Author's Note: Hmmm, let's see.. I have been accused of putting too much sex in my stories, I have also been accused of putting too little. Personally? I think all of my stories have just the right amount, like raisins. It all depends on the characters, the situation, the crunch. Doesn't it? Well, this chapter has a lot of crunch, well, s.e.x. I feel it was a natural progression, ha, but what do I know... I just hope YOU like it...
We were in the large closet in his bedroom, Beth and Max's bedroom. I had made it perfect, organized. I painted it white, I added shelves, string lights, more poles for clothes, more drawers for lingerie. The drawers were made for stockings, panties and socks, half of them were empty.
I was very comfortable inside here, I wished it had my clothes in it. There would be much more color, more variation, so many more heels. We would be tripping on them. Beth wore black, Beth liked leggings, she liked flats, Uggs, work boots. Her makeup was really the only thing feminine about her. She had beautiful features, full lips, long brown hair. She was a perfect woman, at least from the neck up. I could never compete with someone like her, I decided I wouldn't even try. I decided I would just make-believe I was as perfect as her.
"Mmm. Do you like the scent I put in here?" I smiled as I sniffed.
"I do, it reminds me of you, it's nice."
I was looking at Beth's shirts, her jeans on the hangers and Max was looking in a cardboard box on the floor, he reached in and pulled out pictures. I fixed my dress and sat, he kneeled in front of me. "Here."
I looked, Lula and Beth were younger, probably ten years younger, they looked happy. They were on vacation, they were at weddings, they were holding hands.
"She never told me." I touched the pictures, two beautiful women. These were the two women in both of our lives, I didn't miss them, I wasn't even jealous of them. I was quite happy for them. I looked up at Max he was playing with my hair.
"Are you okay?"
"Mmm, just surprised. I should have known." I looked through the rest of the pictures, there were about twenty, they were hidden, they were forgotten. "Do you know what Lula told me when I asked if I could wear a nightgown to bed with her?"
"She told me she doesn't sleep with women with fake boobs." I had a tear in my eye, "She was really curt with me, she was mad. She told me to sleep in my own bed in my effin' girlie bedroom." Max sat down next to me, his body close to mine. His arm around my shoulders, on my soft dress. "The next day she apologized, she almost never apologizes. The next week you and Beth came to visit."
I needed to get out of the closet. I needed to get out of this room. It smelled like me but there was too much of Beth inside it, the walls were closing in.
I walked into the kitchen, Max followed me. I was so excited this afternoon when he took me to get my nails done, the way he was talking to me, holding me. Then the bank, he told the clerk we were living together, he would be my emergency contact, they would put his name on the forms I had to fill out. All my new personal information. Then we had the dinner with the friends. It was wonderful, but now I was thinking about the two girlfriends, I was wondering why I didn't miss them anymore. Well, Beth was a little crass to me and I didn't really know her that well, I also felt I was more innocent than her. Lula just seemed indifferent, she didn't even kiss me when we said goodbye at the airport. She couldn't of cared less. Even her phone calls seemed so tame, so quick, she was always distracted. Hopefully, she was distracted by Beth. Now that I knew their history together everything made much more sense.
I was making coffee, I felt hands on my waist. I felt lips on my ear. "You looked so beautiful today in red."
"Did I?"
"You did."
"I am still in red, I am still in my flowered dress."
"Well, not anymore." And he unbuttoned the small top button. He took it down my shoulders, past my hips, it pooled at my feet. I was leaning on the counter, smelling the coffee, getting too excited. He made me step out of the dress, I watched him lay it over the chair, he smoothed it out.
He walked over to me, my back was to him. He squatted, he put his lips to my ass, feeling the nylon of my pantyhose, he kissed the outline of my bikinis, I felt his tongue.
"Thank you for the invitation to see your panties." He spun me around, I was still tucked, I was still flat, I was still so excited.
I felt him push against me, his nose taking in my scent. He got on his knees, his lips now on my belly, his hands kneading my ass. I felt him touch my 'clit.' I was getting hard, I didn't want him to feel me like that, I was embarrassed, I wanted to be more like Beth. I wanted him to see me as the new woman of the house. Maybe I should be crass, angry, a little mean. I bent down with him and put my arms on his shoulders, and we kissed.
"I like this, it's nice kissing in a kitchen."
He laughed, "It is."
