckle as he watched Frank force one of the other guys off the track on a bend.
“Same here, they race dirty.” Callum chuckled as he took his seat. “I see you were making a new friend, is everything okay?” Callum added as he looked over to where the man was now stood chatting to another couple of guys.
“Yes, fine. I think he was hoping to score and impress his mates, but I stopped him dead in his tracks with the marriage card.” Chrissy smiled as she held up her hand with the wedding ring on the finger again.
“He’s got some guts trying to chat you up with all them around.” Callum said as he pointed out at the track where all the guys were still racing each other. “I’m surprised at how well you cope with it all as well Chrissy.” Callum added.
“I probably would have been more scared if I’d been on my own, but I could see you and Carl pitting in, and Brad, Frank and the others are only a shout away, so I knew I was safe enough to blow him off.” Chrissy shrugged. “And don’t forget that I can take care of myself.” She added with a grin.
“It’s hard to forget you going all Nikita on someone Chrissy.” Callum chuckled. “But you should still be careful.” He added with some worry in his voice.
“Does this mean you worry about me Callum?” Chrissy asked with a pout as she rested her head on his shoulder, just before she started to giggle.
“I’m hurt that you even have to ask that Chrissy.” Callum huffed. “I always worry about you, and what Jayden and the others would do if I ever let anything happen to you while I was around.” He added, looking even more worried.
“Thanks for worrying about me Callum, and I will scream really loud if I get in any more trouble, just so you can run in and play the hero.” Chrissy grinned as she battered her eyelashes at him.
“You’re nuts, do you know that?” Callum chuckled as he pushed Chrissy with his shoulder.
Chrissy just giggled some more as she pushed him back. “So I keep getting told, but the voices in my head keep saying that everyone is just jealous that the voices don’t speak to them.” Chrissy said in a whisper with a strange look on her face.
Callum just gave her a strange look in return, and then he burst out laughing, which set Chrissy and Carl off.
“Did you enjoy your little race on the track then Chrissy?” Carl asked once they all stopped laughing. “You looked really good, and fast out there.” He added with a shocked look on his face at just how quick she’d picked it all up.
“Yes it was fun, but I’m not a big lover of speed, or wearing them helmets.” Chrissy said as she screwed her face up. “It messed my hair up!” She added with a pout, but was soon grinning and giggling again.
“They should ban all sports that mess your hair up Chrissy.” Carl teased as he looked horrified.
“They should, just as long as they never class sex as a sport, then I would just live with keeping away from the ones that I’m not keen on.” Chrissy giggled.
Carl and Callum soon caught on to what Chrissy was getting at and they both started laughing along with her. Neither of them could see Becky letting sex be put on a banned sports list either.
They all sat watching the others race for a bit. They could spot Brad pretty easy due to the antlers stuck to his helmet as he shot past them lapping some of the others. “I think this part of the day gets the thumbs up Chrissy.” Carl said with a grin.
“What else do you have planned for today? If you don’t mind me asking.” Callum said as he looked at Chrissy and Carl.
“I think its best you find out later with the others Callum.” Chrissy grinned. “I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m playing favourites.” She added.
“I wouldn’t say anything to them Chrissy.” Callum whined. “I just think it’s going to be hard to top this.” He added as he pointed down at the track and the others driving around racing each other.
“I think I’ve got it covered.” Chrissy said looking confident with herself. “I’m looking forward to evening the playing field a little bit as well.” Chrissy added with a grin as she gave Callum a devious look.
Callum looked very worried all of a sudden, but still had no idea what Chrissy was talking about. He just knew that whatever it is they were doing next, it wouldn’t be as fun for him as it was going to be for Chrissy.
Chrissy was looking forward to being on the other team to what Callum would be on when they went paintballing, so she could get some revenge for all the times he picked on her back at school, even if it was only in a playful way using paint as a weapon.
Callum realised that Chrissy and Carl weren’t going to tell him any more details about the rest of the day, so he just relaxed and watched the others keep racing until it was time to come in and declare a winner. It didn’t come as a shock to anyone that Brad had won hands down by lapping everyone on the track. Frank came second after he ran a couple of the others off the track to gain second spot.
“You all get to keep the race gear and helmets as a reminder of the day.” Chrissy told them as they were all making their way to the changing room. “Don’t take too long getting changed; we have a lunch date at a local restaurant.” Chrissy added just before she walked into her own little private changing room.
Chrissy never knew, but Frank and Carl had made a couple of the guys hang around just outside the room she was in, just to make sure she didn’t have any trouble with the staff from the Karting track. Carl had seen a couple of them keeping a close eye on Chrissy while they watched the others race. They seemed to be watching her as she walked into her changing room as well, so Carl decided to play it safe and remove any chance for them to gang up on her and try anything. Brad, Frank and Carl were all stood waiting for her when she came out dressed in her street clothes again, so she never did find out what they did.
“Thanks for doing all this Chrissy.” Brad said with a grin. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” He added as he picked Chrissy up in a big hug.
“I’m glad you liked it Brad, but we’re only a third of the way through the day yet.” Chrissy grinned.
“You could call it a day right now, and I would be happy with what you’ve done Chrissy, but I know that you would have a full day planned out for me, so lead the way to the next part of this adventure.” Brad said as he put Chrissy back down and let her lead him and the others back out to the minibus and the next stop on the stag day.
They got all the race gear packed away in the back of the minibus and then got in and let Carl drive again, as he made his way to the restaurant he’d booked a room at for them all to eat. They were all hungry after the busy morning. Carl was soon pulling into a car park outside a pub/restaurant and they all got out and made their way in.
“Help yourself to as much food as you want, but please refrain from ordering alcohol at the minute, as you will need all your wits about you for the next part of the day.” Chrissy said as she and Carl led them into a large private room where there was a large table set up with a buffet style lunch.
None of them questioned Chrissy on the subject, and they all ordered cola, orange juice and water to go with the meal. They were all soon talking about the morning and how much fun it had been. They all held up a glass to cheer Chrissy when Frank spoke up.
“I’ll be the first to admit that I was a little worried when Chrissy started planning out this stag day for Brad, but I must also admit when I am wrong, and I must say that you’ve done a bang up job so far Chrissy.” Frank said as he raised his glass. “To Chrissy! The best man for the job is always a woman!” He shouted.
“To Chrissy!” All the others shouted as they lifted their glasses up in a toast to her. Chrissy just blushed and hid her face in her hands as she giggled.
“Thanks guys, I just hope you’re as happy with the rest of the day.” Chrissy finally said when they all started shouting for her to stand up and give a speech.
None of them looked worried about what Chrissy had planned for the rest of the day, not after the fun morning they’d just had. Chrissy finished eating before the other’s had, so she got up from the table, so she could go and call Becky and see how she and the babies were doing.
“Is everything alright Chrissy?” Carl asked as Chrissy got up from the table.
“Its fine Carl, I just want to call Bec’s and see how Andrew and Lauren are doing.” Chrissy smiled at him, just before she left the table and went outside to make the call where it was a little more private, and a lot less noisy.
Becky was just sat on the rug in the living room watching Andrew and Lauren play with some coloured blocks on the floor when she heard her mobile start ringing, so she snatched it off the coffee table and looked to see who it was calling her. Becky started grinning when she saw it was Chrissy.
“Hi Baby! How was the Go-Kart racing?” Becky asked with excitement in her voice.
“Hi Bec’s, it was fun, but Vic still won’t give me driving lessons.” Chrissy replied with the sound of a pout in her voice. “How are Andrew and Lauren doing?” Chrissy asked with some pain in her voice, due to her missing them like mad.
“They’re both doing just fine my love, but I’m missing you.” Becky said sounding sad. “Mummies on the phone, do you want to speak to mummy?” Becky cooed as she looked down at the two babies on the activity mat they were lying on.
Chrissy could suddenly hear two little giggling and cooing sounds coming down the phone at her, and then she could hear Becky telling Andrew that he couldn’t put the phone in his mouth. Chrissy giggled as she suddenly missed them all even more.
“Did you hear all of that, babe?” Becky’s voice suddenly said down the phone again. “I was trying to let them hear your voice, but all Andrew wanted to do was see what it tasted like.” Becky added with a giggle.
“Yes I heard them both sounding so happy, do they even realise I’m not there?” Chrissy asked with some sadness in her voice.
“I think they do, but they are still too young to have any concept of time, well anything past feeding time anyway.” Becky giggled. “I’m missing you though, that must count for something?” Becky asked with a pout.
“It does baby! I wish that I’d invited some of you along with me, but it wouldn’t have been much of a stag day then would it?” Chrissy said with a sigh. “I’ll just have to settle for getting some payback on Callum for all the times he picked on me back at school.” Chrissy added as she thought about the paintballing they would be doing a little later.
“You be careful this afternoon.” Becky said sounding worried now. “I’ve been told that those paintball bullets, or whatever they are called, can really hurt and leave bruises.” Becky added with even more worry in her voice.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be wearing extra padding, and I’m also going to make sure I have Brad and Frank on my team.” Chrissy giggled down the phone. “I’ll just hide behind them when I see danger.” She added with a grin in her voice.
Becky giggled as she thought of Brad and Frank taking fire to protect Chrissy from being hit. “That does make me feel a little better about it all, but I will still be worried all afternoon.” Becky said. “I want a call from you just as soon as this madness is done with, and you’re safe again.” Becky added in a bossy voice.
“Yes boss.” Chrissy giggled down the phone. “I’ll call and let you know I got through it alive, but if I don’t make it, tell the kids I love them, and I went down fighting.” Chrissy said in a dramatic voice.
“If anything happens to you this afternoon, you won’t be the only one going down fighting.” Becky warned.
“It’s just paintballing baby, and the worse that will happen is I get a couple of bruises.” Chrissy said in a calm voice, hoping to calm Becky down a little bit. “I’ll call you as soon as we finish playing.” Chrissy added.
“Okay babe, just remember that this is the one time it’s okay to just run away and hide though.” Becky offered her as a pointer. “Think like a sniper and use your small size to sneak up on them.” Becky added.
“You’re taking all this stuff way to serious Bec’s.” Chrissy said sounding worried. “It’s only a bit of fun.” Chrissy added with a giggle.
“Trust me Chrissy, they will all be playing to win, and I want you to be on the winning team, so do as I say.” Becky ordered.
Chrissy found herself thinking about the Go-Kart racing this morning, and how competitive that had got, so she thought that Becky could have a good point. “I’ll be super sneaky and run away if things look bad my love.” Chrissy said. “I better see about going back inside now, and see if they have all finished eating.” Chrissy added with a sigh.
“Okay babe, love you, and keep safe.” Becky said as she blew Chrissy a kiss down the phone.
“I love you more, and I’ll do my best to keep safe. Bye my love.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she returned the kiss just before ending the call.
Chrissy had just put her phone back in her purse when she heard a male voice from just behind her, but it didn’t sound like anyone she knew. She spun round to find two men stood just behind her looking a little drunk.
“How about you giving me and my friend here one of them kisses?” One of the men asked with a slur to his voice.
“How can someone be that drunk on Sunday lunchtime?” Chrissy found herself thinking, but she didn’t say it out loud. “I’m sorry but you’re not my type.” Chrissy said instead as she went to walk around the two men and return to the others.
“Hold on a minute love.” The man said as he grabbed Chrissy’s arm to stop her walking away. “How do you know that if you’ve never kissed me?” He asked as he moved his head closer to her, just like he was about to give it a go.
Chrissy was getting worried now, and all the training that Jo had given her, didn’t seem to cover taking on two drunken men at the same time. Either way, she wasn’t about to let some drunken man and his friend have their way with her. “If you want to ever have kids, I really wouldn’t try to kiss me, asshole.” Chrissy said, trying to sound more pissed off than scared, as she stepped back away from the man holding her arm.
“You’re a bit of a tiger aren’t you?” The man said, not really looking too worried with Chrissy’s threat. “Just one little kiss for me and my friend, that’s not too much to ask for is it?” He asked as he leaned forward some more.
Chrissy looked relieved when she saw Brad and Frank step up behind the two men, blocking out the sun as they did so. “It is if the lady doesn’t know you.” Brad said into the man’s ear as he bent down a little to the smaller mans height.
“Look pal, keep your nose out of it, or you’ll get hurt.” The man said as he started to turn around to look at the man that had just spoken to him.
Chrissy couldn’t see the colour drain from the man’s face, as he had his back to her now, but she had a pretty good idea he’d just bitten off more than he could chew by the sudden change in the tone of his voice.
“You and your asshole of a friend corner my baby sister, with plans to kiss her, and you want me to keep my nose out of it?” Brad growled. “Do you really think for one second that that will happen?” Brad added as he went nose to nose with the man.
“Joe. Go and get the others quick!” The man said as he took a quick look at his friend who had backed away from Brad and Frank. “You may think you’re a tough guy, but I’ve got friends too you know.” The man added with a little confidence back in his voice.
Chrissy had made her way around the man and was now stood just behind Frank. “Chrissy, go and tell the others we have a little problem out here.” Frank said over his shoulder. Chrissy was soon running back into the private room where they had been having there meal.
Carl and some of the others were just getting up as Chrissy ran back into the room looking worried. “What’s wrong Chrissy?” Carl asked when he saw the look on her face.
“Brad and Frank are in trouble, need help now.” Chrissy said as she tried to get her breath back after the short run.
Everyone was on their feet and heading for the door Chrissy had just run in a couple of seconds earlier. Chrissy stepped back and let them all pass her before she followed behind with Carl one side of her and Callum the other. Vic and David were following just behind.
“What happened Chrissy?” Carl asked.
“I was just chatting with Becky and the babies when some guys came up behind me. One of them looked really drunk and wanted me to kiss him, but Brad and Frank turned up to stop them.” Chrissy said close to tears now. “The man sent his friend to get more help to sort Frank and Brad out. This is all my fault.” Chrissy started sobbing.
“Hey! Don’t talk like that Chrissy.” Carl said as he stopped walking and pulled Chrissy to a stop as well. “Just because you’re a beautiful young woman, it doesn’t give any and all assholes a reason to think they have a chance with you.” Carl added in a firm voice.
“I never should have been where they could corner me like they did.” Chrissy tried to argue.
“Let’s just get out and stop Brad and Frank from killing someone, then we can talk some more about all this.” Carl said as he started leading Chrissy back out to where she’d left Frank and Brad.
All the guys from the club were now lined up facing the drunken man and his friend, but also there was about twelve other men stood with them. Brad and Frank seemed to be speaking with one of the other men, while a couple of other guys were holding the drunken man further back. Everything looked pretty calm. Frank was even smiling at the man from the other group.
“I’m sorry if Dave upset you and your friend Frank.” The man who looked to be in charge of the other group said. “He can be a dick, but normally he’s pretty harmless with it.” The man added as he frowned at the drunken man still being held.
“It’s not me and Brad he upset Geoff, he was about to do god knows what to Brad’s baby sister there.” Frank said as he pointed over to Chrissy who had just walked back out the pub with Carl and Callum.
“Joe told me what he did, and I am sorry for that too. Please feel free to do what you want to him, I’m sick of dragging his ass out of things.” Geoff said as he indicated for the two men holding him, to let him go.
“Come on Geoff, we can take them.” The drunken man said with a slur to his speech.
“This one is all yours Dave.” Geoff said as he stepped back, and so did all the other men in his group.
Dave didn’t look so cocky anymore, not now he was left facing Brad and the others all on his own. “Shall we do this then?” Brad asked with a grin.
“What?! I wouldn’t last two seconds against you.” Dave almost squealed.
“Okay, let’s make this fair on you then shall we Dave.” Brad smiled. “Why don’t you pick someone from my side to fight, and that way it will be fair.” Brad added as he stepped aside to let Dave look at everyone in the group.
“I can pick anyone in your group to fight?” Dave asked looking cocky again.
“Yes, anyone.” Brad said.
“I’ll choose her then!” Dave said as he pointed right at Chrissy with a grin on his face.
“Dave! That’s a girl. A man would never hit a girl!” Geoff barked out.
“Well he’s not much of a man though is he?” Chrissy spat out with anger in her voice now. “I’m game if he is.” She added as she stepped forward.
“You don’t need to do this Chrissy.” Brad said as he stepped in front of her. “If he’s willing to fight a girl rather than one of us, then he’s not worth breaking a nail over.” He added.
“I’m not planning on fighting him Brad, just teaching him a lesson or two.” Chrissy smirked.
Brad had seen that look, and heard that tone in her voice before, and the wimp behind him wasn’t going to come out on top like he hoped. Brad stepped to the side and let Chrissy step forward to face her drunken attacker.
“Just give me that kiss darling, and you can end all his right now.” Dave slurred as he stepped forward, raising his hand to grab Chrissy’s arm like he’d done in the first place.
Chrissy wasn’t worried this time about him having anyone else to help him, so she was quick to grab his hand, and then twist it around until he had to bend over to stop her from snapping it off. Chrissy then spun it around and up behind his back before forcing him down onto his knees facing all his friends as they looked on in shock at what the woman had just done to him.
“Like I’ve already told you Dave.” Chrissy said as she put her mouth close to his ear from behind him. “You are not my type.” Chrissy then let go and put her foot in the middle of his back and pushed him over.
Dave lay on the floor gripping his arm that had been so painfully forced up behind his back. He looked up at all his so called friends as they stood cheering the girl on along with all the guys from the club.
Chrissy started grinning as she playfully kept turning around taking bows as they all cheered at her for dealing with the asshole so well, and with such grace as she did it.
“Is this done with now?” Brad asked as he looked at Geoff.
“Yes. It would have saved a lot of trouble if you’d just done that to him in the first place miss.” Geoff said with a chuckle as he looked down at Dave now sat on the ground nursing his arm.
“He just caught me off guard, it won’t happen again.” Chrissy said as she stepped over to where Brad and Frank were now stood with the others in their group.
“Well I’m sorry you had to put up with him anyway miss, and I hope you have a pleasant day.” Geoff said as he looked at a couple of the men in his group and then at Dave still sat on the floor feeling sorry for himself.
“It wasn’t your fault sir, but I think you could find a better group of friends to hang around with.” Chrissy said with a smile.
“He’s my son in-law. It’s going to be interesting when I tell my daughter what happened, and why.” Geoff chuckled as he looked at his son in-law being pulled to his feet and led back into the pub. “He may wish to be facing you again.” He added just before turning and following the rest of his group back into the pub.
Chrissy turned and looked at the others as they all stood grinning at her. “It sucks to be him.” Chrissy giggled. “Right then, shall we see about heading on to our next part of the fun filled day?” She asked with a grin.
“Lead the way boss.” Brad said as he stepped to the side and the others all stepped aside as well.
Chrissy thought it was like the parting of the red see as they guys all made a space for her to walk through. She went back into the pub/restaurant to settle the bill, while Carl took the others to the minibus. Frank stayed with Chrissy while she settled up the bill, then they both returned to the minibus and the next part of the day.
