Part I - Mr. Carlton gets his.
Darlene and her mother didn't seem at all upset that Mr. Carlton had been hit by a car. I was to find out later, that every time Darlene's father was angry or otherwise upset, he would storm out of the house in a blind rage. Darlene told me at school that she was surpirsed this didn't happen before now.
"But Darlene, is he always that way though? I mean, he acted like he was doing all of us a big favor by cutting me down. I don't get it. If he is a psychologist, why is he like that?"
"He doesn't keep up on the progress of the psychiatric field. He reads books by renowned psychologists of the past, and he thinks they have a better insight into the minds of others, than the modern day psychiatrists and psychologists do. He said his profession has become wimpy in their analasys of what constitutes a mental aberration. He is always talking off the top of his head without thinking anyway."
"Does he see children?"
"No, just adults. He says children are way too headstrong these days that it doesn't pay to even start seeing them. He said he saw a boy one time, and after daddy asked the first question, the boy just ran away with the hour. Daddy said he couldn't get a word in edge wise. So he started to see adults only after that."
"He might not want to see children because we know who we are and what we are about. Apparently he knows that too, or he wouldn't be so ready to condemn what he doesn't understand."
"He told us one day at dinner, that he refused to see a transgendered boy because he said that he doesn't see faggots. So Kira, you are not the only one he despises. He despises everybody who is different."
"So what is your family going to do?"
"Well, mother already called her attorney to draw up the papers for a divorce. When daddy is allowed to be out of the hospital, he won't have a home to come to. Mother said that last night was the last straw. He is always embarrassing us in front of others with his hatred towards others. I only hope he doesn't get visiting privileges to see us. I'm thirteen, Mary is sixteen, and Kelly is going on eighteen. Kelly is going on to college right after high school, because she has an academic scholarship. So she is set. She plans on majoring in psychology and social work, so she can be a psychotherapist. She said someobody in the family has to be there for the ones that are troubled. When I told her about you, she said that she will see transgnedered clients because somebody has to care. So, we are divorcing dear old dad, and we wish him no ill will, but we also don't ever want to see him again."
"My mother's trial is a week from today, and the district attorney told daddy that there isn't going to be any plea bargaining. The judge is a woman, and the district attorney is a woman, so we can pretty much present a lot of psychological evidence as well as the abuse. We have the same judge that was at her arraignment. So we will see just what my mother tells the court as to why she hit me."
"Well, I hope that we can get an excuse slip from our world studies teacher, so we can be there. I'd like to hear what she has to say too."
"Do you mean that, Darlene. You guys would actually be there for me in court! I...I don't...know..." I started crying again, and we all got into a group hug. I just let the tears flow, because we haven't been friends that long, but it seemed they were going to be there for me. They encouraged me to stand up to mother, they are the ones who told me how pretty I looked, albeit in boys clothing. These were friends a girl could count on.
Part II - The trial begins.
We all got in the car and as we started to pull away from the curb, Jessica and the others came walking up the sidewalk. I asked daddy to stop the car, and Jessica said they were going with us. They said they had called the school and told them they had to be in court to testify in trial. They said they didn't say which trial.
With everybody cramped in the car, daddy drove straight to the courthouse. Judge Dawson was not in a good mood that day according to David, her bailiff. So we were warned to be on our best behavior. Mrs. Jenkins, smiled as we sat down, and she motioned for daddy to come up by her.
They talked for a long time, and when daddy came back, I asked him what she said, but he made a motion to me to be quiet. Then he whispered that court was about to start.
"Branch 32 of the county circuit court is now in session, silence is commanded, the honorable Jessica Dawson, presiding." When the judge came in and sat down, David told us all to be seated. "Case number F-3265 the state versus Lillian Spelling, felony assault to a minor."
"Thank you David. Yes, I remember the arraignment for this case. I take it the defendant has not been able to make bail. Ladies and gentlemen, you are here to be picked as jurors in the matter now before the court. The attorneys will ask you questions, and make their selections." After about an hour the jury was picked, the trial began.
"Your honor, if I may. Defendant is present represented by her attorney Charles D. Bailey.
"Thank you, Mr. Bailey. Mrs. Jenkins, you may proceed."
"I call Miss Kira Spelling to the stand. Your honor the witness is a thirteen year old minor, and I would ask that the corridor door be locked while she is testifying. There are no other persons here except the people connected with the trial, your honor."
"Any objections, Mr. Bailey?"
"No, your honor."
