“Doesn’t worry Aunt Jane, Toni and I will stop what ever get tossed our way. Right Toni we can stop anything?”
“Dang straight Kelly, we are unstoppable together,” Toni said with conviction in her voice.
Then they all went to clean up and go to bed, because they were leaving in the morning.
Else were in the city prep was under way, “Have everything you need now Ki?” Asked Carrie asked her puppet.
“Yes I do Mistress, when they set out I will be right behind them,” Ki told her mistress.
And now the story resumes.........
Ki went to bed and started dreaming a reality that doesn’t seem to be a possibility.
“Captain Zse you are to test the new ship the Alliance had just finished designing. It is a prototype, if all goes as planned, this ship we be newest model. “General Jamison told me.
“Yes Sir, I will be honored. When do we start with the test Sir?” I asked the General.
“We start when you are ready captain; everything is set just waiting for you, to say you will. I know you would, but it’s always nice to ask”. General Jamison told me.
“Right Sir I will suit up and will be in the Docking Bay 2 in about 10 minutes. Does that sound ok Sir?"
“Yes it does Zse that sounds perfect, demised.” They saluted each other, and I left General Jamison office.
8 minutes later I was in the Docking Bay 2 looking over the ship. I thought to myself. ‘She is a really pretty; we have great engineers so I know this will go off without a hitch. Well time to get a break down of the controls and get ready for the test.’
After the Chief Engineer gave me a break down of the controls, I walked to the ship and boarded it. I went over the safety checks. Then I told control that I am ready to launch when given the signal.
“Zse I like to thank you again for doing this you have the green light to go so when ready shoot off and the one who you pray to keep you safe.” General told me.
I told the General. “Will do sir, all lights are green, powering the thrusters, unlocking holding clamps, 3, 2, 1, launch." With that I had shot out of the Space Station. I did all the normal flying checks. Then I did some flying maneuvers.
Then the engine started to overheat, I tried to shut it down, but the engine didn’t shut off. The Engine went to warp speed. I tried to radio base, but he couldn’t get a hold of them about all the wires had melted together from such high heat. I saw a planet to my left, I then he looked at the map, P-69.
I thought to myself. ‘If I’m lucky they have some way to get me back or I can radio the base, it’s a long shot, though I don’t have much of a choice.’
Back at the Space Station, everything was in panic mode trying to get a hold of me. They didn’t know but I could hear them, but couldn’t respond back. I was thinking that the General was mortified not only did lose a Prototype, a very good Captain, but worst part was he was afraid of losing me his son.
The General asked the navigator. “What was Captain Zse latest coordinates?”
Hailey the navigator told my dad. “Sir my equipment showed me he was around a planet called P-69. I have never heard of that planet.”
“Hailey how fast can we get the station to P-69?” My dad asked her in a sort of frantic mode worrying about me.
Hailey told him, “Well sir if we go at top speed it will take 17 years, so I suggest that everyone go to a statics pod and I’ll set Mac up to keep us going on course. You ok with that Mac?” Mac just shook his head as yep I would think, he always did like the sleeper crew. “Does that sound good to you general?
“Yes it does Hailey, aright everyone set up the sleeper crew all robots and androids. Then we will go in to the static pods and at year 16 come out and prepare things. Now before we go I know I can order you all to go, but you all know I don’t work like that if anyone wants to go back to base they may." Dad stood there in silence waiting for there answer, if I know him like I hope I do.
Everyone at once told dad, “We are here for you!”
Father told everyone. “Thank you all, now foke’s let’s get to work.”
After that my radio went out completely. “Damn it, well might as well prepare for a crash landing. Hum for the first time The Great Captain Zse Jamison is going to crash. Damn only time I ever crash was in them simulators so we would know what to do if it happens. Hope the training pays off, cause here we go!”
I entered the atmosphere saw a lot of forest. “This is a crappie place to land. What is that off in the distance? Desert, yep good place to go crash down at. Well here goes nothing!!!!”
I keep the ship steady the whole time, till there was a little explosion from the engine room. “Shit I got to eject now. I did and landed about 100 meters from the remains of his ship.
“Ah damn it, so much for commutation and all that good stuff. Sit and wait I guess, because I’m not going any were any time soon.”