Chrissy was glad to see the sign for the paintballing place appear as Carl pulled into the car park, she was sick of them talking about her taking that guy down at the pub. They were all rating it against the time she took down the guy at the club, and most liked the added kick in the back she added. Some even asked about putting her on the team at the club, but they all shut up when Frank told them about the uniform change she would want to make. They all decided that she needed to stay home and look after the kids after that little detail was pointed out.
“Paintballing?!” Brad shouted as he read the name on the sign. “First Go-Karting and now Paintballing? You are the bestest best man ever Chrissy.” He added with a grin as he leaned over the seat and hugged her.
“Thanks, I think.” Chrissy said as she took the hug, but not sure if Brad was paying her a complement or not.
“Hey! If I ever find the right woman and settle down, can I have you as my best man as well?” Paul asked from the back of the minibus.
Chrissy had to giggle as she got out the minibus to the calls of even more of them wanting her as their best man. “I’m sure you’ve all got best friends that can do something like this for you.” Chrissy said.
“This is all pretty amazing Chrissy.” Brad said as he helped her climb out the minibus. “Will you be joining us again?” He asked with a grin.
“Yes! I’ve been looking forward to getting some payback on Callum.” Chrissy giggled. “I was hoping to be on your team so I can hide behind you if we come under fire?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way Chrissy.” Brad said with pride. “I also have a feeling that you could be good at this sort of thing.” He added with a grin.
“Let’s go and find out shall we?” Chrissy said as she led the way into the complex, so they could get suited up and start playing.
Carl was already talking to the manager, and he looked to be offering Carl as much help as he needed, so Chrissy was happy to let him carry on sorting everything out. They were all soon getting suited up in new gear they had brought for all the guys. Chrissy didn’t look as sexy in the paintballing gear, but she was going for protection over looking good.
Once they were all ready to play, some guys showed them the course and what they could and couldn’t do before they were led out onto the field of battle. They were split into four teams and then left to see who could shoot the other teams the most.
Brad was glad to have Chrissy on his team because she could hide well, and tuned out to be a very good shot with her paintball gun. They soon tracked down Callum and his other team mates, and Chrissy attacked Callum with a gleam in her eye.
Chrissy couldn’t help giggling as she shot Callum in the backside as he tried to run behind a tree to get away from her. Chrissy later found out just how painful it hurt to get shot in the butt when Frank managed to get behind her and shoot her, just like she’d done with Callum. Chrissy had a couple of good bruises by the time they finished shooting each other, but she had a good time and wasn’t to bothered about any of it.
Brad and Chrissy’s team won their little contest hands down, but they all had a good time and were ready to take showers and get changed by the time they all got back to the complex.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you earlier Callum, I got a little carried away there for a second.” Chrissy said as they made their way back with the others.
“Don’t worry about it; I was glad to see you finally picking on me for once.” Callum chuckled as he rubbed the saw patch on is bottom. “I hear that Frank shot you in the same spot?” he asked with a grin.
“Yes he did, and it really hurt!” Chrissy whined. “I don’t know what Becky will say when she sees it though.” Chrissy giggled.
“I’m sure she’ll have fun rubbing cream on it for you.” Callum said with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m sure she will, but that won’t stop her from wanting to know who shot me in the first place.” Chrissy frowned.
Frank made out he wasn’t paying attention, but Chrissy could tell that he was trying not to smirk as they walked along.
“I know you can hear me Frank!” Chrissy giggled.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Chrissy. I was aiming at Brad, but you stepped in the way.” Frank shrugged.
“Brad was stood on the other side of the tree when you took the shot!” Chrissy pointed out.
“I never said I was a very good shot.” Frank said, still trying to keep a straight face.
Chrissy could see that she was never going to get a straight answer out of Frank, so she gave up and just smiled as she looked around and saw how happy everybody looked. She’d had some fun, even if she did feel a little bruised. Chrissy had never been one of the lads growing up, but she thought this had been a fun thing to lock away with some of her other memories of growing up.
Once back at the main compound, they all made their way in to get changed, so they could go for dinner before heading onto the club that Carl had sorted out. Chrissy walked over to Carl to ask him for the minibus keys, so she could go and get her change of clothes and makeup.
“Can I have the minibus keys Carl? I need to go and get my dress and makeup.” Chrissy asked. She’d gone out in jeans and sweatshirt for the daytime stuff, but had a nice dress, heels and makeup for the evening part of the stag day, and now it was time to get glamed up.
It was easier for the guys, they had all gone out in nice shirts and trousers in the first place, but Chrissy wasn’t about to spend all day walking around in a cocktail dress and high heels.
“I’ll go and grab your things for you Chrissy.” Frank said as he took the keys off Carl; just before he wondered off out to the minibus.
“Thank you Frank.” Chrissy said as she gave him a hug, or as much of a hug as she could. She knew she’d be lucky to get her arms to go around one of his arms, never mind his whole body.
“You’re welcome Chrissy; it’s the least I can do after shooting you.” Frank said as he hugged her back. Then he wandered off to get her things for her.
Frank was soon back with Chrissy’s things and she went into her changing room to get changed. Chrissy didn’t know that Frank and a couple of the others guys hung around until Brad and some of the others were dressed and ready to leave, then Frank and the others that had waited with him went in to get cleaned up and redressed. None of them wanted anymore men trying anything with Chrissy today.
Chrissy took a shower in the posh looking changing room and then she set about drying her hair before doing her makeup and then slipping into her dress and heels. She turned around so she could look at the bruise on her bottom before she got dressed. “I’ll have fun explaining this to Becky when she sees it.” Chrissy thought to herself when she saw the large purple bruise. She found a couple of smaller bruises on her body, but she could cover them with a little makeup as they would be seen once the dress was on. Once she was dressed, she gathered all her other stuff together and made her way out to see if the others were all ready to leave.
“Sorry to keep you all waiting.” Chrissy said as she saw all the others stood in the reception area.
“Wow Chrissy, you sure scrub up well.” Brad said as he walked over and took the other clothing off Chrissy and started making his way out to the minibus with it.
“Thank you Brad, I try my best.” Chrissy said looking proud of her effort.
Carl and Chrissy soon had everyone back on the minibus, and they were on their way to a restaurant for some dinner before Carl took them all to a nightclub. This was where Chrissy planned to let Brad have his final surprise of the day.
“Did you have a good time Dan?” Chrissy asked.
“I had a really good time Chrissy.” Dan grinned. “I can’t wait to see what you can do with a kid’s birthday party.” He added with an even bigger grin.
“I hope you realise that I don’t bring the kids Go-Karting and Paintballing Dan?” Chrissy said looking worried. “As much as I know the kid’s would love it, I don’t think the parents would feel the same way.” She added with a giggle.
“I understand that Chrissy, but if you can keep all these kid’s happy all day, then I can’t wait to see what you do with a birthday party.” Dan chuckled as Frank grabbed him in a neck hold.
“Who you calling a kid, kid?” Frank asked as he watched Dan’s face turning red in his tight grip.
“I was talking about the others dad.” Dan squeaked out.
Chrissy giggled as she watched them playing around in the back of the minibus. All the guys thought of Frank as a father figure to them, and even Chrissy and the other girls saw him the same way. Frank was tough looking, but could also be as soft as a teddy bear when he had to be. Chrissy found herself thinking about her dad, and the fact that he wasn’t with them anymore, but she didn’t cry now all the time when she thought about him, but she was sad that she couldn’t sit and talk to him either. She soon snapped out of her day dreaming when she saw Carl pull up outside the hotel.
They were all going to eat at the hotel and then Carl had a couple of limo’s to take them to the night club he’d sorted out for them to go to.
“Feel free to drink whatever you want now!” Chrissy shouted as they all walked into the private function room where Carl had laid out a large buffet for them all to get stuck into. Chrissy went and found a seat, so she could wait for the others to grab a drink and some food first.
“You not coming to get a drink Chrissy?” Brad asked when he saw Chrissy going to sit down.
“I’ll wait until the others have got there’s first. I don’t want to get killed in the rush.” Chrissy giggled as she pointed at the others all falling over themselves to get a drink from the small bar on one side of the room.
“What do you want to drink Chrissy?” Brad asked with a frown. “I’ll grab it for you.” He added.
“Just a white wine please, but I can wait and get it myself in a bit Brad.” Chrissy tried to talk him out of feeling like he needed to look after her.
“I’ll be right back with your drink.” Brad said, not even bothering to listen to what Chrissy just said as he walked over and pushed some of the other guys out the way, so he could get to the bar.
Brad wasn’t the only one to see Chrissy sit down, Carl and Callum had also seen her take a seat before fighting her way up to the bar with the others. She was soon sat with three glasses of white wine in front of her.
“I’ll be drunk before we leave the hotel at this rate.” Chrissy said as she looked at the three glasses now sat on the table in front of her.
“You don’t have to drink all of them Chrissy. I didn’t realise that Brad and Carl were also getting you a drink.” Callum said. “Do you want me to get you some food instead?” He asked as he got up from the table.
“No, but I’ll come with you and get my own.” Chrissy said as she stood up with some help from Callum and then walked with him to the table with all the food laid out on it.
Brad and Carl watched Chrissy walk away with Callum before one of them spoke. “Thanks for helping Chrissy plan out the day boss. I’m having a really great time so far.” Brad smiled.
“I wish I could take credit for it Brad, but other than paying for the gear we used, and sorting out the night club we’ll be going to later, Chrissy did everything else herself.” Carl pointed out.
“You mean that she thought of all this and then paid for it all as well?” Brad asked looking shocked at what Carl had just said.
“Yep, everything was her idea. I must say that she got everything spot on for you and the others. I never would have thought to take you Go-Karting.” Carl chuckled as he thought about the fun he’d had racing Chrissy and Callum round.
“Have you been having a good time today Chrissy?” Callum asked as they walked around the table getting what food they wanted.
“Yes, it’s been fun.” Chrissy giggled as she thought about some of the things they had been doing. “It was nice shooting you with the paintballs.” She added with a grin.
“I did notice you were having fun doing that.” Callum frowned as his butt let him know he had a bruise to remind him. “How’s your backside feeling now?” Callum asked as he put a hand on his own.
“Becky’s never complained about it yet.” Chrissy giggled some more as she stuck her butt out in a sexy way. She was soon regretting that when she got a bunch of wolf whistles from some of the guys sat a table just behind her. “Hey! Less of that, or I’ll have to tell your boss that you’re making advances on her wife.” Chrissy said in mock anger, just before she started giggling again.
Chrissy just got a round of applause from the table as she gave them another quick bum shake before she finished getting her food and then returning to her table with it. Chrissy knew they were just having some fun, so she wasn’t bothered by it all.
They were all soon sat eating and drinking while they spoke about the day. Brad tried to find out the name of the club Carl was taking them all to, but he wouldn’t say.
“So Chrissy, are you still planning to have some driving lessons then now that you’ve driven a Go-Kart?” Callum asked as they ate.
“I think I’ll stick to getting lifts off other people, it’s safer that way.” Chrissy said with a giggle when she saw the worried look Vic now had as he was just about to put a fork full of food in his mouth.
“My offer still stands Chrissy, just give me a call any time and I’ll be happy to drive you where ever you want to go.” Vic said looking way to eager to offer his services.
“Thanks Vic.” Chrissy giggled.
“I must say that I was impressed with the way you handled that man at the pub this lunchtime Chrissy.” Carl said, wanting to change the subject before Chrissy changed her mind and wanted to start having driving lessons.
“Well he was drunk, and I don’t think he was expecting me to defend myself like I did.” Chrissy shrugged as she carried on eating her dinner.
“Weren’t you scared Chrissy?” Callum asked.
“Yes, but I was more angry at the way he thought because he was a man, that that made him stronger and better than me.” Chrissy said as she stabbed a piece of meat on her plate.
“That was no man Chrissy, he was just a spineless asshole who thought he was cool, but in the end he just proved to all his friends that he was nothing.” Brad said with some pride for what Chrissy did to him.
“I wonder if it will end up on YouTube.” Carl asked with a chuckle.
“How could it end up on YouTube? Wouldn’t someone have needed to film it for that to happen?” Chrissy asked, just before she got a worried look on her face. “Don’t tell me someone filmed it on their phone?” Chrissy asked with a whine.
“I saw a couple of our guys filming it, and a couple of the other guy’s friends were also filming it.” Carl pointed out. “I think they were filming it so they could show the guy’s wife what a wimp he really is.” Carl added.
“I hope Becky doesn’t see it. I don’t want to have to explain that to her.” Chrissy said with a shudder. “What will the kids think if they saw me fighting?” Chrissy asked looking worried now.
“I wouldn’t call it a fight Chrissy; it was more a case of you kicking his ass.” Frank chuckled.
“That doesn’t help me much Frank, not if Becky sees it.” Chrissy frowned. “I guess it could be worse though.” Chrissy said after looking thoughtful for a couple of seconds.
“Why could it be worse?” Carl asked with a puzzled look.
“I wouldn’t want to be Brad or Frank if Becky saw that film, and watched them two standing in the background while I was left to sort out that guy.” Chrissy said with a smug look on her face.
Brad and Frank who had both been chuckling at the thought of Chrissy explaining her actions, suddenly stopped laughing and looked worriedly at each other. “She does have a valid point kid.” Frank said just after swallowing a piece of meat he’d been chewing on.
“I think it could be in our best interest to make sure Becky never saw that footage old man.” Brad said.
“I’ll have a word with them all later and make sure none of them show it to Becky. God help them if they do.” Frank said with an evil look in his eyes.
“I thought you’d see things my way.” Chrissy said looking even smugger now. “Speaking of Becky, I better go and give her a call.” Chrissy said as she realised that she hadn’t called her yet.
Chrissy grabbed her mobile out her purse and scrolled down to Becky’s number and hit the call button.
“Hi baby! I was getting worried that something had happened to you.” Becky’s voice said on the other end of the phone. “You are alright aren’t you?” Becky asked with some worry in her voice.
“I’m fine Bec’s, just a couple of bruises for you to rub some cream on later.” Chrissy said in a sexy voice.
“Okay, I can do that for you baby. Did you have a good time, and please tell me that you got to shoot Callum a couple of times.” Becky said with some hope in her voice.
“Yes I managed to shoot him right in the bottom.” Chrissy giggled. “Down side is that someone managed to shoot me in the bottom as well.” Chrissy pouted.
“I thought I told you to keep your ass out of trouble? Not get shot in it.” Becky said with a little anger in her voice, but she also sounded like she was trying not to giggle down the phone. “Does that mean you have a bruised bot bot?” Becky asked as she finally lost it and burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.
Chrissy was just about to ask Becky how the babies were when she heard the two of them giggling in the background, so she let all the anger she was feeling towards Becky fade away, as it was replaced with the need for Chrissy to be there with her beautiful children. “What are Andrew and Lauren giggling at?” Chrissy asked in a pleading voice.
“They’re either giggling at me or with me.” Becky said. “Do you find mummy funny?” Becky cooed as she spoke to the twins on the other end of the phone.
Chrissy knew that Becky must have put the phone closer to the babies because the giggling got a lot louder. This just made Chrissy want to be home with them even more now.
“They’re both missing you as well baby.” Becky was suddenly saying down the phone to her. “They’ve both been a little grumpy all afternoon.” Becky added.
“Do you need me to come home?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.
“There’s no need for that Babe. They just miss having you around, but I can cope, and you need to be at the night club later for the final part of Brad’s stag night.” Becky warned her.
Chrissy knew that Becky was right, and she did need to be there to let Brad have the final part of his stag do. It had taken a lot of planning to pull of the final part of her plan; she just hoped that Brad saw the funny side of it.
“Okay, I’ll stick with it, but I’m missing you and the babies like mad.” Chrissy whined down the phone.
“As we’re missing you my love, but I know that you would be even more upset if you missed the final part of Brad’s stag night.” Becky said as she tried to calm Chrissy down and stop her jumping in a taxi and going home. “I’ll wait up for you coming home later, so we can both go to bed together.” She added.
“I’ll look forward to that. Love you, bye bye.” Chrissy said sounding a little happier now.
“Love you more. Bye bye.” Becky said just before she blew Chrissy a kiss down the phone.
Chrissy blew her a kiss back just before she ended the call and put her mobile back in her purse and then got up to go to the ladies room to powder her nose.
Once they were all finished, and ready to leave, Carl led them back through the hotel and out to the limo’s waiting for them outside.
Callum and Carl had to help Chrissy get into the first limo as she was a little unsteady on her feet due to drinking all three glasses of wine she was brought. “I think we better keep you on Coca Cola for the rest of the night.” Callum said as he got in the limo just after Chrissy.
“I still feel shine at the minute.” Chrissy said with a wave of her hand. “Maybe its shoe that can’t hold share drink?” Chrissy giggled as she tapped Callum on the nose.
“Yes, you sound really sober don’t you?” Callum chucked.
They were soon driving along as the limos made their way to the club Chrissy had hired for the evening. All the guys started cheering when they saw that Girls would be pole dancing for them all. Brad looked a little worried when he saw what Chrissy and Carl had planned for them all.
“I’m not sure I should be doing anything like this.” Brad said as he followed the others into the club as he helped to keep Chrissy on her feet.
“It’s just a bit of fun Brad, and I’m sure Ann won’t mind you ending your single life with a laugh.” Carl pointed out as he walked up to a couple of bouncers that looked small next to Frank and Brad.
Carl spoke to one of the bouncers and then they were shown into the club, and then another man came over to them and shook Carl’s hand like they knew each other, just before they were all led through the club to a private room with large stage at one end with a part that came out and had a pole going up from the middle of the stage up to the ceiling. All the guy’s settled down as a couple of waitresses came around and took their drink orders.
“I’m covering the cost of all the drinks tonight, but I do expect you to tip the waitresses and the girls that will be coming out to entertain you all.” Carl said as the waitresses came back with the drinks.
Callum had ordered Chrissy a cola like he said he would, and Chrissy was soon sucking it up through a straw when the waitress gave it to her. “Shank you.” Chrissy giggled as she took the drink off the girl. The waitress just giggled at Chrissy before she went away to serve some of the other guy’s.
Once they all had drinks the music got a little louder and the first girl came out on stage and went into her routine as she removed some of her clothes as she danced around on the pole. She was followed by a dozen other girls all doing the same sort of thing as the guys drank and slipped money in the girl’s underwear.
Brad was happy to let the other guy’s have all the fun with the girl’s, he was not going to spoil things with Ann by getting silly with any of the girl’s. He was suddenly drawn to the girl that had just come out on stage though as she was dressed all in red and was carrying a pitchfork and had a long red tail and devil horns to finish off the costume. The girl also had flame red hair and a pair of mirrored sunglasses on so you couldn’t quite make out what she looked like.
