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One simple test. That's all it took to change my life completely. Now, I have to learn how to use my new powers and how to be an agent for The Agency. But most importantly, I need to learn all about my new body. That would take some getting used to.
A Flower's Bloom |
Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address.
Chapter 6 - Genesis
The plane ride was actually quite short, only about 15 minutes. I guessed that the plane was used only to expedite the trip. I felt better knowing that we were either still in Utah or else not far from it.
As we got off the plane, I noticed that we were at a small base in the middle of the mountains. The canyon was surrounded on three sides by high mountain walls. The other side appeared to have a man-made wall running the width between the sides.
The canyon was fairly long, long enough for a full size runway at least, and our plane had taxied to a stop at the deep end of the runway. A large building stood before us, with a few cars parked off to the side. Other than the building, the runway, and the far off wall on the other side of the canyon, there wasn't a single man-made structure in sight.
The building looked like a large ski lodge. Built with a lot of wood and natural looking materials, it looked almost like a large cabin. Agent Johnson started leading us toward a set of doors in the center.
"Welcome to Project Genesis," she said. "During your procedure and during your employment with the Agency, this place will act as your base of operations and a home away from home. There are three other bases around the nation, but this is the Alpha Complex. It is from here that Project Genesis is headquartered.
"After you have recovered from the procedure, we will give you a full tour and introduce you to the rest of the crew. For now, we will show you to the rooms you will be staying in, give you a chance to unpack, and then we'll get started on the preparations for the Procedure. Follow me."
The agents led us into the building. Just inside the doors was a nicely furnished lobby that would have been right at home in a five star hotel! From here we were led down a hallway off to the side that appeared to contain hotel rooms. I guessed that this was the dormitory.
"Here we are," Agent Harris said as we stopped about half way down the hall. "Brett, you will be in room 112, Nikki, you will be right next door here in room 110. Justin, you will be across the hall in room 111. Here are your room keys.
She gave each of us a keycard as she continued. "Each room contains a small kitchenette, a lounge area, a bedroom, and a full size bath. You can all go in and have a look around. Once you've had a chance to settle in and unpack, we'll be back to get you started on preparations for the procedure. See you all in about half an hour."
With those words, Agents Harris and Johnson headed back down the hallway we came in. All of us just watched them walk away for a bit before we turned toward our doors.
I wasn't sure what I was expecting to find behind the door, but it certainly wasn't what was there. When I opened my door I knew that they must have put me in the wrong room.
The walls were a pale pink. A darker pink was used occasionally around the room to help offset the color. The room I was in appeared to be the lounge. Off to the side of the room was a small kitchen area. Two doors at the back of the room lead to the bathroom and the bedroom. There was a third door on one of the walls that was locked without any apparent way to open it.
The lounge and the kitchen were very well furnished: state of the art appliances in the kitchen area, a nice love seat and recliner combo in the lounge, and a large TV hanging on the wall next to the door.
After looking around briefly, I headed into the bedroom. It was furnished nearly the same way. The pink theme carried into this room as well. The bed was a queen size, and was made up in what appeared to be a pale pink bed spread over some darker pink satin sheets. The bedspread and the sheets both had white lace trimming the edges. Next to the bed was a white desk that was under a large window looking out on a small lake that I assumed must be at the rear of the building. There was also a white vanity in the room, fitting with the girly theme. Next to the vanity was another door.
I walked over and opened it to find a small walk in closet. The closet was empty except for a pale pink robe and a pink track suit. There were a number of drawers on one wall of the closet making up a dresser, but a quick inspection showed them to be empty as well.
I dropped my bag on the bed and headed out to look into the bathroom. It was predominately white, but it also had pink highlights to continue the theme. A large Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower stall filled up one wall, while the sink and toilet filled up the wall adjoining it. The wall that contained the door had a large floor length mirror on it that complimented the smaller one over the sink.
I was still trying to comprehend how feminine the place was when I heard a knock on the outer door.
Opening it revealed Nikki who said, "Can you believe these rooms? Oh wow, your room is beautiful!"
"It's really feminine," I replied.
"Yeah, it is. You don't like it?"
"That's just it. I do like it. It would be perfect if I was a girl, but..."
"Hmm. Well, my room is the same way. It's almost like they read my mind and created an apartment that I would love. Mine looks like it's pretty much the same as yours, but in purple instead of pink."
"Well, I guess I can live with this for a week," I said.
At that moment Justin opened his door. "Whoa," he said as he joined us at the entrance to my door. "What's with all the pink?"
"I don't know, I think they must have made some kind of mistake." I replied.
"Well, my room is perfect, I'm glad they didn't screw it up like they did yours. See what I mean?" He said as he motioned us to look in his room.
His room was the exact opposite of mine. While my room was very feminine, his room screamed "I am male. Hear me roar." I swear, I heard it.
I couldn't believe that they could make a mistake like this on my room, when they appeared to get the other two rooms perfect for their occupants!
I was still reeling in those thoughts when Agent Johnson spoke up from behind us. "Are you guys ready to get started?"
"I guess so, but I think you made a mistake with my room," I said.
"Oh? Well, we can talk about that later. Right now, we need you all to go change into the track suits you will find in your closets. Once you've done that, meet back out here."
"No buts, Brett. We can sort everything out later. Right now, we are on a time schedule."
I resigned myself to my fate while walking back into my suite and into my bedroom.
I pulled the track suit out of my closet and laid it on the bed. The color was beautiful, but I didn't want other people to know that pink was my favorite color. It just wasn't manly.
The track suit was pink, but had white stripes up the legs. Along with the pants there was a white tank top. It was very feminine though, because it was cut to allow for cleavage, and was trimmed in a very beautiful lace. There was also a matching jacket to go with the pants. I was surprised that there wasn’t a pair of panties or a sports bra with the set.
After debating with myself for a second, I realized that I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. I stripped down to my boxers and decided I’d better put the suit on. I started with the pants. They fit quite snug, especially over my boxers, but they didn’t look wrong or anything. Next, I put on the tank top. It was definitely different than any tank top I had ever worn before. It was quite snug, even in the chest, surprisingly. The lace around the collar hid the little hair that I had on my chest. I put the jacket on to help cover the lace. I was pretty sure that Justin was going to tease me about this to no end.
