Change of fortunes?
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Lets hope so!
The week started quite well, i got a full chapter of the new Gaby book written (available now for Patreons So thats a positive right?
Tuesday was a bit grey and foggy to start, i only went out to Clevedon then back past the airport - a short ride of 85 kilometres, i really just didn't feel like doing any more. I was also aching a bit when i got back, residual hurts from Saturday i guess. On the plus side, my new bank card arrived so last night i spent time updating all my accounts - at least i can go food shopping now!
Today - well it should have been more writing but i needed to get some food shopping so i ended up hiking out to Kingswood where i foumd everything except parmesan - is there a shortage? Anyhoo, it was well into the afternoon when i got back, rather than try writing i instead set about this evenings dinner, old school mince and onions with carrot and swede mash (using home grown swedes and some micro carrots!). Simple enough and very much old skool but tasty and filling.
So there we are, no new disasters so maybe i've turned the corner of Lucky Street?
I'll be back at the weekend but for now, thank you for reading.
Madeline Anafrid