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Gets The Girl Part 4 - A New Home? By TGJaime
All Rights Reserved. Special Thanks to Angela Rasch for her continued Help,
Guidance and Masterful Editing. ~TGJaime |
I kept coming back to one theme. What do I tell my Mom? I knew about Bobbie and Hannah so I directed my question to Frankie.
“Frankie, if you don’t mind my asking, what have you told you parents?”
“I told Mom and Dad that I was following my dreams, they know I wanted more than anything to play music.”
“I like that!” I said smiling.
“I'm not going to lie to you and say that this has been a cake walk. Im the only boy in the family right in the middle. I have two sisters at home so it was always interesting with them. I was at all times surrounded by love. When I told them that I wanted to be a girl like my sisters Mom and Dad, well they laughed. They thought it was a joke. When they were done laughing I excused myself and went upstairs to my room.”
You could see in Frankie’s eyes that she was reliving this day.
“An hour later I came back downstairs dressed in one of my nicest outfits. I was wearing a chambray skirt and a white silk sleeveless blouse. I had my hair in a high pony tail and my makeup was tastefully done. I stood in front of the TV blocking Monday Night Football. To Dad this was a serious offense, Dad wasn’t impressed with my impression of a door, he said, “Move Janet!” He thought I was my older sister.
I told him no, not till he got the name right.
Finally he looked at me. I could see when the recognition hit. He did a great imitation of a fish out of water with his mouth opening and closing.”
She imitated him a few times to our amusement.
“Now do you believe me?” I asked than went to find Mom.
Mom was in the kitchen finishing up the dinner dishes when I walked in she just looked and told me to start drying the dishes. So I did, I could tell when she realized who I was when the glass shattered on the floor. The first thing she said to me was “Those aren’t your sisters are they?” It was a question and a declaration all at the same time. I got Moms attention centered on me I told her “no, there mine.”
I suggested we go in and talk with Dad. For the first time in my life Dad was speechless.
I started out asking them if they believed me now. I wasn’t trying to be a smart-ass but it sorta came out that way.
Mom was the one that surprised me, she actually complimented me telling me I looked just like my sisters. I thought that was cool.
I figured I was in for a screaming match. I don’t handle confrontations well, I just clam up so this was a very unexpected surprise.
“Of course Mom thought the only reason a guy would wear a dress was that they were gay.” At that comment Bobbie and Hannah nodded there heads in agreement. “I went on to explain that I was gay, I was happy being dressed this way. They didn’t think my humor was appropriate.”
I just opened up to them; I told them how I always felt I should have been a girl. I pointed out that my best friends were my sisters and other girls I knew. I asked them to name a single boy that was my friend, when they couldn’t I continued to explain how jealous I was of my sisters and girls in general. I wanted to be just like them. We talked and they actually listened to what I had to say. It was very difficult conversation but I had had enough hiding the real me.
This was October last year I was still going to school, I was 17 living at home so I still felt there thumb at every turn. When Dad finally opened his mouth, it was intelligent but narrow minded. He was talking about how I would be cured and they would get the best doctors for me etc...
I knew he was saying the things he did out of love for his son but he just didn’t understand. Mom finally had to tell him to shush.
The greatest thing they did insist on was that I did need to see a shrink. I say it’s great because that’s how I met Lauren. I was seeing Dr Michaels for about three months before I knew about her having anything to do with music. I talked, she listened, she asked, I answered. She would always have music playing softly in the background in her office so it was always very relaxing to me.
We talked about everything, dressing, feeling like a girl, where I felt my place in the world was and society’s views on what I was doing, was I gay, was I a repressed lesbian?
Like I said everything.
One afternoon she asked me about my musical ambitions. I told her that I had been classically trained as a concert pianist and I wanted to continue playing but was afraid how I would be accepted. Lauren asked me if I ever wanted to play rock music. I wasn’t overly excited by the thought since there were very few bands I thought used a keyboardist effectively.”
