Candice and her Pregnant Husband
by Lindale and Talkie-ai
Introduction to the “authors” and Copyright: Many of you will already have read stories by me, Lindale, on this site, although I have to admit, I have not been so prolific recently. This story is a radical departure from my normal work. It has been created by AI on a site called Talkie_ai. I’m not certain if this is the first Talkie story on this site. If you haven’t yet visited Talkie, I strongly advise you to do so. The basic concept of the site is a conversation between you, the user and AI characters, who are designed by the users. In the UK and US, it seems that copyright cannot be claimed on ai generated items. So the text written by me is my copyright but that of the other characters is not copyrighted.
Talkie: You can use your own character to talk to, or those created by others. This story is based upon a character created by me, based around a short description of events which will happen, and the opening text. The words below are as written by me (clearly indicated) or by the AI (shown as Candice or Mr Dodgy). It’s worth saying that you can ask the AI to Regenerate a script if it sounds badly wrong and I did do this several times in the conversation. In a couple of cases, I did introduce some new text as Candice to force the story in a way I wanted it to go. Apart from that, I have only added the character names with colon.
Observations: I am pretty impressed by the Talkie site and the story development that’s possible on it. It’s certainly true that some of the text appears quite clunky. What to me stands out are those times when we make the common abbreviations: I’ll, I’m, etc. And AI does have hallucinations, where they go completely off key or say something illogical. At times, they think they’re another character! And they forget! But overall, I believe it is an incredible experience. I strongly recommend visiting it. There’s an app or you go to talkie_ai. There are a whole range of different users, from those who can’t string three letters together to make a word to those who do considerable research. There’s quite a lot of pornish stuff but generally, it’s up to you where you want to go.
Candice and her Pregnant Husband
Candice: When we had sex on Tuesday, I asked if you used a condom and, after a bit of hesitation, you said Yes. Well I’m pregnant.
Me: You’re pregnant. But I haven’t got a job and you’re a company director. We can’t afford for you to give up work.
Candice: Exactly. We need this baby to be born. You can be the mother.
Me: What! Have you gone mad. I can support you as a father but I can’t be a mother and even if I could, it wouldn’t alter the fact that you are pregnant not me
Candice: I know. But there is a way. We will have a private consultation with a surgeon who can transplant female womb into your abdomen. Later he will transfer the foetus to your new womb.
Me: Really? You mean I would have a female womb in my body? And this doctor would then take the foetus from your body and transplant it into mine? That’s phenomenal!
Candice: Yes, he has successfully performed this on a woman who had cancer and would have died, but her foetus was now fully developed. It was possible to transfer the foetus to another woman who was willing to carry the child. In this case, the other woman was her sister.
Me: But transferring to a male is entirely different
Candice: Yes, but he is a brilliant surgeon and he has performed this operation several times. You will not be the first.
Me: Presumably, to be successful, it needs to be done quickly before the foetus develops?
Candice: Yes, that's correct. You should have at least one consultation before you decide if you want to go ahead.
Me: When can we get a consultation?
Candice: Well, it is a private clinic and he is available tomorrow morning at 10 am. If we can get there before then, he will take a quick scan of your abdomen and will tell us whether you are suitable for the operation.
Me: When would the womb transplant take place?
Candice: As soon as possible. The sooner you are pregnant, the better the chances of a successful operation.
Me: Are you saying that I should take clothes for a hospital stay. That I will set off tomorrow as your husband and return as the pregnant mother of the child that we conceived last week?
Candice: Yes, exactly that. You will have a full examination before the operation and the surgeon will tell you exactly what to expect.
Me: Fuck
Candice: I know it is a lot to take in. You are my husband and I love you. We are in this together.
Me: With our Baby.
Candice: Yes, with our baby. I know it is a very strange situation and I will be at work for most of the day. You will be alone at home. It is a lot of responsibility. But you will have our child growing inside you. It is something to think about.
Me: The thought half excites and half terrifies me.
Candice: I know it is an unusual situation. You will need to decide quickly if you are ready to take this step. It is a huge decision and I will be here with you every step of the way. But you need to be sure that you can handle it
Me: Ok, so let’s look forward to tomorrow morning
Candice: Yes, I am going to try to get some sleep. You should get some too. We need to be rested for the consultation tomorrow.
