Before we begin this is my first story so please bear with me. I am not the best writer and my dyslexia doesn’t help with it lol. This may be the start of a series if I continue to enjoy making these. I had fun making this and hope people enjoy reading it. Let me know where you’d like to see this series go
The story follows Sarah opening a salon and needing workers. Brad accepts her offer which comes with a catch of a full feminine makeover.
Themes: TG, Transformation, Makeover, Salon, Hair
Sarah recently moved to Garden Grove Colorado. Sarah took a year off to explore the country in her converted sprinter van. When she was passing through Garden Grove her van ended up breaking down.
She found a super sweet local mechanic that helped her get it back up and running. The issue was the part she needed was on backorder so she ended up staying at the small inn for a few weeks. While there she ended up meeting a lot of the people who live in the town. In the short few weeks Sarah spent there she ended up falling in love with the town and the folks that lived there. She met the barber named John who was a gentleman in his 70s who had a shop in the center of town. John had been cutting hair in town for the last 47 years. His wife Mary owned a flower shop attached to his barbershop.
John and Mary invited Sarah over for dinner one night at their beautiful ranch house on the outskirts of town. During the lovely dinner, John and Mary talked about wanting to retire but with not having kids to pass the business down to they weren’t sure what to do. This is when Sarah had a great idea that maybe it was time to settle down and maybe she could settle down here. After a little bit of back and forth, Sarah and John came to an agreement to sell her both the barber shop and flower shop for a generous amount that would let them travel as they retired.
In the weeks that followed Sarah was extremely busy with the purchase. Once finalized she ended up moving into the apartment above the shop. She then got to work on redesigning the shops. Thankfully Sarah came from money so she was able to get a really good head start. She ended up purchasing lots of decor, painting the walls, and getting the barber chairs redone. She turned this old-school barber shop into a brand-new luxury salon for the town. The salon was equipped with the best products, styling, and nail stations Sarah could find. She was even able to carve out an area in the back for a mini spa so she could offer waxing and such. After a few weeks, the salon was all ready for a grand opening but Sarah was still missing staff which she would have to figure out first.
On the other side of the wall, Sarah was able to seriously revamp the flower shop into her very own boutique. She carried just about anything that Sarah found cute. There were not too many clothing shops in town so this will be a nice addition as well. She was ready to open up this as well but was also missing the staff. This was something that really slipped her mind.
Sarah went to her new office inside her apartment to print out some help-wanted posters. She needed to fill a few positions like receptionist, stylist, nail technician, waxing specialist, brow and lash technician, and sales associate for the boutique. She went around town and pinned up these flyers where she knew there was a lot of foot traffic.
Once she was happy she headed home to place the last poster at her salon. While she was taping it to her window she noticed a scruffy-looking young man across the street staring, he looked roughly 25 years old with a smaller build.
She smiled over at him making him blush a little. He gave a little wave and Sarah gestured for him to come in. The man entered the salon “H…Hey… I’m Brad” he said nervously. Sarah smiled and shook his hand “I’m Sarah it’s nice to meet you. I noticed you were looking in the window. Were you interested in a position” Sarah asked sweetly. Brad was honestly just staring at Sarah as he kinda was crushing on her but obviously he was too scared to say that. “Oh um yeah, I was interested in the… “ Brad said as he looked over at the poster and thankfully Sarah printed them double-sided. “… the um receptionist position, yeah that one” Brad said trying to make it sound somewhat convincing. Sarah smirked knowing something was up with him “Well good thing for you no one has filled that position yet. Grab a seat and let’s do a quick interview, very informal sweetie” Sarah said softly as she gestured towards a salon chair for him. They sat down and chatted for about 30 minutes. Brad explained that he was also traveling the country and was looking to slow down for a bit and make some money. Brad had previous experience in customer service and used to have a white-collar job before he got fed up with boring work and quit. He had no experience as a receptionist but Sarah had a good feeling that she could shape Brad into a good part of the team.
“You know Brad, you don’t have any experience as a receptionist but with some coaching and dedication, I think we can make it work. If you are interested, when can you start?” Sarah asked
“That’s awesome to hear. I can start now” Brad said enthusiastically.