Surprisingly, I felt really comfortable in the track suit. I went into the bathroom to look at myself in the full length mirror. I was expecting to see a boy in girl’s clothes, but surprisingly, it didn’t look that way.
Granted, I definitely didn’t look like a girl, but for some reason, the clothes just looked right somehow. I guess I kind of looked androgynous.
Opening my outside door I found that I was the last one to make it back into the hall.
Immediately I had an urge to run back into my room and take off the suit when I saw the look of surprise on Justin's face. It didn’t take him long to burst out laughing.
"Wow," he said, "You really got screwed."
"Don’t listen to him," Nikki whispered in my ear as he started laughing again. "I think you look good."
Both Nikki and Justin were wearing something similar to me. Nikki appeared to have the exact same outfit, except she had on a white sports bra instead of the tank top I wore. Justin had a tank top on under his jacket, but his whole suit was just totally different in the way it was cut. Standing next to him made it quite obvious that my track suit was designed for a girl.
Once Justin was able to control his laughter, Agent Harris spoke.
"Alright, follow me. We are going to head down to the labs for the initial test work that will be required before the procedure. You will be given a small break at noon for lunch, and then we will move on to the physical benchmark this afternoon."
With that he started walking back up the hall the way we came, expecting us to follow.
Chapter 7 - Pain Before Pleasure
When we reached the lobby, I was surprised to see someone sitting in one of the chairs. Up until now, I hadn’t seen anyone other than the plane crew outside of our little group.
As we approached, he stood up. He was pretty impressive. I’d guess that he was probably a couple of years older than us, maybe 6' tall and 235 lbs. or so, but he looked as solid as a brick. His dark brown hair had some lighter highlights that looked completely natural. His eyes, on the other hand, were the most amazing blue I had ever seen.
"Guys," Agent Harris said, "This is Ice. He will be your team leader once you have finished going through the procedure."
"Nice to meet you all, you can call me Jay," he said. "You must be Justin," he continued while offering his hand to Justin.
"Finally, a real man on the team with me," Justin replied while shaking his hand.
That hurt.
Ice just ignored the comment as he turned to Nikki. "Welcome to the team, Nikki."
"Thank you," she replied with a smile while shaking his hand.
"And you must be our new prodigy," he said while offering me his hand. "It will be very interesting to see how the procedure affects you."
I shook his hand without speaking. For some reason, his comment and the look he was giving me made me very nervous.
"Well," Ice continued, "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'll see you all again after the procedure has been started. See you all later."
He gave a small wave and then headed down another hall off of the lobby area.
Agent Harris led us over to a bank of elevators and pushed the down button. "The labs are quite large and are built underground to help keep the natural look of things above. We also have a number of recreational facilities down here that you will be able to use."
The elevator doors opened and I noticed that there was only one floor listed below the main level. Agent Harris pressed the button for the level and the elevator began to move.
When the doors opened, we all gasped in surprise. We stepped out of the elevator into a large courtyard! There were plants and fountains all over! All along the walls of the courtyard were glass sliding doors that led to different departments, or sections! The whole place looked like a very opulent mall!
The other thing that caught our attention were the people. The majority of the people walking around appeared to be in white lab coats, or some other type of laboratory garb. Agent Harris informed us that the population of Alpha Complex was primarily scientists and their families.
When the agents were finally able to get our attention back, they led us toward the glass doors that had the words 'Medical' on them. Once inside we were led past a waiting room area and directly into a conference room. Inside there were a man and a woman–who looked to be in their late sixties–waiting for us to arrive. As we entered, they stood and greeted us.
"Welcome to Project Genesis," the man said. "I am Dr. Eugene Young, and this is my wife, Dr. Grace Young. We are physicians and the chief scientists here at Alpha Complex and we will be in charge of your procedures."
We shook hands with both of them and were ushered into seats around the conference table.
"Now, before we start, do you have any questions?" the doctor asked.
When none of us could really come up with a good question the doctor continued.
"Okay, the schedule for today is as follows. After we are finished here, each of you will be taken to an exam room where a full physical will be performed. The information and samples that we get from you during the exam will be used to create the retrovirus for the procedure. That should take up the remainder of the time before lunch.
"After lunch you will meet with your handlers for the Pre-Procedural briefing. That will take about an hour.
'After that we will do the physical benchmark testing. This testing will give us an idea of what you are capable of physically. This information will then be compared to the Post-Procedural benchmark testing to help us understand the changes that the procedure will perform on you.
"If all goes as planned, you should be free around five or five-thirty for dinner, and then free time after that until bed.
"Tomorrow morning, we will meet again around eight. The Procedure will be started at about eight-thirty."
After referencing some papers he continued. "Each of you will be kept in Medical for a while to make sure the Procedure is working correctly. After that is confirmed, you will be able to return to your suites. Justin and Nikki, you will probably be released around noon. Brett will be here a bit longer to make sure his anomaly is being corrected.
"For the next week or so after that, you will have very light schedules. You won't necessarily be bedridden or confined to your rooms, but the Procedure does a good job of wiping out your energy levels.
"Once the Procedure has been completed, we will repeat what happens today, and then provide some basic training before you return home to finish the school year. Any questions about the schedule?"
"Not really, sir," Nikki replied, "I guess we are all just a little nervous."
"That’s understandable, dear," the female Dr. Young replied. "Your handlers are also trained therapists and can help you through any issues you may have. They are solely dedicated to your team, so they should be available at any time. Brett and Nikki, your handler will be Agent Johnson. Justin, Agent Harris will act as your handler. They are here for you. Talk to them if you need to."
"Okay," we all replied.
"Now," the male doctor said. "If you would follow me we will get started."
We were led out of the conference room and then down a short hall to some examination rooms. We were then split up and taken into separate exam rooms.
Once inside, I was introduced to another doctor who introduced herself to me as Nina. Nina was probably in her late thirties, and she told me she had been a doctor for nearly 15 years.
"Now," she said, "We are going to start with some samples. To start, please take off your jacket."
I was a little hesitant to do so because it would expose more of the lace, and she apparently caught on quickly.