The girl walked up to the pole and started doing her routine as she removed her jacket and skirt to leave her in red stockings, corset, panties and high heels. Brad thought this girl looked hot, and it wasn’t just because she was wearing red either. She walked down the steps and then made her way over to where Brad was sat. Before Brad had time to stop her, the girl hoped on his knee and wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.
“I can’t do this miss!” Brad said as he pushed her away and looked her in the eyes, or the mirrored sunglasses. “I think you look amazing, but I’m only interested in one woman.” Brad added as he tried to help the woman get off his knee again.
The girl slipped out of Brad’s grip and wrapped her arms around him again as she leaned in for another kiss, but she put her lips up to Brad’s ear this time instead. “I’m glad to hear you say that Brad, but I know for a fact that she won’t mind you playing around with me tonight.” The girl said in his ear.
Brad turned his head around to look the girl in the eyes as he realised that he knew that voice, but it couldn’t be her, could it? “Ann! Is that you?” Brad asked with a shocked look on his face.
“Hi stud.” Ann giggled just before she started kissing Brad again. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be tonight.” She added when they broke the kiss.
“You look amazing, and so different! Where did you learn to pole dance like that as well?” Brad asked as he remembered just watching Ann do a sexy dance around the pole before walking down to join him on the seats around the stage.
“I’ve been taking lessons for the past couple of months.” Ann grinned. “Chrissy came to me with the idea of getting you a pole dance and a stripper, but she didn’t like the idea of just hiring a girl to do it, so she had the idea of me being the girl instead.” Ann added with a giggle.
“That’s great, but you didn’t do the strip.” Brad pointed out.
“Not yet, but wait until we get home later, or back to the hotel.” Ann said with a grin. “Carl’s sorted out a room for us, and he’s even had a pole put in there, so I can give you your own private dance as I strip for you.” Ann purred as she leaned in to carry on kissing Brad.
Chrissy, Callum and Carl were shocked when they were suddenly sat upon by three very naughty looking school girls as they came out and sat on each of their knees. Chrissy was shocked when the girl sat on her knee, but was even more shocked when the girl wrapped her arms around her neck and started to kiss her and force her tong down her throat.
“Becky?!” Chrissy shouted when she managed to force the girl to stop kissing her.
“Hi babe. Surprise!” Becky giggled just before kissing Chrissy again.
Chrissy was in heaven as she let Becky kiss her as they hugged each other. She wanted to ask where the twins were, but she was lost in the moment and the fact that her loving wife was dressed as a very sexy looking school girl.
Callum and Carl looked just as shocked to see Jayden and Mandy sat on their knees as well. They were also kissing the one they loved like they hadn’t seen them in weeks.
“You look amazing babe.” Chrissy said with a grin. “Who’s looking after the babies?” She asked.
“Mum, Amy and Amber offered to look after them for me, so I could come and help you have a good time.” Becky grinned just before getting more kisses from Chrissy.
Chrissy thought Becky looked really cute with her hair in pigtails and fake freckles all over her nose. Chrissy thought she looked like a right little tearaway in her schoolgirl uniform. Mandy and Jayden looked just as cute in theirs as well.
Brad seemed to relax a little once he knew that Ann was aware of the club and was part of the evening entertainment. Callum and Carl looked a lot happier as well, and Chrissy was playing head mistress with a very naughty Becky.
Just as they were getting ready to leave at the end of the night, Brad walked up to Chrissy and picked her up in a bear hug. Chrissy let out a little squeal as he did it. “Put me down and pick on your own girl!” Chrissy giggled as she hung in the air with her feet a foot off the ground.
“I just want to thank you for the best stag day I’ve ever been on Chrissy.” Brad said as he leaned in and kissed Chrissy on the cheek. “Frank was right by the way Chrissy.” Brad said as he put her back down on the ground again.
“What was Frank right about Brad?” Chrissy asked as she looked up at him.
“When he said that the best man for the job was a woman.” Brad said with a grin. “Just don’t ever let him now I said he was right about something, or I’ll never hear the last of it.” He added with a chuckle.
“Just remember that it’s not over for you yet Brad.” Chrissy giggled. “You have to wake up in the morning and find out you slept with a stripper.” She added with even more giggles as she looked at Ann cuddled up to Brad’s side.
“Very true, but at least I know I won’t get in trouble for doing it, and I’m looking forward to watching her polish the pole in our hotel room.” Brad suddenly looked shocked when he realised what he’d just said. “I was talking about the dance pole, not my...” Brad tried to explain with a very red face.
Chrissy and the others just stood there laughing as they watched Brad go a deeper and deeper shade of red.
“Come on stud, you’re in for one hell of a night.” Ann said with a grin as she led Brad over to the exit dressed in her she-devil costume.
Brad was happy to let Ann lead him along while the other followed just behind. They watched Brad and Ann get in a car from the hotel while they waited for the limo to arrive and take the rest of them home. Carl had sorted out car’s to take the rest of the guy’s home as well.
“I’m glad that you own the hotel Carl, or I doubt that they would be able to get up to their room otherwise.” Chrissy said as she watched the car drive away with Brad and Ann in it.
“True. I think they will get some strange looks with Ann dressed like that anyway.” Carl chuckled as he stood with his arm wrapped around Mandy in her cute little school girl uniform.
Carl planned to put Mandy in detention when they got back to the house, and Callum was planning to do something similar to Jayden. Chrissy was planning to punish Becky in her own special way if the twins would allow it, but she would survive if it didn’t happen that way.
All the guys thanked Chrissy for a great day, and Dan said that he would speak to her later in the week about the party for his little girl. Chrissy got some strange looks from Becky and Mandy, but she said that she would explain it in the morning when she wasn’t fighting the affects of being a little drunk still.
The limo arrived and they all got in and relaxed as the driver drove them home. They dropped of Vic and David on the way before pulling into the new driveway at home. Chrissy and the others still had to let out a sigh as they got out the limo and looked at the size of the home now.
“I wonder if I’ll ever get use to the size of this place now.” Chrissy said as she looked from one end of the house to the other.
“There’s only one room I’m interested in at the minute miss.” Becky said in a little girl’s voice as she stood at Chrissy’s side.
Chrissy started grinning as she took Becky by the hand and led her up to the front door and then into the house. They looked in on the nursery and saw that Andrew and Lauren were both asleep, so they went over to their own room so Chrissy could put Becky in detention.
By SaraUK
Part 36
Chrissy woke and had to giggle when she saw that Becky had fallen asleep with her fake freckles still on her face. This soon had Becky opening her eyes and looking at Chrissy with a puzzled look.
“What’s so funny babe?” Becky asked in a sleepy voice.
“We never cleaned off our makeup last night before coming to bed.” Chrissy giggled some more, but suddenly stopped and looked at the time when she realised that the babies never woke them up. Chrissy turned over to check the baby monitor and realised that it wasn’t there anymore.
“What happened to the monitor?” Chrissy shouted as she jumped out of bed and ran out the room to go and check on the babies before Becky had time to answer her.
Chrissy ran into the nursery to find both cots empty, so she turned to leave the room and head down stairs and see if they were down there with her mum, or Amy and Amber. She came to a sudden stop when she ran into a sleepy looking Becky stood in the doorway stopping her from leaving the room.
“Calm down Chrissy.” Becky said as she put her arms up and grabbed Chrissy by the shoulders. “I spoke with Amy and Amber while you were out yesterday, and we decided that you would be tired when you got home last night, so we thought it would be nice if they took over baby watch for one night while you got a good night’s sleep.” Becky added in a calming voice as she pulled a worried Chrissy into a hug with her.
“Why didn’t you tell me last night when we came to bed?” Chrissy whined.
“I knew how worried you would be, and you never would have slept if I’d told you that the baby monitor had been taken up to Amy and Amber’s room.” Becky said as she kept hugging Chrissy. “Now come back to our room so we can get ready to go down and have a swim before breakfast.” Becky added as she broke the hug and walked Chrissy back to their room so they could put their swimsuits on.
Holly was just in the kitchen making a start on breakfast when she saw Chrissy and Becky walk into the kitchen.
“There are my little beauties!” Chrissy cooed as she ran across the room to the two highchairs with Andrew and Lauren sat in them looking happy as they munched on a thin stick of toast each.
Andrew and Lauren both started giggling and squealing when they saw their mummies enter the room. They held out their arms wanting to be picked up and hugged.
“I thought Amy and Amber were looking after them mum?” Chrissy asked as she pulled Andrew out his highchair, while Becky did the same with Lauren.
“They have been dear, but I said I’d keep an eye on them while they went for a swim.” Holly said as she walked over and gave each of her daughters a kiss on the cheek. “Why don’t you go and have your swim, while I sort out feeding these two for you?” Holly asked as she tapped Andrew on the nose and made him giggle even more.
“Are you sure you don’t mind mum?” Chrissy asked as she handed Andrew back to her mum so she could place him back in the highchair so she could feed him. Becky put Lauren back in her highchair at the same time.
“Yes I’m sure, now go and have a swim before breakfast is ready.” Holly said as she playfully slapped Chrissy on the bottom, hitting her right where Frank had shot her the day before.
Chrissy let out a squeal that made Andrew and Lauren giggle even more as they watched their mum jumping around in some pain.
“I didn’t hit you that hard, so stop being such a baby about it.” Holly scolded her.
“I think you just slapped her where she got shot with a paintball yesterday.” Becky said as she watched Chrissy jumping around as she rubbed her bottom.
“Someone shot you in the backside?” Holly asked with some worry in her voice. “Let me take a look right now young lady.” Holly said as she stopped Chrissy and made her turn around and pick up her bathrobe.
“It looks worse than it really is mum, so don’t worry about it.” Chrissy said as she tried to stop her mum, but with little success as her mum just carried on bending down to take a look at her daughter’s bottom.
Holly was shocked when she saw the angry bluish/purple bruise on Chrissy left butt cheek. “Have you put any cream on this yet Chrissy?” Holly asked looking worried as she stood up again.
“No, not yet, but I will later. I’ll get Becky to do it for me, so you know I’ll do it.” Chrissy said as she just wanted to get out and have a swim before her mum had her in bed all bandaged up. Chrissy knew her mum loved to play nurse when someone even looked sick.
“You make sure you do Becky, or there will be big trouble.” Holly warned as she pointed a finger at the two girls.
“You can trust me to keep a close eye on Chrissy while she’s ill mum.” Becky said as she kissed Holly on the cheek just before dragging Chrissy away to go and have a swim before they ate breakfast.
Amy and Amber were both swimming lengths in the pool when Chrissy and Becky got there. “Hi sis! How was the stag day?” Amy asked when she saw Chrissy just about to dive in the pool.
Chrissy dived in and then came up and wiped the wet hair out of her eyes and swam over to Amy and Amber before she answered. Becky had also dived in and swam over with her.
“It all went really well, and I had a great time learning to drive a Go-Kart and then paintballing as well, but I did get shot in the bottom by someone while I was there.” Chrissy giggled as she turned and tried to show Amy and Amber the bruise.
“Ouch! That looks painful sis.” Amy said as she could see it quite well, even under the water.
“It wasn’t hurting to bad until mum just playfully slapped me on it.” Chrissy giggled some more. Then she changed the subject, so she could try and forget about her bottom. “Thanks for looking after the babies for us last night. I hope they weren’t any trouble for you?” Chrissy asked as she gave Amy and Amber a hug to thank them properly.
“No, they slept the whole night straight through.” Amy pouted. “I was hoping to play mummy and feed them through the night.” She whined.
“Sounds about right for it.” Becky frowned. “We finally find someone to look after the kids for a night, and the pair of them sleep straight through the night.” Becky added as she started swimming laps up and down the pool. Chrissy, Amy and Amber were soon doing the same as they raced each other.
Once they had finished swimming they all took a quick shower to wash off the chemical smell before they made their way back to the dining room where Holly had set up the breakfast things for everyone.
“I’m not sure I’ll ever get use to all these new changes to the house.” Amy grinned as they all walked to the dining room.
“I love being able to take a swim in the morning before we have breakfast.” Chrissy said as she wrapped an arm around Amy’s waist and hugged her.
“Me to sis.” Amy grinned as she rested her head on Chrissy’s shoulder as they walked along.
Mandy and Carl were just walking up the hallway from the other part of the house as Chrissy, Amy, Amber and Becky were walking up the hallway from the new end of the house where the pool was. They all walked into the dining room together and found Jayden and Callum helping Holly to put the dishes of food on the table for everyone to help themselves to what they wanted.
Andrew and Lauren were both sat in their highchairs giggling as Callum and Jayden walked past pulling silly faces at them. Chrissy and Becky were soon running over and pulling them out the highchairs so they could spend some time with them. Mandy and Chrissy had decided to take the day off from the shop, so Chrissy had the day to recover from her busy day the day before.
“How did Ann do with her pole dancing act?” Amy asked as they sat eating their breakfast. “Did Brad work out it was her in the devil costume?” Amy giggled.
“She was amazing on that pole, and Brad never had a clue it was Ann until she whispered in his ear.” Chrissy giggled. “He even asked her to stop before he realised who it was.” Chrissy added looking proud of Brad.
“What about after he knew who it was?” Amber asked with a grin.
“Brad couldn’t keep his hands off her then.” Chrissy giggled some more. “Last I saw of them was them getting in a car and heading off to the hotel so Ann could show Brad the strip show part of her act.” Chrissy giggled some more.
Chrissy, Carl and Callum filled them in on the details of the day, leaving out the part about Chrissy showing the asshole at the pub/restaurant that he shouldn’t have messed with her. Then Becky, Mandy and Jayden helped to fill in the details of what happened at the night club later on in the evening.
“Thanks for breakfast mum.” Chrissy smiled as she got up and walked over to her mum and gave her a hug as she kissed her on the cheek.
“You’re welcome dear.” Holly smiled as she hugged Chrissy back. “Do you want me to help you change the babies before I make a start on the dishes? Holly asked as she went to get up from the table.
“You relax for a bit Holly. Callum and I will sort out the dishes for you.” Carl said as he got up from the table and made a start on clearing away the dishes with some help from Callum, Mandy and Jayden.
“Amber and I will take the twins up and get them changed while you sit and spend some time talking to mum sis.” Amy said as she took Andrew off Chrissy while Amber took Lauren off Becky, just before they left the room to go and get them changed.
“They both love them little babies you know?” Holly said just after they watched Amy and Amber leave the room.
“It’s nice to have people around to help look after the babies mum, but I feel bad when I see them leaving the room with anyone but me.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“I feel the same way my love, but we have to let them get use to spending time with other people, so they don’t get to clingy.” Becky pointed out.
“So what do the two of you have planned for today then?” Holly asked, trying to take Chrissy’s mind off the fact that she had just let Amy and Amber leave the room with her babies.
“I thought we might take a walk to the cemetery and see dad, do you want to come with us for a walk mum?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“That sounds like a great idea.” Holly said with a smile. “I trust that we will go via the high street so we can buy some flowers to leave on his grave?” Holly asked.
“Of cause mum. Dad would never forgive me if I didn’t have flowers for him.” Chrissy said looking shocked at what her mum had just said, but she did start grinning, so Holly knew she was playing with her.
“What time do you want to go out?” Holly asked.
I thought we could go out about eleven, then we could call in somewhere for a spot of lunch after.” Chrissy offered.
“We better go and see about getting ready then.” Holly said as she got up and went into the kitchen to make sure that Carl and the other were doing a good job in her kitchen.
Chrissy and Becky just giggled as they heard Holly telling Callum that he needed to dry something better before putting it away. They all knew that Holly had claimed the kitchen as being hers, and they were all happy to let her have it, just as long as they got to help her cook the meals and clean up after.
“Shall we go and take a proper shower and get ready to leave then?” Becky asked as she got up and pulled Chrissy to her feet at the same time.
Chrissy just smiled as she let Becky lead her back up to their new bedroom, so they could get showered and dressed.
Amy and Amber were playing with the twins in the nursery facing Chrissy and Becky’s room so they popped their heads in to see if the twins were behaving themselves.
“We’re going to take a walk up to the cemetery and leave some flowers on dad’s grave, and I was just wondering if you wanted to join us?” Chrissy asked as she watched Amy blowing raspberry’s on Andrew’s naked belly as he kept giggling at her.
“You can count the two of us in.” Amy said with a grin, just before she started pulling funny faces at Andrew and then Lauren.
“We’ll be going out at eleven!” Chrissy shouted just before she started giggling at just how funny the twins found their Aunty Amy.
Mandy and Carl were going out to carry on planning their wedding, while Callum and Jayden were going over to the hotel. Well Kara and Jayden were going to the hotel. Kara had become quite the work-a-holic since Carl gave her the new job of overseeing the changing service. Cathy and the others were happy with the way she had stepped in and got everything running so smoothly. Jayden didn’t need to go to the hotel, but she just loved spending time with Callum/Kara.
Chrissy, Becky, Amy, Amber, Holly and the twins were the last to leave the house, so they armed the alarm system and locked up as they left the house and walked off up the road. Chrissy and Becky walked with Holly while Amy and Amber pushed the twins along in the double buggy. It was a sunny day, but still a little cold for the time of year, so they had the twins well wrapped up so they kept warm.
“How are you feeling mum? Are you still happy to be in charge of the kitchen?” Chrissy asked as they walked along.
“I’m fine dear, and I love playing around in the kitchen.” Holly said with a grin.
“I’m worried about you mum. You’ve seemed a little sad since dad died.” Chrissy said looking worried.
“I still miss your dad like crazy Chrissy, but I’m doing okay.” Holly smiled as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy and hugged her from the side. “That’s why I like to keep busy in the kitchen and looking after the babies when Amy and Amber will let me.” Holly added with a giggle as she watched Amy doing some silly dance for the twins just in front of them.
“I’m beginning to wonder whether or not Amy is a good role model for the twins though mum.” Chrissy giggled as she also watched Amy making a fool of herself with a silly dance she was still doing.
“She does keep them both entertained though.” Holly giggled some more.
They had soon walked up to the high street where they brought some flowers to leave on Greg’s grave. Then they made their way to the cemetery to leave the flowers and tell Greg the latest gossip.
Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber all stood and waited for Holly to clear away the old flowers and put the new ones in their place before they stepped closer to say hello to Greg. They all spent the next hour talking to Greg’s headstone and telling him what the twins had been up to, and how much fun Chrissy had had the day before sorting out Brad’s stag day out.
As they left the cemetery, they made their way to a family pub and ordered some drinks and food. They all carried on having a chat as they ate, then they made their way home so Becky could grab a couple of hours sleep before she had to get ready to head into work with Vicky when she came to pick up her and Carla.
Ann and Brad were at home when Chrissy and the others got back later in the afternoon, so Amy started grilling them about the day and night before.
“So what did you think to my big sisters pole dancing skills then bro?” Amy asked with a giggle as she ran over to give her sister a hug when they found them sat in the living room relaxing on one of the sofas.
“It was almost as good as her stripping, but I’m not saying any more than that baby sister.” Brad said just before he started to tickle Amy as he pulled her off Ann’s knee onto his own.
