Emily Play's Dotty
A “How I Spent My Summer Vacation: I became a Girl!” Gaiden
Rebecca Coleman
Volunteering to Play Dotty
I tended to spend most if not all of my free time down at my hometown's library. I have something of a desire to write, and well I've always wanted to write. I had this dream of fine tuning my craft and maybe even getting some of my silly ideas published. And well in order to become a successful writer, I always felt that one needed to read, and I mean they needed to read a lot. Like at least one novel a week or something, maybe two if they could swing it.
Because you know, you could learn so much about writing from simply reading a book, I don't mean reading stuff online, though I guess that could count. I mean like sitting down with a book and trying to figure out what the guy or gal who wrote the book wanted to say. Like what the message they wanted to get across.
Reading, and doing a boatload of it was the only sure-fire way to figure out how to successfully string together words. I mean when you strip away all the fancies from it, writing was just stringing different kinds of words together to form a complete sentence. Such sentences had to work together in order to successfully tell a story. I also think writers were the kind of people who suffered from vivid hallucinations because they often spent most of their time living in an imagined world, listening to their imaginary friends talk to each other.
I guess, but I could be wrong. Then again what in the hell do I know about writing anyway? I'm going to be repeating my freshman year this coming autumn at St. Clare's Roman Catholic Academy. Why am I going to be repeating my Freshman Year? Because my mom just passed away after an eighteen month struggle with lung cancer, and I missed a huge chunk of my first year of high school taking care of her in her last fleeting moments on this earth.
And to exacerbate things I'm also suffering from gender dysphoria. But that is a story and a problem for another time. Anyway getting back on the subject. It was one of those afternoons, you know those late Summer afternoons, you know those lazy Summer afternoons that we Mississippians are famous for. And my part of the world was undergoing a massive heatwave, I mean it, the crops in the field had turned to dust, all the creeks and brooks in the woods behind my house had dried up, and the concrete sidewalk outside was so hot, one could pop down to the local quick-n-go and buy an egg from the dairy case, take it out of the cardboard carton and crack it and in a matter of seconds the egg would start to fry.
Anyway, having made my selection of books, I started to walk toward the front of the desk. The picking this time around had been slime. But I managed to find a few choice vintage “Nightmare Street” titles that would hold my attention for the next few days. But as I neared the desk, I noticed that there was some kind of notice hanging in the middle of the hallway that connected the front door to the lobby. Intrigued, I moved a little closer to get a better look. There was something special about it. I quickly noticed what was unusual about the handbill was the animesque image that was located in the center.
The image was that of an anime style girl, who had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. And sparkling blue eyes. She was dressed in what I best could describe as white dress that was dotted with huge black spots. Kind of like a Dalmatian. A pink, leather collar that kind of looked like a choker was fitted around her neck and from the collar there hung a shiny brass tag. A headband with two doggy ears completed her outfit. And finally she seemed to be seated in a large, plastic bowl. That kind of reminded me of a dog's food bowl.
Then I noticed that printed below the picture was a good bit of text. Slowly I started to read aloud the text.
“Manchester's Animal Shelter is hosting its annual 'Fish n' Chips' Fundraiser this coming Saturday Afternoon. Fried catfish plates will be offered for sale. There will also be fried chicken tender plates and friend shrimp plates too. The chicken tender plates will be on sale for ten dollars, and will include four large hand cut chicken tenders, thick cut french fries, a small side salad, a dinner roll, and a glass of sweet or unsweetened tea. Fried catfish plates will be on sale for fifteen dollars, each catfish plate will include five pieces of catfish, thick cut french fries, a small side salad, a dinner roll and a glass of sweet and unsweetened tea. Shrimp plates will be going for eighteen dollars and will feature twelve friend shrimp, thick cut french fries, a small side salad, a dinner roll, and a glass of sweet and unsweetened tea.”
I paused before I started to read again.
“For entertainment live music will be provided by the local band 'The Soggy Yazoo River Bottom Boys'. The Manchester Animal Shelter will also be looking for one brave volunteer to assume the role of 'Princess Dotty the Dalmatian Princess'. The Altar Guilds of Our Lady of the Bayou Roman Catholic Church and Trinity Episcopal Church will also be offering home-made cakes and brownies for sale. If enough money is donated our 'Dotty' will be given a 'Special Meal'. All money raised from the selling of plate lunches, from the bake sales and from the donations to 'Feed Dotty' will go directly into the bank account of The Manchester Animal Shelter. Manchester's only No Kill Animal Shelter. And will be used to buy food and toys for the animals.”