"Don’t worry, honey," she said. "I have been tasked to be your medical officer for the foreseeable future. I know about the anomaly and how it affects you. There are things you do not know yet, but that you will be very grateful for later. Hopefully you will consider me one of them. We will be working very closely with each other, so you don’t need to be ashamed about anything. I won’t laugh at you, and I certainly will not breach our confidentiality about you to others."
I hesitated a little longer, and then unzipped the jacket to reveal the tank top.
"See," she said, "There's nothing to worry about. And, by the way, that tank top is really nice."
I could feel myself blushing and when I looked over at her I could see a quirky little smile on her face. That just made me start laughing and she was quick to join in.
Nina was really good at putting my uneasiness to rest while she performed the needed tests. She took all kinds of samples from blood to urine and even a semen sample. Next she gave me a full physical. It was a little awkward when she had me turn my head and cough, but somehow she was able to keep me relaxed and at ease the whole time. When she finished, it was nearly twelve-thirty.
"All right," Nina said, "I will be here for the start of the Procedure, and then I will be checking in on you for the rest of the week. For now, you can head back out to the conference room. Once all of you are done being tested you will be shown to the cafeteria for lunch."
"Thank you, Nina," I said sincerely, "I’m glad that I’ve got such a great doctor on my case."
"Oh, sweetie," she said while giving me a motherly hug, "We haven’t even started the best part yet. Now go enjoy your lunch, I will see you again in the morning."
"Bye, Nina, see you tomorrow." I said as I walked out the door.
Justin was in the conference room when I got back. He gave me a small scowl and kept to himself while we waited for Nikki to finish.
Five minutes later Nikki came in with Agent Johnson.
"Finally," Justin said. "You two took forever."
"Maybe, but girls are just more concerned about their health." Nikki replied.
"That doesn't explain why he took nearly as long as you," he quipped while pointing at me.
"Oh, I thought you were talking about us," Nikki said while motioning between her and Agent Johnson.
"Whatever, can we get some lunch now?" Justin asked.
"Yes, come on and I'll show you where the cafeteria is."
Agent Johnson led us out of the Medical section and down the courtyard to a door aptly named 'Cafeteria.'
Inside was just that - a large cafeteria. Scattered around the many tables was an assortment of scientists and families. But at one table there was a group of 5 people who were eyeing us closely as we headed toward the line. I noticed that Jay was one of them, which made me think that they must be another team that had gone through the Procedure.
The selection was quite extensive and a little while later we all had a tray of food and were looking for a place to sit when Jay waved us over to his table.
As we approached, Jay stood up and started to introduce us. "Everyone, this is Justin, Nikki, and of course Brett," he said while indicating who each of us was.
When he was done introducing us, he turned to the group sitting at the table. Other than Jay, there were two other guys and two girls. All four of them appeared to be in their mid twenties and they all appeared to be in excellent shape. "And this is the other team that is currently stationed at Alpha Complex."
Pointing to the tall red-headed girl, Jay said, "This is Fire."
"You can call me Theresa. Fire is just my codename," she said.
"Sitting next to her," Jay continued, "is Tom."
Tom was a huge black man. I’d say he was probably close to 7 feet tall, and all his muscles alone probably weighed close to 300 pounds. He had a shaved head that added to the fearsome look. "Hello, most people call me the Rock," he said in a deep voice.
"The other two are the twins, Lary and Cary."
"Pleased to meet you," Lary said. He and his sister definitely looked like twins. Both looked to be about 5 1/2 feet tall. Both were very slim, probably weighing in around 130 a piece. Both also had long dark hair that fell around their shoulders. They might have been identical, if it wasn’t for the very full beard that Lary sported.
"Hello," Cary added and Lary gave a small wave.
Lunch was really nice. We managed to get to know the other team, and Jay, quite well. I felt that the 8 of us could all be friends easily, despite the small age difference.
It was apparent to me that the 5 Post-Procs, as they called themselves, knew something about me that I didn’t even know. All throughout lunch I caught them giving me a knowing look, but they refused to explain when I asked them about it.
Chapter 8 - It's A Wonderful Life
After we were finished eating, Agent Johnson led us back to the Medical section. She asked Nikki and me to wait in a conference room while she led Justin to find Agent Harris. When she got back, she closed and locked the door behind her.
"Now," she said, "This meeting is called the Pre-Procedural briefing. Now is the time to talk about what will happen tomorrow. Here is where we lay everything on the table so that you can get a full picture of what is happening. We will also discuss Brett's anomaly and how it affects the two of you."
Finally, I thought.
"Okay," she continued, "Since we are going to be spending a lot of time together, I want you to call me Jill. We are all members of Genesis A2, but we are also going to be a smaller close knit group inside of the larger team. But we will get to that in a bit. Okay so far?"
"Yes,” we both replied.
"We are going to start with Brett's anomaly, because it will affect most of what we are going to discuss."
"What does anomaly mean?" Nikki asked.
"Regarding the Procedure, an anomaly means that one of the chromosomes in the body does not conform to the score ranking of the others. This chromosome is usually enough to throw out the DNA set it is attached to. In other words, an anomaly is a chromosome that fails the DNA profiling test while every other chromosome passes. If the anomaly didn’t exist, the person would be an ideal candidate for the Procedure.
"Fortunately, most anomalies can be corrected during the procedure, like Brett's can."
"So what exactly is my anomaly?" I asked.
"Your anomaly is a little different than most. Most anomalies are minor, and fixing them usually does not require any changes that the host will see or feel. Your anomaly, however, is going to be a big change.
"Your anomaly is located on the 23rd chromosome. Do you know what that means?"
My biology classes came rushing back to me, and combined with my room and clothes, it became painfully obvious.
"Oh!" I exclaimed as my eyes opened wide in shock. "Are you serious?"
"Yes," Jill replied.
I sat there stunned! This was like a dream come true! Jill must have seen it in my eyes, and here grin grew to match the size of mine.
"What are you two talking about?" Nikki asked while staring at the two of us like we were leaving her out of an inside joke.
I just kind of sat there in a happy daze as Jill explained it to Nikki.
"The 23rd chromosome," she said, "Is the chromosome that controls gender. You know, the whole XX/XY thing?"