As a bass player I had never thought about it, but I realized she was right.
“Seriously think about it, there is only one Rick Wakeman or Keith Emerson. What other keyboardist do you remember if any, Liberace? That’s not what I had in mind. Don’t get me wrong, he is an incredibly talented musician and I greatly admire his playing abilities but I don’t want to be that flamboyant in my lifestyle, I just want to blend in and be who I am inside and out. To me that means being female and a musician.
Since I had been seeing Lauren, my Parents were getting updates and what my diagnosis was and if there was a treatment plan that would as Dad put it “repair me” Dr Michaels filled them in that yes there was a treatment that would work. Allow me to be female and to see an endocrinologist right away to start me on a hormone regiment to stop the testosterone poisoning of my body. Dad walked out of her office and Mom and I were left to finalize the arrangements. I never wanted to hurt Mom or Dad but I have to be myself.”
I could feel my eyes watering along with Frankie’s at the last comment. I reached over and touched her hand in quiet support.
“Mom and I are doing fine now. Dad tried to make Mom stay away from me but we go out to lunch once a week now, my sisters love having a new sister and they all say that I've become easier to shop for. Dad on the other hand hasn’t said two civil words to me since I came out. I hope someday that he will come around and see the good that has come from this. I don’t pretend that this is the be all and end all especially when it concerns Dad, but being selfish I'm happy so I guess that’s something.”
I gave her had a pat and some Kleenex, she needed. Hannah already had raccoon eyes from earlier so there was no making it worse for her.
“What I didn’t realize was that along with my counseling Lauren was recruiting me for this band” Frankie said with a grin “After I went to the endo and was on the hormones for a few months the conversations turned to my career again and she asked me to bring in some tapes of me playing. She thought I was very good and had a lot of talent than she again asked if I wanted to try rock. She played a song and asked what I thought. It was “Whisper” that she played and I told her I thought I could play with something like that. A few weeks later I was introduced to Bobbie and Hannah and was asked if I wanted join. That was lets see, March sometime. Once I moved in here things became so much easier. I didn’t have to try to be some macho clod for Dad. I was able to be Frankie full time. Bobbie and Lauren are incredible role models to all of us. I was extremely nervous at first; they would drag me out all the time it seemed.”
“Just like were gonna do with you Jamie,” Hannah said snickering.
I looked at her and I could tell she wasn’t joking. I have never been out of the house dressed.
The thought terrified me, I guess I should have thought about that lil gem !
I looked over at Bobbie and Frankie and I saw the amused expressions. Hannah being the resident smart ass that she is ‘didn’t think of that did ya!?” Like I said smartass!
“Well I was kinda hoping to get used to it a little before venturing out like that.”
“Oh don’t worry” Bobbie said, “we’ll help you out the first few times just like we do with all the new girls.” She said as she was looking at Hannah. Hannah was doing what id seen girls do a million times when embarrassed. The patented teenage girls duck and cover. Hiding her face behind a wall of hair so you couldn’t see the blush forming.
“Ok Hannah, spill the beans what am I in for?” I asked with a chuckle. Oh nothing different than a normal teenage girl really, getting your hair done, ears pierced, nails done”
“No nails done, I play with my fingers not a pick you know that,” I stated rather sternly “and what have you been doing all these years with you pinkie? Sticking it in an ink jar? Hannah interrupted right back.
“Oh … yeah, I see your point; I was thinking those fake nails or something ridiculous like that. I can’t play with those.” Hannah didn’t say anything, she just held up her paws to show me what she was talking about, I looked over at Bobbie and Frankie they were doing the same. Oh…
“Now back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted” Hannah chuckled”uuummm lets see, hair, nails, ears, waxing, a makeover so we know what the best colors for you are, not your Moms ill tell you that! Oh and the best thing Clothes Shopping”
All the girls started bouncing in there seats in the preparatory excitement for the shopping to come. “Don’t worry, you will get some nice clothes, some clothes to lounge around in, play clothes, stage outfits, a bikini what else girls?”