“Well I appreciate it but it’s late today. Why don’t I give you your contact to look over tonight? As long as you are all good with it you can bring it in tomorrow at 8 am and we can start. I’m going to be blunt here sweetie but we need to work on your appearance quite a bit tomorrow. As a salon we are looking to have more strict grooming standards if that’s ok with you” Sarah said handing him a packet with a smile.
Brad graciously accepted the packet from Sarah “Oh yeah that works with me, I totally understand you have to keep up appearances here. I will see you tomorrow then” Brad said with a smile as Sarah walked him out.
Sarah was relieved that she found a receptionist but hoped he would be ok with all the clauses placed within her contract. Lucky for Sarah, Brad went back to the hostel to crash. He ended up waking up at 7:50 and had to rush to get to the salon. He ended up walking in the door at 8:03 but thankfully Sarah wasn’t waiting. He grabbed a pen from the front desk and quickly signed the papers. He then went around to find Sarah. She ended up being over on the boutique side folding some clothes. Today she was in what looked to be a uniform. It was a pink shirt with black lettering showing Sarah’s salon’s logo paired with a black pleated skirt and pink heels.
“Oh there you are sweetie, sorry I’ll be over in a second. Take a seat in a salon chair for me” Sasha said once she saw Brad.
Brad then takes a seat as requested waiting for Sarah. A few minutes later Sarah walks in and immediately Brad apologizes “Sarah I’m sorry I was late. My phone died so my alarm didn’t go off and I just ran here as fast as I could”
“That’s totally ok sweetheart accidents happen. Did you find the contract acceptable?” Sarah asked as she reached for the packet in his lap
“Oh yeah, all good from me. Do you need anything else?” Brad asked
“I’ll need a photocopy of your ID so you can get that out but in the meantime, I think we are going to get you washed up,” Sarah said, taking his hair and putting it in a really messy bun placing a shower cap on him.
“Works for me,” Brad said, handing over his ID.
Sarah then led him to the back where there was a shower for clients in the spa. “I left a few bottles in there for you. Use the first one on your face and the other on the rest of your body. I have left your uniform here. Drop your clothes in the metal bin and I will send them straight to the washing machine for you. Do not get your hair wet” she said sweetly.
“Oh shoot sweet, that's awesome. Ok cool I’ll get washed up” Brad said excited to get started and happy to see there wasn’t a skirt in his uniform pile. He was most excited to spend the day with Sarah. He was really hoping to use this time to get close to her and eventually ask her out. Brad undressed, placing his clothes in the metal bin labeled “laundry”. He placed his shoes in the metal cube labeled “shoes” and lastly placed his personal items in the box labeled “personal items”.
He got in the shower and it was already running at a nice temperature. Just like Sarah said there were bottles labeled “face wash”, “body wash - Nair”, “shampoo”, and “conditioner”. Since he was instructed to not get his hair wet he skipped the last two bottles. He used a washcloth to wash his face and used another to wash his body as well. As he was rinsing off he realized that all his body hair was went down the drain. He panicked a little reaching for the bottle “Fuck! That’s what Nair must mean” she said, a little defeated.
He finished up and dried off. He put on the pink top that matched Sarah’s, it was tight on him but not too bad. He looked for his underwear which Sarah had taken to the wash while he was showering. On top of his pants were some pink panties. He assumed Sarah didn’t have any boy's underwear so he sucked it up. He went to pick up the pants only to realize they were leggings “fucking hell” he said a bit annoyed. He put them on and looked for his shoes which were also removed but Sarah replaced them with a pair of fuzzy pink slippers. Was Sarah teasing him or something? He put them on only to realize they were extremely comfortable.
As he left the room he also realized that these leggings were super comfy and he didn’t know how to feel about that. Walking out Sarah was on her phone over by the wash basins. “Um Sarah, you left me leggings and slippers. Is that correct?” He asked sheepishly.
Sarah looked up and smiled “Yes sweetie aren’t they super comfy? We can get you other shoes for work but today I thought I’d let you have some of my fuzzy slippers. I assumed you didn’t want to match yet” she teased tugging at her skirt.
Brad quickly agreed that leggings were the best idea “Oh yeah yeah the leggings are super comfortable and thank you for the slippers” he said
Sarah helped him into a wash basin chair. She took the hair cap off and took out his bun letting down his hair. She turned on the water making sure it was warm before moving his head into it. Her well-manicured nails tickled his scalp as she worked some shampoo through his messy hair also trying to work out some knots. She then rinsed the suds before massaging in conditioner to his hair which desperately needed it. Once in she washed her hands and let it sit. “You’ll get free products and clothes each month for working here. You’ll get extra since you are starting out. You better make sure you use the conditioner I give you because I can tell you don’t use one now” Sarah teased and Brad chuckled too.