Nikki nodded with understanding. "So Brett is going to become a girl?"
"Yes," I replied.
"Well, that certainly explains the clothes and room." Her eyes suddenly got wider. "So that’s why everyone is treating you like a girl."
"They have?" I asked. Other than the clothes and the room, I couldn’t think of another thing that would indicate what she said was true.
"Unfortunately, yes," Jill said. "We were trying to keep the details of your anomaly a secret until after you had undergone the procedure, but it was too easy to guess that this was going to happen."
"What do you mean?"
"Up until a couple of days ago, few people knew. However, as the information about the candidates for A2 - that’s you guys - was released to the departments so that they could start to prepare for your arrival, it was obvious that it was going to happen.
"Each Genesis team is made up of two men and two women. That alone was probably enough to give it away, but the fact that you were assigned to room 112 just confirmed it."
"How?" Nikki asked.
"The dormitory is basically divided in half, with girls on one side of the hall, and boys on the other. When you were assigned to a girl’s room, it was obvious that you were not going to be a boy for long. After that, the rumor mill started. Gender morphing, as many of the scientists call it, was always considered to be a possibility using the procedure. It has been accomplished using lab mice, but you are going to be the first human to undergo this change. Once the scientists learned about it, it became the talk of the day."
"Oh great, everyone is going to know about me," I moaned. I didn’t want to be treated any differently than the other girls if I was going to go through with this.
"Don’t worry," Jill said. "The majority of the people in the Project will not care one way or the other if you are female. They will react to the person you will become because they won’t know any difference. They may know that you used to be male, but they won’t see anything but a teenage girl blossoming into womanhood. Those people who will know both sides of you, such as Agent Harris and me, and even Nina, were hand selected because it will not be a problem for us."
"What about Jay?" I asked.
"Jay wasn’t supposed to know beforehand, but he appears to be handling it well. In fact, after we sat with them during lunch, I got the impression that all of them will accept the change easily. It might have something to do with the fact that they all went through changes as well."
"So," Nikki interrupted us, "if everyone else is handling it so well, why are you, Brett?"
I was terrified that someone was going to ask that! Before I had a chance to come up with an answer, Jill spoke.
"In most cases," she said, "If the anomaly was going to change the gender of the host when corrected, we probably would not select the host to undergo the procedure, especially if they were going from male to female. Brett, on the other hand, has two things going for him that made us accept him as a candidate. One, if the anomaly is corrected during the procedure, Brett will end up with the highest DNA rating we've ever come across. And two," she paused for a second to look at me. I stared at her, and when I nodded, she continued. "This is what he wants."
There it was! The most beautiful girl in my school now knew my deepest and darkest secret! Instead of the revulsion I expected to see coming from her, she actually lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Really?" she said while looking at me. When I nodded slightly, she jumped up and gave me a big hug!
"This whole time I was afraid that I was going to be the only girl my age here. Even when I learned that you were going to become a girl, I figured you would fight it, and I would still basically be the only girl. Now, if you truly want to be a girl, it won’t be like that at all!"
All I could do was stand there and hug her back. It was then that I realized I was crying.
"What’s wrong?" Nikki asked when she noticed.
"Nothing," I replied with tears in my eyes. "I’m just so happy! I only wish that my mom and my sister could be here."
"Well, you can call them later tonight and give them the good news," Jill said as she joined us in our embrace. "Right now we need to continue the briefing so that we can finish getting you ready for tomorrow."
I couldn’t argue with that.
After we all settled down and took or seats again, Jill continued with the briefing.
"Now that we've gotten past the hard part, we can move on to some fun stuff. Brett, from this point on, you are officially female as far as the government is concerned. We will update all of your records to conform. The only thing we need from you is a name and a few signatures."
"Ooh, a new name!" Nikki exclaimed. "We'll make sure to come up with a great one for you. Let's see, you could probably make a good Ashley..."
"Actually, Nikki," I interrupted, "I’ve already got a name picked out."
"Oh," she said dejectedly. "I guess you’ve had time to think about this." Just as quickly though, she smiled again. "So, what is it?"
"Jasmine Rose Campbell," I replied with a huge smile on my face. I still couldn’t believe this was happening!
"That is so beautiful," she said while giving me another hug.
Jill also gave me a big smile as she finished writing something on some papers in front of her. "I just need you to sign these forms and it will be official."
She showed me the forms and walked me through what each one meant before I signed them. Once they were signed she shook my hand as she spoke. "Congratulations, Jasmine."
"Thanks," I replied, "but you can call me Jaz for short."
Everybody seemed to be in an upbeat mood as we continued the briefing. Jill told us everything we wanted to know, and some we didn’t, about the Procedure. Apparently there were some unsanitary parts that we would need to go through. She didn’t give us the specifics, because they wouldn’t be known until the retrovirus has been created. She said we would get the specifics in the morning.
Chapter 9 - Pain...and Pleasure?
The briefing concluded a little after one o’clock, and Jill led us out of the Medical wing and down the courtyard to a set of double doors with the words 'Gymnasium' on it. Inside the doors was another small lobby with three doors on the back wall. Nobody was currently there. The glass door in the middle of the wall was labeled 'Office' and clearly led to an office. On the two opposite ends of the room, in the corners, were the two other doors. The one on the right was labeled 'Men' and the one on the left was labeled 'Women.'
Before I even had a chance to do anything, Jill grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the women's locker room.
"Jill..." I hissed.
"Jaz," she said after stopping and turning. "You are a young woman now. You have every right to be in here. Besides, we've closed down the gym for your benchmark tests, so no one else will be in there."
I was still scared to death as she dragged me toward the locker room, but I didn’t really resist after that. I did notice that Nikki stayed behind me in case I tried to bolt.
Once we were inside the locker room, it was evident that Jill wasn’t lying. The locker room was large, but it was completely deserted. Jill led us over to some lockers.
"You will be issued permanent lockers later, but for now you can use these guest lockers." As she said this, she opened two lockers and I couldn’t help but notice that there was a ladies one piece swimsuit, a sports bra, and a pair of gym shorts in both lockers.