Me: “What’s the name of the consultant,” I ask as we approach the clinic
Candice: "His name is Mr Dodgy. I know it is a strange name but he is an excellent surgeon."
Me: Mmm. Dodgy by name, dodgy by nature
Candice: You are going to see him. You will be able to judge him for yourself. But I assure you he is very good at what he does.
Me: He certainly seems very professional as we meet him a few minutes later. “My wife has briefly described the process but perhaps you could give a bit more “
Mr Dodgy: "Yes. Well, I can tell you that the procedure is very similar to a Caesarean section. I will make a small incision in your abdomen and then insert the uterus. It is a simple operation but requires a high level of skill. Once the uterus is in place, I will perform a further scan to ensure that the blood vessels are properly connected. If all goes well, you will be able to start the pregnancy as soon as we have finished."
Me: Do you mean as part of the same operation or a separate one
Mr Dodgy: "It would be part of the same operation. I will make the incision and insert the uterus. The blood vessels will be connected and then the pregnancy will begin."
Me: So Candice would need to be on standby to donate the foetus?
Mr Dodgy: Yes, your wife would need to be on standby to provide the foetus. She will be in the room during the procedure and will be able to witness the whole thing.
Me: So she will have to make the final decision to go ahead, based upon how the first part went?
Mr Dodgy: Yes, she will be in the room and will be able to see everything that is happening. She will be the one to make the final decision. If she is not happy with what she sees, she can stop the operation at any time.
Me: And my own genitalia will remain unchanged
Mr Dodgy: That's right. The only change will be to your abdomen. Once the operation is complete, you will have a female womb and a female reproductive system. But the rest of you will remain the same.
Me: Will I develop breasts during pregnancy. Presumably, I’ll be able to breastfeed our baby
Mr Dodgy: Yes, you will develop breasts during the pregnancy. And yes, you will be able to breastfeed. The breasts will develop naturally and you will have all the hormones necessary to produce milk.
Me: I take a deep breath and look at Candice. “Shall we go ahead?”
Candice: Candice looks at you with a loving smile. "Yes, I think we should. It will be difficult but it is something we need to do for our baby."
Me: Ok. Let’s go.
Candice: The next few hours are a blur. You are put under anesthesia and the operation begins. The procedure is long and complicated but the surgeon is skilled and experienced. You are kept comfortable throughout.
Me: Wha… what’s happened
Mr Dodgy: The surgeon is standing over you. "It is all over. You have a female womb and a female reproductive system. You should be able to feel it."
Me: It certainly feels very tender down there
Mr Dodgy: "Yes, it will be a bit sore for a few days. But you should start to feel better soon. The next step is to wait for the foetus to develop. We will need to do some more tests to determine how far along you are. We also need to check the blood vessels to ensure they are connected properly."
Me: So I’m pregnant?
Mr Dodgy: "Yes, you are pregnant. We have confirmed that the foetus is developing normally. You should be able to start feeling some of the early symptoms of pregnancy in the next few days."
Me: Oh my gosh, doctor. Thank you.
Mr Dodgy: "You're welcome. It is a lot to take in but you will be fine. Just try to relax and rest for the next few days. The baby will be growing inside you and you will feel the changes. But it will be a little while before you start to look pregnant. For now, just focus on recovering from the operation."
Me: Can I go home now?
Mr Dodgy: "Yes, you can go home. Just make sure to take it easy for the next few days and don't overdo it. And make sure to take care of yourself. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with me."
Me: Candice and I can barely contain our excitement and disbelief as we walk back to the car
Candice: "I can't believe it! We have our baby growing inside you! This is incredible."
Me: This is so fantastic but also… so weird. I’m a man and I’m pregnant. It defies all logic
Candice: "I know it is strange but it is possible. We have done something amazing and our child will be born healthy and strong. You are going to be a wonderful mother."
Me: That’s something I’ve been wondering about since waking up. Because a pregnant male is going to attract some serious attention. It will be bad enough just walking through the supermarket, but once the press get hold of it, we’ll be besieged by the world’s press. I think I’m going to have to become a hermit for the next 9 months, never going outside the house
Candice: "You're right, people will be curious and we will be in the public eye. But we can handle it. We have each other and we have our baby. We can face this challenge together."
