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Dear Readers, Thank you very much for continuing to sample a new Wildcats story. As you read, think about a few questions. (1.) Is it clear? (2.) How much background do you feel you need to read the new one? (3.) What would you like to see?
Chapter Two
Terry watched Phil manipulate a bank of sliding controls on the big console that Warner’s installed in the new studio. He turned and said, “It’s great! We can fine-tune the sound coming from your instruments and the mics as we record. We control the volume and quality of each individual input. Warner’s also installed mics around the room to record a live sound. Everything feeds through twenty-four tracks here.”
“Sounds impressive, Phil. Let’s give it a try. I’ll go out and noodle around with a guitar.” Terry left the booth and grinned as he picked his Fender Telecaster off the stand. Lisa had given him her old Stratocaster she’d bought in a pawn shop. Sid Mack’s Allentown Music provided the new Gibson Flying Vee in exchange for public appearances. But the best one was an early Telecaster that Zoe’s dad had gifted Tasha.
Terry went to the wall and pressed a few buttons on an electric metronome. After getting a good beat, he strapped himself in. Turning on his small studio amp, he ran his fingers along the strings and the fretboard. Holding a pick in his right hand, Terry struck a few notes using his left hand to bend the notes a half step or more. He thought of Buddy Guy or Muddy Waters and wanted to achieve a Chicago blues sound.
Terry warmed up for a few minutes, then looked at the glass booth. Phil was waiting for a cue and clicked the bright red button. A lighted sign above the plate glass window said LIVE.
As the metronome ticked off a slow beat, Terry could hear the entire band playing inside his head. It was easy to feel Gina’s bass drum, her sticks banging out a 2/4 time. Tiffany’s bass would melodically find the rhythm and lay down a walking beat. Zoe would chose a counterpoint to his lead. And his sister, Lisa, would use their synthesizers playing piano and Hammond Organ.
Usually, the band warmed up by playing one of Terry’s compositions, Two-Thirty Blues. Of course, the women heard a tortured love song. They never suspected that he was whining about last period study hall waiting for the bell to ring.
No one heard the band playing except Terry. It was how his brain worked. Terry closed his eyes and felt the music run through him. He was at the top of a hill looking around at fields of wildflowers under a blue sky. He could hear the bees buzzing and the birds chirping.
When Terry finally returned to the present, he wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled as he felt the weight lifting from his shoulder.
Of course the tears were a reminder of his overactive emotional state. Hormones blasting through his system caused him to experience a lot of new feelings. Terry frowned as he pictured a line of high school cheerleaders yelling out, ‘Yeah, Estrogen!’
Terry was still struggling with his intersex diagnosis. He realized he wasn’t driving the bus. These days, he was barely hanging on for the ride. Tasha was in charge and driving the bus.
As he wiped down the neck and put the guitar back in the rack, he thought about the album they’d be recording. Richard had reminded them, “Better songs were downloaded as singles. And you know Warner’s wanted Wildcat hits to flood the world this summer.
Lisa smiled. “We’ll give Warner’s twenty songs, our greatest stuff. And each song will the best version we can record.”
Tiffany was nodding. “Good thinking. I say we work for the next few weeks playing and recording those numbers. We smooth out the kinks playing a Rendezvous weekend. and an afternoon concert for Sid Mack on his rooftop in downtown Allentown. We’ll be ready to lay down our final tracks before we fly to Atlanta.”
Zoe nodded. “Field tests make sense.”
Terry smiled, but was still worried. His fear sent chills down his spine. Filling an arena with fans paying a hundred bucks a seat seemed daunting. The band wondered if they were as good as all the hype. And when Richard talked about the Atlanta stage, it got worse. “It’s a hockey arena, kids. They held the NBA All-Star game there. It can hold up to 16,000 in the stands, not counting the seats they can put on the floor.”
Hearing that, they turned to each other and shook their heads. None of them felt confident about this. They hoped talking to Bill Wiggins would ease their concerns.
In the meantime, Terry wandered over to the booth.
Phil smiled. “Your guitar sounded great! Are you ready to hear your sound?”
Terry was nodding as Phil played the music through the studio monitors. He was listening critically. “The sound is great. Could you make it more three-dimensional?”
Phil nodded and showed him where the controls were located. “We can even run auto-tuning, too. But I wouldn’t want to remove the imperfections. It would sound too AI.”
Terry smiled. “You’ll have your hands full when we start recording this afternoon.”
Phil chuckled.“Yep. I’ve already given Richard notice. He’ll be in here working with me to get sound recording levels on everything. It’s the first time the studio is ready to record and the Wildcats need to give it a name.”
“What?” Terry shook his head.
“Sure. Your studio will get a recording credit if you plan to record EBR here. I already heard your reference to Music From Big Pink, the band’s first album.
Terry was smiling. “Those guys were consummate musicians.”
The eighteen-year-old amazed Phil. Terry had a very unique gift when it came to music.
A studio name. Terry thought about all the famous recording studios. Muscle Shoals in Alabama, Electric Lady in New York, Paramount Studios in LA, AIR studio in Montserrat, and Sigma Sound Studios right in Philly were his favorites. While their little basement outfit would never touch those shrines, it would be fun to give it a name.
As Terry was thinking about the studio, his phone rang. He looked down to see that it was Jenn calling. “Give me a minute, Phil. I want to talk to Jenn.” He turned and walked outside. “Hey, lover! How you doin'?”
“Lover!” Terry heard a man’s laugh. “No. It’s Tony, dude. Your lover’s standing right here with me. We bumped into each other getting coffee. Jenn and I decided to get the whole gang together. But Jenn said we needed a nicer place than my garage apartment. She suggested we have dinner in a restaurant. She said you’ll treat cause you’re so rich!”
Terry was trying to understand what he was hearing. OMG, Tony! A while back, he and Jenn dropped by to visit those guys before his planned intersex announcement went public. In just a few quick minutes, he’d explained to them that the fifth member of the Wildcats wasn’t a sexy twenty-two-year-old rocker chick but their nerdy high school buddy who’s discovered he was intersex. They hadn’t spent any time with the new Terry. He felt like he was still on shaky ground talking to his old buddies, especially Tony who couldn’t stop talking about the new hot chick, Tasha. “Sure, Tony. Great idea! Now, put my scheduling director on.”
“Great, see ya soon, dude.”
He was trying to keep his mind from spinning with the ‘what ifs’. Dude? He was far from a dude anymore.
Then he heard Jenn’s voice. “Hi, Honey! Surprise!”
“Yeah, Jenn. Surprise, surprise. Uh, what’s going on?”
“Aw. I can hear it in your voice. You’re getting all crazy worrying about this meet-up. It’s going to be good medicine, Rock Star. The sooner you start interacting with your old friends, the better you’ll feel. You’re getting worked up over this Terry/Tasha thing. Hiding out in the Wildcats world is safe and secure, but you’re missing out on the Allentown laughs. Public stuff like rides at Dorney Park with Brian, Don, and Tony.”
Terry sighed, “I’m trying to visualize hanging with the guys but keep seeing myself wearing Jersey Girl. Seriously, Jenn. What’s hanging with the guys going to do? I think you’re shooting from the hip here with psychobabble. Seriously, I don’t need any help.”
Jenn laughed. “Oh, I agree, lover. You’re perfect in every way. But, come on. You’re a wallflower. After everyone gets past your look, it’s going to be fun. You know, the same old, same old.”
“Uh, sure. Everything’s going to be great for you. Except they’re going to be staring at Terry in a dress. Their old friend is a joke, a freak.”
“You’re a beautiful freak. And they will have trouble taking their eyes off of beautiful you.”
“Yeah. Everybody stares at the pretend woman from another planet.” He could hear Jenn laughing. “C’mon, it’s not funny. I’m not ready to be a woman in a public setting. I don’t want to be sexualized.”
“Listen to you, sexualized! I understand. You have no incentive to look as pretty as you do on stage. Terry, I’m your coach. I’ll help you dress, and we can downplay the new girl growing in you.”
“I don’t have to hide with the Wildcats, but you’re stretching my mental limits. Terry’s not ready for PrimeTime!”
“C’mon, Terry. You won’t have to act differently or pretend you’re something you’re not. The outside world knows about Tasha of the Wildcats. But in Allentown, Terry can be who he wants to be.”
“Uh, thanks, Doc. Great advice to get my head spinning. I’ll be too sick with worry to enjoy this. By the way, when are you arranging this public execution, oops, gathering?”
“For tomorrow night. I’ve made a reservation at Buddha Thai. It’s upscale enough to keep your gang under control.”
“Okay, sure. I can see it now. I’ll be the appetizer along with hot and sour soup, summer rolls, and dumplings. Look at the boy in the dress using chopsticks.”
“Stop overthinking this, Terry. I’ll hold your hand and it’ll work out. You’ll be thanking me afterward.”
Terry tried to imagine what his friends would be seeing. Today, he wore a cropped tee shirt, lightweight leggings, ankle socks, and low sneakers. Of course, he was wearing a thong and a bra. He needed a thong for tucking, and his boobs were almost filling an A cup. When he went without a bra, his nipples reacted. They grew and were visible. He stopped and glanced at his reflection in the glass-mirrored recording booth. He’d gotten so used to adding mascara and lip stain. And now, with his shaped eyebrows, there was no mistaking his girly face. And piercings! His tattoos! Everything yelled out girly!
He cursed under his breath. His fantasy Wildcat life would crash into his old Allentown world tomorrow night. Thinking about a dinner with his high school buddies was making him crazy. He needed to stop playing the ‘what if’ games inside his brain.
When Terry walked back into the studio, both Zoe and Lisa were getting lessons from Phil. He tried to smile even though his brain was bouncing all over the place. “Hey!”
Lisa hugged him. Zoe gave him quizzical look. She sensed something was wrong.
Lisa was sharing. “Gina’s picking up Tif and bringing out an early dinner. Her mom’s sending over a vegetable lasagna and a big green salad. Come on. Follow me up to the dining room.”
As Terry followed them upstairs, Zoe grabbed his arm and leaned into his ear. “Something’s wrong. It’s written all over your face. Let’s talk later.”
Terry relaxed. Knowing he’d be airing his craziness with Zoe made him feel better. Walking up the steps, he did his best imitation of their beautiful blonde bass player. “You know, I can hear Tiffany letting go on Richard and Phil. She’d be saying, ‘We need a good Chianti! Something rich and full-bodied to go with this delicious food.’”
As he finished his imitation, Tiffany stood there holding a big lasagna in an insulated pouch. “Yeah, Little! You know it. It’s a sin to eat a great homemade pasta dish without a proper red wine.” She stared at Phil, directing her comment at his face. “But, it looks like mom’s eating with us tonight. Our prison warden!”
Phil held up two hands in surrender. “Hey! You guys have a month to make a record and I’m a big believer that all work and no play makes Tiffany a boring Wildcat. So, get out the wine glasses, and we can toast to our new, unnamed studio. Oh, and please stop calling me mom. Uncle Phil will suffice!”
Gina was carrying the big bowl of salad. “Hey, gang! Did I hear Uncle Phil say we can toast with wine? Coincidently, my mom sent over two bottles from my dad’s cellar.”
As they all gathered in the dining room, Phil talked about Atlanta. “I hope you’re ready to try out an arena. This hockey stadium in Atlanta is perfect. They’ve held plenty of concerts, and the acoustics are great. If you have any questions or concerns, Bill Wiggins is arranging a video call after lunch. In the meantime, how about limiting yourselves to one glass and drinking lots of water? I want you to remember to stay hydrated.”
As they munched, Terry looked at each of them. No one seemed too concerned about doing a show in an arena. He hoped that Warner’s head honcho would have some words of encouragement.
An hour later, everyone gathered in front of their big screen in the living room. After exchanging pleasantries, William Wiggins started their meeting.
“So, Ladies! How does it feel to find yourselves rocketing into the big time?”
Tiffany spoke out first. “Honestly, I’m scared about Atlanta. We’ve played to bigger audiences in New Orleans. But my big fear is we won’t sell out and have to play in a half-empty building. The Press would love to write about how the Wildcats fizzled out before they got started!”
Terry looked around to see everyone nodding.
Wiggins smiled. “I hear what you’re saying, Tiffany. It’s a valid concern and I’m sure your biggest fear is failure. But, remember. You’re an experienced band and know how to handle all your problems. You solve all your dilemmas and are confident that you've got it covered whatever comes your way, whether it’s a broken guitar string or an electrical problem.”
The Wildcats smiled as Bill Wiggins continued. “Okay. Let’s talk about Gimli and what experience he brings to this evening. The man has been in the business for twenty years and specializes in selling tickets in Atlanta. He has partners and won’t gamble with their money. He’s a sharp promoter, and if he’s confident that the Wildcats can sell tickets. We need to focus on that. Gimli wants to start promoting a show for the last week in May. I say we give him the green light.”
Lisa raised her hand. “We don’t want to look foolish or like losers. Up until a short while ago, we handled everything. Now we rely on professionals to steer us in the right direction. It’s disconcerting.”
“Right. I hear you. Phil and Richard are great people, and are good for you. Gina Dinardo’s dad is an excellent lawyer and financial advisor. And I’m confident you’ll be a sell-out in Atlanta. I see you selling out everywhere you appear throughout your summer tour.”
“Are they all ten thousand-seat arenas? We can do that?” Zoe looked skeptical.
Wiggins looked confident. “Yep. I bet you’ll be sold out in every town you visit. We’re going to be working hard to help drive the band’s success. Warner’s has the team and the experience. We’ve got contacts everywhere you play. Our advance people will start the ball rolling. We’ll have you interviewing with local radio station personalities, podcasters, online influencers, and on TV talk shows. After a while it just becomes a job. You’ll find yourselves answering the same softball questions over and over again.”
Bill Wiggins took a sip of water. “Not all your shows will be 10,000 seats. Certainly, weekends will be packed. We’ll all pitch in to drum up the audiences everywhere you go. You’ll be performing at State Fairs and festivals. Eventually, it all becomes a blur.”
“We’re not afraid of work.” Tiffany nodded.
“Well, remember that you have national fame now. People recognize you from YouTube, the Ellen Show, and the Tonight Show. Your website is constantly getting money for downloads. This band needs to realize how much buzz is going around. Your Fur Face song is an underground hit. You’re always being posted on Instagram in your furry costumes. You’ve got fans.”
Lisa smiled remembering how she was recognized in Nashville down in the tourist section. It was disarming, but she was glad to have her hunky cowboy with her. “Well, how about merchandising?”
“Good question. We have all the photos from your cover shoot. Posters, a tour souvenir book, tee shirts and apparel from Jersey Girl are being made to sell for the tour. A merch crew has been hired to tour with you. Set design, sound, and lighting are being dialed up right now. We’ll be testing all of that out in Atlanta.”
Terry watched them look at each other. They didn’t look convinced.
William Wiggins sighed. “Okay, well, I’ll let you in on a secret. Your hockey rink seats sixteen thousand in the stands and even more on the floor. But, if ticket sales lag, they can drag a huge curtain across half the stadium, and it will be a half-full house. They call that a dance party.”
Terry raised his hand. “Thank you. I’m feeling better. We’re just starting to work on the album, which is our first day in the studio.”
“Good. Speaking of your album, I just heard a rough cut of your live side, and it’s being sent out to you today. Remember, it’s a rough cut, so you might hear some electrical hiss or a balance problem that hasn’t been cleaned up yet. It’s one of the best live albums I’ve heard. When we release the double album in early June, you’ll easily sell out places. Trust me.”
After everyone said their goodbyes, they went downstairs to their instruments. Richard appeared back in the booth as Phil’s assistant, and they were getting levels on the mics and instruments. Everyone wore headphones to hear the directions and talk without yelling.
After ten minutes, Phil quietly said, “I think we’re ready. Turn it loose, Wildcats. Play “Run, Run, Gone” at full speed.”
Everyone turned and grinned. This was the moment they’d been looking forward to for days. They kept their headphones on to muffle the sound and protect their hearing. They were overjoyed finding a familiar spot, playing what they knew so well. And when Phil played it back to them, they couldn’t get the grins off their faces. As their lives were becoming more complex and decisions had their heads spinning, music soothed their minds.
They spent the rest of the afternoon laying down tracks and listening to them. Around eight o’clock, Richard kicked them out of the studio and told them that was it. “Go relax and let off some steam. We’ll start again down here tomorrow afternoon.”
As they put their instruments away, Tiffany yelled, “We’ll be running tomorrow at ten am. And we need to hire a personal chef to start eating healthier.”
Everyone stopped and turned to look at her. “Sure. To start the day, someone should leave the refrigerator full of fresh fruit, smoothies, and whole grain muffins. They can also prepare calorie-conscious lunches and dinners. I’m not getting fat while we sit around recording. I’m going to need to fit in my wedding dress.”
Gina laughed. “The big question will be our bridesmaid's dresses. Right, Terry?”
He was used to the banter. “If Tasha’s going to be a bridesmaid, the bride’s gotta wear pink. We can call Tiffany’s old designer from Jersey Girl. He’ll gladly make the whole ensemble for you!”
Naturally, everyone laughed as they took Richard’s encouragement seriously. It was a cue to call their honeys and disappear. Gina drove her mom’s car into Philly where Grace kept a small place. Tiffany disappeared with Mike with a smile.
Lisa collected Smith from upstairs. As they were headed out, she turned to Terry. “Hey, we’re going out to eat. Can we bring something back for you?”
“Thanks. I’m calling Jenn now. We’ll do something.” He waved as he reached for his phone. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself. You ready for me?”
“I will be after I get a shower.”
“You hungry?”
“Hungry for you.”
“Well, I’m hungry. So I’m taking you out to eat. Warning, I’m dressing nice.”
With that, Terry disconnected. He wandered upstairs and dropped all his clothes in his hamper. It was getting full, which meant he needed to do his laundry. He walked across the hall to the third-floor bathroom and turned on the water.
While waiting for it to warm up, he stared at the mirror. Before it fogged up from the steam, he stared at a teen girl whom he would have asked out.
He was drying off when Jenn popped in. She immediately pulled the towel away and held him in her arms. The contact heated him up, and he felt like he was melting. “Mmm.”
Jenn smiled and bit his lower lip hard enough to get his attention. “You’re dressing up for dinner tonight. Let’s get a move on. Our reservation is in thirty minutes.”
Terry wasn’t thinking; he just followed Jenn’s orders. His closet was packed with Wildcat outfits and it didn’t take him long to pick out Jersey Girl’s idea of a jumpsuit. It was light gray and the material seemed to glow. It had cap sleeves and tight leggings. It zipped up in the middle with a wide black zipper. He slipped on ankle-length boots.
He looked over to see Jenn picking out a cocktail dress. It was a strapless corset-style top with a pleated skirt. The fabric was dark blue with silver threads running through it. Terry watched her slip on matching pantyhose. With that outfit, she didn’t need panties or a bra. Locating the three-inch matching heels only took a minute.
As she was looking herself over, she noticed Terry staring. “What?”
“When Jersey Girl sent that one to me, I never considered it. You own it!”
Jenn kissed him, then smiled. “I enjoy looking good for my beautiful Rock Star.”
Once dressed, Terry added product to his hair and combed it straight back. The top was longer and dyed silver. The sides were close cut allowing his light brown hair to frame his multiple piercings.
He watched Jenn apply her makeup. When she saw him watching, she smiled. “You’re lucky that Glow Cosmetics gave you such a wonderful makeover. With your dyed eyelashes you can forgo mascara and eye shadow. And with your shaped and lightly dyed eyebrows, you don’t need to do anything. You have such young skin.”
As they drove off in Jenn’s car, his stomach grew tight. “Please don’t tell me that tonight's dinner is with the guys. Please.”
Jenn laughed. “I am cruel and mean, girl, but would never kick your feet out from under you. No. Tonight’s dinner is with my mom and your mom. I think it’s time we all get together. My mom wants to make sure your family is acceptable. You know, no two-headed mutants.”
“Seriously? She’s worried about my mom?”
“No. I think she wants to meet the woman that raised you.”
“What’s she going to think about me all Tasha’d out like this?”
“Oh, honey. Your mom has seen you dressed up a million times now. But my mom only recalls the skinny kid I haven’t stopped talking about for the past two years. She’s never met the woman I love.”
Terry gripped his seat rest tightly and moaned quietly. “I don’t know about this.”
Jenn smiled and patted his thigh. “Honey, you’re going to be fine. Fine.”
Later as they lay in bed together, Jenn curled up on Terry’s chest. “I think you make the best love after you’ve had a near-death experience.”
He sighed. “You’re right. That’s what this felt like throughout the evening. I thought I was going to die several times. The worst was when you announced your sperm bank plan. I thought both moms was going to kill you.”
“Well, after my mom’s scolding, you heard me promise I would wait until I got my Masters and my career going before I’d make little Terrys.”
“Yeah. For the rest of the night your mom looked at me like I was as crazy as you are. She stared at me like I was the sex fiend who wanted to impregnate her innocent, saintly daughter. Even after I explained my intersex dilemma and that I’m impotent and sterile, I don’t think she believed me.”
“Well, Terry. Your mom defended the sperm bank. And the way she proudly told her story, I knew my mom instantly loved her. My mom had to raise the two of us all on her own after my deadbeat dad abandoned us. That’s how we ended up in Allentown. She was broke, and this advertising agency needed an East Coast representative.”
“In all this time I’ve known you, where’s your sister? How come I haven’t met her? Is there a problem?"
“No. My sister and I get along well. I applied to some Universities in the Chicago area. My sister lives in Chicago. She has a business, a home, a dog, and a lover out there. We were raised in Washington DC, not Allentown. When we moved here, she was already in school. She doesn’t call Allentown home.”
Jenn got up on her knees and reached for a Kleenex.
“That’s where my mom stays when she’s out in Chicago on business. Even though mom’s central offices are in the windy city, she works the entire East Coast.”
“You don’t talk about your sister much.”
“Oh, it’s not at all like that. We are great and I talk to her a lot. We have separate lives, and she likes to draw some lines.”
“Well, my sister stepped out of the lines a while back. She has this successful clothing boutique that is doing great. She’d even had offers to sell out. My sister, Julia, financed her clothing boutique by working in the adult film industry. She did one of those pay-per-view daily shows pandering to voyeurs. She was quite popular with removing her clothes and putting them back on. But once she made enough money, Julia retired. So my mother has trouble dealing with the shade attached to her.”
“Is that a problem for you?”
“Not for me. She even offered to introduce me to her old agent if I ever wanted to make a lot of money.”
Terry laughed. “Well, Jenn. You can do whatever you want, and I’ll support you. It would be a status symbol for a Rock Star to have an adult film actress for a girlfriend. You and my mom can have all my money. Together we’ll have enough money for a lifetime. The Wildcats are just getting started.”
“Yeah, sometimes I think my sister’s need to make money that way was her way of releasing the anger she had after our father ruined our lives.” Jenn shook her head. “Looking at my sister you would never know that she’d spent three years showing off her body for money. I will give her credit. She drew a line and never had sex online. All she did was get herself naked and talk to people. She used to joke that it was therapy for many lonely men. She’d spent her time in different lingerie.”
Terry nodded. “When I meet her, does she keep all that a secret now?”
“No. She never denies it but has to be constantly wary of stalkers and predators from her old life. It isn't very easy. When she retired from that life, she disappeared from that scene completely.”
“You know, I understand your sister’s fears, which brings me another thought. Will we have a problem with the weird people? The Wildcats will be pushed out into the public eye when we start to tour. Will we need security to keep people from bothering us?”
Jenn shook her head. “Good point. People are going to be interested in you. But what happens when people start to hear about a gay drummer and an intersex guitar player in a band of women? I wonder what creeps will come out of the woodwork? Lots of crazies!”
Suddenly, Jenn looked shocked, realizing who she was talking to. “Oh, Terry. I’m sorry I forgot that you know all about crazy people. I guess you need to talk to Bill Wiggins and Jessica Jade. She and her fiancee might end up joining your tour as security.”
“Yeah, how's it going to work? Are we going to be in hotels every night or playing a lot of nights for two weeks and then coming back to Allentown for some down time?
“I’m sure all those questions will be answered soon enough. I suggest asking Richard tomorrow morning. And don’t forget, tomorrow is your coming-out dinner!”
“Ah, Jenn. Don’t remind me. I’m so nervous out right now. Dressing up in front of your mom and mine was a deep breath. It’s different being dressed and on stage. Dinner was real. There wasn’t any doubt that looking at me, I'd turned the corner. I’ve become a woman.”
“Terry, honey. You look beautiful, and you’re a Wildcat. You love it. Maybe someday, you’ll embrace Tasha fully.”
She pushed him down with her hands resting on his shoulders. “Just remember that being a woman doesn’t mean you need a man around to fulfill you. I know how much you love to be held and kissed. But don’t get confused over that. Everyone loves to be held and kissed. Don’t start shaming yourself because you let yourself go. You’ve discovered what turns you on. You love to get high and be squeezed and kissed. I know because that’s what we do together. And sure, you’ve gotten stoned and kissed a boy. You were enjoying the whole physical thing. That rush was pleasureful and your inhibitions let you enjoy yourself. I don’t think there’s anything gay when you’re intersex. I think you love everyone, boy or girl. That’s not bad.”
“That was the longest speech I’ve ever heard you say. You might be right. Sometimes, I lose myself in Tasha and forget who I am.”
“It’s whom, not who. Sorry, too many hours prepping for the GED. I don’t want to sound like a broken record, Terry, baby. Here's a big secret-you are Tasha! The two of you share a body.”
“Ha, ha.”
“Let’s face it, Rock Star. Remember that word transitioning?”
“You mean like moving from one sex to another?”
“Sure. I think you need to relax your rules about sex.”
He stared directly at her. “That’s easy for you to say because you weren’t standing there while I was making out.”
“Okay, ask yourself. If I’m there and you’re high, who would you choose?”
Terry thought for a minute. “Who’s in charge? I don’t trust Tasha. All joking aside, you are always number one.”
“Woah! You gotta share that with Grace.”
“What? You mean not trusting Tasha. Yeah, but it’s all getting strange. Too many of the things I love are girly. That could be who I am. I get so confused.”
Terry could feel the tears starting to flow from his eyes. “Look at me! I’m crying like a girl. I’m ready to sob into my pillow.”
Jenn held her lover tightly in her arms. They’d both gotten undressed and were wearing tees. Jenn felt Terry’s breasts as he sobbed and his chest heaved. “It’s okay. Nobody has to know about your loves and fears. It’s okay to feel beautiful. It’s okay to like to look at yourself in the mirror.”
Terry stopped sobbing and turned to look at her. “How’d you know?”
“Oh, honey. All of us cry in the shower and all of us look in the mirror. You forget that it’s not all girly. Guys are the same way. And yes, guys cry, too. It’s not the estrogen that’s making you into a different person. It’s you. It’s always been your nature, but you denied that. You were afraid to got there.”
“Sure. You’ve written sad songs, beautiful torch songs about love. That’s been you since I first heard you. And you’ve always been a skinny, quiet person who is happy just being part of a group. The cats love you because you’re a caring, loving person. There’s not a mean bone in your body. They see that and would all take a bullet for you.”
Terry was listening. He realized that Jenn had been sitting watching all those times while the guys horsed around playing video games. “Jenn, what happens to everything I’ve done with the guys when I appear looking like this? I can’t do a fake Terry thing anymore. It’s so weird, but this is me.” Once again, tears were streaming down his cheeks.
“You’re the same Terry. Sure, the undiscovered part of you is emerging rapidly. You’ve never been able to digest or run with it. Just imagine if all of this was happening in the classroom. Imagine changing so much daily that you can’t hide your changing body or even your expanding mind.”
Terry started laughing. “You know, I first imagined an alien inhabiting a woman’s body trying to move among the Earthlings. Slowly, that alien started to morph inside and out until the creature was the Earth woman.”
Jenn sat up on her knees and kissed him on the mouth. “You’re living that story. I like the fact that the story’s not over. It’s still happening. Ya gotta love it!”
Terry grabbed her hard and pulled her down into his arms. “I think it’s my turn to be on top!”
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Thank you for reading. I enjoy hearing your suggestions. This is the second half of chapter three. It's funny how it's much easier to write half a chapter at a time.
Terry picked up the phone. He smiled, seeing that Jenn was calling.
“No!” It sounded to him like she was laughing.
He decided to play it cool. “Well, hi, Jenn. How are you doing?”
“Fine, Terry. No, no, no.”
“Three no’s. I think you’re trying to tell me something.”
“Stop being a smart-ass! I just got your photo. You certainly look beautiful, but you need to have your head examined.”
“Why, Jenn? I thought you said it’s a casual place. What’s wrong with my outfit?”
“First of all, you don’t go into a restaurant with an exposed midriff. It’s like a sanitary thing, you hoochie momma. No bare feet, no bathing suits.”
“Hoochie? I’m insulted. Here I was trying to look nice.”
“Terry Nelson, you’re doing a good job of trying my patience and making me laugh at the same time. I commend your moxie for jumping into the deep end of the pool. But that’s not how you greet your friends.”
“Why? Isn’t that me now? Shouldn’t I embrace who I am?”
“Certainly. But you’re making me feel like I’m your mom and saying, “You’re not going out dressed like that!”
Terry laughed at the sound of her voice. She did sound like a mom. “OK, mom. So why not?”
“You need to garner respect from your high school friends. If you show up all decorated and on display, they will all respond to you like you’re working in Hooters.”
Terry laughed aloud. In a put-on voice, he said, “Hey, I guess this is the new me. The old high school Terry has evaporated into thin air. What everybody used to imagine he was, well, news flash - he never was. Old Terry spent his life disguised, trying to look like a boy. The old Terry was never a boy! And I think this is a great outfit to wear to his funeral. But, OK. I see your point about going into a restaurant dressed like this."
“My point is you have to think about what your horn dogs would think if you showed up decked out like Tasha does on stage. Tasha is a two-dimensional puppet, like an imaginary figure, like a character in a movie. She’s the stripper side of you and strippers wear everyday clothes, too.”
“Interesting. You’ve gone from calling me a hoochie mama, to Hooter’s girl, to stripper. Well, Jenn. We’ve covered a lot of ground in a few seconds.”
“Well, either way, Rock Star, you need help. I know Jersey Girl will send you anything you ask for. You need to get some stuff to wear around the house for the next month.”
Terry was grinning and shaking his head. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about how rock stars dress at home and kinda came up blank. Duh.”
Jenn started laughing. “Duh? You’re living with four rockers twenty-four, seven. Do the Cats dress up like they are going on the stage every day?”
Terry suddenly felt like he’d been pushed into a cold shower. He looked at himself and opened his eyes. The clouds parted, and he thought about his bandmates and how they dressed. “Good point, mom. What do you suggest?”
“I suggest you come downstairs and greet me in the driveway. I’m here.”
When he reached the entrance hall to the house, she was waiting there. He quickly looked her over and smiled. Jenn was wearing Jenn clothes: dressy black capris, a pretty white knit top, and a Phillies team jacket. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she wore mascara and lipstick. She was beautiful in a perfectly Jenn way.
She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. “Oh, my God! You’re a sexy, beautiful doll, and I want to take you upstairs and ravish you. But instead, I’m going to take you upstairs and dress you all over again.”
“Aw, no time for a ravishing?” Terry followed Jenn up to his bedroom.
“Mmm. You’re right. We should always take time for ravishing. Strip down, and let’s see what you’ve got on for underwear. You are wearing underwear, right?”
After Terry stripped down, she playfully ran her hand across his butt. He shivered with her touch and moaned.
She slapped him hard. “Keep the jeans look, they’re nice.”
Terry was pleased to see her tossing him a new top but sad that it covered the tattoo on his upper arm. When she threw him a new black satin hoodie from Jersey Girl, he hesitated. It was a sample they were looking to sell as merchandise on their upcoming tour. There was a large, colorful Wildcat emblem stitched across the back, but the whole jacket was piped in bright pink. He slipped it on and modeled the outfit in his mirror. He frowned. It was a woman’s cut and fit him perfectly. He was pleased it didn’t have Tasha’s name embroidered on the breast.
He reached for his black leather Jordans.
Jenn laughed. She saw him frown as he was staring at his image. “What’s the matter, lover? Too boring?”
Terry shrugged, “I guess not. But I’m still making a statement, aren’t I? I just look like me. Isn’t everyone looking for Tasha? Isn’t everyone expecting to see a rock chick?”
Keeping him facing the mirror, Jenn reached around and held him tightly so he continued to stare at himself in the mirror. She nuzzled his ears and bit an earlobe. “You are the real Terry, not your stage fictional character, Tasha. You can still be a rock star without all the trappings. You’ve been wearing these clothes every day since you started with the Wildcats. You’re not making a public appearance to sign autographs or take pictures with fans. This is just a dinner out with friends.”
He nodded. “Okay. I’m starting to understand your point. It’s obvious that I still need guidance to get this right.”
“Honey, you’ll meet your friends as the new Terry. Let them buy Tasha’s poster if they need a fantasy to moon over. New Terry wears bras and thongs because he has to. New Terry wears a touch of makeup because it looks nice. New Terry has curves. You don’t need to score points or make it all more than it is. Your boys will stand on Sid Mack’s Allentown Music roof when you do another concert. They can see Tasha and all the Wildcats dressed in their Jersey Girl finery. But there’s no stilettos in the band house.”
Terry didn’t have to think for a minute as he took Jenn into his arms. “You are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Marry me and have our babies.”
Jenn laughed. “Nah. I enjoy being the mysterious lesbian girlfriend of a Wildcat. I’m the woman in the shadows who everyone wonders about. I like it that way. But it would be cool to be a pregnant teen. So radical. I think I’d make the best parent!”
“You’re already helping me get it all straight. And you know, before Frankie knew who you were, she described you as an exotic looking beauty.”
Jenn thought for a minute. “Sure. Almond eyes, thick straight hair. I can see that. But my mom and I are different. There’s a lot of Cossack blood running through my body. And I’m certainly not a tea-pouring Geisha. You might say I have a temper.”
“I agree that you’re not a geisha, but you’re not a Klingon either.” He sighed and looked at his phone. I see that we have a problem. We don’t have to be at the restaurant for another hour. Isn’t there a way I can show my appreciation to the most beautiful woman I know?”
Jenn giggled and pulled his hand towards the bed. “Yep. I could use a sex slave right now.”
An hour later, they were walking into the restaurant, and the guys were standing up to greet them. Brian, Don, and Tony all wore collared shirts and clean jeans. Each looked like he’d showered and taken the time to brush his hair. Terry could smell too much Axe body spray.
He inwardly smiled. As he looked at his buds, he realized he was checking out their broad shoulders and upper body strength. Why was he noticing this for the first time?
Jenn grabbed his upper arm and whispered in his ear. “Do you like what you see, Rock Star?”
“Did they notice that I was staring?”
“Nah. Try to remember that boys are tupid.”
Terry didn’t have to respond. He blushed bright red and made a choking sound. “Oh, my God,” he thought! “I’m sizing my old friends up as potential boyfriends. Jeez, what’s happening with my mind?” But the guys moved towards them before he could discuss this issue with his girlfriend. He stood back behind Jenn to see how they greeted her
Jenn lifted her right arm up in the air and gave them each a quick hug, ending with a straight left hand to the chest moving each guy backwards. Terry admired how she could do this in such a casual manner without making it look stiff. What should I do, he thought?
Tony answered this dilemma by reaching over and grabbing him in a big bear hug. He chose not to return it by pushing his arms against his chest and separating himself from his big friend. He marveled at how solid he felt. It was like he was carved out of stone. For a brief second he felt his heart beat increase.
Don and Brian chose to stay back and just give him smiles without contact. He was relieved because the simple contact with Tony had him reeling. The man was big and strong. The first thought that came to mind was that he wanted to stay in his arms for a lingering moment. But fortunately, he heard the warning bells going off inside his brain. Terry realized he obviously was not in control when those thoughts took over. He made a note to talk to Grace about acting like a love-sick girl.
Brian was smiling and talking. Terry had to quiet his mind to concentrate. He watched his face, noting his nice lips.
“Dude, you have such a life. I’ve become your biggest fan. I taped the Tonight Show and have already watched it many times. And, yeah, I admit I did that for the Ellen Show, too. Those women are exciting to watch.”
Terry kept grinning, thankful Brian was drawing a line between the cats and him. He even called him dude. He briefly thought about Brian watching the band play in the privacy of his room and got a cold shiver running through his body. His blood pressure was going down, and the pulse in his ears stopped pounding. He just didn’t want Tony hugging him again.
Don was nodding his head and waiting his turn. “I never knew you could shred the guitar as you do. You are the best musician in the band. Pretty amazing.”
