I needed to cheer myself up and I went shopping, but found myself standing in the changing room looking at myself in the mirror and wondering who I am exactly.
I needed to do some more job searching, trying to find something, anything that will bring in some hopefully decent money as I’m never going to get a payday like that again. But I’m still stuck with this body and I just can’t see how my couple of GCSEs are going to help me get something beyond minimum wage looking like this.
I had another long bath when I got home and tried to work out what the benefits were of this shampoo and conditioner that Evie recommended for me that seemed to cost 25 quid a bottle. How can it be that much better than just a simple shampoo?
Ok, yes, I found that out when I used it and my hair felt a lot more shiny and silky, and I found myself running my fingers through it the rest of the day. At quarter to four my door bell went and it was Evie. Penny had told her that she needed to come to mine, and her positivity lifted my spirits, and we just chatted about nothing.
Ok, we did talk about something. I was already aware of Taylor Swift but over the next two hours I learnt a lot more about her and why she is so important to - and this is what she said - “girls like us.”
I found myself giggling along as I still see myself as a man in a young girls body. In fact, it had been discussed with me the option to go under the knife once I’m fully developed, but to be honest after finding myself thinking about men more, I can’t see how that will help me. Besides, having lost my virginity I can see some advantages to being a girl who likes men.
Penny arrived to pick up Evie and she gave me a wink and I realised that she actually sent her here to cheer me up and it worked. So the next day with no idea what to do I headed out to do some window shopping and brought myself a coffee.
And found myself being chatted up by two boys.
I do mean they were boys, they must have been about 15 or 16 I guess, a little cute and well, typical boys. I let them flirt with me and I told them I had a boyfriend just to make it clear I had no intention of dating them, but it was fun. They were trying to impress me, doing and saying some stupid stuff and it’s hard not to think that I must have come across just like them once, you know, idiots.
Anyway, I managed to lose them by going into a women’s clothing store and their masculinity wouldn’t let them follow, and getting home I felt quite good about myself. In bed I will admit to playing with myself and thinking of them, getting to orgasm and laying there panting with a light sheen of sweat over my naked body. As I got myself back together I wondered when I kicked the duvet off.
In the morning I felt amazing, the world felt good and I wanted to do something positive, so I opened up yesterdays shopping bag and pulled on a pair of shorts and a sports bra and went for a run.
I felt great and wondered why I ever stopped running as I got older as I loved it so much in school, then remembered that I became a lorry driver and you can’t really go for a run and leave your truck. My hair was in a ponytail and swinging from side to side, and I was up so early I was passing kids going to school who must have wondered why I wasn’t doing the same as them. I stopped for a quick chat with Evie when she saw me, she was with some school friends and I didn’t want to get in her way so left quickly using the excuse I didn’t want to cool down.
As I started to head off, I heard one of her friends ask her who I was, and she said, ‘oh, she’s the daughter of my mum’s friend’ and I decided I was going to treat her and Penny to something that evening, sending Penny a text when I got home. Turns out, a treat for them was going ten pin bowling and it was an awesome evening, really fun and we had a great time. Getting home I continued to feel a lot better about myself and the next day I was job hunting again.
And the next day, and the next day after that and so on for month and no replies.
It was crushing me trying to find a job I could do and I really didn't want to take up Penny’s offer of giving with her. I’m sure I could rent this place out and cover both my mortgage and something for her, but if I did that I had a feeling it would be an excuse not to go to work and I would just lay on the sofa all day doing nothing. Not only that, I’m used to living on my own and I would need to adjust to her’s and Evie’s timetable and I am sure I would very soon be in the way of them living their lives.
And then I got an unexpected text from FHA, but I ignored it for a few days as I wasn’t sure what to do about it, but the Friday after getting it I was round Penny’s for a movie night with Evie and it was her turn to pick the film. Sitting there watching the man that fucked me in an action film was kinda funny, but the sex scene was embarrassing. Evie was embarrassed watching it with her mum, but I noticed that like me she was squeezing her legs together and I wondered if she had some of the same feelings I was having, although without the memories I had of course. To be honest, I’m not surprised as he is very attractive and I found myself blushing. I looked at Penny and she was watching me and gave me a knowing smile and I felt myself go even more red.
And then I gasped and couldn't help it. No, I didn't have an involuntary orgasm, it was more what happened on screen that shocked me. You see, he did something in the film that he did to me, except with me it was real and now I wondered if he did it with me because he did it in the film or if if it’s something he always does during sex. My phone pinged with a message and I picked it up and it was from Penny and it just said ‘it was him wasn't it’. I looked over at her and smiled and turned back to the film.
Of course, once the film was over Evie had to go to bed and me and Penny talked and I admitted it was him and why I gasped and I told her quite a lot about it, more than I expected. It was a little cathartic to get it off my chest, and I suppose I should feel a little guilty at breaking the NDA, but I really did need to talk about it. Penny said that while she wouldn’t want to have been in my shoes, she wouldn't have minded being in my place based on the film, ‘so to speak’.