I took another deep breath. I was not used to doing this much reading, well reading aloud that is.
“Those who wish to volunteer to play Dotty, can pick up a request form at the front desk”
“Could you please be quite?” A woman from behind the front desk said as she peered toward me. She wore a white, cream colored blouse that was tucked into the waistline of a charcoal gray skirt. Her long brunette hair was pinned up in a tight bun. She looked quite annoyed too. “This is a library after all. And believe it or not some people still come here to read.”
“Sorry about that ma'am.” I said meekly.
“I hope so. You can consider this your first and last verbal warning for the day.” The woman said in a stern tone of voice. “If I'm forced to tell you to quiet down again. I will be forced to ask you to leave the library for the rest of the day. I will be forced to put a black check mark next to your account. You can consider strike one. Three strikes and your banned from library for good.”
I felt myself starting to blush a little as the women scolded me. I fought back the urge to get sassy with her and instead I took a deep, calming breath and walked toward the desk.
“Yes ma'am.” I said blushing a bright red as I handed over my selection of books.
“Good. I hope we've come to an understanding young lady.” The woman said in a cool, crisp, snappy tone of voice. Her tone of voice made me feel about as tall as my thump. And at that moment I wished for the ground to open up in a fissure and swallow me whole. “Now, how can I help you?”
“I would like to check these books please ma'am.” I said in a meek tone of voice. I felt about three inches tall at the moment. “And I would like to fill out one of those forms too, so you know volunteer.”
The woman sighed and shook her head from one side to the other. “One thing at a time. I'm sure you understand that I'm a human. And humans have two arms. First I will need to see your library card.”
I swallowed hard again and pulled my purse around and slowly I started to dig through the blasted thing. My purse was a small, pink, faux leather that was in the shape of a corset. The purse had been given to my aunt on my fifteenth birthday. Along with a lot of other things. Anyway I was still carrying around a purse.
“Sorry, I'm new to having a purse.” I said bushing as I kept digging through the thing. I made a mental note to clean the thing out when I got home.
I could tell the woman wanted to make a sharp remark, instead she said nothing but only raised her eyebrows slightly.
“Leaving your tomboy phase behind?” She asked as she leered toward me.
“You could say that!” I said with a little too much pepper.
“And you decided to celebrate that very important milestone by volunteering to play Dotty?” She asked again.
“No, I decided to volunteer because I have nothing better to do with my free time. Plus, I'll be helping puppies and puppies are cute.” I said snapping open my pocket book I then pulled out my plastic library card and handed it over to the woman.
The woman made a weird sound, it was like she was clearing her throat or something.
“I see.” The woman reached out and took my library card. “While I'm doing this, please do me a favor and start filling out the forum you need to volunteer.” And with that the woman reached down and pulled out a piece of paper, she slapped the piece of paper down on the desk and pushed it toward me.
“With pleasure.” I said trying to smile a little.
The forum was your basic forum. The first thing I had to tell them was my name. Well of course they wanted to know my name. But for some reason I froze up. I felt my hands starting to tremble a little. I felt my heart starting to race a little. And I'm sure at that moment I looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
Now, my penmanship is utter shit. I think that partly due to my dyslexia. But I was getting a bit better at it. Still, I would have loved to have filled out the forum on a computer or something. Taking a deep breath though, I reached over and picked up a fountain pen and with a unsteady hand I started to write.
“Emily Hannah Anderson” for the part of the forum that called for my name. Below that I wrote “467 Pecan Circle, Manchester, Mississippi, 39194.” that was for the part of the forum that called for my address. The next part threw me for a loop, it called for my school, well right now I was not enrolled in any school, well any of the local schools. But since I'd be attending St. Clare's Roman Catholic Academy in September I decided to roll with it and put down “St. Clare's Roman Catholic Academy.”
The next section called for my sex. And well here I froze. I was still getting used to being Emily and the town was still getting used to Emily as well. And Emily was a girl, so for sex I put down “Female” next they wanted to know my date of birth. I put that down and no, I'm not telling you guys that. That bit of information is on a need to know basis only.
And finally my phone number. Writing down all that took a painful fifteen minutes and I was sweating bullets at the end.
