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The Girl in Me Chapter 58 by Erin Amelia Fletcher |
Synopsis: Morwen a witty girl, who happens to have once been a boy lives day to day with a rather unique life. She is a Witch and a Gypsy. Life's never the easiest for Morwen, even with her powers that gives her simplicities in it.
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this. Similarities of the story among any other stories movies etc are purely coincidental.
On our way to the dinning room grandpa lit up a cigarette and said behind me "Well I guess seems how your all dolled up Derek, you won't want to help me with the car eh?"
Chapter 58
The remark "Holy shit" from my grandfather made me scared, and I nearly fainted from the scare. Grabbing the railing tighter, I replied "Nice to see you too, grandpa!"
Grandma gave me a hug and said "I always knew you were a girl sweetheart, the surprise is your brother" which caused me to giggle. Even Mark's dilema, came a surprise to me.
"You know sweety, you look alot like how my mother looked before she got married in her photographs" stated grandma.
"Really, Grammy you sure. I thought I looked like mum but with straight hair" I replied, my great grandmother even in her present elder age looked quite beautiful.
Grandma laughed and said "No! No, your mother has a much bigger head, but don't say I said that."
"Mother! Really, that isn't very nice thing to say about me" replied my mum mockingly hurt.
"Ah! blame your father, Lilly you got his head, just feminised" grandma, is always making fun at her of it.
Mum rolled her eyes, "Well lets go to the dinning room, and have a chat all, I need to rest my legs!"
Grandma always the spirited one just had to say it "Well you wouldn't need to rest your legs dear, if you hadn't mated with that bastard!"
On our way to the dinning room grandpa lit up a cigarette and said behind me "Well I guess seems how your all dolled up Derek, you won't want to help me with the car eh?"
Without even looking at him I stoped, and said with my back facing him "Of course not, ask Mark he's your grandson, I am just your simple pretty grandaughter" I then turned to him and said "You can call me Morwen!" and I gave him a smile and continued to walk back to the dinning room.
We talked for a while, the first things that were talked about was Mark and my transformation, it hardly went well at least with grandpa that is. Grandpa unfortunitely had a bigot side of himself. Anything considered oposing heterosexuality, as in homosexuality and transexuality in his mind was wrong, including immigration, certain politics, religion and miscellanius things as well. Though if calmed down he could be fairly decent, usually after his meds, when he falls asleep or stairs off into space.
Grandpa drank his coffee, which grandma happily slipt his medication into. Within moments Mark showed him to the guest room were he could have a nap.
"So let me get this straight, we are a family by blood of witches and gypsies" said grandma after much discussion.
I nodded my head and said "From your mother's mothers side and so forth, it carries stronger in the female line."
"How come I never knew about this then?" replied grandma a little shocked.
I smiled and said matter of factly "you still might, you just never put two and two together, not to mention when you mate with a mortal the witch will normally lose her powers to the mortal she consemated with. Not to mention though only your active powers are taken away, which would include, the magickal essence that consentrated within your blood stream, which would be for your projection and hightened healing abilities, and any other majorly active or what many would consider remote gifts. So only, your minor might stay Nathan did tell me that before. So, if you have the ability to see through time, but never learned to control it then the chance of ever controling it is negative, however if you did learn to control it then you'll lose it".
"Who is this Nathan?" asked Uncle Paul, causing me to smile and blush.
I gave him a emotionally dazed look, and said while holding me belly "My boyfriend!"
Aunt Cathy who was sitting next to my mum and Mark, spat out her coffee, spraying Uncle Paul in the face. He whipped his face off with a towel mum handed him, and said "Thanks, Aunt Cathy thats what I needed eh!" causeing us to laugh hysterically.
"When do we meet this stud, sweety?" asked grandma with demand.
I was surprised she already wanted to meet him, I really love my grandma. I quickly replied without thinking "I will be right back, and get him!"
I got up and patted my belly and whispered "Come on sweety, bring mummy to daddy".
Within seconds, the child growing within transported me electrically to Nathan who was in the storage room of the store, putting things away stacking shelves.
"Hi hun!" I said as he turned around and hugged him close, kissing his unpainted lips. Which when I released him just had a coat of glossy pink roughly left on his lips.
"My god your gorgeus" replied Nathan grabbing me close. His 'wand' trying to penetrate through the jeans. I beleave he was 'pleased' to see me.