Ki woke up then, sweating and feeling like she lived thought that experience. “What the hell was that dream all about? It seemed like I was living it, but that is impossible. Well my mistress will not hear about it though, because I want my freedom. Also, her head clearing methods forget that, I would not wish that on my worst enemy. I do not want to kill those kids, but if I get me freedom so be it. Now to get some more sleep, it’s only 1:00 A.M. Four hours till its show time.” She changed her night clothing and bedding because they were so wet.
With that she went back to sleep, but her dream pick off from when she woke up.
Four women came up to him. “Hello there I said to them.” Saying to myself, ‘hope they can understand what I am saying.’
A woman came up to me and asked, “Hello, what is your name?”
"The name is Zse."
"You must come with us", she told me.
The women sighed and said, “So you will not try to impregnate the queen.”
I got defensive, then said, "So if I do go. What will happen to me when we get there?"
She told me, "Simple we will castrated you, so you cannot go around and get others pregnant. The law states no male from a different world, will be allowed to walk around on the planet. If there ship can be fixed, or a different for them to return home. They will not be castrated, and since we have no way to fix ships, or communicate to different worlds. You must be locked up and castrated. We lost the technology many years ago, and never relearned it."
I told this person, "Let me get this straight, because you never took the time to relearn something. I am destined to be in a cage with no bits!?"
She told me, "That is what I am saying."
Then I thought to myself. ‘Well I don't want to lose them, and I don’t want to be locked up. I guess there is only one thing to do, go to get revenge for ever male before me, and for thinking they could do it to me.' I told the ladies, "See ya in the underworld!!" With that said I ran fast as I could. I was fast; that trial for a speed enhancement program I did is paying off.”
I was running as fast as I could to the palace, to impregnate the queen so I could live on with in my offspring. I said to myself running, "I might be dead after this, but no one is going to take my bits. If this is the only way I can live on so be it!"
I thought to myself when I saw her laying there, 'Well here goes nothing, chit this will be easy, she don't even know I am in here." With a big smile, I got straight to business and started to have sex with this Queen. Once I had release, she woke out of her trance and looks at me, horrified and freaked out screaming.
I felt pleased with myself, let out a nice evil laugh, then I felt the sword go though my heart and after that nothing else.
Ki woke up screaming, she ran to the bathroom and look at her left side. She saw a faint mark on the front and she did her best to look behind her and saw a faint mark on the same side.
She saw it was 5:00 A.M. so she deiced to stay up and think about her dream and prepare for her mission.
“That was a really messed up dream, let’s see my name is Ki, I am a female. Though I have those faint marks that seem to line up perfectly, what the hell is going on with my mind? Yet I don’t remember my past. Oh well I need to get ready to complete my mistress wishes.”
Hour later both girls were waking up, 10 minutes later so were Jane and Mary. Mary told Jane, “Well today is the day and I am scared as hell for the girls.” As she was speaking she was crying a little.
“I know Mary I am too. I know they can do it, but I am worried about the road ahead.”
“You two talking about Toni and I?” Asked Kelly, her and Toni were standing in the door way.
“Alright, how long have you two been standing there?” Mary asked in a mock anger tone.
“Well mom long enough to hear both of you worrying about us.” Kelly replied.
“You know I should punish both of you girls, but I won’t because your right.” Jane told both of the girls.
All four women talked a bit, and then the girls ran off to get dressed, as did Jane and Mary. “You know Jane I’m going to put my battle gear on to see them off.”
“Really, hum…… ok, guess that’s fine with me.” Then she broke out giggling, Mary soon followed.
All four women were at the land ship, Mary spoke. “Ok girls now it’s time for you set off on your journey; see you both in 2 weeks. I love you both do come back safely.” Mary hugged both of them tightly and kissed them both a lot.
“Mom I can’t really breath to well, I think it’s the same with Toni.”
Mary let go of both of them. “Sorry honey some time I forget how strong I am. Can you both forgive me?”
Toni and Kelly looked at each other, both nodded to each other and said at once. “Now that’s a silly question, of course we forgive you.” Smiled sweetly to Mary and Jane.
Jane couldn’t help from giggling. After everything was loaded, the girls set off with Mary and Jane waving bye to them for now.
Shortly after Ki set off after them.
To be continued..............