Two Letters
Dear Jack,
I know you've always been there for me, to protect me and keep me safe from harm. I do appreciate it, I really do. It's just that I've had enough. I can't take it any more. It's way beyond time for me to have my own life. To seek the kind of happiness you've had so many years to find for yourself.
You've failed miserably, repeatedly.
It's long passed time for me to have a shot.
I deserve to at least have a chance. I've put up with all your misguided efforts. Looking in all the wrong places. All the wrong people to find anything that might be considered 'normal'. It's time for you to face the fact that it's simply not meant to be. This isn't who 'You' are, who 'We' are.
'We' are 'Me'.
Not the image that you've portrayed to the outside world for so very long. Something entirely different.
I'm not going away. I can't. I've always been here and you've always known that. That's why you've protected me. It's what you do. It's part of your/our nature. We care for the ones we Love, no matter the cost.
In this case, the cost is too high.
You've sacrificed everything and it's just not enough. I/we need more. The kind of 'connection' that can only be found with another. I've been lucky enough to find that 'other'. That connection that completes my soul. You have to let me go. You just have to if either of us are ever going to find true happiness.
Dearest Jane,
I know how much you've suffered, and it breaks my heart. Not just the fact that you've had to endure so much, but that I've been partly responsible for preventing you from being ourself.
You must understand though, that I haven't done it out of malice or contempt. All I've cared about is your safety.
It's exactly like you said, you know me to well. It's because I care. It's what 'we' do. It's part of our nature and there's no escaping it.
I understand your frustration. Trust me, I've felt plenty of it myself. You really do deserve a chance. God knows, I haven't done a whole lot with the chances I've had.
Okay, I went to school, made a decent living, bought the house, took in my brother and mother when they needed a place to stay. Yeah, that's something, but I've done absolutely nothing to achieve happiness on that level that we all crave, need, to be truly fulfilled as members of the human family.
I'm so sorry.