Jill was quick to speak before I could say anything. "The first part of the test will require the use of the gym outfit. Don’t worry, Jaz, we will make sure that you are presentable. There will be a second part in the pool, and we will come back to change into the suits. So, Nikki you can go and get dressed around the corner if you don’t feel comfortable being around Jaz before the Procedure. Jaz, follow me over here to the showers. We need to get rid of some hair and hide some things before you can get dressed."
She grabbed a small bag out of my locker and then started pulling me again. We went around a corner into a shower area.
"Take off your clothes," she said while rummaging around in the bag. When I just stood there, she continued. "Come on, we're both girls here. We don’t have time to waste."
I reluctantly started to strip. I had never been naked in front of a girl before! I stopped when I was down to my boxers, but a glare from Jill soon had them on the ground as well.
"Wow," she said while passing me a bottle, "You could probably pass without much help. Here, spread this all over."
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a fast acting depilatory. Spread it on and you’ll be hair-free in minutes," she replied.
"Oh," I said as I started spreading it on my legs.
"Once the procedure has been finished you’ll have the same hair patterns as any girl your age, but for now, we'll have to work with it. Once you finish putting it on, stand here and wait for me to get back. I’m going to check on Nikki."
She left as I continued to spread the goo up my legs, arms, and torso. When she finally came back she told me to go wash it off under one of the showers. I didn’t have a lot of hair on my upper body, but it was really weird to see my legs hairless. Running my hands down my hairless body was exhilarating, and I turned beet red when Jill noticed the semi-erection that the feeling had given me.
"Don’t worry," she said with a sly smile. "That won’t be a problem for much longer."
I thought she was talking about the procedure, but as I was drying off she pulled a fleshy colored pair of panties out of the bag and handed them to me.
"This will keep the bad boys from ruining your figure. Pull them up your legs and I'll show you."
I pulled them up my legs, but before I had them all the way up, she showed me how to push my testicles up into my body and then tuck my penis between my legs. When the tight panties were pulled up the rest of the way I looked as flat as a girl between my legs!
"Wow, when I tried this before, I could never get it this comfortable."
"I thought you might have had a little practice. Come on, let's get you dressed."
Walking back to the lockers was weird. I thought that it was going to be uncomfortable, but it was actually quite comfortable. Not having anything hanging between my legs was odd, but at the same time, it felt right as well.
When we reached the lockers, Nikki was sitting there in her gym clothes.
"Wow, it’s amazing how such a little change can make you look so feminine," she said.
I just stuck my tongue out at her and grabbed a second set of panties and a pair of shorts that Jill was holding for me. The second pair of panties would help hide the tight ones I had already put on.
They were pink of course. Pink had been my favorite color since I was a little kid. It looks like the powers that be knew that and were supplying me with it in bundles.
After I had the shorts on, Jill handed me the sports bra. It was white but had a small pink band around the edges.
"We won’t worry about breast forms during the tests, but it is lightly padded and should give the appearance of a small bust," Jill said.
It felt kind of weird after I put it on, but I concluded that it wouldn’t distract me while I was exercising or anything.
"Let's see," Jill said as she started doing something to my hair. "There isn’t really anything we can do with this, but we can make it look better. Here, take a look."
She dragged me over to a mirror and placed me in front.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. While I didn’t really look like a girl, I did look very feminine! My hair was way too short, but somehow it looked girly.
"Come on you two, we are already late. Doctor Weir won’t be very happy."
Jill led us to the other side of the locker room, where there was a short hallway around a corner that led into the gymnasium.
The gymnasium was a huge room that contained just about every workout machine ever made. There was also a track running around the outside of the exercise equipment on the right and an Olympic sized swimming pool set up to do laps on the left side of the room. There was also a second pool that contained a couple of diving boards and a few slides. A small kiddy pool and a hot tub were close to the locker room entrances.
Agent Harris and Justin were sitting on a bench between the two locker room entrances, waiting for us. Both of them looked really bored.
"Finally," I heard Justin say as we approached them. Once he saw me, however, his mood worsened. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Huh?" I replied.
"You’re still a guy! Why the hell are you letting them do this to you? You should be fighting all of this, you pansy!"
I was shocked! Everyone had been so supportive up until this point. I didn’t know how to react. Nikki was glaring at him, and was about to say something when Jill spoke.
"Jasmine," she said while glaring at him, "is legally and in my opinion, mentally female. You will show her the respect that you would show any other girl."
"Whatever," he said. "I should have known you weren’t a real man. No real man would allow this to happen to him."
Jill looked like she was ready to hit him, so I spoke up to keep her from doing something stupid. "You’re right, Justin," I said. "I’m not a real man. I never was. I didn’t know that until today, but it makes so much sense now. You can hate me all you want, but my life is being fixed, and your words and attitudes cannot take that away from me."
He just stared at me. Before anything else could happen, Agent Harris spoke to him. "Come on, Justin, let it go. We talked about this. You saw the data. Her brain is female. Of course she is going to accept this. You are going to need to learn to live with the fact that she is, and always will be, a girl."
"Whatever," he repeated, and then turned his back on me.
"Come on," Agent Harris said. "The doctors are waiting and we are already late. We can talk about this later."
"That just proves he isn’t a boy, he already takes so long getting ready, he is making us late," Justin said.
"Her!" Jill said menacingly.
"Whatever," Justin retorted as he turned to follow Agent Harris toward the middle of the gym. I noticed that Jill and Nikki were seething as we walked. I felt that way myself, as well.
There were a number of doctors waiting for us and as we approached, and one of them stepped forward to greet us. He looked like he could be my grandfather. His hair was almost completely white, with a few streaks of gray. Despite his apparent age, he did not seem frail.
"Welcome to the Benchmark tests," he said. "My name is Dr. Weir. Today we will find out what you are made of.
"Now, the test is split into three parts. Part one consists of running a mile around the track. Part two will involve the weight and endurance machines, and part three will be in the pool. Let's get started."
They really wore us out. After attaching a number of wireless sensors to us they had us do just about everything you could think of.
The mile was grueling. I’ve never been able to run very well and it showed as I came in a couple minutes behind the others.
As I was lying down trying to catch my breath, I heard Justin yell, "You even run like a girl."
