If I were a girl
(With apologies to Beyonce)
If I were a girl
Even just for a day
I’d take an hour to get ready
‘cause I’d know they’d have to wait
Go shop with the girls
And laugh at the boys
I’d be welcome at the party
Get to be so pretty
‘cause then I’d be free to be me
If I were a girl
I’d make them understand
What it’s like to be feminine
No need to pretend to be a man
They’d listen to me
‘cause they know how it hurts
Trying to be someone you’re not
Tie yourself up in to knots
And end up being destroyed
If I were a girl
I would turn on my phone
Tell everyone to call me
‘cause it’s better than being alone
I might hike up my skirt
Maybe wiggle and wink
‘cause that’s how to get my way
And I know how guys think
But I’m just a boy
I don’t understand
Don’t know why I have this need
To know how it feels to be a girl
Sometimes I wish I were a better man
They don’t listen to me
Don’t care if I’m free
Or if I lose everything I’ve wanted
They are taking me for granted
And I risk being destroyed
I’m just a boy . . .
(for now)