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Sandra goes to church and spends her first date with Brian at the movies where she meets a new friend. Janice Brian’s mom has a chat with Sandra’s Dad David. Chapter five By Sara D. |
“Wow, don’t you look gorgeous?” Dad said with a smile. “Everyone is going to be so pleased to see my beautiful daughter.” He continued with pride. “I’m so proud of you Sandra, you’re the perfect girl and I hope that you find what you want in life truly and emotionally.” He said and I could not help myself and gave him a hug.
Everyone at the Calvary chapel was definitely pleased to see the girl I had become. Everyone I spoke with including Mrs. Clements the older ultra conservative said it was about time I came out of my tomboy stage and acted like a true girl. I couldn’t help but smile and think only if she knew the truth. I had to stifle a snicker as dad and I took our usual seats in the pews. As we were walking out of the church Pastor Dean stopped us and gave my shoulder a friendly squeeze as I walked up to him.
“You’re very brave to take the steps you have to become who you were meant to be, it took a lot of courage to come out to your father and the rest of the world. Some people will ostracize you for your decision but I believe god has a plan for all of us and you are only fulfilling part of that plan. I will pray for you and ask god to guide you and keep in mind he loves all his children.”
“Thank you Pastor Dean, I have prayed to god and this is how it was answered.” I pointed to my dad. “A loving and understanding father who accepts and loves me unconditionally.” I told Pastor Dean and then looked at my dad as he blushed.
“You have a very special daughter, and you have a kind and blessed heart. May God continue to guide and protect you.”
“Thank you Pastor Dean, Sandra and I will see you next Sunday.” Dad said as he shook Pastor Dean’s hand in appreciation.
Dad and I then walked out to the car. I overheard one small girl say what a pretty dress I had on and ask if she could get one like it. She must have been nine or ten and was talking to an older female, possibly her mother. Dad started the car and we pulled out.
“Sandra, are you still planning on going to the movies with Brian?”
“Yes, of course I am. It’s still ok with you isn’t it?” I asked kind of wondering if he was truly ok with me dating Brian.
“Of course it’s ok. I just wanted to be sure, as you will have the car and I could use the time alone to think some things over while you’re on your date.” He said cryptically.
“What things?” I asked prying into things I probably shouldn’t be asking but was curious if it was about me.
“Oh just things about me, it’s nothing to do with you. Well maybe just a little, I’ll let you know what it’s about at another time ok.”
“Sure dad, I’m just worried that you might be struggling with your identity as well and I love you no matter what.”
“Don’t worry about me sweetie, I just need time to think.”
As we pulled into our driveway we were met by Brian and his mom. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart started to beat faster. What I feared the most was that I could not make out by the look on her face whether she was going to accept me or beat the crap out of me for making her son want to date me. I was a little apprehensive but had little choice but to get out of the car and face these fears head on. I saw Brian smile at me as I got out of the truck and I felt mildly better as I approached Mrs. Jones.
“Well I must say you are much prettier than Brian lead me to believe, so it must be true that you are embarking on is destined to happen. Turn around and let me get a proper look at you my dear.” Mrs. Jones said with a growing smile.
I spun around for her and faced her again. I was feeling ultra feminine because of the way I was dressed and the response from my fellow parishioners at the church. I was on cloud nine and no matter how this proceeded I knew I was meant to be a girl. Dad joined me in the few seconds it took to do the twirl and focus on my feelings. He put his arm around my shoulder and brought me close to him in a half hug.
“Good morning Janice, I see you are here to meet Sandra.” Dad said confidently.
“Why yes I am, Brian told me about his new girlfriend and who she is so I had to see if he was joking or serious. By looking at Sandra I can see why Brian is head over heels for her, she is quite beautiful and feminine. May we go inside for a chat?”
“Of course, I’ll make a pot of coffee and we can talk. I know Sandra is excited about her date to the movies with Brian latter so while they are away it will give us some time to chat.”
“That sounds nice; I would love a cup of coffee and chat with you David. I am sure Brian will treat Sandra like a lady.” She turned and gave a stern look at Brian. “Won’t you Brian?”
“Yes Mother, I will treat her like a princess.” Brian said like he meant it.
The four of us walked into my house as we sat on the chairs and couch in the living room I made an effort to sit next to Brian. I felt protected sitting next to him, and I was realizing how handsome he truly is. I think I might have misjudged my attraction to boys in an effort to be more masculine for my father. But that was fading away fast and I was truly feeling more feminine by the minute. Mrs. Jones sat in a chair next to my dad and spoke first.
“Well it seems you two have quite an adventure ahead of you today. A first date for both of you and the first time Brian will be out with such a pretty girl.”
I then realized Brian had not told his mom about yesterday. “That’s not completely true Mrs. Jones; Brian was with me and dad at the truck show yesterday.”
“Oh, I know all about that, what I meant was with you on a true date alone and without your father. By the way please call me Janice.”