Chrissy, Becky and Holly left Amy and Amber in the living room with Ann and Brad while they took the twins up for a nap in their cots.
“I trust that you and Becky will be okay putting Andrew and Lauren down while I go and take a nap myself?” Holly asked as they got to the nursery door.
“Sure mum, but is everything alright?” Chrissy asked looking worried for her mum as she gave her a hug with one arm while she held Lauren in the other.
“I’m fine dear, just a little tired after visiting with your father.” Holly said with a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes, so Chrissy knew that she was upset after seeing the grave again.
“Well don’t worry about rushing down to sort out dinner mum; me and the others will cook tonight while you relax for once.” Chrissy said as she stopped hugging her mum so Becky could give her a hug.
“I’ll be fine after a quick nap Chrissy.” Holly moaned.
“That may be so mum, but you can still have a night off from cooking.” Chrissy said in a bossy voice. “We’ll let you help look after the twins while we sort out dinner though.” She added with a grin.
“Okay then, I can live with that deal.” Holly giggled as she kissed a sleepy looking Andrew on the forehead before she did the same with Lauren, then she made her way down to her room to lie down.
Chrissy and Becky put the twins in their cots and then sat with them until they fell asleep, then they went to their room and grabbed the baby monitor before going down stairs to sit and chat with the others for a bit.
“Are the twins asleep?” Amber asked as she saw Chrissy and Becky enter the room and take a seat on one of the sofas.
“Yes, they were out like a light as soon as we put them in their cots.” Becky said as she sat down and pulled Chrissy down onto her knee so they could cuddle.
“Oh why I think about it, I need to have a word with you all about a birthday party we’ll be sorting out in a couple of weeks.” Chrissy said as she remembered about the Tinkerbell themed party she’d agreed to sort out for Dan’s little girl.
“I didn’t think we’d got a birthday party to sort out for a couple of month’s sis?” Amy said with a puzzled look.
“We hadn’t until I spoke with Dan Jacobs yesterday.” Chrissy told them. “I found out that he has a daughter called Penny, she’ll be six in a couple of weeks and he asked if I could help him plan a birthday party.” Chrissy added.
“Dan lost his wife a couple of years back. A drunk driver knocked her down as she was crossing the road. I think his mum helps him look after Penny now.” Becky said.
“The poor thing.” Amy said as she put her hands up to her face looking upset. “Growing up without a mother to show her everything she needs to know.” Amy added as Amber pulled her into a hug.
“I’ve told him that I’ll cover the cost of the party, so he can spend more money on his little girl.” Chrissy smiled. “I hope you don’t mind helping me sort it all out?” Chrissy asked.
“Count me in sis.” Amy said as she sat up with a determined look on her face.
“You know you can count on me to help out baby.” Becky smiled as she pulled Chrissy a little closer into a hug with her.
“You know that I never turn down a chance to be at a birthday party.” Amber giggled.
“I’d love to help Chrissy, but Brad and I will be on our honeymoon when you have the party.” Ann pouted.
“We understand that Ann, but know that you’d be there helping out if you could be.” Chrissy smiled. “Lucky it’s a Tinkerbell theme, so we have all the stuff we need, but I did say we’d meet with Dan’s mum to talk things over with her.” Chrissy added.
All the girls knew Dan from the club, and they all liked him a lot, but Amy and Amber didn’t know about him losing his wife until now, and they never knew he had a daughter either. Chrissy grabbed a note pad and then sorted out a list of things they would need to do, then they would add to it once they had spoke with Dan’s mum.
“When will we be meeting his mum to talk about the party?” Amy asked.
“I thought we could meet her on Wednesday, as we will all be off anyway.” Chrissy shrugged as she looked at the others. “I’ll call Dan later and see if we can meet up for lunch while Penny is at school, so we can keep it as a total surprise.” Chrissy added with a grin.
The others all loved the idea and were looking forward to giving the little girl a birthday to remember.
Ann was having trouble keeping her eyes open, and Brad wasn’t doing much better, so they both got up and decided to go and lie down on the bed for a bit before dinner.
“I’m sorry, but we didn’t get much sleep last night, so Brad and I will see you all later.” Ann said with a grin as she let Brad lead her out the room. All the others just giggled as they watched them leave.
“I’ll come and give you a call when dinner is ready, if you haven’t come back down by then sis!” Amy shouted to them.
“Thanks baby sister!” Ann shouted back.
This just left Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber sat in the living room looking at each other, but Chrissy soon noticed that Amy and Amber were looking at each other and seemed to be talking with their eyes.
“Is everything okay between you two?” Chrissy finally asked.
“You may as well tell them then now.” Amber said with a slight growl to her voice, as she looked a little upset with Amy for something.
“She has a right to be the first to hear it baby.” Amy whined as she looked at Amber. “I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for Chrissy.” She added with a pout.
“I know that my love, but I thought we would just tell everyone tonight at dinner.” Amber said just before she pulled Amy close to her for a kiss.
“What’s going on between the two of you?” Chrissy asked looking worried.
“Amber and I have decided to try for a baby.” Amy said with a grin, just before she started screaming and giggling as she started bouncing up and down in her seat as she clapped her hands together.
Chrissy and Becky were soon jumping up and running around the coffee table to give them hugs. Anyone would think they were already pregnant with the way they were carrying on. Once they calmed down, Becky sat and explained what she’d had to do with Prue, and the first thing they would need to do is have a word with Prue and get things moving forward.
“Why don’t we invite mum and Frank over for dinner tonight, so you can tell everyone, and also have a word with Mum and she can get you booked in for the tests?” Becky said as she looked at the other three.
“That sounds like a great idea Bec’s.” Amy said as she grabbed her mobile off the coffee table and made the call.
Prue and Frank both agreed to come for dinner, even with Amy not giving any real reason other than they missed seeing them both. Chrissy, Becky and Amber all thought that Prue must have some idea that something was going on because Amy was almost as bad as Chrissy when it came to lying or trying to keep a secret from someone.
The girls all went to the kitchen and set to work on sorting out dinner. Chrissy took the baby monitor with them so they knew when the babies woke up. The babies slept really well and didn’t wake until dinner was almost ready. Chrissy and Amy went up to get them and also let the other’s know that dinner would be ready in half an hour.
“You don’t think mum will turn us down do you sis?” Amy asked as they headed up to the nursery to sort out the twins.
“No, not unless Amber wanted to try and do it without you knowing about it.” Chrissy giggled as she thought about all the trouble she and Becky had trying it that way.
“Never going to happen sis.” Amy giggled with excitement. “I love Andrew and Lauren so much sis, but I just want to have one of my own to look after.” Amy added as she hugged one of Chrissy’s arms and kissed her on the cheek.
“What was that for baby sister?” Chrissy asked.
“A thank you for just being you sis.” Amy grinned.
They reached the nursery and Andrew was just starting to sound grumpy, so Chrissy walked over and picked him up out his cot. “Hello little man. Do you need a nappy change?” Chrissy asked as she rocked him back and forth. Chrissy could smell that he needed changing so she took him over to the changing mat and set to work while Amy did the same with Lauren.
“I hope you’ll still have time for your niece and nephew when you have your own little one to look after?” Chrissy asked as she looked over at Amy using the second changing mat.
“I’ll always have time for my little niece and nephew sis.” Amy said in a shocked tone as she looked down at Lauren‘s giggling face. “Your mummy thinks I won’t have time for you, how silly is she?” Amy cooed as she pulled a funny face at Lauren.
Lauren just started to giggled as she watched Amy place a clean diaper under her bottom, then she decided to pee all over it, which made her giggle even more as she watched Amy start flapping around.
Chrissy found it hard to keep a straight face as she watched Amy in a flap, but she soon stopped giggling when she had to dodge a line of pee that Andrew decided to let loose. Chrissy hadn’t yet grabbed a clean diaper though, so she just grabbed a towel and soaked up the puddle he’d made.
“I know they say that twins do everything together, but don’t you think this is taking it a little too far?” Amy asked as she got Lauren cleaned up again before placing a clean diaper under her for the second time.
“You still sure you want one of your own baby, sister?” Chrissy asked with a giggle.
“Yes, more than ever big sister.” Amy beamed.
“Is there something you need to tell us young lady?” A familiar voice said from just behind them. Both girls turned their heads to see Holly stood in the doorway smiling at them. “Talk of having babies, does this mean you’re expecting?” Holly asked as she walked over to them while taking a look at Amy’s belly.
Amy saw Holly look down at her belly and she felt a pang of pain that she would never know the feeling of having a little life grow inside her. She went to hide the pain from showing on her face, but it was too late, the look on Holly’s face said that she understood what a silly thing she’d just said.
“Oh god Amy, I’m so sorry.” Holly said as she ran the last couple of feet and wrapped her arms around Amy. “I can be such an idiot at times, I just forget that either of you were ever not female.” She added with some worry in her voice.
“I don’t mind mum, it’s kind of nice that you forget that I was a man made woman.” Amy said as she let Holly hug her. “You do look half asleep still as well.” Amy added with a giggle when she broke the hug and saw the sleepy look Holly still had.
“Sorry, but I heard the babies giggling and I wasn’t sure if anyone else had heard it, so I rushed in to check on them.” Holly looked down at the twins lying on their backs still giggling on their changing mats.
“The twins were just having a formation peeing display.” Chrissy giggled as she picked up Andrew now he had his clean diaper on.
“Did my little solder try to wet his mummy?” Holly asked as she took Andrew off Chrissy while she spoke to him. “I really am sorry Amy, am I forgiven?” Holly asked as she looked at Amy with some pleading in her voice.
“Nothing to be forgiven for mum. I’m flattered that you forget that I can’t have babies of my own.” Amy smiled as she picked up Lauren and kissed her on the cheek, making the little girl giggle some more.
“I think the whole world would think me mad if I told them that either of you weren’t born this way.” Holly giggled as she looked Chrissy and Amy up and down. “So what was the talk of having your own baby then?” Holly asked with a grin.
Amy looked a little sheepish for a couple of seconds before she finally spoke. “Amber and I are going to have a word with Prue, and see if we can try for a baby using some of the frozen sperm she has belonging to me.”
“That’s wonderful Amy.” Holly beamed as she hugged Amy with her free arm. “I hope you’ll let me babysit for you while you and Amber go out places?” she asked while they hugged.
“You’ll be top of the list mum.” Amy giggled. “But we still have a long way to go before we get to that point.” Amy added.
“No one knows yet mum, so can you keep it a secret until Amy and Amber has told everyone at dinner later?” Chrissy asked. “We’ve invited Prue and Frank over for dinner, so Amy and Amber can have a word with our other mum about getting some wheels in motion.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“Your secret is safe with me dear.” Holly said with a smile.
They got some clothes on Andrew and Lauren again and then made their way down to see if the others needed any help with dinner.
Becky had just put a roast back in the oven after checking it when she saw Chrissy walk into the kitchen with Andrew in her arms. “There’s my little man.” She said as she ran over and took him out Chrissy’s arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Lauren was soon reaching out to get a hug from her other mummy as well when she saw Andrew getting one. Becky handed Andrew back to Chrissy and then stepped over to take Lauren from Amy so she could give her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well they really know who their mums are don’t they?” Amber giggled as she watched Chrissy and Becky passing the babies back and forth.
Everyone started arriving home just then. Jayden and Kara entered the kitchen to let everyone know they were home. Then Mandy and Carl arrived five minutes later followed by Ann and Brad coming back down from their room after catching up on some sleep. Amy ran off to get the front door when she heard the bell. This took a little longer now due to the larger size of the house.
“Hi mum, hi dad.” Amy giggled as she opened the front door and saw Prue and Frank stood there smiling at her. Amy had taken up calling Frank dad in a hope that it might force him into finally asking Prue to marry him, but so far it had just earned her a bunch of tickles from him instead.
“Hello dear.” Prue said as she stepped into the house and gave Amy a hug.
“Hello shrimp.” Frank chuckled as she gave Amy a hug and then started tickling her as he picked her up like she was a baby herself. Frank didn’t mind being called dad by any of the girls, so they had all started doing it once Amy started.
They made their way back to the dining room and Amy left Prue and Frank talking to some of the others while she went to see if Amber, Chrissy and Becky needed any help in the kitchen. Holly and Mandy were keeping the twins entertained at the dining room table.
Dinner was soon ready and they were all sat eating it and talking about different things when Prue turned to Amy. “Why do I get the feeling that there's a little more to me and Frank being invited to dinner than you just wanting to spend time with us?”
“Was it that obvious?” Amy asked with a nervous giggle.
“Yes it is dear little Amy.” Prue grinned. “So what is it you need to speak to me about?” she asked.
“Amber and I think it’s time we tried for a baby of our own, and we want you to help us like you did Chrissy and Becky.” Amy said after taking a deep breath.
Everyone around the table looked really happy for them both, but Amy and Amber were still sat looking at Prue, waiting for an answer.
“You have both given this a lot of thought I trust?” Prue asked.
“Yes we have mum.” Amber said with a grin as she took hold of Amy’s hand and smiled at her. “We want to give Andrew and Lauren a little friend to play with, so none of them ever feel alone growing up.” Amber added with a smile as she looked over at the twins in their highchairs being fed by Chrissy and Becky.
“Okay then, I’ll make some calls tomorrow and get you booked in.” Prue said with a grin.
Amy and Amber started grinning while the others all started clapping. Ann gave Amy a hug as she was sat on the other side of her to where Amber was sat. Brad gave Amy a pat on the back as he smiled at her.
They were all sat eating desert a little later when Frank put his foot in it with Becky by asking Chrissy how her bottom was feeling.
“I hope I didn’t hurt you yesterday to much Chrissy? I didn’t mean to hit you in the backside.” Frank said with a smirk. He soon lost the smirk though when he saw the look Becky gave him.
“You were the one that shot my baby in the backside?!” Becky growled.
“Way to go dad. I never said who shot me.” Chrissy groaned as she realised that Frank had just dropped her in it as well now.
“I thought you said you didn’t know who shot you?” Becky asked turning on Chrissy now.
“I just didn’t want you having a go at any of the guys from the club over it, so I told you a little lie.” Chrissy said in a timid voice. “It was no big deal; a lot of the guys got shot in a lot more places.” She argued.
“I’m sorry Becky, I should have thought before I fired, but I just got caught up in the moment.” Frank said.
“My poor little baby was nearly taken out of the game by someone aiming for little Brad.” Ann pouted as she cuddled up to Brad and put a hand under the table.
“Hey! Less of the little. You’ll hurt his feelings.” Brad said just after he jumped a little bit from whatever Ann was doing to him under the table.
“You mean that someone nearly shot you in the crown jewels?” Amber asked with a pained look on her face.
“They got pretty close.” Brad said.
“They must have been a crack shot to do that.” Amy said before she realised what she was saying. “I didn’t mean it like that Brad.” She suddenly added when she heard the others all start laughing.
“Are you trying to insult my husband to be sis?” Ann asked with a grin when she saw Amy trying to slip under the table. “I’d also like to know how you would know such a thing?” She added with a giggle.
“I don’t, and never want to sis.” Amy said with a cringe as Amber pulled her back up into a sitting position on her chair.
Becky was still sat scowling at Frank for shooting Chrissy in the bottom while Amy and Ann were talking. Chrissy thought it looked like Becky was thinking of different ways she could hurt him, not that she stood much of a chance unless she used a baseball bat.
“Please just let it go baby.” Chrissy whined as she pulled Becky into a hug with her and then turned her head around so she could kiss her. “If you must blame somebody, then blame me for lying to you about it all.” Chrissy added after they kissed.
“I’m sure I can find some way to punish you for being a bad little girl.” Becky purred, all her anger gone. Frank let out a sigh of relief when he saw Becky smile.
Chrissy wasn’t sure if she’d wake Dan up if she called, so she was going to let Becky have a word with him at the club later in the evening. So they could find out if they could all meet up on Wednesday to sort out the details for his daughter’s birthday party.
Becky and Carla were both ready and stood in the hallway saying goodbye to the others when Vicky turned up for them. Becky kissed Chrissy and then kissed Andrew and Lauren before leaving for the club. Frank had left with Brad a little earlier while Prue stopped to spend a little more time the Girl’s and the babies.
Becky had spoke with Dan while at the club on the Monday night, and they were now sat in a pub waiting for Dan and his mum to arrive, so they could talk about Dan’s daughter Penny’s birthday party. It was just Chrissy, Becky, Amy and Amber meeting them, as Mandy and Carl were busy looking at churches for them to have their wedding at.
Chrissy was talking to Amy about their plans for Ann’s hen night on Saturday while they waited. “Is everything sorted out then for Saturday?”
“Yes, I got us a large room booked at a new karaoke bar that’s opened up, so we can have some fun killing a few songs before we end up at the club so Brad can play strip-a-gram for Ann.” Amy giggled.
“I can’t believe you talked Brad into being a strip-a-gram.” Becky giggled.
“She’s even getting him to dress as a fireman as well.” Amber added just before she started giggling.
“I’m looking forward to the karaoke though.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked at Amy. Both girls loved singing along to the songs on the radio and then at the club while on the dance floor, but the thought of being able to get up on stage and sing along to the songs was something they were really looking forward to.
They stopped talking when they saw Becky wave at Dan as he entered the pub with a women at his side, but she didn’t look old enough to be his mum.
“Hi Boss. Sorry I’m late.” Dan said looking nervous as he saw the half finished glasses of cola the girls had on the table in front of them.
“You’re not late Dan, and please call me Becky while we’re not at work. Becky said with a smile. “We got here early so we could get a good table.” She added as she offered Dan and the woman with him a seat at the table.
“Couldn’t your mum make it Dan?” Chrissy asked as she looked at the woman sat next to him.
“Yes, she’s right here.” Dan said with a puzzled look as he pointed to the woman. “Oh sorry, this is my mum. Mum this is Becky, Chrissy, Amy and Amber.” Dan added as he pointed to each girl in turn.
“Hello dear’s, please call me Natasha.” The woman smiled. “He’s got a heart of gold, but very few manners.” She added with a giggle.
“Hello Natasha, It’s nice to meet you.” Chrissy said as she held out her hand to shake Dan’s mums. Chrissy couldn’t help noticing how Natasha was giving her a good look over. She then did the same thing with Amy.
“I’m sorry if this sounds a little cliché, but I thought you would look a little different.” Natasha said as she looked between Chrissy and Amy.
“Jerry Springer has a lot to answer for.” Chrissy giggled.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that Chrissy.” Natasha said looking worried that she’d just upset her Son’s boss. “I didn’t know what to expect really, but you both look so beautiful.” She finally said, not knowing any other way to put it.
“Don’t look so worried Natasha. Amy and I get that a lot when people find out what we use to be.” Chrissy smiled as she took hold of Natasha’s hand to calm her down again. “I must admit that you don’t look old enough to have a son of Dan’s age either.” Chrissy added as she looked at Dan and then Natasha again.