I just ignored the comment. In fact, it kind of sounded like a compliment to me. But I heard a loud slap, which made me look up to see what had happened.
Justin had his hand on his left cheek, and Nikki was being pulled away from him. I didn’t want to get involved so I just laid my head back down.
About five minutes later, the doctors were ready for us to continue. They led Nikki and me over to one set of equipment and kept Justin away from us on another set.
These tests were nearly as bad as the running. If it didn’t involve weights, it involved endurance. Either way, I was ready to collapse when they called part two as finished.
Jill led us back into the locker room and to the lockers. I just collapsed on the bench.
I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Nikki was shaking me.
"Come on, Jaz," she said, "the faster we can get through this, the faster we can eat. Get dressed."
I sat up and noticed that she had already changed into her swimsuit. The purple one piece clung to her like a second skin, and she looked amazing.
"Wow!" I said, "I hope I look as good as you in a swimsuit when this is all over."
She smiled. "You will, sweetie, I promise."
I stood up and opened my locker. Sure enough, there was an identical pink swimsuit. It was a very beautiful pink, and the white stripes up the sides added a little bit of flare.
I stripped off my gym clothes and was standing there with only the flesh colored panties on, admiring the swimsuit. This was like a dream come true.
"Hurry!" Nikki complained again.
I sighed and pulled the suit up my legs. Once I had the suit on, there was no way I could keep myself from smiling. I moved over to the mirror to take a look.
I still didn’t really look like a girl, but the lack of a bulge between my legs would certainly give someone pause if they were trying to make the determination. The lack of breasts, however, didn’t help. I didn’t even have the small padding from the sports bra anymore. It really surprised me when that thought made me feel a little bit depressed.
"You really are a girl. You take longer to get ready than me," Nikki said from behind me.
The thought made me giggle. Giggle? I’d never done that before!
"See," Nikki said with a laugh, "You are going to have no problem with this."
"Thank you," I said while giving her a hug.
When we walked back out of the locker room, we found Jill, Agent Harris, and Justin waiting for us on the benches again.
When Justin saw me, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
"Wow," he said. "You really are a girl. You might have been acting like a boy, but where it counts, you are all girl." He couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from my crotch.
I just shrugged, which seemed to be enough of an answer to satisfy him. I knew he wasn’t dumb enough to believe what he had just said, but if thinking that way helped him to accept me, I wasn’t going to complain.
We headed over to the pool where the doctors were setting up more equipment. The swimming tests weren’t nearly as bad as the running, but I felt exhausted again when we were done. Swimming in a one piece was certainly different, but after a while, it just felt normal.
After the tests were complete and the doctors dismissed us, we headed back to the locker rooms. Before we went in, Jill stopped us and explained what was going to happen during the rest of the evening.
"It's already seven-thirty," she said. I was surprised! "The testing took longer than expected, so we will head to the cafeteria for dinner, and then we will take you back to your rooms. Lights out will be at nine, but you will be free to do what you want until then."
Chapter 10 - Pretty in Pink
Back in the locker room, Nikki and I were undressing when I brought up showering.
"Do you want me to wait until you are done?" I asked.
"Umm..." was her only response.
I could see that she was struggling with that decision. I knew that she wanted to support me, but I was still technically male.
"It's alright," I said. "I'll wait here. I may be legally female, but we both know I won’t be complete for a few days. Waiting is not going to hurt my feelings."
She looked relieved. "Okay," she said as she grabbed her towel and headed for the showers.
I took off all of my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist. Then with a sly smile, I realized it should be around my chest, and changed it accordingly.
I sat down on the bench to wait for Nikki to finish, and thought about how I was going to tell my family. Mom and Dad knew that I felt that I should have been born female, but I didn’t think that anyone else knew. I wanted to tell my sister Cami so many times, but I could never get the courage to do it.
My brothers, on the other hand, were going to freak. Adam was very homophobic, and I didn’t have any idea how he was going to react. Ben might accept the changes, but then again, he might not. I had no idea what would happen with those two. Nevertheless, this was a dream come true and I wasn’t going to let them spoil it for me.
I heard Nikki approaching, so I stepped around the corner, heading for the showers.
"All yours," she said with a smile.
I smiled back and continued on to the showers. I kept it as short as possible, because I was really hungry, and even as nervous as I was, I also wanted to call home.
As I wrapped my towel around me after drying off and turned to leave the showers, I saw another pair of the flesh colored panties sitting on the bench waiting for me. After putting them on, I headed back to the lockers.
"Oh my gosh, she is going to love it!" I heard Nikki say as I approached.
"Shh, she's coming," I heard Jill whisper.
As I walked around the corner, they both squealed and hid something behind their backs.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing," was Jill's response. "Just put on what is in that bag first."
Inside the bag was a beautiful bra and panty set, pink of course. I had never seen any that looked as beautiful! It looked like they were made of lace.
The panties were cut in a low-rise bikini style. As I pulled them up my legs and settled them into place, I was amazed at how good they felt! The bra was the same way. I think I surprised the two of them when I was able to hook the bra behind my back.
Once I had the bra on, I turned to the two of them and asked, "Now what?"
Jill brought two boxes from behind her back and placed them on the bench. Opening one of the boxes revealed two breast forms.
"These are only on loan to you for the evening," Jill said as she pulled one out of the box. "We'll have another pair for you tomorrow until you grow your own."
The smile on my face must have been really big, because it brightened both of their faces. "I can’t wait!"
"Well," Jill said while inserting the forms into my bra. "These certainly seem to fit you really well. Just the right size."
"These things feel huge, how big are they?" I asked.
"These are a C-cup."
"Now for the fun part," Nikki squealed again. "This is so exciting. I can’t wait to take you shopping after the Procedure."
I was somewhat shocked when the idea of shopping sounded fun to me too.
Nikki opened the box that she had been hiding behind her back. Inside was a skirt and top. They were just as beautiful as everything else I had worn.
The skirt was a pleated A-line. It was white with pink lace trimming the hem and an attached belt seemed to be made of the same lace. The top was the same shade of pink that seems to have invaded my life recently. It was pretty much the opposite of the skirt, as it had a small band of white lace around the neckline.
