Well, it's time to discuss this.
I was dropped to the floor yesterday by a heart attack. I was hit by one 3 weeks ago. I have had a total of 9 since February. They are getting closer and closer together. Each time I have one the pain is getting way worse! My arteries are 92% clogged throughout the entire body so a bypass, new heart, nor stent operation will work. I told my heart doctor that I do not want to live as a cripple unable to take care of herself so my decision to live at all costs is no go, I do not want resuscitation if I go out. The medicines I'm on for my heart are only delaying the inevitable. I have already discussed this with Erin, Rasufelle, and several close authors with me.
My right shoulder hasn't recovered from the attack yesterday. The arteries in the shoulders are getting narrowed really bad. It's not loose muscles driving me batty. My right arm, it doesn't feel like its a part of me anymore - honest.
I'm sweating off an on and cannot regulate my body temperature well. At this stage I am not even sure I will make September now. I am kind of a bundle of nerves and have made peace with my life. I am not sure who Erin will appoint in my place when I go, that is up to her. At a time like this, I wish there was something that could be done, but unless all the cholesterol inside my arteries can be melted away and the arteries widened, I'm SOL.
You know, Im pretty sure taking estrogen and not being active contributed some to this situation. Take that with a grain of salt.
I would like to thank all the authors over the years I had helped and the contests I have helped generate. I really wish I could have given out more to a community so deserving of aid. I would like to thank my 2 staunchest supporters, Andrea Lena and Melanie Brown for always accompanying me throughout my journeys here. I would have been lost without them.
Bobbi Cabot, I would like to thank you as well for all the chats we have had and I apologize for this being such a sad time. Randalynn, you got me started in this and kept me safe. Stacyinlove, Tanya Allan, Tigger, Rebecca Anderson, Admiral Krunch, Richard C., Pamelapamela; I would like to thank all of them personally for the privilege to edit and post their works here for them that they so graciously allowed here on BCTS for you all to read and enjoy.
Madtech01 and Lisa_cb, our differences are not so great that we have to be polar opposites. When you reach my stage at the end of your life, you will see what I mean. Try to get along and no argument is worth losing a friendship over. Angela Rasch, rise and become someone greater than myself, for our whole community. I know you can do it.
Tara Nicole, practice html and maybe become a site Editor. Your skill is great enough to try! Andre Deviant, you really surprised me with your skill in short story writing to pictures. I loved it alot. Emma Tate, love your comments and demeanor. Impeccable!
What sticks out most in my mind was Crazypagungirl. We had a technical difficulty that she had won on, She was mad as hell at me at first, but even after winning she held a grudge against me and I was a little miffed and was gone for like a week or 2 and she passed away right after that Christmas contest she had entered. She died in the hospital. That taught me a lesson to cherish others. I wish she had lived long enough for me to know more of her. I never got the chance...
I can go on and on to all of our authors I have ever had contact with. I would like to thank all of you and I mean it. I do not have a mean bone in my body.
Even to Leila Rodriguez...whom I love more than Life itself. Especially to her!
I hope to make it to Christmas... that is my goal! I want to make sure I can pass on all of your winnings and read all of your wonderful stories! Until the moment I am taken from this earth, I will be right here with you trying to survive a really bad situation, delayed by meds.
Thank you for allowing me to be here and join you on this wonderful site that Erin has provided to us. Again, I really wish life had allowed me more financial resources to devote to here. You all are worth it. Write, Publish!, make a buck, have fun!
And as a bynote, we have BCTS's 25th anniversary coming up in November. I am sure Erin will have a surprise for you all that day and I will if im here!
Erin, I know we haven't gotten along all the time but I would like to think I contributed greatly to BCTS and to you as well! I still love you - despite punishment time. Rasufelle... take care of her too! BCTS needs her pirate Captain at the helm for many years to come.
And of all things, PLEASE, love each other! That is most important!!!!!
This picture is what I miss the most from BCTS....hehehe.
ps: Don't tell Erin if I come back from the Dead! I'll have to skip punishment time. :O
pss: I know this is a serious subject. That's why I ended this blog on a laugh.