“I’m going to make sure you are nice and clean-shaven so hold still,” Sarah said and Brad nodded. Sarah said as she lathered up his face with a shaving cream. Brad couldn’t help but enjoy the physical touch he was getting from Sarah. Sarah then grabbed a straight razor. One line at a time she removed any facial hair Brad once had. Once done she finished with a hot cloth on his face as she rinsed out his conditioner. She wrapped his hair up in a towel. She then brought him over to her main salon chair.
She let his hair down and began to brush it out. Looking at Brad in the mirror “Brad sweetheart, how much do you trust me with your hair? You don’t mind if I take my time with a new style for you?” She asked with a smirk.
Brad was loving this time he was spending with Sarah so he wasn’t going to try to stop it. “Oh, I trust you fully. Please do whatever you like” he said, very excited to see what Sarah had had in mind.
With that comment from Brad Sarah grabbed a pink cape wrapping it tightly around Brad. She grabbed one more cape and placed it on her mirror. “Why don’t we make it a surprise?” She said as she grabbed a blow dryer and worked through his hair. As this happened they made some general small talk. They actually bonded because they visited a lot of the same places on their trips across the US. There were a few places where they apparently missed meeting by just days. Brad thought this had to be destiny and was ready to go the extra mile to make it work with Sarah. While Sarah thought it was neat but was focused on making the cutest receptionist possible.
Once dry Sarah rolled out a cart she had filled for hair dyeing. She put together a few bottles of liquids in a pink cup. Once satisfied Sarah began brushing this mixture on his hair. “Oh I’m sorry about the smell, these never smell the best,” she said as she placed down her brush and grabbed her handbag from the chair next to them. She grabbed her rose perfume from her bag. Leaning in the spraying and rubbing it onto Brad's neck. “Hopefully that helps with the smell sweetie,” she said, smiling softly at him.” Then placed it back into her bag and got back to brushing the smelly liquid onto his hair. Sarah put on some gloves and put in the final bit of the liquid making sure there wasn’t a spot missing. Once done she placed his hair on top of his head with a shower cap on yet again.
Sarah set a timer “That will need to set for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime I would like to work on your brows” she said, grabbing her eyebrow threading gear.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry I don’t usually mess with them,” he said, a bit embarrassed.
“That’s ok most men don’t but more men should. Lean back for me” she said. Sarah towered over him as she began threading his brows. It took a few minutes but Brad wished it could last so much longer. He loved how sweet and physical Sarah was being. She was being a professional but he couldn’t help his heart racing when she worked on him. Sarah quickly finished threading his brows. Once done she grabs something from her dye cart and paints it onto his brows letting it set.
Sarah smiles and takes a second to admire her project. Brad couldn’t help but blush a little bit while Sarah looked him over. By this point, Brad completely forgot about his missing body hair and pink panties. Sarah takes something out of a nearby drawer. “I promise this really doesn’t hurt. Look I have a lot” Sarah said getting close to show Brad her piercings. “How about we give you just the ears?” She asked with this sad puppy dog eyes.
Brad stood no chance of being able to say no. “I mean yeah if you think they will work then let’s do it,” he said a little excited.
Sarah let out an excited squeak as she threw on some gloves. She sterilized the ears and with a quick *POP* *POP* she pierced both of Brad's ears leaving little studs in them. She put away her gear and got ready for the next stages by mixing together some dyes. Then she sat down on a rolling stool to chat with Brad. “Are you excited about all this? I know makeovers can be overwhelming for a lot of people” she said, placing her hand on his arm comfortingly.
“Well, I’m… “ Brad started but stuttered when Sarah caressed his arm. His face turned red “Well I’m… um… I’m loving it so far. I appreciate all the effort you are making. I just hope I live up to your expectations” Brad said thoughtfully.
“Oh sweetie I’m sure you’ll do fine. You really just gotta be good with the clients and I’m sure the girls here will love you once they see how cute this makeover turns out” Sarah said trying to ease his nerves.
