This is a bit of a what if storyline, the start mirrors my own life but makes the choice I never did. I was around 8 when this story happens and as I came out as a trans woman later in life makes me wonder what if.
The day started out like any other, it was a crisp November day that is until my teacher, Mrs Taylor makes an announcement.
“As you all know, we are doing Robin Hood as our school play. So this afternoon, those without parts need to go and try on costumes to be villagers in the play.” So one by one we were called by another teacher to try on our costume.
Around half an hour passed, “Luke” called Miss Lyons. That was my call to go out try on the costumes. Upon going out the classroom I discover that the costumes consisted of a long t-shirt and some tights.
For as long as I remember, I have always had a fascination with tights. The look, the sound they make has always intrigued me.
I walk over to a table in area outside the classroom and I see Mrs Lyons sat down rolling up a pair of navy blue school tights.
“Come on Luke” she says “Trousers off, socks off let’s see if these fit.”
At first I refuse, not feeling totally comfortable. Being in primary school it was perfectly natural to remove clothes in front of my peers but the thought of wearing tights so too overwhelming. What if I didn’t like them? what if they weren’t what I thought?
“There is nothing to worry about, see others are doing it.” Mrs Lyons replied, as I look around to see that there were indeed four other boys stood there looking similarly unimpressed in various stages of wearing tights or getting changed back in normal uniform.
I concede, I remove my trousers and socks then sit in a chair opposite her. She then helps me to not only put on the tights but adjust them too. As soon as the tights are on, I feel this electric like sensation doing up and down my leg it feels so amazing.
“They look like they fit well, do they comfortable not tight” says Mrs Lyons
“They fit great” I reply with giddy enthusiasm that I try to hide. Boys aren’t suppose to enjoy this I think to myself then I start to rub my legs encased in these tights and I start to smirk.
“Someone is liking them” Mrs Lyons remarks with a giggle. I try and hide my true my true thoughts especially as I receive confused looks from the other boys.
“Yeah they are nice.” I reply. Mrs Lyons smiles knowingly.
“Right then” She says “Lets get you changed and they can marked with your name ready for dressed rehearsals.”
I paused and thought. Even though I have only had them for a few minutes, I have fallen complete in love with wearing them and I can’t imagine not wearing them
“Can I keep the tights on?” I ask, with the slightest hint of hope in my voice. Mrs Lyons and the boys look on in shock and confusion.
“Ye…yeah sure” Mrs Lyons answers with the hint of doubt and uncertainty in her voice. “May sure they come back please.”
I sit back down on the chair, put my trousers and shoes back on and head back into the classroom. The sensation of the tights still prominent under my trousers and certainly loving the softer feeling of my legs, I do miss be able to touch the tights directly.
As I sit down I feel more than a little self conscious, as the other boys have come in and started sharing the news, I see most of pupils turn around with gorping looks of shock not helped by Mrs Lyons and Taylor having a private conversation looking in my direction. I begin to feel nervous but I also starting to like the attention.
“Why is everyone staring at you?” asks Jade, the girl sat next to me.
“Probably, because they just found out that I am wearing tights” I reply
“No way” she says shockingly “Show me”
As I roll up my trouser leg revealing my navy blue leg. Jade looks on shock.
“Why?” she asks.
“Its what we were trying on outside and I liked wearing them so I kept them on.” I respond with quietly.
She starts to laugh. I look confused.
“What you laughing for?” I annoyingly respond. “You’re wearing tights too!”
“I am because I am girl and you’re a boy” she rightfully responds. I am disappointed by her response, I would think a girl who wears tights everyday would understand how good they feel and me wanting to wear them.
I don’t reply in the end, so Jade has a victorious look of triumph on her face. As Mrs Taylor begins the next lesson, the looks of shock start to dissipate as the revelation wears off and I start to relax. With the constant buzz that I am experiencing, the last lesson of the day flies by.
As the school day ends, Mrs Taylor asks to chat with my Mum. Teacher speak for I am concerned about something, three guess what the topic is.
On the way home, Mum quizzes me about my day and homework that needs doing.
As we enter the door, I take my shoes off and Mum notices my blue feet.
“We need to have a little chat don’t we.” she requests. I nod in agreement.
We sit on the sofa, I tell her everything before trying them on, the feeling of wearing them, the class reaction everything. Shes looks worried but looks on lovingly.
“So other than tights, are you intrigued by anything else?” She inquires.
“Not overly” I counter “But I do love rubbing legs in tights and miss rubbing them directly but without the top part always on show”
“Thats what skirts are for” She laughs and this time I do too. There was no malice or hatred in her voice and if anything the moment brings us closer together.