The she said, “Oh, how’s the job hunt going?”
“Badly, I have hundreds of rejection emails as I’m not qualified for anything and the best feedback I get is why don’t I go back to driving. So far it seems the the only job I’m now qualified for is delivering blow jobs!”
She reached out and held my hand and I picked up my phone and showed her the text from FHA. She said, “What will you do?”
“I’m starting to wonder that myself. Physically I’m 13 and unless they interview me what hope do I have of convincing anyone that I’m older, but I have nothing, no qualifications and only enough money to survive for at least three years if I’m very careful with my money, And I can only do that as I sold my virginity, and now it seems that some others might be interested in me and what the hell do I do?”
She sat there and thought for a moment and said, “Did you like it?”
“Selling my body?”
She shook her head and said, “No, the sex. Did you like having sex with a man?”
I nodded, there was no point in lying, she saw my reaction to the sex scene.
“Here’s the thing. I suspect that with him it was a genuine thing, you said he had no idea and it was her who thought of you as a ‘gift’. Well, if she’s saying that there’s some interest in you, and let’s face it, there are many issues seeing with how you look and men being interested in you. But is it something you really want to do?”
I took a drink of wine - which I quite like now a lot more than beer - and said, “No, but what choice do I have?”
We sat there in silence for a minute, and she said, “If you do this, and I personally hope you don’t, but if you do then maybe you will help protect some poor young girl from being exploited by being a, well, a legal age proxy.”
I sat there and thought for a moment and I couldn't even imagine some girl the age of Evie being used in the same way I was, the way I am being offered once again and I can’t help but think it was better me than any other girl. I picked up my phone and sent a text to FHA saying she could pass on my number.
I took a drink of wine and looked at Penny and said, “So, I’m a whore.”
She smiled and said, “Honey, you could never be a whore. You’re a high class escort and a bloody well paid one at that!”
And that’s what I became. I would get the train to the London for a couple of days and get very well paid for basically laying there and thinking of the next day. I did take pride in my work, so to speak, each man had a good time and I operated on a referral system and not all of them wanted to just have sex. I learnt that my young looks gave me an advantage in that I could very easily spot the men who were a little too obsessed with the fact I looked young, and I tended to only see them once. They also tended to be the more ugly ones, not always but mostly and I was just their fantasy shag.
But yeah, some of them really creeped me out and the things they said to me, and wanted me to say to them. But like I said, at least I had the mental maturity if not physical to deal with it, and I also kept a record of all those men just in case evidence was ever needed.
Some men wanted me to be more sophisticated and hold a conversation where I learned more from them than I think they got from me, but it seemed that I made them happy and I made sure that each of them had several happy endings so to speak.
There was one man who wanted to take me to Disneyland Paris for a couple of days, and I was surprised when he booked two rooms, one for him and one for me. When I asked what he wanted he admitted that he had a very ugly divorce and lost custody of his daughter and he hasn’t seen her in two years and just misses her. He wanted me to be what he’s been missing and thankfully didn’t want me to call him daddy (I absolutely hate it when clients want that), and basically it was a holiday with someone his daughters age. I really, really enjoyed it, acting my physical age for the 72 hours I was with him, going on the rides, doing all the silly stuff and just having a great time. He paid me £10k and I almost gave it back to him as he had a tear in his eye when we parted at the airport.
He even gave me a £500 cash tip, but I gave him a massive hug and told him to keep trying to reach out to his daughter as if he is missing her, then she is missing him,
And so life continued for me, usually having at least one client a week, sometimes two, sometimes none. They were always referred to me and always very rich men paying thousands to be with me. When they spoke to each other about me they called me babyface, which I hated but it also set me apart from the others in my line of work. On the plus side my mortgage was fully paid off and and my nest egg was building up nicely thanks to charging £2k minimum a night.
The next job I was offered required a bit of negotiation as it was going to be in the states and over a few days. My hope was that it would be the last job like this I would have to do as we went into the summer and if I could get paid £30k for it, plus expenses, then I would have enough money to survive reasonably well for five years.
I reached out to Lou and told her I was going to be not that far away from her and built visiting her into my expenses and that LA would be my base staying there before and after I worked. I really didn’t want to have to explain to her what I was doing before I went to work. The flight out was ok, and once I settled into my hotel and slept of the jet lag a car came and picked me up for the drive out of the city for a few hours to a vineyard. I was met by one of the staff and shown to a room and told that my costume for the party this evening was on the bed.
I wasn’t going to be working alone tonight, a first for me, but I was once again referred to someone and here I was for two nights, the first one of them being a party where me and some other girls would be in costume and well, basically open for use by the 30 guests. Talking to one of the other girls I was told this happens here once a year and she had been here before, and she helped me with my make up and hair as I slipped into my nurses costume and she put on on a wonder woman.