My knee was touching his cock, his knee was pushing against me. We started to make out, we were moving faster, we were pulling into each other harder. My lips were all over his face.
"Hold on." He stood, he took me with him, I held on to his shoulders, clutching around his neck. I was a couple of inches off the ground, I felt only air under my heels. He had his hands under my ass, my crotch was pushing against him as I wrapped my nylon legs around him. His hard cock tried to break through his zipper. I started to bounce my bottom, started to push against his cock, I started to moan. The wonderfulness of the day started to seep into my psyche again, the way I was on edge the entire time, the way I was on edge in the car.
"Oh my god, Max," And he pulled me into him even more as I pushed against him harder. I imagined that we were fucking, I imagined his cock entering me, making me too excited, I couldn't breathe. I was thrusting against him, he was kissing my neck. I imagined him telling Beth about this, telling Lula, telling the table of couples. I screamed, I started to cum, I was still bouncing in his strong arms. I was biting his neck, scratching his shoulders, I was going slightly crazy. I was having an unbelievable orgasm.
I felt I was so wet. I was getting closer to finally letting Max get into my panties. He asked if he could take them with him the next day. He wanted a piece of me to remember.
It was a beautiful Friday afternoon.
"Hi, Megan."
"Hi, um, Sabrina. Are you still all dressed up?"
"I am." Megan would change my name as I changed my clothes. She needed to know who she was talking to. "I was thinking I would visit today, I haven't seen you, I miss you. I have SO much to tell." I was excited, I wanted to hang out with an old friend.
"Tell me now."
"No, I feel funny, I want to see your eyes when I tell you."
"Oh, Um, well not today then. No, today is bad, I'm still really busy. I will call you sometime during the week, let me go." And she hung up.
She had been rushing me off the phone ever since I moved in with Max, ever since Lula had gone away to Argentina. It made me upset, she was really my only friend that knew I was a crossdresser before Max decided to tell everyone else. No one at work knew yet unless the bosses said something. I knew some of my clients were informed, they all seemed fine with everything. I got texts and emails about it, wishing me luck, which I thought was weird but nice. I was surprised that Megan wasn't 'all in,' she didn't seem fine at all. Actually, she seemed a little annoyed with me, that wasn't like her at all.
"Mmm," I walked around Max's kitchen, I strutted around like I owned the place, I had been in here all week, it was nice. I wanted to feel more like Beth, I wanted to feel like a woman living with a man. I organized the few things in the pantry, I cleaned out some of the cabinets, I Windexed the microwave, the fridge. I was nervously cleaning. I made an appointment at the spa at Cali Mall, I would go see Amber, I would bring wine, and flowers, I would remind her about her husband.
I called Max at work, "Hi, sorry to bother you."
"Sabrina, you are never bothering me, I'm happy to hear your voice."
I giggled, I could tell he missed me, I could tell he was thinking how great life was since the two girlfriends left, I could tell I was taking too long to answer him.
"Are you still there?"
"I am, do you want to meet at the spa, at Cali Mall after work?"
"Sure, just text me, I'll get there in fifteen minutes."
This week I felt a little unbalanced, not unusual but I felt like the world was a little different, a little slanted. I felt like I was looking in the mirror in my new room, surrounded by my pictures, dresses, and wine-colored curtains. I felt like I could close my eyes and walk right through it, coming out the other side into Max and Beth's room. Lighter walls, curtains, smaller closet, so much more masculine looking.
We started watching more sexually explicit videos together. We were watching them in his living room, on his big couch, I was in his arms. We learned we loved watching T-girls and CDs give men head, while all dressed up, perfect makeup, long nails. We loved watching gurls strut, practice their walk, brush their hair. I started sitting in front of him, while his hard cock pushed against me, while he rubbed my breasts, my little 'clit.'
The best thing was I started waiting for Max at the front door when he came home from work. I wanted him to see me immediately. I was always wearing something sexy, spectacular, something that I wanted him to take off of me. Sometimes I would be on the floor, on my knees, just in limbo, waiting until he entered my life again. I felt I had no purpose without him. He would walk in and call me. He would smile and see me waiting. He stood in front of me and he helped me up. I leaned against him, my head on his shoulders, my hair in his face, my fake boobs pushed against his hard chest. I could feel the heat from his body.
"I love this." He would whisper in my ear, he would kiss between my breasts.