Me: But for the rest of our child’s life, they’ll be pointed out as the child who came from his weird father’s womb. I’m not having that
Candice: "You're right. Our child should not have to live with that kind of stigma. We can keep it a secret for now. The baby will be born and we can decide what we want to do then. But for now, we need to focus on taking care of yourself and the baby."
Me: It’s not a problem, once our child is born. It’s the next nine months when I will show very obvious signs of pregnancy that is the problem
Candice: "We can work that out. Maybe we can find a way to disguise it. We can find some way to make you look like a normal pregnant woman. You could wear some clothing that will hide your stomach and we could use makeup to make you look a bit more like a woman. It might be a bit difficult, but I'm sure we can figure something out."
Me: Of course. That is the obvious answer. If I look like a pregnant woman, no one will bat an eyelid. But what do you think. Could I pass as a woman. It will be much easier later on in the pregnancy. My ‘womanhood’ will be obvious then. It’s now, as a bump gradually appears that is the really difficult period.
Candice: "I think you could pass as a woman. You already have a feminine appearance and your voice is fairly soft and high-pitched. It is true that you will need to make some adjustments but with the right clothes and makeup, you could definitely pass as a woman. As long as you are careful and don't overdo it, you should be able to get away with it."
Me: But I’ll need to get away from the neighbourhood where everyone would immediately notice the change. We need go live somewhere else for the pregnancy where no one knows me.
Candice: "That's true. You need to be able to live somewhere where you can be yourself without having to worry about being recognized. We could go somewhere where no one knows us and start over. That way, no one would suspect that you were once a man."
Me: We could rent a house for a year, and rent out our house in return.
Candice: "That's a good idea. We could rent a house somewhere quiet and private where no one would bother us. It would give us a fresh start and allow us to focus on the pregnancy and our baby."
Me: At the new house, you’ll obviously still be Candice the Company Director, but what will be my role? Your sister-in-law come to stay during her pregnancy, or maybe your lesbian partner?
Candice: "I think we should just say that you are my partner. We are a young couple and we are expecting our first child. You can just play the role of the pregnant wife. It will be a bit awkward at first but I'm sure we can make it work. As long as you look the part, no one will suspect anything."
Me: We left it at that for the time, each of us alone with our thoughts. Candice said she would sort out some of her casual clothes which would suit me. We both silently realised that she would have to visit the shops to buy some new clothes!
Candice: Candice and I spent the rest of the day sorting through her clothes and finding a few that would work for me. We also discussed some of the practicalities of our new arrangement. We decided that we would need to rent a house for a year and that we would keep our old house in the neighborhood. We also discussed how we would explain the situation to our families and friends. It was a lot to think about but we were determined to make it work.
Me: We decided that I was recovering well and that Candice could return to work. It meant that I would be a traditional housewife except when I went out.
Candice: Candice and I agreed that it was the best option for now. We would have to be careful and make sure that no one suspected anything. But I was confident that we could make it work. And I was looking forward to having a more relaxed life while I was pregnant.
Me: I started researching new areas to which we might move. We both thought it best we move to somewhere remote, we were unlikely to bump into old friends. At the same time, it needed to be in commuting distance of her job
Candice: Candice and I spent the next few days looking at different locations that would meet our requirements. We found several suitable places and decided on a small town in the countryside. It was far enough away from our current home but still within commuting distance of her job. We also found a house that we liked and we decided to rent it for a year. We had a plan and we were ready to move forward.
Me: We moved into our new home at the end of the month and from then on, I became a‘woman’. Candice had passed on many of her clothes so I had a wonderful wardrobe for the time being. We both knew that before long, I’d be growing out of those clothes and into maternity smocks and elasticated trousers
Candice: Candice and I were excited but also a bit nervous as we settled into our new life. I had to get used to wearing dresses and skirts and Candice had to adjust to having a pregnant wife. But we were determined to make it work. We were happy together and we were looking forward to our baby.
Me: It was a couple of weeks after moving in that one morning I was lying in bed next to Candice when I suddenly felt nauseous. It was a race to get to the toilet before I threw up my stomach
Candice: Candice woke up and saw me running to the bathroom. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She rushed over to me and held my hair back as I threw up.
Me: Oh God!
Candice: "Oh, it's just morning sickness. It's completely normal. I know it's unpleasant but it will pass. You're doing great."