The costume came with instructions to only wear what was provided so I walked out with Wonder Woman and both of us weren’t wearing any underwear and we started greeting guests with the other eight girls. I had guessed what tonight would be like, but getting groped and kissed by each of them as they arrived was still a minor shock.
Sitting on a mans lap and stroking his dick while he fingered me - and I need to thank Wonder Woman when I get a chance for the tip about getting pre lubed - and we welcomed the host for the evening. Us girls had to line up on ours knees as he went along the line and stuck himself in our mouths. Thank god I had already learnt how to deep throat as he went as deep as he could go in each of out mouths. And when I say learnt what I really mean of course is someone wanted to teach me how to do it on him a couple of months ago.
I won’t say the sex was good, in fact it was quite boring as the men were mostly drunk and stoned, but that’s what we were there for, to look pretty and be used by these men. So most of the time my skirt was flipped up and I was being fucked by one barely stiff dick or had one in my mouth until the men passed out sometime in the early morning. Some of the girls had joined in with the drink and drugs, but a couple like me hadn’t and we slipped off to our rooms and went to bed, pleased I wasn’t going to be passed around anymore this evening, or as three of the men wanted several times, to make me ‘air tight.’
It was a tough few hours.
I woke up about midday and my first thought is that I wasn’t alone and I started to sit up. The man in bed with me said, “Good morning. I hope you don’t mind I joined you here. Everyone else should be gone by now and it’s just us.”
Turns out I was in bed with the host and I didn’t recognise him now he was naked and not in black tie. He booked me for an extra two days as he had heard good things and wanted to, well, enjoy me. And that’s not what he paid for, he paid for the party so I renegotiated a price for the next two days and once the money was transferred he climbed back into bed and for the first time this trip I enjoyed the sex.
We went for a walk around the vineyards in the afternoon and it was the first time I have ever had sex outdoors and I was really enjoying myself, almost getting lost in the fantasy of the whole thing and finding it quite romantic.
But he spoiled it that evening when I was shown to his sex dungeon and while I agreed to the everything, I mean, I had sold my body for it, but I hated every second of it and had to force myself not to use the safe word. The low point was when he strapped my head to a fucking machine and used it to control me sucking his dick, the depth, the speed and everything, at least stopping every 30 seconds so I could breathe, but it was awful. At least he ran me a bath and cleaned me gently afterwards, but of course as he was paying for my time and I had some professional pride (ok, it was my working class work ethic in that I was being paid to do a job so I should do it well).
In the morning, he had one last fuck from me before the car took me back to my hotel and I sat in the shower for an hour trying to get clean. I was never going to have to do that again and I wanted to get all of the stench of it off my body. Once I had done that I sent a text to Lou, called an Uber and checked out of the hotel not caring that I could have stayed there for two more days, I just needed to finally be away from all of it while I now work out what I need to do to have a proper future ahead of me.
Lou showed me to the guest room, introduced me to her husband Tom (who is really good looking btw), and I met her young daughter. Once she had gone to bed and Tom was fast asleep before getting up to go work the next day as a professor (looks and brains!), we sat down to chat and I told her everything and why I was here.
I cried and cried and cried for hours. Big ugly snot crying, She held me all the time I was covering her in my tears and snot bubbles, not complaining once. I woke up and had no idea how I got to bed, but Lou told me she woke up Tom to carry me there and I looked at her and said, “No wonder he gave you lady boners!”
She laughed and said, “Gives me them, I always have a lady boner around him”.
Once I was cleaned up and her daughter was off to day care, we started to talk again and I told her more, about how I felt I had no choice to become an escort as I needed the money and couldn't get a job, but at least that’s behind me now. “I have enough to survive for a few years, six, maybe even seven if I’m careful with it while this body grows up and I can go back to driving.”
She sat there sipping her coffee and said, “Why do you want to go back to driving?”
“It’s all I can do, I barely have any qualifications so can’t get taken seriously for anything else as I have no experience.”
She said, “Why didn’t you go back to school?”
I pointed out I don’t have the qualifications to do what she did and go to university.
“No, I mean, why didn’t you go to school? I did, but for me it was because I was lonely and needed to be around people. You have Penny and Evie, what you need is a new start and going to school could be what you need.”
I said, “But how can I do that, I’m 33 years old now.”
She picked up her phone and started typing an email, and said, “I’m telling Annette and Rose that you need to go to school and to get some new qualifications. You’re a 13 year old girl and need to get used to. How old is Evie?”
“She’s 13 now.”
Lou smiled at me and said, “Perfect.”
I guess I might be going to school and I’m not sure how I feel about that, I mean, I hated it last time, will it be the same now, voicing this to Lou. She said, “I hated school first time round as well, but the second time was a lot better. And before you mention that you’ve had a lot of sex, I think I had as much as you did, not to mention I was already sleeping with one of the teachers and carried on while I was there.”
My mouth dropped open as I looked at her and she said, “Oh, don’t worry, I married him.”