“I got to see something first” said Frankie “lift up your blouse Jamie” when I did “oh yeah your getting one” “Wait, what am I getting” asked me a little nervously.
“Your belly pierced” said all the other girls in unison. “Frankie is huge on piercings, you better watch it, and she’ll have you pierced in all sorts of places if you aren’t careful. Hannah said
I was intrigued and more than a little scared once again.
“Let me see your piercings than” I challenged.
Bad move, Frankie pulled off her t-shirt and than her bra showing me what she had. I'm glad I was sitting down because she had a nice pair, I mean both nipples pierced with hoops and a chain running from each forming a ‘Y’ than to a belly, no, make that two belly rings. I was scared to ask what else she had pierced.
I was speechless; I’m staring at girls’ breasts, damn B+ cups at least! Really looking at them and she says in a very nonchalant tone, “Don’t worry, you’ll have your own soon enough”
~splash~ I could feel the cold water running right down my back bringing me back to reality. I could feel it. I knew it was there.
“What do you say to that?” Nothing was coming to mind so I just sat there, smiled and blushed some more.
“OK who else has one?” Hannah and Bobbie both lifted their blouses showing off there bellies.
“What about Dawn, does she have hers done?” I think the look I was getting had a sub title saying ‘Dumb ass, of course she does!’
“OK so when can I get mine done?”
Frankie was out of her seat like a shot. “You shouldn’t have asked that Jamie,” Hannah informed me a moment later. Before I could retort with anything, Frankie was back with, well, I guess a tool box would adequately describe it.
“OK Jamie, over here on the couch.”
“Wow, now hold on a second, I said I would get one, I didn’t mean right this second”
“What, are you chicken? All the girls have one are you scared?” Taunted Frankie
“Fine, just my belly though, nothing else!”
I lay on the couch not wanting to look but Frankie was describing EVERYTHING she was doing. I caught myself watching in morbid fascination as she cleaned my belly button area and marked the spot. She took out a small set of forceps and cleaned them. I gasped when I saw the size of the needle it was huge. Than she asked me what type of jewelry I wanted.
I didn’t know there were different styles, she explained them but recommended a small hoop till it was healed. I just said to go with your best judgment.
Next thing I knew she was placing the forceps and squeezed them shut OUCH! That hurts. I felt a small pinch and a push then looked and there was a hole and just a little red spot from the blood that she was placing the ring through.
It was over. I had a pierced belly.
“That wasn’t so bad” I exclaimed “oh so you’re ready for some more while I have everything out?”
What I couldn’t believe was that I was seriously thinking about it.
Bobbie chimed in with if your going to get you nipples done it is better to get them done now before you start the hormones. Since dumb looks are still free I gave her one. She went onto explain that because of the hormones my nipples would be exponentially more sensitive later on.
Oh she’s trying to look out for me.
Believe me, I know, she said sardonically. Than she started taking her blouse off to show me.
I couldn’t believe it; here I was with 2 girls, topless and I going to be one of the girls. Life is so unfair!
Hannah just about yelled to get me out of my thoughts, don’t worry about it, you will get used to see us all naked, trust me on this. We all live upstairs in a dormer, all in the same room get it? None of us are saints either” as she looked over at Bobbie with a smile.
“Do you want something else done?” Frankie inquired quietly.
“Uuuummm can I wait a lil while please?”
“Sure, she said, “you know where I live.”
Now that all this excitement is done, does anyone have an idea what time it is?
I was informed it was almost three AM, time for bed we all agreed. I followed the girls upstairs to the room. It looked to be the whole upstairs. Bobbie went on to explain that Mom had her room downstairs on the other side of the house away from the nuts, meaning us. Every girl had a standup wardrobe closet and a dresser, makeup table and a full sized bed. Five sets of everything. Like I said it was a big bedroom. I was shown my sleeping area and where the bathroom was.