Terry realized that this was going to be OK after all. He wasn’t going to have to talk about his surgery or his changing body. It wasn’t going to be about him after all. And when Tony interrupted and said, 'Anyone else hungry?’ everyone’s thoughts turned to the menu. When the waiter arrived to take their order, Terry almost slipped and ordered at Singha, forgetting he was eighteen, not twenty-two. He listened to what everyone was talking about.
He realized that Jenn had hardly said a word. She seemed content to simply listen to what everyone said. Terry learned she was playing the same game Tiffany and Zoe had done with their admiring fans. She was asking questions, encouraging the guys to talk about themselves.
When the tables turned towards him, Tony looked straight into his eyes, saying, “What’s up, dude?” Terry was more than ready to respond with a question: “Tony, I really want to hear what you guys have been up to." It worked, and the guys were happy to talk until their dinners arrived. He chuckled when Don pointed at him and said to their server, “The rock star’s gonna pay for our meal.”
After everyone seemed to have eaten too much, they were content to just sit around, grin, and make small talk. Terry deflected all their questions until Don finally asked about the Wildcat’s schedule.
He summed it up with a brief summary. “We’re working on our album right now. Then we’re doing a weekend at the Rendezvous and another rooftop concert downtown at the music store. Finally, we’re headed to Atalanta for one more show before the record drops at the beginning of June. We’re going out on tour after that.”
Tony was smiling. “Oh, wow. You guys are really busy. Can you get us up on the roof again for your concert? I don’t think I’ve ever been close to so many beautiful babes.” He stopped suddenly when he realized he’d included Tasha in his beautiful babes category.
Terry ignored it and simply nodded. “Sure. We can get you up on the roof again. That’s no problem. I’m sure Jenn can get you passes from Richard.”
He deflected the rest of the comments, enjoyed listening, and occasionally made eye contact with Jenn. He’d never noticed how little she had to say.
Then suddenly, Don turned to her and asked, “What’s it like to have a rock star for a boyfriend?” He blushed and looked back at Terry. “Well, I mean.…”
Terry held his breath and didn’t say a word.
Jenn dove in quickly. “Terry is the best lover you could ask for. I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”
He thought about pronouns. The guys were fumbling, trying to figure out whether Terry was a him or a her. He just smiled and decided to let it go until next time. When would Teri be called a she? Thinking about that, he decided that once they were on the road, Tasha was going to move to the forefront and Terry with step back into the shadows. Since Tasha was a she, he figured that Teri would emerge as female.
As they walked out together, Terry stopped to pay the bill. Each guy patted him on the arm or the small of his back, thanking him for the dinner.
Brian sounded sincere when he nodded and said, “Hey, thanks, dude. It was great seeing you. And I am so happy for you. I can’t even imagine what your life must be like compared to slugging it out in the muck with the rest of our Senior class.”
Terry grinned while he was signing his receipt.
Don was listening in. “Yeah, speaking of that, dude. Have you thought about walking for graduation? You know, cap and gown and all that stuff?”
Terry was caught off guard. The first thing he thought about was trying to figure out whether he’d wear the guy’s red robe or the shiny, silky white robe all the girls wore. He also thought about the dress and stilettos he’d be wearing underneath. “Uh, I don’t know. We’ve got a lot to cover in May, and I can’t commit to anything that slows the band down.”
As they were driving away, Jenn whispered. “You’d look cute in a white satin gown, a mini, and bright red heels. And man, would Tony love to wrap you in his strong arms again. Oh, my God. Just think, you’d be close enough to feel his throbbing!”
Terry blanched and sputtered. “Uh, c’mon, Jenn! He caught me by surprise, and well, I wasn’t expecting my insides to turn to a jelly. Do you think anyone noticed?”
“Nah, baby. I saw your pupils get big and then glaze over. I do think it’s good you pushed away when you did before you started rubbing yourself all over him and sucking his face.”
“Jenn! That wouldn’t happen!”
“Oh, honey. I’d love to do a threesome with you and Tony. I bet he’d die in horn dog heaven having the both of us. And you’d get to wear your silky white robe and your stilettos! Maybe we can fulfill his every fantasy with you wearing a garter belt and stockings!”
He thought back to the first weekend when Zoe wore a baby doll and stockings. But the thought of Tony in bed with the two of them turned his stomach. “And what would you be doing while I’m being mugged?”
“Oh, I’d be taking videos to show our kids when they were old enough to watch. You know, ‘when mommy got it on!’”
“Jenn, that can never happen. I don’t want that! A mommy? Is that what I’m going to be?”
“Sure. Our kids are going to have two mommies. Baby, you know you want everything; you’re just too afraid to admit it!”
“Do lust for those guys?”
“Hardly. But I will tell you who I lust for.”
Terry held his breath, waiting to die.
“I want Gina and I know you’ve been there, and I’m jealous.”
Terry was at a loss for words.
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
another piece of a Wildcats Puff Piece. I should bring back their furries' costumes. Thanks for reading and leaving comments.
Terry quietly turned away as everyone was hugging and kissing Zoe, listening to her baby's plans. Out of nowhere, tears were streaming down his face. He was confused and didn’t understand what was happening to his emotions.
As he stood there feeling his shoulders quake, he realized those were tears of joy. He was excited and happy for his best friend. Jeez, he thought, what’s going on? He mopped his eyes and took some deep breaths.
Lisa had seen him get up and move over to talk to him. She pulled him close. “What’s up, Little?”
He grinned through the tears. Everyone in the band had taken his nickname, Little Shit, and shortened it to Little. Even his mom had called him Little. She thought it was a term of endearment. “Lisa, I guess I’m too high. Suddenly, crying tears of joy for Zoe kinda frightened me. But Isn’t it great that she and Bruno want to make a little boomer together?”
Lisa looked at him and smiled. Terry was a piece of work. As worried as he was about Tasha taking over and turning him female, he was behaving just like a girl. She hugged him just like she would another woman and squeezed him tightly. “I know. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Wildcat’s success would spawn lots of little boomers.”
Terry looked her in the eyes. “You and Smith?”
Lisa shrugged. “He’s perfect, and I’m falling in love with my hunky cowboy. But while Smith is feeling his age, I’m not. It’s too soon, and I have too much happening right now. I promise you that when it’s time, you and Mom can walk me down the aisle and give me away.”
He tried to picture wearing a fancy long dress and walking with his mom. He sat back down and listened to everyone talking about babies. Tiffany asked Gina, “Would you and Grace adopt a child together?”
Gina grinned. “If I had my way, sure. When things slow down, I picture us having a couple of kids bouncing off the walls with me. We could have a mini roller derby team. But the best idea is Jenn’s plan.”
Terry looked up, grinned, and shook his head.
Now that Gina had their attention, she talked about how Terry’s mom had used a sperm bank for both Terry and Lisa. They had been conceived using the same donor. “So Jenn called that agency, and they still have samples. She wants to be impregnated with the same sperm that made Terry and Lisa.”
Tiffany needed clarification. “How’s that work?"
Gina laughed. “So half their baby will be Jenn’s egg and her DNA. And the other half would come from the guy that supplied half of Terry’s DNA.”
Tiffany looked at Terry. “You can’t make sperm?”
“Nope. The insides of my body are all messed up. I’ve got some female organs inside making estrogen, but no male stuff. I was declared male at birth cause my body had tried to make male organs from a uterus. So I’m not going to be a baby maker. If we used Jenn’s idea, the baby would still be part my DNA, which is pretty cool. But I have to watch out because Jenn is crazier than me. She thinks it would be cool to be a pregnant teen attending college.”
Tiffany wagged her finger. “There goes all your money paying for a nanny and diapers.”
They were all enjoying their celebration when Lisa spoke. “Uh, I propose that we all take a five-day vacation. Let’s meet on Monday to prep for our concert at Allentown Music and the weekend at the Rendezvous.”
Tiffany smacked her on the arm. “That's a good idea. We’ll still have a whole week to relax before Atlanta. If Warner wants us to rerecord or mix something differently, it’ll still be ready by June.”
“If Warner has everything ready for release, they might start leaking tracks to radio stations and Sirius Radio before we even show up in Atlanta. Richard said they’d probably want some phone interviews to frame out the record.” Zoe nodded sagely
Gina hugged Zoe. “We really owe Rolling Stone an interview. After all, they gave us a cover based on all the hype.”
“Well, don’t act like our hype isn’t earned. We’ve kept it flowing and ballooning.”
“Yeah, Fur Face is still popping up on Instagram. But it would be good to play nice with the magazine.”
“And it would be fun to see what their reviewers say after hearing our disks. I like it when people talk sincerely about our album.”
Terry was thinking about their production. “There'll be lots to talk about. A live forty-five-minute side and twenty more studio tracks plus our original live studio recording of Summer Song. I’m hoping for a five-star review.”
“I’m hoping everyone remembers us at Grammy time. I want to get dressed up and stand on the stage, hooting and hollering like the complete idiot I am!” Tiffany was laughing.
Gina studied her carefully before wrapping her arm around her. She bore her weight, then laughed aloud. “Girl, I might be a moron, but you’re way too high. Somebody’s gotta page Mike to come take advantage of this Saint Barbie’s virginity.”
With the thought of Mike showing up, Tiffany was grinning. “Good thinking, Derby Girl. Wanna tag along? We can get naked and do a dance for Mike. And we can all play!”
Everyone turned and looked at Tiffany. She was totally drunk, high, and wasted when Gina said, “Damn, where’s the responsible adult to take care of this Swedish vegetable?”
Tiffany laughed. “Wrong again, moron. I’m not a Swedish vegetable! I’m from Jersey!”
Later, after everyone had helped Mike load Tiffany into his car, it was time to begin packing. Terry called Jenn and asked her if she was interested in a trip.
“Sure. Where’re we going, Rock Star?”
“You name it. We can drive, fly, or take a train. You pick.”
“Hmmm. Let’s go shelling. We can fly from Philly to Key West. I wanna swim, sail, and walk along the beach with my baby. You call the airport and your limo service. I’ll pack, and you can pick me up.”
“Sounds like you’ve thought about this. That’s a great, excellent idea. I’ll hop right on that.”
“Well, I’d really like to do Tahiti. But five days is too short. I’ve seen so many photos of private suites over the Bay. It’s a someday dream.”
Terry chuckled. “We could take a break from the tour when we get to the West coast. I think it’ll be fun to make LA a home base.”
“Hey, baby. I just thought of something. You got any summer clothes or beach wear?”
Terry froze and thought about getting undressed in public. He tried to breathe and think. “Uh, no. But I can call Jersey Girl and pick up some stuff on the way to the airport. I can book us a night flight so we’ll have time to shop and get something to eat.”
“Good thinking, lover. I am so looking forward to playing in the surf with you. Oh, my. Won’t we have fun!”
After Terry made a list, he called American and booked them two first-class tickets to Key West. They’d get there around ten tonight. Then he called Barbara at Jersey Girl and told her his needs: “Jenn and I are going to Key West for a week. Can you hook us up with summer clothes?”
“Oh, Terry. Of course. And we’ll pick out some cute stuff for Jenn, too. It will be fun to deck you both out in beach wear. And there’s the nightlife, too!”
“Uh, Barbara. Nothing too wild for me, please. This will be the first time Tasha has ever appeared in a bathing suit. I’m not looking forward to any photos.”
“Okay, before I run over to the Rittenhouse Square store and start shopping for you, what size is Jenn?”
“I don’t know. She’s five foot seven inches tall. She weighs one-thirty. She’s in good shape and wears much of what you’ve sent me.”
“Okay. This is going to be easy. When will I see the two of you?”
“Maybe around four o’clock. Is that going to work?"
“Oh, sweetie. We’ll make it work. You still have your band luggage?”
“Leave it. We’ll find some matching luggage for you and Jenn.”
After he hung up, he smiled. They’d really worked out a fantastic relationship with Jersey Girls and Barb. She’d gotten so much national publicity from the Wildcats wearing her clothes that she'd do anything to keep them all happy. He’d never heard her say no.
Richard always reminded her what a bargain she had. Barbra would laugh and say the Cats were worth paying six figures.
Terry called their limo service and told them what he needed. After he was done, he called LaCroix at the Rittenhouse. Barbara said it was a great restaurant and was close to their shop. She even said to use her name for a reservation.
He even called a service to arrange a place for them to stay. Terry grabbed a makeup case and a bag full of underwear. As he packed, he realized he’d also need summer shoes. He remembered an assortment of shops around Rittenhouse Square where he could shop for Tasha. Fancy, fancy, he thought.
He smiled as he realized that putting outfits together for Tasha was becoming easier. When they began their tour in June, he thought about a new haircut and color for Atlanta. Maybe he’d try extensions again, you know, something different.
“Rock Star, Barbara is the best. I can’t believe how sweet and generous she is. And you’re the best at buying your baby momma new clothes. But no hoochie high heels!
They’d walked across Rittenhouse Square and were drinking fruit juices. They’d had time to study the menus and watched as their salads were placed in front of them.
Jenn waved her hand. “I could get used to all this!”
Terry wondered how much he’d need to make with the band to keep her happy. Her love was important. “If it takes millions, you are worth it.”
“Aw, Rock Star. I was just kidding. It’s been fun to live like the CEO of Warner’s, but I’ll be happy in our Paris loft where you entertain each night in our little coffee house.”
He kissed her.
That night, they fell asleep in the chaise lounges on the patio of their Key West bungalow. The stars and a salty breeze coming off the ocean had them snuggling together under big, comfy quilts.
In the morning, they both dressed to go out for a run. Terry’s pink sneaks were broken in, and he’d gotten use to his spandex microfiber running outfit. They laughed aloud as they went through the village, avoiding the marauding roosters that seemed to be everywhere.
They slipped into the showers, then changed and went out for breakfast. As they were sitting there, Jenn looked over at Terry. “I love you, Rock Star. This reminds me of New Orleans after you weren’t murdered on the street.”
Terry shook his head. “You have such a way with words. Yeah, happy days that I wasn’t murdered. But the big question is, what do you want to do today?”
“I know. Lather with sunscreen, and then find a guide to take us to the best shell beach. Let’s remember to grab some collection bags to start a memory lamp full of shells. It’s gonna look great in your bedroom.”
Terry wore a soft green terry cloth top that stopped at his thighs. Under that, he was wearing a bikini that covered less than his underwear. But here he was, stepping into the ocean and leaving that cotton top behind. After a few minutes, he forgot about the embarrassment of having to show off Tasha’s body.
He woke up every day and felt those breasts. His clothes told him that his butt was growing rounder. And Tasha was out in public. Anyone could see the girl. “Jenn, I feel like everyone is looking at me.”
She laughed. “Yeah, well, you’ll get over it. You look like any other teen girl walking around in her bathing suit. If anything, guys will give you a look and move on.”
“Huh? Why?” Suddenly, he felt kind of disappointed. He looked at Jenn and couldn’t stop staring at the sun light, making her skin glow. Her body was so beautiful, soft, and curvy that he knew he could stare at her for hours.
Jenn grabbed his arm with both her hands and dragged him down into the water. It was warm enough to be a bath. As they floated along, she laughed. “Cause you are just a skinny babe. There’s not enough meat on those bones.”
Terry shook his head and tried not to slip under the waves. He stood his ground and grabbed Jenn, lifting her into the air. Swinging her around, he pretended to let her go as he watched her squeal.
“Stop that, you beast. You can’t be muscling your loving lesbian girlfriend unless you want to be taken for a masc!”
Terry put her down slowly. “Aw, I thought you’d like that. But what’s a masc?”
“A masc is a lesbian who feels more comfortable dressing boyish. You are not a masc.”
“Then what am I?” He’d already been told that no one would look twice at him. Now, what was she going to say to him?
Jenn wrapped her arms around him. “You’re a fem. A lesbian who is comfortable looking pretty and wearing nice clothes. Between what you wear each day and what you wear on stage, you are totally feminine."
“Oh, come on. You’ve worked hard to sound, look, and act like a Tasha. All your work has been successful, and you must be proud of what you’ve accomplished.”
He thought about it and found it hard to feel that way. He did everything for self-protection, not self-promotion.
They talked as they walked along the beach together, periodically looking in the shallow surf for shells.
“You’re right, Jenn. I’ve been Tasha to where I’ve lost my Terry self. I’m the undercover guy who’s lost who he used to be.”
“No, baby. You’re not lost.I’m still in love with the Terry standing right before me. This marvelous, complex person is gifted in so many ways. And so strong. You are dealing with all the distractions that would cripple a weaker person, and yet you are finding things to laugh about. Look at you. You’re wearing a cute suit, awesome sunglasses, and the cutest sun hat in the world. You are a fashion plate and are so relaxed about it.”
Terry wiped the tears from his eyes. “Look, now you got me all teared up like a crybaby. You give me too much credit. I’m a coward who can’t stand up to defend myself. I’ve let the world make me who I am.”
“Oh, my God! Not a chance of sympathy from me. Honestly, you are so big-time, no small peanuts here. You’re the bomb, the shits….”
Lisa called Smith from her limo. “Hey, what did I catch you doing?”
“Sitting with my guitar, drinking a cup of iced coffee. I’m scribbling down lyrics….”
“Hmm, let me guess. Nashville county song about your horse, pickup, and mom.”
“Nope. One guess used up.”
“Used up? How many do I get?”
“I’ll let you know.”
“A Texas song about wide open spaces.”
“A rage about bad drivers.”
She heard him chuckle. “Well, what?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here.”
“How’d ya know I’m on my way?”
“Figured the album’s done, and you’re taking some time off. When do you land?”
“Around eight. Hoping on a dinner flight. Can you find room for me on that mountain of yours?”
“You mean I have to kick all the groupies out of the house? Who’s going to shine my boots?”
“I’ll take care of all your boots, cowboy. I’ll even take Old Paint out for a ride to keep him happy.”
“You’d do that for my old golf cart? You’ll be pleased to see that it arrived safely. I was excited to see what a good job Yellow Freight did shipping it here from the Carolina movie set. My little Airstream had to be trailered here on a flatbed.”
“Well, I’m glad all your possessions are home for you to play with. How about the band?”
“Well, I’ve talked to everyone, and they’re itching to get started. The four of us had promised to do the family thing for a month before we started rehearsing again. But I can hear the need in their voices. You stirred up their juices in New Orleans when you invited us onstage. They want to play their music and hear the crowds.
“Yeah, I get that. We’re doing another rooftop lunch time concert for Sid Mack at Allentown Music as payback for all the instruments he’s gifted us. Richard got us some photos to hand out from our New York shoot. It’s going to be fun.”
“Well, a free concert is always fun because you can stay as loose as you want, and nobody complains. What else?”
“We’re going to do a weekend at the Rendezvous where the band got started, and then we really jump into the pool's deep end.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, the guy in Atlanta who booked us at the Underground Club wants to do an arena show on the first Saturday in June. We’ve heard they’re promoting the show, and ticket sales have been good.”
“Hmm. How many seats?”
“We’ll know about a week before the show. They can configure the place to hold five thousand or twenty thousand. But I think that’s reaching.”
“When’s the big drop? When’s Warner’s going to release your album?”
“About the same time.”
“That would be a big boost for ticket sales if your stuff was leaked in Atlanta early.”
“Yeah, that’s what we were saying. The promoter, Gimli, talks to William Wiggins. It might be a good thing to do. But speaking about that, what’s happening with EBR and Warner’s?”
“They’ve offered us a really generous contract. And Gina’s dad says it’s perfect. We can call the shots, and the company seems very interested in signing us up.”
“When’s that going to happen?”
“We’ll rehearse and talk about it. Signing is a no-brainer.”
“Hey, Smith, gotta run. That’s the boarding call for me and I’ve gotta go. It’s funny how Richard insists we fly first class. I’ve been so budget crazy to keep the band together for so many years, and now there are no brakes. Hard to get used to.”
“Well, don’t expect caviar and champagne when you get here. I’ve got a big pot of beans on the stove waiting for you.”
“Wonderful. My kinda guy. We can toot all night together….”
“I told them about our plans for a baby.”
Bruno turned and smiled. He kissed Zoe as he started the car. He’d finally got the old Tesla two-seater sports car up and running. “What did they say?”
“They were all pretty excited. Of course, they were also drinking and smoking, too. But you gotta hear Jenn’s plans to have Terry’s baby.”
“Really? I can’t wait to hear that. But when are we starting?”
“We can practice tonight and for the next five days. Of course, it means that we have to stop drinking and smoking for nine months.”
“Uh-huh. If I have to watch a baby developing inside me by doing one hundred percent healthy, you do, too. Only fair. This little boomer is going to be yours.”
“Sure. Sure. A little sacrifice is important. After all, this kid must have his wits about him.”
Bruno shook his head. “Just a figure of speech. How about her?”
“That’s more like it….”
“I can get a ride up to your place this afternoon. Would you be interested in having me do your hair for five days?”
“Five, huh? Then the album’s done, right?”
“Yep. We’ve sent it to California for the big bosses to listen to. Of course, they’ve had the live side since we returned from New Orleans. Twenty-one studio songs, including Summer Song.”
“I hear your stuff on the radio all the time. It’s strange to think my girlfriend is the drummer in a Billboard top ten band.
“Top ten? Get out!”
“No. The Wildcats’ Summer Song is climbing with a bullet alongside it. You’re rocking the downloads. How come you didn’t know?”
“I guess Richard didn’t want to distract us while we were getting this album finished. Will you have time for me between patients?”
“I’m looking forward to slipping you in between sessions. Mmmm, I can hide you in the back room….”
Tiffany stared out the windows. She was fighting to stay awake sitting in Mike’s front seat. “Oh, baby. Thanks for picking me up. I think I might have overdone it this afternoon.”
Mike smiled. “You had a good reason to light it up. It's not often that you get to release an album. You can take a nap at my place, and we can start back up again later.”
“But I was hoping you'd take me to the bed and tuck me in. I was hoping for some kissy-face.”
Mike laughed. “Yeah, well, knowing you, my dear. You’ll be sound asleep before your head hits the pillow.” He looked over to see his beautiful girlfriend sound asleep, gently snoring as they rode back to his place.”
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read another chapter. And I love the comments and appreciate constructive criticism. Big question: What would you like to see happen?
After their rehearsal, they all hung outside the music room on the stone patio.
“We sounded good.” Tiffany was drinking red wine. She would sit up to take sips but was content to lay on a chaise. “Real good," she said.
Zoe stared out at the trees that bordered the property. “Uh-huh. But it’s really what Little thinks about whether we’re ready. After all, he’s our musical director.” She playfully punched him in the arm.
Terry laughed and nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, we’re ready! I think we get better each time we play. We’re soooo ready. This band has grown so much.”
Gina laughed, “I love when you talk dirty.”
Lisa defended him. “Seriously, I think Tee’s right. Nothing like the discipline of recording an album to get us sounding tighter.”
Gina was still laughing. “Well, we haven’t played for a crowd in a while. You think we’re ready to shake that rust off?”
Terry grinned and turned to Lisa. “Absolutely! Hey, sis. How long do we play during our Wednesday concert out on Sid Mack’s rooftop?”
Lisa nodded, “Good question, Tee. We start making noise around 11:00 a.m., and we have to go silent at 2 p.m. Law.”
Terry smiled. “Tee, huh? Is that what happens when Terry and Tasha finally become one? Just a letter?”
Everyone was grinning. Another nickname had been born!
Terry walked out on the stage by himself. He had his Fender Telecaster strapped on. As he returned to his two Marshall amps, he fiddled with the dial touching his strings and listened to the resonance he could create. When he had it just right, he returned to the front of the stage and tapped on his mic. The sun was shining, and it was a perfect May weekday. The gates had opened at eleven, and everyone was staring at the one person on the rooftop stage.
Terry smiled fifteen feet above the crowd and whispered into the mic. “Hey, everybody.” The crowd roared, and many people called her Tasha, Tasha.
Now, Tasha felt the electricity running through her body. It was like somebody had plugged her in. As her heartbeat increased and her breath became shallow, she felt her pulse quicken. She kept reminding herself that this was a marathon, not a sprint. Everyone watched as she turned her back to the crowd and began to play.
The gates had opened at eleven. Everyone had to pass through security, so the lines took a few minutes. The crowd was patient. After all, they were rocking out on a Wednesday afternoon. Some people had started getting in line at 9:30. The parking lot was half full in ten minutes. That’s when Tasha appeared holding her guitar. She waved and then fooled with her amplifiers against the back of their stage. She’d already set everything up, so these seconds were all for show.
Tasha was dressed in Jersey Girl casual. Each of them was wearing different colors. She wore black, skin-tight, high-waisted capris that shined in the sunlight. She had a bare midriff and a banded bra top. As Terry had gotten Tasha dressed, he thought about how a lovely pierced navel would look. Her bolero jacket was silver and matched her shiny stilettos.
She’d been to Isabella’s salon yesterday, sporting long hair extensions. Since the sides of her head were close-cropped, she’d dumped a ton of product on and made it all into a crazy Mohawk. Gina and Lisa had helped her tint the ends a bright red. She used that same color on her lips and eyes.
Tasha frowned and looked at her band members. “Too over the top?”
“Definitely over the top and perfect.” Gina smiled. “I’m jealous that you get to be Joan Jett. You’re so electric, you’ll light up the stage.”
Lisa grinned. “You’re our glam punk rocker. I think you look more like anime than Joan Jett.”
“Yes, definitely a cartoon. What’s the blue hedgehog that’s in the movies?”
Tasha laughed. “Sonic.”
With that, Terry thought about the direction he was taking Tasha. He wasn’t hiding her anymore but bringing everything out in the daylight. He looked into the mirror. If you liked crazy-looking, skinny model types, Tasha was it. She was tall, pretty, and could easily walk a runway in high heels. She even had curves. And, well, Tasha looked like she liked what she was doing.
Tasha lacks a brain, he thought. She’s here for the applause and the glamour. She’s not a thinking puppet and just does what she’s told. The band tells her, and Jenn tells her. Everyone is in charge of her.
But I used to be in charge of myself. I used to have dreams and fantasies, but none were about being a Tasha. He never knew how exciting playing music on the stage in front of cheering crowds could be. All he ever wanted to do was play his guitar and write music. Now everything had changed.
He shook his head and felt Tasha’s hair sway. I’m halfway between being a boy and a girl. I’m halfway between Terry and Tasha. And the challenge is that Terry has to find a way to join the two together.
He stared at the mirror. Tasha is pretty, and everyone likes her. Terry was hidden in the daylight. No one ever looked twice at the tall, skinny guy with a nerdy look. But Terry was smart. He had a gift, a talent to write and play music. He was a genius when it came to music but brain-dead when it came to life. He was afraid to tell Jenn how he felt. He was a coward, afraid of rejection.
Terry knew rejection. He’d applied to all the music schools around the country. He’d made audition tapes showing off his songwriting and his playing. But every school turned him away.
He saw the path ahead of him. He saw himself as being happy and loved. But it wasn’t Terry walking forward. No, Terry was stuck in place. It was Tasha moving into the future. He saw all the doors opening for Tasha. But he was so afraid to let all his mind and body parts merge. He liked women. He admired them for their strength and determination. But he had none of those qualities. He needed to be stronger and more determined. He was even afraid to try to become Tasha because it might ruin things.
Maybe it was just being able to release some energy or channel her inner rock chick. Still, Terry was ready to light her afterburners and take off. She’d looked in the mirror, seeing Lisa and Gina standing behind her. She shook her head. “I’m not sure this is who I really am. It’s like Bowie and Jett had a baby named Tasha.”
It was laughs and hugs all around.
At quarter to twelve, the audience listened as Tasha played the intro to a Jimi Hendrix song, Little Wing. After finishing up the guitar intro, she stepped to her mic and sang the first verse. 'Well, she’s walking through the clouds, with a circus mind that’s running wild…'
As the crowd cheered at the sound of her voice and guitar lick, Tasha knew that she was the girl dreaming of moonbeams and riding with the wind. Tasha was a figment of their group's imagination. She had been brought to life by a committee, and Terry had stepped in to animate her. As time went on, a strange thing happened. Tasha became real. Whether it was the mysteries of science or the lure of being a superstar, she was no longer a puppet.
The crowd cheered at the mesmerizing sound of her alto voice. After that, Jimi’s song became a footnote of the solo she played alone on the stage. When she stopped, the crowd cheered.
As they clapped, Tasha blinked her eyes as if she was waking up from a dream. She smiled as she spoke. “Thank you, thank you. I’m Tasha, and I grew up right here. At Allentown High, everyone called me Terry, Terry Nelson. I’m still Terry, but I’m a Wildcat named Tasha out here. If you think it sounds confusing, take my word for it. It’s crazy! So call me whatever you want.”
At that point, she started counting a slow blues beat. Tapping her foot, she smiled. “This one’s called Two-Thirty Blues. It’s about being a twelfth grader stuck in last-period study hall.”
After bending notes and chording out a lazy rhythm for sixteen bars, a bass joined in, and Tiffany appeared from the other side of the stage. Her blonde hair glowed and fell over the shoulders of a gold jumpsuit with matching heels. If people thought that Tasha was sexy and cute, everyone knew that Tiffany was the real thing. With her blue eyes wide open and her smiling grin, she was almost six foot of fantastic woman. The crowd cheered when she appeared. The two of them faced each other across the stage while Tiffany sang the first verse of their song.
Climbing up my butt and dragging on my heels
Holding me back, hearing brakes squeal
Slowing me down by weighing on my mind
Keeping me chained and wasting my time
Tasha joined in on the chorus, and they filled the air with their harmonies.
I’ve got the two-thirty blues, baby.
Can’t seem to shake them off my mind.
Those two-thirty blues, baby.
Well, I get them all the time.
The crowd was ready to go wild. With all the excitement surrounding the band, Tiffany was too beautiful to be real, let alone an accomplished musician. As she finished singing, high up on a raised platform, Gina kicked her foot pedal, and her bass drum caught the rhythm. She waved her arms up, showing off her brushes. Then, she created a steady beat. She looked like a gym princess. Her sleeveless bright blue spandex leotard and matching leggings were covered in big, bold red stars. Her high tops matched that rich, red color. Gina’s dark, wavy mane framed a classic face with sparkling eyes and lush lips. She laughed out loud at how much fun she was having.
Tasha pointed to them and yelled, “These are my best friends, Tiffany and Gina!”
The crowd cheered as Tiffany picked up the pace. At that point, Lisa walked out and stood behind their synthesizer and began playing and singing the second verse. Everyone gazed at the beautiful blonde in the red party dress. With her hair pulled back in a high ponytail, no one could take their eyes off her. Everyone said she was the real Barbie, but only if the real Barbie could rock all night and take no prisoners.
The entire audience stared at the band until the sound of another guitar rang out. They turned their heads to see Zoe appear in a white sleeveless tuxedo shirt and emerald green tailored pants. Everyone watched as she moved around gracefully on highly polished, four-inch black patent leather stilettos, shredding her guitar. No one could look away while the whole band played.
Tasha, Tiffany, and Lisa shared the vocals, and when they finished the song, it was twelve o’clock, and the parking lot was full. The police had wisely closed the street to traffic, allowing people to crowd up along the sidewalks and the streets. It looked like all of Allentown had shown up for a Wednesday afternoon with the Wildcats.
When the song was over, Lisa moved away from the keyboard and fixed her mic to the stand at center stage.
Terry chuckled, remembering Lisa mentioning how the five-pound weighted mic stand was a handy weapon for stopping drunks wandering up on the stage when they used to play dive bars and small clubs.
Lisa waved, “Hello, Allentown. It’s so nice to be back. First, we must thank Sid Mack and Allentown Music for making all this possible today. Sid also outfits the whole band with all our instruments. And while we are thanking, how about another one of our sponsors. These are the wonderful people at Jersey Girl. We can honestly say that Jersey Girl is with us everywhere we go. It’s all we wear!”
She paused while people laughed. “But enough. Let me introduce my family. You all remember Tasha, Tiffany, Gina, and Zoe. We’ve all been around long enough to help bring two State Championship Volleyball titles to Allentown High.”
As the crowd cheered, the band gathered in the middle of the stage and talked. Lisa whispered, “I guess we’re ready to start. While we get everyone clapping, how about Zoe whipping them up with her guitar?”
Zoe nodded. “I’m ready.” She was strapping on the original Gibson Flying Vee her dad played with his band in the sixties.
Gina whispered, “Uh before we start, I want to share something. It’s been on my mind for a while.” She waited until everyone got quiet. and whispered, “I think I want to have Mike’s baby.” She looked into Tiffany’s eyes, who started to laugh at her drummer’s devilish grin.
When Gina returned to her drum set, she stood up and banged her sticks together overhead. The rest of the Wildcats held their clapping hands over their heads, getting everybody to join in.
With the audience clapping along, Zoe started playing. She held the audience in her hand and showed off everything she could play on the same guitar that her dad used to whip up his fans over thirty years ago.
Her dad, Conner, was off on the side of the stage watching the band. He was holding Amy’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Of course, she was beaming while watching her kids, Terry and Lisa, perform. The two parents discovered each other at a Wildcat Rendezvous weekend and hadn’t been apart since then.
As the band began their opening number, each member came into the song one at a time as the crowd clapped. When all four instruments were pounding, Lisa screamed like a banshee. She started singing the words to the music that had become their opening trademark after premiering it on The Ellen Show and the Tonight Show.
I’m a racer,
I’m a cheetah,
I’m a dragster,
I can beat ya.
I’m a missile,
I’m a rocket,
I’m a speedster,
I can sock it.
Then, Zoe, Tiffany, and Tasha joined Lisa at the front of the stage to sing together.
GONE, baby, GONE
I’m not gonna chase ya
GONE, baby, GONE
and I won’t miss ya
By the time the song ended, the whole crowd was singing along. Women loved this song because it was empowering. Guys loved this song because the Wildcats could rock it.
In the wings, Jenn and the guys all watched and sang along. Tony, Don, and Brian couldn’t take their eyes off the beautiful women standing only yards away. Jenn was watching the guys. She had a smirk on her face, watching her guys get all moony-eyed. She was focusing on one of the guys who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Tasha.
Tasha was totally in the zone as the band continued to play. Lisa had already mentioned that the new album was coming out. One at a time, they played each song, adding extended solos and repeating lyrics and choruses to build each number’s power. After all, now they were in the business of selling hits for Warner’s.
After the song was over and the band stopped playing, the crowd yelled out. In the silence, the bass started up as Tiffany walked over to the mic. The crowd roared, knowing what was coming.
“Oh, Tasha?” Tiffany spoke aloud into her mic as she played. “Oh, Tasha!” She played her bass, then smiled. “Oh, Tasha. You look so sexy. So sexy, Tasha. So sexy.”
Each time she did this, Tasha blushed. It still unnerved the eighteen-year-old to be singled out and talked about in front of the crowd. But it was all okay. She had to remember that this was part of the game. Tasha tried to steel herself up, knowing she had to do the same for Tiffany. Being a solo artist wasn’t in her nature, and the band knew that she needed a little nudge to get out there.
Taking a deep breath, she cooed, “Oh, Tiffany. You look so sexy tonight.”
The band had decided to power straight through their usual forty-five-minute set rule and play right up until quarter to two. This way, they could fit in a three-song encore and still be done by two o’clock.
When the show ended, Tasha was exhausted. She’d been singing and playing for two hours without taking a deep breath. As she was toweling down and wiping off her instruments, she thought about creating other songs that would showcase each member while some of them could take a break.
“Hey, Rock Star! You were great out there.” Tasha turned and wrapped her arms around Jenn. As she squeezed hard, she started to take deep breaths and find her center.
“Oh, baby, it felt awesome. I really needed to get out in front of the crowds. I’m the junkie loving that adrenaline rush. I felt like I was playing in the clouds. It was pretty amazing.” He kissed Jenn lovingly and held her tightly. Terry blinked a few times and looked around. He saw his mom and Conner, and then he saw his friends. Everyone was waiting for him to approach them.
It was nice that they were giving him some space for the rush to slow down and stop amping him up. Terry felt he should be shaking like a dog getting the water off its body after the big swim. At this point, he grabbed Jenn’s hand and headed toward his mom and friends. He said hi to Conner and then gave his mom a hug.
“How are you doing? The band sounded amazing.”
“I’m great, mom. I was telling Jenn that I think I really needed to explode after burying myself in the recording studio for weeks.”
His mom studied him. “Tasha looked pretty amazing out there this afternoon. She has amazing hair.” She touched her spikes.
“Yeah. I stopped by Isabella’s to get a mani-pedi and have her put extensions in my hair. Tasha needed to get spruced up for all the shows coming up. Lisa and Gina added color to the tips. What do you think?"
“Great, it’s perfect when you’re on the stage. Will you wear it like that when you’re out and about?”
Terry shook his head, feeling Tasha’s hair moving. “Nah. This is for the crowd. When we go out, everything is understated and conservative.”
“You said when we go out.”