“Here you go Ms. Anderson.” The woman's voice broke me out of the daze I'd been in. “I can't say I approve of your choices, I've always found those books to be nothing more than trash. If I had the power, I would have them pulled from the selves and tossed into the trash cans.” She said huffing as she peered toward me.
I said nothing.
“And the forum.” The woman said in a matter of fact tone of voice.
I handed over the forum.
“You have dreadful handwriting. For a girl this is horrible handwriting. I should put this in the trash and make you redo it. Honesty you write like a boy!” She said, clicking her tongue at me as she looked over the form.
I felt myself starting to blush, I was just two seconds away from telling that woman what she could do with that forum. That being she could roll it up nice and tight, smother it in grease and stick it right up her ass because I was about to say to hell with this thing. But I kept my cool.
“I guess I have no choice. You are the first one to volunteer and with the deadline being this coming Friday and today being Tuesday you have me over a barrel.” The woman said, sighing. “Well Ms. Anderson, I trust you will be on time?”
“About that.” I said blushing I really wanted to jump over the desk and strangle this woman right about now. She was really pushing my buttons and not in a good way. “Where is..” But I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.
“The fundraiser will take place here.” The woman said. “On the Manchester Commons.” She paused. “The event starts at eleven o' clock sharp. But I would love it, if you can be there at least a hour before. And it's this coming Saturday. So set your alarm and don't sleep it.”
And that was that.
End Of Chapter One
Emily Plays Dotty
A “How I Spent My Summer Vacation: I became a Girl!” Gaiden
Rebecca Coleman
The Manchester Commons
The Manchester Commons was a three acre triangle plot of land that was located in the heart of the old downtown part of Manchester. The three acre plot of land contained, if you believe it or not the town's library, a private middle school, the school was this massive two story brick building with old fashion square windows and white columns and two white, wooden double doors. A concrete staircase led up to the double doors and an old, rusting iron fire-escape wrapped itself around the building. At the tip of the triangle one could find a water fountain. The fountain is called “Crump Fountain '' by all and was named after Thomas Crump, a man who had spent most of his life in the civil service. He had been the force behind the earlier development of Manchester from a tiny river front hamlet on the banks of the Yazoo River to a thriving county seat that stole the title of county seat away from neighboring Benton.
And of course, because this is the Southern United States. And by and large, some of the population of the region is still fighting and still reliving the American Civil War, somewhere in the middle of this triangle there was a huge, gray Confederate monument. On top of the monument, about twenty four feet from the ground one would spot two copper statues long turned to green. The first one was of a man holding out his open right hand while in his left hand he was gasping firmly in his grasp a rifled musket with a ten-inch bayonet attached to it. And in front of him is a woman, she is handing him a flag and a pole. The woman is holding by all accounts the Confederate Battle Flag. On the front one will find the following inscription.
As at Thermopylae, the greater glory was to the vanquished.
This monument is erected to the perpetuate memory of of the
noble courage, constancy, and self-sacrificing devotion of the
women of the Confederacy and the patriotism and heroic
valor of the Confederate Soldier and all who on land
or seat for the country and cause they loved so well.
The Jefferson Davis Chapter
United Daughters of the Confederacy
And the sons of the Confederate veterans and people
of Yazoo County. Dedicated July 8, 1909
If you were to stand at the base of the old, gray Confederate monument and look straight ahead one would see across the street a plain, wooden building that was painted green and looked like it was about to fall in. This was our town's VWF pot. And beside it one would find a green, decommissioned Sherman Tank, the tank was pointed toward the monument with the nuzzle of the gun pointed squarely at the two figures on top. Beside the VWF post one would find a small shop that sold mostly junk.
Beside that one would find a simple, gray, square building, this was the town's post office. Twice a week, sometimes maybe three times a week my Aunt Flora would send me into the gloomy looking building to check the mail.
And because Manchester lacked a proper Comic/Manga shop, and the local book store only carried a limited selection of manga and light novels, I was on a first name basis with all the clerks because I was always getting something in the mail. What can I say, Amazon is the premier online merchant. If you need it, they have it, and if you have an Amazon Prime account you can get it in a blink of an eye.
Beside the post office one would find a plain, red brick church house. The church house had two red, wooden double doors and was named Trinity Episcopal Church. Here the elite of the town gathered to do whatever the upper-middle class of a small southern town do on a Sabbath morning. I think they drink coffee, snack on donuts, and rehash old Bible stories. Then I think they gather to sing a lot of dreadful sounding songs, and eat a little bread and drink a little wine? I should know, after all, my older brother is going to an Episcopal priest in a few years. But I don't.
