Meetups in Canada in July?
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After enjoying the regular Sunday afternoon/evening Zoom chats hosted by Wendy Jean, I got to thinking that my trip to Canada in July could be an opportunity to meet with a few BCTS members. My main reason for the trip is a conference regarding the use of [Mennonite] Low German in media and the process of documenting and formalizing the grammar and orthography, as well as developing the corresponding writers utilities as open source software tools. This conference is scheduled for 12-14 July in Aylmer, Ontario. I will have some down-time on the Saturday and Sunday. But since I have no drivers license, and public transport seems to be non-existent, I am not mobile.
Following the conference I have scheduled a few days in Winnipeg, Manitoba to connect with extended family. Since my aunt is coordinating the schedule there, I do not know how much free time I will have. And finally I will be spending a few days with more extended family in Nanaimo, British Columbia. There my uncle has indicated that we might also spend the last few days in the Vancouver area, before flying back to Germany.
If there is any interest for a meet-up, please contact me private message here on Big Closet.
Wishing you all a successful and happy day and week.
Jessica Nicole