cheryl came to him in surrender, wanting so much to please him, but he pushed her away; perhaps more so into a new life than a rejection of the old. he never really felt for her, even before she 'changed,' as many of us do. we don't so much love someone as love that they love us. she felt sad, of course; who wouldn't? so she moved on... to bella and a new life.
danny felt changed inside though nothing was different; the same boy he'd always been. but wearing his mother's clothes just that one time confirmed what had been stirring inside of him all along. he was different! different than other boys. different than his brothers. different that who his parents had long believed he was. different than who he had felt he shouldn't have been. so he moved on....and became gina with a new life.
monique hugged her so hard; like she'd never let go. and her lover hugged back the same way, not wanting to release her to her fears. the scars were almost healed, but the fear inside gripped her heart like a vise. her lover reached in with acceptance and love and pulled the fear off, like a gardener removing a tenacious weed. so she moved the life they wanted.
darren looked in the mirror and was disappointed in what he saw. no one could have changed more for the better than him. but it was all on the inside. he looked down and remembered what hadn't changed. the woman in the bed behind him slept quietly, not seeing what hadn't changed, but still loving the inside of the man in the mirror. and he knew it was better not to say anything. so he moved the same life he had.
louise looked in her lover's eyes. and he looked back in approval. no shame whatsoever ...he smiled at her and she felt like things were finally the way they should be. she looked at her body, remembering what used to be and wishing the newness of her change were much better than it appeared. his eyes seemed to say ' i like what i see, even if you don't.' so she moved on...and moved in.
stevie looked out the window, hoping that no one would come too soon. the soft whisper of silk and the caress of velvet brought her to tears. no one understood. she grasped the razor in her hand and walked back into the bathroom. no one would know until it was over and there was peace. so she moved on...
corie smiled at her mother. 'there you are!' her mother had said. no other words needed to be spoken. the doctor told them it would be better to start sooner than later. she smiled when she knew that smile of her mother's was for her and her along. so she moved a bright future.
he smiled at julie, but she frowned. they wanted to, but the time just wasn't right. and it was really more about holding and smiling and kissing, wasn't it? and what if they did...there would be no 'result' other than a good time. they wanted children but the lack always stood between then. so they moved on....and asked for help.
dale stared at the paper. someone somewhere agreed with one would need know just was what it was, and now it was official. he was a she. she thought for a moment and looked at herself...she was a she, wasn't she? so she moved the same doubts and fears of before.
betty looked out the window. he'd be home soon. she lived for him even if he lived only for him. she told herself it was better than being alone, even if he did hit her once and a while. sleeping in a bed with someone who cared most of the time was better, wasn't it? so she moved her laundry and cleaning and cooking.
petra looked out the window. she'd be home soon. they'd spend the night looking at each other in wonder; how the two were different and yet alike. how the two started out different and yet changed into who they always were. so she moved on...into the bedroom
calleigh sat at home, happy for the rest after a hard day of work. she was confident and secure because of who she was and what she'd finally become. he didn't so much complete her as complement her completeness. and she complemented him. they didn't care where they had come from, but they knew where they were going. so she moved the couch for a well-earned nap before dinner.
Next: Cheryl's Story