Lance sees a makeover offer at a costume shop that he couldn't pass up. Unfortunately, he didn't have the money to pay for it, but the store owner was willing to make a deal.
Saturday morning found Lily dressed in her sweetie pie overalls. They had become her favorite jeans, but her brother would never admit that. Mommie had made her wear one of those camisoles underneath a button-down blouse as Mommie had called it. Her blonde wig and black hairband topped off the ensemble she was wearing.
When Granny showed up, the little girl put on her pink shoes before heading to the SUV. Looking in the back, she discovered things covered with a blanket. That was probably to keep her in suspense. They didn’t stop at the shop today, no Granny had stopped at a nail salon.
“Ms Gilbert, I have the water already for your client,” a nail tech said.
Lily was led to a chair, and her Granny helped her remove her shoes and socks. She put her feet into a water spa before the tech started to give her a pedicure. Both the tech and the older lady smiled at the childish giggles from the feet being tickled as Lily called it. Really all the tech was doing was scrubbing the bottom of her feet. Her toes were painted a soft pink, before being put under a strange light.
After a test to make sure the nail polish was dry, Granny helped her put her shoes and socks back on before directing her across the room where the nail tech was waiting. Lily’s fingernails were shaped and painted the same soft pink. Again she was told to stick her hands in the same strange light.
“Thanks again, Mai,” Granny said as she dealt with payment. As both of them were heading to the car, the younger one was told, “On to the next location.”
Looking out of the window it appeared they were heading back to her house. Well, they were but they turned into Sammie’s driveway. The front door opened by itself, or so it seemed. The door was also giggling, looking behind it she found her best friend.
“Mommie, your client is here,” Sammie said towards a room that Lily had never been in before.
Granny directed her into that room, where the little girl discovered a full hair salon. Sammie covered her friend with a pink salon cape with a purple unicorn on the front of it after she sat in the chair.
“I am Heather. I and my assistant Samantha are going to give you your makeover today,” Lily was told.
The little girl thought to herself, “There is no way I am calling her Heather.” She also thought, “Sammie is probably only helping because I am the client.” She knew that Mrs. Berger was a hair stylist, but she never heard of Sammie helping before.
Her wig was removed before Mrs. Berger washed the girl's hair. By the time the shampooing was done, the girl was purring. Her head started to get warm as the hair stylist was blow-drying it.
“Bend forward Lily. Look at the unicorn’s legs,” Lily was instructed. She felt bits of her hair being lifted up, and then what felt like longer hair falling on her neck. After that bit was done, the girl was told to put her head up straight, and then lean it towards the left.
This time sometimes Sammie’s Mommie was in her field of vision. Sammie definitely was able to be seen. She was handing her Mommie bits of blonde long hair. Each time that happened, there was that sensation of bits of hair being lifted up, and long hair falling down in places she wasn’t used to having long hair.
When they were done with that side, she was instructed to lean her head to the right. The same thing was done there as before. Finally, she was told to straighten her head again. Mrs. Berger got in front of her, and when she was done, her eyes were covered with long hair.
The now blind girl didn’t see or feel anything happen for a while. She smelt it before she could see it. It felt like someone was brushing something on her head. She was actually told by Sammie, “We are going to dye your hair so your extensions and real hair are the same color.”
When she could see, she noticed that Mrs. Berger was brushing bits of hair, before wrapping them with tin foil. Once they were done, the girl was helped to another chair by her friend. Sammie adjusted a hood attached to the chair over her head. When it was turned on Lily’s head started to get very warm. Sammie had returned and dropped ‘American Girl’, ‘Girl’s Life’, and ‘Discovery Kids‘ magazines on her lap.
Taking the cue that she was going to be there for a while, she started to read the magazines, she concentrated on the girls’ magazines because her brother could read the Discovery magazine anytime he wanted.
After a while, Mrs. Berger was back, she was playing with one of the tin-foiled bits of hair. She said, “About five more minutes, Sweetie.” True to her word, she returned in a bit and fumbled with another tin-foiled package. She said while turning off the blower, “You’re done, Sweetie.”
Lily was soon back in the salon chair leaning with her head in the sink. Sammie herself while wearing gloves opened up all the tin-foiled packages. When all the packages were open, Mrs. Berger washed her hair again, and the girl returned to purring. She was helped to sit up, and the hairstylist returned the chair back to its previous position.
