Danny looks around Penny's room and old memories come back to him. He also finds his first treasure.
Danny cried when he read the letter his big sister left him. He was sometimes a pest to her, but in his heart he really loved her so much. Now he knew in his heart that she cared for him too.
He looked around the room; everything was so pretty and feminine. He could still smell her scent here. He would really miss her.
He walked over to her vanity. It was a very nice piece of furniture. He remembered when he went with his Dad shopping they stopped at an antique shop. Dad asked Danny what he thought about the vanity. When Danny looked at it he thought it was ugly. The paint was old, cracked and peeling. It was missing pulls on a couple of the drawers and the mirror was cracked.
“Dad you have got to be kidding. I don’t see how sis could ever like this. It’s a piece of junk.”
“Let me tell you what I see son. It has graceful lines, although the paint is old and cracked; the wood is strong and beautiful. The mirror and drawer pulls can be replaced; the surfaces can be sanded and refinished. What is now ugly can be made beautiful once again. Will you help me to do this for your sister Danny?”
Danny did help his Dad with the job, and now the vanity is so very pretty. Penny couldn’t contain herself when Dad showed her what he got her for her thirteenth birthday. She was jumping around and squealing with delight.
“Oh Dad this is so beautiful. It is the best birthday gift I ever got!” Penny said hugging her Dad.
“Make sure you thank your brother too, he did a lot of the work to make it so beautiful,” Dad told her.
“Oh Danny, Thank you so much. You did such a great job on it,” Penny said hugging her little brother.
Danny’s attention was brought back to the present and he looked back at the vanity. On it was his sister’s jewelry box. He opened the box and saw a heart shaped locket on a silver chain sitting on an envelope. Danny picked up the locket; one side was shiny and very pretty. The back was engraved; U R N my heart. Inside the locket were two pictures, Penny and Danny.
Danny then picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside was a note that read:
Danny this is not the key to the closet, but it is a key to our hearts. I will be missing you dear brother, but I will always be as close to you as the locket is to your heart.
Wear it whenever you feel lonely and know that I am wearing its twin. In this way we can be together.
Danny didn’t need another second to know that he would wear it as often as he could. He undid the clasp and brought the chain around his throat hooking it back together.
Danny wondered what other adventures Penny had waiting for him.
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