“Oh, I did. Maybe I meant the whole band.”
“Are you still fighting with Tasha?”
“Well, sometimes I don’t have a problem with being a rock chick. But I’m still clinging to what’s left of Terry.”
“Would it be easier to just let it all flow?”
“You mean just give up?”
His mom kissed his cheek, then patted it. “Nothing to give up, honey. You’ve got it all.”
Just about then, the guys all surrounded him.
“Dude, you guys were awesome out there. You were meant to rock. Everyone looked so great!”
“Thanks, Tony. It’s a lot of fun!”
Brian was shaking his head. “Dude, you’re successful and rich. What more could you want?”
Terry decided to just smile and nod. He was tired of debating with himself.
Then Don stood close and spoke directly into his ear. “Hey, would it be all right to talk together sometime? And maybe text?”
another piece of the would have to be blueberry because they're in season right now....thanks for reading, writing, and leaving those kudos, too
Dear Diary,
If I was a fifteen-year-old, I would be excited right now. See, this guy I know, we used to be friends. To him, I guess I was just one of the guys. But now things have changed. Well, maybe it’s just me that’s changed. And now, this friend of mine, let’s just call him Don. Well, this friend of mine, out of nowhere, wants to talk, text, whatever!
But I’m not fifteen, I’m not even a girl! I’m a shapeshifter. I used to be like the skinniest guy in the class. No muscles, no development. At least I grew. Five foot nine is okay.
But now I’m shapeshifting. I’m starting to really look like a girl. So when my hips and butt started getting bigger, I wondered. My nipples got huge, and these boobies started popping out! Like no warning!
Well, I ran to the doctors. I had tests. But the changes kept happening. Good news. I’m not dying, I’m just intersex. It’s a biological thing. I’m told my body started this puberty maybe two years ago.
"I just don’t know, Jenn. He says he wants to talk or text. How’s that going to work. What’s he gonna say? It is creepy to think he might like me? What did you do when the guys wanted to single you out?
Jenn laughed. “Honey, it was really simple for me. I just told them that my heart belonged to another. I kept it short and simple. But c’mon, Rock Star. I told you to watch out. I noticed Don’s been staring at you. He was memorizing everything about you. And now you’re handling it like a fifteen-year-old girl! Whatcha gonna do? Are you going to practice writing his name in big, curly letters in your notebook? Dreaming about his lips?”
“God, Jenn! I’m regretting telling you anything about what’s happened. I never should have told you about kissing guys!”
“Fine. Don’t tell me anything. Maybe that’s the best way to get rid of me. Cool. Hope you find true love and happiness.”
“I’m seeing it now. You’re jealous! You think cause I’m turning into a female, I wanna have a boyfriend. You’re starting a fight cause you’re in a bitchy mood worrying about losing me! Is it cause I’m gonna be rich?”
Jenn stood there staring at him. There’d been no place for a costume change at Allentown Music. Tasha’s over-the-top Jersey Girl stage outfit and makeup remained on while Tasha and the band posed for selfies with fans and signed autographs.
Jenn couldn’t take her eyes off her the whole time they threw barbs at each other. She’d been with him since before noon. But she only had time to kiss him before he went out on stage. But as soon as he heard the screaming and clapping, she watched him change as soon as he hit the first note on his strings. And she looked happy, excited, and very Tasha.
Jenn watched her play, and then they hugged and kissed afterward.
Later, as she watched and listened from behind a counter, Jenn realized that her boyfriend, Terry, had definitely changed. This new three-dimensional Teri/Tasha was amazing. There were no boy gestures or boy-style talking. No, this was just how Lisa was handling this scene. Teri/Tasha were confident and beautiful. She signed autographs, posed for group selfies, and talked, talked, and talked over at the music store with the other Wildcats. Jenn had never seen her so energized, so excited. She wondered if that last kiss before Terry went on stage was the last one they’d ever have together. She’d be kissing Tasha from now on.
The first thing Tasha did when she walked into the bedroom was pull off the top and capris. “I don’t think these pants breathed at all. I was running around on stage wearing a rubber suit in the hot sunlight!” She took a towel and wiped herself off.
Jenn watched as Tasha prepared to take off her stage makeup and cold cream her face. She back-brushed her hair, curling the ends. She gathered her silver strands with a practiced hand and pulled them into a high ponytail. She picked a few tendrils loose that she sprayed and curled. She played with it in the mirror until she seemed satisfied. Jenn watched her smile contentedly. Then, after she washed and moisturized, Tasha carefully did her eyes with mascara, then used her fingers to add color stain to her lips.
She slipped on a clean tan thong and tucked it as she got the underwear in place. She pulled out a cute white lace bra and put it on.
Jenn watched as Tasha pulled up a tan tennis skirt and added a tight white tee. At that point, Jenn was trying to keep up with what was happening and what she should be thinking. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a skirt. It looks cute on you.”
“Does it? I wondered. Do you think it’s too short? I feel like it barely covers my butt. Yeah, my crotch is so overheated that the idea of wearing capris feels hot and heavy. You’ll tell me the truth. Am I too tall for this skirt?”
“No. It looks cute, and it does accent your butt. But I like it.”
“Jenn, I’m sorry if I lost it on you. I was feeling so good after the show. I mean, I was supercharged. It was a feeling I’d already forgotten. Boy, what an adrenaline rush. I mean, I’m still high.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for. I understand how having an old friend approach you is a little scary. But you need to know what he’s going to say. He might just want to talk, but didn’t you say you wanted to have more friends?"
“I do. But having Don as a friend is weird. I mean, we have a history. He was buds with Terry. And let’s face it, that Terry has left the building.”
Jenn blinked. “So are you finally the new Terry with an i? T-E-R-I? Or should I start calling you Tasha? You tell me.”
He looked at her and wiped his eyes like he was trying to stop a tear. “Uh, definitely not Tasha. Anybody that uses that name is talking to a Wildcat. I want my friends to keep calling me Terry, but I don’t have to correct spelling if it’s with an i.”
Teri stood up. “But I still have a problem with where you want our relationship to go. I have been totally upfront with you to the point of transparency. You seriously know my life inside and out. I think that’s important. I love you and am afraid that is getting ready to change.”
He started to pace around the room. “Here’s what’s bothering me. You remember when Gina was sad because she and Grace were on the outs. It had been weeks, and they weren’t talking. At that time, the three of us were walking on the paths around the house, and you whispered to Gina that she could have a romp with me to help her feel better. Do you remember?”
Jenn nodded.
“Well, when we went to North Carolina to do the movie, you told me that I had a responsibility to cheer her up. And so I did. And then I told you. Right?”
Jenn nodded and wiped a tear from her eye.
“Okay. So I’ve told you about kissing Amos and the sailor when I’d been drugged. And I told you how I made out with the guy at the Underground when I got high. And you know that I had an orgasm when I was getting my first tattoo from Bruno holding me down. And I was getting high and kissing with Gina at the same time. Right?"
He stopped. “So my question is, why do you keep pushing me to have real sex with strange guys? Why do you keep pushing me away? You’re telling me to leave the nest and fly away. Are you saying you’re done with me and want me to move on?”
Jenn had tears rolling down her face, and she made no move to wipe them. She just stood there and slowly shook her head back and forth. “No. I don’t want you to leave me. I am so deeply in love with you that I thought we were saying goodbye before the show. Because after the show, you were who you wanted to be. I get the Tasha on stage thing, but you really are Teri spelled with an i. I just thought you’d outgrown me.”
Teri took two steps and scooped Jenn up in her arms. “No, no, no. Never. I am always going to be yours, and I want you and I to have three kids - one boy, one girl, and one crazy intersex kid that we can love forever.”
Jenn sobbed into Teri’s thin white tee, and she could feel the dampness seeping into her bra and boob. She held her girlfriend tightly, rocking her in her arms. “I love you, Jenn. You are my heart, you are half my brain, you are everything.”
As they pulled each other’s clothes off, Jenn laughed. “Aw, and you looked so nice after doing your hair and makeup. And yes, your skirt is fine, but I think your legs are too long. But we’ll find something for you to keep your crotch dry and properly covered. But not now. Now I want to see you naked and in that bed.”
Later, after they both showered, Jenn helped Teri pick out a cute, sleeveless, beige summer dress with tiny tan hearts all over it. She assured her that it was the perfect length. She showed her by giving her a smack on the butt.
Teri yelped and grabbed her hand. “Uh, that hurt and felt good at the same time. Would you do it again?” She laughed.
“Oh, my girlfriend is just so evil. I think I might have to paddle some good sense into her!”
“Uh, speaking of good sense, what should I say to Don?”
“I don’t know. Talking on the phone is safe. You can always ask him to hold on while you mute it and think about what to say. Just don’t be lulled into having to help the sad guy out like Bruno did to you. Start off talking slowly and keep the pace relaxed. You can always find an excuse to hang up. Like, tell him that Jenn is calling you.”
“That makes me sound like your pet!”
“You are my pet. And if you can’t behave, you’ll get punished. Maybe I need to buy you a collar.”
“The first weekend, I was dressing up as Tasha, I wore a dog collar as a choker.”
“Uh-huh. I missed that one. But I should be wearing leather. I could be a great dominatrix.
“Uh, Tiffany was reading that Shades of Grey book cause she thought she looked good in black leather.”
“Whatever came of that?”
“No much. But Zoe and I were inspired to start our bad boys song. I still need to work on that. I need to write something to replace our use of the Stones, Paint It Black.”
“Okay. You’re calm enough. Go ahead and text Don and see if he wants to talk.”
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Thank you for reading. I cobbled up an intro for the new reader to better understand where this story originated. I posted it separately, and it's called A Wildcat Summer Prologue. (Imagine David Attenborough narrating it.) Let me know what you think. LM
Zoe smiled. “Thank you, Teri, for offering to use your name for our coming boomer. But I think Bruno will want to contribute to the name of our baby since he’s pretty involved.”
Lisa’s voice cut through the chatter. “Okay. So, should we head to the club now or in three minutes?”
Gina laughed, “For a pretty, smiling blonde surfer chick from Allentown, You still like to be in charge. Does Smith ever complain that his girlfriend has the need to be on top every time?”
Lisa grinned. “Top? I have no need to be anything but me. No driving needs to dominate him. I can be myself and feel quite at home with him. He brings out my best. But you’re right; I’m not the demure groupie who follows him. I do kinda express my opinions.”
Gina shook her head. “As in telling him what to do.”
Lisa held up both her hands in surrender. “Nope. But Smith likes to think out loud or share his thoughts. I have no problem expressing my thoughts. I guess if he didn’t like it….”
Tiffany laughed. “I’ve seen it. You two are still in heat. But what happens when that wears off?”
Lisa looked back at her. “You tell me. Do you still pretend to hang on every word Mike says?”
Tiffany laughed. “He’s quiet. I’m the one that babbles all the time. But shocker, I have never felt more loved.”
Gina scoffed. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Tiffany laughed and grabbed Lisa’s hand. “Don’t try to analyze it. You and Smith had found a chemistry that has locked you both together. I know that you can’t go one minute without thinking of him. He’s always in the back of your mind, and the need to scratch that itch is more than sex.”
Zoe looked over at her best friend. “Well, surprise, surprise. You sound a little like a psychologist. When did you get so smart?”
Tiffany looked across the table and burped. She smiled. “Zoe, my buttercup, I am only telling Lisa how I feel about Mike. I’ve never had a relationship where we’re both equals. I don’t need a man to rule me; I just want a partner. There’s no ring in my nose. I’m not his chattel.”
She stopped and used air quotes. “He professes his love to me freely without worrying about me using it as a weapon. He’s sweet and caring. He likes pleasing me, and I want to shower him with everything I have.”
Gina stood up. She moved away from the table in the restaurant. “Okay, everybody talks about their true loves for a few minutes while I call Grace. Suddenly, I have this need to profess my undying love for her.”
Teri watched her walk away. “I know what’s happening. You are all getting nervous about playing tonight. You may be confusing our big-time show in Atlanta next week with appearing at the Rendezvous this weekend. Me? I’m looking forward to trying out new things with a group of fans who will love everything we do tonight.”
They all turned and looked at Teri. She wasn’t dressed for the show tonight in a typical Jersey Girl outfit. She wore skin-tight calf-length white capris and a tight red tee shirt that exposed her midriff. Her tee had a discreet P for Phillies on the right breast, and the back had big numbers 00 and the name Nelson printed on it. Her hair was parted in the middle and curled under to give her a bob style. She’d even managed to create cute silver bangs. The close-cropped sides of her head were lost in her extensions, and many earrings adored both ears. They saw a new pair of red high-topped sneakers that seemed covered in glitter when they glanced at her feet.
Teri saw their glances and squeezed Jenn’s hand. “Uh-huh. Jenn and I went to the mall and bought some fun stuff. What do you think?”
Lisa laughed. “No wonder you’re so chipper. You’re doing a Terry throwback tonight. You look cute as a button, and obviously, you’re happy with yourself.”
Teri nodded and smiled at Jenn. “Yeah, instead of the mall being a test of my courage, it just turned out to be fun. Jenn made me feel like it was old times again when we’d just wander around and stare at stuff. We even went into the arcade and blew a ton of cash playing video games.”
Zoe laughed. “You can dress her up but still can’t take the eighteen-year-old out of her. You go, girl!”
Lisa laughed. “Okay, enough dress-up envy. Maybe tomorrow, we can all have a dress-down experience. I’m sure Barbara at Jersey Girl will be happy to make us some outfits that could complement some Philly sports teams. But it’s time to go work for our living.”
Robert gave them all hugs and smiles. “It’s just so great to see your faces. Hard to believe it wasn’t that long ago that Mike was helping you shoot your first live video here on a Sunday evening.”
Zoe gave him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s more than that, Robert. You always welcomed the band back when we were still working on our sound. And let’s all admit that we weren’t the same band back then.”
Tiffany laughed. “Let’s face it. We sucked. But all those years of playing together and Teri's magic made us who we are today. Robert, we wouldn’t be who we are today without you and your club.”
Lisa laughed. “Okay, before this walk down memory lane becomes a tear fest, let’s get to work.”
Robert walked with them up to the stage. “Phil supervised a crew that came in and set you up. I never knew that he could tune everything, including balancing out Gina’s drums.”
As they put in their ear prices and attached their battery packs, the band looked at each other curiously.
Lisa smiled. “I guess there’s a lot we don’t know about our managers. We need to find out more about each of them.”
Teri held down a C on the keyboard so they could all test their tuning. As each one smiled, they realized their instruments were perfectly tuned.
Gina nodded. “Well, Lisa, you’ve got your wish. “True love, roadies, a manager, and an album. Anything else?”
Tiffany laughed. “I would have never guessed that the Genie in the bottle would be wearing red glitter high tops!”
Robert stood on the darkened stage. He nodded to the crew in the booth, and a pin light illuminated him. Three hundred people who had rushed in the doors at eight-thirty to order their drinks got quiet. This was the moment they’d been waiting for. The crowd felt the electricity that they were about to spend the night partying with their friends.
“Okay, folks, and welcome to the Rendezvous, the best club ever. And now, I have a real treat for you. Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready to rock out?”
Robert watched as everyone started to cheer. When the music reached a crescendo, the stage lights came on, and he shouted, “The Wildcats!”
When they were still eighteen, Gina wanted a really cool name for their new band. She and Lisa had just invited Tiffany and Zoe to play with them. Those women were a couple of years older and had been playing in local bands together for several years. Lisa had contacted them and told them about her idea to form an all-girl punk band. It wasn’t an original idea; there had been plenty of tough chicks rocking the house.
After their first rehearsal, they discussed names. Gina kept pushing cat names. She liked The Lioness and the Panthers.
Tiffany was laughing. “Nah, way too lame. We need a name that separates us from all the shitty bar bands out there. People have to know who we are.”
Gina shook her head. “Well, I still like cat names.”
Tiffany faced off against her. “You mean little girl names like the Pussies?”
Gina shook her head. “C’mon. Just because I’m proud to be gay, it’s not like I need to wear a vagina on my sleeve.”
Zoe made her point. “The Stones had that crazy tongue album cover that made everyone think of how nasty they were. We need a name like that.”
Gina hopped back in. “You know, something that conjures an image. Maybe instead of a name, we should think of adjectives that should describe us.”
Tiffany looked at the drummer. Gina had been a massive shot in the arm when the coaches moved Lisa and her from the JV volleyball squad to Varsity. She was solid and quick, and there was something brilliant about her. “Adjectives? Fuckin’ adjectives? C’mon girl, and leave that school stuff out of it.”
Lisa tried. “Bold.”
Zoe smiled. “Powerful.”
Gina looked at Tiffany. “Crazy.”
Everyone remembered that moment, but no one was sure who said wild. But they all got goosebumps. “Wild is good,” Zoe had said.
“Wild Pussies.” Tiffany had a grin on her face.
Both Zoe and Tiffany had grown up loving another punk band. Four guys from Austin, Texas, had gone on and made fantastic music. They were called EBR, Eaten By Raptors. Tiffany was still on a crazy roll. “How about Eaten By Pussies or Wild Vaginas?”
After a good laugh and nixing Wild Vaginas and Wild Pussies, they settled on Wildcats.
Tiffany was not happy. “I’m not crazy about it. It doesn’t sound powerful enough. Seriously, Wildcats won’t fill people up with power or fear. It’s kinda like calling ourselves the Pussies.”
But the name stuck. Eventually, they agreed to become the Wildcats.
And woe to the drunken guy in a bar who disrespected the band or their new name. Tiffany stood six feet tall, and Gina, whose favorite sports were Roller Derby and Rugby, could easily take on anyone swinging a mic stand with a five-pound base weight. No one ever questioned that they could be wild.
They loved it when Robert yelled out, “The Wildcats”! It gave them even more energy as Gina started pounding her drums in a four-four time.
The rest of the band clapped until the whole place reverberated with that primal sound. Then, Zoe stepped up with her Gibson Flying Vee and let loose a solo with everyone cheering. The crowds had forgotten how exciting it was to hear her shred her strings in that small club.
It made them even more excited when Teri stepped up and played a counter-point solo that topped out when Tiffany started pounding out the place with her bass. The place was ready when Lisa stepped up to the mic and screamed, then immediately went into their opening number.
Everyone there knew the Cats. Everyone there had downloaded their songs from their website. Everyone there had watched the reruns of Ellen and the Tonight Show. They’d watched the Live from the Rendezvous and Live from the Underground tapes on their YouTube channel. And no one minded watching the Wildcats become famous and maybe a little rich. After all, this was Allentown; anybody who did well was a hometown hero.
The Wildcats hadn’t publicized their donations to local charities, although the site announced them. Their ticket did say in small letters that all the proceeds from their weekend were going to local charities, but the attention these places received helped their donations double.
Everyone sang along. They roared through Run, Run, Gone, and when they switched it up to Downward Spiral, no one missed a beat. They danced, sang, and drank up as the band powered through forty-five minutes of Wildcat songs. Richard challenged them to have one set of all original tunes, and they banded those expectations. They owned several hours of originals and loved to play and promote their upcoming album.
But they wanted to please their audience. When the second set started, they were pleased to see the band all come out with dry-erase markers and whiteboards. Everybody started cheering when Terry stepped to the center stage mic. “Okay, Allentown. One more thanks to Robert and the whole crew at the Rendezvous.” After the applause died down, Teri smiled. “It’s time to hear from you guys. It’s your turn to choose your favorite songs. Yell them out, and these beautiful women will write them down. Gina, Tiffany, and Zoe strutted around writing down songs as Teri approved them.
Teri only chose hits, not Wildcat songs. Lisa sat at their Hammond Organ and played roller rink music while the boards were filled. After that, they huddled in the middle, and Teri offered to run the set.
Tiffany smiled. “You’ve come a long way, Little Shit. Who would have thought that little boy could become such a superwoman?”
Teri wrapped her arms around and kissed her smack on the lips in front of three hundred cheering fans as they yelled out the lyrics to Show Me Some Love.
Finally, Teri returned to the mic and said, “Oh, Tiffany, you look so beautiful tonight!” Everyone cheered as she held her guitar and yelled, “C’mon and help me sing!” They started with Journey, then Bruce and Madonna, and for the next forty-five minutes, played the most popular songs ever to break through the Billboard hits. They finished with Sweet Home Alabama. When the set was done, and the stage went dark, five Wildcats stepped into the back, snacked, and used their private bathroom.
As Terri returned to take her turn in their bathroom, Tiffany came up alongside. She put her arm around her waist. “You realize kissing me on stage lit up my fires, girl. I used to think you were a cute little boy, but when Mike gives me the night off, I’m joining you and Jenn up in that third-floor bedroom. I gotta see what we can all do together.”
Tiffany walked her to the door and kissed her again. “There, I’m giving you your cooties back.”
Even though Teri had finally joined the other side, admitting that she couldn’t fight the tide, she still thought about Tiffany using what was left of his boy's brain. Boy brain, no brain. She knew that girls still excited her. Gina, Grace, and Tiffany were still fantasy dreams. She tried to imagine romping with any of them and realized that rolling and tumbling were foremost in her mind. Teri realized that she loved it all but was not into pinning some girl and making love to her. It would have to be a mutual giving.
As she was spacing out, Zoe stepped in front of her. “You all right. I saw how you glazed over coming out of that bathroom. Who were you fantasizing about?”
Teri turned red with embarrassment. “Uh, well.”
Zoe grabbed her around the waist. “You’re cheating on me in your mind, aren’t you? Who was it this time? Tiffany, Gina, or the lovely Grace Goldman. Damn girl, I can’t have you cheating on me.” She laughed and gave her a squeeze.
“Okay, ladies. Somebody has to crack the whip around here. You can’t be mooning over some fantasy; you must be on point. We’ve done a perfect job tonight but must end on a high note. I know Thursday is a warm-up, but those fans paid as much money as the crowds on Friday and Saturday night. And even though Teri is dialing down her look, we need to rock their socks.”
“Show Me Some Love, Summer Song, and Sam Cooke are musts.”
“Are we getting the cello out tonight?”
“Well, we’ll have time to rehearse a new version of Bad Boys tomorrow. It’s the same piano and cello piece but a new sad rocker attached.”
Lisa looked at Zoe and Teri. “Sure. That’s great that our writing team is back to work.”
“Aye, aye, General!”
Lisa wagged her finger. “It’s yessir, not aye, aye.”
Thank you again for reading. An apology for 8.1. I uploaded a rough copy. Sorry. In the meantime, constructive criticism is always loved
When Teri woke up to use the bathroom, she brushed her teeth. Still slightly disheveled, she came back and crawled under the covers.
From under those covers, a voice whispered, “I smell someone’s minty fresh breath.”
“Fe-fi-fo-fum….” Teri smiled and began to touch Jenn all over her erogenous zones while she spread kisses all over Teri’s body.
As Jenn giggled and tried to stop Teri’s hands, she whispered, “Somebody woke up on her good side this morning.” She kissed Teri back and tried to distract her by tickling. Jenn liked the way she could grab Teri’s extensions and pull her head back, exposing her neck. That soft flesh was just so appetizing, Jenn thought.
After a while, they both had to stop to catch their breath. As Jenn lay there enjoying the high the lovemaking brought her, she turned and whispered, “I love you.”
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Teri kissed her lips gently. “I’m the luckiest human being in the world.”
“You are sweets. You’ve got the best girlfriend ever, a rock band that loves everything you do for them, a million-dollar contract with a huge record company, and a baby on the way.”
The last line had Teri sitting up and forgetting that she was naked. The cool air immediately brought a reaction from her small breasts. “Huh? What did you say?”
Jenn wrapped her arms around her and dragged Teri back close to her so she could kiss the woman she loved. “Just seeing if you were paying attention. No, no pregnancy, yet, Rock Star.”
“Uh, Jenn. What do you mean not yet?”
“Well, honestly, I started thinking about Zoe’s big boomer plans. And with a baby on her horizon between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it seemed like the perfect time for us. And then I decided to postpone going to college next year so I could spend most of my time with my girlfriend. If those plans worked out, I could have the baby after you finish your summer tour. I could always start college after I get a handle on motherhood.”
Teri smiled but shook her head. “Okay. This all sounds crazy, but that makes sense.”
It was Jenn’s turn to look shocked. “Okay! I'm in as long as we don’t have to have a wedding or anything like that. I can’t see either of us in a wedding dress, but I can see myself pregnant. And you have enough money for us to have a nanny, an assistant, or whatever we need. We could travel the world with our little boomer as the band tours. I can picture you pushing a stroller across Europe and Asia.”
Teri shook her head. “Well, everything you’re saying is going at light speed. I’m still adjusting to being female and then she and her stuff. And now, suddenly, I’m supposed to see myself as a parent!”
They both lay there in silence until Teri spoke up.
“Jenn, I want to talk to my mom and see what she knows about infants. She’s a nurse and has all that experience. Right now, all I can think of are the positives. I want to hear what she says, especially about eighteen-year-old women becoming parents.”
“Onward, Rock Star.”
“What? The two of you are serious?” Amy leaned back against her kitchen counter for support. She was torn on what advice she should be giving them. Impulsively, her first words should have been no, no, no! But she really wasn’t sure after listening to the logical way that Jenn talked.
It was obvious that Jenn was brilliant and the best thing that had happened to her new daughter. Sharing the same sperm donor that she had used made perfect sense, and both Lisa and Teri were wonderful in every way.
Amy just stood there and thought about it. “You know, I’m really not sure about this. A baby takes up a lot of time and needs all your energy. It takes a lot of work to jump into.
“Yes.” She was happy to stop thinking about all of this for a minute.
“How old were you when you had Lisa?”
Amy smiled. “I’d finished nursing school, had dated off and on through college, and never met any guy I saw as a father and husband. So Lisa was born before I was twenty-five.”
“Mrs. Nelson, you handled it alone and still worked daily.”
Amy smiled. “I guess things are changing, and I can't be Mrs. Nelson anymore, Jenn. I think you better start calling me Amy or Mom. Back then, I was very fortunate that the hospital where I worked offered daycare. I would go downstairs, where it was quiet, to nurse her several times a day.”
Teri nodded. “Were there any roadblocks with being a new mother and keeping a job?”
“Plenty. It was all about scheduling. Lisa was with me twenty-four hours a day. I didn’t have a support structure available. I hate to be critical, but my mom wasn’t well and my father was useless.”
Teri had never heard much about his grandparents. He had never met his grandmother, and Amy only talked to her father once or twice a year.
Jenn pressed on. “Then, if I’m hearing you right, the only thing that would have made it easier would have been a support system.”
Amy hugged Jenn and looked her in the eyes. “I know how smart you are and love how you treat Teri. You will make a great mother, but is that what you want? Are you trying to have Teri’s baby to help your relationship?”
Jenn hugged her back, looking into her eyes. “Absolutely not! I don’t think that we could be doing better. I know that Teri has had her ups and downs dealing with her intersex diagnosis. Still, I think we are destined to be together forever.”
“And what has your mom said?”
Jenn shrugged. “I don’t know. We haven’t really sat down and talked about much recently. She’s been working hard for her company and has to return to Chicago on business frequently.”
“Is that where their home office is? Why is she here in Allentown?”
“She’s in advertising and sales. She’s worked her way up and now runs the East Coast branch of the company. She’s been pretty busy.”
“You are planning to tell her, right?”
“Yes. But she is just starting to see me as an adult. I know the courts see me as an adult, but my mom has trouble with that. She was still managing my life until she finally permitted me to withdraw from high school. However, I aced my GEDs and have gotten accepted at several notable colleges. She's getting better about it.”
Amy listened. “Okay. This sounds crazy, but I want to be on your side. I don’t want to shut out either of you by questioning your credibility.”
Teri looked at Jenn, then back to Amy. “That sounds like a yes.”
“It does. But my only negative is that the two of you should have some time to yourselves before children start to dominate all your mental and physical time. With Teri’s musical future starting to explode, you might resent her for not giving you and this baby enough time and support.”
Jenn nodded and looked at her love. “That might be a point we should consider before starting a baby.”
Amy smiled. “Well, I think your mother needs to be on board. If she can see you two as responsible adults, that will help. But you need to sit down and see what she says.”
Teri nodded. In her mind, things were moving along. “Okay, now that we’ve covered the important stuff, let’s get lunch. Oh, and Mom, why are you home today?”
Amy blushed. “I have an appointment at Isabella’s late this afternoon. I’m going away with Conor for a couple days.”
Teri grinned. “You think he’s going to pop the question?”
Amy shrugged. “I don’t think so. It's too soon. I’m just looking forward to a getaway.”
Teri looked at her mom. She understood how important Conor was to her. “Cool. Lunch?”
Jenn looked at Teri. “You’re always hungry. Amy, has he always been like that?”
Amy studied her daughter and hugged her. “No, quite the opposite. Maybe it’s all caused by what's happening inside her that’s burning up all those calories.”
Teri smiled. “Maybe it's because the band worked last night, and we didn’t stop for breakfast.”
Amy looked at Jenn and then at her new daughter. “You’re going to need a pediatrician and you are going to have to start taking vitamins. Plus, you can’t skip meals.”
Jenn smiled. “I guess that goes for both of us! Thanks, mom!”
Teri nodded. “C’mon, gang. I’m on the verge of ‘hangry.’
They got into Amy’s car and drove to the Charcoal Pit. As they pulled up, Terry moaned. “Uh, I hate to be the one to say this, but the Charcoal Pit hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes are not on the healthy list.” He pointed to the other side of the mall. “We can get a nice salad over there.”
After Amy drove home, they all hugged goodbye. After they picked up Jenn’s car, Teri got quiet.
“What’s up, Rock Star?”
“Lots of stuff. My mom might be getting engaged, and you are starting to take prenatal vitamins and thinking about your car.”
“Car? That’s new. I thought you never noticed cars. You can drive, right?”
“Sure. But I have no problem being chauffeured around. No, I think you need a big, safe car with all those bells and whistles that make you safer. And you’ll need space to carry around all the kid’s stuff.”
“Thanks for thinking about me. What did you have in mind?”
“Maybe a mid-sized SUV. One with a back seat and room in the back to carry all that baby stuff.”
Jenn looked at Teri. “Are you ready to shop for your baby’s furniture? And where’s this baby going to live? We'll need our own house, too. That means no sleeping in the band house.”
“Uh-huh. We can shop for a car and a house before we’re caught up in all the plans for the tour. And in the fall, you can start building a nest out of sticks and twigs.”
Jenn leaned over at the red light and socked her in the bicep.
“Aw, that hurt.”
“Wise ass. But we should figure out where I will be when I'm in my third trimester and can’t get around much.”
“Geez. This is all too real, huh?”
“Real is when you start thinking like a mother.”
Teri sat there reacting to what Jenn had just said. She suddenly realized that this great plan of Jenn’s was going to happen, and she'd end up being a mom to a baby. She tried to picture herself handling everyday things like diapers and feedings and being there, focusing on another person.
Jenn looked over and watched her. “Uh-huh, what are you thinking about?”
Teri shook her head. “This is real. It’s not just buying things and paying for stuff. It’s a full-time job to make sure our boomer grows up perfectly. I’m a little shaken, but I'm trying to understand that a baby is important. I wondered if I could still play music with the Wildcats and raise a kid. All of a sudden, I realized that I was going to have to give everything up to be a parent. And you said, a mom.”
Jenn smiled. “It’s not quite that crazy. Babies sleep a lot, and you kinda grow up with the baby. But I have a strange thing to put in your head. Do you want to share the nursing, too?”
“Yep, those boobies of yours are real and made from the estrogen flowing in your body. I’m sure they have all the necessary ducts to be milkers. We’d have to talk to the doctor to see if they can turn the milk part on.”
Teri shook her head. “Oh, wow.”
That afternoon, Lisa texted everyone to say that Gina’s mom had made two big lasagnas for the band's dinner tonight. Dinner was at six, and then they’d head over at eight for a sound check.
Teri showed his phone to Jenn. They were at her house, and she was getting ready to take a shower. “Cool. Does that include me?”
Teri nodded and watched Jenn strip down. She stood there looking at her. “Watchcha thinking?”
“That you can make a baby for us.”
“Two or three.”
“Would you still want to attend college and get a degree?”
“Sure. Your mom worked the whole time she raised the two of you, and everything was good.”
Teri shook his head. “I’m just having trouble visualizing the whole thing.”
Jenn smiled. “I’ve got a head start on you. I’ve been practicing playing a grown-up mom since I used to play dolls. I’m okay with all of this. What makes it easier is how much money you have. We can hire the best help to make it the perfect world for our kid.”
Teri shook her head. “Maybe it's cause everything is happening so fast. And this is all so serious. It scares me.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to get prepared. We’ll be a step behind Zoe so you can watch her and see what Bruno does, too. But you won't fall back into being the guy in this relationship. I won't be your wife and keep a perfect house for you while you’re out playing music. You’re going to be a mom, too.”
Teri stepped into the shower and kissed Jenn. “Right. That’s just what I’m going to be. I’m the alien creature that inhabited an earthling female body and got pregnant. I’m going to be the second-best mom ever.”
“And I’m going to be the best mom?”
“That’s what I was just saying.”
“Nope, wrong. You’re going to be the best mom, Teri. You won't be calling on me for help to bail you out. You’re going to be the leader.”
“Can I ask my mom for help?”
“Of course. Just like I’m going to ask my mom for advice.”
As Teri carefully soaped Jenn, she lost herself in her girlfriend’s beautiful body. She loved her curves and, after the soap ran off in the shower, kissed her everywhere. She tried to let all the tension flow out and away like the water running over their bodies.
Then Teri felt Jenn push her tightly up against the wall and soap her; Teri started to get excited. As the heat of her passion-filled her up, she moaned. When Jenn dropped the soft sponge and pressed her hard into the hard tile, Teri was shaking with excitement. Jenn took advantage of her girlfriend’s passion and started squeezing and biting her flesh, touching her everywhere until finally, Teri felt herself go completely.
As they dried each other off, Teri started rubbing moisturizer into Jenn’s skin. Using her hands and mouth, she touched all of her sensitive spots, which made Jenn shiver and her body respond. Once the moisturizer was completely rubbed in, Teri touched and kissed her everywhere. It was her turn to get Jenn to moan, groan, and finally scream over and over again.
As they lay there on Jenn’s bed, Teri started laughing.
“What, Rock Star?”
“Just thinking about our first times on this bed, rolling my sleeping bag out so we wouldn’t get any wet spots on your sheets.”
Jenn laughed and slid up on top of her. She gripped Teri's wrists forcefully and held her to the bed. “Sometime, I'm going to tie you up and paddle you until you have an orgasm. I’m going to become your dominatrix.”
“Is that supposed to scare me or make me want you more?
As everyone stuffed themselves with salad and lasagna that night, Teri looked around at her best friends. She was grinning, realizing that these were the best times.
Lisa stood on the stage and talked to the audience. “We love our fans who come out to party with us each night. We must thank all the people who work the sound, the lights, and the wonderful people who pour your drinks. Everyone here, including the bouncers and the caretakers, makes it the best place to hear music. The owner, Robert, has gone out of his way to help new groups who need encouragement and the opportunity to make money by playing here for you. This is where we started, and we will never forget how wonderful everyone in Allentown has been to us.”
She waited until the clapping died down to speak again. “If you look at your ticket, you’ll see that everything the Wildcats make this weekend will go to the Boys and Girls Club of Allentown. If you want to look further, go to the first page of our website, and you’ll see the list of all the charities with which we share our money. Since we signed with Warner Records, all we’ve collected from our website donations have gone to those charities. If you like doing more, tap those charity icons to take you to their donate pages.”
People continued to cheer until they heard the sounds of Teri’s guitar playing the first notes of Sam Cooke’s A Change Is Going To Come. Everyone watched as the Wildcat used her guitar to tell the story of the struggle of black and brown people trying to make changes in this country.
After playing for a few minutes, the rest of the band played with Teri. Finally, Lisa got up from their keyboards and gently took the mic in her hands. She looked at three hundred people, staring at her sister, who had just hypnotized all of them with her playing.
Lisa started singing the words as Teri, Zoe, and Tiffany sang in perfect harmony behind her. When the song ended, everyone started cheering for their hometown band, the Wildcats.
When Teri reappeared dressed in her fuzzy bunny costume, the crowd roared. She waited a few minutes while everyone in the audience got out their phones. The roar got louder as the other Wildcats appeared in their yellow chick, red fox, pink poodle, and tabby cat.
Teri pressed a foot switch and struck a few notes on her guitar. The sound that came out was heavily distorted. She spoke in her mic, “Guys, could you turn the lights up on stage so everyone gets a good recording?”
As the lights came up, Gina counted them off. Zoe, in her fox costume with the beautiful red tail swishing behind her, started with a raucous-sounding heavy metal solo as Gina pounded hard on her drums. After sixteen bars, Tiffany, larger than life in her pink poodle outfit hammered out a bass that any punk metal group would have loved.
