Countdown to Germany
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yep, this time tomorrow i'll be at the airport!
Okay, i know for some of you flying is no big deal and indeed, over the last twenty odd years i've done my fair share, that said it was summer 2019 last time that i flew and indeed that was my last solo trip more than two days long! So i'm out of practice, i need to get back into the whole solo travelling vibe!
So, the week that was. The weather on Thursday was forecast sunny, only worried by a stiff westerly so, to hopefully take advantage, i set off on a bit of a loop to Clevedon where i broke for a 'nana stop on the wind blown seafront. My return did have some assistance and i was back quite early with just shy of 90km, having not been in the mood to make up the extra.
I was hoping to get some writing in on Friday but instead my muse thought better of it so i embarked on a three mile walk instead! On my return i acted on my walking musings and did an almost final suitcase pack - i might not be taking a bike but i still need all the gear so i can ride when i'm there.
Saturday looked like a right doozy, a final ride before departure, supposedly dry and bright all day. I headed north into the 'light' but cool wind, unsure of either route or destination and with a sore knee, i must of twisted it somehow, it was uncomfortable but rideable. By 30km i had a stop in mind and the knee was pretty much forgotten, a loop through Slimbridge brought the wind onto my back as i crossed riders taking part in the Tour of Bristol sportive events. I slipped through Berkeley and was soon stopped for my sarnies on Ham village green.
It wasn't a long stop, no more than i expect to make on next weekends event, the sportive riders all happily pottering along as they headed back to Bristol. My chosen was the quiet route closest to the Severn before i cut across the sportive riders again at Thornbury as i headed for the direct route to Frenchay. We shared more road further in, some of those folks were clearly outside of their comfort zone, reduced to walking up a 'hill' that i rode up at a comfortable 20kph, i guess all my saddle time counts for something!
Our routes diverged for a final time as we reached the northern edges of 'greater' Bristol, my mileage was going to fall a bit short, maybe 2km, of the metric century. Can't be that close and not find the extra which is how i ended the ride with a mini circuit of Fishponds! So i clocked the 100km i was looking for, the sore knee now just a memory and my confidence bolstered for next weekend - mission accomplished.
Today? well of course i need to finish the packing, cut the grass, get in a short walk, fret that i've got everything again, unpack and repack the case, get some food sorted, reconfirm i have a) my passport, b) my money and c) my tickets, check the bag yet again, rinse and repeat - well except for cutting the grass!
I have already posted todays Gaby chapter, Big Impression has the odd twist and turn, unexpected and maybe hinted at, all typical stuff for Gaby Bond, spinster of this parish!
As i mentioned briefly last time, i'm not lugging a lap top to Germany this time, i may be able to look in from my phone but story posting is out which means there won't be a chapter release next Sunday. Be patient, Gaby and her pals will be back when i return, hopefully with my muse for company! As part of my time in Berlin will be spent in research towards at least two if not three of my 'series', hopefully i'll be doing a shed load of writing on my return.
That's it for now, i'll post when i can from Germany,
Madeline Anafrid