Fifteen-year-old Shawn was slowly walking to school during a calm spring day. That was his favorite time of the year. He could watch the flowers bloom, and the trees start greening again after a cold winter. He loved that time of the year so he could take his time, walk slowly and observe nature returning. He listened to the birds chirping overhead in the green trees; the morning suns rays brighten everything up. The smells of roses and honeysuckle filled the air, that was the best.
A loud girls scream pierced the air, disturbing his concentration. It came from around the school in the back. There were no teachers around to hear, they must be inside getting their lesson plans ready or he would call on one of them. She was screaming foe any help. She sounded very scared.
He picked up his pace and made it around the corner to see the frightening scene. There were two older muscular boys approaching a frightened girl. The two boys looked like the two line backers for the schools football team. The girl looked like the new girl that just came this week. She looked younger than he was, a freshmen that just moved in. He couldn’t remember her name but the boys clearly looked like they intended to rape her. They had her cornered and started grabbing her.
He had to do something quick, there wasn’t much time to get any help. Not that he could go away and abandoned a girl that needed help. What kind of boy would he be? He steeled his bravery and shouted, “What he fuck are you two doing here, get away from her now! “
In the boys confusion at a new voice, he moved in quickly between the girl and the two boys. The oldest, Brad snarled in anger, “What the hell are you doing, Shawn?“
Shawn said calmly, “It looks like I’m doing what needs done, I am protecting this girl from you two goons. Just turn around and walk away, Brad. This doesn’t need to get rough.”
The two older boys laughed, Shawn sounded calm and very confident. His tone was ice cold as if he was trying to warn the two much larger boys. Shawn was fifteen, rather thin frame. He almost looked like a girl there. He didn’t look like he could be a physical fighter and the two boys were towering, full of muscles. Was Shawn trying to joke there?
They just laughed and kept approaching Shawn. If he wouldn’t back down then they were going to kick his ass.
Brad said, “Well have it your way then boy.”
Shawn backed up in a defensive stands as Brad's friend came rushing at Shawn.
Shawn calmly stepped sideways, pivoting on the balls of his feet, pushing the other boy into the brick wall. Brad swung his large fist wildly at Shawn and he slid back on his feet quickly. Brad swung again as Shawn spun out of the way of the other guys fist.
Brad got angry and stepped in determined to make contact with Shawn’s face. Shawn slid in with blinding speed, and stuck out with his fist right in Brad's large chest. It made contact with a lot more force than Shawn’s small body should be capable of. Brad staggered back, gasping loudly trying to get breath back into his lungs.
His friend rushed in to tackle Shawn only to come head first with Shawn’s elbow. Shawn saw and turned his body giving the other boy a powerful elbow strike right into his nose. It burst open. He screamed.
Brad got his breath back and started striking again. He punched wildly trying to hit Shawn. With each strike, Shawn stepped back out of reach.
Suddenly tired of this, Getting upset at Brad, he pivoted away when Brad swung, When he tried to swing his arm around again, he saw his target, Brad's exposed rib and he pivoted, giving Brad a powerful kick right into his ribcage. He heard a loud snap as one of his ribs gave out.
That was when one of the teachers came around to see what was happening. They saw the two injured boys, the girl trying to hide from it all and Shawn looking at them still in a clear aggressive stance.
The teacher, Mr. Peters said loudly, “Shawn what the hell is going on here. He pointed to the boys, “You two go to the nurse and get patched up. We have a game coming up. You, girl, I am assuming you are the new girl, Alice, go to the front office.”
Then he pointed at Shawn, “Boy, you have a lot of answering to do now. You know we don’t tolerate fighting. Lets to meet the principal, NOW!”
In thirty minutes, they met the Principal and he was walking back home. He was suspended for a week. The boys weren’t punished. They blamed Shawn and they were the only ones injured making it believable. The girl was still going through shock, so she wasn’t saying anything.
Peters asked the girl if she saw Shawn attack the boys, she just nodded, afraid to displease the teacher. Shawn was sent home, suspended.
He went up to his fathers bedroom, angry when he finally arrived home. He ran up the steps into his fathers bedroom to tell him the bad news,
His father, over sixty and laying in bed with a tank of oxygen and a breather listened and agreed, it he huffed out with effort, “Yes Shawn my son. You were screwed. This is nonsense. I cant see anything that we can do about it. I cant get out of bed and if I could, I don’t think the school officials would care what I say. They have their policies and that’s it. “
His words sounded very belabored. That really worried him a lot. “Shawn, I don’t think that I have much time left here. Can you try to do something for me please?”
He nodded, “Yes, what can I do for you?”
“Can you try to get along with my wife please, and your sister. I know you have been having conflict with them. Please try to get along. “
He huffed. He always tried very hard to get along. What has his sister been saying about him now? She always did something and then put it on him. His wife was worse, to him, his young twenty eight year old wife looked like a gold digger. To make matters worse she always went out of her way to attack him. He tried to convince his father not to marry this guy but that didn’t work.
“I’ll try, father. I do want to get along with Victoria. She is just cruel to me but I will try harder. “
“That is all that I ask. Now move along, I know you have a date with your girlfriend Laura. She loves you, so don’t make her wait.”