"David, please lock the corridor door. Miss Spelling, you are still under oath. You may proceed Mrs. Jenkins."
"Just so the record is clear, will you please tell the court your full legal name?"
"Kira Spelling."
"Is that the name that is on your birth certificate?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Are you physically male or female?"
"I am physically male."
"Will you tell the court, in your own words then, why you are dressed as a girl?"
I repeated what I had said during the arraignment, and that I felt that I was a girl ever since I was five years old.
"Do you know what the word transgendered means?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"What does the word transgendered mean to you?"
"It means that I have this awful male body, but that I am a girl inside and think girl thoughts and do girl things."
"Let the record show this young person understands the definition of the word transgendered."
"Without objection, so ordered."
"Do you recall the events of September sixth of this year?"
"Yes, I do."
"Will you please tell the court, in your own words, what happened on that day to best of your recollection?"
I went through everything from the start of the school day, until mother picked me up at Jessica's. I told them of the talk mother and I had had on the way home, and even after we got in the house.
"Now, other than talking, did anything else happen that evening?"
"Yes, ma'am, it did."
"Will you please tell the court, what if anything, happened that evening when you were having your talk."
"I was telling my mother that she is what our pastor called a hypocrite. Then I asked her when was she going to start being my mother and stop treating me like the proverbial red-headed step child. That is when she took her hand and hit me causing me to have a bloody nose."
"Did she hit you with an open hand or a closed fist?"
"An open hand, ma'am, she actually slapped me."
"Was it just a simple slap, or was it very hard?"
"She hit me hard, so hard I fell back in to the couch more."
"I show you what has been marked as state's exhibit one, is this what the result of the slap from your mother caused?"
"Objection, leading."
"Over ruled, you may answer the question."
I looked at the picture and said yes.
"Now Miss Spelling, have you ever seen a therapist to determine if you are truly transgendered?"
"No, ma'am, but my daddy said he is going to make an appointment for me to see one."
"Objection, your honor, non-responsive."
"Over ruled, Mr. Bailey. The answer is directly responsive."
"I have no further questions, your honor."
"Mr. Bailey, any cross?"
"At this time your honor, I would ask that any cross be done at a later time. I move the court to appoint a therapist that can either confirm or deny the witness' transgendered identity."
"Any objections, Mrs. Jenkins?"
"No, your honor, but I would also add to that motion that the witness also be given a complete physical examination, and blood work to determine sex."
"Mr. Bailey, this is your motion. Any objections to the addendum?"
"No, your honor."
"Then it is hereby ordered, that Kira Spelling, the vicitm in this case, be given a full physical examination by Dr. Sarah Fitzgibbons of the county general hospital, and that the same Kira Spelling be seen by Amanda Dowling of the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology. This case will be heard again on, say, November fourteenth, at two o'clock, pm. Is that agreeable to all parties?"
Both attorneys said that it was.
"Very well, this case will resume on November fourteenth at two o'clock, pm, and the defendant is hereby remanded. David I will take a short recess before the next case."
When the judge left the courtroom, and mother's attorney had left, Mrs. Jenkins came over to talk to us.
"This couldn't have gone any better. This will be unappealable evidence, because it was made by your mother's attorney. Whatever these doctors do now, has the sanction of the court. I know both of these women, and they are also of the belief that a person has the right to be who they are, or need or want to be. So when you see them, Kira, just be yourself, because they are on your side."
"Does this mean, they will call us, or do we have to call them?" Daddy asked.
"They will call you, because they get a lot of court appointments for physicals and evaluations. So, just make sure that you see them Kira, because this will give us enough ammunition to win our case. Everybody is on your side.
"I will see them, and thank you, for everything."
"You're quite welcome, young lady."
"I will need the names of these young ladies so that I can send them each a subpoena. I think their testimony is going to be crucial also." They each gave her their names, addresses and phone numbers, and Mrs. Jenkins said she would be in touch.
As we were walking toward the elevator, Mr. Bailey came out of one of the doors marked "Authorized Personnel Only". He looked at us with a smug expression, then he said to daddy.
"You haven't got a chance. This little faggot is going to be taught a lesson."
Daddy took out his cell and dialed Mrs. Jenkins, and told her what Mr. Bailey had said. She said to get a witness to what he said, and she said they can use that against him in court. There was a lady there that was willing to testify, and daddy gave Mrs. Jenkins her name and phone number, and said that she can be reached there after about an hour today. Daddy hung up his phone, and we went to get something to eat at Denny's."
End of Part VII
To Be Continued...