I would have drinks ready, dinner cooking, the house spotless. I was the perfect housewife, girlfriend. We always ate dinner together, I was making his favorites, we were shopping for things he liked, I was dressing in more and more sexualized outfits. One night I served him in a maid's uniform, another night I was a Hooter's waitress, another night I wore a crop top and the tiniest shorts, my ass cheeks were hanging out. Max was hard the entire time. When I wore the Oktoberfest dress he picked me up, laid me on the couch, and sucked my silicone breasts until he came. He was wearing me out.
Last night was so wonderful, my life was becoming so much more exciting, more sexually adventurous. I was once again on the floor, in the living room I had a view of the door, he called me as he walked in.
I got up higher on my knees, my hands on my thighs. I licked my lips, "I'm so glad you're home."
Max dipped down, kissed the side of my head, I looked up at him, he would never know how happy I was at this moment. I was happy but confused, that was my regular state of mind lately. He would never even be able to imagine what him calling me his girlfriend, telling his friends about me, or even letting me drive Beth's car was doing to me.
I leaned into his crotch, felt his cock hardening against my lips, my cheeks. I smiled up at him, licked my lips. I took his hand, he lifted me up. I led him away from the front door. We were in his room, now it smelled like a man, I changed the scent, this was his room, not mine. It looked like a man's room, there was now nothing of Beth in here. I put the few things of her's away, way back into the closet, on the bottom with her pictures. I had some of my things strewn around, a nightgown on the door, a bra on the doorknob, various tubes of makeup on the dresser.
I playfully pushed him onto the bed. I took off his shoes, his pants, his briefs. I stood up and I showed off my new pink dress. It was tight in the waist, with a full skirt hiding my hips, the top hiding my breasts. I looked like I was going to a wedding again. I took off the little belt, I unzipped the back, and let the dress fall to the floor.
"Max, do you like big breasts?" I was teasing, I was biting my lip, I was playing with my boobs. I was two whole cup sizes bigger than Beth. I checked the few bras that I found.
He was on his elbows, unbuttoning his shirt, he was smiling at me. "I do."
I started fixing my pantyhose, pulling them up tighter, smoothing them out. "Max, what do you like best about Beth?" I was now adjusting my boobs, adjusting the corselette, fixing the crotch. I was well covered.
"Um," He was watching me, he was looking at my legs, my five-inch sandals even my flatter than usual crotch. The part that I now knew he loved, made him excited. He told me numerous times he wanted to kiss there, take in my scent, rub with his nose and fingers. He spends so much time down there, even when we are in my room watching other CDs he rubs my crotch, my tight 'pussy.' He begs me to give him my panties when we are done. He stops paying attention to everything but me.
I wanted to know how I compared to Beth, he could have lied if he wanted to. "Well, did you forget, do you even remember what she smells like or looks like?"
"Ha, I kinda do, you are distracting me."
I got on my knees, between the naked man's legs, I rubbed his thighs. I made him stand, I wanted to put his cock in my mouth, I wanted to taste him, taste a man. I was ready to do this, I had seen so many girls do this online, I felt I would be good at it. I kissed the top of his hard dick as he watched, he ran his fingers through my hair.
I moved away. "So what do you like about Beth?" I wanted an answer, I needed to know. I wanted to treat him better than she did, I needed to know more about her.
"Well, what do you like about Lula?"
"Mmm, I have no opinion about her anymore, she doesn't even talk to me. Even on the calls with all of us. Plus I asked you first." I was being cute, my voice was quite high. I felt his cock rub my cheek.
"Ha," He had a big grin, he was coming up with something. "Well, she can't cook, she has no talent with color or decorating like you." He smiled, I think he just wanted me back on his dick. "Oh she's a terrible driver and, um, she definitely doesn't smell as great as you either, I love the smell of your hair, even your fingers. Heh."
"Um Max, this question isn't about me or my fingers," I wiggled my long nails at him. "It's about the love of your life, now on the other side of the world."
He laughed again as I started sucking him, he entered my mouth. He was hard, he was thick. I could listen and suck, I was probably ambidextrous. "Well, first of all, love of my life sounds a little much." I then went completely down his cock, it hit the back of my throat, I swirled my tongue all over it. "Oh my god Sabrina, wait, let me think, she is, um... she's very good in bed, she likes sex. She doesn't care much for public displays of intimacy, or lingerie, heh, but she does like sex. I made love to her the first day we met."