Finally, Teri handed Lisa her guitar. The beautiful blonde grinned and started chording like any twelve-year-old playing air guitar would have done in the mirror. She totally laughed as she tried her best to look like a heavy metal killer.
When everyone was playing, rocking the house, Teri grabbed the mic stand and screamed loudly,
Fur Face, Fur Face,
Kiss your fuzzy fur face
Love my fluffy bunny slippers
Love my tiny chick
Sweet little puppy, soft little fox
My cute poodle, think you rock
Fur Face, Fur Face,
Kiss your fuzzy fur face
I love my soft white kitten,
Love my pussy, too
Give you hugs, Give you kisses
Bury my face into your fur
Fur Face, Fur Face.
Kiss your fuzzy face
The crowd roared at the lyrics Teri had innocently composed. They'd seen and heard them on various videos everywhere, including the Today Show, Instagram, and TikTok.
And in the middle of the fun, Tiffany grabbed her mic and began her rap in the song’s breaka s everyone shouted along.
Feathers, fur, and a soft red coat,
Love you more ‘cause you’re so helpless,
crying out for me to hold.
In my arms, I’ll squeeze you tightly.
You’re so small, and you’re really needy.
Tug my heart with all your cuteness,
Make me blush, I’ll hold and kiss you
Puppies, kitties, little sheepie.
Love ‘em cause they’re soft and cuddly.
Baby, I want you in my arms, holding you and kissing me. When you’re smiling, I love you more.
Give you kisses and bite your fur.
‘Cause teddy bears and little foxes
Aren’t as cute as you can be
As the crowd roared their approval, the whole band ended the song singing.
Fur Face, Fur Face.
Kiss your fuzzy face
The stage went dark as Lisa whispered, "we’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Plenty of time to use the bathroom and have another drink."
As the women walked off the stage, they knew they were back. Everyone laughed as they watched the fuzzy bunny skip to the snack table.
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
“Let’s start with a number. How are you doing today?”
“Good. Maybe a seven.”
“Why not a ten?”
“Well, Grace. Not everything is perfect.”
“Where would you like to start?”
Teri thought for a minute. “Well, I feel like a ten for the music. I’d forgotten how much fun it is to play live. Wednesday, we played on the roof of Allentown Music to all of downtown Allentown. It was great! We’re playing at the Rendezvous tonight and are booked for the rest of the week. And hey, that’s where Tasha got her start.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Tasha? Well, she was the perfect avatar. She always did the right thing, and everybody loved her. But there’s no more Terry or Tasha. Terry just evolved, and it was finally time to let him go, and I guess Tasha vanished into the thin air, too.”
“Do you miss Terry?”
“Well, sometimes I miss how easy it was to be Terry. No one expected much from him. I could just leave everything for someone else to care for and stumble along at whatever pace I wanted to go. But Terry really wasn’t intersex; he was just a guy whose puberty had stopped. Of course, we now know that wasn’t true either. And once the truth was out and I knew what would happen, it was easier to become Teri and enjoy the ride.”
“That sounds very healthy.”
“Yeah, and most of the time, I believe it until it’s too much. It can be overwhelming.”
“What happens when it overwhelms you? What do you do?”
“Retreat to my room, cry in the shower, or talk to my mom or Lisa. And, of course, I can turn to Jenn. I hate sounding like a broken record and always complaining, but those moments are getting further apart. I use many of the techniques you’ve taught me, too. I think I’m a lot calmer.”
She took a deep breath and looked at Grace. “My biggest focus is The Wildcats. The band takes up a lot of my time and keeps me happy, especially playing. I’m looking forward to the Rendezvous. I used to think that that club was enormous. We took our equipment straight over to the Rendezvous after we played. I walked around and was surprised at how small it was!”
“How many people does it hold?”
“Three hundred. It’s like playing in front of your family at Christmas time, a big living room full of love. At that club, everybody knows all the songs, sings along, and cheers loudly for every solo and song. This might be what heaven is like, intimate, friendly, and perfect.”
“You said that the Rendezvous was small. What are you comparing it to?”
“Well, our first big show was The Underground in Atlanta. It held a thousand or fifteen hundred, but the stage was huge, and the sound was amazing. It was perfect for a big place. We did a couple of long weekends there. It was funny because we made the same amount each night at the Underground as the Wildcats made in a week on the road last year.”
“Seems like the Wildcats are going big time.”
“Well, when we played at the French Town Festival in New Orleans, they estimated thirty-five thousand people or more were there. That was a free concert. That was our biggest crowd ever. But, and this is a big but, we are scheduled to play back in Atlanta next Saturday night for twenty thousand people buying tickets to see us. I think that’s insane!”
“You’ve come a long way since rehearsing with the Wildcats at spring break.”
“Truly. My life has changed a lot. And you know what, Grace? I think it’s great.”
“So the transition is done? No more internal battles?”
“Well, I am curious to know whether my transition is done. I’m only eighteen and think I’ve got to grow up. And as far as inner battles, I still keep myself busy worrying about many things.”
“Some stuff is still grabbing me by the ankles and slowing me down. I’m not feeling dumb or slow like I have an underdeveloped brain. But it’s strange to think my guy friends aren’t as mature as Jenn or me, like puppies. I have a problem with my old friends who knew me as Terry.”
“Tell me.”
“Well, Jenn made a dinner reservation for the guys and us, just like old times. After a lot of gnashing teeth, I decided I should be Teri, spelled with one R ending in an I. I did not shrink away from appearing as female. That was a big hurdle for me, and with all my worrying, nothing happened,”
“Well, at first, I got called dude a bunch, but that’s just them. And, after all, I used to be that dude. But something did get weird. One of the guys pulled me aside. He wants to text and talk to me more privately. I’m worried about what might happen with that.”
“What do you think will happen?”
“He’s going to start treating me like a girl.” Teri took a deep breath. “Yeah, I finally said it. I mean, how would that go? I’d be a girl on a day date and end up sucking face with an old classmate who used to consider me a dude?”
Grace did her best not to smile. “Okay. So what do you want to do?”
“I like having friends, but not boyfriends. I have Jenn, who is more than enough as my girlfriend. Although recently, she’s getting weirder and weirder.”
“Well, it’s about this baby thing.”
“I remember you mentioning this before where she uses the same sperm that procreated you. At first, I thought it was crazy, but in a way, it’s very novel.”
“At first, it did sound cool. But the more I thought about it. Wouldn’t that make our own baby my brother or sister?”
Grace thought for a minute. “Half brother or sister. But you’re right. Jenn would be giving you a child that you’re related to. And while it does sound strange, you would have a child that is yours.”
“Well, now she wants to move forward with it this summer. She wants to use Zoe as her model.”
“Zoe Finley? In your band?”
“Yeah, she’s newly pregnant with Bruno.”
“I thought you guys were going on tour.”
“We are. And Zoe thinks that won’t interfere with the tour.”
“Well, it might be taxing for her to play for three hours each night.”
“Yeah. We’d tour with another band and be second on the bill. We’d play for ninety minutes and an encore to warm up the crowd and get our name out there.”
“Okay. But that theory is only good if you are second on the bill.”
“I can’t see us leading a tour. I see us as a second fiddle.”
“Well, if your band is the headliner, you’d play for at least two hours, maybe more. Zoe is young and in good shape. And you can spend money on a private chef and support people.”
“True. Has Gina said anything about our summer tour?”
“Not much. The record is dropping now, and Atlanta is the first show on the journey. It sounds to me like Warner’s ready to make you stars. I would have thought you’d know more.”
Teri thought for a minute. “I’ll bet Richard and Phil know more details but don’t want to scare us. They want us to get an arena show under our belts first. I don’t know how many dates we must hear about, but we will dance to their beat all summer.”
“So what will you say to your old friend when you call him?”
“Grace, I don’t have a clue and need help.”
“Well, you should let him do most of the talking. I’m sure he’s just as nervous as you are. What’s Jenn say?”
“She says she wants me to experience everything. But I think that’s a lie. I think she wants us to be exclusive.”
“And you?”
“Honestly, Grace, my body is so strange. I mean, I don’t get horny or lust for anyone. I still like looking at beautiful women, and guys are just not for me. Unless I’m high.”
Grace nodded for her to go on.
“Well, the only times I’ve lost control around guys is when I’m high. And when I make out, I like being restrained and have little orgasms and well….”
“Have you had penetrative sex with a guy?”
“Not with guys, but regularly with Jenn.”
“Do you have orgasms?”
“Wonderful orgasms. But now she wants to get pregnant, and she wants me to get shots so that I can nurse, too.”
“How’s that make you feel?”
“Like I’m being rushed. When she talks like that, I want to run away and hide.”
“Do you share those feelings with her?”
“No, not yet. I don’t want to argue or get her mad at me. But I need to face a lot of things I’ve been avoiding. I’m just having trouble dealing with some things.”
“Teri, avoiding those things that drive you crazy is just doing that. You need to confront all the issues that are bothering you. You don’t have to go along just to get along. You’re making progress, and I can see the changes in your demeanor. You are becoming a wonderful young woman, Teri.”
“Well, I don’t think I’m ready to be a parent, Grace. I’m not ready to be a nursing mother. It scares me, and everything is going on too fast. But how do I tell Jenn?”
Grace smiled. “Maybe we can pretend that I’m Jenn, and you can talk with me about your feelings. We can act it out and discuss it as we practice. Do you want to try?”
Teri shrugged, “Sure. But telling you that I love you is a little strange. I’m not sure that’s where I want to go.”
Grace smiled, “Okay, we’ll skip that part. Just start with small talk.”
She took a deep breath. “Hey, Jenn. What are you doing?”
“Oh, hi, Teri! I’m just looking at the cutest maternity dresses online. Wanna see?”
“Uh, sure.”
Grace nodded. “Good. Keep trying to see her side. Show some empathy.”
Teri smiled. “I think that one would look nice on you. The colors would complement your hair and skin tones.”
Grace gave her a thumbs up. “And Teri, you’re going to need nursing bras, too! Won’t it be fun to start shopping together?”
“Honestly? No. I love you too much for words, but you’re moving too fast. The whole idea is making me scared.”
Grace held up her hand. “Let’s stop for a minute. I want you to talk like an adult to another adult. I’m scared of what a child would say to a parent. To have a discussion, you need to present your thoughts as an equal if you want her to treat you as an adult and not a child.”
Teri was nodding before Grace had finished. “Okay, let’s try it again.” He took a deep breath. “Honestly, Jenn? No. I love you too much for words, but we’re moving too fast. I like what my mom said about how we should spend more time together for the two of us.”
Grace gave her a thumbs up. “But, Teri. Having a baby is something we can really share together.”
Teri nodded. “Yes, and that’s something I’m looking forward to. I love the idea of us having a great family. And I want to spend our lives together forever. But for now, I’m selfish and want more of you. The idea of you coming on our tour and sharing the experience is a memory we will have forever. It’s like coffee and the little donuts in the French Market each morning.”
“Sure, I remember our walks around the French Quarter. Discovering Cafe Du Monde, beignets and cafe au lait.”
“There’s going to be so much for us to see together.”
“But aren’t you going to get tired of me being your fifth wheel? I mean, seriously? Won’t I just be in the way?”
“No. I love being with you all the time. I’d be afraid of the opposite. I see you being bored because so much time will be spent with the band. Could you take college courses to fill your time?”
“Teri, let’s stop. There’s a problem with you suggesting things Jenn could do. Let her figure out what she’ll do when you’re being a Wildcat. Let her be her own self.”
Teri was nodding. “Okay, and thanks. I just hope it goes smoothly, you know.”
Grace shook her head. “It won’t go as well as what we just practiced together. But the trick is talking to each other as adults.”
“Oh, yeah. And my mom might be falling in love with Zoe’s dad, Conor Finley.
“How’s that make you feel?”
“Pretty good. I think she deserves to be happy.”
“Teri, I believe everyone deserves to be happy.”
“Uh, does that include you? How are you and Gina doing?”
“Very good. We have had more time together, and I love her even more. I know she loves me, and that’s all that matters.”
Teri thought for a minute. “Uh, one more thing. Should I be having experiences with other people, you know, kinda making out and having little orgasms?”
Grace smiled. “Only if you could handle Jenn doing the same thing. I believe you and Jenn need to discuss all those situations that might arise beforehand. Just picture Jenn with another person doing what you want to do.”
Teri became horrified. “Oh, no. I couldn’t handle it. But….”
Grace slid over to the couch. She turned to face Teri. She reached over, took Teri’s hands, and squeezed them firmly. Then Grace smiled and, still holding Teri’s hands very firmly, said, “I’m going to put away my professional hat for a minute and talk about Gina. She’s my love, and we’ve reached a point where it’s true love for both of us. But it’s not cheating if we both agree about having sex with others. Our big difference is that I’m more discrete.”
Teri stared with her mouth open. “Oh.”
Grace pulled her up closer by her hands. She did not let go; instead, she moved so close their bodies almost touched. Grace smiled and looked deeply into Teri’s eyes. She did not say anything.
Teri felt the warmth of her hands and the firm way she gripped her. She could feel the heat of Grace’s breath and smell her perfume. Looking at her beautiful face and perfect complexion, she briefly was lost in the deep pools of her brown eyes, full lips, and smile. Teri felt a surge run through her body, and a wave of pleasure went everywhere at once. She was happy that Grace was holding on to her because she was close to passing out.
Grace slowly let her go and smiled. “Our session’s been over for a few minutes, Teri. I know that Gina and Jenn have planned to join us for lunch and are probably out there waiting for us. I’m picturing something decadent and all gooey, maybe grilled cheese, tomato, and bacon!”
Teri smiled. She was staring at Jenn. A few minutes ago, she’d been having a moment with Grace that had left her breathless. Minutes later, she greeted Jenn and Gina outside the Comcast Building and tried to act normal.
Thinking about the word normal, she realized nothing would ever be normal. In less than six months, everything had been flipped on its head. Male, female, intersex! Twelfth grade, rock band, record, band house, girlfriend, new friends, new body bursting from within! Terry to Tasha to Teri!
“Hey!” She tried hard to focus on Jenn and smile. Act normal, act normal, she said to herself. She kept trying not to look at Grace. When Grace had been discussing her relationship with Gina, she’d talked about true love and separating that from sex. She remembered Grace smiling and saying the difference between the two of them was that she was discreet.
Discreet! Teri kept reminding herself to be discreet about what happened with Grace. But what did just happen? They held hands, an innocent enough gesture. But something seriously happened to me, she thought.
Jenn got very close. Looking into her eyes, she said, “Are you all right? You seem strange. Is something wrong?”
Teri shook her head. “No, not really. I’m just a little shaken. We did some role play and I’m still feeling kinda lost. I’m okay. How are you doing?”
Jenn linked her arm with Teri’s. She pulled her along. “We’re going to lunch with beautiful Grace and wild Gina! C’mon, babe. It’s gonna be fun.”
Teri turned and focused on Jenn. “What did you and Gina talk about?”
“Sex!” Jenn had a big grin on her face.
“Huh?” Teri realized she wasn’t paying attention.
“Just checking to see if you’re paying attention. But we did talk about sex. Gina was giving me pointers and even offered to play with me!”
Teri almost choked and started coughing. “For real?”
Jenn squeezed her hand. She leaned over and whispered, “Why not? You and Gina have plenty of time!”
Teri drank a whole glass of water as they sat in a booth. She knew her eyes were wide open, like saucers! She wanted to say something, but everything was spinning. “Uh, Jenn. For real?”
Teri watched her shrug. Then she held up the menu. “Isn’t this place cool? Gina said it was Grace’s favorite.”
She looked at the menu. The place was called Say Cheese! She smiled. Grace had just mentioned that she wanted something gooey at the end of their session. Teri was still trying to understand what had happened. They’d just held hands, but she had an orgasm staring at Grace’s face. Teri also knew that it was their secret.
She scanned the menu and saw macaroni and cheese with options like truffles, lobster, crab, and even bacon. There were grilled cheese sandwiches with assorted toppings. There were pasta dishes with cheese, a cheese soufflé, risotto, a white pizza, fondue, and cheddar grits. So many things all anchored by cheese. “This place is crazy!”
As the waitress took their order, Teri watched everyone else and finally chose the mac and cheese with bacon.
She leaned over to Jenn. “Seriously, you and Gina?”
Jenn smiled. “You know. I figured it could only add to our relationship. I mean, you and I, we’re both innocents. I mean, all we bring to our relationship is what we’ve fumbled around and discovered. Maybe we should play with Gina and see what we can learn together.”
Teri stared at her. “You know, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and are probably right. But you move twice as fast as I do, and my whole session with Grace was about helping me figure out how to communicate with you. Sometimes, I feel like a sheep following Mary around.”
Jenn leaned over and kissed her. “I love sheep. But seriously, honey, I live for you. And I’m sorry that you feel uncomfortable trying to deal with my hyperactive brain functions. But you’re right! I never want to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured. I knew you looked strange when I first saw you after your session. I sensed something had thrown you, but I figured we’d get to it later. But, seriously, how about doing something with Gina?”
Teri shook her head.
Jenn leaned in and whispered. “How many times have you been intimate with Gina? I counted three. The Saturday morning when you were under the covers. You told me that she rode you like a pony. And then you had your group thing with Gina and Bruno getting high while you got your tattoo. And then the time I told you to cheer her up, you said you did it on the movie set in a theater.”
Teri was thankful that their food had come. She picked up a soup spoon and dug in. This was, without a doubt, the cheesiest, most flavorful delight she’d ever had, but her appetite was quickly fading. Looking over at Jenn, she was pleased to see that her grilled cheese sandwich was keeping her occupied.
Teri snuck a glance over at Grace and Gina as they ate. She wondered what Grace was saying to Gina and if discretion meant that Grace was not revealing what had happened between them upstairs. Really, it was only sitting close together and handholding. She knew that when Grace had held her hands tightly, her insides had exploded and melted.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Jenn was turned and looking at her curiously.
“Uh, nothing. It’s this Gina thing. You make sense. But it may be easier for you to do something with Gina one-on-one rather than the two of us together.
Jenn leaned over and purred in her ear. “Oh, baby. Wouldn’t you want to be in on it too? In my mind, I kinda pictured the two of you sending me over the moon. I was kinda getting excited. Is that okay to tell you?”
Teri shook her head. “Well, it does reveal a side of you that I wasn’t expecting. Now it makes me wonder if your encouragement for me to explore with other people, especially guys, was because that’s what you wanted to do.”
Jenn turned bright red. She was quiet. “This might not be the right place to discuss this, but it’s kinda true. I want my cake and eat it too. I want you forever, but I still wonder about just having crazy sex. You know, for some reason, the idea of a group scene, well, gets me all hot and bothered. Does it scare you when I talk like that?”
Teri shook her head and sighed. “It makes sense. I want to love you forever, but I know I’m inadequate. My libido is strange and quirky. I wish I was closer to normal, where I could give you what you need. And maybe there’s another person who you might find to love. I wish I could satisfy your needs.” She had to take a deep breath and stop a tear from appearing in her eye.
She stared at Jenn and thought about it. “Okay. You’re being honest, and so I will be, too. This seems to be very important to you. I will go if you want to arrange for the three of us to be together. And if you want to explore being with other partners, that's fine. I will be there for you.”
Tears started flowing from Jenn’s eyes as she stared at Teri. She shook her head and used her linen napkin to wipe her eyes, making sure her mascara didn’t smudge.
In the meantime, Grace and Gina had already stood up. When they looked over, Gina explained, “Grace needs to get back to work. Since Jenn and I came together, how about you two finish up while I walk her back to her office?"
They watched the two of them walk away. Jenn turned and said, “I wonder what Grace is like? She’s so beautiful.”
Teri was thinking the same thing. “So I guess it’s settled. It’s a threesome.”
Jenn squeezed her hand. “You really sound resigned to do this. Aren’t you the least bit interested?”
Teri smiled and kissed her. “If I can pick up some pointers to make you happier, I’m game. But my little orgasms are so nothing compared to a woman’s.”
Jenn said, “How about if we get high first?”
Teri shrugged. “Fine.”
When Gina appeared, she smiled and walked straight up to Teri. “Oh, my God. I love that woman. I don’t think I could live without her.”
Teri nodded. “I feel the same way about Jenn. But Jenn tells me we’re going to have a threesome. How does that make you feel?”
Gina looked carefully at Teri. “Uh, you’re not grinning from ear to ear. Aren’t you excited to play with me again?”
Teri sighed. “It’s not that, Gina. I enjoyed playing with you and just, well…. Jenn wants to initiate this. I think she wants to experience hard sex. She talked about groups. She sounded excited. And that leaves me feeling pretty inadequate.”
Gina nodded. “Yeah, I see you. But I’m not interested in screwing with your head. Let’s take a rain check on this. Jenn is gorgeous and seems like she’d be fun, but this seems awkward. Does she talk about an open relationship? Is that what you both want? It can complicate things. I would know. How would you feel if she left you for another person cause of sex?”
“Miserable. But I’m not her boss, and I want her to voluntarily be with me. You already know I have limitations and can’t offer her what you have.”
“Well, couldn’t you get surgery and fix all that?”
“Yup. And maybe that’s what I’m going to learn from today. I want her to be happy and not resent me. I just can’t say no.”
Gina smiled and kissed her cheek. “I think that’s wonderful and very naïve. What if one of you wanted to bring a guy into the mix. How would you feel if she went straight after that?”
“I’d have to wish her all the best because this is all I can be. It’s been hard to admit I never was a guy.”
Gina smiled. “I think you’re pretty understanding about meeting her desires and maybe a bit foolish. But we can go with this and always stop if it’s too much for either of you.”
Jenn saw them whispering. “Okay, girls. If you’re going to talk about me, then you need to both share.” She folded her arms and looked upset.
Teri kissed her cheek. “Uh, Gina asked me how I felt about this. I told her how I felt but that you were the most important thing in my life, and I honestly couldn’t say no.”
Jenn smiled and kissed her. Then she turned to Gina and kissed her hard on the mouth as she wrapped her hands around her neck. “Oh, my God, Gina. I can’t wait. I am already excited just thinking about this.”
Hearing those words, Teri wanted to just disappear. She knew that she couldn’t complete. She was just a placeholder until somebody really made Jenn crazy in love.
As they were driving, Jenn took a turn on the highway. Teri raised an eyebrow. “Uh-huh. We’re going to Mom’s house. I want to do it in her bed, and we can shower in her bath. That’s on my bucket list.”
“I thought they were showing the house to sell?”
“Not yet. Next week, after my mom gets all her stuff out of there. And I just talked to her, and I know she’s tied up in big-time meetings for the next three days. So, we are good. Plus, we have deadbolts on all the doors, so we won’t be surprised even with a key!”
Gina smiled. “Okay. So a couple questions. Do you have weed? Toys? Lube?”
Jenn laughed. “Gina, I have a virtual toy shop here. Many are hand-me-downs from my older sister, who did an online gig, but I’m not touching mom’s stuff. That would be too creepy.”
Gina smiled. “I want to see what your mom stocks. Just peek.”
Jenn laughed, and they all went over to her mom’s nightstand. She pulled open the bottom drawer, and they all looked inside.
Gina was the first to speak. “Boring. I’ll give you a list of presents you can buy her. Does she date?”
Jenn smiled. “I’m not supposed to know, but I think she likes fem boys and women.”
Gina nodded. “That’s pretty cool. I was hoping for a strap-on.”
Jenn laughed. “You haven’t seen my collection yet. I’ve got a pretty nice one. But Teri doesn’t love it.”
Teri sighed. “I don’t have a boy prostate, so I lack that anal stimulation thing. And my girl organs are small and hidden away, so no G spot either. Maybe the surgeons can decide what to do with me sometime in the future.”
Gina announced, “It’s time to smoke. I know that will help Teri get in the mood, right Hunny Bunny?”
Teri nodded, and they carried everything out to the screened porch. The three of them lit a pipe and passed it around until Teri was so high she was afraid to stand. She turned the next pass down. “I’m more than good.”
When they stood up, Gina gave her a kiss. She pulled her in close and put both hands on her butt and squeezed. When she let Teri come up for air, she kissed her neck. “Oh, baby. You’ve got a nice booty coming in back there. Mmm, Gina likes it.”
Jenn opened the door to the family room. “Time, girls. We can pretend we’re having a tea party.”
Teri giggled. “I’m not wearing a fancy little girl dress. That’s way too weird.”
Gina laughed. “Good, 'cause all I want to see are birthday suits.
“I never got naked with you, Gina. So you have to promise not to laugh.”
Jenn smiled. “Teri’s physical development is at about sixteen years old. She’s very cute.”
Teri frowned. “This is weird with two beautiful women watching me get naked.”
Gina laughed. “Me first, girlies.” She pulled off her top and her bra. She shook herself and massaged the marks left by her underwire. Then she slipped off her skirt and her panties at the same time. Teri remembered that she shaved from their movie set experience.”
Jenn approached Gina and kissed her while her hands roamed her body. She looked into Gina’s eyes and ordered, “Undress me.”
Teri wished she was higher so she could just pass out. She sighed and knew this was not going to go well. When she stood up, she had to find her balance before she could walk away.
Jenn enjoyed exploring Gina’s curves and was surprised to see her girlfriend leaving. “Hey, baby. Where are you going?”
Teri stopped walking but kept one hand on the dresser for balance. Without turning, she shrugged and waved as she left the bedroom.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for reading and writing. (Especially the writing part!) It's great to hear your opinions and how this affected you. I knew I was walking on thin ice here. But, it seemed like the right time. Excuse the mistakes in this portion. My spelling checkers, three, do not like slang and are always trying to turn my stories into business letters or dissertations. That's not how the Cats talk. So ignore the spelling or grammatical errors cause sometimes I'm 'toopid'
When Teri woke up, she turned over and stared at the empty side of her bed. She felt alone. But instead of thinking, she turned over and went back to sleep.
When her bladder finally forced her up, she thought about how comical her exit had been last night.
It was definitely something a stoner would do. She’d walked away leaving all her clothes and possessions in the bedroom where Gina and Jenn were. She knew she wasn’t going to return to the bedroom to get her clothes or ask for anyone’s help. So she searched around and found clothes in Jenn’s mom’s drawers and closets. After finding clothes, she had to get her own ride.
She’d fumbled at first with the how-to part, but was happy that Gina had left her phone out on the porch where they’d gotten high. It was still totally unlocked so she was able to use the Uber app. A nice woman picked her up ten minutes later and took her straight to her door.
Fortunately, there was a hidden key and she was able to quietly tip toe in and go up to her room. Everything in her mind was jumbled and confused but she knew that she wanted was sleep.
Getting up, she realized that she still had Jenn’s mom’s underpants on. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she got out her own clothes and got dressed. She found Lucinda downstairs who happily made her pancakes and bacon. As she wolfed everything down, she remembered her last meal was lunch with Grace, Gina, and Jenn. She decided she was still fuzzy brained and promised not to think about Jenn or anything that happened yesterday.
Instead, she went down in their studio and plugged in her guitar. She started playing. At first it was just finger exercises and then it became chords and finally she was playing solos from some of her favorite guitarists. Recently, she’d been focusing on rock gods from twenty years ago. Those guys were easy to find on YouTube and it was fun to watch them playing live.
She was in the zone when she realized she was not alone. She turned around slowly and Gina was standing there crying. She stopped and stared at Gina.
“Oh, Teri. I’m sorry. I fucked up. It seemed like such a good idea and Jenn really was excited. I thought that it was okay with you since she said you’d ventured out with other people, including me. But when you left I suddenly realized what a mess it had become. I’m sorry that I didn’t really think about your feelings.”
Teri gave her a hug. “Stop blaming yourself. You offered to shelve it for another day and I just went along with what Jenn wanted. Just like I’ve just rolled over to do whatever she’s wanted forever. I loved her so much that I wasn’t thinking about myself, just going along for the ride. And suddenly I realized that the whole scene wasn’t what I wanted.”
Gina still sobbed. “Jenn told me that you’d made out with several guys and lusted for them. And she reminded me about you pleasing me on the couch in the old theater. It just sounded like you were up for this.”
Teri set her guitar back in the rack and the two of them went outside. They both sat in chairs facing the forrest. “Yeah, well, I’m not going to defend myself. I was heavily drugged with the first two guys and the third guy, well, I was pretty high, too. You and Jenn are the only women I’ve tried to please. Obviously, I did a satisfactory job with you. But yesterday after listening to Jenn talk, she wanted a lot more than what I could provide her.”
“Do you want to know what happened last night?”
Teri shook her head. “Nah. That’s yesterday’s news and I’m only looking forward. I’ve got to figure out what I want to do.”
Gina looked at her. “What about Jenn?”
Another voice suddenly interrupted their conversation. “Yeah, what about Jenn?”
Teri and Gina both turned to see Jenn standing there. She looked unhappy.
Teri shrugged and looked at Jenn. “Hey. I blame myself for yesterday. I wasn’t in the proper state of mind to romp with you and Gina. Maybe under different circumstances it might have been good. But when you started talking about doing it with groups and trying to be blown away with a sexual adventures, that’s when I realized that I was never going to satisfy you.”
Teri held her hand up. “No blame, no fault. You are who you are and I’m whom I am. Until yesterday, I thought I was enough, even with my shortcomings. And I thought loving you was enough. I’ve followed your lead trying to please you.”
“But I’ve watched enough porn to see what happens when several guys all work together to get a woman over the top. And you know what I thought? I couldn’t be one of those guys because my equipment didn’t work even when I was just good, old Terry. And I could never be that woman because my equipment isn’t there. And honestly, I wouldn’t have a clue about how to appreciate mind-blowing sex.”
Teri wiped a tear from her eye. She was still watching Jenn and never realized that Gina had left. “I still love you. But there’s no do overs. What you really want is something I can’t provide. And I realized at that point that I had never been a swinger. You painted a picture for Gina that was a lie. You made it out like I sought out pleasure from guys and Gina. I’m not making excuses. I enjoyed all those encounters, but the only time I initiated anything was with Gina and you’d told me to make her happy. That was the day you called me baby and said that I was yours to give away. You might have been joking, but I felt like a dog.”
“Okay, Jenn. That’s not who I want to be. I’m boring and handicapped in bed. And yesterday I realized that our relationship was never going to be enough for you. It’s important to say the truth out loud and just deal with it. My body doesn’t have to be the elephant in the room. We know that I have nothing to offer you and that my intersex diagnosis is real.”
Teri took a deep breath knowing that this had to be said. “I just hope we can remain good friends. That way, you have no guilt and can be who you want to be.”
Jenn stared at her. She had listened and understood what Teri had said. She had driven out to the band house thinking of all the things she would say to apologize and make it right. She was in love with Teri and all of this was breaking her heart. But part of her still wanted more even though she had trouble admitting it. She knew she’d been a little crazy yesterday and hanging out with Gina only stimulated her fantasies.
As the tears rolled down her face, she nodded. “You’re right. I’m the one who’s fucked up. I will never stop loving you and only wish this whole thing had never happened. But it’s not about your limitations. I never settled or felt unsatisfied with you. But when I heard how you got high and experimented with other people, I was jealous. Sure, I understand how all of that wasn’t in your plans.”
She wiped the tears from her face. Then she lost it. “Fuck you, then. After I’m gone, you’re going to remember all the good times because that’s all we’ve ever had. And I’m going to remember how you did everything in your power to show me your love. I’m going to be heartbroken that I fucked up the best thing I’ve ever had cause I lost my mind for one night. And yes, the sex with Gina was great but afterwards I realized that it wasn’t any better than what you and I have. I’m stupid and foolish. You are the only one I have ever had sex with and now I know that screwing with someone just to screw isn’t like what we had.”
Jenn took a step closer to Teri who stood up. She noticed that her arms were at her sides. “You know. I just wished you could hurt me like I hurt you. I wish we were even so we could start again. I was a horrible person telling you to go out and experience guys, because I thought that there was more out there that I was missing. I’m so fucked up. Maybe I should move closer to my sister and let her hook me up in the adult industry so I can screw my brains out until I don’t have any left. Maybe then, when I’m used up and stupid, I will realize how I gave up the golden ring of happiness with you.”
Teri raised her hand and said, “Stop.”
Jenn stood there letting the tears run down her face. She didn’t want to sob or let her nose start to run, but she knew she was close.
Teri nodded. “I’m not as hurt as you think. I understand your need to experiment. And I experienced that when I was high with the guy in Atlanta. Sure, he didn’t know I was intersex and just thought I was a girl. We’d talked a bunch and then when we got high, I felt like I was in a dream. And when he held me and kissed me, it caused me to melt down and get pretty excited. I liked it.”
Teri stood on the spot. “I get it and well, maybe cause of that guy, I understand how you want more. I will remember all the wonderful times we’ve had and will miss every moment as I move forward. No one likes to be alone and knowing that the most beautiful woman in the world once loved me. I wonder if that will ever happen to me again?”
Jenn sobbed. “Can’t we try? You know I love you and you love me. Why can’t we just move forward and make new rules?”
Teri choked. “What, so you can go out partying and come home after being with someone else? And I’m supposed to just take you back after they filled the needs that I couldn’t. Am I supposed to wonder every time we meet someone new thinking you’re going to want to try this guy or girl out? Am I supposed to hold you after someone else has mauled you and got you off? No, Jenn. I couldn’t do that. But I understand you have different hungers that need to be met.”
Jenn stood there listening to Teri get mad at her.
“Jenn, I’m going to have new rules. I’m going to grow a backbone and be proud of myself. No more pity parties or worrying about whether someone else’s needs are being met. I’m going to stand on my own two feet and do what it takes to make me happy. And if that isn’t enough for another person, so be it. I have a disability but I’m not going to let that run me anymore.”
Jenn cried.
“I free you, Jenn. You can walk away knowing that we are both better than before. And I know you’ll find another person who can truly satisfy you. We both know it’s not me, but that’s nobody’s fault. I know that everyone would jump at the chance to have you in their arms. I know that you’ll have your choice of partners. We can walk our own paths knowing that our time together was golden.”
Jenn stood there. “Oh, fuck. I’m not going to just listen to you talk like what we had wasn’t earth moving. And yes, you are right. I was fucked up thinking that there’s something out there that I was missing. Sure, break up with me and send me away. Stand on your high fuckin’ horse pretending that I have this defect or hunger that I can’t control. Imagine me going out and intensionally hurting you and then coming back to you smelling of sex and somebody else. Fuck you for thinking so little of me. I can learn, you asshole. I can grow. But I want to grow with you. I want us to grow together, not thinking back on what it could have been. You’re a fucking moron. Our sex life has been great and I don’t think anything could top it. But if you want to use this as an excuse to walk away, just go. Be an asshole and just have your own pity party. I have held you and comforted you plenty. I proved my worth to you and now, after I fuck up and want to learn, you’re kicking me the fuck out.”
Jenn walked closer and stared him in the face. “You’re an asshole just like me. You want to write sad songs about the worst breakup in history, go ahead. It won’t be long until you realize that I wanted to make this right. I’m not a quitter and neither are you. I hate you for making this so hard, but I deserve it too.” She leaned in close enough that Teri didn’t see the slap coming.
It hit Teri in the cheek and was hard enough to make her head spin. She immediately grabbed both Jenn’s arms. To keep her from breaking free, she had to twist Jenn around and pull her back into her own body. With her arms wrapped tightly around, Jenn couldn’t move. As Teri felt her relax, she turned her around and kissed her hard on the mouth. She grabbed Jenn’s lower lip with her teeth and did not let go. Finally, Teri released her bite to kiss her hard again thrusting her tongue deep in her mouth. This wasn’t make up love, this was sex. .
Teri dragged her off on the grass and proceeded to ravage her. She squeezed and bit and did not let her up. She tore off Jenn’s clothes and bit her soft flesh with pressure but never breaking the skin. She sucked and kissed and never let her up. Teri never stopped her attack on her lover. She wasn’t punishing her, just taking out all his pent-up fears on her. She knew Jenn wasn’t in pain as her cries got louder and louder as one orgasm after another racked her body. Jenn flailed and gasped, trying her best to gain control. But Teri refused to let her up until she was crying aloud as her body writhed out of control.
When Teri stopped and released her grip, Jenn didn’t move. She just lay there humming and running her fingers through the grass. Finally, she sat up. “Oh, shit, Rock Star. You sent me through the roof. I was so high I know I passed out. That had to be the most momentous time I have ever had.”
Teri nodded. “No more nice girl. From now on, I’m going to ride you like a pony and and put you away wet. Maybe we need to try a little bondage or a lash or two. We’re going to watch fifty shades together and then you’re going to be my slave. You want your world rocked, well, I’m the one who’s going to do it.”
