The Difference Girl Friends Make
Bruce was helped for a crossover day by Deanne...
Helped to be a better student...
His mom woke him up just before 5:30 a.m. “You need to get up and get ready Samantha.” Bruce gave his mom a peculiar look. She said, “Remember, you wanted to be Samantha in everything you did today. This is not the outfit you’ll wear to school but the panties and bra will be. I don’t want you to try showing your little jewels at the Trembles.”
The idea of him having to get down to the panties and bra in front of the Trembles was enough of a problem for him to work through. Bruce’s mother dropped him off ten minutes early at Samantha’s request.
Deanne answered the door needing a dress zipped up and said, “You are a bit early. You can come up to my room, but you’ll need to sit on my unmade bed until I can help you.”
Samantha looked around, never having been in a girl’s bedroom before. He looked at Deanne in the mirror, saying, “You look beautiful, even before makeup.”
Deanne was amused with his looking around, “What has you gazing around?”
“I’ve never been in a girl’s bedroom. The colors and fragrances are soft like you. Do you mind if I look at your dresses and stuff? I see some you have worn to school.”
Roxanne came into the room, asking if she could borrow a necklace. She had stockings rolled up in her hands reaching toward Samantha, “Here these are for you, but wait to put them on. I don’t want you ruining them, trying to get them on.”
Roxanne found the necklace she wanted and put it on. Then she brushed her hair back into place. “Oops, you have pantyhose on. I don’t remember our telling you to do that.”
Sam said, “I thought I’d save time.”
Deanne spoke abruptly, “No wrong, take them off and put on the stockings.” Samantha started to leave the bedroom to the bathroom. “No, just take them off here. You have panties on you won’t be showing us anything.”
Blushing, Samantha scooted her hands under her skirt and started pulling off her pantyhose. Part of the panty started down before she got it free of the panty. Roxanne was kneeling in front of Samantha, helping her to start with her toes properly and guiding the stocking as Sam gently pulled the stockings up her leg. Roxy gave her a hard time. “It looks like you have some good experience in doing this?” She had given Samantha the other stocking and without a second thought, Samantha guided her stocking up her leg.
Now it was time for Samantha to change out of her skirt and blouse. The skirt/blouse outfit Samantha had purchased was now awaiting her. Samantha had seen them when she came into the room and hadn’t remembered they were as attractive as they were. “Oh my, I didn’t remember them being this pretty.”
Roxanne, “Wait until you see how beautiful they are once, you’re wearing them. I don’t think you’ll look like a boy in a skirt and blouse… We should put the chicken cutlets in your bra cups before the blouse goes on. It will help you to look like a young attractive girl. I hope the attention won’t bother you.” Roxy put them in pushing Sam’s skin to build the illusion of an attractive girl… I think you should have a good experience. Are you excited?”
Samantha dropped her head to look down, Roxy said, “I didn’t mean that kind of excited.” Samantha and Roxy both giggled, with Samantha commenting, “No, it’s not that. I am anxious to be all done and going to school… I don’t want enough time to back out.”
Deanne and Roxanne both gave her attention after that comment. Deanne said, “Patience is one of the virtues girls need to develop. We dress up, do something special with our hair, and put on makeup but others may or may not notice. In your case, we can safely assume you’ll get noticed. I expect my sister and I have enough friends ready to support and encourage you that your day will go well.”
Roxy had handed Sam the skirt to step into. She said, “I was happy your mother bought you that padded panty. The thin belt will now be more of a decoration than a necessity. Do not tighten it up as the day goes along. A good fitting skirt is snug, loose near the waist, and rests on your hips.”
Samantha looked toward the full-length mirror and was impressed with the girl she saw there. “Wow,” She mumbled. Her eyes were tinted lightly with eye shadow and her lashes had a nice measure of mascara.
Deanne said, “Come on we’ll give you a touch of lipstick after breakfast.” It was then that Samantha heard her tummy rumble. But breakfast was not what Bruce usually ate. There was yogurt, fruit and berries, and protein bars. Samantha reached for three of the protein bars and had her hand tapped. Deanne added, “One protein bar and some yogurt and fruit or berries.”