I pulled my lips slowly from his cock. A string of pre-cum dangled between us. "I would never let you make love to me on our first date." I licked his balls, I put them in my mouth, and sucked. He started to moan. "I would need to get to know you first. I don't sleep with ANYone I just meet."
"That's nice."
"Is it? It's not sexy, I'm sorry."
He put his hand on my cheek, he wanted me to look at him. His hard dick was still in my mouth as I gave him eye contact. "You are very sexy. The first time I saw you, last Halloween, jezzus. I made Beth rub me in the car, right down the block from your old house."
I started sucking harder, his cock was hitting the back of my throat.
"I told Beth that her ass looked incredible and she was making me excited, I lied."
"Men. Are you lying now, do you really find me attractive? You can tell me, I can take it."
He was shaking his head, looking into my eyes. "Come here." I moved up, I leaned on his body, his hard cock now between us. We started to kiss. "I think you are very beautiful. I think about you at night, I imagine sneaking into your bed, holding you against me, coming all over you or inside you."
That last part started to make me even more excited, he knew every freaking button to push. He fell back onto the bed, I climbed on top of him and made my way back to his cock. My little 'clit' was tucked into the panty girdle but I started to feel for it anyway, I was excited I was about to cum.
"Ahh, Max, oh my god..." I wanted his dick in my mouth when I came. I slid down but I couldn't catch my breath, his cock was now rubbing on my pink lips, I was coming into my silk white bikinis once again, the ones hidden by my foundation garments. I didn't look that sexy, things would change. I would be hotter than his girlfriend, I would love sex more than her, I would make him fall in love with me.
He put his hands back into my hair as I tugged on his cock with my tight lips. He went in and out, and I tickled him with my tongue. I sucked and licked, he was so hard. He grabbed the sides of my head and started fucking my mouth. I was letting him take control. We did this for so long, I was loving the feel of him moving in and out.
"Sabrina, this feels amazing, oh, god, uh, uh..." He breathed, he moaned, he was gearing up to cum. "I'm gonna cum baby." I slipped off his cock, I looked up at him, I smiled, I licked my lips, I wanted his cum, I dreamt about tasting him.
He started to pump himself, and then he yelled, he announced his orgasm, he came on my face, my breasts. I went down on him, I took him back into my mouth, I licked the length of his hard cock, I made love to it. I felt him roll around my chin, my lips, my cheeks, he smelled so good. I just gave my first blow job, a dream, a fantasy, why did I wait so long.
My eyes were closed, I felt my long lashes flutter, I opened them as he watched me. "Mmm. That was so great. I really liked that" I kissed the head, I kissed his stomach, I moved onto him. Slid up and nestled into his body. I let my scent linger on him. I wanted him to enjoy this, enjoy our time in his bed.
"Yes, baby."
"I made dinner."
"Fantastic, I can't wait."
"I want to sleep in this bed with you, but I'm a little nervous about it. I never slept with a huge hairy man before."
"Ha... well there's always a first time."
Well, it wasn't THAT night, but I knew it would be soon.
"Hi Anja, I'm here to see Amber?"
"Oh yes, she is expecting you, love those heels."
"Thank you, I love yours too." We compared notes, we compared outlet malls, she was very nice.
I followed her, I was carrying a hanger with the dress I wanted to wear tonight, I had a shopping bag of heels and accessories, I had a bouquet of daisies and two bottles of red Zinfandel. I had just driven to see Megan, went to surprise her, just to visit. They didn't know me, they told me she didn't work here anymore. I was confused, I needed to see someone, I wanted to talk. I was going to talk to Amber.
"So, hold on, you are transitioning, your girlfriend is out of the country living with a woman, and you are planning on sleeping with that woman's boyfriend AND living in his house?"
"Oh, okay. Sounds like a regular Friday in Malibu, ha." She laughed, Amber was quite unsurprised about my revelations. She told me she wasn't surprised about my gender either. "I have so many trans women and men coming in, it's nice, they are always so appreciative, like you. And you look wonderful, I am going to make you look wonderfuller if that's a word."
And we clinked our glasses. I asked her to have Anja the girl with the great heels join us, and the three of us talked as she got me ready. Got me ready for Max and to meet her husband.