Jenn started crying. “Oh, please don’t think that’s what I want. Sure, it’s nice once in a while, but I want a deep love from you that makes me feel special. I want to be your princess, not your slave.”
Teri knew what she wanted. She never stopped wanting Jenn but tried to cut that part of her out. And she wasn’t standing strong, she was just having anther enormous pity party. “I’m pathetic,” she thought to herself. “I’m such a waste of a person that I should find a hole and crawl in waiting to die.”
Trying to find a solution all she could think, if they started again, when would the next time be? Every time they were separated would she worry that Jenn was out having a sex romp? She knew that after last night, everything had changed. “I don’t know what to do. Sure, I love you and having you back would be the greatest thing ever. But, having you back would cause my brain to just worry until the next time you saw something you wanted. You have no control. You agreed that you were manipulating me so you could get what you want. I can’t live like that. I’m not a character in a short story who get used and manipulated and thrown out with the trash. ”
Jenn stood there. “You know you’re right and wrong at the same time. I would never do anything to break your heart or fuck up what we have. But how do the Cats do it? I get Zoe. She’s been in love with Bruno since forever. And sure, Tiffany was totally destroyed by Mr. Wrong last year and lived like a nun until Mike came into her life. But how can Lisa go from her doctor lover to Smith like changing a tire? I know she said that she and the doc had an understanding, but we’re supposed to believe that she’s engaged and totally going to spend her life with him? Does Smith wonder that sometime she’ll leave him, too? And Gina. She fucks whomever she wants anytime the mood strikes, but she’s in love with Grace. How’s that work? How does Grace take her back?”
Teri shook her head. “Okay, so the way I understand it with Grace and Gina. They both fuck around. They have an open relationship but each one knows the difference between sex and true love. I think Grace understands Gina well, but she’s just more discreet.”
“But how’s that different from your sister fucking some doctor exclusively and just dropping him for Smith. What if Grace or Gina find another person they like better? Where’s the true love then?”
Teri nodded. “You’re right. There’s no guarantees. I think the only guarantee is to remain by yourself and celibate. To survive the loneliness knowing the pain of heartbreak could never happen. We could be married and have kids and still end up getting divorced because we find someone new. There are no guarantees. Yeah, I know about what your dad did to your family. He totally played your mom and you and your sister, using you as pawns with no regard to love.”
“Honestly, Jenn. I don’t know the answer. Maybe we should both just do what we want and grow armor so we don’t get hurt. You see someone you want to fuck, you just go ahead.”
“Right. It’s not just me that screws up. You know, when you came home and told me about the Atlanta guy and how you got high with him and had orgasms when he held you and kissed you, I didn’t fucking scream or yell or play any games. I just tried to understand. And sure, sailor guy and Amos, when you were having rude thoughts, you were doped up. But admit that when you were high, you wanted all sorts of gooey experiences with them.”
“And I never fucking said one word. I just loved you more because you were being honest and loving with me. But you’re going back to Atlanta for the weekend and what if Atlanta guy was to approach you and say he read you were intersex but that didn’t matter cause he can’t stop thinking about him. Whatcha gonna do then? You gonna spread your legs and open your mouth to please him?”
Teri was steaming. “I wish I could slap your mouth closed, but can’t because you’re right. I also lusted for the sound engineer at the underground and was doing flip-flops over her. And the only reason I held back was because I was scared of myself.”
“I don’t know the answer. I just wish I could be all you need and want. I just wish I could keep you satisfied that you’d never want to leave me or think about anyone else. I just wish that you got excited over me cause I could get you excited just by looking at you. That’s a lot of wishes.”
“Deal, Rock Star. You have me whenever you want, anytime you want to make me scream. I want you to exhaust me so there will never be a next time. And if we lust, we need to share those feelings and not bottle them up. And maybe I need to go see someone. Maybe my dad issues need to be shared with a professional. Teri, honestly, I will do anything to keep you.”
Teri picked her up in his arms and kissed her.
Jenn was crying. “Oh, I love you so much and will be the best girl you could ever want. No trips, no games, no manipulating. I promise.”
Teri carried her through into the music room and stood her up on her feet. “I can’t be mean to you and have trouble being mad at you. But if you need a couple of hard smacks on the butt, you have to beg.” With that, Teri took an open hand and smacked her bottom, but not too hard but not too soft.
Jenn grabbed Teri’s hand and led her upstairs. As they walked into their room, she kissed her hard and whispered, “Now, it’s my turn.”
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
As they stood on the darkened stage looking out and watching the crowd order drinks and talk, Lisa turned around speaking quietly. “So, this is our last night at the place where the Wildcats were born. So many years ago, Robert let us entertain our friends while we found our sound.”
Gina smiled. “Tiny little wildcats with no claws, meowing to be fed, barely having their eyes open. So cute and cuddly.”
Zoe said it straight out, “We need to show these fans how much we appreciate them and love this place. Ideas?”
Tiffany nodded. “Uh, rock it hard for forty-five minutes, no break.”
Zoe smiled. “Yeah. One solid cardio workout of rock. We play hard, telling our friends how much we love them. We intersperse our songs with the hits they always request during whiteboard sessions.”
Gina stood up at her drums. “Yep. Every tune has to be a rocker. We gotta blow them out of their shoes. No breaks, just flood them with music. Ride them hard and put them away wet. Some of you know what I’m saying.” They all turned and stared at Teri.
Once again, Teri felt like their junior. “You know I’m gonna tell my mom you’re all being mean. And she’s gonna call your moms, and you’ll all get punished. Maybe no sweet treats for a week, maybe a month ‘cause you’re all awful!”
Lisa laughed. “You know we all want a big send-off. Maybe this will be our tune-up for Atlanta. We need to sweat a little blood tonight.”
She looked all around. “Okay. So, the usual opener, and then we’ll let the guitars start each song to overlap what we’re finishing up like we used to do with You Really Got Me or Rock and Roll All Night. Tiff, you tell Zoe what you want to do, and I’ll scream it out to Teri. Let’s step back there once in a while and hear what Gina has to say while we’re playing.” Lisa was grinning. “Seriously, we don’t have to introduce ourselves, do we?”
Everyone chuckled.
When Robert walked up on stage to start the show, he smiled. “I adore my Cats. I really do. It’s been a big circle of love that’s reminded me that I need to continue giving local groups a chance to shine like I did with you guys long ago.”
Lisa smiled. “Long ago.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
Robert turned around, and a pin light lit him up. He was grinning from ear to ear. The Wildcats had brought national attention to the Rendezvous; every night, it was sold out. He yelled out like it was a cheer. “Hey, everybody! How about a big cheer for Allentown’s Own Wildcats!”
Gina was already pounding on her drums, and the rest of them were clapping overhead when the big lights found them all up on stage. Gina was in back wearing a silver spandex jumpsuit that was glittery and almost transparent. Zoe was in a corset top made of glittering emeralds. She showed a bare midriff and wore skintight black tights. Tiffany was a goddess in gold. She had on a tight top and tight mid-calf shiny pants. Her four-inch stilettos raised her up over six feet, and all the curls piled on her head only made her more majestic.
Lisa grabbed the mic from the stand and screamed. In her signature red short prom dress, no one could take their eyes off her.
Her sister Teri was in all black tonight. Her thin, shapely body was encased in a series of shiny, wide ribbons skillfully designed to cover the intimate parts of her body, leaving the rest exposed. She wore a pair of low-heeled boots.
When the women complimented her on her look, she shook her head. “Okay, so I promised Barbara from Jersey Girl that I’d try to be more daring and feminine. But this is all too much.”
As the audience didn’t know where to look, Zoe cut loose with an incredible guitar solo that the rock gods would have loved. When Tiffany started playing her bass, Teri started chording the melody. The whole place went wild when Lisa let out a banshee cry to start Run, Run, Gone.
As promised, they played non-stop until their break at 9:45. By the time Lisa yelled out, “Back in fifteen!” Everyone inside the building was breathing hard from dancing. The place went crazy, cheering on their favorite band.
As they all walked off stage and grabbed towels to dry off, Lisa called out, “We’ve got fifteen minutes before we go back on. What shall we do?”
Zoe laughed. “Hey, I don’t know. But I do know that the first set worked. Let’s continue to play hits and some of our stuff, too.”
Gina nodded. “We’ll never get the chance to be this loose again for a while.”
Tiffany frowned. “Oh, I disagree. We need to keep it exciting for us, too. Playing the same stuff each night on this tour will turn us into Zombies.”
Zoe looked at Teri. “Zombies! We should resurrect all the stuff we were going to give to EBR and try it out. That way, we can throw in any new stuff, too. Who knows. We might find time to write while we tour.”
As they opened the second set, Lisa stood at the mic. “We love you, Allentown, more than you can imagine. This is our hometown. Our parents still live here, where we made all our memories. Without you, we’d be nothing. She turned and nodded to Tiffany, who immediately started the bass line to Show Me Some Love.
Naturally, the crowd went wild while they performed a shortened version of their club hit. Everyone cheered when Tiff turned to Teri and spoke. “Oh, Teri. How beautiful you look tonight. Oh, Teri. How delicious you look tonight. I want to unwrap you and eat you alive!”
Teri realized Tiffany was calling her by her real name and had dropped the Tasha part. She thought for a minute and decided that it was perfect. She looked back at Tiffany and purred. “Oh, Tiffany. How beautiful you look tonight. I want to start at your feet and worship you all the way to the top of your head. You are a vision of beauty.”
As the crowd cheered, they all chanted along with Lisa as she said those words,
You can’t lose if you don’ try
If you don’t try, you can’t lose
You gotta give it a try
You gotta give it a shot
She kept repeating the lyrics as the crowd all danced and chanted along with her. The crowd whooped and hollered and screamed and yelled. As they were carrying on, Tiffany walked up to the center of the stage and began playing her bass with a reggae beat. This only meant that they’d be playing their radio hit, Summer Song. As they sang, the crowd sang along with them.
Then, they started all over again with non-stop rock and punk until the second set was finished. Lisa told them they’d return in fifteen minutes and to drink up.
When they reappeared for the last set, Teri came waddling out in her fluffy bunny outfit and grabbed the mic. The pink poodle played bass, the ginger cat was on drums, the red fox and the yellow chick were playing guitars.
They all did their mock heavy metal sound while Teri sung. Everyone sang along
Fur Face,
Fur Face,
Kiss your fuzzy fur face
Love my fluffy bunny slippers
Love my tiny chick
Sweet little puppy,
soft little fox
My cute poodle,
I think you rock
Fur Face,
Fur Face.
Kiss your fuzzy fur face
I love my soft white kitten
Love my pussy, too
Give you hugs,
Give you kisses
Bury my face into your fur
Fur Face,
Fur Face.
Kiss your fuzzy fur face
As Teri sang, everyone sang along. When she reached the line, ‘Bury my face into your fur,’ everyone screamed it out as one.
Then, the beautiful pink poodle slid her bass behind her back and did her rap.
In my arms I’ll squeeze you tightly.
You’re so small, and you’re real needy.
Tug my heart with all your cuteness,
Make me blush, I’ll hold and kiss you
Puppies, kitties, little sheepie.
Love ‘em cause they’re soft and cuddly.
Baby want you in my arms,
holding you and kissing me.
When you’re smiling, I love you more.
Give you kisses and bite your fur.
‘Cause teddy bears and little foxes aren’t
as cute as you can be
That night, when they walked off the stage, the crowd clapped and chanted Wildcats over and over again until the sound system came on, playing Wildcat music from the soundtrack they had recorded there for their first upload to the internet.
As they were packing up, Robert came up and hugged them all. “Best show ever. You sent everyone home smiling and singing their favorite Cat’s song. Our crew will pack you up and lock everything securely until Phil sends a crew for your stuff.”
Robert laughed and handed Lisa a manila envelope. “Here, for old times’ sake. And yes, everything you made this week is being donated, but this is from me. Not much, but it will pay for your dinner tonight. Oh, yeah. Did I mention that we’ve got a room reserved at The Spot for twelve-thirty? I talked the chef into doing something special for you guys tonight.”
Richard found them and grinned. “Now that’s the band I want to take to Atlanta. Your energy levels were so electric. Oh, yeah. The Flower Sisters are bringing their instruments and are ready to play on Saturday for your arena show. Rose said the girls were looking forward to the sound check in the afternoon.”
Lisa was nodding. “What band is going on first to warm up the crowd at our arena show?”
Richard smiled. “No one. You guys sold out twenty thousand seats. Everyone paid bucks to see you women play. Big crowd, lots of music. This should get you all tuned up for your tour while the Cats rock Atlanta.”
All of them were squeezing each other with excitement. “How long should we play on Saturday?”
Phil smiled. “A two-hour show will be okay, but if you can take a pause and come back to rock them for another thirty minutes or more, you will own them forever.”
Teri was nodding. “Easy. We can do that, especially having the Flowers with us. How about if we save them for that last part and play cool songs? We can easily fill two hours of our own stuff and then rock the night with some favorites. We need a big list at this point.”
Tiffany laughed. “For the second half, we return and open with Fur Face. And then we give them Bach, Sam Cooke, Aretha, and whatever we want!”
Lisa was clapping. “Should we end with our single?”
Phil smiled. “It’s singles now. Summer Song and Run, Run, Gone are both being pushed by Warner’s. I think they’re hoping we have five songs on the Billboard top ten before the summer is out.”
Gina laughed. “Okay. Will anyone tell us about this tour and where we’re going?”
Richard shrugged. “I wanted to see how the ticket sales were going in Atlanta first, but now that you have the confidence to headline a solo tour, it’s all up on your website. And yeah, you’ll have the option to include a warmup band before you come out each night while you’re on tour. We can support the young bands.”
Teri was already grabbing at her iPad. She pulled up their website and was looking at the dates. “So we go on the road June 15th and do show a couple of weekdays and weekends every month until the end of August.”
Richard leaned over and pointed out some gaps. “Uh-huh. In big cities, you play for two or three nights, and we also throw in some state fairs and festivals. We’ll do some of the smaller towns for one night and travel to the next place a day later. Bill Wiggins and Gimli have hammered this out. We even built in some three-day gaps for time outs from the road.”
Teri was counting, “Thirty performances.”
Richard smiled, “Right. You’ll each clear a million dollars after all the expenses. Wiggins is backing the tour so that everything will be paid for in advance. And we will hire more road crew, a wardrobe specialist, security, a massage specialist, and merchandise people. Everyone will tour with the band!”
Zoe thought for a minute. “I think we need a food truck and a chef.”
Lisa immediately thought of contacting Jessica Jade for security. “Can we invite Jessica?”
Richard smiled and nodded. “She’s already said yes.”
Teri was still looking at the list of stops. “This is pretty incredible. Will each show be as big as Atlanta?”
Phil smiled. “No. Atlanta-sized arenas are about the maximum you’ll see this time. They’re already putting together a second leg for September until Thanksgiving. It's the same deal: three-day breaks every two weeks to get you off the road. And you’re already booked to do the Christmas show on Saturday Night Live.”
“SNL!” She turned and looked at Zoe. “We need to start working on a Christmas Album!”
Zoe shook her head. “I’ll be heading into my third trimester around Thanksgiving. That will be interesting for my costumes.”
Tiffany nodded. “That’s great! Let everyone see that women have babies and still rock!”
Lisa shook her head in disbelief. “What? No Super Bowl Half-Time Show?”
Richard shrugged. “Warner’s is already talking about two years from now.”
Phil laughed. “Oh, yeah. And you’re going to play at this year’s Grammy Awards. Bill Wiggins says that you guys are up for several nominations. And your song from Chances might get nominated for Best Song at the Oscars.”
“Huh?” Lisa looked puzzled.
“Remember that song you wrote for Chances? The movie comes out on Thanksgiving Day. Teri penned that quick song, and all of you cobbled together. Well, you need to practice it because it will start getting airplay for their trailers in September.”
They all looked at each other. Finally, Gina said, “It was that James Bond sort of thing. I think we played it three times.”
“If that’s all we played it, I wonder if we could practice it and then rerecord it for their soundtrack?”
Phil nodded. “Yep. They’ll take whatever you send them. After all, it’s an exclusive Wildcats song that will only be available on the Chances soundtrack. Oh, yeah. Many of your songs are being remixed as club versions for their album.”
Tiffany laughed. “We’ve become a club dance band, after all. It’s Teri’s fault because she wanted us to record a club song for DJ Blank.”
Then Gina stuck her tongue out at Tiffany. “Yeah, Show Me Some Love, a totally stupid idea!”
“Yeah, nothing at all. Just the beginning of the Wildcats' rise to fame and fortune.” Gina smacked Tiffany on the bicep.
Teri raised her hand. She’d found it on her tablet. “Okay. So, here’s the song we did. It’s all here on the iPad.” She played chords on her guitar and sang the melody.
He was looking down and gasping
at the thin cable at his feet
The shiny wire stretched tightly
He knew it was a path that led him home
Taking a deep breath, he started placing one foot in front of the other
He thought that a wrong breath or blink would send him over the edge.
But there only was one direction to go
Once he started going forward
There was no turning back
There was no time to change his mind or room to turn around
Home was on his mind as he stepped out onto the wire
“It sounds okay. I like how it’s not about the movie but just about the universal need for humankind to go forward. I like that line, no turning back.” Zoe read it over and passed it along.
As Teri played the chords, she sang.
Tiffany gave her a hug. “Sounds good to me. Let’s keep working on it this week. We have the time to give them another recording.”
Lisa nodded. “What should we call it?”
Gina grinned. “A Leap of Faith.”
Teri nodded. “No Turning Back.”
They all cheered.
After packing up, they all walked out into the empty parking lot. They were quietly curious as their shuttle drove them to The Spot, the best restaurant in town. The big sign was dark. As they went through the front doors, everyone they knew was holding a glass of champagne. Teri spotted her mom standing with Conor, Bruno, Mike, Grace, and Jenn. She saw Phil and Richard talking to Robert. Everyone looked like they’d already started drinking as the server brought each a glass and offered trays of snacks, too. They all hugged and greeted each other at this after-hours surprise party. Lisa’s boyfriend Smith appeared from the back stepped up and gave her a hug.
Everyone was talking about the tour until Robert held up his glass. “Folks. This little celebration acknowledges our talented musicians who have put Allentown on the map. Here’s to the beginning of a new journey for our Cats. Finishing up tonight and generously donating all their money to Allentown charities really says a lot about our kids. We’ve watched them grow up and change. We’ve seen and heard an amazing band headed out to conquer the world. So raise your glasses high to The Wildcats!”
Everyone drank champagne and nibbled on little snacks until the doors to the private room opened. At each place setting was a beautiful salad with fruit and cheese. After that course, there was a tiny dish of sherbet to cleanse the palate and then a roasted fish dish with grilled potatoes and fresh green beans on the side.
After everyone finished, they moaned that they couldn’t eat another bite. Then out came a flourless chocolate torte covered in fresh raspberries. Naturally, there was homemade whipped cream and ice cream, too. When they were done, everyone thanked Robert for his generosity and kindness.
Laughing, Lisa handed over her envelope with Robert’s money to pay for the dinner.
Two shuttle buses were heading out, and the Wildcats and their lovers filled one bus. Their bus made a side trip to Bruno’s townhouse and then dropped all the sleepy Wildcats off at their house in the woods.
As Zoe was walking off the bus, she turned and yelled, “Sleep in kittens. No work tomorrow!”
Teri yelled out, “But we’ve got to make a new song for Chances this week!” She was overwhelmed with the loud boos she received from her best friends. “Okay, so maybe on Tuesday?”
Jenn and Teri climbed the steps to the top floor. As they were showering together, Jenn kissed Teri on her mouth. “I love you, Rock Star.”
The next day was Sunday, and Teri woke up early and headed to the music room. She was determined to turn that quick song into a dramatic one. She sat down at the synthesizer and pulled up the piano sliders. Looking over the lyrics, Teri trimmed and substituted new words. Her goal was to change it, add punch, and give the song a mysterious feel. She wanted to make it more universal and tightened it up
Looking down
at the thin cable
Stretched tight out in the night
The path to home
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
A deep breath
Stepping off
Never looking down
Just focusing ahead
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
Once you start
There’s no going back
No changing your mind
No turning around
One foot in front of the other
The only one way to go home
When she had finished the words, she tried to create a melody to accompany it. It wasn’t long before a sleepy-eyed girlfriend was sitting next to her. Teri looked over to see Jenn wrapped in their comforter. She still looked sleepy but quite content. “Sing it to me, Rock Star.”
Teri smiled and began to play. As she did, she realized that this song would fit perfectly into her quest to find something they could do on stage to replace Paint It Black and the Bach piece. As she played and sang, she could sense where Lisa would start to sing and how it could morph into a real heavy rock song.
She stopped and kissed Jenn hard on the mouth. She grabbed Teri’s head and hungrily kissed her back. She pointed to the sheet music. “Where’d that come from?”
Teri smiled. “This is the core of a new song for the movie Chances that we did a while back I hope the band likes it enough to keep working on it with me.”
Jenn moved to sit in her lap. She whispered in Teri’s ear. “Of course, they will because they love you and the song, too. But I have a serious problem, Rock Star. I need your help. I’ve lost all my clothes and don’t know what to do.”
Dear Readers,
If you’re reading A Wildcat Summer, you know we’ve reached the halfway point in the story. I need to pause and say thanks to the wonderful people who work behind the scenes to keep everything going here at BigCloset.
Without their support there never would have been The Wildcats. After seven years of posting here, I just hope you remember them as you empty your pockets into the change jar every night.
I gave Erin & BigCloset the rights & the proceeds from the book Taylor a while back. Buy that book for them!
Please support this site. A place to gather is vital for free speech.
Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
“Here, take it.” Tiffany tried it pass a joint on to Zoe. She waved it off and Lisa reached around and took it.
Tiffany looked at her best friend. “Oh, that’s right. You’re not getting high, are you?”
Zoe grinned and drank from her water bottle. “Nope. Remember, I’m pregnant.”
Tiffany shook her head. “Sorry, I’m high and I forgot.”
Gina laughed. “You could use that excuse all the time. ‘Sorry, I’m high and I forgot. ‘Blown Away Barbie,’ weed and wine not included.”’
Tiffany shook her head. “Oh, fuck you, Miss High and Mighty. Just cause I’m not some scholar like you. I’d rather be me, all beautiful and caring. I’ll take me over you any day. You’re nothing but a little fat turd with nose hairs and chin whiskers.”
Gina laughed. “Have you been practicing that one as you stare at yourself in the mirror each morning? Do you have to say it out loud and then write it down just to correct it?”
Tiffany was turning red. “Hey, not everybody can just roll wise-assed stuff from their brain to their tongue. Some of us are poets and just want things to be perfect.”
“C’mon, Barbie. You gotta do better than that. Do you want some help insulting me?”
“And what would you say, Miss Perfect?”
“Well, maybe we could talk about my perfect figure and my beautiful hair. Or we could talk about my talents and skills.”
Tiffany paused, then shook her head. “Hey, those aren’t insults!”
“Oh, that’s right,” she mimicked. I forgot what we were doing ‘cause I’m too high!”
Tiffany looked around at everyone wiping tears from their eyes. Suddenly, she held her face in her hand, and said quietly. “You’re right. I am a stupid, no-good person, and Mike is going to find somebody perfect and leave me behind.” Then, she bent over at her waist and sat there crying silently to herself.
The other Wildcats looked at each other and frowned. Nobody wanted to hurt her, but it looked like that’s what they’d done. Gina stood up from her chaise and walked over. “I’m sorry, Tiff. I thought we were just having fun. I apologize for making fun of you. Please, don’t get upset.”
Tiffany sat up and stared at her. She had no tears on her face. Instead, she had a huge grin. “Upset? How could a pimple on my ass upset me? I just ignore anything you say to me, you toad!”
Realizing that Tiffany had gotten the upper hand over Gina made them all smile and break into applause.
Teri looked away from the scene Tif and Gina were creating and looked at Zoe. “Are you going to be alright being pregnant on this tour and everything?”
Zoe smiled. “Sure. I’m doing all the right things and I’m even sitting upwind from the smoke. I’m taking special vitamins, still running with you guys every day, and it’s all good. I see my doctor and she told me that I can do everything I’m doing now right up until I can’t do it anymore.”
Teri shook her head. “I mean, I can’t even tell you’re pregnant.”
Zoe stood up and moved close to her. She took Teri’s hands and guided them to her belly. “Feel my little baby bump. That’s my body preparing a nest so when the baby grows big, they’ll be room for it to fit.”
Teri shook her head. “That’s just so crazy. I’ve never been around a pregnant woman before. Is that why we’re having a trainer, a masseuse, and a food truck for the tour?”
Lisa laughed and shook her head. “The trainer knows first aid and was an EMT. She’d also a licensed masseuse. The food truck will shop daily and provide fresh, healthy meals for us and the crew. So those expenses will pay off when we don’t get sick or feel bad because of something we ate. It’s a win-win.”
Teri turned to Lisa who had been listening. “What will those things cost us, sis?”
Lisa patted the side of Teri’s face and smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s not going to take away from your million-dollar payoff.”
Tiffany looked at Zoe. “Speaking of payoffs, Zoe’s baby starts out life as a millionaire. Seriously, Zoe gets a million buck payoff from touring, Bruno already has millions of dollars, and Conor has millions and millions of dollars. This baby is going to be the Prince of the Wildcats.”
Zoe laughed. “Or maybe, the Princess of the Wildcats.”
They all watched Tiffany refill her glass of white wine from the ice bucket she had by her feet. Lisa smiled. “Before Tiffany becomes incoherent, can we talk about Atlanta and our song list?”
Everyone nodded and watched as Teri raised her hand. “Uh, I have an idea. Well, several, but one at a time, right?”
Gina laughed. “Okay, Mozart. No moans or groans. Spill the beans.”
Tiffany said, “Oh, I had that game when I was little. Or was it Monkeys in a Barrel?”
“Well, I was thinking since this is our night and we can take our time warming this crowd up. Right?” She waited until everyone nodded. They were all used to Teri ideas and looked forward to them. Without a doubt, young Teri had brought a huge amount of energy to the band.
“Well, I saw some old reels of Jimi Hendrix performing live. He’d start out with a blues song that would get everyone’s attention. Once he finished that, he’d roll into the good stuff.”
Gina smiled. “I see your logic. We open with “Two-Thirty Blues” and then go into “Run, Run, Gone!””
Lisa was smiling. “Sure. All these people will have watched or heard all our stuff by now and expect Run to be our opener. This way, they can watch our talented musicians play the blues before we take their heads off. Ya got my vote.”
Everybody was smiling.
Then they turned back to Teri to hear her speak.
“Since we already agreed to have the Flowers in the second half of the show, I think we should make it a real second half. Kinda take a break like an intermission and then come back to slowly wow them. You know, for the second half, we can open with Fur Face, and do our Bach piece integrated with Chances. Then, everybody will watch as the Flowers come out on stage to help us with Summer Song and the tag where Iris sings her church ref. After that, we can do the B-52’s, Aretha, and Sam Cooke all with horns.”
“I vote for Stevie Wonder and Sly.”
“How about Prince?”
Tiffany smiled. “I want to do more. Really just funk it up.”
“Yeah, those would all work. More time with the Flowers, more variety for the crowd. Where we going to stick “Show Me Some Love?””
Tiffany stood up. “We can close out the first set with it as we go to black.’
Lisa listened than said, “I think we should end the second set with it.”
Tiffany was grinning. “A voice can say, The Wildcats will be back after a brief intermission. This will give us time to regroup, get our furry suits out, and play Fur Face. And then we can introduce the Flowers.”
Gina smiled. “And you know they’re going to want an encore. Shall we save the B-52s and Aretha for our encore?”
Lisa was clapping. “I suggest that we write down all our songs on the tablet so that we have some things to call out and play. I do like the idea of the first set being ninety minutes and the second set another ninety minutes. We can get a feel for this on Saturday night in Atlanta and perfect it on our first stop.”
“Wow. That’s a pretty big workout. Three hours?”
Lisa nodded. “I know we can handle it. The nice thing is that we don’t have to hurry our songs, more time to solo.”
Tiffany looked up. “Where’s our first stop?”
Teri looked at their schedule. “At the beginning of June we are booked for two music festivals, one in New Jersey and another in New York. And then we’re in Chicago for three nights, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. After that, it looks like we make several one and two night shows a week until July. There’s a ton of festivals back-to-back we might want to play.”
Tiffany yelled out. “And we get a bus!”
After that, it was a quote-out contest from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation starting with, “Yep. That there is an RV. I borrowed it off a buddy of mine.”
“Why is the carpet so wet, Todd?”
“It’s a bit nipply out here.”
“Shitter’s full, Clark.”
“Snot’s just yakkin on a bone.”
“Save the neck for me, Clark!”
“Is Rusty still in the Navy?”
Later, Jenn found Teri asleep on the bed. She shook her and when she rolled over, her eyes were all bloodshot. “Hey, what’s up, Rock Star?”
Teri had to wipe the sleep from her eyes. After getting high, she’d gone upstairs to write some lyrics. “Oh, hi. We were celebrating finishing up the recording of Chances for the movie. You know, the band gets a few cents whenever they show the promo.”
“So you guys all got stoned?”
“Well, except for Zoe. She’s already getting into shape for the baby. But Tiffany killed a half bottle of wine, too.”
Jenn shook her head. “How does she get up in the morning?”
Teri grinned. “It’s the funniest thing how she still leads us running every morning. She might be hung over, but the whole time we run, she curses at Gina. And of course, Gina just laughs at her. They really are a pair. Did you know they were together for four years riding across country in the old van?”
“Is that the same old rust heap that’s parked out by the tool shed?”
“Yeah. They want to save it for an album cover.”
Jenn shook her head. “They should take the photos now and then put it out of its misery.” She smiled and looked Teri over. C’mon. I’ll take you out to dinner. You look homeless.”
As Teri cleaned up and got dressed, she still talked. “Well, we did find out we have a bus on some legs of our tour, especially when we’re playing music festivals. And our first big show stop is in Chicago for two of three nights. Richard says they always leave another day available if the tickets sell out quickly.”
Jenn nodded. “The Wildcats have become part of a big money making machine. You need to talk to Smith. EBR were chewed up and spit up.”
“Well, I think that’s what the women were all hoping would happen. But I don’t think that’s going to happen to us. I trust Bill Wiggins and Gimli.”
“Yep, I was looking at your schedule on your website. There’s a lot of places when I can come out and share a hotel with you for a couple days at a time.”
“Wait, Jenn. You’re not going to go everywhere with us?”
“Nope. It looks like it’s just the Wildcats. You know, besides playing at night, you’re going to be working a lot in the daytime.”
“Interviews, public appearances, signings. And people are going to win tickets to go backstage before your shows and they’re going to have crowds sit in on your sound checks, too. You’ll be busy.”
Teri shrugged. “Yeah. I never thought about all of that. But we’re being well paid.”
“Yep. There’s that.” Jenn grabbed her hand and the two of them slipped out to get a healthy dinner.
Saturday night, Teri stood in the wings of the big stage. She’d watched five people climb ropes so they could work the overhead spotlights. Once they were twenty feet in the air, they pulled up their rope ladders behind them.
Zoe was watching with her. “Pretty cool, huh?”
Teri nodded. “We should add lines to Chances about singing high in the air.”
They both peeked out at the crowd. The arena was packed. She could see just walls of faces everywhere.
A group of people approached them. They were dressed in all black with a tag that said ‘stage.’
One of the women smiled and stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Lucy. Our jobs are to get you to your spot on stage. There are some big cables in the back out there, so we don’t want an accident.”
As they were picking up their instruments, Zoe reached over and gave Teri a hug. “Have a great time. Enjoy tonight. Make the most of it.”
Teri looked at Zoe and smiled. “So, tonight there are six Wildcats. Your baby is going on tour, too.”
When they walked out on stage, each musician was escorted out to their spot by a stagehand holding a small pocket flashlight with a red gel on it. Teri placed her free hand on the woman’s shoulder who led her out.
What she noticed immediately was the hum of thousands of people talking. It was a sound she’d never heard before. She strapped on her guitar and touched the strings. She heard the low thrum of her guitar resonating with her speakers. Teri had a single amp head resting on four more. They were all hooked up to three six-foot tall Marshall speakers. When they’d had a sound check that afternoon with the Flower Sisters, she was surprised how much power it took to properly drive those big speakers to their full capacity.
They’d spent ten minutes catching up with the Flower sisters. Lily, Rose, and Iris were the most talented brass musicians they knew and were happy to include them in the live part of the album they’d recorded at the French Town Festival in New Orleans.
Teri stood there watching everyone find their places out on the stage. After they were settled, Zoe started playing. When a single spot found Zoe, the audience all started cheering. All eyes were on Zoe who was playing a slow blues guitar solo. The clean sound of her playing held the crowd’s attention.
After sixteen bars, Gina began drumming, and then Tiffany came in with her bass. Now there were three spotlights showing each woman playing. Before long, the tall blonde looked back at Gina and like a well-oiled machine, they picked up the pace from a walking blues to something faster, a Chicago style. That’s when Teri came in. The spotlight found her using a glass slide on her left forefinger to add a different layer to the song. Now, for her, it was all about bending strings and playing under Zoe’s solo which hadn’t stopped.
A light appeared in the middle of the stage and found Lisa holding onto the mic stand, singing the lyrics to “2:30 Blues,” Teri’s ode to last period study hall. While that time slot gave all the jocks at Allentown High School a chance to get changed and get on their sports bus, the geeks and nerds were herded into afternoon study hall trying to amuse themselves without talking or violating the code of conduct.
Lisa started signing in a mournful deep throated Bessie Smith style. If you knew the words, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
Climbing up my butt and dragging on my heels
Holding me back
hearing brakes squeal
Slowing me down by weighing on my mind
Keeping me chained
and wasting my time
I’ve got the two-thirty blues, baby.
Can’t seem to shake them off my mind.
Those two-thirty blues, baby.
And I get them all the time.
Count those minutes down, honey
Because I can’t wait
The clocks seem to slow
I’m starting to faint
Watchin’ the minute hand come to a stop
Times moving slower now I just wanna drop
I’ve got the two-thirty blues, baby.
Can’t seem to shake them off my mind.
Those two-thirty blues, baby.
Well, I get them all the time.
As each guitar took a solo, the crowd was clapping along with the song as it continued to rock out.
But then, Gina started pounding her drums upping the sound from a lazy blues to something heavier. It was not even close the slower rhythm they’d be playing. As she took over everyone else stopped playing. The other four Wildcats all walked to the front of the stage, holding their hands over their heads, clapping along with Gina’s pounding.
Suddenly, Zoe turned up her guitar and ripped a hard rock solo that shredded her strings. Everybody came to their feet, screaming and applauding. Then, the whole arena joined in clapping together, one beat, one rhythm.
Tiffany started to play a bass line that sent the whole place cheering. No-one could take their eyes off the tall blonde skillfully taking their sound to a higher level
Until Teri who was still clapping, now swung her guitar around and started to make it moan. Everyone watched as the sound of the guitar matched the young woman and she continued to use her glass slide and hold the notes. After she’d reach a crescendo, she’d resume chording with her right arm swinging pendulum style.
At this point, Lisa came up to the mic and screamed so loudly that her sound cut through all the noise that the band was making. After everyone’s eyes were on her, she began singing the lyrics to “Run, Run, Gone!” until everyone was singing along.
When they got to the chorus, everybody in the band would scream out Run! They all encouraged the audience to join in and shout with them.
After they played the complete song, Zoe wowed them with another masterful solo that would usually bring the song to an end. Instead, as they were ready to wind down, Teri started the chording the music to Downward Spiral and the song began. From that point, the Wildcats played one song after another with no break for thirty minutes. They were keeping the crowd clapping and dancing to the amazing beats that Gina would lay down. Thirty minutes of singing and playing non-stop had turned their concert into a dance party.
When they finally stopped, Lisa walked to the front and yelled, “Hello Atlanta! How Y’all doin’ tonight!?”
This brought a roar from the audience who had not stopped clapping and dancing since they’d started playing.
Lisa waved and did a 360º twirl sending her red dress spinning around. “I’m Lisa. Over the years, we’ve played throughout the south, but when we played at The Underground, I fell in love. We had so much fun and were tempted to take a few of your beautiful men home with us. Unfortunately, the women lassoed them back before we could temp ‘em with our northern love.”
Everyone was smiling and laughing. “So, we’re back again looking to trap some handsome, broad-shouldered, strong jawed lover boys who can satisfy Tiffany’s needs. Oh, yeah, speaking about that, let me introduce you to the Wildcats. Sitting back there, looking beautiful in her blue skintight spandex is our drummer, Gina! Gina likes roller derby and wants a man who can check her hard enough to knock her off her feet. Right, Gina?”