Anyway on this hot, humid June morning the normally quiet and void of people had taken on a carnival like atmosphere. Dozens and dozens of small groups of people had crowded into the area. Dozens of folding metal chairs and either red or blue coolers seemed to have been scattered about. Dozens of more people were standing over propane burners, and the smell of fish being fried filled the air. A dozen more were already chowing down the fish that had been fried. Dogs barked, cats meowed, a bedlam of noises and smells.
And in the middle of all this confusion was a large, children's wading pool that had been spray painted a neon pink color and stuck to the side were letters that spelled out the name 'Emily' I blushed a little. I mean I felt the blush spreading from one cheek to to the other. I could even feel my ears starting to turn red. As normal for me I'd decided to wear a short, pink, pleated skirt, and white teeshirt, and a powder blue hoodie zipped all the way up. The hoodie was for warmth and also convenience because the skirt did not have pockets! Also because I did not feel like hauling around my leather purse that morning. Instead I decided to carry my black carry-on bag that I'd decorated in a fit of teenage madness with a lot of pins I brought from Gothic Topic. Kind of a local store that was a knock off of Hot Topic.
Did I mention that I was totally confused? I'd been given no solid directions. The woman had only taken my forum and told me to show up at ten o' clock because the main event started at eleven o' clock and according to my plastic, pink, wrist watch it was ten o' clock on the dot though it seemed things were already well underway. Then I noticed a group of women all dressed to the nines in flimsy dresses and flat shoes, all the women had their hair pulled back in tight, high ponytails and all seemed to be wearing woven straw hats and had their eyes hidden behind thick, dark sunglasses. All had their lips painted a bright red and all wore bright red nail polish. All had plastic cups in their hands.
I was sure those red, plastic cups held nothing than a good measure of “School Boy” that to say a popular cocktail that was one part gin, one part orange juice, one part lime juice, sugar, with three or four bottles of Gentleman Southern added in for good measure. The cocktail was then poured into a red cup that had been packed to the top with crushed iced. I stood to the side of this gathering and waited and prayed for one of them to notice me.
“Oh!” One of the women said. Her voice slurred a little, I think the drink was taking hold of her. “Ladies, I thought our lovely volunteer is here.” She said smiling.
“About time! I was afraid she would have gotten cold feet or something. Though I'm sure my daughter would have stepped up and volunteered. You know she going to head of the cheerleaders this year. And next autumn she going to heading toward Ole Miss. Just like her two older sisters and just like her mother. You know our family, for the last few generations has always gone to Ole Miss. It's required you know that any properly raised southern woman go there to get her degree. If she wishes to find a proper husband that all.” One of the women said as she sipped her drink.
“I believe, that young lady is the same young lady that was crowned 'Pecan Princess' at the first annual Pecan Fete.” The woman said, smiling like a cat who had just snatched the song bird from it's cage. “I think she beat out your daughter for the title and the five hundred dollar prize. A shame really, that your daughter missed out on being crowned this town's first ever 'Pecan Princess' it would have well with her other titles.” A woman to her right side as she sipped her drink.
The woman in question said nothing but only walked away from her group of friends. A tense silence fell quickly over the group, a silence that was only broken when one of the women walked up to me and slowly removed her sunglasses.
“Oh.” She said, smirking a little. “We have strawberry blonde hair girls.” She said, shaking her head. “No wonder so many of our local merchants were lining up to donate. This little vixen has enchanted their hearts. Guard your son's girls,” The woman forced a little laugh. “That or they needed a quick, and handy tax write off or a tax credit!”
“Or they really wanted to save homeless puppies? And find them forever homes?” I countered.
The woman said nothing but raised her glass and started to drink a little more of her drink. She then turned her full attention toward me and grinned a very wicked grin.
“You really have no idea what you're getting into do you honey?” She said, smiling a little as she circled around me. “Well of course you don't, this is the first time this little stunt has ever been performed here. Normally it's one of the Benton girls who get roped into doing this stunt. Those poor little hayseeds.” She said smiling as she reached over and lightly touched my shoulder.
I felt a sudden chill pass over me.
“Come on girly, we need to get you changed into your adorable costume.” She said as she lowered her brown lense sunglasses and gave me a leveled look.