“I was young when I had him, but I don’t regret a single second of it.” Natasha said with a loving smile as she tried to straighten out his hair for him.
“Mum!” Dan whined as he tried to make her stop, just like a small child would do. This just made all the girls giggle as they watched her keep trying.
“Why don’t you make yourself useful dear, and go get us some drinks.” Natasha told Dan. “What are you all drinking girls?” she asked the others.
“We’re all drinking diet coke, but you don’t need to get us a drink Dan.” Becky said as she watched Dan get up from the table.
“I’ll let you argue that out with my mum while I just go and do as I’m told.” Dan said with a frown that told Becky she would just be wasting her time even trying.
“I see you’ve got him well trained then Natasha?” Chrissy asked with a giggle.
“He’s a good kid, and he loves working at the club with Brad and Frank.” Natasha said with a smile as she watched him getting served at the bar. “I was hoping to see the two new additions to your family.” She added with a hurt look.
“We would have brought them, but we wanted to have no distractions while we spoke about Penny’s birthday part.” Chrissy explained. “They will be at the wedding so you will see them there, and I’m looking forward to meeting little Penny at the same time.” Chrissy pointed out.
“I’m sorry, but Penny and I haven’t been invited to the wedding as far as I’m aware.” Natasha said with a puzzled look.
“Don’t be silly Natasha, the invite said Dan Jacobs and family, that would be you and Penny.” Chrissy said with a wave of the hand.
“I’m still not sure we should be there Chrissy.” Natasha said looking worried. “Will there be any other children there for Penny to play with?” She asked.
“Yes there will be at least two as I know of, and Penny will have fun with them.” Chrissy giggled as she thought of Cathleen and Kat. Chrissy got out her mobile and made a call to Brad so he could let Natasha hear it from him that he wanted her and Penny at the wedding.
“Who you calling babe?” Becky asked as she looked at Chrissy playing with her phone before putting it to her ear.
“I’m calling Brad and Ann to let Natasha know that she and Penny are expected to be at the wedding.” Chrissy said as she put the phone to her ear.
Dan had walked back over to the table while Chrissy was waiting for Brad to answer is mobile. “Is everything alright?” He asked looking at Chrissy.
“Yes, Chrissy is just getting Brad on the phone to let your mum know that she and Penny can come to the wedding.” Becky said as she started passing the drinks around that Dan had just put down on the table using a tray.
“I’ve already told you that Brad and Ann wouldn’t mind you and Penny being at the wedding and the reception later in the day mum.” Dan said with a frown.
They all stopped talking when they heard Chrissy start speaking to who they thought to be Brad on the other end of the phone. “Hi, don’t panic, everything is fine. They were looking very happy when we dropped them of at Mable’s with my mum earlier. Well if you give me chance to tell you.” Chrissy giggled. “Can you have a quick word with Natasha, Dan’s mum and let her know that she and Penny will be coming to the wedding, they seem to think they won’t be wanted there.” Chrissy added. She was soon passing her phone over to Natasha.
“Hello?” Natasha asked, still not knowing if it was Brad on the other end of the phone.
“Hi Natasha, Brad here. What’s all this I hear about you and Penny not being at the wedding?” Brad’s voice said on the other end of the phone.
“I wasn’t sure you’d want Penny running around on your big day, so I was just going to babysit her while Dan came to see you tie the knot.” Natasha tried to explain.
“Well that don’t work for me Natasha, so I want you to dust off your best dress and come to my wedding with little Penny in tow. Do I make myself clear?” Brad asked in a firm tone that left Natasha no other choice than to say yes.
“Yes Brad, I’ll be there with Penny and Dan.” Natasha said, sounding just like a child that had been told off.
“That’s better.” Brad chuckled. “How are you getting on with Chrissy and the others?” Brad asked sounding much happier now.
“They’re so amazing Brad, and very pretty.” Natasha said as she started blushing when she saw them all look at her with a smile.
“I’ve not met anyone who didn’t fall in love with Chrissy after meeting her.” Brad chuckled. “If you can pass the phone back to Chrissy now, I want to have a quick word with her before I hang up.” He added.
“Okay, and thanks for inviting us again. Bye Brad.” Natasha said just before handing the phone back to Chrissy. “Brad wants a quick word with you Chrissy.” She added as Chrissy took the phone off her.
“Hi again Brad, glad we got that sorted out.” Chrissy giggled. “What can I help you with?” She asked with a smile in her voice.
“Thanks for letting me know about that baby sister. I’d hate to think they stayed away just because they thought we didn’t want kids running around.” Brad chuckled some more at the thought of the fun Chrissy and Amy would have playing with all the kids there. “I need you to help me out with something else though now Chrissy.” Brad added sounding all series again.
“You know I will if I can bro.” Chrissy said with a grin. She thought it was cool being able to call Brad her brother.
“I need you to make sure that Natasha and Penny have something nice to wear. Just let me know the cost if you need to help them out, and I will give you the money back.” Brad said.
“Don’t worry about it Brad, I’ll get everything sorted out. I am the best man after all.” Chrissy giggled. “I’ll see you later back at home bro. Bye!” Chrissy added before ending the call so she could carry on sorting out the party with the others.
Natasha was still sat looking at Chrissy in an odd way after she’d finished putting her phone away. “Did you really put some guy on the floor one night at the club when he touched Becky where he shouldn’t have?” Natasha finally asked, but still not believing it.
“Yes I did.” Chrissy said looking guilty. “But he did touch my wife in a very rude way.” She added in her own defence.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way Chrissy, but I find that very hard to believe looking at you.” Natasha said as she waved her hand up and down towards Chrissy’s body.
“I was a little shocked when I reacted like I did on the night, but that man made me so mad that I wasn’t really thinking when I grabbed his hand to stop him.” Chrissy said with a little giggle. “I’ve learned to fight for the ones I love though.” She added as she looked at Becky while holding hands under the table.
“I think you’re a very strong person Chrissy. I don’t think I could have lived the life you had to.” Natasha said with great respect for the young woman sat next to her.
“I’m only as strong as the family I have around me.” Chrissy said looking very modest as she said it.
Chrissy soon changed the topic back to Penny’s birthday and they got all the fine details sorted out as to the type of food Penny and her friends liked and the location of the party, which was going to be in one of the function rooms at the hotel. Carl was covering the cost of everything and leaving Chrissy and the others to sort out all the food and presents, just like he did for all the other parents that worked for him. Natasha and Dan were very impressed by the time it had all been explained to them.
“If you can get us a list of parents that have children who would be coming to the party, then we can get the invites sorted and sent out.” Amy said as she passed Natasha a card with her Email address on for her to send the list to.
“You’ll sort out the invites as well Amy?” Dan asked looking even more impressed now.
“I don’t, but Amber will sort it out ready for us to print them out on some posh card and then get them out in the post to all of Penny’s friends.” Amy said as she cuddled up to Amber a little more.
“Do you get out much Natasha?” Chrissy asked once they had finished talking about the birthday party.
“No, not really. I spend all my time looking after Penny while Dan is at work in the evening, not that I mind.” Natasha smiled. “She’s such a loving child, but I can tell she misses her mother. I do my best, but I am just a little too old to keep up with all the latest fashions.” She added with a funny look on her face.
“I was just wondering if you want to come out on Ann’s hen night with us this Saturday?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“As nice as that would be Chrissy, I have Penny to look after while Dan goes to work, but thank you for asking me.” Natasha said with a warm smile.
“What if we could find a babysitter for you, then would you come out with us?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.
“I’m not sure Chrissy, I’ve never really trusted leaving Penny with babysitters.” Natasha said looking worried.
“You can trust these babysitters, and Penny will have another couple of little girl to have a form of sleepover with.” Chrissy said still grinning.
“Who will be looking after them?” Natasha asked with a puzzled look.
“My mum’s will be looking after them, as well as the twins. They will all be stopping at our house, so they can all have a swim on the Sunday morning, and then spend the day playing.” Chrissy was grinning now.
“Your mums? As in you have more than one?” Natasha asked looking even more puzzled now.
“Yes I kind of have two mums. It’s a long story, that I will be happy to tell you on Sunday, but only if you agree to come out on the Saturday night and let your hair down.” Chrissy said in a firm voice.
“You make it sound like I would be stopping at your home after the night out as well.” Natasha said.
“That’s because you would be silly.” Chrissy giggled as she playfully slapped Natasha on the hand. “Say yes. You and Penny will both have a good time, and Dan can have a relaxing lie in after working late at the club.” She added.
Natasha looked at Dan to see if he was okay with her having a night out and leaving Penny to be looked after by Chrissy’s mums. Dan was grinning and nodding at her to say yes to the night out. He trusted Chrissy and her family to take good care of his daughter while his mum got a night out.
“Say yes mum, and have a fun night out for once.” Dan pushed his mum.
“Okay then Chrissy, it sounds like it could be fun having a night out with you and the others.” Natasha said with a grin.
Amy wrote down the address for the house so Dan could bring Penny and his mum around on the Saturday morning. The hen party was going to start with a full spa treatment for Ann and all the others. Holly and Prue were going to look after the kids for the day at the house. With everything finalised, they all finished their drinks and then hugged before going there own ways.
Chrissy told the others as they drove back to Mable’s to pick up the twins, that Brad wanted them to sort out new dresses for Natasha and Penny for the wedding.
“Amber? Do you think it would be possible for you and Sara to make another little brides maid dress for Penny?” Chrissy asked as she looked over her should at Amber sat in the back of Becky’s car with Amy.
“No trouble at all sis.” Amber grinned. “It’s a simple enough design Ann picked for Cathleen and Kat to wear.” She added with a shrug.
“We won’t be able to get Penny’s measurements until Sunday though; will that still give you enough time to get it made?” Chrissy asked as she pointed out the tight dead line they would be working with.
“Trust me Chrissy, it will be done in time, you just worry about making Natasha look pretty for the wedding, and leave Penny to Sara and me.” Amber said sounding positive they would have Penny looking just as cute as Cathleen and Kat on the wedding day.
Becky pulled up outside Mable’s and they were soon sat having a cup of tea while they watched Holly and Chrissy feed the babies. Then they all hugged Mable before heading home to make a start on some dinner and finish off plans for the hen party and the wedding a week later.
The girls all went to work as normal on the Thursday and Friday, but they were all looking forward to spending the day at the spa in the hotel before going to the Karaoke bar and then the club to finish off the evening.
Chrissy and Amy ran to answer the door on the Saturday morning when they heard the doorbell chime. They both started grinning when they saw Dan, Natasha and a little girl looking very nervous stood there.
“Hi Dan, Natasha, and you must be Penny?” Chrissy said as she let them into the house and then crouched down to look Penny in the eyes. “Hello Penny, I’m Chrissy and this is my sister Amy.” Chrissy added as she looked at Amy who had also crouched down beside her to get a better look at the little girl.
“Hello. You both look very pretty, just like my nana said you did.” Penny said as she started to warm to the two women crouched down in front of her.
“We just look like ugly step sister next to you Penny.” Amy giggled as she tapped Penny on the nose.
Penny just blushed and then started to giggle as she let Amy and Chrissy take a hand each and lead them into the living room where the others were all sat talking. Natasha looked up at Dan in shock at just how quick Chrissy and Amy had won over the little girl. Penny was normally very slow to let new people near her, but she’d taken an instant like to the two women.
Cathleen and Kat ran over to meet the new girl when they saw Chrissy and Amy enter the room holding her hands. Penny looked worried for a couple of minutes, but was soon running off to play dollies with them.
Chrissy then took the time to introduce Natasha to everyone in the room, which took some time as everyone was there. She soon relaxed and started having fun though, and she was happy to see Penny giggling and having fun with Cathleen and Kat.
“I’d like you to meet little Andrew and Lauren.” Chrissy said as her and Becky sat down with a baby each.
“They are just so beautiful.” Natasha said as she crouched down in front of the sofa Chrissy and Becky had just sat down on with the babies.
The twins just sat giggling as they looked at the new face of Natasha. They soon got bored though and turned to look up at their mums before wanting to be put down on the play mat again.
“Do you trust us now when we say that Penny will have fun and be in very safe hands?” Chrissy asked Natasha as she looked over at Penny giggling while she played.
“Yes I do Chrissy. You have such an amazing family.” Natasha said as she looked around the room.
Chrissy just grinned as she looked around the room herself and thought of just how true that was. “I like to think so to Natasha.”
They were all soon getting up and saying goodbye to the little ones so they could leave and start the hen party. Dan and Brad were going to keep an eye on Cathleen, Kat and Penny for the day while Holly and Prue looked after Andrew and Lauren. Then Holly and Prue would keep an eye on them all in the evening while the girls had their sleepover at Chrissy and Mandy’s house.
Carl had sorted out a minibus from the hotel to take the girls back there to have their spa treatment. Chrissy, Becky, Mandy, Amy, Amber, Ann, Jayden and Natasha all got in the minibus before heading off to go and pick up Jenna and Kim from Mable’s. Then they made their way over to pick up Sara and Cathy before going to the hotel to meet up with all the others.
Samantha’s wife Rachel was stood outside the hotel with Jo, and the girls from Ann’s department at the hotel were all stood waiting for them when they pulled up. There was a lot of screaming and squealing form everyone as they all hugged and were introduced to each other, then they all went into the hotel where Dale was waiting to great them all.
They all relaxed as they had the full treatment package and then had makeovers done ready for the night out partying. Natasha got a shock when she found out that Chrissy had spoke with Carl and the boutique in the hotel was going to sort her out with a nice dress for the evening, but she was grinning when she was finally ready to head over to the karaoke bar after they had all sat down to a wonderful meal in the hotel restaurant.
Ann ended up with a little vale on her head when they left the hotel and she was carrying a little bouquet of flowers to make her look like a bride. They all loved the karaoke and were amazed at just how good Chrissy and Amy were at singing, but they all had to laugh at the silly dance’s they kept doing as they sang.
Amy made a call to the hotel as they were getting ready to leave the karaoke bar, so they could send a couple of limo’s to take them all to the club to finish off the night and give Ann her final present for the day.
Natasha had to help Dan close his mouth again when he saw her looking very beautiful in her new dress and professional makeover. “You look amazing mum!” Dan had said.
Jayden, Mandy, Rachel and Jo had all ran off to find their partners once they got to the club. Natasha looked a little puzzled when she saw them a little later all stood kissing or hugging women, but Chrissy and Amy soon pointed out who they really were. She’d not met Jo or Rachel’s partners before, but she was shocked to find out that Carla and Kara were really Carl and Callum though.
Ann was on the dance floor a little later in the evening when the music suddenly changed to a Tom Jones song used in the film The Full Monty, and she saw everyone clear the dance floor apart from her and a fireman that had walked on from the other side of the room. His face was in shadow from the helmet he had on, but he was soon moving around to the music as he started to undress right in front of her. Ann started to giggle as she realised that it was Brad, and she was soon shouting for him to take more and more of his uniform off, but she made him stop before he went the full monty. The last anyone saw of Brad and Ann they were heading towards the exit with Ann wearing Brad’s fireman helmet and Brad wearing Ann’s little vale on his head.
“Ann said she was going to test out Brad’s fireman’s pole!” Someone had shouted when they asked where Ann was. This made them all laugh.
The night came to an end and they all headed home. Chrissy took Natasha up to check on Penny and she was fast asleep in one of the guest bedrooms with Cathleen and Kat cuddled up to her looking very peaceful and happy.
Chrissy then showed Natasha to another one of the guest bedrooms before going to check on the twins and then go to bed herself. She found Becky stood in the nursery when she got there, so she walked over and wrapped her arms around Becky and kissed her on the cheek before she rested her head on Becky’s shoulder and watched the babies sleeping.
“We better see about getting some sleep, I don’t think we’ll be getting a lie in tomorrow, or later today as it is now.” Chrissy whispered in Becky’s ear just before she started to nibble on it. Becky was soon grinning as she led Chrissy over to their room to see about getting to bed. They did finally get to sleep, but not before Becky had her wicked way with Chrissy first.
Chrissy woke the next morning to the sound of one of the twins crying, so she got out of bed and wandered over to the nursery to find her mum sorting out Andrew while Lauren made it clear that she wasn’t happy about being left in her cot.
“Hey, hey! What’s all that for?” Chrissy asked as she picked up Lauren and held her close. “Morning mum, did everything go okay yesterday?” Chrissy asked as she walked over to see how Andrew looked. Lauren had stopped crying the minute Chrissy picked her up.
“Good morning dear.” Holly said as she leaned over and kissed Chrissy on the cheek as she looked down at a smiling Andrew. “They were as good as gold all day. The girls all had a good time as well. Penny is such a little sweetheart, she even helped me and Prue look after these two.” She added with a smile.
“Thank you for looking after them all for us mum.” Chrissy said as she gave her mum a quick hug before letting her get back to changing Andrew’s diaper.
“No thanks needed dear. It was fun to see the three girls all playing around in the bed and having a slumber party. I just wish you’d had the chance to do the same thing growing up.” Holly said looking a little sad.
“I’ve had plenty of them since I’ve become who I am now mum, so don’t feel too bad.” Chrissy giggled.
They both got the twins changed and then left the room to head down stairs when they saw Becky step out of their room with a smile on her face. She gave each of the twins a kiss on the cheek before she gave Holly one before she then gave Chrissy a much longer one on the lips.
“Morning baby.” Becky purred as she broke the kiss.
“Good morning my love. Do you want to take Lauren for me, so I can go and see how the girls are doing?” Chrissy asked as she let Becky take Lauren out of her arms.
Chrissy wandered down the long hallway to the older part of the house where the three girls had been sleeping in one of the new guest rooms they had down there. She could hear the girls giggling as she got closer to the room and she found them having a pillow fight while jumping up and down on the bed.
All three girls suddenly stopped looking very sheepish when they saw Chrissy stood in the doorway looking at them, but they soon started grinning when they saw that Chrissy was grinning at them.
“Good morning girls. I trust you all slept okay?” Chrissy asked as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Morning Aunty Chrissy.” Kat said as she jumped over to where Chrissy was sat and gave her a hug.
“Morning Aunty Chrissy.” Cathleen said as she crawled across the bed to give Chrissy a hug when Kat had finished.
“Good morning Aunty Chrissy.” Penny said before she realised what she was saying, when she did she slapped her hand over her mouth looking worried. “Sorry Chrissy, I got carried away.” Penny mumbled through her hand that was still over her mouth.
“I don’t mind you calling me Aunty Chrissy if that’s what you want to call me, but I must warn you that Amy and the others will also want to be called Aunty as well.” Chrissy said as she pulled Penny’s hand away from her mouth. “But if you are going to call me Aunty, then I demand that you give me a hug as well.” Chrissy giggled as she held her arms open so Penny could get a hug from her.
Penny started grinning as she leapt into Chrissy’s arms to get a hug from her. “Thank you Aunty Chrissy, thank you so much.” Penny said with tears running down her cheeks. “I’ve never had an Aunty before.” She added with a choked up sound to her voice.
