Grey Day
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with a soupcon of fret thrown in!
So what's been happening so far this week? Well Monday was a writing day, the muse was having a bit of a wander so i didn't finish the chapter i was writing - hopefully i'll do that later today.
Yesterday was supposed to be bright and dry so i set out for some chips up Stroud way. After a cool start, well 7/8c, it warmed to reach double figures by my intended food halt, i even removed a layer on the return leg as it reached a startling 11c! i do variations of this ride quite often, @ 110km and 900ish metres of climbing depending on direction, its a pretty easy ride unless you want to mix things up with a mix of terrain that keeps it from being boring.
I also got notification that the frame that i took to have some removal/fettling done last week is now ready for collection and of course payment, a cool £93! I started the refurb job back in January but its lain dormant almost ever since, in theory it was stuff i could do myself, remove some seized/broken bolts and remove the cranks/bearings. Problem was that i lacked one important thing, a firm grip on the frame! And so its been a pile of bits in the bike store ever since. It was time to do something to get the bike back up and running for next years adventures so it was time to call on the experts even if it does mean a few weeks of beans! More on this project in coming weeks.
Today? well i'll be setting off to get the needle in a while, not once but twice! First up i go for my Covid booster then a couple of hours and several miles away i get my flu jab. Not ideal but neither place are doing both so it was either that or go even further across the city to get them. At least i was able to get them the same day.
On my return the intention is to complete the WIP chapter of Gaby book 28, i'm currently juggling three quite involved storylines along with a couple of more straightforward episodes. Sometimes we get these traffic jams of stuff in our lives but it has implications with the writing as i do my best to give each the attention they deserve. Not a spoiler but a hint of what's coming up in forthcoming chapters, there's a birthday party, a funeral, a music gig, more racing and some cheer stuff as well as the more mundane stuff that the wunderkind is involved with! The plan is for all this to be resolved by the end of the current book, that's @ 10/11 chapters as it stands.
Well i'd best get ready for my arm pricking session so adios,
Madeline Anafrid