While her hair was still damp, Mrs. Berger trimmed it here and there with her scissors. The girl was glad her head was still blonde. Actually, to Lily, it didn’t appear to have changed color at all. Hair was brushed over her eyes before she was given bangs. Looking at the mirror she saw that the hair was cut about even with her eyebrows.
Sammie then wheeled another cart next to her. Sammie’s Mommie grabbed cylinders from the cart and put them here and there in the girl’s hair.
While that was being done, Lily decided to quiz her friend by saying, “Bestie?”
“What Lily?”
“Do you know what I am going to be?”
“No, all I know is what you are getting done in the salon.”
“That being said, I did know Tuesday that you would be getting the hair part of the makeover here because Ms. Gilbert always uses Mommie for her makeovers. Unless she would have decided to use a wig.”
Again the makeover target returned to her silently observing in the mirror. Once the hairstylist was done she was helped to the hair-blowing chair and told five minutes. As promised, five minutes later she was helped to the salon chair again and watched soft curls appear when Mrs. Berger removed rollers as she called them.
The next thing she knew blush, lipstick, and mascara was being put on her. When that was done she was led to the living room sans the cape. The curtains had been closed, there was a dress bag sitting on the couch, and bits and bobs sitting around. Granny told her, “Normally we would be returning to the shop, and dressing you there. Because of who you are Heather encouraged me to dress you here.”
The girl did notice that this room didn’t have a mirror. As she looked around the girl saw the door open, and Sammie crept into the room. She shrugged, it wouldn’t be the first time she dressed in front of her best friend. Once her street clothes were removed, she was handed a pair of what were labeled nude tights to put on before putting on some pink heels.
Three white with pink hems ankle-length skirts were put on her next. She was next helped into a pink dress before Granny did up the back buttons.
Sammie said, “Looking good Princess Aurora.”
That had disclosed to the girl what she was, she didn’t need a mirror anymore. She could envision what she was. She however didn’t miss the glare Granny gave to Sammie for telling the secret. A crown on her head and a necklace around her neck were the last two things to go on to her.
“I had fun doing this Lily, thank you for allowing me to do it,” Granny told her granddaughter.
Nodding Lily asked, “Granny you never told me if my Mommie chose rental or purchase.”
“Oh, that is yours, she chose to purchase,” she answered before walking out of the house taking the dress bag and crown box with her.
After Lily was dressed, Sammie reopened the curtains, letting the natural light in. Mrs. Berger walked in and addressed her, ”Run next door to show your parents, sweetie. While you are doing that, I will find Cinderella. When you get back, just come right in.”
Aurora walked slowly out of the neighbor's home to head home. Even though she wasn’t wearing a hoop or a petticoat, the dress still poofed out a bit. Also, she still wasn’t used to walking in heels. She walked into the house and got an answer from the kitchen when she asked where her Mommie was. Walking through the dining room on the way to the kitchen, she saw the costume’s bag, shoebox, and the crown box sitting on the table.
“Aww, what a cutie. Tom, come here,” Mommie said when she saw her daughter.
Daddie said, “There is my cute Princess. Let’s get some pictures.”
The princess was directed outside to pose in front of the redbud tree that hadn’t dropped its leaves yet. Once released from posing duties she was allowed to walk next door again. As instructed, she let herself in and sat patiently on the living room couch.
She noticed a stack of pictures on the end table next to her. She picked them up and saw that the top picture was a four or five-year-old girl in the pink dress that was on the pillow Wednesday. Her hair must have been pulled back behind her, or she had extremely short hair. She had the biggest grin on her face, also. The rest of the pictures appeared to be the same girl in various princess outfits. What appeared to be a younger Sammie joined the girl in some of the pictures.
Not long after Lily started to look at the pictures, Cinderella descended the stairs. She was a faithful recreation of the blue ball gown she wore in the movie. Unlike the pink princess, the blue princess obviously was wearing something that made the top of the skirt poof out. Her normally brown hair was hidden under a blonde wig, and a silver hairband completed the look. She also had a hint of makeup on her face. Sammie was holding white gloves in her hand.
Sammie said, "Great you found the pictures, Lily"
"Bestie, who is this cute girl?" Lily asked while pointing to the pink dress picture.
"At the time of those pictures, she didn't have a name. B …"
"A girl without a name!" Lily exclaimed.
Author's Notes:Comments and questions are always welcomed.
This story is fully written and will try to post new chapters on Tuesday and Saturday. -- Thanks Becky