“If this something you want to try, I can certainly arrange it.” she adds, I nod. We then hug to symbolise that this moment is finished, she then calls a friend with a daughter in my school.
“Ok, thats all sorted Tracey will bring one round in about an hour. In the meantime do your homework.” I sit there with the biggest grin on my face that I have had all day which doesn’t go unnoticed by Mum whose smile is equally wide. With nothing else to change into, I stay in my trousers and try as hard as possible focus on anything other than clothes that I am wearing or about to wear.
Suddenly, theres a knock at the door, I then hear Mum say “Hello…Thank you…Will do…alright, thanks again.” Then she appears in the living room door. I excitedly run from the dining table to the sofa.
“Tracey said that, this is an older skirt so its going to be missed ok” she says, I nod understandingly.”So trousers off and we’ll try it on.”
This is a bit of a re-released. I missed the end off of the story
This is a bit of a what if storyline, the start mirrors my own life but makes the choice I never did. I was around 8 when this story happens and as I came out as a trans woman later in life makes me wonder what if.
The day started out like any other, it was a crisp November day that is until my teacher, Mrs Taylor makes an announcement.
“As you all know, we are doing Robin Hood as our school play. So this afternoon, those without parts need to go and try on costumes to be villagers in the play.” So one by one we were called by another teacher to try on our costume.
Around half an hour passed, “Luke” called Miss Lyons. That was my call to go out try on the costumes. Upon going out the classroom I discover that the costumes consisted of a long t-shirt and some tights.
For as long as I remember, I have always had a fascination with tights. The look, the sound they make has always intrigued me.
I walk over to a table in area outside the classroom and I see Mrs Lyons sat down rolling up a pair of navy blue school tights.
“Come on Luke” she says “Trousers off, socks off let’s see if these fit.”
At first I refuse, not feeling totally comfortable. Being in primary school it was perfectly natural to remove clothes in front of my peers but the thought of wearing tights so too overwhelming. What if I didn’t like them? what if they weren’t what I thought?
“There is nothing to worry about, see others are doing it.” Mrs Lyons replied, as I look around to see that there were indeed four other boys stood there looking similarly unimpressed in various stages of wearing tights or getting changed back in normal uniform.
I concede, I remove my trousers and socks then sit in a chair opposite her. She then helps me to not only put on the tights but adjust them too.
As soon as the tights are on, I feel this electric like sensation doing up and down my leg it feels so amazing.
“They look like they fit well, do they comfortable not tight” says Mrs Lyons
“They fit great” I reply with giddy enthusiasm that I try to hide. Boys aren’t suppose to enjoy this I think to myself then I start to rub my legs encased in these tights and I start to smirk.
“Someone is liking them” Mrs Lyons remarks with a giggle. I try and hide my true my true thoughts especially as I receive confused looks from the other boys.
“Yeah they are nice.” I reply. Mrs Lyons smiles knowingly.
“Right then” She says “Lets get you changed and they can marked with your name ready for dressed rehearsals.”
I paused and thought. Even though I have only had them for a few minutes, I have fallen complete in love with wearing them and I can’t imagine not wearing them
“Can I keep the tights on?” I ask, with the slightest hint of hope in my voice. Mrs Lyons and the boys look on in shock and confusion.
“Ye…yeah sure” Mrs Lyons answers with the hint of doubt and uncertainty in her voice. “May sure they come back please.”
I sit back down on the chair, put my trousers and shoes back on and head back into the classroom. The sensation of the tights still prominent under my trousers and certainly loving the softer feeling of my legs, I do miss be able to touch the tights directly.
As I sit down I feel more than a little self conscious, as the other boys have come in and started sharing the news, I see most of pupils turn around with gorping looks of shock not helped by Mrs Lyons and Taylor having a private conversation looking in my direction. I begin to feel nervous but I also starting to like the attention.
“Why is everyone staring at you?” asks Jade, the girl sat next to me.
“Probably, because they just found out that I am wearing tights” I reply
“No way” she says shockingly “Show me”
As I roll up my trouser leg revealing my navy blue leg. Jade looks on shock.
“Why?” she asks.
“Its what we were trying on outside and I liked wearing them so I kept them on.” I respond with quietly.
She starts to laugh. I look confused.
“What you laughing for?” I annoyingly respond. “You’re wearing tights too!”
“I am because I am girl and you’re a boy” she rightfully responds. I am disappointed by her response, I would think a girl who wears tights everyday would understand how good they feel and me wanting to wear them.
I don’t reply in the end, so Jade has a victorious look of triumph on her face. As Mrs Taylor begins the next lesson, the looks of shock start to dissipate as the revelation wears off and I start to relax. With the constant buzz that I am experiencing, the last lesson of the day flies by.