She was already in the driveway by the time Shawn has made it outside. He got in their car and was immediately disheartened. Oh great, He thought. Her older brother was there waiting. He was an obnoxious Gothic metal head. He drove them to their secluded spot they chose overlooking the ocean. Shawn didn’t like her brother much and it seemed, neither did Laura.
Her brother kept looking back and making silly comments toward Shawn. Shawn thought they were more troubling than just silly. He looked back at Shawn and Laura holding hands in the back seat and said toward Shawn, “Hey Shawn, have you ever considered being gay?”
He was stunned for a few seconds and said, “No way, Brandon. Where did you get that idea at?”
“Um its just how you look, you give off a vibe that feels very gay to me. And the way your body looks, I think if you were a woman, you would be very hot.”
Shawn's mouth hung over unable to speak for a second. What the heck was this guy talking about. He said, “Brandon are you high on something? I know a few people that can help you.“
The guy just laughed and said, “Now consider it. You look very.. what’s the word, how about girlish. Feminine. You could be made to look like a very hot girl, I’d go for you. You would be such a hottie, I know a few women that could help you change.“
He was embarrassed. It was Laura that spoke up angrily, “Shut up, Brandon. I know you don’t like Shawn, but keep quite and stop being a dick. “
He just laughed it off and said, “Fine sis. What ever you want.”
The two lovers were sitting on a ledge of rocks overlooking the Pacific. Laura could tell that Shawn was deeply affected by the cruel things her jerk brother said. He had not said anything. His face was troubled, She moved in close and put her arm around him protectively. She said trying to sound soothing, “Don’t worry about Brandon. Hes a huge asshole. Don’t let the ignorant things he said affect you. Really, I love you, Nothing he says should affect you. He’s a moron.”
Shawn laughed and said, “Yeah. I know he is stupid. He usually doesn’t get to me this way. I am afraid you do not understand. You see, Laura love, What he said about me being feminine. Boys used to tease me about that early in grade school. Teachers, other boys and girls would, at first mistake me for a girl. Even after they knew, the mean boys would call me by a girls name. Even my sister, she is so cruel. She teases me about being a girl. That is why what your brother said affected me so deeply.”
She gazed into his face in understanding. She said, “I am sorry for that. He is a real dick. He does go right for the throat. I wish we could get away from him. Did I tell you he used to molest me before I got old enough to force him to stop.”
“Oh Laura I love you,” Shawn cried. “I never knew. We will get away. IF you don’t mind telling, I don’t mean to pry into your business, but, How’d you get him to stop.”
She sniffled. Then, she said, “I told Mom but she ignored me. I threatened Brandon. I told him if he didn’t stop that I would go right to the police with or without our mothers approval and I wouldn’t care how mad she was. He realized what that would do, so he stopped.“
Shawn shook his head and said, “He stopped on you, but I hear rumors from other girls that he still rapes. Most of the other girls wont go around him. I wish we could stop him.”
“Shawn, I warned him if I ever saw that that I would go to the police too. It is just up to the other girls. I don’t think there is anything that we can do.”
“I know, Some day there will be a girl strong enough to report him. But, I have another matter that I want to talk about.”
She didn’t say anything. He finished his taught, “Our future. What do you see.”
She said, “I see us together. “
Shawn smiled, “Yes. I do see us together. One day I will be old enough and able to support us as a family. Even children. I don’t have enough to get a ring yet but I have this.”
He took out a simple white thread. “Will you accept this until I can afford a real ring, Laura love.”
She nodded. “Yes, Shawn. I love you so much.
They got another ride back home and Shawn was at his fathers place when they got a phone call. His father picked it up but he couldn’t hear what was said. His father called him and he went.
“Shawn, I have good news. That was the police dept. A detective there heard about what you did this morning. The girl you saved went there herself. She gave a full statement, including the boys that were attacking her and how you protected her. The dept is very upset over the school. They plan on turning up the heat on the school, going to the news and publicly giving you a medal for your bravery. Do you want to do this, Shawn? They are arranging the local news to cover the awards ceremony. “
He was taken back for only a half second and then blurted out, “Sure. I would love that but I didn’t think what I did was such a big deal.“
“Oh, Shawn it was. Many adults wouldn’t have intervened like you did. You did the right thing and the police dept. see that. That takes bravery. Shawn, I was proud of you today, I still am. I am just sad that I will not be able to attend. In my condition, you know.“
Shawn knew that his father was very sad because of that. It made him sad too and He wished fervently that his father was in better condition.
Things got worse for him when he made it to his bedroom to settle in for the night. His little annoying sister was there. Twelve year old Sally was there waiting for him. He didn’t know why she hated him and that made him very sad. One of the other things he wished for was for a better relationship with his little sister, instead of an antagonistic and competitive one.
She sneered at him as he walked in, “So you messed up again and again there are big people trying to defend you. That is the way things have always been, you never have had to answer for anything you ever done?”
He sat down on his bed, looked at her and asked pointedly, “So, Sally. What have I done that I need to be punished for?”