The moment I looked into the woman's eyes was the moment I felt like somebody had straight punched me right in the gut and for good measure had performed a judo chop right across my neck. Her eyes were blue, but fringed with a ring of gray, they were cold, like you could feel the coldness in them. Those eyes I thought belonged to a demoness and not a human.
“Changed?” I said blushing a little as I brushed off the woman's hand from my shoulder.
“Of course. Into your Princess Dotty costume.” The woman said, smiling. And with that she reached down and took me by the hand, she then pulled me toward a collection of tents that had been set up at the edge of the field. “Oh, did you bring some shampoo, soap and towels?” She asked as she looked at me over with a wicked little grin.
I shook my head.
“Oh poor dear.” Her voice was slick as owl shit. “I guess, I'll need to send one of my helpers across the street to the 'Super 10' and fetch you some shampoo, soap, and some towels.” She said, shaking her head. “Did you at least bring a spare bra and some extra panties?”
I shook my head.
“I see..” The woman paused. “Then just go commando under your costume.”
I nodded my head and turned toward the woman.
“So what is the costume?” I asked.
The woman smiled and nodded toward the tent that was going to double as a make-shift changing room. “It's in the tent. Now go ahead and get changed. The quicker you get changed the quicker we can get the ball rolling. And the quicker we get this ball rolling the more money we can make! And the more money we make the more puppies you can save!”
And so with that being said I walked into the tent and there upon the floor I noticed what appeared to a black and white dotted dress. That had the appearance of a cheap Halloween costume that came from the racks of a knock off Halloween store. Laying on top of the dress was a headband that had black, white and dotted dog ears glued to it.
“Are you sure this is going to fit me!” I yelled out as turned around the woman who at this point had taken a position in front of the tent turned her head and nodded.
“It should. If not, try to wiggle into it the best you can.”
“Why did I sign up for this again?” I said as I hung my head down and shook it from one side to the other.
“To help puppies!”
And well with that being said I started to wiggle the best I could into the costume. After all, in the end all this was to help feed puppies, cover the vet bills for those who could not afford to care for their four legged fur babies. And help puppies find forever homes. So while I felt like a total fool as I slipped the costume on. I had to keep reminding myself that all this was to help feed puppies!
Emily Plays Dotty
A “How I Spent My Summer Vacation: I become a Girl” Gaiden
Rebecca Coleman
Princess Dotty
I felt as silly as a goose the moment I put the costume on. The costume was a white dress with black disk size spots scattered from the collar of the dress down to the helm. And of course it came with a faux leather collar, the kind of collar that dogs wear. I had to wear the collar because it was part of the costume. Attached to the ring of the collar was a name that had the name “Emily” Engraved on it. The moment I changed into the outfit was the moment from before walked toward me, smirking as she attached a matching pink lead to the ring.
“My, my don't you look adorable.” She said as she smiled toward me. It was a wicked little smile. “You know, I'm going to enjoy this. I'm going to enjoy making a total fool out of you.” She said smiling as she reeled the lead in. Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the mid-morning sun.
I did not trust myself to talk. So instead I opened my ears and started to listen.
“I guess you have no idea who I am, do you?” She said, sighing.
“A bitch.” I said without thinking.
“Charming.” The woman said, smiling. “Such a charming young lady, I guess your mother took the time to properly raise you. Bless your little heart.”
If looks could kill then the look I was giving this woman right now would have chewed up her and spat her out. The woman though seemed not to even notice the glare I was giving her. Instead she only smiled.
“My name is Priscilla Harper.” Priscilla paused. “I'm the wife of John Harper. Who is the owner of Willow Wood Plantation. Which is one of the few remaining plantations to come through the 'War of Northern Aggression' intact. I'm also the president and chairwoman of the Manchester's Daughters of the Confederacy, you see sweetie. I belong to what's called the 'Bourbon Class'. While you belong to the lower class.”
At this point I really wanted to bite the woman. Instead I just looked at her and smiled. I wanted to see were Priscilla was going to take me with this little ramble. But with each crooked word that passed over those brightly painted lips, each and every second that ticked on by, the more and more I felt myself growing to dislike this woman with every fiber of being.
“You see. People of my class, the old planter class, the old plantation owning class. The land owning gentry of the Old South, have always had a certain, should I say noblesse oblige. To people born below us. Mostly the poor, uneducated, colored people. And poor whites like you. Poor Whites like you really have no place in our social order. Nor do we wish to include you in our social circles. Now, you upset a good many of my good friends when you stole the crown and tile of 'Pecan Princess' from my daughter. And you also stole her chance to help poor puppies, that people of your class keep around because they can't afford to get them fixed.” Priscilla said with a small smile.