Gina had heard this nonsense for the past four years and smiled and pounded her drums in response.
Then Lisa turned and smiled. “Oh. And let’s see. Over there looking tall and blonde and beautiful tonight is Tiffany in her gold! I warn you, boys. Tiffany likes a party. As a matter of fact, she is the party and always likes to have a few spare men on hand in case there’s a blowout.”
All the guys yell and clap while getting dirty looks from their dates.
Lisa pauses. “So don’t be surprised if you’re handed a Golden Ticket tonight from Tiffany. Our gal is wearing a golden jumpsuit and four-inch stilettos, but don’t be afraid. She’s not interested in your jump shot. Right?”
As the crowd roared their approval as Tiffany curtsied, Lisa pointed to Zoe. “Now, men. You’ve already watched our lead guitarist, Zoe performs. You’ll be warned to know that she’s as intense as her solos. Any guy that Zoe picks out tonight has to have a full physical before they can be cleared to meet and greet our Zoe, who is wearing a white tuxedo top and sparkly green tights. Isn’t she just a dream with her flaming red hair and a personality to match?”
At this point, Teri waked over and snatched the mic from her sister’s hand. As she held it high in the air, Lisa playfully tried to jump for it, but Teri was two inches taller. As Lisa gave up trying to get it back, Teri spoke. “Hi, Hotlanta! I’m Teri and I had to interrupt my talkative sister and tell you about that vision in red standing right next to me. Now, my sister, Lisa, is dressed for a party in her beautiful mini dress because she is all of that and more. And that’s really the problem we have to face every time we play. No one has ever, and I mean ever, been able to last a night with my big sister. Sure, you say, a pretty blonde who seems so nice, what could go wrong? Believe me when I tell you that Lisa is so powerful that she sucks the blood out of vampires. Every one of those walking dead know her portrait because she’s in every vampire post office throughout their world. Last warning, boys. Watch out for those fangs!”
As Teri went to put the mic back in the stand, Lisa stood there expressing anger. Teri pretended to ignore her sister and finally said, “And, oh yeah. I’m Teri, Lisa Nelson’s little sister. My mom says I’m too young to date, but what does she know, right?”
With that, Teri turned her guitar around and began the intro to Jimi Hendrix “Foxy Lady.” Her guitar roared as she played hard and loud. As she did, Tiffany started in on her bass. Pretty soon, Gina slammed down her drums and joined in on the power trio. Teri approached the mic and surprised the audience when she was able to sing as clearly and as well as Lisa. As she sang, “You know, you’re a cute little heartbreaker” she grabbed the mic stand and pointed it out into the audience as everyone sang back, “Foxy Lady.”
The trio played all the way through the song as Teri demonstrated that she could handle Jimi and rev it up. When it was done, everyone’s cheering was drowned out with Zoe’s intro to another Wildcat original, “Electric Cars.”
And that’s the way it went for another hour. They didn’t give the audience a chance to breath as their catchy beats and beautiful harmonies kept everything going. At ninety minutes, the Wildcats took a break. Lisa yelled out, “We’ll be back. Plenty of time to get another drink. See you in fifteen minutes.”
As they walked off the stage, any fears they had of having to fight to handle the big crowd were gone. When they all reached back stage, they stood together with a group hug. They were laughing and talking until Zoe said, “Bitches, we own this place! I’m going to need four men to help me carry my guitar back to my hotel!”
Teri knew they were all kidding around, but she was feeling confused. She had never been this high. She worried that she’d probably lose control on the first warm body that gave her a hug.
She immediately knew it was time to kiss Jenn, seriously hydrate, and find a candy bar.
Before she had a chance to look around, a blur wrapped Teri into her arms, hugging and kissing her. “Oh, Rock Star! You guys are incredible tonight. You’ve never sounded so tight and wonderful. Everything was perfect.
They both heard a deep voice laugh and call out. “You’re right, Jenn. Your girlfriend is a rock star.!”
Turning to look, they saw Gimli and Bill Wiggins standing there. There were smiles all around. Gimli laughed. “Now, Teri. Do have any more doubts about the Wildcats filling an arena?”
Teri carefully answered. “Well, I don’t have any doubts that you can fill an arena for the Wildcats.”
Bill Wiggins laughed. “Good answer, Teri. And that’s why Gimli is going to be the advance man for the rest of the summer. He’s going to make sure that everywhere you go will be sold out!”
By that time, the other Wildcats had come over with their lovers in tow. After introductions, Bill Wiggins spoke. “We are witnessing a phenomenon here. Two months ago, I bet my job that these ladies would become the next supergroup. Fortunately, I can still recognize talent before everyone else. And that’s why the Wildcats get the best treatment from Warner’s Records.”
To start the second half, the Wildcats came out on stage in their Furries outfits. The whole place rose to their feet screaming “Fur Face.” No one in the audience knew that their famous costumes had started as an inside joke with Barbara of Jersey Girls, their wardrobe outfitter.
Because everyone else was communicating well with their clothing designer, Tiffany started getting frustrated. All this guy wanted to do was keep dressing her in were furs and leather like Eskimo Barbie. She kept saying that she wasn’t from Sweden but from New Jersey. She needed something more, but unfortunately, her man wasn’t listening.
And when they were all eating together, Tiffany was sharing her grievances with Barbara. Her designer heard that and made some nasty remarks about Tiffany’s body not measuring up to his designs. Barbara fired him and Tiffany was given designers who would listen.
But when the group discovered Tiffany’s designer secretly had a furry fetish, that sealed the deal. They all decided to dress as furries for one show. Gina had always called Teri her hunny-bunny, so naturally she was dressed as a cute little rabbit with long ears and a big white cotton tail. Zoe opted for a red fox with a big tail to match her flaming red hair. Gina chose a white cat, but Tiffany insisted that she resemble Garfield and be a fat tabby. Lisa said she’d like to be a cute yellow chick and naturally Tiffany had to be a pink poodle because that’s all her original designer dressed her in was fur and pink.
Teri wrote a faux heavy metal song and Fur Face became a multi-million viewed reel on Instagram and TikTok. It was even played on the Today Show.
After singing their slightly R rated lyrics, Tiffany did her rap along with half the people in the audience. As they were finishing up, everyone was riding the “Fur Face” wave along with them.
After that, the stage went to black. It came back to a single spotlight revealing Teri playing the piano. It was the introduction to Bach’s Cello and Piano Suite. As she played, it was obvious she’d had lots of lessons in her youth. As everyone’s eyes were on Teri, Tiffany carried out her electric cello and sat down on a small stool. Once a second spotlight found her, no one could take their eyes from the majestic beauty with her legs wrapped around her twenty-first century instrument. The band humorously referred to this segment as the Revenge of the Blondes, which is what they called their strange showstopper. Common sense told all bands that you never stop the momentum by doing a ballad.
The audience grew quiet listening to every note that came from her cello. Teri and Tiffany dueled with the Bach piece as another spotlight found Lisa sitting on a stool between them. Teri and Tiffany switched from Bach to the introduction to their song, Chances. Lisa started to sing slowly and mournfully.
Looking down at the thin cable
Stretched tight out in the night
It was the path to home
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
A deep breath stepping off
Never looking down just focusing ahead
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
One foot in front of the other
A breath, a blink
Only one way to go
Once you start, there’s no going back
No changing your mind, no turning around
One foot in front of the other
The only one way to go home
As the music continued, Zoe started a Hendrix style feedback solo that built in intensity until Gina started pounding on her drums. Everyone was watching Zoe and never saw Tiffany leave her cello in its stand as she picked up her bass. Now, the Wildcats were playing an upbeat version of Chances with Teri on the synthesizer, Gina on the drums, and Tiffany on her bass, as Lisa ripped loose with a passionate delivery of the same song.
But as they were playing the song through again, each musician stopped until it was just Zoe noodling on her guitar. Then she stopped and the light went out. But Tiffany’s cello filled the arena. The spotlight went on and found her playing the end of the Suite as the crowd roared its approval.
A minute later the rest of the Wildcats appeared walking over to their amplifiers and speakers. As they did, three beautiful women mounted a riser behind Teri. Each one carried two horns. They all set one of their brass into a rack and readied themselves to play.
Everyone watched Gina as she counted off. Teri was at the Hammond organ and Lisa was center stage. Two of the Flower Sisters held a trumpet and a sax. The third sister, Iris, had her own microphone and was joining Lisa at center stage.
Everyone on stage began to stamp their feet, and clap their hands until the whole audience joined in. Each Wildcat began shouting, “Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey!”
As everyone clapped and yelled ‘Hey,’ Lisa began to sing, “Beat is gettin’ stronger.
Iris sang, “Music gettin’ longer, too,”
Then it was Teri’s turn, and she sang loudly, “Music is flashin’ me”
Everybody in the band yelled “Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Now Iris took the lead and sang,” I want to, I want to, I want to take you higher!”
Now, it was Teri’s turn as she sang, “I want to, I want to, I want to take you higher!”
Then Lisa sang out, “Baby, baby, baby, light my fire.”
All three vocalists sang, “I wanna take you higher!”
Then, the entire band sang, “Boom laka-laka-laka, Boom laka-laka-goon-ka boom.”
Then, they did it all again with the horns blasting, the slap bass making them all stamp their feet, and the guitar and organ giving them the melody. They all took turns singing Sly and The Family Stone’s hit, “I Want To Take You Higher.”
From there, they went right into the intro to Prince’s song, “Kiss” which included all the brass and musicians pumping up the beat. No one noticed that Tiff had handed off her bass to Zoe until Tiffany stood at her mic and in the prettiest voice sang, “Don’t have to be beautiful to turn me on!”
Since the audience had not seen Tiffany sing solo the crowd went wild. And it didn’t hurt that she was dancing the whole time. Everyone was mesmerized by her singing and dancing as she shouted out, “everybody sing with me!”
And everybody did, “You don’t have to rich to be my girl, you don’t have to be cool to rule my world,” finishing up with “I just want your extra time and your KISS!”
As they sang out the song, Tiffany stood at her mic and waved as the audience cheered.
As she waved, the band did the intro to “Pink Cadillac,” a song made famous by Aretha Franklin. While all three Flower sisters played their horns, Lisa had moved over to the Hammond organ. Zoe played the song on her guitar. while Teri covered the bass. Tiffany sang.
Everyone in the audience realized that each musician was able to play different instruments and sing without missing a beat. They were mesmerized.
As the song came to an end, the band started the intro to “Respect” and once again Tiffany sang the lead. As they finished the song, Tiffany went to get her bass back from Teri. But Teri smiled and wagged her finger, no. Then she started the play the bass intro to the B-52’s “Love Shack.”
As Tiffany sang the song with everyone’s help, she also did all the old dances that this song was a homage to. The crowd couldn’t get enough as Tiffany did the Frug, the Twist, the Swim, the Pony, and all the corny dances that had sprung up long ago. They were all singing along with the chorus and when the song was over, everyone gave Tiffany a standing ovation.
Tiffany acted like she just won Miss America as she paraded around throwing kisses to the crowd.
Lisa thanked them for their enthusiasm. “And now, we all want to do our version of Sam Cooke’s “A Change If Going To Come.””
As Lisa sang the slow ballad, the band played behind her.
I was born by the river in a little tent
Oh, and just like the river,
I’ve been running ever since.
It’s been a long, a long time comin’
But I know a change is gonna come.
Oh, yes it will.
In the middle of the song, Teri walked up to the front and start to play the melody with the traditional vibrato guitar as it was written into the song. As she played, everyone else in the band stopped and watched.
Teri went back and played the melody, then she’d riff on it. Then she played more of the song and riff on that. The third time, she didn’t stop her riff. Instead, she played a guitar solo that just floated away on its own.
It was a long solo that incorporated feedback, and the harpsichord sound you get when you play the fret board with all ten fingers. She used more feedback and layered her solo by using a loop machine that could repeat what she played. Before the audience realized what was happing, Teri had layers upon layers of guitar solos playing all at once.
As she played, her body seemed to be connected to her guitar. She swayed and bent and then stood up as tall as she could.
People would later say they heard so much in her solo. In Teri’s music they imaged hearing protestors marching, police sirens, dogs barking, and momma’s crying over their lost children. They’d say they heard a church choir and angels until finally they heard a thunderstorm and thousands of rain drops falling.
The audience seemed to be holding their breath during Teri’s solo and not a sound could be heard in the large arena.
When Teri returned to playing the vibrato guitar written for the song, Lisa finished singing it. The audience just stood there silently as Teri walked back to her spot on the stage.
Suddenly, the dams broke loose, and the entire place went wild. They’d never seen or heard anything like that before and would talk about it together after the show. But in the meantime, they all roared their approval, clapping and stamping their feet, crying out the words Teri, Teri, Teri! When one of the cameras on stage got a close-up of Teri, no one could miss the tears streaming from her smiling face on the large projector screens on each side of the stage.
Lisa let the applause go on for a while before she thanked everybody for their contribution as the best audience, they’d ever hand. “You guys are great, and we’d like to thank you by playing a song they’re playing on the radio, “Summer Song.”
Everyone watched Tiffany come out and play the island style reggae bass that was the signature of this song. Soon, everyone had started to play the song. Lisa was playing Teri’s guitar, while she sat at the Hammond organ. When they band started singing the words, the whole audience joined in, while swaying the beat.
As Summer Song was about to end, Teri started playing a church choir organ and Zoe started banging out a counter melody on their piano. As they did, all the voices on the stage joined in singing the last verse of “Summer Song” turning into a church revival. It was like they’d found the happiness at the beach and went straight to heaven.
This was not on the record and was just a free form version that they’d cobbled up for fun. As they were applauding, Tiffany started playing a familiar bass line if you knew the Wildcats songs. As she played, all the rest of the band played the hypnotic rhythm, Tiffany crooned out, “Oh, Teri, you look so beautiful tonight. Oh, Teri, you sang so beautifully tonight. Oh, Teri. I want to hold you tonight.”
As the crowd cheered, Teri went up to her mic and looked at Tiffany. All she did was breath out and back slowly like she was making a pornographic phone call. Finally, she started saying “Oh, Tiffany. Oh, Tiffany” as the crowd started to cheer.
When Lisa chanted the lyrics to Show Me Some Love, everyone chanted along. When she raised her voice, everyone raised their voices, too. When the lyrics changed, everyone followed along.
As they reached the psychedelic portion of the song, both Teri and Zoe went out on their own tangent using feedback to move the song along.
Finally, they came back to Lisa chanting, repeatedly. As the neared the end, she yelled out, “You know what to do! Atlanta show us some love!”
And with that, the audience stood up and cheered. When it was over, everyone was gasping for air. Twenty-thousand people had never had this much fun together. The Wildcats left a big impression that night.
As they walked off the stage waving and blowing kisses to the twenty thousand people who’d been listening for over two hours, they gave a lot of love to the Flower Sisters. Everyone was telling the sisters they had to think about giving up their real lives and coming on tour with them. Tiffany even offered to get them their own bus.
When it was all over, Teri was sitting on an empty couch staring off into space. She had used several towels to dry herself off and loose the stage makeup. Now, all she wore was a little mascara. As she sat there, she felt a familiar body sit next to her to her. She turned and there was the love of life. She reached out and pulled Jenn in close to her body.
As she did, Jenn laughed. “Oh, you are soaking wet. You sweated through all your clothes tonight.”
Teri laughed. “Uh-huh. We gave it all we had. It was a milestone for us.”
Jenn whispered in her ear. “Rock Star, how much did you make tonight?”
Teri shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe like seventy to a hundred thousand.”
“Just you?”
Teri nodded. She was thinking about how last winter she was struggling to find enough money for college tuition.
As Richard called them all together, he announced that there were coach buses out back to take them all to dinner. “We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.”
As they all stood up, Teri looked at Jenn. “Remind me to take a clean set of clothes for after the show. And lots of towels.”
Jenn smiled and saluted. “Aye, aye, my captain.
No one did anything on Sunday afternoon after they returned to Allentown. As their energy came back, Richard sought everyone out on Monday. “Okay. So, congratulations on a great Saturday night. We’ve collected all the reviews from the local music critics and printed them out for your scrapbook. A year from now, you’re going to look back and smile when you realized that our Atlanta concert raised the band up to the big show.”
He smiled as he got out a list on his iPad. “Here’s what’s coming up. Barbara wants to get the Cats down into Philly for a summer wardrobe design meet-up. She wants to make sure you’re always wearing Jersey Girl on and off the stage. She said they’d be bringing in a new wardrobe for each musician every week from now until the end of the summer. They’ll collect the laundry and see that everything gets cleaned and mended before it gets back to the tour.”
Lisa laughed. “She’s trying to stay on our good side because we renegotiate her contract in August. She knows she’s going to pay bigger bucks to outfit all of us.”
Teri laughed. “Heck. She even wants Jenn to come in and get her own designer, too. She said that would be a gift to us.”
Richard laughed. “Speaking of sponsors, Glow wants us in New York for a day. So that might have to be sooner than later since Gimli is booking music festivals for the band. Festivals are simple. We fly to an airport, bus in to the festival, do 60-to-90-minute show, then bus out. Wiggins is high on those because of the exposure for your new album. I assured him that all the songs from the album will be played at each show.”
Gina laughed. “That’s easy because we don’t have any more songs to play until Teri and Zoe write us some new ones.”
“Well, we did “Chances” this week and we were successful tying that into the Revenge Of The Blondes.”
Lisa looked around. “Well, folks. It looks like tour is officially starting.
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Teri had promised the Cats that she would hang up the garment bags from Jersey Girl and look through them. She wanted to ignore her promise and move on with the important things, but finally figured, ‘What could it hurt?’ And truthfully, she could look at the women in their eyes and nod.
Teri looked at the bags she had brought and hung up in the closet. There were two sets of garment bags, the ones that Phil had packed in the box truck and the new ones. Barbara had sent up complete outfits for them when they added two shows, Sunday and Monday. They were in a theater in Greenwich Village. She hummed as she peeked inside all the new bags. She was hoping that they would contain street clothes. She didn’t have clean underwear to go the extra days. Teri knew that she sweated through her stage outfits each night, and they were too fancy to wear around, especially when they were wrinkly and had sweat stains on them. And honestly, she had to admit that they smelled.
Teri realized that her nose had changed. Maybe a while back, Terry always smelled sweaty. Of course, it would be impossible to ignore now. She tried hard to make herself presentable all the time. She ignored the words she would have used back when her mental state was different as a guy.
They’d been expecting to return to Allentown before they did more shows, and Teri hadn’t thought about clean underwear and regular clothes. As she opened the bags, she was looking for tee shirts, yoga pants, or capris. She needed clean panties and bras, too. She quickly searched for the new stuff and found a whole garment bag full of everyday clothes. Hanging in one big bag were small bags containing shoes, underwear, tops, and pants. They had even thrown in shorts.
She was elated. The colors were great, nothing flashy or attention-seeking. Teri liked to walk around in public without drawing any attention to herself. As she unpacked, she was pleased to find comfortable clothes she’d wear daily. With that in mind, she decided to get a shower.
Just as she was undressing, Jenn brought two garment bags from Jersey Girl. She grinted. “This is great. Barbara sent up two bags just for me. I’ve got outfits for the daytime and a few dressy things, too!”
Teri smiled and stopped undressing. “Underwear? Shoes?”
Jenn grinned and held up several small bags. “Yep! And everything is pretty with beautiful colors. I’m excited.”
Teri wrapped her in her arms. “I’m glad you’ll be with me for a few days instead of disappearing like you do when we’re home.”
“You know I’m not running away from you. But you really do spend most of your time withdrawn in your head. You’re thinking about songs that you’re writing or arrangements for the band. And when you are tuned into me, it’s great. It’s just that I want a life, too. I don’t want to wait around all day until you notice me and then come alive.”
“What do you do when you’re alone?”
“I read, I study for my college boards and the extra tests I can take to skip undergrad classes, I like to exercise, and I like to just have some time for myself.”
“You can do all of that in the band house. We have our own bedroom, and the whole third floor is ours. It’s yours, too.”
“I know. But I’m afraid I will get on your nerves or become just a fixture or a plant in your room that you occasionally remember to water. I still want to be special. I like it when you surprise me and do special things to show me how much you love me.”
Teri looked at her and felt the tears already forming in her eyes. One thing she did hate about all that estrogen was that it made her weepy. “I don’t want you to feel unnoticed. I loved you too dearly to have you feel any pain at all. You’re important to me. You’re not a houseplant. You are oxygen. I breathe you and need you and can’t live without you. Believe me, please.”
Jenn kissed her hard. She ran her hands along Teri’s back and down her spine. “Okay. I understand and really need to hear that occasionally. And I need a shower. I’ve been outside all afternoon in the sun and feel sticky. Will you get a shower with me and wash my back?”
Teri didn’t need another invitation and quickly finished undressing. Their shower was amazing, with a rainfall head from the ceiling and a conventional head on the wall with a wand attachment. Teri liked that each had its own controls. Sometimes, rainfall heads got soap in her eyes while washing her hair, but they were fun to stand under and feel the water engulf her.
Jenn kept stroking her with a soft washcloth as they played around in the water. Teri kept grabbing her and squeezing her arms because Jenn was making her flustered and feeling dizzy with excitement. Finally, Teri found herself on her knees, pleasing Jenn in an all-out battle of orgasms.
They mutually agreed that it was a tie. Drying off with big fluffy Egyptian cotton towels, Jenn smiled. “Can I style your hair?”
Teri looked at her strangely. “For now, or for the show tonight?”
“Both. I want to braid your hair and extensions on your head. I want to try some cool things to see how it looks.”
Teri shrugged. She’d never braided her hair on her own but remembered that GLOW had done some fancy things to her hair. She hated it because it looked like she was dressed so girly, like she was going to a wedding. And she had no interest in trying it independently because it always seemed like a lot of work. But after talking this afternoon, she knew she needed to spend more time with her girlfriend. “Sure. And I can watch you and learn how to do it, too.”
Jenn offered, “If we braid your hair when it’s still damp, we can use some spray to lock it into place. And if you don’t like it, taking it out will create interesting waves and curls.”
Teri shrugged. “Let me get some clothes on first. I want my butt covered before I sit on hotel furniture.”
Jenn smiled. “Smart enough.”
Teri pulled out a matching set of clean panties and a bra. These days, she filled out more than an A cup but felt incomplete when she wore a B. So, she put on the A and laughed when she saw how much cleavage she had. The guys would describe it as bootylicious.
She sat down in front of a dressing table mirror after throwing on a top and yoga pants. She watched what Jenn was doing. She narrated her plan as she started pulling her hair in different directions.
Teri watched. It looked like Jenn was forming pigtails, but then she wrapped them around her head and finished in a low bun on the back of her neck.
Teri studied herself in the mirror. She looked very elegant and understated but still wedding-like. But she hated to admit how sexy she looked. “It’s great, only prettier like Princess Leia from Star Wars. But it really is very girly, almost too fancy for me.”
Jenn laughed. “Open your mind, girl, and step away from doing the same old thing all the time. In your own eyes, that old look is growing stale even in your eyes. A hairstyle is supposed to make you feel special. Focusing on your long neck and elegant profile is easy when your hair is off your face. You really are beautiful.”
Teri knew she was becoming anxious listening to Jenn talk like that. She liked being a wallflower and just disappearing in the background. In her mind, she never wanted to take attention away from the band. Those women worked so hard; this deal meant so much to them. She didn’t want to steal the lights shining on them. She shook her head. “That’s hard for me to accept. I hear what you’re talking about, but I don’t want to be sexy like the Wildcats are. I like to be standing in the shadows.”
“Oh, baby. Let it go and enjoy your beauty.”
Teri stared. She sighed, and rather than fight Jenn’s and all the time she’d spent working on her hair, Teri turned and kissed her. “You’re right. You’ve given me a completely new look. I just hope I don’t stand on anybody’s toes. I don’t want to steal anything from the women who worked hard to make this possible. It’s their time to shine.”
Jenn kissed her neck and ran her hands along her chest. “Good. Now, let’s find you something pretty to wear.”
Teri freaked over what Jenn wanted her to wear. It was a tailored jumpsuit that she’d wear on stage. Dark and way too tight, showing off her boobs and cleavage and wrapping around her thin waist and girlish hips and butt. And even with high tops on, the tight pants accented her legs.
And Jenn wanted her to step out into public dressed that way.
Teri sighed and looked it over. “I don’t know. That’s awfully eye-catching. I’m not looking to get anyone’s attention. It’s kinda scary to look too girlish. That’s not me.”
Jenn laughed. “I love the fact that you’re girly. I love that you are beautiful. It makes me feel good that you want to be with me. And you need to take a deep breath and just accept it.”
Teri shook her head. “I’m not sure I can do that. It’s kind of frightening.”
Jenn hugged her tightly. “Honey, I don’t want to crush your male ego, but you never came off as macho. It was just not you. I would hate to see you try to be someone you aren’t and feel like a failure. You’re not a guy dressing up like a girl. C’mon, you know that you were never a guy, right?”
Teri shook her head and couldn’t help but glance in the mirror as she held up the jumpsuit before her. It was beautiful, but…. “You know, in my mind, I was a guy. Maybe I imagined myself that way, but I’m having trouble imagining myself as a girl. I can do it, but I just want to disappear alone.”
Jenn smacked her hard on the bicep. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re a broken record, and you’re selfishly playing that song. How about me? How long do I have to put up with your negative attitude?”
“Huh?” Teri was shocked at the way she was talking.
“Stop the needy behavior around me. I may like my space because sometimes you use up all the oxygen, complaining repeatedly. You make it sound like it’s a death sentence.”
“C’mon, lover. Face it. You never had enough testosterone in your system to get an erection, let alone grow big muscles. And that’s not who I love. I have no complaints about you pleasing me. I honestly am not jealous of anyone else’s boyfriend. I don’t look at guys and wonder what it would be like.”
Teri was confused. “What does ‘what it would be like’ mean?”
Jenn blushed. “Well, you know. I don’t want some muscle-bound guy thinking he can impress me by fucking me to death. I don’t want that. I want you. I have always loved you and everything you are. Our lovemaking sends me to the moon and back.”
Teri listened and hoped everything would last forever. She decided to make a concerted effort to make sure she paid attention to Jenn every day and did something meaningful to show how much she meant to her. She considered her the most important thing in her life and knew that without Jenn, she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the flow.
“Okay. I hear you and love you. I am going to try to be just that. Just remember to kick me in the butt when I forget.”
Jenn laughed and hugged her.
After getting dressed, they wanted to go for a walk in the Village. As they walked out into their shared great room, all the rest of the Wildcats were waiting. Richard smiled, “Well, everyone’s here. Let’s walk to dinner, and then we can walk around and return to the hotel. We will still have time to change and sound check before you play.”
As Teri walked out of their doorway, Zoe immediately grabbed her arm. “Okay, so I love the hair and the outfit. I am so glad that you respect and listen to Jenn. You look good.”
Teri wanted to roll her eyes but instead smiled and said, “Thank you.”
After they ate dinner, they went out for a walk. Naturally, they all talked about playing at the festival that day.
Gina nodded. “I like Teri’s idea to make the next festival a total shoot-the-moon show.”
Tiffany turned and smiled. “We don’t play many daytime shows. The only ones I can remember are the rooftop shows we did in Allentown.”
Lisa nodded, “But don’t forget the Saturday afternoon hour that we did in New Orleans.”
Zoe clapped. “Right. We played every song we liked. It was our tribute to New Orleans and the South. That was fun. We were real show-offs.”
Teri agreed. ‘It still feels strange to get all set up and play an hour in the afternoon.”
Lisa laughed. “But would it have felt stranger to play an entire show as the featured act at one of these festivals? That would all be at night.”
Teri stopped and thought for a minute. She turned to Richard. “Are we going to be the featured act at any of these festivals?”
Richard laughed. “Yes, you will. By the time you are tired of playing festivals, there are two at the beginning of August where you’ll be the top bill. Festivals usually have two names to promote and sell tickets. One plays on Friday night, and the other on Saturday night. You’re the headliner for Friday night. You can do a whole show since you’re last to go on.”
Phil laughed. “And eventually, as your fame spreads, they’ll offer you the Saturday nights, too. Give it a month. They’ll be playing three Wildcat hits on the radio.”
Lisa ticked them off. “Right! Run, Run, Gone,” “Summer Song,” and “Show Me Some Love.”
Richard smiled. “Right. If they are all on the Billboard Top Twenty-Five most downloaded songs, then we have truly arrived, and Warner’s will shower you with lots of attention.”
Zoe agreed. “When we get there, we need to sustain the attention by releasing more songs as singles. The real test is to see if we’re still popular enough to sell our Christmas album.”
Teri looked curiously. “Do we have Christmas songs?”
Zoe smiled at Teri and grabbed her hand. “We have to write a few, hoping they’ll become classics, and rearrange a few standards to add in there, too.”
Teri shook her head. “We’d still be short another ten songs.”
Zoe laughed. “How about our vampire song we wrote for Eaten? We could call it a bloody, red Christmas.”
Teri looked like she’d been hit between the eyes. “A Vampire song? You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that dark side of you. Are you a secret Goth girl? That sounds awfully black.”
Gina grinned. “Drops of red blood in the pure white snow could be the cover.”
“I thought you would use your old truck for the album cover.” Jenn was as surprised as Teri to hear about a Christmas album.
“That could work as a Christmas cover if it snowed. It’s all ready to go. We parked the old van back against the barn. Mike told me where to park it so he could shoot it in perfect natural light. Of course, he’ll use three lights to take out the shadows.”
Gina looked amazed. “How do you know about that stuff?”
Tiffany grinned. “Hmm. How do you think I’ve learned? I ask questions about what he does all the time. After all, this is not my first boyfriend.”
Teri smiled. “He’s been really good to you.”
Tiffany laughed. “I think I’m growing up and figuring it out. Mike is amazing and the best thing that’s come my way. I want to keep him. So I am trying to get to know him and what he does.”
Teri immediately thought about Jenn and realized that she needed to start taking an interest in what Jenn was doing daily while she was a musician. The hardest part was reminding herself that not everyone thought music was the greatest thing ever.”
They ate at a seafood house that boasted fresh lobsters and shrimp from New England. Teri was having fun eating a lobster roll and a big green salad. “I’m impressed that all this good food is available in this huge city. I looked at the prices and didn’t think they were too crazy.”
Phil leaned over and smiled. “It's a well-kept secret. Restaurants around here must stay competitive, or they lose their customers.”
Walking to the theater, they saw Wildcats in big letters on the marquee. Under that, it said All Week.
“Uh, Richard. All week?”
Richard was grinning. “Yeah. They sold out so quickly that Gimli and Bill agreed to change it a little. You don’t mind, do you?”
Lisa shook her head. “I want to be involved with some of those discussions, too. No, we enjoy playing, but we are not wind-up dolls.”
Richard nodded and spread out his hands in apology. “You are one hundred percent right. They tape the Tonight Show at five o’cock. Would you have time to fit it in, too?”
They were all laughing at the thought of another appearance on the Tonight Show. Lisa shrugged and shook her head. “Sure. But you and I need to sit down and discuss where we’ll be for the rest of the month tomorrow. No talks without including us.”
The rest of the Cats were patting Lisa on the back and laughing.
“Atta girl, General. You tell ‘em.”
Teri was surprised that the stage was big and the lighting was great. As she plugged and played, she realized that the acoustics were also first-rate.
Zoe came over to fill her in. “This theater has been here since they showed silent movies and Vaudeville. They’ve had a lot of time to fine-tune it.” She pointed overhead. All those murals and fancy stuff are original. The Historical Society likes it being used as a theater now. You cannot often find great places like this that seat three thousand people.”
Teri continued to strum and heard Alan talking into her earpiece.
“Can you all hear me?”
Five Wildcats were all saying yes.
“I’m all the way in the back and am watching you on monitors. But finish tuning up and start playing. I’ll be adjusting your levels as you go.”
After a short sound check, they all gathered at the center of the stage to discuss their song list.
“Two sixty-minute sets and a thirty-minute encore.”
They were all nodding. Zoe also reminded them that they needed to play their whole record and emphasize the three singles. “We’ll have time for Fur Face and the attack of the blondes. Barbara already made seven outfits for us, so we can wear them each night without worrying they’d get dirty.”
Gina laughed. “I was so tired of Febreze spray and sweat last year.”
“We’re union now after our movie stint in the Carolinas with Chances. Union regulations require us to have clean clothes every time we play. Barbara knows it, and they deliver everything we need to our hotel. And since Richard signed us up for the whole week, Jersey Girl is hustling to keep up.”
Tiffany shook her head. “I don’t get it. It sounds like we’re playing catch-up, taking a full week here, and running to a festival. I mean, what gives? I thought this was all being organized.”
Richard smiled. “Tiff, you are not far off at all. Right now, it is catch as catch can because we’re booking the big stuff first and filling in the little stuff like here. They saw how the ticket sales went and asked if we wanted to stay another week. You’ll have Tuesday night off and play Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Tuesday night at five, you're back on the Tonight Show. I hate to remind you that it’s really great money. They’ll collect about two million dollars at the gate to see you; for New York, that’s a bargain. We’ll get half of that.”
Tiffany looked shocked. “A million bucks for a week’s work. Jeez.”
“That’s not all yours. You’ve got a payroll, expenses, and everything. Remember, Phil and I are paid members of this traveling circus. After this, you’ll pick up our chef, his food truck, and our on-the-road laundry and wardrobe service. Since you’re only a couple hours from Barbara and Jersey Girl, they are getting a feel for what to do.”
Tiff looked curious. “What do we get?”
Richard shrugged. “We still have to figure it all out. But you should make a hundred thousand weekly, give or take.”
The Wildcats stood there quietly. Lisa was the first to speak. “So a ten-week tour and we each see a million dollars?”
Richard smiled. “Well, once we’re on the road, your money increases because our costs stabilize. If we were to run this tour to Thanksgiving and stop because we wouldn’t want to cause undue stress on Zoe and her baby, you’d see a lot more. And that’s what we’re looking at.”
Teri reminded them, “We have a big commitment over Labor Day weekend in California. We’re supposed to be running her big fundraiser.”
Gina raised her hand. “Have we heard from them?”
Lisa smiled. “Richard is handling it right now.”
They all turned and looked at Richard. “Right. Well, they have the Hollywood Bowl and a big TV network. They’ve started getting the word out, and I was told that they have one whole day filled with groups and individuals who want to participate.” He turned to Teri. “Have you got sheet music for these acts yet?”
Teri nodded. “Yep. If they didn’t send sheet music, I am transcribing it for the Cats to read. We play the backup band, and we entertain between acts. We’re like the Roots do for Fallon and the Tonight Show. We won’t need much rehearsal.”
Tiffany nodded. “Will I be able to wear cute headphones while we’re playing the house band?”
That night, they went on at nine. Lisa said they’d be wrapped up by midnight, so it wasn’t a big deal.
As they stood backstage, Tiffany whispered, “Uh-huh. We’re getting a hundred thousand for this week, and it was a big deal to earn twenty-five at the Rendezvous.”
“Hey, that was Tasha’s first paycheck! And that was the most money I’d ever made.” Teri could only grin.
“Now we are in the biz.”
Gina started them off by pounding on her drums, and they all came out holding their hands over their heads and clapping. When they appeared, everyone came to their feet and started cheering, yelling, and clapping along with them.
As Zoe lit into Run, Run, Gone with her blazing guitar solo, they all looked at each other and grinned. Teri started giggling. She leaned into Lisa and smiled. “You know, I’d do this for free.”
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
“I would love to stay and hang out with you every minute of every day until as Tiffany so aptly puts it, “I become a pimple on your ass.”
“C’mon, Jenn. It’s never been that way and besides you have a beautiful ass.”
“No Rock Star. I don’t want to become a pimple on your ass.”
“Your ass, my ass. It’s not a negative that you want to stay with me. It’s a bus ride to Massachusetts and then we fly to Detroit.”
“I saw the schedule, honey. But after the band finishes up playing in Detroit, I’ll be waiting for you in Chicago. It’ll give me a chance to reunite with my sister and my mom. I’ll be waiting.”
Teri heard Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time and the lyric, “I will be waiting…” All she could do was smile. “I will miss you.”
“Oh, I know you will. And I will miss you. But it’s time for you to get your head into the tour. You’ve got arrangements to make, songs to write with Zoe, and you’ve got to start thinking about Ellen’s big fund raiser.”
Teri thought about what Jenn was saying. She was right, but it still worried her that Jenn will forget about her and find somebody new. “I don’t know. For some reason, I’m having a hard time thinking about you not being here with me.”
Jenn smacked her on the bicep. “And that’s why it’s a good thing. We need some separation to be able to step back and have some perspective on our relationship.”
Teri felt a chill run down her spine. “Separation? Are you saying goodbye?”