“Could I have the yogurt with peach slices and some blueberries?”
Mrs. Tremble looked on and said, “Yes, I guess the girls are watching your weight like they do their own.” Roxy asked about Sam’s homework. Deanne asked, "If there was someone Sam was waiting to see or at least the expressions on their faces.? She admitted there was but wasn’t giving any names. Sam said, “I want to see how girls respond to how I’m dressed and see if they recognize me?”
Sam was sent back up to the bedrooms to use the toilet and check her hair. She sat like a girl and afterward made sure her skirt was not caught in the panty being brought back up. She used the wrong brush to fix her hair and made it worse. Roxy fixed it and took away the offending styling brush. She even got a lesson with using her purse. What was in it and how it was to be held.
They were soon on their way to school, walking as the Tremble girls liked to do. Tally was already with Roxy. They met friends as they went through town. Brigid was tickled to see Samantha and watch the reaction of others trying to guess who she was. Samantha looked like she could be a junior or an older friend of Roxy’s. Sharon, a classmate, was surprised to hear Bruce’s name as she never expected he would do this. Sharon thought Bruce was always too reluctant to draw attention to himself. This would never have been imagined.
A car of boys drove by, and Brigid wondered aloud, “I wonder if they’re asking who the new girl is?”
Samantha got more nervous and was close to a panic attack than anyone else realized. When they got to the school, Deanne took Samantha aside. “I need you to take a few deep breaths without drawing attention to yourself. Now relax before moving on. I or Roxy will be checking on you. Go, have a fun day at school… I’ll see you later and then we can go to the dance.”
“Dance!” Samantha had forgotten about the dance; Bruce had no intention of going.
Once at her locker, a few more realized who she was. She on the other hand had to think and look around. Was she supposed to take her purse or leave it in the locker? She got the books necessary for the first few classes and left her purse. She did take two tissues and put them in her left sleeve. Wait she needed a pen and pencil. Okay, they’re in the pencil bag Deanne fixed yesterday; the purse was going with her.
The homeroom teacher not only took roll, but she asked for Samantha’s name. Two boys, who were cross-dressed looked overdone with their makeup and had not dressed seriously as girls. There were others, one Bruce could tell was Dominica. a black guy, whom his sister or girlfriend helped. Like Bruce, Dom presented well as a girl. Eddie dressed effeminately but wanted to be seen as himself, not as a girl.
The students in this classroom were close-knit, so it was a safe place. Once roll and announcements were over the bell rang for classes to change. Sam heard the tapping of her heels as she walked. Tiffany Stahl said hello as they entered the history classroom. She asked, “Who helped you get ready this morning? The two of you did particularly well.” All Sam had the time to do was say thanks before they went to different seats.
Scott who usually sat next to Bruce was confused when Sam sat and said hello. Scott did a double take, chuckled, and asked, “Are you going to the dance like that?” During the class, he joked for Sam to save a dance for him.
The language arts class used a short play by William Shakespeare and cast girls as men and men in female roles. Samantha was typecast dressed as a woman. Someone started a discussion of women in the Old West, whether they worked like a man or not. It was decided most of them had tougher hands and weather-worn faces to various degrees.
Come, Chemistry class, Samantha made sure she wore a good apron and rolled up her sleeves when experimenting. Bill her usual partner was entertained by her change of behavior. They did their experiment with none of the playing around except for a threatened spill by Bill. When something did fall to the floor, Samantha heeded a warning from Roxy and made sure she squatted down instead of bending over and chancing a show of anything. She slapped a few hands during the day that got too close.
Sam was asked to another girls’ table and enjoyed the conversations there. She neither talked nor thought as fast as most of the girls. Sharon was there and did Samantha the favor of talking with her. There were funny questions like whether she wanted to dance with another girl or which boy she hoped would ask.
Samantha had put off using the girl’s second-floor bathroom, until after lunch. Deanne had seen her hesitance and escorted her in. There were no smells in the boys’ room. She delighted in sitting and peeing like the girls. She was back to the mirror when Sam realized that the lipstick she used this morning left a longer-lasting stain. Deanne handed her a lip gloss in the same shade. Tiff and another girl teased Sam playfully.