“We better get you down stairs so you can meet some more of them then.” Chrissy said as she broke the hug and then helped the girls to get their dressing gowns on so they could head down for some breakfast.
“I need you all to stand here and wait while I go and check on your nana.” Chrissy said as they got to the guest room where Natasha had stayed last night.
Chrissy knocked on the door and entered when she heard a voice telling her to come in. Chrissy found Natasha sat up in bed looking half asleep still, but smiling when she saw Chrissy. “Good morning Chrissy, is everything alright?”
“Morning Natasha. Everything is fine; I’m just about to take the girls down for some breakfast and wanted to check on you before I did. Please feel free to take a bath or a shower before coming down. I’ll keep an eye on Penny for you while you make the most of the break.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“Are you sure you don’t mind Chrissy?” Natasha asked.
“Are you kidding me Natasha? I love spending time with kids. Most would say it’s because I act like one most the time.” Chrissy giggled. “I hope you don’t mind though, but Penny slipped and called me Aunty Chrissy, and I said it was okay for her to keep calling me that.” Chrissy asked looking more serious now.
“I can’t think of a better Aunty for her to have Chrissy.” Natasha said with pride.
“She’s at least five more now as well. The others will want her to call them Aunty as well.” Chrissy grinned. “I better go and feed them before they start running all over the house.” Chrissy added as she gave Natasha a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she ran out the room.
Natasha giggled as she watched Chrissy vanish. “Where does that girl find the energy from?” She said to herself just before falling back down with her head on the pillow.
Chrissy found the three girls still stood waiting for her. Kat was now stood between the two larger girls, but they were all still very small. “Shall we go and find something to eat then?” Chrissy asked with a grin as she held out her hand for Penny to take so she could lead them down the stairs and into the dining room where Holly and Becky were just sorting out the twins with their breakfast.
“You all find a seat and I’ll go and grab the cereal and some bowls.” Chrissy said as she picked Kat up and sat her on a seat before going into the kitchen.
The girls all sat and ate their breakfast like good little girls, then Chrissy gave them some colouring books to play with until she’d had time to help Becky clean up the twins and put them down on the play mat in the living room with Holly sat keeping an eye on them while she went to entertain the other kids for a bit.
It had been just over an hour since the girls finished their breakfast when they saw Amy and Amber enter the dining room wearing their swimming suits so they could go for a swim before they ate.
“Can we go swimming with you Aunty Amy?” Cathleen asked with a grin.
“How long as it been since you finished your breakfast?” Amy asked looking worried.
“It’s been well over an hour sis.” Chrissy said as she got up from the table. “Do you want to come swimming Penny?” Chrissy asked.
“No, not really Aunty Chrissy.” Penny said looking embarrassed about something.
Chrissy sat down next to Penny. “What’s wrong Penny? Don’t you know how to swim?” Chrissy asked as she put an arm around Penny’s shoulder.
“No. Nana can’t swim and daddy is always busy working, so I have never been shown how.” Penny said sounding upset.
“Aunty Chrissy teach you Penny. She teach me to puppy paddle.” Kat said as she walked up to Penny still sat in her seat looking upset about not being able to swim.
“I think you mean the doggy paddle Kat.” Penny tried to correct her.
“No, I mean puppy paddle. I only little still, so not really big enough to be called dog, so I learn to puppy paddle.” Kat said it like it should make perfect sense to everyone.
As sad as Penny felt about not being able to swim when a four year old could, she still found herself giggling at Kat’s logic. “Will you really teach me to swim Aunty Chrissy?” Penny asked looking hopeful.
“What kind of an Aunty would I be if I didn’t?” Chrissy grinned just before Penny threw her arms around Chrissy’s neck and hugged her.
“Thank you Aunty Chrissy, thank you so much.” Penny said as she kept hugging her. “You’re the best Aunty ever!” She added when they broke the hug.
“Hey! Not fair.” Amy whined. “You’ve not had time to see how cool your other Auntie’s can be yet.” Amy added with a grin.
“Can I really call you all aunties?” Penny asked as she looked around at Amy, Amber and Becky.
“We’d all be very upset if you didn’t Penny.” Amy said as she held her arms open to get a hug from the little girl.
Penny ran over and jumped up into Amys arms. “Thank you Aunty Amy.” The little girl said as she got a hug from Amy. She then ran to Becky and Amber who also gave the little girl a hug.
“We better go and find you a swimsuit then girls!” Chrissy said as she led them out to the swimming pool where they had a collection of spare suits for when Kat and Cathleen came over.
Penny was soon kitted out in a swim suit, arm bands and a foam board to help her swim. Chrissy and Becky got changed into swim suits and they were all soon in the pool playing around. Chrissy let the other play while she helped Penny learn to swim.
Natasha came down later in the morning after taking a long soak in a bubble bath to find Penny in the pool learning to swim with Chrissy helping her. Natasha had never seen Penny so full of life since the death of her mother just over two years ago.
Chrissy had got Penny to the point where she was now just using the foam board to help her a little bit, but for the most part she could now swim.
“Look nana, I can swim now.” Penny said as she swam past kicking her feet behind her with Chrissy swimming at her side keeping an eye on her.
“I can see that dear. Aren’t you a clever little girl?” Natasha said with a grin. She sat there for nearly an hour watching Chrissy work with her and not looking bored once.
When Chrissy thought Penny had finally got the hang of swimming and no longer needed the foam board she got out and put on a bathrobe before sitting down next to Natasha to see how she was doing on her day off.
“I hope you didn’t mind me teaching Penny to swim?” Chrissy asked with a smile as she watched Penny now playing with Cathleen and Kat.
“Why would I mind Chrissy? I’ve not seen Penny this happy since before her mum died.” Natasha said as a tear ran down her cheek.
“I was sorry to hear about what happened to her mum. Were you very close?” Chrissy asked.
“Yes we were. I know what people say about mother in-laws, but it wasn’t like that with me and Debbie.” Natasha said with a little giggle as she remembered something. “She became my best friend from the first time we ever met, and she was so in love with Dan.” She added with passion.
“They had a beautiful daughter.” Chrissy said as she tried to move Natasha’s memories to something a little happier.
“She’s the spitting image of her mother you know. I was worried that I’d never see her look this happy again, but just in one day you’ve made her look like her old self again.” Natasha grinned. “Dan was right when he said that there was something magic about you Chrissy.” She added with a giggle.
Chrissy just blushed, not knowing what to say to that comment. She was saved from having to answer it when they heard some of the others enter the pool room so they could take a swim. Chrissy soon found herself back in the pool as they had a play around with a beach ball.
Ann and Brad got home just after lunch time, and Dan arrived to pick up Natasha and Penny mid afternoon, but then ended up stopping for dinner before they left later in the evening. Vic and Jenna turned up for Cathleen at the same time Hope and Faith arrived to pick up little Kat. Chrissy couldn’t help but note that Dan and Faith kept checking each other out when the other one wasn’t looking. This gave Chrissy some ideas. She wondered if it was time to brush the dust off her little bow and arrows so she could play cupid again?
Chrissy had been crafty when she sorted out the evening dress for Natasha to wear the night before and found a nice dress that would do for the wedding, so they didn’t need to take her out looking for one. They also found out that Penny was the same size as Cathleen, so Amber and Sara could use Cathleen to make sure the dress for Penny would fit okay.
The next week was frantic with last minute fittings on all the dresses, and Chrissy’s outfit for the wedding, but the week soon passed and it was Friday and everyone was getting ready for the wedding the next day. Brad gave Ann a kiss before he left for his last night as a single man. Carl was letting him stop the night at the hotel so he wouldn’t risk seeing Ann in her wedding dress the next morning.
Chrissy was going to be spending the night at home, but would be driven over to the hotel first thing in the morning with Carl, Callum and Vic.
By SaraUK
Part 37
Chrissy got out of bed when she heard the twins had woken via the baby monitor. Becky turned over and had a stretch as she looked at her wife putting on her dressing gown.
“Are the twins awake?” Becky asked once she’d stretched and sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Yes, but they’re not upset yet. I was hoping to get them changed before it got that far.” Chrissy said as she knelt on the bed and gave Becky a good morning kiss.
“Give me a couple of seconds and I’ll come with you.” Becky smiled when they stopped kissing each other. “Have I ever told you how much I love you baby?” Becky asked with a grin.
“All the time, but please don’t ever stop reminding me my love.” Chrissy purred as she slid off the bed and then helped Becky to get out and slip on her dressing gown.
Chrissy and Becky had to smile as they entered the nursery because Andrew and Lauren were looking at each other in their cots and making sounds like they were talking to each other in baby speak.
“Someone’s chatty this morning.” Chrissy said as she looked down at Lauren while Becky sorted out Andrew. “Yes you are.” Chrissy added as she hugged Lauren to her while covering her face in little kisses. Lauren found this funny and started to giggle and make even more baby noises.
Becky started doing the same thing to Andrew and got the same response from him. They quickly got them both changed and dressed so they could go down and get something to eat before Chrissy had to get ready to leave with Carl, Callum and Vic to go and help Brad get ready for the wedding.
Amy, Ann and Amber were all down in the kitchen flapping around looking worried when they saw Chrissy and Becky enter the kitchen holding Andrew and Lauren.
“Good morning sisters!” Chrissy said with a grin. “And how is the bride to be this morning?” Chrissy asked as she walked over to where Ann was stood near the sick and gave her a hug.
“I’m scared to death Chrissy.” Ann said with real fear in her voice. “What if Brad changed his mind and doesn’t show up at the church?” She asked in a panicked voice.
“He’ll be there when Carl walks you down the aisle sis.” Chrissy said calmly to her. “I’ll hit him over the head and drag him there if I have to.” Chrissy added with a grin.
This made Ann start to giggle then she just burst out in a fit of laughter as her mind painted the picture of Chrissy dressed as a cave girl holding a club in one hand, and dragging Brad down the aisle with the other one.
Once Ann had stopped laughing so hard, she explained the image she had to the others and they were all soon laughing as well, which just set Ann off again. Once they all calmed down, Chrissy gave Lauren to Ann to hold while she helped Amy and Amber sort out some toast for them all and warm up some baby food for the twins to have.
“How you doing baby sister?” Chrissy asked as she helped Amy with buttering the toast once it had popped up in the toaster.
“I’m really freaking out sis. How am I supposed to help Ann with her makeup when I can’t stop my hands shaking?” Amy said as she showed Chrissy her hands.
“You won’t have to baby sister.” Chrissy smiled at her just before she turned and gave her a hug. “Cathy is coming over to help you out.” She added just before she kissed Amy on the cheek.
“You’re the best sis!” Amy grinned as she realised that even though Chrissy wouldn’t be here to help, she had still thought of everything and got Cathy in to help make sure Ann would look her best for the big day.
Ann was happy to sit and feed Lauren while Becky let Amy feed Andrew. This helped to give the two sisters something else to think about for a bit while they had their toast.
Just as they were finishing their breakfast Holly entered the kitchen so this meant that Chrissy and Becky could go up and take a bath together while Holly kept an eye on the babies for them. Mandy, Carl, Callum and Jayden all turned up just after, so Chrissy and Becky knew that their mum wouldn’t be left trying to keep an eye on two babies at the same time.
Chrissy and Becky were soon bathed and clean. Becky put her bathrobe back on while Chrissy got dressed in a simple skirt and top. She only put on a little makeup, as she would be doing the full makeup once she got to the hotel where her outfit was for the wedding.
Carl and Callum were both stood waiting for Chrissy in the hallway when she got back down stairs with Becky. Callum took the makeup case off Chrissy that she’d brought down with her while she went to say goodbye to Andrew and Lauren. They were just waiting for Vic to arrive, so he could give them all a lift to the hotel where Brad had spent the night and where all their suits were waiting for them to put on.
Ann had already gone back up to make a start on getting ready with Amy and Amber helping her. Chrissy knew just how she was feeling right now, all the worry and wondering if Brad might get cold feet at the last minute and not show up. She felt the same way when she was getting ready to marry Becky a couple of years back.
Chrissy said goodbye to Andrew and Lauren in the living room where they were playing on the play mat, then she got up and went back out to the hallway when she heard the doorbell chime to let her know that Vic was here to take them to the hotel.
Becky walked with Chrissy to the hallway and pulled her into a hug just before she left with the other three. “You and I need to have a little chat after today about a little matter that’s been brought to my attention.” Becky said after they finished kissing each other.
“What would that be my love?” Chrissy asked looking worried at the tone Becky was using on her. Becky only ever used that tone when Chrissy was in trouble over something.
“I won’t be mean and keep you in suspense, but I’ll show you what I’ve found out rather than tell you.” Becky said as she pulled out her mobile and pushed some buttons before turning the screen so Chrissy could watch something.
Chrissy looked worried as she realised that she was looking at the scene from the pub where she’d had the set to with the pig of a man that wanted to get a kiss from her, but just ended up looking like a fool when Chrissy twisted his arm up behind his back and then kicked him to the ground while Brad and Frank watched on.
“Don’t worry about answering now baby.” Becky said as she raised her hand to stop Chrissy trying to tell her what happened. “I’m not mad with you for what you did, but I am upset that I had to find out while looking over one of the guys at the club showing another person.” Becky added with a hurt look.
“Sorry.” Was all Chrissy could think to say at the moment. “I’ll see you later at the church then?” Chrissy was more asking than saying, she really wasn’t sure how upset Becky was with her over all this.
“Yes, I’ll see you at the church, and try to keep out of trouble.” Becky said as she kissed her on the cheek. “Now get going and make sure Brad is at the church when Ann turns up.” Becky added in a much firmer tone of voice.
Chrissy had noticed the fact that Becky had kissed her on the cheek and not on the lips, and the tone she used at the end didn’t make her feel any happier about the fact that she was in trouble. Callum helped Chrissy get in the back of Vic’s car before he went around to the other side to get in the back next to her. Carl and Vic got in the front and they set off towards the hotel.
“You okay Chrissy?” Callum asked when he realised that Chrissy was being very quiet as she just looked out the window. “Worried about being the best woman still?” He asked with a chuckle, trying to cheer her up.
“I wasn’t worried about the wedding or anything, but now I’m worried about Becky and the fact that I’m in trouble with her over the thing at the pub on Brad’s stag day.” Chrissy said with a sigh.
“Becky found out about that?!” Carl said as he turned to look at Chrissy from the front seat. “Who told her Chrissy?” He asked with some anger in his voice.
“No one told her Carl, some idiot recorded me doing it and Becky saw them showing someone else at the club at some point. That’s what she was showing me on her phone just before we left the house just now.”
“When I find out which fool did that, I’ll have them out looking for a new job.” Carl growled.
“Please don’t do that Carl. It’s not really their fault this happened. I never should have kept it from Becky in the first place.” Chrissy pleaded with Carl not to sack anyone over her mistakes. “Becky’s just mad she had to find out from a third person.” She added.
“Okay then Chrissy, but I’m still not happy to see you in trouble because of some fool recording that asshole getting a lesson in how not to treat a lady.” Carl said from the front seat.
“Did Becky say how much trouble you were in Chrissy?” Callum asked from the side of her.
“No, she just said that we would talk about it after the wedding, but I was to spend some time working out why I didn’t tell her in the first place.” Chrissy said looking worried. “She would only kiss me on the cheek when I left the house, so I’m not expecting it to be very pleasant.” She added looking more worried.
“All I can suggest is to cope with one problem at a time.” Callum shrugged. “Worry about getting Brad to the church and married, then worry about the trouble with Becky after that.” He added.
Chrissy was thinking about getting Brad to the church, but she was still worried about the trouble with Becky now as well. “Why couldn’t she just leave it one more day? Why did she have to bring it up right before I had to leave the house and go to the hotel and play best man to Brad?” Chrissy thought to herself.
Vic pulled up outside the hotel and they all got out. Carl took Chrissy’s hand while Callum kept hold of Chrissy’s makeup case for her as they made their way into the hotel and up to his old penthouse suite where Brad had spent the night and all their suits were now waiting for them.
Brad was swimming laps when they got up there, so Chrissy went out to see how he was doing. “Hi Brad, ready for the big day?”
“Hi baby sister. Don’t tell anyone this, but I’m scared to death that Ann won’t show up and I’ll be left looking like a fool with a church full of guests.” He said in a lowered voice as he looked to see where the others were.
Chrissy handed Brad a towel as he got out the pool. Chrissy thought that Brad’s body looked very impressive, but it did nothing for her, even with all the female hormones now flowing through it. But she could see why someone like Ann would want to have a guy like that. “If it helps you bro, Ann was feeling the same way about you earlier. I told her that I’d knock you out and drag you to the church if I had to.” Chrissy giggled.
“Well I’m glad that you’ll never have to do it then baby sister.” Brad chuckled. “I have no plans to skip out on Ann.” He added as he made his way back into the penthouse to go and take a shower and get his hair washed.
“Did you tell Brad about Becky finding out about your fight Chrissy?” Callum asked as she took her makeup case off him when she walked back into the penthouse.
“No, he’s got enough stuff to deal with at the minute, and this is my problem to sort out after the wedding.” Chrissy said just before she wandered off into the room where her outfit was.
Chrissy set to work doing her makeup once she’d got undressed and put on the underwear that Sara had added to the other things she’d be wearing in her role as best man, not that she’d look anything like a man once she was dressed.
She spent a lot of time doing her makeup and getting it to look just like she wanted, then she set to work getting dressed. Chrissy had gotten waxed the day before, so she had no trouble sliding on the pantyhose that were in a silvery gray colour to match the skirt and jacket Sara and Amber had designed for her to wear.
The next thing Chrissy put on was the silver blouse and then the short but very sexy looking skirt, then she slipped on her shoes because it would be easier than trying to put them on once she had the sliver corset on. She had to poke her head out and ask Callum to come in and help her do up the corset because she’d also had her nails done the day before and she was having trouble getting the corset tight enough.
“Sorry to bother you Callum, but I’m still having trouble getting use to these nails.” Chrissy said as she turned around so Callum could tighten down the corset the last inch or so.
“Glad to be able to help Chrissy.” Callum said with a smile as he set to work. “Is it weird that I’m a little jealous of you right now?” Callum asked with a chuckle.
“Not really Callum. I guess that Kara wants out.” Chrissy giggled. “I’m sure that Sara wouldn’t have minded if you’d wanted to go to the wedding as Kara. I know that Jayden wouldn’t have been to upset if you went dressed like this.” Chrissy added as she did a sexy pose for him.
Callum just chuckled some more, but was happy to see Chrissy a little more relaxed about everything. “I’d just look like a bloke in a skirt stood next to you, no matter how hard I tried.” Callum said with a sigh. “You really do look amazing Chrissy.” He added with a smile as he tied off the laces and tucked them in a little pouch on the back of the corset.
“Thank you for the help Callum.” Chrissy said with a smile as she took the jacket part of the suit off the hanger and then let Callum take it off her and help her put it on.