Together, the two looked like they could be one of my favorite outfits, if I was a normal high school girl. Once I had them on, I decided that it was my favorite outfit. The fact that it was the only one I had was beside the fact.
"One more surprise and we can go eat," Jill informed me.
Opening the last box revealed a shoulder length blonde wig. It was beautiful as well. Jill placed it on my head and stepped back to take a look at me. "This is right," she said. "You really should have been born female."
She looked at me a little longer before she turned to Nikki. "Go finish getting ready. I'll do her makeup. We all want to eat."
Nikki looked like she really wanted to help, but the thought of food was too much and she took off toward the mirrors.
"Sit down and let me do this quickly. After the Procedure is completed we'll show you how to do it yourself."
I sat down and let her go at it. Applying makeup was never something that I had tried, so this was a new experience to me. She didn’t really do a whole lot, a little blusher, some eye liner, mascara, and lip gloss seemed to be enough to give her the result she wanted.
"Come on," she said as she put everything away and pulled me to my feet. "Let's take a look in the mirror."
All day long I had been getting progressively more feminine in appearance, but I was still shocked when I looked in the mirror.
Staring back at me was a girl. For the first time today, I actually looked like a girl!
"You look amazing!" Nikki said while giving me a hug. We almost looked like sisters now, I realized while looking into the mirror.
"I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving," Jill said while pulling me away from the mirror. "Let's go eat."
The guys were already waiting for us when we walked out of the locker room. It put a smile on my face when I saw both of their jaws drop slightly.
"Oh my gosh," was all Justin could say while he looked me over. I couldn’t really tell what he was thinking anymore. "I can’t believe that’s you."
That didn’t really sound like the Justin I’d been listening to all morning. I didn’t know if he was genuinely changing his attitude, or if he was being told to be nice.
"Well, let's hurry and get some dinner," Agent Harris said.
Walking in a skirt was a lot different than anything I was used to. It just felt open and less restrictive. I liked it. It really made me feel like a girl. There were a lot of people in the courtyard this time. Now that work was finished for the day, it looked like the courtyard became a place to hang out and talk with friends. Many of the people seemed to be waiting for someone to show up, before they headed into one of the recreational sections. I was a little nervous that someone would point at me and laugh, but either they thought I was a girl, or they knew of my plight. For the most part, I didn’t think many people even noticed me.
The cafeteria was pretty much empty at this time of night though, and the selection was quite limited. But after a full day’s workout, it was pure bliss. The five of us ate together, making small talk and trying to put everything out of our minds for a little bit.
The only disconcerting thing about supper was Justin. He wouldn’t stop looking at me. I wasn’t sure if he was getting over his issues with me being a boy or not, but it sure seemed that he was beginning to take an interest in me that a boy doesn’t normally show to another boy. I haven’t even started the Procedure yet, and boys were already chasing me!
Chapter 11 - Family Love
When we finished eating we headed back to our rooms. When we reached the elevators, I was surprised to see only a few people waiting for one to arrive. With all the activity down here, I thought they would be in bigger demand. It wasn’t until I looked around while we were waiting that I found out why. The two closest sections to the elevator were labeled as 'Residential A' and 'Residential B.' Most of the people working here probably lived in underground apartments. We must have been really special to the project to warrant above-ground rooms.
When the elevator opened into the lobby, we found Jay and the A1 team sitting and waiting for us.
"Wow, Jaz," Jay said. "You look great!"
"Thanks," I said. I could feel myself blushing, so I lowered my head a little.
"Jeez," Rock said. "That looked so feminine the way you hid your face behind your hair, are you sure you aren’t really a girl?"
I hadn’t meant to do anything like that! The wig just kind of fell around my face!
"I think she is," I heard Justin say. "You should have seen her in her swimsuit. If she's really male, then something is seriously wrong."
I was still blushing when Jay spoke again.
"Well, it looks like you will be able to fit right in after the Procedure," he said. "You already seem to have the instincts and mannerisms already."
That compliment really made me feel good. Nikki and Jill had both said the same thing, but I didn’t know if they were being truthful or not. I wasn’t consciously doing anything different, but maybe I was doing it subconsciously? I didn’t know. I just couldn’t wait for the next week to be over.
"Anyway," Jay continued. "There's still about an hour before you need to be in bed. Do you guys want to go to the small dance club we have here?"
"I'll go," Justin said. "I’m not ready for bed yet."
"Great, what about you girls?"
"I can’t," I said. "I really need to call home tonight."
"Oh, Okay," Jay sounded disappointed. "Nikki?"
"I’m sorry, Jay," she replied. "I’m too exhausted after all of those tests. I promise Jaz and I will take you up on your offer after the Procedure."
"Alright," he said with a little smile. "I’m looking forward to it."
"Just make sure he gets to sleep before nine," Agent Harris told Jay while pointing at Justin. "And no alcohol. We need to start the procedure in the morning."
"Yes sir, we'll take care of him." Jay promised.
Justin, Jay, and the rest of A1 got in the elevators and headed back down. The rest of us headed down the hallway toward the rooms.
"Remember," Jill said as we reached our rooms. "You need a full nights sleep. The more sleep you get tonight, the better off you will be in the morning when we start the procedure. If you need anything, you can find us in the next set of rooms back down the hall. Good night, and good luck, Jaz."
"Thanks," I said. "I hope I won’t need it."
"Do you want some support while you call them?" Nikki said.
"Don’t you want to call home?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I can stay with you if you need it."
"Um, well how about you go and call home, and maybe just check on me when you are done. I should be okay," I said.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."
We both went into our rooms, but we were a little surprised when we found that the doors that were locked before were open. It turned out to be a doorway between our two rooms.
"I’m leaving this open." Nikki said in a matter-of-fact way. I just shrugged and looked for the phone.
The phone was a cordless one that was sitting in a charger on a small table just outside the door to the bedroom. I picked it up and dialed as I walked into my bedroom and laid on my stomach on the bed. It rang a few times before my sister picked up the phone.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hi, Cami," I replied.
"Brett! Mom's been waiting for your call forever."
"I bet, but this is the first chance I’ve had to call today."
"Let me grab her - one sec."