Deanne walked with her to the next class. Though it was not regularly Bruce’s class, she was to attend the girls’ health class today. Sam was requested to sit in the front row as it was the second month and the girls were instructed to do a breast exam. Contrary to Sam’s thought it was insisted that she too unbutton her blouse and do a breast exam. This month they were to partner in doing the exam of a partner. Judy rushed to be with Sam before the teacher could say ‘no’.
Though a little unorthodox Mrs. Rush approved with the one difference that Sam had to be behind Judy and reach around her to do the exam. Feeling while not seeing Judy’s breasts. The fact that Judy’s breast became aroused and the nipples formed bumps was not lost on either of them.
When asked what Samantha thought, she said, “It is humbling, and exciting. I don’t usually think of breasts like this.” That brought the expected laughter to the class.
Mrs. Rush was prepared for the day to be meaningful for those gaining a new experience; she gave Sam a button pinned on the strap of her bra under her blouse as having had an official breast examination.
Come, study time, Samantha received a note to see Ms. Hughes in her classroom. Not having her as a teacher Sam couldn’t figure out why she’d want him. Among other things, Ms. Hughes taught Drama and headed up various school plays and dramatic productions.
“Thank you for coming… Is it alright if I call you Samantha?” She smiled, “First off, let me commend you for being in the ‘Crossover Day’ festivities. I am impressed by how well you look as a girl.”
Ms. Hughes was surprised Bruce had no sisters and pleased that Deanne had not coerced him to do something he didn’t want. “The reason I asked you here with no others to pressure you; is to ask you to help us with our coming play.” Bruce was ready to say no right then, instead Sam listened.
Well, he could usually practice in non-descript sweat suits. And they would not promote the play using his name as the young girl. Bruce didn’t fully understand what she meant by a coming-of-age play. But seemingly the three-act play showed teens as they grew through life experiences. There would be a surprise ending that left people thinking. The actors wouldn’t know which ending until the afternoon of the play.
Sam asked if it involved her character, and the answer was unnerving. “Yes, you’d be involved but that’s all I can say. Those involved will be deeply moved but it is nothing that each of you couldn’t handle. There are multiple possible endings so searching on the internet will not be very helpful.”
Sam said, “I’ll need to ask my parents’ permission. And I’ll need to decide if it is worth getting hassled by my brother.”
Ms. Huges said, “I don’t think Dan will want to do that since he helps with props and other things behind the scenes.”
“Ms. Hughes, this will sound strange but since I’ll need to play the young girl; could some of the workout clothes for practice have some glitter or sequins.”
Ms. Hughes was amused at the request and recovered saying, “Yes, I agree, it would be a nice change from the boring stuff you boys have to wear.”
“I didn’t mean I like wearing girl clothes, it’s just…”
“That’s fine Samantha,” Miss Hughes replies, “you’ll be doing us a favor. Yours is a simple request that stays with me.”
Samantha was happy with how the day had gone; yes, she was hassled some. She turned the hassle of one boy around and he got the worst of the exchange of words. She was pinched on her bottom amidst the crowd. There was likely to be a bruise. She suspected a person but he had gotten some distance when she finally saw him.
Later, Samantha Sanders was told to report to the cafeteria where the dance was being held. She was met by Deanne, Roxy, and others decorating for the dance. It wasn’t anything fancy. Soon sports and other practice or club sessions were to be over. Those people were given time to shower, change, or go home before the dance began at 7:00 and lasted until 8:30 since it was a school night. It would likely end closer to nine before it was all over.
She was surprised to see her faux suede skirt hanging there with Deanne’s blouse which she loved. There was a screen she could go behind to change. Contrary to the expected procedure Deanne changed in the room including changing her bra, though she had turned away from Sam.
Once Samantha changed her skirt and blouse, Deanne helped take her stockings off and powdered lightly on her legs before watching Samantha put on her second pair for the day. Sam hadn’t noticed the small crowd of girls she attracted until she was finished and they applauded.
“Oh, I might as well go home,” Sam said, “I’ve been embarrassing myself one time after another.”
