It was my first semester in the Art Department. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of drawing naked people, it really wasn't what I had in mind when I changed my major from Biochem.
I just thought I'd be able to draw some pretty pictures, and get away from all the formulae and math that I had no further tolerance for.
Don't get me wrong. I've always been a bit of a science geek. Astrophysics, sub-atomic particles; muons, nuons, quarks and the like have always fascinated me. Biology was just second nature though.
I grew up on a small farm. Nature was just reality for me. Birth, death, procreation; I saw it all from a very early age.
That's just the way the planet and humanity moved forward.
To what end, Who knows?
After wiping visions of dollar signs and endless government grants from my eyes, and drifting aimlessly through the Journalism school, this is where I found myself. One step further down the academic ladder.
The Art Department held dubious distinction at an overwhelmingly Engineering school.
We were relegated to unheated, former garages as far away from the 'mainstream' as possible.
It soon became clear, that this was a blessing.
My instructor was one of the most incredible men I've ever met. His vision of what was possible would've given Walt Disney wet dreams. In his mind, anything was possible. Convention Be Damned!
I latched on to that ideal with a relish I'd never felt before.
When he mentioned that our model had suddenly dropped-out, what else could I do?
I had to volunteer my services.
Of course, the other students were well along with their sketches. I really wasn't that concerned about them finishing their drawings with me as the model.
Then they started to suggest how I should pose; what I should do to appear more feminine.
This was the epiphany I'd been waiting for all my life.
I was...
I am....
A Woman.