Diva in Disguise Chapter 6
Seeing Ryan again? That hadn’t been the plan. Despairingly I shook my head and broke free to run for the door. Once outside I saw that Karen was already in her car and reversing out of the parking space. Oblivious to my presence, she nearly ran into me as I hastened to the door on the passenger side. I had to hammer on the windshield before she turned and saw me. She sure was taking her part in our role play seriously!
When my co-conspirator finally noticed my presence, she slammed on the brakes and the car skidded to a halt. “Get in! Get in!" she yelled at me. I wrenched open the door and tumbled into the seat beside her.
You took your time!” snapped my former supposed girlfriend. She really was mad! It soon became evident why.
“To think I’ve been upstaged by a boy! You didn’t have to make it quite so convincing, you know. Now I feel completely humiliated.”
“I only did what you asked me.”
“Oh, don’t argue. Let’s get out of here fast.”
True to her word, Karen kept her elegant right foot hard on the gas pedal all the way back to her house. If my head hadn’t already been spinning, it surely would have been from her style of motoring. By the time we arrived I was feeling completely disoriented. It was all I could do to stagger from the car to her front door.
“I can see that you are in no shape to drive home” she remarked as she inserted her key in the lock. “You had better stay the night.”
It may have been my difficulty in focussing but a seductive smile appeared to play across her pretty features. “My folks won’t be back till noon tomorrow so… we can please ourselves.”
The significance of the look which accompanied this statement was lost on me in my tipsy condition. I tottered into the lounge and perched on a sofa while Karen poured us drinks.
“I deserve this” she exclaimed. “I’ve had to be the model of sobriety while you have been putting it away all night. Next time it will be your turn to drive.”
My one desire was to get away but I felt decidedly thirsty. I gulped the liquid down incautiously. It seemed stronger than anything I’d had at the bar. What had she mixed up for me?
“I really should go” I muttered, but Karen was insistent.
“You’re not going anywhere!” She smiled coquettishly. I didn’t feel well enough to put up any resistance but suffered myself to be led upstairs to my hostess’s bedroom where she took complete charge.
“Let’s get you out of that dress” she commanded. “You can borrow whatever you might need for the night.”
Passively I allowed myself to be stripped of the constricting item of clothing. Modesty had become a lesser consideration in my inebriated state. It was simply a relief to get out of the thing.
“Wow!” was my attendant’s only comment.
I covered my chest with an arm and sank back on the bed, careless of the fate of my borrowed finery. She took the opportunity to take off my pumps.
“What happened to the purse? Don’t tell me you left it there.” She laughed. “What am I to do with you?”
Karen unzipped her own stylish little number. “I’m quite pleased with this. It’s definitely one I’ll wear again” she decided. Kicking off her own shoes, “I’ll just go and hang it up. Perhaps I’ll put on something more fitting to the occasion. It’s our first night together after all!” and she disappeared into the adjoining room which apparently served as a dressing area.
While she was gone, I lay dazed on the bed heedless of my half-clad state. The similarity of the expression she had just used reminded me of Alice’s words. “Our night together!” It struck me how differently they had been uttered. It seemed a century ago since my college friend had left me. I wished she was here now. With an effort I tried to rouse myself, but failed. I should definitely avoid drink on these occasions. I really couldn’t handle it!
When my benefactor returned, I had nearly fallen asleep. Dimly I realised that she was now wearing almost as little as I. A skimpy black off-the-shoulder lingerie set, all frills and lace was the sole adornment for her beautiful body, setting off her languorous curves to their utmost advantage.
Even to my fuddled brain Karen looked enticingly seductive. Her legs appeared longer than ever. I couldn’t help but stare at them though it was becoming clear to me what sort of night together she might have in mind. A tingling in my panties began to grow as I allowed myself to dwell on what was before me. Recognising that I needed to escape I tried to raise myself up, but the effort was just too much. Despairing of resistance I closed my eyes and feigned sleep, my last resort. It wasn’t too hard, as I was halfway there already!
My companion, however, was in no way deterred by my apparent drowsiness. I felt rather than saw that she had seated herself right next to me. I moaned sleepily and turned onto my face in an attempt to hide my top half. Without my dress and with no bra, that part of me was completely bare.
“That’s it. Get comfortable.” I heard her murmur of encouragement. “Let’s take these off, shall we?”
Her action suited her words. My borrowed pantyhose was eased from my hips before being peeled all the way down my legs.
“Must look after these. Expensive!" She carefully laid them aside. Then I felt my panties being pulled from my butt.
Laughing merrily, she rolled me onto my back to complete the removal. With a last resolve I continued the roll onto my belly. It was too much for my head. The alcohol in that final drink kicked in. I slipped from consciousness, down a deep dark well of oblivion and knew no more.
When I woke, I was alone with just the bed quilt thrown over me. I was naked under it apart from my panties. My head split in two. Thirstily I drank a glass of water that was on the bedside table then lay back exhausted. Instantly I fell asleep again.