Ninety minutes later I was in front of the mirror, Anja was fixing my dress and Amber was futzing with my hair.
Amber built me up from the skin out... She first put on my new breasts, I ordered them from a company in Japan. They were more like a breastplate, different than what I was used to. They were a perfect D cup, perfect nipples, a perfect match to my skin. I had on no bra. Next, they put me in a beige corset, shaving three inches off of my waist. I had on tiny white panties and nude pantyhose with slight padding. My dress was full of roses, white and red and a little green, it was exactly what I liked, it was completely different than what Beth would wear. It was nothing at all like what Lula would put on. The hem dipped just below my knees, it had little straps barely concealing the new breasts. I was showing so much cleavage, I wanted to make a statement, I wanted Max to be surprised to see me.
I had on a red collar around my neck to cover the seam of the forms, the two straps hid the other seams and Amber put tape on them to keep it hidden.
She dyed my hair, slightly redder and added matching extensions. My hair now came down past the middle of my back. I wanted to have longer hair than Beth. It was parted on the side showing off one of my ears, one of my newly pierced ears. I had a tiny diamond and under it had my clip-on long string earrings, they almost reached my bare shoulders.
Amber darkened and shaped my eyebrows, it completely changed my face, my look, I loved it immediately. My makeup was very glamourous, I felt like a different person. She put on eyelash extensions and I was wearing more makeup than I was used to. My lips were a soft red, matching my nails and toes. My toes peaking out of my five-inch platform sandals. A clear ankle strap and a clear top. She molded them with a blow dryer, making them feel and look perfect on my feet. She handed me my little white bag and I sprayed on my perfume. We took pictures and Amber got changed, she wanted to look as sexy as her client.
At Cali Mall, at the spa, we slowly became a crowd. Amber's husband was first. When he walked in he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her neck, she yelped. She showed him her salon, introduced him to everyone. He was planning on coming more often, planning on meeting her friends. Then Anja's boyfriend showed up, straight from work, sweaty, dirty, she made him change. I smiled when he took my hand, introduced himself.
"I love a messy, sweaty man," I told him, I was being silly, he kissed my cheek. I meant it.
"He's mine," Anja teased, she led him to the men's room.
Then Max walked in, I turned he was at the door, he had a huge smile on his face. I introduced him to everyone else. he took my hand and kissed me in front of everyone. He made me stand back so he could see my dress full of red roses, he touched my hair, my earrings, he ran his rough hands down my side, my rounder hips.
"Wow, you look incredible." He smiled, he kissed me again, his tongue mingling with mine.
"I always look like this, this is how I wake up in the morning." I giggled, I wanted to flirt again.
"Well, then tomorrow morning I will definitely find out for myself." And he did.
Weeks ago after my disastrous introduction to the Farmers Market, I decided I was going to find somewhere else to shop. Let Beth have her favorite huge monstrous superstore. I was going to find my own. My own secret places in Malibu, smaller, friendlier, and more ready to go with the flow.
I parked the little violet car, I loved getting out of it. I loved the little turn I had to make so no one saw my panties. I loved how I held the handle to stand in my heels, I loved smiling at the men after I bent over looking for my bag. I loved how my bag dangled off of my arm as I walked across the blacktop, I felt everyone watching me in my heels. I was nervous but not as nervous as before.
There was a nice quiet block not too far from the house, nearer the beach, a surf shop, a garden center, a small motel, and two brand-new restaurants. I wanted to get something different for Max, try something new, I walked into the Egyptian place, a restaurant, a little deli area. I couldn't read any of the signs, I smiled at the man and woman and little girl behind the counter. I pointed, "What's this? Could I serve it for dinner?" I smiled, I was being nice like usual.
The woman answered, I couldn't understand her at first then she said, "You won't like that."
"Oh, okay, how about this?" And I pointed to a meat dish in the window in front of me. She and the man made a face at me, I walked around, I would get something. I hated walking into a store and not buying anything. I found some beer, I bought two bottles, one for Max and one for me. I paid the three dollars and left holding the bottles. They didn't give me a bag, it felt a little weird.
I went next door. I looked at the menu in the window, there was a slight breeze and my dress was moving around my legs. I still felt okay, feminine, I was prepared to be ignored again.
"Hi, table for one?"
"Oh, no, hi, I would like something for me and my boyfriend for dinner, I'm sorry."