“No. Not at all. You’re my true love and I’ll miss you just as much as you miss me. But we need some air, some oxygen in the room. Just think about all the cool things you’ll be able to share with me each time you call. And we’ll have a romantic reunion in Chicago.”
Teri wanted to protest but figured that if Jenn missed her as much as she’d miss her, well, so be it. Teri shrugged, leaned over, and swept her up in her arms. “I’m filing a formal complaint protesting this declaration of yours. I’m taking this up with my lawyer”
Jenn giggled. “I think that’s why I love you so much. You make me laugh and you are my baby.”
Teri nuzzled her neck and bit gently.
They all had the day off on Sunday and wouldn’t be traveling up to Massachusetts until checkout on Monday morning. Mike and Bruno showed up on Saturday night to watch the show and spend some time with their girls.
Teri watched as Tiffany was busy going on and on giving Bruno instructions on how to be the greatest dad ever. Mike was trying to peel her away from poor Bruno and give them some time together. He just wanted to spend more time with Tiff. Finally, he simply swept her up in his arms and held her while he kissed her on the lips.
Tiffany returned the kiss and laughed. “Oh, who are you again? Those lips are familiar. She clung to his neck as they walked away together. She turned around and called out to Zoe and Bruno left watching Mike carry her away. “Hey. Don’t forget my advice!”
Teri and Jenn watched the carrying on as she whispered in her ear. “See, Rock Star. See how much they miss each other. Your summer tour is only going to make us love each other more. Remember, I wasn’t with you in Atlanta or in the Carolinas on your movie set and that didn’t hurt our relationship.”
Teri felt shivers in her body. She didn’t want to mention that’s when she got high and made out with John in Atlanta. Or how she had a big, dangerous crush on Frankie where the Cats had to bail her out from total panic.
Instead, Teri just nodded and held Jenn tightly. “Let’s go have a day together in New York. We can be tourists and visit the Statue of Liberty and take a boat tour around the island.”
Jenn nodded. “That’s the spirit! I’ll mention to Phil where we’re going to go.”
After hearing their plans, Phil hesitated, and then shrugged. “I really want to send Jessica and Mac with you. But, if you’re going out on your own, you have to promise me to check in every hour and drop a pin where you are.”
Teri nodded. “Sure. Give me your phone and I can sync us up together, so you know where my phone is at all times.”
Phil nodded. “Okay, so I know this is going to sound paranoid, but I have these Air Tags from Apple and I want you to pin one inside your clothes so I can track you.”
Teri and Jenn laughed. Jenn patted Phil on the back. “Oh, mommy. We’re not going to get lost. But if it will make you feel better, sure. We can used safety pins on our underwear.”
Phil smiled. “I bought two dozen of them. No one is ever going to get lost again. Well, and no luggage is ever going to be forgotten or disappear either.”
After saying goodbye to the others, Jenn and Teri walked around the Village and then bought the tickets to the Statue of Liberty. After their sea cruise and the educational tour of immigration in the US at the turn of the century, they both remarked how the country has changed. “It’s a shame that people view aliens coming into the United States today in a negative way.”
“Well, that’s how some people feel. But immigrants coming at the turn of the century were also scorned, too. Back then we hated Italians, Irish, Asians, and Jews. Now it’s all about hating people with brown and black skin, Hispanic and African.
“Not everybody.” They both agreed.
“But it’s so ironic that we’re all aliens. Only Native American tribes aren’t really aliens.” Teri was shaking her head.
“Well, Rock Star, I read that all the Native American tribes crossed over a land bridge connecting Asia with North American. They were following bison as they migrated to warmer climates and larger grasslands.”
“Oh. How come you’re so smart?”
“I read stuff.”
Jenn hugged her. “Hey, we’re a team. I don’t write amazing songs and play beautiful music. We don’t compete. So, I can be the brainiac mad scientist who wants to take over the world.”
Teri grinned and kissed her neck. “Sounds fair enough to me.”
When Jenn and Teri returned, the whole group was gathering up for a big dinner to say goodbye to their loved ones. The first thing that Teri thought was about her stomach. “Okay, but we’re not eating Afghan food again?”
Richard was smiling. “No. We are going to have a classical French meal prepared in a Michelin Star restaurant.”
Gina laughed. “I know that Grace will enjoy dining, but you’re talking to a drummer that grew up on Happy Meals.”
Phil smiled. “I just read where they’re bringing them out for adults, now. Poison in a box, one size kills all.”
As they sat down in the restaurant, the first thing that the waitstaff brought them was a tiny sampling on a soup spoon that was set in the middle of a small plate. While they all looked, Richard and Grace winked.
Richard held his spoon up in the air. “This is called an amuse-bouche. It’s translated to mean amuse the palate. Consider it a tiny appetizer in one bite.”
Everyone popped it into their mouths and reacted the same way with a smile.
Richard watched. “It’s a civilized way to set the standard of our meal. Enjoy.”
Very soon, a woman strolled up to their table. “Bonjour, mes amis. I am Charlotte Dupont and this is my restaurant. Our friends, Phil and Richard contacted me and asked for a special Sunday celebration meal. But he also warned me, and I quote him, “That I’d be planning this meal for heathens from Pennsylvania who think epicurean delights are hoagies and cheese steaks.”
She smiled and held up both her hands. “Before we have a revolt on our hands, I want you to know that I’m from Cape May, New Jersey and know diner food well. I went abroad to study my craft in Paris. After school, I came here in New York where the population is receptive to true French cuisine. But you are safe tonight. No snails or frog’s legs. Instead, you’re going to enjoy a delicious rustic meal the way people eat out in the countryside. You’ll start with a chilled consume, a beef stew with vegetables, crusty bread and tomato preserves. Then we’ll have a chocolate souffle. Please enjoy!”
And they did. They even enjoyed an alcoholic free red wine and tasty white.
Tiffany was sipping her red and wiping her lips. She held up her glass. “Here’s to you, Richard. Not only do you take care of us, but you provide this alcoholic a way to enjoy her grapes without breaking my covenant.”
Gina smiled. “Covenant, big word girl. I gotta say I love the new Big Word Sober Barbie. She is my new idol.”
Tiffany looked carefully at Gina. “Huh? That was a compliment. Is it because Grace is around?”
Gina blushed. “Well, I try to act more like an adult for her. Being a twenty-four-year-old wise ass might get old and I don’t want to scare the love of my life away.”
They all looked at Gina and Tiffany. Then they turned their glasses to them and drank a toast.
Zoe took Bruno’s hand and kissed it. She moved over and sat in his lap.
On Sunday, after saying goodbye, they loaded up the bus and the box truck on a side street. When they finished, Phil observed, “We are carrying a larger wardrobe than musical equipment.”
Richard smiled. “I just talked to Barbara this week. Jersey Girl is now an official sponsor of the Wildcat Summer Tour. And beside bending over backwards to make sure our musicians are always well dressed, they have begun negotiating a new contract.”
Lisa listened carefully. “How much?”
Richard leaned in. “Six figures and the same attention to detail as they have always given us. I really like how they’ve treated all of you and think they deserve our consideration.”
Lisa nodded. “I agree. I’m more than pleased how they are willing to customize whatever we want. I’ve never heard any push back which is nice. I say we stay yes. I like the idea that they are local and small, too.”
Richard agreed. “I just don’t want to let them get too complacent. I say a half million for six months, with an three year automatic renewal.”
Lisa looked at the other four who had been listening. Everyone was smiling. “Okay. We all agree. I’d recommend that we send all the contracts to Mr. DiNardo and see what he says.”
After that, they started the ride up to northern Massachusetts, a six-hour trip that included a stop for a seafood dinner at The Bayside Restaurant in Westport. After that, most of them disappeared in the back and napped.
When they arrived in Mansfield, they pulled up in the driveway of a modest sized Fairfield Inn. Richard laughed. “Well, kids. The honeymoon is over. Our accommodations are not always going to be suites in five-star hotels. Sometimes you just have to sleep in a simple hotel near the highway. Tomorrow, we will have a sound check in the afternoon and play to seventy-five hundred people in a sold-out arena. We go on at nine. We’ve even drafted a local band who opens at seven-thirty.” He checked his phone. “The band is called Alba May.”
Since no one had heard of them, they all waited while Teri Googled them. “Alba May is the lead singer of a New York band. They are popular on TikTok.”
Zoe was clapping. “It’s great to give a band exposure and money in their pockets.” She turned to Richard. “Can we do that more often?”
“Sure. And I’m sure that Warner’s has a lot of bands they want to see get out there and see the public’s reaction, too.”
Lisa raised her hand. “So, what now?”
Phil looked at his watch. “Well, the rest of the world is getting ready for bed, but they do have a nice, heated pool and there are lounge chairs, too. I recommend you take a dip and enjoy this clear star filled June evening. Just don’t be out of control. Oh, yeah. And Barbara told me to tell you that each of you have five suits in your garment bags with sandals, too. And she said that none of Tiffany’s are pink, coral, or red.”
Teri got her pass card and went up to her room. She decided to see what she looked like in a suit. Since she still had to tuck into a gaff or a thong each day, she was interested in how it would work. Jenn had told her about a simple procedure called a Vulvoplasty where they can use her flesh to create inner and outer labia and a clitoris without making the deep incision for a vaginal canal. She told her to read up on it for consideration. Since Teri didn’t fall under a transgender category she could opt to have this done any time. Jenn mentioned that the recovery was less intrusive.
Teri slid into a black bikini bottom and tucked herself. She realized that that surgery would be perfect if she never planned on having vaginal sex. She looked, pulled, and pushed to see what would show. She was quite pleased at the results but knew she needed to use her razor to shave closer.
After all that effort, she found the top was a simple black band across her chest. After squeezing in, she looked at her profile and frowned. Not much on top. Even though her A cup bras were too small, the damned elastic on this top squished her down to being almost flat chested.
So she tried another one on. Bottom okay, top okay. She stared at the cut and wondered if pink was really her color. Pink equals girly and Teri was allergic to too much girly. Pink made her look too young like she was fourteen. She checked out her legs in the flat sandals. Her legs looked okay. They were filling out and had some shape to them. She didn’t mind that she was looking more and more like a woman every day. In a way, it was going to happen, and she was lucky that she was turning out to look normal.
Finally, she found a ready nice one-piece, dark blue Speedo that really required her to stop and shave. Finally, she was ready. Teri shook her head, grabbed a towel, and walked out to the elevator. Suddenly, she realized that she couldn’t just walk around in a bathing suit in a hotel. She turned around and walked back into her room and gathered up a long tee shirt that Jenn used to sleep in. Pulling it over her head, she decided that it would do as a coverup.
Returning to the elevator, she saw Gina coming. Gina was wearing a black cotton dress as her top.
“You look nice. I was all confused about what was okay in the elevator and the lobby. Should I have more clothes on?”
Gina grinned. “You look great. Stop over thinking and lets do some laps. Is Teri as out of shape as I imagine?”
Teri shrugged as they rode down. “Well, I’ve been keeping up with you running each morning. I don’t know.”
Gina smiled. “Do you know how to swim?”
Teri had to think for a moment. “Uh, probably not. All I’ve ever done was splash around and jump in our friend’s pool. But I’ve never done laps.”
Gina frowned. “Just don’t drown.”
Later as she was laying on the bed in a tee and panties, she text Jenn. “Sup?”
The phone rang. “Hey,” she answered.
Jenn sounded like she was whispering. “What are you doing?”
“Getting ready for bed. Why?”
“Look at the clock, Rock Star.”
Teri was shocked to see that it was two in the morning. “Oh. I guess I lost track of time.”
Jenn giggled. “Go to bed and we can talk in the morning. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too.”
As Teri was plugging her phone in, she noticed that she’d gotten a text. It had come through so it must have been a number she had in her directory. The text was sent at eight that night. It said, “Hey” and was from Don.
Teri had trouble getting to sleep after that playing the what ifs in her mind. And Don.
They all went out for breakfast around eleven. Teri was hungry and had completely forgotten about her old friend’s text until it came up as unanswered. As they were riding in their shuttle to a restaurant, she responded by saying, “Hey, back. What’s up?”
Her phone dinged halfway through her omelet. She’d already talked to Jenn and apologized about calling her so late at night. They both excused themselves because Jenn was returning to real world hours, and she was still on Rock n’ Roll hours.
She looked and saw that it was Don. This time, he’d enclosed a photo. When she opened it, she started to laugh. Don and the guys were all standing on the sand in front of the ocean. Obviously, someone had taken the photo for them. Naturally, Tony and the guys were all doing poses and showing off their bodies. She wrote back. “Where are you?”
“Ocean City. We all got jobs here and are living together in this dive that we got for cheap rent. The indoor-outdoor carpeting inside is always damp so I wear my flips everywhere.”
“Sounds like a good summer plan. Nice graduation present to yourself.”
“Yeah. I’m learning how to surf and paddle board. My muscles are getting muscles.”
Teri tried not to think of the photo of Don with muscles and sexualize him. She knew that might lead to mind game problems for her. And while she was totally in love with Jenn, she still squirmed thinking about being held in strong arms. Oh, lord, she thought. Not Don!
Teri realized that everyone had finished eating and were all staring at her. She’d gotten lost in thought, still holding the phone in her hand.
Lisa looked at her strangely. “Is everything all right. You suddenly got all flushed and dreamy looking. Who are you thinking about?”
Teri blushed harder and clicked off her phone. She shook her head and frowned. “Uh, kinda got lost in thought after receiving a message from the guys. They’re all down the shore for the summer.”
Lisa frowned. “What’s the matter? Would you rather be there?”
Teri looked back at her sister. She whispered, “No. No. I want to be here, but, well, my mind is playing games, and this is not the time to share.”
Lisa sat down next to her and reached for her hand. In the old days, Terry had occasionally talked to her about things that were bothering him, but right now her younger sister looked devastated. “What do you want to do?
“I don’t know.” Her voice sounded weak, and she looked drained.
“How about if maybe we take a walk and let the others go. We can always catch up to them, wherever they’re going. We aren’t having a sound check for hours.”
Teri wiped her eyes with a finger and nodded.
Lisa stood up and went over to talk to everyone. “Uh, Teri and I need some time. Maybe we’re going to talk, I really don’t know.”
Richard leaned in. “It’s alright. Take as much time as you want. We have a sound check around five and then go out to dinner. I’ve got my phone. We’re all going sightseeing.”
Lisa nodded and turned away. She headed right back to her little sister who was visibly shaking. The first thing she did was reach her arms around her and squeeze her tightly. They stood up together and walked out the front door as they watched their shuttle drive away.
“Okay, honey. So it’s just the two of us. What can I help you with?”
Teri immediately sobbed into her shoulder. As she cried she said, “I’m a horrible person and don’t deserve Jenn’s love. The minute she’s gone, I’m having fantasies of strong arms holding me tight and strong lips kissing me. I’m freaking out!”
Lisa held her and stroked her head. She spoke quietly, “What brought all of this on?”
Teri shook her head. “One of my old friends texted me and sent me a photo. He said they were all in Ocean City working for the summer.”
“Okay. And…”
“And he sent me a photo.” She thumbed through her phone and enlarged the pic. She handed it over to Lisa.
Lisa looked at the pic and studied it. “Yeah. I know all these guys. They’re your video game guys. You brought them to our rooftop concerts. Oh, with their shirts off and all tan, they do look good. And look how buff they are. They know all about you, right?”
Teri nodded. “Yeah. That was all covered. But Don, the guy on the right, well, I’m getting strange vibes from him. I never thought about it before, but he was always pretty nice to me.”
“And you’re worried because you’re thinking about him?”
All Teri could do was nod. She was nearly breaking down. “Yeah. And now I’m fantasizing about being in his arms, feeling him holding me tight, and forcefully kissing me. And just the thought and I’m having orgasms.”
“Have you ever kissed a guy?”
Teri wiped her eyes and said sheepishly, “It’s like this guy I got high with at our Underground show. You know, he was one of the brothers. John and I got high, and we started making out and it was a big turn on. I must’ve had three little orgasms and it all felt so dreamy.”
“Did you ever tell Jenn?”
“What did she say?”
“She told me to do it again and find out if it was right for me.”
Lisa looked at Teri. She looked even worse than she did earlier. “Have you taken her advice?”
“No. I just get upset and argue. It’s terrible the way this all makes me feel. I mean, when I was just old Terry back in high school, I never thought about sex, but Jenn always got me hot and bothered. And now, I’m seriously changing, and I know that this whole thing with hormones is happening. I can deny I look too much like a girl to deny it.”
“But my old brain is really having trouble thinking about being a girl and making it with a guy. First, my sex organs don’t exist.”
Lisa looked curiously. She shook her head.
“I found out that I never had testicles and wht I thought was my scrotum was filled with two fibrous precancerous masses. And what I assumed was my penis isn’t. What I have between my legs is my urethra and very sensitive nerve endings that would have been my clitoris if I wasn’t intersex. But no vagina, none of that stuff ever developed.”
Lisa was trying to digest all of this. “So have you tried anal sex?”
Teri laughed. “Yeah. It happens, but Jenn enjoys pegging more me more than I do. She likes to dominate. But anal sex doesn’t get me off because I don’t have a prostate.”
“So, you say you have orgasms, how?”
“I get this all-body thing that builds and builds and finally blows the top of my head off. Jenn knows that she can stimulate what I have between my legs and dominate my body so I have many orgasms.”
“Okay. So you have little orgasms when you are held tightly and kissed. But Jenn knows exactly what you need and does it with you. Do you satisfy her?”
It’s like she’s pushing me to do something that I don’t want to do.”
Lisa looked around and saw a bench down the street. She led her sister to it and sat her down. She saw a MacDonalds. “Can you sit tight while I get us some Cokes?”
Teri nodded through tear stained cheeks.
When Lisa returned with two Cokes and napkins, Teri was sitting crosslegged on the bench and hunched over. She sat right next to her. “Here, drink.”
Teri drank. The cold felt good on her throat. After drinking a lot, she burped, then giggled. “Oh, I am such a looser.”
Lisa laughed. “Uh huh, cause you love Jenn and still have fantasies about big strong guys? Teri, it’s not wrong. I still look at guys and size them up. I love Smith and believe he’s my entire future. I mean, look, he gave me an engagement ring. But a couple of the roadies are cute.”
Teri looked at the ground. “Everybody looks at Ben, but my favorite is Robbie.”
“Would you make out with Robbie?”
“No! I mean, well, that wouldn’t work out. I’d have to see him every day and well, he’s seen me with Jenn. That’s not good.”
“Well, how about a stranger you don’t know. Would you pick someone up in a bar?”
“Well, I’m not twenty-one and I’m intersex. That wouldn’t work out. As soon as we took our clothes off, he’d freak and figure out who I am. And well, that couldn’t be good for some story to appear in the tabloids.”
“Well, what would work?”
Teri started crying. ‘That’s it. Nothing is going to work and it’s playing over and over in my mind. All I keep remembering how I felt in John’s arms and those feelings.”
“Have you talked to Grace about this?”
“Yeah. A lot. We figured out the common thing was it all happened when I was high. But, Lisa, I’m not hight and now I’m on my own and ready to cheat. I am scum and well, it’s back to this boy-girl thing and who should I love?”
“What did Grace say?”
“She said that since I was intersex I could consider myself pansexual and like whomever I chose. Lisa, I really thought that it was Jenn. But how can you love one person and kiss another?”
Lisa shrugged. “You could ask our resident free love girl.”
“You mean Gina?”
“Yep. She is madly in love with Grace, but hops in bed with whomever she wants.”
“Yeah. Grace and I talked about this. Her answer was that she’s just more discreet.” Teri looked at Lisa and smiled. “Yeah, you lust for her, too. She’s the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I fantasize about who she sleeps with.”
Lisa nodded. “Uh-huh. You were reading my thoughts.
They’d finished their Cokes and took them over to a trash can. Lisa looked at her little sister. “Are you feeling better?”
“Well, yes and no. I mean, if I fool around, doesn’t that mean that Jenn can, too?”
Lisa nodded. “I think the solution is to talk to Gina and tell her everything. She what she says. She’s got muscles and knows all about sex. You can get advice and sleep with her, too.”
“Do you think she’d tell Jenn or anybody else?”
“But the idea of Jenn being with someone else who is better than me and she falls in love with that person, and I lose her and die alone.”
“Right, sis. Now that’s not going to happen.”
“Cause nobody’s dying.”
Lisa sighed. “All this is wearing me out and making me miss Smith. Let’s just walk around this town and then head back to the sound check.”
When they were dropped off at the Xfinity Center, they walked right in and went up to the stage. They were the first ones there and Teri immediately sat down at the piano. “I’m working on a song but only have a few lyrics. Do you remember Miami Sound Machine?”
Lisa shrugged. “Kinda.”
Teri started banging out a rhythm on the keyboard playing chords and a fast Spanish beat. Out of nowhere, Gina was using mallets and banging out a calypso beat. As the two of them continued, Tiffany picked up her bass and followed the basic line that Teri was drilling with the piano. She turned to her sister. “Hey Lisa, can you take over my piano part?”
Lisa laughed and pushed him over on the bench. She deftly took over exactly what she had been doing.
Zoe had her guitar on and was idly strumming along. Teri looked at Zoe, picked up her guitar and showed Zoe what chords she had in mind and the pattern. Naturally, Tiffany copied and played a great bass line that fit right in.
Teri went to the mic and turned it around so she was facing the band.
Love ya’ baby,
Miss ya’ baby,
Need to feel you in my arms
Wanna squeeze ya baby
Wanna kiss you baby
Give you lovin’ till you’re mine
Tiffany laughed. “C’mon, Terry. That is so much of a rip of Conga from the Miami Sound Machine!”
Teri turned to Lisa. “See, she’s heard it.”
Tiffany laughed. “My mom and dad loved all the Latin dances.” Without stopping her bass she danced the Rumba and the Samba the whole time Teri was up front.
When I get ya
Goin to show ya
Just how much you mean to me
Hold ya baby
Squeeze ya baby
Keep ya happy all the time
Teri went over to their synthesizer and set it up for brass. She proceeded to use three different notes at a time to simulate trumpets and a slide trombone.
Zoe was watching Tiffany and matching her step for step. Before long, they were dancing together.
Lisa stood up and waved them down. “Okay. Let’s get practical here. Teri, you’re going to cover the piano and the horns. We’ll stack the synthesizer on top of the big keyboard and set you up with a mic, too.”
She looked at Zoe and Tiffany. “You are both great with what you’re doing. Everybody’s gonna watch you and just want to dance. And Gina, dig out some bongos and a stand for me to play while I’m up at the mic. And a cowbell, please.”
It was a union stage, and the crew jumped right in to cover all their bases.
After running through it, Teri asked, “Don’t we need more lyrics?”
Lisa laughed. “You’ll come up with them the longer you’re away from Jenn. And work on a chorus, too. But stop listening to the Miami Sound Machine, please. We don’t want to be sued for copyright infringement.”
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Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
A Wildcat Summer 21
When Teri hung up, she just wanted to sit and think. Talking to Jenn was like walking through a corn maze, where the walls are ten feet high, solid, and thick. All the sound is muffled except for the breeze rattling the dried husks.
Teri felt stuck and couldn’t find her way out. It was all going in endless circles of confusion. She didn’t want to get mad at Jenn, but they’d had this talk so many times that she wanted to scream. In her mind, she was starting to think that this wasn’t a discussion anymore. Jenn was giving her an ultimatum.
Sure, Teri created this situation. She admitted to having fantasies with muscular guys, but they were about squeezing and kissing. It was just making out. But she’d watched enough porn back with the guys in high school to understand what her role would be after the hugging and kissing went further. It was all about mindless passion. She’d reached that fevered point all the time with Jenn. But they loved each other, and it was done for each other’s mutual excitement.
With porn, Teri found those images disturbing. The animalistic lust was beyond comprehension. Those women did a lot of crazy things. Teri sometimes wondered if it was acting.
Argh. It was too much. She really wanted to tell Jenn to stop. Telling her to go out and consummate something with a guy, well, none of what she’d done was planned. She couldn’t picture herself being used like as a socket for some guy to plug into. She had trouble seeing any positive. She decided those videos were just for some guy’s masturbation fantasy.
Teri shook her head and found Lisa. “When are we going?”
Lisa shook her head and looked at her phone. “I’m guessing in an hour. What do you want to do?”
Teri smiled. “Anything. How about cards?” Growing up, they’d always played a fierce game of Double Solitaire.
Lisa grinned. “I happen to have a couple of decks in my stuff. How about us finding a quiet spot?”
They stopped while she dug out the decks. Then, they found a little nook in the lobby to get comfortable. As they each shuffled their own deck, Lisa looked at Teri. She seemed a lot more relaxed. It was like she had an epiphany and found inner calm. She decided to play a twenty-question game with her sister to get to the reason. “Hey. Can I ask you twenty questions?”
Teri raised her eyes and laughed. “Sure. Whatcha wanna know?”
“What turned you around and put you in such a good mood?”
Teri laughed. “I thought that in twenty questions, they were supposed to be yes or no answers.”
Lisa shrugged.
Teri shuffled her cards out on the table. “Okay, I’ll give you a starting question.”
Lisa smiled. “Shoot. What question should I ask?”
Teri was grinning. “Did you fool around with Zoe?”
Lisa would have swallowed her gum if she’d been chewing. Instead, she just coughed. “Really?”
Teri shrugged. “A sister's secret, okay?”
Lisa was nodding. “Oh, yeah. Til I die.”
Teri looked at her and smiled. “It started out cause I was talking about my problems. Well, she said I needed a lesson to help level me out. She took my mind off my dilemmas by dragging me upstairs to her hotel room.”
Lisa was grinning from ear to ear. “That makes you very special. I’ve been hanging with that wonderful woman for many years. Zoe doesn’t drag someone up to her room very often.”
“Oh, yeah. I do feel special.” Now, Teri felt that she understood the mutual passion that two people are capable of without any strings attached.
Richard was rounding the Cats up and getting them on the bus. After being accounted for, they drove to the airport and went through security. Teri was shaking her head as they all sat up front in first class. The first class was still a big deal; now, it was routine.
She listened to her options and chose fresh fruit and a croissant. As she sipped a bottled water, she smiled. Her airplane ticket would have probably paid for a semester at community college. She understood the whole logic of moving them around efficiently, but sometimes, it was still hard to believe.
Teri was sitting next to Tiffany, who was digging into a full meal of chicken, potatoes, and carrots—it looked like a double portion. “How do you do it? You eat big meals and never gain any weight," Tiffany said.
Tiff grinned. “I know what to eat. Remember, I did a lot of sports in high school. My dad’s a doctor; counting carbs, lean protein, and lots of fresh veggies makes it easy. After a while, it’s just routine. It’s not quantity, it’s quality. Look at what you’re eating. That croissant is all fat and white flour, plus it’s loaded with stabilizers to keep it from getting stale. That could have been made a month ago and reheated. Nothing in that pastry is healthy, But you made a good attempt with the fruit. But that’s all sugar, too. You’d have been better off getting an apple. It’s got fiber.”
Teri was always surprised when Tiffany showed her props, just like the first time she played the cello. Teri had to remind herself that everyone around her was three-dimensional and complex. Tiffany was a lot more than an air-head Barbie doll.
She leaned over and whispered, “Did you ever play Barbies with your friends growing up?”
Tiffany laughed. “Of course I did. I was Annika Lundgren, a too-tall, four-eyed, freaky girl. I was gawky and awkward until I hit high school. But sports showed me the way. I ran cross-country and played volleyball and spring field hockey. By then, my size didn’t matter. And I started wearing contacts. Suddenly, I bloomed and became a lover of bad boys.”
Teri laughed. “Is that when you became Tiffany?”
Tiff laughed. “We can thank Gina for that nickname. She always was a boil on my ass. But she did kick our field hockey team up a notch, but she helped us rule the state in volleyball.”
Teri shook her head. She still had trouble being around Tiffany. Looking into her blue eyes, watching her lush lips, and smelling her wonderful skin were still mesmerizing.
“Hey! Earth to Teri. Come in, space girl. Stop fantasizing about me. Are you sexualizing your bass player again?”
Teri knew she was blushing bright red and laughed at herself. “Yeah, you know what you do to me. You’re my fantasy girl.”
“You realize just how beautiful you’re girlfriend is, right?”
Teri grinned. “Uh-huh. I’m totally in love with her. It’s just a shame we’re both so young and inexperienced. It would be much easier if we were both older like you.” The instant those words came out of her mouth, she realized how stupid she sounded.
“Honey, I’m twenty-four, and you’re eighteen. Six years older and just so much wiser. I think you need to start following me around and writing down everything I say and do. After all, not only am I brilliant, but beautiful. Prayers every night to only be as perfect as I am.” Tiffany had a huge grin on her face.
Gina leaned over between their seats from the row behind. “You are shoveling so much horse shit right now, they’re going to smell it up front and not be able to fly this boat.”
Teri smiled at Gina. “I’m already dedicating a space in my tablet to write down all the words of wisdom from Tiffany. I want to grow up to be just like her.”
Gina patted her on the shoulder as she disappeared behind them. “You bet, kid. Tiffany is the best person to see about giving advice.”
When Richard walked by their seats, Teri stopped him. “You said we’re playing at this festival and have been moved up as a headliner?”
Richard smiled. “Uh-huh. Your fame is snowballing. They contacted Gimli and wanted to pay you more and let you play longer. I knew you’d like that.”
Teri beamed. “We were just talking about hungering to perform for more than an hour. That’s great!”
Richard nodded. “I’m going to spread the word. Do you need time to meet and draw up a set list?”
Tiffany was grinning. “Yeah, that would be a good idea. It would be great to play under the lights for a receptive crowd. But do you know how they got the name, Kick Out The Jams?”
Teri immediately sat up and turned towards them. There was a Detroit band, MC5, who had a hit titled Kick Out The Jams! They used to yell, kick out the jams, motherfuckers.”
Gina laughed. “The girl is a walking encyclopedia of Rock and Roll history. She should have her own podcast.”
Teri smiled at Gina. “A podcast where we can interview rock gods and discuss their history. I’d really like that.”
Lisa leaned over Gina and looked at her sister. “Okay, that could be a real thing. When we’re in LA, you'll meet all those people to possibly record interviews with them. Some of your podcasts can be with bands we meet on the road who are just getting started, like Alba May.”
Gina got excited. “Do a two-part interview with EBR. Maybe Lisa can put in a good word for you.”
Teri was laughing. “Those guys owe me. I’ve spent a lot of time rearranging their old songs for them.”
“There you go, girl. You’ve got another career to keep you busy when we’re not on the road or even on it.”
Richard added, “Talk to Phil, and he’ll hook you up with the proper mics and recorder to make it perfect. Then, you can mix it on a soundboard. With your up-and-coming reputation, you’ll have no trouble finding sponsors.”
Teri frowned. “No money, no profit. I want to do this for charity.”
“Easy enough. We’ll find you sponsors who will just do it for branding and donate all the money to charities.”
“You could get the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland to be one of your sponsors. We’re playing in Cleveland at the end of June in a small place called The Beach Land Ballroom. You’d have time to visit the hall while you’re there.”
Teri got out her tablet and started taking notes about a podcast. “This is a real open-ended project," she said.
Before long, the plane landed, and their bus was out front waiting for them. As they all climbed off, Phil and the roadies appeared. The box truck was parked behind the bus. Teri immediately cornered Phil to talk about her podcast plan. The two of them immediately made lists and discussed what they’d need to create a portable studio.
The Cats discussed a ninety-minute set as the bus rode along to the festival.
Lisa laughed. “I say we punch out a ninety-minute set, and maybe they’ll call us back for an encore.”
Zoe scoffed. “Of course they will. I’m surprised we’re not doing a longer show to close the place out much later at night.”
Richard shook his head. “They have a permit but must stop at ten at night. If we start at eight, we have to close before ten so they can make announcements.”
They were introduced to their chef and his assistant, who prepared a full meal.
“I’m Pete, and this is Gloria. We’re making grilled vegetable tacos and sides of macaroni and cheese tonight. From now on, we’ll give you a long list of foods you like and ensure you have them. We are also stocking up your freezer and fridge on board the bus with healthy, fun stuff to snack on. Richard already told us what Lucinda made for you in May while you were home. We can make three meals a day or just dinner. We’ll shop for local organic, fresh ingredients daily to make each meal special.”
After meeting their commissary people, they walked around the festival and listened to the bands.
After dinner, they sat around backstage until it was time to go on. At eight at night, it was still more twilight than dark. When Gina started slamming down on her drums, the crowd cheered and also started clapping.
Teri appeared wearing a bright orange, form-fitting jumpsuit, orange platform sneakers, and silver hair braided and looking like dreadlocks. She unleashed a Jimi Hendrix-style feedback guitar and played a freeform solo that had everyone cheering and clapping. On the other side of the stage, Zoe was in black tights, a white tuxedo shirt, and black stiletto heels. As she spun around, her bright red ponytail moved with her.
With the two guitars blasting at both ends of the stage, everyone cheered as Tiffany came out in a silver bodysuit. People down front were treated to seeing her live, but everyone could look up on the projection screens that showed all the Wildcats.
They had divided the screen into four parts, one for each Wildcat. The director filled the screen with one Cat and then moved to four. The greatest applause was for Gina, who never stopped pounding down, looking incredible in a black, one-piece runner’s outfit that showed all her muscles.
Then, the stage flashed black, and a single spot revealed Lisa standing at center stage in her bright red prom dress, her hair cascading down her back. The big screens just showed Lisa as she gave a banshee cry and started singing the lyrics to Run, Run, Gone!
Everyone on the festival grounds had swarmed the stage to see the Wildcats. Later, the sponsors estimated the sixty-thousand people who’d bought tickets were in front of the stage.
The Wildcats played without stopping for an hour. Then, Tiffany announced, “We’ll be back in a few!”
Crowded in the back, they wiped off and donned their Fur Face costumes. When everyone was ready, Teri waddled out to the stage front while the rest of the cats stood downstage and played their heavy metal song. When Tiffany started doing her rap, you could hear thousands of people accompanying her. Everyone continued to sing along with most of their songs, including the new ones on their recently released album.
After another forty-five minutes, they played their last songs, saving Summer Song as they got closer. Throwing kisses and disappearing, they closed out a festival night.
As their bus left the grounds, they could hear the promoter's final words to the festival goers.
After a quick rinse, they were all in comfy clothes as they headed to their hotel on the outskirts of Detroit. By the time they parked and staggered into their rooms, no one had anything to say. Even Teri was quiet as she dragged herself into bed.
“Clubbing?” Teri was curled up in the back of the bus. She’d gotten up, put on comfy clothes, ate a yogurt parfait from their fridge, and was warming up with a cup of hot chocolate. She was happy that they had a good machine on board that made a fresh cup on demand. She’d slept in and simply moved from her hotel over to the bus to veg. They’d finished playing last night, but she was still tired when she woke. She’d gotten a hot shower and cleaned up but wasn’t ready for Prime Time.
“Yep. You know Travis, right?” Tiffany had a grin on her face and mischief in her eyes.
“Sure. Six-one, broad shoulders and chest, curly brown ponytail, and hazel eyes.”
“Uh, hazel eyes, huh.” Tiffany’s smile grew bigger.
“What?” Teri was not quite following Tiffany’s thinking and knew she was laughing at her. Her first impulse was to throw something at her just to get that grin off her face, but she held back, knowing that she was just tired.
“You’re paying close attention to those men, girly. And only girls describe eyes as being hazel. You’re getting girly, girly, girly.”
Teri stopped being angry and realized that she was being played. She shrugged. “If the high heel fits, ya gotta wear it! But what’s all this excitement about clubbing?”
Tiffany stopped and looked carefully. “Have you ever been clubbing?”
Teri shook her head. “The one time you initiated me into the Wildcats, and I got my tattoo. We went clubbing that night. But that was a hazy experience.”
Tiffany laughed. “Hard to believe that I was more sober than you were that night. So, we’re going clubbing after we play at the House of Blues in Detroit tonight. Your new boyfriend, Travis, is from Detroit and said The Bath House stays open until four in the morning! He was raving about it.”
Teri blurted out, “Is he going?”
“Ooh, we just got somebody’s attention. Who finally woke up on the right side of the couch. He is cute. Good body, too. But sleeping with the help is not good for an eighteen-year-old.”
Teri was shocked that the conversation went from idle thoughts to serious. “I’m not planning on sleeping with anyone. I’m meeting up with Jenn when we get to Chicago, and we have Sunday off. Maybe a little catching up.”
Tiffany was making herself a cup of coffee. “I know. Did you look at the schedule? We’re working four and five days a week for the rest of the month.”
“I saw that and asked Richard. He did point out that we have a whole week off from the tour at the beginning of July. That’s cool.”