“Has anybody ever told you that you're a real bitch.” I said smiling just as sweetly as she was. “Oh, I hate to be the one to break this to you. But the year is two thousand twenty four, not eighteen fifty something. Oh and for good measure, can I add that the Confederacy lost the war.”
Priscilla's face twisted and distorted and her eyes grew as wide as saucer plates. Kind of reminded me of the face I made when I once took a bite into a lemon thinking it was an orange. And I loved it. Slapping her right upside the head with a iron skillet would not have been more effective in knocking her off her high horse. And because I felt insulted. And well because she just had to and mention my now deceased mother. I decided to rub some salt into the flesh wound I'd just cut into her by saying.
“Also I believe, if I remember my American History correctly, that the South fired the first shots of the war. I mean the whole 'Battle of Fort Sumter' was really kicked off by the South. So, kind of learn your history before spewing off a bunch of your 'Lost Cause' bullshit?”
“If I had the time. I would march you right into the bathroom right now young lady and wash that dirty, little mouth out with soap!” She said with a scowl. “But I don't. Now we have a show to perform. So let try to get along for the next half hour at least.” She said huffing. Her cheeks puffed out and for a brief moment, a brief flash of time, she kind of reminded me of a blowfish.
“First off. If you ever, and I mean ever tried in your wildest dreams to wash my mouth out with soap. I promise you, I will bite you. And I would bite you to the bone.” I added it for a good measure. And I made a point in showing her my perfectly straight teeth.
Priscilla said nothing, instead she started to pull hard upon the leash. Walking from the tent to the wading pool took around five minutes and in that brief span of time, the five minutes it took. A change came over her. She took several deep breaths and about time we reached the pool she was smiling from one ear to the other. Which worried me greatly.
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! And boys and girls of all ages!” She called out in her best show woman tone of voice. And for a brief moment the bedlam of noises stopped and all eyes turned toward she and I. “First I, Priscilla Harper would like to thank each and every one of you for turning out and supporting the first ever 'Feed Dotty' charity fete Fish Fry. My husband tells me it's been a smashing success so far! As of now. We've sold close to three hundred plates! And raised close to four thousand dollars for charity from the sale of those plates and from thoughtful donations.”
The crowd clapped as was expected of them.
“And now, allow me to introduce you guys and gals to our lovely volunteers.” Priscilla said with a smile as she pulled me in front of the crowd. “The one, the only, the adorable, Emily Hannah Anderson.” She said smiling as she stepped to the sideline.
The crowded golf clapped again as expected of them.
“Emily, as many of you know was also crowned the first ever 'Pecan Princess' in this years 'Pecan Fest' and has also been the first to ever volunteer to be 'Dotty' at the Manchester's First Annual 'Feed Dotty' Charity Fish Fry! A true trend setter if there was ever one!”
the crowd clapped again as was expected of them.
Gathering my wits, courage, and seeing that I've come too far now to chicken out, I stepped into the half formed circle and blushed as I watched dozens of little boys just peer at me. Most of the boys looked slightly annoyed that their games of tag, hide-n-seek, or the senseless acts of pelting each with stone and large clumps of dirt and breaking random sticks they found on the grounds over each other's shoulders had been put on hold. The little girls on the other hand in their pastel pink sundresses, their either blonde or brunette hair styled back in tight curls with pretty pastel colored ribbons tied to the end of each and every curl just looked on, confused and just annoyed as the boys at being pulled away from their own games.
“Hello boys and girls” I said smiling. I waved my hand in front of their faces.
I was greeted with total silence.
“Now, since our Dotty was a little late. We've been forced to skip the first part of the stunt where she performs tricks for all the good little boys and girls who donated their pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and fifty cent pieces! And I deeply apologize for those boys and girls.” Priscilla said as she rocked her head back and forth. “Maybe next time the person who volunteers to play Dotty will be on time!”
“Or maybe we should spank her with a rolled up newspaper for being a bad puppy?” Priscilla added as an afterthought.
That was a bold face lie! I wanted to spin around that moment and perform a trick of my own, I called it “Bite Attack!” and I'm quite sure it would have been super effective too! Maybe a one shot KO'ed but alas it was not meant to be. Instead I just smiled and tried to act like the scolding had humbled me. The boys and girls responded as well as you expected them too. That being they just stood there, their eyes wide as saucer plates. I swear I could have heard crickets chipping in the background.