She smiled and motioned to me with her long fingers. I followed the woman, she had braids, I was in a German restaurant, she had a slight accent.
"I'm Gretchen, welcome to my restaurant." She gave me a big oversized menu with a big oversized smile and positioned me at the end of a long wooden bar, a huge man behind it. The restaurant was pretty crowded. I was a little tense as I looked around. I didn't like sitting in a restaurant alone. Especially without a book, I could hide into.
I put the two bottles on the bar and the bartender walked over and looked at them. "Apple? They don't know how to make beer in the Middle East."
He laughed as he tried to read the labels. "These have no alcohol, ha, I give you something..." He held up his finger, he served the two people next to me, and he walked back with two bottles, white, black and blue labels. "Now THIS is a beer." He put them in a paper bag, now with the two Egyptian beers. "Take those home. Would you like something to drink now?"
I looked around, I would love it, I was in a short full pink dress, I felt like I stood out too much surrounded by flip flops, tye-dye, and denim. "No thank you, I'm going to bring home dinner for my boyfriend."
He smiled, he was being so nice, he was actually listening to me. "Then you came to the right place. But try this while you wait." And he walked back over with two ornate glasses of beer. It was dark, it was thick, lightly carbonated. We cheered, we both drank, it was fantastic.
I licked my pink lips. "Mmm," I gave him a look, he knew I loved it.
"This is called Celebrator it is a doppelbock beer. It is a great, great German beer, it is my favorite. I'm Eric what's your name?"
He lifted up his glass of beer, "Now this is Sabrina's favorite too."
I went home that night and served German food to my German boyfriend. The waitress picked me out something. We had the German beer, he was very happy. Max told me we should do this again. He loved the beer, I could tell he was falling in love with me too.
Max and I were standing in front of the German restaurant, The Black Forest Inn, I told him this was where I found his favorite meals. He had his arm around my waist and there were four other people behind us, Amber and her husband, Anja and her boyfriend, we were a crowd. I have been here so many times the past couple of weeks. When I wasn't cooking or was too busy I took him home something from here. Always something different, but I always served him the same beer.
We walked in, I saw Gretchen, the owner and she hugged me. "Six for dinner? You are finally going to stay?"
I smiled, "I am, we are."
She called over to the bartender, "Eric, Sabrina is actually staying to eat and she wasn't lying about having friends, oh, and put on some music for her." She looked at me, and she giggled. She yelled back to the bartender. "And six Celebrators."
She led us to a round table, Eric put down the six beers, and soon we were able to talk to everyone, see everyone, there would be no extra wheel. Even when Gretchen sat down to talk, take orders, we were able to see everyone. No one would be left out of the conversation, no one would have to answer for someone else. We stayed for hours, we had wurst, jagerschnitzel, goulash, and of course, more beer, it was fun. I realized I didn't miss Lula or Beth or even their friends at all.
"Prost!" We called, we held up the dark beer. I loved it here. The Egyptian restaurant was closed, it was gone, it was turning into a dry cleaners.
When we were done we hugged and kissed each other goodbye, I had so much fun, I couldn't wait to do this again, I couldn't wait to visit Gretchen and Eric again. I felt so wonderful, now I couldn't wait to get back to the house, Max's room, let him make love to me. I was ready. Being with people, friends, changed everything. Being with the right people, made everything better. The beer was flowing through my veins, the conversation was still echoing around my head, I was loving being the new me, the new me in Malibu with new friends.
Music was playing, I was on Max's bed, I was holding my little mirror, I was putting pink color on my lips.
"I can watch you do this all night." He said, his cock straining against his briefs. I smiled, I let him watch, I pulled out a little brush and made it slightly darker under my bottom lip and over the top lip. I had a secret, I knew how to make my lips look incredible.
When we walked into the house, I made him hold my hand, I made him kiss me at the door just like he did all those weeks ago. I put my hair in his face, my breasts against his body, my lips on his shirt buttons. "Max?"
"Did you ever kiss Beth on this step, in front of the neighbors?" I kept on kissing his shirt, I was distracting him.
"Never, I never even kissed her in the car."
I looked up at him, I wanted to see if he was lying. "You had a terrible girlfriend. I feel sorry for you." I kissed his lips, he put his arms around me, his hands close to my ass.
"Um, maybe I just have terrible taste in women?"