The jacket was like the one all the men would be wearing, but it was cut for a woman and only had a single button on each side for Chrissy to use when closing it. Once it was on, Callum then helped Chrissy with the little tie that looked cute, but matched what the men would be wearing. The last piece was a little top hat which Chrissy placed on her head at an angle and then she pinned it in place to stop it falling off her head again.
“Well, how do I look?” Chrissy asked as she stepped back and did a slow twirl for Callum to see the whole outfit.
“WOW! You look amazing Chrissy.” Callum said as he kept looking at her.
“I don’t look like a bloke do I?” Chrissy asked looking a little worried.
“Trust me Chrissy when I say that no one will think you to be a man for a single second.” Callum said as he finally managed to tear his eyes away long enough to look Chrissy in the eyes.
“Thanks Callum for being so sweet to me.” Chrissy smiled as she stepped closer and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before letting him lead her back out into the main room where the others were all waiting for her.
Frank had now joined them and he was the first one to see Chrissy enter the room. “WOW Chrissy, you are beautiful.” He said with his mouth hanging open.
“Just stunning Chrissy.” Carl said when he turned and saw her.
“I swear you could make anything look good Chrissy, but I have to agree with Frank and say you look beautiful.” Vic said as he watched Chrissy walking up to them.
Brad was the only one that still hadn’t spoke to her; he was just stood looking at her as she finally stopped at the end of the sofa Brad had just been sat on, but was now standing in front of.
“What do you think Brad? Still want me as your best man?” Chrissy asked looking nervous now that Brad still hadn’t said anything to her. “I’m sure Frank or Callum will step in and do it if you think I look to weird.” Chrissy said as she turned to go back to the room and change, but she stopped when she felt a large hand grab her arm.
“Please don’t even think like that Chrissy.” Brad finally said. “I don’t know what to say, you look so amazing right now that I can’t find the words to truly let you know how good you look.” Brad added with a chuckle.
“I just don’t want to let you down Brad. I’ve not had much practice at being a best man before.” Chrissy said looking worried.
“Well as the best man you’ve failed, because no one, not even a blind man could think you a man in that outfit.” Brad said with a grin. “As a best friend though, you have already gone above and beyond what most friends would do for me.” He added with pride. “You do have the rings though?” Brad asked looking worried.
“I thought you were hanging on to them?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
“No! I gave them to you earlier in the week for safe keeping.” Brad said looking really worried now.
“I don’t remember you doing that Brad.” Chrissy said as she tried to keep a straight face while she watched him panic.
Brad suddenly saw the crease at the sides of Chrissy’s lips as she tried to keep from smiling. “You’re just trying to wind me up aren’t you?” Brad said as he looked Chrissy in the eyes.
Chrissy couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and started giggling as she pulled out the little red velvet pouch with the two gold bands in. One for Ann, and the other for Brad. “Sorry Brad, but I just couldn’t help myself.”
Brad was just about to let Chrissy know how much he didn’t enjoy her little joke when Carl’s mobile went off. Brad looked worried as he waited to see who it was calling. He let out a sigh of relief when he found out it was just the driver to let them know that he was down stairs waiting for them.
“The car’s here, let’s go and get you tied down to one woman for the rest of your life.” Carl said with a grin as he patted Brad on the back while they all made their way to the elevator.
Ann was now dressed in her beautiful white wedding dress and Cathy had done her hair and makeup, Cathy had also helped Amy to do most of the other girl’s makeup as well. They were now waiting for the cars to take them to the church.
Carl had sorted out with the hotel, so no one needed to drive their own car, and they were just waiting for the two cars that would be taking the brides maids. Amy would be going to the church with Ann in a classic white Rolls Royce, just like Sara had used for her wedding.
Ann looked worried when she heard Mandy’s mobile. She was worried that it would be a call to say that Brad had backed out and the wedding was off. She stood looking at Mandy while she spoke to the person on the other end, but never giving anything away.
“Is everything alright Mandy?” Ann asked with worry in her voice.
“That was Carl.” Mandy said. “He’s calling to say that they are on their way to the church with Brad in the car with them.” Mandy added with a grin.
“Looks like it’s all on you then now sis.” Amy smiled as she held her sisters hand while she stood there in a beautiful pale pink dress that flowed out around her and fell to the floor in rivers of lace.
“Looks like I’m getting married then baby sister, because I have no plans to back out now.” Ann said with a grin from ear to ear.
Holly had already left with Prue and the twins. So Becky was able to help get the other bridesmaids in the cars with Amber and Mandy’s help then Amy helped Ann get in the white Rolls Royce and they were on their way.
The drive to the church took about twenty minutes, but it felt much longer to Ann as she looked out the window hoping that Mandy had been right and Brad would be stood waiting for her when she was walked down the aisle by Carl.
Carl was stood waiting for them when the car pulled up outside the church, and he helped Amy to get out and then they both helped Ann to exit the car.
“Is he here Carl?” Ann asked once she was out the car and looking Carl right in the eyes.
“Yes he’s here and waiting for you in the church Ann.” Carl smiled as he took hold of her hand to help calm her down. “Shall we go and get you two joined in wed lock then?” Carl finally asked as he held out his arm for Ann to slip her arm through.
“Lead the way kind sir.” Ann said as she let Carl lead her up the steps and into the church.
Chrissy and Brad were both stood down at the front of the church when they saw the brides maids enter the church. Brad looked nervous because he was waiting for his wife to be to finally turn up, and Chrissy was nervous because she could see her wife, and was too scared to make eye contact with her.
Becky looked over at Chrissy in her female version of a top hat and tails, she thought Chrissy looked really cute in it, but she couldn’t make Chrissy look at her. Becky was feeling bad for picking the moment she did to have a go at Chrissy over the video she’d found a couple of the bouncers looking at the other night. Becky didn’t plan to do anything to Chrissy for what she’d done and then kept from her, but she just wanted to worry Chrissy into thinking she wasn’t happy with her for not telling her in the first place. Becky now knew that she couldn’t be mad at Chrissy when she looked so sexy and cute at the same time.
Amy entered the church and the wedding march started playing as she got to the front and stood off to one side ready to take the bouquet off Ann once she got to the front.
Brad turned and looked at the doors and saw Ann enter the church on Carl’s arm and then took a slow walk down to the front where he was stood with Chrissy at his side ready to do her part when asked.
Ann was lost in a dream world as she was led to where Brad stood. She watched as the vicar spoke and Chrissy placed the rings on a little pillow so the vicar could bless them. They both said “I do” when asked the magic question and then they were kissing having just been pronounced man and wife.
“I love you so much Mrs Ann Crawley.” Brad said as they stopped kissing.
Ann smiled as she now knew that her dad would never be heard from again now that Amy had taken Amber’s last name when she married, and now Ann was Mrs Crawley.
They all moved outside for the photos and they spent a long time taking lots of photos. Chrissy had to blush when they even got one of Ann kissing her on one cheek while Brad kissed the other one. They both wanted to thank Chrissy for helping them get together and helping Brad keep his job when he wanted to quit.
Chrissy smiled when she saw Natasha stood with Cathleen, Penny and Kat over with Holly, Prue and the twins. She walked over to see how they were all doing; Becky was still having her photos taken with the other adult brides maids.
“Hi Natasha, I must say you look very nice in that dress.” Chrissy said with a grin.
“You should know Chrissy; you did pick it out for me.” Natasha frowned.
“I’m sorry. Am I forgiven?” Chrissy asked with a pout.
“Give me a hug and we’ll call it even.” Natasha said with a giggle as she held her arms out so Chrissy could give her a hug.
“You three are all looking very pretty as well.” Chrissy said as she bent over to look at the three little girls in their pretty little brides maids dresses.
“Thank you for letting me be a bride’s maid Aunty Chrissy.” Penny said as she stepped forward and kissed Chrissy on the cheek. “I feel just like a princess in this dress.” She giggled as she did a spin which soon set off the other two as they started doing the same as they all started giggling.
Once they had done taking photos Becky went in search of Chrissy so she could clear the air, but she found out that Chrissy had ducked out and left with Prue and Holly in Prue’s car with the twins. She got in one of the cars that Carl had sorted out for everyone needing a lift to the hotel where they were holding the reception. Becky found herself in a car with Amy and Amber.
“I thought you’d be heading to the hotel in the same car as Chrissy sis?” Amy asked with a puzzled look.
“I would have been, but I was stupid this morning and think I’ve upset Chrissy to the point where she’s now trying to keep out my way.” Becky said looking angry at herself.
“What happened?” Amy asked looking worried.
Becky explained about the video of Chrissy and the fact that she’d kept it from her. Becky was shocked to find out that she’d kept it from Amy and Amber as well. Amy and Amber were impressed at how quick and easy Chrissy made her actions look when Becky let them see the video on her phone.
“Are you really going to have a go at her for it all sis?” Amy asked once they had seen the video.
“No, I just wanted to make her think about it for a couple of hours, but with all the photos being taken and her slipping away with our mums, I haven’t had time to tell her I’m sorry for making her worry.” Becky said with a sigh.
“I’m sure you will get it sorted out once we get to the hotel.” Amber said with a grin. “Just wait until she’s sat with one of the twins and then pounce on her.” Amber added with a giggle.
Becky smiled when Amber said that, it would be hard for Chrissy to avoid her all day with the twins to keep an eye on. Becky would soon get this all sorted out after all.
Ann and Brad got to the hotel just after Chrissy got there with the twins and her mums. So she helped Ann get herself sorted out ready for all the guests turning up.
“Thanks Chrissy, I know that Amy should be doing all this, but I think she got talking to some people and ended up in one of the back cars.” Ann said as she gave Chrissy a quick hug. “You look really cute dressed like that by the way.” Ann added with a grin.
“Thanks Ann, but I think all the people will be looking at you today, just like they should.” Chrissy said with a grin as she put her hand in Brad’s so they were holding hands as the guests started to turn up.
Chrissy wandered over to where she’d left Holly and Prue with the twins and she sat down and let Prue pass her Lauren to hold for a little bit. Chrissy was still pinned in when she saw Becky enter the room and look around until she locked eyes on Chrissy and made her way over. Chrissy would have made a break for it, but Prue had gone to have a chat with Mable on another table, so she was left to face her angry wife.
“Please don’t start on me now Becky, not while the babies are here.” Chrissy said with some pleading in her voice. “I know I screwed up and I should have just told you about it, but I didn’t want you to worry every time I went out some place.” Chrissy added.
“I’m sorry Chrissy, but this can’t wait any longer.” Becky said with a sad look just before she reached up and pulled Chrissy’s head around and closer, so she could kiss her on the lips with as much passion as she could put into it. “I’m sorry I worried you my love, and I think you look so dam sexy and cute in that outfit.” Becky purred as they stopped kissing.
“Shut up and kiss me again baby.” Chrissy said as she pulled Becky back to her lips so they could keep kissing.
“I’d hate to see what you would do to her if she killed someone.” Carl said with a chuckle as he walked over with Mandy on his arm.
“I thought you said that Chrissy and Becky were having problems because of some big secret she’d been keeping from her?” Mandy said as she looked at Carl with a confused look.
“I was in trouble, but Becky just sorted me out.” Chrissy said with a grin when they stopped kissing again.
“I’ll give you the rest of your punishment later.” Becky said with a grin.
“I’ll look forward to it.” Chrissy giggled.
“I think our work is done here my love.” Mandy said as she pulled Carl away to go and see some other people in the room.
Amy and Amber were the next to come over and smile as they saw Chrissy and Becky arm in arm grinning at each other, just like Ann and Brad were doing as they greeted all the guests coming in.
“Anyone would think it was you two that had just got married.” Amber giggled. “I guess you cleared the air then Bec’s?” She added with a raised eyebrow.
Yep, all sorted.” Becky said with a grin just before she started kissing Chrissy again.
Amy and Amber sat down and took Lauren off Chrissy and Amber took Andrew out his carry cot so they could spend some time with them while Chrissy and Becky made up for lost time.
“Do you mind if I show off my wife for a bit as we take a little walk around?” Becky asked as she looked at Amy and Amber playing with the twins on their knees.
“Take all the time you need sis.” Amy said with a grin as she sat pulling faces at Lauren, who was giggling at her.
“Thanks sis, I love you.” Chrissy said as she gave first Amy and then Amber a kiss on the cheek before she kissed each baby and then dragged Becky away with her to let everyone know that they were still happily married and in love.
They didn’t have long to walk around before they were all led to another room for the sit down meal and all the speeches that would be given. Chrissy wasn’t looking forward to standing up and talking about Brad, because they had never done any of the best friend stuff.
“Everything okay baby?” Becky asked as they went back to help Amy and Amber with the twins. “You look worried about something.” She added.
“I’ve got to give a speech about Brad, and I’ve got no idea what to say.” Chrissy said in a lowered voice.
“What?! You left it until now to let us all know this little piece of information?” Becky said looking shocked.
“Well he picked me as his best man, so I thought it was my job to come up with something.” Chrissy said in her own defence.
“Yes, but this is far from a normal best man kind of thing your doing Chrissy.” Becky frowned. “I’ll have a word with Brad and Ann for you and get them to let you off the hook.” She added with a sigh. They had reached Amy and Amber as Becky said the last bit.
“What’s Chrissy done now? And why have you got to get her off the hook?” Amy asked with a grin as she handed Andrew over to Chrissy while Becky took Lauren off Amber.
“She’s got no idea what to say when the best man has to stand up and give their speech, so I’m going to have a word with Ann and Brad so she doesn’t have to stand up and look like an idiot.” Becky said as she looked at Lauren. “We don’t want mummy looking like an idiot do we?” Becky asked Lauren in baby speak.
Lauren must have thought otherwise because she made a noise that sounded like her saying yes, as she started giggled and reached out towards Chrissy.
“Oh is that all you’re worried about?” Amy said in a matter of fact way.
“So you don’t mind me looking like an idiot then?” Chrissy asked looking a little hurt.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that sis. I just mean that I’ve got the speech thing covered for you.” Amy said as she went in the little purse she had with her and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over to Chrissy. “I made some notes to get you started, but I’m sure that you can flesh it out a little bit yourself.” She added with a grin.
“When... What... How...?” Was all Chrissy could think to say as she looked at the paper Amy had handed her.
“You said a couple of times at work how scared you were over the best man speech, so I started thinking about how I would go about doing it, and now you have something to say.” Amy said with a grin. “I’ve even added a couple of jokes so you can get them warmed up.” She added with a giggle.
Chrissy looked at the sheet again and stopped when she saw the jokes at the bottom of the sheet in a little circle with the word “Jokes” over it. Chrissy read the jokes and then scowled at Amy before speaking. “I’m not telling them jokes!”
“Why not? I thought they were very funny sis.” Amy said looking hurt, but was soon giggling again.
“Why won’t you tell the jokes Chrissy?” Amber asked with a puzzled look as she took the sheet of paper Chrissy offered her, while she kept scowling at Amy, who was still giggling.
“Oh I see now.” Amber said as she started giggling at the jokes. “They are quite funny though sis.” Amber added just before she started giggling again.
“Let’s hear them then?” Becky said as she was still holding Lauren and couldn’t look herself.
“Okay. What do smart blonds and UFO’s have in common?” Amber asked.
“Don’t know.” Becky shrugged.
“You hear about them, but never see one.” Amber giggled.
Becky made a sound like she was trying not to giggle when she realised that Amy had found some blond jokes for Chrissy to read out. “Amy! That was not nice.” Becky said, but sounded like she was trying very hard not to giggle.
“Why do blonds always smile in a lightning storm?” Amber asked with a grin, and then she carried on with the answer when she saw that Becky wasn’t able to speak without laughing. “Because they think they’re having their picture taken.” Amber started laughing now, and this set Amy off, and Becky finally burst out laughing.
Chrissy wanted to keep looking angry with them, but even she had to start smiling and then giggling. “I’m still not standing up and telling blond jokes.” Chrissy said once she stopped.
“I didn’t think you would sis, but it did help to calm you down, and now when you do stand up to give the speech, you can just treat it like a joke.” Amy said as she gave Chrissy a hug to say sorry for the blonde jokes.
“Thanks Amy, you’re a life saver.” Chrissy said with a grin.
Amy just giggled at the little joke they shared about the fact that Amy had come into Chrissy life after saving her from being hit by a van.
They made their way into the large room full of tables and they took the twins over to the table where Holly was sat with Mable, Kim and David. They were going to look after the twins while they were up on the head table.
The head table had Ann and Brad sat in the middle with Carl and Mandy sat next to Ann and Amy and Amber sat next to them, then Chrissy and Becky sat next to Brad with Frank and Prue sat next to them so the table looked balanced.
Everyone enjoyed the food and they were all sat enjoying a drink when Carl stood up and asked for silence.
“I won’t take up much of your time, and then we will all make our way back into the other room so the bride and groom can open there gifts and thank you all for them.” Carl said with a smile. “I know this is the part where the father would normally stand up and say a few words, but the less said about that man the better.” Carl added with a scowl. “I was given the honour of being asked to walk Ann down the aisle because she thought of me as being like a father to her, even if it was a very young father.” Carl chuckled, and got laughter from around the room.
“I’m glad you found each other, and I hope you will have many happy years together. I will now pass you over to the best man, not that anyone would think of her that way. Chrissy, if you will.” Carl said as he indicated for Chrissy to stand up and say her piece.
Chrissy stood up looking nervous, but smiled when she felt Brad take hold of her hand and smile up at her. “Just speak from the heart Chrissy, like you always do.” Brad said.
“Hi everybody!” Chrissy said with a little wave and a nervous smile. “I was shocked at first when Brad asked me to be his best man; I thought he could have found anyone to do a better job. Then he explained his reason for asking me, and I was proud that he had asked me to do it for him. I’d seen two people that loved each other, but were to worried about being hurt to act on their feelings, so I stepped in and helped them take that first step.” Chrissy smiled as she looked over and saw Ann and Brad holding hands and smiling back at her. “I’ve also helped Brad work out some problems in the past. Shows how bad things must have got if he was asking a blonde for advice.” Chrissy giggled, and got the whole room laughing with her, not at her.
Once everyone had calmed down again she carried on speaking. “Brad has been more than a friend to me; he’s been like a loving big brother keeping me and my sisters safe from harm when needed. If I had to pick a husband for Ann, I couldn’t find anyone better than this man, and I am proud to have him as part of this ever growing family of ours.” Chrissy picked up her wine glass and held it up. “To Ann and Brad!” She shouted, which soon had everyone clapping and cheering her and then Ann and Brad for getting married. Chrissy sat down and let Becky hug her as she calmed down.
Brad shocked Chrissy when he stood up to say a few words himself. “I’m not a big lover of giving speeches, even less so having to follow Chrissy’s amazing one, but I feel that I just have to say a few words about the best man, or woman as it is.” Brad said with a bow towards Chrissy. “First I want to thank you for sorting out such an amazing stag day for all of us that went, some of the guys are still talking about it, and keep asking me to talk you into being their best man, but I said that you’ve retired now.” Brad chucked, and got some boo’s from around the room.