I heard her place her hand over the receiver and then heard a muffled yell telling my mom to pick up the phone. A few seconds later I heard another receiver being picked up.
"Hello?" I heard Mom say.
"Hi, Mom," I replied.
"It's about time you called. I was getting worried."
"I’m sorry, but this is the first chance I’ve had all day."
"Well, I’m glad you finally called. Did you start the procedure today?" my mom asked.
"No," I replied. "Today was filled with tests to prepare for the Procedure. We don’t start until tomorrow morning."
"What kind of tests?" my sister asked.
"Mostly just a physical checkup, and then what they called a benchmark test, which basically measures a lot of stuff. Once the Procedure is finished, they will run the same tests again and compare the results to help understand how I have changed."
"Sounds boring," my sister said.
"Tiring more than anything. I’m exhausted."
"We miss you already," Mom said. "We can’t wait for you to get back."
"Mom," I said with a little hesitation. "I won’t be coming back, at least not in the way you remember me."
"What do you mean?" The concern in her voice was very evident.
"I learned some things today, things that are going to change my life. The anomaly, well, fixing it is easy they say, but it's going to change me."
"What do you mean?" Cami asked. I had forgotten she was still on the phone.
"Oh, I forgot you were still on the phone." Her still listening made me even more nervous.
"Come on, Brett, you can still tell me," she said. "I love you, and nothing can change that."
"Is anyone else listening?" I asked.
"No, Dad, Ben, and Adam are all watching a hockey game downstairs," my sister replied.
"Just tell us," my mom said. "I can’t take it anymore."
"Okay, but you have to promise not to tell the boys, at least not yet."
"I promise," Cami replied.
"Why?" Mom asked.
"Because, Mom," I said, "I don’t know how they are going to react. Please promise me you won’t tell them yet!"
"I promise then," she said. "Just tell me before I have a heart attack."
"Okay..." I started, "The anomaly is on the 23rd chromosome. That is the chromosome that controls gender, you know, XY stuff."
"Yeah," my sister said.
"Well, to fix the anomaly, they are going to change my Y to an X. The procedure is going to turn me into a girl." There, I finally said it!
The relief I felt to get that out in the open was amazing. I actually felt better than I had all day!
Both of them were very quiet for a few seconds while they tried to grasp what I just said.
"That is so cool!" my sister finally screamed into the phone.
"Shh," I said trying to stop her yelling. "Be quiet, I don’t want the boys to know yet."
"Oh, right," she replied in a whisper. "It's just that I’ve always wanted a sister!"
"Well, don’t tell anybody yet. Jill told me that it will probably be easier to accept if they see me first. Otherwise, they may not believe in what I’m doing and they will start to get defensive."
"Okay, I won’t tell anyone yet, I promise," Cami said. "Who's Jill?"
"Jill is my handler," I replied. "She is also my therapist to help me adjust to all of this."
"Oh," she replied.
"Are you okay, Mom?" I asked. "You haven’t said anything."
"Are you sure that this is what you want?" she finally said. "I mean, this is more than just wearing different clothes and stuff."
"Ooh, we have to go shopping together!" my sister interrupted.
Ignoring her comment for the time being, I answered my mom.
"You know it is, Mom," I said. "I’ve wanted this since I was a little kid. You know that."
"You have?" Cami said.
"Yes," I replied.
"Is that why pink used to be your favorite color? You always had pink stuff."
"Pink is still my favorite color, it always has been. I just hid that fact when people started making fun of me."
"Oh," she said.
"You should see my room here. It's mainly pink, and one of the most beautiful shades I've ever seen."
"Brett," my mom interrupted before my sister could respond. "Are you really sure? Have you put any thought into what this means for your future?"
"Yes, Mom," I said with a sigh. I know she was just worried about me, but I just wanted her to understand that I’ve had a lifetime to think about this. The events of today hadn’t done anything to change that.
"I’ve had years to think about this," I continued. "Some day I hope to get married and have a little girl of my own to worry about. The doctors have told me that will be possible after the Procedure."
"I just don’t want you to go through with this, and then find out six months from now that it was a mistake," she argued. "I don’t think you will be happy after it's done."
"Mom," I said, "You have to trust me. I’ve wanted this for a long time. I’ve thought about this for a long time. I’ve thought about what it would mean to me if it happened. I will be happy, that’s the one thing I can promise you right now."
"I had no idea you felt this way," my sister interrupted again.
"That’s because I’ve been hiding it from everyone," I replied.
"I still think you might be making a mistake," Mom said, concern evident in her voice.
"Mom," I said. I could feel tears running down my cheeks now. "Maybe I am then, but it would be MY mistake to make. In my heart I feel this is the right decision to make. I don’t think it is a mistake. If it turns out to be a mistake, then I will have to live with the consequences of it for the rest of my life. But, and this is a big but, I have spent years making this decision. This is not something I decided to do today."
I saw Nikki come into my bedroom then. She had a concerned look on her face, which eased when I gave her a small smile. She tapped her watch, indicating that it was getting late and we needed to get to sleep.
"Listen, Mom," I said. "I need to go now, because they want us to get to sleep as early as possible to make it easier on our bodies. This is something I’m going to do. If it means repercussions in the future, then I will deal with them when they come. I can’t ignore what my heart and my brain are telling me. You need some time to think about this, so I'll call you again tomorrow night. We can talk about any concerns you might have then, okay?"
"Alright, honey," she said. "Just remember that I love you and only want you to be happy."
"I love you, too," my sister added.
"I love both of you so much. Whether you believe it or not, Mom, this has been one of the happiest days of my life. It can only get better from here. I have to go now, but I will talk to you again tomorrow."
"Bye, Brett," Cami said, "I love you."
"Bye, honey," my mom said. "We'll talk tomorrow."
"Bye," I said.
I waited for them to hang up before I turned off my own phone. After that the flood works started. Nikki came over and wrapped me in a hug and just let me get it all out.
After the tears dried up she helped me get undressed and into a nightgown I hadn’t noticed before. Then she led me to the bathroom and removed my makeup. I just kind of zoned out during the whole thing.
Fifteen seconds after she led me back to my bed and pulled the covers over me, I was out like a light.