“Ok Janice, I’m glad Brian was truthful about me and us. I don’t want any lies complicating things, in keeping with that I must tell you all that I am feeling extremely feminine and I get aroused by wearing these clothes. I’m not saying I don’t want to be a girl, I’m just stating this as not to hide anything from any of you especially you Dad.”
“The feelings you have are perfectly natural and will subside as the female hormones start to take effect in a few months.” Dad explained to me again and to Brian and Janice. “The doctor said you will continue to experience male sexual urges for a while so don’t worry about how you feel, it’s perfectly normal. I am glad you feel you can share this with me and with Janice and Brian here, it makes it easier to explain.”
“Thanks dad.” I then looked over to Janice and asked. “Janice I want to know if you are ok with Brian asking me to be his girl friend at this point. I must tell you I am still uncertain with my feelings for him, I know that I find him attractive and would not mind dating him. What I am saying is that I might want to experiment with my boy parts before I can’t use them anymore.”
“I’m happy that Brian is happy, if you find you want to experiment sexually with Brian I’m ok with it, you two are sixteen and are definitely old enough to decide for yourselves if you want to do that. I will not stand in the way of true love. Which I can see by looking into both of your eyes that this is what is happening.” She then looked over to my dad. “Don’t you think so David?”
“Absolutely, the day that Tim told me he wanted to be a girl and transformed into the beautiful Sandra sitting before us I knew that this was a definite possibility that she would date a man. What I am truly happy about is she has found a fine young and understanding man.”
Dad made all my fears melt away as soon as he finished. I felt better now about his acceptance and understanding about how I was feeling and what might happen if Brian and I date.
“Well then I am glad you two are going to the movies together. This will set the stage for future adventures for the two of you, I am confident that you will succeed in your dream of becoming a true woman and my Brian will be happy with you.” Janice said with a small tear of joy in her eye.
“Thank you mom, I know that Sandra and I will do our best to make you proud and I will be a good boyfriend to her and I will protect her no matter what transpires in the time to come.” Brian said with a smile.
“You’re too much Brian. Now I know why you’ve been my friend since we’ve known each other and I am very glad to call you my boyfriend.”
Janice, Brian, Dad and I all talked for about an hour after this. Many subjects were discussed emphasized were safe sex and what might happen when I show up at school. Brian and I listened intently to our parents discuss what we already knew about safe sex and how to use condoms. I wasn’t even thinking that far ahead but I paid attention anyways and even learned a few things. I thought it would be embarrassing discussing future sex as a woman from Janice and what to expect. She was thoughtful and very informative, I am sure I will learn much more as time goes by from my doctors and psychologists. After the earful from both our parents I took time to change into a light pink t-shirt and red shorts for the trip to the movies with Brian.
Brian and I walked out of the house and finally out of our parent’s eyesight. I drove us to the mall and parked on the theater side. Brian reached for and held my hand as we walked into the mall entrance. I felt more feminine as time passed. I wasn’t even thinking about how I would be seen as we bumped into Amy and Gina from school just inside the mall entrance. Amy is the only other person who knew of Sandra before mom passed away. She hasn’t seen me for months and I wandered how she would take it seeing me again and what she might say to Gina who didn’t know about me.
“Sandra, I haven’t seen you for ages, how are you?” Amy asked as she gave me a hug.
“I’m good, you know Brian.” I was pleased to see Amy and wondered if I should go ahead and let Gina know who I am or was.
“Oh yes, hello Brian.” She greeted Brian with a hand shake and introduced me to Gina. “Gina this is Sandra, an old friend of mine.”
“Hi Sandra it’s nice to meet you.” She shook my hand and looked me up and down. “You look familiar; do I know you from somewhere?”
“I don’t think so Gina, you just probably seen her around and now you know her.” Amy said trying to come to my rescue.
“It’s ok Amy, I can’t hide forever.” I paused to take a deep breath.
“Hide from what? Are you in trouble?” Gina Asked
“No I’m not in trouble, I’m not who you think I am, at least who I used to be.” I said with trepidation.
“What do you mean, who you used to be, are you in some sort of witness protection program?” Gina asked looking puzzled.
“No nothing like that.” I paused again. “I used to be Tim but now I’m Sandra full time.” I said with slight trepidation.
“Tim Davidson from school?” She asked with a questioning look and then gave me another once over trying to figure me out. “No way you’re too pretty to have once been a boy; you’re pulling my leg?”
“I’m afraid not Gina, what I told you is not a lie.” I looked over at Amy for confirmation.
“She’s telling you the truth Gina, I’ve known about Sandra for a long time, but never thought she would have the courage to go full time. I guess I was wrong.”
“Wow, I can’t get over how pretty you are Sandra. You seem to be more confident and more alive since I saw you last week. I will be your friend too if you like. I think it takes a lot of guts to do what you’re doing and I’ll help you if you like.”
“I would like that Gina; I’m going to need all the support from friends like you and Amy.”