As the school day ends, Mrs Taylor asks to chat with my Mum. Teacher speak for I am concerned about something, three guess what the topic is.
On the way home, Mum quizzes me about my day and homework that needs doing.
As we enter the door, I take my shoes off and Mum notices my blue feet.
“We need to have a little chat don’t we.” she requests. I nod in agreement.
We sit on the sofa, I tell her everything before trying them on, the feeling of wearing them, the class reaction everything. She' looks worried but looks on lovingly.
“So other than tights, are you intrigued by anything else?” She inquires.
“Not overly” I counter “But I do love rubbing legs in tights and miss rubbing them directly but without the top part always on show”
“Thats what skirts are for” She laughs and this time I do too. There was no malice or hatred in her voice and if anything the moment brings us closer together.
“If this something you want to try, I can certainly arrange it.” she adds, I nod. We then hug to symbolise that this moment is finished, she then calls a friend with a daughter in my school.
“Ok, thats all sorted Tracey will bring one round in about an hour. In the meantime do your homework.” I sit there with the biggest grin on my face that I have had all day which doesn’t go unnoticed by Mum whose smile is equally wide. With nothing else to change into, I stay in my trousers and try as hard as possible focus on anything other than clothes that I am wearing or about to wear.
Suddenly, theres a knock at the door, I then hear Mum say “Hello…Thank you…Will do…alright, thanks again.” Then she appears in the living room door. I excitedly run from the dining table to the sofa.
“Tracey said that, this is an older skirt so its going to be missed ok” she says, I nod understandingly.”So trousers off and we’ll try it on.”
I stand up and hastily remove my trousers and eagerly step in the skirt that mum is holding open then fasten the zip at the side. Immediately, I bask in the sensation of wearing skirt. Feeling so free, I start twirling and pirouetting on spotting. Enjoying the skirt swishing from side to side against the tights.
“Do you like how it feels?” asks Mum. To which I give my most enthusiastic nod I can muster as Mum lovingly looks on
“Lets go up to my room and have a look in mirror.”
As we enter her bedroom, it’s the first time all day I see myself in a full length mirror. I look on in shock, as I admire the girl in school uniform I see before minus the long hair.
“Someone likes what they see.” I turn around and immediately hug her.
I whisper “Thank you”
“What for?” She questions
“For letting me do this.” I respond. I think I had more of these feelings bottled up then I first realised, I didn’t anticipate how much I actually wanted this day to happen or amazing I would feel once dressed like this.
I spend the rest of the day dressed like this, loving every sensation from sitting to walking to simply watching tv with Mum. She starts rubbing my leg, as she normally does, loving every stroke. I can tell she is also enjoying it since she is more invested than she would normally be and I certainly love it more too. At that moment, a familiar sound could be heard. It was Dad’s door key being inserted and turned in the door.
A sudden moment of panic washed over me. “Does he know?” I whisper to Mum.
“I haven’t told him.” Replies Mum. “I am sure it’ll be fine.” She is trying to be reassuring but does little to calm my nerves. As door opens, Dad makes his way through the hallway into the living room.
“Evening, you too ok? What is going on? why you dressed like this?” Dad says without stopping to breathe, going calm to rage. Clearly he had 1000 questions but didn’t really want the answers.
Finally, Mum managed to get a word in edge ways. She retells the events from my day. With every detail revealed, Dad’s face turned angrier and angrier.
“Whatever this is it is wrong! I am not supporting this! Go and get changed I am not looking at this anymore.” I have never seen him this angry. I am so saddened to hear these words from him we have always been close. I can’t take it any longer, I run upstairs balling my eyes out. I jump on my bed and cry until I can cry no longer. What felt like such an amazing day has now dissipated, leaving me feeling defeated. The skirt and tights which for hours had felt so free and natural, now feels suffocating.
For what felt like an age, all I heard from downstairs was raised voices, shouting and frustration from both of my parents. I can’t help feeling responsible, I can’t help but feel how my choices have lead to this. I change in pyjamas to take my mind of what is happening downstairs, its at that moment I realise I miss wearing the tights and skirt.
Shortly after, there is a knock at my door its mum. “You ok sweetie?”
“Not really, this is all my fault. I’ve made you two argue and fall out.” I say fighting back the tears once again. Mum enters my room and we sit on my bed and hug. “Is what has happened today that wrong?”
“No sweetie, it is not wrong at all. You have got nothing to apologise for.” Her loving tone and reassuring words help me calm down and compose myself.
As I drift off to sleep, I wonder if today will be the only day I get to experience this. It was not, as years went on I had many days when I experienced this but this was the day it all started, my day of destiny.