Brash started “Thank you Sarah. You know how to help a guy with his confidence. Hey I’ve been meaning to ask are you…” but was interrupted by the timer going off. Brad really wanted to know if Sarah was single. He was about to speak again but then Sarah chimed in.
“Oh, that will have to wait. Let’s get you over to the wash basin to get this stuff out” she said, grabbing his hand and bringing him all the way over. She sat him down, removed his cap, let down his hair, and massaged the liquid on his hair. Thankfully for Sarah, the boy didn’t know the smell of the salon's bleach just yet. Once she had fully gotten that out she then grabbed a wet towel removing the dye from his brows. “You are such a good client. Back to the salon chair for me.” She said with a smile
Brad made his way back happy at the compliment even though it’s not one he’s ever thought he’d get. He really ended up loving the feeling of the leggings on his smooth skin. Sitting down Sarah got to work to dry his hair a bit before she added the dye. Sarah began sectioning his hair. She added a bit of dye then wrapped it in some foil and moved onto another piece. She did this piece by piece for at least an hour. While this was going on the pair spent time chit-chatting about everything under the sun. After a while, Sarah finally finished with the last piece.
“Well that needs to sit for a bit so while we wait I have a fun idea but you gotta trust me,” she said leaning over the back of the chair almost whispering in his ear.
Brad couldn’t contain his excitement. “Oh yeah? Anything, I’m down for anything” he said, so blinded by his lust for Sarah.
Sarah plopped down on the wheeled stool again. She rolled over and grabbed a makeup bag. She could see the hesitation from Brad. “This will be so fun,” she said, caressing his arm. She knew by this point Brad had eyes for her and she knew how to pull on his heartstrings.
Sarah excitedly grabbed a sponge from her bag and began applying a layer of foundation onto Brad's freshly shaven face. She continued adding some contours where she thought they would fit. Then they added a light dusting of blush. Sarah moved her attention to his eyes. She added some winged eyeliner with a tiny bit of sparkly eyeshadow. Sarah fished up with his lips adding lip liner and lipstick to make his full lips look ever fuller. She finishes him off with a setting spray. “You are so cute sweetie,” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek which made Brad blush through his makeup.
A devious smile came across Sarah's face. “One last thing we need for this experience,” Sarah said, grabbing a toolkit and setting up behind him. Leaning his head back by placing her hands on his cheeks “I’m going to need you to close your eyes and keep them closed till I say so, ok?” Sarah asked softly but firmly.
“Of course, Sarah,” Brad agreed slowly, closing his eyes excited to have more time with Sarah.
Once closed Sarah went to work on his eyes but more specifically his lashes. Slowly but surely she applied section after section of lash extensions. Sarah got excited and went a little overboard but that’s a problem for later. Finishing up “ok I’m done but you can’t open your eyes for a bit or else it will ruin my hard work,” Sarah said making sure he wouldn’t open them too early. She really just wanted some privacy for her next idea.
Back on the wheeled stool, she got the nail tech gadgets ready. “Your nails are so dirty and broken we need to fix that,” she said
“Oh yeah go ahead. Sorry, I rock climb so they can sometimes get really bad which is my fault” he said, a bit embarrassed and anxious about this whole thing.
“Oh don’t you worry, this treatment will make them look brand new” she teased but was serious. Sarah grabbed his hand and began applying some acrylics that would go well with his look. She made sure to give him a cute French tip design. To finish it up she placed them in these moveable nail lamp boxes. She then worked on his next hand. Afterward, she moved on to his toes till his nails were all pretty.
“Oh shoot I didn’t think this through,” Sarah said worried for a second.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Brad asked anxiously
“Oh don’t worry I was just silly and need to wash out your hair but I can’t move you yet. You know what?” She said walking away and rolling back a hair washing station that looked different. “This is a new toy I got but haven’t tested. It’s literally just a hair-washing station that I can move around the salon.
As he was already leaning back she slid the basin under his hair. She began taking the foils out 1 by 1. Once they were all removed they began removing the dye from his hair. Once it was all out she generously added a toner and scalp massage to finish up the process. She towel-dried his hair, lifting his chair up and moving the basin away.