"Why thank you, your are quite a handsome stud yourself eh" I stated as he kissed me again, fondling my waist and hips, then to my rear.
"As much as I would love to right now sweety, I have to get back. I came to get you hun, they want to meet you, and I want you to meet them" I stated pulling back.
Nathan looked hurt, but then a smile came on his face "I would love to meet them, but I do have to work!"
I rolled my eyes, and said "Well I am sure your dad (Mr. Barton) can spare an hour or even just a few minutes of your time!"
"Ok, I will ask him, hold a second" said Nathan, as he left to the ask Mr. Barton if he could leave for a bit and explained why. Mr. Barton said "Fine, but be back in an hour!"
"Great, thanks dad" stated Nathan as he ran back into the storage room.
"OK, all ready lets go" said Nathan as he hugged my waist with one arm and we teleported back to the house in electric sparks.
"I still can't believe what's...." said Aunt Cathy, before she was cut off by our entrance.
"That was fast!" welcomed grandma, as it was only about 10 minutes.
"Ha, ya a little bit, we would have been here sooner if we didn't make out" I said "Speaking of which, you might want to clean that gloss off your lips sweety!" which caused Nathan to take his sleeve wrapped around his fingers of him right arm whipping the gloss off his lips.
I introduced my family to him and him to my family, all except grandpa who was upstares in his slumber.
"Well young man, we need to know some things about you, to get to know you?" said grandma over a sip of coffee.
"Well ask anything you like, I do tend to be very honest" stated Nathan, who barely seemed worried.
"Where do you see your career path?" asked Uncle Paul, picking a cookie off the plate from the center of the dinning room table where we were sitting.
"I plan to become an Alchemical Necromancer, sir. What do you do?"
"I am a Computer Program, for the NCR corporation" replied my uncle.
"What is this job you plan to do, son I don't believe I have ever heard of such position" asked my grandmother.
Nathan smiled and said, "An Alchemical Necromancer, is an Alchemist whom usues alchemy to perform Necromancy or as many will say the position of Necromancer. Whom, works with the art of potion making, ressurection and reincarnation as well as the medical practice to use natural remedies, of ancient and what your kind calls new age practice. Which by all honesty, is much older than many give it credit for." Nathan chuckled and continued " By Necromancer, would also be responible to perform burial and funeral rights and can then also perform other spiritual matters such as to keep it simple in your terminology, marriages and divorces, as well as magical blessings on newborn children such as in example, a magical christening/baptising that now adays is considered the wiccaning ceremony".
"hmmm!" replied my grandmother and uncle in unison whom seemed rather impressed, sure they didn't understand, but they respeceted his consideration and what to them sounded rather oddly logical.
"So how do you feel about dating a boy?" asked my Aunt Cathy nonchalantly.
Nathan sat in silence at shock, the question catching him off guard. His silence making me very tense, and was beginning to feel like maybe he wasn't completely honest to me about his feelings. Then all of the sudden he said the sweetest thing.
"What boy, she is all woman...My Woman!" reaching over and kissing me square on the lips.
Grandma looked over at us, and you could tell she was rather pleased not only by the comment but the effection as well. She thought to herself 'oh the days when I was that young and in love, just hope he keeps it in his pants'.
"Well she may look that way, but you have to admit getting around his 'little fella' must be rather difficult to not notice" replied Aunt Cathy.
Nathan began to get angry, I have never seen him truly angry before. A vein in his neck began to bulg and his forehead tightened and crinkled in shape. He looked like he was about to blow a fuse. I put my hand on his leg, only to have him jump up off his chair and shout at Aunt Cathy.
"I do not know what your problem is lady, but I can tell you right now that there is no 'little fella' as you call it, attached to my girl" hollered Nathan.
Aunt Cathy was in some shock, she may tend to be what some may call a 'bitch' though no one has ever hollard at her, except maybe her husband and childen, never a stranger.
"How dare you!" yelled Aunt Cathy "And how would you know?! Indulge us will you with what you know then, eh!!"
I gripped Nathan's leg tighter, to keep his mouth shut. My Aunt decided to get smart and said mockingly "Cat got your tongue?!"
I giggled out of hilarity, of Aunt Cathy for the fact that her big mouth was going to bring an answer from me that would possible drop the mouths of many in the room.
"Well, what is it, huh....don't have an answ...." mocked Aunt Cathy.
"Because I am pregnant!" I replied cutting her off.
To be continued...