Sharon said, “I think quite the opposite; you’re attracting more admirers. It is like you’re taking the time to experience how we live.” Several other girls agreed as they hugged and greeted Samantha once she was back on her feet. A girl named, Deb was helping Sam with makeup, and Tiff helped with her hair. Anne was anxious to have Sam wear one of her bracelets. Anne even shared with others that Sam had gotten to check Judy's breasts for the partner exam exercise.
Samantha thinking, she was being smart in her denial said, “No, I didn’t there was nothing to be found.”
Both the softball girls and the baseball boys were said to be back, thus the dance was close to the beginning. Samantha’s hope at this point was to get to dance with the beautiful Deanne, or her sister and be done. Unfortunately, it would be like another girl. Since Sam came to school today he thought and hoped no boy would want to dance with him.
The idea of being attractive, Samantha wondered how it would feel to be asked by a boy. True to her first hope, Samantha danced twice with Tally, Roxanne, and finally with Deanne. It was after that dance Deanne and Sam walked off the dance floor. Deanne had a surprise waiting for Sam, it was a small perfume wand with a drop of her daisy perfume, a daisy/honey/vanilla fragrance. Bearing the fragrance of Deanne was enough to throw Sam into a dream-like state.
When Russ came to ask Samantha for a dance it seemed natural to say yes and for the two to dance. It was a slow dance and when Sam leaned her head against Russ, he remembered he was dancing with another boy. When they were asked to smile for the photographer of the school newspaper and yearbook the reality was setting in. She smiled at the pictures but worried about a permanent record being made.
She and Russ talked and Russ who was usually tongue-tied around girls was happy to meet one whom he could talk baseball. He said the photographers took many pictures but used only a few. Thus the odds of her picture being used were slight.
Then Bill, Bruce’s usual science lab partner, jokingly brought Sam back onto the dance floor for a faster dance. Bill said, “You know you’re enjoying things more than you should.”
Sam’s only retort was, “Well, you seem to enjoy dancing with me.”
“Yeah, like Russ, I’m shy around girls too. This helps to break the ice. The other girls like you, maybe it will be good to be seen as a friend.” Sam, at the end of that dance, introduced Russ to Roxy and immediately asked Tally to dance with her.
Come the end of the dance Tally asked Samantha on a date to go bowling Saturday night. Upon Sam saying yes, Tally said, “Remember it was Samantha that I asked… I like Bruce, but he needs to ask me if we’re to date. Oh yes, I hope you take the part of Molly in the play.”
It was a long and tiresome day for Samantha when the Trembles dropped her off at home. His mom reminded him, “You know, being Samantha your day isn’t done. So how was your day?”
She took Bruce to her bathroom where she had supplies for removing makeup and moisturizing skin. She handed Bruce her shampoo and pushed him toward her shower to shampoo and condition his hair. Bruce didn’t want her help until after he was back in a bathrobe and needed help brushing out his hair.
His mom was tickled to hear Miss Hughes’ request for Bruce to play a young girl in the school play. She told him about Tom Hanks, James Cagney, and other actors who had played girls as they started as actors. “Mom, I’m not any of them, nor am I desiring to be a movie star that doesn’t help me.”
She said, “But you like the attention you’re getting from Deanne don’t you?”
“Yes, but she won't see me as a serious boyfriend.”
“No, but you’ve become good friends that's what I think is more important. It looked like you enjoyed being a friend, even a girlfriend. Bruce, I wouldn’t be surprised if you become forever friends. You seem to enjoy being around people; what’s more, I’m happy that you have grown socially.”
“I do Mom, I even like the idea of being her little sister even if it was just for the play. I like the idea of what you called her a forever friend. I hope it will be forever and not just until the play is done.”
Mom lights up as she tells him, “You know my friend Peggy, Ashley’s Mom? Our friendship was cemented when we were in two plays together. There will be chemistry for many of you in the play that will last. You’ll not only have that time, you’ll feel a connection that continues.” Mom’s demeanor changes, “It’s time for you to finish getting ready for bed. If you have any homework do your best to get it done.”
He asked, “So, you’ll sign my permission slip?”
“It’s already signed and ready for you downstairs…”
To be continued…
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