I gave him a look, "I hope you are kidding, otherwise I would leave you lonely on these steps after that little remark."
"Would you?"
"Mmm-mmm." I was lying, I was just teasing I was enjoying myself way too much. I'm sure he did have bad taste in 'women' but now he was with me. I was planning on being very different for him. Once we got into the house we went straight to the bedroom. I wanted to change, I wanted to wear something sexy, something I could wear while he finally made love to me.
"Do you always get dressed before you go to sleep?"
I was slipping into a pair of black platform pumps, they would make me almost the same size as Max. I was 5'8" wearing seven-inch heels, I would be two inches smaller than his 6'5" height. Beth didn't know how great she had it. Why would she be with Lula, when she had this perfect man at home. I loved that he was so tall, I loved that his hands were so big. I loved that he probably weighed so much more than me, he made me feel dainty, even in my huge heels. I was checking my stockings, nude Walford's, expensive, made my legs look incredible. I wanted to tell him I always got dressed for bed, I went to sleep as a lingerie model, a stripper, I wanted to be in the correct outfit for my dreams, for the dress code at the door. I could tell he liked my sheer black nightie, my tiny sheer panties, my breasts almost completely exposed, the hem sitting right at the elastic of my thigh highs. There was no way Beth was ever as sexy as this, I was dressed like the woman of his dreams. He never had it so good.
I turned around, I lifted my hair, I shook my head. "All of this hair is mine." I smiled, I licked my lips, I could tell he was too busy looking at me, he couldn't even talk.
I cupped my breasts, "Tonight we are going to make believe that these," I moved closer to him, I smushed my breasts into his hard chest, "That these are real." I let him kiss me.
I put my arms around his neck as he pulled me into him. I love his tongue in my mouth, I loved tasting him. He loved lifting me, he wanted to show me how strong he was, how safe he would keep me, it always made me giggle being swept off of my feet. I now had my legs around him, my heels locked around his thighs. He walked backward and I eased on top of him, we were still kissing.
He was wearing only his tight white briefs and I could feel his cock straining to get out, I put my hand on it, made sure it was still hidden away. It wasn't. it was now breaking above the elastic band. We ground together.
"Sabrina, thank you for sleeping with me. That is my favorite part of being with you."
I looked at him, I smiled. "Is it?"
"I love that you are so soft, silky, you smell incredible. I love that you don't get mad if I stop holding you or we wake up on different sides of the bed. I love that we have this, I don't know, um, a secure relationship."
I was now on my elbows, on his chest listening. It was the first time he called us a 'relationship.' It was the first time he told me what HE loved. I started moving my bottom, his hard cock was coming to life again.
"I love that you are so beautiful, those lips, your eyes. Lula said you knew you were trans when you were eight, that's amazing."
"Mmm, I knew before that but I didn't know what I was, I just thought I was weird. All my friends, when I was young, wanted to watch those superhero movies and I didn't. I wanted to watch movies about weddings."
"Ha, we can watch whatever you want now."
"I like watching you. You are my favorite program." I giggled and slipped down his body, I hovered over his briefs and pulled them off. "Oh I am putting these in my purse for tomorrow, I want to carry a little of you with me all day."
He leaned up on his elbows, "Are you making fun of me?"
I pursed my lips, I was thinking, "Maybe I am." I went and put his cock in my mouth, tightly holding my lips together. I started to suck, lick, enjoy myself with a hard handsome man.
I was too excited, I knew where this night was going, I had to close my eyes but it didn't help. Max pulled me to him, suddenly he rolled me over he was now on top of me, he was looking into my eyes. He tried to pull my panties down but I stopped him. I must have had a nervous look on my face because he moved back up and kissed me, he nuzzled my neck, he sucked my breasts, then kissed my stomach. Soon he had his nose and lips on my panties, I was tucked down, he was making me excited.
"I want to make love to you while you wear these great panties." He looked at me and then his tongue was in my crotch, he moved over the silk and his tongue was now on me, then in me. He played with his fingers, his tongue, I was squirming, I couldn't believe I was letting him do this. He reached over to the end table and took a tube, he showed me, he put something on his fingers and rubbed it inside of me.
"Turn over, you are done on this side."