It was late morning when I next came to. Karen was opening the drapes and the sun was streaming in. She was a little more decently covered than before. A silk nightdress adorned her elegant form. She looked good but the curl of her lip conveyed to me that she was not in a happy mood.
“What time is it? I muttered drowsily.
“It’s nearly 11am” she snapped, “though what that has to do with anything, I can’t pretend to guess. This is the third time I’ve tried to rouse you.”
“What’s the matter?” Now I was fully awake I tried my best to sound innocent. The source of her disappointment wasn’t hard to surmise.
“Don’t ask! You can surely guess after last night. I’m sore at you!”
“Shouldn’t you be pleased with me, after I helped you get rid of your boyfriend?” I hazarded.
“Oh, that? Yes, thanks a heap.” The tall girl sounded grumpier than ever. “I’m left without anyone. If I end up dying an old maid, I’ll be glad to remember that it’s all your fault that Ryan deserted me!”
The mental gymnastics required to keep pace with Karen’s reasoning left me far behind. I lay back mouthing like a goldfish, unable make any coherent protest.
“You had better be prepared to take his place for now” she went on insinuatingly. “Don’t you see?” she appealed with those puppy dog eyes. “If you are the one to blame for smashing up a relationship the least you can do is try and make amends.”
Blame! Smashing up! This was too much. Despairingly I was left grasping at straws. I could guess what was really upsetting her and tried to use it to divert her wayward train of logic. “Last night I must have been very tipsy. I don’t drink very often.”
“You certainly were of no use to a woman in her hour of need” she scolded. “I hope you realise that I put on my best lingerie entirely for you… and all you could do was to fall asleep on me.”
“Sorry!” Actually, I was anything but sorry. I was mightily relieved at my narrow escape. A love affair with the volatile girl was the last thing I wanted, even if the sight of her was causing some disturbance in my nether regions right now.
She pouted “My prettiest underwear needs to go in the laundry and all for nothing! I ought to make you wash it for me!”
Her lack of delicacy stunned me. Unwittingly I had let the bed cover slide down and Karen regarded my exposed boobs with a greedy expression. “Put those away, can’t you? If you are trying to get me going, there isn’t time now.”
Hastily I covered up again. “Sorry” I mouthed.
“Oh, I might forgive you. This once, mind. Just remember that I’m owed a night of the most exquisite pleasure, okay? Anything I ask, you deliver. Got it?” She turned and stalked away to dress, leaving me staring at her shapely behind.
What was I thinking?
I resolved there and then that the imagined debt would never be paid if I could help it. I was a married… a married person, for heaven’s sake. It was understandable that I was having trouble getting my head straight. My erstwhile sweetheart was coming on to me after all this time. Back in the day I would have done anything to please her, but then she was completely uninterested in my advances. I guessed that now it was a case of forbidden fruit.
When I had washed up and was dressed in my own clothes again, I felt a whole lot better. I joined my ex-heartthrob in the kitchen. Her bad mood had seemingly evaporated.
“Breakfast?” she enquired in a honeyed tone. “What can I get you?”
“Just coffee, please.” I really couldn’t face anything else.
As I sipped the healing brew, I noticed that my companion was spending the time thoughtfully regarding me. Eventually she seemed to come to a decision. Her reverie was broken and she checked the clock. “Gosh! Is it 11:45? Mom and Dad will be back any minute. Will they be surprised to see you here?”
I got up from the chair I’d perched on, but my companion waved me back down.
“No need to panic. They won’t mind you being here, though there might be a few awkward questions.”
I certainly wasn’t up to facing inquisitive parents. “Oh, I’d better leave.”
Karen didn’t seek to delay me. “Okay. By the way, would you mind collecting the purse I loaned you last night from the bar? I’m rather attached to it. Just drop it in any time.”
“No problem, and thanks for the evening. It was … interesting.”
We took leave in the hallway.
“Interesting? I’ll say!” She drew me to her and planted a wet kiss on my mouth. It was of the lingering smoochy variety. “We’ll have to do it again. And soon!”
As I turned to go, she pinched my butt so hard it hurt. “So long, lover boy, or should I say, lover girl! Just remember what you owe me.”
With tinkly peals of laughter, in which I didn’t join, ringing in my ears, I turned to go, while she made for the sitting room.
Phew! Just to get away from her was a profound relief.
I was about to close the front door behind me when I realised that I had left my own purse containing my car keys on the side in the kitchen. I crept back into the house as noiselessly as I could. Perhaps I could retrieve them without encountering my former friend again. Making my way back through the hall, I was congratulating myself on my success when I heard Karen on the telephone. I didn’t try to eavesdrop but what was being said was clearly in reference to myself.
Giggling… “she’s just leaving now… yes, heading back to the bar… ok… bet you are going to have fun with that!”… more merriment. A woman’s voice was on the other end of the line, then “Got it… I’ll help you and you can do something in return for me… Yes!”
There followed winding up remarks indicating that the call was about to end. Wondering who she might have been talking to, I made good my escape. There was one word for my state of mind as I drove away.