“What about Brian?” Gina asked confused that I left him out.
“Well I’m counting on him too, he’s just more than a friend and I think him and I will be together a lot more.”
“Oh, um that’s cool I guess.” She said a little hesitant and looked to be thinking a bit then she smiled. “Wow Brian nice choice, she’s definitely a pretty girl; you two are a good fit.”
“Thanks Gina, I think.” Brian said looking at me with a puzzled look.
“I’m not implying anything by what I said Brian, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” She said sounding like was sorry.
Amy then changed the subject. “What are you two doing at the mall today, a bit of shopping?”
“No, Brian and I are on our first real date and he’s taking me to the movies. Which of course if you must know I drove.” I said jabbing Brian in the ribs.
“Hey that’s not fair, I can retake the test next week, there’s no need to poke fun at me because you have a license and I don’t.” He said mock pouting.
“I’m just trying to prove girls are better than guys at driving.” I said with at smile, Amy and Gina both smiled and nodded in agreement.
“What movie are you here to see, maybe Gina and I will join you if you don’t mind.”
“Brian’s taking me to see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie, you both are more that welcome to come with us.”
“That sounds good to me, what about you Gina?” Amy asked her friend.
“I would like that, let’s go.”
The four of us went to the theater and got our tickets, Brian bought mine. We also grabbed some popcorn and drinks on the way in. The movie was great and I felt closer to Brian as time went on. He held my hand through most of the film and I did not mind at all. It was actually quite nice. After the movie stopped the four of us met outside. This was the first time I needed to use a public bathroom since this all began. I asked Amy for a little support.
“Amy I need to use the bathroom, can you go with me?” I asked a little hesitant wondering if I should hold it till I got home, but my bladder was telling me otherwise.
“Sure we girls need to stick together.” Amy followed me into forbidden territory as I felt a little flush as I entered the much cleaner than the boys room I remember. Amy then whispered into my ear. “Just remember to sit.”
I gave Amy a quick smile of understanding, went into the stall, sat and did my business making sure to use paper and flush. I then came out of the stall and washed my hands. Amy joined me in the same then pulled a stick of lipstick out of her purse and touched up her lips. I followed suit and did the same, Gina came out of the last stall as we finished. I was about to leave when Amy stopped me.
“We came in together, we stick together girl, don’t forget that.”
“Thanks Amy, I won’t forget.”
With that completed and me feeling a whole lot better about my day, the four of us walked out of the mall and parted ways. I said goodbye to Gina and Amy with a half hug to each of them and gave Gina my number. Brain and I climbed into my car and I drove us home. On the way Brian was a little quiet and I asked what was up.
“You ok Brian, you sure are quiet?”
“Oh it’s nothing Sandra, I was just thinking about how nice of a time I had with you. I did have a wonderful time with you today.”
“Thanks, I did too. It sure was nice to meet a new friend too.”
“Yah, that was nice of Gina to be ok with you.”
“I like her, she’s a nice person and I think she will support us at school along with Amy.” I said with assurance.
“I think your right, at least I hope so.”
I pulled the car into the driveway and we got out. Brian offered his arm and escorted me to the porch. He seemed a little apprehensive as what to do next so I eased his fears, leaned in, closed my eyes and kissed him on the lips. I then just melted into his arms and let it happen. It lasted about thirty seconds but might have well been an eternity. It was nice, no it was great. Brian slowly broke the kiss looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Wow Sandra, that was great.”
“Yah, I thought so too. I would definitely like to do that again.”
“Me too.”
We then pressed our lips together once again. I took this time to experience his lips more closely. It was much better this time nothing holding either of us back. We then broke the kiss once again after about a minute.
“That was much better than the first time Brian, and I am happy you are my boyfriend.”
“I am happy to Sandra, I love you very much.”
“I love you too Brian.
We hugged each other before departing our separate ways. Brian gave me a small peck on the cheek as he left.
“I’ll see you in the morning Sandra.” Brian said as he looked to be walking on air as he strolled home.
I closed the front door by leaning on it with my back; I then sunk to the floor with my knees up and swooned from all those wonderful feelings of the day. I quickly recovered when I heard my dad walk up.
“Have a good time on your date sweetheart?”
“It was wonderful dad; I had a great time and met a nice new girlfriend of Amy’s too.”
“That’s nice, I’m glad you were able to have a good time and meet new people as the new you. Janice and I talked a lot about you and Brian while you were at the movies. She would like to be included in your transition, a feminine fill-in when and if you need it. She said she’s not trying to take your mothers place, but she is willing to help you along if you should ever want it.” Dad said with a smile on his face. I could tell dad liked her and maybe he was attracted to her, Janice had been a widow since Brian was a baby. Maybe, just maybe I thought to myself.
“Well I’m tired and I’ve already eaten plenty at the theater. Besides I need to plan my outfit for tomorrow.” I said with a grin.
“Ok, you have a good night.”
“Good night dad.” I said then went off to my room.