She began brushing out his hair and using a blow dryer to dry his hair. “We are almost done, sweetie. I hope you are excited. You can finally open your eyes too. Nothing to see yet” she teased as she grabbed her comb and scissors. He tried to see the color but Sarah kept his head up.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am. Will this be a regular thing?” He asked curiously as he was enjoying his personal time with the boss.
“I mean that’s up to you sweetie. If you want to change up your looks now and again yeah that’s the way to do it” she said as she was cutting his hair. She was sectioning off a portion right above his forehead.
“I mean this has been really fun I think we should…” he stopped as Sarah’s scissors closed and long blonde locks fell onto his nose before hitting the cape. Her scissors close again sending another chunk falling down. “What the… that’s not… no,” he said looking up at Sarah with these confused eyes. He could now see a layer of blonde hair sitting on top of his forehead.
Sarah grabbed the blonde hair that fell. “This? This is very much your new color and it’s fabulous” she teased him, tickling his nose with the hair before dropping the stands again.
“I just… didn’t think I would be blonde. Like this is so… what the hell” he was stopped dead in his tracks. He grabbed the cut strand Sarah dropped only to realize he had long feminine nails. “You can’t be serious!” He said a bit flustered.
“You said you trusted me fully, were you lying?” Sarah asked a bit sad
“No no, I wasn't, I just didn’t…” Brad was cut off
“If you trust me…” she said, grabbing his manicured hands with hers. “Will you please let me finish and it will all make sense. I promise, I only want the best for you” she said, caressing the side of his face.
Brad couldn’t resist Sarah’s lovely touch and her soft voice. “Fine… let’s finish up but I want to see it all,” he said nervously excited but he trusted Sarah.
“Thank you for trusting me,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “I promise it’s worth it,” she said, getting back to his hair. She finishes with a final few slips before she goes to curl it. Brad sits there silently while she curls his hair. Sarah just showers him with compliments as she goes.
“Wait here,” she said, finishing his curls. He sits there and starts caressing his blonde curls and playing with his new blunt bangs. He was actually excited about this especially if it will help his changes with Sarah. Sarah watched him play with his hair as she got his outfit ready. She brought back the whole outfit from the boutique as Brad looked up at her.
Sarah stands him up and takes off the cape. “Let’s take off your uniform. Your work day is over for now” she said softly. She helped him take it off till he was just in his panties. “You look adorable,” she said, calming him and making him blush.
She pulls out this white and pink garment and helps him slip it over his head. Then she closes the back and begins to tighten it. “Suck in your tummy for me sweetie,” she said as she tightened the corset. She then sat him back down.
He played with his new dress and she slid some stockings on him. They added some jewelry and changed out his earrings. He reached up and used his nails to play with his new necklace and earrings. Sarah brushed out his curls and fixed his bangs.
Sarah sat down next to him placing her hands on his exposed knees. “Are you ready to see how pretty you are?” Sarah asked comfortingly
Brad took a deep breath “Yes please” he said softly.
Sarah took down the cape covering the mirror. Brad's reflection was finally showing the girl that Sarah had worked so hard to create. Soft porcelain-like skin with a dusting of makeup. Breathtaking brows and lashes fill her face. She had a beautiful pearl necklace with heart-shaped earrings to match. Her fairy-like corset dress hugged her body so well. Finally, her long brown hair turned into a beautiful golden blonde sea of curls with wispy bangs adorning her forehead.
“Holy shit,” Brad said.
Sarah smiled knowing that was a good ‘Holy shit’. “Do you like your new look… Brianna?” Sarah asked a bit assertively
“B… Brianna?” Brad said “But I’m not… I don’t know how to feel about this,” she said confused
“Tell me how you feel,” Sarah said sweetly, playing with her hair.
Brad or should we say Brianna was confused but not mad at this look. “I look very pretty but how can this be me?” She said, confused. “Do you think this can work? Can I actually stay like this?”
Sarah could tell she was questioning it but wasn’t rejecting it which was good. “I think you look fabulous. I think the girls here will love you. And I think that this is something you enjoy but are afraid of which is fair. I will be by your side to help you through this transition period, I want you to feel secure” Sarah said caressing her cheek.
Brianna still couldn’t resist Sarah’s touch. “I mean I am pretty and if you are willing to help me I don’t see why this can’t work,” Brianna said, almost excited about it.
“I am so glad you feel this way, sweetie,” I think this is the start of something special,” Sarah said softly to her newest receptionist.