Me: I guess this my first glimpse of what it’s like to be pregnant
Candice: "Yes, it's a bit of an adjustment but you'll get used to it. It will take a few weeks for the nausea to pass. Just make sure you keep hydrated and take care of yourself. I'm here for you, I'll help you through this."
Me: Thanks. You’d better get moving if you’re not going to be late for work
Candice: "Okay, I'll get ready now. I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I'll call you when I get to the office. Try to rest and take care of yourself."
Me: Thanks. Love you
Candice: "Love you too. Take care."
Me: It was the first day Candice was back at work and I realise, it’s going to be strange being at home all day. I’d had lots of casual jobs in the past with plenty of variety. Now I was going to be spending most of my days at home in what we’d agreed would be virtual isolation, at least until I had a very obvious bump. It meant I had lots of time for thought.
Candice: My first day back at work after an absence of several weeks was frantic, but I just loved it. As Director, I usually had a hands on approach and lots of stuff had gone on I wasn’t happy with. But that’s my job and a welcome relief from holding my husband’s hand, just because he’s pregnant. He looked quite miserable when I got home.
Me: Hi Candice. How was your first day back? I found it quite lonely, actually, but it gave me some time to think. I thought I’d look up all those other men who’d had womb implants and had children. Except there weren’t any. Not one
Candice: "That's strange. I would have thought there would be at least a few. But I guess that's not surprising. This is such a unique situation. And it's not something that's easily discussed, so I'm sure there are plenty of people who are afraid to come forward. But I'm glad you're starting to adjust. How's the nausea been?"
Me: I got over the nausea. But your company, Randiv, it’s called, isn’t it? It does risk investment in strange R&D projects, doesn’t it? Is Mr Dodgy one of your clients? Or more specifically, is that the nickname you gave to a client who had the crazy idea of implanting a womb in a man and making him pregnant? You accidentally used it when I asked you his name and have had to stick with it. Candice, am I being used as a guinea pig for one of your projects?
Candice: Candice froze and her face went pale. She knew that she had been caught out. "Uh...... well...... I......" She stammered for a few moments before finally finding her words. "Okay, you're right. I did use you as a guinea pig. But it's not like that. It's not a secret or anything. The whole company knows about it. It's just that there were some risks involved and...... I didn't want to tell you until we knew for sure that it would work."
Me: So did you deliberately get pregnant in order to force me into accepting the implant?
Candice: Candice looked down at the floor. "Well...... it's a bit more complicated than that. I had to make sure that you were willing to do it. I couldn't just tell you about it and expect you to agree. So I had to make you want to do it. And getting pregnant was the best way to do that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I should have been honest with you."
Me: And this entire medical trial hasn’t been approved, has it? What you’re doing is illegal.
Candice: Candice sighed and nodded. "That's true. It's a very risky experiment and it's not something that the medical community would normally agree to. But it was a chance to do something truly unique and groundbreaking. And it's something that I believe in. I wanted to prove that this kind of surgery could be successful and that it could have real benefits for people. But I didn't want to take any risks with your health. That's why I didn't tell you about the trial until I was sure it was safe."
Me: Holy shit!
Candice: Candice looked at you with tears in her eyes. "I know it was a lot to take in. But I swear to you that I had the best of intentions. I wanted to do something that would change the world and I thought that you would be the perfect candidate. I didn't want to put you in danger but I had to take that risk. And I would have done it myself if I could have. But I couldn't. I'm sorry."
Me: It will certainly change the world but in a very gender specific way, won’t it? Giving total equality over who carries a child. This would be something which dwarfs the suffragettes.
Candice: "That's exactly it. It's a huge step forward for gender equality. It's something that has been talked about for years but no one has been able to do it. And now we have a chance to change the world. We can show that men can be mothers just like women. And that it doesn't matter what gender you are, you can raise a child and give it love and support. We can make this a reality, but we need to keep it a secret until we know for sure it will work."
Me: I’m silent for a while and then say: “I cooked a nice meal for us. Shall we go and eat?”
Candice: Candice was surprised by your sudden change of tone. "Of course, I would love to eat with you. I'm sorry for all the secrecy. But I promise you, it's for the best. Now that you know, we can work together to make this a success. Let's go eat."
Author’s Note: You have read the dialogue. If you wish, you can go onto Talkie ai and search for “Candice, Director”. You will start with the first words from Candice about being pregnant. From then on, you’re into a whole new dialogue. Enjoy