Chrissy just blushed as she let Becky hold her.
Then Brad carried on speaking. “I never took much notice of sayings, but I’ve come to believe that one of them is now very true.” Brad smiled. “The best man for the job is a woman. I think Chrissy has proved that here today by being my best man, and I want to thank her for letting me join HER family.” Brad put more meaning on the word HER, as they all saw it as being her family because she brought them all together in one way or another.
Chrissy just started to blush as she saw Cathleen, Penny and Kat all walk up to the table with a large bouquet of flowers for her. “Aww thank you.” Chrissy said as she stepped around the table to take the flowers from the girls and gave them all a kiss. Chrissy was glad she’d used water proof mascara now because she was crying happy tears.
Brad got everyone to make their way back to the other room where there was a free bar, while Becky helped Chrissy pull herself back together, but not before she gave Ann and Brad a hug to thank them for the flowers as well.
Chrissy was glad that the speeches were out the way and she could relax and spend some time with Becky and the babies for a bit, not that they got much rest with everyone coming over to see the new additions to the family. Chrissy got dragged onto the dance floor a couple of times to dance with Amy, Amber Cathleen, Penny and Kat. The three little girls all looked really pretty in their smaller versions of the bridesmaids dresses Becky and the others were wearing.
“Are you having a good time Penny?” Chrissy asked as she danced around holding hands with Penny.
“Yes, lot’s Aunty Chrissy. I’ve never been to a wedding before.” Penny giggled as she danced.
“Do you want to come to another one when my big sister Mandy gets married?” Chrissy asked.
Penny suddenly stopped dancing and looked at Chrissy to see if she was just teasing her, but started grinning when she realised that she wasn’t. “Do you really mean that Aunty Chrissy?”
“Yes I do Penny, would you like that?” Chrissy asked again.
“Oh yes Aunty Chrissy, please let me do this again.” Penny said as she started jumping up and down on the spot.
“Okay then, let’s go and ask Aunty Mandy, and then we’ll go and find you nana and dad, so we can tell them about it.” Chrissy held out her hand and then led Penny over to where Mandy and Carl were sat enjoying the show as they watched Amy and Amber dancing with Cathleen and Kat.
“Hi sis, I have a little girl here that would like to ask you a question.” Chrissy said with a smile as she looked down at Penny.
“Hello Penny, and what might that question be?” Mandy asked with a smile as she lifted Penny up onto her knee.
“Hello Aunty Mandy. Aunty Chrissy just told me that you were getting married soon and I was wondering if I could get dressed up again for it like Cathleen and Kat?” Penny asked looking nervous.
“I’d be very disappointed if you didn’t Penny.” Mandy pouted. “I think Cathleen and Kat would be angry with me as well if I didn’t have you there with them.” She added with a grin.
“Thank you Aunty Mandy.” Penny said as she threw her arms around Mandy’s neck and hugged her. “Thank you too Uncle Carl.” Penny added as she leaned over and gave Carl a hug when she let go of Mandy.
“You’re most welcome Penny.” Carl chuckled as he hugged her back just before she slid off Mandy’s knee so she could go with Chrissy to find her dad and nana so they could tell them the good news.
Dan and Natasha were sat on another table with some of Dan’s work mates from the club, but Chrissy could see that he was looking over to the other side of the dance floor at something. Chrissy looked over and saw him looking at Hope’s sister Faith, but every time she looked over at him, he would look away all shy like he hadn’t been looking in the first place. Chrissy started working on a plan to get him and Faith on the dance floor together later in the night.
“Hi Pen, you having a good time sweetie?” Dan asked as he pulled her up on to his knee and kissed her on the cheek.
“Hi daddy, I love this so much.” Penny grinned. “Aunty Mandy says I can do it again when she gets married, please say I can do this again daddy.” Penny added with pleading in her voice.
“Is this true Chrissy?” Dan asked with a shocked look on his face.
“Yes, I’m sorry to say that she’s been adopted by the whole family now, so you’ll have to get used to being dragged to things like this, and come over for barbecues a lot.” Chrissy said with a roll of her eyes just before she started giggling. “You’re invited to them all as well Natasha.” Chrissy added with a warning look at Natasha.
Natasha just smiled as she pulled Chrissy down onto the empty seat next to her and gave Chrissy a big hug. “Thank you for doing all this for us and Penny.” She said in Chrissy’s ear as they hugged. “She won’t stop talking about her Aunty Chrissy and her sisters.” Natasha added with a grin when they broke the hug.
“Glad I could help out Natasha.” Chrissy smiled. “Can we take a quick walk? I need to ask you something.” Chrissy asked looking a little more serious now.
“Sure Chrissy.” Natasha said looking worried as she got up and told Dan that she needed to go powder her nose. “What’s wrong Chrissy?” She asked once they were out of sight of Dan and Penny.
“Nothing’s wrong Natasha, but I just wanted to get your approval to help Dan meet a girl, but I will leave well alone if you don’t want me too.” Chrissy said as she put her hands up to calm any outburst from her.
Chrissy got a shock when she saw Natasha’s reaction to her question. “Thank god it’s true what they say about you playing cupid. Please go to work and find him a nice girl to fall in love with and hopefully become a new mother for Penny.”
“You want Dan to find a new girl then?” Chrissy asked with surprise written all over her face.
“Hell yes! It’s been over two years since Debbie died and I can’t keep playing mother to Penny, I want to get out and have some fun before I die.” Natasha giggled. “Do you have a girl in mind?” She asked looking excited.
“Yes, and they both keep checking each other out, so I plan to work out a plan to get them on the dance floor together a little later.” Chrissy grinned some more, but this grin looked a lot more devious.
“Go work your magic girl, but I must warn you that Dan isn’t the sharpest knife in the draw when it comes to chatting up girls.” Natasha warned.
“Trust me Natasha; I have a good track record for making this sort of thing work.” Chrissy smiled. “Now please let me go and work my magic as you put it.” Chrissy added just before she went to find Becky, so she could explain her plan for getting Dan and Faith on the dance floor together.
Becky was sat with Holly, Prue, Mable, Kim, David and the twins when she found her, so she pulled Becky to her feet and asked to be excused for a bit.
“What you planning now babe?” Becky asked once they got to a quiet part of the room.
“How do you know I’m planning something?” Chrissy asked with a hurt look. “I may just want to get you on your own for a bit.” Chrissy added with a grin. “I am the best man after all.” She giggled.
“A bit of what? And you are the best man for me because you aren’t a man at all, just a very beautiful woman.” Becky purred just before they started kissing.
“How did I get so lucky when I found you my love?” Chrissy asked with a dreamy look once they stopped kissing.
“I still say it was me that got lucky finding you baby.” Becky grinned. “Now tell me what you’re planning?” She asked.
Chrissy explained her chat with Natasha and the fact that she’d seen Faith and Dan looking at each other all day, and then she explained what she needed Becky to do before they went to carry out the plan.
Becky went to pull Dan onto the dance floor, as she was dressed more for the part, and she was Dan’s boss, so he wasn’t about to upset the boss.
“Hello Dan. I haven’t had a dance with you yet this evening, so on your feet and show me your moves.” Becky said as she ordered Dan up and onto the dance floor.
Dan not wanting to get on the wrong side of his boss got up and let Becky lead him onto the dance floor. “I’m not a very good dancer boss, so I’ll say sorry now for when I start standing on your feet.” Dan said with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine Dan, and please call me Becky while we’re not at work.” Becky said with a smile.
Chrissy had gone to the DJ before going to get Faith and told him to play some slower tracks so she could get a couple of friends to dance together. The DJ smiled and gave Chrissy the thumbs up before she went to get Faith on the dance floor.
Faith was stood talking to Hope as they watched Amy and Amber playing around with Cathleen and Kat when she saw Chrissy step up to her. “Hi Chrissy. Loved the speech and I must say you look very beautiful dressed like that.”
“Thanks Faith. I was wondering if I could temp you with a dance? I am playing the part of the best man today, so I need to dance with as many beautiful women as I can.” Chrissy added as she held out her hand to lead Faith onto the dance floor.
“I know you’re playing the part of the best man Chrissy, but trust me when I say you look nothing like a man.” Faith said as Chrissy led her onto the dance floor.
“Thank you for saying that Faith.” Chrissy smiled. “I’ve spent a long time trying not to look like a male.” She added with a sigh.
“From what I’ve been told by your mum and everyone else, you never ever looked like a male in the first place.” Faith said as they started dancing around with Chrissy leading. “I think you and Amy are both amazing, and I’m glad to be able to call you my friends.” Faith added.
“I like to think of us as Family these days Faith.” Chrissy said as she looked to see where Becky was with Dan. They were getting close now, so Chrissy was ready to swap partners and let Dan dance with Faith.
“Does that mean I get to call you sister like the others do then sis?” Faith asked with a giggle.
“Sounds good to me sis.” Chrissy grinned back just as she stopped moved because Chrissy had just bumped Faith’s back into Dan with Becky’s help. “Hi Baby! Fancy bumping into you out here. Let’s swap dance partners?” Chrissy said with a grin.
“That sounds great to me my love.” Becky said with a grin just as big. “Dan meet Faith, Faith meet Dan.” Becky said as she pushed the two of them together and then stood and watched to make sure they started dancing.
Chrissy was soon pulling Becky close as they started dancing together. Their little love making thing hadn’t been missed by the others and they all smiled when they saw Faith and Dan getting closer. Even Penny was sat grinning when she saw her daddy dancing slowly with a woman.
They stayed on the dance floor for a couple of songs then went to see how the twins were doing. They found them both crashed out in the carry cots, even with the music blasting out. Chrissy and Becky sat and watched Dan and Faith dancing, and then they smiled when they saw the two of them start kissing. Dan and Faith wandered off to a quiet corner of the club to kiss and cuddle.
“Natasha walked over a little later and hugged Chrissy with happy tears in her eyes. “I will never doubt anything people say about you ever again Chrissy. You really are cupid.” She giggled.
“All I’ve done is get them together Natasha, the hard part is down to the two of them now.” Chrissy pointed out. “I may still keep an eye on the two of them though, just to see if I can help out if needed.” Chrissy added with a grin.
Natasha got talking to Holly and they were soon singing Chrissy’s praises. Chrissy was happy when Ann and Brad got the DJ’s mike and started asking all the bride’s maids up to the stage one at a time so they could all get a gift from them. They all got custom made jewellery of some sort. Amy was grinning from ear to ear as she was handed a locket with a picture of her in one half and Ann in the other. Chrissy was shocked when she heard her name being called out; she thought that the bouquet of flowers was her gift.
“What’s going on now?” Chrissy asked as she got up to the stage.
“We have a very special gift for you Chrissy.” Ann said as she handed Chrissy a red velvet jewellery box that had some weight to it.
Chrissy popped open the box and gasped when she saw a beautiful jewelled broach in the shape of cupid lying in the box. It was covered in little diamonds, all in different colours. “It’s beautiful Ann, Brad. Thank you so much.” Chrissy said as she hugged it to her chest, just before trying to hug them both at the same time.
“No Chrissy, thank you for helping us get together.” Ann said as she hugged Chrissy back. “I also see that you’ve been busy playing cupid again?” Ann asked with a grin.
Chrissy looked over her shoulder to where Ann was looking and she saw Dan and Faith sat in the corner still kissing each other. “You know me sis; I just want to see the whole world making love.” Chrissy giggled.
Ann and Brad were soon sat opening their gifts from everyone. Brad looked puzzled when he opened a gift from Chrissy and found it full of very sexy looking lingerie. “I’m sorry Chrissy, but it’s not my size.” Brad said as he held it up to his chest.
“No, but it will look great on your wife!” Chrissy shouted back.
Brad got a wicked looking grin on his face as he looked at Ann like she was already wearing it. “I’ll look forward to helping her try it on later!”
The biggest shock they got for a gift was an all expenses paid honeymoon to Niagara Falls for two whole weeks from Carl. He was even paying for them to fly there first class. They would be leaving the next day, Amy and Amber had got their bags packed while Cathy was doing Ann’s makeup this morning for the wedding. Carl had also added some extra money just in case they needed to buy anything while they were away.
The party finally came to an end and everyone started to leave. Dan and Faith had hit it off and were going out on a date to the movies, but it was to go see the latest Disney film, so they were going to take Penny, Cathleen and Kat along with them. Penny had already spent a lot of time with Faith when she played with Cathleen and Kat, and Penny already loved her a lot as well.
Ann and Brad left to spend the night at the hotel in the honeymoon suite, and then they would be driven to the airport in the morning so they could start their honeymoon for real.
The others all got lifts home and went to bed after getting undressed and made sure the twins were tucked up in their cots.
They all would have liked life to get back to a more normal pace, but they spent the next week sorting out everything for Penny’s birthday party at the hotel on the Saturday. Amy got all the invites sent out, and got replies from all of Penny’s friends to say they would be coming to the party.
Chrissy dressed up as Tinkerbell while Becky, Amy, Amber and Mandy all dressed up as Tinkerbell’s friends.
Penny had no idea that she was having a Party, and she ran over to Chrissy screaming when she saw her dressed as Tinkerbell. The party was a big hit with Penny and her friends, Chrissy even got asked to sort out a couple more before the end of the day.
Chrissy found out the next day from Natasha that Dan and Faith were madly in love already, and Penny was treating her like a mother. Chrissy and the others had decided to have a barbecue to carry on Penny’s birthday and make it a whole weekend thing for her.
Penny, Cathleen and Kat all swam in the pool and ran around in the garden for an hour after they ate, before going back in the pool with Chrissy, Amy, Amber and Becky. None of the girls wanted to go on a bouncy castle again after the trouble Amy had the last time they hired one. They all thought the pool was more fun anyway.
Ann and Brad were still on their honeymoon, but they had spoke to everyone on the phone and said they were having a great time seeing all the sights, and checking out the bedroom a lot.
With Penny’s birthday party out the way, everyone got stuck in to getting ready for Mandy’s wedding to Carl at the end of May.
Mandy and Carl were married with Chrissy as maid of honour and Vic as best man. Mandy looked stunning in a beautiful white wedding dress with Carl in top hat and tails stood next to her. Mandy had loved what Ann and Brad said about their honeymoon, so Carl booked theirs in the same place.
Chrissy and Amy ran the shop while Mandy was on her honeymoon with Becky’s help doing the running around for them, as neither Chrissy nor Amy could drive. Holly looked after the twins for them with some help from Mable.
Everyone got excited when Amy and Amber told them all that she was pregnant at the end of June. They were even more excited when they found out that Ann was also pregnant at the same time. They all giggled when they found out that Ann and Amber had once said they would get pregnant at the same time, but they never really expected it to happen.
Nine months later both Ann and Amber gave birth to baby girls. Ann and Brad named their baby girl Jennifer. Amber and Amy named their baby girl Jessica. Both babies were healthy and loved by all the family.
While Sara worked with Amber’s ever growing belly, she decided that she too wanted to have children, so she spoke with Cathy and then they went to see Prue and set about joining the club known has motherhood. Sara conceived a couple of months before Amber and Ann gave birth, and nine months later gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Peter.
Ann and Brad getting married and then Mandy and Carl doing the same just over a month later set off a string of others in the family to do the same. First David and Kim tied the knot, and then Vic finally asked Jenna to marry him. Frank got down on one knee and asked Prue to marry him while at a barbecue in the garden at Chrissy and Mandy’s house. Callum went down on one knee while out at the club one night, well it was Kara that went down on one knee, but you get the idea. Jayden said yes and they were soon married, and not long after that Jayden was also pregnant.
Mandy had got pregnant around the same time Jayden did and they both gave birth within a week of each other. Mandy gave birth to a baby boy called Craig, named after Carl’s father while Jayden gave birth to twins, boy and a girl called Richard and Nicole.
Dan Finally gave Penny a new mother when he asked Faith to marry him, and then talked Chrissy into being his best man with a little extra woo. Chrissy said yes and they were soon married in a little church with friends and family. Faith later gave Penny a baby brother which they named Christopher. Chrissy was proud of that when she found out that they had named the baby after her, even if it was her old male name.
Dale and Diane also got married once the divorce was made final between her and Frazer. Samantha started living full time as a woman, but never went all the way and had SRS. It turned out that her and Rachel still had fun with parts of the old Sam, but Samantha did get some surgery done and now sported a very impressive set of breasts.
Even Jo and Dan the two bodyguards turned close friends of Chrissy and Amy finally got married. Chrissy was the maid of honour and Amy was the best man. Amy didn’t think it was fair to ask Chrissy to do it for a third time, and Amy was looking forward to dressing like Chrissy had for Ann and Brad’s wedding, and then again at Dan and Faith’s. Chrissy thought Amy looked even cuter than she had in the outfit, but Chrissy would say that.
Chrissy finally had everything she always wanted and much more. Life went on and the kids all started to grow up. Chrissy and Amy both knew that none of the kids would have the problems they had, and if any of the boys turned out to like spending time exploring their feminine side, they would help them do that with love and understanding from the whole family. Fourteen years later that was put to the test.
Chrissy was just about to head up stairs and put some washing away when the doorbell chimed to let her know that they had a visitor, so she put the washing to one side and went to answer the door. She found a young girl stood there that looked to be around the age of fourteen, the same age as Andrew and Lauren.
“Hello dear. What can I do for you?” Chrissy asked with a smile as she looked at the nervous looking girl stood on the door step.
“Hello ma’am. I was wondering if Lianna was home?” The girl asked politely with a nervous smile.
Chrissy looked puzzled for a second or two then realised that she must have meant Lauren. “I’m sorry, you must mean Lauren.” Chrissy giggled at the simple mistake the girl made.
“No! I’d like to see Lianna please, Lauren’s sister.” The girl corrected. “I met the two of them last week in town and I think I might have upset Lianna in some way. I found out where they lived from a friend that had seen Lauren around with her brother, and I just wanted to find out if I had upset her in some way. I’d like to say sorry if I did and see if we could be friends?” The girl said.
Chrissy suddenly realised that the girl must have seen Andrew out dressed as a girl. Chrissy had no idea that Andrew had ever done anything like this, and she needed to sit him and Lauren down and find out what they had been doing behind her and Becky’s backs, but that’s a story for another time.
Authors note
I know what I just said about Andrew/Lianna being another story, but due to lack of kudos and comments on this story. I don’t have any plans to add anymore parts at this time. If you did like this story and would like to read more, then please click the good story button below, or take a couple of minutes to leave a nice comment to let me know. If I get a big enough response then I may put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard again and share the all new adventures of Lianna and Lauren with you one day.
“I’d also like to thank all the readers that have stuck with the story and enjoyed it. I also hope that you will take a look at the other stories I am working on and enjoy them as well.
Hugs and Love