The girls were getting ready for bed, changing into their nightgowns and washing up.
I was slightly apprehensive about getting undressed in front of them and sat there on “my bed.”
Frankie came over carrying something and handed me a beautiful long silky night gown a twin to her own in a shimmering red fabric.
“You can borrow one of mine till you get your own” she said with a shy grin.
I thanked her and placed it beside me.
“What’s wrong?” “Oh uummm nothings really wrong, im just sitting here thinking about everything that has happened today. Its been one hell of a day!”
Frankie just stood there unsure of what to do.
“Here let me help you.” She started pulling my blouse over my head and I just sat there, no big deal, I've seen her tits tonight. I just don’t have anything there. I was kind of embarrassed by that I realized.
I slipped the gown on and it felt incredible, “I've never worn anything so wondrous Frankie” she grinned “Its my favorite, I love the way it feels on my skin, don’t you?” I nodded my head in affirmation. I stood up to unbutton but had to sit back down to take my jeans off, Frankie grabbed the legs and had to help, they were that tight. When she got them off she saw my hidden secret. I was wearing a white satin thong from Victoria’s. “Oh those are pretty” I turned fifty shades of red in my embarrassment.
“Why are you embarrassed? We all have them.” Then it hit her.
“No one has ever seen you in them before have they?”
I couldn’t say anything I just shook my head no. I was on the verge of tears I was so wound up. Finally I could speak and in a whisper I told her “I’ve been wearing panties for years. I would only wear guys underwear on days I had gym or swim team practice. Right now Frankie it’s like my fantasy and my nightmares are all converging, coming true at the same time” I didn’t know how to deal with it. Frankie, bless her heart grabbed hold of my hand and escorted me to the bathroom and told me to take care of business and that she would be waiting.
I finally got a good look at myself. The nightgown was incredible, it looked like a cross between an evening gown and a nightie it exuded pure sex appeal. I realized that I looked amazing also, my long blonde hair cascading around my shoulders in contrast to the gowns red. Frankie broke my reverie by calling thru the door to check if I was alright. I finished my ablutions washed and exited the room. Frankie took my hand again and walked me over to the bed. She folded the sheets back “get in” and I did than she tucked me in like a little…….. well, something. I asked her in my best little girl voice “could you read me a story Mommy?” She laughed and wished me good night than she did something totally unexpected. She walked around to the other side of the bed and crawled in.
“I figured you might want some company after all you’ve gone thru today” I was gob smacked. I just laid there and she told me to roll over and than cuddled right up next to me. I could feel her breath on my neck; it was very erotic and highly intoxicating. I was getting excited when I heard this voice chuckling from behind me “I don’t fool around on first dates” and she slid her hand down and squeezed my growing erection, I just moaned. Evidently I moaned louder than I thought because the next thing I heard was “go to sleep you sluts” and a giggle from the peanut gallery. Eventually I managed to fall asleep.
I awoke confused; I felt a leg and an arm wrapped around me. I turned my head and saw Frankie staring at me from inches away.
“Morning sweetie, do you know how beautiful you are when you sleep?”
“I've never slept with anyone else except Harry before, this is much nicer” I said as I pulled her over closer for a good cuddle. I guess we fell back asleep because the next thing I knew the covers were ripped off the bed and there was a giggling Hannah with Bobbie right behind her.
“You guys looked so cute it was sickening! When are you getting married?” The others chimed in with.
I didn’t care I was all warm and fuzzy from great sleep. Frankie started rousing from her slumber also and finally got out of bed. I guess its wake up time.
I guess being a girl doesn’t change my morning ritual…. What am I thinking? I'm not a girl, at least not yet…. These girls are addictive, one day and I’m thinking like them… Oh my!
Breakfast cleaned up, kibitzing around done, now comes the hardest part…….
“Hello, Mom? Are you going to be home later? I need to talk to you.”
To Be Continued?