I'm quite sure at that moment Priscilla felt like she was going to lose control of the crowd and at this point. I would have loved for that to have happened. I'm not going to lie to you guys and gals. I still wanted to get a bit more revenge for the little comment the foul mouthed woman had decided to toss in about my late mother, I just smiled and shook my head first to the left and then to the right. And then finally I whispered “Really?” You're going to lie to these poor, poor children. My word Mrs. Priscilla?! Do you have any shame?”
My words had their desired effect. Priscilla's face turned a very deep, dark red. The children though just looked on. Even more confused. Clearly all of this was flying high for their little heads. Priscilla, though,quickly regained control of herself. And instead of answering me, she pushed ahead.
“Anyway! I think it's time for the main event!” Priscilla said as she nodded her head toward a collection of older teenage boys. All of them seemed to be around me all and all of them seemed too cute, okay cute was not really the right word. I should say handsome. All of them were tall, well tallish. All seemed to have well defined muscles and all of them seemed as lean as the meat you see in the meat counter at local Save-A-Lot meaning there was not a bit of fat on them. All of them were sporting a rich, dark tan. A tan that reminded of the skin of a perfectly roasted chicken. Kind of like the roasted chickens you see at the deli at local Save-A-Lot.
The boys smiled and then all four of them started to move toward me. I felt my cheeks starting to blister. I mean here standing in front of me were four of the finest specimens of the teenage male species ever to grace God's green earth. And I mean if they were cuts of beef. I would give them a “Prime” rating. Because they were perfect in every sense of the word.
“And to help!” Priscilla said. “We have four other lovely volunteers.”
I was too flustered to speak and instead I could only stand there and blush. My already confused teenage hormones were going haywire. I mean the blockers in my system had pretty much stopped dead in its tracks the development of testosterone in my system. Not that my body produced any to really amount to much before I started them. I mean what my body had been producing amounted to nothing more than a hill of beans. But the estrogen being pumped into my system on an almost daily basis was another matter altogether. I could not help myself as I started to mentally undress each of those four lovely volunteers. I wanted to do things to them that would make Lilith the queen mother of all the demons blush! I also wanted to do things to them that would also make Lilith,again the queen of mother of all demons, to flush a bright red. Heck I wanted them to do things to me that would make her cough and say, “Naughty girl!”.
“Now. The highlight of the 'Dotty' stunt is seeing the lovely volunteer getting covered in chili. That is supposed to look like dog food. I'll be honest with you. Most canned chili does kind of look and even smell like dog food. And here we have four buckets, filled almost to the top with chili. And all of that is going to go over our lovely volunteers' heads.” Priscilla said smiling.
I blinked..
“Now if our lovely volunteer will now climb into her 'food bowl' and take a seat.”
I then did something I thought I would never know. I crossed myself. And at that moment a silly thought entered into my head. Or was the most profound question I've ever thought to ask myself. Anyway the question was this, How was getting covered in four buckets of chili going to help feed starving puppies through the cold winter months ahead? I guess people would do anything for charity, including getting covered in chili.
And so I waited..
Emily Plays Dotty
A “How I Spent My Summer Vacation: I Became a Girl” Gaiden
Rebecca Coleman
The Final Act
I blushed a little as I peered toward the gathered crowd. A few of the older teens in the crowd raised their phones a few seconds later I saw the flash of a camera. A few more cameras started to flash as more pictures were taken. I'm not going to lie, I was enjoying the attention. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed the first teenage boy drawing near me. I felt my legs starting to tremble as I noticed how white his teeth were. That is an odd thing to notice about somebody I know. But I mean that, his teeth were perfectly straight and perfectly pearly white. He had the smile of a boy-band idol.
“Sorry about this.” He said, smiling a little as he raised the bucket up. “If it means anything I think you're really brave for doing this.” He added as he slowly tipped the bucket over my head. A few moments later I felt a massive landslide pouring out of the bucket. A few beats of the heart later, I felt the chili landing on the top of my head. It felt thick and smelled kind of like canned corned beef. And felt grainy and heavy.
“YUCK!” I said blushing as I wiggled my head around.
“That bucket number one! Three more remain.” Priscilla said with a broad smile. “Next volunteer please.” She said, smiling gleefully.
