On a planet far away P-69, is home to women and men. Though some women a have a very special ability. When it’s time for them to mate, some will there female sex anatomy to male anatomy. All men born on the planet are sterile. They use ancient and powerful words; this is how this world reproduces.
One day a space ship was traveling the galaxy, and started to have engine problems. The ship's pilot saw that P-69 was the closest planet and decided to crash on P-69. The ship was destroyed when the ship impacted the ground, in the desert. The pilot ejected out before impact. Mean while the queen of the planet was watching outside her sitting room window and saw this, she sent her general and childhood friend and her squad out to check out the crash.
They left the capital city of the planet, which sits in a forest. After a half-hour ride they reach the crash site. They found a man there sitting still; once he saw these women approaching he stood up. “Hello there he said to them.” Saying to himself ‘hope they can understand what I am saying.’
The general whose name is Rose asked, “Hello, what is your name?”
The man replied, "The name is Zse."
"You must come with us", Rose told him.
“Why?” Zse asked.
Rose sighed and said, “So you will not try to impregnate the queen.”
Zse the said, "So even if I do go. What will happen to me when we get there?"
Rose replied, "Simple we will castrated you, so you cannot go around and get others pregnant. The law states no male from a different world, will be allowed to walk around on the planet. If there ship can be fixed, or a different for them to return home. They will not be castrated, and since we have no way to fix ships, or communicate to different worlds. You must be locked up and castrated. We lost the technology many years ago, and never relearned it."
Zse said, "Let me get this straight, because you never took the time to relearn something. I am destined to be in a cage with no bits!?"
Rose told him, "That is what I am saying."
Then he thought to himself. ‘Well I don't want to lose them, and I don’t want to be locked up. I guess there is only one thing to do, go to get revenge for ever male before me, and for thinking they could do it to me.' He told the lady's, "See ya in the underworld!!" With that said he ran fast as he could. He was fast; he was in a trial for a speed enhancement program. Rose and her squad rode fast as they could back to the queen to protect and to warn her.
Zse was running as fast as he could to the palace, to impregnate the queen so he could live on with in his offspring. He said running, "I might be dead after this, but no one is going to take my bits. If this is the only way I can live on so be it!"
He arrived before the queen’s advisor and life partner, the queen whose name is Mary was lost in heat, and didn’t hear him walk in. Zse thought to himself, 'Well here goes nothing, chit this will be easy, she don't even know I am in here." With a big smile, he got straight to business and started to have sex with Mary. Once he had release, she woke out of her trance and looks at him, horrified and freaked out screaming. (Once the sperm has hit the Virginal Canal the trace is now broken.)
Rose heard the screaming and said, "CHIT!!" for she knew they had failed. Rose and her squad ran in the queen’s bed chamber and killed Zse.
After they killed Zse, Mary’s advisor and life partner Jane came in and asked “What the hell is going on here.” Jane went to comfort Mary, and listen to the answer.
Rose spoke up, “We failed to contain the person from the crash, we are sorry that we failed and we will take on all the repercussions.”
Mary told her friend Rose and her squad, “Don’t worry about it now we must prepare for what happens next.” All agreed.
To be continued..............