Soon I was on all fours, I felt the tip of his dick outside of my hole. My hole was wet, slippery, I couldn't wait until he was inside of me. I felt him rub his cock on me, down my crack, under me, against my ass. I started to move, I needed him. He grabbed hold of my ass, I felt I opened up wide and the tip of him started to enter me. He was slow, he stopped every couple of inches. Max was big, it was going to hurt but I was going to take it like a big girl. I was gripping the sheets, my knuckles white, my eyes were closed. He kept telling me I was doing great. Suddenly his hot body was against me, he bent, he kissed my shoulder as he pushed inside me harder. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe his manhood was completely inside of me, a man was inside of me. Soon we were fucking, I was moaning, it hurt. Soon we were fucking harder, I was screaming, it felt incredible.
"Lay on your back, I want to see you."
"Oh my god, okay." I spread my legs, he held my thighs, once again he pushed and he was in. We started to fuck, I was matching his rhythm. I was running my long nails on his hairy chest. I was looking into his eyes, I couldn't believe I had a man's cock completely inside of me. I wondered if Lula or even Beth would have expected this to happen. Beth would have slept with him the first night she moved in, Lula would have waited a week and then made him suck her clit. She wouldn't have even cared if he came. Me, big Sabrina in her heels and lingerie, I wanted Max to remember the first time he fucked me, I wanted us to wait until we were comfortable with each other.
"You feel so good," He smiled we started to move a little rougher, he was screwing me so much harder, we were moving so much faster. I pushed my little clit, I was hidden behind the silk, he was watching. "I'm ready to cum baby, are you?"
"I, I think so." I closed my eyes, I wanted to watch but I couldn't keep them open, I couldn't catch my breath. I felt a weird tickling sensation in my new 'pussy' I felt an electrical current taking over my body, I felt myself vibrate, and soon I felt Max shoot his sperm inside of me. My bottom was bouncing, we were making a sexy slapping sound, I wanted to scream, so I did. "Ahh..."
He smiled, he was done coming, he was done filling me up. I put my hands out and wiggled my fingers I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted to seal the deal, complete the relationship. He leaned down, his cock slipped out of me, and we kissed.
"Thank you," I whispered into his lips.
"Thank you too." He kissed me, licked my lips. I felt so wonderful, I imagined I felt his cum inside of me just like all those videos that we watched together. A man and a 'woman' making love, sperm filling up the beautiful bottom.
"Max, can you get me one of Beth's tampons, they are under the sink in a blue box." I smiled, he would do anything for me right now.
He came back with a full box, he pulled one out, he inserted it inside of me. I felt it make its way in, it didn't feel like Max's giant cock, but it was soothing, it was nice something was in there keeping his sperm inside of me.
"Just like that clip, we watched last night." He looked up at me, he shook my leg, I was miles away.
"Mmm, that's what I was thinking. We should start making movies like that, I want people to see how happy we are. I want them to see how great we make love."
We slid under the covers, I snuggled under his arm, my body in a ball. I felt so good I wanted to call everyone. I wanted to tell them we fucked for over an hour.
We had fallen asleep. Max got up, he was naked, he was shutting off the light, the music. When he got back into bed he kissed me, I wanted to tell him something. It was on my mind, it wasn't that important anymore.
"You know the day you and Beth first visited me?"
"Mmm, of course."
"Well," I moved up, it was dark but I wanted to try and see his eyes while I talked. "Lula said she wanted to see me all dressed up, I was very excited, I was even more surprised." He kissed me, he was looking at my lips. "I thought she was finally going to let me become more feminine, I was happy but skeptical, heh. I wanted to get her something so I booked ten days for me and her in Vegas, a suite at The Orleans, something to say thank you to her." I shrugged. "You know, just a thank you for letting me finally dress."
"Ahh, did she like it? When are you two going to go?"
"I never gave it to her, this afternoon I gave it to Amber and her husband. I told them to have fun." I moved down his body, I laid on his chest. I decided I was never going to do anything with Lula again. I thought of her disinterest in our phone calls, the questions she didn't ask. I was also thinking of those long-ago dinners with her friends, how she ignored me, how she pushed me to the end of the table, out of her eye-line. How she did nothing but talk about Beth the entire ride home. Maybe it was because I just had an incredible orgasm with Max, maybe it was the proximity to a hard body or just anybody who appreciated me, spent some time with me. I finally realized I didn't need Lula anymore, I didn't need to be the seventh wheel anymore either.
End of Part 4 of 6