“Today, I heard you beat up two boys. Last week, you know you took Victoria’s stuff. She knows but our father defends you for some reason.”
“Sandy you and I both know that I would never take our step mothers perfume and lingerie. I am a boy, what would I do with the stuff.”
She giggled girlishly. “I think we know, you little perv. I also caught you cheating on your midterm.”
“You just say that because you don’t like me. I don’t ever cheat, Sally. Why don’t you like me?”
“Because you always get everything you want. It pisses me off, Shawn. Things will be different when its just Victoria, me and you. He wont last for ever, you know. “
That really made him sad and he asked her accusingly, “Sally, how can you possibly say something so awful. He is your father and you are talking like you want him to go sooner. Don’t you have any compassion?”
Victoria stepped into the room. He almost felt the air cool “Why should she, what has he done for any of us. She is upset with you because she gets that small room, she is always treated second to you and you seem to be his golden child.”
He denied it, “She is always treated great by all of us. He loves her and I've seen how he cherished her when he was better. Stop twisting her mind, Victoria. Sally is my sister and she is welcome in my room any time she wants. She can sleep in my bed and I will give it to her. But, you may not. We could get along with each other Victoria if you were willing to.”
She flashed him an icy smile, “You are just a uppity little bitch, Just you wait, Barbie. Things change all of the time.“
He grumbled as she left.
His sister huffed and said, “You do need to find a way to get along with her. She is part of our family and you know our dad is totally taken by her. You are just making things hard on yourself.
He didn’t do anything, he never was rude to her. She picked on him. It was her that hated him. He was sure she was just using their dad for his money. There were times when he cried because she refused to even try to get along with him
When they left his bedroom, he started crying. His sister turned around when she heard and said, “You cry just like a girl. “ She giggled as she left.
Why were they so cruel to him?
It wasn’t long before he had cried himself to sleep. He was wakened by the sun beaming though the window. His alarm blared loudly around thirty minutes later but he was already awake. That meant it was time for him to start his day again.
Gathering his clothes to take his morning shower, he looked thought his drawers and noticed that a lot of his stuff had been rearranged. His boxers were all messed up instead of neatly folded as he left them. He looked thought them and noticed something really strange. There were a few pairs of nylon and satin panties in with his boxers.
‘What the fuck,’ he thought out loud. He held the silky material out wondering how they got there.
‘Must be my sister playing a prank on me,’ “Their too big for her, they must be Victoria’s panties. “
As life always is, company always comes at the wrong time. Just as he holding a pair of red panties in front of him, the door darkened. Someone came thought the door behind him.
A distinctly hostile sounding feminine voice said from behind him, “So there they are, Shawn. Can you explain to me ‘what’ you are doing with my panties?
He turned to face the intimidatingly hostile woman that just invaded his bedroom. “They were already in my drawer, Victoria. “
“Huh, you expect me to believe that?” She spat out hostilly. “I had been missing a few pairs of my most expensive panties and sandy came to me this morning telling me that she saw you playing with them, and trying them on. “
“I bet that she did say that but we both know that isn’t true Victoria. Can we please try to get along?”
She laughed. She flashed him a mock smile, “not when you are stealing my clothes. Go get your own if you want to cross dress. We can go shopping some time. Wouldn’t you like that, Shawn?”
“Um No thank you. I’ll have to pass on that.” Shopping for girls lingerie with his wicked step mother intent on humiliating him.
“Okay, “ She sang out. “We will have to go later then. Give me my panties back, Shawn”
He searched though his drawer and got her panties out, and handed them to her. His cheeks burned as he did that. She took them with a huge mocking smile on her face. “Thank you Shawn. “ She walked out.
It took every bit of control he had not to storm into Sandy’s bedroom and confront her. That would probably make things worse for him anyway.
He needed to shower so he gathered his clothes and a towel. He couldn’t get over the things he had to put up with. His girlfriends brother calling him a girl, his step mother calling him a girl and his sister sandy. What was with people trying to make him into a girl?
That was infuriating to him. He didn’t think that he looked like a girl. Sure, he was lithe, his skin was softer, he was built very thin. He could pass for a girl if he tried. But he did look like a smallish boy too. What was their problem with him?
He was no closer to solving the girl problem by the time he finished his shower. He dried his long hair and stepped out of the bath room.
Sandy was in his bedroom by the time he got there. She was laying on his bed looking around.
“You need to stop taking girls clothes, brother. I don’t know what you need them for,” She giggled out.
Suppressing the anger, he said calmly, “I will try, Sis. What is your problem with me anyway? Have I ever mistreated you?”
“No, but you are so arrogant. You get everything from dad. Even the best room. “ Her eyes gleamed, “One of these days, I will have you where I want you, and there wont be anyone to protect you. Then, you wont be so arrogant. “
The way she said that frightened him.
How was he arrogant? What did he do to her that pissed her off so much? Why did she hate him?
He just sat on his bed after she left, covering his face nearly crying. He wished so hard that he could get along with his sister.
Well, it was time to go to the station. They were arranging a public ceremony to award him a medal.
To be continued....