Tiffany was nodding. “Sure. I’ve already told Mike to clear his calendar. We’re going somewhere.”
“Not hanging with family on the Fourth?”
“We decided to celebrate Independence Day another time cause this little darling needs to hump her boyfriend in an exotic location.”
Teri thought about Jenn's once-mentioned Tahiti. She decided to do a Google search and found that the flight was fifteen hours from O’Hare. She also realized that they could be in Hawaii in nine hours. After that, she had a big grin on her face and thought about surprising her. Maybe a call to feel her out was in order before she purchased first-class tickets and a hotel.
As Tiffany was walking away, another thought came to her mind. “Hey, Tiffany. What do you wear to go clubbing?”
Tiffany grinned. “Something tight, sexy, comfortable, and it’s gotta breathe. And hot shoes that won’t hurt your feet.”
Teri tried to think about that list. “Would you be changing after the show before we go out?”
Tiffany shrugged. “Nah. Stage sweaty translates to club sweaty. Probably not. Just picking something out that makes me the center of attention.”
Teri laughed. “Everything you wear!”
As Tiffany walked off, she looked, shook her hips, and said, “Duh!”
Tiffany stopped and sighed. “What, Little?” She pretended to look at a non-existent watch on her wrist and tapped the non-existent face. “You get one more question, 'cause I’ve got places to go and people to see.” With that, she jumped on the couch next to her and snuggled in with her.
Tiffany looked her in the eyes. “You’re adorable when you have that sleepy look. Remind me to wake up next to you the first chance I get.”
Teri laughed and leaned in so they were touching. “What kind of club is named The Bath House?”
Tiffany nuzzled her neck. “The bad kind, honey. You gotta look up a bath house in your Google. No club is for church-going, God-fearing people. Clubs are for sinners. Kinda like Hell with air conditioning and better music.”
Teri watched her walk off, dancing as she went. She realized she didn’t know the first thing about dancing but knew she could bounce up and down with the music forever. She started flashing on being groped by strangers but took a deep breath knowing she wasn’t going alone.
Music blasting,
Lights flashing,
People jumping up and down
Music spinning
Non-stop dancing
Joy happens all around
Bodies crashing
toes get stepped on
Random hands start groping
Sweating, laughing
Spinning round
As alcohol clouds your mind
Next day headache
Bloodshot brain
Start all over again
“Rock Star! How’s my baby?”
“Countin’ the days til I can see you.”
Teri heard a pause.
“Uh. I wasn’t going to say this over the phone, but there’s no easy way to break it to you.”
Teri felt her pulse quicken and the ‘what-ifs’ started her heart racing. She heard her voice crack and croaked out, “What?”
Jenn sounded concerned. “Uh, I decided to marry Tony. He came out to visit and swept me off my feet. I couldn’t help myself, Rock Star. You know. He’s so bright and caring. I’m sorry.”
Teri suddenly knew that this was Jenn’s tease and decided that two can play that game. “Oh, I guess I should congratulate the two of you and hope you find happiness together. I guess I’ll have to find somebody else to go to Hawaii with me, the first week in July. Maybe Don will want to go.”
Teri counted to five before Jenn shouted, “Hawaii!”
“Uh-huh. The band is off for a week and Tahiti is just too far to go for just a week. Shame I’ve got these first-class tickets and a place to stay and all. But maybe my boy will keep me company. Maybe we can double date when we get back.”
“Teri! Hawaii! Oh, wow!”
“Oh. You sound excited. Is that where you’re going with Tony on your honeymoon? I would have thought it would be someplace cheesier, like driving a rental car to Las Vegas.”
“Really? We’re going to Hawaii?”
“Yeah. The band’s still out in the Midwest so I thought Chicago to Hawaii in nine hours. But maybe I can get two more tickets and another room for you guys. Maybe that would be my wedding gift to the happy couple. I better cut this short and try to call the travel agency. Bye.” She hung up and wondered how long it would take to be called back.
Two minutes later, her phone rang. “Well, hi Jenn. How ya doin'?”
“Dammit, Teri. You’re no fun. All I’ve been thinking about for the past four days is how much I miss you. I don’t like sleeping by myself.”
“Me either. And when Tiffany and I were talking about our week off, she said that she and Mike were going away. I immediately thought of treating you to Tahiti, but like I said, a week won’t cut it. I was thinking that maybe after Labor Day and the Central Park concert, we could take some serious time away. By then, I’ll have money to burn and be burned out, too.
“Uh, Rock Star, how about my college classes? I’m supposed to start Freshman orientation at the end of August.”
“Okay. I guess I could ask Don. I don’t know what his plans are.”
“Stop it. My classes end early in December and don’t start up until February. Plenty of time to shower me with love.”
“I like showering you with hugs and kisses. And you know, I’ll have a hotel room when we get to Chicago.”
“I was hoping to fool around with you in your big bus. Close those curtains and do it while everyone is walking around.”
“Hmm. Got some long weeks ahead in the Mid-West. I can smuggle you aboard, and you can live in my little bunk. Sneak out when everyone is gone. You can be the bus ghost.”
“Now you’re talking. Groupie on a bus. Like that movie, “Almost Famous.”
“My favorite is “Streets of Fire.” I own a DVD of that. It’s so good.”
“You could afford a whole collection of DVDs now.”
“Uh-huh. I’m doing that with vinyl.”
“Wish I was rich like you.”
“You can be. Do you have a checking account?”
“Yeah. A little one that my mom opened for me.”
“I’ll write you a check when I see you in Chicago and you can be rich, too. How much do you need to be rich?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it.”
“How’s fifty thousand?”
“What? You’re crazy!”
“That’s less than a quarter of what I’ve got. And in September I’ll have a million dollars more. Then you can be richer.”
“Teri, I’m looking forward to seeing you. It’s so weird that I just can’t be with you. That makes me want you more.”
When they were done saying their goodbyes, Teri called their travel agent back in Allentown and got round-trip first-class tickets on a direct flight to Hawaii. They’d fly out of Chicago on July 1st early in the morning. After the lady on the phone confirmed the return date and said she’d get the best ocean view and optional activities to take advantage of during the day.
Then, Teri went to find Richard who could tell him about their venue.
“It seats five thousand, and you sold out two nights. Because this is a long week and you’re performing for five nights, you’ll get an opening act. They’re called the D City Band. Bill Wiggins wants them to open both nights. I think he’s thinking about signing them for Warners. They go on at eight and play until nine-thirty. You go on after that and stop at eleven thirty. A two-hour show only. You have five shows this week and four next week and four the following week. I’m not keen on stretching you and the band. I don’t want to see fatigue and remember you’ll get July 1st through the 7th off. No tour for a week.”
Teri saw all the Cats for dinner at six. She was all excited because their chef had grilled portobello mushroom burgers with all the fixings. Naturally, they all poured Heinz Ketchup on their burgers and sweet potato fries.
Lisa watched her sister add red onion, local tomatoes, relish, and a touch of mayo then stare at the results. Lisa laughed and grabbed it off of her plate. “Thanks, little sister. That’s just the way I like it.”
Teri watched her sister take a big bite out of the burger and smile. Without losing a beat, she turned and smiled and said, “Can I fix anyone else a burger?”
When no one else said a word, they all watched as Teri made her sandwich and ate it quietly. She smiled and acted like she’d made that burger all along for her sister.
When they were all done eating, Tiffany cleared her throat and quietly asked, “What are we doing tonight? No one’s said a word about playing, set lists, or what’s going out afterward. Why is everyone so close-mouthed?”
Everyone shrugged and looked at Teri and Lisa sitting and nibbling on their fries. They’d made a pool of ketchup and were both dipping together. Teri looked at her sister and shrugged. “Lisa’s all about the set lists and really, we’ve been playing like a well-oiled machine. I don’t see a point of messing around when we’re doing so well. I don’t know anything about our opening act. I’m looking forward to hearing them. And Tiffany said we might go clubbing afterwards.”
Lisa smiled and continued to nibble on her fries. “I pretty much go along with Little. We sound good and everyone seems to enjoy the show. I’m a bit concerned about how much we’re working over the next three months. I think working five nights a week is tough, maybe too much. Since it’s our first touring experience, I guess will keep playing until the wheels fall off.”
Zoe stood up and shook her head. “Yeah, I know I can handle the guitar parts, but I’m more concerned about vocals and Gina pounding away. Those are the parts that I’m worried about wearing out. We’ve played four nights at the Rendezvous, and we’ve played weeks at a time on the road. I’m worried we might burn out.”
Gina smiled. “Sure. A lot of drummers have hand problems as they age. I think it might be good to talk to a doctor and maybe a physical therapist now rather than wait until I crack. But I want to know the story with the hamburger tonight. I’ve never seen Lisa behave that way. I expected Teri to strike back but nothing happened. I mean, what gives?”
Lisa smiled. “It’s kinda like a sister thing. Just between us.”
Teri sat back and smiled. , so it
“No. That’s not an answer. Seriously, what’s going on?”
Teri looked at her sister and watched her shrug. “Okay, so it’s her birthday. And I’m supposed to do something for her and she gets to chose. It was a growing up thing.”
Everyone started singing Happy Birthday which devolved into Old MacDonald and the e-i-e-i-o.
After everyone calmed down, Lisa sighed. “I’m kinda agreeing with Teri. I think it’s important to sound good and do well. I don’t want us to wear out. Teri and I were talking, and we thought maybe designing some spaces where each of us has a few minutes to catch our breath. But not tonight. I think we’re on a roll and since this is our first time playing in Detroit and Chicago, I think they’ll be press watching and writing reviews.”
Tiffany smiled. “Speaking about the press, I think we’d better talk to Gimli and have him look at this schedule. I think we should agree to cap things at four nights a week unless there’s some dire need.”
Zoe was nodding. “If we were playing four festivals for an hour each, we can juggle another show in there that week.
Teri was fidgeting. “Okay, so about this club thing. I don’t want to go with just Tiffany. I need protection. Is anyone else going?” She watched the rest of the Cats shrug, and Gina said, “If it’s Lisa’s birthday, we gotta celebrate, right?”
Teri sighed. “Good. I feel better if you’re going. Now that Mac and Jessica have disappeared while we’re in the mid-west, I’m shy going into a club with strangers. I kinda pictured myself dancing with Travis. He’s cute and maybe we could become friends.”
When everyone broke into laughter at the same time, she knew they were laughing at her.
Tiffany grabbed her hands. “Little, you are so innocent. You think some hunky roadie will look at you and just want to be friends? C’mon. Like friends with benefits.”
They stared at her. Gina whispered, “You’ve never heard of Friends With Benefits?”
Teri shook her head. “Should I know what that means?”
Lisa whispered in her ear.
Teri looked shocked. “No. Not that. Oh, definitely not that. Why can’t we just be friends? You know, laugh and talk. Nothing like that!”
Zoe shook her head. “Uh, since you’re playing on our team now, you need a lesson. Guys don’t understand just being friends with beautiful women. Uh, they only want to do one thing.”
“Seriously, one thing.” Tiffany was grinning. “But you can be in charge of that one thing, kinda.”
“So, there’s not dancing with Travis tonight and just having fun?”
“Sure. But you’re going to want to touch him. Like feel his muscles and have him hold you.”
“Uh. How’d you know?”
They all laughed. Gina put her hand on her knee. “Cause you’re obsessed. It’s all you can think about.”
“How come none of you think about guys?”
Lisa smiled. “I do.”
Tiffany raised her hand. “I do, too.”
Zoe was smiling. “Sure.”
“Why am I the only one who’s going crazy about this?”
“Cause you think there’s more to it. You’re like dreaming of Cinderella going with the Prince to his castle. He’s going to sweep you off your feet and adore you, kissing you and stuff. You’re not thinking about him being overcome with testosterone range and mauling you, kinda like your nightmare in Sea Isle City.”
“Does it have to always end up where I’m mauled?”
Tiffany was smiling. “Being mauled is fun with the right guy. I like it when Mike takes control.”
Teri looked all around, and they were all smiling and nodding.
Gina shook her head. “You love it when Jenn takes charge and mauls you, right?”
Teri was blushing. “Yeah. But we’ve worked all of that out. We know what turns each other on. It’s nice.”
“Well, guys can be tamed. Kinda like riding a stallion. That’s fun, too.” Lisa smiled at her sister.
Teri shook her head. “So just having a friend won’t work.”
Tiffany smiled. “Nope. Friends With Benefits means you both benefit. You know, like just having sex without all the relationship stuff.”
Teri found herself crossing her arms. “So let me get this clear. You can only have guy friends if you have sex with them. But Jenn shares my guy friends.”
Lisa shook her head. “Think about it. Does she act like one of the guys?”
Gina smiled. “There’s only one kind of guy to be really friends with like you’re friends with us. Guys that aren’t interested in women.”
Teri’s eyes opened wide. “Oh.”
Teri was in a tizzy. She didn’t want to tell Jenn that the band was all going to a club tonight after playing. She worried it might upset things between them. She was afraid it would open up too many cans of worms and was tired of being on the defensive.
Before they left for the House of Blues to play, she texted Tiffany and asked her to send a photo of what she was going to wear. Tiffany had said earlier that she was going straight from the show to the club. Teri was at a loss and was wondering if Tiffany’s outfit could give her an idea of what she should wear. Was club wear the same as a stage costume?
There was a knock on the door, and Tiffany announced that she was outside. After opening the door, Teri watched Tiffany stroll into the room.
“Hey, Little. I’ve decided to be your support person tonight. You should look closely at my gorgeous outfit and savor the beauty that stands before you.”
Tiffany was wearing bright blue satin hot pants. Teri thought they were the tightest, tiniest, cutest hot pants ever.
She couldn’t take her eyes from Tiffany’s crotch. “Uh, they’re beautiful. You are beautiful. They are so tight and so tiny. You should be declared illegal.”
Tiffany grabbed her, pulling her in tightly. So close that their boobs were mashed against each other. Then, she looked Teri in the eyes as she kissed her on the lips and kissed her again.
Teri moaned, feeling the heat bubbling up inside her. She felt her breath grow shorter, her heart beat faster, and she knew her eyes were growing wider. She opened her mouth to speak, but Tiffany stuck her thumb in there, causing Teri to suck down hard.
Tiffany continued to grip her fiercely and slathered kisses on her ears, neck, and eyelids. She whispered, “You like this, right?”
Teri sucked down on Tiffany’s thumb and nodded her head up and down.
Tiffany pushed her back, holding her at arm’s length. “You are amazing. I’ve never seen anyone go from zero to one hundred miles an hour so quickly. Jenn must love turning you on. You are such an eager puppy.”
Teri felt Tiffany pull her thumb away and grab her chin. She was getting dizzy from what Tiffany was doing to her. Her voice sounded hoarse. “You’re making me crazy," she said.
“Did Zoe make you crazy like this the other day?”
Teri was dumbfounded. “She told you?”
“Of course, all of us share. I told her that was the most selfless thing she could have given you. I know Gina mentioned something, but I never realized you had such a quick trigger. Did you just have an orgasm?”
Teri nodded her head. “A little one, just one.”
“Hmmm. When you and Jenn are going at it, how many orgasms do you have?”
“Big ones or little ones?”
“Tell Mother.”
“Lots of little ones and maybe four or five big ones.”
“How many does Jenn have?”
“I like to bring her to at least three or four.”
Tiffany stood back and released her tight grip on Teri. “Okay, sex kitten. Time to check out the rest of the outfit.”
Teri saw that she was wearing a matching bolero-length jacket in the same material. It was perfectly tailored to her body. Teri watched as she pulled off her jacket to reveal an ivory-colored chemise covered in lace.
“Oh, wow, Tiff. You look amazing. And you’re not afraid to wear this to a dance club?”
“Oh, no, honey. And check out the shoes.”
Teri looked down to see that she was wearing flats in the same blue as her outfit.
“Pretty cool, huh?”
“Did you get all of that from Jersey Girl?”
“Of course. I just ask.”
Teri knew she was staring, but Tiffany wanted to be stared at.
“Now, Little. Let’s see what you were thinking of.”
Teri showed her three things: a shiny black jumpsuit, a pair of capris and a blouse, and a little black dress. “I didn’t know what was appropriate," she said.
Tiffany was nodding. “Do they all fit?”
Teri nodded.
“Okay. Let’s see the jumpsuit.”
Teri decided to get undressed in front of Tiffany and pulled off her yoga pants and tee. Her underwear was navy blue.
Tiffany reached over and cupped her breast. “Not fair, Little. You have more than me. All I have is an A-cup.”
Teri blushed and took the opportunity to slip on the jumpsuit before Tiffany decided to explore her more. Her little appendage was small enough that she barely needed to tuck, but it didn’t belong on a woman.
Tiffany watched as she pulled up the tight, black jumpsuit that had molded to her body. It was shiny, with Capri-length pants and capped sleeves. One oversized black zipper ran up from her crotch to her chest.
As she was zipping it up, Tiffany reached out and stopped her hand when the zipper was below her breasts. They were exposed but not revealing a nipple. “That’s it, baby! That’s what you wear to a club.”
“But, what?”
“But I’m exposed! I mean, I could just fall out.”
“Cool. You just tuck yourself back in like it happens all the time. You have to become the Queen of Cool tonight. And one more thing.”
Teri stopped to listen.
“No orgasms tonight. Don’t look for anyone or encourage anyone to hold you too close. Tonight you dance with us or by yourself. And if someone comes up behind you and grabs you, you spin around and step sideways. You’re not going hunting tonight for a new best friend.”
“You’re making me out like I’m an idiot.”
“No. You confusing going to a dance with a dance club. Try to rethink this evening. You’re picturing this like a high school dance where the boys all stand together and cross the gym one at a time to ask a girl to dance. That’s not a club scene. There is no couple dancing. It’s more like our forty-five-minute sets where the music never stops.”
“Picture this: The lights are flashing, the bass is thumping, and the music is so loud it consumes your senses. People go to clubs to let themselves go. Tonight, you’re going to lose your mind and let the music make you dance. It’s just supposed to be fun. Kinda like playing to sixty-five thousand people at a festival. Most of those people are just coming to have a mind-blowing good time.”
“Uh, you said most.”
“Right. Not everyone who goes to a club is good. There are pickpockets. There are perverts, and there are haters. You have to take some precautions. Never order a mixed drink that someone can drop shit into. You don’t want to get drugged up. Get a bottled beer or bottled water where you open the top. Just sip it. Hang on to it, but once you set it down, that’s it. Walk away and trash it. Just buy another.”
“And I’m going to be with you every step of the way. All of us are going tonight, and we’re going to circle the wagons to protect you. When we rest, we’ll get a table and just hang out until we’re ready to go again. We’ll screen all the guys who want to dance with you.”
“We’re all going to be your moms tonight. Thumbs up, thumbs down. If we don’t like the guy, we pull the cord, and the trap door takes him down to the shark and alligator pit, never to be seen again.”
“You’re acting like I can’t be trusted.”
“No, sweetie. We’re acting like it’s your first time and want you to have fun. Clubs are great and will give you a different perspective of being on the other end of our show. If you have orgasms dancing, well, join the club. That’s what it’s about.”
Teri nodded. “Okay, I get it, and I’m thankful that the Cats are going to keep me safe tonight. By the way. How old do you have to be to go to a club?”
“If they serve alcohol, you will need to show ID to get in. Do you still have your Tasha ID that says you’re twenty-two?”
Teri nodded.
“Good. Well, if you get carded, you’re covered. But I doubt that we’ll get carded tonight.”
“Because five beautiful dolls go straight to the front of the line. Your buddy Travis will use us to get in if there’s a line.”
“Why would there be a line at midnight”
“Clubs don’t open until ten, and they have to count their numbers for the Fire Marshal. So, are you excited?”
“Crazy excited.”
They were sitting down in the back of the House of Blues, eagerly watching the act on the stage. The D-City Band had two lead singers, two brass players, a bass player, a guitarist, and a drummer. The two singers also played a keyboard and bongos. They opened with a lot of Motown mixed in with Eminem, Bob Seger, and some amazing soul legends.
As they watched, Teri turned to her sister. “They’re playing all Detroit acts, lots of talented people.”
Lisa nodded. “But so far, all I’ve heard are covers. I’m wondering if they have any originals.”
Ten minutes later, the male singer came up and said, “Bruno Mars wrote this tune for us.”
After that, they would announce that different artists had penned songs for them. It became apparent that Warner’s was feeding them songs, and they were stylizing them.
Zoe whispered, “They’re really good. There's a lot of talent there.” Lisa looked at them. Where are their weak points?”
Gina laughed, “Percussion.”
Tiffany turned and said, “Better horns.”
Lisa looked at Teri. “You want to write some songs for them? I’m sure Wiggins would love that.”
Teri laughed. “Well, I’m pretty busy right now, and I don’t think they’d dig the Vampire songs we wrote for EBR.”
Later, after the opening act had disappeared, they were all strapped in and standing on the stage. Teri looked out and wondered what this audience would think after listening to the D-City Band. Before she could think about it, Gina started pounding on her drums, and a voice on the PA system simply said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Welcome The Wildcats.”
They vanished if she had any doubts that this crowd had come to see them. As they all stepped to the front and the spotlights found them, Teri could see everyone on their feet clapping along. Then, she heard Zoe yell out into her mic, “C’mon, Teri. Play that guitar!”
She was suddenly struck by the soul of Eddie Van Halen moving through her. Wrenching feedback, bending notes, playing high-speed strings with the fingers from both her hands and chording like a maniac, she lit the place up. After a minute or two, she realized that the show was just beginning. Remembering Lisa’s sage advice, “It’s not a sprint; It’s a marathon," she yelled into her mic, “C’mon, Zoe!”
While she passed the lead over to Zoe, Tiffany filled in the bottom with high-speed super bass that echoed off the walls. Before long, Lisa stood at the mic and yelled out, “Hello Detroit!" and began singing the opening lyrics of Run, Run, Gone!
The whole place was with them shouting back, “Run!” along with the entire band. After playing the song through twice, Zoe stepped on the ending of the song with the opening chords from Downward Spiral.
And they were off.
After fifty minutes of non-stop playing, the band stopped so Lisa could talk to the crowd. “Thank you, Detroit! We're excited to play for you tonight and tomorrow at The House of Blues. And how about the D-City Band? Aren’t they great?”
Waiting for the applause to die down, she waved and pointed out the members of the band. Each was getting applause, but Tiffany and Teri were getting whoops and hollers, too. Lisa read the crowd and looked at Tiffany. As if it was mental telepathy, she started her bass introduction to Show Me Some Love, which had everyone up on their feet and dancing. As each instrument joined in, Tiffany came to the mic. She turned and stared at Teri from across the stage. Then she started softly cooing. “Oh, Teri. You look so wonderful tonight.”
The crowds roared and ate it up.
Tiffany looked at the crowd and then turned again to Teri, who was playing and watching but did not acknowledge Tiffany. “Oh, Teri. You look so sexy tonight.” She emphasized sexy.
Teri turned and looked at Tiffany as if to ask, "Where did you come from?" “Oh, Tiffany…”
Tiffany’s voice was dripping with passion. “Oh, Teri. You make my heart beat faster.”
Teri repeated, “Oh, Tiffany.” And moaned.
Tiffany fanned herself and said, “Oh, Teri. I love you.”
Teri just started moaning.
Lisa had moved to the Theremin and started getting spacey sounds from it. Zoe had begun using her amp and guitar to provide feedback and a cacophony of various noises. Tiffany stated blasting away on her bass, and Teri used a glass slide on one finger to bend notes. Gina was going crazy back on her drums.
As the noise grew louder, Tiffany started repeating, “Oh, Teri," and clicked a foot pedal that added those words to a looping machine.
Teri did the same thing with her moans until the entire place was lifted high and away from Detroit on their orgasmic ride.
Then Zoe stopped playing, Lisa stopped her Theremin, and Teri stopped and clicked off her moaning loop.
All that was left was Tiffany going back to the starting basic baseline and the loop of her moaning over and over, “Oh, Teri," until she clicked her foot pedal and stopped playing. She leaned into the mic and whispered, “We’ll be back in a few minutes. Get your phones out and ready.”
As they walked off the stage to the cheering crowd, Zoe turned and smiled at Lisa. “Good call, coach. You heard what they wanted and gave it to them.”
“Right, but where does that leave us for our Show Us Your Love ending?” Tiffany was puzzled.
Lisa nodded. “We do the song without the space twins. Just the music and the lyrics. They’ll be busy chanting along.”
Richard appeared. “Excuse me, Teri. Do you have a minute?”
Teri smiled. “Sure, Richard. What’s up?”
Richard whispered in her ear, and Teri smiled. Then she returned to the group, which had already put on their Fur Face suits.
“What was that about?”
“Just some arrangement ideas about our encore. Richard thought we should do something special just for Detroit.”
Lisa was talking out loud. “We did the Detroit Wheels medley with Smith in North Carolina.” She stopped and looked at her sister. “No. You didn’t!”
Teri just grinned and watched Smith walk up behind her.
Lisa saw where all the eyes were turned. She turned and fell into the arms of her boyfriend, Smith Walters.
Tiffany laughed. “How’d you do that, Little?”
Teri shrugged. “I was talking to Bill about some of the arrangements that I’d written up for Eaten’s new album. And I mentioned that we were in Detroit, then Chicago. I wondered aloud how doing an encore with Smith would be so cool. And then maybe do some real Chicago blues on Saturday night. You heard his harp and how he did a great job with Howlin’ Wolf and Buddy Guy.”
Gina was laughing. “And you and Bill, as in William Wiggins, head of Warner’s, just made it happen.”
Teri smiled. “I don’t know. Bill said something about their jet flying in to watch our Chicago show. So I suggested he come early and bring Smith.”
They were all still watching Lisa and Smith kissing. Zoe asked, “So Wiggins is here?”
“Nah. He flew on to Chicago for meetings. So Smith has a round trip ticket back to LA from Chicago.”
“Is that where EBR is practicing and recording?”
“Just practicing. Their album was recorded in the little studio where we practiced. You remember, down in the Treme.”
“How are you doing the arrangements if you’re here?”
“Oh, that’s already finished. Now they’re revitalizing some of their old songs, and I’m helping with the arrangements.”
“Well, somebody needs to tell Lisa to come up for air. The little yellow chick needs to be out on stage.”
Lisa came up and hugged her sister. “Oh, my God! I love you!”
The stage lights went up as the five Wildcats waddled out on stage. The crowd cheered and chanted "Fur Face."
When Lisa donned Teri’s guitar, pressed some buttons, and began playing a heavy metal three-chord pattern. Zoe played the dirtiest, screaming guitar as Teri stepped to the mic.
There was no way that Teri, dressed as a brown and white bunny with huge floppy ears, could muster a scowl as she began singing the lyrics to Fur Face. And the crowd loved it as they sang along. But when Tiffany stood at her mic and did her rap, the crowd went wild and rapped with her.
After the last verse and chorus, the stage went black. They were still chanting “Fur Face” when the spotlight found Teri seated at the concert grand piano playing the introduction to Bach’s Concerto for Cello and Piano. Everyone listened.
Then, a spotlight found Tiffany sitting on a stool, her long, beautiful legs wrapped tightly around her electric cello. You could have heard a pin drop as five thousand people sat, watched, and listened to her performance.
A third spotlighted Lisa as she sang the lyrics to their new song, Chances. The audience heard every word as the piano and cello accompanied her. The sound of Zoe’s feedback began rumbling throughout the silence of the hall. As she walked to the front, eyes were on her as she swayed and played.
When Teri’s guitar and Tiffany’s roaring bass joined Gina pounding her drums, Chances became a hard-rocking song played by five true musicians. As Lisa screamed and shouted the words, forming a fifth instrument, the crowd was enjoying something new and crazy.
But just as it started, soon, all that was left was Zoe still playing her loud rock. When she stopped, Teri was back at the piano playing Chances as if Bach had written it himself. People gasped when Tiffany returned to her cello and played. When Teri’s part ended, Tiffany played the most beautiful ending to Bach’s Concerto for Piano and Cello.
When she stopped, she just sat there until the roar of the audience consumed her. She stood, curtsied, and the light went out.
When all the Cats appeared back on stage, they played the remainder of their songs, ending with Summer Song and Show Me Some Love. When they walked off the stage, they all knew they were coming back for an encore.
When the band returned, Lisa talked about their new album of live and studio songs. She explained that everything except Chances and Bach were on there. “You’ll have to wait for Chances because it’s a song for the movie coming out this fall with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. And another guy in it was the lead singer of Eaten By Raptors. But EBR is so long ago that nobody probably remembers those guys.”
As everybody cheered and chanted E-B-R repeatedly, Teri began the introduction of Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels hit version of Devil With A Blue Dress and Good Golly Miss Molly! on their synthesizer. As he did, a guy walked out on stage wearing jeans, scuffed boots, and a pressed, white Western shirt. He picked up the mic and began to sing.
The audience recognized the voice from nine years ago because their hits were still playing all the time on the radio. Lisa shouted out, “Smith Walters, Smith Walters!”
As Smith sang, the Wildcats became the Detroit Wheels, playing and singing backup until Zoe played that recognizable guitar intro to Good Golly, Miss Molly! Lisa and Smith shared the lead in the song.
“You know your sister isn’t going clubbing with us, not with Smith here.”
“Yeah, I figured that. I even wondered if clubbing was even a guy thing.”
“It’s more of an age thing for him. But you didn’t hear it from me.”
“Hey, are we still going?”
“Sure. But watch. Zoe’s gonna bail next.”
Teri, Gina, Tiffany, Travis, and Leon all walked into the club together. Gina slid two fifties into the bouncer’s hand as he waved them through. As they weaved through the mass of dancing bodies, Teri held Tiffany’s hand firmly and looked all around. She couldn’t hear anything, and the music overwhelmed her senses. Travis led them to a roped-off section, and they all sat down at a table marked reserved.
The Wildcats all stared at him.
Travis blushed. “I went to school with the owner’s son.”
Tiffany said, “High school?”
“Uh, grad school.”
Tiffany was shocked. “How old are you?”
Travis blushed. “Twenty-five. Engineering. That’s why I wanted to work with Phil. And my dad knows Mr. Wiggins, so they put in the good word.”
“You need an advanced degree to move amplifiers?”
“Sure. After years of classes, touring is awesome! He looked up to see a waitress standing there. “Beers?”
Teri made the mistake of drinking hers too fast. Realizing that she should have ordered water. After emptying her bottle, she put both hands on the table and stood. She shouted above the music, “Who wants to dance?”
As they all downed their beers, Teri followed Tiffany to the dance floor. People opened up a hole as the tall blonde danced her way to the middle of the crowd. The five of them formed a circle and started dancing. Teri took all her cues from Gina and Tiffany until she felt the rhythm and just let loose.
Her eyes were closed when she felt a tap on her shoulder, and Tiffany said, “Bathroom.”
It was a lot quieter inside the tiled room until the door opened. Teri concentrated on her hair. Tiffany had insisted she pull it all up in a massive ponytail and create curled bangs on her face for the show. She’d also insisted on a red stain on her lips for tonight.
“Red is a power color, baby. And you’re powerful tonight.”
Teri really was enjoying her dancing when another body stepped between her and the circle. She looked at Tiff and Gina, and they both shrugged. So she smiled and danced.
As the music changed, she looked over at her partner. She was momentarily confused as to the sex of the person dancing with her. She had highly teased, bleach-blonde hair, elaborate makeup, and tight, glittery clothing. But under the tight clothes was a boy’s body. She realized that she was having a good time and this person was just enjoying the dancing.
Eventually, Gina whispered in her ear, “Let’s take a break. Invite your friend back to our table if you want.”
Teri impulsively grabbed her arm and led her back to the table. When they all sat down, and she had a chance to study her, she wondered. This person was not trying to fool anyone. She was really all dressed up for the party.
Teri stuck out her hand and leaned in to say, “I’m Teri.”
“Angel. But I know who you are. You’re Terry Nelson, and I love you and the Wildcats. I have tickets with my friends to go to tomorrow’s show. Wait until you see the outfit I picked out!”
Teri was trying to think of something to say, and Angel took that as an opportunity to continue talking about himself. “I know you’re trying to figure me out. I guess they don’t have a lot of femme boys back in Allentown. But that’s me. I totally love everything about you and have followed you for ages. And when I saw you were coming to Detroit, we all had to buy tickets. All of us dolls are coming tomorrow night. And, of course, my boyfriend refused. He paid for my ticket but is shy when I get all carried away in public.”
Teri found herself nodding. She was handed another beer and started drinking. Angel was still talking when the bottle was empty. “Hey, Angel. You wanna dance some more?”
As Angel grabbed Teri’s hand, she looked back. She saw they were all getting up to join them, but Teri felt happy and maybe a little drunk.
When she woke up and looked at the clock, she was surprised to see that it was two o’clock. Afternoon! As she started to get out of bed, she had to wait for the spinning to stop. She was happy she was in a private hotel room and not on the bus.
As she leaned over the toilet, waiting to see if her stomach was going to empty itself out, she realized that she had been drunk and was now hungover. She called room service and ordered black coffee and dry toast.
Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped herself in a robe and answered the door to get her coffee. Sitting down to drink it, she saw another text from Don and one from Jenn. She put her phone down and concentrated on keeping the coffee and the dry toast down.
Later on, she called Jenn. “Hey!”
“Hey, yourself, Rock Star. What’s up?”
“The usual life of a teen rock star. Just flying in my private jet and playing with my groupies. You?”
“Seriously thinking about getting a boy toy to have around while my rock star girlfriend is out on tour. Course that’ll happen after she’s gone again this weekend.”
“Yeah. This week, I’ll be in Ohio, Nebraska, Indiana, and Missouri, one night stands, sleeping on the bus. Like a real old-fashioned tour.”
“Well, at least you have your pick of Wildcats to keep you warm.”
Teri refused to take that bait. “How’s your family?”
Jenn laughed. “I’d really forgotten just how dysfunctional they are all. Spending a few hours with them is my maximum. Hiding out and being a ghost groupie on your bus sounds pretty good.”
“Well, I’ve got a suite in Chicago for two nights. So you’ll have a chance to escape. When are you going back to Allentown?”
“I’m evicted from mom’s house. I had to pack my stuff in storage until I got a place in Philly for school. I’m going to start looking after I see you. I have to get a twelve-month place anyway.”
“You wouldn’t just stay out at the band house and commute to school?”
“I thought about it, but I really do need to pay attention to my classes and do well. I’m pushing for some scholarship money.”
“Why? I can pay for everything. By the way, did you get a check from Richard?”
“Yes. Fifty thousand dollars! That’s crazy!”
“Glad you got it. Deposit it and spend it. When it runs out, you’ll get some more.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing you and snuggling under the covers. I do miss you.”
“Me, too. I’m always thinking about you.”
After the phone call, she texted Don and sent a photo of House of Blues in Detroit. She wrote two nights.
When she was dressed, she called up Tiffany. “Hey.”
“How ya doin', Little? You got hammered last night with your new friend, Angel. Did you have fun? It looked like it.”
“Honestly, all I remember is having a second beer and dancing. Did I have fun?”
“You know, Little. If you’re going to go and have fun, you have to stay sober enough to remember what you did. You won’t appreciate your dancing orgasms.”
“Did I have any?”
“You told me you had three dancing with Angel. At least you don’t have to worry about him getting into your pants.”
“Yeah, what is a femme boy?”
“Is that what he said?”
“Yeah. And he mentioned he had a boyfriend.”
“Sounds right. Just a feminine boy who likes to be pretty and be a bottom to a man.”
“Bottom, like in sex?”
“Uh-huh. You’re the femme in your relationship with Jenn.”
“Yeah. That’s what I heard.”
“I was told to pass the word. Dinner at six. Richard is taking us out. Then we head to the theater. We go on tonight at nine-thirty.”
Teri thought about everything while she waited in the dark on the stage. They would go with last night’s set list and feature Smith in the encore. Of course, Lisa might change things up right on stage. They were just cogs in the machine, playing and having fun. No clubbing tonight since they were in Chicago playing tomorrow night. The word was they were going to convoy at ten in the morning.
Before coming to the show, she made sure everything was cleared out of the drawers and ready to pack. She picked out a stage and travel outfits before leaving for the theater. Everything else was prepared to go.
Tonight, she was wearing a mini dress and tights. Everything was dark green, including her boots. She pulled her hair up in a pony again and curled her bangs. She laughed at herself for looking like a girly girl tonight and wondered if that was where she was heading. She might be leaving Joan Jett behind but heading towards a sexy bad girl. She thought about Debbie Harry and Stevie Nicks.
As Gina’s drums started pounding, she flipped the switch and moved into her rock god persona. Her last thought was how cool it would be to be a Vampire rock star.
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample
Dear Reader,
Wildcat Summer is available on
There are many chapters to read in the sample