The next volunteer stepped forward and blushed a little. He had kind of an 'All-American' charm about him. The way he moved across the ground suggested that he had all the time in the world and that the world was waiting on him. Instead of saying anything he smiled and just turned the bucket upside down over my head. Spilling brownish sauce all over me. After he was done, he tossed the bucket to the left of the pool, flipped his longish red hair and smiled.
“Wow.” He said. “I'm kind of hot covered in all that mess.” He said with a sadist grin as he started to stride away. Again he moved in a manner of a man who had all the world at his command and one who could command the world to wait upon him. I guess he thought he could even boss around old Father Time himself.
“And there goes bucket number two!” Priscilla said, smirking a little. “Remember folks each bucket is worth a grand total of five hundred dollars! So.. yes..” Her eyes shifted away. And for a moment I swore she muttered something under her breath.
The next volunteer was slender as a willow branch and had longish blond hair and clearest blue eyes I've ever seen on a boy. All of the boys, he was the most muscular. I mean I could count his abs through the paper thin fabric of his shirt.
“Wow.” He said, smiling a little, “You're a total mess.” He added as he smiled down at me. “But I think it's cool that you're doing all this to help out like puppies and stuff. Shows you have a big heart. And I think that's cool.”
I felt my cheeks start to blush. I'm sure you could even see their glow from under all the gunk that had been poured over me. He had called me 'Cool' and that made me feel all shy and small. I could not help falling into a fit of giggles. Soon he started to giggle too as he picked up the bucket and slowly he started to pour the chili out all over me.
I'm going to be real with you guys. I was too flustered to really pay much attention to what was getting poured over me. I was floating on cotton-candy clouds. Watching sparkling pink unicorns fly by me, while pastel colored clouds rained down a rainbow of hard shell chocolate caddies down my head.
“Bucket number three and here the last bucket.”
I was still starry eyed when the last boy started to approach the side of the pool. I then felt myself starting to blush super, super hard. The last boy was not some off the cover boy-band idol. Well he was, but I never saw him that way. I'd always seen him as the kind of goofy boy that gets on my nerves. Who always somehow managed to piss me off. Who had carried me on his back from a dirt track behind his house to my house, eased me down upon the sofa in the living room and tended to me and waited on me hand and foot and had treated me like a princess.. when I nearly ran him over with my bike. I'd taken a sharp turn and crashed my bike into a nearby tree. I had bruised my ankle in the process.
“Andrew?!” I shouted.
The boy blushed.
“What are you doing here?!” I said blushing again.
“I wanted to volunteer to play Dotty.” He said blushing a little. “But Priscilla said she was only looking for a girl to volunteer. My little sister loves the show and she's been going through a lot. So I thought her seeing her big brother playing Dotty would cheer her up.” He blushed.
At that moment I noticed a white woman wearing a white doctors coat shifting her gaze from away toward me toward Priscilla. She sighed and shook her head and slowly she stepped out of the crowd a few seconds later I saw her leading Priscilla away. Well she guided her behind one of the tents.
“You could always volunteer next time. Gotta warn you, it's a bit of a messy business.” I said blushing a little. “I mean look at me, I'm covered from head to toe.” I said, trying to lighten the mood.
Andrew just rolled his shoulders and smiled a little. And with that he picked up the bucket and gently tipped it over my head. A beat of the heart later. I was once more getting coated with chili that smelled like mush from a can.
“You look adorable.” He said smiling as he then leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheeks. I blushed and a moment later I felt my blood starting to boil as my ears turned ruby red. I smiled, stood up, tossed my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. Sure he got messy, I mean I was coated in chili. And some of that chili got on him. But in the end he returned the hug. And that is I think the best possible way for this strange adventure to end. With me getting gunged by the boy I love, and getting to share a kiss and hug with him. Plus, I kind of see it like this, by doing it out in public, I was putting my claim on him.
Anyway to end this story I'm going to take a cue from my boy William Shakespeare who said it way better than I could ever hope to. “All's well that ends well, still the fines the crown; Whate'er the course, the end is renown. Steals ere we can affect them.” In short the dude was trying to say “All's well that ends well.”
The End.
A special thank you for my friend Malady from the Big Closet Discord. My Senpais Joanne Barbarella and Emma Anne Tate. And Courtney of Courtney Clean Caps. Who first directed me here. And for my old master, now departed this life in faith over fear, Kasuto. May the three Golden Goddess Din, the Goddess of Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom, and Farore, the Goddess of Courage guide you into the Golden Land.